#honestly please add yourselves or people you think I’ve missed
mountttmase · 7 months
I’m fairly new here. I’ve been a fan of mason for quite long but has just joined tumblr on the weekend and I come across yours and I’ve found my comfort right here 🥹
is there any other blogs you would recommend I follow? I love your blog ❤️
Bestie I love that 🥺 welcome my love
And I have many but I always forget people so if I have please feel free to add in but these are the mason blogs I love most off the top of my head 🩷
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tarydarrington · 3 years
"Alright, everyone," Veth says with authority, and everyone else quiets down. "Tomorrow is the big day."
Caleb sighs and ducks behind his drink. There is a speech coming. This is exactly the sort of ceremony he had hoped to avoid by having this get-together at his home rather than the bar Veth had suggested. It's only five of them, tonight; Beauregard and Yasha are always in town, and Veth had insisted on coming. And Essek, of course. He's not sure when the elf's presence at his side became an of course, but in a careful way, he likes it.
“As the person in this world who cares the most about Caleb--”
Essek silently quirks an eyebrow at that, and it doesn’t get past Veth.
“Alright, come on, just because you got him into bed and I didn’t doesn’t mean--”
Caleb clears his throat loudly, and Veth’s smile snaps back into place.
“As Caleb’s oldest, dearest, truest friend,” she says, and Essek manages to look dignified even while rolling his eyes, “it is my humble duty to tell you all how amazing he is on this momentous occasion.”
“You know, I am starting a new job, not getting married,” Caleb murmurs in her direction.
“And we’re all very proud of you!” Veth replies.
Caleb takes a long drink as the others chime in with agreement. Yasha shoots him a sympathetic look, and he returns a tight smile.
“Come on, man,” Beau says from where she leans against the table, “aren’t you excited, at all?”
He takes a long breath. Excited is a word for it. Ready to vomit at a moment’s notice is perhaps more accurate. The Soltryce Academy is tricky. He’s been back there a few times in recent weeks, for interviews and preparation, and each time, it’s felt like walking through a dream of a place the mind could not quite capture properly.
For whatever purpose, Trent has always wanted Caleb - Bren - to follow in his footsteps. Those footsteps feel a touch too literal in those hallways.
“Caleb?” Beau’s voice brings him out of his thoughts. “You still with us?”
He shakes his head. "Ja. Entschuldigung. There is a lot to think about."
Veth lowers her glass, frowning. "Nobody threatened you, did they? Because I'll have words with them."
"No, nothing like that." Not lately, anyway. He sets his own drink down on the table. "Just a bit worried, perhaps."
"Worried about what?" Beau asks flatly.
Caleb lets out a long breath, looking down at the floor. Where to begin? He’s worried that everything will go wrong. Worried that he’ll turn up with his clothes on backwards, or spill coffee down the front of his shirt, or trip over his words before the lesson even starts. Worried, most of all, about what comes after.
“I hope that I will not…” He searches for the right words. “I hope that I will be able to serve my students well enough,” he settles on. “The examples I have had were, ah….” Trent Ikithon is not one he wishes to emulate.
Essek frowns. “Carve your own path,” he says. “Someone as brilliant as you are needs no one to emulate.”
“Ja, well, that is fine for throwing together a spell or two, but I imagine the students will need a little more structure.” These are young minds. Any mistakes he makes will stick with them. He, of all people, knows just how much.
“Maybe you could ask them what they want from you,” Yasha pipes up. “You know, make sure you’re doing alright.”
Caleb lets out a long sigh. “Ja, maybe. That is a good idea.” Of course, it also requires that the students in question trust him enough to give him a straight answer.
They sit in relative silence for a moment, working away at their drinks. He hopes Veth doesn’t resent him for stepping on the atmosphere.
“Seriously, man, you’re gonna be great.” Beau knocks back the rest of her drink. “You’re already the best professor I’ve ever known.”
“I do not think the owl counts as a point of comparison,” Caleb deadpans. “Regardless, I will settle for not making a fool of myself for a first impression. That will be difficult enough.”
Beau shrugs, and reaches over to refill her glass. There’s a devious look in her eye that makes him nervous. "So why don't you practice?" she asks.
Caleb looks at her warily. "Practice?"
"Yeah, man." She gestures at the others. "Here's your class. Teach us something."
Before he can object, she’s already begun to pull an armchair toward the coffee table in the center of the room. Soon enough, three more seats have joined it, all on the same side. She throws her arms wide with a challenging grin.
“First day,” she says. “Don’t be late.” With that, she flops down onto the rightmost chair.
Transfixed in bemusement, Caleb watches as Yasha and Veth rush to occupy the next two seats in the makeshift classroom. The Expositor commands a room, it seems.
“Are you comfortable with this?” Essek murmurs as he brushes past as well. “I am willing to be the, ah... wet blanket, if need be.”
Caleb sighs, briefly twining their fingers together and squeezing once before letting him go. “Not comfortable, no, but it’s not a bad idea.”
Someone wolf whistles from the peanut gallery, and Caleb turns a fond glare on them all. All three of them are, of course, the picture of innocence. He shakes his head as Essek settles down primly in the last remaining chair. It’s not exactly the picture of an academic setting, with their glasses of half-finished booze still on the table in front of them and the lot of them draped over armchairs and ottomans.
“Alright,” says Beau, who has not even bothered to put her drink down. She makes a trilling sound that he thinks is probably meant to emulate a school bell. “Hit us.”
"We will be brutally honest," Veth promises. "Which means we will tell you honestly how perfect you are."
"Or if there's anything you could do better," Yasha adds.
Caleb stares back at them. It’s nothing he hasn’t gone over in his own head a hundred times. Even once or twice, to a captive audience of cats. It’s a short class. It will be over before he knows it.
The others look up at him expectantly. Watching him. Waiting. Caleb clears his throat.
"I, ah... feel a bit silly,” he admits.
Without a word, Essek waves a hand, and the familiar faces before him shift to those of strangers.
It’s almost embarrassing how much it helps. Caleb takes a deep breath and lets it out, running through the lesson plan in his head.
"Guten Morgen, class, I am, ah… Professor Widogast." It's the first time he's said that particular pair of words out loud.
"Whoo!" the student who is not Veth shouts.
"Yeah!" the student who is not Beau chimes in.
Caleb gives them a look and straightens his coat. "This is Introductory Transmutation, in room 142, so if you are all in the correct place--"
"Professor?" The student who is not Yasha raises her hand.
"Ah, ja, Miss…"
Not-Beau slaps a hand over her own mouth and mutters, “Holy shit,” into it.
“Was that too much?” not-Yasha whispers.
“Babe, it was so hot,” not-Beau hisses back.
Caleb clears his throat. "Miss Lionett, do you have a question?"
Not-Yasha seems to suddenly remember her role, and she folds her hands in her lap. "No," she says, "I have to use the bathroom."
Caleb pinches the bridge of his nose as not-Beau bites back a giggle. “Ja, okay, go.”
“Don’t let her go!” not-Veth interjects. “She knew it was almost time for class; she should have gone earlier.”
“Dude, if she has to pee then she has to pee,” not-Beau protests.
Pointedly, not-Essek raises his hand.
Caleb lets himself sigh with relief. “Ja, Master…?”
“Gross, Professor, we don’t need to know about your weird sex dynamics,” not-Beau says.
Not-Essek’s face blooms red, and Caleb presses a hand to his face to hide the same. “You know very well, Beauregard, that it is an honorific.”
Not-Beau shrugs, looking very pleased with herself as she takes another sip of her drink. Not-Essek glares very polite daggers at her before clearing his throat.
“Thelyss,” he answers.
Beau cups both hands around her mouth and boos.
“No, it’s better that he’s honest,” Veth says. “We already know he’s a terrible actor.”
“Herr Thelyss,” Caleb says, raising his voice above the heckling. “Do you have a question?”
Essek leans forward, resting his elbows on the table in a gesture that’s much too endearing. “I wondered what you will be teaching us today, Professor Widogast.”
Caleb tries not to dwell on the way the title hits differently on Essek’s voice, instead straightening up and waving one hand behind him. An illusory chalkboard appears in the air behind him to polite applause from Veth and Yasha. Back on track.
“Well, this is your first day,” he says. “So I know that - Beauregard, please remove your feet from the table - I know that most of your other teachers will be spending time going over the material that you will be covering this semester, but, ah…” What is he meant to be doing with his hands? They feel limp if they’re at his sides, but too formal behind his back and too awkward in front of him. Perhaps he should have a lectern? Somewhere to rest them, or shuffle with papers?
His gaze drifts back to his “students,” who all blink back at him expectantly. Essek inclines his head as though to prompt him on. He clasps his hands in front of his chest, hoping it will do for now.
“Right,” he continues. “Ja, so I thought we would take a look at something more practical to start. We will leave the reading for tomorrow; you have enough of that today.”
He waves his hands again, and behind him, a set of runes and diagrams appears on the chalkboard. Above it is written the word Prestidigitation.
“So, ah, partner up,” he orders. “Introduce yourselves. If there is someone on their own, a group of three is perfectly acceptable.”
“I call Miss Lionett,” Beau shouts, grabbing Yasha’s hand.
“Can I go to the bathroom, first?” Yasha asks.
Caleb gives her an incredulous look.
“I really do need to go,” she says.
He gestures towards the hallway, and she shuffles off. In the meantime, Veth and Essek scoot their chairs closer together. Caleb’s gaze lingers questioningly on Beau, who shakes her head.
“She’s not learning anything tonight, man. Go ahead.”
“Ja, okay,” he says distantly.
It feels silly, explaining the spell to this motley crew. Beau has leaned back in her chair, arms crossed, eyes glassy, clearly not paying an ounce of attention. Essek has produced a piece of paper upon which Veth occasionally scribbles, though the way he periodically nods approval at Caleb’s points betrays his own prior knowledge of the subject. After a few minutes, Yasha returns and attempts to take down notes of her own.
“Is everyone following along?” he asks after a while, knowing it’s a futile question.
“Yep,” Beau lies.
“Hmm.” Yasha hums.
“Perfectly,” Essek says.
“You’re doing amazing, sweetie,” Veth confirms with a wink.
He continues, running them through the various applications one by one. Beau gives him an occasional “uh huh” that he believes not one bit. At one point, he catches Essek take a passing glance at Veth’s paper, widen his eyes, and lean forward to murmur something to her. He isn’t sure he wants to know what that’s about.
“Let’s keep focused, please, everyone,” he reminds them.
Essek waves a hand to signal him to continue. Nothing too scandalous, then. He goes through the final few points, then comes to stop in front of the chalkboard, hands awkwardly clasped again.
“Okay, that is it,” he says. “You have as much time as you require to finish the spell, and when you are finished, I would like one person from each group to demonstrate.”
He gives the others a questioning look. It’s one of the points he’s most worried about. A way to take pressure off some of the slower students could just as easily be a way to unintentionally foster competition and resentment. But none of them objects, so he gives them another nod.
“I suppose we should skip the demonstration portion,” he mumbles.
“I can do it,” Yasha chirps. Without warning, she swings the massive greatsword from her back and sinks the tip into the table, making the others jump. “I made a small mark.”
Caleb covers his eyes with one hand. “Ja, will it go away in one hour?”
Yasha silently places her drink down over the indentation. Caleb sighs. It isn’t as though he has very many guests, anyway.
“I can probably swing producing an odor, for you,” Beau offers. “But I figure you probably don’t want that.”
He ignores her, and instead gives Essek a tight smile.
“Well, would my second group care to demonstrate?”
Beau jerks a thumb in Essek’s direction and fake-coughs to Yasha, “Teacher’s pet.”
Essek ignores her and sits back, fingers working in those little patterns he draws when something has piqued his curiosity. “I believe so,” he says, and nods to Veth.
Caleb raises his eyebrows as all eyes turn to Veth. Though Essek had the courtesy to leave her a halfling, her features and coloring are entirely different - but that wide smile as she stands and rubs both hands together would give her away, no matter the face it was set in. And as Beau swears under her breath, Yasha and Caleb look on wide-eyed, and Essek watches with a smirk, she pulls her hands apart to let loose a shower of sparks.
“You… learned the spell,” Caleb says numbly. He hadn’t imagined any of them were actually paying attention.
“It was an excellent lesson!” Veth replies.
As she takes her seat again, Beau and Yasha give her a smattering of stunned applause. Essek clears his throat pointedly.
“And I guess, maybe, Essek gave me one pointer,” Veth amends with an eye-roll.
“Hey, so your partner system worked,” Yasha points out.
It had. The lesson had worked, the procedure had worked - his teaching had worked. There’s still a little voice in his head reminding him that Veth is brilliant, and an adult, and perfectly capable of learning things like this without even so much as his help - but he can’t deny that it’s his guidance that taught her this particular spell. ‘An excellent lesson,’ Veth had said. In this moment, he’s inclined to believe it might be half true. Caleb realizes very suddenly that he’s beaming.
With a snap of his fingers, Essek dispels the disguises. The soft smile on his face - his real face, and Caleb always misses it dearly when it’s hidden - says he hasn’t failed to notice Caleb’s relief.
“Danke, all of you,” he says sheepishly, waving a hand to vanish the chalkboard.
“Thank you!” Veth says. “For the shiny new spell and for the masterclass in professoring.”
“You were really good,” Yasha agrees. “I’m, uh... I’m sorry about the table.”
He dips his head to hide the way his face is flushing. They exaggerate, the lot of them. But there is something to be said for having friends who will say such things. “Ja, well,” he says, “I am not convinced it will translate to an actual class, but I will hope.”
Beau takes another swig of her drink, wiping her mouth afterwards. “Dude, we were the worst and you still managed to teach somebody something,” she says. “Those kids have nothing on us. You got this.”
He offers her a smile, retrieving his glass from the table as Yasha, Veth, and Essek do the same. He hopes it’s true. He hopes that, separate entirely from his ability to teach them the how of magic, he will be able to keep them safe. That he will be able to keep from passing on any damage he received in his own time in those halls.
He catches Essek’s eye, and the knowing look there puts some of the anxious buzzing to rest. He will be better. He will struggle, most likely. He will stumble, inevitably. But he will give better than he got. He’s been practicing that part for years.
“To Professor Widogast!” Veth shouts, breaking him out of his thoughts.
“Professor Widogast,” the others echo, and Caleb smiles.
“To my very good friends,” he replies.
“To the hottest professor the Soltryce Academy has ever seen,” Veth shouts in response, and Caleb nearly chokes on his drink when Essek casually clinks his glass against hers with a nod.
They drink together. Caleb thinks, just a little bit, he might be excited.
thanks @peregrintook for reading this over and telling me it wasn't the worst thing i had ever written (in much more generous words than that), and @saturdaysky for catching me red-handed last time i deleted it and being so kind about it 💜
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radiantroope · 4 years
Do You Trust Me? || JJ Maybank
pairing: jj x reader
mentions: john b, kiara, pope
requested: yes, i don’t have the exact request because it’s over on @maybanksbitch
summary: jj finds out you’ve never had sex. being the loving best friend that he is, he offers to show you what you’ve been missing.
warnings: swearing, underage drinking, mentions of peer pressure, fluff, protected sex (no glove, no love), very detailed and graphic fluffy smut
wc: idfk but it’s LONG
a/n: well, here it is! the end’s kinda shitty but honestly, i needed to finish this instead of going back to it on and off for a week. this is unedited because it’s long as hell and i’m lazy.
masterlist | add yourself to my tag list
* not my gif. if it’s yours, please let me know so i can give you proper credit!
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It was a lazy day at the Chateau for you and the Pogues. Everyone was debating on what to do for the day. John B suggesting surfing, Pope suggested fishing, Kiara desperately wanted to go swimming since it was blistering hot out. You and JJ were the only two who seemed keen on staying in. You’d rather sit around drinking and playing dumb games.
You sat with Kiara and John B in a half circle of old, stained lawn chairs. Pope and JJ were playing their favorite game that you called ‘Balance’. The one where you try and knock the other person off balance by pushing their shoulder. They were both holding strong, neither one leaning too far with each push.
Somehow you’d all gotten on the topic of hookups. JJ glanced your way and caught your eye for half a second. He’d been your best friend since you were in diapers, of course he knew you didn’t hookup with, well, anyone. The other Pogues didn’t know that though.
“Remember Fallon?” John B asked the group, sending JJ a sinister smile.
“Oh my God, she was obsessed with JJ!” Kiara shrieked through laughs.
You couldn’t help but laugh too, earning a glare from the blonde headed boy. Everyone remembered the crazy redhead who spent everyday at the Chateau looking for JJ.
“That was the first and only time we’ve ever had to lock the doors,” Pope recalled the memory, laughing when JJ shoved his shoulder harder.
“Oh, don’t think I don’t remember Crystal,” JJ teased, pointing a John B. “Or Brad,” he added and turned to Kiara with a raised eyebrow.
“God he still texts me,” Kiara muttered, shuddering at the memory of the Touron who practically fell in love with her last Summer.
“What about you, Y/N? We see the guys all over you at the parties. One ever stick?” Pope asked.
JJ’s jaw clenched at his question. He caught your eye yet again and almost fell over when Pope gave him a good push. You knew the blonde hated how guys treated you at parties. He was always there to get you out of those uncomfortable situations.
“Andrew,” you responded, feeling your chest tighten.
Your exboyfriend was a touchy subject. He dumped you after a year together when you still didn’t want to sleep with him. It never felt like the right time and at first he was okay with it, until he wasn’t. He tried to demand you sleep with him because that’s what couples do.
“He was your boyfriend, he doesn’t count,” John B said.
“I met him at a party though.”
“But he wasn’t just some hookup that became obsessed,” Kiara added.
“He was an asshole and friends with Rafe. Let’s leave it at that,” JJ intervened and gave up on the game with Pope.
The blonde walked over to you and instead of taking the empty chair between yourself and John B, he plopped himself right on your lap. You huffed and wrapped your arm around his middle when he leant back against you. You brought your bottle of Budweiser up your lips, giggling as some of the cold condensation dripped on JJ’s bare shoulder and he shivered.
The conversation changed quickly after that. JJ was protective of you and they all knew if they continued, they’d never hear the end of it. No one wanted to be on that end of JJ’s anger.
Eventually, it was decided that John B, Pope and Kiara would take the HMS Pogue our for a ride. Where they ended up was unknown, but they needed to get out of the house.
“Y’all coming?” John B asked as he stood up and stretched.
“Nah, I think we’re gonna hang back,” JJ answered for the both of you, though you weren’t complaining. You missed the days where it was just you and him. It would be nice to spend some quality alone time with your best friend for the first time in forever.
“Suit yourselves, you two have fun,” the brunette shrugged and went to follow your other two friends down the dock.
“But not too much fun!” Pope quickly called, pointing two fingers at his eyes then back at you.
JJ rolled his eyes and sent Pope his middle finger while you laughed. They all teased you two for being so close. They insisted that you were soulmates and just blind to it. You’d be lying if you didn’t feel some type of way towards the blonde, but you always pushed those feelings away. Soulmates could be best friends, right? They didn’t always have to be lovers.
“Okay, my legs are numb. Please get up,” you patted JJ’s stomach and let out a grunt as he stood.
JJ grabbed the chair John B had been sitting in and pulled it over so he could sit in front of you. He leaned forwards and rested his elbows on his knees, hands reaching out and grabbing your free one. He toyed with the bracelets on your wrist and tightened the ones that were coming loose.
You could tell his brain was at work with the way his crystal blue eyes glazed over. He wasn’t really even paying attention to what he was doing. You wanted to ask him what he was thinking about but also didn’t want to ruin the comforting moment. The rough pads of his thumbs started massaging gently into the top of your hand as his eyes flickered up to your face.
“I have a question. You don’t have to answer, obviously, but I’d like to know,” the blonde broke the silence with his soft voice.
You raised an eyebrow in response, giving him the indication to continue.
“I know you don’t hookup with people at parties, but I’ve also never heard you talk about Andrew in that way,” JJ started, causing your heart rate to increase. You knew where he was going with this. “Are you...have you-have you ever had sex?”
You mouth went dry at the blonde’s question. He may have been your best friend, but that wasn’t something you disclosed with him. Your friends may have been comfortable with expressing their sexual endeavors but not you. You let people think what they wanted and didn’t really care if it was true.
Your lack of response made JJ nervous. He didn’t want to pressure you into talking about something you didn’t want to. He couldn’t care less wether you had sex or not, he was just curious. “You can tell me anything, Y/N. You know I won’t judge you,” he added.
“I know, I know,” you told him, twisting your hand to hold the blonde’s. The tiniest smiled curled at the corner of his lips.
“I, um, yeah, no,” you stumbled over your words, cheeks heating up under JJ’s intense stare. “I’ve never had sex.”
“Not even with Andrew?”
You shook your head and let out a small laugh, avoiding his gaze and staring out at the water. “It never felt right with him. He dumped me because I wouldn’t,” you explained, feeling his grip tighten on your hand. “And I hate the idea of drunk, meaningless hookups too. It’s not like I don’t want to have sex, of course I do, just not like that.”
JJ’s bright eyes watched the way your index finger tapped against the neck of your beer bottle. His gaze trailed up your arm and stopped on your lips. He could see that you were chewing on the inside of your bottom lip. He watched your eyes flicker across the horizon, sparkling with the sun’s reflection. Your hair blew over your shoulder in the warm breeze.
“Do you trust me?” your blonde best friend caught your attention with his question.
You turned and met his stare, eyebrows furrowing a bit. You answered, “Of course I do. More than anyone in the world.”
“Would you let me make you feel good? Show you what you’ve been missing?” JJ was calm and collected on the outside, but on the inside his heart was hammering against his chest.
You didn’t know what to say at first. You’d be lying if you said you’d never thought about it. JJ was hands down, the most attractive guy on the island, in your opinion. And you knew him in a way other people didn’t. You didn’t know how you hadn’t already taken the dive and fallen in love with him sooner. With the way he was looking at you right now, it started to seem like a possibility.
The pads of JJ’s fingers started to ghost up and down your arm slowly, causing a shiver to run through you. He tilted his head and questioned you, “Y/N?”
You took a gulp of your beer to ease your nerves and set it in the cup holder of the chair. Breathing in deeply through your nose, your e/c eyes fell on his sapphire ones yet again. You head bobbed as you nodded and small smile spread across your lips, saying, “Yeah.. yeah, okay.”
JJ stood up and pulled you up as well with the hands holding yours. He interlocked you’re fingers and led you the short distance up to the Chateau. With each step your heart started to beat faster. You grasped the blonde’s hand tighter to try and keep yourself from shaking. He smiled over his shoulder at you as you crossed the threshold into the house.
The blonde’s hand left yours once you’d entered the spare bedroom. You turned and shut the door, flipping the lock into place just in case the Pogues came back during your escapades. You turned around and tried not to ogle at JJ who had shed his shirt in the few seconds you’d had your back to him.
A smirk curled on his lips as he sat down on the edge of the bed. You’d seen him shirtless thousands of times, but this was different. His eyes were a darker shade as he stared you down. A heat spread through your body as JJ used one finger to beckon you to him, a soft “C’mere” leaving his lips.
You took the few steps to the bed and stopped in front of him. His hands reached out and landed on your waist, pulling you in between his legs. He guided you down into his lap until you were straddling him. Your soft breaths mingled with his from the close proximity. Your hands found place on the warm skin of his bare shoulders.
“If it starts to be too much for you, just tell me to stop,” JJ’s voice was soft as he reached up and tucked your hair behind your right ear, “Okay?”
You nodded and gave him a small smile, whispering, “Okay.”
JJ’s pointer finger hooked under your chin and pulled your lips to his. He tasted like beer with a hint of mint and his lips were a bit chapped. He could taste your cherry chapstick and a soft hum left him. Your fingers slid their way around his neck and into the soft waves on the back of his head.
The blonde’s hands found your waist again as he pulled you closer. Your head tilted, deepening the kiss as you felt his tongue swipe your bottom lip. You obliged and allowed your lips to part, tongues dancing together. Your head was spinning. Never did you think you’d be kissing your best friend of sixteen years, nor that it would feel so good; so natural.
JJ’s fingers slipped under the material of your shirt, dancing against the soft skin of your hips. You pulled away from his lips, breathless. His eyes were soft as he gazed up at you and pushed his hands higher, your shirt moving with them. His hands sat on your ribs, thumbs stroking your skin.
“Can I take this off?” he whispered, eyes darting between both of yours, reading your expression to make sure you weren’t overwhelmed.
You bit down on your swollen bottom lip and nodded, holding your arms up as JJ removed the clothing. Your arms came back down, hands resting against his defined pecks as he took in your naked chest. It wasn’t unusual for you to not wear a bra. They were uncomfortable and itchy so you hardly ever wore one unless completely necessary.
“God, you’re fucking beautiful,” JJ breathed as his hands came up and cupped the mounds of flesh.
Your heart fluttered at the compliment, cheeks flushing and a smile spreading across your lips. JJ’s head dropped, nose nudging your jaw as you turned your head to the side. He pressed open mouthed kisses to your neck, sharp teeth gently nipping in certain spots. Your eyes slipped closed, breath hitching as he found your sweet spot and focused his mouth there.
His hands stayed on your chest, squeezing your breasts softly. He pinched one of your nipples between his thumb and pointer finger. On the other side his thumb brushed over the peaked nub with the lightest touch. A soft moan escaped your lips at the sensations he was bringing you. Your body was getting hotter, a tingling feeling intensifying between your legs.
JJ lifted his head when he was satisfied with the marks littering your skin. He brought his lips back to yours in a hard kiss, tongue immediately pressing it’s way into your mouth. His hands gripped your thighs as he turned the two of you abruptly.
Your back met the mattress and your lips seperated. He was settled between your legs, hands on both sides of your head. He took in the way your pupils were blown, parted lips puffy from the pressure of his own. Your hair was sprawled around you as short pants left your body. A smile tugged at his lips as he leant down to kiss you again. JJ was starting to think he didn’t care if you were the only girl underneath him for the rest of time.
His lips didn’t stay on your for long, wet kisses being pressed down your neck and chest. You watched him kiss his way down your stomach to the hem of your shorts. His eyes flickered up to yours in question as his fingers lingered around the button.
Your head moved in a single nod and that’s all it took for the boy to undo your shorts and pull them off, your underwear going with them. You felt shy under JJ’s hungry gaze as he dropped your clothing onto the floor. Your thighs went to clamp shut but he put his hands on your knees to stop you.
“Is it too much?” the blonde asked, staring up at you.
“No, no,” you responded quickly and smiled softly, putting a hand over the side of your burning face. “S’just no one’s ever seen me like this before.”
JJ smiled at you and glided his hands up your thighs, leaning down to kiss the inside of your knee. He started to trail his lips up the inside of your thigh slowly, eyes still locked on yours. “You’re beautiful,” he told you again against your skin.
You bit your lip to hide your grin and shifted as he pushed your legs open wider. JJ laid down flat on his stomach in between your legs, nearly moaning as his painfully hard cock brushed against the mattress through his board shorts. His eyes flickered up to your face and remained there as he leaned forward and tested the waters, tongue dragging through your folds slowly.
A soft gasp left your lips at the foreign feeling. The bottoms of your feet pressed further into mattress. JJ repeated the action a few more times, the drag of the velvety muscle against your clit sent jolts of electricty through your body. His middle finger came proding at your entrance, slipping in with ease.
He pumped the single digit and slid his ring finger in beside it after a minute. A soft noise of discomfort left your parted lips. JJ wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked softly to distract from the feeling. There was no stopping the smirk on his lips when a sharp moan left you as he curled his fingers. His tongue flicked at your sensitive bundle nerves and your fingers grasped onto the sheets tighter, another moan leaving your mouth.
“Ah, shit,” you hissed, face scrunching in discomfort as he added a third finger.
JJ looked up at you and then focused his mouth on your quivering inner thighs, trying to ease the pain. “I know, I know. But I’ve gotta make sure you’re good ‘n stretched so it’ll hurt less,” he cooed.
You nodded twice and breathed slowly as you willed your body to relax. JJ’s mouth came down and found your clit again. He swirled his tongue as he began pumping his fingers again. He was pleased to hear your whimpers turn back into moans.
The blonde pulled away when he figured you were stretched enough. He wanted nothing more than to have you cum around his fingers, then his cock, but he thought it might be too much for you. A soft whine came from the back of your throat when his fingers left you and he chuckled.
JJ came to a standing position beside the bed and undid the strings on his shorts. He pushed them down and kicked them off, dick standing hard and proud once it was free. He didn’t miss the way your eyes widened and you nervously swallowed as you eyed him.
“I know it looks intimidating,” JJ started, feeling proud that you were impressed. “But you’ll be okay.”
“JJ, you’re gonna rip me in half with that,” you stated, completely serious.
A loud laugh came from the blonde as he bent down and grabbed a condom from the box stored under the bed. He stood back up and crawled onto the bed, silver foil packet clutched between his fingers.
“That’s not gonna happen, baby, promise,” the nickname directed at you rolled off his tongue and your stomach flipped. You’d always teased each other with names like that but it was different in this sense.
You watched silently as JJ ripped open the condom package. His hands shook the slightest bit as he rolled it on and let out a puff of air from the little contact his erection received. He shuffled closer to you on his knees and hooked his hands under the backs of your thighs, pushing them towards your chest. You bit down on your bottom lip as you felt the head of his cock brush your entrance.
“Ready?” the blonde asked, bright eyes meeting yours. His thumb rubbed gently on the back of your thigh as if to tell you it’s okay to back out now.
You nodded in response and let out a deep breath through your nose. Your hand reached down and gripped onto JJ’s wrist that had your leg held back. He gave you a small smile then looked down between your bodies, free hand helping guide his length into your entrance.
Your mouth fell open, hand squeezing onto his wrist tighter as he pushed into you slowly, inch by inch. JJ’s jaw clenched as your pussy gripped him like a vice. He put the hand that was free on your hip and paused.
“Relax, Y/N, you gotta relax,” he groaned out, resisting the urge to plunge into you like he was used to.
“I’m trying,” you whimpered, tears stinging the corners of your eyes.
“Breathe,” JJ told you, “Breathe through it, baby.”
You sucked in a shaky breath through your nose and let it out your mouth, repeating the action until your muscles started unwinding. The muscular boy above you huffed when he felt you unclench around him. He pressed forward again until his thighs were pressed against the back of your own.
He stayed like that, letting you adjust, drawing soothing circles against your skin as he waited. He looked up to your face and saw you had your eyes clenched shut. His hand came up and caressed the side of your face, thumb brushing underneath your eye.
“You okay?” he asked softly.
You swallowed thickly and opened your eyes to look up at him. He was staring down at you in worry but his eyes were filled with nothing but adoration. The whole scenario was making your head spin.
You were laying there, stuffed full for the first time with your best friend’s cock. What?
“Y-Yeah,” you managed to respond, feeling breathless under his stare. “You can move.”
