#he always ends each call like 'sleep tight and stay safe baby' or something like that even though she can't hear him
dylanconrique · 8 months
headcanon: tim stayed up on the phone with lucy till she fell asleep every night while she was undercover 5x21.
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shellbilee · 22 days
Hey There Darlin' - Chapter 5
A Glen Powell RPF Series
Apologies for the little hiatus guys. I'm hopeful that I'm back to regular posting, Glen's recent content influx has certainly helped with my inspo! Please comment if you'd like to be tagged! x
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Billie hears a groan of effort and looks back at her phone sitting in the cradle on her dashboard. The metallic sound of dumbbells hitting the floor rings out and suddenly a face fills the screen, familiar brown eyes looking back at her. 
“Alright I’m done with my set now, sorry”.
Billie laughs and shakes her head, looking away from the phone and back at her reflection in her rearview mirror. 
“You’re the one that called me, Brad” Billie counters to her brother, smoothing back the baby hairs near her forehead into her slick ponytail.
Bradley, her brother had facetimed her ten minutes ago, Billie having since pulled into a car park at the address Glen had sent her this morning.
“Yeah, cos’ I feel like we haven’t spoken in ages and I miss my little sis’” Bradley says with a smile before taking a quick sip from his water bottle, “Besides, who else am I gonna speak to at this time? You’re the only one I know that would be awake”.
“Speaking of, why are you doing a workout at----” she pauses, lifting her wrist to check her watch, “Three AM?”. 
Bradley shrugs nonchalantly, as if going to the gym in the early hours of the morning is the most normal thing in the world.
“Just came off a week of night shift. First day sleep routine is always kinda fucked. Couldn’t sleep, so figured I’d come and do a workout rather than wake Jords and the kids”.
“Have you tried reading a book?”.
Bradley pulls a face and Billie can’t help but laugh at it.
“Oh yeah sorry, I forgot you’re allergic to reading” she teases, knowing her fire-fighter brother hated every single second of school and study and she, the book smart one in the family, was the complete opposite.
Bradley rolls his eyes and wipes his face with a sweat towel. “Where are you off to anyway? Gym?”.
Billie looks back at her reflection again - she’s wearing activewear again, this time a pair of tight latte coloured shorts and a white racer back tank whose neckline makes her shoulders look toned.
“I don’t know actually. It’s a date” she says with a soft laugh, looking back down at the facetime call.
Bradley snorts. “A date? Dressed like that?”.
This time it’s Billie’s turn to pull a face.
“He said to wear something I don’t mind sweating in, and to bring a change of clothes”.
Billie swears she can see Bradley’s face morph into older-brother protective mode.
“Don’t mind sweating in? Who is this guy?”.
Billie only smiles. “Just a guy I met at Rufus the other day”.
She stays tight-lipped with the rest of the details - namely, that the guy also happens to be a Hollywood celebrity and is so gorgeous that just looking at him makes her want to melt into a puddle on the floor. Though she and Bradley were close and told each other almost everything, she decided to stay vague about her date. 
Right now, she’s happy being in her exciting first-few-dates bubble. And she isn't ready for it to burst by involving other people. She would tell Bradley later, maybe. 
Bradley starts to ask another question when Billie looks down at her watch, looking back at her phone and interrupting her brother to say she needs to go.
“I’m gonna be late ok? I’ll talk to you later in the week?”
Brad nods, “Yeah yeah, you better. Be safe ok?”
“I always am, Brad. Give my love to Jords and the kids yeah?
“I will. Love you Bil”
“Love you too”.
The call abruptly ends and Billie lets out a deep breath, suddenly aware that her heart is hammering in her chest. She’s nervous, nervous to see Glen again even though she’d seen him less than twenty-four hours ago, though admittedly the last time she’d seen him she’d kissed him without warning.
She can still feel his lips on hers, their plush softness moving against hers in a gentle dance, his scent in her nose, his fingertips on her skin. She’d struggled to think of little else during her bosses housewarming barbecue last night, flashbacks of their kiss invading her every thought as she’d mingled with her work friends.
Billie realizes she’s closed her eyes, opening them a moment later and letting out a breath as she looks out the window at the busy LA street in front of her. She double checks the address on her in-dash car GPS confirming she’s at the right place, before taking a final look at her reflection, grabbing her bag and stepping out of the car.
It’s a sunny Sunday morning in LA, the sunshine instantly blinding as Billie closes her car door behind her, reaching up to shield her eyes and looking at the modern brick building in front of her.
Oh my god. 
It’s the Alo gym.
God, it’s a workout date.
Billie can’t help the breath that escapes her throat then.
Glen really did take her advice about unconventional dates seriously.
Billie sucks in a nervous breath and reaches up to smooth down her hair, making her way towards the entrance and doing her best to ignore the mass of butterflies that have suddenly started flapping wildly in her stomach. She knows it’s nerves, but part of her also knows it’s excitement at the thought of seeing Glen again.
She gulps silently.
Here we go.
Glen’s sitting in the entrance area of the Alo Wellness club, relaxing into one of the sleek, cream coloured lounges. His right leg is bouncing like he needs to go to the bathroom, but he knows it has nothing to do with his bladder.
He looks down at his phone in his hand for what feels like the tenth time in a minute, looking at the numbers above his screensaver of Brisket.
Glen knows he’s nervous, but he doesn’t know why. He’d been on hundreds of dates in the past but for whatever reason this one feels different. 
They’d spent most of yesterday together, talking and laughing for what felt like hours, they’d even kissed yesterday - albeit unconventionally, but still. His stomach is a tangle of nervous thoughts and feelings, and all of a sudden he can’t help but second guess his date idea. 
Billie had said unconventional, but was this taking it too far? Especially so soon?
He’d come up with the idea almost instantly yesterday, calling Keith, his Alo trainer as he’d driven home from his Ikea trip with Billie. Some part of him had decided that a personal training session for the two of them would be a great second date idea, given he and Billie had bonded over their frequent exercise and gym habits.
It ticked all the boxes - it would be an activity she told him she enjoyed, one they both regularly participated in, and it was certainly not a traditional date choice.
It was the kind of activity that he would never even attempt with a lot of girls, let alone on a second date, but with Billie? It seemed like the perfect choice. At least it had when he’d come up with it yesterday.
Glen shakes his head as if he’s arguing with the voice inside his head, ignoring his thoughts and standing firm on his decision. He exhales through pursed lips and flips his phone over in his hand again, looking up when he hears the entrance door open.
In an instant, all of his fears and concerns are gone. 
Billie looks every bit as gorgeous as he remembered, even better if that were possible, his eyes running over her as he watches her ask for directions at the front desk. There’s a smile on his face before he can even think about it, standing up from the lounge just as the receptionist points in his direction.
He feels his breath catch in his throat when Billie’s eyes meet his, and suddenly there’s a smile on her face too - a smile that makes every single muscle in his chest contract.
Glen stays put as she makes her way over to him, unable to help his gaze from following the sway of her hips. She's wearing a pair of light brown coloured shorts and a tight white tank top, both accentuating her fit figure and making her golden skin glow. 
Glen’s fingers tighten around his phone and he fights the urge to bite his fist and audibly groan, suddenly wondering how on earth he's going to get through this date without dying when she looks like that.
“Hey darlin’”.
Billie grins gorgeously. “Hey you”.
Glen steps forward to kiss her cheek just as she does the same, the turn of her head making his lips land dangerously close to her mouth. He sees her cheeks immediately flush as they step apart, and Glen fights the urge to groan out loud again for the second time in thirty seconds. 
If they hadn't been somewhere so public he'd have tipped her chin and pulled her in for a bruising kiss. 
Glen swallows and reaches down to pick up his gym bag, grinning down at Billie.
“So, what do you think?”
Billie tilts her head and smiles, “I see you really were listening when I said unconventional dates”.
Glen laughs. “Told you”.
“So what are we doing?” Billie asks as Glen gestures for her to follow him, heading over to the elevators at the back of the room.
Glen shrugs and presses the ‘up’ button on the wall, looking up when the elevator immediately dings. “You'll find out in a second”.
Billie laughs and flashes a worried smile. “I’m actually kind of terrified”.
He returns her laugh as the doors open and they step into the modern elevator, Glen stepping forward to press the button for level seven. 
“You’ll be fine, I promise”.
The doors close and a moment later they’re going up, Glen struggling to ignore the less than three inches of space between them. That, and the sweet, spicy peach scent of her perfume that’s once again filled his nose, the one that’s plagued his brain since their kiss yesterday, the one that seems to be permanently burnt into his every waking thought for the past twenty-four hours. 
A moment later the elevator dings again and the doors open almost as quickly as they closed, revealing the sprawling, modern black and white gym floor of level seven.
They step out and Glen smiles when he sees Billie look around in awe, spying Keith up ahead standing and talking to Mike, one of the club’s other trainers. Glen nods when Keith sees him, leading Billie over towards him to introduce her.
“Hey bud” Keith says, pulling Glen in for a handshake hug in that way that only men do, Glen stepping back and gesturing to Billie.
“Billie, this is my trainer Keith. Keith, this is Billie”.
They shake hands and Billie smiles, Glen momentarily caught up in how beautiful he thinks she is for the tenth time in only ten minutes.
“Glen’s told me a bit about you. You’re a physical therapist?”
“Yep! I work at Evolution Sports Rehab, on Olympic Boulevard?”
Keith nods, “Ah I know the one. I’ve sent some clients there before actually, to see Ross?”
Billie nods enthusiastically, “Yes! He’s my boss. He’s incredible. He’s a big part of the reason I’ve worked there for so long”.
Glen watches Keith and Billie chat, impressed at the way Billie so effortlessly converses with new people. He smiles to himself as he looks down at her. 
No wonder she’s such a good physical therapist.
Glen takes Billie’s bag off her shoulder and puts their bags aside, returning to stand with her and Keith holding two water bottles in his hands.
“So, what fresh torture have you got for us today?”
Keith laughs and Billie looks mildly terrified, Glen putting his arm around Billie and offering a reassuring squeeze.
“You did say you wanted a bit of a challenge” Keith says pointing at Glen, Billie dropping her head back in dismay, “And you did say that Billie was basically an athlete”.
Billie’s head snaps back up and she looks at Glen in alarm, “An athlete? On what planet?”.
Keith drops his head back and laughs, “I’m kidding, I’m kidding” he says holding his hands up in surrender, “But he did say you work out quite a bit, so I’ve put together a team challenge for you both”.
Keith turns to make his way over to the squat rack, motioning for Billie and Glen to follow. As soon as his back is turned, Billie punches Glen’s arm playfully.
“You have definitely talked me up way too much”
Glen grins as he looks down at her, winking mischievously. “No such thing darlin’”.
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Billie grins and rolls her eyes adorably, Glen taking her hand and pulling her until they’re both standing in front of Keith again.
“So, we’re going to do a bit of a circuit challenge. It will be a mix of strength and cardio, but you’ll need to work together to get through it” Keith says, pointing at various equipment around the room. “There will be ten stations, and at each one there will be a rep target which you can divide up between you, so you can sub in and out as you need”.
Glen reaches up to stretch his arms above his head, the corner of his mouth tugging into a sly grin as he looks over at Billie’s wide eyes.
“For example, battle ropes. There will be four hundred reps. Billie you could do one hundred, then Glen does a hundred, and repeat until you get to four hundred. Ideally, the goal is to do the entire circuit in under fifty minutes”.
Billie exhales loudly. “Have you done this exact circuit with people before?”
Keith nods. “The record is forty-six minutes”.
Glen bends his left leg behind him, holding his ankle so he’s stretching out his thigh, glancing down at Billie and back to Keith. He scoffs out loud.
“Forty-six minutes? Easy”.
The look of alarm is back on Billie’s face, though this time she’s looking at Glen like he’s insane. 
Glen can’t help but chuckle at her expression.
“What the hell have I gotten myself into?”
He grins down at her, loving the way she smiles back at him. 
“You said unconventional, remember?”
Billie shakes her head. “I think I’m starting to regret saying that”.
Glen laughs, and they both turn back to Keith.
“So, the key is to know your strengths, and what exercises you’re good or not so good at”.
Billie looks up at Glen, tilting her head playfully.  
“Surely there are no exercise that you’re not good at”.
Glen opens his mouth to speak but Keith beats him to it. “Maybe ask that again when we get to the core exercises”.
Glen pulls a face and both Billie and Keith laugh.
“Alright then” Keith announces, clapping his hands together and looking back at Glen and Billie. “We ready?”
Forty-five and a half minutes later, Glen and Billie collapse on the floor on their backs, panting and breathless, and covered in sweat.
Glen feels like his chest is going to explode.
He knows it has nothing to do with the workout he’s just done that has his heart rate hammering at marathon race levels, and everything to do with the stunning, sweaty, sexy girl lying panting next to him right now.
Doing that workout with her was like forty-five and a half minutes of foreplay.  He’d never been so simultaneously impressed and turned on in his life. 
Watching Billie move and jump and squat and press had Glen thinking all kinds of things, things he definitely shouldn’t have been thinking while doing a workout in the gym. He couldn’t help but stare as he did his own exercises, frequently losing count of his own reps, his eyes dragging over her back, her legs, her ass. He was totally enamoured by her, by how strong and fucking sexy she looked, even now as she lay on her back, her chest heaving, breathless from the finishing the fifty burpees they were both determined to get done before the timer ticked over to forty-six minutes.
Glen turns to look over at Billie, his eyes running over her face, her lips parted as she sucks in breaths, her cheeks flushed and covered by a glowy sheen of sweat. He swears she’s never looked more sexy than she has in that moment, and all of a sudden he can’t help but imagine what she'd look like after another kind of cardio that has nothing to do with the gym. 
And nothing to do with clothes.
“That” Billie pauses, sucking in a breath and exhaling loudly, “Was not the way I thought my Sunday would go”
“Probably not the way you thought this date was going to go either” Glen retorts, watching as Billie finally turns to look at him beside her.
She grins at him, that same gorgeous, breathtaking grin, her beautiful eyes sparkling, and it takes everything Glen has not to roll over and kiss her right there in the middle of the gym.
“You guys killed it. Broke the record and everything” Keith says suddenly, standing over the two of them and clapping his hands. “Glen, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you work that hard before. But I guess you had some extra motivation this time”
Glen chuckles and Billie laughs, but it sounds strained through their panting breaths.
“And Billie, that was pretty incredible. You smashed it out of the park, awesome stuff”
“Thanks Keith” Billie breathes, still panting, offering a weak thumbs up before dropping her hand back down to the ground dramatically.
Keith laughs. “You’re welcome”.
They talk for a few more minutes before Keith announces that he has to run to see another client, Keith bending down to shake both of their hands before waving and walking out of the gym. 
Billie sits up and leans back on her hands, her legs still outstretched in front of her. Glen is still lying on his back beside her, dabbing his face with his sweat towel.
“Glen, that was fucked”
Glen tips his head back and laughs, dropping the towel back to the floor. “But you killed it”.
“I think it killed me” Billie replies exasperated, dropping head back and looking up at the ceiling, “I am going to be so sore tomorrow”.
Glen chuckles and moves to sit up from the floor, his sweaty skin sticking to the floor beneath him.
“I really need a shower”.
“That makes two of us” Billie laughs, “But I don’t think I can stand up”.
Glen laughs, letting out a groan of effort as he hauls himself upright and stands. He reaches down for Billie’s hand and pulls her up, unable to stop his eyes from flickering to boobs in the tight white tank she’s wearing.
“I also need food” Billie announces, taking a long sip from her water bottle and smoothing back her sweaty hair,  “I’m suddenly starving”.
Glen nods in agreement. 
“I was going to ask if you wanted to grab a bite after this?” he asks, eyes searching her face as he looks down at her, “If you still have the day free of course”.
Billie’s lips part into a smile, and Glen can’t help the way his own smile grows. 
“My day is totally empty”
“Oh really?” Glen inquires, one eyebrow raised, “Does that mean I can steal you for dinner too?”.
Billie laughs, shrugging her shoulders adorably, “If you don’t get sick of me before then, sure”.
Glen shakes his head and reaches out to touch Billie’s arm, flashing her his most charming grin and loving the way she looks back at him in that moment. 
“I’m not sure that's actually possible Billie”.
Billie smiles, and Glen can’t tell if her cheeks flushing is from their workout or from his comment.
They walk over to their bags, Glen bending and handing Billie hers before bending to pick up his own. 
“Did you want to shower here? Or head home and meet up again?”
Billie shakes her head and holds out her hand, “I brought a change of clothes like you said, I’m happy to shower here. But it’s up to you?”
“No no, here’s good” Glen says, dabbing at his face again with his towel, “the bathrooms here are pretty fuckin’ amazing”. 
They walk towards the elevator and step in when the doors open, Billie’s perfume filling his nose as she brushes past. Glen presses the button for level 12, the two standing in comfortable silence as the doors close and they move up the building. 
The elevator dings and the doors open up to the reveal the luxury spa, shower and sauna level, Glen letting Billie step out in front of him.
“The female bathrooms are that way” Glen says, reaching up to run a hand through his sweaty hair, “I’ll meet you back out here?”
Billie nods, looking over in the direction of the bathrooms and back up at Glen with a soft smile.
“See you in a bit”.
This shower is better than the one at Billie’s house. No actually, it's the best shower she's ever used. At the gym of all places. 
It's all dark moody tile and black furnishings, the rainfall shower head providing the most amazing water pressure on her already aching muscles. Not to mention the luxury skin care products that are just free to use.
She’s in shower heaven. 
Or she would be, if Glen was in there with her.
Billie tips her head back and lets the warm water cascade over her, unable to think of little else except Glen. 
The way his muscles had rippled beneath his skin as he’d pulled himself up on the chin up bar, the way his biceps had flexed and moved as he’d picked up each dumbbell. Billie had barely been able to concentrate on her own exercises, not when Glen was looking like that, and certainly not when he was looking at her the way he had been. It was like he wanted to devour her - and if they hadn't been in public, she probably would have let him. 
Right there in the middle of the gym floor.
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Their workout has left her feeling all wound up in more ways than one, like forty five minutes of insane heated foreplay without a finish line. If she were at home, she’d probably play with herself. 
She thinks about Glen in the shower, thinking about how badly she wants to have him pressed up naked against her, to feel his thick arms around her frame, his lips on her skin. 
What was this man doing to her? 
She wonders idly if he’s thinking about her the same way she is right now, suddenly remembering that he’s probably waiting for her outside and that she should get on with it. She exhales heavily through her nose and rinses the last of the soap suds from her skin, letting herself enjoy the shower for thirty more seconds before she turns off the tap.
Billie steps out of the shower and dries herself with the fluffiest white towel she’s ever used, changing into a pair of light blue mom jeans and a loose white button up shirt. She looks back at her reflection in the giant mirror of the luxury bathroom, tucking the front of her shirt loosely into the waist of her jeans and buttoning it just enough that it teases just a hint of cleavage.
She reapplies her makeup keeping it glowy and natural, using the gym’s very expensive hair dryer and blow waving her hair just enough that it’s tameable. She pulls her hair back into a loose braid leaving out a few face framing pieces, spritzing her favourite peachy perfume onto her neck and wrists. She steps back and looks over her reflection once more, deciding she’s happy with her look, packing up her things and walking out of the bathroom.
Billie does a double take when she walks out to find Glen sitting waiting for her on one of the cream leather lounges near the elevator, looking somehow even more handsome than he had earlier. 
He’s now dressed in a cream henley shirt and brown trousers, a pair of brown leather boots on his feet. His shirt is unbuttoned just enough that she can see the beginnings of his dark chest hair, his hair still damp from the shower and falling messily but somehow still perfectly.
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As if he wasn’t handsome enough just looking like that, Billie feels her breath catch when he looks up and sees her, his lips parting in an utterly gorgeous smile.
Billie tries not to notice the way her body feels as his eyes run over every inch of her, following her hips as she walks towards him.
“You look gorgeous”.
Billie smiles. “See, I was just thinking that about you”.
Glen laughs and stands up in front of her, pressing the button for the elevator and holding open the door for her as they walk in. 
“Were you feeling anything particular for lunch?” he says looking down at her, Billie standing close enough to smell his delicious aftershave and fighting the urge to reply with ‘Besides you?’.
“I’m not fussy”.
Glen nods. “Good, I know just the place”.
“Were you really?” Billie asks, shaking her head in exasperation, “No way, I’ve seen that movie a thousand times, I’d have recognised you”
Glen laughs and nods his head, putting his hand on his heart to emphasize that he’s telling the truth,  “I swear I am. I’m in the stock exchange scene”. 
Billie’s brow furrows, like she’s replaying the scene in her head, and Glen chuckles when she reaches into her purse and pulls out her phone. 
“No way. I have to look this up”.
They’d just had lunch - they’d gotten sandwiches at one of Glen’s favourite spots near the Santa Monica beach. It was a little hole in the wall place with an outdoor courtyard type area at the back, and best of all, it wasn’t too well known about. On this sunny Sunday afternoon, it was the perfect choice.
He and Billie are sitting side by side in a wooden booth together, having just finished their food. They’d been there nearly three hours now, the conversation and laughs between them flowing effortlessly. It’s only been two days, and yet somehow Glen feels like he’s known Billie for months. 
They’d been talking about music choices when they exercised, Billie revealing that she actually liked to listen to movie scores when she ran - namely, superhero movie scores, saying that they made her feel motivated and pumped to keep going. That had brought them to talking about The Dark Knight Rises, at which point Glen had laughed and told her that he was actually in that movie.
He keeps his eyes on her face as she types on her phone, looking over her glowy skin and dark lashes, her full lips that make him want to kiss her for hours.
He hears the beginnings of a video play, the familiar menacing voice of Tom Hardy’s Bane character, watching as Billie’s eyes suddenly light up, her mouth dropping open in surprise.
“Oh my God it is you!” she exclaims adorably, looking up at Glen and then back at her screen still in disbelief, “How have I not noticed that before? How old are you there? You look like a baby”.
Glen laughs and takes a sip of his soda bottle, tapping his fingers against the plastic. 
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“Twenty-something---, twenty-four, I think?” he says just as he hears Bane smash his character’s head into a computer.
“You know, I actually got a real concussion during that take. Tom got a bit too into his character and instead of just tapping me on the head like he was supposed to, he actually slammed my head down. Had to go see a medic and everything”
Billie’s eyes widen in shock for the second time, a soft laugh of surprise slipping from her lips. “Oh my god, really?”.
He nods and they both laugh, Glen looking over Billie as she shifts in her seat to better face him.
The afternoon sun is warm and Glen has since shed his jacket, his gaze hidden behind his sleek sunglasses. He takes advantage of that fact, savouring every moment of his eyes on Billie’s available skin, the edge of a pale blue bra peeking out from the dip of her shirt from this new angle.
He tries not to notice the way one of her denim covered thighs is now pressed against his, or the way one side of her white shirt has slipped down to expose her golden collarbone. He finds his imagination wondering what her skin would taste like on his tongue, how it would feel beneath his lips if he kissed along it.
Billie lifts her hand to look down at her watch and back up at Glen.
“You need to go?”. 
“No no, just thinking about Nugget”.
“If you want to go home and check on him it’s okay Billie”
“I want to” she says, her voice trailing off into a pause, “But, I also don’t want to leave”.
Glen smiles back at her, his eyes crinkling behind his sunglasses.
“Well, how about this then?” he asks, reaching up to run his fingers through his now dry hair, “You go home and grab Nugget, and then the two of you come to mine a little later for dinner?”
Billie tilts her head as looks at him, the corner of her mouth tugging into a smile, “Oh that is incredibly tempting”.
He grins and leans in towards her, loving the way her gorgeous hazel eyes are looking back at him. 
“Anything I can do to make it even more so?”
Billie ponders for a moment, her eyes still on his, her tongue sliding out to wet her pink lips.
“Well, for starters, keep smiling at me like that” Billie says, leaning her elbow on the table between them and resting her cheek on her hand, “Do you have any idea how handsome you are? Like, it's almost unfair how attractive you are”.
Glen chuckles softly, the sound rumbling in his throat.
“I’ve been thinking that same thought about you since the moment I met you at Rufus, Billie”.
“Oh really? You think I’m handsome?” Billie teases, a laugh bubbling up in her throat.
Glen only grins, reaching up to brush a loose hair from her face, swearing he sees her suck in a silent breath.
“Actually you know what” Billie breathes, her voice almost a whisper, “I think there is something you can do to tempt me more so”.
Glen raises a curious eyebrow, acutely aware of how close his face now is to hers.
“What’s that darlin?”
Billie exhales quietly, her perfect lips stretching into a soft, sexy smile.
“Kiss me”.
Glen needs no instruction after that.
He tilts Billie’s chin with his finger and angles her face to his, closing his eyes and pressing his lips to hers.
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justkpopjokes · 1 year
Seventeen As 7 Ways to Say “I Love You”
A/N: This has been in my wips since 2017 lmfao it has taken me 5 years to clear out my drafts
gender-neutral!reader and a mix of romantic and platonic!
Seungcheol 🐻
Bear hugs
Warm hugs
Spooning hugs (any hugs at this point)
Holding you tight so you feel safe
Stealing clothes so you smell like each other
Letting you fall asleep on him during train/bus rides
Walking you home to make sure you’re safe
Jeonghan 🌸
Sweet (literally) dates at cafes
Kisses on the tip of your nose
Bringing you flowers or bringing you to the flowers
Staying in bed with you under a warm blanket
Falling asleep on your lap
Knowing when you need to take a break (and making sure you relax)
Calling you his baby
Joshua ✨
Fancy dinners
Bringing your hands up to his lips to kiss them
Serenading you
A hand always around your waist
Asking you to double check his outfit every time you go out together
Going along with your shenanigans
Memorizing your order at every store
Junhui 🌙
Cheesy flirts
Complimenting how you look every damn chance he gets
Blowing up your phone with the most random things “effervescent”
Bad sweet puns
Leaning on you (so you can’t see him blushing when you finally flirt back at him)
Head pats
Picking you up and spinning you around
Soonyoung 🐯
Cheek kisses
Cheek squishes (and calling you cute afterwards)
Holding your hand(s) all the time
Dancing to music in the kitchen
Losing track of time from laughing too much
Trips to the zoo! to see the tigers, duh
Showing his goofiest self to you
Wonwoo 🍵
Intwined fingers when holding hands
Cuddling up on the couch with tea and a book
Letting you lie on his chest
Rubbing your shoulder absentmindedly when you’re beside him
Bringing you to libraries and bookstores with him
Too many inside jokes
Listening to you ramble
Jihoon 🎶
Kissing the side of your head
Lovestruck humming
Dedicating music to you
Letting you sit on his lap while he works
Taking your advice/words to heart
Letting you hear the snarky comments he makes under his breath
Putting you first, always, even if he’s busy
Seokmin ☀️
Gifts in tiny boxes
An overload of kisses
Staying in bed longer than you should
…Then forcing you to come back and cuddle for a bit longer after you get up
Always trying to make you laugh
Being there to cheer you up whenever you’re feeling down
Making every mundane part of life fun
Mingyu 🐶
Driving you home when you’re too tired to take the bus or drive yourself
Cooking your favourite food when you’re having a bad day
Holding your head close when he hugs you
Drifting to sleep whilst holding you in his arms
Resting his head on yours
Walks in the park while listening to music
Trusting you to patch him up whenever he hurts himself
Minghao 📸
Making time to see you every chance he gets
Painting and museum dates
Taking pictures/videos of you all the time
Keeping an album on his phone of his photos of you
Coordinating outfits
Gazing over at you to admire you constantly
Holding all your things when you need to do something
Seungkwan 🍊
Buying you things you want, even if you try to keep them a secret
Yelling your name across the room just to say that you look gorgeous af
Linking arms/holding hands without thinking
Touring cities together
Watching the sunset
Taking you on vacations to Jeju
Telling you “happy birthday” at midnight, every year
Vernon 🙈
Texting a greeting to you first thing in the morning
Pulling his arms around you even without thinking
Touching your noses together
Soft kisses
Whispering jokes to make you smile
Getting distracted listening to your voice
Sending memes (ofc)
Chan 💫
Meaningful gifts
Late-night snack escapades
Letting you hear all his new ideas
Asking for cuddles once he gets home from work
Cute laughs at your jokes
Long calls that last until long past midnight
…which end with falling asleep on the phone together
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kikikittykis · 2 months
I Won’t Let You Have the Mark of Cain Chapter 5: The Injections are Done But Who is The Other Person Who Needs Eren
Summary:   You have the Mark of Cain but Eren won’t let the Mark destroy you and who you are , just because you have to kill Abaddon.
Fandom: Supernatural and Attack on Titan
Pairing: Eren Yeager x Winchester! reader
Characters: Eren Yeager, (Y/N) Winchester, Armin Arlert, Mikasa Ackerman, Crowley
Genre: Angst I think but ends in fluff
Warnings: Major Character death
Note: This is also posted on my Ao3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
It was hard watching Eren as a demon, Mikasa offered to watch him in between the last two shots but you wanted to watch him. To keep him under your own observation. “So who else needs me huh, because last time that i checked only Mikasa, Armin and you really need me” Eren said
“It doesn’t matter who else needs you” you said to Eren. Keeping the truth of who else needed Eren in their life.In truth you were pregnant and keeping it away from Eren so that he couldn’t use it against you in case he escaped and you failed at turning him human.
“You know your just a weak human, all you humans do is feel pain and sorrow”
“That’s not true I feel love and happiness, When I think about the Eren that I love”
“That Eren is gone” Demon Eren said to you
“No my eren is only hidden from view, I will bring him back” you said and gave Eren the last dose of your blood.
“(Y/N/N)” Eren said with a tired voice. You quickly embraced Eren in a hug and undid his bindings
“What have I done (Y/N), I hurt you, didn't I?” Eren said as you held him tightly as if you  hadn’t seen him in forever.
“Eren it wasn’t truly you and I know that and now your back to being the Eren that Mikasa Armin and I know” you said
“But I still hurt you” Eren said
“Eren we all forgive you” you said
“Why would you forgive me”
“Because I love and the others call themselves your friends for a reason”
“You really believe so”
“Yes I do Eren, I believe in you” you just hugged each other for a bit longer until it was time to eat and the two of you came out of the dungeon and to the kitchen. You all ate and laughed until well into the night. When you and Eren decided to retire for the night
“Yes Eren what is it” you said as the two of you got ready for bed together.
“When I was a demon you said someone else needs me, who was it?”
“Eren I don’t know how to tell you this but after you became a demon, I found out something”
“Well what is it (Y/N)?”
“Eren I’m pregnant”
“How far along are you?” Eren asked
“About two months, the last night we were together, was when the child was created”
“Do the others know?” Eren asked
“No, i haven’t told them yet only Armin and Levi know, they’ve been helping me hide my pregnancy”
“It’s the real reason why I stayed behind when the others went to get you back” you said
“So I’m going to be a father then”
“Yes” you said with uncertainty
“That is amazing (Y/N), but what about the mark, I love you but I don’t want to hurt you again, or end up hurting the baby” “Eren don’t worry about that right now and I love you too” Eren hugged you tightly.
“(Y/N) I don’t want you to put yourself and the baby in danger just to save me” Eren said
“No (Y/N) I want you and the baby to be safe please, just no hunting” eren cut you off from speaking. 
