#he went from always looking sad or pissed off in videos to now always looking insane or taking insane photos
synthshenanigans · 4 months
okay but like why he covered in oil tho like what's going on
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jjunieworld · 5 months
24. the beating heart ⸝ ˚⋆
↳ half written, half texts. word count: 4.9k
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soobin sighed deeply as he got into his car.
what more could sakura have? what more could she do to ruin his life and hurt y/n even more than she already is? soobin banged his hand off his steering wheel, causing the horn to honk loudly, scaring a group of people walking by. he pulled out of the parking lot and made his way to sakura’s place.
sakura’s place was different in the daylight and without all of the people and security guards crowding it. he pulled up to the gate and before he could even get out to press the button, it automatically opened. he pulled through and parked his car in the roundabout driveway.
soobin slammed his door shut and walked up to the door. he knocked three times and waited.
if there was something else out there that could hurt y/n, he needed to destroy it while he was here. he’s already done enough to her. she doesn’t need more added on to it.
the door flung open and he was greeted with a smiling sakura, ushering him in. she took him to the fourth floor and into her room, urging him to sit on the bed and wait.
“get to the fucking point, sakura. what else do you have?” soobin spat out angrily as he stood near the door. sakura look back at him and sighed, rolling her eyes slightly.
“remember when we use to be friends?” she replied.
“no, i don’t.”
she came up to him and rested her hands on his bicep. “binnie, how many times do i have to say this. it was for your own good! you deserve to be with someone who’s at the same standards as you! not that poor wannabe who can’t tell the difference between a designer purse and a knockoff from the thrift store.” soobin moved her hands off of him.
sakura inhaled sharply and turned to sit on her bed. “you must want me to post the video of her finding out about the bet for everyone to see. imagine how fun it will be for everyone to get another laugh at it.” soobin’s heart dropped. there’s no way a video exists of that, right?
“poor little y/n, couldn’t keep up with the big shots and went tumbling. how sad.” sakura continued, a pout on her lips. it took everything in soobin not to lunge at her.
a thought of realization crossed soobin’s mind. sakura was lying. if she had a video of that night, it would’ve already been posted.
“you’re lying,” soobin firmly stated. the smug smirk on her face faltered briefly, but long enough for soobin to notice. it was his turn for a smirk to cross his face.
“if there was a video, you would’ve posted it already. you wouldn’t be able to help yourself. in your own words, ‘you like putting people in their place.’” anger flashed across sakura’s features as she swiftly stood to her feet. “what am i really doing here, sakura. and cut the shit. looking at you right now is pissing me off more and more by the second. what is your issue with y/n?”
the anger then turned into a sickly sweet smile. “you understand me so well, binnie.” she came up to soobin and wrapped her arms around him. or as well as she could since his arms were crossed against his chest.
“everything i do, i do for you! can’t you see? i did all of this so we could finally be together. we belong together. we always have.” she cupped his face with her hands. “i love you, soobin.”
she reached to pressed a kiss to his lips but soobin harshly pushed her off of him. sakura fell to the ground, landing hard on her butt. a hurt expression paints her features as she stares up at him.
anger buries soobin as he digs his fingernails in the palms of his hands. “you’re fucking delusional if you ever thought there would ever be a world in which i love you, let alone fucking like you. we’re done, sakura. don’t ever contact me again.” soobin stares her down to make sure she finally gets the message.
furious, sakura slowly rises to her feet, keeping eye contact with soobin. “you will regret this.” soobin raises an eyebrow, “will i? i’ve already done the thing i regret the most. this is nothing. once i leave here, i won’t even give you a second thought.”
he could tell his words cut her deep as the furious expression fell flat. all that there was left was pain. soobin didn’t care, it serves her right. he turned to leave and felt as she ran up to him, clinging onto his side.
“she will never be able to love you like i do! she’ll never understand you and know you like i do!” sakura frantically said. tears were streaming down her face, messing up her makeup. “we’re a match made in heaven, and you know it! you’re mine, and i’m yours.”
soobin pushed her off of him again, causing her to stumble backwards. “you’ve never known or understood me at all. can’t you see? you mean nothing to me. and y/n…? she means everything.”
soobin left her there, clinging to the edge of her dresser, sobbing loudly. he made his way outside to his car and drove off. all he desperately wanted to do was see y/n. to wrap his arms around her and hold her close to him.
soobin needed to figure out some way to show y/n how much he was genuinely sorry. how much that video didn’t actually reflect who he is. soobin needed to show y/n how much he truly and deeply loved her.
an idea crossed his mind. he knew just the thing.
it’s been days since your birthday. days since your heart was ripped out of your chest and stomped on. days since you’ve last seen soobin. and it didn’t hurt any less. if anything, it hurt more.
not that you’ve been helping yourself out. all you’ve been doing was looking at old photos and videos, rotting away in your bed in either his sweater or his hoodie. today was the sweater, the one he gave you on your first date. it didn’t smell like him anymore since you’ve washed it, but the fact that it was still his gave you comfort.
you got up from your bed. enough was enough, you at least needed some fresh air. deciding to take a walk, you slip on some actual clothes, deciding to keep his sweater on.
as you made your way out of the dorms, you didn’t really have an idea on where to walk to. maybe around the corner and back? that sounded good. you inhaled the crisp air deeply. the wind flowing over your skin.
you can tell soobin has been giving you space. the way he lingers when he sees you, words on the tip of his tongue. him leaving classes later than usual so you’re not on the same elevator. in the hallways you can feel his stare on you, gently caressing your mind. you just want to go up to him, take him into your arms, and kiss him until you run out of breath. you want, for just once, to close your eyes and see the two of you happily together. instead of that godforsaken night.
sighing, you put your headphones in, deciding to drown out the nature sounds around you.
there’s a deal you can make on a midnight walk alone. look around, listen close, hear it fall from above.
you wish that you could go back to before any of this even happened. to when he was still yours and you were still his. instead, you have this empty spot where your heart use to be.
it will ask what you’d give and what you’d take for it in return. i once went on such a walk and i found that i’d said…
it’s not that you had no idea where it had gone. you knew deep down that your heart was next to his, placed gingerly together, beating for him. maybe in another world you had his heart, instead of the hollow corridors that now occupy your chest.
you inhaled sharply as you tried not to let your tears fall and continued on your walk.
“i want someone to take this soul. i can’t bear to keep it, i’d give it just to give and all i will take are the consequences. will somebody take this soul?”
as you rounded the corner back to your dorms, your body felt extremely heavy. besides the couple of tears you shed, you haven’t really let yourself fully cry. break down and fall onto your knees dry heaving cry. clutching your chest as you try to form words that you know aren’t there, that you know can’t express the pain, cry.
you knew you desperately needed it, but it’s as if your body refused to let you crumble. like some sort of hope was still keeping you glued together, every last little piece. you couldn’t understand it. what hope we’re you holding on to?
the hope that you’ll wake up, still next to soobin in your bed on your birthday, and realize that this was all some horrible dream? a nightmare your mind created? that this was all part of some other elaborate plan and at any moment everyone will pop out of the shadows?
you had to be realistic with yourself. this is your life now. and you will never be able to move on, to take back your heart, if you don’t let yourself fall.
there’s a deal that i made. there’s a deal…
did you even want your heart back?
you step to the door of your dorm room and sigh inwardly. you go to unlock it to find that it’s already unlocked. your brows furrow, but you think nothing of it. it must be my friends, you think.
oh how you were wrong.
you push your door open and are suddenly face to face with soobin. your breath hitches in your throat as you stand frozen. it’s as if you were transported back to that horrible night. those same heartbreaking eyes staring back at you.
your friends were right, soobin’s face does look fucked up. maybe not as bad as it was before, but you can definitely see the remnants of it. his left eye is patchy with green and yellows. splotches of purple cover his nose. yeonjun was disappointed to hear that he didn’t break it, only slightly cracked and bruised it. his beautiful lips had a deep cut in them. all you wanted to do was take his face in your hands.
his eyes were slightly red and there were deep bags under his eyes. his hair stood in various directions and you could tell he’s been running his fingers through it. you just noticed that he was holding a bouquet of flowers. cornflowers, white tulips, and orchids with a singular red rose in the center. you wished you didn’t swoon at it all. you also noticed the brown bag on your nightstand filled with who knows what.
he walked up to you carefully, making sure to stop a couple feet away. “y/n, please just listen to me for a mome—“
“how did you get in here?” you cut him off. you were sure you locked the door before you left.
soobin rubbed his free hand on the back of his neck. “i picked the lock… i watched a couple youtube videos… i’m sorry, i’m just now realizing how creepy this all is.” you take out your headphones and shove them into the pocket of your jeans. he follows the motion, lingering on your top.
you mentally smack yourself. you’re wearing his sweater. your face heats up as you cross your arms, trying and failing miserably to cover the sweater.
“can we please talk?” soobin finally says after a long moment of silence. you sigh and shut the door. you walk past him and sit on your bed, motioning for him to sit across from you on the other. he does just that.
soobin then gingerly hands over the bouquet of flowers. “for you,” he says softly. you hesitate before taking them. you stay quiet as you tuck the flowers close to your chest.
he looks at you, defeated. “will you say something to me? anything? please… i can’t bear your silence.” you look at him blankly for a moment before turning to the bag on the nightstand. “what’s in the bag?”
soobin lights up briefly at your voice and reaches for the bag. “they’re sweets! i made them for you. was up all night making them actually… you like a lot of stuff so i made a bunch of different things since i couldn’t decide on one thing.” he rambled. he handed you the bag.
you took it with furrowed brows. “soobin, what is this?” you can practically see his heart leap at you saying his name. or maybe it was yours, you still weren’t sure. “you think you can break into my room with flowers and homemade baked goods and everything will be okay again?”
he raked his hands through his hair. “no. i know that isn’t going to fix things.” he took the bag from you and sat it back on the nightstand, then took the flowers and placed them in the empty vase on your desk. he sat back on the empty bed and looked down at his hands for a moment.
“i know i said i was going to give you the space and time you needed, but staying away from you is driving me crazy. everytime i close my eyes i see the way you looked at me that night. the way your heart broke right in front of me…” finally, soobin met your eyes, “i would do anything to change what happened. anything. can we please just go somewhere and talk? and after this, i’ll leave you alone forever if that’s what you want. but i can’t go on with my life without you knowing how much you mean to me. how much you’ll always mean to me. please y/n… please just talk to me and let me explain everything.”
you held back the tears in your eyes, held back all the pain and the memories with him being in front of you brought up. anger was the only thing that was left. “what more could you say? what could you possibly say that will explain every interaction between us being for a stupid bet?”
anger clouded you as you tried to push away the pain. “that all of this was just a game to you? to them.” you shook your head at yourself, more in disbelief and disappointment.
“oh, how naive i was! how naive i was to think that you, choi soobin, the golden boy, the boy who everyone loves, would ever fall for me. i should’ve listened to my friends when they tried to warn me about you. when they tried to tell me that nothing good would come out of this and to be careful. maybe i wouldn’t be in this situation right now.”
you clenched your fists at your side and inhaled sharply. “but no, i was just so happy that the guy i was head over heels for would even give me the time of day. i thought, “no, soobin doesn’t seem like that type of guy. he’s different.” how fucking wrong i was.”
“please, y/n—“ you cut him off with a raised hand. “how wrong i was to think that everything between us was real. that the morning of my birthday was real. that you love me.”
“it was real! all of it was real for me, y/n. i swear to you. i love you.” soobin said desperately.
tears fell from soobin’s eyes. he slid to the floor in front of you on his knees. he put his forehead to your lap and desperately held onto your hands. “please y/n… i’m begging you. just let me do this one thing. let me explain everything to you and you’ll never see me again.” you can tell that your cheeks were now wet with fallen tears as well.
you wanted to run your hands through his hair and out of his face. wipe the tears from his face and tell him how much you still love him. but you couldn’t.
you wiped the tears furiously off your face and tried to breathe. it was haggard. you could feel your hands shake under his. it’s been days since you’ve been this close. days since you’ve last touched.
you inhaled sharply. “this is your last and final chance. your only chance… to explain this to me. to explain why you would do this to me.” he looked up to you, his eyes redder and his cheeks wet. you saw the hopeful gleam in his eyes. “to tell me if everything between us was a lie. to tell me if you ever actually loved me.”
soobin rose heavily to his feet, he still held onto your hands. reluctantly, he let go of them. you saw how his hands twitched after. “will you walk with me?”
the two of you ended up walking side by side together for a while. you can tell he was leading you somewhere from the deliberate turns that he made. the sun was just beginning to go down, pink streaks of color breaking through the blue sky.
you were walking through a path connected to the woods. you were by the park he took you to when he first asked you to be his girlfriend. the path broke out into a small isolated clearing and you froze in your tracks as you held your breath.
in front of you was a field of cornflowers, your favorite flower. you put a hand to your mouth as you looked around. soobin looked back at you, noticing the fact that you weren’t beside him anymore, and stopped to watch you take in the scene.
you noticed there was already a small blanket laid out in an empty part where there were no flowers. gently, soobin took your hand and guided you there. you sat down a little bit away from him and tried to focus on the conversation that you were about to have. you played with the end of his sweater as you waited for him to speak.