JJ put the hand that was on your face beside your head, leaning his weight on it as he hovered over you. He pulled out slowly then pressed back in. He pushed your leg back farther with the other hand and thrust his hips again.
It was an agonizingly slow pace, you knew that much, but he was taking his time with you and you’d never been so grateful. Anyone else probably wouldn’t have taken care of you the way JJ was. You couldn’t picture losing it to anyone else in that moment. He was the closest friend you had. He was your person.
JJ’s eyes moved between your face and down to where your bodies met repeatedly. He was entranced by seeing your tight walls grip him so deliciously, but also needed to make sure you were okay. He smirked slightly when he saw the crease inbetween your eyebrows disappear with each thrust and soft, pleasured noises started to leave your lips.
The blonde boy began thrusting faster, unable to contain the low groan that bubbled in his throat. Your hands moved up onto the back of his neck and wrapped around his bicep. Your blunt nails dug into his skin as you moaned louder, head tilting back and pressing into the mattress.
JJ readjusted his position, dropping to his elbows on both sides of you. You hiked your legs up on his hips, breath catching in your throat at the new angle. His cock made you feel so full, brushing against your g-spot with each stroke.
“Fuck, J,” you moaned out, fingers tangling in the hair on the back of his head.
The feeling JJ got when looked at you underneath him and you moaned for him was indescribable. A heat flooded his whole body. He wanted to be the one who made you feel good; the only one. The thought of anyone else seeing you like this infuriated him, but the feeling of your hand tugging on his hair brought him out of the trance.
“You’re doing so good,” he muttered, bending his head down to press kisses to your neck, “so good.”
JJ’s thrusts got harder, the head of his cock pressing up against that spot inside of you that made you see stars. You cried you, gripping onto him as he kept the pace, his mouth working more marks into your skin.
He didn’t think he could last much longer, not with how tight your pussy clenched around him every time he hit your spot, moaning his name in ear. He pushed his weight onto one arm and slid the other down between the two of you. He lifted his head and watched as your mouth fell open as soon as his fingers made contact with your clit. He rubbed in quick figure eights, working you up to your high.
“O-Oh shit,” you cursed, nails scratching against JJ’s shoulders as your back arched off the bed.
Your whole body was tingling, a tightening feeling coiling in the pit of your stomach. The rhythm of JJ’s thrusts never faltered. The sinful moan that tore through your throat as you came was music to the blonde’s ears.
“Fuck,” JJ gasped as you clenched around him, following you into euphoria with a moan of his own.
Your thighs shook, still hooked around his waist as you came down from your high. Your arms were still wrapped around his shoulders as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. The two of stayed like that for a few minutes, letting your heavy breaths return back to normal.
Eventually, JJ pulled out of you slowly, causing a small hiss to leave your lips. He climbed off the bed and went to dispose of the condom in the bathroom trash quickly. When he entered the room again, you were climbing under the covers, wrapping yourself in the blankets. You had a hazy look in your eyes and a dopey smile on your face.
“Was it everything you thought it would be?” JJ asked as he climbed under the covers beside you.
The two of you faced each other on the bed, heads nuzzled against the pillows. You hummed softly, eyes fluttering closed as exhaustion washed over you.
“Better,” you muttered in response, cracking your eyes open to peak at your best friend once again.
He was staring at you, soft smile adorning his lips as his eyes trailed over your face. He scooted closer to you and wound an arm around your waist. He pulled you against his chest and pressed a chaste kiss to the top of your head. His fingers trailed lazy patterns up and down your spine, lulling you into the best sleep you’d ever have.
“I love you,” JJ whispered, knowing you were deep in dreamland by now.
The blonde didn’t sleep, he just laid there and held you, replaying what just happened in his mind over and over again. He saw you in a different light; a light that he never wanted to burn out. Laying there holding you, butterflies fluttering happily in his stomach, all he could do was smile.
The two of you were definitely going to be having a long conversation on how to move forward when you woke up.
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please-buckme · 3 years
A Broken Heart.
Lee Bodecker x fem!reader
Chapter 2
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Chapter warnings: 18+ mentions of death, mentions of sex, cursing, Lee being an ass, angst, meninist behaviors
Chapter summary: You move back home after three years to find your heart still in shambles.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 1 // Chapter 3
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3 Years Later
After moving a whole county away, Highland Ohio to be exact, you stayed for quite some time. Your aunt was amazing and the sweetest woman you’d ever known, and living with her was a breeze. She’d even gotten you a job at the auto shop her recently deceased husband left to her, which you loved. Life was good, for a while. You never had a reason to come home until your momma got sick.
For the past year you watched as your momma slowly faded away until the last week of April when she finally passed in her sleep. You were devastated, of course, but not only because of her death. She didn’t have much to her name besides a couple thousand in the bank and the house you’d left so long ago, which she left all to you.
The house was old. White paneling a faint tint of brown, grey shutters that were almost all off their hinges and rust anywhere you looked. It was a fixer upper and there’s no way you could sell it in its current condition. So, you decided to move back to Knockemstiff, just for the time being.
In all honesty, you’d grown to hate that town. Nothing but bad memories and any good memories you’d had were tarnished completely. So, once the house was decent enough to sell, you were out of there and back to the life you’d created in Highland.
Your aunt and you drove together in her pick up truck back to the house after your momma passed. She helped you unload your stuff and take things to the necessary rooms.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay? I can make my famous pancakes. I know you love’em.” She grinned.
“As tempting as that sounds, I’m fine. Please, I insist you go now before it gets dark.” You pull your aunt into a hug, a tight hug.
“I’m gonna miss havin’ you around, kiddo.” She sighed, her breath fanning over your neck.
“It’s only for a few months. I’ll be back to annoying you in no time, oldie.”
“Hey, I’m not old.” She laughed and pointed her finger at you sternly but still in a lighthearted way.
“And I’m not a kid.”
She laughed a little more then sighed, “Well, I guess I’ll head out. Call me if you need anything and don’t forget to go down to Billy’s tomorrow. He’s excited to bring you in.”
You smiled, “How could I forget? I need some sort of income to fix this craphole up.”
You walked your aunt to her car and waved her goodbye as she drove way. Your eyes welled up but you made sure not to cry in front of her or she’d never leave.
Once you went back in, you immediately got to work. Starting in the kitchen, you didn’t have much but a few coffee cups. The house was still occupied with your momma’s things and you were already dreading having to go through it all.
Things started to come together room by room as you worked most of the day away. You cleaned and rearranged things to your liking now that it was your house. It felt almost empowering to do what you want. You’d never lived alone so, in a way, this was an adventure as well.
You took your old room instead of the master, since that’s where your momma passed. It gave you goosebumps just thinking about and you knew you’d never get any sleep if you stayed in there. Your room wasn’t big but it was good enough for now and much better than sleeping in your momma’s death bed, hard pass.
You’d taken a seat on the couch with some tea you’d brewed up earlier that morning. This was the first time you sat down since arriving, and of course there’s a knock at the door.
“Whatever you’re selling, I promise you, I ain’t interested.” You shout, too exhausted to even attempt getting up.
The knocking continued, “Oh, for fucks sake.” You groaned under your breath and stood on your aching feet to tell them to fuck off in person. You opened the door, “did you not hear me the first time. I said-“
“Hi, Y/n” Lee greeted as he removed his hat.
You scoffed, “Can I help you with somethin’, Sheriff?”
Lee stood there, fiddling with the bill of his hat. His belly had gotten a little bigger and his cheeks had gotten a little chubbier, but you couldn’t help the hitch in your throat when his wedding ring caught your eye. Just a basic silver band, nothing special. But it still left a hollow pit in your stomach.
“I-“ he cleared his suddenly dry throat. “I heard you was back in town. Thought I’d come see for ma self if the rumors were true.”
“Welp, here I am. You can go now.”
“Y/n, I-“
“No, Lee, please. I’ve had a long day and I honestly don’t feel like talking to you right now. No, I take that back. I don’t feel like talking to you at all.”
“That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think, doll.” He grins.
“Goodbye, Sheriff.” You shut the door only to hear him holler at you from the other side.
“Still can’t say my name, huh, Doll? Boy, I really did a number on you, didn’t I?” Your heart sank at his words. It seemed your pain was a joke to him this whole time. You’d always pictured him crying alone like you were but clearly that was never the case. Y’all’s relationship didn’t seem one sided until you were the only one hurt by the fall out.
“Welcome home, Y/n.” He said before you heard his boots click against the porch as he left.
You took a deep breath as you backed away from the door. Tears rimmed your eyes and you scoffed aloud to yourself. After three years you still weren’t over him and you knew that. You didn’t know, however, that he’d still have such a hold on you. And by the way he reacted to how sensitive you were towards the situation still didn’t help the ever growing void that ran through your entire loveless body. The only man you ever loved looked at you as if you were a quick fuck and a punchline.
A tear burned against your cheek and you were quick to wipe it away. You swore to yourself that you’d never cry over that man again and you won’t, instead you decided it was time for a much needed bath.
The bath was scolding hot, just how you liked it, and you opened up a bottle of wine as a sort of reward for the work you’d done today. Once the water got cold and the wine ran out, you brushed your hand and teeth and went to bed.
The sun beamed down against your skin as you walked to the local auto shop where your aunt had set you up with another job. You were always good with numbers and they desperately needed someone on the books. Your job would be to look at their spending over the last few months and figure out some sort of budget. You did that for your aunt at her shop, so this didn’t worry you at all.
“Hi, you must be Billy.” You greet the owner, “I’m
y/n, Peggy’s niece.”
“Oh, yes. I’m glad you finally made it down.” He beamed, shaking your hand, “How long will you be here for?”
“I’m not sure, actually. Just until I get my house fixed up enough to sell.” You say, retracting your hand from his sweaty one.
“Ah, well as luck would have it, our secretary just quit on us last week, so there’s a position you’ll adjust to right fine.”
You scoffed, “Wait a minute. Did you say secretary?”
“Yeah. You need to get your hearing checked, Honey?” He grinned. What is it with the men in this town?!
“No, I heard you just fine. My problem is that I was supposed to be your Budget Holder, not a damn secretary.” Your face was turning a touch of pink as you became increasingly annoyed.
“That’s a man's job, sweetie. We don’t you blown a fuse tryin’ ta add up all them numbers, now do we?”
“You can’t be serious.” You say flatly.
“Look, it’s the only position we got. Take it or leave it.”
Everything in you wanted to March out of that shop and never go back again. A secretary's position is nothing to frown upon, but to only be offered it because you’re a woman was despicable. Sadly, you needed this job and it would only be for a few months. So, when you told him you’d take the job you swallowed every ounce of respect you had for yourself. Knockemstiff was truly the worst town in America.
“Sounds great. We’ll see you tomorrow for training. There’s no dress code but there are a few things you’ll need to know before starting. I’ll fill you in once we start your training tomorrow.” He shook your hand again, completely ignoring the furious grimace on your face.
“Great. See you tomorrow.” You mumbled, walking away so you didn’t ‘accidentally’ hit your new boss.
Before heading home you decided to stop and grab some things for the house. Being sick, your momma didn’t eat much besides soup, and there was an over abundance of vanilla flavored Ovaltine cans littering the kitchen counters, which you hated.
The second the doors opened, all eyes were on you. You even heard a faint gasp coming from the woman at the register. A smirk crept upon your face. These people's lives were so boring that they still aren’t over your breakup that happened so long ago. Rolling your eyes, you grabbed a cart and headed down the produce aisle.
Once you grabbed the vegetables you’d need for a stew, you headed towards the baking aisle. You need the ingredients for an upside down pineapple cake your momma used to make for you as a kid. Your aunt was coming into town on Saturday to lend a hand and celebrate her birthday. You told her to go have fun, but she insisted on spending her special day with you.
As you searched for the baking soda, you heard your name.
“Did you see Y/n’s back in town?” A lady with a high pitched voice whispered.
“I did. I just saw her. Poor thing. She’s probably still caught up on the sheriff. Prolly wish it was her that was on his arm instead of Laura-Jean.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I know it. Wouldn’t you, though? He’s so handsome.” The lady with the high patched voice giggled.
“Oh, hush! Don’t say things like that.” The other lady joined the high pitched one in whispered giggles. “Oh my goodness, here he comes.” She cleared her throat, “Afternoon, Sheriff.”
“Evenin’,Ladies. Y’all behavin’ yourselves?” You could hear the smirk in his voice.
They both giggled and in unison said, “Yes, Sheriff.”
“Oh give me a break.” You grimaced to yourself.
“Heard Y/n’s back in town.” The high pitched one spoke up. Your face burned. Why would they bring you up to him so bluntly like that? Everyone in this town was so unbelievably nosy.
“I- I heard. Actually just went to see her yesterday.” He said, clearing his throat.
“Uh-oh, the misses didn’t like that, I’m sure.” They giggled.
“Oh, no. She didn’t mind. I was just droppin’ by to give her my condolences about her momma dyin’. Then, she slammed the door in my face. I guess she’s still pretty upset with me.” He was pouting, trying to get some sort of sympathy. If you rolled your eyes any harder you thought they’d pop out of your head.
“Oh, you poor thing. Is there anything we can-“
Suddenly the baking soda slipped from your hand and scattered all other the floor in a puff of dust. “Shit, shit, shit.” You whispered to yourself.
“What was that?” One of the ladies asked.
“Excuse me, ladies.” Lee said. You could hear his boots clacking against the floor on there way over to you.
You desperately wanted to run away but leaving this mess for someone to clean up wasn’t right, not even with the predicament you found yourself in. “Well, well, well,” Lee mocked as he rounded the corner. “Only here for less than a day and you’re already causin’ trouble.”
“Stay out of this, Bodecker.” You huff, trying to scoop the baking soda back into the card box it spilled from.
“Was you eavesdroppin’, girl?” He asked, kicking the soul of your shoe.
You scoffed, “Oh, please. I could give two shits what you say about me, Bodecker.”
He leaned in close, hovering over your left side. You heard him chuckle which startled you. He was so close. You could feel the familiar heat radiating from his body and smell that familiar cologne. His lips came down close to your ear. He licked them and then whispered, “If ya weren’t eavesdroppin’, how’d ya know I was talkin’ bout you, hm?”
Your eyes shuttered closed as he spoke, feeling his hot breath against your cheek. His deep southern drawl always made you weak. It took you back to those times in the back of the cruiser. He whispered such dirty praises in your ear when you would ride his cock. Those dirty words that could make you cum in seconds.
“You still with me, doll?” You felt him tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear.
You flitched and stood up, “I- don’t touch me and stop calling me doll, alright? I really don’t have time for your games today, sheriff, and I’m not even really sure what you’re playin’ at in the first place.”
He smirked, running a thumb across his lip, “Darlin, I think the only thing I ever played was you..”
“I-“ your breath hitched in the back of your throat, “I have to go.” You turned to walk away, leaving the mess you’d made and your cart behind. Your eyes welled up with tears again. You didn’t know the man that stood in front of you. Lee was nothing but good to you when you dated and now he’s the most hateful man you’d ever met. The man you loved had disappeared and there’s nothing you could do to bring him back, no matter how bad you wanted to. A tear stained your cheek as you sped through the aisle. You could hear Lee hollering for you to stop but you wouldn’t this time.
All the heartbreak and sorrow that you’d left behind was creeping its way back in. The sooner you sold the house and got the hell out of there, the better.
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Dividers by: @firefly-in-darkness
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redwinterroses · 3 years
I just finished chapter 13 of Dog At The Door and holy hot cross buns batman if you're not reading this fic you NEED to. It's literally one of the best written fics I have ever read in my life and I've been reading fanfiction for over 15 years, lol.
I went back and reread the entire fic to lead up to chapter 13 and I decided to treat it like I used to treat things I had to read in college so I took notes as I went and please I am warning you this post is incredibly long. Almost 3k words. PLEASE do not hit that "read more" button unless you're good with having to scroll past it all and also spoilers ahead. Proceed with caution.
Rereading Dog at the Door reactions (spoilers, obviously):
· Doc finding Ren’s body to be cold and for a second thinking he’s actually dead—my heart
· “That’s Ren, alive and kicking.” Oh…no, Doc. No it’s not.
· The first “Where is my hand?” hits different the second time through
· Gah the ice and winter imagery ALL over the place—my English degree brain wants to watch and see if that shifts to warmth at any point as we go? Thoughts for future Red to think.
· It’s fascinating to me to see Doc constantly thrust into the prey role. This is a guy who is very much not that person normally, but something about the Red King is beyond anything he’s really encountered before—or at least not since Dinnerbone—and it pushes him into an entirely new role that he clearly chafes in
· “I should get back to work on your new arm soon,” he says, making a mental note to add claws to the fingertips. Honestly Doc why tho. XD
· “It feels like something Ren would want him to do.” </3
· Side note: I just watched Doc’s freaking hour long shulker farm vid, and that’s making it a lot easier to hear his voice in this fic
· I’m more curious about the hand.” New Ren laughs a bit at his own words, as though there’s something funny about that phrasing. I MISSED THIS LINE THE FIRST TIME THROUGH
· The bead curtain being cursed hippie treasure XD
· The fact that Doc just so quickly accepts that Ren is gone—maybe not permanently, but at least for now—is kind of heartbreaking. Because you know he hasn’t really accepted it, he’s just… deciding not to feel anything about it. Just nod and move on and pretend you don’t need to stop and cope with the possible/probable death of your best friend and the fact that Someone Else is wearing his skin. That’s so sad.
· “high-fiving the finished hand with his own metal hand.” Aww… Doccy.
· “He shoos away the images of New Ren holding him up by the throat supervillain-style and turns around.” Hmmmmmmm want that fanart. Scary New Ren/RK is good stuff. (post-chapter-13 Red popping in with a WHAT THE HECK)
· “that makes him seem like a ghost in Ren’s body.” YA KNOW. LIKE HE IS.
· Okay side note time: why is the Red King here? Ya know? Like – in 3rdLife the idea of a possessing spirit of bloodlust makes some sense. But why stick around? Was RK trying to escape the 3L server, or was this not deliberate? At what point did he take over from Ren—at Black Heart Altar? In which case, was the whole idea Ren’s to begin with, or was he influenced? Maybe it happened the first time Ren died? The Red King took over then—or at least started to? Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts, thoughts…
· Wait more theories—what if RK is connected to the ????? entity that spoke to Martyn when he died? In which case, cMartyn said he was considering making that canonically a Watcher (he ended up not doing it, but he also didn’t do anything that contradicted it either). I’m not saying RK is a Watcher… but boy he sure does stare a lot, don’t he.
· Holding the screwdriver like a dagger—mmmm
· Okay funny thought: all this frost, RK’s gonna need to be real careful about rust lol. And straining the metal, tbh, all that freezing and thawing is going to have an effect but the rust idea is making me laugh
· Until I realized it would look like blood and it’s not funny anymore
· “Renbob is in the beanbag stuffed next to the driver’s seat” right so is this where Renbob sleeps because I have been wondering—
· “something about having two people look like Ren when neither of them are makes Doc stop to take a shaky breath” *sob*
· “Renbob clears his throat, looking up at Doc with a smile that is so obviously fake that it hurts.” Ugh the LOT of you stop repressing everything you’ll give yourselves a collective hernia
· “he’ll probably have to break the news to the other hermits, too, Iskall and False and all the others.” All these painful lines I somehow missed the first time through
· Awww warm air comes in when Renbob opens the door—with the flowers and everything, Renbob is so easily associated with spring, I love this contrast.
· Aaand there it is, yup, RK is shocked to see his face on Renbob, and Renbob is shocked to see that this is so clearly Not Ren.
· They both recover pretty quickly, though. Survivors, both of them.
· RK calls Renbob their “ferryman” and I’m not sure if I was supposed to get “crossing the river Styx” vibes from that But I Did. (does RK think he’s dead? That they’re all dead?) (post-chapter-13 Red here with a little bit of wordless screaming.) (and also a bit of pride that I picked up on this.)
· “And what a help you’ve been! Fixing me up, replacing my hand.” Hi yes, 911? there’s a dagger stabbed into my feels.
· “he’d rather remember rage than see another person’s heart break.” Dang that’s such a raw line. Oof.
· ”the Red King says, his voice hoarse with tears.” Really interesting that this blood deity can feel such emotions—like, anger or even fear, I can get. But to see this entity upset to the point of tears is fascinating.
· “There is a crown on Doc’s workbench.” Right, yeah so like—is RK unwillingly manifesting these artifacts? Because that’s wild, man. …how long before he manifests an “enchanter”?
· “I’ve never seen it [the crown] clean before.” Okay that definitely implies that maybe RK didn’t come around until after Black Heart Altar?
· “The Red King has the crown in his lap when Doc turns back around, claws gently tracing over the engravings, leaving frost patterns behind.” I really wish I had art skills because there’s this image in my head of a drawing of the crown held in RK’s hands, with his face (one eye glowing, one in shadow) reflected in the surface, and frost patterns following behind a claw that’s daintily tracing the surface. But I can’t draw so—
· RK asks for a change of clothes. What was he wearing when they rescued him, I wonder? The Red King outfit with the fur capelet? Or Ren’s Stargazer outfit? Which begs the question: where does Stargazer fit into all this? Was Ren’s return to Hermitcraft RK free, but when he came so close to dying to Sith, RK found that as a gateway to take over? (Post-13 Red here, Looking Intently at this note.)
· Awww… the image of a one-legged RK clutching new clothes to his chest and hopping down to change in the bathroom… That’s weirdly endearing. He’s less menacing when he stands up somehow. Less lurking, maybe.
· Oooohhhhh he messed up his back sleeping on the floor. Gotcha.
· Doc keeps telling himself (and RK) that saving him and working on these parts is “the right thing to do” and while he’s not WRONG I just want to see him realize that it’s not only the right thing, it’s realistically the only thing, because if he didn’t, then he’d have to deal with the fact that he’s lost his best friend and we can’t have that.
· “I don’t need to eat” ummmmmm no hold on this definitely implies that RK is possessing a dead body and I’m not okay with that where is Ren
· LOLOL “I can’t stand to see [you do] this” is such a raw line to be about watching Doc eat cereal with his hands
· “The voice doesn’t belong to who he thinks it does.” Ugh, Doc. This isn’t the first time he’s lost a close friend to Something Else, something otherworldly.
· “All of them are waiting for him, waiting for him to do something more, something better—” aaand there it is. Doc’s characterization in this fic in a single sentence.
· Doc waking up and thinking he’s seeing Ren and RK’s hesitation and the gentle “I’m not Ren”—OH MY HEART
· RK’s coffee = Renbob’s friendship bracelets
· Randomly can I just say that I love how RK’s dialog is all in italics? It concerned me at first because I thought it was going to keep pulling me out of the narrative, but instead it really just feels right. Also I’m looking forward to the moment when he says something and it’s not in italics because it’s REN and oh my lands please give this to me I beg you (post-13 Red here with a bit more mindless screaming)
· “watch your tongue with me, Atlas, because I’m the one person you can pass the sky to.” Okay okay okay—English studies brain coming out. This suggests that there is a burden RK and Doc can share: something Doc is currently struggling against that only RK can help him with. In the moment, I don’t know if this is really fair of RK to say—after all, Doc does technically have Renbob too, if we’re just talking about Doc’s unhealthy coping mechanisms. In fact, if that’s the context, then Renbob is a much better fellow-Atlas because he and Doc have known each other much longer and they’re both dealing with the loss of Ren. BUT, knowing about the upcoming conversation where Doc and RK both realize that they’ve lost someone (Ren for Doc, Martyn for RK) this line suddenly has a lot more weight. Again, I don’t think that in that moment RK quite has the right to pull this zinger. But in later context, it turns out to be true after all. They are the only two with this particular shared pain.
· Doc upset with himself because he can’t get over his “stupid hang-ups” DOC MY LAD. “I’ve lost my best friend, you’re in his body, and I don’t know how to process any of these emotions” is not a “stupid hang-up” PLEASE stop blaming yourself for everything!?
· “I’m so tired” in the middle of his nightmare—oh my gosh. That hurts so much for some reason.
· I also very much wish I had the ability to draw the image of Doc with tears on his face, staring dead-eyed down at his workbench while RK looms over from behind, pinning his wrists to the table with one metal arm and one frost-bitten one, a look of exasperation and concern on his face. Why can’t I draw the things
· “How do you know Etho” “I watched him die.” OW ow ow ow ow
· Doc takes this as calmly as only someone used to living in a world where death has low consequences can. Oh. Oh—that means… huh. Doc isn’t used to losing people permanently on any basis, especially not death. So no wonder he doesn’t know how to process Ren being gone (I can’t bear to write “dead” there). He literally doesn’t have context for it… and what context he DOES have is like—I mean, Etho and Bdubs came back. Ouch.
· “Twenty-five.” The Red King makes the number sound like a threat. Yet another banger line I missed the first time through. Imagine waking up and thinking you’re in 3rd Life again but instead of 14 players there’s almost twice that many and you think you don’t know any of them.
· I still don’t quite understand the “when was etho added/should have known there was something different” bit or why RK is so emotional about it… but I have trust that it’ll make sense at some point. (post-13 Red: ...is this something about the fact that he thinks he's dead...so he thinks Etho has died before? Like, that 3rd Life wasn't Etho's first hardcore? ...I feel like I'm almost grasping this but I'm missing an element somewhere.)
· And now a sword. RK. My man. You need to stop manifesting things—especially when they scare the ever-living daylights out of you.
· I absolutely adore the in-universe lore that Fire Aspect is a PvP enchantment because it threatens dropped loot, and yeah I very well might steal that. (Along with something I read at one point who-even-knows-where that Knockback is a coward’s enchantment, because I love that too.)
· He really shouldn’t. / Doc picks up the sword by the scabbard and hands it to him, hilt extended. Doc you already trust this guy so much and you don’t even know it—but is it just because you still subconsciously trust the face he wears? Or is it something deeper?
· Ugh, the “I was supposed to kill someone for him” conversation/scene is SO FREAKING GOOD
· “I don’t want it. Not like the crown.” Why, though? Why doesn’t he want it? Because it’s more to do with death than kingship? OH. Oh, I hadn’t even considered that. I’ve been thinking of RK as this like, god of blood and vengeance but maybe he’s not. Maybe he hates the bloodshed (“the blood! It’s drippin’ in me eyes… I’ve been blinded by the violence…”) just as much—more?—than Ren did/would have. Huh. That’s a new facet.
· Oh my heart the “have you ever lost someone and it was your fault” line. Dagger to the feels. Dagger to the feels.
· This like… “I’m on a roll and even though I know I should stop I really don’t want to” mode? Man. That’s relatable. Especially when you’re working to avoid dealing with something else.
· “Not making it for you—it’s for Ren” oh ouch ouch ouch the denial suddenly breaks through it’s okay, Doc I’m with you on this
· The second time reading through it’s far clearer that Doc has a blind panic attack here—when he starts rambling that Ren’s coming back, he’ll be there for season eight and RK goes to…do whatever he was going to do and Doc just blanks out. The manic productivity should have been a warning sign, the poor guy is crumbling.
· “Doctor” and “he’s not sure he deserves that title right now” UGH Doc needs a hug someone please hug him and tell him it’s all going to be okay. Someone please hug me and tell me it’s all going to be okay.
· “his hand on his throat” over the scar from the Red Winter axe? </3
· “I did do that. I have done that.” RK admitting to it actually having been him in Doc’s nightmares?
· Okay sorry the conversation about beating Dinnerbone will never not be funny to me
· RK mentions that people used to call him m’lord or Ren, and then mere minutes later you have “Ren. You couldn’t save him because of me, could you?” He knows exactly what’s going on here. Not maliciously, but he’s no dense-head, he’s put the pieces together. (post-13 Red: MOST of the pieces. Most of them.)
· Watching Doc slowly stop fighting his nightmares—like, the first time, he fights. The second time, he accepts it but still struggles. And this time… this time he gives up before it even starts. That hurts, man.
· Good grief the whole “get my head chopped off” / “you really don’t want that” bit. O.O I’m not sure what emotion I’m feeling but I’m Feeling An Emotion.
· “Snow’s new. Dream’s not.” </3
· …Doc’s not gonna be a fan of snowier-snow after this trip…
· "Dr. M77" Actually he’s Doc Monster, RK, but we’ll let it go. XD
· OKAY BUT THIS EXCHANGE? The “how are you feeling” / “better” / “you’re a bad liar” / “I said better not great” that’s such a good exchange and I don’t know why every other time I’ve ever seen it used they stop at the lying accusation? Doc with the snappy comebacks, man.
· Aaah, Doc and RK, two establishment bros bonding over a shared disdain for hippies.
· The bit about the fella who wore an iron helmet and called it a powdered wig—fear is in my heart. *shoves Scar into an obsidian box and blocks it closed*
· “Who was Ren to you?” </3
· Doc is more than willing to spread the flames, to sear his loss into RK’s bones. / The king’s face stops him. Ren’s face stops him. Holy CRAP is that a good set of lines. So much going on there, and ALL of it good.
· Again. I wish I could draw. I would draw RK sitting on the edge of the bed, gently hugging a collapsed-in-on-himself Doc. </3
· “And I hate the devil that forced us apart, that mixed my blood with his.” *adds another layer to Scar’s obsidian fort*
· OKAY STARTING CHAPTER THIRTEEN I made the mistake of logging into Tumblr earlier and saw people screaming so I’m sure I’m not ready for this but here we go
· Oh no RK has been hippie-ified
· “You started a paramilitary organization because you have hay fever?” *dies laughing*
· Ugh I need to go back and watch s6 I’ve only seen the tail end of Mumbo’s side of things and there’s so much I don’t know.
· HAHAHAHAH I do know the trident bit though—
· Wait he said Scar
· “Kingslayer. bloodthirsty. Time King. The coward. And the mastermind behind it all, the loyal soldier to the very end, the whole damn reason either of us are in this mess.”
· “Is this the afterlife I deserve? After everything, this is the hell I’m going to endure?” I AM SCREAMING
· Doc pinned to the wall with ice, struggling to breathe—I CAN’T WHAT IS HAPPENING
· ((You know I’d get through this a lot faster if I stopped pausing to write reactions—))
· “A break in the ice. A whisper of spring.” Symbolism. Symbolism.
· “Ren was dead when I found him again,” NO I REFUSE TO READ THIS
· “don’t use the hand I built you to hurt yourself” DOC. SIR. MY HEART.
· RK don't run, RK get back here—what are you—
· I
· *several long moments of just breathing*
· *rereads*
· Holy crap on a garbage cracker with an extra serving of what-the-heck sauce
· Okay lol okay hahaha calming down
· I literally threw myself back in my chair away from the computer reading that last paragraph. I don't usually... physically react to things I read. LOL. Heh. I’m. Ah. I’m not emotionally invested in this or anything.
· Holy crap.
· Okay. Okay. Okay.
· Um.
