#got that :3 little voice going lmao. she yelled at me....loud :'3
unproduciblesmackdown · 6 months
meinnnn gott i was like boy this song can't be 8 & a half minutes....well the first 6 minutes of the video are phyllidia krampington loosing george salazar the krampus on everyone & their asshole (here her cousin, b/c although i swear on my life i have seen [phyllidia seducing the krampus via baby it's cold outside] photos, in this 2018 show that sequence is definitely about her trying to fuck melvin cooterstein in the ass. (note that she mentions the xmas villain's long-lost daughter harriet, as the [why are you so evil? / i don't kneauuraeaough....but it definitely doesn't have anything to do with xyz] but no long-lost presumed dead spouse, who would've been already mentioned in the 2019 show at this point though that's no incontrovertible evidence it's not relevant in this show. & my hypothesis is that if melvin is a long-lost anyone, phyllidia would be His long-lost daughter. but 50/50 could go either way! a beautiful relationship ft. the convenience of all these colonoscopies he keeps scheduling)) and then we meet the fancy tree! and don't get around to singing until phyllidia's exit & the krampus's partial sendoff to go feel better having some snacks (i.e., mingle & meander)
#it's GONGEOUS in here#fantastic delivery on ''until you all poo out of your butts''#the krampus does seem to have a range of Half Demonic Half just some guy & fairly timid/sensitive really but glad to be here#of course doesn't Actually continually disrupt the show or strike anyone's asshole with birch reeds hence the need for a pickmeup tiramisu#that's tiramisu as a generic term which is something i'm making happen in my own vocabulary#& from there things can diverge lol...not being seduce in this year or 2019's so seems in that case: trying to fuck the fancy tree#who has a mwah line about this as exquisitely delivered as you see here. but i can't recall it exactly Need to be rehearing things#and Need this energy and delight and magic to go into [cyril krampus 2023 baby it's cold outside video PLEASE (please) PLEASE (please)#x 2 baby please. hit post....will do the Opposite of hitting your asshole with birch sticks. stand facing away from your ass wielding like#ostrich feathers & moving them in the gentlest patterns away from you. for being Great this year]#joe iconis christmas extravaganza#phyllidia krampington#apparently not always but here indeed with some relation to#the krampus#who based on knowledge & documentation does seem to have been frequently portrayed by george salazar#got that :3 little voice going lmao. she yelled at me....loud :'3#krampus just wandering around peeing in bernedette peters' plaintain chips. maybe humping a tree's skirt (costuming not needle collecting)#you know how it is#Youtube
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augustghosts · 1 year
Tommy Miller x Fem!reader
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Part two of Plastic Trees.
Thank u for the love on part one <3 I’m excited to keep writing this story! I wanted to focus more on tommy and readers' relationship in this so had to get rid of everyone else lmao, anyways. <3
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: 18+! Fingering. Choking. Unprotected PinV. Lots of dirty talk. Kinda dom!tommy. He's a lil rough, but we like him that way, don’t we? Maybe breeding kink if you squint. Slight size kink? Idk I just like to talk about how tall Tommy is. This is like violence from the get go lol. Guns and a few graphic descriptions. Lots of swearing. Lots of pet names, bc i just feel like tommy is the type to use them every other sentence lmao. It gets a little fluffy and awkward at the end. This is also looong as fuck (sorry). Not proofread as always.
Tommy is, rudely, jolted awake by someone aggressively shaking him.
“Dude! Get the fuck up!” An equally aggressive voice hisses beside him. His eyes snap open to a gun pointed right between his eyes. Before he can even process who is on the other side of the weapon, the person holding it is taken down. A loud gunshot rang out from the side of him - Joel. His saviour, of course.
“Come on!” Joel yells.
Tommy shoots up and joins Joel in crouching beside the couch. He doesn’t have time to process what is happening- more shouting and gun shots sound from throughout the house.
“Shit.” Tommy whispers. “I gave my gun to that other asshole.”
He looks around frantically, his eyes landing on the body of the man Joel had just shot. Tommy crawls over and swipes up the gun that had been pointed at him just seconds earlier,
“What the fuck is this?” He asks.
“No fuckin’ clue.” Joel responds. “All i know is we gotta get the fuck out of here. We’re close enough to the door. We can wait for a window- fuck those other guys.”
Tommy nods - he only has one thing on his mind. He looks behind him to the basement door, it’s still closed.
“What about the basement?” He asks as casually as he can.
“Fuck her. I don’t give a shit.” Joel doesn’t even look at him as he responds. “She’s probably the reason they’re here.”
“I don’t think so. These don’t look like the guys who hired us, Joel. Raiders probably.”
“And?” Joel is still scoping out the house. His eyes darted around. “She’s probably dead already. Someone might have already gone down there.”
“So we should go check! We can still get paid!”
“Fuck that.” Joel hisses. The house is suddenly quiet. “Let's go!”
Joel heads to the front door. Tommy is still staring at the basement. Fuck it, he makes a split second decision. The image of the way she looked at him last night and how soft her hands felt flicker through his mind, and his legs almost work on their own as he heads to the door. Whoever had broken into the house is upstairs now, he probably only has a few seconds until they clear up there and come down here.
He storms down the steps, what the fuck is he doing? He thinks about what Joel said - she’s probably dead already. Shit, he hopes not. He reaches the bottom of the stairs and he’s praying that he doesn’t get down there to see something awful. He breathes a sigh of relief when his boots hit the concrete at the bottom and he sees her curled up in the corner. Her knees pulled up to her chest, her head on her knees. She looked adorable.
“Hey! It’s me.” He says. Her head shoots up, her eyes have that fearful look again. The one that got him so fucking hard yesterday. He has to resist hauling her up into his arms.
“What’s happening?” Her voice sounds small.
“Get up.” He spared another look up the stairs and held his hand out to her. “We need to go. Right fucking now.”
She looks between him and his hand, she’s hesitant. Honestly, she feels like she can’t figure him out. Is he really saving her or is he following his brother’s orders again, and taking her out there to kill her. Are the guys that hired her here? Is that where he’s taking her?
“Now!” He practically orders her. His voice was loud and stern. He notices the way her breathing hitches before she reaches out to take his hand. He pulls her up and turns back to the staircase.
“Stay behind me, okay?” He says. She does as she’s told, which he fucking loves. More gunshots that sound too close for comfort have him pausing in his tracks. Tommy jumps as a body collapses at the top of the stairs, she squeaks behind him as blood from the man's head trickles down the stairs.
“Okay, uhm.” He turns to her. “New plan.”
“Could you get yourself through that window?” He asks as his eyes land on the small window in the corner. It’s not tiny, probably small enough for her to fit through.
“Yeah. Yeah I think so.” She looks over and nods. He walks over and looks through. The window is high, eye level. The coast looks clear and he hurries to stack some boxes under the window and call her over. “Get through and when you’re outside, wait there. Don’t move.”
“Wait! Where are you going?” She asks frantically, her hands grasping the sleeve of his coat like she had done last night.
“It’s okay. I’m gonna go upstairs and I’ll come get you.” He gently pries her hand off of his sleeve. “It’s okay. I promise.”
Fuck, as much as she doesn’t want to do this, as she looks up into his big brow eyes she nods. She trusts him. He nods back and when he realizes he’s still holding her hand he drops it - much to her disappointment. He turns and goes up the stairs, he’s gone before she can even blink.
What the fuck? She’s shocked for a moment, but a loud crash from upstairs springs her into action. She climbs up onto the boxes Tommy had stacked and pushes the old rusty window open. Shit, she really hopes it is Tommy that finds her out here and not anyone else. Once she’s on the other side, she realizes this is the first time she’s been outside in weeks. It’s sunrise and she can’t help but stare at it. The sky looks beautiful. If it was someone else who finds her out here, she wouldn’t mind dying while looking at this.
A pair of gloved hands clamp down on her shoulders and she jumps, whirling around ready to… fight? She doesn’t know how to fucking fight. But she doesn’t need to when she lays her eyes on Tommy. He’s staring at her, thinking about how beautiful she looks outside. He’d only really seen her in the basement, guilt hits him as he thinks about it. He hates how much he wants to kiss her - he’d gotten so close last night.
“Where are we gonna go?” She asks.
He doesn’t know. He stays silent as he looks around - they need to get out of here. He takes her arm and pulls her forward to start walking. She accepts her fate and follows him. Despite their rendezvous last night, she was still scared of him. He had still been an accessory to kidnapping her, she doubts that him coming in her mouth had changed anything.
“So, what did you save me for?”
They’d been walking for a while, Tommy knew where they were heading. An empty house he’d scoped out a few weeks prior. A safe house, if you will. He knew it was safe, his mind was reeling when he heard her voice behind him.
“What?” He doesn’t look behind him. He’s walking much faster than her and he can hear how fast she’s walking to keep up.
“Did you bring me out here to kill me? Or are they meeting you out here?”
“Who?” He asks. He turns slightly, she looks up at his gorgeous side profile.
“The people who hired you. Was that them at the house? What happened to the other guys? Your brother?”
“I don’t know.” He sighs. He doesn’t know which one of her questions he’s answering. Why did he save her? He doesn’t fucking know. He hears her sigh behind him, a small oh leaves her mouth. They keep walking for a while and she keeps quiet. Watching him walk - his broad shoulders and his leather gloves that cling to his large hands. The gun he has slung over his shoulder. She’s thinking about how she’s sure he was going to kiss her last night. She’s sure of it. Remembering how he had caught her above the stairs and how his hand had covered her mouth. He was so confusing, he had touched her last night and saved her this morning- now he was walking ahead acting as if he was burdened by her.
She takes the hint and stays quiet. When they reach the house, it looks the same as all the rest. Run down, plants taken over and growing up the walls. She had always thought that was beautiful. Nature taking things back. Tommy unlatches the rusty gate, kicking some leaves from the overgrown lawn out the way. She follows him in, he turns before they reach the door. He’s looking around - looking for someone following them. Because knowing Joel, he would. He has to use some force to push open the door, his gun is pointed forwards and he walks around the rooms with it - she just watches. He walks around for a while, looking through cupboards and trying to make a small fire in the fireplace. The windows are all boarded up so no one can see the fire, it makes the her feel a little claustrophobic but she’s grateful because it is fucking freezing.
“We’re safe, for now.” He says, swinging the gun off his shoulder and placing it down. “We’re gonna stay here tonight. We’ll get movin’ tomorrow.”
“Okay.” She sits on an old couch. “Where?”
“You ask a lot of fuckin’ questions don’t you?” He says.
“I-i just want to know what’s going on.” Tears fill her eyes, she looks away from him. She is not gonna cry in front of this motherfucker again.
“I know of a place.” Tommy continues. He hates to admit seeing her cry does something too him. The same thing it did to him last night. “A community, I know some people there. Joel is probably making his way there too. Might take us a while to get there though.”
She nods at him. He takes a step towards her, he’s towering over her now. He always does, but the fact that she’s sitting down makes him look even bigger - and her even smaller.
“So, if you want to come with me and if you want me to keep you safe, you’re gonna have to be good. You’re gonna have to trust me. And follow my rules.”
She just nods again, dumbly looking up at him with wide eyes. He steps forward some more, standing directly in front of her now. He lifts his hand to grasp her chin, tilting her face up to look at him. The warm leather of his gloves made her melt into his grasp, his long fingers cupping her jaw.
“Can you do that?” He whispers, his voice gets lower and raspier. “Use your words.” He says when she nods again.
“Yes.” She whispers. “I can be useful.”
“Oh yeah?” He smirks. “How?”
“Whatever you want.” She says. “I’ll follow your rules. I’ll do whatever you want.”
“Fuck baby.” He utters. His raspy voice makes her stomach swirl and heat spreads between her legs.
“Was I not useful last night?” She asks as she reaches for his belt. “Do you want it again?”
“Help yourself, gorgeous.” He spurs her on. His hand that was cradling her face moves to her hair as she takes his cock out of his jeans. He’s already semi hard just from teasing her, but he suddenly remembers something he had said last night.
Her hands wrap around his length and he sighs as he lets her jerk him off a few times. Her mouth is watering, but before she can lean forward and take him into her mouth his other hand comes down to cradle her head. He tilts her head up to look at him again and says, “You know what? I believe I made you a promise last night.”
“Huh?” She’s confused. The only thing on her mind being his cock and the heat between her thighs - the thighs Tommy cannot wait to get in between .
“We were interrupted yesterday.” He says, using his grip on her face to pull her up to a standing position. “I recall telling you that you deserved to be touched. Since you were so good, and you’ve been very good today.”
He leaned in, their mouths inches away - mirroring their position from last night. Fuck it, she takes one for the team and leans up to press her lips to his. Both of their lips are dry from being outside in the wind all day but neither of them seem to care. Tommy kisses her back with a passion, like it's his last kiss. She moans into his mouth when his tongue pushes between her lips and he thinks he could have come right then and there.
“Jesus darlin’, you sound beautiful.” He pulls away to grip her ass, hauling her up into his arms, her legs wrap around his waist and he presses a kiss to her neck before he sets her down onto the couch. “I wanna hear you making those sounds all damn night.”
He climbs on top of her, kissing her feverishly again. Now he’s started he feels like he can't stop. It's been too long since he'd been kissed like this. Her warm mouth is a delightful contrast to the cold world outside, and as much as he wants to feel that warm mouth wrapped around his cock again he cant help but want to give in to the soft spot he has for her. And so he does. He begins to kiss down her neck, standing up to strip his jacket off begins a trail to her legs.
Even with the fire, the house is too cold to completely strip - so this will have to do. Besides, neither of them want to get caught in here and not be able to escape quickly. As much as he wants to kneel down between her thighs and make her legs shake, he knows he’s going to have to wait. He pulls her jeans down just enough to be able to slip his hand into her underwear. A breathy moan of his name that she lets out, when he reaches her wetness, hits his ear and makes him shiver. She feels it, and she can also feel how hard he is against her thigh.
“You’re already soaked, sweetheart.” He whispers before biting into her earlobe, she moans as he circles her clit. “You’re gonna have to be quiet for me baby. Can you do that?”
She nods as he pushes a single finger inside of her. His finger pauses as he hums a “hm?” into her ear, lifting his head to look into her eyes. He wants her to answer, wants to hear her voice shake. She looks so small under him, caged into the sofa. He wants to fuck her so badly but he loves to tease. He wants to hear how pretty she sounds when she begs.
“Yes!” She sounds breathless, moving her hips to try and get him to do something.
“What do you want? Hm? Ask me.”
“More! Please, Tommy.” She moves her hips again as she speaks.
“Yeah?” He sounds so condescending as he slides a second finger into her and begins to stroke her walls. God hes an asshole, she fucking loves it. He loves it too. He has a huge grin on his face as he builds up a rhythm with his fingers. Watching her reactions closely as she writhes underneath him.
“I want you to come all over my fingers.” He says, his other hand coming up to grip her face - his fingers squeezing her cheeks, forcing her to look at him. “And then im gonna fuck the shit outta you. I’m gonna make you feel so fucking good.”
His fingers are still moving, they feel so perfect inside of her and she can feel a heat building in her stomach. She reaches up to claw at his arm, he’s confused for a second and almost stops what he's doing, even though he can feel her pussy squeezing around his fingers, before he realizes what she wants.
“Holy shit.” He grins as he moves his hand to grip her throat. Her moans get louder, the sight of her being choked by his hand almost makes him finish in his pants. “You’re so fuckin’ dirty baby. You gonna come for me so i can fuck you?”
“Yes!” She whimpers, “I want you so bad, Tommy.”
The groan he lets out at her words is enough to have her moaning his name as she finishes around his hand, his grip on her throat tightens just enough to make her feel a little lightheaded. She doesn’t remember anyone ever making her feel this good. What a fuck up, the man who kidnapped her in an apocalypse is the one to give her the best orgasm of her life with just his fingers - and he hasn’t even fucked her yet.
“Oh my god, Tommy.” She laughs. He laughs too, it’s beautiful. She almost forgets about the situation they’re in.
“Stand up for me, baby.” He presses one last kiss to her lips before he stands up, she follows - waiting for him to do something. His large hands cradle her waist and maneuvers her so she's standing in front of him. His strong back pressed to her chest, the arm of the couch is in front of her and one of his hands pressed on the small of her back to bend her over the couch.
She can’t believe this is happening right now, neither can he. They're both basically fully clothed, she's bent over a dirty couch in a run down house. The fire is still crackling beside them when he pushes into her without warning. She surges forward, grasping the couch in front of her as she sighs his name.
“So fuckin’ tight, babygirl.” He moans from behind her, hissing through his teeth.
“Please move, Tommy.” She hisses, “You feel so good.”
“I’m gonna fucking ruin you baby.” He sighs as he begins to thrust into her. Her pussy squeezing him is almost too much. It’s been way too long, given that it’s hard to find someone to fuck in the apocalypse. She looks so good bent over in front of him.
“I can’t wait to fuck you properly.” He says, his fingers grip her hips harder as he speeds up his thrusts. “Can’t wait to have you naked in front of me, I’ll fuckin’ worship you, darlin’.”
His words go straight to her pussy, intensifying the fire growing in her stomach. Her hand reaches down to rub her clit, her hand at an awkward angle since her jeans still weren’t pulled all the way down. Just enough for Tommy to be able to fuck her.
“What do you need, baby? Ask for it.” He says when he notices her hand, stopping his movements all together.
“Please don’t stop.” She whines below him. “I’m so close!”
“Yeah?” He grinds into her, relishing in the way she whimpers below him. “You wanna cum?”
“Yes! Please, Tommy!”
He grabs a handful of her hair and tugs, pulling her up so her back is pressed tight to his chest. It completely changes the angle of his cock inside of her and she whimpers his name in a way that makes his cock ache. He wraps his whole arm around her neck and she brings her hands up to grip his bicep.
“Beg for it.” He whispers into her ear.
“Please.” She whispers. Moving her hips to try and get him moving.
“Pathetic.” He says, squeezing his arm tighter around her neck. “You can do better.”
“Please make me cum, Tommy. I need it.” Her voice is strained from the pressure he’s putting on her throat. He thinks she’s never sounded sexier. “I wanna feel you cum. I want you to fill me up, please.”
“Jesus,” He snarls as he begins to slam back into her. “I wish I could, baby. You’d look so sexy with my cum dripping out of you. You’d love that wouldn’t you?”
“Yes!” She cries, “Yes, I'd love it! Please!”
“Don’t worry baby, I've got you. Come on, cum for me.”
She does as he says, as always. And finishes around his cock with a scream of his name. He thrusts into her a few more times and pulls out of her, shoving her forwards into the couch. She doesn’t question him as he slams his hands onto her shoulders and turns her around to roughly shove her to her knees in front of him.
“Open your pretty mouth, baby.” He groans breathlessly, his hand fisting his cock. The sight of him getting himself off with his hand makes a new wave of wetness rush between her thighs. She obediently opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue, looking up at him and watching as his brows knit together as he comes. The moan that leaves him is delicious and actually makes her feel proud of herself. His cum lands on her tongue and he pants at the sight before him.
“You look beautiful like this, fuck.” He says. He’s out of breath - now Tommy likes to believe that he has good stamina. But he also believes that the sight before him would be enough to make anyone breathless.
She remembers how he had told her to swallow the night before, and she brings her tongue back into her mouth to let his seed drip down her throat. He’s shocked. And he’s still kind of hard and honestly, he wants to fuck her again. But he remembers the world he’s in, and remembers they will need to get moving in the morning. So he cradles her jaw in his hands and guides her up to her feet. Tilting her head up to kiss her deeply. It’s almost soft, almost loving.
When they pull away neither of them know what to say. They stare into each other's eyes for a second and she almost looks like she wants to say something but Tommy beats her to it.
“So, uhm,” He begins to tuck his cock back into his pants as he speaks. “So, we’ll get moving in the morning. You should get some rest.”
He’s awkward again, her heart breaks as she watches him revert back to the man who had kept her in the basement. The man who had just fucked her slowly fading into the darkness.
“Oh, yeah. Sure.” She mumbles, doing the button on her own jeans back up.
“I’ll keep watch for a bit, but uh - we should be fine.” He sits down on the couch, reaching for the gun he had put down and props it up beside him on the couch. He sits back and spreads his thighs as he gets comfy. She doesn’t really know what to do. She kind of just stands and stares at him. He looks at her and stares back for a good few seconds. Why the fuck was this awkward? He sighs and reaches his arm out to her.
“Come here.” He says, a lot softer than she’s ever heard him sound before. She takes the hint and steps timidly towards the couch, sitting down beside him and letting him wrap his arm around her. He guides her head to his shoulder. They sit there for a minute in a comfortable silence. He shocks her, yet again, when he reaches down to pick up her jacket and places it over her body like a blanket. She feels like she has whiplash right now - what the fuck is going on?
“Stop thinking. Go to sleep.” He says, his hand squeezes her shoulder and she cuddles up to him. The same thing is going through Tommy’s head. What the fuck was he doing? He can tell her to stop thinking all he likes, but he can’t stop himself. And that’s what he does for most of the night until he sees the soft light of the day begin to stream through the crack underneath the door - he thinks.
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nochi-quinn · 6 months
candela obscura chapter 3 episode 1: oh god everybody's fucked up
I'm here, I fell asleep and missed the start but I'm here
lmao the immediate note-taking
ur really committing to that voice huh liam
marisha made an older character and liam said hold my dentures
heyyyy someone else makes the joke I picked up from a stargate episode 20 years ago
liam what was that look
absolutely love ashly's wig
sam looking like he got hit with a cattle prod
what's a sam reigel
why are we getting oscar's CV
"are they hot"
listen I saw the trailer he 100% uses that chain to beat people with
"no one calls you carey, oscar"
oh no he's hot
oh he's kotallo, that's why
the flat cap does look good on sam, I can't lie
y'all that's gay
I like cordelia's little halo
eloise best character
(maybe that's the look liam was giving ashly, eloise vs elsie)
elsie's a werewolf calling it
yesss the old people guilt trip
oscar: I'm gonna punch a ghost
"you're wearing a ball gown. it's the morning."
the maw??
haha it took me until literally this moment to remember ashly is aloy, my ship is reunited
"I'm using my bullshit detector" did you get that cleared with the gm
I like the term "blood and guts doctor"
I've been watching S1G play Slay the Princess and the more they describe her the more she sounds like a Princess variant
oh no lights
liam you did that on purpose
oh Aadtika (?) is a very pretty name
"lung, heart" liver, nerves
"you have an extra house?" "you don't?"
