#hopefully this will suffice..
theminecraftbee · 2 years
Doc finds Ren sitting in a tucked-away window of the Hermethius, alone with a case of beer, staring at the stars. He watches Ren play with his bottle for a few moments before shrugging, climbing his way into the window as well, and sitting next to him.
“Oh, hey Doc,” says Ren. “Come here to wallow too?”
“That what we’re doing?” Doc says, settling his four legs into place under him awkwardly.
“Oh, you know, dude. Wondering if anything’s real, wondering if I’m cursed, all that nonsense.”
Doc blinks. “Cursed? That’s a new.”
“Come on, man. Last season, what with Pamela and the Renperor, we’ve got whatever was up with Grimdog, the less said about Third Life or Last Life the better, and now this season? I’m just saying, man. Twice is a coincidence, but however many this is, is like. Enemy action. Or a curse!” He takes another swig of his drink.
Doc thinks about Beef and Etho and Bdubs, all too slow to wake up this time and all left behind the time before. Doc thinks about a portal lined in diamond and bad decisions. He thinks about blood running down his hands, shoulder-to-shoulder with Ren, oblivion hanging over their heads and no way to change it. He thinks about—
He flexes his robotic hand. “If you’re cursed, man, what does that make me?”
There must be something in his expression, judging by Ren’s. “Touché, my dude.”
They sit quietly next to each other for a bit, staring out as the stars go by. From up here, the constellations are meaningless, Doc thinks. If he looks out the window again in an hour, they all will have changed. Ren has a point about doubting reality, he thinks—how on earth is he supposed to know, if the stars won’t be the same next time he looks?
Maybe they’re all dead, and this is the dream afterwards. Moon fell, after all. How are they supposed to know? They’re cursed after all.
Doc reaches for one of the beer bottles.
“Oh, hey, dude, I propose a toast,” says Ren.
“A toast?”
“Yeah.” Ren holds up his half-empty bottle. “To Season 9! May it hopefully be real and less terrible than the last!”
Doc snorts. “To Season 9,” he says, clinking his bottle against Ren’s and taking a drink.
He pauses and looks at the bottle.
“Ren, dude, this is shit beer.”
“I’m trying to get drunk through an emotional breakdown, not have a good time,” Ren responds. “Also, it tastes terrible enough that I’m pretty sure a computer couldn’t fake it?”
“I’m offended,” Doc says. “It’s the good stuff that’s hard to replicate. If we’re going to wallow anyway, I refuse to drink this… swill in the process. I still have pride, man.”
“You have better stuff?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Lead the way, dude.”
They unfold themselves from the window. Doc gestures to Ren, who walks past him, and they set off back into the ship to find Doc’s actually decent drinks. And if their laughs on the way to each other are these shattered, sardonic things—well, no one’s here to watch. The other Hermits don’t have to know about anything other than a bad hangover in the morning.
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sage-nebula · 2 years
I want to make more of a post on this, and perhaps I will when I’m less tired, but I think my main issue with KyoAni and how they’ve written Free! is that they put so much effort into portraying certain things, but then they don’t commit.
The one I’ve talked about the most (and that is nearest and dearest to my heart) is MakoHaru, obviously. MakoHaru is canon in basically every single way. If this were any other series and/or one of them was a girl, no one would deny it. I’m not going to get into all of the evidence in this post, I’ve done that in another post already (although who knows how deeply that post is buried on my blog at this point), and between what we have in the series itself, what we have in the official novelizations, what we have in the audio dramas / tracks, and what we have in creator / director / writer interviews, honestly it’s just too much. We would be here all day. But even though we have not just a mountain, but an entire mountain range of evidence supporting the fact that these two characters are in love with each other, we haven’t had them explicitly define their relationship in the show in ways that other canon couples in other series (e.g. Victuuri in Yuri on Ice for a direct comparison) have. Because KyoAni, for whatever reason, doesn’t want to commit. Even though they put so much effort into writing this relationship, they won’t take the final little baby step needed and just explicitly confirm relationship status. It could be because of censorship, but after Yuri on Ice I don’t believe that anymore. I think it’s more likely because of capitalism, i.e. they want to milk fans of other ships as well so they try to keep everything open-ended to keep stringing those other fans along and not make them feel shut out. Maybe that’s not the reason, I don’t work at KyoAni, but at this point I feel like that’s the most likely explanation. But whatever the case, it’s incredibly frustrating because they’ve already done all the work to make MakoHaru canon, they’ve written that relationship, it’s there, we can all see it, but they just won’t own up and commit to it. And because they won’t commit to it, and instead try to pretend it’s just ~up to interpretation~, I end up feeling like I’m being gaslit by an animation studio. I know that’s a ridiculous thing to say, but that’s how it feels.
