#hatsume industries for the win
insatiable-insanity · 4 months
I hate how Izuku thinks just because he doesn’t have a quirk, he’s useless. You could literally just use support items to replicate most people’s quirks. Wanna have eyes like Mei’s? Use goggles. Wanna be a pikachu like Kaminari? Use a taser. In fact, a taser is probably better anyways since it can actually aim. (No offense to Denki, I love him sm and he gets better 🥺🫶🏻) Want explosions like Bakugo? Make them. Dynamite (which is literally made of Nitroglyerin just like a certain someone’s sweat) literally exists. 🧨
Literally almost every quirk is replicable.
Use spring shoes to hop like Mirko. Use a jet pack to fly similar to Hawks. Jet shoes to bounce like Gran Torino. Use gas bombs to knock people out like Midnight. Use water guns full of acid to be like Mina.
To be honest, it’s only the more nature inclined quirks (Inasa Yoarashi, Shouto/Enji/Touya Todoroki, Yo Shindo, etc..) that’ll be harder to replicate. And even then I’m sure there’s a way to get close to something similar.
And the good thing is if you use support equipment this way, you can have multiple. Meanwhile everyone else is focusing solely on their quirk to the detriment of everything else, which isn’t very well-rounded.
Izuku is so smart. And he’s always adamant about how a quirk doesn’t define you. There aren’t villainous or heroic quirks, he says. (Though this may be me thinking of fanfic, I’m fairly certain he says something along these lines to Eri. 💀) Then why doesn’t he practice what he preaches?? I understand he’s literally been conditioned to see himself as useless because of those around him, but god. It’s just so sad to watch, honestly. He needs to watch some Iron Man pronto.
Takeaway; Izuku would be just as good a hero with support items instead of a flashy, dangerous quirk (no offense to OFA but it literally kills its users 💀🪦🙏🏻) and he really needs some therapy asap. He has zero sense of self-worth. 😃
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talenlee · 1 year
Story Pile: My Hero Academia, Season 2
Story Pile: My Hero Academia, Season 2
You can tell the quality of a shounen series by how quickly it turns to a tournament arc in order to fill out its episodes. Tournament arcs are a break-in-case-of-emergency story beat for any game in the fighting shonen battle franchise, because while on the one hand, they give you structure, motivation, and a clearly defined sense of progression, they are also, ultimately, just a series of disconnected fights where you have to show characters being cool and explaining what they’re doing for mulitple episodes. I understand entirely why an anime might need to do a tournament arc; the manga industry is a machine that eats artists and shits manga, and when you’re doing a shounen battle series, having this kind of chained sequence of fights gives you an opportunity to fill out the audiences’ perspective and demonstrate a bunch of things like you’re filling out a guidebook. They are practical arcs, they are serviceable arcs.
You can also elevate a tournament arc! There are stories that weave (say) intrigue around a tournament arc, or where the rules of the tournament create a different demand on the characters, or if you follow only one character learning about the world through the arc — there’s a lot you can do with them… but they are also predictable and require you to set them up well with an interesting source of tension.
The first half of My Hero Academia season 2 is a single big tournament arc, and it’s shockingly mediocre.
When you accept what it is, the next question is: What is it for? What does it let you do? It lets you show all the characters in the class and their adjacent classes, their quirks and ways they can work together. This is honestly something that the setting of a superhero high school should be great at but maybe it should be set up more like this is lessons rather than a performance match for an audience of millions. Also, in that situation, you’d have a better reason for characters to spend their time talking to one another, communicating about their powers, communicating about ways to do things, and then also trying again when they fail at things.
Otherwise what you get is this bullshit, where the matches are competitions that are also explicitly trying to keep secrets from one another, then it becomes about incentives to win, and those incentives overwhelmingly favour things like ‘not talking about your powers’ and also favour characters with direct combat powers. The winners of a fighting tournament are going to – well, they’re going to work against totally rad characters like Hatsume and Ochaco. And while we’re talking about incentives, the entire cavalry battle is dumb as hell. Giving one player a ten million points means that there’s no point going for any other points: it’s golden snitch game design and I hate that.
But okay, the incentives are wrong, what about the opportunities to present personality, or serve to demonstrate heroism? Well, in none of these games do you get to demonstrate heroic intention or principle. They’re just fights. You just beat one another and do better at beating one another. Everything is strictly competitive and zero sum, which makes it more of a demonstration of powers and who gets to have them.
It’s also an opportunity to show what characters have learned from their interactions with one another, except they haven’t interacted with one another and there’s no communication so instead of characters showing their abilities or how they can use their powers creatively, it’s a pretty clear demonstration of ‘here are the three winners, and we’ll get there.’ And that gets us set up for characters whose abilities we don’t even know much yet introducing their powers and then following up that introduction with using their powers very weakly.
I am afraid that I am always going to be fucking infuriated by Momo. And Pinky. And Toru. And Ochaco and Jiro and – look, I don’t think this series is going to give its incredibly cool lady superheroines enough stuff to do. In fact, I kinda fear that we’re going to mostly see them suck and fail and be sad that they can’t measure up to the example of Deku, a guy whose power at the moment is to suck and fail.
AND ANOTHER THING, there are two moments in the tournament that really presented worrying visions of what matters in this setting, for power and how it’s used. First, in the fight against the psychic, Deku had a moment where he saw the previous users of One For All who gave him the push to break the psychic manipulation. Cool, good, great, but the way it was framed seemed to suggest there was an intentionality to it; that Deku was connected to people who were reaching through time to help him and they were choosing to do this. It wasn’t something he called upon…
And uh, why there?
