#how do you take pics without the pause border around it
npenguinc · 10 months
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There's something about that gnome that attracts every single sim to it. Astrid Ange was one of many to commit the dastardly deed of stealing it, but she didn't know who she was messing with.
Lexie gleefully pulled out her wand. Green sparkles emit from the wand as she stirs the air.
"Busy little bees attend to me: Attack this Sim. Make them flee!"
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Ange runs as the bees angrily swarm around her.
Lexie throw her head back and cackles. (She is so silly.)
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"Ange, just be one with nature! It's really not that hard.😊"
Being an evil witch certainly has its perks!
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northcarolinanative · 4 years
𝐈𝐟 𝐈𝐭 𝐖𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮 - Boxer!JJ
Requested by anon: Can you write about boxer!JJ, with or without the outer banks’ plot. JJ enjoys boxing and you can’t go to matches because they scare you. But you always prepare with him before and he always comes to see you after. One night something happens and they confess their feelings whatever you want haha I just thought it would be a cool idea (:
Description: After the disappearance of their best friends the pogues all search for different ways to cope. Some working too hard, some fighting, some just blocking it all out. JJ puts himself in danger too often for Y/N’s liking. She finds him an alternative, but in typical JJ fashion he moves too much too fast and gets out in a tricky situation. 
A/N: This is so different from what I normally write. I got a bit carried away per usual:) I chose to put it in the OBX plot, this is all after 1x10 because we all know that I am a sucker for that at this point let's be honest. I tried to do my research but the more I read the more confused I got so I am sorry if it is inaccurate. I have ZERO experience with boxing and stuff. As I said this is so different for me so ANY feedback would be FANTASTIC!! MY asks/requests/messages are always open! ALSO, italics are flashbacks. // TW: This talks about character death, panic/anxiety, abuse, and violence.// 
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*pic courtesy of pinterest*  
After the disappearance of John B and Sarah, each of the pogues had their own unique way of dealing with the major loss. The unknown ate them from the inside out until it was turned to grief, washing over them the moment the pair was presumed dead. Over the next few days, they went into denial, finally understanding why John B had been so desperate to hold onto clues about his father when the group had thought that he was grasping at straws. They understood why John B led them on the hunt for the gold because he thought it would lead to his dad. They understood because now they too would follow any lead, risk anything, or go anywhere to find John B and Sarah. 
Each of the Pogues were dealing with their feelings in its respective way. Pope was trying his hardest to prove to his parents that he had not messed up his chance to get off the Island. He applied for every academic scholarship on the east coast. Pope was scared. Kie, while the two of us helped Pope when we could, worked countless hours at the Wreck. After running from her parents and being brought into question with the police she was in hot water with her parents. She allowed herself to stay focused on her work and earn back the trust and respect of her parents so that when the time came that John B and Sarah needed them, we could help. Kie was hopeful. JJ was starting fights with everyone that looked at him wrong. He threw punch after punch at the one boneyard party that we tried to attend in an attempt to make things feel normal. He kept going home and picking fights with his dad, he said that he deserved the torment for letting John B get on that boat. JJ blamed himself for pushing John B to his death. JJ was Angry. I let myself get swept up in my art, going to the docks, or sitting in the dunes, drawing. This where the other Pogues found me when I was not working my shift at the Wreck. When I sat down to create I let my thoughts go and wander to whatever I needed to try and process. This was the only time I let myself think about the things that happened between the pogues, or what was ahead for us. I let myself think about both the options, whether they were dead or they were alive somewhere. Outside of that, I shut it off and tried to help the other pogues, as much as I could, to get back to something normal. I was numb. 
Kie and Pope had a lot to figure out between the two of them. It took them a while to actually begin to talk about what was going on between the two of them since they kept defecting. That left JJ and I alone rather often. Not that I was complaining. The two of us had never been super close when it came to the group. I was always Kie’s best friend first, pogue second, until now. The disappearance had brought all of us closer. Though I appreciated the closeness with JJ, I was worried about him. He showed up on my doorstep night after night bruised and broken. More often than not it was a fight with some rando that has looked at him on the side of the road. JJ didn’t care who felt his wrath anymore, he would fight anyone, kooks, and pogues alike. The worst nights were those that he came back from his house. Those nights were always the worst because the injuries on his body and the way that his soul sat shattered in front of me told me that he didn’t fight back. 
JJ was sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes not daring to look up at me. His face covered in red splotches and bruised from the other fights he had gotten in over the week. Tonight was different though. Normally JJ talked about the way that he handed the Kook a can of whoop-ass or the guy had it coming and that he had ‘totally won’ the fight. Every other night he would boast saying “Y/N, don’t worry about me! You should see the other guy.” He would try to soothe my nerves, but tonight there didn’t seem to be another guy. Just JJ fighting himself, the thoughts raging war in his head, making him beat himself up. 
I moved to sit beside him. Finally deciding to break the rooms heavy silence. “JJ, did you go home again?” 
His breath caught in his throat as he slowly nodded his head. I saw his jaw clenched as he fought back the urge to let tears fall down his face. He rested his head in his open palms. I wrapped one of my arms loosely around the boy before laying my head on his shoulder. “Why do you go home JJ? Every time you come back you end up so broken?” 
“It’s just a few bruises and split lips Y/N, nothing I’m not used to.” He said shaking his head. 
“That’s not what I mean and you know it,” I spoke. I moved my hand so that I could rub his back. I moved softly up and down his spine, trying to comfort the broken boy in front of me. 
“I deserve everything he says to me.” He started, swallowing a lump in his throat. “Every time
 I go I know he’s ready for a fight.” 
I took a moment to collect my thoughts. I took a deep breath before speaking. “JJ, getting into fights with your dad like that, the things he says to you.” I paused, looking over his face, trying to figure out what was going through his mind. “You know that they aren’t true right? He’s saying those things to hurt you?” 
“I know that, but deep down I’m so scared that everyone else sees what he sees.” He signed leaning back and falling onto the bed. “I’m just so angry. I am angry at the system for screwing up so bad that they ran JB away.” My breath caught in my throat as he began his rant. “I am mad that we couldn’t do anything to help him after his dad left. I’m mad that we lost him and have no way to contact him or even know if he’s alive!’ He stood up beginning to pace, and raising his voice. “I’m mad that I pushed him on that boat to sail straight to his death Y/N!” 
I stood up on my feet, moving so that I can be in his direct line of vision. “Hey!” I called to him, even though he was right in front of me, he felt a thousand miles away. “You did not push John B to do anything that he would not have done on his own! You have got to stop blaming yourself for all the unfortunate events that lead to John B’s disappearance. This on Ward Cameron and you know it!” I said pointing at him. He locked his eyes with mine for a moment. 
He ripped his glance from mine, his jaw still clenched and nostrils flaring as he tried to even out his breathing. It took a few moments and several paces across the length of my room, but he seemed to calm down. “I’m-” He started, looking around the room and taking a deep breath before continuing. “I’m just so angry. All the time.” He confessed. “I’m honestly scared, it’s like all I can think about is how pissed off I am and the smallest things just add on top of it until I explode for what seems like no reason.” He stopped rubbing his hands over his face. “I just don’t know how to channel it, make it die down.” He confessed, moving to join me back at the end of my bed. 
“You know, whenever my brother is upset he goes to the gym-” I started 
“You are not seriously telling me to work out right now, are you?” He huffed rolling his eyes.
  “Let me finish.” I scolded him before continuing. “He’s a boxer, the have matches and fight, but it is in a safe environment. One where you can let your anger out with out going home or exploding on some rando on the side of the street.” I said. I laughed awkwardly, trying to fill the silence as I gauged his reaction. 
“You really think that would help?” He said, the softness in his eyes returning. 
“It helped my brother” 
It had become routine over the past few weeks that JJ came to my house so that I could help him prepare for whatever match he had lined up for that night. When he first started all the Pogues were supportive of JJ’s new interest, but after the first match, Kie and I decided that we would support him from afar. Neither of us could stomach the blows that JJ took in his first fight. I was happy that he was able to find a more acceptable outlet for his anger, it was still just as painful to clean JJ up after, or to hear from Pope about the hits that JJ landed or had taken. Pope always attended, Kie and I chalked it up to him being a boy and into that stuff, but we both know that he watched because he wanted to be there in case something went wrong. 
Tonight was one of JJ’s biggest matches. He had been talking about it for weeks. The guy was from the mainland and was supposed to drag in a huge audience with him. He was being scouted as a professional, bordering on going pro. That bothered me because it had only been a short time since JJ had started boxing. While he had grown up his entire life fighting, boxing against people like this was much different than landing a few punches on Topper. 
JJ was sitting on my kitchen table, I was right in front of him with his left hand in my own. I wrapped the sticky red tape around his hands, knuckles, and wrists. I pulled it tighter after each pass around his hand. “Please be careful tonight. These guys got a really good record.” I spoke softly, but the concern coating my voice was evident. 
“I think I’ve got it though Y/N!” He said, happiness coating his voice. I just shook my head and switched his hands, beginning to wrap the right one. I was weary when JJ first mentioned the idea of the match, and still am, because the guy was well known and it just did not make sense that he wanted to come down to the OBX to fight a Newby. Things didn’t add up. Of course, none of us dared to tell JJ, because he was so happy, and he finally seemed to be getting back normal, no one wanted to set him off. 
I finished wrapping his hands and handed him his gym shorts. I had got him some with his name on the waistband for his birthday the week before. While I couldn’t stomach to sit through the fights and watch them, I wanted him to know that I was supportive of him finding a healthy outlet for his feelings and grief. I had washed the shorts for him so that they would be fresh for him. 
“All done.” I smiled, handing them to him. He took them into his newly wrapped hands. “So you look all spiffy when you win the fight tonight.” 
“Spiffy?” He questioned causing us both to laugh. He reached forward pulling me into a hug. Whenever I touched JJ I melted into the warmth that his body gave off. He smelled like pine, I assumed it was from his deodorant, but it captivated me every time. He let me go after squeezing me tighter. “Thanks for, you know.” He said scratching the back of his neck. “Helping me with all of this. I wouldn’t even be doing this if it weren’t for you.” He said with a smile. 
“Stop being so sappy Maybank!” I said and I turned him to the door. I put my hands on his broad shoulder pushing him softly towards the door. “Now go! You don’t want to be late.” He made his way to the door opening it and standing for a second to look back and smile. 
“I’ll see you after right?” He questioned, the hope in his eyes was hard to miss. 
“Wouldn’t want anyone else cleaning you up would we?” I joked, before answering him. “Yes I will, just make sure Pope tells me when you're finishing up and I’ll head that way to pick you up okay?” As I finished the car horn outside honked. It seemed to reverberate off the walls. “Now go! You know how Kie gets when you're running late!” I shooed him out the door. I stood watching them back out of the driveway as I waved to Kie and Pope in the car. 
I walked to the TV, flipping it onto a random TV show before grabbing my sketchbook and settling into the couch. I had been working on a piece of a deer skull and a floral pattern. I was using ink to draw it. I got lost in stippling the dots on the paged, shading in the sides of the skull, and forming the cracked texture of the bone. I barely noticed the buzzing that came from my phone beside me. When I looked up the sun was setting, almost disappearing behind the horizon. The name flashed across my phone and sent me into an immediate panic. “Popey” was read across the screen, my stomach dropping when I set my eyes on the time. It was way too soon for the fight to be over. I quickly slide my finger across the bottom of the screen, seeing it click open. 
I held the phone to my ear, “Hello, Pope? What’s wrong?” I could hear the panic in my voice. My body was moving so fast as I swiped my keys across the counter with a screech, and started through the garage to my car. 
“Y/N.” I hear him say on my way out the door. There was pause filled with chants and yelling in the background, signaling that the fight was still happening. “Things don’t look good, Kie’s on her way, but JJ needs you to be here when he gets out.” I was nodding my head, but Pope couldn’t see me. “If he gets out.” My breath stopped in my throat, making me choke slightly on my own air. “ Y/N it’s bad, I don’t know why they won’t call the fight.” 
I let out a shaky breath as I pulled myself into the driver seat of my car, slamming the door behind me with a thud. “I’ll be there as fast as I can Pope, Promise.” 
“Hurry!” was all he said before the line went static. I pulled the phone down slowly, looking at it. JJ was really hurt. It was my fault, I wanted him to do this professionally. I snapped myself out of my guilty haze, picking my keys up from my lap with my shaking hands. I struggled to get the key into the ignition, before turning it to start it up. I turned out of the driveway as quickly as my mind would let me, leaving a cloud of dust behind me as pulled from the driveway. 
I tapped the steering wheel with my thumb, my eyes flicking between the road and the number growing on the speedometer. The words of JJ and I’s conversation from just hours before replaying over and over in my head. “I wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you.” Over and over again. I felt a warmth fall down my cheek. I touched my hand to my cheek only to find the warm wetness of tears falling from my eyes. I was shocked at the reaction that this event had on me. I felt like I was back to the night that we watched John B drive off on that boat. I felt that same sense of panic wash over me. What if this was it? “I wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you.” JJ was a fighter, literally, no matter what punches were thrown at him, he was always able to fight back. Part of me wanted to think rationally that Pope was overreacting and when I got there JJ might have a concussion and a bruised ego. “I wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you.” If it was that bad why had they not stopped the fight, right? Pope had to be overreacting, it was Pope. He likes to be careful. 
My fingers kept tapping a quick pace on the back of the I kept telling myself that over and over in my head. I was driving but everything around me was a blur. I was glad that I had the roads of the cut memorized so that I could get there in my haze of worry. “I wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you.” I know what he meant by this, he meant that I had helped him, but I just didn’t feel helpful at that moment. I was the reason that he was fighting and trained a skillful fighter. This guy hardly ever lost a fight, but none of us wanted JJ’s improvement with his anger to stop, so we let him continue. 
I hit the pothole in the gyms driveway, jolting me out of my thoughts. I fell back into the seat from the rough jump and dirt that was kicked up around me once again. I pulled into a spot at a dangerous speed. I practically threw the car in park and yanked my keys from the ignition. The sun seemed to paint the air around us a beautiful shade of orange, but my worry made me look past the beautiful sunset that was illustrated in the sky. Instead I approached the gym. I hadn’t stepped foot in for months now. The one that was seemingly making my worst fears come to life. 
I scanned the parking lot looking for Kie. When our eyes met, I started making my way toward her. I broke into a jog, but quickly came to a halt, when I looked behind her. The red and white lights behind her become blinding. I stuttered stepped, coming face to face with her, but I could not look at her face. I was focused on the broken boy that was laid in front of me on a gurney. The blood on his face made him almost unrecognizable. I clenched my teeth so hard that I hurt. Pope was by his side, struggling to keep up with the boy on the gurney. Pope’s worried eyes met with mine that barely held back the tears. He said something that I couldn’t make out before pointing to us. I followed my eyes down to JJ, who’s eyes I met. Even from this distance, I could see the spark still in them. I felt my stomach drop and a wave of nausea hit me. I felt myself physically fall back and feel weak. He weekly raised his hand to wave at me weakly before they began wheeling him into the emergency vehicle. “I wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you.”  My arm felt like my shaking hand to wave at him, The barrier broke and the warm tears fell down my face. I felt the sob make it way up my throat, catching Kie’s attention once again. Her expression was a little shocked at my reaction but wrapped an arm around me pulling me into her. I glanced over to see her worried expression as she watched Pope.
Pope quickly made his way over to us after talking briefly with the medics. As soon as he was turned away from JJ, his expression turned to anger. Kie and I looked at each other, both silently questioning the boy’s actions. He got to us, visibly angry, his breath was heavy as he started walking back and forth. He threw his hat on the ground and ran a hand across his head in distress. 
“What happened there?” Kie said being the first to break the tension. 
“We shouldn’t have let him fight that guy!” He said, raising his voice making me visibly flinch. “There’s a reason that he always wins! He knocked JJ out in the 7th round!” He spoke looking me straight in the eye. I felt two inches tall and wanted nothing more than to disappear in that moment. 
“I wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you.” 
“I wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you.” 
I stepped back, it felt the air had been knocked out of my lungs. I heard the conversation that Pope and Kie continued to have, but they still felt miles away. I tried to listen and regain the ability to breathe. 
“He had plaster in his gloves” Pope spoke loudly, as people walking outta the gym snickered, only making Pope’s anger grow. I snapped my head up at the tall boy, before looking at Kie, whose face held a confused expression. I knitted my eyebrows looking at Pope who just nodded, silently reinforcing his last statement. 
“They caught on, but I’m gonna go back to talk to the fight manager, but y’all should go and meet him at the hospital.” He said, looking between me and Kiara. 
