#i am so sorry i am apologizing for being a theatre person so sorry i can’t help it
snowangeldotmp3 · 2 years
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something to believe in
or, the newsies au
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neoflect · 1 month
sharing some of my disorganized jojo musical thoughts now that ive had a week to sit on it and ive rewatched it several times over. i intended to wait to publish something like this until a subtitled version was available, but im not seeing any indication that thats happening any time soon so for now youll have to deal with my loose interpretations from my extremely rudimentary and rusty japanese… so take what i have to say about the finer points of characterization with a grain of salt. gratuitous spoilers below obviously, both for the original source material and the changes made in the stage production
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my feelings are OVERWHELMINGLY positive. of course there are things i can criticize or that i would have personally done differently but oh man… i have literally not thought about anything besides this fucking show for a week. im 100% confident in saying this is a better adaptation of the source material than the tv anime. sorry to the davidpro staff, i respect their hard work and their love for jojo and their dedication to what is by any metric a pretty difficult property to adapt off of the page, but i dont know if i can ever forgive them for leaving half of the first episode’s storyboard on the cutting room floor in order to fit a standard half-hour tv slot, especially considering that what they cut is some of the really crucial character-building stuff. happily those scenes are not only reproduced in the stage version, some of them are expanded upon!
with the quick disclaimer that i’ve only managed to get my hands on the final 4/14 performance with shotaro arisawa and yoshihisa higashiyama, from what i’ve seen the casting is perfect. i’m sure there’s a rip of the 4/13 performance somewhere (i’ve seen clips) but i haven’t been able to find one… every single performer knocks it out of the fucking park, the cast chemistry is incredible and even the minor characters are loaded with charisma. and mamoru miyano… my god… mamoru miyano i owe you an apology. i was not familiar with your game. of course hes been killing it for decades at this point but i had soured on him a little bit recently because i felt like he was overcast in everything and i just didnt connect with his dnt reinhard at all, so when the casting was initially announced back in august i was underwhelmed, and of course my standards for the dio role in particular were astronomically high… i’ll go more into detail later in the post because i have so so many things to say about dio’s characterization here but mamoru miyano’s performance is like, life-changing. i had impossible expectations and he exceeded them.
sorry if im gushing. i am a hater by nature. its unusual for me to be so thoroughly pleased with something. im not even a musical theater guy. these are strange new feelings for me.
just to balance things out i’ll talk about a couple of the things that didn’t really work for me: first of all, the music is just ok. my initial draft of this post called the music “bad” but three additional viewings later i have warmed up to some of the songs. i don’t know if this is a shortcoming by dove attia as the composer or if it’s just me, as i said i’m not a musical guy and a lot of the genre conventions of musical theatre are not really the things i look for in music that i enjoy, but like… even at their worst they are serviceable. nothing here is sonically unpleasant to me. high points are “resolve of the ripple” (zeppeli’s hamon training song, a jazzy swing number - it’s simply catchy and fun to listen to) and the closer “phantom blood” (a sweeping ballad that reprises the earlier “light and darkness”/”golden spirit” leitmotifs into an epic duet between jonathan and dio as they join hands and walk off into the darkness together… made me cry! i wont lie! on every single one of my numerous viewings this one got me misty eyed!)
wait i forgot this is supposed to be the part where i’m being critical. ok my most loathed song in the musical is “dio’s world”. sorry dio nation. it doesn’t really work for me. i think this might be a case of my standards/expectations being too impossibly high because it’s not even really the worst song in the whole thing. and of course miyano eats it up so it’s not really his fault. i just find it kind of underwhelming… i find the melody a little grating, it’s kind of just a generic rock number, it’s just missing a particular je ne sais quoi…. the essence of dio isn’t there… lyrically though i am obsessed with the premise of dio recruiting his minions by selling himself as a kind of social revolutionary who is upending and inverting the brutal hierarchy of post-industrial victorian society with zombie blood magic. you win some you lose some.
the second sticking point for me is the costumes. they’re perfectly serviceable… adequate… but i mean when it comes to jojo “serviceable” and “adequate” costume design obviously falls well below what’s expected, right? a lot of the outfits have kind of a boxy, almost flat-looking kind of unflattering fit on the actors, which if i wanted to be generous i could attribute to the challenge of bridging the gap between these frail slender musical theater twinks and the two-meter-tall 250lb roided-out beefcakes theyre meant to be embodying. (bearing this discrepancy in mind a lot of the insane martial arts stuff in the second act doesn’t really land with the oomph that it should, but i also understand logistically why this kind of casting is not practical, and all things considered i think shotaro arisawa does a really incredible job of embodying jonathan joestar even though he kind of looks like i could snap him in half over my knee like a twig. he’s very cute. so i’m not mad about it.) of course, again, logistically, i understand that in a stage musical production, where actors only have minutes to complete costume changes, some sacrifices have to be made to the creative vision in the name of practicality. nevertheless this is jojos bizarre adventure!! i want to see some fucking baubles!!!!!!
which is all to say that… after carefully considering it for some weeks… i still have extremely mixed feelings about dio’s grink ass feather bathrobe look. it’s not that i dont think its something he could wear (the concept of dio lounging around in his gothic vampire palace doing re-animator style body horror experiments on the local wildlife in this “officer i have no idea what happened to my husband”-ass nightgown is nothing short of hysterical to me) but then he wears it into combat and i felt a little disappointed… it has the same unflattering fit issue as the other outfits in the show, and it is just such an un-araki-like design… where are the gaudy color combinations? the bizarre geometric patterns? the tease of an exposed boob/thigh/midriff? erina gets a stage-original dress design that i have fewer issues with because the excessive pleats and ruffles have more of an araki-esque sensibility, but every time i look at dio’s robe it feels like there’s something missing.  i’m going to choose to be nice about it because it’s not at all a deal breaker and, again, mamoru miyano devours the look. it’s fine. it’s always fun to have a new dio outfit. if anything, the fact that the blu-rays are being marketed as “2024 cast version” gives me hope for the possibility of a future production with a new vision for the costume design. (although the fact that this was such a difficult production - with stunts and pyrotechnics and moving setpieces - that its entire first week was cancelled indicates to me that the prospects for a future production from a different company are impossibly slim. i guess there’s always hope?)
in terms of the writing and the changes that were made from the original narrative, honestly i don’t really have an issue with anything that was cut. sorry if there are any diehard stans of Poco’s Unnamed Sister out there who are steamed that their favorite minor late phantom blood character got the axe, i kind of understand how you feel because i’ve been malding over david pro cutting the Danny Lore for eleven years, but i think it was the right choice and the story flows so much better. the real juicy meat at the core of phantom blood as a narrative and the thing that brings it head and shoulders above so much of the rest of jjba is the character-driven drama - that deliciously pulpy victorian gothic family tragedy - and the relationship between jonathan and dio. the musical beefs up the character drama and slims down the action-driven second half by trimming out the extraneous battles. the only real downside i see to this is that the absence of tompetty and his prophecy makes zeppeli’s arc and death feel INSANELY abrupt, but tbf that’s not a deal breaker for me. sorry zeppeli. you were born to die.
okay. okay. i think 1500 words into the post is enough fucking around so let’s talk about the real reason why you and i both know we’re here
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musical dio is SO fucking sad. he’s positively wretched, you guys. he was born in a wet cardboard box all alone and forced to eat cement when he was six. he cries even more than he does in the source material and even when he’s not crying he frequently delivers his lines as though he is moments away from bursting into tears. back when the musical first opened i was snooping on the reactions on jpn twitter and one commenter said they could see miyano’s tears and snot from the nosebleeds even without opera glasses, a remark i initially assumed was hyperbole but that i now think probably was not. araki’s dio is certainly tortured and a deeply pathetic crybaby beneath all the cruelty and posturing, but changes in the musical and miyano’s embodiment of the character bring this pathos to the fore. he is literally haunted: dario’s ghost lingers, a manifestation of all of dio’s traumas and insecurities that emerges from the recesses of his memory to taunt him with the reminder that he will always be his father’s son, all the way up until the very minute that jonathan breaks down the door to his vampire lair. i am OBSESSED with this - not only for the obvious reason that i delight in dio’s suffering personally but also because kong kuwata is a delight and he fucking kills it every time. also lends itself to a category 10 leitmotif moment at the top of the second act when dio emerges from the charred ruins of the joestar estate singing dario’s theme and calling out to jonathan - if i had to pinpoint this is probably the moment when this musical stuck for me as the Real Deal. they Get It.
