#i have already read and annotated the whole thing
grid-daisies · 1 month
Tronblr, how we doing?
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the-busy-ghost · 1 year
There are some books that are just BETTER if you go through them with a pencil and underline the shit out of tiny details, and honestly if anyone found Hogg's 'Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner' difficult to get into, I highly encourage you to give it another go and give yourself a license to extensively research & annotate every little bit
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everwisp · 1 year
moments in @emilycollins00 new guy fic that made me cry and made my heart ache, please give it a read if you have the time! tysm again em it was amazing 😭🩵🩵
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annabelle--cane · 4 months
"the magnus protocol had a whole ARG beforehand? what?"
yes! it did!
"oh so I need to have participated in this whole big thing to actually understand the podcast?"
not at all! from the official post-mortem put out by RQ, "while the ARG was not something that was necessary to participate in to understand the magnus protocol, it was designed to contain a wealth of background story and context that would enrich any player's listening experience."
"a wealth of background context that would enrich my listening experience 👀👀👀 how can I learn about this?"
SO glad you asked. sadly, many of the materials made for the arg have been taken down since the game ended 😔 (ex., the official OIAR, magnus institute, and bonzoland websites. (edit ii: I found partial wayback machine captures! see below) though @strangehauntsuk is still up!), so we're a bit low on primary sources, but in terms of learning about what happened:
for a starting point, I would really recommend this video by @pinkelotjeart
it's super accessible, it was made in real time as the game progressed and follows the solving and revelation of clues as they happened, it hits all the major points of the mystery and moments of community insanity while eliding some of the nitty gritty puzzle grinding, 10/10 would recommend.
here's the official summary put out by RQ, and I'd recommend reading through this once you've already gotten a basic handle on the flow of the story and the basic connections between major clues and events. it's got some fun behind-the-scenes info and lays out the thought process behind the puzzles in simple terms
here's the full masterdoc of all puzzles and resolutions put together in the statement remains discord server. masterdoc my absolute BELOVED, masterdoc my bethrothed, masterdoc my soul mate. I'd recommend this as a second port of call after the above video as it either contains all details about the puzzles or links to other expanded docs that do.
here's the narrative summary doc that lays out all the plot and lore discovered in three pages of plain prose. if you just want to get to the good bits as fast as you can and get blasted directly in the face by contextless lore bombs, this is the doc for you. if you don't want to start with the video, I'd say this is another good entry point.
once you've got the lay of the land, some of the game materials that I found particularly interesting include:
the in-universe east germany expat usenet forum, with all content translated into english. most of it is irrelevant space filler with occasional extremely sus lore, but I still found it fun to read through. love to soak in some fictional forum drama.
chdb.xlsx, the spreadsheet of the names of all the children the protocol 'verse magnus institute was studying/experimenting on. EDIT: here is a version of the sheet without any annotations and with all of the names in their original order, kudos to @theboombutton for catching that the commonly shared copy had the order swapped around.
klaus.xls, a (very corrupted) spreadsheet with what looks like the classifications of a bunch of old OIAR cases.
EDIT: have a few more saved materials from the game that I forgot to include.
an in-universe audio ad to apply to the OIAR that ran before archives episodes and kicked off the whole game.
an in-universe video ad to apply to the OIAR, this one is an official upload that's still up from the game itself. you can subscribe to the OIAR's official youtube channel today, if you so chose.
the robo-voicemail greeting from the OIAR's phone line.
here is a wayback machine capture of the OIAR's official website.
here is a wayback machine capture of the bonzoland website.
(pretty sure both of the above captures just archived the home pages, though I haven't tried clicking all of the links. I'd say they're still worth looking at, the home pages give a good window into the vibes.)
once you start poking around in these documents, you'll find a bunch of links to others with further information, the materials I've included here just contain what I feel to be the most relevant details to getting a broad feel for the whole game. once again, huge shout out to the statement remains server, I was barely in there as the ARG was in progress and only ducked my head in every so often to find links like these. true mvps of the fandom.
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ravisinghs-wife · 1 year
Could you please post grayson x reader dating headcanons?
Grayson Hawthorne dating Headcanons
word count: 0.8k
warnings: ooc!grayson, one Taylor swift reference but none besides that, I'm pretty sure (let me know if I missed any!)
a/n: English isn't my native language, so I apologize for any mistakes
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His love language his quality time and gift giving
you'd have a sleep over every few weeks
you would stay up late and do different activities like reading, watching movies or just gossip and talk about everything
he would always do many little different things that show that he cares about you
they would be little things like always keeping your favorite pillow fluffy or always having your favorite drinks and snacks in stock
he would annotate books for you and write a two page review on it
he would read your favorite books immediately after you read them so you have someone to talk about the book
he'll always have your favorite book/your current read on him on road trips incase you get bored and forget it
he spoils you ROTTEN
he'd buy you your favorite things, whatever you desire be it vinyls, books or plushies
he takes you on shopping trips where you drag him into the book store
he'll listen to your rambling about your favorite books, and books that you want to read
he secretly takes a picture of every book that you look at so he can gift them to you
he'll buy you the call it what you want necklace <33
"not because I own you but 'cause I really know you"
you MELTED on the spot
you'd get him a polaroid camera and he would always gift you hs favorite photos
you somehow convince him to post some of his photos on Pinterest
he does it anonymously tho
his Pinterest page would blow up and all the booktok girlies would use his pictures in one of these "convincing you to read this book by its aesthetic"
most of his pictures that he publishes on Pinterest are candids of you tho
dancing together<33
he would also teach you how to take professional pictures, if you don't know how to
every time you want a photo of you for your instagram account or just because you like how your outfit looks right now, he'll be ready to make a whole photoshoot on the street
he always take the most perfect pictures of you and you have so many perfect photos of yourself
he would love to teach you how to dance, if you don't know how to
he is a perfectionist so It could be a bit hard to learn it with him
"not like this, you stepped on my foot for the second time already"
"I guess your teaching skills are just really bad"
"or you're just a really bad student"
he'd love to teach you things and you would teach him skills that you are good at in reward
he would also teach you how to fight with a sword because why not
you would teach him things in reward that you are good at and he isn't
for example if you are good at crochet you would teach him that
"no, you have to hold your fingers like this"
"but I AM holding my fingers like you are holding yours"
but he eventually figures out how to do it after an hour or so
he immediately is perfect in it after he figured it out and he is able to crochet a perfect sweater after only TWO DAYS of learning it
one day you go to built a bear and make a bear that always reminds you of each other
you guys also use this function where you can take a audio
you record an audio of each other and put it in the bear of the other one
every time you are aways from each other and miss you, you listen to it
sneaking out to the pool at night together<33
he has a soft spot for you so when his brothers find out who gets him smiling at his phone like that they immediately want to meet you
this is very important for Grayson because his family is such a important thing in his life and he just wants you do get along but is scared because his brothers can be big idiots sometimes
but his worries are not coming real
you get super well along with his brothers and become besties
you get along the best besides Grayson of course with Xander
he's just amazing and makes a "welcoming karaoke" as he calls it
you and Grayson sing a duet
you two would also pull pranks at this brothers
taking morning walks together <33
you would always pick tiny flowers from the garden and put them in his hair
building lego flowers is not a rare activity for you guys
you would always meet for the afternoon and plan the rest of the whole day for the building of lego flowers
you guys whole room is full of lego flowers
you also would also play chess together
he definitely has a goodreads account
you are his only friend on there because he refuses to accept any other people
he's the first one to like your updates and reviews
in overall dating Grayson would be like the cutest things in the whole world<33
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the---hermit · 5 months
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Studying in the kitchen and the tiny bat my brother got me, aka my new emotional support lil guy
I took a couple of days break for family celebration purposes but now I am back to my studying and I very resentful about it. I wanted to take the full week off, but since I was sick last week and couldn't study for some days I now have so much to do before my exams in January and February. I will try to squeeze in a few more rest days, but before that I am trying to power through the book I am studying right now. The other goal is to try to see my bestie as much as I can since she won't be here for long. I have already spent time with her family on christmas day, as it is a tradition of ours for me to spend the late afternoon and evening at her place every year. And tomorrow, tho I plan to have a full day of studying, we should be able to spend time together in the late afternoon and evening. I am feeling quite energized even though I am annoyed I am stuck studying instead of minding my own business for a whole week. Today I read and highlighted almost two chapters and wrote down notes for almost everything I read today. I decided that this week in the mornings I will try to get as much reading done as I can and in the afternoon I will focus on writing notes down. This is the best way for me to follow my natural energy levels during the day and make the best of my time. I cannot wait to be done with this thing. I should also start setting up my journals for next year, but I have not been able to do that yet.
calm hobbit winter activities and productivity:
read first thing in the morning (I am still reading Bookshops and Bonedust and you know what? I am not enjoying it as much as I expected. I am really struggling to get to the end, the cozy element feels a bit forced in this one compared to Legends and Lattes and the books should have definitely been shorter. I never thought I'd say it but I cannot wait for this book to be over and to move on to something else)
daily Irish practice on duolingo (and today I did a lot and felt very productive in this sense, working on duolingo in the early morning is definitely the best option for me, I need to keep it in mind)
read and highlighted two chapters of my book and annotated (almost) everything
updated my reading journal
started to outline my 2024 goals
wrote a couple of book reviews
mindless drawing while drinking herbal tea to calm my brain
📖: Bookshops and Bonedust by Travis Baldree, Nature Human Nature And Human Diversity by Justin Smith
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billiedeansbitch · 11 months
𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐭
(𝐋𝐚��𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
note: I'm offering nothing but angst today. no comfort just angst :) (title from t.swift's tolerate it)
warning/s: none
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You stood by the door, checking the time on your phone every now and then, your foot incessantly tapping on the floor. She texted you, said she was on her way home. 