Why did these people choose to help him in a fighting tournament at what amounts to a track meet? It felt like an overreaction, like if they were there to grant him power at a darkest hour, maybe do it when the thing on the line isn’t literally meaningless. And on the note of meaninglessness: holy hell, the Deku fight with Todoroki is insulting. Todoroki explains to him why he fights the way he does, the importance of principle and not giving in to his abusive father and what he wants, and then when they fight, Deku decides to both put his business out on the street that he was told in confidence, but to then berate him for refusing to inflict the maximum harm. And that opens up two questions – one of which is hey, does this anime think Endeavour is ambiguously bad? Is he meant to be a complex character? Because I don’t think of eugenics and spousal abuse as ambiguous. The other question is, hey, uh, does this superhero series think of the purpose of a superhero as being expressing power on the world?
‘Cos that’s grim.
If you think the primary thing a superhero is there to do is to fight better, then you’re kind of just settting up a landscape of villains. It means that you’re not focusing on important elements of being a hero, about how to save people, avoid collateral damage, and the conversation about how to defeat enemies and uh, if they wind up in a body bag or a prison, and if things like prisons are, y’know… good.
But don’t worry, it follows that up with a long protracted training arc interrupted with a fight against a superheroic serial killer. The Stain story arc shows some things I like – like, Deku trying to rescue people – and some things I don’t – like the absolute horse-shit that is the cops performing coverups on teen superhero stuff because teenagers with superpowers fighting to protect themselves from a supervillain with knives is a big problem that needs to be locked down.
Like the setting does seem to think that the setup of ‘reacting naturally with superpowers to defend yourself against superpowered serial killers’ is something that needs special dispensation to work against, as opposed to I dunno, some kind of moral lesson about why you want to do that. Instead, these kids do heroic stuff, save someone and one another, and then there’s a demonstration that in this universe, superheroes are beholden to the strictures and ideology of cops.
All Cops Are Not Good Boys, lemme tell ya.
I stopped watching Infinity War for reasons like this. When a story world is shown to be that divested of things that I can relate to, that a story about doing the right thing is so anathematic to things that to me feel like the right thing to do, there’s a real problem with engaging with it. The show’s already on thin ice – after all, thanks to characters like Endeavour and Mineta, the show seems to imagine that there are ways characters can be that are interesting foibles to be gently admonished or forgiven, as opposed to vile crimes that need to be punished.
Here’s hoping the series improves, because this season was bad.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
#Media #StoryPile #Anime
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The Hidden is More Immense
The Hidden is More Immense by sprightly
During his second year at Aldera, Izuku realizes that the hero industry isn't nearly as noble as he thought. It leaves him angry, crushed, and looking for an answer.
"Look," Shinsou huffed, "Heroes who act like that are basically villains. Worse, since they're supposed to help people. So if we become heroes - whatever that means - then we can get those guys, too.”
The words spark something in Izuku's brain - something big and amorphous and intriguing. "...like vigilantism?"
"Like...keeping an eye on the shitty heroes. Doing what the Commission won't." Izuku slowly nods, and they smile grimly at each other.
Words: 3102, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Jirou Kyouka, Monoma Neito, Shinsou Hitoshi, Hatsume Mei, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Pro Heroes, Nedzu, Class 1-A
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Jirou Kyouka & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Monoma Neito, Hatsume Mei & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Vigilante Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Quirkless Discrimination, Quirkless People with Extra Toe Joints Wear Custom Sneakers | Red Shoe Theory, Hate Crimes, not super graphic but beware, Politics, government watchdog AU?, Identity Porn, Secret Identity, endeavor's a+ parenting, U.A. Has a Traitor, Light Angst, Mentor Nedzu, Lying for Fun and Profit, how to win friends and influence the hero industry, what's the difference between revenge and accountability?, Minor Original Character(s), plot heavy, Vigilante Akaguro Chizome | Stain, guys i love stain, Class 1-A Needs a Hug, Class 1-A Has Issues (with each other), spoilers up to training camp at least but probably canon divergent, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, gaslighting bakugo lol, Morally Ambiguous Midoriya Izuku, Morally Ambiguous Shinsou Hitoshi, Autistic Hatsume Mei, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Work In Progress, no beta we die like men
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44376634
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 1 year
The Hidden is More Immense
The Hidden is More Immense by sprightly
During his second year at Aldera, Izuku realizes that the hero industry isn't nearly as noble as he thought. It leaves him angry, crushed, and looking for an answer.
"Look," Shinsou huffed, "Heroes who act like that are basically villains. Worse, since they're supposed to help people. So if we become heroes - whatever that means - then we can get those guys, too.”
The words spark something in Izuku's brain - something big and amorphous and intriguing. "...like vigilantism?"
"Like...keeping an eye on the shitty heroes. Doing what the Commission won't." Izuku slowly nods, and they smile grimly at each other.
Words: 3102, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Jirou Kyouka, Monoma Neito, Shinsou Hitoshi, Hatsume Mei, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Pro Heroes, Nedzu, Class 1-A
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Jirou Kyouka & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Monoma Neito, Hatsume Mei & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Vigilante Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Quirkless Discrimination, Quirkless People with Extra Toe Joints Wear Custom Sneakers | Red Shoe Theory, Hate Crimes, not super graphic but beware, Politics, government watchdog AU?, Identity Porn, Secret Identity, endeavor's a+ parenting, U.A. Has a Traitor, Light Angst, Mentor Nedzu, Lying for Fun and Profit, how to win friends and influence the hero industry, what's the difference between revenge and accountability?, Minor Original Character(s), plot heavy, Vigilante Akaguro Chizome | Stain, guys i love stain, Class 1-A Needs a Hug, Class 1-A Has Issues (with each other), spoilers up to training camp at least but probably canon divergent, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, gaslighting bakugo lol, Morally Ambiguous Midoriya Izuku, Morally Ambiguous Shinsou Hitoshi, Autistic Hatsume Mei, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Work In Progress, no beta we die like men
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44376634
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The Hidden is More Immense
The Hidden is More Immense by sprightly
During his second year at Aldera, Izuku realizes that the hero industry isn't nearly as noble as he thought. It leaves him angry, crushed, and looking for an answer.