“Eren I will take a break from hunting, but first I need to get rid of that damned mark” you said, Eren held you tight against his chest. Before you pried yourself from his grasp.
“What are you doing?” Eren asked 
“It’s late and I would like to get some sleep, so are you going to get ready with me” you said
“Of course if you're ready for bed then so am I” Eren said as the two of you got ready for bed in silence. The two of you crawled into bed, where Eren held you in his arms as you turned off the light. The two of you fell asleep quickly. Eren woke up first with you in his arms. He loved holding you close he always did but he was worried how were you going to take the mark off of him. The mark that he thought could only be transferred. But alas he wanted to be free of the mark. When he originally had taken it it was so that he could protect you, now he could hurt you, so easily especially if he got killed again. He would turn back into a demon. You slowly stirred in his arms. 
Waking up slowly you pulled yourself even closer to Eren. “Morning” you muttered into his shoulder.
“Good morning to you too babe” Eren said as you opened your eyes to look at him.
“Whatcha thinking about?” you asked Eren
“Nothing” Eren replied with a slight smile looking down at you.
“I call bullshit what’s wrong?”
“(Y/N) I’m worried, how are you going to take the mark off of me” “I don’t want you or the baby to get hurt”
“Relax Eren it’s going to be okay” you said
“Are you sure?” Eren said questioningly
“Yes now get some more sleep it’s too early” you said and pushed your face into his chest. Eren calmed down slowly and then went back to sleep for a little while longer.
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blooblooded · 2 years
Kip and Kassidy Reunite Part 2
The night after being reunited with his family at last, Smiles had a dream about his other family. The family he had left behind.
It was always like this. When he was awake, he didn’t let himself think about them. It hurt too bad. Smiles focused on what was in front of him, what he had to do. He stayed busy. He kept his mind off it. It was easy to keep himself occupied that first day, he exhausted himself just by talking, by listening to Kassidy and Esther tell him stories about the boy he used to be. That exhaustion made him believe that he would finally have a dreamless sleep.
He was wrong.
The dream wasn’t anything new. Smiles had it all the time, over and over again. It was the one where he woke up back when everything was still good, when he was 22 and had first formed his team. Pete had still loved him back then, Nicky had never been sent up to brainwash other kids, Johnny had been so little and sweet. Internal Operations had not broken all of them yet.
“Hold still,” he told Nickels, who was sitting cross-legged on the floor while he shaved the new hair-growth from her head. He always used to do that for the kids once a week. When he was finished, he patted her on the head. “OK, you’re done.”
“Thanks.” Nickels tilted her head back to look at him with her big black eyes. “I’m glad you chose me, even though I’m only B-Class. You make me feel safe.”
“I’m glad you chose me too, Smiles,” Johnny chimed in. He was practically a baby, he hadn’t started calling him ‘Boss’ yet. He and Pete were playing some kind of game on a tablet. “You know, I think we’re the best team. Better than anyone else. We all actually like each other.”
No, no, something was wrong about this. This wasn’t real. This had happened a long time ago, it would never be this way again. Smiles’s heart hurt. He wanted to hold onto this for as long as he could. 
“We’re family,” said Pete, and she was smiling. God, when had she stopped smiling? He missed seeing her smile! “Families protect each other, we all love each other.”
That hurt worse than anything. It hurt to see them safe and happy. Smiles had failed to protect all of them. He had been so helpless! He had to watch it happen slowly, just like how they had to watch it happen to him. By the end, there were no more sweet moments together. They were all too focused on their own pain for that.
But not now. Now he had them the way he remembered them best. Smiles was able to do the things he wished he still could. He wrapped his arms around Nicky and hugged her tight. He got up and kissed Pete square on the mouth until she laughed, then grabbed Johnny and pulled him into a hug as well. 
He loved them all so much.
The dream seemed to last forever. 
Smiles jolted awake from the soft touch of a hand on his shoulder. Adrenaline spiked through his body, accelerated his heart-beat. For a moment he did not know where he was and he was scared. He jolted up, grabbing the person who had touched him by the wrist and looking around wildly.
Living room. He was on the couch in the living room. The person he had grabbed was Kassidy, who was looking at him with wide, scared eyes. He let her go in an instant and realized that he had hurt her on accident. Self-loathing coiled inside him.
“Sorry,” he said. Safe. He was safe. He was in a safe place surrounded by people who cared about him, even if he did not completely remember all of them. There was nobody here who wanted to hurt him. His mind knew that but his body didn’t.
His sister rubbed her wrist. Her short curly hair poofed up from her head. “You were crying,” she said.
God, that was embarrassing. Smiles rubbed his face. “It’s fine. Just something that happens. You just startled me, is all.”
“I won’t touch you when you’re asleep again.”
Smiles hated himself. Suddenly he felt painfully self-aware. Kassidy was essentially a stranger to him. He did not know anything about her. Sure, she had spent all day telling him stories about himself, but what about her? When he struggled to remember something about her, he could come up with next to nothing.
It was 3 am. He would not be going to sleep again any time soon. He did not want to dream again.
He pointed at the red fractal spirals that peeked out of the collar of her shirt, swirling up her neck. “What’s that?” he asked.
Kassidy’s face twisted. She pulled up her collar. “Something bad happened to me,” she said in a stiff, uncomfortable way. “But I deserved it. I made some stupid, selfish choices because I missed you so much. It got people hurt.”
“You don’t gotta tell me.” After all, there were lots of things he had no intention of sharing with her. She didn’t need to know the full extent of his mistreatment and humiliation over the last 10 years. The torture, the violations of his mind and body. Nobody needed to know that. Nobody on the outside needed to know about any of that. Casey had asked him if he wanted to go on her father’s news station and tell all of Eden about what had happened to him, but Smiles would rather pull out his own fingernails than go through that kind of public spectacle. He shook his head. “Tell me something else.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know.” Smiles tried to think about the kinds of things normal people did with their lives. “Have you been seeing anyone?” He could sense that something was going on between her and Casey.
That got a smile. “Yeah, most of the girls I see dump me after like a month. I suck at that. I’m better with casual stuff, no emotions involved.” Kassidy sat down on the floor. She acted like she was going to tie back her hair, but remembered that she had cut it short. 
They were both silent for a while. He couldn’t think of anything to talk about. Smiles kicked the blankets off of him, he was too hot. He knew that he needed to keep talking if he ever wanted to get the rest of his memories back, if he ever wanted to think of himself as Kip instead of Smiles, but it was hard. It was so hard. 
At least it seemed like it was hard for Kassidy too. It made him wonder what their mother was like, maybe she was the one who raised them both like this. But he didn’t think he was ready for that.
“We’ve both changed a lot,” said Kassidy at last. She looked sad. “I used to dream about getting you back, and it was always the same as it was when we were kids. But I’m not the same person I was when I was 17.”
Smiles could not remember being 17 but knew that he was not the same person either. He felt a pang in his heart. What if he was not the person she wanted? She wanted her brother. She wanted Kip, she wanted someone whose mind had not been twisted, someone who had not hurt people. Nobody would want someone like him.
No, that line of thinking did not serve him. Those were the kinds of thoughts that the TPs and the Handlers had forced into his mind. Smiles knew that he was wanted by these people, he knew that he was loved by them. Why else had they all cried and embraced him when he chose to come back? He wasn’t some stray they would cast aside when they got tired of him.
They sat together in their silence until morning. Smiles tried to take comfort in that. He was safe and he was with a person who cared about him so much that she was willing to just sit there and spend time with him. The pain of her absence in her life was not something he had recognized until he had her back. How are you supposed to miss someone who you don’t remember even exists? He supposed it had been easier for him in that way. He had always known he had a family out there somewhere, but he never had to endure the pain of being ripped away from them.
When everyone else woke up, it felt like they were trying hard to act normal around him. Casey woke the earliest and she bounded into the living room, looking around as if she had expected him to have disappeared in the night. She immediately sat down on the couch beside him like it was the most natural thing in the world, she prodded Kassidy with her feet until she snapped and smacked her away. Casey just laughed and laughed, the diamond embedded in her left canine sparkling.
“If you’re staying here with us, we’re going to be cramped in this tiny ass house,” she told him. Casey had no problem with talking. It seemed like it was easy for her to pick up where she had left off.
“You’re rich, do you have a better place to go?” he asked her. 
Casey shrugged. “Maybe. I’d have to talk to Dad though, and he doesn’t know about you. Kassidy said we shouldn’t tell him because– well, just because. I kind of feel like you shouldn’t be walking around out there though, even with those ugly glasses. What happens if one of your buddies from Internal Operations sees you?”
It was something he had thought about a lot over the last 6 months with Jules. If he was spotted by chance, it was all over. He bared his teeth with a mean smile. “I would just have to fucking kill them,” he said. “They were all probably told I was Retired anyway. Can’t have them thinking an escape is possible, that would really unleash a shit tsunami.”
“But what if it’s one of your friends that sees you?” asked Casey pragmatically. She reached down and tried to drag Kassidy up onto the couch and got swatted again. “You’d have to kill them too.”
Smiles’s heart twanged painfully. He had not told them about his team. He had only said that there were some people in the Program that he cared about, who weren’t all bad. Secretly, he believed that it was likely that Nicky and Johnny were already dead. Johnny would be unable to protect himself and Nickels had already been in the process of working up to a fatal brain bleed. Pete was probably still alive, as long as she hadn’t lost her mind after finding out he had been Retired. But he didn’t think she would be let out on standard Ops anymore. He tried to keep smiling. “I’d kill anyone to keep from going back to that hellhole.”
Of course, this wasn’t true. This was all for show. Smiles knew that if he was spotted, he would have to kill himself instead. He would not be able to live with himself if he murdered some dumb 14 year old C-Class TK for running into him on accident. He was not that selfish. 
The answer seemed to satisfy Casey. She unfolded herself from the couch and got up to start making breakfast. Kassidy, though, appeared troubled. She glanced at him from the corners of her eyes.
“I think you should stay inside as much as you can,” she told him.
Smiles barked a short laugh, then winced. His ribs were still broken. “Yeah. That’s smart. But I have shit to do.” He had already made up his mind to reunite Marty and Jules, the little witch. Jules deserved that much. She was owed some happiness.
It seemed as if the theme of this new chapter of his life was reunions.
Marty and Ayda were the next to get up. Ayda only glanced at Smiles briefly with her lovely cow-eyes before walking into the kitchen attachment to pour herself a cup of coffee. He could hear her and Casey chatting about how they slept over the sound of something frying. Marty on the other hand, quietly sat down in one of the chairs in the living room, rumpled from sleep.
He was a strange creature. Smiles suspected that he must have had a crush on him when they were young. It made sense. He had memories of Marty desperately trying to keep him safe when he had been Kip, when he had been cowering and crying in a bathroom as Lee Harlan yelled at him and banged on the door. And that was just back then. He had already caught Marty staring at his ass and he had only been back in his life for less than a day. It was fine. Smiles didn’t mind the attention.
It had been over 6 months since he last had sex. That was fine. Smiles didn’t feel particularly horny, being scared for your life does that to a person. But he liked the idea that he might be wanted in that way.
He thought back to what he had seen on Marty’s phone. The messages from Lee, some so friendly and agreeable, some angry and accusatory. And the dick pic. That bothered him. He didn’t like the thought of anyone being harassed, but he did not fully understand what Lee’s role had been in all of their lives. All he knew was that if he ever saw him again, he would kill him.
“Esther and Rosie are still asleep?” asked Marty, in his round, musical accent.
“They can sleep through anything. They’re so gross,” said Kassidy. She still sat cross legged on the floor.
Casey came out of the kitchen, carrying plates of toast and thick slices of canned meat. She handed one to Smiles without hesitating. He looked down at it. The toast was burned and the meat was undercooked. That figured: of course a rich girl had never learned how to cook. But he was starving and appreciated her thoughtfulness. He began to eat. Despite everything, it tasted good. It occurred to him that this was the first home-cooked meal he could remember having.
He finished, stood up, and stretched. One of his ribs clicked and he tried to play it off. He looked at Marty. “You wanna go with me to see the witch?” he asked. “I need to stretch my legs.” That got a look from Casey and Kassidy. They really didn’t want him to go out. They were afraid of losing him again.
It seemed like Marty hadn’t been expecting him to speak to him. He was startled. “Quoi– I mean, what, now?”
“Yeah. She’s been worried sick about your ass. You were all she could talk about from the time we first met. It’s a 30 minute trip down to the Lower Levels, tops.”
Marty stuffed his phone into his pocket. He pursed his lips, looking serious. “It’s been 8 months. Of course I want to see her. But– is that safe?”
“I’ll protect you.”
“More like he’ll protect you,” laughed Casey. Smiles shot her a glare. Was that really what she thought? The only reason they had been able to overpower him before was because there was a psychic and an Artificial involved, and it was 3 vs 1. In a fair fight, he could wipe the floor with any of them.
It occurred to him that they might see him as something that was broken and needed protection. That was why they were all tip-toeing around him, why Kassidy had said she wouldn’t touch him again when he was sleeping. He didn’t like that. He didn’t like that at all. Smiles was used to the one being the protector, Smiles was the one who stood up for people who were weaker than he was. Even jokingly, he did not want to be seen as fragile.
Suddenly he felt irritated and wanted to break something. That was always how he used to deal with feelings like this. Smiles would smash something, he’d get into fights. He couldn’t do that here. If he went through with his urge to smash the plate he was holding, they would all think he was some kind of dangerous animal who was more broken than before. 
“You coming or not?” asked Smiles. “I’m going for a walk with or without you.”
Marty scrambled up. He hadn’t even finished his breakfast. Maybe he wanted to see Jules. Maybe he didn’t want to leave Smiles by himself. “Let me get changed real fast.”
During the time he was gone, the others didn’t say anything to him. Smiles felt a chasm widen. He avoided eye contact with his sister.
When they left, Smiles pulled on his hat and sunglasses. Together with his beard, it was a good disguise. It was unlikely that anyone would recognize his face if they did not look at him directly. Still, he chose a less popular subway route down to the Lower Levels.
“Do your ribs still hurt?” Marty asked him as they sat together on the train. It was painfully obvious that he was not from Eden. He had to stare at the guide at the transit station for 3 minutes before Smiles grabbed his arm and led him to the Blue Line that went down and east. He and Jules had similar behavioral quirks that set them apart; they stared at strangers and didn’t understand it was rude to walk beside someone on the sidewalks. These things were noticeable to anyone who lived here. “Did you take any pain medication?”
Smiles’s ribs still hurt and he had not taken any medication. Every time he breathed, something sharp jabbed into his side. There was nothing he could do about it. “It’s fine,” he said. “I’ve had worse.”
“Hm.” Marty pulled out his phone. Smiles watched him, trying to discern whether or not he was messaging Lee Harlan. He was not, he was only sending Ayda long strings of emojis.
The subway car was mostly empty. It was past the time when most people commuted to work. There was one old woman with her groceries, probably going home, and a messy looking college student with their hair in knots. Smiles marked them as non-threats. He tapped his foot on the floor.
“Jules hates it here,” Smiles commented. “She says she misses the trees. What about you, you must miss your home.”
“Not really.” Marty did not look up from his phone. “It’s not as dirty here. Back home, people didn’t have enough to eat and they got sick all the time. It’s not like that here. I don’t understand how all these people are crammed into this place and don’t fight with each other. In the Northern Territories, everyone was tearing each other apart.”
Oh, Smiles understood exactly why the masses in Eden didn’t fight with each other. He had been a part of that reason. The population was surveilled and terrified and anyone who stepped out of line could be dragged away and killed in an instant. If it wasn’t for the fear of Internal Operations, all the poor people in Eden would be rising up to rip the Artificials of the Intelligentsia class to shreds. They said that B-Day was only a little taste of what could happen in the future without iron-clad control.
Still, after some of the stories Jules had told him about her life up North in the Strath, Smiles liked to imagine going there. Just for a visit. He thought that he might feel happy looking at trees.
It was impossible, of course. Not only because of the distance and the political tensions between their two colonies. Smiles had an expiration date. No matter how hard he tried to stay safe, someday he would be caught. 
The advertisement screen on the car wall switched to show two men embracing with text that read ‘Natural Deodorant that Lasts All Day Long!!’ Blood rose to Marty’s face. He smoothed down his fluffy black hair. “What is this place she’s at? That you both stayed at?”
“Homeless shelter. Like a place you can go to be safe if you have nowhere else to go.”
“We don’t have that where I’m from. People who have nothing just die in the streets.”
Smiles decided that he did not want to visit the Northern Territories after all. 
It took them 20 minutes to reach the Lower Levels. Eden was a massive, sprawling anthill, full of tubes and tunnels. It was a technological miracle that it existed at all. In the Lower Levels, the air was thick and heavy with C02 and the pressure was bad enough to give some people nosebleeds. The supply of pure oxygen that got pumped in malfunctioned often. The only place more hostile to human life was the network of sewer tunnels below.
He led Marty to the Weil Church shelter he had stayed at. Smiles pressed the buzzer and waved at the camera. “Diana,” he said, putting his mouth close to the buzzer. “Hey, hey, Diana, hey Diana, it’s me.”
“You can’t come back in here, Chris,” said the Sister. She sounded disappointed in him. Smiles felt bad about that. He had always followed the rules while staying there and had never bothered any of the staff. He knew they only wanted what was best for him. “You didn’t come back last night, I’m sorry, it’s just policy.”
“No, no, it’s OK, I got housing,” he said. That was technically true. He did get housing. He had somewhere safe to stay with people who cared about him, even if they didn’t really know him. “I just wanna talk to Jules, can you send her out here?”
“I’ll send her out,” she paused. “Good for you, Chris. I’m proud of you.”
Marty glanced at him. “Chris?” he asked.
“I don’t know. I had to give them a name. I guess I already started to remember.”
It was hot in the Lower Levels due to the lack of ventilation. Marty started to sweat through his clothes. He took off his heavy sweatshirt to reveal the T-shirt he wore underneath. Smiles took a moment to appreciate his build, since he had only ever seen him covered up. Marty was shorter and stockier than he was, with a layer of fat softness over what Smiles knew from experience was hard muscle. He found people with that body type pleasant to touch. Too bad Marty was so awkward.
The shelter door slid open and Jules walked out in ill-fitting pajamas and slippers. She must have woken up recently, her hair was still in limp tangles. First she saw Smiles and she just glared at him. But when she saw Marty, her sharp, spotted face became almost beautiful in her happiness. She laughed and then flung her arms around his neck, saying something in their own language.
It felt good to see happiness, to see people reunited instead of torn apart. Jules was pushing Marty’s hair out of his face and pinching at him while he protested in French. Despite this, he hugged her back, and it looked like he squeezed her as hard as he could.
They broke apart. Marty said something and Jules laughed again and gave him a swat. “Now I know this boy is safe. I don’t know how to thank you, Smiles,” she said, switching to English for his benefit. 
“I owed you. You were the one who dragged me out of the trash while I was hallucinating and vomiting my guts out.” Also, he was fond of the mean little witch. And he suspected that he was fond of Marty. He wanted good things for them both.
Was this what it was like to be a normal person? Doing things for others, with no thought of reward? Where had he learned that?
Sometimes people could just be good for no reason. Smiles wanted to be good. Like Kip. He wanted to be the way he was when he was Kip. Maybe prove to himself that he had not been irreparably damaged by the things that had happened to him, by the things he had done to other people.
“Have you been OK?” asked Marty. He dodged when she tried to pinch his belly again. “You’ve been OK, right?”
“Fine. But these stupid people get upset when I try to smoke here.” Jules made a sign with her right hand and grimaced. “Life without the sun has stunted all of them.”
“They’re not that bad.”
“They’re all soft and cowardly.”
“Not all of them.” Marty jerked his head towards Smiles.
“We can go home now,” Jules grasped Marty’s hand with her stained fingers. “We don’t have to stay in this place. We can go back and tell them what happened here.”
Marty’s mouth twisted. He looked down at the ground. “I can’t go yet. There’s important things I have to do. I don’t want to think about what happens if I don’t.”
“This is not a good place,” Jules persisted. She let go of his hand. “The air isn’t real. The food isn’t real. There’s no sunlight. There are people here who don’t have souls, we shouldn’t stay here.”
Smiles wondered what he would do, if he was Marty. Would he want to go home? After all, Smiles did have a home, a real home, that he had not returned to. He was too scared to go back there. He was too scared to reunite with his own mother.
When Marty didn’t answer, Jules continued, lowering her voice as if she was afraid of being overheard. “We have to get out of here. If word got back home about what these savages did to the Prime Minister, Beatrice Kosarin will send 150,000 men south to destroy this place. This place has no army, these people don’t know anything about war. The streets will run with blood.”
That was the first Smiles had heard about that. He felt nervous. Eden was a fortress with impenetrable walls, but inside? 12,000 police officers. 108 Internal Operations agents, at his last count, could be more, could be less. Control in Eden was maintained by brutal surveillance and a frightened population. They were not prepared for war. They did not even understand what that was.
“There’s no way word got back home,” said Marty, who looked a little nervous now. “I heard Florence’s entourage were all killed by secret police. Casey’s da– this guy who knows everything about everyone told us that. He said they were all slaughtered.”
“The dead have a way of showing up again in this place,” said Jules, with a glance at Smiles. “We need to leave. We won’t survive if any fighting starts here. The Partisans and the First Army will wipe out these people like rats in a pit.”
“I can’t leave. If I leave, something worse will happen. Something that affects the entire world. Everyone could die.”
He was talking about the demon from the Void that Smiles still did not understand. Blood magic, yes, he knew what that was. But he was not clear on the creature, the Book that they had told him about. He did not even know if it was real. Kassidy sure believed it was real, he could tell by how uncomfortable she had grown when the others were explaining it to him.
In Smiles’s mind, there were more concrete problems at hand. He only cared about maintaining his survival and the survival of the people he cared about.
One of the shelter residents walked out the doors and went past them. Marty stiffened. Smiles gave the guy a little wave.
After a minute, Jules spoke again. “I’m not leaving without you.” She pulled her pajamas tighter around her. Her dark eyes did not have any light in them. 
In reality, Smiles knew that it was impossible for her to travel hundreds of miles through forests and wastelands by herself. Marty’s decision to stay affected both of them. 
He suddenly felt a sense of sadness that he could not understand.
“I’m sorry.” Marty hunched his shoulders. “I don’t have any other choice.”
The little witch reached out and took his hand again. She squeezed it. The smile that she put on was sad but brave as well. “Don’t be so stupid,” she said. 
And that was that.
Over time, he began to think of himself more as Kip. He spent time with his sister. He went on small excursions with his friends. Everything began to feel a little lighter, a little easier to bear. This was what it was like to be loved and supported without the constant threat of harm. This was what it was like to be a person.
Every day, he felt a little more like himself.
A month after reuniting with his sister and friends, Kip received something that he could only think of as a bad blessing. 
It was early morning. Kip got into the bathroom first because he did not want to be the one showering after the hot water went out. The issue of the hot water had become a point of contention recently. He scrubbed his face and body and let the water run off of him. It was calming and pleasant. He enjoyed being clean.
When he got out, he looked at himself in the mirror. His hair had grown about half an inch, it stood up from his head, soft and black. Kip patted his own head and wondered if he liked it that way or if he needed to shave it down again. They didn’t own any clippers.
He knew he was starting to acclimate to this life at last. It was hard sometimes, but he was safe and he was loved. He had a sense of purpose as he helped his friends learn more about what they claimed was a ravenous body-hopping demon. Kip didn’t completely understand that, but it felt good to be useful.
He smiled at himself in the mirror and realized that all his expressions had grown softer. There were still lines around his eyes and his mouth was still prone to cruelty, but the growing softness was undeniable. He wondered if he wanted that. He wondered if one day, he wanted to become soft. What would it be like to live a soft life? Kip thought that it might be nice.
There was some kind of commotion out in the living room. Casey shouted something suddenly. She was always shouting. Kip ignored it and started brushing his teeth.
Someone pounded on the door. Kip opened it to find Marty. When Marty saw him half naked and damp with only a towel tied around his waist, his round face turned an alarming shade of red and he averted his eyes.
“What?” asked Kip, his mouth full of toothpaste.
“Uh–uh,” stammered Marty. It was almost funny, the way he seemed so attracted to him. It was like he had never seen another man’s body before. “I– you, you need to get out here and look at the TV.”
“Can I put on some fucking pants first?” He didn’t understand what was so urgent. All the news in Eden was fake anyways. There were two options: the state-owned media programs or the one that West Agapama had started himself in the last year. As far as he was concerned, both options spewed nothing but garbage and lies for their own agendas. 
“Just get out here.” Still blushing, Marty shut the door and left.
Kip pulled on his sweatpants and a t-shirt, then went out into the living room.
“Are you kidding?” Casey was saying. She appeared extremely escalated. The only other person in the Safehouse was Ayda, since Esther and Rosie had left again to visit the Bellamys and Kassidy had gone to where Tony was staying the night before to discuss something about the demon of the Void. “Are you kidding, Ade? He looks exactly like Rome!”
“I’m not saying anything, it just seems weird,” Ayda whined. “It just seems weird that this would happen now and Dad didn’t tell us anything about it.”
Kip looked at them before looking at the TV. Suddenly, he had a bad feeling. “So who died?” he asked. Marty just pointed at the TV.
He turned and froze. All he could see on the TV was someone with sharp teeth and big yellow eyes.
Involuntarily, Kip made a noise like somebody had punched him in the gut and all the air was leaving his lungs. He could not move, he could not speak, he could only sit frozen with his eyes glued to the screen. His pulse pounded in his ears. Whatever was happening in front of him did not seem real, but he could not wake himself up from the dream. 
Hope was a dangerous thing, a dirty word. It was a useless thing for people like Kip, people whose existences must be grounded in bleak reality. Hope was what made people do stupid things, it made them act out or lose sight of the present. Thinking that things might someday be OK only ever hurt him. Thinking that he could exist and feel happy only ever hurt him. Thinking that he could care about anyone without hurting them...only ever hurt him. Almost every shred of hope had been beaten out of Kip over the course of a decade. There was nothing to hope for where he had come from.
Yet since the day that he escaped, he had entertained the hope that his team would survive without him. It was almost too much to ask. Imagining a life where he might see even one of them again? It was too fucked up and tragic to even put in his brain. That was the kind of shit that haunted him when he tried to sleep. It was easier to think that they were all dead.
But here he was, looking at someone he had convinced himself he had lost. If Johnny was safe, maybe Pete and Nicky were as well. In those first few seconds Kip wondered if his pounding heart and dizziness meant he was happy. 
No. He was afraid. Once you get something back, it can be taken away again.
Kip couldn’t even hear what he was saying. He knew Johnny was talking to a reporter, he could see his mouth moving, but he couldn’t hear him. His ears were ringing too bad. He was so dizzy that he had to sit down on the floor. He tried to focus, he could feel his mind losing its grip on himself, he could feel himself start to float away so he made a fist and brought it down hard on his bad leg.
When Marty saw him do that, he winced.
He couldn’t hear anything. Kip started to panic. His brain was moving too fast and too slow at the same time. Sweat broke out across his whole body, his throat closed up and he started to shake. No, no. What was happening? This wasn’t happening. How could he be doing this? How had he gotten out, only to go on TV and make himself a target? He was going to lose someone he cared about before he even had him back again! Why was this happening? Kip felt like he couldn’t breathe. He tried to get up, but couldn’t move.
He didn’t know how long he was frozen and terrified like that. It felt like forever. Casey, Ayda, and Marty were looking at him with scared faces. He didn’t want them to touch him. If they touched him, he might do something bad, something really bad. He tried to suck air down into his lungs and started to wheeze.
“Kip? Kip?” said Casey, calming her own escalation to address him. Her hands hovered. “Hey, hey, it’s OK, you’re OK, just calm down.”
“Fucking stupid,” moaned Kip. With great effort, he was able to put his hands over his face. “I’m so fucking stupid.”
“You’re not stupid,” said Marty, who crouched down very close to him. Marty smelled good, like deodorant and clean sweat. Kip tried to focus on that.
He was stupid. He was stupid for ever letting his guard down. He was stupid for ever thinking that he might deserve a nice, soft life. How could he deserve that when such terrible things had happened to the people he loved? 
“Ayda, I think he needs–”
“No!” If she went into his head again, he was really going to snap. He would not be able to differentiate her presence from the TP agents like Lady who had forced themselves into his brain. At this point, his body felt like it was back in Internal Operations, even if his mind knew that it was not. Kip, his name was Kip, his name wasn’t Smiles. He wheezed for more air.
He wanted someone to hold him. He wanted someone to tell him he was OK. Not these people. He didn’t know who.
“It’s OK, Kip,” said Marty. “You’re still here with us in the safehouse.”
“Don’t you think I fuckin’ know that?!” He couldn’t stop shaking. 
“I’m gonna call Kassidy,” Ayda said softly.
“Don’t do that!” He did not want his sister to see him this upset. All this time, he had tried to hide it from her, just like she tried to hide her fears and sadness from him. It wouldn’t last but he wanted to protect her as long as he could. Maybe that was selfish.
The three of them just sat there with him until his breathing slowed and he could think again. Kip took his hands away from his face. All his muscles hurt from being clenched so tightly. It was humiliating to think that they had seen him have a fit like that, but as time passed, he knew that they would see him have more fits. A lot more. He could not control himself.
“Can I hug you?” asked Casey. She was smiling, but her sparkling, upturned eyes were looking at him in the same way someone looks at a dangerous animal. She was afraid that he was going to hurt himself. Or hurt someone else.
Kip shook his head. He wiped sweat from his forehead.
“You knew that kid?” asked Marty. Ayda jabbed him with her elbow. “Ow! Bitch! What’s the matter with you? I’m just saying, it’s obvious he knows him from the way he was freaking out.”
He might as well just say it. “He was like my fucking baby,” he said, and his own sentimentality made his voice crack. Kip hoped that he would not start crying. That kind of humiliation was not something he thought he could recover from. “He was my subordinate, he was on my team, I was responsible for him. I thought he was dead.”
“That’s a fucking Prospas, is what that is,” said Casey, a little unkindly. She seemed to catch herself. “I didn’t think Internal Operations would want an Artificial, it seems like a huge liability.”
Kip did not know anything about recruitment, only that most agents were brought by CPS and some were snatched from their homes. He wiped a hand over his face again. “They didn’t care. All they saw was fresh meat for the grinder. I–I was never able to protect him or the others.”
How could he? Kip hadn’t even been able to protect himself. He had always tried to sacrifice himself to protect the other three.
“Well this is a good thing.” Ayda was hovering. He did not think she would go into his head on purpose, she knew better than that by now. But she was unable to control her own empathy. Her own feelings leached onto the others around her and he could feel her sense of pity directed at him. It filled him with disgust. “You know he’s OK now. Maybe– not now– maybe you can go see him.”
Kip’s breath caught in his throat again. No, no, he did not want that. His last few interactions with Johnny– or whatever his real name was– had been bad, devolving into screaming matches. It was simple. Despite his best efforts, Johnny had grown up in an environment inhospitable to his sensitivity. The other kids all thought it was funny to hurt him because he was different and because he just didn’t understand why they were doing it, he would keep going back. There had been nothing Kip– Smiles – could do to help him.
