#he aint heavy he’s my brother
spn2006 · 9 months
the choice to have deans sweet nerdy baby brother played by an actor who is taller and more physically intimidating than him actually makes me so emotional. because its like oh that 6’5” man with a deep voice and a haunted look in his eyes? that’s the baby boy who dean grew up always needing to protect, whether its from bullies, monsters, or their own father. sweet baby sam who dean carried out in his arms from the house fire, who used to fall asleep with his head on deans chest before dean picked him up and carried him to bed at whatever motel they were holed up in for the week. and now that boy’s all grown up and bigger than him and dean couldn’t carry him if he tried but still he tries and tries and tries
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ky-landfill · 1 year
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deansrainbow · 1 month
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If this song isn't about sam and dean then I don't know. I feel like they missed the opportunity to play a video edit at sdcc 2019 as special way to say thank you for everything. & "while we're on the way to there, why not share" then shows all the friends they've made along the way .
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myimaginaryradio · 3 months
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother - The Hollies - 1969
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everythingsinred · 11 months
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will i get over it? mmmmm........ No. but life goes on..... not for me.
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chalkysgarbagefire · 1 year
He Ain’t Heavy - 1981//15
They settled into a new normal.
Eddie went to school (with much protesting), and Wayne worked the third shift at the plant. It was a hard adjustment at first, but the pay bump certainly made things easier. Besides, he was never one for sleeping anyways. The change made it so he could be there to wake his nephew up, drag his ass to school, attend different CPS appointments, and if he was lucky, catch a few winks before picking Eddie up.
All in all, it made one thing certain: he’d be able to be there when Eddie needed him and keep food on the table.
At least he could say Eddie was coming into his own, like a stubborn root poking through a crack in the concrete. Not blossoming, but fighting tooth and nail to be there all the same. The kid seemed to split his time either holed up in his room, or holed up at the houses of some other misfits from school. It was good to see him around kids his own age, and they didn’t seem like bad apples either. Different, maybe, but not bad (Wayne remembered how he was at that age).
Despite their misaligned schedules, Eddie never seemed to stray far from the trailer on Wayne’s nights off. They found themselves on the porch on one of those rare evenings, soaking in the sounds of the trailer park in the chilly spring air. It was hardly ever quiet with life happening all around them. There was a soft melody drifting in from someone’s radio, dogs barking from somewhere off in the distance, a mother’s harried call for dinner, a child’s laugh.
Eddie hummed idly to himself, feet propped up on a spare lawn chair as he plucked the strings of his old guitar. It was an aimless sort of play, simply giving his restless fingers something to do versus plucking out a particular tune. They’d finally put in enough elbow grease to fix the black acoustic. She would never be without her bumps and bruises, but she was cherished all the same.
Wayne didn’t pay him much mind--his thoughts were elsewhere. It wasn’t often, but there were times when the past would reach up, sink its claws in, and unearth old memories. When those black moods would roll in, he felt every bit the sentimental old man he’d become.
Sometimes it was as simple as finding his old dog tags, plastic casings yellowed with age, that was enough to darken his thoughts. They reminded him of his father, how he died for his country not in a day, but little by little over the years. Other memories haunted him, too. Flashes of forgotten young men in the jungle, fighting a war that wasn’t theirs, uniforms forgotten in the dark as they cried for their mothers. Most days they were just a memento of years gone by, forgotten until the next spring cleaning.
Anniversaries and milestones didn’t bother him so much--he expected the despair to creep in on those sanctioned days. It was those little niggling thoughts that kept him up that were harder to contend with. Usually he’d shake it off best he could, but nights like tonight?
A glass of whiskey, a smoke, and time with his thoughts were the only reprieve.
“I won’t be much company tonight, I’m afraid.” Wayne puffed on his cigarette, eyes trained on the horizon. Dusk was falling, as were the temperatures.
“Not sure what you’re on about, I’m just here to play guitar, man.” Eddie wiggled his fingers as if to emphasize his point. The grin on his face though, gave away the fact he knew exactly what he was doing.
Wayne snorted, shaking his head. “If you want to keep an old man company, that’s your business.”
“Pshh. You’re not old, Wayne. You’re just entering your silver fox era. I’ve seen Ms. McCluskey eyeballing you--better be careful, old girl might hunt you down with her walker.”
He let out a startled laugh, which of course, earned him a toothy smile in response. Kid always had some smart-assed comment ready to go. Eddie was definitely a teenager, and his brain-to-mouth filter hadn’t developed yet. In truth, he wasn’t sure it was ever going to develop, and he would be stuck with a mouthy teenager who was too smart for his own good.
There were worse things in life.
Only problem about being clever is that it also attracted trouble, and Wayne knew a thing or two about trouble. Didn’t help that Eddie shared a name with it, either.
He managed to split his memories of his brother into two neat categories: before Eddie and after Eddie. Unfortunately, what he felt about said memories weren’t as cut and dry. There was just as much love wrapped up in his pain and the two were indistinguishable at this point.
That was just how things were for Munsons, though. Shit was never easy.
His thoughts drifted back to a one bedroom house in Kentucky that was often frigid in the winters, boiling in the summers, and claustrophobic year round: his childhood home. The bedroom was reserved for his parents, but also doubled as a nursery (and on one occasion a mausoleum for a baby girl. He’d never know who Wanita could have been). The pull out couch was reserved for him and Edward--his brother swore up and down that the springs in the mattress had caused his chronic back-problems. Somehow Wayne turned out fine.
“Whatcha readin’ there?” Wayne asked around a mouthful of pins. He knew keeping the sewing needles in his mouth was a bad habit, but swallowing them seemed a kinder alternative than accidentally dropping one. Edward slept on the pullout too; he’d rather not chance the boy getting stuck with one.
 The little boy across from him gave a dramatic sigh. “See Spot Run. At least, I’m trying. It’s boring as fuck.”
The pins were removed from his mouth solely so he could scold his brother. “Edward Munson, do not say ‘fuck’.” He stuck them in the pants he was mending--he could tell the kid was in the mood to talk.   
“You and dad say it all the time!” He hissed back, narrowing his eyes.
