I'm going to force you to play the joke FNAF dating sim my friend and I are making
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essektheylyss · 2 months
Honestly the fact that they fit three distinct combats on top of plenty of character and story progression into the episode before 11pm was a really strong argument out of the gate for Daggerheart as a system for streaming. That was super neat, not gonna lie.
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teecupangel · 2 months
Random thing: I just wanna imagine that scene where Desmond gets hit by Bill and just the second that his fist connects Desmond’s mom appears ready to go mama bear on this jackass for punching her son.
Desmond has no idea what just happened.
One moment, he felt then the pain blossoming from his cheek, his feet staggering a few steps back, his mind reeling as his body reacted instinctively to weaken the blow he just received.
Shaun and Rebecca shout.
For a moment, he had thought they screamed because of what happened to him.
But that was impossible.
Their reaction was a second too late.
They did not expect Bill to hit him but they also didn’t believe they had any right to go between them.
His head was still ringing when he saw her slap Bill with enough force to topple him to the ground. She wasted no time, kicking him while he was down.
Their shout had been a warning of her appearance.
Her movements were meant for speed, not strength, but she had always used that to her advantage. She tried to teach him that.
She also taught him to fight dirty and always aim for the weak spot. And that was what she was doing.
Her first kick was aimed between his legs.
As was her second.
Her third.
On and on, she continued to focus her quick strikes between Bill’s legs.
It was the Assassins who came with her that tried to drag her away from Bill, begging her to stop and to calm down.
It took three of them to drag her away.
He recognized them.
They were from the Farm.
What were they doing here?
Desmond has no idea.
She didn’t bother to say anything, pulling away from their hold and walking away from Bill who remained on the ground, twitching as he coughed up saliva.
She walked towards Desmond and placed her hands on his neck, his hands warm.
When he was growing up, he had always found her to be cold and distant.
But reliving Altaïr’s memories…
He finally recognized the softness in her gaze. The way her tone would becomes a bit gentler.
She reminded him of the many Levantine Assassins Altaïr had seen, unable to show their love for their children under Al Mualim’s reign.
So he smiles even if his cheek ached.
“Hey, mom.”
(Desmond’s mom’s main combo is Altaïr’s bitch slap followed by nuts or nothing)
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imagine copia returning home to you after a tour cycle. he holds you so tightly in his arms, you’re his oasis. his first sip of clean water after forty days of flood. his sore throat is instantly soothed and his achy and tired muscle finally relaxed.
your first night together again his head is in your lap, someplace between relaxed and fatigued. he’s looking up at you now, his face clean after you gently cleaned his paints. he feels healed. he feels like your man again.
“your hair has gotten so long,��� you whisper, running your fingertips along his scalp. you gently brush a lick of his hair behind his ear and push his bangs back simultaneously, both of your hands cradling his head. he loves it.
copia hums appreciatively, “and how do you like it, mia cara?” he can’t help but send a teasing smile your way.
“so much, I’ve yearned for it.” you reply, biting the tip of your tongue to hide a giggle.
“yearn… eh?” copia muses, “is yearning when I saw your face in every crowd? saw you in every reflection?”
you bend your knees to bring him closer, propping your feet up on the coffee table. “I am so in love with you. I don’t think I could spend another day without you.”
copia’s lips move expertly with yours before they move around his gentle, ardent words. “good thing you won’t have to anymore.”
