#hers is my favourite design wise
vos0q · 9 months
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Dominique de Sade 🥀
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chalkrub · 18 days
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mockley time it's mockley time will you have some mockleys of mine
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ahogettena · 3 months
🎀 holly 🎀
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krakenshaped · 11 months
Elemental hero burstinitrix
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So IK is an full-blooded adeptus connected to Menogias somehow. Menogias is a yaksha, a subspecies of adeptus. What is their connection? SIBLINGS. So what does that make IK? A yaksha as well! So the other guardian yaksha are naturally adoptive big siblings.
They were called upon by Rex Lapis during the Archon War. Menogias and the other four Guardian Yaksha take on the task but when IK is so young and personally precious to them it doesn’t feel right to let her join in knowing that it’ll stain her with karmic debt. But since IK is a yaksha and yaksha are naturally given to battle she wants to help the war effort anyway. And because she’s so young the karmic debt accumulates much faster, and ultimately Menogias can’t stand to watch her deteriorate so quickly and begs the adeptus from Mt Hulao (can’t remember which right now LOL) to seal her in amber so as to prevent her from accumulating anymore karmic debt. 
But he doesn’t tell anyone that this is what happened because he doesn’t want any of them to unseal IK and bring her back into the battle. He writes it down somewhere secret that will only be discovered in peacetime and doesn’t say antyhing about it but the others are worried sick and eventually what he tells them is that the karmic debt drove IK mad and he had to kill her. And then this is why Bonanus attacks him when her own karmic debt catches up with her in the AU, because off the rage and grief combined with the karma. 
Much much later, long after the Archon War has ended and the other yaksha are dead, Xiao finally finds Menogias’s message. He barely dares hope it’s true but when he follows the instructions he finds the piece of amber exactly where it says it is, and when he breaks it open IK really is right there.
Probably some combination of being sealed away + intervention from the other adepti and exorcists n stuff, IK’s karmic debt is already greatly reduced, and with no war to wage she doesn’t accumulate anymore. Lots of angst potential considering Menogias sealed her away against her will and now she’s finally awake again and him and nealry eveyrone she loves is dead. Oof. But Xiao takes her under his wing and they fiercely protect each other from then on and she meets lots of friends from the Harbour and in the Chasm where she gets to laern the truth about Bosacius.
By the time she gets summoned to the Devildom she’s mostly let go of her past (unlike Xiao lol) so the others don’t know about it until she speaks about it. She makes even more best friends and when she eventually figures out how to summon Xiao with adeptus arts he nearly fucking annihilates the demons for kidnapping his little sister 
y’all really can’t let my girl catch a break huh (/lh)
this is some good stuff though!! i do also like that ik gets her closure BEFORE being summoned to the devildom, so her exchange year can stay mostly fluff 
with her having lost her big brother and other adoptive big siblings but also having been able to recover it, plus her having spent a lot of time observing and trying to help xiao with his own lack of emotional closure, i reckon this whole angsty backstory might even justify her best friendship with belphie even more, since she’s very well equipped to help him let go of lilith
luckily in this au xiao no longer has a real reason to attack the demons (apart from the sort of kidnapping, and i guess lucifer if the underground tomb thing still happens? but ik would be able to defend herself and not be harmed, so it’s fine) - so once they’ve talked things through and established that this ‘conqueror of demons’ doesn’t kill devildom-type demons, xiao might begrudgingly settle in the devildom for a bit, just to keep an eye on ik. though he’d almost definitely return to liyue after some time, since he still considers it his duty to protect it
i feel like this ik would want to return to liyue but also simultaneously considers the devildom a second home? maybe they set something up so that she can somehow jump between them regularly. xiao and the demons share custody essentially lmao
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momoccake · 2 years
something about fryes design just makes me so happy, i think its just so pleasing to look at...shes so cute .... her colours go insanely good together and i honestly love her 'big forehead'
she has grown on me so much since i first saw her, i would die for this squid
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idolomantises · 2 months
First question, will we be seeing Asmodeus and Lilith again soon? Second question! Do you have a favourite redesign and who was the hardest to redesign?
I think my Beelzebub redesign is my favorite. I really love drawing bugs in general and it was really fun trying to rework her design to look more bee-like and less… furry. I actually liked the design so much I decided to repurpose it for my own character who’s Beelzebub’s daughter. She’s not as nice as Helluva’s Bee, very Regina George lol.
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I actually got really excited working on her. I just love designing bugs and demons so getting a chance to do both was very enjoyable for me. I actually had even MORE sketches planned for her but I realized I was getting way too involved redesigning a character, so some concepts just became my own thing. Like I was like “I don’t mind that Beelzebub is nice, but she doesn’t feel like a Sin at all”, so I had some bonus sketches of her being like that really cool but toxic friend who just keeps enabling you.
Hardest to redesign though? God. Maybe Angel Dust? In fact even after my most recent redesign I’ve never really been fully happy with (it was very rushed compared to nifty). I enjoy doing Hazbin/Helluva redesigns but one major issue I have with these characters is that they’re WAAAAAY too bloated story wise, and Angel dust might be the worst example of this. Like fitting a drag queen, sex worker, celebrity and mafia boss into one character is a bit of a challenge because you basically have to look at Angel dust and understand all those things about him.
Maybe I’ll do a fifth one if I ever do Hazbin redesigns again LOL, but likely not. I always planned to stop early but the fandom kind of solidified it. These stop being fun knowing that there are people who monitorsmy account waiting for my next redesign to drop so they can harass me and tell me to kill myself. Not fun! I’d rather draw other things.
(Also to be clear, even if the fandom was really nice to me, I still would have stopped. The creator’s constant controversy was the main reason I quit and only did Nifty and Angel Dust after a request. But the fandom meltdown was the nail in the already deep and buried coffin)
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sy-on-boy · 10 months
(Potentially) new information from the Spy x Family exhibit book!
Okay, I’ve done some digging around and not gonna lie, some information in there has me excited. I can’t read Japanese so I took photos and put them through translate, so it’s not the most accurate, and please take this post with a grain of salt. Here we go!
Translations are more than welcome! Feel free to use these photos and feel free to DM me for clearer photos. I would also love to know what this all means haha. Japanese “raw” text is taken from Google translate and may be inaccurate to what is actually shown in the photos.
✩ The SxF world apparently has no Christmas!
I’ve heard claims of it, and here’s a picture I took.
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“遠藤達哉先生 コメント
こちらは冬の休載イラスト です。 電飾一個一個を北斗 神拳ばりに連打して描きま した。 クリスマスっぽい雰 囲気を出していますが、 『SPY×FAMILY』の世界に クリスマスはありません。”
Google translate tells me that there’s no Christmas in the SxF world but he tried to create a Christmas-like atmosphere? Not sure but it would align with other people’s claims.
✩ Yuri apparently had a girlfriend in a rough draft!
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This is Endo’s handwriting so the machine can’t recognise the words easily, but I think the woman in the bottom of Yuri’s sheet is his “girlfriend”? And Google translate tells me she’s Yuri’s “weakness” and Twilight might use her against Yuri / take advantage of the girlfriend? This is a very interesting idea that didn’t get used in canon (yet?). I think in canon, Yuri is popular but he’s too devoted to his sister. A new significant other of a prominent character would shake things up. Especially when it comes to Yuri, a member of the SSS.
By the way, Yuri’s potential designs are kind of cool. I like the ponytail.
✩ Apparently “Oscar” was one of Twilight’s potential names! + Early Twilight designs
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I think we know Yor was originally short for Yorlanda (this is in the upper sheet). There’s a whole list of names beside Twilight and the name Oscar オスカー appeared frequently. There are also more names that I can’t decipher.
✩ Designs of some potential WISE agents! (And early Fiona)
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Fiona’s sheet (next to Yuri’s) was titled “WISE spy (female)” and now we have a sheet titled “WISE spy (male)”. Was Fiona a placeholder spy that made it to the main cast? Or will this “male spy” end up having significance too? The two smaller heads at the left are apparently Twilight’s associates. Also, a Melinda sketch. Not gonna lie, the male spy feels kinda cute. Hope he’s not completely scrapped.
✩ Endo’s interview!
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I feel like I should put this earlier but I was distracted with the Christmas / Yuri’s potential girlfriend thing. This is at the very end of the book. Apparently Endo was influenced by the invasion of Ukraine in 2022. This interview was apparently taken in March 2023. I think it’s fairly important so I’ll wait for a proper translation before saying anything else.
✩ Comments on Donovan, Melinda, Redacted, and Sylvia!
