#i have many thoughts about him and they change often based on the canon or the story im thinking about
wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
What do you think about the wizard who gave Billy his powers? I want to believe he's a good man, but there's a part of me who wants to see his potential as a former magical hero who has rotten from time into a hidden villain. But there's also another part of me who wants to see this wizard grandpa become a father figure to Billy
Like, if Billy needs a guardian for whatever reason, he brings along this old ass wizard man and boom, he's got himself a temporary dad 👨 Which could lead to funny and awkward encounters with the JL
Ooh, the Wizard probably one of the most complex characters in the Shazam line up. I tend to be open to different interpretations of his character based on the story being told.
But for me personally, I think he is someone who was once very strongly on the side of good, but after what happened with Black Adam he became jaded and somewhat paranoid which wasn't helped by his self imposed isolation. He grieved, he made mistakes, he was harsh and unforgiving when didn’t need to be, but he was never evil.
He still tried to keep the balance, keep the peace, but his heart wasn't truly in it until he found Billy and saw in him someone he could believe in. I think with Billy (and other members of the Shazamily) he tries to be the best version of himself even when he's upset with them.
Basically I imagine that Billy has a positively skewed perception of the Wizard because of everything he's done for him and his efforts to be kind towards Billy. He nutures Billy’s powers and his growth as a hero and Billy really appreciates being guided but also being trusted to make the right decisions.
But everyone else (the JL, villains, magic users) won't be given the same grace. They don't get the kindly grandfather/mentor figure, they get an ancient, powerful, and deeply judgemental Wizard who seems to know everything and yet delegates his harshest battles to the 10 year old kid he snatched off the streets. He makes people nervous and suspicious of his motives. Most people (especially the JL) would have very unflattering opinions of him but they know he's dangerous.
tl;dr: the Wizard isn't a villain, just a crotchety old hermit who loves one (1) child and will do things for the "greater good" even if it's shady as hell.
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ane-doodles · 6 months
My COTL References
(you can use them as inspo if you want)
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A little more:
Wow, I didn't think this would take so long, but I think it was worth it in the end.
I have had to look for all kinds of references to be able to draw the bishops in a satisfactory way (references from the game itself, from animals, body types, eyes, and even how to draw cat paws). I think I have done them justice.
Although I don't plan to draw a comic or write a fic, I did want to define my own reference when drawing them. That way my little doodles would have some coherence.
A couple of details from the designer (just me commenting):
• I had to look for references of many body types and choose the one I thought was most suitable for each character. It was a long road!! The most difficult to draw was Narinder.
• Heket's outfit is inspired by a dress I recently saw in a store, it looked like a tunic so I decided to use it as a model. I added the veil because I wanted to cover her head (it's difficult to draw), plus I think it gives her a distinctive touch and personality. She accidentally ended up looking like a very flirtatious nun.
• Kallamar's design was particularly difficult because in the game itself he doesn't have a torso! but for reasons of ease and patience here he is going to have one. It's funny that he's super tall, but he keeps hunching over trying to hear what others are saying (you know, he doesn't listen very well for obvious reasons).
• Leshy was my favorite design! He has all the characteristics that I usually give to a protagonist!! He ended up looking like a young boy who surely likes soccer. I drew him thinking that he would surely like to walk around, so he should be comfortable... but he will surely end up crashing on more than one occasion. The green looks so fluffy!!! ah! but I also gave him a sting (I thought it would be fun)
• Shamura was interesting. I didn't want to give it too many legs, but I also didn't want it to look strange. In the end I ended up taking inspiration from different insect characters I know (like the red guy from Adventure Time). His clothes are all torn, I think he would have a hard time adjusting to them and would end up destroying them very often.
• Although I have drawn Narinder before it is not easy without him looking like an anime boy with a cat head! so it took quite a while to try to get out of there, that's why his proportions look more animalistic now!! I like to think that his body was vaguely more human when he was a god, but that when he transforms into a mortal he becomes more animal-like. It was difficult to design his clothes, but I like the change of coat he has...I hope I don't change it again soon or I'll have to make him a wardrobe.
• I have no special notes about the lamb, except that I forgot to put the leg warmers!! I realized it too late, but let's imagine they are there. I liked designing the second fleece, obviously based on Narinder's.
• As you can see, each of the coats are made from the remains of the tunics that the bishops previously wore. I want to imagine that after they were defeated, the lamb recovered them and turned them into new garments so that they would feel more comfortable in the cult (but also so that they would be distinguished from the common people).
• I have planned jobs and positions that each one would occupy in the cult, but I don't know how close they are to canon since I haven't taken the time to research. We'll see!!
And that's it, if you made it this far, have a candy 🍬 , thanks for reading my ramblings.
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gffa · 9 months
What are your thoughts regarding the “Lost Twenty” of the Jedi Order?
I think it's significant that the Jedi not only create busts to remember them, but display them in the library where anyone can walk right by them--a reminder to everyone, adults and children alike, that it's possible to leave the Jedi life and that path is perfectly valid, the Jedi won't stop you, they'll remember you fondly. When Jocasta is talking with Obi-Wan about Dooku in the deleted scene, she literally strokes the bust of him and speaks with such a fond smile about how his politics took him on a path away from the Jedi:
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Or there's a scene in Dooku: Jedi Lost (Disney supplemental canon, so take it as you will) where Yoda and another Jedi Master are walking a bunch of children through the Archives and they ask about the busts. Yoda takes the time to point out that asking about the Lost Twenty is a good thing for the kids and speaks highly of them, that many of them went on to become leaders of some kind, some chose to teach, but most simply vanished, and the whole scene is speaking well of all of those choices.
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The Jedi aren't ashamed that some Masters chose to leave, they're not afraid of teaching their children about that even, which says a lot about how they're not forcing this life on others, how they're not trying to hide that other paths are available for Jedi, they're supporting that. And I like that it's specifically the Lost Twenty Masters over the course of their history, because it makes sense to me that there would probably have been far more Jedi who left as younglings or even Knights, when they were still figuring themselves out, because being a Jedi takes a huge commitment, that's one of the things Star Wars as a whole emphasizes, that the Force and the Jedi way is a very serious thing, it takes a lot of dedication, it's not just a whim. And being able to touch and use something as powerful as the Force should require a huge commitment, especially because of how it works based on your thoughts and feelings, you have to be mentally stable to use it, that's literally just how it works. But by the time you're a Master, you've had time to really consider your life, you've had time to question whether you really want this, you've had time to commit yourself truly to this path--and you can still leave! They'll still give you a bust in the library! It just doesn't happen very often because, by that point, a Master would have been asked to undergo several Trials to make sure this is what they want, to make sure this life is right for them, and given a lot of time to consider it. So, that we know the Lost Twenty were a thing in the Jedi Order, that it was significant enough to include in the worldbuilding and specifically how it was included (in a positive way), says a lot about who the Jedi are and how they treat those who leave. I mean, look at Dooku in AOTC, Mace and Ki-Adi-Mundi spoke positively about him right up until he was revealed to be a Sith Lord, because they trust Jedi who decide this path isn't for them. And if you go by Padawan (and possibly Tales of the Jedi), Dooku was STILL VISITING after he chose to leave:
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Not only that, but he was there to talk with the Council because they still valued him:
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Or in Tales of the Jedi, he was there during the events of The Phantom Menace because he asked Qui-Gon about the Sith he ran into, showing that he was still welcome:
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He was also there after Qui-Gon's death, by which time he was already under Sidious' tutoring, so he would have had to have left the Jedi by the time of Qui-Gon's funeral:
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Take Disney era canon as you will, of course, but even without it, the Lost Twenty speak well of the Jedi and how they treat those who decide to leave, even the ones that have spent decades committing themselves to this path. The Jedi are open about how you can always walk away, you can always change your mind. They ask that you be serious about it, but they make sure even the younglings know that it's always an option!
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fluentmoviequoter · 5 months
Take all the time you need 💕
My idea: Deacon got a girlfriend (let’s pretend Annie isn’t there) and she is a teacher at a high school.
One today there is a shooting going down at her school and Deacon and the team don’t know if she is there or not and can’t reach her. Turns out the shooter is in her class and Deacon has somehow get her save.
I hope it makes somehow sense 😅 English isn’t my native language -🥰
Thank you for being patient and for requesting!! This makes perfect sense; no worries. I love pretending Annie doesn't exist lol. I changed this a teeny tiny bit and let the reader do a little bit of saving before Deacon saves her. I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think!🤍
Warnings: canon-typical action/danger/violence, school shooting (loosely based on 2x11), angst, fluff.
Word Count: 2.3k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
Worried for You
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When Deacon Kay imagined his future, he did not picture being 30 David this far into his career, nor did he dream that he would have a girlfriend who spends her days teaching high school students. Since he met you, his life has been brighter. You make each other happy. The last year and a half of dating has been filled with late-night phone calls, weekly date nights, and more joy than you thought possible.
“Deac!” you call, jumping into his arms when he turns to greet you.
“Hey, you,” he replies, hugging you tightly. “Our table is ready if you are.”
You nod, beaming at him as you slip your hand into his. He leads you to the table, pulling your chair out before sitting across from you.
“How was your day?” you ask, ignoring the menu after all the date nights you’ve had here.
“It was pretty good, mostly training since it was quiet for once. But I’m more interested in you and your day,” Deacon responds.
“Nothing special, just teaching teenagers. Again. Tell me a story?”
Deacon sighs as you bat your eyelashes at him but begins a story anyway. “Hondo and I were paired up for a breach a few years ago, but the way the house was laid out, we weren’t going to be able to see each other for long. We didn’t know how many people were in there, so we made an inconspicuous code word to alert the other if something went wrong. Well, it should have been inconspicuous, but Hondo’s first choice was ‘mango.’ Great if you’re in a store or something, not so great in a barricaded safe house.”
You laugh with Deacon, reaching across the table to hold his hand as you ask, “Should we have a code word? We could use it when you’d rather spend time with me than Hondo.”
“So, daily?”
“Seriously, David. Can we?”
“Of course. What were you thinking?”
“It has to be something that fits into any conversation, so… tree?”
“Not bad. What if I need to know something about a tree though?”
“Like what?”
Deacon’s eyes stay on yours as he concedes, “Good point. Tree it is.”
“Do you- do you have quiet days often?”
“Depends. Some weeks are quiet, and sometimes you don’t have a quiet day for months.”
“I just- you know I worry about you, so I like hearing about quiet days.”
“Hey,” Deacon says, dipping his head to catch your eyes. “I know worrying is inevitable, and I can’t imagine what it takes to be in a relationship with me and what I do, but I promise that I will always fight to come back to you. I have a good team and we watch each other’s backs.”