"Look," Shinsou huffed, "Heroes who act like that are basically villains. Worse, since they're supposed to help people. So if we become heroes - whatever that means - then we can get those guys, too.”
The words spark something in Izuku's brain - something big and amorphous and intriguing. "...like vigilantism?"
"Like...keeping an eye on the shitty heroes. Doing what the Commission won't." Izuku slowly nods, and they smile grimly at each other.
Words: 3102, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Jirou Kyouka, Monoma Neito, Shinsou Hitoshi, Hatsume Mei, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Pro Heroes, Nedzu, Class 1-A
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Jirou Kyouka & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Monoma Neito, Hatsume Mei & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Vigilante Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Quirkless Discrimination, Quirkless People with Extra Toe Joints Wear Custom Sneakers | Red Shoe Theory, Hate Crimes, not super graphic but beware, Politics, government watchdog AU?, Identity Porn, Secret Identity, endeavor's a+ parenting, U.A. Has a Traitor, Light Angst, Mentor Nedzu, Lying for Fun and Profit, how to win friends and influence the hero industry, what's the difference between revenge and accountability?, Minor Original Character(s), plot heavy, Vigilante Akaguro Chizome | Stain, guys i love stain, Class 1-A Needs a Hug, Class 1-A Has Issues (with each other), spoilers up to training camp at least but probably canon divergent, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, gaslighting bakugo lol, Morally Ambiguous Midoriya Izuku, Morally Ambiguous Shinsou Hitoshi, Autistic Hatsume Mei, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Work In Progress, no beta we die like men
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44376634
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for the character thingy: big sis mag!
I'm glad you asked because she deserves all the respect and love in the world. So let's go anon, let's talk about our fav girl.
Magne headcanons:
She changes the hero world once she's reformed. You know why anon? Trans rights.
She has this makeup and clothes company / brand sponsored by pro-heroes (Mina and Kendo mostly). Her idea is to create a safe space for people to voice their needs, their rights, etc. Specially members of the LGBTQ+ community that are struggling.
The funniest thing happen. Oh, what a surprise to know that suddenly, the ex members of class 1-A and class 1-B are just ready to model for Magne's company / brand.
Of course it's not a freaking surprise. You have some of them finally comfortable with their androgenous clothes, you have others just proudly wearing the merch that represents their identities and sexual and romantic attractions. Magne goes wild, she starts working with Hatsume and soon you have special hero suits everywhere, for every occasion. And this kids, they're going as wild as Big Sis Magne. They're like "okay but let's wear only Magne's clothes to this event".
And then another thing happens. Magne just tells them they're being dumb. Please go support the little bussines. They listen to her and it spreads like a trend.
Magne is pretty much a big celebrity because have you seen her? She has a way of winning your heart in seconds. She's full of light and ready to follow her dreams, not matter the cost. She's an amazing woman and the public truly believes in her and calls her a hero— because she is.
She has foundations and projects to help trans people struggling to find a home or find themselves, others to help people with quirks that make them feel uncomfortable in their own bodies. She is there to protect them all and take care of them, because that's Big Sis Magne.
She speaks against beauty competitions, she demands people to stop sexualizing kids and teenagers, she states she has no interest in giving money to the Hero Comission, because they can (insert some good quality insult). Yes, she's gonna help the new generation of pro-heroes because they are heroes, finally.
You can see her daily slaying industries and idiots online. Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss. Yes, she's not afraid of being "evil", because she's not afraid of being real and being herself.
Like I say, we stan a queen. What a bussines woman. Yes, go Magne. Rip to them but you're different.
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nite-shay · 4 years
A Helping Hand - Todoroki Shoto x Reader
Idea: Character finding out their S/O has a prosthetic limb. (Think automail from full metal alchemist).
Sorry for any misspelling or grammar mistakes. 
Todoroki Shoto x Reader
You sighed as you dropped your duffle bag on the floor beside your bed before flopping on to the soft mattress. The dorms were usually busy this time of day. However, the week-long break just started, and most if not all of the students rushed out as soon as the last bell of the day rang.  You were one of the few who decided to stay behind.
That choice was coming back to bite you in the ass. Hard.
If you had gone home, you could meet up with Hatsume, and she could fix this issue you were having. 
With a heavy sigh, you sat up and started rummaging through your bag in search of the object you needed fixing. Your mechanical arm had gotten damaged during your spar with your classmate, Todoroki Shoto. 
Today's assignment was to work on hand to hand combat something you excelled but not your partner. The fight had been going well; however, the fighting was making the class run a bit longer than it should have. So to speed things up, Aizawa allowed quirk usage about halfway through the match. With one final powerful attack, he managed to trap your arm, along with most of your right side, in a mini glacier of ice, thus ending the match and class. 
You knew you were in trouble the moment you felt the cold bite of the metal parts against your fleshy shoulder. Even after he thawed your arm, you weren't able to move it. You rushed off to the support class, as soon as you got changed, praying your friend got caught up in working on a new baby and delaying her departure.
