#he invited me into his house to smoke more and i should have known to deny
weedexchange · 2 years
i cheated last night
#i never thought i would#it was with a complete stranger#im just in such a confusing relationship with ***#about a week ago he asked me for exclusivity but he always assumes im dating anyone i talk about#and he seems fine by that#we arent in a comminted relationship but i feel so inlove with him#but i wonder if i really am#so basically what happened was a met this guy while walking my dog he was already a little drunk he had just gotten off work at a local#restraunt and i was in my car smoking weed and he approached and asked if he could come in and smoke with me and i accepted#he tried to kiss me twice and i rejected him and explained the situation with ***#he kept being very pushy like touching me and stuff and im not going to act like i didnt know what i was doing because i did#he invited me into his house to smoke more and i should have known to deny#he didnt let me leave his house#its so fucked because im stuck between feeling coherced but also knowing the situation i was putting myself into#i didnt sleep last night and i had an 8 hour shift today im exhausted but im going to talk to *** in person about this#i cant not tell him i cant keep thid from him and continue our relationship like normal its not right#im fucking sick with guilt because i know that if i had just had a conversation with *** first then he probably would have let me#i never pictured myself doing something like this ive been obsessing over it all day#i have to be accountable for my own actions and owning up to what i did and being honest is the only way to go#i definitely considered lieing about the reason and just stopping talkkng to ***#but i cant bring myself to fo that i care about him too much#which seens hypocritical because if i really cared i wouldnt have done this shit
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hairmetal666 · 9 months
Eddie Munson gets famous at fifteen, after a YouTube video goes viral.
He's the kind of famous where he can't leave his house without being mobbed; where his name is plastered across grocery store tabloids and every fifth Pop Crave post; who has to make special arrangements with stores, whose body guards have body guards, who's forgotten what it's like to be normal. He's the kind of famous with well-chronicled stints in and out of rehab
And he thinks, at thirty, why not do a reality show? Why not let everyone in the world into his life because they're there anyway?
There's this guy on the crew, beautiful as a fucking sunrise. He's all golden-tanned and chestnut-haired, with these big hazel eyes that makes Eddie stomach swoop deliciously whenever they happen to meet his.
His name is Steve.
And Eddie, well. He's learned his lesson about jumping into relationships. So, Steve is nice to look at, and that's all there is to it.
They're at the studio, and Eddie, he only smokes when he's recording but he's "not allowed" to do that inside. So, he steps out into the alley behind the building, eyes falling shut as he hands search his pockets for his pack of Camels and his Zippo.
"I didn't realize you smoked," a deep voice says from the darkness.
Eddie startles, eyes flying open. Steve is leaning against the brick of the building, cigarette perched between his pursed lips.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I'm Steve. With the crew."
"Eddie," he answers by instinct.
"I know," Steve chuckles. His hazel eyes are golden in the yellow streetlight.
"Oh, right." He lights his cigarette and inhales deep.
"I really like what you're doing in there." Steve nods his head towards the studio.
"You a fan?"
"Never listened to you much before. Not really a metal kinda guy, but I like it."
People aren't usually honest with Eddie. It's refreshing.
"Glad you're getting into it! How's your--uh, job going?"
Steve laughs. "First assistant camera, that's my job." Eddie's expression must read a total blank, but Steve only smiles. "I make sure everything's in focus while we film"
"Is that--hard?"
"Sometimes," Steve agrees. "How do you like being the star of a reality show?"
Eddie huffs out a breath. "It's more fun than I expected. Like, sure it's weird to have you guys follow me around, but at least I invited you, you know?"
Steve's dark eyes are fathomless in his perfect face. "You'll let me know? If anything happens that you don't like?"
Eddie nods, taken aback by the serious line of Steve's pretty mouth. Before he can respond more, the back door creaks open, Gareth's backlit shape leaning into the alley. "Eddie? They're ready for you."
"Duty calls." He smiles at Steve as he stomps out his cigarette. "See you around."
Eddie goes to a house party in the hills. It's just a handful of people, all of them he's known for years, no cameras in sight.
Someone asks how things are going with the band. Eddie doesn't think anything of it. Why should he, among friends? Why should he when they already know the resentment that Gareth, Jeff, and Freak have for him? Eddie got signed and not his band. The guys--they never really forgave him, think he could have tried harder.
So, he says--he says--"I wish they didn't resent me so goddamn much still. To this day! They're millionaires and they're pissed at me? Fuck that. I got them here. I got us all here."
They're filming the next day at Eddie's house. He's working on a new song, engrossed in his acoustic and his notebook.
He's so in the zone, it takes him a second to register when Gareth bursts into the house.
"Fuck you, Munson," Gareth screams. "What the fuck is this shit?" Eddie's own voice pours from Gareth's phone, and Eddie's stunned speechless for dozens of seconds as he tries to comprehend what's happening.
"I didn't--" he tires. He raises his hands placatingly, but his minds a whirlwind, thoughts a tangle, heart a mess of betrayal and hurt and fear.
"We should be fucking grateful?" Gareth yells. "You spoiled piece of shit, fuck you!" He lunges towards Eddie, but Steve darts from behind the camera, moving to block Gareth's path.
"Stop filming," Eddie shouts. He lifts his arms to block the shit. "Get out," he snaps at the crew. " Now!"
He and Gareth scuffle towards a set of double-doors, heated words low and unintelligible.
"Don't come in." He tells the crew. "Steve, I mean it. Tell them to stop."
Eddie shoves Gareth into the other room, slamming the door behind him. Still, the mics pick up the screaming fight between the two men.
Hours later, Eddie finally makes his way back to the main part of the house, finds Steve standing at the kitchen island.
"Why are you still here?" He's too exhausted from the fight to put any inflection into it.
"I was wo--I wanted to make sure everything was okay," Steve says. He relaxes against the island. "Are yo--is everything okay?"
Eddie's laugh is humorless. "Something like that."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
The tears he kept at bay with Gareth prick at his eyelids until they burn. "Not really, no."
Steve nods. "We could--you wanna watch a movie?"
This startles a laugh out of Eddie, one that has tears flooding his eyes and he has to blink fast, look down, anything so Steve doesn't notice.
"You know what I want?" he says. It's soft enough that maybe Steve, across the kitchen, wouldn't hear.
"To have friends who won't sell me out for a couple thousand bucks." The tears start falling, his throat choked with emotion.
He wants to stop, embarrassed to be crying in front of Steve, but now that he's started, sobs shake his shoulders and he can't keep quiet.
Steve reaches for him. "Is this okay?" he whispers, hands rubbing circles against his back.
Eddie nods, cries for a while as Steve makes soothing motions against his back.
"I just wish I was normal," he mumbles when he has words again.
Steve's hold on him tightens. "I'm sorry, Eddie."
Shame hits him then, too hard to ignore, and he steps away. "I'm gonna--I'm gonna go. I--Thanks again."
He ignores the sound of Steve calling him back.
Eddie's playing a show. He's playing a show in a small club, something he hasn't been able to do for years, but he's doing it right now. It's electric, vibrating through his body, the crowd screaming along with every word.
So much of this is because of Steve, and Eddie can't think about it, because men like Steve aren't for guys like Eddie.
As he plays, his eyes scan the small crowd, find Steve easily. He's gazing at Eddie, lips slicked pink and parted, eyes shining. Eddie knows this look; the naked desire obvious. A heat he never lets himself feel for Steve blooms low in his abdomen, but--
He wails into his mic, forcing his thoughts away from that path. He has a show to play, one that's pumping his veins full of satisfied adrenaline. Nothing can ruin it.
When the show ends, Eddie is high, endorphins and adrenaline pounding through his bloodstream.
Eddie, the band, and the film crew make their way out the club's backdoor. There's a car idling close by, but they only get a few steps in before there's shouting; the ear-shattering click of dozens of camera shutters; overwhelming burst of flashes.
Eddie is disoriented, dizzy; the rapid shift from the best night he's had in years, to this, mobbed by paparazzi, people screaming his name, crowding their small group. He stumbles, black spots still obstructing his vision.
Arms catch around him, holding him steady. "You okay?" Steve asks.
Before he can answer, one of the paps yells, "Munson's wasted! Can't even walk!"
"C'mon, Ed, I've got you," Steve says.
"Just get into the booze, Munson, or someone had Molly too? Maybe a little coke? That used to be your thing, right? Snort a little blow and do a show?"
Eddie tenses, almost stops, but Steve keeps him going.
The crowd surges around them, more voices yelling, more flashbulbs popping, the guy saying, "He can't even stand without help! You got a real problem you know?"and he just--can't anymore. He whirls out of Steve's grasp, lunges for the guy.
"What's your fucking problem, man?" Eddie hisses. "What did I do to you, huh?"
"Real tough, Munson, huh?" The man sneers. He shoves Eddie hard, knocking him back a few steps.
Eddie's vision fuzzes out, brain buzzing. He snarls, knows he does, knows he's losing it, can't make it stop.
Strong arms wrap around his waist, pull him off his feet. He fights it until he's pressed into a wall, until cold hands cup his face.
"Baby, baby, you have to calm down," Steve murmurs. "You have to breathe, can you do that for me?"
"I want--he can't--I--"
Steve presses harder against him, bodies joined. "You're having a panic attack, yeah? Can you breathe with me, baby? Match me?"
Eddie nods, tries, wants to be good for Steve.
He calms, as much from the breathing exercise as being held by the most beautiful man he's ever seen. Pressing his face against Steve's neck he says, "why are you always around for my worst moments? I'm such a fucking mess."
"I don't think you're a mess," he says. "I think you've gotten hurt, you've gotten cornered. And your reactions are normal."
"Why do you even care?" Eddie asks.
Steve doesn't even pause. "Cause I like you, Eddie." His hold tightens for a second. "I like you a lot."
Eddie scoffs. "Yeah, you like Eddie Munson, the hot rockstar. Not the loser who cries in your arms"
Cold air hits Eddie as Steve steps away to meet Eddie's eyes. You want to know something? I didn't expect to like you at all. I admit, I bought into all the stories on the internet. But you were never anything like that, Ed. Not even once."
Steve takes a deep breath, turning away as his cheeks grow pink. "And you--you're always going out of your way for people. The day I knew I was gone for you? Three weeks into filming. There was this kid interning. You didn't know a thing about him, just some twenty-year-old, and you sat down and talked to him. Were genuinely interested in everything he said."
"Steve," Eddie's voice breaks. He has to cover his mouth, lips a wobbling mess.
"I want to give you normal, Eddie, as much as I can. If you'll let me."
The moisture tumbles free from his eyes, streaking down his cheeks. Eddie laughs. "God, Steve, you're--I like you, too."
Steve brushes the tears away. "So, you'd go on a date with me?"
"I think I would really like to go on a date with you, yeah."
Steve leans in, slow and gentle, placing a soft kiss at the corner of Eddie's mouth. It lights him up like a fresh struck match, nerve endings on fire. He thinks it's so much more than like already.
"Take me home, sweetheart," he says.
"Getting fresh with me, Munson," Steve smirks. "I won't have you using your rockstar wiles to seduce me."
Eddie's laugh echoes off the brick of the surrounding buildings. "Oh, sweetheart, my rockstar ways will destroy you."
"That a promise?"
Six months later, the first and only season of Welcome to Hell premieres. Instead, of chronicling a rockstar's debauched and wild lifestyle, it's a soft and charming love story. It shows Steve and Eddie growing closer, Steve working late into the night, to give Eddie the hint of normalcy he's so desperate for, to make him happy. It shows Eddie's eyes track Steve across a room, something like sadness crossing his face. It shows a concert that Steve arranged, the fight with the pap outside the venue, brief glimpses of Steve and Eddie in the aftermath, the gentle kiss.
In the last interview of the season, the producer asks Eddie if there will be a season two of Welcome to Hell.
Eddie smiles, glances off camera, which pans to find Steve in worn jeans and a Metallica hoodie, hair messy and wearing glasses. He gazes at Eddie, smiles this soft, aching thing.
"Nah, I don't think I need it anymore," Eddie answers. Throwing the camera a smile that matches Steve's.
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Flirty Af
Warning: Medical emergency / Asthma Attack
I woke, as I typically did with a sharp fast gasp. immediately I heard the wheeze in my chest like a pair of old moth-eaten bellows. I sighed and turned to my bedstand opening the little rosewood box and hearing the gentle tune of the music box inside plaid as soon as I opened it I grabbed one of the prerolled cigarettes shutting the box again and saw the candle on my bedside table still burning so I set the tip in the flame until it began to smoulder so I laid down on my back slowly but surely taking a deep inhale and blowing the resulting smoke across my ceiling. It fixed it as much as it ever did so I finished up and set the end in my little metal box with many others. 
"There's my sweet girl!" My father gleamed as he entered my bedroom with a wide smile 
"Good Morning Father," I smiled sitting up in my bed 
"It is a fantastic morning, A perfect morning for our party!" He cheered going to open my curtains to let in the sunshine 
I smiled as much as I could force, I knew this was important to him and I wanted only to be supportive. 
"I have a gift for you" He smiled tapping my nose playfully He clicked his fingers towards the door and the maid scurried in with a large box in hand, he took the box from her and set it on the bed opening the box up pulling out from the tissue and ribbon a sweet expensive new dress.
It was beautiful, A long off-the-shoulder dress of a sweet fabric a light pale pink with vertical strips of purple, and white lace at its hem, neckline and lace elbow-length sleeves with a black ribbon at its waist. It was utterly beautiful and would not have been cheap for my father to buy. but I began to panic as I looked at it seeing the ribbon and how small it was.  
I knew my father, he meant well but he always did this and always it made me fearful.
But I forced a smile "Thank you Father" I said giving his cheek a kiss 
"You're welcome, Now come along guests begin to arrive soon" He said rushing off to make preparations. 
I sighed climbing from my bed, I went and had a nice hot bath laying in the warm water for longer than I should just because it seemed to soothe my chest but I soon climbed out and went to my window in my towel looking out to the gardens.
My father was a very wealthy businessman in port with a lot of dealings coming and going in shipping, of course, our house was lustrous and grand second only to the governors only a few miles up the road, but the governor could not hold a candle to my father's gardens, well known in the area and beyond for the grandiose and beauty of the many exotic flowers and plants from all over the world, He took great pride in the garden and this combined with his utter love fort entertaining. Meant we had an awful lot of garden parties. 
Today was no exception my father was hosting a garden party and had invited everyone who could be imagined. He adored parties being an utter social butterfly, I however was more of an.... antisocial bookworm not much wanting to go but knowing word would spread if I didn't attend my father's own parties. It didn't much help my looming age knowing at the back of my mind certain men had been invited not due to my father really wanting them at the party but my father realizing they could be a good match for me so invited them in the hope one would catch my interest. But I know I am a very lucky girl, Many fathers would be insisting by now or would have wedded their daughter off for a business deal. But My father was a decent man and had always promised me I could choose my husband, that I could marry for love no matter who it would be. He felt he couldn't deny me what he and my mother had. 
I went to my mirror and began to dress, I pulled my white stockings up to my thighs adjusting them so the little lilac bows would sit forward, I pulled my long cotton underdress over my body tugging it down as far as it would go, by then my maid arrived and I gulped as she picked up my cream corset. I simply watched the mirror doing my best to not panic as she wrapped it around me and began to lace the back, I did my best to keep my breaths slow and steady but that wasn't exactly easy until finally she finished with the back, she pinned the ribbons in place and turned me to face her so she could pull the ribbons to the front to lace it again leaving me squeezed as much as possible 
"How much more?" I gasped already feeling breathless 
"Not much more Miss." she said "Pencil thin is the London style miss" She reassured
"I am not a pencil. I am a lady." I argued half of me was joking the other half was serious. 
Finally, she tied the last bow and removed the pin in the back as there was now no give in the ribbon at all, she took my crinoline the large wicker bird cage-looking thing that always made me smile a little tieing it simply around my waist and she helped me to slip on my dress, it was beautiful and I did feel very pretty even if again the lacing began as she all but sewed me into the dress ensuring it would be as close to me as possible. Not being helped by my father's purchase choices. 
"Alright miss?" she asked as she finished the last bow 
"Yes. Thank you" I lied, finally she helped me into my shoes and left to attend the party. "Women in London must have learnt not to need to breathe" I sighed I sat at my vanity and did what little make-up I bothered with before finally taking my hair from the tight braid I had done last night allowing it to now be in sweet curls. Once done I looked out to the window again seeing people had already gathered for the party so I grabbed my lace fan and my parasol and headed down to the gardens. 
"Ahhh My goodness an angel!" My father joked as he saw me "You look beautiful" He smiled 
"Thank you Father" I smiled 
"Go on then, Mingle I'll check in on you later," He told me ushering me deeper into the party, I did my rounds parasol in hand often batting my fan to try and get some air down my throat doing my best to greet and be pleasant with people. 
As I made the rounds I took note of those who were here already spotting a few men my father would have invited purely in the hopes of grabbing my attention but as I walked to a less populated area of the garden I took a seat for a moment on the stone bench I spotted a similar soul. 
He stood by one of the statues away from the main business of the party, dressed in his usual way but cleaned up a little better, he seemed awkward unsure why he was here, out of place in this bussle. I felt for him of course and for a moment even I wasn't sure why he was here. But then I recalled seeing Dr Sneed on my walk around the party and I know how my father thinks, my father would have invited Dr Sneed because he is his doctor and thus not inviting his own doctor to his party would be rude, and of course then in my fathers mind he must also invite Dr Dawkins for if he invited Sneed and Not Dawkins that too would have been rude. Honestly, I'm surprised he took up the invitation. For a moment we caught eyes and he offered me a small smile so I did my best to do so back. 
“You alright my sweet?’ my father asked as he approached sitting beside me
“Yes, just wanted a moment from all the excitement” I smiled
‘ahh well come along we are to begin the walk” he smiled to me taking my hand and soon enough the walk began, this was typical of every party my father would lead a walk around the gardens explaining almost every flower and plant giving a tour to the guests of course most ate it up but I slowly but surely slinked away until I was at the very back of the walk where I again found Dr Dawkins.
“Good day doctor”
“Good day miss y/l/n, does your father always do this?’
“Yes” I chuckled moving my parasol slightly higher as to protect him too
“AHH thank you” he smiled moving a little closer to be under the protection of the lace from the blistering sun
“Quite alright” I answered “what brings you to the party?”
“Your father invited me. Wasn't going to bother but something to do I suppose’ he chuckled
“I guess. I rather find it all tedious”
“well we agree on some things’ he chuckled “I have to admit though your dress is utterly stunning”
“Thank you doctor’ I blushed a little but had to fan myself quickly as I felt slightly breathless from the walking
“Ohh don't worry pleatenties of the party you can just call me jack” he smiled
“ohh that's very sweet, thank you jack’ I smiled “then y/n I insist”
“Why thank you, My god is he going to take us past every plant?” He whispered
“That he is” I smiled
“Any particular reason?’
‘its his pride. He adores his garden above all else?”
“Even you?’
“I don't know, I should hope not but I wouldn't be surprised’
“Why? Why would be focus so much on his garden and not his daughter?”
“He promised my other that her beloved garden would always bloom, she died only a few days later” I explained
“Ohh forgive me y/n I-”
“It's alright, he can be… overboard at times” I said doing my best to slow and catch my breath
“Are you alright?’ he asked
“Yes forgive me-”
“No no it's alright, are you sure? You seem lost for breath?’ he said carefully taking my arm
“I'm fine” I answered as I gasped trying hard not to wheeze or cry anything that might draw attention to myself he seemed panicked I tried again and gasp but it just wasn't working and I almost went over
“Whoa. I'm taking you inside’ he said quickly putting an arm around me and taking me quickly back to the house I dropped my parasol and fan as soon as I got in the door trying desperately to get my breath in “which way to your room?”
“This way” I gasped now beginning to cough and wheeze loudly taking his hand and leading him to my room as soon as I was inside I leant on my ottoman trying desperately to get some air into my lungs as he shut the door and came over
“Are you short of breath?”
“Yes” I gasped surely that was obvious
“try to breathe slow for me if you can” he asked and I did my best but that only made me wheeze louder
“Take off your dress.” He said
“I beg your pardon Dr Dawkins!’ I argued
“I need to examine you take off your dress” he said
“I cannot” I answered between gasps
“I'm a doctor I won't look y/n but I need to exmaine you” he said
“No I cannot. My maid she-”
“She's sewn you into the dress?” he asked and I nodded “alright” he said slipping off his jacket and grabbing a small knife from his pocket “I'll be as careful as I can” he said slowly using the blade to cut where my dress had been stitched by my maid until finally it released I quickly stepped away and pushed the dress off me as well as my crinoline immediately I felt a little better as I looked forward letting out slow breaths I caught sight of jack in my mirror he lied to me. He was looking. But I felt still so breathless that I tumbled onto my ottoman ‘whoa whoa! I got you. I got you.” He reassured only just catching me making me sit on the ottoman “I need to remove your corset”
“I have to remove it” he said coming to face me starting to unlace my corset ties quickly with his nimble fingers “out of curiosity. How'd your mother die?”
“Respiratory failure” I gasped and he looked up to me seeming panicked
“How old was she?”
“Twenty nine”
“Christ - for - god-” he grunted trying to deal with the knots and loops and ties in my corset until finally he unlaced the front and tried to pull it off but of course it didn't move he looked confused so I moved his hand to my back and he moved behind me seeing of course all the lacing on the back ‘oh you gotta be kidding me!’ he complained “they really didn't want you of this dress.’ he said fighting with the ties before “fuck it!’ he complained grabbing his knife again and cutting though the lacing managing to force the whole corset off me and that helped considerably “there we go.” He said a lift proud of himself “nice and slow let me listen” he said for a moment looking around the room clearly for something to use to listen but “I don't have my tools uhhh okay. Guess we have to do this the old fashioned way” he said sitting on the ottoman with me lifting my underdress up to expose my bare back I glanced in the mirror again and saw his cheeks slightly deeper with red his eyes glancing down from my neck all the way to the ottoman before he moved closer resting his head on my back to press his ear to my skin “nice and slow for me. Just breathe with me In. And out. In and back out” he said and I did my best to breath with him even if I ended up coughing and wheezing as he walked me through a few long breaths “how long have you been like this?” He asked as he pulled back moving so I could see his face letting go of my underdress
“I get the feeling you need to tell me something.” He said
“I'm asthmatic. Have been as long as I can remember.” I answered
“That certainly explains a lot” he said “when did a doctor tell you?”
“I was nine.”
“I take it your mother was too?”
“Okay, how are you managing it? What do you have to take when you get like this?” He asked
“The box on my bedside table” I told him still struggling he got up and went to the box seeming confused
“What are these?”
“Asthma cigarettes. Prof prescribed them” I answered
“You smoke!’ he argued
“On doctors instructions yes.” I answered
“Are you mad!”
“There not tobacco there thorn apple leaves there meant to help” I said
He sighed begrudgingly bringing one over so I took it and lit it on a candle sitting for a few moments slowly inhaling it all
He brushed the smoke away from his face a moment before rather angrily speaking “he's mad.”
“It helps.”
“So would you sitting not moving for the ten minutes it took you to smoke that” he argued “but that dress wasn't helping in the slightest why on earth did they lace you in that corset so much?”
“It's the style apparently. Plus I needed to”
“...father buys all my dresses two sizes smaller then I am. I have to double lace the corset for a hope of even getting in them
“Why would he do that?”
“He means well. He thinks if he buys all my clothes too small it's… encouraging”
“Encouraging? I hate to ask but when did you last eat anything?”
“...four days ago.”
“Okay, that is also not going to be helping.” He said
“Yeah well you try fitting into a dress with a twenty one inch waist” I pouted
“I think he's trying to kill you.” He joked “you feel a bit better now?”
“Yes. Thank you jack”
“You're welcome. How often do you get attacks like that?”
“once a week or so.”
“Does your father know?”
“Somewhat. I don't always tell him the whole truth”
“Would you be against coming to the hospital?”
“I am not confident about leaving you alone tonight. If you agree I'll talk to your father take you to the hospital I'll keep you under observation myself.”