the first solo number in the show is dio’s disney princess I Want song (amazingly, simply titled “dio”) where he weeps for his late mother and his wretched lot in life, and then - in a creative decision that made me clap my hands and hoot and holler at my screen in real life - there is a reprise of this number (delivered, naturally, through tears) when dio is almost arrested for murder and decides to become a vampire instead. so there’s this amazing hopeful uplifting inspirational orchestral music accompanying the onstage action of dio ruthlessly slaying jonathan’s dad and then getting pumped full of lead by a bunch of cops. it is brilliant. 10/10 no notes. it’s moments like this that i think really sell the “softening” of dio in the stage version for me, even though i am historically Not A Fan of fanworks that take a similar angle - like, yes, he is sad, but specifically he is narcissistically obsessed with the spectacle of his own suffering, he is boiling over with bitterness and rage for everyone around him who (by his own estimation) could never hope to have suffered as much as he has. this sensitivity and self-pity he wallows in are not expressions of a guilty conscience or a desire to change - they’re entirely the opposite - every cruel and monstrous deed dio commits is always justified to himself because he is simply the saddest little boy who has ever existed. he has been done wrong by the world and so there is no limit to the depravity he may reasonably respond with. i’ve seen several commenters describe this as a drastically different interpretation of the character from araki’s dio (and someone told me on twitter that mamoru miyano himself has also said this, but i cba to go digging for an actual source so take it with a grain of salt?), but i… dont think thats the case! dio’s obsession with his own weakness and his self-perception as the eternal underdog (as compared to jonathan) are certainly more exaggerated in miyano’s performance, but i don’t think this is an angle to the character that’s been manufactured out of whole cloth. the genre conventions of the stage musical force the melodrama up to eleven and dio’s incredibly repressed angst is the most rich vein to mine for that. hair-trigger sadist dio is still here, it’s the same guy, he’s still killing people mercilessly, you’re just getting to see him sing a big ballad about his feelings instead of confining those to an internal monologue.
if anything, the exaggeration of dio’s pathetic/cowardly/crybaby traits combined with his megalomaniacal aspirations and bottomless well of cruelty is just right. it’s perfect. fucking around, finding out, and then trying to weasel his way out of the consequences with crocodile tears just so you don’t see him drawing his knife to cut you clean open… yeah. thats the stuff. thats my one true blorbo. sad to say i will love him for ten thousand years.
i think that might be all i have to say… or at least all i feel like saying here… most likely ill come back and edit this post later. i certainly have some additional thoughts and some more esoteric/controversial takes but they’re not suited for a public blog. real ones will understand. im keeping my eyes peeled for somebody to translate this thing but to be frank i am kind of enjoying this little corner of fandom as it is right now: just the asians and the true hardcore phantom blood phreaks. i have not had this much fun in jojo fandom in almost a fucking decade. as soon as somebody publishes an english version my timelines going to get flooded with all the most deeply annoying “kono dio da” “speedwagon waifu” reddit guys and 15 year olds and my suffering will proceed. unfortunately this is my lot in life and i am doomed to be here forever because dio put a worm in my brain
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songmingisthighs · 4 months
i'm gonna do a brief summary of me going mia.
fyi, i am being a bitch here so skip if you don't wanna get confused
> i stupidly sent an ask to a network i'm in about an admin who had been abusing his power/position to smear my name and reputation by introducing me to people as an abuser and i've seen texts okay this admin encouraged network members to block and just avoid me on top of calling me an abuser and called me annoying and when i was plagiarized by dally he literally called me annoying and on another plagiarizing incident, said that i "went off" but it was /neg like dude i got my shit stolen why do you think i got mad ?? and this admin had gone to another network to shit talk me with someone so openly so like wtf ?? mind you this admin used to be a friend but even when he was a friend, he had been running a smear campaign since as early as late october 2022 so imagine the betrayal and he convinced people to join in on hating me and even make it seem like a group activity and even went like "OOO WHO SHOULD WE INVITE NEXT INTO THIS HATE SMT GROUPCHAT" and it took one person to say "are you seriously inviting people in to trash talk someone you had personal beef with?" For him to be like "lol okay whatevs" but still continue. need to note this admin had participated in the desolution of 3 communities and each implosion happened after he established a "romantic relationship" with the members + gathering boob pics from others
> i was approached by an admin who at first was like "oh i'm just letting you know we're on your case. but ykw this this this this and this didn't happen the way you said, it actually happened like this" and this admin ended up labeling the shit show that i was shoved into as "personal vendetta" in a network announcement and even gaslit me. she kept saying like "aren't you tired of this? he decided to move on and he seems genuine, you could move on too" but her version of moving on was just me pretending like he didn't do anything to me because he decided that it was time to pretend like he hadn't ran a year long campaign talking shit about me to people i don't even know. like holy shit people actually came to me and apologized for believing him and what he said about me after he was done using these people too but yea sure i'm the asshole. she also said "if he came to you and apologized would you accept?" And i was like "hell no?" And she was like "SEE HOW IS THAT YOU MOVING ON" and g0rl you should've seen my face because how does not accepting the absence of accountability that had been hidden in the guise of a 2 second "i'm sorry" text = me not moving on ? he did his crime and i'm within my rights to say "lol okay so?"
> the other admin was no better bc she said "you should've sent those screenshots months ago like i told you" which btw she knew i couldn't bc i was trying to not stir drama and unlike that admin, i don't want to make another community implode. and she also said "i'm tired being in the middle of this" like g0rl i haven't been the one who brings up this issue, isn't it possible you feel like you're in the middle because you're within that asshole admin's vicinity ?
> then the network posted an announcement about the admin's "punishment" and said admin "apologized" but even in that apology the admins were still covering his ass because there were no accountability of the slanderous bullshit he told people, the manipulation, the actual emotional tornado he had put DOZENS of people in (not just me), there was nothing sincere because he only apologized after i gave a formal complaint to the network. it was theatrical which is so fitting since he likes theatres so much. esp musical ones.
> then another issue arise when someone put my dragon!hwa fic on a fic rec post and also put the au source in the same post and that writer threw a passive aggressive tantrum that called fic rec posts stupid, accusing me of "taking", how it is not fair that "others" get more attention when they don't put in the same amount of effort, how it's not her fault she couldn't write 10k fics which made me feel like it was pointed at me so i approached her and asked if she wanted me to take the fic down and she does and it BROKE me. she wanted me to delete one of my best works because she thinks i don't put in as much effort as she does when writing that and that it's unfair that fic got more traction than her works which only get "likes and likes and likes and empty reblogs" and i was considering deleting the fic but i'm changing my mind because she didn't even have the GALL to approach me and voice out her concern and she made unfair insinuations about me and possibly other writers. those are the main reasons because g0rl she really did make me want to delete my blog.
> i was gone this whole time because i felt like i've caused so much negativity on tumblr and her words made me feel nauseous whenever i open tumblr. it didn't help that i was already dealing with the issues from the admins from that network and work which had been so fun and my family where it's all shit but because of dealing with this, i've been so drained to the point that my sinus got inflamed which affected the nerves on my teeth and i've been nursing the same hammering headache since last wednesday (5 days) and i honestly felt like death on a stick and i just wanted to be happy here again. i love the people here esp my readers and ghawd how much i love seeing tagged reblogs. i felt inadequate most of the time like everytime i post a chapter it's like playing uno with loki and betting on my ability to cope with shitty humor like fuck man but i decided to come back because the several times i lost hope in life, the times i felt like people in my real life don't need me and would rather not have me around, i know that i have people like bunni and ren and that there's a group of strangers who appreciate what i have to offer no matter what i think of myself and i'm getting emotional now and i gotta pee and idk how to end this so bye
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wan-sheng-jie · 11 months
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a/n: if you have any suggestions or corrections, or any of the links don't work, please feel free to send me an ask! apologies if updates are slow, i am a busy person, and this is only a passion side-project. i am a non-fluent mandarin speaker (its my third language behind vietnamese and english) so i am sorry in advance for any mistakes. that being said, i am going to take liberties whilst translating in order to make the plot easier to understand, and easier for myself.
all rights belong to lingzi/fenz inc/bilibili.
