#harry choi fanfic
xelasrecords · 1 year
The Great Anguish of Our Separation Means Nothing to Me
Harry Choi x MC
Harry and MC meet again five weeks after breaking up. They never imagined the reunion will be like this.
Took the portion of Harry saying "You might have felt less tired if you cared less. Sorry." when MC was worried because he disappeared and ran with that self-blaming guilt here.
Words: 2.8k
Masterlist Read on AO3
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They had finally run into each other.
It took them approximately five weeks to arrive at the empty bus stop on the same day at the same time, but here they were, late into the afternoon with the rain falling around them. She thought it would be a quick hello, how are you, are you happy, good, good, good. To Harry it was more of an oh, there she is, time for me to go. Who knows what nonsense I would say if I talked to her.
He wanted to run, but she was already approaching him. She was less of a coward than he was.
"You still come here," she said. "I thought you had forgotten about me."
Harry blurted, "Not everything is about you." Then hated himself for the spite he had unleashed. Then multiplied the hatred when she only nodded like she understood. "My room is colder now," he tried again. "My bed is cold."
"Oh?" She raised her brows. "Try turning up the heat or use the blanket I got you."
"Sure, I'll do that."
"Or just stop sleeping naked. That might help."
"It might, yes." Harry made a mental note to cut off the habit of parroting her. Not that he would ever meet her again. That seemed unlikely.
She shrugged. "Happy to help." Why he was still hurting her after they had ended she couldn't guess. She pushed aside the image of his bare body sleeping beside her. Rather than turning her on, it pinched her with a sour feeling in her gut. She had lost the privilege to watch him vulnerable, unguarded. Voyeuristic, he would jokingly call her. The old him would have. She didn't know who this person before her was.
Harry once heard that when one came across an ex, one had to prolong the conversation while subtly digging up truths about their well-being after the great separation. Preferably that they were doing well, but not too well that there was no evidence of their heart having been shattered. Sometimes joy could be reaped from someone else's despair.
"Have you been sleeping well?" he asked.
"Enough to keep me going."
"I see." He didn't. What he saw was the dark shadows under her eyes, but lack of sleep didn't mean she was depressed. She liked to knock herself out when she was. Harry understood that to some degree.
She gave him a wry smile. "How about you? Are you working these days?"
"Yeah, I'm doing great. I'm happy." He pulled at the fabric of his black turtleneck.
"Then I'm glad. I wanted that for you."
Her expression gave nothing away, none of the guilt Harry fantasised she would feel for ending their relationship. "What do you think I should eat for dinner?" he tested, trying to retain her attention. He had already lost forever; this finite time was all he had.
"Whatever you like." She dimly recalled it was how Harry used to show that he cared about her views and felt silly reenacting it.
"Can't you treat me as usual? Don't be so bland. You don't have to act differently just because we're over."
"Do I?"
Harry grunted. "I hate it when you answer a question with another question."
That was her point.
"You might not know this, but everything has changed. You are different. I am different. This is like, the inertia of life. Nothing can be forced to stay the same. Get on with it." She sighed. It was odd; she thought she had processed her hidden resentments about Harry, but now faced with the person himself, her old fury had resurfaced.
Harry shifted on his feet before closing their distance. The copper-red of his eyes was dull. She couldn't recall the last time they had been this close. "I'm sorry," he said after a moment. "I've been thinking about the things I did that drove you away. They weren't good. You went through so much just to hold on to me and I…" He shook his head. "Sorry you had to be there. You wouldn't be hurting as much had you loved me less."
She thought she would be relieved to receive an apology, but it irked her that he seemed sincere, that he could only understand how his mess had messed them up after she pulled the plug. "Who said I'm hurting?"
"We dated for a while. I can tell. You mask your pain with indifference."
She turned away. "I don't like you seeing me in pain."
"Consider it even. You've also seen me in my worst moments, and I didn't like that."
"Don't I know it." She glanced at Harry. He was studying the busy road stormed by the rain, mimicking her. There was a time when one of those couples in cars linking fingers and pressing the back of their hands to their lips was them. "What makes you think I didn't want that pain?" she asked. "If I had cared less about you, my life wouldn't be as meaningful. You saw me the way I wanted to be seen. That meant something to me."
"And look what good it did."
"You must think you know what's right for me."
"No, that's not what I mean." Harry rubbed the back of his head and sighed. "Do you regret it?"
"Regret what? You?" She tilted her head at him. "Never. I wouldn't be in that much pain if I didn't love you as much. Love spent on you was not love wasted." If she had to be honest—which she just was—this vulnerability made her want to regurgitate her lunch.
Harry's jaw tightened. "Not for me."
Instantly she regretted telling the truth. She had to clear her throat before asking: "You regret me?"
It humiliated her to be caught pining alone. On a subconscious level, she had hoped he would share her sentiment. However distant he was, the pain was bearable if she knew they were bearing it together. The separation would only feel final if she was left grieving alone. Hopeless, helpless, hating having to learn how.
"I didn't know you could still make a joke," Harry remarked. The wind was blowing the rain in, stamping the locks of his overgrown blond fringe onto his forehead. He didn't push them away. "When you were with me, I never gave you the best that you deserved. I regret that. I should've done more when I could."
"You tried." She was perversely relieved to hear his response. "Would you like a star sticker as a token of appreciation?"
"No." He gave her a look. "And trying isn't the same."
She agreed.
Out of nowhere, a car rushed by a puddle in front of them and Harry's arm shot out before her, retreating them deeper into the safety of the bus stop. There was a muddy splash on his shoes. She was fine. Her stomach was warm from the press of his arm.
"I don't know what I deserve actually," she conceded. "I wanted it to be you, but I was a lot sadder than I was happy. Maybe it was a me thing. Maybe if I don't know what I deserve, I can't be happy with anything given to me."
Harry shoved his hand into his pocket. "Or maybe you weren't happy because of me. You used to get angry a lot and I was annoyed by that. I blamed it on your unpredictable moods, but it was actually me. I set you off. I was the problem."
She let out a flat, humourless laugh. "I tried to be patient until you crossed the line. I thought I could put up with your rudeness, but I couldn't take it anymore. I can't be with someone who's only nice to me but mean to everyone else, Harry."
His gaze on her was hard. "Good, you shouldn't have."
"But that doesn't mean I didn't love you." She braved herself to face him and put a hand on his shoulder. He tensed. "All my happiest moments were with you, however scarce they were. You tried so hard to make me feel loved, and it isn't that I loved you because you loved me, but because you were willing to try for my sake." Her hold clawed into a grip, but Harry didn't flinch. "You should know that you are the best person I've ever dated. There isn't, and won't be, anyone like you."
His head tilted forwards almost imperceptibly. "I know," he muttered. "I know you loved me. I was there too."
Silence settled over them. It wasn't a silence that filled in the blanks, the comfortable kind lovers loved to fawn over. This silence was agonising, brimming with words they couldn't confess. They could have, if they wanted to risk showing their hands, but hands and cards and everything that required vulnerability were never on the table. They never stood a chance.
She listened to the harsh patter against the bus stop roof. The conversation was dwindling. Every time she wanted to leave, the illusion of the past pulled her back. Like how one graduating from school would mourn the ending of that life phase despite the hardship they had faced, she was bowed under the loss of something that was already over. Letting go was a whole different thing than breaking up. She had to do it over and over until it slipped free from her clutch. She did not want to let go of her misery. Who would she be without him? But who would she be if she continued to be with him?
"Was it the same for you?" she croaked. She felt her eyes wet with tears, but it was a faraway feeling like she was performing the mechanism of crying, yet she couldn't really feel it.
"Don't cry," Harry gritted out. "I hate it when you cry."
"I'm not. It's the rain."
"Do you think I'm stupid? Stop lying. Just stop it."
Did he think she didn't know him? That he feared he wouldn't be able to hold back if he saw her cry? His rudeness was not all bad when it served as his mask. If she could save him from her pain, she would. It was her last gift for him after the havoc she had wreaked. It was the only thing she could do after leaving him.
She blinked the tears away. "All right, I'm sorry."
"Don't—" Harry's voice cracked. "Don't be so polite to me. You're supposed to fight back, do the opposite of what I asked. That's how you were. You were always straightforward with me and yourself, not like this."
"I'm still honest."
"Now you lie with a straight face."
"Something you do naturally." She smiled and fought to keep her voice from wavering.
Harry put her hand away from his shoulder with a deep, shuddering breath as if it physically pained him to separate her from him. "Not to you. I've always been frank with you."
She looked down at his hand covering hers for a second longer than needed. His hands were always cold. Time would make her forget how they felt in hers, she thought with aching sorrow. "Then tell me. Did I mean anything to you?"
"No point in answering that now." Harry could hear the thrum of the bus engine and feel the heat emanating from it beside him. His bus had arrived, but he couldn't move.
"I don't understand you. One second you look like you still want me, then you swat me away like a fly in the next. I'm not a fly. Why are you doing this?" she demanded. "You've questioned me and I've answered. Now it's your turn."
"Does it matter what I want if we can't—" Harry pressed his lips into a tight line. "Never mind."
"It does."
"And then what?" he challenged. "We get back together? That's impossible."
"No, I don't want that," she said. She felt a responsibility to set him free from his looming guilt. Perhaps he could not be good enough for her, but he could be for someone else. There had to be somebody who could appreciate him as who he was. She wished for his happiness above all else.
Harry huffed out a derisive laugh. "Me neither."
When he presented it as an impossibility, it had been an attempt to lower his expectations in case she didn't want him anymore. And she didn't. And it hurt just the same. Harry didn't know there was no limit to heartbreak.
She took a step towards him. "If you hate me, curse at me. Yell at me. I give you permission. Only don't do it halfway through. Commit to what you actually want for once."
"Why should I? You only want me to hurt you to feel better about yourself," he spat. "If I'm suffering, you have to suffer along with me. Except I'm not, so I guess you'll just have to suffer alone. Good luck with that."
Harry looked away before he could catch her expression and noticed that the bus had left. He didn't understand why he always resorted to scathing words as his defence. He thought he was capable of change, but how did one become kinder and retain the goodness inside? Harry didn't feel worthy of being kind. He owed it to himself to hurt. Times like this made his living inside his skin unendurable.
If she didn't know Harry better, she would have believed him. Beneath his callous words was his calloused heart that she failed to care for. If this was the last time he could use grief as a weapon, then she would let him. Eventually, his feelings for her would fade and she would be just another person he loved. While her love for him would live on, he was not the kind to linger in the past.
She wouldn't be any different to him, she had to believe that.
Harry started when he felt her palms closing around his clenched fists. She slowly pried them open, revealing crescent marks on their surface. He didn't realise he had been doing it. "All these months we have been suffering alone, have we not?" she asked, voice surprisingly gentle. "Just as you cannot love me forever, your hatred won't last either. We're only this sad because we were so in love. Those feelings had to balance out somehow. You'll be free soon enough."
Harry felt ashamed in the face of her blunt forgiveness. She looked at him like she knew of the war inside his mind and understood it. There was a transparent understanding in her eyes that he couldn't stand, reflecting himself to him. The emptiness was too much to handle. "I don't hate you," he finally said. "I never did."
"I left you. It's fine if you do."
"But I don't."
They stared at each other. A ghost of a smile on her face and palpable guilt on Harry's. None of them were happy.
"I should get going," she said.
Harry hesitated, then pulled her into a hug. His body remembered hers, how her curves felt against the hard planes of his, and how comforting her arms that embraced him back were. No more would there be someone he could go and hide with when the world closed in on him. How did he ever let go of someone like her? Where had the strength come from? But he had done it once, he could do it again.
Harry let his arms fall. Looking at her, he was reminded of things too late to speak of. The compliments he hadn't found the chance to tell her before their breakup, the promises he wished he could still keep, the trivial matters of his life that he wanted to share with her. How his conviction had stuttered when he saw her earlier. It didn't matter now.
Harry fetched his black umbrella that was leaning against the bench and handed it to her. "Take it."
"What about you?"
"I'll wait for the bus."
She seemed amused. "You know how to take the bus?"
"I don't forget the things you've taught me," Harry said. It was the one honesty he could offer her.
"Well, then." She took the umbrella and clicked it open. "Have fun waiting."
"Be careful on your way home."
"You too. Don't walk in the rain. Don't get sick."
"I won't," he said.
At her retreating footsteps, Harry tipped his head against the glass wall behind him. He would always regret her. He swore it. How else would he keep the memory of her alive? Some happiness was not to be learned. He would not ever forget her.
If she turned around, she would see him watching her diminishing figure, harbouring a pointless, rabid hope that she would look back. Hadn't they shared the same habits at one point?
But she walked on.
Bus leaving before Harry could get on mirrors his inability to move on.
To me, this story is that feeling of when you meet your ex and feel like you don't know them anymore because they look different now, but after a few exchanges, you can see that they're still the one you fell for, then came the dawning realisation that you were right to break up.
Does regret mean anything in an expired relationship? Can forgiveness from your loved one free you from the guilt of hurting them? I like to toy with the idea of forgiveness and whether an action could objectively be forgiven or understood, and how far you can forgive someone when those wrongs come in the form of the person you love.
If you noticed, they never actually say "I love you" in the present tense and avoid strong emotional words. They can't admit it because that requires being vulnerable. They think the reason they broke up was only because of Harry's rudeness, but it was also their fear of vulnerability and tendency to assume things instead of communicating. These things had piled up as resentment and exploded.
I wanted to explore another type of post-breakup meeting where Harry isn't as bitter and MC isn't the one to blame as in the original bad ending. I also wanted to do something different after seeing a lot of breakup fics where the pair is super angry and hates one another.
Buy me a glass of something that's definitely not coffee because I can't stand it but it is the website's name if my story touches you in some way? No worries if you don't. I'm still grateful you've read all the way through here.
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starvingreader · 10 months
I will build you an altar
Harry Choi x fem MC
TW: Self-harm
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst.
Harry discovered that MC was not the naive sunshine she appeared to be in the chatroom.
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It was impossible to find the right words to say to her, to express his anguish. She was lying beside him, his arm wrapped around her shoulder and her face snuggled into the side of his neck. The moonlight shined through the windows casting a shadow of their figures on the wall. They had never been so close. In fact, Harry hasn't been this close to everyone for years, both physically and emotionally.
But he wasn't at peace. Harry struggled to fall asleep. Maybe because it was an unfamiliar bed or because he didn't cocoon himself with a blanket. Those were the possibilities. Or at least, that was what he tricked his brain into thinking so.
But after some attempts, he gave up. There was no point at all. It was crystal clear that it was her. Only she could make him crumble.
His hand traced the scars on her arm. Gently, so he didn't wake her up. Her flesh felt strange under his finger. The sensation of the scars had him thinking about the past - something he didn't share with her, and she didn't mention it to him either. A sense of powerlessness hit him suddenly. Her pain left such a bad taste in his mouth.
Harry didn't realize she was struggling for so long. She was a weirdo, yes, but at the same time, MC was the brightest person he knew. Harry had a lot of words that he associated with her.
Like caring,
Or warm,
Or understanding, or patient.
But never sadness. Sadness simply didn't fit her. She was so strong.
But here she was, with a bloody arm he bandaged clumsily and scars, lots of scars all over her body. Some were healed, some were not. It would have taken her years of suffering to cover her body with these.
He couldn't comprehend how bad it was for the pain to show through a body. You would have to break, break and break until a crack was formed on your skin. Harry thought about that a lot.
He couldn't stop thinking about her lifeless eyes when he barged into her apartment. She wouldn't even move until he was near. It was hard for her to move, no, even breathing was a task.
They didn't talk much the whole night. He was just there. Harry didn't require any explanation, he didn't want to disturb her anymore. Surprisingly, Harry didn't feel much of a betrayal about MC not telling her stories despite their bond. He just felt sad but sad was not the right word. It was something more, something so intense he wanted to reap his heart out and hold it in his hand so he didn't have to face it anymore.
The night was cold in a different way you would describe the weather. Harry didn't understand much at that time. He only knew how to hold his hands out for MC to place hers in. They both trembled a bit when they touched. She told him a little about her scars, so little he had a hard time connecting her words. MC didn't cry the whole time, but her tears were clear to him. She spoke of her stories like a stranger relaying the news. Like a small talk, that was the best he could picture it. MC was numb. The agony held her shackles to the point that even when she went insane, she couldn't scream for help.
After a while, MC fell asleep in his embrace. Harry had turned back to his god-knows-why self-destruction. He didn't know he could feel like this for another person. He couldn't have guessed at all. He thought he had gone crazy.
Harry started praying to a god, a star, or the moon. Whatever that you needed to pray to, he prayed. For they would take her pain away and give them to him, he would shoulder all of that, even if it meant death. But nothing happened, the scars didn't magically disappear from her. Harry was devastated, he had already known the answers but he was devastated.
Harry felt like a dumb shit. A dumb little shit that couldn't help her at all.
Harry wished her to be happy, be absolutely happy. She was his shelter, his home. He would build her an altar. He would build her an altar for her to know that she was strong and beautiful. He would build an altar for her wounds so she wouldn't be ashamed of them.
He would build an altar for her existence and preach her like a god.
But for now, he would just hold her. He would hold her so tightly that they melted into each other. For someday, her pain would be his, and he would be hers.
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milfgyuu · 1 year
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Matilda Pairing: Choi Seungcheol x Fem!Reader Series: SVT x Harry’s House Tags: 1.8k, Wedding!AU, Angst, Comfort, Found Family.  Summary: “You can let it go. You can throw a party full of everyone you know. You can start a family who will always show you love. You don't have to be sorry, no.”