Finally, Larissa’s car was pulling on the driveway, the engine died down and she exited the car. She looked tired but noticed her lips curled to a tiny grin when she saw you waiting for her. “Hi.” you said, kissing her on the lips, just a soft fleeting one though you wished it could have been longer, perhaps it was the exhaustion that made her pull fast. There couldn’t have been other reasons…right?
You helped her peel her coat off and put it away, when you came back you saw her in the living room rolling her neck easing off the tension with her eyes closed, “I cooked for dinner. Would you like to eat here in the living room? Then we can continue watching the series where we left off the other night.” you sounded so hopeful about spending the rest of the night with her, doing the most inconsequential things most couples do, your eyes basically lit up but she didn’t notice that.
“Thank you but I already ate, darling. Marilyn invited me out for an early dinner. I hope you don’t mind.” she smiled apologetically, beckoned you to sit beside her and kissed your cheek. How could  she expect you to be okay with that? You spent the whole afternoon perfecting her favourite dish and now she was telling you she already had dinner with her colleague? Unacceptable. You reminded her didn’t you? That you would be cooking for dinner tonight…unless she didn’t read your text message or forgot.
Before your blood could have the chance to boil and make your face beet red, you stood up and schooled your expression, “Come on, just a bite. Just one tiny bite, please?” you insisted, maybe once she tasted it she would change her mind. You saw her rolling her eyes before standing up and sighing in defeat. It didn’t sit right in your chest. It didn’t feel like it was a joke that she used to do before.
“Fine.” There was a sheer signal of annoyance in her voice, the usual playfulness in her eyes was missing, the little curve on each end of her lips were now just one straight line. You wanted to curl on the floor right then and there and just cry but you withheld yourself from breaking down. 
“It’s good.”  She commented, bobbing her head as if she was taking all the flavours in, then she put the fork down on the plate. “I'm going to bed.” her tone was dismissive
When you entered the bedroom after taking your time calming and reassuring yourself that you had done nothing wrong for you to deserve the way she treated you tonight, you quietly sat on the bed. Maybe she was just having a bad day at work. She sure had a temper sometimes and the last thing she needed today was you being so persistent and annoying.
You sat and watched. Silently hoping she’d look at you and aplogize, it could be however she desired: a kiss, a smile, the touch of her hand on your shoulder—anything, you would accept anything. It could be just a look and your heart would stop crying but she didn’t move; didn’t glance at you. You watched her read and make annotations with her head low, too busy in her own little world.
It took a single tear to roll down your cheek for you to pull your gaze away from her. You laid on the bed with your back facing her unable to look at her any longer. The clenching of your chest was far too much; it broke your heart and she didn’t even know.
“Let’s go to the harvest festival tomorrow.” You had your head on her lap, watching her furrow her brows while she furiously type away on her phone. You assumed she was talking to Mayor Walker.
“What?” she hummed distractedly, “I said let’s go to the harvest festival tomorrow. It’s the opening day.” 
You saw her take a pause, looking like she was considering it and you were once more hopeful. She took her glasses off, back pressed on the couch, she sighed, “Do you really want to?”
You vigorously nodded, “Yeah, I think it’s going to be fun. I haven’t attended one since I was in high  school. Plus it would be our first date in a while, don’t you want to?” you sat up, pouting your lips at her.
“It’s not that I don’t want to…but—” but there was always a but.
“But what?” you cut her off, your mood already turned sour. 
Larissa placed a hand on your thigh, “I’m tired. I just want to stay in for tomorrow. If you really want to go you can ask your friends to go with you. How much would you need?” Unbelievable. Just fucking unbelievable. No amount could ever compensate for the disappointment you feel right now. Why was it so hard to say yes to you these days? 
“Forget it, Larissa.” 
You walked away. She didn’t go after you. 
Later that very same day in the late afternoon, you found her in her study, quietly working.  “Hey, sorry for my tiny outburst…you could say I was upset but now I understand…we can stay in for tomorrow. The news forecast said it’s going to be raining anyway…” though in your heart, you wished she could feel just as sorry as you were for not trying to make it up to you and barely reciprocating all the efforts that you did. She’s just tired—your heart tried to justify.
She merely hummed a response in between typing and checking the files on her desk. “Would you close the door when you leave, darling? Thanks.” and with that, you dismissed yourself even though you had so much to say in your head. 
At night, you sat on the bed and watched her sleep, wondering if this was how “mature” relationships were supposed to be. Then you thought she was much older and wiser…and you felt like a silly kid with the childish need to win her approval, waiting for her to give you the slightest of affection, craving for her constantly and waiting by the door only to be merely brushed off on the side.
Did she know your world crumbled down while she built her own? That while you learned to take her indiscretions all in good fun it still left your heart sore and bruised.
The injustice you felt slowly grew vines and thorns, piercing and clenching around you. Your love should be celebrated not ignored or taken for granted. You should be celebrated for the things you did for her, little or not, even if it was boiling the kettle for her evening tea, or washing her green dress more often because it was her favourite and restocking her pens that she liked even though she never asked.
You noticed everything, did everything, given everything only to receive nothing.
You wipe the lone tear off, cursing yourself as you once again turn your back to her but as you bring the sheet over your shoulder you feel her scoot closer, her hand wrapping around your middle and pulling you flushed against her front, felt her breath kissing your skin.
“Are you crying?” she grumbled, voice sleepy and heavy. Another tear dropped.
“No. I just got something in my eye. I’m okay.” and just like that, she went back to sleep.
You didn’t understand so many things, yes that was true, maybe it was the age, or the lack of experience with other people. You didn’t know. 
And while your world revolved around her, you were but a tiny speck on her own. It was heartbreaking—realizing these things, having to face the fact that what she was doing was only tolerating you and the things you did. 
After seeing her in all the bright, vivid colours, painting her to be the best and perfect woman, your safe haven, you came to a conclusion that she was seeing you in black and white. The stark contrast made you gag as your sobbing grew loud and uncontrollable. 
All this time she was merely tolerating you.
You felt yourself reduced to nothingness. All this time? While you cook and clean the house, acting like the damn perfect wife portrayed in the movies?
Then you started thinking, what if you take the dagger off your chest and lose the love you gained in your heart, break free and leave yourselves in ruins, because you’d do it, if that was the only way she’d see you for what you were worth then you would.
So like all the recent nights, after dinner, she went to bed, and you followed after distracting yourself with the dishes. You sat on your side of the bed, she had a book in her lap, her back was relaxed onto the headboard, reading once more.
You wanted to pluck the book and toss it across the room, because for once, maybe, without the book, she would finally see the problem. Address the problem for what it was and see that all her efforts couldn’t even be labelled as bare minimum. That all she had ever done was tolerate this and tolerate that, never appreciating, never showing love, never giving enough. 
You wished you could blame someone else but you couldn’t.
And you couldn’t believe that a year ago, this was what you used to dream of: her and this life but why…why did it have to turn so cruel when all you ever did was love her with your whole heart and knowing it wasn’t exactly the problem had hurt you even more.
It was numbing now—the pain. Her gaze had lost its warmth, now cold and dark hardly ever the same pair of eyes that worshipped you and pierced through you. The cold touch of her lips on your cheek as she rushed out of the door every morning now when before, she couldn’t even leave without pinning you on the door and kissing you senseless, leaving you breathless and red, both giggling and sharing a look before scrambling down the hallway and pouncing on the bed. The brushing of your hands while cleaning the table together that used to send volts of electricity in your spine and paint your cheeks flushed. Where had she gone?—this woman—the love of your life. It felt like your greatest loss yet. Your miserable defeat.
She used to give you everything, now you were begging for footnotes in the story of her life.
Your heart invisibly bled, sitting there and watching her…God, where did all the love have gone?
You just sat there and watched.
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mirasantidotes · 1 year
Messy Annotations - Chapter 1
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(GIFs not mine)
Read chapter 2 here
Summary: You meet Javi at your local library and notice he's reading your favorite book. You two hit it off and spend your day together, just talking and getting to know each other before you spend the night at his house on accident.