“.... I fear this may be worse then just a simple attack y/n”
“I don't want to worry my father. he's fearful enough as it is”
“Then which would you rather? He be a little worried a stressed as you spend the night in hospital in my care or he comes in here and finds you dead in your bed tomorrow morning because I'm pretty sure which one will upset him more.”
“One night?”
“One night. Under observation.”
“Alright jack”
“Thank you y/n” he smiled giving my hand a kiss “just rest i'll go see your father” he said as he got up and headed out of my room.
Eventually he arrived with my father in tow and the two discussed as my maid packed me some items and my father called us a carriage, I changed into my loosest dress doing my best not to show my father my struggles
“Perhaps Dr sneed would be better he is my doctor he's taken such food care of me” he began
“Dr sneed is very busy he won't have time and what she needs is observations now I have the time to do so”
“Keep me posted won't you?”
“I promise.”
“You'll take care of her doctor?”
“Absolutely, I promise she'll be back right as rain”
“Alright, I'll see you soon sweetheart” he smiled kissing my head before he slowly and tenderly let my hand go giving it to jack, he smiled to me squeezing my hand and leading me slowly to the carriage luckily the party never even noticed but as i sat down my father pulled jack close to him. “Anything happens to her. It's your head.”
“Yes sir” he nodded before climbing into the carriage with me.
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samandcolbyownme · 4 months
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Summary: While at a party with friends, you run into your old 'situationship' and things take a turn for the.. good.. or bad? Find out in this weeks one shot!
Inspired by Zayn - Like I Would | not a request
Summary: SMUT18+, strong language, mentions of smoking weed, alcohol consumption, cheating on partner (which you should NEVER do), secret and rough unprotected sex, oral (f rec), hair pulling, biting, scratching, teasing, just filth
Word count: 5.7 | not edited
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
"Have fun tonight." Your boyfriend, Theo, smiles, "Call me if you need a ride home."
You lean of the window, pecking his lips with yours, "I will, thank you." You smile and sit back, waving to him at your friend, Kya, backs out of the driveway.
"So." She says with a smirk as she starts to drive, "Seems to be going well, don't you think?"
You shrug, a light blush growing on your cheeks, "You can say that." You shrug, "I mean, these last few months, they've been great, but at the same ti-"
"Don't do that." She cuts you off as she shakes her head.
You look at her confused, "Don't do what?"
"Don't do what you always do. Don't look for things to escape. Theo is a great guy.." she lays her hand over her mouth, muffling her words, "Better than the last."
You laugh as you catch what she says, "Yeah, let's not talk about him." You roll your eyes, trying not to think about him, "Theo is a great guy."
"That - whatever that was.." she blows air, "Situationship.. was an absolute disaster." She tills her eyes, "If I see him, I might just punch him."
"Please. It might knock some common sense into him." You shake your head slightly, "He was just an asshole."
But he wasn't a total asshole the whole time.
You felt like there could have been more, should have been more, but he didn't want labels. He didn't want to 'settle down' as he said.
He treated you like a queen, but only when it was just the two of you.
When you confessed that you were catching feelings, mainly to try and save your feelings, which utterly failed in the end, he turned into someone you never thought he would be.
A ghost, figuratively that is.
You didn't hear from him for weeks after, but conveniently right when word got out that you were seeing Theo, you got a text from him, stating a single, ‘Hey’.
But you ignored it.
You had a good thing with Theo, but at the same time, you weren't feeling the passion, the heat, like you were with him.
You knew it was wrong, but you couldn't pinpoint the exact reason as to why you were suddenly missing him, either.
Maybe because what you and him had was secret?
Maybe because it was mainly about sex, and he was really, really good at it?
Who knows, but you needed to get him off of your mind as soon as possible, especially because you want things to progress with Theo.
"Do you think he'll be here tonight?" You look over at Kya and she shrugs, "Doubt it. He's probably leading on some other bimbo-" she looks at you, quickly following up, "Not that you were or are a bimbo, I just-"
You hold your hand up, "I understand, Ky." You laugh slightly, "But I was for falling for him. I should have known."
"We live and we learn." She parks the car, "Now let's go have some fun." She raises her brows as she pulls the keys from the ignition.
You follow her in through the gate, eyes scanning over the slow growing party.
You smile as you see some of your friends, waving as you dance next to them as you move past to make your way into the house.
"You made it!" Leslie squeals as she runs up to you and Kya, "I'm so glad you're here!"
"Thanks for the invite! We love your parties." You smile and look around. She laughs, "Thanks. I love throwing them."
"I'm going to go get a drink, y/n. You coming?" Kya taps your arm and you look at her, "Yes, please."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
A few drinks and bit of unwinding later, you're sat on the small couch in the corner with a few friends around you.
"Y/n." Leslie nudges your knee from the floor, "How's Theo?" She smirks and the others lean in to listen.
You smile, "We're good. He’s good.." You take a sip of your drink, almost spitting it back into your cup when you see him walk through the door.
"Shit." You whisper to yourself and quickly look around, composing yourself as fast as you can, "Yeah, he's taking me to dinner on Thursday for our five month anniversary."
"That's so sweet." Leslie smiles and lets out a sigh, "I remember when Chase and I first got together, that honeymoon phase never goes away when you're in love with someone you truly love being around everyday."
You kind of ignore them talking. Your focus was mainly on him. You watch as he walks over to the drink area with his friends, smiling that gorgeous smile and laughing that perfect laugh.
He was such a beautiful work of art, and knowing that you couldn't have it actually kind of hurt even more.
You snap back into reality, reminding yourself that you have Theo, and you really liked Theo.
Not as much as him - stop it.
You shake your head, looking over at Kya to try and figure out what they're talking about.
"Isn't that right, y/n?" Kya asks and you blink, "Sorry." You laugh, "What are we talking about?"
"Someone is feeling the alcohol already." She jokes with a laugh, "We were talking about that show that you recommended us. We all love it so far."
"Good Girls? Oh yes. That show is amazing. I'm sad they aren't coming out with another season, they left it with a cliffhanger and I'm still so mad about it." You laugh, taking a sip from your cup.
You finish your drink and rest your arms in your lap, "I'm going to get a drink, anyone else need one?"
"Yeah get me one please." Kya hands you her empty cup and you nod, "What were you drinking?"
"Just get me whatever you're drinking."
You nod and get up, walking over to the drink section. You pour in some liquor, more in your cup than Kya's, before adding some juice.
"Well, well, well."
You close your eyes, taking a quiet deep breath as you set the jug down onto the counter, "What do you want, Colby."
You stay facing away from him, knowing that if you look into his eyes, it'll all go downhill from there.
You tilt your head, thinking that maybe you should. Maybe now's your chance to finally give him a piece of your mind for hurting you.
"Just came to get another drink." He moves next to you and your eyes move over his hand that's rested on the counter as he pours some alcohol into his cup.
"So hey. What's up?" He turns and you look up at him. He chuckles as he takes a sip of his drink, "It's been a while, I know."
"Glad you're aware of that." You raise your brows, picking up the two cups.
"Alright.." he shrugs, ".. Talking about it really isn't my style, but I th-"
You cut him off, "No. no. I'm not.." you sigh, "I have a boyfriend now, Colby."
"I'm aware." Colby sips his drink, "How is Theo, by the way?"
"He's great, actually. I'm super happy with him." You cross your arms, cups still in hand and Colby raises his brows, "Glad to hear it."
You roll your eyes, "what do you really want Colby?" It doesn't occur to you that you already asked him that until it leaves your lips.
"I just thought I'd see what's up, but.." he walks over to you, "I'll just leave you to think about what I really want while I'm lighting up." He winks, taking a few steps away, stopping to turn, "If you still do that, you know where to find me."
"I stopped." You say loud enough for him to hear him. You turn, walking in the opposite direction, "Right when you broke my heart."
You walk back over to your group and Kya sighs, "I was about to send a search party for you. Jesus, I thought you got lost." She sips her drink, groaning as the alcohol touches her tongue, "So good."
"So what did I miss?" You lean back against the couch and look forward, immediately feeling your stomach flip when you see Colby sitting in the patio chair, directly outside of the glass door with the perfect view of you.
Fucking hell.
You pull your phone out, completely ignoring what the girls are filling you in on as you text Theo, Miss you. Wish you were here.
You rest your phone in your lap, crossing your one leg over the other, "No, I seen Janessa the other day, she definitely looked like she had a ring on her finger."
"See! I wasn't the only one!" Leslie says nudging the girl next to her, "Did it look like a big rock?"
You hold your hand out, rocking it back and forth, "Eh. It was a decent size."
Leslie sighs, "All that money and he couldn't afford a decent ring." She scoffs, "I swear if I don't have a big diamond on my hand when the time comes." She laughs, "Kidding. Kidding."
You laugh slightly, running a hand through your hair as your eyes move up to look at Colby again. His eyes are glued on you as he slowly brings the blunt to his lips, inhaling the smoke as he pulls it away.
You want to look away, but this obnoxiously strong hold he - still - has on you, won't allow it.
He tilts his head back, slowly allowing the smoke to leave his lips.
Your phone vibrates in your lap and you tear your eyes away to look down at it. You smile slightly as you read over Theo's text, Miss you too, baby. How's the party going?
You tap the screen, it's alright, just sitting with some friends, nothing too exciting.
You set your phone down, taking a drink. Kya moves in close to you, "I don't.." she clears her throat, lowing her voice to a whisper, "I don't mean to alarm you, but he's here."
"Who?" You play dumb.
She tilts her head, eyes moving in the direction of Colby, "Mr. Situationship." She mumbles through gritted teeth.
"Shut up." You act surprised, "Where?"
"Patio. Smoking with Sam and the others." She lays a hand on your knee, "Are you okay? Do you want to move? Leave? Whatever you want to do."
You lay your hand on hers, "Ky. I'm fine. Promise."
"If you say so." She mumbles moving away. Her attention is quickly taken away by the song that's playing, "Oh I love this song. Come on. Let's dance."
She finishes her drink, looking at you to finish yours. You down your drink, setting it down before standing up.
You couldn't lie, you were feeling pretty good and there was only one person you really wanted to be around right now - And it wasn't the person answering your texts.
Kya takes your hand, lifting them up as she moves her body to the song with a laugh, "I feel so.. happy right now."
"That's the alcohol, my love." You smirk and dance with her, laughing as she dances back to back with you.
Your eyes move to find Colby, who is still sitting on the patio, only this time, his view is blocked by the wall.
You turn away, dancing with Leslie.
For a few songs, you complete forgot about what you were feeling. You felt happy, free, like you can finally breathe for once.
You walk over to the couch, plopping down as you laugh, "I didn't know how much I needed this."
"You deserve it. You've been working hard these last few weeks, you need time to just relax, or take a few shots and party it up." Kya laughs and you sigh, "Is that you saying you want to take shots?"
"Yes!" She laughs, "Come on!"
You get up, following her to the counter. She sits out a few solo cups, only pouring a little bit of liquid in each before looking around to call over Leslie and the other girls.
You knew you were being watched.
You knew that what you wanted to do wasn't good.
But you wanted to get back at him, show him what he lost. Even though your little black dress does a lot, you still wanted to add to it.
"Here's to those who wish us well, all the rest can go to hell." Kya laughs and you all clink the plastic cups together before downing the shots.
"I know I'm working my way to being drunk because that didn't taste as bad as it usually does." Leslie laughs setting her cup down, "Hit us again, Ky."
Your eyes move from the cups, up across the living room scattered with people. But your eyes know who they're looking for, and they find him almost instantly.
Colby's sitting in the chair, calf rested on his other knee. He taps his cup on the arm rest, tilting his head, knowingly getting under your skin.
"It's cold hearted." You mouth to him subtly, hoping he'd pick it up.
And he did, because he mouths back, "what's cold hearted?"
You raise your finger off of the cup Kya gives you, directing it to him, "You."
You turn your attention back to the girls, sighing as you laugh at Leslie gives the cheers this time. You take your shot, closing your eyes as you breathe out, "You picked the strongest liquor?"
"Why not." Kya laughs and wraps her hand around your wrist, "Let's dance again."
"I have to go to the bathroom, but I'll find you after." You sit your cup down, watching as they push their way through the crowd to get to the center of the dance floor.
You laugh, shaking your head as you look around to find the bathroom. You frown, not knowing where they were so you walk up to a random person, "Excuse me.. do you know where the bathroom is?"
The girl smiles and nods, "Yeah, there's one down here, right over there." She points, "..and then there's another one upstairs, second or third door on the right I think."
You smile, "Thank you!"
She gives you another smile before you walk to the bathroom that's downstairs. You knock and there's a girls voice on the other side, "Give me a second."
You could hear giggling, from here and someone else. You sigh, knowing that it won't just be a minute. You turn around, making your way to the staircase.
You walk up, turning to the right and silently counting the doors in your head, "Please be open." You mumble as you bring your hand up to knock.
Before your knuckles can make contact, the door swings open and to your shock, Colby is standing there with a smirk on his face, "So we meet again. Nice."
"If I can just pee in peace, please. That would be nice." You cross your arms, nervous to make eye contact. Colby walks out, motioning to you that the bathroom is all yours.
"Can we talk when you're done?"
You stop closing the door and you look up at him, "Why?" He stares at you, "Because I have some things I want to say."
"Mm. I'll think about it." You close the door, locking it as soon as it latches shut. You rest your hands on the sink looking at yourself in the mirror.
"What am I doing?" You mouth weakly to yourself.
Seeing Colby again, has opening up a new feeling.
Or, reigniting past feelings.
You sit down to pee, mind racing as to what Colby wanted to talk about. You knew you couldn't be alone with him, that's just an ingredient to the disaster recipe.
As you stand up, moving over to wash your hands. As you stare at the water running over your hands, you smirk slightly as your mind starts to replay the last time you and Colby had sex.
You gasp quietly - Theo. You dry your hands, pulling out your phone to see texts from him.
That sounds exciting.
You alright?
I might fall asleep, but just call me if you need a ride home or not. I'll wake up. I promise.
Your slightly drunken heart sinks a little as you tap the screen, Sorry babe, I was dancing with Kya and Leslie. I'll call you when we're ready to leave.
You drop your phone back into your bag and give yourself one last look before opening the door.
Colby is still there, leaning up against the wall. He looks up at you and smiles.
You roll your eyes, "You're so fucking persistent."
"You weren't saying that a few months ago." He smirks and you shake your head, "Colby.." you pause, trying not to let your newly old feelings take over, "I have a boyfriend."
"I know, you've said that already.." He pushes himself off the wall and walks over, "A few times actually."
You shake your head, "It's late.. I need to go."
"Can we just- listen. I'm wired right now, and I just need - look, I know it's late, but I saw your face and got inspired t-"
"Inspired?" You laugh cutting him short, "What does that even mean?"
"Inspired to tell you how I really feel."
"About what?" You chew on the inside of your lip as you look up at him. He moves his finger back and forth from you to him and you nod slowly, "Right, right. But where was this when I told you I how I felt?"
"I wasn't.. I wasn't ready for something serious." He admits.
"You mean, you didn't want to be-" you put air quotes, "- tied down."
He looks at you, moving closer, "Look.. I-"
"Colby." You take a deep breath, batting his rising hand away from your face, "I can't.. do this."
"Do what, y/n?" He asks, tilting his head as he crosses his arms, "Come back to me?"
"I'm past that." You mumble, "I can't just.. I have a boyfriend, Colby."
"You keep saying." He nods, "I'm not asking to fuck. I'm asking to just talk to you. Let you know that seeing your face tonight completely changed how I- well, how I thought I felt about you."
You feel your heart thump in your chest as you don't know what to say. Your eyes search the floor as you sigh, "I have a boyfriend, I let what we had in the past go."
He purses his lips, "Did you?" He chuckles, "Because what you did down there..." he shrugs, "To me, that looked like you wanted my attention."
"I'm just having fun with my friends." You lie with a shrug, "Thats all."
"Well then.." he drops his hands, stepping back as he motions down the hall, "I guess you're good to go, then."
"Mm, like I said. Cold hearted." You go to walk away but he grabs your arm, pulling you back. You scoff and look up at him, pulling your arm away from him, "What the fuck are you doing?"
"Look. Y/n. This is probably going to sound wrong, but just give me one minute .. I promise it won't last long."
You stare up at him, silently giving him a minute to talk.
He slowly moves his body closer to yours, "if we can't go back, you know, to the day that I just-"
"Ghosted me?" You ask raising your brows and he nods, "I just thought you'd like to know something."
You look up and back to him. You should just walk away. Go find Kya and call Theo, but it's like you're frozen in time.
Nothing matters right now but listening to what Colby has to say.
"What?" You slowly look up at him and a smirk toys with his lips, "I just thought you'd like to know that he won't touch you like I would."
You snap your head back, "what?"
He nods, backing you up slowly into the wall, hands on either side of your head, "He won't love you like I would."
"Does he know your body? Because I don't think he truly does." Colby's finger gently drags down over your collar bone and you close your eyes at the touch.
"He doesn't know your body, he don't do you right." He chuckles quietly as he tilts your chin up to force you to look at him, "He won't, he can't."
"You don't know him, Colby." You snap, "You know nothing about him."
Colby's eyes scan over your face, "I just know that he won't love you like I would." His thumb rubs over your bottom lip, smudging your lipstick slightly, "It's okay to want me."
"I ca-"
"Cause I want you." He cuts you off, "I know you've been thinking it over.. you can't lie about that. I know the way it ended wasn't the best, but when we were together, in bed or watching a movie.. it was good. So fucking good."
You tilt your head away, "But I'm through, Colby. I'm through with it. From what it seemed, you didn't want to give me what Theo wanted to. A possible future, public appearances. Fuck, Colby."
You lay your palms on your forehead, "Just. Stop. Stop waiting my time. Stop messing with my fucking head." You move your hands, looking up at him, "That's what I mean when I said you were cold hearted. You have no idea what you do to me."
You duck under his arm, walking towards the steps as you try and fix your smudged lipstick when you suddenly stop.
Your mind racing a mile a minute as you try not to give in to the bad things you know you shouldn't do.
"He won't touch you like I would."
"He won't love you like I would."
"He doesn't know your body, he don't do you right."
"I just know that he won't love you like I would."
You turn around, marching towards him, "where was this three, four months ago when I confessed my love for you? What's was all of this when I was ready to give everything to you?" You're standing so close to him you can smell the liquor on his breath, "Huh!?"
"I-I wasn't ready then."
"But you're ready now? Or ready when you seen that I was done being someone you can booty call at two am when you're lonely and want to get your dick wet. I see."
He stands there, looking down at you as you continue, "all of this.. he won't do this he can't do that like you could, what the fuck. What the actual fuck Colby."
"It's the truth." He shrugs, "I don't know what you want me to say. I'm not lying about it." His hand brushes up your arm and your heads both snap to the stairs as you hear people coming up laughing.
He quickly pushes you against a door, opening it as he pushes you into it.
You stand there, watching as he closes it quickly and quietly, flipping the lock on the knob, "Does he know how much you like to be worshiped?"
You clench your jaw.
"Does he know about the little spot on your neck that you just absolutely love when his tongue runs over it?" He steps closer to you, "does he know that two fingers slipping slowly in and out of that pussy teases the ever loving shit out of you, but you love it so much you can't help but to just endure it?"
He walks over to you, "Does he know how much you love to be bent over, being fucked from behind as you get told how much of a good girl you are for taking him?"
He walks up, tilting your head up to look at him, "Does he know your coffee order? French vanilla with two cream, three sugar?"
You can feel your heart beating faster as your eyes begin to burn - colby did pay attention to you.
"Or what about the movie you can never get sick of? Does he watch that with you every time you come over just to see you smile and hear that beautiful laugh?"
"Do you want me to keep going?" He licks his lips, eyes bouncing between yours, "Tell me to stop, and I'll stop."
You say nothing, curious as to what else he has to say.
"Does he know what little things turn you on?" His hand slides down, slowly squeezing the front of your neck, "Does he know what you don't like?"
He tilts his head, "Your silence tells me that everything I need to know."
"What do you know exactly?" You ask quietly, eyes moving to look at him.
"Exactly what I said." He walks you back wards a few steps and you knees buckle as they hit the edge of the bed, "He don't touch you like I did. Know your body like I do. He doesn't love you like I did, like I do."
You sit down, Colby's hand still on your neck, "Like I said. Tell me to stop and I will." He leans in, slowly closing the space between you.
You rest your fingertips on his cheek, your breathing is rapid, "Colby.." Your voice is quiet, "I-I.."
You so badly want to say no, but you feel like you physically cant, "How do I know you're not just saying these things."
He doesn't say anything for a few moments, his hand releases from your neck as he moves down to kneel in between your knees, "Why would I remember everything about you, the way you liked to be touch, a simple coffee order.. if I wasn't going to try and get you back?"
"All the months, the days that went by Colby.. I just.." you tilt your head back, the burn in your eyes returning.
"I- I loved you, Colby." You look at him, your hand moving to lay on the front of his neck. He tilts his head back, still maintaining eye contact with you as you squeeze slightly, "Why did you make me fall in love with you if you were just going to leave me?"
He places his hands on your cheeks, cupping your face, "I was scared. I was scared to open up completely to someone. The more time I spent with you, the more I let my fear get the best of me."
"You could have just told me that." You shake your head, "I don't.. I don't understand what made it so hard for you to-"
"I don't know either, okay." He says cutting you off, "But I'm telling you now. Right here." He pulls you in, his lips brushing against yours, "Right now."
You close your eyes, "But Theo.."
"Screw him, he doesn't know anything about you." Colby shakes his head, "But I know you."
You knew he was right.
You also knew that he knew what you wanted to do.
"Our situationship ended in a disaster, Colby." You laugh slightly as you look at him, "Maybe not for you. And then the whole, what was it, oh.." you roll your eyes, "yeah, the whole hey message right when it got out I was with Theo."
"I hated seeing you with someone else."
"Why?" Your eyes meet his and he rubs his thumb over your cheek, "Because I wanted you to be with me, you're made for me."
His words have an effect on you, and not the I'm lying just to get into your pants effect, but the so this is love effect.
"Do you want me to stop?" Colby asks quietly as he lays his hands on your thighs.
You lay your hands on his, "Are you going to ghost me again?"
"Never." He shakes his head, rubbing his fingers over your skin, "Never again."
You cup his cheeks as you spread your legs open slowly, "Prove it."
He's quick to act, pushing your dress up to lay around your hips as you lay back. You bring your legs up and his grips your thigh, using his other hand pull your panties to the side.
He leans in, pushing his tongue into you with a groan.
You gasp, eyes rolling back as you place a hand on his head. Your leg goes over his shoulder, pulling him closer.
You missed how good he made you feel, more importantly, you missed him.
"Colby." You moan out quietly as you look down at him. He locks eyes with yours, staring up at you as his tongue moves in and out.
He leans back, "I missed you so much." He moves up next to you, lying on his side as he leans down to kiss you.
His hand moves down your body as he gently rubs two fingers up and down your slit before slowly pushing them in.
You gasp, gripping the sheets of the random bed under you, "I missed you." Your hand goes to his cheek as his fingers move slow, doing what you love.
"What did you miss?" He presses a kiss to your forehead, "Hmm."
"You." Your breath shutters as he pushes his fingers in as far as they'll go, "Everything."
"Like what, darlin'?" Colby watches you, biting his lip as you roll your hips against his hand. You moan quietly, "all the ways.. you make me feel good."
"If you come back to me, I can do it everyday." He leans down, kissing down your neck, "Any time you want."
Your lips part as his tongue runs over the specific spot he mentioned, earning a gasp from you.
He smirks, "See, I know you."
He pulls his fingers out, bringing them up to your lips. You part them, eyes on his as your tongue swirls around them.
"You're so beautiful." He bites his lip, "Tasting yourself off my fingers."
You smile, tilting your head back. He grips your chin, leaning down to kiss you before standing up to shrug off his jean jacket.
You sit up, pulling the straps of your dress down your shoulders, "what are you layering up for winter or something?"
He chuckles, "I came here for one thing, and it wasn't to party." He winks as he pulls off his crew neck, "..so I wasn't really worried about dressing for it."
Your eyes scan over his bare torso, "What did you come here for?"
He chuckles, tilting his head as he slips his fingers into the band of his matching sweats, "I think you know."
