hannibalzero · 7 months
Obi-wan bad habits
Headcanons 🐰❤️🐰❤️
Emotionally shutting down, he’s not meditating he’s checked out.
Death sticks/cigarettes. Obi-wan isn’t a smoker but after a horrible battle. He will light one and share it with Anakin. A traditional thing he used to do with Qui-gon-Jin
Excessive cleaning, not a speak of dust on anything. He’s stressed
Parenting Anakin. Anakin is a grown ass man (allegedly ) Obi-wan will slid back into the old relationship when distracted. He will laugh at himself and apologize to Anakin. To Anakin’s credit it takes it gracefully
Caffeine. While Stewjoni’s can not have caff. (Think horrible lactose, intolerant tummy issues) Obi-wan loves his tea. Anything highly caffeinated he’s in love.
Sweets. The Jedi diet is rather strict, think lazy keto. But every now and then, Obi-wan needs something with sugar and will eat a whole cake.
Datapads, as clean and orderly as he can be. Datapads gets left wherever. But Obi-wan makes a point to clean them up by bedtime
Bedding, a good sum of Obi-wan’s credits go to his amazing bed. Mattress, sheets, pillows, quilts and comforters. Even Padme would be jealous.
Obi-wan tends to fuss with Anakin’s appearance when they are about to go on a mission. Fixing his robes, cloak, rubbing a spot off of his mecha arm
Halonet romance novel messing boards…yeah he is a fan of a few series. Blame Satine for getting him into these trashy books. But it’s rather fun being swept up in these silly stories of grand romance.
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// New Message to: BlkCkt.halo //
> I want blue prints, if you can find them. Defenses. Home addresses. Identified safe houses. I am attaching the same fee as last time. -M
// Attachments will be stripped of visible image. Only metadata for tracking purposes can be sent on the halonet. Proceed? //
// Y
// Your transaction fee for this message is 11,050 credits. Once sent, you cannot retrieve these credits for any reason. Proceed? //
// Y
// A receipt for this transaction has been sent to your commlink. Please expect your data package within 2-6 business days. Thank you for using the BlkCkt service. //
//You have been logged off.
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whhimsy · 6 years
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-Claude Monet 
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blushiebee · 7 years
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today  <3
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safetea · 7 years
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today consisted of eating blueberries and starting a new crochet project 🌿 ig: softcrochets
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bekannz · 6 years
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smilegogh · 7 years
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hi sunshines! i’m always queuing my posts, so I decided why not make my own queue group <3  i’m so excited to create this and i’m looking forward to making new friends and discovering amazing new blogs that are always up for queuing from each other!
R U L E S;
must be following @smilegogh
reblog this post at least once (likes can be used for bookmarking)
if this flops we forget it ever happened
P E R K S;
a follow from me (if I’m not already following you)
new friends (including me!) <3
your queue will never be empty!! (woot woot!!)
a bunch of new blogs to follow, queue from, etc!
H I G H E R  C H A N C E S;
talk to me; i want to get to know you :)
have a similar blog style to me.
reblog my posts!
tag me in your posts! (#smilegogh)
if you have any question, feel free to ask me! i will be choosing a good amount of blogs when i’m happy with the notes! have a good day guys, and happy reblogging :)
341 notes · View notes
halonet · 7 years
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hello! members have been chosen for the halo network (halonet) which will be a blog devoted to positivity and sending kind messages to users who may need them. the members have been notified and all have accepted their positions in the group! the members are:
i have chosen very few members, as we will all be running the blog together. please don’t be offended if you were not chosen, i read each response thoroughly and came to my conclusion based on those alone.
congratulations to the chosen members!
5 notes · View notes
peachyorion · 7 years
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a lil bit of sunshine
1 note · View note
michaelandy101-blog · 4 years
That's a Wrap: MozCon Virtual 2020 Day Two Recap
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/thats-a-wrap-mozcon-virtual-2020-day-two-recap-2/
That's a Wrap: MozCon Virtual 2020 Day Two Recap
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Wow! What a crazy ride MozCon has been this year. In case you missed it, we were able to double the number of attendees and include over 2,800 people.
Not only were we able to include them, we were also able to see their families, pets, and home offices. It was an unusual experience for sure, but one we won’t be forgetting any time soon.
As always, the speakers served up some flaming hot content (including an actual movie). We can’t wait to share some of these takeaways with you!
Britney Muller — Accessible Machine Learning Workflows for SEOs
Britney started off by assuring everyone that they absolutely can use machine learning. She knows this because she was able to teach her dad how to use it!
Let’s jump right in.
Basically, machine learning can be used for a lot of things.
There’s endless possibilities w/ #machinelearning:
Some cool things: – AI-generated faces – Auto-excuse generator (need that)
Leveraging for SEO: – Keyword research – Forecasting time series – Extracting entities and categories from URLs – Internal link analysis #mozcon
— Seer Interactive (@SeerInteractive) July 15, 2020
Britney suggests starting with a notebook in Colaboratory for increased accessibility. She showed us to do the basics like upload, import, and download data before jumping into the fun stuff:
Using Google NLP API to extract entities and their categories from URL
Using Facebook’s Prophet data for time-series predictions
Keyword research using Search Console Data and a filtering function
Honestly, we were surprised at how easy she made machine learning look. Can’t wait to try it ourselves!
Izzi Smith — How to Be Ahead of the (CTR) Curve
Not all clicks are created equal! While you may want as many clicks as possible from the SERP, there’s a specific type of click you should be striving for — the almighty long click.
“What is a click without the intent to be there?”
Google’s patent clearly states that reactions to search results are gauged, and short interactions (clicks) can lower rankings while longer interactions (clicks) can lead to higher rankings.
Great point by the wonderful @izzionfire – focus on the “long clicks” – the ones where users spend a long time on your page after clicking your result.
Google tends to show answers for the “short clicks” within the SERP – if it doesn’t now, it will soon.#MozCon pic.twitter.com/mCvWUpDTKQ
— Lily Ray ???? (@lilyraynyc) July 15, 2020
Are you ready to track your clicks and get to work? Good! Izzi broke it all down for you:
Pull your data from Google Search Console, specifically by using their API.
Know what you are looking for BEFORE getting into the data.
Look for these patterns:
Performance-based core update impacts — decrease in positions and impressions
Identifying Irrelevant rankings — large impression spike (with low CTR) then a sharp decline in impressions
Losing SERP feature — a sharp decrease in CTR and a decrease in impressions
Izzi, you’re a rockstar! We can’t wait to go play with all of our data later.
Flavilla Fongang — How to Go Beyond Marketing for Clients: The Value of a Thriving Brand Ecosystem
Flavilla is a true gem. Instead of focusing on the top of the funnel, she focused on how we can keep customers coming back.
She told us that “business is like love”. You don’t want to move too fast. You don’t want to move too slow. You have to add value. You have to keep things exciting.
“Your clients don’t continue buying from you because you meet their expectations. They do it because you EXCEED them.” It’s like falling in love. — @FlavillaFongang #MozCon pic.twitter.com/S4RwlkC6pp
— Sarah Bird (@SarahBird) July 15, 2020
Flavilla challenged us to find what makes us remarkable:
Can you offer a unique experience?