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OFFICIAL RAW MANHWA (link to bilibili.com)
CHAPTERS 1-413 (link to mangago.me)
CHAPTERS 414-459 (link to @saints-street-translated's uploads)
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blurglesmurfklaine · 3 days
starting questions I have
-what happens to esther, Sarah and mayer in this au
-how does this change les and jack's dynamic of like "cool older kid who's street smart" and "little kid who idolises him"
- what happens, is Jack now the more educated one, is it Jack who has the words to start a strike,
-who leads the manhattan lodging house
-has davey had run ins with Brooklyn before (and what does Jack think of Brooklyn when he becomes a newsie)
-does davey like getting into fights (bc I think especially 92sies David would, but bc of how he's been brought up he dismisses the mere notion and avoids fisticuffs)
ok warning u now I will have more questions later haha
I WELCOME ALL THE QUESTIONS!!! Sorry this is sooooo long but here:
what happens to esther, Sarah and mayer in this au
Oooh I haven’t thought about Sarah yet! But I will tie it in to what happens to the Jacobs parents. Be warned, it is Sad and Tragic.
Mayer tangles with a delivery truck, just like in livesies, but instead of staying at home he leaves the state to find work with family somewhere west. He never comes back. This happens when Davey is about eight. Sarah is a little older, maybe twelve, and Esther is pregnant with Les, who never gets to meet his father. Three years later, Esther falls ill and passes. I imagine Sarah being the oldest and ‘Most promising’ would be sent/taken away to live with an elderly relative, or possibly some sort of home for girls
how does this change les and jack's dynamic of like "cool older kid who's street smart" and "little kid who idolises him"
Well Jack is still Jack, you know? Oh and if you thought he was confident before, just IMAGINE how insufferable he in a world where he had a clean bed and full stomach every day?
I think Les would see him as the cool new “rich” kid who is confident enough to try anything and has all these wonderful stories about growing up in the theatre—which Davey obviously cannot stand bc he believes Les should keep his head on earth
what happens, is Jack now the more educated one, is it Jack who has the words to start a strike
Omg omg ong okay SO I’ve actually been thinking bout this a TON, and although their on roles are switched, they still are the characters they are if that makes sense??? So in my mind, it’s still Davey who has the words and information to start the strike—orphaned or not, this motherfucker READS. Similar to the show though he sort of sparks the idea, and Jack is kind of egging him on which Davey doesn’t understand because Jack HAS a mother, a family, he has so much more to lose
And there is this one scene that has been chewing on my brain and shaking it nonstop like a Rottweiler with a toy. Jack is still very much an artist in this AU, and Davey is the one who escaped from The Refuge.
Post rally apology scene, Jack says he’s talked to Kath and they have an idea—Davey says he just talked to her, too… and Davey isn’t kissing and telling but he doesn’t have to. Jack can tell there’s something (and there’s a lot of internal angst from Jack about this, who is trying to stay cool)
Anyway. The plan involves needing words and art for The Neesies Banner. Kath and Davey’s words, and Jack’s art. So Jack and Davey sit down together, Davey recounting everything he went through at the refuge while Jack draws it.
And then Jack can’t take it anymore and puts his pencil down and Davey’s like “???? Why’d you stop?”
Jack looks at him and just says, “I am so sorry this happened to you” and Davey is taken SO aback because he doesn’t think anyone has ever told him that and they have A Moment and uh oh??? Feelings??? And the moment breaks and they scramble away to the printing press at Pulitzers basement lol
-who leads the manhattan lodging house
Davey, but in a more unassuming way! He’s not so outright about it, and definitely not a big personality. He mostly talks kids out of making stupid decisions, but if they’re stubborn enough (Race) he’s not going to waste his time, because they’ll find out the hard way (Also Race). He’s not even necessarily the “leader” he’s just sort of the oldest and has been there the longest so
-has davey had run ins with Brooklyn before (and what does Jack think of Brooklyn when he becomes a newsie)
Davey has had a run in with Brooklyn through Race. I can see Race getting into a scuffle with Spot and Davey having to intervene. Not sure WHY yet? Maybe Race was selling on Brooklyn turf, maybe he was conning Brooklyn newsies, but I DO know that Davey was Very Annoyed about having to save Race’s ass
-does davey like getting into fights (bc I think especially 92sies David would, but bc of how he's been brought up he dismisses the mere notion and avoids fisticuffs)
Honestly? I don’t think he *likes* it, but he realizes the necessity of it quite early on!
THANK YOU FOR THESE!! They were so fun! 🤩 Anyone anywhere anytime is ALWAYS welcome to ask me about my brainrot newsies AUs lol
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Pairing: Niki x Jungwon x Reader
Lee: Reader
Switch: Jungwon
Ler: Niki
Genre: Fluff, Enhypen Fluff, Sweet Home, Cheer Up Ts, Zombies, Friends, Niki Fluff, Jungwon Fluff, Enhypen Tickle, Niki Tickle, Jungwon Tickle
A/n : So I had a sleepover at my friends house last night as I'm writing this and we watched Sweet Home until 1am and I had the idea to write a Fic about it. It did not happen like this but I liked the idea, so I hope you like it too.♡
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You were at a sleepover at your friends house. Jungwon and Niki invited you and you first went to the movie theatre together and now you were sitting there in Nikis gigantic room where you were sitting on the big grey, comfy sofa. You sat between them and you were actually tired and freaking scared since it was 0am and you three watched the K-Drama 'Sweet Home', a Zombie Drama. It was soo good but the Zombies were so damn scary and even the characters were so scary since they all had this nose bleeding. It was so disgusting but you loved this Drama.
The two boys next to you were pretty calm and watched it in peace while you flinched whenever there was a Zombie on the screen. Then this disgusting spider-human-zombie came on the screen again and you flinched again and let out a little scream. You hated this creature since you feared spiders like nothing else and this zombie was all bloody. So it wasn't you favourite look of a zombie, if there would have been one. Both boys looked at you and Niki smirked and shook his head, laughing at your cuteness.
Jungwon looked at you and he looked at you shivering and eyes widened. He wanted to calm you down a bit since you were THAT scared. So he just poked your side, not expecting much. He better had expected more. You screamed and fell on Nikis lap, not laughing but screaming in fear. Jungwon looked so damn sorry and his eyes grew so big as you screamed. Niki hugged you and rubbed your arm to calm you down and you slowly carched your breathe.
Jungwon felt so bad for scaring you that hard and apologized thousand times. "Oh my god Honey I'm so sorry!!! I'm being honest, I apologize, I'm so damn sorry! I didn't want to scare you that much! I didn't even want ro scare you!!! Omg I apologize I apologize I am so fucking sorry!!!!" Niki helped you to stand up and you told Jungwon that it was okay since he didn't want to do this but Niki was in soft Ler mood and he did not agree 100% with you.
So he sat next to Jungwon and randomly hugged him. The drama continued but nobody minded it since Jungwon was starting to feel uncomfortable because Nikis Fingers lightly ran up and down his tighs. "Niki watcha think you're doing?" he asked. "Ohh what do you think Hyung? I think you know it. We both know you need at least a tiny punishment for scaring poor Y/nah to death. Then he started squeezing Jungwons thighs softly and the older one started laughing and giggling and trashing around in the youngers strong arms. "Yahahah Nahahah Nihihihikihiihih Nahahaha" he tried to stop Niki by grabbing his wrists and pushing him away but ofc it did not work and he was helpless hugged and tickled by Niki. Luckily Niki was a gentle Ler today. So he just wanted to lift the mood and make his friends happy and not tickle them to death. He does this often enough.
So he let go of Jungwon soon and the two continued watching the Drama while you lied down on your bed, turning your body away from the screen so you only heard the scary sounds.
A/n: I personally don't think this Drama is THAT scary but I thought it would be a fun Idea, so let's continue...
The boys soon saw you, shivering and not looking happy at all so they decided to cheer you up a bit. The turned off the TV and sat next to you on your bed. Niki on the right, Jungwon on your left.
You were not only shivering because of the drama, it was not THAT scary. Okay it was scary but not that extremely. The last days, weeks, months you were extremely stressed and you had many exams and stress because of school. You were also a bit depressed again since some guys from school were stressing you again and your teachers were awful too. You did not get enough sleep either. All this was just too much for you.
"Heyy Y/n are you okay?" Jungwon asked and sounded a bit worried. He sat next to you and pulled you near to him and hugged you tight. Niki joined and stroke your head. "Please tell us, u know that we're always there for you, right?" Those comfy words made you cry. You let out all of the stuck feelings of the last days, weeks, months. You cried your eyes out and the boys just sat there, hugged you and were there for you like they always were. "Nohoho nohothing is okahahay" You cried and Jungwon asked gently: "Do you want to tell us?". Niki signed him that you first should catch your breathe and they were holding you as long as you were crying and longer.