"Do I?" You tease and he steps out of them, walking over to you. He leans down, moving his body over yours as you lay back, "Why don't I just show you."
Your lips part as the tip of his cock pushes up against you, "Don't be gentle."
"That was my next question." He smirks as he rests his arm under your knee, holding your leg up as he slides his cock into you.
Your brows furrow as your nails dig into his shoulder, "Fuck, fuck." You clench around him, earning a groan from his lips, "Fuck, I've missed how you feel around me."
He leans down, connecting his lips to yours as he slowly pulls out. He thrusts back in, quickly picking up a punishing pace.
He kisses down your neck, moaning into it as your nails drag up his back, "Colby.." you whimper, wrapping your other leg around his waist, "Fuck, fuck."
Colby bites your neck, sucking in a mark that you most likely find until later.
"You're made for me." He groans lowly, "You belong with me."
"I belong with you." You moan out as you lay your hand on his cheek, "I love you. I've always loved you."
His lips meet yours as his arm drops your leg, his hand moving to wrap around your neck, "You've always been such a good little slut for me."
You moan at his words, "always you."
He leans up, hands gripping your hips as he thrusts, "Fuck, fuck. Roll over for me." He pulls out and you push yourself over, moving your hips up.
"That's my girl." His hands run over your ass, sliding up to grip your hips as he moves behind you. He lines himself up, thrusting into you slowly as he leans down.
His lips plant kisses on your shoulder and across your upper back to the other, "I'm never letting you go again."
You grip the blanket, pulling as he pushes his cock into you. You whimper, pushing your hips back, "You feel so good."
Colby slides his hand up your back, making a pony tail of your hair take with his hand.
Your mouth opens, eyes rolling back as he pulls your head back more, "such a good girl." He starts to thrust, slow and hard, "Taking my cock so well again."
You moan, squeezing his cock as he brings you close to orgasm, "Close.. s-so close."
"Go on baby, show me how good I make you feel." Colby's voice is low, "Let me hear those pretty sounds."
A string of moans leaves by our lips as he pounds into you, guiding you through your high. His hand slips around, tightening around your neck, "that's it, baby."
He nips your ear, "So fucking good." He rests his forehead against your head, "You're gonna make me cum."
He leans up, bringing a hand down to smack on your ass. He runs his thumb over the forming red hand print, "Fuck, fuck."
He thrusts grow sloppy, quickly slowly down as you feel him twitch inside of you. 
It's quiet, all but the sound of heavy breathing.
Colby finds something to clean up with, walking over to gently wipe you off, "Are you okay?" He helps you sit up and you smile, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"I didn't mean with us.. I mean.." he purses his lips and your eyes go wide, "Oh fuck, Theo."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Thank you for reading! As always, let me know how you liked it!
Love you all! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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canthelpit0 · 1 month
Pairing: Chris x reader
Wordcount: 3k+
Summary: Chris used to drink back in high school. And now being rich and in his early 20s he started back up again.
Warnings: angst (if u squint), relapse, drinking, alcohol addiction, weed, mentioned drugs, slight use of y/n, Chris pov, (slight) unreliable narrator, model!reader, no smut, kissing
(A/N: possible ooc. I don’t do drugs, so I don’t know how realistic this is.)
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Chris PoV
I feel dizzy.
But I love it, I love this.
I take another sip of my solo cup looking at all the people.
Back in high school I used to drink and smoke, and I even did some drugs at some point. But I had stopped after high school, after all, I thought that I could let loose and have fun, but that after high school that I’d start working.
Having been partying and drinking for my junior and senior year, staying sober for over two days was hard, but in the end I’d managed to stay sober for a whole year.
I wasn’t even the legal age to drink yet anyway.
I started smoking occasionally though, just to hold me off from alcohol.
Somehow we managed to become famous YouTubers, moving out to LA and living our dreams.
But being in LA meant getting invited to all sorts of parties. We usually just said no and that we wouldn’t go, mainly because of my past habits. But after a while our manager started to force us to, to make connections.
However being so close to alcohol, and being offered drinks and blunts all the time was fucking with me.
I started to smoke more, going from around one cigarette every two days to five a day.
It was a common fact that I’m a smoker in our fanbase. And I wasn’t proud of it. It is disgusting. But I would rather do that, before relapse back into my drinking habits. That’s at least what I told myself.
I started to unconsciously get colder towards Nick and Matt. I couldn’t help it.
So when an influencer texted me inviting me to some party, I agreed. I snuck out of the house at night, walked around the corner to the gas station, got an Uber and went to the party.
I put my phone on silent, turned off all trackers and snap map, as well as put it on airplane mode just to be sure.
But deep down I always knew that at the end of the day, if I do manage to get home without Matt’s help, I’ll still be drunk, they’ll know I relapsed.
But at this moment, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is getting drunk tonight.
This is the second drink I’ve had tonight. And I wasn’t even close to tipsy. Maybe I should play some drinking game?
I shrug to myself scanning the crowd of people. All people with faces that look like influencers. If that even makes sense. They just look like they do TikTok.
I shrug to myself. I glance over at the window to the backyard porch, seeing the backs of a few girls sitting there. I can’t see their faces and I don’t care to.
I look down at my drink, seeing the way it’s half empty now. I huff. Bringing the cup back to my lips again, I down the whole cup.
Jake and Johnnie come up to me. I make eye contact with Jake and purse my lips.
It’s a commonly known fact that I smoke tobacco, yes. But to everyone’s knowledge I don’t drink, and have never touched a drink In My life.
Well Matt and Nick haven’t, I never said I haven’t, but I wasn’t exactly open about my past with alcohol either.
Matt and Nick said they’ve never drank, wich is true. Yet I never agreed. I did say on that podcast that I do smoke.
“Yo Chris” Jake greets dapping me up. I give him a weak smile. “Hi guys” I respond with a slight smile.
I wish I didn’t know anyone here and could just get wasted in peace. I’d get wasted at home but I literally can’t buy alcohol
“I didn’t know you drink?” Johnnie asks taking a sip of a water bottle. I don’t know if they drink, all I know is that they’re old enough to. Unlike me.
“Well.” I shrug. I’m still standing in the kitchen so I just put down my empty solo cup for the time being.
“Aren’t you underage tho?” Jake asks raising an eyebrow down at me. He shifts on his feet. He wouldn’t stop me per se, he’d just quietly disapprove.
“Yeah” I shrug. I lick my lips glancing at the half empty beer bottle on the counter. I purse my lips contemplating if I should pour my solo cup full again.
Because on one hand I want to make it seem like this is the first time I’m drinking and that I’m innocent, but then again the temptation is too strong, and before I realize it I’m pouring my cup full again.
Both the boys in front of me were saying something about not drinking too much, but I wasn’t even paying it attention.
“-Just don’t drink too much, right, you can get drunk really fast.” Jake rambles on a smile present on his lips like he thought this was an innocent joke. Not like I just relapsed or anything.
I take a sip from the beer, feeling it burn down my throat. I don’t even make a face at it, if anything I relax more when the taste hits my tongue.
“You handle your alcohol well, wow.” Jake says half joking, having finally stopped his rant.
“Anyway, where are Nick and Matt?” Johnnie asks cutting Jake off before he can start yapping again.
“Home.” I mumble taking another sip.
“Oh why’s that?” He asks back his words questioning as he tilts his head slightly.
His eyes look really dark with the dark eyeliner he’s wearing, in the dimmed room.
“They just didn’t want to come.” I shrug. I feel like I’m being too direct and rude.
It’s funny. Whenever I’m sober, I act more cheery and extroverted. But I don’t feel good. When I’m drunk or drinking it’s the opposite.
“Huh?” Jake huffs questioningly. “Well this is the first time you’re drinking right? Were you planning to, or how did that happen?”
I think he thought that maybe some person gave a drink to me and that’s how I started drinking tonight. Because god forbid I wanted to get drunk and was planning on drinking here because shady parties like this are the only places I can get my hands on alcohol.
“No,” I pause making eye contact with both of them, before my eyes meet the beer in my cup again.
“It’s not.” I shrug.
They glance at each other before looking back at me and I feel their eyes burn through my skin.
“Well, drink responsibly.” Jake says again slowly. He wasn’t going to stop me. They were all for ‘you do you’. And besides it’s not that bad anyway it’s not like I’m alcoholic or something. “And don’t drive.” He chuckled jokingly, winking.
I let a slight smile take over my face. I close my eyes and shake my head slightly, letting out a dry chuckle.
Johnnie waves back at me as they start to walk off into the crowd of people in the living room.
Time flies.
I drink some more, wander around and what not.
I’ve taken a bunch of drugs before. Asides from the obvious like coffee, cigarettes and alcohol, I also used to smoke a lot of weed. I’ve done lsd, cocaine, ecstasy. A lot of ecstasy. And Xanax.
Well I took Xanax kind of on accident in sophomore year. Matt has anxiety, and it used to be really bad so he had prescribed pills to take. And one day I thought they were pain killers and took them.
It made me feel very euphoric but calm and relaxed at the same time. That was the first big deal drug I ever took.
I was never interested in not being sober. But when junior year hit, and I started to go to parties, I tried verity’s kinds of drugs because if the high Xanax put me on was great, how would stronger drugs be.
Tho at the end of the day I did that way less than just drinking.
I look around getting bored of just standing around. I walk out to the backyard porch to get some air. There is a couch in the corner on both sides.
What’s wired about these types of parties is that there are not just influences or that type of people here, but also low ranking celebrities.
Like actors and actresses with low status, up in coming singers, low ranking models and what not.
There is a girl all alone on the couch to my right. I glance at her, scanning her features. Our eyes meet. I’m not as drunk as I was planning to be, but the night is still young so whatever.
She looks like she could be a model. But for all I know she could be a really pretty YouTuber too.
She takes the blunt from between her lips breathing out a puff of the toxic smoke. She was smiling, the weed rolled into a perfect blunt.
“Hi?” She asks. Have I been staring? I purse my lips staring back at her. I kind of forget to respond before I see her raise an eyebrow at me.
“Hey.” I respond simply shifting on my feet to turn to face her. She nods to the couch next to her and I take the hint and sit down next to her.
I take a deep breath in, closing my eyes slightly. The cold LA air feels so good against my burning hot skin.
“You smoke?” She asks offeringthe blunt to me.
I lick my lips slightly. She seems pretty faded, she must’ve been smoking for a while here now.
I look over her features,my eyes taking in every detail.
I him in response, watching the way she holds out the blunt for me. I take it and put it between my lips. As soon as I feel the weed fill up my lungs I can feel my body relax.
I slump back into the couch giving her the blunt back while I breathe out the smoke.
“What’s your name?” She asks putting the blunt back between her lips and smoking it.
“Chris.” I say simply. She hands me the blunt once again. And oh, I didn’t realize we’d be sharing now, but oh well.
“You look like a YouTuber.” She says bluntly, tilting her head at me.
We get that a lot, we look like ‘generic tiktokers’.
I shrug. I turn my face to the side and blow out the smoke before looking back at her and offering her the blunt again. “Maybe because I am?”
She chuckles dryly and takes the blunt. She puts it between her plump pink lips. “I’m y/n” she mumbles around the weed before inhaling again. I watch the way she holds the blunt between her pointer and middle finger.
The way her hands look so delicate. The way her acrylic nails look.
“And what do you do for a living?” I ask rhetorically. A slight grin threatens to spread on my face.
“I model.”
“Never thought models smoke?”
“Well I do.”
She offers me the blunt again.
We talk for even longer. We both seem to be blunt and direct people. there was no messing around and beating around the bush.
After a while silence falls upon us again. This is the second blunt we’d lit by this point. She leans over and puts that blunt out on the ashtray on the couch table.
“You’re pretty you know that.” I blurt out. She sits back raising an eyebrow. Her body is turned to me and she just looks so pretty. If I could have my way and we weren’t at some LA house party right now, I’d eat her out right here on the backyard porch.
“Thank you?” She chuckles. And god how good she sounds.
Her words sound like silk. They flow so well together and her voice 100% fits her face.
While we were talking she said she’s from New York. Wich is great. I love meeting east coast people. There are not a lot in California.
She’s apparently from manhattan. I’d been there before.
She turns to me more and tilts her head teasingly. I lean in my eyes staying locked on hers.
I can’t help the huge grin growing on my face.
“Yeah” I breathe out. By now we’re so painfully close. I put my hand on her jaw holding her in place. I can’t help it when I glance down at her lips for a second.
She does the same tho and looks down at my lips.
So why would I draw out this moment any longer? I crash my lips on hers and feel her immediately react and kiss back.
The kiss is gentle but hard at the same time.
By this point I can barely feel the alcohol in my system, only the weed. And with us kissing that’s all I’m focused on. I can’t think straight, and not because I’m cross faded.
My eyes are shut trying to feel this as much as I can. This feels like a high. Whether that be because I am actually high, or if kissing her just naturally feels good.
I tilt my head slightly in an effort to deepen the kiss, feeling the way her arms wrap around my neck and pull me closer.
My hands go to her waist holding onto her.
But suddenly, before things can escalate, I feel my phone ring.
I pull away slightly our faces still close. I groan in Annoyance. I lick my swollen lips glancing back down at y/n’s that are also plump and kiss swollen.
I pull out my phone from my back pocked seeing Matt’s caller ID.
I purse my lips and hang up the call. I crash my lips back onto y/n’s. She sighs into the kiss and kisses back just as intensely.
But my phone goes off again. We ignore it just continuing to make out.
That is until she pulls away and licks her lips. Our eyes lock again, silence falling upon us, until she breaks it.
“Whoever is calling you really wants to talk.” I purse my lips looking at my phone on the couch between us.
I pick it up with a sigh. I sit back and turn back forward. I pick up the call and it’s Nick.
“Christopher Owen.” I hear nicks pissed off firm voice through the other line.
“Turn your location on right the fuck now.”
I sigh. I take the phone from my face turning off airplane mode and turning my location back on. After I do that I put the phone back to my ear.
“We’ll be there in 5” I hear Matt say loudly. He sounds mildly pissed off too.
“Whatever.” I groan dramatically. Why do they always have to hold me off from having fun.
I was just drinking a little bit. Like I didn’t even get drunk yet.
“Go to the front door, we’re almost there.” Nick says firmly to wich I reluctantly hum an argument.
I hang up the phone after it’s silent. I roll my eyes. I let my hand drop from my face to my lap, still holding my phone. I look over at y/n who is looking at me with a curious expression, but she wasn’t going to push it.
“I gotta go.” I say simply and get up.
I don’t glance back before i open the door inside again. I walk through the crowd of people pushing my way to the front door.
★ ★ ★
I sit at the front porch steps waiting for Matt to pull up.
When he pulls up mere seconds later Nick gets out of the passenger seat walking over to me. He looks more worried than angry.
I reluctantly get up. Nick keeps holding my arm just in case, but I really wasn’t that drunk. Sure I was not walking too straight, but it wasn’t like I was at risk of falling over.
He sits me down in the passenger seat Matt watching.
Nick himself gets into the backseat.
No word is said. Matt pulls into drive and starts to drive down the road. I close my eyes awaiting the eventual questioning and rants and whatever.
“Why’d you relapse?” Matt ask, simply getting straight to the point. Ripping the band aid right off.
“Sorry” I mumble. I open my eyes and turn my head to stare out of the window.
No song is playing, it’s just eerily quiet.
“No. Why did you relapse?” Nick asks his tone more firm. “Yeah you were doing so good” Matt adds with a sigh.
I let out my own sigh at the questions.
I don’t know why I relapsed.
It’s just something about LA that is so tempting. Partying is fun, and so is being drunk.
I’m pretty sure Jake and Johnnie must’ve told them. Somehow. After all, at this party, they were the only ones I actually knew. They must’ve texted or called one of them for some reason, resulting in waking them up.
And as soon as they were awake and checked my bed, they started to call me. Makes sense, whatever.
“Chris, you know, you need to talk.” Nick sighs frustrated.
“Why did you relapse?” Matt asks again glancing over at me for a second before going right back to staring at the road. “Is it the temptations of LA, is it your mental health,” he lists off the top of his head before sighing again. “What is it?”
“Chris we need you to tell us the root cause of this.” Nick says firmly. Honestly i should play drunk and pretend I don’t understand what they want from me, but I think they can tell I’m not legit drunk, just because of the fact that they’ve seen me actually blackout drunk before.
“I don’t know.” I say simply my tone staying low. It feels like my words cut straight through the thick tension in the room.
It’s like a re-opened wound.
“What do you mean you don’t know.” Nick scoffs. He was getting worked up, and I know that. I close my eyes for a second bracing myself.
“We thought you were better.”
We- it wasn’t just Nick that thought I got better, but also Matt, mom, dad and Justin.
“I did too.”
A/N: I hope you guys liked this.. I hope it’s realistic enough. But yeah, this was fun to write, tho I do know that it did kind of drift from the actual theme of the song. Tell me if u guys want a part 2 and my asks and requests are open <3
‼️please don’t copy my work/idea‼️
Taglist: @muwapsturniolo , @sturnad , @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 , @evie-sturns , @me09love , @fratbrochrisgf , @spideylovin , @chrissgirlsstuff , @stunza , @whicked-hazlatwhore , @sturniooolos , @ecliphttlunar , @orangeypepsi , @klaus223492 , @char112244 , @sst7niolo , @slut4chriss , @mattsturniololoverr , @th3-3d3n-g4rd3n , @st7rnioioss , @t1llysblogs , @nonat-111 , @blahbel668 , @rockstarchr1s , @sturnsintrouble , @nayveetbhh , @tillies33ssss , @sturncakez , @strnilo , @somegirlfromasgard , @mattslovelygf , @sturnsmaeve , @sturnstvr , @lucianastrun , @jnkvivi , @jamiesturniolo
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mcondance · 10 months
maannnn i love a good/shy girl and bad boy trope but that could just be my corruption kink talking…like you can’t tell me fontaine wouldn’t be absolutely obsessed
fontaine would be absolutely obsessed.
he first spots you hanging around with yo-yo, this after they all moved down to memphis, and he’s hooked. you heard about what they did back in the glen and though you’re amazed, you’re also kinda scared cause. . this nigga used to be a drug dealer and he still got them aggressive nigga tendencies 😭😭
so one day bout a week or two after he sees you he tells yo-yo and charles that he wanna get to know you. yo-yo’s face immediately scrunches up.
“her? nah, taine.”
“what you mean nah?”
“she kinda. . you kinda rough around the edges, nigga. you might scare her. she come from a good family. ion want her involved in our shit.” yo-yo laughs, shrugging fontaine’s interest in you off. she thinks her words will turn fontaine off.
but charles smiles from across the room at fontaine as yo-yo goes back to studying, cause slick knows fontaine ain’t giving up.
and he doesn’t. yo-yo should have known better than to invite you over and then not be there when you get to the house. when charles sees you outside he disappears into his room, tells fontaine “taine! that girl you was presssin’ yo-yo bout out there!”
fontaine immediately sets his blunt down and checks his face in the mirror, fixes his chain so it hangs just right and makes his way to the living room to open the door and welcome you in.
“yo-yo ain’ here right now,” he calls over his shoulder, and you peep the gold grills sittin' pretty between his even prettier lips. he plops down on the couch, spreads his legs in a way that has you wondering just when yo-yo was gon tell you about her fine ass friend.
“that’s fine. i’ll jus’ wait out here.”
“aight. you smoke?”
“stay right here.”
you watch him walk away, watch his thighs in his lil hoochie daddy shorts, watch his walk that draws you in just a little more than already are, watch him gaze back at you one more time before he disappears into his room, something you definitely did not hallucinate.
tearing your eyes away from the space that he occupied before he made his way into his room, you sink back into the couch and take a breath. you cannot be doing this shit. that’s yo-yo’s homeboy. her fine ass, pretty ass homeboy, who offered you a blunt within 30 seconds of knowing you, who’s dick is definitely big, who yo-yo will just have to understand that you want, who’s coming back out of his room with the blunt and handing it to you to puff first.
fontaine sits closer this time, and chills settle all over your body. even with the weed spreading through you, you’re still a little nervous. shy, even, cause you can feel his eyes roaming your body, glued to the exposed skin of your thighs and the gloss on your lips, your hair and your bracelets— you can feel his eyes on you.
“how long you known yo-yo?” fontaine speaks first, passing you the blunt back.
“‘bout a week after y’all came down here. we met a’work.”
“mhm. you seen what we did?”
“yeah. shit was cool as fuck. y’all doin’ that here?”
“maybe. we think we found som’thin like back in the glen. we’on’t know yet.”
“yo-yo told me how y’all saved her, she said you was ready to fuck them up when she got snatched.” you laugh, eyes damn-near big red hearts as you gaze with heavy eyes at fontaine.
“i was. i care ‘bout her,” he shrugs, handing the blunt back to you.
“‘s sweet.” your tongue is heavy now, and fontaine’s a little close, and you know you shouldn’t want to kiss a man like fontaine but you really do want to.
the blunt’s halfway between your hand and fontaine’s when yo-yo busts through the door yelling “fontaine, nigga i swear to god you better not be in here tryna seduce my girl.” her eyes settle on you, and fontaine, and the blunt, and the smoke in the air and— “goddamnit motherfucker, i told you leave her alone.”
“ian doin’ shit yo-yo. jus’ talking.” he smiles snarkily, golds sparkling, cause everybody in the damn house knows he’s not just talking.
“she right fontaine,” you speak up, though in the front of your mind you wanna give him a chance. but he’s. . different. and you’re nervous. you don’t know if you can fit in with him.
fontaine’s silent. two sets of eyes fall on him.
“‘s whatever.” fontaine gets up, says goodbye and then he’s disappearing into his room.
“you knew fontaine wanted me?”
“yeah. but, you know, that’s fontaine. and you’re you. ion know if you can keep up with him.”
you leave it at that. it’s whatever.
. . well, it’s not whatever. cause why the fuck is fontaine’s mint green pontiac pulling up beside you on your walk home from work.
“what a gentleman,” you joke.
“had to make up for stormin’ off las’ week. i got you some shit.”
“you’on have to make nothin’ up. yo-yo right. we different.”
“and what that mean? that we can’t get to know each other?”
“gon’ on fontaine. you know what yo-yo said.”
“fuck what yo-yo said.”
you’re silent. thinking. contemplating. do you really wanna fuck with this nigga? you don’t know.
“whatever.” you scoff, though you don’t speed up and you don’t want him to drive off.
“jus’ lemme take you home.” you raise your eyebrows and tilt your head at the implications of his words. “your home.” he clarifies, and all it takes is a sigh and a “home. and that’s it.” from you and he’s hopping out of his car opening the door for you.
the ride to your house is fun. between fontaine’s goated ass playlist and the not-so-small talk y’all make, it’s a dream. fontaine’s not that bad at all. he’s a big-ass softie, but he will fuck someone up if they fuck with something he love.
and you’re not that shy when you’re comfortable, not all nervous when you don’t feel you have a reason to be.
when fontaine drops you off at your house, the air in his car hangs heavy with the unanswered question.
“lemme think about it ‘taine.” you speak before he does.
“okay. i think you cool for real. hope you gimme a chance.” he grabs the bag of snacks he bought you and hops out of the car and walks around the front, opens the door for you and walks you to your front door.
“thank you for the ride fontaine,” you smile at him. you don’t know why, but you grip his face and lean forward, and he’s meeting you in the middle and shit, you’re kissing him and he’s kissing you and your bags of snacks is on the ground, and fuck what yo-yo says cause goddamn his lips feel good on yours.
you both pull away. it’s quiet.
“imma take that as a yes.”
“thought you was shy.”
you wish you could hit this nigga in his mouth, but you’re currently between his legs with his dick down your throat, swallowing and gagging and looking up at him with teary eyes, your makeup running down your face.
“you ain’t fuckin’ shy. you nasty.”
you are. you’re nasty when you let him cum down your throat, and you’re nasty when you grind on his face, huffing out breathless laughs at the way he eats you out like he needs your taste to fucking breathe.
“taste so fuckin’ good, got a nigga goin’ crazy.”
you’re nasty when you turn around and prop yourself up on your hands and knees, slurring fontaine’s name while he digs so deep in your guts you see fucking stars.