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Warnings: re-opened emotional wounds, family/childhood trauma, abandonment, bad parents, lots of tears both happy and sad. The underlying reasons for sadness are rough, but there is a lot of love and healing in this piece. 
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Jeonghan’s voice is tight, throat constricted with emotion and both Seungcheol and Joshua look at him in the mirror’s reflection already wary of what he’s about to say. Joshua finishes fixing Seungcheol’s tie and he lays a hand on his shoulder. “Superstitions be damned,” he sighs, “She needs you more than anyone else right now.”
Seungcheol thanks his groomsmen and quietly exits the suite. The partners of his friends, your bridesmaids, are filtering out as he nears, all giving him a heartfelt nod or pat on the arm. He takes a deep breath, pushing back his anger, and opens the door of your suite. 
You’re sitting in front of the vanity, face hidden in your hands, your dress still hanging in the corner of the room, untouched. He can see your shoulders shaking, hears your broken cries and the effort of trying to stuff them down and drown them out. He steps closer and tugs at the sleeves of his suit jacket. Not wanting to frighten you, he speaks up just enough to let you know he’s here. 
You turn around in a shock. “Hey,” you quickly wipe your face, “Y-you’re not supposed to see me before the wedding. It’s bad luck…”
Seungcheol only smiles at you and open his arms, “Come here.”
His voice is so gentle and the choked back tears fall anew as you throw yourself against his chest and wrap your arms around him, locking your fingers at his back as though it would keep him tethered to you. That was never a genuine fear with Cheol, though. He was by your side through thick and thin and had never once pushed you away or left you behind. 
Unlike your biological family. As cold and detached as the term itself.
“I shouldn’t have invited them,” you sob into his shirt, “I knew they wouldn’t show up even though they made me feel guilty but I held out hope for it anyway and I feel stupid for hurting like this. I’m too old to be this naïve.”
He hushes you, kissing your hair. “You’re blaming yourself again,” he whispers, cupping your face to look at him, “You’re not naïve to seek comfort from the people who are supposed to love you and you’re also not responsible for their poor choices. You don’t have to keep trying to to please them or prove yourself worthy of love.”
“I t-tried so hard to be a good daughter,” your voice cracks, “And I know that they have put this strain on our relationship but…they’re my parents. It’s so hard to let go and convince myself it’s ok. If I let go completely, doesn’t that make me a failure?”
Seungcheol shakes his head adamantly, “Absolutely not. You don’t owe anyone an apology,” his thumbs stroke your cheeks, “You moved out, your worked your ass off, put yourself through school, made friends who love and adore you…”
Your lips twitch into a small smile, “I found you.”
He grins, “You found me,” he whispers just before his lips meet yours for a tender kiss. 
Choi Seungcheol had begun filling a huge whole in your heart the very moment you met him four years ago. He loved you unconditionally. Loved you on your best and worst days. He’d been there time and time again when you broke down and gave your family another chance only for them to disappoint you as usual. He was by your side when your mother cut you down and berated you for being selfish and unfeeling. Held you close to his chest all through the night while you sobbed and reminded you that none of it was even true. 
He’d brought you home to his family. He’d made the effort to meet your friends and introduced you to his own, a crowd you allowed yourself to trust and care about immensely. If there was one thing Cheol would always prioritize it was keeping you surrounded in a community of love and support. 
“Listen to me,” he peers into your eyes, “Everyone here loves you so much - they chose us and we chose them. No obligation, no blood ties - they are here because they want to be. You’ve grown up and made a family all of your own and you don’t have to ever feel guilty for moving on with your life and surrounding yourself with the people who care about you.”
“You’ll never let me wallow in self-pity, will you?”
Seungcheol smiles and kisses your forehead, “Never alone, but especially not on our wedding day. We have everyone we need here with us to celebrate. No need for tears today, baby.”
“I love you,” you whisper, the tension in your shoulders melting, your fingers unlocking. You know he’s not going anywhere. Not now, not ever. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” he whispers back, dipping his head and kissing you until there is a light knock at the door. 
You both turn around and Seungcheol’s mother pops her head in politely, “Hi, sweetheart. I’m sorry to interrupt, but I was hoping, if it’s not too much to ask, that I could help you get ready?” her eyes water and she takes a moment to collect herself, “Every girl deserves to have her mother at her side on such a big day and It would be an honor…”
“Oh,” your lips dip into a frown as tears spring to your eyes once more and your arms slip from around Cheol so you can walk over to your mother-in-law who embraces you, kissing your hair tenderly. “It would mean the world to me.” 
She pulls back to wipe your cheeks. “I won’t have my daughter crying on her wedding day either.”
Another knock at the door sounds and it’s Seungcheol’s father. His mother opens the door and he clears his throat, averting his eyes in the other direction, “Is ah, everyone decent?”
He’s met with a chuckle and deems it safe to look inside, his chest cracking at the sight of tears in your eyes. He takes up one of your hands and squeezes gently, smiling with so much fondness that you crumble under the weight of it. 
“I wasn’t sure of a right time to give you this, but I figured now is as good a time as any,” he says with a chuckle and then pulls a jewelry box from his coat, “These belonged to my grandmother. They were worn on her wedding day and have since been worn by my mother, my wife, and now that I am being blessed with a daughter, I’d like to gift them…to you.”
He opens the box and there sit a silver necklace with baby blue diamonds and a matching pair of earrings. Cheol’s mother squeezes your shoulders from behind, “Something old and blue for you to pass down to your daughter one day.”
You look at both of them, lip quivering and break into a watery smile. “Thank you for being so gracious,” your eyes glance over to meet Cheol’s who’s hastily wiping away his own tears, “I wish I’d had parents like you growing up, but I’m so grateful to have you now. I hadn’t realized how much I would gain when I fell in love with your son and I’m so thankful for all of you.”
“You never have to thank us for loving you, sweetheart,” his mother says, “You are an incredibly loveable person and we’re delighted to be your family. So is everybody else out there filling up on hors de ovures.”
“I suppose that means we should get the show on the road,” you grin, dabbing at your eyes, “I should probably fix my make up and get dressed.”
“I’ll go fetch the stylists and your bridesmaids,” she says, “I’ll be right back,” she is almost out the door and then spins around, “Choi Seungcheol go straighten your suit and get your boys in order, you’ve seen enough of your bride before the wedding already.”
Cheol laughs. You’re never too old to be admonished by your mother apparently. Even on your wedding day. 
He leans in and steals one more quick kiss, “I’ll see you out there.” A wink and then he’s gone. 
Cheol’s father is about to leave as well when you catch his hand and he turns in surprise. 
“W-would you…walk me down the aisle?”
Mr. Choi was a big, burley man - the strong and usually silent type. And his eyes glistened as soon as the question left your lips, a hopeful ring in your voice. 
“Nothing would make me happier,” he smiles and you chuckle, handing him a tissue as Cheol’s mother returns with your stylists and your bridesmaids in tow, “I’m looking forward to it.”
Once the door to your bridal suite closes, there is a flurry of motion with the stylist fixing your hair and touching up your make-up. Your bridesmaids finish getting themselves ready and you all fall into a fit of giggles as they help you get into your wedding dress and veil. Your beloved bonus mom securing your necklace and earrings with a proud look. 
And then it’s time. 
Everyone disperses as they are called one by one to walk down the aisle and you hope your photographer catches every bit of it. Cheol and his mother go down first. Then it’s Jeonghan and his wife, two of your greatest friends in the world. Joshua and his fiancé, whom you’ve known since your waitressing days. Then it’s Wonwoo’s son, your trusted little ring bearer followed by his best friend, Mingyu’s sweet daughter, who you actually catch sight of, stuffing her little hands into the basket of flowers before tossing them up into the air. 
Then it’s quiet, and the music changes tempo. 
You look to your right and there stands Seungcheol’s father, offering his arm out to you with a watery smile. You go to him, linking arms and taking a big deep breath. He pats your hand and whispers, “You look beautiful. My son is a very lucky man.”
You chuckle, eyes watering at his reassuring smile and you make your way down the aisle together. You’d imagined your eyes would be focused straight ahead out of sheer nerves but you look around in awe at all of your guests. Your friends, co-workers, neighbors, some extended family you hadn’t expected to show up, and then your eyes fall on him. 
The moment your eyes meet, Seungcheol’s lip quivers and he’s overcome with emotion. 
This man, your one true love, had given you so much and still promised you more. He’d vowed to remain at your side and navigate life together on bended knee and you trusted him with your very soul. You near the end of the aisle and your future husband steps forward just as his father, hands you off with a soft kiss to each of your cheeks. 
Under the altar, hand in hand with your soulmate in front of a family of your very own creation, one that had always shown you love, you exchange your vows sealing those promises with a kiss as everyone erupts with joy. 
Cheol holds you close, smiling against your cheek as everyone celebrates your union and you know for certain that you’d never need to fear feeling lonely or unloved ever again. 
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Thanks for reading! 💖
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→ Please do NOT copy, repost, or translate, any of my works here on tumblr or on any other platforms! All stories are copyrighted, Milfgyuu, 2019. ©️
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Hello and welcome to Day 27 of "Let's Explore My Plot Bunnies"
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(Sorry Cale, I will be, once again, taking away your peace and quiet)
How is everyone today? Me? I AM IN SHAMBLES! I just finished the Penacony Story Quest Act 1, and my mind and heart are broken. But I still want to finish the 31 days of plot bunnies so here I am with day 27.
This plot bunny is literally an entire series of books. More precisely, this plot bunny is my rewrite of Harry Potter with Cale Henituse (and other characters from the novel) as part of the actual cast.
I titled the plot bunny: "A small change in the script"
I will explain the idea below, but beware it is going to be kind of a long explanation. So, enjoy my rambling! (And I am gonna post some memes about this Au pretty soon)
PS: This is really long. I go through the first 5 years at Hogwarts in some detail (I still have a ton of things I haven't spoken about because brain power is very low and I just wanted to get the idea across first). Also, I am sure I made some miskates, so please forgive me. So beware before you start reading!
We start with Cale Henituse and the Henituse and Thames families in this world.
Starting with the Henituse side, they are a pure-blood wizard family that live in the far north of Germany. They are a family that excels at Charms, especially the Shield Charm, Protego. They are known to be neutral when it comes to the idea of muggles and muggle-borns learning about magic. Or rather than neutral, they think the following: "If the muggles/muggle-borns bring trouble, we will do something about it. But if they don't endanger anyone, there is no need for us to intervene." As such, the family keeps out (for the most part) of the drama that the Wizarding World seems to deal with.
Since they are located in the far north of Germany, Deruth attended and graduated from the Drumstrang Institute, just as many other members of his family.
On the other hand, we have the Thames family. They are a pure-blooded (originally) nomadic wizard family that is scattered around the world. They have (lesser known) ties with the Pevrell and some who know members from this family would say that the Thames family have made deals with Death just as the Pevrell brothers did, for they seem too... welcoming, for the lack of better word, of death.
The Thames family are more akin to a "jack of all trades, master of none" when it comes to their magic. Jour Thames, herself, was extremely talented at Dark Arts (mostly in knowing how to repel them), but her parents were more oriented towards Herbology as a subject of specialization.
Jour Thames had decided to remain in Britain once she got her letter to Hogwarts, while her remaining family still wandered the world. She ended up as a Slytherin, beginning in the same year as Severus Snape (and the rest of the Marauders + Lily). She was pretty much Snape's friend (alongside Lucius) in Slytherin.
Jour and Deruth met during the summer before Jour's 7th year at Hogwarts when she decided to take an impromptu visit in Germany. The one who fell first was Deruth.
Deruth was always interested in Muggles and their technology. He is dead set on settling in the Muggle world and living there for the rest of his life. Jour liked the idea enough, as long as she is still free to go to the Wizarding World to talk with her friends and help them in certain missions - Deruth, of course, had no problem with that.
They married after graduating from their respective schools, moved into a muggle city in Germany (somewhere around Berlin) and had Cale Henituse just 2 years after, when they were 20 (Jour) and 21 (Deruth). Six years later, Jour died under mysterious circumstances, leaving a grieving 6 years old Cale and her husband Deruth behind.
Just a year later, Deruth remarried to Violan, a muggle, who already had a son, Bansen. Violan becomes pregnant with the Lily Henituse the following year, making Lily two years old when Cale leaves for Hogwarts.
As a side note, we also have Kim Rok Soo, Choi Jung Soo, and Lee Soo Hyuk, who attended Hogwarts and were in their 4th year when Jour and Snape entered their first. Kim Rok Soo was in Hufflepuff (everyone in there called him "the little snake that was raised as a badger" because, technically speaking, he would have done splendidly in Slytherin); Chou Jung Soo was in Griffindor; Lee Soo Hyuk was in Ravenclaw.
Kim Rok Soo grew close to Jour Thames, to the point where Jour is ready to publicly claim Rok Soo as her sworn brother, which in turn should make him Cale's uncle. Kim Rok Soo was one of the people (besides Snape, Lucius, and Narcissa) called by Jour after Cale was born to see him. Btw, the date of Cale's birth still coincides with Kim Rok Soo's own birthday (November 8th), and Rok Soo believes Cale to be akin to a blessing to him, which is why he vows to protect the kid even after Jour is dead.
Kim Rok Soo, Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk will later form the "Supernatural Prevention Team" within the Ministry of Magic, a separate type of organization that is mainly about finding whatever "supernatural creature/phenomenon" that appeared in the Muggle world and eliminate it before magic/the supernatural is revealed to Muggles. (Think Mystery Inc. gang from Scooby-Doo but the monsters are half of the time actual real creatures and not just some dudes in constumes)
Cale's name was written in the Book of Admission since the day he was born, mostly because, upon being born, baby Cale managed to let out an influx of magic along with his first cry which shattered the windows of the hospital they were at - thankfully, Jour decided she will give birth to Cale in a Wizard Hospital rather than a Muggle one.
Growing up, Jour basically taught Cale both magic and how to handle magical creatures (I can just imagine that Jour became friends with Aragog during her stay at Hogwarts and she was like "Give my son a giant spider friend too"). Cale, just like the rest of the Thames Family, is a "jack of all trades, master of none" when it comes to his magic and, just like the members of the Henituse Family, he uses Protego a lot more than other spells.
When he goes to Hogwarts, on the train he meets with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. All of them are 1st years, but Cale finds the other two a bit... too childish - especially when Ron starts insulting the Slytherin House and its members by calling them all "evil" and "deranged". But instead of lashing out, Cale calmly points out that Merlin was a Slytherin too, while also calling out different names of people from the Griffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff who were branded as criminals in the past. When asked by Ron how he knows so much, Cale's response is "Unlike you, I do enjoy reading books", before taking out a book and starting to read, completely ignoring the other two.
When Cale gets sorted, the Sorting Hat pretty much is at a loss. Cale has recklessness of a Griffindor, the intelligence of a Ravenclaw, the loyalty of a Hufflepuff, and the cunningness of a Slytherin. Cale's own mentality of "I don't care in which house I get sorted into" doesn't help the Hat either. So the Hat spends well over 5 minutes trying to dig deep enough into Cale's character so that it can actually put him in a house. In the end, the Hat finds that Cale's ambition - which is to take over Kim Rok Soo's position as the current leader (which he got mainly because Lee Soo Hyuk decided ot will be funny to put Rok Soo as the leader) of the "Supernatural Prevention Team" - is pretty strong and decides to sort him into Slytherin. Snape is pretty pleased with that since he also wants to look after Cale. Dumbledore isn't as pleased since Cale looks like a smart kid, and he thinks he is very vulnerable to Voldemort's influence.
Cale integrates pretty well into the Slytherin House, getting along well with Blaise Zabini and, somewhat well, with Draco Malfoy. (It's mostly as "babysitter" type of relationship at the beginning: Cale makes sure Draco doesn't get in that much trouble by calling him out of some things, while Draco is basically the sulky kid that was told "no" for the first time in his life - Cale is not impressed by Draco's attempt at "puppy dog eyes")
However, Cale also ends up, more often than not, around Harry, Hermione, and Ron and deals with their shenanigans. He is the one who convinced the 3 that it was impossible for Snape to be behind Harry's broom going out of control during the Quiddich match and, while they Ron and Hermione don't truly believe him, Harry thinks Cale is not lying. The reason Harry believes Cale so much? Because Cale has never in the months prior ever told lies - Harry fact checked even the names that Cale said were criminals on the train at the beginning of the year, and it turned out he was correct. Same goes for anything else Cale has said before.
Because of this, they reason that Professor Quirell might have been behind all of this, but without proof, they can't be sure of anything.
When they find out that the Philosopher's Stone is in danger of being stolen, the 3 (who also kinda dragged Cale with them) attempt to get to the stone and protect it while Dumbledore is away in London. Cale takes a liking to Fluffy and employs the methods that his mother taught him to calm down magic creatures of all kind - sharing a bit of his magic with them. By doing this, Cale basically shares his emotional state with the creatures he gave magic to, and manages to calm them down as long as Cale himself is calm.
He insists that the other move quickly after Quirell and tells Harry to be careful because he just knows that Quirell's magic just feels off. Once they are gone and Fluffy is back asleep, Cale goes to Snape and informs him of Quirell's actions. Because of this, Snape ends up there when Quirell dies from a combination of Lily's protective charm and the true Quirell's will fighting against Voldemort's control at the very end. (Basically while his body was burnt from the protective charm, Quirell's mind was trying to keep Voldemort from doing too much damage because he realized... Harry is a fucking child and this is wrong on so many levels. So Quirell fights back, but still dies)
While Dumbledore tells Harry he did the right thing, trauma is a bitch, and I refuse to think Harry wouldn't have trauma from seeing someone die in front of him. Cale finds Harry looking like he is about to cry in the hallways so he takes Harry away and, once more, puts his mother's teachings in action. Jour told Cale when he was little that in Hogwarts, as long as you actually need it, you can ask Hogwarts itself for a room - be it if you need it for studying or just as a place to hide.
