#his character design is literally the coolest
alexxuun · 1 year
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He may act tough but his ass is goofy. I just know it.
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mikcschmidt · 6 months
I actually have . Much to say abt the monty erasure but I fear I maybe just autistic and overreacting n he will appear in a dlc or something I just love monty so much n him being cut out of that gingerbread cookie ruin art was my last straw ((slash jay
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claitea · 2 years
finally finished watching a playthrough of xenoblade 2. cried 👍
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campbell-rose · 6 months
Alastor Redesign
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Omg there’s like over 70 people following me – guys I'm o///O flattered and flabbergasted. 
Anyway, onto today’s main event, Alastor. I hate Alastor’s og design, I hate his twig waist and his shoulder pads and the way you can’t see his antlers next to his ears, and his bow tie ugh viv please and his HAIR what even is that??? Not even mentioning that nothing about his design is really like a focal point. There’s no one thing that’s particularly interesting. At least before this he had that cathedral window looking cross on his undershirt that I found interesting. Nothing about his says he’s from the 1930’s other than dialogue. 
I wanted him to be in greyscale because that’s the coolest aesthetic, and colored photos weren’t a thing until way after the 30s. Recently I saw jjk, and Jogo’s teeth threw me because at some points I thought he was just straight up toothless. But then when I started this design, that colored tooth look spoke to me. Initially his teeth were yellow to look gross like he never brushes them, but then I was like ‘ayo wait, he’s literally a cannibal’, thus his vibrant red teeth to really pop against his greyscale. Initially his undershirt was white, but I feel like that was too much contrast and white is typically innocence, so by instead having a deep red it shows he’s just straight up bloodthirsty underneath his formal appearance. I also considered it being black, but then he looked like a pastor, and I wasn’t too much of a fan of it. The idea of the red on his design is that it leads your eye down his design to take it all in, with his face being the focus. I gave him glasses because I like the way it obscures his eyes a bit and I imagine they do the anime thing where they glow and hide his eyes. I liked Viv’s idea of sinners having marks where they died, and I slicked his hair back to show it off very prominently. His antlers are larger, I gave him cute lil deer ears. Also, under his suit he is lowkey buff. I feel like a serial killer should at least look physically capable of taking someone down not whatever the fuck viv’s nasty twig men can do. Like, in that comic with the cute sheep girl, when Alastor goes demon mode his body looks so snappable I just wanna like grab his waist in my hands and break it like a twig. I also tried to keep his design simple as if this were for animation, I know pinstripes are complicated and so are antlers but other than that I tried to keep his design basic. 
If I were to rewrite him based solely on the pilot, I honestly wouldn’t change a thing. Alastor is a decent character, his voice actor gives him life, the radio filter is cool, and nothing he did made me want to break my screen (ANGELDUST). The only thing I'd change would be his position in hell. Like, viv’s hell is so wack and I hate it, she’s got the princes, then the goetia and the overlords and then sinners and blah blah, it’s a lot to keep track of, not even mentioning the rings and circles thing. I think Alastor should have had dealings with hell as a human, maybe he routinely did sacrifices or something, and he made a deal with the archdemon Alastor and when he died like... uuhhhhhhh. Maybe through connections he’s gained more power? Idk, I just know I hate the idea of his dying and then having like the bestest most powerful demon powers despite not being hellborn. It’s got this mary sue stench. I’ll figure it out, maybe, who knows. 
I’m not gonna start rewriting since there’s nothing to go off of and alter yet, so that’s gonna have to wait until the show actually drops before anything concrete happens lol. 
Also the sheep girl is a sinner that reoccurs in the show now so sorry I don’t make the rules, you can’t give me a cute sheep girl and try to take her away, I’m gonna redesign her and shove her into the plot as someone looking for redemption at the hotel
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shuttershocky · 3 months
Consider, Barret.
I'm always considering Barret!
He's my favorite FF7 character and his design in Remake is outstanding.
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Parts of Barret didn't age too well (his original character concept is "big and scary man" and he's the only major black character so uhhhhh) but I love that he's an unapologetic revolutionary and a genuinely charismatic leader that cares for the people under him as much as for his cause, whether or not they're even his responsibility.
One of the more endearing parts of the Remake is all the ways that Barret still cares for Cloud despite Cloud only being a hired merc instead of being a true believer in Avalanche; he gets worried when Cloud doesn't make it back immediately after they bomb Mako Reactor 1, and when they bomb Mako Reactor 5 and Barret thinks Cloud is about to fall to his death, Barret immediately says "Listen merc, I was wrong about you!" because he won't let anyone under his command die without him doing everything he could, even if all he can do is tell them they made him proud. He even offers to to stay behind and help Cloud battle Rufus Shinra, expecting Rufus to cheat (he does) and not wanting Cloud to sacrifice himself just to buy the party time to escape when that should be his responsibility as Avalanche leader.
He's even a loving father that spoils his daughter Marlene, but instead of making that detail something that contrasts his hardass personality, it's because he has a child that he's a hardcore eco-terrorist—his child's future is on the line.
I love that he's obviously the most well-read party member, quoting books about planetology and social justice in between all of his other lines being a Mr. T caricature. When the likes of Tifa grow uncomfortable with Avalanche's mission because of the ordinary people whose lives they disrupt too, he's always there to steady her and remind them all that their fight is literally for the planet's life; most Shinra employees are ordinary people just trying to do their best for their families, but Shinra itself is slowly destroying the planet and will kill them all, this fight must be done for everyone's sakes. A good man that serves an evil master must recognize his complicity before he can redeem himself.
One of the coolest things the Yuffie DLC does is expand more on Avalanche as a resistance group with different factions, with the main faction receiving support from Wutai. Barret's group is called "the splinter cell" because the other Avalanche factions don't want to associate with them since they think bombing the Mako reactors goes too far. The rest of Avalanche don't want to destroy Shinra entirely and ruin the lives of many people in the process, they want to force it into reforms.
Sonon and Yuffie end up chatting about this and Sonon says "The problem is, Avalanche is made of good people. They're soft. They want things like better work conditions, fair elections, equality for the undercity members. They can't do what needs to be done, and will eventually be against us. If you ask me, those guys in the splinter cell are who we should be supporting." Sonon is speaking as a Wutai agent out to destabilize Midgar in vengeance for Midgar burning Wutai to the ground back in the war, but it also really highlights how Barret is the only real force for change inside Avalanche, if all the other Avalanche factions are getting support from other countries and doing nothing while Barret is waging a full on war and earning victories against Shinra with only a gun, a girl that can punch good, and a twink with a big sword.