"I'm sorry it was too much these days..." You said quietly and tears started rolling down your cheeks again. "Ohh c'mon don't cry again! Uljima Jagi" Niki said and as you did not stopped, he gently stroke your sides with his fingers. Jungwon guessed the sign right and did the same at the other side. You flinched but it didn't help at all since they were on both of your sides. You did not stopp crying but you let out a few tiny giggles. "Nahaha stahahap" Jungwon seemed happier. "There they are! Your sweet adorable giggles. Stop crying please and let me hear more of these~" He said and chuckled since you blushed softly.
Niki nodded and as you did not stopped he started to spider your side and tummy and Jungwon did the same. You shrieked and giggled more, your tears finally stopped. "Nahahha staahahahahp pleahahahase I dahahahn't crahahay ahahanymohohore" You tried to remind them but they just didn't mind and continued tickling you softly. You were trashing around a bit but since they were everywhere you realized that you won't be successfull escaping them and stopped and just took it.
They continued and sometimes Niki poke a few of your ribs or Jungwon was blewing in your neck to earn some extra giggles but they did not wanted to tickle you to death so they just did it to cheer you up a bit and calm you down. After like ten minutes they stopped and you rolled yourself into a small ball of yourself.
"Thahank you guhuys I think I neheded thahat" You said quietly and thankfully and they smiled and hugged you again. "Do you want to tell us now?" Jungwon asked carefully but you weren't in the mood to cry again so you just nodded and cuddled then softly. "I am just so exhausted of being stressed all day by exams, study sessions, teachers, friends, parents... It's like everyone and everything wants to stress me now. I wrote so many exams the last weeks and I had no afternoon without studying at least an hour. And I have not slept well for a month or longer now." You explained. They listened to you and you felt like being understood.
And they did understand you since they often felt the same way as you. "Oh we didn't know! But thank you for telling us! If you want us to, we can cheer you up more often, just tell us" Jungwon told you and at first you thought that he was joking but after you looked at him you saw that he was completely serious. " Yeah he's right." Niki agreed and you smiled thankfully. You knew you would never tell them you're a Lee but you were so thankful having such great friends. "And now let us help you to sleep good" Jongwon layed down and pulled you with him. Niki also layed down and you three were cuddling all night until you all fell asleep and to the next morning and longer.
A/n: Okay so this ff took me two nights, I hope you enjoyed it! I'm really trying my best to write good fics. Thank you guys 🫶🏻
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cleabellanov · 7 months
Swifties!! You know coney island (feat. The National) right?
Well, hear me out.
Spoilers for Loki season 2 ahead!!!
For short, it's so Lokius (or just Loki's fate) after the end of season 2 it hurts.
And for long...
"Break my soul into two looking for you/ But you're right here".
Loki is looking over his friends...especially over Mobius, since we heard his voice echo at the end of time and making Loki manage a heartbreaking smile of acceptance. They're both looking for each other, because they're now separated, but they're RIGHT HERE at the same time.
"If I can't relate to you anymore, then who am I related to?"
The clear discrepance of Mobius's life at the TVA is given by him meeting Loki. After he leaves, there's no point for M to stay there anymore. So he leaves, because who is he related to now?
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"And if this is the long haul how did we get here so soon"
OUUUCH! The long haul=a journey that takes a lot of time and effort. Isn't that what happened in S2E6, with Loki trying again and again to fix the Loom and save everyone? Oh yes it is! But it still seemed too soon when he had to leave, and to protect everyone with the cost of remaining alone.
"I'm sitting on a bench in Coney Island, wondering 'where did my baby go' "
Mobius, at the end of the season, standing alone, letting time pass. He wasn't exactly on a bench in Coney Island, but I swear that's what he was wondering.
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Sorry for not making you my centerfold
So, in the song, this apology is meant for something that is already over, a cause-effect situation.
But in my perspective, it can also be a resolution. Because Loki DID make the people she cared about the centerfold. And not only them, but those people, those lives HWR didn't care about. Now, they're the top page of the story Loki chose to rewrite and the burden he chose to bear. Until that moment, it didn't work out, no matter how hard he tried. But then the realisation hits in, after the conversation with Mobius in the time theatre. And the hardest, impossible choice is made.
Over and over
Lost again with no surprises
Dissapointments close your eyes
And it gets colder and colder
As the sun goes down"
The repetition both "over" and "colder" in the chorus feel like a call back to the finale's events. How, over and over, for centuries and only he knows how many tries, Loki tries to rewrite the story. To save his friends, yes, but also the existence of the Multiverse.
And that didn't work. Now, that the sun doesn't shine (BUT IT WILL. IT HAS TO.) it gets colder and colder. It's very important to note that the sun did shine on Mobius and Sylvie...but Loki wasn't there.
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"Do you miss the rogue who coaxed you into paradise and left you there?"
First, some synonyms, for better understanding (evermore will be evermore)
rogue=a dishonest person, a villain; coaxed= persuaded into doing something
This is the exact opposite of where we see Loki now. He's a hero. He's THE hero!! But the beautiful thing about this is how he evolved, how their character has one of, if not even the biggest, arcs in the MCU. The part I want to point out in this lyric is the first one, the question: Do you miss? Does she, without ever wanting to change anything, miss that rogue, the self that got her here? The one in Ragnarok, who was finally working things out with Thor? And the "left" too! Because he's here now, but there's...no one left next to him.
"Cause we were like the mall before the internet it was the one place to be
THE MISCHIEF, the gift-wrapped suburban dreams"
The mall before the internet? Like this disconnected place where you lose the notion of time? Like the TVA, with Loki and Mobius together, working on that TemPad, for example. It is the one place to be for them, and when together, they both try to protect it.
The mischieffff. Loki's betrayal, choosing to leave with Sylvie when Mobius trusted him in this mission. Him being the literal God of Mischief. The "Come on, you're the God of Mischief" from Mobius in s2e2. And this is not even the only mischief regarding them, it's the whole TVA in season 1 and how all of its workers were being lied to.
The gift wrap as an imaginery for them traveling through timelines to find Sylvie, then Ravonna and Miss Minutes. When this is sweet at first (or sticky as cracker jack hehe) but it turns out to be more. To be difficult. And overall, the whole theme of the song remisces their story and its beautiful, irregular flow.
"Were you waiting at our old spot/ In the tree line, by the gold clock/ Did I leave you hanging every single day?"
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Our old spot.
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In the tree line, by the gold clock.
What a charming way to hear Loki's choice to stay, and the place that happened, be described. Also, the timelines look like a tree. The gold clock, also representative for the tva.
PLUS Loki's throne at the end of time is literally the tree of life (Yggradsil).
"And when I walked up to the podium I think that I forgot to say your name"
Because before Loki left, and walked up to the "podium" down to the loom, he didn't say goodbye. We got that in season 1. Not now.
"When the sun goes down / The sight that flashed before me was your face"
The sun going down is at a present time. It's still there, but it will be gone soon.
Yet the flash is in the past : it was. For the God of Stories, time is infinite, but that one "let time pass" from Mobius is SO important it got to Loki and made them smile. HE FUCKING SMILED. (alright maybe smile is not the word but if I choose to make myself believe that for my own comfort then so be it)
Alright, that's kinda it. I'll never listen to this song the same way <3
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will-o-the-witch · 2 years
Hello. I'm sorry if this is an awkwardly worded question. I am not sure how to ask and also I am going through a time of it emotionally right now. I've been a pagan for around a decade now, but I am repeatedly being met with the suggestion that my family might have been Jews who were coerced into converting to Catholicism. These suggestions have been made by Jewish friends of mine over the years when I've talked about my Yiddish speaking family and how the language died out in our family. I've recently learned from my mother that a woman who had been my grandmother for several years due to a relatioship believed very firmly that we were Jewish given what had been learned about our family from my mother. As a result, I lived several years of my life being taught things about holidays and the like by said woman as though I were Jewish. But that I just didn't know how to do things due to family history. It was very homely and nice, but due to a breakup I fell out of contact with said family. It was very homely though and I've direly missed that environment and culture since then. This along with the general timeframe of my family's fleeing Ukraine and what I've been told about why we fled Ukraine has gotten me wanting to at least do some research on the matter. I'm not really sure how to research though or what to research really. Nor am I entirely sure what it is that I want to learn beyond that I just want to learn. Something. Which is probably very vague. At the very least I've known that we spoke Yiddish for years and have always felt very sad I did not know it or much about the culture the language is from. And I would like to at least learn more about that to honor my long dead great grandmother and great great grandmother. And possibly learn at least something more about them, if not in specific then at least in spirit. But given the whole being a Gaelic polytheist for a decade thing I feel very awkward about researching things. A convert friend of mine who brought up a while back that my family situation sounds like a case of coerced conversion has suggested a book for me which is nice but reading said book is making things even more difficult and confusing. I apologize that this is a bit long and rambling and likely confusing but do you have any advice? Things to read, people to talk to? I suppose the short of it is that I'm finding out I might be Jewish and I'm not sure what to do about that and that at the very least I would like to learn more to respect my now dead Yiddish speaking family members and also that one particular grandma.