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These two pages are together and I found it significant because Endo discusses the SxF themes. (My notes are not direct translations.) Apparently:
Sylvia’s scene in Mission 20 is Endo’s favourite scene, and he was looking at materials related to war for a long time and wondered if he could make use of it. [JP below]
とてもお気に入りのシーンです。 「SPY×FAMILY」の連載とは関係無し 昔から戦争に関する資料は色々見て いたので、多少はこの作品にも活かせ ているのかなーと。
Donovan’s statement of “in the end, people will never understand each other” (rough paraphrase) is the theme of the work. And Endo wanted to create a feeling of Donovan being the final boss. He didn’t plan on arranging it from the beginning, but he thinks the Desmonds are a good contrast to the Forgers. (Does this mean the Forgers think people will understand each other?) [JP below]
作品のテーマでもあるセリフ ですね。 少しでもドノバンの ラスボス感を醸し出せればい いなーと思いながら描きまし た。最初から意図して配置し たわけではないですが、デス モンド家はフォージャーと 良い対比になっているのかな と思います
The chapters on Twilight’s past coincided with the anime so Endo thought it was a good idea to explore Twilight’s past. [JP below]
アニメが始まるタイミングな のもあって、黄昏〉という人 物を掘り下げる良い機会かな と思い過去編を入れました。 あまり重たくなりすぎないよ うに、でも伝えたいことは最低限伝えられるように、自分 なりにバランスを取って描い たつもりです。
Melinda is described as “friendly” (?) even though she is dignified. A positive description of Melinda… interesting. What’s also interesting is that after she learns that Yor is the mother of the child who got into a fight with Damian, she “shows interest”. Melinda, what do you want with Anya? [JP below]
ダミアンの母で、東国元首相夫人。気品に溢れつ つも、気さくな性格。 ヨルが息子と喧嘩したアー ニャの母親と知り、興味を示している。
I personally think these two pages contain hints about the mystery of the featured characters and would love to know what it means :D
✩ Early Yor and Bond!
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There’s a lot more Yor but again the image limit is constricting me. I really like the Bond designs, they’re funny and he’s just a chonky little boi :)
✩ Comments on the panel of Twilight’s head in Yor’s lap!
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“珍しいイチャイチャシーンです。 ヨルさん は一年中酔っ払ってればいいのに”
Which apparently means: “a rare flirting (?) scene, I wish Yor was drunk all year long”
?!??! Twiyor?!! Hello!! I cannot resist mentioning this one, this is one of my favourite Twiyor / SxF scenes. Are we gonna get more drunk Yor? More Twiyor? More flirting? I’m excited now.
I’ve reached the image limit, so here’s all for this post for now! Translations are totally welcome and again I would love to know what this all means. I’m sorry if I accidentally said misleading information, so please tell me so I can correct it. Once again, don’t take my words as complete fact. The Yuri girlfriend thing is really surprising to me haha.
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ausfortheheart · 6 months
christmas shenanigans - MATTHEO R.
(mattheo riddle x female!reader one-shot)
summary : the reader convinces her boyfriend, Mattheo, to let her paint his nails christmas themed. But he's in for a surprise..
warnings: sexual references, so much fluff your heart may burst? 14+
a/n: after a 2ish month long break im back!! sorry for disappearing for so long everyone, a lots been going on school-wise, but I just had to come back to release a few works in time for xmas <33 decided to release a mattheo piece, as he is my fave slytherin boy after alll~
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"Please?" You gave Mattheo an imploring look, "Just one to practise before I do it on the girls?" Aiming for a compromise you added, "Plus I can take it off straight away."
Mattheo looked at you sceptically. You had been asking to do this for days, especially now that it was finally late December - and christmas was around the corner - you were eager to try out a new nail design idea you'd had.
"You can sleep whilst I do it?" You proposed, and he visibly gave in.
Mattheo shook his head in mocking despair, but his eyes were filled with nothing but adoration, "Tomorrow then? After Quidditch practise?"
You grinned. "Perfect."
❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆
Christmas music played softly in the background as you laid down your nail prep tools on the floor. You'd managed to free up the dorm room for the afternoon much to the girls' chagrin, but once you had explained to Pansy, Daphne and Astoria the reason they seemed pretty supportive of your mission.
There was a knock on the door, swiftly followed by its opening as Mattheo casually strolled inside. His hair was tousled and his face tinged red after practice, and your eyes trailed down the fresh t-shirt he'd changed into. The grey tracksuits he'd changed into hung low, and as he moved towards you his shirt slightly rode up, exposing a brief flash of his toned abdomen.
You swallowed. He leaned down to give you a gentle kiss, then pulled back, his lips hovering by your ear, "I thought I came here for christmas nails, not a shag, love."
Rolling your eyes, you pushed him away.
"Shut up." You mumbled half-heartedly, as you fought the blush threatening to spread across your face.
He smirked as he sat down cross legged opposite.
"I'm not telling you the design, so that it's a surprise," You started, as Mattheo began to apprehensively examine a cuticle nipper, "I'll wake you up when it's done, okay?"
You placed a pillow on your lap, then gestured for him to lay down. He placed his head there, and you took a moment to admire him like this.
Lowering your head you kissed his cheek whilst fiddling with his brown curls. He didn't say anything, just smiled, and you couldn't help the flutter of joy it gave you.
After a second more of staying like that, in content silence, you got to work.
The painting was probably the hardest part, as you had to ensure all of the small intricacies were flawless. Mattheo fell asleep promptly after the first ten minutes, allowing you to really focus as you hummed to your favourite Christmas tunes.
After two hours of hard work, you were prepared to show your boyfriend your final piece of work.
"Mattheo.." You laughed as he slowly woke up, "Yes baby?" He slurred sleepily.
"I'm finished!"
Once he came to his bearings he quickly sat up, his hair matted on one side which you chuckled at.
He immediately looked at his hand, pausing in shock.
Just as you were about to say something he spoke.
"You said one finger nail. One." He scoffed in disbelief, then gave you an amused glance, before continuing to examine them.
"I got a bit carried away." You admitted, "But what do you think?"
He remained silent, then snorted.
Then burst out laughing as you sat there in horror.
Was it genuinely that bad?
Mattheo was now keeled over, his laughter renewing everytime he looked at his hand.
"Darling.." He began inbetween laughs, "I'm never taking this off."
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thank you for taking the time to read my work, it always means the world <3
feel free to leave any feedback/your thoughts! id love to hear them :')
i hope you all have a lovely december, enjoying any holiday you celebrate! ❆
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critterbitter · 5 months
dear gosh I'm obsessed with how you draw the sillies. ingo and emmet are so perfectly characterised and i can't imagine them any other way. your dialogue is phenomenal. the Pokemon are so wonderfully realised characters too, litwick/lampent/chandelure sassy nightlight beloved (ft. lady sneasler), and the Big Eel Doggo 🤩 i love you draw the othere too, lint roller the archeops!!!! trubbish shenanigans! elesa and her menace pizza rat!
you so perfectly thread that line between goofy and genuinely heartfelt. the little scenes of emmet and his eel in the rain and other such shenanigans next to emmet's anxieties and impostor syndrome culminating in that beautiful gorgeous wonderful evolution. sassy lamp and the genuine care and devotion she has for her rice cracker bland tasting trainer. oughhhhhhh
also?? your comic composition and your expressions and your colours and all of that are so good too
they're so silly and they're also so real. literally you're one of my favourite submas creators WHERE DID YOU COME FROM (i am hit with a train and dragged further into the black hole)
fantastic. no notes. love what you're doing, and i'm thrilled to see what you do with them next!
best wishes - @doodlejoltik
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ah MAN thank you so much for the kind words and reblogs! The fact you catch so many little details I litter about my comics brings joy into my shriveled little human hands.
As for context, I came from the BOTW and dnd fandom from instagram! Art under cut!
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(I drew these guys. So much. Linktober 2021 was my first foray into comics. I am glad to say I've evolved since drawing submas in 2023.)
BOTW aside, Pokemon's always been a hyperfixation for me, but only creature design wise (except for the adventure mangas. I LOVED that pokemon manga.) Submas sorta hit me like a speeding train because it gave me the frame work for a sibling and found family dynamic, and a lot of this iteration of Ingo and Emmet's personalities are from my own experiences OR from the deep abyss where I keep my braincells. Anyways glad to ramble! Thank you so much for the kind words-- and I'm excited to see where the submas train rot takes us. Onto new tunnels! All aboard! Yippee!