Also gameplay-wise Barret carries this fucking team on his back. Steelskin and his huge healthpool make Barret a tank (very important when many enemies can decide to give you the finger and wipe the entire team), and Lifesaver allows Barret to take damage meant for his teammates, which is critical for surviving many tough fights, but also makes gimmick/joke builds like Nailbat Cloud viable where you want to keep him on 25% health to have that crit chance and damage boost, but can't let him get slapped once or he dies.
That's on top of Barret's skills being your best ranged options in Remake that isn't spending MP (Aerith can do way more damage with spells but also dies to a sneeze without spending materia slots on HP Up), which is also highly important as half the enemies are flying around and Cloud can barely air attack until Rebirth reworked him. There's also bossfight gimmicks like The Arsenal's guns being interrupted by Focus Shot (you normally need Thundaga to stop it and Hard mode doesn't let you use items, making MP conservation really important) Maximum Fury being amazing at building stagger on bosses from the sheer hitcount and being very satisfying to use, and Barret's incredible Deadly Dodge allowing you to cheese the super annoying Brainpod fight because he swings his gun and hits all the Brainpods at once.
Finally, it's really funny how the Remake added in a big cosmic fate force called the Whispers that have the ability to raise the dead and cause or prevent disasters as fate demands it only for them to be destroyed by Barret and Red XIII shooting it repeatedly. Capital D Destiny, a fundamental force of the multiverse, was slain by the power of a guy with a gun and a weird dog.
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We all know that something is going on with Wally and Home, but who else could be active behind scenes?
Frank Frankly:
Frank has been here since the Beta, so it's likely Clown Coffin has something planned for him.
Frank is obviously designed by Clown Coffin to be incredibly at odds with the rest of the neighbourhood; with his more reserved personality, less saturated colour scheme and lack of an "-ie" sound at the end of his first name.
He is the bug expert in Welcome Home, and there are literal bugs all over the website that happen to be linked to the Wally POV videos.
As the "smartest neighbour," it seems he would be one of the first to notice something wrong with the neighbourhood.
Eddie Dear:
Has the most mysterious backstory out of the neighbours.
His memory problems seem to go beyond being "forgetful" and into "plot relevent."
The envelopes the Restoration Project recieved match the ones Eddie is seen carrying and possibly made himself.
Sally Starlet:
Like Wally, she has devil allusions as the "brightest star" who "fell from heaven."
She is an actress, making it fitting for her to become aware of being in a tv show, and she would likely be very invested in bringing it back.
She has openly conversed with the Narrator.
If any of the neighbours had to be villains, I think Sally Starlet has the potential be the coolest!
Howdy Pillar:
Howdy played a role in the Wally Plush advert.
If Capitalism played a role in the show's downfall, shopkeeper Howdy would be good character to explore how making money often comes in the way of creativity!
Julie Joyful:
She has been here since the Beta and had that ominous image centred around her.
If Frank were to figure something out, it's almost certain that Julie would be there right beside him!
Barnaby B Beagle:
Barnaby has been here since the Beta.
There is a LOT of ominous imagery surrounding Barnaby that makes me genuinely concerned for the guy.
Despite his careless act throughout the videos, he was the first to acknowledge Wally's off behaviour.
Barnaby was physically present during the live interview alongside Wally.
Poppy Partridge:
Like Julie, Barnaby, and Frank; Poppy has been here since the Beta.
Poppy is a hermit who is scared to go outside. Maybe this isn't just a cute character quirk that the creators programmed into her, but because she knows something about the neighbourhood.
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iirc I think you said you don’t like Trey and Malleus’s hair but somehow excuse Rollo’s hair 😨 so where does everyone else stand if you were judging them based only on physical appearance?
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Disclaimers: I'm not including any Yuus (like, from the manga), mob students, reused assets (ie ghosts and pixies), or characters that we've only gotten the silhouettes for (that means no Mrs. Rosehearts, no Farena/Falena, no Zigvolt parents, etc.). I am only giving my thoughts on the looks of named characters with fully realized designs. If there is a significant variation of their hairstyle I like, I'll make note of it. Additionally, I will be commenting on general style rather than on individual outfits.
These are my opinions, please don't take them too seriously. I think all the designs work as is to convey the background and personality of each character, but everyone will have different tastes and preferences in terms of visual design; these are just mine! (And remember, just because I may like how a character looks doesn’t mean I like the character overall!!)
***PLEASE NOTE: This post contains spoilers for the main story and events that have yet to be released in EN!!***
Jade - I'll admit that it took me a while to get used to his haircut (I typically don't go for the super short bangs), but it grew on me! I really like his face in particular; it can be very calm and pleasant but also mischievous and sinister. When he's angry or upset, it's much more subtle and hard to read in his face. That's something I can really appreciate. It all works very well with his neat, tidy, and unassuming appearance.
Jamil, Najma - THE VIPER FAMILY HAS SUCH GOOD GENES, just look at their luscious hair and mysterious, dark eyes... They dress so well too, I love all the hair accessories and flowy fabrics the Viper siblings have.
Meleanor - Malleus's mom has got it goin' on 🙃 She really kills the warrior princess look! Very imposing, yet elegant. I can totally understand why Lilia used to crush on her.
Fellow - Not usually a fan of gingers (and nor do I simp for fox man), but there's just something so charming about Fellow's face. I think it's the eyes and his self-assured, fun-loving smile. His outfit's snazzy and he makes it work so well! I especially like the cravat, spats, and the cape hanging off one shoulder.
Leona - OKAY FINE I'LL ADMIT HE'S HANDSOME, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW????? 😭 As much as I want to wrestle Leona, I have to admit that he has a very striking face (especially when he smirks) and powerful presence. He knows how to command a room (and he’s just about the threshold of muscle I’m willing to accept). I'm not really into hair past shoulder length or how he usually dresses, but what I think is the coolest about him are his eyes. It feels like they'll follow you everywhere. Ponytail Leona is the best Leona, in my opinion.
Ortho - I was debating between putting Ortho in "Cool" or "Cute", but ultimately went with "Cool" because he by far has the most unique look of the entire cast. I love learning about his different Gears and their functions, each one different than the last. I don't find the pale skin and blue hair as off-putting on Ortho as I do on Idia, and I think that's because Ortho's more child-like.