(Note before we continue: we are currently in the year 2022. I will NOT engage or even entertain any ship war / debate nonsense. If you feel compelled to argue with me on the above point of MakoHaru being canon in virtually every way—don’t. You will just be blocked because I’m too old and tired for such nonsense. Thank you.)
That said though, MakoHaru is not the only thing that KyoAni has written and refused to commit to, nor is it the one that’s most important to the story even if it’s most important to me. The other big thing they’ve really hammered home yet refuse to commit to is “pro swimming is incredibly bad for Haru and he really shouldn’t be doing it.”
I feel like this one honestly started way back in the beginning of the series, but it really came to light in Eternal Summer and just continued through Dive to the Future and the subsequent movies. Even in the beginning of the series, we could see that competition wasn’t really what was best for Haru; he enjoyed the swim club and the relays, but that’s because he bonded with others via his special interest of swimming. (Yes, special interest. Nanase Haruka is autistic af and that’s not open for debate.) The water is Haru’s special safe place and swimming is how he connects emotionally with other people. A huge theme in Free! is how important it is to have many different bonds with many different people, and swimming with them is how Haru forms those bonds, so he’s not isolated and alone. But being pressured to swim, being timed and having to stick to a regimen, these are aspects that make swimming and the water feel restrictive to Haru, rather than free. But these are also aspects which are crucial to competitive pro swimming. Therefore, even in the beginning we can see that this world is not one that’s really suited to a person like Haru. It’s suited to someone like Rin, who wants to be pushed and timed and honestly is far more of a traditional sports anime protagonist than Haru, but it’s not good for Haru.
And we see this continue and get worse and worse as the story goes on and Haru enters this world even though he really shouldn’t. He has a complete breakdown in Eternal Summer because he’s being pushed into competitive swimming even though he doesn’t want it, and feeling the eyes of the scouts on him makes him feel like he can’t move through the water as easily. The entire reason he decides to go pro is because he sees the big Olympic sized pool in Australia and he wants to swim in the pool, which . . . it’s realistic for an 18yo to make a decision based on something so stupid, but also, it is stupid and a poor decision. Then, in Dive to the Future we see that he’s struggling against opponents like Albert and is being pushed by his shitty coach (can’t remember the dude’s name rn and don’t care to) to isolate and push himself in ways that aren’t good for him, and in the Final Stroke movies this only gets worse, to the point where he:
Cuts off his relationships with his important people, which goes against the themes of this entire show, and
Gets hospitalized like three times in one movie from exhaustion and pushing himself too hard
It could not be more clear that being a pro swimmer is detrimental to Haru’s well-being. It’s not detrimental to everyone’s well-being—we don’t see Rin or Ikuya being repeatedly hospitalized or socially isolating—but it’s detrimental to Haru’s. Yet despite this, he’s still a pro swimmer at the end of Final Stroke pt2. Sure he’s on a rehabilitative hiatus in Hungary, but that’s temporary. He’s still going to be pro even though it’s literally destroying his body. You would think this is supposed to be a deconstruction of sports anime and whatnot, but it’s not. Haru deciding to stay swimming professionally is seen as a good and happy thing. It’s good that he continues to do something that is detrimental to his health and keeps putting him in the hospital and driving him toward breakdowns, and makes him feel uncomfortable back home (because he tells Makoto that if he were in Japan, the media would be hounding him, thus he likes it better in Hungary, showing that pro swimming has yet another aspect that impacts Haru negatively that anyone could have seen coming a mile away because Haru never liked being the focal point of attention like that). We’re supposed to see it as a good thing that Haru went into pro swimming and will continue to swim professionally even though that’s the exact fucking opposite of what KyoAni actually wrote. While capitalism might have been the reason why they didn’t commit to MakoHaru, I can’t figure out what their reasoning for not committing to “pro swimming is not something Haru should do” is. My best guess is that they figure it would go against the genre of sports anime to have Haru, their central protagonist, not continue swimming professionally . . . but ffs, Rin is the deuteragonist of the series and swimming professionally works for him. Focus on him for the pro swimming aspect, and let Haru live his life doing something else that involves water, such as being a marine biologist or helping Makoto coach kids occasionally or something.