Can you create a community?
Can you offer integrations?
Can you partner with people to bring something new?
Really sit down and think about why you started your brand and reflect on it. If you build a brand people come back to, you’ll have far less to worry about.
Brian Dean — How to Promote Your Content Like a Boss
We finally did it! We got Brian Dean to speak at an SEO conference.
If you don’t know him by now, you haven’t been searching hard enough. Brian is a master of content creation and marketing.
It wasn’t always that way, though. Brian’s first blog never took off because he spent more time creating content than he did promoting it. Once he realized just how important promotion was, he went all-in and ended up reaping the benefits.
This year, he finally shared with us some of his Jedi-like promotion tactics.
7 promotional strategies 1. Create for the linkerati (bloggers+journalists) 2. Expanded social posts 3. Avoid JarJar outreach 4. The Jedi mind trick 5. Hyperdrive-boosted Facebook posts 6. Infiltrate scarif: subreddits 7. Hack the Halonet: click to tweet links@backlinko #mozcon
— James Wirth (@jameswirth) July 15, 2020
He shared multiple tips for each of these strategies, but here is a quick summary:
Social sites hate it when you post links. Instead, tease the content with a “hook, lead, summary, link, call-to-action”.
Ask journalists or bloggers if they’d be interested in reading your pieces, but do so before you publish it to take some pressure off.
Actually personalize your outreach by mentioning something on the contact’s site.
Boost Facebook posts with ample engagement to audiences who have interacted with previous posts.
Just implementing one of these tactics could change the way your content is received by the internet. Who knows what could happen if you implemented all of them?
Joy Hawkins — Google My Business: Battling Bad Info & Safeguarding Your Search Strategy
Not everyone does local SEO, but if you do (or if it ties into what you do at all) you’re going to want to buckle your seatbelt.
Joy showed us some of the insights she was able to pull from a large study she did with her team. They had noticed a major discrepancy in the data between Google My Business and Google Search Console, and wanted to get to the root of it.
TL;DR version of @JoyanneHawkins presentation at #mozcon
Don’t trust Search Console impressions, y’all
— Greg Gifford (@GregGifford) July 15, 2020
Joy shared some major findings:
Google My Business “views” are a lot of different things (not just the traditional impressions we’re used to tracking).
Mobile searches don’t show website icons in the local pack.
The search queries that show up in GMB are different from the ones that are shown in Search Console.
Explicit intent does not always mean higher intent than implicit intent
If you work in local search, Joy wants to challenge you to move away from views and Search Console impressions. Instead, focus on the search data that GMB provides for keywords and on click data in Search Console.
Michael King — Runtime: The 3-Ring Circus of Technical SEO
In true Michael King style (with a ton of flare), he showed us just what’s possible at a virtual conference and blew our minds with technical SEO awesomeness.
That moment you think you kinda know technical SEO and then you see @iPullRank at #MozCon. Mind. BLOWN.
— Lauren Turner (@laurentracy_) July 15, 2020
We watched “Jamie” get through the three rings using slick techniques.
How do you identify which keyword on a site owns a URL? -Position -Traffic -Linking authority metrics
Use on all ranking pages to determine best URL for each keyword on the site, then adjust anchor text as needed@iPullRank #MozCon
— Jennifer Slegg (@jenstar) July 15, 2020
All Google products have services you can connect to via ABScript – you can create a full data ecosystem, all via basic JavaScript@iPullRank #MozCon
— Ruth Burr Reedy (@ruthburr) July 15, 2020
@ipullrank #seo #mozcon #techseo
holy fizzle Ebay builds internal links programatically to boost rankings from page 2 to page 1.
— Noah Learner (@noahlearner) July 15, 2020
There were so many of these, friends!
The thing is, all of this has been out there and accessible, but as Mike says in Runtime, “Doing things the same way everyone else does them is going to get you everyone else’s results. Do things your own way.”
Dana DiTomaso — Red Flags: Use a Discovery Process to Go from Red Flags to Green Lights
The idea of discovery is not a new one, but Dana came ready to shine a new light on an old tactic. Most of us do minimal research before agreeing to do a project — or at least minimal compared to Dana and her team!
These are just a few questions from Kick Point’s discovery process:
If there were no limitations, what would you want to be able to say at the end of this project?
Which of these metrics affects your performance report?
What does your best day ever look like?
What didn’t work last time?
The discovery process isn’t just about talking to the client, though, it’s about doing your own research to see if you can find the pain points.
Actually testing your client’s transaction process. I only do that when setting up eCommerce tracking and test the purchasing journey for customers.
Go beyond what data implies and see for yourself how you stack up to your competitors. Brilliant @danaditomaso #MozCon pic.twitter.com/dkz21fK1kd
— nikrangerseo (@nikrangerseo) July 15, 2020
As always, Dana shared some true gems that are sure to make our industry better.
David Sottimano — Everyday Automation for Marketers
David brought us automation greatness all the way from Colombia! There were so many practical applications and all of them required little to no coding:
Wit.ai for search intent classification
Using cron for scheduling things like scraping
Webhooks for passing data
Creating your own IFTTT-like automation using n8n.io on Heroku
We got to see live demonstrations of David doing each of these things as he explained them. They all seemed super user-friendly and we can’t wait to try some of them.
#mozcon @dsottimano dropping a ton of automation knowledge and showcasing @bigmlcom power pic.twitter.com/p3gWVBbWX5
— John Murch (@johnmurch) July 15, 2020
Oh yeah, David also helped us build and release the Moz API for Sheets!
Russ Jones — I Wanna Be Rich: Making Your Consultancy Profitable
Most businesses fail within their first five years, and that failure often comes down to business decisions. Now, Russ doesn’t enjoy all of this decision-making, but he has learned a few things from doing it and then seeing how those decisions affect a business’s bottom line.
The number one way to become more profitable is to cut costs. Russ looked at cutting costs by having fewer full-time employees, renting/owning less space, making leadership changes, and cutting lines of service.
When it comes to actually bringing in more money though, Russ suggests:
Adding new service lines
Raising prices
Automating tasks
Acquiring new business
At the end of the day, Russ boiled it down to two things: Don’t be afraid to change, and experiment when you can — not when you must.
If you experiment only when you have to, you’re going to fail. If you experiment now, when you can and don’t wait until you must, chances are you’re going to grow, succeed and beat out your competitors. @rjonesx #MozCon
— Amy merrill (@MissAmyMerrill) July 15, 2020
Heather Physioc — Competitive Advantage in a Commoditized Industry
SEO is not dead, it’s commoditized. A strong line to start off a presentation! We can always count on Heather to bring forth some real business-minded takeaways.
First, she helped us understand what a competitive advantage actually is.
Competitive advantages should be: – Unique – Defensible – Sustainable – Valuable Consistent@HeatherPhysioc #MozCon
— Melina Beeston (@mkbeesto) July 15, 2020
Then, it was time to go through her competitive advantage framework.