"you slick son of a bitch"
he IS a slick son of a bitch
oh sam's being THAT character
prepared to spend three episodes threatening to punch oscar in the head and throw him in the pool
("nochi nobody read your free! livetweets" well maybe they should have)
sam doesn't watch the product
liam always wants to roleplay fish and chips
[picks elsie and raj up and shakes them until backstory falls out]
"I'll be as subtle as I can be" smash cut to him beating someone to death with a chain
the docks seems like a terrible place to play baseball
did they do a dndbeyond for candela?
they did!
sam forgot he was short
"high stakes not for harm" but bc it's funny
rajan: oh I am NOT involved, you made that VERY clear
"don't waste that on me" "I agree"
I'm being gaslit bc I've always pronounced "copse" like "cope" with an "s" in it
shades of the old man at my previous psych office yelling about obama's secret weather machine
"I help by SCREAMING"
grandpa's making a wheel for it
[mabel pines voice] grappling hook!
the way sam rolls dice STILL kills me
oh good, everyone else also thinks they should fuck
"why can't we just be friends? oh right, because I don't like you."
what the fuck's a flashlight
"yeah! temperature play! :D" aabria
"do you go down my little hole" "of course!" aren't y'all divorced
oh no an ot3
don't say degloved that means something else
oh I dig that
oh no aabria's doing the voice
everything goes black, and you die
how could crcw not have prepared me for this
immortal asshole oscar grimm
oh he's an asshole because he gave up the non-asshole bits to bargain with death
hey sam what the fuck
oh hey ashly. ow.
thump thumps? why?
imagine if oscar coming back just freaked elsie right back into beast mode
there's another hour left of this wtf happens
yessssss "I'd take a bullet for him but I wouldn't go drinking with him" my beloved
local woman realizing that everyone around her is an absolute freak
liam's startled old man noise
"ohhh I'm not good at that"
wait I don't understand what he just did
oh he did a drug
little bird ;-;
his WHAT
it glows blue when there are nuns nearby
where's that one digital devil saga monster
I desperately need an artist's rendition of this orca-mantis-thing
excuse me
I keep missing the spelling of his sister's name
"oh god everybody's fucked up"
A WHAT built in his WHAT
augh eye stuff no quiero
is noshir lefthanded?
I kind of half-called that
"that felt like twenty. that was a season."
"do you know you're covered in bees?"
I like my women like I like my coffee
"because yours is super chill"
liam you can uncommit to the voice
(he will not)
"drop the skincare routine"
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jubiilee13 · 2 years
hiiii, I have a little request, it might be too specific lol
can you write some angst where c!quackity starts dating reader without knowing she's sapnap's sister so sapnap gets jealous and tells her about the engagement?
I would really appreciate that
[ love and war ]
Yes yes omg I needed angst material-
I have an epic idea in mind 😎
Tysm for requesting by the way!! If you like this feel free to request again <3
This is about 1,000 words give or take I forgot the exact number
TW: screaming, fighting, death, murder blood. (yeah i made this one real angsty yall)
she/her pronouns
also the pov in this is kinda wonky like one second its 3rd person the next 2nd person but i hope it makes enough sense for you to understand. Im running off 3 hours of sleep here lmao-
Quackity.. where to even begin with this man. You loved him.
He loved you. For the longest time, it was as simple as that.
Two people, head over heels in love with one another.
Normally, thats how the story would end. You fall in love, get married, blah blah blah romantic stuff.
I truly wish I could tell you thats how this story ended.
Unbeknownst to you, you weren't the only person in love with the charming man. Sapnap had noticed the sudden disappearance of both his sister and fiancé. For the first few weeks, Sapnap thought nothing of it. He simply thought it a coincidence.
But after the two of you would disappear for days on end, and return home with love bites lingering on your necks, Sapnap knew something was going on.
The first few times, he chose not to question you two. He simply let the events unfold before him. Anger and jealousy lingered constantly in his thoughts.
"He chose me first" Is what he would tell himself in his times of doubt.
And it just so happened that in his time of despair, you would come knocking on his door. The lights taps of your knuckles on the hardwood tearing the man from his thinking.
He slowly stood from his resting spot on the couch and dragged himself over to the door. He quickly swung it open, earning a surprised yelp from you.
“What do you want n/n” He questions, jealousy lacing his tone.
“I-um.. I brought the supplies you ask for” you stutter out, eyes glancing down at the large (and quite heavy) shulker box in your hands.
Sapnap stood in place for a moment, a look of confusion falling over his once angry features.
“Y/n i asked for those two weeks ago?” He states, not tearing his eyes away from yours.
“I know sap.. I just got… carried away with something I guess” you say, turning your head to get away from his powerful glare.
“More like someone.” He mutters, just loud enough for you to hear as he snatches the box out of your hands and turns on his heel to leave.
You stop in your tracks, standing in the doorway for a few moments before following your brother into his house.
“Hey sap.. are you ok? You seem kinda off today.” You question, concern evident in your voice.
“Just go home y/n.” He states as he slams the shulker box down onto the table.
You flinch at the sudden bang, but stand your ground as you move to take a few steps closer to him. “Sap.. im your sister.. talk to me” you whisper sympathetically.
He slowly turns around to face you, eyes full of anger and lust.
"You want to know what wrong? Is that what it is? I'LL TELL YOU N/N. ITS YOU. YOU'RE THE PROBLEM." He exclaims, the fire in his eyes brighter then you'd ever seen it.
You stand still, pain overtaking your once concerned features. He couldn’t really mean it.. could he?
"YOU HEARD ME N/N. ITS YOU. FIRST YOU DISAPPEAR FOR DAYS ON END. THEN QUACKITY STARTS DISAPPEARING WITH YOU. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WHEN BOTH MY FIANCE AND SISTER LEAVE ME WITHOUT WARNING!" He yells as he takes a few steps closer to you, jabbing his finger into your chest. You wince, as your eyes begin to water.
"F-fiancé?" You whisper out, lifting your head up to look the taller man in the eyes.
His face of anger falters for a moment, before quickly returning. "YES FIANCE!! NOT YOUR FIANCE! MINE! HE WAS MY EVERYTHING AND THEN HE CHOSE YOU OVER ME. YOU. GOD I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY-" He continued, continuing to step towards you until you were backed into the wall.
Tears were now freely flowing down your face, as you simply let him yell at you.
You choked on a sob as you slid you back down the wall, ending up in a small ball on the floor. All you could do was cry, and he just let you. He watched as sobs wracked your body, as you struggled to take in breaths. He watched the way you squirmed and writhed in attempt to get away from him.
He stood over you shaking figure for a few moments more before turning on his heel to walk away. You tried to call out for him, grab him, do anything to bring him back, but it was all too much. He was too much. You continued to sob as you curled into yourself further, vision growing dark from your lack of oxygen. You heard his footsteps still stepping around his house, but they were mostly muffled by your own harsh breathing and pounding heartbeat.
The footsteps grew louder and louder until he came into you view. You looked up at him pleadingly, your eyes begging for help. He stood, watching you for a moment before squatting down to where you were sitting.
"Im sorry n/n... but what has to be done has to be done." He murmurs, his dark eyes still locked onto your own.
You look at him, confused only to be met with a sharp pain to your stomach.
You let out a scream of agony as you watch sapnap pull the sword out of your chest, blood beginning to pool out of your chest onto the floor around you.
"Sa-sap" you try to say, only to be met with a pool of blood forming in your mouth. You cough, blood splattering out. As dark spots begin to form in your vision and the ringing in your ears begins to grow louder you hear Sapnap speak one final time.
“All is fair in love and war y/n”
And with that.. he walked away, his figure fading from your vision as everything went dark.
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countlessimagines · 2 years
heya there! i was thinking of requesting for a match up request for Stranger Things (S4 WAS JUST TO AWESOME) and maybe from TopGun:Maverick if it’s possible! i am a straight and go by she/her pronouns. tysm!
short :p
light-tan ish skin (it kinda glows in golden hour🌞)
black hair (shoulder length) and it’s very thick and goes straight to wavy (and very smooth and soft)
dark brown/black eyes
my lips are in this mauve-peach color
people say i look youthful, hence i even look younger than i am!
extroverted but a teeny tiny bit shy, but i mostly like my voice to heard in situations
confident and charismatic: i feel like i can take on any challenge even though i might not succeed. i’m most likely to take a stand when others don’t💐
charming 🌝
hilarious 😎
i like to say witty stupid comebacks when in an argument. for example when my friends are fighting i love to yell “AYEE what’s the tea the girls are fighting”
i do good in school, so i’m happy to help others who are struggling
fav subject: science and math
fav classes: ela and social studies bc they are CHAOTIC
i go with the flow but at the same time i’m stubborn
people tell me i’m too “preachy” but i’m just speaking my mind + saying what you can’t when i stand up for others
i won’t persist until a task is done
i’m great at detail and even better at seeing the bigger picture. i can see multiple perspectives which can lead to me being indescive.
in romance you have to keep stimulating me other wise i’d be bored and leave you in the dust (sadly). i like the feeling of wanting to know more
i like to chase and to be chased. it’s fun to be unpredictable and to switch things up 😋
my love language is quality time, physical touch and teasing someone lmao
i like being the life of the party, i always know the tea
i have a loud cackling laugh and hehehehe high pitch laugh 💀
i kinda get annoyed easily but i brush it off. same thing with anger i blow up but forget unless you truly did something so bad, i’ll hold a grudge for like a week maybe.
drawing, painting, coloring 🌈
reading (sometimes)
watching stan twitter - i know a lot about pop-culture
playing my flute
trying to participate in various sports even though i suck lol
learning new stuff
annoying someone
i love the preppy, vsco, indie, Y2K and sometimes vintage style
i love going all out for parties. gotta dress to impress 💅🏼
i like listening to rap and pop music mostly. my favorite artists include: ariana grande, nicki minaj, doja cat, little mix, 5th harmony, 1D, harry styles, drake, mgk, eminem, pitbull, Britney Spears, taylor swift, selena gomez etc.
JOCKS/SOFT-JOCK: omg there’s just something about them which makes me go DJFOSKGISKGGISKGJFI. traits include: popular, playboy, arrogant, risk-taking, humorous, aggressive but also a huge teddy bear
idk but someone who is serious, assertive (traditional?) but also patient and warm in the inside
mbti: the last time i took the test i got ESTP-A but i do have ENTJ tendencies too.
my enneagram is 7w8 but i also relate to 3
capricorn sun: hardworking, determined, independent
libra moon: flirty, charming, social, adapt
leo rising: dramatic, generous, flamboyant,humorous, bossy, attention-loving
i’m currently listening to Flawless by Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj and CHEFS KISS
i was also listening to DOLLA SIGN SLIME and i totally vibe with megan’s verse
“they can’t stop me
say i can’t do it, bitch watch me
all you lame hoes turned hatin’ to a hobby
damn, watching me gotta turn you on
i should have my own category in p***
ooh, i’m just such an obsession
tea about me in IG suggestions
thick, no add-on prosthetics
everything about me came from genetics”
that’s it! thank you so much!
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leetotters · 3 years
could you do a peter parker x reader where she can control her hair? and it can be any length she wants but prefers the length mid thigh and its and its unbreakable? so like fury asks if anyone in the team knows anyone they could recruit and he suggests her and all the avengers go meet her at a tailors shop she owns while she's cleaning and she shows her powers? please and if you do it, thank you
note: i hope you meant the powers to be reader's hair bc that's what i used it as lmao. also i used the gif because this is kinda how rocket got smacked with your hair. thank you for requesting<3
warnings: kissing, curse words
peter parker x reader
summary: something like request^
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The swooshing of the broom and the melody of a random song played through the speakers of your tailor shop while you swept the floor. The small lengths of wool and silk thread tangling on the broom bristles as you scooped it up. The racks and unwanted pieces of cloth laid on the marble floor making you let out a sigh of exhaustion.
A knock on your glass showcase window made you jump. The movement making your hair disentangle from the neat twist plait. You lowly cursed as your hair touched the floor, the belly laugh behind the window noted you that your bestfriend was the person responsible for your little mishap.
"Couldn't you ring the bell like a normal person!" You annoyingly exclaimed, closing your eyes and controlling your hair to stop at mid-thigh length. Your preferred length. You picked your broom up and teasingly shook your head when Peter told you open the door. "I think I'm gonna leave you outside tonight, just for scarring the life out of me and my hair."
You resumed your previous activity, counting the numbers in your head until you heard the lock on your ceiling window open. The sound of Peter's displeased voice and childish complains filling your storage room.
"Can't keep me outside Y/L/N, I'll always find a way." He proudly dusted his shirt, taking the scoop from your hand while you grabbed the racks and placed them in your extra closet.
"Thanks to your super spidey powers." You teased, thanking him when he returned the dustpan. "Anyway, why are you here?" You inquired, curious why your best friend decided to stop by your little, tailor shop.
"Well I- wait," Peter scrunched his brows. "Can I not drop by to visit my bestfriend?" He sassed, hand on his hip giving you a quizzing look.
"Oh please Peter, you only stop by when you need something." You remarked, returning a pointed stare before you began to reorganize the formal wear you were currently adapting. "And that something is usually to stitch those huge ass holes in your spidey suit."
Peter didn't respond immediately, because you were right. He did stop by your shop for you to mend his suit. Because one, he loved your company. And two, you were the only person who knew his secret other than the avengers, Ned and MJ.
"Fine! fine!," He huffed. Not so discreetly looking over his shoulder as if he was giving someone a signal. "You're right-"
"I always am Parker." You boasted, using the ends of your hair to move the sewing machine and pins to there rightful place.
"Yeah- okay, but I really came to tell you life changing news!" Peter amazed, a gasp leaving his lips when he saw the movement of your hair. It never ceased to amaze him how your hair was basically magical. Being able to move stuff with your command, grow at whatever length you wanted, heal others and even be unbreakable. Epic, really.
"And what is this so great news-"
The words didn't leave your lips properly as your tailor shop entry door was suddenly yanked open. Your door handle and lock was surely broken, at the loud eerie sound of a metal crunching noise.
"Get out of my way Tony!" Stephen scowled.
"Shut it wizard dude, I'm the leader here not you." Tony rolled his eyes, removing the pair of expensive shades from his face.
"Since when? Fury sent all of us Tony." Rhodey said, dusting his shoulder.
"I wonder how much she makes in this shop, not much I bet." Steve scrunched his face, eyeing your little shop.
"Did we really have to bring Groot?" Clint groaned, flicking baby Groot off of his shoulder when he tried to grab one of his arrows.
"He's a baby, Clint. We can't leave him at the compound alone." Gamora remarked, tickling Groot's tree stomach as she picked him up.
"Okay if she does joins us, we will have to ask her to design new clothing! Look at this!." Wanda marveled, showing off the mid thigh silk dress.
"I should get this for the recruiting party Tony is planning for her." Natasha thought out loud.
"What the fuck!" You yelled, glaring at the talkative avengers standing before you. Looking mighty and high as always. "I just fixed that lock dude!" You whined, sighing gallingly when you saw the chunk of metal by Thor's feet. "You're repairing my lock, hammer man."
"Ah yes, I will have the Man of Iron restore your brittle lock Lady.."
"Lady Y/N." Thor smiled.
Peter let out a small chuckle, rubbing the back of his ear and looking at you sheepishly. "Surprise?"
"Surprise my ass Parker! Why are the avengers in my tailor shop and why is this raccoon trying to cut my hair?!" You moved your hair with your mind, smacking the animal avenger with your y/h/c locks.
"Woah, did she just-" Bucky froze, mouth agape.
"Control her hair to hit Rocket, yeah." Peter Quill laughed at his co guardian misfortune.
"Okay her hair is very much un- unbreakable," Rocket coughed out, holding his stomach. "And strong."
"I am Groot." ˢʰᵉ'ˢ ᵃ ᵇᵃᵈᵃˢˢ
"You can not say that word Groot, but I do agree with you." Gamora smirked, finger bumping the cute tree.
You were mad, really fuming. You spent two hours cleaning and by the looks of it you'll have to do it a second time. So yeah, you wanted an explanation.
"Okay don't get upset." Peter spoke calmly. Holding his hand out and gesturing towards the superheroes infront of you, who had the same impressed expression on their fanciable faces.
"This is the life changing thing I was talking about," He paused with a smile. "You're joining the Avengers!"
"What?" You were officially bamboozled, with everything. One minute you were simply tidying your shop and next, half of the avengers are occupying your shop. Quarreling and interfering with your stuff.
And not to ignore the fact that your best friend just blurted out four questionable words to you.
"You're going to be an Avenger, Rapunzel." Tony repeated, strutting to you with short steps. "If you want to of course, sidey here told us your hair power thingy and though I was a little iffy about it at the beginning, it looks like your power is truly powerful." Tony patted your shoulder. Looking over at Rocket, who was being assisted by Drax.
"As much as I would like to say it's an honor to be in your presence," You said. Controlling your hair to grow back at mid-thigh. "Why?" You faced Peter, inquiring him with the plain word.
Peter shrugged, giving you a bashful look. "Fury asked if we knew anyone who could be recruited, and without thought I suggested you." He sighed, feeling completely awful for the situation he put you in.
"And I know, I should've asked you first but I know how much you adore helping others and the money here isn't enough for your college tuition Y/N." Peter ignored the awkward silence in the room that was loud seconds ago before continuing. "I thought this would be a way to assist you."
You physically softened at his words. He was too kind and caring for his own good. You could never be upset with this idiot boy.
"I'm sorry-"
Peter didn't finish. His apology was muffled by your lips pressed deeply to his frowny pink ones. He was slighty awestruck, the feeling of your lips were breathtaking. He swore he could kiss you forever. His hands found your waist pulling you in closer, even including a little tongue movement inside your mouth.
As if reality kicked in, a teasing 'ohhh' sound came from a few avengers. Causing you to shyly pull away from Peter, who loudly groaned at the lost contact of your plump lips.
"Looks like Spidey is getting a little too handsy." Sam quipped, chuckling when Peter told him to shut it and hid his face in the crook of your neck.
"So is this a yes?" Peter hopefully asked.
You feigned ponder. "Yes."
Peter pecked your lips, mumbling a short 'yay' attempting to deepen the kiss.
"That's enough smooching spiderling." Steve uttered, obviously not enjoying the PDA.
A beeping sound came from Tony's watch altering the team about an upcoming mission.
"Looks like we gotta go," Tony spoke with a serious voice before turning to you. "Glad to have you on the team Rapunzel."
"It's Y/N." You corrected.
"Okay, I'll send some people by tomorrow to pick up your stuff. See ya soon, Rapunzel." Tony winked, exiting your tailor shop.
"He's not gonna give that up." Peter laughed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
"I oddly don't mind." You responded, waving bye to the others. "Thank you Pete."
Peter grinned. "I didn't quite hear that, say it a little louder baby."
"Thank you mister Parker." You kissed his lips, playfully rolling your eyes. But you weren't that distracted to miss Thor stealthily trying to leave your shop.
"Hey hammer God! Don't forget to fix my lock."
"I will have Stark right on it Lady Rapunzel!"
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Billy Hargrove x reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: spoilers for season 3 but i changed the ending lmao, violence, talks of death 
Author’s Note: this is a formal hate letter to suzie 
Summary: You get a call from Nancy that Billy’s in danger 
Genre: angst/fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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You knew that something was wrong with Billy. That wasn’t a very hard thing to deduce even if you had never spoken to the boy but you were a special case. You spoke to him everyday. You chalked yourself up to being his only real friend in Hawkins although he’s never said that to you. You had never seen him tell anyone else what he told you. 
You walked into your home and your mom was standing right in front of you. She looked angry. You thought back to the day you had just had at work and couldn’t think of anything in particular that may have set her off. You were at the pool, like usual. Billy hadn’t been there so you were planning to stop by his place later to check up on him.
“Hey…” you said, slowly shutting the door behind you.
“You’ve had at the very least, fifteen calls from a girl named Nancy Wheeler,” she said stiffly. You raised an eyebrow. You and Nancy were acquainted but you had never been the best of friends.
“What did she say?” Your mom shoved a piece of paper in your hands and you took it from her. On it, in her scrawled handwriting, was a small message.
‘Meet at the mall ASAP. It’s Billy.’
You read it twice and then turned around, leaving out of the door once again. You got back into your car and sped to the mall. It was still new and you honestly couldn’t think of a reason Nancy would call you to the mall about Billy. It seemed like the most random situation of people and places that you could think of. But still, when you pulled up your heart was pounding.
You ran inside, noticing very quickly the on fire camaro outside. 
When you came inside you could barely recognize what you were looking at. A huge monster in the middle, breaking through the roof of the mall. You saw Nancy, on the second floor. Jonathan Byers and Steve Harrington were up there, as well as some kids you didn’t recognize.
They were throwing fireworks at the monster which slimed it’s way around the room. You saw Max in one of the stores.
“What is going on?!” you yelled. Her eyes lit up at the sight of you and she frantically pointed over to Billy. She screamed over the loud atmosphere.
“Save him!” 
Your eyes followed where she had pointed and they landed on Billy. He was carrying a little girl, one of Max’s friends, up to the monster. Veins poked out from his skin and he looked like anybody but Billy. You didn't even hesitate. You didn’t know what was going on and you barely knew what had happened to Billy but you ran up to him and shoved him to the side. 
He dropped the girl, El you were pretty sure her name was, and landed on his back on the ground. You sat on top of him, straddling him down. You knew that he was stronger than you but you leaned over him, trying your very best to hold him down with your body weight. 
“Billy stop it!” you yelled at him. Your voice sounded like it was drowned out in the chaos. You tried your best to keep your focus on him and not whatever it was that was behind you. He sat up, grabbing you by the arms. You shoved him back down. El put her hand on your shoulder and you looked over your shoulder at her.
“Tell him,” she said gently, quickly. 
“Tell him.”
You were confused but you looked back down at him, trying to figure out what it was that you needed to tell him. He was still struggling with you but there was something else he was struggling with behind his eyes. 
You leaned forward further so that he could hear you.
“It’s okay,” you whispered. You let go of his arm and put your hand on his cheek. “You’re loved. You’re needed Billy Hargrove and you can’t go.” You had a feeling you were losing him. “I need you,” you whispered. “I love you.” 
His breath shallowed and he put his hand on your cheek. Your breath hitched out of fear. Before either of you could speak, the monster started to stagger. You all looked over and it fell dead on top of the main part of the mall. You watched it as it stopped moving. 
Everyone looked around at each other.