However, you were not that lucky. 
And now here you are with only one arm. 
 It was going to be a long week. 
Instead of lying in self-pity, you decided you might as well try to fix it. It already didn't work, not like you could do anything worse to it. Grabbing your duffle bag and other tools, you headed over to the dining area. The dining table would give you the room you needed, plus it had better lighting. It didn't take you too long to get everything transported, and your work area set up. 
With earbuds in and the volume at a comfortable drown out the world level, you got to work. 
While you weren't the brilliant support tech that built your arm, you could handle a few basic repairs. With no one else being here, it wasn't like you had much of a choice. You even asked Power Loader for help, but since it wasn't his expertise or handiwork, there wasn't much he could do. He did, however, offer full access to the shop and any tool you may need. 
Slowly but surely, you started to disassemble the outer layer of your arm. Between the music and the project in front of you, the world around you slowly vanished. 
An hour later….
Todoroki was making his way back to the dorms after visiting his mother. While his classmates and most of the students left earlier that day, excited to see their families, he decided to stay. He did not share the same excitement when it came to home visits. Though he would miss his sister's cooking. Even the best chefs at UA didn't hold a candle to her home-cooked meals.
As he made his way through the back doorway of the commons area, he was surprised to hear noises… He thought he was the only one left... 
Was that drilling?
Curious, he made his way to the dining area where he could see you hunched over something on the table. 
"(L/N)?" He called out. Thanks to Midoriya and the others, Todoroki was becoming more … vocal with the rest of the class. You were one of the ones he would talk to the most. Mainly because Aizawa assigned the two of you together for training and assignments fairly often. He never understood his reason, but the bi-color haired boy didn't care. He preferred working with you more so than some of his other classmates (*Cough Cough* Bakugo).
Today the two of you had a mock battle during last class. He enjoyed sparing with you; your skills made it a challenge for him. But it also allowed him to be near you without making him feel awkward. He didn't understand why but he enjoyed your company. The battle had been primarily one-sided, with you in favor of winning. That was until Aizawa allowed quirk usage. While you excelled in close range combat, your quirk suited to defend against his long rang ice attack. He quickly overwhelmed you, ending the match.
Soon after the match, he saw you quickly gather your things before running off towards the school. He figured you were in a hurry to leave for the break like everyone else, not to rush back here.
"(L/N) "He approached you slowly, trying to get your attention. You had changed into a pair of black pants and a red tank top. He could also see a folded white rag sitting on your right shoulder. The closer he got, the more he could see what you were working on, some machine parts and hand tools laid scattered on the table. Your seemed foot bouncing an unknown beat as you sat there cross-legged in the chair.  
His upper lip twitches in a slight smirk as he studied the determined look in your eyes. It was the same one you had when you were studying or working on something you didn't quite understand. 
It was cute.
Taking a steady breath, he finally reached out and gently touched your exposed left shoulder.  While he still wasn't one for touch, with you, he didn't seem to mind.  "(L/N)." 
"Shit!" You jolted from the chair you were in. Unfortunately, your legs got tangled upon themselves in your rush. Your habit of sitting cross-legged was going to be the death of you one day. Falling away from the hand that had seemingly came out of nowhere, you braced for the impact as your metal arm wasn't currently attached to help break your fall. After catching the wind that had been thoroughly knocked out of you, you look up to see heterochromia eyes. "Oh... hey, Todoroki... what's up?" You grimaced in embarrassment. Of all the people who could have seen your startled cat impression...
Guess it could have been worse... It could have been Bakugo... He’d never let you live it down...
"Sorry… I.. didn't mean to scare you…." He wasn't expecting you to be as startled as you were, so he was slow to respond. His eyes quickly checked over you for any injuries he might have caused.  "Are you…" His breath caught in his throat as he watched you maneuver yourself to face him. 
Your arm…. There weren't two… just one….
Where your right arm should have been… was nothing…
Something glimmered out of his peripheral vision. Glancing over from you, he saw what you were working on. It was an arm… A mechanical right arm… 
"It's uh... Ow… it's fine...:'' You quickly got up from the floor looking at the stunned boy who was glancing between you and the arm on the table. "So.. uhhh… I guess you aren't going home for break, or are you waiting till tomorrow…" This was awkward. You hadn't told any about your arm. 
The teachers knew, but that was beyond your control, and well, ok Midoriya and Bakugo know, but that's only because you grew up with them, so it's hard for them not to know. 
"No. I decided to stay here for the week." He regains his composure before turning his focus solely on you. 
"Oh.. well, uh… same here. I hope you don't mind the company." 
"Not at all." He shifts a bit before asking. "Are you having issues with your…." He trailed off. 
"Oh yeah. It umm.." You cleared your throat before smiling a bit at him. After working with him for so long, you were getting pretty good at reading him. He was uncomfortable and wasn't sure how to proceed. "My arm stopped working earlier today. So I was trying to fix it." 
How did it get damaged?
How did he not know about your arm? 
How did you lose your arm in the first place?
Was he making this awkward for you?
Should he leave? Should he stay?
So many questions ran through his mind. Uraraka and Yaoyorozu had been working him, so he didn't just blurt out his thoughts as much anymore. Well, he still did with Bakugo, but that was for fun. The girls called it 'reading the room.' He wanted to ask you every question that came to mind, but he didn't want to offend you. 
"Do you… need assistance?" He finally settled on. 
