#how they’re always joking around but never in a mean tone like anything can get turned into a joke but they check w others if it’s still ok
wantbytaemin · 1 month
skzies are SO sweet to each other 🥺
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munson-blurbs · 5 months
Can I request something with Eddie x reader in a long term relationship. They didn’t meet until their mid to late 20s. maybe they are out to dinner one time with his old highschool buddies and she hears them joke about how eddie always wanted to fuck a cheer leader. she gets the bright idea to buy a cheer leader out fit with a tiny skirt and pom poms and wears it for him one day
Oh, now this is what I'm talking about. Written with the gorgeous queen of fluffy smut, @corroded-hellfire 💚
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), oral (m! receiving), unprotected p in v, Reader wears a cheerleading uniform, mention of Eddie's crush on Chrissy
WC: 1.8k
Divider credit to @saradika
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It’s not the first time you’ve met any of the guys from your boyfriend’s old Hellfire gang. It is the first time that you’ve been around them as a group, though. They’re much louder in a pack—not necessarily trying to shout, just be heard over the guy who is telling a story next to them. 
The guys are funny though and you’re enjoying getting a glimpse of what High School Eddie was like from those who got to experience it first hand. It wasn’t terribly long ago that they were all in high school together; you’re all only in your twenties. But Eddie seems to groan every time there’s a reminder that the youngest guys in the group can legally drink now. 
“So tell me more about this hellion during his younger years,” you say with a laugh, draping an arm over his denim-clad shoulders. “Because he claims to have been a total badass, but he’s such a teddy bear.” To emphasize your point, you smack a wet kiss to his cheek. 
Eddie blushes but doesn’t wipe it off; instead, he tilts your chin till you’re facing him and kisses you until the group throws wadded-up paper napkins at you both. 
“This guy was definitely not a teddy bear,” Lucas says. “I asked him to postpone one Hellfire meeting so I could play in the championship basketball game, and he put me on probation!”
You look at Eddie, slack-jawed. “Eds!” you chastise him teasingly. 
“It was the last campaign of the year!” Eddie rebuts. “Actions have consequences, Sinclair.”
Lucas rolls his eyes and takes a sip of his drink, using his free hand to flip off his friend. 
Dustin cackles at the exchange. “Yeah, he was pretty much an asshole to everyone.” His voice is mischievous as he waggles his eyebrows and adds, “except Chrissy Cunningham.”
“Ooh,” you mimic Dustin’s playful tone. “And who is Chrissy Cunningham?”
“Head cheerleader, cute and blonde, super sweet to, like, everybody,” Mike pipes up.
Eddie gets flustered, not because Chrissy was brought up, but he thinks hearing about his crush on her might upset or annoy you. He sputters over his words, which just riles him up even more. 
“I don’t think we need to, uh, talk about that,” Eddie says, shaking his head.
“Why? What happened?” you ask with a frown. It was no secret between you and Eddie that neither of you were popular in high school and had crushes that went unrequited. But Eddie never told you about anything particularly bad happening between him and a cheerleader.
“What?” Eddie asks before realizing what you mean. “Oh, no! Nothing happened. We spoke maybe a handful of times ever. I just didn’t think this would be something you would want to hear about…”
Eddie brow pinches in worry but you just laugh and wave a dismissive hand.
“Eddie, come on. Who wouldn’t have a crush on the sweet, pretty cheerleader? I mean, I had a thing for my school’s star basketball player back in the day. You know that.”
Lucas laughs. “You definitely would’ve hated the star basketball player at our school.”
“Kid was a total douche,” Jeff adds. “Made these obnoxious, over-the-top speeches that had everybody rolling their eyes.”
“So, like Eddie, but athletic,” Gareth chimes in, putting his hands up in surrender when Eddie shoots him a look and then breaks into a grin. 
The waiter brings out a chocolate cake, loudly singing Happy Birthday to Eddie, which promptly puts a stop to their bickering and taunting. The guys lock in on the dessert, serving Eddie the first slice before turning into barbarians over the second. 
You finally manage to snag a slice among the chaos, but your mind is elsewhere. If Eddie was as into cheerleaders like his friends claim, you might be able to finagle one last birthday surprise.
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A week passes from the dinner-turned-impromptu-Hellfire-meeting. Eddie saunters through the door, tossing his keys on the counter. 
“Babe? You home?” His hair is kept in a low bun; it’s easier to work on cars with it out of his face. 
“In the bedroom!” you call back from behind a half-closed door. 
Eddie kicks his boots off in the general direction of the welcome mat. “How was your day, sweetheart?” he asks as he walks down the hallway towards your room. “Mine was pretty good. I just—holy shit.” He comes to a halt in the doorway, jaw dropping open as he stares at you. 
You lounge on the bed waiting for him, a green and white cheerleading uniform on. There wasn’t one with some yellow on it as well like Hawkins High’s had when you’d gone looking, but you didn’t think your boyfriend would mind. 
He stands frozen and it makes you let out a small giggle before trying to regain the seductive air you’d been going for. 
“Wh…What’s all this?” he manages, caught completely off-guard by your outfit of choice. 
“Just your own personal cheerleader,” you say nonchalantly, crooking your finger and beckoning him over. “Wanna see my pom-poms?”
His grin nearly splits his face in two. “Yeah—wait, do you mean, like, actual ones, or…” he trails off and shakes his head. “Ah, fuck it.” He grabs you and pulls you onto his lap. 
“So, do I get to see a cheer?” he asks with a smirk. “A little, ‘two-four-six-eight, who do we appreciate?’”
You kiss his neck and murmur, “kinda figured my mouth would be busy somewhere else.” Your lips down the pale expanse of bis torso and you unbuckle his belt. 
Eddie groans and leans back against the headboard, eagerly watching you. He lifts his hips enough so you can slide his pants and boxers all the way off and toss them aside. 
You make sure to keep your gaze locked on his as you start to stroke him, using his pre-cum to lubricate your palm. “Tell me what you need, baby.”
He inhales sharply, trying to remain focused. “Need you to suck me off.”
You get on your knees in front of him so he can see down your uniform top, and he twitches against your lips. Flattening your tongue against the base of his shaft, you lick up to the head and wrap your lips around the tip before slowly taking him into your warm, wet mouth. 
“Fuuuuuck,” Eddie breathes out, throwing his head back and exposing his Adam’s apple. “Thassit, just like that.”
The tang of pre-cum is salty on your tongue, and you lap it up gratefully. Your fingers dig into the flesh of his ass as you pull him towards you, your nose grazing his pubic hair. 
“So good, goddamn, honey,” he mumbles, more gibberish than logic, “take me so well. Givin’ me the best fuckin’ head of my life.”
You’re more than happy to continue this, cheeks hollowed and tongue swirling around the sensitive tip, eagerly anticipating his cum down your throat. 
Eddie has other plans. 
He begrudgingly steps back, his throbbing cock thwacking against his stomach. If he pulls out of a blowjob, it usually means—
“Bend over, princess.”
You do as he says, palms pressed into the mattress. He quickly flips up your skirt, exposing your bare ass. 
Eddie laughs triumphantly. “Oh, fuck yes.” He taps the head of his length against it before pushing down on your back, giving him a better view of your pussy. “Mine,” he growls in your ear. 
The moan that tumbles out of your lips from his words only increases tenfold when he pushes inside of you. It makes Eddie smirk in satisfaction as his hands grip your hips beneath the pleats of the skirt. His eyes slip closed as he loses himself in the feeling of you around his cock. 
You whine as Eddie bottoms out, fingers grasping at the blanket below you. “God, Eddie, yes.”
Eddie’s thrusts gain momentum and he pulls your hips back against him for every one, never missing a beat. “Shit, you’re so fucking good for me. Your pussy’s so goddamn tight, fuck.” 
“Mhm, uh-huh.” The drag of his cock against your walls leaves you speechless, only able to whine, no coherent thoughts in your head. 
“My cheerleader feels good, huh? Aw, baby,” he coos, “so good you can’t even talk, yeah?”
Even if you had the capability to answer, you wouldn’t have time before Eddie pulls out of you for the second time today and flips you onto your back. Your legs fall open for him immediately in this new position and he wastes no time pushing back into you. 
He leans over your body, slipping his hands up the top half of your uniform. “Most beautiful cheerleader I ever fuckin’ saw,” he purrs as his hands grope your chest.
Your legs wrap around his body, only pulling him deeper inside of you. “So good,” you slur, eyes half-lidded. You feel your orgasm crash over you, waves of pleasure rippling through your body. 
Eddie’s hands slip out of your top and run down your arms until he laces his fingers with yours. He lifts your hands over your head, keeping a tight grip on you as his hips pick up the pace. Now that you came, he can take what he needs. 
“So tight,” he mumbles, breathing heavily. You can tell that he’s close. “Gonna cum all over this pretty little uniform of yours, ‘kay?”
You can only nod, and he leans in and kisses you one last time before pulling out and painting you in his release. Sticky warmth coats the exposed strip of flesh between the top and skirt, some of it staining the uniform’s fabric. He moans out your name as he jerks the last of his spend out of his cock.
“Holy shit,” he exhales, drinking in the sight of you in your cheerleader outfit and covered in his cum. His sexy cheerleader wearing his cum. The thought has him almost up for another round already. 
He leans over to the nightstand and reaches for a tissue to clean you up, but you wave him off. Your hand catches his wrist and you softly run your fingertips up to his elbow.
“Leave it,” you tell him with a smirk. “I want it to stain.” You’ll wake up in the morning to it dried on the uniform, a reminder of tonight.
“Goddamn, baby.” Eddie lets out a breathy chuckle and flops down next to you, completely exhausted. “I was not expecting this, but I’m certainly not complaining.” 
“Well,” you say, a teasing lilt in your voice. You push up onto one elbow, and gaze at him knowingly. His hair is a mess, his chest is rising and falling rapidly. He looks wrecked, and it’s a beautiful sight. “You’d better drink some Gatorade, babe. Because this is only halftime.”
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suashii · 1 year
୨♡୧ UMBRELLA — suna x reader. sfw. fluff.
requested by sage ( deactivated :'( ) for my rin round up event!
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the one day you forget to stuff your umbrella into the side of your backpack, it rains.
not a light drizzle that would be mildly annoying at most, but the kind of rainfall that you can hear pelting against the windows—the kind that you definitely don’t want to walk home in.
you let out a huff at seeing the time. it’s later than you should be leaving and you can’t help but think that maybe you would have missed the rain if you had left an hour earlier like you normally do on any other weekday. there’s no telling how long it’ll be before it lets up, so, unfortunately, you’ll be stuck in this building until the weather clears up enough for you to make a run for it.
instead of making every minute feel painstakingly longer by watching puddles form on the sidewalk beyond the door, you turn on your heel with the intention of killing time by watching something on your phone. though, before you can make it to one of the many tables, your path is blocked by a broad body. when you look up, you’re met with unmistakable grayish-yellow eyes. 
“so the rumors are true,” suna starts, eyeing you up and down before meeting your gaze once more with a playful smirk. “you’re bound to this school and can’t ever leave.”
in all the time you’ve known suna, you don’t think you’ve heard one serious thing come out of his mouth. you can’t be sure if it’s just you or if he’s always so flippant. you roll your eyes, shaking your head at his dumb statement. “it’s raining and i don’t want to get wet.”
suna raises his eyebrows. “no umbrella? i thought you were always prepared.”
there he goes again, taunting you like it’s a game. it’s been this way since high school and back then you’d respond to his jokes with jabs of your own. it’s never bothered you a great deal but right now, all you want is to go home and suna reminding you that you can’t serves as the straw that broke the camel’s back.
“don’t you have anything better to do than stand here and make fun of my oversight?” you look past him, eyes scanning the lobby for a suitable spot to spend who knows how long.
something about your tone makes suna’s grin fade. it’s not jesting like usual and he’s afraid that the hint of exhaustion he hears in your words has to do with him. joking around with you is much less fun when you aren’t in on it—especially if his teasing has truly struck a nerve.
suna would never consider himself to be well-versed in kind gestures, but he thinks that he might have some way to make up for overstepping.
“i guess i could walk you home,” he offers. there’s a glint of doubt in your eyes as you stare at him. he isn’t sure if it’s because the suggestion is strange coming from him or if you think he’s no better suited to brave the weather than you are. suna can’t do much about that first one, but to prove that he can in fact get you home dry, he pulls out the umbrella from the mesh holding of his backpack and holds it up beside him. “i have an umbrella.”
part of you feels like a fifteen minute walk with suna—someone you would barely consider a friend—is bound to be at least a little bit awkward but a larger part of you is willing to put up with that if it means you can finally get off this campus. “fine. but only because i really want to get home.”
“of course.” suna nods. he steps past you to push open the heavy door, pressing the button to extend the umbrella. the waterproof canopy shields his dark hair from the rain and he jerks his head to the side in a silent gesture for you to follow him.
you do, careful to step close enough so that you’re also under the umbrella but not so close that you’re bumping shoulders with him. “it’s this way,” you point in the direction of your apartment building.
suna nods again and sets off, pacing his steps so that they’re in line with yours. other than the rain hitting the canopy and the sound of your footsteps, it’s silent. you cross your arms and shy away from the edge of the umbrella where water is dripping. it brings you a little closer to suna but the warmth emanating from him is preferable to the sleeve of your sweater getting soaked.
“so,” suna’s smooth voice cuts through the silence, “what were you doing at the sports center?”
you can’t stop your head from turning to look at him, though, his gaze is still focused ahead. seems like that point you made earlier suna never having anything serious to say no longer stands. you’re sure he’s trying to ward off the awkward air surrounding the two of you. you’re sure he’s just trying to be nice, that he doesn’t really care what you were up to, but you answer him anyway. “oh, i was interviewing for a job at the front desk.”
suna’s lips part as he readies to respond with one of his usual quips—something like being able to bother you more often if you get the position—but he quickly presses them closed. he’ll end up running you away if he keeps at it so frequently and that’s the last thing he wants. even though it may not seem like it, suna likes having you around. he likes it a lot.
so he settles for, “that’s cool.”
“the description actually sounds pretty boring.” sitting behind a desk, answering calls, and constantly being around student athletes isn’t exactly your idea of fun but working on campus is convenient and you need the money so you’re hoping for a call back with good news.