Kie was quick to act, while I felt like I was still frozen in place. “Here,” she said, holding her keys out to Pope. “I’ll ride with Y/N and you can meet us there after you talk to whoever you need to?” She questioned, but she had alright dropped the keys in his hand. Pope nodded at the two of us before turning back to the gym. 
I looked at Kie just as she placed her shaking hand on my wrist pulling me to the car. “Are you okay to drive? I mean do you think-” He started to mumble on. 
“Yea, yea. I can. I think I got it.” I said send her a tight lipped smile. I could tell in her eyes that she knew neither of us believed me. Nonetheless, we both got into the car and made our way to a small emergency hospital on the Island, both of us praying that they had enough space for JJ. The entire car ride was filled with silent, sad, tension. The two of us stuck in our own thoughts, filled with worries about JJ’s health. Kie was the first to break the car’s heart-wrenching tension. 
“What did Pope mean, when he said that he had plaster in his gloves?” Kie asked. She hadn’t been privy to the boxing world, much like me. My brother had told me that it was illegal. He knew a kid that got kicked out of his gym for doing it and had told me about it. 
“It’s when boxer’s wrap plaster in their wraps and gloves and stuff.” I started, I stuttered over my words a bit, because I was unsure of what I was talking about. “As they sweat it makes the plaster harden or something,” I said shaking my head. The image of JJ getting hit over and over without a chance to fight back made me push the accelerator down and speed up on the long stretch to the hospital. “It essentially makes their hands like stone,” I said recalling the words my brother had used to tell me. 
Kiara looked over at me with wide eyes. “That’s seriously fucked up!” She exclaimed. She let out a deep sign before falling back into the passenger seat. The rest of the ride remained silent, except for the news that was faintly being spoken from the radio. 
When we pulled up to the hospital, it was all a blur from there. Kie could tell that I was worried and in a state of panic. She seemed to be rather calm about the situation, because of this she took the lead on speaking to the front desk. They pointed us to a waiting room saying that the doctor would come out after they examined him. 
We sat in the cold metal chair in the waiting room. I tried to blame my shaking on the chill air that seemed to always be contained in hospitals, but I knew it was nerves. Kie placed her hand on my bouncing leg to stop it before looking up at me. 
“Hey, It’s JJ.” She said moving to hold my hand in hers, giving me a soft smile. “He’s got the survival instincts of a cockroach, alright?” 
I laughed slightly at her joke, looking up to her with a hopeful smile on her face. “You’re oddly calm.” I stated, looking over her relaxed figure, slightly laid back in the chair, her hand resting still on the chair handle, the other firmly grasped in mine. 
“Eh, like it said, JJ’s gonna be fine.” She smiled. She leaned forward a bit, resting her weight on the armrest that sat between us. “I am more interested in what is going on inside your head?” She said nudging me with her shoulders. 
I took a deep breath, my eyes lining with tears once again. “Over the last few months JJ and I have gotten so close, and after everything with John B and Sarah I just-” I was cut off by a sob, which came out more like a cough. Kie was quick to move her hand to my back, rubbing small, comforting circles on my back. “I am scared to lose him too.” I said quietly, tears falling still, but at a much less rapid pace. Kiara pulled me into a tight hug. I took a deep breath, letting the scent of her coconut shampoo ground me. I closed my arms around her tightly before we split. Kie pushed a piece of hair out of my face softly. 
“You’ve got it bad.” She said with a soft chuckle. I looked at her knitting my eyebrows together in confusion causing her to laugh. “You and JJ are so blindly in love with each other that neither of you can see it.” She spoke. Suddenly, things started to make a lot of sense. The way that my stomach dropped whenever JJ was getting into a fight or how I wanted to end Luke Maybank for the things that he did to his son. The most important thing that I had become accustomed to was the way that my stomach erupted in butterflies every time we were close to each other, the way my skin broke into goosebumps when we bumped into each other, or the way that I smiled every time he cracked a joke or showed up at work. I played with my fingers letting a smile spread across my face.I looked up at Kie sheepishly. 
“I told you.” She smiled at me, causing me to roll my eyes at her. 
We were taken from the serenity of our moment by the doctor calling for those that were here with ‘Maybank.” She informed us that JJ took a lot of hard hits but managed to leave fairly unscathed from such a brutal fight. She let us know that JJ had had a lot of minor injuries, a broken lower rib, and that he passed out due to a pretty serious concussion. It took Kie and I a moment to soak in the abundance of information. “With his current state, we think it would be best if you all went in one at a time.” The doctor spoke, looking between you and Kie. 
Kie pushed my shoulder lightly. “I’ll wait here for Pope and fill him in. “She said, a cheesy smile plastering her face. “Go get your man,” She joked causing me to roll my eyes before following the doctor back through the long hallway. The fluorescent lighting made the hallway look and feel more daunting than it should have. The doctor stopped in front of the room letting me know that he was inside. 
I smiled and nodded at her. I took a deep breath before preparing myself to enter. I walked through the doorway to see JJ playing with the IV cable that was hooked up to his arm. I was wrapped and tangled around the opposite hand. I laughed involuntarily at the blonde boys antics. He looked up at me, smiling when he realized that it was me. I felt a tsunami of relief wash over me, just seeing that, while he wasn’t completely unharmed, that he was going to be okay. 
“There you are, come here!” He said patting the bed beside his legs. I walked into the room slowly, making my way to his bedside. I sat down and turned to look at his bright, smiling face. He scanned over my face, his smile quickly fading. “Wait, are you crying? “ He asked, reaching up to wipe the stale tears from my face. 
“Yes JJ,” I said laughing at the boy's oblivious nature. “You looked terrible when they took you out on that gurney at the gym,” I said looking down at the crinkled white bed sheet in front of the two of us. “You scared me. I can’t lose you too.” I said quietly. 
JJ hand came up once again cupping the side of my face, pushing me to look at me. “Hey now. You know better than anyone that it's gonna take more than some cheating ring rat to take me out.” Both of us laughed at the statement. I met his bright blue eyes, and instantly felt drawn in. 
I didn’t think much about it before I did it. I leaned forward and pressed my lips into JJ's. The kiss started off still and innocent. JJ’s hand moved from my face to the back of my head pulling me in closer. I moved my hands to his shoulders, placing them softly trying not to hurt him. The kiss was passionate and heated, our lips molding together, allowing us to melt into one another. I felt light headed just from the kiss itself. I could feel JJ’s emotion poured into the way that he kissed me back and the way that his hands caressed my sides and the way that he held me close to him. 
We were interrupted by the loud beeping of the monitor beside him. I pulled away looking at the machine that ruined the moment. The warning flashing “High Heart Rate”. I looked at JJ and saw the same warning causing us to laugh slightly. 
“What was that about?” JJ asked, a blush creeping up his cheeks. 
“After John B and Sarah I thought I would have learned that time is finite, but I guess it took you, at least in my mind, almost dying for me to realize that I should just say something,” I said, laughing nervously. “Oh and Kie made me realize just how in love with you I am” I spoke rolling my eyes before realizing what I said. I felt my face heat up, as I looked over at JJ with wide eyes trying to gauge his reaction. 
JJ grabbed my hand. Struggling slightly because of the awkward tangled IV that was stuck in the back of his hand. He huffed as he tugged at it trying to pull it out of the way. His hand was wrapped around mine when he started speaking. “You know, I’m glad she did because I’ve been in love with you all summer.”
Tagging b/c I asked:) @tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar​ @write-from-the-heart​ @jjmaybanksbaby​ @kikifromtheblock​
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holland-stan-posts · 6 years
To the only boy I love - Sebastian Stan
Summary: you've joined Sebastian meanwhile he is filming in Greece, turns out you get bored and catch up in all his films...but then you both make an agreement to watch one and unconsciously you hurt his feels.
A/N: I wanna specially thanks to my friend @kirawritesaboutevanstan for checking out this thing for me and making my shit writing into a fairytale one! Thanks baba, ily loads. ALSO CHECK OUR HER AMAZING WRITING HERE. (Highly recommend 'The Anchor in their lives' ❤)
M a s t e r l i s t
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Basically, you've toured Greece from one end to the other in these two weeks. You were done, screwed. But your boyfriend was filming, and as support, you have to stay next to him. Not that you're there obligated to do so, but you took a month off from work, so you decided to join him during that time.
The thing is; you are officially bored.
Athens was nice, you took loads of pics and even wandered through smalls islands from Greece, so now you're sitting on the big sofa that Sebastian’s rented apartment has.
It's big, comfortable and almost feels like home. It's situated near the filming location which means it's quiet and very calm. Not really like your apartment back in SoHo. And as much as you hated to admit it but you sort of miss the constant noise of the city.
Now you spent your days alone, on the big couch, fighting with the remote control or with the devices since they're in Greek. However, you cherish every moment your boyfriend comes back from work. He'd snuggle on your side. He is warm and very welcoming, so hugging him is a totally win-win situation.
Also, he is very private when it comes to you. He doesn't post many pics of you on his social media, like on Instagram stories or WhatsApp's status. He likes you to keep you to himself. Mostly. That changed when he often found you screaming at the t.v. Because of a movie you were watching. He finds himself enjoying when you're watching a horror film, and then you're saying things like "don't fucking turn around Josh, you gotta get yourself killed dumbass!" or "KISS HIM ALREADY ALEX! CAN'T YOU SEE THE GUY HAS A CRUSH ON YOU?". His camera is ready for your endless reactions. He just loves that.
You've set yourself a goal, a few days ago. You've told yourself to start watching again Sebastian’s old & new films.
So by the time he made home today, he found you with a pillow in your hands, your popcorn bowl next to you and as snug as a bug in rug wrapped up in a blanket.
Let's not forget is HOT AS HELL in Greece right now, but due to the A.C. systems, you're freezing.
You are screaming to a Ben on the screen.  Your eyes light up when you spotted Sebastian standing in the door frame, eyes tired and with a happy smile.
You pause the movie and stare at him.
“Long day?” he only nods and walk to the comfy sofa and lays next to you.
“Was it hard? Do you want something to eat? I ordered a take out because you must be tired of my food by now” you scratch his hair carefully.
“I love your food, but take out sounds good too,” he says, instantaneously closing his eyes.
You're back at your business, he already took a shower and is full of energy next to you, his Chinese food on a plate, his phone in his hands.
“What are we watching?” he asks nonchalantly.
“The Apparition” you grin.
“What? Babe, are you kidding right?” he laughs at your choice.
“Nope, I found the movie on Netflix and damn, those abs were gold back in time Stan” you tease.
“True thing, they were. But now? They kill” he winks at your direction, and you just roll your eyes playfully.
He left the room again, and you started the movie again decided to finish it, once again you're screaming at the screen since the characters are sort of dumb.
“I can't understand why they haven't left the house yet! It's haunted for fuck's sake!” you screamed at no one in particular.
“I don't think you understand that part babe. The house is not haunted. It's Ben, well sort of” Sebastian explains with the toothbrush in his mouth. He left again and then you suddenly got scared, so a pillow is being attacked by your hands now.
“Shit. Shit. Shit. They're going to die!” when Sebastian’s character dies you literally do a facepalm. “WHAT THE FUCK DUDE? You can't just die! Damn thing!” again, Sebastian’s phone is recording you. You get to the scene where the girl dies, so you're completely tense, waiting for the moment to happen. You don't even register him coming, still recording. Your bowl of popcorn in your hands, chewing slowly. When the demon takes the girl, Sebastian decides it's a good time to scream, he does, and the next thing your popcorn is flying around all over the living room.
“FUCKING HELL SEBASTIAN YOU SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME YOU DUMBASS!” you hit him with the pillow, he is having a hard time breathing because he is laughing so hard.
“I'm sorry, baby! It was just so fun!” he says between laughs.
“Shut the hell up. You're lucky I didn't kick you out for that little prank you did there” you hiss at him and sit down on the couch.
He stops laughing and walks towards you, looking like a sad puppy. Jumping next to you, ignoring him you look for another movie on Netflix to watch. His head flies to your lap, looking at you.
“Babe? Please, I'm sorry. Would you forgive me? I'll do anything for you” he begs.
That exact moment you found the movie everyone is talking about.
“Okay I'll forgive you if you watch this movie with me!” you stare at him and kiss his nose.
“Oh no, babe! I'll do anything else just don't make me watch a rom-com!” he says whining and acting like a child.
He, in fact, loves to watch movies, but when is a rom-com from Netflix he is not a very big fan of them.
“C'mon jerk, you scared me. Now you get your payback. Oh and bring new popcorn” you smile innocently.
“You're lucky I love you” he mutters and goes to the kitchen for a new bowl of popcorn.
"To All the Boys I've Loved Before" is on and ready to start. You can say it's not going to be good based on the trailer you watched earlier, but since everyone is talking about a Peter Kavinsky, you want to see now.
When everything is set up, Sebastian immediately hugs you, using your shoulder as his pillow. The movie starts, and you both get so engulfed in it.
“I’d fucking move out of the country if that happens to me,” you tell to Sebastian who agrees when you see how Lara Jean’s letters are nowhere to be seen.
“Look, babe, he is writing little love letters to her,” you say in awe.
“He only wants to play with her. She's going to end up with Josh, believe me. TeamJosh” he says now wholly focused in the movie, he even left his spot on your shoulder.
“How so? He is her sister ex-boyfriend! That can't happen! It's a code we all agree on when we start dating! Do not date your boyfriend/girlfriend friends or family! Also, look at Peter! He is totally into her!” you say now.
“You'll see,” he says shrugging his shoulders.
“Oh boy! He really declares his love over the letters! I'm dying! This is so damn cute! He even stands up for her in the school! I told you!” you say tearing up when the end credits show up.
“Don't die, baby. I love you” Sebastian says really concerned.
“JUST LOOK AT THEM! I wish I could receive love letters too. Peter Kavinsky is so perfect! I want one too” you cry.
“Ouch. That's hurt my ego a bit” he breaks apart the hug and looks at you a bit hurt.
“Oh please, it's a fictional character” you explain with a shrug.
“It's okay. Let's go to bed. I have a long day tomorrow” he walks away, leaving you to clean the mess.
Later that night, after all the cleaning, you go to bed finding Sebastian sleeping deeply.
You check your phone for new messages when you found three notifications from Instagram where Sebastian mentioned you in his story.
The first one is where you are screaming at the t.v. Watching The Apparition. The caption is “someone decided to catch up on my old movies...I think I did a good job in that one. @yourusername ❤”
The other one is where he scared you, and the popcorn flies all over the place. “Sorry baby, you just looked so cute all scared @yourusename. 😜”
And the third is one you didn't notice he took. A pic of you swiping your tears away while you were watching the other movie. “She told me to watch this rom-com as a payback for the prank, now she's crying because she wants a Peter Kavinsky in her life...I'm slightly offended @yoursusername” you smile at the pic, his back is turned to you, so for tonight, you decide to be the big spoon.
Whispering a “you're way better than a Peter Kavinsky” in his ear you fall asleep, with your hands on his waist, your head resting on his back. Slowly he covers your hands with his and let you hug him tighter.
The next morning you wake up alone, Sebastian is long gone, you close your eyes a bit more, and when you reach for your phone in the nightstand you touch a paper that falls, so you got up and look for it.
You were on the border of tears. You didn't expect him to do that. He is the most incredible person you could ever wish for.
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When Sebastian comes back home that night, he found on the coffee table some pizza’s boxes with coke, a movie ready to start and you standing there, with a rose.
“Babe? What's all this?” he asks clearly confused.
“Sorry I told that I want another guy in my life, I said that without thinking about your feelings. You're the only boy I want in my life” you held the rose in front of him to take. He takes it carefully.
“Normally a guy brings his girl flowers not the other way around” he laughs with tears in his eyes, reading the little paper that is in the rose, 'To the Only Boy I Love'.
“I know. But I think my boy should get flowers too. I love you Seb, a lot” you run to hug him, hiding your face in his neck. He whispers a slowly "Love you too" instantaneously he hugs you back, and stays there for a while, then cups your face and kisses you deeply.
When both your lungs scream for air, he breaks apart and whispers  “Hi” and smiles.
“Hi” you greet him too.
“Okay, let's go to see those movies” he laughs, kissing you again.
“Wait, you were serious? I honestly was thinking to let you choose tonight” you smile taking his hand.
“Really?” You nod, and his smile is bigger than ever.
He gives you a peck on your lips and runs to the couch, choosing an action movie and then pats the space next to him. “C'mon let's watch this one and then we'll watch one of your choices.”
“Oh Gosh, it's going to be a long night” you smile but cuddle next to him anyways.
Permanent taglist: @kirawritesaboutevanstan
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grandprincessfun · 5 years
Responding To Unsolicited Dick Pictures
How insane is the world today that I have actually taken the time to draft a standardized response to send to the men out there in the world who see me on social media and then proceed to send me a picture of their dick?