“Hopper and Joyce must have killed it,” Steve said in the new silence of the room. You turned to Billy, looking to make sure he was alright and if whatever that thing was had a hold on him. Before you could even see his face his arms wrapped around your waist in an act that was very unlike him. You pulled his face away because you needed to see his features.
He looked dirty and tired. But he looked like Billy.
You let out a sigh of relief and hugged him back tightly. You turned around to Max who was approaching you. You nodded at her gently and she let out a sigh of relief. 
The backup Hopper had apparently called showed up then. You sat with Billy on the steps outside as the ambulances arrived to check everyone out. Max sat beside you and Lucas beside her.
“Dustin's girlfriend tried to get him to sing some stupid song. If she had done that, you might have died. You, Hopper and Billy,” she explained with a small smile on her face. You rolled your eyes.
“What did Dustin say?”
“Lives are on the line, I’m not going to sing a stupid song,” Max explained. You chuckled. 
“Good for him.” Lucas grabbed Max’s hand and she started to talk to him. You turned to Billy who had his head on your shoulder as he weakly breathed.
“Thank you for coming,” he whispered.
“Nancy called me. I had to come,” you explained. He grabbed your hand and squeezed it. 
“I was about to end it,” he whispered. “You made me wait.” You shoved his side a bit.
“Stop being a softy Billy,” you muttered.
“My car’s gone,” he whispered sadly. You chuckled and put your arms around him, hugging him tightly.
“I’ll get you a new car.”
“Promise?” You nodded.
“I promise.”
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mymedicine · 4 years
Love and Other Drugs
or, 5k of new bf harry
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moodboard/inspo tag + my masterlist
sum - yacht parties are cool and all, but harry really just wants to spend more time with his girl
warnings - alcohol (have I even written a fic where both mc’s are sober the whole time yet lmao), light sexy stuff (lil bit of ch*king k*nk if you squint), swearing probably, harry being a little shit, fluff to the maxxxxx
notes - good lord, this fic has been the absolute death of me. I stg, murphy’s law is real. anyways, the driving home scene is completely inspired by real life events that once made me swoon, but now I am lonely and so so tired so pls be nice to me thx much love <3
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“Hold still!”
Harry whined and craned his neck away from his girlfriend’s hand, but he wasn’t able to go far with his back flush against the car door. “No baby, we’re already late!”
“But you’ve got jam on you!” Y/N cried. She reached her fingers up to rub the reddish marks off of his face, but, once again, he turned his head away like a stubborn child. “And we wouldn’t have been late if you hadn’t spent two hours combing your hair.”
“S not jam, it’s lipstick,” He insisted, deliberately ignoring her second (valid) point.
“Whatever. It’s on your cheek.”
Y/N made one final attempt to clean him up, but this time, he managed to escape the circle of her arms. He ran backwards toward the dock, taunting her playfully as he went, “Come on, baby!”
“Harry!” Given no other choice, she frantically pushed the lock button on the car key and chased after her child—er, boyfriend. She winced as her high heels hit the asphalt, feet aching against the gold sandals already. He’d slowed down a little to give her a break, but she was still panting as she yelled, “You can’t go to a fancy yacht party with lipstick on your face!”
He finally stopped running—thank God, because they were right in front of the ship and the last thing Y/N needed was to embarrass herself (or rather, be embarrassed by her man-child boyfriend) within sight of all the famous people that would surely be onboard already.
“But I like it.” He pouted as she reached him, entwining his fingers with hers before she could use them to try to scrub his face again.
Before she could reply, a familiar Irish accent boomed over the loud purring of the boat’s engine, “Harry! Y/N!”
Y/N really hoped someone was keeping an eye on Niall tonight. It was barely dusk and he already looked a little too buzzed to be leaning over the railing on the top deck. She craned her neck up to look at him, giggling to herself at the flush in his cheeks and the blonde mess on top of his head.
“Welcome abooaaard!” He waved far more aggressively than was necessary.
“Happy birthday, Niall!” Y/N yelled back at him, blocking the bright sun with one hand—a hand she discreetly wrestled out of Harry’s.
Harry, too, looked upward and was squinting into the sky. The sun was just beginning its descent into the horizon, and soon the evening would be hanging behind the silvery moon. In the mean time, the sky was bright and painted with delicate strokes of soft pink and peachy orange.
While Harry waved back at his friend, Y/N took advantage of the distraction—and his exposed cheek.
Without warning, she hurled her hand up to his face and swiped at the pink mark as hard as she could.
“Hey!” Harry whipped his head back to her, mock hurt written all over his face.
Y/N flashed him a cheeky, victorious smile. “Got it!”
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September in south Florida was as hot and humid as summer anywhere else. Even out at sea, with the cool ocean wind surging throughout the top deck of the yacht, it was plenty warm enough for the guests to enjoy the outdoors.
“H, can you hold my phone and keys in your pocket?”
Harry was standing awkwardly near the railing of the boat, fiddling absently with the plume of lace and chiffon on his black top. He still had a faint reddish mark on his cheek (she wasn’t sure if it was leftover lipstick or just irritated from her rubbing at it) that Y/N, despite the turmoil that had ensued over it, found very endearing. She always thought he was handsome. She had since the first day they met four months earlier. But tonight, he was positively glowing. He shined in the fabulous black number, his skin further brightened by the setting sun and the utter joy coursing through him (the entire flute of champagne he’d already downed certainly didn’t hurt, either).
He took the phone and keys from her while she admired him, happy to help her but not without a smart remark: “You should’ve worn the dress with the pockets, love,” he chastised her playfully, a smirk dressing his berry lips.
Y/N’s eyes widened, “You said you liked the pink on me!”
Choosing her dress for the night had been an ordeal that rivaled even Harry’s complicated hair routine. She’d originally chosen a black long sleeved one with pockets that was comfortable and appropriate and matched Harry’s own all-black ensemble (which he’d had picked out for weeks). Her boyfriend rejected the black dress, pointing out that she’d be hot it in because “It’s practically summer in Miami, love.” Instead, he chose a silky pink number, midi-length and tight in all the right places with a tastefully low cowl neckline. She’d dressed it up with a few gold bracelets and a single pearl earring in her left ear that, to her satisfaction, matched Harry’s. And yeah—it didn’t have pockets, but Harry liked it and it made her feel sexy and that’s all that mattered.
Harry hummed with a tight lipped grin. “Yeah, you’re right,” His tone was innocent, almost regretful as he looked her up and down. The pink sunset behind her was highlighting her figure just right, wind rushing through her hair, exposed skin supple and tempting. Harry was mesmerized by her.
His hands moved on their own accord to gently hold her by the waist. “Your ass looks really cute in the silk…I reckon the color makes your skin glow a bit, too. And matches your makeup, and looks nice with my earring…” He continued spewing some breathy compliments at her, even after she sort of stopped listening when a waiter holding a tray of delectable looking hors d'oeuvres caught her attention.
“Are you even listening to me?”
“Of course, honey,” she replied (mostly) honestly. He was always a mushy little sap for her, but she truly did love the way he appreciated the little things she put effort into. “Thank you for noticing those little details.”
“You’re welcome. Know ya don’ just do it f’me though,” His ring clad fingers drummed against her waist, the metal cold through the thin silky material she wore. “Love that about you.”
Y/N cracked a smile in spite of the nervous shiver washing over her at his words. She couldn’t help but notice it was already the second time he’d said that word since they’d embarked. He was treading dangerously close to the vast, uncharted l-word territory. He’s a little buzzed, she reasoned with herself, despite also knowing it was silly because he’d only had a single champagne. But then again, he was a lightweight—and judging by the way he suddenly dropped her waist to chase down a passing waitress for two more glasses, he wouldn’t be slowing down any time soon. If he told her while he was drunk, would it really count?
He returned to her side, keeping one flute for himself and presenting the other to her. “Thank you, honey,” she said, grasping the stem of it (even though she still had a half full one resting precariously on the railing behind her). It was a fitting nickname for him, she thought. She hadn’t really meant for that to become her little pet name for him, but he loved it just as much as she did. “You’re sweet.”
“You’re sweeter,” her boyfriend hummed happily, “even when you’re checking out that waiter…”
“No! I wasn’t!”
“You kinda were,” He smiled cheekily at her.
“Was not.”
“’S alright, baby. He’s handsome. You’re allowed to have a little look.” But the way he held her protectively by the hip betrayed his words.
“You know I only have eyes for you,” If that wasn’t a hint, she didn’t know what was. “I’m just hungry. He was holding bacon wrapped shrimp, I think.”
“Mmm, me too,” Harry replied, the interaction already forgotten in favor of a savory snack. He tugged on her hand so they could follow that waiter, grumbling as they padded around the crowded deck. “Niall’s a fuckin ass for not serving dinner at an evening party.”
“Oh give him a break! It’s his birthday.” she let him pull her toward the middle where more people were gathered around the bar and admiring the decor—
“Is that an ice scultpure?”
Harry was right. It was a giant clear sculpture of a guitar made entirely out of ice. People were around it, admiring the intricacies and mingling and sipping on expensive looking drinks.
“How long you bet til it melts?”
“Not before Niall accidentally knocks it over,” Y/N laughed and gestured toward the man of the hour, who indeed was stumbling over his feet while trying to maintain a conversation with a group of several strikingly beautiful looking people—models? Probably.
It was obvious that Niall hadn’t planned this for himself. The whole thing was far too elegant and classy. His drunken ramblings were entertaining, sure, but he stood out amidst the black tie formals and live R&B music floating around the large deck of the luxurious vehicle.
Harry chased down the waiter and grabbed shrimp skewers for them both while Y/N continued quietly giggling at Niall’s antics.
Minutes drifted into hours as alcohol, shrimp skewers, and joyful conversation flowed liberally about the deck. Y/N had separated herself from Harry—much to his drunken dismay—to go and mingle with some of the “famous people.” She did it all on her own, confidently striding over and striking up a conversation with anyone worthy of her attention.
“Long time no see, mate.” Mitch’s voice interrupted Harry’s inner thoughts surrounding his girlfriend. He tore his eyes away from her and turned to face his friend, who was standing with his own girlfriend beside him.
“Been busy,” Harry replied.
Sarah’s eyebrows rose as a grin spread across her cheeks. She glanced at Mitch, who wore a matching one.
“You both have been quite busy, yeah?” Sarah cocked her head toward where Y/N was, grin widening along with Harry’s eyes.
Harry hid his smile in his glass, taking a large gulp of the bubbly. “What d’ya mean?” He asked innocently.
“We saw you staring at her, buddy.”
Well, fuck. He can’t exactly deny that. He was indeed watching her as she mingled with a group of people—exceptionally beautiful people. She fit in perfectly with the models, her smile bright and dress shiny, hips swaying tantalizingly to the beat of the drums. She engaged effortlessly in what looked like an exciting conversation with A-listers and held their attention with sweeping hand gestures. Even from across the deck, he swore he could feel her joy. Light just radiated off of her and sent a gentle flutter through his belly and a heat wave through his heart.
Sarah studied him. The way his eyes twinkled and his cheeks flushed with happiness…it was obvious. “You love her.” She deadpanned.
Harry shrugged in response, a knowing smile on his face which he didn’t bother to hide this time.
“You do!” It was Mitch this time, who wrapped an arm around Sarah and looked at her with the same happy smile his friend wore.
“No comment.” A twinge of jealously bit his heart as he watched a handsome brunette lean down to whisper something in his girlfriend’s ear. He frowned instinctively, picturing the man muttering flirtatious compliments or dirty suggestions to her like he should be doing right now.
Sarah continued to watch Harry watch Y/N, unsure if he was even listening anymore. “It’s alright to admit it. Love is a beautiful thing.”
“Don’t listen to her,” said Mitch, “it’s a drug!”
“Hey look!” Harry shouted a distraction, pointing somewhere behind the two of them. He spotted two waiters bringing out an impressive tiered cake swirled with white frosting and topped with those sparkling candles. “It’s time to sing for the birthday boy!”
The boat erupted in a cacophonous rendition of the birthday song as the cake was placed on top of the bar. Night had fallen over the deck, making the sparkly decorations shine blindly bright against the moonlight. Meanwhile, Niall was dancing hysterically among the crowds, even singing along to his own birthday song in a drunken spree. At the final, …to you! he performed a dramatic bow and roared, “Thank you, beautiful people!”
Applause died slowly as Niall began grabbing peoples’ faces to kiss their cheeks in thanks. Y/N looked around for Harry, quite certain that her boyfriend would be perfectly willing to accept a kiss from the birthday boy, especially when he was inebriated. Sure enough, she caught sight of him wrapped up in an embrace with the blonde, a wide smile on his face as Mitch and Sarah laughed hysterically at the interaction.
Harry accepted the cheek kiss, just as his eyes met hers over Niall’s shoulder.
“Y/N!” He screeched and broke the embrace. He started running over to her in an uncoordinated stride, limbs flailing and most definitely spilling alcohol on other peoples’ expensive clothes.
“Y/N!” he slurred, finally reaching her side, “Gimme a kissy!”
She laughed. “You just got kissies from Niall, honey.” “But I want your lipstick on me. Yeh wiped it off.” He frowned deeply, no—melodramatically as his hand cupped his own cheeks where the pink lipstick mark once was.
She called him a little baby but obliged anyways, stamping a firm lip shaped mark on one of his flushed cheeks. He grinned wildly in response and looked at her with that look in his eyes that she absolutely adored. He was looking at her like she was royalty, like she hung the moon and commanded the sea and granted miracles upon mere mortals such as himself.
“Wish I could give you one too…” Harry trailed off, eyes wandering around the room. “Maybe then all those hot models and waiters would leave you alone.”
“Aw, you jealous baby?”
He nodded shamelessly and, with a pouty look, tucked her into his arms. He pressed a series of hard kisses on her cheeks and temples, squeezing the silky pink fabric at her waist. The feeling made her heart squeeze in the most delightful way—chest tight and warm with…with love.
“Wanna go check out the lower deck?”
And Y/N hadn’t known this man too long, but it was long enough to know that he had anything but innocent intentions with his sweet request. She was still only nursing her third glass of bubbly, but Harry’s suggestive stare and wandering hands seemed to ignite the slight heat flowing through her veins into an inferno.
It engulfed them both as Y/N’s back hit the inside of the door to the lower deck bathroom.
Harry’s lips were soft and playful and sexy all at once—just like him. He trailed hot kisses down her cheeks and jaw much like he had earlier, only now there was no audience. No need to hold back. Only hot, sweet skin swathed in pink silk and black chiffon.
“You marked me already, ’s my turn.”
Just when she was feeling a little too sober, Harry’s words drenched her in the heat of desire. This was definitely a bad idea, but it didn’t sound like one when he put it like that.
His fingers slipped from her jaw and followed his lips down to her throat, enticing her with a gentle squeeze—a warning? Or a promise for later? Either way, this bathroom escapade was fucking sliced bread and she was putty in his hands.
He sucked harshly on the supple skin of her neck without warning. A gasp slips out of Y/N’s mouth and Harry’s ringed thumb pressed deeply into the center of her throat in reprimanding. His other fingers gripped the crook of her neck, just enough to make her head spin and keep her body pliant.
Meanwhile, his other hand slithered down the smooth silk to her waist, his hold on her heavy and warm. Harry’s swollen lips retracted from her bruised neck, not before pressing a few gentle pecks to the hickeys to soothe the pain.
Y/N felt dizzy with pleasure and enveloped in love. She couldn’t help but chase his lips for a few more desperate kisses as he pulled away from her neck. She suddenly wished she could admire the marks he’d left, but the glazed, hungry look in his eyes would definitely suffice. The little bathroom felt ten degrees warmer—leaving Harry looking hot and flushed and absolutely irresistible.
“You okay, baby?” Harry whispered in the tiny space between them, words slightly slurred and dipped in bliss.
Y/N nodded aggressively, letting her hands wrap around the back of his neck where his skin was hot and hair curled adorably. “Please kiss me again.”
He did as he was told, of course. His lips moved tenderly with hers and his hands trailed lower, gently caressing her waist and hips. His fingers started a course back up to her ass, this time taking the fabric of her dress with them.
Y/N’s head felt light as a feather, no thoughts besides Harry…Harry’s hands…Harry’s lips…Harry…
She curled her thighs around his hips and he responded effortlessly, hoisting her up by the backs of her thighs and pressing taut between the cold bathroom wall and his own hot chest. The temperature in the room seemed to rise impossibly then, the sounds of breathy moans and gentle sucking kisses seamlessly diffusing into the heat and surrounding them in a delightful symphony.
Y/N was thrilled by the way Harry’s tongue tasted like champagne—as sweet and plushy as always. She decided then that she would never get tired of the feeling of his mouth on hers, of the dizzying joyful feeling his lips gave her every single time.
“What ’s it pretty girl?”
The pet name in his raspy accent went straight to her core. She let out another shameless whine, squeezing his waist tighter with her legs.
“I need you, Harry…”
“Hm? Need what?”
She groaned—now he wanted to be a tease. After he’d gotten to give her the hickeys like he wanted.
“Harry, please.”
“‘M just messing, pretty girl. I know what you ne—“
Suddenly, a loud crash rang out in the little cabin. Y/N let out a screech and sprang away from Harry, landing awkwardly on her stiletto heels. Wide eyed, she and Harry both looked up toward the source of the sound. Muffled shouts followed, in the midst of a horrible shattering sound, like broken glass, or hail or—
“The ice sculpture!”
They were both wide eyed and panting and a little sweaty, hair tousled and lips swollen red.
“Oh shit,” There were more muffled shouts and some shuffling of feet above them. Even through the ornate ceiling of the bathroom, it was clear there was an ordeal going on up there.
Breathy pants lingered between them, and the room suddenly felt even smaller, even more swelteringly hot and stuffy. Of all things to ruin the heat of the moment…a fucking ice sculpture.
They looked at each other blankly, as if to say what the hell do we do now?
“Let’s head back up while everyone’s distracted.” It was Harry’s alcohol-induced idea, cooked up in his foggy brain.
“There’s no way we can go back to the party like this.” Y/N gestured between them—the sweaty foreheads, messy hair, skin dotted with hickeys, and most prominently, her boyfriend’s obvious arousal.
Harry sighed, glancing down at himself. “Let’s leave then.”
“What, you wanna swim home?”
Harry frowned, “Huh?”
“We’re on a fucking boat, dumbass.”
Harry looked away from her with wide eyes and burning cheeks. Right…Absently, he thought it was funny how she could go from making out with him against the wall of the bathroom, practically begging for more, to mercilessly making fun of him, all within seconds. His thoughts bled into his expression, a happy smile tugging on his lips as he thought about her and her unparalleled sex appeal and her cute laugh and her mock insults and her more and more.
And just like that, he was laughing. His wild laughter seemed to echo in the small bathroom. Despite their hot rendezvous being rudely interrupted, Y/N swore she could smell the happiness in the room—almost as poignant as the champagne on his breath.
Seconds later, she couldn’t help but join him in happy laughter.
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Turns out, the fallen ice sculpture was even more of a hazard than they’d initially realized—so much so that the captain of the yacht demanded an early return to shore and a continuation of the party on land. Many patrons were disappointed by the early end to the yacht cruise, not including the birthday boy himself, who Y/N would be surprised if was still walking at this point.
As they sailed back toward the shore, Harry was nursing yet another flute of champagne while Y/N clung to him in the boat’s interior—half because she wanted to cover his erection from any passerbys, and half because she just really wanted to hold him. He’d also managed to produce a slice of cake on a porcelain plate, which he’d presumably snagged when he left her on the couch to find more alcohol.
“You look cute,” she mused at him while he chewed the forkful of cake she’d just slid into his mouth. She was sideways in his lap, bare feet rested on the arm of an expensive looking couch. She vaguely realized that this area of the boat was probably off limits for guests, but fuck it, she thought, no harm no foul.
“I said, ‘you look cute.’” Y/N repeated. He really did look cute like that, with his face flushed and hair messy and a tinge of lipstick still lingering on his cheek.
“Oh yeah,” he mumbled with frosting still between his teeth, “I heard you the first time.”
“Oh my god, you’re so annoying. I take it back.”
“You can’t take it back!”
She gathered another forkful of cake and brought it up to his lips, “I just did.”
“Fine then,” He said, “I’ll just toss you overboard. Out of sight, out of mind.”
At that, Y/N gasped. She quickly turned her hand away and brought the cake into her own mouth, licking her lips for extra impact.
“Noooo!” He held her by the hip and dragged her even closer to him, as if she were about to get up and actually go overboard and take the cake with her. “I’m sorry baby, you’re cute, too. So cute. Like, so cute that I can’t believe you like me.”
Like? I think I more than like you.
“I can’t believe it, either.”
The words were on the tip of her tongue, dancing around in the tiny space between their lips like electricity. Harry leaned forward and kissed her tenderly, sucking on her bottom lip as if trying to pull them out of her.
Yet again, they were interrupted. This time by a loud horn blare and the captain’s voice over the intercom. “Land, ho!”
“Finally.” Harry sighed in relief, already trying to stand up from the couch, “Can you take me home now, please.”
“We can’t just leave when the party’s still going! What about Niall?” Y/N pressed her hands against his chest to slow him down.
“Niall won’t remember a damn thing.”
She considered his words. He wasn’t wrong; Niall had already knocked over the ice sculpture, after all.
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“Take a left here,”
“Ye—wait, no.” Harry slurred, shaking his head from the passenger seat.
But his girlfriend had already turned the wheel to the left, inevitably sending the car in the wrong direction, again.
“Shit, M’ sorry baby.” he said with a drunken giggle.
“Good lord Harry…”
She threw the car into a random driveway, grumbling as she executed a clumsy K-turn.
She could hear the cranky frown in Harry’s voice as he groaned, “You’re a shit driver.”
“Well you’re a shit navigator!” Y/N looked over and gave him a pointed look. But the look only fell on his droopy, half-open eyes. “Where the fuck do I go?”
A beat of silence passed as Harry’s head lolled around. He hummed a bit, imitating the low rumble of the car’s engine. Finally, he murmured, “Keep goin’ straight.”
“Are you sure?”
He didn’t reply, just turned to look at her with that mischievous drunken smile.
“Aw fuck, no. We passed it up.”
“Harry!” She couldn’t help but laugh. Despite her annoyance, his antics were amusing. “Are you sure you actually know where you live?”
“Of course I know where I live!”
Y/N sped into another middle-of-the-road U-turn, and Harry dramatically fell into her lap with a low yell.
“Slow down, you minx! Gonna get us killed!”
“You’re so dramatic, Harry. If you’d just tell me where the fuck you live!”
“Can’t remember.”
She craned her head up to ceiling, letting her own eyes fall shut as she inhaled her frustration.
