#god was listening and he answered my prayers
babyboywinchester · 2 days
Yeah, Dean always hated that Sam prayed to God, but not in the “My God are you seriously that fucking stupid”? Type of way, but more in a possessive, horribly irrational sort of way. How could God get a part of Sam that Dean himself wasn’t privy to? What kind of fucked up morality was that? So, he listened to Sam’s prayers at bedtime, because he’d be cold and dead in the ground before he’d allow some magical man in the sky to feel like he was the only one who could hear Sam’s thoughts and wishes… made slight jabs and jokes, “Bet God couldn’t have done that/Did that for you better, huh, baby boy?”
Dean wanted to attack and dethrone this being whom Sam held the highest of praises for, gave all of his love to, whom never had to spill a drop of blood in Sam’s name just to get that type of worship. So, if Dean noticed Sam’s lagging religious beliefs and enthusiasm then far be it from him to tempt his lamb back to the altar. If Sam was to turn ever more towards Dean for all of the answers, even the ones he didn’t have, fuck it, he usually flew by the seat of his pants anyway.
It was far better, nicer, more fitting to see his brother on his knees before his big brother, all wide eyed hope, love, devotion staring up at him like he was the sun and the reason the earth moved on its axis. No one had done more for Sam than Dean and therefore no one else deserved to be worshipped by the same hands he had held to cross busy streets. To be allowed the opportunity to fist his hands in the same hair he had so lovingly washed in numerous gritty and grime covered motel bathtubs.
No one had covered as many scratches and scrapes as Dean had, with kisses and bandaids, and they hadn’t wiped away tears from those cheeks with the pads of their thumbs.
No one in all of existence had devoted so much of their lives to another person, to Sam, quite like Dean had. No, and for that reason alone there was no other worthy hero, Arthurian knight in shining armor, more befitting of Sam’s worship.
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flowerbetweenfangs · 2 days
To The Wolves
This was written as an entry for a contest. The theme was "masquerade" I played fast and loose and just focused on the "mask" part. It was a lot of fun. This is a Red Riding Hood retelling.
CW: Attempted non con, (Not by the narrator) Knot, beast form.
Originally On A03
Every year, once harvest was done and winter was about to begin, the village I watched over would perform a ritual. With the crops now reaped, they would sow the seed of their unions, in the hopes that their pack numbers would increase. 
I was an ancient One. Older than the fields I roamed. Larger than the village itself. While such a form would be cumbersome, I took up space elsewhere.
I was a whispered prayer. The howling of wind. A burnt offering. A scratching at the shrine door. A carving on a wall. A shadow moving across the ground. An image in a scroll or book. A sight just out of the corner of an eye. 
They called me “Hunt” and “Harvest”. But the few who had laid eyes on me called me by another Name. I answered to all of them. For what is a God without believers? 
As Winter’s chill settled in, I could see the villagers tirelessly working. They carved wood into masks. Many used the pictures of me in ancient texts as reference, but each one had their own unique form. A symbol of their devotion. Once they wore it, they would be acting on my behalf. While not as powerful as a direct offering, it was a gesture I preferred. 
They had chosen a woman to don the vestments this year. Not a maiden, nor a crone. Young enough to run and be free, but old enough to know what she was getting into. Unclaimed and untethered.
She worked with the matriarch of the shrine, creating cakes that could fit into the palm of her hand. Each one was prepared and placed in a wicker basket. They called the older woman “Grand Mother”, for all her work in keeping up with the myths and offerings. 
Those who weren’t taking part had to be shut inside, threats of me gobbling up any one who disobeyed. Sometimes a bit of fear was necessary. While I had never harmed a human under my protection, no one wanted to be the first. 
As darkness fell, Grand Mother went on ahead. She vanished into the treeline, the light of her lantern bobbing up and down until it faded from view. When she arrived at the shrine, she would wait there until morning.
The Mask Makers followed shortly after her. Some howled, some sang, many simply panted and grunted with the effort of the sprint. Soon, their voices also vanished into the night. 
The woman had been stripped of all her earthly belongings and name. She was given the basket and a crimson cloak. It fell over her shoulders, and hung just above the ground, but did little to preserve her modesty when she walked. 
Bare feet kicked up dirt as she walked to the edge of the village, the basket hanging from the crook of her elbow. She would not even be allowed sandals for her journey, only her faith to protect her from what lay within the woods. 
A howl in the distance signaled that she was to start her journey. 
At the edge of her home, she paused. The light of the moon illuminated her path. While she had grown up near the forest, it was a different thing entirely to see it at night. 
Once she got to the treeline, I could see her resolve waver. While she didn’t slow, her steps became more cautious and calculated. Shoulders slightly raised, jaw clenched, she listened. 
Clutching the basket close, she allowed herself to shiver. The chattering of her teeth filled the empty night. 
Bringing her hands to her lips, she held them close and continued to walk forward. A harsh wind whipped the cloak around, nearly ripping it from her shoulders. The force made her gait more serpentine, but she managed to right herself. 
The first one came from the trees, his eye holes slightly too big. I could hear his panting as he stalked closer to her, taking care to not snap a twig or step too heavily.
She saw him in time, her body going stiff. One hand snaked into the basket. 
When their gazes locked, he stood upright, eyes greedily studying her form. He took a few steps closer to her. 
“Lady Red, Lady Red,” His voice was muffled by the mask, but it was clear enough. “What have you to eat?” 
Slowly, she withdrew her hand from the basket. A small cake was in her palm. 
Holding it out to the man, she cleared her throat. 
“Dear Wolf, Dear Wolf. Here, have something sweet.” Her whole body was shaking. Whether from the cold or fear, it was hard to tell. 
The cake nearly fell from her grasp before the man finally took it. Clutching it tightly, he ran off back toward the village. I could taste its sweetness as he gobbled it down. My power increased slightly, tethering me further to the land. 
She watched him run, before rolling her shoulders and pulling the hood of the cloak up. Back straight, she began to walk again. 
Her steps, no longer cautious, were still slow. Calculated. The gait of someone determined but not reckless. The residue from the cake still clung to her hand, but she didn’t seem to care. Now that it was over, she allowed herself to feel relief. 
But it was short lived. 
I could hear the whispers as the others began to move. Some closer to her, some toward the shrine. Plans being made. I followed their words, and I could tell they knew I was listening. Shivers went up spines, some slapped the back of their necks when they could feel my breath on it. A few jerked their heads in my direction when they caught a glimpse of my shadow. 
One sprung forward, jumping into her path. The ears on his mask were slightly too large, making him look more like a coyote.
She slowed to a stop, eyes wide like a doe. Breath came from her lips in a foggy cloud. Goosebumps traveled across her flesh as she stared. 
“Lady Red, Lady Red,” The voice rumbled from behind the mask. “What have you to eat?” 
This time, she stood firm and didn’t hesitate. Once more, she pulled out a small cake from the basket. While it didn’t shake in her grip, there was a bit of reluctance as she extended her arm out to the man. 
“Dear Wolf, Dear Wolf. Here, have something sweet.” 
The man stared at her a moment longer, then leaned forward, shifting his mask up. She averted her eyes, holding the cake out insistently. 
He took the cake directly into his mouth, lips brushing against her hand. A few strands of drool remained on her palm, which she discreetly wiped on her thigh when he turned away. I could taste it again, and found my own mouth watering further. 
Once he had devoured the morsel, he stared at her once more, before dashing off back to the village. 
She put a hand to her chest and let out a sigh of relief. Her stride picked up again, and she seemed more determined than before. The light of the moon seemed to shine brighter than before, bathing the entire area in a silvery glow. 
I had been watching her so closely, I almost didn’t see the man in the bushes. But I did see the chips in his mask, where the mouth would have been. The jagged edges poked into his lips, a few drops of crimson welling. He followed behind, not announcing himself like the others had. 
Putting a hand over his mouth, he stifled his breath and continued to keep pace with the woman. Every so often, he would reach out, his hand brushing against the cloak’s fabric. I knew a hunter when I saw one. 
We all stopped at the same time. 
Craning her neck, she looked for her pursuer. Her eyes widened. Clutching the cloak tight, she attempted to draw it closed around herself. I could tell she wanted to call out to the man, to get him to come into view. But the words seemed caught in her throat. 
I saw him shift his form, starting to rise, and for a moment I felt relief.  
However, rather than announce himself, he pounced on her. The action was so sudden she didn’t have time to draw in a breath and scream. I don’t think she realized what was happening until he was on top of her. 
Armed with only her faith, she finally cried out the ancient name I’d been known as: 
Warg . 
The basket snapped in two, cakes spilling all over the forest floor. Steam curled off the top, and they blackened. 
I hadn’t taken on a physical shape in years, but I found myself coming out from behind a tree. To not frighten her, I took on the body of a human male in a rather intricately carved wolf mask, furs wrapped around my torso. Amusingly, the pelt’s tail dangled between my legs where one would be in my other form. 
The tree groaned as I rested a hand on the trunk, nails far too long to be human digging into the bark. A growl rumbled in my throat, tearing through human muscle that hadn’t used it before. It became more of a death rattle, and I worried I wouldn’t be able to breathe. Compressing my being down to a form so small had me ready to come apart at the seams. 
But I wasn’t one to ignore an offering. 
Pausing, the man looked up at me. I could see beyond the mask, the thoughts racing through his mind as he attempted to place who I was. Muscles went taut, and I could see flight or fight warring as he weighed the options. 
I strode closer, jaw clenched to prevent another snarl from escaping my lips. Even though I was around the same size as him, he seemed to notice the power rolling off me. 
Slowly, he slipped off the woman and scrambled away apologetically. The words became curses as he scurried away, the Grand Mother’s title on his lips. 
The woman stayed on the ground, eyes still wide. Each action that followed seemed to be a struggle with how much she shook. Finally, she turned on her side to face me. Attempting to stand, she sucked in a breath when her knees gave out. 
I stood back, debating whether or not to offer her my hand.
Shivering, she managed to struggle to her feet. 
Upon seeing the ruined basket, she covered her face. Suppressed sobs shook her, and I felt a pang of sympathy. Through no fault of her own, the ritual had been halted. 
While she had no idea that she had summoned me prematurely, it was obvious something had gone wrong. If the next harvest failed, she would bear the guilt. Although I knew her attacker would be punished, by myself or by the other villagers.  
Picking up the remaining pieces of the basket, I offered it to her. Once she took them, I could feel a shift in the wind. The scent of the approaching men. 
They’d heard the commotion and came running. They went to call her old Name, but stopped themselves. 
Despite my better judgment, I snarled. It ripped through my very being, and I could feel myself starting to become undone. I debated on changing my form right then and there, but I didn’t want to frighten her more than I already had. Instead, I began to walk. 
I could smell the fear. The confusion. The worry. 
Who is this stranger in our woods? What has he done to Lady Red?
In the light of the moon, I could see the shadow of my true form. A fierce wind howled, and I followed it, vanishing from sight. 
I could hear her running steps. No longer afraid, or maybe more so than ever, she sprinted for the shrine. All that needed to be done now was for her to make it inside. Hopefully the broken basket would be explained away and the night could come to a close. 
I could hear her voice call out for the Matriarch. 
“Grand Mother? Are you there?”  
Silence answered. 
I saw more fear take over her face. Confusion. This was clearly not the way things were supposed to go. 
Peering inside the shrine, I saw the cushion, where the elder had been kneeling, was empty. Sniffing, I followed the scent out the back and into the woods. The smell of gold was strong. The scent of the Broken Mask clung to it. 
Sneaking through a window, I slunk through the Holy Room. Masks from previous years lined the shelves, along with baskets, cloaks, and old recipes. The hearth was still warm, the embers from the fire still glowing. 
Growling, I resisted the urge to run out of the shrine and chase down the pair. 
Once more, Lady Red called from outside the gate. 
Behind her, I could see the approaching silhouettes of the masked men. 