You nod, but Deacon looks like he wants more.
“I know you’ll do everything you can to come back to me. And that helps a lot. Thank you, Deacon.” The moment is more serious than most of your date nights, so you add, “At least you don’t have to worry about me. I just have to deal with teenage hormones and ears that don’t work or brains that don’t comprehend.”
“That sounds much worse than what I face every day,” Deacon replies dramatically.
Your students know when you’ve been on a date, you’re always in a great mood the next morning. You habitually check your phone throughout the day but smile more after a date.
“Are you ever going to tell us who the lucky guy is?” one of your students pries.
“Are you ever going to meet the rubric requirements on an assignment?” you reply sarcastically.
“Ooh,” several of the students exclaim.
“Alright, guys, let’s get started,” you begin, pausing when your phone chimes.
“You said no ringers in class,” someone laments.
You snatch your phone up at Deacon’s text tone, holding your breath while you read it. Everything is fine; he just texted about your next date night. You breathe out and smile, typing a quick reply before you turn to the board.
During your third class, a distant scream is audible through the closed door. You glance at the window, unamused with and immune to teenagers and their obnoxious actions. When you hear a gunshot, your demeanor switches instantly.
“Quiet,” you snap at a girl who looks ready to scream.
Several more shots echo, so you can’t tell where they’re coming from.
“Everyone in the supply closet, take your bags with you,” you demand quietly. “It will be tight but stay down and stay quiet.”
Someone whimpers your name, and you crouch in the open doorway.
“Everything is going to be fine,” you promise before closing the door.
You slide a desk over, lining it up in front of the door in a way you hope looks like it is supposed to be there. Crouching, you walk back towards your desk, trying to avoid the windows and the glass pane in the door. The doorknob jiggles, and you rush to your desk, grabbing your phone as you fall into your chair.
“Drop the phone!” the shooter yells as he enters, leveling his gun on you.
Setting the phone down, you lock it to hide the half-typed text to Deacon. That may be the last thing he hears from you, so you’re glad you started by telling him you love him. You raise your hands and look at the crazed gunman before you.
“Just stay calm okay, this doesn’t have to be like this,” you say gently.
“Let’s roll, 20 David!” Hicks yells as he enters the common area. “School shooting going down and we have to get in there now.”
“Confirmed casualties?” Hondo asks.
“Do we know who the shooter is?” Deacon adds.
Hicks takes a deep breath and turns toward the team as he tells them the name of the school. “Casualties unknown and no confirmed ID, but two possibilities. I’m sorry, guys, but you’re the best option here.”
“Let’s do this,” Hondo says, leading the team to Black Betty.
Luca pulls out as soon as everyone is in. Hondo and Deacon remove their phones to check for messages from you.
“Anything?” Hondo asks, looking up from his empty phone.
Deacon shakes his head before raising his phone to his ear. His leg bounces until he lowers his hand and shakes his head at Hondo again.
“She has me on emergency bypass, if she could answer, she would have,” he explains. “And her location sharing isn’t loading.”
“Then let’s go get her and everyone else out safe,” Luca announces, taking a sharp turn.
You flinch as Deacon’s ringtone dies out, the sound of glass crunching under a boot drowning it out.
“Who is supposed to be in here with you?” the shooter demands.
“No one. It’s my grading period,” you explain, trying to remain calm. “That’s why my ringer is on, because I don’t have students until after the next bell.”
The shooter nods, the gun bouncing erratically in his grip.
“Look, we can all walk away from this, but not until you stop,” you add.
The gun straightens, and you force your eyes to stay open.
Deacon taps Hondo’s shoulder after he feels Street’s hand on his shoulder. They enter through the gym, giving students quiet directions to safety.
“Do you know where the shooter is?” Hondo asks quietly.
“He went that way,” a young girl answers, pointing as she runs.
“Let’s split off. Luca, Tan, go east. Street, Chris, west. Deac, we’re going for the shooter,” Hondo directs.
Deacon falls into step beside him, moving slowly and clearing classrooms as they go.
“Her room is down here, right?” Hondo whispers.
Deacon nods and then slows when they hear a gunshot. Moving faster, they reach the end of the hall: your class on the right and a large glass wall on the left.
“It doesn’t end well, it’s too late!” a man’s voice yells in your classroom.
Deacon’s eyes widen as he watches the door, praying you’re not in there, that you're somewhere safe.
“It’s not,” your voice replies calmly.
Deacon sighs, a minuscule amount of tension escaping when he hears your voice. That’s a good sign for now. Hondo slides his back against the wall, peeking into the glass on the window. He lowers quickly and looks at Deacon.
“His back is to us, and he has a gun on her, we have to think this through, Deac,” he says.
“Of course. We can’t storm in, he’s a loose cannon,” Deacon agrees.
They hear the gunshot before the door rattles, and Deacon lurches forward, reaching for the doorknob as his other hand moves toward the trigger. Hondo’s arm wraps around his shoulders, pulling him backward.
“Deac, man, calm down,” Hondo grunts, struggling against Deacon. “Charging in won’t help her any.”
“And if it’s too late?” Deacon whispers harshly, relaxing enough to pull his arms from Hondo’s grip.
“Why did you do that?” you ask inside.
Hondo pats Deacon’s back, creeping back to the door. They listen to footsteps as someone, presumably the shooter, paces in the classroom. Your voice is low as you try to calm him down. Deacon has never loved you more, but he’s never been this scared before. He has less than a split second if something goes wrong, and that’s not enough time to save anyone.
“Of course,” you answer. “See if you can find the tree.”
Deacon nods at Hondo and reaches for the doorknob.
“What is that?” the shooter whispers, pointing to a display on your bulletin board.
“It’s a collection of the best projects this semester. Do you think yours may be up there?” you ask quietly.
“Can I look?”
“Of course. See if you can find the tree.”
You saw the corner of the SWAT helmet in the window before, and you hope Deacon is out there. Using the code word was pointless if he isn’t, but maybe the shooter will be distracted either way. The doorknob twists and you drop to your knees behind your desk before the door opens forcefully, banging against the wall behind it.
“LAPD SWAT, drop your weapon!” Hondo yells.
“You don’t want to kill anyone, including yourself, we know that. So drop the gun and we can get you help,” Deacon adds.
You close your eyes as Deacon talks, trying to imagine that you’re alone in the room and neither of you is in danger.
“Okay, okay,” the shooter repeats.
You hear something hit the floor, and then Hondo says something into his radio as he steps toward the shooter. Deacon’s arms wrap around you, but you keep your eyes closed as you turn in his arms, pressing your face into the plate protecting his chest. His hand rubs your back as the other cradles your head against him.
“You’re okay, it’s okay, we’re all safe, baby,” he whispers into your hair, his helmet discarded.
“There’s kids in the closet,” you say against him, tightening your arms around his waist.
His head lifts from beside yours as he tells Street to check the closet. You hear their muted gasps and stifled screams before they realize who’s opening the door.
“Are you okay?” Deacon asks.
You lean back just enough to look up at him. Nodding, you keep your arms around him as you look into his eyes.
“And you said I didn’t need to worry about you,” he says playfully, pushing your hair out of your face.
“Now you know how I feel all the time,” you reply.
He helps you to your feet, keeping a hand on you. Your students are out of the closet, and when one sees you, they all look up.
“You’re dating a narc?” someone asks.
“SWAT, actually,” Deacon replies, smiling easily. “Everyone alright?” He gets mixed nods and muttered yeses before he adds, “EMTs are outside to give you a quick check before you go home to your parents.”
The same student who wanted to know who texts you throughout the day pauses by your side to whisper, “He’s cute. Good job.”
You roll your eyes and hug her quickly before tucking yourself into Deacon's side.
“Nice work with the code word,” Hondo says, moving to stand beside Deacon. “You might’ve saved some lives today.”
“That was all Deacon,” you reply.
“No, no, I was going to charge in here and get everyone killed,” he admits. “I was worried and Hondo made me wait. How’d you get him to turn his back?”
“He wanted to see the display,” you explain, pointing to it. “Figured I could at least kill some time telling him to look for something that wasn’t there.”
 “How’d you know we were out there?”
“I didn’t know who was out there, but I saw the edge of a helmet in the window.”
“Oh, that was me. Which makes me the savior, no?” Hondo teases.
“I think she’s still the savior,” Deacon replies, tipping his head toward you.
“But you saved me, so what’s that make you?” you reply.
Deacon smiles as he loops his arm around you again.
“Get out of here,” Hondo grumbles.
You spend the evening wrapped in Deacon’s arms. And his shirt that you stole.
“It’s okay to not be okay after something like that,” Deacon whispers, holding you against his chest as a forgotten movie plays in the background.
“I’ll be okay,” you promise. “All I could think about was you. I was texting you when he came in, and then you called right before he crushed my phone. Then you saved me.”
“What did your text say?”
“Not much. All I got was ‘I love you. There’s’ before the door opened and I stopped,” you answer, tracing shapes on Deacon’s chest.
“You started with I love you,” Deacon muses, shaking his head. “I love you so much.”
“I love you. Thanks for saving me.”
You lay down on his chest and kiss his jaw, glad to be alive, home with Deacon, and in his arms.
“That wasn’t an invitation to get into trouble on a regular basis,” Deacon adds. “Just for the record.”
Deacon feels you laugh against him, your chest shaking against him as another kiss lands on his jaw. He doesn’t know how you deal with the uncertainty and the worry every day, but he knows he would do it a million times over for you.