“Okay, fine. It’s that blue one over there.” He gestured vaguely to the right, but it was too dark to see the colors of the houses anyways.
Y/N let out her deep breath, “Somehow I don’t believe you.”
His growing smirk gave him away. After only a few seconds, his foggy brain would not allow him to contain his giggles.
“Harry!” she whined. He was always kind of silly and clingy, but the excessive alcohol made him an actual baby. He was still laying in her lap over the center console.
“Why are you like this?”
He pouted, feigning hurt. “Maybe I just wanna spend more time with you.”
Y/N’s fingers loosed on the wheel. She slowed the car to a stop against on of the curbs in the quiet neighborhood, poised under the soft light of a street lamp. Her annoyed expression softened and the familiar urge washed over her—the urge to kiss his cheeks and tell him she loved him and squeeze him tight and never let him go. How could one person be so annoying yet so fucking adorable?
She pushed his hair back (not without thinking about how he would’ve scolded her for messing it up at the beginning of the night when he had been sober, but now he was far too drunk to care) and wrapped an arm around his neck. It was definitely an awkward position and Harry couldn’t have been comfortable like that, but he didn’t seem to mind. He held her arm in both hands and snuggled into her lap as she cooed at him. “Aw, baby. You could’ve just told me.”
“But we’ve only been together for a little bit…and I don’t want ya to get sick of me.”
“Could never get sick of you, honey. Not even if I wanted to,” she said earnestly, continuing to stroke her fingers gently through his curls.
Now if that wasn’t a hint…this man was even stupider than she thought. In spite of his endearing idiocy, Y/N still could not resist the urge to just love him.
The idea that he could possibly love her back crossed her mind several times, especially in the past few weeks.
But they’d only been officially for a month and a half…was it too soon? Would she scare him off? Was there some unwritten rule of love to wait until they’d at least seen each others’ homes? Although, if she did tell him now, Harry was so drunk he may not even remember. If it went horrifically wrong, maybe she could forget it happened. (No, she definitely would not ever be able to forget if that happened, but the lie comforted her a little nonetheless). But if it went well, she’d be more confident telling him again when he was sober tomorrow. And at last, she didn’t even think she could hold the words in for another second while he was cuddling into her and kissing her arms like a baby kitten.
“I love you, Harry.”
“You do?!”
Suddenly, he seemed alarmingly sober.
“Ugh, yes. How could I not?”
He looked appalled, really. As if the idea of her loving him was absolutely insane. “Well, I annoy you, I kiss you in public, I drink too much, I spend way too much time on my hair, I’m not as handsome as that waiter…”
“And you’re pretty stupid.” Y/N interrupted with her own addition to the growing list.
“Yeah, you’re right. I am pretty dumb…But,” he paused, flipping over in her lap to look her in the eyes, “I did get one thing right.”
“What’s that?” She asked, fondly stroking his gelled hair with trembling hands.
“Falling in love with you.”
And loving him was that easy, as easy as sipping champagne and eating cake and falling overboard. She loved his flamboyance, his confidence, his kindness. She loved his silly tattoos and his bunny teeth and the little scar under his chin and the faint lipstick stain on his cheek. She loved the way they teased each other like children. She loved the way his mouth felt against hers. She loved the way he adored her. And so, she couldn’t help but smile wide.
“Alright, let’s add you’re super cheesy to that list, too…”
thanks for reading! please reblog if you enjoyed <3
feedback is welcomed, encouraged, and highly appreciated!
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sxngshine · 3 years
Request: AU: supernatural au! (surprise me) Trope: unrequited love, Prompt: "Sometimes I sit in bed and wonder what would happen if things were different" [you don't have to do this if you don't like- but I thought it would be fun to submit an entry😅]
Captain!Felix x Sea Creature!Reader
Word count: 3.5k (idk wtf happened lol)
Warnings: Kinda angsty(I suck at angst though so idk if it'll be sad or not 😭), mentions of blood and death.
Description: In which Captain Felix sails a new course unfamiliar in order to return back home, only to enter the territory of someone who’s been eyeing him the moment she sees his ship. 
A/N: I’m not sure if the terms I’m using are correct or if anything I’m talking about concerning manning a ship is correct or not, pls forgive me if it’s incorrect but for the sake of this fic we’re gonna pretend it’s right lmao. Also! Our lovely reader will also be played around with cause she was gonna be a siren but like not a siren if ya catch my drift. I'm not as happy with this as I wish i was but that's Okay.
happy reading!!
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“Get up everyone! We got a long day ahead of us,” Felix yelled as he walked out of his cabin. The sun had barely risen but Felix was determined to leave as soon as possible so that they stayed ahead of schedule. 
The crew slowly rose from their hammocks while the rest trudged out of the crew's cabins, all groaning because of how early it was. The quartermaster, Chan walked up to Felix. 
“Morning cap’,” Chan yawned, throwing an arm over Felix’s shoulder. Felix grunted and gave Chan a distasteful look. “No one’s around Hyung, don’t call me cap’.” The shorter blonde pushed Chans' arm off him and walked up to the quarterdeck. All of Felix’s men were to address him as Captain or Sir, but since Felix had known Chan since they were kids, he preferred to be called by his first name when they were alone.
 Most of the crew was already on the main deck, getting themselves ready for the day and eating breakfast. Felix walked up the edge of the deck and let out a loud whistle, catching the attention of all the men.
“Rise and shine everyone! We set sail for Korea in 30 so hustle! We still got crates waiting to be loaded!” Felix instructed and was answered by a loud “Yes sir!!!”. He then called over Minho, the ship's helmsman to discuss the route they were taking. Chan clapped Minho on the back before and messed up Felix's hair (much to Felix's dissatisfaction) before he left to supervise the main deck. 
By the time everything was loaded and ready, the route was set and everyone was working to sail the ship out to sea once again.
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“Captain!” I.N yelled from his position in the nest. Felix poked his head out to see who called him, his attention turning to the boy who was sliding down the rope from the nest and running towards him. “There's a storm up ahead! And it looks like a nasty one,” the boy reported. Felix took out his telescope, and just as I.N said, there was a dark grey cloud heading their way. 
There was no way they could go back right now, but it was too risky to try and ride out the storm. Felix walked up to where Minho was steering the ship, looking at the map beside him. “We’ll need to take a detour, are we near any land?” Felix asked, running a hand through his hair. He was positive that the weather wouldn’t be bad for the next few days.
“There should be some land northeast from where we are. But we’ll have to take another route home if we break course right now.” Minho explained and Felix sighed. “Very well,” he turned to Chan who overheard the conversation, giving him the signal. Chan nodded and ordered all the men to get into position, everyone working in sync to turn the ship.
It took a good hour of sailing for them to find land. “LAND AHOY!” I.N yelled from the nest, pointing to where a small island was. Felix was confused, there weren’t any islands on the map where they were. But his confusion turned into relief once they docked the ship. He had been worried for a while, thinking that they broke off the initial course only to not be able to find any land. 
The island looked like it had been untouched, which made Felix suspicious, but he moved it to the back of his head for now. “Listen up men! We’ll stay here for the night till the storm passes. Rest up cause we’ll be leaving first thing in the morning.” Felix called over Chan, Hyunjin, and Changbin, the 3 men walking up to him. 
“You three will come with me, we’re going to see if there’s anyone else around here.” He explained and began to walk into the forest of trees. “MINHO AND JISUNG! You guys are in charge till we’re back.” Felix called, continuing when he heard a faint yes sir. 
The four boys walked deeper into the dense forest, looking for any sign of human life. Suddenly, the four boys stopped when Felix heard a voice. “Did you guys hear that?” he asked, looking around. The other three looked at each other and shook their heads. 
Felix could’ve sworn that he heard a voice, but he figured it was nothing and carried on. Felix was walking in front of the others looking around but in the end, nothing was found. However, they managed to find some fruit and snagged some on the way back. Felix still couldn't stop thinking about that voice he heard. It almost sounded like someone was singing, and Felix couldn't deny that although it was really faint it sounded beautiful, almost like it was calling out to him.
Felix was snapped back into reality when he saw Minho and Jisung holding back one of the crewmates from possibly beating the other that was on the ground into a pulp. Felix sighed, groaning internally.
‘You two had only one job...’ 
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Night had fallen over the island and Felix was glad that they decided to take a detour, there was no way they’d be able to survive this storm if they were still at sea. Felix was lying down on his bed wondering where that voice could’ve come from. He didn’t understand why he was so curious, but there was something about what he heard that kept him wanting to check it out. Having had enough, Felix got up and put his coat on, quietly walking out of his cabin into the pouring rain and ran down the ship into the thick forest. 
When Felix was in deep enough, the rain had practically stopped, only coming down in little droplets. Felix took the same route he did just hours ago, but this time instead of a smooth path, Felix found himself walking normally one second and then the ground disappearing beneath him the next.
He went sliding and tumbling down a rocky ground, managing to grab onto a tree root that thankfully stopped him from falling off the ledge he was now dangling off of. Felix quickly pushed himself up and sat down, groaning in pain. Then he suddenly heard the most beautiful voice singing. 
I've been watchin' you for some time
Can't stop starin' at those ocean eyes~
Ignoring the throbbing in his body, Felix stood up and began to make his way down the ledge, blindly following the voice until he was in a large open cave, lit by beautiful shining crystals. 
Burning cities and napalm skies
Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes~
Felix’s head snapped in front of him, eyes widening when he saw what looked to be a woman sitting on a rock that was surrounded by a pool of water. She looked almost ethereal sitting there, combing her luscious dark brown locks that cascading down her back. 
Your ocean eyes~
The woman turned towards Felix, motioning for him to come closer with her long delicate fingers. She had large innocent-looking eyes, a cute little nose, and plump pink lips. By this point, Felix thought he fell in love at first sight. He slowly walked towards her, stopping when his eyes went lower to where her legs should’ve been. Instead, he was met with a green scaly tail. But rather than being scared, he was more curious. The woman looked confused when she saw that Felix stopped. Seconds later, the woman was jumping into the pool, and before Felix could even blink she was floating by his feet.
“Hello there,” Felix greeted the half woman half creature, crouching down to her level. He noticed that the water looked very shallow, but by the way the mermaid looking creature dived into the water, he was positive that wasn’t the case. “What’s your name?” he asked, hoping to get an answer.
The woman stared at him dumbfounded, slightly startled by his deep voice before answering. “Y/n,” 
Felix smiled, glad that he got an answer. “Are you a mermaid?” Y/n snorted when she heard that, shaking her head. “Those stuck-up wannabes don't live around here,” she said, resting her cheek on her hand as she examined the boy before her. “Then what’re you?”
Y/n ignored his question, instead asking him a question. “Shall I sing you a song?” she asked. Felix wanted to ask why she wouldn’t answer him but then he found himself nodding instead. Y/n began singing once again.
I've been walkin' through a world gone blind
Can't stop thinkin' of your diamond mind
Y/n reached for Felix’s hand, which he allowed her to take, too entranced by her voice to care. 
Careful creature made friends with time
Y/n tugged at his hand, lowering his head till their faces were inches apart.
He left her lonely with a diamond mind
She snaked a hand around Felix's neck, pressing her lips against his, kissing the boy softly. Felix instantly reacted, kissing her back. When Y/n was sure he was distracted, she lifted her other hand, fingers turning into sharp claws. Felix deepened the kiss, holding Y/n’s jaw in his hand and sliding his tongue into her mouth. Y/n was glad, this boy was going to be a piece of cake.
She brought her hand down, ready to kill the boy in front of her but what caught her off guard was when Felix grabbed her wrist with his free hand. Y/n froze, but Felix continued to kiss her as if it was nothing. When he pulled away, Y/n stared at him with wide eyes. Felix stared back into her what he now noticed were dull eyes, but he managed to catch a hint of guilt in them.
“Not today sweetheart,” Felix whispered, deep voice slightly raspy. Y/n couldn’t understand why he was able to react so quickly. She’d killed many men within minutes of meeting them, but for some reason, she just couldn't seem to kill Felix.
Chills ran down Y/ns back when she heard the pet name roll off his tongue. She switched to her last resort, gripping onto his neck and pulling him into the deep water. 
Felix struggled to remove her grip from his shoulders, trying his best to remain calm. Y/n stuck her sharp claws into his shoulders, causing the deep blue water to turn a deep red. When she was sure that Felix was dead, a few tears left her eyes. 
And those ocean eyes…
Y/n removed her claws from the now dead body, watching as he came afloat, still and unmoving. A sob left her mouth, more tears falling. It happened every time she killed someone, Y/n would start sobbing like crazy, shaking and afraid. She pulled the body out of the water, laying him onto the ground, and ran her fingers through his blonde hair. He was handsome from what Y/n could tell from behind her tears. The freckles splattered all over his face. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered, laying her head on his chest. 
“I don't have anything against you… but if I didn't do this then they’d come and kill you instead. It would’ve been pure torture to be killed by them. This was the only way to save you.” Y/n said, propping her head up using her elbow, she traced the boy's lips. “It’s a shame I never got your name. I bet it would’ve been pretty like you,” she whispered, leaning down to press one final kiss to the boys' lips before she discarded the body. What she didn’t expect though, was for the boy to kiss her back.
She pulled away and shrieked, moving as far away as she could from the body. “Y'know, it’s not nice to kiss someone the way you did and then try to kill them.” Felix rasped, turning to the side so he could cough up some water. Y/n's eyes filled with tears and she covered her mouth. “H-how’re you still alive? You just d-died,” she stuttered.
“You must’ve killed most people the first time only, cause the third time really wasn’t the charm.” Felix chuckled. Y/n stayed silent, shocked because how could he be laughing and acting like she didn't just almost kill him. “Nonononono you’re supposed to be dead. They’ll sniff you out and it’ll be the end of the both of us why didn't you just die-” y/n mumbled and began to shake.
Felix noticed her shock, sitting up and scooting closer to her. Y/n’s mumbles seized when he pulled her into a hug, whispering sweet nothings and reassurances about how he’ll protect them both. 
Felix pulled away and placed a finger under her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “Hear me out..” he said quietly. Other than the dull burn all over his body, Felix's chest had tightened the moment he heard the cries of the creature in front of him and it warmed when he heard her laugh. Not to mention the flutter and increase of his heart rate when they kissed. 
“I love you,” Y/n stared at the boy in front of her like he was crazy. “I know for a fact what love is, and what it’s like to be in love. I can tell you 100% what I feel for you right now is love,” Felix tried to convince her. 
Y/n scoffed, pushing the boy off her, but he wasn't through yet. “You’re out of your mind.” 
“I am, but that's not the point here.” Felix countered, holding tightly onto her hand. “Please just give me a chance-” he tried to say but he was cut off.
 “STOP! Do you hear yourself?? I don’t even know your name-” Y/n said but then was also cut off. “It’s Felix,” he answered.
“Well FELIX, you’re clearly out of your mind. Look at me, I’m a goddamn monster. I’m not capable of feeling love or being loved.” 
“Yes, you are! I know you love me too! I heard you crying and everything you said before you kissed me again. I know you didn't want to and you did it with good intentions. Please Y/n, we both love each other we-” 
“FELIX! You know nothing. I don't love you and you don't love me either. I didn't say anything after drowning you and I kiss all my victims after they die. It’s my goodbye to them and then I throw their bodies away. You were no different.” Y/n was about done with Felix, why couldn’t he get the message? 
“I know I was, cause if you didn’t have any feelings towards me then you would’ve killed me by now. I’d be long gone yet here I am. I don't care about whoever you said is trying to kill me, I can protect myself and I’ll protect you too. I promi-” Y/n gasped, covering her mouth as she sat frozen in place.
“You heard that? Nononono this just makes everything worse they-” Y/n tried to say but then her eyes began to glow a bright blue and her brown hair was now as deep blue as the water sitting beside them. 
Felix stared and her frozen position, about to shake her out of worry but then she was back to normal right after. 
“They’re coming.” was all she said. Felix saw the change of y/ns mood. She looked like she had given up. Her eyes were duller than before if that was even possible. Her shoulders were slumped. She looked Felix in the eyes and he froze, she looked like she was dead inside. 
 “Who’s coming back-” Felix would’ve finished his sentence if it wasn’t for the big rock y/n threw straight at his head, knocking him out. Felix’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell to his side, staring at Y/n as black spots began to take over his line of sight. “Please... Y/...n.” and with that Felix was out like a light. 
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“He’s waking up!” “Get more water and ice!” 
Felix heard faint voices yell. He opened his eyes slowly only to be met by the concerned face of none other than Chan. 
‘Wait… Chan??’
Felix suddenly shot up, looking around. He was in his cabin, Chan, and Minho sitting by the side of his bed. “Nononono where’s Y/n?!” He asked frantically, trying to get out of bed but Chan stopped him. 
“Woah there bud, take it easy. Who’s Y/n?” Chan asked calmly. 
“What happened? How did I get here?” Felix screamed, tears forming in his eyes. 
“When we woke up you weren’t in your room so we assumed you went out, but then we saw you lying face down in the water and you were all bruised and beaten looking. So here you are now.” Minho explained. “Now don't you think we deserve to know what the hell happened to you? You’re the most skilled person out of all the men we have, so how the hell did you end up like this?”
Felix opened his mouth to explain but then he felt a sudden rocking underneath him. “Did we start sailing again?” he asked, feeling a sudden panic arise in him. Chan nodded and pointed outside. “We set sail just a few minutes ago.”
Felix used all his might to push Chan and Minho out of the way and ran out of his cabin, rushing up to the quarterdeck and crying out when he saw the island was growing smaller by the minute. 
He stared dejectedly at the island which was now just a dot in the distance. Felix saw something move in the distance and when he squinted he saw the luscious Brown locks he could never forget. “Y/n? Y/N!!!!” He yelled. She smiled sadly at him and waved, then 6 other creatures emerged and no matter how much she tried to fight them off, they had pulled her under.
“Y/N NOOOOO!” Felix cried, falling to his knees. It didn't matter to him that he fell in love with someone at first sight; what did matter though, was that the person who managed to take his heart in one night also managed to crush it not even a few hours later. 
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3 years later. 
Felix and his crew had set sail once again for another voyage. This time setting course for the United States. Night had fallen once again but Felix wasn’t sleeping. He sat where he did every day for the past 3 years during the night at the very back of the ship where he last saw Y/n, hoping that he’d see her again someday. Even to this day, he waited and waited. 
“You waiting for her again?” A voice asked from behind him. Felix nodded at the Aussie who threw an arm around his best friend. 
“Y'know, I don't know if I ever told you this but, Sometimes I sit in bed and wonder what would happen if things were different. What if she was human? Or whoever tried to kill her didn't exist. What if I was like her? We could’ve been together if that was the case,” Feliz sighed, running a hand through his hair. Even to this day, he still remembered how heavenly her hand felt running through his hair, how soft her lips felt against his, how cold yet comforting her skin was. 
“Maybe in another life, you two will end up together.” Chan comforted his friend. 
“Maybe...” Felix agreed.
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600 years later
“Felix hurry up! We’re gonna be late again!!” Chan yelled from the kitchen. Felix practically flew downstairs on one foot as he attempted to put a shoe on the other. “Let's go! We have 10 more minutes!” 
Both boys rushed to Chan's car and drove to their university in record time. They ran as fast as they could and were halfway to class when Felix realized he left his book in Chan's car.
“Chan, I left my textbook in your car!” Felix groaned. Chan smacked him upside the head and threw him his keys, running to class while thinking of good ways to distract their professor. 
Felix ran back to Chan's car and grabbed his textbook. When he was running back towards the building, he being the idiot he is, ran into someone and fell back onto his butt. The person in front of him held their hand out which he gladly took. He stood up and finally looked at the person he bumped into. She was really pretty, with large innocent looking eyes, a cute little nose, and plump pink lips. But there was something about her eyes that was really dull like they had lost the light in them. “You okay?” she asked. 
Something about her voice sounded so alluring to Felix but he couldn’t pin why. “Oh-UH yes! Yea I’m okay, sorry for bumping into you,” Felix apologized. “It’s fine,” the brunette said before turning and walking towards the building. Felix followed her and decided to introduce himself. 
“My name’s Felix, What's yours?”
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bakugoulovesme · 3 years
Bakugou x Reader
Title: Long Story Short
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, various pro heroes (mentioned), original character (who is not the reader)
Word Count: 2,783
Warnings: mentions of toxic ex, passing out, hospital visits (dw it’s all good), gross fluff 
Summary:  You had a terrible breakup that made you stop hero work. Now, three years later, you are dating Bakugou Katsuki and you jump back in the saddle.
A/N: Pro hero au! Lmao guys be nice I haven’t written a full fic since 2018.. oof... request headcanons pleeeaaaseee <3 (OOOH OOOH also this is the first of a very tentative series of stories based on Taylor Swift’s albums Evermore and Folklore,, AND this was crossposted on ao3) 
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You told yourself never again on a night much like this one, three years ago. You remember it all very distinctly. Nyx had already promised you a change of pace, somewhere as far away from him as you could get. They were standing behind you on the rooftop, a good few paces back. It was considerate, really: giving you space so that you could have your moment of dramatic catharsis. You remember bouncing on your toes once before sparring a glance over your shoulder at them. The blank motorcycle helmet that was a staple of their hero costume stared back at you, emotionless. They offered you a single nod. You turned forward again, facing the wind. You turned the ring over and over in your hand for a few more minutes, longer than you wanted to. It seemed cliché to you even then, when the wound was still so fresh, to get rid of the ring in such an over the top way. But damn, if it didn’t feel absolutely amazing. 
And tonight you are standing atop the roof of that twenty-story building again. And Nyx, lovely Nyx, is standing behind you with their expressionless motorcycle helmet boring into your soul and their harrowing silent wisdom making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. “I’m not so sure that I’m ready,” you say after a beat. Your hero costume feels strikingly familiar and foreign all that at the same time. You play with the waistband of the jumpsuit absentmindedly. 
“I am,” they say as if it is the easiest thing in the world. Don’t they know how hard this is? Shouldn’t they of all people understand?  “And he is, too.” 
They got you. They always do. 
You heave a sigh—no turning back now. You take a deep breath and remind yourself that you can do this, that you are in fact a capable hero. Three years. You haven’t done this in three years. 
Fuck. Can you do this? What if… 
“I know what you're thinking,” Nyx says, allowing emotion to seep into their tone for the first time tonight. “And, I hate to break it to you, but… you are already doing it.” 
“This is barely a patrol,” you grumble. 