Crowley - His aesthetic is nice! I find the bird mask really goofy and his hair a literal rat's nest (DON'T @ ME, IT LOOKS LIKE LIMP SEAWEED), but his suit and cape are so dapper! All the keys and mirrors would look gaudy on any other character, but they fit so well for Crowley. The extra shiny details give him an air of mystery, like threads of light peeking through the dark.
Trein- Trein's robes and cravat make him look so classy and regal! The colors also remind me of Edgeworth from Ace Attorney-- He looks very stern at first glance, but when he gives his little smiles you can tell how much he really cares.
Sam - He's way overdressed for running an on-campus school general store but hey, it works for him. There's lots of little details I enjoy in his design, from the stitching on his top hat to the locs he sports.
Lucius, Grim - LIL' KITTY CATS 🥺 I especially think Grim is adorable whenever he gets a new themed bow or a whole ass outfit like in the Halloween events!
Chenya - His haircut is so uneven but I commend his style. Chenya's look isn't too busy; his jewelry and decorative patches are spread out so they don't crowd for your attention. Gotta love those callbacks to Alice in Wonderland! This might sound weird, but there's power in his plain white shirt half-buttoned and loosely tucked into his pants; it gives the right amount of casualness to feel "accidentally stylish". There's also just something really whimsical about how cat-like his facial expressions and gestures are. It's quite endearing!
Ruggie - His hair looks perfect for ruffling! The fact that he often dresses in hand-me-downs and Leona's oversized clothing makes him appear "small" and even cuter. Pair that with Ruggie's crooked little smile, and it's perfect. I like that his build is lankier than those of the other Savanaclaw students; it makes him appear less intimidating on an initial evaluation.
Cheka - Have you SEEN Cheka?????? How does your heart not melt at the sight of him 😭 I adore his little :3 face and how he shines when he's innocently asking Ojitan to hang out with him...
Floyd - I feel like I kind of have to put Floyd in "Cute" since he's Jade's twin. Floyd just places lower because I find his eye shape less cute and his personal style doesn't really align with my tastes.
Kalim - This type of hair isn't usually my jam, but Kalim dresses it up well with a headband/scarf (?) and jewerly. When he moves, I imagine that the jewelry is jingling its own song. Kalim always seems to be smiling, so just looking at him puts me in a good mood too. His fashion choices tend to be extravagant and not very viable for everyday wear, but it's fine as long as Jamil stops him from making impulsive decisions.
Rook - I actually don't like his bob (I prefer it in an awkward little ponytail), but his face--especially the mouth--is beautiful. I BEG OF YOU, LOOK AT HIS CEREMONIAL ROBES GROOVY. Rook can be so expressive, it's like he's a one-man play. Alas... He looks naked without a hat :(( but I appreciate the mystery of covering up his limbs for the most part so we can’t see how truly muscular he is.
Lilia - Peepaw really stands out from the rest of Diasomnia; he doesn't come off as scary right away, he just relished in how adorable he is and is confident in that. Lilia's shorter stature and more experimental style certainly plays into that uniqueness too. It's fun to see what he comes up with! I especially love that he wears more traditionally feminine things like tulle skirts and gathered fabrics, and even dyes his hair and paints his nails in various colors. The cut itself is a bit of a clusterfuck when I first saw it, but I've really grown fond of it over time. It's such a bright expression of who Lilia is. I can't say if I prefer his long ponytail or the shorter trim; both are good!
Sebek - Like Jade, Sebek is also very well-put together. I like him with both his hair up and down; each has its unique appeal! With his hair up, Sebek appears much fiercer. With his hair down, he reminds me more of a puppy drenched from the rain. I feel like even though his face can be menacing, his smile overpowers how scary he can be. It feels so pure, clashing with his usual attitude... (His pathetic/sad expressions are also cute, but don't let him know I said that.)
Marja - Sweet granny... She looks so kind and cozy, I just wanna give her a hug.
Rollo - I’m a bowl cut apologist, what of it 😭 I like how he's so straight-laced and proper in his dress. It goes together with his face very well. Moreover, the dark eye bags and pinched, stern mouth only add to his charm. Rollo can go from neutral to devious smirk to a flash of anger--it's so interesting to observe how his face contorts.
Gidel - He looks like a mix of Ruggie and Cheka, so by default Gidel goes in "Cute". His oversized sleeves, patchwork pants, and mismatched socks give him such character!
Dylla - ANOTHER ATTRACTIVE MOM!!! Her clothing is more on the tomboyish side, but she still wears them well. Dylla's face in particular is really stunning; I get a mature big sis vibe from her.
Ace, Deuce- The most generic hair styles of the entire cast. I don’t have much else to remark on. What I will say is that I prefer Deuce’s hair slicked back (which happens in a lot of gan arts) more than his standard hair.
Azul - I don't know how else to say this, but I think Azul is handsome but in heavily regulated manner... to the point where it doesn't feel natural?? Like yes, he obviously cares about his appearance, it just feels "too" controlled of a narrative to me. The same goes for his smiles. Like Eliza says, he does it too much, so it feels fake.
Neige - He's wearing such an ugly sweater, but the innocence of his face evens things out. I find Neige cute in that generically sweet way, and for that I cannot place him higher than "Mid".
Epel- Same "generically sweet" cuteness as Neige. I do like his colors though.
Silver - Also has very generic hair. Silver just looks like Some Guy to me (although I will say his lopsided smile is cute). I’m slightly put off by the super muscular arms in his PE uniform too.
Eliza - I think Eliza could be a lot more appealing if they hadn't presented her to us in such a different style. Like the generic ghost NPCs, she's drawn more like a western cartoon rather than like an anime so she feels "off" from the rest of the named cast. Because there isn't unity between her and the characters she is shown with, Eliza sticks out like a sore thumb. I gotta hand it to her though, she still slays in that tattered wedding dress.
Fairy Queen - Love how the buns in her hair resemble roses, and how her entire body looks like it's golden and glowing from within. I wish her dress was more detailed though, more fitting for a queen.
Don't Like, but Could be Worse
Riddle - ROACH ANTENNAE........ . .. ... . . .... . ...... . .. . . . .. .... . .. Oh, and he looks so funky when he gets all red in the face.
