#her costumes literally never ever miss
floswife · 11 months
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Warnings: fluff, rivals to lovers, idiots in denial that they’re in love, Harry being stupid bc why not
Pairing: Harry James Potter x reader
Author’s Notes: idk I just felt a little silly 🤷‍♀️
Summary: Harry can’t seem to keep his mouth shut around Y/n
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Harry and Y/n never really got along. Why? Godric knows. It’s been going on for as long as anybody could remember to the point that the origins often varied amongst everybody.
“Oh! It was because Harry accidentally hexed her hair to be snakes.”
“It’s because she struck him by lightning to match his scar.”
“He got a bludger thrown at her during one of their quidditch practices!”
“She dressed up as you know who for a costume party once!”
None of those reasons were the actual origin of their feud, though they were actual events that had occurred.
The irony was that they should’ve gotten along perfectly well together on paper, both being in Gryffindor, both on the quidditch team, both hated by Snape (though Snape hated almost everybody except for green eyes redhead Gryffindor girls) and they both had many mutual friends between them.
They were just constantly at each others throats, it was like it was a game for the two. They definitely did always argue with a wide smile on their face.
Take today for example, it was quidditch practice and like usual, they were arguing.
“Potter, I swear to Merlin I’ll bat this bludger at you!” Y/n pointed her bat threateningly at him. The rest of the team had learnt to ignore them at that point, learning that they just work better motivated by their frustration at each other.
Harry just threw his arms up, “do it, l/n, we all know it’s an empty threat anyways because you’ll miss my face again.”
She gave him a scandalised look, “again?! Who said I ever missed your face, scarhead?”
“Ron! The last time I went to the hospital wing.” Harry grinned triumphantly as she glared at Ron at his spot by the goal to which he just observed the sky with mild interest.
“Do you know how vague that is? You’re in the hospital every other day, attention whore.” She huffed and crossed her arms.
It was then that they got shouted at by Wood to actually partake in practice to which they finally listened.
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After practice where everyone was going to the changing rooms, Harry trailed after her and spoke in a sing song voice behind Y/n, “you missed me.”
She turned around with a light scowl on her face, “shut it Harold.”
He had his stupid smirk on his face that often found it’s way there when he was around there as he stepped closer to her, she stayed still, “oh yeah? Make me.”
His emerald eyes flitted to her lips and she felt her heartbeat pick up at the decreasing amount of personal space between them, “bet.”
His smile widened at her response but not for long as she pulled out her wand and wordlessly did a spell to seal his mouth shut.
In a moment of pure panic she just rushed into the changing room, did i seriously just hex a boy after almost kissing him?
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As anybody would after hexing a persons mouth shut after almost kissing them, Y/n avoided Harry. Dodging him in hallways, quite literally jumping into random classrooms (though that was a one time thing after seeing a couple of seventh years exchanging spit in there).
Later in the common room, she was curled up in the corner with her knees to her chest, reading a book to calm her nerves, while also covering her face with said book.
This half assed disguise clearly did nothing for her because Ron sat right on the chair next to her.
“Y/n! My dorm now!”
She gave him an indignant look, “Ronnil Wazlib! Me and you need to have words about what you spilled to Harold you little rat!”
Ron just shook his head at her exasperatedly.
“Don’t shake your head at me like I’m your nan with dementia, I will tell ‘mione about your undying love for her!”
His eyes widened and he clasped a hand over her mouth, “just shut up and go up to my dorm.”
She threw her hands up in surrender and got up to go to his dorm, she walked into his dorm first and as soon as she turned to ask him what he wanted to talk about, the door shut in her face, she tried to open it but it was locked. She tried to magically unlock it, but it didn’t work.
Her blood ran cold when she realised her mistake, Harold.
She turned to see him sitting on his bed and he wordlessly patted the spot next to him.
She furrowed her brows but listened all the same as she sat down next to him, “that’s a little too much effort to just talk to me, Potter, just say you love me at this point.”
He gave her a deadpan stare and she then realised he was still hexed so she pulled out her wand and undid it. She gave him an apologetic look.
“Why did he try so hard to get me in here with you?” She asked curiously.
Harry seemed to contemplate what he was gonna say before he finally said, “well I’m not gonna say I’m in love with you but I can say that I like you. A lot actually.”
She gave him an incredulous look, “Excusé moi?”
He just nodded, “you’re brilliant and beautiful and smart and funny and I like you. And I think- no I know you like me too.”
She furrowed her brows, “how can you be so sure about that?”
He pushed a stray piece of hair out of her face and kept his hand cupping the side of her face, “because I know you.”
For once she didn’t argue against him and when he leaned in this time, she let their lips touch and she melted into the kiss. His lips were soft against hers and although they spent years with such animosity towards each other, it seemed to now just turn into blind affection as they naturally sank into each others arms.
When they pulled away with soft smiles still on each others faces, she spoke, “and you tried to get on my case for missing you in the hospital wing?”
Harry’s face lit up even more if that was possible, “so you did miss me!”
She rolled her eyes, “that was not new knowledge, get over it!”
He laughed and she decided to shut him up for the second time that day, except not with magic this time, but with another kiss.
It was then that Ron decided to burst in to the room, “have you guys killed each other ye- Merlin!”
He gasped at them as they jumped apart from each other. Harry looking proud while y/n looked slightly ashamed.
She threw a pillow at him as he ran off shouting for everyone saying he had money to collect.
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magnuscomedybracket · 5 months
087 Uncanny Valley vs. 034 Anatomy Class
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Propaganda under the cut!
087 Uncanny Valley
Guy cleans out flesh from a drain without a blink and nikola has to invite him back again with Jude because he wasn’t scared enough the first time because of obliviousness
Besides the obvious bit of Guy who Doesn’t Realize He’s In A Horror Story, imagine this from Nikolas perspective. Like “oh shit lol this guys name is “skinner” I’m gonna mess with him for shits and giggles… Ok he didn’t notice any of my spooky bullshit, wild! I threatened to butcher him and he was Not Paying Attention! Jude! Hey! Come check out this idiot man!”. Also implication that Jude and nikola hang out being shitty together. I support women’s wrongs.
"Megan" tries to expose this guy to The Horrors and he's so focused on his job that he just doesn't notice. She's so shocked by this that she calls him back and still has to literally force him to notice
The world's most oblivious plumber somehow doesn't notice all the creepy stuff going on and just does his job like normal. It only gets funnier when you consider it from the Stranger avatar's point of view.
Nikola Orsinov trying so hard to scare the least observant man you've ever seen. Whispering in his ear about flencing while he hums noncommittally and pulls a wad of meat from the drain of her spooky factory in the middle of fuck-all nowhere and then he just gives her the invoice and walks out??? Like it's a normal job? And when she calls him to come back the next day she has to dress up in a clown costume to get his attention and grab his head to make him look at The Atrocities that he just entirely missed the day before. I love Sebastian Skinner so much and I wish only the best for him
#I really just want to point out that they're trying to scare a plumber. #A plumber!! #do you think this is the first time this man has had to clean skin and hair out of a drain? #do you think he's never seen blood before? #like yeah it's objectively funny from the Horror's point of views but for him? It's a tuesday #Like that isn't even the weirdest thing he's seen that week #'oh they threatened to butcher him' yeah? what makes them special? #this guy probably deals with 20 different avatars a week by necessity #no amount of 'his name is skinner let's fuck with him' is going to be worse than service work in people's homes (via @/childoferebus)
#the only reason we know what's happening for half the episode is taht we know this is an horror story #and how things usually go. #dude spends half the episode going 'just a normal job. #house in the middle of nwohere. weird smells and textures #*shrugs* just anotehr day on the job* (via @/monstersqueen)
034 Anatomy Class
The delivery. The teacher going crazy because students asking questions.
#fear beings who want to know more about the human body and decide to go to college about it (via @/the-goose-caboose)
#all those “students” had like. sneak 100 surely their behavior was completely unsuspicious lmao #and at the end theyre genuinely just like “hey thanks for teaching us about the insides” and the teacher's just completely traumatized (via @/silverywillowtree)
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indianamgc11 · 5 months
“makes me want to wreck you.” from the prompt list woth ethan landry 😇
eyes on you
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a/n: hello! i wrote this with the intent of making a pt. 2, so lmk if you would be interested in that :)
warnings: cursing, mentions of weed and alcohol, touching, mentions of blood and the tiniest bit of violence, fighting, implications of sex, talking of body parts, ethan x f!reader (lmk if i missed any)
word count: 2,665
summary: reader and the group attend the frat party, but ethan and reader have their eyes, and minds, set on something else.
You never have really been a fan of parties, let alone frat college parties. But Chad had convinced you to go along anyways, saying you needed to “get out more.”
“C’mon! It’ll be fun! Maybe you could find a piece of eye candy to snack on.”
He laughs at his own comment and flexed his muscles in the air, jokingly referencing to himself, earning a playful eye roll and a sigh from you.
“Fine, I’ll go, just don’t try to find somebody for me, that didn’t go too well last time.”
You remember back to the last party you went to with the friend group, where Chad attempted to hook you up with a guy who ended up being some 30-year old freak who passed by the party scene, thinking he could get away with a girl or two. Chad ended up getting into a fist fight with the creep, leaving himself with bloodied knuckles and a red slap mark on his face, and the guy with a broken nose and a black eye. That was the last party you had gone too.
But you wanted to try again, seeing that you wanted to join this sorority with Tara for a bit, and figured that a party would be a good start (hopefully).
It was later in the day and you were getting ready with Tara in her room. Her, Sam, and Quinn were your roommates, and Sam wasn’t too fond of the “social gathering” that Chad had been talking about. She’s been very paranoid about letting Tara go out alone, or to any crowded event, since the recent Ghostface killings in your hometown of Woodsboro, California the previous year. Even with Chad saying him and the remaining friend group would be going, Sam still turned the idea down. Nevertheless, you and Tara still planned to go to the OKB party, you currently adding lavender body glitter to yourself while Tara was finishing pulling her hair up.
Tara is dressed as a pirate, while you were dressed as a fairy, sort of. Having a shimmery cropped top with feathers around the edge of the upper half, and a glittery skirt to go with it. It wasn’t a kiddy costume, but wasn’t an attempt to pick up any guys, they’d all be drunk or high anyways.
Quinn was, occupied, in her room with some guy you both didn’t know, so she definitely wasn’t going with you two. Instead she was going to cover for you both if Sam questioned your absences when she got home.
You both turn your lights off and shut your bedroom doors before leaving (so Sam might think you were sleeping), then shut the front door and started heading downstairs. Neither of you spoke a word, the only sounds to be heard were from your shoes hitting the floor and the air conditioning in the building. You did this just in case you ran into Sam, which was unlikely, but just for good measure. You make it out of the apartment building and join your group of friends, walking down the busy streets of New York. The sidewalks of the roads, and now the campus, are quite crowded, seeing various costumes on many bodies, including many Ghostfaces. You’re bumped out of your observations, literally, when you see a familiar face.
“Hey, Jason!” Tara says, glad to see her friend.
“Are you and Greg coming to the OKB party?” You ask him as you and Tara both stop to talk with him briefly, pointing behind you.
“Yeah, if he ever finishes his Spanish project.” Jason responds.
He continues to talk with Tara rather than you and asks if Sam would be there, seeming to take an interest to her. They finish conversing and you catch up with your group. You make it to the house, lit up with flashing lights, tables holding many plastic red cups and bottles of beer with lots of people around. You walk inside and are immediately hit with the smell of alcohol and many lit joints, which isn’t very surprising. You lose the friend group you arrived with, being left with Tara. It’s hard to hear nearly anything except for the loud bass of the music, and clips of conversations from everywhere you go. A course someone is taking, how Subway messed up their sandwich, or just plain horny college students at a poor attempt to start something up. But seriously, get a room.
“I’m gonna go find Chad”
You say to Tara, but end up nearly yelling for her to hear you, needing to repeat yourself. She gives you a thumbs up before you both wander off. You eventually see Mindy and her girlfriend, Anika, on a couch on the opposite side of the room. Anika has a pumpkin cropped shirt on with some blue flared jeans and a bucket hat, her legs over Mindy, who was dressed simply, but you could tell she was going for a simple costume look. You just couldn’t squint your eyes enough to see the same on the corner of her shirt. Your eyes lead you to Chad, who was without a shirt, but had a large cowboy hat, jeans, boots, and an obnoxious cowboy belt. Next to him stood his roommate, Ethan Landry.
Ethan was newer to the group, not always around but still present. You’ve known him for about 6 months, and within those 6 months slight came feelings for him. He was cute, really cute, having fluffy, curly black hair, plump lips, and eyes that could break your soul. You’ve always wondered how he doesn’t have any girls going after him. I mean, why wouldn’t they? He was also a typical nerdy guy. Being cute and a little dorky you thought was the perfect combination.
You walk over to the pair and see them both take a shot, but Ethan spit his back out into his shot glass. The guy wasn’t a fan of drinking, either.
“Hey cool kids”
You say to them sarcastically referring to their costumes, specifically Ethan. He smiles at you.
“Hey, y/n/n, you did come! I’ll bet you’re glad you did, huh?”
Chad says, nudging you with his elbow. You shrug your shoulders at the scene, looking around to the same wildness you saw before.
“Eh. It’s more of your scene definitely.” You shouted.
You look back to Ethan and scan him up and down, eyebrows knitting together, forming a guess in your head as to what he’s dressed as.
“I’m a knight from Murder Party.”
He says lightly to you, having that no one has been correct when seeing his cardboard costume. You nod your head and make an “ah” shape with your mouth. He then leans in so he can hear you better, and vise versa.
“A fairy? That’s not really what I thought you would go for,” He says closer to you.
“It’s what I got on short notice. Better than that stupid attempt at a sexy nurse or something. Also surprised that you got that.” You shrug.
Chad disagrees with the statement, but you nudge him in the side. You notice Ethan’s eyes linger on you every moment or so. Not to say you didn’t either. You never really noticed it, but the guy had muscles. He was wearing a plain long sleeve blue shirt underneath the cardboard, and even in the dark, his arms were defined.
It was hot. He was hot.
But that’s not something you would ever admit. Nobody had a clue, not even Tara, that you had a developing crush for Ethan. But you couldn’t help it. You were around him a lot of the time, and your eyes could just never seem to look somewhere else. Like at another guy.
You’re pulled from your thoughts when Anika approaches you three.
“Big guy. You’re needed.”
Chad glanced at you with quick worry along with Ethan, as you three follow Anika to the scene of some older looking guy dragging Tara up the stairs, mumbling something to her. You and Ethan make your way through the people gathering around to see what’s going on. Chad approaches the guy with a fake smile on.
“Hey pal. No private tours for this one, mkay?”
“Sorry bro, didn’t catch that.” The guy, Frankie, says, clearly drunk. His eyes were slightly glossy and his speech was slurred together, his eyelids drooping a little as well.
“Yeah, bro, you did. Tara’s good down here.” Chad says irritated.
Tara chimes in saying she wants to, followed by Frankie drunkenly agreeing with her and began dragging her by the arm upstairs, Tara’s expression turning from happy to discomfort, a tinge of fear evident. Chad grabs Frankie by his shirt and yanks him to ground level. Ethan quickly put his hand around your arm and pulled you back a little. You’re a bit surprised at his action but don’t try to pull away, leaning back to him. His fingertips were warm on your arm and his hands were soft. And you never realized how large his hands were. Pushing you once again from your thoughts, before Chad can show the guy, Sam comes in out of nowhere.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt, I’m just gonna taze you in the balls real quick.”
She then electrified Frankie and he fell to the floor screaming at Sam.
“Fucking bitch!” Frankie screams while groaning in agony.
Tara immediately storms through the crowd and out the door, mortified and angry. You glance behind at Ethan, then to Chad, seeing his face confused as to what all just happened, then you all follow suite to Tara and Sam.
You catch up, yet keeping your distance to the sisters as you hear them arguing, Tara fuming and unpleased. You all stop behind the two and witness the argument, eyes going back and forth from one girl to the other.
“That guy was an asshole and he was gonna take advantage of you-“ Sam starts but Tara cuts her off.
“So? If I wanna hook up with an asshole that my decision. My decision! You’re out of my life for five years and now you can’t leave me alone for five minutes!” Tara’s voice gets higher as she gets more agitated just talking about Sam’s actions recently.
“See why I don’t live with them? I love them, but the drama.” Mindy whispers to you, Ethan, and Anika. You purse your lips and look at Mindy.
“Sorry” Mindy whispers back, averting her eyes and stepping back to Anika.
Ethan leans down to your ear,
“Is it this bad all the time?” He questioned in a curious tone.
“Sometimes yes, sometimes no.”
Sam and Tara bicker quite often. Quinn has never been to bothered by it, usually doing other things, but you on the other hand, are always around to hear them. Occasionally you’ll go over to Mindy and Anika’s, but if they’re busy then you’ll go stay with Chad and Ethan. They normally know what it is when one of them opens the door to see you standing there with a pillow in your hand. Not that it’s a big deal, sometimes you just do it to spend more time with Ethan.
Usually you and Ethan would end up playing cards, study, or even watch a movie until you both fell asleep. You also used to just sleep on the couch, but Ethan has recently let you sleep in his bed while he either takes the couch or the floor. You refused at first, saying it wasn’t necessary, by the boy wouldn’t take no for an answer.
In the mornings it was Ethan who was up first, stretching and checking the time on his watch set on the nightstand. He was careful not to wake you, seeing as you were still sound asleep with the blankets all about. One leg would be over the covers while the other was under, you turned on your side and face against the pillow. One thing that Ethan noticed as well, was how you still looked perfect to him even after turning around all night. Your tank top accentuating your curves well, also being enough to where your cleavage would show a little. But Ethan wasn’t uncomfortable, in fact he got a little aroused by the simple sight of you a few times. But you also chose to wear that to bed, so maybe Ethan’s eyes might linger a little longer. Exactly how you intended.
What wakes you up is the closing of his bedroom door, leaving you alone to sleep for a bit. You sit up and stretch, feeling the warm sunlight through the cracks of the shut blinds. You swing your legs over to the floor and walk towards the door to the kitchen. You see Ethan, who is currently sipping a cup of coffee while reading his Econ textbook. His hair is quite fluffy and his eyes are intently focused on the schoolbook in front of him. When the cup moved away from his lips, they move against each other to savor the taste of the caffeine. He doesn’t even notice you standing there until you say something.
“Econ? Really?” You express as you walk over to sit with him.
He sets his mug down, giving a slight laugh and smile at your comment.
“I have an exam in two days, I can’t risk anything.”
You smile and shake your head, still loving the smart boy in front of you, even if he willingly reads from a textbook in his weekend free time.
You don’t notice it at first, but your eyes don’t leave him. He looks up at you before you can look away. He raises an eyebrow at you and smiles with the left of his mouth.
It stays silent for a while as you hold your coffee and take a sip, the steam still visibly coming from the caffeinated drink. Not many sounds are heard except the flipping of the textbook pages and the honks of cars from NY traffic.