Many times this is their first interaction with me. We have never met, we have never even exchanged a hello, and there it is, in Facebook Messenger, Instagram DM, or some other chat tool - a picture of their dick. Seriously? Really? That’s the best you can do? That is your opening line? You honestly think that this is what #girlslikeus want to see from you right up front? You honestly cannot be this dumb, right? I know someone out there taught you better than this.
Yet, somehow, I still manage to receive these pictures over and over again. I know that I am not the only one because we girls talk about these things and just about every single one of us gets these horrible pictures through social media. What honestly troubles me the most about this is that if I am receiving pictures like this at my age, then I bet that young girls are probably receiving them, too. Monkey see, monkey do. Little boys out there are seeing their older brothers and other older men conduct themselves this way, so I am sure that naturally, they are thinking in their little minds that this is appropriate and just another way to flirt with girls. And that, honestly, turns my stomach.
If you’re walking down the street and a man whips out his dick and shows it to you, he goes to jail. But, if he sends it to you on your phone instead, hey, no harm, no foul? This disgusting practice really needs to stop. It is becoming too normalized and it is time for us to help bring about its end, ladies.
This morning, I finally got around to going through Facebook Messenger on a new profile I set up about three weeks ago, and, believe it or not, with three week’s worth of messages in there, there was only one dick pic! As much as this should not shock me, it actually did come as a total surprise. And, that got me thinking. How wrong is it that I sat down to open my messages and was expecting to see much more than just one of these highly inappropriate pictures?
And, since I had a few extra minutes this morning, I digitally penned a response to this person who I have never met before, never interacted with on social media at all, and who for some reason thinks it is perfectly normal for his first interaction with a girl to be the sending of a picture of him with his dick hanging out. I have posted my response below so that you, dear reader, can use it as well.
I know we may be fighting a losing battle and that most men are going to just read this response and then go on about their day sending unsolicited dick pics, but if we can just give them a moment of pause to think about what they are doing as an actual action and not just a subconscious send, maybe it can make some small difference. Maybe it will keep some underage girls from being subjected to this horrible new human normal.
Let me part with you today by saying that I hope you all have an amazing, unsolicited dick pic free day, but if not, feel free to send them this:
You really shouldn’t send girls pictures like this without them asking. It is highly inappropriate and borders on illegal. If it was up to me, it would carry the same legal ramifications as flashing a girl in public. I really hope that you will stop this practice. I have discussed this issue at length in our community and virtually all girls are offended by receiving pictures like this. Just imagine what it is like for the women and girls in your life to receive pictures like these. You really should take the time to get to know a girl and learn about her personality long before you should feel comfortable sending her a picture of your genitals. This type of behavior should never be normalized or accepted and I hope that by sending you this and you reading it, you will realize just how inappropriately you have conducted yourself. I truly hope that you will stop this practice of sending pictures like this to women.
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Road to Achievement City: Chapter 2- Meetings Had
Summary: Achievement Hunters are a group of treasure hunters who have been searching for the ruins of Achievement City for ages. Jack finds an old map in his parents’ attic that may be the key to finally finding the ruins. The journey ahead may be long, but at least they’ll be traveling down the right road this time.
Word Count: 1,319
Parings: Gavin/Ryan
Previous / Next / AO3
Jack called Geoff after family dinner that night and told him that he needed to get to Achievement Hunter headquarters in Austin as soon as possible. Jack said he would be there in the morning and that he was bringing his older brother along as a part of the hunt. Geoff agreed, and Jack and Ryan were set to head down to Austin in the morning. Ryan was reluctant to travel, seeing as he wanted to spend time with their dad for his birthday, but Jack argued that they’d have all weekend with their dad, and this was just a day trip. Ryan agreed, after that.
After Ryan was woken up early by an excited Jack the next morning, they drove the 3-hour drive to the Achievement Hunter headquarters. Once they arrived, Ryan followed Jack to a meeting room. There were three younger men sitting at the meeting table. One had curly auburn hair and what seemed like a permanent scowl on his face. The next man was lanky, had messy dark blonde hair, and a rather large nose. The last man was short, bald, and muscular; and he looked vaguely familiar.
“Morning Lads,” Jack greeted the men as he and Ryan entered the room.
“Morning, Jack,” the curly-haired man replied in return.
“Did Geoff run off to do something?”
“News of another lead on finding Achievement City must have given him a boner and he’s getting B-Team ready for the map. Speaking of which, who’s the douchebag holding it?”
“This douchebag happens to be joining us on the treasure hunt. He’s my older brother—”
“RYAN!” the short man interrupted, rushing over to Ryan. “I missed my Battle Buddy.”
“Battle Buddy…” Ryan questioned and the man gave him a huge hug. “Jeremy?” The man nodded. “Jeremy, it’s been years! You’ve gotten so big, but not very tall.” Jeremy released the hug and punched Ryan in the shoulder.
“You know him?” the curly-haired man asked.
“Yeah, he used to babysit me, when I was a kid,” Jeremy replied.
“Alright, so you already know Ryan, Jeremy. Why don’t you introduce yourselves, Michael and Gavin, and explain what you do in the group,” Jack said.
“Well, I’m Michael,” the curly-haired man started. “I do explosives and pyrotechnics for navigating through tough obstacles.”
“You already know me, but I do a lot of the heavy lifting for treasure hunts. I mostly just help out with whatever needs extra help,” Jeremy explained.
“Mm-hm,” Ryan replied with a nod. Then he looked at the last man. “And what about you?” he asked.
The last man looked at him. Ryan noticed that the new man was staring at him, looking lost in thought. He had no idea if the man was thinking or judging him, or he was just staring into space.
“Gavin!” Michael said, elbowing the man. “Introduce yourself!”
The man snapped out of his gaze and coughed. “I’m Vav… uh, I mean… Gavin,” he stuttered.
“Smooth,” Jeremy teased.
Michael stared at Gavin, wide-eyed. “Dude…” he mouthed.
“And what is your job in the group?” Ryan asked.
“I, uh, do teach. I mean, tech. Bollocks…” Gavin continued to stutter.
“Oh, cool. I work for a tech support company, so maybe I could be your assistant or something,” Ryan suggested with a smile.
“I… uh…” Gavin started. Then he shut his mouth and started to rapidly nod his head up and down.
“Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?” Michael whispered to Gavin.
“I have no idea what you’re on about,” Gavin whispered back.
“You’re staring at Jack’s brother.”
“I am?”
“Yeah. Do you think he’s hot or something? Because you look like you’re in love or something?”
“What? I mean, he is a rather handsome bloke…”
“Did you just get smitten with Jack’s older brother?”
“I’m not sure. Maybe?”
“What, you gonna try to get drunk with him and ask him out?”
“I don’t know…”
Michael looked up at Ryan. “Hey Ryan, hypothetically would you wanna go out for a drink some time?” he asked.
“Hypothetically? Well… I don’t drink…” Ryan replied, confused.
Michael turned back to Gavin. “So, getting drunk with him won’t work for you,” he whispered.
“I don’t know if I can interact with someone so bloody handsome without getting distracted,” Gavin whispered back.
“Well, you still need you get shit done. You gotta try acting more confident and assertive if you’re nervous about being distracted.”
“I’m not sure I’ve very good about—”
“Hey what are you guys whispering about?” Ryan interrupted to ask.
“Oh, ignore them. it’s always ‘Team Nice Dynamite’ against the world,” Jack said.
“‘Team Nice Dynamite.’ “
“What they call themselves.”
“Well, since Mavin is over there gossiping, we can catch up,” Jeremy said.
“I got good news, everyone!” a new man said as he entered the room. He had dark brown hair, tired eyes, and was covered in tattoos.
“Nice of you to finally join us, Geoff,” Jack said.
“I don’t need your sass, Jack.” Then he turned to Ryan. “And you must be the techy brother who has the map to Achievement City.” He walked over and offered his hand. “Geoff Ramsey.”
“Ryan Haywood-Pattillo,” Ryan introduced in return, shaking Geoff’s hand.
“So, what was this good news you had for us?” Jack asked.
“Well, B-Team zoomed in on the picture of the map you took on your phone and determined it wouldn’t be a very long trip to find the treasure after all,” Geoff explained.
“What do you mean?” Jeremy asked.
“Everyone, come gather around the pic on my phone so I can show you.”
“You know,” Ryan said as he pulled out the map. “I have the actual map with me.”
“Damn, that makes things easier. Lay it out on the table,” he said. Ryan nodded an rolled the map out. Everyone gathered around the map. “Alright. So, it looks like it’s about a five-hour drive from Austin to the Mexico border.  Then an hour south and five more hours west and we should be there.”
“Okay, so, this treasure isn’t very far away…” Michael said.
“Now that we have the map in person, B-Team should be able to get more of their shit together.”
“Meaning?” Gavin asked.
“If we give B-Team the weekend to work, we should be on our way to finding Achievement City by Monday!”
“Monday!?” Ryan yelped.
“Yeah, Monday. What’s the problem with that?”
“It’s just that, I was only supposed to be in town for Jack’s and my father’s birthday and I was supposed to fly back to Georgia on Sunday. And I’m pretty sure Jack told you that I wanted to be a part of this treasure hunt because the map technically belongs to me.”
Jack sighed. “I did tell you that Ryan wants to be a part of this, Geoff.”
“So, is it possible that we could do this hunt in a couple months, so I can schedule actual vacation time to take off of work for?”
“Ryan, buddy, I’m sorry dude, but this is what we’ve been searching for, for years. It’s what we name the treasure hunting team after, so we’re going to want to get on this hunt. As soon as possible. So, you have to decide, how important is going on this treasure hunt, to you?” Geoff asked.
“I…” Ryan paused then sighed in defeat. “I’ll go call my boss and tell him that I need the vacation time now, and I’ll be unable to come into work for a couple weeks.”
“Are you absolutely sure you still want to do this?” Jack asked.
“The map is mine, so yeah, I’m sure I want to do this.” Jack gave Ryan a pat on the shoulder and nodded. Ryan smiled and pulled out his cellphone.
“Just remember, you’re not going to be vacationing in this vacation,” Michael joked.
Ryan sighed and exited the room to go make his call.
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Jessica Jones, Guardians, Spider-Man, Ant-Man, and just all sorts of growth
This is probably the one where we really got off the handle, so just keep that in mind.
macrocondy3point0 After many trials and tribulations they finally arrive at the border And are greeted by Shuri 's toe
twitchystitch jessica looks up and up, and up some more "...Okay. It's a REALLY convincing illusion." shuri pokes them with her toe "With really good animatronics and shit."
macrocondy3point0 We haven't really established much about Shuri here have we? Other than she's really big and hangs out with Mantis (I think I should mention from the movie, Shuri is also meme trash) https://youtu.be/HTqNOGeGNeU https://youtu.be/Pe0qZQTDeHw
twitchystitch SHE IS A MEMING FIEND im assumign that shuri saw them coming from a distance and just had to be the first to greet them
macrocondy3point0 How did they not notice her?
twitchystitch she somehow overhard their talks on the phone with friends and
twitchystitch she couldn't resist the urge to greet them my guess is that they wren't paying attentio nwhere they should, she craated some kind of camoflauge cloak solely for this ocassion and jessica really is not expecting the giants to be Real
macrocondy3point0 How's patsy react?
twitchystitch jessica is stubbornly refusing to acknwoeldge obvious patsy is like "SHE'S EVEN PRETTIER THAN I THOUGHT SHE WOULD BE" about to swoon heart eyes ad sclaped hands *clasped
macrocondy3point0 And of course, where there's unrestrained excitement There's Mantis
twitchystitch OOOOH I HADNT EVEN THOUGHT OF HER see after ifrst both of them think something is a bit odd about the sky it's a lovely but unusual shade and then it starts MOVING THAT IS NOT THE SKY THAT ISS A REALLY GIANT LADY
macrocondy3point0 Her hand rushin down to scoop them both up
twitchystitch jessica makes a small startled noise, her skepticism is desperately trying to hold on
twitchystitch patsy is holding onto the nearest bit of finger for dear life they are brought up to m assive face dominated by huge lips which smooch 'em
macrocondy3point0 Shuri was impressive enough, but Someone as curvy as Mantis
twitchystitch "HI NEW FRINEDS!!!"
macrocondy3point0 What sort of thoughts do you think Mantis has about them at first?
twitchystitch "SO SMALL AND SO CUTE!" she instantly picks up on jessica's cynicism and skeptical nature and this makes her sad but it also makes her obligated to get her to be Happy (also consider that promximity to them makes Jessica increasingly strong, that she can do things like make Mantis move
twitchystitch only a tiny bit but still she is now extremely strong
macrocondy3point0 Once the shock wears off, she's gonna HATE it How do you think she first notices?
twitchystitch like first sign is that she pushes on mantis' finger and the finger moves this finger is as long as a continent, possibly jessica notices that as odd but so big that she cant process it but then some other time shel eans on mantis' foot mantis is slightly psuhed aside SHE CANT IGNORE THAT
macrocondy3point0 and that's only after a few minutes exposure An idea It's not just that she's gotten stronger, but that the vast majority of actions take ludicrously few calories to achieve So if doing something like pushing aside Mantis' finger barely burns, say, 10 Most average, everyday activities don't burn any at all
twitchystitch ooooh this sounds really interesting she might be fueled by calorie consumption now but it takes very ltitle to do ANYTHING, as you say so she starts building up a LOT of fat VERY fast
macrocondy3point0 Which in turn means that she holds onto calories REALLY easily
twitchystitch since almsot nothing can burn off an appreciable amount
macrocondy3point0 And since they're in Wakanda and being given food meant for Wakandan women
twitchystitch who are of course huge and strong its far more than she can easily process? LOTS OF WEIGHT
macrocondy3point0 How much do you think she packs on over their first night?
twitchystitch around, say, 50 pounds extra at this point she's cautious about what she eats
macrocondy3point0 (Also) (I bought this WG pack with Jessica and Patsy once, and)
Husky fat Jessica is a major cute
twitchystitch YES i was thinking the same thing?? i have a new favorite thing: Jessica being LArge and happy
Even the first one here is very good
twitchystitch THESE ARE REALLY GOOD TRANSITIONAL PICS chubby jessica is ludicrous degrees of Cute
twitchystitch (now i wonder if anyone has done JEssica devouring Kilgrave; I've a fondness for retributive vore) OMGOSH SHE IS ADORABLE THERE???? why is husky jessica so endearing
twitchystitch in the new turning of the marvel Earth, this is a standard look for models now reporters gotta be CHUB to make an impression
twitchystitch jessica becomign the calmer, more patient one is appealing imagine that as they get ultra husky Jessica becomes a lot more laid back and calmer
twitchystitch while patsy is increasingly less patient and has no more impulse control jessica IS her impulse control
twitchystitch jessica is totally capable of draining inentire kegs with ease now jessica is strong enough to jump to the moon and back with no calorie expenditure she just likes sitting around and not having to do anything
macrocondy3point0 I love it when characters get so big that they don't even need underwear for modesty's sake
twitchystitch SAME after you get to a certain point
twitchystitch underwear is impractical and too confining (your own body mass is your modesty somehow it makes sense to them
macrocondy3point0 Consider Jessica being remarkably cool for her weight Like, she barely produces much body heat So she's very chill to the touch
twitchystitch oooh i like this a lot its a good contrast to the ultra warm giants one time danny made a drink cold by hiding it in her fat folds for a while
macrocondy3point0 Imagine Jessica and Patsy meeting Okoye and Peter
twitchystitch (i have no diea what the defender dynamic is but im forced to assume they now all live together and its like a goofy sitcom) A GREAT DUO MEET UP jessica is stunned at them not just because of the size but because peter is blasting music real loud "HOW DID YOU EVEN GET A MUSIC THING THT BIG" she pauses "WHY IS IT ALL OLD SCHOOL MUSIC"
macrocondy3point0 Honestly, we don't address it much
macrocondy3point0 but those two must look INCREDIBLY lewd to outsiders
twitchystitch two gigantic immensely curvaceous women all dressed in the nude in the LEWD to say nothing of how touchy feely they are weith each other (a fun idea for mixing it up with these concepts; introduce someone who has nothing to do with the situation and how they freak out over the Lewdness) im forced to assume that these two are basically draped over one another
macrocondy3point0 One perfectly smooth, the other exceptionaly hairy Both sweating profusely
twitchystitch perfectly contrasting one another, in polar opposite ways
twitchystitch jessica takes a picture okoye notices the noice and picks them up "And who are you, spying on us?"
macrocondy3point0 the two of them get instantly soaked Is Okoye actually mad at being spied on, or is she teasing?