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bonesandthebees · 2 months
sorry I've been so inactive with my writing lately. it's really difficult for me to get the writing vibes flowing again after everything and when I do have energy to write I've been wanting to work on more original stuff than fic (although I am trying to write more of ready set detonate still, and once I'm done with that I want to continue rose. but also I didn't think ready set detonate would take so long my brain is just not cooperating with writing anymore and it's killing me a bit)
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reiverreturns · 8 days
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a rough draft wip? on wednesday? groundbreaking.
said another way - we're fully on the mota train now girls buckle up
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corviiids · 1 month
longfic? death note longfic? rook? rook longfic? rook DEATH NOTE longfic??? <- really normal abt ur writing
oh this just made me smile so big. thank u so much!!! means a lot to me that u care about my writing!!! and yes i................... well despite having zero time or energy for anything right now due to [career shit] i started going really nuts with this one death note au idea........... to be honest it's so involved that it could be a spinoff light novel at this point. lol. dont want to say too much about the premise in case i never do it but ivebeen sitting bolt upright at random hours to jot down ideas
i have NOT started writing it. i HAVE been planning it. THIS is the PLANNING document
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girl help
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hoohoobeanie · 4 months
pleasure to be on the couch with you
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #125
AU where Thanos never happened and the Rogues eventually return. They've been pardoned and they're supposed to get the team back together, but there's still tension. A lot has changed.
Tony has told them repeatedly to never call in Spider-Man for backup. Steve doesn't understand or approve. He assumes Tony is just holding a grudge, trying to keep this new, obviously powerful recruit on his own side. 
One day, Tony is caught up in SI business somewhere when a mission comes up, and they need extra hands. Steve decides to call in Spider-Man.
At first the mission goes smoothly, but then of course things take a turn. All hell breaks loose.
Tony taps into comms not long after to tell them he's on his way. He's left his meeting and is flying as fast as he can, though he's still a long way out. Somehow, Tony figures out that Peter is there. (Maybe he overhears Peter quipping, maybe Steve casually references Spider-Man.)
One way or another, he figures it out. He goes deadly quiet, then switches to a private comm with just Steve.
Tony is betrayed, aggravated, terrified and trying to bury it (and not doing a very good job), and honestly kind of bitter and insulted that Steve can't hear his obvious fear. Steve is annoyed at Tony's childish stubbornness, assumes the man is just mad at things not going his way. Still in the midst of battle, he dismisses Tony's concerns.
Then, Spider-Man gets hurt. Bad. Tony had already been frantically trying to get there faster when he heard the kid was there, but he still doesn't arrive in time.
At some point -- maybe there on the battlefield, maybe later in med bay when Steve arrives to chew Tony out for leaving with Spider-Man instead of staying to help -- at some point it becomes abundantly clear that Peter is Tony's son.
(Bio, adopted, emotional, doesn't matter)
It becomes clear that Tony wasn't making Spider-Man off-limits for selfish reasons. Steve, blinded by his own view of Tony, was unbelievably wrong. 
It turns out, he had just been trying to keep his son safe.
If the reveal does happen later in med bay, there could even be a moment after the battle where Steve, fuming about Tony's lack of help and general inability to be a team player, is intercepted by Rhodey.
Maybe Rhodey arrived just after Tony (flying from the same meeting, but Tony freaked out and raced ahead) and then stuck around to help finish the fight. His reaction to Steve's unempathetic and baseless reading of his best friend is stone cold.
Bonus 2:
Steve fails to notice or understand Rhodey's meaning. Then he gets to med bay and is faced with the image of Tony holding a sleeping Peter on the hospital bed, glaring right across the room at him.
Both of them completely aware of what Steve had assumed, all these years, about the kind of person Tony was
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luckycharms1701 · 5 months
*crawls carefully over to a deep and foreboding gaping hole and peeks my head over the edge to look inside. There I see three feral tumblrs prowling around and laughing maniacally (y’all know who you are)
I pull back a little to glance at the warning sign written in bold lettering “Mikey Well: DO NOT ENGAGE IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO FALL IN AND SUFFER THE SAME FATE”
I let out a little hum and tilt my head curiously, inching back towards the mouth of the hole. “They look hungry though…And it is the holidays…I wouldn’t want them to feel lonely…”
Turn slightly and grabs something out of my pocket. I glance at the random ask request sitting in my palm, considering for a moment. Then I shrug nonchalantly and with a sheepish grin, cautiously drop the ask into the Mikey Well*
Just wondering on your take on how Bayverse Mikey would handle having a friend/SO who’s exTrEmElY touch starved, to the point that most touches become super overwhelming. I think it would be interesting to see how he would handle that being the most physically affectionate of the turtle brothers 🤔
And then also how would Mikey respond to said individual finally feeling secure enough to request affection? AnYhOo, Hope you have a wonderful New Year and may all the good come back to you in the coming days. May you always feel inspired and never experience creative blocks! Here’s a little request for y’all to gnaw on for a while and once again please know how appreciated you are!🧡✨
ooooooo, a new request to gnaw on, i love those!!!!