I felt my form shift again, taking on a smaller, more delicate shape. I’d only seen the Matriarch a handful of times, but I hoped darkness would conceal me better. Taking one of the vestments, I wrapped it around myself.
Kneeling on the mat, I faced the front room. 
“In here, dear!” 
The door opened and she came inside. Through labored breaths, she attempted to tell the events of what had just transpired. Before she could get to leaving the village, I saw her stiffen at the sight of me. 
The longer she stared at the disguise, the more it seemed to fall apart. I could feel the power rippling off me, filling the room. I fought between compressing myself and holding up the illusion, or giving in and letting my true form come forth, consequences or not. 
“My, what big eyes you have.” She said, voice shaking. Still, she took a step closer and squinted at me in the dark. 
“The better to see you with.” My throat was scraped raw from the words 
“What big ears you have,” She continued, teeth chattering. 
And yet, she came to the side of the mat. Close enough I could smell her breath and fear. Kneeling next to me, she rested at the edge of the cushion. It was just enough to tilt me, ever so slightly, in her direction. 
“The better to hear you with.” Once more, the voice coming from my form was not made for a human throat, and I could feel it becoming raspy. 
“... And what big teeth you have.” 
We stared at one another. I could feel her warmth, despite the shivering. 
A knowing smile tugged at the corner of her lips. I expected fear, anger, worry.
But there was none. Her eyes were wide as realization of what I was dawned on her. Lips parted slightly as she took in a shallow breath to steady herself. 
I allowed the form to unravel. While I still would have been bigger than the shrine in my truest form, I allowed myself to appear as something closer to my nature. Wind whipped through the air, stoking the embers back to life. As the orange glow mingled with silver, I saw my lupine shadow dancing on the wall and carvings. 
My tongue lolled out of my mouth as I inhaled her scent. White fangs flashed in the dark, saliva dribbling onto the floor. 
Despite the warring emotions, I managed to keep my mind. 
“Lady Red, Lady Red, what have you to eat?” My true voice rumbled from deep within. 
Her eyes went down to the ruined basket, then the old offerings lining the shelves. However, she quickly made up her mind. Untying the cloak, she let it fall to the floor. 
“Dear Wolf, Dear Wolf. Here, have something sweet.” 
The hands that had been trembling only a moment before were steady as they cupped my jaw. Fingers buried themselves in my fur, nails far too short to ever be a threat scraping against my skin. 
I wasn’t one to ignore an offering. 
I licked her palms, tasting the residue of cakes and dirt. Making my way up her arm, I stopped at the crook of her elbow, the scent of the town still clinging to her. I moved across her waist, leaving a glistening trail. 
I made my way down to her navel, letting my breath roll over pebbled skin. Condensation formed, a few drops mixing with forming sweat and rolling down. 
Parting her thighs, I lapped at the growing wetness between them. Fingers tangled in the scruff of my neck as her breath caught. She fell back on the mat, legs splayed open for me. Trickling folds invited me to devour them further. 
Massive paws were on either side of her, claws tearing through the fabric of the cushion. I continued to lick, fangs ever so slightly teasing at flesh. Despite my best attempts at being gentle, I still left marks. Nothing a human could ever leave. Soon, she was covered with them.
If she felt pain, there was no sign. In fact, her legs wrapped tighter around my head. I growled a warning, but the noise only seemed to excite her more. Moans and sighs echoed off the wooden walls. 
Such a tribute wasn’t one to be devoured in a couple of bites. I paced myself, drawing out each roll of my tongue, pressing a paw onto her when she attempted to make me speed up once more. 
Once more, she was quaking. As she shivered around my tongue, I could feel a need rising inside both of us. The seeds of harvest needed to be sowed. 
She must have noticed me dripping, because I was finally released. I stared at the dripping wet, panting heavily. My tongue was close enough to tease it, making her back arch and a shuddering groan escape her. 
Without a word, she rolled over onto her stomach, presenting herself to me. Once again, instinct threatened to take over, and I forced myself to remain in control. The literal earth shattering strength I had would make short work of a delicate human body. 
No sacrifice had ever been put through such a trial of faith before. 
Despite all the preparation and her resolve, she was tight around me. Almost too much. Fists gripped the cushion as she gasped in surprise. This was no human male rutting while wearing a mask. And if I had my way, no hands but mine would ever touch her in this way again. 
Once I was inside, my body moved of its own accord. Thrusts were punctuated with grunts and pants, paws covering her hands. I could feel myself being drawn back in when I attempted to pull out, almost like a game. 
The motion seemed to help her regain the ability to speak, and soon she was calling out my name over and over. Her hips rocked back, taking me in deeper than before. Initial resistance turned to eagerness, almost too much. 
As she came back onto me, I met her with a rhythm of my own. My name was called more times in those few short moments than it had been whispered that entire season. 
Such piousness should be rewarded. 
I leaned down and licked her cheek in an attempt to be tender. Salt tinged my tongue. Although I knew she wasn’t weeping from sorrow, I still forced myself to slow. My efforts only made her more wild, and she hilted me. 
My head shot up toward the moon, and I had to resist the urge to call out and stake my claim. I was glad she was facing away from me, because I worried what would happen if she realized that she could make a God see stars.
The thought of her becoming more bold made me shudder. With fear or excitement, I couldn’t say. It was a line that was easy to to blur. 
I ground my hips against her, and felt the release. As it filled her up, I felt a clench that held me fast. I swelled as she did, knotting. Our cries of ecstasy became labored gasps. The sensation sent another shock through me, spurting more into her.  
As she came down from the act, I took her into my arms. Despite being slick with sweat, she was all too eager to huddle up against me while I was still inside her. My hand went down to her stomach, and she shivered at the touch, still tender. 
I knew the villagers would be coming to the shrine in the morning, to see the result of the ritual. 
The seeds had been planted. The sowing had begun. 
I wondered what they would reap come next harvest. 
Something told me that my own pack would be growing soon. 
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khaire-traveler · 1 day
hello stag how do you communicate with lord hermes? I have no idea how and it's frustrating 😢
(Ignore the account its showing and pretend it says @divine-thievery lol)
Hey, Mika!
Deity communication can certainly be frustrating in the beginning, especially when it's so hard to find trustworthy sources about it. I've found this post pretty helpful; it's a very specific form of communication you can try. Other than that, I'll make a list of some methods you can try below.
Divination. This is probably one of the most common methods of deity communication I've seen. I actively do this myself! Divination is a very broad umbrella term that includes a wide variety of things. Tarot decks, oracle decks, pendulums, pyromancy, candle wax readings, and even smoke readings - these are only a few of the many methods of divination that exist. Being a god of communication, I've found that Lord Hermes tends to give very clear and direct divination readings. He's pretty good at getting the message across and will typically help you interpret it if you ask him to. I have a section in my pinned post dedicated to different divination methods that you can check out.
Dreams. For this, I suggest you specifically ask Lord Hermes to provide you with dreams as a form of communication between you. Keeping a dream journal will help immensely with this, otherwise, we're prone to forget our dreams. Start keeping track of recurring symbols and the context they're often mentioned in. See if you associate specific meanings with specific symbols. Try to keep track of your interpretations of each dream.
Prayer. This has always been the most reliable and effective form of communication for me. Prayer is a direct link to a deity, and if you ever feel a lack of presence, know that's entirely normal, especially if you're not feeling well emotionally. You can call on a specific epithet, or title, of Hermes to get his attention in a specific way. I typically use epithets if I'm looking for a certain kind of help from him. You're always welcome to pray to Lord Hermes. Even when I've felt anxious that he's not listening, he's always answered my prayers in his own way.
Letters/journals. Instead of prayer, you can write him letters or write to him in a journal. If you struggle with prayer, this is a great alternative! It can also feel a bit easier to be vulnerable when writing, in my opinion. While this form of communication isn't always "back and forth", it can still feel good to write everything you want to say to him.
I know I didn't offer too much here, but my forms of deity communication have changed drastically throughout my practice, and people are always coming up with new and creative ways to communicate. It's difficult to keep up with everything that's out there. I hope these ideas can at least give you somewhere to start. Take care, and best of luck to you! May Lord Hermes speak clearly with you. <3
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pinkeoni · 3 months
byclair both wearing red jackets 😭
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cimicherrychanga · 3 months
Tumblr media
Complicated Relationship with God (As Seen Through Lyrics in the Character's Playlist)
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shootsun · 2 years
Shadowpeach hit with a love potion
okay so my personal hc is that... nothing would happen, but i know that's not what you were really asking for so I'm gonna write that one and post it later
tw: alcohol, intoxicated adults, dubious consent (because of intoxication/love potion), suggestive
Clutching a peach flavoured cooler to his chest, Wukong manages to stumble to the wall without keeling over. A small feat in and of itself, and one he rightly calls a victory in his head. 
Once he’s slumped against the gilded gold wall, he glares out at the celestial host whirling around the hall, making small talk, trading barbs and picking at old wounds, all with sly smiles and sweet-sounding words, coated in poison and politics. 
In other words, the centennial heavenly party; one he’d been banned from for the past thousand years or so, give or take three centuries. For good reason too, he was sure. But unfortunately, he can’t really remember it because the last big party he hadn’t been invited to keeps popping into his mind at inopportune times, damn near giving him a panic attack every two seconds.
Erlang laughs from somewhere deep in the midst of the swarm of celestials, and Wukong scowls as he shudders. That three-eyed asshole had brought his dog to the party, and the mutt had almost chased him up a pillar before Erlang had whistled for it to heel.
He hates parties, he hates Heaven, he regrets even stepping foot back in the Jade Emperor’s palace. Wukong takes another swig of his cooler and almost laughs when he recognizes the tang of immortality on his tongue. 
Leave it to the gods to come up with a way to imbue immortality into shitty booze for a party. Paranoid death fearing bastards, the lot of them. Although, he’s not any better. 
Wukong shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts before he’s led down yet another path filled with bad memories and sour moments. He downs the rest of his cooler and looks at the bottle with mild distaste. 
“Ya ’know, I never took you for a wall flower,” A voice interrupts his solitude, and Wukong turns to see an unfamiliar god lounging a few feet beside him.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?” He tries not to slur, and the god laughs. 
“We’ve not met before, no.” The god admits. “I’m just some small fry deity, but you can call me Tianbao.” 
“Pleasure. ‘M Sun Wu-” He starts, but the god just laughs again. 
“Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, but your reputation greatly proceeds you. I’d be surprised if anyone here didn’t know who you are.” Tianbao tilts his head with a knowing glint in his eyes. 
“Right.” Wukong mutters.
“I just wanted to say hello, and to, well…give you this.” Tianbao holds out a champagne flute, and inside dances a shimmering gold wine, one that looks like liquid sunlight. 
Wukong gingerly takes the glass by the stem, and hopes it doesn’t shatter between his clumsy fingers as he scrutinizes the sparkling wine. 
“Why?” He looks back up to Tianbao, and the god blinks in surprise. 
“You looked like you needed it.” Was all the god said before he turned, giving a wave as he slipped back into the throng of deities. 
‘That…certainly was interesting.’ he thinks to himself as he rubs the thin glass between his fingers absentmindedly. 
With a shrug, he puts the cool glass to his lips and tips his head back, swallowing the contents of the flute in one fluid motion. 
Instantly, it feels like butterflies have entered his bloodstream, and he lets out a giggle before he slaps a hand over his mouth. 
Wukong eyes the empty glass once more before placing it on one of the nearby tables with a muted tink.      
He spins back to his hiding spot, almost hopping with how light he feels, and places his hands on the gold foil to stop himself from face planting into the wall.  
The drunk monkey giggles again. As he sets back to once more recline against the wall, the shadows closest to him seem to pool and thrum with violet magic. 
Wukong furrows his brows as he stares, perplexed at the shadow portal inching wider beside him, until a dark furred hand slinks out and swipes one of the puff pastries off the buffet table next to him. 
He snorts quietly. Of course, Macaque would have the balls to steal from Heaven’s table. He decides to watch a moment more, a small plan quietly forming in his head. 