You eventually finish your coffee and get up to refill it, knowing you have many lectures that day. You walk over to the machine and start to pour the liquid in the mug. You place the pot back in its place and then around, only to be met with Ethan’s tall frame facing you. You nearly shriek from the startle.
“Ethan! Why would you scare me like that?”
You say as you exhale and hold a hand over your chest, the other leaning against the countertop behind you.
Ethan doesn’t say a single word. He just continues to watch you, his eyes scanning over your figure.
“Eth? You alright?” You hesitated.
“Oh, I’m perfectly fine,” he nods and bits his lip a bit.
You then feel his hand snaking on your waist, slowly pulling you towards his.
“Last night, at the party..” He begins slowly.
“I couldn’t keep my eyes off you, you know.”
His voice is deep. He sounds like a sexy villain in a movie, almost. Why is he acting like this?
You can feel his breath on you.
“How could I not? Even going for a simple costume, I couldn’t look away..” He trails off.
You were now flush against him. Your mouth felt dry and you needed to clear your throat but didn’t want to ruin the silence. You felt your heartbeat quicken, your stomach whirl.
It felt good.
Ethan’s eyes were still on yours, burning with something. A passion. Something you couldn’t quite pinpoint, but so badly wanted to. His fingertips slightly squeezed your hip, his other hand to your side on the countertop. His arms were tanned, flexing from his hand slightly moving. His nostrils flared a bit with every breath out, his lips pursed a little bit.
He leaned closer to your ear, your eyes following him until they couldn’t anymore. Barely above a whisper, he muttered a phrase that made your heart beat everywhere, your palms sweaty.
“Really makes me want to wreck you.”
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oneforthemunny · 7 months
girl i missed you!!!!🥺🥺🥺 so happy your back! i was thinking for your spooky stories, can you do older! eddie x reader take lilah trick or treating. thank you ❤️
a roo and a boo |older!dilf!eddie munson x reader|
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prompt: delilah's first halloween (not exactly the trick-or-treat sorry. i started it and ended here with this but still fluffy and sweet and cute!!).
part of my munny's spooky stories series!
contains: literal fluff and cuteness. dad!eddie, mom!reader, age gap relationship. you can read the full older!eddie works here for all the lore and such :)
“Look at her.” You coo, peering over the padded changing table, wrangling Delilah’s tiny arms and long limbs gently into the costume. A random find you had shipped last minute, random and adorable and everything you’d ever wanted for your babies first Halloween. 
“She’s so fuckin’ cute.” Eddie grinned, dimples creasing in the scruff of his beard, at its beginning stages of salt and peppering like the curls that framed his hairline. “How did you find one this small?” 
“I got it off Etsy, so I could put the size in. Pretty handy because everything was too small for her.” You hum, shushing the small whimper that tore from Lilah’s chest. 
Only three months old, still tiny and fresh and new, but bigger than before. Bigger than when you first brought her home, scared out of your own mind that you’d drop her, break her, hurt her. Eddie was always so calm, so good about your fears and helping you- he’d done this before. He knew what it was like to be scared shitless with a baby. 
“How’d you come up with this?” Eddie’s eyes sparkled when they met yours. “Thought you were doing the bat and I was gonna be Ozzy?” 
“She’s too little for the bat costume. The biggest they made wouldn’t fit her, so I figured next year.” You shrugged. “I thought this was cuter.” 
“A kangaroo, hm?” Eddie’s finger brushed over Lilah’s cheek, grinning at the way she turned into his touch. 
“She’s Roo, Eddie, from Winnie the Pooh.” You glare at him playfully, grabbing the blue sweater next to you with the cross stitched letters ‘ROO’ on the front. “And I have some ears and a brown sweater and I’m Kanga. Get it? Because I’m her Mama.” You babble down at the baby, voice lifting in that airy coo of a tone that had Lilah’s lips curling in a gummy smile. 
“Oh,” Eddie nods, helping you maneuver Lilah’s balled fist through the sweater. “Just a you and Lilah costume?” 
“You get to be Ozzy and a bat next year.” You countered lightly, though your stomach flipped in fear. Fuck, maybe the suprise thing was stupid. Maybe you should have included him. “I mean, I can run to Target and try to find a shirt with Winnie on it or-” 
“-I’m just kidding.” Eddie shook his head, a gentle, calming hand rubbing down your spine. “I think it’s adorable. Both of you.” You beam, looking down at your little Roo, the hoodie with tiny ears that poked up. “Besides, I’m more of a Tigger man myself.” 
You snort lightly, rolling your eyes. “You? Thought you’d be more like Rabbit.” 
“Rabbit? No, that’s you, bunny, c’mon.” Eddie grinned, pinching your thigh playfully so you squealed. 
“You better watch it, Munson.” You pointed at him, fixing Lilah’s little sweater in place. “We have to be at my parent’s house in, like, thirty minutes. And they’ll actually care if we’re late now.” 
“Yeah?” Eddie hummed, lifting Lilah carefully into his arms. Her brown eyes blinking back at him, the small furrow of her brows from being disturbed- she looked like Wayne. 
“Yeah.” You nodded, swiping a stack of diapers from under the changing table. “My mom’s already losing it because she can’t wait to see Lilah’s costume. I’m never doing this surprise shit again.” 
“It’s their first grandkid, baby. What did you expect?” Eddie followed you down the hallway towards your shared bedroom. “They’re excited. Brie and Madeline too. It’s her first Halloween.” 
“What time is Brie getting here?” You pulled the brown sweater over your head, folding the slouchy neckline into place. 
“She’s here, I think.” Eddie muttered, eyes squinting, scanning the room undoubtedly for his phone. You bit back a smile. “I told her just to go over to Madeline’s. She’s staying at her apartment anyway tonight since she’s going to Gina’s tomorrow.”
“Oh?” You quip, brows raised in surprise. “They’re talking again?” 
“Yeah,” The sigh Eddie let out was soft, but heavy enough you knew he was… bothered, to say the least. 
Brielle’s silence towards Gina came after her mother’s nasty, cruel words about your pregnancy months ago. Eddie always felt guilty that Brielle was in the middle of the mess that was his relationship with his ex, even if she was the one dragging Brielle into it, weaponizing her even now against Eddie so he’d feel insecure. 
“I don’t… I don’t want to think about that tonight.” Eddie admitted, a soft tone that sounded defeated, hurt, really. 
You nodded, looking at him through the mirror, slipping on your own DIY made Kanga ears on a velvet headband. “I’ll text my mom. Let her know we’re on our way before she shows up and breaks down our door.” You laugh lightly, hand petting over Lilah’s soft cheek, your own lips brushing over Eddie’s for a sweet kiss. 
The drive to your parent’s house was brief, it took longer for you to load up the car. Carriers, diaper bags, extra clothes, strapping in the car seat, everything- it was a chore to pack up a baby to bring, but it was worth it. The look on your mom’s face when you pulled Lilah out of the car, her coos and squeals of excitement. 
“She is adorable. Just precious, oh!” Your mom gushed, ushering her grandchild through the doors, leaving you and Eddie for the rest of the things. “Honey! Look, look at Lilah!” You heard her call, scampering into the house. 
“I think she’s excited.” You roll your eyes playfully, slinging the diaper bag over your shoulder. 
“Yeah,” Eddie smirked. “Can you blame her? She is pretty cute.” 
“She is.” You nod, head leaning against his shoulder while you walked towards the house. Your felt ears hit his chin, tickling the skin there, but he didn’t move. “Is Wayne still coming?” 
“When he gets off.” Eddie nodded, his hand squeezing your waist softly. “He had to work. Likes to work at the plant on Halloween. They always bring the kids to trick-or-treat.” 
“Really? We should bring Lilah next year.” You look up at him. 
“Yeah, he’d love that. Hope he retires this year though.” Eddie rolled his eyes. He’d been trying to convince Wayne he needed to retire for years, but the older man was stubborn. “I used to take Brielle there every year, and she loved it. He did too. He would always save her the best pieces of candy.” 
The warmth in your chest spread to your cheeks, tugging at your lips, curling into a smile. You liked hearing memories like this with Eddie, not ones tainted with Gina’s venomous actions and words. Your fist balled at the thought- no, you wouldn’t say anything. Not when Brielle drove all the way from Indianapolis to be here. Not when everyone was happy. 
The cackle of the girl in question floated through your ears as the two of you climbed the pumpkin lined steps. Your parents and Madeline had insisted on carving them with Lilah, for her first Halloween, they’d said. She hadn’t done much besides being passed from person to person in her little pumpkin onesie while they carved them, but it made your family happy- it made you happy. 
“... This is so cute! Ugh, Maddy, we definitely still had our costumes from junior year. I know mine’s in my closet at my mom’s. We could have been Piglet and Winnie with her.” Brielle nodded, cradling her tiny, baby sister in her arms.
“Yeah,” Madeline looked at you, brows furrowed in annoyance. “Why didn’t you tell us? We would have matched.” 
“I didn’t know.” You huffed, rolling your eyes at your little sister, Eddie shutting the door behind you. “I wanted it to be a surprise.” 
“Well, we could have matched.” Madeline’s lips pursed, only for a moment before she was back to Delilah, cooing at her. “Hold on, Brie, let me get a picture. No, let’s go out by the pumpkins, it'll be so cute!” 
“Hi, Dad.” Brielle muttered, leaning into his hug, still cradling Lilah. 
“Oh! Take my camera, Madeline!” Your mom called frantically, spinning in a half circle looking for her camera. 
“Hey, sweetheart. Your drive ok?” Eddie pressed a kiss to her head, finger tickling down Lilah’s little cheek. 
“Yeah, it was good.” Brielle hummed, following Madeline out the front door. 
“Hi, Mom.” You said, stepping towards her. 
“Hi- oh! That’s so precious, you two match! Where did you find this, honey? It is so cute! It is- hi, Eddie, how are you?- It reminds me of when you dressed up as Tigger one year. Your Dad is looking for the photo album right now, so I can do a side by side.” Your mom rambled, jittery with the excitement of Delilah, the holiday, the side by side post she was already plotting to post on Facebook so all her friends would go ballistic. 
“I gotta see that.” Eddie grinned, hand wrapping around your waist sweetly. 
“Dad is looking through it now- it’s in the second one!” Your mom yelled into the living room, over the re-run of Hocus Pocus playing for the millionth time. “I’m going to go take some pictures with the girls, but there’s chili and hotdogs in the kitchen and- oh, Eddie, I got you Fritos for yours.” 
Eddie blushed, cheeks tingling pink in the warmth of your home. Your mom had remembered from last Halloween, remembered something about him and gotten it for him. It was small, he knew it was, but it made him feel… content? Made him feel like a part of the family. 
Your mom didn’t hear his response, scurrying out to the front porch with her phone to take her own photos. Your eye roll made Eddie grin, pulling you into his side, pressing a kiss against your hairline where your velvet headband met your hair. 
“She’s insane.” You muttered. 
“She’s excited.” Eddie hummed, rubbing a hand down your hip soothingly. 
“She’s lost her mind.” You scoff. “I don’t think she even cares about me anymore. She’s just, like, give me my baby.” 
“Hey, it could be worse. Could want nothing to do with her.” Eddie sighed. He didn’t finish the sentence, didn’t tell you that Gina’s parents had been that way. 
Your heart ached for him, leaning into his chest. “I think they’re going to be busy for a while.” You tilted your head up to look at him. “You hungry?” 
“Starving.” Eddie grinned. “Especially for your Mom’s chili. I’ve been thinking about this all week.” 
“God, don’t tell her that.” You snort, arms still around his torso when you walked into the kitchen. “Her head will explode. She’s already got an ego because she’s a Grammy.” 
“Think you’ve got one too,” Eddie teased, eyes twinkling in the yellow light of the kitchen. You frowned, his hand rubbing over the ears of your headband. “You and Lilah in your matching outfits. ‘S cute.” He beamed, love struck and gooey, the way he would schmooze over you years before. 
You fought back the blush on your cheeks, lips twisting to hide your smile. “Yours is gonna be huge next year, Ozzy.” 
“It’s already huge, sweetheart. You know that.” Eddie purred playfully, squeezing the fat of your ass to make you jump and squeal, eyes cutting around to make sure none of your family was around. “I think it’s cute. Surprised she didn’t steal you for photos.” 
“Don’t give her any ideas.” You huff, pulling a bowl out of the cabinet. “How much do you want?” You ask, reaching for the ladle. 
Eddie shook his head, batting his hands away. “I got it. Got yours too, go sit down.” He nodded towards the table. 
You hesitated, Eddie’s hip bumping yours to move out of the way. “I want mine on-” 
“-chili on the hotdog, cheese on top, and no mustard.” Eddie hummed, spreading the bun to put the chili on. His eyes flicked to yours, smug smile on his face. “Right?” 
You nodded, sinking into the chair by the kitchen table, where you always sat growing up. Eddie smirked. “Told you, I got it. I got you tonight, alright? Take it easy. You don’t have to be Mama Be- Kangaroo tonight.” 
Your eyes roll, huffing lightly when you settle into your seat. Eddie maneuvered the two plates and a bowl with far better ease than you expected. It was nice, sitting in your childhood home with your husband, with your family. 
Your mom came bustling in with the photo of you in hand, a tiny toddler in an old school Tigger costume, face painted to match. Your dad holding Lilah in his recliner, feeding her the bottle you packed, content watching whatever sports he’d managed to flip on before your mom would make him change it back to Halloween movies. Wayne came by after his shift, a handful of candy for Brielle and Madeline, giving them a wink and a, “Told you I’d save you the good stuff. Always save you the good stuff.”  
Eddie beamed, watching it all from his own corner of the kitchen. Your mom and Wayne looking over photo albums, Brielle and Madeline giggling in the corner like they used to when they were younger- when the two of you had just met. You flitting between all of them, content and relaxed, Lilah in your arms. 
Eddie knew that Lilah would be loved. That she’d grow up in a better house than he had, that even Brielle had. In the type of family home he’d always dreamed of having, and now he had it, with you- because of you. 
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Hii! Idk if you've ever done something similar, but what do you think about TADC x Skater! Reader? Like, Reader always have their skates on, like it's a part of their digital costume or smth. And i really mean ALWAYS. Someone spilled water on the floor? Reader slips down. They go on an adventure and a part of the floor is inclined? (Like a hill for example) There goes reader down the hill. I think it would be pretty funny lol
Btw, i really love your page, keep it up and don't overwork yourself
TADC cast x rollerskater!reader
Anon I am so so so sorry !! I dont know if I personally got jumbled up or my inbox has been wonky silly goofy or I just got thrown off because of so many people sending stuff in, but I also missed this as well as some other requests 😭😭
This one may be a little short since I've never skated <\3
Written this as more platonic leaning !
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Probably poofs himself his own rollerskates, literally the only time you see him on the ground and it's so weird to look at. You guys both slip and fall because bubble wiped themselves across the floor or something
Obviously leads to bubble getting popped
Honestly seeing caine struggle to keep steady while using the rollerskates is... very funny.. look at his lil legs wobble (tell anyone and he will tilt the ground of the next IHA)
Honestly she would probably slip on the floor too if its wet or has marbles. She looks like she would comically fall over, with her legs flinging straight up into the air before plopping down
Looks at you confused as you visibly try to calculate how fast this one little slope will make you go, she probably forgets you have skater feet in the beginning
Subconsciously tries to grab and stop you when you start rolling, but because shes so small you just drag her with you
Theres that squeaky noise as shes being dragged across the floor
Yk the sound
Throws marbles on the floor as well as other things that can make you stumble or slip... probably soaps up the floor.. thank god hes just a circus rmemeber and not like, a ringmaster... this dude would tolt the floor in so many different angles just to fuck with you... thankfully, he cant do that!
Though in another timeline... perhaps you werent so lucky...
Not much to be said here, with the bit with zooble in the pilot (the arm thing), jax is more than ready to use peoples unique digital qualities to please him or mess with them, and you being his friend only makes you slightly less likely to be messed with
Keeps a hand on your shoulder when she notices the floor is tilted, tends to walk with you while holding your shoulder still. She can only imagine what it's like to be s victim of slopes.. it would drive her nuts.. as long as shes around shes going to do her damndest to make sure you dont roll away or slip... unless jax literally throws marbles in front of you two at the very last second because who can predict that..?
In any case where theres an IHA with a DEEP slope I think she just might resort to carrying you so you dont go FLYING down
Okay you guys might not have the same issues but they can relate to you in the jax department, with him using your qualities to his advantage. Its absolute hell.. I think it would be this shared thing that leads to you guys building a relationship in the first place
That one meme where it's two people at the bar and they overhear each other saying "I hate (x)" then they start making out
Thats you guys ranting about the bunny/j
Offered you some parts before realizing that you cant swap out your limbs like they can
"Ah, bummer"
Has probably asked you why you dont just take them off when you vent to him about jax putting marbles on the floor. Kind of sounds like when people say shit such as "oh you're depressed? Just cheer up!" But like, kinger says it in a genuinely.. not malicious or tone deaf way.. like I dontt think he knows, or perhaps he thinks you're like zooble with detachable limbs and you have another pair of feet hanging around somewhere
Gives a soft "oh.. " when you demonstrate that they are attatched to you
Offers to let you strap pillows to yourself to soften any blows when you fall, let's you have his softest and thickest pillows... what do you mean it throws off your balance...?
You have probably accidentally rammed into her after misjudging how steep a hill on the ground was
Good news! She stopped your momentum!
Bad news, shes all tangled up in your skates (owie!) And her comedy mask is broken (oh no!)
Please be careful getting her out. We don't want her ribbons to tear or get damaged, we cant have our girl start fraying!
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mingigoo · 2 years
Halloween 🍂 k.hj (m)
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based on Halloween by phoebe bridgers
🍂 pairing ⇢ roommate! Hongjoong x medical student! (fem) reader
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🍂 summary ⇢ life is the same, no matter a holiday. You wake up, hear the sirens from the hospital down the street, go to work, and come back home to your beautiful roommate, Hongjoong. It’s an endless cycle, but this Halloween, you could be anything—do anything. You decide to give into your infatuation, causing life to take a turn for you both. Happy Halloween, I guess.
🍂genre/au ⇢ Halloween au, roommate au, friends to lovers
🍂 warnings/tags ⇢ 18+ minors dni, mental illness (anxiety attacks), unprotected sex, hongjoong is a literal chef and certified sweetheart, literally the best roommate you could ever have, dreary, sad vibes, hongjoong has a cat, spooky season vibes, mention of death, oral sex (female recieving), best friends that dont know how to express their feelings, halloween party, yunho makes an appearance, hongjoong makes music, roommates to lovers, plz let me know if I missed anything.