· Great chapter, guys. Awesome stuff. Really good. I’m absolutely okay right now and it’s all totally fine.
· …please enjoy your break and get lots of rest and I very much look forward to the return of this fic you have no idea.
· I need to go breathe for a little bit.
EDIT: no, you know what--I'm not going to be a nice polite fangirl over here and quietly hope y'all see this I'm straight up tagging you, @fluffy-papaya and @betweenlands. THANK YOU but also how dare.
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Helloooo! How are you? I really like your fics! <3 Can i request some headcanons for young!Sirius? Or maybe kid!Sirius? How do you think he was like? What if he and Y/n were best friends? Would he go to her for comfort when his parents are nasty with him? Sorry for my horrible English🤡 still struggling with it.. (maybe that's why i read so many fics😂) Best wishes!
“I'm starting to think that we deserve each other”
Summary: Headcanons of Sirius and eventually confessing feelings
Pairing: Sirius x Muggleborn!reader (it’s literally mentioned like one time)
Warnings: swearing, angst, parent/family issues (?)
A/N: Ahh hi anon! Thanks so much for sending this in, I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it :)))) Ahhh but this was also a little different style of writing than I usually do so let me know how you guys feel about it! I’m also just like, obviously in love with Sirius Black so um, they get into a little bit at the end and confess some things :=) Ooo, as always, send me an ask if you’d like to be added to my taglist! I also should let you know that I wrote this very late at night so the logistics and grammar might be shit
Word Count: 2054
Masterlist + Characters and ships I write for
Requests are always open <3
I have more time since it’s now summer so please send them in!! :)
Reminder that I do not support jkr. Do not interact if you do.
It was well known throughout your first years at Hogwarts that you and Sirius did not get along. He honestly annoyed the shit out of you everyday. He came from a rich pureblood family and you were a muggleborn, so anyone could see how the two of you clashed there.
All of the professors were completely done with you and Sirius’s antics. It started off with Sirius somehow managing to turn your hair green during the first flying lesson that the Gryffindors had. “Hey y/n, your hair is amazing! Didn’t think you could pull off the green!” a peer had spoken to you just before mounting your broom.
Sirius broke out into a nearly uncontrollable laughter and got a detention for it. But of course, none of that stopped you from getting back at him. Even just the simplest of pranks had gotten the job done.
There was one prank at the start of second year that earned you and Sirius a month’s worth of detention with Slughorn. He basically had the two of you as his personal assistants. It was honestly torture. But there were moments when he would step away from his classroom to talk to another professor, or slip away into his office to plan the next day’s lesson, and it would leave you and Sirius alone.
The two of you gave in and finally had a conversation with each other. It wasn’t much and it was very awkward, but seeing as this was your first day out of a month’s long sentence of detention, someone to talk with didn’t sound too bad.
And that was what blossomed a very chaotic friendship between the two of you. Having to suffer together was what drew the connection. You two eventually planned your own little pranks against other people.
Despite everything in your younger years of being at Hogwarts, Sirius was your closest friend. You could maybe go as far as to call him your best friend, but you’d never say that to his face, it’d add to his already huge ego.
You ate nearly every meal with him. You’d practically drag him into the library to study. He mentioned something about doing well in school for his parents, so that’s what you’d help him with.
Though the two of you quickly learned that it’s very hard to focus in each other’s presence.
You taught him how to braid hair. He practiced using yours. “Would you stay still, y/n?”
“I’m trying! You’re the one yanking me back and forth, Sirius.”
From that point after, you’d sit in between his legs on the floor as he sat on the couch.
He got you sucked into quidditch and nearly got you to try out for the team. “I think it’d be fun having you on the team!”
“I think that’s your way of saying you want to spend more time with me.”
“Of course,” SIrius shook his head no.
One day he saw someone in the hall walk by with eyeliner and he demanded that the two of you try putting it on yourselves.
This ultimately got you in trouble for staying up way too late, laughing at how silly you both looked in the prefect bathrooms. Lily would allow you in saying “This is going to get my badge taken from me, I swear.”
You two eventually got back to studying after Sirius received some notes from his parents.
You caught on quickly that he didn’t have the best relationship regarding his family.
It was actually a little difficult being friends with Sirius at first. It was very hard for him to just be vulnerable and talk, but by fourth year, you understood where he came from and didn’t push for anything. You listened to him the very few times when he would make small little notes of his family, or talked about his brother while passing him in the hall.
Your conversations were more so filled with random things that only really made sense to the two of you. Any outsider would’ve thought you two were completely crazy.
By fifth year, you were looking at Sirius in a whole different light and you hated it. You wanted to be way more than friends and didn’t know what to do with yourself. You started to avoid him. This was the worst and best decision ever. It’s still debatable.
While the rest of your friends were taking a little day to Hogsmeade, and while you were still on a streak of pretty much avoiding Sirius, you slipped off from the courtyard, taking a less used corridor towards the library.
Here, you found Sirius with his shoulders shaking, head in his hands, and your heart shattered. If you were feeling this, you couldn’t even begin to imagine what he must feel like. He didn’t pay any mind to his surroundings until you slid down the wall next to him, placing your hand on his shoulder.
He didn’t even have to look to know that it was you. He leaned into your shoulder while you brought your arm around him, quiet sobs escaping from his body.
He always kept parts of him, especially these emotions so closed off, that it honestly was a little surprising to see him like this. “Sere, tell me what’s wrong,” you whispered.
“I- um, it’s nothing. I just got a letter from home and it’s-” he broke down again.
At this point you let your legs stretch in front of you. He was still under your arms until he just let himself go. He let himself feel. And relax. And he understood that it’s okay to cry. And be vulnerable. And that you were safe to talk to about anything. He hugged you full on. He clung on tight as he cried. And man, you were fucked. This wasn’t helping any sort of feelings you were trying to suppress by being here in his presence. It honestly nearly broke you. You wanted to cry for him. Scream for him. Go off on his parents for him. You wanted to protect him from all that could ever hurt him this way.
He talked about everything that has happened up until the letter and stammered off his explanation with one final point. “A-and I’ve missed spending time with you. It’s like you’ve been avoiding me,” he mumbled into the thick air. He was laying down against you with your fingers in his hair. “It’s like I- I’m missing a part of me. Like we’re so close I couldn’t possibly imagine my life without you.”
You stumbled over your words, trying to find out what to say. ‘If only he knew’ you wanted to groan out into the air. “I’m sorry,” was all you could say, tears stinging your eyes while you blinked them back, hugging him tightly.
From that moment, the two of you had bought bracelets at Hogsmeade and spelled them to change a certain color for when the other wanted to talk, or simply just needed to be with the other. They were simple fabric ones, something you both liked and wore everyday.
Most of the time Sirius came to talk to you about his parents. Which was new considering he was a little closed off before.
You were there if he needed to cry. You would hold him if he needed a hug. You would laugh with him when he didn’t want to be the only one. You were there for him for everything.
There was one night that was really bad. His parents basically sent a letter saying not to come home in the future. You were supposed to meet him in the library yet he wasn’t there.
After asking around, you found him in the Gryffindor common room when it was far too late for you to even be out. His face was tear stained and his eyes were an irritated pink. Though he didn’t seek you in the first place, he didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you, burying himself in your comfort.
By sixth year it was supposedly “Painfully obvious you two were basically in love with each other” Remus would say every time you gave up a library visit to be with Sirius. Or James would very blatantly leave you both to carry out specific parts of a prank together. Lily would just leave you and Sirius alone together whenever she got the chance, really.
One particular Gryffindor win for Sirius was crashed by some Slytherins who came without any good intentions. It was soon discovered that there was veritaserum in the drinks that, of course, you and your friends had already enjoyed.
All of this prompted you to leave the party. You left with a big group of people, Remus, James, Peter, Lily, Mary, Marlene, all off to the grounds, trying to avoid any trouble. You stayed back with Remus and Sirius while the rest walked ahead, talking about the most random of things, like how Remus wants to ride a unicorn. He eventually sped up with the rest of the group, claiming he was going to ride a unicorn, properly drunk. “Mhm, yeah. You go have fun with that Remus,” Sirius called to him as he stumbled ahead.
You and Sirius couldn’t go as far as to say you were drunk, but definitely tispy. You walked over to a small tree and sat yourself under it, laying back against it. Sirius did the same thing except he leaned his head on your shoulder and you leaned yours on top of his. It was a sweet moment as he mindlessly played with a thread hanging from your robes.
The veritaserum didn’t bother the two of you much, you were honest with each other most of the time anyways. Well, it didn’t bother you much until Regulus and a few of his friends stood over you, making fun of how close you and Sirius were. You kept your mouths shut for as long as you could. “What it’s not like you like each other. Do you, Sirius?” Regulus pushed.
“I actually like y/n a lot. She’s always there for me and—” Sirius slapped his hand over his mouth, eyes wide.
“Hmm, and I don't suppose you feel the same way, y/n?”“
“I have feelings for Sirius,” you blurted out right as Regulus and his friends walked away.
Sirius looked over to you, smiling like an idiot. You leaned your head back against the tree, covering your face with your hands just before he pulled them away. He squeezed them in a comforting manner and asked why you hadn’t said anything before. “Because you’re such a great person, like you deserve the world and I don’t think I’d be enough a-and I hate that people keep asking questions because I’m on this stupid veritaserum that’s making me look like an idiot
He cut you off with a kiss, effectively shutting you up. The kiss was rushed at first before turning into something exploding with passion that you didn’t even know you needed until now.
“Well, you’re a beautiful idiot. Because, as said before,” he mumbled the last part, returning to his normal tone of voice. “I like you too. A-and I guess that you could tell me that I’m an idiot because—”
“Why didn’t you tell me you liked me, Sirius?”
“My entire life is a mess and I have too many problems and you’re always there for me to begin with, I’d take up too much of your time if we actually ended up dating. And you’re perfect and I look like absolute shit all the time. Just as you said you deserve the world but as I’m saying all this, I’m starting to think,” he trailed off searching your eyes for words. “I'm starting to think that we deserve each other,” he finished in a soft voice.
“I think we deserve each other too,” you grabbed his face gently, kissing him.
That night is now the day you and Sirius started dating, one of the most memorable days of your lives.
You never left breakfast in the Great Hall without stealing a kiss.
Or a piece of bacon from his plate.
There’d be some nights where you could sneak away and fall asleep with him peacefully and everything seemed alright.
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honeypirate · 3 years
Can I request a All Might x reader where class 1-A finds out hes dating someone whose quirk is a siren (Can control someone when they sing)? Maybe the students reaction especially Midoryia?
I don’t know if I did this one justice hahah but I did my best!
AllMight x reader (I went for gn but I might have slipped up in a few places just let me know)
Hero name: Sirenity
“Okay class today we are having a surprise special guest coming to talk to you guys” Aizawa sounds completely uninterested in this day and honestly he did feel like it was a drag, but he figures with your lecture and answering questions he could buy at least a 30-40 minute nap, at best you’d take up the whole hour. That is if nothing went wrong and with you being the number 5 hero he doesnt think too much trouble will happen. “They are a fairly new hero but that didn’t stop them from rising to the top ten quickly” you walk through the door and chuckle when it seems you interrupted him introducing you.
“Sirenity here will be talking to you about their experience with hero training and being a side kick” You were a few minutes early and Aizawa was mentally adding the few minutes more to his nap time. As Aizawa was zipping up his sleeping bag you stopped in front of the class with a smile “Good morning class!” you say to the students who were freaking out talking to each other about how cool you are, you see a green haired boy absolutely losing his damn mind in the back, muttering to himself while staring with wide eyes. “QUIET!” Aizawa yelled from his place on the floor and the class stopped talking, the green haired boy snapping out of whatever he was doing.
“Hey guys! I’m Sirenity and if you aren't familiar with me my quirk is like a siren, I can control people when I sing. I’m also an amazing swimmer but it isn’t related” you chuckle and watch the green haired boy laugh and then scribble intensely in a notebook, a few other students gave you pity laughs or smiles and you took it, any laughter is good in your book.
“When I graduated from UA, I was actually in general studies. It wasn’t until I went to America and went to a hero university that I realized what I could offer as a hero. I actually had a little help and training from a friend to really encourage me to realize my dream.” green haired boy’s hand flies in the air, his other hand coming over his head to hold his elbow, his eyes shine as he waits for you to call on him. “Yes in the back? What’s your name?” he stands and bows “Izuku Midoriya Ma’am/Sir but my hero name is Deku!” you hold in a chuckle as you smile at his enthusiasm, realizing this is the boy that All Might talks about all the time. a blonde in the middle of class snickers but you ignore it “it’s a pleasure to meet you Deku” he stands up straight and sends you such an intensely excited look “did you know All Might in America?!” he asks and then sits back down
“I did actually, he was the friend i was talking about. I stayed in America though when he came back here” you smile at the young boy as he scribbles away again, his question and the subject making you think about those days when you first met All Might. Strong and cocky, always smiling. You didn’t like him when you first met him, thought it was weird that a kid in your same high school also came to the same area in America. You kept finding yourselves around the same people during parties which was even more annoying when you were actively avoiding him. You blame his best friend at the time who was dating your best friend at the time. After a party that ended in drinking games with truth or dare and spin the bottle, you got to know him a little bit better and you became actual friends when you both ditched before they could rope you into seven minutes in heaven.
“Hey” you say with a slight chuckle as he walks into the kitchen where you were “hey” he says as you open the fridge “do you want a bottle of water?” “yes please” you chuck one to him on the other side of the kitchen. “You’re a…. support student?” he asks and you shake your head “general studies right now, thinking about going into law” you involuntarily scowl at the thought, it was what your parents wanted and you thought they were right. “Why do you look like you would rather die than do that?” he asks, pulling a deep sigh as you confess “it’s what my parents want for me” he moves close to you until he’s leaning against the counter across from you “what do you want for you?” you shrug “I dont know” he chuckles and takes a sip of water “why do I feel like you do know?” your cheeks flush and you dont feel like you could really sell a lie right now, you sigh again “i’ve always had a dream to be a hero, but I was in the general studies course in high school and now I’m undecided here. I feel like I wasted time and now I don't have a choice” you hop on the countertop behind you, kicking your legs gently “but you always have a choice. It is never too late to be a hero someone can count on. You never know if you are the one hero that someone needs! You can do anything! What is your quirk?” you get shy from his intensity and you look at your thighs “I can control people when I sing” you whisper and he closes all distance between you, tilting your chin up to meet his eyes “that is an AMAZING quirk! You are going to be an amazing hero! I can help you if you want” he says and you feel for the first time in your whole life that maybe, just maybe you could be a hero even though you’re late to the game.
“But any more questions will have to wait until the end!” you say when you see Deku’s eyes flash up to you again, a million questions floating around his eyes and he laughs with a nod. You continue with your story, recounting the extra training you had done with All Might to prepare for your hero exams, the exams you didn't have to take in high school. How an encouraging word from a friend was all you needed at times to get your ass in gear. You talk to them about your internship with America’s #4 mind hero, Brian, who’s one choice behind his name was that he thought it was funny because its just one misspelt letter from being Brain. His birth name wasn’t even Brian.
“After my internship I was offered a sidekick position with him, around this time was when All Might came back here, I had plans to come back as well but I couldn't refuse his offer. I worked with Brian for three years, during those times I grew exponentially as a hero and as an individual. you may want to rush the process of being a sidekick so you can become your own solo heroes, getting all the praise for yourselves. But this time in your career will mean so much and I really insist that you take the opportunity every day to learn everything you can from the heroes you work with. As someone who was late to the game, I have no doubt you will grow into even more amazing and brilliant heroes. More so than those we have right now, and yes I do mean All Might. You guys are the heroes of tomorrow! That is amazing! And I’m telling you right now you have a lifelong fan already” you point at yourself and mouth ‘ME’ with a smile “I am behind you all, ready to support your dreams just like my hero supported mine.” You pause for a moment “Any questions?”
Deku’s hand was up first followed by half of the class all raising their hands. You beam at the kids response “okay when i call on you please tell me your name or hero name, whichever you are comfortable with. Deku” you look over at him “I’m guessing you have about a billion questions?” he nods shyly, his cheeks flushing “that’s fine, i feel flattered honestly how about you ask the biggest one you have right now and then after you can stay behind and i’ll answer every single one. That goes for everyone who has more than we can get through in the next 15 minutes of class” they all nod and you begin taking questions.
You had all questions about being a sidekick or a pro, how hard it was rising the ranks, a blonde boy who introduced himself as Aoyama, who you thought was adorable, asked you how to not get scared, you smiled warmly at him “to quote one of my favorite american movies, “courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something is more important than your fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.”
You paused for a moment as you looked across the class, some really thinking about what you have said “I have fear, I feel it often, but I let the fear fuel my actions, let it make me brave because my biggest fear is about what would happen if I didn’t act.” you see Deku pause for a moment to truly think about your words before he scribbles away again.
You call on a pink haired student “hi i’m Mina Ashido! Hero name Pinky!” you love her energy “what’s your question Pinky?” she grins “I read in Hero Daily that you said you still find time for dating as a pro and that your boyfriend is also a pro. Do we know him?” she sits down and then adds “oh! What was that American movie?” you chuckle, your cheeks heating thinking about your boyfriend.
Before you could answer the door opens and All Might walks in “speak of the devil” you say with a grin and then turn back to Mina “the movie is the princess diaries. And you guys do know him i think quite well actually. Just another rebut of advice, if you guys want to date as pros, then you can find time for it if you really want that. It isn't for everyone and that’s okay too. But there is someone out there who will be an understanding partner and help encourage you. Don't give up any of your dreams, you can have all of them if you want them.” All might has stopped next to you as you talk, his hand resting on the small of your back as he leans up to whisper in your ear “I couldn't wait any longer. I missed you” your cheeks flush and the class starts to put 2 and 2 together, whispering to each other as you turn and kiss his cheek, Mina squealing in excitement, whispers flying around, blonde boy that hasn’t said anything this entire time was staring with mouth open, and you can feel the energy Deku is pouring out as his scribbles freeze as he stares at his idol and hero. His hero had a significant other and he didnt know.. He knew everything about All Might so how come he never knew he had a S/O and why didnt All Might Say anything?! Waves were rolling off the kid but you didn’t say anything about it yet, you just leaned closer to All Might “I missed you too” you whisper back to him but before you can say anything else the bell rings, signaling the end of class.
Deku stays frozen in his seat as the rest of the students get their things together and leave the classroom, some stopping to shake your hand and talk to you for another second before leaving. All Might’s hand never leaving your back. When the room is clear, somehow Aizawa slipping out unnoticed as well, your eyes flick to Deku, still seated frozen. “Young man what’s wrong?” All Might says and he finally snaps out of it.
“Do they know about …?” he asks and you chuckle “yes I do. He talks about you a lot by the way” you say and smile at the sweet way the boy’s face flushes and his eyes widen, smiling like you just gave him the best news. “How come you never told me you were in a relationship?” Deku asks and All Might laughs “you never asked me about my dating life” you walk down the rows of desks and sit in the one next to Deku’s “I’m happy to answer any more questions you may have” you say and the boy short circuits again when you sit next to him. He cannot believe how lucky his day was, getting a one on one interview with an amazing pro hero that is also dating his Idol and father figure, give him a minute, he’ll pull himself together.
You spend the next 30 minutes answering every question the young hero had for you and All Might answered some for you, ones that you couldn't really explain correctly. This was probably your most favorite interview, his questions were almost entirely about your hero work, they were thought out and original questions that weren’t superficial to make the public interested in you. This boy wanted to know every single thing about you as a hero, not you as a public celebrity. His eyes bright as he learns more, asking how you defeated your worst villain, asking your weakness was a fun one, you never got that before since it was fairly obvious.”hard of hearing individuals, ear plugs” you say and he laughs “i should have known that” All Might shakes his head, sometimes common sense eluded the boy, he was so intelligent and unafraid of asking questions that sometimes he lacked common sense for seemingly simple things.
“I’m sorry Midoriya but Sirenity here has to get back to work now” Deku frowns but understands, you give him your personal email in case he has any more questions and then you follow All Might out of the classroom. You chuckle once you reach All Might’s office, he locks the door behind you and then pulls you into his arms “if you wanted some one on one time with Deku’s new favorite hero you should have just asked” you joke as you wrap your arms around him. “I know you dont have work but i do soon and i needed a little time with my brilliant and amazing partner before then. Midoriya will understand plus you gave him a way to contact you.” you nod into his neck “how long until you have to go?” you ask and he looks at his watch “20 minutes” you smile and take his hand, pulling him over to the couch he has in his office and you sit down with him, laying back and pulling his head to your chest, pulling your gloves off with your teeth, carding your fingers through his hair. The entire time he had was spent laying together, as he moves to get up you realize something, they think you are only partners, only dating… “Hey Yagi? How do you think Midoriya will react when you tell him that we aren't just dating and are in fact engaged?”
165 notes · View notes
atlafan · 4 years
Office Neighbors - Part Twelve
a/n: a lot going on, but a happy time all around, enjoy! (reblogs and feedback are super helpful!) not proofread, sorry!
warnings: angst, fluff, smut...the word “homo” is used negatively. If that makes you uncomfortable, then please don’t read, or skip over that scene, you’ll be able to tell it’s coming. 
words: 16K
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Harry made love to you, quickly, before Andy got home. You both were just getting yourselves cleaned up when you heard the front door open and close.
“Hello?! I thought you guys were going to the pub.” Andy says and you both hustle out of the bedroom. “Did you say yes?”
“I said yes!”
Andy beams at the two of you and rushes over to give you both a hug.
“Thanks, buddy, thought we all could go out and celebrate together.” Harry says. “Wanna go wash up?”
The three of you all go to the Thai place for dinner, and then head home to enjoy the ice cream cake. You were beyond excited, and you promised yourself you’d call everyone tomorrow to give them the good news.
“When are you gonna tell Mum?” Andy asks Harry with a mouth full of cake.
“Um, m’not sure yet. I’d like to tell my own mum first.” Harry chuckles. “I’ll have to FaceTime her when I first get up tomorrow.”
“I’m sure we’ll tell your mom soon, Andy.” You smile at him.
“What kind of wedding do you wanan have?”
“Small.” You and Harry say at the same time.
“Just close friends and immediate family.” Harry says.
“I thought girls liked big weddings, though?”
“Not all girls.” You laugh. “I think it’s more special when it’s intimate. When you have giant weddings you care more about making everyone coming happy when the days is supposed to be about you and your partner.”
“What did Phil and Julian do?” Andy asks.
“Oh, they’re not married. They’re in a civil union. They were rings, but they’re not married.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know.” You shrug. “It just wasn’t something they wanted to do. Not everyone needs to get married. I think it depends on your values and stuff. Your dad and I both really like the idea of marriage, so we’re getting married.” You smile.
Andy nods and continues on with his cake. Later on, after Andy goes to bed, you and Harry find yourselves having a little make out session in bed. You were straddling him, and he had his arms wrapped around you.
“Can I ask you something?” You breathe.
“I love the ring, I really do, but…” You bite your bottom lip.
“But what?”
“I just wasn’t expecting it to be so big.”
“That’s what she said.” He bursts out laughing and you roll your eyes with a sigh. “Sorry, I had to.” He strokes your cheek. “I figured that since we won’t be spending a lot on a big weeding that I could go a little extra on the ring.” He pecks your now swollen lips. “I thought you deserved a nice, big rock to go along with my nice, big co-“
“If you finish that sentence I swear to god I will pack up and leave.” Harry laughs and grins at you. “You’re in a goofy mood tonight.” You run a hand through his hair.
“I’m giddy, babe.” He kisses you again. “I’ve never had a fiancé before.”
“Hmm, me neither.” You smirk.
“Look at us, having a real first together.” He boops your nose and you can’t help but giggle. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
You lean back in and lightly bite down on his bottom lip. You suck on it before licking into his mouth. He squeezes your hips before sliding his hands to your ass. One of his hands traces around your stomach and inside your leggings. He tugs on the band of your panties and slips his hand inside there as well. You grunt against his lips, but let him continue. His fingers slide between your folds, and you tug at his hair.
“Sure you’re not too tired for this? You’ve had a long day…” He says as he looks up at you, still feeling around.
“Yes.” You groan. “Then when we’re done I’ll be about ready to pass out.”
“Okay.” He cranes his neck to kiss you, and he slides two fingers inside you.
You gasp into his mouth from the feeling. He drags his fingers in and out of you slowly and rub his thumb over your clit. You rock your hips back and forth at the same pace as his fingers. You grip at his shoulders as it becomes more intense.
“Put one of your hands back in my hair, babe.” He grunts. You were soaking his fingers and he was trying to not lose it in his pants.
You do as he says and get a good grip on his locks and he moans softly. You press your lips back to his, not wanting to be too loud, and continue to ride his fingers. He curls them up and pets them against your front wall and you gasp again. You continue to moan into each other’s mouths as you get closer to your breaking point. The hand you have on his shoulder slides down his torso, and you tug on his jeans.
“No, it’s okay.” He tells you. “This is just about you, Y/N.”
“But it’s gonna hurt if I don’t.” You whimper.
“It’s fine, baby, just wanna get you off.”
He bites your bottom lip and your eyes roll into the back of your head. You come around his fingers and ride out the shocks. He slowly removes his hand from you and he sucks his fingers into his mouth as you catch your breath.
“Harry, are you sure you don’t want me to-“
“No, sweetheart.” He pecks your lips. “You were gone for so long, just missed you.”
You kiss him again and get off of him to go clean yourself up. Truth be told, even if Harry had let you rub and tug at him, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to come. He was fine earlier, but the conversation during cake was distracting him. How was he going to tell Paige has engaged, and more importantly, how was he going to tell her she wasn’t invited?
Harry had sworn Andy to secrecy. He explained he wanted Paige to find out from him. Anne and Gemma were overjoyed with the news, as were your family and friends. You sent them all pictures. You even had Andy take a few pictures of you and Harry together in the backyard as a makeshift engagement shoot, it was fun. Andy blew bubbles to add some aesthetically pleasing effects.
“I swear if he doesn’t go to a college for art, it would be a damn shame.” You say as you look through the pictures. “Might post this one on my insta.” You show Harry a photo of you and him, he was holding you from behind and you both had big smiles on your face.
“Whatever you want, babe.” He kisses your cheek.
“So, there’s something I wanna run by you…” Andy was over at Caroline’s today so it was the perfect time to chat about wedding stuff. You were outside with him as he was gardening.
You enjoyed sitting in a chair while he would tend to the flowers. He always looked so cute with his bucket hat and tools.
“What’s up?” He says, turning to look at you. He takes his hat off and wipes some sweat from his forehead.
“How long do you wanna wait to actually get married? I mean…there’s not rush, but I don’t know if I wanna wait that long.” You look down at your lap and twiddle your thumbs. “I’m one-hundred percent sure about us…”
“So am I.” He scoots over to sit in front of you and he takes your hands in his. “Wouldn’t have proposed if I wasn’t. I just figured we’d be engaged for a while so we weren’t planning while you were working. This is a big year for you.”
“I know…but planning a wedding could be a good distraction for me. It’s like you’re always saying, I probably don’t have a great work-life balance. I could carve out time to work on both.”
“Alright, when are you thinking, then? This spring?”
“I was actually sort of thinking later this fall.” You mumble and look at him. His eyes widen and his mouth suddenly feels dry. “Like beginning of November? I was thinking maybe we could have a really small ceremony at the Boston Commons, and then Julian mentioned on the phone he could get us a deal at the hotel. It would be perfect for your family and whatever friends you’d want to have fly in. He said we could use one of the smaller function rooms for the reception. It’s still warm enough in Boston in November to be able to do something outside too.”
“Would…would just a couple of months be enough time for you to get an outfit together. I know you said you weren’t sure if you wanted to wear a dress, but fittings take time regardless.”
“Honestly, I was thinking of just taking a trip down to Macy’s with Nora and looking at some stuff there. I might wear a dress, but if I see a pantsuit I like I may go for that. I’ll wear white still, I think, I don’t really like the blushes or the peaches…” You try to read his face, which could be very difficult sometimes. “Are you having an internal freak out? Is this all too soon for you?”
“No, not at all…um, people just might think you’re, uh, pregnant since we’re rushing a little.” He swallows. “You’re not pregnant, are you?”
“What? No, I would tell you if I was, babe.” He nods at that. “I just, I mean, it’s nice to be your fiancé, I just can’t wait to be your wife, that’s all.”
His features completely soften. He felt like a puddle of mush. He was so fucking in love with you, and that love, for the first time in his life, was actually being reciprocated. Truth be told, he’d take you right to the courthouse now if he could. He definitely didn’t want a long engagement, he just didn’t want to add to your stress. He stands up and cups your cheeks and presses his lips to yours in a tender kiss.
“Come on, let’s go inside.”
“But you’re gardening.”
“I’ll get back to it in a minute. Let’s go grab my planner and see what weekend could work best in November.”
“You’re serious?!” You nearly squeal as you stand up.
“Yeah.” He smiles. “I wanna be your husband as soon as possible too.”
You wrap your arms around Harry’s neck, and he hugs you back briefly before you go inside. He grabs his planner from up in the loft and you both go into the kitchen to sit at the table to look at it.
“Here.” He taps on a date. “November 6th…”
“Oh, and it’s a Saturday, that’d be perfect, baby.”
“You really wanna get this all together by then? It’s gonna be a lot.”
“Julian’s got my back with the hotel, and Phil said his restaurant could cater the buffet. We’ll save a ton of money. Also, Mark’s part-time job is a DJ, so music is covered too. We just need to get your family here, essentially.”
“What about a honeymoon? Do you wanna take a trip or something?”
“Andy usually goes to Paige’s for Thanksgiving, right?”
“So what if we just take that entire week off? We could go somewhere warm if you wanted…or, I mean…I’m sure I’ll be spending the holidays in London with you, we could go on a trip then?”
“No, that’s a family thing, and yeah, you’re definitely coming.” He ponders for a moment. “I think a trip during Thanksgiving week could be fun, actually. You won’t miss your family?”
“I mean, I will, but we’ll see them at the wedding.” You shrug. “I’d much rather take a little vacation with you.”
“Where would wanna go?”
“On a gigantic level if money was no object? I’ve always wanted to go to Greece, but I know that would be tough to swing, especially on such short notice…”
“Hmm.” He puckers his lips in thought. “Yeah, that’s something we should really plan out…maybe we could save that trip for another special time.” You nod at him. “Somewhere warm…oh! What about Florida? That’s a perfect time of year to go, and hurricane season will be over. We could go to Miami or something.”
“I’ve never been to Miami! That would be a lot of fun, there’s so much to do there.”
“Alright, it’s settled then.” He slaps his hand down on his planner playfully. “We’ll get married in on the 6th, and then we’ll go on our honeymoon during Thanksgiving. I’m a master at planning flights, so let me take care of that, yeah? If Phil could get us a menu or something I’d like to do a tasting…”
“Agreed.” You were smiling ear to ear. “Oh my god, we just set a date!” You squeal and throw your arms around him. “I love you.” You kiss him. “I love you so much.” You kiss him again.