“i don’t know,” suna starts, finally turning his gaze to you. there’s a sparkle of playfulness in his eyes. “watching atsumu flirt and fumble is pretty entertaining. it’s like a neverending show.”
the mental image of atsumu flaunting his position as the volleyball team’s setter in an attempt to impress a crowd and maybe walk away with someone’s number makes you chuckle. “okay, that does sound kinda funny.”
your laugh catches suna a bit off guard but aside from his initial surprise, he finds it pretty. sure, he’s heard it plenty of times in passing before, though, never this close. and he’s never been the reason behind your laugh. it’s probably a little silly, but he thinks it sounds even sweeter when he’s the one who caused it.
the rest of your walk is highlighted by natural conversation; questions from you about volleyball and questions from suna about your extracurriculars. it’s uneventful and utterly normal and the exact opposite of what you would expect from suna. although, you don’t dislike it. in fact, you think you could get used to it.
time passes a lot faster in suna’s company and before you know it, you’re standing outside your building. it’s quiet again as suna holds the umbrella over you while you enter your pin to unlock the main door. an automated click sounds through the air and you pull on the handle so it doesn’t lock again. awkwardly, you turn to face suna. “thanks… for walking with me. and sharing your umbrella.”
he dramatically gasps, pressing his free hand to his chest in yet another show of theatrics. “was that a thank you i heard?”
suna is almost sure he’s taken it too far again before you smile.
“don’t get used to it,” you tell him as you step into the dry lobby of your building. before the door closes, you raise your hand in a wave. “bye, suna.”
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thanks for reading! consider commenting or reblogging if you enjoyed ❤︎
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darnell-la · 11 months
Hiii there! may I please request a Bellamy Blake mean and dark dom smut with !female grounder reader? An enemies to lovers thing with a lot of tension or anger and fighting m so they just give in and have hot steamy smut?💖 ty!
world count: 5,9K
pairing: Dom!Bellamy Blake x Grounder!Reader
Hatred to love
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Bellamy Blake’s pov
"This place is so shitty," I said as Murphy and I stepped through the overgrown woods. We've been here for let's say, 6 months, and I've never felt more used in my life. Now that the 100 of us helped the rest of the people on the ark, we can work to reduce our time away. 
To top off us being enslaved, we must deal with these people we call grounders. They’re violent and dirty, and think they own the place. 
“Better watch what you say before y/n hears you,” Murphy joked, making me scoff. Y/n’s the leader of these grounders and she’s a real pain in the ass. She’s always arguing and demanding things. They also protect her and do whatever she tells them to do. 
“Or what? Is she gonna stab me? We have guns and I don’t think they have treatment for that,” I said as Murphy shook his head. “I don’t understand why you don’t like her. She’s cool,” Murphy said. 
I rolled my eyes and stopped, annoyed that people kept saying the same thing to me. I don’t get what they see in her. She’s violent, dirty, and has the worst attitude you could possibly think of. 
“She’s not cool, she’s just some girl that thinks she has a say in everything,” I said. “First of all, that girl is 20, and second, she does have the day of everything. At least around here she does, and we choose to follow them since we landed in their territory,” Murphy said. 
“And if you have a problem with that, you can barge into wherever she lives, and argue with her. Hell, fight if you need. Anything to shut you up about her at this point,” he said. 
“Whatever man,” I said then kept walking, trying not to stay here all day and argue about how much I despise y/n. It just pisses me off how many people tolerate her. 
“You’re not gonna stop me, so save your talking,” I said to Murphy before pushing past him and a few other friends. I’ve had enough of y/n and her demands. 
I walked through the overgrown forest, stumbling over sticks and rocks, thinking about if fighting y/n is the best idea. 
She’s the best warrior they say and she shows absolutely no mercy. Even if I were to beat her, her people would kill me for making her surrender. I’ll have to get her alone. 
As I thought of things to do, I made my way through the forest until I was finally at the grounds of the grounders. They know me, so they let me in easily which was a big mistake. 
“Y/n?” I asked the guards of this small village y/n’s always at. They nodded their heads then turned around to walk towards, where I guess, y/n is. 
“Y/n!” One said as we walked upon y/n reading a book that my people gave to her, to little kids. They seemed happy and like they were having fun. I think this is my first time ever seeing her smile. 
“What did you come here for?” She asked. She always seems like she has a tone with me. Only me. “Oh, nothing. Just wanted to walk and talk. Only for 10 minutes or so,” I lied. I have to get her away from the guards. 
“Now you know I can’t do that. They always follow me. Where ever I go,” y/n said as I sighed. “I know, but, maybe they’ll make an acceptance this one time. Please,” I begged as she tilted her head. 
Y/n got up and walked toward me and the guards. She said something in her language that I still haven’t learned yet, then walked passed me. “10 minutes,” she said. 
“So what did you actually bring me out here for?” Y/n asked as she finally stopped somewhere a bit far from the village. “I was thinking we could fight,” I said. 
“Fight?” She chuckled. “Pathetic,” she added. “What’s pathetic is that you need a whole army to fight for you,” I argued. “That’s just how we work,” she replied. 
“What do you wish to fight for?” She asked, making me smirk. “If I win, you stop this boss act and I get to show people that you’re not as strong as you make yourself to me,” I said. 
“And if I lose, you can keep your little act going and I’ll be very, very embarrassing,” I said as she rolled her eyes, holding back a laugh I wanted to slap away from her. 
“Bet,” she said, a new word that she got from our kind as she jumped off of the log she was standing on and attacked me. I was almost unprepared but moved out of the way fast enough and kicked her back. 
“Good reflexes. But not good enough,” she said as she turned and kicked my legs, causing me to fall to the ground. “Fuck,” I groaned then quickly rolled over as she was about to kick my face. 
“Fighting dirty, huh?” I asked as I got up. “Nah, just want to get this over with,” she said before running towards me. She’s always been an attacker which is hard to fight against since she always makes the first move. 
“Already tried?” She asked, looking down at me after giving me the worst blow to my stomach. I hate her but I won’t ever doubt again that she’s a good-ass fighter. “Nah,” I said, about to kick her legs to make her collapse but I heard a gunshot. 
I quickly looked around as I stayed on the floor, hoping to see anyone but I can’t. “Y/n, get down!” I yelled-whispered because she still standing like she was in shock. She can’t be in shock right now. 
“Y/n!” I yelled. She slowly looked down as her hands lifted up towards her stomach. “Did your people use their weapon on me?” She asked slowly as she pulled her hand away from her stomach showing blood. 
“Ah, shit!” I said as she dropped to the floor. “No, no, y/n, you have to get up! Y-You can’t be out here. Shit! Fuck, uh, fuck. Y/n, get up!” I said as I tried picking her up, but another shot was fired but don’t hit us thankfully. 
“Hood your fire dumb fucks! I made her fight me!” I yelled out so my people can stop this madness. They just fucked up our stay here. Her people will never forgive us for this. 
“Bellamy, am I dying?” She asked, sounding like she was about to pass out. “Shit! No, no, you’re not dying. Just- Just stay still and hold this down,” I said as I took my shirt off, and lifted her ripped-up shirt to press down on her wound so she won’t bleed out. 
“Guys, stop it! She needs medical assistance!” I yelled back as I saw her trying to break correctly and keep eye contact with me. She still seems fearless. How could I do this to her? What did I do?
“Don’t worry, she’ll get it,” an unfamiliar voice said. “But that won’t be needed for long,” they added. I looked around until my eyes landed on people in a has max suits and a dude without one. Everyone had a gun. 
“W-Who are you?” I asked as I kept trying to push down on her wound. “We’ll get to talking once we get what I need,” he said then snapped his fingers. That’s when the people started making their way towards us. Towards her. 
“What? No. No, back away! Back up!” I yelled but they didn’t listen. “No! No!” I yelled as two people pulled me away. “Don’t you fucking touch her!” I yelled, making the dude without a suit on, chuckling to himself. 
As one guy went to pick y/n up, she lifted her arm and stabbed the dude in his neck causing him to fall back and bleed out. 
“Get her now! We don’t have time for this!” The man said. That’s when a few people attacked her, taking her weapons and then dragging her away. They’re manhandling her while she’s screaming in pain. 
“No, no! Help! Help us!” I yelled, hoping one of her people followed us so they wouldn’t completely have no eyes on her but they actually trusted me. Fuck. I kept repeating my yells until something knocked me on the side of my head. 
“What is this shit!?” I yelled at the man as he threw y/n on her stomach, onto this medical chair and then strapped her down. They didn’t even patch up her wounds. She’s bleeding out and groaning in pain. 
“I can see you’re not too happy. I assumed because of how you guys fought, you didn’t like each other but I see otherwise now,” he said as one sergeant pulled out some big needle that I’ve never seen in my life. 
“What the- Hey! Hey, get away from her! What is that!?” I asked the man as he took a deep breath, about to tell me the most inhumane thing I’ve ever heard of. 
“That needle you see is what we use to subtract bone marrow from the grounders who’ve been able to breathe on earth for hundreds of years,” he said as he sat in front of me after a guard placed a chair down. 
“You see, my people can’t survive the outside but they can. People like you can too which is surprising,” he said. “We’ve been studying you guys and we finally got one of you which will help another few of my people,” he added. 
“What? You’re gonna- You’re gonna fucking- No, let me go! L-Let her go! I swear to god-“ I went to say but he cut me off. “What will you possibly do?” He asked then snapped his fingers. Seconds later, his guards took me away as I yelled and demanded them to let me go but they wouldn’t listen.
Maybe an hour went by since the guards threw me into this clean and well-kept-up room. I’ve been thinking of ways to kill this man and escape. We can’t stay here. 
As I was about to start my banging on the door that I’ve been doing every 10 minutes, the door swung open to two guards dragging y/n into the room by her arms. 
She looked dead. My heart skipped a beat until I noticed she was alive by her whimpers. They patched her up but her blood is still leaking through her bandage. 
“Here,” a third guest said as he walked through the doors and threw a medical bag at me. “Fix her up, would ya?” He said then walked out with the other two after they dropped y/n on the floor. 
“Shit, y/n?” I said as I grabbed the medical bag and sped over to her. “Mhm?” She asked as I began to work on her. First I cleaned her up while keeping a conversation with her so she won’t fall asleep. 
“I need you to keep talking to me, okay baby? Keep talking,” I said after watching her eyes get heavy. “Hurts,” she said right before slipping away and passing out. 
“Y/n? No, y/n, stay up!” I said as I fastened my process before she looses too much blood. I’d she dies, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself. I made her go out, far from her guards to fight her. 
I’ve always said that if I had the chance to kill her, I would but that’s a lie. Just a big fucking lie. I can’t do that to her. She’s one of the kindest, most responsible, and most thoughtful people I’ve met. I really fucked up…
“Guess I didn’t die,” I heard y/n say as she leaned up on the bed I laid her on. “Yeah, I guess,” I said as I quickly got up and walked to the side of the bed. “Hey, hey, chill out,” I said as I leaned her back to check her wound. 
“Why are you carrying for me? Didn’t you want to fight me? Maybe even kill me?” She asked after slapping my hand away from her. “Hey!” I slightly shouted as I grabbed her wrist. She tried tugging away but I tugged back to get her to stop. 
“Listen! You’re hurt and your people would probably kill me and think I shot you if they find your lifeless body bled out,” I said then pushed her wrist away and went back to slowly pull the big patch I placed on her. 
“It sent Straight through so that’s good. I didn’t know until I started patching you up. You’ll heal within a few months but it takes a good year to get back to your normal self,” I said. “A year!?” She yelled. 
“Chill, okay? I’ll take care of you and shit,” I said, making her laugh. “You? Take care of me? Yeah, it’s hard to feel comfortable around someone who got me in this situation!” She yelled at me. 
“I didn’t mean to get you shot! I just want to put you in your place and-“ I tried finishing. “Put me in my place? And what is that? Ruin what I and my people had going on for hundreds of years. We were doing good with and without you,” she said. 
“You need us,” I said as I leaned over her to intimidate her but she leaned up. I can tell that she was in pain but she kept a straight face because that’s who she is. She’s strong. That’s what I like about her…
“You don’t scare me, Mr. Blake, so don’t lean into my face and not do anything about-“She went to get aggressive but I cut her off by smashing my lips onto hers. She instantly stops talking. My eyes are shut but I can tell she’s looking at me with wide shocked eyes. 
I slowly lifted my hand up to place my hand on her cheek but she quickly gripped my wrist, stopping me. I kept my hand up, not giving up until she slowly let my wrist go, allowing me to place my hand on her face. 
Now she’s kissing me back and I can’t tell she’s probably never kissed anyone. She’s not bad or anything, but she’s flinching at new things I do like moving my tongue, she’s breathing heavily, and seems very needy. 
“You done being mad at me now?” I asked as she kept her lips on mine, kissing me in want. “Shut up and kiss me,” she said as she pulled my face into hers. I did. as told and pushed her down on the bed and hovered over her. 
Her small whines are the most beautiful thing I’ve heard. I love how needy, whiny, and sloppy she kisses me. How could I be so mean to someone like her? She’s perfect. 
Minutes into making out with her, I went to trace my hand down to her lower body but someone started punching in codes. I quickly got off of her as she quickly leaned up, snapping out of what we were doing. 
“Stay back,” I said as I got in front of the bed to cover her and defend her if they try grabbing and experimenting on her again until the door opened to Clarke. “Bell,” she said under her breath as she sped over to me and jumped into my arms. 
“I thought I lost you. We thought you ran away,” she said as I placed her down, not really comfortable with her wrapping her legs around me, right after I just got through making out with y/n.
“No, no, I was just out with y/n and then these people fucking-“ I went to say but she cut me off. “What were you doing with y/n alone? How did you even get her alone without her guards?” Clarke asked like she was upset. 
“That’s not the issue right now. The issue is, is that she got shot and they didn’t give her proper treatment,” I said as I walked over to y/n to show Clarke what I’m talking about. 
She walked over, seeming like she didn’t really care. “I tried my best but it’s not enough,” I said. “You touch her? Aren’t you like not allowed to? She barely had a shirt on,” Clarke said, focusing on the wrong things. 
“Well if I didn’t, she would have bled out, Clarke,” I said with a tone, pissed off that she’s so worried about how I’m taking care of y/n like me and her are dating. Clarke is just another girl to me. Nothing else. 
“Where’s the rest?” I asked Clarke so we could end this conversation that was going absolutely nowhere. “Making sure the guards don’t try attacking the people helping the people that are caged up,” she said. They caged people here? 
“They’ll explain to you. Let’s go,” she said, trying to pull me with her but I yanked my hand away. “We have to take y/n,” I said as I looked at her with a disappointed look. 