and honestly, anon-chan, i wouldn't call it **maniacal** laughter! just a little, you know, crazed
we're certainly not reaching out to bodily pull you in the well with us
anyway, thank you very much for the new year's wishes! may you have a year that you've only ever dreamed of!
oh man what a request too thank you!! as someone who is seriously touch starved myself i have Thoughts
Mikey has so many feelings the first time you flinch away from his touch. He is sad that what he sees as an overture of friendship is apparently rebuffed. He is upset that you, who has been so kind to them, must still somehow see them as monsters. Why else would you shy away from his touch? He is angry, because he once again has been denied something because of who he is. Because of something he can't help, something that honestly, deep down, he doesn't really want to change.
It takes him some time, and a lot of pushing down his natural instinct to reach out, to realize that you don't let anyone touch you, not even other humans. To be fair, he's not really in a position to witness you interacting with other humans a lot. But April, Casey, and Vern all receive the same flinch that he did, so it must be a universal thing.
He feels the same things all over again. Sad, because he can't imagine going through life without the healing power of another's touch. Upset, because he should have realized sooner. Angry, because you are the one going through this.
Mikey's not the type to let this stand. But it's not like he can really do anything without your agreement. And he can't talk to you about it, it's not like you're Raph. Besides, he's still feeling a little... cagey? No, a little cautious around you. He really, really doesn't want to be proven wrong.
So he opts for the agonizing option of waiting. It's so hard, but it's for you, so he does it. He takes every opportunity to subtly (like a brick wall, but no one has the heart to tell him that) let you know that he's available to be touched. He hopes that with time you will reach out yourself and give him the permission he desperately wants.
When you reach out and touch him for the first time? Well, sunshine boy earns his name. He is so happy, even if he can't pick you up and spin you around the way he wants to. So he tucks that feeling away, for a time when that will be possible. He hopes that time is soon.
And when that time does come? When you finally come to him and ask for the affection he longs to give you? Mikey can hardly believe it. He starts small, though this too is hard for him. A press of his hand to your arm. A brief one-armed hug. A ruffle of your hair. Even those small touches are enough to give him joy. He's so happy that you're letting someone in, and he's especially happy that you chose to let him in, of all people.
When he gets to pick you up and spin you around the way it feels like he's always wanted to, it's only natural for it to end with a kiss.
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bigmammallama5 · 6 months
So a thought I've been having for a few weeks now of kryptonians and mild colour blindness. Like, if they lived under a red sun, and predominantly lived there, they probably had *some* colour blindness, right?? I mean, i guess they couldve been genetically engineered for that to like. Not happen but then I'd be petitioning for them to have a wayyy wilder sense of sight and perception of colours. Anyway it also led to mild colourblind kara thoughts and her arguing with everyone about it djdjdkf
rip you just opened one of my special interest barrels and im supposed to be working LMAO
Ok honestly I've wondered about that too bc if Krypton is a red sun planet and they supposedly had flora and fauna before the war that inevitably collapsed the planet, it would be adapted to that darker "sweet spot" for life to grow. Like would the plants be darker (blacks, deep greens, purples, reds?) and would the animals and kryptonians have altered vision and metabolism to make up for the lack of light? Like would we be seeing more bioluminescence (let kara glow in the dark, it would be funny)? Would they have better low light vision and even dark vision? Would they have heightened hearing or even echolocation?