“tried to hold out on me, give me all that shy shit, but you fuckin’ me like this now. i wan’t even tryna hear allat.”
and you are fucking him, good at that.
“knew from the second i seen yo ass. .” he trails off, too focused on watching where you hold yourself on display for his hungry eyes, on where he disappears into you, on the white ring that appears on his dick every time he pulls out just to sink right back in. you don’t speak, too caught up in how good he feels and how he makes you feel secure enough to take what you want.
and you are nasty. it’s only been a week since he drove you home.
y’all don’t tell yo-yo nor charles, but when yo-yo gets home and you and fontaine are a draped over each other on the couch and charles just smiles when she asks if anything happened, she knows. ain’t shit she can do, though, but shoot fontaine a death stare, one that tells him not to fuck you up. he nods, and she can tell he’s sincere.
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xanaxspritz · 3 months
inspired by frat boys gojo and geto by @chu-cho! part 1.
synopsis: satoru gojo and suguru geto are the hottest frat boys on campus. an unexpected encounter leaves you wondering if you should take a chance.
an: y'all, as i was writing this I saw a horde of frat boys down my street (I live in a college town) and it scared the shit of me lmao
satoru gojo and suguru geto were probably the most two obnoxious boys on the planet.
known as "yin and yang" on campus, the two could frequently been seen hanging around campus crushing soda cans, smoking cherry lime vapes, and breaking hearts. satoru was the loud, cocky one, possessing a douchey aura that made every interaction a fun game of "how many times does he bring up himself?" suguru was the quiet, laid back one, but still equally as smug and annoying as satoru, especially as his enabler. a slick-talkinng charmer, you often find yourself almost letting your guard down around him.
and the two just happen to be in your chemistry 101.
"hey," gojo says sliding into the empty chair next to you. it was the end of the lecture and everyone was rushing to leave the hall. "my friend thinks your really cute," he points over to suguru quietly walking over to you two. out of everyone in the large lecture hall, they chose to bother next to you. wonderful.
"get lost satoru," you roll your eyes.
"c'mon you think I would lie? i would never! honestly, I'm hurt," gojo pouts.
"lay off her satoru," suguru quips, coming behind gojo. "sorry about him."
"don't pretend like you weren't just giving her mad lovey-dovey eyeballs. anyways we're having a party at the frat this friday after finals, wanna come?"
were they seriously inviting you to a party? a frat party at that? you heard crazy things about the ragers Sigma Tau during finals week. you've girls walk out of the giant victorian-style mansion without their shoes, throwing up on the sidewalk drunk out of their minds.
"i think I'm good," you reply going back to your work.
gojo raised an eyebrow. there was not one person on this earth who declined an invitation to the infamous Sigma Tau rager, and you were too pretty girl not to show up.
"thats ok. think about it," says suguru in a reassuring tone. "we would love to see you there though, if you change your mind." he writes down his number and passes it over to you. "satoru, we need to go. we have physics next."
satoru rolls his eyes before winking at you. "we'll see you friday night." he and suguru leave, and you look dumbly at the scrawny numbers on the piece of paper suguru ripped out of his notebook. this was the first time you've ever been invited to any college party, and at Sigma Tau no less.
you can't help but to feel flattered that satoru and suguru specifically invited you, showering you with attention. maybe this party will be cool. you did need to get out of your dorm more often.
you hold on to the note and keep it in your pocket. 2 days later on that friday afternoon you pull out your phone and send a text.
you: hey, what are the deets again?
maybe: suguru geto: hi
maybe: suguru geto: the sigma tau house at 10pm
maybe: suguru geto: im glad you decided to come :)
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lianaloverr · 3 months
I Wanna Be More Than A Friend/Drunken Confessions
Pairing: Colby Brock x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Colby have always had some tension between your friendship, but one night and a party, a drunken Colby confesses his desires.
Warnings: fluff, drinking, smoking, kissing
Word Count: 1.2k
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My gif!
Hiiiii! I’m so sorry i haven’t posted a fiction in a while! I hope y’all still with me! Anyways sit back and enjoy!
“Hey girl you almost ready?” your friend Alexia said from down the hallway. “Yea! I just gotta put on my earrings.” you say.
You and your friend Alexia are getting ready to go to a party set up by your best friends Sam and Colby. You’ve known those since you guys were 16 and still are stuck together till this day. However, you and Colby have chemistry together. Everybody knew had a crush on each other but just never wanted to admit it. Honestly you couldn’t deny you had feelings for him, but u never thought he liked you. You liked him very much, but you didn’t want to ruin the seemingly perfect you guys had if you got rejected.
A tap on your shoulder knocked you out of your thoughts and it was Alexia asking you if you were ready to go. “Girl, you ready to go?” she said. “Mhm yea.”
Colby’s POV
“Hey Sam! What time does the party start again?” I yelled out. “9!” he yelled back. “oh crap I only have 20 minutes to get myself ready.” I say. As i’m getting ready, Sam walks in the room. “Ooo getting a little fancy i see?” Sam says as i’m putting on my rings. “umm i guess so.” i say kinda confusing knowing damn well what i was doing. “Yea.. I know and i’m pretty sure everyone else knows who you’re getting all dressed up for.” Sam says in a suggestive tone. “Uhh who?” i ask. Sam just looks at me like i’m stupid, then he walks out.
I acted clueless but i knew exactly who he was talking about. Y/n has been my best friend and Sam’s since we were 16. We always stuck with each other through thick and thin, she was by our side when Sam had his car crash, she was by our side when I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and made my first song, she was there for most of ur heartbreaks and basically everything. Of course we were there for her too, but we wouldn’t trade her for the world.
She’s amazing. She’s beautiful. She’s helpful. She is quite literally the most perfect girl i’ve ever met. I can’t lie, i’ve had a crush on her for a while, but never expressed it due to fear of rejection, then our friendship be ruined. “Hey Colby, party’s about to start.” i hear Sam say but he walks out of the room before I can look at him. I guess I should start heading downstairs.
Y/n ’s POV
You and Alexia start pulling up into the house’s driveway. Just looking at it for the 1000th time makes you even more proud of your two best friends for how much they worked for it over the years. You see your friend Clara sitting outside smoking a cigarette. Once you get out the car you go over to her and ask her how she’s doing. “Not so great, my boyfriend just broke up with me.” she says. “Oh really? I’m so sorry to hear that girl.” you responded. “Yea, i’m glad I was invited to this party so i can keep my mind off of it. Thanks for bringing it up again.” she looked at you. “Sorry girl.” you say as you walk into the house.
As you step into the house you see a bunch of strobing lights and loud music playing. “Hey girl i’m gonna go find some cute boys, wanna come with?” Alexia says to you as she passes by. “Mm nah. I’m gonna go look for Sam and Colby.” you tell her. “Mkay babe, i’ll be on the dance floor if you need me.” She says as she walks away.
As you walk through the hallways that are drowned in red solo cups and burnt cigarette ash, a guy walks up to you. “Hey, your really pretty, wanna dance?” since you had been looking for Sam and Colby for a while, you thought it would be nice to take a break. “Uh yea, sure!” you say to the boy. He walks you out to the dance floor and you start dancing. “So, what’s your name?” you ask. “Leo, you?” he says. “Y/n.” you respond. “Pretty name.” he comments. As you and the boy are dancing, you can’t help but feel a little bit guilty. You had your eyes on one boy only but it felt like you were giving it up so easily with this dance. Even though you doubted he liked you back, you swore up and down you could see Colby from the corner of your eye, and he looked… jealous? “Hey, i’ll be right back.” you tell Leo. “Oh, okay.” he says.
As you start looking for Colby since he disappeared, you bump into sam. “Have you seen colby?” you ask the blond haired boy. “Oh i think he went upstairs, and hi to you too.” he says. “Sorry, hey sam.” you say as you hug him, he had the smell of alcohol all over him. “see you’ve been having fun.” you tell him. “Oh yea” he laughs. “Well i’m gonna go find Colby, see ya later.” you say. “Adios!” Sam says and you chuckle.
As you walk upstairs, you hear the music dying down as you head further. Upstairs, you check every room to find Colby, but he wasn’t there. The last room you didn’t check was the game room. When you walk in, you see a Colby downing bottle after bottle. “Hey Colby! Are you trying to kill yourself?!” you say as you take the bottles away, including the one he was drinking. “Why do you care?” Colby says slurring his words. “Of course i’m gonna care, you’re my best friend.” you tell him. “I wish i was more.” he says. “….. What?” you ask. “You heard me.” he says. “Colby, you’re just drunk.” you say, not believing him. “No, I know exactly what i’m saying. Y/n, i’ve been in love with you since.. forever. You so perfect and much too good for me. You’ve just always been there and it makes me fall even harder.” he confesses. “.. Colby.” you whisper. “What i’m trying to say is, I wanna be more than a friend.”
You flutter your eyes open as you see sunlight flooding into the room. as you yawn and think about what happened, you turn to the other side of the bed and see a passed out Colby shirtless and hair ruffled up. As you sit there admiring him, he wakes up and looks at you. “What happened last night?” he asks in a deep, sleepy voice. “Drunken confessions.” you respond. “What?” he says. “Colby, i like you. Scratch that, I think I love you. you everything I need in life and i think we would be the perfect coup-“ before you could finish, you feel a soft pair of lips land on yours. It feels like heaven, but the heaven doesn’t last long when he pulls away. “Y/n?” he says. “Hmm?” you ask. “Will you be my girlfriend?” he asks you. “Of course Colby.” you respond. When you say that, he grabs your hips and pulls you to spoon him. you lay like that until you both drift back off to sleep.
Hiii! I hoped you liked my story! I’m sorry it took so long for it to come out, didn’t know what to write about a love story lol. Thank y’all for sticking with me. Byeeeee!!!
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queen-of-deans-booty · 9 months
Right After All
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~800
Warnings: none
Summary: Your twin sister throws a party and invites her hot boyfriend and his brother. You're nothing like she is, and Dean sees he might have chosen the wrong sister.
Square Filled: tattoo (2021) for @spndeanbingo​
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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You’ve never seen your house so crowded before. Your twin sister invited everyone she knew to a housewarming party that turned from a few friends to a full-blown frat house. You’re more of an introvert while your twin is a severe extrovert. She needs to be around people to feel most comfortable while you can stay in your room all day either reading or playing video games.
It's only for one night, Y/N. Enjoy it and mingle.
The backyard is filled with people playing in the pool, smoking God only knows what, and playing on the mini basketball court your dad installed years ago. Inside the living room, people are playing ‘spin the bottle’, playing beer pong, and dancing to whatever music they put on. No one should be going upstairs, but you could have sworn you saw two people go up there in the midst of the chaos. 
The kitchen is the only place where there aren’t a lot of people because the kitchen isn’t that big anyway. There are a few getting drinks, but they quickly leave to rejoin the party.
The only people you’d love to converse with are your twin, her boyfriend, Dean, and his brother Sam. You’ve known them ever since they started dating a year ago. She doesn’t treat him like how he deserves, but you try to stay out of their relationship. She’s into partying, drinking, hooking up with Dean, and always spending whatever money he makes.
It sucks knowing he’s a good guy and seeing him get treated like trash.
You grab whatever alcohol is on the table and pour yourself a simple drink. Sam walks in with an uncomfortable smile on his face.
“You okay?” you chuckle.
“Yeah. I guess some girls don’t know the word ‘no’.”
“Yeah, they’re my sister’s friends. Sorry about that.”
“I can handle it,” he shrugs. “How’s school going?”
“One more year and I graduate! I’ve got an internship at the hospital this summer that will help me get a job there. How’s hunting going? I can’t imagine it’s ever good.”
“We’re managing. We got some hunters under our belt that are training so we don’t have to respond to every case.”
“That’s good. You know, I’d love to come over and see this Bunker of yours. I’ve only ever heard you talk about it. You’re making me think it’s a mythical place.”
“Yeah, we’d love to have you and Clarissa over some time.” Dean comes stumbling into the kitchen with a drunk grin on his face. “And I’m out.”
“Hey, Dean. You doing okay?” you ask.
“Never better, sweetheart.”
Dean walks over to you and pulls you into him. Before you have a chance to object, he plants his lips on yours. You’ve thought about this moment since you met Dean, but this isn’t right. He licks your bottom lip to get access inside your mouth, and you’d like to let him in but you don’t.
“Baby! That’s not me, dumbass!” your twin screeches from the kitchen door.
“What?” Dean asks and pulls away from you.
She rolls her eyes and grabs her boyfriend’s arm to drag him away. Dean might not remember this moment, but you will for the rest of your life. You were going to make a move, but your sister got to him before you could. You never said anything to Dean for fear that it’ll ruin their relationship to the point where you couldn’t see him anymore.
It’s better to have him around as a friend than not have him around at all.
Suddenly, this party has turned into a box with walls that keeps getting closer and closer to you. No one noticed you leaving the party until it was over. Some people crashed wherever they could sleep because they were too drunk to drive, leaving you to pick up their mess. Sam is in the backyard cleaning up what he can while you’re in the living room.
You look up and see Dean by the stairs. Clarissa isn’t anywhere near him which means she’s probably passed out somewhere.
“Did you enjoy the party?” you ask and stuff red solo cups into the black trash bag.
“Yeah, I did. Your sister throws a helluva party. Let me help you.”
“I don’t---” He’s already picking up empty glass bottles and red cups. “Do you remember anything about the party?”
“You mean besides that kiss we shared?”
“Listen, no harm no foul, okay? We can just forget about it. You probably will in the morning.”
“I wasn’t drunk.”
Dean walks over to you, backing you up into the large unlit fireplace.
“I knew what I was doing,” he whispers. “You know the difference between you and your twin? You have that pretty little tattoo right here.” Dean leans closer to your neck where you have a single rose tattoo right behind your ear. He brushes your hair away and plants a single kiss on the rose. “She doesn’t have one.”
He knew what he was doing. He kissed you on purpose knowing you were you and not your twin. What does this mean for you and him? For him and Clarissa? Dean pulls away from you and puts some distance between you and himself. Right before he leaves the room, he winks at you.
Maybe you and him are right after all.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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winstonsns · 6 days
Separate please!!
The gang reacting to the youngest of them,reader probably 12, who's usually tough and never crying or showing tons of emotion besides energetic choas, hiding alone and sobbing? Like full on sobbing tears and snotty.
the gang finds child!reader crying
authors note: this preference is strictly platonic, so absolutely no romance between reader and the gang. i’ll work on another request later today! anyway, hope you enjoy and thank you for sending this ask! 💗
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includes ponyboy, johnny, soda, darry, dally, two-bit and steve
word count: 2.5k
warnings: cussing, fighting, lying, stealing, smoking, talks of depression and suicide, death
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when pony was in eighth grade and you were in fifth, the two of you went to the same school
he always knew you were smart, like him, but made irrational and stupid decisions
sometimes you rushed through things, you were stubborn and hardly showed emotion to anyone
the two of you started hanging out, and he invited you to be with the gang when you became older, in sixth grade
you were known to get good grades, no one knew how you did it and everyone suspected you were cheating
you were. you stole, lied, smoked, dated, fought, etc
pony knew this, him and his brothers would always manage to get you out of trouble since you were young and didn’t have good parental figures
until you got into a fight with a soc in your class, who bullied you relentlessly
you broke her femur and the police were called, and you weirdly enough and unreasonably were let go
you walked to pony’s house since you stayed there, you knew your parents didn’t give a shit about whether you were with them or not
pony and his brothers greeted you, you gave them a quiet “hello” and walked to the bathroom
they realized something must’ve been wrong since you were normally energetic, but you were quiet
as soon as you closed the door to the bathroom, you started bawling
you wondered why you hurt that girl, why you did all the bad things you did, how you were sorry, and how all you wanted was for someone to care for you enough to discipline you
pony heard your cries and knocked on the door, asking “hey, y/n..? i know you’re probably not doing the best right now but can we talk? i think you really should—”
you opened the door, just for pony to see your face red and your shaking body, struggling to make eye contact
he slightly crouched down to your level, saying “hey.. how about we go to my room so we get privacy and maybe we can talk about what’s happening? okay?”
you nodded and walked with him to his room, closing the door behind you
you sat on his bed and he sat next to you, he asked you what’s going on since you never cry and always seem fine
you answered with, “i-i don’t know what’s wrong with me and why i’m so fucked up.. i’ve done terrible things and i don’t know why im just realizing it now— i broke that girls damn arm, that’s too far. she-she hardly even did anything..” and pony listened the whole time
he told you “you’re not a bad person for doing those things, and everyone makes mistakes, it’s fine. you’re a kid, still learning, hell, i’m still learning. you can’t take back what you did, but you can always do better in the future..” he hugged you but you were still crying
he soothingly rubbed your back and grabbed your favorite book, that he bought so he could read to you
you lay down on his bed, still sniffling and zoned out
he lay on the bed and started reading to you
he saw your eyes fluttering and closing, causing you to fall asleep
he then realized you were going through much more than anyone knew, more than anyone should go through, especially at your age
he looked at you, fast asleep with tear marks on your cheeks
he knew you as the young one in the gang, who was undoubtedly the most reckless one
you fought, smoked, drank, etc
you were loud, could sometimes get annoying, and the most stubborn person he has ever met
and one day your fighting went too far, to the point of being hospitalized
some random kid started swinging at you, so you swung back and one of his friends fucking shot you
a car passed by and took you in, driving you to the nearest hospital
after the surgery, you no longer had a bullet in your chest, which was dangerously near your heart
you were lucky to survive, but you didn’t think that
the gang came to visit you, johnny was the first one
he came into your room, hearing sniffles and gasps of air, you were having a panic attack
he didn’t even know you had those, so he walked in and calmed you down
talking to you softly and comforting words helped you ground yourself
but you were still sniffling, tears still streaming down your face, saying, “i always wanted to die, johnny. i didn’t wanna live anymore, there was no point, why do i have hope now?”
johnny knew how you felt, but didn’t say it
he knew deep down that you would be able to deal with it, and tomorrow you would act like nothing had happened
but he just sat down on your bed, and you talked to each other about the others problems
he said people would mourn your death, and you’re too young to leave
you understood and said you didn’t want to talk about it anymore, so he went to the store and got you some candy and a get better card
since you were always an energetic child, people never thought you had any problems
you were sitting on a bench once, near the lot
you hoped no one would see you, you were out in the open since you didn’t know where to go
none of the curtis brothers were home and your parents didn’t care enough to let you in the house
you didn’t know why you were crying, you just were and you didn’t have a reason for it
you just couldn’t identify why you were feeling how you were feeling
staring at the grass, you mumbled “stop crying,” put your head in your hands, and again, mumbled, “stop crying..”
your leg was bouncing since you were anxious, didn’t want anyone to notice you were crying
soda was walking home since he decided not to drive to work today, then he saw you on the bench with your head in your hands
“y/n?” he asked you, you looked up and he asked what you were doing there
sitting on the bench next to you, he asked if you were okay, and you broke down even more
“i just don’t know what’s wrong with me. i always act like everything’s fine and that i don’t feel things but i really do. i’m sensitive and i care but i act like i don’t— i feel so terrible but i don’t know why, and… i don’t know…”
soda listened the whole time, and he knew how you felt, but tried to comfort you
you kept sniffling and whimpering, could hardly breathe and didn’t look at him in the eyes
he gave you advice, telling you it’s okay to not know why you’re upset, and you might be extra sensitive since you didn’t know why
you agreed with him, and it was silent
he asked if you wanted to walk home with him so you could stay the night, and you said yes
as the two of you were walking to his house, he patted you on the back and said, “you’re a damn good kid. and you might not believe it, but you have a good heart.”
you appreciated what he said, so you looked up and smiled at him
he knew you would get in trouble a lot, you were always energetic and chaotic
one day he got called into the police station, saying you were gonna have to stay there until someone picks you up, so you gave them darry’s number
you were in your own cell since you were a child, but an officer was near to keep you safe
dally drove over to the police station, you were put into a room with a table in the middle, like a questioning room
your hands weren’t cuffed to the table, the officers wanted you to have a free range so you can feel safe
when he arrived, the officers brought him into the room, where you had your head in your hands, red face, sniffling, and tear marks on your face
he sat down across from you, however you didn’t say a word to him
you kept looking down at the table and your sniffling continued
“i know you’re going through a lot right now, but you can’t go around stealing shit from people. i’m close to being done with your attitude, and you need to act more mature. i’m being hard on you because i care, and i know you may not see that.” he said
you listened, apologized quietly and nodded your head
the police officer in the room said to go home and to not get in any more trouble
the car ride home was awkward, you were still sniffling but stopped crying
when he drove you to his house, since you stayed there sometimes, and when the two of you got out of the car and walked into the house, no words were exchanged
but he wrapped his arms around you into an embrace, and patted your back, motioning you to go to the room you slept in
dally knew you and saw you kind of as himself
so he protected you as well as he could, he knew he needed someone to act as a parental figure when he was younger
he acted like he didn’t give a shit about you, but he cared about you the a lot
he knew you were tough but he also knew he was going through shit at your age, so you probably were too
and when he saw you in his room, above bucks bar, crying and snot dripping down your fucking face, you trying to wipe it off with tissues, he knew something bad must’ve happened
he rushed over to you, you were on his bed, and he asked you why you were there and what happened
you could tell there was genuine concern in his eyes, he went down to eye level so you could really see him
you told him “i get so angry all the time and it’s making me feel like a bad person. i don’t know why im just realizing now, this is why no one wants to be around me, i always ruin every relationship i make—“
he interrupted you and said, “hey, hey, you’re not a bad person.. it’s fine to get angry sometimes, it’s just an emotion, everyone gets angry sometimes, but you need to be careful since you could get in trouble while doing those so-called bad things.”
he kept eye contact with you the whole time, trying to make sure you understood
after you were quiet for a bit and stopped crying, he asked you, “you wanna go to dairy queen..? huh?” and smiled, patted your knee
you looked up at him slightly and smiled back, nodding
the two of you walked out to buck’s car, and he drove you to dairy queen
he got you whatever you wanted :)
you and two-bit were walking down the street, just taking shit from people while having a conversation with each other
and while you were trying to to take a wallet out of someone’s purse
she caught you and grabbed your wrist, her daughter staring at you
the mother started screaming at you, “you brat! why the hell do you think you’re entitled to my money, huh? are you that desperate, you dumb—“ all while her daughter was looking at her mother in fear
two-bit talked to her calmly but somewhat angrily, “you don’t know shit. first off, you’re not making a good example for your daughter. and second, you don’t yell at a fucking kid. you still have your wallet and your damn life, which you’re lucky to still have. this kid doesn’t know fucking know any better..”
he looked back to see you storming away, speed walking on the streets
he ran from the mother and daughter to catch up to you, seeing you wiping your eyes since you were crying
he told you not to listen to the mother, she didn’t know anything and you were in some ways more mature than an adult like her
you didn’t respond, so he told jokes
most of it was pointing out socs on the streets that looked like crap or were doing weird things
you giggled at some of them, to the point where your eyes were still red and you were sniffling, but you were feeling better
steve didn’t always have it the best at home, and neither did you
the two of you bonded over it, talking about funny or sad or weird experiences that happened in your homes
and one day you were talking a lot, as you always did since you were talkative and energetic
your mother had yelled at you, with hate and anger towards you, just for being yourself
calling you useless and annoying, talking about how pathetic and stupid, how selfish you were, etc
you didn’t talk back since it wouldn’t change her mind, it wouldn’t take back what she said
you stared at her with no emotion ,then walked out like nothing happened
you were walking to the DX since it was near the time steve would get off
halfway to the store, your lip started trembling and your throat tightened up
so you bawled for around 10 minutes, and still bawling when you arrived at the DX
steve was walking towards you and waved, you didn’t wave back but he knew you noticed him
he sped up towards you once he saw you were crying, so he asked you what was wrong, the two of you started walking back to the curtis house
you told him about your mother, how you suddenly started to feel bad about living and being how you naturally were
you wanted to change but didn’t know how
he didn’t know how to comfort you since he never was comforted by anyone in his life
he only knew to tell you that you weren’t a fuck up, and you’re the best just the way you were
you gave a weak smile to him, occasionally starting small talk at certain points on the sidewalk
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authors note: sorry i didn’t post on friday! i was occupied the last few days with school and after school activities 🎀
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mariacallous · 6 months
Several years ago, I invited my new boyfriend to Yom Kippur at my aunt’s house. He didn’t need convincing – I think he adored my family early on – but to entice him further I made sure he knew what was on offer.