Cale asks Hogwarts for a place where he and Harry can be alone, and Hogwarts obliges. Once in the silence and safety of that room, Cale tells Harry he can let it go. Harry starts crying. While he may not be the best at comfort, Cale shares that Harry is not the only person who went through something like that since Cale himself watched his mother die on a hospital bed. Harry feels closer to Cale after this instance and thinks to himself that he will try his best to be a good friend to Cale as he was to him. (Cale: Since when was I a good friend? Since when are we friends?)
In the 2nd year, Cale's interest was piqued when Harry spoke Parseltongue during his duel with Draco Malfoy. This alone made Cale suspicious about how intertwined their family lines were with the Slytheirn line since Cale can also speak Parseltongue.
Since the Secret Chamber's serial petrifications cases already started, Cale is immediately suspicious since he knows Harry doesn't have the spine to do such a thing, and Cale himself thinks it's too much of a bother - so someone else is doing something here, and Cale has a strong belief that there is something more to Moaning Myrthle, the ghost from the girl's bathroom on the second floor. (In the meantime, Harry is freaking out because he is half convinced he is doing something while sleep-walking)
After Hermionie is petrified and Hagrid is sent to Azkaban, both Cale and Harry (and Ron, who still didn't like Cale all that much) decide they should do something.
Trying to prove that Hagrid is innocent, Harry and Ron take Hagrid's advice to follow the spiders while Cale tries to find something by asking Hogwarts. Cale asks if there are any books that might help them discover the reason why students are getting petrified. Hogwarts' response is to get him into a room with books on magical creatures.
Once Cale finds out about the Basilisk and about the Acromantula. Knowing that both Harry and Ron went to the Forbidden Forest following Hagrid's advice, Cale immediately goes there as well, making use of his mother's way to tame magical creatures to get to Aragog's lair. Since Aragon knew Jour, Aragog recognizes Cale's magic as belonging to someone blood related to Jour. By sharing his magic with Aragog, Cale gains Aragog's favor and lets the 3 go. (It's way more complicated that I made it look here, but the words elude me for the moment, so this is the short version)
After this, Ron seems to be just a tad nicer to Cale since he pretty much saved them from the giant spiders. Cale tells them about what the information he found about the Basilisk, a creature that fits the narrative of what has been happening recently. Finding a note in the petrified Hermione's hand just proves Cale's deductions correctly. And then Ginny is kidnapped.
When they hear that Lockheart wants to deal with the creature himself, Cale advises Harry and Ron to be careful when dealing with Lockheart since Cale's instincts scream danger whenever the guy is near. They still go and try to tell him what they found about the Basilisk but instead they find that Lockheart, as per Cale's ("frankly scary" as Ron would say) intuition, is a fraud and tries to use the Memory Charm on them too. Cale disarms him.
This time around, both Harry and Cale are trapped inside the Chamber of Secrets after the ceiling caves in due to Ron's broken wand's misfire (don't worry, Lockheart still gets a taste of his own medicine called the Memory Charm).
This is where Harry learns that Cale can also speak Parseltongue and where Cale informs Harry that it is mostly only the descendants of Slytherin who can speak it, bringing forth the idea that in some way they are both related to Slytherin by blood.
During the battle with Tom Marvolo Riddle, Cale is the one who decided to take a leap of faith and protect Harry when Tom ordered the Basilisk to kill him. Thinking fast, Cale orders the Basilisk to stop altogether, banking on the fact that he might also be a contender for the "Slytherin's Heir" position. If the gamble fails Cale dies, but if it succeeds Cale, Ginny and Harry will manage to live. The gamble pays out as the Basilisk stops and, through broken hisses, wishes for her death so that she will not become a weapon of war for Tom Riddle.
Harry pulls out the Sword of Griffindor from the Hat and stabs the Basilisk, after which Tom decides to take matters into his own hands by attacking Harry. Cale, during the battle, talks with the Sorting Hat and finds out that Basilisk Venom will kill whatever the Tom Marvolo Riddle in front of him is as long as he uses it on the source of the magic. To put an end to everything, Cale is the one that stabs the diary with one of the Basilisk's fangs, causing the Tom before them to dissipate.
Towards the end of the year, Cale is dead set on getting him and Harry to Gringotts, where they could have a test done to decipher their family tree and relations to other families. Once there, Cale teaches Harry another thing: the Gringotts Goblins can be your best friend or your worst enemy, so choose wisely. Cale's associate from the bank, a goblin named Rodnar, is the one that they met and the one that helps them with the test.
Turns out, both of them are related to the Slytherin Family, which explains the Parseltongue. They expected that much. Harry got confirmation about his own family and was informed that he is the one in charge of the Potter Family Vault - provisory for now, permanent holder once he reaches 17 years of age.
At the same time, because of the tests they had to do, the Goblins become somewhat worried when they detect foreign magic inside of Harry Potter's body - specifically, dark magic.
Remembering what happened with Voldemort during their first year, Cale and Harry accept a full test on the dark magic and decide that if it is Voldemort's, they will find a way to get rid of it. This marks the beginning of a 3 year-long plan to get rid of Voldemort once and for all.
During the summer before the 3rd Year, Cale spends time with Kim Rok Soo and his team. Rok Soo tells Cale stories of his years at Hogwarts, and he teaches Cale the Patronus Charm. Cale's Patrons turns out to be a Thestral - mostly because most of the happy memories Cale has are with his mother and her death affected Cale a lot more than people think at first glance.
Year 3 begins with both Cale and Harry meeting a Dementor on the train, with various reactions to it. While Harry faints and develops as deep fear of Dementors, Cale's experience is a bit different. When the Dementor appears before him, Cale's magic seems to go just a bit out of control, which makes the Dementor flitch due to its potency. Cale doesn't seem to be as affected by that encounter, which is something Remus Lupin takes note of when Cale comes and visits Harry's train compartment to check on him.
When Harry sneaks into Hogsmeade, he meets up with Cale, who is there to buy candy for Bansen and Lily as Christmas gifts. While Harry is in one of the shops, Cale notices a black dog and starts petting it, finding the animal quite cute. When Harry comes out and finds Cale petting the dog, he not only recognizes the dog but also believes it is weird for the dog to have followed him around.
When it is time for them to return, Harry tells Cale both about the dog and about the tunnel he used to get to Hogsmeade (and the conversation he overheard). Cale is immediately suspicious about the dog and very interested about the Marauder's Map, thinking that whomever created it is a very skilled wizard.
After the divination class where Professor Trelawney gave her prediction about what will happen in the future, Cale contacts Rodnar and asks him if he can find anything on the case of Sirius Black, since he believes something is not quite right there. Rodnar contacts Cale back a bit later, telling him that there is no such thing as a court hearing of Sirius Black and that he was sent immediately to Azkaban. From there, Cale works with Susan Bones and her aunt to resolve this clear lack of justice accorded to Sirius Black's case and to get his name cleared.
In the meantime, Harry, Hermione, and Ron hear about Buckbeak's execution and try to prevent it.
The more Cale digs into the past of Sirius Black and his crimes, the more suspicious everything becomes. Then, he remembers Scabbers looks peculiar for a pet rat - specifically, that Scabbers is a rat with a missing finger. Realizing Harry and the others are in danger, Cale attempts to reach them in time to help, only to end up coming a bit too late and assisting Harry and Hermione with the Time-Turner, coming with them to the past and having his Patronus help Harry's when they need to get the Dementors to back away from Sirius and past Harry.
Once Sirius is safe, Cale presents to Sirius his options: 1. He continues like this and hides for the rest of his life or 2. He can accept help from Cale and present his case to the Ministry of Magic and get some mind healing sessions, after which he will be free to take custody of Harry.
Of course, Sirius accepts Cale's help, and Remus Lupin even jokes that if he didn't agree, Remus himself would have dragged him to get help. When Sirius asks why Cale is doing all of this, Cale just replies that this will help Harry and annoy a certain people he quite dislikes. By the 5th year, Harry is in Sirius's custody.
Towards the end of the 3rd Year, Cale tells Harry to meet him in the Chamber of Secrets. When Harry arrives, Cale tells him that there is something very strange about the Chamber - it was way too empty. Understanding where he is going with this Harry asks if Cale found anything that tells him there is something more to the Chamber. Cale says that it is merely his intuition.
The two spend the night there trying to find something amiss within the room. During this time, Cale tells Harry he should be weary of Dumbledore. When Harry asks why, Cale replies: "Men like Dumbledore care only about their plans, not about the people that are part of their plans. Dumbledore is the same type of person that I am. So be careful around him and scrutinize every word he says."
Harry, internally, disagrees on the view that Cale has of himself, thinking that although Cale might not show it the conventional way, he truly does care about him and the others.
The two, in the end, find that there is a secret library inside the Chamber of Secrets, full of books from the time of Salazar Slytherin. They even find his journal. Cale decides to try and memorize as much of this library as he could, looking for ways to try and get rid of Voldemort, whom Cale suspects to be behind the Dark Magic inside Harry's body. In the library, Cale and Harry find some information on Horcruxes - something even Salazar Slythrin called "a practice that no one should ever attempt at any point in their life" and they both start making connections between Voldemort and Horcruxes. This is how year 3 ends.
Year 4, for Cale, starts with hearing about the Death Eaters raid after the Quidditch Championship. Knowing that this is merely the beginning of the trouble, Cale starts conversing with Kim Rok Soo about the situation. Kim Rok Soo asks Cale to be careful and not to be reckless should he ever come across a Death Eater.
At Hogwarts, Cale decides to make more progress in the memorization of the books in Salazar Slytherin's secret library. The book that he starts reading explains the concept of "magic reflection" as a defensive technique in a duel. Cale starts thinking if this could be used against the Unforgivable Curses that Mad-Eye Moody showed them during the Defense Against the Dark Arts.
When the Triwizard Tournament starts and Harry is suddenly and inexplicably chosen to be part of it, Cale immediately suspects Dumbledore of putting Harry's name into the Goblet of Fire. He tells as much to Harry and the others, feeling that even if his suspicion turns out to be wrong, at least they will keep their guard up during the competition.
During the competition, Cale tries to help Harry as much as he can to prepare - and that includes stopping Ron's jealousy from going too far. So Cale invites Ron to have tea with him and talk to him about his insecurities. Cale tells Ron not to let his feelings destroy a friendship that he cherishes, and instead, invites Ron to come to him and talk about whatever he wants as a way to get things off his chest. Cale reasons with himself that he already does that (in some capacity) with Draco since the second year so having Ron do this too is not that much trouble now.
From there, things progress normally. During the Yule Ball, Cale attends with Susan Bones. The two discussed the happenings in the previous year and what happened this year as well. Susan is well aware that Harry couldn't have gotten into the TriWizard Tournament without someone else putting his name in the Goblet, and she feels pity for Harry, who has to deal with so many things happening to him. Both Susan and Cale decide that this year protecting Harry and finding who made him part of the Tournament is the most important thing. Both also remark how Rita Skeeter is a very annoying type of journalist and that if she becomes a problem, both of them will do their best to deal with her.
On the day of the last task for the tournament, the Weasley Twins decided to pull a little prank and, though sheer bad luck, Cale ends up being the one that the prank falls on. Cale has to change clothes due to the twins' prank, and a Hufflepuff student tells Cale he can take his spare robes. (The Hufflepuff kinda like Cale ever since Susan vouched for him despite being a Slytherin.)
Cale takes the offer. Feeling that something is about to go wrong, Cale asks Harty before hand if he can borrow the Invisibility Cloak. Harry, although confused, accepts.
When the third task starts, Cale sneaks into the labyrinth with the Invisibility Cloak and tries to stay around Harry to make sure he will be fine. Cale loses sight of Harry at one point but finds Cedric Diggory, a 7th year Hufflepuff student and gives himself away in his haste. When Cedric asks Cale why he is there, Cale tells him he is not there to intervene with the Tournament, he is just there to make sure Harry makes it out in one piece. Liking the loyalty Cale showed and fully agreeing that Harry is in need of protection, Cedric tells Cale he will help Harry if he is in a any trouble. Cale thanks him and the two make their way through the maze, later meeting Harry at the place where Cup was.
When Cale realized that the Triwizard Cup was a Portkey, Cale also held onto the Cup being transported with Cedric and Harry to the graveyard where Peter Pettigrew was. When Peter tries to use Avada Kadavra on Cedric, Cale employs the "magic refection" technique he read in the Chamber's library, casting Protego and praying that the Unspeakable Curse will bounce off the shield he created. It does happen, but Cale miscalculated and Harry still ends up injured and his blood is used to raise Lord Voldemort from the grave.
Voldemort and Harry still duel, which resulted in the Priori Incantatem still taking effect. Thinking fast, Cale tells Harry to come behind him with Cedric and sets up a new shield. This buys the three kids time, as Cale tells Harry and Cedric to take the Cup once again while their are under the shield so that they can go back. When the two ask Cale what he will do, Cale just tells them he will be fine. Once they are gone, Cale turns his attention towards Voldemort and his followers. Voldemort is indignant at the attitude of a mere Hufflepuff child and fires another Avada Kadavra. Cale knew that if that spell hit the shield will not save him. As such, Cale did another stupid thing: he used a type of magic he only read about before, Apparition.
Cale ends up in the Forbidden Forest, with a shoulder injury but otherwise alive after his 1ts successful Apparition.
Later on, after Cale makes his way back to Hogwarts, he finds out that both Harry and Cedric are alive and well. Harry and Cedric were worried sick about Cale but unanimously decided not to mention Cale's presence in the graveyard because they know Dumbledore doesn't like Slytherin students and they both fear Cale will be in trouble.
When Dumbledore talks with Harry in private later, Harry keeps in mind that Cale warned him not to trust Dumbledore. Cale's works seem to be proven right when Harry noticed Dumbledore looks triumphant when he hears Harry's blood was used to bring Voldemort back to the living. Feeling hurt, Harry seeks out Cale to tell him thing, and Cale comforts Harry as best as he can.
A bit later, Cale tells Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco, and Cedric to meet up to discuss what happened during the tournament. Cedric shows up and brings with him most of the other classmates who also feel something is weird about this. When Harry tells about his conversation with Dumbledore, everyone is quite mad because they don't like that Dumbledore went to the extreme of putting Harry's name in the Goblet to use him as a pawn in his own schemes. When someone points out that Barty Crouch Jr. who disguised as Mad Eye Moody could have done that, Harry points out that Moody was Dumbledore's friend, so would Dumbledore really be fooled by Barty's act?
When that was pointed out, everyone became quiet. Cale breaks the silence by telling everyone that whatever is happening will not be resolved by the Ministry of Magic. Susan backs Cale up, stating that her aunt told her that Fudge is not as reliable as people think.
Cale proposes everyone to work together from the inside of Hogwarts since they will most likely be in danger, most are skeptical - especially Ron who doesn't trust Draco or any of the other Slytherin that much. Cale tells Ron it is understandable for him not to he OK with this arrangement but if they don't work together, the ones that will lose will be them.
Someone asks Cale if he has a plan since he is so sure of what he said. Cale looks at Harry, who nods in response, and says: "Harry and I have a plan. It's risky and very difficult to put in action. But my main question to you all is: Do you trust us?" The others nodded, some faster, others more reluctant. Cale smiles and then proceeds to tell the: "Then trust me when I say, we need to help the Slytherin students to be on our side. They are just kids. They are scared more of their parents' words/actions if they disobey, rather than the consequences of their blind loyalty. That undying piece of shit is using them as a means to an end, and when their usefulness expires, he will get rid of them. Just because they are Slytherin doesn't mean they don't deserve to be helped." Harry takes it from there: "Which is why we want to show them that they still have a choice. Cale has tried his best until now to make his fellow Slytherin understand that, but to no avail. Now, if we work together, we might just be able to save them from all of this."
Draco is a bit surprised by this since he never realized Cale tried to help the others in the Slytherin House. Cale, seeing his reaction, explains to Draco that when dealing with Slytherins, you can't show too much that you are against the Dark Lord's orders since that will immediately alert them. The Slytherin kids know that if someone betrays the Dark Lord, they should tell their parents, or they will be called an accomplice to their betrayal. So Cale cannot be upfront with the others, but putting seeds of doubt in their minds is better than nothing at this point. If they play their cards right, the other Slytherin will doubt the validity of the Dark Lord's words at one point or another. What they need is to make that happen sooner.
The meeting ends with that and with a confirmation from Cedric that he will help Cale with whatever he needs over the summer. Cale tells Cedric, Draco, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Neville, Luna, Susan, and Terry to meet him again during the summer because he needs their help with something that is essential to their plan.