“He hates me,” Kip said bitterly.
“I’m sure that’s not true.” 
“Why?” asked Marty. “That’s Rome’s little brother. What did you do to him to make you think he hates you?”
He realized that he had not listened to a single word of the interview. Johnny might have said anything. Had this been broadcast everywhere? Kip’s heart clenched. If Pete and Nicky were not dead, now they certainly would be. The second it began to air and the Handlers caught wind of it, they would be dragged away and shot in the face. Now. They were probably being Retired right now, as he sat there in this safe and comfortable house. It wasn’t fair. What had he done to deserve safety? Why didn’t they deserve it?
He would not let himself cry. Kip clenched his teeth. He brought his fist down on his bad leg for a second time and everyone flinched. “I didn’t do anything,” he said, with poison in his voice. “That’s just it. I didn’t do enough. I could never do enough.”
Pete and Nicky. He couldn’t do anything for them now. 
Casey stood up, radiating pent up worry. She never knew what to do with herself either. Just like Kip, her energy was caged inside of a body that could not contain it. “I’ll make you some tea,” she said, and she removed herself from the situation. Each step she took was equal amounts forceful and graceful.
Kip hated himself. Suddenly, a part of himself missed his life back in Internal Operations. At least there, he always knew what to expect. Out here, the pain was too fresh. It hurt to heal. How was he supposed to heal, knowing that there were people on the inside still hurting? He hated that weak, broken part of himself that desired to get ordered around and treated like a dog. What was wrong with him?
No, really, what was wrong with him? He should be overjoyed to see that his littlest team-mate was alive and presumably reunited with his family just like he had been. Instead he was overcome with a fresh sense of shame and guilt that up until now, he had been able to push back. When he believed they were all dead, Kip had not had to think about his shame. Now here it was. Right in front of him.
He was determined not to cry but his body felt weak. He was still on the verge of panic. It looked like Marty noticed. He coughed awkwardly. “Hey Kip, you want to play video games with me and Ayda? You were good at it before.”
Ayda blinked rapidly. She pushed a strand of hair back under her scarf and tried to smile. “Yeah, we– I mean, let’s just get your mind off stuff.”
Kip did not want to play their stupid games. He did not want Casey to make him tea. What Kip wanted to do was break something. There was no way for him to express what he was feeling other than with violence. He did not have the right tools, he had never learned to recognize his own feelings. He wanted to cry and scream and throw a huge fit, and that’s exactly what he would have done if he was alone. But he wasn’t. Kip was in a safe place surrounded by people who cared about him and he knew that he could not scare them like that.
They shouldn’t be nice to him. They didn’t know what he had done. Or worse, what he hadn’t done.
Still, he allowed them to take care of him. In a daze, he played video games with Ayda and Marty for hours. It got his mind off things, for a while. Casey brought them food and would sit with them from time to time, making comments or painting her sister’s nails.
Once, when they were not looking, a couple tears dribbled out from his eyes. Kip wiped them away furiously.
Around 4, he went into the room Kassidy shared with Esther and Rosaline to try and get some sleep. Spending quiet time playing games with Ayda and Marty had calmed him down a great deal.  Kip lay on his back and stared at the cracks in the ceiling. Selfishly, he wished that nothing had changed. He had been doing so well, he had made so much progress, and now he was in pain again. Why was he always in so much pain? It was never going to go away. He was going to be like this forever.
He heard the front door open and knew that it was his sister from the way she was stomping around. Kassidy was so much like him. She kept things deep inside until they exploded out of her. It sounded like she was very angry.
“Did you see that shit?!” Kassidy’s voice was muffled through the door. “This is so fucked! I had to take the Green line home because people are already rioting.”
“Shhh,” Ayda’s voice. “He’s sleeping.”
“Good. I’m sure he’s all fucked up now. Why did this have to happen now? He shouldn’t have had to watch that, I didn’t even want to hear all that shit about beatings and rape. I’m sure it just brought everything back to him.”
Kip pulled a pillow over his face.
“You said that Tony was going to try to go talk to that guy.” Marty’s voice.
Something crashed like somebody had kicked something. “Yeah. You know who he went with? My Ma. She’s wrapped up in all of this, just like your Dad.” Something else crashed. “I’m so fucking selfish. She just wanted answers and now she just thinks Kip is dead because the Prospas kid told her that. What am I supposed to do now? It’s not like we can just show up in her life now. Tony gave me some huge lecture about how keeping secrets just hurts people.”
Kip pressed the pillow down harder. Stop talking. Just stop talking.
“Why didn’t Kip tell us about all that stuff?” Marty’s voice, again. “He made it sound like he had just been brainwashed. The stuff with the psychics.”
“Would you wanna tell your sister all the details of being tortured for years? I can’t even tell him about what the Book did to me because I know that it’ll just hurt him! Talking about shit fucking hurts! Tony said when he tried to talk to that Artificial about it, he freaked out and fucking bit him!” Another crash. It sounded like they were scuffling out there. “Casey, goddammit, get your hands off me! Get off me! I can’t fucking take this! What are we supposed to do now? I don’t know what to fucking do!”
They must have all got it through their heads that they needed to lower their voices. That was almost worse. Kip knew they were talking about him, but didn’t know what they were saying. He hated this. He hated thinking that they might pity him, that they might see him as someone irreparable fucked up. For a month, he had hidden it from them. Now it was all out in the open.
Why was he feeling so sorry for himself? He shouldn’t be sorry for himself. His situation was so much better than the others’. Even as Smiles, he had had so many privileges and opportunities that others did not have. He had been able to protect himself; he had never been bullied or harassed by other agents. The second any of them looked at him the wrong way he had always been able to beat them into the ground, even other A-Class agents like BG or Creedo. It was only his Handlers that he ever had to worry about.
Kip kept his eyes closed. Thinking about the past was useless, no matter how much it hurt him, no matter how stuck there he felt. There was only the present and the future. For now, he only needed to focus on how he was going to get to Johnny before the little weasel got snatched by Internal Operations and tortured to death for spilling all their secrets on TV.
After a while, his sister came into the room by herself. Kip jerked up into a sitting position and tried to appear like everything was fine. Kassidy stared at him for a moment. She looked tired, but she always looked tired after talking to Tony and some guy named Cihad Tariq. Her hair was frizzier than usual and there were dark circles under her eyes. She was wearing one of the black turtleneck shirts she used to cover up the marks on her neck and chest.
“Why’d you have to sit on my bed?” she asked him, sitting down as well and criss-crossing her legs. “You stink.”
“It was either this or go in the other room and sit on Marty’s.” A joke between the two of them. She did not care about him sitting on her bed. Kassidy had even offered to let him have the bed and go sleep on the couch herself, but Esther and Rosie had not liked the idea of Kip as a roommate. He wouldn’t either, if he was them. 
Kassidy was biting her lower lip. She twisted her sleeves in her hand. “You saw that Prospas kid’s interview, huh?”
This was going to be a hard conversation.Kip tried to play it off for her sake. “Not really. I didn’t listen. I didn’t need to.”
“Tony said he went to visit him this morning with Ma. He said Valentine told her that you died 6 months ago. I guess she– I guess she got pretty upset about it afterwards.”
What was that like, Kip wondered. What was it like to cling onto the hope that someone you had lost was still alive, only to have that hope ripped away from you again? He could understand that pain. But he had never been a parent, someone who’s entire existence revolves around protecting their children. 
He thought about his mother. He had seen the Police Commissioner plenty of times on TV. She had always looked a little older, a little more broken down every time he saw her. Back then he had wondered why looking at her made his heart feel empty. Now he knew he was just missing someone he couldn’t even remember.
“I’d be upset too,” said Kip. He tried not to look at his sister. He knew what she was trying to ask him. 
“I think we need to go see her.”
Kip laughed. “That would be a shock if she thinks I’m dead.”
“All of us thought you were dead for years.”
“I can’t– I don’t want to have to explain what happened to me to someone else.” Even saying that out loud sounded weak and pathetic. But Kip would rather curl up and die instead of look into the face of someone who loved him and tell them about the years of mistreatment and humiliation and how he had been made into something violent. It didn’t make sense. How had someone as emotionally fragile as Johnny gone on TV and spilled his guts for everyone to hear, while Kip couldn’t even talk to his own sister without feeling panic and shame? “I can’t, I just fucking can’t. I want to see her but I can’t.”
“And now what’s Ma thinking, huh? She’s thinking that for 10 years, the same fucked up shit that happened to Johnny was happening to me, and then they blew my brains out. Sure. But he was little and weak and I was strong, so things were fucking different. Nobody else ever bothered me, I only ever got punished by staff because I deserved it. I just got broken down into a monster who hurts people and I don’t want to hurt her by telling her that.”
Don’t cry. Don’t fucking cry. Kip felt the urge to hit himself again but did not want to make Kassidy see that. 
Kassidy was quiet for a long time. She swallowed, then pulled down the collar of her shirt to reveal the red fractal marks that ran down her neck and chest. “The first night you were back, you asked me what these were.”
“You don’t have to tell me.” God, he didn’t want her to have to pour out all her secret trauma just to make him feel better. That wasn’t fair. She didn’t want to talk about her shit either.
“When you were gone I missed you so bad I didn’t know what to do. I was the one who found that Book that we’re talking about all the time. I didn’t know what it was but whenever I used blood magic, I didn’t feel so sad and lost. I thought I could use it to bring you back, I was so stupid.” Kassidy’s face twisted with the familiar anger of self loathing. She let go of her collar and clenched both her fists. “But I kept doing it, even though I knew it was killing me because I didn’t want to go back to feeling so useless. I didn’t know that the thing that lived inside the Book, the demon of the Void we’ve told you about, was taking over my body.”
“You don’t have to tell me about this,” Kip said again. He knew what it was like to relive something.
“So I kept getting weaker and weaker. I stopped being me and started being it, that thing. It was making me do things I didn’t want to do, it was hurting people, it was inside of me and I couldn’t do anything to stop it. I could only watch and wish I was dead. And then it left me and I did die. Just for a second. It was like falling asleep. These marks are from Esther shocking me until my heart started beating again.” She paused, looking down at her hands, unable to look at him. “I didn’t want to wake up. I wanted to stay dead. Sometimes I still do.”
Kip knew about the Book and the demon from the Void. It was what they always talked about. He had always thought of it as a theoretical danger, not as something that had personally affected any of them. It was hard to process what she had just told him, he had no understanding of things of a supernatural nature. All this time, he had imagined that humans were the worst monsters in the world. But it seemed like there were other things that could cause harm and violate the bodies of others.
He didn’t know what to say. It must have been hard for her to tell him that. It had taken her an entire month to do so and he could tell she still hated it. This was where he was supposed to say something comforting and make it all OK.
But there was nothing that could make it all OK. For either of them. 
Kassidy brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She sniffed. “That’s what I’m going to tell Ma. I don’t know. Did that suck?”
“That was fine. But Kassidy, is that Thing–”
“Let’s just worry about Ma right now. I think we need to go see her as soon as possible so she knows both of us are OK.”
They had been avoiding it long enough. He knew that she was right. But it was hard! It hurt and he was scared.
That was funny. Kip had been through so much, he had killed people and almost died himself, and now the thought of reuniting with his own mother terrified him. What was he so scared of? That she would hate him? He had been scared that Kassidy and the others would hate him too. But that didn’t stop him from being scared and not knowing what to do.
He inhaled through his nose and breathed out through his mouth. “OK,” he said.
“OK,” said Kassidy. She hesitated, then reached out and patted him on the leg. “We’ll be OK.”
Kip could only hope that she was right.
0 notes
watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
Grammy Winner Husband - Harry Styles
a/n: okay, yall know im a suckr for dad content and i just needed to write this little fluffy thing. also MY BABY IS A GRAMMY WINNER IM SO PROUD OF HIM and also, Sarah and Mitch are gonna be parents???? my heart can’t take all this *sigh*
pairing: Husband!Harry / Dad!Harry x Pregnant!Reader
word count: 1.3k
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“Congratulations once again, Harry. This Grammy looks great on you,” the interviewer compliments the grinning man who still very much feels like he is in a dream and his phone could start ringing anytime, ending this ethereal feeling of becoming what was only a dream when he was just a boy.
“Thank you,” he cracks a humbled smile.
“How are you gonna celebrate? Popping all the champagnes?”
“Honestly?” he sighs. “I just really want to kiss my wife, that’s gonna be my celebration,” he chuckles shyly, making every woman close to him swoon at his sweetness.
He accepts all the congratulations, the little shiny golden award weighing in his hands, not letting it out of his sight as he makes his way to the back to change his outfit back to something casual instead of the bold statements he has been making all night with his boas.
“Good night, Harry. Tell Y/N I said hi!” Sarah runs a hand down his back, grabbing his attention immediately. She’s gotten rid of her leather bodysuit as well, wearing just jeans and an oversized t-shirt, but her bump is making an appearance in it regardless. Mitch is holding his girlfriend’s other hand, their bags occupying his other as he smiles back at Harry with proud, shining eyes.
“Good night, you guys. Drive safe and thank you for tonight.” Harry pulls her into yet another hug, careful not to hold her too tight.
“Good night, see you soon,” him and Mitch share a quick hug as well, patting each other on the back before stepping back. Sarah’s hand runs down her belly, an instinctive motion Harry has seen quite often lately and not just from her and it reminds him how badly he just wants to get home to you finally.
While most performers and winners are probably out for some celebrations, champagnes must flow all directions, Harry quickly loads his things in his car and heads home to the one person he would ever want to celebrate with. It’s late, way past midnight by the time he arrives home and he has a guess where to find you.
Being the angel that you are, you left the lights on for him so he doesn’t have to blindly make his way to the bedroom. He kicks off his boots, drops his bag to the couch in the living room, placing the award on the dining table before padding down the hallway, the muffled sound of the TV and the strobbing lights of the screen still on in there, illuminating the doorway. He pushes the door that’s ajar open more, his smile immediately widening as he sees you curled up under the sheets, the TV remote still in your hands, your phone lying on the pillow next to your head while you’re fast asleep.
You swore you wouldn’t have problem staying up this late, but Harry knew it was not gonna happen, especially because ever since you’ve reached your third trimester bedtime was moved to seven o’clock, no exceptions.
Harry takes a second to adorn the beauty he has the luck to call his wife, before he quietly tiptoes into the bathroom connected to the bedroom to quickly wash up and get ready to his way of celebration: holding his pregnant wife in bed, falling asleep smelling your shampoo and maybe feeling a few tiny kicks under his palms.
Following a speedy shower he brushes his teeth, washing away the taste of that one glass of champagne he allowed for himself, he has been very restricted when it comes to alcohol ever since you found out you’re pregnant. Partially because he wants to take solidarity with you, having to say no to a good wine whenever you’re out for dinner, or a beer you occasionally drank with him while watching a movie. But he also feels like alcohol would just take away memories from his brain he wants to cherish forever.
Lifting the covers he tries to slip into bed next to you as gently and quietly as possible so you don’t wake up, but the moment the mattress sinks in under his weight, your eyes flutter open, blinking up at him sleepily as you register what’s really happening.
“Oh shit, you’re back! I really wanted to be awake when you arrive!” you pout at him as his arms curl around you, pulling you to him gently, his smiling lips pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“It’s alright, baby. I know how tired you always are.”
“Yeah, but my man won a fucking Grammy! I wanted to jump at you the moment you walk in,” you giggle, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck. “I’m so proud of you, baby. Congrats!”
“Thank you,” he smirks blushing softly. He is still not used to the title he has earned today.
“You looked so hot on stage, that leather suit was awesome,” you grin, cupping his face, turning it towards you so you can see his bright, shining eyes.
“Yeah? You liked it?” he shyly asks, his finger grazing on your belly, tickling you a little in hopes the little one inside is still up, or went to sleep just like his mommy. “Mm, loved it,” you grin, pulling him down for a sweet kiss, one he was waiting all night to finally get. “And I love you.”
“Love you too, baby,” he hums against your lips, his palm coming to connect with your bump. “How are you feeling?” he asks, nuzzling his nose against yours.
He knows how this third trimester has been on you, the swelling and back pains killing you but you never complained as much as he knew you could have. He admired your strength all through this pregnancy, from the way you handled morning sickness, all the mood swings and changes in your body to the point where you are now carrying a literal watermelon at this point, having left only three more weeks until the baby arrives.
“I’m good, a little hungry maybe, but what’s new,” you chuckle.
“You want me to make you something?” he asks right away, ready to get out of bed to make you a sandwich or bake you cookies even if that’s what you wanted. But you push him down back shaking your head at him.
“It’s fine, I can wait until the morning. I just want to kiss my Grammy winner husband stupid right now,” you grin before leaving a sloppy kiss on his chest, chin, nose and finally, his lips. Pecking your lips a few times he makes you lie on your back as he slides down and pushing your shirt up, his adorning eyes fall to your belly, hands coming to gently cup it.
“Hey there, little one,” he murmurs as he leans closer and kisses your stretched out skin just above your belly button.
“He hasn’t moved in a while, think he’s asleep,” you smile, fingers running through his curls as you watch him pepper your belly with more feather-like kisses. Harry has been ecstatic since you found out you’re having a boy, though he would have been just the same if it was a girl.
“S’alright, I’m just gonna wish him goodnight,” he smiles, pressing his cheek against your bump before he kisses it one last time, pulling the shirt back down over it. Climbing up he pulls you back into his arms, knowing how much you like being held normally, but since you’ve fallen pregnant, you’ve become especially cuddly, which he doesn’t mind a bit.
“I love you, H. So proud of you,” you huff, feeling your eyes closing. Harry grabs the remote and turns the TV off, placing it to his nightstand along with your phone before kissing the top of your head.
“Love you too. Thank you for being here for me,” he huffs, the smile never leaving his lips. He has never felt happier and more complete ever in his life.
“Always,” you whisper before drifting back to sleep.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
safe and sound [jennifer jareau]
jennifer jareau x reader
requested by anon: Hi! I love your Criminal Minds fics and was wondering if I could make a request? Where JJ and reader are dating and it’s set during the season 7 finale where reader is the one who shot the robber and is the one who was taken instead of Will. JJ and reader reunite with a fluffy ending. 
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*not my gif*
Kings and Queens. Jacks and Jokers. 
Sound familiar, right? When you hear that you think of the playing cards, not some bank robbers who have been robbing internationally. 
It was a bank robbery. Something that you have been reported to at least five times throughout your career, but this time it was different. The robbers known as the “Face Cards” have been robbing banks all over the DC area, only this time were you called onto the scene.
You and your partner Will were driving around on patrol when your police radio went off, “All units in the vicinity of Penn and Southeast, robbery in progress at Colonial Liberty Bank. Shots fired. Repeat, shots fired at the Colonial Liberty Bank. All units.”
Will and you looked at each other as you grabbed the radio, turning the steering wheel to make a U-turn, “426 responding,” 
Will flicked on the sirens as you started to pick up speed. The two of you finally parked on the side of the bank to prevent them from escaping through the side doors, “Better pull back and see if they respond-” Will was about to go on went a shot rang out and a bullet narrowly missed his head. 
“Shit! Cover!” you yelled. 
The two of you took behind the car as you fired at the man who tried shooting Will. The bullet ripping through the man’s shirt and through his shoulder. You watched as the other man began pulling him away from the door and back inside. 
You called for backup and not too long after JJ came running towards you, embracing you in a tight hug, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine, Will over here got pretty lucky,” you said with a smile on your face, patting his back. 
JJ scanned your face, her hands never leaving your cheeks. You grabbed a hold of her hands, pressing a kiss to the palm of them, “I’m okay, let’s just try catching these guys okay?” you whispered and she nodded letting out a sigh. 
Most of the day was spent talking to Chris as you all watched Oliver die. The only goal was to get the hostages out of there without anyone getting hurt, “No more feds. I want the cop who killed my brother,” you let out a sigh, placing your head in your hands.
You, Morgan, JJ, and Hotch all stood there in the van, “Well, I gotta go out there, don’t I?”
“No, absolutely not!” JJ exclaimed.
You looked at your girlfriend with a sad smile, “What other choice do we have?”
“Something! Anything else! They will shoot you the second you walk in, is that not running through your brain?!” she basically yelled.
Hotch and Morgan met your eyes and they took your face to give the two of you some space. Once they left, you looked at JJ and placed your hands on her waist.
She finally leaned in to your touch and placed her hands softly along your neck. You placed your forehead on hers as she sighed. You pressed your lips on hers, kissing her intensely. You wanted to show her how much you love her and care for her even if you’re about to run into a bank full of robbers who probably want you dead.
Once you pulled away, she noticed the determined look in your eyes, “No, no, no! You can’t do this! What about us? What about Henry?” 
“Four people are dead because I killed his brother,” I whispered. 
You pulled away from your short embrace, walking backwards towards the door of the van, “No please! Please don’t leave me!” she exclaimed, tears running down her face as she slid her back against the wall.
You wanted nothing more than to run up and hold her, but you knew that this needed to be done. So no one else could die for your mistakes. “I don’t have a choice baby,” you whispered again, “I love you and I love Henry. Remember that, always,” 
Hotch already knew what you were gonna choose, SWAT members hid behind the cop cars, already pointing their guns inside. You took a deep breath as you started to walk towards the bank. 
You could hear JJ’s screams as you slowly walked towards the bank, “Morgan! Let go of me! Y/N! Y/N stop!” 
You raised your hands up immediately, walking into the bank, “C’mon Chris, you got what you wanted. I’m here. Now please, let them go,” 
“You go,” Chris said, forcing a mom and her children out of there, “What’s your name?”
“Y/N Y/L/N,” you told him. 
There was no response from him as he just shot you twice. The bullets firing echoing throughout the entire building and outside. JJ scrambled in Morgan’s arms, her bright blue eyes widening, “No!” 
The team sat there in the van with JJ. All eyeing her like she was about to just explode. One wrong word would just cause her to go crazy, “Where were they shot?” she asked. Garcia just stared at her unsure of what to say, “Where were they shot?!” 
“I don’t know,” Garcia muttered. 
JJ picked up the stack of papers that were lying next to her and threw them at the wall of the van. Smacking her hands down onto the cool metal. Everyone just stared in shock, unsure of whether you’re alive or dead.
Luckily, he didn’t go for the kill shot.
You laid there as you could feel your body going cold. Your shoulder was bleeding out and the hostages who were helping you started to get a little blurry. 
All you could think about was JJ and Henry. The way Henry would run up to you when you’d go over to their house and hug you tightly. 
Or the nights where both you and JJ were off, Henry would lie in the middle of you as a movie played. Eventually, Henry would fall asleep cuddled up next you. Then JJ’s lazy arm would wrap the both of you. Once you made sure they were both sleeping soundly, you’d wrap your arms around both of them safely and securely. 
“I need to cause a distraction while you guys get out of here,” you told the man, who was applying pressure to your wound, “But I need you to tell my girlfriend Jennifer and her son Henry that I love them so much and I’m sorry,” 
The rest of the time you spent at the bank was a little fuzzy. You were more focused on trying to get Chris to turn on the woman and trying not to pass out from blood loss, than anything else. 
Before you knew it there was an explosion and you were just getting pushed into a car. The whole car ride, you focused your breathing, trying your hardest to stay awake. 
The only thing keeping you going were JJ and Henry. What you would do just to hold them one last time. 
Your thoughts came to an abrupt stop when you arrived at a fire station. The fireman helped patched you up much to Izzy’s choice. You watched as she shot him multiple times before sneaking into the firehouse to grab you a change of clothes. 
“You didn’t have to kill him,” you muttered.
“He was a witness, he needed to go,” she shot back without an ounce of remorse. 
Then the next thing you know you were transported back to the car. Everything was going fine or well okay for being a hostage to two psychopaths. Until Izzy just started opening fire on Chris.
“Well Detective Y/L/N, take Chris out of the car and get in the passenger seat. We’re going on a little drive,” she told you, the gun pointed straight at you, “Stop here,” she muttered after a little bit.
The backdoor opened to reveal the Joker himself. He was the former Marine who helped keep pressure on your wound. Your eyes widened slightly at the sight before ultimately remaining your composure.
“Hey Y/N!” he patted your wounded shoulder and you tried your absolute hardest not to wince, “Sorry, forgot about that,” 
“Drive,” she said again.
“Take me to see your son,” Izzy said and you shook your head. Henry wasn’t your sign biologically, but the longer you and JJ dated the longer it felt like he was. Like your entire life he was actually yours, “I said, drive!” 
You took a deep breath in before driving towards JJ’s house. The drive was tense as your knuckled turned white from gripping the steering wheel too hard. You just hoped and prayed to whatever type of God there was that they could keep Henry safe. 
JJ would be able to get over the loss of you, but the loss of Henry. That’s a different kind of loss she’ll never be able to survive. 
You finally parked across the street. You smiled softly at the sight of Henry playing in the front with Miss Kate and her daughter. 
“He’s a cutie,” Izzy told you and your smile quickly faded, “Looks a lot like Jennifer. Where’s the hospitality Y/N? Come on introduce me!” 
You got out of the car slowly walking up to the house, “Y/N!” Henry yelled, running towards you as he wrapped his arms around your legs. 
You crouched down so his tiny arms can wrap around your neck. You held him tight and close, sucking in a deep breath. Just for a moment, you were transported back to one of your favorite parts of the week. Just for a moment, he was safe in your arms.
Until he wasn’t. 
You told Miss Kate that it was okay to go as Izzy followed you into JJ’s home. Once Henry ran off to grab some toys, you turned your head and looked straight at her, “You touch my kid and I will kill you!” you said with teeth gritted.
Izzy clicked her tongue to the roof of her mouth, making a tsk noise, “Now do you remember the deal Y/N? You touch me and both you and Jennifer die. Who’s gonna take care of Henry then?” 
“Y/N! Come play with me!” he exclaimed, running back in.
You crouched down again, ruffling his blonde hair, “I would love to, but I can’t right now buddy. You see, I have to go back to fighting bad guys, okay? Izzy over here is gonna take care of you until mommy comes home,” you could feel the tears start stinging your eyes as you tried to stop them from falling.
“So you’re gonna be a good boy for Izzy, okay? Listen to everything she says, okay?” you ask him
“Okay,” he replies innocently. 
“One more thing bud,” you pull him close to you as you hug him tightly, “I know I am not your mom or dad, but I love you so much. Did you know that?” 
He nods and you smile softly, “I will never let anything hurt you. Everything is going to be okay,” 
“Everything will be okay,” he mumbled back, “I love you Y/N,” 
You sniffled, “I love you too buddy,” 
You take a deep breath and back away from him. Before you walked out of the house, you looked Izzy dead in the eye, pushing your shoulder against hers on the way out. 
You sung open the car door before slamming it shut, “What the fuck do you want?!” you asked. 
“Woah, easy tiger,” Matthew told you, “You’re going to listen to everything I say. If you as dare mutter the two lettered word, your boy is as good as gone. Or should I say Jennifer’s boy is as good as gone because he’s not yours. He will never be your own kid,” 
Matthew made you drive to the train station where he strapped a bunch of bombs to your chest and chained you up like you’re some random zoo animal. Then he ran, like the coward he is, he ran. 
You thought you were as good as gone. But that didn’t matter to you. All that mattered to you was that Henry was safe. He was stuck with the psychopath that is the quote on quote “Queen”. 
Just when all hope was lost Prentiss came running in, “I found Y/N!” 
She ripped the duct tape off your mouth, “Izzy’s got Henry. Forget about me! Make sure Henry’s safe, please!” 
“JJ’s there right now. She’s gonna keep him safe,” Emily tried calming you down, “I’m not leaving your side, I’m gonna get you out of here so you can be with your family,” 
Emily was panicking as she tried to find a way to keep you from blowing up into bits. She punched in one passcode and it beeped, showing that she only had two tries left. 
You shook your head, knowing that in a minute you’ll be gone, and Emily could not be here to be included in the damage.
“Emily, just go. Get everyone out of here,” you pleaded.
She shook her head, “No, I told you you’ll get to be with your family and that’s what’s going to happen. I’m not going to leave you,” 
When she finally unlocked the code, another box opened. 30 seconds flashing and taunting you. This is how long you have left live. 
“Emily, tell JJ that I love her and that I’m sorry,” you whispered, “Now leave please! There’s still a chance that you could save yourself so go!” you screamed. 
She sat there looking at the wires before out of nowhere without speaking she just cut one, “What the fuck?!” you exclaimed, shutting your eyes close.
After a couple seconds, nothing happened. You opened one eye and looked down at the timer. It stopped. You let out a breath and an empty laugh, leaning your head against the pole.
“Emily, I love you and I love that you’re JJ’s best friend. But let me just say, I did not think we’d get this close to where I trust you with my life...literally!” you joked and she let out a soft chuckle.
“Let’s get you to your family,” she told you.
As soon as the bomb squad came to disarm you, you wrapped your arms around Emily, pulling her into a tight hug, “Thank you,” 
“Of course,” 
You were finally discharged from the hospital after a couple hours. Rossi reassured JJ that she could stay home with Henry and that he’ll drive you to the house. She was hesitant at first, but Rossi basically forced her to stay home.
Rossi parked in front of JJ’s patting your shoulder softly, “Enjoy your time off,” he joked.
“Oh trust me, I will,” you fired back and the two of you let out a hearty laugh.
You walked into the house slowly. Henry’s little voice echoing throughout the foyer was like music to your ears, “Y/N! You’re back!” he yelled.
You kneeled down as he made a bee line towards your arms with your arm that wasn’t in a sling, you hugged him tight. Even with one arm you could tell that he was struggling to breathe at how tight you were hugging him.
“I am! Did you pick out a movie tonight?” you asked, raising your eyebrows up at him.
“Which one did you pick?” you asked and he showed you the DVD case of Shrek 2, “Nice choice bud!”
You looked up to the sound of footsteps to see JJ walking towards the two of you, “How about you brush your teeth and change into your PJ’s and me and your mom we’ll get the bed and movie all set up? How does that sound?” 
“Great!” he replied with a big smile.
“Great!” you responded, ruffling his hair, pulling him into another hug, “I love you,” you whispered to him.
“I love you too,” he told you before running off. 
You stood back up to face JJ. At first she looked angry before her anger turned to sadness. You took her into your arm as she buried her face into your neck, “It’s okay,” you whispered, “Everyone’s safe. I’m safe, Henry’s safe, you’re safe. We’re okay,” 
JJ took your face into her hands, running circles on your cheekbones, “I know Henry’s not biologically mine, but he means the world to me Jay. I wasn’t going to let anything bad happen to him,” 
“You’re just as much as a parent as I am,” she whispered.
“But he’s not mine,” you told her. 
“Then let’s change that, Y/N Y/L/N, marry me. We’ll get married in front of all of our friends and family. Henry will be your son, blood or not. And I will be your wife,” JJ whispered.
You smiled at her softly, “You know, I always wanted a wife and son,” you whispered to her.
“So is that a yes?” she asked.
“In every single language,” you murmured, pressing your lips upon hers. 