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eshoeteric · 2 years
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🍓 style analysis: nana komatsu / hachi (NANA) 
welcome to the first entry in my style analysis series- where i take a different fictional character for each entry and take a look at their fashion sense, as an exploration on how fashion plays a role in forming a character's personality & overall identity. in other words, it's a deep dive into the intersection of story & style. today we're starting off with nana komatsu (who we'll be affectionately referring to as hachi from here on out) from NANA, my favourite character from my favourite manga of all time.
NANA is a manga very near and dear to my heart. i could spend all day talking about why, but i'd say one of the biggest reasons is for how ai yazawa (the creator of NANA) uses fashion as a means of storytelling. in NANA, clothes are not just a typical character design element, but are instead a visual narrative tool used to convey a characters' personality, as well as to express their traits and feelings. today i've chosen hachi for the style analysis because i'm fascinated by the subtle changes to her style syncing with her character development over the course of the story. also, i think her style is just super cute. so let's get into it! (⚠ anime & manga spoilers ahead)
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if i only had one word to describe hachi's style, i'd say feminine- think frills and lace details. she's all about babydoll silhouettes, pleated skirts, knit cardigans, ballet flats, and generally embodying shoujo fashion from the early 2000s with a good balance of cute and classy. hachi's fashion sensibilities lean more towards the modest side, as her dresses and skirts are usually around midi-length, and mini skirts are often paired with extra layers like tights or leggings underneath. it's a very good girl chic look, which fittingly leans in to her innocent personality. hachi is very stylish and clearly puts a lot of thought into picking her outfits everyday, as she's not afraid to occasionally experiment with different styles every & to use fashion as a key means of expressing herself.
in terms of colour palettes, hachi's wardrobe has a bit of everything- warm hues, earth tones, soft pastels, which all work together to capture the warmth and sweetness of her character. she's definitely more attuned to light colours than dark. this suits her personality better too, as light coloured clothing is said to convey feelings of friendship, fun, compassion, and approachability. fabric-wise, hachi likes to keep it light and airy with materials like chiffon and tulle; switching to warmer fabrics like cashmere and wool for cold weather, giving her outfits a vintage feel.
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we can see that hachi pulls fashion inspiration from various aesthetics and fashion trends across different decades. she definitely incorporates her love for vintage fashion in her style, particularly with elements we've seen her wear before like mod dresses, neckerchiefs, pearl necklaces, long fleece trim coats, and brown platform boots. you can also see it in how some of the pieces she wears feels so unique, like a surprise gem you would find in a vintage boutique while thrifting. in dressier looks, hachi's girlish charm and allure is slightly reminiscient of 1960s it girls, like twiggy and sharon tate. she draws from a lot of 60s-inspired elements- the romantic parisienne style, and a bit of vintage preppy chic.
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scarves and bandanas are a vintage essential as well as one of hachi's signature accessories. they have tons of versatile styling options, plus the potential to be dressed up or down. we've seen her wearing one scarf (exhibit A) multiple times over the series. the babushka scarf version has to be my favourite, it's very hepburn-esque, who i 100% i could picture hachi having a poster of in her childhood bedroom. i also think that having characters re-wear pieces we've seen before is generally just a cool subtle styling detail, which adds to the realism of NANA's 10/10 worldbuilding. the scarf's many appearances styled in different ways also goes to show how hachi enjoys being creative with her outfits, loves the pieces she owns and wants to get as much use out of them as possible.
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hachi's style also incorporates a touch of influence from the kawaii lolita subculture, particularly modern offshoots like larme-kei. lolita is french rococco-inspired with a focus on cuteness, and has its origins in early 2000s harajuku street style- which is also where mori/kogyaru fashion originates from; hachi's go-to style during her high school years (see: her modified school uniform, miniskirts, fuzzy legwarmers). both of these movements were heavily pioneered by j-fashion magazines of the time like FRUITS, Olive, Larme & CUTiE, which were mainly popular with teenage girls and young women, and hachi is no exception. her fashion sense is also heavily inspired by famous japanese celebrities and style icons like risa nakamura.
if we had to really narrow it down, i think hachi's style can be best described by otome (lit: maiden) fashion. known as one of the predecessors of lolita fashion, this style was very popular among young girls in the 70s-80s and is heavily centered around embodying all things traditionally feminine. sweet, cute, girly, and romantic are all common descriptors of the style, which pulls influence from 60s mod fashion (which, as we've seen, has prevalent elements in hachi's style). think tons of layering, pattern mixing, longer hemlines, and mary janes/flats, all of which we frequently see in hachi's outfits. we also see that she takes elements from modern lolita fashion like frills, bows, ribbons, lace, tights & stockings, and incorporates them into her own personal style as more understated outfit details; making it more wearable on a daily basis while still being a tribute to one of her sources of style inspiration.
now that we've explored what makes hachi's personal style unique to her character, let's dig into how her style is influenced in relation to how the story progresses and how her character develops. and just for funsies, i'll also be styling a casual everyday outfit that i could picture hachi wearing for each story arc. let's go!
i. art school
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i'd describe hachi's style here as the most youthful, which makes sense considering she's freshly moved to tokyo to study at an art school. we see her sporting a face-framing pixie cut, which gives her look a bit of edge, but not too much as she still retains her signature soft girl style to balance it out. also, can i just say: super farmer's daughter vibes when paired with a bandana! jeans were having a moment too- during this era, hachi was often seen wearing a pair of bellbottom flares or baggy jeans, creating a casual and easygoing look which really leaned into the artsy college student fashion. this would also mesh well with her then-best friend junko's more bohemian/indie, woodstock-inspired hippie style. the short hair paired with her experimentation on androgynous silhouettes definitely accentuates her gamine facial features, lending to a cute boyish look.
all these style elements are in direct contrast with the hyperfeminine looks of her high school years, back when she'd opt for skirts over jeans and long, styled hair; showing how hachi underwent a pretty drastic style change whilst adapting to the new environment in tokyo. at the same time, it could also hint at hachi's approach to self-expression & using fashion as a coping mechanism to deal with major life changes. dressing more casually to blend in with the college crowd is one of many indicators on how easily influenced hachi can get, which is pretty on-brand behaviour for someone with a tendency to seek validation from others instead of oneself.
so let's get into the first look i've picked out for her: layers on layers on layers baby! for this outfit, i took a lot of inspiration from hachi's first day of class outfit. i tried to be consistent with her theme of 70s-inspired prints and silhouettes during this phase, but also wanted to incorporate a modern y2k touch since we know that younger hachi (before fully developing her unique & personal sense of style) is more of a trend chaser, and what could be more early 2000s than a blouse + dress + jeans combo? accessories-wise, i wanted to pick out unique-looking pieces that had a lot of charm, as i was really going for that 'flea market finds' vibe since she obviously wouldn't have been able to afford any designer yet on a college student budget. also please notice the gorgeous vintage floral print ballet flats- i was so excited when i found it, i thought it screamed hachi!! they look so comfortable to walk in on top of being cute, it's the perfect shoe to slip on for a long day of classes without sacrificing style.
ii. apartment 707
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during this time, we see hachi start to embrace feminine styles again. she lets her hair grow out and we see her back in skirts, dresses, and all things girly, which is why her otome fashion influences shine through most here. she wears tons of pieces in floral and polkadot print, as well as flowy babydoll tops which are very y2k-girl-next-door-reminiscient. we also see her starting to wear vivienne jewelry (the pearl choker, the dainty silver orb earrings), likely as a result of nana's influence (who she heavily admires and looks up to) & wanting to emulate her style. hachi's outfits here seem to have more colour and print, which i believe is reflective of her mental state here; happy, confident, and surrounded by support. good vibes all around, her environment at this time encourages her to take more risks in not just decision-making but also in her fashion choices.
in general, this era is where hachi seems to be getting a better hold on growing into her own personal style. she's still open to trying out different styles every now and then, but we can see there are some style elements that really stick and appear most often in her outfits. she's also seen here experimenting with all kinds of different hairstyles- french braids, pigtails, twin buns, the half-updo. to me, i think all of this signifies how hachi's style development runs parallel to her identity formation and how she grows as a person. at this point of the story, hachi believes she's finally found a place where she fits- within this ragtag but loving cast of unique characters.
so the second look was a little more of a challenge to work with- that's because hachi's style during this era doesn't subscribe to any one specific aesthetic or subculture, but more like a bit of everything, and her outfits can differ a lot between episodes. the goal here was to go for a casual daytime outfit, and i ended up super proud of the colour coordination in this one! i've styled hachi in a frilly vintage floral print chiffon slip dress that's almost reminiscent of the strawberry dress of 2020, but with unique details that give it much more character. i gave hachi a cream-toned vivienne crossbody purse, a scarf to balance out the salmon pink of the dress accents, styled as a neckerchief, some strawberry hair clips to match, and of course i had to include her much-spotted pearl orb necklace too. the highlight of this look are definitely the shoes, which are maison margiela tabi ballet flats- something i could 100% picture hachi wearing if NANA were set in the context of modern day fashion trends.