A few more pastries quickly follow the first, and then a tiny plate loaded with pork buns disappears into the shadows. It’s only when a flute of wine, identical to the one he’d downed not minutes before, slinks into the shadow portal that he decides to intervene. 
Quickly, he loads up a plate with all the things he’s seen Macaque sequester away, and flitches two more glasses of wine before he waits patiently as the still swirling portal. 
Macaque’s hand once more emerges, and deposits the now empty champagne flute on the buffet table before Wukong grips the demon’s wrist and lets himself be yanked forward. 
He closes his eyes as he’s engulfed in shadows, and lands solidly on his back in a pile of hay.
When he opens his eyes, a small nicker greets him, and Wukong realizes exactly where he is as he stares up at the wooden ceiling of the heavenly stables. 
He almost laughs; this is exactly where he was for most of the celestial parties, what were the odds he’d end up here again? 
The plate of goodies lay undisturbed on his chest, and the wine had mostly remained in its glasses, but a small amount coats his fingers, so Wukong switches hands and licks the wayward alcohol off his fur. 
“What are you doing?” Macaque’s voice breaks through his mindless haze, and Wukong inhales sharply, remembering he’d had some semblance of a plan before he got distracted.    
“Party was getting boring.” He shrugs, sitting up slowly, carefully moving the plate to the side. “Figured I’d spend it with someone who was actually good company.” 
Macaque blinks at him with wide eyes, and Wukong notices with a twinge of fondness that he’d gotten cream from one of the puff pastries smeared on the side of his mouth. 
He leans forward slowly, and Macaque freezes as he raises his hand until he cups the demon’s face, and gently thumbs away the bit of wayward dessert before bringing it back to his own mouth and tasting the vanilla-y flavour. 
“You’re such a messy eater.” Wukong shakes his head, and Macaque sputters, his face turning a blistering shade of red. 
“Shut up! I wasn’t exactly expecting anyone to watch me eat,” Macaque scowls, his hand coming up to wipe at the already cleaned spot at the corner of his mouth. 
“Whatever lets you sleep at night,” The god shakes his head with a smile and holds one of his stolen glasses out for the demon before him. 
Macaque carefully takes the wine, and before Wukong can say anything, snatches one of the puff pastries off the plate by Wukong’s side.
“Hungry?” The god raises an eyebrow and Macaque glares at him, his cheek cutely loaded with dessert.
“You try living off mortal food for a few centuries.” Macaque retorts.  
“The shit they put into their bodies, ugh.” The demon shudders as Wukong laughs. 
“Can’t say I would try that particular diet.” He admits. “I think I’d much prefer just…transformed hair.”
“Like you don’t do that already.” Macaque huffs. “Last I heard, the only real thing you ate was some form of peach.” 
“Oh, that sweet kid and his big mouth,” Wukong grimaces.
 “He’s definitely your kid.” Macaque agrees.
They fall quiet for a moment, the only noise coming from the celestial horses in the stalls around them.  
“Thanks for the, uh, wine.” Macaque lifts his glass, already half empty. “And the food too, I guess.”
“Thanks for pulling me out of the party.” Wukong hums. His own glass isn’t faring much better than Macaque’s, and with every sip of the golden wine, his heart feels lighter.
He can’t help staring at Macaque, how he’s splayed out in the hay, his clothes rumpled and his tunic half undone, leaving some of his chest peeking out.
“Like what you see?” Macaque teases, canting his legs in a more enticing angle. 
Wukong swallows thickly before whispering, “Yeah, I really do.” 
“You gonna do anything about it or just sit there and stare?” The demon raises his chin and smirks at the god. 
His wine glass rolls forgotten in the hay as he moves, throwing one leg over Macaque’s lap and pulling the dark furred monkey close by the front of his robes. 
The god growls as he bites at Macaque’s lips, and the demon threads a hand through his hair before tugging at the strands. 
Greedy hands and sharp claws rend delicately embroidered fabric to shreds, leaving both parties half clothed and panting by the time they break for air. 
Macaque grins through red swollen lips, his eyes half lidded and filled with desire as he moves forward to capture Wukong’s mouth again. 
Wukong lets Macaque push him down into the hay, and closes his eyes with a low moan as Macaque slowly kisses his way down the god’s neck. 
“Mac-Macaque,” He mutters and pulls on dark fur.
“Please don’t tell me to stop,” A chin is propped up on his chest, and he can feel Macaque’s breath ghost across his fur. 
“No,” Wukong breathes, “Don’t stop, I was just… I just wanted to say your name.”
There’s a gleam in Macaque’s eyes that he recognizes as a possessive need, and the demon purrs out, “Say my name again.” 
“Macaque,” the god whispers, and the demon grins, wicked and sanguine before lavishing a series of bites to his chest. 
“Macaque,” Wukong sighs out, his eyes fluttering shut. 
There’s a smirk planted on his collarbone, and then a sharp burst of pain as teeth break skin.
“Macaque!” He yelps, and the demon in question chuckles around his mouthful of flesh. 
“We’re just getting started, don’t you worry,” Macaque laughs. 
As the first rays of sunlight breach the stables, Wukong groans and throws an arm over his eyes. His body aches and he wants for nothing more than to go back to sleep.
There’s a rustling by his side, and he ignores it for all of two seconds, until faint memories of the night (and some of the earlier morning) come rushing back. 
Wukong bolts up and immediately winces, clutching his head as his hangover makes itself known.
“Stop it. Sleeep.” Macaque groans from beside him, and Wukong ventures a glance down only to tilt his head back up at a breakneck speed, his cheeks flushing furiously. 
The dark furred monkey is sprawled in the hay next to him, their legs half entangled, and both of them very very naked. 
An arm snakes its way around his waist, and he’s pulled back down onto the hay with a startled noise.
“Just…just for a few more minutes.” Macaque mutters, and Wukong sighs as he closes his eyes. 
“A few more minutes. And, and then…we have to get up.” The god yawns.
“Mhmm.” The demon tiredly hums. 
“Tu’er Shen!” A voice thunders in the Jade Palace, and Tianbao looks over his shoulder.
“Yes?” The god answers sweetly.
“How many glasses of wine did you spike last night?” A court official scolds, clutching a rather rumpled looking scroll.
“Oh, I didn’t spike the wine. That’d be morally reprehensible. I just added a little…emotional truthfulness, ya ’know?” Tianbao laughs, and the official scoffs haughtily. 
“Not many are going to see it that way. You’d better lay low for a decade or two.” The official glares at him before stomping off. 
The god shrugs and continues down the hall. He can’t help his grin as he passes the stables on his way out of Heaven. At least he helped some of his oldest worshipers get lucky last night. 
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onedirecton · 4 months
Day 3! Give it up for day 3 of crying over something!
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solvicrafts · 1 year
Me @ Ares right now: aslkdjfklasjdfklasdf who gave you permission to do THAT???
#hi there non-pagan followers no I will not explain this#suffice to say that pagan warrior gods will BREAK YOUR BRAIN#in the most unexpected ways imaginable#fuck dude where are my fellow hellenics at? we need to talk#btw the answer to that first question: I did#I'm the one who accidentally gave him permission to do *that*#I'm just... not used to a god listening to me and being like 'okay I'ma go do this thing now'#like this is the second time in recent months where I've just... vented#like not asked for a single thing not come to him hoping for help or anything#and he just immediately went and solved the fucking problem#like it was just no big deal to him#'oh this silly human is crying to me about a thing? is it a thing I can spear? no? oh well I'll go see what's up'#I just... ARES#I'm not used to gods being THIS hands-on#like Artemis and I have our thing but it's very professional and down-to-business#so I don't really... talk to her that way like when I do anything with her at all it is solely about WORK#I don't doubt she'd support me if I came to her for help it's just that I don't really find myself needing to#I went fucking months feeling like a shit devotee because I just... couldn't do a lot of things I wanted to do#I broke down in prayer to Ares today because life beat the crap out of me this week and I just hit my breaking point#I didn't even WANT to cry to him about my problems and figured he probably tuned me out because I know *I* would#and he not only listened but immediately went and solved one of my biggest problems#just... took care of it#without being asked#ARES#he's too much
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wayward-wren · 2 years
Its very much "I can't do anything without God and it feels like God doesn't have the time/care enough to listen to me so what even is the point" hours
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muchosbesitos · 7 months
cara mia
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pairing: miguel o’hara x fem reader
contents: mostly told from miguel’s pov, mentions of religious guilt, somnophilia, soft sex, unprotected p in v, riding somewhat, pregnancy, and a wee bit of angst (muahahah)
author’s note: i did get inspiration from the addams family for this personality wise but i didn’t use the goth elements (sry)
word count: 4k+
Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo, santificado sea tu nombre
The prayer had imprinted itself in Miguel's head after countless hours of being on his knees, forcing himself to pretend that he felt the same type of enlightenment as the other people around him. He envied the people at his church, he wished that he could devote himself and his life to God the same way that they did, but he felt like he was speaking to a brick wall every time he prayed.
The gold cross around his neck felt more like a burden than a symbol of salvation, reminding him of what a failure he'd been to himself and his community. Countless hours of bible study that were supposed to provide him with some hope about humanity, provide him some clarity about his existence and role in the world, only gave him headaches and more questions.
The day that Gabriella was taken away from him, he selfishly prayed in his head that everything would be okay. He knew that it was wrong to pray only when he needed something, but he needed for something to be out of his control for once. "Por favor no te me lleves a mi hija, Diosito. Ella tiene toda su vida por delante. Te lo suplico," he spoke in his mind, hoping that God would listen to him. that he wouldn't lose the only ray of light in his life. (please don’t take my daughter away from me, God. she has her entire life ahead of her. i plead you)
"Please daddy!" Gabriella’s voice clouded his mind as she faded away into nothing, the buildings around them collapsing into pure ash. He cursed God for not listening to him as he fell to the ground on his knees, his head dropped. Silent tears rolled down his cheeks as he looked at his hands, having just the remainder of what was. Peter had rushed to his side, attempting to get him to stand up before the universe faded into nothing but everything inside Miguel hurt. He felt like his limbs were 50 pound weights as he stepped into the portal to go back home, the reminders of his selfishness lingering.
Devotion had never come easy to Miguel, whether it be to an entity or to a thing, but you were the only exception to that rule. He wasn't sure if you'd done it out of sympathy after seeing his weakened state or if you were just simply doing your job as a barista, but you had given him a free bagel with his coffee one day. "I know this probably won't help much, but you look like you need it," you told him once you handed him the small bag and coffee cup.
Miguel didn't answer you, his mouth felt like sandpaper every minute of the day, but he appreciated the small act of kindness you'd shown him. You didn't even have to ask him for his order, making him the cup out of memory. He felt people's stares on him as he walked to one of the tables, their noses scrunching up from his body odor. He hadn't had the energy to come out of his room, but he decided to take the healing journey step by step.
He wasn't sure of when was the last time he took a shower was but he was certain that it must've been a while with the way that everybody scooted their chairs to be further away from him. He brought the cup of coffee to his mouth, taking a sip from it as he tried to will himself to swallow it. The coffee beans tasted like wet mud as they went down his throat, the walls of his throat constricting. He eventually gave up on trying to drink the coffee, placing his head down on the table as he shut his eyes.
The melody in the coffee shop lulled him to sleep after countless hours of staying up, the memories of Gabriella ringing through his head every time he closed his eyes. He wasn't sure of how long he had fallen asleep for, only getting waken up by your soft tapping on his shoulder. "Sorry to interrupt your nap, but we're about to close the shop. You're free to come back tomorrow if you want," you spoke and his head shot up, looking out the window to see that the moon was already peeking out from the clouds.
Miguel stayed quiet, unsure of what to say as he fished something out of his pocket as a way to make it up to you. "No, no. Don't worry about it," you tried to dismiss the bill he was handing you, but he was even more stubborn than you were. You ended up accepting the bill a couple seconds later and he left the coffee shop, feeling like a ship lost at bay. He didn't have anywhere else to call home after he lost Gabriella and his apartment felt too empty. Too quiet. He decided to head back to the HQ, burying his face in work until his exhaustion took place of the pain.