Bagels. Cream cheese. Lox.
Let’s just say he showed up on time. I knew my aunt would be thrilled when he devoured the pickled herring. (He earned similar accolades when he asked for seconds of gefilte fish at Passover.)
Jewish food, he says, is just a hop, skip and a jump from the Scandinavian food he grew up with. “It’s like the foods of my people. Foods of your people, foods of our people.”
Apart from being poetic, it was a very Jewish thing for him to say.
Now my husband, Brad is definitively non-Jewish by all religious standards. His father was raised in a big Irish Catholic family and his mother, raised in the Midwest, is of Scandinavian descent. He was the first non-Jewish person I’d met with his own proclivity for pickled fish and smoked salmon.
Among the items he always kept in his pantry — before he met me and still today — are tinned fish and Triscuits, often eaten as a meal. He and I have been on a year-long journey of finding the best “real rye bread” within driving distance in the greater Metrowest area of Boston. (Haven’t found it yet.)
To say that he embraces all things Jewish is obvious. That he loves me is only part of the reason; another is the food. 
My grandmother always had enough food to feed an army, no matter whether it was Shabbat, Passover or Tuesday. I watched as Brad became accustomed to the foods we loved and the leftovers we take pride in sharing: the containers left on the table after Yom Kippur for extra brisket, the paper bags for challah and rugelach.
But he’s taught us about food, too. Our family text chain is called “Smashburgers Unite” because of my family’s newfound favorite meal, brought to us by my husband. A better cook than I (a generous understatement), he loves cooking projects. 
At that point, my biggest cooking project I’d taken on was making latkes for Hanukkah.
It had been my job for years. I’d shove the potatoes in the Cuisinart, wring them out as best I could, and do my best guesswork with how much egg, matzah meal, onion and salt should go in. Then I’d stand at the stove and fry them, the kitchen filling with that wonderful greasy-spoon smell, as the rest of my family arrived. I laid them out as they were done, always in an inadvertent ombre from light to dark as the oil, and my patience, decreased. 
So for Brad’s first Hanukkah with us, I told him — who once made a BBQ for 40 people with no help from anyone — that I (and, by proxy, he) was in charge of latkes.
“Cool,” he said. His indifference both alarmed and relieved me. 
“It’s more work than you think,” I said.
I should have known he’d have better tricks  for peeling massive amounts of Russet potatoes and draining their water (cheesecloth! The man I’m dating owns cheesecloth?!), adding cornstarch to help the eggs adhere better to the mix, and adding enough salt so they actually tasted good. He added seasonings like zaatar, onion powder and garlic powder. He showed me how to wait until all the oil – way more than I was used to adding for frying – was shimmering, and to be patient while each side cooked.
I think he wanted to add a shallot.
“It’s not traditional,” I said.
“So?” he said.
He had a point.
The latkes that year were a hit. My family made sure he knew that it was now his task for life. They were joking, but they were also serious.
I knew he was about to take this latke-making to the next level. On the way home, he thought up different flavor combinations, like adding dill and black pepper, and what if we fried them in schmaltz – we’d have to roast a chicken first; store-bought schmaltz wouldn’t cut it – and what if we added cayenne, and what if we used different root vegetables, like turnips and rutabagas, and what if made a sweet potato version?
I was exhausted just thinking about it. The latkes take a great deal of effort, and I don’t have the same love of cooking that Brad does. Where he sees opportunity, I see how long it will take to clean up. 
Maybe we buy shredded potatoes, to make it easier? I suggested. 
But no: Everything from scratch, no shortcuts. Our first year in our new home together, we made them in our kitchen. He shredded the potatoes, I wrung them out. He set up three bowls with different seasonings and spices. I spooned them into balls, and we’d take turns at the stove, frying, flipping, frying again. We ate several between us right away – impossible not to. Yes, it was an hours-long process. But the pride I felt at bringing them home, measured by the silence while people ate and ate, was unmatched.  
I learned that the effort, the planning, the execution: it’s  a way of showing love. The energy we put into the latkes as a team made me feel closer, somehow, to the holiday and to my Jewish roots.
That first meal of jointly-made latkes also included my mom’s brisket. Over dinner, the conversation turned to other traditional Jewish foods like corned beef and pastrami. Brad pointed out that they were both brisket, just made different – something we hadn’t really ever thought about. 
He mentioned he could make a pastrami. 
Our eyes widened. 
“It’s just a matter of brining it…then smoking it…” 
So we’re in charge of both now: latkes and pastrami. 
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gumisgirlfriend · 5 months
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PAIRING:: fem!reader x college au stoner megumi fushiguro
SUMMARY:: after being invited to your first smoke sesh with your friends, you green out, and megumi helps you out once again.
WARNINGS:: MINORS DNI or you get blocked :3 weed usage.
“Damn, that sorority house punch..”Maki mutters before heaving into the toilet. You hold her hair up, rubbing her back soothingly. 
“Yeah, maybe you should go a bit lighter on the drinking next time.” you mutter, pursing your lips.
“Yeah, you’re a total lightweight, Maki.” Nobara teases, leaning on the counter smugly.
“How am I the one throwing up right now?! You drank more than I di-“ Maki interrupts herself with another heave into the toilet, her grip tightening on the seat. 
“I guess I’m just cooler than you are.” Nobara says with a grin, applying a layer of mascara. You roll your eyes.
You sigh annoyedly, “Nobara, quit teasing her. And Maki, quit talking, it’s not helping you.” You mutter, patting Maki on the back. 
Nobara continues to study herself in the mirror, batting her eyelashes, “Whatever. Anyways, how did you get home? I thought you’d be coming home with us.” 
“I decided to go home early. Your friend gave me a ride. I think his name was.. Megumi?” You feign a loss of memory, but in reality he was all you could think about from the moment you fell asleep, til the moment Maki woke you up from the sounds of her dry heaving in your shared bathroom. At the mention of his name, the look in Nobara’s eyes change. 
“Oh, is that so?” she says, a slight grin tugging at the corners of her lips.
“How kind of him.” There’s a hint of something else in her voice. Sarcasm? Jealousy? You can’t put your finger on it.
Suddenly, feel a buzz come from your back pocket, so you quickly pull your phone from the pocket of your jeans, your other hand occupied with Maki’s hair. Your heart beat quickens as you read the notification:
“I would remind you of what I said last night, but you probably don’t remember.”
“Glad I could help, I guess.”
Your hands tremble and you can barely type back with your thumb, holding the phone with one hand and almost dropping it onto Maki’s head as she throws up another load of alcoholic punch and the sorority houses’ charcuterie board cheese and crackers.
“no, i remember it just fine! :)”
“just thought i’d say so anyways, cause i would feel wrong if i didn’t!”
Nobara notices a giddy smile spread across your cheeks, and her brow furrows. “Who’re ya texting?” she asks, reaching into her makeup bag for her eyeliner as her gaze turns back to the mirror.
“Just thought I’d thank Megumi for giving me a ride last night.”
She raises her eyebrows, scoffing. “Knowing him, he’d probably say something like ‘don’t thank me! it doesn’t matter!’” she says, mimicking him in a high pitched voice.
You chuckle lightly. “You guys have known each other since high school, right?” you ask as Maki raises her head from the toilet.
“He told you?” Nobara shifts her gaze back to you.
Maki wipes her mouth with a paper towel, groaning. “They dated for a while in high school. Didn’t go over well, though.”
Nobara’s eyebrows furrow with annoyance, “It went over just fine, Maki.” she retorts. “We’re still friends, you know.”
Maki turns to you, mouthing to you behind her hand, “Still not over him.”
Nobara huffs and aggressively applies a second layer of mascara, “We’re better as friends anyways.” 
“Mhm…” Maki hums with a knowing smile, shooting you a glance as she puts her glasses back on. She lets out a sigh of relief, “I think that’s all of it, finally.” She stands up to stretch, playfully nudging Nobara over to wash her hands.
Your phone vibrates again after five minutes in your pocket and you quickly whip it out again.
“Wow, how noble of you 😐”
You can’t help but grin as you start typing back to him.
“i’d argue that you’re the more noble one here 😒”
And almost immediately, he responds.
“It was nothing noble. If I hadn’t stepped in, who knows what would’ve happened.”
He’s right. Your mind races with dark thoughts of all the possibilities that could occur if he hadn’t helped you, but you quickly shake the thoughts away. He texts again:
“You’re not indebted to me. Just don’t wander around a party alone next time.”
You shake your head and sigh.
“well, whatever, i just wanted to let you know i appreciate what you did! :))”
“Yeah. Just lmk if he tries to fuck w you again, k?”
“i will! &lt;;3”
You stuff your phone back into your pocket, looking into the mirror to see your cheeks flushed red. 
“Anyways, we’re hanging out later if you want to join.” Maki says, patting you on the shoulder. 
“With who?”
“Nobara, Yuji, Megumi, a few of our other friends.” She grabs a pair of shoes haphazardly thrown in the middle of their dorm room, sliding them on. 
You nod with a smile, “Yeah, I can come after my afternoon classes.” 
Maki nods back, “Sweet. We’re heading to their apartment. We can pick you up if ya’ need.” She slides on a hoodie and fixes her crooked glasses.
“That would be nice. 5:00 sound good?” 
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Before you know it, 5:00 hits and you’re standing outside your dormitory building, all dolled up in a pretty blouse with jeans and your hair nearly done. Unfortunately, you are self aware, and you already know why you put so much effort into looking nice..
While you’re lost in thought, a mini-van pulls up to you, the windows rolling down. “Hop in, girl!” Maki shouts out the window as one of the doors open, motioning for you to get in. 
Awkwardly enough, you’re forced to squeeze in right next to your black-haired savior. The van is filled to the brim with people, a few students you’ve seen on campus and some you haven’t. It’s loud and stifling. You cross your legs uncomfortably, trying to give you and him more space, but your arms still touch. He slouches, leaning his head back as he slides in his airpods to drown out the sound of the others talking. You take a deep breath in an effort to quell your heartbeat racing.
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“You got the shit ‘Gumi?” Yuji asks, clapping Megumi on the back before kicking back onto the beaten-up couch. The apartment is littered with wrappers, energy drink cans, random guitar picks, band posters, and stickers. A few skateboards are hung up on the wall for decoration, as well as an expensive looking guitar.
Megumi sighs, reaching into the compartment beneath the coffee table in front of him. “Sure do.” he says monotonously. He pulls out a pack of pre-rolls and a lighter, kicking the compartment closed. 
Maki nudges you with her elbow, “You’ve smoked before, right?” she asks, raising her brow. 
You scoff, “Pfft, yeah. Of course.” You lie blatantly, almost entranced as Megumi puts the pre-roll between his lips and lights it effortlessly. 
Maki squints at you, “Whatever you say, girl.” 
You watch anxiously as they pass it around, tapping your fingers on your leg eagerly. Eventually it comes around to you, and you can barely hold it with your shaking hands. You lift it to your lips, taking a puff and immediately choking on the hot air, feeling your throat burn and itch, before breaking into a coughing fit. Maki chuckles, rubbing your back.
“Never smoked before, huh?” Yuji says teasingly with a grin as you pass it around to him. You give up on keeping the lie up, smiling awkwardly. “That’s fine. Just.. don’t puke on me, please.” He says jokingly before taking a hit, smugly blowing a few o’s out at you.
The roll goes back around, and Nobara and Maki share a few anecdotes about their first experiences with smoking, explaining that Nobara was the one who threw up on Yuji by accident once. After passing it around once or twice again, Megumi lights another.
“Probably best you sit out on this one.” Nobara comments, gesturing to you as the pre-roll reaches her. You nod, noticing that your head feels like it moves much slower. You shift anxiously in your seat, feeling as the effects start to hit you.
Maki points and laughs at you, “Holy shit, look how red her eyes are getting.” The group breaks into laughter, and Maki nearly falls off her seat, making you laugh along with them.
Megumi sits comfortably relaxed on his couch, stonefaced as he smokes another by himself. He catches you staring, lifting his brow, and your cheeks flush. “If you’re wondering why I’m having another,” He pauses to take another inhale off his roll, blowing it away from you. “‘takes me a lot more than you guys to get a buzz.” he says nonchalantly, tapping off some ash on the tray on his lap. You nod with a wide smile, pretending that you understood what he just said, but your mind is buzzing too loudly, and every word just went in one ear and out the other.
The group shares stories and inside jokes, occasionally everyone breaking into uncontrollable laughter, but you feel your vision begin to stir, as if everything is in stop-motion, and you start to breathe heavily. Everything grows louder, and your eyes sting with tears.
Almost as if he appeared through thin air, Megumi stands in front of you, holding out his hand. Without a second thought, you take it.
“Hey, everything okay?” Maki asks, tilting her head with concern. You can’t form the words to respond, and suddenly feel a burning sensation in your throat.
“Don’t worry about her. I’ll take care of it.” He purrs reassuringly, his arm resting on your shoulder as he leads you to the main bathroom. 
You immediately kneel over the toilet, and he follows suit, gently holding your hair back as you heave into the it. A slow, comforting hand rubs your back, and when you slightly turn your head to catch a glimpse of him, you swear you see a look of sympathy. In a mere second, you’re back to vomiting into the toilet, his hand massaging slow circles up and down your spine. “You’re gonna be okay..” he murmurs. He sighs as he sits down cross legged beside you, leaning his back on the counter as he holds back your hair. 
“Today’s truly come full circle..”, you think. Now you’re the one throwing up.
After a minute or two of throwing up, you lean your head back up, confident that you’ve already spilled your whole stomach. He pulls a rag from under the sink, wetting it with water. You groan, turning your face away from him ashamedly. “Hey, let me clean your face.” he says, trying to turn your face so he can wipe off anything remaining on your face, but you refuse.
“N-No..” you mutter, shaking your head. “I-I look awfull..” you say as tears spill down your cheeks uncontrollably.
Megumi rolls his eyes, grabbing you by the chin, but you don’t feel like you have the strength to fight back. “I don’t care how you look.” he says annoyedly, cleaning up the area around your mouth with the rag. “Besides.. you look fine.”
 You pout at him as tears stream down your face, and he wipes them away with his thumb. “H-How did you know?”
The corner of his mouth quirks into a slight grin. “I’ve smoked with people enough times to know when it looks like they’re about to puke.” He holds you by the jaw, wiping off your lips. “I’ve had to clean people up loads of times. This is nothing.” He says as he tosses the rag into the sink. He sighs heavily, “You think you’ve got everything out?” he asks as he holds onto the counter to stand up, holding out his hand. You nod silently and hold onto his hand as you stand up, and he helps you back onto the couch of the living room. 
Everyone’s too preoccupied playing a loud game of Uno, except for Nobara, who shoots you a quick dirty look, but you forget it in a matter of seconds. Megumi sits you beside him, kicking back on the couch again. “Hey, you wanna join us ‘Gumi?” Yuji asks, waving a few of his cards at him.
Megumi shakes his head, “I’m good. Gotta make sure this one doesn’t get sick again.” he says, shifting his gaze to you. You look away, embarrassed.
After spending about an hour miserably lounging on the couch while your friends play all sorts of games, Maki taps you on the shoulder, “You planning on staying over with us tonight?” she asks, nudging you in the rib.
You shake your head, “No.. I’m not feeling too hot.” you murmur, eliciting boos from Yuji and Maki. 
Megumi grumbles, “Don’t let them peer pressure you. I can give you a ride home, if you’d rather not stay.” he offers, scrolling idly on his phone. 
You nod, accepting the offer. You check the time, and it’s already 8:00. 
“We should leave now then.” He grabs his keychain off the coffee table, waving to the group before leading you outside to the car. As you pull out of the driveway, you can’t help but feel an overwhelming surge of guilt.
You stare out the window, avoiding his gaze as your mind continues to stir with intoxication. 
“I feel like I owe you.” you mutter, sneaking a quick glance at him before turning away again. He rolls his eyes.
“Really?” he says blankly, glaring back at you. You nod, frowning.
“You’ve done so much for me already. I’ll feel rude if I don’t.” You say, crossing your arms over your chest. 
Megumi sighs heavily, the car going completely silent for a a few minutes. He bites his lip as if he’s about to say something, before stopping himself.
“You want a way to pay me back?” he asks, pulling into the women’s dormitories parking lot. 
“Mhm.” you hum, turning back to him.
“Let me show you what a real good high feels like sometime.” he says, the corner of the mouth curving into a half-grin.
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— TAGLIST :: @diogodxlot
* ˚ ✦ CHAPTER 1 :: black-haired angel: you get invited by your best friend nobara to your first college sorority party, and after being harassed by a college student, a black-haired stranger swoops in to your rescue.
* ˚ ✦ CHAPTER 3 :: commitment: against your better judgement, you go to megumi's apartment alone, and he opens up to you.
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ficsbyuzi · 5 days
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All the ways lead to you - part 3
Read Part 2
Characters - Aemond Targaryen and Inara Maegyr (OFC) in a modern AU.
Warnings - Slow burn. Mentions of alcohol and smoking. 
Summary - Inara tries to figure out how she feels about everything that happened on her first day at work.
Note - Flashback and internal monologues are in Italics.
Word count - 1593
"He is a man of few words. You'll get used to his personality once you start working with him," Margaery's voice cut through the hustle and bustle of the coffee house.
"He seems hard to impress," Inara shrugged, adding sweetener to her coffee.
"Well, he is a celebrity, a superstar here in Westeros. He meets and works with so many people every day. In his situation, anyone would act stoically while dealing with their staff."
Of course. He looks every bit of a superstar.
"His family descends from the ancient Targaryen royal line and still kind of owns this city."
Oh. Wow. Targaryens of Old Valyria.
Margaery chuckled, noticing Inara's eyebrows shoot up in astonishment and awe.
“Red Keep Production house and studios are half owned by them, so this show is his home production. Have you seen any of his work before?"
So he is The Boss.
“I should have done some homework before coming here." Smiling sheepishly, Inara made a mental note to watch some of Aemond's acting projects over the weekend.
They finished their coffee and she took her leave to attend her second orientation meeting with the on-set medical team. However, she had a hard time focusing on the presentations, her thoughts constantly drifting back to him. 
To the enigmatic Aemond Targaryen. 
Back home, she tried to immerse herself in her chores and her books, but thoughts of him clung to her like a shadow she couldn't shake off.
Although she was left feeling a bit intimidated by his presence, she couldn't help but replay her brief encounter with him in her mind.
His voice still thrummed through each fiber of her being, drowning her in a tantalizing warmth.
He was not around her anymore, yet she could still feel his gaze lingering on her, like an invisible caress.
There was something about him - both unnerving and exhilarating. Intimidating yet inviting. 
An inexplicable pull was drawing her to him. 
Maybe he has the same effect on everyone around him.
Maybe I am merely in awe of a celebrity. 
Yeah that's all it is. 
But since when have I started fangirling over movie or TV stars?
She rolled her eyes at her chattering mind and tried to clear her head by writing in her journal.
I had a good day today. The world of glamor and showbiz is a realm far beyond anything I've ever known. But I need to learn more about how to maintain a professional decorum. It is unlikely that I will ever have the chance to know someone like Aemond Targaryen on a deeper level.
Smiling, she stared at his name on the paper for a moment. Of all the words she had ever written, those were two she never thought she would find in her personal journal. Ignoring the flock of butterflies taking flight in her chest, she continued - 
I'm just an employee. A small cog in the grand machinery of his professional life. Why would he pay any attention to me?
She frowned at her own musings, closing her journal with a sigh. Glancing at her phone one last time, she noticed the emails from both teams in her inbox. Emails that were a reminder of her role as a professional. She was there to work and forge a path to a career she aspired for.
The sky thundered outside, the sound interrupting the chain of her thoughts and bringing her back to her reality once again. 
My first rain in King's Landing. 
As the clouds began to pour, sleep gently flickered her eyes closed. Her mind, hanging between wakefulness and the subliminal, recalled a cherished memory from the past - her father telling her favorite bedtime story about a valiant Valyrian prince and his dragon, the largest in the world.
Two months ago.
"You need a drink," Criston Cole, Aemond’s best friend and his personal assistant, remarked pointing a finger at him as he entered his suave office. He dropped a file onto his cluttered desk, taking the chair across the table.
"It's ten in the morning," Aemond replied, sifting through the pile of documents scattered around, his frustration palpable.
"Your face says it's ten at night."
Aemond sighed deeply, rolling his eyes. Criston chuckled, pulling out a cigarette and offering it to him, who accepted reluctantly. Criston placed one between his teeth too, lighting the cigarettes for both. Taking a long drag, both men leaned back in their chairs.
"This project is vital. It has to work. We have it to get renewed for two more seasons," Aemond said, exhaling a thick plume of smoke through his nose.
"Everything will be alright."
"As long as my uncle sits on the board, nothing will be alright," Aemond muttered, his gaze drifting back to the mess on his desk.
"Why do you worry so much? Your mother and I are doing the best we can."
"That's not enough!” Aemond's voice rose as he slapped the table, causing a few papers to flutter. "Where's Aegon? Why isn't he in the office? I have rehearsals; I shouldn't be doing his work." He stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray and stood up abruptly. "Call him right now!"
"Aemond, calm down," Criston said, his concern evident in his voice. 
"And this..this pile of papers - why is it on my desk?" Aemond swiped the files off his desk in a fit of rage. "Where are my scripts? Where is the report on the CGI budget?"
One of the folders slid to the edge of the table, its contents spilling out. A document with a photograph of a young woman caught Aemond's eye. Instinctively, he picked it up.
"Do I have to do the hiring too now?” His tone softened a notch as he examined the document - a resume, “Be an HR consultant too?" 
The name on the document read - Inara Maegyr. Bachelor of Medicine. Diploma in Makeup and Prosthetic arts.
"I brought that file. It's a list of shortlisted medicos," Criston explained, stretching out a hand to take it from Aemond, who was still engrossed in the document. "And it wasn't for you to check, anyway."
"Hire her." Aemond handed over the resume he was holding and tossed the rest of the folder aside.
"What? Hire who?" Criston asked, his face contorted in confusion as he took the document from Aemond, who was already lighting another cigarette. "There are interviews and proper processes to follow before the project goes on the floor. I can't just hire anyone..” He paused to check the name on the resume.
 “Inara Maegyr, what's with her?"
Aemond only exhaled curls of smoke in response.
"She seems... interesting," Criston said, raising an eyebrow at the document.
“Hire her, she looks..” Aemond fumbled, but quickly corrected the course, “I mean, she seems suitable for the job.” He flicked his cigarette into the ashtray, watching the embers fade.
“We don't want to lose a talented candidate, do we?” 
“Who's acting like an HR consultant now?” Criston teased him. 
Aemond was reclining on a couch in his opulent bedroom, an unbuttoned shirt draping over his frame, a cigarette poised between his fingers. Wisps of smoke swirled around him, as he was gazing up the ceiling, lost in his thoughts. 
Thoughts of her.
Her innocent smile. 
A smile that felt like a refreshing mist in the putridness of his life. A simple, unassuming gesture from her, yet it pierced through the shadows that often clouded his days. 
The way her stunning, fire-colored eyes lit up when she approached him with her sweet demeanor, stayed with him. 
Taking a deep drag from his cigarette, he ran a hand through his hair, as he recalled their brief interaction. A smile played on his lips, resurfacing the dimple on his cheek. 
Ever since he had read her resume, he had been curious about the woman behind those impressive credentials. He had been eagerly anticipating meeting her in person.
But upon finding her so close, his words scrambled out of nervousness, and he couldn't even make eye contact with her - an unusual experience for him. Typically, people went speechless in front of him, not the other way around. He couldn't afford to shatter his composed exterior. He couldn't allow her to expose a vulnerability that he rarely acknowledged. 
But now, he was certain that he had driven away the unstained, unadulterated warmth she emanated. Unintentionally, he had intimidated her. 