“That’s different--and keep it down, mom is trying to sleep.” The needle punched through the denim with familiar ease. He’d worn these pants when he was Edward’s age, and they were beginning to show their years. Hopefully the patch would help keep them long enough until he could grow into Wayne’s clothes. The patch he was sewing would at least add a little extra material--the denim was practically soft with how thin it had become.
“How?!” He sat up quickly, full on pouting with his arms crossed.
 “I’m older than you, that’s why.” Wayne tried to bite back a smile--it was hard to take the little boy seriously sometimes. Still, he shushed him again, “Seriously though, keep it down. Mom needs her rest--she had a bad spell.”
 The answer, as Wayne predicted, was unsatisfactory. “Not by that much…You’re…” He trailed up, bringing his fingers up to count. “You’re…thirteen, I’m six so that means…”
 This time, he didn’t try to hold his grin. Didn’t help him either though--kid had to learn.
 “Seven! Seven years older.” He returned Wayne’s toothy grin with his own gap toothed smile. His cheer didn’t last though. It never did. “Why is mom always sleeping?”  
“She’s really sick.” He tried to smile, but he knew it was hollow. Mom was sick--that’s the only explanation he ever got. Never why, or with what, just ‘mommy needs her rest’. Whatever it was, it made her sad--so sad she cried at night, and hardly left her room.
 “Is she gonna die?” Edward’s voice was small.
Wayne reached across, and pulled his brother into a tight hug. “Mom isn’t going to die. Don’t say shit like that.” He maneuvered the six year old into his lap, “Besides, who’d make you breakfast in the morning?”
 Edward pulled back, brow pinched in confusion. “But you do that.”
 He swallowed nervously. Their mom was never awake by the time they needed to walk to school, but he wanted to…wanted to do something to make it seem like she was more involved in their lives. He’d gotten her tired smiles growing up, and her bell-like laugh. His brother had gotten none of that, and he knew how important family was, and…
 “No. Mom does that. I just help her out sometimes.” It was a weak response, and they both knew it.
 That only seemed to confuse the younger boy more, and he opened his mouth to argue.
  “Hey, why don’t you read me your stupid book, huh? Mending your pants is a snooze-fest. At least this way we can be bored together.”
 A distraction always worked. Soon, Edward was all smiles again, and tucked his head into his brother's shoulder with the dog-eared book propped up on his knees. He cleared his throat, whispering the title with awe, like he was about to start an epic story. “See Spot Run.”
They ended up waking their mother up with their laughter, but it was worth it.
Those memories were bittersweet now, tinged with regret and the thoughts of what could have been. He didn’t know when it started, the rift between him and Edward. Perhaps it was always there, just two boys destined to mirror one another in a pantomime of polarity. Hindsight always bore the gift of clarity.
The years went by and Wayne slipped away, little by little. It started with the odd jobs that became real jobs that kept him out too late, but the family wallet a little thicker. Then as he grew older, his seat in the classroom remained vacant, and somewhere in the shuffle his brother had gotten lost.
By the time Wayne was seventeen, the hubris of youth had taken root. The money he was making was good enough to buy his own set of wheels, and if he played his cards right, his ticket to freedom. He thought he was grown, and determined to put that little one bedroom house in his rearview mirror. No more playing parent, no more responsibility--just his own money and his own life.
Looking back, he understood that impulse to run, but he’d never regretted anything more in his life. Had he just been present and maybe a little less focused on girls and partying, he would have been a better role model.
A better brother.
They pulled up to the house, windows dark and shuttered. 
“You know, nobody’s home.” The words were pressed into his date’s cheek, the smell of her flowery perfume clouding his thoughts. Couldn’t remember her name for the life of him, but he didn’t need to. She wanted him, and he wanted her--what more did he need to know?
She giggled, pushing him away. “I can’t imagine what we’d get up to.” There was a smile hidden behind her hand, batting her long eyelashes at him.
“I’m sure we can figure something out.” He grinned back at her--he’d been told his smile was charming. He was already turning off the ignition, and reaching across the console for another kiss.
The lights in the house flipped on.  
“I thought you said nobody would be home.” The honeyed tone was gone, replaced with wide eyes and trepidation.
  “There shouldn’t be.” His dad worked the night shift, and fuck knows where his mom was these days. Which only could only mean…
 He dropped his head against the steering wheel. “Shit. My kid brother.”
 Mirabelle--that was her name--had started to button up her blouse self-consciously. “O-Oh. Well. Maybe…Maybe we should call it a night then?”
 Wayne Munson was not about to be cock-blocked by a shitty ten year old. He covered her hand with his own, before reaching up and pushing a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. “We can do that, if you want.” He wet his lips, eyes flicking down to meet hers. Do you want that?”
 She swallowed, and locked eyes with him, and leaned over to whisper in his ear. “No.”
That was all the confirmation he needed. He leaned over and placed a kiss on her cheek, pulling back with a smile. She returned it, and he ran a thumb along her lower lip. “Then keep that smile for me, sweetheart. I’ll be just a minute.”
He was a man on a mission now, leaving the car behind.
 Edward was opening the screen door, rubbing his eyes and squinting at the headlights. “Wayne? You were supposed to be home to cook me dinner…”
 Wayne knelt down in front of him, “I know--Listen, I have a pretty lady who wants to take a tour of the house. Think you can make yourself scarce for a bit?”
 Edward’s eyes darkened, “No! You’re never here anymore, and I’m not going to sit outside while you like, kiss or whatever!” His voice carried in the night air, and Wayne quickly threw a hand over his mouth to shush him.
 “This is so uncool, what the fuck, Edward?” He hissed back, narrowing his eyes.
 The kid threw his glare right back at him, and licked his palm.
Wayne’s hand flew back like he’d been burned. “Fine, I’ll make you some fucking dinner, Jesus Christ.” He stomped away from him, shoving his fists into the pockets of his leather jacket.
 He threw the car door open, and slammed it shut just as hard. “Change of plans. Brat still needs to be babysat, apparently.” He tried popping his neck from side to side, avoiding the small shadow sitting expectantly on the front porch steps.  