You and JJ stood there for a minute, just relishing in each other’s embrace. Your lips moving in sync. When all of a sudden you hear a little, “Ewwwww,” 
The two of you pulled apart and you saw Henry all dressed up in his Captain America pajamas, “Who are you ‘eww-ing’ Mr?” you asked him and he giggled as he ran away from you.
You immediately ran after him, JJ yelling after you, “Y/N! Be careful of your arm!” 
Henry squealed as you picked him up with your one healthy arm, spinning him around the bedroom before dropping him onto the bed. You crashed in your usual spot next to him as JJ put on the movie. 
You felt Henry’s little arm wrap around your body and once his grip loosened you knew he was asleep. Your eyes glanced over to JJ who was sleeping safe and soundly, her chin resting on top of Henry’s blonde head of hair. 
You sighed contently, as you turned on your side, wrapping your arms around the two of them. Henry’s head close to your chest as your forehead rested on top of JJ’s. 
Just for a moment, everything was right where it needed to be.
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teasty · 3 years
hold on tight || b.c (m)
"hi! can you write something about streetracer!chan x f reader where things got heated up 🥺🥺 i really like your works by the way, kiss yourself really is one of my jisung’s fav fic !!" - anon
a/n: holyashjdljzhldsa just the thought of streetracer!chan makes me... omg i don’t even KNOW, i'd actually go crazy... and omg tysm! that means so much to me :,( and you're gonna have to excuse me since there's so many things heated could mean i'm just gonna make it angsty and smutty,, also kinda went off for a fluffy ending because it's bang chan, the christiano bangnaldo, how can i not???
● pairing: bang chan x (fem) reader
● genre: a lil bit of fluff at the beginning | angst | smut (mdi!)
● warnings: chan acts like a dick but he really isn't | illegal gambling/street racing | established relationship | angry sex | (of course) car sex | hair pulling | degradation + praise | dom!chan, sub!reader | fighting :( | semi - public sex | profanity | suggestive dialogue | reader slaps chan once :( | unprotected sex (please be safe!) | choking | kind of a quickie???? | super happy ending because i'm sappy like that
● requested? yes!
● words: 8.7k
→ summary:
You’ve never known about your boyfriend’s secret and very illegal job, if you could even call it that.
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"Shut up, buckle up and hold on tight 'cause it's gonna be one hell of a night for us, darling."
It’s a cold, rainy night. You’re waiting comfortably on the couch, sitting there wrapped up in one of Chan’s blankets, waiting ever so patiently for his return. He’s not usually out this late, neither did his job usually end this late. Your mind was getting the worst kinds of ideas as you held your phone in your hand, more worry than anger coming over you. You couldn’t be mad at him, really, you were just worried something happened to him, since he wasn’t picking up your calls or even looking at your texts.
It’s around midnight, and you swore you wouldn’t sleep until you watched Chan, in all his glory, walk through the front door of your guys’s shared apartment. You’ve been dating Chan for years, ever since high school. And, now, even after graduating college and finding a stable job and apartment, Chan still tended to keep things from you. It was a bad habit of his, yes, but you couldn’t really be too mad at him for it. Besides, you’ll be able to help him out of that habit. Once he comes back, at least.
To wait, you decided to watch a bit of television to let your mind wander from the thought of something bad happening to Chan. Of course, the subtle thought of him cheating crossed your mind a few times, but Chan’s only ever been the most loyal and dedicated boyfriend, even past his pretty hard shell. He acts pretty tough sometimes, but you know that he’s just a little bit insecure about himself on the inside. Which, to you, is completely normal. Everyone’s at least a little bit insecure. You couldn’t blame him for that.
Getting with Chan was actually very difficult at first. You both had a rocky start before you started dating, since Chan was kind of like the cliche popular bad boy, and you were the snarky book nerd. You both started off arguing and bickering about everything. But, when you both got closer and closer, you began to see a softer, kinder side to him. And, like magic, you two started dating. You don’t really remember how it happened. It might’ve been just Chan saying, “Wanna date me?” or something like that just ‘cause it’s simple. However, getting it past your parents about your relationship with Chan was the most difficult in the world. They did not approve of him whatsoever. Even today, they’re still cautious of him even though Chan’s already proven his loyalty to you and swore to your parents that he’d never lay an aggressive finger on you.
You’re parents didn’t really like him because of his choice of outfits and friends, which was a stupid way to judge somebody in your opinion. So, no matter how many times they tried to break things off or distance you from Chan, you two always found your way back to each other. Though it was fun, all the sneaking out at three in the morning, saying you’re going over to a friends house when you’re really going to go see Chan and all the late night calls in a hushed tone, you’re glad you can finally relax about it and live peacefully with Chan without the need to sneak around.
But, your mind hasn’t been so peaceful these last few hours. There’s still no sign of Chan and no opened messages. You gave up on calling him after the fifth call had gone unanswered, and just decided to wait. Clutching your phone to your chest in case he were to call or text. Your eyes switch between the screen and the front door (which led into the living room).
You nearly jumped out of your blanket when your phone started ringing obnoxiously loud. Your heart beat loudly as you scrambled to look at the caller’s I.D. And, thankfully, it’s Chan. You’ve never answered so quickly.
“Chan?” Your excited voice squeaked out when you brought the phone close to your ear, a bright smile etching over your lips. Just happy that he’s in contact with you.
“Hey, darling,” Chan’s voice was husky and tired, and a little deeper than you remember. He must be exhausted, and you wondered if he had to stay late at work, “I’m so sorry for being out late. I’ll be home soon.”
“Alright… Is everything okay? What were you doing out so late?” You ask carefully, wrapping the blanket tightly around you.
“Work. My boss had me work over time. I would have texted you, but I was pretty busy,” in the distance, you can hear the sound of his car’s engine. He must be driving pretty fast. Chan also has a really nice car he saved up for and worked really hard for. It’s a smaller, good looking and really, really fast car. You could recognize that engine anywhere.
“Oh… I’m sorry about that,” You respond after a moment.
“It’s alright. Nothing to worry too much over,” you can hear Chan’s smile even through the phone, “And, by the way, could you do something for me before I get home?”
“Could you make me something small to eat? I didn’t have the chance to eat dinner at work. If you could do that, that’d be so great, baby.” Chan says, and you get up off of the couch. Already heading for the kitchen.
“I could make you some jjajangmyeon? We have all the ingredients,” you say, surfing through your pantry.
“That’d be great, (Y/N). Thank you,” Chan sighs through the phone, and you pull out the ingredients.
“Of course. When will you be home?” You ask before he could hang up.
“I’ll be home in the next ten to fifteen minutes, at the least.” He says, and you can hear the engine get a little bit louder behind him, “I have to focus on the road. I’ll be home soon. I love you, baby.”
“Love you, too, Chan.” You respond, and hang up. Now with the satisfaction and the relief of knowing Chan’s coming home, you separate the ingredients out and start cooking (thank god you took that home economics class back in high school. You couldn’t cook for shit before that). Since Jjajangmyeon is a pretty slow cooked dish, you try your best with temperature control to fit it into the timeframe for when Chan gets home, wanting it to be ready for him.
You had your hair tied back as you cooked, occasionally looking up to watch the television, which was still on the random news channel from before. It talked about things you weren’t too interested in, so you only kept it on for background noise.
You were so immersed in cooking, you didn’t even notice the door slamming open and closed and a pair of heavy footsteps walking up to the kitchen. You jumped when Chan’s arms wrapped around your waist, his chin planting itself on your shoulder. He laughs tiredly at your reaction, and you turn to give him a subtle glare, but your smile deceived you.
“Hey, baby. I’m sorry for coming home so late. I promise it wasn’t my intention,” Chan grumbles out, his words low and slightly slurred, mostly because he’s tired.
“It’s alright, don’t apologize,” you chuckle softly as you arrange two portions of the jjajangmyeon into two different bowls. Chan watches silently over your shoulder, “I’m just glad you’re home. You worried me. Please text me next time, before you stay overtime and don’t bother texting me. I worry a lot, you know?”
“I know, (Y/N). I know you worry too much for your own good,” Chan smiles softly, chuckling tiredly, “It’s one of the reasons I love you so much.”
You smile, flustered, and raise a warm hand to press against Chan’s cheek, turning your head to press a loving kiss to his temple, which is cold, even in the warm kitchen. “Dinner’s ready. Do you want to eat in bed?”
“Not if you’ll make me do the dishes directly afterwards,” Chan lets go of you to take his dish, and you take yours.
You cock a brow at him, “I was going to make you do them anyways. You’re not getting out of it that easily.” You giggle and tap his nose with the tip of your finger. “Come on. Take mine, too. I’ll shut everything down.” You hand your bowl to Chan, who takes it quickly as you scurry around, turning off the television. Turning off lights and putting the dishes in the sink.
Once Chan’s changed into more comfortable wear and you’re both comfortable in bed, watching some show on the TV while eating. Time at home was usually like this; relaxing. You’re cuddled up to Chan while he ate slowly. Once you both finished, you placed them on the nightstands for the time being.
Chan was asleep instantly. You were up a bit longer, still a bit run on adrenaline from worrying so much earlier, despite knowing you have to be up early for work. Chan didn’t have to work till the afternoon, but you had to be up early since you’re a librarian at the local public high school. Chan’s an assistant producer and works under a decently big entertainment company. It’s quite the drastic difference, but you being a pretty big book worm yourself, you decided it would be fun to be a librarian (mostly using your literature degree), even if it’s stressful at times. Chan’s work, however, is much more tedious than your own. Where you can usually go at your own pace, he has more strict deadlines and sometimes more difficult work.
So, you let Chan sleep on your stomach. His arms wrapped around you securely as his face nuzzled into the soft fabric of the oversized shirt you were wearing. You were up a bit longer, watching the TV while running your hands through Chan’s soft hair. Enjoying the moment for the time being before you, yourself, drifted off into a deep sleep.
You were the first one to wake up the next morning, per usual. You woke up to your alarm that Chan thankfully slept through. You got ready as quickly and quietly as you could. Since you work in a pretty professional environment, you wear something modest, but fits well with the fall weather and your fashion style. You wore a white long sleeved shirt and a pair of black slacks under a jacket with your university’s logo on it and a pair of sneakers. They weren’t too big on dress code for the teachers at the school, but the students still had to wear uniforms.
Before you left, you made Chan lunch for the day and yourself a lunch. You even bothered to wake him up briefly to give him a kiss goodbye and that you’ll be back early afternoon, although he’ll probably be at work, then. Chan, although three fourths asleep, gave you a tight hug and a kiss with a slurred ‘Love you’ before plopping back onto the bed and instantly falling back asleep.
Although Chan had quite the expensive car, he wasn’t quite fond of you driving it. You have your own car, and it’s fine. Mostly used to drive to and from work and nothing more, since most other things you were with Chan, so you both usually took his car. It’s not so much a matter of richer and poorer, his car just had more little trinkets and things that are just more convenient. You’re not completely sure what model his car is, all you know is that it’s expensive.
The school isn’t too far. It’s actually a ten minute drive from your apartment. You have to make it there pretty early, so the roads aren’t jam packed like they would be when Chan has to drive to work. So, you have a bit of an advantage there. When you get there, you’re met with the people in the front office, who bow respectfully to you, and you make your way to the library.
You set up at the large, round desk. You especially like being a librarian, because it’s quiet. You don’t think you’d do too well as a teacher, so you settled for a librarian since it was a good and easy way to use your literature degree and put it to good use, other than the fact you’re writing a novel, but that’s a whole other story (hehet).
It’s about half an hour before some students pile in, bidding you good morning and sitting down at the tables to study for whatever assignment or test they have, or to finish homework. Some of them go around to look at books, but most just sit by their lonesome and work on whatever while blasting profane music into their poor ears.
You were busying yourself going through overdue books, and emailing parents about student’s overdue books. You were immersed in your work, so you were somewhat shocked when someone tapped your shoulder. When you turned, you were met with the smiling face of your coworker. A middle aged, pretty woman named Jung Migyeong, who gave you the permission to call her ‘unnie’. She’s considerably your work - best friend. She’s the only person who really delved into conversation with you, unlike most of the other teachers who only talked to you about whatever book they’re class reading or for book suggestions (and you just choose the first book in the library that comes to mind).
“Oh, you scared me!” You giggle in a hushed tone, and Eunmi smiled brightly, her motherly aura giving you a sense of calmness.
“Sorry, sorry!” Eunmi sits on your desk, more leaning against it. Eunmi is really a pretty lady. Her hair is cut short to her shoulders, and she never wears makeup. Her natural tone is without blemishes or acne. She always wears pretty dresses to work, and she always carries around her purse for some odd reason. “I wanted to catch up with you. I didn’t realize you were so immersed in your work. I should’ve known, you’re more responsible than half the teachers here.”
“I try, I really do,” You respond, leaning back in the chair and smiling up at her, “Do you have a free period for the first hour?”
Eunmi nods, “Yes, I do. They switched it up just ‘cause of something wrong in the student's schedules. But, that’s past the point. How have things been going? In the home life?”
You shrug a shoulder, your smile dropping, “It’s… going. My boyfriend didn’t come home until, like, twelve - thirty last night. He said he had to stay late for work, but I don’t get it, Eunmi. He wouldn’t answer my calls or texts, and I don’t think his job prevents him from at least opening a text until he gets off, you know?”
“You said he’s a producer, right?” Eunmi asks, her head tilting down to look at you more clearly. You nod, “Well, he might’ve been busy with the idol. It’s pretty difficult work, I’m surprised he’s been able to keep up with it well.”
“Well, he came home hungry and tired,” you sigh again, “Which is weird because if he stays late he usually grabs something from the kitchen at the company building or fast food and eats it before he comes home. But, he was hungry… not super hungry, but I made him jjajangmyeon.”
"Jajangmyeon?" Eunmi’s head tilts, and one brow lifts and she scoffs, “That’s like a fifty minute dinner.”
“Not if you toy around with the temperatures, no,” you smile, and Eunmi shrugs a shoulder, “Eh, I was the one who suggested it to him. It’s one of his favorites, and he sounded exhausted and overworked so I though, you know, might as well. But, after eating, he was out like a light. You wouldn’t think that producing would make someone so tired.”
“You never know,” Eunmi reassures, “You seem to be really worried about this. You don’t think he’s cheating, do you?”
You quickly shake your head, “No, no! I know him, and I know that he would never do that to me. I think he’s just trying to hide something from me. I’m not mad at him, I just don’t want him to keep anything from me.”
“You’re not mad… yet!” Eunmi corrects, and your lips purse, “If he’s really hiding something from you, it must be pretty big. I would personally be surprised if you were able to keep your temper if you found out whatever it is he’s hiding. Cheating or not.”
You’ve never really been one to get extremely mad or even start arguments. As said before, you and Chan did have petty arguments back in high school, but since then, you’ve both matured. Chan always shut down a fight if you were getting too agitated, and you were usually never the first one to start up an argument, since your patience isn’t as thin as before. You will admit, though, you’d be decently upset if you found out Chan really was hiding something from you. You trust him so much, you thought there should’ve been nothing to hide.
“I suppose you’re right,” you lean your head against your hand, resting your elbow on the desk, “If there’s a good chance, I’ll talk to him about it tonight. If I want things to really work out with him, then there has to be complete trust and honesty with each other.”
“That’s the spirit,” Eunmi proudly says, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with him, unnie,” you admit shamelessly, and Eunmi smiles wistfully, “I want to grow old with him. But I don’t want to live waking up every day at four in the morning and coming home to no one for hours on end. And, sometimes he won't come till midnight or morning.”
“Well, my husband and I used to have a lot of secrets, too. That we kept from each other,” Eunmi admits, reassuring you that you’re not the only one going through something like this, “The only way we were able to sort things through was by sitting down and talking to each other. Just telling all of our secrets to each other, even if they’re embarrassing or stupid. Just knowing the fact that we can trust each other with everything gives us that reassurance that we’re meant to be. Honesty is everything.”
You look down, thinking about the advice Eunmi had just given you, and you swallow down the growing lump of frustration in your throat, “Thank you for the advice, unnie. It means a lot to me.”
“Of course. I’m always free to talk, and you have my number if anything happens,” Eunmi smiles fondly, “And my doors are always open to you. I’ve spoken to my husband about you and he said that he’s always willing to keep our doors open. Just in case anything happens. You can’t be too careful, right?”
“Right,” you smile, flustered by Eunmi’s kindness, “Thank you so much. I’m… you’re right. If the worst of the worst happens and I’m booted out of my own apartment, then I’m at least glad to know that there’s some place I can go to that’s not three cities over.”
Eunmi laughs softly, and you laugh along with her, “I’m glad. Anyways, it’s about that time. I’m going to start heading back to my classroom. Let Chan know that I said hello, and that I wish you both well. Good luck, (Y/N).”
“Thanks, unnie. I’ll call you later,” you wave briefly as Eunmi makes her way out of the library, students bowing briefly to her as she passes.
You’re glad to have a friend like Eunmi. You’re lucky to have someone open their doors to you. Sometimes, you wonder if Eunmi views you as a younger sister, since she constantly rambles on and on about how she loves being called unnie or noona by her younger coworkers, even if she’s among the younger teachers. She’s like the sister you’ve never had. Sure, things had to be professional, but you’d like to spend more time with her out of the workplace. That would be fun.
The rest of the day is pretty slow. You had a few classes come in to pick up literature books, math books and to check out some books, but that was really it. You didn’t see Eunmi again, and left a few hours after the school closed. There was a bit of traffic on the way home, but it was mostly cleared up.
When you got home, you weren’t surprised to be met with an empty house. No sign of Chan, except the lunch you made him was gone, meaning he took it with him, thankfully, and he left a cute little note on a sticky note saying his thanks to you for making it for him. Which he usually did for you (you never bothered to throw them away. You actually kept them all in a little cigar box for safekeeping. Why? You didn’t know. You just felt like it.)
Like every day when you come home, you change into a pair of more comfortable clothing, which was just one of Chan’s hoodies you took out of his side of the closet, and a pair of ripped jeans. Since Chan didn’t do the dishes before he left, like you thought he would, you decided to do them to pass the time. In doing so, you turned on the TV for some background noise as you rolled up your sleeves to start scrubbing the dishes.
However, your attention was soon caught by the TV when the regular news anchor started talking about crime. At first, it was just about a robbery that took place in uptown, and that didn’t really suit your interest. What did catch your attention, enough to turn off the faucet and ignore the dishes to watch the TV, was when an all - too familiar black car with tinted windows and no license plate appeared on the screen, and there was a red car, too, but you didn’t recognize that one.
You turned up the volume, “Today, police are trying to look for these cars with no license plates caught on camera last night. They were suspected to be illegally street racing and gambling last night at around eleven o’ clock at night before being caught on security footage of a hotel nearby. If you can identify these cars, please contact the police immediately. One has been identified as a black Ferrari SF90 Stradale. The other has yet to be identified. If you see anything suspicious on the streets, please contact authorities. Here’s a clearer picture of both cars.”
And, that’s when it sparked you. One of the pictures of the black Ferrari was of the front. Despite the tinted window, you could clearly see a black ice Little Tree air freshener hanging from the mirror and a familiar hand gripping the wheel tightly. How could you recognize it? Despite the low quality, you can see a familiar ring on the middle finger. A celtic design Chan loved so much.
“Oh… my fucking god,” your mouth drops open as realization hits, and you immediately dash to the bedroom to yank open Chan’s dresser drawer, one left vacant for paperwork to “keep things safe”, and you pull out his insurance for his car. And, there it is, in plain sight. Ferrari SF90 Stradale. Color; black. Windows; tinted. At first, shock pools through you. Doubt climbing up. There’s no way Chan’s a criminal. There’s no way that he’s the one in the Ferrari. It has to be someone else.
But, there was only one way to find out. You had to be sure it was him.
So, you grabbed your purse and your keys and threw on a pair of slip - on vans. The sun was already setting, and you nearly forgot to lock up before running to your car. Barely unlocking it before you throw yourself into it, not even bothering to buckle your seatbelt before driving off to god knows where. Your gut leading you, immediately driving towards the area shown on the news. You pull out your phone, trusting the wheel in one hand as you pull up Chan’s profile and call him, pressing the phone to your ear.
The ringing carries on and on until the familiar voice of Chan speaks up, telling you that he’s not available and to leave a message after the beep.
“Oh, fuck off!” You scream at your phone before trying to call him again. Again and again it led to voicemail. Voicemail after voicemail. You couldn’t text him, not with you driving.
After the tenth call, you let out a frustrated yell, hitting your wheel with your palm and trying your best not to cry. You might be overreacting, since there’s a large chance that it isn’t Chan. But, for some reason, you believed it. You believed, at least somewhat, that it was Chan’s car. That it was Chan in the car. You didn’t want to believe it, but you did.
And your questions coursing through your mind were soon answered when you pulled up to the spot from the news, it now twilight, the sun just being set over the city’s horizon. You pulled onto an empty freeway, and parked in an alley between two buildings. There’s a group of people and a ton of expensive cars around the freeway. There were people crowded around a table. Some girls sat on top of cars, talking and laughing to each other while wearing vulgar and revealing clothes. Your brows furrow, deciding to stay low for a while. You turn off the engine to your car and watch carefully, gripping your phone in your hand. They seemed to be enjoying themselves, popping beer bottles, laughing and talking amongst themselves.
But, it’s when the sound of a loud engine came into earshot, and everyone, including you, turned to see the source of the sound. The moment the crowd of people see who it is, they start to cheer loudly. Throwing up their hands. However, your mouth falls open once more as the black Ferrari SF90 Stradale with tinted windows and a black ice Little Tree air freshener hanging from the rear - view mirror. It pulls up to the crowd, and they all part to make way for it.
Instead of shock or sadness, anger and rage begins to boil inside of you, and you grip your steering wheel tightly as you watch Chan, Christopher Bang, step out of the car. People pat his shoulder, and he smiles widely at them. Giving a few people hugs and even smiling to some of the women, who tried to steal a hug from him, too. He’s wearing clothes you don’t ever remember seeing. He wears a black leather jacket over a white button up and black skinny jeans. You’d be impressed by how good he looks if you weren’t so upset.
You didn’t even have to look at your phone as you pulled up Chan’s profile and called him, pressing the phone roughly to your ear.
“Pick up… Pick the fuck up,” you grumble under your breath as you watch Chan. He pulls his phone out of his pocket, and looks at it briefly.
Not even hesitating to hang up.
As you heard the familiar sound of Chan’s sweet voice telling you he’s not available at the moment and to leave a message after the beep, you finally have enough courage to get out of your car. Slamming the door shut and making your way out of the alley. They’re not too far, but it's a long enough walk for you to catch the eye of some people. You don’t even pause to rethink your decisions when a girl taps the chest of one of the guys, who glares at you with a raised brow.
The man that glared at you stepped away from the crowd, and you could barely see Chan over the people. He walks over to you, and you stop when the man is right in front of you, peering down you. The smell of cheap beer oozing off of him.
“And who the fuck are you?”
“Chan’s girlfriend, now get the fuck out of my way,” you try to push past him, but he grabs you by the arm. Tightly, too. Probably tight enough to leave a bruise after a while. “Hey! Let go of me.”
“No can do, princess,” the man says, smirking mercilessly down at you, his grip not loosening one bit, “Whether or not you’re Chan’s bitch doesn’t matter to me. It’s either you leave or I take you home and we have a good time. Well, I will, at least.” So, you tried to yank your arm from his, trying your best not to use your free hand to punch him in the face.
“Where’s Chan? Bring him to me.” You demand, and the man scoffs, chuckling.
“Fine, have it your way,” the man turns his head towards the crowd, a few people watch, and he says, “Grab Chan. This chick says she’s his girlfriend.” A few of them laugh at him, thinking it’s a joke. But, you stand your ground, glaring through the crowd. One of the people that laughed pushed through a few people. It takes a minute, and there’s a tense silence between you and the man as you try to pry his hand off.
But, as you suspected, a smiling Chan pushes through, but his smile instantly drops when he sees you.
“Hey, Chan. This chick’s babbling on about being your girl. Should I kick-”
“Get your hands off her right now before I shoot you in the face.” Chan interrupts, anger lacing his dark, deep voice. The man holding your arm instantly lets go and steps away, his hands rising in defense. Mumbling something about just ‘trying to keep things safe’. Once the man is away, Chan walks up to you, now being the one tightly gripping your arms. Leaning down so his face is close to yours.
“Why are you here, (Y/N)? Why the hell are you here?” He asks harshly, his voice full of surprise and desperation. He even shakes you slightly.
“You seriously thought I wouldn’t find out?” You snap, ignoring his question all together, “You thought I was dumb enough to let this go under? Well, I’ve been dumb for too long, Christopher. I’m not going to be like that anymore.” You know he’s not too big a fan of being called by his real name, but you do it anyway.
“Go home (Y/N). I’ll explain everything to you afterwards.” Chan says, placing a hand on your shoulder, trying to turn you away.
“No!” You yell, pushing his arms off you, “I am not going home, Chan! I am staying with you. I need to know what the hell all of this is. Right. Now.” You demand, and Chan shakes his head.
“No. You’re going home, (Y/N),” Chan tries to push you away again, his hands gripping your shoulders tightly and trying to turn you from the curious crowd. However, you weren’t going to be let off so easily. You swiftly turned around, letting your flying hand come in contact with Chan’s cheek. Smacking him. You made sure not to backhand him, knowing how much that could hurt. Besides, you don’t want to hurt him too much, you just want to get your point across, and he wasn’t listening to your words. He lets go of you again, his head flinging to the side because of the impact.
“I said no. I’m staying here,” You repeat yourself, and Chan’s eyes no longer lace with aggression, but worry. He doesn’t seem upset that you hit him. In fact, he seems to gloss over it. “I need to know what’s going on-”
You weren’t able to finish your sentence until Chan grabs you by the wrist and pulls you into the crowd. They part to make way for him, and you aren’t able to muster out a sentence before Chan unlocked his car and shoves you forcefully into the passenger seat.
“Chan, what -”
“Shut up, buckle up and hold on tight ‘cause it’s gonna be one hell of a night for us, darling,” Chan snaps, and your lips clamp close at his harsh words. You didn’t expect that out of him. You could nearly cry right there. Chan backs away and slams the door shut, and you quickly scramble to put the seatbelt on as Chan yells something at the crowd, and they erupt in cheers. A few people scramble to get into different cars, and the rest stay back, keeping their distance. However, Chan didn’t seem too pleased as he walked around the car and into the passenger’s seat, locking the doors.
“Quiet,” Chan snaps, revving the engine of the car. You can faintly hear the cheer of the onlookers behind as Chan pulls alongside the other three cars. A young woman wearing small shorts and an exposed shirt too small for fall walks ahead, and pulls a red cloth out of her back pocket. Her red lips smile bright as she lifts her red cloth. She holds up one finger, and Chan’s engine growls from behind, the car shaking along with it. Your hands go to grip the first thing, which is the cup holder in the center console and the door. Bracing yourself for what’s about to happen.
“I said quiet!” Chan yells, sparing you a glance and your brows creased with worry as the woman holds up a second finger, and Chan’s hand grips the wheel as the other rests over the buttons.
She doesn’t hold up a third finger. Instead, she throws down the red cloth, and the moment she does so, Chan is off on the road. His foot slammed against the gas as he pushed his back against the seat and used one hand to effortlessly steer. You feel so impossibly scared in the car. A small part of you was debating whether or not you should have gone home, but you knew that it was the right decision to stay. To truly understand what’s been going on and what this is all about.
You try your best not to scream as the loud engine nearly bursts your eardrums.
“Chan… Chan, stop the car!” You scream, the need to vomit creeping up, even though you try to gulp it down.
“I can’t, (Y/N). I really can’t right now.” He says loudly over the engine.
“Please, Chan, just stop the car…!” You yell out again, and Chan finally glances at you, seeing your distressed look before his head snaps ahead again.
His hand swiftly reaches over to grip your thigh, as if trying to prove that you’re secure, “Calm down, (Y/N). You’ll be fine. We’re fine. I’m not stopping the car. Sorry, but I just can’t.”
“I should hate you for this, Chan!” You say, and you can see the way his knuckles turn white from gripping the wheel. “But I can’t… I just… Goddamn it, why!?”
“I can’t tell you that right now!” He yells back, looking over briefly before making a sharp turn, making you clutch onto the seat belt for protection, his hand now back over the buttons, “You just need to sit there until this is over, got it? I don’t care how scared you are, you’re gonna get through it like the strong woman you are, (Y/N), and I’m not taking no for an answer.”
You look over to Chan, and his lips are downturned, his brows furrowed and his eyes glossed over, as if he could cry right there.
“But why didn’t you just tell me?! We wouldn’t be like this right now if you just told me, Chan, and that’s the truth.” You yell over the engine, and Chan bitterly and breathily chuckles, shaking his head as an angry smile casts over his lips.
“You wouldn’t have stayed with me if I told you, (Y/N), you know that.” His voice is a little softer. If any softer, you wouldn’t have heard him. “You would’ve left me.”
Your mouth falls open, and you shake your head, “Never… Never! Never, ever, accuse me of that. I would never leave you even if you killed a man, Chan, and that’s the truth!” He doesn’t respond. He doesn’t even look at you as he turns another sharp corner, and you can see the other cars following behind, closing in. He sees it, too, and he presses some buttons you didn’t bother reading and slams his foot on the gas again. You let out a deep breath, still clutching the seat belt, “I just want to know why, Chan. Why are you resulting to this even though you have a stable job at the entertainment company, I-... I just want you to be honest with me.”
“I’ll tell you later, (Y/N). Just sit tight and keep your mouth shut. I need to focus or we’ll fucking crash, you got it!” He yells, and you flinch at his harsh tone. Finally keeping quiet.
The race seems like it lasts forever, when it was probably only five minutes. With sharp twists and turns and screeching of the engine in wheels, it feels like torture. You hate this, but there’s no backing out yet.
Chan doesn’t utter a word. Only cursing at the other cars when they do something that they weren’t supposed to do, or somehow start catching up to him. You let a few tears slip as you watch his hands and Chan as he focuses solely on the road. The lump in your throat is growing bigger and bigger, and swallowing it down seems to get more and more difficult.
But, it’s over at some point. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and Chan finally slowed down after reaching a pathetic excuse of a finish line. Your trembling hands grip the hem of the hoodie you were wearing as Chan comes to a steady stop. People come cheering as the other three cars pull up behind, being careful not to bump into anyone from the crowd. You breath heavily, and look over to Chan, who rolls down his window, plastering a triumphant smile on his lips.
“I don’t even get why I race against you, mate. You always win. Just take the money and get outta here,” says one of the racers playfully, tossing Chan a briefcase through the window.
“Thanks man. Good race,” Chan says, “Now, I have business to attend to. If you’ll excuse me.”
He rolls up the window, and the man who handed Chan the briefcase smacks the window playfully as Chan rushes off, his smile instantly vanishing as he goes through backgrounds to try and get to a main road without drawing too much attention. Chan’s smile drops, and he hands you the briefcase.
“You want to know so badly? Open it and be careful. It’ll be hell to clean up if you drop it,” Chan grumbles, looking over as you look to him for reassurance. He only gives you a cocked brow as you look back to the case in your lap before unlocking it and opening it. Your jaw falls as you look at the thousands of bills stacked on top of each other, rubber bands holding equal stacks together, and you gawk at just how much money Chan won from one race.