🍂word count ⇢ 13.5k
🍂taglist ⇢ @atinywhore@meowmeowminnie @roe-sinning @yeritheloml @shegotboreddsoo @kangyeosangelic @sanshineeeeee @8tinytings @yukine-smx @jjhmk @yesv01 @halesandy @ch0isa99ie @y00nzin0 @spiderrenjunfics
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Halloween. The time to dress up and act like someone you’re not. To have that insatiable feeling to be someone new—to put on a mask. To be absolutely anything you desire…
But the thing is, it’s not just you. You're not the only one feeling this way, and it's ever so apparent on one singular day, when everyone has a chance to hide their flaws behind comical masks or tedious costume designs. It's all out of fun, people say. It's the trend, it's the reason for the occasion. But, out of everything, you are becoming whatever you want—the same way Cinderella became a princess overnight, only to get it taken away from her the minute the hour of the next day struck.
To you, Halloween was your excuse to become a different person. To gain a new strength you never had. To free your mind into an alternate reality and explore those deep feelings you've been keeping away from spilling over the surface.
And this halloween, you were going to find your way out of that dark room you called a mind.
You sat in your cozy nook of the townhouse you shared, a mug of steaming coffee next to you while you read. Slow, gentle rain drops fell down the glass of the window, the soft pitter-patter  creating an intimate environment. Your roommate’s cat added to the feeling, as she was curled up in a ball at your feet, dusty fur matching your fluffy socks.
It's finally october—your favorite time of the year, although there was no reason for it other than the tasty coffee flavors and the colorful scenery. Your roommate also adored the season, as it reflected in his peculiar food concoctions and outfit choices. Sometimes you would just sit and watch his eyes sparkle as he would do his favorite things, keeping your admiration in check.
Of course, he was on your mind way more than a roommate should be. Even now, as your eyes move from word to word across the smooth pages, you begin to think of his smile.
It was a Saturday afternoon. Your shift at the hospital ended the night before, three hours later than normal. It's gotten to the point that you would shiver whenever you hear sirens—and you were blessed with not only hearing the sirens at work, but also at home. 
The hospital was only down the street; the closest one on this side of town. You had to keep those intrusive thoughts away, telling yourself someone better be dying just because the sirens are getting out of hand is a bit of a stretch, someone should slap you for thinking that way. In all honesty, you didn't actually mean it. The sounds were just so overwhelming, it felt like death was looming above you no matter where you turned.
Hongjoong hasn't returned from his morning classes yet. Luckily for you, you were doing your hospital internship and didn't have to take a bunch of classes this semester. Although basically living at a hospital isn't exactly any better.
You sighed as you watched the man of the hour walk through the lifeless leaves on the pavement through the window, keeping your heartbeat steady as you admired him. He had headphones on, hiding his cute little ear piercings and pieces of his faded rusty hair.
God, he made you sick.
The crimson door of the townhouse swung open, revealing the man you were just daydreaming about. He stood in the doorway, looking down at his damp, beaten up converse before bending down to untie them. He got impatient, and just pulled them off of his feet, leaving him only in his cute little pumpkin socks.
“y/n, I brought you a croissant,” he called out to you, not realizing you were only a glance away. He set his bag down on the table and took off his headphones, shaking his head to fix his hair. “You better get over here before I eat it.”
“Is it chocolate filled?” you asked him quietly from your nook, to which he whipped his head to look at you.
The minute he laid his eyes on you, he broke out in a huge smile, his gums showing. “Well, yeah. That's your favorite.”
You stared at him intently, setting down your book on your lap and sitting up a bit. This caused the kitty to meow, which had an immediate effect on your roommate.
His eyes widened. “Oh!” he gasped, running over to the cat to pay attention to her. “Look, baby, we’re twins,” he pointed to his pumpkin socks, smiling proudly. You knew that he only got those socks because of the pumpkins—and because his cat was named pumpkin. “My sweet little pumpkin.”
“What am I, chopped liver?” you scoffed, sliding out of your blanket and setting the book down. You made your way over to the table, which was where he set the croissant bag. “Anyway, thank you, joong.”
He looked over at you and smiled as a response, but it wasn't enough. You wanted him to come over to you and hold you tight, kiss you on the forehead, and let his soft breaths hit you as he would breathe for you.
Now, you weren't always like this. He’s been your roommate since freshman year, all the way back when you used to live on campus. You’ve been in three different living situations with him, but for some reason, living alone with him in a townhouse with a cat and a cute garden in the back just made your mind live in delululand. Dear god, you felt like a married couple at times, as he would spare no second to cook you dinner or help you with your laundry. 
There was just something about him that was so domestic—the same thing you craved every chance you got. But yet, here you were, still daydreaming about it all and never getting it to happen.
And you know exactly when it started. On that halloween, three years ago, when he held you tight in his embrace after finding out your grandmother had passed. It was one of the worst panic attacks in your history. He takes care of you when they happen now, but back then, it was all new to him.
It wasn't supposed to be the type of moment you think about how his hair smelled, or the way his dainty hands caressed the tears away. It wasn't supposed to play out that way. But yet, it did, and you were still stuck with the feelings years later.
Halloween is less than a month away now—this year, it was a chance for you to hide away, or show your true colors.
— —
It was midnight and cold and all you wanted to do was curl up in a ball in your bed. Being in the emergency room was even harder than you imagined, and you knew you had a night of tossing and turning ahead of you. Luckily tomorrow was a rest day, and you would be back on campus for a seminar. You needed a break from the hustle and bustle of life versus death, and you started to think that maybe you just weren't cut out for it. It was far too late for your indecisiveness to kick in, as it seemed to jump up and surprise you every now and again. Hey! This isn't what you want to do, right? What about this? Ah, no, that's not what I want….
A never ending cycle of your life. Wake up, think about hongjoong. Drink coffee made by hongjoong. Have your shoes tied by hongjoong. Go to work and nearly die. Come home from your commute and see hongjoong. Hongjoong makes food for you. Hongjoong smiles for you. Hongjoong…..
Hongjoong, Hongjoong, Hongjoong……
He’s everywhere; Is everything. You know you wouldn't survive without the helpful, caring hands of the man you called a roommate, but you also don't know what will happen when you graduate and part ways. Knowing that he has no mental ties to you quite in the way you have him tied around every morsel of your psyche, it nearly breaks your heart just thinking about it.
Would you crumble right there? Like an old painting or a sculpture, would you cave in without that constant attention? That constant affection for just your existence?
Giving up on your existential thoughts for the night, you slowly glided up the few steps of the brick townhouse, nearly tripping on the last step. You've already done that one too many times, as there is a permanent mark left on your favorite pair of shoes.
Finally opening the door, you entered your humble abode with a grimace, chucking off your shoes to reach the kitchen table. You sat down grumpily, putting your elbows up onto the table when the sweet smell of baking filled your senses.
“Joong? Whatcha makin?” you playfully spoke. He was leaning against the counter across from you, his arms crossed and his eyebrow raised.
“What does it smell like?” he asked you.
You shrugged, breaking your stare to rest your head on the cold table. “I guess like cookies.”
Joong took a second to respond to you, and ran a hand through his rusty hair. It used to be a vibrant red—just like the leaves of the trees. 
“Are you feeling alright?” he spoke softly, moving from his distant position to come a little closer, now leaning against the table. His arms held him up, and from your line of vision, you were able to see a few of his fingertips painted black. “Was it a bad day at the hospital?”
Sirens bellowed loudly from the street, as if on cue of the topic. You groaned and nodded. “God, yeah. There was so much….death. I mean, I thought I knew it was going to be bad but I never thought it was this bad.”
Hongjoong sighed, backing up to get the cookies out of the oven. “I have a question,” he said, his voice strained as he reached into the heat. 
He set the tray down onto the stove, turning off the oven. 
“Are you happy?”
His words made you raise your head, meeting his worry-filled gaze. You always hated the way he looked at you, it wasn't in the way you wanted. He always seemed so worried—like he was pitying you. He knew your whole life story, from how you were only raised by a grandmother that lived her life for you, to how you deal with the anxiety that breaks through you like a sickness. It hinders you to the point where you hide it from others, but joong—he knows everything.
You smiled at him, hiding your true colors because he always seemed to break down your walls. In truth, you were feeling anxiety all day—maybe it was the woman who reminded you of your grandmother today. The same woman you witnessed flatline with her granddaughter gripping her pale hand. You watched the young girl’s tears smack onto the linoleum, your heart aching and letting your own tears well up.
Your grandmother was all you had. Your parents passed away in a car accident together, the world taking them both away from you in the same night. You witnessed it from the backseat, the cracks of the windshield and the dark, pooling blood you wished wasn't your parents. It was some sort of miracle that you survived unscathed, but in your sweet grandmother’s words, you were an angel.
You didn't believe in any of that religious shit now, but maybe it was due to all your ups and downs. You didn't need to have some godly figure in your life to know that you were damned no matter what. So you lived your life in fits of anxiety and happiness, all swarming around you. Your anxiety made you believe that you didn't deserve that happiness, and the happiness made you believe you didn't deserve the anxiety.
And hongjoong? He was your happiness.
You sighed, remembering that he asked you a question long before your mind started wandering. You smiled, a real smile, right at him. “Yes, if you're here with me, I'm happy.”
He scoffed playfully, still directly across from you. The only thing in your way was the kitchen table, creating some sort of barrier with your feelings. You could just…walk around it and enter his world, touch his face, run your hands through his hair…
“Well I’m just checking up on my y/n,” he smiled, that beautiful smile of his. He pushed up his sleeves, and turned away from you to pick up a cookie off the tray. “Come here.”
You obeyed like a well-trained dog, making your way past that invisible barrier. He stood close to you, his eyes bright and sparkling as he looked down at you. “Open,” he said, and once again, you obeyed like you owed him your life. 
You opened your mouth for him to give you a bite, his fingertips gliding against the corners of your mouth. You ate the cookie from his hold happily, and when he was going to pull away after it was gone, you suddenly gripped his wrist with your hand.
“What are you—”
“Shh. there's still some chocolate on your fingers,” you teased, looking into his eyes as you licked the tip of his fingers, trying your best to distract your horrible thoughts. Now your focus has moved to tease him, hoping to get a reaction out of him.
Your lips moved down onto his fingers, sucking on them until the taste of chocolate was dull. You shut your eyes, not able to see the look of lust radiating from hongjoong’s glare. It disappeared the moment you met his eyes again, and he let out a chuckle as you pulled back.
“You really like chocolate, huh?” he carried on, his eyes moving back and forth from your eyes to your hand gripping his wrist. His vision was hazy as he pulled out of your grip, moving to distract himself with something—anything. “I thought you preferred my gingerbread cookies?”
You nodded, looking at him up and down. “Yeah, but only around christmas time.”
“Ah,” he gulped, reaching for the small towel that was hanging from the oven door. He wiped his hands hastily, moving away from you towards his little study–converted into a studio. “I gotta go finish my song, alright? Why don't you eat more of the cookies?”
He shut the door of his studio room with aggression, leaving you in a warm, chocolatey kitchen with flour all over the floor. You smiled down at it, making you think about him spilling it and cursing like a sailor. 
You loved him.
The week flew by, it was now mid-october. Your favorite season was slowly fading away with a blink of an eye, and you spent most of your autumn days cooped up in the emergency ward or your room, hiding from the sirens. Maybe this isn't for you, but once again—
You were too far in to quit, now. You loved it, you really did. You had that feeling–that ability—to save someone's life the way your parents’ lives could have been spared. You were doing a good thing, you couldn't handle the anxiety for the expense of someone's life.
You found yourself curled up in your cozy blanket in the corner of the couch, hongjoong sitting on the other side. He stared at you—watched your movements. He noticed everything about you, and knew when you were about to have an attack. 
“y/n? Why don't you put on your favorite show?” he asked you, but it was more of a demand. When you stared at him blankly from your curled over position, he sighed and stood up to grab the remote from the coffee table. After turning on some cartoons that you loved, he left the room to grab a glass of water.
When he came back, you were sitting up straight, staring off toward the window, looking at how the raindrops fell. You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Just a desperate breath for air. You fisted the blanket in your hands, holding back your shakes. 
Hongjoong sat the cup of water down quickly, making his way over to you with a rush. He sat down next to you and wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling his face into your shoulder. “Come on, angel. It's okay, I promise,” his voice echoed through your mind, your breathing getting unsteady and your hands twitching in your grip for them to stop. The feeling overwhelmed you—it was as if you were dying. His touch only helped a little in the heat of the moment, and he held you tightly as your body shaked.
You gasped for air, the tears of fear rolling down your cheeks. No matter how many times you go through these attacks, each time makes you feel like you wont make it through it. Hongjoong’s facial expression looked pained as he reached for your hands under the blanket, gripping them in his own so you weren't cutting crescents into your palms.
“Let's play the letter game, okay?” his head was still buried in your neck, his voice strong. “An animal. Okay? An animal that starts with A?”
You gulped, tearing into the skin of his hand with your nails. “A…animal?”
He chuckled, nodding. “Yes angel, an animal. What animal starts with the letter A?”
“Uh,” you breathed, the tears now staining his shirt. “A-ant eater?”
He pulled away from your neck, his free hand running down your cheek to catch the tears. “Good job. B?”
You took a second, panicking when you couldn't think of something. Hongjoong ran a hand through your hair as you shook, holding onto you tightly. “It's okay, I'll help you. Bear? Buffalo? You like buffalo sauce, right? You like the spice.”
You nodded, smiling at his efforts. He did this with such love in his eyes that you could have sworn he was in love with you. That he cared for you this deeply.
He smiled, brightening up your heart. “Good, good. Now C?”
“Wonderful,” he cooed, running a hand down your arm. He carried on through the alphabet, until he reached H.
“Hongjoong,” you smiled, finally feeling a bit more like yourself and not some mummy locked in its own body.
He laughed melodically, causing your smile to brighten even more. “I’m not an animal,” he teased, pulling you to his chest and running a hand down your back. “Are you feeling better?”
You nodded, your hand tremors dying down. Hongjoong didn't let go of your hand yet, still holding onto you as tight as he could.
“I just want to take it all away,” he whispered softly, his lips near your ear. Little did he know that he did take the pain away. He was the source of your happiness—you needed him.
“You do,” you hummed back raspily, your heart on your sleeve as he kept you close to him. “You do take the pain away.”
He sighed, kissing your temple with such softness, you crumbled in his hold. 
“I don't think it's enough.”
You didn't say anything after that. He did let go of you reluctantly after you said you needed the water, but the minute you finished drinking it, he was back to holding you, his head against yours as silence enveloped you both in the darkness of the room.
You were certain friends don't kiss each other like that.
The next week of October came—the week before halloween.  This time, you felt better than last week. The constant presence of dressing up as something this year was heavy on your chest, knowing your colleagues have invited you to a party. You have yet to ask hongjoong to join you, as you wouldn't dare show your face alone. 
You took a day off on the first day of the week, hongjoong sick as a dog and your heart aching for him.
You brewed some hot tea and fixed him up a bowl of his favorite soup, caring for him the same way he catered to you. The thing was that he denied it most of the time, leaving you standing alone with your heart in your hands, ready to give it to him.
You set the bowl of soup on a tray you normally used as decor, spilling it slightly that the wood of the tray darkened. You rolled your eyes at your clumsiness, and then set the mug of tea on the stained wood.
Making your way up the thin, creaky townhouse stairs, you reached his room at the end of the hallway. He left the door open a crack, inviting you in at any given moment. So you entered the sunlit room, his curtains pulled back and his head hidden under the duvet. All you could see of him was his little wave of orange hair and a foot peeking from the cover.
“Joongie,” you cooed, cautiously entering his abode with nervousness. You knew him for ages, took care of him for ages, but everytime you got close to him, you felt your chest get heavy. Almost as if something was pushing you down. “Are you awake?”
He groaned something inaudible, tossing around in the bed until half of his body was out of the covers. He was shirtless, his smooth, slightly toned stomach glistening with sweat. You sighed, collecting your dirty thoughts.
You set the tray down on his nightstand, pushing aside the cough medicine and dirty tissues you would clean up after. Little pumpkin was sitting at the foot of the bed, watching your every move. 
“I have dinner for you,” you hummed, reaching over to him, but pausing at his unclothed body. It was as if you were a feral animal—you wanted to devour him.
You ignored the instinct and pulled up the covers.
“What is it? I’m not hungry,” he groaned groggily, his eyes barely opening. He let out a cough, and it made you want to take his sickness away. 
“You need to eat, you haven't eaten all day.”
He sighed, pushing himself up on the bed, revealing his body after you concealed it. He leaned up against his headboard, sniffling. His eyes were sunken in and his lips were pale, but you still thought he was the most beautiful being in the world.
You wanted to kiss away his chapped lips.
“Soup?” he said raspily, looking over at his night stand. He went to reach for it, but nearly spilled the tray.
You grabbed the bowl, and went to sit on the edge of the bed, next to his sweating frame. He definitely still had a fever. “Here, take it while I take your temp.”
He grabbed the soup out of your hold, his warm fingers brushing against yours. He didn't hesitate when you leaned over him, but you heard his breaths get shallow when you brushed away the hairs off his face to place your hand on his forehead.  “Stay away from me,” he blinked at you, and even though his words seemed harsh, it was all out of love. “You’ll get sick. I don't want you to get sick.”
“I’d rather be sick than watch you suffer,” you smiled at him, your eyes lingering on his chapped lips for a moment too long. “You look better than you did this morning.”
He swallowed a spoonful of the soup, shutting his eyes tight as the warm liquid coated his sore throat. 
“Thank you,” he said. It was only an acknowledgement in words, but his eyes pierced through yours as you sat inches away from him. He meant it, but you were too involved to read between the lines of his breaths.
He breathed for you.
You stood up to leave him peace, but your breath hitched as his warm hand reached your thigh, causing you to look down at it cautiously. 
“Don't—” he paused, lifting his grip and moving to set down the bowl of soup. “Don't go.”
You didn't let the smile creep up onto your lips. “I thought you didn't want me to get sick?” you instigated, but nonetheless moved further onto the bed, holding onto his overheating frame with all the love in the world. 
“I don't, but I want to be selfish today,” he coughed, nuzzling his head into you. His lips were pressed to your neck, sending chills down your spine. Your fingertips caressed his bare skin, hoping to take away his sickness. 
You held him until the sun went down, thinking that was enough for him.
Feeling as though he was sleeping, you tried to pull yourself out of his grip, to which he pulled you to him even tighter. Now your faces were an inch apart as you both lied on the bed, his hot breaths tickling your lips.
“Where are you going?” he asked you.
“Nowhere,” you smiled, looking into his tired eyes. You leaned forward, resting your head against his. “I’m sorry.”
He sighed in contentment, letting out a breath as his arms tightened around you. He didn't speak—he just looked at you with hearts in his eyes. 
“Don't leave me,” he whispered.
You ran a hand through his messy hair. “I won't, I won't.”
He fell asleep in your arms, all while your mind kept you up the whole night. You knew this isn't what normal friends do—but this is how you were together, which was normal for you.
You got sick the day after.
On the third day of the week before halloween, you both were finally feeling better. He seemed back to normal, but you still had a slight sore throat that made you not want to eat. Hongjoong insisted the same way you made him eat the soup, and he cooked up your favorite pasta meal.
“You need to eat,” he muttered, using tongs to place a scoop of pasta onto a plate. You sat across from him at the table, your head in your hands.