“Oh.” She gave a small frown, “Well that’s…sweet of you.” A new smile took residence on her face, but it wasn’t a flirtatious one: it was pitying. Yep, he was definitely not getting laid tonight, or ever, not by Mirabelle at least.  
“Yeah, that’s me, big ol’ sweetheart.” It came out flat, and he turned the key in the ignition, engine roaring to life. “Let’s get you home.”
Turns out his brother had learned a lot more from Wayne than he thought. Kids were spongey--they soaked up everything whether you wanted them to or not. It became less about the lessons on how to tie his shoes and make his own meals, and more about the unspoken rules of how to be a man and an adult. Between their father and Wayne’s absenteeism, Edward cobbled together how to sneak into bars, pick up chicks, and how to finish his own fights. By the time Edward’s own teenage years rolled around, he was on a first name basis with every authority figure in a five mile radius.
It’s funny how the more things changed, the more they remained the same: Wayne was still taking care of a kid that wasn’t his with one bedroom between the two (no little house in Kentucky this time, though).
Somehow he’d even managed to sleep on a pull out couch again.
This time though, things would be different. He wouldn’t let Eddie become another Munson fuckup.
Wayne cleared his throat, trying to grab his nephew’s attention. “Since you’ve got so much time on your hands, why don’t you play us some Johnny Cash, hm?”
Eddie rolled his eyes, “Always the Man in Black.” Despite his grousing, it came with a playful smile. Before long the discordantly cheerful twang of ‘Folsom Prison Blues’ became the backdrop of Wayne’s musings.
He couldn’t help but shake his head and smile into his whiskey, though it was a sad and bitter one. Eddie had no idea how appropriate his song choice had been.
This time, he knew exactly what was to blame for his maudlin thoughts: a phone call.
 ‘Would you like to collect this call?’ The tinny voice crackled in his ears--he didn’t need to be told who was on the line; he already knew.
  Against his better judgment, he accepted the call.
 “How’d you get this number?”
 There was a resigned laugh on the other end. “Haven’t changed a bit…Kinda hopin’ you had.” A pause, “Social worker. You’re a hard man to find, Wayne.”
 Wayne hummed in understanding--it hard to get a guardianship without the parents involved somehow. “I like my solitude.” It was also intentional, but he didn’t feel the need to point that out.
 It had been years since he’d heard his brother’s voice, but he recognized it all the same. There were cracks in it, like asphalt on a hot summer day, tinged with the boyishness of a forgotten childhood. Bikes and skinned knees. It was like coming home to a vacant house.
 It hurt.  
“What do you want, Edward?” It came out softer than he’d wanted, but Wayne always had a soft spot for his little brother.  
“A lot of things.” A swallow, “Drugs. Money. Freedom. Forgiveness.” There was a longer pause, “My brother.”
 He noted the order of things and the glaring hole in the list. “But not your kid, huh?”  
“Junior’s better off without me.”
 He wasn’t about to fight him on that, not when it was true.  
“I was hopin’ he’d go to you, even if you did do a shit job with me. But you ain’t gotta raise him, just keep him clothed and fed.”
Wayne bit his tongue--he didn’t have to raise his kid-brother either, but he did. He still fucking did, because that’s just what you do.
But he didn’t have to rise to the bait, no matter how true it may have been.
“Eddie.” He cleared his throat, “He goes by Eddie. Not Edward. Not junior.”
“That so? Guess he didn’t want to be like his old man.”
 God, he hoped not. He was doing everything in his power to keep Eddie from that.
“Doesn’t matter, not why I called. Just…wanted to say thanks. For keepin’ my boy. You keep him in line, and don’t let him give you no lip.”
He thought back to their first days together--him and Eddie. Carefully orbiting one another, watching one another like fighters in the ring. Who’d take the first punch?
 In the end, neither of them had: it was a stupid coffee cup. Eddie had it in his hands, touches always feather light, like he was afraid he’d break it. Ironically, it was that carefulness that led to a broken mug on their floor. It was an accident--had slipped out of Eddie’s soapy grip. Just a shitty gas station mug. Nothing memorable.
 Nothing like the horror on his nephew’s face.
 “Wayne, it was an accident, you gotta believe me--you gotta---” His hands were fisted in his shirt, frozen, right before they flew to retrieve the broken ceramic pieces. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry--” Red dotted the shards as he tried to pick them up.
 Instincts and adrenaline took over, and he was across the room in seconds, grasping Eddie’s hands within his own. “You’re okay, Eddie.”
 The touch seemed to ground him, but his hands still shook. “I’m sorry, Uncle Wayne.”  
“I care a lot more about you gettin’ hurt than a mug I didn’t even like.” He lifted the boy to his feet, gesturing to the bathroom. “Let’s get you fixed up.”
 It was for that reason alone, Wayne felt himself grit out, “Don’t call back” before slamming the phone down on the receiver.
  He never did tell Eddie about the call. He wanted his nephew to feel safe where he was without the specter of his father lingering over them both.
A familiar tune tugged him back into consciousness and out of the recesses of his memory. He lifted his head up, “Since when did you learn to play the Hollies?”
Eddie’s playing halted as he shrugged his shoulders. “Just kinda picked it up. No biggie.” He flexed his fingers a moment--they were red from the cold. He insisted on wearing a pair of old gloves that he’d clipped the tips off of--said it was the closest thing to a compromise on keeping his hands warm, but still being able to pluck at the strings.
Wayne shook his head with a smile, running his thumbs along the mug in his hands. It was a replacement for the one he’d broken though much improved: the glaringly cheerful text of ‘WELCOME TO HAWKINS’ had been crossed out with a sloppy scrawl ‘WELCOME TO BUMFUCK NOWHERE’. He’d never felt particularly welcome in Hawkins to begin with.
“What about Dolly Parton? You pick any of her stuff up?”
Eddie huffed out a laugh, “I know not to take her man, if that’s what you mean.” Sure enough, ‘He Ain't Heavy’ melted into the heartbroken classic of ‘Jolene’.
Wayne couldn’t help but huff out a laugh at that--kid was clever.
Eddie’s finger slipped, causing a screech of discordant strings.