“I love you too, baby.” He kisses you. “Now, let me go back to tending to my flowers, I’ll be pissed if my roses get fucked up.”
He gets up and you can’t help but giggle at him.
It was time for the annual back to school shopping trip. You stayed back since it was a tradition for Andy to go with just his parents. You didn’t mind. Andy not only needed new school supplies, but he needed some new clothes as well. He had grown another few inches over the summer. His doctor thinks he’s going to be about six feet by the time he’s a sophomore in high school. Harry and Paige decide to meet up at Old Navy for the shopping spree.
“Okay, Mum and I are going to hang by the changing rooms. You can go around the store on your own, look for sales, and then you will try on the clothes for us.” Harry says firmly.
“Fine, but no coming into the room with me.” Andy mutters. “It’s embarrassing.” His voice cracks slightly and then he clears his throat.
“So you want me to tug on your jeans out in the open? Alright.” Paige shrugs.
Andy makes an exasperated noise and walks away, making Harry and Paige laugh. The two make their way to go sit at the chairs outside the changing rooms.
“I’m surprised you’re not looking around yourself.” Harry says to her.
“I have plenty of clothes.” She chuckles.
“Listen, uh, while he’s busy looking at clothes, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.” He takes out his phone and shows Paige his lock screen, which was now a picture of you two kissing, and you were cupping Harry’s cheek with your left hand to showcase the ring. Andy had given you about two seconds to stage the photo.
“Um…why are you showing me a picture of you two kissing?”
“Look closer, at her hand.” He sighs.
Paige squints and then gasps, putting a hand over her mouth.
“Oh! You…you proposed to her already? That’s great! Congratulations.” She moves to hug him, but he shakes his head no.
“We’re in public.” He mumbles. “Anyways, yeah, we’re engaged now.”
“That’s incredible, I’m really happy for you.” She gives him a sincere smile. “Andy knows?”
“When did you do it?”
“A week or so ago.”
“And you’re just telling me now?”
“No offense, but you weren’t exactly top of my list of people to tell immediately. I was waiting until I saw you for this. We’ve been busy figuring things out. What Andy doesn’t know is that we’ve set a date already. We plan to tell him later. We wanted to make sure everything could happen where we want it before we started telling people.”
“Holy shit, you already set a date?” She puffs out some air from her lips. “Well, that’s great. When is it? I’ll put it in my phone now.”
“You don’t need to do that.” He puts his hand over hers to stop her from taking her phone out. “We’re keeping it really small.”
“So…immediate family and close friends only at the ceremony and then a few extra friends at the ceremony.” She gives him a confused look. “You…you’re not invited.”
Before she has a chance to react Andy comes over holding a pile of clothes.
“Do I need to try every little thing on? Or is one outfit okay?”
“One, um, one outfit’s fine.” Paige says. “Go on.”
“Mum, are you okay, you look pale?”
“The, uh, leather from the shoe section is wafting over here and it’s giving me a headache. I’m fine, baby, go try your things on.” They watch Andy go into the dressing room, and she turns to look at Harry. “Alright, run that by me again.”
“You heard me the first time.” He says quietly. “You may have wanted me at yours, but I don’t want you at mine. Do you know how embarrassing it was to be put at the old college buddy table?”
“I thought you’d feel more comfortable there! Where did you want me to put you?”
“How about with my son?!”
“Okay.” Andy says coming out in a tee shirt and jeans. “Tug away if you must. They fit really well, though.” Paige huffs and stands up to check out the clothes. She tugs on the waist of Andy’s jeans and nods. “Can we go to the shoe store after? I was thinking I could get some boots for fall.”
“What kind of boots?” Paige asks. “You have two sets of snow boots, and rain boots already.”
“Like…like the boots Dad wears.”
“I can order you some online, I get them from a shop in London.” Harry says. “I like this outfit on you, go ahead and change and then we can check out.”
“I don’t know why you thought now would be a good time to bring this up to me.” She says. “You’re really hurting my feelings, Har.” She says quietly as Andy goes to change.
“I knew I’d be seeing you.” He shrugs. “I…I can’t keep doing this with you.”
“Doing what?”
“Pretending like we’re best friends who hooked up once and accidentally got pregnant. We were in a relationship for two years, and then you decided to walk away. Fine. We see each other and do this co-parenting for Andy. I feel like I leaned on you for a long time because you were around, but I have someone else in my life now to fill the hole you created.” He runs a hand through his hair and blinks a couple of tears away. “You have no idea how hard it was to sit there and watch you walk down an aisle that didn’t lead towards me.”
“Harry, I-“
“Okay, all set.” Andy says. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, it’s my allergies, let’s go checkout.”
“Can we get lunch before we go to Staples?” He asks, and Harry and Paige look at each other.
“I don’t have time for that, honey.” Paige says. “Um, are you starving? I could get you a pretzel for a snack?”
“Okay.” Andy shrugs.
Paige and Harry split the payment for the clothes. Andy carries his bags out of the store, and Paige pulls Harry to walk next to her, behind Andy.
“This conversation isn’t over.” She says quietly to him. “Clearly you’ve been keeping some things buried and we need to hash it out.”
“Fine, but I’m not changing my mind about the wedding.”
The rest of the afternoon Harry and Paige said about two words together. She hugs Andy goodbye before she gets into her own car. Andy climbs into the back seat of the car.
“Hey, Dad?”
“When can I start sitting in the front seat?”
“Hm, I don’t know, they change the safety ages all the time. When you’re thirteen I think? I can check when we get home.”
“Okay.” Andy picks at his bottom lip, a habit he picked up from Harry. “Is everything okay between you and Mum?”
“Never better, why?”
“Things just seemed weird with you both today.” Harry sighs at that. He’s not sure how honest he should be with Andy about all this.
“I told her about my engagement, and she was really happy for Y/N and I…but then I told her we set a date.”
“You did?! When?!”
“A couple of days ago, please act surprised, Y/N and I wanted to tell you together.”
“So, Mum wanted to know when the date was, and I told her she didn’t need to worry about it because…I wouldn’t be inviting her.”
“But she invited you to hers, how does that make sense?”
“Andy.” Harry sighs again. “I only went to hers because of you. I wanted to see you all dolled up and walk her down the aisle. I also knew she just needed a little extra support because of Gramp not physically being there.”
“I’m…really confused…I thought you were, like, friends.”
“I know, it doesn’t make a lot of sense. Mum and I are friends, but sometimes she acts like we’re best friends, and it makes things difficult for me. I think she forgets that she…that she broke my heart, and that since it’s been so long it shouldn’t matter anymore, and I should just be over it, and I am, in a way, but I don’t like getting too comfortable with her.” Harry pulls into the garage and turns the car off. He turns to look at Andy. “I know you don’t know the full story, and you don’t really need to. Mum and I are okay, you don’t have anything to worry about, alright?” Andy nods at him. “Good, now, let’s go inside, Y/N will want to see all your new things.”
Andy acted as surprised and excited as he could when you and Harry told him about the date for the wedding. He was shocked that it was happening so soon, but happy for the both of you. He was excited to be a part of another wedding since his mother’s ended up being so much fun.
“Will I be allowed to bring friends?” Andy asks.
“You can bring one friend.” Harry says. “That’ll be fun, a little sleepover in a hotel.”
“Yeah! Wait, the Ariana Grande concert is in November…”
“No worries, Andy, it won’t conflict with anything.” Your assure him.
“Okay good.” He sighs with relief. “Caroline’s coming with me to that, so I guess I’ll invite Brandon to the wedding.”
“We’ll make sure to put you both in a suite with Grammy and Auntie Gem. You, Brandon, Ritchie, and Lizzie can all have your own party.”
“Cool.” Andy smiles. “I’m really happy for the both of you.” He gives you both a hug, and then goes into his room to put his things away.
“Well, he’s certainly handling things better than when Paige got engaged.”
“I think this is different with him. He had her to himself his whole life, and then all of a sudden he didn’t. I’d probably be resentful too, but he said he had a really great summer with Noah and Rachel, and that’s all that matters to me.” He looks back towards Andy’s room. “Can we go chat up in the loft?”
“Yeah.” You follow Harry upstairs.
“Just wanted some privacy, um, I told Paige we were engaged today.”
“Oh! How did she take it?”
“Good…at first.”
“What happened?”
“I told her we had set a date already, and she wanted to know what it was, and I told her it didn’t matter because she wasn’t invited.”
“And you thought a good time to have that conversation was while you were clothes shopping with your son?” You ask flatly.
“Everyone’s always telling me to rip the band aid, so I did.” He huffs. “We’re meeting tomorrow to talk more, she’s not happy with me right now, I sort of started to tell her off, but she just wasn’t understanding.”
“What else is there to talk about?”
“She seems to think we need to hash some things out, or whatever.”
“Well, there’s clearly some unresolved shit buried between the two of you. Where are you going to meet her?”
“For coffee in the morning…are you alright with that?”
“Yeah, I can hang out one on one with Andy for a bit. We can watch TV and eat pancakes.” You smile.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” He takes your hands in his. “I hate that I even have to deal with this bullshit.”
“Harry…” You nuzzle your nose to his. “It’s okay.” He pecks your lips and sighs.
“Thank you for always being so cool about all this. I don’t know I’d do if you were a classic psycho.” He laughs.
“Oh, I’m plenty psycho, just not about stuff like this.” You smirk and kiss his cheek as he laughs more. “This isn’t something I have much control over, you know? It is what it is.”
Harry wasn’t really looking forward to coffee with Paige, but he gets up and goes like he said he would. She was there waiting for him already, sipping on a piping cup of tea. He sees that there’s a second cup on the table already.
“Hi.” He says.
“Hey.” She says. “I got yours…black coffee.”
“Thanks.” He sighs and sits down.
“Okay.” She sighs. “I don’t want this turning into something heated, I think we can both have a mature discussion, we’re adults.”
“What you said to me yesterday, I…I didn’t realize you were still harboring those kinds of feelings. It’s been so long, Harry, I thought you were over all of it.”
“I am.” He says as he sips his coffee. “But I can’t help it when memories come back and I’m reminded that I wasn’t good enough to be the one to put on a wedding for.”
“We would have just gotten divorced, and you know it.”
“Did you ever even love me?”
“Of course I did! I just thought it was puppy love, infatuation…lust.” She chews her inner cheek. “I didn’t think I’d be spending the rest of my life with you, I was twenty-one years old! I still wanted my life to be my own. We had an accident, a happy one, and I don’t regret a thing, I love Andy with every fiber of my being, and I’m happy you’re his father.” She looks away and then back at Harry. “We wanted different things, Har.”
“No, we didn’t.”
“You wanted to get married and have more kids, did you not?”
“Well, I didn’t.” She says bluntly. “I certainly didn’t want to have more kids.” She scoffs.
“But you’re such a good mum!”
“It’s my choice! I never wanted to have kids!” Harry’s eyes widen at that.
“Then why did you?”
“Because…because when I looked at all of my options, I just couldn’t…I don’t know, I looked at it as fate or something, like I was meant to have Andy or something. It was a perfect storm, Har, the condom broke, and it never had before, and I gotten off the pill. I was supposed to be Andy’s mom, and that was plenty. You deserve to be with someone who wants the same things as you. Part of why I ended up with Noah is because I knew he didn’t want more kids either. I also like that he’s older, but that’s a whole mixed bag that I won’t get into.”
“Right, because I’ll always be the immature punk?”
“You’re a fucking year younger than me, get over yourself.” She rolls her eyes. “You really don’t want me at your wedding?”
“No.” He sips his coffee. “The last thing I want to think about that day is you. It was nice of you to invite me to yours, and because of Andy and Y/N I went. If I didn’t have her I honestly don’t think I would’ve gone. I’m sick of carrying around all of this baggage, Paige. I’ve known you for fifteen years, or at least close to it, and I feel lucky that we don’t fucking hate each other, but we need to distance ourselves more.”
“How do you want to do that?”
“No more family vacations.” She frowns at that. “You can use the cabin whenever you want, I don’t care about that, but Andy’s not a baby anymore, we don’t need to do every little thing together like we were doing. Unless it’s his birthday or a holiday, we don’t need to do something as all of us together. I feel like we lean on each other for things more often than we should because we were such good friends at one point, but you have a husband now…you don’t need me.” He swallows. “And I don’t need you.”
“I see.”
“Do you? I feel like you live in a fantasy world sometimes, and I enable it to not make waves. You never ask if something is awkward for me, or-“
“So if we have a party or something on the boat for Labor Day, you wouldn’t come to something like that?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “I’d have to ask my fiancé about how she would feel.”
“I just think it’s important to make memories with Andy with the two of us so he has that when he’s older.”
“And I agree with you. I’d like to continue doing our annual back to school shopping spree, and similar traditions. I think we’re really good co-parents, Paige, but that’s where it needs to end with us.” She blinks some tears away and then she chuckles.
“Feels like you’re breaking up with me. Must feel good.” She smirks.
“It does, in fact.” He smirks back at her. “You do understand where I’m coming from, though, right?”
“Yeah, I do.” She sighs. “I’m so sorry if I’ve been making things difficult for so long. I felt like because I left I needed to make sure you were okay, and that’s why I made sure to keep you so involved with everything. I wanted you to feel like family since yours is so far away.”
“And I appreciate that! Really, I do. I think for a while that worked for us, and maybe I was sort of relying on it because I was so focused on work, and I wasn’t really meeting people I wanted to date for long periods of time, but Y/N…she’s changed everything for me.” He takes a deep breath. “For so long I felt like I was never going to fall in love again, and that I somehow fucked up and missed my chance at having the love of my life, but I don’t believe that anymore. She’s the absolute love of my life, Paige.”
“I’ve never wanted anything more for you, Harry, please know that. I never wanted to hurt you, and I know it hurt like hell when I ended it. I knew things would work out for you eventually. I’ve loved seeing you so happy. You’ve got a pep to your step again.” She smiles. “Just like you used to.”
“So, we’re on the same page then…about us sticking to more boundaries?”
“Yeah.” She nods. “I think it’s for the best all around.” She sips her tea. “Will you at least send me pictures? I wanna see what Andy’s going to wear and all that. Oh!” She goes into her bag. “I don’t know if you want these, but I have some photos from the wedding. Ones with all of us, our friends, and a cute picture of you, Y/N, and Andy.” She takes out a baggie of pictures for Harry.
“Thank you, I do want these, actually. And I’ll make sure we send you pictures.” He smiles.
“Okay.” She smiles back. “Well, I’m glad we could just get it all out there and clear the air a bit.”
“I’m sorry I brought it all up while we were shopping with him, it wasn’t great timing.”
“It’s alright, I would have probably done the same thing if I were in your shoes.”
“While I have you…Andy asked me when he could start sitting in the front…”
“He did?!”
“Yeah, I told him I’d look it up. It’s thirteen, right?”
“I have no clue, those safety regulations change all the time. I’d say thirteen is good.”
“He’s gonna be so annoyed.” Harry chuckles.
“Just wait for him to bring it up again, and then tell him we said thirteen.” She crosses her arms. “And if he pulls some bullshit with you like he did with phone, you just send him to me and I’ll straighten his ass out.” She smirks.
“We’re excellent parents.”
With everything officially smoothed over with Paige, it was easy living for Harry. He was proud of himself for finally just laying it all out there. It made him much more chipper during syllabus week. It took your classes about two minutes into your lectures to realize the rock on your finger was an engagement ring, and many of your students squealed and congratulated you. Many that came by to see Harry congratulated him as well.
“Hey.” You say as you slip into his office, closing the door behind you and leaning against it. “Got a second?”
“Course, darling, what’s up?”
“Are we inviting our colleagues?” You whisper.
“To what?” You roll your eyes at him. “Ohhhh, our wedding.” He smirks.
“You’re not funny.”
“And yet, here we are, engaged.” He grins.
“Not for long.” You cross your arms.
“Alright, alright, don’t get your knickers in a twist. Would you like to invite them?”
“I mean…maybe to the reception? I really do want to keep the ceremony small.”
“I think we should invite them to the reception, yeah. They’ve been a part of our love story since the beginning, babe.”
“Especially Janette.” Harry nods at you. “Okay, so it seems like we’ll need to order some very specific invitations.” You chew your bottom lip.
“Y/N.” He hums. “This is supposed to be fun, remember?”
“It is!”
“You’re getting stressed.”
“I’m not!” He gives you an unconvinced look. “It’s the good kind of stress. The more we do, the more we get to check off, and then there’s no stress. I’m going shopping with Nora in a couple of weeks, I can’t wait.”
“Are you going to have a bach-“ There’s a knock on his door, and you open it.
“Oh…sorry to interrupt.” Andre blushes.
“You’re not!” You say. “We were just discussing, um, something not work related, I’ll just go.” You slip out.
“She can be a bit squirrelly sometimes.” Andre chuckles and Harry hums his response.
“What’s up?”
“Got an overload request from one of my students, and you’re his advisor so I need your signature.”
“Ah.” Harry waves him over and he signs the form. “They should really make these paperless so it’s les work.”
“I know, an email could easily suffice, thanks.”
Harry gets up and goes into your office, he closes the door and sits down in one of your chairs.
“Yes?” You chuckle.
“Has your hand been hurting at the end of the day?”
“No, why would it?”
“Well, it’s got so much extra weight on it now, I wanted to make sure.” He smirks, and you sigh heavily as you look at him. “Anyways, I was going to ask you if you plan to have a bachelorette party.”
“Oh, of course I do. Nora’s gonna plan the whole thing. We were thinking over Indigenous People’s Day weekend since most people will have that Monday off, do a long weekend type thing.”
“What do you think you’ll do?”
“Bar hop most likely.” You shrug. “Dance, drink, that sort of stuff. Are you going to have a bachelor party?”
“I don’t know who I’d have it with…” He twiddles his thumbs. “My two best mates live overseas, and I don’t want to ask them to fly twice, that would be insane.”
“So have them fly in a few days early and do something fun with them then. Our parties don’t need to be on the same day, you know? I’m sure we’ll be having lots of little parties between now and then.”
“True, Lucas sent us two different calendar invites.” He chuckles as he stands up. “Just promise me something?”
“No strippers.” You burst out laughing at that. “Or exotic dancers.”
“What century are you living in?!” You wipe a tear away. “Harry, the only man I want giving me a lap dance is you, okay?” He nods as you bite your bottom lip.
“Would you ever give me one? Do a little strip tease?”
“Maybe on our honeymoon.” He turns to walk towards your door, and then he looks at you over his shoulder. “And only if you’re a good girl.”
A chill goes up your spine as he leaves your office.
“What a fucking menace.” You say to yourself as you try to shake his words off.
Seventh grade was off to an interesting start. Harry annoyed Andy by taking first day of school pictures before he dropped him off. It was a new hallway and a new locker to get used to. Mostly everyone he had homeroom with the year prior was in his homeroom again. He noticed that some people had gotten taller, some voices had gotten deeper, some people’s skin had started to break out, and some of the girls looked…fuller. Andy hadn’t really noticed the changes amongst himself or his friends. Caroline was still as sweet as ever, but she did tell him in confidence that she started getting her period, so if sometimes she got snappy with him that may be why. Andy knew he had gotten a little taller, and he knew his voice was starting to crack, but he was thankful nothing else had really seemed to change.
He walks into his new homeroom, and sits down. Every year it was the same thing. The teacher would ask everyone their named, they’d give out locker information, and then the school handbook. Brandon comes in and sets next to Andy. This year Andy’s homeroom teacher was a science teacher, so it was all bench seating with two to a table.
“Hey.” Brandon yawns. “It’s crazy, every year I think I can get up early for school no problem, but here I am, running late.” He rolls his eyes.
“My dad makes me go to sleep and get up early at least a week before school starts. It’s annoying, but it helps.”
“It’ll only get worse, too.” Caroline says as she sits down with Tyler at the bench next to him. All of the tables were set up around the perimeter of the room. Andy was happy he’d be sitting next to his two best friends. “My sisters get up at 5:30 in the morning just to get ready for school.”
“Shit, why that early?” Brandon asks her.
“Shower, hair, makeup, and breakfast that my mom forces us to eat.”
“Luckily, we don’t have that problem.” Tyler says. “We can just roll out of bed.”
“Speak for yourself.” Andy scoffs. “I have to get up early to do my hair.” He runs a hand through it. Brandon smirks and ruffles Andy’s hair. “Quit it!” Andy giggles, and does the same to Brandon.
“You quit it.” Brandon giggles, and the two smile at each other.
After homeroom, it turns out Andy and Caroline have math together, and the teacher says they can sit where they like. They sit next to each other, and she smiles at him.
“You know, you never told me what happened with you and Brandon after I left the wedding.”
“That’s because nothing happened.”
“So you didn’t dance with him?”
“No, we danced, but that was it…his dad called to tell him to be ready.”
“And nothing happened later on? I mean you both hang out all the time.”
“The timing just hasn’t been right.” Andy shrugs. “Playing basketball and skateboarding isn’t exactly romantic, Caroline…” He mutters.
“Sure it can! Remember when you were showing me? You had to put your hands on my hips and hold my hands.”
“That was so you wouldn’t fall!” He blushes. Andy remembers that day really well, and even though he asked Caroline first if he could touch her, he definitely enjoyed being able to show her a thing or two.
“Mhm, sure.” She smiles. “All I’m saying is, anything could be turned into a date.”
“Well…you know how my dad and Y/N are getting married in a couple of months?” She nods yes. “It’s gonna be in Boston, and I wanna invite him. They said I could have one friend come.”
“Oh, that’ll be great! I bet-“
“Alright, class, settle down. I’m hoping you all did your summer math work as we will be going over that after I take attendance. Welcome to pre-algebra.” The teacher says and everyone gets quiet. “Once we’re done with that, I’m going to give you all a pre-test to see what you remember.” The majority of the class groans. “I know, I know, a test on the first day, but it’s just for me to see how I can best help you.”
Andy takes his planner out and flips through a few months.
“What are you doing?” Caroline whispers.
“Counting down the days until art starts.” He side eyes her and she has to bite back a laugh.
After school, Brandon and Andy stand together as they wait for their rides. It was only a half day, but they were both exhausted.
“I’m really glad we have science and history together.” Brandon says to him.
“Me too. I have some classes with Caroline and Tyler too.”
“Same here. And there’s gym too for all of us at least.”
“I’m just glad we’ll still be able to call each other to do homework. I’d be really lost without you, B.”
Brandon smiles at Andy, and before Andy can say something else, he sees your car pull up. The boys say goodbye, and Andy climbs into the backseat.
“How was your first day?” You say to him.
“Okay.” He shrugs. “I think math is gonna be tough this year.”
“Well, lucky for you I’m pretty good at math, so don’t be afraid to ask me for help.”
“Thanks, Y/N. Is Dad teaching?”
“Yup, he’s in the middle of class. He’ll be able to get you tomorrow.” She grins. “I thought we could be a little adventurous and go to McDonald’s for lunch.”
“Dad doesn’t let me go there…”
“Well, you’re not with Dad, are you?”
“Can you even get anything there?”
“There’s a flurry and a large fry calling my name.”
“You’re the best.”
Harry comes back from his class to see Andy sitting in his office. He was munching on some apple slices.
“Hey, buddy, how was school?”
“Did you have anything for lunch, or do you need some money?”
“No, Y/N took me to get something to eat quick.”
“Yeah?” Harry smiles. “What did you have?”
“Um…well…I don’t wanna get her in trouble…” He swallows his last apple slice as Harry furrows his brows at him.
“What do you mean?”
“She took me to McDonalds.”
“Andy.” Harry sighs. “Why would you ask her to take you there when you know I don’t want you eating that stuff?”
“She asked me! I told her you didn’t really like it, but she said it would be fine. I didn’t even get fries! I got a happy meal with apple slices.”
“That burger is gonna sit like a rock in your stomach.”
“I got chicken nuggets.” He mumbles.
“Whatever.” Harry huffs and sits down. “Your classes went alright?”
Later that night as you were getting ready for bed, you could tell Harry was a little tense. You brush your teeth and look at him through the mirror.
“Any particular reason why you’re staring?” He asks as he spits the mouthwash he was swishing into the sink. He turns around to look at you.
“I’m just trying to read you. You’ve been sort of quiet today. Are you alright?”
Harry crosses his arms and looks at you intensely. You hated it when he looked at you like this. His features were hard, and he just looked intimidating.
“Why did you take Andy to McDonalds after he told you I don’t like him eating there?”
“Are you serious?” You laugh. “I just wanted to have a little fun with him.”
“By undermining me? Didn’t we have a chat about this, like, a long time ago when I did it to you? And that was by accident, you did this on purpose.”
“You act like my intention was malicious. What’s the big deal? We eat out all the time?”
“Yeah, we get pizza from the place downtown that uses locally sourced ingredients, or we get Thai food. Not fucking-“
“He got chicken nuggets and apple slices, it’s not like he pigged out.”
“Because he knows better.”
“You know, you never exactly told me he couldn’t eat there.”
“Well, he told you, and you went anyways.”
You had a couple of options here. You could easily argue with him. You could tell him how stupid it was to be upset over something like this, but if you did that you wouldn’t be validating his feelings. So, you swallow your pride.
“I’m sorry.”
“No you’re not.” He scoffs.
“You’re only saying that because you don’t want me to be upset anymore.”
“You’ve been keeping this bottled up all day.” You sigh.
“Because I didn’t want to talk about it in front of him.” He looks away.
“Say it, Harry.”
“Say what?” He looks at you again.
“Tell me he’s your kid and not mine, and that I had no right to just change the rules.”
“It’s okay, that’s what you’re thinking, right? It’s not like that’s false. He’s your kid, and I’m his buddy. Maybe that’s all I’ll ever be to him, but someday you and I are gonna have a baby, and I’d like to treat that eventual kid once in a while with some fast food.”
“I guess we can cross that bridge when we come to it.” He plucks at his bottom lip. “You’re more than just a buddy to him, you have to know that. That’s not what I was trying to say, I just wished you had asked me first.”
“You were in class! I just, ugh, I had a craving for fries and ice cream, I really am sorry.”
“A craving, huh?”
“Don’t even go there. You never crave food?”
“Sure, I crave things all the time, doesn’t mean I always indulge.”
“I won’t take your son there again, okay?”
“Stop it.” He puts his hands on your shoulders. “He’s yours too. And maybe I should have told you I didn’t want me ingesting that crap.” You roll your eyes at that. “But I know he sees you as a mom.”
“I mean, one time he told me I’d make a good one, but-“
“He referred to you as ‘Mum’ once.”
“He did?! When?”
“When we went to Boston over April vacation, when I had to put him to bed…he said he was having fun with me and ‘Mum’…he was like half asleep, but still.”
“Maybe he just got me confused with Paige.”
“No, baby, he knew who he was talking about.” Harry hugs you, and cups your jaw. “He loves you and he knows you love him too, and I love knowing that you two are bonding. Take him to Sub Way next time, yeah?”
“Okay.” You smile and he kisses you. “I really am sorry, I didn’t think you’d be so upset.”
“It’s alright…we’re on the same page now, right?”
He nods and lets you go. You both get into bed and curl up with each other. You turn over to face him, and you nuzzle into his chest. He holds you close to him and strokes your back. He kisses your forehead and basically lulls you to sleep. Times like this you didn’t mind being babied at all.
“Look at that size of that thing!” Nora exclaims when she meets you at the mall in Manchester to go shopping. “Makes sense that he got you something so massive. Big dick, big ring.”
“Nora!” You squeal and nudge her. “Shh, come on, let’s go look at clothes.”
“Still thinking you might wanna do a suit?”
“Yeah, I feel like I’ll be the most comfortable in that. I feel like I’ll just look classy, you know?”
“You’ll look stunning.”
You both walk through Macy’s and look at all of the options. The pants were the easiest part. A high-waist pair of slacks would look gorgeous, it was finding the right top. You didn’t want to wear a body suit or a corset.
“Oh! What about this?” Nora says, waiving you over. “It’s lace, so it’ll add some texture.”
“It’s beautiful. I like the spaghetti straps. Let’s see if it works with the pants and blazer.”
“And the heels. You’re gonna be a show stopper.” You both giggle and go into the dressing room. You try everything on and step out. “It’s gorgeous, it’s so you in every way.”
“You think so?” You bite your bottom lip. “I think a bun and a veil will look great with it. I love it.”
“Harry really doesn’t care you won’t be in a dress?”
“Nah, I was actually thinking of changing into a short dress for the reception. Something simple.”
“Oh! I saw a cute short, white dress out there. Let me go grab it. It had a high neckline, but it was open in the back.”
“That sounds perfect!”
You buy everything, and have them put into nice dress bags. You and Nora decide to grab a bite to eat.
“So…can I ask you something?” Nora says to you.
“Of course.”
“Not that I’m not over the moon happy for you, but is there a reason you’re getting married so fast? I know you’ve known for a couple of years, and things are different at our age, but…you’re barely going to enjoy your engagement.”
“I’m enjoying it plenty, trust me. I just didn’t want to wait until after I got my doctorate, you know? I…I wanna start trying for a kid as soon as I get my degree, and I told him I didn’t care if we were married or not, but I think I do care. I wanna be married and have that extra security if I’m going to have a baby with someone. We love each other, why wait?”
“And he’s okay with all this?”
“Yeah! I think sometimes it’s tough for him to accept how much I wanna be with him because of his ex, but he’s coming around. He’s really excited. I mean, I am too. I’m finally going to meet his family in person, and his two best friends.”
“Maybe one of them will fall in love with me, and I’ll have my own British man to sweep me off my feet.”
“One of them’s Irish.”
“Mm, even better.”
You both laugh and continue eating before you part ways. Harry had taken Andy out for the day, so you were able to slip inside and hide your new things in the back of your closet.
“Dad, today was awesome!”
“Yeah, wasn’t too embarrassing going bowling with your old man?”
“No way, we haven’t gone in forever, it was fun. And I broke my high score on the pinball machine.” Andy was biting into a slice of pizza while Harry was sitting across from him smiling, resting his chin in his palm. “It’s kind of like when I used to just see you on the weekends.”
“Yeah, I really was your classic weekend dad, huh?” He chuckles.
“No, weekend dads let you eat candy until your teeth rot out and let you stay up really late. You still made me follow all of Mum’s rules.”
“Because I respect her, and she respects me.” Harry sits up straight. “Listen, there’s something I wanna ask you.”
“What’s up?” Andy wipes his mouth with a napkin and looks at Harry.
“Well…I was chatting with Uncle Niall and Uncle Louis the other day about the wedding. They’re itching to know who my best man is going to be.”
“That’s gotta be hard to choose between the two of them. You guys are like the three musketeers.”
“We are! But my choice is pretty easy because I don’t want it to be either of them. See, there’s this other man in my life I think would make a lot more sense to be my best man.”