Steps to having a competitive advantage (not just linear though – it’s a cyclical process) via @HeatherPhysioc #Mozcon pic.twitter.com/W0ZBAduKHP
— Alan Bleiweiss (@AlanBleiweiss) July 15, 2020
As we went through this framework, Heather assigned A LOT of homework:
Examine your brand: What do you do? Who do you serve? Why? Find the patterns within the answers.
Write a brand statement.
Activate your advantage: How can you live it fully? What things can’t you do in support of your purpose? How will you know you’re putting it to work?
She mentioned a lot of great tools throughout her presentation. Get a list of those tools and access to her slides here.
Wil Reynolds — The CMO Role Has Been Disrupted: Are You Ready for Your New Boss?
Have you ever thought about who holds the fate of the CMO in their hands? Wil started out by explaining that the CEO, CFO, and CIO actually have far more power over marketing than we give them credit for. While they all know that data is what will make their businesses successful, they also hold keys to our success: budget, IT teams/implementations, veto authority.
The issue we face isn’t that we don’t know what we are doing, but more so that we don’t know how to communicate it.
“I don’t know a whole lot of CEOs that read Search Engine Land, but they’re the ones that write our checks.” – @wilreynolds
So instead of throwing shade at our least-favorite phrases the c-suite uses, we may want to make sure non-SEOs understand our value.#MozCon pic.twitter.com/S6fClFevZo
— James Wirth (@jameswirth) July 15, 2020
How can you show up to talk the talk and walk the walk? Use your data, and use it to give the customers a voice at the table (something all executive teams are attempting to achieve).
SEO + PPC + Analytics + CRM = magic@wilreynolds #mozcon pic.twitter.com/JICfWiOB3X
— Jason Dodge (@dodgejd) July 15, 2020
Wil’s team has done an amazing job simplifying and documenting this process for all of us in search. If you haven’t yet, we highly suggest checking out their blog.
That’s a wrap
Folks, this was fun. We’re so happy that we could bring people together from all over the world for two days during this crazy time.
While there weren’t any Roger hugs or fist pumps, there were still lessons learned and friendships made. It doesn’t get any better than that. We hope you feel the same.
If you were able to attend the live conference, we would love to hear your thoughts and takeaways! Be sure to take time to reflect on what you’ve learned and start plans for implementation — we want to see you make a difference with your new knowledge.
Until next year, Moz fans!
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0 notes
hannibalzero · 8 months
Something sweet
Chapter 5 wip
How do you always know?” Anakin asked playfully as he hung upside down. “Anyway, I have the temple rewired and also the halonet going.” He climbed down like the wild man he was. “Maintenance droids are online but I haven't found them yet.” It always made Obi-wan smile that Anakin had something that brought out so much passion in him. Old droids had Anakin as excited as a child on life day.
Taking out his handkerchief, Obi-wan cleaned Anakin’s face from soot. “I am an all-powerful Jedi.” He said in a deadpan voice before chuckling. “I could hear you banging around in the ventilation tunneling.” The smell of tea tree now wafted through the air because of Obi-wan’s handkerchief, the smell always soothed Obi-wan. “There we are, I can see you again.” He mushed smiling at Anakin. “It always amazes me, your gift for technology. Good work Padawan mine.”
“Padawan? That was a long time ago.” Anakin laughed. “Let's see, I am a companion pod racer. Expert ship pilot, master-level mechanic, Jedi knight, General-” Anakin shut up when Obi-wan placed a finger over his lips, he looked down at the fighter going cross-eyed for a moment before looking back up to Obi-Wan questioningly.
“Dear one, I know.” Obi-wan moved his finger away. “Habits die hard you know?” he gave a shrug before looking around. “Now, have you seen Ahsoka?
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isearchgoood · 4 years
That's a Wrap: MozCon Virtual 2020 Day Two Recap
Posted by cheryldraper
Wow! What a crazy ride MozCon has been this year. In case you missed it, we were able to double the number of attendees and include over 2,800 people.
Not only were we able to include them, we were also able to see their families, pets, and home offices. It was an unusual experience for sure, but one we won’t be forgetting any time soon.
As always, the speakers served up some flaming hot content (including an actual movie). We can’t wait to share some of these takeaways with you!
Britney Muller — Accessible Machine Learning Workflows for SEOs
Britney started off by assuring everyone that they absolutely can use machine learning. She knows this because she was able to teach her dad how to use it!
Let’s jump right in.
Basically, machine learning can be used for a lot of things.
There's endless possibilities w/ #machinelearning: Some cool things: - AI-generated faces - Auto-excuse generator (need that) Leveraging for SEO: - Keyword research - Forecasting time series - Extracting entities and categories from URLs - Internal link analysis #mozcon
— Seer Interactive (@SeerInteractive) July 15, 2020
Britney suggests starting with a notebook in Colaboratory for increased accessibility. She showed us to do the basics like upload, import, and download data before jumping into the fun stuff:
Using Google NLP API to extract entities and their categories from URL
Using Facebook’s Prophet data for time-series predictions
Keyword research using Search Console Data and a filtering function
Honestly, we were surprised at how easy she made machine learning look. Can’t wait to try it ourselves!
Izzi Smith — How to Be Ahead of the (CTR) Curve
Not all clicks are created equal! While you may want as many clicks as possible from the SERP, there’s a specific type of click you should be striving for — the almighty long click.
“What is a click without the intent to be there?”
Google’s patent clearly states that reactions to search results are gauged, and short interactions (clicks) can lower rankings while longer interactions (clicks) can lead to higher rankings.
Great point by the wonderful @izzionfire - focus on the "long clicks" - the ones where users spend a long time on your page after clicking your result. Google tends to show answers for the "short clicks" within the SERP - if it doesn't now, it will soon.#MozCon pic.twitter.com/mCvWUpDTKQ
— Lily Ray ???? (@lilyraynyc) July 15, 2020
Are you ready to track your clicks and get to work? Good! Izzi broke it all down for you:
Pull your data from Google Search Console, specifically by using their API.
Know what you are looking for BEFORE getting into the data.
Look for these patterns:
Performance-based core update impacts — decrease in positions and impressions
Identifying Irrelevant rankings — large impression spike (with low CTR) then a sharp decline in impressions
Losing SERP feature — a sharp decrease in CTR and a decrease in impressions
Izzi, you’re a rockstar! We can’t wait to go play with all of our data later.
Flavilla Fongang — How to Go Beyond Marketing for Clients: The Value of a Thriving Brand Ecosystem
Flavilla is a true gem. Instead of focusing on the top of the funnel, she focused on how we can keep customers coming back.
She told us that “business is like love”. You don’t want to move too fast. You don’t want to move too slow. You have to add value. You have to keep things exciting.
"Your clients don't continue buying from you because you meet their expectations. They do it because you EXCEED them." It's like falling in love. -- @FlavillaFongang #MozCon pic.twitter.com/S4RwlkC6pp
— Sarah Bird (@SarahBird) July 15, 2020
Flavilla challenged us to find what makes us remarkable:
Can you offer a unique experience?