Wayne whipped his head over at him, raising his eyebrows in an unspoken ‘you good?’. His nephew was talented,  well on his way to being skilled, but it wasn’t normal for him to flub like that.
Eddie shrugged, ‘what can you do?’. He was back to playing, but his hands trembled and his smile was plastic. Then the music abruptly stopped. “Not that I’d…y’know, steal her man. I’m not...‘that way’. Obviously.”
That gave Wayne pause. “Didn’t think you were.” He cocked an eyebrow, watching his nephew fidget in his seat. Odd that he felt the need to clarify in the first place--was this another thing his brother hammered into him?
“Do…you remember when I first came here?” The music had stopped completely, Eddie resting his hands over the acoustic. Nervous fingers tapped a quiet rhythm along her black frame. “How I had that buzzcut?” As if on cue, he moved a hand to his hair. A year had prompted a lot of growth--the dark curls hovered just above his shoulders.
“Made your ears look like Dumbo, yep.” Wayne nodded along, setting the empty mug down on the porch (and a safe distance away from the two of them--he didn’t want a third replacement).
Eddie gave a bark of startled laughter, “I know, right? It was so bad.” The easy smile faded as quickly as it came. “It wasn’t my choice. My old man…”
Just the mere mention of him caused his shoulders to slump and his to dim. Eddie never called him ‘dad’--he hadn’t earned that title, in Wayne’s eyes.
“He cut it saying it would make me look less like a fag.” He scrubbed a hand through his hair again self-consciously.
An uncharacteristic lull fell between the two of them. There’s something big here, and he has a creeping suspicion he’s missed something important. The longer he takes to reply though, the more heavily Eddie’s gaze weighs on him.
He’d figure out where this piece of the puzzle went later. “My brother is a goddamn idiot. Keep the hair, kid.” To emphasize his point, he reached over and ruffled the boy’s hair.
Eddie squawked at that, playfully shoving him away, but there was still a small unhappy twist to his expression.
It was quiet, a reflexive comment and less like actual conversation, but Wayne heard it all the same: “A goddamn perceptive idiot.” Did he hear that right? He knitted his brows together, “Come again, kid?”
“Just saying he didn’t like me looking like David Bowie or some shit. Don’t worry about it.” He gave a shrug, but his eyes were too sharp, too wary to sell the air of nonchalance he was going for.
“That a rock star you like or somethin’?”
A quiet laugh. “Something like that.” Another pause, “That’s…not going to be a problem, is it? Liking David Bowie or Robert Halford?”
“Considering I have no idea who those folks are? Not one bit. Just don’t hog the bathroom and we’re good.”
“I’ll leave you enough time to do your hair in the morning, scouts honor.” He batted his eyes for effect, which caused Eddie to laugh at his own antics. “Can’t have you looking all scruffy for McCluskey, after all.”
Whatever door of opportunity had opened had promptly hit his ass on his way out, because Eddie had already moved on. “I don’t know how you two can be related. You’re nothing like him.”
Now if that wasn’t the biggest kick in the teeth? “I wouldn’t say that. We both got our daddy’s temper. Mine just got tempered, and his didn’t.”
Silence fell between them, but it wasn’t comfortable. It was contemplative and heavy with bad memories.
“Sometimes I think I hate him.” Eddie took a shuddering breath, mouth set in firm line.
Wayne said nothing--couldn’t bring himself to. In his heart of hearts, he knew he did too.
“Is it weird if I love him too?” He had Eddie’s full attention now, dark eyes weighing heavily on him.
In truth, Wayne didn’t have the answers. He was doing good to put one foot in front of the other, every day. He didn’t know how to even begin untangling the massive ball of hurt knotted in his chest, much less help someone else with theirs.
Yet here they were. Two people haunted by the same person, this shared trauma that bonded them together. He wanted more for Eddie than whatever this was.
It was as good a time as any to start the healing process. So Wayne took a deep breath, buying himself a few crucial seconds before he spoke, “Sometimes love is so wrapped up with the hurt we can’t tell the difference.”
He pointed the stub of his cigarette at Eddie, “Let me be clear about this though: my brother is an asshole.”
The declaration made Eddie’s eyes as round as saucers, but Wayne kept going. He had more to say, and he was going to make it count.
They hadn’t talked about it, what Eddie’s life was like before. Hadn’t been a real reason to, in Wayne’s mind. He was able to pick up enough--something would happen, and he would adjust accordingly. The social workers had told him not to pry and not to push, but maybe it would do the boy some good to talk. If not to him, at least to someone.
Maybe they could start here.
Eddie had a white knuckle grip on the neck of his guitar, stone still for the first time in his life.
“You got the Munson gene, but you ain’t your daddy. You ain't me either, thank God. You go be yourself, Eddie.”
“...I think that’s the most you’ve ever said to me in one sitting, Wayne.” His lips were bitten into the ghost of a smile, his voice tinged with humor and emotion.
Of course that’s what he’d take away from it. Wayne snorted, shaking his head with terrible fondness. “It’s the first time I’ve been able to get a word in.”
“Hey, someone has to carry the conversation.”
He chuckled to himself, “More like a monologue.”
Eddie almost threw himself out of the chair, clutching at his heart dramatically. “You wound me, good sir!” He hopped up to his feet with a newfound energy. “Want me to take your cup to the kitchen?”
He didn’t wait for Wayne’s response before dipping down and snatching it. He quickly wrinkled his face, “...Were you drinking whiskey out of a coffee cup?”
Wayne shrugged. “A cup’s a cup.”
“And I’m the freak.” Eddie snorted, shaking his head fondly. “Want me to grab anything else?”
“I’m good. When you come back, let me hear what you’ve been workin’ on.” Call him sentimental, but he wanted to keep the moment as long as he could. Kids grow up so fast.
His jaw dropped, “You want to hear a Scorpion’s song? You hear that shit all the time though.”
“S’not so bad at this volume.”
“If you can’t feel it in your teeth, you aren’t doing the music justice.” Eddie shuffled in the doorway a moment, “Besides, it’d sound better on an electric. Not that there’s anything wrong with my girl, here.” He motioned to the guitar now strapped along his back.