“She says she’s strong right? She can get up and get home herself,” Clarke said. “Nah, I think you can,” I said, causing Clarke’s eyes to widen. “You should go,” I said then began to help y/n get up. 
Clarke stormed out as I paid no mind to whatever she was fussing about. “You should have told me you had a partner,” y/n said. “She’s not,” I replied. “Doesn’t seem like it,” she said as she backed up from me. 
“I can walk myself,” she said then began walking. “Wait, y/n, it’s not what you think, okay? She’s into me. I’m not into her,” I explained. “But she still felt comfortable saying those things about me. You’re clearly showing her something,” she said as she limped out of the room. 
I stayed silent and still in the room, cussing myself out that I had something with Clarke. She just fucked up what I and y/n could have probably had. I should have known she’d be like this. 
Before I even pressed my lips onto hers, I thought about how all the women would feel about me and y/n being a thing. Clarke was the first to come to mind since she’s the more jealous type. The others have other people so they don’t need me.
3rd persons pov
It’s been months since y/n’s been shot and she’s doing pretty well. She still works out, trains, and talks to Bellamy but she never dares to speak about what happened between them in that room. 
She respected Clarke and Bellamy’s non-realistic relationship and Bellamy respect how angry she was at him. He understood how uncomfortable she could have felt in that situation once Clarke started acting a certain way toward her for no reason. 
Bellamy still tried to make small moves but it never really goes anywhere. They haven’t kissed each other since that day. The furthest it’s gone is touched around her clothing to ease her into him but she can’t forget how he made out with her and seconds later, Clarke came in like they’ve been dating for years. 
Today’s y/n’s birthday and Bellamy just found out that the grounders don’t celebrate birthdays since they use to lose track of times before the sky people came down. 
Bellamy is currently in y/n's room, decorating the place with old birthday decorations he found around the place. They had moved into the mountain men’s home after every one of them fled with suits to go someplace else, scared that the sky people and grounders would come after them for murder. 
“She’s back from hunting in a few minutes,” Murphy said as he walked into the room. “Good, and her guards won’t be sticking their noses around, right?” Bellamy asked. “Nope, so you’re good,” he said. 
“You really like her, huh? What happened?” He asked as he looked around the room, seeing how much work Bellamy put into it. bellamy was the one to even set up her furniture when they moved in a few months ago. 
“I don’t know. It’s like, right after she got shot, I noticed that I’d missed something about her a little too much,” Bellamy said as he sat down on y/n's bed and looked down at the ground. 
“I knew you didn’t hate her. It’s easy to tell,” Murphy said. “I read this book that was published back in 2023 and they said that people tend to get more annoyed about people that care about. That’s you to y/n,” Murphy said which is definitely true. 
“She’s here!” Monty and Jasper yelled through Murphy’s Walkie-Talkie. “Good luck and don’t be you please,” Murphy joked as he made his way out of the room. 
Bellamy chuckled as he got up and walked to the corner of her room so that y/n wouldn't see him when she first walks in. He wants to see her reaction. He loves watching her smile. 
“Why is my door open!?” Y/n yelled throughout the hallways. Dammit Murphy. “Hello?” Y/n asked before peaking around the corner to the surprise in her room. 
“Oh,” she said confused but slightly amazed. She’s never seen decorations like this before. “Who did this,” she said under he breathe as she took a step into her room with a smile on her face. Just what Bellamy wanted to see. He's never seen her smile this bright. 
“I knew you’d like it,” Bellamy said, making her jump a little. “Bellamy!” She shouted then covered her mouth. “You like it, right?” He asked as he slowly walked towards her. “Yes, I actually do,” she said. You could see her blushing. 
“Good, because it took me a couple of hours to find everything and put it up,” He smiled down at her. “Thank you,” she said as she began to scan the place and walk around. He can tell she really loves it. 
“You know, y/n. I’ve been thinking. A lot. I know we use to be enemies-“ Bellamy said but she cut me off. “You use to be mine. I never hated you but go on,” she joked. 
“Yes, yes, I know,” He chuckled. “But after that day in the room, I felt something. I’ve always felt it but it never came out until then. That’s the day I couldn’t force being angry at you or having some type of hatred towards you,” Bellamy said as she turned around and he walked towards her. 
“Y/n, I really like you and I’m sorry Clarke said those things about you but I don’t like her. I don’t see anything with her. But I do see something with you,” Bellamy said. He softly grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes. 
“So, could we please start over? Start something with each other?” I asked. “Bellamy…” she said as she pulled her hands back. “I can’t. You and Clarke have known each other for a while. I think she’s best for you,” she said. 
“But I don’t want her. I don’t feel anything for,” Bellamy said as y/n shook her head with a chuckle. “She still talks about you. She’s obsessed and loves you,” y/n said. 
“She doesn’t love me. She just hates the fact that I love you and now her. I’ve never loved her. I barely ever liked her,” Bellamy said making y/n shake her head. 
“Yeah, that’s not what she keeps saying. Apparently, you guys have been secretly dating for years and still sneak around at night in your room or go off somewhere where no one will see you,” y/n said, making Bellamy’s blood boil. 
“And who the fuck has she been saying this shit to?” Bellamy asked. “Me, Monty, Jasper, and maybe a few other girls,” Y/n said. “Well, that shit isn’t true. She just wants you away from me, that’s all,” Bellamy said, trying to softly grab y/n hands again but she backed up towards her bed. 
“Look, we can’t work out, okay? It’s not going to happen,” she said. “Why? Why can’t it work?” Bellamy asked with a tone, getting tired of excuses and other people getting in the way between him and her. 
“Because Bellamy! I don’t want you! You’re too different from me,” she said. “What are you talking about? No one who’s together is exactly the same, y/n,” Bellamy said as he stepped towards her. 
“You’re not for me, Bellamy so just- Just leave, Bellamy,” y/n said but he didn’t listen. “Y/n, you’re perfect for me. I love how different you are,” Bellamy said as he went to grab her waist slowly but she slapped his hands away, shocking him. 
Y/n walked passed Bellamy to get out of his face since he won’t get out of hers but he quickly grabbed her from the back and pulled her away from the door. 
“Let me go!” Y/n yelled at Bellamy. Bellamy threw y/n on the bed and then quickly ran over to her door, shutting and locking the door so that she’ll listen and stay where he wants her at. With him. 
“Bellamy, what are you doing?” Y/n asked, annoyed that he can’t just leave her alone. Why does he fight so much for her? Why does someone like her so much? She’s not someone who’s likable like this. 
“I’m here to show you love, y/n. I fucking love you and you know that. That’s why you’re pushing me away. You think you’re gonna hurt me or some crazy shit but you’re not. What’s going to hurt me, is if you don’t accept me and love me back. I know you like my touch and presence,” Bellamy said as he made his way toward her. 
“No, no, no! No, Bellamy! I-l don’t love you! I don’t!” Y/n yelled at him as she rushed her hands through her hair and rubbed her face, stressed that this is happening. She can’t run like usual. He’s got her trapped. 
“Stop lying, y/n. It’s getting annoying and makes you look more pathetic,” Bellamy said, getting angry. “Pathetic!? You’re pathetic! You have to trap a woman in a room to force her to love you,” y/n said. 
“I don’t have to force shit, and you know that. You fucking know it, so stop lying!” Bellamy growled at her as he grabbed her wrist tightly. “I’m tired of you fucking lying and denying. Admit it. Admit it now!” He yelled in her face, shocking her. 
“No,” she firmly said, hating the dominance someone like him can show over her. She’s never felt any kind of dominance against her but from Bellamy. She can’t seem to function right with him talking to her like this. 
“Get on the bed,” he demanded after letting her hand go, giving her a chance to listen. “No,” she said, once again with a tone, trying to stand her ground until Bellamy picked her up and threw her on her bed. 
Bellamy kept his silence as y/n began to yell at him. He didn’t care. He wanted to shut her for once and make her submit. He wants to get rid of the lies and excuses. 
“Bellamy, what are you doing!?” Y/n finally asked after noticing Bellamy’s shirt off. She’s never seen Bellamy with his shirt off. She’s seen his built-under wet clothes hut never more. This is a lot for her. 
“You like the clothes I gave you in a box? They’re perfect for you,” Bellamy said, making y/n think. Murphy, Monty, and Jasper said that they gave y/n the box so she’d have the best up-kept clothes since she’s the leader of her people. Now she’s finding out Bellamy chose them all. 
That explains the revealing parts, her panties, and bra that seemed a bit too pretty for Monty, Jasper, and especially Murphy to pick out for her. She knew they’d never do that. 
“Y-You picked these out?” She asked, knowing the answer already. “Of course I did. Otherwise, I’d have a talk with Murphy about what he picked out for you,” Bellamy smirked at y/n as he slowly climbed onto the bed. 
“Now will you finally let me taste you? I bet you’re sweet as a fresh berry,” Bellamy said as he tugged on y/n shorts. She tried slapping at his hands but she’s not really fighting him like she should be. 
“Look at that… You look so cute in these tiny little panties,” Bellamy said after getting her shorts off. She tried covering herself up but it was not enough. Bellamy laughed at her attempt as he began to pull her panties down, so focused on what he’s been dying to see. 
“Fuck, you’re wetter than I could’ve imagined,” he said under his breath. She had shaved today in the shower for the first time ever. She grew up thinking shaving wasn’t even a thing until Bellamy’s sister gave her something for her birthday. 
“No one’s ever touched you here, haven’t they? Tell me I’m the first, baby, and I’ll treat so you right. Better than your people. I’ll worship you more than anyone else can, baby,” Bellamy said, becoming full of lust by the second. 
“Bellamy, I can’t,” y/n has snapped out of what felt like a dream, angering Bellamy. “I’m tired of this shit,” he said as he quickly parted y/n’s legs and dived in without warning, lapping his tongue around her floss and clit faster than she could blink. 
“Bellamy!” Y/n moaned loudly at the foreigner feeling. She’s never touched herself in any type of way down there so everything she’s feeling feels too great for her. She’s too sensitive. 
“P-Please, Bellamy! Oh my!” She cried out, feeling her nerves hit her and her clit swell up. Bellamy began to suck any and everything he could reach. She grew wet, only making Bellamy eat her out sloppier. 
“I-I-I can’t Bellamy! I can’t!” She kept crying and shaking as she felt her stomach tighten. She’s never felt this before. She thinks she’s about to pee on Bellamy’s face but Bellamy knows he’s about to take the sweetest thing he could possibly taste. 
“Cum in my mouth, baby,” Bellamy said, and right after, y/n released all over his mouth and chest as she shook and rolled her eyes back. The moan she let out felt like music to Bellamy’s ears. He’s never heard of anyone so beautiful before. 
Bellamy backed away and hovered over y/n watching her eyes shut and her body shiver from the new feeling she just received.  
Bellamy began to take his jeans off as y/n lay there a whining mess, not being able to shake off the orgasm she just had. 
“Work with me and I’ll go slow. Resist and I’ll put you in your place, princess,” Bellamy said as she slowly moved in between y/n’s legs, triggering her kind as she felt his bare skin. Her eyes widen in shock at his size. 
“B-Bellamy, what are you doing? What is this? What is that?” Y/n asked, feeling a bit scared even though she knows Bellamy would never hurt her in any kind of way. 
“It’s yours, princess, and the only right thing to do with it is to get to know it and soak it with your heavenly sent sweet juice,” Bellamy said as he brushed his tip against her entrance to watch her jump a little. 
“Let’s see who’ll win this fight,” Bellamy said right before pushing balls deep into her cunt as she screamed and scratched at his chest and abs, feeling the pain but pleasure. 
“N-No, this is too much!” She whined as she tried pushing away from Bellamy but he’s not waiting any longer. Bellamy gripped y/n’s neck, placed his hand next to her ok the bed to keep himself up, and began to thrust. 
“Bellamy, Bellamy! Fuck, please! Please, Bell,” y/n moaned loudly, surprised at her language and the nickname she called him. “What’s wrong baby? You can finally not take something?” He laughed in her face. 
“You’ve been stabbed, shot, thrown off of hills I heard and you can’t take a cock?” Bellamy teased as he sped his thrust. “You can’t take a simple fucking cock, but you can take all of this other shit!?” He shouted at her. 
“You’re so pathetic,” growled in her face as her eyes rolled back and her moans got trapped by his tighter grip around her neck. “And you’re about to cum? Didn’t know you were a little slut to degrading, with the title you hold,” Bellamy chuckled as she squeezed his cock. 
“I-I’m not,” she whined, which broke into a moan as she came around Bellamy’s thick cock. “Fuck, yes. Cum on my fucking cock and I might treat you better when I fuck your little body,” Bellamy grinned down at her. 
“Bellamy,” y/n moaned as she softly grabbed his face and fucked up onto him. Oh, you’re horny? You like it, huh?” Bellamy asked, very surprised that she’s feel comfy with this so fast. 
“Y-Yes, I like it,” she whined. Y/n tried pushing Bellamy to the side but he was too strong. He watched her struggle until he let her overpower him and climb onto him. 
“Oh, shit,” Bellamy said shocked as y/n grabbed his cock and lined herself up to her own entrance until she dropped down on him with a loud moan. “Fuuuucck!” Bellamy bucked his knees. 
“So sexy,” Bellamy growled as he pulled y/n’s shirt and bra off. “Ride me, baby,” Bellamy said. Y/n didn’t waste any time to start. The moans leaving her mouth were nonstop. Her rhythm is as well. 
“You ride so good baby. All of that adrenaline in this sexy little body, coming to life,” Bellamy wrapped his large hands around her waist to help her. He gave her ass some smacks here and there, only making her sex drive higher. 
“Never knew your tits were so beautiful,” Bellamy grabbed one for a few seconds then began to pinch her nipple to give y/n a better feeling. “Bell,” she moaned as she leaned down in his face. 
“Right there,” he said, feeling his orgasm right around the corner. She stuffed his mouth with y/n’s free nipple and began sucking, only having her cum for the 3rd time with a wilder shake. 
She still tried to ride him but soon stopped as Bellamy held her down with one of his hands on her waist. Bellamy groaned loudly as he released a big load into y/n. He’s never shaken before. But this time it felt too good to hold still. 
Both pulled each other closer together as they rode out their orgasm together.
After cleaning each other up and talking about what the two should do further, they decided to officially be something. 
Y/n had to explain to Bellamy that if she were to date someone, within a month, they’ll have to do a traditional marriage because of her title of the leader. 