Vil - For as much as we're told he's beautiful, I don't find Vil's brand of beauty to be digestible. He comes off too strongly, if that makes sense??? 20 cm heels, face beat to the gods with makeup, carrying himself at all times like there's a camera pointed at him and he has to pose 24/7 (look at most of his groovies)... It's hard for me to get behind that, it feels too overwhelming.
Seven Dwarves - I find most of the dwarves way too cartoonish, and not in a cute way. I think the only design I genuinely find okayish is Timmy (the timid dwarf).
Ambrose - He's an older gentleman in his wizard Halloween costume. I find his design sort of... generic??? But I'm knocking him down a little because I also find his overall appearance to be goofy and unflattering.
Shroud parents - Cool helmets, but I wish we actually got to see their faces.
Baul - I find Sebek's hair color more pleasing to the eye. Baul has a lot of other elements that Sebek doesn't (due to Baul being full fae and Sebek being half), and I find that they overcomplicate his design. It's hard for me to focus on his face because there's just so much to take in, from the scaley beard and more voluminous hair to the fangs and pointed ears.
Dawn Knight - This is the "bro, can I copy your homework" / "sure, but be sure to change it a little so the teacher doesn't notice" meme. I wish the Dawn Knight wasn't just long-haired, recolored Silver (with the exact same voice actor too). I would place the Dawn Knight in "Mid", but that armor is not doing him any favors. It's way too excessive with all the wings.
Crewel - His mostly monochromatic color scheme with splashes of crimson is cool, but I'm not into his clothing or even his hair. It's very jarring to see his hair and vest color blocked, and I don't find his big flashy fur coat appealing.
Kifaji - The big brows and the really long goatee make me go "???"
Actively Dislike
Trey - His hair reminds me of a freshly mowed lawn. Trey's design is otherwise inoffensive to me, but that hair color and cut are bringing him down so much. The only memorable thing about how he presents are those rare moments when he whips out his one brow raised smirks, and even then I think he looks slightly silly and it's hard to take him seriously.
Cater - Again, it's the hair for me. I like it better when it's all down (like in his Club Wear card). In his usual hairdo, there's a middle segment that's weirdly pulled back from the rest of his face in a... scruffy ponytail??? That really bothers me. I don't vibe with his usual style of dress or how he presents himself either, it's a bit too... lax?? (I know I said the same thing about Floyd, but he looks similar to Jade and therefore gets a pass).
Jack - He commits the sin of having a confusingly styled mullet and has a muscular physique which don't bode well for my tastes. I guess he does have those "looks intimidating, but is actually a softie at heart" vibes going for him, but I just cannot look past the haircut I'M SORRY.
Malleus - I'm not into super pale emo/goth guys, and Malleus somehow presents as even more of that than Idia. He dresses in mostly black (and while there is a lore reason for this, that doesn't make me like the color any more or less), has a sort of mopey face (I guess it's supposed to be elegant, but I don't perceive it as that), and dear god that haircut and the ashy grey lips… It doesn’t help that the expressions he makes (particularly on his birthday cards) give really strong “are u lost bby ghorl” energy and that weirds me out 💀 So many things about him just don't work for me.
Vargas - Too muscular. Also not a fan of facial hair or athletic wear. Vargas doesn't seem to have a very keen fashion sense either, judging by the outfits he put together for his camp events.
Heinrich - His face is very grotesque and twists into making some of the most comedically evil and smug expressions I've ever witnessed in all of TWST.
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redysetdare · 10 months
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So uhh.... I really dislike the Traffic light trio kid designs in the show because to me they look like the old art that just made babies look like shrunken adult men because literally nothing changes about the characters besides the height. Which lead me to decide I wanted to show how I would design the traffic light kids.
For Mei, Because her family seems rather strict i decided to make her look a bit more cleaned up. She explained in "Coming home" how she wasn't very proper when she played, which her parents looked down upon. So I imagine they would've liked for her to usually be more refined in how she looked - which means when things get out of place or messed up from her playing it's seen as a bigger deal. I also gave her some scales by her eyes because mei having dragon features gives me life and i think they look cute.
For MK i just made his hair shorter but also it's not exactly sticking up because he doesn't have his headband yet. He's got pretty simple clothes for the most part, with the coolest thing being that he has light up shoes (i like to think that's what drew Mei to him when they first met. she's not allowed to have light up shoes haha). He still is predominantly orange in color palette and I gave him some shorts because he's a pretty active kid so he likes to move around a lot. (Also headcanon that he didn't like pants all that much as a kid because they felt bad)
And then finally we have Red Boy. Which ohh boy i did the most research on this kid haha. I looked at other iterations of Red boy in different jttw media and kinda took inspiration from those! I took the most inspiration from his outfit in the 1986 series iirc (I cannot find my references I had collected...) I also got rid of his glasses because YES it might be petty but glasses hadn't exactly been invented yet in the era that jttw takes place in (Yes i researched glasses for this. Yes it was all done through spite). Anyways I decided to keep his hair long and I decided to put it up into two small buns - mostly becuz to me it would be cute to have them burst into little balls of flames hehe. I also gave him little bull horn ornaments to tie back to his family and also gave him back his spear. There's a version of him with and without a cape because some iterations have him with one and i thought it was cute :)
Annnnd thats all i have to say really.
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Okay okay with all the script hate for ATSV I'd like to at least take a moment to praise How they did Hobie right
And why they got Miguel wrong.
Mini-Ramble: The Concept of 'Can-dom'
a.k.a the writers really love Hobie and just fucking hate Miguel and it's borderline funny.
So, you know we are called fans, and we have a fandom. The fandom writes 'fanon'.
But what do you call the group of people who write canon?
And can the people who write canon also be a fandom in and of itself?
As someone who has worked on TV and film sets in NYC - across a couple of different departments - I can assure you:
And they act JUST LIKE US.
And I call it Can-dom.
And there's no better example of this, than the ATSV script.
Look at how they talk about Hobie:
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To the writer who described Hobie as 'strong, long, and skinny-hot' and his guitar as 'throbbing' idk what you were on that day but keep it up.
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Look at them rubbing their little writer hands together going 'hehehe they're gonna love this mfer to death he's so hot'
Miles calling Hobie cool and Hobie agreeing is literally just the writers complimenting themselves on how insanely rad and attractive they made their own character. I love it.