“That so?” Wayne cocked an eyebrow up at him. It certainly hadn’t stopped him from playing all hours of the night before. “Sounds just fine to me.”
“Alright, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Prepare for the most tame concert ever.” There was pure glee in his voice as he skittered away back into the trailer with newfound enthusiasm.
The future was a fragile, tentative thing, but he wanted one for Eddie. That’s all he ever wanted for his family, and if it took a few extra shifts, and some sleepless nights to ensure that? He’d do it again and again.
The rickety lawn chair scraped across the porch as Eddie scooted in closer. “You ready for this?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be, kid.”
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myownprivatcidaho · 2 years
julian smokesgrass sounds like graffiti youd find on the btahrrom stall but he aint graffiti hes my mutual ;-;
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ventya · 2 years
Hargrove Twin AU got me fucked up emotionally. Billy having a twin (Jason) and still dying. On top of that listening to ‘He ain’t heavy he’s my brother’ thinking about how Jason would carry Billy’s body out of star court mall after screaming for Billy and then at everyone else for letting this happen. Sure they might have been identical twins but its when Jason was yelling at the adults that he got this look on his face that was so eerily identical to Billy’s to the kids and everyone else that knew Billy there.
Thinking about how he’d be filled with guilt about not noticing anything sooner and for wanting to leave Hawkins..he doesn’t leave, he stays fixes Billy’s Camaro to keep it as his own. Keeps almost all of Billy’s stuff and sleeps in his bed when he feels too alone. His personality switches and everyone notices it. He’s less nicer, keeps to himself more and he visits Billy’s grave everyday. He can’t help but take care of Susan and Max after Neil left. He drives Max to school makes sure she gets out there more and isn’t as miserable as he is. Jason doesn’t think he will ever be the same again, with Billy’s death half of his soul has died.
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miami2k17 · 1 year
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xneverleftx · 6 days
Sorry folks.
I'm going through it this month.
May is my brother's month. The brother I lost. He was born on the first day of May and died on the last.
So my depression is eating me. The inner sabatouer is convinced chapter 16 is 💩 and wrong and I may scrap all 8k words I have so far or work round it but it's gonna take longer than planned.
Please 🐻 with me and keep enjoying what I have so far.
"Fuck yeah brother FLY!" 🕊️
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libinih28 · 1 month
Malibu Rising Spoilers:
Hud taking every single one of Jay's punches and not fighting back because he knows he would win the fight and he didn't want to embarrass Jay further than he already had is so "he ain't heavy, he's my brother"
Hud is THE blueprint for how a man should take accountability for his actions no matter the consequences
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ofmusingsxandmayhem · 2 years
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wild-lavender-rose · 3 months
Pairing: Darry Curtis x fem!reader
Category: One-shot
Summary: Darry asks your abusive father for permission to marry you, a request that does not go over well. But Darry and you are determined to be together, no matter what it takes.
Warning: Verbally abusive father, drunk father, language, canon typical fighting
Prompts: This is for the @rumble-aint-a-rumble-without-me Valentine's Day event. I chose the prompts "I love you" and "I could marry you right now". Enjoy!
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"Get off of my porch and oughta my sight, you filthy little-"
"Dad?" You walked faster down your street at the sound of your father's slurred cursing, paper bags full of groceries heavy in each arm.
"Look, I'm just trying to do things the right way, she deserves the best,"
"Oh god," you broke into a run. "Dad? Darry?"
"Then why the hell you comin' here askin' for her?"
"I can take care of her a whole lot better than you can,"
You rounded the corner to see your Dad backing Darry out onto the front porch. Your father was drunk again, but then there was seldom a time where he wasn't drunk.
"I'm about to take care of you right now." Your father raised the half empty beer bottle in his fist just as you kicked open the broken metal gate guarding the overgrown lawn to you and your father's dilapidated house.
"Dad, stop!" You dropped the groceries without thinking, running up the creaky porch steps to stand between him and Darry.
"Baby," Darry's tone softened.
"I told you not to bother with askin," you looked over your shoulder at him, noting how he had gotten dressed up for the occasion.
"There is no way in hell that I'll ever let you marry him." Your dad waved his beer bottle at you. "Now get in the house."
"No, Dad." You shook your head even as your insides trembled. "Darry and I have a plan, we've had it for a while. We're getting married."
"You are not! I won't let you!"
"I don't need your permission, Dad, I'm leaving."
"What the," your father spluttered. "If you leave I'll call the police and have him and his brothers arrested."
"For what? Taking care of your daughter?" Darry took a step closer, his chest pressing against your back. "I love her, sir. I love her and I'm gonna take care of her."
# # # # #
"He said what?!" Ponyboy burst out laughing as he flopped on the couch next to Sodapop. "Our Darry?"
"This stays in the family, all right?" Darry reached out for you as you came from the kitchen to the living room where the brothers all sat, tugging you easily into his lap. "Not a word about it to any of the others."
"We wouldn't want anyone else to know he's a softie." You grinned as you settled against him, draping your arms around his shoulders with your legs pulled into his lap.
Darry rolled his eyes but didn't bother to hide his smile. "I could marry you right now." He bumped his nose against yours.
"Can't wait three more days?" You nuzzled right back. "I don't mind sleeping on the couch until then."
"Let Ponyboy take the couch, he don't mind," Sodapop nudged Ponyboy who nodded willingly.
"I love you." Darry said.
You blinked, surprised that he said it in front of his brothers. "I love you too."
"What do you say we go wake up the justice of the peace now and have ourselves a wedding?"
You laughed. You should have known something like this was going to happen. A midnight wedding seemed the perfect start to the crazy life you and Darry were going to make together.
"Of course, babe. I'd love that."
"Happy Valentine's Day, baby. I love you."
"Happy Valentine's Day, Dare."
Fanfic Masterlist
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myimaginaryradio · 7 months
He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother - The Hollies - 1969
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malertop · 11 days
Steve Rogers x TonyStarkSon!Male Reader
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Gif is not mine!
Genre: Smut
Warnings?: bad bad bad writing,since english aint my first language and this is like my fourth or fifth fanfiction the writing may or just isn't the best..or great!,please forgive me if it's just BAD.