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mspaintbrush · 29 days
Mauga thoughts
He is a biter
He WILL bite you if you hold him down
The only one who can really keep Mauga under control after Baptiste left Talon is Doomfist
Doomfist uses violence for that (of course) (he has been bit while holding him down) (uses his gauntlet hand around Maugas head now)
Mauga refuses to let Moira experiment on him (even though she'd love to), my boy has had enough of unpermitted alterations to his body, even though he liked the changes the first time
He really doesnt get along with Reaper
Reaper is very bitter/serious/stern about the fights and Talon's mission, completely opposite of Mauga who sees it as a game and a fun way to spend his time
Reaper tells Mauga regularily that this isnt a game and that he should stop playing with dying men
Mauga is not impressed by any of reapers threats, he finds them amusing at best
#1 reaper bully, walks through him on purpose on a daily basis just cause he likes the feeling of the smoke on his skin
Sombra sympathizer
There are not many other fun people to spend time with at Talon anyways
Sombra is weary of him and pretty quickly saw through his happy and laid-back mask when she watched him in battle
But she also doesnt have many optional conversation partners at the base, so they hang out and bully Reaper together
Sombra is fascinated with how he gets his hair so nice and fluffy (the secret is the blood of your enemies)
Pranks him sometimes by putting sticky notes on his back that he cant reach because he is too buff
He can play Ukulele or at least owns one (canon)
It used to belong to Baptiste
Mauga took it from his things after he left Talon, its his only reminder of their time together
Sometimes Mauga just holds it and plays a few notes when he is reminiscing
Together with his guns one of the only things he hates people touching
Could work really well with Lucio if he wanted to
Maybe I'm writing Lucio a bit very naive here but I feel like he could be fooled by Mauga's personality (and Mauga would take full advantage of that)
Like he would bring this dude to the base á la "hey guys meet my new friend he plays ukulele and is really fun" with Mauga just grinning as everyone stares in horror
Baptiste used Mauga as a couch during their Talon times (illegal murder operations dont really provide comfortable resting places, so you make due)
Both miss it, both have no one close enough to replicate the feeling (which doesnt mean they dont try)
Mauga leans his guns on his side or the ukulele on his chest, but since everyone has enough common sense to not go anywhere near him thats all he can do
I think it would be funny if during a mission brief a very tired Sigma leans onto him (he doesnt have this famous common sense to really notice the danger radiating off Mauga) and everyone holds their breath as it happens. Against all odds Mauga doesnt say anything as he quietly enjoys it. Its not a common occurence, much to Mauga's disappointment.
Baptiste sits on the side of the couch, owns a very big pillow and the tendency to lean onto people if he gets very tired (since most people arent a 6 foot mountain of muscle  though, they dont really have the necessary strength to hold him)
Some eventually catch on and subliminally try to persuade Reinhardt to sit next to Baptiste more often. Maybe Reinhardt notices it too, but definitely not as the first lets be honest. (Reinhardt is the general couch for everyone in Overwatch who wants to, i dont make the rules)
Mauga's body needs a LOT of nutrients and protein to keep up its shape, more so with him working out on the side, so this man is constantly eating
This guy is a foodie, gets really gnarly when he's hungry and even more ruthless and unpredictable
Fish is a main food in Samoa, but since Mauga has a strong connection to the ocean and the ecosystem behind it I dont think he would eat any fish he didnt catch himself. And he doesnt trust Talon enough to verify where the fish came from. So no fish for him right now.
Is a sweettooth, there a lot of sweet samoan dishes featuring coconut milk and fresh fruit from the island
He probably often complains about the cheap quality of the fruits Talon have to offer him. They get picked too early before truly ripe or just dont seem to have the same intense flavor as an island grown fruit would have.
Can and will crack a coconut easily by hand. Or rather by teeth.
(I wonder if that is humanly possible)
(I looked it up. You need around 610N to crack open a coconut. Humans can bite with about 1000-1400N. So its possible. Crazy.)
Being used to warm and tropical weather he struggles with any mission too far up north. He has to wear more clothing during those, limiting his mobility and effectiveness.
Probably has a hard time finding fitting clothes in general, Talon has a special seamstress just for this case. (And for Doom and Sigma too probably, they are huge)
Is a very well educated man and still keeps up with recent studies and research, especially revolving around marine biology.
He doesnt show this side of him in public, only reading when he is alone in his room.
Sigma is able to gain access to whatever books and publications he wants, nobody really double checks because they dont care or wouldnt understand anyway. So Mauga puts his desired books on Sigma's list and takes them from his lab once they arrive.
Sombra picks up on this eventually, since she spends a lot of time with Sigma. What will she do with this information? Who knows.
Sigma isnt aware of this but does wonder why there are books about non-physics topics around. Sometimes he looks at the colourful reef pictures.
Scuba Sigma - the origin story
favourite animal: shork
He knows how vital they are for marine life and relates to them.
They look and are told to be extremely aggressive, but arent. They still are incredibly powerful and efficient killing machines though. There is a nice metaphor compared to himself here. Somewhere.
Corrects anyone badmouthing sharks and doesnt care if that feels "out of character" to bystanders
Always wanted to learn how to surf but is lacking balance and a normal body size. And since being in Talon, time. And water. Everything really, but he thinks about it sometimes.
Good swimmer, his body shape is not super helpful but he makes up for it with great strength and form
Loves to dive, not necessarily in whole gear, but he can hold his breath longer than average
Generally just enjoys being in water
Knows how to catch fish (of course)
Usually you'd catch fish with a traditional net or maybe hook and rod, but Mauga knows how to spearfish and sometimes does it to show off
If there are no current missions he helps out carrying cargo and other equipment around Talon quarters. Its something of a practical workout for him.
Not a drinker. One or two bottles of beer at most. He wants to be in full control and aware of his sorroundings at all times.
He does pretend to be more intoxicated to provoke bystanders to let their guard down.
If he truly gets wasted he is the silent type. The "stares at you uncomfortably from a corner"-type. His extroverted and noisy facade disappears, revealing the cunning and sadistic spirit inside.
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A Basic Guide to Harvey "Two-Face" Dent for Misha stans
With love, from a Two-Face fan who hasn't watched Supernatural and doesn't really intend on watching Gotham Knights.
Now before getting into this, you need to keep in mind that Harvey Dent (at the time of his creation, Harvey Kent) was a character first introduced to comics in 1942, and even within Batman canon, he is one of the most wildly inconsistently written characters. If you pick up any two stories that feature Two-Face in them at random, you are very likely to get two entirely different characters. As such, there are dozens of entirely valid ways of interpreting and writing his character, so what I write here is either based off of general consensus or my own personal opinion on the character.
If you are already a Two-Face fan who is reading this, I'm not trying to diminish your preferred way of interpreting the character and would be perfectly happy with discussing our differences in opinion in a separate post, but here I'm just trying to make a somewhat digestible guide to his character for newbies based off of my own perception of him and what I've heard about his character from Gotham Knights and what might appeal to his fans. If you disagree, you're welcome to write a similar post about him yourself.
Harvey Dent is Gotham City's District Attorney. He's actually a legal genius and savant. (He is also just generally DAMN smart when written well!) He became District Attorney at a very young age (~26 years old, making him the youngest District Attorney that Gotham has ever had,) and is the best damn lawyer in all of Gotham! At his best, he was locking up criminals left and right no one could stop him, and this ended up ticking off Gotham's criminal underworld. As District Attorney, he would work alongside Batman and Commissioner Gordon to make his convictions stick, which is something other District Attorneys before him couldn't do. For this, the public loved him. This also makes Arkham Asylum and Blackgate Prison exceedingly dangerous places for him to be, as a good percentage of their residents are there because of him.
Harvey Dent is Bruce Wayne's best friend. Sometimes they are even childhood friends! At the latest, they became friends after Bruce had already become Batman, but usually they are long-time friends, sometimes meeting as kids, though also often meeting in college. (They both went to Gotham University.) I think there are some iterations where they're even college roommates! They tend to have been very close in college. Regardless of when they met, they found kindred spirits within one another as they each sought to bring justice to this city that they love in their own ways. Because of this kinship, the two got extremely close and were the best of friends before Harvey's incident.
Harvey Dent is an abuse survivor. When he was a kid, Harvey's father would beat him and his mother. But his father made a game of it. The details sometimes change a little, but in essence his father would flip a coin. If it landed heads, he would beat Harvey. If it landed tails, then he wouldn't have to be punished. The coin was heads on both sides.
Harvey Dent is neurodivergent. Most iterations of Two-Face have OCD and many (but not all) are plural, presumably with some form of Dissociative Identity Disorder. It is generally thought that his childhood abuse caused him to have these conditions. After leaving his father's control, Harvey was able to get a handle on his OCD tendencies and deeply suppressed his one other disassociated identity. However, if Harvey experiences high levels of stress or anger over a prolonged period of time, that could make these two conditions show themselves again. When the incident that melted half of his face off happened, these conditions came back to stay. He is indeed legally insane. But this is because of his OCD (specifically how he flips a coin to make all of his decisions), and NOT because of his plurality! Note: Plurality is more common that you probably think it is. It's estimated that 1-5% of people are plural. I've also spoken to at least 2 people who are plural or system members that dearly love Two-Face as a character. Two-Face is very unusual as a system (you are a lot more likely to find a system of 12 members than one of as few as 2), but I have no doubt that systems that work like him are out there. Because of all of this, I try my best to be sensitive and understanding towards plural people at all times while in this fandom space. I can not speak for them as I am not plural myself, but I am always trying to listen to plural voices and learn from them. I would ask that while you're in this space that you try to do the same. All of the plural people and system members that I've spoken to and know want to be thought of and addressed to as different people, and therefore I try to think of Harvey and Two-Face the same way that I would a real plural person, and see them as different characters. When I say "Harvey Dent" (full name) I'm usually talking about the general character and in-universe legal identity or the body. When I say "Two-Face" I usually mean their shared criminal identity or Harvey's "dark side" as this is the generally accepted way to refer to him by. For the sake of this post I will try to generally refer to "Harvey's dark side"/"Two-Face" (the character) as "Harvey's associate" or "the Associate" to more clearly differentiate him from Harvey. Harvey is Harvey.
Duality and the Number 2
Since Harvey and his Associate have OCD, they get compulsions and obsessions that they can't entirely control. In their case, they have a particular fixation on the concept of duality and the number 2.
They often theme their crimes around the number 2, be that having them take place on the 2nd or 22nd of the month and starting at 2:00 am, the locations having 2 in them like 2222 Doubleday Street or the Second National Bank, or conceptually relating the to number 2, like kidnapping twins, or stealing two-of-a-kind, matching artifacts. If the scheme can do two things at once, like receiving a payout AND killing Batman (killing two birds with one stone), that's even better!
They think in very dualistic ways and try to apply those themes to themselves. Harvey is good, the Associate is evil. Harvey is clean and calculated, the Associate is messy and unpredictable. Harvey is friendly and polite, the Associate is mean and rude. The Associate might also do things that he knows Harvey wouldn't for the sake of 'balance' or being Harvey's opposite. They might also try to apply this duality when it comes to their relations to other characters. Batman is good, they are evil. Batman represents order, they represent chaos. Whether these statements are actually true or not may not reflect the reality of their characters, but they want it to.
Expect lots of puns around the number 2 and for them to get agitated when other numbers that don't relate to the number 2 to get brought up.
The Coin
The origin of Two-Face's coin varies between iterations. The original story from 1942 had it as a piece of evidence. It was the good luck charm of a mob boss that Harvey was trying to put away and was a piece of evidence that placed said mob boss at the scene of a crime. This mob boss was the same one that tried to melt Harvey's face off. Harvey would keep the coin after the incident, for some reason. Later on, the coin was rewritten to previously belong to Harvey's father as I wrote about above. In this iteration of the coin's backstory, Harvey's father gave Harvey the coin and Harvey kept it as a good luck charm.