They could've done so much worse or described him as rowdy or cocky or rough but they're just like 'he's hot. really fucking hot.'
And everybody was in on it.
The designers read the script and was like 'really really attractive? the coolest fucking guy you've ever seen? ok boss'
and then drew a black cop killer with natural hair and beautiful sharp black features
Then the animation team looked at Hobie and was like YEAH HE'S SUPER FUCKING COOL
Then made a supercool technology just for the insanely rad punk character
AND THEY WENT TO DANIEL KALUUYA and had him do the super cool ironic funny lines for the super cool rad fan-favorite-to-be character
And then the whole production team looked at Hobie and they all looked back at their work and his arc and lines and design and animation style and they were like
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Because after months and months and months of collective effort and going 'this guy has to be so likeable that disliking him is almost a moral failing'
And then just like us they finally saw the finished product and we're like
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'THAT'S A WRAP. CUT. SEND THIS SHIT TO THE PRINTERS. He can't get any cooler we did it.'
Cause as someone who has worked in TV & Film and had been in the offices I can tell you:
Screenwriters are not some big wigs that come to work in suits and sit around on chunky laptops in complete silence sending emails
They are normal ass people in a cramped ass office and cubicles who joke with their co-workers, come in in jeans and a 'casual tshirt', and sit there chilling revising the same script a dozen times because they came up with a new idea that HAS to be in it. And sometimes they be having dogs in the offices.
They're dorks just like us. That's how they got there. By obsessing over the tiniest minute shit in stories and getting way too into characters and writing out our little stories.
To think they were squealing about Hobie Brown this whole time for years while making him.
And then giving him to the fandom and we're like FUCKING THANK YOU HE'S OURS AND WE LOVE HIM.
I know a lot of the time it may come off as a shady corporation manipulating the punk aesthetic for revenue - while it is that - its also an office full of writers and animators and designers literally making a mini fandom between them and snickering at their own jokes and ideas as they write this story I love it
It makes me think that - while the language towards Miguel is like.. undoubtedly questionable and something of necessary discussion -
I also just think that the office fandom just.. didn't fucking like him.
Like in the writers room over time they didn't like him and wanted to bully him 'ayo this dude is a clown and he's wildin out like a BEAST'
And putting in lines of Gwen clowning him just because the writers wanted to make fun of Miguel 😭😭😭
like.. just the thought of that.
- and the thought of the ATSV writers team just ganging up on him only for the animation team to turn around and be like 'give him the thiccest ass imaginable. make it clap when he walk'
And then for the production team to have to look at this script of Miguel and look at his dummy think design and just sigh and be like 'fine okay the lines are fine but you HAVE TO TONE THE ASS DOWN'.
We bully our OCs all the time
And yeah they took that shit wayyyy too far cause like... The Spot murdered people why are y'all not looking at him and also Gwens dad is an asshole
But a part of me feels like the writers and production were fandom before fandom was fandoming.
Just like us they hyperfixated on two characters, the same characters the fandom would later.
And like the fandom originally did, they really really liked Hobie and just REALLY REALLY REALLY didn't like Miguel.
We're all like 'haha let's bully the shit outta Miguel as a little treat' and then they start taking it too far 😭😭
I'm just going to lay myself to (semi-)peace with this thought. I know it's pure speculation - I repeat, speculation - but like, writers are genuinely just like us. I wouldn't put it past them.
With the way the script is narrated I wouldn't be surprised if the first draft they put
**MIGUEL collapses to the ground with GABRIELLA in his hands as she DEPIXELATES. A look is devastation crosses his face. Ha, get owned, you fucking idiot.**
Also they absolutely know about fanfiction. I haven't heard them talk about it and I don't know how much they know. But they know.
They may not be in the shows fandom, but they've usually been into older fandoms like Star Trek and thus know about the fanfic and shipping stuff.
If you read this far!! Hey hi how ya doing thank you for listening to my rambling. I wouldn't call this a full essay cause it's just my thoughts and opinions and like.... thoughts???
Anyway here's Hobie to make up for the fact I just said a whole lotta nothing
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(actual picture of me arsoning the Sony headquarters if they fuck up Hobies characterization and make me regret this post lol)
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misscammiedawn · 1 year
50 Days of HypnoKink - Day 49: Hypno in Media
My heavens... we made it to the finish line. Tomorrow is the final day.
I wanted to save an obvious one for the end because I do so enjoy MC in fiction so very much. So much, in fact, that I made a Twitter thread with 110 recommendations and never even came close to emptying my resources.
I know so many of these scenes, both that Twitter thread and this page are skimming the surface.
I'll be using some of those recommendations here but let's divide by category:
So let's get the obvious out of the way. You have
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A Danny Boyle thriller with a terrible plot and Rosario Dawson as a hypnotherapist trying to get hidden information from James McAvoy's mind. Silly movie but one that doesn't get brought up a lot. Dawson learned hypnosis to get into the role.
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Horror movie in which the director literally hypnotized the actress so any time she was being stalked by the titular killer she looked completely entranced. Link above is an interview discussing this.
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HORRIBLE movie on Netflix but Sleepyhead and I have hosted a number of watch parties and let me tell you, this is the PERFECT movie to watch with a bunch of rowdy hypnokinksters. The therapist is unethical to a laughable degree and his office looks like it's inside of the Death Star. He's a living breathing red flag. The movie does have a really hot freeze scene, a good ragdoll and the dollification sequence. It's just enjoyable because it's terrible. Check CWs first though, this movie has a bunch of things that can make it an uncomfortable viewing experience.
The Great Hypnotist
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This is a Not For Daja movie. A Chinese movie that doesn't get brought up a lot. Like Trance above it is a thriller with some twists and turns that I don't really want to spoil.
Stir of Echoes
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A visualization of a dissociation induction designed to make a person view events on a screen so they are separate from the memory. It's a remarkably well done scene.
Now You See Me 1/2
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The hypnosis in these movies is STUPID and I love it. The first movie has a punchline that every time Mark Rufallo's character makes a frustrated comment people who Woody Harrelson has hypnotized will start acting as if they're in an orchestra. Second movie has a twin Woody Harrelson as an evil hypnotist and he uses a pizza box as an evil induction. It's amazing.
Sherlock Holmes Woman in Green
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This induction is one of the coolest I've seen in a film and I try my hardest to channel the energy of this when I am doing a relaxation focused scene.