This ended up being a much longer post than I intended it to be, but I guess to wrap things up: Free! is a great series that is beautiful in many ways. But I think it’s biggest flaw is that KyoAni put so, so, so much effort into certain things, but then absolutely refused to stick the landing and, honestly, adamantly deny that they were ever trying to aim for that landing in the first place, that it was never their intention despite how obvious it was. And that is just so frustrating to me, and will always be my biggest beef with the series overall.
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ratmoved · 2 years
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Cronus: vwowv, I grewv up nice!
Dualscar: no, you didn't.
Dualscar: I got cucked at least once in evvwwery quadrant.
Dualscar: my ancestral vvwweapon got sold for 30 booncents.
Dualscar: my battleship vvwwas sunk by a dead lusus that I killed.
Dualscar: my head is being held on vvwwith shitty embroidery.
Dualscar: I got murdered on stand-up comedy night.
Cronus: oh, shit.
Dualscar: but at least I have a cool cloak!
Cronus: eyyyyyyyyyy
Dualscar: eyyyyyyyyyy
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hey-color-palettes · 2 years
hey, could ya do us a flag for the word queer, please? much thanks :)
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#171812 || #f75673 || #f3cf4a || #84da7a || #21aebd || #561671
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sparrowsgarden · 3 years
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Here's the more or less tumblr-friendly base color chart, as promised! Tabbies coming in just a minute. For more information on everything covered here, please check out the articles on the website!
Transcription of the text under the cut:
Cat Genetics: Base Colors
by Sparrow Hartmann sparrows-garden.com
These are far from all the colors a cat can be, these are just the ones I thought make the most sense to group together as base colors rather than modifications.
The base colors shown in this chart are controlled by four genes.
Sex Linked Red, XO/Xo - controls whether a cat is red-based, black-based, or tortoiseshell. Due to being carried on the X chromosome, typically only female cats can be tortoiseshell.
Brown (Eumelanin), B/b/bl - controls the color of the pigment eumelanin, the “black” pigment. In cats, eumelanin can be black, chocolate, or cinnamon colored.
Dilution, D/d - controls whether the pigment will be diluted, which lightens it. Dilution in cats affects both red and black pigments.
Dilute Modifier, Dm/dm - makes the color of a dilute cat warmer, no effect if the cat is not dilute.
The row along the top has three columns, reading: Non Dilute (DD/Dd), Dilute (dd + dmdm), and Modified Dilute/Caramelized (dd + DmDm/Dmdm)
The first section, containing three rows, is Black-based (XoY/XoXo).
The first row contains colors with black eumelanin (BB/Bb/Bbl). The colors are Black (non dilute), Blue (dilute), and Blue Caramel (modified dilute).
The second row is colors with chocolate eumelanin (bb/bbl). The colors are Chocolate (non dilute), Lilac (dilute), and Lilac Caramel (modified dilute).
The third row is colors with cinnamon eumelanin (blbl). The colors are Cinnamon (non dilute), Fawn (dilute), and Fawn Caramel (modified dilute).
The second section is Red-based (XOY/XOXO). It has only one row. These colors can have any eumelanin alleles. The colors are Red (non dilute), Cream (dilute), and Apricot (modified dilute).
The last section, again containing three rows, is Tortoiseshell (XOXo).
The first row contains colors with black eumelanin (BB/Bb/Bbl). The colors are Tortoiseshell, Dilute tortie, and Blue caramel tortie.
The second row is colors with chocolate eumelanin (bb/bbl). The colors are Chocolate tortie, Lilac tortie, and Lilac caramel tortie.
The third row is colors with cinnamon eumelanin (blbl). The colors are Cinnamon tortie, Fawn tortie, and Fawn caramel tortie.
End transcript.
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writemeagoodprompt · 3 years
"You're sick again?" Hero asked Villain, incredulous. "This is the third time this month! Are you not taking care of yourself properly?" "I'm taking medicine, if that helps." They replied, laying on the couch with their head resting on the cushion arm. Hero continued to frown at them, hands on their hips. "Fine, I didn't take medicine cause I thought I'd get better in a couple of days." Villain threw their arms into the air, annoyed. They sat at the other side of the couch, letting out a sigh. "If it gets unbearable, please call me, okay?" They patted them on their leg. "I'll cancel my plans if I have to." "..Thank you." "You're welcome."
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kandulce · 3 years
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For just babies a day u too could help a poor robot eat😢😥🥺
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w1lmuttart · 3 years
Can we get some quick doodle refrences for the boys?