Character: Javi Gutierrez (TUWOMT)
Content Warnings: very ooc!javi, shy!javi, sunshine!reader, reader has wavy hair, reader lives in spain, very fluffy, reader's love language is touch, implied slight age gap (reader is in their 30s), can be read platonically or romantically, a LOT of blushing (a little too much), reader goes to college later in life, HUGE bookworm!reader, no use of y/n. Let me know if I missed anything!
Word Count: 3.2K
A/N: Thank you for your notes and compliments on Dance With Me; it means a lot! Also, just send an ask/comment and tell me if you'd like a part 2 to this, I had a lot of fun writing it, and I have a few ideas already for a part 2. If you have any other ideas for fanfics, my asks are open for requests! I hope you all enjoy this; it took me forever to get done, and I had an insanely hard time coming up with how I wanted this fic to turn out. The struggle was totally worth it though; this is probably one of my favorite fics I've written!
All of my posts with an * in the title contain smut, or mentions of it. Minors DNI.
(Divider by saradika)
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Living in Spain has been one of your biggest dreams, and you finally moved here for college abroad to work on your infuriating art major, even though you feel like you’re a little old for college now that you’re in your 30s. You’re an underground artist, and you’re just itching to get your work out there to be noticed by the public. You’re an absolute ball of sunshine, and to be fair, you’re the most energetic and outgoing person you know, but, you don’t really know too many people in Spain yet, but that’s beside the point. You really are energetic, though— almost too much. There is one thing that you’re always excited about though, no matter what— reading. Finding new books to binge-read in one sitting is always one of your favorite activities when you have free time. The library cashier is extremely tired of you coming in every week. 
Javi Gutierrez, on the other hand, is the polar opposite of you. He’s a shy, new up-and-coming actor who doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life after the success of his first movie. Though fame is finding him well, much more than anticipated, he doesn’t particularly want to make another movie quite yet, now that his co-star, Nic Cage, has left Spain. Even with his newfound fame, he still enjoys going out and doing activities he enjoys, which mainly include going to the local library. He prefers reading in a library than in his own house, alone. He likes the atmosphere the library gives him, but most of all, he loves tucking himself away strategically in the corner of the library window, so he can look out and see the bustling streets of people living their everyday lives. 
On a Friday afternoon, you have some free time to yourself, and you, of course, decide to head to your local library. You never go on Fridays— your typical day off is Sunday, but today was different; today was a professor work day at your college, so you had no classes or any assignments to complete, meaning you could spend your whole day reading. You walk into the library happily, as always. The smell of the ink bled into the pages of hundreds of books filled your lungs— a scent you thoroughly enjoyed. You finally pick out a new book that you’ve been eyeing, having heard good things about it online and from the people in your college. 
Even though you got what you came for, you couldn’t walk into a library and buy just one book— no, you had to buy at least 5 every time you came in. After picking out your books, you waltz to the cashier, who already appeared annoyed at you being there. A strict, slightly older woman— always had an attitude, but that didn’t let you stop being your energetic, bubbly self to her. “You know, you still need to return the other 10 books, right?” she says, sternness filling her tone. 
“Yeah, yeah! I know; I’ll bring them all back next time I come!” you say, smiling widely, setting the books down on the counter. The woman simply rolls her eyes at your response, knowing you’d be back in a few days and she’d have to deal with you again. After she scans the books, the woman tells you, “Your total is going to be €15.75.” €15.75… you think. You only brought €15— you sigh in response; the woman before you, never having heard that sound come out of you, and looked at you like you had 3 heads planted firmly upon your shoulders. You searched your pockets and purse but had no change.
“It’s just 75 cents. Can’t you let it pass this once?” You plead but to no avail. The woman shakes her head harshly, muttering something about ‘library rules,’ but you were too disappointed by her head shake to take care of what she said. You sigh once more— looking around the library; surely somebody would be willing to give you a dollar, right? Right? 
You feel increasingly upset the longer you look through the library aisles for someone to ask until your eyes finally land on a gentleman wearing a mustard-colored shirt full of wrinkles. He was sitting in a corner, away from everything, with his legs planted on a footrest and his face hiding behind a book. You hold your finger up to the cashier, signaling for her to wait as she sighs in response. You walk up to the man, “Hey! I hate to ask you this, but I was just checking out, and I’m 75 cents short. Do you mind? It’s okay if not—” you say quickly, trying not to seem too over the top. 
The man lowers his book, and a shy pink rose upon his cheeks while nodding slowly. “Um yeah, sure,” he whispers, almost inaudible, as he shifts himself in his seat and reaches into his jeans pocket for some change. He pulls a €5 bill from his pockets and raises his hand for you to take it before settling back into his seat. 
You take the bill from between his fingers, grinning brightly— “Thank you so much! You’re a lifesaver,” you say, full of enthusiasm. A soft smile washes over the man’s face before nodding, his cheeks still showing a light rose color. You turn on your heel and rush back to the cashier, proudly waving your money in the air. After checking out, the cashier hands you your change, and you grab your books. Before you leave, you turn back and walk toward the man again. He seemed to have heard you coming and had lowered his book just enough to see you already standing there. “Hey again, thank you for lending me some money. Here’s the change!” you say, holding the money out to him, close enough for him to reach it. The man lowers his book into his lap, smiling softly, takes the money from your grasp, and messily pushes the money back into his jeans. 
You finally catch a glimpse of the man's entire face, his curly brown hair complimenting his tanned skin and the patchy stubble on his face. You grow curious and look into the man’s lap to see what book he’s reading— and to your surprise, it’s your favorite book ever. “Oh my God,” you exclaim, a little too loud for a library, startling the man slightly and causing him to look at you. After adjusting your tone accordingly,  you continue— “that’s my favorite book!” 
His face lights up brightly, “Really? That’s awesome,” he enthuses, yelling in a whisper. Just for a moment, he’s brought out of his shy state. He adjusts his position again, sitting forward in his seat and removing his feet from the footrest. “I’ve loved this book since it came out,” he continues, “I’ve never met anyone else who likes it.” 
“Yeah, all the books from this author are really good! I especially love this one, though,” you finish, smiling as you sit on the footrest in front of the man, hugging your new books to your chest. The man, shy once more, becomes flustered until “Hey, I was thinking of going to the coffee shop down the street. Do you wanna come with?” you say, tilting your head to the side. 
The man’s eyes widened, with even more heat rising into his cheeks— another thing they had in common; coffee. “Yeah, of course,” he enthuses, breaking eye contact just enough to stand up out of his seat while grabbing his bag and placing his book inside of it, “I love that place!” he finishes as he puts the bag messily around his shoulder, looking back at you. He looks down at the books you’re holding in your arms, and as you stand up, he asks, “Do you wanna put your books in my bag? So you don’t have to hold them—” he says softly.
“Yeah, sure! Just don’t steal them for yourself,” you joke, making yourself chuckle before handing him your books. The man blushes at your words, taking the books from your hands and placing them all inside his bag. The two of you walk out of the library, and you wave to the cashier as you leave; she, of course, didn’t wave back. As the two of you walk towards the coffee shop, you get lost in conversation about your favorite books. The walk was the same distance it always was, but with the man walking with you, it felt a lot shorter than usual. 
Just as you reach the shop, you stop suddenly. You hadn’t asked the man his name, nor had he asked you. “I forgot to ask, what’s your name?” you say, turning to him, smiling nervously. 
“Javi,” he says, his rich, deep voice rings through your ears. A soft laugh escapes your mouth, full of nervousness as you tell the man your name, him joining your chuckles soon after. The two of you sit at one of the tables placed by a window. 
The two of you gush over your newfound subjects in common— a not-so-known favorite author and coffee. What could be better? The two of you spend well over an hour hogging up the coffee table, just getting to know each other, until a worker comes and tells you that you have to leave if you aren’t going to buy anything else. The two of you are already so strung out on coffee you both know either of you doesn’t need any more in your system. “Hey, do you wanna come over to my house for a little bit?” Javi asks, “You don’t have to, obviously; I know we just met and—” 
You spring your head up at his words; you’ve been having a lot of fun talking to Javi so far; what could it hurt? “Of course!” you interrupt his concerned rambling. He simply smiles in return, picking up the bag under his seat as he stands up. The two of you walk to the door of the coffee shop, “I walked here from my house, so it’s a bit of a walk—” he says, as he opens the door for you to walk out, “I hope that’s okay,” he finishes as he walks out behind you, closing the door. 
“Yeah, that’s alright!” you say excitedly as the two of you start walking toward’s Javi’s house. Obviously, you don’t go to random people’s houses like this, but Javi felt— different. He felt trustworthy, considerate, and loving. You’re brought out of your thoughts while on the way there as you spot a flower field to the left of you. You stop walking to look at the view for a moment, Javi noticing almost immediately. He turns back to face you, a slight smile planted on your face. You’ve never been to this area of Spain before, and already, it’s so much more beautiful than where you currently dwell. 