“i just want to start by saying that i’m really, really sorry y/n. about all of it. about even agreeing to the bet in the first place, about breaking your heart for the first time when i took my anger out on you, and about breaking your heart for the second time when i kept the whole bet aspect a secret from you and ultimately having you get hurt in the end. i didn’t want you to get hurt, i tried everything in my power for it to not happen. but a relationship built on lies will fall eventually, and i kept trying to seal the cracks with more lies.”
he ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath before continuing. “so here is the complete and utter truth. the day we first spoke, by the elevator, that wasn’t by chance. i waited to speak to you, i even made up a lie about taking a sociology class so i could meet you at the cafe later that day and have you “help” me figure it out. then i proposed the dinner idea so i could get the bet rolling.”
you looked down to the blanket you were sitting on and squeezed your hands into fists to stop them from shaking. you knew it. deep down, you knew it.
“that was the first and last thing in our relationship that i ever did for that bet,” soobin said. you looked up to him to find he was already staring at you. you had a hard time believing his words.
“i know you don’t believe me, but i swear to you i’m telling the truth. when we had our first date, it’s like my eyes were opened. you’re everything that i ever wanted, and i knew from the moment i took you back to your dorm room and we kissed that i severely fucked up. i was already harboring feelings for you and i didn’t understand them because nobody has ever made me feel the way that you do. so that’s when i ignored you and everything at sakura’s party happened.”
your mind flashed back to those events. you drunk texting soobin and asking him why he’s ignoring you. his hurtful words. you telling soobin to meet you at the cafe and him explaining his feelings for you like he’s doing now.
“by then, i was barely speaking to… my friends…” he trailed off. he didn’t have to tell you for you to understand that they weren’t his friends anymore. “i told you, i wanted to keep you all to myself. the way they spoke about you… it made me so angry that if i were around them for any longer someone would’ve ended up dead.”
soobin shook his head slightly to clear the emotions. “for a while, i forgot all about the bet. until one day taehyun asked me when i was gonna stop pretending that i wasn’t in love with you.” he breathed in deeply as if he was reliving the conversation. “it felt like my world came crashing down around me. that was when i truly knew that it was over, that i couldn’t pretend that the bet was never a thing.”
you breathed in shakily. “were you ever going to tell me? or were you going to keep going and let me figure it out on my own?” you asked him.
“the night i came to your dorm, when jake and hueningkai caught us together, i was going to tell you. i was. but the words got stuck in my throat and i just couldn’t. i couldn’t hurt you.”
“you not telling me and letting me find out in front of everyone on my birthday hurt me more. you let me be humiliated all because you couldn’t own up to what you’ve done.” anger laced with the pain in your voice.
he closed his eyes at your words and his eyebrows knitted together. “i know,” he said, low and soft. “i know. and i’ll never forgive myself for letting that happen. and i’ll never forgive myself for watching you get hurt in front of everyone. and i’ll never forgive myself, ever, because i can never take back what happened. and i’m sorry, y/n. i’m so sorry i can't take it back and change the way things happened.”
you didn’t want to ask him, but you had to know. you had to know the truth. “did you ever love me?”
his answer was immediate, “yes. of course, more than anything. i still love you more than anything. i will always love you more than anything. that’s never ever going to change. i love you so much that words can’t express how i truly and genuinely feel for you. everytime i’m away from you my soul calls out to yours and everytime i’m with you it sings from how complete it is. i love you, y/n. and i’m sorry that i ever made you question that.”
soobin scooted closer to you, but stopped himself before he got too close. his body sagged and it looked like the weight of the world was holding him down. “and my words may mean nothing to you, but please know i mean it with every fiber of my being when i say this… i’ve meant every word i told you. every touch, every kiss, every longing look… i meant. and no matter how much i wish i could turn back time and change the past, once again, i can’t. i can’t fix the past, so please y/n… please let me try and save our future. you already have my heart and forever it will beat for you.”
you wanted to stand in front of him so you could look down on him and tell him the truth. how your chest is empty. how the only thing that echos through it are all the mistakes he’s made. how there’s nothing there. but quietly, tucked away behind the door you locked all your feelings in, you heard it.
the beating heart. his beating heart. you couldn’t help the tears that fell from your eyes. the tears that turned into full blown sobs.
and finally, what you’ve felt like you’ve been waiting for for a lifetime, soobin held you in his arms. you buried your face in his chest and heard your own heart beating back to you.
and soobin was right, with him, you felt complete. “and you have mine,” you whispered. he wrapped his arms around you tighter.
the two of you stayed like that for a while, in the clearing surrounded by cornflowers, until the sun went completely down. until only the moonlight could guide you.
soobin walked you back to your dorm and in front of your room you hesitated. you were exhausted and no doubt your eyes were puffy from all the crying you did. you turned to him, running your hands through his hair and getting it out of his eyes. he leaned into your touch and closed his eyes, sighing softly. you brought your hands back to your side and took a deep breath.
“i love you, soobin. and i want us to work, you don’t know how desperately i want us to work. but i still need time. i need time to process everything that has happened today, and i still need to process everything that happened in the past—“
soobin quickly cut you off. “i’ll wait however long it takes. i’ll wait until the end of the world if i have to. as long as you don’t take your heart away from me. let me have it, let me keep it safe. i promise i will keep it safe.”
you sighed and he put his forehead against yours. you closed your eyes as you resisted the urge to press your lips against his. for once in the days since your birthday, you didn’t see painful memories when you closed your eyes.
“this is the last time. you don’t have any more chances after this,” you whispered. “keep my heart safe.” you pulled away and went to turn to enter your room but soobin grabbed your arm.
he placed your hand to his chest and put his hand over it. he looked longingly at you and then took a step back. you knew what he meant. forever.
you went into your room and shut the door behind you, sliding down it as more tears fell from your eyes. you buried your face into your hands and tried to stifle your sobs. ultimately, you decided that after today you needed long, hot shower.
when you came out of the bathroom to get dressed, you were shocked to see more of soobin’s hoodies and sweaters laying with your clothes. there was a note on top of them.
if you decide you don’t ever want to talk or see me again, at least take these. even if you throw them away, i will at least get to be with you in some way one last time.
deciding that you don’t want to shed anymore tears today, you slipped one of the hoodies he left for you on. his scent surrounded you and you had to lean against the wall next to your dresser for support. you dug your hands into the pocket and found that there was another note. it was addressed to you and was slightly worn.
to my beautiful beautiful y/n,
i love you more than there are stars in the sky. your smile shines brighter than all of them combined. with you, i’ve never felt more alive. i’m just glad that i get to call you mine.
— binnie, your love
p.s. sorry if this is cheesy… i can't wait to let you know how much you mean to me.
your hand covered your mouth as you brought the note close to your chest. he must’ve written this when the two of you were still together, but when? you examined the small note further and noticed a date written in the middle of the back of the note.
it was from the day you caught your friends spying on your date at the diner. you didn’t know whether to laugh at how cheesy the note definitely was, or cry at the fact that he loved you all this time. did he mean to leave this note in this hoodie?
as you examined it further, you realized it was the hoodie he was wearing that day. and the note was written on a ripped off piece of the menu from the diner. it had to be by accident.
you gingerly placed the note inside a drawer in your desk for safe keeping. you then laid on your bed and wrapped the hoodie around you tighter. you just couldn’t believe everything that has happened today.
your heart—his heart—swelled in your chest. finally, you nodded off to sleep, dreaming of you and him under the stars in a field of cornflowers.
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summary: choi soobin has always been the popular kid surrounded by his popular friends. y/n… not so much. one night, soobin and his friends make bet that soobin can’t get y/n to date him in a month. unfortunately for y/n, they’re a hopeless romantic.
A/N: one thing about me… i’m gonna write a long ass love confession😁 literally was possessed by shonda rhimes herself for it lmao early chapter for all my babygirls, you’re welcome!
taglist: @imagineyour-kpopboy @gothgyuu @carengene @spooksh0wbabe @beargyuuzz @binluvsu (if your name is bold it wouldn’t let me tag you!)
— kipo <3
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rbinsgf · 1 year
Turn the other cheek, and I take it on the chin
(Now with a Part 2)
Saying Robin was pissed would be the understatement of the century. She was on a rampage. Mind focused on one target and nothing would tame her fury beside strangling the obnoxiously loud life out of Eddie freaking Munson.
Robin isn’t a violent person, she sometimes even called herself a pacifist, but she had limits.
Steve Harrington kicked puppy expression was her limit number one.
It was supposed to be a boring Tuesday afternoon shift at Family Video and Steve was to clock in two hours after her for the closing shift.
It was a normal boring Tuesday, not many customers came on Tuesdays so Robin was left to do and redo the inventory or browse the aisles she had arranged three times since starting her shift.
The video store was silent except for the faint sound of the top 40 and the squawking of her converse on the tiled floor.
But then the bell above the door jingled and Robin had turned with a smile, enthusiastic at the thought of any distraction, her smile vanished in an instant.
Before her was standing a sad looking Steve Harrington, his big cow eyes glossy with unshed tears and even his hair looked deflated.
Robin rushed over him, eyes scanning his figure for any kind of injury,
"Steve what hap- oof"
The force of her friend trying to bury his bigger frame in between her arms cut her short in her questioning.
Steve was now shamelessly sobbing in the fabric of her work vest, snot and tears mixing on the green fibers.
Robin stroked his hair and held him until he calmed down enough to talk. After a few minutes of Steve sobbing on her shoulder she beckoned him in the break room to sit him down and give him some water.
After Steve had calmed down and downed three cups of water like a man stranded in the desert, Robin sat next to him and waited.
A beat. And another. Steve opened and closed his mouth a few times in between sniffles, trying to work out an explanation to his breakdown.
Robin’s brows were creased in worry and she was seconds away from ripping her lips to shreds as she gnawed at them waiting for her friend to talk. And oh, oh how she would’ve preferred to hear something about the upside down, or a failed date or, god forbid, the discontinuation of the Farrah Fawcett spray. But what she heard was worse than any of the above..
~Around half an hour before~
Steve parked in front of the little house humming some David Bowie song he heard earlier that week.
It was a normal Tuesday, he was about to drive the kids home from Hellfire before joining Robin at work for the closing shift at Family Video.
The door to the house wasn’t locked so Steve let himself in as he had done dozens of times before, a small smile was tugging at his lips as he walked towards the basement hearing laughter and voices.
His smile flattered as the ongoing conversation became cleared as he reached the end of the stairs, not quite entering the room enough to be seen by the club.
Hellfire’s meetings were always boisterous and loud so Steve tuned them all out when waiting for it to end, but he just couldn’t do it today, not after hearing some very interesting traits about Eddie’s newly created NPC.
Apparently Eddie thought it would be fun to make an NPC based on Steve making it a mean airhead who dies trying to get a girl at all cost.
Eddie had seemed pretty proud of him actually so Steve didn’t mind at first,
but then in the span of a second they went from talking about the NPC to talking about actual Steve.
Mike had said something about the NPC being a genius next to who he was based off of and, it’s Mike so Steve didn’t really care.
But then the others seemed to have took it as an opportunity to open some sort of trial on him.
They all started to talk over each other about some dumb stuff he had said or stupid thing he did or those times when he doesn’t get what everyone’s talking about. And it’s okay, Steve knows that he isn’t smart or whatever but it still hurts.
Eddie only pitched in after the rest has quieted down and saying if the NPC was to be 100% accurate he would’ve made it "an asshole King of a bullshit land"
That’s when Steve left, turning on his heels and bumping on the door on his way up the stairs.
The other noticed him then, it only made them laugh at how he couldn’t take a joke or be grateful to be even remotely included in the game.
He walked out of the house and into his car, speeding off towards Family Video.
He didn’t look back not once, the kids could take themselves home for all he cared or Eddie would take them anyway. The thought of Eddie hurts a spot in his chest Steve tried to ignore as he waited for the streetlight to turn green. He had thought they were finally friends, counted the guy as one of his best friend actually. Steve had thought Eddie had seen him for who he really was and liked that real Steve. Steve had told Eddie all about that time in high school, why Steve acted that way, he had told him about the bathroom incident and Nancy’s words. Steve thought Eddie had understood him. Guess Steve was wrong about that too. The light turned green and Steve swallowed his tears.
If there is someone above it all, Robin hopes they can pardon all the awful thoughts that crossed her mind about Eddie Munson and what she was about to do to him.
She was vibrating with fury, Eddie knew Steve now, they’d spent so many nights hanging out the three of them. (She had even thought that there was something more there between the two of them. )
Oh she hoped Eddie hadn’t skipped too many P.E classes, she was about to hunt him and he was better of running. And fast.