Hey there! Sorry I didn't get to this sooner.
I'm not sure what to suggest as far as researching personal family history, since I struggle with that myself. Mine just cuts off behind a paywall and language barrier, and it's extremely likely the specific community they lived in doesn't exist anymore, if it's even discoverable. I think learning about the general history of the area is good, though. :)
If you wanted, Duolingo does have Yiddish now so that could be a nice way to connect and also learn a new language in the process! The announcement picture for it still gives me Feelings
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(Plus there's a rich history of Jewish theatre and literature, which is very neat.)
Sorry I can't be of much more help than that! But hopefully that's useful ^^
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heromaker-if · 1 year
This ask may sound a little bit vague, but have you ever imagine the cast in a modern world AU, maybe in a high school or university? Well the Hero won't be in sight yet though, but we can have MC, Frey and the ROs enjoy high school year together?
As far as I can use my imagination, MC and Frey could be neighbor or childhood friends, going to the same school. Pach may be the one student having a very secret lunch enjoying place which accidentally got found out by Frey, which leads to the three being lunch-buddies and get closer. (There may be a kitten at that place, too!)
These other 3 are only my sheer grasp based on all the asks, but Astro/a may be a member of some music/literature/drama club? Secret LI2 has the vibe of the President of the Student Council, or maybe the vice president? If they have an older sibling and they are the vice, maybe the older sibling would be the President? the Secret Ll1 could have a seat in the Student Council too, or they could be a transfer student who have a cool and distance vibe but are actually a lovely dear and secretly fond of cute things?
Those above are just my imagination based on all the asks I have read so sorry if they are kinda out of their character, but truly, sharing my thought with you was so fun I couldn't keep it XD! What I want to ask is if being put in the high school, university world like this, what do you think the role of the cast would be? And maybe how would they first meet and interact with each other?
It would be really amazing if the whole group can hang out with each other, going to the cafe to study or playing at the beach in the summer XD
Hello! This is beyond vague my friend! The details! I love it! Very interesting ask, I absolutely am in love with AUs and although our cast is a bit too old for High school, we can imagine they are younger for this particular scenario.
I'm also much more a "modern" writer than a "fantasy" writer so this is more my lane. Since this might get too long (apologies 😅), everything will be down below! Thank you for sending me this lovely ask 💕
MC and Frey would definitely be childhood friends. I can see their families, if they were alive in this AU, to be close, and perhaps have been the reason as to why MC and Frey know each other. It's funny when you think about it, because their upbringing are very different from each other.
I can see them visit each other's houses all the time, and practically being a part of each other's families at that point.
Regarding Pachypoda, I think the scenario you wrote there is literally perfect. Pachypoda definitely seems like the type to find a seclusive place in the library to read and study, and have lunch, since they feel isolated by everyone else. Frey being the person to find them is hilarious because imagine they are in the library, maybe at the request of MC because they need to study, or maybe because they are curious to see if the library has comic books, and then they find Pachypoda, and all those plans go down the sink!
Frey, much like in the story, would impose themselves on Pachypoda's time, almost like an extrovert claiming an introvert for themselves. Not that Pachypoda has anything to complain, they are very grateful to finally have a friend to talk to. The trio would definitely become a close group, glued at the hip. A white kitten called Yennefer could be a stray they find that they sneak in the school because they simply cannot find a place for her to stay, until eventually they decide to house the kitten in MC's home (since the parents would be more willing).
Speaking of parents, Pachypoda probably would live with an older sister!
Also you are not VERY far off with your assumptions with the rest of the cast, in fact, you are very close! I'm surprised, you seem to be really good at understanding a character's basic "vibes". The only thing I would have to amend is the fact that Astro/a would be in theatre. They really wouldn't. Despite being a bard in the story, that is not the life for them, they enjoy music, performance, dramatics, but they are far more adventurous.
I could see Astro/a being part of a physical sports club, and also one of the most popular people at school, known for being a troublemaker. They'd probably find the trio for help in their grades, or even to pull them into even more intense shenanigans!
You are very right that Secret LI2 would be part of the Student Council. That is definitely something they would be assigned, I don't think by choice, but it isn't something they particularly hate. I can also see them busting the rest of cast from trouble were they to find some, and even feel envy because they also want to play around and have adventures, but are bound by duty.
Secret LI1 would also, very correctly so, be the distant exchange student who seem cold and mean (probably has beaten some bullies in the school and made a name for themselves), only to be the actual sweetest! The group would adopt them since they seem lonely, and Secret LI1 would become very protective of them.
This is a very cute AU, and their dynamics are not far off from the reality of the story! I do love this ask however, so I'd like to thank you for letting me indulge in this fantasy, not to mention how correct you were in your guesses! Thank you and I'm sorry for how long it is 🥰
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Markiplier egos and who you kin says about you(its also to the people who like/favouritises these egos in specific)part 1
(I apologize if I get some of these wrong)
-If you kin dark well you want justice.Somebody whos tired of always being treated horribly.Turning cold after some point of being tired bc of others behaviours.Not giving others second chances like you used to bc of the consequences you faced later on in life.Dark kinnies I just wanna tell you that im sorry for what happened to you I trully am…Also you arent a horrible person even if you put this persuade of a person whos cold etc..You only put that persuade just bc of your past. Also hows the daddy issues going on? Also I bet you miss damien and want to see more of him like dark.
-If you kin wilford then are you ok? What happened to you? Like legit—anyways on another note youre somebody who’s probably very bubbly and fun! Youre probably the fun friend.You are honestly somebody who doesnt let others affect them much even if it can hurt at times.Also you may seem obnoxious and annoying to others even if to me you arent remember that!You are also somebody who maybe suffers through intrusive thoughts which im sorry about and feel bad for.Also people made fun of you for liking pink or considered you weird just bc of you being you which sucks ass.Well just so you know you arent weird! Youre being you and thats important!
-If you kin illinois then youre somebody whos a sucker for romance.Youre also somebody whos flirtatious with friends as a joke even if you mean every word.At some point you liked Indiana jones or called him a rip off of him.You also want somebody a partner most likely bc sure you have that flirty personality but deep inside you just want love ,somebody to care for you etc.. Which I can understand but the time will come ik it!!Be patient alright?Oh also forgot youre barely scared of anything and are laid back.You like going on adventures or just seeing it .
-If you kin eric then im sorry for how people treat you.Especially your dad as you dont deserve this at all.Youre probably suffer from anxiety and get shitted on for it by your parents .Also hows the relationship with your dad going? Not well ? Well aint surprised also I wanna tell you that being sensitive is ok! Its ok to cry when you need to… You shouldnt feel ashamed to feel that way at all .Also things arent your fault sure you blame yourself but it isnt! Your also a huge over thinker which makes things difficult for you along with anxiety.Also if you need help its ok to ask ! I know it can be hard and difficult but I know you can do it!One last thing I wanna say is that you my friend have people pleasing habits which im sorry to hear of but hope you can overcome that one day!
-If you kin head engineer then…youre somebody who cant see things or understand them well .Not until somebody points it out .Its the same thing when ever youve done something wrong.Youre also somebody who likes space alot and you thank mark for that .Along with the fact you have a big heart for others and you care about them. Head engineer kinnies I just wanna tell you that you dont have to put them or others first …take care of yourself. Speaking of which you have a favourite person .I bet at some point you cried at the part in iswm part 2 when head engineer was in it.Youre also somebody who barelly cares if they head in straight into something it only gives u adrenaline bc the mystery etc..Along with being nervous also.
-If you kin actor mark then..youre probably a theatre kid or something.Youre also somebody who hates when people prove you wrong.Sure even if you are wrong youre still a bit stubborn and wanna prove your point.You probably like other villains and understand there point of you tbh.Your childhood was probably rough along with the relationship you had before. You also enjoy company yet get jealous easily when ever you dont get your friends attention.