The coin is usually a silver dollar, minted in 1922 and has the heads side on both sides. However one of these heads has been defaced and is all scratched up, making the coin fair again. Clean heads is considered to be the 'heads' side and is often referred to as 'good heads.' The scratched side is considered to be the 'tails' side and is often referred to as 'bad heads.' Harvey and his Associate feel a kinship with this coin, Harvey being represented by the good heads, and the Associate being represented by the bad heads.
Often times their OCD leaves Harvey and his Associate unable to make decisions and so they have a compulsion to flip their special coin to make their decisions for them. This will sometimes be used as a tie-breaker between Harvey and his Associate- if they get good heads, they do what Harvey wants, if they get bad heads, they do what the Associate wants. Other times when it comes to more neutral decisions, good heads will represent yes and bad heads will represent no (Example: Do we talk to this person? Good heads, yes. Bad heads, that person can fuck off). However most famously, they flip the coin to choose the morality of their actions with good heads being they do the moral thing and bad heads meaning they do the immoral thing. They are known to flip their coin to decide whether or not to kill. Good heads, the person lives. Bad heads, the person dies.
Because of their compulsion to flip their coin to make decisions, they will often end up doing things that they don't actually want to because the coin told them to. This also does occasionally lead to Harvey and his Associate helping Batman out and actually doing the right thing.
About the cooler Harvey (aka "Harv", "Two-Face", "Big Bad Harv", "Harvey's Associate" or "Harvey's dark side")
In plural terms, the Associate usually starts off as a Protector- a system member that protects other members of a system from harm (external or internal), but has become a Persecutor- a system member who does harm to others, be that to the body, other system members, or people outside the system, often because they think this will somehow help the system.
It is very likely that the Associate also holds Harvey's anger and trauma, and may have experienced the brunt of the abuse they have been subjected to. Because of this, the Associate is known to lash out and hurt others.
Before Harvey becomes Two-Face, his Associate will sometimes come out to the front, but only a little. He may pop up when Harvey is under a lot of stress for a long period of time or when he gets exceedingly angry. He may also come out any time Harvey gets into any kind of physical altercation with someone.
Where Harvey usually keeps his temper under control and is not likely to fly off the handle, the Associate has MAJOR anger management issues! The Associate WILL fight you with his fists if you provoke him enough.
The Associate is NOT nice! He is mean and cruel and sadistic. He is usually more brutal and violent than Harvey. Where Harvey might want to do things nice and clean, the Associate isn't afraid of letting things get messy. When they kill, you can usually assume that the Associate was the one to pull the trigger.
The Associate HATES Harvey for suppressing him for so many years. The Associate tends to see Harvey as weak, ineffectual, and a coward, unable and unwilling to do what actually needs to get done. For this, the Associate does not like it when Harvey gets to front and will often do what he can to shove Harvey into the back. Because of this, Harvey may not be seen fronting for long periods at a time.
The Associate and Harvey are often seen to be co-conscious and may co-front.
In many iterations of these characters, Harvey has often tried to get rid of his Associate, but it never tends to stick.
The Associate often REVELS in their compulsions where Harvey is upset and disturbed by them.
While the Associate is often a viscous and cruel thug, that doesn't mean that he is entirely unsympathetic. The instances of him being genuinely sympathetic are rare, but they are out there! Therefore he should be thought of as more than just an 'evil alter ego.' Just like real life Persecutor system members, they shouldn't be considered to be purely malicious and evil, but should rather be a character who deserves understanding and help just like any other system member character would!
Harvey Dent's Love Life
Just so you know, BruHarvey/TwoBats (Bruce Wayne/Harvey Dent) is indeed the most popular ship that Harvey has. To you people who immediately started shipping the two, just know that you're not alone in feeling the gay vibes from them and that these two do indeed refuse to be straight about their relationship in a lot of the media that they share! Most Harvey fans that I know do indeed ship BruHarvey, and there is some good media out there that have a lot of BruHarvey vibes!
Harvey is often married or engaged at the start of his story. His wife is usually Gilda Gold who (when we know that she has a job) is a very skilled sculptor. She likes sculpting Harvey's face because he's beautiful, even sometimes calling him by the nickname "Apollo."
Gilda may or may not be the Holiday Killer- A serial killer who targets mobsters and kills them on holidays (Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentines Day, etc).
In the current mainline DC continuity, Gilda is dead. Harvey is a widower. In previous continuity they had gotten (understandably) divorced.
Other characters that Harvey has dated include Poison Ivy (who wanted to kill him) and Catwoman (who wanted to steal from him). Given that and how Gilda is sometimes the Holiday Killer, and you can comfortably say that Harvey has questionable taste in women.
Harvey falls in love HARD and FAST! As an example, in Batman: the Animated Series, he knew Ivy for a week before proposing to her. He does something similar with a different woman later in the series (a Gilda analogue, so that one partially works out).
Often Harvey wants to have kids. He seems pretty down with the idea of adopting.
Harvey Dent's relations to other characters that may appear
Dick Grayson (1st Robin): They hate each other. Early on in his career as Robin, Two-Face almost beat him to death. Dick has decidedly not forgiven him for this.
Jason Todd (2nd Robin): Not always the most friendly with each other, but have worked together in the pages of Task Force Z (which is a specialized Suicide Squad task force that consists of undead supervillains). In Task Force Z, there were kinda vibes that Harvey was the team dad who was just trying his best (but sucked at his job) while Jason was his angsty son with anger issues. Jason's biological father was killed by Two-Face (he worked for/owed money to Two-Face. He didn't pay back, so he was killed), but at this point Jason doesn't really seem to hold a grudge over it. Probably Two-Face's favorite Robin since he's the second Robin.
Tim Drake (3rd Robin): The story that introduced Tim Drake (A Lonely Place of Dying) was a Two-Face story, so in a way, you could say that Two-Face pushed Tim into taking on the role. (Otherwise I personally don't know much about their relationship.)
Commissioner Gordon: They used to be good friends back when Harvey was Gotham's District Attorney. They used to work together a lot, but now they seem to have 0 issues with the idea of killing Gordon.
Other notes:
He has almost no consistent visual design outside of 'male,' 'face is half messed up,' and 'split suits'. While he's usually supposed to have brown hair and green eyes (to make him look different from Bruce), this isn't always stuck to. Hell! There are a handful of iterations of Two-Face that are black!
Harvey Dent/Two-Face are decently influential characters within popular culture. You know the quote, "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." ...? That quote comes from The Dark Knight (2008 film) and is said by Harvey before he becomes Two-Face and ends up being about him. Also the quote of "He isn't the hero we deserve, but he is the hero we need" relates to Harvey as well, though it's spoken about Batman. Also apparently this is a meme that exists and was apparently popular on Reddit, and I only just now learned of it soooo... Pop culture contributions yay?
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Recovery is precedented for Harvey! In his original appearance in the 1940's, Harvey actually decided to turn away from his life of crime for the sake of the woman who became his wife and got his face fixed after she proved that she still loved him in spite of his disfiguration. Apparently in the 1980's newspaper strips, Harvey went on to recover there as well! And he even kept his scars that time! (You can actually read this story on Tumblr here!) However in most iterations, when Harvey 'gets better' he usually takes the turn for the worst at some point and sadly goes back to being Two-Face again. But for the most part, Harvey wants to recover and get better, but his Associate wants them to get worse.
A long post, I know. But I hope that you find this helpful or at least mildly interesting! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! I'd be more than happy to try and answer to the best of my ability! If you made it this far, color me impressed! And if you are indeed a Misha stan who's new to this space, I'm happy to see you here! I hope you have a good day! Love you!
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I wonder why micheal keeps getting portrayed as abusive (specifically in simeon, lucifer and mammon based fics) especially when you consider that his canon self isn't that?? I know it's probably something of a scapegoat since it's easy to pin the character we know the least about as the most villainous but I'm curious about your thoughts
Personally, I think there's a few things at play. One of them is recognizing the shades of gray. Humans by nature have a tendency to sort things into black and white when they really shouldn't be, and I think this is an example of that.
Because, there is some truth to what they say. Michael can be downright creepy at times- from sneaking into Lucifer's room without permission being a clear sign of an unhealthy obsession, to the flat-out psychologically damaging stunt he pulled in Nightbringer. And don't even get me started on the angel event from the OG; I was pissed about that for a long time. He also clearly has a very prejudiced, derogatory view of demons, and is likely where Luke got it from. He's certainly not innocent.
BUT, I think people carry it too far. Yes, he's creepy, and yes he can be a colossal asshole. But he also displays clear, genuine care&compassion for others, especially his brothers, and seems to be trying his best to do good.
Such as with Simeon and Luke- he clearly genuinely cares about their wellbeing. As revealed in one of the Hard Mode chapters of Nightbringer, he was worried sick about sending them down to the Devildom, showering them with care packages and wanting constant reports to make sure they were alright. In the OG game, when he cast Simeon out, he didn't just leave him out to dry; he coordinated with the Devildom- which he's always hated- to ensure Simeon's safety, and sent his right-hand man down to protect him. He's implied to have angsted over the very idea too, having told MC in S3, "and of course, I have Simeon to think about." Both of these points will probably be their own posts eventually, because I have a lot to say about them.
And, for all his harassment of Lucifer, he seems to genuinely care about his wellbeing too. For example- saving MC's life in Nightbringer just because he recognized that they were important to Lucifer. This wasn't even because it got him closer to seeing Lucifer again; Lucifer had no way of knowing about this little favor. He did it just to make his brother happy.
There's also him cooperating with the exchange program in the first place. There was no reason Michael had to do that. In fact, considering the Celestial Realm's very traditional and conservative views, it would've been very likely for them to just say no. They didn't have to send anyone down. And yet Michael did. Not only that, but he hand-picked who to send. He clearly cares about and has stakes in this program. It seems that he's trying to change; he at the very least cooperates with those who believe there should be change.
Ultimately, he's a very flawed individual, trying to do his best by others through a lens warped by celestial propaganda and unhealthy coping mechanisms. He's a very morally gray character, and I think sometimes the internet has a hard time reconciling with that.
Especially since we don't have a face to put to Michael. That's the other issue. People are a lot less likely to sympathize with a faceless persona than they would be with their favorite hot demon boy. The brothers and even the side characters can get away with a lot more because we see and regularly interact with them. Because of Michael's secretive nature, often times you have to read between the lines to really understand the nuance of his character- it isn't spoon-fed to you through direct interaction like with many of the other characters. Because he obscures himself so much, it's a lot harder to humanize him, and to get a grasp on his motivations.