Charlies Angels
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This is bar none my favorite hypnosis scene in any fiction. The typewriter induction is amazing, the hypnotist has such a smooth voice, the entranced gazes are lovely. It's just perfect. Heck, the link above is "hypnosis scenes" from the episode and is 26 minutes long. From a single episode of television.
Doctor Who
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Sarah Jane gets hypnotized so often that I could make a list purely from her.
I just wanna link this one as it's one of those scenes that works so much better without context and the aesthetics are incredible. Plus who doesn't like Aubrey Plaza?
Quick Bonus Animation Round
Carmen Sandiego (Neflix) has a ton of mind control including the bad end to the interactive movie.
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Totally Spies is a meme for a reason
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And this one is a reason many of us are here <3
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DC vs Vampires
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I think the page speaks for itself. "Hypnosis isn't lying, Diana. It's speaking to your vulnerability."
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This sequence of Asami, brainwashed to hate the avatar, being deprogrammed is so good that someone on AO3 did an incredible fan-fiction which may well be one of my favorite hypnokink stories of all time.
Super Mario Comic
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I bring this one up as it was one of my earliest moments of "...oh... this is kind of making me feel some kind of way."
Video Games
A note that a full directory of video games featuring Mind Control can be found at mindcontrol.fun the MC Games Wiki, run by @soveryverytired
Nyx Gaming (Featured game: Enthralled)
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Nyx do incredible games which are designed to hypnotize the viewer and their consent practices are wonderful. They recently teamed up with Secret Subject to release a vampire enthrallment game and let me tell you, there is not a single word in that synopsis that doesn't make me happy.
Mind Melting Massaging Machine
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The best tool for VR hypnosis. Upload custom files and program spirals, subliminals and chose between static spiral or headtracking. I have had so much fun with this over the years. There's a desktop version too but VR is optimal for this experience.
Spiral Clicker
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It's such a simple concept. Click on the character and watch their will go away. Spiral Clicker is backed with a fun little universe, fun characters both original and community sourced, amazing art and a clever little gameplay loop that is quite addictive. Careful, the game features a constant spiral, you may find yourself falling in to trance. Don't worry. The game will wake you up. You can even ask the game to include suggestions for you :)
The sequel is being worked upon now and I cannot wait <3
Music Videos
Anna Soares - Hypnodoll (NSFW)
Straight up just a song and music video about hypnokink. If you click anything in this thread, click this one.
Little Big - Hypnodancer:
Silly antics but a fun music video.
Pharrell Williams - Hypnotize U
It's just Pharrell hanging out in a mansion with his hypnotized harem.
Grimes - We Appreciate Power
It's dronekink baby.
Andamiro - Hypnotize
Maid hypnotizes their employer.
I could do so many more in all areas. But the point is, media is hypnohorny. I never went over advertisements (UK ones especially), books, musicals (Phantom and Next To Normal for instance), anime (Sailor Moon) or manga.
But I write about a bunch more in my Twitter thread.
Day 48: Stealth Inductions
FINAL Day 50: Presentation
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2deadkat · 26 days
If you've read them, thoughts on the Geronimo Stilton Kingdom of Fantasy books?
Okay I have a bit of a weird but fond history with that series, I’ve only seen the first two books so I’m not all that qualified to talk about it in-depth.
But I’ll tell you my history first, I used to carry the first kingdom of fantasy book everywhere I went on family trips. I treated that thing like the holy grail and just speed through every page imaginable, I’ll tell you this I really like the presentation of the series.
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Especially with its own script and all the doors to the different kingdoms. That’s one thing the franchise in general is good at. Also I had an old friend of an older sibling of mine who used to share that book with me…and I vividly remember her telling me the pages with each world door being scented so while I carried that book everywhere I was practically a book sniffer 💀. To this very day I still don’t know if it’s true each door was scented or if it was merely a childhood lie…
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Now my thoughts on it despite only officially “reading” two and skimming through the rest of it with a friend at a bookstore (bestie shout out if you’re reading this ✌️), the whole idea of it is really interesting and it’s fitting for someone like Geronimo. I like the world building of the series, and it’s basically a collection of every fantasy world trope ever in an endearing way. I can’t get over the fact that he enters the world illegally every time by drugging himself on chamomile tea and getting knocked out while his sister of the seven roses just gets actual passes 😭 but power to him for capitalising on his drug trips because I was actually so shocked when I found there were 14 of them…I’m not implying that they’re bad but it’s not just a series for me and I’m just shocked that there’s this many of them, I’d personally stop at three books but I can respect the fact that it has its own lore going on.
Geronimo gets more power and respect as a character but I’ll never get over the fact that there are actual humanoids existing in another plane…also I heard it’s more batshit insane in the untranslated Italian books which is…wow, respect.
I was really obsessed with the dragon king and the whole dragon world and I would keep rereading that section every time <3 I swear I used to read that Beowulf part specifically with all the dragon facts. I was a huge dragon kid back then.
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Okay a bit of gross trivia: Going through my old copy of the book, it literally has the sweat stains of kid me’s hand on the exact page of that illustration because I admire his whole design and deal so much…to this very day it is still the coolest dragon design I’ve ever seen.
So overall, it’s really interesting, I like the whole world they’re going for, but it’s not for me to consume as a full series entirely. And even if I do start again with the other books I don’t have the childhood wonder anymore to dive into it like kid me used to…so unfortunately I don’t have the same attachment a bunch of other people might’ve grew up with…
Sorry, guess I’m more interested in a mouse version of the Office…or parks and recreation 😔 but the first book holds dear to me with its immersive world building and recently I just found it lying in one of my family’s house’s many book shelves so I am thankful for that.
Also man I forgot how some of these spreads go hard…
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persepor · 9 months
Let's talk about DJ Subatomic Supernova...
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Ah yes one of the most eccentric, funniest, and coolest designed bosses. DJSS is the very first boss you fight and acts as a sort of test after the lights up audition tutorial. He is very interesting and his personality is through the roof, so let's get started shall we?
"What have you done today? Simpletons!"
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DJSS has an ego, you could say it's planet sized (ba-dum tss). Anyways, even though he has an ego he is one of the most loved characters in NSR. I can see why, he has a huge personality and a really cool theme going on with it being based on space.