"Robin you’re hurting my hand"
The quiet wincing coming from Steve brought her back to the situation at hand, she quickly released his hand and got up,
"The kids, they’re dumb and ungrateful brats, but they’re still children so I’m mad at them but well…Now Eddie ? Stevie I want you to know that I’m about to break each of his bones one by one."
Steve snorted at her spiel,
"It’s not worth it Robbie, I think he wanted to keep the approbation of the Hellfire’s members by shitting on the dumb jock, for old times sake and whatnot.."
"No it’s not okay Steve ! Eddie is supposed to be your friend and that’s so hypocritical of him to rant about conformity but still seeking validation by shitting on you !"
Robin was red, her arms flailing around her in angry motions. Steve sighed and looked away,
"I mean, I was an asshole, maybe he hasn’t forgiven me and waited for revenge or something."
"Yeah key words here Steve, was, it’s all in the past and you weren’t that bad per se." That is true, for all his King Steve title, Steve didn’t do much aside from snorting next to Tommy shoving nerds into lockers or cackling when Carol’s venom was particularly snarky. He never touched anyone, yes he was arrogant and mean but it was all a disguise.
And Eddie fucking knew that.
Robin looked at Steve, his forlorn expression and anxious hands nearly ripping holes in his sweater cemented her next action.
In one smooth motion she took his car keys and ran out of the store.
Hellfire survived an angry town mob, the Kids survived a whole other dimensions but none of them were ready for what was about to come.
Eddie may have survived once, thanks to Steve’s CPR training by the way, but Robin was seriously considering finishing what the bats had started.
Alright gang I’m slowly going back to writing and I thought of some angst because why not right ? This story will probably be made of three parts i think.
If you guys have any tips, requests, critics or literally anything to say please let me know I love talking with people here and it doesn’t happen a lot !
(Next chapter will be from Eddie’s pov)
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Past Mistakes
Christian Cage x Reader
Summary: Y/N debuts in AEW with her brother Adam Copeland, and is reunited with a face from her past.
Warnings: CHRISTIAN CAGE, angst, violence, fights, cussing, arguing, a whole lot of drama
A/N: I PROMISE I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN GIRLIE. This is for @madhatterbri 😂😅❤️ I hope you love it!!!!!!!!!🥰💛✨
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"Are you sure you're ready to see him?"
Y/N let out a nervous laugh, before shaking her head. "No, I'm not. But I'm gonna do it anyway"
Adam Copeland, her brother, sent her a sympathetic smile and pulled her into a side hug. "Then let's get going"
Y/N laughed as she sat down in the muscle car Adam had rented. It was very dramatic, which was perfect for her brother.
Adam slammed on the gas with a childish laugh as they headed towards the arena housing Wrestledream.
Y/N's mind wandered as she watched the city pass by so quickly in a blur.
That's how she would describe her relationship with Christian too. It went by too quickly, and felt like a blur.
A blur of so many different emotions.
Heartbreak, anger, sadness; but also a lot of love and happiness.
Almost enough love to outweigh the pain.
They had always been together, practically inseparable, while both working for WWE.
But when he decided not to renew his contract, he also decided to leave Y/N.
He said he didn't believe a long-distance relationship would be able to work, and that he needed to put his focus solely on his career.
Just like that, it was like all those years didn't matter to him at all. He didn't even attempt to try; attempt to fight for them.
Y/N was really sad for a really long time. She wholeheartedly believed that Christian would be the man she grew old with.
The entire picture she had painted for her future, their future, was set aflame by Christian's own damn selfishness.
And when she came to that realization she wasn't sad anymore; she was just pissed off.
But now years later, once faced with seeing him again, she felt just like she did on the day he left.
She felt weak and vulnerable.
But she'd never let it show. As she walked into the building with her brother at her side, you'd think she was the most confident woman in the city.
As they got to the guerrilla, they heard the video end, and Adam gave his sister one last squeeze on the shoulder before his music hit and he ran out.
Y/N smiled as she heard the fans losing their minds over Adam's debut. And when she looked at a monitor she couldn't help but laugh at how excited her brother was too.
But as Christian retreated, and ran away to what he thought was the safety of the ramp, another song hit.
And that one made him feel sick to his stomach.
He barely brought himself to turn around before she was walking out with the same smile he fell in love with plastered on her face.
He was glad she got the pop from the fans she deserved, and he was glad that she looked happy.
However, he was not thrilled about her signature kendo stick she was carrying out with her.
But when Luchasauras passed him, and started to approach Y/N, he felt an all too familiar sense of protectiveness wash over him.
"Luchasauras! No!" He demanded.
But when Luchasauras tried to take the kendo stick from Y/N, Christian was reminded of why she never really needed his protection.
She cracked Luchasauras right in the ribs and made him stumble backward, gripping his side in pain. And then Y/N raised the kendo stick all the way up before slamming it down onto his back. Luchasauras fell to the ground, and Christian couldn't help but be proud of her for being able to take Luchasauras down.
Y/N finally looked over at Christian, and was surprised to see him just standing still in shock. She thought he'd be livid, and screaming and yelling.
But she just brushed past him and made her way to join her brother in the ring.
Adam was staring Christian down, while Christian was still frozen in place.
Y/N took her place to her brother's side, and rested her kendo stick on her shoulder with a taunting smirk as she stared down Luchasauras.
Y/N caught Christian's gaze again, and exactly what she was afraid of happened.
He looked so sad, and she could feel all the walls she had worked so hard to build begin to crumble.
So she forced herself to look away from him, and turned to shake hands with Sting and Darby.
But she could still feel Christian's eyes on her, and little did she know it was only the beginning of that.
The woman in question froze in place when she heard Christian say her name.
She cursed herself in her head; she was so close to the locker room. Why hadn't she walked just a little faster?
"Y/N, just talk to me for one second" Christian said, and grabbed her arm to turn her to face him.
The two stared at each other for a moment, and in those few seconds, they felt like nothing had changed. They felt like they did all those years ago.
Y/N tore her eyes away from his and looked at the wall. How the hell had these stupid feelings not gone away yet?! After everything that happened, they should be long gone.
"What do you want Christian?" Y/N asked.
"To talk to you" he answers, giving her arm a light squeeze.
Y/N yanked her arm away from him and took a few steps back. "I have nothing to say to you"
"But I have a lot to say to you" Christian replies. "I know we didn't end on good terms but-"
"Not on good terms?!" Y/N exclaims incredulously. "Is that what you've told yourself all these years to make yourself feel better?! You told me, and I quote, that you had way more important things to focus on than our relationship"
"Fine, I know I'm a jerk Y/N" Christian relents. "But you always knew it too. I never hid it"
Y/N scoffs. "You're right. I did know it. I was stupid enough to give you a chance before, and you let me down. So now, I'm not gonna let you do it again"
"I know there's a lot I need to do to show you that I'm sorry. But just think about how amazing it would be if you joined me! We would dominate this entire company"
Y/N lets out a humorless laugh. "Glad to know you always have an ulterior motive behind everything. Even apologizing to me"
"I know you Y/N" Christian insists. "You may come across as Adam's sweet little sister, but we both know that you have a mean streak inside of you. You like to be on top, and we all know that no one could beat you and me"
Y/N quirks an eyebrow. "Just you and me?"
"Obviously" Christian smirks. "You think I give a damn about anyone but myself and you? Absolutely not. But it's nice to have a.. layer of protection"
"Nick and Luchasauras?" Y/N asks.
"Of course" Christian answers.
Y/N has to stop and think for a moment. She loves her brother very much, and respects Sting and Darby. But Christian did always know her best, and it's true that she indeed likes to be the best.
"You've never let that side out of you before, don't you think it's time? Isn't it time to take what you want instead of waiting patiently? Adam's gone soft, and we both know it. He's a rule follower now. But we both know that neither you nor I am"
"You don't know me anymore" Y/N breathes out.
But Christian just takes a step towards Y/N, and grabs her waist before pulling her against him.
He rests his forehead against hers, and Y/N makes no move to stop him as she places her hands on his shoulders.
"Don't I? I think I know you better than anyone else here" Christian says, looking right into her eyes.
Y/N stares at him, before letting a smirk of her own grow on her face. "You do know I don't forgive you yet, right?"
"You will soon" Christian smirks.
With that, Y/N brushes her lips against his, but right when Christian closes his eyes and leans in, she pulls away from him. "You wish it was that easy"
Christian couldn't help but chuckle as she walked away from him, because he knew that she'd accept. And he knew that the entire roster would be in danger once she did.
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short-black-diamond · 2 years
The other woman.
Warnings: Angst, cheating, pregnancy, smut-briefly, reader is sad and depressed, Izuku is a cheater, but doesn’t want to be, long fic!
I also didn’t proofread it. so. uh, sorry if I made some mistakes that pissed you off...
-> listen to this while you read!
WHAT IF...What if you and Izuku were barely communicating with each other and he ended up cheating on you?
Another restless night with you trying to stay up for your husband, the number one pro hero. You know that he is saving the world, but you can’t help that nagging feeling of him staying away from you for...other reasons. 
But, you don’t say anything. Instead, you go to bed-if something would’ve happedened to him, you’d get contacted first by Bakugo, or some other friend or pro hero, or the hospital.
Right after you’ve lay down, you heard the door open. “Honey, I’m home!”, he called in his tired voice, fatigue covering his mind and body. But, instead of standing up right away to greet Izuku, you stayed were you were. You didn’t want to see him at the moment. 
Meanwhile, Izuku was confused. Weren’t you always waiting for him, napping on the couch? Did he do something? “Sweetie?”
No answer.
That gave him panic. Frantically, he stepped out of his boots and into each room to find you. He found you in your guys’ shared bedroom. “Hey...you awake?”, he whispered, softly shaking you. He knew that he came late, and that you’d wait for him, but you’d at least try to stay up for him. What he was met was barely a grunt and a soft “you stink”. He chuckled quietly and went to the bathroom. 
Still, he felt like something was wrong. 
Now, fresh out of the shower and into a new set of clothes, he went under the blankets and pulled you towards him. This time, you were sound asleep. He sighed, embracing you with his arms. 
“I-I’m getting a promotion!“, you cheered, alone in your shared apartment. As always, you were not talking to Izuku, but one of your bunnies. Mika, a hazelnut coloured one, gave you his attention and sniffed curiously on the paper you’ve read the news from.
You clapped your hands a few times-a habit of yours when you were too happy and didn’t want to be loud. You sighed dreamily and looked at the paper again, holding it higher up so Mika couldn’t get a bite. 
Dear Mrs. Midoriya, 
We are happy to announce that you will get a higher position as a detective and you will be able to lead your own cases. Your paycheck will raise too. ;)
best wishes, 
Headquarters, Japan
you squealed with joy and made Izuku’s favourite dish. Also, you didn’t sleep at all that night, your adrenaline being on 24/7, which meant you could work on your first own case. You were thrilled, to say the least. That also meant that you and Izuku could be working together. 
You quickly got to work and found out about your new case. While you were hot on the trail of a cheeky and mysterious burglar, you received a notification from one of your female friends. A photo with her and her wide stomach. You were happy for her. “AWWWW, so cute! Congratulations! I hope that your child will be healthy!”, end of your voicemail. 
Then, you closed your laptop, put the papers involving your case into a folder-organised, of course-and stared at your phone. then, you looked at the other female friends who sent you similar photos, even videos. A child, twins, pregnant, shortly before childbirth, after childbirth. 
You were...jealous. You also wanted to have a child. I’m going to ask him tonight. But, right after you’ve finished your thought, another notification popped up on your mobile. This time, it was from another, an unknown number. 
Somebody sent you a video. What could it be? A friend of yours who got a new phone? a villain holding somebody hostage? You were anxious with anticipation. Nonetheless, you started the record. 
You weren’t prepared to see your husband fuck another woman though. He was drilling into that bitch with a vigor you wish he’d use on you. he was always gentle with you. but right now, you were just...angry. 
and sad...and frustrated...
what did that woman have that you didn’t? what did you do to deserve to make Izuku cheat on you? Especially after he’d promised you thousands of times that he wouldn’t cheat on you? In the end of the recording, you noticed the woman having short brown hair, a deep blush, a high pitched voice, and she was chubby. 
Right before you pressed the call button with the speaking partner being your cheating husband, you stopped before your finger touched the green button. 
You had a much better idea. 
“Hey sweetie!“, your husband called, taking off his boots. he halted on his way to you, smelling Katsudon. He smiled to himself. “Hey.“, you heard behind you. 
you were just washing up the last dishes, when you felt his hot breath on your neck. Sending nice shivers down your neck. 
I bet you did the same to her. 
“Hey, back. You know...I...got promoted...!“, you whispered, smirking at him lighting up. “Really?! I’m so happy! You deserved this!“
How good he acted like he didn’t just cheat on you a few hours ago. and apropos ‘you deserved this!’, you don’t deserve me, slut.
“I’m glad myself! I hope that I’ll be able to save future victims, protect the civilians and make much more money with that!“ 
“I’m sure you will.“, he exclaimed softly, pulling you closer to him. he nuzzled into your neck, with you caressing his hair. “Take a shower, Izuku. Okay?“, you asked, fighting your tears. How could he act to...intimate with you? after he cheated on you?!