Sorry to leave you hanging, here’s some quick refs!
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Lad moment™ 😎🤟
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stitch1830 · 2 years
taang for the ship game!
Oooo flame coming in with an old ship flame of mine <3
Ope bad pun ima just... Ima answer the questions LOL.
Ima do them all as well because... why not hehe :)
1.) Who makes the first move and how?
I usually go back and forth on this one, but I'd say that Aang more often than not makes the first move. He's just a little more aware of his feelings for Toph, and he's not too stubborn to try and ignore them or deny them.
When Toph recognizes her feelings, she tries to ignore them mostly because she doesn't want to lose what she currently has with Aang, so it takes her a hot second to admit what she feels and to let herself fall for him.
2.) Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?
Aang is probably more insecure than Toph, and usually a nice pep talk and maybe a slug to the shoulder from Toph gets him going again haha!
3.) Who is the most romantic?
I think Aang is more romantic, but it's mainly because his is more apparent than Toph. Toph's romantic gestures are usually done in the comfort of their home, but Aang isn't afraid to make doe eyes at Toph in public or tell her how amazing she is haha
4.) Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
If they're in public, probably Aang. If they're in the comfort of their home, probably still Aang, but Toph is not very far behind LOL.
5.) Who says ‘I love you’ first?
I think Aang says it first, and if he doesn’t, then I’d imagine that it would be something that slips out one day with Toph lol.
6.) Who would they ask if they ever had a threesome?
LOL um I really don’t know, because I see Toph having a sibling relationship with Katara and Zuko, and then Aang having a sibling relationship with Sokka.
So I guess Suki? Maybe Azula LMAO.
I’m not one to think of threesomes within ATLA Ope 0_o
7.) What do they get up to on a night out?
They definitely wreak havoc, so usually pranks or sometimes Toph breaks the law LOL.
But often they just like to get out of the house to have fun, so wherever the wind takes them, that’s where they go and what they do.
8.) What do they like in bed?
To sleep ;)
9.) What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?
I feel like Aang sometimes forgets that he is the Avatar and can bend more than just air. He's a bit of an airhead in that regard, so there are moments where he just... forgets and Toph never lets him hear the end of it hehe.
Toph actually never does anything embarrassing so—
Just kidding :)
I would say that she does a lot of silly things for their kids, so sometimes she sings and does a goofy dance or makes weird faces to help the babies eat their baby food, and Aang can't help but laugh. She doesn't often do embarrassing things in front of Aang, but if she does, it usually rolls off her back. But I feel like if Toph did some sort of flying lemur dance for the kids, Aang would replay that in his mind forever and ever :)
10.) What two songs, two books and two luxury items do they take to a desert island?
Two songs, maybe “Freebird” and “We Will Rock you”, Aang would bring two adventure-like stories to read for Toph (Maybe Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter? Something chill and fun), and I think Toph would be luxury hair products to keep her hair not a tangled mess for as long as possible (I feel like she ends up taking decent care of her hair as an adult because it’s so long lmao), and then maybe some skincare products for Aang? He seems like a guy with a nighttime skincare routine LOL.
11.) What do they hide from one another?
Oooh this is a good one! I feel like there's not much Aang can hide from Toph because of her seismic sense (unless he gets really good at lying), but also, I just don't think he likes to hide things from her. Toph will be secretive in the event that she's trying to surprise him with a party or a present, but that seems about it. She doesn't really have the need to hide what she's doing after work or when they're not together, because they've established good trust and decent communication.
If there was one thing that Aang may hide from Toph, it would be new pets LOL.
And Toph... Maybe she goes back to professional bending wrestling and she doesn't want to hear Twinkletoes to complain lol.
12.) What first changes when it starts getting serious?
I think it takes them a while to get used to the idea that they’re together. So sometimes Toph and/or Aang jump whenever the other tries to hold their hand or kiss them because they’re like “Whoa hold up, whatchu doing there?” But then they remember that they’re dating LOL.
13.) When do they realise they should get together?
Toph and Aang seem like the couple that get together in their mid 20s. They have unspoken feelings for each other for a while, maybe they date people in between, but they're mainly best friends through their teenage years and early adulthood!
14.) When one has a cold, what does the other do?
Toph is a pretty hands on caretaker for Aang, and she’ll usually follow Aang’s lead on what he wants and stuff. And then Aang is too, but he
15.) When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?
Aang gets to watch whatever he wants because Toph mostly doesn’t care LOL. But, he’s a bit of a sap so he prefers romantic comedies or just lighthearted movies lol.