“I have a splitting headache,” you groaned, lifting your head up to catch the glimmer in hongjoong's caring glance.
He handed you the full plate, your nose filled with the delicious scent. “I’ll get you some medicine.”
“I’m fine, joongie,” you mumbled with a rasp, twirling your pasta around in your fork, but not lifting it up into your mouth. You stared at the thin noodles that dangled from the metal, distracted as the sauce splattered onto the plate. Hongjoong watched you, an eyebrow raised and his lip curled up.
He sat down across from you. “I uh…is there a hair in it or something?” he asked you, but a joking smile dawned on his face. “If there is, still eat it. I won't do take-backs.”
“Awe, how kind,” you chuckled, finally lifting the fork up to eat the delicious pasta. You closed your eyes as the taste filled your senses, opening them to see the look Hongjoong was giving you.
“You look pretty today,” he acknowledged, his eyes dancing around your features. He blinked at you, waiting for you to brush it off.
Boom boom.
Your heart picked up its pace. “Don't lie, joong. It doesn't suit you.”
He rolled his eyes, resting his head in his hands as he stared at you. Your phone buzzed with a text message from your work friend, which reminded you about something that happened earlier during the day.
“Oh,” you muttered with a mouthful of food. “Some guy asked for my number today,” you took another bite.
Hongjoong tilted his head at you, and then moved his gaze to his own plate of food, grabbing his fork to stab the noodles. “Oh really?”
You nodded, swallowing the food as he glared down at his own. “Yeah. he was cute. What was his name….uh, yun..yunho? Super tall, let me tell you. It was like staring up at a skyscraper—”
Hongjoong interrupted you with a loud scoff, accidentally screeching his fork against the plate. “Did you give him your number, though?” he asked you, acting as if you didn't.
You studied him for a moment, feeling confused. He seemed to care more than he should. You honestly gave the cute skyscraper your number, but you didn't have a thought in your mind about actually texting him back. 
You shrugged, playing with him a little bit. “Yeah, I did,” is all you said, smiling to yourself. You were sure hongjoong thought you were smiling about yunho, when in reality you were smiling for him. “He was too cute to reject.”
At that, Hongjoong’s fork clanked onto the plate, causing you to jump and look at him. He looked mad—too mad. You swallowed the lump in your throat, feeling like you hit a nerve.
“Joong? What's wrong?”
He laughed devilishly, his eyebrows raised and his mouth slightly open. “So what? Are you gonna go on a date with him or something?”
You knew you were pushing his buttons a little too far, but you furrowed your brows at his unusual behavior.
You leaned forward, setting your own fork down. “Hey,” you narrowed your gaze while he practically had smoke coming out of his ears. “Are you jealous? Should I not date him?”
He blinked at you, and looked down at your lips for a second.
 “No.” is all he said.
“He seems like a good fuck. Should just fuck him silly instead and—”
“y/n I swear to god,” he groaned, running a hand through his hair aggressively. “I, uh. Fuck,” he hissed, unable to look at you. “Thanks for the image.”
You frowned jokingly. “Ah, I see. You were visualizing me getting fucked?” you smirked, knowing you were taking it way too far. “Do you want to watch? Or join?”
You reached your  arm out, sensually touching his fisted hand. You ran your fingertips in circles around his hand, a smirk on your lips. 
He pulled back and stood up abruptly, causing the chair to squeak against the floor. “I-i have to go—I mean, I have a song to write…I uh…” he coughed, glancing at you for one minute and then storming out of the room, leaving you all alone with cold pasta and a frown on your face.
He didn't show his face to you that whole night.
Two days later; it was a friday. You had to go to campus early in the morning to listen to a required lecture, which ended up by you sitting next to hongjoong on the commuter bus.
He sat stiffly, his knee bumping into yours occasionally whenever the bus hit a pothole. You couldn't lie, you wanted him to stay touching you.
Ever since two nights ago when you brought up fucking someone and having him watch, he acted distant with you. You felt bad, hoping you didn't make him too uncomfortable with an image he probably never wanted to see in the first place.
Joong leaned against the cold bus window, looking out at the leaves that matched his hair. In his ears sat wired earbuds, attached to the jack of his phone. You leaned your shoulder into him, looking down at his hands in his lap.
No words were spoken. He lifted his head to look over at you, and after a moment, he sighed, and handed you the earbud closest to you. 
“Here,” he hummed, barely audible. 
You took it wordlessly, putting it in your ear to hear the soft strum of a guitar. You didn't recognize the song, but you felt the emotion fill through the little speaker, breaking through your heart. You always loved how he would share his favorite things with you, even if he was upset with you.
“I’m sorry, joongie,” you sighed, resting your head on his shoulder. He didn't say anything; maybe he was waiting for you to continue. “I shouldn't have said those things the other day.”
He mumbled something you couldn't decipher, but then nodded shortly. “It's not something to apologize for. I’m sorry I ignored you the whole night.”
You looked at his hands. He was rubbing his knuckles anxiously, so you reached out to hold them. He jumped slightly, and you gave him a side eye. 
He eventually settled with your hands on top of his, and your head against his shoulder. You listened to his whole playlist—and his heartbeat—until you had to leave.
The same night, you brought up the halloween party.
“I need you to come with me,” you said, your eyes pleading.
He sat next to you on the couch, pumpkin sleeping adorably in his criss-crossed lap. “Why don't you take the skyscraper?” he said blatantly, his expression unreadable. He held a bottle of soju in one of his hands and had the tv remote in the other.
Was he actually jealous? At this point, he hasn't been himself since you told him about Yunho, who you didn't even know his last name. 
You looked over at him, as he was paying strict attention to finding a movie. You began to overthink like you always do, convincing yourself that Hongjoong doesn't want anything to do with you. 
“Do you still want to be friends with me?” you ignored his question about yunho, now feeling a bit unstable.
He noticed the shake in your voice, and sat up straight. He finally looked over at you, his eyes softening. 
“y/n,” he sighed, setting the remote down. “Of course I do. Don't worry about me leaving you.”
Your gaze shot right through him. “But…you just seem off. Ever since I joked about….you know,” you sighed, running a hand through your hair. “It's something you probably had no intention of visualizing, so I feel bad—”
“No, uh,” he gulped, looking anywhere but you. “It wasn't that…”
You raised your eyebrows. “Huh? Really? What was it then?”
He looked deep in thought—and a little nervous. You wanted the words that came out of his mouth to be a love confession, something straight out of a movie. You knew it wasn't going to turn out that way, but you couldn't stop your heart from beating out of your chest.
“I just,” he paused, afraid to look over at you. “I just worry about you. I want the best for you.”
Ouch, that wasn't a confession.
Come on, hongjoong. How hard is it to say, “Oh, y/n, I love you. I’ve loved you ever since I met you?”
You hid your dissatisfaction with a smile. “I can hold my own, joongie. I may be the most anxious person alive, but I can still meet guys.”
“I know you're capable, it's not you,” he admitted, looking a bit embarrassed as he shook the bottle of soju. “It's them. The guys. You deserve the world and I don't know what I would do if a guy took it all away.”
You sat and stared as he finally picked a movie—the nightmare before christmas. It wasn't your favorite, but something about it reminded you of Hongjoong. After it started playing, he tossed the remote onto the coffee table.
“I appreciate that you care,” you told him softly, looking down at your hands in your lap. “But you don't have to worry about guys.”
You sat in silence for a little, your heartbeat finally slowing down. He scooted closer and closer to you until pumpkin jumped out of his lap angrily. He saw that as an excuse to stand up and finally plop down next to you, his shoulder brushing yours. 
“You’re special to me, y/n,” is all he said as he rested his head on your shoulder, cuddling up to you under the warm, cozy blanket.
Tonight was the party. You were rooting through your closet, tossing things at hongjoong, who sat on your bed among the pile of clothes.
“We're being pirates, right? I’m sorry, but I doubt you have pirate shit in that closet of yours.” He teased, lifting up a shirt from the pile to fold it. 
Maybe you should have planned this better.
“I have to have my corset in here somewhere,” you ignored him, knowing you were just going to toss on a slutty ass dress and put the corset on over it. “Hongjoong come here, will you?”
You heard him let out an ungodly sigh as he stomped over to you, kneeling right next to you.  “What am I supposed to wear?”
“Hongjoong you literally have every possible article of clothing in your closet.”
“Yeah, but—”
He stayed quiet then, and after a moment, he started to root with you. After a bunch of irritated sighs and groans, hongjoong found your corset. 
“This?” he raised an eyebrow playfully. You reached out to grab it, only for him to stand up and back away from you. “Come and get it.”
“We don't have time for this, joong,” you groaned, but still stood up and followed him. He was cackling as you tried to jump for it, standing on his tip-toes as if he thought of himself as a giant. You moved forward, lunging at him with full force, which sent you tumbling down onto the smooth comforter of your bed.
You landed on top of him, his warmth radiating through you. Your hips met his hips, and something stirred inside of you. His lips were inches from yours, his hands over his head and his eyes wide.
You felt more of him than you should, but you didn't want to move. You wanted to invade his space forever—if it were a job, you’d  be a professional.
He didn't say anything—he looked up through the sea of your hair, his gaze resting on your lips. He frowned, and you wondered what he was thinking.
You wanted to reach out to him. To hold him right here, forever. You wanted him to be yours and only yours.
You studied the shapes of his face, similar to how an artist evaluates their subject. He had to be sculpted by a god or something, with the way his lips curve just right, and with the compelling wonder that swirled in his eyes.
Before it got too weird, you pushed yourself up despite the ache to become one with him, and you ripped the corset out of his hands. “Thanks,” you coughed, and he still didn't move from his position on the bed.
He stared up at the ceiling—the ceiling you decorated with those tacky glow in the dark stars. The room was dimly lit from the warm-toned lamp that sat on your dresser, right next to your pile of anatomy textbooks.
You both listened to silence for a while, Hongjoong now sitting up after a few long moments. You found the dress you wanted to wear, and gave him a look.
“I’m gonna change, so if you want to see every part of me, you're welcome to stay.” you muttered, your fingertips on the waistband of your leggings. He looked at your hands, his eyes growing darker.
He raked his eyes all over your clothed body. You wondered about what he was thinking—did he want to rip the clothes off of you? Did he want to stay and watch?
Your curiosity ended when he stood up slowly. “Come help me with my outfit then. After you change, of course.”
A small fraction of your heart caved in as the door shut behind him, but the ache for him remained standing.
You slid off your clothes, wishing your hands were his.
You waltzed into the party, which was at your colleague, yeosang’s place. He was born with old money, and it showed through the exquisite taste of his home. He was nowhere to be found though—which was normal. He wasn't exactly sociable. The one who took it by the wheel was his best friend wooyoung, who seemed like he would embody a party.
“I didn't pregame enough,” Hongjoong gulped as he stared at the strangers around the home, some guzzling alcohol from bongs and others simply conversing with each other. On the other hand, there were a bunch of people blowing big puffs of hazy marijuana smoke, and others snorting shit that you never touched before.
Joong shivered. “Aren't you guys like…medical students?” He raised an eyebrow, his one eye covered with an eye patch and his other one wide. “You have to know that snorting cocaine is not beneficial to your health.”
You slapped his shoulder, feeling out of this world already. Maybe you shouldn't have slammed those shots. “Whatever. Lets go get fucked up so i don't have to remember this tomorrow,” you wrapped your arm in his, pulling him into the grand kitchen that had a chandelier dangling from the vaulted ceiling.
“I think you’re blown out enough, to be honest.”
You reached in the cooler to grab a bottle of some sort of alcohol you didn't recognize. “I’m guessing this shit is like millions of dollars,” you shrugged, handing it off to the pirate you called hongjoong. 
He looked fine as hell in his own corset, brown leather wrapping around that thin waist of his. He had on a half-unbuttoned white button down, pulled up at the elbows. His pants were tight, leaving your mind wandering back to earlier when your hips bucked against his. His rusty hair was hidden under a bandana that matched your dress, with flakes of greens and dustings of gold.
“y/n? Hello?” he snapped his fingers in front of your face, his one eye piercing into yours. “You zoned out for a minute.”
“Ah, oh sorry,” you sighed, looking down at your own outfit. Your dress was flowy, but only reached about mid-thigh, showing leg and tits at the same time. Your legs were covered in fishnets, and you noticed many partygoers staring at them. 
You reached into the cooler to grab yourself a drink, guzzling it like water. Hongjoong watched, and then did the same. You both pulled away at the same time, expressions matching like twins as you scrunched your eyebrows.
“Thats strong as fuck,” he hissed, but still drank the rest of the bottle since thats what you were doing. His eyes locked on you as you finished the last drop, and you reached for another. “Yo, slow down. You downed like five shots of vodka earlier.”
You rolled your eyes, finally feeling like yourself. You loved the feeling of being drunk—you felt like you could finally be the person you were under the surface. The person without anxiety. The person who didn't have to hide how to feel.
“You know,” you hummed, setting down the second bottle onto the gold counter. You approached him, your hands finding the collar of his unbuttoned shirt. You watched him swallow hard, his Adam's apple bobbing—you wanted to lick it. “Did I ever tell you how hot you are?”
Hongjoong’s eyes—eye— widened at your words, and set his hands on your elbows to pull you off of him. “You’re obliterated and we weren't even here for five minutes.”
“I’m not,” you rolled your eyes, pulling out of his grip and grabbing his arms now.
He didn't even get to say what he wanted to say as the skyscraper himself came up to you, bending his head down slightly to see if it was you. 
“y/n?” His tone of voice was smooth and cool, your name rolling off his tongue with ease.
“Oh!” you exclaimed, moving your attention away from hongjoong. “Skyscraper!” 
He laughed, looking from you to hongjoong with a confused glance. “She must be drunk, she’s usually quiet at work,” yunho said to hongjoong, not expecting the glare of death to radiate from his single eye.
“Oh no, she’s loud and obnoxious at home,” Hongjoong growled, reaching out to steady you. 
The tall vampire tilted his head at the pirate, a smirk on those full lips. “Home?” he inquired, looking at you with that same smirk. You glanced up at him with a smile, not purposely ignoring your roommate. You were just a teensy bit drunk—call it tipsy—and you were fascinated with the red contacts in Yunho's eyes.
“Did you change your eye color?” you asked him in all seriousness, looking over at the cooler filled with alcohol with longingness. Hongjoong scoffed at your words, and couldn't stop you as you reached out to touch Yunho's face, which remained in a smirk as your fingertips brushed against his skin. “Even your skin is sparkly.”
“You never answered me,” he hummed lowly, hongjoong feeling like the third wheel now. The vampire leaned down towards your face, a lustful smile on his lips. “About that date?”
Hongjoong had enough. He muttered a goodbye, but you weren't able to hear it.
“Hmmm…” you clicked your tongue, tapping your chin slowly. “I’m sorry, count dracula. I have someone in my heart already,” you proudly proclaimed.
He smiled despite the rejection, his white teeth bright under the dim lighting. “I’m guessing it’s that one-eyed pirate, hm?” he asked, but he knew the answer.
“Yep. even though he’s a little bitch sometimes,” you bowed to him then, lifting your gaze to meet his red eyes. “Sorry again.”
He nodded with a smirk. “Well your pirate just ran off somewhere, so you better go find him before he thinks something different.”
You might have been a bit out of it, but you knew enough that yunho was a good sport. He walked away before you could say anything else, leaving you all alone in a sea of people. You recognized some faces, like wooyoung and some guy named yeonjun from the general surgery department who hit on you during a surgical lesson. You surveyed the scene, meeting eyes with some random men who kept looking even when you moved your gaze.
You grabbed another drink from the cooler, flipping the cap off and dumping its contents into your mouth. After the rush of warmth hit your body, you pushed through the bodies of people in search of your person.
“Anyone see another pirate?” you yelled to no one in particular. “He has orange hair and a pretty face. Has one eye and—Oh, he’s kinda short too. Like a little leprechaun.” 
Now you were just blabbing into nothingness as your vision split. You know damn well your alcohol tolerance was scarily low, but you still got yourself fucked up to the point of no coming back.
You weren't sure where you were going, but you found yourself outside now, behind the extravagant mansion. You stood on the patio, shivering from the lack of clothing and cool autumn air.
You looked out towards the yard, intricately covered in plants and flowers. If you were sober, you’d call it a garden. For now, it was just a pile of vegetation.
“Joongie! You yelled loudly, as if he was going to suddenly fly out of the bushes to greet you. There was no one around—not even a bug. “Joong? Pirate king? Captain—”
“You’re too loud,” his sweet voice filled your eardrums, but it sounded dull—like he was irritated. “Why don't you go entertain that vampire?”
“Because…” you drawled out, turning towards him in the ocean of flowers. You stood in the middle of a surreal garden, but it was too dark to see the colors. There was a small lamppost above you, only coloring a quarter of the flowers in your view. “Because I want my pirate.”
His eye studied you for a moment, and then he sighed, leaning up against the post. “Y/n, I—”
“Shh,” you whispered, drunkenly leaning up against him, unable to tear your drunken eyes from his lips. “You have something on your lip,” you hummed, the pads of your fingers brushing against his soft lips. There was nothing there; you just wanted to touch them.
“ah-ah-Okay, I think you got it—”
“ —I want to kiss you,” you whined, crushing your head against his chest. You heard his heart race as you touched him. “I want to kiss you so bad.”
He stiffened underneath you, his arms at his sides as you held onto him. “You're drunk.”
“I know, but I want to kiss you even when I’m sober,” you lifted your head up, frowning when you only saw one eye. You brushed your fingers against the soft skin of his face, gripping onto the eye-patch softly. “And I want to see your pretty eyes.”
He kept quiet and still, letting you lift the eye-patch over his head, your hazy gaze meeting his starstruck one. Your hand didn't leave his face even after the patch was gone, and he just stood there with all the love in the world in his gaze.
You leaned forward, slowly, carefully, and met your lips with his. You gripped his shirt, your knuckles turning white and your eyes shut tight. He finally snaked an arm around your waist, parting your mouth open with his own. He kissed you hungrily, as if he couldn't hold back even if he wanted to. It felt like ecstasy, two worlds colliding. You now felt like you could tell the colors of the flowers—you felt like you could do anything.
And once he gripped the back of your head to deepen the kiss, you woke up drenched in more than sweat, your clothes missing and your hair like a halo around your head.
What the fuck?
Was it all a dream? Did you even go to that party? Did you…did you even get to kiss Hongjoong?
You looked under the covers to see the same underwear you put on before the party—paired with the matching bra. You felt drenched to your core, dreaming about something—
“You're awake,” hongjoong gave you a weird glance as he walked into your room to toss you a hoodie of his. “Put this on.”
“Where are my clothes?” you asked with an eyebrow raised. “Did we…”
He stopped in his tracks, looking at you like a deer in headlights. “Did we what? Fuck?” he scoffed, turning away to walk out of your room. “No. and I took your clothes off because you threw up all over them.”