“Really, who?” Harry grins at Andy and his eyes widen. “Me?!”
“Yes, you. No one else felt right.”
“So, will my suit be different that the others?”
“Of course.”
“Can I have my nails done the same as you?”
“You really want to?”
“Yeah…I wanna get into painting them more. I think it would be cool if we matched.”
“I’m really excited, Dad, thanks…this means a lot to me.”
“It means a lot to me that you wanna do it. You’re really becoming a nice young man, Andy.”
Andy gets up and hugs his dad. Today was a really good day. He can’t wait to tell you the good news when he gets in.
“Babe! We’re home!” Harry says as him and Andy get inside.
“Well, if it isn’t my two favorite guys.” You smile as you come down from the loft. You kiss Harry’s cheek and give Andy a hug.
“I take it the shopping went well?” Harry asks.
“Very well, so no snooping through my closet.” You say firmly.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Y/N, guess what?” Andy says.
“I’m gonna be Dad’s best man.” He beams at you.
“That’s amazing!” You hug the both of them again. “It’s all coming together.”
“Andy, if you move, I’m gonna mess it up.” You tell him as you paint his nails black. He asks you to leave his pinkies purple.
“Sorry.” He watches you. “You don’t think I’m gonna get made fun of, do you?”
“Lots of guys are painting their nails nowadays. Just look at your dad, no one makes fun of him.”
“Yeah, but he’s big and strong, and could knock someone’s lights out.”
You swallow at that. It was true. Harry was a boxer, and if he really wanted to, he could beat the shit out of someone.
“You know violence isn’t the answer.”
“I know…I’m just not as intimidating as he can be.”
“You have his eyes, you just need to learn how to stare someone down the way he does and you’re golden.” You wink at him and he chuckles. “Are you really nervous about someone making fun of you?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “Wearing a bandana or clipping back my hair is one thing, I just don’t wanna come off…girly.”
“I take offense to that. I’m a girl, what’s wrong with looking like me?”
“I guess nothing.”
“I’ll paint mine just like yours, would you like that?”
“Yeah, thanks, Y/N.”
You and Andy had gotten into the habit of nail time. Harry would sometimes join in, which was fun, but it was something the two of you could do together. It was a Sunday evening ritual. Andy’s friends loved the different combinations he would go with. Andy blushed when Brandon held his hand to look over a design you had managed to get on his thumb one day.
Then one day during locker break, Andy was switching some books out that he wouldn’t need for the afternoon. There weren’t a lot of people around.
“Hey, Styles.” A boy, Greg, and some other boys come over to him.
“Oh, hey, Greg.” Greg slams Andy’s locker shit. “Um, I wasn’t finished in there…” He goes to turn his combination but Greg grabs his hand. “You better not have this when basketball season starts back up.”
“What do you care?” Andy yanks his hand away. “Don’t like it, don’t paint your nails.”
Greg looks at his friends and laughs before shoving Andy up against the lockers.
“What are you, a girl now? Is Andy short for Andrea?” Greg smirks.
“Obviously not, you idiot.” Andy huffs. “Let me go, Greg.”
“Make me.” He shoves Andy harder against the lockers. Andy tries to give him his most intimidating gaze, but it’s not doing much for him. “You know what else makes you a girl? You like boys, Andrea.”
“Don’t call me that! And who even told you that?”
“It’s so obvious you have a thing for Brandon. You two are always all over each other.”
“What do you care?!”
“It’s annoying to watch.”
“Hey! Let him go!” Brandon comes racing down the hall and yanks Greg away from Andy. “What is the matter with you?!” He shoves Greg.
“Oh, look, your boyfriend came to your rescue, how nice.”
Before he has a chance to say or do anything, Andy watches as Brandon’s fist connects with Greg’s jaw, causing Greg to fall to the ground.
“Boys! What is going on out here?!” One of the teachers says as she rushes to the scene. “Principal’s office, now!”
Andy and Brandon look at each other, and then make their way down the hall. They sit on a bench outside the principal’s office to wait their turn. Greg had to be brought to the nurse.
“Why did you do that?” Andy whispers.
“He was being an asshole, obviously. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine…he was being really…homophobic…” He shakes his head. “I didn’t think people were still like that.”
“Well, they are, and it’s scary.”
“Maybe I should stop painting my nails.” Andy looks down at his hands.
“No!” Brandon puts his hand over one of Andy’s. “I really like it on you. You rock it. You’re, like, so cool.”
The boys are both called in to give their side of the story, and then Greg is brought it. When they all come out, Andy’s eyes widen when he sees everyone’s parents in the lobby. You, Harry, Paige, and Noah were all trying to keep cool as you chatted with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. Greg’s father was keeping to himself.
“Andy!” Harry yelps and rushes over to him. “Are you alright?” He puts his hands on Andy to check him over.
“I’m fine, can you stop?”
“Honey, what happened? We got a call that you were in a fight.” Paige says.
“Excuse me.” Principal Morrison comes out of his office. “If all the adults would like to come in.” He sighs. You and Noah start to walk forward. “Just biological parents please.”
“Principal Morrison, that’s my step-dad, and my almost step-mom, they can both go in.” Andy says.
“Andy, it’s fine, we’ll wait out here with you.” You tell him.
Harry nods at you and goes into the office with the other parents.
“Right, well, it seems that Greg picked a fight with Andy, and Brandon stepped in when he saw what was happening. Greg said some hurtful things to Andy.” Principal Morrison explains.
“Like what?” Harry asks.
“Apparently he started calling him Andrea, and was making fun of his nail polish.”
“Well, there you go then.” Mr. Foley, Greg’s father, says.
“Excuse me?” Paige says.
“What’s a boy wearing nail polish for?”
“Um…” Harry holds up his hands. “It’s pretty common, mate.”
“It’s not like Brandon to be violent.” Mrs. Stewart says.
“He seemed to be defending Andy.” Principal Morrison says.
“It’s not common, actually, it’s odd.” Mr. Foley says. “Boys shouldn’t be painting their nails. I see how your boys are at basketball, it’s inappropriate.”
“They’re best friends.” Mr. Stewart says. “They’re close, there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“They seem a little too close if you ask me.” Mr. Foley scoffs.
“Well, none of that should be any of your concern.” Harry says. “What my concern is,” he steps forward, “is that you seem to be teaching your son it’s okay to bully other people for being a little outside the box, and it’s borderline homophobic.”
“Maybe don’t raise a homo then.” Mr. Foley says bluntly.
“Gentlemen, please.” Principal Morrison says.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Paige says, also stepping forward.
“I said, don’t raise a homo and my son won’t have a problem.”
“Right, that’s what I thought.” She smirks, and lunges at Mr. Foley. Harry hooks an arm around her waist to hold her back. “You piece of shit, you think you’re this big tough man, teaching such awful values to your kid? You’re a piece of shit, and your son is following suit!” She struggles in Harry’s arms. “How fucking dare you!”
“Paige, settle down.” Harry says and she takes a deep breath as he lets her go. “Clearly Greg instigated things. Andy wouldn’t pick a fight with anyone. He knows how to use his words if he has a problem with someone.”
“Didn’t learn that from his mum now did he?” Mr. Foley smirks.
“Fuck you.” Paige spits.
“What can we do, um, moving forward? Are the boys going to be suspended?” Mrs. Stewart asks.
“Greg will be given in house suspension for instigating, and putt his hands on Andy. Unfortunately, because Brandon did hot Greg, he will be suspended for the rest of the week, and when he returns we have to give him a week of in house suspension.”
“So, even though he was just defending his friend, he’s going to get punished more?” Mr. Stewart asks.
“That’s the policy.” Principal Morrison sighs.
“What about Andy? Who’s to say that little fuck won’t bother him again?” Harry says. “I won’t have my son being afraid to go to school.”
“Andy wasn’t fighting so he won’t have to face suspension. His teachers will be alerted, and an eye will be kept on him. We have a zero tolerance policy for this kind of thing.”
Harry and Paige look at Mr. Foley.
“Tell your son to stay away from ours.” Harry says.
“No problem there. Don’t need any of what Andy’s got going on rubbing off on Greg.” He scoffs. “Are we done here?” He says to Principal Morrison.
All of the adults leave the room, and everyone waiting looks at them. Mr. Foley grabs Greg’s arm and pulls him out of the room entirely.
“Brandon.” Mr. Stewart sighs. “You’re being suspended for the rest of the week, and then you’re gonna have in house suspension.”
“I know it doesn’t seem fair.” Mrs. Stewart says. “We’re proud of you for standing up for Andy, but you really shouldn’t have hit that boy, okay?”
“I’m really sorry, Brandon.” Andy had tears in his eyes.
“Don’t be.” Brandon says to him. “I’d do it again.”
The car ride home was quiet. You and Harry had to cancel the rest of your classes for the day. Paige and Noah were coming back to the house. Everyone sits down at the table when they get inside your home.
“Andy, I’d like to hear the full story, if you feel comfortable.” Paige says, putting her hand over his.
“I was at my locker, minding my own business, when Greg came over and he started up with me. He slammed my locker door shut and shoved me up against it. I told him to stop and he wouldn’t. Then he asked me if I was a girl, and I called him an idiot, and then Brandon ran down the hall and pulled him off of me, and then….ugh, then he called Brandon my boyfriend and that’s when he hit him.” Everyone looks at Andy with sad eyes. ��I’m not gonna stop painting my nails, I’m not changing anything. Greg can go fuck himself.” He huffs, and you crack up first laughing, and then everyone else has a chuckle.
“I’m so sorry that happened.” Harry says to him. “Kids your age can be so mean, and he seems to be getting a negative influence from his father.”
“I wanted to slug him.” Paige says. “What a prick.”
“I feel bad that Brandon’s being suspended.” Andy says.
“I know.” Harry sighs. “Something tells me Principal Morrison won’t be putting it on his permanent record, though.”
“Do you all mind if I go lay down? I’m a little tired.”
“Of course, honey.” Paige hugs him and kisses the top of his head.
They all watch as Andy stands up.
“Um…it was nice having all four of you there…thanks.”
“What exactly is going on between him and Brandon?” Paige asks quietly.
“Nothing.” You say. “He would have told me if anything serious happened between them. I think something’s bound to happen at some point. I think they’re both still figuring it out.”
“It’s good Andy has such a good friend in his corner.” Noah says. “Everyone needs someone like that.”
Paige and Noah eventually leave to go be home in time for Rachel. Andy was asleep when they said goodbye. Or he was pretending to be. He was texting Brandon under his covers. He wanted to make sure he was alright.
“Andy?” You coo as you go into his room. “Dad made tacos if you’re hungry for dinner, honey.”
“Yeah, okay.” He sighs and gets up. “Thanks, I’m just gonna wash up.”
You nod and go back out to the kitchen.
“Is he coming out?” Harry asks as he gets everything on the table.
Dinner is mostly quiet, but Andy seemed to be doing okay. You and Harry cozy up on the couch with separate books, and Andy comes out.
“Can I watch TV?”
“Sure.” Harry says, handing him the remote.
“Can I…sit between you two?”
“Of course!” You say and scoot away from Harry to make room.
Andy plops down between the two of you, and puts on some show on Cartoon Network. You and Harry keep mindlessly reading. You were half expecting Andy to lay in your lap, but about twenty minutes in you look over and see Harry watching the show with him, his arm around Andy, and Andy’s head nuzzled into his chest. It was so sweet you thought it was going to give you a cavity. Harry was eating it up too. Even though he knew this was a really tough day for Andy, he was happy to be having this moment with him. He knew as Andy got older they would just become fewer and farther between.
“Andy, if you don’t wanna go to school tomorrow, it’s okay to stay home.” Harry says to him.
“It’s okay, I’ll go. I’m not scared.” He yawns. “I’m gonna go read before bed, goodnight.”
“Night.” You say as he walks off. “I hope he’ll be alright.”
“He will be, he’s tough. Come on, we should go to bed too.”
You nod and follow him into your shared bedroom. You both go through your nightly routines and get into bed. He holds onto you a little tighter than he normally does. You knew he had have been worried about Andy, but he was trying to keep it cool for everyone else’s sake.
“How about I be big spoon tonight?”
“Alright.” He rolls over and you wrap yourself around him. He’d never admit it, but he needed this tonight.
Harry’s alarm goes off at five in the morning. You groan and roll onto your back to let him get up, only he turns it off and turns on his side to look at you. He reaches to stroke your cheek, and he takes your out stretches hand to his lips. He kisses on your palm and wrist.
“You’ll be miserable if you don’t do your yoga.” You mutter with your eyes closed.
“Don’t feel like it.” He mumbles as he continues to kiss on your hand.
You turn your head and open your eyes to look at him slightly. You move your fingers to his mouth and he sucks on your pinky. A small whimper leaves your lips and that’s when he knows he has you. He lets your pinky go with a pop and shifts under the blankets to get on top of you. You were naked, since that’s how you slept, and he only had boxers on. He mouths at your neck and licks up to your earlobe. He grinds his hard length against your center and he groans.
“Can feel how wet you are already.” He says into your ear. “I wanna fuck you.”
“You do?” You say innocently as he continues to grind himself against you. You move your hips up to meet his and he moans.
“Yes.” He kisses on your chest and sucks on one of your nipples. You push his hair back for him and you bite your bottom lip as you watch. “Can I?”
“Can you what?” You smirk.
“Fuck you. Please? I really want to.”
”Yes, Harry.”
He sighs with relief and rips the blankets away. He gets his boxers off and grabs a condom to roll on. He quickly gets back between your legs and you grind yourself against him.
“Like feeling me between your folds?”
“Yes.” He bites his bottom lip as he slowly pushes inside you. You moan out as he comes down to you, chest to chest. “Love it when you’re like this.” You pant. You move in sync with his thrusts and it has your eyes nearly crossing.
“Love it when you’re so good for me.” He moves to sit up on his knees, and pushes your thighs together. He grunts and his head rolls back. You take great pleasure in watching him lose himself. “You’re so fucking tight, Jesus.”
He lets your legs fall open and grips your sides as he continues to fuck in and out of you. You so a slight glute raise to give him a better angle, and you start rubbing your clit.
“Fuck, Harry.” You groan.
“Oh fuck, Y/N, oh god, shit.”
You both cry out and come at the same time. Your orgasm was so strong it just about brought you to tears. You cling to him as he falls on top of you. Your aftershocks cause you to clench around him a few times, but he continues to stay inside you. He kisses your forehead and you wince as he pulls out.
“Can we cuddle for a bit?” He asks as he throws out the condom.
“Yeah, let me just pee.”
You get up quickly to clean yourself up and then you get back into bed with him. He rests his head on your chest and you scratch his head, running your fingers through his curls.
“I should have Andy stay home today…I know he said he’d go, but…”
“Harry, if he doesn’t go the bullies win. If he really didn’t want to go he would tell us. If he doesn’t go today it’ll just be more difficult to later.”
“I know, you’re right.” He sighs. “I just…I admire him so much. When I was his age I just dressed like everyone else, I never did anything out of the ordinary because I didn’t want to get made fun of. I didn’t become myself until uni. People still gave me looks, but I was old enough not to care. He’s only twelve. He may be brave, but he’s only twelve…I’d hate for any of this to break his spirit.”
“Well, luckily for him he’s got a great dad for a role model. He’s able to be himself because he sees you doing it every day.”
“I…really don’t know what I would do without you sometimes.”
You kiss the top of his head and use your other arm to hug him close to you.
Andy was very brave at school. Some of Greg’s friends glared at him, but he had Caroline and Tyler by his side. When Brandon returns to school, and into the actual classroom, Andy feels overjoyed when he sees him sitting in homeroom.
“Hey, B.” He says as he sits down.
“Did you get all your work? They wouldn’t let me be the one to drop off the worksheets because of Greg.”
“Yeah, I’m all caught up, thanks.” He rests his chin in his palm and puts his other hand over Andy’s. “Missed you.”
“I missed you too.” Andy’s cheeks were on fire.
“Let’s see what we’ve got this week.” He looks at Andy’s nails. “Dark green?”
“That’s…that’s my favorite color.”
“I know.” Andy smirks, and now it’s Brandon’s cheeks that are on fire. “Are your parents mad at me or anything?”
“What? No, not at all. They were pretty cool about everything, actually.”
“Oh, good…”
“Because, um, when my parents get married, I mean, when my dad and Y/N get married, they said I could invite a friend for the weekend. It’ll be really fun since we’re staying in a hotel suite. We’ll be with my cousins Lizzie and Ritchie.” He swallows. “Would you want to go?”
“Are you serious? Yeah! I’ll ask my parents when I get home. When is it?”
“November sixth.”
“Cool.” Brandon smiles.
“Cool.” Andy smiles back. “My dad asked me to be his best man, too. It’s gonna be awesome.”
“Makes sense since you’re literally the best.”
“Brandon.” Andy giggles as he blushes.
“What?” He giggles too. “It’s true.”
“Have loads of fun, babe.”
“I would, but you won’t let go of me.” You chuckle.
This weekend was your bachelorette party, and Harry was hugging you goodbye out at your car, and he hadn’t let you go yet.
“Sorry.” He clears his throat and steps away from you. Then he steps closer to you again to kiss you for the millionth time.
“Har.” You giggle.
“I know, I’m being clingy, I’m sorry. I thought I’d have Andy for the long the weekend…I’m not sure what I’m gonna do with myself.”
“Why don’t you hang out with Andre?”
“Yeah, I might catch a movie with him.”
“Good.” You smile. “I have to go or I’ll be late picking Janette up.”
“Alright.” He kisses you one last time and lets you get into your car.
You pick up Janette and you both squeal as you make the trek down to Boston. You were extremely excited. You’d be sharing a hotel suite with your friends, and the best part was Nora graciously planned the entire thing for you. You couldn’t have asked for a better maid of honor. Next weekend would be your bridal shower, which would be more casual than anything because you and Harry didn’t even put a registry together, you just had a honeymoon fund. You two really didn’t need anything since you were already living in a home together and bought what you needed. So the bridal shower would just be a casual luncheon in the back room of a grill in town.
The second you and Janette get inside the hotel room, Nora starts making frozen margaritas. You look around and see that the theme would be cinco de mayo, very cool. She puts some beads around your neck and hugs you.
“I hope you’re hungry because we’re eating at Fagitas and Ritas tonight.” Darcy says.
“Thank fucking god, I love it there. Everyone, this is Janette.”
“It’s so great to meet you!” Nora says. “Nice to finally meet the work bestie face to face.”
“It’s great to meet you all too. Y/N’s told me wonderful things.”
Janette gets acquainted with Claudia and Mark as well. You weren’t worried about anyone not getting along. Janette reminded you a lot of your friends in general, it’s probably why you clicked with her off the bat.
“Y/N, is Harry doing anything fun this weekend?” Mark asks.
“I’m not sure. He thought he had Andy this weekend, but it’s Paige’s weekend, so he may make plans with his other friends.” You shrug. “He can’t do his bachelor party until right before the wedding when his friends fly in.”
“Paige couldn’t have just switched up the weekends?” Darcy asks.
“She’s supposed to get him for long weekends since Harry has him during the school year. That’s how it used to be when she had him during the school year, so he just wants to do what’s right. He’ll make his own fun, it’ll be fine.”
You all get ready, take a few pictures, and head out. You take the green line to Park Street, and then head down the alley to the restaurant. It was an incredible place. They served liter pitchers of frozen margaritas for groups to share. Your friends would come often, and would get sneaky, often taking an entire liter to the face, and that was the plan for you tonight. You got your tequila lime shrimp tacos, and you all told stories as you downed your drinks. You lean into Nora.
“You’re not taking me to a strip club or anything like that, right? Harry was pretty adamant that he didn’t want me doing that.” You slur.
“No, babe.” She chuckles. “I was thinking a drag show at first, but you always hear about how they can’t stand bridal parties, you know? And then I was thinking of asking Phil and Julian about that gay bar you go to with them, but again I didn’t want to be annoying. We are going to a club for a bit, and we are going to see some men dance, but I wouldn’t call them strippers.”
“Exotic dancers, if you will.” Claudia says. “They stay on the stage the whole time, so you don’t have to worry about a lap dance.”
“And we already took out plenty of cash to throw their way.” Mark says. “I’ve been before, it’s fun.”
“Harry doesn’t need to know.” Janette winks.
“Would you care if he went to a strip club with his friends?” Darcy asks out of curiosity.
“I don’t know.” You shrug. “He’s really not the type to ogle women, he’s too shy for that I think. He’s a bit possessive in that I don’t even think he would enjoy going somewhere like that because none of the women would be me, you know?”
“Jesus.” Mark says. “Got yourself a good man, I have to say.”
You all raise your glasses to that, and when you’re done you head out, thankful for the cool October air hitting your skin. You hop back on the T to get to the place Nora had set up reservations for. Watching the men dance made for a lot of squealing and blushing on your part, it was all good fun. They showed a little skin, but weren’t stripping, and they really did stay on the stage.
Four men come out dressed in slacks and cummerbunds. I Wanna Sex You Up begins playing, and the choreography looks oddly familiar. Your jaw drops when it registers.
“Nora, you didn’t.”
“I had to.” She chuckles.
“I’m very confused…” Janette says. “Delighted, but confused.”
“In the first season of Glee a few of the guys get together for an all-male acapella group, and this was a memorable scene for Y/N.” Nora explains. “I requested it in advance, let’s tip well.”
You sway back and forth in your chair and sing along with the song as the men continue to dance essentially for you. You were laughing so hard you were crying by the end of it, and you hug your friend. Once you all have had your fill you head to a club so you all could dance.
Now you really felt like you were in your element. Nora had reserved a VIP sections at one of your favorite clubs so you could all dance freely without bumping into a bunch of sweaty strangers. You were sticking with tequila tonight as to not get sick. You were having loads of fun, but you couldn’t help but wonder what Harry had gotten up to, so you tell your friends you need to use the ladies room quickly. The ladies room in the VIP section was actually clean, you were shocked. You may pee just for the hell of it. You take out your phone and call your fiancé.
“Hey, baby!” You slur. “Just checking in, whatcha up to?”
“Well…it’s one in the morning, so I was sleeping.”
Oh, shit, you think to yourself. You hadn’t even checked the time on your phone before you called. Now you felt like a proper dick.
“Shit, Har, I’m so sorry. I didn’t even realize how late it was, and I was thinking of you, and-“
“Babe, it’s alright.” He chuckles. “I went to a movie with Andre and Sandra and then we went out for drinks and a bite to eat. It was fun.”
“Oh, good! Any plans for tomorrow?”
“I’m hoping to get up and go for a run, and then I’m gonna work on my manuscript. Then I may have dinner with Lisa and her husband, but we’ll see.” He yawns.
“I’m really sorry I woke you…”
“I’ll fall back asleep don’t worry about it. What did you all get into tonight?”
“Drinking, dinner, more drinking, we went to, um, a show, and now we’re drinking more at a club.”
“Ah, so you’re still out?”
“Go be with your friends, baby.”
“I know, I just…wanted to hear your voice, that’s all.”
“Mm, well I’m glad you called, then.”
“I love your sleepy voice.” You pout, not that he can see it.
“Y/N, you’re gonna give me a stiffy if you keep talking like that, so, please, go back out and have fun, yeah?”
“Okay, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You sigh and go back out to continue dancing with your friends. You all get back to the hotel around three in the morning, and everyone crashes. The next day was all about recovering cozily. Room service was ordered and many movies were watched.
“Do you think things will change much once you and Harry are married?” Mark asks as you all do face masks.
“Nah, the biggest change will be going onto the same insurance plan.” You laugh. “We’ll start having kids, I know that much.”
“Do you have any big plans for after you get your doctorate?” Darcy asks.
“Mhm, we’re going to take Andy to Disney World as a combined celebration. Harry’s been dying to take him there for, like, and end of middle school thing, but we really wanna go before we have an infant on our hands, so he’s gonna say it’s for his thirteenth birthday instead.”
“That’s the perfect age to go.” Janette says. “He’ll remember way more, plus I bet he’ll enjoy the alone time with the both of you.”
“He’s gonna be so surprised.” You say. “I love that kid.”
“Any tea to spill about him and his friend?” Claudia asks.
“He hasn’t told me much recently.” You shrug. “Which is perfectly fine. He’s coming to the wedding with him, that I know for sure.”
Harry wasn’t home when you got back from your bachelorette weekend, so you take the opportunity to have a long shower and get into some comfy clothes. You hear the front door open and close, and go out to see Harry coming in with Andy.
“Hey, guys!” You say brightly.
“Y/N!” Andy says and comes to give you a hug. “Did you have a good time with your friends?”
“I did, yeah. How was Mum’s?”
“Good, we went shopping for a Halloween costume.”
“And what are you planning to be this year?”
“A rock star, so, so she got me a blow up guitar that has a strap, and I’m gonna wear all black. It’s gonna be sick.” He heads down the hall into his room.
“Is he going trick or treating?” You say as you wrap your arms around Harry’s neck. He hugs you for a moment before giving you a lip smacking kiss.
“Yeah, he’ll go out for a bit with his friends, and then I guess Caroline is having a little party at her house.”
“Oh, my…a boy-girl party, huh?”
“I know.” Harry sighs and grips your hips. “He’ll be picked up at 9:30 and not a moment later.” He kisses you again. “How was your weekend?”
“It was a lot of fun, it was so good to get away with them for a bit. Just another reminder of how excited I am to marry you.”
He squishes his nose to yours before letting you go. The evening is cozy as the three of you decide to play a board game before Andy goes to bed. It was an incredible game of Scrabble. Harry tugs you into your bedroom about twenty minutes later, and gets you undressed. You giggle as he kisses on you. You shift to get on top of him, and you pin his wrists to the pillows. You suck on his bottom lip and he groans before you lick into his mouth.
“God, I wanted you so bad this weekend.” You say to him as you kiss down his body. “Miss me?”
“Course I did.” He holds your hair back as you wrap your lips around his throbbing dick. His breath hitches as he feels your tongue run over his slit. “Fuck.” He breathes.
You bob up and down on him for a bit before he has you on your stomach. He pulls your hips back and starts fingering you from behind. You clutch at the pillows. You feel him open your cheeks up and his free thumb starts rubbing on your other hole. He hadn’t done this in a while, you almost forgot how good it felt.
“Shit, Harry.”
“Like that?”
“Feels so good.”
He was knuckle deep inside you, petting against your g-spot, and he gradually starts to work his thumb inside you. You gasp, but let him continue. You suddenly feel…full! It was sending you. You fuck yourself on his fingers while he continues to work his thumb into you.
“Alright? Still feels good?” He grunts. His tip was leaking just watching you.
“Yes, fuck, don’t stop.” You moan out into the pillows so you’re not too loud. You completely lose it around his fingers, and he gives you a moment before retracting himself. You wince a little when you feel his thumb leave you. You stay in position for him while he rolls a condom on.
“You good like that, babe? Your knees don’t hurt?”
“No, I’m good, please, give it to me like this.”
He nods and leans down to kiss you before getting back behind you. He grips your hips and pushes his thick tip inside you. Your back arches once he bottoms out. His pace is slow at first, wanting to ease in and out of you. You start moving on and off him at your own pace.
“Impatient.” He grunts as he lets you use him.
“You weren’t going fast enough.”
“So just tell me to go faster.”
“Thought you liked it when I used you.” You smirk at him over your shoulder and he bites his bottom lip.
“Will you get on top?”
He pulls out of you and gets on his back. You swing your leg over and sink down on him. You pin his wrists against the pillows again, and bring yourself down chest to chest. You lick into his mouth as you move on and off his hard dick. Your fingers intertwine and he squeezes your hands.
“Let me rub your clit.” He groans.
“Ask nicely.”
“Can I rub your clit?”
You let go of one of his hands, and he snakes it between the two of you. You gasp into his mouth as he rubs circles into you. Sweat pools between your bellies, and you both lose it. You rest on top of him for a few moments before getting off. Once you’re both cleaned up you snuggle up to him in bed and lay your head on his chest.
“Slept like shit without you, if I’m being honest.” You tell him and kiss on his tattooed collar bones.
“I had to use my body pillow for the first time in forever.”
“I wrapped myself up in my little blanket burrito like I used to, but it just wasn’t the same. I enjoy your heavy body way more.”
“I’m always afraid I’m gonna crush you.” He chuckles.
“Oh, like when you lay fully on top of me? I fucking love that.” You smirk and he shakes his head.
“You’re suck a little freak.”
“Yeah, but I’m your freak.” You kiss his cheek. “I’m also not the one that enjoys giving people rim jobs, so I don’t wanna hear it.”
“I didn’t even do that tonight!”
“You still got in there.”
“And you liked it, so don’t kinkshame me.”
“I’m not! I like that you’re a little kinky.” You giggle.
“Just so you know, I don’t do that with just anyone…” He mutters.
“Aw, well don’t I feel special.” You say sarcastically. “It’s so good to know you’ve only had your tongue up a few people’s asses.” He blinks at you and you start laughing. “Chill, I’m just teasing.” You peck his lips and turn over, and he turns with you to wrap himself around you.
“You’re lucky I think you’re incredibly cute, you know that?”
Trick or treating was fun, but short lived. Andy his friends hit up the houses they knew that had the best candy, and then made their way to Caroline’s. You and Harry were at a Halloween themed game night at Mateo’s. Caroline’s house had a finished basement, so it was the perfect spot for a little party. Most of Andy’s homeroom was there. Her sister’s had helped set up donuts on strings for a little contest. There was music playing, and everyone was having a good time. There was even a wall with decorations for people to take pictures. Andy takes plenty with his friends.
Once Caroline’s sisters go upstairs, the kids all get into a game of truth or dare. They all sit in a circle on the floor, and put a bottle in the middle. The dares were lighthearted at first, someone had to cluck like a chicken, someone had to chug a can of soda, someone had to see how many marshmallows they could fit into their mouth, normal kid stuff. Then it got a little more serious. Some were daring others to go into the closet for seven minutes, others had to admit to having crushes.
“Okay, Brandon…” A girl named Maggie says, “truth or dare?”
“Dare.” He shrugs.
“Alright, I dare you to go into the closet with Andy for seven minutes.”
Andy nearly chokes on his drink, and looks wide eyed at Brandon.
“What exactly do you want us to do in there?” Brandon asks.
“Doesn’t matter, whatever happens is between you two.” She shrugs.
It wasn’t like they were the only same sex people to be asked to go into the closet. Some kids were out already, but things weren’t as obvious for Brandon and Andy.
“Do you want to?” Brandon asks him.
“I guess.”
They both get up, and go into the closet. Someone starts a timer for seven minutes. Andy leans against one of the walls of the closet. It was roomy.
“It’s too dark in here.” Brandon says as he turns the flashlight of his phone on. He sets it on the floor so it’s not blinding. “There we go, now I can see you.” Andy gives him a small smile. “Have I told you how cool your costume is?”