After a minute of you staring at the money, Chan slams the case closed in your lap, locking it with one hand and tossing it in the backseat making you jump at how hasty he is.
You both sit there, Chan driving to god knows where in tense silence. You're holding your head in your hands as Chan shifted his gaze between you and the road.
It’s about fifteen minutes until you look up, surprised that he’s still driving and nowhere near home. It’s an emptier city, but Chan seems to know the area well.
“Chan, where are we?” You ask, but Chan gives no answer. Only driving a bit further before pulling into an alley between two old buildings. “Chan, I said -”
You were quickly by Chan yanking off his seatbelt and leaning over the center console to firmly grab your face and pull you into a rough kiss. It isn’t too rushed, but it’s not at all gentle. You’re caught by surprise at first, but couldn’t help melting into it. It’s almost instinct at this point to kiss him back, but you push him away after a moment. “What… What the fuck are you doing?”
“Kissing you,” Chan answers briefly before grabbing locks of your hair at the back of your head and pulling you into another kiss, his other hand creeping down to unbuckle your seatbelt, and you let it slam against the car as it flies off you.
“No, Chan… We need to talk,” You grumble out as you try to pull away, and he presses wet, sloppy kisses to the side of your mouth. His eyes are fluttered shut, and your’s are half lidded. You will admit, you love this. The kisses and how unnaturally aggressive Chan is being. But, you knew that you have to talk things out, or you’d never get to figure out how the hell things turned out like this, “Chan, I’m serious right now.”
“Then relax, baby,” Chan breathily whispers out, and your thighs squeeze together, “Let me make things up to you, okay? I’ll fuck you so good, baby.” He pulls away for a moment, and he stares at you with a teasing smirk, “Think of it as my apology, alright?”
“Chan, I’m… I’m - ah! Chan!” You gasp when Chan’s lips come in contact with the side of your neck. Your neck is already tilting to give him more room, despite trying pathetically to push him away. There’s no getting through to him anymore. You’ve passed the point of no return, and there’s not much you could get past him without slapping him again. And that didn’t seem like a very good idea to you. Your hand flies up to grip the back of his neck, the other loosely clutching the hem of his button up.
“You know that… ah… that we are going to talk about this at some point…” you groan out, and Chan only groans against your neck, sucking on the sensitive skin. “You can’t get out of it like this…”
“Shut it, (Y/N),” Chan snaps, and your head falls back. Chan leans his seat back, aggressively grabbing you by the thighs to pull you over and sit on top of him. Straddling his waist despite it being such a tight environment. He pulls you down by the hoodie, into another kiss. You could feel how frustrated Chan is by the way he grips you tightly, as if you’re going to magically vanish, and by how he talks to you.
It’s rushed, too. Chan is impossibly quick to pull up your hoodie, his hot, sweaty hands creeping up your warm back, caressing it with a different, quick sense of gentleness. His lips connect with yours once again. His tongue already pressing against your lips. The quick, sloppy kiss all too lust filled. The erotic sounds coming from the both of you almost making you gloss over the fact that you should still be very mad at Chan. But, you just can’t find the need to pull away from him. You need to let off the steam, too.
You flush your body firm against him, one hand on his chest and the other by his head, holding onto the head of the seat for support. Breathing as slowly as you can through your nose to savor the air Chan so selfishly takes from you from the heated kiss. Your thoughts begin to vanish and your worry and concern for Chan’s life choices begin to falter for the time being. So immersed in the heated kiss to forget about it entirely. All your focus is now on Chan. You can tell how stressed he is, and the loving part of you wants to help him let off that steam. But, now, you’re in the same boat. So, he’s going to have to do so much for you as you’ve been doing for him.
Chan’s hands don’t bother to hesitate before they loop underneath your jeans, not caring to unbutton them as he tries his best to pull them off by himself. Because of how restricted you both are because of the size of the car, you had to do it yourself. You parted from the kiss and pressed your head against his shoulder to unbutton your jeans and pull them down as quickly as you could before throwing them in the back (along with your shoes and socks. You can already see how hard Chan’s gotten as his rough hands massage and knead your ass, only covered by the thin, black cloth keeping you at least somewhat covered. But, if this was like any other time, they’d be gone quicker than you’d imagine.
Your hands fly up again once your pants are thrown to the back, resting on either side of Chan’s head as he grips your hips, grinding your womanhood against his clothed hardon (you’re also clothed, but it’s so wet from your juices that it basically attaches itself to your skin). His head throws itself back, his eyes closing and a pleasure filled smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. You press yourself against him, now propped up to be looming over him, sitting on him.
When you do press against him, his head snaps forward again, and his dark eyes glare up at you, “Don’t start getting proud, (Y/N). I’m gonna fucking break you.” His hand crawls up to grip your face in his hand. One of your hands weakly comes up to grip his wrist. His hand moving down to grip your throat, and your lips part blissfully as his fingers press into the sides of your neck, still allowing airflow through you. “Oh, fuck. You like being choked, huh? You like being choked like a slut don’t you?” You don’t answer, too nervous to and too caught up in the pleasure to actually let something other than a moan escape your lips.
“Talk to me, (Y/N). Use your fucking words,” Chan growls, and you swallow. The lump in your throat pressing painfully, yet blissfully against Chan’s hand.
“Fuck me, Chris. Fuck me…” You utter out his name, and Chan’s brow raises. But, he smirks nonetheless and lets go of your neck, and you let out a breath as he undoes his jeans and pulls them down to his feet. His hand palming his clothed cock briefly before pulling it out. His hard dick already leaking with precum.
“Condom…” You mutter, and Chan shakes his head. You look up to him with worry.
“Trust me, baby,” he mutters, and you sigh, leaning against him, pressing your body against his as Chan moves your panties out of the way before he aligns your throbbing cunt with his dick, and slowly pushing himself into you, raw. As his raw cock slowly becomes engulfed by your heat, Chan lets out low groans. Your face nuzzles into the side of his neck as Chan slowly guides you down until you’re sitting on his cock.
At first, he stays there like that. Not moving. You suspect it’s because the sane part of him wants you to get used to the feeling of his cock so deep in you without a condom, but Chan seems to keep you there for a few moments just for the sake of how good it feels without a condom. The way his head is leaned back, his lips slightly ajar and his eyes fluttered shut.
But, it doesn’t last long before Chan’s strong arms wrap around your waist, holding you up and starts ramming into you. His hips move so quickly, yet so efficiently as he burns your wet walls. You erupt in a series of loud moans, mixtures of Chan’s name and curses spilling out, too. Chan groans sometimes, right next to your ear. The sound of skin slapping against the fabric of Chan’s boxers echoing through the air tight car.
Your pussy burns from how fast Chan thrusts into you, keeping you at a steady position so he could have an easier time ramming himself into you without the difficulty of it being such a confined and restrictive place in the car (especially in the driver’s seat). The burn is so good for you, though. It’s such a numbing, euphoric feeling that you’ll crave later. A type of burn you could never provide yourself, only Chan.
Chan’s hands go from gripping your body to sliding up your side to gripping your hair and yanking your head back so he could look at you. A judgemental, sexy smirk adorning his lips as he sees how fucked out you are. Your mouth open as you moan, and your half lidded eyes occasionally closing from the bliss.
“Fucking hell… you’re so good for me, (Y/N). You take my cock so fucking well, don’t you?” You let out a choked moan as Chan’s hand grips harder on your hair, craning your neck. “Mmm… Baby girl can’t even talk to me… I know I said to shut it…” he laughs darkly through his moans, and your moans get louder when Chan lets go of your hair, letting your face fall back onto his shoulder as his hands grip your ass. Kneading them as he fucks himself into you. You clench helplessly around his cock.
“Oh… fuck, you’re gonna cum, aren’t you? You wanna cum around my cock, baby girl?” You nod frantically, your climax climbing up as you push your body back to meet with Chan’s aggressive thrusts. Your overstimulated cunt only being destroyed by Chan’s cock as he thrusts harder into you, his hips staggering slightly as you clench around him. “Mmm! - Cum for me, baby. Cum for me.” Chan growls out as his hand grips your face again, forcing your head up as your eyes roll into the back of your head, a loud string of moans escaping your lips as you cum all over Chan’s cock, and he pulls out just quick enough to spurt out a string of cum along your ass.
He lets go of your face, and you breath heavily as you rest your head on Chan’s chest, closing your eyes to catch your breath. A burning sensation still resting in your core as you relax, your womanhood’s muscles contracting every now and then from the orgasm.
Chan cleans you both up with a napkin he had in the center console and helped you put your jeans back on (deciding to toss your soiled panties) and he slipped his jeans back on silently. It’s not until you’re sitting on his lap, resting your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat when he speaks.
“You know I love you so much, right?” Chan mumbles out, and you look up to him. “I was so mean to you today… when you must’ve been so confused.” His head falls back, and he looks out the window with a longing look in his eyes, “I’m the worst boyfriend in the world, aren’t I?”
“No, you’re not. Don’t even think things like that. Yes, I am still a bit upset, but you know what? We’re going to get past this because I love you, too, Channie.” You stare at him with an adoring expression adorning your sparkling eyes (trying to ignore the burning in your core).
“You… You want to know the real reason I’m a street racer, (Y/N)? Why the fuck I'm doing this?” Chan asks softly, his hand stroking your hair.
“If you could… I’ve been asking all day,” you chuckle softly, and Chan smiles bitterly.
“Well… I… I’m doing this all for you.”
“What do you mean?”
“No job will pay for the things I want to give you, (Y/N).” He turns over, reaching into the center console to pull out a black box, and your eyes widen as he opens it. You can’t see it, but you can barely see the sparkle of a something reflective. “I… I couldn’t pay for this myself. I knew I couldn’t. I hate how this is how I’m asking you… but, (Y/N), will you-”
“Oh my god, yes!”
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gucciwins · 3 years
Are you Angel?
Harry gets hurt while on the job and Y/N gets a phone call she was not prepared for.
Word count: 7413
A/N: hello friends, it's been a while :) this is a continuation to my story Trouble Follows. You don't have to read but it will give you an insight of how Y/N and Harry met. I am thrilled to share more of firefighter harry with you. I adore him and I hope you do as well.
please do let me know what you thought of the story and please reblog! <333
Warnings: angst, breakups, hospitals
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A firefighter will always run into a burning building with not a hint of hesitation. All their focus is on saving the people stuck inside.
Running towards trouble is second nature to them.
She knew that.
She also knew what it meant to date a firefighter.
The unreliable hours, the non-frequent communication, the many failed dinner dates. The twenty-four hours shifts when he would then arrive home to just sleep.
Harry had begun to give her a constant comfort that he would eventually come home and climb into bed behind her. He would then gently nuzzle his face in her neck, taking in her sweet honey scent. In contrast, she took in the woody ashy smell that seems to be permanently stained on him.
So trust her when she said she knew what she was in for when Harry asked her to be his girlfriend.
Four months in, she knew she would be here for a long time, maybe forever, if life would allow it.
She was sure; she knew what to expect.
But she didn't, not until she got the call.
The call that would shatter her heart.
The call that would lead her to be sitting in this uncomfortable, ugly brown hospital chair, holding tightly onto his ashy hand. As she prayed on and on to a God, she no longer held close but wished for Harry they were real and would bring Harry back to her.
Y/N prayed for Harry to finally open his eyes and give her a reassuring smile that he would be okay.
That they would be okay.
Until then, she'll wait.
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Harry being Lieutenant allowed him to have a consistent schedule. That did not mean there weren't days where he had to pull a double shift or stay back to finish paperwork; he let it pile up.
The one day that was Y/N's was Sunday.
She got him an entire day to lay in bed together and eat all the baked goods she baked for him to try. It was becoming their day. Everyone at the station knew Harry could not be disturbed on Sundays unless it was the end of the world, and even then, they'd have to pry him away from Y/N.
He feels safe in her arms. Harry had never felt that before. Sure, he was surrounded by his firehouse family, but he had never felt so loved in two arms as if she could take all his problems and stresses away. Still, she did exactly that when she would flash him her gorgeous smile and hold her arms open for him to fall into at the end of every day.
Harry knows he's never felt this way, and he won't ever take it for granted.
This Sunday will be different, and she feels it as soon as she wakes up because, in her queen-sized bed, she's alone. No arms wrapped around her waist; no head tucked into her necks as he places soft open kisses to wake her from her sleep gently.
Already, she knows this is going to be a bad day. She feels it in her bones. Having been around trouble for so long, she knows the difference between good and bad. The feelings she has made her want to find Harry and pull him back into bed where she can keep him safe.
Y/N gets out of bed, throwing the warm sheets off her body going to the bathroom to do her morning skin routine, wanting to feel refreshed for when Harry breaks the news; he's going to leave her alone on their day. She knows him well enough; he's cooking her breakfast to make up for leaving her so early in the morning.
She walks out of her bathroom, going straight to her closet and taking out the first sweater she saw. It's a baby blue color and stitched on the left side on top of her heart is: "love me please?" It's Harry's favorite sweater of hers because it's an oversized sweater that fits him well. The only reason she has it back is that he wanted her to wash it and wear it until it got her smell again. Y/N kissed him silly when he told her that, plus she loves that it smells like him now.
Y/N takes one look at her unmade bed and walks away, knowing she's going to crawl back in after Harry leaves her. She walks out and, from the hallway, can hear Harry humming away. If she's honest, she doesn't recognize the song. As she has come to learn, Harry has an interesting taste in music; he has basically heard every song ever to exist. It's a reason they are so good at Four Clovers Thursday Trivia night. She dominates pop culture and films, and Harry takes on music. She's also better at history than him. Their friends love trivia night because their winning always gets them free drinks. It's something she looks forward to each week.
"Morning, H," Y/N says as she approaches him from behind and wraps her arms around his waist. Harry smiles, instantly feeling warm with her arms around him.
"Morning, firebug. Sleep well?"
She mumbles a no, causing Harry to laugh, and she feels it vibrate through her.
"Awe, upset I wasn't wrapped around you." He teases. "I'm making up to you by making breakfast."
She pulls away, spotting blackberries on the counter. "Sure, Jan."
Harry can hear the change in her tone and knows she's still goofing off with him but knows she's upset.
"Angel, come sit. Coffee is ready."
She shakes her head but makes her way over to the chair he pulled out for her. "No coffee. I'll be going back to bed soon." Y/N waits to see if he'll correct her, but he doesn't.
"I'm sorry." He begins.
"No apologies."
"Please let me. I'm leaving you on our day." He pouts.
"As much as I don't want you to go, I'm sure they need you more than I do."
Harry frowns, "I hope you'll never stop needing me." He whispers against her lips before closing the gap. Y/N hums against his soft lips allowing herself to get lost in the moment; she loves his kisses, soft and gentle just as he is despite what his sharp eyes might have one believe.
Harry pulls away after pressing one final kiss on her pouted lips. "I'm sorry I have to go to work, but I know for certain that I can meet you for a late lunch."
"Lunch?" She repeats, arms wrapped around his waist, hoping he was serious with his offer.
He hums. "Yes, 2:30, that bistro with that avocado dressing you like for your sandwich."
"It's a date." She grins, laying her head on his chest letting him hold her tight. He unwraps his arms, letting her go.
"I've got to get going, firebug, but I'll see you later."
"Stay safe, Styles." She tells him as she does every time he leaves.
"Try my best, angel."
With that, he slips his beat-up white Vans with lilac laces and walks out the door; it shuts it behind him. Just as Y/N steps towards it to lock up, it opens back up, startling her. Harry steps back in, and before she can question him, he places both faces on the side of her face and kisses her breathless. Y/N is quick to react, allowing their lips to move in perfect harmony, not as smooth but perfect, nonetheless.
"I--" Harry begins before he clears his throat. "I'll miss you, angel."
Y/N feels the heat rush to her cheeks because, for a moment, she thought he'd say another three words. "And I'll miss you, H. Now get out of here; I don't need you showing up late to our lunch date."
Harry smiles, dimples on full display, hugging her before walking out a skip in his step. She peaks her head out, making sure he gets in the car safely before he drives off. He sits there for a moment, and she knows he is letting his Bluetooth connect as he waits for his drive-to-work playlist titled "it's time" to start playing. He takes a look at his mirrors before backing out and driving. That's when Y/N closes and locks the door.
Time to go back to bed for a few more hours; what else is there to do on a Sunday when she's left alone.
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Harry genuinely did not want to go to work today, but it's not like he could say no to his Chief. His Chief was never one to call in favor unless it was an emergency. He didn't ask, knowing he'd get the full story Monday, but for now, he gets on his pants, t-shirt, and boots and hopes there are no fires today.
The only thing is that Harry isn't used to working with the B-shift, sure he knows everyone's name and a little of their lives, but they aren't his usual team. He shakes that off because he knows he would do anything to help a team member and knows they would do the same in return.
Harry is lost in thought, wondering what Y/N was going to do today. He knows she planned to take him to a butterfly pavilion today even told him the outfit she had planned out for it. A pair of jeans that had flowers embroidered all over something she added, saying she thought they looked a bit plain, pairing it with a pastel pink top. Harry was surprised with her style after meeting her various times in different outfits. He was surprised at how soft she dressed in pastels. She may have a bold personality, but her fashion was delicate and warm. It was a nice balance.
He nearly runs into Carols as he made his way to his office, too busy thinking of the girl he left at home. "Sorry, bud."
"No problem, Harry. Surprised to see you here," Carols tells him, everyone knowing Sunday was Harry's day off.
"Chief had something come up and asked me to come in. I should be out of here by eight tonight if we're lucky."
Carlos smiles, "with you around, we usually are."
Harry chuckles, telling him he'll be in his office if he needs anything. He looks around his desk and sighs at how much has piled up already.
Might as well get ahead.
It's a few hours when Harry realizes the house is quiet. He peaks around the window and figures they are all in the common room. It's only one, and thankfully there have been no calls, and if it continues, then he will make it to lunch with his angel.
He shoots her a text.
13:24 PM
I miss you. Counting down the minutes until I get to see you xxx
Harry clicks send and smiles down at his phone. 2:30 couldn't come fast enough.
As he gets up to stretch and go for a snack in the kitchen, he takes a deep breath because as confident as he may seem, he isn't around the second shift. They don't know him so well, and Harry ultimately is shy. He may be able to hide it, but he has small quicks that others pick up on. Something he knows Y/N spotted quickly, like when he toes his foot into the ground or when he begins to chip at his nails, and Y/N's favorite is when he moves his hands behind his back and sways side to side. She finds it endearing, but others might not think it's leadership material.
He walks into the lounge to cross to the kitchen when a few heads turn to him, but before they can say a word, the alarm rings, and Harry is literally saved by the bell.
Not a second to waste, everyone heads over to the rig and quickly suits up. Harry is Lieutenant meaning he's in charge of the scene today, seeing as their captain and Chief aren't here today. Harry respects all the firefighters and knows this will go well if everyone carries out their job.
It's a factory fire, and as soon as they arrive, Harry can see it's burning fast. He's not sure how many people are there, but he calls in for reinforcements knowing they will need all the manpower they can get.
"This is House 102; please send more units available. The factory fire is burning at a faster rate than we can control. My team is going in now. There are five people unaccounted for; the left side of the building is clear." Harry speaks into his two-way radio.
"Carlos," the young firefighter jogs over, eyes on Harry, no longer staring at the roaring fire. "You're going in with Baz. Stay close and don't go up the second floor; you need to be quick in and out."
"Who's going with you, Lieutenant?" Carlos asks, clearly worried.
"Jameson and Rey are coming with me; stay safe, and if anything happens, just radio in."
"You got it!" Harry pats his shoulder and walks off towards the two waiting men.
Harry knows the men well, he trained them when they came into the house, but they preferred B-shift instead of being with him. One spot was available, and he knew they didn't want to be separated. Rey and Jameson have been dating for two years, but that's a secret only very few know. It's not prohibited, but if it gets more serious, one will have to relocate to a new station. They simply aren't ready for that, and indeed Harry would be sad not to have them around the house or hearing their stories. It just adds a more considerable risk because, at the end of the day, the job is first.
Rey walks towards the entrance with Harry following right behind. Jameson, a few feet back, calling out for anyone in there that needs help.
"Fire department, call out." Echoes out as much as it can as the fire begins to roar louder.
The heat gets worse the further they walk in; they turn right at the edge of a desk labeled "Torres."
"H, there!" Rey shouts, rushing over to a man knocked unconscious and had heavy storage struck over his legs, pinning him down. Harry and Jameson run over, assessing the man before making any sudden moves.
Jameson finds a pulse, weak but there. He gets the extra mask over the man's face hoping it'll wake him up soon.
"On the count of three, we lift," Harry tells the two men standing to a stand as the others do the same.
They nod. "One, two, three." They grunt in unison, pushing the container to a standing position. Harry looks over the man's legs and is thankful there is no blood, but there will be swelling and bruises. "Right, Rey, take him out. We'll keep searching."
Rey nods, lifting the man over his shoulder as he was trained to do, and rushes out of the burning building. Harry and Jameson have just learned a new area when the radio comes on. "Lieutenant Styles, it's Carlos. We found two men; only one remains unaccounted for."
Harry nods. "Got it, no one comes back in. We'll be out soon."
He now leads the way, making his way towards a stairway. There's no fire here, but it's moving faster, and smoke is thick. Whoever is in here might not last much longer without oxygen.
"Fire department, call out," Harry shouts, voice firm.
"Here.." a whisper is heard, both Harry and Jameson freeze. Once more, "here" is yelled but sounds muffled.
Harry looks around, not seeing anything but fire, and fears the structure will collapse soon. Just as he was about to yell again, he sees a can knocked, and a man hidden under a black rag is seen. Jameson rushes over, helping the man sit up. He's older, well into his sixties. He doesn't look too well; he has a few scapes.
"Right, we need to head out," Jameson tells Harry, helping the man stand up who is fighting consciousness.
"This is Lieutenant Styles; on our way out found the last man. Have paramedics on standby."
"Got it, Styles. Get out quick."
Jameson and Harry get the man up and head to exit. Harry can see the light of day and knows he will be late for lunch, but thankful Y/N is understanding and very forgiving. He'll make it up to her by buying dessert.
Just as they almost reach the door, a piece of dry wood comes falling down, separating Harry and Jameson; luckily, it did not hit them, but now Harry has to find a new way out. It's not looking good.
"Harry," Jameson looks panicked, but Harry stays calm.
"Get him out, now," Harry tells him, looking in every direction for what to do.
"No, I won't-" Harry cuts him off.
"Jameson, get this man out. He needs medical attention. That's an order." Voice full of authority with no room to argue.
Jameson nods and heads out. "I'm coming back for you."
Harry chuckles. He sees a small path, but it'd be a more extended way out. He debates what to do. He could wait, but the longer he stays, the quicker this building is beginning to collapse.
It takes him two seconds to decide to go right and find a new route out instead of staying put. He walks and only gets hotter as the fire begins to surround him. He's good at not panicking, always thinks better under pressure, but this is getting intense. Harry climbs over a crate and bends low to go through this tight space. He sees the exit, it's still a bit away, but he knows he is in the clear.
That's when he hears a big explosion knocking him forward. His oxygen masks flys off, landing a few feet away. As Harry reaches his hand out to get it, he's pulled back. He looks behind and sees he's stuck. There are crates stacked on top of him. The air is thick of smoke, and with no oxygen, it seems like the fire will soon enough engulf him.
He's really in trouble now.
Harry presses his radio, holding it, hoping it's still working. "This is Harry," He coughs. "I'm trapped under a few crates. I can't reach my ask. I'm west of the building."
"Harry, hold on. We're going in." Harry hears Jameson reply, but he's fading quickly.
He shakes his head. "Can't go to sleep, but this smoke is too thick to actually see anything, let alone for his team to find him.
"Tell…" He coughs again, and this time doesn't stop for what feels like five minutes but is only a few seconds. "Tell angel, I'm sorry."
A voice comes over the speaker, but Harry's eyelids are fluttering shut, the weight of the crates is too much, and the smoke only gets deeper in his lungs if he keeps speaking.
Harry welcomes the darkness as he sees the one person he was supposed to meet for lunch. She's holding an outstretched hand for him to take and who is he to ever say no to her.
Real or not, he goes to her, and soon enough, he falls unconscious, not feeling when his team lifts him out and puts him in the back of an ambulance.
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Y/N decided to show up a bit earlier for their lunch date, putting in their order early, wanting to maximize all their time together. She wouldn't see him until late that night, and honestly, she wasn't a fan of being separated on her favorite day of the week.
She sits on a bench right outside, both sandwiches wrapped tucked away in a brown paper bag and a lemonade sitting next to her untouched. It was his favorite, too sweet in her opinion. Still, Harry loved it, especially since he wasn't one to indulge in sweets unless they were hers.
Knowing Harry could be running late, she pulls out a book from her orange tote bag that Harry gifted to her. The book was Beach Read, Frankie recommended it to her then gave her the book saying she needed to read more romance books and not just poetry and nonfiction books. She actually enjoyed it, which surprised her, but even if she didn't, she's too invested to not find out the ending.
She was just starting chapter five when she feels too much time has passed and glances down at her phone.
25 minutes late isn't bad or unusual even; she decides to put the book away and keep an eye out for him. Usually, when he keeps her waiting, he makes up for it with a long kiss that never fails to take her breath away; she's excited about it now.
Time seems to go slower when she just sits waiting. She debates beginning to eat her sandwich when her stomach starts to growl. It's low, but she would feel bad if she began to eat, and that's when he shows up. She settles for waiting and instead takes a drink of the sweet lemonade.
As Y/N sits waiting for Harry, her phone begins to ring and displays an unknown number but the city's area code. Every bone in her body tells her to prepare for the worst but hopes she's paranoid.
She takes a deep breath before answering and bringing the phone up to her ear.
"Hello, are you angel?" A deep voice man asks.
"It's Y/N. Actually, can I ask who's calling?" She's holding her breath; only one person calls her angel.
"I'm calling on behalf of Lieutenant Harry Styles. Harry has been in an accident and was taken to the hospital. He asked us to call an angel on his way to the hospital. We assumed you were one of his emergency contacts."
Y/N feels her hands begin to shake. "What hospital?"
The man on the phone rattles the information, and she lets it all sink in. He hangs up, and she sits there waiting on the bench for her date that will not be showing up.
Her phone rings again, she answers without looking at the caller.
"Y/N," she recognized the voice; it's Mitch, and if he's calling, then it must be true.
"Mitch," she whispers, not recognizing her own voice. It's shaky, tears beginning to well up.
"Where are you?"
"At the bistro a street down from the station." She replies, hoping he's coming for her.
"I'm close; we'll pick you up and go see him, darling." She nods but remembers he can't see her.
Y/N isn't sure why she's not crying. She feels the tears, but it's like they are stuck; her heart hurts, and she knows that says enough. "We were supposed to meet for lunch. I got worried when he didn't show up, but I didn't think--" he interrupts her.
"Harry is going to be fine, trust me. He's okay, and he needs us there."
Y/N doesn't reply because she sees him pulling in. Mitch is in the passenger seat, Sarah is driving. She doesn't say a word as she swings open the door and settles in the back.
She sets her hands in her lap; she can feel herself trembling. She can feel herself breaking because she won't know if he's okay until she sees him. Mitch can say he's fine, but she needs to see for herself.
Sarah and Mitch share a concerned look; Y/N doesn't notice her eyes looking out the window.
"Y/N?" Mitch begins, voice full of concern. "Do you- are you okay to go see him?"
"Of course." She replies quickly. "He needs me; well, I hope he does."
"Course he needs you. Needs his angel by his side." Sarah tells her calmly, wanting to see her smile, but it doesn't work because only Harry should be calling her that. She shouldn't be on her way to see him in a hospital bed. She should have seen him next to her on that bench as he ate his sandwich and gave her kiss and kiss as she told him stories.
They are silent the rest of the way. Sarah pulls into an empty parking space, and she rushes after Mitch, who seems to know exactly where Harry is as he rushes past the front desk. The only thing that slows them down is waiting for the elevator; she gladly would have taken the stairs if Mitch didn't tell her that he's on the sixth floor. Instead, she waits impatiently for the old elevator that will take her to see her love.
He is going to be okay. He has to be okay. Y/N keeps those thoughts running through her head as Mitch and Sarah guide her to room 613.
Mitch walks in first, holding the door open, Sarah places a comforting hand on her back, and Y/N feels supported and loved, but nothing prepares her for what she is about to walk into.
The constant beep of Harry's heart monitor is the only thing that can be heard in his private room. The beep is steady; it makes her let out a deep breath. The monitor already calming her down, she approaches slowly as if he'd wake if she'd walk any faster.
She sits in the uncomfortable chair next to his bed and pulls it as close as she can.
Y/N just stares at him, taking it all in. He looks like he's resting peacefully like he should originally have been when they started this day together. His curls are disheveled, his face dirty with smoke stains and a few gauzes wrapped around his arms. She can't see much else but knows he's got a road of recovery still ahead of him.
"Hi, Harry," she whispers, her hand slowly reaching under the white sheet to grab hold of his right hand. "I'm right here, okay. Take your time waking up; there's no rush. Just know that I'm not going anywhere."
She pauses, hoping for a reply even though she knows she won't get one. "We can also discuss how I'm sort of one of your emergency contacts."
Y/N presses her lips to his hand. "Need you to wake up, want to see those Rapunzal eyes." She sits back, not removing her hand from his. Sarah has not taken her eyes off of her, Sarah might feel like she might blow up soon, but being at his side, she has begun to feel better.
"Harry, we're here for you. The whole team is outside in the lobby, probably why they sent us to the floor with the biggest waiting area. Even young Carlos is out there, saying you gave them a scare but really hopes you never pick up another B-shift again." Mitch sniffles before stepping out of the room. Sarah walks over to where he was standing.
"Hey Harold, it's trivia night in a few days, and kind of counting on you to get us those free drinks." Sarah chuckles. "It's been a while since we've been in the hospital. I think it was when I made you all donate blood for that ambulance competition. Fun times, now you rest and get better. The good thing is you have the best nurse looking out for you." Sarah glances at Y/N, sending her a small smile.
Y/N sits back in her chair as Sarah sits in one by the window. She knows she's in for a long afternoon and an even longer night.
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Harry's head is throbbing.
He's not sure why. The last he remembers is leaving Y/N's house to go for his shift at the station.
They were meeting for lunch; he's sure she wouldn't let him drink any alcohol on the job.
Harry slowly opens his eyes and is blinded by the bright light. He sees a photo of the sunset right in front of him, and a tv hung up; if he's not mistaken, he's in a hospital room, primarily due to being in an uncomfortable bed. The oxygen mask over his face is also a dead giveaway he was in an accident.
He looks around, and he sees he is not alone. His angel is sleeping, a tight grip on his right hand; she looks exhausted. Mitch walks in just as Harry was about to wake her. Y/N mumbles and sits up, pulling her hand away from his to rub the sleep away. Harry wants to tell her to stop knowing how much it actually irritates her eyes, especially when she tubs a little harsher than usual.
"Were you able to find tea, Mitch?" Y/N asks, looking over at him.