Unlike other NSR artists we do know he had two jobs before becoming an artist, a university professor and an astrophysicist, which explains his vast knowledge of space. He knows a lot about space and uses his knowledge in really funny ways. One example is this quote: "You remind me of......Pluto! Once thought to be a planet of the solar system but no longer is."
I love love love his personality and the fact that his head is basically a black hole. I always thought that his head breaking symbolized his ego getting shattered. Seeing that he thinks even if NSR is defeated, his music will last after the fall of NSR.
I could go on and on but I'm gonna save it for later.
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His boss fight is very fun.
You start out with him at his turn table and you hitting disco balls to damage him. This is very interesting as you move around him, with DJSS being in the center. He's the center of the solar system in his fight.
Second phase he gets bigger and now it looks like you are in a solar system as the disco balls are now planets. He has more attacks, such as being able to throw comets at you and still being able to move the planets like he's turning a record. His head becomes more shattered as the fight goes on.
Third phase he makes himself even larger and not he has noodle arms. Not only does he still have his planets and comets but now he also has a laser. While this phase isn't harder you do have to worry about a lot of things at once.
Once you get through those three phases you then have to reach him. His head will then crack fully and a black hole will appear, you have to run to DJSS while dodging music notes along the way. This is fairly easy to get through as you have enough time to dodge the music notes.
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I feel his battle, or phases rather, correlate with his ego/personality. If you ever pay close attention to his head it starts to slowly crack, like his ego is gradually crumbling. He gradually grows in size to assert he is in control of what's around him, like someone with some huge ego.
His music genre is Disco Stellarum House, for those who don't know what that is, it's a genre of edm but the inspiration could come from disco house. Disco house is an edm genre that mixes the funky tunes of disco with the electronic sounds of house music. You can clearly hear this in his theme. His theme is an absolute bop when it comes on, you can't help but to dance to it.
He is also self-centered with him depicting himself as the center of the universe, but I went over that earlier. I wanna talk about the record cover when B2J defeats him.
They are literally using his head like a basketball. They are dunking his head in a basketball hoop. THAT'S HILARIOUS AND SO FUNNY, just imagine you've been defeated by these "plutonians" and they're using your head as a basket all. Pure, funny, and hilarious to think about.
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Dj Subatomic Supernova is a very fun character and has a lot of appeal to him. This may be why people love him so much.
So let me ask you all a question.
Why do you like DJSS?? + a Dj Sub doodle.
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egg-emperor · 10 months
It's unfortunate how people have forgotten how cool Eggman is lately. Like he isn't some innocent old man, or a soft wholesome dad, or goofy harmless clown, he hasn't been at any point in the games. He's genuinely super cool and badass but it's being downplayed in favor of presenting him as some silly harmless docile domestic old man
I genuinely see him reduced to things like "silly angry dad" in those posts about summarizing Sonic characters for example- and despite it being a joke (one that really misunderstands his character), it does seem it's all the majority of fandom sees him as now. It's sad when you want to appreciate the cool stuff but nobody around you seems to like it or care
Now he's mostly treated like he's just a guy who doesn't really want to be evil and is actually innocent or excusable, or wants to be a villain but he's hardly one and is just very silly and not a threat at all (that's Boom Egg not game Egg), or is just A Dad to all the characters and an uncharacteristically perfect one at that. But man I just like him as he is in game
He's a villainous egotistical scientific genius, a dangerous destructive diabolical world conquering threat! He has dark intentions and builds epic machines, has thrilling intense violent fights with enemies, is selfish, threatening and murderous, commits world shattering atrocities, enjoys being terrible and causing trouble!
One of the ways he's most entertaining is through all the crazy diabolical shit he does! He's responsible for tons of the coolest moments in the series and many of the stories wouldn't even happen without him and his schemes! A lot of his charm and charisma is in the way he thrives as a villain with his showmanship, dramatics, and passion
His determination to keep trying to reach his goals and not let anyone stop him is a strength and admirable, it's not something he needs to give up and become good and sit around doing nothing like in Frontiers forever. His agency, security, and genuine confidence in himself and is villain is great and he doesn't need to lose it
Both his creativity and how fucked up he is shows in his awesome destructive robots, weapons, and dangerous theme parks and that makes it so fun and fascinating. His qualities and what makes him entertaining and admirable are all in his villainy, showing not in silly cute harmless ways but thrilling entertaining badass ways which is great
The way he's selfish, manipulative, dangerous, and lethal makes him an exciting threat and results in shocking and impactful moments in the series when other characters are affected by his harmful actions. It also makes him and his mind interesting to dig into and explore to understand his mindset and what makes him tick too
He wants to conquer the world, make everything about him with the entire world changed and built in his superior image with his logo on everything, and rule a glorious empire full of crazy creative deadly theme parks and robots, where everybody is forced to worship and serve. And he'll raise hell and cause mass amounts of destruction to get it
He builds dangerous destructive violent robots and traps poor critters inside and theme parks designed to kill you that throws you off the coasters, tries to wipe out cities, blows up government facilities, blows up half the moon and threatens to destroy the world next, holds people hostage sometimes with a gun to head, literally broke the world apart, and awakens terrifying eldritch horror monsters to use in his plans and will fight to the death to accomplish his goals and much much more
It makes me more sad than angry that this isn't recognized, appreciated, and explored by more fans and people don't get that. I just want to find more people who enjoy this and are fascinated by this and want to talk about and explore this as much as I do but most people hardly ever really give it much thought. I only know a very small amount of people who actually talk about what Eggman does in the games at all, even though everything he does is badass and exciting and deserves so much more attention
Eggman is FUCKING AWESOME and I'm always going to emphasize and appreciate that here 💜🥚
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jedi-enthusiast · 10 months
for choose violence ask game: questions 3, 12, 18, and 22 please! thanks :))
Choose Violence Ask Game
Obligatory Disclaimer: These are just my personal opinions, feel free to disagree but if you're gonna be hateful, rude, or anti-Jedi then just block me and move on instead of posting your bullshit on my page. Like what you like, hate what you hate, but leave me out of it.
Here we go!
3 - Screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on Tumblr...
The worst take I've seen on Tumblr was someone saying that Anakin murdering an entire village of Tuskens---including literal fucking children---was an "understandable reaction" to his mother's death and also that "the average person would've reacted the same way."
Like...speak for your-fucking-self. I would not become a mass murderer and murder a bunch of children if my mother died, actually, and if you would then please stay far fucking away from me.
12 - The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them...