Javi looks for a moment at your wavy hair, lightly being blown in the sunset’s wind, the sun glowing brightly in the backdrop of you, lighting illuminating your features. As he realizes he’s been staring, he clears his throat and fixes his shirt before stepping toward you. Just as he reaches your side, you look at him. “It’s beautiful,” you declare, still looking at the field. Javi looks at you and nods, “Yeah, it is.” before turning his head to look where your eyes were fixated. Suddenly, you interlink your arm with his, tugging at him to follow you into the field. “Come on, let’s pick some flowers,” you say, excitement filling your body, with a slight red washing across your face as you unlink your arm, running your hand down to hold his, as you turn around to face him while walking backward as laughter fills the air. Javi blushes at the sight of you for what seems like the millionth time today— as you two reach relatively far from the path you were previously walking, you let go of Javi’s hand, your body missing his touch.
You bend down near a patch of red carnations, picking a flower and lifting it to your nose, smelling the sweet yet subtle clove-like scent and letting it fill your body, making you feel warm inside. You stand back up and turn around to see Javi standing behind you, hands in his pockets with the corners of his lips upturned softly, causing gentle wrinkles to form around his dark-colored eyes. You walk up to him and place the flower behind his ear, letting his soft curls hug around the stem to hold it in place— light pink creeps up his neck and onto his cheeks once more. 
You giggle at his face, full of awe— you break your gaze from his kind face enough to look up into the sky, causing Javi to do the same. You notice it’s getting late, and just as you’re about to say you should get going to Javi’s house, he speaks, “It’s getting late; we should hurry before it gets too dark,” his deep voice with his rich accent echoing through your ears as if honey had a sound— making your cheeks flush. 
You simply nod in agreement while holding your hand out for him to take it. He has to look back between your hand and your face a few times before finally taking it in his own, making a few soft chuckles escape your mouth, causing him to do so too. After about 20 minutes of walking, the bright orange rays shining behind you slowly disappear until finally reaching it’s end, and the lightness of the moon begins peeking out from the horizon. The two of you reach Javi’s home, and God— was it beautiful. You wouldn’t admit it, but you felt slightly jealous while walking into his pristine villa home when you’re reminded of your small college dorm.
“Do you want a drink or anything?” he asks, breaking the non-awkward silence the two of you had throughout your walk. 
“Sure! Water’s fine,” you reply happily, looking at all of the knick-knacks Javi had littered throughout his home. Javi returns with your water in hand, nearly running to get back to you. 
After handing it to you, he speaks up, “Do you wanna go sit on the couch— or?” he says, his voice laced with a sort of sweetness that makes your body tingle. You nod in response, taking a sip from your water. Javi guides you to his living room; the large room before you opens up as he turns on moody, orange lights that remind you of the sunset you saw a mere hour ago. It feels homey— welcoming, and warm. Something you don’t experience at your own college house. Javi walks over to the couch, covered in soft blankets and a few pillows, and kicks his feet up on the coffee table. You follow closely behind, sitting close to him, your knees almost brushing against each other as you sink into your seat. 
Javi hums as if he’s forgotten something essential and stands up without saying anything. He disappears into the other room, leaving you there. After a few moments, he returns— an old worn book in his hands. “This is one of my favorite books,” he says, sitting back down next to you, “I want you to read it,” he finishes softly, looking at you while motioning for you to take it. You oblige— surprisingly, it’s a book you’ve never read, so of course, you’d be willing. You open the book to the first page, glancing at it, then turning over a few pages before running your fingers through each and every page, noticing messily written notes and scribbles written out into the worn margins. You absolutely adore annotated books, and it’s one of your favorite pastimes, besides actually reading the book in the first place. 
You let a few chuckles escape your mouth as you look up to see Javi’s relieved expression grow on his face after your silence. You reach over to hug him quickly, causing him to laugh too, his hand resting on your upper back. You pull away, returning your attention to the book, positioning yourself cross-legged before him, sinking into your seat even more. “Can I read it now?” you ask, smiling, still not looking at him but skimming the first page's notes. 
“Of course,” he says simply, smiling. You start reading immediately— resting your head on the side of the couch. You point out a few rather silly remarks he’s written down on the first page, causing you both to giggle. You spend well over an hour just reading the pages of the book, occasionally engaging in a conversation about what you’re reading, Javi being just as fascinated with it as you are, if not more which makes you chuckle. After a while, a “Can I lay my head on your lap?” escapes your mouth, looking at Javi for consent. He nods as his face heats up, and you lay down, the book above your face, as you two still talk about the notes he’s made and the careless actions the main character makes in the book. 
About halfway through the book, you hear Javi’s stomach grumble something mean, causing you to laugh. “You hungry?” you ask sarcastically, looking at him, letting a few more chuckles escape your mouth. You receive a nod as he joins in on your laughter, a slight tint of embarrassment hidden within as he hides his face behind his hands. You lift your head off his lap, setting the book down on the couch, not leaving the page you left off on. “You should eat,” you say softly. 
“Yeah,” he pauses, thinking. “Do you want some cake? That’s what I’m going to have,” he finishes, looking over at you, eyes glistening in the light’s warm tones that fill the room. 
You smile, “That sound’s perfect!” you say, nodding. He stands up, whispering a quiet ‘okay’ sound before disappearing into the other room once more before returning a few minutes later with two plates, each with red velvet cake and a napkin on each. You let out a small squeak at the sight, making your mouth water slightly at the richly flavored cake. As you two are eating, Javi finishes rather quickly, and you notice frosting on his face he doesn’t seem to notice. You pick up your napkin to wipe it off, his cheeks turning visibly red, as does yours, the both of you gigging. 
Once you finish your cake, you set both plates down on the coffee table, along with the book, and lay your head back down on his lap. “Wanna watch some TV?” you ask, looking up at his face and into his eyes as he meets yours. 
“Sure thing,” he says, nodding while looking down at your face before reaching for the remote to turn on the TV. After an hour of watching the show, you fall asleep, head still resting in his lap. He notices shortly after when he hears the soft snores that escape your mouth, which is slightly agape. He smiles at the sight, lowering his hand down to brush some of the hair out of your face. He feels your cold skin and grabs the blanket from behind you that was messily thrown over the couch’s back, and lays it over your body, causing you to stir slightly in your sleep. He lowers the volume of the TV so as to not wake you up.
Shortly after, he looks down at your sleeping state, whispering a light "Goodnight, hermosa (beautiful)," before he leans back onto the couch deeper, sighing contently, before falling asleep for the night, with you in a deep sleep on his lap.
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mazdoe · 2 years
Reading Date
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Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Fem! Girlfriend reader
Summary: Wednesday planned a date at the nightshade library.
Warning: Non just Fluff.
Notes: I aged up Wednesday to 18/19. English not my native Language.
You looked up from your homework as a pice of paper slips underneath your door, and stopped right next to your chair. You bend to pick up the gilded page. The neat cursive writing of your name on the top of the page could only come from one person.
Once opened the paper only read one sentence.
9:00 pm at the Poe statue.
A smile crept onto your face as you needly folded the paper and tuckt it into the pocket of your jacket. A glance at your phone told you that you barely had time left to properly sneak out of Ophelia Hall.
Once at the Statue you looked around, fiddling with the paper in your pocket, temted to take a quick lookout it just to e sure you are at the right place at the right time.But before you could even fold it open the Statue drove backwards into the Wall with a shrike, exposing a gloomy Wednesday.
She roughly takes your arm as she drags you down the stairs. You almost fell down a couple times, but once at the bottom she drops your hand and you let your eyes wander around the room. As you spot the blankets and pillows spread out in the corner of the room " Wednesday did you do this? Its so ...cozy" your face beamed as she turned on the fairy lights that hung down from the High Bookshelfs and dip the whole room in warm light. "Xavier told me you like this kind of stuff" she said bluntly.
"I brought you something as well" you turned around to face her. "You didn't have to" she reached into her backpack and pulled out (you Favorite Book) "You once said that you always dreamed of receiving your favorite book annotated by someone you like.... so do..do you like it" you gently placed a kiss to her cheek, holding the book clutched to your chest. "I love it Wednesday and I lovee you to" a slight blush crept up Wednesdays face, she touched her heated cheeks while searching for her reflection in one of the many picture frames. "You made my face have color" you giggled slightly at her outburst. "Get it off of me y/n ....NOW!" Wednesday was furious, not once had her face looked this this hideous!
"you are just blushing Wednesday, that's nothing bad". She huffed inn reply. But she just stared at you who already got comfortable on the blankets and pillows that were spread out on the ground. "Come here, we could read together, orrr cuddle even. Only if you are comfortable with that ofc." for a second Wednesday looked like she was thinking about just leave you behind and return to her room. But the way you sat there on the ground with wide outstretched arms ready to welcome her. Just looked too cute.
Wednesday let herself sink next to you, laying her head into your lap. "Would you mind if we read (your Favorite Book)" again, I have always wanted to read it to my love" she just nodded in approve. Slowly one of your hands start to gently run through Wednesdays Hair. What results in an aproving little grunt form Wednesday, as her breath started to calm down more and more. "You know that I love you too right?" Wednesday whispered before letting your melodic voice flood her senses.