It is canon that kryptonians started growing clones of themselves to use as basically free extra parts to extend their lives during the golden age (i may be getting a few details wrong here, it's been a minute since i looked at my notes and stuff) (The reason the civil war began is bc anti-clone kryptonians wanted to prove that those bodies were real people (and they did! bodily and mental autonomy for the win!).). SO it is very plausible that there was more genetic engineering to benefit their race and their existence on this red sun planet since most of the population was using this technology as opposed to natural birth. That would make a more interesting take on Kara's senses and powers on a yellow sun planet since she was supposedly conceived in one of these tubes (kal/clark was the first kryptonian in generations to be created (lol) the "old" way bc he had the luck of his parents loving each other and not solely together for political purposes via the matricomp).
Also it would just lead to some really cool ways to play with her powers, give a different way to play with her heat vision and x-ray vision (even her hearing), and kick off a huge social media hubub when Supergirl accidentally reveals that she's weirdly color blind.
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majorrobin · 6 months
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Hey there! Hekate has pointed me toward your blog and I just wanted to say hi 💞
I do have a question though, have you ever had deities help you with motivation and executive functioning skills? I've got ADHD and the "laziness"(🤢) or what I call "going slug mode" (staying in bed all day, no motivation to shower, etc) really commands my life.
My periods of deity work tend to coincide with my periods of productivity and energy, but I often fall off when, well, everything else falls off. So I guess I'm also looking for advice or at least to connect with someone who's had similar experiences.
(I've also connected with Aphrodite and Loki! Other gods I've worked with in the past are Mother Hathor and Brigid)
First off, I may or may not have had so many feelings upon seeing "Hekate has pointed me towards your blog" because the idea that my blog can be useful enough that a deity would go "go look at what that dude has to say" just brings me so much joy.
Second off, OH THIS IS ABSOLUTELY SOMETHING I SHOULD SCREAM ABOUT THANK YOU. I can't believe I haven't already made a post about this!!
I, too, am an ADHD motherfucker and I have always had so many issues with keeping up with my craft. I will absolutely be calling it "slug mode" from now on, that's the best fucking way to put it. I've had deities help me with executive function at times, but if I'm honest I've forgotten lately that I can ask them for help with that. More often than not it looks more like nudging me towards a task than giving me the energy- but that doesn't mean you can't ask! It just means I forgot I could, lol.
This is gonna be a chonker post, so I'm breaking this post up into two parts; 1, why accepting "falling off" was the best thing I could have done for myself and 2, how to still connect with your craft (and deities) through those times anyway.
So for one, you're not broken or a failure, and your deities fuckin' love you.
Call me philosophical, but hear me out; I've always worked in cycles. Cycles of insane productivity, cycles of tiredness, cycles of hyperfixation on one thing, then another, then another. I'm just someone who works that way, and I've always viewed it as a problem to be fixed. I've always viewed MYSELF as a problem to be fixed, which really started with the school system but that's an unrelated rant. So, apologies for getting a bit intense especially since this may not apply to you personally, but just in case:
You're not a problem. You don't need to fix yourself. The world works in cycles. Seasons, reincarnation if you subscribe to that belief, the water cycle, and a billion other things I've forgotten- working with cycles is just a natural way of going about life that I think shouldn't be forgotten. I have intense periods of growth in my craft, and I have periods where I don't do much and instead play my favorite video game for eight hours straight- and that's okay! One of the best things I did for myself and my craft was give myself permission to do that. I, and you, are not failures as witches for "falling off" and our deities love us anyway. Not in spite of it, either, because of it. They know how to work with the cyclic nature of things; people are no different.
So honestly, there's a chance that none of this will make sense to you- but there's a chance that you, and maybe others seeing this post, might find that giving yourself permission to go through cycles might be the best thing you could do.