A couple days had passed by when he heard a knock on his office door, Jessica appearing in the doorway. "Miguel, we're worried about you. You haven't exited your office in days and you.. stink. Just take a shower, please," she told him, approaching him the way that one would to a child. The thought of showering just made Miguel want to curl up and burst out crying since the last time he showered was a few moments prior to Gabriella’s last embrace. If he tried hard enough, he could still smell her bubble soap on his clothes.
It took Miguel a while to get into the shower and even longer to scrub his body, his skin raw from how hard he'd tried to make the memories fade away. He sat on the shower floor for a couple minutes with his hands buried in his hands, willing himself not to let his tears combine with the running water. He got up on shaky legs, gripping the shower wall as he let the water run through his reddened skin. His talons unsheathed and he looked down at them, wanting to claw at himself until nothing was left.
Jessica had convinced Miguel to go back to the coffee shop after she saw him fawning over your public file, convincing him to try to have a conversation with you. He showed up to the coffee shop the next day, a complete stranger from the man that showed up just a week beforehand. He'd taken a shower and he fixed his unruly curls a bit, wearing a button down shirt and jeans. As always, you made his order without him needing to say much but he found himself wanting to talk to you this time around.
"Hi, I'm sorry if this is coming off as weird seeing how you found me sleeping on one of the tables earlier and you saw me in that state, but I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime? I’d like to get to know you better if you gave me the opportunity," he said as he came up to the counter once your shift ended, expecting to be found with rejection. "That sounds good. I'll give you my number and you can text me when it works for you," you responded, scribbling down your number on a napkin.
The encounter between the two of you led to more dates and eventually to the two of you getting married a year later. He found himself completely captured by the way you carried yourself around, willing to give you the world if you asked. He'd be willing to lower down the moon at your request, if only to see the smile on your face. But what he loved the most was the fact that you didn't ask him for the moon, you simply asked for his love in exchange for yours. Loving you felt so simple to him, something as easy as taking a breath.
Miguel glanced over at the clock on the bedside table, letting out a small groan as he looked down at the tent in his sleep pants. He knew he couldn't control himself around you, just having you around made his cock twitch, but he'd never will himself to be too far from you. He glanced back at your sleeping form, seeing the way that your sleep gown bunched up around your thighs. He saw your glistening cunt through the small crack of sunlight peeking through the window, his willpower breaking down.
He spread your legs gently, pushing your nightgown up to your stomach as he pushed his cock in. Your tight walls engulfed him instantly and he had to resist letting out a moan so as to not wake you. Your pussy was practically gushing around his cock as he bottomed out, sucking him deeper. He slowly retracted his cock before pushing it back inside, watching as you stirred in your sleep. His hand came up to your breast, cupping it through the lace material of your gown. He leaned in, sucking your nipple through the material as his tongue rolled over the nub.
His hips rolled slowly as he gripped your thighs for some kind of balance, making sure that you weren't stirring too much in your sleep. While he had a desire to satiate, he'd never be that selfish to wake you up in order to fulfill his needs. "You're all wet for me even in your dreams, corazón," he murmured, his talons drawing small lazy circles on your thighs. He brought his hands up to your front, punching and pulling at your nipples while his cock pushed in and out of you.
"Morning Miguel, did you sleep good?" You asked him, tilting your head to the side to look at him with a small smile on your face. "Cada dia que me despierto siendo tu marido es bueno para mi, cara mia. I'm sorry for waking you up," he responded, his cheeks burning a bit at the prospect of bothering you. God, he'd never be able to get enough of you at this point. Even with the darkened curtains, a slimmer of light managed to peel through as it illuminated your face in an almost angelic halo. (every day that i wake up as your husband is good for me, my darling)
"What's got you all needy, Miguelito?" You inquired, rolling over on top of him as your night gown flowed over your legs. "You, it's always you," he whispered, his hands coming up to your breasts as you slowly sunk onto his cock. You let out a small groan as you felt your wetness dripping onto your thighs and his, the access proving to be much easier. You slowly moved up and down his cock, your tight walls engulfing around him without any remorse. He thought he could die happy like this, engulfed by you and the love combined between you two.
His hips moved upwards, assisting you with the rhythm as he sat up straight, his mouth attaching itself to your neck. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he slowly began to place small bites on your collarbone and shoulders, marking you as his. With every mark that he left on your skin, it felt like he was tattooing yourself into your life. Making himself known even if he wasn't present. The pace between the two of you wasn't rushed or rough, it was simply just enjoying the company of each other and being in each other's arms.
"I've been thinking about getting you pregnant, cara mia. Think about how lovely our kids would be, just a reflection of the devotion I feel for you," he murmured into your skin, his fangs gently grazing against your neck. "Get me pregnant, Miguel. I want everybody to look at us and just see how in love we are," you responded, your walls clenching around his cock just as a security measure. His thrusts got sloppier as he approached his orgasm, his fingers coming down to your clit to help you through yours. His mouth was swirling around your nipples, licking and sucking at the hardened breast while his other hand played with your other one.
Your orgasm approached you rather quickly, your back arching as your breath hitched from the intensity. Your deep breaths filled the room as Miguel's hips moved into you, fucking you through your orgasm and his. He came a couple seconds after you, the tip of his cock pushing the cum into your cervix just to make sure it would take. You rolled over to your side, your arms still wrapped around Miguel's neck as the two of you started to come down from that euphoria. His fingers stroked small circles on your back as his mouth came down to press a kiss on your forehead.
You ended up taking a shower after that, though the two of you didn't like to have sex in there since it could get slippery quick. That didn't stop Miguel from lathering soap all over your body, his hands massaging your breasts, thighs, and the globes of your ass. He gestured for you to jump and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he pinned you to the wall, his lips attacking everywhere he hadn't gotten the chance to earlier.
"I just wanna appreciate you like the work of art you are but you make it so hard when you look at me like that," he told you, leaving a bite on top of your breasts as his eyes locked on you. "Like what?" You looked over at him with doe eyes, your lashes fluttering with the water hitting them. He let out a small chuckle, turning off the water faucet before he carried you out the shower. "Miguel, you're making a mess!" You exclaimed in between little giggles as you held onto him. "Apologies," he offered, wrapping you up in a towel like a burrito without paying much regard to his own dripping stature.
As the two of you got out of your shared shower, LYLA appeared in front of Miguel making him let out a small grumble. "Good morning! You need to be in HQ at approximately ten in order to get all your paperwork done," she announced, her voice chirpy as she spoke. "Tell them I'm dead," he muttered, waving LYLA away as he pressed kisses on your shoulder. "While I would love to do that, you used that excuse about two weeks ago," LYLA responded, her eyes narrowing as she looked at Miguel.
Miguel let out a small scoff as he buried his face into your neck, his large hands splayed on your stomach. "Then tell them I'm spending time with my wife today. You're in charge," he told her, shooing her off for the last time before he gave you the opportunity to finish up getting moisturized. "I wouldn't recommend getting dressed, cariño. You won't be needing clothes today," he told you as you stepped back into the bedroom, beckoning you back into the bed.
The day was spent having lazy sex on almost every corner of the house, determination evident in his features to have his sperm take. He had his way with you on the bed, in front of the mirror that was in the bathroom, the kitchen counter while you two were waiting for lunch, and the couch when you put on a show for some background noise.
"Every time I think I can't love you more, you just prove me wrong," he whispered into your ear as he stroked your back lazily, his softening cock warming up your cunt. The love he felt towards you seemed to practically seep out his pores with the way that he treated you. "Becoming your wife has been one of the greatest experiences ever. Thank you for allowing me to love you, Miguel," you murmured, your hand lazily running through his curls.
A couple of weeks passed by when you came to the realization that you'd missed your period for the last month and the food that normally had you salivating was making you gag at just the mere sight of it. You hadn't been expecting for the sperm to take so easily after your previous doctors had described a problem with your uterus, but you couldn't help but feel excited at the prospect of having a child with Miguel. You stopped by the drugstore near your house, getting a few pregnancy tests just in case.
You practically gulped the bottle of water you'd taken with you to the bathroom, waiting until you felt that urge. It took a couple minutes before you were ready to pee on the tests, and it would take even longer for the results to come out. You washed your hands and looked up at the mirror, picturing yourself swollen with the product of you and Miguel's adoration inside. The timer on your phone made you jump after being in your head for ten minutes, turning it off before you looked at the results. Pregnant.
You decided to go surprise Miguel at HQ since you felt like you were practically bursting out with excitement and you didn't trust yourself to keep it a secret for too long. It took you a while to arrive since it's in the middle of Nueva York and it was lunch hour, but even the stench of the subway couldn't deter your happiness. You were instantly greeted with smiles as you walked into the HQ, most of the members being people you recognized. You took the opportunity to go pet the cat and greet Lego Spider-Man before heading up to Miguel's office.
"¡Hijos de su puta madre! How many shocking times do I have to say that you don't free the anomalies to even out your little basketball team?!" Miguel's voice boomed from his office, clear to your ears outside. You knocked on the door before stepping in, seeing Miguel's demeanor completely change as he looked at you. "Just go, we'll finish this later," he told the group of teenagers and they all scattered away quickly.
You walked up to Miguel, wrapping your arms around his neck as you let out a small chuckle. "You shouldn't be so hard on them, you know? It's not good for your stress levels either," you whispered, kissing his cheek. “I know, mi vida. But they just make it so hard not to get pissed off," he mumbled, resting his head on the crook of your neck. "Well you're gonna have to control that because soon enough, you'll have a little one that needs their daddy for a long time," you responded, dropping the subtle hint and his head shot up immediately.
"You're not messing around with me or anything right?" He asked, his hands around your waist as he looked down at you. You took the ziploc baggie holding the pregnancy test inside, handing it over to him. "Ay mi amor. You don't know how happy it makes me to be able to have a kid with you," he spoke, littering small kisses on your face as he held you close to him. He took a couple minutes to allow for you to enjoy the news before he started going into an overprotective mode, finding the best ob-gyn nearby.
Though Miguel had multiple responsibilities towards the multiverse and to maintaining the safety of the city, he still accompanied you to the first appointment. "You know we'll have plenty of these, so you don't need to come," you told him, but he shook his head as he opened the door for you at the clinic. "I refuse to miss out on anything important, mi amor. The multiverse will hopefully still be intact while I get back," he responded, guiding you towards one of the chairs.
Your eyes drifted to the women sitting in the lobby, some of them distraught with the news of what's growing inside of them while others were crying out of joy. What you couldn't help but notice though, was that most of them were alone as they waited. You'd never felt so appreciative towards Miguel than in this moment and you couldn't help the tears that began coating your eyes.
"What's wrong?" Miguel asked, immediately concerned as he looked at you. "I just feel so lucky being here with you, I'm sorry. It's funny, I got scared when this whole thing happened, since y'know, we have no idea how to be parents but just having you by my side is gonna make this okay," you rambled, wiping away at the tears rolling down your cheeks.
He kissed your forehead as he held your hand, waiting for your name to be called. "Do you want me to come in?" He asked before you nodded, walking with him to the room. He held your hand throughout the whole process while the doctor basically went through some of the dangers you'd possibly be going through with this pregnancy. The baby seemed to be growing fine, though, the size of a raspberry at this stage.
You had quit your job at the coffee shop a little while after getting married to Miguel, so having time to rest wasn't too big of an issue for you. You'd busied yourself with attempting to knit clothes for the baby, your fingers covered with small indents from the needle. "You don't have to do that, you know we have more than enough money to buy baby clothes," he assured you when he saw you crying after a onesie ended up with only one foot sleeve. You eventually got better at it as the time went by, the onesies even having small designs on them.