“Not a traditional one, no, but remember you’re still in your trial period. You are technically only my sidekick right now.” You don’t need to see the expression Nyx is wearing to be certain that they are smiling. 
“Ugh, don’t remind me.” 
The universe does not leave you much time to wallow in self-pity. Less than half an hour later, there’s a call. A building is collapsing. The number four hero, Edgeshot, has already taken care of the villain responsible, so it is time for clean-up duty: your specialty. All in a matter of thirty seconds, you shove your helmet onto your head (it matches the one Nyx sports; all of their sidekicks wear them) and run to grab onto Nyx as they teleport you to the scene. Gone is the gentle night air; here, everything is hot. The villain must be using some quirk-enhancing drug. (The damage they caused in their dragon form puts Ryukyu to shame.) Several voices chatter into your ears at once filling you and Nyx in. Nyx was gone the second they dropped you off, working as fast as they could to teleport people out of the upper floors of the building. 
Adrenaline pushes you forward but you are stopped quickly, debris already blocking your path into the ground level of the building. Luck must be on your side tonight because you can see the number two hero, Hawks, fly in as he uses his feathers to aid in the evacuation. You feel comfortable enough to ask Nyx through the helmet to get you inside. And they do. You could not imagine how disorienting it must be for them because, after just your second leap of the night, you are incapacitated for at least fifteen seconds. 
When the world rights itself again, you realize you have already put your shield up to protect yourself from the smoke. It does not take long to find the group of survivors to the left of you, trying—and failing—to break out of a crumbled window. You see eighteen at first glance, but as you approach, you can see a group of children, four of them all huddled together. Twenty-two, then. You drop your shield as you approach them. “Help is here,” you inform them, attempting to keep your sentences short so your helmet will translate them faster. 
“Now, everyone remain calm. Everything will be okay.” Any doubts you had earlier have been seared away. You are met with thankful sobs and incoherent clambering. You direct them to stand around you, as close as they can fit. The children are lifted into their parent’s arms as everyone scrambles forward. As soon as all twenty-two are comfortably within range, you activate your quirk again. One of the children lets out an awed gasp at the buzzing bubble of blue energy that has formed. 
You find yourself smiling. 
“What do we do now?” An older woman asks incredulously, her entire body shaking in fear. 
“We wait.” She opens her mouth to retort, but you continue. “Once the upper floors of the building and the surrounding block are completely evacuated, I will get us out of here.” 
“Are you sure you can do it, Miss Hero?” A little girl asks. “My Daddy says heroes can’t really do anything...”
Her father has the decency to look horrified, but you just laugh. You crouch down to make eye contact with her,  “I’m very sure I can do it. Do you wanna know why?”
She leans away from her father slightly, turning towards you with her eyes full of stars. It takes you a second to reply as you get the go-ahead that everything is clear. Perfect. 
“Because… you are going to help me, of course!” You exclaim, removing your helmet. This forces you to use the translator that you wear around your neck which is not as loud (or clear), but you think it’s a good trade-off. The adults (and the other children)  who were momentarily distracted hearing you speak to the little girl will need the comfort of a human face for the next part, this much you are sure. You gesture for the girl to be put down and you take her hand in one of your glowing ones. A little boy wriggles out of his mother’s grasp and grabs your other hand. You beam. 
“Now you two have a very important job: you have to keep everyone brave!”
“How we s’posed to do dat?” The boy asks. 
“Simple. You will walk with me in the front, okay? We can even sing a little song so everyone knows to keep walking,” you explain with a smile, more genuinely happy than is probably appropriate. The other children wrestle themselves out of their parent’s arms and grab their hands fiercely, ready to help drag them along. The pair holding your hands only take a minute to consider before nodding solemnly. 
The boy leads the little marching tune as you calmly begin leading everyone towards the front of the building. It’s at the moment that your shield touches the front wall that the building comes down. Hard. 
So much for raining small chunks, the full weight of the building crashes down around you. It makes you lightheaded, but you force yourself not to show any distress. You just keep walking, hunks of the building being forced out around the bubble. Suddenly though, something smacks into your shield from the inside and you lurch forward. Your eyes screw shut as you focus completely on regaining control. 
“Daddy!” The little girl yells as she pushes past the group to reach her father, still frozen in shock against the farthest side of the bubble. You didn’t even feel her drop your hand... Before you can contemplate the fate of your other small charge. The boy squeezes your hand tight. You turn to look at him and smile. One hand grips yours and the other grips a younger girl, his sister you presume, who is latched onto their mother, as well. 
You are more out of it than you realize because in no time at all, the girl is back holding your hand, dragging her father behind her. He looks sickly pale. Deep breath. “Everything’s okay. Almost over. Everyone please just keep being brave for me,” you say, squeezing the kids’ hands. 
You close your eyes again and put everything you have into walking normally. Pushing. Pushing. It feels like you let the smoke in; there doesn’t seem to be enough air for you. You can’t remember feeling this tired, at least not in a long time. Just as you reach your limit—when you are certain you are going to fail to leave all these people to get tragically smushed—there is loud cheering. Huh?
You force your eyes open. Floodlights. People. Ambulances. Reporters descending upon the lot of you, now that the danger has passed. You can finally breathe. You drop the shield and fall to your knees. 
Hmm. The ground is warm, and a lot more comfortable than you could have ever imagined. Your last thought before you blackout completely is a barely coherent image of cats rolling around on the warm concrete. 
All you can hear is his voice. 
For a second, the sound tricks you. You must be in your bed, at home. The heart monitor comes in second. A wave of nausea hits you as the disorientation sets in. You try to open your eyes but decide against it immediately. You don’t think your eyelids so much as fluttered, how could they when they weigh a thousand pounds each? 
His voice is what grounds you again, makes you feel more centered. You think you might even be able to tell which way is up. You can hear him but you can’t hear him. Your brain is much too full of mush at the moment to hear anything with clarity.  Everything feels sloshy; even still you attempt to move your hand towards the sound of his voice. As soon as you begin moving, his hands have met yours and his voice is softer. You still can’t hear him but you can feel him. His hands, as always, are hot and sweaty. You had always thought your hands were the hottest and the sweatiest, that is until you met Bakugou. 
“Ka-” you try to speak but your voice is much too hoarse from disuse. 
“Teddy bear,” you can finally hear him, “are you okay?”
You rumble in agreement and make a great effort to move your head in a gentle nod. He makes you regret agreeing all within a second. Now he is yelling and your eyes are all but forced open at the sound of it. 
“Katsuki,” you groan.
“What the fuck were you thinking running into a collapsing building, dumbass? You’re still just a fucking sidekick.” 
You huff feeling a little more like yourself the longer you hear him talk. “That’s just a technicality.” 
“Regardless, I…” Katsuki lets out a deep growl, “you fucking scared me, teddy bear.” 
“I’m sorry, Katsu” is all you can think to say as he cups your cheek and leans forward to rest his forehead against your own. You revel in the closeness, even the skin of his forehead is hot against you.  
“I hope you know you aren’t off the hook, idiot, but I am really proud of you,” the glare he fixes you with doesn’t match his words. 
You can’t stop yourself from beaming. 
“So, how much time before you get back to being that dumbass’s sidekick?” He asks as he spares a glance from the road to look at you leaned up against the window in the passenger's seat. 
“I should be good to go by Monday, believe it or not.” 
The look he gives you tells you he doesn’t. 
“I’ll call the doctor if you want,” you insist. You ignore the rush of nausea that hits you as you sit up and give him an indignant look. 
He rolls his eyes. He takes a hand off the wheel to push you gently back so you’re resting against the window again. You sigh in relief at the feeling of the cool glass on your cheek. You can see him worry his lip a bit before he bites out, “I believe you.” 
“Hmm I don’t know about that,” you start, “but, I meant it when I said me being a sidekick is just a technicality. I was a big hero before I ever came to Japan and met you.” 
He huffs. Regardless, he nods his head in agreement. He does know that you were a big hero. An annoyingly selfless one too, that’s what got you hurt in the first place. He doesn’t say anything more though, he’s happy enough to let you fall asleep with the words to some stupid song on your lips.  Even if he wasn’t driving he would be wide awake. Seeing you fall to the ground like that made him sick.                           
He shudders. He really thought he was ready for you to start hero work again, but… Seeing you like that was a lot to handle. Almost too much. He knows it’s hard for you too. You’ve had to watch him throw himself into danger countless times at this point. He hasn’t figured out how you handle the stress with such grace. He can practically see the look you would give him if he said that to you, he can practically hear your voice assuring him that the way you handle it is anything but graceful. Why is he imagining this conversation? He could be having it with you. It’s not like you’re dead or--                
“Katsu, you’re going to get wrinkles if all you do is frown all the time. You’ll look like my Grampy,” you laugh as his frown deepens, “Really, babe, what’s wrong?”
He replies immediately, “Nothing. We’re almost home.” 
“I know, but don’t think you can escape a conversation about whatever this,” you gesture at him vaguely, “Whatever this is.” 
He growls as he pulls into the parking garage for the apartment building, but he decides not to comment. Instead, he takes the opportunity to tease you and poke at your ribs as he helps you toward the door. 
Walking mixed with the impromptu tickle fight leaves you weaker than you thought you would be. You almost eat shit in the elevator when he lets go of you for just a second to punch the button to your floor. “Fuck, baby, are you okay?” He launched toward you as soon as you wobbled, catching you with his strong arms around your waist securely. 
You groan softly and bury your face in his chest as the elevator starts to move. “I am now,” you say muffled as you nuzzle your face against his pecs. 
“Perv,” he spits out, pushing your face away while still keeping an arm around you to keep you upright. He has to drag you down the hall to your shared apartment because you are so stubborn: refusing to be carried while being virtually unable to walk. He knows that’s a large part of why he loves you so his griping is lighthearted. 
He leads you to the couch and plops you down onto the cushions. “You stay here. I mean it. I’m going to make that dumb recipe your mom told me about,” he says. He turns shuffling off to find his apron. 
Your stomach turns, but this time in a much more pleasant way. He’s so fucking cute sometimes it makes you sick. Warmth settles over you as you pull the burgundy throw blanket over your shoulders and lie your head down on the scratchy decorative pillows. Everything feels a million times more comfortable now that you are comparing it to the impersonal feeling of a hospital bed. 
Well, now everything feels different. Hero work felt different. Talking to Nyx felt different. Waking up in a hospital bed too, didn’t feel as hollow as you remember. You know it’s because of the idiot you can hear maneuvering around the kitchen. He makes everything feel exciting, it’s nothing like before. The apartment is warm, and the couch is a lot more comfortable than you could have ever imagined. As you fall asleep for the first of many sorely needed naps you think of the yearly fireworks your town had as a kid and how alive you felt listening to them. In the other room, Katsuki sparks off a mini-explosion to light the stove.
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youare-mysonshine · 4 years
gangsta || oscar diaz
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Summary: one of the santos doesn't realize that the reader is oscar's girlfriend and shoves her in front of him. Requested: yes. "could you do a story of someone in the santos yelling at "y/n" and/or shoving her in front of Oscar and how he reacts? if so, thank you!!" Pairing: oscar diaz x reader Warnings: cussing, drinking, violence. Word Count: 2.9k A/N: SHE'S BACK! I took a break from writing because I wasn't feeling it. I lost my groove for a bit, i just didn't have the motivation but I'm slowly getting back into it again. I've missed you all, I've missed writing and I've missed Oscar lmao. the season 3 release date has me hyped as fuck and i couldn't leave you all hanging any longer. this isn't my best work, i'm a bit rusty so pls be nice lmao but HERE WE GO! Send me an ask if any of you wanna be tagged in future work of mine!
________________ "you coming?" oscar's deep voice came out through the speaker on y/n's phone, which sat on her dresser as she finished getting ready, swiping one last touch of lip gloss on her plump lips before putting it back in her make up bag. she looked at herself in the mirror, running her finger through her y/c/h hair. "si, i'm just waiting for angelica to get here. so impatient. i'll be there soon baby." her lips curved up in a tiny smirk as she heard her boyfriend let out a little scoff at her words. she and oscar had been dating for nearly a year now - they had met each other at a party and immediately hit it off. people had warned her to stay away from spooky, that he was no good, nothing but trouble - and sure, she initially had her reservations about dating him given his lifestyle, but she couldn't deny her feelings for him the more time they spent together. their relationship was passionate, intense, fiery. people had doubted that they'd last but there they were, proving everyone wrong. that didn't mean their relationship was always great - they had fights, disagreements. she hadn't agreed with his treatment of cesar, kicking him out and essentially leaving him homeless, but she realized it really was out of his control. "yeah alright. i'll see you mamas." just then, she heard a honk come from outside her home. angelica was there. saying she'd see oscar soon, she ended the call and made her way out of her home, locking the front door behind her and walking over to the car parked beside the sidewalk. inside was her friend angelica and all her friends - she and angelica went to school together and stayed in touch even after they both graduated. it was y/n that had invited angelica to the little party that the santos were throwing. getting in the car, the young female greeted angelica and her friends and with that, they were off, driving down the familiar streets of freeridge to the party. "so you and spooky are still together, huh?" one of angelica's friends, mariana, questioned. at the mention of her boyfriend, the y/h/c haired beauty felt a smile tug at her glossy lips. it was an instant reaction at this point. "oh yeah she is. look at her, she's blushing!" one of her other friends, yesenia, remarked, a wide, amused grin on her face. y/n rolled her eyes, but wore a smile on her face nonetheless. "ay ya cayense. yeah we're still together. it's gonna be a year soon." she told them. "a whole year. and some people thought we wouldn't make it past a month." "so i'm guessing you're not gonna need a ride home after the party?" "oh girl you already know what she's gonna be riding after the party. tu ya sabes." ____ the drive lasted only about a few more minutes before they finally arrived at their destination. mariana parked the car in front of the car and all four ladies climbed out. y/n immediately spotted her boyfriend's cherry red car and she got excited, wanting nothing more than to just see him already. together, all four ladies walked side by side down the driveway of the house and into the backyard where the party was just barely getting started. the sun was still out and the backyard wasn't as full as she knew it would become. she knew once the moon was out, that's when shit would get cracking. y/n's y/e/c eyes scanned the group of santos for her own santo until she finally saw him. he had just turned and walked away from who she recognized to be ruby and his older brother mario. mario who just so happened to be angelica's ex boyfriend. but that went to the very back of her mind when oscar's dark eyes landed on her, when a smile pulled at his lips and showed off those dimples she loved so much. her feet moved on autopilot, carrying her toward her tall boyfriend until both of them were standing in front of each other. "hey mamas." he greeted. he leaned down ever so slightly, hands on her hips, pulling her body flush against his muscular one. the butterflies in her stomach were going wild and she wasn't ashamed to admit that oscar always had that effect on her. "hey papito." she leaned up as he leaned down and finally closed the space between them, their lips meeting in a kiss that took her breath away. in the midst of their lip locking session, y/n felt oscar's large hand sliding away from her hip, moving to her back and down to her ass, giving it a firm squeeze. she let out a small gasp followed a breathless laugh against his lips, resulting in a smile pulling at his lips. both of them pulled apart, her hands resting on his chest and his hand still holding onto her hand, meanwhile the other was on her hip. "you look good." he commented, glancing down at her body. y/n smiled, removing one hand from his chest and lifting it up to his face. with her thumb, she wiped away from of the shiny residue of her lip gloss from his lips, knowing for sure that her own lips were now smudged with the clear gloss. "you don't look so bad yourself baby. thanks." she snatched the beer right from his hand and took a drink from it, giving him an innocent look. "damn, so you just gonna come up in here and take my drink?" he asked, face hardening, though she could see the humor shining in his eyes. he wasn't serious and she knew that. one thing that she loved about their relationship was the different sides she saw to oscar - she saw his vulnerable side, the side no one really saw, and his goofy and silly side. sure, oscar was a serious man but with her it was as if he was comfortable enough to be what he couldn't be in front of everyone else. "mhm. what's mine is mine and what's yours is also mine." she took a drink from the beer to drive her point home, laughing after she had swallowed the alcohol, laughing because oscar gave her ass a soft smack. "alright smart ass. let's go get another beer since you wanna be taking mine." with oscar's arm now wrapped around her, they walked toward the cooler, y/n greeting the santos that she was familiar with. most of the people that were there already knew her or had heard of her - it wasn't a secret that spooky had a girlfriend. "so, mario is here. angelica is here - that's not gonna end well, you know." she commented, glancing over to her clueless friend who had absolutely no idea her ex-boyfriend was at the same party with his little brother. mario on the other hand had seemed to notice angelica and was doing everything in his power to avoid being seen by her. "shit, that ain't my problem. i was just trying to help little man out." ____ the sun had gone down and now the moon (along with some lights) was illuminating the party which was in full swing. there was a dj booth set up, more people now occupied the backyard. music was playing, people were drinking, playing beer pong and having fun. y/n was among them - oscar was standing a few feet away with his homies while she stood with some of her own friends, some of them were also girlfriend's of santos. the young female held a drink in her hand, her body slightly swaying to the music that was playing loud through the speakers, a smile on her face as she listened to one of the other girls animatedly tell a story about the time her boyfriend got shit faced drunk. it all happened so quick. one moment y/n was laughing, tipping her head back, and the next her shoulder was accidentally being pushed by someone walking by her. it wasn't hard enough to hurt but it was hard enough for her to lose her balance and trip on her own feet. she crashed into a body beside her own, her drink spilling down their shirt and regret and embarrassment immediately took hold of her entire being. "shit! shit, i am so fucking sorry!" she apologized profusely. it was a guy she had crashed into - she recognized him as someone who had recently been initiated into the santos. she thought she had heard some of the guys refer to him as carlos. his eyes were on her and he looked anything but happy. his nostrils were flaring and his eyes held anger. surely he understood that it had been an accident right? "i can get you some napkins-" "you dumb bitch! watch where the fuck you're going!" before y/n could even react or have time to process what was happening, she felt her body being shoved backwards roughly, the air leaving her lungs for a brief second. she collided with the cold hard ground rather harshly, her palms breaking her fall - she could already feel the sting of the scrapes she was sure that she had. her ass hurt too from the sheer force in which she had fallen. she could feel the tears stinging at her eyes but she refused to cry, not in front of all these people who now had their eyes on the scene which was unfolding. "you stupid hyna. that'll teach you to watch where-" he never got the chance to finish what he was saying because a fist collided with his face and sent him falling to the ground similarly to y/n. it was oscar and he held nothing back as he leaned over carlos and began punching the absolute shit out of him, anger radiating from every inch of his body.
oscar hadn't seen what had led up to her getting shoved to the ground, but he had seen carlos laying his hands on her and pushing her to the ground and he saw red. nothing but red. he was protective over those he loved and cared about and there was no exception when it came to y/n. he wasn't about to let some pinche desgraciado disrespect his lady like that, he wasn't about to let him get away with putting his hands on her and pushing her to the ground.
all anyone could do was stare as oscar, who no doubt was now spooky, lay into carlos' bloody face, face contorted in anger. people knew better than to try and stop an angry oscar. "you fucking put your hands on my girl? huh?!" y/n had seen oscar get mad before, but she had never seen him get that mad. she had never seen him become that enraged. and while it was certainly a frightening sight, she couldn't help the way that it made her feel - he was defending her. "i should fucking kill you for laying a hand on her puto. i should fucking kill you!" meanwhile carlos was whimpering beneath oscar that he hadn't known she was his girlfriend and that he was sorry. that was when y/n sprang into action, pushing herself up and ignoring the sting she felt in her palms. she knew that if she didn't stop oscar, or at least try to, he'd definitely kill carlos. she knew what that tear drop tattoo meant, but that certainly wasn't how she wanted the night to end. "oscar! oscar baby, stop. stop!" she looked over at two santos and gestured for them to stop oscar and they did as told, each of them grabbing oscar by the arms and pulling the tall man away from the now bloodied carlos. he gave a wheeze, spitting out some blood, turning on his side and curling in on himself from the pain. oscar shoved the two santos off of him and leaned down, harshly pulling up the bloodied man by the collar of his shirt, getting in his face, lips curled like a rabid dog ready to bite. oscar was certainly ready to strike again, the only person stopping him was y/n and his need to make sure she was okay. "you're gonna apologize to her. and then you're gonna fucking leave. i don't wanna see you because if i see you, i'm gonna fuck you up again. don't ever put your hands on my lady again. that goes for everybody here!" his voice boomed, eyes looking around at the crowd that had gathered around the scandalous scene. "if any of you ever put your hands on y/n, it'll end the same way it did for this puto desgraciado." he spat. then his focus was back on carlos, shoving him in the direction of y/n, who was gently rubbing at her palms. "you're fucking lucky i didn't kill you. apologize. now." carlos, genuinely fearful, looked at y/n as best as he could with one of his eyes already closing shut. "i-i'm.. i-i'm sorry.. i'm r-really.. sorry.." each word he spoke seemed to be painful for him to get out. but y/n didn't care. all she was focused on was oscar. after the apology, oscar shoved carlos in the direction of the driveway, everyone watching as he stumbled off by himself. the crowd dispersed, chatter now erupting all over the backyard once more, everyone no doubt discussing what had just happened. everyone knew to give oscar space, leave him be because he was still seething with anger. but while everyone moved away from the angry santo, y/n moved closer to him, gently reaching for his hand that was bloody. she couldn't tell if it was his blood or carlos' blood. "os.." she spoke softly. his eyes met her own and they softened ever so slightly before he looked away, looking anywhere but her. she sighed, pulling him along with her inside the house. with his hand in hers, she walked them inside the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. the young female put the toilet lid down and sat him down on it. she grabbed a towel and wet it with some water before reaching for his hand, wiping away the blood. the white towel became red, and she realized all the blood was from carlos' face. oscar suddenly reached out and stopped her actions. her took the towel from her hands and turned them around so her palms were facing him. they were scraped up and some little pebbles from the ground had embedded themselves in her skin. it wasn't bad but it certainly stung, especially now that the adrenaline she had felt earlier was starting to die down. oscar gave a deep sigh, bringing her hands up to his lips and pressing a kiss against her skin. "i'm sorry, mamas." he still wouldn't look at her. "i'm sorry this shit happened to you. lo siento. i never wanted you to see me like that." it made sense to her now. oscar was ashamed of y/n seeing him like that, seeing him lose control and beat someone to a bloody pulp. he had never wanted her to see that side of him - she knew being with oscar wasn't gonna be a fairy-tale, she knew what his lifestyle was like and what he did, who he was. but she loved him regardless. "oscar, hey. look at me." she spoke in a soft voice. "look at me." she removed her hands from his large ones and placed them on his cheeks, getting him to finally look at her. her eyes fell on the teardrop tattoo resting below his eye, and her thumb smoothed over the black ink, then their eyes met once more. the dark eyes she loved so much stared deep into her own and it was like she was swimming in pools of chocolate. "you don't have to be sorry. what happened, it was fucked up but i'm fine, alright? really. it's just a few scrapes. nothing bad. and.. i'll admit, seeing you like that.. it definitely took me by surprise." she admitted. oscar's jaw clenched, and he tried turning his head but she wouldn't let him. "it took me by surprise but it also made me realize how safe i am with you. i remember when we first got together, you told me that being with you was dangerous but.. you protect me better than anyone. don't be ashamed, not with me. i know you, os. and i love you." he perked up at those words, the shame leaving his eyes, being replaced with something else entirely. for a few seconds he was silent, but his hands slipped around her waist and tugged her forward. he rested his forehead on her stomach, shutting his eyes. "i love you too preciosa. i'd do anything for you. anything." when oscar looked back up at her, eyes shining with an emotion he rarely showed around anyone else, she leaned down, capturing his lips in a kiss. his lips that were spewing nothing but hate at carlos were now moving soft against her own. "you know.." y/n murmured softly against his lips, pulling away slightly. she rested her forehead against his own, their lips still brushing together. "it was actually kinda hot seeing you like that.. seeing you defend me like you did.." oscar's lips curled up into a smirk, his hands now sliding down to her ass where he grabbed two handfuls, fingers lightly digging into her ample, clothed flesh. "oh yeah? how about we get outta here, baby girl? you can, uh, repay me for defending you.." "yeah alright. i do need a ride."