Okay, now that I've yelled about that, here's ways that I keep myself connected to my craft and my deities during my less witchy periods.
I give myself permission to use witchcraft for "dumb shit." I have at least one post on this, but witchcraft can BE childish, playful, "dumb-" it doesn't need to be serious all the time. So I'm learning to let go of what I think it should look like and recognize that sometimes the way to stay connected is to lay in bed and draw a sigil on my phone as a mini-spell to manifest a nice little treat or a thing I want in a video game.
This isn't deity work, but it had been huge for me: SIGILS. Sigils my beloved. I don't often have the time, energy, or supplies to do what most people think of when they talk about spells. So instead, if I'm feeling like I could do a spell for something but that's just too much, sigils can be done on my phone or computer while just chilling. Also, if you're like me and a writer, I just write spells too. Literally the same way I write statements for sigils, but a bunch of 'em.
Personally I just talk to my deities. I would like to do this more, actually. You don't need to have a big reason for calling them in, just ask them to sit with you and talk about your day or infodump about a special interest. They're not going to deem it unimportant; you're important to them.
Turn anything into a devotional activity if you want. Any self-care. Not just the typical stuff; I mean food, meds, literally any sort of "maintenance" to keep your body and mind running! If you can't do those, play music you associate with them, or watch a show/play a game and invite them to just sit with you. Whatever you're already doing, you can just ask them to do it with you. If that's literally just laying in bed doing nothing but feeling crappy, I can assure you I've asked them to sit with me during those days too and they've been more than happy.
Literally most of my offerings are just random food. As we speak, I have a little tiny thing with a few sips of soda because I give Loki some when I drink some. If you don't have the time or energy to put it on the altar, literally just drink it with the intention that you're drinking it "for" them. When I did a reading and Kali visited for it, she asked for a graham cracker of all things. It doesn't have to be associated with them. Virtual offerings too! If you can, I've seen people just scroll through pinterest/google images and pick images to offer to their deities.
This might not be something you struggle with, but this is definitely something I would need someone to tell me so: ASK. PLEASE. ASK FOR THINGS. They're not going to riot if you ask for things!! Let them help!! Ask for things, unapologetically if you can muster it!!! I am using excessive exclamation marks for a reason, I swear. My deities are in a constant state of telling me to just ask for things.
Be gentle with yourself. Genuinely, I think one of the best ways to honor your deities doesn't even require them to be there at all; just try not to hate on yourself for being the way you are, because they wouldn't want you to.
Overall, my only advice is just... throw away what you "should" be doing and find out what you LIKE doing. What works for you? It's a hard question to answer, but it gets a lot easier when you start looking away from what "should" work. Your deities are working with you, they wouldn't be working with you if they didn't accept every single part of you. That includes slug mode.
As always, my DM's and asks are open if you have any more questions/just want to connect because being a neurodivergent witch sometimes just feels isolating at times! If you actually read this whole post thank you, I hope some of it helped!!
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henriiiii-1001old · 1 year
i need. i need to write this out. its short canon-based fic that's like. basically spoilers but i neeeeeeeEEEEEEEEd to write this
fic/technical spoilers under the cut
He couldn’t believe it. His slumped figure, the uncanny features of what used to be his face, his screams… Adam Murray, one of the most wanted criminals by the FBI to date, was one of them?
Thatcher, body laying on his side on the carpeted floor of the suspect’s bedroom, stared in utter shock and horror at the criminal’s screaming state, his eyes and mouth misshaped to the point he couldn’t be recognized as who he was before. He had witnessed someone’s humanity being stripped away from them. Just like his had in previous years.
Thatcher put down the camera and slid himself to a nearby wall to recover properly. His hands reached for the popcorn texture and pushed himself up, all while trying to think of some way he could calm the boy, or, if needed, neutralize the threat. He didn’t seem like a threat, however. The voice beckoning to this place had certainly not wanted to lure him for the sake of getting killed. Whoever called him here wanted him to witness someone else’s pain, to test him in his willingness to actually help others. And he gladly took that challenge.