Though the next nine months hadn't been a walk in the park, they were all the more tolerable having Miguel by your side. He didn't care if you had to wake up at 4 in the morning to satiate your cravings for pickles, even joining you sometimes. He didn't mind carrying you around the house when your ankles felt too swollen to even stand on. He just loved seeing you practically glowing with his love, the pregnancy making you look all the more gorgeous no matter what you said.
The birth was supposed to be an easy process but Miguel could feel that something was wrong as he waited in the lobby with the other expecting fathers. The nurses came over to him, giving him the grim news that you were hemorrhaging but assuring him that they were doing everything in their power. Their words eventually became garbled as a white noise ran through his mind, a pain that he could feel in his soul at the thought of being without you coating his body completely.
Miguel dropped to his knees at the small chapel in the hospital that night, all the different prayers melting into one as he tried to get the words out. His knees were scraped raw as they rubbed against the cold concrete, a well fitting punishment in his opinion for his time apart from the church. He clamped the cross around his neck, holding it as a safe haven before he pressed his hands together, starting with a prayer the best way he knew how.
He started off by thanking God for everything he'd given him, even if he felt like nothing was worth thanking for at the moment. He pushed the feelings of betrayal deep down, knowing that they were completely unprecedented as a non-practicing Catholic. Later, he prayed for you. Not for himself, no. But for you, to get better so you could continue to bless his life with your presence and bless the life of your child together. He continued with this viscous cycle of praying until the sun came up, talking to the plastic cross in a hospital chapel.
The baby was discharged a few days later and while Miguel had everything to take care of it, he felt unprepared. As Miguel held the sleeping baby in his arms, he felt like a part of him was ripped out at your absence. The baby proved as a symbol of his love and devotion for you, though. He tried to be strong for the baby, he really did, but his emotions were starting to bubble up in the bottle he'd stuffed them in. He set the baby down in its crib, looking over at your collection of dresses in the closet as he brought them to his nose, your perfume hitting him instantly. He knew that you were in the hospital recovering, but his heart ached to feel your warmth, laughter, and love again.
The corners of his eyes prickled with salty, warm tears as he cut away the petals from the roses you'd ordered just a week ago. His nose was running from his allergies, but he refused to ask for help with such a mundane task. He refused to let your presence from the home fade out, taking care of everything you would've done along with his own responsibilities. He sat down on the edge of the bed, starting to comply with what he'd told God while he was in the hospital. That he'd start praying again as long as you were okay. He’d be willing to put himself through the process of talking to what he deemed as a wall just for you.
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little-diable · 3 months
Carnal Sin - Priest!Tom Riddle (smut)
I desperately needed to get this out of my system, I ain't sorry for that. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: The reader's mother had begged Priest Riddle to let the reader join his bible study, a bratty woman who wanted to make his life a living hell. Now it was time to finally teach her a lesson.
Warnings: 18+, smut, piv, oral (m), face fucking, man handling, spanking, religious connotations, Tom being Tom
Pairing: Priest!Tom Riddle x fem!reader (2k words)
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“How can you possibly believe that?” Her laughter echoed through the room, bouncing off the walls as if demons were carrying the sound. All eyes were focused on her, wide eyes that trembled with fear because of the blasphemous words she kept on speaking. But she didn’t care about them, didn’t even remember their names, no, all she cared about was the pair of dark pupils staring her down. 
“Excuse me?” His voice was sharp, urged on by the need to put her in her place. All other eyes snapped back to him, lowering their gazes in fear of the priest who was known for punishing those who didn’t dare listen. But she didn’t fear him, taunting him whenever their paths crossed. 
“Oh, don’t give me that. You and I both know you don’t believe in any of that yourself. Turning water into wine? That’s witchcraft, and witches should be burned, according to your little storybook at least.” Gasps followed her words, sounds that left (y/n) grinning as if she was the Devil herself, joining the bible study to make it a living hell for those who desperately clung to their belief. For a few seconds, he didn’t speak up, holding eye contact with her from his spot, but as she parted her lips to speak, once again set on laughing words she shouldn’t pronounce, he cleared his throat. 
“We’ll end our session here, I need to have a word with (y/n), alone.” She tried not to pay the heat his words shot through her any attention, trying not to squeeze her thighs together as she watched him rise to her feet. Neither of them spoke a word as the others hurriedly left the room, closing the door to give the two some privacy. Her eyes didn’t leave his frame once, the tall figure she’d imagine whenever she let her hands wander, chasing that high she was desperate for. Priest Riddle was dangerously handsome, fooling anybody whenever he wasn’t wearing his collar.
And yet she knew it was nothing more than a game, a game whose rules he was making. But she had never been good at following rules, set on breaking them like branches snapping beneath her shoes. 
“I wasn’t optimistic when your mother begged me to let you join, you know? I knew you’d only cause me more problems. But I promised your mother to try, to give you a chance. Well let me tell you, (y/n), I’ve never been a patient man. I think it’s time you learn a lesson.” The chuckle rumbling through her left him smirking, something she clearly didn’t understand fully to anticipate what he’d do to her tonight. 
“A lesson? What, should I fall to my knees and pray ten Hail Mary’s?” He crossed the room towards (y/n) with fast steps, hand shooting out to grasp her throat before she could flinch away. A shaky gasp left her at the touch, feeling his cold rings burn into her skin. Priest Riddle stared her down as if she was now living through her last judgment, set on taking her down to hell with him.
“A prayer won’t help you no more, God doesn’t answer the calls of sinners like you. The only one you’ll pray to will be me.” She was forced to her feet for a second, lips parted to let an excited sigh leave her. This is what she had been working for, knowing that he would eventually give in, eventually cross that line he had sworn to stay away from. But even a priest had his enemies, the carnal sin calling his name in quiet hours. 
“Let's hope your mouth knows what it’s doing. Onto your knees, let me fuck those bratty words out of you.” She could have sworn that his eyes grew darker as he spoke the words, watching her drop to her knees without a single protest leaving her. “I should have known, you’ll enjoy whatever I’m doing to you. It’s all about the power you think you have, forcing me to do something I promise I never would. Let me tell you, (y/n), even priests can beg for forgiveness, and forgiveness He shall always grant me.”
For the first time since meeting Priest Riddle, she felt some fear swapping through her, wondering if she was finally burning from the reckless play with fire. It was an unfamiliar sensation, yet so awfully exciting, she could only stare up at him with a smirk. 
He did quick work of his trousers, freeing his hard cock from the confines of his clothes. He was beautiful, a man crafted by God, what a shame he was destined to hide away beneath the black suits he wore. (Y/n) followed his ringed fingers, how he grasped his cock to push himself closer to (y/n). 
“Open that mouth of yours, let’s see how much you can take.” It was a dangerous game, and yet (y/n) had always lived for the thrill. She parted her lips, tongue exposed to his dark eyes. Within seconds he had forced his cock into her mouth, to the back of her throat. She gagged around him, had her vision instantly blurred by tears. 
Without waiting for any commands, she hallowed her cheeks, letting her tongue explore his cock for a moment before he began to move. Priest Riddle’s ringed hand found the back of her head, holding her in place as he fucked her mouth, high on the sound of her gasps, chokes, sounds he’d forever remember. She was a pretty sacrifice, worth the trouble she had forced him through, that much he was certain of. 
“How can there be no God when we get to experience something like this?” His raspy voice left her shuddering, words she could barely focus on, too concentrated on the feeling of his cock fucking her mouth. No other man had ever been this rough with her, and yet she knew that she had been addicted to Priest Riddle from the first day, hoping that they’d eventually end up like this. 
“Such pretty sounds for a woman this dangerous, it’s amazing how you try to fool those around you.” He spat his words as he used more speed for his thrusts, enjoying her gasps a tad bit too much, wanting to force his cock down her throat. But he wouldn’t give in, no, he’d only give in when he was buried inside of her, fucking her into oblivion. Perhaps she’d find her way back to God when he showed her the entry to the pearly gates, torn between two worlds as he fucked her breathless. 
Spit dripped from her chin, making a mess on the dark carpet she was kneeling on. She was desperate for some friction, trying to shuffle closer, and yet he didn’t allow her to go far, held in place by his tight grasp. Their eyes met, his full of danger, hers full of desperation, begging the man to finally pull her to her knees, to fuck her like she needed him to. 
“Do you think you deserve to be touched? Do you think you deserve to cum? I should have known you’ll turn into a cock-hungry whore the second I touch you.” A gasp left (y/n) as he pulled away, forcing her to her feet seconds later. She was pushed towards the black leather couch, trying to sit down though it seemed as if she was too slow for him. With his hand finding its way back to her hair, Tom manhandled her down onto the couch, drawing an excited moan from (y/n). 
“Open those legs, show me how wet you are from sucking my cock.” A whine left her at his words, legs spread to expose her soaked panties to him, hidden beneath her skirt. His cold fingers wandered up her legs, he shuffled her skirt up to her waist before he pushed her panties aside. The groan that left him at the sight of her bare cunt shot shudders down (y/n)’s spine, eyes close to falling shut. “Look at me, don’t you dare to even think of looking away.”
His palm came down onto her cunt, spanking the soft skin with more force than anticipated. (Y/n) choked on her gasps, eyes wide as she stared up at the smirking priest. Her lungs were aching, trying to hold onto her breath as she kept choking on the air flushing through her lungs, too excited to even speak up. 
“I can’t wait to fuck you stupid, force you to take every inch.” Priest Riddle’s words were enough to leave her moaning and gasping as he flipped her around. He had her pressed against the armrest while he positioned himself behind her.
“I’m on the pill, just fuck me, please.” His raspy chuckles filled the room, leaving her walls clenching in anticipation. (Y/n) felt him brush the tip of his cock through her slit for a second before he pushed into her, her eyes instantly fell close, fingers tightening their grip on the armrest with her nails clawed into the fabric. 
“God should strike you down for the sinful words you speak, allowing a man to fuck you because you’re selfish, wanting to give in.” She shuddered against him, unable to speak as he fucked her. His hips snapped against her behind with every thrust, forcing himself even deeper into her cunt, enjoying the way she felt wrapped around him all too tightly. 
“Fuck, feels so good.” (Y/n) mumbled the words, not trusting herself to speak up, voice caught in the back of her throat as he fucked her breathless. This is what they have been warned of, the carnal sin, a feeling so intense only those who weren’t allowed to touch one were able to make one feel. 
“And for that, you will submit to me from now on, you won’t go against me no more. You’re mine now, forever mine.” A sob clawed through (y/n), she didn’t understand the depth of the words he spoke, could only choke on a “Yes”, too focused on her high to overthink the consequences she’d have to face. Consequences of actions she had been desperate to go through with. Drunk on the feeling of her priest fucking her breathless. 
“Oh God, I’m so close, don’t stop.” Her words left him chuckling, she felt him near her ear, growling the words that were about to roll off his tongue.
“God can’t help you now.” She choked on her breaths, eyes rolling into her head as she sneaked a hand down her body. Her bundle of nerves pulsed against her fingers, giving herself the last final push to fall over the edge. The white, blinding sensation shot through her, leaving (y/n) trembling as he kept fucking her. 
His breaths grew shallow, she felt him twitch deep inside of her, about to cum with a devilish grin glued to his lips. (Y/n) had to cling to the couch, scared she’d faint from the intensity of her orgasm, unable to think straight as she was panting. The priest pulled out of her seconds before he came, painting her ass with his cum. 
Wordlessly he pulled away to reach for a towel. He cleaned her with a hum leaving him, staring down at her and the fucked-out expression she wore. Only slowly did she dare to turn around, looking up at him with wide eyes. She didn’t flinch as he cupped her cheek, forcing his thumb down on her tongue for a second. 
“I expect you back here tomorrow morning, don’t even dare to think that this was your only lesson.”
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thekissofaphrodite · 26 days
Can you maybe do Clarisse x fem! Child of Hypnos?? I don’t think I’ve seen anything of that dynamic and I’d like to see how you would write it!
Sweet Dreams
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Clarisse La Rue X Daughter of Hypnos!Reader
Summary: A shared moment with clarrise with a flick of your finger.