He wasn't accustomed to being caught off guard by such intense emotions for someone he had just met.
It had been years since anyone had stirred any feelings within him. 
Despite being surrounded by a bevy of attractive business women, actresses, and models at work, he had never felt this way about anyone else, the way he felt about - 
“Inara,” surprised by the unfamiliar sensation of her name on his lips, he realised he had never voiced her name before.
Curiously, he picked up his phone to google the meaning of her name.
A ray of light.
An image of a ray of light piercing through the window of a darkened room closed for too long, surfaced in his mind. 
Sky roared outside, pulling him back into his dimly lit room. The sound of heavy raindrops splattering and clattering against the sophisticated French windows lulled him to sleep.
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As he closed his eyes, a soothing petrichor filled his retiring senses, wrapping him in a blanket of tranquility.
The sweet, mellow scent brought back the memory of the moment when their eyes first met.
Taglist - @zenka69
Next part - soon :)
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Your mother’s new husband
Dmitri Antonov + Female Reader
18+ minors do not read!
Warnings ~ Swearing, smoking, & smut ~
This is not how you expected you life to be at all. Twenty six. Still living at home. Working a shit job to help your mum with the bills. Still somehow living in the wreck of Hawkins as the town and people begin to slowly build themselves again. And now? Well you most definitely did not expect yourself to be under your mothers new husband in bed. Let’s start of the beginning shall we?
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Today was like any another normal Thursday. You got up at 7am, have a shower, brushed teeth, got dressed and went downstairs to have breakfast. Same breakfast as always. Peanut butter on toast, your favourite. You took your place at the dining room table like normal. Only for these last few months you’ve had an extra house member. Your mothers new husband. Your new step father. Dmitri Antonov.
Your mothers best friend Joyce had a package from Russia sent from her beloved Jim Hopper, rose from the grave. Your mother insisted for Joyce and Murray not to go on their own. So of course she invited herself along too. Even when Joyce and the kids moved away from Hawkins they kept in contact everyday. They did have a beautiful friendship. You loved your mother dearly but my god she liked to take over. Anyway long story short after Joyce and Hopper reunited and moved back to Hawkins your were even more surprised to see you mother with a man. Another one. You see your mum was a bit of, well to put it bluntly, a whore. You didn’t even know who your father was as there was three people in the line up. Yes three. Of course you were very wary at first as you had no idea who this stranger was and now he was living in your home. A month after he moved in they got married in secret. You were mortified when you found out. You were so angry that your mother did this. Brought this stranger into your life without knowing him properly. Was here here for a green card? Or did he actually care for your mother? Or was there any other reason? You really didn’t know. You acted more of a child than you should of but she just left you if the dark again. The day you found out you stayed in your room refusing to come out. You sobbed into your pillow as you felt let down by her again. There was a gentle knock at your door. ‘Go away!’ You shouted. ‘Y/N, please?’ You hear Dmitri’s voice on the other side of the door. ‘What do you want?’ You said sadly. He opened the door and his heart broke a little seeing your eyes all red and puffy. Tears still rolling down your face, chest breathing heavily up and down. Dmitri closed the door and sat next to you on the bed. ‘I, I am sorry. She told me you knew’ Dmitri begins to say. ‘She said you were happy to have a father figure in your life. I promise if I would of known how this would of made you feel I would of not married her’ he says his hand stroking your back. You looked up into his eyes, bottom lip still trembling. You didn’t know what to say, Dmitri’s words hit home a lot more than you expected. You can’t deny it was kind of nice to have him around. You talked a bit and did get on well, maybe he wasn’t the bad guy? ‘I, I’m sorry Dmitri’ you say as tears start to roll down your cheek again. Dmitri did not say anything, he only brought you in for a hug. This was the first time you two had been this close. You wrapped your arms around his neck and cried into it. Your chest pressed again his, his hand still stroking your back soothingly. He let you cry as much as you needed that evening. That evening you two got a bond. A bond that would never be broken Flicking through a magazine about New York’s new fashion trends whilst eating your toast you hear Dmitri and you mother upstairs. They were arguing. Again. You see as yours and Dmitri’s relationship became better, his and your mothers seemed to be getting worse. Your mother had sadly fallen back to her old ways. Before Russias rescue mission and Hawkins downfall your mother would go out every weekend drinking and bring a different man home. You had the unfortunate of your room being across from you mothers and hearing them. You listened to your walkman a lot. She swore to you after everything that had happened these last few months she would not become who she was. She lied.
One Friday last month your mother did not come home that night. Around 2am the phone rang waking you up, Dmitri answered. You opened your bedroom door and crept down the stairs listening in. ‘Who is this?’ ‘Excuse me?’ ‘You fucker’ ‘For fuck sake. *sighs* Yes I’ll be there in ten’ Dmitri slammed the phone down. You walked to the kitchen and saw him rubbing his eyes. ‘Everything okay?’ You asked in a quiet voice. Dmitri turned to you giving you a warm smile. ‘Yes, fine. Your mother. I, I have to go pick her up from, from a friends’ he says looking like he may want to cry. You know exactly what he means. ‘Do you want me to go?’ You ask walking over to Dmitri. He shakes his head, ‘No, no. You go back to sleep. I won’t be too long okay?’ He says placing a kiss on the top of your head. ‘Be careful’ you say hugging him, he hugs you back and rests his hand upon yours. You and Dmitri had become more close so hugging was comfortable and natural now. ‘I will, go on. Back to bed’ he says letting go of you. ‘Goodnight’ you say walking back upstairs. ‘Night’ Dmitri says as he puts his coat on. You fall back asleep no problem only to be woken up not even a hour later. You sit up and hear shouting from Dmitri and your mother. You try to ignore it only it’s difficult. You get out of bed and open the door slightly.
‘Кто, черт возьми, это был?!’ (Who the hell was that?!’) Dmitri shouts.
Neither you or your mother speak Russian so you have no idea what he is shouting.
‘I do not understand what the fuck you are saying!’ Your mother shouts back words slightly slurred. Yup she was drunk.
‘Ты сказал, что больше не пьешь!’ (You said you don’t drink anymore!) Dmitri shouts something out again.
‘Talk fucking English if you want to talk to me! I. Do. Not. Understand!’ You mother screams back angrily.
‘What is the point? You clearly have had a drink. After promising Y/N and myself that you wouldn’t. I get a phone call from another fucking man asking me to pick you up. From his house! From his bed! шлюха! (Whore!)’ Dmitri shouts. You’ve never heard him like this. You mother does not reply to him. You can hear her moving to the kitchen, most probably looking for more drink. You hear footsteps coming up the stairs, you peek your head out slightly and see Dmitri clearly upset. He stops on the landing catching his breath. He turns to your door and you quickly shut it before he sees you. You hear more movement from your mothers downstairs and then Dmitri’s bedroom slam shut. You climb back into bed hoping to somehow sleep
Things had not been the same since then. Your mother still goes out over the weekend. Does whatever she does and then calls Dmitri to pick her up. He always does. That’s the saddest thing of all. No matter where your mother was or what time he was calling he always got her. They wasn’t as much arguing as before. It’s like Dmitri had slowly come to accept his new life. He was suppose to have a better life here. You couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. ‘Morning sweetie’ you mother said beamingly as she made her way to the kitchen. ‘Morning mum’ you said with a smile. ‘Do you mind finding something to do later, you know, so you’re not at home?’ You mother asks pouring some coffee. You look up from your magazine. ‘Why?’ You ask. Your mother sits across from you. ‘Well some people are coming over. Work friends.’ She says taking a sip. ‘Oh Denise and Carol? Why do I need to go? I haven’t seen them in ages would be nice to say hi’ you say taking a bite out of your toast. ‘No not those friends sweeties. Having Gary and Dylan over. They are new. Going, going to show them the ropes’ she says smiling. You drop your toast down, it lands wrong way up but you don’t pick it up as it sticks to the plate. Your stomach churns and eyebrows raise. ‘W-why, why here? Why can’t you show them at the office?’ You ask stuttering. Your mother rolls her eyes. ‘You know why. C’mon sweets. I’ll give you some money so you can do whatever you want?’ She says finding her purse. ‘What about Dmitri?’ You ask. She looks up at you blankly, for a second you think she’s forgetting who Dmitri is. ‘Oh honey, he knows. Don’t worry’ she says handing you $60. You look at her not saying anything. She grabs your hand and pushes the money into your palm. ‘So I’ll see you Saturday okay?’ She says kissing you goodbye. ‘But mum, it’s only-’ you shout to her but she shuts the door and is gone. ‘It’s only Thursday’ you mumble to yourself. You don’t bother to finish your breakfast. Works pretty slow so the morning drags. On your break you decide to call Dmitri at work, just to give him a heads up about tonight. You didn’t know what your mother was planning on doing but you didn’t want Dmitri to see whatever he was.
‘Hawkins police this is officer Antonov how can I help?’ Dmitri says answering the phone
‘Hi Dmitri it’s Y/N’ you say
‘Oh hello Y/N. This is an unexpected call. Everything okay?’ He asks slightly concerned
‘Yeah all good. I, I was just wondering. (You can’t exactly blurt out what you thinks gonna happen with your mother and her ‘friends’ over the phone) I was, lunch. Want to grab some lunch?’ You ask hoping he will say yes. It will be much easier to talk in person
‘Sure, was about to go for lunch, I’ll come pick you up?’ He says grabbing his keys
‘Okay, sounds good. Thanks. See you soon’ you say hanging up the phone.
You were nervous to talk to Dmitri. You didn’t know what you were going to say or how you were going to say it but you needed to. Ten minutes later you see Dmitri arrive. You go outside and get in the car. ‘Well this was a nice surprise. My morning has been pretty shit to be honest. So thank you’ he says with a warm smile. Your heart drops to your stomach, surely you’re just going to make it worse. How can you tell him when he’s looking at you with such a warm kind smile? ‘N-no problem. I’m sorry you’ve had a bad morning. Wanna talk about it?’ You say putting on your seatbelt. ‘Don’t want to bore you don’t worry. What about that new drive through for lunch, it’s just opened? I don’t have too long so something quick will have to do’ he says pulling onto the street. ‘Sure, sounds great’ you reply. You can’t help but shift in your seat, you were feeling nervous and uncomfortable keeping this from him. You wanted to tell him but how could you? Dmitri noticed. ‘Hey, are you okay?’ He asks turning his head slightly to you. ‘Mmhmm. Fine’ you reply in a small voice. ‘Y/N, I’ve been living with you for some time now. I can tell when something is wrong’ he says pulling into the drive through. ‘What would you like, my treat?’ He asks. ‘Just a burgers good. Thanks’ you say quietly. Dmitri orders and parks up. He begins to eat as your fiddle with the wrapping of your burger. You look over to Dmitri surprisingly he’s already looking at you. ‘C’mon. Tell me what’s wrong’ he says taking a bite of his food. ‘Nothings wrong’ you mumble. Dmitri sighs and puts his food down. He turns slightly towards. ‘Y/N?’ He says. You don’t look up. You feel his fingers lift up your chin so you look at him. You flinch at his actions as they take you off guard. ‘I can tell you have something to say’ he says, his fingers not leaving your chin. He looks at you with those kind eyes and warm smile. You sigh. ‘You can’t go home tonight’ you say in a quiet voice. He looks at you confused. ‘Mum. She has, she has people over. She’s given me $60 to be out of the house till Saturday. I’m so sorry Dmitri’ you say as your eyes fill up. You close them so you don’t see his face. A tear rolls down your cheek, you feel Dmitri’s thumb wipe it away and stroke your cheek. ‘Y/N?’ He says in a calming tone. You reluctantly open your eyes. You look at him. He doesn’t seem to have any bad reaction. No anger in his eyes. He removes his hand from your face and sighs loudly. ‘I know. Gary and Dylan right? I, I heard your mother on the phone last night. She thought I’d fallen asleep on the sofa. I heard what she said. She told me it was a work thing but not those two men. She does not know I know. I would like to keep it that way. I, I have a room booked in a hotel for the next two nights.’ He says looking at his hands. You don’t reply straight away, you are shocked to hear. ‘You, you know?’ You whisper. Dmitri nods and turns to you. ‘I do. But I do not want her to know that I do. So I would be grateful if you did not tell her’ he says with pleading eyes. ‘But why? Why do you not want her to know? She’s, she’s cheating on you!’ You blurt out more loudly than anticipated. Dmitri rubs his eyes. ‘You think I don’t know that? She does not hide it well. I don’t think she cares anymore. I, I don’t think she loves me anymore’ Dmitri says sadly. ‘Dmitri, I, I’m sure she does. My mum. She just. It’s the alcohol. It makes her so stupid things. Really stupid. I am so sorry she makes you feel like this. You, you do not deserve it at all’ You say sighing sadly. ‘You are too kind Y/N.’ He says looking up at you with sad eyes but smiling still. You smile back. For a minute the whole world just stops as you look at one another. You’ve never realised how handsome he is
‘So what will you do?’ He asks snapping you out of your trance. You look at him confused. ‘I mean tonight and tomorrow?’ He asks. ‘Oh shit. I forgot. I, I don’t really know. I would stay with a friend but Eddies at a gig, Nancy and Johnathan are away for the week, Steve has a few dates lined up and Robin is working.’ You say wondering what an earth you could do. ‘Well -Dmitri clears his throat-, if you wanted. You, you could stay with me?’ Dmitri asks slightly nervously. You can feel your cheeks blushing, wait why are you blushing? ‘Are you sure?’ You ask hesitantly. ‘Of course. Can’t have you no where to go just so you mother can do whatever the hell she wants. I’m sure we can watch some movies, room service? How does that sound?’ He asks. Just you and Dmitri. Your step dad. Alone. You can’t help but get a tingly feeling all over your body. Your not sure why your reacting this way. ‘I’d love to. Thank you Dmitri’ you say with a smile. ‘No problem, now eat, we need to get you back to work’ he says with a smile. You tuck into your burger as he drives you back to work. You mind wanders to this evening. You realised you didn’t have any clothes. You’d have to go home regardless to pack.
The rest of the day goes quickly compared to your morning. Dmitri called you at work to ask if you could pick him up since Hopper needed the car in the garage, you said you would. Before picking him up you drive back home to pack some clothes for the next couple of nights. Luckily no sign of your mothers car. You decide to have a quick shower before packing you bags. You throw on your black skirt with a band tee, pairing with knee high socks and your vans. You pack your clothes, toothbrush, hairbrush, deodorant, all the essentials. Just as you zip up your bag you hear the door open downstairs and the sound of your mother laughing. Great. You put on your bag and make your way down. ‘Sweets. What are you doing here?’ You mother asks smiling through gritted teeth. You feel the two men staring at your legs as you come down the stairs. ‘Just packed a bag for a couple of nights. I’m out of here don’t worry’ you say going towards the door. ‘Boys why don’t you make yourself a drink, kitchens down the hall to the right’ she says with a flirty smile. You wanted to puke at the sight of your mother flirting with these strangers. She pulls your arm before leaving. ‘Where are you staying?’ She asks looking you up and down. ‘Just at a friends. They said I could stay on the couch.’ You reply back. Your mother smiles from ear to ear. ‘That’s great honey. I’m glad you can sort yourself out. Here’s another $40, maybe come back Monday?’ She says with a Cheshire Cat smile. You snatch the money and roll your eyes. ‘No problem.’ You say bluntly as your open the door. You turn back before leaving, ‘You know what? Dmitri doesn’t deserve this shit from you. He deserves someone better.’ You say slamming the door shut. She doesn’t even bother to come out after you. You drive to the station ready to meet Dmitri feeling infuriated by your mother and her actions. How can she chose to sleep around with men when she has Dmitri? He’s so kind and caring. Not mention he’s a very beautiful man, it hadn’t go unnoticed by you of course but he’s your step father, so those thoughts were hidden. As you park up you see Dmitri talking to Hopper each smoking a cigarette. Dmitri has changed into some more comfortable clothes, jeans and a top. You can’t help but stare as Dmitri brings the cigarette to his lips, he inhaled the sweetness of the nicotine his nostrils flaring slightly. He holds it for a minute then breathes it out, his chest heaving as he breathes out.
Dmitri sees you as he finishes his cigarette, you just staring blankly at him with an expression he’s not seen before. Hopper follows Dmitri’s eyes. ‘She okay?’ Hopper asks. ‘I think so, why do you ask?’ Dmitri says putting out his cigarette. ‘Listen man not my business but she’s looking at you like the way Joyce looks at me’ Hopper says. Dmitri turns to him raising his eyebrows, ‘Excuse me? Dmitri says surprised. ‘Like I said man. Not my place to say, have a good weekend’ Hopper says parting Dmitri on the shoulder. Dmitri picks up his bag and walks over to your car. You snap out of your trance when you see him walking over to the car. He opens the passenger door and throws his bag in the back. ‘Thanks for picking me up’ he says sitting down putting on his seatbelt. ‘No worries’ you say with a smile. You sit there for a minute in silence before Dmitri spoke. ‘So the hotel is about a forty minute drive, I’ll direct you or I can drive?’ He offers. ‘Maybe you drive, I’m not the best with directions. Dmitri chuckled and gets out of the car walking to your side. You climb over to the passengers seat, Dmitri notices your skirt lifting up, his eyes follow it as it lifts. He can see the outline of your lace underwear. He feels a twinge in his boxers. Both seated Dmitri starts to drive to the hotel. A minute of excitement and nervousness runs through you. ‘So where does your mother think you are, I presume you didn’t say with me?’ Dmitri asks turning to you slightly. ‘I told her a friends. She was happy I wasn’t staying long. Where did you say you were going?’ You ask. ‘Told her had to work away the weekend, don’t know if she believed me but either way she did not care. She was also happy I was not going to be there.’ Dmitri replies in a somewhat sad tone. ‘I told her she doesn’t deserve you before I left. I told her you deserved someone better’ you said. ‘You did? Well that was very sweet of you Y/N, I appreciate it’ Dmitri replies, his hand moved on your bare thigh giving it a little squeeze, it’s like it had mind of it’s own. You felt your cheeks blush at his touch, you could feel him pulling his hand away but you rested yours on top so he couldn’t move. You both turned to one another and face a small shy smile. You stayed like that the whole car ride. Dmitri turns into the hotel, ‘Sleepy Stays’ the sign read. It was nice looking, a large building with lots of windows and trees around. Definitely better than a motel but no five stars. He parks up and you reluctantly move your hand away so Dmitri can move his. Your not sure what is going on with you but you want his hand back on your thigh. You both get out grabbing your bags, we’ll you go to get yours but Dmitri takes it. ‘I can carry my own bag’ you say shutting the door. ‘I know but I would like to’ he says smiling. Gosh his smile is breath taking
You walk next to one another as you walk to the doors. It’s even nicer inside, light yellow walls, red flowers dotted around in vases, a fancy chandelier in the middle of the lobby. It was better than you anticipated. You both walk up to the front desk, the lady behind it gives you two a smile. ‘Good afternoon, we are checking in. The name is under Dmitri Antonov’ Dmitri says taking his wallet from his pocket. ‘Good afternoon sir, madam, I will just check that for you’ she replies typing on the computer. ‘Yes got you down here. King size bed with suite, will that be cash or card?’ You don’t hear what Dmitri replies as your heart is beating through your ears. You didn’t even think about the sleeping arrangement. A king bed? At least it’s big enough for you both. But what if you snore or drool in your sleep? What if you roll over and your next to him? What if- ‘Y/N?’ Dmitri’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts. ‘Mmhmm?’ You reply, your unsure if words will come out of your mouth. ‘I said you ready?’ Dmitri replies grabbing the bags. ‘Oh, yeah sorry’ you reply. ‘Enjoy your stay Mr and Mrs Antonov’ she says with a smile. Dmitri nods back and you smile. Neither of you correct her. Y/N Antonov, you kind of liked that. Damn it snap out of it. He’s married. Married to your mother! Okay calm down. Dmitri presses the button as you wait for the lift to arrive. ‘You okay?’ He asks. You turn to him, ‘I’m good yeah, why? You okay?’ You reply far too quickly. ‘I’m good. Just checking, you seem, nervous?’ Dmitri says shrugging his shoulders. The lift door opens and Dmitri lets you go first. He presses number two and you start to go up. ‘Well, I am a little bit I guess’ you say twisting your fingers into one another. ‘Hey, there’s nothing to be nervous about, I promise’ he says with a reassuring smile. His tone of voice and smile help you calm. You make your way to the room and Dmitri unlocks it with the key. Again letting you in first. Of course such a gentleman. But also in the back of Dmitri’s mind he can’t help but look at your ass as you walk in front. It’s been a while since your mother and him were intimate due to her list of men. He couldn’t help but get excited as it wobbles a little as you walk. Dmitri’s thoughts remind him, calm down. Your married. To her mother. Stop this now.
The room is nice, same colour yellow as the lobby. The king size bed taking up most of the room, it looks very comfortable. There’s a small TV, two bedside tables, lamps and a painting of two people kissing above the bed. You quickly look away from that and go investigate the bathroom. ‘This is lovely’ you say walking in. ‘Sparkling clean for staters and look at this, a bath and a shower!’ You say excitedly. Yes you have a shower at home but the pressure terrible you couldn’t wait to try this one out. ‘I’m glad you like it, it is very nice’ Dmitri replies putting the bags down, he lays down on the bed and moans. Wait. What? You’re unsure if you heard that right but he does it again, it sounds fucking heavenly. ‘Y/N, this is the most comfortable bed I think I’ve ever felt. You must come try!’ Dmitri shouts to you in the bathroom. You make your way to the bed and see Dmitri laid in the end of it, arms stretched up behind him. You plop on the edge and lay down, not too close to Dmitri though. You can’t help but let out a small moan too. You cough to cover it but Dmitri heard you. He would do anything to hear it again. This damn bed was magic. Making you both moan as soon as you lay. What they hell was going on? ‘I have to agree. This is much comfier than my bed at home’ you say stretching your arms up sinking more into the bed. You close your eyes and just relax for a minute. Dmitri turns to you. He can’t help but stare at you. You truly are beautiful. You are beautiful just like your mother but you were a much more decent person. He watched the way your arms starched above your head causing your top to go tighter around you chest. He gulped at the sight of your chest constricted in that top. He’d give anything to take it off. He gulped nervously as he could feel something growing in his pants. You turn your head and open your eyes to see Dmitri staring at you. Your cheeks blush once again as did Dmitri’s. For a minute you both just stare into one another’s eyes, like it’s the first time you’ve truly seen each other. Dmitri clears his throat and sits up. ‘So erm room service, sound good?’ He asks getting up looking for the menu. ‘Yeah sounds good’ you say sitting up. Dmitri finds the menu as sits down next to you so you can both look at it. Your heart beats quicker as you feel his clothed leg rest on your bare leg, shoulders bumping into one another. Neither of you move away. ‘So, see anything you’d like?’ Dmitri says looking at the menu. You haven’t even looked at the menu yet, just at him, you unconsciously bite your lower lip. Uh huh you think to yourself. ‘What would that be?’ Dmitri says looking up at you. Shit you spoken out loud. He is surprised to see you staring at him, my god that lip bite. He can’t help but think how sexy you look. You quickly look down at the menu. ‘Oh erm, the, the- pizza!’ You shout pointing to it. ‘Sound good, I’ll order two pizzas and some beers?’ Dmitri says standing up to order the food. ‘Sure, sounds great. I’m gonna have a shower quick, if, if that’s okay?’ You say standing up. ‘Of course’ he says smiling. ‘Cool cool, won’t be too long’ you say rushing to the bathroom.