“Thanks, my mum helped me put it together. Although, Y/N helped with the eye liner.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I like yours too.”
“I don’t know, I thought it was kind of lame.” He chuckles. “A baseball player isn’t exactly original, but my mom wanted to make sure I was wearing pants.” He sighs.
“I know! Parents are always so worried about us being cold. It’s not like we were out that long.”
“Hey, remember when we were thing one and thing two in elementary school? We had to meet up like every weekend to make sure everything matched!”
“Yeah! I’m so glad we don’t have to do that anymore.” Andy stands up straight. “How long do you think it’s been?”
“Just a couple minutes.”
“This is such a weird dare…feel like I’m in an eighties movie.” Andy scoffs.
“I know, it feels like a force.” He sighs. “M’not gonna kiss you in a closet. That’s just what everyone wants. Then we’d have to walk out of here all awkward.”
“I don’t want you to kiss me in here either.” Andy chews his bottom lip. “But I do want you to kiss me, Brandon, really bad.” So many things had been left unsaid between them, and this was the first time Andy really said it to his friend.
“Maybe we can find somewhere else to go, somewhere less obvious.”
Andy nods, and the door opens. A few people frown as they can tell nothing happened between the two. It was getting closer to 9:30, and neither Andy nor Brandon wanted to get interrupted by a call from a parent again. Brandon watches as Andy goes over to Caroline.
“Is there somewhere private he and I can go?”
“Weren’t you two just alone?” She raises an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah, but it would have been so obvious…”
Caroline looks around. She thinks to tell them to go to the bathroom, but that would be obvious too. Her basement was a walkout, and the outside portion had been screened in for bugs. They could go out there for a few minutes. They could just say they’re getting some air.
“Go outside for a few minutes.” She nods over to the sliding door. “I’ll standby to keep watch.”
“You’re the best.”
Andy and Brandon go outside unnoticed by anyone else.
“You’re okay out here…like this?” Brandon asks.
“Yeah.” He takes a deep breath. “I need to know something before we do this, though…I mean, how do you feel about me? Because I like you, Brandon, like really like you.”
“I really like you too.”
“You do?”
“For how long?”
“I don’t know when it started exactly. I just know that I do.”
Andy smiles at him and backs up to the siding of the house as Brandon walks towards him. Andy reaches up and turns Brandon’s baseball cap around so it wouldn’t get in the way. They both chuckle out of nerves. Brandon cups one of Andy’s cheeks and leans in.
“You’re sure?” Brandon asks.
“Yes.” He breathes.
Andy closes his eyes, and braces himself. Brandon’s lips press against his. The first thing he notices is how soft Brandon’s lips are, but he wasn’t surprised because he was always using chapstick. The second thing he notices is how he feels warm all over. He had butterflies in his stomach, but they were the good kind. He reaches up to cup one of Brandon’s cheeks so he won’t pull away. They stay like that for a few moment, kissing innocently. Brandon pulls away to get some air and presses his forehead to Andy’s.
“How was that for a first kiss?” Brandon looks at him.
“B-better than I ever imagined.” He tugs on Brandon’s jersey to pull him back in and they kiss once more. They both giggle afterwards. “H-how was I?”
“Best kiss I’ve ever had.”
“Jesus.” Andy blushes. “We, um, we should keep this quiet until after the wedding. If we say anything to our parents they may not let us share a hotel room or they might add more rules or something.”
“Shit, you’re right…yeah, let’s keep it to ourselves for now. I…I mean, I don’t even know what this all means, like, are we gay?”
“Well…you could be, but I like boys and girls.” It was wild how easily he was just able to admit it. “It’s called bi, or whatever, so that’s what I think I am. Does it matter? I like you and you like me, that’s it.”
“Right, that’s all that really matters.” Brandon smiles.
Andy feels his phone buzz in his pocket, and he takes it out to see that Harry texted he was out front.
“I have to go, my parents are here.”
The boys hug and then kiss one more time before going inside. Andy and Caroline share a knowing look, and then he makes the rounds saying goodbye. He heads upstairs and thanks Caroline’s sisters for having him, and then goes outside with all his candy. Harry would need to inspect it when they got home. He climbs into the backseat of the car. You were in a giggly mood from the wine you had drank at game night.
“Andy! How was the party?” You ask him as you turn around slightly to make eye contact.
“Oh, um, it was good, really, really good.”
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engie-ivy · 4 years
Remus doesn’t go to the annual Halloween party because of the full moon, Sirius doesn't go to the annual Halloween party because of Remus, and the task befalls James to come up with an excuse as to why his two friends are both absent and should not be disturbed...
Short and cute happy Halloween fluff🎃
Self-fulfilling rumours
“Why didn’t you tell us?”
Remus looks up from his book to see a rather angry-looking Sirius glaring at him from the doorway, arms crossed over his chest.
“You all have calendars yourselves,” Remus replies calmly, focussing his attention back on his book.
Sirius rolls his eyes as he walks into the room. “Well, we obviously didn’t realise, so why didn’t you remind us then?”
Remus sighs and puts down his book. “It’s your favourite night of the year. You were already so excited. What’s the point of me putting a damper on the fun?”
“Well, it could’ve saved Jamie and I the trouble of coming up with our costumes...”
“You’re going to the Halloween party,” Remus says firmly.
Halloween and the annual Halloween party is one of James’ and Sirius’ favourite time of the year. Eating nothing but candy all day, pulling an extra amount of pranks under the excuse of trick ‘n treating, and always having the best costumes. If it were anybody else, people might have made fun of them for dressing up in over the top and matching, but when James and Sirius do it, it’s cool, which goes for about everything.
“Moony,” Sirius says frowning. “Of course we’re not going to the Halloween party this year if the full moon is that night.”
“Sirius,” Moony sighs. “I’m not gonna let all of you miss out on something you were so looking forward to on my account.” Sirius opens his mouth to protest, but Remus keeps talking. “Besides, I can’t leave the shack on the night of Halloween anyways. Much too dangerous, with people out and about trick ‘n treating or going on ghost tours. So there’s really no need for you to miss the party.”
“But when you’re in there alone...”
“I’ve handled it on my own for many years,” Remus smiles in a way he hopes looks more convincing than he feels. “I can handle one night more, so you can enjoy yourselves.”
“Stop talking like it’s a sacrifice for us!” Sirius says. “We love our nights during the full, it’s the highlight of the month.”
“When we can go out,” Remus chuckles. “Not when you’ll be obligated to spend the night in a small space with a cranky werewolf, while you could’ve been getting drunk on illegally obtained Firewhiskey and eating your weight in candy.”
Sirius stares at him for a while. Then he sighs. “I won’t argue with you then.”
As Remus sits alone and cold on the floor of the Shrieking Shack, feeling as miserable as always so close to the full moon, he starts to regret being so firm to Sirius. In reality, he dreads transforming on his own, and letting the wolf take out his aggression on himself.
“Wotcher, Moony.”
Remus can’t suppress his smile as Sirius casually walks into the room. “What happened to ‘I won’t argue with you’?”
Sirius shrugs as he sits down in front of Remus. “I didn’t argue with you, now did I? I decided to save us the trouble, and just do what I wanted anyway.”
Remus knows he should tell Sirius to go back to the castle and enjoy the party, but he can’t bring himself to do it. He’s too relieved to have Padfoot with him for this night.
“Won’t Prongs mind that he won’t have you in your prisoner of Azkaban costume to accompany his Dementor costume?”
“Nah,” Sirius says. “I let Wormtail take my place. He was delighted.”
“I really don’t want to keep you from what you love so much...” Remus tries one last time.
“You are what I-” Sirius stops himself and sighs. “I mean, I don’t want to be anywhere else, Moony.” Then he smiles. “Why would I want to hang out with fake werewolves all night when I have the real thing right here?”
Remus launches himself forward and hugs Sirius tight, relief washing over him. “Thank you,” he whispers.
The full moon isn’t as bad with Padfoot there to calm the wolf, even if they have to stay locked inside the entire night. Despite some slowly healing scars and the usual painful muscles, he’s able to make his way around the castle again not too long after. In the library, one of the Prewett twins drops down in the chair in front of him.
“Hi Gid,” Remus greets. “How are you? How was the Halloween party? I heard you and Fabian didn’t bothered with costumes and just said you were dressed up as each other.”
Gideon grins. “Yeah, it was definitely fun. But not as much fun as your night has been, or so I’ve heard.”
Remus blinks at Gideon who’s looking back with a suggestive grin. Remus knows Gideon cannot be referring to what he actually did that night, as he definitely wouldn’t use the word ‘fun’, nor would he be smiling at him like that. If he knew, he probably wouldn’t be talking to him anymore at all, though admittedly, Remus has been wrong about that before. Remus realises that he has no idea what excuse James has given for his absence. Attempting to stay as vague as possible, until he can check with James, Remus says “Yeah, well, you know how it is, right?”
Gideon throws his head back and laughs. “I honestly can’t say I do, Lupin. But I can say that I’ve sometimes wished I did,” he adds with a wink, before leaving for his next class, leaving behind a very confused Remus.
“I am never talking to you again.”
Remus doesn’t take this threat too serious, as Lily just ran up to him and hooked her arm in his.
“You have affronted me, Remus Lupin.”
Remus raises an eyebrow. “Did I now?”
“Oh, yes,” Lily says. “I’m not terribly surprised, as I’ve had my suspicions, but having to hear it from Potter!” Lily shakes her head. “So, what’s the deal? Is it, for lack of a better word, serious?”
“I...” Remus says hesitantly. “Am not sure?”
“Right,” Lily says nodding. “I guess these things can be complicated. Just know that as long as you’re happy, I’m happy for you.”
Remus starts noticing how people are, not even subtly, staring at him and talking about him. He sees lots of giggling and the occasional angry glare, but also suggestive smirks, winks and even a couple of thumbs up. Remus feels very much at a loss.
When Benjy Fenwick passes him in the corridor, he turns around to Remus. “Nice job, Lupin. From what I’ve seen in the Quidditch locker room, I can only say congratulations.”
When he tells Marlene he’s sorry he missed the party, she snorts. “Like hell you are, Lupin.” And then with a smirk “I trust you had a very pleasing evening?” And when Remus, caught off guard, stammers that he supposes it was quite satisfying, she bursts out in laughter.
Mary just runs up to him and gives him an overly-excited hug, saying that she’s super invested in it already.
Remus walks into the common room over to where James and Sirius are sitting. “Prongs, a word in the dorm please. Padfoot, you come too.”
James looks very guilty as he enters the dorm. “I’m sorry!” He immediately says. “I panicked, and I couldn’t come up with anything else in that moment. I didn’t expect every person in school to be talking about it.”
Remus pinches the bridge of his nose. “What exactly is everyone talking about?”
“Well,” James runs a hand through his hair, before speaking in a rushed voice. “People asked why you weren’t at the party, so I said you were sick, but McKinnon found it hard to believe that suddenly both of you were sick and she wanted to go up to our dorm to confront you, ‘cause she ‘wasn’t gonna let you skip on the party of the year that easily’, and before I knew it she was walking up the stairs and I had to think of something, as neither one of you was of course actually in our dorm, to convince McKinnon she really shouldn’t enter our dorm that evening, so, and like I said, panicking, I said that you two were... you know.”
Sirius’ eyes widen. “You told McKinnon we were shagging?”
“No,” James says defensively before turning his head away and softly muttering “I shouted through the common room that you were shagging.”
Remus flushes as he remembers all the looks and conversations from that morning. He hides his face in his hands and drops down on the bed. He’s vaguely aware of Sirius telling James through gritted teeth to give him a moment with Remus to talk about what to do, and not long after, he feels Sirius sit down next to him on the bed.
Remus tries to compose himself. “So this is of course terribly embarrassing,” he says, and notices how Sirius looks away with a strange expression on his face. “But I suppose I rather have people talk about me for hooking up with you, than have people talk about me for being a vile, vicious monster.”
“I’m glad people thinking you’re hooking up with me is just slightly better than people thinking you’re a monster,” Sirius replies bitterly.
Remus frowns. “I didn’t mean it like that.” Sirius stays silent, so Remus continues. “For Godric’s sake, how in Merlin’s name Prongs came up with that? And for people to actually believe something so ridiculous!”
Sirius now snaps his eyes back to Remus’ face with an angry glare, and Remus has the feeling he’s really screwing up, but doesn’t know exactly what he’s screwing up.
“I suppose the idea that you’d hook up with me is absolutely ridiculous,” Sirius says with something like suppressed anger and hurt.
“Well, yeah,” Remus replies, not understanding this reaction. “Everyone knows that you’re way out off my league.”
“What?” Sirius asks incredulously. “I am no such thing!”
“Please,” Remus says, making a dismissive gesture. “You can literally pick anyone you want, why in Merlin’s name would you pick me?”
“Because you’re clever and kind? Because you have a sharp wit and a wicked sense of humour? Because you have pretty eyes that light up when you laugh or read a book and a cute smile, especially when you do that adorable nose wrinkle-thing? Because you know exactly how to comfort me and make me feel better about myself?”
How Remus wishes he was better at this sort of thing, how he wishes he’d have the exact right words to describe how much he admires Sirius and the feeling it gives him when Sirius’ eyes meet his and he gives him one if those small smiles, but all he manages to say is “Oh.”
“Yeah.” Sirius sounds defeated. “Look, I’m sorry that these rumours bother you so much. I wish I could make it better for you, but I don’t know...”
As he speaks, Sirius moves to get up from the bed, but Remus grabs his wrist. “You could make it better for me.”
Sirius sits back down and stares at Remus, and now it’s his turn to mutter the eloquent “Oh.”
Remus nervously licks his lips and shifts a little closer to Sirius. “I’d feel much better about these rumours if there was at least some truth in them.”
Sirius swallows and shifts a little closer to Remus. “Yeah, I hate that Prongs had to lie for us.”
Having him so close, Remus musters his courage and places one hand on Sirius’ waist. “Precisely. I don’t like fooling Lily about it either.”
Sirius places a tentative hand on Remus’ cheek. “It’d be indeed much better for them if there was some truth to it.”
Remus leans into his touch. “And so many people seemed really excited about it.”
Sirius also leans in a little closer, and Remus can feel his breath on his lips as he speaks. “It’d be such a shame to disappoint them.”
“Yeah,” Remus whispers before letting his eyes fall shut and closing the last bit of distance. “Such a shame.”
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washymylifeaway · 3 years
hi! do you have any favourite fantasy/mythology esque sakuatsu fics?
Haikyuu SakuAtsu fanfic recs: Fantasy Edition!!!!
To the anon who requested this, you are an ABSOLUTE GOD. I don’t know if you know, but fantasy AND mythology are some of my FAVORITE genres of ALL TIME. STILL, I saw the esque and I ran with it (cause there isn’t a lot of like pure fantasy or mythological journey fics ie. my poor excuse OOPS LOL and I wasn’t too sure what would be okay on this list AHAHA), so if it’s not the right kind of fics you were looking for, I’M SO SORRY :((((((( May this rec list be up to your expectations!!!!!! (And if it isn’t, feel free to re-request :’))))),,,, ALSO, ignore me switching between Sakusa and Omi LOL.)
As per usual, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for each fic before reading and make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) Stay healthy loves <3
if you make me feel in love / if you make me open up by volchitsae (E) 6.4k // this is a reincarnation AU, and it has a major folklore/japanese-ish mythology (gods) element to it. This honestly MIGHT be my favorite from this list cause it’s just done SO well and I LOVE the reunion after the TRAGEDY :’)))) I’m trying to be vague cause I REALLY don’t want to spoil this fic at ALL, so PLEASE read it heh.
my love, take your time by bastigod (T) 9k // this is another reincarnation AU, but this time it’s with greek-ish mythology :’D However, the fantasy part of it is kinda on the back burner (ahaha oops LOL). It becomes more apparent near the end of the fic, but the build up to it is worth reading, which is why it’s here LOL. I love how they added Sakusa’s own memories concerning certain things, and how he collected pieces of them in the museum! The writing is so good, but also, I’m a sucker for Omi making lists relating to Atsumu hehe.
your flame will not survive in this cold tundra by awkwardedgeworth (T) 26.5k // this is an AtLA AU, but even if you don’t know the show, you’ll still enjoy it! I absolutely love this fic and the plot is really AMAZING and asihfkjahsdkfjak their DEVELOPMENT. Especially with the separation of POV’s in both chapters (and what we get to see which we didn’t previously) UGH,,,, it was so GOOD. (Their other AtLA AU fics are really good too, so don’t be shy, go read them as well LOL.)
one life, one encounter by bastigod (G) 5.7k // this is a japanese-ish mythology AU, with our first appearance of foxsumu. We do stan Kita-san and Sakusa being friends with one another in this house :D This fic was really cute and Sakusa is so baby in this (but in a GOOD WAY), and when he talks to Atsumu at first,,, HE SOUNDED SO LONELY LIKE I’LL BE YOUR FRIEND :((((((
give me a moment so devoted by volchitsae (T) 4.5k // immortals! YES! I really really like this one and I think that their relationship in it was SO cute. I am really into the idea of Atsumu being insufferable throughout Omi’s lifetime and them having INSIDE JOKES AHHHHH. It’s really light and fluffy so if you just want some love in your life, this is the read :)
show you my best disguise by volchitsae (T) 5.1k // this one has NICE Sakusa in it (which I think should be more common fight me) and their relationship with one another is actually good from the beginning :D I love how naturally it progressed and how we get to see the habits slowly build as they spend time with one another. Very good fic, but not lots of magic until the end LOL. (There’s also a lot of poetry LOL.)
both our hands speak for us and complicate it by volchitsae (M) 8.6k // MAGIC/superpowers :D FIRST, the puns are such a nice touch to this fic and SECOND we do love the yachi/yama agenda being pushed here. I really like the conditions Sakusa’s powers have, and how that added to the plot (and the ending for that matter, may there be a universe where they can touch LOL). Honestly, the magic is also kinda back burner for this one and it focuses more on relationship dev. but it’s still a fun read so I added it LOL.
Rain and Its Incendiary Properties by firtree (M) 24.5k // so we get some Sakusa turning into vampire backstory in this one, and the revelation of more mythical beings LOL. Bless Komori and tbh Suna for being some MVP’s in this fic, we do love the familial bonds :)))) But also, the knowledge at the end does give some second hand embarrassment so brace yourself LOL.
two slow dancers by orphan_account (T) 1.2k // AHHHHHH BLOND SAKUSA! Also, yes another vampire fic. What? Sue me. This is just a load of fluff and sap from Atsumu, and warning: there ARE twilight references in this one ahahahaha. (If you thought that with this many vampire fics on the list, you would be safe from twilight, you obviously thought wrong.)
crimson colored lotus by sieges (M) 16.5k // this was a demon slayer AU LOL. TBH I haven’t watched DS, but you honestly don’t really need to in order to read this LOL. It’s explained really well and the writing is AMAZING! It’s not a linear fic, but you can read it in order if you so choose. I know it’s a stretch for this list, but it’s just that good, okay? LOL.
how can I not be moved (by you) by Ann1215 (T) 26.4k // this has warlock Atsumu (with an actual REASON for his blond-ness that isn’t Osamu) and halfling Sakusa, who is eventually a sap LOL. I really love fics with familiars and animals so this fic was one that I really liked hehe. The ending? Embarrassing but we do love the love LOL. Also the second part with Atsumu’s POV, FLUFF like, yes please give me all the love :DDDDD
enchanted to meet ya by zantetsvkens (T) 4.8k // FAST BURN but it makes sense. I agree with the a/n at the end for the confession, so there’s that LOL. I liked this one because the tactful provoking was SO good and funny for that matter HAH. But Sakusa WOULD be more concerned with the window costs than Atsumu’s wellbeing (it had to have been said).
when morning comes we'll be safe by bestcarrot (T) 2.7k // another demon slayer AU even though I’ve never read or watched ds? Yes. Again, sue me. I know it’s teeeeeeechnically a stretch BUT fox demon Atsumu...... (Also it’s written so well I felt like I needed to add it okay? :’)))))) AND yes, I WAS holding onto the no character death (YOU SHOULD TOO), the close ending was scary.
a boy is a thing with fangs by unthank (T) 3.5k // foxsumu! ngl I’ll just be straight up honest with you all, I added this for the response Sakusa has to Atsumu when they’re watching SunaOsa play shogi in the next fic LOL. I thought it was so funny and perfect for that moment please. Just,,,, forgive me once AHAHAH.
Falling For You (Literally) by Anubis_2701 (T) 6.5k // clumsy Atsumu makes me feel some type of way LOL. This is another NICE, soft Sakusa fic (like i said we need more: me pretending like I don’t see the tag for it LOL) and it’s just really cute. There’s some medical tings that occur (cause Omi is literally a magical medic LOL), but it’s just very FLUFF hehe.
The curse of a blessing by basinnit (E) 7.8k // CHECKING WARNINGS AND TAGS!!!!!!! I felt like I knew what was going to happen, but DENIAL IS NICE OKAY. Honestly, it seems short with it’s 7.8k word count, but with the number of mental breaks you’re gonna need,,,, it’ll seem long. Also, yes Atsumu punching people (one person in particular) because I would’ve too and I love that person >:((((( It looks scary and confusing with the tags, but I’d read it anyway LOL. (If you’re wondering, the magic is that Suna and Sakusa are warlocks LOL.)
The Fox Prince by cinnamonlove (T) 13.1k // okay there are some INSULTS thrown (and lots of cursing LOL) and so TW: LOTTA CURSE WORDS. Aside from that, we see once again MVP Komori making an appearance, but also vulnerable SakuAtsu near the end :0 It’s definitely an interesting fic, so that’s why it’s here LOL. (Also it’s like fake foxsumu but not really,,,, you’ll understand.)
the echoing halls by ohwickedsoul (T) 11.7k // GAH THIS ONE WAS SO GOOD. To read it though, some background knowledge (or google LOL) is needed cause the mythology references are very strong in this one. But I love when Sakusa was so desperate (honor’d light AUAHFKJDHFKJS) and Atsumu was aboutta (basically) punch him LOL. V GOOD V CUTE IN LOVE? I AM.
Did I just take this ask as an excuse to read a crap ton of fantasy/mythology AUs instead of doing any of my other work? Yes, yes I did. Also, I know it’s kinda short (LOL NOT ME SAYING THIS but I did NOT (surprising IK) put some of the fics I liked D:), but I tried to REALLY narrow it down a bit hehe. I hope I didn’t miss too many good ones, and I’m sorry for not really staying on ‘topic’ LOL. I realized while re-reading these that a lot of them are just Atsumu like meeting Sakusa by chance and being like dang, he’s hot. Gotta bother him forever ig? Thank you for the ask, it was really fun and I hope you liked the fics hehe :)
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yulmoldauer · 4 years
Let’s talk about racism on hockeyblr
EDIT/DISCLAIMER: I’m aware that I may have missed a few native and indigenous players when I mention some below. With me being located in the US and having elections on top of school, theatre, and more, I know I may have missed some! If I’ve missed a few that you know are native, please feel free to shoot me a message and let me know. Again, my intention wasn’t to exclude anyone for looking too white or anything, I just think it’s impossible for one person to be able to keep up with every team. If I’m missing someone, feel free to let me know so I can add them!
Alright, I'm putting everything into three posts for ease on literally everyone. One post would be so god damn long. 
First, I’m going to add onto the topic of racism in general but especially on hockeyblr. Especially from the “I would never!” crowd.
And, yes, I’m talking about POC and white people both I’ve experienced this from.
For those who don’t know: I’m native. I’m mixed. I look relatively white in the winter when I’m cooped up inside and look (what white people have always called “very very tan!”) not-so-white in the summers. When it comes to my personal history, it’s messy. I’m not registered with any tribe and I have to take an educated guess on what tribe my family is even from. The short story is someone from my family was forced into foster care to make her “white” in every sense other than her skin. Her ties to family and her native culture were cut. So before anyone pulls the “you’re not a real native”, trust me, it’s a result of racism. I’m saying this to tell you that I am native, what I’m saying is all my experiences.
How many people on hockeyblr are shaming the Blackhawks for not changing their name and logo, but have no idea there are even native players in the NHL. How many of you can actually name a native/indigenous person in the NHL off the top of your head? They exist, but you all lump them into the white boy category. Like, this bothers me SO much because it’s performative wokeness at its peak. You care about a name and a logo, not the people.
On the “lumping them into the white boy category”, I’ll elaborate a little more.
Native and indigenous people are usually “too white to be poc and too poc to be white.” I’m not putting this here to target anyone specifically, but I experience this from both white and poc and it needs to be talked about. The fact that y’all don’t see native and indigenous people as people of color.
An example of this? Carey price. I’ve seen people nonstop calling him white lately when talking about racism. I’m not as educated on indigenous groups within Canada but literally Native people are Not White.
We’re not accepted by white people, we’re not accepted by other poc. I bring up that we ARE poc, and get met with “but not actual POC.”
If this makes you uncomfortable, it should. If you’ve done this, recognize it and change. Learn about native and indigenous people in the NHL and other hockey leagues. Learn what they’re doing with native issues, topics, etc.
Here’s a list of native and indigenous players CURRENTLY in the NHL from native hockey.com’s website:
Rene Bourque (Metis) – Colorado Avalanche
Micheal Ferland (Cree) – Calgary Flames 
Vern Fiddler (Metis) – New Jersey Devils
Dwight King (Metis) – Los Angeles Kings
Jordan Nolan (Ojibwe) – Los Angeles Kings
T.J. Oshie (Ojibwe) – Washington Capitals
Carey Price (Ulkatcho First Nation) – Montreal Canadiens
Jordin Tootoo (Inuk) – Chicago Blackhawks
Travis Hamonic (Metis) -- Calgary Flames
Someone not on that list is Ethan Bear from the Edmonton Oilers, he’s Cree. There’s also Zach Whitecloud from Vegas, who is Sioux and Brendon Montour from the Buffalo Sabres who is Mohawk. Please let me know If there’s anyone else that is indigenous that I was unaware of. (I think this is good to show that even I, a Native person, would be unaware of some of these. Honestly, I don’t even know much about a lot of players. That’s why we need to constantly be working together)
Educate yourselves. Learn how to be a better ally. Being an ally is more than reblogging a gofundme. It’s stopping racism toward native and indigenous people no matter who it’s coming from. It’s not speaking over us when we say “this is an issue.”
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mcwriting · 4 years
Starstruck (10; finale)
honestly this could be read standalone if you haven’t read any other parts of this story but it would definitely help with context
Here it is!! It’s been over a year coming with lots of ups and downs and hiatuses and it’s finally here! I’m so thankful for everyone who’s been on this journey with me and the people who have joined along the way!
Please don’t hesitate to stick around! Message me, ask questions, make requests! I’ve got big things coming and I’d love to add you to my taglist ;)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10
Ship: Tom Holland x Reader
Setting: LA
Word Count: 3228
Warnings: Mild language, a little bitty bit of angst but then fluff
Rating: K+
You woke up at 8 Friday morning excited for the day ahead. You turned your head to see b/f/n still asleep on the other side of your bed, so you grabbed your phone and scrolled through social media.
It seemed like Tom had gone quiet on social media, and therefore people seemed to tag you in less things about him.
After about an hour, b/f/n finally rolled over and stretched.
“Well hello there,” she said, voice somewhat raspy.
“You ready for today?” you immediately asked. A sly smile crept on to her face.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
The previous night had been spent pampering yourselves with facemasks and deep hair conditioning, so you felt your skin and hair were prepped for getting made up that afternoon.
You started off the morning with breakfast, then hung out for a while. After lunch, you go to work on your hair.
B/f/n helped you get bouncy curls and you pinned her hair into a low updo. It took another hour to get your makeup done in full glam. You didn’t skimp out on glitter and highlight.
Finally, it was time to get dressed. B/f/n suited up first, wearing a red gown with a layered tulle skirt, then you put on your blue dress. 
You said your final goodbyes to your parents and headed to the venue. 
Tom, Harrison, and Harry were rushing around the house getting last minute finishing touches from Christine, who’d been available to come style them and would keep it on the down low.
“Tom stop squirming! I’m trying to get this curl to lay right!” she exclaimed, fawning over his hair.
“I’m sorry, I just can’t sit still! I’m so nervous!” he explained in reply. 
They’d all explained to her the main gist of what was going on, so when Christine stopped to look right at Tom, he knew she was about to say something serious.
“Okay look at me. I’ve known you for how long now? I’ve never seen you this nervous. It’s going to be okay, Tom. No matter what happens you’ve got a great group of people to support you. You’re going to go out there tonight looking incredible and you’re going to tell the girl how you feel. You got this, man. I believe in you.”
Tom smiled at the encouragement and nodded.
“Yeah, alright. You’re right. I’ve just never felt this way before and I don’t want to mess it up.”
“You literally talked two multimillion dollar corporations into coming back together just for the character you play while drunk. I’m pretty sure you’ll handle yourself just fine tonight,” she winked, finishing everything off with some hairspray.
“Okay perfect. Now Tom, you better not mess this hair up since I worked so hard to make it lay just right. Oh, and go get Harry for me. I don’t want him having an afro tonight.”
You and b/f/n arrived a few minutes after doors opened and found your other friends already right inside taking pictures. You all fawned over each other’s wardrobes and got plenty of photos together.
You happened to miss the “ The Brother’s Trust” logo on the poster listing off the night’s sponsors, though you probably wouldn’t have known what it was anyways at first glance.
Inside, you all found a table to set your things down at while you hung out on the dance floor before the actual dinner.
As more people, young and old, showed up, the dance floor became more crowded and it was fun to let loose with your friends. What you didn’t know about was the commotion happening behind the scenes.
Tom, Harry, and Harrison pulled into the back parking lot of the venue and looked around nervously. They weren’t quite sure what to do next, so Tom called the event coordinator he’d been in contact with for the previous week.
They were directed to come to the kitchen door to be let in, so the boys sprinted across the lot to avoid anyone seeing them. The door flung open and they were quickly ushered through the kitchen into an office.
The coordinator introduced herself, then requested for them to stay there until the dinner began. Someone brought them food to eat as people in the main room started getting off the dance floor and heading to their own tables.
You were happily seated around the table waiting for your meal when a woman came onto the stage.
“Good evening, everyone. As the food is being served, I just want to thank you for your support through purchasing tickets and for the generous sponsor donations. It’s well appreciated and will be put to good use. Here in just a little bit we will be bringing out our different surprise guests, so please, sit back, enjoy and I’ll be back in a little bit to announce the first guest.”
Your table was filled with chatter over who could be speaking. There had been rumors spread about different celebrities and business owners that might come, but it had been pretty well kept under wraps.  
The first people were a band that came to play a few songs while people ate their appetizers and who promised to return to the stage later after the dinner portion was over. 
Next as everyone enjoyed their entrees was a talk show host who made everyone laugh like they were in a comedy club.
As the desserts went around, the lady from before came onto the stage again.