(After the meeting, the Hufflepuff house pretty much adopts Cale as well. Especially after Cedric tells them that Cale saved his life during the confrontation with Peter Pettigrew and later with Voldemort. When they realize Cale's shoulder is still hurt after the Apparition, the entire house puts Cale into blankets and makes hot chocolate for him. Cale, albeit confused, doesn't complain)
During the summer, the group meets up and, amidst all the planning, they bond. Draco becomes more friendly with Harry and his group, much to Cale's approval. Meanwhile, everyone starts seeing Cale as the leader of the entire movement/group, although Cale remains oblivious to that. Harry is officially put under Sirius's care during this time, to Dumbledore's disapproval. (Not that there is much he can do about it since the Ministry of Magic not only approved of this but pushed for this to happen. All thanks to Amelia Bones, btw.) Because of this new arrangement for Harry, Cale ends up visiting him at 12 Grimmauld Place during summer and, though Cale honestly doesn't know why, Kreacher takes a liking to Cale, while still disliking Sirius and, somewhat, Harry too. (Look, don't ask Cale. He was just polite to Kreacher. He was taught to be polite to older creatures since young goddammit)
Also, Cale and Harry get some useful updates on the research for a way to get the Dark Magic out of Harry from Rodnar and the staff at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. All in all, the summer passes quickly for everyone. Especially with the hearing Harry has to go through in August - thanks a lot, Dumbledore - but at least now they know fully that no one believes that Voldemort is back. They can cross out the idea of going to the Ministry for help in this situation.
Then, the fifth year starts, and everyone is introduced to Dolores Umbridge, their new DADA teacher for the year.
When Harry first gets the Umbridge Detention experience, complete with the (illegal) enchanted quill, it is Cale that he chooses to go to first. Cale, although enraged with Umbridge, tells Harry to keep his head down and try not to go against Umbridge. When asked why, Cale replies with: "I have a plan to deal with her, but I need you and everyone else to keep out of trouble for now." Harry, reluctantly, agrees to that.
Meanwhile, Cale poses as a perfectly obedient student in front of Umbridge, telling her that his father has chosen him as the successor to the family business and that he has to conform, and, as such, he won't be able to join the little army of students she is making. Umbridge, seeing that as a pertinent excuse, agrees and notes that Cale and his family would be a wonderful addition to the Dark Lord's army, especially once they are swayed to his side. Cale, on the other hand, is actually digging for misdeeds of Umbridge so he can report her.
To make sure that the report would actually work, Cale meets with Snape and asks what the requirements for a Hogwarts teacher are to be expelled from their position. Snape, guessing where this is going, tells Cale that there needs to be 3 wrongdoings recognized by the Ministry of Magic (with proof) for the teacher to be expelled. He also warns Cale that he will not hesitate to expell Cale should he be found out to be the one behind whatever he is trying to do. Cale takes that as a challenge and asks Snape for a favor: to give Cale lessons in Occlumency. Snape does agree. However, he states that the lessons will stop the moment Cale makes one mistake or the moment he thinks Cale's little scheme to get rid of Umbridge (which Snape also wants to happen mind you) will be found out. And so, before in October, Cale's first lessons in Occlumency begin.
During this time, Cale works with Harry and the others and creates the Hogwarts Army, once it is clear they won't learn anything from Umbridge as their DADA teacher. They use the Chamber of Secrets as their true meeting spot, with the Room of Requirement as a front. Meanwhile, Draco, who is part of the group created by Umbridge, named the Inquisitorial Squad, is trying to do as Cale told them at the end of last year - to place seeds of doubt in the minds of the other Slytherin students. Draco chooses to do so by pointing out that Umbridge's temperament is getting worse - today she was screaming at some 2nd year kids from the Hufflepuff house, and tomorrow she might just start screaming at us. To divert suspicion from himself, Draco just says that he just finds the old hag's attitude annoying since she is merely a half-blood compared to most of the Slytherin students who are pure blooded and that if she ever rises her voice at us then should we, pure-bloods, just stand there and take it? ("My father will hear about this" intensifies)
This attempt does plant some doubt in the others although Draco sees it as a failure.
Until Januray, Cale puts his little scheme in action. First, using the Occlumency Lessons from Snape, Cale makes sure to create a pensive containing the memory of Umbridge stating that she is part of the Swayer Family - which he will use later in the year. Next, after digging into Umbridge's past, he strikes a deal with the Ghosts of Hogwarts - including Peevees - that has them spreading rumors around about Umbridge and whatever mistakes and scandals he could find in her past. Finally, he contacts Kim Rok Soo with these findings and urges his uncle to finish his part of the plan before coming to Hogwarts to take care of Umbridge.
When Harry has his vision of the attack on Mr. Weasly, instead of bringing it up to Dumbledore, Harry finds Cale and tells him that they need to start putting their plan in action. This leads to Harry still taking Occlumency Lessons, but instead of Snape teaching him, it is Cale (who took the Polyjuice Potion to look like Snape) that teaches him. This is merely a front for part of their plan. Since they know now that Voldemort is the owner of the Dark Magic inside Harry, the two want to use this connection Harry has with Voldemort to find out about the locations of his Horcruxes. The principle they use is something studied by Salazar Slytherin, who writes in his library that there is a way to feed false information to someone but that person's mental state should be less than perfect for it to work. Combined with the knowledge that whomever attempts to create a Horcrux will have their mental state damaged, Cale and Harry decide they can actually try this on Voldemort. So Cale teaches Harry how to implant imaginary situations inside Voldemort's head, with Voldemort thinking that these are Harry's actual memories that seeped through their connection rather than just made-up scenarios. In the meantime, Harry learns about the Horcruxes: the diary they have destroyed during their 2nd year; the Gaunt's Family Ring that is currently in Dumbledore's possession; the Slytherin Locket - location unknown; the Hufflepuff Cup - location unknown; Ravenclaw Diadem - location unknown; and finally Nagini, who is always with Voldemort.
Knowing they have to destroy these items, the two start searching for them using the easiest way they could think of - asking Hogwarts. Cale asks Hogwarts if there is any room inside that castle that has a Horcrux inside of it, and, in response, Hogwarts opens the way to the Room of Requirement where the two find Ravenclaw Diadem - after a long time of searching.
From there, they announce Rodnar and the Gringotts Bank about the fact that there are more Horcruxes than anyone could have guessed and tell them what items they are. Knowing this, the Goblins make an inspection of the vaults in search of a signature of dark magic, finding the Hufflepuff Cup and giving it to Cale. With 2 Horcruxes in their hands, 1 already destroyed and 1 in Dumbledore's hands, the two decide that the Slytheri Locket should be their next target. But, with no concrete location for it yet, the two turn their attention towards dealing with Umbridge, who has been getting more and more angry due to the rumors that were spread around by the Hogwarts Ghosts.
Umbridge's temperament is truly getting out of hand, for she even starts yelling at her own Inqisitorial Squad when the rumors don't stop. This makes the Slytherin doubt their choice of loyalty even more since Umbridge is a half-blood and she is allowed to yell at them (pure-blood wizards) and the Dark Lord seems to not have heard or done anything about it.
In April, where Umbridge would become the Headmistress in canon, instead there is a visit from Kim Rok Soo, his teammates and 2 other officials from the Ministry of Magic because Cale sent the evidence that he found about Umbridge. They accuse Umbridge of "impersonation of a successor to a pure-blood wizard family" with the proof being the pensive that Cale send of Umbridge claiming she is related to the Swayer Family which turns out to be a lie. Next, they present the evidence of her taking bribes and other means of payment as a member of the Ministry, which is illegal by all means.
During these accusations, Umbridge becomes more and more furious, knowing that it was a student who organized all of this. Since the accusation scene takes place in the Main Hall with most of the students and teachers present, Umbridge sees Cale, who appears (to her) a bit smug. Knowing that even if she tries, she can't prove her innocence anymore, she decides to take Cale down with her. Umbrige uses Crucio on Cale, which causes him quite a lot of pain.
Meanwhile, Cale is very much aware that there is a chance that Umbridge will attack whomever she thinks is responsible for her downfall. He, however, is fully ready to take whatever Umbridge will do because 1. it will only serve to incriminate her further and 2. Cale was the one that came up with this plan, he will not let someone else take the fall for him. (Although Umbridge casting Crucio was not in his plans)
The pain that Umbridge's Crucio brings Cale is quickly stopped by Kim Rok Soo who punches Umbridge and leaves her unconscious. (Go get her, Rok Soo!!!!)
This incident happens in front of the already doubtful Slytherin students, who know (read: think they know) Cale is innocent and immediately jump to help him since he is pretty much down for the count, Draco and Blaise being the first ones to try and see if Cale is alright. Harry and the others then point out that this is not the only time Umbridge has resorted to punishments such as these, telling the officials of the Ministry about the enchanted blood pen that Harry was forced to use in detentions. (To say that Snape and McGonagall weren't horrified was a lie) Other students, including the Slytherins, came up to tell about how Umbridge kept yelling and blaming them for every little thing that went wrong for her.
Cale was taken to the infirmary where he is recovering, while Kim Rok Soo is very much aware that Cale might have even planned for himself to become a target of Umbridge to further incriminate her. Kim Rok Soo doesn't like that one bit. He tells as much to Snape in private (with whom he is still friends btw) and asks Snape to look after Cale. Kim Rok Soo is not able to stay long since they have to get Umbridge to an interrogation (Kim Rok Soo promises to make her scream during it btw) and, later, to incriminate Fudge who was responsible for putting Umbridge in charge of children at Hogwarts. (In other words: Operation "Ministry Take Over" is a go!)
A few days later, Cale wakes up at the infirmary. He is still in a bit of pain, but not nearly as much. Snape is the one that stays with him and the one that is there when Cale wakes up. Snape does tell Cale that what he did was extremely dangerous and stupid (2 attributes that are very much Griffindor-esque), Cale counters with "I can't just let her send a Crucio at another, probably, even younger student, right? Also, how was I supposed to know she knows Crucio of all spells?" Still, Cale does get a lecture from both Snape and, later, McGonagall. And it's not like his friends (from any house) are pleased with this either.
After this, things go back to normal. However, in May, Cale gets a letter from Kreacher. Kreacher feels like Cale and the late Regulus Black share a lot of things - specifically their desire to make things right. In the letter, Kreacher states that he knows where the Slytherin Locket is and that he knows (from the Goblins that he converses with) that Cale is after the Horcruxes. Kreacher says he is willing to give the Slytherin Locket to Cale as long as Cale promises that what they are doing will bring justice to the death of Regulus Black, the last member of the Black Family that Kreacher actually cares for. Cale sends back his promise to do so and tells Kreacher he could come and see that the promise is kept towards the end of the year.
When the O.W.Ls begin and Harry has that vision of Sirius dying, the group knows it is time to move. Harry and Cale instruct the remaining members of the Hogwarts Army to be in full alert mode, knowing that Voldemort plans to keep Hogwarts occupied by sending an army of Dark Creatures while he is at the Ministry of Magic. Harry also tells Sirius to not, under any measure, come to the Ministry of Magic - advice which is ignored and Sirius even brings Remus along since he was there when Harry sent the message. (Thankfully, Kim Rok Soo intercepted the 2 idiots or they would be dead)
Cale, Harry, Draco, Hermione, Ron, Neville, Luna, Terry, Susan, and Cedric go to the Ministry of Magic, fully aware of Voldemort and his Death Eaters being there, but also fully aware that they have a plan.
The final showdown happens in the Department of Mysteries, where Cale has convinced his uncle, Kim Rok Soo, to set up the trap that they need to get rid of Voldemort once and for all.
When Voldemort and his Death Eathers (Bellatrix included, but no Lucius) appear, the trap activates, and there appears an array under their feet. The ten kids start their incantations (all of them having different ones, mind you), and a shield separates Voldemort and his minions from the kids. As they continue their incantation, Voldemort tries to use Avada Kadavra on Harry or Cale, but the shield redirects the spell towards Voldemort himself (tho it doesn't quite hit him). Bellatrix is also trying to use any spell against the kids, Neville in particular, but they are also bounced back. Seeing that their spells are ineffective, Voldemort and his minions resort to taunting to make even one of them lose their concentration, which could lead to the array breaking. Bellatrix starts taunting Draco saying things like "If your parent saw you doing this, they will do everyone a favor and kill him on the spot" or "You are a traitor who sided with the mugles. Do you really have no shame or respect for your pure-blooded origins?". Draco, although he is deadly afraid of his father's opinion of him, is also fully aware that he had never felt more at ease than when he is around Cale and the other. He, aware of the consequences, decided to take matters in his own hand and chose his own path - and he chooses to help Cale and Harry. He doesn't falter in his incantation, nor does he fall for the taunts of Bellatrix, which annoys her.
Voldemort, meanwhile, is going back and forth between trying to get a raise out of Cale and Harry or trying to recruit Cale in his army by telling him about the power he will be given. Neither budge.
When the incantations are complete, Voldemort and his minions find themselves sealed inside a crystal ball. The walls of the crystal ball basically absorb any spells thrown at them and reflect them right back. This makes Voldemort and his minions into a non-existent threat. Cale even taunts Voldemort saying that only our blood can get them out of the crystal balls now. The 10 kids congratulate each other for a job well done. Before they leave the Ministry, they meet with Lucius. Voldemort and Bellatrix are gleeful, thinking that Lucius will kill the kids. The one that speaks up is Draco, who tells Lucius not to get in their way. Lucius looks at his son, lowers his wand, and let's them through, telling Draco that he is proud of him. Voldemort and Bellatrix call Lucius a traitor, but Lucius looks at them as says: "The only one I was ever loyal to was my family. You are not part of my family" before ruffling Draco's hair and leaving. Draco is still in shock (but also very happy) even after they leave the Ministry and go to Hogwarts.
Meanwhile, at Hogwarts, the rest of the Hogwarts Army decides to take part in the fight against the Dark Creatures sent by Voldemort, much to the disagreement of the teachers. During the fight, Slytherin students also enter the fray on the Hogwarts Army side. Most of the Slytherin students were already against the Dark Lord after seeing how Umbridge behaved towards them and how she attacked Cale. Now, they make a full statement by fighting against the Dark Lord. The fight ends without casualties - the injuries the students get are not death threatening.
When McGonagall and the other teachers (including Dumbledore) are about to ask/scold the children for their recklessness, Cale and the others return with Voldemort and his Death Eaters in the crystal balls. When Cale starts explaining the plan that has been in the making for the last 3 years (at least), Cedric, Ron and Neville dissappear for a while, only to return with the Hufflepuff Cup, the Ravenclaw Diadem, and the Sword of Griffindor and a vial of Basilisk Venom in hands.
Cale tells everyone present of what Voldemort did to his own soul and how the items that were brought here are some of the Horcruxes. Ron takes the Sword of Griffindor and puts Basilisk Venom on it, before bringing it down onto the Cup and the Diadem, destroying 2 of the Horcruxes in front of Voldemort.
Luna and Hermione look at Dumbledore and tell him to give them the Gaunt Ring that they know is with him so that it can be destroyed too. During all this, Cale explains how he and Harry came across the connection between Harry and Voldemort and how they used said connection to make sure that they found the Horcruxes. When Occlumency is mentioned, it finally clicks for Snape what Cale used his lessons for. When Snape asks Cale why he couldn't tell him directly of his plan, Cale says: "You were already in a lot of danger since you played the double spy for Dumbledore, Professor Snape. If I told you all of this, it might put you in even more trouble with either Voldemort or Dumbledore." (Cale has suspected that Snape was a double spy since the beginning but with no proof it was hard to even say this; the others started suspecting this during this year). The Ring is also destroyed, this time by Cedric.
Voldemort laughs since there are 2 more Horcruxes, and the kids don't have them. Cale stops him by calling out for Kreacher, who is waiting with Dobby to make his entrance. Kreacher gives Cale the Slytherin Locket and, while looking straight at Voldemort and Bellatrix, tells Cale to destroy it and finally fulfill the last wish of his late Master Regulus.
Cale takes the Locket and looks at Kreacher, who nods. He takes a breath and speaks, for the first time in front of everyone, in Parseltongue, and thus opens the Locket. Once open, he holds out his hand to Cedric, who gives Cale the Sword of Griffindor, and Cale destroys the Slytherin Locket. Now, 5 of the Horcruxes are destroyed. But there is still Nagini, who is still missing.
When Voldemort points that out, Harry looks at the clock and tells everyone to wait a bit.
After a while, Kim Rok Soo (together with 2 dogs *cough* Sirius and Remus *cough*) enters the Main Hall and says: "Sorry I was late. I was snake hunting, and I found 2 dogs on the road as well, " and points to Nagini (who is struggling against some magic binds) and Sirius and Remus, who look like confused puppies.
Cale and Harry tell them they were just in time. Cale then looks at Voldemort and states: "I thought about how you deserve to die, Voldemort, and I felt like a quick death is too kind for you after the amount of trouble you gave everyone. So, I decided I should let you die the death you fear most: the death of muggles. No death in a battle, nor by a sword. But by starvation. Slow and painful."
While Cale was speaking, Kim Rok Soo brought Nagini closer. However, in a last-ditch effort, Nagini manages to free herself from the bindings and makes a dash to bite Cale. Neville, although scared, takes the Sword of Griffindor from Cale's hands and kills Nagini, protecting Cale.
And with this all the hope Voldemort ever had vanished as Nagini dissipates.
Everyone congratulates Neville for his bravery, although Neville doesn't feel like he did anything much - he just says that his body moved on its own and that this was by far the scariest thing he ever went through.
Cale and Harry share looks, and then they say things aren't really over yet. Cale passes Harry a bottle of liquid and tells everyone that Voldemort has one more Horcrux, one not even Voldemort knew about - Harry. He then proceeds to tell everyone about their findings at the end of the 2nd year and what the St Mungo Hospital found as a solution - it is a potion that will expell any magic in someone's body, be it theirs or someone else's. Harry says he will take the risk that the potion poses because he trusts Cale to bring him back if something goes wrong. Harry then proceeds to find a chair nearby and sit down. He drinks the potion and slowly falls unconscious.