“So, did we actually go to the party?” you barely spoke, gripping the blanket tightly in your hands. “I had this weird dream…”
He swallowed hard and nodded, turning back to you but not meeting your eyes. “Yeah, we went.”
So you blacked out? Or was your dream possibly real?
He left the room then, leaving you all alone in a mess of yourself—and your thoughts.
After a bit of time wallowing in your own self-pity, you managed to leave your comfortable hiding spot you called a room to go downstairs, where hongjoong had a bowl of hangover soup ready for you on the table. He was nowhere to be seen, though, so you assumed he was out doing something or in his little makeshift studio.
Telling yourself it was all a dream so you wouldn't get your hopes up, you plopped down onto the chair to eat. You stared down at the soup, swirling it around with the spoon like you’ve never seen it before, your mind everywhere else but the idea of eating.
Eventually you raised the spoon to your mouth, but the thoughts of hongjoong didn't subside. He was the reason you wanted to keep on living in this god-forsaken world, and you couldn't risk the possibility of ruining your friendship. You decided to not speak of your dream, or even express your feelings, for the sake of keeping him by your side.
After you finished your breakfast, you tip-toed through the creaky floors to peek and see if Joong was in his hideout. As soon as you saw the rush of orange hair, you smiled, and left him alone. Pumpkin was staring at you through the glass window, lying comfortably on the plush carpet he had. 
You walked away then, tossing on your jacket and a pair of shoes, and made your way to the convenience store around the corner. You didn't want to interrupt Hongjoong’s focus just to tell him that you wanted some banana milk.
You left him in peace, not knowing that he was going to worry about where you went.
You walked slowly towards your townhouse, watching the leaves land on the sidewalk. Some leaves even left imprints on the pavement, greenish-hues as the remnant of when they once lived. 
Halloween was right around the corner. The party was over. You kissed the love of your life—in a dream, of course. It seemed like the world was moving so fast, as if you had no time to hold on as it moved.
You swung the door open, finding hongjoong in panic mode, his hand in his hair and the other one gripping his phone. 
Your eyes widened. “Joong?” you tilted your head, slipping off your shoes before moving further. “Everything alright?”
He let out a sigh of relief, dropping his hands to his sides. “I didn't know where you went. You didn't answer your phone.”
You frowned, patting the pockets of your hoodie—hongjoongs hoodie. “Oh? I must've forgotten it.”
He scoffed as you walked past him to reach the fridge. You emptied the bag, putting the banana milk into the fridge and pulling out the cheap, single rose the store had at the register.
“You don't know how worried I was,” he groaned, rubbing his eyes in irritation. “You can't just leave without saying anything, I thought you were kidnapped.”
You chuckled softly, smiling to yourself that he cared. The smile began to drop, though, as you began to think it was only platonic—and that's all it will ever be.
You turned around to face him, a forced smile on your face. “Here,” you said, handing him the nearly-dead red rose that had a slightly bent stem. 
He looked down at the token of affection, confusion washing over his features. “A  r-rose?” he stuttered slightly, eyes meeting yours. “For me?”
“Mhm,” you nodded, taking a step closer to him. 
“Why?” he inquired, his eyes searching yours for any type of answer.
You gathered what you wanted to say, swallowing hard. “Because you're my best friend. I never want to lose our friendship.”
You saw his hesitation then. It was as if you said something hurtful, but all you spoke was the truth. He let out a little laugh, and reached out to grab the decaying flower.
His fingers brushed against yours, sending chills down your spine. The minute your skin made contact with his, you replayed the kiss you shared in dreamland, hoping that if you kept thinking about it, it would come true.
“Ah, Best friend…” he smiled—almost sadly—and inspected the rose. “Thank you.”
You sniffed, feeling like you just ruined something. But there was nothing there to begin with. You nodded, and turned on your heels. 
“I uh, I’m going out then,” he spoke up, his hands feeling the petals. 
You stopped, looking down at your bare feet. “Oh really? Where?”
He paused. “With friends.”
You nodded, but didn't turn around. “Have fun.”
He didn't say anything else, and just let you trudge up the stairs. Your heart felt like it was about to crumble, and without reason. Nothing changed, nothing was broken. You said the truth, he told you he was going out. A typical day in your household.
So why did it feel like your world just ended?
Days fly by. Hongjoong ended up coming home the next morning that day, and without a word, he locked himself up in his studio.
It was halloween. You felt like it was pointless now, unable to connect to your hongjoong like you never had a connection in the first place. As if you didn't spend every waking moment together. Birthdays, holidays.
You stood in front of your full length mirror, critiquing every single angle of your body. You knew deep down you were beautiful; some days you just saw everything wrong all at once. You stood there, lost, alone, and still thinking of hongjoong like he was living in your mind. 
And one day, you’ll watch hongjoong leave, causing life to lose all its meaning.
You sighed, pulling your jeans up slightly to button them. You slid a t-shirt over your bra, feeling like you waited for this day for nothing. You felt numb—like the anticipation was worth nothing. You slid on a pair of festive socks, finally getting your bare feet off the cold, wooden floors.
It was still early—not even noon. Usually you’d be at work and joong would be at school, but you were both home, locked away in your rooms, acting like you don't exist. Well, you didn't want it to play out this way—you wanted to run into his arms, tell him you love him, and bury him in kisses in the halloween haze.
You had no plans, despite it being the night of the year for you. The party was over, your heart was aching, and you felt like you could crumble to the ground like an old building. It was just one of those days that you didn't feel like yourself—and what better time than the night you're supposed to be anything but true.
After grabbing a hat to keep your ears warm, you waltzed your way down the hallway, only to cause hongjoong to peek out of his doorway. He looked tired. 
“Where are you going?” he asked you softly, his voice scratching your brain just right.
You didn't realize you were picking at your fingers until he looked down at them. You put your hands at your sides, and looked up at him. “To go get candy for the tick-or-treaters tonight,” you hummed as a response, staring into his gaze, getting lost in it for a moment too long. 
He looked at your outfit, his eyes examining you the same way you looked at yourself—however, he wasn't critiquing. He was admiring. No matter what you wore, he looked at you like you were made of gold.
He nodded, tearing his gaze away from your eyes. “Okay.”
You turned around after it felt too awkward, feeling as though something was ruining your relationship. There was no warmth, no comfort. It all happened after you gave him that rose, holding back your feelings like he held back his tears.
Time passed like the world was spinning too fast, and you went on with your day as if it was any other day. 
When you came back from the store, you poured the candy into a cute little serving bowl, stealing a chocolate bar like you were a kid again. A part of your soul ached as you stared down at the bowl, thinking about the days when you were the one grabbing the handfuls and eating too much candy. Back to the time when life was simple. 
Hongjoong was in his studio, and you heard the dull vibrations of his voice. He was singing like he always did, but this time, you wanted him to sing for you.
You ignored it as best as you could and forced yourself to dress up in a slightly more modest pirate outfit, and after the sun began to set, you found yourself sitting outside on your porch alone. Bundled up in a blanket and a mug of hot tea in your hand, you waited patiently for the kids to come around for the candy.
Sirens blared loudly, an ambulance passing the street in front of you. You watched as the bright reds and whites reflected off the windows of the houses around you, and how the wind from it knocked more leaves to fall to their death. 
You watched them crumble to the ground in front of you, small little feet stepping on them as they walked by your home. One little girl came up to you, her little shoes crunching the decaying life underneath them, and you looked up to her from your seated position. 
“Trick or treat?” she asked you, her face covered in paint and her smile as bright as can be.
“Take a handful,” you murmured, forcing a smile onto your pirate persona. She smiled at you and tossed the candy into her bag, and you were too distracted to hear the door open behind you. The only sign was the brightened look on the girl’s face as she looked behind you.
“Another pirate?” she mumbled, dimples showing through her scarecrow face paint. “Is he your boyfriend?”
You hesitated, but shook your head. “Oh, no. He's just my friend.”
Hongjoong forced out a chuckle, and came up to sit next to you. “Happy Halloween,” he smiled, his leg bumping yours. You didn't shy away, but you didn't move any closer.
As the girl left, you sat in silence with hongjoong for what felt like ages. You smelled alcohol on his breath, wearing his mask like normal. You were dying to know his true feelings about everything. You lived with him for years, but yet, he knew everything about you and you knew very little about him.
A few more kids stopped, grabbed some candy, and left. As if the time flew by once again, the bowl was empty, and so was your heart.
“I have to go use the bathroom,” you let him know as you stood up. He looked from you to the empty bowl, but made no effort to come inside with you. 
“Okay,” he nodded, not looking in your direction. You left his presence, needing some air.
You walked towards the bathroom that was past his studio until you noticed the door open. Pumpkin was sitting on a pile of papers, and knowing how finicky your hongjoong was, you quickly entered the sacred grounds to get the cat off the pile. With your luck, you startled pumpkin, causing her to let out a scared yelp and leap off the pile, knocking over all the sheets at once.
You let out a gasp, followed by a groan, as you quickly tried to pick up the papers. That is, until you came across some lyrics of what it looked like a song…
A  song for a lover?
It was titled, halloween, and as your eyes ran across the words on the page, a few stood out. Words like roommate, coffee, watching movies, hugs, dinner, and home. His home was her. His home was with her, his love was for her.
You were his…home? His love?
“Put that down,” Hongjoong growled behind you, but his tone of voice wasn't harsh—it was defeated. “It’s nothing special.”
“I think otherwise, joong,” you murmured softly, still reading the lyrics as they made your heart race. “Is this about…me?”
He came up beside you, his face right next to yours. He ripped the paper out of your hands and held it behind his back as you turned to him. “Yeah,” he breathed, but shook his head. “But it means nothing now, okay? So don't misunderstand—”
“Can you sing it for me?”
He stared at you, wide eyed. You both were in your pirate garb, his one eye covered by the eye-patch. You thought back to your dream of lifting it up, kissing him, holding onto him….
He didn't say much. He just stared for a while, unsure about your motives. Clearly you made it known that he was just a friend to you, but little did he know that you wanted everything under the sun with him.
He sighed, and sat down onto his bench in front of the keyboard. As his painted fingers slid across the keys, he started to sing to the lyrics that were meant for you. He bled through the words, telling the story of you and him, sharing a space, and putting on masks. It was halloween, the song was called halloween, and he sang with all the love in the world to you.
It had to be a dream. There was no way he was sitting in front of you, tipsy, and proclaiming his years-long love for you through a song. It was unreal, and when he stopped singing and turned to you, you saw the concern drip off his face as he looked at your expression.      
He swallowed hard, standing up to face you. “Listen, don't think much of it. Like I said, it’s worthless now and—”
You gripped the back of his head and kissed him, holding him tightly as he stood stoically. After a few moments, you pulled away, leaving his lips a mess of red from your lipstick. “I–I’m sorry. That was a little—”
He took a step forward, like you were his prey. Gripping your arm, he pulled you to him, his lips on yours with no spare of a glance. Your hands found their home in his hair, gently sliding off his eye patch with your fingers. You kissed each other as if it was your last—as if this would only last the night.
You pulled back, resting your forehead on his as his hot breath kissed your features. 
“I…what does this make us?” you gulped, counting his breaths, happy that he was living at the same time as you. “Its…its halloween…we can be, you know,” you got distracted as his gentle hands caressed your arm. “We can be anything.”
He smiled at you, love dripping from his gaze. He kept his hold tight on you, and mumbled his answer into your head. 
“I’ll be whatever you want,” he breathed into you, and you found yourself melting into his hold.            
His lips, his hands, his breath—everything collided. Two became one once again as he kissed you, kissed you so hard that you lost your breath. Your hands meshed within the rust of his hair, your fingertips painted in orange. His tongue met the roof of your mouth the same way your hands gripped at him, repeating his words over and over in your mind.
Whatever you want…
I’ll be whatever you want…
He lifted you up then, holding onto your body tightly to set you onto his desk, knocking off all his music sheets and crumbled up papers. His finger nails pierced against the bare skin of your thighs, his lips now on your neck as you fiddled with the buttons on his shirt.
He let out a moan as your fingers grazed his chest, finally pulling his shirt off his body to admire him. You let out a content sigh, wanting to taste the soju on his lips. Not yet, though, as his hands gripped the corset you were wearing, untying the laces and ripping it off your body, slightly rough but his touch was smooth.
You sat on his desk, ready for him to claim you as his own. Even if it was just for the night, you weren't thinking long term as his strong arms pulled your dress right over your head, leaving you only in your underwear.
“My god, I always wanted to do that,” he groaned, his lips meeting your neck as his hands trailed down your stomach to meet the waistband of your underwear. As his fingers slipped underneath the fabric, you arched your back into his touch.
“You like that, huh?” he whispered in your ear as you looked down at the bulge of his pants, seizing the opportunity to get him flustered. “You turn me the fuck on, you have no idea, y/n.”
Your hands brushed his erection, a sinister smile on hongjoongs pained face. He smacked his head into yours, his teeth bright white as he showed them.  “Careful, baby. I’ve been waiting years to fuck you. I don't want it to end too quick.”
“Years?” you breathed into his lips your head tilted up as his hand found its home and started to slide the underwear down your hips. 
He didn't answer. What he did do was pull them down your legs, and then as soon as they were off, he kneeled down onto the ground in front of you, treating you like a peasant would treat his goddess. His lips met your heat, the warmth from his breath stirring your mind into mush. You gripped his russet hair, fisting it as his tongue slipped inside you. You hissed, throwing your head back as you saw stars.
He worked magic, his lips becoming something you never wanted to lose. Eventually, he found his place above you, his fingers tilting your head back to look up at him. His hands reached out to pull your bra off, giving you a look of affirmation before gently lifting it over your head. 
He stood in front of you, vulnerability showing through like sunlight through a window. He was your sun—your warmth—your love.
No words were spoken after that. You unbuttoned his pants while he kissed your lips, entangled in each other's love and infatuation. He carried you up the steps then, gently setting you down onto his bed, the creak of the mattress springs underneath you. He kissed your forehead, your nose, your temple, your lips, and trailed all the way to your breasts, admiring them like they were all he dreamed about—you were all he dreamed about.
You looked into his stare, his dark brown eyes above yours. You felt the heat of his body, and every breath he took. You wanted to count his breaths every day for the rest of your life until they stopped. You wanted to entangle yourself into his soul, spinning yourself around his finger like the red string of fate.
You wanted to make love to him every night, crawl into his embrace like he was the only human on earth. He was like a warm fireplace on a cold winter day, the fall of snow during spring. And after all, at this moment as your eyes met before he entered you, his lips moved, your senses heightened as he spoke.
“I love you,” he hummed, his eyes sparkling in the dark. You were his source of light.
After those words, he collapsed into you, his hips meeting yours and your lips meshing together. He didn't give you a chance to respond—maybe he was scared of rejection. He had nothing to worry about, and as he made love to you, you ran your hands through his hair to keep it out of his eyes.
You moaned as he rhythmically crashed into you, his lips parted and his arms tightened. You wrapped your legs around his thin waist, his upper body crashing into yours, forehead to forehead, lips to lips, chest to chest, hearts beating the same beat. His hands found your breasts, grabbing them as if they would break under his touch. He trailed his lips down your neck to your chest, kissing you sensually, tastefully, treating you like a work of art. 
Your vision became hazy as you reached your high, and after he noticed your climax, he smiled to himself, letting out a moan. “Good girl,” he praised, and then flipped you over onto your stomach with a groan. You positioned yourself for him, back arched as his fingertips glided against your skin. His hands ran down your sides, his hips meeting your ass as he gripped it with his hands, entering you once again like it was his home.
“I want this every day,” he pushed into you, his breaths hitting the back of your neck, causing you to tumble onto the bed, unable to hold yourself up from his strength. “Every night. For the rest of my life, I want you.”
You wanted to cry out of happiness. You wanted to turn around and tell him you want it too, that you’ve loved him since that one day he held you. He was all you ever wanted; ever needed.
He fucked you, made love to you, as if it was the last time. His body clashed into yours, letting out the most beautiful moans. He was born to be yours, you were born to be his. Your bodies fit like pieces of a puzzle, and as he reached his ending, you gripped onto the pillow underneath you, crying out as he came into you, him spilling his love for you, through words and actions.
He breathed and breathed and breathed, his body collapsing onto yours, afraid to crush you. He pulled out of you slowly, finding his spot next to you on his bed. Your eyes met, then your lips, and then your love.
“I love you, too,” you smiled at him, your eyes blurry as his beauty took over. His hair was stuck to his forehead from all of his sweat, and you reached out to brush it behind his ears.
He was breathing heavily, staring into your eyes like they were the most beautiful color he’s ever seen. To you, it might be bland. To him—they were the only eyes that mattered. The only window he wanted to look through.
His arms snaked over your naked body, his touch feeling like ecstacy. You fell asleep deeply for the first time in ages, his soft voice humming you to sleep as the moon began to fall.
The next morning was just like any other. You woke up alone, no Hongjoong in sight, but the warm, delicious smell of breakfast reminded you that it was all real. You looked down, no clothes, no underwear, just you. The sheets were crumbled all messily, your heart feeling just the same.
You smiled after looking around, noticing little things around his room that just made sense. Everything about him made you feel butterflies.
You made your way down the stairs after tossing on one of hongjoong’s shirts, hoping to stir something up with him. It almost feels unreal with the way you proclaimed your love so quickly, and after all this time of hiding your feelings, it was now all out in the open.
The minute you reached the kitchen, you found hongjoong sitting in the chair next to a plate of food meant for you. He sat with his legs crossed and his eyes on you. His pretty hair was messy, and his lips were curled up in a smirk.
You smiled at him shyly.
“Oh no,” he shook his head at you, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked you up and down, smirking even more as he noticed the shirt that covered your upper body. You decided against pants, only coming out in your underwear and his shirt. “Don't go all shy on me after last night. And not when you look like…this.”
You cautiously walked towards him, and the minute you reached him, he tugged you into his lap, holding you with a look of admiration. 
“About last night—”
“If you're going to say it was a mistake, I will politely decline, angel,” he kissed your lips, lingering just a moment too long. It was blissful, despite your morning breath. “I need you. I can't be without you.”
I need you…
Did anyone need you? Was he the first person to actually want you?
You smiled sadly, but his expression made you feel comfortable. “I was just going to say that I enjoyed it,” you hummed, nodding. He chuckled at that, his arms tightening around your waist.
“I’m sorry I couldn't tell you sooner. About my feelings, I mean,” I babbled on, leaning his head onto you. “I got a little jealous with Yunho, and I couldn't stand the idea of you with someone other than me. And when you kissed me at the party, I got worried that you only made a drunken mistake—”
“Wait,” you raised your eyebrows, pulling back to look at him. “I actually kissed you at the party? I thought I dreamt that…” you spoke softly, subconsciously lifting your hand to your lips.
Hongjoong stared up at you for a moment and then smiled. “Ah, yeah. But you were so out of it. You passed out on my shoulder right after you made out with me.”
Your eyes widened. “Oh my god, I’m sorry.”