Wednesday never told you but you reading a book to her that you dearly Love and are passionate about has always been one of her favorite things in the world.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N: If you happen to have an idea for a Wednesday one-shot (can be any character from that franchise) that you would like me to write just ask :) I also apologize for any mistakes I might have made.
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Trigun Bookclub: Trigun Vol.1, Chapters #00-01
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lets fucking do this
I'm annotating every chapter of trigun, both the Japanese original print (reread) and Overhaul 1.0 (first read). Literally just writing down everything I notice about details, version differences, translation notes, etc. and also being gay about the characters. happy pride month
I had other stuff to do today yesterday so I only got through a little bit but pace will pick up tomorrow today (1 volume/week is faster than i thought...)
Here are the beloved non-analysis sillies...
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And there are just so many annotation images so I just put the rest under the cut <3 read my notes boy
[edit: why aren't the images not being side by side like i want them to i hate this. here's the url for my blog page with correct formatting] [edit 2: i guess it's only on desktop, not on mobile. so that's good]
First thing I noticed was the difference in the number of volumes, or the number of chapters in each volume. In my JP copy, volume 1 ends at Chapter #07: Rem, while Overhaul (and I assume every version after the first JP print) ends at #12: River of Life.
Anyways onto the actual images
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21st of July - !! didn't notice [that the July incident actually happened in July] during 1st read b/c months are only numbers in Japanese 11 hours after destruction - July incident was 2am
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For some reason I thought he was standing this whole time. unneccesary details georg
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Estimated age: 24 - Official age for his appearance? dang he's young Appearance - "Place of origin/birth," not "what he looks like" The worst kind of outlaw, and an unrivalled killer. - Added in a later version? (not in my JP copy but the phrase is familiar)
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This blank space originally had the Japanese translation for the board.
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We see his serious expression already! I don't remember '98 doing so this early on so it's pretty notable to me...
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Just thinking about how Vash counted each individual gunshot being fired during all that chaos... dear god.... During my first read/watch I thought it was just silly Rule of Cool protagonist moment but not really. This guy actually has Insane perception, either from being a plant or sheer practice. Or both.
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Also immediately after all that, I really love the way the aftermath is shown here. The only things you can hear are the creaks of the light and the crying boy. It really brings out the tension in the atmosphere.
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Finally, something other than unneccesary bits! If you look at the flooring under the toy gun, the perspective lines are pointing SW-NE. This corresponds to the flooring on Vash's right, whose right arm is also suspiciously out-of-frame... This is definitely the moment he took the toy gun. I can't express the amount of Holy Shit I felt when I realized this. The detail!!!!! man!!!!!!!!!
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There's a little translation error here - it should be something like "Even if he were still alive, he wouldn't be able to move an inch!"
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One of my favorite Vash moves with one of my favorite Tumblr heritage posts.
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This is not really based on any drawn details, but I think this is the moment that Vash readies the toy gun, puts it in his pocket, and picks up the ketchup. Do Not trust this man when his arm is not visible. Also finger still in gun <3 doing his part blocking one bullet at a time
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And here we have Vash's first COOL cool moment!!!!!! cue my homo screaming. goddddddddd im so mentally unwell about him. agh I also absolutely love when Nightow does that thing where he screen-tones a character's skin just because. It pops!! It's unique!! I love it!! I eat it up every time!!!
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Here's where I realize that Vash's hair antennae are pointing straight up. I should be on the lookout for when he makes the transition to the M-shaped antennae we know and love.
Also, a little untranslatable joke from the Japanese version. In Japanese, this guy calls out at Vash like "And you, don't provoke him!" except it's written with the kanji for "Hunter" (狩人 karyūdo), with a ruby pronunciation note saying "you" (おまえも omaemo). These kanji/ruby mismatch jokes are never not funny and it's so sad that there's no way to keep them in without doing...this lol
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The "I counted!" reveal never fails to get me. holy shit. I love the little boy's expression when he gets his gun back :) You helped!!! and you don't have to have the real deal to be cool as balls!!!
Just lumping this with the previous two because it's a tall image, but another small translation error. Rather than being about doing harm, he's talking about recieving it (~~はゴメンだ is a hard-to-catch phrasing/idiom; it's already been discussed with the translator on a different instance). It should be more like "[...But] nobody likes getting hurt, right?"
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THE GIRLIES YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Not including the dialogue because. y'know. At least they get (accidentally) Bonked by Millie :) get their asses
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Here, the order suggestion is made by somebody off-screen, but in the first edition, it was made by the cook himself. (left image annotation says "the storekeeper(cook) is so nice!")
That's it for chapters #00-01! I'm going to keep having Category 5 Autism Events every day aren't I.
It's literally 1:20am as of finishing this post because my computer won't stop crashing. Posting this first thing in the morning tomorrow <3
Also, the Japanese copy of the annotations will be in the reblogs for anyone who wants to see them. The emotions are Rawer and they're phrased way less awkwardly... if you can read them lol
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fatuismooches · 8 months
its your boy. the one and only 😈
i bring—surprise surprise! fluff.
recently i've been really obsessing at the idea of akademiya zandik actually having someone to look up to!! like his senior 🥺 someone who approves of his research and is actively critiquing him as an equal, commenting about his papers how he expected his peers would back then,, and i can just imagine a head over heels zandik trailing where ever you went,, because you have the sweetest smile and he feels so happy just being your side. and you seem happy having him close to you even though he's not talkin and just reading or writing. you tell him stuff he didn't know and he's in awe on how smart you are.,, you're not like those narrow-minded scholars in the akademiya, thats why you're far more famous in the akademiya,, like oh, your darshan's sage has their eyes on you??? everyone asks for your opinion or be in your expiditions???
and he feels sooo special when u refuse others because, well, zandik was first to get your attention so now he's going on an expedition with you. alone! and ahhh he LOOOVEESS when you defend him against others scholars whenever they comment on him badly.,, like zandik offers a solution that wasn't even inhumane but people still look at him in disgust because how dare he suggest even a thing when he's the freak of akademiya and you step up, agreeing with him and passive aggressively calling out others with a tense smile...
idk i really wanna give zandik someone who he could look up to n make him feel somewhat normal about his ideas 😭😭😭😭
OH MY. OH MY MYMYMY EUDEWWD i am actually eating this up so much... Zandik falling in love with his senior will be occupying my mind forever now thanks. Even better when you're a well-respected member of the Akademiya, everyone expects you to condemn and criticize the actions of Zandik. And he doesn't expect anything else from you at first, he thought you were just like the rest of them. But nope! Unlike the rest of your fellow scholars, instead of dismissing his work with barely a passing glance, you sat down and read it. You annotated it. You highlighted bits you agreed with, disagreed with, questions, parts that needed further clarification. All handed back to him with a smile on your face and a pat on his back, as you walked away happily.
Zandik's stunned and is already a bit head over heels.
All the other scholars are now blowing up at you. Someone like you shouldn't be doing this! He goes against what the Akademiya stands for! Why are you entertaining him! He and his ideas are freakish! You're going to regret it in the end! All you hear is a bunch of whining and crying. Sure, his ideas aren't quite normal, but perhaps the Akademiya needs to reconsider their standards! Maybe that's why nothing good ever comes out of the school besides scholars with a whole lot of ego with nothing to show for it! Your blatant defense of him has both your fellow classmates and Zandik shocked and quiet. Although Zandik was oddly touched by your attention to his work, he wasn't quite sure if you could be trusted or not, after all, he was used to people shitting on him all the time, but this declaration to the whole of the Akademiya just solidifies the beginning of his obsession with you.
Suddenly he has copies of every single academic paper you've ever written, thoroughly studying them and learning about your research and interests too. He realizes not only are you so incredibly intelligent, but you're open-minded to many things. The best possible combination. It's only this one time he slightly curses himself for not paying more attention to the Akademiya's affairs, because how did he miss how much even the sages like you and how people are begging you to reread their essays or tutor them? And then... it starts to go past that. He wants to know everything about you. Zandik wants to know what makes you smile, tick, what you do in your free time... do you have more things in common than he thought? No, no of course he's not trying to be your friend! He's merely interested. Curious.
Zandik's so strangely into you. Instead of locking himself up in his room all day, he finds himself coming out to find you, which he does rather quickly with how much people are crowding you with questions. But as soon as you spot him, you brighten up and break away from them, making him stiffen from all the eyes on him now. Though you merely drag him away from there and he lets you!! And you take him out to... lunch? With desert too? For such a genius, you are so... weird sometimes. You're the one chatting away and gossiping and dumping about so many things that aren't important at all while he's just nodding... but he likes it.
DUDE Zandik feels on top of the world whenever you ignore others for him 😭😭❤️🥺 Like he just gets this shit-eating grin on his face as he sneers at the other person. Hah, did they really think they were worthy of your attention? Your brilliance? These idiots don't deserve your brain much less your kindness. He still thinks you entertain them too much, your intelligence should be spent on far more important things. AND UGHH YESS <33 Being his #1 defender <33 He genuinely loves you so much for that, going out of your way to defend someone like him that everyone hates so much. He knows that no matter what you say people won't change but... it's nice.