Bellamy couldn’t have had better news said to him. It was one thing for him to be her boyfriend but officially making her his is something he thought he’d have to wait years for. No, he doesn’t. 
Y/n and Bellamy lived life to be the best couple anyone could have imagined. They’ve grown both of their people closer and helped generations of people understand that no one is truly your enemy unless you make them out to be. 
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arrowfleur · 2 months
“What was that for?”
Some more thoughts on Darlin’s love languages and Sam’s HBS. Part 2 headcanons yay!
@darlin-collins <3
Darlin feels like they are never close enough to Sam, they will be laid directly on top of him and still trying to figure out ways to get closer
Sam, although quite outwardly stoic, does not only use his ‘pretty prose’ on Darlin’ (although they get the most and the best ones). Since his turning he is so aware of how short life can be and when he truly admires something about a person he’ll let them know.
This is usually with close pack/clan and also always when he’s just on his own with the person he’s talking too. But, if the timings right, he lets out these poetic observations, usually leaving the other person speechless before he quickly changes the topic. Not always realising the (positive) weight of his compliments.
On multiple occasions Sam has used words to describe Darlin that they didn’t know. Not because they’re dumb but because some of his vocabulary is rather niche. And upon looking it up they almost always perfectly describe Darlin’ in whatever situation he was talking about.
Although not the best at giving compliments, Darlin’ does tell Sam that he’s beautiful, gorgeous etc depending on the vibe he’s giving at the time and they’re the first person to ever call him anything other than handsome or hot.
‘You’re so pretty’
‘Darlin’ I ain’t-‘
‘Especially right now, with your hair like that’
‘Alright…. Well, thank you.’
I’ve mentioned before in a head canon post that they like it when Sam runs a finger up and down the bridge of their nose. Darlin’ will also full on nuzzle into Sam when cuddling/hugging. Especially into his collarbone/neck
Although comfortable with (platonic) touch from people they know, Darlin doesn’t like it unexpectedly, nor will they usually initiate it.
Unless someone they love is upset, then they’ll be getting a hug or an arm wrapped around them without any hesitation (if that’s what they like ofc)
Sam feels like he’ll never be able to fully voice how much Darlin’ means to him, Darlin’s heart practically skips a beat when he simply calls them beautiful. (Or when he makes a joke or complains or laughs or….)
When comforting Darlin’ about something, Sam often adresses problems/reasons for their behaviour/feelings that Darlin’ hadn’t realised themselves yet. He is so careful with his wording and extremely observant of them.
Darlin’ although previously independent to a fault, realised that the best comfort they could give Sam was to let him help them. On multiple occasions Darlin’ has let him heal paper-cuts and small bruises (which is a ridiculous waste of magic in their opinion) because otherwise he’s not going to stop thinking about it.
Sam knows all of Darlin’s tells by their body language and Darlin’ know Sam’s by his tone and the amount he’s speaking for example: if he says he’s ‘fine’ then he’s not but if he says he’s ‘alright’ then he probably is
The same way Sam felt bad about not being able to give Darlin every physical action that they wanted Darlin feels bad that they can’t verbalise their feelings for him correctly.
Sam found a scrunched up love letter from Darlin’ and keeps it in his wallet. They’d wanted to write down their feelings so they wouldn’t mess it up when sharing them with him but ultimately hated the end result.
They do however leave little notes for him sometimes while he’s sleeping , since they tend to work on different schedules, that Sam also dearly treasures and keeps in a shoe box.
Sam is really good at writing professional emails and has on multiple occasions written some for Angel and Babe when they’ve had problems with their bosses
The perfect mix of polite, professional and passive aggressive
Another way Darlin’ helps Sam is by reminding him of his talents/abilities and how he uses them for so much good, they will not let that man be humble. His #1 cheerleader FR.
Even with all of this in mind both of their most comfortable ways of communicating their love is through acts of service. That way they get to keep up their grumpy outward personas that the pack/clan have long since learned to see right through.
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comfortless · 1 month
how do you think König would react with an S/O who playfully fights/teases as a way to show affection? my love language is light bullying so idk if he'll be too receptive to that 😅
ohhh this is a fun/sad one, actually! 🥲 i think this would be torture for him, because i don’t see him as being someone who can take a joke well!
We are all aware König was bullied in his past. I personally see him as being somewhere on the spectrum, too.
He speaks his mind, and expects the same of you whether he voices that need or not. The people he was surrounded by as a child play a huge part in this. There was never any “playful” bullying when it came to his father, any change in tone or insult ignited a fight or flight instinct for König because of this. The children at school were even worse. His father was always easy enough to read as he had no choice but to be around him.
The fake love confessions, the mocking compliments, and the unprompted aggression were another thing altogether. If a girl called him “hot” growing up, she always seemed to be lying, laughing with her friends the second he became hopeful. If another student wanted to “be friends” it more often than not ended with poor König either showing up and sitting through a movie entirely alone or doing their homework for them with nothing in return.
König never properly mastered people, they’re all different shades of confusing. He never had the proper upbringing or chances to read them properly at all, and though he’s grown more comfortable in his own skin now, these things do still haunt him to an extent.
He would love a play fight, adores the feeling of getting to pin you and feel that flood of power. You’re smaller and weaker than him, most people are, but he doesn’t get to exert that energy anywhere else than on the field. It’s certainly not as fun when his opponent winds up dead and there’s no romantic aspect to it at all. You’re such a cute, fragile little thing in his eyes, he’s overly gentle but doesn’t hesitate in the slightest to engage. Physical touch is his love language, and the promise of getting to rough you up in other ways afterward is just a bonus!
But… say you’re playfully insulting him. Call him “ugly” or hurl any other insult at his body, and he just sort of shuts down. He’ll give you the blankest stare, avoid touching you, and likely storm off until he’s had time to calm himself down. A part of him recognizes that you don’t mean it, but the internal wounds speak much louder.
He would assume the worst, that all of this time you’ve just been pitying him and you’re only now speaking true. You’re not attracted to him, and he was an idiot for ever believing that you might be. This guy had tried and failed countless times to find himself with a pretty thing that he can love, and never would he say anything like that to you. It’s always an abundance of praise and an eternal stare. His eyes and hands never leave you. So, that stings.
Once he calms down… some, he would return with the same hurt painted across his face, ask you why through gritted teeth. Just, “Why?” Depending on if it’s something that can be fixed, maybe he’ll offer to do it for you. Make himself prettier, better built, anything so that you don’t leave him for a man you deem more worthy. He knows he sounds small and pathetic, but he can’t stop himself. He doesn’t want to lose you. It pisses him off knowing that he’s already done the work, too, only for the end result to be the same as the things he’s already endured.
He wouldn’t be entirely convinced that it was just a joke, but he isn’t the type to come sobbing to you for reassurance, either. The next few hours are filled with condescending little comments. “You like fucking ugly men, schatz?” or “Do you always get wet like this when you’re sorry?”
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littlemissaddict · 11 months
No Joke - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Summary: After being asked out as a joke too many times, she turns down the only genuine one out of fear of being laughed at yet again. Angst with a happy ending. Part 2 maybe if anyone wants it.
Word Count: 3321
She flopped back on the bed with the phone in one hand while her free hand twirled the spiral cord around her fingers. As she spoke, she kept a careful eye on her bedroom door, well aware her  mother was home and it wasn’t like she didn’t share what happened in her life with her either but today, she didn’t think she could handle the embarrassment of her mother knowing she got asked out as a joke and not for the first time either.
“I don’t know Rob, James just didn’t seem like the type” she sighed and she meant it. Normally they were lab partners and he was quiet, sure but he was sweet and nothing like the rest of the male population of the school that had taken it upon themselves to torment the girls. Although it seemed her feelings about him were very wrong as just before the bell had gone to signal the end of their lunch period, he had asked her out only to laugh in her face when she had accepted.
“But look at it this way, did you actually like any of them enough to want to date them or were you just accepting because you’re desperate for a relationship?” Robin asked, not even trying to sugarcoat her words and the worst thing was she was right, as always.
“I mean I guess so, I could have felt that way about James” she lies, not wanting to give Robin the satisfaction of knowing she was right. The truth was there is only one guy she wishes would ask her out but it’s a wish that will never be fulfilled because he’ll never see her like that, to him she’s just Dustin Hendersons’ older sister. She hears Robin mutter a ‘bullshit’ and she rolls her eyes, knowing that Robin has seen right through her lies, “you know what I’m done with guys from now on I’m not interested in anything other than me” she states with a nod even though Robin can’t see her.
“Yeah I’ll believe that when I see it” Robin laughs, beginning to say something else that she doesn’t quite hear as she’s distracted by the sound of her mom calling her name.
“Honey, could you just get the door, I would but I’m a bit preoccupied at the moment” she calls from down the hall.
“I’m sorry I gotta go but I’ll call you later” she apologises, rushing out her goodbyes before she practically throws the receiver back on its stand and pushes herself up from the bed. Catching sight of her rumpled clothes and mussed hair she attempts to straighten herself out as she makes her way towards the door, knowing how much her mom prides them in looking presentable in others company, even if it is just to answer the door.
Pulling open the door, she reveals the last person she expected to see stood on her doorstep this evening. “Steve?” she asks, shock evident in her tone. “Dustin’s not here, he’s at-” she starts to say but Steve cuts her off.
“Hellfire, I know” he nods with a warm smile but she notices the way he’s bouncing slightly on the balls of his feet, almost as if he’s nervous which is ridiculous because he’s been to her house plenty of times before and her mother loves him as if he was her own son. “But I’m not here for Dustin” he clarifies.
“So who are you here for?” she asks, the words tumbling out of her mouth before she can stop herself. They’re still standing on the doorstep and she knows if she’s out here any longer her mom will wonder what’s going on and well she doesn’t want to invite him in because she’s not even sure what he wants or even if that’s what he’s expecting.
“You, I’m here to ask-um” he stalls which she vaguely registers as she’s still focused on the fact that he said he was here for her, “I wanted to- Will you go on a date with me?” he asks finally, eyes widening in panic when her face falls.
She can’t believe the words that have come out of his mouth. No way did Steve Harrington just ask her out, it has to be a joke. Her eyes prickle with tears that she blinks away, not wanting to show him just how much his cruel joke has upset her. She wants to cry. She wants to scream. Anything than to face the boy waiting patiently on her doorstep for an answer. She doesn’t even know why Steve would participate in the cruel prank craze that’s going around and she doesn’t even know how he would have heard about it considering he’s finished with high school now. Probably Robin, she thinks but then Robin wouldn’t tell him to come prank her considering she knows just how upset she’s been when she’s fallen for it the last three times. No, clearly Steve Harrington hasn’t fully changed his ways and is still the king he was back in school, well she’d been broken too many times in the last week to fall for it again.
“No” she says with a shake of her head while avoiding looking at him, not wanting to see the disappointment in his face that she hadn’t fallen for his games. Instead she shuts the door, not caring whether or not he was still standing on the doorstep as she turned and made her way back to her room, ignoring her mom’s questions as she shut her bedroom door before finally allowing the tears to fall.
The tears keep coming and coming until she’s all out of tears to cry. Until all she’s left with is a headache and the empty feeling that follows. Deciding now would be a good time to call it a night, she switches her lamp off and falls back into bed fully clothed as she wishes for sleep to come.
At some point she must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knows, Dustin is barging into her room full force causing the door to bang against the wall which shocks her awake. She pushes herself up onto her elbows as she looks over at his fuzzy form as her eyes are still hazy from sleep, or maybe the crying she’s not one hundred percent sure which.
“What did you do?” he asks with a sudden urgency in his voice and she recognises the annoyance in his tone even in her half asleep state but she doesn’t know what he’s asking her about. He rolls his eyes at her lack of answer coming further into the room until he’s stood at the foot of her bed, “Steve” he clarifies as it all comes rushing back to her.
Squinting at the brightness of her bedside lamp as she leans over to switch it on so they are not talking in the dim light coming in from the hallway and Dustin’s face immediately softens when he takes sight of her obviously still puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. Considering there is about five years between them in age, they are still pretty close as siblings and can be very protective over the other.
“What happened? Do I need to kill Steve?” he asks and she chuckles slightly, finding humour in his words that he would even suggest doing that to his ‘best friend’. “Cause I will just say the word?” he adds, nodding fiercely as he sits down which causes his curls to bounce around as he does.
She shrugs in response, rubbing at her hands over her face before she focuses on him again. “He asked me out,” she says finally, “on a date” she adds as if it wasn’t already obvious from her previous words and Dustin’s face lights up in a smile only to fall again moments later.
“I know,” he replies, which causes her heart to plummet. Dustin knew about the prank and he didn’t try to stop it. She could feel the anger at his betrayal bubbling inside her but before she could react he carried on speaking, “he asked me what the chances of you saying yes would be” he says, looking at her as if he was revealing some big secret, “and I was almost certain you would say yes so what I don’t get is why you’re both miserable”
“He’s probably just disappointed because his prank backfired,” she responds with a roll of her eyes. She was completely done with the conversation at this point and hoped that he would leave so that she could just go back to sleep and try to forget about this whole horrid situation, for a little while at least until she woke up in the morning.
“Prank? What prank?” he asks, confused.
“You know the same one that Thomas and Ben and James and the rest of the male population of Hawkins High thought would be funny” She answers sarcastically, throwing her arms in the air as if to emphasise her words, “you know the one where you ask a girl on a date only to laugh at her when she accepts” she practically yells at him, even though it’s not his fault, she’s just tired and upset and worked up over boys that mean nothing to her.
Her name falls from his lips causing her to take notice of the stunned look on his face which she guesses it’s because of her outburst as normally she’s quiet, calm and never shouts. “That’s not what this was” he says slowly, almost as if he’s afraid she’ll yell at him again.
“How do you know?” she questions, a little irritated by him sticking by Steve when she was supposed to be his sister.
“Because before he asked me what you say if he asked, he asked me if I would be alright with it if the two of you started dating” he reveals as she stares blankly at him, the anger now dissipating but guilt seeping in in place of it. “And just so you know, I would be okay with it if you did want to date him” he adds with a supportive smile and she can’t help but smile back at him until she remembers she'd said no.
“Though I guess it doesn’t matter now anyway” she shrugs, her body slumping back against the pillows.
“Hey don’t lose hope yet, call him because I doubt he's moved on that quick” he scoffs at her dramatics.