iii. motherhood
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as time passes, we also see how hachi's fashion sense has slightly evolved into a classier, more refined version. more adult, if you will. this occurs when hachi decides to move out from apartment 707 and starts getting serious with takumi. not only did her living situation change, but as did her lifestyle, and with that, her fashion sense too. her style here simplified and took on a more mature look. she started prioritizing function over form as she cut down on layering and accessorizing. she would also opt for longer, flowier silhouettes and comfortable styles, often wearing simple dresses or aprons over a basic shirt-skirt combo. i really like how the change in style here - which pulls a lot from the 50s-suburbia housewife trope (think frilly aprons, puffy dresses, flared skirts, modest hemlines) - feels like a sublte detail to show how hachi settles into her new role of motherhood, expressed via clothing choices.
as a whole, this period of her life signifies the drastic 180° change from spending carefree days of young adulthood, to taking on the role of mother/wife in a nuclear family unit. it's the most major life change she's ever had to experience at this point, and it's expected that her style evolves alongside this. she's seen wearing noticeably less patterns or colour during this time, which could hint at possibly representing her inner feelings- the bleakness of spending her days in a mostly-empty home, and the isolation of being separated from the friendships she once surrounded herself with daily. thankfully, we do eventually see her return to dressing fashionably again after the timeskip. however, it's extremely important not to gloss over this period of her life as it portrays how she must have felt having most of her agency taken away overnight, with her style being all she had left as a form of control.
so last but not least is the final outfit, which was tough styling as there was comparably less material to go off, but i based it on the few going-out looks we get to see hachi wear post-takumi. rolling with the 50s-inspired looks, i've styled her in a coral short-sleeve button down dress. for the outerwear i picked a long checkered overcoat, which nicely complements the dress in addition to being a going-out staple for classy ladies everywhere. since the outfit is mostly harsher silhouettes, i decided to keep the colour scheme light to balance it out. while i was going for 'stylish mature woman', i still wanted some youthful elements in there to maintain hachi's signature girlish look. i balanced it out by accessorizing with a headband (a prep chic essential) and dior saddle bag, both lime green for a pop of colour and contrast. and of course, i had to incorporate the iconic neckerchief too as it doesn't get any more vintage-looking than this. the final piece to tie it all together are a pair of classic miu miu ballet flats- chic and comfortable!
final thoughts
all in all, hachi's fashion sense is super girly and sweet, which i'd say directly reflects on her character's personality. hachi is an outgoing girl who wears her heart on her sleeve and has a lot of love to give. she's warm and approachable, which she expresses through her clothing choices by embodying the cheerful, down-to-earth girl next door look. her bubbly style is youthful and fresh, which personality-wise is in character with hachi's innocence and willingness to trust others. this is shown through how much hachi cares deeply about her loved ones & often (unhealthily) prioritizes their feelings over her own. however, this naïveté unfortunately leaves her a lot more vulnerable to others seeking to exploit her emotional attention.
hachi's fashion evolution over the series shows how she uses fashion as a coping tool to help adjust to life changes, capturing her emotional growth and how she matures over the course of the story. the way that hachi's sense of style develops alongside her character is so realistic. her style development tells the story of a girl who finds herself and loses herself over and over again, frequently changing jobs and wardrobes in a constant struggle to find an identity to latch onto- until she does. hachi's style story is one of self-expression & identity formation; a story that speaks to all the young, unsure girls out there who see a bit of themselves in her, trying to figure out their place in a world in a world that often decides for them.
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swissboyhisch · 7 months
Halloween Surprise
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Pairing: Matthew Knies x Marner!Reader
Summary: The team's Halloween party seemed like the perfect time to reveal to everyone who you were dating.
Word Count: 2546
Warnings: Alcohol, blood, a little bit of 18+ content towards the end.
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Halloween. Your favourite holiday by far. Growing up, your parents decorated the house with tons of decorations and your mum always went all out with family costumes. When you moved to Toronto to live with your older brother and his girlfriend, you were always in charge of organising the Halloween parties or costumes. 
And nothing changed. As soon as it was announced it was Mitch’s turn to host the team’s Halloween party, he came straight to you. It was your job to organise everything but luckily, since Mitch will be busy with the start of the hockey season, Steph is more than happy to help you. It would give her something to do. And it means the two of you can spend more time together. 
First thing was to create a list of people who would get the invites. Then organise a time and place for the party. Mitch and Steph said they’re happy to have it at their place instead of hiring out a place. Due to game schedule conflict, the party was going to take place on the Friday before Halloween.
Once the who, what, when and where was decided, Steph and you designed the invites and sent those out as soon as possible. Next was the entertainment. You had a couple Halloween Playlists from previous parties you had hosted so you just said you would bring your audio system and set it up around the house and use Spotify. Food wise, Steph said that she was thinking the two of you make the food the couple days leading up to it. She loved to cook, and you loved to bake so it was the perfect pair. Drinks were just going to be bins with cans of alcohol and soft drink in them and pitchers of cocktails. Then it was just costumes for you guys and decorating the house and backyard.
“What are we going to dress as?” Asked Mitch as he joined the planning party of you and Steph on the couch. 
You just smirk, “You two are going to be a ken and barbie variant. It fits so perfectly.”
Steph let out a squeal of excitement. It really was perfect for them. “Oh my god, yes!”
“And Auston is going to be Alan. A permanent third wheel.”
“What are you going to do?”
“It’s a surprise,” You retorted to your brother. As a fashion major, you had an endless number of options. But one in particular was the number one choice. It wasn’t hard but it was a fun one. “You’ll see at the party.”
Then it was onto planning the couple’s costumes. For Steph, you were thinking of a cute pink satin dress that stopped mid high. Low cut but not as low as you could go. A pair of cute white heels and white accessories. Her hair is in waves with pink makeup and hints of silver. A white clutch to top it off.
Mitch, luckily, will go with whatever you choose. Which is going to be matching pink pants, a white button down not fully buttoned and a pink satin scarf in the pocket. That will be made from the same fabric as the dress. His hair will be styled and maybe you can convince him to have a little makeup on.
Auston was a little harder, but he was going to be dressed in blue pants that are the same as Mitch’s and shirt striped like Alan’s sweater in the movie. A permanent third wheel who you question their involvement in a relationship.
You lived in an apartment in the city, close to where you work. Since Mitch and Steph got married, well a bit before that, you managed to find an apartment and skedaddle out of there. So, you found yourself the night before the party organising your bag full of your costume to take over to Mitch’s place early in the morning. It was late but it had to be done now and you had gone to the game against the Stars.
Your apartment's buzzer going off surprised you. No-one was expected. When you peaked at the camera footage, the familiar boy dressed in the same suit as earlier was standing there waving at the camera. You were quick to let him in and eagerly await his arrival. 
“Hey,” Matt greeted as you let him into your apartment. Pressing a kiss to your lips. “What are you doing?”
“What am I doing? What are you doing here at this time of night?”
He shrugged off his suit jacket and hung it up on your coat rack, “Was on my way back to John’s from the arena and thought I’d stop in.”
“And does John know where you are?” You question. 
“Yes, I told him,” Matt whispers, his lips brushing against yours softly. His warm breath mixes with your own. “Don’t worry your pretty little head.”
You had to shower so despite Matt already showering at the arena he took up the opportunity to join in on your naked task. The two of you took a little longer than necessary but it was all in good fun. Now you were cuddled up in your bed with Coraline on the tv.
“Seriously?” Matt chuckles when he sees the movie title card. 
You just shrugged innocently, “it’s a favourite at this time of year.”
“This time of year?” He laughs harder knowing the truth behind that statement. “You mean any time of year.”
The next morning you were up early regardless of Matt’s whining when your alarm went off. The brunette tried to keep you in bed a little longer, but you wanted to get ready and head over to Mitch’s. The boys had a morning skate so you knew Matt would have to get up anyway. No sympathy from you.
“I’ll see you tonight. You have your costume right?” You mumble. 
Matt hums, pressing a reassuring kiss on your lips. “Yes, I have everything. I get dressed then just have to style my hair and splatter some blood from that bottle over my face and hands.”
“Perfect.” You pressed a kiss to his lips one final time and headed out the door. “Lock up on your way out!”