twitchystitch teasing she only gets mad when it's serious she would be mad at, say, loki showing up to Ruin everything (if you ever need someone to show up and cause trouble for Plot fun, loki is always there to do just that) she's just teasing these tiny new yorkers
macrocondy3point0 Not that she lets on, of course
twitchystitch she enjoys teasing and scaring regular human sized people in the sense of HEIGHT, of course (they're hardly human sized in girth) she gently squeezes them, smirking and combined with her sweat, it makes them all woozy in a pleasant way
macrocondy3point0 How long do you think it takes the two of them to pass the ton mark?
twitchystitch a couple of weeks, as while they retain almost all calories it takes them some time to start getting bigger appetites oens suitable to their station
macrocondy3point0 that's a good cat post
twitchystitch a thing non-cat owners never seem to be told about is how DANG WEIRD cats are at this moment my cat is sitting next to me, guarding my soda SHE IS A STEELY EYED SENTINEL, WHO ONLY OCASIONALLY FLEES FROM HER OWN SHADOW AND SMALL BUGS
macrocondy3point0 I love this AU we've created
twitchystitch it's so nice and full of Goodness got any ideas for an official name for it??
macrocondy3point0 Not really, unfortunately
twitchystitch ah well; if you tihnk of anything, i'm open to ideas~
macrocondy3point0 I'd imagine it takes a while for the two of them to really put on weight Or at least Jessica
macrocondy3point0 i'm thinking Mantis only really makes her stronger and calorie retentive Patsy burns calories at a normal rate, but Wakandan food tastes good
twitchystitch YES its a combination of mantis' feelings on her and jessica's powers making her retain callories patsy is more or less a normal human, minus the alterations but wakandan food is so filling and so good
macrocondy3point0 Jessica might not want to bloat up too fast
twitchystitch (plot twist, one of theire original reasons for closing borders was because they noticed that their food kept making outlanders super chub)
macrocondy3point0 Jessica is straining her clothes, and can go a long time without food So she eats sparsely
twitchystitch every time she does, she gains a notable amount of weight every meal her seams start straining
macrocondy3point0 She doesn't MIND the weight gain, thanks to Mantis' influence But she doesn't really want to burst her clothes
twitchystitch "I like these clothes. They're iconic and shit!" she's trying to moderate her weight gain and she's doing pretty well considering that
macrocondy3point0 (Her rear is always prominently outlined)
twitchystitch well, proximity to mantis and moderation do NOT mix (giant jessica butt is a must)
macrocondy3point0 It's the first thing that starts growing
twitchystitch imagine jessica initially being super smug about her engorging ass and then slightly concerned about how its starting to strain her pants "I like it getting big but... okay, seriously, what the hell?"
macrocondy3point0 When do you think she figures out that it's the food?
twitchystitch i want to say surprisingly like a week in she initially asumes its a weird function of her powers takes her that long to work out that its her food intake causing it
macrocondy3point0 Patsy's own gain probably helps her figure it out
twitchystitch "Okay, me getting fat as hell is one thing and a gifted thing, but patsy's regular human. No one in hell this is just about me."
twitchystitch she dmeands to know what the hell the Wakandans put in their food "the stuff of hopes and dreams" she is told, with a sttraight face (its a matter of national pride to mess with foriegners like thaT) (like australia and drop bears)
macrocondy3point0 (Patsy: Significantly gassier than Jessica?) (Especially given her increasingly short temper and impulse control?)
twitchystitch YES jessica has a LOT of self control patsy has none she will start aruging about something and just
twitchystitch let out a massive belch it is somehow angry
macrocondy3point0 How long does that switch take?
twitchystitch three weeks they get used to the food theier new states of being and the food and new state of mind makes jessica calm down a lot and just sit back while patsy is free to be the loud one with the shift in polinteness going in the world now she adapts not longer there after to being gassy and not caring
macrocondy3point0 For as much as Patsy eats, she's still behind Jessica in overall weight)
twitchystitch yes jessica is just the queen of massive weight patsy could stuff her face nonestop for a whole day and jessica could still make more weight in a signle leisurely meal
macrocondy3point0 She might not eat much, but whenever she does deign to eat, she eats a LOT and since she doesn't use any of it, it all goes to her body
twitchystitch YES table's creak a she eats and her digestive systme converts every gram into more biomass
macrocondy3point0 Patsy becomes incredibly jealous
twitchystitch in their world now, big is the new beautiful
macrocondy3point0 Even though Jessica would like to keep her clothes intact, she also gets a very smug sense of satisfaction in letting Patsy come close to touching her, and then surging ahead with a leisurely breakfast
twitchystitch whether your a giant or a fatblob, hyper curvy milf or just muscular, you gotta get BIG and she is super jealous jessica LOVES winning but she's more quietly smug than outright "AHAH HA" about it patsy seethes with envy wakandan cooks love jessica because she is an excellent taster
macrocondy3point0 I forget, did we decide if Wakandan women are taller on average? Instead of just the royal guard?
twitchystitch i dont think we discussed that but i think its a fine idea; how about the average wakandan woman is upwards of 7 feet but not to the extremes of the reroyal guard?
macrocondy3point0 They tend to baby the two outsiders
twitchystitch they're so small and kind of grumpy and its ADORABLE they can feed them all they want
macrocondy3point0 Even though Jessica can easily bench press ALL of them At once
twitchystitch they enjoy carrying them about like pudgy baskets the entire population of wakanda she could do it (including the giants?)
macrocondy3point0 Possibly would strain her enough to make her actually use all that excess energy
twitchystitch imagine Jessica doing something like punching out a god or similar ultimate foe
twitchystitch and reverting to her original build (she immediately would get back to building up the bulk) (she would probably be considering their Ultimate back up weapon in this case)
macrocondy3point0 Well, in case Mantis doesn't instantly take care of the problem like she does all problems
twitchystitch sometimes she doesn't notice in time or was distracted by a passing bug in her defense, the bug is VERY cute
macrocondy3point0 Imagine Mantis expanding random bugs to massive proportions because she takes a fancy to them for a moment
twitchystitch "LOOK AT THIS CUTE BUG" the ladybug is now the size of a truck or the Helicarrier
macrocondy3point0 I say the latter It's still tiny to Mantis but to everyone else
twitchystitch yes should the bugs have their mannerisms altered? like the bigger they get they become docile
macrocondy3point0 Yes.
twitchystitch giant beetles that people tame and ride like really big ranch animals shield's new base of operations is a very large ladybug
macrocondy3point0 They also become very soft
twitchystitch there's also a giant hive of kaiju ants, even mantis isn't sure why she made Those YES still chitinous but its squishy springy they make soft squeaking sounds
macrocondy3point0 What other sorts do you think she's expanded?
twitchystitch i feel like the uglier or more unlovable it is the more likely she has taken a shine to it and madde it big and Loved mantis is drawn to the things no one else considers
macrocondy3point0 So like?
twitchystitch so like an ACTUAL mantis or two cockroaches scorpions and spiders
macrocondy3point0 The mantises are as big as her
twitchystitch all just sort of roamign the land like mobile pillows with legs
macrocondy3point0 She's fascinated by them
twitchystitch YES they wiggle their antannaes at each other having a thoughtful conversation
twitchystitch "Oh my!" shes ays "how insightufl!"
macrocondy3point0 Their pincers and arms aren't sharp at all anymore Just large masses of squish
twitchystitch they instinctively hug things instead of biting off the heads of meates, they just bonk their heads together Mantis really rubbed off on them
macrocondy3point0 Even the other Guardians think it's just a little weird
twitchystitch "Mantis, we love you and endorse you but the bug thing is... weird, it's just weird, okay?" rocket yells, "THIS ONE IS MAKING GOO GOO EYES AT ME, I SWEAR, IT TOTALLY IS!!!"
macrocondy3point0 She responds by creating big bug friends for all of them
twitchystitch OBVIOUSLY they need to be more familiar with the bugs to love them properly peter: OH GOD THE SPIDER IS IN MY HAIR ITS IN MY HAAAAIR! (im forced to assume that spider man is riding the spider and is just kind of there) everyone gets their own bug friend tthat terrifies them bucky refuses to leave whatever he lives in wakanda HE DIDNT ASK FOR BUGS
macrocondy3point0 He keeps getting more, because Mantis is sad he doesn't like them and keeps sending more
twitchystitch all of them in bucky' house are impossible bugs from the pre-Cambrian era those really REALLY big bugs but
twitchystitch even more onstrous and spooky looking and huge now "YOURE WELCOME" she says cheerfully
macrocondy3point0 But soft
twitchystitch bucky silently vows revenge somhow they are squishy and huggable the bugs are like giant living plushies basically imagine bug themed plushies but Alive, that is what mantis creates
macrocondy3point0 They really just keep going on about their business, but with all their needs permanently taken care of They'll take empathetic impulses from mantis and do what she asks because she asks REALLY nicely
twitchystitch if someone with the right powers asks the bugs, they say they do as she asks because she is so sweet and nice the spiders web people up because clearly they need some nap times the bugs do their best to be Helpful but go about it in weays that tend to annoy people
macrocondy3point0 Imagine that happening to Okoye Standing on duty when a massive squishy spider sneaks up on her and webs her up
twitchystitch she is left trapped and wiggling and ENRAGED bits of her sweat sizzlign throug hthe webs the spider gives her a swing as if to say 'oh come on, you needed a nap'
macrocondy3point0 Imagine their bites being able to calm people down
macrocondy3point0 Mantis basically transforms their venom into feel good juice
twitchystitch I LIKE THIS EVEN MORE scorpions sting peoplee and they fall down, giggling and wobblign cheerfully all venom becomes Happiness
macrocondy3point0 Temporary bloating too
twitchystitch (des tihs effect bug themed heroes too??)
macrocondy3point0 i'd say so
twitchystitch people hit with the venom swell up even ones wheere its just thematic like Ant Man
twitchystitch spider man too scott kisses a date and she bloats up and gets all giggly
macrocondy3point0 Oh my god I love that What happens if he and wasp kiss
twitchystitch MUTUAL BLOAD AND GIGGLY but becacues a wasp's venom is more powerful than an ant's he gets more of it while she starts floating
macrocondy3point0 Do keep going I love this idea
macrocondy3point0 And might even ask for a quick write-up tonight Just because it's so great
twitchystitch i'd be good wit hthat!
macrocondy3point0 Do you think you could? A couple of quick paragraphs at most
twitchystitch like say peter gives MJ a peck on the chee and she starts floating up too, getting super giggly (yes! i could definitely do that!)
macrocondy3point0 I'll leave you to it! sorry
twitchystitch :)
macrocondy3point0 (Be sure they get Big) (Like, a quick peck produces Big) (A deep kiss?)
twitchystitch ULTRA BIG the more passionate and deep the kiss the more big
macrocondy3point0 Scott and Peter have a great power at their disposal
twitchystitch kisses that make BWOOMPH
macrocondy3point0 All thanks to Mantis
twitchystitch more powerful than super strength or size shifting
macrocondy3point0 It makes Peter's dates awkward though Scott mostly does it to Hope
twitchystitch often surprising her with pecks on the cheek her cheeks swell up and her curves swell out before her body expands hugely
macrocondy3point0 She finds it highly endearing
twitchystitch (MJ likes to tease Peter by inviting him to deliver one of those venom smooches)
macrocondy3point0 Also Definitely Black Widow
twitchystitch YES DEFINITELY her venom kisses are EXTREMELY strong
macrocondy3point0 How much more than Peter or Scott?
twitchystitch hmm lets say that if Scott makes people bouncier and floaty and peter makes them swell out and almost eweightless than natasha renders anyone she kisses into a soft blob that floats completely free of gravity possibly going where she wants them to?
macrocondy3point0 Also, I'd imagine that they take much longer to deflate
twitchystitch yes with it depending on the venom strength of whoever does it
twitchystitch natasha takes the longest for them to deflate
macrocondy3point0 Peter's are quicker, but keeping in with the whole thing about Spider-Man having massive potential, they get big fast
macrocondy3point0 (It does make keeping a secret identity awkward)
twitchystitch just posted! YES he meekly is followed around by a stream of would be girlfriends that are interested in a quick smooch MJ is almost permanently kind of round because she REALLY likes being like this (she ends up developing self inflation powers as a consequnece its just what mantis does to ya
macrocondy3point0 (If I can go for maximum sin?)
macrocondy3point0 (What about Aunt May)
twitchystitch ALSO EFFECTED doesnt matter if the kisses are platonic or not the venom must flow into recipiewnts of affection or teasing, in black widow's case
macrocondy3point0 Who do you think Nat smooches most often?
twitchystitch apart from villains to keep them under control? she smooches hawkeye a lot in a platonic sense
macrocondy3point0 Yeah?
twitchystitch hawkeye ends up floating up even though he's fairly resistent to it through sheer stubbornness (hulk would also be effected
twitchystitch through sheer vulnerability to genuine affection
macrocondy3point0 But yes, aunt may
twitchystitch what if the kisses go both ways? like if they are kissed the effect happens so she gives peter an affectionate peck and starts swelling
macrocondy3point0 Which is especially cute given how slender and sinewy he usually is
twitchystitch YES
macrocondy3point0 Imagine if the first time he found out about Mantis' effect was giving Aunt May a good night kiss
macrocondy3point0 and the sheer SHOCK of it
twitchystitch getting him with his own venom? YES he comes to the compelte strong conclusion HE HAS DOOM KISS POWERS he declares he must remain forever celibate
macrocondy3point0 And yet
twitchystitch this lasts all of six hours when MJ pops up in the morning for a 'SUP SUP' smooch
macrocondy3point0 She doesn't know yet, but she kisses him full on the lips the second she sees him (She rushed in so fast, she didn't even notice Aunt May still floating on the ceiling)
twitchystitch aunt may is just "??????" just finding out he was Spider Man was enough of a shock and since MJ gets a full lip kiss the effect is much strongero n her
macrocondy3point0 Of course since it calms her down, she doesn't mind too much
twitchystitch she goes straight to full balloon VERY quickly MJ is DELIGHTED "SHIT ive never felt GIDDY before, this is frickin sweet"
macrocondy3point0 They run out of room VERY fast and she's still inflating
macrocondy3point0 Peter is MORTIFIED
twitchystitch he is pressed between a wall and MJ's expanding body (which she finds very pleasing indeed)
macrocondy3point0 Neither of them leaves until she starts deflating by like noon By which time she's already clammoring for more and eager to tell EVERYONE
twitchystitch by this point manits power's are doing enough weird things that the city just rolls with it and SHE GRABS PETER: "AGAIN, DUDE, AGAIN!!!" she busts into school, significnatly larger than before and yells
twitchystitch "SUP SUP GUESS WHAT PETE DOES NOW!"" he is mortifeied beyond measure
macrocondy3point0 Guess what you just did
macrocondy3point0 You just convinced me that needs its own mini-story
twitchystitch !!! THIS PLEASES ME
macrocondy3point0 Significantly larger MJ dragging peter into school, loudly announcing what he can do, and getting him to kiss as many girls as possible Think you can?
twitchystitch (i am seriously all about MJ developing inflate powers as a result too) YES I DEFINITELY CAN
twitchystitch mind sending in a prompt for that?
macrocondy3point0 Sent
twitchystitch AWESOME
macrocondy3point0 Looking forward to it (YOu think you could make notes about her voice and bounciness?)
twitchystitch -thumbs up!- my energy for talks feels pretty much spent for the day
macrocondy3point0 sorry
twitchystitch mind if i go off now?
macrocondy3point0 I don't mind but like
macrocondy3point0 This new direction has me VERY enthused sorry
twitchystitch (I can definitely do that!) its cool like having more suggestions for stuff would also be good for the writing of that
macrocondy3point0 I might send like five or six because i have so many ideas
twitchystitch (i glad i can help you come up with stuff that gets you so enthused, too!)
twitchystitch THESE ARE ALL GOOD go right ahead! heck whenever i give you an idea u got open permission to send it in
macrocondy3point0 Before you go, one more thing how often does MJ smooch Peter, and is the effect any different than when he smooches her?
twitchystitch hmmm i say that MJ is EXYREMEELY smoochy with peter it makes him floaty and get very rounded she loves doing this and then hugging him its like turning him into al iving plush
macrocondy3point0 Good thing he has his webs to pull himself along
twitchystitch sometimes she walks around, using his web as a leash or towline to keep him coming along
macrocondy3point0 Mantis bringing world peace leads to a lot of situations like this
twitchystitch all over the world sudden swells of bizarre and new powers makign everyone Happy
macrocondy3point0 Former heroes using their powers for weird things like this (Honestly, Peter spends more time bloated than MJ)
twitchystitch A world of Strangeness but Happiness
macrocondy3point0 (She's very dominant)
twitchystitch YES because she is so kissy and domineering
twitchystitch just grabbing him and smooching him until he bloats up
macrocondy3point0 she definitely loves doing it to random people too
twitchystitch i super endorse this dynamic sure she can inflate herself but she loves making other people puffed and floating and happy
macrocondy3point0 Do you think his venom is more potent if he releases it while inflated?