And she does, she wastes no time in picking up the phone and calling Steve’s home phone as Dustin sits on watching in amusement at her eagerness to speak to Steve. Though the weight is only momentarily lifted from her shoulders as the phone goes to the answering machine. “What now?” she asks pathetically, feeling like a child.
Dustin’s quiet for a minute as he thinks before he turns to her, “Robin” he says simply and her eyes widen. Of course, Dustin was a genius, not that she tells him that because his ego was already big enough. It doesn’t take her long to punch in Robin’s number but once again her call goes unanswered, “try it again?” he suggests, so she does but gets the same result.
“She’s gotta pick up eventually right?” she asks as she starts punching the number in again.
As it was Steve did go over to Robin’s after his rejection, telling her everything and maybe he cried a little but Robin wouldn’t tell anyone. Robin on the other hand had never seen him so dejected but she did have an inkling as to why he got the answer he did.
“So you don’t think she meant it?” Steve asks, as his hope tentatively begins to return after Robin’s explanation.
“She’s had this stupid school girl crush on you for longer than she’ll admit to” she huffs out a laugh as she remembers all the times she had to listen to the girl in question go on about Steve, “but after you decided to put all that King Steve bullshit behind you, I think it became more than that once she saw the real you” Robin tells him because it was true, somehow the girl had fallen in love with the dingus that she called her best friend.
“So now what?” he asks, sinking back into the couch as a mixture of feelings bubble up inside him. Happiness and relief that she does feel the same about him but he’s still dejected over the fact that she said no while he has no idea of how to prove to her that he really does want to date her. Little did he know that his problem was about to be solved as the phone began ringing. “Are you going to answer that?” he asked, turning his head towards Robin who looked lost in thought.
“Nah can’t be important” she shook her head as the shrill sound stopped only momentarily before starting up again.
“You sure?” he questioned, raising his eyebrows at her, clearly whoever it was wanted to speak to her desperately but instead of answering Steve watched as her eyes grew wide and a devilish smile took over her face. “What?” he asked, very much at a loss for what was happening.
Robin scrambled up from the couch, reaching for the phone just as the ringing cut out again. The missed call didn’t deter her knowing that if she was correct about who was calling, then the phone would ring again. Not even seconds later it did and Robin was quick to pick it up on the first ring, not even getting a chance to speak before her voice crackled through the receiver.
“Is Steve there?” she asked, urgency clear in her tone but Robin, feeling smug about being correct, decided to tease her.
“What no hello for me?” she chuckled and she could picture the eye roll the girl was doing on the other end of the line.
“Please I need to talk to him, I made a mistake and I need to tell him” she pleaded, at this point she was not above begging Robin to let her talk to Steve but she held back seeing as Dustin was still sat on the bed with her and well she’d already embarrassed herself enough tonight so she didn’t want to stoop even lower.
“Okay okay, gimme a second” she laughs at her desperation over such a silly little situation that was all a big misunderstanding in the first place. Robin’s thankful the phone is cordless as it means she doesn’t have to stretch the cord all the way over to where Steve is sitting on the couch as she takes the phone to him. “I’ve played matchmaker enough for tonight so it’s time for you to take over” she winks as she hands him the receiver, earning herself a confused look in response but she only smiles before heading in the direction of the kitchen to give the two of them space to talk.
Whereas she on the other hand doesn’t have the option of privacy as Dustin is still waiting, still listening intently for any sign as to what is going on. “Steve?” she asks after she hears Robin’s voice getting quieter as she assumes she’s handed the phone over to him.
“Yeah it’s me” he replies quickly after hearing her voice but he can’t say he isn’t surprised considering how she left him, “I’m sorry for tonight, I didn’t know” he apologises before she can even say anything else.
She sighs as the embarrassment and hurt of each moment invades her mind yet again, “You don’t need to apologise, you couldn’t have known” she replies as tears prick at her eyes again and she scrubs them away with the palm of her free hand. “If anyone should apologise it’s me, I’m sorry that I thought you were just like them, that you would even think to play such a cruel joke because I know you’re not like that” she says with a small sniffle. Dustin grabs her attention for a minute holding out tissues that he got from god knows where considering he hadn’t left his spot on the bed but she waves him off with a small appreciative smile.
“Hey it’s okay, you’re allowed to be sceptical especially after those idiots and I don’t blame you for trying to protect yourself” Steve reassures, completely understanding her reaction now that he knows the full story behind why she did what she did.
“You know if the offer is still open then I’d like to change my earlier answer” she tells him, her voice barely above a whisper as she prepares herself for the rejection that she thought was inevitably coming.
Steve bites his lip to conceal the grin that is threatening to take over his face, though he doesn’t know what he’s trying to hide it for because he’s alone and well he’s already made a fool of himself plenty of times in front of Robin so what was one more. “So you’ll go on a date with me? But what made you change your mind?” he asked, curious to her sudden change of heart.
“Dustin told me that you two had talked and helped me realise that you are nothing like you used to be” she admits, still annoyed with herself that she would even think Steve, the guy who carts around the kids to school; to the arcade; to Hellfire and pretty much wherever they want to go without complaint. Steve, who also accepted the fact that Robin was into girls and not guys with no judgement and never treated her differently because of it, would actually be anything like the part he played in high school just because that was expected of him.
“Well remind me to thank the little twerp when I see him” Steve laughs, complete bliss filling him now that everything he’s wished for, for who knows how long, seems to be falling into place. “So about that date, are you free now?” he asks.
“You’re joking,” she asks, wide eyed as she looks towards Dustin who was looking at her expectantly, “Steve, mom would kill me if I was to go out this late” she replies finally, eyes still fixed on Dustin expecting him to back her up yet his face showed nothing.
“Nope it’s not up for discussion, get ready I’ll be ten minutes” he adds before the line goes dead.
“He’s coming isn't he?” Dustin asks as she puts the phone down with a dejected sigh as she nods. “Thought so, now come on chop chop you’ve got a lot to do to sort-” he waves his hand vaguely gesturing to her appearance, “that out” he finishes with a laugh.
She gawkes at him, almost not believing that he’s telling her to break the rules. “I can’t go mom’ll-” she tries but he shakes his head.
“Nope you're going, I’ll cover for you,” he smiles, “just sneak out the window and mom won’t know any difference” he nods, standing up from the bed and walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.
She stares at the door in silence once it’s closed, still hesitant to make a move and get ready although she knows the longer she leaves it the more chance Steve will turn up on the doorstep again and the less chance she’ll have to sneak out without her mom knowing. So she does and ten minutes later, she’s washed up the best she can, snuck out of the window and is waiting curbside for Steve to show up, which he does moments later. 
“Are you ready for a night to remember?” he jokes as she climbs into the passenger seat next to him before driving off before her mom can find out she’s gone.
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inmyminditsreal · 9 months
Hey Melody!!!
I freaking love your stories. You are such a good writer!!!! The way you write Spencer is great!
Can I send in a request? If you don't want to write it don't worry!
Could you write one where the reader is shot on a job and Spencer is worried about her in the hospital. Maybe they weren't already together but he stays with her and they confess their feelings when she wakes up. He helps her recover and tries to make her laugh and stuff. Feel free to change anything or if you don't like it you don't have to write it.
Thank you!!!!!! Love you!!!!!!!
Hey anon!! Thank you for the compliments omg! This is a great idea! Here it is! 💞
Fem!reader x Spencer reid
Summary: You get shot and end up in the hospital. Your crush Spencer takes care of you, and you both find you have something new in common.
Word count: 516
You wake up, feeling dizzy. You look around to find yourself in the hospital. Aching pain radiating from your leg. You remember the events from the night where you had been shot in action. You see Spencer and a doctor talking outside of your room. Once Spencer sees you’re awake he quickly rushes over. He pulls up a chair and sits beside you.
“Finally you’re awake - I thought I lost you.” He says while beginning to hold your hand.
He gives it a light squeeze.
You begin to think about the unsub and ask, “Did we catch the guy?”
“Yeah we did. Couldn’t let that degenerate get away, especially not after hurting you.” He scoffs. 
“Is the rest of the team okay? Is anyone else in the hospital?” He notices the worry in your voice and responds, “They’re all okay, nothing more than scratches.”
You smile at the news, and he smiles back. He begins to draw circles over your palm with his thumb. 
“For both answers?” You mutter. He nods. You sigh, feeling worried about him but also smile. You melt at his caring nature. 
“How long have you been here? How long have I been asleep?” you ask him.
“47 hours, 3 minutes and 42 seconds.”
“What?” he asks, looking into your eyes. With a sudden boost of confidence, you return his sweet gaze and say, “I love you Spence.” 
His eyes go wide and then they fall into relief, “I love you too - so much.” He smiles. You smile back and tease, “What's your favorite thing about me?” You see a spark light up in his eyes and he gets the look he gets before he rambles.
“Everything, I mean, your smile, the way you laugh, how you let me ramble about whatever's on my mind, how kind you are, your eyes, the way you walk, the way you enter rooms, the way you carefully flip the pages when you read, the way you blush when i tease you, how you lean in when you talk, how excited you get- I could go on forever.”
At this point you’re a puddle. Carefully you pull on his sleeve. He furrows his eyebrows. 
“Come closer” you say softly. He does, still looking confused. “kiss me.” 
And he does, he gently places his hand on your cheek and his lips glide onto yours. He makes sure not to cause you any pain. After he lets go he smiles, you do the same.
“I bet I don’t look very kissable right now.” You joke.
“Okay sweetheart, we’ll talk more in the morning.” He begins to walk toward the couch, but you say, 
“You look beautiful, you always have and always will.” You giggle at his sweet words and say,
“You do too. But let's get some sleep.” 
“Wait” He turns around and you continue, “will you be here when I wake up?”
“I could never leave you.” He says while placing a final kiss on your forehead,
you mumble, “Goodnight.” In a sleepy tone.
“Goodnight my love, sleep well.”
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Black Butler x reader headcanons, but it’s only the characters I think deserve more attention.
Ash Landers
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🤍💜 If you managed to get Ash to fall for you, good job. This angel is SO PICKY when it comes to a s/o. I doubt anyone but the purest of heart could turn his pretty head. Seriously. He’s like a unicorn or something.
🤍💜 Absolutely devoted to his s/o. If you’re looking for a loyal doormat, Ash is your angel. He will cook, clean, and do basically whatever you need him to. Seriously, all you have to do is ask.
🤍💜 Definitely takes everything way too seriously, so avoid joking requests like, oh, i dunno, “could you light London on fire for me?” He will. Don’t test him.
🤍💜 I feel like his favorite dates would be either sitting at home and chatting over a cup of tea, or someplace high up. He’s an Angel, after all. He likes to be near the sky.
🤍💜 Yes, he will fly you around. Unless you’re scared of heights.
🤍💜 Can and will fight anyone who even looks at you wrong. You might want to keep hold of his arm so he doesn’t get himself charged with arson and murder.
🤍💜 Very gentle, and shy with physical affection. He doesn’t want to taint such a pure being! You are going to have to just tackle him. He will NEVER admit it, but he loves physical affection more than anything. He also loves complements and praise. 
🤍💜 Overall, a wonderful catch of a man- well, angel. He will definitely treat you right :)
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🤍💛 Oh he’s such a cute little shy bean! All you’d have to do was give him a singular complement and he’d be head over heels for you. If you like snakes, even better! His friends will love you too :)
🤍💛 rarely speaks for himself. You might have to try behavior training to get him to tell you what HE says, instead of what his snakes are saying. Not that he ever really disagrees with his snakes, but still.
🤍💛 Yeah his snakes do a lot of the flirting for him, and they all have WILDLY different ways of going about it. Wordsworth, as the refined gentleman he is, gives very good complements. Emily likes to be in charge of planning dates. Goethe is very friendly and will ask how your day’s been (even if he just asked the same question five minutes ago!). Oscar is the problem snake. He’s a lil naughty noodle. More often than not, his comments are not translated (”Oscar! He can’t say THAT! Says emily”).
🤍💛 Very very shy about physical affection, but if you give it to him he will be addicted. Like, very addicted. He’s particularly fond of cuddling. He likes to be warm :)
🤍💛 Oh gosh if you complement his scales he will melt. He’s so self conscious and probably always worried that people with judge you harshly if he’s seen with you. 
🤍💛 Defend him from bullies and you’ll have his loyalty forever. He will. Not. Leave. Your. Side. (Is that really such a bad thing? He’s so cute-)
🤍💛 Oh gosh please be gentle with him he’s such a fragile little noodle- Always speak with a gentle tone. He’s very sensitive to criticism.
🤍💛 Yes, you can hold his snakes. Yes, you can boop their little snoots. Just be gentle.
Charles Grey
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🤍💙 Just don’t be a boring, beige colored, saltine cracker of a person and he’ll love you. By that I mean, actually have a personality. Be funny! Challenge him! Keep things interesting!
🤍💙 This man is a five year old trapped in a grown man’s body. Just look at that smug face. Does he look like a mature adult to you? He’d probably go to a carnival with you if you asked him. AND he’d win you all the prizes. He’s just that good.
🤍💙 Buys you lots of expensive gifts. He’s filthy stinking rich, after all. Will also take you on the most extravagant dates. I hope you like fancy food (and lots of it!) :)
🤍💙 He already knows how awesome he is, but tell him anyway. Are you just feeding his already over-large ego? Yes. Should you stop? Absolutely not. The way he puffs out his chest and shows off is just the cutest thing!  Like one of those funny birds of paradise.
🤍💙 Being best friends with Phipps is a requirement. They’re a packaged deal. Which is funny, considering they’re polar opposites. Phipps has been dealing with Charlie’s shit for years now, he’s happy to have you around to lighten the load.
🤍💙 Boundaries? What are those? This little shit is all up in your business 24/7 and hates when you don’t pay attention to him. Absolutely loves physical affection. Not even the slightest bit shy about it. Prepare to be absolutely smothered with affection.
🤍💙 Would you like to learn fencing? He’d be delighted to teach you! Even more so if you happen to be good at it. This bastard loves a challenge!
🤍💙 He’s scared of ghosts and snakes, and you can DEFINITELY use that to your advantage. He will deny his fears till the day he dies, but it’s pretty obvious how terrified he is. You can get some pretty funny reactions out of him with a well-placed rubber snake! He’ll pout about it for a while, but after a bit he’ll come right back. Be warned: if you give him a particularly good scare he might end up in your bed that night. (He’s TOTALLY not scared, he just wants to make sure you’re ok!)
Aleister Chambers
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✨❤️ Buckle up, buttercup. If you’re actually here for this man, i applaud your unique tastes. Not everyone can handle this bastard.