I also think a lot of people are looking for a "villain" in a story where there was never meant to be one. People seem to get this idea where every story needs to have a villain, and if they can't find one they make one. Obey Me was never about good guys and bad guys, heroes and villains. It's always been about highly flawed and dysfunctional individuals just doing their best. Plenty of drama and meaningful plot can be made from that alone. We don't need a clear villain, and it doesn't need to be Michael. I think a lot of people don't get that.
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mickimomo · 1 year
Attuma with the babies - part 1
Listen. I just know Attuma is an extremely involved and supportive husband when it comes to raising his and Okoye's kids.
So just come with me as I write out a few thoughts.
This is based in The Sun & The Sky AU. 💓
My thoughts:
The first time Attuma held the twins, he cried. They were so small and precious. From the moment he saw them, he knew that he'd destroy any and every threat that dared to trouble them. Okoye was given many soft kisses and praises for bringing their kids into the world too. Gentle massages, careful assistance with bathing, and homemade meals. You know, all the good stuff. Anything to help her as she healed and rested. Gotta make sure his sun is shining too. 😌
Anytime their babies would cry, he'd sprint to the scene to hold them and soothe them. Okoye is often impressed by how in tune he is with the twins. Sometimes it seems like he's able to sense their distress before they make an audible cry. Even in the midst of his slumber, he'll wake up and go check on their two bundles of joy.
Whenever Okoye has to breastfeed them, he's there helping and being supportive. Whether he's rubbing her back. Holding her so that she's able to rest in his arms. Or feeding her because she's a bit hungry and her arms are full. He read a lot of books while she was pregnant, so he's constantly rubbing her down with salves he read about to make sure she's never sore after breastfeeding and that she's eating properly to keep producing milk.
And as Okoye begins to observe the changes to her body, postpartum, Attuma is always boosting her head up. She doesn't even get a chance to think any less of herself. He's always praising her, drowning her in love, and gifting her things so that she knows she's just as special as their babies. He'll take care of the kids, so that she can go train a little or have some alone time. He'll even plan little picnic dates for them in the living room, while the twins are sleeping, so the romance stays alive. 🥺 He'll bring her home flowers and a baked treat, every time he comes home from patrolling. Eager to relieve her of any stress, she may be feeling from taking care of the twins all day by herself.
Whenever Okoye is napping, he's always walking around with the babies wrapped securely to his torso. Ever since Aneka showed him how to wrap the babies securely and wear them- he saw it while out and wished to learn- he does it as often as he can. He's a proud father. The twins are his pride and the fruits of his love. Why wouldn't he keep them close?
Everyone finds it cute. Such a large and intimidating man wearing two little babies.
Yes, Aneka and Namora take pictures and send them to Okoye. Shuri has been working on building a super cool stroller to earn the title of Auntie of the Year. It's a hard competition with RiRi in the lab. To their dismay, Oni manages to one up them by giving Attuma more patterned wraps made with a longer and stretchier cloth. (Attuma will carry his babies until they are 4. And even then. He'd just move on to piggyback rides. 😭 He feels that they are safer when they are close. 🥺 But he has to get more creative as he and Okoye's family grows. Imagine him with 12 kids wrapped around him. 💀 Jk. 12 kids is my running joke. It does not have to be canon.)
"Man- I know we didn't just get one upped by a piece of fabric." RiRi scowled as Oni and Attuma talked.
Namora was proud of her wife, shooting a small glare at RiRi. "You did. Accept it."
"Those praises do not fall on you. You're just as crappy of an aunt as us." RiRi huffed before laughing when Namora gently nudged her and rolled her eyes.
"He's a simple man." Shuri groaned. "I should have listened to K'uk'ulkan."
"He'll come around." Aneka gently pet them on the back. "You're crazy if you think he's only having two kids with udade. Your inventions will come in handy eventually."
"She is right." Namora hummed. "We all aspire to have big families."
The funny thing about Attuma wearing the twins is that they are so small that they're both able to be strapped to the front of his chest. As they get older, the less chaotic of the twins get to chill in the front. (They don't try to grab ingredients or kick things while he'd cooking. Safety first people.) It's okay. He often gives his toddler on his back pieces of cut fruit to keep their spirits lifted and help them feel involved.
Okoye is always amused to see him talking to the twins while cooking and running errands, even though they're tiny and unable to process what he's saying.
"We are making K'iin food. K'iin means sun." He whispered. "K'iin is your mother. Na' is how you say mother." He'd remind them. "We must make sure she stays bright and healthy." He'd say as he chopped up some ingredients. "So we are making her soup to help her heal, because having two babies took a toll on her. She needs lots of food and rest so that she can continue to be the best mother she already is to both of you." He smiled behind his rebreather. "We will start by cutting up these carrots-"
"Ah." One of the babies would sound out.
"-Yes." He'd grin before pressing a soft kiss into the infant's head. "And we'll add onions, peppers, and chicken. Na' like corn, so we have to add it too."
Sometimes he'll sing to them in mayan. It's not a tune that's laced with strong suggestions like the one he'd drown his enemies with. It's often a song his mother would hum to him when he was small. Something he was happy to pass down to his own children.
And that concludes Part 1. ♡
p.s. I feel like the first set of twins would be identical boys. And they'd end up being mama boys (in a healthy way), because Attuma raised them to respect women. 😤 So, yeah.
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So what was the thought process you and @twinanimatronics had for Moon and DJMM being besties?
Like I know that's a huge fanon thing (though i think y'all were one of the early ones) but is it something yall based on game data or character analysis?
A pretty good question.
I think part of it had to do with @factual-fantasy's wonderful au and comics of the DJ being very close buds with Sun and Moon.
But I think there was a bit more to it then that.
I think I just wanted a fanfiction mostly centered around Moon and the DJ's friendship because they're both Security bots and are the only two animatronics in the Pizzaplex that go back to being "mainly chill" after their initial segment. (Moon showing up at every hourly recharge being super easy to avoid outside his initial Daycare Segment and Sun just stays in the slide all other times)
I also remember seeing the headcanon in @paper-lilypie's old comics that Moon had a music box, which was a popular hc, that Ceph and I have actually proved to be canon with our rabid exploring of the Pizzaplex map like its an archeological dig site.
Made me get to thinking if Moon used his music box often, what songs would he use?
Also got me thinking about how the DJ makes up his own songs on rotation to avoid copyright. He's essentially an AI generated song prompt, but far more endearing and self-aware. DJMM makes his own bouncer chase music to capture Gregory and that's pretty endearing to me.
Thought about Moon stealing DJ's songs to use in his music box. (and yes, I know real life music boxes are made with a set song in mind and he can't rotate them unless there are discs in there. But idk. lol don't think about the mechanics of this too hard of how a music box actually works)
Made me think that Moon would like relaxing Lofi beats that the DJ would make for him.
Lofi Beats to Capture Children to was initially planned to be five chapters. Just showing glimpses into the lives of DJMM and Moon interacting, from a more DJ-themed perspective, with the pov changing between Moon and the DJ...
But I kept adding more things into there.
Once I realized Sun had to be a character in this, the perspective strictly stayed with Sun and Moon.
Like an OC that was meant to just be a foil, and die for character development for the Daycare Attendant turned out to be more complex then I thought as he just became a worse version of myself and I wanted to see him get better so I made a spin-off entirely about him.
I realized I wanted to have Vanny in this, because I love Vanessa. I wanted to show the toxic but completely codependent relationship the DCA has with Vanessa. Because... Well, let's face it, Vanessa is a non-character in her own game. Many fans don't love her in the way I do. Even the most hard wired DCA fans don't really have anything to say about Vanny/Vanessa.... and either ignore she exists... or she's a meangirl background character not important to the plot. Despite the fact that Vanny and Moon's relationship is the driving force for so many things that happen in Security Breach. To the point where the Daycare Attendant is literally a thematic parallel to the Vanny/Vannessa relationship... Something I've been screaming about since Security Breach came out and no one listened.... But I was right. To the Point it's explicitly confirmed in Help Wanted 2.
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And I also realized that if Sun was going to be a character, I had to establish life for them for a good chunk of it and how fast things go down. I had to determine whether I wanted them to be their separate things, or one person with DID. And ... While I do think that DID is actually canon..... it's something I don't have experience with writing, and I feel that I would end up saying or portraying it offensively. Especially since the DCA already kinda has the "bad alter" archetype in canon. Plus, to coexist with Twins where they get seperated and they're learning to be their own people... It just makes more sense to have a level of miscommunication between the two. So we understand Sun's fear and need for control. (like in canon Sun has no reason to string up fairylights in his dark room... other then just to never have moon switch over and make him uncomfortable. There's no kids in their room to capture. The generators can stay on in the pizzaplex and their room could be dark and the children would be safe. Sun is making it so Moon can't switch at all... and while that is horrible for Moon, it's important to see where that level of distrust and anger and controlling behavior stems from, and why Moon might be afraid of him in twins)
And If I wanted the DJMM to be friends with Moon, I also needed excuses for Moon to go there. I also needed to consider his relationship with the other Glamrocks and animatronics in the pizzaplex. I had to show how isolated Sun was and how much Sun cared for the kids, genuinely.
So the whole thing snowballed and it sometimes becomes intimidating to work on.
I guess long story short... The DJ is cool. And Moon is cool. I love them both and they make a really great non-verbal pair.
I absolutely love Lofi. So thanks for sending this ask. I know I haven't updated in awhile. But you think being unemployed would give me more freetime... lol but I'm mostly depressed and stressed.
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superluigiglitchy · 1 month
Just finished rewatching SMG4 What-if? and now im having feelings
aka Fuzzy Meggy au based on that fucked up Fuzzy Desti au @duckapus made where Mr. Grizz found Desti's body in the ocean and decided to do the trial runs for the fuzzy ooze which brought her back to life but fucked her up BIG TIME but like its Meggy instead (here)
(Long post ahead)
a few things before I start explaining away
Since Meggy's death each member of the gang have started wearing an article of orange in they're usually outfits (Saiko's twin tail ribbons are orange, Tari has an orange arm band on her hoodie, Mario has an orange Inkling patch stitched onto his overalls etc.) as a way to commemorate her
The three pieces of Meggy's head gear went to Luigi (beanie), Mario (headphones) and Tari (goggles) all three of them guard these pieces with they're lives
So many people blame themselves for Meggy's death that it can give someone chronic depression (read: me) but here's a few people of note
Axol: Despite the reassurances of the gang (including that of Desti's) Axol deeply blames himself for not knowing that Francis had made another Sephiroth and being able to erase it before it went and killed someone
Paige: Since their older sisters death they have double down on being the NSS's Captain and have worked harder than ever before much to the other agent's worry and concern, they have sever survivor's guilt an a guilt complex and as much as the other agents and cuttle fish try to help they either outright refuse or avoid them however that may change soon during the NSS's exploration of the ancient human settlement known as Altera
Tari: having lost her best friend and in the throws of grief she decided to learn to be stronger earlier than in canon with the help of Saiko surprisingly out of everyone she seems to have gotten a control over her grief, she still deeply wishes Meggy were still here with them but she knows that's not possible however she's been having strange dreams lately of her late friend but surely those are just that, dreams... Or are they?