-If you kin the host/author well I wanna tell you that youre somebody who likes books along with creepy stuff.Youre somebody whos probably interested in the paranormal stuff like ghosts etc… You also have a weird fascination with history at some point.You are somebody whos wise ,looking at situations before acting on them.You are also very creative and honestly can write alot if you put your mind to it.At some point ,you wanted to be an author or a book writer and decided to make fanficts or something.Just to you know try it out.Youre somebody that just hates change ,you often enjoy when things stay the same and like it that way.Youre also somebody who barely reveals things or is quite mysterious or quite the opposite.
-If you kin bim then im worried about you in honesty as your somebody whos very interested in autonomy .How the human body works etc… Youre also somebody whos interested in murder ,killing and all that jazz.Youre somebody who people often worry about but you barelly care which good on you I guess.Youre also somebody who barelly gets scared of blood or when a gory scene happens or completely the opposite.You probably are somebody who wanted to taste weird things or bite them in general. But on the non concerning side your somebody who holds your close ones very close and would do anything for them.You probably have like one best friend who you share everything to even the concerning parts and they tolerate it lel .Youre somebody who rarely gets scared or the opposite.Youve probably tasted your own blood before just bc you wondered how it tasted.
-If you kin yancy then… you have familly issues and barelly get along with your parents.Youre often seen as the disappointment by your parents just bc of your actions.You probably act on instinct when ever something happens.Barelly caring if something ends up in a fight if it meant you where doing something good in the end.At some point you wanted to be dressed as a prisoner for halloween just bc it reminded you of yancy.You also have the habit of saying “youse” or speak how he speaks accent wise.Speaking of the parents topic you see mark as a dad figure (dont wee all tho?) or u see older figures as parent figures.You also suffer for parent issues (as in mom and dad issues. Anyways you also at some point wanna get the same tattoo as yancy or cosplay as him bc hes that cool to you.You also like the color black and white thats it .Youre also somebody who quite caring even if people dont see you that way often,seeing you as somebody who only causes trouble.Which to your point of you do it just bc you had reasons and all that jazz.You also adore when fight scene happen in movies often ,looking at the scenes very carefully even if theres to much stuff happening all at once etc… Youre also somebody who listened to “I dont wanna be free” hundreds of times just bc its that good (which I dont blame you it is a good song)
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salsakiyoomi · 11 months
GAHHH OH MY GOD OKAY OKAY first of all holy smokes I love the theme on your blog so much it's so cool and the red is just,,, chefs kiss oh man💗💗🥹!!
OKAY AJAJA would it be alright if I asked for a matchup for Spiderverse (either of the other fandoms work if they're easier/more fun to work with!! I love all of the fandoms there as well ajajja) :O??<3 please take as long as you need with it!!💗🙏
my persona:
name: ellie :D
personality: ENFP/ENTP (but E and I are bound to change depending on how I'm feeling while taking the test BWAHSHSHD so here's another description!!): I'm a generally optimistic person with the sense of humor of an eight year old boy. I will laugh at your mom jokes and then apologize and then make another one😭 I enjoy helping people and creating things, but I do tend to question my morals a lot and wonder why I am helping those people !! I really like the idea of self-improvement and knowing there's always room for more :D reminders are always great too because I forget a lot of things SJDBSJSJHS
zodiac sign: aries!
ideal type: i'm okay with being paired with any gender, no preference! i'm also a minor/highschool student if that helps at all :D (i'm totally on board with platonic matchups as well, i'm unlabeled so for me i can roll along w just about anything!! whatever is easiest GAARAHH). i really admire people who are kind at heart, it doesn't matter how they show it :D i admire people who are humble but not meek, and are willing to speak their minds when it feels right to them OH MAN and I also love people who i can go on and have deep talks with them and fall asleep next to them giggling like im 7 years old at a sleepover every night. OH AJDJSJ and I also love watching shows meant For Literal Children/cartoons because I find them genuinely hilarious and the lessons are always so good 😭🙏 creativity is important to me as well + education for passions :D my giving love language is words of affirmation and physical touch, and my main receiving is acts of service and physical touch! :D
my favorite trope: SHDHDJDJ FOUND FAMILY FOUND FAMILY FOUND FAMILY or any forms of domestic fluff!! 💗💗(sharing a bed and hurt/comfort and being held after a nightmare is my JAM BWAHHS)
favorite season: autumn :)))
hobbies: I absolutely love biology/biomed/environmental science :D! I love going to aquariums and (art) museums and learning about my passions. i definitely want to work at an aquarium as one of those people who give tours to the 3rd graders one day 🥰🙏 I also love listening to instrumental scores from movies!! (I CRIED OVER THE ONES FROM ATSV I AM UNWELL) how to train your dragon and big hero 6 are definitely up there as a few of my favorites :D oh man I also love performing and doing musical theatre for the sake of the community WAHHHSJ,, I love art and writing even though I can get pretty bad writer's block AND OH MAN I love tutoring a lot and going on bike rides when I'm alone !! I love hanging out w people but I also value my alone time as well, and soMETIMES (I AM WORKING ON IT SJXJSJ) I tend to become a doormat where i can't say no and worry about how I am in public places (bUT I HAVE NO PROBLEM DOING PRESENTATIONS WHICH I FIND HILARIOUS SJXNSKJD), but again I SWEAR I am working on it !! =D💗
and the fandom for spider verse would be great :D!! but again anything else is totally okay!!!
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— honeymoon :
– hobie thinks it's a little funny, honestly, how things turned out with you — the two of you are almost polar opposites, but you know what they say ; opposites attract, and you were his missing puzzle piece — hobie didn't like labels, but there was no denying that he certainly had a thing for you, and you couldn't deny that you liked him either, so you settled in middle ground.
– hobie would come to your place every night — that's how it started, you'd watch a movie or two and once the clock strikes midnight, you find yourself laying in bed with him, huddled up in his arms with your head resting on his chest and his face buried in your hair, the two of you talk about alot of stuff, jumping from one topic to another about completely unrelated things — he likes listening to you talk, likes the sound of your voice and how it immediately soothes him into a good mood — but once the clock nears five am, and you start mumbling and tripping on your words and your eyelids become heavy, he places a soft kiss on your lips, telling you it's time for bed before holding you close and the two of you eventually fall asleep.
– hobie has a knack to convincing you to do things you wouldn't usually do, like going out with him at three am on a supposed 'date' where he takes you to one of the city's highest rooftops with a couple of snacks and the radio playing your favourite songs, he likes to draw and often brings his sketchbook to those dates, so the two of you doodle on the pages, slapping stickers on them and creating a perpetual memory, and he thinks — actually, believes, that no matter what, he'd never forget you, and he has reached a conclusion that maybe, just maybe, he may be in love with you.
— what's on the radio : moonlight, kali uchis
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a/n : hello??? kirishimas-manly-eyeliner ?? 😭😭 i used to follow you, i loved your blog sm and you were legit one of my inspirations to write 😭😭 i didn't know you were aware of my blog holy shit, i love you so much 😭 thank you for the request and your ask was so much fun to read like shejwkwk, you're such a nice person help 😭 thank you sm for the request again, ily — also atsv was so good, i cried alot during the moving so you aren't alone, and i loved hobie's animation ! i loved the way they colored him and how he looked like he was out of a panel and the way he changed colors (??) it was so good, he's one of my faves pls 😭 i hope this did you justice and that you like it ! once again thank you sm for the request <33
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allthingsfook · 10 months
Hello! I heard you do ships and I would appreciate it so much if you did one for me! :)
My name is Ali. I’m 5’4” with long brown hair and blue eyes. I have two tattoos currently, and plan on getting some more! My favorite tattoo is a watercolor sunflower on my right inner forearm! Sunflowers hold such a significance to me as I love how they always stand tall and reach for the light.
Speaking of flowers, I am a big lover of nature. It grounds me and makes me feel at peace. I can be a little anxious at times so I love going for walks and seeing sunsets and being physically active. I also am an avid hiker. In the past couple of years, I have been to Wyoming and Montana and hiked Grand Teton and Glacier National Parks. I love the mountains so much and plan on making more trips!!
I love to travel. I’m quite adventurous, and love to explore different cultures and countries. So far, I’ve been to Austria, Czech Republic, and Costa Rica. I love learning and reading about different languages and cultures, and have dabbled in speaking some Spanish! I also am a huge English nerd, and am a 7-12 English teacher! I love to pass down my passions for reading and exploring different perspectives to my students.