Warnings: Hypnokinesis, people passing out and language
Author's note: Okay, I'm actually tired of some writers portraying a child of hypnos who likes to sleep... yeah, sure, their dad is the God of sleep, but that doesn't mean they just slump on their bed and snore away! They're also powerful! If you read the books !SPOILER ALERT! Hypnos literally knocked an entire city to sleep before the battle of Manhattan for Kronos. Why can't we portray his children like that? 🤨 No hate! Just speaking facts <33
You missed your girlfriend so much.
She was in archery and capture the flag today, but you two barely got enough time to run to each other before she was bombarded by tasks from Chiron.
You saw the way her eyes would soften from afar, giving you a discreet sympathetic look while she went on a rampage on her siblings ready to stab them into kebabs using her spear. But she knew you'd find a way to get to her, she always knew.
and you always do.
It wasn't long before every camper eventually dozed off after a fun sing-a-long around the campfire, singing their hearts out about their godly parent, minus a Demeter Girl complaining about getting a fern for her birthday instead of a car like all her friends.
So here you are, pulling your night robe closer as you impatiently wait for your father to caress Clarisse's siblings to sleep so you can have a moment with her.
But your father was taking way too long.
you have been hiding behind the cabin for hours, Listening to the unpleasant way the swords and spears of the Ares cabin got sharpened and big boisterous faces laughing at eachother. Clarisse was in her bunk, her arms crossed with a seemingly frowning expression. Every laughter made by her siblings made her more and more annoyed.
Every minute that passed made you more agitated until you finally snapped.
You stood behind the cabin and held your hands, focusing on the heartbeats and every breath that they exhaled, The sound around you became indistinct and fuzzy, the time seemed to slow down. A translucent light smoke seemed to snake inside the Cabin before it swirled around Clarisse' siblings, it took a few moments before their eyelids got heavy, their breathing ragged. And sure enough, there was a soft thud where their body fell.
It took you by surprise. It also snapped Clarisse out of her thoughts. Seeing her siblings who were talking lively minutes ago dozing off turned her off, She stood up alarmingly, ready to fend herself to any attacks of intruder.
When she saw you, her tense body softened, the beam on your face was a little unreadable, but she couldn't help but smile.
You ran and threw yourself into her arms, she caught you easily, carrying your weight like nothing.
"I did it, Clar!" You squealed, Clalrisse looked at you, confused.
"Did what, Baby?"
"My father finally blessed me! I get to use my powers, i can't believe this, did you see?!" You were babbling like a baby, words being thrown at her in hyperplaps, but she listened, never letting you go in her arms. She listened and remembered everything.
Like the time you were sobbing in her arms, after multiple failed attempts on praying to your father, it hurt her. She remembered when she used to devote herself to Ares, offering him big chunk of brisket and the freshest strawberries on her plate, just for him to answer her prayer, but it never worked, until finally he had enough of her, and gifted Clarisse a spear to shut her up.
But seeing you happy for finally being able to have powers, she felt something inside her change.
Clarisse tightened her arms around you, placing her nose to your hair, inhailing your scent.
"I'm proud of you" she pulled away and placed her hand against your cheek. She was slowly analyzing the color of your eyes, carefully studying each and every details your face had, then she slowly reached to your lips, the color was a mix of peach and pink, assuming it was from the lipgloss, but it looks so deliciously kissable right now.
Her hands reached the back of your head and before you know it, her lips were against yours, an arm wrapped around your waist while pulling you close.
"I love you, did you know that?" Clarisse whispered on your lips, "i doubt it" You laughed, falling over Clarisse' soft bunk bed as she kissed you once more.
An extra for you guys since i disappeared too long :>
There were soft groans and mumbles coming from Clarisse' siblings, it was already 3:46 am.
"What happened?" Asked Sherman while rubbing his temple.
Clarisse rolled her eyes at her brother, Sherman, glancing at their weapons leaned against their bunk.
"Nothing, i guess you two spent way too long gossiping that your eyes eventually took it themselves and took a rest" she said, Clarisse was trying not to grin at her siblings, knowing well that it was all her girlfriend's doing.
"Huh... what did you do when we're out then?" One of her brothers, Ellis asked.
"The usual, inspection and lights out"
"Really?" Both brothers said in unison.
"Yes, don't look at me like I'm lying, unless you want a spear up your ass" Clarisse snapped, rolling over and hugging her pillow to sleep.
Both brother looked at eachother and quietly snickered, i guess they'll keep hush about that peach and pink lipgloss smudge near clarisse' neck.
And they'll definitely tell the others tomorrow.
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inklore · 2 years
No because Namor literally has such a size kink. Especially since he’s so fucking thick and big. I wanna be face down ass up him pulling on my hair while he tells me how much of a slut I am. I wanna be spanked too rip
i completely agree that this man would have a size kink, i do believe he’s a bit cocky about certain parts of himself: how strong he is, powerful, pretty sure in the comics he gets many many women, and we know IT’S big. so he’s definitely cocky in a classy way though, like a way where he doesn’t need to brag, he’s going to show you, prove it to you, he doesn’t need to do all these outlandish human male ego things because he’s just going to put it all into action, why would he need words??
but with that being said i do think he would have the dirtiest mouth in bed, it’s going to be said in a poetic-ish dirty way that’s going to make your eyes roll into the back of your head ok!!!
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You can’t tell which part of him is causing you the most pleasure—or pain; his fingers in your hair as they pull at your strands making a pleasurable ache burn the back of your skull, or his nails digging into the flesh at your hip as he keeps you in place, in that perfect spot—arch—that has his pelvis slapping against your ass roughly, or maybe it’s his words.
The tumbles of mixed sentences in English and his native tongue, the way he shapes them into something so beautifully filthy makes your body heat even more.
“Your body craves this does it not? It has to. The way it stretches and opens up for me. Calling me home. Where I’m meant to be, where you take me so well. As if your body were made for me to take like this. Claim you in the ways a god would a decibel.” He grunts, his palm running down the curve of your hip, over your ass, and between your legs where the two of you are connected. Where he can spread you wider, “and you’re so eager to take me, aren’t you?”
You can only answer him in a muffled cry. A cry that sounds like a hymn to his ears.
And when he picks up the pace, when he knows you’re so close to coming, he’ll bend forward putting his mouth to your shoulder, teeth nipping your skin as he says, “say my name. Say it like a prayer you humans give to gods who never listen. I’m listening, yaakunaj.”
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landitolover · 6 months
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𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒎 in which pierre is dating everyone’s favorite singer! ౨ৎ pierre x female!singer!reader
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Liked by ynswife, pierregasly, xoxoyn, and 43,789 others
ynupdates Y/n, her first night and her first time playing in paris!! She preformed amazing and gave us a sneak peak of her new song, “dance with me” 🥹 who could this song be about ? 🧐🧐
view all 678 comments..
user why did paris do to deserve this..😐😐 Like wdym they got a sneak peak of her new song????? 😭😭
→ user RIGHT like stop it oui oui bitches.
user she made dance with me for me wdym
user i’d kill to see her live 😭
user what’s happening to me?? 🧍‍♀️-🧎‍♀️-���
user i lost a song i didnt even know i could Lose.
user her outfit is so cute 😭❤️
→ user rightt, shes always eating
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Liked by yourbestie, charles_leclerc, and 998,788 others
yourusername thank u france 🥖🥖🇫🇷🇫🇷 love u ❤️❤️🙈🙈
view all 3,479 comments..
yourbestie who is this french man mrs ……. ?!?!?!!!!
→ yourusername Idk i was just kissing a random baguette man i found on the street :///
→ yourbestie ur gonna get a disease from kissing a random french man………
→ yourusername ouch. -french man
user we lost her to a french man ☹️
→ yourusername dw he will never compete with u guys
→ yourusername thank u to my maaan 🫡
user i can tell pierres hair, and thats his hair in the 3rd pic.
→ user yeah cause that bitch is balding
user the last picture is literally PIERRE.. ARE THEY TRYING TO BE OBVIOUS
→ user right they’re not even hiding it
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Liked by yourbestie, yukitsunoda0511, and 345,971 others
pierregasly Over the break 💕
View all 484 comments
yukitsunoda0511 I really like your photographer 😂
→ pierregasly Thanks yuki, I love her too 😂
charles_leclerc Seems like you’ve been having some fun over the break 🫣
→ pierregasly 🤔🤔
→ user who is yn and why do people think she’s with pierre??
→ user she’s an artist! you should search her up/ listen to her!!
user pierres soft launch era!! get rid of it. I NEED TO KNOW WHO SHE IS
user i love how yuki is still in these photo dumps ❤️
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Liked by pierregasly, yourbestie, and 134,889 others
yourusername hellloooo everybody!!!!!!!! new single out in a few days (yay) it’s called “dance with you” 💌
View all 589 comments
→ user thank you kind sir we don’t know of
→ user thank you for making our mother write love songs x
→ user THANK 😭 U 😭 YN’S 😭 MAN 😭😭😭😭😭😭
user my prayers have been answered 😭🙏🏼
user I’m so ready to stream this song everyday and cry.
→ yourusername don’t cry babes 😞❤️ ILY
user cancelling all my plans just in case she calls !!
user this is so AUAAGDUWOQDFC
pierregasly added to their story
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seen by ynupdates charles_leclerc 252,676 others
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YN 💕
YN 💕
well YEAH.. but I wanted to tell my fans myself 😒
i’m sorry 😞
at least your single comes out in a few days .. ??
YN 💕
ok wait
i forgive u 🤍🤍🥖🥖
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Liked by yukitsunoda0511, pierregasly, and 88,992 others
yourusername a very wise man once told me it wouldn’t b a photo dump if yuki weren’t in it … so i kidnapped him so he could be in my photo dump, thanks yuki ❤️🙊🐈‍⬛🥖
tagged yukitsunoda0511 pierregasly
View all 989 comments
→ user more like what is PIERRE doing here …
user i hope yk how to fight pierre fucking gasly
user plot twist what if shes dating yuki
→ user its time to take ur meds babe! all these soft launch pictures we’ve gotten have BROWN HAIR !! does yuki have brown hair ? no!!
→ user jesus girl i was joking .. maybe YOU should take ur meds, insane ass…
user the last photo 😭😭
→ user shes so real fo that though cause what is up with these sassy men
→ yourusername sassy men apocalypse 🧟
user this is by far my favorite post ever cause YUKI LOOKS SO ADORABLE 😞❤️
→ user preach 🗣️🗣️🗣️💯💯💯
user poor yuki he had to third wheel
→ user wdym yn was third wheeling
yukitsunoda0511 I have a family please let me go
→ yourusername never 😹🙊
pierregasly my little photographer
→ yourusername i should start charging u..
→ pierregasly no … you can’t, I’m broke
→ yourusername you make more money than I do ????
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Liked by pierregasly, yourbestie, and 99,192 others
yourusername heeyyoo! “dance with me” out noow…!!! and by the way, I DO really like you pierregasly 🤍🤍🥖🥖⭐️⭐️
View 1,230 comments
user no…. NO….. I LOST MY WIFE……
user yn does this mean we’ll get more love songs 🎀
→ yourusername oui ☺️☺️🫰🏼🫰🏼⭐️⭐️
user i just fell to my knees in a walmart parking lot
user what if i just 🪦
user you’re so silly bae 😂😂 you and ur a.i boyfriend 😂😂
→ yourusername sorry x
→ user excuse me where can i get a french a.i boyfriend like u
→ yourusername uhm ask yukitsunoda0511 he got it for me!!!!
user im throwing up
charles_leclerc Does this mean I can’t take him on dates anymore ?