"Sarah's bringing it over." Mitch's gaze never turns to her staying on Harry; this confuses Y/N and turns back around in her seat to look at a resting Harry but instead finds his eyes on her.
"Harry!" Y/N scoots forward, grasps his hand in hers. "You're awake. Mitch, the nurse, please."
Harry raises his free hand to take off the mask. He wants to speak, but this won't allow him. "No, love. Got to keep it on."
Harry's eyes close, then flutter open. He stares at Y/N, his eyes kind but defiant. He takes the mask off, coughing a bit; it makes Y/N feel nauseous, knowing he's not doing so well.
"I think you need to keep it on, Harry." She says, "the nurse needs to see it when she comes in soon."
"Hey, angel," he says in a raspy voice. It sounds like he's in pain when he talks.
"Yes?" She asks.
"I'm sorry for scaring you."
Y/N shrugs, "no big deal. I wasn't even scared."
Harry smiles, showering her his dimples since she last saw him this morning. He begins to laugh but stops when it causes him to cough. Y/N lets him settle down before bending down to gently kiss him.
"Now, let that hold you over, and put the mask pack on."
Harry nods. "Anything for you, my angel."
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It's a half-hour before the doctor comes in, and by that time, Harry had fallen back asleep, only just waking up a few minutes before the man walked through the door. Mitch alerted everyone outside he was awake and doing good.
Dr. Vazquez walked white coat open, displaying a purple button-up and a bright yellow tie. It puts a smile on Y/N's face.
"Hello, Mr. Styles. Glad you're awake."
"Me too, Doc. Nice tie."
Dr. Vaquez smiles, looking down at himself, "Thank you, my wife picks out my tie every morning before she heads off to work."
"Lucky man," Harry tells him.
"That I am." Dr. Vazquez replies. "You've got a mild concussion, nothing serious, but you are allowed to sleep while you're here. We've got a good team looking out for you. You've got a few burns, but those will heal nicely if properly cared for. A few deep bruises on your leg and one on your rib cage, no blood clots. It will hurt to walk for a few days."
"Nothing too bad, then," Harry sighs, relaxing in bed.
"I've looked at your charts, and it looks like you will be making a full recovery and should be back on the job in three or four weeks. In the meantime, you will need to stay overnight and keep taking in oxygen. I see the nurse changed your mask. Please don't remove this one." Harry nods. "Any questions?"
Harry shakes his head no, "Not at the moment."
"Alright, I'll be off then. I'll come to see you tomorrow midday, and we'll talk about going home. I hear you have a waiting room full of people dying to see; just be aware that visiting hours end at nine, but if you're kind to Nurse Lucy, she'll be lenient to ten."
"Thank you, Dr. Vazquez." Mitch and Y/N say in unison as the man exits the room.
"That's the quietest I've ever seen you, firebug." Harry teases.
"You hush." She lightly pats his arm.
Mitch laughs, "going to go tell them you're allowed, visitors."
Y/N and Harry sit in silence. He can tell she has something on her mind, a slight frown on her face. He wonders if it's about him if she won't be able to handle dating someone who can be hurt by the job. Harry honestly does not want to lose her.
"I'm going to step out," Y/N tells him, looking down at their joined hands, not wanting to meet his eyes.
"Y/N," Harry sighs.
"You've got lots of people waiting to see you and roughly have an hour to see them all. I'll be close by." She leans down, presses a kiss to his cheek, and walks out before he can reach out to stop her.
She steps out while a few members of his team come in to see him offering her a smile as she passes them. As much as she didn't want to leave him, she needed a moment away, and he needed a moment with his family.
God, Y/N has never felt so scared, and now a minute alone, everything is beginning to set in. She has no idea where the restroom is, and the next thing she knows, she's running into someone, but it seems they recognize her because they say her name, and the next thing she knows, she's crying, sinking to the floor. She feels arms wrap around her.
Shushes in her ear, brushing the ends of her hair. It's calming, but she needs to let all the tears she's been holding in.
"Y/N," she can now recognize the voice as Sarah's, "I'm going to help you stand and sit you in the chair.
Y/N feels herself nod.
She begins taking deep breaths, never letting Sarah pull her hand away. It is the only thing keeping her grounded.
"I got her some water." Y/N hears Frankie whisper handing it to Sarah before taking the seat to the left of her.
"I'm okay," she repeats. "I'm okay."
"Y/N," Sarah begins.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize, sweetie." Frankie brushes her hair back.
"I'm supposed to be strong; I have to be strong to do this to stand by his side," Y/N tells them, beginning to let her emotions out.
"No one is expecting you not to cry."
"Bu-" Sarah interrupts her.
"No. stop. Accidents happen, and so do injuries. It's okay to be scared and hurt."
"I want to be strong for him." She whispers.
"You are. You never left his side; you talked to him. You're crying now because you care."
She wipes her eyes with her sweater sleeves. "I love him, and I was so scared that when I got the call, I'd never get to tell Harry."
"Then you tell him as soon as you walk back into his room."
"Thank you."
"Nothing to thank, I care about you, and I know Harry would be grateful to know you're not alone. You've always got us. Now let's grab something to eat, and we'll come back in an hour once all of them go home."
She chuckles. "Alright."
"Text me where you're sitting. I'll pop in to see Harry, then meet you."
"You don't have to," Y/N tells Frankie because she knows she is just as concerned about her friend.
"Are you kidding me? You're my friend first, always."
Sarah and Y/N walk down to the cafeteria. She knows she isn't okay but is feeling better, finally letting emotion out. It was only a matter of time before she let the dam break; she's just happy it was not in front of Harry.
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The girls sit in the cafeteria munching on snacks for well over an hour. Mitch sends them a message letting them know all the crew has left and it's time to say goodbye for the night. Frankie wishes her goodnight downstairs with promises to come to see her tomorrow and bring her a change of clothes.
"Let's walk you back," Sarah tells her, linking their arms together.
"Do you think he'll know?" Sarah takes a good look at her and grimaces. "I'll just say I tripped, and it made me cry." Y/N jokes.
"I don't think he'll believe that."
"Yeah, me either." The girls walk out of the elevator as their laughter dies down.
They settle in silence as they make their way to his room, Sarah holding her hand leading the way. Mitch is in the chair she was in for so many hours before waiting for him to wake up. Mitch hears their footsteps and turns his head, but Harry is frowning, looking out the window at the dark sky.
Y/N doesn't know what to say, but one look at him has her heart filling up with relief; he's okay.
He's fine, and he gets to go home soon, and she gets to love him all she wants.
Harry turns his head as she steps forward. "Angel," he breathes out.
It makes her eyes well up with tears again. "I love you," she just lets it out, as if she's told Harry this every day as if she never went a moment not saying it.
"Oh my angel," Harry begins to cry, feeling overwhelmed and incredibly happy. His angel loves him, and although this isn't a perfect day, the moment is.
Mitch and Sarah sneak out quietly, shutting the door behind them to give them their privacy.
"I love you so much. Please come here." Harry replies, voice shaky.
In the next second, she's moving forward, pulling the chair as close as she can as he grabs her hands, squeezing them tightly. She leans down and presses her lips to his chapped pink lips. They move gently, pouring all their love and fears into the kiss. Telling each other that the worst is over and they are together, and they are fine. Y/N pulls back, knowing she can't kiss him as long as she'd like due to his sensitive lungs.
"Harry, I love you, and I was so scared I'd never get to say it."
"I'm sorry, angel; I never wanted you to get a call like this, at least not before talking about it."
"Me either," She sniffles, no longer able to control her tears, "but it happened, and I'm just happy you're okay."
"I'm okay," he repeats. She smiles, taking one of her hands out of his hold to wipe his tears away; Harry can't help but lean his head into her gentle touch. "I'm okay because my angel is always looking after me.
"It's true. I've never been luckier and safer since you came into my life." She smiles. "But there's something we have to talk about." He continues, and by the tone of his voice, it's going to be serious.
"Are you okay?"
"What? I'm fine. You're the one in a hospital bed." Her tone is defensive.
"There's something wrong. I can see it."
Y/n sighs, taking a deep breath. She takes her hand out of his hold.
Harry is quick to mask his hurt.
"I don't like that you're hurt. I hate that we aren't at home in the kitchen dancing around to your Sunday playlist as I bake you a new treat." She says in a rush.
"Hey, love, relax," he says and gestures for her to move in closer. She does so, allowing him to take hold of her hands with a firm grip this time.
"You're upset because I got hurt?" She nods in reply to his question. It's stupid because, of course, he's going to get hurt; it'd be naive to think he wouldn't in his job.
"It's part of the job." He says simply. It's something he wants her to accept and remember. She thinks back to a month into dating when he told her about his ex-girlfriend and how she couldn't handle the unknown of the job each day he left her. Y/N thought she'd be fine, but she loves him, and losing him would be something she could never recover from.
"I know. It's just not easy to see." Her voice was quiet and defeated.
"What do we do?" Harry asks, and Y/N freezes; she can feel her heart beating in her ears.
What do we do?
"What do you mean?" She can feel her hands begin to shake.
"This can happen again." He gestures to him in the hospital bed.
"I know." She says softly.
"Is this something you can handle or not?" He asks very direct. She knows this might not be the first time he's had the conversation, but she just told him she loved him, and he's questioning her. She's allowed to feel this way, but it doesn't mean she can't handle it.
"Y/N," he begins, "I'm incredibly happy with you. I see you and me together for a long time. You're it for me, but this job is my life."
"I know," she repeats. "I would never ask you to give up your job."
Harry stares at her; heartbreak passes through his eyes. "Are you asking me to give you up?
She shakes her and begs for the tears not to fall, but it's no use. She feels them falling and can't wipe them as Harry has a hold of her hands.
"Harry, I love you." He frowns as if fearing the worst. "I love you, and I'd rather love you every moment I have you than let you go now and never know what could have been."
"Oh, thank god." Harry lets out a deep breath. She giggles. "I'm sorry we couldn't have this conversation earlier; honestly, I feared if I brought it up, you could possibly break up with me, and I selfishly wanted to have you longer."
"Well, I'm not going anywhere, not if it's up to me. Seeing you laid up is hard but knowing I get to be there for you makes up for it. Also helps that I'm a nurse."
"That it does."
Y/n grins at Harry, leaning in to kiss him, short and sweet for now. Each kiss never fails to make her heart race, and due to Harry's heart monitor, she knows it does the same to him. They sit in silence, staring at each other as Harry traces small shapes against Y/N's cheeks, loving the feeling of her in his hand. Especially when she lets out a soft giggle when he hits a sensitive spot.
"Move in with me," Y/N blurts out after a while of silence.
It shocks Harry. "What?"
"Until you're better. That way, I can be your in-home nurse."
"Only until I'm better?" She nods. "So, you'll give me the boot after." Harry teases.
Y/N can feel her cheeks warming up but pushes through, "Only if you're a bad patient."
Harry smiles, dimples on full display for her, always for her. "Okay, I can be good and naughty only when you ask."
"Harry!" She gasps.
He throws his head back, laughing.
"God, I'm so lucky to love you." His words warm her heart, and she promises to tell him every day from now on.
"Now get up here and cuddle me. I got Mitch to cue up Netflix."
"Are you sure?" She stands slipping her shoes off, knowing he won't be taking no for an answer.
"Going to deprive an injured man of what he wants most?"
"Guess not."
Y/N crawls on and lays on his side, carefully resting her head on his chest. Harry presses kiss after kiss for his comfort, knowing he will be okay and has his favorite person by his side. She chooses Legally Blonde knowing it's Harry's comfort movie as much as he tries to deny it.
For an unusual start to their Sunday, it ends right; together in bed, a hospital bed but nonetheless a bed, together arms wrapped tight around each other.
Y/N might not have liked that Harry got hurt, but he's okay, and he will recover.
That's all she could ever ask for.
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thank you so much for reading!
please send me a message of what you thought or if you'd like to see more firefighter harry
I adore you. take care xx
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
HQ Boys Thinking Their S/O Left Them Pt. 2
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Character(s) included: Tsukishima & Ushijima
Warning(s): Cursing
Song of the day: Love The Way You Lie by Eminem
A/N: Wow thanks for 200+ likes on my last part & 15+ reblogs! I’m almost at 150 followers so thank you for that too! I can't believe that my account is still active! Here’s part two! As always my ask box is open for comments and such! I would love to have some more Anons or even some character anons. Part three is next so if you have any haikyuu boys you want next just send a message! Please forgive any spelling and grammatical errors!
Where to find all the parts!
Where to find all my content!
Tag(s): @chibiiichann
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So the argument was your fault. The ‘harmless’ joke made its way to be more effective than you imagined. So maybe it wasn’t as funny as you thought to pour water on his head as soon as he got through the door. But it wasn’t your fault for not knowing he was having a tough day already.
“Baby.. please.. kei, I am sorry..” you whispered softly as you followed him in. You could tell he was angry. After all he just wanted to rest and now you just fucked everything up. “Kei.. please.” He turned to you.
“What?” He was drenched and tried to not let his attitude show. He just wanted to take a shower and go to bed.
“I didn’t mean to upset you.. it was just supposed to be a harmless prank..” you muttered softly now avoiding his eyes. They felt like they were burning holes into you.
“Oh wow so funny!” He looked at you. Now making eye contact you can feel the hints of venom in his voice. “It’s so fucking funny. You know sometimes I wonder if I ever did the shit you do to me back to you how would you react? I mean after all it’s just a fucking harmless prank! Do you ever just fucking think for a moment, ‘fuck maybe that’s not a good idea?’ Or no? I mean is you brain so fucking small and your so fucking dumb to the point you don’t have a good thought in there?!” His voice was loud, deep, and annoyed. You could almost see the hatred seeping from each word. You looked to the ground and took his hurtful and harmful words. 
It was your fault after all.
After a moment he looked down at you, getting out everything he needed to say, well almost everything. “It fucking sucks to put up with you sometimes. I hope you know your fucking lucky.” There he went, finally finishing his bitter words. He left slamming the door behind him as he started the shower. The warm tears that you had been holding in now finally making their way out.
After grabbing a jacket, phone, wallet, and keys you leave. Feeling terrible that he had to put up with you. Locking the door as you left you decided to take a walk. It was cold and dark. It was a terrible idea to have, but there wasn’t much more that you could do.
After he finished his shower he got out looking for you. He had sorta realized the weight of his words. He knew he went too far.
After about five minutes he realized you were nowhere in sight. He changed and grabbed his phone. “Pick up..” he muttered, calling you. It was too cold for you to be out, let alone it was too dark.
You looked down at your phone and just ignored the call, scared to be yelled at again. It was freezing, now coming to the realization that you should have brought a bigger jacket. You head to a nearby ramen place to eat.
On his side he is freaking the fuck out. “Fuck fuck..” he muttered softly. He tried calling you again and to his surprise you picked up. “Y/n where are you?” He seems upset.
“Don’t worry about it.. just get some rest okay? Night.” You’re almost about to hang up where he starts talking again. He is frantic and you can tell he is extremely worried.
“Y/n please. It’s dark and cold and I don’t want you getting lost or anything worse please..” he mumbled softly. He is trying not to seem overbearing.
“I’ll be okay. Goodnight.” You hang up. Not to your surprise he calls you about five times as you order something to go for the both of you. After about twenty minutes you start to walk back. It’s pitch black and freezing. You put the bag on your arm and zip up your thin jacket. Now holding onto your phone on flashlight with one hand and with the other the soup trying to keep warm. It takes you another fifteen minutes to arrive and you open the door.
Tsukishima was waiting by the door. It was quite late so you bit your lip and closed the door after. In that time Tsukishima’s arms are already tightly around you. His eyes were red and puffy and it was clear he had been crying.
“I told you to get some rest, Kei..” you whispered softly, unsure why he was up. Kinda glad that the ramen did go to waste though.
“I am sorry.. I’m sorry.. I’m sorry..” he started to cry again holding you tight. You were cold to the touch and to be honest if it weren’t for what he said earlier you would probably be really enjoying this.
“It’s okay.. I got some dinner..” you whisper breaking away from his grasp as you sit at the table him following after. He wiped away the tears sitting in front of you. He felt like shit. As you place the food in front of him he gives a weak thank you, which you just shake your head to and start eating.
After dinner you get up putting your dishes away. Getting ready for bed after. As you finish brushing your teeth and changing. You are met with his long warm arms around you once again. He missed you all day, and didn’t want you to be distant any longer. “I’m sorry y/n..” he whispered softly, tears rolling down his face.
“It’s okay kei.. don’t worry I know you didn’t, it was my fault anyway..” you muttered softly. “I’m sorry baby..” you wipe away his tears. “I didn’t mean to worry you okay..?” He just holds on tighter and shakes his head gently, picking you up. He decides to carry you to the room you two share. As he holds you, you whisper nothing but sweet words of love, trying to comfort him.
When he lays down you gently hold him. He clears his throat ready to apologize more. “Y/n.. I really didn’t mean any of that okay..? I really love you so much and I’m the lucky one. You’re so considerate and shit and you were just trying to play a prank but I had a really shitty day and just didn’t react well.. I’m sorry..” he whispered softly. His head is buried into the crevice between your shoulder and head. It was clear he was upset.
“Baby it’s okay.. don’t worry I know you didn't mean too.. it was my fault.." you whisper softly. His arms tighten around you holding you close. "I should have known it wasn't a good idea and just didn’t do it. Instead I decided to do it and then leave.. making you worried and stuff.. So I'm sorry.." you whispered softly.
He just shakes his head and smiles softly. "Okay.. I love you Y/n," he muttered softly as he closed his eyes. Quite tired from such a stressful day.
"I love you too Kei," you muttered back, staying up until you’re sure he is peacefully asleep. When you are sure, you drift to sleep. You are safe here. You are safe in his arms, being loved by him. This is where you are meant to be, forever.
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Practice was shit. He missed almost everything that came his way, and to be honest it was getting to him. He was quite pissed seeing you with some other guy. No matter what or who they were, they weren’t him. That’s all that mattered. You were laughing and smiling with them and he was upset. So of course he would be off his game. Who wouldn’t? You were the person everyone wanted. Ushijima was lucky to be your boyfriend let alone even talk to you.
But the same could be said about Ushijima. He was known everywhere and you got jealous too at times. I mean who wouldn’t when he got gifts every time he entered a match. He barely talked to you then too, because he thought you would be too ‘distracting.’ So in the end you normally would sit in the back and chat with a few people but tried to stay focused. Today was different. It was a practice not a game. So you didn’t mind not paying attention.
Once practice ended you were met with Ushijima’s tall form in front of you. “Oh hey baby,” you smiled getting up. He doesn’t look too happy and gives the guy a stare that makes him almost immediately leave.
“Who’s he?,” he looked down at you again. You’re shorter than him but to be honest he loves it. He loves the fact that he can tease you with kisses or the fact he can pick you up.
“I just met him. He is pretty cool, turns out he was in one of my old classes.” You smile a bit.
“Oh. Okay let’s go.” He muttered softly. Now expecting a kiss on the head before you two leave you wait. It takes a moment before you realize you’re not getting one so you just follow after him.
“How was practice..” you ask when you guys get in the car. It was quiet and you didn’t like that. It was too quiet.
“You would have known if you were watching.” He was brief and quick with his answers. “It went bad.”
You shake your head softly and when you guys get back into the house it’s no better. Now deciding to break the silence once more. “What’s wrong baby..” you look at him. Something’s off. Completely off.
He looks to you maybe for the first time, in what.? Half an hour an hour of being in the same car. Whatever it was it didn’t matter, it was too long.
“I don’t know why you have to come to my practices and just distract me the whole time.” He doesn’t think about what to say before he does.
“What..? I didn’t run up to you like usual and I stayed in the back like you like! What do you mean ‘distract’ you?” You look at him confused.
“Maybe you shouldn’t come then. It seems like everywhere you have to just be in my way. Let alone you just bring people with you.” He looks annoyed and maybe you should just drop it. But you can’t. You did nothing wrong.
“What? I stayed out of your fucking way! I didn’t ask to come. You asked me too! It’s not like I begged you to come and then was up in your face the whole time. Like your so-called fans! They were up in your face the whole fucking time trying to give you gifts and shit! But ya I’m the distracting one!” You looked annoyed. Upset. Pissed off. Whatever you wanna call it.
“Really? Really? We wanna go there now? It’s not like every fucking time we walk the halls together someone doesn’t come up to say hello to you! Or asks if your fucking free, I mean it’s not like your with me or anything.” You can tell he is mad. But it isn’t your fault.
“Yes really! You have fucking people wait by the gates of the school for you. I mean that’s what I get for dating you right? I get a bunch of girls following my boyfriend, I get called a distraction when I come up to you and get called a distraction when I’m away from you. I don’t know what to fucking do at this point!” You can feel yourself tear up. This is fucked up.
“Wow. Of course. All my fucking fault. Mhm just blame it all on me. You know what fuck you, and fuck your high horse.” He slams the shared room’s door closed. You don’t say anything, deciding to just leave. You grab your stuff and close the door. It’s a bit chilly and you’re glad you grabbed a jacket. It wasn’t weird for you two to fight let alone get on each other’s nerves. But when it’s going good, it’s going great.
You leave heading to a friend’s house and stay the night. Unsure how you fucking feel at this point. What the fuck was up with him? You just tried to stay in your fucking lane. It hurts. It fucking hurts to be called a distraction. Maybe he didn’t get that. But you knew he did. He wasn’t that dumb. He wasn’t that fucking dense like everyone else thought. You knew he wasn’t. That was one of his worst insecurities and you knew it.
The next day you were dropped off at school and we’re surprised to see Ushijima waiting. You bit your lips walking right past him. You could see the hurt in his eyes. He had eye bags and his eyes were red and swollen. He seemed like he had been crying, you felt bad. But at the same time you didn’t. You needed him to understand how much you were hurt by his words.
When lunch came around he was waiting at the door of your classroom and you bit your lip. “Do you need something?” You ask. It took him a moment before he shook his head.
“Can we please talk.. I’m sorry..” he muttered softly. He was clearly still upset by yesterday’s fight and so were you.
“Okay. It’s fine I’m sorry too,” you look up now, his big arms were wrapped tightly around you. He sniffled softly as he was already tearing up again.
“I didn’t mean any of that.. you’re not a distraction and I love you so much baby..” he whispered softly. “I was just jealous and shit..” he muttered softly. “I don’t like it when you hang out with others and stuff and I know it’s not fair.. I just get worried you will like them more and just leave..” he whispered softly finally opening up.
“Hey look at me..” you whisper gently, taking your hands and wrapping them around his cheeks. “I won’t do that to you.. I love you so much, okay?” He shakes his head.
“I love you too y/n..” he muttered softly. He was tired and you could tell. Once you reached the cafeteria you sat next to him and he laid his head on your shoulder.
A soft laugh made its way out as you held him. God you love him. Nothing could ever change that. No matter any fight. You loved him and he loved you. That’s all that would ever matter.
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Follows and likes are appreciated! Please reblog if you enjoyed it, so more people can find my work! Thank you all for your support! Stay safe, and have a good rest of your day!
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tenswrld · 3 years
old enough to understand
mark lee x reader, childhood friends to lovers, fluff
summary: now that you’re older, you seem to finally understand how mark makes you feel
a/n: came up with this at 2am while listening to my mark lee dedicated playlist and pluto projector came on and u already know that one part made me emotional also do u like my doodles i made on the photo ^^
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growing up, you were surrounded by the concept of love. you witnessed it with your parents, when you got your first pet, and even when you took your first bite into your favorite fruit.
when you first met mark lee at the age of 6, you didn’t think that the word love would apply to him. at least, not in the way that you knew it. 
“no! it’s mine, i don’t want to give you any!” the young boy yelled.
“you can just go get more! i just want some watermelon!” you screamed back.
“go get some yourself!”
angry, you stomped away towards the table of adults. “mrs. lee, mark won’t give me a piece of his watermelon.”
the older woman laughed softly before getting up and leading you to the table of fruit. “forgive him, watermelon is his favorite. i’ll be sure to make sure he shares next time, okay?”
while you ate your own fruit alone in the grass, mark came up to you scratching his neck awkwardly, avoiding eye contact. “i’m sorry for being rude...i just really like watermelon...”
you narrowed your eyes at him before bursting into a fit of giggles, offering your own watermelon out to him. “it’s okay, mark, i like watermelon too. i understand.” he took the piece that you held out to him and took a seat next to you.
when you first met mark, you didn’t think anything of him except for that he was the dorky boy next door who seemed to reserve the concept of love for his favorite fruit.
in middle school, you and mark seemed to clash heads more often than not, and you found it hard to stick around him. desperate to seem cool in front of the new friends that he made, mark steered away from you and teased you whenever he saw you in the halls. you almost despised him in your middle school years, but no matter how much teasing he did mark always waited for you outside of the school gates and walked you home safely. 
though he was still unsure of the role you had in his life, mark knew that he wanted to keep you around.
in high school, your parents fantasized about the idea of the two of you dating, but you and mark always recoiled at the thought. friend groups and social status set you and mark even further apart and before you knew it you became a messenger to girls who wanted mark to call their own. when you got your first boyfriend in sophomore year, mark tried to warn you that the guy was no good, but like always you never listened to him. when he broke your heart, you expected mark to scold you and tell you he told you so, but he provided you comfort in his arms instead.
though he didn’t love you then, mark vowed that he would never let your heart get broken again.
when it came time for you and mark to go off to college, you found yourself a lot more upset than you had initially thought you would be. you were excited to go off and find yourself elsewhere, but something about not having the silly, brown haired boy by your side 24/7 felt strange. granted, you two weren’t as close as your six year old self thought you would be, but you found that you and mark held a special type of bond that you feared you wouldn’t find anywhere else. 
you still hadn’t figured out your love for mark lee, but you knew that leaving him was one of the hardest things you’ve ever had to do.
“just...promise to call often, okay?” you told him as you walked with him to his car, a box of his things in your arms.
mark’s lips curled up into a smug smile. “why? gonna miss me that much?” 
you rolled your eyes. “you’re making me regret saying that. you’ll be lucky if i don’t block you after this, idiot.”
mark laughed loudly and you found yourself smiling softly at the sound. you placed the box in his truck before you both turned to each other. “i’ll text you everyday and call when i can. don’t worry, you can’t get rid of me that easily. you’ll probably be hearing about my uncontrollable gas everyday so if that’s not what you’re looking for then...”
you laughed and shoved his shoulder, mumbling for him to shut up. “it’s gonna be weird without you, i think.”
mark shrugged. “yeah, well, we’ll see each other again. just think about it like that time where you got so mad at me for blowing up your house in minecraft that you ignored me for a week!”
mark expected you to laugh but became concerned when he saw your lip quivering and your eyes threatening to spill tears. “y/n? sorry, is that, like, a sensitive memory?”
when you suddenly wrapped your arms around his torso and mumbled a soft ‘i’ll miss you’ into his chest, mark cursed at himself for being the first one to fall in love.
“isn’t it like 4am for you? you should go to bed,” you scolded him half heartedly. you sat at your vanity on facetime with a sleepy mark as you did your nightly skincare routine.
mark groaned through the phone and shook his head. “but i wanna talk to you,” he whined groggily. “i miss you.”
your cheeks heat up and you smiled shyly. “i miss you too, mark.”
mark blinked slowly with a tired look, his hair all messed up and his face in need of a shave. he watched you silently as you rubbed your moisturizer into your skin, smiling at the sight. “...you’re really pretty you know that?”
you froze and chuckled nervously, keeping yourself busy with your moisturizer so you didn’t have to see the way mark was looking at you. “you’re talking nonsense again.”
he grumbled, “i’m not talking any nonsense. you’re so pretty, y/n, i miss seeing your face. i hate facetime and my shit wifi.”
“you’re rambling, marky, go to bed,” you ushered him, this time grabbing your phone to look at him.
he smiled fondly at you. “i like it when you call me marky.”
“okay, i’ll call you it more if you go to bed.” 
mark huffed and complied, bidding you one last goodbye. “fine. i miss you so much, y/n, call me tomorrow.”
“okay, i will.”
“promise?” mark asked softly, peeking open one eye to look at you.
“i promise, you big baby.”
“okay, goodnight. love you,” mark mumbled softly into his pillow, already half asleep.
your breath hitched in your throat at his words. you two hardly ever said that phrase to each other but you began to realize that nowadays mark seemed to say it quite often. before, you’d probably make a face in disgust at the cheesiness, but now it only made your stomach sick with butterflies.
“yeah, love you too, marky. sleep tight.” 
already fast asleep, mark stayed silent. your thumb hovered over the ‘end call’ button, but you waited a few more seconds just to look at how peaceful mark looked. you could see the sky turning from a dark black to a paler blue from his window, making you frown since the boy had stayed up so late. before you could look at him any longer, you ended the call and sat back in your chair.
loving mark lee had always seemed impossible to you, but now you realized that it was the one thing that you wanted to do for the rest of your life.
you spent a lot of time thinking about your feelings for mark while you were away and most of it was you being in denial. you thought that maybe it was just because you weren’t used to being so far away from him, but deep down you knew otherwise. your friends had tried setting you up on blind dates, yet no one seemed to fill in the gap that you felt you had in your heart.
after you finished your first year of college, your mother began to pester you about having a boyfriend for you to bring home for the holidays. yet no matter how many guys you thought about, your mind would always bring you back to mark.
it was now christmas time and your family and mark’s family were going to have a small get together, meaning that you and mark would get to spend time with each other in person again. you weren���t sure if you should tackle mark at the sight of him, but you figured he would do the same to you anyway.
“y/n, sweetheart! my gosh, it’s been so long! you’ve grown up so well,” mark’s mother cooed as she gave you a warm hug.
you chuckled and returned her hug, replying with, “thank you, mrs. lee. it’s nice to see you again.”
she playfully nudged your shoulder. “any boyfriend yet?”
you laughed awkwardly and shook your head, looking away. “oh, um, no...not yet.”
she beamed. “mark will be happy to hear that.” she said it so fast that you almost didn’t catch it. “he’s out back waiting for you. i told him i’d tell him when you got here, but it’ll be a nice surprise for him,” she winked.
you thanked her briefly before making your way to the backyard excitedly. you thought that you’d be more nervous facing the boy you loved but, frankly, all you wanted to do was finally tell him that you loved him.
when you opened the door mark immediately turned his head, expecting to see his mom, but his facial expression completely changed when he saw you. he ran up to you with the brightest smile on his face and engulfed you into his arms. you laughed joyously into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you as close to his chest as humanly possible.
“you have no idea how long i’ve been waiting to do that,” he mumbled into your hair.
you smiled against his shoulder before pulling away to look at him. the two of you held eye contact for what felt like an eternity before mark finally returned his arms back to his side.
“even though we call everyday, it feels like i’m meeting you for the first time all over again,” mark said with a light laugh.
“i hope i lived up to your expectations, then,” you joked.
mark smiled fondly at you before brushing snow out of your hair. “definitely above expectations.”
you blushed at his comment but thanked the cold weather for hiding your rosy cheeks. before you could make more small talk, mark burst out into another sentence.
“y/n, i have to get this off of my chest before i explode,” he blurted.
your eyes widened and you nodded your head. “oh, um, okay, what is it?”
he gripped at his hair and turned around, beginning to whine. “oh my god, i’m gonna sound like the biggest idiot on earth. please don’t hate me after this.”