✨❤️ If you have a female body, congrats! You’re his type! Hope you didn’t want to get rid of him any time soon, because you will be stuck with his dramatic ass from the first time he lays eyes on you. And he has plot armor. 
✨❤️ Yes. He is very, very, very dramatic. If you’re reading this, you’ve likely seen the show and you know EXACTLY how he acts. If you say even ONE insulting thing to him, he will act like you’ve stabbed him with a sword and flop onto the nearest piece of furniture, moaning about how you’ve wounded his feelings. It’s really funny, actually.
✨❤️ Will spoil you with extravagant gifts. He’s rich, what did you expect? He has SCARY good tastes, and will pick the best outfits for you. Don’t ask how he found out your size for… well, anything.
✨❤️ Oh he’s so clingy. Constantly wants your attention. I really don’t know what else to say, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise that he is NOT shy with physical affection. If physical affection is your love language, you’ll be in heaven with this man.
✨❤️ Get ready for some WEIRD pet names. Hands up, who’s surprised? Nobody? Thought so. Sure, he COULD use normal pet names, but it’s much more fun to come up with his own. If you give him a weird pet name, he’ll be absolutely delighted. Go ahead, see who can come up with the strangest nickname. It’ll be fun.
✨❤️ Honestly it’s worth it to endure him just for the free entertainment. His natural personality is so over-the-top extravagant that even just sitting at home with him is like watching a comedy skit. He gets way too excited about absolutely everything, and will randomly start spinning like he’s a glitched video game character.
✨❤️ He loves to dance! And throw extravagant parties where he can show you off to everyone. 
✨❤️ Over all, is he a creep? Yes. But he’s also funny, pretty, and rich. So in all actuality, he’s a pretty decent catch.
Drossel Keinz
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🧡💙 If you’re here for this man- er- puppet, congratulations, you are one of the only groups with more unique tastes than the Aleister simps. I’m honestly just writing him because he’s funny and i like his funky, jerky movements.
🧡💙 Achievement get! Acquire stalker (provoke any kind of positive feelings from the creepy puppet man)
🧡💙 Yeah he’s gonna stalk you for a while. He might not even approach you at all. He’s just curious about these ‘feelings’.
🧡💙 If he does approach you, it’s gonna be awkward as fuck. Seriously. He has no idea how to properly socialize, much less flirt. (Haha relatable)
🧡💙 every time he’s confused he does his little 90 degree head tilt. He’s confused a lot. He’s trying his best, ok? He quite literally has straw for brains.
🧡💙 If you’re artistic, he’d love to do art things with you. He’d also really love to show you his puppet collection. Hope you didn’t like sleeping :)
🧡💙 He’s not great at affection in general, but he tries. Sometimes his complements come off as creepy. Awkward head pats. So many awkward head pats. His skin feels like wood, and he smells like sawdust.
🧡💙 Be patient and explain things to him. He’s not great at feelings yet. Also very bad at even recognizing his feelings. Talking through feelings stuff with him is a great way to bond.
Gregory Violet
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🖤💜 Anime onlys buckle up because some of the characters you only see in the manga are the best. Case in point, this art goth. 
🖤💜 I feel like he would go for a more introverted s/o. Especially someone who’s artistic, like him. Not certain how two introverts get together, but whatever.
🖤💜 He’s a little eccentric, but that’s just part of his charm. Where else are you gonna find a cutie that likes to blow bubbles in his tea? 
🖤💜 Unlike with other people, if he says he’s gonna draw you, he’ll actually draw you. He won’t make you stay posed for five hours while he draws everything BUT you (rip Greenhill).
🖤💜 You want to draw him? He’s a little shy, but i’m sure you can convince him to pose for you. He wants you to be happy, after all.
🖤💜 Café dates!! And art museum dates!! You should definitely attend his concerts as well. Make sure to complement his dancing afterwards! He’s a little embarrassed about having to dance in front of crowds. Remember, he doesn’t like dancing to begin with.
🖤💜 You might have to pester him for a bit, but he will give you private performances. Will it be the whole P4? Probably not. He wouldn’t want to bother his friends with something so silly. Besides, you’re his, not theirs. 
🖤💜 He sings wonderfully. I imagine him having a low baritone kind of voice. The songs he sings for concerts often get stuck in his head (much to his annoyance), so sometimes you can hear him singing in the shower. 
🖤💜 Unlike literally everybody else on this list, Violet is not clingly. He’ll give you your space when you need it. He needs his space too.
🖤💜 Not very physically affectionate. He’s pretty strictly traditional and what not, so you might have to beg him for kisses. Unfortunately, his lipstick doesn’t really taste like anything.
🖤💜 He’s actually really low maintenance and pretty self sufficient. Probably one of the best picks on this list, if i’m being completely honest.
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demi-gods-posts · 3 months
The Stars are Sure Bright out Tonight…
Son of Apollo x Daughter of Nyx
(Camper A = Daughter of Nyx)
(Camper B = Son of Apollo)
The child of the sun woke up in a cold sweat, panting and heaving as tears fell down their face. A annoyed groan leaving his lips as he sat up out of bed. Trying not to awake their half-siblings.
“Ugh.. ain’t going back to sleep after that..”
They left the confines of their cabin. Walking over to the statue of Zeus’s hand.. the god of the sky and too many kids.. geez wonder how his kids must feel.. looking away from the statue he walked down to the waterside, yawning and stretching as they walked.
The walk wasn’t that far, just a simple jog to the water. It always calmed him down after a long day under the gaze of the sun, being able to bask in the moonlight and see the stars twinkle, lost stories waiting to be told. Stories of huntresses and monsters, stories of the past and future stories to come.
They’re eyes wandered away from the sky and over to the water, seeing another body there at the water. Sitting on the dock with their feet hanging over the edge and into the water. They seemed to be looking up at the stars before hearing the camper arrive.
“Oh hello.. I didn’t expect anyone to be up this late..” He heard them say from the dock, it seemed like they glowed in the moonlight almost in an ethereal way? It might have been one of his siblings glowing or something.. maybe some naiad or nymph.
He walked down the small dock and sat a foot away from the person, looking over towards them and noticing they were from the Nyx cabin, someone they had seen many times before around camp but never got the time to talk to them.
“So.. why are you awake so late?” He finally asked after a few moments, looking back up at the stars.
She turned her head to look at the boy beside her, seeing his skin glow slightly in the dark night. “Looking at the stars.. it makes me feel nice to be connected to my mother in some way.. heh.. my one of my camp siblings said that the stars always burned brighter when I was around. Wonder if that means anything hm?” She said with a small disheartened laugh. “And why are you out here?” She asked and looked up toward the skies again.
“He he.. yeah maybe it’s a sign or something, had a nightmare.. the water is calming.” He said and she hummed in response.
“Why not just wait until morning? To feel the light of the sun, or ~Apollo~.” She said, adding a joking tone when she said Apollo. Making him laugh. “Nah nah, it’s like he’s staring us down. Almost watching us in a way? But here.. I feel. Warmer I guess? Like I’m not being eyed on all day by my father. Might just become an owl or something and become nocturnal.” He said with a light shrug.
“Pfft.. yeah right. Half your siblings are already nocturnal. I saw Will running off into the woods with Nico to teach him how to do archery or something or other..” she joked and he laughed. “Sounds like them for sure..” he said through a small chuckle. Yawning and pulling up his knees to his chest and laying his head on his knees to look at the stars.
“Is Hypnos catching up to you?” She joked and he snickered a bit along with her.
“yeah yeah.. the stars sure are bright out tonight..” he said and she smiled, “guess it’s a sign then.” “Nah.. they’re just trying to mimic your beauty~” he teased a bit and she laughed. A soft blush forming on her face in the darkness.
“hm.. wanna have a movie night tomorrow? We can get some of the Hermes kids to get us some snacks. They owe me a favor for doing their camp leaders chores for a week.” She suggested and he looked at her, “yeah id love to! If you don’t know if you know me already I’m Camper B. Son of Apollo” He said and held out his hand for them to shake hands she shook his hand and smiled.
“The names Camper A, as you can tell. Daughter of Nyx”
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lyricfulloflight · 4 days
That’s the one thing I don’t understand - like it’s totally okay to dislike a ship and the reasons can be varied or as simple as you’d like. No one really needs a reason to dislike something I get that and that’s why the appropriate tags exist.
But like I’ve seen some of the things being thrown around both around BT and BE and I’m like okay guys shipping one thing over another doesnt make you better and being actively mean about it isn’t gonna change anything.
Why can’t we just enjoy what each fandom got? Buddie had some nice (if heartbreaking) scenes and BT had a cute date. I am new to 911 but like I’m surprised by how mean and almost like condescending some people have gotten and how quick they’re to call out one fandoms behavior without being like friend we are also doing that.
And I was in the kc fandom lol things got wild there.
Oooof sorry for the rant. Things just seem really intense since last night and I might have to do some unfollowing.
Assuming were talking the Klaroline kc fandom, I was in that one too :)
And maybe my memory isn't the best, but I don't remember things getting this vicious all the time either.
I do think fandom has changed in the sense that morality has been attached to shipping in such a weird way. Instead of shipping just being a personal preference, its become 'right' or 'wrong', or 'homophobic' or 'racist' or 'infantile' or 'predatory' to ship or not ship certain couples. And I just don't understand that.
I ship Buddie.
I'm pretty neutral on BuckTommy.
Why do I prefer one over the other? I almost always prefer ships with deep emotional bonds, who see something in each other no one else sees. I have never been a rarepair person, or a multishipper because my personal preference is for this deep emotional bond between characters.
That doesn't make my preference better or worse than anybody else's. Its just a personal preference. The same as I prefer the colour blue.
Other people might prefer couples with intense sexual chemistry, or who tease each other a lot, or who argue and have lots of passion, etc. Some people have a favourite character and ship them with everyone.
All of these are valid preferences.
Did I find the BuckTommy date in last night's episode a bit awkward? Yes. Was it because I'm a judgmental homophobic asshole? No. Daddy kink jokes wasn't my favourite thing, but I was fine with it. Two people in an adult relationship can flirt and and be kinky and that's totally fine by me. I have read and enjoyed way more explicit things in fanfic.
Personally (again just my opinion not a fact), I just found that the tone of the date and the joke fell flat as part of the episode overall. It was trying to break some of the tension and it didn't work for me.
Also, I tend to put more value on emotional connection in establishing relationships, so for me personally I would have preferred the conversation to stay in the more vulnerable place it started - Tommy offering Buck support due to Bobby's injury. If they had boned over having having difficult dads, or if Tommy had reached out and held Buck's hand to offer comfort, that would have been more meaningful to me, as opposed to the Daddy kink joke.
Again, nothing wrong with a Daddy kink. I too think Tommy calling Buck 'pretty boy' or 'good boy' in bed is hot.
Just kinky sex doesn't make for a meaningful relationship for me and I love Buck and I want him to have a deep meaningful relationship.
Since I haven't seen that with Tommy yet, I'm neutral on the ship.
I don't know why fandom has decided that who you ship or don't ship is some reflection of your moral values or lack thereof, but as someone who's fandom old, I find it weird and distasteful.
What people enjoy in fiction is not a reflection of who they are as a person at all times!
I don't generally block on unfollow people in fandom because I am very good at just letting things go and not spending too much time on things that upset me, but I have unfollowed people in the 911 fandom because of this overt judgement and moralization and (let's be honest) shit stirring, that some people engage in.
Fandom is supposed to be fun.
Let's make fandom fun again.
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Hi. Could you do Sirius Black x reader where his family hurts ger? Angst with some fluff if possible ☺️
thank you for requesting!! i hope you like it 💜 i decided to make it new year's themed given the day
A Black New Year's Eve
pairing: Sirius Black x reader
summary: Sirius invites you, his best friend and a muggle-born, to his family’s New Year’s Eve party. Their reaction is worse than he’d imagined.
tags / warnings: friends to lovers, some mutual pining, angst with a happy ending, fluff, mentions of pain, she/her reader, muggle born reader, bitchy Bellatrix
word count: 3.6k
“Come to our New Year’s party with me,” Sirius asked you as you walked along the Black Lake together the night before you’d all be leaving for the Christmas holiday. 
“Has the cold made you go mad, Siri? Your family would tear me apart.” “I’ll protect you,” he winked and nudged your shoulder with his. 
“Don’t you complain about that party every year anyway? It sounds like a miserable time.” “It is!” You looked at him incredulously. “Then why would I want to go?” “Because even though it’s miserable, I’ll be there.” His tone still had hints of his typically playful one, but he sounded more sincere when he continued, “And if you’re there with me, it’ll go from miserable to pretty great probably. I hate being there, y/n. In that house, with those people. I can’t stand it. But if I did anything about it, my family might actually tear me apart.”
Your heart ached for him. You knew how terrible his home life was, and you knew how special it was that he would open up to you about it. Sirius had mastered acting like everything was alright, like he didn’t have a care in the world when other people were around, but with you, he could be both that silly, nonchalant Sirius as well as the boy who was hurt and broken in ways many people wouldn’t understand. 
And you loved every side of him, strong and vulnerable. He was your best friend in the world, but you would be lying to yourself if you pretended you didn’t wish he was more than that.
“Who knows; we might even make a fun time of it,” he chuckled.
You stayed serious because even though you were partly joking before, his family did terrify you. You wanted to be there for him (and to spend as much time with him as possible), but the annual Black New Year’s Eve party was a who’s who of elitist pure-bloods. And you, they would never fail to remind you, were muggle-born. 
“You really think they’d be okay with my showing up to their lovely, pure-blood soirée?” you asked sarcastically. 
“No. Definitely not. But fuck them. If they’re going to make me be there, then I can invite whoever I want. Besides it’s my house, too, no matter how much they — and I — wish it wasn’t. And I want you to come, so sod what they have to say about it.”
You chewed your lip in worried thought, and he wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
“Look, if you don’t want to, I understand. No pressure, love. I mean, for Godric’s sake, I definitely wouldn’t be going if I could get out of it, so I understand the aversion,” he chuckled, trying to lighten the mood, but you could hear the desperation underneath his lighter tone. “No, Siri, of course I want to go with you. I want to make celebrating the new year fun for you for once,” you smiled, “I’m just worried about the drama my crashing the party would cause.” “People might look at us funny, might say nasty things even, but you know they’re wrong. Assholes. Idiots. The lot of them. And you get those comments here too, as much as I wish you wouldn’t, and I’ve always admired how strong you are, how you don’t care what people like that think of you.”