16.) When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
Toph definitely hunkers down and fights her way through the zombies, and Aang may be a bit of a pacifist and won’t want to fight even zombies. But I think for Toph and for his friends and family, he’d defend them until the end. And depending on who they’re with, I think they have a shot at lasting through it all haha.
17.) When they find a time machine, where do they go?
Ooo, I feel like they’d go back to the past, simply so that Aang can introduce Toph to Gyatso and to his family. I think that would be what was most important to them if they ever got to travel in time.
18.) When they fight, how do they make up?
Toph and Aang seem like the couple that just... hug it out LOL.
They'll fight and it's a blowout, they usually say stuff they don't mean, but then the next day or two, they just meet in the middle and are like "I'm sorry" and ~hug~
Toph and Aang know what they prioritize in their relationship, they know their roles and responsibilities to each other and the world, and I think sometimes it gets to them, but they never let a fight get in between them.
I also feel like when it comes to admitting they are wrong, they find it hard to properly express it.
That, or they just straight up make each other laugh, and it's water under the bridge lol.
19.) Where do they go on their first date?
I feel like they do a number of activities. So dinner, running through the town and maybe pulling some pranks, and then ending the day by the shore or laying in the grass so Aang can stargaze and describe it to Toph :’)
20.) Where do they go on holiday?
Hmmm, they typically travel everywhere, but I’d guess that they’d go to maybe to the Fire Nation or wherever their friends are? They’re more like family than anyone else, and that’s who they prefer spending their holidays and days off with.
21.) Where do they get nervous about going with one another?
I don't think Aang is ever nervous about going with Toph anywhere, but I can see Toph being a little nervous for their relationship to go public with their friends/family. She finds it weird to be the center of attention when it comes to questions about her relationship, so she just gets fidgety and whatnot lol.
22.) Where does their first kiss happen?
Hmmmm. Maybe just in the streets of Republic City? Or maybe on Appa? LOL
23.) Where is their favourite place to be together?
Hmm... Probably the Air Temples or somewhere quiet where they can spar? Aang loves talking about his culture, and Toph is a great listener (she also loves feeling how happy and excited he gets when they go to the temples). But Toph's safe haven is anywhere where she can throw some dirt and make a mess, so she likes it when they travel to quiet towns in the Earth Kingdom and they can spar just on the outskirts!
If they ever settle down, then I think wherever they call home is their favorite place :)
24.) Where do they first have sex?
Eh, I’m not much of a spicy HC person, so I’ll just say the bedroom LOL.
25.) Why do they fight?
Toph and Aang probably fight most about responsibility or starting a family. I think Aang struggles sometimes with his duties as the Avatar and balancing out other stuff, and sometimes it becomes a point of pain for them. And then with starting a family, I think Aang is always excited and thinking about it, but Toph is never really that excited about it until it just… happens? If that makes sense lmao.
26.) Why do they need to have a serious chat?
Mmmm, same as above hehe.
27.) Why do their friends get annoyed with them?
Toph and Aang are the notorious couple that pranks their friends and their nieces/nephews. They're the 'fun couple' and like to wreak a little havoc wherever they go! So, that typically means that the Gaang gets all exasperated whenever they pull a prank or make an inappropriate joke at the dinner table.
Aang shows a little remorse at times. A little. :)
28.) Why do they get jealous?
They get jealous probably when they're not together! So, when they're pining for each other but not together, but Toph or Aang notices them with someone else, they get jealous. Aang is a little more vocal with his jealousy (or his friends just point it out lmao) and Toph just gets quiet and sometimes she'll give shit to Aang's date and maybe even trip her once LOL.
But once they're together, they don't really get that jealous. I think if anything, Toph may get jealous that she has to split her time with Aang because of his Avatar duties, but that's always an ongoing conversation between them.
29.) Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
I think that they’re a perfect example of opposites attract but also they are very similar. So whenever their personalities align they love it, and when they’re different, they love how well they still get along with their differences. Like, they love each other for their similarities and their differences, and how well they get along, if that makes sense.
30.) Why does it work (or not work) between them?
Taang works because they complement each other well. They just get each other, and they are each other’s best friends :) They’re partners in crime and everything, and despite how different they can be at times, they always seem to end up back on the same page, and they come together and they know what’s most important to them.
Okay! That was a lot of questions, but I hope that’s okay LOL. Thanks for the ask, buddy! I hope you have a great day, and feel free to send more asks if you’d like lol :)
Send me headcanon asks for ATLA (or other) ships!