Steph and you had done most of the cooking and baking yesterday. The big decorations were already done as well, just the main decorations and little bits and pieces were to be put in place. 
The drive to your brother’s went quicker than you expected. But it was welcomed as you and Mitch crossed paths; him heading to practice and you arriving. He gave you a quick hug before you retreated into the house where Steph was eagerly waiting.
“Let’s get this started,” She says excitedly, pressing play on her phone.
Halloween themed songs started playing through the music system you guys had set up the previous day. You two finished off the food first giving it time to rest and cool. Then onto decorations. Starting with the inside, you decorated the entryway, then lounge room and dining room before finishing with the backyard.
“I think we are finished,” Steph states happily, looking over the pair of you’s hard work.
With a glance at your phone, it was 3pm. Perfect time to slowly start to get ready. “I’m gonna go have a shower and start getting ready.”
“Good idea.”
You went straight to your old room that had an ensuite and started to lay out your outfit. A pair of black booty shorts, a black lace corset bra, a blood splattered white button down and a pair of fishnets. That was the basis of your costume. Then a mask that was the same as Matt’s, both lighting up blue.
First things first, shower and prep first before starting on your hair. Then onto make-up, pretty simple, before getting into your costume. The last touch was blood splattering over your make-up. When you finished getting ready, you went downstairs to make a cocktail for Steph and yourself.
“Oo, what’s on the menu?” Steph questions as she comes downstairs in her costume.
“You look so good!” Steph did a twirl for you. “Ah, I picked the perfect costume.”
At the mention of that, Mitch came down solidifying the choice. He was the perfect Ken. Complimenting Steph’s barbie. When he came into the kitchen, he looked you over. Looking at your costume. “What are you?”
“From the purge,” You answer. You poured two cocktails into nice glasses and slid it over to Steph. “Cheers to another successful Halloween.”
When you took your first sip, the doorbell rang. Mitch went to greet whichever teammate had arrived first. And knowing the team, it’s either Mitch’s boyfriend (Auston) or the captain and his wife.
“What’s up little Marns?” Auston greets as he presses a kiss to your cheek. “I like the costume.”
“Thanks Aus.”
The group all enjoyed the music that was playing and the alcohol while waiting for others. Soon Will and his girlfriend arrived dressed as Fred and Daphne from Scooby Doo. Penny joined the other two girls drinking cocktails while the boys sat around outside chatting.
“So, are you still talking to that guy?” Steph asks.
Penny immediately turns on you. “Guy? What guy?”
“Uh,” You stutter. Steph was the only person to know you were talking to a guy. But she didn’t know who he was. “Yeah, I’m still talking to the guy.”
“Who is he?” 
You shrug and go to answer the door as an excuse to leave the conversation. The person knocked at the door again as you walked down the hallway. 
“You will tell us sooner or later,” Steph calls from the kitchen.
The door opened to reveal Matthew, dressed exactly how you envisioned. God, he looked so good. Even with the blood splattered all over him. The brunette lifted his mask and smiled down at you. Well, more like smirked. 
“Heya babe,” he muttered, making sure to peek over your shoulder before pressing a kiss to your lips.
“Hey, you look good!”
“So do you.”
You shut the door behind him and lead him through to the kitchen. As soon as Steph took in Matthew’s costume, she knew exactly who you were talking to. Her eyes lit up as she ran to hug the boy. It was the first team event for Steph to meet the rookie player.
“Hi, welcome to the team,” Steph rushes out excitedly. She looked over the pair of you and your matching costumes. “How are you liking Toronto?”
“I have a good guide,” He replies, sending a small smile to the girl beside him.
“Where’s the captain?” Mitch asks when he sees Knies. 
You waited for your brother’s reaction but it seemed like it wasn’t clicking. Oh well, it will make sense at some point in his golden retriever brain. 
Matt shrugs, “He and Aryne were waiting on the babysitter.”
“Ah, come join the boys out back,” Mitch suggests, already making his way outside again. 
Steph lets out a chuckle, “We’ll see if it clicks for him at some point.”
Matt just shrugged again and kissed you once more and made his way to join his teammates outside on the patio. When the backdoor shut, Steph and Penny both turned and gave you a look.
“The rookie? Really?”
“He’s cute,” You argue.
The pair both agree with a laugh and start to ask you a billion questions. When did you meet him? Where? What was your first date? At the arena before a preseason game. Then he took you out for a late-night meal at a diner.
Soon the house was full of team members and staff dressed in every type of costume you could imagine. Funny, scary, awesome, iconic. You name it, someone is dressed in it. Everyone was mingling and snacking on all the things you and Steph had made during the week. 
“Hey,” Matt greets as he comes up to you talking to Aryne. 
Aryne smiled at the two of you dressed up together. “I love the costumes.”
“That was all her,” The brunette grinned. He pressed a kiss to your temple but soon was interrupted by a yell.
“What?!” You turn to where Mitch was standing with William and Auston. “No way.”
Steph was quick to drag Mitch inside, with the other two of the trio following suit. Luckily not many people had seen the scene created. Knowing your brother, if you and Matt delayed the conversation any longer, he’d come and drag you too in as well. 
“Let’s get this over with,” You mutter, slipping your hand into Matt’s.
As soon as you stepped foot into the living room, Mitch only paid attention to the joint hands. “Oh no, no, no.” He speeds up to you two and separates you both. “Not for the life of me are you dating a hockey player.”
“Come on Mitch.”
He shook his head. “No. I told mum and dad I’d protect you when you moved out here with me.”
“Mitch, I’m not 18 anymore. I’m a big girl. I can date who I want without your permission.”
Knowing he wasn’t going to convince you, he turned on Matthew. He got up in the rookie’s face. “And you! I told you that my sister was off limits!”
Matt couldn’t get in a word before you stepped in and pushed your brother a step back. But he was quick to pull you into his side. 
“Mitch,” Steph murmured.
“I’m serious about her,” Matt spoke up. “She’s perfect. Smart, beautiful, talented. She’s not your sister, she’s just her own, amazing person.”
You teared up. That last point he said was an insecurity you had shared with him. People only want to be with you because of your brother. “Matty.”
“She’s my person,” Matt stated. Making sure to look your brother in the eyes to convey how serious he was. 
“Let them be Mitch,” Auston chuckles, “They like each other. If he hurts her we can beat him later.”
“Fine,” your brother huffed. 
You skipped up to him and hugged him. “Thanks Mitchy. Love you!”
Without another word, you intertwined your fingers with Matt’s and dragged him to your old room.
“Door stays open!” Mitch screams when he realises where you were going. 
You didn’t listen to your brother’s order though. Matt made sure to slam the door loud enough for your brother to hear it over the music. When the door was closed, Matt immediately pulled off your mask from the top of your head before kissing you hard. 
“God you look so good,” He groaned “And your ass in those shorts.”
After making sure the door was locked, you pushed Matt onto the bed. First piece of clothing to come off was the button down. Revealing the lacy corset for all to see. For Matt to see. 
“Damn baby.”
You giggle and dance along to the faint sound of ‘I Put A Spell On You’. Matt grabs your hips guiding you close and flipped the script, making you on the bed and leaned over you. His hand gripped onto your hip as he rubbed his hard dick against your pussy. You let out a quiet moan which only spurred the man on more.
“Yeah, I’m gonna make you scream,” He smirks.
Matthewkniews posted on Instagram!
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Liked by mapleleafs, johntaveres and others
matthewknies: What a killer halloween 🔪 tagged: y/nmarner
user: Holyyyyy. This was not on my 2023 bingo card
mitchmarner: Still not over this
y/nmarner: did I ask for your opinion?
stephmarner: be nice you two
user: new kink unlocked Liked by y/nmarner
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings
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thecruellestmonth · 27 days
Juni Ba is holding a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" session on May 7 at 4 PM CEST (10 AM EST).
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Some of his answers in his previous interviews about The Boy Wonder, a reimagining of Damian's story—
This is a standalone graphic novel (Black Label), meant to be accessible to readers with no prior comic knowledge. It is meant for ages 13+.
Damian is Ba's favorite Robin, and he finds him very relatable.
On Damian comic influences, Ba says Son of Batman and Super Sons were two of his favorite books. *CORRECTION: In the AMA, Ba makes it clear that he's referring to Robin: Son of Batman, not the Damian: Son of Batman series or the Son of Batman movie. Which makes a lot of sense for someone writing a fairy tale about Damian, but I was confused.
Other than Damian, Talia and Jason are the characters that Ba has been most excited to work with.