“I’ll be right back...“, he murmured, reluctangly letting go of you and stepping into the shower. I shouldn’t have done that with Uraraka...I cheated! I will tell her, first thing when I see her!
Ten minutes, Midoriya stepped out of the shower, not finding you in the kitchen. Now, he smelled roses-he saw them- growing along the walls and ceiling. 
A doing of your quirk, you were able to make flowers and plants, roots, even trees!-emmit from any ground.  and you were able to save many people with your flowers, you were even able to create new plants! You actually met like that-you savinf people by making big roots and them sliding to the ground like riding down the slide. He was too late to save anybody, but luckily, you were there. after a shy interaction he asked for your number and you set the first date.
your flowers all had meaning, and roses meant romance...or erotic.
He opened the bedroom door and found you, only covered in your lingerie, with nice heels, handcuffs and a choker, on the bed. He grew hard instantly. 
“Some here, baby.“, you said, curling your right pointy finger and giving him your seductive gaze. In a matter of seconds, you had Izuku pounce on you, but before he could lather your face and body in bruises and hickeys, you held a hand up. “I’ll let you fuck me. But under one condition. You have to make me...
a mother.“
It took him a few moments to register your words, with your glorious body underneath him and your and the flowers’ scent filling his senses, and when he understood, his dick grew painfully hard. “Y-you want me to make you pregnant? B-but what about-” “My career can wait. don’t...don’t you want me to give you a son or daughter? Twins? Triplets? Quad-”
“GOD YES, I’ve been waiting for you give me the OK since forever!”, he cried, tears streaming down his face. All of his plans of telling you that he cheated flew out of the window when you kissed his neck and he went fucking you like rabbits.
In the next morning, you woke up with no Izuku. Still, you got up and went to the bathroom. You went back to last night’s event in your head: Izuku made you cum many times, so did he-no, he came more. He fucked you orgasm after orgasm and you were sure to get pregnant. 
Step one, finished. Now on to step two. 
Right after the day after intercourse ended, you got another notif. From the same number. It was a photo this time, of him kissing the same person. He smiled into the kiss. 
You felt like bawling your eyes out, or kill him. But, since your plan was a long and big one, you didn’t act up on it. No, right now, you focused on doing your job. But, you contacted a model firm and a music company, for future purposes.
This time, you went home later than him because he could finish earlier and you were all ready for step two. 
You let one of your friends to a test and the test was negative, which you then took home with you.
“Heyyy, how is my beautiful wife doing?”, Izuku asked, embracing you in a comforting hug. Time to start the act. 
“Oh,...well..“, you trailed off, putting on fake sadness. Of course, the pro hero noticed your concern and pulled you closer. “What is it?“, he whispered. 
“You remember our night together?” “How could I forget?” You forgot to be true to your words, you stupid bitch- “Well...it...didn’t work...“, you mumbled, your voice ‘cracking‘, as you took out the negative test. 
He stared at it for a long time. “(Y/n) I’m so...so sorry...!”, he whispered, hugging you closer. You could smell his scent, mixed with a different one. That cheating bastard!
You gently pushed him away from you, his heart breaking at you avoiding body contact with him. you looked at him with a sad and dissapointed expression and looked away, going to sleep in the guest room. Now that the young man was alone, he thought about your behavior. 
You and him didn’t really spend time together, the last time being him and you fucking last night. Before that, you were busy looking for evidences of a new case you could work on alone since you got your promotion.
Guys sorry for stopping mid story. I don’t really have any motivation right now. I hope you guys are okay. :)
I hope I’ll get to post the second part soon.
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kaizenkhaos · 4 months
You're Imagining It...(Oh Really?)
So I saw a post a while back (I tried to find out and honestly struggled so will link if I ever come across it again), about Steve telling Robin that Billy was coming into Family Video to flirt with him. Yet no one would believe him. So this is my take on how things went down ^^
"You're imagining it."
Steve looked over at Robin, arms full of videos before putting them down carefully on the counter. It wouldn't be the first time they'd fallen all over the place. And speaking of not being the first time… The conversation Steve and Robin were having at that moment was a broken record. For the past week, a certain blond haired someone had been visiting the store every single night. Sometimes for and with his sister, scanning the aisles for the latest action or adventure movie. Other times alone, picking up stuff for Max but also at times himself. It had been an interesting insight into both Max's and Hargrove's tastes but that wasn't the thing that had gotten Steve's attention. It's that Hargrove's attention, when he'd not been scavenging for films and snacks, had been solely on Steve. It hadn't mattered who else was serving or had been on shift; every single time Hargrove had come sauntering up to him. Beelining across the store as soon as he laid eyes on him like the god damn Halloween party. If there'd been toilet paper around, he swore the guy would have brought that over too.
Robin wasn't sure how many times she would have to say it for it to finally sink in but Steve certainly wasn't getting the message she was telling him. He'd gotten it when she'd come out to him and told her about her crush but with this? It's like his delusions were full fledged and had no intentions of flying the nest. And it was sad. There were so many girls making eyes at Steve which Robin would love to stand a chance with, yet here he was, fawning over possibly the worst guy for him. Hargrove was brash, abrasive and not the type of guy Robin wanted her best friend to date, but apparently Steve either couldn't see that or had a real thing for bad boys. Robin personally had never seen the appeal.
Steve was mere seconds away from saying exactly what was on his mind to Robin, his eyes veering her direction, when yet another customer came through the door. A welcoming smile plastered itself on his face as he welcomed the young mom and girl in the store, watching as said mom was dragged off to the kid's section. The whining about wanting the latest Princess movie making him chuckle. He was ashamed to admit it but…the new one was actually kinda good. Animation wasn't the best in places, a little bit janky and the dialogue was definitely better in the last one. Holly had been obsessed with the series when he'd been with Nancy a couple of year back; knew every word to every song, or as near as damnit. The way she'd said some of the words made him smile, even after everything that had happened since. He did miss that, though not the looks Mr Wheeler used to give him when he'd caught Steve singing along.
"No, Robin…Listen. It's always one movie, return for next day. Always said in that voice and with that god darn smile. And the gum smacking! Come on Robin, you know what that means when they do that. It's attention grabbing, like that girl the other day…"
"Yeah but she was making you goo-goo eyes and even hitched her skirt up at one point. Steve, I just…." Robin sighed, knowing it wouldn't be the last time. Steve wasn't going to get it out of his head; this idea that Billy Hargrove, Number One Pain in the Ass of Hawkins, has the hots for him and that everything he now did was suggestive in some fashion. Not that it was school yard pig tail pulling to piss him off.
As if summoned by them talking about him, along came the man of the hour. Again alone and this time kitted out in his classic denim jacket, white top and tight denim jeans, he sauntered in like the guy he was. One with the air of no care in the world, cigarette hanging out of his mouth, white top tight to his chest. Steve tried not to stare as Robin sighed, finding something else to do other than watch Steve act the fool and Hargrove scanned the store. Like he'd never been in here before and didn't know the floor plan like the back of his head by now. Steve knew Billy wasn't stupid and the way he slammed his car around the town…yeah this guy had maps in his head, all planned out. And it's not long before their eyes met, over the aisles like some cheesy rom-com, and here he came. Shark like grin, glint in eyes, hands in pockets. Strolling over with long strides and then draping himself over the counter. Elbow out, hand on cheek and the tape appearing like magic.
"Not bad man. Not the best of your recommendations but passable. A 5 out of ten, just because I'm feeling generous."
"Well aren't I honoured?" Steve huffed, opening the cassette case to make sure it was rewound before slipping it back into its case and adding it to the pile. Ignoring Robin's side eye as she swiftly whisked it away. "So what you on the market for tonight? More babies in bikinis or is it cops and robbers on steroids?"
"Careful Harrington, there's children present," Hargrove sniggered, nodding at the young mom and girl who had been heading to the counter and were now diverting towards the snacks. Talk about worst case timing.
"Nah not on the market for either. Maxine is after that Ferris Bueller film? Something like Day Out. I told Maxine I don't want her and her dumb ass friends getting ideas. It's meant to be about skipping school from what she's told me."
"Yep and sticking it to the man."
"Dad'll have my hide if she starts with that." A mutter aimed at the counter but Steve picked up on enough to raise a slight brow before he schooled his face again. Hargrove's ocean like eyes latched on his like a heat seeking missile.
"Got anything else that might be a fitting substitute?"
Where he'd gotten the gum from, Steve wasn't sure, but now Harrington was leaning across the counter. Gum swirling around his finger…geez was Robin really not seeing this?! How was this any different to the girl who'd been chasing him two nights ago? "Well I mean…." He really needed to concentrate and so chose a spot just between Hargrove's eyes instead. "Could always go with Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure? School vibe but has some awesome music in it and some history to boot. Could always pass it off as an educational film."
"Smart move Harrington," Hargrove winked, looking over his shoulder to gauge which shelf he'd need to look for it on before turning back to him. "I'll do that. Guess Hagan was right on more than one thing about you. Way more than just a pretty boy."
What the hell had Tommy been saying to him….oh off he went, to get the video and giving Steve just enough time to get his wits about him….
"And what might those….be.." Steve just shook his head as Hargrove sauntered off. Video in hand, ass in those tight jeans which made Steve's eyes go down before he pulled them back up again.
The next day Nancy was trying to convince him, just like Robin, that he was just imagining things. That his dreams were merely that and that… "He's just winding you up Steve. You know what he's like and he's probably put there with Tommy, laughing about it."
"Yeah sure," Steve muttered, his eyes going from Robin to Nancy before he turned his back on the pair to go and use one of the computers. There were records to be updated and he couldn't stand to be around the conversation for any longer. He wasn't imagining it. He knew when someone was flirting with him and Hargrove was flirting. The whole nine yards. He kept coming back. Trying to get close to him, being suggestive. His eyes on Steve as soon as he spotted him. He was acting like a girl with a crush but everyone was saying he was the one like that.
"Harrington!" The girls look over at him as he strides in. Today he's decked out in his life guard gear, clearly having dropped in on the way to work. What with him being on early shift and Hargrove usually came in before work. Afternoon shifts at the weekends, morning shifts in the week so he'd be around to get Max. "Great film recommendation man. Didn't realise you had such refined taste."
"Yeah yeah, what you after today?" Steve tried to play it smooth, watching as Hargrove did the whole leaning on the counter gig he did. His eyes firmly on Steve as he tilted his head from side to side. As if trying to weigh him up. Wondering if he'd gotten under Steve's skin. Nope. He was just acting nonchalant so Robin and Nancy might take him more seriously in the 'he is hitting on me' case.
"What's with the attitude all of a sudden? I've been a really loyal customer recently Harrington." Yeah a real royal pain in the ass. Seeing Steve's raised eyebrow, Hargrove decided to just cut to the chase instead, rising slightly up from the counter but elbows still firmly planted on it. "So Maxine wants something to watch with St….Lucas. Somethin' not too mushy or soppy but you know…."
"Somethin' like Grease maybe?"
"What's that about? Sounds like a kitchen drama."
He smirks as if he's being funny but Steve just ignores him. "It's a high school musical about kids falling in love and all that jazz. I mean…it's a little mushy but has some neat tunes in it, plus some nice cars." "Huh. Okay. Not sure if I wanna listen to some kids whining for two hours but we'll give it a shot. Better not let me down Harrington. Those good looks may save your ass for some but not me amigo. If this movie sucks, you owe me dinner." A pause before that shit eating grin came back and Steve could feel the guy's eyes on the back of his head as he went to find a copy. If they dared say anything about him being delusional now, he was gonna scream...
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quicktosimp · 8 months
Chivalry is Dead
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Kinktober Day 21 - Jake&Quaritch
Warnings: Voyeurism (Kinda), Fingering, Alien Genitals, P in V Sex, Nipple Play, Innocent!Reader, DubCon (Kinda) She Only Sleeps With Quaritch Cause She Thinks Jake Is Dead, Recom!Reader
A/N: This has a lot more plot than planned, and I blame @loaksxhoe for all the angst 😭 love you Boo 😘
As usual, thank you @pandoraslxna for putting this together for us 💖
Divider by @plutism
I don’t remember much after arriving on Pandora. I had woken up inside an Avatar body, being told that my human form had died and that they transferred my consciousness into this one. In the same attack, the savage natives had killed my husband, Jake Sully. Quaritch has been a massive help through it all. He had also lost his girlfriend and the mother of his child in the war; while he had been able to transfer over to the Avatar form, Socorro had not, and now his child had been kidnapped by the traitors who sided with the na’vi.
Since we had such similar wounds, we stuck together a lot. Quaritch has always been such a gentleman to me, helping me in any way that I need, even in ways that help me forget the hole in my chest from losing my husband. But he also asks me for favors; sometimes they seem harsh, but I know it is to help with the war, just like this particular favor.
“I know this is asking’ for a lot, Darlin’, and if I didn’t think this would work, then I would never ask you, but I need your help.” Quaritch is on his knees in front of where I’m sitting.