"Are you sure you're ready for this Y/N?" Tony Stark asked.Tony Stark was and is known as the one and only Iron Man but also as a highly intelligent playboy who is also a billionaire man."Yes dad,can you calm down now and just trust me!" Y/N said.Y/N Stark is the son of Tony Stark and the big brother of their second child named Morgan Stark.Y/N Stark is a smart guy just like his father,but one thing that made him special is that he was gifted with powerful magic,and because he was ready to do anything to save people.Y/N magic was something powerful,so of course he had to join the Avengers but what happened is that he got a super big crush on the leader of the Avengers who is also known as the one and only Captain America a.k.a Steve Rogers."Oh c'mon,this is dangerous and you're just a kid,MY KID.I am sorry that I am worried for my son's safety!" Tony said dramatically again,scared and worried for his son's first actual dangerous mission "Dad oh my god don't worry I am going to be just fine!" Y/N insisted,he tried telling his dad for the 50x time probably already that he is going to be okay "Okay no,I am done!" Tony said as he put his hands in the air "What do you mean now?" Y/N said as he rolled his eyes as he sighted "I am sending Steve with you so he can watch you." Tony said with a serious voice and face "...I AM NOT A KID!" Y/N said as he yelled "ohmygodohmygodohmygod!" Y/N yelled in his mind "GOD PLEASE TELL ME HE IS JOKING!PLEASE PLEASE DAD TELL ME YOUR JOKING,I CAN'T BE WITH HIM ALONE" "Oh you are a kid kiddo,you're my kid and i don't want anything bad to happen to you." Tony said as he pointed at me as I just gave up.As I looked up I saw him starting to walk towards the door "Where are you going?" Y/N asked him as Tony turned to face the kid "Where else do you think?,You know what just stay here and wait." Tony said as he opened the door and then left.After 20 minutes Tony came back but with someone Y/N didn't exactly expected to see right at the moment "Okay Steve are you sure your fine with going with him?" Tony said before entering the door,with Steve next to him "I got no problem with that,and we can get along kind of more" Steve said with a smile "Are you saying you want to be friends with my son?" Tony asked as he pointed at Steve "what wait n-" as Steve started to panic Tony interrupted him "just kidding,I don't care" Tony said as he opened the door and let himself and Captain America enter where they saw Y/N already sleeping on his chair since as a hero he didn't had much time to sleep.
"Okay I am going to take a shower..." Steve said quietly as he put you in a bed "this kid is really heavy,I am really swea-" but as Steve was staying he noticed something that caught his eyes immediately,his eyes winded as he saw Y/N's bulge through his pants,he started to slowly move his hands towards Y/N's bulge as you were sleeping,just wanting to feel it but stopped himself and instantly backed away "okay Steve...just go to the shower." he said quietly as blush appeared on his face,he instantly rushed towards the bathroom leaving Y/N's unconscious body on the bed.
"ugh" Y/N mumbled as he started to open his eyes.Seeing the light hurted his eyes for a bit but then his eyes got used to the lights,he got up and started looking at the room wondering where he is "where am I?..." Y/N said confused as he started walking but then bumped into a person "Oh your awake kid?" Steve said as he stood In front of Y/N,his perfect body still being wet and dripping some water,his big pecs which are better than any tits,his abs,his muscular arms,and the towel that was the problem right now because it was the only thing he was wearing."Oh-I-" "oh my god oh my god,please please stop i am going to get hard" Y/N stood there with blush on his face,frozen and not being able to say anything while standing in front of the muscular adult "M/N?...are you okay?" Steve asked as he put his hand on Y/N's shoulder,Y/N turned his head looking down and seeing he is starting to get turned on,Steve noticed Y/N looking down and he decided to see what he was looking at,he slowly turned his head down just to see Y/N's cock jumping and twitching through his pants,he instantly turned his head up and saw Y/N looking at him "...Did I make this?" Steve asked as he touched the bulge which made Y/N flinch for a second.
Steve looked at the shorter young boy who was blushing and all shy,Y/N couldn't move or do anything,and Steve couldn't risk what he desired,to get dumb fucked by the boy.Steve started to stroke the cock through the boy pants as he kept looking at him "tell me Y/N..do you want to have some fun,since some people think i am boring..but i can make real fun~" Steve said with a seductive voice as he kneeled down to the floor,seeing the boy face clearly made him even more turned on by the situation that he and the boy was in right now."W-What kind of fun?.." Y/N said stuttering while watching the older men that was on the floor stroking his dick through the pants,"oh you will see~" Steve said and instantly took down the pants revealing Y/N's big cock,the guy didn't even wait a second and took the dick inside his mouth,making himself already gag on it.Y/N moaned from the unexpected move Steve made as Steve started to give the shorter guy a blowjob.A gag after another fag followed from the older guy and moan and moan from the younger guy,Y/N couldn't help it but grab Steve's hair and push himself deep inside of his throat making the older men choke,Steve rolled his eyes as saliva was all around Y/N's cock.Y/N throw Steve to the ground as Steve began breathing for air,Y/N grabbed him by the hair and threw him on the bed as the towel fell."So Captain was a little bitch huh..then let me handle you like one~" Y/N said as he grabbed Steve's legs and pulled them towards him,splitting them apart wide open and looking at the breathing shaved white soft hole "W-Wait M/N it may not fit without prep-" "Don't worry Steve..your saliva made my cock wet enough to be used as a lube~" as Y/N said that he spit in his hand and brought it towards Steve's hole,he felt the soft skin of the older male turning him on even more as he couldn't wait anymore.