You two going on expeditions alone... yes the work gets done obviously, you two are smart enough to get it done easily... but it drags on far longer than initially planned because you keep kissing Zandik when he starts talking all smartly, and when he gets a super cute concentrated look on his face... and then he yells at you for wasting time... and you kiss him again because he's cute when he's mad... yea the expeditions are totally productive! 🤭 I just think Zandik deserves to feel special and flustered. Bby needs some positive attention on him for once.
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asexualbookbird · 3 days
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Whoo boy. Lots of things going on here, many of them Not Good, so I threw myself into video games and reading. Played a whole bunch of Project Sekai, so much Project Sekai I have to now force myself to take a break from Project Sekai because my hands hurt so much. I was absolutely SPOILED by my friends on my birthday. I look at my little Miku figure everyday and it brings me SO much joy!! Got an embroidery machine and I already have a couple jobs lined up so hopefully I can make a little bit of Fun Money. At the very least I'm hoping to make enough to upgrade the program so I can make my own freehand designs! I read SIX (6) books this month and I annotated in the margins for the first time! It was fun, but I think it was only fun because I was leaving notes for a friend. I don't think it's something I would enjoy on my own so I won't be making a habit of it. Still! Fun and new and exciting!
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Someone You Can Build A Nest In by John Wiswell ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐- Okay Initially I rated this four stars, but sitting on it for a month I ADORED this. It left so many good feelings. Fun and silly and gross, I want more like this.
Magic for Liars by Sarah Gailey ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - A reread! Still love it! I'd forgotten so much it was nice to revisit and about halfway through I remembered the ending which was fun. Opted for the audio this time which was absolutely delightfully done.
Moon Over Soho by Ben Aaronovitch ⭐⭐⭐ - Not my favorite, but still fun. I find it a Choice that the use of outdated slurs was a hint at a plot point. Peter made a promise to a child, so there's no way that will come back to bite him!
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The Daughters of Izdihar by Hadeer Elsbai ⭐⭐- I listened to the audiobook and I think that didn't help my enjoyment of this. I switched to a hard copy in the last 20% and found my opinions of the two main characters switching. I didn't like Nehal's narrator, so I didn't like Nehal. But reading it myself she was more tolerable. Aside from Giorgina having an abortion, this could have easily been a young adult novel, and even then it wouldn't necessarily have been out of place. The writing didn't feel like an adult novel, which I hate saying but I know of no other way to voice my feelings on this.
Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐- PERFECT. WONDERFUL. LOVED EVERY BIT! I know I just complained about a book reading like YA, but listen. Elatsoe was SO good. The love Elatsoe has for her family and her family for her is so refreshing. She's ace. Her loved ones love her. She loves them. And she's ace. It's not about Being Ace, but still! There she is! The audio was so easy and pleasant to listen to. I want my own copy because I KNOW I want to read this again. Absolutely delightful.
Whispers Underground by Ben Aaronovitch ⭐⭐⭐- didn't enjoy it as much as the first, but enjoyed it more than the second. Typing the title out made a lightbulb go off and I Got It. The buried alive chapter had me squirming. Abigail returned. There are an awful lot of guns in this series for being set in London and here they still had to poke fun at the American being trigger happy (she was). I'm a little burnt out on this series for now, but I'll return to it in the future.
June is bringing a birthday tea party for my mom, finishing a knit hat for my mom, making a homebound sketchbook for my friend, and whatever books I feel in the mood for. I'd say throw suggestions at me, but the instant someone says YOU MUST READ THIS my brain goes hm. No uwu. I think I want to make Monthly Reading Goals photos again, that was fun! Only book set in stone this month is The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi which I've already started and am enjoying a lot so far. Good omens and good vibes for June, I am speaking that into existence.
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luvv4j4ybe11 · 19 days
Hi babies!! I wanted to come on here just to give you guys an explanation/update on why I haven’t been active, so listen up🫶🏽!
Yesterday, I came home from my classes to the whole house smelling like smoke, and my dogs trying to run out the door. The smoke detectors were going off and it was obvious that there was a fire happening because of the potent smell, so immediately I took the dogs outside and started to look for where tf the smell was coming from, and once I got closer to my parents room and opened the door wave of smoke and heat hit me. The fire was already put out but it was extremely hot in the room, and the fire only went out because the windows were closed and so was the door (thanks to my dog, bishop- he literally saved all the animals lives because he decided to use my parents bed as his personal litter box so😭..). But had those two things not have been closed, me and my family would be homeless. The reason the fire started was because my momma left her fan charging (which had a lithium ion battery- which get extremely hot and create a lot of fucking smoke.) on the side of her bed-even tho her gut was telling her not to. But shortly after I found the fire I called my mom, then my dad, and then my sister. We got all the animals out the house and then called 911. Everyone’s ok, just mentally exhausted and heartbroken over how much my parents lost.
This is what I came home to-
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And this is what my parents room looks like now -
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We’re still waiting for the insurance company to come and take pictures, so we’re limited to how much we can clean and move, but other than that we’re ok. The whole situation couldn’ve been sm worse if my mom had her door open and windows open, but luckyiky she didn’t. And luckily for us insurance will cover most of what needs to be replaced, so thank you so much universe and whoever tf created insurance for that😭
I love you all, and thank you for all the concerns for my absence and thank you guys for still writing for me and @aperiraa ‘s event, we both appreciate it deeply. And I promise I’ll read all of you guys fics and annotate them!! They all look amazing so far, like yall are so fucking creative FOR WHAT? I want all of you guys brains in a jar rn🤗!
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richie-shitlips · 20 days
Why I think Thomas Thorne has NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder): A character study
so I've been researching NPD because I think I have it, and I realised that A LOT of the symptoms also fit Thomas (who I named myself after!) So I'm going symptom by symptom and doing my best to analyse his actions. Some of this is coherent, some of it is just rambling- but I hope this makes sense! (thank you @loganschwarzy and @isopodonanescalator for reading this over text and agreeing with me)
• Have an unreasonably high sense of self-importance and require constant, excessive admiration.
...look at him. he goes as far to say that famous poet lord byron plagiarised HIS work. he sulks when he's not given attention. he gets upset when alison's (unfinished) painting doesn't do him justice. in his own retelling of his death, he reports the announcer calling him britain's greatest living poet.
• Feel that they deserve privileges and special treatment.
i don't have particular evidence for this one off the top of my head but like there are definitely instances of it in the show. like on christmas when he's obsessed with getting alison to kiss him (which is impossible) or the whole thing with the plague ghosts in S4E1 (i think that's what episode it was)... i guess i did have evidence.
• Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements.
• Make achievements and talents seem bigger than they are.
once again, just look at him. he writes one (1) poem and thinks it's the greatest thing in the world
• Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate.
watch The Thomas Thorne Affair, his spin on the story is WILDLY different from everyone else's, making himself seem successful and well-loved despite actually being the opposite- and he seems to actually believe it! and he thinks that alison is secretly in love with him for a good portion of the show
• Believe they are superior to others and can only spend time with or be understood by equally special people.
i think if he does have an EP (equal person), it's probably pat, as he's the only one who thomas actually genuinely treats like a person and not just a means to get love or attention. i also like to think around season 5 he starts to see kitty as an equal as well, but i've gotta rewatch it to see if that's got basis or if im just a shipper
• Be critical of and look down on people they feel are not important.
i don't remember any specific instances, but he's constantly criticising the other ghosts and other poets (in the book he annotates lord byrons poetry and makes fun of him)
• Expect special favors and expect other people to do what they want without questioning them.
this is less so i think but like it's definitely still there you can see it if you pay attention
• Take advantage of others to get what they want.
he plagiarises. a lot.
and also the whole "Balderdash, I could thrash you all at twist-it then run a mile!" seems like he was planning to use the others losing to impress alison
• Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others.
while alison never explicitly tells him to fuck off, her annoyance is obvious (although she also LOVES the attention and gets distraught when he ignores her) and he never seems to notice
i think something that could also count is when mary moves on he only thinks about himself and worries that he'll move on before making an impact on the world (DESPITE ALREADY BEING DEAD)
• Be envious of others and believe others envy them.
he is soooooo jealous of mike and toby despite never having a chance with alison in the first place. and he definitely thinks the other ghosts are (or should be) jealous of him- just look at how he talks to them
• Behave in an arrogant way, brag a lot and come across as conceited.
he talks himself up SO MUCH
• Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office.
the whole thing with the painting again- alison paints him, and he sees it before it's done (snuck a peek even though he was told not to) and he thinks the unfinished painting looks ugly and freaks out over how to tell alison he doesn't like it and wishes it was better (and then changes his mind as soon as he sees the finished version!)
• Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special recognition or treatment.
the whole thing with Life of Byron, where he gets upset when he's told to be quiet because the cameras are on (and upset that he can't be alison's free pass despite not knowing her when her and mike got married)
• Have major problems interacting with others and easily feel slighted.
there are definitely instances of him thinking others are playing him, mainly alison. but also he was actually manipulated and played (which led to his death) by his cousin who he obviously trusted with his life, which could contribute to that distrust as well
• React with rage or contempt and try to belittle other people to make themselves appear superior.
when cap tells him he's not as big a deal as he's acting in S4E1, he kinda blows up on him
once again, when told he's just scared he'll lose twister, he blows up and claims he can win easily then run a mile
• Have difficulty managing their emotions and behavior.
goes from calmly explaining why he's upset to "I'm going to drown myself in the lake!" and storming off in like 0.2 seconds
• Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change.
also the whole thing with mary, i think. and we kinda see when the builders are there, he gets writers block and can't focus on his "work", which i can see as having trouble adapting to change
• Withdraw from or avoid situations in which they might fail.
he doesn't tend to do this as much, instead favouring to boast that he'll succeed and then sulk when he fails
• Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection.
• Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, humiliation and fear of being exposed as a failure.
this definitely happens, i can't think of a ton of evidence though
but he's constantly put down by the other ghosts and i dont think thats fair. the times we actually see him cool off and act like he's not above the other people are when they're not putting him down- and as soon as he's praised in that scene, he starts trying to play up the success by trying to write more (and shittier) poetry to get more praise (talking about when him and alison are watching the sunrise, i don't remember the episode)
in conclusion, thomas thorne is a narcissist in canon, it just hasn't been explicitly stated. thank you for coming to my TOM talk (my dad told me to say that)
TL;DR: no go back and read it i worked hard on this and i need you to agree (or just read the paragraph above this, i guess 😒)
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shuahoonie · 1 year
message in a bottle | lee jihoon
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pairing: non-idol!jihoon (svt) x reader
notes: college au, fluff, angst— only if you squint!, pining, swearing, platonic!svt x reader, friends to lovers, loosely basing it off on a taylor swift song
word count: 2.7k
summary: a message in a bottle is quite literally how jihoon found out you liked him— and you have to kill thank jeonghan for that.
part of the to x, with love mini series
shuahoonie's masterlist | to x, with love masterlist
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the day yoon jeonghan came prancing around the library with a knowing smile on his face was the exact same time that you knew something in the universe has shifted and jeonghan was behind it.
“jeonghan, should i even bother to ask why you’re smiling at me like that?” you quirked a brow at him.
“no, because you’ll find out eventually.” jeonghan answered with a mischievous smile.
“have we not been friends for years, i would’ve been nervous,” you muttered as you continued to annotate the pile of research articles in front of you.
a restless jeonghan was waiting for any signs of curiosity from you but there was nothing— you were too engrossed with articles that concerned the influence of war in the romantic era of literature. i would rather die than have to do a close reading analysis ever again, jeonghan thought.
there was a brief silence before jeonghan furiously tapped the table with a pencil, causing you to slowly glare at him, in which he gave you an innocent smile in return.
“hannie, just tell me what you want,” you sighed in frustration, massaging your temples.
“what’s message in a bottle?” jeonghan asked innocently, though he knew very well what it was.
“uh, a taylor swift song?” you answered.
“oh, ha ha,” he rolled his eyes, annoyed at your answer “i’m serious.”
“well, i’m serious too.” you answered equally annoyed.
when jeonghan noticed that you weren’t going to give in, he knew he had to take matters into his own hands. “i was talking about the message in a bottle in your room,” jeonghan finally said. “the one that had the ljh initials written on the cork.”
as soon as those words came out of jeonghan’s mouth, you felt like someone poured a bucket of iced water all over you.
“you— i—,” you were at a loss for words “yoon jeonghan, what the fuck?!” you just had to yell, obviously frustrated.
“shh!” you heard someone hiss at the corner of the library.
“you, me, daily drip, now.” you said as you gathered your things in haste. meanwhile, jeonghan took care of the pile of books that you have, he was easily amused at the sight of you being obviously flustered.
as soon as you two exited the library, you couldn’t help but smack the back of jeonghan’s head, startling him and leaving a string of profanities.
“ya!” jeonghan yelled while rubbing the back of his head. “what was that for?”
“you know why, jeonghan!” you groaned “how did you even find—“
“ynnie! hyung! where are you two going?” seokmin yelled while walking towards you both.
“i’m off to murder jeonghan,” you grumbled, throwing daggers at jeonghan while jeonghan just laughed at your frustration.
“we’re going to daily drip,” jeonghan answered “yn’s finally going to talk about message in a bottle” he added with a knowing smile.
surprised at jeonghan’s words, you smacked his arms. “hannie!”
“what? seokmin already knows!” jeonghan said in his defence. “we were both there when we saw the bottle.”
you felt like your head was spinning. “i’m not caffeinated enough to deal with this.” you muttered.
the three of you arrived at the campus café, with seokmin practically stopping you from strangling jeonghan along the way.
seokmin cleared his throat, “how about i grab something for us to drink?” he offered, obviously awkward about the whole situation before leaving the table to order.
“oh c’mon, yn,” jeonghan nudged you playfully, trying to appease your mind again. “it’s cute!”
“it’s embarrassing,” you huffed, crossing your arms. “it’s even more embarrassing when it’s you, of all people, that saw it.”
“okay, but why would you have it on display if you didn’t want people to see it?” he asked.
“it was in my room, hannie! i don’t usually let people in there.” you reasoned out.
it’s not that they both entered your room without your consent. no, in fact, you asked them to wait in your room while you fixed something in your bathroom a few days ago. you didn’t want them to stay in the living room because your roommate had company over as well.
you just failed to consider that the message in a bottle project stood proudly on your bookshelf and that your friends are absolute menaces.
“i’m sorry, ynnie.” jeonghan pouted while he placed his chin over your shoulder. "not that it'll make you feel better, but we already had a hunch that you liked jihoon."
"hyung, i thought you were going to break it into her slowly," seokmin pointed out as he set the tray of iced americanos and cakes on your table.
"oh dear god," you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
"you're fine, it's just me and seok were just curious about what that bottle is for."
"it's a project from my creative writing class," you began to explain "we were tasked to write about our feelings that are bottled up, hence the message in a bottle theme— and it can be about a person, a memory. obviously, i chose a person."
"and that's it? you're just supposed to keep it forever?" seokmin asked.
"well, we're free to do whatever we want with it. we can keep it, give it to a person, or throw it over the ocean— it doesn't matter." you said, playing with the icing on your red velvet cake.
"yes, it does matter!" jeonghan protested. "i'm so sick of watching you pine over jihoon for years now."
“i have not been pining over uji,” you said defensively.
“ynnie, there’s no point in hiding it,” seokmin said. “we know you’ve liked him for years now. there’s even that message in a bottle to prove it.”
it's not like it's hard to like him, it's almost too easy. jihoon makes it so easy to like him. and being friends with him for a couple of years has been a testament to that statement. though he likes keeping things to himself, he would go out of his way for the people he values in his life.
he doesn’t like going out, but would be willing to accompany you if you asked. he's stubborn but he would always make sure that you would always cater to your needs. most times you don't even have to ask him for something, he would just know.
"aren't you curious?" jeonghan asked. you raised a brow at him, waiting for him to continue. "if he likes you?"
"hannie, please," you groaned, wanting to move on from this subject.
"what? you never know, he's always been extra attentive when it came to you. i'm actually jealous that he doesn't pay that much attention towards us." jeonghan raised his hands in defence.
"you are delusional," you pointed out.
"okay, think about it, ynnie." seokmin chimed in, making you groan. "i've never seen him stress over someone who wouldn't return their calls aside when it came to you."
"you all give me shit for not returning your calls sooner!" you argued, remembering that specific time you forgot to text or call back. "vernon was the only person who didn't get mad at me."
jeonghan rolled his eyes. "yes, because he didn't know you were missing in the first place."
"you all made such a big fuss! i was gone for two hours and my phone was dead!"
"that's still two hours of being terrorized by jihoon!" seokmin cried "those were the longest two hours of my life and from then on, we swore we're never letting you walk back to your dorm alone."
"so, were you going to give it to jihoon?" jeonghan asked, genuinely curious. "because i— jihoon!"
"give me what?" jihoon asked, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.
"hyung!" you almost spat out your drink in surprise "what are you doing here?" seokmin asked, startled.
"yn and i were supposed to meet here at 8" jihoon answered, trying to gauge the surprise on seokmin and jeonghan's faces. "and it's 8 pm."
"fuck i forgot," you cursed under your breath "i'm sorry, uji."
"hey, it's fine," jihoon said "i can wait if you want or do you just want to meet another day? i'm fine either way." he rambled on.
"no, you guys go on your date," jeonghan said emphasizing the word 'date', making you glare at him for his choice of words. "me and seok have to meet the guys anyway."