Can you create a community?
Can you offer integrations?
Can you partner with people to bring something new?
Really sit down and think about why you started your brand and reflect on it. If you build a brand people come back to, you’ll have far less to worry about.
Brian Dean — How to Promote Your Content Like a Boss
We finally did it! We got Brian Dean to speak at an SEO conference.
If you don’t know him by now, you haven’t been searching hard enough. Brian is a master of content creation and marketing.
It wasn’t always that way, though. Brian’s first blog never took off because he spent more time creating content than he did promoting it. Once he realized just how important promotion was, he went all-in and ended up reaping the benefits.
This year, he finally shared with us some of his Jedi-like promotion tactics.
7 promotional strategies 1. Create for the linkerati (bloggers+journalists) 2. Expanded social posts 3. Avoid JarJar outreach 4. The Jedi mind trick 5. Hyperdrive-boosted Facebook posts 6. Infiltrate scarif: subreddits 7. Hack the Halonet: click to tweet links@backlinko #mozcon
— James Wirth (@jameswirth) July 15, 2020
He shared multiple tips for each of these strategies, but here is a quick summary:
Social sites hate it when you post links. Instead, tease the content with a “hook, lead, summary, link, call-to-action”.
Ask journalists or bloggers if they’d be interested in reading your pieces, but do so before you publish it to take some pressure off.
Actually personalize your outreach by mentioning something on the contact’s site.
Boost Facebook posts with ample engagement to audiences who have interacted with previous posts.
Just implementing one of these tactics could change the way your content is received by the internet. Who knows what could happen if you implemented all of them?
Joy Hawkins — Google My Business: Battling Bad Info & Safeguarding Your Search Strategy
Not everyone does local SEO, but if you do (or if it ties into what you do at all) you’re going to want to buckle your seatbelt.
Joy showed us some of the insights she was able to pull from a large study she did with her team. They had noticed a major discrepancy in the data between Google My Business and Google Search Console, and wanted to get to the root of it.
TL;DR version of @JoyanneHawkins presentation at #mozcon Don't trust Search Console impressions, y'all
— Greg Gifford (@GregGifford) July 15, 2020
Joy shared some major findings:
Google My Business “views” are a lot of different things (not just the traditional impressions we’re used to tracking).
Mobile searches don’t show website icons in the local pack.
The search queries that show up in GMB are different from the ones that are shown in Search Console.
Explicit intent does not always mean higher intent than implicit intent
If you work in local search, Joy wants to challenge you to move away from views and Search Console impressions. Instead, focus on the search data that GMB provides for keywords and on click data in Search Console.
Michael King — Runtime: The 3-Ring Circus of Technical SEO
In true Michael King style (with a ton of flare), he showed us just what’s possible at a virtual conference and blew our minds with technical SEO awesomeness.
That moment you think you kinda know technical SEO and then you see @iPullRank at #MozCon. Mind. BLOWN.
— Lauren Turner (@laurentracy_) July 15, 2020
We watched “Jamie” get through the three rings using slick techniques.
How do you identify which keyword on a site owns a URL? -Position -Traffic -Linking authority metrics Use on all ranking pages to determine best URL for each keyword on the site, then adjust anchor text as needed@iPullRank #MozCon
— Jennifer Slegg (@jenstar) July 15, 2020
All Google products have services you can connect to via ABScript - you can create a full data ecosystem, all via basic JavaScript@iPullRank #MozCon
— Ruth Burr Reedy (@ruthburr) July 15, 2020
@ipullrank #seo #mozcon #techseo holy fizzle Ebay builds internal links programatically to boost rankings from page 2 to page 1.
— Noah Learner (@noahlearner) July 15, 2020
There were so many of these, friends!
The thing is, all of this has been out there and accessible, but as Mike says in Runtime, “Doing things the same way everyone else does them is going to get you everyone else's results. Do things your own way."
Dana DiTomaso — Red Flags: Use a Discovery Process to Go from Red Flags to Green Lights
The idea of discovery is not a new one, but Dana came ready to shine a new light on an old tactic. Most of us do minimal research before agreeing to do a project — or at least minimal compared to Dana and her team!
These are just a few questions from Kick Point’s discovery process:
If there were no limitations, what would you want to be able to say at the end of this project?
Which of these metrics affects your performance report?
What does your best day ever look like?
What didn’t work last time?
The discovery process isn’t just about talking to the client, though, it’s about doing your own research to see if you can find the pain points.
Actually testing your client's transaction process. I only do that when setting up eCommerce tracking and test the purchasing journey for customers. Go beyond what data implies and see for yourself how you stack up to your competitors. Brilliant @danaditomaso #MozCon pic.twitter.com/dkz21fK1kd
— nikrangerseo (@nikrangerseo) July 15, 2020
As always, Dana shared some true gems that are sure to make our industry better.
David Sottimano — Everyday Automation for Marketers
David brought us automation greatness all the way from Colombia! There were so many practical applications and all of them required little to no coding:
Wit.ai for search intent classification
Using cron for scheduling things like scraping
Webhooks for passing data
Creating your own IFTTT-like automation using n8n.io on Heroku
We got to see live demonstrations of David doing each of these things as he explained them. They all seemed super user-friendly and we can’t wait to try some of them.
#mozcon @dsottimano dropping a ton of automation knowledge and showcasing @bigmlcom power pic.twitter.com/p3gWVBbWX5
— John Murch (@johnmurch) July 15, 2020
Oh yeah, David also helped us build and release the Moz API for Sheets!
Russ Jones — I Wanna Be Rich: Making Your Consultancy Profitable
Most businesses fail within their first five years, and that failure often comes down to business decisions. Now, Russ doesn’t enjoy all of this decision-making, but he has learned a few things from doing it and then seeing how those decisions affect a business’s bottom line.
The number one way to become more profitable is to cut costs. Russ looked at cutting costs by having fewer full-time employees, renting/owning less space, making leadership changes, and cutting lines of service.
When it comes to actually bringing in more money though, Russ suggests:
Adding new service lines
Raising prices
Automating tasks
Acquiring new business
At the end of the day, Russ boiled it down to two things: Don’t be afraid to change, and experiment when you can — not when you must.
If you experiment only when you have to, you're going to fail. If you experiment now, when you can and don't wait until you must, chances are you're going to grow, succeed and beat out your competitors. @rjonesx #MozCon
— Amy merrill (@MissAmyMerrill) July 15, 2020
Heather Physioc — Competitive Advantage in a Commoditized Industry
SEO is not dead, it’s commoditized. A strong line to start off a presentation! We can always count on Heather to bring forth some real business-minded takeaways.
First, she helped us understand what a competitive advantage actually is.
Competitive advantages should be: - Unique - Defensible - Sustainable - Valuable Consistent@HeatherPhysioc #MozCon
— Melina Beeston (@mkbeesto) July 15, 2020
Then, it was time to go through her competitive advantage framework.