“Murray, kid,” Thatcher tried to speak, his voice raspy from having woken up only a mere thirty minutes ago. “I… What the hell’s going on?”
“JUST LET ME DIIIiIiiEeEEE!!!!!!!!!” he screamed, the pain clear as day through his voice. He tried moving his slacked arms, sluggishly grabbing his jaw and hair in his separate hands, pulling on both of them simultaneously. He even began whispering and mumbling for the Lieutenant to “just kill him,” pleading for the sweet release of the pain he had been enduring.
Thatcher swallowed his fears and began approaching the alternate, hands hovering over the gun he had brought for protection. As much as he knew he couldn’t kill those things, it was a good distraction in case things had to get violent. He’d survived one before, what’s another?
He inched his way toward Adam, the suspect trying to crumple himself into a ball as a way to mitigate his suffering. All the while, he was still screaming at the top of his lungs. His footsteps were quiet so as to not alarm the suffering boy in front of him. His limbs had been stretched out to an impossible length as well as being skinny enough that he’d die right there and then if he were truly human. At this point, Thatcher was sure that everything he thought about Adam was a complete lie.
There was one thing on his mind as he stepped ever closer: does Sarah know? Does his ex know? Does anyone else know?
Once Thatcher had felt he had been able to get close enough, he bent down to Adam’s level, hesitating for a moment before reaching out to him. Slowly but surely, he had placed a soft hand against the disfigured kid’s knee. Adam tried lifting his head but decided he didn’t want to due to how much it would hurt for someone else to see him like this. Thatcher knew it too.
Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around the crying mess, ignoring how liquid the skin felt, how flexible it was now. It became goo in his hands as he tried gripping onto Adam for dear life, not wanting to let him go until he’d calmed himself down. Adam began to shift around a bit before uncurling himself, albeit in a very strained manner. Thatcher noticed this attempt and slightly backed away, still keeping his hands attached to Adam in an attempt of comfort.
“Why… aren’t you running…?” Adam asked, the soft whisper of his voice almost not reaching the officer’s ears. “Did… why? Why are you here?”
“That doesn’t matter right now. What matters is making sure you’re okay,” Thatcher responded in the same tone of voice as to not scare him. He had a gut feeling that him breaking down is why he’s all discombobulated. “Take some breaths with me, and hold on tight if you need to.”
With those remarks, Thatcher softly embraced Adam once more, Adam slowly returning his gesture this time. Thatcher could feel Adam’s melting hands searching for some sort of grip on him, finally setting on holding his hair a little too tight for Thatcher’s comfort. Thatcher decided to ignore the pain in favor of helping Adam in the best way he could. He leaned his head backwards to alleviate some of it at least, but it truly wasn’t his main focus at the present moment.
“Take some breaths, kid. Please,” Thatcher whispered. He began to breathe deeply, in and out, in a stable pattern to model to Adam. Adam struggled at first, the snot being sniffled back up his nose and tears running endlessly down his face - or was it blood -, but eventually finding a pattern that worked for him best. His skin began to solidify in the process - not fully, but it was definitely better than before. Adam finally found more grip in his hands and removed his hands from Thatcher’s hair to settle on his back instead.
“I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry,” Adam repeated quietly, half hoping that Thatcher wouldn't hear. Or at least that’s what he theorized.
“Don’t ever apologize,” Thatcher firmly, but gently, stated, pulling away from the boy softly. “You needed help, and that’s okay. You’re gonna be okay.”
Adam looked up at Thatcher, finally. His eyes and mouth had changed back into a normal, stable state along with the rest of his limbs. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy, his lips quivered, and his entire body simply shook from the mere shock, pain, and horror of it all.
“Am I… Are…” Adam mumbled. He looked at his hands and flexed them a few times, unsure of if he had returned to his former self or not. “Am I real?”