“Well I hope you all enjoyed that. As the desserts are going around, I’d like to introduce our final surprise guest. This person has, through his family’s charity trust, generously given a large donation to this organization. I’ve asked that he would come just say a few words as the dinner came to an end. So everyone please give a warm welcome to Mr. Tom Holland!”
There were claps and cheers all around you, but you just took a sharp gasp, glancing around and blinking furiously to make sure this wasn’t a dream (nightmare?). 
You were frozen as you watched him step out from behind a curtain and take a microphone from the woman, waving as he scanned the crowd. He was wearing a grey suit with navy accents. 
You looked to your friends who looked at you with wide eyes. B/f/n avoided eye contact.
“Good evening, everyone and thank you for the warm welcome,” he began as the cheers died down.
You again looked at b/f/n.
“Did you know about this?” you whispered accusingly. She looked down with guilt. “Oh even worse. You had a part in this, didn’t you?”
“Y/n, I can explain-” she began, but you cut her off.
“No, you know what? Save it. We’ll talk about this later,” you spat, turning back to face the stage where Tom was. If you could just make it through his little speech, then you could drag b/f/n outside to figure out what the hell was going on.
“I’m so honored to have been involved in this and am excited to see where the money given by the brother’s trust will be used.”
He continued to scan the room until his eyes finally locked on yours.
“And, um. I,” you looked away and he cleared his throat. “Excuse me, um, I’m excited to get to meet all of you after the dinner has finished…”
You realized he was still looking at you when you looked back up. You couldn’t handle this like you’d thought, so you tossed your napkin on the table and grabbed your phone, quickly trying to run out without too many people noticing.
Of course, Tom saw it from his place on the stage. He looked at b/f/n who put up her hands and gave a head nod towards the door, then got up to follow you.
“Anyways, I’ll let you get back to your desserts. Thank you all again for your support tonight,” he quickly finished, rushing off the stage to more claps and cheers. 
“Y/n just ran out, what do I do?” Tom asked hurriedly to his brothers from backstage.
“Figure out how to get out there! Where was b/f/n?” Harrison asked.
“She followed her but I don’t know how much time I have. We need to figure out the best way to avoid the crowd!” 
In the lobby, b/f/n was pleading with you to stop and calm down. You whipped around to face her, eyes misty.
“I can’t calm down, b/f/n! What the hell is going on?! How- why did you do this? I thought you said this would be the perfect night to move on and have fun, but I can’t really do that when you’re in kahoots with the guy who broke my heart! I mean what were you thinking!”
“I was thinking about you, y/n! You’ve been so depressed these past few weeks… I know you have feelings for him whether you want to admit it or not. I saw the way you smiled when we talked about that cologne the other day, and the way you get that longing look when you see a picture of him. Neither of you are over each other, and I couldn’t stand to see you like this any longer.”
“What happened to never hiding anything from each other again, huh? You didn’t think to, I don’t know, warn me before tonight that he would be here? Considering that I’m sure you’ve known about this for a while.”
“Oh come on, y/n. You wouldn’t have come tonight if you knew Tom was going to be here. He and Harrison and Harry begged me to keep it a secret so that you two would be able to have a real conversation. Tom wants to see you. Bad. Look, I’m sorry that it caught you off guard, but this was the only way I could think to get you two together.”
You sighed, still stewing over everything. 
“Yeah, I probably wouldn’t have come. But that would have been my choice. I don’t know that I want to talk to him after what he did to me. What could he even want from me, other than to mock me for not having clout or something?” You paused again. “This was supposed to be a fun night, but now all I want is to crawl in a hole and hide forever.”
B/f/n looked down again.
“Like I said, I’m sorry we did it this way, but I knew you’d say no if I asked. He’s had a change of heart, y/n. Could you please reconsider? I mean… he’s right there,” she gestured behind you and you turned around. 
There he was, in the flesh. Flanked by his brother and best friend. You crossed your arms and looked at b/f/n again.
“I’ll give him five minutes, but I swear if he does anything funny we’re leaving, okay? Promise me that.”
B/f/n looked between you and Tom’s group.
“Absolutely. Five minutes.”
She walked over to them and said a few words, Tom essentially keeping his eyes on you. She then gestured for you to follow them through a couple halls to a secluded room, leaving only you and Tom to talk.
“What do you want from me, Holland? I’m sure b/f/n told you, but you’ve got five minutes to explain yourself before I get the hell out of here.”
“And that’s all I need, y/n,” he pleaded. “I just want you to know how sorry I am. For everything. I’m sorry that I dragged you into my life unwillingly, I’m sorry for humiliating you and shunning you on a world stage. I’m most sorry for leaving you. I truly am.”
He looked down, ashamed. You were still mad, but felt a little pang in your heart.
“And that’s just supposed to make everything okay? I thought you were cool after the time we spent together. I thought I could trust you. But no, you had to listen to those awful people who you pay to be awful and go out and tell the world all about me. You chose the life of stardom, but I didn’t get that choice because of your cowardice,” you spat.
You knew somewhere in the back of your mind that you were being harsh, but everything you’d kept inside since he left was finally bubbling up again. He nodded his head in agreement.
“This doesn’t make it okay, at all. I didn’t think about the negative effects it would have on you before I put your name out to the millions of people who follow me. I was stupid and careless. And as far as my management goes, well, I fired them. After your speech went viral, what you said finally clicked. You helped me realize what dicks they were and the dick I was for listening to them.”
You stood up straight when he mentioned the last part, looking at him suspiciously.
“You- you did?” you looked around the room, even though no one else was there. “This isn’t another one of their little set ups?”
“No, no absolutely not. Do you really think they would have let me come here under their direction? Y/n, I came here because I know I messed up. Big time. I want to fix that, I want to be friends with you and I don’t know… maybe something more? I realized in these past few weeks that I am really and truly infatuated with you. And you can say no and I’ll walk out of your life for the final time, but I just needed you to know that I like you, a lot, and I’d like for you to be in my life in some way or another.”
You took a heavy breath and furrowed your brows, processing what he’d just confessed. 
He’s here, on his own accord, for me? He cares? Is this an act still?
Tom took your long pause as a no and started to walk off.
“Wait, Tom.”
He turned back to you, eyes hopeful. You breathed deep again before speaking up.
“What you did was wrong, and it hurt, but I want you in my life, too. I’ve never met anyone that I felt so comfortable with so quickly. I don’t know why… I don’t know how… but, I like you too. No matter how much I pretend to hate you for what happened, I could never find a place in my heart to actually hate you.”
You couldn’t meet his eyes, instead shaking your head, wondering what had convinced you to finally admit that out loud.
“You mean that? You actually like me too?” he asked skeptically. You couldn’t blame him.
“Yes, Tom! I like you! I can’t help but spread the cologne you gave me over my sheets, or smile when a fan tags me in one of a bajillion of those fan edits they’re always making! I think back on the conversation we had that night at my house and I wonder what made me so against being a fan of yours from the beginning. I like you Tom. I just can’t believe that you like me, too.”
He gave you a watery grin at your explosive confession.
“Can I do something that I’ve been wanting to do since the night I fell asleep right next to you?”
You had a pretty good idea of what he was suggesting, but played dumb anyways, stepping forward so that you were about a foot away.
“I don’t know, can you?”
He rolled his eyes and closed the gap between you. One of his hands found itself resting on your waist as the other reached to tip up your chin. Your own arms instinctively grabbed his jacket lapels.
The last thing you caught before closing your eyes was the way his sparkled, and then your lips met.
You felt like you were back in bed laying on your side facing Tom when he told you about his own home and family and you explained your passion for dance. It was like the next morning when you first smelled the remains of cologne woven into your bed sheets as he gripped you in his arms. It was like holding his hand in a disgusting public restroom as the adrenaline of running from the paparazzi waned.
He felt like home.
When you pulled back you were really finally starstruck. A big smile rose to your lips, as did his. 
You couldn’t contain yourself as you threw your arms around his neck and kissed him again like you’d never done with anyone else, one hand gripping his curls.
He laughed as you pulled away, letting go of you to smooth his hair.
“My stylist is gonna kill me if she knows my hair got messed up,” he joked. This time you were rolling your eyes.
“Maybe I do remember why I didn’t like you before…”
He laughed it off and pulled you into a hug, which you happily reciprocated. You didn’t realize that it had been five minutes until b/f/n burst through the door, trailed by Harrison and then Harry.
“Alright did you two solve your issu- Oh. Well then, looks like our work here is done boys,” she joked. You and Tom blushed.
That is, until Harrison pulled your best friend into his own arms, picking her up and spinning her around. You and Tom looked at each other, then them, and then Harry suspiciously. Harry just tossed his hands up and shrugged. 
“Are you two trying to steal our thunder?” you taunted after he set her down and they were lost in each other’s eyes. It was their turns for their cheeks to redden. 
“Well the only thing I’ve learned on this trip is that I should have stayed home. Maybe then I would’ve at least had Tuwaine to caress me,” Harry deadpanned, causing you all to laugh. “Well come on, then, we should get back out there. We did promise to mingle.”
Tom panickedly looked at his watch.
“Yes! Right, we should get back out there. You all go ahead and we’ll be right behind,” he said. They all left, b/f/n wrapped under one of Harrison’s arms. You were happy for her.
“So… ready for me to formally introduce us to the world together?” he asked you, holding out his forearm for you to grab.
“Not really, but this time I have you by my side,” you replied, snaking your arm around his. He smiled as you began to walk with him. “By the way, I see you matched the suit to my dress.”
“Oh you like it? Well you’re looking like a real stunner in that…” 
Your voices faded into the background as you entered the room as Tom and y/n. Y/n and Tom.
It’s not often a girl can say she’s fallen for a big time celebrity and that he’s felt the same way back, but there you were. And it’s even less often that his and hers best friends fell for each other, too, but there they were.
And you were facing a starstuck world together.
The end.
A/N: ugh this makes me soft. Thank you all again for reading and please please please hang around! I’m not planning on going anywhere just because this is done!
TAG LIST: @marvel-lously, @jackiehollanderr, @one-big-fangirl, @dreamyvans, @lisannehus, @honeymoonpeter, @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven, @chenellearose, @photoshopart15, @parkeret, @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch, @racewife2004, @joyleenl
If you’d like to be added to my permanent tag list, please send a message or ask!
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residentanchor · 4 years
So where do u stand on the racist drama with Cat
EDIT: It’s the next day and I’ve read through what happened and realized I did miss a lot and something big did happen. I want to be transparent and it seems kind of sketchy to delete this post even though my feelings have changed on the matter. My follow up post is here. Gonna be honest, I got this ask and had zero idea what you were talking about. I’ve been working so much lately I’ve barely talked to Cat much the past two weeks. (Just checked--I haven’t even messaged her the past week at all) So, I looked and saw everything that apparently went down today and I’m just gonna answer this as short and sweet as I can so I can sleep and not think about it all night. It was just a quick glance so I’m sure I’m missing a LOT but from what I can see, there’s been an apology so I know I probably don’t have to answer this probably. 
Also, this is more my conscious stream of thoughts and not something thought out, so I do apologize if it comes off rude or anything. I don’t mean it but I’m tired from work. :) Also, if you expect me to write off Cat and stop being friends with her? Unless I missed something big, not gonna happen. She’s learned her lesson after this I’m sure. And I’ll make sure it stays that way. (Though I’m 1000% sure I don’t have to, but still)
From what I glanced at, it’s about her Despicable Dee story. Honestly, not a big fan of found family aus so I don’t really remember much about the story itself. It’s been a while, but I do remember a little bit. I know a lot of people are angry and I can understand why when reading their points. But that’s just the catalyst for what I need to talk about.
But I will answer your question with this--I don’t really stand anywhere. There are no sides to this. Cat is a dear friend of mine, absolutely. I cherish our friendship. But if she made a mistake, she can be criticized for it. She can be called out and held responsible for it, absolutely. We’re all human, we all make mistakes and we’re all learning to better ourselves. We are all responsible for our own actions. In this instance, POC fanders saw a problem and tried to stop it. Again. (For which I’m sorry you guys have to keep doing this.) It wasn’t until more recently that we could all feel comfortable TALKING about these things white people don’t realize are extremely harmful without fear of backlash. (Which I know that fear is still there for a lot of people)
Now, I’ve only skimmed over things, but I can pretty much fill in the blanks. In an attempt to be inclusive, she made mistakes and made characters in racist/stereotypical situations. The end goal was for a happy ending for these characters, but that doesn’t matter. Good intentions or not, people were hurt by this portrayal. However, Cat’s a teacher. She is open to learning. She cares about this fandom. That’s why she creates free art for it be it in writing or drawing. So all we can do is hope she takes what she’s learned and uses it for the future to better herself. (Which I’m sure this is something she’ll never forget) That said, I saw points were made to her and a discussion was had and she has recognized her wrongdoing and apologized. 
The problem is that I don’t feel like I can really add much. I’m also a privileged white person in ways I probably don’t realize. I’ve spent a lot of time sitting back and listening to the POC fanders these last few months and the biggest thing I’ve learned is that if they are speaking up, listen and use your voice to make theirs louder. So, if they say something/someone was being racist or problematic, then all I can do is listen and learn. THAT is the only reason I’m answering this ask. 
So, what does this mean for me? Not much, since none of this was about me. (Did you send this ask to any POC fanders I wonder? Their opinion matters 10000x more than mine so...) I know I was probably only asked because Cat and I are friends. And despite this, we still are friends. I know she’ll turn to her POC friends more for things in the future to make sure she’s taking the right steps to prevent this from happening again. I’m sorry if that’s not what you wanted to hear. If you don’t like someone, block them and move on.  I don’t think I have much else to add to this. I don’t really know why I was asked this in the first place, I don’t know what you wanted to hear from me. Hate will get us nowhere. So being kind and helping people recognize their mistakes and help them improve seems like the best option in this situation. And yes, I know I’m saying ‘mistakes’ but I don’t take this lightly. Trust me on that.
I love Cat and I love you guys for being strong enough to stand up for yourselves. If someone (myself included) does something harmful like this, please try reaching out (preferably in private first) and trying to explain what they’re doing is wrong and why. Help others understand and improve. Shouting it into someone’s ask box with no explanation or context is just going to make them go defensive and start drama. You don’t want them to have to feel like they need to defend themselves, you want them to sit back and listen and learn. (this is not me defending anything) Because we all do need to learn from POC still as we move forward. We have hundreds of years of ingrained racism and prejudice and privilege that we need to sort through and fix and it won’t happen over a few years. 
IDK I’m half asleep at this point. I made my case, I explained how I feel (which is bad, everyone both wins and loses in these situations) but all we can do is hope for better in the future. I’m sorry this is how some of you spent your day and if anyone wants to talk or has any words to say, my ask box is open. I’ll happily listen. (My discord is also open if you want to have a longer/more private conversation) Thank you to those who spoke out about this and reminded us to check our privilege and that we should be listening to POC when they say things. 
tldr; It was racist and she has apologized with promise to improve. IDK what you want me to say about all this other than ‘it sucks, I’m sorry it happened, I hope we can learn from this and better ourselves’.
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years
Welcome Home
Summary: In which Eris and Vector come home, and Jedi Knight Garen'ishta gets to see a new side of the Alliance Commander - if only for a moment. Just a fluffy one-shot.
Tags: No Archive warnings apply, Vector/F!Imperial Agent, established relationship, fluff, just tooth-rotting fluff honestly
Find me on AO3 at Dragonheart37
Eris glanced over at Vector as the Phantom came down through Odessen's atmosphere. He was sitting forward in his seat, black eyes wide as he scanned the landscape below. When he caught her watching, he broke out in a smile. “We knew it would be green, we smelled the trees on you, but... it looks almost like the lower reaches of Alderaan.” He pressed a hand to the glass of the window. “It looks like home.”
“It's not the nest,” she replied softly, “but I hoped you'd like it.”
Vector chuckled. “Anywhere is a good place to be, as long as we're beside you,” he promised, taking her hand for a moment to press a kiss to her knuckles. “And this is a good place to make a home.”
“It is,” she agreed, smiling back at him. She raised her hand to point. “Look – there's the base. It's not very visible until you're close; we designed it that way on purpose. We built it from the bedrock up.”
She took the Phantom in a wide circle around the base, letting Vector get a good look while she messaged ground control. The benefits of taking her own ship – her personal bay was always open.
“I'll show you everything,” she promised as she locked the landing gear and stood, taking his hand and squeezing it tight. “I think you'll like it. We designed it so people from both sides would be forced to intermingle while still having enough spaces they could get away on their own, to help encourage bonding and minimize hostilities between ex-Pubs and ex-Imps. Our quarters are placed so it's more or less equally easy to get to all the major facilities in the base. The cantina is -” He'd broken out into a grin at some point as they walked down the ramp to the dock. “What?”
“Our quarters,” he said, still grinning. “You said our quarters.”
Eris scoffed a laugh, shoving his shoulder lightly. “Of course 'our' quarters. You're my husband. I'm not going to make you sleep on the couch, metaphorically or literally.”
“We know. We've missed you, that's all.” His eyes sparkled with laughter and love as he squeezed her hand back. “You were talking about the base design.”
Garen spotted them walking up from the Commander's personal ship – the Commander and a man Garen could only assume was her husband, from the way Erisine was smiling at him.
And what a look it was. It stopped Garen in her tracks; Lana paused as well to just watch them for a moment. Garen had never seen Erisine like this. Her fingers were interlaced with those of the man beside her, free hand gesturing in the air as she talked. Her smile lit up her entire face and demeanor, like someone who had found a joy long forgotten in the world. There was no reserve there, no hidden layers of subtlety like usual, no calculations of every degree of smile or frown and how it would be seen by others – just a simple woman with a decade's worth of tired years washed off her face, grinning unashamedly at the man she so very clearly loved with all her heart. And he looked back at her the same way, listening to her talk with clearly rapt attention, eyes fixed solely on her even though many would have been caught up in seeing the wild beauty of Odessen for the first time.
All Garen could come up with was a quiet, “Wow. I – I don't think I've ever seen the Commander smile like that.”
Lana made a soft noise of agreement next to her, though she sounded less surprised. When Garen glanced over, the Sith was smiling too, as if relieved to see the Commander so happy. “It's been a long time.”
Erisine made it another few steps before she caught sight of them standing at the top of the path. She broke off mid-sentence to recompose herself – funny, Garen had never gotten to actually watch the emotional mask go on, and now it was the Alliance Commander approaching them rather than Erisine Ganne. Still smiling, but quieter, more controlled. “Garen'ishta, Lana,” she greeted them. “Is everything all right?”
“Everything's fine,” Lana assured her, raising a hand to stall the worry. “We just wanted to meet you and make sure everything went all right on your end.” She nodded to the man standing next to the Commander. “Hello, Vector. It's good to see you again.”
“Likewise,” he replied. “We hear you've been a great help to Eris over the past few years. Thank you for that.”
“And this is Jedi Master Garen'ishta, the Hero of Tython,” the Commander said, redirecting Vector's attention. “Garen, Vector Hyllus. My husband.”
For all her skill at masking, she couldn't help but smile a little brighter again as she said the word husband and looked up at him. Garen nodded to him as well – Human, or at least mostly, aside from solid black eyes Garen couldn't deny were a little unnerving. Vector nodded back to her, and his smile softened his eyes a little. “It's nice to meet you,” she said brightly, offering a hand to shake and then thinking better of it and offering the other so he wouldn't have to let go of the Commander's hand to take hers.
He noticed, if the twitch of laughter at the corner of his lips was anything to go by, but didn't comment as he shook her hand. “And you as well, Master Jedi.”
She made a tired noise in the back of her throat. “Oh – please, Garen. I get enough of the 'Master Jedi' stuff from everyone else. I think you qualify as part of the inner circle by association.” She grinned at the Commander.
“Very well. Garen, then.”
Erisine squeezed Vector's hand. “I was going to show Vector the base. Unless you've scheduled some council meeting directly on top of my plans, Lana?” She arched an eyebrow, smile quirking to one side.
Lana chuckled. “I thought you might want a few hours to yourselves. I have reports for you, of course, but nothing urgent. I'll send them to your quarters for you to review at your leisure. And I have a meeting of my own to get to, if you'll excuse me.”
Garen watched her go, then realized abruptly she should probably make her own excuse to leave them alone. “Oh. Yes. I'll – be in the Force enclave, if you need me?” she tried.
Erisine nodded. “Of course. Are your lessons with Darth Nox going all right?” Garen hesitated, glancing at Vector, and Erisine added, “Vector knows the basics. Whatever I'm allowed to know, assume he is as well unless told otherwise.”
Garen flicked a lek at that, but decided it probably wasn't her place to question it. “Okay. Yeah, it's – it's going. There's a lot Nox is still learning too, and it's not like he's especially cooperative, but we're figuring it out. It's easier for me to block him out now when I want to, even if I can't hold it very long.”
“That's good. I'm glad.” Erisine raised a hand. “I shouldn't keep you. Thank you for coming to meet us.”
“I'll see you around,” Garen promised, then couldn't help but add a cheeky grin and a “Have a nice night, you two!” before turning and jogging back toward the main building.
If Eris reacted, Garen didn't see or feel it, but she heard Vector laugh as she made her escape, which was good enough for her.
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druddigoon · 4 years
prompt fill #1
@shame-cubed: bede and gloria in a raid together
this was supposed to be a simple one but then i decided to add 3 more people and a metric fuckton of tension and it kinda blew up. word count: don’t worry about it
“Where’s the dynamax pokemon?” 
He eyes you with a mask of disdain, attention briefly flitting to the vikavolt you have buzzing over your shoulder. “Not an issue, no thanks to you.” 
“There’s been reports of energy flares in almost every gym, so it took a bit of time to get here.” You pause to catch your breath, removing your beret to run a hand through your windblown hair after a harrowing flight over the Tangled Woods. Dangling under a vikavolt fifty metres off the ground doesn’t do well for vertigo. “I’m here to help. There’re other people coming, just show us where the pokemon’s at and we’ll calm it down.” 
There’s muffled banging at the main entrance, a drawn-out holler cut off with a sharp rebuttal. Hop and Piers. Bede’s voice ices over. “Then go play hero for the other towns. We don’t need you here.” 
The nerve of him. “I don’t know if you’ve stuck your head out of your little me-bubble yet, but people are trying to save the region from collapsing, and maybe if you stop babying your ego for just one second you’d accept help when help is offered—” 
“I believe Bede is suggesting he’s already dealt with the issue.” Opal cuts in, stepping out from under the shadow of the backroom. She looks the same since your gym challenge—angular face drowning amid her ample ruff, deceptively leaning on her umbrella-cane like she isn’t capable of throwing it away in a heartbeat—but it’s the way Bede stands straighter and draws closer to her presence that has you thrown. 
This is not the Bede in Galar Mines, not the Bede in Hammerlocke, tired and disgraced; this is not the Bede at Wyndon semifinals, desperate for redemption. This is the Bede who’s found his home, confident and grounded when you’ve had the rug swept from under your feet. 
The gym challenge changes people, they say. 
(You’ve never felt more alone.)
“Miss Opal! We’re here to help you with the dynma—” Hop skids to a stop once he notices Bede, and the way they size each other up reminds you of fights between wild pokemon. 
Coming here was a mistake. 
“Evenin’, ma’am.” Piers brings up the rear, eyes glued to his rotom-phone, unheeding toward the palpable tension in the room. “Dynamax readin’s gone, I reckon you’ve got it taken care of then.” 
“Why yes, my protégé handled the rogue shiinotic brilliantly a little while before you came.” 
Bede smirks at her praise; you lay a hand on Hop's shoulder to stop him from pulling anything, only to have him roughly shrug it off and stalk out of the building. 
“I wouldn’t bother with him,” Bede says as you stare at the still-swinging doors, something close to shame prickling deep in your throat. “Someone who thinks he's entitled special treatment because his brother’s the champion doesn’t deserve to take his spot.” 
Deep breaths. Opal watches you with hawk’s eyes, and for a second you feel more bone than flesh, surrounded. Think of secret summer grottos, ponds with water so clear the remoraid’s scales gleam as they swim through, think of how happy Crustle was when his crabapple tree bloomed, maybe wiping that smarmy expression off Bede’s face even though you can’t throw a punch to save your life. 
When you dare to speak again, your voice comes out lowed like a hiss from a boiling kettle. “If you’re so good at dealing with dynamax pokemon, I’d like to see you handle the rest of this problem.“ 
“I fail to see how the rest of the gyms fall under my jurisdiction. We’ve dawdled for long enough, it’s time—” 
“He’ll do it.” 
“—for you to...what?” 
You’d savour the look of disbelief on Bede’s face if the implication of Opal’s comment didn’t sink in. She regains control of the situation with a smile, too pleasant for the gravity of her words. “It must be difficult for the three of you to handle all of this on your own. These bones are too old to hitch a ride on unlicensed fliers, but Bede here can accompany you while I guard the gym.” 
Bede runs a hand through his hair, considering. 
“Fine,” he bites out, releasing his gardevoir before striding out the entrance. You quickly jog after him, hoping to reach Hop before he does. “Let’s go.” 
“—very keen on addin’ fuel to the fire.” Piers comments far behind you.
“They’ll sort it out,” Opal replies, “Sometimes all it takes is getting a little burnt.” 
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Hop gapes at the skulking figure of Bede from his perch atop his corviknight, an imposing bird outlined in scintillating angles against the dead of night. “Glor, please tell me you’re joking.” 
“He wanted to come. You...we need all the help we can get, and having him just means we can get this done faster and safer. Please. This is for the greater good.” 
“Are you siding with him now? Is this what it is? This is a bloody insult to injury, Glor. Do you remember what he’s done to you? Do you remember what he’s done to me?” 
“I’m not taking anyone’s side! You can choose to never see Bede again after this is over, Hop, it’s just that we have a bigger issue at hand and everyone’ll need to put aside their difference until we can stabilize the region.” 
“I know, but I'm a hundred percent sure that we. Don’t. Need. Him.” He punctuates every word with a jab of his finger in Bede’s direction. “We were fine in Turrfield. We were fine in Hulbury. We were fine in Motostoke, we were fine in Stow-On-Side. We’re almost done, we’d just finish everything with more peace of mind if he buggers off.” 
Bede crosses his arms. “Flattered you think so highly of me. Honestly, Hop, you’re desperation is showing. Worried that I’ll steal your thunder?” 
“Guys, please—” 
Hop’s corviknight lets out an ear-piercing screech, rearing up and flapping its wings in a way that forces the rest of you to back up. Bede’s gardevoir steps in front of him, her horn glowing with the beginnings of psychic energy. 
“ENOUGH!” A dark shape, too fast to make out, cleaves between the two boys, the acrid smell of something sour lingering behind. 
Piers steps out, followed closely by his obstagoon, the vestiges of a night slash still roiling off its foreclaws. “This isn’t what I was expectin’ from a finalist and a gym leader, and you two ought be ashamed of yourselves for this kind of behavior.” He sighs heavily, rubbing his temples. “I need a smoke break. Gloria, come with me.” 
“Marnie told me you lot were good kids.” Piers takes a slow drag of his cigarette. You fidget with the hem of your skirt, sneaking peeks at the clearing even though neither of the boys are in sight. “So imagine my surprise when I end up babysittin’ two kids who look one second away from tearin’ each other’s throat out, with you actin’ like you’re the reason they want to.” 
“I am.” The floodgates burst all too easily; you never expected to pour your heart out to a near-stranger, fraying dye job illuminated in the harsh glare of the street lamp and wreathed in a halo of cigarette smoke, but lately all your friends have been worse than strangers and Piers. Piers sits still and listens. “I-I never wanted to do...this. The championship is always Hop’s dream, and I promised to help him get it like a friend before pulling it out from under him. Could’ve supported him after Bede broke his spirit—he said he was a disgrace to Leon’s name, even though he isn’t even relevant—but instead I decided to hammer it in by battling him and winning.” 
You shut your eyes, grind the heel of your palms hard onto them until you’re seeing stars. “I saw Bede’s disqualification. I was there to see the hope go out of him when Rose told him he no longer worked for them, was there and did nothing. I’ve done nothing but shirk and shirk, and now i’m supposed to stabilize Galar’s dynamax outbreak when I can’t even lift a finger for the people closest to me.” Bitter smile. “Some champion I am.” 
Piers huffs. He drops the cigarette, crushing its embers under the heel of his boot, before looking up and speaking. “I don’t know enough to say it’s not your fault, but you’re takin’ your mistakes out of proportion.” 
“Spikemuth’s never been my dream; most people don’t end up doin’ the thing they want, believe it or not. This may not be yours and yet you’re tryin’, and you’ve got heart. I doubt a bad champion would be risking her life travelin’ from town to town confrontin’ rampagin’ pokemon like you are now.” 
“That...still doesn’t make me a good champion.” 
“No, it doesn’t.” He stands, brushing off lingering ash. “But Galar doesn’t have a ‘good champion’. It has you. And even if you can’t redeem yourself in the eyes of your friends, you can redefine yourself in everyone else. Come, let’s head back.” 
You return to the same silent standstill you left. Hop can’t meet your eyes, face buried in the feathers around his corviknight’s neck. Bede only stares back; a challenge. 
“Which cities do you have left?” he asks. 
Piers checks. “Only Circhester and Hammerlocke, it looks like.” 
“We’ll split up, then,” Hop interjects, not even looking up. “Piers and I’ll go to Circhester, while Gloria and Bede go to Hammerlocke.” 
“That’s fine,” you concede after a moment’s pause. He’s trying to distance himself from you, but can you blame him?
(You can’t, not really. This must be a nightmare situation for him—losing to the false heirs, failing to catch them, fighting alongside his former-friend-now-champion knowing he could’ve been the one in her place, watching her strike the final blow as his cinderace heals on the sidelines. Every reminder is driving a nail in the coffin, and Bede’s arrival is simply the stake that split it at the seams.)
“Best of luck to you, then.”
“Good luck to you too.”
“Everything you’ve said to Hop applies to you, y’know.” 
“Are we really going over this now?” The Hammerlocke gym halls are far too empty for comfort, deep rumbles echoing against your skull as you catch flashes of light past stadium doors. You stalk onward, eager to get the situation over with and return to Ballonlea. Damn Opal. “We have a bigger issue at hand.” 
Out of the corner of your eye you see Gloria puff out her cheeks. If someone were to back you into the corner of an alley with a knife pressed to your throat, you’d admit you do respect her; becoming the Champion is no easy feat, and nobody expected it from a quiet girl with a team full of bugs, the beginner’s route fodder others grind to train their battlers. It’s her altruism that irritates you, a relentless selflessness that will get her bitten, somewhere down the line. “Can’t you accept help without fighting it?” 
You fall silent. 
Oleana’s voice, ice against your ear. “Is this how you’ll treat the man who found you, back when you were all alone?” 
(More wishing stars. Always more wishing stars.)