Steps to having a competitive advantage (not just linear though - it's a cyclical process) via @HeatherPhysioc #Mozcon pic.twitter.com/W0ZBAduKHP
— Alan Bleiweiss (@AlanBleiweiss) July 15, 2020
As we went through this framework, Heather assigned A LOT of homework:
Examine your brand: What do you do? Who do you serve? Why? Find the patterns within the answers.
Write a brand statement.
Activate your advantage: How can you live it fully? What things can’t you do in support of your purpose? How will you know you’re putting it to work?
She mentioned a lot of great tools throughout her presentation. Get a list of those tools and access to her slides here.
Wil Reynolds — The CMO Role Has Been Disrupted: Are You Ready for Your New Boss?
Have you ever thought about who holds the fate of the CMO in their hands? Wil started out by explaining that the CEO, CFO, and CIO actually have far more power over marketing than we give them credit for. While they all know that data is what will make their businesses successful, they also hold keys to our success: budget, IT teams/implementations, veto authority.
The issue we face isn’t that we don’t know what we are doing, but more so that we don’t know how to communicate it.
"I don't know a whole lot of CEOs that read Search Engine Land, but they're the ones that write our checks." - @wilreynolds So instead of throwing shade at our least-favorite phrases the c-suite uses, we may want to make sure non-SEOs understand our value.#MozCon pic.twitter.com/S6fClFevZo
— James Wirth (@jameswirth) July 15, 2020
How can you show up to talk the talk and walk the walk? Use your data, and use it to give the customers a voice at the table (something all executive teams are attempting to achieve).
SEO + PPC + Analytics + CRM = magic@wilreynolds #mozcon pic.twitter.com/JICfWiOB3X
— Jason Dodge (@dodgejd) July 15, 2020
Wil’s team has done an amazing job simplifying and documenting this process for all of us in search. If you haven’t yet, we highly suggest checking out their blog.
That’s a wrap
Folks, this was fun. We’re so happy that we could bring people together from all over the world for two days during this crazy time.
While there weren’t any Roger hugs or fist pumps, there were still lessons learned and friendships made. It doesn’t get any better than that. We hope you feel the same.
If you were able to attend the live conference, we would love to hear your thoughts and takeaways! Be sure to take time to reflect on what you’ve learned and start plans for implementation — we want to see you make a difference with your new knowledge.
Until next year, Moz fans!
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
via Blogger https://ift.tt/32oU4IW #blogger #bloggingtips #bloggerlife #bloggersgetsocial #ontheblog #writersofinstagram #writingprompt #instapoetry #writerscommunity #writersofig #writersblock #writerlife #writtenword #instawriters #spilledink #wordgasm #creativewriting #poetsofinstagram #blackoutpoetry #poetsofig
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theinjectlikes2 · 4 years
That's a Wrap: MozCon Virtual 2020 Day Two Recap
Posted by cheryldraper
Wow! What a crazy ride MozCon has been this year. In case you missed it, we were able to double the number of attendees and include over 2,800 people.
Not only were we able to include them, we were also able to see their families, pets, and home offices. It was an unusual experience for sure, but one we won’t be forgetting any time soon.
As always, the speakers served up some flaming hot content (including an actual movie). We can’t wait to share some of these takeaways with you!
Britney Muller — Accessible Machine Learning Workflows for SEOs
Britney started off by assuring everyone that they absolutely can use machine learning. She knows this because she was able to teach her dad how to use it!
Let’s jump right in.
Basically, machine learning can be used for a lot of things.
There's endless possibilities w/ #machinelearning: Some cool things: - AI-generated faces - Auto-excuse generator (need that) Leveraging for SEO: - Keyword research - Forecasting time series - Extracting entities and categories from URLs - Internal link analysis #mozcon
— Seer Interactive (@SeerInteractive) July 15, 2020
Britney suggests starting with a notebook in Colaboratory for increased accessibility. She showed us to do the basics like upload, import, and download data before jumping into the fun stuff:
Using Google NLP API to extract entities and their categories from URL
Using Facebook’s Prophet data for time-series predictions
Keyword research using Search Console Data and a filtering function
Honestly, we were surprised at how easy she made machine learning look. Can’t wait to try it ourselves!
Izzi Smith — How to Be Ahead of the (CTR) Curve
Not all clicks are created equal! While you may want as many clicks as possible from the SERP, there’s a specific type of click you should be striving for — the almighty long click.
“What is a click without the intent to be there?”
Google’s patent clearly states that reactions to search results are gauged, and short interactions (clicks) can lower rankings while longer interactions (clicks) can lead to higher rankings.
Great point by the wonderful @izzionfire - focus on the "long clicks" - the ones where users spend a long time on your page after clicking your result. Google tends to show answers for the "short clicks" within the SERP - if it doesn't now, it will soon.#MozCon pic.twitter.com/mCvWUpDTKQ
— Lily Ray ???? (@lilyraynyc) July 15, 2020
Are you ready to track your clicks and get to work? Good! Izzi broke it all down for you:
Pull your data from Google Search Console, specifically by using their API.
Know what you are looking for BEFORE getting into the data.
Look for these patterns:
Performance-based core update impacts — decrease in positions and impressions
Identifying Irrelevant rankings — large impression spike (with low CTR) then a sharp decline in impressions
Losing SERP feature — a sharp decrease in CTR and a decrease in impressions
Izzi, you’re a rockstar! We can’t wait to go play with all of our data later.
Flavilla Fongang — How to Go Beyond Marketing for Clients: The Value of a Thriving Brand Ecosystem
Flavilla is a true gem. Instead of focusing on the top of the funnel, she focused on how we can keep customers coming back.
She told us that “business is like love”. You don’t want to move too fast. You don’t want to move too slow. You have to add value. You have to keep things exciting.
"Your clients don't continue buying from you because you meet their expectations. They do it because you EXCEED them." It's like falling in love. -- @FlavillaFongang #MozCon pic.twitter.com/S4RwlkC6pp
— Sarah Bird (@SarahBird) July 15, 2020
Flavilla challenged us to find what makes us remarkable:
Can you offer a unique experience?
Can you create a community?
Can you offer integrations?
Can you partner with people to bring something new?
Really sit down and think about why you started your brand and reflect on it. If you build a brand people come back to, you’ll have far less to worry about.
Brian Dean — How to Promote Your Content Like a Boss
We finally did it! We got Brian Dean to speak at an SEO conference.
If you don’t know him by now, you haven’t been searching hard enough. Brian is a master of content creation and marketing.
It wasn’t always that way, though. Brian’s first blog never took off because he spent more time creating content than he did promoting it. Once he realized just how important promotion was, he went all-in and ended up reaping the benefits.
This year, he finally shared with us some of his Jedi-like promotion tactics.
7 promotional strategies 1. Create for the linkerati (bloggers+journalists) 2. Expanded social posts 3. Avoid JarJar outreach 4. The Jedi mind trick 5. Hyperdrive-boosted Facebook posts 6. Infiltrate scarif: subreddits 7. Hack the Halonet: click to tweet links@backlinko #mozcon
— James Wirth (@jameswirth) July 15, 2020
He shared multiple tips for each of these strategies, but here is a quick summary:
Social sites hate it when you post links. Instead, tease the content with a “hook, lead, summary, link, call-to-action”.