twitchystitch YES if he kisses while inflated people dont just go straight to balloon
twitchystitch but become much much larger
macrocondy3point0 MJ definitely loves getting kisses from him while he's blown up
twitchystitch imagine her clinging to him and recieving dozens of kisses
macrocondy3point0 (Does she have any cute nicknames for him?)
twitchystitch and as she swelled bigger and keeps him right against her body she calls him thigs like balloon boy, puffed up pete, puffy, things of that narure if its balloon or smooch related she's made a pun nickname for him
macrocondy3point0 (Also) (everyone with this power)
macrocondy3point0 (Massive lips)
twitchystitch YES, OF COURSE gigantic lips are one of my jams MJ typically puffs up her lips to large size even normally but anyone who gets hit by this especially if kissed
macrocondy3point0 Great on girls, great on boys
twitchystitch because the venom first goes to the lips gigantic pfufy smooching lips
macrocondy3point0 Peter becoming highly dependent on MJ
twitchystitch he becomes extremely fidgety and distressed wtihout an MJ kiss every few hours
macrocondy3point0 It probably takes a while though Like, she spends more time heavily inflated at first
twitchystitch im thinking that eventually, even her default is super curvy and puffy by this world's standards
macrocondy3point0 Because of how much she likes the sensation
twitchystitch YES
macrocondy3point0 How so?
twitchystitch even after she discovers that she enjoys pumping others up, she spends a lot of time like that LIKE SAY she is always at least a bit balloonified, so that her curves are puffed up huge lips, gigantic curves, a tendency to float when she walks
twitchystitch a surprisingly high pitched voice
macrocondy3point0 Of course, even though she's perfectly capable of doing so herself
twitchystitch when she hugs you, you sink into her
macrocondy3point0 she absolutely loves using Peter for it
twitchystitch yes she grabs him, pulls him into a kiss "It's mroe fun this way, ain't it Pete?" SMOOCH PUFF UP
macrocondy3point0 No I mean, to inflate other people
twitchystitch THAT TOO she yanks people in pushes them into a kiss with him and then they are orb shaped and floating up all giddy idea, some of that happiness is always transfered to MJ she gets giggly as an after effect
macrocondy3point0 This is all very good. (She probably insists on keeping him in a stretchy spider-man outfit at all times) (Just so everyone knows exactly what she has)
twitchystitch yes! its like he's wearing a sign she can pointe to and yell "LOOKIT MY MAN" its also convenient for the bwoomphing up
macrocondy3point0 It's been like a week since Peter wasn't floating. He finds that distantly concerning, but not too much.
twitchystitch it just feels too good to be a REAL bother and MJ likes it so he's happy with it
macrocondy3point0 what do you think becomes of Gwen?
twitchystitch i want to say she becomes MJ's partner in, if not crime, inflatation shennaigans
twitchystitch the more reserved and sweet one about it while MJ is more domineering about it
macrocondy3point0 She's usually riding on top of Peter
twitchystitch in er defense it is very very comfy up there peter doesnt mind whatever makes the girls happy makes him content
macrocondy3point0 What's his diameter on average anyways?
twitchystitch 12 foot diameter, maybe?
macrocondy3point0 Makes it rather difficult getting him inside
twitchystitch sure they could deflate him but
twitchystitch MJ gets mad at the notion HER PRECIOUS PARKER NOT BEING PUMPED UP AND HAPPY SHE WILL DESTROY WHOEVER SAID THAT but first she has to get him inside gwen and MJ just trying to shove hi mthrough the doorway, he squeaks al ot
macrocondy3point0 Fortunately, anyone who gets pumped up is quite malleable
twitchystitch they're almost like living huggable clay mj likes to sqush his cheeks until he giggles in this case, he rapidly ends up cube shaped
macrocondy3point0 So they're able to just
twitchystitch because of doorway
macrocondy3point0 stuff him through the door They also reassume their normal spherical form after a time Thing is most rooms aren't really large enough to let him do that so he winds up squishing up against stuff
twitchystitch their bodies tremble and eventually pop back into shape the rooms are just full of peter mj prefers to sleep like this now, with him as the bed or blanket
macrocondy3point0 gently kissing various parts of him for extra soft
twitchystitch its like kneading
twitchystitch but more fun for her
macrocondy3point0 This wasn't what he epected his life to be like when he started superheroing But it's nice
twitchystitch he didnt expect to get a girlfriend adn now he has MJ who is VERY nice and makes him happy
macrocondy3point0 Do you think she likes to mess with Aunt May too
twitchystitch yep! its more like good natured pranking aunt may isnt sure what she expected from what is basically gonna be her daughter in law
macrocondy3point0 Is there any difference in the way Gwen and MJ puff up?
twitchystitch i feel like MJ does it more gradualy; a bit of her arm here, her face there
twitchystitch its like a transformation sequence gwen likes to do it all at once if she can
macrocondy3point0 And their final forms?
twitchystitch but smoothly, while MJ's actual growth is abrupt hmmm i'm thinking that Gwen is a full round balloon while MJ is powerfu lenoguh that she can retain roughly human form, it's just well, extremely plush she CAN become a clasiscal round balloon if she feels like it, too
macrocondy3point0 All this inflating definitely pushes up their average heights if they ever return to fully deflated forms
twitchystitch YES how tall are you thinking
macrocondy3point0 Like 20 foot at least For all three
twitchystitch OOOOH YES (ironically a long time ago i contemplated mary jane having giantification powers) MJ is often at this huge size when she can, since she spends so much time a little bit inflated gwen a little bit less while Peter spends so much time inflated he has no idea of his new size until he is deflate
macrocondy3point0 Peter's likely tallest of the lot, really
twitchystitch and ironically the most submissive and totally devoted to their whims
macrocondy3point0 he never really stood a chance MJ is just too forceful a personality
twitchystitch she basically sat down, put her arm around him and said "yo you're my boy now" and he was like "okay" THIS IS HIS LIFE NOW
macrocondy3point0 and that was BEFORE all this
twitchystitch (i am EXTREMELY on board for this MJ/Peter dynamic) now he is literally living on a tether by her hand and very cool with it, too
macrocondy3point0 She's the one who wears the webshooters now They're the only way she has enough leverage to properly drag him along
twitchystitch "she's the one who wears the webshooters" is like code for dominance and he is the first one to insist that of course she ought to do it imagine her webbing his wrist and tugging him along "Cmon pete, we got places to be" (he sometimes catcheis himself about to say 'yes ma'am)
macrocondy3point0 What's an average day look like for them?
twitchystitch they head out, doing thier thing, going to get food and make sure all three of them are fed up with peter floating by on MJ's wrist usually she feeds him by hand because he's EXTREMELY passive
macrocondy3point0 MJ tips their servers with kisses
macrocondy3point0 they normally dont' complain
twitchystitch hard to complain when you get puffed up and full of JOY from it! then they usually wind up in the first adventure of the day such as herding giant beetles which are clogging up traffic
macrocondy3point0 oooh yeah They still get involved in various superheroics But it's more of the "solve a nuisacne" variety than fighting villains
twitchystitch exaclty!! oen time a whole bunch of balloon people got stuck and the job was to
twitchystitch figure out a way to get them to be unstuck
macrocondy3point0 MJ's solution was to make Peter REALLY big and then use his mass to shove them out into the open and tether them down until they deflated
twitchystitch YES she gave him a strong push and it was like shot-putting (this should be a sport) (bowling with giant puffed ups)
macrocondy3point0 Imagine their team-ups with Scott and Hope
twitchystitch technically its the Bug Team up but everyone knows its the smoochy puffing kiss guys and the ladies who give thme thier marching orders
macrocondy3point0 Hope allows scott to keep his form most of the time
macrocondy3point0 She's the one who gets puffed up most often Because she's a LOT better at using her body while in that state
twitchystitch her wasp powers make her good at navigating while in that state
macrocondy3point0 Scott tends to get overwhelmed by the euphoria
twitchystitch (also her wasp stings make peopel puff up too) IDEA SCOTT TENDS TO randomly switch size while puffed up one second he might go sub atomic in giddiness the next become a hundred feet high still orb-shaped either way
macrocondy3point0 You see why she doesn't trust him with it And prefer he smooch her into enormity
twitchystitch "Clearly im the only one that can be trsusted with this power" she say as she pulls him into a kiss that leaves her the size of a building and shockingly fleet for her size
macrocondy3point0 are there any meaningful differences between scott and peter's kisses?
twitchystitch HMMM i'd say that scott's kisses take place immediately, while peter's take a longer time to happen (additionally scott is more of a lovestruck fool everytime he smooches while peter is just going with whatever's happening
macrocondy3point0 Imagine the two of them interacting
twitchystitch they might be in balloon form or not but peter is like just swooning over them, while otherwise just sort of he sits and wobbles like he's grooving to inaudible music scott does his best to act like a big brother while a bit miffed that peter is technically more experienced with this than he is now
macrocondy3point0 still, if hope says no, it MEANS no (A great idea)
twitchystitch Hope's word, as far as he's concerned is much worse than the word of deities because
macrocondy3point0 (Jessica comes back) (MJ spies her)
twitchystitch her retribution is more swift and mad
macrocondy3point0 (Instant infatuation)
twitchystitch YES MJ takes one look at this Cool Badass and just heart eyes (IMAGINE MJ HAVING A POSTER OF HER EVEN BEFORE THIS HAPPENED
macrocondy3point0 how big would she be by the time she returns?
twitchystitch Jesisca: when the hell did they make posters of me??? her weight is probably
twitchystitch incalculablew by mundane means shei s SO heavy that her legs shouldn't be able to move at all but she's so strong it doesn't matter she just uses hoverchairs and doesn't care (if she's no talelr than before, than MJ will be 20 feet tall and able to pick her up squish hug that sounds ADORABLE
macrocondy3point0 the shock of what she saw in Wakanda means she's not TOO Surprised by what's going on here, but It's still a little eyebrow raising especially since she doesn't remember this spider guy being a big-lipped puffball
twitchystitch MJ is like "She is so HUGE, like its if you turned one of my balloon guys into solid fat... I LOVE HER."
twitchystitch jessica is like "I rmemeber you being a guy in way too much trouble WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED" peter points vaugely at MJ "she told me to smooch her" jessica: that explains fuck all peter: -shrugs-
macrocondy3point0 Jessica's probably wide enough to fill up a street
twitchystitch the streets shake when she walks
macrocondy3point0 and given that we said she was strong enough to move Mantis' finger on her first day of knowing her, a few months in Wakanda have made her POWERFUL
twitchystitch partly from the force of how much strength she exerts to move a sinclge stpe
twitchystitch NOW IF SHE WANTED TO she could probably kick the earth out of orbit she makes canon hulk look puny (IRONICALLY)
macrocondy3point0 And yet very chill about it
twitchystitch she's the most powerful Gifted in the world but she doesn't flaunt it or brag about it or ever really show it she's cool enoguh to know she doesn't need to show off
macrocondy3point0 She's ALSO not immune to a good smooching
twitchystitch MJ suddenly materializing 20 feet of lovestruck fangirl SMOOHC and jessica is puffing up
macrocondy3point0 those enormous lips smothering her head And pumping her entire body full of venom
twitchystitch her first thought is what the heck right after that as those lips are so soft
macrocondy3point0 Question is, is that enough to generate lift?
twitchystitch and the breath so nice
macrocondy3point0 Given her sheer weight
twitchystitch she thinks "...hey... that's kind of... nice..." and PPOMPH HMMM it does sound appealing for Jessica to be ballooned but so heavy she remained groundbound? imagine the huge bloaty fat ball still on the ground
macrocondy3point0 How MUCH does she expand though?
twitchystitch im imagining her fat spreading out so its something like a rather lumpy pancake OR, possibly
twitchystitch her body expanded to the point where her fat becomes a smooth orb the latter is obviously gonna be MUCH larger
macrocondy3point0 so you know which I prefer It's still very much got the texture and consistentcy of flab, but compeltely rounded out And yet STILL not enough to make her float It's like she's full of heavy gases
twitchystitch YES i like this some flying type people land in her sink in and are lost for hours
twitchystitch its liek quicksand but harmless and soft and fun
macrocondy3point0 MJ has wasp airlift her to a more open area
twitchystitch Jessica likes the opportunity to spread out not so much MJ making constant HORRIBLE PUNS at jssica's expense but she can live with it
macrocondy3point0 oooh what sort of HORRIBLE PUNS?
twitchystitch like say "This place looks great, Jess. Feel like 'spreading out'?" "Yeah sure" she says as she flattens
twitchystitch expanding outwards "that sounds like-" she stops the pun hit her "GODDAMIT, MJ."
macrocondy3point0 Imagine Mary Jane becoming damned and determiend to figure out what it takes to get her off the ground
twitchystitch do they need to get ever flyer on earth lifting her? A REALLY big helicarrier? the mother of all repulsor engines? she WILL FIND A WAY
macrocondy3point0 I mean more how many kisses does it take To get a jessica balloon floating
twitchystitch MJ is willing to find out at least a hundred? each one smothering jessica's increasingly large face in MJ lip prints she is gonna test the HELL out of that
macrocondy3point0 How's Jess feel about that?
twitchystitch initially annoyed
twitchystitch but the kisses feel so NICE
macrocondy3point0 (Also, some of those kisses are DEFINITELY from Peter)
twitchystitch she starts swooning but she still acts
macrocondy3point0 (Especially since his are more potent)
twitchystitch reluctantly grumpy imagine peter and MJ smooching her from either side of her face like two fairies kissing a giant while JEssica pretends she's not flattered "yeah yeah, do whatever you guys feel like..."
macrocondy3point0 Oh my god
macrocondy3point0 Just had an idea Imagine Jessica idly talking about Wakanda and all the things she saw over there, and specifically bringing up the giant insect population And what she saw a spider doing to Okoye once and MJ starting to put things together in her head regarding Peter If ONE spider-bite made him Spider-Man...
twitchystitch OOOOOOOOH "So... what would ANOTHER do??" she asks with a devilish grin
macrocondy3point0 From THAT kind of spider
macrocondy3point0 Peter's too caught up in smooching jessica to notice they're talking about him
twitchystitch jessica: Hey. happy dude. They're talking about you. PEter: ...whaaat... -smooching sounds-
macrocondy3point0 Imagine how chilly Jessica's body must be at that scale
twitchystitch soothing and cool just like jessica hereslf says MJ being a total DWEEB jessica just GROANS
macrocondy3point0 Assuming she CAN make Jessica float
macrocondy3point0 how big will she get by that point?
twitchystitch .... CITY SIZED?
macrocondy3point0 Imagine how ridiculously puffy her face would be by that point
twitchystitch just a mass of soft, her eyes not even visible dominated by a gargantuan pair of lips
macrocondy3point0 The sudden jolt of movement when she takes off, though
macrocondy3point0 She'd also have to be in a RIDICULOUSLY good mood
twitchystitch to others she looks pretty mild but to anyone who knows her the faint smile and ocasional giggle SHE IS NONSTOP ULTRA HAPPY the rest of the Defenders do a spit take at this with perfect unison
macrocondy3point0 How long does it take, do you think?
twitchystitch to get off the ground or to reach this size?
macrocondy3point0 Well, they both come with one another
twitchystitch with her sheer size it takes her several days to clear the ground comepletely
twitchystitch after peter is introduced to the giant spider (he and the spdier spend a long time just talking to each other, somehow he says 'you dont just smooch at the start of a date') and he returns with buffed spider powers
macrocondy3point0 you know that MJ takes them all to Wakanda To show off what she's done with Jessica
twitchystitch it still takes a week of work or so to start pumping up jessica to floating size
macrocondy3point0 (Imagine Okoye and Peter being puffier than when she left thanks to that spider)
twitchystitch okoye now looks utra thicc thanks to the puffiness while peter quill is almost mega chub from thep uffiness massive lips for both all the better for smooching each other up
macrocondy3point0 Okoye's slope downwards and rest upon her chest
twitchystitch SHE HAS THE MOST IMPRESSIVE PUFF SMOOCHES peter's face can fit between 'em qulll, specifically all of peter parker can vanishe between her lips
macrocondy3point0 Also, even though Okoye has been bitten more often by the spider trying to force her to rest, Peter has more of an allergic reation So she spends a lot of time just sort of lying down, rocking back and forth in her own softness
twitchystitch she is literally allergic to calming down the spider looms over them approvingly peter rocking in her own massive body (whoop, i am feeling tired - u -
macrocondy3point0 OK, last thing I swear Compared to the stature we left her lift, muscled with a massive gut, how much has Okoye puffed up?