"Oh. Yeah!" You beamed at him, making him blush slightly. "As corny as this sounds, I could use a hand." If you hadn't been staring right at him, you would have missed that small twinge of his lip. It was a smile. 
You went back to work as Todoroki sat across from you, silently observing your work. 
While you were comfortable with his silence, you could tell he was not. He had questions, hell anyone would, but he didn't seem sure how to ask or how to start the conversation.
Looks like you would have to take the lead on this one. 
"Can you hold this for me?" You point to the forearm panel with your screwdriver. He followed your instructions flawlessly. You do this a few more times, and this seems to ease him some until he finally began to talk to you.
"Do you always do the repairs yourself?" He quietly asked. 
"No. Typically, Hatsume does, but she left already. It was her father that built my first arm, but this one is her handiwork pretty cool, huh?" You grinned. You were proud of your brilliant friend, as crazy as she was. You have to remind her every time she has a new idea for her baby, that you need an arm, not an arsenal. 
"It is… impressive." 
"Ah, ha!" You announced as you pull out the damaged piece of machinery that was the cause of all this trouble. "There you are, you little bugger!" 
Seeing you smile in victory as you held up the small component made Todoroki's heart skip a beat. The part you held looks almost industrial grade. It made him curious about what could have caused it to become damaged. 
"So how did it become damaged." He asked without hesitation. 
"Oh… well, you see the water spots here." Sitting the item down, you point to the parts you were describing. "It happens when water or moisture gets in it. That caused the gear to seize up, and the rest cracked when the temperature around it rapidly changed." Your description of the damage reminded him in the way of Midoriya. The way he would mumble through his thoughts. 
Water moisture….
Rapidly changing temperature….
He was the one that damaged her arm….
"I really am the hand crusher..." He sighed as he mumbled to himself.
"I'm sorry, did you say something?"
"My last attack… caused your arm to break… didn't it?"
"Yeah... It did..." 
"My apologies… if I had known…"
"If you had known, you wouldn't have attacked me like you did."
He nodded, and that caused her to sigh before putting down her tools and looking directly at him. 
"Do you think of me as weak?" You kept your tone neutral, not wanting him to take your question the wrong way. 
"No, you are one of the strongest students in our class." His response was honest and quick. 
"And now that you know about my arm. What are your thoughts? Would you have gone at me like you did?" You inquired. 
"You… are still one of the strongest.. and no, I would have aimed somewhere else... "
"And that's why I keep my arm a secret. You would have held back."
"But, I damaged it." 
"So what, it can be fixed." You shrugged
"Look, I don't need people to hold back on me. I need my friends to come at me with everything they have. Because I promise you this, a villain won't hold back. If they see my arm, that's where they will aim." This wasn't the first time you've had to explain this. 
He was silent. He understands your reasoning… somewhat but didn't like it...
"My friends will make me a stronger hero…"
"Your friends?"
"Our friends make us stronger…. I don't think I would have learned or gotten as far as I have without them…"
"What do you mean?"
"Every day with a friend, whether it's in class, just hanging out or in a match, you learn something from each other. The stuff you learn helps you along the way... Take my arm, for example…" You smile. "See, I know these three guys. One is a loudmouth with a foul temper, the other one is observant and kind, and the last one is stoic and very thoughtful. Without them, I would be like my arm was when I first got it, just an arm, nothing special. But thanks to them, I'll become more." You began pointing to different parts on your arm "Sparring with Kat, made me improve its resistance to shockwaves and heat. Thanks to Zuki, I improved its strength and impact resistance." You then grab the small part that he had damaged "And thanks to you, my arm will be stronger against water and ice.  Like I said, my friends make me strong. And I'm not just talking about physically either. My arm is just a physical representation."
He thought long about what you said. Your thoughtful words reminded him of Midoriya, but they're straight forward… a Bakugo trait, no doubt. Suddenly Aizawa partnering you up together made sense. 
But there was one thing you got wrong. 
You were special...  
No matter what...
"So… are we friends?" He managed to ask before he could blurt out his actual thought.
"I'd like us to be… if you want..." You nervously fiddled with the part in your hand. You didn't mean to just blurt out everything you did, but it was too late now. Hopefully, he wouldn't read too much into this. You honestly wanted to be more than friends but, he would need time. You know that. This wasn't something you could rush. 
"I'm not an easy person to be around…"
"Come on, I made friends with the Katsuki Bakugo. I think I can handle you." You chuckled as you extended your arm and balled you hand into a fist hand balled. Todoroki had seen you do this with some of your other classmates. It was a fist bump. "So what do ya say?"
"I'd like that…" He gently touched his fist to yours...
From that day on you, two were inseparable and unstoppable. 
Bonus bit: 
"I'm telling you! Something is really strange about (L/N)." The electric quirk user emphasized to the rest of the group. 
A grumble shut up came from the explosive blonde as he and his redheaded lover walked in front of Sero and Kaminari. 
"Did you not see the tools in her room?" Kaminari continued 
"Yeah! How about the can of metal polish? Weird…" Sero noted.
"Maybe she just builds models? You know like cars, planes or something?" Kirishima chimed in, hoping they dropped the subject that was clearly angering the boy beside him. But to no avail, the two guys behind them continued their conversation.  
"What the hell kind of model do you build with those kinds of tools?" 
"Dude… What if she's a robot?"
"A robot?"
"Yeah! What if she's a robot, and she's here to replace us all with robots!!!"
"You guys really need to lay off the late-night SciFi movies…" Kirishima could see the vein on Bakugo's forehead start to throb… Though the redhead was tempted to let his hot tempered boyfriend go after his classmates, he liked (L/N) and didn't appreciate them talking about you like that, but dinner and a movie sounded better than trying to hide two bodies tonight.