Ask journalists or bloggers if they’d be interested in reading your pieces, but do so before you publish it to take some pressure off.
Actually personalize your outreach by mentioning something on the contact’s site.
Boost Facebook posts with ample engagement to audiences who have interacted with previous posts.
Just implementing one of these tactics could change the way your content is received by the internet. Who knows what could happen if you implemented all of them?
Joy Hawkins — Google My Business: Battling Bad Info & Safeguarding Your Search Strategy
Not everyone does local SEO, but if you do (or if it ties into what you do at all) you’re going to want to buckle your seatbelt.
Joy showed us some of the insights she was able to pull from a large study she did with her team. They had noticed a major discrepancy in the data between Google My Business and Google Search Console, and wanted to get to the root of it.
TL;DR version of @JoyanneHawkins presentation at #mozcon Don't trust Search Console impressions, y'all
— Greg Gifford (@GregGifford) July 15, 2020
Joy shared some major findings:
Google My Business “views” are a lot of different things (not just the traditional impressions we’re used to tracking).
Mobile searches don’t show website icons in the local pack.
The search queries that show up in GMB are different from the ones that are shown in Search Console.
Explicit intent does not always mean higher intent than implicit intent
If you work in local search, Joy wants to challenge you to move away from views and Search Console impressions. Instead, focus on the search data that GMB provides for keywords and on click data in Search Console.
Michael King — Runtime: The 3-Ring Circus of Technical SEO
In true Michael King style (with a ton of flare), he showed us just what’s possible at a virtual conference and blew our minds with technical SEO awesomeness.
That moment you think you kinda know technical SEO and then you see @iPullRank at #MozCon. Mind. BLOWN.
— Lauren Turner (@laurentracy_) July 15, 2020
We watched “Jamie” get through the three rings using slick techniques.
How do you identify which keyword on a site owns a URL? -Position -Traffic -Linking authority metrics Use on all ranking pages to determine best URL for each keyword on the site, then adjust anchor text as needed@iPullRank #MozCon
— Jennifer Slegg (@jenstar) July 15, 2020
All Google products have services you can connect to via ABScript - you can create a full data ecosystem, all via basic JavaScript@iPullRank #MozCon
— Ruth Burr Reedy (@ruthburr) July 15, 2020
@ipullrank #seo #mozcon #techseo holy fizzle Ebay builds internal links programatically to boost rankings from page 2 to page 1.
— Noah Learner (@noahlearner) July 15, 2020
There were so many of these, friends!
The thing is, all of this has been out there and accessible, but as Mike says in Runtime, “Doing things the same way everyone else does them is going to get you everyone else's results. Do things your own way."
Dana DiTomaso — Red Flags: Use a Discovery Process to Go from Red Flags to Green Lights
The idea of discovery is not a new one, but Dana came ready to shine a new light on an old tactic. Most of us do minimal research before agreeing to do a project — or at least minimal compared to Dana and her team!
These are just a few questions from Kick Point’s discovery process:
If there were no limitations, what would you want to be able to say at the end of this project?
Which of these metrics affects your performance report?
What does your best day ever look like?
What didn’t work last time?
The discovery process isn’t just about talking to the client, though, it’s about doing your own research to see if you can find the pain points.
Actually testing your client's transaction process. I only do that when setting up eCommerce tracking and test the purchasing journey for customers. Go beyond what data implies and see for yourself how you stack up to your competitors. Brilliant @danaditomaso #MozCon pic.twitter.com/dkz21fK1kd
— nikrangerseo (@nikrangerseo) July 15, 2020
As always, Dana shared some true gems that are sure to make our industry better.
David Sottimano — Everyday Automation for Marketers
David brought us automation greatness all the way from Colombia! There were so many practical applications and all of them required little to no coding:
Wit.ai for search intent classification
Using cron for scheduling things like scraping
Webhooks for passing data
Creating your own IFTTT-like automation using n8n.io on Heroku
We got to see live demonstrations of David doing each of these things as he explained them. They all seemed super user-friendly and we can’t wait to try some of them.
#mozcon @dsottimano dropping a ton of automation knowledge and showcasing @bigmlcom power pic.twitter.com/p3gWVBbWX5
— John Murch (@johnmurch) July 15, 2020
Oh yeah, David also helped us build and release the Moz API for Sheets!
Russ Jones — I Wanna Be Rich: Making Your Consultancy Profitable
Most businesses fail within their first five years, and that failure often comes down to business decisions. Now, Russ doesn’t enjoy all of this decision-making, but he has learned a few things from doing it and then seeing how those decisions affect a business’s bottom line.
The number one way to become more profitable is to cut costs. Russ looked at cutting costs by having fewer full-time employees, renting/owning less space, making leadership changes, and cutting lines of service.
When it comes to actually bringing in more money though, Russ suggests:
Adding new service lines
Raising prices
Automating tasks
Acquiring new business
At the end of the day, Russ boiled it down to two things: Don’t be afraid to change, and experiment when you can — not when you must.
If you experiment only when you have to, you're going to fail. If you experiment now, when you can and don't wait until you must, chances are you're going to grow, succeed and beat out your competitors. @rjonesx #MozCon
— Amy merrill (@MissAmyMerrill) July 15, 2020
Heather Physioc — Competitive Advantage in a Commoditized Industry
SEO is not dead, it’s commoditized. A strong line to start off a presentation! We can always count on Heather to bring forth some real business-minded takeaways.
First, she helped us understand what a competitive advantage actually is.
Competitive advantages should be: - Unique - Defensible - Sustainable - Valuable Consistent@HeatherPhysioc #MozCon
— Melina Beeston (@mkbeesto) July 15, 2020
Then, it was time to go through her competitive advantage framework.
Steps to having a competitive advantage (not just linear though - it's a cyclical process) via @HeatherPhysioc #Mozcon pic.twitter.com/W0ZBAduKHP
— Alan Bleiweiss (@AlanBleiweiss) July 15, 2020
As we went through this framework, Heather assigned A LOT of homework:
Examine your brand: What do you do? Who do you serve? Why? Find the patterns within the answers.
Write a brand statement.
Activate your advantage: How can you live it fully? What things can’t you do in support of your purpose? How will you know you’re putting it to work?
She mentioned a lot of great tools throughout her presentation. Get a list of those tools and access to her slides here.
Wil Reynolds — The CMO Role Has Been Disrupted: Are You Ready for Your New Boss?
Have you ever thought about who holds the fate of the CMO in their hands? Wil started out by explaining that the CEO, CFO, and CIO actually have far more power over marketing than we give them credit for. While they all know that data is what will make their businesses successful, they also hold keys to our success: budget, IT teams/implementations, veto authority.
The issue we face isn’t that we don’t know what we are doing, but more so that we don’t know how to communicate it.