I wouldn't say she's exactly unpopular, but she does get a lot of hate from certain parts of the fandom and I don't think she's nearly as popular as she should be---Luminara Unduli!
First of all, Luminara has the coolest character design. Argue with a wall, I think it's the best. Second, she's very elegant and graceful in like everything she does---she just screams ethereal and I love her for it! Even her fight scenes are that amazing! She's also willing to admit when she's wrong and do better, which is something that a lot of people ignore---but I think it's a very admirable trait and it just makes me like her more!
And some people might argue with me on this, but I honestly think she was an amazing master to Barriss. It's shown that she really cares about her, and she obviously encourages Barriss a lot---she's honestly the sort of person that I would have wanted as a teacher.
I just think that more people need to appreciate her.
18 - It's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
Everyone always talks about Obi-Wan looking hot when he's getting the shit beat out of him, BUT WHAT ABOUT HOW FINE THIS MAN LOOKS WHEN HE'S THE ONE BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF HIS OPPONENTS??? HUH???
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“The piece of hair that falls into his face when he gets the shit beat out of him this”
“The piece of hair that falls into his face when he gets the shit beat out of him that”
22 - Your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores...
The fact that Obi-Wan canonically beats the shit out of Jango.
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Like, Jango has to use all of his fancy toys and missiles and shit, and is wearing indestructible armor, just to be able to fight Obi-Wan who 1. Is wearing 0 armor and 2. Is basically fighting hand-to-hand for most of the battle, he doesn’t even really use the Force on him.
So basically what I’m saying is Obi-Wan should really be winning a lot more hand-to-hand spars in fanfics than he does.
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Top 10 reasons why you SHOULD love and simp over Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck!!
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Number 10: His Durabiity 💪
This dude literally survived a point blank explosion of TMT, a large piano dropped on his body, and a LARGE amount of electricity set at the highest level CONCURRENTLY, and can STILL throw down with Jim Sterling afterwards! If that isn't badass than I don't know what is!!
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Number 9: His Revamped Costume... 🥵🔥 🦹‍♂️
Two words. Skin. Tight. For those chiseled muscles of his... Besides that, his costume is one of the coolest designs for a super duck ever! He really knows how to fight crime in style!!
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Number 8: His Casual Fashion Sense
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Number 7: He's A Great and Supportive Friend
Despite his lack of awareness that Fenton is Gizmoduck, Drake is still a great friend to him, supporting him all the way through thick and thin, even calling him buddy in the Let's Get Dangerous special!!
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He'll be there to help support his friends and family in any way possible, no matter the cost!!
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Number 6: He's a Kid at Heart!
Drake is devoted fan through and through, and it goes to show that even the most manly of men can be kids at the end of the day!! His naivety is also a rare treat that is very rarely seen in heros and adds to his cuteness!!
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Number 5: He's Great with Kids!!
Drake's dreams were all about inspiring kids everywhere by becoming Darkwing, and that clearly shows with how he acts around Gos! He does everything he can to make sure that she gets the best in life, even to the point of extreme exhaustion just to make her happy. Kids are his life, and Drake really is a great dad...
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Number 4: He is STACKED... 🥵
No need to explain myself. This boi's muscle game is on point! Especially those pecs... No wonder he can survive the amount of stuff that is thrown his way!! 💪😎
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He may be a strong and built boi, but those cheek feathers must feel like heaven!! THE WAY IT FLOPS AROUND IS SOOOOOO ENTICING!!! HOW COULD YOU NOT WANT TO SQUEEZE!!!
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Number 2: He's both Handsome and adorable... 🥺🥰
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Number 1: He is literally the sweetest person in the world... 😇🥰🥰🥰🥰
You would think that an actor like Drake would be as stuck-up as his protege Jim Starling, but that couldn't be further from the truth!! Drake is literally the most caring and infectiously lovable duck ever!! He always wants to make things better for everyone and always goes above and beyond to love and protect the people he cares about whether it be Launchpad, Gosalyn, Fenton, or the entire world!! And while his ego could be fixed up a bit, his personality more than makes up for his faults. Besides, Darkwing was always egotistical. You could say he's just playing his character down to a tee!!
Those are my reasons for why Drake is my favorite DT17 character of all time and why you should love and respect him!!
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marvelbeingmarvelous · 4 months
Loki Season 2 Ending Thoughts Aka Immediate Reaction and Midnight Ramblings
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The score? The costume design? The fulfilling emotional devastation?
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Like I 100% get people being sad/mad about Loki ending up alone on a throne he never wanted but like…Loki was always a tragic character. Iirc Tom has likened Thor 1 to a space opera/tragedy particularly in regards to Loki’s character, but this does him infinitely better than falling into a void, alone, misunderstood, friendless.
This time he doesn’t let go because he has no purpose—he chooses to walk forward to meet his fate because he’s found it. Both purpose, and friends, and love, even understanding, and dang if that don’t just sit so right with me. I thought it was a beautiful ending that did him much more justice than the last ditch hopeless kind of what-were-you-even-thinking-would-happen sacrifice/death in Infinity War. We actually get to see the fruits of his character development in what immediately became the coolest scene in recent Marvel history.
Sue me, but I love the tragedy and angst of it all. The sacrifice. The love and friendship he found and was willing to give up—and the thing is you guys, he found it. That’s not something we ever thought we’d get to see, not after Thor 1, nor after Thor 2, nor 3, certainly not after Avengers and obviously not after Infinity War.
I still think season 1 of Loki just…was not doing a great job understanding his character, but heck if season 2 didn’t come in clutch and amend some of that.
Can we also talk about how much I love time travel? How much I adore time loops? How dang good one looked on Loki? I go absolutely feral for a time looper knowing absolutely everything because they’ve lived through it a million times.
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I have too many thoughts and feelings about this much like UGH YOU GUYS this was such an improvement over season 1 you don’t even know and high key I’d be fine if this is where they left Loki’s character for good and was our final goodbye. He’s legit the most powerful character in the MCU to date now, 1000% lived up to his god of chaos name while even being a hero doing it, giving everyone free will and all variants a chance to live as they choose and sacrificing himself to make sure they have a choice and yes it’s tragic but it’s also beautiful and gosh darn it that character arc that ending Loki finally figuring out what he wants after having had it and then giving it all up for the sake of everyone else—AAAA YOU GUYS ITS SO GOOD
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