twitchystitch NMMMHMMM
twitchystitch i feel that she looks VERY thicc overall due to thep uffing? it looks rather MILFy with her curves and softness HOWEVER she's still got a ton of muscle on open display she's just enormously squsihy to boot even her muscle is soft to the touch
macrocondy3point0 that puffiness doesn't JUST amplify fat after all
twitchystitch you poke, you sink into it ultra soft puff effect
macrocondy3point0 (What about her nipples?)
twitchystitch i lowkey love puff nipples permanently engorged maybe super big relative to her boob size?
macrocondy3point0 oh?
twitchystitch her nips being very big relative to her boobs, always making indents against whatever is covering her boobs if her hair is down and long enoguh to go there you can still make out the nips against her hair
macrocondy3point0 well, if she had hair
twitchystitch sometimes she pokes them and her finger sinks in
twitchystitch (CANT BELEIVE I FORGOT)
macrocondy3point0 How big have her breasts gotten anyways?  Because I was thinking for all her growth they initially remained modest But with this...
twitchystitch quill routinely swoons over her hmm consider some boob growth as a result of th espider's attention bringing out some of her maternal side and thus, boob size her boobs might still be modest by the new standareds of growth like maybe bigger than her head?
macrocondy3point0 They slope to the side because of the sheer mass of her belly
twitchystitch if thats not too small YES she seems a bit proud of how powerfu her stomach is that even boobs like hers are forced aside by its mass
macrocondy3point0 It DEFINITELY rests on the ground now
twitchystitch still got muscle on it she effortlessly moves because of pure Strength
macrocondy3point0 Also, idea Her butt is where the spider bites her most often, so that has gotten particularly big
twitchystitch YES her butt is almost as big as her belly?
twitchystitch (ultra soft and squishy quill sleeps on it most of nights
macrocondy3point0 like she wouldn't adore smothering her with it
twitchystitch imagine okoye just leanign back, massive butt pressing into quill' whole body with a smug smirk all the while
macrocondy3point0 which is impressive, given how much quill has puffed up she basically has parade float proportions now
twitchystitch she even floats up with movements, now and then she can float right into Okoye's arms
macrocondy3point0 why is it that the spider bites her too anyways?
twitchystitch spreading the love it felt bad that quill wasn't getting bites too insufficiently puffy
macrocondy3point0 (Also, while they've gotten big from multiple bites, don't forget that they get HUGE when bitten)
twitchystitch YES
macrocondy3point0 (And loving wrapped up in spider webs)
twitchystitch like a single spider bite will cause massive growth in the associated area the spider is like a therapist, will web you up and bite you until you are calm and in a position to discuss things imagine the puffed upe peopel being all wrapped up and loving it squeeing happily at the wraps
macrocondy3point0 (Ball Okoye)
twitchystitch she swells up into a massive round shape that peter can hug
macrocondy3point0 No more border guarding puffy nap time~
twitchystitch she just yawns rolls against peter
macrocondy3point0 (Of course it's less a ball and more a ball with three massive boulders)
twitchystitch dozes off the boulders make for more leverage! and more squish for naps
macrocondy3point0 Peter usually winds up bitten in her sleep and wakes up surprised that she can't move while Okoye is slowly deflating
twitchystitch that spider is super fussy when it comes to them it wants them to haev a balance of snuggle
macrocondy3point0 imagine peter's hairs puffing up too~
twitchystitch becoming a big, squishy mass, perhaps? rising up over her head, almost poofed up squishy to the touch
macrocondy3point0 well her body hair too
twitchystitch a fine layer of squish all over her body
macrocondy3point0 does anything happen with their sweating?
twitchystitch the sweat becoming like bubbles that float up and go on until they hit something Consider: the sweat causing mild puffing in whatever they hit
macrocondy3point0 wakanda is coated in them
twitchystitch literal pockets of swelling all over wakanda trees puffed up cliffsides that are more misty than usual because sweat bubbles popped and are reaining down mist turning whatever it tocuhes into Soft
macrocondy3point0 Okoye simply rubs the slope of her belly and looks out over the scope of the nation
macrocondy3point0 nodding to herself
twitchystitch she sees the gentled, puffed sight of the land and she thinks
"i have done good things"
macrocondy3point0 and then CHOMP
twitchystitch SPIDER THINKS SHE NEEDS MORE HAPPY the spider deserves to be its own character
macrocondy3point0 OK, very very last thing, I swear, then I let you go Sorry to keep extending this but it's so good (Peter - puffing - bulge -how much?)
twitchystitch > u <
macrocondy3point0 HOW MUCH
twitchystitch HOW ABOUT big as okoye's belly?
macrocondy3point0 Jesus how do they keep him modest?
twitchystitch HMMMM either the local fabrics are really, REALLY stretchy or with his current mindset he doesn't mind so much and
twitchystitch MJ is proud of what she has made (assuming that this is Spider Man Peter, not peter quill?
macrocondy3point0 it's often the tether point for webs yes
twitchystitch MJ: LOOK AT MY DUDE~! peter: -has just enough sheepishness to blush-
macrocondy3point0 Modesty's long out the window, and MJ wants to show off EVERYTHING she's got
twitchystitch she probably wears very little especially when puffed up because of this same pride peter is an extension of that
macrocondy3point0 is it usually flaccid or erect?
twitchystitch typically flaccid he's usually too chill to have a strong reaction otherwise MJ prides herself on able to get a Reaction out of him she says with lots of eyebrow wiggling
macrocondy3point0 Jessica's VERY impressed by it
twitchystitch "Holy shit." she gives a thumbs up at MJ
macrocondy3point0 a very slow, squeaky thumbs up
twitchystitch she doesnt move much but its so impressive that she just has to do SOMETHING
macrocondy3point0 MJ often angles him so she can sleep on it
macrocondy3point0 what exactly does MJ do to get a reaction?
twitchystitch soetimes its as subtle as winking at him or puffing herselfe up to a size that he can see easily and sliding herself against him but she's not much for subtlety normally so its often things like just kissing him in a non-puffing up way the slightest tocuh from her can have a STRONG reaction from him
macrocondy3point0 how much does it expand?
twitchystitch well going by how that Okoye belly size is flaccid state lets say it gets at least a third larger? (possibly when its just a small reaction)
macrocondy3point0 peter squeaking meekly
twitchystitch (IT GOT MORE ADORABLE)
macrocondy3point0 jessica getting to watch the whole thing
twitchystitch MJ just grinning wickedly jessica raising her eyebrows very slightly
macrocondy3point0 he really is just her boy toy this is very good
twitchystitch boy toy peter being totally dominated by MJ is my new favorite thing i did not even know i wanted more of this but now i really do
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talesofawaywardsoul · 4 years
Time for another writing prompt provided by a friend. I kind of went slightly off with this one. I think it really would do better as a longer story but I’m trying to practice writing short story and get my point across in fewer words. Hopefully you enjoy!
Writing Prompt: “When he said he had roots, I just assumed he was speaking metaphorically.” 
I leaned back in my office chair and stretched my arms above my head, the bones in my elbows cracking. The sound was a constant reminder that I needed to start getting up more often to stretch during work. I stared up at the ceiling and nearly fell backwards out of the chair. 
A spider hung from the ceiling inches from my face. I slowly slid out of the chair, until I was all the way on the floor. I then crawled to the door and ran to my room where I kept a can of bug spray. I grabbed it and snuck back to the office, peering around the corner. I squinted my eyes looking for the small speck.
“Where did you go, you little fucker?” 
I inched closer searching the ceiling and the air between it and the chair. It had to be there, somewhere. 
“Oh shit.” I nearly tripped backwards when I finally found it swinging straight for me. In what seemed like slow motion but was more like two seconds I brought the can up and wasted nearly half of it trying to kill the damn spider. 
“Guess I’ll be adding bug spray to the grocery list.”
Once I was sure it was dead and had cleaned up the chair, wall and desk of bug spray I headed downstairs and threw some chicken nuggets in the microwave for dinner, no longer feeling up to cooking anything. Once they were done I plopped onto my couch and turned the TV on and pulled out my phone. 
Only two minutes into mindless scrolling and a friends post caught my attention. A meme listing the top five reasons they keep a boyfriend around. One of the five things was to kill spiders.
“Who needs a boyfriend for that, I managed just fine on my own.”
I closed Facebook, annoyed with most of what I was seeing. Mid summer really brought out the crazies. I flipped through the pages on my phone looking for a different app to open and landed on the last page where I kept the apps I barely used. And there at the bottom, completely forgotten was Tinder. 
I stared at it for a long time. Its little white flame and pink border taunting me. I hadn’t been on in weeks. The conversations were always so pointless, shallow, one minded or just boring. I found myself opening it anyway and began mindlessly swiping left on shirtless pics and bikini shots.
It was like I had never stopped. It was so easy, constantly swiping left. Occasionally I would pull up someone's profile when a pic showed something of interest. Usually a geeky t-shirt, brightly colored hair or the scenery would make me pause and read their bio. But even then I rarely swiped right. I really didn’t like Tinder at all, it was just the easiest app to use. Not over complicated or time consuming and honestly sometimes an ego boost. But overall I hate trying to connect with someone online but I’m too antisocial to get out. The woes of being me.
My thumb suddenly paused, almost as if it had a mind of its own. It hovered over a picture of grass. It was zoomed in, showing the fine hairs of the grass blades. Dew drops hung on each blade, the sky mirrored on their surface. I touched the picture and began flipping through the rest. They were all scenic nature pictures. 
“Must be a photographer.” 
I rarely swipe right if there isn’t a picture of the person, partially because even I have a shallow bone in my body but also because those usually turn out to be fake profiles. They also only had a letter for their name, M. But still there was something different about them, the pictures were so peaceful and welcoming. Their bio was simple. 
Looking to find a connection. Someone who paints with all the colors of the wind. I’m a solitary person who likes to be in nature. My roots go deep and I have never left the solace of my sanctuary but I want to share the knowledge I have gained over the years with someone worthy. 
I’m not much of a nature person. I think my brutal slaying by bug spray drowning of the aforementioned spider probably clued you in. I think nature is beautiful and breathtaking but I don’t do bugs or dirt. But I found myself liking their profile anyway. The combination of the bio which stated just enough of who they were and the gorgeous pictures convinced me. 
My favorite was the picture of an Ash tree. It stood in the middle of a field, a forest set far back behind it and a small tire swing hanging from one of its mighty branches. It looked so lonely but inviting. As if to say even in its sadness it wanted to welcome others. I swiped right.
Barely a minute later a notification popped up on my phone. I had a new message. 
I love your picture in the sunflowers. Sunflowers are a sign of good luck. 
Yeah, they make me smile. Even when I’m sad. 
There are many legends about sunflowers, the Greek myth is a great story.
Yes, I love Greek mythology. Always wanted to read mythology from other cultures though. I feel like Greek mythology is the most widely known while others you don’t see as often. I’ve often wanted to read more on Native American folklore and mythology.
Really, I would highly recommend it. I could give you some book recommendations.
I would love that.
We talked well into the night. I never thought it was possible to connect to someone and carry on a conversation through a phone like we were doing and so quickly. They were full of so much knowledge, something I hadn’t seen in someone in a long time. Everything they said was carefully thought out and obviously researched. Who had so much time on their hands? Weeks went by and I found myself picking up my phone in mere seconds every time I got a notification hoping it was from them.
Honestly, I’m not a huge fan of most bugs either. There are many that can be damaging to trees. However dirt has never been a problem for me.
Well it’s not that I hate dirt, I just don’t like being dirty without having a way to clean up and if you’re out in nature for an extended period of time, kind of hard to clean up.
True. That is why I welcome a rain storm.
Yes I love the rain, even the heaviest of rain seems peaceful to me. 
Yes and it brings life and nourishment to many. 
Did that big storm reach you? One of the houses on my street had a tree get blown over.
Thankfully no downed branches, I don’t think I could take another beating like the last storm we had. It’s hard on the joints. Just rain for me.
I like big thunderstorms but I can understand it’s not for everyone. Hey so I’m curious, what’s your like, feelings on meeting people on here. 
Well I’d have to say I enjoy it, that’s why I’m on here. Although I must admit your company is really the only one that I have enjoyed. 
I blushed.
I’ve really been enjoying talking to you as well. What I was trying to say though was how do you feel about meeting in person. 
Oh, well I don’t really, I mean to say I can’t. 
I noticed on your profile that you live in a pretty secluded area. Although you’re not too far from the city I live in. Is it a transportation issue?
No I can’t leave my home, my roots are here. 
I get it. I always say I’m gonna travel the world but honestly I’m too afraid to leave my home state. 
I want to travel. I just can’t. 
Why not? I know we haven’t been talking long but we could pick somewhere public if that makes you feel more comfortable. 
I waited for a response but none came. I went through the rest of my day jumping every time my phone dinged. I didn’t know why I was so on edge. We had only been talking for a few weeks. We didn’t really know each other. I didn’t even know what they looked like. So what if they chose to ignore me after a simple question. 
Maybe I asked to soon. I had actually never gotten this far with someone. Any conversation I’d had so far lasted a day, two tops. When did people normally try to meet. I had a few guys try to push meeting up when we’d only been talking for like 15 minutes but I doubted that was normal. 
Five days went by and I hadn’t heard anything. I tried to forget about it. Poured myself into work, and even started exercising to keep my mind off it. I tried going back on Tinder to find someone new to talk to but after the first conversation ended with a rather rude and insensitive remark because I didn’t catch his hints, I decided it was time to delete the app. I started searching through the settings looking for the option to delete when I saw a notification pop up. 
“If it's that asshole, I swear I’m throwing my phone out the window.”
I pulled up my messages and was surprised to see a new message from M. I paused unsure whether to click on it. Did I want to go down that road again? What if they were just upset and messaging me to tell me why. 
“Get over yourself, It’s nothing, just open it.”
I did. 
Today at 5pm. The Ash tree.
A second message was an address to a farm outside of the city. I leaned back in my chair. That wasn’t what I had been expecting at all. A meet up, it’s what I had wanted but it was out of the blue and so cryptic. 
“You’re not really considering this.” I looked back down at my phone. “No of course not.”
I set it screen down. I went into the kitchen and pulled out a pint of ice cream. I grabbed a spoon and began walking aimlessly back and forth eating. I passed my phone, two, three, four times. I paused the spoon hanging from my mouth as I stared at my phone. Finally I put the ice cream down and grabbed my phone. 
I’ll be there. 
I threw my phone on my couch as soon as I sent the response. I immediately regretted it. Why had I agreed to meet this person? I didn’t know who they were or really anything about them. This was dangerous, I can’t go through with it. I grabbed my phone ready to cancel when another thought crossed my mind. I went into my contacts and selected my sister. 
“Hey I need a favor.”
My sister’s car pulled up the long driveway to the old farmhouse. No one had lived in the house for a year. The owner of the property used to rent it out but after the last tenant moved out he hadn’t found anyone new. 
“Are you sure about this?”
“Yes, the Ash tree is right around back and I’ll keep my phone in my hand the whole time. If I don’t text you in five minutes come find me.”
“You sure you don’t want me to walk back there with you.”
“Yes, I have mace. Don’t worry.” I stepped out of the car. My phone clutched in one hand, my other hand in my pocket wrapped around my mace. 
Once I was in view of the ash tree, my face fell. I didn’t see anyone. I drew closer, gripping the mace in my pocket harder. 
“Why did I come out here. This was stupid.” I turned to leave when I heard my phone ding. I took a look and saw a message on Tinder.
Thank you for coming.
Where are you? Is this some sort of joke?
I’m here. Right in front of you.
“Right in front of me, all I see is a tree.”
I don’t have time for this. I don’t know how you get off playing games like this on someone but... 
Before I could finish typing my eye caught something. I got closer to the tree and placed my hand on a carving in it’s trunk.
“Meliae.” I looked at the tree again, remembering what it was, an ash tree. 
“You’re a wood nymph.”
0 notes
proxylynn · 7 years
Dreemurr Academy #6 (Undertale Papyrus)
Dreemurr Academy, a prestigious closed-off college for monsters and humans alike of all ages and worlds.
This includes myself, though I'm sort of a in-between.
I'm Lynsie, the human anomaly. I'm a human, but I can do magic like monsters. I'm an oddball.
That's the thing about making a school that is open to multiple alternate dimensions. Weird things are bound to show up. Even a bunch of the same person. From what I saw on orientation day, the same faces are scattered around all around.
To fix these type of issues, everyone that has a multiple or doppelganger is given a school name so there's no confusion.
Other than that, it's fairly normal. The hierarchy is the simple.
The Deans are made up of the same people, skeleton monsters that go by the name of Gaster. One is a teacher of the Sciences, goes by Wingding. He's a kind and understanding man, but is known to pull a prank or two. They all speak in a typeface sign language but use telepathy magic so others understand. It's been said no one has ever heard their real voices and those that have are no longer at the academy.