I also am a huge lover of music. I have been Musical my whole life. I have played the piano since I was six and have been singing pretty much since I could speak. I was involved in choir all throughout high school and did and have a love for theatre as well. I also LOVE going to concerts and exploring different genres. My favorite is folk/acoustic. I have a whole folk playlist which I’m so proud of with artists such as Fleet Foxes, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, John Denver, and so many more artists that mean the world to me. Folk music just matches my energy and soul, very calm and deep and meaningful. I would love to be able to share my thoughts about this kind of music with someone.
As for my personality, I’m definitely an old soul type of person. I’m more ambiverted. I can be extroverted when I want to be, but also am introverted and need to recharge sometimes. I’m a Capricorn Sun, Taurus Moon, Scorpio Rising. I’m definitely hard working, independent, and ambitious, but also extremely sensitive and emotional as well. I think I’d ideally want someone similar to me in that we are both independent, but who can take care of one another and be soft at the same time. I’ve definitely been the “mom friend” my whole life, and to have someone match that energy would be glorious and mean the world to me.
Okay I think this is more than enough info haha! So sorry this is so long! 🥰
Hey Hey Ali!! You heard right!!!! I apologize for not being so prompt, but I’ve had my eye on these ships…. So here it is!!!!
I ship you with….
No surprise, Josh!
Im not big on shipping people based on their physical descriptions, but I love to compliment them because I know all of the boys are obsessed with the beauty of women… inside and out. Josh would be so in love and jealous of your blue eyes. He’d gaze into them with such intent and affection when the sun makes them glisten. He’d immediately compliment your tattoos as he finds them as a great expression of yourself and art all in one. Once you share the significance of sunflowers to you, they’d follow Josh around, forcing him to think of you. Every year he would make it a point to take you to sunflower patches…. Anything to watch your soul light up.
Nature is also a place of worship for Josh. I could see the both of you spending most of your days basking in it. Whether is lounging in the sun or planing a day of outdoor activities to keep you busy, all that matters is your outside! I could see you and Josh deciding to buy a property outside of Nashville…. Getting out of the hustle and bustle. The selling point on the property would be the sun rise and sun set visibility. Every morning Josh would wake up to enjoy the sun rise while he meditates on the front porch. And every evening, the two of you would walk the fence line and soak up the sun set. A precious time for the both of you to spend with one another.
Josh would undoubtedly be your travel buddy! His appreciation and curiosity for different cultures and ways of life runs so deep. He is such a sponge for it all, so when researching it becomes stale…. He has to experience it for himself. Plane ticket is bought, bags are packed, and you guys are on your way!!!! Also, Josh would love the fact that you are a teacher. Clearly there are a lot of role models in his life that are teachers. I think he has such a soft spot for them. They are building the foundation for new generations. After all, we do not live forever, and so we must raise coming generations with love, kindness, and acceptance. I’m certain that is a huge goal for you as a teacher, Josh would agree and be so proud of you for that.
Sounds like Josh would also be proud of his lady’s music taste too!!! You have immaculate taste! Folk seems to be right up Josh’s alley (even if he says Danny draws the most inspiration from it) I could see you dancing to Fleet Foxes in the kitchen at 3 am. The dim glow of a night light sparkling in his eyes as he admires you. He’d plant a soft kiss on your lips and tuck his head into your neck. I know he’d also be attracted to your musical abilities. No doubt the two of you would station yourselves at the piano and play off each others talent. I easily imagine you guys improving a tune and it sticking with him. So much so that when their new album comes out, you can hear a familiar tune in the background of the forth track.
A self proclaimed old soul is so in line with Josh. If you haven’t heard, he’s such a peepaw. Although a lot of that is surely a facade or one of his alter egos, he truly is captured by the simpler things in life. As elaborate and flashy as their stage presence is, Josh clearly settles into a more sophisticated and uncomplicated lifestyle away from performing. When all the tour commotion dies down, I think he wants to come home to his rock and safe space…. That being you!!!
All the words you used to describe yourself are so powerful!!! Hard working…YES! Independent…YES! Ambitious…YES! No doubt you radiate that energy and Josh lives for that! All the good vibes! Not only would he be so proud of you for seeing that in yourself, but grateful that those vibes affect all around you! And you know what?! Being sensitive is okay! Being emotional is okay! That’s being real. Feelings are real and expressing them is healthy! Josh would be the biggest advocate of this message. He’d hold you up on your best days and guide you through your worst days. I couldn’t think of anything more amazing. Josh has such big love and concern for everyone in his life, so fear not. This man takes care of everyone he crosses paths with. You’d never find someone so kind.
To wrap this up, I hope you love the ship! I hope it finds you well after all this time. Pleaseee share your feelings and thoughts… I always love to hear ❤️❤️
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vulnus-sanare · 8 months
how long have you been a fan of snape? how did it happen ? :-)
Hey! Buckle up, and I love you for asking me this. I write too much, I have to apologize in advance. Late "bloomer" on HP world here. 2010! I had a group of friends and one of the guys was (still is) the most dedicated fan of HP since his childhood. When DH pt1 came to the theatres he wanted to see it badly and the group went with him even though we didn't understand shit of the story. When I left the theatre I was so full of questions and baffled at the story that I went home and watched the other movies (because I was overwhelming my friend with questions and was starting to get on his nerves). Then, I discovered online the Stephen Fry audiobooks, and I basically brainwashed myself with them without a pause because I couldn't afford to buy the actual books back then. I was 17. So the magical world of Harry Potter that every kid back in my day had in their childhood, I was getting it at 17. I don't know how to justify my fixation over Snape. It just happened. The first impacts that I had with Snape were:
a) Alan Rickman taking my breath away with the emotion he conveyed to Snape's eyes, so mysterious, so intriguing b) How little they exploited his whereabouts in the DH1. Of course, that when I learned about the Prince's Tale, I poured my heart out onto my hand and offered it eternally to Snape. Tumblr was quite the thing to feed my obsession until 2013/2014 +/-. It was an outlet. But then something really fucked up happened in here and I lost some online friends. Made a bunch, who I managed to already meet IRL and one of them became my first love. But the ones I lost ... I still miss them. Never knew who they actually were, what happened in their personal life that took them completely away... one of the "Snapes" that used to role play in here had a severe mental disorder and I suspect they are no longer amongst the living. And ... was a heck of a Snape. Anyway. Now I'm going through stuff, call it the 30 year old crisis, add a recent break-up to that, and here I am on Tumblr again after 10 years (i think) searching for Snape fanart, fan theories and anything that will keep my head busy so that I don't have to face the reality outside my screen. That, work and paint-by-numbers 🤣🤣 Snape brings me comfort in a way I cannot explain. And I realized that my understanding of this incredibly complex fictional character is maturing, the older I get. There are too many questions to answer regarding his life, his motivations, his desires. Snape is not B&W, not even a spectrum of colours, nor textures, or scents. He was a human being who made mistakes, and in the end, so are we. *phew* sorry for that. Love you for asking this question. I was about to reciprocate the question but I have read your post a couple of days ago 🤗
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golbrocklovely · 8 months
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i screen shot your ask just bc it was super long and i wanted it to be a bit easier for ppl to read your ask and then my response, so i hope you don't mind !
as for your opinion about the last video being somewhat scripted…. i don't really agree. but let me explain. first and foremost, there is too much riding on snc constantly telling the truth. if they were ever caught lying or faking evidence, they would lose their career. obviously there would be fans that stick by their side no matter what, but a lot of the fanbase would dip out if they thought snc were truly faking shit. and it would call into question every single investigation. so unless you believe that they also scripted/faked other videos, i don't think they would start now. and especially not at some random location most ppl have never heard of/isn't as popular as some of the other places they go to.
tbh, i think this was just a severe lack in research. snc aren't exactly known for doing the most thorough research on these places. prime example being the winchester house. it took until their third visit to finally find out that sarah winchester wasn't a crazy lady building room after room like a sims game. they believed what the caretakers said but also what the legend or folklore was, bc that's a lot more interesting than the real story. so, personally, i believe that snc just took the caretaker's word for this place and did no research after it. last time snc talked about having a team, they said they had one person that would help them with research, and with the amount of places snc go to, it might be easy for that one person to get a little lazy at times (or possibly they might not even have a person anymore since they haven't mentioned a researcher in a long time).