"I don't know a whole lot of CEOs that read Search Engine Land, but they're the ones that write our checks." - @wilreynolds So instead of throwing shade at our least-favorite phrases the c-suite uses, we may want to make sure non-SEOs understand our value.#MozCon pic.twitter.com/S6fClFevZo
— James Wirth (@jameswirth) July 15, 2020
How can you show up to talk the talk and walk the walk? Use your data, and use it to give the customers a voice at the table (something all executive teams are attempting to achieve).
SEO + PPC + Analytics + CRM = magic@wilreynolds #mozcon pic.twitter.com/JICfWiOB3X
— Jason Dodge (@dodgejd) July 15, 2020
Wil’s team has done an amazing job simplifying and documenting this process for all of us in search. If you haven’t yet, we highly suggest checking out their blog.
That’s a wrap
Folks, this was fun. We’re so happy that we could bring people together from all over the world for two days during this crazy time.
While there weren’t any Roger hugs or fist pumps, there were still lessons learned and friendships made. It doesn’t get any better than that. We hope you feel the same.
If you were able to attend the live conference, we would love to hear your thoughts and takeaways! Be sure to take time to reflect on what you’ve learned and start plans for implementation — we want to see you make a difference with your new knowledge.
Until next year, Moz fans!
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
from The Moz Blog https://ift.tt/2DJOfeB via IFTTT
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safetea · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
we found such pretty flowers on the hike today 🌼
1K notes · View notes
bekannz · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Cute little lens flares 🔅
258 notes · View notes
That's a Wrap: MozCon Virtual 2020 Day Two Recap
Posted by cheryldraper
Wow! What a crazy ride MozCon has been this year. In case you missed it, we were able to double the number of attendees and include over 2,800 people.
Not only were we able to include them, we were also able to see their families, pets, and home offices. It was an unusual experience for sure, but one we won’t be forgetting any time soon.
As always, the speakers served up some flaming hot content (including an actual movie). We can’t wait to share some of these takeaways with you!
Britney Muller — Accessible Machine Learning Workflows for SEOs
Britney started off by assuring everyone that they absolutely can use machine learning. She knows this because she was able to teach her dad how to use it!
Let’s jump right in.
Basically, machine learning can be used for a lot of things.
There's endless possibilities w/ #machinelearning: Some cool things: - AI-generated faces - Auto-excuse generator (need that) Leveraging for SEO: - Keyword research - Forecasting time series - Extracting entities and categories from URLs - Internal link analysis #mozcon
— Seer Interactive (@SeerInteractive) July 15, 2020
Britney suggests starting with a notebook in Colaboratory for increased accessibility. She showed us to do the basics like upload, import, and download data before jumping into the fun stuff:
Using Google NLP API to extract entities and their categories from URL
Using Facebook’s Prophet data for time-series predictions
Keyword research using Search Console Data and a filtering function
Honestly, we were surprised at how easy she made machine learning look. Can’t wait to try it ourselves!
Izzi Smith — How to Be Ahead of the (CTR) Curve
Not all clicks are created equal! While you may want as many clicks as possible from the SERP, there’s a specific type of click you should be striving for — the almighty long click.
“What is a click without the intent to be there?”
Google’s patent clearly states that reactions to search results are gauged, and short interactions (clicks) can lower rankings while longer interactions (clicks) can lead to higher rankings.
Great point by the wonderful @izzionfire - focus on the "long clicks" - the ones where users spend a long time on your page after clicking your result. Google tends to show answers for the "short clicks" within the SERP - if it doesn't now, it will soon.#MozCon pic.twitter.com/mCvWUpDTKQ
— Lily Ray ???? (@lilyraynyc) July 15, 2020
Are you ready to track your clicks and get to work? Good! Izzi broke it all down for you:
Pull your data from Google Search Console, specifically by using their API.
Know what you are looking for BEFORE getting into the data.
Look for these patterns:
Performance-based core update impacts — decrease in positions and impressions
Identifying Irrelevant rankings — large impression spike (with low CTR) then a sharp decline in impressions
Losing SERP feature — a sharp decrease in CTR and a decrease in impressions
Izzi, you’re a rockstar! We can’t wait to go play with all of our data later.
Flavilla Fongang — How to Go Beyond Marketing for Clients: The Value of a Thriving Brand Ecosystem
Flavilla is a true gem. Instead of focusing on the top of the funnel, she focused on how we can keep customers coming back.
She told us that “business is like love”. You don’t want to move too fast. You don’t want to move too slow. You have to add value. You have to keep things exciting.
"Your clients don't continue buying from you because you meet their expectations. They do it because you EXCEED them." It's like falling in love. -- @FlavillaFongang #MozCon pic.twitter.com/S4RwlkC6pp
— Sarah Bird (@SarahBird) July 15, 2020
Flavilla challenged us to find what makes us remarkable:
Can you offer a unique experience?
Can you create a community?
Can you offer integrations?
Can you partner with people to bring something new?
Really sit down and think about why you started your brand and reflect on it. If you build a brand people come back to, you’ll have far less to worry about.
Brian Dean — How to Promote Your Content Like a Boss
We finally did it! We got Brian Dean to speak at an SEO conference.
If you don’t know him by now, you haven’t been searching hard enough. Brian is a master of content creation and marketing.
It wasn’t always that way, though. Brian’s first blog never took off because he spent more time creating content than he did promoting it. Once he realized just how important promotion was, he went all-in and ended up reaping the benefits.
This year, he finally shared with us some of his Jedi-like promotion tactics.
7 promotional strategies 1. Create for the linkerati (bloggers+journalists) 2. Expanded social posts 3. Avoid JarJar outreach 4. The Jedi mind trick 5. Hyperdrive-boosted Facebook posts 6. Infiltrate scarif: subreddits 7. Hack the Halonet: click to tweet links@backlinko #mozcon
— James Wirth (@jameswirth) July 15, 2020
He shared multiple tips for each of these strategies, but here is a quick summary:
Social sites hate it when you post links. Instead, tease the content with a “hook, lead, summary, link, call-to-action”.
Ask journalists or bloggers if they’d be interested in reading your pieces, but do so before you publish it to take some pressure off.
Actually personalize your outreach by mentioning something on the contact’s site.
Boost Facebook posts with ample engagement to audiences who have interacted with previous posts.
Just implementing one of these tactics could change the way your content is received by the internet. Who knows what could happen if you implemented all of them?
Joy Hawkins — Google My Business: Battling Bad Info & Safeguarding Your Search Strategy
Not everyone does local SEO, but if you do (or if it ties into what you do at all) you’re going to want to buckle your seatbelt.
Joy showed us some of the insights she was able to pull from a large study she did with her team. They had noticed a major discrepancy in the data between Google My Business and Google Search Console, and wanted to get to the root of it.
TL;DR version of @JoyanneHawkins presentation at #mozcon Don't trust Search Console impressions, y'all
— Greg Gifford (@GregGifford) July 15, 2020
Joy shared some major findings:
Google My Business “views” are a lot of different things (not just the traditional impressions we’re used to tracking).
Mobile searches don’t show website icons in the local pack.