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defilerwyrm · 3 years
For the ask meme: burning bright, anything about the parts at the table with the Nein. You write their banter so well!
Burning Bright on AO3
The entire dinner scene hit me like a bolt of lightning while I was working on this fic. It started with Beau’s outburst, and then Veth’s willful denial and subsequent fit, and I built the two scenes around that.
Diving into particulars….
“Uhm,” he said, intelligently, but quickly recovered and flashed his friends a smile. “It is most impressive. Certainly a step up from a tiny hut.”
A direct reference to the name of the spell. Originally it was Leomund’s tiny hut. I have no clue why in 5e Wizards decided to 86 the attribution names on so many spells like Otiluke’s resilient sphere and Tasha’s hideous laughter. Things like that always made me curious about the (what I assume were) PCs the spells were named after. I had thought maybe it was because the characters who diegetically invented them were specific to one setting, but in that case I don’t know why Bigby’s hand is still Bigby’s but Evard’s black tentacles are no longer Evard’s. I don’t like it. As an aside, Widowgast’s Nascent Nein-Sided Tower is, mechanically speaking, Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion. Anyway. Moving on!
It was delectable that Caleb wanted to impress him.
This boy hungry and not just for soup
Flustered, Essek tried to fend them off, but it was Caleb that did him in. It was always Caleb. The human took a large roll from his own plate, broke it in half, and offered one of these parts to Essek, who tried his best not to choke.
“You need to keep your strength up, ja?” Caleb implored him quietly.
The steady hand that accepted was a point of pride because it very much wanted to quake. The Kryn weren’t bread people, but...did he have any idea what this gesture would mean in Rosohna? Any inkling at all?
This is another one of those places where I delight in playing to cultural differences. What I’d had in mind for what that gesture—breaking food into two pieces and offering half to someone—WOULD mean in Rosohna was a bit nebulous, as I like to keep the reader guessing a bit and let their imagination fill in the blanks; but my rough idea was that it’s a courting gesture that signifies “I can and will provide for you, even if it means less for me.” An expression of selfless caregiving and an offer of partnership. Not wholly unlike a bird bringing food to a prospective mate.
And actually it’s a little bit funny coming from Caleb, who has fuck-all to his name but his name, when Essek is a rich bitch who answers directly to the Bright Queen.
Not that he was about to say it out loud, but he was a quick convert to this whole bread thing. To say that it won him over would be an understatement. That seemed to be a recurring theme here.
I imagine if I’d grown up never really eating bread and was introduced to it in adulthood I’d be like “Where have you BEEN all my life?!” But also: the bread is friendship, the bread is the Mighty Nein, the bread is communion in the spirit of sharing rather than politics and appearances and power plays—things he thought he was fine without until they were foisted upon him.
Somewhere in the course of the multiple conversations going on at one time, Jester got an Idea, as she was prone to doing. He became increasingly aware of her talking about kissing, of all things, and this culminated in her shouting above the din, cheeks flushed purple though he hadn’t seen her touch any wine: “I have an idea you guys! Why don’t we all go around and say how many people we’ve kissed?”
Jester is the most wonderfully convenient deus ex machina if you ever need to insert an awkward or embarrassing conversation among the Mighty Nein, because this is exactly the sort of shit she would do.
Jester leaped up and slammed her hands onto the table. “Caduceus you’ve never been kissed?! That’s so sad!”
The firbolg was unfazed. He merely shrugged and said, “It hasn’t come up and I haven’t gone looking. Not something I’ve ever thought about, really.”
Jester’s tail lashed back and forth behind her like an overstimulated cat. “Do you want me to kiss you?”
Fjord went a bit wild-eyed at this. Caduceus smiled gently and said, “No thank you.”
Three things about this part:
1) Jester’s tail doesn’t get NEARLY enough mention in fic! If I’m playing (or writing) a character with a tail you can be damn sure you’re gonna know what it’s doing! Makes me wanna play a tabaxi tbqh.
2) Cad’s “No thank you” is the sum total of his sexuality, lol. Jester was raised in a pretty highly sexualized setting, didn’t really get out much before she fled Nicodranas, and can be pretty naïve, so she doesn’t really get the whole aroace thing; but it never crosses Cad’s mind that this would be “abnormal“ or ”sad” in any way—it causes him no distress, as it shouldn’t. This is yet another “Same planet, different worlds” moment.
3) Fjord is physically restraining himself from yelling “JESTER WHAT THE FUCK” lmao
Veth kept picking at it. “So you’re um. You know. Into the fellas?”
Beau snorted. “I could’a told you that months ago.”
“Yeah you could’a!” Veth pouted with a self-conscious curl to her shoulders.
I saw a comment on Tiktok that said Veth was being borderline homophobic, but that wasn’t my intent! It’s just that she inherited a certain blind spot for male queerness from her player, and as hard as she’d been trying to encourage Caleb to hook back up with his female ex, it never occurred to her that he had a male ex, too—and given that they’ve been so close for so long, she’s feeling pretty self-conscious about the fact that she never figured out that Caleb is bisexual in all that time, as well as kind of upset that no one—Caleb especially—told her. She’s having a moment of “Why didn’t I know this? Did you think it was going to change things between us? Did I make you feel unsafe?” And also a little bit of “Okay well, now I have to get him to hook up with TWO people AT ONCE because my boy deserves threesomes 😤”
Jester went goggle-eyed at him. “You’ve only been with one person?” she exclaimed. “But you’re like a hundred years old! And very handsome. I would have thought you’d get like, all the ladies.”
Ladies. Right.
Veth might not be the only one with a certain blind spot.
Beau gave her a funny look, snorting. “I dunno, he seems like the kinda guy who turns down those offers left and right.”
..…But Beau’s got his number, for more than one reason. She’s got super gaydar, for one, and has him pegged as the type who’s very choosy about his partners (also mind you, this was before demi!Essek was canonized by WoG, so I was still rolling with my hc that Essek got around when he felt like it).
The uproar was instantaneous. Everyone—almost everyone—started talking or shouting at once. Beau’s voice rang out among the din with, “HOLY SHIT ESSEK FUCKS.” Strangely pleased with himself, he downed the rest of his wine in one gulp and spent the next few minutes fending off increasingly prying, personal questions until the Nein grew bored with his lack of answers and someone changed the subject.
There it is, the line that spawned two entire scenes!
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He was not a war mage, but he was experienced and wily, and he was damned good at what he did, and as long as there was breath left in his body, the Mighty Nein would not fall here.
Joke’s on me, motherfucker literally has the War Caster feat -_-
But like in my defense, that’s just what it’s called in the book. The feat just means that you have either the training or experience to cast well during a fight, which I see as not necessarily the same thing as a war mage, which was my way of saying an arcane caster who is a soldier.
Veth stared at her blankly as if willing herself not to understand. “Caleb? With who?”
She breathed steadily. “...Essek. Caleb and Essek.”
Beside her, Jester squealed and brought her fists to her face.
Veth was less enthused. “WHAT.”
Beau’s mental commentary here is dead on. Veth still doesn’t really trust Essek at this point and has been pretty vocal about that…despite being the one to declare him part of the Mighty Nein? Eh, she’s allowed to have complicated feelings on the guy, all things considered. But I find it kind of comical and very Veth (and very Sam) for her to be all full of zest for trying to get Caleb back together with the frigging Volstrucker who is actively working for his abuser and worst enemy but balk at him hooking up with Essek.
Jester “explained” in a delighted yell: “Caleb and Essek are gonna fuuuuuuck!”
I don’t know, is this too unsubtle to call foreshadowing? The line flowed naturally in the dialogue, but it’s also letting the reader know exactly what they’re in for next, lol.
“...He’s going to break that little elf twink, you know,” Veth said, sounding distant. Seemed she was having some difficulty processing. Not too surprising, considering how adamant she was about wanting their wizard to hook back up with his old flame, the fucking Volstrucker. “We’ve all seen his dick.”
This was 100% taken from Sam’s little throwaway line “It’s above-average” but it turned out to serve two purposes other than reminding the reader that all of these people have seen Caleb naked:
1) It’s yet another thing Veth thinks she understands about him but doesn’t. Caleb’s a top like Dalmatians are purple and if you disagree then I respect your right to be incorrect ;)
2) That said, it is, in fact, foreshadowing for the sequel, in which Essek experiences a great deal of frustration. (I haven’t touched the damn thing in weeks, feels like; I’ve been too busy with work, being exhausted from work, and being in a tizzy about my upcoming surgery.)
Fjord blurted out, “I’ll join you.”
Poor Fjord has had such an uncomfortable night!
Hoo boy that was a lot. Thanks for the ask, this was really fun!! And sorry it took so long; I work Saturday nights and things got really busy for a bit there.
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oloreaa · 4 years
Vencuyanir Ch.3 - The Farmer
vencuyanir [ven-COO-yah-neer]: sustain, keep alive, preserve
Summary: They arrive at a blurrg farmer’s home, and rest before trying to find the Sandcrawler
Words: 5.8k (I thought it was shorter lmao)
Notes: I’m so grateful at every single one of you who have commented and reblogged this story, it’s my baby and it really means a lot to me that you’re reading this🥺
Warnings:  (implied) past child abuse, child in distress, hostages
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Elana and the Mandalorian, accompanied by Bean in his pod, started walking again. The sun was setting behind them, and after an hour of constant walking, they arrived at a blurrg farm. The sky was turning violet, the colour replacing the pink and gold from before, slowly fading into deep blue.
"I thought you were dead." An old Ugnaught in a protective suit with goggles atop his head greeted the Mandalorian, before nodding at Elana.
"I need your help," the Mandalorian said through gritted teeth.
"I figured as much," the Ugnaught said wryly, "Otherwise you would not be here with your bounties, but in your ship, headed to Nevarro now."
Nevarro. Elana tucked that name away for later, unsure if she had ever heard of it before.
"I can't fly," the bounty hunter snarled, "Jawas got to it."
The Ugnaught hummed thoughtfully, grabbed two water bottles, and walked over to them. "Will you need water?" He offered kindly, and after a nod from the Mandalorian, he gave it to him.
"You can go into my home to drink in privacy, Mandalorian. We will not disturb you in there."
The Mandalorian disappeared into the aforementioned home, pushing the curtain that made the entrance to the side and entering it.
The Ugnaught smiled at her, and gave her the other bottle, and Elana drank carefully, trying not to down it all at once. Then she pushed the button that opened the pram, revealing Bean who took in his surroundings with big eyes and exited coos. Visible confusion overcame the Ugnaught's face.
"Remarkable," he muttered, before gesturing to Bean. "You can let your child run around for a bit. I am sure he has been sitting all day." Overwhelmed with the simple kindness in the farmer's voice, she could do nothing but nod, planning to do as he suggested. Elana gave Bean some water first, and he drank so quickly that he sloshed some water over his robe, babbling unhappily at that, frowning down at the dark splotch. She huffed a smile, and then helped him drink again.
When Elana lifted him out of the pram to let him stretch his legs, he squeaked in confusion, and lingered by her when she set him down, looking up at her. With a small encouraging smile from her, Bean took off with a loud coo, already finding something he could play with.
"So you're the bounty?" The Ugnaught scrutinised her, "I did not expect this."
The Mandalorian appeared again, and cut in before she could answer herself, "The child is the bounty, not her."
The Ugnaught raised his brows, before asking: "That is what was causing all the fuss?"
"It's a child." With those words, the Mandalorian stalked towards the working space of the Ugnaught by the side of the house, and started to fix the damaged parts of his armour.
"It is better to deliver it alive then," the Ugnaught said, tilting his head, and then looking Elana over. "Are you it's caretaker?"
"Yes," she whispered, unsure how much she should reveal. But before she could open her mouth again, the bounty hunter started to speak, effectively cutting her off.
"My ship has been destroyed," the Mandalorian said, "I'm trapped here."
"Stripped," the farmer corrected, "Not destroyed." Fixing the other man with a grave look, he continued. "The Jawas steal. They don't destroy."
"Stolen or destroyed – makes no difference to me," the Mandalorian shot back, sounding angry.
Bean was on the ground, stumbling behind some mudjumpers, trying to catch them while happily yelling and making noises. Keeping an eye on the toddler, Elana listened to the conversation carefully.
"They're protected by their crawling fortress. There is no way to recover the parts." Giving a heavy sigh, the bounty hunter started to fiddle with his vambrace.
"You can trade," the Ugnaught simply said, much to her surprise, and Elana turned to them, frowning. She had dealt with Jawas before, being fairly neutral towards them but she was always under the assumption that Jawas saw what they scavenged as their property, with a finders-keepers mentality.
The Mandalorian seemed to agree with her. "With Jawas? Are you out of your mind?
"I will take you to them," the Ugnaught said, and nodded. "I have spoken."
When she looked over to Bean, he had caught himself a mudjumper with a squeal, and she smiled. His coordination was improving, Elana remembered how proud he was the first time he had caught the frog species, and how he wanted to show it to her, but it escaped right under his nose. Bean had been inconsolable for over an hour. She nodded encouragingly at him, shooting him a bright smile.
"Hey!" The Mandalorian suddenly barked at Bean, making her flinch, "Spit that out."
Bean did not listen to him though, and just swallowed the mudjumper in one piece. He then burped loudly, beaming up at them and giggling. The Mandalorian sighed.
She glared at him. "He likes frogs, okay? Could you not raise your voice at him?" Elana asked, raising an eyebrow. She did not back down when the visor suddenly trained on her, ready to stand her ground if an argument started. Bean had been shouted at too many times in his life already, and she was determined to minimize further verbal abuse like that towards the small child.
"Rest here for the night, Mandalorian. You and your bounties need rest, and I have shelter," the Ugnaught said peacefully, diffusing the tension between them, and gestured to the hut behind him. The Mandalorian nodded in silent thanks before following the Ugnaught into his living quarters. Elana followed after getting Bean into his pram, the angle at which she held him uncomfortable with the cuffs, but manageable, and quietly praised him for his mudjumper catch.
Inside it was warm and dark, and the entire room felt homey in a way she could not quite describe. Letting out a long, relieved sigh at finally having a roof over their heads and some decent shelter for the night, Elana looked around, observing the interior. Bean was sitting upright in his pram, taking in the new sights curiously, babbling quietly. 
"Can you take off my binds?" she requested, holding out her hands to the Mandalorian. He visibly hesitated before coming near and pressing the lock system. The cuffs loosened and she could not help but gasp slightly when the pressure eased, revealing skin that has been rubbed raw. Taking her hands close to her chest, she wrapped a hand around her wrist and shrunk back from the Mandalorian. 
"Thank you," Elana said, not meeting his gaze. Bean cooed loudly, and she turned around, scooping him up, her back to the Mandalorian, protective of the baby in her arms. The weight of the little one against her was comforting, and he snuggled closer to her as well, pressing his face between her collarbones. Giggling slightly at the tickling sensation of him breathing against her, she pressed a kiss onto his forehead, simply breathing him in.
"We need to give you a bath, little one," she murmured against his skin, and he made a whine in response. Elana pulled him back, and looked down at him, booping his button nose with her pointer finger. "No whining, honey," she said, "You're dirty."
His little mouth dropped open as if he wanted to protest, but she turned her head towards the Ugnaught, effectively ignoring the pout Bean gave her. "Excuse me," she asked politely, "do you have a sonic shower?"
The Ugnaught huffed, and walked over, gesturing for her to follow him. With a glance at the Mandalorian, who just watched them, she followed him, Bean on her hip. He led her to a small bathroom, and with delight she saw that there was a bathtub with a showerhead attached.
"A water bath," she whispered, a thankful smile on her face. Finally she could get all the grime and sweat from her body.
Turning to the Ugnaught, she gave him a bright smile. "Thank you so much!"
He smiled back, eyes impossibly kind. "I imagine you would prefer this over a sonic shower," he rumbled, walking towards the shower and tapping on it, "it will run a full ten minutes for you and your child."
"Ten minutes?" She asked in shock, "this is too much, I can't waste your water like that."
"This farm has many tanks full of water. Most of them go to the blurrgs, not much is used by me. You can take what you need." Elana looked between the showerhead and the Ugnaught, feeling conflicted. 
She would have loved a water shower after months of only sonics in the Niktos encampment. But she did not want one enough to take water away from the kind farmer, even if he helped the Mandalorian. "Are you sure?" She asked, Bean becoming fussy in her arms. Elana repositioned him again and pressed his side lightly, willing him to stay quiet for some moments more.
The Ugnaught nodded, "I will leave you to it," he said, and raised a hand in goodbye when he turned. "I have spoken."
Blinking at that strange phrase again, she took one more thorough look at the bathroom. A small sink with a mirror was on the side, and towels were stacked on top of a small dresser. A half opened window had a curtain that she pulled closed, and she set down Bean in the sink so he would not escape. There was both cold and warm water, she noted with a pleased smile, and took off her shoes while Bean was babbling in the sink.
"Okay, honey," she announced, "We're gonna get you clean." Bean looked up at her, and tilted his head. She took him out of the sink again, and turned the water on, carefully adjusting between warm and cold water until the sink was filled enough to bathe Bean. Taking off the brown robe of the child, tugging it carefully over his big head and ears, she set him in the water.
He made a loud squeal, and started to kick frantically. Elana laughed at him, and poured water over his back as he squeaked at her, a big frown on his wrinkled face.
"Don't make that face at me, mister," she admonished as she took the soap piece sitting on a small rock beside the sink and started to rub it over his green skin. She took care to wash thoroughly behind his ears and between his claws, and was careful when she washed his face. After Elana got him completely clean, she let out the dirty water from the sink, and rinsed him off before letting the sink fill up again with clean water.
"You sit in here, okay?" Elana said, and started taking her clothes off, "Sit here like a good baby while I shower?" Bean patted the water excitedly, and cooed, smile bright as he sat in the sink. She had taken care that the water level would not be too high, so that even if he slipped there was no danger of him drowning.
Readying herself, she climbed into the shower, and let out a sigh of relief as the water spray hit her. She gave herself full five seconds to enjoy it before starting to wash herself quickly, not wanting to waste too much of the water, even if it was offered freely.
It was pure bliss to be able to rinse off the sweat and grime from the last two days, and it was wonderful to get herself clean with the industrial soap bar and the shampoo of the Ugnaught. All too soon she was finished, quicker than the ten minute timeframe the Ugnaught had given her, and she climbed out of the shower, using the towel to get herself dry. Making a towel hat - and she had to smile at how long ago it had been since the last time she had made one - the familiar motion soothing, she checked up on Bean, who was splashing happily in the sink.
Thank the Maker he was not making a big mess, there was barely any water on the floor. But even if there had been, she could not have been mad at Bean, who wore a huge smile as he put his face in the water and blew, making bubbles appear. When he emerged, he was giggling so much that he fell backwards, sliding down the curved sink. 
"Enjoying yourself, sweetpea?" She asked, pulling her clean clothes on and working on rubbing her long hair dry. Bean giggled and looked up at her. "Do you want to get out?"
Bean shook his head no, and played with the water some more.
A knock came from the door.
"When will you be finished?" The Mandalorian's voice came through the wood, sounding surprisingly polite.
Elana looked between the door and Bean. "Uh," she licked her lips, nervous, not wanting to cut Bean's playtime short but wanting to make the Mandalorian wait even less.
"You can come in, I just need to dry him off," Elana decided to say, and went over to the dresser, taking a towel for Bean.
The Mandalorian opened the door, his frame almost too big for it, and he stopped in the hallway, gaze fixed on the baby. The small one's ears perked up at the sight of the bounty hunter, and he squealed happily, splashing the water in delight.
Elana quickly went over, took the child out of the sink, and let the water out before wrapping him in the too large towel, until only his ears poked out. As she quickly gathered the clothes she and Bean had discarded, the Mandalorian stood menacingly in the corner, waiting for her to finish. Hoisting the towel plus Bean up, she settled him on her waist, their clothes pinned underneath her arm. 
Not daring to look up, she stood with her arms full of things, waiting for the Mandalorian to make space so she could pass through. Her heart was beating fast, limbs almost seizing up in fear the longer she and Bean were under his scrutiny. He did, after another moment where his visor was trained on them, and let them through. Almost fleeing from him, she did not know if she imagined the sigh he gave as the door to the bathroom shut with a click.
Returning to the open space of the Ugnaught's hut, she busied herself with drying and clothing Bean, rubbing over the few white hairs on his head. The Ugnaught appeared, carrying a tray with some mugs, and set it down on the table in the back of the room.
"Would you like tea?" He asked, and Elana nodded. 
"Yes, please," she said politely as she carried Bean over to him, making her way carefully around the crates in the middle. She put Bean in her lap and he cooed at the Ugnaught, a spark of curiosity coming from him.
"You looked like you needed some," the Ugnaught said, and handed her a steaming mug. Elana took it, and held in in her palms, letting it warm her. It smelled spicy, and she hoped that it tasted as good as it smelled. The tea being too hot to drink at that moment, she set it down on the table, far enough from Bean so he could not topple it.