The Bakusquaud composed of Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero were making their way through to the dining area. They just opened the door to see you fist bump with Todoroki. Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima and shocked to see you two sitting there, but Kaminari and Sero are more shocked by what they see on the table.
"AHHHHHH SHE REALLY IS A ROBOT!!!!!" You turn just in time to see two streaks of blonde and black hair run down the hallway to the safety of their rooms.
"You make the strangest friends, Kat….." You teased.
Later on…
Bakugo is upset that you are now friends with Todoroki… also slightly upset about your arm but doesn't show it.
Kirishima is shocked by your arm but brushes it off. He tells you later that it makes you look manly and wants to arm wrestle you once you get fixed.
Bakugo and Kirishima fill you in on what Kaminari and Sero were talking about. You laugh but then take this chance to terrorize Sero and Kaminari a bit. Mainly using a remote arm (One of Hatsume's prototype 'babies' she gave you a while back) that would walk around like thing from the Adams family) for a bit before tell and proving to them that no… you're not a robot…  
Thanks for the read! If you want see the other stuff I’ve done, click the link bellow!
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sideblog230 · 4 years
One of the stories me and my sister concocted ages ago was a mha/assassination classroom crossover with Izuku being in class E. There aren't too many changes plot wise for assassination classroom but it does feature some character growth between Izuku and the delinquents.
Izuku starts off being bullied but in a way gains their respect both in fighting and in studying and he pretty much becomes the cinnamon roll of the group. Izuku also decides to stay quirkless. Like in mha he does meet all might and start training with him at school but as the year progresses and with the support of his classmates and teachers decides to forgo all for one and try and become the first quirkless hero.
Because of this the second part of the story that focuses on my hero is changed quite a bit. For one he does pass the entrance exam by mainly rescue points and not just for rescuing Ochako, and he does get villain points too. Two, he does not come last in the apprehension test as the are plenty of other students who don't have quirks suited for some tests such as Kaminari and Hagakure. In fact Mineta scores last because I don't like him and he gets expelled, no loss there.
USJ doesn't change too much, just switch Izuku and Bakugou and you're good. The fun begins with the sports festival. Izuku isn't the only one from E class to go to UA, Itona gets into support purely for access to their facilities and Terasaka actually enrolls in management of all things. I chose this because I felt he didn't live up to his potential in the epilogue as just being a runner for a politician or something. I liked that Terasaka recognized he worked well as the brawn to anothers brain but I honestly like the idea of him becoming Izuku's intimidating hero manager who is the most hands on manager in the hero industry.
During the obstacle course Izuku still gets first while Itona and Terasaka, the only business course student actually going through the course, come in at the end of the pack. This is because Itona has tasked Terasaka with collecting robot parts that he, with some kind of engineering quirk, uses to build armor and weapons for part two. Izuku, Itona, Terasaka, and Hitoshi(who izuku befriended before UA) team up with Itona on top. Of course they pass with their oddball team, but that does end up changing the tournament line up.
Bakugou and Todoroki pass with the same team while Hatsume, Ochako, Tokoyami and Tsuyu team up together with Izuku's team as the agile attack team to their stationary defense team. After passing the second phase Itona drops out as he isn't interest in competing in the tournament, only staying on for so long to make sure Izuku made it, swamp man's religious daughter takes his place.
With these differences the line up changes so Terasaka fights Kirishima and Tsuyu fights Mina, both winning their fights and all other fights going the same as before. In the second round Izuku wins against Todoroki who still underestimated him due to his quirklessness. Terasaka meanwhile has a bone to pick with Bakugou as Izuku's friend and former bully, it's a hard battle between the two hot heads before Terasaka decides he's said his spiel and forfeits which enrages Bakugou. Tsuyu wins her fight against Tokoyami in part due to the bright day, her own skills, and prior exhaustion.
The semi finals are fairly straight forward, Izuku has a good battle with Iida but ultimately wins as he is accustomed to much higher speeds thanks to his time in class E, while Bakugou defeats Tsuyu. The fight between Izuku and Bakugou is one of the most brutal and end in a double knock out with Bakugou being the first to get back up being declared the winner.
Sadly I haven't yet figured out what happens after though Izuku would definitely recognize Iida's bloodlust during the stain arc and probably also go to Hosu to keep and eye on him. I might go further at another point if I end up hyperfixiating on it again. Here's a little doodle of izuku in his old gym clothes.
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Reposting to correct blog, will delete from the other.
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thelreads · 6 years
And the chapter is over. God, this chapter may not have a lot of action, and that is to say, it didn’t had any action whatsoever, but that doesn’t mean it was bad. On the contrary, we had a good opportunity to see the kids using their heads to come up with a good winning strategy.
We saw just some of the teams, but they are actually the important ones:
Team-doroki, Team-doriya, and Bakugo. I won’t call it a team, because we just saw Kirishima as a member, but it don’t actually matter that much. Bakugo don’t care about synergies, he’ll just use his own quirk to try to win.
We saw Mineta attempt to make a team, but again, Flappy Multi-arms was the one member, so for now I refrain from calling it a team.
Now, in the character development side, we saw Ida confessing how he feel second rate compared to Midoriya, and that he needs to give his best if he want to become a great hero someday. Honestly, I can’t get mad with him, he has a completely justifiable reason, and Midoriya understands that.
Oh, and Uraraka is getting jealous. That also happened. I mean, it wasn’t jealously, at least not yet. It was more akin to being hurt that your friend left you out of the plans to give attention to another person that just joined the group.