“If that’s supposed to mean ‘are you normal again’ then yes, you are,” Thatcher chuckled. “However, if you’re truly questioning whether or not you’re real, then the answer is still yes. I have tons of records on you back at the station if you need proof.”
Adam chuckled softly, trying to hide his amusement in Thatcher’s words. He stared at the ground for a few moments, and Thatcher joined him. They sat in complete, awkward silence, though that silence might have been necessary.
“You need a place to stay? Or someone to stay here with you for the night? I don’t want you to be by yourself tonight. Maybe not even for the next few days. And we don’t have to talk about this right now. I understand.”
Adam nodded and began tearing up once more, lunging at Thatcher with a more enthusiastic hug. Thatcher immediately complied.
“Thank you… I’m so sorry you had to deal with this-”
“Hey, again, don’t apologize.”
Adam nodded in Thatcher’s shoulder. He had longed for physical contact for a good while, and this was the best chance he’d ever get at it. Thatcher felt it as Adam tried to get even closer to him, pulling on him even harder and even trying to nuzzle his shoulder just to get that extra sense of physical feeling. A sense of comfort and safety. A sense of humanity.
“I don’t wanna stay here,” Adam spoke up, his voice slightly muffled by the officer’s shoulder. “I need to get out of here…”
“I got you covered. Not too comfortable bringing you to my place due to… circumstances, but we can just head over to the station. I should have something there to make us comfortable.”
Adam nodded and gave a verbal indicator through hums. Thatcher slightly separated from Adam to help him stand, walking him out of the house and to his car. He led him to the passenger seat and let himself get comfortable. After he gently closed the door, he walked over to the driver’s seat, got comfortable, started the car, and drove as fast as he could to get them both out of there.
Thatcher wasn’t sure what to do the next morning, but whatever it was it would be taking care of this damn kid. He already lost his parents, and he’s not gonna let it happen again.
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helianskies · 6 months
winter prompts ☃️
'tis the season to write some slightly fluffier offerings for once! you know the drill! feel free to check with me if you are unsure if i'd write certain characters/pairings! <3
[ 1 ] - “what do you mean you 'don't need a coat'?”
[ 2 ] - “that was more ice than snow!”
[ 3 ] - “please don't fall!”
[ 4 ] - “maybe you could warm me up...?”
[ 5 ] - “look's like you've caught a cold.”
[ 6 ] - “you're so toasty!”
[ 7 ] - “thank you for making it special.”
[ 8 ] - “i'm actually allergic to holiday cheer.”
[ 9 ] - “let's build a snowman!”
[ 10 ] - “it's just a little something.”
[ 11 ] - “winter and i are sworn enemies.”
[ 12 ] - “but if i get out of bed i'll be cold!”
[ 13 ] - “look, a shooting star!”
[ 14 ] - “you did all of this yourself?”
[ 15 ] - “i can't believe you got me this!”
[ 16 ] - “that's the ugliest jumper i've ever seen.”
[ 17 ] - “you've never been ice-skating?”
[ 18 ] - “can i borrow your scarf?”
[ 19 ] - “come on, dance with me!”
[ 20 ] - “looks like we're snowed in.”
[ 21 ] - “office parties suck…”
[ 22 ] - “dinner is served!”
[ 23 ] - “at least pretend to like it!”
[ 24 ] - “here, warm yourself by the fire.”
[ 25 ] - “no one should be alone for the holidays.”
[ 26 ] - “i have something to ask you…”
[ 27 ] - “don't lick that pole!”
[ 28 ] - “i see we've ended up under the mistletoe.”
[ 29 ] - “hey, no peeking!”
[ 30 ] - “you're the best present i could have ever wished for.”
last year's list of wintery prompts is also over here for those who want to nose! happy december! and of course feel free to have a go at these yourself!
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rainymoodlet · 6 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[ A Picnic... ]
Part 1 of 2 💐
@mattodore @morrigan-sims
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