A rattling roar resounds ahead. Sensing she’s needed, Hattie coalesces by your side with a chiming noise, and you continue on, pushing past reinforced double doors. “The last person who offered me help was Rose.” 
And look where it got me.
The dynamaxed haxorus is huge; its scythe-like tusks crest above the open roof of the arena, claws as large as longswords carving deep furrows into the turf, an excess of power and energy given a corporeal form while the haxorus’s original body is tucked away behind layers of shields. An entire section of bleachers had been razed to the ground, steel gouged with millions of tiny lacerations that fractal in draconid energy. Gloria finally shut her mouth, calling out her crustle as you start putting distance between you and her.  The flash of light catches the haxorus’s attention. 
Its eyes are impossibly wide—a deerling in headlights, more prey than predator—and when it roars, it's a pained cry pitched like a plea.
The raid begins. 
Gloria fights like battling is innate to her, instinct ingrained through bone in a way no amount of textbook memorization or controlled-environment training can hold a candle to. Bugs are notoriously more id than superego; rather than suppressing it, hers seem to have tailored their natural behavior towards battling, where her commands are less commands than they are suggestions, tips, and warnings, a coach to her players. She trusts her pokemon, and they make it worthwhile. It makes her incredibly hard to read, as most of the time she isn’t even giving instructions.
Helpful in a singles matchup, not so much in a tag-team battle.
You hear her call out from the other end of the stadium, and her crustle withdraws into its shell just fast enough to dodge the brunt of Hattie’s dazzling gleam. In the split second when the haxorus is sent reeling, it pulls off a shell smash, darting out of its shell in a blur of orange to land a stone edge that shatters the haxorus’s shields. 
It keeps up the distraction long enough for Hattie, slow as she is, to charge up another dazzling gleam. The stadium lights up in a brilliant light display as it explodes against the haxorus’s side, sending it reeling. Crustle is also sent flying a couple metres back before getting back on its feet, the exoskeleton of its claws warped from where it used to to block the worst of the attack. 
“Stop hitting me!” Gloria calls. 
“Then dodge out of the way! Hattie can’t avoid you without compromising her output!” 
Haxorus finally notices you, letting out a bellow as its tail warps into something steel-tipped, sharp with metallic ridges gleaming crimson in the dynamax light, before swinging the entire thing towards you. 
Of course. Bloody thing knows steelspike. 
Your back collides with the stadium walls before you realize there’s nowhere to run. Damn Opal. Couldn’t make do with just the shiinotic. Hattie matches the haxorus with her own war cry, energy streaming through her coat in a last-ditch attempt at damage. 
In the span of a split second, something orange collides with the tail, knocking it off track. 
Then the world flashes white. 
When you finally regain your vision, the haxorus is back to its regular size and barely conscious, keeling over onto the ground. Hattie twirls, unscathed save for shards of steel tangled in her hair. 
You could hardly recognize it without its boulder shell, but buried in the sand beside her was the fainted body of Gloria’s crustle, who’d taken the brunt of the steelspike. 
“What was that?” You ask Gloria, who had recalled the fallen haxorus into its gym-issued pokeball. 
She crouched next to her crustle, checking it for injuries before withdrawing it as well. “Crustle blocked its attack. Don’t worry about him; he’s tough, and I’ll reward him with extra fertiliser to his favorite tree after this.” 
“Hattie could’ve take—” You stop, because no, she wouldn’t, before amending “It’s unnecessary. Crustle could’ve utilized the chance to get its last hits in.” 
“He might’ve missed. This gave us the best chances of winning, and he wanted that. Wouldn’t have followed my order if he didn’t. Also...Hattie?” 
“Stop changing the topic. You’d let it throw itself into the path of danger for a chance?” 
She looks a little dejected, but doesn’t push like he expects her to. Nobody gives charity for free; he’s learned this through his multiple orphanage relocations, Rose’s too-large watch, Opal’s quest for an heir. His mind is quick to point fingers at pity, just like the others, but he can smell pity a mile off and Gloria’s never been the type for it, not to him. 
“Isn’t this a betrayal to Hop?” 
Her face steels over. “He doesn’t have to like anything I do. He’s not here, and this isn’t about him.” It’s a far cry from Stow-On-Side, her fury on Hop’s behalf. You’ve noticed the two seem more distant lately. The gym challenge changes people, they say. 
The outside air is cool on your face. Gloria’s vikavolt has its claws latched onto her backpack, carrying her in what you’d describe as the most dangerous method of flying and you still don’t understand, why why why why why? 
She glances back at you, head tilted slightly to the side. Your question dies in your throat. 
“Stay safe.” 
She looks at you strangely. “T-thanks. Stay safe too.” 
You watch until her figure becomes a dark speck on the horizon before heading home, alone.
19 notes · View notes
echoeternally · 4 years
For Blunder or Worse
Gosh, how long has it been since I updated a one-shot related to my Pokemon stories? Been a minute, hasn’t it? Welp. Let’s fix that!
I wanted to get a story written up and out to provide some shenanigans for Poliwrath and Politoed, since I wanted them to have a silly little story of their own, considering that, well...you know.
So, something lighthearted for them to walk away on instead!
And by that, I mean the two of them absolutely whaling on each other instead, as they drag the Empire down with them. Such fun!
Loosely based on an old ask that I got on my askblog. It takes place before the fanfic story, Melting Gelid Roses, however. 
Plus it gives a cute little inside look to earlier days of the Iceberg Empire as well, or at least, a brief visit to some familiar faces with the two.
Just some silly fun to explore the two that I’ll eventually be adding onto the Scattered Petals collection on the archives as well.
The story is below the cut, so please click it and read on to enjoy!
Along the bridge outside of the Iceberg Palace, General Abomasnow inhaled and held a breath. He squeezed his eyes shut and slowly opened them back up. Splashing and smacking sounded from below him in the waters. Two frogs battled with one another, swinging their arms and flailing about the moat.
 “That was clearly meant to be for me,” snapped the round green toad, slapping a spray of water at the other.
 “In what world, you nitwit?!” The bulky blue frog hammered down one the water, as the green one swam back.
 Abomasnow heavily exhaled and slouched, rolling his eyes as the two squabbled before the bridge.
 “The markers were obviously white, Poliwrath!”
 “No, it was silver, which was for me!” Poliwrath waved a finger back and forth. “Clearly, you need to pay more attention, Politoed.”
 “Are you blind?!”
 “You’re just mad because I got more targets.”
 “Blind and delusional!”
 “Enough,” boomed Abomasnow, as he folded his arms. “You two were supposed to be cooperating to complete this training session.” He surveyed the floating targets in the water, some broken, but others still standing. “This is your fifth row with one another today. How can it be that you both can sometimes work together decently, but the rest of the time you just blow up on each other?”
 “Because Politoed clearly doesn’t know how to follow your instructions, sire,” mocked Poliwrath.
 “What?! You’re the dolt that couldn’t even follow your own targets!”
 “Did you just call me a dolt?!”
 “Duh, you are one,” fired off Politoed. “And you called me a nitwit anyway!”
 “You absolutely are one!”
 “Not as much as you are!”
 Bickering and swinging at each other again, the frogs battled with each other again. Abomasnow deflated as he buried his head and shook it.
 He picked himself back up and walked off, not bothering to listen to the remainder of the quarrel.
 Twenty minutes later, the twins dragged themselves from the moat and stormed back inside the palace, still hissing at each other as they marched in. Three bears sat on the stairs, watching the two escalated their argument back and forth, rapidly increasing in volume as they carried on.
 “Do they ever stop?” Beartic leaned back on the steps. “It’s been like this all day.”
 “Makes sense why Abomasnow was ready to rip his roots out,” joked Pangoro.
 “Maybe we should go get some snacks before the Emperor shows up,” suggested Ursaring, pulling himself up on the railing.
 “Sounds like a plan!”
 “Yes, we’d better.”
 From behind the stairwell, however, doors from the throne room slammed open. Each of the knights jumped and fumbled in place, struggling to get themselves at attention.
 “Uh-oh,” uttered Ursaring.
 Emperor Empoleon strode around the corner and glared down at Poliwrath and Politoed, who flailed about before bowing down before the large penguin.
 “Oh, don’t bother with formalities at this point,” thundered Empoleon. “Just what the blazes have you two stormed into this time?!”
 “Sir, we were training—”
 “Yes, I had General Abomasnow vent to me not even five minutes ago,” informed Empoleon. “He’s beyond fed up with trying to work with you two, as you’re near incapable of even tolerating one another.”
 “With all due respect—”
 “Now you want to bring that up?” Empoleon forced out a sharp laugh. “You’ve hardly respected your superior all day, and now you’re looking to address it? Nonsense!” He stomped down as the brothers fumbled back and clung to one another. “Honestly, you both need to be capable of cooperating with your fellow knights, and that most definitely includes each other!” Empoleon lifted his wings to his head, massaging his temples with his claws. “All that your arguing has left anyone with is a pounding headache! I’ve important research to attend to, and I haven’t the time to waste lecturing my knights instead!”
 “We’re sorry, sire,” mumbled the twins.
 “Hmph. I should hope so.” Emperor Empoleon shook his head. “At least attempt to better yourselves soon, or I shall have to think of new ways for you two to serve me.” He narrowed his gaze over them. “Clearly, if you’re not capable of developing a symbiotic relationship with one another, you won’t work well with others overall. But I’ll see to that later.”
 Striding past the two and making his way for the stairs, Empoleon folded his wings behind his back, as the three bears scrambled from his path. They bumped into the railing and bowed down as Empoleon briskly marched upstairs, making his way to the palace library.
 The brothers and the bears looked to one another, as they slowly relaxed from their enraged emperor’s outburst. Each of the bears smirked as the brothers glanced down and wandered out of the room, not wanting to hear any mockery that the trio thought up.
 Entering the next corridor, the brothers shoved the door shut behind them and sighed.
 “Hmm…sounds like you two really annoyed the Emperor…”
 Jumping at the interrupting voice, the twins settled as they spotted Quagsire, who licked his lips and then yawned.
 “Yeah, we did a pretty good job of it this time,” murmured Politoed. “Though we were hoping to avoid getting into it anymore…”
 “What are you doing here anyway, Quagsire?” Poliwrath folded his arms. “Thought you’d be napping at this point.”
 “Ah, I was on a break to have a snack,” revealed Quagsire. He patted his stomach. “Pretty sure that at least Ursaring will want some too, so I made plenty…”
 “Huh, well, that was nice of you,” noted Poliwrath.
 “If my stomach wasn’t tied up in knots right now, I’d want something to eat,” piped up Politoed.
 “There’s plenty; made a cake and some fruity desserts to go with it.” Quagsire yawned. “Wish I could go nap now…”
 “Why don’t you?”
 “Didn’t finish helping out.”
 “Helping with what?”
 “Mmm…this way…”
 Pivoting around, Quagsire wandered down the hall. Poliwrath and Politoed looked at one another, shrugged, and then hurried down the hall after the sleepy salamander knight.
 As they rounded the corner, they listened to another conversation going on.
 “…It’s been two hours already,” insisted the first voice. “We’ve tried, but we should really take a break too.”
 “Please, it’s really important that I find it,” begged the second. “Isn’t that Shell Bell of yours important too?”
 “Of course it is, and believe me, I definitely know what you’re going through.” The brothers peeked around the next corner, and spotted a blue sea turtle rubbing behind his head. “But Quagsire went to take a break more than twenty minutes ago. We should do the same, and then we’ll be recharged to keep going.”
 Both Politoed and Poliwrath tightened their grip against the wall, eying the purple and white stoat that stood opposite to the turtle. They started cackling and slid back behind the corner, while Quagsire tilted his head and studied the two.
 “Wow, that’s the new knight!” Politoed clasped his hands together and wiggled around. “She’s so cute and pretty!”
 “…Uh…huh? She?”
 “Yeah, we have to go talk with her this time!” Poliwrath rubbed his hands together. “I feel like she’d be open to chatting and then some!”
 Before Quagsire could add anything else, the brothers bounced from behind the wall and hurried down the corridor to the debating pair.
 “Carracosta, if we can just search five more minutes—”
 “Hey, hey, you’re the new knight around here, aren’t you?” Poliwrath lifted his fist to his chest, straightening up more as the stoat blinked and the turtle turned.
 “It’s so nice to stumble upon you, ma’am!” Politoed held out his hand as the stoat frowned. “My name is Politoed, pleasure to reacquaint with you!”
 “What?!” Poliwrath smacked his brother. “Don’t you cozy up to her so quick!” He slid in front of his brother. “I apologize, miss; my brother can be so dense. I’m Poliwrath.”
 “Neat. I’m Mienshao and I’m not a lady,” muttered Mienshao, as he placed a hand on his hip while Carracosta rolled his eyes. “When are people going to get used to that? I’ve been here over a week already.”
 “Huh?” Poliwrath blinked. “…Now that you mention it, and listening to you a bit better, that does make more sense…”
 “Can you believe my brother? Such a fool.” Politoed bumped past Poliwrath and pushed him back. “My apologies sir, but you are quite the charmer to throw either of us off.”
 “Get lost!” Poliwrath shoved Politoed aside. “He’s clearly not into you, so quit acting like you got him smitten!” He dusted himself down a bit. “Sir, it’s my delight to get to know a gentle lord like you better.”
 “You can’t just take over like that!” Politoed jumped up and slammed his foot down onto Poliwrath’s.
 “Ow! You miserable little—he’s just getting into me!” Poliwrath lifted his fist and bopped Politoed’s head.
 “Good gods, give us strength,” murmured Carracosta.
 “Hold on, neither of you are deterred…but you were just flirting because you thought that I was…” Mienshao blinked and shook his head. “Will you both quit arguing already?!” Both frogs returned their attention to him and shoved away from one another, straightening themselves up once more. “What even came over you two?”
 “These brothers love to bicker and battle, especially with each other,” reintroduced Carracosta. “Just pay them no mind and let’s get back to the search.”
 “Hmm? Didn’t you want a break for a bit?” Quagsire ambled over to the other four. “You seem like you could use one, Carracosta.”
 “Quagsire, finally!” Carracosta relaxed and smiled. “I’ve been hoping that you could relieve me from this wild, ah…treasure hunt.”
 “Sounds cool!”
 “Please don’t call it that,” complained Mienshao. “You make it sound like we’re pirates.”
 “To be fair, we do tend to seek out different kinds of treasures ourselves,” brought up Carracosta. “Not that it matters, since we need to find your necklace anyway.”
 “Does it go around your neck?”
 “Then it can be a necklace.”
 “But it…” Mienshao sighed and sank down. “Oh, very well.”
 “We can help you search for it!” Politoed clasped his hands together. “I’d be honored to help you find your jewelry!”
 “It’s not just…” Mienshao rolled his eyes up and dragged his hands over his face. “Actually, I suppose it is that too.”
 “You can have my brother’s help, but you will definitely have mine,” insisted Poliwrath. “I won’t rest until it’s found!”
 “Don’t go off acting high and mighty,” snapped Politoed. “You don’t even know what it looks like!”
 “Well neither do you, and yet you’re going off like you do anyway!”
 “My pendant is from the temple I used to reside in,” intervened Mienshao. “It’s one of the few pieces that I was able to bring with me before its collapse into ruin.”
 Everyone quieted and silently stared at Mienshao, as he rubbed his arm and gazed out a window, observing snowflakes that gently descended outside the palace. He shook his head and turned back to the group.
 “Normally I keep it shut away, but I had to get it cleaned,” he disclosed. “But, I must have misplaced it from there and on my way back to my room, and I haven’t been able to find it since last night.” Mienshao tugged on his whiskers. “I can’t even practice my calligraphy without panicking about it, and that normally calms me down all of the time.” He forced himself back upright. “It’s a five-colored jewel that rests in a gold case with a silver string. The five colors are meant to be emblematic of the four kingdoms and a meeting point between them. Legend from the temple claimed that it came from the center of the continent, but that’s besides the point.”
 “So it looks really pretty and is found with silver and gold around it,” determined Poliwrath. “Got it!”
 “Way to break it down to the dullest details,” deadpanned Politoed.
 “As long as you two are willing, I would really appreciate the assistance.” Mienshao bowed his head to them. “I’m desperate to find it, if only for the nostalgia it provides.”
 “Sure, important stuff is always, uh, important,” persisted Poliwrath. “Leave it to me! I’ll see that it’s found!”
 “And when he fails, you can rely on me to find it.” Politoed smirked. “Your attachment makes it valuable enough, and I won’t quit until it’s found.”
 “Thank you both.”
 “Perfect, you’ve got new hunters for yourself.” Carracosta smacked his flippers together. “Well, you’ve got greater odds of finding it, so I’ll take my leave for now and join in again later.”
 “Hmm?” Quagsire tilted his head. “Do you really need to go?”
 “Truly, yes, I do. After all, I do have to meet with my, ah…” Carracosta rubbed behind his head. “Ah…it sounds odd to call it ‘my appointment,’ ha. Uh, actually, it’s someone that I need to speak with about…funny enough, a treasure that he found.”
 “Wait, you’re leaving from one treasure hunt to go to another?” Quagsire drummed his stomach. “That seems silly.”
 “Except this one was found, and my, um…we’ll call him a friend,” shakily decided Carracosta. “Ah, anyway, he needs my help with that and something else that I still don’t know about, so I must see that attended to.”
 “You have a friend in the city?”
 “Yes, yes, shocking that any of us have a social life outside of the palace walls, I know.” Carracosta huffed and strode from the group. “Now, unless anyone else has more interruptions, I should take my leave. I’m already late enough as it is.”
 “Sorry about that.”
 “Mienshao, it’s fine, really.” Carracosta sighed. “Look, if it were anyone else, I wouldn’t mind having them wait, but this one…I can’t keep him waiting.”
 “I understand.”
 “Promise I’ll be back to help if you’re still searching later,” offered Carracosta. He smirked and added, “Pirate’s promise!”
 “Ugh.” Mienshao smacked his forehead. “Forget it, get lost so we can find it without you.”
 “And split the rewards without me?! After all of my help?!”
 “Aren’t you late?”
 “Ah! Yes! I’m off, farewell!”
 Hurrying from the hall, Carracosta disappeared around the corner and from the others. Politoed and Poliwrath looked to one another and shrugged.
 “Wonder who he’s meeting with that’s so important,” murmured Quagsire.
 “Curious as it is, that’s a different mystery to solve.” Mienshao twisted back to the brothers. “We’ve explored most of the western sides of the palace, but I can’t seem to find it there. Honestly, I’m not positive where I was last night, since…well, I’m still getting familiar with this place.” He scratched at his cheek. “Come to think of it, the bedrooms are on the east side, aren’t they?”
 “Great.” Mienshao dropped his head. “Maybe we’ve been looking in the wrong places to begin with.”
 “We’ll start again and figure it out,” suggested Quagsire. “And now we have more help.”
 “That’s right!” Politoed bounced up. “We’re ready to help, Sir Mienshao!”
 “Send us off where you need us, we’ll get it done.” Poliwrath pumped his fist up.
 “Not to return you back along the path from whence you came,” started Mienshao, as the brothers blankly stared at him. “Ah…just head back to the east side. Quagsire and I have been combing this side of the palace already, so you two should start over there.”
 “Hopefully that’s not the way that the Emperor went,” brought up Quagsire.
 “It is.”
 “That’s unfortunate.”
 “Why does that matter?” Mienshao rubbed his head, while Quagsire chuckled.
 “They got yelled at just a little bit ago.”
 “Oh.” Mienshao frowned. “Sorry.”
 “It’s fine.”
 “We’ll still handle it for you!”
 “Thank you both again, then.” Mienshao turned to Quagsire as the twins started off. “Have we tried everywhere yet? Should we find a way downstairs?”
 “Only if you want to get lost in old lower levels that were abandoned ages ago,” warned Quagsire. He yawned and patted his cheek. “Unless you dropped it down a pipe, we’re probably better staying up here.”
 On their way back to the main hall, Politoed slowed and stared at the door to the dining hall. Poliwrath spun back and poked at him.
 “What are you doing?” He poked at his brother again. “We’re supposed to be going to the east. Quagsire was just eating in there.”
 “Right, but I just want to make sure that those bears are in here instead of out there,” reasoned Politoed. “That way, we can just sneak by and off.”
 “But what if they’re already sitting and eating? They’ll see us.”
 “No way.”
 Sure enough, as Politoed gently pushed the door open, vexed gazes from three feasting bears met him and Poliwrath. The brothers sighed as Poliwrath shoved the door completely open. Beartic sank down and rested his head against his paw.
 “Three, two, one.”
 “Had to do it,” complained Poliwrath. “You just had to open the door.”
 “Shut up,” snapped Politoed. “You act like you’ve never made stupid choices!”
 “Not as bad as yours.”
 “As if!”
 “And there they go,” murmured Beartic, lowering his eyes as Politoed and Poliwrath started batting at each other.
 “Can’t you not make poor life choices for once?!”
 “Like yours aren’t just as poor?! You live with me!”
 “Yeesh, didn’t they get enough from the Emperor before?” Pangoro snickered. “They’re basically asking for more punishment, right Ursaring?” He turned to the brown bear, as he struggled with a jam jar.
 “Yeah, definitely,” grumbled Ursaring. “Just…how tight does Quagsire seal these?”
 “Keeps them fresh.” Pangoro took it from Ursaring. “See, you just need to apply…some force…” He grinded his teeth as he twisted the jar, failing to get it open as well. “What the hell?”
 “Not so easy, huh?” Ursaring smirked as he lowered his eyes on the panda.
 “Wait, I can…this thing isn’t…seriously, what?” Pangoro gawked at the unopened container.
 “That’s why mom liked you less!”
 “Well dad liked you less too!”
 “Hang on, let me try,” offered Beartic, taking the jar from Pangoro. “It might be a bit frozen, so…hmm…just the right…turn…” He shifted away from the table and tugged harder on the lid, failing to open it either. “What gives…?”
 “Right? It should’ve come off easy!”
 “It’s not even full,” pointed out Ursaring. “It should just pop off.”
 “Very strange,” agreed Beartic, as he held out the jar to study it. “Maybe if we take turns with loosening it.”
 “You’re a walking eyesore!”
 “Well you don’t have any brains!”
 Shoving Politoed back, Poliwrath’s glare vanished as his brother swung his arm out, smacking the jar from Beartic’s hand and into the table. It smashed at the angle, and broke the top open as it dropped to the ground. Politoed gawked at it, and then twisted back to Poliwrath.
 “Look at what you did!”
 “Me?! You knocked into it!”
 “That’s exactly what you would do to blame it on me—”
 “Come off it, that’s you never owning up to problems—”
 Still shouting and swinging at each other, the brothers stormed from the dining hall, leaving the three bears to quietly watch them take off. Bending down and scooping up the jar, Beartic blankly stared at the broken jam jar: the top had shattered open, but no glass got on the jam that remained inside. Breathing a bit of icy breath around the top to even it out, he placed it down before Ursaring.
 “Problem solved,” determined Beartic. “Let me get the glass next…”
 “That was my next idea,” muttered Pangoro.
 “Huh. Whatever works,” settled Ursaring.
 Departing from there and to the main hall, Poliwrath and Politoed nudged and shoved one another back and forth. They forced themselves apart from one another and glared to each other.
 “Fine, let’s really settle this then,” decided Poliwrath. “First one to find that necklace pendant jewel for Mienshao is the better brother and gets to ask him out!”
 “Ha, like you’d be able to handle that anyway!” Politoed waved him off. “Just try and keep up with me, and don’t cry when you lose.”
 “Oh, I won’t, but you can feel free to when you do!”
 “Dream on!”
 “Let’s go!”
 Racing off with one another, Poliwrath and Politoed stormed through the eastern side of the palace, charging upstairs and through the corridors. Zipping through the bedchambers, they tore by the rooms, glancing within and hurrying along when they found nothing. Once finished, they raced onward.
 Further down the palace halls, Abomasnow opened a closet, only to be whacked in the head by a broom. Groaning, he leaned over to pick it up, and grunted while grabbing it, reaching around at the light cracking.
 “Ooh, my back…where is that damned knot…ah, blast it all, I can’t be getting that old yet,” he griped. Abomasnow held the broom up and glowered at it. “Hmph. It shouldn’t even be me getting saddled with all of these chores. I should get the knights to do them if they screw up training, and not…hey, that’s not a half bad idea.”
 Propping the broom up, he fumbled around trying to keep it lined with the others in the closet. Hearing yelling from down the corridor, Abomasnow jerked up.
 “Oh no, not them again…”
 Before he could prop the broom back up properly, Abomasnow was shoved into the closet as Politoed shoved Poliwrath into him, roughly knocking into his back.
 “Gods, now look at what you did!” Poliwrath hopped from the general. “You made me shove him into the closet!”
 “That’s your fault, you went too far to the left!”
 “Bah, will the two of you knock it off?!” Abomasnow’s thunderous voice scared the brothers back into chasing each other off. “Honestly, with how much chaos they cause, they’ll make my back pains distant…memories…huh.” Abomasnow rubbed his back and blinked, blankly staring off as he slowly smiled. “Hey. That actually feels much better!”
 His smirk faded as the broom dropped out from behind him and smacked down against the floor. Abomasnow sighed and rolled his eyes.
 Around the corner for the next hallway, Poliwrath shoved into Politoed, who pushed right back into him. They stuck together and charged down the hall, pushing one another along while rushing through.
 After nudging back and forth, Politoed shoved Poliwrath into a door, as his brother yanked him into it with him. They fell through and crashed down the steps into the library, where Empoleon sorted through his notes. He jerked up and whirled around at the brawling brothers, as they dragged their fight closer to his work.
 “Not now, the two of you are interrupting,” snapped Empoleon. “Just settle down for a minute, and don’t—”
 Neither heard him in time, as they tackled into each other and rolled across the room, bumping the table and knocking the papers around. Empoleon gaped at the mess his work was turned into, and gripped at his head. Shoving each other as they rose up from the ground, Politoed and Poliwrath finally focused on Empoleon, as he turned his dark glare upon them. Both jolted up and darted off.
 “Get back here,” bellowed Empoleon. “You two have caused me considerable confusion and delay! This work is supposed to…!” Empoleon blinked and studied the messy pile of papers before him. “…Wait a minute…” He shuffled the papers around. “This, here, that’s the piece of the legend…ah, here!” Empoleon giggled as he excited scoured over the lines. “The ‘valiant heart,’ ‘strong convictions and morals,’ this is the piece that I was looking for!”
 Glancing up and around the library, Empoleon cleared his throat, dragging his chair back closer to him and quietly sitting down with in, returning to his research.
 Bursting from the door leading outside to the palace’s walkway, Politoed broke away from Poliwrath and stumbled back against the railing. Poliwrath growled and charged at Politoed, knocking him over the side of the railing, as both plunged down into the moat below.
 Paddling up to the surface and panting as they dragged themselves back onto the bridge, Poliwrath and Politoed glared at each other, struggling to catch their breaths.
 “You’ll…never…find it…” Politoed brushed his mouth in between his breathing, wiping the water away.
 “Ha…you’re…the one…that won’t…” Poliwrath rolled his arms and struggled as he steadied himself.
 Blinking at each other, the twins twisted around as they spotted Quagsire and Mienshao on the opposite side of the bridge. Mienshao wore the missing pendant around his neck, arm wrapped around Quagsire as he rubbed his cheek. Poliwrath and Politoed deflated as they gazed ahead.
 “We found it already.” Quagsire pointed back behind him. “It was in the main hall, but on the lower floor of the eastern side,” he revealed. “You guys probably past it when you went along.”
 “It was because we heard something smash in the dining hall that we went looking out that way at all,” enlightened Mienshao. “We thought we were going to find you two, but Quagsire spotted my pendant instead. It was a nice surprise!”
 “And then we heard you two splash down out here,” finished Quagsire. “…Are you guys ok?”
 “Us?” Poliwrath blinked and then laughed. “Ha, yeah, we…we, uh, slipped. From the top. Over there.”
 “Yep, that’s…that’s what happened.” Politoed chuckled weakly. “Glad that you, uh, found the pendant, Quagsire.”
 “It’s just nice that Mienshao has it back,” decided Quagsire. “Happy to help…”
 “You were so quick to find it too!” Mienshao hugged Quagsire. “Thank you so much for all of your effort!” He pulled off and turned to the brothers, nodding to them. “Thanks to both of you for assisting as well.”
 “Sure, yeah…”
 “You’re welcome…”
 Rubbing away the green glints from their envious eyes, Politoed and Poliwrath sank down as Mienshao and Quagsire strolled back inside of the palace. They glanced up at one another and shrugged.
 “Maybe we should take this as a note to change,” suggested Politoed.
 “True, maybe we need to clean up our act a bit,” concurred Poliwrath.
 “Oh, you two certainly have some cleaning up to do.”
 Both jumped up and stared across to Abomasnow, who had marched out in place of Mienshao and Quagsire. He lifted mops and a bucket.
 “We’ve got some recently messy halls that need to be tended to,” thundered Abomasnow. “And I know just the duo that’s eager to help!”
 “…This is all your fault,” hissed Poliwrath.
 “My fault?! You started it,” snapped back Politoed.
 “Personally, I don’t give a damn whose fault it was,” overtook Abomasnow. “Both of you are cleaning it up, and you’ll do it straight away or I’ll make you two a punishment much worse than that!”
 “Ah, yes sir.”
 “Right away, sir.”
 “That’s more like it! Maybe you’ll learn how to cooperate better by the end of the day after all.” He dropped the bucket down and propped the mops against it. “Now then, both of you: get to work!”
 Abomasnow lumbered back inside as Poliwrath and Politoed groaned, trudging over and scooping up the mops. They shot each other wicked glares as they shoved the doors for the palace back open and dragged themselves back inside through the halls.
 When Carracosta returned later, he was rather surprised at how neat the palace halls looked. Though once he found Poliwrath and Politoed to ask them about it, he only watched as they slumped down near a closet and knocked out.
Shenanigans were had, and chaos ensued. Hooray!
Just something to hold over readers that might be waiting on the coming conclusion of Melting Gelid Roses, since I’ll be getting to that finale later on in the coming months.
And this gave a bit nicer of a send-off for Poliwrath and Politoed, who didn’t get as much limelight for their time in the story. (Doesn’t help when you’re not quite the main characters.) It’ll be added later to Scattered Petals, like I mentioned above, since that’s the one-shot collection for these types.
It was also fun to have a few other characters with earlier routines: Mienshao’s actual newbie status to the Empire, Carracosta still new to hiding his personal life, the bears actually being around, Empoleon’s research, Quagsire’s sleepy demeanor masking his chef skills, and Abomasnow becoming...more of himself!
Plus, there were some fun references that I tossed in that hint at the later events of the main story. They’re not very obvious, but if you browse through the chapters, you might spot a few things between here and there.
Anyway, that’s all for them! Hope you enjoyed. Thank you for reading!
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