He shook his head. “No, no. It's okay,” he swallowed, looking a bit nervous. “I…want to take care of you when you're drunk, and when you're sick, and when you're depressed. I want to hold you while you have your panic attacks—even though I wish I could take them all away.”
You sat and listened, watching the way his eyes bounced around the room as the food got cold. It wasn't even a thought in your mind as he told you he loved you without even saying the three words.
“I want to go through everything with you. Good, bad, whatever. As long as it's with you,” his eyes met yours then. “And as long as I can kiss you whenever.”
You picked apart his expression—his eyes were glassy and his lips were parted. His smile was a bit worrisome, as if he wasn't sure you wanted what he did. You smiled then, and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
“I’ll be expecting showers of kisses,” you smirked, kissing his lips like they were made for you. “And shower sex. I love shower sex.”
He laughed musically, his voice always so soothing to you. You knew that your time in this house was ending, as this was the last year before graduation. You weren't sure what time had planned for you, but you hoped it was him. 
There’s a time for everything. Your time with hongjoong was predetermined by fate. He was your soulmate if they existed. He was your sun, your moon, your universe. You spun around him like the moon to its earth, orbiting his existence like it was your destiny.
two years later,
Halloween Night
You stood on the steps of the townhouse, your phone clutched tight in your hands and a bag of candy in the other. Your heart ached the same way your feet did from all your running around at the hospital, your mind falling apart at its seam.
You stared at the red door, decorated with a festive autumnal wreath with the letters of your names. 
You pushed through the door, your senses in overdrive as the smell of apples took over as a candle burned on the table. Sitting next to it was pumpkin, staring at the flame, and then at you, letting out a meow.
It was two years since you got with hongjoong. Two years before you graduated. Two years before you got swamped in work, having a hard time balancing work and romance.
You and hongjoong kept the house, deciding it was your home. You had nowhere else to go if he wasn't with you, and you graduated in love and in bliss.
Two years later, a mess of love and homemade meals, watching movies together, commuting together, sleeping together, you had a ring on your finger, a permanent mark of your love that would last forever.
You weren't planning anything—you let life take the reins. The love of your life stood in the living room, in his hands was a single rose from the mini mart—the same type of shitty rose you bought for him to ruin your relationship. Clearly it failed, as he stood, love in his eyes and a smile on his lips.
“Hi, angel,” he whispered, his hair no longer orange. It was his natural black, grown out and curled around his ears. He was beautiful in every way, a knight in shining armor, holding out a decaying rose as the leaves fell from the trees beyond the window. “Happy two years.”
You scoffed, setting down the bag of candy onto the table next to pumpkin. “A rose?”
“Mhm,” he murmured, smiling brightly. 
“Why?” you inquired jokingly, walking closer to him.
He smiled prettily, his heart upon his sleeve. You watched him study you, look at every part of you. He loved you dearly, and as did you. You got a bit of butterflies from the deja vu, lost in the ocean of his eyes and drowning in the sea of his love.
He held out the rose.
“Because you're the love of my life.”
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stargazing-imagines · 10 months
Beautiful Dancer — Jeremiah Fisher x dancer!reader
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Description: it is the week before you go back to cousins with the fishers and the conklins so they decided to surprise you at your show before taking off to cousins for the summer
Warnings: none, but there is a little bit of fluff at the end!
Fandom: the summer I turned pretty
Requested: no but they are open so send them in!!
A/n: the reader is a dancer in this imagine so keep that in mind
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It was that time of the year again, and you were nervous. Your dance studio was holding it’s 10th annual recita, and this year your mother thought it would be fun if she invited Susannah and laurel and their kids to the show, and then drive down to cousins when it was over.
You we’re currently backstage, three numbers before yours. And to say you weren’t nervous wasn’t the case, you were indeed nervous. Every year you always performed in front of your parents and grandparents. But this year was different.
Your phone dinged, you looked at the screen to see that it was jeremiah and belly attacking you with text messages, giving you nothing but positive feedback.
‘Your going to do great y/n!’ Said a text message from belly along with a big thumbs up, you chuckled at the text message before reading the next one
‘Break a leg! But don’t like literally break your leg.’ Said a text message from jeremiah along with a winking emoji.
This was the first year that you and Jeremiah decided to start dating, of course it was a little nerve wracking. But in the end, it was always a good, and healthy relationship.
“Y/n, we’re on in 20 seconds!” Said your friend Annie as she grabbed your arm, bringing you to the side of the stage
‘This was it.’ You thought and you placed a smile on your face
It was time for your solo and let’s just say… you were nervous, you were currently sporting a two piece grey lyrical costume, embodied with flowers and sequin on the top.
“Are you ready to kill it y/n?” Asked your dance teacher as she gave you a hug “go out there and make me proud!”
You gave her a nod before taking a deep breath then walking out to the stage
“Y/n! That was awesome!” Said Steven “I never knew you could dance like that!”
“What do you mean? She’s been doing the Swan lake ballet at the beach house ever since she was 10.” Said Conrad as he slapped Steven on the shoulder playfully
“Well I think she was wonderful.” Said Susannah “oh I forgot, there’s something in the car, Jere would you mind helping me?” Asked Susannah as she gave a wink to Jeremiah, who looked at you nervously before following his mom
“You got me flowers?!” You exclaimed as you saw you’re boyfriend Jeremiah handing you flowers “you shouldn’t have.”
“Now what kind of boyfriend doesn’t get his girlfriend flowers?” Asked Jeremiah as he placed a hand on his heart
“Hey I got you flowers to!” Said Susannah as she gave you her bouquet of flowers “and they are lilies, just how you like it.”
You chuckled before holding two bouquets of flowers on each side of your arms, that was until Susannah had a idea in mind
“Oh! We need a picture of y/n and all the kids.” Said Susannah as she got out her camera
It was midnight and you arrived at the summer house in cousins, you we’re currently taking off your makeup and getting ready for bed, that was until Jeremiah came in.
“You we’re great tonight.” Said Jeremiah “I really liked your solo.”
“Thanks, I worked hard on it.” You said as you threw away your cotton pads in the trash that had eyeliner and mascara covering them “it means a lot for you guys to come.”
“Of course.” Said Jeremiah “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
With that he gave you a hug along with a peck on the cheek, making you scrunch your face in the process
“Now I know it’s midnight and your probably tired, but how do you feel to go on a midnight swim?”
“I would love to!” You said “my muscles could use it.”
“Great! Meet you out at the pool in 10.”
With that he left, leaving you head over heels and utterly in love for the boy.
The summer I turned pretty masterlist
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playful dress miss raven
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HI 🤡 I wanted to do some doodles of Miss Raven in her own version of Stage in Playful Land’s costume.
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Yes, I was too lazy to color-- I drew inspirations for the outfit design from the female dancing puppets in Disney's Pinocchio (since the new event heavily references this film), Doll from Black Butler's circus arc, and ballet in general. The specific ballet I looked at was Coppelia; it's about a boy who falls in love with a doll (the creation of a mad scientist. His fiancé, Swanhilda, then impersonates the doll in order to win his love back. I thought it fit well with the idea of the "human puppet" motif of the Playful Dress series.
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I like to think that Miss Raven got dragged along for the trip because she was busy chewing the group out for sneaking off campus... then Kalim (bless him) thinks she's feeling left out, so he tells her to come with them! "The more, the merrier!" (And hey, Ferro and Gidel won't say no to another poor unfortunate soul for their amusement park.) "F-Fine! I'll attend, but only so I can keep a watchful eye on you all! I intend to write a detailed report on your transgressions for the headmaster to review when we return."
"Yeah, yeah. You say that now, but I bet you'll be like a kid in a candy store once we actually get there." Ace rolls his eyes. "You spend so much time with your head buried in a book--it'll do ya some good to kick your feet up and do something different for a change."
"Gahahah! It sounds like she's excited for Playful Land!" Kalim grins broadly. "We're going to have so much fun together!" "I will do my best to assist in the documentation of this trip, Raven Crowley-san," Ortho offers. "Pictures, videos... I'll record them all, so we won't forget this anytime soon!"
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... Anyway 🤡 Miss Raven has to help babysit the idiots (while trying to mask her own childish wonder as she experiences an amusement park for the first time). Oh, and J word and L*ona are there, so 💀 more trouble for her...
"Heh. You're staring at that roller coaster with big, sparkling eyes. If you want to ride it, then just say so." Leona says it with a smirk, a lilt of smugness to his suggestion. "There's nothing wrong with a kid being a kid."
"I-I'm not a kid! I'm just... admiring the composition of such an imposing metal structure!! There is nothing like it in the natural world."
Jade chuckles. "Would prefer to partake in one of the many games they offer here? Ah, and should you ever feel peckish, there is a selection of carnival fare to indulge in: caramel apples, popcorn, cotton candy--"
"All foods which would result in terrible toothaches if consumed in large quantities! And games? We haven't the time to enjoy such leisures."
"Oi, eel." A scowl from Leona. "Shameless of you to cut into our conversation, isn't it? I guess without the octopunk around to keep you on your leash you think it's fair game to act out in front of an upperclassman." "Oya? I don't recall there being a formal chaperone for this trip, Leona-san," he replies easily. "Fufu, perhaps you feel the need to preside over your juniors in the absence of the usual pack you dole orders to."
"Here's an order for you then: back off. You're killing my mood."
"As you wish. Come along, Miss Raven. We wouldn't want to disturb our dear senpai." "Dragging prey around like they're puppets on strings," Leona snorts, blocking the path. "You go. The canary stays. Our business isn't finished yet."
"Business?" Jade continues to smile. "Oh no, I would never mean to interfere with such a thing--but it's not truly business you're interested in, is it, Leona-san?"
"Funny. I was going to say the same of you."
"... You're both talking as though I'm not literally right here!!"
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Hi Mei!
Let me just say you’ve probably seen me liking literally every piece of fluff you’ve ever posted with this man’s name on it in the last few days and I’m obsessed
I might have already missed mvm but otherwise could I ask to see dbf!hotch showing up for you when the actual family in question doesn’t? Like reader is really really excited for an event/milestone and only hotchy knows how much you care and shows up?
Definitely not filling a sick little void in my own life? no?! I would never…. 🙇🏼
ohhhh to be supported by soft dbf!hotch <3
The laces of your shoes are twisted, and you're on minute three of trying to straighten them out. They're flat ones, thin, so they flip around and fold themselves this way and that when you loosen them. They look messy when tightened, and you've got nowhere to be anyways, so you sit on the back steps of your dance studio's steps and untwist them.
Your fingernails are already marred from the zipper on the back of your costume dress. Paying hundreds of dollars for an ugly outfit you only wore once on stage for an hour was not worth it, and your nails are starting to break even more against the tightly bound shoes on your feet.
You hear chatter all around, parents congratulating their kids, friends laughing with each other, but your world is silent. It's just the scrape of your fingernails against your laces, and your near-silent breathing.
You hear the scrape of rubber against rock, then a pair of black dress shoes steps into your field of vision.
You look up at whoever's standing by the stairs, ready to dart out of their way, but it's-
"Aaron!" You gush, rocketing to your feet to ram into him in a hug that nearly topples him over, "You're here!"
"I'm here," He laughs, loud and long and deep from his chest, warmth gushing out of the sound and into your chest as he squeezes you tight, "You were amazing!"
"I don't understand," You breathe, pulling back to look at him dazedly, "I didn't invite you. I mean-!" You struggle to right yourself, and his face flushes red as he tries holding in a laugh, eyes scrunched at the edges, "I mean, like, I never gave you a ticket, I- I didn't think you'd want to come. So how did you get in?"
"This is really helpful," He flashes a corner of the black leather case that you know his FBI badge is in, and your heart soars.
"Thank you for coming," You go in for another hug, spotting a group of people behind him, lingering with smiles on their faces and flowers in their hands, "Uh...?"
"My team," He keeps a hand on the small of your back as he leads you to them, where you're bombarded with bouquets, and a hug from a rather bubbly blonde, "I treated everyone to a night off tonight so that we could come and see you perform."
You're hit with a wave of emotion you're not sure you'll ever be able to properly express, probably not without getting a little too in-depth about feelings you'd rather not bring up. You choose instead to revel in the giddiness that comes from Aaron's presence, his team's sweet smiles, and his hand on your back, leading you to a black SUV where you're treated to the passenger's seat.
It means that three grown men have to sit in the middle row, broad shoulders squished against neutral, then skinny ones.
"I used to dance, too," A voice pipes up from the third row, a dark-haired woman in pretty nude lipstick, "But I got in trouble for kicking a kid in the shins, and they threw me out."
You giggle at the image, and the smile she shoots you through the rear-view mirror only makes you more giddy.
"I don't find that too hard to believe," Aaron glances back at her, a similar smile on his face that his team seems just as enamored by as you are, "Why did you kick him?"
"He made fun of my friend," She shrugs, "'Said she looked like a baby deer."
"Because of her legs?" The broad-shouldered man peers back at her, and at her nod of approval, scrunches his face into a grimace, "Man, that's harsh."
"I mean, she did look like a baby deer." The woman confirms, and a slim blonde next to her snorts, "But no one's allowed to say it, you know?"
"Don't kick anyone in the shins," Aaron's hand shoots out to brace on your knee, squeezing softly as he uses a red light to glance over at you warningly, "At your age I think it would be considered assault, and while I would rescue you from prison, I'd prefer not to."
"Don't listen to him, Y/N. Kick mean boys in the shins," The woman pipes up from the back, pretty dark eyes focused on you, "I'll come bail you out, and we can go out for ice cream on the way home from jail."
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vacayisland · 6 months
@!; Christmas Time at Vacay Island Spruce (Bruce) / Reader
"Summary"! What I think Christmas time with Bruce and your little family is like! <3 (there's not enough content for him.) (Also I love Brandy with all my heart, but we're going to pretend that Bruce and her are just co-owners in Vacay Island. She's literally so sweet though) "Tag"! Fluff, fluff, fluff, FLUFF!!
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@!; Being parents of 5 little Trolls and two on the way can be rather taxing during the holiday seasons. With Halloween costumes and makeshift trick-or-treating at the hotel, Thanksgiving at your parents place, and then finally Christmas! You loved the Holidays, more so now with your family. And Bruce.. oh Bruce. In short, Bruce went wild during the Holidays. Sure, this was a summer Vacay resort and it was basically summer all year around, yet that has never stopped him from going buck wild during the holiday season. "Hey, Honey?" Bruce called from the back of the reception desk, looking through the closet in the office to find the Christmas decorations. Though despite knowing how much he was struggling at the moment, you couldn't help but be a little goofy. "Yes Dear?" You asked, acting clueless to why Bruce could possibly be calling you at this moment. And you could hear his chuckle from the back, which he tried to stifle but failed to. "What did you do to the Christmas decorations?" "What's Christmas?" You tried to stifle your own laughter, turning just in time to see Bruce poking his head out from the back with the most exaggerated shocked look, like I had uttered some sort of curse on our first born children! "Did you throw out the Christmas decorations?!" "What?? Of course not! They're in the back, probably behind all the summer decorations you oh-so-love to take out seasonally despite us being literally beach side!" The snicker was all Bruce needed to see to know that he had completely over looked the box that the decertations were in. An his quirky, slightly nervous smile back was all you needed to know what that he overlooked them. "Thanks Babe!" And he disappeared back into storage room that that smile you oh so love.
@!; Christmas with Bruce is nothing short but magical, and a little goofy. You stood in the kitchen of the little suite Bruce and you lived in on-property, baking chocolate chip cookies with one of your girls, Lyre, as the rest had flocked to help dad with the tree; putting up all the lights and ornaments, garlands and stocking. It was a warming sight to watch while you whipped up the cookie batter, hugging your young one to your side. "Papa! Where does this one go?" Your youngest, Aspen, bombarded Bruce with the largest grin, his two front teeth missing. In the background, your eldest, Holly, was helping the second youngest, Colt, place an ornament in the middle of the tree. Bruce held a box of the more special ornaments, "Where ever you want sport!" He would exclaim before shifting the box in his hands and quickly ruffled Aspen's hair; in which Aspen took his words as a sign to literally place the ornament anywhere. He reached up for Bruce, "Come down!" He would giggle and receiving a playfully suspicious look from your husband as he leaned down. You could tell by the look in his eyes he knew what Aspen was going to do, hook the ornament (which thankfully didn't have a hook, yet rather a silk ribbon) around Bruce's ear. "There! Now you look more- uh-" Aspen failed on his words, so he simply preformed little jazzy hands and gestured to the 9ft tree nearby. "Christmassy? or rather incredibly handsome?" You laughed as Bruce played along with Aspen, failing to notice your second eldest, Dolly, grabbing one of the special ornaments from right under his nose; swiping it like a little thief and giggling as she ran off with it. The giggles were the only thing that alerted Bruce of the thievery, in which he was quick to place the special box down before rushing after the little thief. Playing a little game of catch around the apartment, slowing down and speeding up, looping around the rooms and peaking in and out from behind walls, playing ring around the table and couch. It was defiantly a sight to see. Lyre couldn't help but giggle, watching her older sister being chased by her father, "Run! Run, Sissy!" She clapped and cheered as you bounced her up, so she wouldn't slide off your hip, and slid the bowl of cookie dough off the mixer; turning to grab the chocolate chips. "Hey, hey! You're meant to be cheering for me!" Bruce playfully pointed at Lyre as he 'ran' (more like jogged) past the kitchen after Dolly. Lyre let burst out in giggles, playfully kicking her feet. "That better not be the ornament my parents gave me Bruce!" You shouted after your husband, measuring out a cup of chocolate chips before you poured it into the bowl. "Don't worry I got this, Honey!" "Or the own from our anniversary." A small snicker as you poured the cup of chocolate chips into the batter, sliding the bowl back into the mixer and turning it back on. "It's not!" But you heard Bruce's whisper next, "Dolly come here your going to get me killed!" "Bruce!" Your playful shout towards your husband as Dolly squealed in laughter, having finally been caught by Bruce, caused Aspen, Holly, Colt, and Lyre to burst out in laughter. They then let out playful "ooo"s and "Daddy is in troouble!", before giggling louder. Bruce let out a small huff, smiling as he walked back into the room; Dolly under one of his arms, she was wiggling and struggling to break free but giggling nonetheless. In the other he carried an all too familiar ornament, which caused you to place a hand on your hip and give your husband an all too knowing look. He choose to ignore it, but you knew he saw it. "Don't worry kids, dad as saved the day." Bruce held up the ornament, which (thankfully) wasn't cracked or broken.
He carefully placed it back into the box, cushioning it so it would be protected until it was hung up. He let out a dramatic 'phew!' and wiped his forehead. Dolly giggled and finally managed to pop herself out of Bruce's hold, rushing over to help her other three siblings decorate the tree. "Those cookies are smelling lovely, honey!" Bruce called as he picked up a box of regular ornaments, a cheeky smile spread across his cheeks. "Uh-huh, thank you, Love." You knew he was trying to change the topic and get his ass out of hot water. You didn't know why, you weren't even mad at him in the first place! But god did you love your husband and all his goofiness.