Another Gaster dean teaches Home Economics, he goes by Wingy. He's a bubbly sweet guy that loves his work. Nothing makes him smile more than seeing the joy on a student's face when they take pride in being able to do something they first thought they couldn't.
Another Gaster dean teaches the studies of Magic, he is called Fall. At times, he can be cynical, malicious, and sarcastic. He has a commanding presence that exuded gravitas, authority and control, able to keep a class quiet without effort. Yet there is a kindness to him, it's rarely seen, but not unheard of.
Another Gaster dean teaches History, his nickname is Dings. A cold, bitter, and sometimes childish man. He tends to hold grudges against troublesome students and is extremely spiteful toward those whom he dislikes. Yet those that can take his punishments are rewarded with his respect. He is a teacher that commands respect and who's grades are earned with doom hanging over your head.
The Professors are also skeleton monsters, but not all are the same person. The Psychology professor is a guy named Papyrus but goes by Stretch. He's the favorite among students because he's so laid back. He chews a tooth pick in class to suppress his urge to smoke, but we all know he does so when on break. He's really good at reading students and helps out when able. All in all, he's the cool teacher.
The Literature professor is a Papyrus that is called Fell. He is the one teacher everyone dreads. Very strict and old fashioned. He does not tolerate interruptions and will humiliate those he feel need to be taken down a notch. Such things take there toll on him and often squeezes a stress ball that he keeps in his desk. But he is a very passionate man when it comes to his work and takes his subject seriously, even though this makes him into a bit of a grammar nazi which is why many students get low grades.
The Biology professor is a skeleton called Sans that sometimes goes by Classic, whatever that means. He is very cheesy and comes off as lazy, making puns that have people cringe yet secretly love them. He is very protective of his students and will go out of his way to help them. He does not tolerate bulling of any kind and can be quite scary. He's the second favorite among the students.
The Physical Education professor is also a Sans that goes by Pain. He is also a stern and old school type of teacher, only he tends to be more cruel in humiliation of students that are unprepared. While his scope is all around, he prefers the darker side of the study. Using borderline violence to weed out the weak that think taking his class is a easy A. There is mercy in his dojo, but it must be earned with blood, sweat, and tears.
The Students are broken into four groups based on which part of the four years they are currently in. The first years are called freshmen. Second years are sophomores. Third years are juniors. And fourth years are seniors. There are some variations on this topic, but this hierarchy of college students is still readily recognizable by everyone.
Me? This isn't my first rodeo but not my last. I'm a sophomore and have gotten the gist of who's who and what's what. I get along with students and teachers. I've always been a middle ground type of girl.
I didn't come looking for friends, but they just seemed to find me. Funny enough, my buddies are the brothers of the professors. Stretch's brother is a freshman, his name is Sans but goes by Rascal. Fell's brother, also a Sans, is a sophomore like me and goes by Edgy. Classic's brother is a Papyrus, a freshman that goes by Papy. And Pain's brother is a sophomore Papyrus by the name of Slim.
I've always been a tomboy. I prefer the guys company. They're different and fun, even if they can be a bit odd sometimes.
Rascal, as the nickname implies, is the school clown/prankster. He likes to test his limits and challenge authority, even dishevels his uniform to assert his individuality. He comes off as a slacker, but secretly very deep, clever, and loyal to a fault. He likes taking his brother's class so he can improve his skills with messing with people, mostly his brother as he disrupts his teachings when he sees a chance.
Edgy is shy around new people and slow to open up, enjoying a laugh with friends when able. Though he appears weak or even nerdy because of his glasses, he is far more tougher than he leads on. He doesn't take crap from anyone. When alone, he's angsty and borders on straight up angry. Getting a pissy attitude when annoyed. Like his brother, he is very passionate about literature and does his best to impress his brother, going so far as to become the teacher's pet.
Papy is easily the most loveable guy in the whole school. Very cheerful and optimistic, he tries his best no matter what. He doesn't like conflict and tries to keep his brother out of trouble when the teacher pulls a prank. I find it sweet of him to take his brother's class even though he doesn't particularly enjoy it, just so he can stay close to him. Like I said, this guy is a loveable soul.
Slim is easy going. He doesn't take things too seriously and never breaks a sweat over hard exams. The only thing that breaks his cool is his smoking, he really gets tense if he goes too long without his fix. He's incredibly smart and instinctual, good traits to have when dealing with his brother. While he does attend his brother's class, he merely does so as a request of his brother who likes to make sure he doesn't slack off due to not being challenged enough.
All of them are oddly related to each other in some form. Gaster's, Papyrus's, and Sans's are brothers. Yet I see them all as different people. I value them. They're helping me even if they don't know it. I am not so confident in myself. I tend to isolate myself, go at things lone wolf style. It's how I've always been. Then I met them and slowly my world began to expand bit by bit. I'm still not comfortable with others. But with them, I can step out from behind my mask for a bit, and really be myself around them.
Today is a typical day. Classes have so far been good. Again, knowing how to get by and being ready for them helps big time. The day just seemed to have gone by so quickly, I still can't believe the end of day bell rang and now I'm at my locker collecting my junk before heading out to my off campus home. I barely make it out the doors and turn on my MP3 player when a hand on my shoulder stops me.
"Oh, howdy Papy. What's up?"
"That would be correct. I can't afford a dorm room on site. Heck, I'm lucky my grades keep my scholarship going so I can even come here and have enough left over for food."
"Awww...And here I thought chivalry was dead."
"Sure, I'd be honored. But what about your brothers?"
"Well alright then."
I start to walk off.
I pause.
He holds up a set of keys.
"I didn't know you have a car."
He leads me over to the campus parking lot and comes to a stop at a cherry red top-down sports car.
"Dude...This is your car?"
"It's a babe magnet."
I can't help but giggle at him.
"Ever the adorable one."
"Can I try something crazy real quick?"
I take a small sprint then try to skid across the hood, while I make launch, I don't stick the landing and I fall over the other side.
I pop up and dust off.
"I'm okay!"
"I saw it on TV once and wanted to try. I should've known I couldn't do it in a skirt. Damn near pulled it off me.""
I don't really care for the uniforms. Girls have to wear skirts, I hate it because of perverts taking up-skirt pics. But my little statement has him blushing a tiny bit.
We get in and after telling him my address, I notice he isn't going the right way.
"Uh...Papy? Where are we going?"
"Really? That sounds great. I didn't really fill up at lunch so I can go for a bite."
[30 minutes later]
We're seated at a covered table near the back. The place is packed, so we're lucky to have gotten this spot at all.
"It's no biggie. Cute place this is. How did you find it?"
"Really? Well that was rather nice of him."
Well that's a curve ball out of left field. I let it slide as the server gives us our menus and drinks.
"Hmmm...Do you wanna share a appetizer? I was thinking mozzarella sticks."
"A bit expensive. Fun fact, prior to it's popularity in mid 19th century, lobster was considered a mark of poverty or as a food for indentured servants or lower members of society, and servants specified in employment agreements that they would not eat lobster more than twice per week. Lobster was also commonly served in prisons, much to the displeasure of inmates. American lobster was initially deemed worthy only of being used as fertilizer or fish bait, and until well into the 20th century, it was not viewed as more than a low-priced canned staple food."
"Sounds like a plan my man."
The server takes out order and menus before leaving.
"Well...That gives us some time to chat. How have you been Papy?"
"Yeah, first year can be pretty nutty. But it gets easy once you figure out how things go. If you pay attention to the professors, you can tell what makes them happy or annoys them, though good grades always makes them happy."
"Indeed. That doubles if the person or persons is more closed-off and introverted, you know? Hard to read the book's contents if you can't see past the cover."
"I try. Study long enough in Professor Fell's class and thou's tongue shall cut with sharp wit and fine grace."
He claps with a smile and I blush a tad.
"Sorry. It just slips out."
"I like to think we're equal in that class. Going at it in a tit for tat betterment battle. He reads, then I do, he tries to beat me, and I do better. A fun little back and forth that pushes us to our best. It's fun."
"I don't know about that. After meeting Slim, Edgy was the next corner of the friendship triangle our first year. Then Rascal and you popped up this year. That made the triangle evolve into a pentagon. Heh, any more friends and we'll end up like dodecahedron dice."
I blink in confusion before snickering.
"Random segue aside...I don't play, but I do own a old monster manual from the early 90s. I love the creature art."
"*chuckles* THAT'S CUTE."
"What is?"
"Yeah. *giggles* I did want to play once. But creating a character sheet seemed too confusing back then. It's ironic now, because I love lots of detail."
"I don't know. The others might not be willing to play."
"Awww...As nice as it sounds, I don't think I have the free time for it."
"You'd be surprised."
"Like what?"
"I do like me some mini golf."
"I don't know..."
Where is this coming from?
Our little scene is broken by the server bringing our food and a uncomfortable silence looms over us for the rest of our time there. Not another sound apart from normal eating and drinking noises is made between us. Afterwords we split the bill and leave to a equally quiet car ride. I don't understand what happened. It's liked a switch flipped and he lost his cool. Should I say something? Anything at all?
The car suddenly stops and I see we're at my building.
The hell is he talking about? Now I want answers. I lock my door and he looks at me funny.
"I'm not leaving this car till we talk this out. So drive."
He doesn't know what to do, should he say something, he just ends up driving away and now the awkward part starts.
"Do you want me to start asking now or when you park somewhere?"
"What happened back there?"
"You're not a good liar."
"To bad that's not a option you can choose."
"Normally I would do just that. But you're my friend and you made a fuss that has me concerned, so I can't just let that slide."
"Papy, just tell me what's going on before someone ends up saying something they'll..."
The awkward silence returns as he continues to drive. We drive for what feels like hours, but really, he had parked the car back at my building's lot. Seems I have no sense of time or change of space location.
"You're a song."
He looks at me in puzzlement.
I clear my throat a hum a few bars to get the tune going in my head.
"♪I was sleeping and right in the middle of a good dream. Like all at once I wake up from something that keeps knocking at my brain. Before I go insane I hold my pillow to my head. And spring up in my bed screaming out the words I dread. I think I love you (I think I love you).♫"
His sockets widen.
"♪This morning I woke up with this feeling. I didn't know how to deal with and so I just decided to myself. I'd hide it to myself and never talk about it. And did not go and shout it when you walked into the room. I think I love you (I think I love you).♫"
"♪I think I love you so what am I so afraid of. I'm afraid that I'm not sure of a love there is no cure for. I think I love you isn't that what life is made of. Though it worries me to say that I never felt this way.♫"
"♪I don't know what I'm up against. I don't know what it's all about. I got so much to think about. Hey, I think I love you so what am I so afraid of. I'm afraid that I'm not sure of a love there is no cure for. I think I love you isn't that what life is made of. Though it worries me to say I never felt this way.♫"
I blush sheepishly with a smile.
"♪Believe me you really don't have to worry. I only wanna make you happy and if you say 'hey go away' I will. But I think better still I'd better stay around and love you. Do you think I have a case let me ask you to your face. Do you think you love me? I think I love you. I think I love you. I think I love you. I think I love you. I think I love you. I think I love you. I think I love you. I think I love you.♫"
My song ends and I'm about to speak when he cuts me off before I can with a sudden surprise kiss. I'm frozen on the spot as he pulls away after a little bit and now he's all flustered, unable to make eye contact with me.
"You kissed me?"
"You kissed me."
"You. Kissed. Me. Papy."
I grab him and pull him into a tender hold much to his shock.
"Do not say sorry for something you don't feel sorry for."
"B-BUT YOU..."
"I'm not mad. I'm just shocked you'd go for a kiss without taking me on a date first."
He blushes and returns the hold on me.
"Pretty darn lucky."
"Now? Now you have two choices. You can either let your fear stop this. Or you can be brave and see where this goes. The choice is yours dear, and I will support you no matter what."
He pulls back a bit and looks me in the eyes.
"...Okay. But nothing crazy."
I shut my eyes as he leans in and softly the feel of of his kiss is upon my lips. This kiss is a lot longer than the previous pecks, and when it tapers off, I let a light hearten sigh escape me as one of his hands ghosts up my back trailing the phalanges up it. A delightful shiver comes to me, and I lean in closer to him, feeling at ease.
"Papy...I...I don't know what to say."
He slides his other hand in mine and holds it sweetly.
He gives me such a kind and loving smile, it makes my heart swell. My eyes soften and I find myself leaning in closer till my forehead is against his. Listening to him breathe through his nose-hole, a gentle heat that peppers my face and calms my mind with its constant rhythm, a warm feeling in my chest begins blooming through me. With our hands held together, I give in to all this sweetness and lean in to give him another kiss much to his delighted surprise.
This kiss is also returned, savored for a unknown amount of time, but suddenly I'm startled from the sensation of Papy's mouth parting against my lips. The feeling of a wet something presses at the trench of my lips, parting my mouth in a hushed gasp it slips inside. It takes a moment to get used to it, but once I do, I meet this tongue with my own and coil them together. Deepening the kiss with a tilt of my head back and his up and to the side as our eyes close.
The hand he has in mine squeezes tighter as a coo of contentment escapes me between the kiss. Papy's hand that is not doing anything slips up underneath the back of my shirt. Trailing the ends of his phalanges against my skin, I shiver from it and lightly moan softly into the kiss, something that shocks us both in that moment.
"Um...Sorry. *nervous giggle* That was embarrassing."
"Geez Papy...Make a girl blush her head off why don't you."
"Awww Papy..."
I cover my overly blushing face and he chuckles a bit, finding me cute.
He removes my seat belt and pulls me over to him so I sit across his lap.
His now free hands roam my sides and down along my legs, making me squirm a little, but not in a bad way.
"Yeah. Just...Not used to it."
"Thank you sweetie."
One hand attentively massages my leg as his other hand slips back under my uniform shirt and slowly traces the line of my spine then my ribs, making me purr. Such care...I end up aching for more of his touch and end up pushing closer to his hands earning a hum of approval from him. I pepper his cheek with kisses and light pants for air come from him before trailing his tongue along my jaw till his mouth is against my ear.
"W-whoa...A bit lewd sounding don't you think?"
Basically my tame way of saying 'well that was fucking random and creepy'.
"Here, let me just..."
I don't want to make him feel weird about how this. Even if it is a little much, I can't help that his attention is something I want even if I'm confused by it. I get off him and move to the backseat.
"Can you put the roof up?"
He turns a dial and the roof begins to cover the car. Once covered, I motion him to join me and he comes over to sit with me. He makes himself comfortable and I surprise him by climbing onto his lap.
"I don't want others to see us."
I cut his words short with a kiss and he is more than willing to just go along with things. Getting more into it and seeing how receptive I've become, he gently hugs my waist. His hands rest on my hips and the way we are seated his hold pushes my hips against his, causing a sighed moan to escape me from the feeling, to which both of take this for something more.
"I...I think so. I mean...I do like you Papy. I like our friendship. I like this closeness we're sharing. I like the feelings this is giving me. I guess what I'm trying to say is...I wouldn't mind if things kept going between us."
He blushes big time to match my own and shyly struggles to collect the words he wants to say.
My heart swells, my eyes water, and I claim him in a deep kiss to give him all the love he just made me feel. I trail kisses down to his neck and nuzzle there for a little while, making him coo. My hands seek him out, to feel all they can, and move onto his back as I find myself needing him even more now.
Flooded with all this affection, the bluntness of his fingertips grab a firm hold of me, as if he can't bear to let me go. It's hopeless now, we're stuck on each other, nothing short of one another is going to stop this now. And the way he holds me touches my heart like I've never felt before. I've never felt this feeling of being wanted so desperately before. It's nice. I welcome this feeling and all that it entails.
I give in, my entire figure is laying over his, pressing the clothed bones of my hips across his panted thighs and as I run my hands over the sides of his skull, lovingly caressing the orange color of his blush. His teeth start grinding in his mouth as I move and press a bit roughly on his pelvis.
His unsteady breathing becomes all the more erratic as he can feel the growing bulge of his need press against the closeness of my pantie covered sex, my hips move on him as I continue to lavish him with tender affection and he trembles almost violently in a deep shudder as I give his neck a nice long lick.
"I'd agree with you, but...I'm not sure if this feeling can stay till we get to my room. It's in the back of the building on the forth floor."
"Me too."
I flush a deep red.
"Be gentle."
"Just...be gentle. I...I've never been with anyone."
He's stunned.
"For reals."
"Papy, please don't kill the mood by talking about how pathetic it is that I'm a thirty year old virgin."
"I'm not special."
"So I can do magic. It's not that special."
"How could I forget? All you did was go around tables introducing yourself to make friends, then the asshole table decided to be dicks and pick on you. Fucking monster bigoted human preppies. Think they're big shit because they come from money and look down on everything aside from 'their own'. God they piss me off so much!"