You close the door behind you and rest your head on the door. My god woman calm the fuck down. What had gotten into you? I mean yes this is the first time you and Dmitri had been alone. And yes you’d always found him attractive but he’s married. Once again to your mother! Not that she deserved him anyway. You push all thought aside as you focus on your shower, yes the lovely shower. You strip out of your clothes and step into the shower. Already the warm water helps you calm, the pressure feels so good too. There’s shampoo and soap already in the shower compliments of the hotel. You begin to massage to shampoo into your hair. It smells like roses and driftwood, very pretty. The smell of driftwood lingers more and your minds brought back to Dmitri. He smells of driftwood sometimes. You can help but think of him whilst you wash the shampoo out. You think of him in the shower washing your hair for you. You think he’d be gentle, washing it throughly making sure all the bubbles were gone. After your hairs all clean you begin to wash your body. You think of Dmitri and how he’d help you. Starting at the top working his way down. His hands lathering you in bubbles. Cleaning everywhere. Not missing a spot. Him going down on his knees in front of you, looking up at you with those deep blue eyes. Kisses on your inner thighs, him moving them apart so he can look at your bare. The water running down his body, his hair. He didn’t care. He was face to face with your bare beautiful pussy. You think about his lips. How they’d kiss your clit. How his tongue slowly click a stipe across your- ‘Y/N?’ Dmitri voice comes with a a knock on there other side of the door. You quickly open your eyes to find your hand has wondered down to your throbbing core, you hadn’t even realised what had happened. ‘Erm, yeah?’ You shout back quickly removing you hand. ‘Foods here’ Dmitri says. ‘Already? That was quick!’ You shout back washing the remaining bubbles. ‘You’ve been gone twenty minutes’ Dmitri days. ‘Oh shit, sorry, getting out now!’ You say turning off the shower. Your imagination got the better of you, how the hell were you suppose to face your step dad again after those intrusive thoughts? You get out the shower and wrap the towel around your body.
‘Oh fuck’ you mumble. With hurrying to get to the bathroom you’d forgotten your pyjamas. Wait. Fuck. You were in a rush you pack your bag you’ve just realised you didn’t actually pack any. There’s nothing you can do other than go out. You look in the mirror and take a deep breath before you open the door, you poke your head out and see Dmitri bent down in front of the TV flicking through the channels. You step out and approach the room. Dmitri hears you as he continues looking for something, ‘anything you enjoy watching most?’ He asks. ‘I don’t mind, erm, do. Do you have any pjs or something?’ You ask holding your towel tightly around your body. ‘Pjs?’ Dmitri says turning around to you. Fuck. Dmitri stands up straight and is taken back by seeing you just in that small towel. Hair wet running down your shoulders, towel hugged tightly around you so he could see your curves, the end of the towel resting on your wet thighs, he could see your nipples sticking through the thin fabric of the towel. Shit. He was done for. He gulped as he looked at your body up and down, he could not help it. ‘Dmitri?’ You say feeling very flustered. The way he’s looking at you gives you tingling feeling through out your body. ‘Hmm? Sorry. Pjs right. Erm, I don’t own any. However I have a spare shirt?’ He suggests pointing to his bag. ‘Yes please. Thanks’ you reply moving to grab his bag. You lean down a little to pick it up from the bed. Your towel rides up, your bare ass is out. Dmitri can help but look. He lets out a small moan at the sight of your ass. It looks even better than he thought. The moan doesn’t go unnoticed by you. You turn around shirt in hand. You can see Dmitri’s face is full of lust and excitement. You can’t help but bite your lip again. You don’t know what comes over you. If it’s the long looks. The touches here and there. Or just because you and him are finally alone but you decide fuck it. You walk towards him slowly until you stop right in front of him. You look right into his eyes tossing the shirt down. He watches it land down on the floor. Without saying any words your hands unwrap the towel around you, you drop it to the floor. Your heart races faster than it ever has
Dmitri does not say a word as he sees the towel drop to the floor. His eyes dart down to your bare body. It’s even more magnificent than he imagined. Dmitri falls to his knees in front of you, you’re unsure what he is doing. He picks up the towel and lifts it, ‘I think you dropped this?’ He says throwing it across the room. You watch as it darts across the floor, Dmitri’s hands make your head turn back. You feel his hands stroking the back of your legs up and down slowly sending goosebumps through your body. His hands stop when they meet your ass, he squeezes your cheeks causing you to gasp. You look down at him to see him smirking up at you. He leans in closer as presses his lips onto your stomach. He kisses along your hip bones, you can already feel yourself becoming wet. ‘Fuck’ you whisper. ‘Y/N, you have such a beautiful body’ Dmitri praises as his lips trail down lower. ‘So perfect. In every way’ he continues praising you as you feel his lips move down to the top of your thighs. ‘Such a pretty girl’ he says as he places a kiss on the part of your thigh that is right next to your thobbing core. You whimper as the almost contact. He looks up at you again with those deep blue eyes as he stops his face in front of your pussy. Looking like how you pictured him in the shower, only this time it’s really happening. He places a kiss on the top of your pussy. You can’t help but squirm as you need more. ‘Please Dmitri’ you whine. ‘Please what baby? Tell me what you want’ Dmitri says digging his fingers into your ass more. The new nickname baby melts you heart. ‘Please. Touch me’ you beg pathetically. You don’t care though. You need him to touch you. Dmitri doesn’t use his words to answer. His hand leave your ass and make there way to your pussy. He opens up your dripping wet lips. ‘ебать’ (fuck) he mutters under his breath. You moan loudly as you feel his tongue lick your wetness from your hole to your clit. Your body jolts at his movement, you hand moving to his hair to pull it. He moans as you tug his hair. He licks you again, agonisingly slow. Your body struggles to stand as his tongue licks up and down. ‘Need, need to lay’ you moan out. Dmitri gives one last long lick before standing up and walking to the bed. He lays down on his back, you look at him confused. ‘You said lay down no? Come here Y/N. I want you to sit on my face’ he says in a seductive tone. Fuck. You make your way over quickly not caring how desperate you look. You crawl onto the bed till you stop at his face. You swing a leg over so it’s on the top of his shoulder as you line your pussy up to his mouth. ‘так красиво’ (so beautiful) Dmitri says as you sit on him. You don’t know what he is saying but it turns you on even more.
Dmitri doesn’t waste another second, his tongue immediately finds your clit with no problem. He starts off slowly licking a figure if eight on your throbbing bud. You feel yourself becoming more and more wet, you’ve never been turned on so quickly. His moustache tickles you a little but you don’t mind, it’s a reminder of who is under you. You’re a moaning mess on top of Dmitri, his tongue picks up speed as his lips latch onto your clit and he begins to suck the tender skin. ‘Fuck’ you moan throwing your head back. You reach your hand out behind you and make your way down to Dmitri’s jeans. Your stop when you find his button and zip. You fumble around trying to undo it but can not. ‘Undo these, need, need to touch you’ you moan as Dmitri’s tongue circles your clit. Dmitri’s hands wonder down undoing his zipper and button. Your hand wonders back down as you meet the waistband of his boxers. You move your hand under and slowly graze the head of Dmitri’s cock. You move the pre-cum on his tip slowly. Dmitri moans in your pussy as he feels you touching him. The extra vibrations cause you to buck your hips into him. ‘Fuck Dmitri!’ You moan as you carry one moving your hips. Dmitri detaches his lips and looks up to you, ‘Ride my face baby’ he says before going straight back in, his tongue flat licking you up and down. You do as he says as you start to ride his face. You let go of his cock so you can balance yourself. His tongue feels so fucking good as you move back and forth on it, his moustache brushes past you clit from time to time causing you to moan loudly. The noises you were making anyone walking past would most definitely hear you but you didn’t care. This is what you’ve been craving for so long without even knowing. Your hands come to your breasts as you start playing with your nipples as you can feel that familiar feeling creeping up on you. You begin to move faster on Dmitri’s face as you ride his tongue. ‘Fuckfuck’ you moan. ‘Gonna, gonna - cum!’ You scream out as you feel yourself letting go and coming on Dmitri’s tongue, it’s the most intense and best orgasm you’ve had. Dmitri licks up all your cum as you slow down on him, you finally stop to catch your breath. Dmitri can’t help but give you small kitten licks. ‘Too, too much’ you say whimpering. After catching your breath you move one legs off Dmitri and fall back into the bed on your back. You’ve never had an orgasm that intense before, you feel a bit dizzy. Dmitri shifts so he is laying next to you, still fully clothed. He props himself up on his elbow as he moves your hair from your face tucking it behind your ear. You look up to him seeing his pupils so blown as he looks at you so lovingly. You can see his moustache, lips and chin are wet from you, it turns you on even more
You pull him by his top and bring him in for a much needed kiss. His lips are soft and just how you imagined. He’s gentle at first, taking his time. He does not to forget your first kiss anytime soon. He hopes it is not the last. As you kiss more it becomes more passionate, your hands start to roam his body, tugging his top for him to take it off. Dmitri breaks the kiss to pull his top off. He also finally takes off his jeans properly and his boxers. Now he is fully naked with you. You can’t help but admire his body. He looks fucking good. Nice toned body, little bit of hair leading down to…wow. His cock. It was big. You’ve not seen many but out of them all his is definitely the best looking one you’d seen. Dmitri sees you at looking him with fuck me eyes, he can’t help but feel smug. ‘Like what you see мой дорогой? (My dear) he asks smiling. You look up to meet his eyes, nodding and biting you lip. You open up your legs to invite him in. You see Dmitri’s cock twitch at the sight of your open legs. ‘Fuck me Dmitri’ you say propping into your elbows. Dmitri can’t move fast enough. His body pressed again yours, chest to chest. You bring your hands around his neck bringing him in for a kiss. Dmitri instantly takes control of the kiss, you open your mouth letting him enter his tongue. You can taste yourself still on him. The kiss becomes more sloppier and needier. You can feel Dmitri’s hard cock pressing on your stomach. You move your lips to kiss his neck, careful not to bite it no matter how much you want to. You hear Dmitri let out a low moan making you clench around nothing. ‘Please. Fuck me. Daddy.’ You say the last word with a smile on your face. Hearing you call him daddy makes Dmitri harder if that is possible.
Dmitri moves his hand down to toy with you sensitive clit. You moan at his back touch. ‘Such pretty noises from a pretty girl’ he says leaning down to kiss your neck. He finds the special spot instantly as he teeth latch on and suck it. You moan into him as your wrap your legs around his back pushing him closer. Dmitri lines up his cock to your pussy and slowly brings to insert it. You can’t wait, you move your feet and push down on his bum to push all his cock into you. ‘Fuck!’ You moan as Dmitri bottoms out. ‘So tight, ебать’ (fuck) Dmitri says as he fills you. His thrusts start off slow as he pumps himself in and out of you. You feel him reach places no one ever has. You know you’re not going to last long, Dmitri knows he’s not going to last long either. ‘Harder daddy’ you command as you dig your nails into his back. ‘My princess wants it harder does she?’ Dmitri says pulling all the way out before harshly pounding back in. ‘Fuck, yes!’ You moan, it stings a little but it feels too good for you to care. Dmitri starts pumping in and out of you hard and fast, you can hear how embarrassing wet you are for him. You moan in sync with one another and you feel your orgasm approaching. You clench around Dmitri making his cock twitch. ‘Fuckfuckfuck, gonna cum!’ You scream into Dmitri shoulder. ‘Cum Y/N. Cum on me’ Dmitri moans. You finally let go as your orgasm breaks. Your legs shake uncontrollably as you cum all around Dmitri’s cock. Dmitri is not far behind, you feel his cum fill your pussy up as he moans your name. There’s so much it begins to spill out of you but Dmitri doesn’t stop. It feels too fucking good to stop. Once Dmitri has done filling you up he lays in you still catching your breath. Your eyes meet and you both smile lovingly at one another. He leans down and kisses your lips, gently but with just as much passion. Dmitri slowly pulls out of you and let’s next to you, you feel his cum starting to pour out but are surprised when you feel Dmitri’s fingers pushing it back in, you moan as your still very sensitive and a little sore. ‘This. This is mine now. I can not let you go’ Dmitri says as his fingers push the cum in. Your stomach flutters at his words, demanding yet but sexy as hell. ‘I’m all yours daddy’ you say pushing his hand further up in you. He brings you in for another kiss
You don’t know what the future holds, you and your step dad had just crossed a big line. A big one. You’re both betrayed your mother. But neither one of you are thinking about that as Dmitri holds you in his arm tracing circles. Right here. Right now. This moment is perfect
259 notes · View notes
skrunklybf-archived · 2 years
bad influence!
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pairing: step-brother!connie x reader x jean
warnings: dark content! step-cest! smut! mdni!!! maybe ooc?
tags: mfm threesome, dubcon(?), smoking weed, they're all high it's whatever, step-cest, unprotected sex, creampie, doggystyle, blowjob, swallowing, praise, pet names, almost getting caught, not proofread
notes: hi i'm not dead 🤪 take this connie/jean smut as a peace offering mayhaps?? reblogs are appreciated as always xoxo love you stay safe
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"I know you have shit in here, so you better share or I'm snitching."
You raise your gaze from the game on your phone to the young men inviting themselves into your room. Jean leans back against the door and closes it with a soft click, much softer than the threat Connie entered with. You cock a brow, unamused.
"You know what."
Connie, despite the faux menacing look he gives you, emits the familiar air of playfulness he's known for. He crosses the space between your door and your bed in record speed, diving for the little table next to your head. Dexterous hands scavenge through the drawers and ignore the annoyed protests you shoot at him.
"Dude, fuck off!"
"You fuck off," Connie dodges your swatting hands and plucks a tie-dye colored jar from the bottom drawer, "holding out on your poor, misfortunate brother. You should be ashamed of yourself." It'd be a surprise if you couldn't see the your own brain with how hard your eyes rolled themselves back.
Your step-mom had been adamant about Connie staying clean after a rather hilarious call she received from him at three in the morning, begging her to come pick him up from the side of the road. He'd gotten away with just a warning from a "generous" officer that night, meanwhile you had gotten plenty to make fun of him for and his mom gained a bargaining chip she'd been putting to good use. The house had never been more bleach-and-lemon scented.
"Oh, boo hoo," you fake cry, jutting your bottom lip out in a pouty fashion, "maybe don't get pulled over with your dumbass friends next time, Con."
"Hey," Jean pipes up from his stationary position at the door, seemingly offended but grinning all the while. Connie tosses the jar from hand to hand casually, trying to ignore the big doe eyes you shoot him in your little mockery scene. "Not my fault Sasha drives like a menace," he replies, twisting open the lid and taking a deep sniff of the flowery contents. Lost in an overdramatized state of bliss, he fails to notice you sitting up and snatching your weed jar right out of his hand. Connie whines at the loss. "C'mon, just smoke us up one time." he begs much like a puppy, even going so far as to clasp his hands together in a cartoony fashion.
Your lip twitches.
"Just me and Jean," he continues, "Sasha's on house arrest until further notice. Her dad was pretty pissed, won't let her leave."
A conniving and dark chuckle surprises your step-brother and his oddly quiet friend, coming straight from your chest. The little jar suddenly feels so heavy in your hand, weighed down like a giant golden poker chip. "So, you come to me in your time of need," you slur out dramatically, "on the day of my daughter's wedding--"
"Alright alright, cut the shit, you're weirding me out. What do you want? I already have to clean the damn house for two months."
Connie almost looks nervous before you, switching his weight between his feet. This is a strange sight for you; he's usually boisterous, carefree, charismatic. You pull your feet up to sit criss-cross on the bed. A thoughtful look passes over your face. "You gotta walk Scout--"
"Okay, fiend, I wasn't done."
"Whatever you want, I don't caaaaare. Just smoke with us."
Jean was easy to forget about in the moment, sitting as a hopeful but cautious observer a ways away. You blink at him, off-color thoughts dripping into your sleepy brain like a shoddy faucet.
"Fine. Garage."
Okay, so maybe your mind wasn't pure and fluffy and wholesome, and maybe some would label you a dog for these fleeting thoughts that came to you in the strangest moments. Maybe you shouldn't be feeling that heavy, burning sensation in the pit of your belly when your step-brother takes an unnecessarily strong drag off the blunt, bathing his face in an orangey glow from the cherry. Connie always had a fresh face, a contagious grin that got to you in ways that it most likely shouldn't have, given your relationship.
Well, technically, your parents relationship -- one that began right as Connie was starting his freshman year of college -- but still.
He passes the blunt up to Jean in the passenger's seat, who had easily won the race you declared on the way to your car. "First hand on the hood gets the front seat," you announced, and the young men scrambled over each other like excited puppies to slap your poor Honda in victory.
Jean takes a normal, sane hit, pinching his bronze eyes closed to avoid the flying smoke. It almost feels mesmerizing watching these two through the haze. Invisible green hands relax your face into a look of contentment, massaging away any irritation Connie had sparked by interrupting your game. Behind you, your step-brother coughs into his fist dramatically, heaving out a big sigh once his lungs quit their spasming.
"You seriously saved the day," he says, letting his cheek rest against the side of your headrest. If you turned enough, your noses would touch. Amused, you take the blunt from Jean, quietly admiring how his long fingers hold the wrap so delicately.
"I'd say we owe you, but you're kinda evil, so I'll just say thank you," the brunette beside you adds. His voice has dipped low and gravely since you all started hotboxing, reaching a baritone that leaves your heart hammering.
"Evil? Wow," you reply flatly, "I feel the gratitude in waves."
Connie smacks Jean lightly on the cheek while you take your puff. "What he means is, your genius is only surpassed by the world's most prolific professors," he says in a much-too-serious tone, "like, y'know, Hannibal Lecter, or like, Dr. Evil."
Pulling up a leg to rest in your seat, you snort in laughter, thick white smoke billowing out from your nose.
"Thanks, Con."
"No problem, babe."
Jean guffaws before you can. "Did you just call her babe?"
Connie, golden eyes wide, throws himself back into the backseat. He waves his hand flippantly, as if he could bat away the subject. "What? No, shut up."
You and Jean whip yourselves around at the same time, shoulders pressed against one another. "You totally did." You tease, smirk wide on your face.
Connie melts into the dark fabric. A heavy warmth surges over his face. "I just, y'know, I'm usually a gentleman and I smoke girls up," he runs a hand through his short hair, "slip of the tongue."
Jean snorts, letting his gaze slide over to you in his peripheral. "And then you compare her to the girls you fuck. Interesting."
Your shared laughter embarrasses Connie more than it irks him, sending his hands flying up to scrub over his face. In a show of mercy, you pass the blunt back to the poor boy, fending for his life all alone in the back of the car. Connie pinches the wrap and suddenly smirks toward his friend, charged and ready. "Jean, I could end your entire career right now."
Curious, you lean back some and look at Jean next. He pauses, switching a suspicious gaze between you both.
"I dunno what you're talking about."
"Oh, bullshit! How many times have I caught you staring at her ass?"
Shock formed your mouth into a tiny 'o' first but unbridled amusement twists it into a devilish grin. "Is that so?" You nudge a finger harshly into Jean's bicep. The young man swats your hand away and shoots his friend a glare. Connie's cackling jumps around the cars walls, spurring your own laughter to bubble out and making Jean roll his eyes.
Wiping faux tears, you watch Jean snatch the blunt from Connie and take a pouty puff, his jaw tense. "Not sure how to take in this information, honestly. Who knew both of you weirdos wanted to fuck me?" You twist back around to lean properly against your seat. A victorious glow radiates from your warmed face, neck, chest -- even if it was all jokes, the idea sits heavy in your mind and lower belly.
"I think you're the weirdo for being so psyched about it." Connie says from behind, his usually chirpy voice dragging low, like he'd just woken up from a long nap. A few quick puffs burn the blunt to your fingertips and you pinch it out with freshly licked fingers.
"I don't hear either of you denying it." You chime, dropping the roach into your cup holder to deal with later. Jean, still awkwardly turned in his seat, looks back at Connie, and there's a moment of quiet that you get lost in, brain and body fuzzy from your high.
Inside the car, a sheen of smoke blankets over you three and beads sweat over your skin. The warmth feels more comforting than suffocating. Swirls of white and gray are barely illuminated by the dim blue nightlight inside the garage. It feels dreamy, almost ethereal in a strange way.
Jean pulls you back into the moment when he runs a large hand through his hair. He's relaxed into the seat, long legs cocked out enough that his knee threatens to knock into your hand on the center console. Connie leans forward, resting a hot hand over your shoulder. "It's hot as fuck in here, let's go inside."
"Alright, yeah. You guys go, I'm gonna park outside and air this baby out before heading in."
Connie squeezes your shoulder and all but rolls out of the backseat, stretching his legs and arms out like a sleepy kitten. Jean hesitates opening his own door beside you. He clears his throat. "Just so you know, I stare at your face too," his voice is quiet, like he doesn't want Connie to hear, and you quirk your brow at him curiously. He sputters for a second, "y'know, not just your ass. I mean, it's nice -- you have a nice ass. But like, that's not all that's nice. Your -- you --"
You cut him off with a giggle. "I'm glad you think my face is nice, Jean."
The low light was just enough to see the goofy grin grow over his face before he slid out, joining his friend at the door leading inside. Connie bumps into him playfully and the two stooges shuffle off, leaving you all alone in the smoky blue garage.
Heading in, you expect to spy the two raiding the fridge, or perhaps even locked away in Connie's room playing games. Instead, you find two men in your room, lazing around like they own the place. Connie sits in your computer chair, his slippered feet propped up onto a bare spot on your desk, while Jean sits at the foot of your bed, leaned back on both palms. Only Jean looks at you once you enter, his bronze gaze only slightly sleepy as it rolls over your form.
"Oh, hello," you quip, hand hovering over the doorknob. For some reason, it feels like you intruded on them, versus them plundering your room. Connie, in his stretched out position, nods too casually in your direction. A little bit of his stomach peeks out from under his shirt -- you can see the waistband of his boxers, stretching around the V shaped muscles that disappear under his sweats.
"Let's watch a movie." Connie reaches toward a few figurines you keep beside your monitor, itching to busy his hands with something or another. You look between the two, wondering if there's something you're missing -- but ultimately, you shrug, closing the door behind you.
Twenty minutes into a Marvel movie you've seen a thousand times, there's two hands on your thighs and not a single thought in your brain. Jean, on your right, squeezes gently every few moments, and the pressure feels so warm and comforting -- Connie, on the other side, swipes his thumb in a mesmerizing half moon, leaving tingles in its wake. Their skin is hot against your own.
The coyness surrounding you all is nearly suffocating. You want so badly to acknowledge the growing sense of want, of need in your center, but all you can do is stretch your legs out and lean back against the wall.
Connie lets his pinky fiddle with the hem of your shorts, between your legs. As small as the action is, it still draws a tiny gasp from you, something that doesn't go unnoticed by anybody. He glances over, a little smirk on his face. "Weirdo." he mumbles, but takes it as a good sign. His hand glides upward just the tiniest bit, spread wide and gripping at the soft flesh more eagerly. Jean follows suit, watching curiously as he trails his own hand upward, slipping a few fingers under your shorts and dangerously close to touching your panties.
Your legs react on their own. Knees bending, they butterfly out, allowing the men more access. There's no use in thinking any of it over; Jean has a hand on the side of your face, gently urging you over to look at him, and Connie messes with the crease where your thigh meets your pelvis before you can make any internal argument about it. Looking up at the brunette, you feel so vulnerable, a far cry from the cocky attitude you held in the car earlier. He smiles down at you, drinking you up, savoring the doe-eyes and the way your lips part when he leans in.
Lips slotted together, it feels effortless to kiss Jean, but it takes all your willpower not to gasp into his mouth when Connie retracts his hand, only to press directly over your clothed center. The heel of his palm digs into your clit through the thin layers of fabric, purposeful and direct, and he uses a finger to press between your folds. You end up losing the battle, but only partly, letting a little whimper loose against Jean's surprisingly soft lips. He slowly licks into your mouth and raises his hand to rest over your lower belly, dipping under your shirt to smooth over the warmed skin.
Your eyes are closed, body alight with so many exciting sensations you're not sure what to focus on. Regaining a moment of sense, you can feel yourself reaching for both of them, settling on their legs at your sides. It grounds you, anchors you, but it doesn't last long. Connie's chuckle sounds out beside you. "You're wet," he says, nudging your shorts aside to urge a finger against your underwear. "I can feel it through your panties."
Breaking away from Jean, the urge to pant and catch your breath is as tempting as it is embarrassing. You glance at Connie, looking at you like a hungry wolf, and slide your hands over both of their laps, somehow surprised to be met with strained fabric. "You're one to talk." You reply, gripping the noticeable bulges beneath your palms. Both of them utter a sort of groan, stretching themselves out to allow better access. Connie's dickprint could clearly be seen through his sweats, strapped to his thigh by a pair of boxer briefs, but Jean's dick laid more concealed beneath his dark jeans, the rigid fabric keeping you from getting a whole hand around him. You wonder for a moment how different their dicks looked -- how different they would feel, bare against your hand, your tongue, even stretching you out.