*slap* a slap was heard,Y/N slapped his hole teasing the older men with his dick as he watched the expression "Please M/N..just put inside of me already!~" Steve begged as he couldn't wait anymore,Steve was needy and that was well known for anyone now."What if it doesn't fit,Captain?" Y/N teased "then either we or I will make it fit" Steve teased back as he made Y/N blush,after hearing those words Y/N instantly put his whole cock inside of Steve's hole which made his eyes go wide open as he moaned by the unexpected move.Steve became a mess as Y/N thrusted more and more "Oh yeeeessss!" Steve said as he moaned "Destroy my hole M/!N,~~" Steve moaned as his hole was getting destroyed "Fuckkking god!~~~" Steve cursed out of enjoyment "What happened Captain,i thought we should watch our language and not curse?" Y/N teased as he continued to thrust every second,his balls hitting Steve's ass,his cock being buried inside of his whore hole "T-The language doesn't matter n-now~~" Steve said with cracks in his voice,Y/N started thrusting faster as Steve act like himself anymore "you like that Captain,making you my little bitch?" Y/N teased with a smirk as the slaps could be heard from miles away "yeeeeeesss~~" Steve said as his eyes rolled back which suprised Y/N making him stop for a second "wait why...why did you stop?" Steve asked as his eyes we're making eye contact with Y/N "i-" "Please M/N don't stop,look what you did to me already~" Steve cut Y/N off,as he finishes his sentence Y/N looked down at his hole and for a second pulled out revealing the wrecked hole of the older man "see..so-so don't stop!~" Steve said with smile and the next second his eyes rolled "Fuck yeah that pussy!" Y/N said as he shove his whole cock inside of Steve's hole and began thrusting again but faster than ever,slaps could be heard miles away as they were made every 1 second "FUCK M/N DESTROY MY LITTLE PUSSY~!!" Steve loudly moaned as he put his hands on Y/N's back "DESTROY MY PUSSY M/N,OWN IT,MAKE ME NOTHING BUT A MESS!" Steve continued as Y/N started to feel himself getting close "PLEASE M/N JUST MAKE ME YOUR BITCH AND OWN ME ALREADY,JUST DESTROY MY LITTLE CUNT AND O-OH-OHH FUCKK~!" Steve finished his sentence with eye rolling again as Y/N hit his spot "RIGHT THERE!,RIGHT THERE M/N! GAPE MY PROSTATE AND MAKE ME YOUR TOY~!" Steve moaned "fuck S-Steve..I..I am feeling really close~" "CUM INSIDE ME M/N!,PLEASE FILL THE INSIDES OF MY PUSSY~!" as Steve finished his begging that made Y/N completely out of control "fuck you pussy is sucking my dick S-So bad!~" Y/N said as he did his final thrust,cum started filling up Steve's soft wrecked hole.
"I am so proud of you son" Tony said as he hugged Y/N who of course hugged back,after like 1 minute Tony finally pulled back and looked at Y/N "you grow up so fast,just like how fast you were able to defeat them" Tony smiled "Dad c'mon!,I ain't a baby" "well in my heart you will always be a baby" Tony said as Y/N chuckled "Now you can go,I have to take a call" Tony said as he started walking towards his desk,while Y/N out of the door,he came to his room and as Y/N opened the door and entered,closing it and as he turned around he was stunned "Hello Y/N" Steve said as he came closer to younger guy,Steve was wearing nothing but a towel,he dropped the towel as he revealed himself wearing Captain America jockstrap "you dealt so good with the villains that I think you deserve an award" Steve said with a smirk on his as Y/N looked at him.
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drawlody · 30 days
My list of Adam ships♡ n my opinion bout them (also fics rec :D)
Adam x Luicfer (Adamsapple/Duitarduck) 10/10
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Need i say more:)))??!?! started out as a "haha funny slip-up ship" to "hey they got really good angst potential". The friends/lovers to enemies to lovers is STRONG with this one n i am eating up everything i could found on ao3. Smth bout this macho-ass man finally getting to stay back n not take charge for once feel nice, also princess Adam supermacy wooooo. Whoever came up with the ship name i applaud u cause that's like a 3 layers name(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
It's not an Adamsapple fic without Adam having at least 1 mental breakdown n Lucifer have his guilt eating him alive:)))
Very fucked up torture but i swear it worth the pain:D The dove is so dead it start to rot so plz read the tags properly (plz check out the AngeliaDark other works too they got good shit)
This one have a splits so check out both the fics (beware the author have a skrewed sense of what is considered wholesome:))))
I didnt think a smut scene could be this sad
Adam x Lute (Guitarspear/Guardrock) 10/10
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Litteraly my first Hazbin ship, assholes in love is an underrated dynamic we desperately need more off:))) That with a dash of evil dude x loyal subordinate (which i havent seen since the Deathglare days) n opposite attract (look they have one main thing in common is that their extreme bloodthirst, other than that she's stricter than ur mom n he's lazier than the Sloth ring itself but that the beauty of it no? He convince her to chill tf out n not to burst a blood vessel, she keep him on track n make sure Sera dont come on their asses)
They're just being silly enabling each other terrible behaviour n i love that for them (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) Litteral besties i tell ya
Heavy non-con shit involving Val but Lute will revenge our boi i promised u that
Cool idea n they r just made for each other damn
First hazbin fic i read which is a really cool smut:D
Adam x Micheal (we need a ship name people ) (update: it's Songbird/Guitarhero) 10/10
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I like how we dont even got a proper comfirmation of Micheal design/personality yet the ship is here already ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ( im using the Nakariiale's design as a base here love their design)
Hit me with that rebound love x "u look like my ex so im using u as a replacement but ill fall for the real u eventually" x co-workers in heaven. I'm thinking smth along the line of "after Lucifer fucked off with Lilith, Micheal became Adam guardian angel n they just hang out" ya feel me here? (✿◕‿◕✿)
Shout out to Bloog_b for dragging me into this ship:DDD also im on the Adam x the archangels ship as a "gotcha" to Lucifer of sort. Like bitch u stole my wives imma steal your brotherS
Look it's Adamsapple endgame but trust me u will be feed well on this ( u know how good u gotta be for people to ditch the main ship?)