“...what did you do, mark?”
“i didn’t do anything! well...” he faced you again with a sigh and grabbed your hands taking you by surprise. “y/n, i’m in love with you. and i know you probably just see me as that stupid annoying boy your mom forced you to be friends with but i’ve loved you for over a year and it’s driving me crazy and i-”
“mark!” you interrupted him, placing a hand over his mouth. he looked at you with wide eyes while you smiled at him, practically glowing with happiness. you removed your hand from over his mouth and he sighed again.
“just reject me so i can go cry in my room.” mark shut his eyes and prepared himself for rejection but it never came.
“i love you too, mark.”
mark opened one at to stare at you suspiciously. “...really? like, seriously?”
you chuckled. “yes, really. for a few months now.”
“wait, you’re not pranking me or anything, right?” mark asked with a small laugh.
you glared at him. “mark...”
“i’m sorry, i’m just really surprised!” mark opened his mouth to say something but then gasped and dug into his back pocket to grab something.
when he pulled out a small piece of mistletoe you seemed to fall in love with the brunette boy all over again. he grabbed one of your hands and gently pulled you closer to him, using the other hand to hold the mistletoe over your guys’ heads. 
“i brought this just in case. i know that you’ve always fantasized about a moment like this so...” he said sheepishly. “kiss me?”
you laughed and brushed his hair out of his eyes before cupping his cheeks and placing a soft kiss on his lips. you felt him smile into the kiss, making you laugh and pull away.
“been waiting for that one too, huh?” you teased.
mark waved the mistletoe above the two of you and shook his head. “less talking and more kissing please...”
it took you over 10 years for you to realize that you loved mark lee but, if you had to, you would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Tik Tok Leggings
Summary: Time to test these Tik tok leggings.
Warnings: swearing, Fluff, Cheeky Henry, Suggestive Themes, Plus sized reader
A/N: Just wanted to do something different thinking of maybe having a mini TikTok onshot series but unsure yet. Either way I hope you enjoy and happy Easter to those who celebrate  and those who don't? Have a brilliant Sunday xx
Taglist: will be in comment/reblogs
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You eyed the package wearily... just how the fuck were you meant to pull this off? Slowly but surely the confidence  and 'fuck it' attitude was waning. They looked small.... very small.
You huffed a sigh looking at yourself in the mirror eyeing your form. You swear you'd gained some more weight, just a few pounds maybe? But you felt huge. Slowly you unravelled the leggings, it had been a good idea at the time but now you wasn't so sure. They were expensive and even thought you bought them as a little prank you did hope they would boost you confidence or at least be comfy enough to wear around the house.
Being a larger girl it was hard finding comfy clothes and you had to be comfy now that your boys were running around the house like headless chickens. You thought the terrible twos with trainers were bad? Your four year olds had scooters!
You grit your teeth and decided to try the leggings on gearing up for an all put war with the waist band but was pleasantly surprized. The fabric was firm and tummy controlling without feeling you feeling caught by a bloody boa constrictor! A comfy tight not spandex tight. You casually wondered about seeing if the company did bras, this shit would stop the girls from trying to knock you out on the stairs!
You pulled the material setting the... elasticated seam in your ass crack and winced... Okay that's a little strange... but not unpleasant and almost thong. You spun around eyeing yourself in to mirror. You didn't look to bad, if you said so yourself. Sure you wasn't magically strim and fit, you were blessed with a nice thick ass... but unfortunately had the thick hips and large thighs to go with it. You'd never be petite or dainty, but then again henry was huge behemoth of a man so you didn't need to be. As he said on many occasions he wanted a woman as thick as him... and you definitely fit that bill. His thighs were only slightly bigger then yours.
You turned around a few more times. Fuck okay hello there~ you grinned. You may not be the perfect sized woman but fuck if your ass wasn't glorious in these leggings~ this just might work.
You grinned and pulled on one of Henry's tshirts, the grey marines one it was snug and would ride up a little over your tummy showing off your bubble but that you felt was your best feature. And then padded downstairs, henry. Was in the large garden trying to teach the boys how to play rugby... Wanting to start them young.
You pottered about the kitchen chopping up the salad for tonight. Contrary to what people thought you were not large because you ate to much or did little exercise, you had always been bigger and admittedly since having the boys you had gained a little more weight but not ridiculously, you wasn't dangerously over weight.
You hummed looking out the patio door seeing henry jumping for joy as his boys and Kal played 'rugby' darting across the garden to the tiny rugby post at the end. Moving to Jersey to raise the kids was a brilliant idea, you had a huge country house with the land to go with it. Flat and immaculate that spread around the house in nearly four acres the lawn was mostly to the back and side and cornered off with tall hedge rows then beyond it a cornered off veggie plot and greenhouse and a work in progress chicken coop. Soon there will be a decent sized pond and some ducks... Henry didn't know yet, but if he was allowed to have a stables built four god knows how many horses you were allowed your ducks god dammit.
You grinned watching as henry ran around both the boys with his phone out cheering them on as they tor across the garden wrestling each other for the ball. You had panicked when you were told twin boys but you should have known henry would be able to handle it. It was perfect, days like this when he was home and strived to make his sons lives as magical and fun as he could, everyday was a holiday when dad was home.
You shook your head seeing the boys both lay on the floor in the shade completely tuckered out from the mornings fun. Henry can into the kitchen and you held your breath quickly bending over the counter a tad more then normal hoping to get a favourable reaction from your husband. But you couldn't help the tinge of doubt  what if he didn't like them? Or thought you looked bigger then you were?
"Hey sweetheart are the boys fruit shoots in the fri-oh sweet baby Jesus" he coughed cutting himself off  and took a half step back as he came in the kitchen. You giggled and turned to him then nodded your head to the fridge.
"Yeah their in there love" you said smirking and blushing as you saw him eyeing your ass tilting his head slowly down trying to get a better look at your ass making you bite your lip.
"Err yeah yeah... I... hold that thought" he said snapping out of it holding a finger up at you and looked to his phone.
"You just stay right were you are- no nope over bend over again babe... fuck me how did I get such a sexy little mama~" he growled one hand swiping over his screen. You flushed and wriggled our hips a little as you leant forward feeling on top of the world as he openly gawked at your ass. For a second you thought he was taking a photo and made to move wanting to snap up right but he napped his fingers to you pointing for you to get back down and brought the phone to his ear.
"Henry what are you?-" you tried standing once more but he crossed the kitchen pressing himself up against your ass and rocked slowly making you mewl as his bulge pressed against your ass half hard already. Henry huge hand pressed you down on the counter before him and winked then he spoke as who ever was on the phone answered.
"Hey mum, hi can you come get the boys?" He asked and you gasped at him shaking your head at him laughing. He wasn't palming the kids off to their grandparents because he wanted a midday fuck! Not that Marie-Ann would mind, she loved hosting the kids and frequently showed up out of the blue and took them out for the day. She was adamant that both you and henry still had alone time.
"No, no everything's all right I just- somethings come up~" he smirked and you laughed loud shaking your head at him, he was a little bugger! He wriggled his brows at you and nodded then flushed stuttering for a few comments.
"I.. No no of course not mum... muuuum stop- well yeah... yes I know you were young once-oh shit no I didn't mean of course your still young! Your in your prime! Okay yes, yes I promise to try my hardest... yes okay, see you in ten okay love you bye... bye mum I will. Yes I will mum bye" he muttered slowly moving through being embarrassed, shy and strangely confident before hanging up.
"Soo the boys are going out?" You giggled finding the way he reacted ridiculously cute. It wasn't what you expected, maybe a kiss on the cheek and a slap on the ass. But not him shipping the kids off for the day.
"And staying over night" Henry muttered moving both hands to your ass and squeezed and rolled the cheeks about making you squeak and try rising on your tip toes but he just growled following pressing a kiss to your neck.
"And what have we agreed to for this mighty generous gift? What have you promised?" You said arching back into him with a teasing tone knowing Marie would make henry pay for the 'young once' comment.
"Oh you know nothing too big just another grandchild, which wont be hard with these in your closet" he chuckled pinging the fabric that clung to your ass like a second skin. You flushed gasping out at him batting him away slowly. But it was a hard fought battle, Henry won easily sliding the cutting board back then let you spin to face him. He quickly hoisted you up onto the counter top behind you and kissed your lips moaning into you before pulling back and pointed at you.
"Right you stay- right here. Don't you move a muscle Mrs Cavill" he said seriously and backed away from you still pointing making you laugh and kick your feet biting your lip before nodding. Henry backed up to the back door and called out to the boys.
"Boys come on! Your going to grandmas for a sleep over! Go pack a bag, jammies, tooth brush and clothes for tomorrow! Come on mush hop it or cop it!" he called you smiled hearing two high pitch excited voices squealing at the thought of grandma. She spoilt them rotten. They dashed into the house quickly running past the both of you giggle as henry tried playfully nudging them on the bottoms with his foot when they ran through the kitchen to dart up the stairs and pack an overnight bag. Henry slunk out of the kitchen following the boys but kept glancing back at you.
"Remember right there babe, been too long since we fucked in here~" he growled making you flush remembering the last time you'd made love in here. It'd been when you were pregnant, the day you moved in before you redecorated you'd had Chinese take out and then made love in every room in the house.
"I'll be right here love I promise, now... You might want to sort yourself out before answering the door to your mother~" you teased pointing to the large lump in the front of his shorts making him grunt and cup himself trying to reposition himself and left the kitchen to help the boys pack.
You can safely say, these leggings were a success. You were definitely leaving a five star review... You did however regret not filming his reaction for tiktok. Honestly you didn't even have the app your sister in law had shown you and you thought it'd be something fun to try with Henry. You may just get more than you bargained for though, not that you minded... You just hoped you had a girl this time, it was about time to try and even things out a bit.
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bnhabadass · 3 years
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Pairing: Shinsou x Reader Genre: Angst with happy ending, NSFW Word Count: 4,049 Synopsis: Shinsou is sick and tired of seeing you go out on all these disappointing Tinder hookups, especially when you always seem to ask him to satisfy you afterwards. But there must be a reason why you keep going on these dates, right? A/N: This is my piece for the bnharem roommates collab. I always forget how much I love writing Shinsou’s character but this definitely brought my spark with him back. Make sure to check out everyone else’s collab pieces on the masterlist!
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Another night of tinder swipes. Another night of late night walks through desolate and windy streets. Another night of sleepy dinner and listening to the same old boring stories that every date has to offer. Another night of disappointing sex as he can’t seem to find the hole and his finger nails are sharper than they need to be. Another night of two pump chumps who ask, “does that feel good baby?” and another night of lying through your teeth as you fake moans and count the seconds before you’re allowed to leave.
It’s just like any other Saturday night where your toes are crushed in the tips of your heels and you shiver as you walk back to your apartment, keys clutched between your fingers just in case someone tries to pull something and you need to think quickly. You have your routine ingrained in you, like second nature.
The walk back home is cold and clammy. You can’t shake the feeling of the little hairs on your arms and legs springing up like a cat in shock as the wind pushes right past you. The only thing you could think of to keep yourself from toppling over from exhaustion was the heat that would be coming from your room back home, the fuzzy blanket you’d lie under, and the man awaiting your return to greet you with surprises like no other.
When you did open the front door, heat wafted towards you and your achy muscles began to relax.
“Rough night?” The voice from inside cooed.
“‘Oh baby do you like that?’” you mocked. “‘Does that hurt so good?’”
The person sitting on the sofa with a book covering their face laughed. “Please tell me he did not say that.”
You kicked off your heels and rolled out your ankles. “Shinsou, I swear to god, you have to meet some of these people. This one guy was ridiculous. As I was sucking him off he told me I reminded him of his mother.”
The purple haired young man gagged. “And you still sucked his dick?”
“That’s the best part,” you laughed. “He finished right after he said that.”
Shinsou grimaced. “Why do you keep going on these dates when everyone you end up sleeping with sucks.”
You collapsed on the couch next to him. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s because a certain someone always ends up taking care of me after.” Laying your head in his lap, you smiled up at him.
Shinsou gave you a lazy smirk back. “So that’s it, huh? I actually know how to use my tongue so you’re purposefully coming home unsatisfied.”
“I wouldn’t say purposefully,” you said with a mock offended tone to your words. “If there ever is a man out there who did know how to please me then I can guarantee I wouldn’t be coming home every night I have a date.”
He propped his cheek up against the palm of his hand. “But that hasn’t happened yet, has it.”
You loved this, the flirty and dangerous aroma in the air. It was intoxicating and you craved every bit of it.
“So what are we going to do about it?”
You leaned up and kissed him, and then that kiss led to another. Soon you had gotten up and moved into Shinsou’s bedroom. Your tights had been stripped down and your dress was pulled up over your ass.
Getting onto his elbows and knees, Shinsou readied himself to lick his first stripe along your folds and make you melt beneath him.
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The week went by, like usual, and your relationship with Shinsou remained the same, just like usual. You’d each come home from work, him tired from training and patrols and you exhausted with paperwork and having to deal with bothersome coworkers taking up all your spare time.
Nothing happens during the week. The two of you laugh and joke around like best friends, like neither of you have seen each other naked, and you’re sure you’re happy this way. That’s what Shinsou keeps telling himself anyway.
You never seem to notice the way his eyes linger on you for a split second too long or the way he glares at your phone over your shoulder as you swipe left or right on dating apps. You’d think that if he was jealous he would try to distance himself, to back away from the trouble you might get in and the disappointment you’d find after each hookup. But no, Shinsou cares too much about you to let you go out on your own without knowing who, where and how you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
“Hey Shin,” you call from the couch on Thursday night. You’re lying down with your feet propped up against the arm rest. Shinsou has to move them out of the way before plopping down himself.
“What’s up.” His large palm rubbed up and down your legs as they rested on his lap.
“I think I matched with someone who won’t be horrible in bed.” You showed him your phone, and as he scrolled through his profile you could feel the itchy heat of embarrassment rising to your face.
Shinsou’s heart seemed to stop. His eyes widened when he read the words “pornstar” and “Onlyfans'' in the dude’s bio. Handing your phone back to you, he kept his eyes trained on the floor. “That’s great. He seems like he knows what he’s doing.”
“Yeah.” You took the phone back and resumed looking through his photos. “He messaged me earlier and we have a lot in common too.”
Shinsou nodded. Why did he feel so weird? He knew that not every guy you matched with would be a disappointment. He had been telling that to himself for months now, but watching the nervous smile that crept up your face as you received a new message from this guy made Shinsou want to scream. “I’m gonna go for a run,” he said, lifting up your legs to stand up from the couch.
“Really? It’s dark out. Are you sure you want to go running?” You didn’t look up from your phone.
“Yeah I’ll be fine.”
“Okay, stay safe. Oh! Did you still want to watch a movie tonight?”
Shinsou froze. “Um, maybe not tonight. I’m not sure. I’ll see if I’ve cooled down a bit after my run.”
You looked up from the screen, slightly deterred. “Oh, okay. Have a good run.” You weren’t exactly sure what he meant by that. He hadn’t seemed to be bothered by anything earlier, so why was he acting weird now? You were sure you hadn’t said anything to make him upset and when he told you about his day, he didn’t seem bothered by anything that happened at work.
Rolling over on your side, you continued texting this new guy, a new sense of nervousness clouding your vision.
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It’s Saturday night and you’re putting on your makeup. Your hands which have never been shaky before have fucked applying your eyeliner three times now. You’re not sure why you’re so nervous. You’ve met up with guys every weekend for months now. Could it be that this guy is different because he knows what he’s doing? Yeah, that must be it. You’re worried that you won’t be good enough for him, right?
Still, that didn’t seem like that was it. You were so excited talking to him at first. He made you laugh and you wanted to meet up with him so bad, to see his charm in person. But then you showed his profile to Shinsou and things started to feel different, like somehow they were falling apart.
You haven’t spoken to your roommate much in the last couple days. His usual pokes and prods at the men you tend to meet up with were replaced with silence. You haven’t joked around like usual or spent time together unwinding after work, and you were worried. It hadn’t been this distant between you since one of your female friends told you about a guy she knew who was looking for a roommate and the two of you met for the first time.
Since then, you haven't gotten anything but closer. You began your weekly rituals of getting takeout and watching movies and getting drunk after particularly rough days at work. Living with Shinsou was the happiest you have been in a long time. So why did that change?
Stepping out of your bedroom, makeup incomplete and dress unbuttoned, you peered into the living room where Shinsou was working.
He sat shirtless on the couch, legs propped up on the automen with his laptop balanced on his legs. His wild purple hair, which had gotten longer since the two of you met, was loosely tied back with a hair tie. His gray sweatpants were untied and you were sure that if he were to stand up they would ride low on his hips.
As you stared at his profile, you couldn’t help but admire how his chiseled face, adorning a pair of reading glasses, looked so serene as he stared at the work ahead of him. He looked calm, calmer than you’ve seen him in a while, and that made his face more youthful. Shinsou stretched out his arms and you could hear his corded back crack before he went back to typing away.
You ran back into your room and slammed the door. Your face was hot and flushed. Beads of sweat permeated on your temples. How could such a simple act of stretching make you feel so hot and bothered and worked up and oh no. How is it that you were so blind? You were in love with your roommate.
Shit shit shit shit shit.
You paced back and forth, rubbing all of the makeup off of your eyes in the process. You stared at your blackened fingers and rubbed them on your dress, not caring that it would dirty. Thinking back to all the moments you cuddled as “friends” and all the times you would lay together after a disappointing date, you were able to pinpoint each exact moment where your feelings grew.
You sat on your bed and watched as your hands shook. You couldn’t go on this date now. You don’t care about the guy, no matter how good at sex he might claim to be. The entire time, you’d just be wishing you were on a date with Shinsou. Granted, every date you’ve been on, a little part of you has wished it was with Shinsou. Every week you couldn’t wait until it was over so you could be enveloped yet again in his flirty aroma that was so, so addictive.
So that was it, you wouldn’t go on the date and things would go back to normal between the two of you. But would they really? What would you say if he asked why you cancelled? All you wanted were things to go back to the way they were. You wanted to bask in the flirty air and feel Shinsou hold you close and caress every curve of your body with so much love and tenderness.
You stood up and looked at your blotchy face in the mirror. Surrounding your eyes was a mix of black and shimmery gold swarming together. You wiped them off along with the rest of your makeup. You won’t be going out tonight so there’s no point of dolling up.
What am I going to do?
You slid off your dress and slipped into a pair of pajama bottoms and threw on a tank top. The least you could be is comfortable in such a stressful situation.
I can’t act the way I used to, knowing how I feel now.
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You may have been an idiot for this, but you decided to face your situation head on. Without doing so, who knows how you wouldn’t go crazy living under the same roof as the man you’re in love with.
You stepped into the living room. Shinsou was still typing away and looking over reports, so you cleared your throat to get his attention.
“Hey, you about to go out?” When you didn’t respond, he looked up and his face fell. “What’s wrong? Why aren’t you dressed?”
You couldn’t look him in the eye. As soon as you heard him speak and the amount of concern in his voice, you just wanted to cry. The sting of acidic tears and mucus welling in the back of your throat made you want to throw up.
“Did something happen?” He took off his reading glasses and scooched over, letting you take a seat beside him.
But you didn’t move, just kept staring at your cold feet against the hardwood floor.
“(Y/n), talk to me.”
You looked up at him and tears began rolling down your face. You felt so pathetic, that you would be crying over love of all things. Love was supposed to be magical, right? Not embarrassing and tear-ridden. “Can you,” you started, but you needed to take a step back when you heard your achy throat cracking as you spoke. “Can you give me a reason not to go?”
Shinsou adjusted himself. He was clearly trying to make out what you were saying. “What? If you don’t want to go then don’t. No one’s forcing you to go on this date.”
You couldn’t help crumble at what he said. If only he knew what you really looked forward to after each date and what you were really thinking about when you were out with these other guys.
Shinsou stood up as you crumbled to the ground and squatted down next to you, wrapping his arms around you. You sunk into his chest and sobbed against him. It felt so unfair that with his arms around you, you felt whole, like you were two pieces of a puzzle.
“Why do you need a reason not to go on this date? Is he pressuring you or something?”
You shook your head against his chest. “I don’t want to go on a date with him.” On one hand, you thought your subtle hints would get through Shinsou’s thick skull, but it seemed as though they were a paper plane trying to penetrate a brick wall.
“So find some other guy.”
Why was he being so dismissive? You didn’t want just some other guy, you wanted Shinsou.
“Look, you’ve found plenty of other dates in the past, just because you don’t want to go out with one guy doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world.” He kept rubbing circles in your back. “Why don’t you call up a past hookup or something?”
You pushed away from him. “How could you say that,” you whispered. “I don’t want to go on a date with one of them.” Your voice began to raise. You had never raised your voice at Shinsou before. “I want to go out with you, you idiot.”
There was a moment where all you could hear were the little noises throughout the apartment like the ticking of the clock in the kitchen or a fly buzzing close by. Then, you slapped a hand over your mouth. You didn’t mean to say that outloud. You didn’t mean to raise your voice or push away from him. But you did blurt it out, and Shinsou looked at you with wide eyes and a slack jaw.
The hair on his arms and the back of his neck raised up like static. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know if he should look at you with shock or look away in embarrassment. He was completely and utterly confused.
“Shit,” you whined from behind your hand. “Forget it.” You rubbed the tears under your eyes away and went to stand up. “I’m gonna go to bed.”
“Wait.” Shinsou grabbed your hand before you could fully stand up. You had never realized how small your hands were compared to his until now. “You can’t just say that and then walk away.”
He was right. You sat back down on the ground, his hand still grabbing onto yours, playing with your fingers. “Okay,” you mouthed, knowing you wouldn’t be able to get any sound out if you tried.
“Why do you go on all of these dates?”
You thought about it for a moment. You were never really sure why you bothered hooking up with so many people, but sitting on the ground with him, you had a pretty good idea. “Because we’re roommates.”
You kept your eyes on your fingers intertwined with Shinsous. “Because realizing you’re in love with your roommate is shitty, so the least I could do is hope that after an unsatisfying night of sex, you’d be willing to provide.”
He stopped playing with your fingers and instead, squeezed your hand. “And I hated seeing you with these different men so much that any chance you gave me I ate up.”
You blinked once, twice in confusion before meeting Shinsou’s eyes. “You...”
“Mhm,” he nodded.
The heavy weight of tears on your chest finally lifted. You could finally breathe freely. There was silence among you before the two of you burst out laughing. You rested your head on his shoulder as your chests heaved up and down. When you took your head away to look him in the eyes, he leaned in and kissed you. You didn’t hesitate to kiss back and wrap your arms around his neck.
Shinsou dragged your body closer to him, so you were straddling his lap, and weaved his arms around your figure. He was a good kisser, which you already knew, but you had never taken the time to feel his passion until now. Shinsou made sure to tease you with a darting tongue and hands which traveled down your figure and stopped at the base of your hips.
You weaved your hands through his soft hair and pulled his hair tie out. His fluffy purple locks were so fun and tempting to tug on. Kissing him with this amount of love and emotion enthralled you, and you felt a little disappointed when he pulled away.
“Would you like to move this to my bedroom?”
And you bit your bottom lip before nodding, a smile creeping its way up along your face. You stood up and followed him into his bedroom eagerly.
After Shinsou closed the door behind you, he turned around and snaked his hands up your back. You giggled at the contact and let him pull the shirt over your head. You weren’t wearing a bra, so Shinsou immediately leaned over to take one of your nipples in his mouth. He sucked it until it puckered and let it go with a loud pop.
“You know,” he said, backing you against his bed. “I’ve never been able to say until now how truly beautiful you are.”
“Shinsou,” you sighed, taking a hold of his purple locks. You collapsed onto the bed and let him kiss his way down your front side. His kisses were rough but full of love, and you know they would leave bruises behind.
He slid your pajama bottoms and underwear down your thighs until they pooled on the floor at your ankles. “Everything you do is gorgeous, even the way you’re sprawled out under me, under my command just waiting for me to touch you.”
You could feel your pussy clench at his words and your thighs shook in waiting.
He kissed the top of your pussy and trailed kisses around your thighs. You watched as he hiked your legs over his well muscled shoulders while keeping eye contact. His long tongue darted out and he licked one long stripe between your folds and suckled on your little sweet bud.
You arched your back and let out a choked moan. Out of all the nights you’ve slept together, this was the first time you really saw him for all the love he gave you.
Shinsou kept his face right in front of your dripping hole just for a moment and let his hot breath tickle your needy clit. He chuckled at your squirming form and teased you even further with kitten licks and hands that reached up to squeeze your breasts as he dove in to lap up your juices.
Your hands grasped at his, keeping them firmly clenched onto your chest as he delved in deeper and deeper into your wonderful taste. You could feel your orgasm quickly building up. Your toes curled and knees jerked up, hips bucking your clit further up into Shinsou’s mouth. You let out a loud moan and sigh of relief and surprise when you could feel your juices spraying onto Shinsou’s face and watched as they dripped down his chin.
You had never squirted before. You could feel a calm wash over you as you settled down. Shinsou wiped his hand down his chin. “That was fucking sexy.”
He kissed your lower lips one last time before standing up and allowing you to scooch further up on the bed. You were exhausted but it didn’t matter. Watching Shinsou strip down and seeing his cock spring to life only made you want more of him.
He crawled over you and kissed your lips. He tasted like a mix of your juices and honey, probably from that tea you saw him drinking not too long ago. Whatever it was, it was addictive. “Are you ready?” he asked as he positioned the head of his cock in line with your opening.
You nodded, heaving up and down and running your hand along the side of his face. “Yeah, I’m ready.”
Shinsou was thicker than most of the people you had slept with, and you always felt the stretch of him penetrating you every time he pushed himself in.
Knowing that it probably hurt a little, the stretch of it all, he paused every so often and kissed your face, allowing you to warm up before he bottomed out inside of you. You were just so tight and welcoming, it took all his strength not to pound into you immediately, to take it nice and slow as he rubbed against your clit with his thumb.
Your face was hot. It was odd to you that it had never felt this way before, that until now you had never been this nervous to feel his cock pulsing inside of you and to feel his mouth nip at your clit and nipples. You had closed your eyes and focused on your breathing.
Shinsou reached over to tickle the palm of your hand. As you looked up at him, he cupped your face and smiled down at you before he started to thrust his hips.
You squirmed and writhed around as he bucked deeper in and out of the hole that seemed to suck him in further and further.
He felt it was so unfair because he never seemed to last as long as he wanted to when he was with you. The way your aching pussy clenched around him so tight was euphoric. He wanted to let his dick bask in your warm, gushing cavern forever.
“You’re beautiful,” you heard him whisper as he sped up, his orgasm fast approaching. “You’re perfect.”
And again, you squirmed around as that cord built up inside of you and snapped, leaving you gushing around Shinsou’s cock and heaving up and down underneath him.
Shinsou didn’t last much longer. He came almost immediately after you did, feeling your walls clench around him oh so tight. He rolled over next to you and laid his head in the crook of your neck. His hair tickled your nose as you nuzzled into him.
“We should clean up.”
“After snuggles,” he yawned.
You laughed. He’d never been this clingy until now. He had never praised you so much until now. “What does this mean?”
“For us?”
Shinsou rolled over to look at you. “It means you’re gonna sleep in this bed with me tonight, and tomorrow morning I’m waking up early to make my girlfriend a pancake breakfast. Okay, kitten?”
You had to keep yourself from squealing at the nickname. Instead, you closed your eyes with a goofy smile on your face. “Okay.”
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rowanaelinn · 3 years
Strange Love
A one shot I’ve been working on for a few days to thank you for 100 followers!! I’m so happy to see people enjoying my fics, i truly love it.
warning: nsfw
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“What can I get you?” The barkeep asked Aelin with his most charming smile. He was young and a brunette, exactly Aelin’s type, and according to his name tag he was named Chaol. If only she was less tired or if she was in Doranelle for her own fun she might have tried to flirt with him. “We’ll take two Sex On The Beach, please,” Fenrys, Aelin’s best friend, and coworker, ordered for them both. As funny as it was, whenever they saw each other they drank the same thing. They had met at a work conference five years ago, both of them were sitting at the bar, not in the mood to keep up with their boss, and both of them were drinking the same thing. it had become their ritual, that little thing that made their friendship special.
The waiter nodded and started preparing the drinks. When Aelin looked at her friend he had an eyebrow raised and a small smirk on his face. “What is it?” She asked.
“That guy is basically Sam with straight hair, you can’t keep seeing men that look exactly the same.”
“That’s not true!” It was true. “Besides, I wasn’t going to try anything.”
The look he gave her proved he didn’t believe her. When Chaol brought their drinks and winked at Aelin, she couldn’t help but laugh with Fenrys. “Okay, I may have a type,” Aelin admitted and Fenrys shook his head as he drank. “But there is nothing wrong with that!”
“Of course there’s nothing wrong with it, Ace. But having a type and dating the same guys in different fonts every time are two very different things. You need to spice things up!” He shook her shoulders and they both laughed. “You work your ass off all the time. For Mala’s sake, you haven’t got laid in two years.”
She took the little piece of pineapple hanging on the rim of her glass and threw it into Fenrys' head, right between the eyes. “I should never have told you this.”
Of course, the bastard just laughed, he never took things seriously, exactly like Aelin, as long as it wasn’t about her. “We are on another continent for four days, why don’t you go for it and have some fun.”
“I am at a club with you, I’m having lots of fun.”
“Unless you want to sleep with me again, I can’t give you the fun I’m talking about right now.” This time she took Fenrys’s piece of pineapple and this time he received it on the nose.
“Sleeping with you was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made.” Fenrys put both hands on his heart, pretending to be hurt by Aelin’s words. She shook her head as she laughed and looked around her. The club was quite crowded for a Thursday night, Fenrys and Aelin both had been lucky to find seats at the bar. “So you want me to take advantage of Elide and Lorcan’s wedding to have sex, that’s what you mean?”
“You'll meet a lot of people at their rehearsal dinner tomorrow or at the ceremony on Saturday. Many of them will be Lorcan’s friends that you will see only for two days.”
“I’m Elide’s bridesmaid, Fen. I won’t have time to flirt.”
“Elide told me Lorcan’s best man was hot!” he tried as he finished his first drink and ordered another one for both of them.
“He is Lorcan’s friend, I don’t trust anyone who pulls out with Lorcan’s bullshit,” She said and finished the end of her glass so that Chaol could take it back and put another one in front of her. “Besides Elide.”
“Amen,” Fenrys said as they clinked their drinks. Lorcan wasn’t Aelin and Fenrys’s biggest fan, and the feeling was mutual. Elide might see another side of this man when it’s just the both of them because Aelin didn’t know why else she would marry him. But Aelin never saw her sister happier than when she was with Lorcan, so Aelin was happy for her.
“Well since you don’t want to get laid tomorrow and Saturday, why not tonight? If you discreetly turn around you’ll see one of the hottest men I’ve ever seen staring at your back.”
Aelin was skeptical. Fenrys and her had similar tastes in women but not in men. She took her drink in hand and turned around slowly as if she was just looking around the club.