→ yourusername can i take your girlfriend out? cause then the answer is yes charlie 🦎🦎
→ charles_leclerc 🧐🧐 Maybe….
pierregasly dance with me is the best song in existence ❤️❤️
→ yourusername thank u babe 🤍🤍😊😊🫰🏼🫰🏼
pierregasly I’m glad that I can finally post you
→ yourusername I love you 🥹🤍🤍
→ user I WON I WON I WON
user they’re so ☺️☺️
→ user wait PLS tell me you’ll be at the races 😭🙏🏼
→ yourusername of course! definitely not all of them but i’ll try my hardest to come 💕😊
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Liked by yourusername, yukitsunoda0511, and 87,778 others
pierregasly Je t'aime my red panda 🤍
tagged yourusername
View all 767 comments
user seeing this makes me feel . DISGUSTED
user if you look closely you can see me violently sobbing in the corner.
user you guys are so cute!!!!!!!!! 😂 (i literally just kms)
user always these damn white men
user my parents 4eva
user yourusername when does the love album for pierre come out babes x
→ yourusername feb 7th 🦎
user the 😭 caption 😭. my 😭 red 😭 panda 😭
user pierre how do u feel after pulling the baddest girl ever
pierregasly amazing cause i ❤️ my gf
user yn bae how long has this been going on !!
→ yourusername 50 years
→ yourusername of course landobum x
charles_leclerc so cute (yuck)
yukitsnoda0511 you’re welcome for setting you up with her 🙄
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౨ৎ helloooo ! i hope u like this 😁😁 idk what to say tbh cause this is just a re upload …. I WILL TRY TO POST FOR DULCE HOTLINE SOON 🤓 i’ve been kinda busy tho, sorry ☹️😞
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7brownsuga7 · 19 days
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The God who answers after dark ☆ The intro:
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Summary: You used to pray to the Gods after dark before you went to sleep, always thinking that you were praying to the good kind. The kind that showed mercy. However you were mistaken, as time passes and you grew older and wiser it will be revealed that your prayers were answered, but not by the Gods you thought you knew, but the dark kind. The kind that your grandmother used to warn you about. Ones you hear in stories. The kind that you should fear, but how can you when it's all you know. How can you when he was the only one who answered?
Tags&warnings: Jungkookxfemreader, mostly fluff I guess, a bit of smut if you would call it that?!?? age gap I guess?!!? Jungkook is obsessed with reader, a bit delusional. Slight manipulation???! MDNI!!!
Word count: 3k+
Note: making this into a series🫶🏽 this is just a little something that I wrote when I was bored. Be prepared for more obsessive and possessive Jungkook!
Was inspired by the book invisible life of Addie-Larue
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The God who answers after dark ☆ series master list: Here ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
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It was dark.
The night creating shadows in the corner of your room, allowing your imagination to run wild, creating things scary to imagine.
You wasn’t scared though, because you knew it was your imagination. And because you’ve experienced something way darker. You invited him into your home with a simple whisper, let him talk to you throughout the many dark nights, telling him your dreams and wishes of a better life where you are happy and loved.
You was always an imaginative child. While you watched others make friends, you created your own, that grew along with you. Who only came out at night.
You first called upon him when you were only seven. Mindlessly talking to the open air. You had wanted a friend. A friend you could talk to, play with, share secrets with. So you stared off into the dark and talked about nothing and everything. However, when you saw the shadows in the corner of your room move, and sit before you did you realise that you summoned something else. Not a friend, not an imaginary one, something much darker. Still you spoke to it, and it spoke to you like rough winds in the cool night. It comforted you like a cool breeze in a summers heat.
You found comfort in him. You would mindlessly tell him your dreams. He would make empty promises of giving you that dream felt life. Empty, because they came with a price that you were not willing to pay for. Still he would sit beside you and listen to your stories and dreams.
You had asked him what his dreams were and he had told you that he was the son of a God - he had none, but he could grant them within due time. When he himself became a God. So he settled with telling you stories about Gods and wars. Desperate souls and deals. The kind his father spoke to him about, the kind he experienced himself.
Then, he was an angel, the son of a God he refused to speak of. Now, he is a God himself, the God of Darkness. Like the type you’d find deep in a forest, hidden behind the shadows of the trees, infused within the night that covers the sky like a blanket. Comforting to some, suffocating for others.
You was a child who had a lot to wish for and no control of your imagination back then. His company grew on you so much that he was like an accessory to your room. Like a cushion that decorated your bed, a small plant that had a home on your desk, a stack of books that rested in a pile on your bedside table. He felt like home.
The man that would sit before you, appearance created from your imagination - answered you everytime you called on him. He was always there with you. When you looked out of your window at night, when you wrote in your diary about the stories he’d tell you. In your dreams. He was always there.
It was dark.
So you did what you’ve always done when the lights went out, and people lay deep asleep. The night silent and still.
You called for him.
“Yes my love?” He appeared from the dark corner of your room. Once a shadow, now a man that sat before you on your bed. The only bit of light was the shine from the moon and the small warm lamp next to your bed.
You always expect the bed to shift as he sits down, but his weight is like a feather held in one��s palm. Light and weightless. Proof that the form you see before you is none other than what he has stolen from your imagination. His true form something like a stream in the night. Dark and shallow.
His lean body presented in a white button up shirt and black slacks. Very simple, but styled so well. He was always so well presented, dressed so elegantly. You knew that that wasn’t your imagination that created the fine attire, it was simply him, the Darkness who was a charmer, who had lived many years before you. Of course he’d picked up some style on the way.
“I want to be loved” you spoke out, tone delicate like a whisper, too embarrassed, too afraid.
“Y/n my dear, you are loved by many. Your mother adores you, friends cherish you, need I say more?” His eyes match his soul, dark and intense, yet they still seem to be so warm, inviting. It’s either that or his voice that draws you in. So soothing yet so deep. Like a calm ocean that holds many depth below.
“Not that kind of love. I want to be loved by a man. I want to feel that type of love I read in books and see in movies. The type of love my grandparents have. The type of love that won’t make me feel so alone anymore”
He chuckles a beautiful melody.
You always surprised him. The things you’d speak and dream of so bizarre yet so intriguing. Out of all the souls who begged for his help and all the humans he’s encountered, you’re the one that amused him most. A girl who asked and wished for so much, yet all she needed to do was look in the mirror and realise her worth, her power.
But he of all people knew that wishes were easy to slip from one’s lips. Words slide out of people’s mouths just as easy as a balloons string slips out of a child’s hand, so effortlessly. People are so careless when it comes to words. If only they knew the power it holds.
Wishes, prayers. They were all the same to him. It didn’t matter because they both had the same outcome, the same deal, the same promise, the same fate and the same desperation. The person was always begging and pleading in the end, too desperate to have their prayers answered to form a logical sentence, and to understand a twisted deal.
“You are not alone my love. I am here, I’ve always been here. I am the breeze that embraces you in the night, the darkness that lulls you to sleep. I am here. And you are loved.”
“You are not a man, even if you choose to be in this moment.” Your words are harsh, yes, but that’s what he loved about you. You were honest with him, you weren’t afraid.
“I can be the darkness of the night, a friend when you need company, I can be a man…”
When you make no move to respond to him, he rolls his eyes and sighs. “But before all of that I am a God. A God that answers wishes, say the words and I’ll give it to you, for a price”
This isn’t the first time he’s said this, and this isn’t the first time you’ve asked for something. But it always ends up with the same outcome, an offer of a sacrifice that you refuse. And then the whole interaction is swept away in the night, forgotten.
“Im not sacrificing my soul to you”
“My dear, you’ve called upon me countless of times, I’ve stayed by your side for years, you must know by now that you’re mine. I may not have your soul entirely, but yours is bound with mine, through shared memories and dreams, nights and years.”
“Don’t you get tired of chasing something that doesn’t belong to you? That will never be yours?”
“I have patience” is the only thing he says before he changes the subject back to your previous wish.
“I’d love to help you. You know I always do. But you should know by now that I can’t just give you that. I can’t just muster up a man for you that will make love to you. You want me to grant your wish of being loved by a man, that I can’t do, but like I said, I can be a lot of things.”
His hand reaches out to touch your jaw, thumb caressing it. His touch light, smooth. And despite everything, you wish he would touch you more, so you lean into his touch.
“I can be a God, an Angel, a Devil, a Human. Whatever you’d like me to be, as long as I am yours and you are mine”
“That’s not the type of love I’m talking about” your voice is shaky, unsure of what you want. What you need.
“Oh isn’t it? All those nights you would touch yourself to images of me… where you would talk to yourself about wanting to be touched. Those days where you would listen to all your friends stories about being with another, being touched by another. You envy them. You want to be loved in a way that has your skin littered with goosebumps, chills running down your spine” his fingers brush along your collarbone and you feel a shiver come across your body.
You think back to the nights where you would dream of his fingers against your skin. Light, cool and delicate.
“You must know by now that your body is mine. Your mind, your heart, your soul. Stop wasting your time being stubborn and let me give you what you want. The love you hope for, a world where you’re happy, things go your way. I can give you all of that if you would just be mine”
You hate the fact that he’s partially right. You have dreamt about him and thought of many nights where he would lay you in bed and take you as his. It was one of your dark fantasies that you never spoke of, you couldn’t , not to him.
Just as much as you were, he was stubborn. And as a God that always gets his way, he hates being told no.
“I see you’re making it a habit of calling me yours. You may be a God, but I don’t belong to you. I won’t”
“Within due time”
You don’t say anything else, instead you focus on the stillness of the room. The way his presence is so strong, the way you feel relaxed around him.
“You want me to grant your wish of being loved by a man? I can’t give that to you if you don’t sacrifice, but I can show you how to be loved, y/n. I can show you what it feels like to be touched” his hand brushes the side of your face. His eyes pouring into yours, if you didn’t know his games you would almost fall for his tricks. Almost.
“Is this how you get people to give you their souls? Is this one of your twisted games? I give you my body and you take my soul as a keepsake.” Your breath is shaky as his touch takes over your body, so intense, so wrong but so right.
“I don’t just want your soul y/n. I want your heart, I want your touch, I want your love and your word that you will be mine.”
“You aren’t capable of feeling those things. you’re n-“
“Not human, I know. You’ve told me many times” his fingers brush along your thigh. “But when you have lived amongst humans and dealt with them for as long as I have, you begin to understand real emotions. I’m more human than you’ll ever know ”
His lips brush along your earlobe. “Let me show you”
He lays you down on the bed, hovering over you.
“No man on earth can give you what I can give you. I’ll take their souls if they tried. I can give you the world, the luxury of never having to worry about anything. A life of happiness, a life of freedom. If only you would let me have you”
He spoke so much about making things happen. He could make things happen with the click of his finger. And you wondered if he ever manipulated you in anyway. And why he hasn’t so far. If he really wanted you like he said he does, then why doesn’t he use his power to get you?
He spoke so softly in your ear, his voice like a blanket of silk. You don’t realise that you have yet again leaned in to him. Drawn in by his words, the way he spoke them so effortlessly and so passionately.
“You have me, I’m here right now” you give up your fight and give in to what your body craves.
Your eyes flutter close as you let yourself escape in everything that is him.
Just like when you were a child, you use your imagination to create your own little world. Just you and him for the moment.
You’re lost in his earthy scent. The night sky drawn around you like a blanket, protecting you. A sense of freedom as you seep into the darkness of the night that is him. But when you open your eyes you see more than just the darkness. You see the stars in the night. His eyes mimicking the galaxy as he watches you with so much want.
There in that moment is when you realised how powerful he was. How powerful his words were, his presence was. And his touch…
His touch that had your body reacting in ways you never knew it could.
His touch light, like a cool embrace of the wind.
Except your skin is like the sun, setting your skin on fire as his hands caress your body. You hate that your body reacts so easily to his touch. But over anything else, you hate how he knows your body when you don’t even know it yourself.
He knows just where to touch you, just where you crave another’s touch.
Just where to touch to have the hairs on your body stand up. Eager for more.
His face is in the crook of your neck lightly running his lips along the service, just before he litters small pecks to it. He smells you, breathes you in, humming in the process.
“I’m so full of everything I can have in life, and yet I still crave you”
You shiver when he pauses just by your earlobe.