Cale keeps a keen eye on him the entire time while explaining how the potion works. Whoever takes the potion will have their magic slowly seeping from their body into the air around them. This can kill the person, which is why a maximum of 5 minutes of unconsciousness is the amount permitted before someone actually dies. If the person who took the potion spends more than 5 minutes into unconsciousness they will defines die.
During the next 2 minutes, everyone witnessed a black fog exiting Harry's body, and after it is fully gone, Cale goes to Harry and makes him drink another potion, the one that will wake Harry up.
During his sleep, Harry enters the Limbo, where he meets and talks with a young Tom Riddle who feels very guilty about everything that Voldemort has done. He apologizes to Harry for all that he went through and explains that the piece of Voldemort's soul that Harry had inside of himself was the last piece of humanity that Voldemort possessed. Tom then explains that he had tried to stop Voldemort from going down the path he did, but he was always brushed aside. Voldemort created so many orphans when he himself lived the life of an orphan before. Voldemort went against everything that was his old person when he killed Harry's parents and tried to kill him. So, when the opportunity appeared, he attached himself to Harry and tried to help warn him of Voldemort's presence around him. Harry says that it is not his fault, for he tried his best and failed. As such, Tom has no reason to apologize, and the one who should feel guilty is Voldemort and not him. Tom thanks Harry before saying that he will spend his remaining time here, in Limbo, as he waits for Voldemort's remaining soul to follow him into death. He also tells Harry not to worry, for he has made peace with Death and is ever eagerly awaiting the slumber now. Before Harry comes back to reality, Tom tells Harry to live well and cherish his friends.
Once awake, Harry asks if it worked, and Cale answers with a resolute yes. After this, he is hugged tightly by Sirius and Remus, who were worried beyond words.
Cale takes the crystal balls containing Voldemort and his minions and gives them to Kim Rok Soo for safekeeping. When asked why Kim Rok Soo gets to keep the crystal balls, it is revealed that Kim Rok Soo took over the position of Minister of Magic after he and his team arrested Fudge after it was found out that him and a good chunk of the Ministry of Magic were supporters of Voldemort. Kim Rok Soo referred to the whole thing as a "Well needed sping cleaning" and mentioned that most of them are currently in Azkaban or awaiting trial. He also mentions to Dumbledore that he is also on the list for the amount of sketchy things he had pulled over the years and that because of this, from the next year onwards, either Snape or McGonagall will be Headmaster/Headmistress. Snape immediately gives the position to Minerva, stating he is already done with children for the rest of his life. Everyone laughs at that, and Rok Soo says gleefully that Lee Soo Hyuk owns him money now, which earns him a glare from Snape.
And so the 5th year ends. Voldemort and Bellatrix are basically waiting for their death in the crystal balls, and the other Death Eaters (bar Snape and Lucius, who are exceptions - one because he worked for the Order of the Phoenix; the other because he turned himself in and even turned other Death Eaters in so Kim Rok Soo decided to lighten his sentence to a life of working for the Ministry under a blood contract) were hunted down and send to Azkaban.
What no one knew was that while everyone was high on the relief of getting rid of Voldemort or focused on getting the Death Eaters, Voldemort was visited by an individual. This individual wore a mask and was very disappointed in Voldemort: "Taken down by a bunch of kids? Tsk, tsk, tsk. This is why you were never going to be the strongest wizard - no matter what you wanted or sacrificed for it" said the masked man. "Too bad. I didn't think I had to take the stage this early but oh well. I would say you were useful for as long as you existed, but I would be totally lying. Enjoy death, Tom Marvolo Riddle." said the masked man before putting Voldemort out of his misery, his body dissolving inside the crystal ball.
Even though Cale and Harry expect their 6th and 7th year to be way less eventful, what awaits them is a fateful meeting with the one that calls himself "White Star."
A war is on it's way and they can only hope to survive.
And done. Thank fuck this was long as hell, but then again, I did go through 5 years worth of events for this fic. And, I still have some little details I need to speak about:
Cale was born on the 8th of November 1979. This makes him 11 on the 1st day of year 1 at Hogwarts, and he turns twelve just a bit after the Troll Incident.
Cale is extremely happy to have someone like Kim Rok Soo in his life, and he is also very grateful for his presence. Kim Rok Soo feels more like an older brother that Cale never had, rather than an uncle.
Cale's boggard is... well, himself, in a way. After his mom died, Cale tended to lash out at everything and everyone. He fears returning to the type of person he was back then, when he would say hurtful words even to Kim Rok Soo.
Kim Rok Soo took Cale around with him and his team during the summers after the death of Jour, mostly to make Cale have some good time and a change of scenery.
This is how Cale met Alver in France. (I swear I can't NOT have Alver as French. He looks like he would eat a baguette and correct your pronunciation of "croissant" - I know you think the same now)
Here, Choi Han is Choi Jung Soo's nephew. Choi Han goes to Drumstrang btw.
Ron and Beacrox are still serving the Henituse family. (Cale also feels guilty for saying bad things to them as a child)
Bansen is a muggle, but Lily turns out to be a half-blood. This is one of Cale's main reasons for going against Voldemort - a world where Voldemort wins means a world where Bansen and Lily can't live.
There are a ton of things that I haven't even mentioned: like how many people Cale (unwittingly) befriends at Hogwarts; Cale also stress bakes (which makes him share whatever he ends up baking with other students, which results in him being liked because who would turn down baked goods?); Cale is friends with most of the Elves and they like Cale because he is nice; Cale and Hagrid become good friends because they share their adoration for magic creatures; Ron admits that Cale has "balls of titanium" after he approached Fluffy without fear - and ever more so after meeting Aragog; Blaise feels like he is the only truly normal and sane Slytherin whenever he watches Cale;
I want to introduce Raon, Ohn and Hong, but I dunno if they should be introduced from year 1 or if I can introduce them during Year 6.
Cale, as always, destroys White Star's evil plan in 2 years tops while juggling graduation and studies. For reference, taking down Voldemort basically took 5 years, so yeah, WS should be ashamed since his minion was harder to deal with.
You read that right, Voldemort was thrown down the road he went by White Star. He was the one who actually gave Voldemort the information about Horcruxes.
I want to mess with the canon because canon is dead to me for the most part. This also means I want to make new ships. I wanna put Draco with Ginny (it will work out later on, I feel); Harry either with Hermione or Hannah Abbott; Neville Longbottom with Luna Lovegood; Cale might get together with Susan Bones (political power couple these 2 are); Ron either with Hermione (like in canon, if Harry doesn't end up with her) or Lavander Brown. Trust me, I know the ships are weird but if the narration works, the ships will also work.
Harry and Cale kinda end up like brothers - mostly because they have the same amount of bad luck and they end up in the same shit-show together.
Cale feels indebted to Fred and George Weasley after the prank from year 4 because he was in Hufflepuff robes instead of Slytherin robes when Cale went against Voldemort, so he was kinda saved from a lot of trouble. Cale literally tells them "Whatever you need, whenever you need it, as long as I can get it - it is yours".
Lee Soo Hyuk becomes again the leader of the "Supernatural Prevention Team" after Kim Rok Soo becomes Minister of Magic. He is still laughing since Kim Rok Soo ended up with even more paperwork to do than him. (This usually ends with Rok Soo giving him more paperwork to do)
Rok Soo might end up with Severus Snape... at least as an implied relationship. They have been friends since Jour basically forced them to become babysitters for her in Hogwarts and implicitly trust each other.
Lucius is more loyal to his family than to Voldemort here, which results in him just turning his back to Voldemort once it is clear he is dealt with. He never wanted Draco to end up as a Death Eater and is very proud he never did.
After the confrontation with Voldemort at the end of Year 5, Draco can perform a Patronus Charm. His Patronus is a Falcon.
And yes, Draco actually gets friends and a personality beyond being just a bully in the first 4 books/movies. Like seriously, let him be a child, and he can change for the better goddammit. (Cale will be a good influence on Draco, but, essentially, Cale is bad for Draco's heart rate because he is damn crazy)
Kim Rok Soo's Patronus is Runespoor. Choi Jung Soo's a St. Bernard. Lee Soo Hyuk's is a Crow.
I haven't planned out Year 6 or 7 yet but I do know that White Star quickly became a problem for everyone.
Also, during years 6 and 7, the Thames family and the Pevrell family became more important. I know I want Death to still be intertwined with White Star and the 2 families. (And yes, Death is still very much a whining child that wants either Cale or Harry to take his place like in the TCF/LCF canon)
Cage and Taylor are working at St. Mungo's Hospital. They are the ones that create the potion for Harry.
Dumbledore will answer for the bullshit he pulled - especially, for putting Harry with the Dursley's and keeping him there, whether he knew about the abuse or not. He will also answer for the whole "Sirius's missing trial" thing.
Yes, I am giving Sirius therapy. You can't expect him to take care of Harry without going through therapy first, can you? Some other kids will also get therapy through osmosis from Cale himself.
I will also explore Jour's time at Hogwarts as well - probably in a separate series, like a prequel. Also, the reason Kim Rok Soo, Choi Jung Soo, and Lee Soo Hyuk are in Britain is because their families fled Korea after the Korean War that ended in 1853. Kim Rok Soo is around 34 when Cale is starting Hogwarts, just for reference.
Cale is very mature for his age, and Kim Rok Soo kinda hates it because, to him, Cale is still a baby, and he needs to be protected. But fate said a big "Fuck You" to both of them.
This is all my brain is capable of rn. This damn thing took 2 weeks to write - because I couldn't stay and write it in one go like many of my other ideas.
So what do you think? Good? Bad? That I am high on magical mushrooms with this?
Hopefully, you had fun with my ramblings despite the length of this idea.
Either way, I hope you have a great day/night and that you take care of yourselves!
See you soon (because I need to recharge after this),
- TooManyPlotBunnies- Send Help
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annbourbon · 23 days
Harry was not sure when she started looking different in his eyes. Maybe since the very beginning. The way she answered back was unlike anyone he ever met after all. Maybe it was because of her childish behavior. Or the day they went together on a trip.
Or maybe it was since the angel came and tried to take her away from him. His possessiveness towards her took him by surprise. The bird couldn't be more happy about it of course, but somehow, he managed to shut it up.
Surely the stupid song she suggested was playing tricks on his mind. Because under the led lights, and with the moon behind them, something in the spring air made him realize her eyes were glimmering in a different way.
A strange feeling sank on his stomach while he held her in his arms and led her to the dance floor. Her shampoo reached his nostrils and made him hug her, she looked confused for a moment but returned the hug, all Harry wanted was for that moment to last forever but it was starting to get awkward. She was way more tiny than him but that didn't stopped him. Dancing was also not his best skill but she loved it so they there were, sharing their first dance together.
Once he finished hugging her, his companion looked like she was about to disappear in his arms, like some kind of twisted spell. And the worse thing was that he could not bring himself to say anything but his anxiety kept creeping in. Apparently his usually chatty friend was experiencing something similar because she didn't say a word. He felt his cheeks burning and had to step a bit to breathe leaving her in middle of the dance floor.
"What is this?" He didn't want to ruin something that was already perfect.
"Is it, really?" asked the bird on his phone like it could read his mind. He turned around but couldn't find her anywhere near him. A cold breeze went through the place and she appeared near him with beverages for him and herself.
"You looked like you needed sparkling water..." Said her, but the moonlight made her look lovely and there was no way she could do anything at the moment with her hands busy holding the drinks, so he looked at her for a good minute before he cursed under his breath and reached for her lips.
She shivered under him, but returned the kiss. And the night couldn't be more perfect now.
"No~" Said she, lightly pushing him away. He could see her heart breaking into tiny pieces. That damn angel was holding her captive in a mental prison. Unless he found it she would never be able to free her from it. She had been distant. Cold even. And Harry hated it. He wanted her back.
Harry woke up sweating and cursing the full moon again, because when he tried to reach for her, she was not there.
N/A: Just something I created because my laptop is not working rn (updates and stuff) and I've been crying a lot after the angel appeared... seems like Harry truly doesn't like me.... even more, he hates me, according to the angel... I never really realized that one of my biggest fears is being hated by someone I like... no, I love, so much. I think I also owe a huge apology to whoever I have ever hurt with my words. If the pain you suffered it's similar to mine... I'm truly sorry. I'm in so much pain I cannot think properly so this has not been properly edited but I still hope you guys like it.
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libertyxm · 10 months
[Harry x MC] Rain of stars. Part 1
Hello guys! I'm back again after a looong hiatus. This is the first part of my new fanfic about Harry.I've already told you that it's about the cold and rude Harry from the planet Cloudi, but it will get better and better as the story progresses. I'm also going to publish this same story on planet Sensitive (you can find me there with the same username libertyxm), in case you want to follow it from there. Anyway, I'll stop talking so much and let you enjoy the story. See you soon!
"And this is all for today's class" that's the only sentence I paid attention to since the lesson started. I let out a sigh. I was tired after yesterday work shift and the last thing I wanted to do is have to assist a class at 8:00 a.m.
"I need coffee, like right now. A big cup with extra sugar, coffee, and caramel" I smiled at my best friend sitting next to me. "Okey but today's coffee is on you" I replied to her as we started our way to the cafeteria. " I know, I know... by the way, did you hear about that super famous film director visiting our faculty?" "Not really, and since when do you care about these things? " I asked my friend. " Because rumors said he is really handsome but sadly, he almost always covers his face with a horse mask" I laughed " A horse mask? come on, stop kidding me, who would go out with that" She rolled her eyes " I don't know, maybe he's afraid to blind us with his pretty face" We both laughed as the cashier was taking our order " Why is he coming?" I asked, suddenly curious. " It looks like he wants to take some scenes for a university students documentary... oh, our order is here"
After we took separate paths after we had been talking for a while since both of us had different subjects. As I headed to class, I opened my cell phone to check the status of my bank account. Seeing as how the situation was, I would probably have to work more hours or find something that paid me better. As I keep wondering about these thoughts I felt the impact of something (or rather someone) against me and I was near to taste the floor, but thanks to God, I could maintain my balance. The culprit? was a tall guy with short grey hair and deep blue eyes. Wow... so... handsome but guess what, he was looking at me with a frown on his face as if I had been the one who had attacked him.
I pulled myself together and stood in front of him waiting for my apology, but all I got was a snap and him dodging me to keep walking. "Excuse me, sir, have you not been taught manners?" I told him a little bit angry. "Why should I do it?" is all he said.
"Sir, you almost knocked me down" I pointed out the obvious "It was you who bumped into me" and he just walked away. I took a deep breath and tried to count to ten as I imagined what would happen if I threw my bag at him.
After a long day of classes and assignments, I went to the coffee shop I work in. In general, my coworkers are nice but there was this guy called David who always piss me off. For him, I make everything wrong. Somedays I just take it and shut up, but others… well it's better not to talk about it right now.
Today, although I had to work alone for a few hours, it was not crowded and I could relax a little.
"I would like to take an americano and black tea, please" I took the order before I look at the two men in front of me but when I looked up, I was stunned to recognise the same blue-eyed boy from this morning.
We both gave each other withering glances before I start to work on their order. If it wasn't for the workers' code and my contract… I let out a sigh, trying to get out of my state of frustration but, exactly two minutes later, the boy was standing in front of me with that "I hate you" expression of his.
"What's wrong?" I asked and I wish I hadn't. "The tea, it doesn't taste good." "Okay, what have I got to do with it?" "You're the one who made it, so I demand good tea."
I gave her a withering look before taking a deep breath for the fifth time this day.
"Sir, either be more specific with what you want or I won't be able to help you."
"Throw it away, it's useless to come here for a drink" Maybe the best solution would have been to shut up, smile and offer him another one that suits his taste, but by the time I realised, I had already thrown the tea (which was already cold) on top of his shoes. Well... at least I did the shut up part, right?...
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i-am-not-meh · 3 months
Okay, so I'm planning to write a short ish fanfic with TCF. I need more writing practice for a rather big personal project I have.
So, tons of the characters in TCF should have nightmares. For Choi Han, it's Harris Village and the forest of Darkness. Lock has nightmares of his family. Onh and Hong, get nightmares of being abandoned again and so much more.
And for this fic, I'm planning for, after each of them get their nightmare, they seek out Cale for comfort. A comfort which Cale will give them because they are his people.
And then, throughout the fic, I'm going to make Cale ignore his own nightmares! He's going to ignore them again and again because he doesn't believe they are bad enough for him to bother another person.
Now Cale has many options of support even if he doesn't see them. Who will he go to? If he even decides to go to one at all.
But yeah! That's it, imma start writing now let's hope this doesn't take too long :D
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angiesmagicspace · 10 months
Choi management
Tumblr media
Pairing: idol boss San x fem reader
Genre: smut, fluff, angst
Word count: 9,7K
Warnings: coworkers to lovers, boss-employee relationship, fingering, oral, unprotected sex, name-calling, squirting, POV switches
Summary: Being his assistant was both a dream and a nightmare , and you are ready to take everything he can give.