The clothes come off in a sort of frenzy, confidence blooming in your chest once the men were down to their underwear with their cocks begging to be freed. Suddenly, you lost the shy feeling of toeing around what you all wanted. You found your voice.
Straddling Jean's hips backwards, you face Connie, holding onto the brunette's strong thighs for balance. Jean teases his dick through your folds and gasps when you grind against him, brushing his head over your needy clit. Before you, at the foot of the bed, Connie leans back, legs spread so he can jerk off comfortably to the sight in front of him. Your eyes follow his movements -- working up the veiny shaft until dollops of pre ooze out from his flushed tip.
Jean's hands shift from groping and massaging your ass to gripping the supple meat of your hips, rocking you up and down as you slide your pussy over his cock. Arousal leaking, you're so wet he could slip right inside, given a good enough angle -- but he lets you move whichever way you want to, lets his eyes roll back with a groan.
"You wanna watch me fuck your best friend, Con?" You ask sweetly, voice tinted far too innocently for the hungry way you look down at him, splayed open on your mattress. Connie flicks his wrist, caught between watching your cunt work around Jean's dick and watching your face, such a sly smile crawling over your warmed cheeks. "Gonna watch me ride him stupid?"
Beneath you, Jean's hips twitch. His fingers dig into you with more urgency, a deep groan leaking from his chest. "Hold on, baby. Be a good boy for me." You coo, reaching down to cup his balls and press his cock flush against your wet lips. Shockwaves pulse through your body when you rub your clit against the silky smooth skin of his dickhead. Little moans spill out from your lips, urging both of the men on in their own motions; Jean bucks up into your hold, Connie grips his cock more fervently.
"You sound so fucking pretty like this," Jean utters from behind you, and Connie grunts, adding, "you look so pretty like this. Wanna see you all filled up."
Pleased, you lift your hips and align Jean's long dick with your entrance. It takes a moment for you to ease down all the way. A delightful burn shoots up your center, working to stretch around his meat and accommodate to his size, but you feel so full, so satisfied once he's buried inside you. His dick curves just the perfect way to hit the right spot deep inside your cunt.
"Oh, fuck," you mutter once you're pelvis to pelvis.
"Feels good?" Connie squeezes his tip, smearing more pre over himself. Eyes sliding shut, you nod eagerly and rock your hips, drinking in every gasp and moan that Jean offers so generously from beneath you. For a few moments you simply scoot and rock, massaging that spot and working up a tight coil in your belly. With the motions your body leans forward, providing Jean with the perfect view of your ass and Connie with the jiggle of your tits. Wet, lewd sounds slip into the space between you all, making the moment feel all too real.
"That's it, baby, take what you need," Jean smooths a hand up your curved spine. His heels dig into the mattress so he can press harder into your core.
Connie watches you start to bounce, a look of utter bliss washing over your face, and groans with every broken little moan you breathe out. He jerks into his fist in time with Jean's half hip thrusts. He can be patient, he can wait, he tells himself; no matter how he feels about Jean fucking you, the view and symphony you've selflessly provided him were more than enough to have every ounce of blood rush from his brain straight to his dick.
"Kiss, k-kiss me, Con," you mewl out, your breathing already growing heavy. The man jumps onto his knees and crawls forward, so eager to hold your jaw in one hand and give you exactly what you asked for. The kiss is sloppy, messy and wet, tongues sliding around each other without much direction, but it feels like exactly what you need, adding fuel to the flame in your core.
Connie slicks his hand up and down his shaft while he tongues you, eyes shut and abs squeezing tight. So many new experiences tonight, so little time to process them -- the thought of a threesome with Jean wasn't too out of left field, but the fact that you were smack in the middle of it was almost crazy enough to make him question if this was all a long, wet dream, one that would leave him sticky yet unsatisfied when he woke.
"You take me so fucking good," Jean grips your ass cheeks roughly, spreading them to take in the view of his cock sliding in and out of you with such ease. The desk lamp catches your arousal in a glimmer, leaking out and into the smearing of dark brunette hair around his pelvis. "Shit, so fucking good."
The praise makes you melt and stutter your bouncing, mewling into Connie's mouth and choosing to rock yourself back and forth to gain composure, but it's a fruitless effort. Pulling away from his mouth, an involuntary cry rips from your throat and that pressure inside mounts to an unbearable edge.
"F-Fuck, fuck fuck fuck--"
"Oh shit, are you cumming already?" Connie's eyes grow wide, looking down at you like a world wonder. He drops his hand from your face to grope at your tits, smoothing over the pert nipples and pinching them lightly to make you gasp.
Jean takes control. He holds onto you like you'd rocket off into space without him and hammers upward into your spasming cunt, jaw tensed as you milk him, your mouth dropped open in a silent cry. "God, fuck -- yeah, she is. C'mon baby, cum on my cock," he pleads more than commands, voice almost lost against the lewd slapping sounds coming from between you. The orgasm feels nearly shocking, crashing over you from head to toe and bathing your entire body in sparks and a deep, burning heat. Silken walls squeeze and shake, much like your hands, which grasp onto Connie's strong forearm to keep you from simply falling over in the peak of your pleasure.
The most you can offer is little squeaks as the wave dies down. You feel a little lightheaded and let out a shaky exhale, eyes fluttering open to meet those of your step-brother -- his gaze feels impossibly heavy as it flicks over your face. He licks his lips and offers a sly grin. "You're so fucking pretty." Connie says lowly. An almost ditzy smile flashes his way and you close the minimal space between your faces, catching his lips in another kiss.
Jean slows his movements to more purposeful, deep thrusts, and relaxes his grip, but rolls his head back into the pillow and utters a deep groan. "Where -- Where d'you want me? M'close," he breathes.
You break away from Connie, who whines a little, but watches you closely. Jelly-like legs work with you to unmount Jean and twist around so that you can take him into your mouth, propping your ass up into the air in front of Connie, almost like an offering. Jean watches you with half lidded eyes. His cock looks even bigger with your hand wrapped around it -- wetness and a little thick cream coat his bare, flushed skin, which you lick up in long strokes of the tongue. He pulses under your touch, eagerly lifting his hips to meet your lips as you kiss over his sensitive skin.
The brunette curses under his breath when you meet the heated eye-contact, smiling coyly before sliding his meat between your lips, suckling him and flicking your hot tongue over his frenulum.
Connie, behind you, eyes his friend's undoing, watches as Jean grips the pastel sheets beneath him with strong hands. Your ass dangles so teasingly in front of him, darkened shapes in the form of fingerprints ghost around your plump skin from where Jean held you just moments before.
He never thought himself to be possessive, but watching you impale yourself to the point of cumming over Jean's cock and licking up the delicious mess you made without so much as touching his own needy prick sparked something in Connie, a strange, primal sort of urge that drives his hips forward on their own. His hands grip at your hips and draw a surprised hum from your busy mouth, but the way you wiggle your ass in reply is enough to bring a grin back to his face. Your thighs are still slicked with your own cum and arousal, your hole flutters around nothing as he spreads your cheeks and peers at the mess you made.
Connie marvels at the way your supple skin feels cupped in his hands, so soft and smooth under his touch. He nudges his leaking tip against your center, rubbing up and down through your lips and gathering up wetness to spread over himself. "This okay, baby?" he asks smoothly, leaning over you to speak closer to your ear. With a mouth full, you nod and press back against him, gasping when the motion pushes just a little of his fat tip into you.
Jean locks eyes with Connie for a moment. The novelty of the situation hasn't worn off yet -- they share a few seconds of raised brows and near drunken grins before Connie presses into you with a firm and concise thrust. Vibrations from your rather deep and needy moan flutter around Jean's cock and immediately push him right up to the edge, rolling his eyes back as his stomach muscles grow taut. Cockhead pressed against the back of your throat, Jean gasps out the neediest sound he's made all night, "fuck, 'm cumming, 'm-- aah," his legs shake as he releases his load straight down your throat. You moan around him, sucking and flicking your tongue over the underside of his pulsing dick, resisting the urge to gag and gathering pinprick tears across your waterline.
Connie waits, already filling you to the brim, rubbing his hands over your hips soothingly. The room feels hotter and thicker than ever before -- Jean pants at the head of the bed, lids heavy as he gazes down and watches you lick up wayward spit strands from his throbbing dick. "Holy shit," the brunette breathes. "Holy shit. Thank you."
A little giggle spills out from your swollen, plump lips, and you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. "You don't need to tha-- ah, ah, fuck!"
Connie snaps his hips to and fro, urging you forward and back with the motions. He slides so easily in and out of your cunt. Straight pornographic sounds punctuate the stuffy room and he throws his head back with a long, purposeful groan, settling his thumbs into the little indents above your ass like perfect riding handles. His cockhead pushes and presses inside you. There's some muddled emotion behind these thrusts, so strong and sharp in contrast with the rather bubbly persona you knew Connie to hold.
Jean sits up onto his elbows, watching your tits sway and jump with his friends motions. "Bring her over here, Connie," he jerks his head at an angle and beckons you up the bed. Connie, after a few more thrusts, obliges, though his brow is furrowed in a rare look of concentration as you two shuffle up, still locked together in a slick hold.
You find yourself between them both yet again, your mouth uncoordinated in all your post-orgasm-slash-pre-orgasm haze. Jean doesn't seem to mind -- he lazily kisses over your cheeks, your jaw, licking trails up the column of your throat as you hover over him with shaky arms. Connie ruts into you at a pace that surprises you, drawing louder and louder moans with every slap his balls deliver to your throbbing pussy. "Y'love it, don't you?" He groans, "you love taking your step-brother's cock, don't you, pretty girl?"
With a hot mouth sucking little bruises over your neck, you utter a little cry, eyes pinching shut as your cunt flutters around Connie's dick.
"Yes, yes yes yes," you manage, "fuck me, give me more, fuck-- Connie--"
"You close already? Hold on for me, baby, wait for me."
At the command, you find yourself clenching your thighs together, whimpering when Jean absolutely pushes you in the other direction by tweaking and pinching your nipples between his fingers. The brunette grins against your flushed skin. He flicks the sensitive nubs playfully, biting down on your shoulder and sucking hard enough that there'd surely be a big blooming bruise the next morning. Desperate whines greet both mens ears as your cunt drools recklessly between your legs.
"Please, please Con, need'ta cum," you beg. "Please let me cum--"
Groaning, Connie watches the ripple of plump flesh that accompanies every thrust. His mouth drops open before he can think through what he says next: "Gonna let me cum inside?"
Your hole clenches around him on its own accord. "C-Cum inside?"
"Mhm," he rolls with it, too lost in his building orgasm to care anymore, "gonna let me fill you up baby?"
Of course, it's all talk straight from a thoughtless brain -- he'd finish wherever you wanted him to. But if he didn't at least try, he'd be kicking himself for the foreseeable future.
Jean eyes his friend over your shoulder, but kisses a trail up to the shell of your ear, where he breathes hot waves over you. "Good girls leave no mess," he coaxes, making you shiver.
The coil in your belly is strung impossibly tight. Right at the edge, ready to plummet for the second time that night, you whimper and grasp for Jean, digging your nails into his arms. You feel a release, a dam breaking deep in your core, sending a dizzying wave washing over you yet again.
"Cum in me," it almost comes out as a whisper, "please c-cum in me, Connie."
And it's music to Connie's ears, sending goosebumps over his sweat-slicked body. He needs no more than a few more pumps before your swollen, twitching walls milk the cum out of his cock, squeezing him so tight he utters a moan one might label as pathetic -- but he couldn't care less, tilting his head back and burying himself as deep as he could to shoot his load against your abused cervix. Jean peppers light kisses over your face, to the corner of your mouth, hung wide in another fit of pleasure.
The delicate smoothing of Connie's hands over your lower back, the soft hum from Jean beneath you, it all lulls you into a state of exhaustion you weren't sure you were capable of staying awake for.
After a moment, Connie pulls out, eyeing the cum mixture that threatens to drip out of your twitching hole with wonder. "Holy shit," he says quietly, voice nearly cracking.
Holy shit. There's no train of thought to be found for the rest of the night, even as all three of you re-dress and bid Jean goodnight an hour later -- he gives you a kiss, feather light and unsure as it lays at the corner of your mouth, but you don't mind in the slightest -- and, as you pad to up to your room once again, a creaking door startles you straight out of your still-tingly skin.
How in the fuck had you forgotten, or, perhaps your horny brain simply ignored, that your parents were sleeping just down the hall?
The tired, bleary face you know to belong to Connie's mom searches for you in the darkness. "Everything okay?" she asks, voice rocky, as if she'd just woken up. The hammering in your chest rings in your ears as you nod. "Was that Connie? And Jean?" she continues, looking you up and down for a moment.
Panic washes over you. Sure, you're a grown woman, you're certain both parental figures know you have a sex life -- but the pure taboo of the night doesn't escape you.
So, you sputter out the only excuse you can scrounge up in the moment. A half-truth, to save your conscience, and maybe even save Connie's grounded ass in the process.
"Jean came over, but not for Connie. He's been in his room." You say quietly, nervous fingers fiddling with the hem of your shorts -- too reminiscent of how your step-brother played with them earlier in the night.
A moment of silence passes between you two, before your step-mother hums to break it. "He's nice, that Jean boy. Sometimes I think Connie's a bit of a bad influence." And with that, she wishes you goodnight, and closes her door once again.
Retreating to the relative safety of your room, you shove yourself under the covers and heave a heavy sigh. There's no time to think over the potential consequences of your actions before there's a figure clicking the door shut behind them. Connie traverses the space confidently, as if it's his own room he's crossing, and doesn't even ask before crawling into bed next to you.
There's no fight in you, even if you had the energy for it. Jumbled, disorganized thoughts drift in and out of your mind as he snuggles into your side, his bare chest hot but comforting.
Connie, a bad influence?
He presses a lazy kiss into your hair.
Maybe, but you're no better.
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defonotrini · 2 years
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Slut me out - Megumi Fan Fic
PAIRING : megumi x reader
WARNINGS : drug use, slight rape, slut shaming, creampie, fingering, slight bondage, etc etc
NOTES: I was listening to slut me out by NLE Choppa while thinking about Megumi so it seemed like a nice fanfic to write. This isn’t the best fanfic i’ve written but I was tired and bored so I hope you guys do enjoy 😉.
You have never been more excited than to finally attend a party at SATORU GOJO’S house. Most people may think it’s not a big deal but for somebody who’s known for throwing the best parties in the city and he invites you to come to one, is a pretty big deal.
You and Nobara were just getting ready to soon be picked up by Megumi and Yuji.
You had already showered and done your hair and makeup. Now you just had to choose what you were gonna wear.
“Nobara sweetie, what do you think I should wear ?”
“I dunno it depends if you wanna go for a cute vibe or a whore vibe”
“I think I wanna go for a slutty vibe,” You said smirking up as you have finally chosen what to wear.
“Y/N…, Fushiguro, and Itadori are here !”
“Ok gimmie a minute, I need to grab something”
As you walked out you saw them standing in front of the car with Yuji, of course, holding an almost finished blunt in his hand.
“heyyyyyyy guyssssss”
You and Nobara looked at Yuji like he just got his head chopped off. “Don’t mind him, he had like 2 before we came here”
You walked up to Megumi with a big smile on your face and he returned one. He scanned your figure to see what you were wearing and he couldn’t help but just stare for a while. You wore a skin-tight midnight blue dress that stopped mid-thigh with cute black heels and showed the perfect amount of cleavage from your breast. Megumi couldn’t help but feel his pants tighten around him.
“You wanna take a picture or something ?” You asked with a smile.
“Uhhh - Anyways, are you guys ready to leave ?”
“DUH,” said Nobara.
Yuji insisted on letting you sit in the front seat next to Megumi while he and Nobara sit in the back, smoking yet another blunt.
It was about a 15-minute drive to Gojo’s house so you guys had enough time to chat and have high conversations in the car. Although you couldn’t help but stare at Megumi’s hands while he was driving. They were so long and slender, the way he tightened them around the steering wheel made your cheeks flush.
“Hey, Meg’s, you gotta aux cord that I can use?”
“Check in the glove box”
You found the tiny black cord and plugged it into the car and then into your phone.
“Any song request ?”
They all nodded a no.
“That’s fine, I have a song to play”
It was quiet for a few minutes until the song started to play.
“Ayy, rip off my shirt if you love me. Spit in my face when you fuck me. Play with my gooch while you suck me. Eat the dick like you was ugly.”
“Y/N what is this song ?” asked Megumi
“Slut me out by NLE Choppa”
“Why would you-“
“Wait shhh it’s the best part”
“Slut me out”
As you sang along to the song Megumi started feeling uneasy, while Nobara and Yuji were having the time of their life listening to it in the back seat. Megumi stared at your face as you were singing those 3 words. If only you knew how badly he did wanna slut you out.
Finally arriving at Gojo’s house, You never expected his house…no mansion to be this huge but here you are. Walking inside, it was dim but filled with so many colored lights and party decorations everywhere with a DJ set up. It was like his own personal club.
“It’s seriously crazy in here,” said Megumi
“Fuck yeah, My kinda crazy,” you said looking up at him.
“Me and Nobara are gonna find some chicks to hook up with, Just call me if you need me”
“Good luck guys” You winked at them both as they disappeared into the people in the crowd.
“I’m gonna go get a drink Megumi, Do you want anything ?”
“Nah I think I'm just gonna sit down and have a smoke”
You shrugged your shoulders as you walked up to the bartender.
“Bacardi,” You said simply. The bartender quickly whipped up one.
“Bacardi huh…interesting choice for a young one like yourself”
You didn’t recognize the voice but as you turned to your side you noticed who it was instantly.
“Oh my god, Your Satoru Gojo”
“In the flesh”
“I just wanna thank you so much for inviting me to this party, It’s honestly such a gift and it’s so awesome in here”
“Please, the pleasure is mine miss…?”
“Here’s your drink ma’am,” said the Bartender
“You know, why don’t you finish that drink and then follow me yea ?”
After 3 sips you finished it and paid the bartender. As you followed Gojo upstairs the music started to fade more and more.
He showed you to his humongous bedroom with a king-sized bed and red silk sheets completing the look.
“Oh, I wasn’t here to have se-“
“Oh yea, I’m sure you just showed up to my party just to dance and have fun with your friends, definitely to not get fucked by me”
“That’s exactly why I showed up here” You started to get impatient with the man.
“Just shut the fuck up and take your clothes off already”
“Excuse me”
Had you known Gojo was such a perverted asshole you wouldn’t have come to his party in the first place.
“I think I’m leaving now”
“No, you don’t”
He grabbed your hair and threw you on the floor with your wrist pinned over your head
“Let the fuck go !” You screamed trying to do all you could to get him off you.
“No way, Your gonna take this co-“
“She said to let go” Now that was a voice you noticed right away.
“Megumi…” He was standing by the door frame with an angered look on his face, Looking like he was gonna kill Gojo.
“Now now Megumi, can’t you see I’m busy here”
“I said let her fucking go or so help me I will post this entire video of you forcing y/n on the ground to the internet”
Gojo looked at Megumi then looked back at you. He let go of your hair with a loud huff and walked out of the room. “Smart ass,” was all he said last.
“Megumi, thank god you came here,” as you got up from the floor you noticed Megumi closing the door and locking it. “ I saw him lead you up here and you didn’t look too happy so I followed y’all”
“Why did you lock the door Megumi ?”
“Because…he got to touch you…and you liked it”
“Uhm, I’m sorry what are you implying ?” You think I enjoyed him trying to rape me ?”
You asked with a scoff at the end.
“No, you didn’t enjoy him trying to have sex with you, but you were trying to have sex with someone tonight. Just not him”
“Yea, okay and who would that be ?” You asked trying to play dumb hoping Megumi would buy it but he didn’t.
“Me,” He said as he inched closer to you with his lips only centimeters away from yours.
“Don’t flatter yourself Megumi” Why would I try and have sex with you tonight ?”
“Y/n just how stupid do you think I am ?” The dress, The song, All those fucking smiles at me, Staring at my hands while driving. Oh and this little guy too.” He reached into your breast and grabbed the condom you had hidden in your bra.
“Fuck” you whispered.
“Yeah, I know you want me too,” Megumi said with a smirk.
“Look it’s not what it looks like I swear” You tried to play the pleading card but that never works on Megumi.
“You sure? Cause it looks like you want me to slut you out on this bed until you're begging me to stop.”
You felt embarrassed that he was right. Even though you never wanted to do anything to ruin you guys’ friendship you could never help the way your body reacted every time you were around Megumi. “Just say the words and I’ll fuck you Y/N.”
“Megumi…please” You looked up at him with innocent eyes and your hand placed on both sides of his face. “Please kiss me, Fuck me…I want you to slut me out.“
“On the bed” You obeying for yourself laid on your back as Megumi climbed on top of you kissing you all over your face and soon moving down to your neck. “Let me take this off.” He slid down the spaghetti straps of your dress and pulled it off with you lifting your ass to help him. You were wearing a lacy midnight blue pair that made Megumi go feral. “You wanted me to fuck you that bad huh ?”
He started kissing your breast and groping your tits as you moaned into his ear. He leaned down till he was face to face with your lacy panties. As he slid them off he could see the wet slick that was covered in them. “I hope this is from my touch and not his touch baby, because if it’s not we’re gonna have a problem”
“It’s…from yours ‘Gumi”
“Better be” He continued staring at your bare cunt. It was so pretty and wet that he just wanted to cherish this pretty pussy forever. He stuck two of his long slender fingers in his mouth and stuck them inside of you. A swift back and forth or up and down motion was enough for you to cum. “Ahh, ‘Gumi please please please”
“Please what baby, Use your words” You looked down and made eye contact with him.
“Please go faster”
“Oh, you mean like this ?” Megumi started going at a rapid pace that you were sure could make you squirt on him. Almost at your climax, you gripped the sheets so hard, making your knuckles turn white. “I’m close ‘Gumi”
“Cmon baby, want your juices all over my fingers.”
“Ahhhh” Slick juices coated Megumi’s fingers and he couldn’t help but have a lick or two at them. “Mmmm tastes so sweet”
“My cock is throbbing so hard right now, I think it’s time I show you what you are now.” He took off his belt and grabbed both of your wrists as he tied them together with the belt. He dropped the black slacks he had on, along with the white button up leaving it all on the floor as he teased the waistband of his boxers. “Tell me how badly you want it.”
“Megumi please please please, I wanna feel you inside of me, want my pussy to be filled with your cock all the way to my stomach.” He tucked your hair behind your ear and whispered “Your gonna enjoy this.”
He discarded his boxers and climbed on top of you. He grabbed the condom and tore off the opening carefully as he slid it down his length, aligning his tip with your entrance. Finally pushing inside of you with no problem. “Ahhhh - fucking hell, your pussy is so tight and wet” He went in and out of you at a decent pace for you to keep up with. “Megumi, Your so big…I…I love it.” He looked at you chuckling like he was proud of himself.
“Tell me how much of a slut you are, Tell me how you are so slutty that you planned this entire thing just so you could feel my cock 8 inches deep in you.”
“I’m a big slut, but I’m your slut ‘Gumi. I wanted your cock to fill my empty pussy because every time I see you I can’t help but think about it.” Megumi was surprised about everything you said. He would’ve done this any other day, you didn’t have to plan this but here you guys are now. Megumi is on top fucking you like he has the stamina to do so and you under him, a crying mess that’s enjoying herself. “I’m so close baby.” As you both reach your climax you both whine out as you try and catch your breaths.
“Holy fucking shit,” you said as you noticed the mess you both made. “Gojo is not gonna be happy about this.”
“Fuck what Gojo isn’t gonna be happy about, that fucking asshole.”
You laughed as you laid next to Megumi, Your naked bodies still covered in sweat and cum. “You wanna get out of here and try another round but somewhere more…not Gojo’s bedroom ?” you asked Megumi.
“Fuck yeah I do.”
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