“I-I don’t know; you really think that having sex where the Na’vi leader can hear me will help? I’m not a combatant. How can I go out so close to them?” I ask concerned.
“Oh no, Darin’! You see my com here?” Gesturing to his neck, “The Na’vi leader stole one off Jake’s body; we’re also gonna place a camera in that corner. You won’t even leave the compound. I’d never risk you like that.” His urgent tone helped calm me.
Much calmer, I ask, “But why would having sex over the com and video help? I just don’t understand.” 
“It’s because the Na’vi are territorial. The leader will hear and see a Na’vi on the other side, making him irritable that he doesn’t have you underneath him. It will piss him off, and we’re gonna use that distraction to launch several small attacks.” He explained thoroughly.
I let the information stew in my head. Even though I am not comfortable with it, it will help bring down the bastard that killed my husband. I nod my head in agreement, “Okay, I’ll do it,”
Quaritch’s face formed into a soft smile, “Thank you, Darlin’, I’m sorry you have to do this. I’d ask some of the other recoms, but I’m not sure I’d be able to get it up for them,” He tells me with a wink.
I giggle at his comment, “Like you could ever be anything but amazing in bed,” I rebuke.
Quaritch laughs at my comment, “You’re something special, aren’t you, Mrs. Sully,” he places a kiss on my lips before turning to the door, “I need to organize the strike teams. I’ll be back with you soon, Darlin’.”
“Okay, be safe,” I reply, turning back to what I was previously doing.
If only I had turned around and paid attention. I would have seen a look more sinister in the mirror.
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It has been 12 years since I lost my wife. Neytiri and I miss her greatly. We had married at 18; she was my rock through everything. And when we went to Pandora, she agreed without hesitation, knowing this was my chance to get my legs back. Then we met Neytiri, whom she affectionately called her Warrior Goddess, and soon the two became three. The three of us snuck away and mated together underneath the Tree of Voices. 
We loved the life we made, and we loved our children. (Y/N) fell in love with every child we had. She took in Spider, and she even named Lo’ak. Lo’ak was a Mama’s boy through and through. He’s sad, he wants Mama, happy, Mama, scared, Mama. Lo’ak was catastrophic when (Y/N) went missing. Twelve years ago, the RDA sent a small task force with the goal of kidnapping any humans they could get their hands on. (Y/N) was one of them. She was missing for three weeks before her body turned up. Dried blood stains fell from her eyes, nose, and mouth. The scientists said she died from a brain aneurysm. Most of the damage was done to the Hippocampus. Lo’ak was the one who found her body; he kept crying over her body, trying to shake her. Even after 12 years, he was never the same boy. When we went to lay her with Eywa, Mo’at had said her spirit was no longer there and that there was nothing to return to Eywa. 
Since I cannot visit her, I go to one of the old abandoned stations every year on the day of her death and watch the videos we made over the years, ranging from our high school years to Lo’ak’s first steps. I enter the station, the air seal long broken. I walk over to the nest I had made, torn blankets and pillows to give me some comfort for the day and flop into it. The small computer I use nearby, I boot it up, waiting to see the bitter-sweet memories. But instead of being treated by the photo of our family 12 years ago, I see an email. I hesitate to open it as it could be an attempt to hack, but my curiosity is too great. I opened the email only to gasp at the images I saw. Disgust flowed through me. The RDA started a project placing the memories of the dead into Avatar bodies. Fuck! Quaritch and his squad are alive again! They had been the first to copy their memories into an Avatar body. Another file caught my attention as I read more: Project Red Herring. I clicked on the file, and I dropped the computer. 
(Y/N) is alive! They attempted to rip every memory out of her brain, killing her in the process, before placing it in her own Avatar. But they couldn’t get them all. She fought them on her final years, making sure none of them ever learned of our family. Dizziness washed over me. I placed a hand on my face, only for it to come back wet. I was crying, I wasn’t breathing. I force myself to inhale, the burning in my lungs easing, but the tightness didn’t go away. I look back at the screen, attempting to memorize every stripe that adorns her new body. She’s gorgeous.
I snap out of it, knowing that I need to talk to Neytiri and inform everyone of this information, but a new icon shows up, a video sent straight to me. It said, ‘Do you want to see her?’ and I knew I couldn’t wait. I open the video only to see an empty room made of metal, with a cot just barely big enough to hold a Na’vi.
“We’ll hello Corprol.” That’s fucking Quaritch!
“Based on what the techies told me, you just found out about your little wife. Well, she ain’t so little now.” The bastard chuckled.
Even though I know he can’t hear me, I can’t control the hiss that escapes me.
“I gotta say, when she doesn’t hate your guts, she’s the sweetest little thing. And when she hears you’re the one helping avenge her late husband, she’s more than eager.” His voice was smug.
Late Husband? I feel sick to my stomach. She thinks I’m dead, and she has no memories of Neytiri. Why would she go looking for us?
“All I had to do was tell her a sob story about how the natives killed you and kidnapped my son, and she fell right into the palm of my hand. Even got her to help with some of my more carnal urges,” he drawled on.
‘Fucking bastard!’ Grinding my teeth until they ache.
“Now, why don’t I show you how easy it is?” He trailed off.
The video on the screen moved shortly after, and the door opened, showing Quaritch and (Y/N). 
(Y/N) alive and moving, not simply a still picture, proof that she’s living and breathing. Quaritch opens the door, acting like a gentleman, “Right this way, Darlin’.”
“Thank you, Sir,” She responds softly. Her voice is so sweet even in her new body; it still sounds like her.
Quaritch closes the door before slipping his arms around her waist, “You still want this, Darlin’?” He asks like he gives a damn.
The smile she gives him is so sweet, “Yes, I’m sure,” and Quaritch seals their mouths in a kiss, his hand moving to grab her face, turning her more towards him. I can hear the sounds of their lips moving together through his com.
Quaritch moves his hand up and down, petting her waist, firmly groping her hips at every stroke. Slowly, he moves down, placing open-mouth kisses on her neck, the wet suckling loud over the com. His other hand slipped under her tank top, patting at her navel, creeping closer to her breast and under her shorts each time.
I suck my lip between my teeth, biting down.
“Take this off for me, Darlin’,” He demands, pulling in her top.
(Y/N) obeys, shimmying out of her top, revealing no bra underneath. Her breasts are perky in this body, similar to Neytiri’s. A breath hisses through my teeth because she’s gorgeous.
Human or na’vi, I can never stop thinking she’s perfect.
Quaritch grasped a breast in each hand, pinching her nipples between his thumb and pointer finger. A moan escaped her lips, and it traveled straight to my groin. Quaritch switched between different tactics on her breasts, needing, pinching, pulling, and rolling, and her moans became even louder. Only the sight of Quaritch keeps my hands from wandering to my slit.
Quaritch looked into the camera and said, “You’re my pretty girl, aren’t ya? Come on, I wanna hear you say it.”
(Y/N) blushed before stammering, “Y-yes, I’m your pretty girl.”
“Na, you didn’t use my name. Try again,” His grin widened further.
Her pretty blue skin darkened into a violet from her blush, “I’m Quaritch’s pretty girl,”
“Yes, you are, and you’re my good girl,” He said before reclaiming her lips.
His fingers never ceased their movements, pulling more gasps from her. Quaritch bit down on her neck. A red ring was on (Y/N)’s neck when he pulled away.
“I want you to take the rest of these clothes off and lay on your bed all pretty like. And Darlin’, give me a show.” Quaritch demands, stepping away from her. 
(Y/N) steps away a little further from him before bending over at the waist, pulling her cargo shorts down, wiggling her hips as she pulls them off. A gasp left my chest at the sight of her panties. As she turned back to Quaritch, I got the full view. (Y/N) wasn’t wearing the standard issue undergarments. Instead, she’s wearing a white lacey thong. The white lace slipped between her ass cheeks, the white peaking out and framing the insides of her ass. The white stood out starkly against her blue skin, and my mouth went dry.
“Is that for me, Darlin’? All that pretty lace just for me?” Quaritch wrapped his arms around her, grabbing her ass and pushing them together.
“Yeah,” (Y/N)’s voice was soft but loud with her voice next to the com, “I wanted to be pretty for you,”
Quaritch chuckled, “You’re always pretty for me, Doll,” He lets go after giving her a quick kiss.
(Y/N) bends over, giving me the perfect view of her ass, as she slips the panties down, revealing the last bit of hidden skin to me. She turns to walk toward her bed, and I see her slit. It’s slightly open, but her slick is translucent, not a hint of the blue color it should be. It makes me feel smug knowing that while Quartich can make her feel good, he doesn’t have her heart because if he did, then the hormones caused by emotional attachment would make it blue. 
(Y/N) lays on her back, and her hands hold onto the metal bars of her cot. Giving me the perfect view of her body splayed, showing more of the stripes I want to map out with my tongue. 
“Look at you, Darlin’,” Quaritch trailed a finger from her calf to her thigh, “You’re already wet for me.” Sliding his finger along her slit. 
She wiggles her hips as a small moan escapes her lips.
“You can be louder than that, Doll. Come on, it’s just the two of us.” Quaritch goads her, forcing a finger into her slit.
The groan that came out of her was filled with pleasure and pain. Her slit wasn’t relaxed enough for entry. I furrow my brow at the thought. Is this how he always treats her? Does she think that this is as good as it gets in a Na’vi body?
“That’s a good girl, opening up for me so well,” Quaritch croons.
But she isn’t. If she were genuinely interested, then she would be much wider and more slick.
“Feels good,” She whines.
“Well, that’s good, 'cause I’m gonna give you more,” With that, he added another finger. 
Her moan was more shrill this time, the pain worse than the pleasure, no doubt. Her slit pushed out more of the translucent clear slick, trying to ease the way more. A wet, squelching noise is picked up by the coms, coming from her slit as Quaritch pumps two fingers into her slit. He starts to wiggle them around, shocking a moan out of (Y/N).
“Oh! Right there! Don’t stop!” Her moans were loud as he finally did something right. 
“Just like that, huh, Babygirl?” Turning his hand as he continues his onslaught of her slit. 
“Yes!” (Y/N) arches her back off the bed, chasing his fingers, not wanting them to leave.
“You’re almost there, Darlin’,” He comments as he adds a third finger. 
(Y/N) grinds her hips into his digits, trying to force them deeper, “More! Please, more!” She begs.
My slit is open at her cries, my dick peaking out, wanting to answer my mate's call.
“Alright Doll. I’m listening,” Quaritch removes his fingers and unzips his pants, pulling them down just enough to show his slit and free his dick.
He straddles her, lining his cock with her slit. I can see her inner tendrils peaking out, attempting to reach him. 
“Please, Sir, don’t tease me,” (Y/N) eyes were wide and trusting. 
“Don’t worry, Darlin’, I won't.” And he sinks in.
Her inner tendrils meet with his cocks spines, latching onto one another, fitting like a puzzle, before they connect at their slits.
Even though the shitty quality of the camera, I can see (Y/N)’s pupils dilate as they cover the golden of her iris. The moan that escapes her is sinful, and my cock is dropping out of my slit. My hand covers the exposed flesh, soon turning into me handling it, grasping my dick as I use my precum to ease my glide. 
“Ready for the rest Darlin’?” And with that, Qauritch begins thrusting.
The bastard is stupid enough to think that you’re supposed to thrust with these bodies. But (Y/N) isn’t entirely against it. She tried to keep them connected, following him with every thrust out, but she cried with pleasure.
“Yes!” She screams, wrapping her legs around his waist. 
Her scream made my spines flex, trying to find our mate to pleasure. I had to let go of my dick, stopping myself from cumming so soon. 
“So fucking tight, Doll, caressing my dick like that. Being such a good girl for me,” He grunts, trying to fight the natural urge to lock with her instead of thrusting. 
“Please, Sir, please!” She cries, reaching to pull him forward. 
“You know I got an idea, Doll,” He pants, struggling to get the words out.
Quaritch reaches behind himself, grabbing his queue, “This here is supposed to work like when we get stuck together. Maybe we can try it now? Make you feel so good,” He murmurs, grabbing ahold of (Y/N)’s queue. 
I panic at the slight, their queues beside each other, nearly making the bond.
“Na, maybe next time, though,” Quaritch releases their queues, looking into the camera, the smug bastard knowing what that would have meant. 
“Sir! Please! No more teasing!” (Y/N) begs, the stimulation becoming too much.
“Okay, Doll,” He forces their slits together, and they mend close by his spines and her tendrils.
They grind together, moaning and whining as everything goes into place.
‘“Oh fuck! Oh fuck! You’re there! You’re in my cervix!” (Y/N) screams her release, her legs trembling from the pleasure. 
“Take it, Doll. Take all of my cum! Gonna fuck a baby into ya,” Quaritch hisses.
Hey, eyes are screwed shut, head thrown back, “Yes! Please, Jake! I want your baby!”