The search queries that show up in GMB are different from the ones that are shown in Search Console.
Explicit intent does not always mean higher intent than implicit intent
If you work in local search, Joy wants to challenge you to move away from views and Search Console impressions. Instead, focus on the search data that GMB provides for keywords and on click data in Search Console.
Michael King — Runtime: The 3-Ring Circus of Technical SEO
In true Michael King style (with a ton of flare), he showed us just what’s possible at a virtual conference and blew our minds with technical SEO awesomeness.
That moment you think you kinda know technical SEO and then you see @iPullRank at #MozCon. Mind. BLOWN.
— Lauren Turner (@laurentracy_) July 15, 2020
We watched “Jamie” get through the three rings using slick techniques.
How do you identify which keyword on a site owns a URL? -Position -Traffic -Linking authority metrics Use on all ranking pages to determine best URL for each keyword on the site, then adjust anchor text as needed@iPullRank #MozCon
— Jennifer Slegg (@jenstar) July 15, 2020
All Google products have services you can connect to via ABScript - you can create a full data ecosystem, all via basic JavaScript@iPullRank #MozCon
— Ruth Burr Reedy (@ruthburr) July 15, 2020
@ipullrank #seo #mozcon #techseo holy fizzle Ebay builds internal links programatically to boost rankings from page 2 to page 1.
— Noah Learner (@noahlearner) July 15, 2020
There were so many of these, friends!
The thing is, all of this has been out there and accessible, but as Mike says in Runtime, “Doing things the same way everyone else does them is going to get you everyone else's results. Do things your own way."
Dana DiTomaso — Red Flags: Use a Discovery Process to Go from Red Flags to Green Lights
The idea of discovery is not a new one, but Dana came ready to shine a new light on an old tactic. Most of us do minimal research before agreeing to do a project — or at least minimal compared to Dana and her team!
These are just a few questions from Kick Point’s discovery process:
If there were no limitations, what would you want to be able to say at the end of this project?
Which of these metrics affects your performance report?
What does your best day ever look like?
What didn’t work last time?
The discovery process isn’t just about talking to the client, though, it’s about doing your own research to see if you can find the pain points.
Actually testing your client's transaction process. I only do that when setting up eCommerce tracking and test the purchasing journey for customers. Go beyond what data implies and see for yourself how you stack up to your competitors. Brilliant @danaditomaso #MozCon pic.twitter.com/dkz21fK1kd
— nikrangerseo (@nikrangerseo) July 15, 2020
As always, Dana shared some true gems that are sure to make our industry better.
David Sottimano — Everyday Automation for Marketers
David brought us automation greatness all the way from Colombia! There were so many practical applications and all of them required little to no coding:
Wit.ai for search intent classification
Using cron for scheduling things like scraping
Webhooks for passing data
Creating your own IFTTT-like automation using n8n.io on Heroku
We got to see live demonstrations of David doing each of these things as he explained them. They all seemed super user-friendly and we can’t wait to try some of them.
#mozcon @dsottimano dropping a ton of automation knowledge and showcasing @bigmlcom power pic.twitter.com/p3gWVBbWX5
— John Murch (@johnmurch) July 15, 2020
Oh yeah, David also helped us build and release the Moz API for Sheets!
Russ Jones — I Wanna Be Rich: Making Your Consultancy Profitable
Most businesses fail within their first five years, and that failure often comes down to business decisions. Now, Russ doesn’t enjoy all of this decision-making, but he has learned a few things from doing it and then seeing how those decisions affect a business’s bottom line.
The number one way to become more profitable is to cut costs. Russ looked at cutting costs by having fewer full-time employees, renting/owning less space, making leadership changes, and cutting lines of service.
When it comes to actually bringing in more money though, Russ suggests:
Adding new service lines
Raising prices
Automating tasks
Acquiring new business
At the end of the day, Russ boiled it down to two things: Don’t be afraid to change, and experiment when you can — not when you must.
If you experiment only when you have to, you're going to fail. If you experiment now, when you can and don't wait until you must, chances are you're going to grow, succeed and beat out your competitors. @rjonesx #MozCon
— Amy merrill (@MissAmyMerrill) July 15, 2020
Heather Physioc — Competitive Advantage in a Commoditized Industry
SEO is not dead, it’s commoditized. A strong line to start off a presentation! We can always count on Heather to bring forth some real business-minded takeaways.
First, she helped us understand what a competitive advantage actually is.
Competitive advantages should be: - Unique - Defensible - Sustainable - Valuable Consistent@HeatherPhysioc #MozCon
— Melina Beeston (@mkbeesto) July 15, 2020
Then, it was time to go through her competitive advantage framework.
Steps to having a competitive advantage (not just linear though - it's a cyclical process) via @HeatherPhysioc #Mozcon pic.twitter.com/W0ZBAduKHP
— Alan Bleiweiss (@AlanBleiweiss) July 15, 2020
As we went through this framework, Heather assigned A LOT of homework:
Examine your brand: What do you do? Who do you serve? Why? Find the patterns within the answers.
Write a brand statement.
Activate your advantage: How can you live it fully? What things can’t you do in support of your purpose? How will you know you’re putting it to work?
She mentioned a lot of great tools throughout her presentation. Get a list of those tools and access to her slides here.
Wil Reynolds — The CMO Role Has Been Disrupted: Are You Ready for Your New Boss?
Have you ever thought about who holds the fate of the CMO in their hands? Wil started out by explaining that the CEO, CFO, and CIO actually have far more power over marketing than we give them credit for. While they all know that data is what will make their businesses successful, they also hold keys to our success: budget, IT teams/implementations, veto authority.
The issue we face isn’t that we don’t know what we are doing, but more so that we don’t know how to communicate it.
"I don't know a whole lot of CEOs that read Search Engine Land, but they're the ones that write our checks." - @wilreynolds So instead of throwing shade at our least-favorite phrases the c-suite uses, we may want to make sure non-SEOs understand our value.#MozCon pic.twitter.com/S6fClFevZo
— James Wirth (@jameswirth) July 15, 2020
How can you show up to talk the talk and walk the walk? Use your data, and use it to give the customers a voice at the table (something all executive teams are attempting to achieve).
SEO + PPC + Analytics + CRM = magic@wilreynolds #mozcon pic.twitter.com/JICfWiOB3X
— Jason Dodge (@dodgejd) July 15, 2020
Wil’s team has done an amazing job simplifying and documenting this process for all of us in search. If you haven’t yet, we highly suggest checking out their blog.
That’s a wrap
Folks, this was fun. We’re so happy that we could bring people together from all over the world for two days during this crazy time.
While there weren’t any Roger hugs or fist pumps, there were still lessons learned and friendships made. It doesn’t get any better than that. We hope you feel the same.
If you were able to attend the live conference, we would love to hear your thoughts and takeaways! Be sure to take time to reflect on what you’ve learned and start plans for implementation — we want to see you make a difference with your new knowledge.
Until next year, Moz fans!
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from The Moz Blog https://tracking.feedpress.com/link/9375/13725526/mozcon-virtual-day-two-recap
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