Her breath caught when she found a man with silver hair looking at her. He was sitting a few seats away from Aelin, and his eyes were fixed on her. She had dressed up well, she might not have gotten a lot of action lately because of her job but she still loved to be looked at. She was beautiful and she knew it, so she had no reasons to hide.
She had borrowed one of Lysandra’s dresses today, this one was gold. The dress was tight and exposed enough of her chest and back that she caught several glances at her tonight. The stranger was one of them. He had no shame in lowering his gaze to her breast and biting his lip. When his gaze descended again on Aelin's body, she arched her back slightly, crossing her legs to make her dress rise a little more.
As he drank in the sight of her, she marveled at the way his white shirt exposed his muscles. She even caught a tattoo on one of his arms, and with the way his head is turned toward her she could swear the tattoo went up to his neck. It was Aelin’s turn to bite her lip, she always found men with tattoos hot.
When Aelin looked back at his face he had a satisfied smirk, happy to catch her staring. She wouldn’t feel ashamed, not when it seemed he had to readjust his position in his seat after looking at her. She drank her cocktail down in one and delicately wiped her lips with her thumb, drawing the stranger's attention to them. Gods, it was almost too simple. Aelin loved the hunt, she loved to make things last. If she didn't have to fight for something it meant it wasn't worth it.
But the man wasn’t at her side yet, he was just sitting and seemed content to look at her. Most men would already be talking with her now or would be using their tongue in another way. But if Aelin learned something in twenty-seven years of life, it was that men didn’t like to wait. But maybe this silver-haired stranger did, maybe he was like her.
“You’re going to help me,” Aelin said as she took Fenrys' hand, he hurriedly finished his drink before getting down from his chair, following Aelin onto the dance floor. She slightly accentuated the sway of her hips, sure to have the stranger's attention on her.
“You’re the devil,” Fenrys chuckled as his hands slid on her hips and turned her around, pressing her back into his front. They started dancing slowly, both of their hips moving together. As her head fell back on Fenrys’s shoulder and one of his hands trailed up to her stomach, she opened her eyes to find the stranger staring at them.
If Aelin knew anything else about men is that they felt entitled to what doesn’t belong to them. So if she wanted to make him jealous to get what she wanted in the end, she would rather use Fenrys than a random man who could get violent for rejecting him in the end.
“With all the work I put into this I sure hope you'll ask me to join,” Fenrys said loud enough for her to hear as his lips grazed where the shoulder met her neck.
“Go find your own fun,” Aelin wasn’t shy in the bedroom but never had she done a threesome and she certainly wouldn’t have her first with a stranger.
The stranger’s eyes narrowed as she slid a hand on Fenrys’s blonde curls, arching against him. He tightened his grip around his glass of whiskey. Aelin's eyes were fixed on his fingers. She could imagine what they would feel like on her cheeks, breasts, stomach, tights or even inside her. Her inside twitched at that thought.
From the look on his face, he knew what had just been on her mind. Was this supposed to impress me? He seemed to ask as he arched his brow. He leaned in his seat and made a sign to Aelin to keep going. She couldn’t help but smirk and decide she liked this man.
Not one to back down from a challenge, Aelin winked at the man and turned around. She slid her hand around Fenrys neck and he automatically knew what she was doing. He laughed as he lowered his head to kiss her.
The kiss was heated, exactly the way it needed to be. One of his hands gripped her ass, bringing her closer to him while the other found her breast. She moaned, imagining the stranger's hands instead of Fenrys’s. Aelin opened her eyes to find him right in front of her, still sitting, staring at them. He was breathing heavily, eyes fixed on her. It felt so scandalous to kiss someone just for the show, just to provoke someone else.
She closed her eyes as Fenrys broke the kiss to start nipping at her neck. She threw her head back, still thinking about someone else's lips. Fenrys was good at it, but he wasn’t the one she needed now.
“Can I cut in?” A deep voice interrupted them as a warm hand slid on Aelin’s waist. She turned around to see deep green eyes staring at her. Her heart started beating faster at the mischief in these eyes, Aelin had no idea what she had just got into. Fenrys took his hands off her and kissed her cheek, murmuring to her to stay safe, to call him if she needed and he left them alone. Or as alone as they could be in a crowded club.
Having him so close to her made her feel many things but she did her best to keep a normal face. She gasped when he used his hand around her waist to turn her around, pressing her back to his front. Well, that wasn't exactly what she imagined herself doing once she spoke to him. “Don’t be shy, baby. You seemed to like dancing like a whore five minutes ago, didn’t you?”
She could feel herself getting wet at his crude words, this man was going to kill her before the end of the night and she wasn’t complaining. “Maybe I just don’t want to dance with you,” she taunted as her hips started moving with his. As she arched her back to feel more of him, she felt the evidence of his desire. Gods, he had gotten hard watching her. That might be the hottest thing Aelin ever lived.
“Is that why your eyes were on me when your tongue was down his throat?” One of his hands slid up, close enough to her breast for him to stroke the underside with his thumb. Her head fell back on his shoulder and she turned her head to find his eyes on her. She could see all his features now, and she’d been stupid to think every man she had been attracted to had been her type. Her type was him, nothing else.
She couldn’t answer, too overwhelmed. Looking at him as he touched her was too intense, she ground her ass harder on his erection, wanting to make him as desperate as she was. His hand slipped around her waist, holding her as close as he could, as the other one cupped her cheek, keeping her eyes on him. His thumb traced the curve of her lips, she opened her mouth and she stuck out her tongue to lick the tip of his finger in the most provocative way possible while keeping her eyes innocent.
He growled and inserted his thumb in her mouth, she closed her full, luscious, lips around it and turned her tongue around the tip. He leaned to her ear and whispered, tickling her with his hot breath, "You want me to fuck you, baby?"
She nodded eagerly, no longer caring that she looked desperate when his hand slid down to her thigh, just below her dress. He stroked her skin, if he moved his hand up a little he could touch her panties. “Are you wet?” He asked, making her clench around nothing. She didn’t have time to nod before his finger stroked her lace-covered slit. She moaned loudly around his thumb, suddenly grateful for the music. He slipped one finger under her panties and groaned at what he found. She closed her eyes as he caressed her folds, not touching either her entrance or clit. This man was a tease and Aelin loved it. “You’re so fucking wet, is it all for me?” he asked and let out a low laugh when she didn’t answer. “Does it turn you on to be touched in front of everyone?”
As if only remembering where they were, Aelin’s eyes shot open and she turned her head, trying to see if anyone was looking at them. Aelin’s mouth was left empty without the man’s thumb. He used his free hand to push her head back on his shoulder, forcing her to look at him. He had a satisfied smirk on his lips and didn't look worried about the hundreds of people around them.
“Nobody’s noticing you, baby. But you’re gonna have to stay quiet for me because I’m going to make you come right now and I don’t want anyone else to look at you.”
She wanted to protest, she really wanted to. But all she did was bite her lip when the stranger's thumb flicked her clit and another of his fingers plunged into her entrance. He didn’t wait before thrusting into her at the right rhythm to get her off. He added another finger and Aelin couldn’t help but let out another moan.
She closed her eyes, focusing on the pleasure but it apparently wasn’t in the man’s plan. “Look at me when I make you come, baby.” Too gone to care, Aelin opened her eyes and clenched around his finger when she met his eyes. He had the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen and having them on her as she started rolling her hips against his hand was almost too much. “You’re so tight, I can’t wait to feel your cunt around my cock,” He whispered in her ear as he added a third finger. He circled her clit one last time and she fell over the edge, hiding her head in his neck as she bit her lip to the blood not to scream of pleasure. He didn’t stop thrusting into her, prolonging her climax. When her walls stopped spasming around his finger he stopped, pulling out his fingers.
Her legs were shaking and if he didn’t use his arm to hold her she would have fallen on the floor. “You did so well,” he praised her, kissing the top of her head. She just let a man whose name she didn’t know finger her in public and made her come faster than anyone ever did. She could almost laugh at the situation if she wasn’t still so needy.
“Join me in the bathroom?” He asked and she didn’t answer, only took his hand and started walking. The moment he closed and locked the door, she was thrown on the wall and his lips crashed onto hers. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist, sliding her hands through his soft silver hair.
"What's your name?" She asked as he kissed her jaw and then her neck.
He looked back at her face, she was grateful he was holding her legs because she felt them weaken, pinned under his stare. “What’s yours, baby?” She wanted to say she asked first, but she knew enough about him to know he was in control.
“Celeana,” the lie rolled off her tongue easily. No matter how good this man was, he was still a stranger and Aelin was a woman. The less he knew about her, the better. “Yours?”
“You won’t need to call me anything else than ‘sir’.” He said with a proud smirk as he got her back on her feet and turned her around to face the mirror. He pushed her so her hands rested on the sink, the only thing holding her when he started kissing her neck.
“If I’m too rough you say red, understand?” He asked, looking at her in the mirror. She just nodded, leaning her back into his front. He pulled her dress up around her waist and spanked her. She bent over the sink, only held on her legs by the man's hold on her hip. The pain spread throughout her body, setting all her nerves on fire. “Use your damn words, Celeana.”
“Yes.” Not the answer he wanted because he spanked her twice, once on each ass cheek, harder than the first time. She couldn’t hold back her moans.
“Want to say something?” He asked, his tone mocking. She shouldn’t like this, shouldn’t like being treated that way. She had had public sex and been degraded for the first time in her life tonight, and the gods knew how much she loved all of it.
“I understand, sir.” She breathed.
“So you can be a good girl, that’s surprising.” He said as he stroked her ass. “You’d deserve to be spanked to the blood for kissing another man in front of me.” She moaned at his words. she arched her back, silently begging for more. He let out a soft chuckle and instead of giving her what she wanted, he took his hand off her ass. She cried out, mourning the loss of his hand.
He wrapped her long golden hair around his wrist, pulling at it. He made her look at him in the mirror as he slid the strap of her dress, exposing her bare breast. Aelin hated wearing a bra, and stopping wearing one did wonders for them.
The man took one in his hand, playing with her nipple as he used his other hand to pull harder at her hair. “Beg for it,” He commanded but Aelin didn’t. Unhappy with her behavior, he slapped her breast, hard. He took her nipple between his fingers and twisted, making her cry out in pain. “If you don’t beg me, you brat, your pretty pussy is the next thing I will spank and I won’t stop until you come.”
“Gods, please,” she moaned, a tear falling from her eye. “Please, sir. Fuck me, I need you in me, sir.” She didn’t care how pathetic she sounded, she would die if she didn’t have this man in her.
“Celeana?” He asked as he made her panties slide down her legs.
“You’re not allowed to come until I tell you to, understood?”
“Yes, sir.” He bent her over the sink and unbuckled his belt. Aelin wanted to see his cock, he had felt so big against her ass.
His tip teased her entrance and then her clit. She didn’t care if someone heard her moan as he slowly entered her. He was big, bigger than any of the men she ever had. He buried himself to the hilt, groaning as her walls spasmed around him. It hurt to have him inside of her, but she welcomed and enjoyed the pain, and he knew it.
That’s why he didn’t wait for her to adjust and started thrusting into her, hard. Her eyes shut, focusing entirely on the feeling of him filling her.
She was shaking so much she didn’t know how her legs kept holding her. He pulled out and entered her again, hard, his balls slapping her clit. “Your cunt feels so fucking good,” He moaned, going faster, harder. His hand slammed on her ass, tearing another cry out of her. She was close.
He made her rise, hanging the angle of his cock, keeping her from falling with a hand around her throat. Delicately, he tightened his grip, and Aelin’s eyes rolled. His other hand found her clit.
“Sir,” she moaned, trying to hold her orgasm back.
“What is it, baby?” He was breathless. “Use your words, Celeana.”
“Please, can I come?” She prayed to every gods in the world he would let her come, but when she opened her eyes and found him smirking she knew her prayers were useless.
He only said “No,” and thrust faster in her, chasing his own orgasm.
Aelin wished she had a name to moan as she tried to focus on everything but the feeling of this man in her pussy and his finger on her clit. She cried,  both in pain and pleasure as he kept going, hitting that spot deep inside of her nobody ever hit before
“Let go,” he grunted. “Come for me, Celeana.” His grip around her neck tightened even more and she lost control. She screamed, loudly, as she fell over that cliff of pleasure. Barely noticing she squirted. He kept thrusting into her and came a second later, spilling himself inside of her. Both leaned on the sink, trying to take their breath.
He pulled out of her and made her sit on the sink. Her back rested against the mirror, too tired to do anything by herself. He got dressed and took some paper to clean her up, she whimpered, too sensitive to be touched. He softly apologized, kissing her shoulder as he helped her get her dress back in place.
“Think you would want to do this again?” He asked, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. There was only curiosity and desire in his eyes, not demands.
“Sorry,” She gave him a small smile. “I’m not from here and anyway, I don’t really do more than one nightstand.” Gods forbid anyone ever gets attached. He only nodded and gave her a small smile full of understanding.
“Will I ever get your name?” She teased him, earning a soft laugh from him.
“I think I‘d like to keep some mystery.”
“We’re late,” Fenrys stated as they both entered the elevator.
“We’re fashionably late,” Aelin corrected him and he snorted. Both of them were past the point of fashionably late. Elide would be mad at her, she knew it, but Lorcan would be too and she kind of liked the sound of that.
“She’s going to kill you,” Aedion warned as he met them in the hall. Aelin quickly took him and Lysandra in her arms and started walking to the reception room.
“She won’t be physically violent, she won’t take the risk to ruin her bridesmaid look.”
“It’s Elide we’re talking about, it’s not physical violence I would worry about if I was you.” Lysandra chuckled, of course, she would find it funny. Aelin rolled her eyes but laughed along with her friend. Soon they were in the room, they were careful not to make noises, not wanting to drag attention to them.
She looked at her watch and sighed, one hour late wasn’t that bad, was it? At least, Fenrys would suffer from Elide’s rage if it came to that. Aelin took a glass of champagne and walked to Elide and Lorcan. Lorcan was talking to someone but she couldn’t see who because this bastard was just too tall. “Ellie,” Aelin started, taking the small woman in her arms. Maybe affection will make her less angry?
“You bitch!” Elide whisper-shouted, pushing Aelin away from her. Well, her plan definitely didn’t work.
“Elide, you look ravishing,” Fenrys winked and Aelin had to use all her focus not to laugh at Elide’s angry face. She was almost shaking as if it was taking everything in her not to yell at Aelin and Fenrys. If she laughed right now she was kicked out of the wedding, she knew it. Elide seemed to relax a little as Lorcan’s arms wrapped around her shoulders.
“Galathynius, Moonbeam.” He nodded. “So your plane didn’t crash.” She said with a point of humor but Aelin didn’t care and flipped him off. Fenrys just softly laughed and put an arm around Aelin’s shoulder, a normal way for him to show his affection.
“You two didn’t meet Lorcan’s best man.” Elide said as the man who talked with Lorcan turned around. Aelin’s heart stopped. No, no, no, no. “Rowan, this is Aelin, my sister. Aelin, this is Rowan, Lorcan’s best friend.”
This had to be some kind of sick joke, there was no way the man who fucked her last night was Lorcan’s best man. The universe really hated her. His eyes widened when he saw her and even more when Elide said Aelin’s name. Her real name.
Fenrys burst out laughing loudly, drawing the attention of everyone in the room.
tag list:
@sheharahu // @morganofthewildfire // @thestoriesyoutell // @fromthelibraryofemilyj // @swankii-art-teacher // @itsforeverinnocent-blog // @becarefuloflove // @imnotsogoodatthis // @rowaelinismyotp // @a-court-of-milkandhoney // @feysand-loml // @surielandiareendgame // @live-the-fangirl-life // @story-scribbler // @loves-books // @fangirlprincess09 // @theysayitscrazy
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fawad-khan · 3 years
birthdays and wonders
A/N: heyyy so this is an entry for @hollandsrecs tom’s birthday fic fest! hope u enjoy and let me know how this was!
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(edit is mine!)
Pairing- Tom Holland x reader, both are married here :)
Word Count- 1.5k+ (yea i should practice writing more)
Prompt-  your birthday present for tom: telling him you're pregnant
Warning- just mentions of sickness and vomiting in the beginning, nothing too much.
Summary- on tom’s birthday, you have a certain special gift for thomas this year.
You tossed and turned on your bed as you felt something come up your neck and would come out of the mouth any moment. You felt nauseous. You opened your eyes and sat up. You climbed off the bed, trying not to make noise and wake Tom. You made your way towards the bathroom, covering your mouth so that you could avoid puking on the floor.
Quickly, you opened the bathroom door and jogged towards the toilet and lifted the seat and emptied the contents of your stomach inside the toilet bowl. As the contents left, you could feel a bit better.
When you were finally done, you flushed and rinsed your mouth thoroughly to get rid of the taste of vomit. You walked back to the bed and got inside the covers beside Tom, who stirred a bit in his sleep and subconsciously pulled you closer towards him. Closing your eyes, you drifted back to sleep.
This continued for a week. You didn't tell anyone about this, as it didn't seem like a big deal with you. Also because Tom would make a really big fuss, although that was also something that made him so adorable. You thought maybe this was a flu bug that was in the air and decided to dismiss this and focused on the upcoming days. 
Tom's birthday was approaching and you wanted to keep a small and homely affair with all of his family and best mates.
Right now, you were discussing the food menu and decorations to do. Since Tom was out doing some work, this was the perfect opportunity to plan everything out and hence you had called Harrison, Harry, Sam and Tuwaine to help you out and discuss the food, time, drinks, etc.
You suddenly felt an urge to pee real bad. This was weird, considering you had just gone to the bathroom ten minutes ago.
"Shit" you muttered, hurrying towards the bathroom again. You came out five minutes later, feeling very suspicious. This happened a bunch of times in the previous day as well. You were trying to wrack your brains.
Then it struck to you. You took out your phone and checked the calendar, and sure enough, your period was late by a week already. Now, just to be sure, you needed a test.
You went back to the living room, where the boys were chatting and planning.
"Hey Haz, could you come here for a second? I need to talk about something." He nodded and walked towards you. You gestures him to follow you to the kitchen so that you could get some privacy.
"What's up, (y/n)?" 
You took a deep breath. "Well, uh, I really don't know how to say this, but um I've been feeling some things over the last few days and uh" you looked down for a minute, wondering how were you gonna speak the words you were about to say next.
"I think I might be pregnant." You bit your bottom lip nervously as you looked at his face for his reaction. He held a bewildered expression, his eyes widened as he tried to process what you just told him.
"Wait, really? You're pregnant?" He asked, still confused.
"I think so, I'm not really sure."
"Oh, I see. Well, do you have any tests lying around? You could take a test and check."
"Well, that's what I called you here for. Could you just maybe purchase some tests from the nearby store? If it's possible?"
"Of course! I'll be glad to help you however I can." He smiled, making you smile too.
"Thanks Haz, you're a lifesaver."
"Anytime. I'll just go now and bring them for ya."
"Oh and Haz? Can you just not tell anyone right now? Especially Tom? I don't want anyone to know just in case this was a false alarm or anything."
"Of course, my mouth is zipped. You have my word."
"Thanks. Now hurry along!" With that he went out and made a simple excuse of getting a phone call and quickly went to the nearby medical store and bought a small bunch of tests. He came back carrying them in a small bag, entering inside quietly and sneakily placing them in your room, without anyone seeing him. He came back and nodded at you, you mouthed a thanks to him.
Later, when the other boys had gone, you decided now would be safe to test. Harrison, of course, stayed back as he wanted to know whatever the outcome was, and be there for you.
You went to the bathroom and prepared yourself to pee on the stick. Luckily, you made sure to drink a decent amount of water just in case so that this would go smoothly. 
You waited for five minutes and checked the tube. Surely, it showed two lined, which indicated that the test was positive and you were indeed, pregnant.
"Oh my god." You could not help saying to yourself.
"Is everything ok?" Haz asked, knocking softly at the door.
"Yeah, yeah it's alright." You replied, heading to the door and opening it.
"Well?" He asked, looking at you.
"It's positive."
"Oh my god is it true?"
"Yes it is Haz! You're going to be an uncle!" You smiled as he jumped a little in excitement like a kid. He gave you a tight hug, which you responded by hugging him as well, giggling and smiling.
"Hey, uh let's just not tell Tom yet. Or anyone. I think I know the perfect time to tell him." You looked at him knowingly, hoping that he could get the drift, which he did.
"You got it, chief."
"Happy birthday to you, Tom!" You sang as he cut his cake. The party turned out to be a very and cozy affair, with everything going well as planned.
You were yet to give your gift to Tom. You decided that it would be better when you both were alone and had your privacy to do it.
While the others were busy on distributing the cake and food for each other and taking their share, you went to Tom and hugged him from behind, making him grin and hold your hands wrapped around his waist.
"Happy birthday, darling." You mumbled in his ear, giving him a sweet kiss on his lips.
"Thanks love." He chuckled, turning around to give you a proper hug and pull you closer to him, his head resting on your shoulder and taking in your scent which always reminded him of home and comfort, what he always felt when he was with you.
"Hey, wanna come to the room for a second? I wanna show you something." He nodded and you took his hand in yours and walked to the bedroom. You walked to your cupboard and took out a small, neatly wrapped box which you had kept for this particular occasion.
"Here's my present. Happy birthday, baby." You whispered to him, handing him the gift. 
"Thanks, angel. Wonder what's in here." He sat on the bed and unwrapped the box, wondering what could be there. You could feel your heartbeat go faster as you waited for his reaction. He took out the box and opened the lid, his eyes scrunched in confusion as he saw a pregnancy kit there.
He picked it up and observed it closely in his hands and noticed there were two lines, which made him gasp in surprise and look at you. He got up, taking the pregnancy kit in hand walked to you, hoping he had read the situation right.
"Darling, is this what I think it is?  I mean, is it true? Are you h-having a baby?" He looked down gently at your belly and looked at your face again. You smiled and nodded, taking his hand and placing it on your belly.
"Yes Tom. We're having a baby." You smiled softly, waiting for his reaction.
"Oh my god, babe this is so amazing! We're gonna have a baby, a mini you or mini me in our arms in a few months, I just- wow!" He chuckled softly, running his fingers through his curls. He gave you a big hug, holding you close to him. You could hear him sniffle a bit as you hugged him back, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"I'm so happy and excited, darling." He mumbled in your ear.
"Me too, Tom. I'm excited for this." You could feel tears of joy coming out of your eyes. You pulled away from the hug and cupped his cheeks and pulled him in for a soft kiss. His soft lips moved with yours as he squeezed your waist gently. You pulled away and placed your forehead on his, looking into his eyes filled with happy tears. 
You both could not help but giggle, feeling so ecstatic about having a child, two years into your marriage, and were ready to welcome a little baby into your world.
"I love you, (y/n)."
"I love you too, Tom." You smiled.
"Now wanna tell the others?"
"Yeah, let's do that. Although, Harrison knows." You winked. With that you walked towards the door to break the news to everyone, while Tom muttered a 'hey!' before coming to join you to break the news. 
This certainly had been an amazing birthday, he thought. You were both looking forward to having your child and what the future held for you.
The End
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Meeting and Dating Ian Malcolm
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(When I tell you I love this man.)
- You and Ian meet when you attend the same STEM related conference; though it would be more accurate to say that you met while you attended a conference that he was lecturing at. 
- Nevertheless, you were both in the same room and wound up interfacing before the meeting was over; an interaction that would lead to a very interesting and at times exasperating relationship. 
- You found him fascinating; just like pretty much everyone else in the crowd, someone who had a big, entertaining personality in a field that so often lacked personality. You liked him the minute he opened his mouth. 
- He, in turn, thought that you were gorgeous and found himself falling for you the minute he locked eyes on you. He was looking forward to the moment he could slink off stage and find a way to talk to you. He did so right after he finished his speech and the applause settled down.
- He artfully found his way through the crowd and managed to convince the person beside you to switch their seat, taking it for himself after the starry eyed boy got up. 
- The two of you sat in silence for a little while before he leaned over and introduced himself, shaking your hand for a lingering moment before you both turned your attention back to the stage. 
- Another beat of silence passed between you before he leaned over and murmured a funny comment to you, reveling in the way you tried to hold back your smile. You spent the rest of the meeting trying to stifle your laughter as your new ironic commentator continued his jokes and flirtation. It certainly made the conference more enjoyable. 
- Once the shows over and everyone begins to clear out, he asks if you’re doing anything before asking if you’d like to go out and grab a couple of drinks or talk someplace. 
- That's how you find yourself seated next to him at the bar of a nice little restaurant, listening to him explain the chaos theory in detail and trying your best to digest everything that he’s saying; along with your drinks. 
- Along with his mathematical explanations, he also provides a lot of compliments and flirtation. You spend the evening feeling like the most important and sought after woman in the world
- Since you could easily; and very accurately, consider that little get together to be your first date, let’s move on to your first kiss. 
- It’s a date or two later that the two of you share it. You don’t want to give in too easily; even if you want to kiss him a lot sooner, so you play coy until you cant take it any more and the moment feels perfectly right. 
- Perfectly right seems to mean the middle of your kitchen after you invited him in for some coffee but hey, to each their own. 
- Nevertheless, you’d invited him into your home after one of your dates and gone to your kitchen to get the two of you your drinks. He’d followed you in and when you handed him his cup of coffee, he’d leaned in, pressed his lips to yours and given you a soft kiss.
- When he pulled away, he smiled at you, raised his mug, and gave you a somewhat teasing thank you before he lead the way into your living room. 
- One mug lead to another and you've been staying up late with each other ever since. 
- Ian suffers from a deplorable need to constantly be touching you. On top of that, he really isn’t too preoccupied with how other people feel so Pda is very common and performed very shamelessly.
- His arm is usually wrapped around you in some way, whether it be draped across the back of your chair, wrapped around your shoulders, or haphazardly thrown in front of you while a T. Rex is charging towards you.
- Tight hugs; which usually means that you’re being somewhat picked up since he’s so goddamn tall.
- Having your hair played with; oftentimes while he uses his flirtation on you.
- Knee squeezes. His hand belongs to your knee whenever he can’t wrap his arm around you.
- He loves cheek kisses. He loves the sort of showing off feel of them whenever you’re in front of someone else; and he just loves how soft and sweet they are.
- Slow, passionate kisses.
- Oftentimes, you wind up sleeping in the crook of his arm; usually with your head resting against his chest. That being said, the two of you also just cuddle haphazardly, snuggling in any which way you can, your limbs entangled and your bodies relaxed.
- He tends to call you honey or baby but, considering the fact that he calls his daughter Queen, my goddess and my inspiration, there’s room for a few more over dramatic pet names in your relationship.
- Waking up together. Ian's a math professor so, depending on both your schedules, you’re usually getting up around the same time. Although, if you get up earlier than he has to, he’d definitely; somewhat begrudgingly, adapt to your schedule.
- The two of you are attached at the hip a lot of the time. If you choose to go somewhere, he’s bound to follow; whether that be to keep you safe or just because he enjoys spending time with you is anyone’s guess.
- Working on separate things while you’re together. Sometimes couples just want to be in the same room while they do their own thing and I think that’s beautiful.
- Going shopping together. He’s a fan of clothes shopping, groceries, not so much.
- He likes trying out new things and going to all those different places that pop up in town so the two of you visit a lot of new restaurants and shops.
- Going out to dinner at nice restaurants. He’s the Rockstar of the math community so of course he’d want to take you to a few high end places; whenever he could afford it that is.
- Traveling around the world together. Whenever he has to go somewhere, he likes taking you with him.
- Being in the crowds of his conferences and public appearances. You like cheering him on and he appreciates the fact that you’re always there for him; even if he doesn’t necessarily need the support.
- Ian isn’t the greatest at keeping his word and he can get really caught up in his work to the point where he forgets important things, but he does always try his best to make things up to you whenever he can.
- Becoming close with Kelly. She enjoys living with you when her mother can’t be bothered and Ian’s bogged down by work. He loves both his girls dearly so the fact that you get along with each other is very important to him.
- You get to use the fact that you’re with Kelly as an excuse to go do stupid and somewhat childish things like visiting arcades and county fairs. Not that you couldn’t do that without her but I think you know what I mean.
- Movie nights; usually with him and Kelly.
- Museum dates.
- He genuinely thinks that your weird interests and quirks are endearing and fascinating. Other people would consider them strange, Ian considers them to be a compelling part of your personality.
- Seeing you talk about things that you’re passionate about is one of his favorite things in the world. He thinks that drive to learn and do and the intelligence that you possess is extremely sexy.
- Sometimes he’ll just look at you like he wants to eat you alive and it’s extremely problematic. Sir, we are in public.
- Lots of flirting. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together, he still enjoys making you flustered and treating you like the prettiest girl he’s ever seen.
- Unnecessary and frankly disrespectful noises. If he doesn’t stop making salacious growls at you, you’re gonna have to act up.
- Letting him explain all his different theories and findings to you. He loves showing off and having your undivided attention.
- Breaking rules together. If you aren’t keen on doing so, he’d definitely tease you for being a goody goody.
- He carries around a flask most of the time so the two of you can always just park somewhere and drink together whenever you feel like. Some of your best memories take place in his car, passing around a little metal container and talking about nothing in particular.
- Sarcasm drips from this mans every pore so you should try to get used to it. As annoying as it can be, it does make for some funny comments here and there.
- Snarky comments; whether they’re directed at you or someone else. Ian can be a bit of a bastard so don’t be surprised when his mouth opens and something mocking comes out. Just be prepared to occasionally slap his arm and stop him from being a total ass to people; even if it’s justified.
- Corny little jokes.
- Trying to keep him from verbally destroying people. He’s very verbal about his opinions so chances are, he’s going to speak his mind at one point or another and you might not want to be there when he does.
- He’s a voice of reason for just about everyone on Earth so if you need someone to tell you when you’re being stupid, he’s perfect for you.
- Sticking with him and being there for him after everything happens. He changes very drastically in the following years after meeting Mr. Hammond but you love him no less.
- No matter what people may think of him, you still defend him and proudly stand by his side. You’ve learned to ignore the opinion of others and not entertain their gossip.
- Helping him deal with the trauma that comes with almost getting fucking eaten.
- Ian doesn’t get jealous very often. He’s secure enough in himself and knows that you wouldn’t cheat on him, but every now and again, if you’re particularly close to like a colleague or something, he’ll show some signs of jealousy. Mainly, he’ll just ask a bunch of questions about them and your relationship; all the while trying to play it off as normal curiosity.
- Ian is incredibly protective of you; particularly after the events of Jurassic park. He’s willing to do whatever he can to keep you safe; even if it means endangering himself or doing something that scares the hell out of him.
- The two of you don’t fight extremely often; and you rarely have very serious fights, but you do have an argument from time to time. He may say something sarcastic or hurtful in the heat of the moment on occasion but he never means it and he always immediately apologizes.
- Very few fights last overnight. He’s usually so quick to apologize and try to sort things out that you’re back on track in no time. Under his egotistical shell, he’s really just a big softie who wants things to be alright between the two of you.
- He tells you that he loves you a perfectly average amount of times; not too much and not too little. And he loves hearing you say it back or just tell him that you love him for no real reason.
- Ian legitimately loves kids. Like he’s fully prepared to get married and start a family with you at any given moment. Believe me, you just say the words and he’ll pop the question.
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