My climax hits me unexpectedly, hearing her demand my baby. I grasp at my dick as cum flows through the tip, covering the blankets I’m sitting on in my cum. As waves of pleasure wash through me, I grip my spines, trying not to allow them into the cool air as I cum. As I come down from my high, my chest is heaving, but I look at the monitor, and what I see scares me. If looks could kill, then Quaritch would have killed (Y/N) long ago, and that’s only if he doesn’t do it now. I hised at him as if he could hear me through the computer. 
Quaritch looks up at the camera, tracing a finger around her queue, neck, and heart before gesturing for his knife, “It won’t be long now,” Before rutting into her again. Quaritch returns to his pleasure, and I know what I need to do. 
Without even cleaning myself, I leave the station, rushing to Neytiri. We have a mate to save.
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snazzilystoopid · 10 months
What if I started a series about an AU where every ninja has a little sister? (So yes Nya and Kai "have a little sister")
(tw for sh!)
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This gif makes me so sad I cant-
Libble "Lilly" Brookstone
Named Libble after her mom's best friend, Libber
(Yes I hc that Cole's mother and Jay's birth mother were besties)
Nicknamed Lilly because she looks exactly like her, they're basically identical apart from the fact that Libble has her dad's eyes
Her family sometimes give her the nickname "Libs" or "Libby"
(Most people acc call her Libby now)
She was the "naughty kid" and she ran away alot
Gave poor Lou lots of stress 😭
The moment Libble turned 13 (abt halfway through Possesion) she started to bunk off school and do stupid things (smoking, dr*gs, that sorta stuff)
She grew up WAY too fast
Like she rly didn't gave a shit abt Cole turning into a ghost or any of that until Day of the Departed
After DotD she had a much needed wake up call (still just age 13 at this point)
She didn't go and visit her home for the holiday and she realised just how much their family had suffered bc of Lilly's passing
So that night Libble cried herself to sleep in the crappy apartment she and her friends were camping out in
a) bc she missed her dad and big bro and b) because she knew she had seriously messed up
The next day she went back to school and finally started making an effort
She realised she really loved sketching and she also had a passion for programming/machinery/tech
She decided she wanted to pursue a career at Borg Industries before she mustered up the courage to go back to live with Lou
She apologised profusely and sobbed and begged for his forgiveness
Lou welcomed her back with open arms
Cole was skeptical of talking to her for a few days but after a week he ended up going back to visit
and he was the happiest he had ever been when he saw his baby sister had truly changed <33
They had a family dinner the following night catching up on things
During the one year gap after Hands of Time she continued to go to school and actually got an education, and regularly stayed in touch with Cole (since he was with Jay looking for Wu)
She met all the ninja just after March of the Oni and decided that Nya was her favourite (after Cole ofc)
After MotM, once Cole returned from Shintaro, his veins up his wrist/arms would sometimes pulse a faint orange. Libble liked to trace them and would always say she wished she was the one with elemental powers as a joke
By the end of Crystalized, Libble is 16!
Aaand that's her story!! Moving on to random facts abt her:
Unlike the rest of her family, Libble can't sing or dance to save her life
She'll stay up all night sketching and sketching and sketching
Cole often calls her "Libbler the Scribbler"
Whenever Lou and the Royal Blacksmiths have a performance, she always makes sure she's on the front row
She used to sh as "punishment" once she returned home, because she couldn't forgive herself for leaving her dad like that
Her classmates called her a freak because of the scars up her arms and the minute Cole found out he was PISSED
She hangs around Chen's Noodle House a lot, and she always orders the same thing: PUFFY POTSTICKERS
She smashed the TV in the monastery of spinjitzu once, because of Kai and Cole beating her in a video-game
Shes usually quite a calm and collected person, but she can also be really loud
Simillar to Lilly's locket, Libble owns a silver locket which pictures her and Cole in one photo, and Lilly and Lou in the other.
Thats all hehe, but I feel like I could've picked a better name, I had literally no ideas 😭😭
(Just to make things clear, each sister doesn't exist in the same universe, these are all gonna be seperate AUs!)
Hope yall enjoyed and I think I'll be doing either Lloyd or Kai + Nya next! <3
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riley-kore · 1 year
Hi guys. As I aim to write more this year here is a fic I’ve been working on.
To say you were pissed was the least. You had taken the last two days off work to prepare for today. You spent the day decorating the apartment and getting everything ready for his birthday and now he wasn’t answering his phone.
You and Lewis have been together for three years and you have managed to keep it private all this time. You lived in LA and Lewis spent most of the time in Europe. Both of you had very busy schedules but you always made things work. Communication had always been the most important and effective part of your relationship. You had made plans weeks ahead for Lewis to spend his birthday with you and he promised to be home on time because you told him you had plans. But here you were as his birthday came to a close sitting and crying after sending the caterers and the musicians that you hired for his private dinner.
You remember the your sister telling you dating Lewis may only cause you pain. Now here you are all dressed up wearing the dress he loves hoping that this feeling will pass.
Lewis entered the apartment hours later ready to rap his day up. When he got to the living room he saw it the Happy Birthday flower wall, the balloons, burnt out candles all over the place.
“ Shit” he mumbled. He quickly walked to the bedroom looking for you but you weren’t there. He searched the other rooms but nothing. He called your phone and a small ring came from the living room. There you were curled up in the tiniest way possible covered in a blanket. He went over and knelt in front of you. Your eyes were puffy and the tear stains were everywhere. He gently shook you.
You open your eyes and saw him. By this point you weren’t angry, you weren’t sad or disappointed; at least not with Lewis but with yourself. You looked at him got up and walked to the bathroom and started getting ready for bed. You listened while he tired to explain himself and tired to apologize. You had a quick shower and put on some underwear and a tshirt before putting your braids in your bonnet and getting into bed and going to sleep.
You woke up about and hour later, he was fast asleep. You put some shorts on and checked your phone. Sitting in your inbox was a post from your best friend. It’s a video of Lewis and while it didn’t show her face it was obvious that there was a woman sitting on his lap. You took a deep breath close it and put your earphones in. You went to the kitchen and grabbed some garbage bags and started cleaning up everything. When your alarm went off it brought you back to reality. You had disposed of everything and you were now wiping down the kitchen. You got to making breakfast. You made Lewis’s favorite. By the time you were finished he was up and standing by the table.
“ Good Morning” you said and kissed him on the cheek. “ I have a meeting at 10 but I’m free for the rest of the day so I’m thinking we can do a private screening of Avatar”
“ I’m sorry about last night” he said
“ Don’t worry about it “ you replied
“ Babe please don’t act like this get upset something” he plead.
“ Lewis I said it’s fine you’ve got nothing to worry about I’m going to have a quick shower while you work out and then imma do some work”
He watched you walk away completely shocked and confused. He was already feeling guilty knowing what he did but your reaction to last night was eating at him. This isn’t you he knew that.
In the bathroom with the door locked you were sitting on the floor with the box you removed from the closet in front of you with tears running down your face. Looking back at you was the tiny race suit and the card that said ‘Future World Champion coming July 2023’.
And all you could hope for was that the last 48 hours did not happen.
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Hanta Sero X Shy American Female Reader
A/N: You replace Mineta
"Breathe L/N-chan you have nothing to fear." You were trying to give yourself a pep talk in your just freshly moved-in dorm room. Everything happened so fast that you really didn't have a chance to reflect on all the blessings that have been handed to you. Your parents were struggling in America, you guys were originally from Canada but moved to America when you were just two years old and now that you are 15 the three of you moved to Japan. The reason? Your father got a job offering 3 times the amount he was making in America and he took it. Plus you got accepted to Japan's most prestigious hero academy. You were sad that you were leaving your friends but, you had a video call and can always pen pal with them. In the span of 2 weeks, you took that 12-hour flight jet lag kicking your ass, and when you landed you guys were taken to your apartment. It was huge! It was half the price back in America but you guys had a big backyard with a pond that had turtles, koi fish, and some snails. You guys had a finished basement and an attic/crawl space. The culture shock and difference were all so much to handle. Once again you thanked GOD that both your parents were fluent in several languages and taught you how to speak 3 fluently which were English, Japanese and Spanish. "I'm thinking too much again, come on girl" You slapped your cheeks a few times grabbing your bag and ensuring that you have everything you needed. It's only been 2 days since you moved in since you got here when it's been a few weeks of classes already. You were caught up on everything that happened courtesy of all the U.A teachers aka Pro heroes. They weren't lying when they said that only active or retired pro's worked there and that the principal was a talking animal. Your head was spinning by the time all of that was over and you didn't have time to digest it! You had to make up as much work as possible while adjusting to constantly speaking Japanese, learning how to use transportation and vending machines, and other culture shocks. It was a mess but, at least your parents were struggling with you.
"Watch where you're going extra!" You jumped looking to see who in the hell is that loud and rude to a total stranger. You looked behind you and saw a very pissed-off blonde with red eyes scowling extremely hard at you. "AREN'T YOU GOING TO SAY SOMETHING FOR GETTING IN YOUR WAY!" He let off little explosions in his hand. Ah! He has the same quirk as you! Choosing to ignore the fact that this guy was crazy and could have easily walked around you with all the available space you showed him your quirk. You put both your hands up showing your explosions to him. Bad idea. "SO YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME HUH SHITTY EXTRA! I DON'T GIVE A FUCK IF WE HAVE THE SAME QUIRK I'M STILL GOING TO BE ON TOP!" You gave him such an incredulous look confused beyond comprehension. How the hell did he come up with all of that when you didn't even say a word??
"You're already picking a fight Bakubro." You jumped at the unexpected voices both of you turning around to see who it was. It was a group, a girl with pink skin and horns, a redhead, a yellow-haired one, and another one with a triangle smile. The red one hardened his face and arm when Bakubro? swung at him.
"SHE'S THE ONE THAT GOT IN MY WAY SHITTY HAIR" Is he incapable of calling people by their real names.
"With all this space? You just chose to walk behind her to see who she was hee hee" The pink-haired girl started laughing while dancing around to avoid him.
"DO YOU WANT TO DIE RACCOON EYES" First Shitty hair and now raccoon eyes? What was next?
"Anyway, I've never seen you around here, are you from one of the other classes?" The yellow-haired one was in your personal space making you red and stutter from the sudden attention.
"U-uh, my name is Y/N L/N I'm a transfer student and got accepted to U.A through recommendation. I am from America and I went to the number one hero school there." You don't know why you told random students that but okay.
"OOOO you're from America? How many languages do you speak?" You held up three fingers which earned you gasps while the ash Blondie was still seething.
"I'm sorry while my friends are talking a mile a minute." You were surprised to see the black-haired triangle-smile guy shove away the yellow-haired one and stand a foot from you "Allow me to introduce ourselves. I'm Hanta Sero, the pink one is Mina Ashido, the electric is Denki Kaminari the one holding up the angry chihuahua-"
"I'LL KILL YOU." You couldn't help but giggle as the red-headed one was struggling to hold him back.
"He's Ejirou Kirishima and the loudest one is-"
"DON'T YOU FUCKING TELL HER MY NAME." The unholy screeching that was coming out of his mouth made you wince. Did he just not give a fuck about his vocal cords?
"-Katsuki Bakugo" You nodded your head in understanding now. That's why they called him Bakubro.
"YOU FLAT FACED MOTHER FUCKER" He broke out of Kirishima's hold and started chasing the two of you. You have no idea why you were running with Sero but, it felt right considering he was pissed and looked ready to attack anyone.
"By the way what class are you in?" You both were running and not the slightest out of breath.
"I'm in Class 1-A" You looked at him and saw he had a really big smile on his face.
"That's the best news I've heard all day! We all are in Class-1A!" You beamed at him finally making it into the building and turning your sprint into a brisk walk with the others very close behind.
"I can't wait to get to know you all." You saw the door down the hall and it was still open meaning class didn't start yet
"I can't wait to get to know you." Sero gave you a thumbs-up with a wink making you giggle. You can already tell this is going to be an interesting year.
A lot of potential for a part 2
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yourmomni · 1 year
Why? Jake Sim (Sim Jaeyun) x Reader
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 829
Used, pathetic, worthless. Those were the emotions you felt when you opened your phone to see that video playing on the screen. The world went mute as your life turned upside down.
Everything inside you was praying that it was edited, there was no way he would actually do this. “Why”, you whispered as the tears began to pour. You couldn’t answer that question but he could.
The world around you was spinning, nothing made sense, you sat down. You sat in your shared apartment which is now haunted with memories and a icy cold atmosphere.
Jake wasn’t going to be home for a while but you still decided to wait up for him. He made you look like an idiot in front of the whole world. A video of him sticking his tongue down some influencers' throat at a fan meet went viral.
What was worse, people claimed this wasn’t the first time. You sat there waiting, head in your hands. Puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks.
Minutes turned into hours; your mind was stuck in an endless loop. Questioning everything. The sound of keys being jammed into the front door caught your attention instantly.
There he was; in a simple black tee and jeans. He barely looked at you as he removed his shoe. “Hi,” he said, in a quiet tone.
It pissed you off as he stood there looking at you acting so nonchalantly.