"If I may ask, what is your name?" 
"You can call me Kuiil," he said, giving a grave nod.
She repeated the name, careful in her pronunciation, before giving him her own.
"I'm Elana, and this is Bean," she introduced herself, smiling at Kuiil. 
"You're not a bounty," he stated, raising an eyebrow. She nodded, biting her lip, looking down at the steaming tea. "I'm Bean's caretaker," she said quietly, "He's not going anywhere without me."
"I see."
"So you farm blurrg?" Elana asked, not knowing what else to say, "How do you domesticate them?"
"The key is to be patient, they can sense agitation," the Ugnaught said after a short pause of contemplation, "You have to stun them, of course, and then bring them back. Taming takes a while, but it is always worth it in the end."
"I've never ridden on a blurrg before," she said, "I imagine it would be very difficult."
Kuiil nodded, and sipped from his tea again. "It is again a matter of patience. A blurrg will not let one mount if there is no trust. To get a blurrg to trust you, you have to be calm."
Elana thought about it. "So is there a difference in, let's say, riding horses and blurrgs?"
"Blurrgs are more likely to bite," Kuiil said dryly, "The Mandalorian felt the wrath of it when he arrived."
She blinked, surprised.
Kuiil simply hummed, before continuing, "Then again, he tried to roast it." What had been her earlier assessment? That the Mandalorian was nuts? It seemed as if she was correct.
"But he told me that he arrived on a blurrg," she pointed out. Well, it was not actually what he had outright said, but they had shared a short conversation over that right after they left the encampment.
"He did. He learned to ride blurrg."
She could not help a slight snort. "I imagine the learning process was quick?"
Kuiil chuffed, visibly amused. "You could say that. Along with his pride, his tailbone was bruised."
A laugh bubbled out of her without her realising, and she pressed a hand to her mouth to muffle the sound. There was a pause between them that was broken up by a noise from the little child.
"You will stay here tonight, and rest," Kuiil said, "Tomorrow we will search for the Jawas, for they are often wandering around the desert." He took a sip from his mug, and mulled over it. "I only have one guest room to offer, I'm afraid," he said next, and Elana felt the smile on her face freeze, heart dropping into her stomach. "I will get you something you can sleep on."
"So we will share a room?" She asked, unable to hide her trepidation at the prospect. It was one thing to sleep in general proximity with their captor when they were out in the desert, dependent on shelter, but now? 
Elana definitely did not want to sleep in the same room as the Mandalorian, especially not wanting him anywhere near Bean.
"Yes, I apologise. I can show it to you," he said, and Elana simply stared at him for a moment, not quite knowing what to say.
"All right," was what she settled on eventually, and added a "Thank you" because she started to feel guilty.
It was not Kuiil's fault that he did not have more rooms, and it was not even his obligation to give them shelter. And she did not want to be ungrateful, especially after he had let her use water for the first time in so long. After finishing her tea with Kuiil, he stood up and lead her into a side room. She could not use the pram since the Mandalorian had the controls, so she took Bean with her. There were two mattresses stacked against a wall, and she could not help the face she made at the sight. Kuiil started to tug one down, and laid it on the ground. Setting Bean down on the floor and gesturing for him to stay, she took the other mattress, and placed it as far as physically possible from the first. Which was not nearly enough for her tastes.
"I'll get you some blankets," Kuiil said, and went out again.
Bean waddled to her, wrapped his arms around her ankles, and looked up at her. Bending down, she stroked his ears and sighed again. Taking him in her arms, she figured she could get Bean to sleep while she was waiting, wanting to avoid keeping the Mandalorian up with the baby.
She started to hum, placing his head on her shoulder, and swayed slightly. Bean made a noise of protest, and she shushed him. "You're gonna sleep now, honey," Elana told him, "And you're not gonna complain about it, okay? Tomorrow's a new day, and you need to have bright eyes when it comes." Humming some more, it did not take long until he was snoring against her, ears twitching in his sleep. 
She sat down on the mattress, waiting for the Mandalorian to appear.
He did, after a few minutes, a bundle of blankets in his arms. But somehow, those blankets did nothing to soften his look, the repaired pieces of armour back in place, the always present helmet glaring menacingly down at her. Elana stared up at him, feeling her throat seize up, fear starting to build up within her.
"Could you get the pram in here?" She asked, voice quiet but firm.
He nodded, and pressed a button on his vambrace. The pram floated through the open doorway a moment later.
With a slight wave of his arm, he positioned the pram closer to her, which she was thankful for. Prying the snoring Bean off her shoulder, Elana placed him in the pram after giving him a peck on his forehead. His nose twitching, Bean reached out to her with a small hand as if he wanted to grasp at her. With an involuntary smile, she granted a finger, planning to let him hold onto it for a while. When she looked up, the Mandalorian was watching them, and she automatically tensed, shifting so she could shield Bean if necessary.
Do not touch my child, she dared silently, glaring into the black T-visor even though he terrified her.
He did not say a word, but slightly tilted his head, and somehow Elana knew that the meaning had been conveyed. He gave her the blankets, and sat down on his own mattress. He did not take any for himself.
"What about you?" Elana asked, unwilling to interact more than she needed to, but it seemed unfair to her that he gave her two blankets when she did not need that much.
The modulator crackled. "Don't need them."
She hesitated, before asking again. "Are you sure?"
"Are you alright? You did fall from pretty high up," Elana said, unable to keep the question to herself anymore. 
"I'm fine." His tone was clipped and final, so she took it as it was, and shut up.
Shrugging to herself, she folded one of the blankets so it could be a pillow, then reached over and placed it on his side. "Have this at least," she said, before shaking out her own blanket, and reaching up to extinguish the flickering light above them.
The room was plunged into darkness, the only light coming from the main room and the night sky full of stars outside.
Elana settled down, the pram at the head of the mattress, and placed the blanket over herself. It smelled vaguely of blurrg, but she could not find it in herself to complain. Finally able to rest her aching body from two days of strenuous activity, it did not take long before she fell asleep.
  The next morning she was awoken by a blurrg's roar. Startled awake, she sat up and looked around. The Mandalorian was missing, but when she looked around, she could see Bean sitting in his pram, tapping a rhythm only he knew onto his blanket. He made a coo when he noticed that she was awake, and scooted forward to her, ears high.
"Morning, honey," she greeted, stifling a yawn, "Where is that Mandalorian, huh?"
He babbled, and she got the impression from him that the bounty hunter had not left long ago. Pulling her boots on, and putting her hair in a braid, she scrubbed over her face, getting rid of the sleep still lingering in her system. Standing up, she noticed the folded blanket on the Mandalorian's side. He had used it, she noticed, and felt satisfaction well up in her, which she squashed a second later.
It does not matter, so what if the Mandalorian had taken her suggestion? It will not make him stop him from turning them in, she thought, sighing.
Bean made a coo, and patted his tummy, ears still high. "Are you hungry?" Elana asked, and took him out of the pram. Bean made an affirmative noise, and she pushed away the curtain, searching for her backpack. Kuiil was sitting at the table, a bowl of some kind of stew in front of him. The Mandalorian was nowhere in sight.
"Good morning, Elana," Kuiil said with a smile, and gestured for her to sit. She remained standing, needing to know something first.
"Morning," she smiled, before saying: "Bean here is hungry, do you have anything that I can warm up rations in?"
"Yes, but you will not need to. I have enough stew for both you and him," the old Ugnaught said before standing up, going into what she assumed to be a kitchen area.
Standing in the room, feeling a bit lost, she hoisted Bean up absentmindedly, him having slid down a bit. Kuiil returned after a short moment, two bowls in his hand. She nodded her thanks, smiling at him before sitting down at the table. The stew was bland but it was fine, and Bean ate enough for her to be content, even though it was an uphill battle with him wriggling around.
The Mandalorian came in, told her "Get yourself ready" and then left again. She blinked at the brusque tone, and then sighed. Wiping the excess stew from Bean's mouth, she stood up, and did as the Mandalorian told her.
"Can you watch him for a second?" Elana asked Kuiil, who nodded, and left him there to pack her stuff together.
It did not take long, but she made sure to refill the water bottle, mentally preparing herself for another day of being in the direct sun. Looking at herself in a mirror, washing her face quickly and then slinging her backpack over her shoulders, she went back and collected Bean.
The pram had been moved outside, she quickly discovered, and saw that there was a large platform drawn by a single blurrg. The Mandalorian was fiddling with the rifle, checking on something, the menacing clicks sending shivers down her back. As soon as he saw her, he straightened up and took out the cuffs once more.
She suppressed a sigh. "Again?" Elana asked, holding her wrist protectively against herself, the skin still an angry red and faintly throbbing. The Mandalorian did not respond, but held them out in front of her. Eyes on the ground, she offered him her wrists, wincing as the cuffs clasped around the raw skin once again.
Kuiil appeared behind them, carrying a big crate, and lifted it onto the transporter. Huffing as he turned around, he raised his eyebrows at them. "Do you want to find the Jawas or not, Mandalorian?" Kuiil asked, and climbed onto his seat. The bounty hunter followed suit, sitting down on one of the crates, the pram with Bean in it floating after him. After glancing at the Mandalorian, she climbed on top as well, and sat down. The sky was cloudy, a rarity for Arvala-7, and she wondered if it might rain later on.
She hoped not.
The blurrg started to move, and it was slow. She half expected it to break out into a full run at some point, but the blurrg moved slowly and steadily. From the way the Mandalorian exhaled in impatience she could guess that he was not happy with the speed either.
Bean was curious, pointing at the blurrg several times, and even if he could only see the backside of it, he was clearly excited to be near the big beast. Elana kept a sharp eye on him, knowing full well that he would leave the pod if he truly wanted to. He was always good at landing lightly and from experience she knew that the little one could wreck havoc in a matter of seconds.
They traveled for several hours, and she was unbelievably grateful that it was not as hot as the last two days. It made travelling a lot more pleasant and bearable, even if the company was kind of lacking - Bean excluded, of course.
The Ugnaught did not say much, and he stayed out of the Mandalorian's way, which meant that he did not interact with her except when necessary. And the Mandalorian had as much conversational engagement as a rock.
It meant that the only thing that helped to pass the dull hours was the little child in the pram being an adorable distraction. Elana had started a little game with him, letting him tug at her finger and then taking it away. Bean was thoroughly entertained by it, giggling every time without fail, and she always switched it up some by tickling him at his neck, making him squeal in delight. She did not know if the Mandalorian was bothered by the ruckus Bean was making, but as long as he did not say anything, she continued. 
The clouds above them darkened and started to amass, and Elana caught herself looking up several times in worry. There was no shelter anywhere in sight, and they did not have anything they could use to protect themselves from rain.
"What happens if it storms?" Elana asked out loud, looking at the other two. 
"The Jawas will camp during a storm," Kuiil explained, turning around slightly, "This will be our opportunity to catch up with them."
"We'll keep going," the Mandalorian spoke up, voice clipped.
She tried to hide the scowl that crept up on her face but was not very successful at it. A clap of thunder rumbled across the sky, and Bean let out a scared coo. Hands reaching out to him before she could even think about it, Elana placed him into her lap, arm curling around his middle as much as the cuffs would allow, pulling him close. She could feel his little heart pumping fast under her palm, and he was looking up at the sky, ears lowered, a quiet whine escaping him.
Elana stroked the top of his head, whispering quiet words in his ear, trying to calm the child. He flinched with his whole body when the next roll of thunder came, turning around and burying his face in her stomach, claws gripping her shirt tightly.
"Hey, honey," she murmured, "It's just thunder, okay? It's loud but it's not dangerous." He whined again, and shivered.
The Mandalorian shifted on his seat, and sighed. She did not glare at him but it was a close thing. This time, a lightning bolt arced across the sky, the clouds looking almost black, and Bean started to cry, so scared Elana could feel it across the bond. Frantically trying to calm the baby, she held him closer and started to hum, swaying slightly from side to side. With every new instance of lightning or thunder he sobbed harder, his tears starting to seep through her shirt.
"Honey, sweetpea," Elana said, rubbing his back in a comforting manner, peppering kisses on his head, "I'm here, okay? Don't be scared, it's just a loud noise and some flashing lights."
Bean whined loudly, his little hands pressing in front of his eyes, making pitiful noises. And when she thought that it could not get worse, it started to pour down.
She started to curse under her breath, torn between wanting to get Bean into his pram where he could be dry, and holding him closer because he needed the comfort.
The Mandalorian made the decision for her by moving the pod right next to her, and opening it up. Not wanting the rain to soak through the blankets padded in there, she kissed the little one quickly, and placed him into the pram. With a quick push of the button, it closed and Bean could stay warm and dry. Elana still felt his fear over their bond, and sent as much warmth and reassurance back as she physically could, promising that she was there for him.
She was drenched within minutes, the heavy rain soaking her, and with the cold it was not long until she was shivering, she curled into herself, trying to preserve what little body warmth she had. Teeth chattering and head already aching, she clenched her jaw and resolved to deal with it. It did not matter that she would most likely catch a cold and be a miserable pile for the next few days while being under the usual heat of Arvala-7 again, for their captor would not care anyways.
Kuiil did not seem bothered by the rain wrapped in his heavy clothes, and with envy she realized that the rain pearled off the Mandalorian's undersuit and armour, probably waterproof.
She curled into herself even more, resting her head on her knees, leaning against the pram. After a short while of her trying to ignore the cold and the rain constantly battling against her back, the Mandalorian called her.
"Caretaker. Here," he said, and held out his cape to her. She stared at him, baffled.
"It's waterproof." He was still holding it out, helmet staring at her.
"Why?" Elana asked, and even if everything in her wanted to just rip it out of his hand and wrap it around herself, she felt that there must be more to it.
"You'll get sick. It'll slow us down," the Mandalorian said, voice dry as bone, the words spoken out of practicality instead of compassion.
She stared at him, and must have hesitated too long, because he just chucked it at her with a grunt. Sputtering at the sudden bundle of fabric in her face, she glared fiercely at him. He just turned around and stared stoically into the night again, and Elana could not help but feel that he was currently being the most dramatic person in the entire galaxy.
Elana scoffed quietly to herself, but begrudgingly wrapped the cape around her. It did not help warm her up much, because her clothes were still wet underneath it, but it was at least something.
A favour for a favour, Elana decided, remembering the times she offered him water and he always shut her down; it must have been some kind of twisted way to repay her kindness. And she really did not want to feel any kind of gratitude towards their captor, but since he offered her his cape, Elana thought that she could maybe reconsider her view on him.
Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it!
@mndalorians baby I love you so, so much, thank you for every convo about ven and you working tirelessly with all my grammar and plot mistakes shdhdhd
Tags: @binggrae-banana-milk @b0n-chann @pisss-offf-ghostt @chibi-liz05 @din-damn-djarin @soldade @yourexcellentboiiii @chaotic-noceur @ezrasarm @hdlynn @mndalorians @over300books @agirllovespasta @crookedmoonsaultpunk @teaofpeach @shadylightbearherring @mitchi-c @concussed-to-pieces @adikaofmandalore @dadolorian @buckythewhitewolfx
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nyaheum · 3 years
My yearly list of Eurovision songs after the first impression (I mean, for like, half of them. I heard snippets of some songs.). Judged on music videos, because...if I only listen to the songs on Spotify, my eyes get bored. :’)
(oh, and don’t talk to me about iceland’s placement, I know this might be unpopular)
X. Belarus
Fuck Belarus, all my homies hate Belarus. Not even going to grace them with a rating.
Norway (TIX – Fallen Angel)
...no. :( And it’s not even because Keiino didn’t win, I just wholeheartetly hate this song. And I’m kinda sorry to TIX, because he seems like a cool dude and his stage outfit is absolutely hilarious, but oh my god do I hate this song with an absolute burning passion.
Poland (RAFAL – The Ride)
eye emoji mouth emoji eye emoji – well, this is a non-qualifier if I’ve ever seen one. Can we just...skip this?
Belgium (Hooverphonic – The Wrong Place)
Nap time! This song annoys me. I cannot explain it, but it gives me a headache and my whole body is revolting against this song. I am not kidding. Objectively, I don’t even hate it, but there’s just something about it...that makes me go...hnghgng…
North Macedonia (Vasil – Here I Stand)
eye emoji mouth emoji eye emoji ver. 2 – I am not trying to sound mean, but does North Macedonia do any music that is not dramatic power ballads? I’m serious. (And I don’t like it, sorry. :((...except for the high notes, I like them. When he can hit them live.)
Estonia (Uku Suviste – The Lucky One)
This (the music video)...is soft porn. I am slightly scared of Uku. I don’t know why. But, uh...this is better than last year’s song? Still, it wouldn’t qualify under my watch, whoops.
Georgia (Tornike Kipiani – You)
He stopped yelling angrily at the microphone. :((( Nah, but this isn’t my thing. It’s great that they are doing their own thing, it’s just not really my thing...it also reminds me of a song I know, damn.
Austria (Vincent Bueno - Amen)
He looks like a german youtuber. I don’t know hich one, but he looks like one. I also canot tell if he’s 18 or 38, lol. (For some reason he also reminds me of Alex Albon, which is even weirder.)...oh, uh, the song? Idk, I don’t care for I. It’s fine.
Spain (Blas Cantó – Voy A Querdarme)
Confession: I’m probably the only person who actually doesn’t like the sound of Spanish all that much. Whoops. Apart from that though, I’m not the biggest fan of this song. Can’t really say more about that. Meh.
The Netherlands (Jeangu Macrooy – Birth Of A New Age)
Listen: I really like the tone of this voice. It’s great. I am not a fan of the song. There’s something just very off about the loud percussions (?) in the background that make me go absolutely crazy when listening to this. My sensory-overload-prone ears hate it, and I’m sorry...the part before the last chorus on the other hand I love. The whole song could have sounded like that and I would have loved it. (...and I can’t unhear “You are my broccoli – You know my broccoli!” ;-;)
Azerbaijan (Efendi – Mata Hari) Whenever I see Efendi, my brain still goes “Cleopatrrrrra!”, oof. This song sounds like a song I know. Which...is super unprecice, but I genuinely don’t know which one. I do like that they kept the weird pre-chorus thing from Cleopatra (and reference the song later on), but I must say that I liked Cleopatra more...but it’s a party song, so I think it will be fun on stage!
Romania (ROXEN - Amnesia)
I didn’t like her song last year, I don’t enjoy this all too much and I’m kinda sorry but also...I don’t want to apologize for my taste in music, lmao. I want her hair though. Give me her hair.
Denkmark (Fyr & Flamme – Ove Os Pa Hinanden)
Ring ding ding, native language bonus. This is also way more fun than I thought it would be, hah. VERY retro, but I don’t hate that? :D (this and sweden really aren’t any different in terms of how much I like them)
Portugal (The Black Mama – Love Is On My Side)
I can appreciate this. I just wish it was in Portuguese, honestly. I don’t really know if I like the English for this song. That being said, I don’t know if you can make these very specific tones (you know what I mean) in portuguese without it sounding super off, so…
Ireland (Lesley Roy – Maps)
Okay, you do you Ireland. :D
Israel (Eden Alene – Set Me Free)
This exists. :D
Cyprus (Elena Tsagrinou – El Diablo)
Cyprus came to party, and I can’t be mad at that. I just don’t know why everybody in the YouTube comments loves this SO MUCH that they are sure that it will win if it gets the jury votes. I don’t think it’s as good as Fuego or She Got Me were, but maybe I just have no taste in party music. I don’t party. (Only if you got a 2000s playlist and some iced tea.)
France (Barbara Pravi – Voilà)
FRANCE sending a BALLAD? In MY Eurovision? It’s more likely than you think. It’s good, objectively. Personally, I don’t really care for it all that much and feel like I already know it.
United Kingdom (Embers – James Newman)
A good, modern song? In my british eurovision song? What happened on the Isles over quarantine? Are you guys okay? Did you find yourself? Have you taken your last breath (breath!) and looked at your past results? I’m impressed enough to put this relatively high, wow.
Serbia (Hurricane – LOCO LOCO)
*adore delano voice* party! Oh, and native language bonus...for a party song! I’m...impressed, actually. I cannot decide wheter I prefer this or Hasta La Vista, but I think it’s this one? The flows smoother, if that means literally anything.
Bulgaria (VICTORIA – Growing Up Is Getting Old)
*shrugs* I think a lot of people will like this. And I get that. I think I even understand it...yeah. I didn’t like her song last year either. It’s just personal preference, I think. I just want to have fun during Eurovision, hah.
Finland (Blind Channel – Dark Side)
Finland: FUCK YOU!!! Germany: Fuck you. <3
That’s all I’ll say, we know how the Finnish are, this is not surprising, lmao. (And I’m one of those children that grew up on Rammstein, so I legally cannot dislike this.)
Croatia (Albina - Tick-Tock)
Tick-tock, can you hear me go tick-tock? My heart is like a clock, I'm steady like a rock-...oh wait, wrong tick-tock! Still, really enjoy this song’s chorus – I actually enjoy it so much that it makes up for the utter loss of interest I experience once it’s over, chrm.
Sweden (Tusse – Voices)
I mean...let’s be honest, it’s a generic swedish pop song. It sounds like every other Swedish entry, and I think that bothers me. I know, that sounds kind of...weird, looking at my choices higher up in the list, but...meh. I think this will easily qualify for the Final and place high, and I am totally okay with that. It’s just not...what I wanted, I guess? :D (and i’m sorry but as a german-speaker I cannot get over the name “tusse”) (oh, and tusse seems to be super cool)
Albania (Anxhela Peristeri - Karma)
Oh, we’re going to war in 130 A.D.? Fine, let me just pack my spear and- oh, Albania has already sent a singer? Ah, well, might as well give up and just vibe.
Czech Republic (Benny Cristo - omaga)
This sounds fun. Not a winner or anything, but fun. I’ll probably still be on Twitter when he’s performing, whoops.
Slovenia (Ana Sklic - Amen)
Wait, there’s TWO songs called Amen? And why do I actually kinda like this? Oh well, might as well just accept it. (Her voice though...mhmmhmhm…yes please)
Iceland (Dadi og Gagnamagnid – 10 Years)
We just vibin’. I liked Think About Things more, but I’m very much biased here...because I’ve known that song for a year now. But this is still very good, and very on brand. (And I understand like...half of the lyrics, but I am okay with that.)
Australia (Montaigne - Technicolour)
not australia flexing at all of europe that they can hold big gatherings! D: oh, but I like this way more than last years song. I feel like Montaigne can show her GREAT voice way better in this song. (Even though her outfit and the sound of the song reminds me of the UK song that had...a dude run on the stage. I can’t think of the word for it right now.)