Luigi: Since Meggy's death he has learned to not be as much of a scaredy cat and to pull his weight around in the team he still deeply misses her but he also acts as a rock for whenever the grief of the others gets too much for them, Especially for Mario however he like the others misses her greatly and often tries to 'think like Meggy' as he puts it when stuck in a pickle
Mario: Out of everyone he has the most grief over the lost of his best friend and sister, because of this it was like a switch was flipped and now he acts more subdued and not as chaotic (think of him as a mix between his memey self and pre-smg4 self) (which deeply disturbs everyone, even Peach surprisingly enough) however he is still the Avatar of the universe so he still gets dragged into insane adventures because of it only with a more subdued attitude and more responsible and smart (again deeply disturbs everyone) he often wonders that if he didn't instigate the anime challenge would none of this have happened? Luigi tries to assist him in processing the grief and guilt and help with his depression but it doesn't seem to be quite working
Desti: she is currently on the hunt for Sephiroths head and to get revenge so she has too much anger right now to process her guilt and grief which can rival even Mario's if not surpass it
Peach: since the fiasco of the anime arc Peach has become more thoughtful to others and careful in her decisions regarding Mario's antics and feels responsible for this mess having happened (she WAS the one responsible placing the ban in the first place) she acts much like her canon self here, everyone has mixed feelings over her however, Saiko especially who personally blames Peach for what she sees as causing the death of her friend Saiko hasn't really expressed this as not to aggravate the others but Peach sorta knows with how often Saiko shoots the Stink Eye at her
And that's about it now onto the au itself
During Splatoon 3's story mode (or at least this universe's version of it) the NSS find themselves stalked by a cat-like creature covered in scars and brown fur
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(honestly they wouldn't really have noticed if not for Captain 3 halting everyone from moving pointing out that they were being watched by something and ironically enough the thing showed itself) shockingly though it began to smother Captain 3 with affection and purring like crazy much to Paige's annoyance and confusion and Callie and Marie's amusement
Callie: hehehe, it looks like it likes you captain
Paige being smothered with affection furiously by a purring cat creature: I am aware of that agent 1- HEY NO LICKING!!
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Anyways now the NSS has this weird ass cat thing that's very clingy to their captain (the amount of black mail Andi has now is insane) and seems to have grown a liking to Andi as well ironically enough and ends up helping in the space battle quite a lot
Meanwhile as this is happening harbor and 8 end up helping Desti who was on the back ropes to defeat Sephiroth (much to her reluctance and stubbornness) and ends up taking her back to homebase cause 1. Cuttlefish were worried sick about her and 2. They ain't letting her disappear for several months again and it's here where they find out about the giant cat monster thing that the NSS have came to call Fuzzball instead of Subject 001 (which was the codename Mr. Grizz gave her) who takes an extreme liking to Desti MUCH to her confusion
Desti being cuddled to death by Fuzzball: what the fu-
Paige covered in orangey brown fur: you get used to it
Anyways something something the NSS and the smg4 crew have they're monthly meet up with a giant fuzzy cat thing in tow and because of E. Gadd shenanigans they find out that Fuzzball is actually Meggy *insert moment of disbelief and tear it filled moment here along with a bunch of reactions*
So anyways thanks to a combination of E. Gadd, the NSS, some help from Marina's memeverse and memery fuckery cause why tf not, they are able to find a cure for fuzzification for both the affected octarians and Meggy
But because of how long she's been trapped in Grizzco. and how long she's been experimented they weren't able to cure her all the way so now she's a cat bear squid human thing but that's just fine by the gang because they'll always love Meggy no matter what and BOY did they miss her
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Bonus Megdesti:
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love-beyond-space-war · 9 months
can I be cheeky and request the non-requested story you were gonna do then dropped in favor of requests only: Alliance - Thel 'Vadamee?
I didn't really have ideas and that's why I got rid of it but I'll see what I can do! Here's a short story of Thel saving a marine darling during Attack on Crow's Nest.
Thel 'Vadam (Halo 3) x Human Marine! Reader
Synopsis: You try to get used to having a Sangheili, a species who used to be your enemy, around more often.
Content Warning: Romantic/Platonic Pairing (Dubious), Gender-Neutral Reader/Male Character, Xenophobia due to War, Takes place before Chief was found at first then time skips to after, Canon typical violence and death.
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The UNSC gaining help of the Sangheili was very important to win the Human-Covenant war. You understood this but still struggled with the idea of working with them. They were your enemy for a long time, after all.
In fact the one who frequented your base concerned you the most. Thel' Vadam, an Arbiter of the Sangheili, had done a ton of damage to humanity alone. He had glassed planets and hindered humanity in the past.
For that... you struggled to welcome him.
Thel was always polite when talking to human leaders and usually paid other marines no mind. You could tell the stares got to him at times but offered no comfort. You were also a marine stationed at The Crow's Nest that still feared Thel like many others.
Thel working with The Chief himself was an admirable trait. Despite this you couldn't just forgive his crimes. You mostly stayed out of the way and only answered questions when talked to.
Thel often came to base with other Sangheili but even then you typically stayed away. You had your own thoughts on Sangheili. Thoughts you'd keep quiet about.
Turns out Thel's Sangheili had their own thoughts about humans.
One of your encounters started in hostility when you accidentally got in the way of one of his soldiers. You were roughly pushed away from your workplace as a Sangheili growls before laughing at how high you jumped. You couldn't stop your beating heart.
Said Sangheili was then kicked into place when by Thel, The Arbiter. You could see Thel glaring at his subordinate before pushing him along. You then see Thel give you an apologetic look for his dishonorable brother.
"Did he hurt you?" He asks you. You struggle to find your words but eventually find something to say.
"Easy to do but it's nothing much, Sir...?" You reply. "I don't blame his actions, tension is a little high."
"I see." Thel hums. "I'll discipline him after seeing your Commander. Take care."
You'll admit you're thankful Thel knows how to keep his Sangheili in line. That interaction didn't help how you felt about the Sangheili as a whole... but you did respect Thel a bit more. Regardless... it still felt weird to be around him.
As much as Sangheili are helping the UNSC, you'd have to wait until Master Chief was located before this war could be changed.
Your next encounter with Thel was actually on a "mission" with the Chief himself. Once found, Chief was brought to The Crow's Nest. However, shortly after said base was attacked by Covenant.
As a marine should you fought with all you had. You stayed in the barracks and tried to defend against the waves and waves of Jackals and Grunts. It's when Brutes got involved that you began to falter.
You've seen Brutes tear marines apart, quite literally. You tried to give it your all, spraying bullets into crowds of Covenant. Despite this it was certainly a futile effort.
Before you knew it you were picked up off the ground by your neck like a toy. Claws threatened to crush your windpipe as you were disarmed. You stare the Brute in the eyes as it roared at you.
Even in your situation you try to fight. You struggle and claw at the hand around your throat. You try to kick the chest of the beast but it only laughs at your attempts.
You begin to fear for your life... until the familiar streaks of a plasma sword slide through the Brute's chest like butter.
The Brute drops you as it roars in pain, falling to the ground with an audible thump. You flinch when you barely land on your feet, looking up to see your savior. Your eyes grow wide when you see who it was.
Thel looks down at you with a plasma sword on hand. You feel your throat close as conflicting emotions bounce around your head. Thel, the one who's massacred countless humans in his past, saved you... a weak marine.
"Can you walk?" Thel asks you and you nod, regaining your footing and searching for a nearby weapon, Covenant or not.
"Yes, Sir!" You bellow, the Sangheili gesturing you to follow him.
"Your Sergeant has prepared a ship for us to leave. I've come to gather the other humans at the barracks." Thel explains, looking back to make sure you're keeping pace with him. "You're lucky I found you, Jiralhanae would eat a human like you once they killed you."
You feel yourself gulp, fear gripping you at the idea of that.
"The help is appreciated...." You say softly, running to keep up with the taller Sangheili. You push away your thoughts for his kind to share your gratitude towards him. It's fair to say he's earned it for saving your life.
"It is no issue." Thel states, aiming his Carbine down a hallway. "We are both soldiers fighting against a common enemy now. I'm supposed to aid you."
"Then I will do the same, Sir." You offer, Thel glancing back towards you.
"You fought well back there. The Jiralhanae are challenging foes."
"Brutish..." you hiss under your breath.
"Indeed." Thel snorts. "The name you give them certainly fits."
You were surprised how casual a conversation with Thel can be as he escorted you and other marines to a Pelican. To repay the favor you made it a goal to watch his back. You were also quite thankful The Chief came in to clear the landing pad of Brutes with Thel.
Taking your promise to heart you fired at Covenant troops until it was clear enough to lead. Even when you missed, Thel or Master Chief were quick to clear the threat. By the end of it Sergeant Johnson was escorting Thel and the marines onto the Pelican.
You found yourself taking a seat by your safety, sighing in relief once the ship closed. Thel looked down at you to notice you were there but said nothing. Instead, you spoke up in a whisper tone.
"Thanks for everything... you've earned my respect." You smile, the Sangheili looking back at you.
"It was the right thing to do, wasn't it. I think you've proven yourself as a warrior in training. I hope you're promoted in the future." Thel answers back, listening to the Pelican roar away.
After this... you think you can accept Sangheili a bit more. The past will never be forgotten, you are aware of what Sangheili have done before. Yet the fact Thel saved you made you rethink things.
Maybe you'll accept Thel and his species as a whole faster than you thought after this war is over.
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theamityelf · 7 months
My mind is full of thoughts of a Percy Jackson Danganronpa AU.
Here's an organized brainstorm.
Parameters: Danganronpa universe, Riordanverse characters. This means no one is a demigod, which I would ordinarily find a bit boring, but Ultimates are pretty superhuman anyway, so it's fine. Hope's Peak in Japan still exists; this is an imitation school in New York. The plot of Danganronpa is still happening in Japan. Junko and co are still responsible for the Tragedy and their killing game, but there is someone in the New York Hope's Peak who helped her cause the Tragedy and, separately, someone in the New York Hope's Peak acting in the role of "coerced traitor".