I pout and calm down.
"Sorry sweetie. I just...They make me so mad. I have no regrets about what I did that day or the reprimanding I got after. I kicked the crap out of a good number of those snobs. Heh...I think I might have broke a nose or two."
I'm taken completely back by this, so much so my mind begins replaying every time I've been with Papy, and only now do see all those seemingly missed glimpses of him hinting his affection for me. I feel like such a fool for being so oblivious.
"No...I'm just now realizing how blind I've been. I'm so sorry Papy."
"That is true."
"Okay. So...um...Do you want to, uh, keep going?"
"...I want to."
I lean into his neck and nuzzle the vertebrae, making him smile.
"I want this to happen."
I pepper the bones with soft kisses, making his eye sockets flutter with a sigh.
"I want to make it up to you for waiting so long."
I suck on the C7 vertebrae of his neck and he gasps a moan while gripping me tight.
"Too much?"
He answers by pulling me into a deeply heated kiss and shatters my ability to think when he pulls back. He brings my head to level with his and we gaze deeply into each others eyes, within his sockets are intensely burning orange irises that captures me in place. As I sit upon his lap, the entrance of my sex hovers dangerously over the growing magical erection straining against his pants, a fire burns brightly in our eyes as this is the moment we've been waiting for.
As he holds my waist tenderly beneath his palms, as he keeps his piercing gaze locked into mine to keep the loving intimacy of the moment, his hand skims towards the nape of my neck and wraps around the back of my head, while the other hand ventures down my torso to lightly graze his fingertips against the ridges of my ribs through my shirt, seemingly fascinated with the bones hidden under the skin...until his fingers find their way under my skirt.
My eyes go wide and he smiles as he's finally gotten to me. His former trembling completely halts, his entire body is stiff, like the calm before the storm, and we sensually catch each other in a tender kiss. Already Papy is hard as stone, even through our clothes I can feel his pulsating erection and how it twitches with need while my body warms up to unknown highs.
"Yeah, really."
"*shudders* GOD I LOVE YOU."
He kisses me deeply as his hands move down to his pants to undo them but he's fumbling, his nervous and excited fingers can't seem to remember how a belt works. He flinches when my hands touch his and I help him to free his pressing need, a long thick orange member throbs heatedly, making me blush.
"Impressed wow."
"*blushing* T-THANKS. UM...CAN I...?"
I nod then move his hands under my skirt and he sucks in a shaky breath as he moves the fabric out of the way before pressing myself down onto him slowly, inch by inch.
"Easy now...Slow and steady sets the pace..."
This being our first, he's eager to have fun, but on my end I have to go slow at the start or it'll hurt like hell. So I try to please him with kisses as my hips begin their gentle work. The orange colored blush his face a glow, he's so intoxicated by all this he stops being shy and he doesn't hide that he's wanted this for so long if the sounds he's making are any indication. And he doesn't waste a second longer second guessing on how it's all come down to this. I gasp softly in pleasure, this feeling of being filled up, fuck, it feels so good. He holds me close, his face presses against my neck, groaning and slowly grinding into me.
"Mmmmmm...Oooooh Papy~."
Every small thrust, every tiny jab made within me is met with the powerful response of his name rolling off my tongue in moans, his real name and not just Papy. His hands grab a tight hold of my waist and he thrusts up into me, forcing me bite my cheek to keep from screaming as his erection slammed into a bundle of nerves deep in me. Lord knows we don't need attention drawn to the slightly rocking car.
"*shudders* Geez that was intense."
"That was something I've never felt before and I want to feel again and again."
He rubs the back of his skull with a blush and a lighthearted chuckle comes from growing pride.
"You call it flattery, I call it honesty. Either way, that felt amazing."
His voice takes on a more flirty tone as he kisses along my neck and I can't help but swoon.
"S-sure sweetie. I'm fine with whatever your heart desires to do."
He turns us a bit and lays me on the seat, so now he's over me and has more room to work with than what we were doing before.
"*snickers* You? Lazy? Now that's funny."
Any laughter that was going to come out of me is ended before it started by the moving of his hips. The deep rhythmic slow pumping of his member has me groaning more lewdly than I care to admit, but this feels too good to hold back from.
"Pap...Papyrus...*groans* Oooh Papy...Don't stop~. I love you too...Aaaah...Papy...My Papy!"
Hearing that sets him off like I just flipped a switch in him that's long been off. His thrusts speed up, faster, then faster, then faster and harder, shoving himself further into than before as I feel his length grazing sensitive nerves within my core.
We've never experienced anything as powerful and intense as this. As he continued to push into me, losing all sense of himself, just the sounds I'm making, the sight of my contorted expressions, it was getting to much for him and needless to say myself.
"Oohh...o-oh ahh...Papyrus...Hahnnhhnann...Oooooh...yeahhh...Papyrus..."
A heat building deep in my core cries out for attention, setting my skin on fire as my eyes widen in surprise at the sheer strength of it. For a second, I hesitate for a moment, wondering what's wrong with my body.
Suddenly I uncontrollably arch myself into him, feeling my entire figure lighting on fire as the incredible strength of my core is pulsating harder and harder, threatening to take me to all new ethereal levels I've never experienced before.
"P-papy...Aah...I can't...I think...Oooh...gonna explode..."
Several more mind blowing thrusts into a very sensitive spot and the muscles inside me tighten almost painfully as I feel the heaviness in my core suddenly burst into an intense explosion of euphoria. My entire body quivers, my hands clasp at the back of his shoulders as I tremble against him, riding the waves of rippling climax.
My mind is careening into the unknown as a loud moan escapes my lips, audibly calling out his name amongst the garbled sounds his love making creates from me. And during my visit to Heaven's gates, I gaze at him through the slits of my heavy lids and manage to watch faintly as he releases everything in relentless orgasm.
His legs tremble and give way from the strength of his climax, his last remaining strength is used to lean himself upright a bit as he watches me on the verge of passing while slowly coming down from the high of release in wordless breathy satisfied sighs. The rocking of the car, which was really testing the shocks, slows down into a easy sleepy stillness.
"*panting* L-LYNSIE? ARE YOU OKAY?"
"Yeah...just...really sleepy...*yawns* You alright dear?"
"You were incredible by the way."
"Whatever makes you happy."
I do my best to wrap my noodle limp arms around him and snuggle up close as the magic of his member fades from my insides...I don't think we're going anywhere anytime soon.
"*yawns* That would be lovely. But for now...Let's just rest."
And there we stayed for a good long while. I nod off beneath him and he watches me sleep. Eventually he has the energy to move again, but lacking the knowledge of what room is mine, he figures it would be simpler to just bring me to his place for the night. I can only imagine the funny yet awkward moment that happened when his brothers saw him bring in a unconscious girl and then have said girl taken to his room. Yeah, I'm both glad I wasn't awake for that and curious as to what would've happened if I was.
Either way, Papy and me have been even closer since then. He's such a caring boyfriend. Sure, having to explain to his brothers what happened wasn't the best part of all this, but once they understood this was real they became more cool about it. If anything they're more happy that Papy is happy, and if I'm the one that makes him happy then they're okay with it. All I know is, I can't wait to enjoy more of life with skeletal sweetheart.
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samanthasroberts · 6 years
The 6 Stages Of Trying On A Bikini After Being A Lazy Piece Of Sh*t All Winter
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Youve officially survived another winter of dreaded family holidays, surprise engagements, and disguising your 2pm blackout as brunch without entirely losing your dignity. But that also means that in the months between November and March, betches were busy living their best fucking lives, Instagramming cheese plates and colorful fruit cocktails, all while pulling off the illusion that their ass underwent months of squat-like workouts, thanks to overpriced Lulu leggings. 
Sure, these PPCS (Post Partum Cuffing Season) side effects are totally justified, but unfortunately for me you, the social media faade that just upped your followers prob also upped your pant size. Bikini season is right around the corner as of like, yesterday, and your besties are dying to be sexually objectified at Tao Beach, but that also means theyre counting on you to pose for pics with them that scream GIRLS TRIP!!! But also can you believe this cleavage rn? while debuting swimwear the size of a hair scrunchie. So if theres one thing I know better than the exact distance it takes to get from work to the bar, its everything a betch goes through following the pre-bikini season DGAF: 
Stage 1: The Invitation
After victoriously indulging in an all-carb diet for four months straight, the only phone call thats dreaded more than your gyno calling to deliver test results is your best friend calling to invite you on a ratchet river retreat. This means pausing yourbinge and getting off your ass in hopes of finding a swimsuit thatll cover your perma-winter layer so you dont feel like an IRL Flubber on a rocky boat. Being a possessor of chronic Stage 4 FOMO the good friend that you are, you reluctantly agree to a weekend of staged candid bikini photos while hiding behind a donut pool floatie, as you confirm with a high-pitched OMG YES IM SO THERE! Congratulations, youve just survived your first two-way calling attack. 
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Stage 2: The Casual Browse
Does your recent Google search history read, “bathing suits that hide my back fat”? Bcuz same. Every betch has Googled some sort of self-loathing ridicule at a point in her life, which means that the quest for the perfect bathing suit has officially begun. But first you attempt to save a little face before baring it all to the poor Victorias Secret employee and peruse your options via Google. After hours of research, only to find yourself 68 weeks deep into Kylie Jenners sluttiest bikini photos, desperate times call for desperate fucking measures, and your Google searches quickly go from “bathing suits” to “how much did Kims fat transfer cost?”
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Stage 3: The Dressing Room
They say the camera adds 10 pounds, but they also say the fitting room mirror adds like, 20. Idk if its the shitty interrogation-room lighting, or the fact that my “monthly” bloat has just become a way of life, but TBH entering a womans fitting room is like entering the fucking Chokey. After trying on the stores entire swim inventory, the only thing youve actually accomplished other than realizing youve unknowingly been growing a winter forest below the navel border for the past three months, is realizing that the trendy off-the-shoulder bikini top you tolerated serves no practicality or purpose other than showcasing unwanted armpit vagina. 
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Stage 4: The Crash Diet
As you leave the store, you make a vow to yourself to go full Emily Blunt for two weeks and to eat nothing but a cube of cheese, but only when feeling like youre gonna drop dead. You stick it out for a solid three hours until your drive home automatically lands you in the In-N-Out drive thru line because whatever, youre getting cheese fries. You start randomly developing a sense of false confidence and mutter shit to yourself like, If they cant accept me at my pregnant Kim K., then they dont deserve me at my revenge bod Khlo. #BIBLE 
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Stage 5: The Prep
Earth to betches: Bikini season is only like 26% about the actual bikini. You dont get a Chipotle burrito to show off the foil wrapping, do you? Id be lying to you if I said Im not the best version of myself when I have a tan. And youd also be lying if you denied that. It makes you look, like, 10 pounds lighter and it gives the illusion that you physically saw the light of day this winter other than through your sliding glass door while you were covered in potato chip crumbs. You resort to whatever painful process it takes to distract people from the slightest amount of “excess love” hanging off your hips like a fucking ornament, and waxing off that 1960s bush youve been harboring like a fugitive. This results in spending more money on your physical appearance than the value of the actual vacation itself, but thats just, like, the rules of Instagram feminism.
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Stage 6: The Presentation
Whether or not your summer bod is ready, a betch knows that the key to living her best vacation life is liquid confidence. ‘Tis the season for 9am beer bongs and chips and guac as a meal replacement, so you finally decide to proudly wear your winter bloat like a badge of honor, because #LoveYoself and (hi) DGAFing is your specialty. Vacays may not be about what you wear, but they sure as hell are about what you drink, so chances are, nobody in their drunk state of mind will even notice your nonexistent insecurities. Plus, drunk goggles make everyone look like a fucking 10, so you win. Now sit back, RELAX, and get that fine-ass awesome personality over here and take a shot with me.
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Source: http://allofbeer.com/the-6-stages-of-trying-on-a-bikini-after-being-a-lazy-piece-of-sht-all-winter/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/04/11/the-6-stages-of-trying-on-a-bikini-after-being-a-lazy-piece-of-sht-all-winter/
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adambstingus · 6 years
The 6 Stages Of Trying On A Bikini After Being A Lazy Piece Of Sh*t All Winter
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Youve officially survived another winter of dreaded family holidays, surprise engagements, and disguising your 2pm blackout as brunch without entirely losing your dignity. But that also means that in the months between November and March, betches were busy living their best fucking lives, Instagramming cheese plates and colorful fruit cocktails, all while pulling off the illusion that their ass underwent months of squat-like workouts, thanks to overpriced Lulu leggings. 
Sure, these PPCS (Post Partum Cuffing Season) side effects are totally justified, but unfortunately for me you, the social media faade that just upped your followers prob also upped your pant size. Bikini season is right around the corner as of like, yesterday, and your besties are dying to be sexually objectified at Tao Beach, but that also means theyre counting on you to pose for pics with them that scream GIRLS TRIP!!! But also can you believe this cleavage rn? while debuting swimwear the size of a hair scrunchie. So if theres one thing I know better than the exact distance it takes to get from work to the bar, its everything a betch goes through following the pre-bikini season DGAF: 
Stage 1: The Invitation
After victoriously indulging in an all-carb diet for four months straight, the only phone call thats dreaded more than your gyno calling to deliver test results is your best friend calling to invite you on a ratchet river retreat. This means pausing yourbinge and getting off your ass in hopes of finding a swimsuit thatll cover your perma-winter layer so you dont feel like an IRL Flubber on a rocky boat. Being a possessor of chronic Stage 4 FOMO the good friend that you are, you reluctantly agree to a weekend of staged candid bikini photos while hiding behind a donut pool floatie, as you confirm with a high-pitched OMG YES IM SO THERE! Congratulations, youve just survived your first two-way calling attack. 
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Stage 2: The Casual Browse
Does your recent Google search history read, “bathing suits that hide my back fat”? Bcuz same. Every betch has Googled some sort of self-loathing ridicule at a point in her life, which means that the quest for the perfect bathing suit has officially begun. But first you attempt to save a little face before baring it all to the poor Victorias Secret employee and peruse your options via Google. After hours of research, only to find yourself 68 weeks deep into Kylie Jenners sluttiest bikini photos, desperate times call for desperate fucking measures, and your Google searches quickly go from “bathing suits” to “how much did Kims fat transfer cost?”
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Stage 3: The Dressing Room
They say the camera adds 10 pounds, but they also say the fitting room mirror adds like, 20. Idk if its the shitty interrogation-room lighting, or the fact that my “monthly” bloat has just become a way of life, but TBH entering a womans fitting room is like entering the fucking Chokey. After trying on the stores entire swim inventory, the only thing youve actually accomplished other than realizing youve unknowingly been growing a winter forest below the navel border for the past three months, is realizing that the trendy off-the-shoulder bikini top you tolerated serves no practicality or purpose other than showcasing unwanted armpit vagina. 
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Stage 4: The Crash Diet
As you leave the store, you make a vow to yourself to go full Emily Blunt for two weeks and to eat nothing but a cube of cheese, but only when feeling like youre gonna drop dead. You stick it out for a solid three hours until your drive home automatically lands you in the In-N-Out drive thru line because whatever, youre getting cheese fries. You start randomly developing a sense of false confidence and mutter shit to yourself like, If they cant accept me at my pregnant Kim K., then they dont deserve me at my revenge bod Khlo. #BIBLE 
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Stage 5: The Prep
Earth to betches: Bikini season is only like 26% about the actual bikini. You dont get a Chipotle burrito to show off the foil wrapping, do you? Id be lying to you if I said Im not the best version of myself when I have a tan. And youd also be lying if you denied that. It makes you look, like, 10 pounds lighter and it gives the illusion that you physically saw the light of day this winter other than through your sliding glass door while you were covered in potato chip crumbs. You resort to whatever painful process it takes to distract people from the slightest amount of “excess love” hanging off your hips like a fucking ornament, and waxing off that 1960s bush youve been harboring like a fugitive. This results in spending more money on your physical appearance than the value of the actual vacation itself, but thats just, like, the rules of Instagram feminism.
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Stage 6: The Presentation
Whether or not your summer bod is ready, a betch knows that the key to living her best vacation life is liquid confidence. ‘Tis the season for 9am beer bongs and chips and guac as a meal replacement, so you finally decide to proudly wear your winter bloat like a badge of honor, because #LoveYoself and (hi) DGAFing is your specialty. Vacays may not be about what you wear, but they sure as hell are about what you drink, so chances are, nobody in their drunk state of mind will even notice your nonexistent insecurities. Plus, drunk goggles make everyone look like a fucking 10, so you win. Now sit back, RELAX, and get that fine-ass awesome personality over here and take a shot with me.
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from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/the-6-stages-of-trying-on-a-bikini-after-being-a-lazy-piece-of-sht-all-winter/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/172840084667
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