I actually like slow-paced chapters with focus on characters as much as I like action-oriented ones. Even more to be honest, because I’m a sucker for characters with depth.
Anyway, let’s just see who the character sheet is for today. And the lucky one today is...
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Cyborg-girl, A.K.A. [Fe] Male, A.K.A. “the first person Uraraka ever wanted to murder with her own hands”.
Mei Hatsume. The Steampunk lover of the support course. Can’t blame her, steampunk is a pretty interesting style. And chocolate is the best thing to ever be invented after sliced bread and headphones that muffle outside noises. She’s a girl with good tastes.
We don’t get much on her character, besides the fact that she may be an workaholic, seeing as she apparently never leaves the school workshop, but at least we got some sweet world building on the inner workings of the support industry.
So there’s a lot of bureaucracy to get a gadget approved. I can see why, you can’t let people running around with equipment that would endanger civilians. Like Bakugo’s fucking handcannon. Seriously, who approved that thing?
And the equipment they produce isn’t just used to fight villains, they also help the everyday life of the people whose quirks double as disabilities. It’s the equivalent of someone who works developing high-end prosthesis, and military combat gear at the same time. That’s really cool.
And that’s it for today. This chapter had students forging alliances to try and take each other down, next one the fight will begin. Can Midoriya and his team survive win this event and pass to the next one? Find out in Chapter 28: The Mighty Morphing Dork-Rangers.
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herald-adaar · 6 years
i LOVE your recent crimson riot post!! its definitely smthn ive been thinking about myself and im soooo glad someone put it together so nicely!! but wouldnt you say that bnha takes place in 2100s bc of how advanced tech is, the reference to how if it wasnt for quirks, humanity wouldve been on its way into space travel, and the nod to destro/a historical figure known now as the first villain ?
[Crimson Riot post here]
First of all, thank you!
While tech is more advanced, I still believe that BnHA takes place near the 2010s due to the pop culture references aligning roughly with our own timeline. Even if it’s not literally set in the 2010′s, it’s nearly indistinguishable from it in any meaningful way. If quirks starting emerging in the 2000s, it’s unlikely media and culture itself would have remained static for a century barring Horikoshi somehow neglecting to mention a global apocalypse scenario that only ended fairly recently.
As for the tech question, it’s unquestionably more advanced than ours, but with the lone exception of Crimson Riot’s interview holodisk in Kirishima’s flashback (and the holodisks used for the UA acceptance letters), the average civilian is using tech consistent with what the average person has access to in our current world. For example, phones! Everyone in class seems to have a smartphone but Uraraka, who still uses a flip phone from the mid 2000s.
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Critically, we only see the advanced stuff when it comes to support items and the hero/villain world.
Off the top of my head, UA alone has its security gates, so many robots they’re used as disposable fodder during the entrance exams, sentient (and misanthropic) camera security robots, and their entire support department where Hatsume has made over a hundred dubious techological miracles in six months. Every hero in the industry seems to have access to someone to invent them whatever gadget they need to amplify their quirk, and support items are so tightly regulated in BnHA’s Japan the average person can’t obtain one barring verifiable medical need, like Aoyama.
Perhaps more telling of where the world’s technological focus went for the last five generations, there are iron maidens made to contain powerful quirk users, and Tartarus Prison. When it’s said we could be in space if not for quirks (I can’t remember the source of that, but I don’t doubt it was said in canon), I suspect it’s because humanity was simultaneously scrambling for ways to make quirks stronger and to counter/regulate them. If I were to speculate what sort of world created Destro, who appears to be a Magneto-like figure in superpowered history, it would be one where the latter was winning.
So TL;DR: yes, they have better tech and it’s progressed more rapidly than our own, but all advanced tech we’ve seen has been developed for quirks rather than space exploration. I suspect the “we could have space travel” thing is the equivalent of saying we could have cured cancer by now if the pharmaceutical industry we didn’t spend so much money trying to fight male pattern baldness.
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c-jay321 · 6 years
some random stuff about bnha 175
Hori for real though, Mineta is a cute kid but,
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He’d be loved by the fans more if he was just a cute kid, and not an annoying pervert. I don’t really care about him being a pervert since it’s a common trope in manga, but if it was a once in a blue moon thing, it’d probably be better.
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Look at how cute this is....
Anyway, I really enjoy these Hatsume and Izuku interactions.
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I can see them becoming great business partners when Izuku becomes a pro and Hatsume makes it big in the hero marketing industry. With Izuku being the most popular hero, she’d always get the best gadgets for him which would be a win-win situation cuz Izuku would be indirectly helping Hatsume advertise her products. Of course he won’t use gadgets forever since he will master OFA eventually.
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And can we talk about how Hatsume designed the gloves in a way that won’t clash with his costume??? Like she actually knows the details of his costume now and that’s really cool?? Izuku’s like her number 1 frequent customer lol. But 
I do wonder how Izuku will put these gloves over his current ones....like how will that work? He can’t wear these gloves without the elbow pads on his current gloves, and he can’t cut off the “hand part”? (I think?) of his current gloves either and attach the new ones so how will Hori do this...?
This is pretty irrelevant but Hatsume is basically a character straight out of Hori’s one-shot “My Hero”, in fact she’s pretty much a remake of this lady:
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If you’ve read “My Hero” you’d understand what I’m saying. My Hero is all about making and advertising gadgets for heroes so Hatsume would fit well in this story. Pretty irrelevant yeah... but I like the connection XD
Also, for those of you who think Eri’s hair is being braided...