Percy Jackson- Ultimate Swimmer. Most of his backstory gets to stay pretty much the same, except the weird traumatizing things that happened throughout his childhood that in canon were the result of his godly parentage are now just regular people mistreating a kid. He gained renown as an Olympic swimmer, mostly so that he could give the money that came with that success to his mother, so she could stop being financially dependent on his abusive step-dad. She was able to leave him, and optionally put a hit out on him? If we want a Medusa equivalent.
In the killing game, his classmates are weird about him. A lot of them act like he's not smart, no matter how often he's right about stuff. He gets extremely defensive when he's the one being accused of murder, because he's used to having to defend himself from unfair accusations, so it's already a sore spot for him. This makes him come across as hotheaded and suspicious, but he never hurts anyone.
He survives. Also, he's probably the POV character.
Annabeth Chase- Ultimate Strategist. Backstory is, she ran away from home when she was seven and ended up in the "care" of some kind of army or mercenary group, and she became their best battle strategist at a very young age. When she became old enough to object to what the group was doing, she plotted out the tidiest way to end them and escape (physically) unscathed. Once she was free, she pretty much lived as a drifter until Hope's Peak scouted her.
In the killing game, she channels any fear she has immediately and directly into defensive rage. Because she can see so many potential strategies in the the things people do and the way everyone else behaves, she tends to float on the slightly confrontational side. Ironically, despite Percy being one of the more cunning participants, and despite everyone else accusing him of stuff constantly, she almost never expects him to be up to anything. Like, she'll sit next to him during meals specifically because she does not believe he has it in him to successfully plot her death.
She might kill. She probably wouldn't be killed. Her execution might be chess-based! Maybe a cruel subversion, where she's winning the chess game and then gets crushed to death by a giant checker piece, or something like that.
Grover Underwood- Ultimate Environmentalist. He's a famous activist for climate change and pollution. And unfortunately, Danganronpa Law might dictate that he gets placed in the coward role by default. Someone's gotta have the outrageously out-there fear sprites. I'd say he leans more "easily-startled pacifist" than "genuine coward", though. He might get a moment where he throws a tin can at Monokuma.
He folds in the face of teasing of any kind, so if Monokuma or his classmates make jokes at his expense, he does not banter back. Percy backs him up, since he refuses to defend himself. But he is reasonably vocal in the trials.
He's the character you're sure is going to die every chapter, but he makes it to the end.
Nico di Angelo- Ultimate Gamer. Everyone who hasn't already heard of him is surprised by this, because they find him irrationally eerie and it seems like his talent should have the same vibes. He's had a hard life, partially due to family stuff and partially because these game companies target him whenever he makes them look bad and sometimes they send mercenaries to intimidate or harm him, so he has to live on the run and off the grid- while also being a notorious gamer. He's still Hazel's half-brother, but he has to be careful about acknowledging their relationship in public, lest she be in danger, too. (The game company mercenaries would hold her hostage! They've already done it with a different sister before, and it did not end well.) But he does favors for her when he can, and they manage to keep in touch. Now that they're both attending the same school, they still keep their sibling relationship a secret for a while.
He's very reserved, both socially and in the trials. Sometimes he hangs out with Leo, since Leo focuses so hard on his own work that they don't have to talk much, and that's honestly the only reason he ever has an alibi. He still often gets accused of stuff just based on sheer vibes.
He might kill someone for Hazel. Or he might be killed. Most likely, he dies somehow. One of them has to die for the other's character development, per Danganronpa rules, and I'm choosing him. He would agree with my choice. The group finds out that they're siblings either during the trial or between the verdict and his execution.
Rachel Elizabeth Dare- Ultimate Heiress, but she really really doesn't want to be! She tries really hard to have a different Ultimate, like Ultimate Artist, Ultimate Activist...
In the killing game, her role in the dialogue is mostly to be the one saying obvious things and explaining the joke that was just made. (Look, it's okay. Some of my favorite Danganronpa characters get saddled with that job. It's not a slight on Rachel.) There's a running gag where she tends to correctly guess things ahead of time, culminating in her excitedly saying "Hey! Maybe I'm the Ultimate Psychic!" This annoys Octavian tremendously.
Socially, she kind of cycles between the friend groups. She says very little in the trials. When people tease her, she very much does banter back.
She might kill. Or she might be killed. I think probably the latter, and they can have some line like "She didn't see it coming." Maybe Nico kills her because she was going to kill Hazel? Eh, maybe not. She does get killed, though. Although her execution could be interesting if she murders instead; it could be based on the title she hates, or it can be based on her yearning for another title/identity.
Luke Castellan- Ultimate Traveler. He runs a very popular travel blog or vlog, centered around how he's been to every state, territory, and almost every country. He speaks a lot of languages. He's older than his classmates, because he missed a lot of school while he was traveling.
"I've visited the Hope's Peak in Japan a few times."
"There's one in Japan?" Percy says, immediately interested.
"The first Hope's Peak is in Japan!" Annabeth chides.
He became friends with Junko Enoshima a while back. He had a role in causing the Tragedy to also happen in America, but he thought it was for a different reason. He never wanted his classmates to kill each other! (He was fine with millions of other people dying, though.) Junko said they were locking themselves in for their own safety, so he convinced Headmaster Chiron. His memory was erased along with everyone else, so he doesn't know anything except that he was friends with Junko.
His presence in the killing game is very charismatic and caring and somewhat leaderly.
He might be the first one killed. He probably doesn't kill anyone. All the information about his role in things comes out after his death, but maybe he gets a moment right before he dies where he remembers everything but can only say a cryptic sentence that everyone misunderstands.
Carter Kane- Ultimate Egyptologist. Attended many lectures and archaeological digs with his father, pretty much from infancy. (Yes, Professor Kane giving a lecture with a baby on his chest!) Very well-versed in Egyptology, and took over his father's work and expert status when he tragically died in a freak accident. If New York Hope's Peak has a reserve course, Sadie might be enrolled there as a backup Ultimate Egyptologist.
In the killing game, Carter's place in the social web is to kind of be the quieter Annabeth, in that he's smart and somewhat suspicious of the others but doesn't express it as openly as she does. Also, his particular brand of had-to-grow-up-too-fast is of a more social bent than most of the others', due to the nature of his work, so he's a lot like Reyna in that he'll be the one trying to calm people down and get them to work together. In fact, he and Reyna will have a casually-established trust for each other, where they generally agree about things, side with each other, support each other's alibis, etc.
In the trials, he isn't all that vocal, but when he speaks, he always has an astute point.
He doesn't kill, but he might get killed.
Jason Grace- Oh boy, there are so many funny answers to this. I think it would be most on-brand for him to be the guy who wakes up with no memory of his Ultimate. But, this would necessarily mean that his talent must be significant in some potentially-game-breaking way. Ultimate Wolf Trainer would be great, but maybe a little out there? I'm thinking he'd either be Ultimate Wolf Trainer or Ultimate Survivalist. Either way, his backstory still involves wolves because the wolves are the coolest things about him (in my own personal opinion).
He is killed by Monokuma for rule-breaking, because he does not want to engage with the game on Monokuma's terms. He's used as an example for the others. It's a very heroic death.
Piper McLean- Ultimate Trendsetter. (A really superficial-sounding title that she hates.) She's been in the public eye as the daughter of a famous actor, and she's known for being utterly subversive in her fashion choices and broader lifestyle stuff; she single-handedly reshapes pop cultural trends, and no one can quite put their finger on why she manages to be so...persuasive? Without even saying a word. It's like, just by being herself, she makes people want to "agree" with her. Her social media presence has a significant impact on social justice movements and political campaigns. She also met Junko Enoshima before attending Hope's Peak (because it's not hard for a super influential "fashionista" to engineer a way to meet a super influential "trendsetter"), and Junko identified her as a valuable asset. Piper is the coerced traitor. She confesses after a close friend (probably Leo) dies.
Her behavior in the killing game is kind of guarded, for a while; she's guilty about being in contact with Monokuma, so she isolates herself out of guilt. It comes across as the standard "aloof ice queen" character archetype, especially if the POV character is Percy, who she doesn't soften toward until late in the game when they understand each other better, but she shows her kind side when she's defending those she perceives as underdogs, like Leo and Hazel. She doesn't trust Grover (Another thing that places her at odds with Percy.), because she thinks his pacifist thing is an act, partially because she considers him a celebrity and she has a lot of baggage around the concept of celebrity.
After she confesses to being the traitor, people get back to trusting her surprisingly quickly. It helps that a lot of the late-game participants are more on the trusting side, and also, in true Danganronpa traitor fashion, she didn't actually do anything to anyone; she just is the traitor. Once the cat's out of the bag, it's like a weight has been lifted. She gets along with everyone way better.
She survives.
Leo Valdez- Ultimate Mechanic. Once again, same backstory except he can't create fire with his hands.
In the killing game, he leans SUPER hard on sarcasm and humor as a defense mechanism, causing him to butt heads with some of the more earnest in the cast. Characters like Frank genuinely believe he doesn't care or thinks the situation is funny, whereas characters like Piper understand pretty quickly that Leo is just unable to deal with his fear any other way.
He dies, because his talent is game-breakingly useful once the group at large is focused on game-breaking and not surviving each other. He builds something useful to the rest of the class and then dies, rendering the thing he built far more valuable for the fact that they won't have any more inventions or machines from him to help them.
(If we want to go Danganronpa-style cruel irony, Annabeth could be the one to kill him, since she's the strategy person and his loss would be the most strategically problematic to the group. Like, we could discover that if she just hadn't killed Leo, he was this close to building something that would get them free.)
Hazel Levesque- (I would love to incorporate her love of horses, but that simply can't be relevant here, lol.) Ultimate Witch. She has pretty strong reservations about her title, but essentially she's a talented illusionist with above-average luck. Also she can sometimes see ghosts; it's a genetic thing. (Because if Danganronpa says that's on the table, then why not.) She would prefer to be called the Ultimate Illusionist, but New York Hope's Peak wants snappy, clickbait-y names for their Ultimates.
In the killing game, she gets along with everyone. Frank is protective of her, because she's physically small, kind-hearted, and pretty. Nico is protective of her because she's his sister. All the other girls are protective of her, because she's the least athletic out of all of them (since this AU doesn't require her to have been fighting monsters). Leo makes lighthearted jokes about her talent that Frank takes too seriously. The only person to ever directly accuse her of anything is Octavian, though she's not above suspicion when she doesn't have an alibi.
And for her own part, Hazel's skill set comes into play because she has a keen eye for smoke-and-mirrors, as it were. Like, as soon as the killing game starts, she becomes curious as to where Monokuma is appearing from and determined to find out. Things like that. She discovers secret passageways based on her familiarity with optical illusions, sleight of hand, and hidden compartments.