@!; Christmas with Bruce is staying up late watching movies with the kids, putting them to bed, then staying up later listening to festive music and wrapping gifts. It was a tradition you both started when you started dating; keeping presents away from each other until the last minute. You would hid at different sides of the couch or counter, playing festive music, and wrapping presents to give each other. Now you could sit side by side, watching as Bruce struggled to fold paper over a cylinder as you wrapped up a box with ease; sliding it off to the side, meeting the pile of already completed gifts. "Having trouble there, Dear?" You would tease as you reached over him, purposefully being obnoxious, as you reached for another present to wrap. Bruce tried dodging your arms, ducking to look down at the cylinder below him with this oh-so-serious look on his face. You couldn't help but laugh softly at him as you rolled out the wrapping paper, placing the box on top to measure how much you would need. "This would be easier without you next to me. Your beauty is oh-so-distracting while trying to wrap this cylinder." Bruce flirted, glancing up at you with the most mischievous eyes as a grin pairing it grew on his lips. You pointed a finger at him, a silent warning to not start with his little shenanigans. You guys had so many presents to wrap! But Bruce had a mind of his own, a mind that you both loved and cursed at times. Rolling your eyes, you turned away from Bruce as he began to wiggle his eyebrows at you. "Do not try and get out of your task with flirting, Bruce! You said you could handle the cylinder and you're going to wrap that cylinder-" But the protests didn't matter much when Bruce had made up his mind, and had already cupped your cheeks and brought your face to his. He littered your face with so many kisses that it began to tickle. "Bruce! Bruce stop!-" You giggled and cackled, trying to shove Bruce away with the brightest smile. But it was to no use, before you knew it Bruce had you both laying on the ground as he continued to attack and pepper your face with kisses. He wouldn't stop until your laughter was wheezy and airy and you were smacking him on the shoulder, not being able to breath due to how hard you had been laughing. Even when he stopped, you still couldn't help but laugh and he was quick to use your weakness to scoop you up into cuddles; though he also couldn't help but laugh with you at the silliness of what he had just done. Even if he had peppered all those kisses on your face with all the love he had for you. Every single one of them was very serious in meaning! You both laughed and giggled and wheezed until you couldn't anymore. And even then, while enjoying being in your husband's arms, you playfully smacked his shoulder and drew away; giving him a square look with a playful smirk, knowing he was just trying to bribe you to get out of wrapping gifts. "You're so evil!" You whispered to him, exaggerating your words a little; causing him to snicker and snort. "Oh says the one who handed me a cylinder to wrap!" He would cock up an eyebrow. "Well you said you could handle it!" "Honey, you know I was just trying to impress you." Bruce grinned and you stared at him for a moment before shaking your head; knowing he was being serious about that. "Oh yes, because wrapping a cylinder would make you so attractive in my eyes and impress me so much." Your voice dripped with sarcasm. Bruce didn't care! He peppered another kiss on your forehead, "See? I knew you would understand it, Honey! You know what? This is exactly why I married you-" "Alright up, up, lover boy! We have to finish these presents before the sun rises unless you want to deal with rowdy kids on zero sleep and a bunch of hot coco!"
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.ᐟ this work is published and owned by @vacayisland. please do not plagiarize, copy, or steal this work; like, reblogs, and saves are appreciated :D
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
When Bruce has ever gone too far in his controlling/paranoid mentally with any of the batfam, Alfred will calm yet sternly say "Bruce. Thomas. Wayne. you will stop now."
Alfred rarely has to do it as a stern glare usually stops Bruce in his tracks, but it is the fastest way to make Bruce pause and realise he has taken things too far.
"Bruce. Thomas. Wayne. You will stop now."
Bruce froze. Literally. His fingers stuck to the keyboard, creating a long string of E's.
Tim opened his mouth to say something before quietly retreating to change out of the sweaty costume. Damian's eyes flitted between them. Jason whistled under his breath. Dick, Cass, and Duke, like Bruce, stood paralyzed despite having no hand in this.
Alfred was angry.
That was an understatement, but no words could describe the fury radiating from him so the meager angry would have to suffice.
And Steph…
Before he could reach out and say something, she spun around and hopped on her bike, leaving a trail of smoke in her wake.
Alfred instructed the rest of them to clean up and get to bed. No one—not even the dog—objected.
He turned to Bruce.
"Fix this."
With that, it was just Bruce and the cave bats. He gazed at the spot Steph previously stood, the case file no longer mattering.
How was he supposed to fix this?
He pulled up the GPS tracker but stopped.
He put the tracker away and went to the lockers to get out of the heavy costume. The kevlar dropped to his feet and he immediately put it away so Alfred wouldn't have to. As he ran his hands through his hair, his eyes went to the row of Robin display cases. He walked over and gently rested his hand on the fourth one.
That's how it always seemed. Dick was old enough for the man-to-man talks. Jason could always be reached through a peace offering after an argument. Tim's persistence made him easier to reach and Damian's dedication spoke for itself.
But Stephanie…
Right now, his hand against the glass, was how it's always been. He watched her in action, he knew her strengths and shortcomings. And yet there was always this barrier between them that he could never circumvent. He was Batman, she was Spoiler. They were the same cape cut from two different cloths.
He cared about her. He respected her. He mourned her loss and celebrated her return. He trusted her, though after tonight he wasn't sure if it was mutual. She was a good fighter; a good hero.
He missed her.
Longing came in different colors. Some likened it to a hole in their chest that could never be filled. Others wished for what they never had.
Then there was this one. This kind of longing didn't fit into those neat, poetic boxes. It was a mess because what he wanted for her, what he wanted for himself, and what they both needed spilled like paint cups, the pigments muddling until he couldn't tell where the red ended and gray began. The instinct to try and separate them would only lead to swirling it around, making things even more indistinct.
And yet, it was that instinct which brought him in plainclothes to the roof of a hole-in-the-wall Burnside diner.
"What do you want?" Her words were flat and clipped as she picked at the waffles in a takeout box.
"I want to talk."
"Not my problem." She took another bite.
He gestured to a box, even though her back was turned toward him. "Can I sit here?"
"Don't care."
He sat down, keeping some distance. Steph eyed him.
"Why aren't you in costume?"
"I don't need to."
"Whatever you wanna say, just get it over with. You're ruining my appetite and I paid thirteen bucks for these."
Bruce took a shaky breath. "I want to say I'm sorry."
"Apology acknowledged."
He continued. "I should've trusted your new intel instead of thinking I had all the facts. I got so caught up in following the protocol and closing in on Black Mask that I didn't notice the danger his fallback plan put us in." He wanted to put a hand on her shoulder, but pulled back. "Because of you, Cass and Duke got out of there safe. So thank you."
"Sure, no problem," she drawled. "I would hate for Batman to lose any more sidekicks."
She stabbed her waffles harder.
"There's something else," he stated.
"Nice observation. You really are the World's Greatest Detective."
"How can I fix things?"
She shot up. "That's the problem. You try to take everything into your hands without letting anyone else make necessary changes. Every time I pitch an idea, I get shut down 'cause it doesn't follow your stupid bat-procedure. Like, I get it, I'm young and I'm not perfect, but it feels like you're treating me with kid gloves even though you're not my parent."
The last bit felt like a needle to the chest, but he brushed it off.
Steph kept going. "I don't know if it's a family thing, but I noticed you don't listen to me as much as the others. If my ideas are crap, tell me. Don't pretend you didn't hear me and move onto the next person."
Guilt pooled in his stomach. "I'm sorry, really," he said. "I didn't know I was doing that."
"Of course you didn't." She sat back down and put her chin in her hands. "I should've expected that. Batman doesn't need Spoiler."
"Hey now—"
"The bat existed before and kept going after I put on my mask. But if it makes you feel better, Spoiler doesn't need Batman either."
And she was right. The same cape from different cloths meant they could unstitch themselves from each other anytime they wished. Batman could save the city alone. That was true.
A couple cars passed, honking at each other despite ample room. The smell of garbage and cigarettes hung like an unfinished explanation—one he'd rather leave on the curb.
"Batman might not need Spoiler and Spoiler might not need Batman. But I want you to know that even if you never see me as a father, you'll still be my daughter."
He took off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders.
"We don't need to fix this right away. Whatever you want to do, I trust your judgment."
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imagineanime2022 · 7 months
Heroes With An S/O W/ Powers Like Hawkwoman
Keigo Takami X Fem!Reader, Toshinori Yagi X Fem!Reader, Shota Aizawa X Fem!Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Hello everything is fine? I saw that requests are open! I would like to know if you can write headcanons for bnha (hawks, all might and aizawa) with a s/o who is a professional heroine and is like hawkwoman from dc? (she has super strength, speed because of her wings, resistance, etc.)
Keigo Takami
🪶 Alright let’s be honest there is going to be a lot of bird behaviour from this individual, lucky you're both derived from hawks so you understand each others behaviours pretty well. 🪶 Keigo is forever puffing up his feathers when you first met, making himself look bigger and more suitable, it did catch your attention by nature. 🪶 Miriko made fun of him every time. 🪶 Hawks by nature mate for life, so when he decided that he was in, he was 100% in, there was nothing that could change his mind. 🪶 He’d spend a lot of time measuring wings and wrapping his wings around you, you’d do the same to him and sometimes you’d make a cocoon just for the two of you by having your wings meet in the middle. 🪶 He sings all the time, another bird thing but if you ever sing along with him, it will make him the happiest person in the world. 🪶 You guys go for flights all the time, he’d dive low to grab you anything that caught his or your eye. 🪶 You guys were two of the fastest heroes, you learned to work together covering whatever the other couldn’t and that became even more needed after his fight with Dabi. 🪶 You massaged his shoulders when he was healing, you helped him to get back up but he never stopped missing his wings. 🪶 You refused to fly without him and you were the one that helped him to relearn how to fly when he got his prosthetics. 🪶 You both have heightened senses so he’d often give you his shirts or blankets so that you would always feel him near (even if he was rarely more than 2 steps away). 🪶 You were a hero couple that was feared by villains and loved by civilians but neither of you cared about that. The only thing that was important is how much you loved each other.
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Yagi Toshinori
🦸 The moment that Toshinori saw you he was enamoured, honestly he’d have seen your wings and the speed and strength that you displayed. 🦸 Challenged you to races all the time, he wanted to be the fastest but he had to admit that you had him in that department. 🦸 Toshi was playful and he had yet to be able to sneak up on you either so he tried that too, but given your enhanced senses, you could hear and smell him coming when you couldn’t see the flashy costume. 🦸 When you guys actually started dating it was a secret to no one, it was lucky that you were as good at defending yourself as you were because there were just as many villains as fans trying to get your attention. 🦸 Toshi came very close to ending the relationship when a villain came after you to get to him, you had to tell him that you weren’t having it and literally slapped him round the back of his head to get him to listen. 🦸 Toshi would literally carry you anywhere the extra weight from your wings didn’t bother him at all but he did love being wrapped in them when you both had the time. 🦸 Gran Torino would sometimes enlist you to get Toshinori to do something because you both knew that it was better for him. 🦸 You were the only one that could get him to sit still after he was injured by One For All. 🦸 Toshi spent all of this time bringing you presents, anything that you could ever want, even things you didn’t know you wanted like kids (Midorya and Bakugo). 🦸 Now with his smaller stature he loved your wings even more, he hid in them when he didn’t want to be seen, made sure that they were groomed and taken care of. 🦸 Toshi made sure that you always laid on top of him, even after he was injured (much to your protest) because he would not have you lay on your wings no matter how many times you tell him that you can support your own weight. 🦸 Definition of a celebrity couple, you guys were what everyone strived to be, happy together, playful, easy and completely dedicated to each other.
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Shota Aizawa
🐛 Shota was probably the last person that anyone expected you to take an interest in but after one mission he couldn’t seem to get rid of you and to be honest he didn’t mind having you around. 🐛 You were the one that did most of the work, just trying to get him to look at you for more than a second but once he really looked he was a goner. 🐛 You used your wings to shield him from the sunlight while he was sleeping during the day or the cold in the winter. 🐛 Shota is a mindful human and often found himself dancing around you in the first few months of your relationship, making sure not to touch your wings and apologising when he did, it took a long while to convince him that it was okay. 🐛 The first time that you asked him to help with grooming your wings, you thought he was going to faint. 🐛 He teaches you how to use a capture weapons and you taught him how to use your weapons. He took to yours faster than you took to his. He's unbelievably adaptable but he admired the strength and agility that came with your power. 🐛 You were well into your relationship by the time that 1-A came along, so a lot of them knew of you but they didn’t know that you were dating/married to their teacher until the first villain attack when you made yourself known. 🐛 Neither of you had ever talked about having children but you ended up with 20 the day that you saved them. 🐛 You moved into the dorms with Aizawa and basically mothered the entire class, scolded them, praised them and protected them no matter what. Aizawa loved watching you with them. 🐛 When he brought Eri back, you both became her sworn protectors and he didn’t even have to ask when he put you both down as her legal guardians. 🐛 While Shota was teaching you were out doing hero work so when it came time to fight you were always called on and he always worried about you while you were gone. 🐛 You were a large mismatched family but it centred around the two of you, anyone could see that you loved each other and protect your little flock.
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squigglebottom · 6 months
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The Day He Left-10 Years Later
Life with him was always magical. He’d take me on adventures through time and space. Wherever I wanted to go, whenever I wanted to go…the sky was literally the limit. He brought me to Victorian London to battle evil snowmen at Christmas. We went on a Russian submarine at the height of the Cold War. I even got to meet two previous versions of himself when we came together to save his home planet of Gallifrey.
My life on Earth was never anything special, stuck in one place all the time. I wanted to explore the world and all it offered. The Doctor was that perfect travelling companion that took me around the world and the galaxy. Beings I never knew existed, even ones that were not so friendly and often put us directly in danger. I didn’t care…any trip with the Doctor was worth it.
He became my friend, my comfort person who I could trust with my life. I felt safe with him and that he’d always be there to help me. If I called for him, I knew minutes later I’d hear the Tardis in my backyard. Then, I did the one thing I knew I never should with a centuries old time travelling alien…I fell in love. I became completely dependent on him and thought he’d never leave me. He’d had handfuls of companions before me, yet I thought I was different…that he’d stay for me.
The inevitable happened, his body got old and frail. It needed to regenerate and become new again. I knew the end was near, I was going to lose him. He’d still be the Doctor but he’d never be my Doctor ever again. That odd yet beautiful face. That personality and silliness. That shy, quirky man that would always get embarrassed.
When he regenerated , he not only looked different, his demeanour completely changed. He no longer hugged me, kissed my forehead, held my hand…nothing. All the affection that I once knew had gone away. I tried to hold onto him but it was no use. I decided it hurt worse being around him than not with him at all. I let him go one final time. The thought that my Doctor was somewhere in another time with his old face was enough to sustain me. I thought I’d never see him again… I was wrong.
It had been 10 years since the Doctor left me. Every year that passed became a little easier. I had to get used to life back at home and in the correct year. To say it was an adjustment was an understatement. Nothing felt the same, life was never really that exciting. Christmas on the other hand, it was always a challenge. That was the day he changed…when Eleven became Twelve on Christmas Day 2013. I would make the best of it and try not to be sad but it felt like the anniversary of the death of a family member. You may move on yet that specific date would always be in the back of your mind.
I wondered if he ever thought of me…while he was on adventures with new companions…did he ever miss me? Would he check up on me? Did he visit younger versions of me in the past? It was getting closer to Christmas and I wasn’t feeling the spirit like I usually did. It’s almost as if my sadness had been felt through time…calling for him to come rescue me.
I laid my head on my pillow exhausted from the long day. Drifting off to sleep, I dreamt of him. It was the only place I could be with him again. To touch his face, to drink in his aroma, to feel his warmth.
Out of the silence of the winter night, I heard a noise. It was the familiar screeching of the Tardis breaks as it tried to land. I shot up from my bed still convinced I wasn’t actually awake and was having dream hallucination.
I peaked out my window to see a blue Police Box looking completely out of place in my backyard. I got dressed faster than an actor backstage changing costumes and ran out the door. I stopped just in front of the Tardis, scared to even touch her. It was no doubt the Doctor inside…but which one. I wanted to run in and embrace Eleven…but what if it wasn’t him? My heart would break all over again and I almost stopped myself from going in all together.
As if she read my thoughts and felt my hesitation…the Tardis opened her doors to let me in. I walked in looking around the spaceship noticing it looked the same as I left it. I walked up towards the console smiling, running my fingers over all her buttons.
“Did you miss me, old girl?” I remarked as I heard the Tardis make a low moan.
Behind me I could hear faint leather boots walking on metal stairs. It was right behind me getting closer with each step. I felt a burst of fear fill every inch of my body as I debated whether or not to turn around.
“It seems she missed you.” Said the familiar voice.
“I won’t deny that I missed you as well.” He continued.
Tears began to well up in my eyes, breathing rapidly as I knew it was him. Turning around I gazed upon the face I never thought I’d see again. It was him…it was my Eleven…my Doctor.
“It’s you. Are you real?”
“Well, you never can tell can you? Perhaps none of this is real…perhaps it’s all a hallucination brought on by-“
I ran to him and grabbed him before he could finish his sentence.
“Enough with all your rambling!”
“Look at you! Your old!”
“You’re one to talk Mr. I’m over a 1000 years old!”
“Yes true but I look amazing.”
We talked for what felt like days but was only a couple hours. It was as if no time had passed and he’d never left. His cheeky ways and quirks were incredible to witness once more. Yet, all fun must cease eventually and the real conversations begin.
“So…when I changed…why’d you leave me? I never thought you’d want the fun times to end.”
“Me? Leave you? You left me!”
“I most certainly did not! My face might’ve changed but I was still the same person that cared about you and wanted to give you everything.”
“You were certainly not the same person! You were grumpy, difficult, always too serious, and you hated being touched. My Doctor was affectionate and kind…always looking at the fun even in dangerous situations. Twelve was a bitter, cranky old man. He was nothing like you.”
The Doctor looked down…his sad eyes searching the floor.
“Do you know what he said to me? What you said to me? I’m not your boyfriend. It was so cruel. I knew we weren’t a couple and that we never could be…I understood that. But I knew you were fully aware of my feelings for you. You’d never say anything so hurtful…saying something that would break my world.”
“I truly am sorry…sadly there’s nothing I can do about him. He’s my future so I cannot explain what he is thinking. I don’t know why he’d be so cruel.”
I wiped my tears with a tissue, looking up at him. He always hated it when I cried, especially if he was the cause.
“I left him because I felt like I was travelling with a stranger. I know I promised you on the phone…but it was too difficult. He wasn’t you…he…wasn’t..you.”
I burst out crying as Eleven ran to my side and swooped me up into his arms.
“I never really left you. There’s always going to be a time period, a planet we visited in the future…there’s always a version of me with you in all of time. I’ve been visiting younger and modern you just to make sure you’re ok.”
I looked into his bright, ocean eyes as I felt a sense of relief and responded “I knew it. I had a feeling you’ve been with me my whole life.”