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it’s not. That person is gonna tie it into a ponytail. 
And I’m very curious to see where Eri will end up after the festival...will she stay in the hospital or will she actually stay in U.A with 1-A and make our headcanons true?
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evilkitten3 · 7 years
BNHA Headcanons
because it’s like 1:30 in the morning time doesn’t exist sleep is a myth and honestly is anyone really surprised
todoroki is like. ultra petty. but in a very passive-aggressive way. after the sports festival, he starts actually using his left side, but he still really hates his dad, so he does little thing. like never ever catching fire-type pokémon, or buying the entire class fire extinguishers, or talking about how cool it is that solid water is a thing have i mentioned ice > fire
kouda is literally. an angel???? like how could anyone say a bad thing to him. everybody loves kouda.
mineta tried to convince the girls to have a contest to see who looked the best in miniskirts. the girls agreed after kaminari dared bakugou to take part (he agreed because fuck gender stereotypes and you think you can wear a skirt better than me my parents work in the fashion industry i think the fuck not). bakugou won.
ojiro sometimes just.... glues random leaves to the wall???? no one knows why. he’s messing with them. it’s always the quiet ones
satou wins basically every dorm inspection because he’s always got cake. like. how. where does he find the time to bake so many cakes. he once returned from a break and five minutes later there’s a cake hOW IS THAT POSSIBLE WHAT ARE YOU
midoriya and bakugou are prohibited from answering all might-related questions on trivia night. no one needs to know how and why they know so much. it’s frightening. no one wants to know what brand of pants he was wearing during that sudden villain attack seven years ago bakugou please stop
yaoyorozu has completely lost her temper exactly one time. no one knows exactly what happened, but apparently endeavor was involved and the conflict ended with yaoyorozu pulling a ghost pepper from her purse and unflinchingly biting into it while looking him directly in the eye.
jirou has pulled the “what’s new pussycat”/“it’s not unusual” prank on literally every other class in the heroics department, gen ed department, and management department. only one class in the support department has been left unpranked, presumably because hatsume is jirou’s partner in crime
hagakure has started a blog documenting the Weird Shit™ that class 1-a gets up to. it’s incredibly popular, and there are several betting pools and polls, including - but not limited to - the “will bakugou katsuki graduate without committing homicide” poll, the “is kirishima eijirou too pure to be real” poll, and the “how long until someone from 1-a murders monoma neito and if/when that happens will it be bakugou katsuki” poll.
toogata, amajiki, and hadou visit 1-a all the time. like, 1-a comes back from training, and the big three are just sitting there, eating doritos.
shinsou likes leaving vaguely threatening notes on random appliances. at least two people in the gen ed department are convinced that the toaster is sentient and it’s coming for their souls.
kendou and sero become friends. no one knows how, why, when, or where, but it happened. they’re not like besties or anything, but they randomly high five in the hallway and for some reason they’re on a first name basis
tokoyami reads dark shadow bedtime stories. he still sleeps with a nightlight for safety reasons, but everyone is safer if dark shadow has gotten its bedtime story.
for some reason, tsuburaba really likes using his quirk to make people walk into invisible walls. kaminari is a frequent target. tsuburaba’s ultimate goal is to get hagakure, but he’s yet to succeed.
aoyama will cover literally anything with glitter. literally. anything. fortunately for everyone, he does have access to edible glitter, so food is safe, for the most part.
yanagi has the uncanny ability to photobomb everyone. you can take a picture halfway across the school and she’ll somehow still show up somewhere in the background.
asui is prohibited from using a trampoline. never again.
one day, the entire class snuck into iida’s room and “borrowed” one pair of glasses each. it took him exactly two and a half hours to figure it out.
shiozaki is totally calm and patient like 99.999999% of the time but she’s heard enough poison ivy and/or that chick from sky high jokes to last a lifetime so Stop
tsunotori and rin are Ultra Bros™, even though it’s hard for them to communicate, since japanese is a second language for both of them
kuroiro is almost as much of an edgelord as tokoyami
while ashido spends a lot of time with the girls, she’s still a member of the “bakusquad” (which she named, although bakugo denies it’s existence)
shouji has a decent singing voice. he can also harmonize with himself.
no one is sure whether bakugou and uraraka hate each other or just have an extremely aggressive friendship (that’s true for most relationships with bakugou, but it’s generally not two-sided)
the 1-a kids are fairly certain their dorm is haunted, possibly by a relative of midoriya’s, because they keep seeing someone who seems to resemble midoriya inko, even when inko is nowhere near. they don’t mention it to all might anymore, because he looked kinda sad when they first brought it up
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thelreads · 6 years
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Oh god, Cyborg-girl approached him finally. Like a predator hunting, she stalked her prey and now it’s the moment to strike. She already said she wanted to show off her inventions to the big shoots of the support industry watching the competition, so of course she would go for the guy that is the focus of the event.
That means she doesn’t exactly care about wining this event, she just wants to put on her best performance. Winning is just a possible outcome in her opinion, one that doesn’t even sit in the top 10 to be honest.
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Cyborg-girl, also know as Mei Hatsume. Good, Mei is kinda easier to write than the nickname  I was using.
And it seems I was spot-on on her intentions with Midoriya. She wants the attention, she wants people to notice her potential in the support department, but that doesn’t means she wont offer something to table in return.
An inventor like her must have all sort of useful gadgets up her sleeve, and like Momo on Team-doroki, she is jack-of-all-trades of the group.
There’s no way Midoriya will turn you down Mei, so I’ll already do the honors: Welcome aboard, you crazy genius with no apparent sense of personal space.
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