“Yeah?” “Of course, love.” His smile, his arm around you, his softer side, it was all enough to warm you up even out in the freezing cold. 
“Alright, Black, I’ll be there, but you’ll owe me one. Or one hundred.” “Thank you! thank you! thank you!” he hopped up and down then made his half-hug a full one and kissed your cheek as his he continued energetically, “You’re the best, y/n, really. You’re brilliant. Thank you.” “Alright, alright, you sap,” you giggled, but your beaming smile made it evident you loved his affections. 
Time passed, students going home, Christmas coming and going in what felt like a flash to you. New year’s was coming up, with it the party, and as the big day approached, your anxiety grew. Part of you was nervous about attending such a formal event in the first place. These parties might be commonplace for Sirius, growing up like he did, but you were worried about everything from whether your dress would be appropriate to if there would be dancing and, if so, if there’d be fancy steps you didn’t know. Add the whole muggle-born thing on top of that, and you were a ball of nerves by December 31st as you stood in front of your mirror, attempting to straighten your dress and your posture. Sirius had done his best to assuage your worries, answering all your questions in owls you’d been sending back and forth, but you couldn’t help the nerves anyway. You took one last deep breath, one last glance at your reflection, then made your way out to the waiting cab, trying to focus on your excitement at seeing Sirius rather than your nerves at seeing, well, everyone else. 
As you pulled up to Number 11, Grimmauld Place, Sirius having informed you not to give the driver his actual address given the confusion its invisibility to him would cause, you couldn’t help but chuckle to yourself at the slight absurdity of it all. You were about to attend a party so out of your normal life; you were probably the only person showing up by non-magical means; all of it was just so odd. 
You waited for the cab to drive away before making your way to the Blacks’ door. You knocked, your hand shaking a bit as you brought it back down to your side, and waited. 
A minute later, you were greeted by the most miserable looking house elf. 
“Welcome to the home of the noble and most ancient house of Black,” he croaked.
“Thank you,” you responded, doing a bit of an awkward curtsy as you made your way into the massive foyer. 
“Who are you?” A cold, sharp voice snapped at you, jolting your back straight in your already anxious state. You turned and were met with a beautiful but grim looking woman with the most elegant dress, giant jewels, and perfect hair. 
You stared blankly at her, shocked speechless for a moment. “Well?” she asked again, not a hint of kindness in her bold voice.
“I’m here for Sirius. He invited me.” “Sirius invited you? and what is your name?” “y/n.” “No, you silly girl. Your last name. Who is your family?” “Oh. y/l/n. y/n y/l/n. You wouldn’t have heard of us, I’m sure.” She frightened you, but you responded honestly without hesitation, having no shame in your background or family. 
“My parents are muggles,” you continued, to fill the stifling silence. “You’re a mudblood?” The disdain and disgust were immediate on her expression, turning beautiful features monstrous in an instant. “This must be Sirius’s idea of a joke. He’s getting brasher and brasher, forgetting his place. Inviting a mudblood into our home? completely unacceptable,” she said, more to herself than to you. “Kreacher,” she snapped. “Fetch Sirius.” “Yes, madam.” He bowed low and adoringly, all the while letting out loud phrases toward you, “Disgusting. Disgraceful. A mudblood in my mistress’s house. Filthy mudblood.”
You didn’t know what to do, were desperate for Sirius to appear. A man turned a corner into the entry hall, but your heart sank as you saw it wasn’t him. 
“Orion,” Walburga said. “Our son has decided it funny to invite a mudblood to our party. She showed up in one of those barbaric muggle contraptions, no regard for who saw her walking into our house, like she was welcome here, for Salazar’s sake. She’ll be on her way shortly, but I don’t want Sirius to think he’s getting away with this.” The derision rolled off her tongue, clearly very at home there.
Just then, Sirius finally came into sight. Even in the extremely stressful circumstances, you couldn’t help but be struck at how handsome he looked. Regal and beautiful like his parents, but lacking the coldness and contempt that made their beauty off-putting. 
“y/n!” He smiled, like his mother was not staring daggers into him, and quickly made his way to you. He hugged you, and it was the most welcome sensation, his familiar intoxicating smell, the warmth that only his contact gave you.
“Excuse me.” Walburga hissed, anger mixing into the now characteristic disdain.
Sirius broke your hug, but kept his arm around you. It felt different than it usually did, and it took you the smallest fraction of a second to identify the difference: it was protective. It was still affectionate, in a Sirius kind of way, but it was firmer, angled a bit strange so that he could maintain, whether consciously or not you didn’t know, his body between yours and his mother’s. “Mother. This is my friend, y/n, and she’s my guest tonight,” he said, as if informing her of an uninteresting fact, in a formal, distant tone you’d never heard from him.
“You think this is funny? Sirius Orion Black, you have no idea what’s coming to you if you keep up this little charade.” A cold washed over your body at her words, the threatening tone not a typical parental one in which the threat was never as bad as it sounded when made in anger. Her threat was real, her anger measured. “No, I don’t think it’s funny. She’s my friend, and I want her here. I won’t bother trying to change any of your appalling views, but I hope you’ll be human enough to let us have a fine time tonight. Now, excuse us.” His bravery astounded you. He brought his arm down around your waist and pulled you with him past his parents further into the house. 
It was enormous and elegant in a way that a museum might be. Not only because so many of the items looked like they ought to be on display in one, but also because of the accompanying unwelcoming sense you get in a museum that you should not touch anything. This house was no home, and you held Sirius more tightly at the mere thought of having to grow up here.
Impeccably dressed people were milling about, champagne in their hands, their chins raised in a look you’d come to expect from pure-bloods. You saw a couple of familiar faces — Regulus, Bellatrix and her sisters, a few other fellow students — but mostly, these people were strangers. A few shot strange looks your way, clearly confused at not recognizing you. They all knew each other, of course, and expected a host of the party to have an impressive or at least appropriate date. 
“Ignore them,” Sirius whispered into your ear, and a chill shot down your spine, but this one was much more pleasant than the cold his relatives had elicited. 
You gave him your best attempt at a smile, and his smile in return only enhanced his handsome features. You walked around a little, not breaking apart, and when you finally stopped in an emptier corner of the room, Sirius turned to look at you and said, “You look so beautiful, y/n. I’m not surprised; you always do, but still, it’s stunning every time.” He paused, scanning your face, admiring you but clearly also curious — nervous even? — to see how you’d react to his compliments. Sure, he was often flirtatious, but this was something else, something further, more intimate. 
You didn’t know what to say, so instead you grabbed his hand, entwined your fingers and squeezed. He smiled and you could see some tension leaving his shoulders as he exhaled. 
“I’m so glad you’re here. Sorry about my mother. She’s always like that. That was her being nice even.”
“It’s alright. I mean, she was terrifying, but I’m really glad to see you.” “I missed your voice, love.” His thumb caressed the back of your hand still in his. 
The tender moment was interrupted by a terrible laugh you’d recognize anywhere. Bellatrix. 
“Oh, how sweet! Our little red-and-gold sheep of the family invited his mudblood girlfriend to the party! I’m not interrupting am I? I’d say I’d hate to, but actually, I hope I am,” she smirked. “Save all of our guests the sight of you laying hands on a filthy mudblood, cousin,” she continued, the aggression making its way through the fake amusement. “Honestly. I don’t know how you could have possibly turned out so rotten. I pity your parents; they must be so ashamed of you.”
Sirius’s jaw was clenched, his stormy grey eyes piercing Bellatrix. 
“Sod off, Bella. I think I saw Rodolphus somewhere over there. I’m sure he’s missing you. Though, honestly, he’s probably grateful for the break. Enjoying the peace of you not snapping at him and bossing him around like you’re already the bitter married couple you’ll be in a few years.”
“Of course you can’t recognize a good match when you see one. Bringing this to your own party.” 
You felt Sirius tense next to you, clearly much more angered at her insulting you than him.
“I mean it, Bella. Sod. Off.” 
“Or what? Is little Sirius going to make a scene?” she laughed. “How can you defend her honour if she obviously doesn’t have any,” she scoffed. 
“She,” you cut in, “isn’t above making a scene, Bellatrix. It’s not like anyone here would like me even if I didn’t.” 
Bellatrix turned from Sirius to you, eyeing you up and down like a predator sizing up its prey, completely unfazed by your confrontation. 
“You’re lucky I have sense of decorum, y/l/n. Or I’d show you how magic is used by those of us to whom it rightly belongs.” Her voice was level, somehow more venomous in its indifference. 
Sirius’s hand went to his pocket, grabbing his wand, but before anything could escalate, Walburga approached. A part of you expected her to defuse the situation, the parental figure telling the children to simmer down. Instead, Walburga laid a hand on Bellatrix’s should and said, “Bellatrix, darling, would you do us the favor of escorting Sirius’s little friend out?”
Bellatrix’s lips curled into a devious smile. “Certainly.” 
Sirius’s grip tightened around you, and though he was usually not one to avoid a fight — sometimes to a fault — he knew virtually everyone in the room would have no qualms about hurting a muggle-born, and one of the few things more important to him than standing up to his family was protecting you. 
You, similarly, knew his family would not hesitate to hurt him for protecting you, and you were eager to get yourself and especially him out of danger. “Siri, let’s go. Let’s just go.” 
He looked over at you, and for the brief moment your eyes met, a glimpse of warmth softened the stern look on his face, but it disappeared as quickly as it had come as he looked back toward his mother and cousin. 
Without a word to them, he started making his way toward the door, you beside him. You hoped they would just let you go, but Walburga and Bellatrix followed. You weren’t sure why given they could be sure you left without literally walking you to the door, but as soon as the four of you were in the empty foyer, out of sight of her beloved guests, Walburga spoke again. She clearly had not wanted to draw any more attention to you, but now, out of the others’ earshot, she said, “You will stay here, young man, where you will show me you know how to behave unless you wish to worsen the consequences of your little stunt.”
Sirius looked her dead in the eyes and, not showing the fear you knew he must be feeling, he grabbed your hand and walked toward the door. 
“Don’t you dare,” came from behind you. 
As he reached for the door, a strange light disoriented you, and it wasn’t until Sirius groaned in pain and doubled over that you realized it was a spell that had been cast at him from behind. You spun around and tried to shield him with one arm as the other was already making its way to grab your wand. “You will learn respect,” Walburga uttered, and she raised her wand again. “Protego!” you cast. 
“Step aside, stupid girl!”
She cast a spell at your shield charm, eliminating it. You were so focused on her that you didn’t see Bellatrix raising her wand at you until it was too late to protect yourself.
“Crucio!” she cast, and everything went blurry except one thing: pain. You fell to the floor, each second feeling like years as you felt pain you would never have been able to imagine. You could hear Bellatrix laughing, but when her laughter suddenly stopped, so did the excruciating pain. 
You looked up to see Sirius, wand pointing toward Bellatrix, having stopped her. There was a look of terror in his eyes as he leaned down to wrap his arms around you, pulling you up with him and half-carrying you out the door in a rush. 
Your whole body ached like you’d just been trampled by a stampede, and your legs felt like they would give under your weight any moment. You leaned desperately into Sirius but made it only a few steps before having to lean onto the wall next you. 
He helped you and kept you in his arms as he frantically said, “y/n? y/n? Are you alright? Fuck. Darling, are you alright? Talk to me, love. Fuck, fuck, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m such an idiot.” “I’m okay,” you tried to say, your voice a hoarse whisper. “I’m okay, Siri,” you tried again, desperate to comfort his panic despite your pain.
“I’m so sorry, y/n. I can’t believe I brought you there. I wasn’t thinking. I should’ve known. I should’ve kept you as far from that hell as possible, kept you safe. I’m supposed to protect you, and I’m so selfish, I put you in danger instead. It’s all my fault. I’m so sorry.” He was frantic. 
You lifted your arms, which felt like they were being weighed down with lead, and held his face in your hands, looking straight into his eyes. 
“It’s not your fault, Sirius; it’s not. I’m okay. I’m alright.” He leaned his forehead against yours and closed his eyes as he held you tight. You put your face in the crook of his neck, embracing him. You lingered like this for a long moment, holding each other, both of your breathing finally calming down. 
He pulled back only far enough to see your face as he asked, “Can you walk, love?” His expression and voice were all concern, all care and adoration. You nodded weakly and pushed yourself off the wall, needing to lean into him. He held you close as he helped you walk away from Grimmauld Place. 
You walked a short distance in the cold night, the streets deserted as everyone was at a New Year’s Eve party this late. Stopping in a small park, grateful for the relief, you sat on a bench. 
“Here,” Sirius whispered as he removed his warm formal robes and wrapped them around you. He stroked your back with one hand, held yours with the other. “How are you? I don’t know how to help. Do you need to go to a healer?” You shook your head then leaned it on him, his arm wrapping around your shoulders. “No, I’m okay. It hurts, but I think I just need to rest.” “I’m so sorry, y/n.” “It wasn’t your fault,” you repeated, and would keep repeating until he believed you. You looked up into his eyes, trying to tell him without words, hoping he would see all the love you had for him there. His hand came up to stroke your cheek. “You can’t go back there,” you told him. He nodded, his face serious but his eyes gentle. “I wish I could protect you,” you added. 
“I should’ve protected you. I’ll do a better job of it from now on.” A beat. “I love you,” you whispered.
His thumb stopped on your cheek mid-caress; his eyebrows went up as if he was surprised, his mouth opening but no words coming out. It took him a moment but his lips finally formed a smile, and he said, “I love you too.” You smiled too, forgetting the pain for the first time even if just for a moment at hearing those words from him. 
You leaned into each other, and his lips on yours was the greatest remedy to your aching body you could’ve possibly wanted. The kiss was firm but soft, Sirius clearly being gentle with you. He pulled back the smallest bit and looked into your eyes. Sirius was usually smiling, your brightest star, but the smile on his face now was one you’d never seen before, complete joy. He leaned back in and kissed you again, a bit stronger this time, and your hand came up to cup his face as you returned the passion. 
Just then, you started hearing voices yelling something — an open window in a nearby flat. 
“10! 9! 8!” they started.  
“We kissed a bit early, I think,” Sirius chuckled. 
“We’d waited long enough,” you replied. You and Sirius laughed through the rest of the countdown, and at “Happy New Year!” he kissed you again ardently.
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Snowed In- B.Barnes
Summary: A blizzard hits just as Bucky and Y/N are making their way back home. They get snowed in at a safehouse in the woods.