You stood up from the couch and walked over to him "How was your day?" He asked looking at you wondering why you weren't excited to see him like most days.
The next thing you knew your hand collided with his cheek. You gasped covering your mouth. You've never hit Jake before not out of anger or even just playing around. He looked at you guilt in his eyes
" I deserved that." The anger that was bubbling up in you quickly disappeared and turned to sadness. Tears fell from your eyes as you looked at the man who you once loved more than anything in this world." Why?" Was the only words that came out of your mouth over and over.
"Why, why did you do this to me?" He looked down at the ground." fucking look at me!." You yelled. He did and you saw the tearing streaming down his face. "I'm sorry it was a mistake."
A mistake? You couldn’t believe the bullshit he was saying. The pain grew and so did the anger. “A mistake? That’s all you can say?” you slowly backed away in disbelief. “After everything that we’ve been through!” your voice got louder. It echoed throughout the apartment.
At that moment you realized that you were holding on to something that was dead. Not because of this, but for a while now you knew the relationship was dying but you were holding on to what you thought you had.
The version of him that had wasn’t true. Constantly justifying his mistakes but you couldn’t take it anymore. “I tried to be everything for you!”, you sobbed.
Jake stood there blank-faced, with no expression. Inside him, it did hurt seeing you like this but he knew it was bound to happen. Being in this relationship was excruciating to him. “You tried to be everything for me?”, he scoffed.
You looked at him, as he spoke. What could he possibly mean by that? “You were so fucking suffocating! Do you know that?” He ran his hands through his hair, his shoulders relaxed as he took a deep breath.
The expression on his face and the way his body instantly relaxed after that statement showed that he was holding that in for a while. “What?” you gasped.
“You were sucking that life out of me! Always needing reassurance about everything!”, Your heart shattered more at his words. “It was draining! You’re so fucking insecure and needy! Crying about every single thing!”
Everything that Jake had been suppressing was coming out. He knew it would hurt you but he couldn’t take it anymore, it felt like all the positive energy and life was being sucked out of him. He always dreaded coming home because you’d be there to interrogate him.
He felt like you never trusted him, you were always pestering him about every female around him. “You don’t mean that”, you whispered. Your eyes met his, as you searched them for any sign of remorse or even maybe love.
A little part of you wanted there to be something left but they were empty. They looked at you with distaste and annoyance. “No, I do. This has been weighing heavy on me for so long,” he stated. “Actually no, You, have been weighing me down”.
“If I’m weighing you down, then leave Jake”, You looked at him, bitterly. You were absolutely done with his shit. “Then fucking leave!”, you screamed at him. There were no more tears, you had no tears left to cry. There was just anger now.
This was my first collab with the amazing @jaehyunsblkgf and we had so much fun coming up with this story and writing together so I hope you all liked it ♥️
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survey--s · 10 months
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Who gives the best advice? I don't really ask people for advice - because my experience is that they then get pissed off when you don't take it.
Is there any band out there that you like every song by them? No.
What’s the best song a friend has ever introduced to you? I can't think of anything in particular right now.
Have you ever smoked? Yeah, I smoked for a bit during my year abroad.
Does your favorite uncle have any children? He does. Two grown up daughters who now have kids of their own.
Have you ever been in a lighthouse? Yes.
Name one of your psycho exes? Chris.
Why were they a psycho ex? Well, he was a compulsive liar and refused to admit to several of his children. We broke up and it's come to light there are even more.
Do you still talk to your first crush? No.
Where would you like to travel? I'd love to go back to Canada and Italy, and in terms of new countries - New Zealand, Iceland, Japan and the Seychelles.
Are you shy about singing in front of people? Not really, but I definitely can't sing in tune lol.
Do you know anyone who always makes themselves out to be the victim? Yeah, I went to university with someone like that. It was exhausting.
Have you ever been insulted or called names by a significant other? Yes.
What’s your favorite movie battle scene? The battle for Helms Deep is pretty good so far as battles go.
Have you ever been to a same-sex wedding? No - I've never been to any wedding that wasn't my own.
What’s the population of your hometown? The town I grew up in is about 15k. My current town is about 7k.
What’s the most difficult experience you and a significant other have gone through together? I don't really know, to be honest. Looking back most of my relationships were just filled with pretty mundane dramas.
What’s something you have zero tolerance for? Animal abuse.
When's the last time you said you were sorry? Earlier today when I trod on the cat.
Would you like living on the coast? I love living by the coast. The only disadvantage is the strong wind/storms in the autumn.
Honestly, do you enjoy arguing? No.
Which theory do you wish but perhaps not believe was true about afterlife? I don't really believe anything happens after we die. I kind of think heaven would be cool, though, but without the religious aspect.
Are you scared of losing the person you like to someone else? No. I have no concerns in that respect, he's a very decent person with decent morals.
Do you have a hard time making decisions? I'm weird in that I can make huge, life-changing decisions in seconds, but I really struggle with minor decisions like where to eat or what outfit to wear lol.
If there was a large spider in your room, would you stay in the room? NOPE.
What’s your favorite kind of meat? (vegan/vegetarian options count!) Steak or bacon, or fried chicken.
Have you ever been mistaken for staff at a store you were just visiting? No.
What’s the coolest or most memorable animal you’ve ever seen at a zoo? White lions and tigers are pretty incredible, even though they're mostly inbred these days which is sad. I also remember seeing dolphins at an aquarium in Italy but it just made me sad. It was a mum and calf in this tiny tank and they just swam in circles constantly.
Do you share a bedroom with anybody? My husband and the dog, lol.
What video game have you played the most hours of? If you don’t know, just make a rough guess. Overall probably the Sims as I played it constantly as a kid.
Who will you see within the next week? Mike, my parents and I have no idea who else. I'm hoping to catch up with Susie at some point and I'll probably see my in-laws too.
Do your parents live in their hometown(s)? No - they live on the opposite side of the world from where they were born, lol.
Have you ever modeled before? No.
If offered $1 million, would you do a reality show of your life? No. I value my privacy too much for that.
Who owns the computer you are on? Me.
What’s your best friend’s favorite color? I'm not sure he really has a favourite colour.
What color was your senior prom dress? Red.
How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2014? Just the one.
Northernmost state you’ve been to: I've never been to America.
Think you’ll live to be 100? Who knows. Both sides of my family are pretty long-lived and healthy so I guess it's possible.
Which YouTuber do you feel like you could be friends with easily? I don't watch any YouTubers.
Who do you know personally that has a nice singing voice? My dad.
If you met your favorite musician, what would you ask him/her? I honestly have no idea lol
What's something you used to believe in that you don't anymore? Nothing in particular is coming to mind.
What's something you believe everyone should have? A home.
What's the first thing you do once you get home from a trip? Say hi to all the animals, and then go and take a pee.
Do you listen to podcasts? Which ones? No, I genuinely don't get the appeal.
What was the last heavy thing you lifted? The cat.
Do you have an anchor tattoo? No.
Are your hands unsteady? No.
Do you think you’re pretty? I think I'm normal looking.
Who do you know that wears the most makeup? I don't really know anyone who wears tons of make-up. I live in a very outdoorsy area so most people don't wear much (if any).
Are you anyone’s first love? Apparently so.
Has anyone ever told you they were in love with you? Yes.
How much does your mother know about your sex life (or lack thereof)? Nothing. My sex life is nobody else's business but mine (and my partners).
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lazuli-writes · 11 months
summary: Jun is the only one who can handle seeing Vernon in the hospital.
pairing: Wen Junhui & Vernon Chwe
genre: angst / hopeful
estimated word count: 1000 words
a/n: I was initially gonna leave it with a sad ending but then I was like… nah. Remember folks, copying other people’s works is plagiarism and that’s illegal. Don’t be that kind of person. Anyways, hope you all enjoy it :)
©little-lazuli. Do not copy, repost, or translate without permission
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“Good morning noni! How was your day today?” 
Jun kept the smile on his face despite getting no response. Putting down the bag of lunch for one. It was almost second nature for Jun to simply move past it. It shocked him how he could field staying here with Vernon the most out of the rest of Seventeen.
With some like Seungcheol, too emotionally unstable to the point of rage or worse, culpable breakdowns. Or on the other end of the spectrum like Chan, who could do nothing but stare, emotionally constipated—or in the case of Seungkwan and Mingyu, emotionless—A silent chasm always sitting between both youngest members of their group. 
“The menu today is Twix. And yes I know it’s only eight in the morning, but that seems to be the only thing this hospital has to offer that didn’t look too overbearing. Did you want one noni?”
Silence once again.
“Of course I made sure to get you two. You didn’t get the nickname Twix for no reason.”
Jun sighed, the semi-artificial smile on his lips and burdened eyes linger away from his brother into the small bag of goodies he bought for the day. Seven Twix bars, some ramen packs for lunch and some choco pies and pepero for dinner. The typical meal plan Jun had grown accustomed to during every visit to see Vernon. 
“Seokmin and Mingyu got into another argument. It was so hilarious. Guess what it was about?”
Jun sat down, opening a Twix bar, munching away after he put the two he got for Vernon with every visit in the once-used flower vase. A vase that was now almost completely full with Twix bars. The elder sighed as he eyed the vase, annoyed at how fast he felt the vase filled up.
“They got mad because someone dropped Seokmin’s toothbrush on the floor and didn’t pick it up. He unloaded on the last person who used the bathroom, which just so happened to be Mingyu.”
Jun paused for a response that never came, only continuing after swallowing the bite of his Twix that he took.
“Well, Mingyu was not having it. He went off. Mind you, this happened the other day, early in the morning, so their fight woke up the others. Cheollie-hyung was not happy. That whole morning was a shit-show to be honest. You’re lucky to have been able to escape. Hyung and Jihoon-ah was ruthless at practice that morning.”
Jun finished his Twix, quickly disposing of his trash before pulling out his phone.
“I know you can’t see what I’m about to show you, but I’m sure you can just hear in his voice how pissed Jihoon-ah was at that practice. And to have Cheol-hyung back him up on everything… was kinda afraid the others were about to mutiny.”
Jun played the video of that day in dance practice he had on his phone, laughing every now again at his favorite parts. And once it reached the point where even Soonyoung was getting snarky, Jihoon was quick with a sassy shutdown before starting the music again. Jun could only laugh, cause while everyone else in the group found the memory annoying, Jun loved how almost normal this seemed.
“Sometimes I wonder how so much sass could be contained in such a tiny body. Ain’t I right Twix?”
No response once again. Jun smiled, nodding his head in agreement. “You right noni, must be an age thing. Us hyungs must be getting better with our sass as we age, aren’t we?”
Jun sighed. Routine followed through as he pushed his hair back, leaning back in his chair to take a couple more deep breaths before returning his attention to the boy laying before him. 
“You know, hyung loves visiting you noni. But I really miss you”
Jun's smile cracked a bit, as he leaned against the bed where the maknae laid. His eyes began to water as the elder recited the same little monologue he did every visit.
“I miss seeing your eyes shine. I miss hearing your voice cheer and laugh…”
Jun tried each time he gave this speech, to hold back his tears. To stop the stone in his throat from strangling him from within. To halt the rush of sadness that sucked to swallow him whole everyday that passed with no news.
Jun cleared the tears away from his eyes before taking one of Vernon’s slightly chilled hands. Positioning it so that Jun held it up in holding his own cheek. Jun leaned into the younger’s hand as it artificially caressed him. Trying in any way possible to transfer the strength and love he had for the younger to the maknae who laid there. Silent. And asleep.
“Please noni. I know I ask so much of you right now. And you might even have your reasons to not want to do this”
Jun wiped the last of his tears away as he re-solidified the steel in his mind, still gently keeping Vernon’s hand on his cheek. 
“But I need you to wake up. We need our noni back so badly. I miss you, we all miss you so much sollie. Please wake up.”
And for what felt like the hundredth time, Jun only received silence from his comatose brother. 
Jun refused the tears that threatened to spill once again, instead closing his eyes to enjoy the feeling of Vernon’s fingers. And for the slightest second, Jun dwelled in despair at another day enduring this torture alongside his brother. 
But those thoughts and designs of pain and anguish vanished when Jun felt a sudden pressure against his face. 
Eyes shooting open as Vernon’s finger shook and gripped ever so slightly on their own. Jun held his breath as he sat there, unable to move or speak as the feeling of movement by Vernon took hold of his consciousness. 
And with it, optimism flooded Jun’s heart and soul, with a crashing of waves so powerful, Jun released them in the form of new tears. Brighter and happier tears came rolling down the elder’s face in a never ending stream of hope.