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poisonedapples · 2 years
Roman and Pattin for the fic ask? Art show
Takes place in the future
“It’s pretty! …I won’t pretend I know what it means, but it’s pretty!”
Roman laughed, looking at the detail of the piece that Patton was standing in front of. It was a glass slab with a bunch of different colors mixed together, hanging from wires on the roof. It did look really pretty, he couldn’t argue that. “You don’t have to. I don’t like looking into their meanings much, a lot of them can get really dark, so I just appreciate the colors and the detail. Art always takes a lot of time.”
Patton smiled. “It does. I remember when you would sit at the kitchen table for hours just working on a small painting. They always came out very nice, though.”
Roman smiled at the memory. He still does paint, but now he’s an adult who does it at his own kitchen table, with his own supplies he buys. But Roman still remembers the first day he lived with Patton, painting with those awful cheap paints just to try and calm himself down. He was so young back then. “They do. It’s about the feelings you put into them. The best art is always made from raw, human feelings.”
Patton giggled. “A very painter sentence for you to say.”
Roman shrugged. “It’s in my blood, I guess. How about we look at the sculptures then we can go to that one place we saw on our way here and for a bite to eat?”
“The place advertising the huge cookies or the place that only sells variants of mac and cheese?”
“Huge cookies. I want dessert.”
Patton’s eyes lit up. “To the sculptures it is!”
Roman gladly led the way as they kept looking around. Yeah, he’d grown a lot, but he was happy he had. He could enjoy the little moments in life like this now.
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delightfulcrasher · 3 years
Hi! I'm very curious about the next chapter. (if not a problem i can ask) What type of kiss the Lord would give to his s/o?
kiths 😳
I personally don’t see him as one for public displays of affection. He finds it unnecessary to parade a privet affair around like some overzealous joke. If he wishes to show his love for his s/o in public, he will do so subtly. Doing little things such as standing near them, or checking up on them every now and again to make sure their okay.
Everyone should already know that his s/o is his, he doesn't need to constantly remind everyone around him. Not to worry though, in the comfort of his own house he is much more open to affection.
Hand kisses. What can I say, he’s an old fashioned guy, and that applies to his romantic gestures. It’s quite the sight to see, him leaning down as he raises one oh his s/o’s hand to his lips. His kisses are nothing short of meaningful, each one laced with adoration. They’re gentle and kind.
Though, that doesn’t mean he isn’t a little bit of a tease. It entertains him whenever his s/o asks to be kissed. How brave they are to ask such a thing of a prestigious Lord. Do they have no shame? Well, maybe he can give them some sort of reward for being so bold. They asked for a kiss and oh boy are they gonna get one.
He would give them a sly grin, wrapping one of his arms around his s/o as he hoists them up to his height. He kisses them with conviction, wanting his s/o to feel the depth of his devotion to them. It’s deep and passionate, and always leave his s/o a little breathless.
Just as his s/o is about to steal another kiss, he would place his lips on their forehead and plant them back down again. What, did they want another? Now, now, sweetheart, no need to get greedy. There’s plenty more where that came from, they’re just going to have to be a little more patient.
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murdurinthealps · 3 years
“vines to watch while your energy refills”
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hhhhunty · 2 years
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Mob psychos. Yes....
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chameleocoonj · 4 years
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🦖 Scary monsters time 🦖
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worstloki · 3 years
I recently started watching the mcu with my friend and we've gotten to GOTG and I'm trying to explain that in the gap between Thor 1 and Avengers, Loki was being tortured by Thanos, but I can't explain it properly, because just because english is my first language, doesnt mean I can speak properly. Could you please help me?
Here’s some diagrams? Hopefully they could help so wordy explanation aren’t required :)
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Link 1 (x)
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He's basically in general bad condition every time we see him in/around the 1-2 year time period after he fell from the Bifrost, hence the theorizing (+based off interviews, Loki's time after the attempted suicide was not good to him and he appears most manic in the starting scene rather than any time later.)
Then there’s this stuff where he spends this entire scene looking exhausted and his back gives way twice:
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also, we see him being tortured on-screen,
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(Link to a post which talks about this scene especially ^^ but also the DIALOGUE and way he speaks through the movie)
Also, with Gamora/Nebula it’s explicitly mentioned that body parts were being replaced? They had to fight to prove their worth? Thanos was torturing his “children” do we really expect any less from randoms?
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