"oh, okay," jihoon was giving them a suspicious look but jeonghan and seokmin gave him an innocent smile. "if you two are also meeting chan, can you tell him to bring back the audio transmitter he borrowed?"
"will do," seokmin nodded. "we'll see you two later." seokmin wiggled his eyebrows at you before he and jeonghan practically ran towards the door.
"what's with those two?" jihoon asked as he grabbed the stack of books that you had with you, the same pile that jeonghan carried on the way to the cafe. he pulled out a folded tote bag from his pocket and put your books there as if it was second nature.
"oh they're just being weird," you answered, not that you were lying.
it was a quiet walk back to your dorm. they were all pretty serious about not letting you walk alone and they made a promise that one of them should walk with you every time, especially when it gets dark.
it's not like you and jihoon would always talk during your walks, but you could sense that he was on edge the entire time. something was on his mind.
"so what did you do today, uji?" you asked, nudging him playfully, trying to ease the mood as you were near your dorm room.
jihoon chuckled, the nerves seeming to dissipate from him. "you knew where i was the entire day, ynnie," he stated, "we were texting."
"no, i texted you and you replied with a thumbs up emoji," you rolled your eyes playfully.
"you asked me if i ate yet," jihoon said in defence "it was a yes, so i used the thumbs up emoji."
"i don't know how i put up with you," you muttered.
"please, i know you can't live without me, you love me." jihoon retorted but immediately regrets it as soon as the words escaped his mouth.
the words caught you off-guard but you figured this is just one of those playful banters that you and jihoon would always do. "okay, we're confident now are we?" you raised a brow at him.
"isn't it true?" he asked, leaving you confused.
"what do you mean, uji?" you asked quietly.
jihoon took a deep breath. now or never, jihoon, he thought to himself. "i read your letter," jihoon stated.
"what —" before you could even finish your sentence, he pulled out a familiar scroll. message in a bottle! but how?!
"i was really surprised, you know," jihoon cleared his throat, not knowing what to say. he wasn't big on confrontations.
"jihoon, you weren't supposed to read that!" you said in a frantic voice, not knowing how to react because all you wanted to do was to for the land to swallow you whole.
"i... wasn't?" he trailed off, now embarrassed. "is none of it real?"
"i—" you were hyperventilating. you could feel your chest tightening and all you could think was how this isn't how you envisioned you would die but you can accept it.
"okay, breathe, yn," jihoon tried to calm you down. "should we sit on the floor? let's sit on the floor."
you both sat on the floor in front of your dorm room as jihoon rummaged in his backpack for his bottle of water, giving you the bottle with the cap already unscrewed.
you quietly thanked jihoon before taking a sip of water, your nerves are slowly coming to ease.
"are you okay now?" jihoon asked as he rubbed your back softly.
you nodded, but now you're even more embarrassed. "i don't think I'll ever recover from this, uji." you whined into your hands, hiding your face from jihoon.
"ynnie, come on," jihoon removed your hands from your face, only for you to pout at him while he couldn't help but laugh at how cute you were being. "you're fine. it's just me. you should never feel embarrassed around me."
"that's easy for you to say, you're not the one that wrote a message and put them in a bottle." you moped in a pout.
"i thought it was adorable," jihoon replied, "it was honest and dare i say, romantic."
embarrassed that jihoon, of all people, would be the one teasing you about this, you punched his arm. you quickly regretted that action as you were greeted by his defined biceps. curse jihoon and his endless need to work out.
"i hate you," you mumbled.
"no, you don't," he gave you a cheeky smile. "if i remember well, i am the reason why you looked forward to sunsets. i would always pick you up when the skies are at their prettiest. the pink skies would bounce off my face, the air would feel lighter, and why some endings made sense because you would always end your day with me." jihoon recited as if it was scripture.
you could feel your face burning. you weren't sure if it's because you were embarrassed or if it was because jihoon is looking at you with admiration in his eyes.
"i may not be as good with words as you," jihoon started off before he pulled a disc from his bag and handed it to you, with the words 'i really love you, but i'm not good with words so here you go' written on the disc. "but know that the songs in that mixtape express how much i truly feel about you."
"jihoon, i—" for the second time, in front of jihoon's face, you were at a loss for words. no one has done something this special to you. that was the reason why jihoon had been cooped up in the studio all day, he was busy compiling songs and dodging your texts.
"i love you, yn," jihoon said softly, caressing the side of your face. "you were the reason why i started looking forward to sunrises because then, i will face a new day with you. and for a simple guy like me? that's enough." he whispered, placing a soft kiss on the corner of your lips.
tears kept rolling down your face, overwhelmed by the warmth and love from jihoon. "i love you too, uji." this time, you held the sides of his face and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. "but you already know that, don't you?" you asked jokingly as you pulled away, making him laugh.
jihoon nodded, the smile never leaving his face. "the message in a bottle was a great concept, made me feel really special."
"how did you even get that?"
"i think you know how," jihoon gave you a knowing look. suddenly, memories of jeonghan's mischievous smiles from this afternoon tied all of it together. that's why he mentioned the project!
"i'm going to murder that friend of ours," you grumbled, annoyed that you didn't even notice that the bottle was missing from your room.
"i don't know," jihoon intertwined his fingers along yours "if it wasn't for him, i wouldn't have known you liked me too."
"i'm certain we would've still crossed that bridge somehow," you responded.
"would you have told me you liked me, then?" jihoon asked with a quirked brow.
"only if you had enough guts to ask me out first," you replied.
"so, you wouldn't make the first move?"
"uji, you know how big my pride is. unless the world was ending, i don't think i can handle making the first move." you pointed out. "would you?"
"baby, i was convinced you liked jeonghan before i read the letter," jihoon laughed "i was ready to accept that my feelings for you will go to the grave with me."
"ew, please, jeonghan is the universe's gift to punish me."
"okay, so can we both agree to spare his life this time?" jihoon asked kissing the top of your interlaced hand.
"only this time."
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the---hermit · 2 years
Thesis writing tips from someone who is currently writing their thesis
As I was working on the first chapter of my thesis I realized there's some things to keep in mind in order to make things easier. I am far from having the whole thesis writing experience, but I felt like doing this post now that this first experience is fresh in my mind. There will be other thesis-related posts, for now if you want to check out my thesis work experiece you can read my daily entries on here. The posts in which I have included these entries are all tagged as #thesis diary if you are interested.
When reading articles and sources use different colours to highlight important informations. If you find parts of the text you know you will want to quote in your thesis use a specific colour and tab them. The more precise and accurate you are the easier it will be during the writing process.
Also annotating ideas and thoughts on the margins will help during the writing process, because you will be able to link your own ideas to specific sources that helped you to get there.
Have a separate file with all the footnotes you'll have to include. If you have everything written down, and just have to add the specific pages last minute you will save a lot of time. This way you'll also make sure to have all the footnotes written in the same style (this is a lifesaver, believe me).
In the same way have a separate file with the bibliography you'll have to include at the very end of your thesis. Writing it piece by piece as you add sources to your work will make sure you don't forget any source, and it will make the task less overwhelming.
If when reading articles and sources you write down notes, for the love of god write near each piece of information the exact page you found it on. If you don't you will waste so much time to find it when you'll need it. You can keep your notes in the format you like best, but having the number of pages near everything will save you so much time and work.
The more organized you are when collecting your sources the less time you'll waste when writing. So keep your notes clean, write down even those informations that seem useless at first, make sure to know exactly where you found each article, and so on, you'll thank your past self later.
I found having a notebook fully dedicated to my thesis very useful, to navigate in it quickcly I used big clear headers, tab notes, and an index. This will all become very helpful once you have gathered a lot of informations. The research process is messy, try do everything in your power to make it as organized and as clear as you can. (I am going to create a post dedicated to my thesis notebook, so keep an eye out for that if you are interested).
When you add things to part of the text you had wrote already make sure right way that the footnotes are still accurate. The more you pay attention to it right away the less confusing it will be later. If for example in a footnote you referred to the previous, and add a new one in the middle, things could get confusing so try to keep an eye out for these things as you do them.
Having a rough plan of the structure of your thesis can be helpful to know how to refer to certain elements in the text. I'll use my own thesis as an example, I am writing about some witchcraft accusations. Knowing where in the text there is going to be the first proper exposition of the facts is helpful to know how much context I have to give when writing about people or facts in other parts of the thesis.
Do you have interesting and useful informations that don't fit perfectly with the main body of your text? Footnotes are your bestfriends, you can add insight, comments, further explanations, without breaking the flow of the text.
Make sure each chapter starts with an introduction of what you are about to discuss, and end it with a small summary of what you said. This will make your writing look much more intentional, and ties in everything nicely together. Once you are sure of the order of the chapters you should also tie the chapters together, by hinting to the next one in the conclusion of each one.
I feel like these are all the potentally useful thing I have realized during my work so far. There's surely much more to be said, and as I learn more, I will make sure to share the useful informations I get. As mentioned I am currently working on a thesis notebook post! Till then I hope this was somewhat useful, thank you for reading!
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