“I’ve watched from afar every big moment in your life…in the past and the future. Im always checking on you here in the Tardis. I may not come when you call, it’s not because I didn’t want to…it’s because I knew I shouldn’t.”
“What do you mean? Why would you not come to me?”
“You were becoming dependent on me and I told you to not rely on me. I’m way too old and travel too much for commitments.
Furrowing my brow, I responded “I did know we’d never be together…that’s not the point …I wanted to explore as much as I could. What happens when I’m too old and cannot travel? I want to be able to explore as much as I can before I can’t anymore.”
“And I understand that…but everything must end eventually. I needed you to understand that I wasn’t always going to be around.”
“You will always be around…just not with us.”
He looked at me confused. “Us? Who is us?”
“Us. Your companions. Your past, present, and future humans that follow you everywhere. You show us unbelievable worlds…you make the impossible possible…you treat us as if we are the most important beings in the world. And…and then you just leave. You drop us back at home like we don’t matter. Like we were never-”
“THAT IS NOT TRUE! You…all of you…you mean more to me than you could ever imagine.”
He walks over to the steps and sits down facing away from me. Placing his face in his hands trying to disguise his emotion. He runs his fingers through his floppy brown hair continuing.
“Do you have any idea…what it’s like…to out live every one you’ve loved? To-to-to watch them all get old and die right in front of you? You think it’s easy for me to bring you all back home after countless adventures? But I know I can’t keep you forever…because one day….you will die on me. It's always just going to be me. The end of the universe will arrive…and I'll be all alone."
I walked over to the steps, sitting down next to him. Grabbing his hands, holding them tight I whisper. “You’re never alone. You have her. The Doctor and the Tardis…the perfect pair…like fish fingers and custard.”
We both laugh as our heads touch. He placed his arm around me holding me tight. Whenever I’m feeling upset, depressed, or having an anxiety attack….I like to imagine I’m being held by the Doctor. Being in one of his hugs feels like the safest place in the world. Nothing can hurt me. This wasn’t my imagination…this was real. Feeling his warmth, the scratchiness of his wool jacket, the scent of pine and lavender that radiated from him naturally.
He took my face in the palms of his hands and assured me that while he may not always come when I call…it didn’t mean he didn’t care. He was always with me, if I closed my eyes I would be able to sense his presence. He assured me that this would not be our last time together.
Then…the unexpected happened…he stared into my eyes and kissed me. Not on the forehead, not on the cheek, not on my hand…but on my lips. The Doctor was never confident when it came to matters of the heart (or both of them) and would often be shocked and caught off guard when anyone would kiss him. This act made me realise how much he truly cared about me. Tears streamed down my cheeks as we pulled away and smiled.
“Life may not go the way you want. It will be full of difficulties and challenges. You may feel as if all is lost and that you will never find happiness. Don’t let this change you…don’t let me not being here change you. You are more important than you realise. Every person I have ever met has been special even when they didn’t believe it.”
We stood up and walked towards the console. He moved towards the controls that would make the Tardis fly. I knew our time was coming to an end once more. His right hand grabbed my left as we both stared at each other. There was an understanding that was shared without saying a word. He pushed the controls to start the Tardis and entered in the time coordinates. The ship began to vanish around me, yet we never took our eyes off each other. Seconds later, I was back in my yard all alone. The Tardis was gone…the Doctor was gone.
I walked towards the porch and sat on one of the lounge chairs. Staring up into the sky until my eyes couldn’t stay open any longer. He was my Doctor and always will be. I was grateful for every moment I had with him. I may not be able to see him…to touch him…but it didn't mean he wasn't there.
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Dracula Season Watch Party: Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
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The centuries old vampire Count Dracula comes to England to seduce his barrister Jonathan Harker's fiancée Mina Murray and inflict havoc in the foreign land. - Dir. Francis Ford Coppola
I haaaaaaaaaaaaated this the one and only other time I watched it because, for a movie calling itself Bram Stoker's Dracula, it sucks ass at adapting the novel. It hits all the beats but misses the themes and adds extra stuff, and Jonathan doesn't even go after the Count with a shovel, ffs. However, it is technically one of The Most Faithful adaptations we have to date, which is impressive considering how much story there is to adapt. And if I stop being such a purist turd.... *sigh* it's a good movie.
Like..... REALLY good. The costumes, the colors, the music, the camera work, everything has such a surreal vibe, and the scene transitions move with something like dream logic. Actually, I think "movement" sums up everything I loved. Shots moving around a scene, SO MUCH gauzy fabric moving in a breeze, Dracula and Mina moving through a crowd. It's ✨pretty✨
It's also horny AF. Jesus Christ.
That being said, I think the criticism I've seen saying this version turns Lucy into a slut is pretty unfair. She and Mina gossip about their relationships (and kiss in the rain, by god I ship it), and she's flirtatious with the suitor squad, big deal. She's never overtly sexual until she starts becoming a vampire, and that's nothing that doesn't already happen in the book. The two scenarios don't compare. One is established friendships that come equipped with camaraderie and intimacy, the other is a corruption. Like, that's literally what's happening, and that's where the horror comes from. As for this version's take on her sleepwalking, we are NOT calling that slut behavior. That's all I'm saying.
Speaking of the suitor squad (Lucy's potential fiances, for the uninitiated), I understand there is only so much you can squeeze into a two hour run time, but I wish they had more time to shine. I need more of Quincey being a manly man with the most golden heart of gold ever. I need more of Jack being the most lovesick and emo wreck of a human with a side of medical malpractice. Most importantly, I need Cary effing Elwes to have more to do as Art. Not that any one of Lucy's boyfriends loves her more than the others, but I feel like Art's devotion to her is given more weight because he was the one Lucy chose to marry, and ASDFGHJKL. You can't cast CARY ELWES, aka WESTLEY THE FARM BOY, of Thee Greatest Movie Ever Made The Princess Bride, and then NOT give him any room to work in that space. He could have eaten that shit up! You know it! I know it! The only people who apparently don't know it are the people who called the shots on everything from the script to the casting, because if we had spent more time with canon couple Art and Lucy and less with fanon couple Drac and Mina, WE COULD HAVE HAD IT ALL. *insert Adele gif because I couldn't actually find one*
While we're on the subject of Dracula and Mina as lovers doomed across centuries, YES, it's fucking romantic as shit and I've come across the concept in other stories and would have snorted that shit if possible, BUT. The addition here detracted from time we could have spent on Lucy, as mentioned above, and despite what I've said about that so far, I understand why you'd make that call. If there's going to be an epic Gothic romance, it might as well be the focal point of the story and therefore needs to happen between the leads. But.
THAT'S ALREADY IN THE SOURCE MATERIAL. IT'S MINA AND JONATHAN!!!!! Jonathan Harker is peak Gothic wifeguy. Dude never stops thinking about how awesome his wife is and how much he loves her, and I can't even think about his refusal to let her be condemned to hell alone and his determination to damn himself with her if she became a vampire without getting in fits about it. He said "fuck God if he doesn't love Mina, he's not good enough for her and I love her enough for both of us," and you think ANY other love story can beat THAT??? They did my good friend Jonathan so so dirty.
On the subject of my good friend Jonathan, I know I'm not the only one who thinks Keanu Reeves would look so. Fucking. HOT. With gray hair. I don't know what they did to him in the back half of this movie, but rather than be disappointed in how fake it looks, I'm choosing to look forward to the day we finally get Silver Fox Keanu.
Other details I loved now that I'm done complaining include Mina's wardrobe echoing Elizabeta's gown in the prologue, red light reflecting off Renfield's glasses when he's talking about his master, red appearing more prominently in Mina's and Lucy's wardrobe as they fall under Dracula's influence, the zoom-in on the bite marks on Lucy's neck transitioning into the wolf's glowing eyes in the next scene, Dracula's shadow moving independently of his body, everything Anthony Hopkins is doing as Van Helsing, and the entire standoff between him and Mina and the brides.
I think I've said all I feel like saying, and it took a full 24 hours to stop talking, so in summary: I DO like this more than I used to, but I like it more when looking at it on its own merit and not as an adaptation. What I like, I really like. What I don't like, pretty much has to do with how it differs from the book. The most important part is that I had fun watching. Even if there aren't any flappy bats on a string.🥂
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girlgerard · 2 years
could u explain everything behind the bingos squares we’ve gotten.. i feel like im missing a lot
SECOND LEG TOUR BINGO KEY (so far + does not include EU events):
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ray’s mic gets turned up: self explanatory and the best thing to ever happen
they do something gay in a conservative state: everything that happened in the south + very pointed trans support in florida and texas
politics: technically checked off because of frank’s hilarious 9/11 post, but can also include many openers being very vocally activist + gerard making fun of vaccine microchip conspiracies
twitter drama catalyst: literally everything. funniest by far was that british person who said gerard was dangerous for wearing a hat with a knife shop logo on it
critical level frerard moment: made this tile as a joke, checked off when frank asked gerard to take their shirt off at okc
gerard fucks up a diy haircut/dye job: THEY CUT OFF THE RAMONES BANGS FOR OKC however they’ve largely grown back thank god
free space/piss jokes: gerald tshirt having them sit in a urinal
accidental album and/or doc announcement: they’re interviewing people/filming shows/recording concert audio and the camera operators keep accidentally spilling the beans lol
they play a niche/unknown song or demo: soooo many of these but this was initially checked off for bury me in black which was the most insane moment of my life
new commemorative tattoo: frank ass swarm fly. bonus: wes and i have matching she’s my kinda boy tatts now
vampires will never hurt you: called it
pronoun slip: was not frank’s fault (yet), but gerard has been publicly referred to by friends and acquaintances with they/them pronouns for the first time EVER :’) such as their designer, their clerk, and a few other friends like heychris rting a tweet that used they/them + “frontperson gerard way”
gerard wears old lady dress/skirt: i don’t even know what to say. if i think about how many times we’ve checked this off at this point i break down. barry and i wrote this a MONTH BEFORE TOUR STARTED
girlcockgate: leggings do not a good jockstrap make
borderline kink costume: checked off because of catgirl, but at this point should be blackout
someone wipes the fuck out: ray has fallen over TWICE <3 i need her
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pluckyredhead · 1 year
Character Profile: Eddie Bloomberg (Kid Devil/Red Devil)
Some of you could probably see this one coming. I have an Eddie fic ready to share with you very soon, but for those of you who have no idea who I’m talking about, I figured I should fill you in. So here he is! The sweetest little devil in the DCU!
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Eddie Bloomberg debuted in the 1984 Blue Devil series. Blue Devil is Dan Cassidy, a Hollywood stuntman/special effects artist who was cursed by a demon and trapped in a devil costume forever. If he had been a Marvel character, he would be hated and feared etc, but since he lives in the DCU, it literally has no effect on his movie career. I love the DCU.
The producer of the movie Dan is making when he’s cursed is Marla Bloom (real name: Marlene Bloomberg), a somewhat manic but fiercely loyal visionary. Her nephew, Eddie, is a gofer on set and in fact is only known as “Gopher” for quite a few issues of Blue Devil before anyone uses his actual name. Eddie is teeny tiny in this series - logically he’s probably no younger than 12, since he’s allowed to actually have a job on set, but the writing and art, especially his little OshKosh B’gosh green overalls, make him seem younger, more in the 8-10 range.
(Note: It is never explicitly stated that Eddie and Marla are Jewish, but their last name, and Marla changing her name upon arriving in Hollywood, are such obvious clues that I wouldn’t even consider it coding or subtext. It might be missed by people who aren’t familiar with Jewish names or the long history of Jewish people changing said names to make it in Hollywood - which, trust me, is as antisemitic as anywhere else - but they are Jewish. This will have some HIGHLY PROBLEMATIC IMPLICATIONS further down the line, but we’ll get there.)
Eddie’s hero worship of Dan leads him to make his own costume, plus a “trident” (Dan has one too and that’s what they both call it, but you guys, you are devils, not mermen. They’re pitchforks.) that he uses to fly, which, UM??? Eddie is apparently a genius and no one ever comments on it?
Eddie is probably best known these days in fandom for his extremely brief (it’s a four page story) friendship with Jason Todd in his Robin days. They are PEN PALS and they team up to catch a jewel thief and it’s so damn cute:
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But not too long after this, Blue Devil was canceled, and Eddie faded into obscurity. That is, until he showed up on the Teen Titans 20 years later, looking like this:
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Eddie is now 17, and the intervening years have been extraordinarily shitty for him.
First, his Aunt Marla was like “Hey, I talked your parents into letting you stay with me indefinitely, because I love you!” and it took him years to realize that actually, his parents had suggested he stay in Hollywood because they didn’t want him.
Then Marla died in a freak helicopter crash, because some safety lights that should have been on were out. Eddie struggled to keep a job after that, since he’s not actually very good at being a gopher/PA. (Why he was allowed to live on his own/work/not go to school as a minor is not explained.)
He decided to focus on being a superhero, but no one wants a kid in a devil suit with no powers, so that didn’t go so hot either. Eventually he got his chance when a mysterious hooded stranger gave him a black candle, which...Eddie, no. Lighting the candle took him to Neron, who is one of the DCU’s several versions of the devil, specifically the one who makes Faustian bargains with characters.
Neron asked Eddie who he trusted the most in the world, and Eddie said Blue Devil. Neron offered Eddie a deal: he would give Eddie powers, and in exchange, if Eddie ever lost his trust in Blue Devil, his soul would belong to Neron on his 20th birthday. Eddie, thinking nothing could shake his faith in his hero, agreed.
And then Neron told him that Blue Devil killed Marla.
This was in fact completely true. Years ago, Dan had made a deal with Neron: fame in exchange for destroying a power station in the middle of nowhere. Dan, assuming no one would be hurt, agreed. The power station being down was the reason the warning lights were out during Marla’s helicopter crash. Dan never told anyone the truth about her death.
Eddie refuses to believe him, because after all, Neron is a demon and demons lie. He goes on to finally join the Teen Titans as the happy go lucky comic relief/loser. But it weighs on him, and finally he confronts Dan:
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Eddie realizes to his horror that his soul is now forfeit to Neron on his 20th birthday, which is less than three years away. But he doesn’t want anyone to pity him, and he doesn’t want to spend the next three years being miserable, so he doesn’t tell anyone (except his friend Zachary Zatara, who was there when he met Neron), and continues to be the sweet, seemingly happy-go-lucky comic relief of the 2000s-era Titans. EDDIE MY DARLING. 😭
I do want to pause here to talk about the implications of Eddie’s transformation. Like I said earlier, Eddie is Jewish. Even if that’s never confirmed in the comics, even if he isn’t religious (we have no evidence one way or the other), Eddie is at the very least ethnically Jewish on his father’s side. This is the extremely clear intent of his (also Jewish) creators.
Jewish people having horns, and just generally being associated with devils, is a very, very old stereotype dating back to the Middle Ages. It was used in Nazi propaganda. I’m a millennial, and I know Jewish people my age who have been asked where their horns are. It is a living stereotype, and an incredibly dangerous one.
I am...let’s say 90% sure that giving a Jewish character horns was a genuine mistake? Maybe Geoff Johns, who wrote that storyline, didn’t realize that “Bloomberg” was a Jewish last name. Maybe he wasn’t familiar with the stereotype. But I can rattle off a whole list of shockingly racist things that man has written by (maybe) accident, and he was one of the people Ray Fisher called out for racism during the filming of Justice League, so...who knows. I love Eddie, I love the devil version of him, but I also don’t trust Geoff Johns an inch, and am generally very uncomfortable with the implications of this particular transformation. (Also, like...cramming a Jewish character into Christian mythology like this is still pretty gross. Jews don’t believe in Hell.)
Eddie has a lengthy tenure on the Titans, from the mid-2000s almost all the way to the New 52. Like I said before, he’s largely comic relief/the “loser” team member who thinks no one likes him (and some characters are pretty relentlessly contemptuous of him, particularly Cassie and Tim during their era of being written horribly OOC at all times). He’s also incredibly self-sacrificing - at one point a villain tries to kill him but accidentally absorbs his curse instead, and Eddie insists on taking it back, because he can’t let anyone suffer in his place, even a rando who tried to murder him for no reason. EDDIE MY LOVE.
And he does have friends! Aside from his friendship with Zachary Zatara (who isn’t really on the team), he’s particularly close with Miss Martian and Blue Beetle.
And then there’s Rose Wilson, Ravager. She joins the team right around the same time Eddie does, and he very obviously has a massive crush on her. Rose equally obviously does not really know how to relate to people in an honest and healthy way, so she veers wildly between flirting with Eddie, being scathingly cruel to him, opening up to him in a way she doesn’t with anyone else, and going feral to protect him.
Also, this happens:
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I have never recovered.
Eddie eventually loses his powers when he’s bitten by Brother Blood, because sure, why not? A trip to Hell confirms that not only is he free of his obligation to Neron, but he never actually signed a contract in the first place - Neron simply activated Eddie’s latent metagene, which...turned him into a demon for reasons but can be mystically deactivated, apparently? Look, there’s no time to make sense, Eddie has a noble sacrifice to get to!
Eddie is happy to be free of Hell, obviously, but he’s now stuck being support staff for the Titans, since he doesn’t have any powers. Rose, who had left the team a while back, returns and tries to get Eddie to leave with her, since it’s dangerous to be powerless around superheroes. He turns her down. EDDIE, NO.
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Literally the next issue, a riot breaks out on Alcatraz, which is a supervillain prison in the DCU. While the Titans are fighting the supervillains, Eddie is tricked by the Calculator into flying out to the island in the T-Jet to try to find a nuke. When he discovers that the nuke is just a man with radioactive powers who is melting down and minutes from exploding, he gets the man into the T-Jet and flies it as high as possible before the explosion, saving the Titans, Alcatraz, and San Francisco.
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Eddie stayed dead for the next year or so, and then the New 52 happened. He appeared in one issue as Blue Devil’s godson in the New 52; then returned for one more issue with his powers intact in Rebirth.
And then he died at Sanctuary in Heroes in Crisis, because apparently if you’re a redheaded friend of Jason Todd with a penchant for backwards baseball caps, you’re gonna die in HiC.
We haven’t seen Eddie since, so it’s anyone’s guess whether he was brought back to life by Infinite Frontier or not. I choose to believe he was, because I love him and I say so.
If you want to read about Eddie, your best bet is the 2003 Teen Titans series. It’s, like...pretty bad, but it’s also the lion’s share of Eddie’s appearances, and he’s extremely lovable. If you’re looking for fic, I'm mostly familiar with stories where he appears as Jason’s bestie. Eddie Fucking Bloomberg by chucklesbuckles makes me laugh every time I read it. Eddie also has small but delightful roles in the longer JayRoy fics i wish i was by @shhhenanigans​ and gentle on my mind (the actual world) by @hamjay​. And Burning my defenses by the shaking of her hips is some excellent Rose/Eddie by @macabrekawaii​.
(Also, I have a fic about him coming next week! Stay tuned!)
In conclusion: don’t cry. Baby Eddie in Tiny Titans, okay?
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