Pairings: Boyfriend!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Female reader, use of Y/N, mentions of freezing, food is mentioned and consumed, (Let me know if I missed any)
Word Count: 689
My full Masterlist
Author's Note: I am still very behind on my posting but I only have one more final and then I am done with this semester. I will try to get as many fics out as I can before the holidays but I probably won't hit the 25 I was aiming for.
My asks are open so feel free to leave me some questions, suggestions, or feedback.
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
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It was the first snowstorm of the season and it was a big one. Of course Bucky and Y/N were on a mission about to come back home when the blizzard hit, so they made their way back to the safe house that they were staying at before. Both of them soaking wet, feeling the cold down to their bones. Bucky was quick to start a fire and shed himself of the wet clothing, dropping them unceremoniously in front of the fire he just built. He helped her out of her clothes, leaving her in just a sports bra and a pair of boxer briefs she had stolen from him not too long ago.
“Are those my boxers, doll?” Bucky asked in a teasing tone.
“A girl is allowed to steal her boyfriend’s boxers. They’re comfy, shoot me,” She replied between her teeth chattering together. 
Bucky opened his arms and pulled her into his body, he was somehow radiating warmth that practically melted her where she was standing. She nudged her cold nose against his neck, causing him to shiver. “How are you so warm? I feel like an ice cube,” She questioned
“You feel like an ice cube. I’m always warm, the cold doesn’t bother me anymore,” He explained vaguely, she understood the meaning behind his words and didn’t mention the cold to him after that.
It took the two of them a few hours to warm up, the skin-to-skin contact aiding them in warming each other up. They had resorted to laying on the floor in front of the fire instead of just standing in the middle of the floor. Of course instead of them laying on the hardwood, Bucky had laid a bunch of blankets on the floor. He only did it for her, he never wanted her to sleep on the hardwood and risk hurting her back. He didn’t care about sleeping on the floor, it never seemed to bother him but God forbid if his girl slept on the floor, it was like the end of the world for him.
They stayed in front of the fire for a duration of the blizzard, the power got knocked out only an hour after they returned to the safehouse, the only light coming from the fireplace. The only sounds coming from the wind outside, the crackle of firewood, an occasional sniffle from a runny nose, and the gentle breathing coming from the two lovers. Their peaceful bubble got interrupted by Y/N’s stomach grumbling in hunger. The second that sound broke the atmosphere, the two were hysterically laughing, it wasn’t all that funny in retrospect but they were sleep deprived and overall fatigued. Anything was funny to them at this point.
“I guess I should feed you before you starve over here,” Bucky joked, moving to get up from the floor. She whined and pulled him right back down.
“I’m comfy, don’t leave me,” She pouted at the super soldier. He almost stayed, almost, but then her stomach growled once more. That was his sign to get up and scavenge the kitchen for any food they had left from the past week.
She was up shortly after him, following him into the kitchen and wrapping herself around him to keep herself warm. Bucky was able to find pasta and jarred vodka sauce, holding it over his shoulder to show her, getting her approval. Thankfully, the safehouse had a gas stove and the water worked even with the power out. Once Bucky had successfully made the pasta, he grabbed two forks and brought the pot into the living room, placing it in front of the fire. He let her sit down on the mountain of blankets first, then he sat beside her, handing her a fork and pulling the pot closer to them. The two of them ate the pasta in silence, enjoying each other’s presence even if they were stuck at the safehouse for a few more days.
Although it wasn’t ideal to be stuck in a safehouse, they knew that they would be okay, they had each other and that was all that mattered.
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Kokichi with a very tall (like around 6’1), curvy S/O who is very insecure. He flirts with her constantly but she always thinks he’s making fun of her because she doesn’t think anyone would like her. They’re not together yet.
Height differences are always great, but add in some insecurity and outward affection? *chefs kiss*
Kokichi with Tall Curvy Insecure S/O
When he first met you god damn did he want to climb you like a tree
He was already used to being short so anyone he liked was naturally taller than him. But you being 6' 1" was something he never experienced. You were a LITERAL foot taller than him! He was entranced
Pretty much instantly he turned on the Ouma charm~
And by Ouma charm I mean the charm of a middle school boy pulling the pigtails on the girl he likes
His flirting is a bit more of a teasing type. It not anything bad, but he definitely likes to poke fun and joke around
Whenever you do something like eat a weird food or have an odd hobby, he likes to playfully gasp
"Aw, you like ketchup on your hot dog? Man, I don't know if this is gonna work out between us anymore..."
You tend to watch TV as a group with your friends. Anytime a couple kisses on screen, Kokichi likes to nudge you in the side
"Hey hey! You know, that could be ussss~ Come on, come on!"
When next to you he likes to give little pokes and pinches to your body, and when you look he gives his little shit eating grin
"You can't blame me when you have a body like that, I can't help myself! You're just too cute!"
Whenever you catch him eyeing you, he gives a little wink
You do notice most of his compliments focus on your body, so it seems like he just wants to get in your pants. I mean, he does. But he actually really thinks you are adorable and so kind! Everytime you laugh or smile he can feel himself melt inside
Anytime you walk in the room he instantly perks up, everyone can see that clearly. He'll jump up from his seat and call out your name sweetly to get your attention
Although he almost constantly washes you with praise and makes flirty comments, they really only make you feel worse. In the past you've had very bad experiences with relationships. There were even a few boys that asked you out as a joke. It fucking hurt then, and it still does now
Also, you've heard from the others how much he likes to lie to others and cause problems. If he's such a well known liar, how could you trust he's being genuine with you? He's probably lying so you'll fall for him, then pull the rug out from under you and laugh
At first you seemed to blush and play along, but as time went on Kokichi noticed you become more and more distant. Sometimes you would even walk right out of a room if you saw him. He knew he shouldn't care that much, you're just a girl. But he soon found himself following you
The more he tried to sweet talk you back, you just kept on walking faster. Eventually it got too much and you just exploded. You told him off, telling him he can stop mocking you already. You were already broken down by the past decade of your life, he didn't need to add onto it
This was the only time you've ever seen him serious. There was no cheeky smile or trickster eyes. The look on his face was almost scary with how serious it was, it sent a chill down your spine
"...Mock you? That's what you think I've been doing?"
As you nervously nodded your head he kept his glare, but then his face gently softened. He opened and closed his mouth multiple times, you could sense his hesitation and inner conflict with his words
When he managed to find the words, his voice was... oddly meek?
"Tch, really? I can't believe I fell for a dumbass like you..." It was in a condescending tone, but his averting eyes showed his anxiety. It was quiet and low, but you heard it loud and clear
Overwhelmed by emotions of all kinds, you quickly wrapped your arms around him. You don't know why you did it, your body just acted on it's own
His body was stiff. Kokichi isn't used to affection, especially physical. Everyone he knows pushes him away both literally and emotionally. This was... weird. Sure he found himself crushing on you, but the reciprocation was NOT expected. Eventually he found himself hugging you back
There were no more words spoken in that moment. It wasn't needed
From then on, Kokichi still continued to tease you, but this time, you understand his intentions and enjoy it
Jesus lord this turned out long, I am so sorry-
{Like my work? Consider tipping me on Ko-fi! Every little bit counts~}
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urfavbooblover · 2 years
I feel like max from life is strange was completely underrated IN HER OWN GAME. ((Chloe is amazing tho)) I tried to look for an x fem reader and literally anything barely came up. Can I get an Max caulfield x reader where it’s so obvious that they like each other. So obvious that everyone knows but they refuse to tell each other for some reason. One day,reader just wouldn’t shut up about Kate and how pretty she is and how smart she is and Max gets jealous and just kisses reader mid sentence <3
Hey! I definitely agree, Max is super underrated and deserves so much more recognition!! Your request idea is very cute and I really like it, so I hope you enjoy reading <3 :)
Obvious || Max Caulfield x female/non-male reader
Warnings: just fluff
(remind me if I missed any)
- Life is strange: masterlist link -
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Y/N’s pov:
I have liked Max since a very long time now. When we first met, I already felt strange somehow. I immediately knew a few days after, that I started to grow a crush on her.
But I’ve never told her about my feelings, I’m too much of a coward to be honest. I’m scared she won’t feel the same and I’ll make a fool out of myself, even though she has been acting suspicious sometimes, but maybe I’m just thinking crazy.
I think I also made myself too obvious about my love for Max. Everyone basically teases me every time we have a little interaction, telling me I should confess already.
And here we are. We both decided we should hang out together, so we’re currently going for a walk to the park. Just talking about random things coming to mind, searching for somewhere to sit. And that’s when we found the perfect spot.
“Oh man, did you ever realized how stunning Kate is?”, I said, making Max turn her head to me. “Uhm, yeah… she’s really pretty.”, she answered, in a rather nervous tone.
“Yeah and I mean she so smart too, like that’s such a great combo, that not everyone has.”, I continued on rambling about her, not shutting up.
This was all a small test. I wanted to see Max’s reaction to it, to find out if she gets jealous or something and now look at her, it’s too damn cute.
Even though I didn’t tell lies about Kate, I would never talk about another person like that in front of my crush.
And believe me when I say, that I felt so bad. It’s kinda ridiculous that I can’t bring my ass do tell her about my feelings, and do this instead.
“I’m not even joking like, holy shit. I could stare at her forever and just admire her beautiful featu-“, I couldn’t even finish my sentence when a pair of lips smashed against mine.
My eyes widened for a few seconds, before I eventually melted into the kiss. She threw her arms around my neck, while I cupped her face with my hands.
Her lips are really soft and moved perfectly together with mine. It’s like they’re meant for each other. Just like how Max is meant to be with me…
“I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have kissed you like this!”, she suddenly pulled away, worrying way to much about it.
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay.”, I calmly said, taking her hands in mine. “I should be the one to say this…”, I trailed off, making a confused expression spread over Max’s face.
“I kind of tested you… by basically swooning about another girl. I wanted to see if you would show any signs of jealousy or something, in a chance of getting you to tell me you like me.”
Her eyes stared at me for a while, afterwards letting out a cute laugh.
“What’s so funny?”, I asked perplexed, a huge smile starting to form. “You, Y/N.”, “I don’t get it! Wasn’t I obvious enough, I like you a lot!”
“Not obvious enough for me!”, I answered, pushing her back playfully, by her shoulder. “Oh man, Y/N. We could’ve have been together for a while now, if we would’ve confessed already!”
I nodded my head, the smile still not disappearing. “Let’s just tell everybody about it. They’ll be so happy when they hear about the news, they always knew we liked each other!”
“Yes! They would always make stupid comments about us whenever we were together, but I never told them that I liked you, cause I was scared they would tell you before me!”, she chuckled, as my eyes didn’t look away from her once.
Her smile is seriously one of the best things about her. I love seeing her happy and I hope that I will be the one to keep her like this.
“What’s wrong? Do I have something on my face?”
“W-what? No! It’s just… I like your smile.”, I said, feeling my cheeks heating up. That’s the first time she caught me staring at her.
“Thank you, Y/N. I like yours too.”, she mumbled shyly, her eyes looking straight into mine. I didn’t think too much about it, I just leaned closer to her, going in for another kiss.
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cookiessssll · 7 months
George weasley x reader ( it’s my first time writing)
you and and the weasley twins were best friends, and nothing could’ve changed that. Or at least that what you thought.
• • To say that you were close was the little, you were basically inseparable, you three always walked together, attended classes together.
• • when they wanted to open they’re jokes store you were over the moon, you supported them with all what you can, you even would cover for them when they wouldn’t attend classes while they were doing god’s know what.
• • you have to admit that you were a little tiny bit closer to George, you both shared feelings for each other but never spoke of it, since you never wanted to ruin what you have.
• • “how much id this?” You asked, “10 galleons” they said, but George then said “well you wouldn’t actually pay for it aren’t you love?”, “yeah you shouldn’t worry about it y/n” fred said, “are you sure guys? You know i have no problem with paying”, “come on, you know you like it when we give you special treatment “ George winks, as your cheeks got a little blushy “fine”.
• • you and the twins, angela, and some other people were having butter bear and laughing, fred had his arm around angela, “will aren’t you a little cheeky bean” someone said, you laughed “what do you mean?”, “come on, you always break these guys wallets when you don’t pay for things”, you were getting a bit uncomfortable “what are you talking about?” You looked at the twins as horror filled they’re eyes (especially george), someone added as they laughed “yeah, they’re always talking about how you never pay for things and how greedy are you”, you tried to laugh but it wasn’t working, “do you guys really think that?” , “well it’s not like they’re actually gonna say something”, they all laughed and you tried to not think about it, but it was eating you alive.
• •
as everyone else has left, you were trying to make your way out but someone caught you, you turned and it was george and fred, how great, “ we are really sorry y/n” fred started “yeah, we were only joking, you know that right?”, “ haha, of course “ you laughed nervously” , “good” george exhaled .
• george was a nervous wreck, you hadn’t shown up in a week, you didn’t answer his owls and the guilt was eating him alive, you used come all cutely and happy, and he loved giving you things, he saw when you blushed every time he gave you something, why did he say things like that?
• •
when they were about to close, a familiar figure came into the store, “y/n!!” They said at the same time “we were so worried” “are you ok?” “Why didn’t you answer my owls!” They asked worried, “i’m ok, i’m really sorry things have been crazy at hogwarts lately, crazy busy and stuff” you said calmly.
• • you talked for a while, and when you were leaving you handed george an envelope , he was smiling thinking you were pranking him or something, but as soon as he saw what was inside, the same horror face from that night appeared , “y/n, please, you don’t have to do this” George said calmly “come on y/n we didn’t mean anything” fred says, “ no really, it’s fine you guys i’m really sorry, i had no idea i was that much of a burden, even if you deny it, i still wana give it to you” , in the envelope there was a 100 galleons that what you thought was what they lost on you, they tried to give it back, desperately, but you refused, you were so ashamed of yourself for being so stupid and waisting they’re money like that.
• • you didn’t meet them for a moth, until you bumped to George while walking and watching the stores, “y/n!” He said happily, “oh, hi George” “ where have you been” “just walking around really” you tried to smile “you really didn’t have to pay us, you know” “yeah yeah whatever” you exhaled “well, i want to pay you back” he said cheerfully, “well, your not” you said matching his tone, “ come on, how about i take you to have some coffee, you could say it’s a date” , his heart stopped , what the hell was he thinking!
• • • ughhhh i’m sooooo boooreed, let me know if you want me to make a pt2
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