“What are you doing to me my love?”
You both lock eyes for a second, the world stopping in the moment that is just yours. You don’t answer him. He seems elated with just watching you anyways.
“You’ll let me have you?”
You hold your breath, unsure of what to say. Yes because you want him to take you here right now, but you know how sneaky he can be, you’re afraid that your words would be used against you.
When you make no move to speak, he smirks against your skin and whispers, “Smart girl, I’ve taught you well.”
He takes no time in playing with the lace of your panties. You feel wetness stick to the fabric, something that started once he laid his fingers on you.
He’s always been good with his fingers. One night he played you a song on your guitar, his fingers moving effortlessly over the strings. In this very moment you feel like an instrument. The way his fingers work on you, you creating sounds so melodic you don’t even recognise yourself. The way he holds you so gently as one would with their instrument. You’re not afraid when you’re with him. There’s no need to be when he holds and touches you so gently.
His voice is almost a whisper when he speaks to you. His fingers working inside of you making your back arch and toes curl. Your fingers grab your sheet, mind going crazy because you know you shouldn’t be doing this. This is crazy and it’s not like you at all. And with him?
“You’re so stubborn. Why won’t you be mine? Look how your body is reacting to me. The moment I made myself present, your breathing changed rhythm and heart increased pace. You don’t think I know how you feel?”
You release a pathetic moan. A desperate one that has you cringing with embarrassment because of how needy you sound.
He leans in towards the crook of your neck with a low, “hmm?”
You look away. Too embarrassed and too in awe at the way he’s making you feel - making you act.
“Look at me”.
You find the courage to look at him. His fingers that work inside of you have your pussy creating sounds you never knew it could. You take deep breaths, slight frown on your face as your body’s taken over by the pleasure.
“You’re so wet for me. So needy.”
He continues to watch you with half-lidded eyes. Taking in the moment. Taking in everything that is you.
As the night progresses, you find yourself sinking deeper and deeper into it.
You’ve given yourself to him in this moment - not entirely as he had hoped, but having his way with you in this point in time is more than enough.
He takes you there on your bed. The same place you would speak to him every night, dream of him every occasion.
He’s gentle, careful. His motions precise, enough to have your breath stuck in your throat.
Your mind has been lost in the darkness that is him. You don’t even want to find it.
He’s hovered over you, your legs wrapped around him. Kisses given with each thrust.
He speaks beautiful words to you, hand caressing your face every now and then.
And in this moment you’re sure you’re making love. Even though you know it can’t be because you both know nothing of the sort, but this is exactly how it feels like.
You reach a hand out to him, brushing back his dark stringy locks that fall in front of his face.
He kisses you with so much passion, speaks to you with words that has your heart aching for more.
In this moment you almost give him your word. Your life, your soul. Your head clouded by this intense emotion, a feeling that you can’t grasp. He’s taken you to a whole different universe, mind lost in everything that is him.
You almost give him your word, almost.
And when he brings you to your climax you sink deeper into him, into his embarace. Letting your body infuse with his.
You both lay there in silence for a while until he voices, “Even if you deny it. I’ve given you my word that I’ll stick by your side. There’s no getting rid of me”
You don’t need to ask him about what he means.
You know.
His fingers caress your skin as you close your eyes, letting his words fill the air.
“A soul as beautiful and pure as yours is a soul to wait a lifetime for. And I’ve got a lot of time”
And when you open your eyes, you’re met with nothing but the darkness of your room.
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The God who answers after dark ☆
- mimi ☆
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rainylana · 1 month
“I’m not always bad.” Part two!
Eddie Munson x female reader
warnings: readers dad has cancer, enemies to lovers, (bullies reader in part one), language, mentions of religion and prayer, depression and anxiety. a lot of angst and fluff.
note: let me know if you want a third part!
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Eddie backed off. Whatever class you shared, passing by each other in the hallway or the cafeteria, he backed off. He didn’t bother you, didn’t even look at you. Well, that wasn’t true. He looked, but only when you weren’t aware of it. It had been two weeks since you had broke down in front of him, and as each day passed, he could see you start to slip, start to deteriorate right in front of him. Everyone else was seeing it too.
You weren’t doing as much makeup like you normally did. Instead of putting on a full face, you applied some mascara. Instead of dressing up, you preferred sweats and a hoodie, your hair put up and away so you didn’t have to deal with it.
You weren’t bringing your lunch anymore, surviving off the snacks your friends would make you eat. You didn’t answer questions in class. You weren’t you, anymore. In just two weeks, you’d completely changed, and Eddie, most of all, didn’t like it.
He should talk to you. That’s what he should do, instead of staring at you all day. Over that time, he began to realize his feelings for you were not just hatred.
The day came when he decided he would say something. Say what, he didn’t know, but he needed to speak with you, needed to know that you were…okay, given the circumstances.
“And I don’t know if you can hear me, or…even care about what’s happening to my family, but please, God, please, I can’t watch him die. Mama can’t watch him die. Please make him better, I beg of you.” Your hands were folded above your knees, tears on your face and mascara smudged down your cheeks. You were at lovers lake, an isolated side of the park that was overgrown and lonely, much like yourself these days.
There was a singular picnic table, an old, rundown cabin that was falling apart. You’d only been through this area a few times, but the isolation made you feel welcome and at peace, hoping maybe that God could hear your prayers just a little louder here.
“Amen.” You sniffled, wiping your tears and sitting there emotionlessly. You stared at your hands in front of you, too scared to move, too scared to go home. You found yourself always scared, always anxious and alert. Your father was diagnosed with stage four liver cancer and was only given six months to live at best. You didn’t think you could go back to life before you’d been called down to the kitchen for a family meeting.
You jumped, alert and alarmed at the voice that emerged through the wooded trail. You placed a hand over your heart, calming when you realized who it was.
“Eddie?” You asked, confused. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m sorry,” He held up a hand. “I didn’t mean to interrupt your…” He trailed off. “I walk here a lot.”
That wasn’t true. Eddie didn’t like to walk, or any form of exercise, for that matter. He’d followed you, listened to your entire prayer and cry for help, only to come out when your finished crying. It was hot out today, but that didn’t change his normal attire. Black jeans, ripped at the knees. White t-shirt with a little grease. His hair was extra shaggy due to the humidity. He had a bead of sweat forming above his lip.
“That’s okay.” You said meekly, looking back down at your fingers.
He stood their awkwardly, scratching the back of his sweaty neck. “Look, I can go-”
“No, no.” You waved a hand. “I should go. This isn’t my-”
“Don’t go!” He interrupted you, taking a step and stopping you from getting up off the picnic table. “I uh- sit.” He said to you, doing so himself, sitting across from you.
You weren’t aware just how much of a mess you looked, having forgotten about the tears and makeup mess on your face. He stared at you for a moment, watching you watch the lake. You were blushing—or, were you just red faced from crying?
Eddie gulped, not knowing what to say. A simple how are you would suffice, but he couldn’t seem to get it out.
“Do you need something?” Your eyes panned over to him, sunken and shallow. “I don’t have the homework done if that’s what you’re wanting.”
He hadn’t asked for it in weeks.
“How are you doing?” He bounced his knee, clasping his fingers together in front of him. “With…you know.”
You stared at him, and for a moment, you gave him that same look you did two weeks ago. Bewilderment, shock. But only for a moment, because you simply did not have the energy to put on a show, or care. Eddie noticed.
“I don’t know how to answer that.” You said honestly. “I guess I’m fine.”
“It doesn’t seem that way.” He was looking at you through thick lashes, analyzing your every move, like you were his prey. “Nobody knows yet, do they?”
You tried not to cry. You didn’t want to again, especially not in front of him. You’d already made a fool of yourself once.
“Just family.” You whispered.
You weren’t stupid. You knew Eddie felt bad for you. You’d cracked away at his hard shell and found some emotion inside of him. You just wished it wasn’t at your expense, and you didn’t need his pity.
“Do you need anything?” He found himself asking, quickly looking down to his own hands that he fiddled with, decorated in rings and cat scratches.
This was exactly what you didn’t need. You didn’t want a spotlight on you. You didn’t want him looking at you like you were going to break any second. You didn’t need Eddie Munson as your friend.
“No.” You shook your head. “But I do need to go.” He watched you stand up, and by your shaky hands, he knew you were still very upset. Had he upset you? Should he not have reached out to you.
“Y/n, wait!” He followed after you on the trail.
“What?” You whirled around. “God, Eddie, what is it?” Your eyes were round and wide, alarmed and scared.
He looked taken back, shooing a fly away from his face. “I just- I…I’m really sorry about your dad. I can see that it’s bothering you.” What a dumb thing to say! Of course it’s bothering her!
Don’t take it out on him. He didn’t do this. He didn’t cause it. He’s looking out for you. Him, of all people.
“Thank you, Eddie.” You gave him a smile mixed with a frown. “But I’m fine, I’ll see you in school tomorrow.”
You left and he didn’t follow, and when he no longer could see you, he swore he heard the sound of someone sobbing.
Three days later and you still hadn’t told your friends. You knew you had to soon. They were concerned. Your teachers knew now, your mom had told the principal, after he had called your parents about your grades. You didn’t get in trouble, they all understood.
You were going in and out of listening to Chrissy talk about prom, your eyes filled with what felt like water and air. You felt like you were drowning. Your eyes burned and felt clouded, your vision was blurry. Your throat burned and you seemed to gasp for air, but you couldn’t. You sat there and listened, drowning inside.
But when you felt something sharp, piercing and full of concern fall upon your face, you looked over and found the hellfire table, their master, staring at you. Eddie was staring at you. You locked eyes with him briefly before turning back to Chrissy.
Two more days passed and everyone knew. You didn’t know how it got out, but you knew it would have sooner or later. You just wished it was later. Everyone was staring at you in class, including Eddie, and by lunch time, the cafeteria went completely silent when you entered. You could take the I’m sorry’s and the I’m here for you’s. You couldn’t take being watched, couldn’t take being talked about and whispered about behind someone else’s back.
You had turned quickly on your heal, flashing an angry emotion across your face that Eddie hadn’t seen in quite some time. You slammed open the doors and walked down the hall with a quick speed. Each step you took, your breathing got heavier and heavier, your head felt lighter and lighter.
You were gulping, choking on your sobs as you rounded the corner and ran down the stairwell.
I’ve gotta get out of here. I’ve got to get out of here.
When you tripped and fell flat on your face, that seemed to be the final straw. You screamed, cursing at the universe, god, whoever, as you stood back up.
“Y/n!” Eddie came running up behind you, panting just as quickly as you were. He widened his eyes at your state. “Hey, hey,” He rushed to you, and you couldn’t help it. You melted into his arms. You let him hold you.
Your limbs gripped his shirt tightly, pulling like he was a rope, and sobbed into his shoulder. You didn’t know why, but in that moment, there wasn’t anyone else you needed more than him.
“Thanks for the ride.” You said hoarsely.
It was only one o’clock, but Eddie offered to drive you home. You let him, not able to imagine going back to class after the scene you had made.
“Don’t mention it.” He out the van in park, arm stretched out to the wheel. “You gonna be alright?”
You nodded, tugging at your hoodie, “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” You said quietly, excluded of emotion.
“Listen, about what happened at school,” He started, turning in his seat. “Everyone’s just surprised, that’s all. It’s like gossip to them. They’ll forget about it eventually.” He searched your eyes, hoping to make you feel better. “Are you hearing me?”
“Yeah.” You sighed. “I’m just…I don’t know. I might take a break for a few days. Maybe they’ll have dropped it by then.”
He didn’t want to go a day without seeing you. He was becoming more and more concerned, more and more attached, curious. You were becoming the very thing that kept him awake at night. He didn’t know why, but god, were you absolutely beautiful.
“Bye, Eddie,” You reached over and squeezed his knee. “Thanks for everything.”
He watched you walk inside, only seeing a small portion of your home on the inside. He hoped you would dream sweet things that night.
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