now, is it possible that celina knew and then embellished on the story? yeah, i guess so. i don't think that's impossible. but correct me if i'm wrong, bc i don't feel like going back and rewatching the video, but i thought she was saying that ed shot himself thru the top of his head, not the side (like the actual reports say). that way it would look like someone killed him, not that he killed himself. that way the murder could be placed on the doctor - according to celina's theory. i thought that was what she was pointing out in the drawing too. that it was a guy pointing a gun down at his head from the top and blood was running down his face. i might be misremembering so if i am, my apologies.
also if i'm completely honest, and sorry to snc if they ever see this, i don't think they are smart enough to script something like this. and i mean that with respect, even if it doesn't sound like it lol writing out a story that makes cohesive sense is very difficult - take it from the fanfiction writer who also majored in film and theatre in college. and that's a lot more difficult if it's based off a place that has actual evidence that point to the contrary. if snc were the first to go there, and there was little to no reports on what actually happened, they could kinda make shit up and no one would really know. but clearly it's a quick enough google search to know what the reports really said. i think they just took the caretaker's word for it and didn't give it much more thought. i also kinda think they just don't have the time to do it. bc again, this would assumingly not be their first scripted video (bc why start now, especially when you have so much proof that you don't need to script things to be entertaining?) so then that means how far back did they start? and if so, when they were pumping out multiple videos in a month, they were scripting those too? and since they collab with so many ppl, nobody - not a single person - has let it slipped, even on accident, that they script things?? it all relies too heavily on too many ppl keeping their mouths shut and snc don't have enough money to be paying off that many ppl sksksksk
if you really feel like snc did script this video, that's fine. you're allowed to think that. i don't personally believe they did. i think they just didn't research this place enough bc it wouldn't be the first time they got information wrong.
also i did the quickest and laziest of research aka i just googled the mansion, and the wikipedia page even says allegedly committed suicide so….. it might be possible that snc were trying to figure out did he actually do it or was he killed and then they just worded everything incorrectly. this also doesn't explain how celina knew if assumingly she didn't google anything beforehand. idk, either way i still don't think they scripted it. but if you disagree, i get why. i just don't think it would make sense for them to do it.
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@mountain-dew-tickledpink you requested christine braiding chloe's hair
here it is! sorry if Christine or Chloe are ooc
A fact that Chloe has come to terms with in 5th grade was that she sucked at being friends with people.
The only person she'd been friends with for more than a couple of weeks with is Brooke.
That was until her junior year of high school.
Chloe was sitting on the floor Christine's cluttered, messy, and colourful room, which was the opposite of Chloe's room. Christine was sitting behind her, splitting her long hair to braid it.
"Did you know," Christine began, "That this is the first time we've hung out just the two of us? And we've been friends for, like, a long time!"
Chloe 'hmmned' in agreement.
Huh, she's right. You've only hung out with her if we're all in group, Chloe noted to herself.
"Yeah!" Christine said, beginning the first of two braids. "Anyway! Did Mr Herndon assign you your group and topic for the review project?"
"Oh my god," Chloe groaned, "I got paired with this kid and he's so weird! He smells like mayo and he has, like, zero friends. It's kinda sad not gonna lie,"
Christine's braiding paused, "So what did you do?" She asked hesitantly.
Chloe froze, suddenly overcame with shame, a relatively new feeling for her.
"I basically told him I'll handle the speaking part because he probably can't present it without embarrassing himself?" She rushed out, her voice rising into a question at the end.
Christine paused for a second before she started on the second braid.
"So you're gonna apologize right?"
Chloe could feel the shorter girl's eyes boring into the back of her head.
She sighed, "Yeah, I have History on Tuesday,"
Christine nodded, "Good, now do you wanna hear about what Mr Reyes said during Theatre class?"
Chloe laughed, "Absolutely," Thankful that Christine was pulling the conversation in a less awkward direction.
By the time Christine had finished her story about how Mr Reyes preached about the health benefits of cart wheels she had braided Chloe hair and pinned the twin braids to the top of Chloe's head, creating a crown.
Christine pushed Chloe so she was sitting in front of her floor length mirror that had stickers dotting the border.
"So what do you think?!" Christine asked excitedly, almost vibrating with energy.
Chloe gasped, "Oh my god Chris this is so good! How'd you learn to do hair like this? This is awesome!"
Christine grinned, "My younger brother has me do his hair whenever he goes somewhere."
Chloe pulled her phone out of her pocket to take a mirror photo with Christine, "You are literally the coolest person ever. Like, cooler than Marina." She said, then took a few photos of her and Christine making stupid faces in the mirror.
Christine wrapped her arms around Chloe, "Thanks Chlo! You're an awesome friend you know?"
Chloe froze, "Oh," She gasped.
"Oh. I am?"
Christine hugged her closer, "Yup!"
Chloe turned around to hug Christine back, "You're an awesome friend too,"
Christine just smiled softly and kept hugging her.
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sparksnevadas · 2 years
I've feeling so many emotions. They're all so relationship constipated god bless em. When mumbo and grian were joking about their single braincell ping-ponging between each other when they're hanging out all i could think of was "no its pingponging between every single person in this building." none of them know how to interact with each other god. It's like watching several unsocialized chihuahuas trying to have a friendly interaction. Mwah. Exactly what I wanted from a GIHASM update
And the Pearl and Grian interactions are so good. Sibling stamp of approval frankly. They torment each other so much it's so good. I love them so much. Wriggling my fingers in the taste of a plan we got, but I do love a good Rebellion Against An Organization. Mmm mm mmm
God they're all so cute when their braincells are and arent functioning. Grian I am holding your face. Why are you so dumb. God. I. I'm knocking Mumscarian's heads together like sacks of potatoes being moved on the back of an old farm truck, tbh. Maybe eventually that braincell will start triangulating.
'dont teach the child about crime' is certainly a sentence being said I love them so much. Also, do teach the child about crime, actually. Grumbot deserves a little crime, as a treat.
Its all the little details that make me love GIHASM so much. Mumbo Jumbo flubbering his words and going for 'time-clingy-. Scar passing off all his bell peppers. The medicinal muscle salve. How Bdubs using his vines to gesture. Ahhh its so good. The worldbuilding spice of life.
Also that whole interaction w Bdubs and Grian in the Kitchen im - bdubs I will SQUASH you excuse you. You leave my bird chicken man alone. We are so close. We are SO close. Bdubs I swear. I love that Scar swoops in to save the day though just. Bdubs you are like a bug I am putting inside a cup, pray I poke air holes mister.
I love that Etho is long suffering but I just also love etho. 😍 My long suffering nincompoop. I don't think plan is technically in Scar's vocabulary. Also that whole scene where Grian lifts Scar up with ease is everything to me. It's so funny.
God the CHARACTER INTERACTIONS. the way the entire infirmary scene parallels the opening where Grian leaves to now, where Mumbo is basically confirming he wants him to stay. I am feeling so soft about them. I love them so much. AH
BELLE OH MY GOSH!! I wasnt expecting an actual ESSAY in my inbox after you read the update!! but im so grateful!!
"none of them know how to interact with each other" i mean... YEAH, grian doesn't even know how to interact with his own feelings. hopefully not too annoying to read, but either way... we're nearing the point were grian has to confront himself head on ; )
the pearl and grian scene is my baby,,, that's the oldest part of this new chapter, probably done in late october. I wanted them to feel authentically sibling like and also i had just started watching pearl more often so i had a good grasp on her voice! I'm glad it didn't lose its spark (heh) after so much editing around it. I was so excited to finally write her beyond a few sparse lines
they are idiots. / affectionate
Grumbot can and will commit voter fraud and get Mumbo elected, please don't teach him about crime belle, please-
time clingy my belobed,,, I love making all of them sound and look silly. theatre of the mind and all that :D
THE KITCHEN SCENE. okay this is the part that was the hardest for me to write but grian needed to confront the fact that he can literally leave whenever he wants but he hasn't even thought about it. like hello? (grian if you werent in love how could anyone justify staying that long, sleeping in the same room, CUDDLING--) bdubs apologizes after so please poke holes and give him a bottlecap of water belle im sorry orz
grian lifting scar up was funny. I literally wrote it, thought "this might be too silly" (and also as an ace/aro spec i dont really see the appeal of getting lifted but i like doing it to others to be silly) and sent it to you/atherix and a friend (Ash) and all three of you loved it. A genuine stamp of approval in my eyes hehe
I love parallels :)
Thank you so much for the ask/comment Belle!!! <3
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