Ba did the art for the "Happy Birthday Damian" story in Truth & Justice; while the art was a test run for some design ideas he's using in The Boy Wonder, the actual story isn't necessarily indicative of his own writing style or his version of the characters.
Ba is a big fan of Darwyn Cooke. Justice League: The New Frontier thematically inspired him here, possibly more than particular Batman comics.
Ba is aware of the racism discussion regarding the al Ghuls, and he intends to humanize them.
Ba started writing in 2020 or 2021, and the story is being released now after a period of waiting.
"This is very much I guess a Juni Ba book that happens to feature Batman characters."
To start us off, what can you tell us about the story of your new series, The Boy Wonder?
I usually introduce it to people by saying it's the story of a child with a lot of hang ups and preconceived ideas, both about himself and his family members. Over the course of this coming of age fairy tale he starts to learn about them, and himself, and grow into a better person. And it really leans into the fairy tale aspect to push the allegory and the magic in this story!
Why does Damian appeal to you so much as both an artist and a writer?
I find him both tragic and adorable. He and I share some things and I think that's why my brain started coming up with a story about him all by itself. Writing wise there's a fertile ground to tell a really heartfelt story. And art wise, he's such a fun character to draw. It's like a cute little gremlin who's always frowning and judging everyone, which can often backfire on him in funny ways.
How much does Damian's past with Talia and Ra's al Ghul influence Damian and this story?
A lot! They raised him after all, so that upbringing influences a lot of what he does. But that includes Batman too, even if his influence is more recent. There's a looming presence of all the parental figures and the pressure of what they'd have wanted you to do, how they would have judged you.
Since we were talking about Damian’s mother, there have been questions surrounding characterization and stuff, especially for characters like the Al’Ghuls, whose stories unfortunately do have a lot of racist elements in their origins. Are you doing anything to combat or alleviate those concerns in your book?
Stories often dehumanize them, so I try to do the opposite. I think I have a very character-driven style of storytelling, and a lot of the time I try to give the point of view of as many people as I can in the story.
There are five issues. Three of them have the Robins, and then eventually we get to my 2nd favourite team up, which is with Talia and it’s done from her perspective. The main goal was to try to give her more of a voice, because you start this story with a kid who tells you “My parents are messed up,” he was essentially raised to kill people, but we see how she was raised too, and the faults that she can see in her father’s philosophy.
Ra’s gets a bit of that as well later on, but the main goal was, I want to make it so that when you start the story with Damian, he has a lot of preconceived ideas about both sides of his family, which make his relationships to everyone very difficult. Every adventure he has, he gets to understand things in a different light by the end of every story, and one of them was, “What is his relationship to his mom like?” And you get to see it from the mom’s point of view and understand that she loves her son, but there are a lot of complications that come from being raised by someone like Ra’s.
Beyond that, this is an older Talia, more mature and less sexualized than the usual I’d say. As for Ra’s, I can’t say much, but a lot of what you see of him at first is rooted in Damian’s childlike, heightened, and scared perception. Just like the rest, it gets explored later.
It sounds like the book will see Damian coming to terms with his place in the Robin lineage. How does he feel about his brothers?
This Damian would probably say they're usurpers, ingrates, failures and profiteers! It's pretty hard being raised as the center of all the attention, as well as a successor who's never quite enough for his grandfather, and then when thrown into the Bat family, he becomes what feels like the fifth wheel. The last and least appreciated son. So his whole arc will be about processing that.
Is there a character other than Damian that you’re particularly excited to be writing and/or drawing?
Jason and Talia, by a lot. I think because the core of it is this is a world of people who seem very perfect. Damian works as this kid who feels like he’s not good enough for that. But aside from him, there’s Jason, who’s really a well-intentioned, good hearted person who really bad stuff happened to, and he’s struggling to get out of the traumatic impact of that. And I think the story works really well in showing that.
Talia is kind of the same. It’s someone who has a very idealistic view of the world and wants to essentially, be allowed to shape the world into what she thinks it could be, but she has to be under the boot of someone else who is not very reputable, and it has impacted a lot of her life in ways that she did not intend, including her relationship to her son and that’s also probably why those two characters also get like an issue told from their perspective. I really wanted to show you the inside of their mind and dispel a lot of the prejudice that Damian has about the way they are.
I really love the way you visualize Damian and the other Robins expressing themselves with their eyes. What design elements of the character were you most excited to highlight to help show readers what Damian was feeling in a given moment?
I do love using the eyes to express! It’s a very efficient and visually compelling way to do it, but more so than that I use character design. Their shapes, their colors, they all are designed to convey something relative to the story at hand. For example Jason takes cues from Taxi Driver and the general feeling of alienation and being a drifter. It’s all to give a shorthand into how he feels, to then unpack that and give it context. Everything is story basically. Damian looks like a cute angry potato! And that’s all because despite how abrasive he can be, he has to remain endearing and you must see that it’s still a kid learning.
Well, since this is your own thing, I assume that must mean that you’re giving your own spin on these characters. Is there anything without spoilers that you can tease that is going to be different? Like if you’re a long time reader going into this you’re going to be surprised by it.
I’m someone who really likes a more fairy tale and magical side to storytelling. Something that I added a bunch of, I mean, they talk about demons in the solicits of the first issue. It’s both an allegorical thing and a very, real thing that the magical aspects of certain parts of that world have been pushed more.
The other big thing for me was Damian is the heart of the story, so everything is seen from his point of view. So Batman looks a lot more like a dad. Talia looks a lot more like a mom, and with every one of the Robins, I try to take a core concept of every one of them and push it to the forefront to contrast it to Damian. So like, I would say that the more fun part of it would be observing how Damian interacts with what’s essentially kind of a mirror put to himself every time. But overall the idea is a sort of cartoon-making logic, of taking the general elements in various iterations of a character, synthesizing them for the story, into something recognizable but digestible.
The Boy Wonder has this beautiful visual style - fairy tale, as you just said - despite some strong moments of violence. Why did you choose to tell the story this way?
Fairy tales are great for allegory, larger than life concepts and leaning into the magical. There's also a story reason I can't spoil but it makes for a great framing device.
[...] There are narrative reasons in the book that I can’t spoil, but overall I’d say it’s because it’s my favorite format, as well as a great way to really lean into the larger than life aspect, the allegorical, the magical. Fables often contain a nugget of a message or meaning, and this is a coming of age story, so it fits rather well.
The Boy Wonder is as much about Damian as it is his brothers. Has that story not been told enough — how similar and different Bruce’s kids really are — and did you draw on your relationship with siblings at all?
Pretty much no one I talk to in the larger world ever even knows that there are multiple Robins, let alone read their stories. So I’m glad to be making a book that’s easy to access for new readers, with no prior knowledge needed, that appeals on its own and can tell them a cool story about family and overcoming pressure. A story that works both for the ones who know these characters and want a self contained tale, and the ones who know nothing and just want a fun comic to read. The comic is Black Label, which usually skews older, but this is a tale I wanted accessible from mid teens to as old as you want.
And I did pull from experience! I have two siblings, my best friends all do as well, and the inner workings of how you view yourself and your family members depending on where you fit is interesting to me. It’s very much a tale of reckoning with your assumptions about your family, as well as the impact your parents had on you and your siblings.
What about Damian Wayne is so interesting to you? Do you think he gets a bad rap even now in the grander DC Universe?
Damian is simultaneously the most insufferable and most touching little boy to me. There’s a mix of adorable and deadly that I find amusing to watch, and satisfying to write. Plus I sympathize with him on a few backstory elements which are the cornerstone of the whole story.
As for his reputation, I think I’m glad there’s a reminder that being coarse and ill mannered can hide a good heart.
What are some of the benefits of putting this out as a DC Black Label book?
Mostly freedom! I got to tell the story I wanted. I didn't have to worry about continuity, and thus made what I like making: a self-contained adventure that anyone can appreciate as a comic, with or without any prior exposure to that world. Plus we got to have fun with the design of the issues!
Do you have a favorite Damian-starring story that you drew on for this book? Or maybe another Bat Family story instead/as well?
I think my two favorites were Son of Batman and Super Sons. I just vibed a lot with the fun adventurous tone. But most of my inspiration comes from outside superhero comics, or even outside comics as a whole. I didn’t even reread those two books I mentioned aside from when I needed to check phrasing. In that case I read those, and the early Damian stories just to absorb how he spoke.
But outside superhero stuff, were there any influences that were working on you as you were writing this story?
So a lot of comics from the 60s and 70s, from France and Belgium.I have a thing for like 80s and 90s movies, including movies that I was not supposed to watch when I was a kid, so stuff that’s drama-oriented. The point of this book is, it’s basically a character study, mostly of Damian, but also Damian through his interactions with other people in his life. So, mostly the other Robins, but also his parents and more so his mother.