I'm giving yall 4 fics here cause i can only found 4 rn(._. )
this one is uhh non-con so beware
Micheal is indeed Adam guardian angel in this one:D
Adam x Eve (Flowertunes) 8/10
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I dont care what yall said they love each other throughout Eden n Earth , might have a falling out in heaven but that doesnt change the fact that they were once IN LOVE. Honestly why cant we just have a couple that have the same bright-eyed innocence like one another.I refuse to believe Eve like willingly cheat on Adam with malicious intent n all, simply she was indeed ''tricked'' or just not fully understand the sistuation, n Adam love her way too much to think that she would do that to him like Lilith. Hell the dude was heartbroken after L left , starting the abandonment issues, so he would have cling to Eve, doing everything so that he aint alone again, even if that mean leaving Eden
Honestly it pisses me off that the Adam/Eve tag on ao3 most of the time is just 1 dialouge between them back when Eve bit the apple n thats it no elaboration on the couple whatsoever >:(((
Lots of switcharoos
sinner eve woooo
look its hard trynna find a fic focusing on them ok?
Adam x St. Peter (Guitargreeter (bet ya didnt see that coming:))) 7/10
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Base on this fanfic alone Joe my dude u r on the path of becoming THE Adam crack-ship writer n i am here for this:)))) just so u wait this dude gonna whip out a AdamxNifty , AdamxHusk fic later on ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
From within the fic itself the ship its 2 bros in love with homophobia standing in the way >:( also when did we have a name?!?!?!?
I just like Adam x anyone in heaven alright:D like bro famous n he got that ancient rizz, u telling mr he cant bag a hottie or 2-100+ hmm?
Adam x Alastor (Angelicradio) 8/10
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I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT ABOUT THEM THAT I SHIP I JUST DO φ(゜▽゜*)♪ i blame YOU honestly rn this ship is either Adam found Al after the fight n they make a deal or they're in heaven n they chillin this ship is confusing:D
They're angels on heaven
Adam gone back into eden n do shit differently
This is both Adam/Eve n Adam/Alastor kinda
Adam x Alastor x Lucifer (Angelicradioapple/ Charlie's dads (only me call them that lol)) 9/10
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''Hey Charlie u know how u r sad that your mother left? Wellllllll i got you 2 new dads suprise:DDDD''
Look 3 miserable men who hate each other + hell's greatest dad + my love for Dadam = Messy ass old men yaoi :DDDD n it work perfectly with Alastor Asexuality too!!! Like Adam n Lucifer could fuck each other brains out before Al joining in for the cuddles lol
Chaos ensue
Not exactly a love triangle but a love corner but hey we barely got food here :D
I cant believe how hot this shit is lol
Adam x Eve x Lilith x Lucifer (Eden poly/ applecore?) 8/10
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They could have been all married to each other(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ But as much as i go "OooOooo Poly yay'' i just cant vibe with EvexLucifer, like the cheating vibes is wayyyyyyyyy too much i just cant man . I mean with the interpetation that Lucifer came to Eden to hang out with the humans they all know eachother, they're a throuple yes but BUT when Eve came into the picture it was only with Adam n him only so the other 2 is ehhhh. Im fine with EvexLilith cause im seeing it happening later, not hidden from Adam while LuciferxEve got that deception going on .So uhhh in this ship they're more like bestie than lovers to me¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also AdamxLilith is an underrated pairing like everytime i saw this applecore thing going on these 2 r at most tolerate each other like cmonnnnn we already twist this to hell n back, why cant we make it so their arguement was a petty non-malicious one n they still cares for each other hmm???
They're one happy family
IDK what to tell u bittersweet reunion n loving family is the only typa fic u get with this ship
Not that im complaining i need this wholesomeness
Adam x Mammon (Adammon/Madam/Greedyguitar/ 1st chirstmas.... hasnt had an offical name yet) 10/10
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They r litteraly same person different font idk what to tell u. More insults thrown around than Guitarspear but they're pretty similar. Adam is just " sinners suck ass but this dude is the worst in the best way". Also they're both big bois (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ , they love towering over others
I'm sorry but there r barely BARELY
any fics of them :(
The art side is more plentiful tho :D
Adam x Angel Dust (Holydust/guitardust) 5/10
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THEY ARE BESTIES YOUR HONOUR n that the exact reason why i cant see them be together as a couple 100%, like the shit-talking bff vibes r wayyyy too strong XD Angel finally got someone who have the same vulgar humour as him n if Adam got married in hell Angel would 100% be his best bitch of honour (≧∀≦)ゞq(≧▽≦q)
They're best friends who have casual no-string attached sex that is ACTUALLY no-string attached:)))
I came to ship them due to those "What if they're co-workers under Val' scenarios ive been seeing on Tumblr
I got like 1 fic on ao3 i mean if u r looking for just platonic friendship between them then rest asure most Adam's redemption fics have that
I got 1 fic on tumblr
Adam x Charlie (Charadam/Guitarprincess) 5/10
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U know this ship give me a pretty bad first impression since a good chunk of the fics r either heavy non-con shit or lean wayyyyy to much into the daddy kink, ya know how Charlie got suppose daddy issues n all that jazz?:))) yeah that... that
But after seeing the art side of this ship im chillin with them now, since the art r pretty wholesome, usually having them decked out in punk-rock clothings hanging out. It's a big "Fuck you" to Lucifer n i live for these mf argueing ╰(*°▽°*)╯
So uhhh stay away from the fics if ya want an actual functional couple instead of wtv messed up shit we got there:))) But here's a fic anyway, the only one where it feel bearable n actual trynna go into said messed up relationship i already warn you
We got cracks like Guitarmaid (AdamxNifty), Valadam (AdamxVal) which i dont have enough materials to decied, Classicalrock (AdamxSera) sound interesting but also havent found anything , Guitarhalo (AdamxEmily) is an unexpected find, find i deem them to be more familial than romantic so we'll see if there's a fic good enough to convince me
Edit:i forgot to add Blitzo like Mammon already there why did i forgot
Adam x Blitzo (i dont think anyone even ship this but me:)) 7/10
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I cant find a single fic where they has anything more than a 1 nightstand n 1 interaction where they hit it off , i live off imagination alone (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) but like fr fr they would match so well, like their bloodlust n general jerkiness would make them the 3rd asshole x asshole ship on this list :DDDD
Tho as much as i wanna see them go further i feel like an on-n-off relationship/friends with benefits fit em more ya know ( *^-^)ρ(*╯^╰) If ya have any fic but the 2 here that have them interact lemme know cause a bitch need food :)
This is a lot of tag(._. )
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