Authors note: This fanfic is almost three years old, when I first wrote it was about Harry Styles, so forgive me if some parts sound a little cringe. But I tried my best to rewrite it, and now I am really proud of it. I hope you like it
Your request
“Honestly speaking, what do you think love is?” that's what he asked the first time we went to dinner. I was shocked, to say the least, but also speechless. I used to think about what love is, but I never found an answer to that question. Yet his brown eyes were glued to my face, still waiting for the answer, patiently looking studying my facial expression. I needed to say something, I mean, it would be really rude to leave him without an answer. “I mean..... it's a very complex question, but I think it’s an utter feeling of you as a person being complete, you know” he nodded happily it was like he was utterly satisfied with what he heard. I always knew San was an old soul, romantic just every woman's dream, yet he was alone. I truly didn't know why, such a perfect man yet so lonely. You are probably wondering what are we doing for dinner together, well I just finished college, and I was applying for a lot of jobs, one of them being San’s assistant. I had no problem doing that, it sounds like a lot of fun, although no job is fun, at least you can try to make it as fun as possible. Now that you know what's all this about, let's go back to our conversation. I was still kind of confused why is that so important to him like he would never hire me if I answered that question wrong if that's even possible. Soon we finished, he paid, and we went out “I will call you in a week and inform you about your possible new job, but I would just like to say that it was my pleasure to spend these few hours with you,” he said with a smile on his face. That made me blush, and I was hoping he didn't notice that.  “Thank you so much, but the pleasure is all mine, truly” he hugged me, and we parted ways.
I was slowly walking to my apartment that was nearby. I was smiling, even if I don't get this job, this will be my best memory. I entered my apartment, and the smell of vanilla brushed over me. I showered and then sat on my bed checking my emails one more time before sleep. And I had something to see, it was an email from his management. It made me more nervous than surprised. I slowly clicked on it while it was loading, I was more nervous than ever before. Carefully reading it, I realized that I was nervous for no reason. It was just a thank-you email saying that San had a wonderful time and that it was truly a pleasure. He really needs his word to be last, but that's fine, he is the boss here. I turned off my laptop and went to sleep, happy about the whole day.
My alarm went off at 8 am and I stood up, finished all my morning business, and went out to get breakfast and go to the gym. Training isn't something I enjoy, but I only do it for my health. After I went home to finish some work. There was no use in just sitting around doing nothing and hoping someone will call me. While waiting for someone to hire me, I work something that you can't define as a job. I help Instagram influencers with their feed. I spent like five hours helping multiple people with everything, and now I am just listening to some music while making some lunch/dinner for myself. While the music was blasting, I danced around, having a lot of fun. I sat down and ate what I made and texted Soyeon, my best friend and gym buddy, for a little just talking about where will we go tonight. We both agreed to first go for a drink and then go for a short walk. She texted me when she finished her job to start getting ready. I put on some jeans and an oversized dress shirt and a pair of sneakers. Soon I heard a doorbell, it was Soyeon, so I opened the door and hugged her. “Hey, girl, how are you? How was your dinner date with Mister Choi?” she smiled, excited to hear what I have to say. “First of all it was a formal dinner not a date, and it went pretty well I mean who am I lying it was amazing, he is such a gentleman.” I said remembering that night and how amazing it was. She looked at me in awe at how big I was smiling. “ Okay, enough about that, let's go out and have some fun,” I pulled her out of the apartment. We went to the nearest bar, as we entered a strong smell of alcohol and perfume showered us, we made our way to the bar and ordered two margaritas. We drank them just enjoying the music, after that we slowly started walking out, both of us had better plans than to be hungover tomorrow morning.
As we were making our way out, I noticed a familiar body just standing there, he turned around and his brown eyes almost immediately made contact with mine. He smiled, and I smiled back, feeling my cheeks blushing. He motioned for me to come to him, I taped Soyeon on the shoulder just telling her that I will be back in a second I am just going to greet San. She smiled giving me thumbs up yelling that she will wait for me. I just laughed and went to San. “Well hello my possible future assistant, here for a night out,” he said smirking. “ No, just for one drink and then home, not really in the mood for a hangover tomorrow,” I smiled. “Well it's nice to know that there are people like you, I am here with a few friends you know relaxing a bit,” he said still smirking, I am barely able to continue this conversation he is making me feel things I never felt before. “Have a good night, I got to go” I said smiling, turning around and waving at him. He just smiled, waving, and turning to his friends. I practically ran to Soyeon, so we can go out to just talk about how hot he is. The moment we were out Soyeon turned to me just waiting for me to start talking. As I caught my breath, we started walking and I started telling her everything. You could tell that she was amazed by my admiration for San, even though I applied for a job that considers me talking and looking at him every day the whole year round. As we were in front of my apartment, we hugged and said our goodbyes, and she wished me to get a call from him as soon. I went in, did my routine, and went to bed.
The next morning, my alarm went off, as I look at my phone, there was a text from San and an email from his team. I opened the mail first, slowly reading it, realizing I got the job. At first, I didn't believe it, but I read it again and again making sure that it was true I am not dreaming. I silently screamed. After a short silent screaming session was over, I opened San's text, he said to come to his office at 1 pm, so he can tell me everything I need to know before I start working full-time tomorrow. I replied to his text that I will come. This will be an amazing day, I thought to myself. I went through my basic morning routine. As I was back from the gym I started preparing for my meeting with San, I went through every possible scenario that could happen. Around noon, I went out slowly walking to his office. I needed that walk just to relax before I meet him. I entered a tall glass building, going straight to the counter. “Hello, I am here to see Mr. Choi,” I said to the lady. “You are his new assistant, right,” she said with a small smile. “ Yes, I am,” I said also smiling, just trying to be nice and leave a good impression. “Okay he is on the 5th floor take the elevator, good luck,” she said smiling. I smiled back, thanking her. I went to the elevators, clicked the button, waiting for one of them to come down. Finally, one of them arrives, I enter it clicking on number five just standing there trying to stay calm.
As the elevator door open I go out searching for his office, didn't need much time since his name was written on one of the doors. I breathed out and slowly knocked. “Come in” I hear a deep husky voice. I slowly open the door, entering. “Hello Miss Y/L/N and welcome to Choi management,” he said with a huge smile across his face. “I am glad to be here, Mr. Choi,” I said. “Call me San I don't mind, and I will call you.....” he looked at me wanting to hear my name “Y/N,” I replied. “Okay, Y/N so let's start with some basic things for coffee, I like Americano. When it comes to food, I am not very picky, so you can surprise me with whatever. When I tell you the time of the meetings I will expect you to be on time always” he explained. “ Is there anything else important to remember, Mr. Choi?” I asked. “Yes never call me Mr. Choi again I don't like it, also every Sunday I would appreciate having my schedule sent to me. Be ready to go to many events with me as my plus one.” he said very seriously, looking like it was so important to him that I remember that. “Okay, I wrote everything down, hopefully, I will not let you down on any of these things,” I tried to be as polite as possible. “ I believe you will do this job the best, but tell me one thing you should never do,” he said, smirking. “ I should never call you Mr. Choi,”  I didn't want to look too much comfy, it's not good for the job. He smiled, this smile, there was nothing like his smile, this man will be the death of me, truly. “So now that we went through all the basic things you need to know we can go out have some lunch and walk around a bit, I would like to get to know you better,” he said excitedly as a little kid. I slowly nod and start walking towards the doors with him.
We went to the elevators, and he pressed the buttons, waiting for one of them to come as we entered the elevator. I went to press the button, but he had the same intention. Our hands touched, and we both looked at each other, smiling but also blushing. I know why I am blushing, but I don't understand why he is blushing, there is no way he likes me. We both brushed it off and just stood next to each other, pretending as if nothing happened. Thank god we were fast out of that elevator “See you after lunch Irene” he said to the lady that welcomed me at the counter, she waved at us and we waved back. But there was one thing I found very strange, she was smiling like she is so proud of him going out on lunch with me, but I am probably just overthinking it. “So what made you apply for such a job, I mean nothing wrong with just asking,” he asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence. “Well after college I didn't know what to do with life, so I just started applying for every job I can and yeah I am here,” I said trying to sound casual. “Well I guess I don't need to tell you my story, every person on this planet knows it,” he said laughing to himself.  “Everyone knows the public side of your story, but who is San Choi?” I asked looking at him, studying his face as it changes the moment he heard my question. “You know nobody ever asked me who is San Choi, I mean people don't care about who you are actually when everything that defines you is your career like I don't exist as a person.” he said, and you can hear a slight sadness in his voice. “I mean you don't need to tell me I am just an employee, you can easily replace me any time you want,” I said, realizing how replaceable I am for him which made me kind of sad. “Don't you ever dare to say that again, I am not some type of angry self-centered boss who will just go around and command people. Of course, I am going to tell you everything, I want you to look at me as a friend from work.” he said, sounding kind of hurt by what I said. “I am so sorry, sometimes I say really stupid things.” I said, wanting to apologize for hurting him. “It's okay I made a big deal out of it. Oh, here we are, this is my favorite place in town.” he opened the doors for me to walk in. This place is so beautiful, it has such a nice aesthetic, everything is beige and brown it's so cozy. I can see why he likes it so much.
The waiter approached us, walking us to a free table. We sat down and ordered some coffee to start. “This place is so charming, reminds me of some modern apartment,” I commented, amazed by his choice of places like this. “I know that's why I like it so much, makes me feel like I am alone at home.” he said,  being so proud of himself for choosing such a place. “It takes little things to make me smile,” he said, trying to make me talk about myself. “Oh, I feel you on that one, yesterday one of my neighbor's kids brought me one singular flower because he thought I was pretty,” I remembered that moment and how happy it made me. “Well that boy is not far from the truth, you truly are pretty and amazing, you are pretty amazing,” he complimented, making me smile. It's nice to hear such a compliment from someone who is that pretty. “Thank you so much, you are pretty amazing too, I admire your work and your songs, you inspired me since high school.” I said, watching him blush as he hears everything I say. “Oh, don't make me blush this hard we are in public,” he said giggling. “Why not show the world who you are,” as I said that the waiter came to take our orders, and both of us ordered a salad. We were soon done with the lunch, walking back to his office. While we were walking, he took pictures with some fans and talked with them for a bit. I found it sweet how much love there is from both him and his fans, it's like they live together. Some of them asked who I am, and he immediately and very proudly told them that I am his new assistant. Soon we were back in front of a big glass building saying our goodbyes and talking about tomorrow. “You know I haven't forgotten your question about who is San Choi actually, and I hope you will help me figure that out till then see you at work,” he said, wanting to sound both romantic and mysterious. He succeeded in being very mysterious and kind of romantic. But I still don't understand why is he like that to me, I am not that special, maybe he sees something more in me.
We both slowly walked away, he went back to his office and I went back home, still thinking about everything he said today. Before I went to bed, I did some work and prepared everything for tomorrow. As I was about to go to sleep I got a message, it was from none other than San. “Good night friend from work,” it made me smile at how sweet he is, I wrote good night back and fell asleep. In the morning, I was exhausted since I needed to wake up early to get ready and pick up coffee for San. As I was dressed, I went out to find the nearest coffee shop, so I can buy coffee for the two of us. When I found one, I went in rushing even though I had plenty of time. I started ordering, but the guy that was taking my order said that their coffee machine is broken. At that point, I was scared that I will be late or come to work without his coffee, so I went home and made some coffee at home. I poured it into some big unicorn thermoses, hoping that San likes unicorns. I packed everything and went running out, calling a taxi, so I would get there faster. I told the taxi driver that I am in a rush, and he immediately started driving as fast as possible. Soon I was in front of the Choi management, luckily San wasn't there yet. After what felt like an hour but was five minutes, I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned around, and there he was with some tall guy that I have never seen before. “ Good morning Y/N this is Jihoon, my bodyguard, he will be with us often, so you might want to get to know each other,” I shook hands with Jihoon smiling, he smiled too, but he was still very intimidating. “Nice to know that someone will keep you safe, here is your coffee I am sorry about the thermos they didn't have the coffee you love, so I made it at home.” I explained since you don't get coffee in unicorn thermos that often. He just smiled. “It's no big deal, these unicorns made my day,” he said, letting me know it was fine and that he is not mad. I felt a thousand times lighter, I was so worried about him being mad. “Let's go, it's time to start some work today, right?” he said, opening the doors. We went in, Irene greeted us, and we went into the elevator. Soon we were in his office, he was finishing some work on his laptop while I was making a schedule for this and next week. After a few hours, I was done with everything I had to do, and it was time to go pick up lunch for us. “I am going to go pick up lunch, do you have any special thing you want?” I asked just in case he wanted something special. “Whatever you have I will too,” I just nodded my head going out of the office. I also asked Irene if she wanted anything, and she just said whatever you find. I went to the restaurant we ate yesterday and ordered three salads with a side of baby carrots and hummus.
After they were ready, I went back, gave Irene her lunch, and then went back to the office to eat lunch with San while both of us finished some more work. “Thank you so much for this lunch, I was really in the mood for some carrots and hummus.” he said, satisfied while closing his laptop. “You are welcome, I finished your schedule for this, and next week I just need to finish a few things and I will send them tonight,” I said being so proud of myself for finishing all the work for today. “I just want the schedule for this week, I like to get surprised on Sunday when I see what's for that week,” he said, packing his stuff. We stood up and went to the elevators going down, saying goodbye to Irene and leaving the building. “Well, see you tomorrow, first here then at the studio.” he hugged me, making me feel so small since he was taller. “Goodbye, San, have a nice night,” I said, slowly pulling away from the hug going away. I went on a long walk, just feeling so happy about this new job. As I was near the river, I got a call from Soyeon. She just asked how is the job, and we talked for like an hour. When I was in front of my apartment we finished the call, I went in and unpacked my things, and that's when I realized my thermos wasn't there. I guess I just left mine at the office. I drank some juice and then went to the bathroom to finish everything. While I was showering my shower playlist was playing but in the middle of my shower music got silent for a second which meant I got a text. I just assumed it wasn't that important, so I just continued my shower. When I was done I checked my phone and saw it was a message from San, at that moment I regretted not looking at my phone when I got the message. But as I entered the chat, I started laughing. It was a picture of my thermos filled with water with the caption “Guess I stole this from you, so now it's mine sorry not sorry” he likes making me laugh and smile. “It's all yours now to make you smile every day,” I wrote back. I got into my bed, checking his schedule once more and putting it in unicorn theme, trying to be as funny as him. I just sent it to him, and not long after that I got another text from him saying that from now on every schedule needs to be in some funny theme. I agreed with him and sent a good night text. After almost an hour of me just rolling around the bed, I turned my computer on and opened Netflix, trying to find something to watch before bed. After a very long search, I played some trashy show I never watched, and as soon as it was on I fell asleep. 
My alarm started blasting. I hate waking up this early, but as soon as I was out of bed, remembering that I have the best job on this earth, I was okay. Since San stole my thermos today, I decided to buy tea, not coffee. I went to the café that was two streets away from my apartment. I ordered some tea, soon as it was done I paid for it and headed to the office. Irene told me that San was already up in the office, I just thanked her and went up. “Morning San here is your tea since you stole my thermos, and I am not such a cruel person to buy coffee you don’t like,” I said slightly laughing the same as him. “I am sorry okay didn't mean to do it but since I did the crime is done and the unicorn thermos is now mine,” he said laughing taking his tea. We were both working on our laptops for two hours, and then it was time to go to the studio. I packed all my stuff, but he was still really focused on his laptop, “I will wait for you down in the lobby” he just nodded his head, eyes glued to whatever was on his screen. I went down, chatting with Irene, just killing time till he comes down.
San's POV
Damn, everything she says is so perfect. Even the most simple things from her mouth sound like honey dripping from her lips and going right into my ears. When we first met in that restaurant, I knew there was something about her that will make me fall in love with her. When I asked her what love is I thought she will just say an emotion but what she said surprised me. I knew she was a special one-of-a-kind one, but I never knew she was that perfect. She probably doesn't even know how perfect she is. I noticed when she started packing, I knew very well that it was time to go to the studio, but I was so focused on the screen because I was looking at her Instagram page and I had my word tab open just in case I get an inspiration. Well, little did I know she will inspire me to start writing something. Of course, I will show it to Hongjoong and the rest of the crew as soon as she leaves to get lunch for us. As I realized it was 30 minutes since she left, I packed everything and went down. There she was standing by the counter just talking with Irene, looking perfect without any effort. Irene noticed me, but I motioned her to not say anything, I wanted to admire Y/N's beauty. After a couple of minutes just standing there, I went to them. Y/N and I walked out of the building and entered my car. Jihoon was in the backseat, I know what a joke such a man sitting in the back like a toddler. But I wanted to be close to Y/N as much as possible. The radio was playing, and she was having a tiny dance party in her seat, but I decided to turn the volume up and join her. I mean, it must be a lot of fun, she looks like she is enjoying it. I started singing at the top of my lungs she just looked at me smiling so much, I can see that she enjoys this job as much as I enjoy her company.