The events that happen are really just a setting for you to observe how the characters interact, and there’s a bunch of movies in the 80s that were really good at doing that and showing you a very flawed person and the way that they react to the world around them. So yeah, that’s more of a tone thing. The aesthetic aspect was really taken from 60s and 70s French and Belgian comics as well as very old sci-fi, fairy tales, and black and white photography.
What’s the process look like for you when you write and draw a comic?
Whoa. Let’s see. So the origin of every book is a little different, but usually I spend a year or two, maybe more just thinking about the story and putting ideas down and then once I have an idea of how every story step works into each other, I start storyboarding so there’s no script.
[...] I don’t write scripts because I prefer to have the storyboard of the thing already made, because that’s where I know if something is working or not. Then once the storyboard has been greenlit and all the corrections are done, the next step is drawing the final pages. I do the sketching on my tablet, and then I print that in blue lines and ink over that. It’s a recent thing, I started doing it the last few months. The Boy Wonder was made that way. [...]
[...] I mean, technically, I started writing it in 2020 or 2021. Yeah. I’ve been sitting on it for a while, and then I made a tweet about it and it got the attention of Chris Conroy, who basically runs Black Label. He just asked, like, “OK, sure. Show it to me. I want to see what that’s like.” Several months later, the book was greenlit by DC.
You talked about how Batman: The Animated Series is an inspiration for this. And also because it’s Damian, I assume that the Grant Morrison Batman stuff is also an inspiration in some ways. But what other Batman material were you inspired by, if any, when writing this book?
Well, I wasn’t so much using Batman as I was using other things. Like there’s a bunch of influences from a bunch of different places, but the superhero stuff was mostly influenced by Darwyn Cooke. So it wasn’t so much Batman as much as it was Cooke. Like the thought process I guess was, “What do I like about these characters? Like the concept of the superhero?” Because the idea came from me watching a documentary about The Dark Knight Returns and Frank Miller. They mentioned how he was given free reign to make the Batman book he wanted. I just had the thought of, “Yeah, that would be fun, having a superhero story where you can just do whatever you want. Like, it’s your personal take.”
I guess from then, my brain started imagining a story with Damian because he’s my favourite Robin and I have a lot in common with him in terms of his backstory. I think it was this sense of sympathy towards the kid and the story grew from wanting to talk about the feeling of “You’re not good enough to be a part of the group you’re in or the family you’re in.” So being a superhero was more of an allegory of, “I don’t feel good enough to be a part of those great people who seem so perfect.”
Then the Darwyn Cooke stuff came. He was probably the biggest superheroic influence, because he’s kind of the epitome of superhero storytelling to me. He makes all his stories very easy to understand, very accessible to someone who maybe has never opened or barely knows what that character is about. His storytelling is also strong on its own artistic terms and most of all, he has this great sense of making superheroes this idea of the ideal version of ourselves, like those people who, even if they have bad thoughts or flaws that they have to overcome, they always do the right thing and they represent the best in all of us, and there’s a sort of sense of joyful fun in the superhero stories that he does. He also can talk about very serious subjects through that at the same time. My favourite superhero comic is The New Frontier, and I kept reading it over and over again when I was rewriting the book just to look at how he was managing that balance of joyful, superheroic, and inspirational fun, and the more serious themes. So yeah, the biggest influence would probably be him.
When I was doing research for this, I noticed that this isn’t your first time with a Damian comic. It was the “Happy Birthday Damian” story for Truth and Justice. Even over there, there’s a lot of similarities in terms of the character design, and even to some degree, Damian’s own struggle with his family and all that. So did that story help inform or define where you wanted to go with the characters for this book?
Well, no actually because basically when they asked me to do that story, the way it happened was that I was originally approached for something else, and I said, “I don’t really want to do that, but I’ve been writing this Damian story just for myself. Would you like to take a look?” Truth and Justice was kind of a test like, “We already have this story written by Andrew Aydin, and the idea was, do you want to draw it? It’s kind of a test run.” So I just used the designs I had already made for my own book. The fact that the themes are very similar is kind of a coincidence and it was kind of funny actually. It was a good way to sort of try my hand at drawing these for the first time, get a sense of what works and what doesn’t. I would say my story is a lot more complex, and delves a lot more into the psychology of most of the characters.
This book is an anthology like you said, where it’s about Damian with all these characters. But in terms of the structure of the story, is there like a connection beyond that, like Monkey Meat is all about the corporation. So is there a connection like that in this story?
Yes. It’s a narrative cut into different, contained stories, basically. Because the idea is that Damian is on a quest to try and prove his worth by defeating an enemy, and it’s really more of a set up to allow for him to meet all the different characters that he does. But the goal is that every story progresses that main plot that he’s on and getting closer to the final showdown against the big enemy.
The whole point is this kid needs to grow up and understand the familial context that he was born into on both sides, like a lot of it is him learning how complicated his parents are, and the effect that they’ve had on the people around them and learning to move beyond the trauma and the more negative impact of being the son of a guy who dresses like a bat, or the descendant of a selfish egomaniac. The big plot of the thing is a young boy wants to prove his worth and every story is a step on that journey towards the final end.
For Damian, you said he’s your favourite Robin. You relate to him a lot, but was there anything beyond that that made you want to sit back and think, “Okay, this is the character that I want to give my own spin on?”
I love the concept of Robin. When I was a kid, that was probably the thing that I liked the most about the Batman world. The reason why Damian worked so well is that it was such a perfect way to also tackle the previous ones, so every one of them represents some aspect of what being a Robin is like, and you can use that as an allegory for being part of a group or family with a code and stuff. You can talk about being part of a group with specific ideas of how you should behave, what kind of things you should uphold as good.
Damian’s the runt of the family. He’s the kid who just showed up. He doesn’t really know these people. He has a lot of preconceived ideas and it was a good way for me to be able to also talk about the previous Robins through him. It’s not a meta commentary, it’s more like, “Why do you like these concepts? What speaks to you as a person when you watch those beacons of goodness do things?” Damian is kind of like the audience surrogate in discovering that aspect of things at the same time.
What’s Damian’s favourite sandwich?
Well, I’m going to try and focus on my version of Damian from The Boy Wonder specifically. That Damian, his favourite sandwich would probably be something made by the mystical creatures that serve his grandfather, who take care of the whole land that they live in. So it’ll probably be a sandwich made with vegetables and meat from supernatural sources, something that he would not be able to get in Gotham because no one even knows that this stuff exists.
I like the idea of how even his favourite food is inaccessible in the new place that he’s in, furthering the whole alienation that he’s experiencing.
If Damian had a favorite song, what would it be and why?
I’m now going to show my age and mention how my teen sister listens to these moody chill songs that sound like the softer version of the emo rock I listened to as a teen, so I’d say that style! (Don’t ask me to name them, I don’t know!)
A song from my angst phase? “Numb” by Linkin Park.
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vyl3tpwny · 11 months
why it ourple
i'm going to tell you the story of how purple became my favourite colour. and then, where the name vylet pony came from.
ch.1 the mace windu incident
once upon a time. I really liked star wars. i kind of still like star wars i guess. but when i was a kid, i REALLY liked star wars.
in my room, i had a mace windu poster.
i still can't find the exact poster. it looked something like this
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mace windu was my fav star wars character for an inconceivably long time. with that, i also became fascinated with his purple lightsaber. nobody else had a purple lightsaber. i loved it. staring at that poster constantly made me really like the colour purple. ever since the poster started exerting its technicolour pressures and whimsies upon me, i became fixated on the colour purple. forever.