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angstics · 2 months
I have many thoughts about les mis live, and they are all beautiful and complex.
to get it out of the way, things that sucked: the face spotlights were RIDICULOUSLY distracting and ugly use wide spots. the context tidbits are so useless lmao everything is explained in the main songs. it kind of made eponine irritating because she would always appear in these ugly sounding tidbits just to yearn. The surprise is kind of the point. The video effects were kinda distracting BUT also really good which i will expand on later. The tempo was so off, at least to how im used to it. I really dislike how they elongated the notes (though it was impressive tbf). I dislike the weird pauses that were obviously not mistakes. I HATE the line changes. They removed my favorite part of paris look down when the ppl go “whens it gonna end somethings gotta happen now somethings gotta give itll come itll come” then the FANTASTIC fanfare. GOD. Watching it live, i felt act 1 was so rushed — i do think it had abnormally fast tempo… this one’s silly bc it depends on actor intuition but i wish they laughed at the points the characters laugh in the 2010 recording (theres like 3 points that just so perfectly punctuate the sadness). Noticeably awkward staging during rain will help flowers grow. I wish grantaire fell with enjolras SORRY.
Also i wish everyone who talked went to hell, everyone who coughed endlessly took some PILLS, everyone who went up and down the stairs pissed in their seat -_- the worst was when the idiots in front of me (WHO WERE TALKING THE WHOLE SHOOOOOW they were shushed by the usher Three times I need them to be tried for this) were whispering during To love another person is to see the face of god and i wanted to STRANGLE them
anyway, onto the good. And be sure it far outweighs the bad. Great casting, great singing, SUCH a good band, good lighting (spots otherwise). There were no obvious acting missteps that i hear in recordings which was a nice surprise
The set was SOOOOOOOO dynamic and fluid and lighting was used in a simple but CRAZY effective way to morph and splinter the setting. Augh. When the set pushed in during paris, i fell to my kneeeeessss (in my brain). The gate, the barricade, the houses were GORGEOUS
Lighting during the final battle. I wanted to die it was so good. I didnt know or forgot grantaire dies last. I remembered it was voluntary but not like that. Jesus god
There were a lot of surprises in staging acting etc that had me genuinely jump in my seat from shock and delight. I have never acted like that in a theatre, much less for a show ive seen and listened to a MILLION times. Some moments like this: enjolras falling over in the cart and being Dragged out, heart full of love starting so reluctantly (i was DELIGHTED by this it was a nice surprise laugh), the wigs (love), the staging during one day more (god when enjolras is dead center stage haloed by light).... there are so many other moments that had me shook i cant recall rn...
gavroche was so Present in the set, which you really miss in the audio. His little added dialogue bit was my favorite of those. His relationship w grantaire was particularly pronounced, which kinda shifted the source of grantaire’s sacrifice. Ofc there are many reasons he chose to die for the cause, but i hadnt thought one being grantaire seeing the police state for the robbing force it was. Hard yes, but evil. He didnt know it was *evil*. I think that realization was pushed by Gavroche’s killing and something so interesting in the discussion of how sheltered these kids were (or not). Rich boy’s game to play… what did enjloras know…
On the same line, i felt the “message” very strongly seeing it sung at me. Is there a world you long to see… i also felt the faith themes distinctly. Vaguely christian ending lol ill lead you to salvation, the only survivors being a couple. Wait the thenadiers are also a couple. Lol?
On that lot, they were fun and good lol. They changed one of his beggar at the feast lines and it was kind of silly. “this one’s a queer but what can you do” to “this one’s a queer, i might try it too” ????? I dont know if we want to wokeify this guy in particular
There was a part duringggg i think drink with me before grantaire’s verse where both he and enjolras are in the shadows on literal opposite sides of the stage (e is high right upstage, g is low left downstage) and grantaire is staring Right at enjolras. And enjolras turns to him through the first verse. I was watching this going crazy that they actually fanfictionified them i didnt think they would more than ive already seen. There is one movement in particular ive never seen and would have Definitely been in the compilations i watched (lol). This will have its own seperate joke post
Speaking of, watching it live made me realize how Present enjolras and grantaire’s relationship is. Besides the lovey dovey achilles-and-patroclus slash thing, i loooovveeeee their ideological conflict SOOOO much. It is so genuis. So i love that it was center stage when it isnt really in the lyrics (or 2012 film or other adaptations)
And they were both blond. Which was crazy
Javert at the end made me so crazy. Again, the staging — mourning Gavroche, seeing valjean carry marius — shifted how i thought of his suicide as well. I think maybe he had the same awakening as grantaire
Hey guys maybe the police state and prison complex is bad lmfao
The candlesticks at the end ❤️ (this is a bit of hater moment but i was watching the ramin 14 boot and the moment the bishop walks away from him at the end he does the same thing fredric march does where there is a pause and jean is kneeling infront of the bishop and he holds the bishop’s hands to his head in silence and. It is so vulnerable and meaningful and i adore it. And i wish theyd kept that staging)
I always found it weird that eponine is for some reason fantine’s right hand man in heaven. If we’re being haters i still dont like the caricatured costumes and behaviours of “the poor” and “whores” companies. AND they shouldve really tried harder on boy eponine. cut her hair at the very least and mirror her further w fantine -_- well that makes make me like heaven more
This also really made me think about how valjean saw javert as Just A Man, while javert saw himself as The Law. Which they literally say but seeing how they acted around each other cemented it. Javert was so very humanized by his sadness and anger and all that emotion Destroyed him because there is no compassion in the law lol. Maybe there is something wrong with our governments Lol
for a bit that kinda meanders and strays from the main action, they made "heart full of love" et al. really really wonderful. the staging was so great, like marius actually climbing the gate and throwing rocks at her window, cosette running to him, marius and eponine hiding along the gate in times i didnt think they were listing. the thenadier climbs the house set it's so fun
i love that eponine is consistently black. it adds. so much. and i will always judge a production if their eponine is white. this one had a great black actor play her -- her voice was nicely different from the recordings
i liked the video sets, especially when it emphasized character mvmt. sometimes it was bright and looked kind of bad, so the darker the better lol. there was a moment when we dip in the sewers where thenadier enters from upstage center from the darkness of the sewer in the backdrop and it was AWESOME.
OH MY GOD turning -> empty chairs. GOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. turning is such an underrated song and they just so beautifully staged it. the all female cast who communicated such different perspectives on the massacre that was a nice change from a monolithic company. and the lights. when i saw theyd set them down, i knew what was coming. and then it came. God. empty chairs. so good. So good.
the choreo during the wedding was great
Enjolras had the red vest. W
god i feel im missing so much. hope i get another cheapo ticket. Eek. im so glad i get to see it at all. limit hit <3
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joankellyforever · 5 months
Satan and his minions
I'm so fucking pissed off you rat bastard sons of bitches i bet you do this shit for free you ass holes! Why the fuck would you work for the devil you dumb fucks are gonna burn in hell ass holes! I have to wear aluminum foil on my head because you ass holes turned up the frequency too high! Who the fuck is gonna listen to me? I didnt mean to get so many people on that account. I didnt know that would happen. I could of stayed deaf dumb and self centered i know thats what you wanted me to do. I do love my country :( tears!!!
My country has done so much for me. I didnt mean to become an enemy of my own land. :(!! I am so sad!!! I am so mad! Why me?????
sighs... I had dreams you know! I always fuck my own shit up by lacking self control. I used to ask God why me? You know I didnt ask for this life? I cant take my life! I work for God. Listen, you guys own the world I get it youre Luciferians. Secrets are cool arent they? I know Satan doesnt want me looking him up on a Sabbath. I got the messages I read them when most people wouldnt.
My pride came before my fall silly me, good job guys! You know I was born into some shit I aint asked to be apart of. I hate lies! If you were me you would to. I do not like how my name was slandered in the news. Yet in still i kept pride in myself. Are you mad about 911?
I went to college with a GED. The teacher put that stuff on and my mind was already opened to stuff like that. I didnt dig any deeper but when my bf said he was approached before we had our daughter. My mind was opened way more. When I went to that college they told me a bit more and then i went crazy on google after that.
I began sharing truth with anyone that would hear me. When i say truth i mean conspiracy theories. I just learned so much about universal laws that I felt as if i could see the stage. I failed at every attempt I ever made in life. Including being a conspiracy theorist. I did not want to be labeled that I thought I had freedom of speech here in America and that my voice was small and unheard. I did not know I was going to upset so many people in my actions of connecting the dots. I am sorry I cannot go along with the abc community of pride any longer. I am now turned off by it.
I also am sorry I do not believe in nasha. I wish I could tell you I had faith in the symbols you have chosen to represent our leaders but after many years of research I have found that the world is ran by the devil as written in Holy scripture. Like I said I had dreams! I had dreams to be apart of this world once upon a time. I did not want to be this person with tears in my eyes and no witness but you and I! I tell you with clean hands and a pure heart that I never wanted to be this person.
I didnt sleep at night as a child and say when I get older I am going to hate music! I used to wanna be a dancer! I used to watch music videos and want to be just like the girls on the big screen. I was dumb right? Its a trap but I didnt see that then. I used to wanna be a model! I was never perfect but I always had a look to me that people found interesting I guess. Thing is I got tired of being looked at as just a body.
I started being a photographer but i lacked so many resoucres and was looking in all the wrong places! I used to write books but I never did get my format right that was until I became a silent banned writer. Tears flow from my eyes and I tell you I work with my ex lovers that I had children with so the God of this world cannot use them against me anymore. I am no longer led by sexual desires and I am not perfect but I am not evil like this world. I have seen this all in my dreams already.
I know who is pulling these strings and he is like I said he could of came to me first but he didnt God did! I am not leaving my God I rather die on earth because I seen my place in heaven. I know I am not of this world and I cannot be trusted. I know that I came from an evil rh- bloodline. I seen Joann and Patty neck and yes I am still confused and no I dont have all the answers. It is well with my soul.
I do not gain anything by sharing truth. People will not help they will just record. They are all under some sort of spell. That why I detox from phones once a week. God speed as they say. I feel better when my head is covered with this silverware and I seen the military gear so I know that i am on the right track against the MK.
Wow I knew Obama was a fucking shit head! Fuck your chem trails and your so called wild fires all over the world! How am I wrong for finding out America is doomed? As if it hasnt been thrown in our faces by every single shape form and fashion you can possibly think of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY THE FUCK AM I WRONG FOR PUTTING SHIT TOGETHER? FUCK ME RIGHT? You guys are 50% pedos. After the childhood I had I hate pedos. You know I have to move because you continue to make me so uncomfortable. How much do you they pay you guys to do this shit. Like does satan just send out a fucking email or mass group text and say kill 5k for the 1???
And you cant tell me youre not spilling rats into the city of new york this is fucking disgusting and out of control! I am so fed up with this world I am going to fight as if I am already dead! .
Warrior of God
Joan Madeline Kelly/Gray
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Just received the call no son (child) wants to ever receive!
Wow! Life is really gone in the blink of an eye! I'm having a very difficult time processing thoughts at the moment. I mean, I know there are emotions I'm supposed to be having at the moment however there's so much in my mind. It's like the silence is soooooo loud at the moment! I've gone through my phone and watched old videos of you and even pictures! Certain pictures hurt more than others! It's like had I known that Moment was the last one, I would of sat longer in it! I would of laugh longer at that joke! I would of smiled longer looking into your eyes! And this is where sadness comes from! The joy of know your love for me was pure and I wasn't even your biological child means the most!! I love you, Pop! Period!
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Ma passed away in September. That was very hard for you! You spoke a few times about how you felt God should of took you and left her. Life is so interesting! I'll never forget the time you tried to get me to take one of our dogs (Shaka) out to the Bombing Range and leave him so when you returned from vacation, he would be gone! 😂 Pop, You were soooo pissed off at me when you guys got back home and Shaka was in that backyard! Lol 😂 I couldn't do it, Pop! You never let me live that mess down either lol! So many moments you poured into me, chastised me, praises me and celebrated me like I was yours! You helped me and Pat get our cards after high school and against your advice, we weren't saving money like we were supposed to be! But what did you do? You went into your honey stash and got us the additional monies needed to get what we needed!! You were so perfect!
I'd like to just brag on how amazing your were for a lil bit. A man who had three kids biologically with Ma, 1 outside of the marriage, 2 adopted and then me! Like, think about that for a second.... You owed nobody nothing and yet you gave far more than you ever had to. I thank you 🙏🏾 for that! A thing that upsets me now is the thought of those who had issues with you! It's like your issues now are mine. A spiritual battle I now have to fight is not disliking those who I vividly remember you expressing pain about! Those who have wronged you since momma passed!! That's my immediate fight! But God is faithful! This will pass for me because I still have you in my heart! It sucks for their conscience though so I pray peace over their lives.
Your sense of humor was the best!! Your laugh was contagious! Pitching quarters was our all time favorite. I'm not sure how much money I've beat outta you over the years but I'm sure I'm on top, lol. You taught me always to prepare for the unknown. You would say little cliches that would make sense in the end when you look back on them, but never - EVER - made sense in the moment! I love you, James Coleman. I wasn't your child by birth right but you would never know if someone didn't say it. Memories I'll take with me forever! Sad, yes. Yes I am sad. I'm very sad! Very emotional in moments. I honestly didn't know I'd feel like this but whoever does? Like, who prepares for the day a love one passes and then emotionally walked that thing out the way that they mentally prepared it; I'll wait....
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