Y/N's POV 
He is having the time of his life, singing and driving. I truly enjoy this as much as he does, sadly as we were having so much fun we were right in front of the studio. Jihoon opened his door first, then San opened the door for me. “What a gentleman, thank you, San,” I said, watching him smile like he just won a Grammy. “Everything for my assistant,” he said while giving me my stuff. We entered the studio, and everyone was already there, since we were about an hour late. He excused us, and everyone was fine with that. I sat on the couch while all of them were working on songs and new singles. I was working on my laptop for a while then I went to buy lunch for everyone, San insisted that I pay with his card. At first, I was stubborn and didn't want to take it, but he insisted, even Hongjoong told me that he won't give up. I went out walking around with Jihoon, chatting and trying to find someplace to buy food. “You know he likes you, right?” Jihoon said, looking down at me. “That is a nice joke you like to stand up.” I said laughing, obviously not believing what Jihoon said, I mean he is Choi San I am just his assistant, not the prettiest person that walked this earth. “Y/N, I am only joking when I am drunk, and I can tell you I don't have a single drop of alcohol in my blood. He never does things like this you know singing at the top of his lungs while driving, I mean he doesn't even like driving his car” Jihoon said trying to convince me that what he said it's true. “Jihoon, you know him better than I do, but people like to do some things sometimes maybe today was one of those days for San,” I said ignoring everything Jihoon said, I just simply can't believe that someone like San can like me. “Y/N, he texts you goodnight every night, yesterday he purposely stole your thermos he tells me everything. Remember when you two were at dinner just meeting each other he told me everything about you, every night while I am driving him home he just talks about you” he said, and now I don’t even know what to say, but luckily I found a place to buy food. I ordered everything they told me to. Then we started walking back to the studio, “You know Jihoon it's hard for me to believe you, just because he is San Choi, and I am me”  I told him admitting everything I was thinking about. “It is okay, just give him time, I believe he will tell you all of this very soon, I know,” he told me as we were entering the studio. I gave everyone their food, we ate, then worked some more. At about 8 pm, San thanked everyone, and we went out to his car. “I will drop you off just tell me your address,” San said, but I can't let him do that, I am not ashamed about where I live, but he is still my boss. “You don't need to, just drop me off at the office, I will walk home,” I said, trying to avoid eye contact with him. “It's pretty late and there are creeps everywhere I will drop you off just tell me your address,” he said sounding like he is my dad, not my boss. “Okay, I will put my address in GPS,” I said, writing my address in. Soon we were on the way to my apartment. I looked at Jihoon in the rearview mirror, and he was looking at me with I told you so look, and I truly hated that he was right about everything he told me today. Soon we were in front of my building, I took my stuff and said goodbye to them.
As I was trying to find my keys, I felt someone standing behind me. I turned around and of course, it was San, who would it be. “I….. I…..just wanted to say good night and see you tomorrow” he said nervously like I am the celebrity here and not him. “Good night to you too see you tomorrow.” I said, turning around and slowly entering my building. “I love you” he whispered as the doors were closing, probably thinking I didn't hear it. But was he wrong about that, I heard everything, and it made me feel butterflies in my tummy.  When I entered my apartment, I texted Jihoon telling him that he was right and for sure wasn't joking. Of course, he answered with I told you calling me dumb in seven different languages. After my shower, I just laid in bed thinking about everything, but soon I fell asleep trying not to think about it anymore. In the morning, I was awake an hour before my alarm rang, thinking about the dream I had last night. It was about San, it's been a long time since I had a dream like this one. To be exact, I stopped having dreams like this since my freshman year of college. We all know what kind of dream it was, the one dream you only tell your closest friend and nobody else. I can tell that today will be extremely hard since we have a whole day in the office, just two of us. But I needed to get ready and go there, like it or not. I again bought a tee for us and went to the office.
We didn't talk too much. I mean I know why I am not talking but what's up with him, he didn't even tell a single joke since I came. It's like he also has something he is ashamed of, like he had something to hide. I will not think about it that much. I strictly focused on the work as nothing else existed. For some reason, both of us stayed in for lunch break. I mean I packed fruit salad for me and him, I ate mine, but he was still untouched on his table. Maybe today he is not willing to eat fruit, I don't know. “Do you want anything else, you don't need to eat the fruit salad, I just thought to make it for both of us.” I said, trying to get him to tell me something, just anything. “No, no the salad is just fine, I am just not that hungry right now. I will eat it later I promise.” he said, giving me the simplest answer, he wasn't in the mood for talking. I understood that.
I worked some more, when all of a sudden he sat on the chair on the opposite side of mine. “I want to take you to dinner tonight you know, consider it a business dinner.” he said, looking me right in the eyes, trying to find his answer in them. “Okay fine, I will just need time to get ready,” I said all nervous, I mean more alone time with him would be just perfect but still, I am nervous about it. “Fine pack your things I will drive you to your place, so you can get ready,” he said already helping me to pack everything. He just closed his laptop, and we were on our way to his car. Jihoon was with us of course, I mean San is still famous. Soon I was in my apartment standing over a pile of clothes, not knowing what should I wear. When I get a text from Jihoon, he told me that he knows what was going on and that I should wear a black dress or something like that. Wow, San tells him everything. He helped me with this because I had just the dress for this. A silky, black, knee-length dress is truly a perfect thing for an event like this. I was ready waiting for a message or something from San, suddenly I heard a horn in front of my building it was him. He was standing there in a beautiful black suit, looking like a piece of art from a museum. I went down as I opened the door, he looked at me up and down, admiring me and my dress. He put his hand out for me “Shall we, my lady” he asked smiling so big. I nodded my head, entering his car. Soon we were in front of a fancy-looking restaurant. We went in he was holding my hand, I know a little strange for a business dinner but fine I don't have anything against it. The waiter took us to our table where we ordered first some wine, of course, he was choosing to call himself a wine expert. I just laughed at the name he gave himself.
“So, what do you think about your new job? I mean probably too soon to ask, but I would like to change the things you don't like.” he said looking interested in what will I say, he truly likes to take care of everything. “I like it, it's so fun, I mean a lot of people don't find their job fun, but I do have a lot of fun working with you. But there is something I would like to change if possible,” of course I hesitated, maybe he will be hurt, but I need my own office and I know for a fact that there is free space in the building for that. “What is it, something about me, was someone rude to you, I will fire that person whoever it is.” he was extremely worried about it, I knew this was coming, but I really require my own space, and probably he requires it too. “No, no everyone is so nice to me believe me you have the nicest employees ever, but I wanted to ask you for my own office, both of us need a little bit of privacy.” I said, but he was sad about it, like I said I don't want to work for him anymore.
As he was about to say something the waiter interrupted us, he needed to take our orders, but he was soon gone. “I understand that, but I just want to know is it because of me, did I make you uncomfortable?” he was so worried like he cared about me and my feelings. “San, you never made me uncomfortable, I just think that both of us need to have some sort of real boss-employee relationship, right now it is not really like that. I didn't say this to sound mean or ungrateful.” I said still worried about what he thinks about this. “No, you don't sound mean Miss Y/L/N I understand tomorrow I will make sure you have your office on the same floor is that fine with you Miss Y/L/N,” he said really cold but also very hurt, but he wasn't the only one that was hurt now. It's not about that he called me Miss Y/L/N, but he was cold and kind of rude for the first time since I met him. I was on the verge of tears, I am not this emotional, but this slapped me across the face. “Yes, it is fine with me Mr. Choi,” I said trying to sound as normal as possible since my eyes were full of tears by now. But he also looked so hurt when I said Mr. Choi he looks like he truly regrets being this cold to me. I just excused myself and I ran to the bathroom, my tears were running down my face, this truly and deeply hurt me. Soon I calmed myself and fixed my makeup and went back to the table. Our food was there, well, I took my time in the bathroom. “Everything alright Miss Y/L/N?” he asked professionally “Just fine Mr. Choi,” I said low, just trying to not cry again. I sat down, and we ate, I took only three bites since I really couldn't eat after everything, I mean I cried like five minutes ago. On the other side, he was having a feast, enjoying every bite of his pasta. We both paid, since he wants to have a boss-employee relationship. We were out of the restaurant and I slowly started walking just thinking about how to get home, I mean it was dark, and I am dressed like I was at some party. I don't want to end up with people saying that I asked for it. I was still in the same street walking slowly, I just wasn't in the mood to rush home. “Hey just because we have some different rules now doesn't mean I will not drop you off home, I am not a cruel animal to do that you know that Miss Y/L/N” he yelled from his car slowly driving next to me. I looked up at him, eyes full of pain, tears rolling down my cheeks, I was not able to get a single word out of my mouth. When he saw me he turned off his car, getting out of it as fast as possible, it took him only two steps to come to me. He hugged me holding me so tight, that was my breaking point, I hurt him and myself just because of a stupid thing I thought I needed. I was crying, and he was just holding me in his arms so strongly like he is about to lose me. We needed to go into his car since fans and paparazzi were yelling taking pictures of us. We were in the backseat, and Jihoon was driving. “Everything is ok Y/N I am so sorry for being so rude and cold, I never wanted to make you feel like this I am so sorry.” he whispered into the hair that was covering my ear. I just looked at him, trying to get some words out of my mouth, but nothing was coming out. He just told me to relax and that everything was alright. When we were in front of my building, he didn't let me go. He carried me to my apartment, not wanting to let me down for a second. When we were in my apartment he let me down on my bed “I am fine now Mr. Choi, you don't need to stay with me” I said assuring him that I was truly fine. “Foremost San I don't ever want you to call me that, second this was a really hard night for both of us I will stay with you, I will sleep on the sofa,” he said looking at me with his loving eyes. “Okay, San, I will find something for you to wear and some pillows and blankets,” I said, going out of the room to find everything. He went into the bathroom to shower, and while he was showering, I prepared everything.
Soon he was out of the shower with just his underwear on. It was pretty hard to not just stare at him. “Here is everything you need, I just don't have anything for you to wear except my shirts, but they probably do not fit you,” I said, trying to keep eye contact with him. “It's okay, I don't mind sleeping like this, thank you so much,” he said laying down on the sofa trying to get comfortable. I went to shower too, as I was done I went into my room laying on the bed having trouble falling asleep again for the millionth time. I decided to go to San and baldly ask him to come and sleep with me. At this point, I couldn't care less, he was already in my living room in underwear. “San can you come to sleep in my room I can't sleep,” I said low just looking at him, he was also fully awake, there was something in the air that was keeping us awake. “Yeah, sure, I also can't sleep,” he said getting up, taking the pillow and blanket. We both lay in the bed, at first on opposite sides, but soon he brought me to him, hugging me. I felt so safe and peaceful. Soon we were both asleep.
San's POV
She is finally in my arms, her hair is soft and smells like cherries and her body is so tiny. I can't believe this is what's happening right now. After I made her cry and let her feel guilty for hurting both of us, this is exactly what I needed to do. Hug her, fall asleep with her, and make her feel safe and loved. While I was on the sofa I was thinking about her wanting her own office and I mean she is right both of us need some private space, before her, I was always in my office alone, Irene would come from time to time, but that's it. I did everything in that office I was there happy, sad, drunk, sober, even horny, and at some point. I miss that, but also she makes me feel good when she is there with me, I feel less lonely. I always felt lonely even though there are a lot of people around, nobody made me feel less lonely like she did. She truly made me feel like I have somebody besides Jihoon. But also the other day it was truly awkward both of us were silent, I know why I was. That morning while I was just lying in my bed I thought about her in a way I never should have, but let's just say not long after that thought I needed new sheets for my bed. I still can't help but wonder what made her that silent, for sure it wasn’t even close to what made me silent. Anyway, I need to stop thinking and sleep I still have work tomorrow, or maybe we don’t need to go to work tomorrow we can stay in or have a day for ourselves. Enough San time to sleep, not to make things awkward because of your thoughts. That stupid alarm is still ringing, I thought as my head was buried in the pillow. I just hate mornings, they are the absolute worst part of the day. I want to get up and get stuff done, but my brain just wants to rest all day. Suddenly the alarm stopped, that's new who is in my apartment this early. And then it hit me I am in her bed, covered by her blanket still laying on her pillow. I slowly lifted my head, seeing her just sitting on the edge of the bed, probably trying to wake herself up.
I was just sitting on the edge of the bed trying to wake up, I would like to just lay down again and spend my whole day laying and cuddling with him. Last night was one of the best nights ever. I fell asleep in his arms and woke up still in his arms. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realize that I am again laying in bed and not sitting. Just as I wanted to get up again and start getting ready I felt his arms around my body slowly bringing me closer to him. “Good morning sunshine” he whispered in my ear, his morning voice so deep and husky like music to my ears. “Good morning to you too San, thank you for staying last night, it made me feel better” As those words were out of my mouth he pressed me closer to him. The only things that were separating us now were his boxers and my pajamas. That's the moment I was so scared of, being so close to him made me remember every sinful dream I had about him. But it seemed like I wasn't the only one with sinful dreams and thoughts. His morning wood was getting harder every second. Even though I thought of him in this way, this was scary but also so good. “You know we can just spend this day together with no work just me and you wherever you want” he was still whispering, and for a second I thought about it but no I can't do this not now not today. “San we have work to do, and you have meetings today and I can't cancel them now” I tried my best to ignore his dick pressing on my ass it was almost impossible. Even though I tried my best to stay calm, someone was excited to be this close to him. I hate when my brain can't control the sudden wetness in my underwear. “You can't cancel them, but I will make sure to cancel them and make today all about you” he was stubborn about his decision to stay with me all day. “We need to go,” I said, escaping his arms and going to the bathroom. I heard him groan behind me, which made my legs weak, and I almost fell. I went into the shower, just letting the water relax all the tension in my body. I wasn't sure what to do, so many thoughts were running through my head. I mean he is my boss, and I am his assistant, but on the other hand, even though I wasn't working for him for so long we succeeded to make a really strong bond with each other. It was almost like I knew him and he knew me since day one.
My endless thoughts were interrupted by his gorgeous singing from the kitchen. I quickly finished my shower and put on my bathrobe with only panties underneath. As soon as I entered the kitchen, the smell of fresh coffee filled my nose, which woke me up. One thing that made me even more awake, was the sight of San in just his boxers, his back muscles were moving so slowly yet firmly. It wasn't just the way he looks that made him this attractive, there is something much more, every time he enters a room all the attention is drawn to him, no matter male or female. 
I slowly approached him from behind, trying to stay as far away, so I don't touch him, but as close, so I can smell his washed-off perfume. “So have you decided are we staying together and spend a day together, or you do want to work,” he asked mocking the way I told him we have to work. For a moment I got lost in his eyes, those two caramel browns were so mesmerizing and relaxing to look at. “Princess we don't have a whole day you need to decide faster, it's not so complicated do you want to sit in the office all day and look through thousands of boring papers or do you want to spend a day with me. If I were you I would choose the second option sounds more fun and entertaining” he said sounding a little arrogant, I mean he isn't wrong, but he doesn't need to flatter himself so much. “San you are very well aware of the fact that we can't just be friends we are coworkers, and it doesn't look professional for both of us to be this close” These words left my mouth, but my thoughts were very different, I wanted to spend a day with him, I wanted to be friends, even more, hell I wanted him fuck me till I forget who I am and where I live. It just felt safer to sound responsible and then see where he goes, than just jump in his arms and show him how much I want us together. “Oh sweet innocent Y/N doesn't act all squeaky clean, both of us know that you have thought of me in a very filthy way. I know exactly why I didn't give you your own office. Thought you would figure it out by now, but I guess that's not the case” he said slowly his voice so low, moving towards me and pushing me against the counter, my cheeks were burning at this point my panties soaked in my arousal, my nipples got hard in a matter of time. I barely contained myself from taking off my robe and his boxers and giving him and me what we both desired. “ I…… San this doesn't feel right, we work,” my sentence was interrupted by his soft plump lips kissing me. As soon as I felt his lips on mine, my brain went off, I couldn't think straight, the only thing on my mind was telling him everything I want him to do to me. He slowly pulled away, breaking the kiss and looking at me with soft eyes.  “Look at you, for someone who doesn't want this so bad, you are one needy baby. I like it, you are stubborn but greedy for the things you love and need.” he chuckled, making me even hornier, if that was even possible. His hands slowly separated my robe, ghosting over my inner thighs. He started rubbing me over my panties, just acknowledging how wet I am. “So wet but nothing happened yet, do I turn you on this much or is it some crazy fantasy about me that you created while in the shower.” I couldn't answer, my mind too foggy to create a thought. The only things that left my mouth were silent moans and whines. As he started rubbing faster, I couldn't contain myself, I started grinding on his fingers. “Ah, ah, sweetheart, you are not going to get everything you want easily, you ignored me this morning and put work in the first place now it's my time to get revenge. First, we will drink this coffee, and then we are going to order some food for my apartment, I will call Jihoon he will drive us there and then maybe just maybe you will get the pleasure you want or should I say need.” After those words left his mouth I took my cup of coffee as fast as possible, I drank it all in a few minutes not wanting to look too needy. He just smiled lightly at the effect he had on me, but he was powerful I can't deny it, if he told me to get on my knees right this second I would without any second thoughts.
On the way to his apartment, the car was silent. Only music and Jihoon’s hums were heard. Both of you in the backseat squished together like there wasn't enough room. His hand was on your thigh, inching closer every second. When he got too close to your pussy, you just glared up at him, trying to get him to stop. Having someone watch did sound arousing, but you didn't want that someone to be Jihoon. You appreciate the man too much to do something like that in front of him. Soon enough, you were in front of a tall building that looked very luxurious. As soon as the car stopped, you were running to the building's entrance, with San right behind you. “Slow down, doll. You don't even know where to go,” his reminder made you realize that you may seem too desperate. But that wasn't far from the truth, ever since his fingers left your pussy, you craved him even more. As soon as the doors of the elevator closed, his lips were on yours, one of his arms holding your leg up. He ground his dick on your pussy, making you even wetter.