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"hai!~ im mace windu and i loveee Videos!" - mace windu, star wars episode iii: revenge of the sith
ch. 2 the viny scratch era
fast forward like 7 years. i am in the my little pony fandom now. i am 13 years old. i really like vinyl scratch. she is pictured here:
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my first online presence in the mlp community was as a vinyl scratch / dj pon3 roleplay account. for a good year, people called me vinyl and "vy".
however when it came time to start releasing music in the fandom, i couldn't go by vinyl scratch at the time. this name was already being used by the artist who currently goes by Scraton!
this is still one of my favourite songs by them:
anyway. i actually held a really insane, irrational grudge against scraton for being named "vinyl scratch" as a music artist before me. i got past that after a while, because i had to stop being 13 first. i stopped being 13 and eventually fell in love with their music and we became friends later after!
but it's 2013 and i can't be vinyl scratch anymore. people already called me "vy" because of being a vinyl scratch persona.
ch. 3 it's vylet time-wait is that can opener? CANNI?
it started on december 28, 2012. i posted to my then-instagram account this image:
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you may recognize this as my oc canni. here's their reworked look in the 2022 album (10 years later) can opener's notebook: fish whisperer (illustrated by @astroeden):
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can opener's original name was "ultra vylet". their colour scheme was originally intended to be the inverse of vinyl scratch's, as a sort of strange protest to not being able to be vinyl scratch. i was like ok. well if i cant be vinyl scratch, i am going to make a character that swaps the main colours. within a few months of "ultra vylet" existing, i discarded the design in favour of a completely different one:
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this would be the only time vylet consistently had purple in her design until 2018 or so.. lol.
then. on april 15, 2013, i posted this to my instagram:
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i had essentially combined three things:
The fact the people called me "vy'
The fact that my favourite colour is purple (violet)
The fact that I wanted to be vinyl scratch (dj pon3) before
ch. 4 vylet pony ≠ vinyl scratch
that is to say, i never really put a lot of thought into "vylet pony" as a name. i just made it when i was 14 and now i am going to be 25 soon. will i keep vylet pony as a name forever? not sure. do i take great pride in its insanely snarky origin? absolutely.
after i had decided firmly on "vylet pony" as a name — after dropping the "3" from it — i made a new instagram account. the very first thing i posted to it was this:
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illustrated by my friend, shade.
now that looks slightly vylet-like, design-wise, oc-wise. oh. but now she is grey and black? ok.
she stopped being purple from 2013-2018.
here is how her design progressed through the years:
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the first one is by my then-partner sara. this is when vylet's cutiemark was still an upside down music note, reflected from "ultra vylet" / can opener's original design. i'll show how it became a puzzle piece next.
the second one is by shade
the third one is by chibadeer
the fourth one is by astroeden
ch. 5 the puzzle piece
to this day, i still cannot find the fanart in question. but over instagram, someone asked to draw fanart of my pony. in doing so, they misconstrued the shape of the upside down music note as a puzzle piece, like this:
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i've been looking forever for the original fanart/fanartist that made this mistake. because ever since that art, i just stuck with it anyway. i like puzzles and puzzle games. i'm also a puzzling and enigmatic person. and the puzzle piece can go into so many different things. all sorts of problem solving is like a puzzle. music fits neatly into that category in my opinion. so because of its intrigue and ability to mean so many different things, i just went with it. i never looked back.
ch. 6 that is the history of the colour purple and vylet pony character design
i hope this answers the question "why it ourple"!
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snippity · 10 months
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Here's my character lineup of the Bag a Legend NPCs! It's not my favourite writing-wise but it's the one closest to my heart.
Design notes + pics split into layers under the cut:
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she's described as short and stocky ingame so i did give her a body type to reflect that more accurately compared to her ingame art. also let me have this one i like butch women
made her a bit older as well. there's text saying she has experience with infernal ammunition (like that used in the war against hell), making her at the very least in her 40s
fun fact she's 4'10" here. i did use a height chart as reference
sinning jenny: not too much to say about her since she has a canon design as well and i didn't really deviate here. in my mind she's tall to contrast april being short though
mother superior:
she has a gold and beryl mask at the end of the ambition which i thought was cool so it's there
holding an ankh because she's originally from the second city - you can see the influence too by how jenny's rosary resembles one. the mask itself was also ever so slightly inspired by egyptian death masks
that's meant to be a pistol in a holster but you can barely see it
scarred naturalist:
wanted to show off his real identity as a snuffer, so i had some of the snuffer tentacles/flesh peek through the skin
gave him a green waistcoat partly to show his connection to the vake
remember the bit where he ripped a guys upper lip off just to wear his mustache. i didn't until a friend reminded me
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the vake: looked at fallout deathclaws and venus flytraps for inspiration! i'll be honest i personally think making the masters just straightforward anthro bats is a little boring so i took some more liberties with it. that's a liver it's holding. whose? who knows.
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evermore-fashion · 1 year
Met Gala 2023: My Top 10 Women’s Looks
Here we go, this is my 10 women’s looks from the Met Gala 2023. Just to remind everyone that my opinions are mine alone, so feel free to agree or disagree with me as much as you like. However I will not tolerate any hate personally aimed at me if you disagree with me to the point where you want to start an argument. So let’s keep it respectful, clean (language wise) and more importantly let’s have some fun with this. Like I said, if you’re looking for an argument, then you’re following the wrong fashion blog. 
1. Kim Kardashian wearing Schiaparelli. This was the first look I saw this morning when I switched my phone on and I was blown away by it. I honestly didn’t know what to expect from Kim after her look from last year that got a lot of people talking. So I was pleasantly surprised to see her in an original design that shows off her body in all the right places and I love the draped pearls across her breasts (which are actually covered by a nude bra). Overall it was another Met Gala and another show stopping moment from Kim Kardashian.
2. Doja Cat wearing Oscar De La Renta In comparison to Jared Leto, Doja Cat understood the theme and took it to a whole other level that was both unexpected but not at the same time. I loved the use of prosthetics that complimented her simple yet stunning crystallised gown. Plus who doesn’t love a gown with a hood that has cat ears coming out the top that makes you look like a fashionista rather than someone attending a Halloween party?
3. Gigi Hadid wearing Givenchy I’m a sucker for a black gown that comes not just with a corset but a lot of tulle draped perfectly in all the right places as well. Gigi just looked stunning in this and considering a lot of attendee’s were also wearing either black or white, her Givenchy gown stood out when I was scrolling endlessly through all the looks earlier today. Simple, yet perfect sums up her look that I couldn't not add to my top 10 favourites. 4. Cardi B wearing Chenpeng Studio  I just loved the edgy yet alternative bridal look that also incorporated a masculine energy through the shirt and tie design blended with a corset that still made the overall gown look and feel feminine as well as beautiful. I’m not a fan of Cardi B as a rapper but like Kim Kardashian her Met Gala looks have never disappointed and I think this look was one of her best yet. 
5. Devon Aoki wearing Jeremy Scott Even though it’s yet another black & white gown, I just love the cartoon styled wings on the bust line of the corset. To me it made this gown stand out in the sea on monochrome that plagued the Met Gala 2023. Without that unique design, this gown would’ve gone unnoticed and it would’ve easily become another gown that was worn to the wrong event.
6. Florence Pugh in Valentino Florence has been killing it with her red carpet looks in the last 18 months or so, so it was no surprise that she would turn heads at the Met Gala. Whilst I'm not a fan of Valentino since Pierpaolo Piccioli took over as creative designer when Maria Grazi Chiuri left for Dior back in 2016, I can’t help but love this look. A simple white gown paired with a huge feather crown just looked stunning on Florence and it’s another reason why we love seeing show stopping numbers like this one.
7. Glenn Close wearing Erdem Moralıoğlu Similar to Florence Pugh’s look, Glenn Close just looked phenomenal in her Erdem Moralıoğlu design. Once again it was simple yet stunning and I loved the colour on her. It suited her to a tee and what better way to pair a simple gown that with a huge pale blue cape and the sparkliest jewellery of the night. It just goes to show that anyone of any age and can look amazing when dressed perfectly for the Met Gala.
8. Liu Wen wearing Tory Burch I just love how simple the gown is yet at the bottom it’s filled with white flowers that make the Tory Burch gown stand out amongst hundreds of Met Gala looks. The whole look screams red carpet but it’s also the ideal gown for a bride who doesn’t want to wear white to her wedding. Liu Wen just looked stunning in it and it’s why her look has made it into my top 10. 
9. Salma Hayek wearing Gucci I just love that it wasn’t black or white and the sharpness of the red looked phenomenal on Salma both in the PVC corset and the long tiered skirt. Plus the subtle draping of the pearls as straps just topped the look off altogether. Once again I loved everything about it and I can’t fault it at all. It was perfect.  10. Tems wearing Robert Wun This gown was a standout for all the right reasons. Tems looked absolutely gorgeous from head to toe and I love how all the feathers are perfectly placed on both the gown, the gloves and the headpiece from stepping over that line from haute couture into a costume. The shape of the gown also compliments her body to her a tee and I couldn’t think of anything better that Tem’s could’ve worn to the Met Gala.  So this concludes my top 10 looks from the Met Gala 2023. I have to say picking this list was hard because there were so many another amazing designs worn last night, however these 10 stand out to me the most. Feel free to leave your opinion in the comments about which was your standout garment from last night, perhaps it’s on my list and perhaps it’s not. 
I look forward to hearing what you all have to say about this year’s fashion.
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