Malta (Destiny – Je Me Casse)
Destiny’s voice is just….wow. This is very different than All My Love, but it’s fun. The topic of the lyrics kinda remind me of Toy, and I like that…..I don’t really like the music video (especially the dancers in the colorful dresses? idk), but I’ll just ignore that.
Germany (I Don’t Feel Hate - Germany)
Confession time: I actually actively enjoy this song. Everybod is shitting on it, but it’s FUN and it has a good message, and Jendrik seems like the nicest dude ever and...it doesn’t deserve all the hate it’s getting? It’s completely self-produced and just fun. Stop being mean. :(
(...also someone on youtube said “pewdiepie” and I can’t unsee that now so fuck you >:((...no, no I don’t feel hate, just rethink your life choices)
Moldova (Natalia Gordienko - SUGAR)
What in the “Eis.de ist in der Kiste” is this music video? And I thought I would absolutely hate this song, but I actually don’t mind it all that much. It’s actually fun. Oh no, I’m splipping, someone catch me, aaaaaahhhhh….(and that poor cake dude. Is this song about cannibalism? Does she want to eat him?)
San Marino (Senhit – Adrenalina)
Catch me hum the chorus of this song at least once a day...but honestly, without any malicious intent: what the actual FUCK san marino? This is so much better than Freaky, and even though I do not believe for one second that this will win, the simple outragiousness of bringing Flo Rida to Eurovision deserves attention. (Bringing someone like Flo Rida to ESC sounds more like Scandinavia/Bulgaria, doesn’t it?)
Russia (Manizha – Russian Woman)
Not gonna lie, I miss Little Big, but at least they are sending something that’s at least as weird. I love that. Russian Rap is cool as fuck anyway, so I’m fully here for this...but I’m glas this song doesn’t have a music video, this just has to be a live performance. (Oh, and another strong woman!)
Ukraine (Go_A – SHUM)
I’m SO glad Go_A are back. But, let me be completely honest: I know why they had to change the lyrics, but I still liked the first version better. BUT I feel like the new one will grow and me and it will climb one or two places, because the Instrumental just slaps SO HARD. (Makes me feel like putting on a Cybergoth outfit and start dancing at a German industrial park, lmao.)
Latvia (Samanta Tina – The Moon Is Rising)
Does this count as my guilty pleasure this year? I loved her song last year, and this sounds similar, so...I like this too. It sounds modern as fuck (well, for Europe, you know) and I can definitely...”vibe” with that. I genuinely really enjoy this, and I don’t know why. (Even though I prefer last years drop.) A lot of “strong, independent women”-songs this year, and I’m not complaining.
Switzerland (Gjon’s Tears – Tout l’Univers)
Just so we’re clear, this and Italy share the exact same spot. I just cannot compare them at all. Gjon’s voice just takes me hostage throughout this whole song and won’t let me go. And everything that isn’t english/is in the countries offical language immediately gets plus points from me. As if this song needed them anyway.
Lithuania (The Roop – Discoteque)
Aaaaaand...dance break! Good, I just love them so much, it’s not even funny anymore. And I’ve been singing this song randomly since it came out. I can’t stop. It has burned itself into my brain. Let’s dis-co-teque right at my home! *waves arms around with no sign of coordination*
(and does anyone else feel like he’s serhat, just with a different alignment? Like, they are both chaotic, but serhat is chaotic neutral and he’s either chaotic good or chaotic bad, it really depends on the way he looks at the camera)
Italy (Maneskin – Zitti E Buoni)
Italy delivers, as they do every year. Not only do I really like this song (it is very much my genre), THIS is an aesthetic I can get behind! Knowing Eurovision, I doubt it will win, but damn if it won’t be super fun! (I am so glad this won Sanremo, hah.)
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zabrak-show · 4 years
can i request a fic where reader is maul's apprentice and kind of a daughter-like figure to him? and she accidentally calls him dad?
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Uhhh OK!! This was such a cute request and yet I made myself cry writing it. lmao so I’m sorry in advance. This is a found family story. Also, I made this gender-neutral, I hope this is ok. The setting is Dathomir at the time of the Solo movie. So after Clone Wars Maul becomes the shadowy ruler of Crimson Dawn on Dathomir. He found an apprentice on Mandalore and has been training them for about 10 years.
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Found Family!, Family trauma
A training orb narrowly missed your head as you ducked out of the way and finally struck it with your lightsaber. You had let yourself get distracted and it was a close call. You’d been at this for too long to make mistakes like that. You felt a deep shame for an instant but turned it into energy to focus on the training lesson at hand. You ducked and rolled on the cold stone floor, striking down the last training orb in a flash of sparks. The air now filled with the scent of dust, ozone, and sweat as you breathed in a sigh of relief. To be able to sit for even just a moment was an immeasurable treat these days.
You’d been training under Maul for almost 10 years now and he’d always been an incredibly stern and demanding Master, but lately, he’d been almost overbearing with his training. You felt frustrated at times, but mostly just wanted to make him proud of all that you knew you were capable of.
“How is it an apprentice of mine could still flounder at training orbs?” The all too familiar hauntingly deep voice of you your master filled the large room. He walked in slowly with his hands clasped behind his back and his metal feet clanking against the stone in a soft tapping you’d grown to know and love through the years, but at this moment, felt disdain towards the intrusion.
“I still won in the end,” you protested as you quickly rose from the seated position.
“Spare me. You are better than this. Better than these errors. And you know it. What is distracting you these days?” he questioned you with the same stern tone, but a tenderness behind it only you could detect.
“I’ll do better. I will do the lesson again right now. Again and again until it’s perfect.” you offered desperately.
“Hmmm… so you will not tell me what it is that distracts you? You’ve been training all day. Go wash up and spend the night meditating and maybe then you can tell me why you are distracted.” he turned and walked out of the room his black robes lightly rustling with his sudden movements. You wanted to be defiant and yell after him how out of touch he was and what a crotchety old man he had become, but you held back and just stewed in your negative feelings for a moment before ultimately deciding to do exactly as he said.
After your shower, you felt immensely better and decided to go meditate, although it was a bit begrudgingly. You wanted to go hang out with the nightbrothers, truth be told, but you also were just not in the mood for that either. You felt like you were stuck, in a funk. You missed Mandalore. Your parents were trash and you thought you had come to terms with that, but then why did you still wake up in the middle of the night dreaming about them and being in the house you grew up in? You knew Maul sensed this unbalanced feeling in you. Even if he hadn’t so much as told you he knew, it was clear he could read it on you anyway.
You set your room up to meditate, lighting some magick Dathomrian herbs and setting all the lights down low. You sat on a pillow trying to clear your mind. All you could hear was your Master’s voice and try as you might to block it out it was too loud. You got up angrily to pace the room, but then you realized you weren’t just hearing his voice in your head, he was in the next room over having a conversation. Curiosity got the best of you and you wandered out into the hall to eavesdrop.
“I wasn’t there, but if I had been perhaps I could have saved him” you overheard a woman’s voice you slightly recognized, but couldn’t quite place it yet.
“hmmm, ha ha ha ha.” your Master began his iconic sinister laugh and you knew this was not good already, but also sensed the darkness surrounding his force signature. 
‘Was he..scared? What could he have to fear?’ you pondered to yourself outside the room the voices emanated from.
“Bring the ship and come to me on Dathomir and you and I will then decide what to do about the traitor Beckett and his accomplices.” Maul snarled out and you heard the hiss of his lightsaber being activated.
“I’m on my way.” the woman responded with the immediacy that predicated only bad things on the way.
You crept back to your room knowing the peace you had known with Maul for the last ten years was about to change. You sat back down on your pillow and attempted to meditate in case your master were to walk by or come in.
“Y/N, get up. I’m sending you on a solo mission and you need to take whatever is most important to you.” Maul barged into your room as you had suspected may happen. You rushed to your feet and began looking for your bags to pack,
“Oh.. ok. Where am I going? Why aren’t you coming with me?” you tried to seem nonchalant, but his anxiety was boring into your soul and freaking you out. You’d never seen him so panicked.
“No time, just get ready and meet me at the ship hangar in an hour.” he ran out of the room before you could protest. His metal legs clanking against the stone down the hallway as you’d heard a million times before. You froze for a moment, trying desperately to always remember that sound. It was the first sound you remembered him from when he saved you on Mandalore. You had been run out of your home barely 10 years old, by your family for being force-sensitive and tried to survive on the streets of Sundari. It had gone ok for a month or so before you started to run out of party tricks to use on the gangs and you had been ambushed one night by several different gang leaders. Why your master was out walking that night and in that exact side street you’d never know, but he saved your life and the sound of his metal legs on stone pavement would forever be a reminder of that.
You swallowed a ball of anxiety and it snaked its way down your throat until finally settling into a heavy stone in your stomach. You knew he was sending you away, you sensed it. You hated that you could sense these things. Ignorance was bliss and it was not something you’d ever been privy to. You tried to breathe in the calming herbs still burning on your altar in a futile attempt to acquiesce some of these feelings. You snuffed out the incense, grabbed your bags, and left your room, not looking back as there was simply no sense of dwelling any longer.
You met Maul at the hangar and he was still in his fake calm, but frenzied mood.
“Master, you know I sense your feelings as well?” you asked with a concerned look on your face.
“Yes, my apprentice. You are more powerful than you know. I simply cannot afford to let anything happen to you. I’m sure this will all blow over in a couple of years, I just need you to hide for a while.” He reached out to grab your arm as he spoke, his fiery amber eyes gazing into your soul.
“A couple of years? That’s so long. Why won’t you tell me what’s going on?” You shifted your body away from him snatching your arm out of his grasp. You were an adult now and yet he still treated you like a child. It was more than you could stand.
“There’s no time to explain it all now, and I know you are no longer a child. That’s why I’m sending you away. If my old master finds out about you, about me. about any of this... Trust me, please?”
He barely spoke of his old master and when he did it was not good. You knew this was bad, but you were still so sad and confused.
“Can’t I hide on Dathomir? Please don’t send me away, dad.” the tears were spilling out of your eyes and you didn’t quite register what you had called your master until you looked up into his red face, his amber eyes widening in shock at the words.
Before you could completely die from cringe he grabbed you in a robust hug. Something he had only done once before when you were very little and your pet loth-cat had died.
“I would be so honored to be your dad. And that’s why it’s even more important for you to get away from me from awhile.” He grabbed your face to wipe away the tears with his gloved hands.
“Remember how I said we survive in the shadows? My shadow may have been lifted up and I can’t afford any more losses. You are all I have.” he pleaded with you and you choked back your sobs to give him another hug before you boarded the next passenger ship to maker knew where. You’d be on the run for a while you knew.
as always thanks for reading and thanks for requesting <3
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vtmb2s · 3 years
I had this from an ask meme from like 2 months ago or so and deleted the og post, I dunno why -_-  anyway it was in my google docs so I’m reposting it
How did they first meet? What was their first impression of each other?
You know… fun Zion Canyon trip!! (credit for this one goes to Dany cause I don’t have good ideas but the whole ordeal would actually happen pre-game, because that’s when the courier would most likely sign up for a caravan I think) 
Audrey thought Follows-Chalk was just messing with her when he said who they were gonna meet, no way this guy is still alive. Needless to say she hates him, she’s heard enough horrendous things about him in her NCR days to form her opinion. He didn’t like her much either aaaghhh how can you see through my fake atonement thing where I’m basically doing the same as before. (she doesn’t really see through it initially, she’s just too stubborn to buy the whole redemption arc thing from the beginning and ends up realizing that she just happened to be right). Understanding why she doesn’t trust him but also resenting that. 
Who felt romantic feelings first?
fjjhdsjhd he does probably, vaguely. She has a much harder time accepting it considering his background and all that, so that came later.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
YEAH! Both actually, enemies to vaguely friends to lovers and all that but like I said, Audrey has a much harder time coming to terms with this, she feels a little stupid about it because she knows what this guy has done!!! ( and he knows that, hence why he’s pushing it all down in favor of his stupid little revenge thing) He’s so weird and just looks like a mummy, what is there to like objectively. But she does. What thematic parallels do to a mfer 😔
Who initiated the relationship?
She did… Canyon visit nr 2, she technically fucking hates it there but for some reason she wants to go back (well. you know why), perhaps just a little vacation. And well there was clearly something there so why act on it. The most embarrassing moment of her life but it’s worth it I suppose. 
Who said “I love you” first?
Also her… Sorry queen you have to do all the work
Who gets jealous easily?
I think him but not in a way where he’d say anything, he’s just like 😐 but you can’t see it because. bandages. And Audrey has no competition lol so. 
Who is more protective?
Also him, she gets into more stupid shit and isn’t as crazy. 
Who remembers the little things?
She does :)
Who uses the cheesier pickup lines?
God neither. They’re too weird for pickup lines. If anything Audrey would list a few bad ones she overheard on the strip as a joke.
What does a first date look like for them?
They don’t go on dates lmao. What is there to do in a canyon, they’d just go to some random place where there are no other people and talk about whatever.
What do they like to do together?
Just mundane things, doing random shit while one is talking about whatever. A lot of times it’s just Audrey chatting about something funny or weird that happened to her on her travels while she puts on one of her favorite holotapes and does something, her stories are more light-hearted after all :/
Other than that… nothing too insane, they’re too weird to have proper hobbies. Her making him read his stupid mormon bible out loud so she can hear his sexy grandpa voice 😍
Do they like PDA?
No -_- maybe hand holding when no one’s looking, if anything. 
What are their big spoon / little spoon arrangements?
God he’s probably gonna die if she tries to spoon.
Does one like the cuddle more than the other?
She does but it’s not really possible sometimes. Leans against him until he's like aha. okay that’s enough :/
Who hogs the blankets?
Audrey does. She never sleeps much when she’s travelling so when she finally does get a proper night’s rest it’s limbs thrown around. Taking the entire blanket for herself. Sleeping for 20 years.
Do either of them like to cook?
I can’t imagine either, she just does it out of necessity. She can’t cook though, it’s blamco mac and cheese every mf day.
If they get married, who proposes first?
Godddd realistically he would at least think about it but they don’t get married lol. The mental image of it makes me cringe too much.
What kind of wedding do they have?
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Does anyone object to their relationship? 
NO LMAOOOOO no one wanted them to get together and pretty much everyone would object to it if they knew. She probably doesn’t tell her family but if they knew they’d be against it, for obvious reasons. She doesn’t tell her friends either except Callisto lol, who thinks it’s epic somehow. Great Khan past and all that, not that she agrees with the legion in any way but 🤷‍♀️
Do they have any kids?
Maybe they do… maybe not. Who knows, I don’t control them.
(I made up two but Idek if they exist. a son named Ben and a daughter, Rachel. they’re weird and that’s all you need to know)
Do they have any pets?
I was gonna say no but she still has Rex who she forgot to return to the King 💔
How did they first meet? What was their first impression of each other?
In the followers' camp, not long after she moved to Freeside :) iirc the King tells a story about how he went to the Followers Camp to seek help regarding Rex and ended up yelling at them and even knocking out a few doctors.. something similar, one of his guys got their ass beat and the King got impatient and asked why tf this is taking so long. And Diana told him to sit his ass down and wait, which resulted in an argument 🙄 As for the first impression. Diana thought he was just your typical annoying man, maybe sexy and in a cooler suit than the guys on the strip, but annoying nonetheless. And the King thought she was being rude and had a big mouth. But again, kind of in a sexy way.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
THE KING… pretty quickly actually. A few months after the argument they had at the old mormon fort. For Diana on the hand it took a little bit longer :/
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Hm not really, but like I said Diana didn’t really fall that fast for him. She met him shortly after she left the Gomorrah (she was a dancer, not a prostitute but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t seen and experienced some shit) so she’s not really thinking about men and pretty much ignores him flirting with her (also he stops once he finds out about her past lol). She figures she likes him because they do have the same principles and something about being good people in a shitty world and all that so there’s a lot of admiration there, also their shared love for music and stuff. Elvis things. But she’s trying to heal from the shit she witnessed at the strip so no thanks!! Until… until...
Who initiated the relationship?
Well… technically him, he was the first one to flirt with her probably but she never really paid any attention to it. The actual relationship though.. her.
Who said “I love you” first?
Diana but I think he would have said it too… she was just faster 😌
Who gets jealous easily?
Both do. She’s sexy so nasty old men will flirt with her while she’s doing her job but the King doesn’t have to know that because he would be MAD. Diana on the hand will act like she’s mad at him when random people are being a little too friendly with him -_-
Who is more protective?
HE IS… that one text post about saying “that’s my wife” and punching someone. Yeah.
Who remembers the little things?
He does :) Little things she likes, her favorite song or stupid little things she finds funny… sigh
Who uses the cheesier pickup lines?
THE KING but unironically. Some Elvis shit, telling her she got him “all shook up” or something and she’s into it!!!
What does a first date look like for them?
He wouldn’t say this counts (she would) but technically that one time she was doing some random music thing with her freeside kids for fun and he showed up to talk to her and Diana was like. Hey wait, why don’t you stay and sing something for these kids :-) it was stupid but fun I guess and they hung out after, her saying how impressed she was because her kids were having a good time and so was she :)
What do they like to do together?
Like on the (unofficial) first date, doing random performances together. I guess he can sing (I think?? all Elvis impersonators can sing in my mind) and she’s a dancer so.. fun!! Other than that, watching random Kings member #58 perform on their little stage, going to ugly Freeside Casinos and leaving immediately after they lose 3 caps, just fun things!! Also he likes to listen to her talking about random stuff she read in her magazines. 
Do they like PDA?
Fuck yeah… Diana constantly having her legs in his lap whenever possible, him having his arm around her shoulders or on her waist all the time. Physical contact but in a cool way. 
What are their big spoon / little spoon arrangements?
They wouldn’t spoon I think but she’d sleep on his arm :) wakes up and it’s numb but that’s okay
Does one like the cuddle more than the other?
Like I said. constant physical contact (but in a cool way) but actual cuddling WOULD be a thing in private.
Who hogs the blankets?
Diana -_-
Do either of them like to cook?
l can’t imagine him being able to cook but she can. Yes I do the cooking yes I do the cleaning. 
If they get married, who proposes first?
There’s no real proposal probably, It would just come up in a conversation and they’d decide to have one of these quick Las Vegas weddings.
What kind of wedding do they have?
Again. One of these quick Las Vegas weddings… people get married by the King but who marries HIM 😔 (probably one of the other kings). It’s not much but it fits them, I don’t think huge wasteland weddings are much of a thing anyway (or weddings in general) sooo...
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Does anyone object to their relationship? 
No one objected, except maybe annoying ass Pacer for literally no reason and some random followers :/ As for Pippa and Isabel (Diana’s besties), they didn’t meet before she started dating the king so they obviously weren’t rooting for them to get together but they wouldn’t object to it either, I think. Isabel certainly doesn’t, she likes the King and thinks they fit. Idk what Pippa thinks she’s not my oc, but I don’t think she’d object to it either.
Do they have any kids?
NO lmao. No biological ones at least, Diana has her Freeside orphans though that she takes care of (kinda), they’re basically her kids. She even refers to them as such :-)
Do they have any pets?
Heh… Rex :-)
How did they first meet? What was their first impression of each other?
In the distillery district 😳 On the first mission, Georgie prob caught him sneaking around her clinic (by accident) and was like. WTF get out with your creepy mask… wait ACTUALLY since you’re good at sneaking can you get me [random thing for her medical research that she has tried to get her hands on for ages] and i can give you a discount on health potions and free leeches 😏 NPC behavior… 
Georgie thought the mask looked fucked up and he seemed mysterious but well. She meets strange people every day so 🤷‍♀️ Also she thinks it’s kind of sexy. He thought she was a bit strange, but ig he liked her. She’s funny. 
Who felt romantic feelings first?
GEORGIE. relatively quickly actually, she really likes him early on but she doesn’t really say anything with Jess’ death being so recent :/ He does… later on, about two or three years after dh1, probably when she’s on official business in dunwall tower (YES underqualified royal physician Georgie is a thing now 💕) and she remarks a random cut he has on his cheek & turns his face to get a closer look and he’s like 😳😳😳😳 why do I like that she just did that. Love Wins.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Her kind of, again with the whole Jessamine thing because it was so recent and she’s like aaagh i'm not gonna hit on a guy in mourning so she tries to ignore it 😐 
Who initiated the relationship?
GOD technically Georgie, she didn’t say anything of course because she’s too weird but she does kiss him first... and makes him leave right after :/
Who said “I love you” first?
He does… Georgie would NEVER say it first and doesn’t say it right back immediately but. He knows she’s weird about things so it’s okay.
Who gets jealous easily?
Her. That is a thing. 
Who is more protective?
Both :-) 
Who remembers the little things?
Also both but mostly him. Remembering the weird little things she offhandedly mentioned she likes. Or her little plague research things. 
Who uses the cheesier pickup lines?
Both but they’d just whisper them to each other for funsies when they’re somewhere. In public.
What does a first date look like for them?
They wouldn’t have a proper official first date but it’d likely be some random event they’d both be at when she’s the royal physician (I don’t think she’d get invited to anything but well. Maybe the Boyles run out of crazy things to do at their parties and invite her) Or taking a walk at Dunwall’s somewhat nicer-looking docks. Something boring. 
What do they like to do together?
Also boring things. They’re old, nothing too crazy. Chatting about random stuff whenever she’s over at Dunwall tower, taking walks in the gardens together and watching ships or something, talking shit about aristocrats that they find annoying or just about weird hobbies, maybe she can bring him along to meet her friends (who he already knows) to look at rats in alleyways but he eats them idk. Summons a whole swarm of rats but they end up trying to kill them 
Do they like PDA?
NO. I don’t think she’d be too much into the whole ~aristocrat life~ after becoming the royal physician and just does business-related things but neither would want people talking about this. Semi-secret relationship for no reason and they’re both more private sooo
What are their big spoon / little spoon arrangements?
She’s the little spoon.. likes being held :)
Who hogs the blankets?
He does -_-
Do either of them like to cook?
No lol
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Does anyone object to their relationship? 
I think the only person really knowing of this is Marzanna (AGAIN. by dany… Georgie is also besties with Slackjaw… the Rat Smackers. but she wouldn’t tell him about this lol), who would probably not object to it?? but I don’t think anyone else would be rooting for them. I guess Emily likes her as her cool doctor but NO WAY that’s gonna be her stepmom :/
Do they have any kids?
No :/
Do they have any pets?
Georgie has a cat. Not together though, Pluto is hers.
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