When the elevator hit the floor of San's apartment, it opened with a little ding, signaling that you arrived. One thing you didn't know was that San lived in a penthouse, so the elevator is literally in his apartment. He pushed you inside the apartment as he continued to kiss you. The food he ordered was on the table, and it smelled delicious, but it wasn't your or his priority right now. He brought you to his room, pushing you on the bed. While he was taking off his clothes, you started taking off yours. And there you were, both naked, just admiring each other like you were pieces of art. “I knew you are hot, but damn princess. You naked, that is a piece of art right there,” he commented while kneeling in front of the bed. He pulled you by your legs to the edge of the bed, first, he licked your pussy, and then he started sucking on your clit. This action made you throw your head back with your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Taking the chance while you were distracted with the pleasure, he pushed two of his fingers inside your pussy. While his other hand squeezed your boob, pinching your nipple. This surprised you in the best way possible, you started moaning his name over and over again. “That's right doll. Show everyone who is fucking you this good,” his fingers fastened their pace while hitting your G-spot just right. When he felt your walls contracting around his fingers, he immediately pulled out. Stealing one precious orgasm from you. You pouted at him, but he didn't say anything, he just pushed his dick inside you. Continuing with the brutal pace that he set with his fingers. He was huge, to say the least, every time he pushed inside it felt like he was in your stomach. Shaking, you looked down, seeing a tiny bulge pop out every time he pushed inside. Moaning, you took his hand, putting it on your lower belly for him to feel the effect he had on you. Confused, he looked down, and then it was time for him to roll his eyes. “My precious little princess is so tiny. I can't even fit inside your pussy without it showing,” all this felt like too much. You felt your orgasm nearing, which also San felt. He started slamming inside of you even faster than before, trying to get you both to your orgasm. “Come on doll, cum with me, milk me dry.” and that's when you let go of that pressure in your lower belly. The orgasm was so strong that it made you black out for a minute. You couldn't see anything, only feeling San's heavy body falling on top of you and his kisses on your forehead. When you came back to your senses, that's when you felt the wetness beneath you, but you didn't question it too much. However, the embarrassment hit you when San stood up, his whole stomach was covered with some liquid. “You are full of surprises, princess. Never pegged you for a squirter, but I'm not complaining,” he commented, while slowly pulling out. He went away for a second, probably to the bathroom. You climbed up his bed, just laying there. And that's when the realization hit you. You just had sex with your boss, and slowly panic started to rise inside you. You wanted to run, but your body was frozen in place. That's when San came back into the room with a damp towel and a bottle of water. He cleaned you up carefully, then he sat down beside you, opening the bottle. He probably saw panic written all over your face. “Princess, I know what you are thinking right now. And I need you to stop. You will not get fired, as your boss can a hundred percent guarantee that. The only thing that will happen now is that you will be promoted to my girlfriend, if you agree of course.” he whispered softly while stroking your hair. His words gave you peace of mind, although I hope to do well in my new position,” you said, smiling, which made him smile and give you a soft kiss.
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faerybin · 1 year
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「Choi Yeonjun」 ✵
So here you'll find all of my favorite Yeonjun fanfics that you should read! Hope you will enjoy and let me know if one of the links doesn't work!
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6:47 pm by @heartchoi ↴
[0.2k] — suggestive, fluff
8:58pm by @wooyukh ↴
[0.3k] — suggestive, angst
Stained kisses by @/hotboytaehyun ↴
[0.2k] — fluff, established relationship
Safe haven by @koishua ↴
[0.3k] — fiancé!yeonjun, comfort, angst
Soft and sweet by @beomdarling ↴
[0.3k] — fluff, smut
Toothpaste kisses by @dokiyeom ↴
[0.6k] — fluff, established relationship
Drunken desire by @gyulovly ↴ ✵
[0.6k] — non-established relationship, smut
Arcade date by @boba-beom ↴
[0.7k] — fluff, established relationship
I wish I was a baller by @delcakoo ↴ ♡
[1.3k] — fluff
Second wind by @gyuphorias ↴
[1.7k] — smut, established relationship, fluff
When my eyes are on you by @loveliestfelix ↴
[2k] — fluff, angst
Baby, I'm yours by @p0ckykiss ↴
[2.3k] — fluff, falling in love, friends to lovers
No pressure by @loveliestfelix ↴
Spin-offs ⇉ 4:15pm & 8:46pm
[3.1k] — fluff, some angst, hurt/comfort, friends to lovers
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Not a man of patience by @hyunsuks-beanie ↴
[2k] — smut
I Was Wrong by @ah-ga-seven ↴
[3.1k] — smut, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort
Just for tonight? by @koqabear ↴
[3.8k] — strangers to lovers, bad boy!yj, smut, a tiny sprinkle of angst
Sore loser by @hyungieyoongi ↴
[3.9k] — harry potter!au, fluff, angst, enemies to lovers
Back roads by @gyuphorias ↴
[4k] — smut, fluff
Cliché by @heart2beom ↴ ✵
[4k] — fluff, best friends to lovers, little angst
Professional Pleasure by @sm-entertain-me ↴
[4.5k] — smut, adult entertainer!yeonjun, adult entertainer!reader
Play with me by @euphor1a ↴ ♡
[5.8k] — gamer!au, established relationship, smut, hurt/comfort
Enmity by @fizzydrink698 ↴
[6.9k] — enemies with benefits, office au
Sugar Rush by @ss-skyearn ↴ ✵ ♡
[7.8k] — angst, smut, fluff
Bad impression by @txt-trash ↴ ✵ ♡
[9.4k] — college au, smut, fluff
Calling all my lovelies by @moonhoures ↴
[15.2k] — smut, angst, fwb!au, fluff
Like you by @angelwonie ↴
[16.4k] — smut, fluff, slowburn, college!au
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New fanfics ✵
Personal favorites ♡
Last updated : 02/20/2024
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pandorachristian · 2 years
I actually really like Reaction fic in which TBOH Choi han has anger issue with TBOH Cale.
But I didn't like it when he was scare by the one protected TBOH Cale(Or because TBOH Cale is God or Demigod). In my opinion, Choi Han is fucking Brave, he won't get scare and he won't back down if It wasn't for his Friend try to calm him down.
I want to see TBOH Choi Han grown to understand that everyone had their story, I want him to knows that in this world It was not just Black and White. And I also want to see how his face get slap by Cale's good deed. I also want Choi Han know the first impression wasn't all of them.
In watch we learn, I made TBOH Choi Han as a grown mature man who knows how to study the sittuation and make final judgements. That was because he is from After The Henituse war, He saw how desperate TBOH Cale was when It come to his family. Just like how Choi Han was with Harris Village. Choi Han also had to deal with the Elf after Pendrick's die and saw how they became cold after using him.
In the future, I have plan a reaction fanfic with only the TBOH cast and It's time for Anger issue TBOH Choi Han~
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xelasrecords · 1 year
The Ssum Fic Masterlist
The Great Anguish of Our Separation Means Nothing to Me - angst
Go, Go, Stay - angst
Lovely Walk - fluff
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krysstalter · 1 year
tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better!
tagged by @el-is-away
1. three ships
oh well... there's a lot👀. but i guess these are the ones i love most
orv: yoo joonhyuk/kim dokja
lcf: cale henituse/alver crossman/choi han; and of course the soos (kim roksoo/choi jungsoo/lee soohyuk)
harry potter: harry/cedric or harry/draco; dumbledore/azkaban (love dumbledore bashing)
2. last song
Hell's Comin' with Me - Poor Man's Poison, i think
3. last movie
Avatar: The Way of Water
4. currently reading
there's a lot of ongoing fanfics, but in terms of books it's "Crime and punishment" (we're reading it in school rn)
5. currently watching
youtube? i have a list of series (ToH for example), but i haven't started going through it yet
6. currently consuming
just finished eating noodles
7. currently craving
cookies, sushi, pizza and normal sleep schedule
I don't have people to tag so ig i'll just end it here (T-T)
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Hanbin Choi: You don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up
AVISO: ATENÇÃO FANDOM QUE CAIA DE PARAQUEDAS AQUI. Isso aqui nada mais é do que uma fanfic baseada numa trama de roleplay onde o I.M. é o photoplayer do personagem em questão. Bem sei que a relação dele com os pais é super de boas e fofa e nada tem a ver com esse conteúdo. Então não se abalem e nem me mandem hate messages, porque nem era pra vocês esse conteúdo. Beleza? Então beleza.
Quando saiu de sua cidade natal, ele era a mancha na linhagem dos Choi. Lembrava muito bem o momento em que seu pai tinha dito que ele era uma vergonha e que se lamentava muito por não ter tido outro filho vivo para substituir seu lugar no clã quando ele se fosse. Choi Hyunwoo era um homem severo, com aquele aspecto de quem tinha sobrevivido a tudo e mais um pouco em todos os seus anos de vida, abrindo espaço para que ele usasse isso como desculpa para não ligar para coisas que considerava triviais como sentimentos. Não era como se em algum momento ele fosse achar que Hanbin ficaria machucado pelas suas palavras: para ele, era uma questão de engolir as palavras, abaixar a cabeça e seguir em frente, porque sempre tinha muita coisa a ser feita.
Foi assim que Hanbin nunca ouviu a palavra "desculpa" vindo de nenhum dos seus pais, nem mesmo quando eles mudaram da água para o vinho ao saber que ele era o professor mais novo em idade da prestigiada Maejig Senteo.
— Enfim você está honrando o nome da família, como deveria ser — seu pai disse, na conexão de flu, antes de sua mãe surgir por trás dele, sorrindo para o filho. Hanbin até mesmo sorriu por alguns segundos, esperando uma parabenização, mas o que ele ouviu foi: — Espero que esteja sendo bem pago pra isso.
— Vocês sabem, não é sobre dinheiro… — começou a explicar, até ver a expressão de confusão no rosto de Choi Nabi.
— E como você pretende sustentar seus pais e a fazenda quando não tivermos mais forças pra isso? Você tem noção do risco que está causando para o seu dever?
Entre a sua família nuclear, Hanbin realmente não tinha alguém que o compreendesse em sua totalidade.
Até certa idade, ele achava que aquilo tudo era normal. Era comum que seus pais exigissem muito de você e na primeira derrapada para longe do que eles idealizaram, afirmar para quem quisesse ouvir que era um desperdício de tempo. Era super comum suas mães ficarem tristes e empáticas com a situação de seus primos, aconselhando e dando tapinhas nas costas, mas quando era a sua vez de precisar daquele tratamento, ouvir apenas que deveria deixar para lá que o amanhã era outro dia. Era também comum engolir seus sentimentos e se ocupar com qualquer coisa que o fizesse feliz, esquecendo por horas da própria vida, até mesmo de se alimentar e dormir.
— Você fez isso… em um dia? — o professor de herbologia perguntou ao Hanbin de 12 anos, que acenava com a cabeça orgulhoso. — Você ao menos dormiu?
— Ah, não me sinto cansado — respondeu, indiferente dos tremores que seu corpo demonstrava devido ao cansaço.
Com certeza os colegas tinham passado por aquilo, sobre os puxões no braço perguntando que porra era aquela quando exibia orgulhoso para as visitas a própria estufa que construiu com as próprias mãos. Certamente tinham ouvido também de seus pais que era por isso que as pessoas não gostavam dele, apenas fingiam se importar. Que nada daquilo vinha de um lugar sincero, só era reflexo de algumas pequenas frustrações. Eles deveriam ouvir aquilo em casa também, e também deveriam entender que não era nada demais e que não deveriam se machucar.
Já tinha quinze anos quando se pegou chorando por ouvir de seu pai que ele tinha nascido para envergonhá-lo. E ele odiou o sentimento de que estava falhando por ter derrubado uma porção de lágrimas que não conseguia frear. E se odiou mais ainda, a ponto de ficar furioso, por perceber que ele queria chorar há muito mais tempo.
Teve que se colocar de pé sozinho e prometer que iria ser diferente deles, diferente do que tinha aprendido naquela casa. E mesmo que ouvisse a mesma ladainha de sempre quando pegou suas coisas e foi estudar sobre ervas e suas propriedades médicas, colocou em sua mente que não deveria dar ouvidos. Hanbin jurava estar forte o suficiente para isso. Mas descobriu que não estava ao regressar àquele lugar e ver Nabi e Hyunwoo dizerem que sempre o apoiaram.
— Nosso Hanbin é excelente em com qualquer tipo de planta que colocar na frente dele — o pai dizia, para quem quisesse ouvir. — É claro que ele herdou isso de mim, o clã Choi tem uma tradição enorme em cuidados com a terra.
— Ele é o nosso garoto prodígio, sempre disse isso a todos vocês, tão atencioso, tão carinhoso… Não poderíamos ter pedido um filho melhor — a mãe afirmava para toda a vizinhança, o fazendo corar violentamente.
Porque ele sabia que nada daquilo era verdade.
— A filha do Sr. Yang acabou de se formar na escola e ela parece tão obediente e tão culta… acho que vocês deveriam ter uma boa conversa, agora que está aqui em casa — a mãe solta, como se não fosse nada.
O modo chocado e ofendido de Hanbin para ela não causa nenhum dano aparente. É como se ela nem ligasse.
— Você consegue se lembrar que eu voltei para apresentar a vocês a minha esposa? — A ênfase que ele dá às palavras não parecem o suficiente para deixar claro o quanto aquilo o incomoda.
— Ah, Hanbin, você sempre olhando por um outro lado, nada a ver — e era óbvio que ela tentaria meter um gaslight nele, de que não era nada daquilo.
Mas eram coisas que ele estava acostumado, coisas que ele sabia engolir como pílulas amargas que iriam para algum lugar sombrio demais que ele fazia questão de ignorar. Até aquelas ofensas serem direcionadas para outra pessoa que não ele.
— Okay, vocês me escutem bem, porque eu vou dizer isso uma vez e apenas uma: MeiMei é minha esposa e eu a amo profundamente e com todas as minhas forças. Eu a respeito, eu a compreendo, e eu espero o mesmo respeito de qualquer outra pessoa que venha a ser do meu círculo mais próximo — afirmou espalmando a mão sobre a mesa da cozinha, os pais na sala, o encarando com um pouco de surpresa e vários tons de desaprovação.
— Você não acha mesmo que nós vamos deixar você estragar a nossa linhagem com uma chinesa? — O pai dele respondeu, completamente ofendido.
— Que eu vou o quê?
— Muito bonito o seu faz de conta, Binie, mas passou da hora de você encarar a realidade: você eventualmente vai regressar para a fazenda e se casar com uma mulher decente. Vai esquecer toda essa bobagem de trabalhar numa escola tão mal falada quanto ficou Maejig e permanecer ao lado daquela mulherzinha — foi a vez da mãe colocar suas cartas na mesa, sem se alterar.
— Você dobre a língua para falar de Mei!
— Você dobre a sua língua para falar com sua mãe!
O sangue fervia dentro de Hanbin e ele encarava a ambos, percebendo o que já deveria ter entendido a tanto tempo: ele não precisava permanecer, e muito menos voltar. Porque eles nunca o amaram, ou se importaram em amá-lo de verdade.
— Eu não preciso disso. Eu não preciso de nada disso — murmurou, tendo aquela ficha caindo aos poucos. — Estamos indo embora.
— Você não se atreva a virar as costas para nós dois!
— E então o quê, pai, você vai me deserdar? — provocou.
— Exatamente!
— Será um favor que me faz — afirmou, taxativo, antes de sair batendo a porta e informar a esposa que estavam regressando à ilha de Minami Iwo Jima.  Não conseguia expressar verbalmente tudo o que sentia naquele momento, não dentro daquela casa, não quando sabia o que estava abrindo mão, finalmente. Apenas quando retornaram a pequena casa provisória que chamavam de lar foi que se permitiu soltar tudo de uma vez: — Se em um lugar te fazem se sentir desconfortável, esse lugar não me agrada. Se as pessoas são maldosas com você, elas também estão sendo comigo, independente de quem sejam. Meus pais se acostumaram a falar o que bem entendiam sobre mim e para mim, mas jamais podem fazer o mesmo com você. Foi o fim da linha para mim. Sei que sempre disse que iríamos viver um para sempre, mas acho que estou a arrastando para um recomeço. E eu preciso prometer algo antes.
Hanbin tomou as mãos de Mei, olhando em seus olhos, com determinação e algo a mais por trás deles.
— Eu prometo, eu juro, que jamais serei uma lembrança sequer do que eles um dia foram. E se, por um acaso, nós tivermos nossos filhos, o tempo todo eles terão certeza de que são amados e respeitados e queridos. Eles não vão ser um legado. Eles vão ser fruto do que eu e você acreditamos.
O clã Choi não precisava de pessoas práticas: precisavam de pessoas reais. E era isso que ele prometia a ela e ao eu dele do futuro.
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pirateprincessblog · 2 years
Slytherin Choi San fanfic anyone?
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mauerbluemcheno · 3 years
anyone else started reading fanfiction a couple of years ago and is now addicted to it to the point of not being able to enjoy a normal book anymore because books are not as highly specific as you want it and gets a bad conscience when telling people that reading is your hobby because you haven't actually picked up a book in years but at the same time, you're constantly reading on your phone??
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lemqnie · 4 years
Taehyun’s eyes were scrutinising when they met Kai’s and Kai wondered whether he could disappear into thin air and fly away like the smoke billowing out of Hagrid’s hut that morning. Taehyun’s gaze was on him for a very long moment before the boy reached out for his glass and chugged down the water before he replied. “Floo Powder—the green thing that lets you transport between fireplaces? And Wizard Tag, the game. You know, you’ve never told me about where you were from.” 
Ah, there it was. The inevitable fate that he had to face. How long was Kai going to skirt around it? He doesn’t know, but he surely wasn’t going to stop now. God, he was just so stupid, wasn’t he? Kai wanted to kick himself but then he saw a flash of earthy brown fly over him and Kai swore he was brought to tears when he saw Ceres glide over the hall towards them. She dropped a purple envelope on the bench before she flew up, turned, and landed softly beside Kai.
Read more here > [Click here]
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