She survives. Obviously, having a strong personal connection to a character who probably dies means she has to survive to say some line towards the end like "It's what they would want," or "I remember what they said to me..." Monokuma meant for her to die because she was a little too persistent about finding stuff, but it didn't work out that way.
Frank Zhang- Ultimate Archer. Once again, functionally the same backstory with the Roman gods swapped out for human stuff.
In the killing game, he assumes the position of "We would never kill each other! Why would any of us kill each other?!" He's at odds with Leo (and by extension Piper) because of Leo's need to joke about things, and he's at odds with Annabeth because he doesn't want to suspect anyone. His insistence that they shouldn't suspect each other makes Annabeth (and to a lesser extent, Carter) suspicious that he's playing them. He trusts Reyna because she's a team leader, but she is aggressively neutral toward him. Like:
"Reyna, tell them this had to be Monokuma's doing!"
"It could have been him, or it could have been one of us. We don't have all the facts yet."
I'm going to say he kills, and I'm going to say that his motive is a hostage thing with his grandmother. This is also character development for Hazel. Sorry, Hazel. Also, sorry Frank. His execution hearkens to St. Sebastian (shot with a bunch of arrows while tied to a tree or post).
Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano- Ultimate Team Leader. Raised by a now-dead older sister, she led a lot of professional athletic teams to victory. She is great at seeing others' strengths and weaknesses, and she is a champion for team synergy.
Ironically, she's not great at creating or maintaining friendships, but she loves her classmates in her own way. She only speaks up in class trials when she notices someone is being talked over, in which case she makes sure the others quiet down and let them speak. Also, when Octavian is making it impossible to progress, she gets him to shut up. Other than that, she mostly listens.
She's probably killed, and the characters have a bunch of lines sadly reflecting on how they didn't expect someone like her to be killed.
Octavian [Last Name]- Ultimate Psychic. He's famous for his whole gimmick of divining a person's future by cutting open a beloved stuffed animal of theirs; for the hardcore superstitious types, it's considered a show of how serious you are about your beliefs to say you've had your future read by Octavian. (It's also a demonstration of financial status, because he charges a lot.)
In the killing game, he is hugely distrustful and obstructs the group from collaborating at pretty much every turn. Like, Annabeth is cautious, but he is straight up tearing the group apart constantly.
He kills or is killed for sure. Most likely, he kills; no way any self-respecting Danganronpa game would miss the opportunity to make him angrily defend himself in the trial room and get a gruesome execution that probably hearkens to him gutting stuffed animals. I'm going to take it a step further and say he's the one to kill Carter, since its too obvious to have him kill Rachel or Reyna.
Also, if they get to open up Monokuma late in the game, they're going to mention how Octavian would have loved to be around for this.
So, to recap, in no particular order:
Murderers: Annabeth, Nico(?), Frank, Octavian
Victims: Rachel(?), Luke, Carter, Leo, Reyna
Killed As An Example: Jason
Survivors: Percy, Piper, Hazel, Grover. They are all best friends at the end.
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technovillain · 1 year
I think you should go off about the autistic transmascness of raz, sasha, and otto. Right now. Forever if you are so inclined
.....maybe I will....... (i gathered my thoughts on ye olde psychonauts fic ideas google doc lol)
I tried to make some of it make a little bit of sense with the vaguely established time periods they have lol. In terms of awareness of trans identities and stuff....but I'm not playing the self-hatred stuff, just the lack of understanding of how that works based on general public social understanding of what I imagine the Psychonauts universe to be like....plus I imagine that like Psychics can sort of tell when people are related (in canon) a lot of them just also sort of have this understanding (even if highly vague) of gender difference from the very start when they are trans.... at least a lot of them do, specifically these three I'm headcanoning. And final warning. This is VERY VERY long. Like so very long. But I will share it since you egged me on :]
I will put it under the cut for length reasons. In case Tumblr glitches and tries to show the whole thang ding to people.
Otto: afab, questionable relationship with his parents. Outright always refused femininity boldly and outwardly. Pretended to be a boy all the time, strangers sometimes believed it when he was a kid. His parents tried to make him be more feminine on many occasions, and he always fought against it. After a while, they got busier and became less involved parents. At this point they gave up on making their daughter look presentable. They had written him off as past fixing as far as a female reputation went. They just told him sort of that he was up to his own devices if he was going to act like that forever. They’d be there if he wanted some help getting his act together, but otherwise he had to fend for himself. Got older and assumed he was some sort of lesbian or something. Just vaguely identified as some sort of butch lesbian identity, but a lot of people called him ‘he’ all the time and he wasn’t sure if he connected with womanhood or lesbian identities at all really. He eventually read as so masc that a lot of people assumed he was a guy anyways. And he liked that but never put a name to it because he didn’t really know about trans people. Had some sort of shroom(psitanium? dunno. something. they did psychic hippie drugs together.)-induced gender awakening with Ford one day when they were younger, before all the Psychonauts stuff. His eyes were finally randomly opened and he changed his whole outlook on his psychic abilities and gender. Decided to actually socially and medically transition after this.
Sasha: afab, gender presentation change brought on when he had to be raised by his father. Lars Nein was so disconnected from femininity that he had no clue what to do with a daughter. So he made Sasha work with him in the shop and gave him the same haircut that he gave himself for utilitarian reasons. Sasha accepted this, long hair bothered him for sensory reasons. After a few instances of Sasha having psychic encounters with reading the minds of strangers, Lars was accepting of the psychic identity but immediately knew that it would set Sasha apart from his peers even more than he already was. Sasha started wearing tinted glasses when he was around this age. It was good for his light sensitivity and also good for Lars’ store customers, many of whom claimed to be disturbed by his tendency to stare right into people's souls. Lars felt feelings of guilt over not being able to be a good father to a daughter quite often. He would not talk to Sasha about this, though, and it was another thing that Sasha had to feel guilty about when he read Lars’ mind.
When he left home, he kind of didn’t know what to do with his presentation. He was no longer under his father’s care, so he could do whatever he wanted, technically. But being so very Sasha Nein, he just kept the same look. He didn’t have to think about it if he just kept it all the same. He never let his hair get long, he never wore feminine fashion. He ditched the androgynous childlike overalls and just moved on to men’s clothes. He probably kept a few pairs of womens clothes just in case. But probably could never get himself to wear them for some reason. He’d sooner skip out on whatever event would require them anyways and convince himself that he had better things to be doing than something frivolous. Besides, men’s clothes were just more practical for the type of odd job work he was doing. He just assumed that there was something really wrong with him because of what his childhood had been like, like the absence of a mother had messed him up somehow. [This man had a heavy Freud fan phase, sorry. It definitively shaped him and it is obvious lol.] I can see him just not understanding this aspect of himself at all for a long time. Spending a long period of his life “correcting” people to let them know that he was in fact a woman by birth. He just felt some sort of obligation to always “eliminate social falsehoods to avoid later conflict” and figured that was the right thing to do. He didn’t allow himself to engage in gender euphoria at the expense of others’ “mistakes” the same way that had been so formative for Otto. By doing this, he unknowingly held back his own confidence and self-understanding for years. As he shadowed all sorts of assorted jobs, he eventually found himself pursuing something regarding his burgeoning psychic powers, working under Otto. Otto was quick to question exactly what Sasha “was”, because he felt that there were some obvious connections to his own childhood. I mean, you don’t just find trans people often back then. (Except you do when you are psychic. This is part of the deal. More psychics are LGBTQ+ and they tend to find one another easier. This almost feels canon to me...dunno) Sasha had always been the master of repressing his feelings, and Otto was basically like “Hmm okay. Smoke this weed or something. Think about your gender. I implore you. I am going into your little square head and we are going to figure this out, alright?” And Sasha was nervous working under him at first because he had no clue the job was going to become about himself. Sasha preferred not to think about himself at this point in his life, only to think about the work and research he was doing. At least the research was really interesting at Psychonauts HQ. But Otto easily made him feel on edge. All this introspective stuff was difficult for him. But Otto sharing his stories and feelings about transgenderism and aromanticism helped him significantly.
Otto was able to describe things like this in such a fundamental way that made them seem like irrefutable scientific fact. And Sasha started to understand and believe it. And he started to internalize it. And this internalization led to acceptance. And for the first time ever, Sasha loved himself. Otto offered him his home-grown hormones he had been taking and gave him a lot of general guidance. Sasha started to feel a real sense of brotherhood, of guidance and understanding. He had never worked under someone and not felt lesser than them before. This was different, this was personal and special. Sasha finally had a real friend. Also he was totally a man. Wow.
Raz: afab, but given a gender nonconforming name due to Aquato traditions. Grew up feeling fine "being a girl" for a while. It was more like he was fine with being a sister, because his relationship with his siblings was good, especially with Frazie. He was okay with having a label like sister or daughter because it was defining his life through his loving connections with other people and that was very real and accurate to him, he didn't even think about the female part (this is me projecting. cough). Raz's experiences with gender are very much tied to his psychic powers. He was never as close to Dion as he was to Frazie. Frazie also had a "boy's name" and Raz always figured that the whole name thing was why he felt the way he did about boy stuff. After Frazie reached a certain age, though, it became clear that their feelings were not the same. She didn't want to share psychic things with him anymore, and she didn't want to be called a boy name anymore. Raz could not understand this at all. Frazie felt like these were things that for her own identity to evolve properly, she would have to drop, and deep down she had always known that. But Raz doesn't feel that way at all, in fact he has always known that the boy name and the psychic business was more him than anything else possibly could be... Raz takes great joy in “pretending” he is a boy, pretending he is a famous psychic...he gets his first cases of gender envy and gender euphoria from magazines of Sasha Nein. Shapes his whole new identity on him because of it.
He comes out to Frazie. Frazie is understanding because she is a psychic and she can sort of secondhand feel what he is feeling and believe it despite social influence that would lead her to not understand what being trans is like. After coming out to Frazie, they decide to start acting like they're playing a game again, just not psychic stuff this time. Frazie makes it clear that they can’t do that anymore. Raz takes on a silly persona oftentimes, and the two act like they're playing a game where Raz is an action hero man. So she gets to keep treating him like a boy all the time. Augustus and Donatella become suspicious when the so-called "game" seems to be taken too seriously, in that everything Raz does seems to be to the end of not being seen as a girl anymore.
Now this is the 80s, but Dona is also from a long history of showbiz. I like to think that Dona had a brother who was exceedingly fruity and on occasions other than performance, gender nonconforming. Meaning that she had been forced to think of the idea of gender fluidity before. Which is part of the reason for her gender nonspecific naming of her children in the first place. Augustus cares very deeply about Raz here and wants to make sure he is faring well with the others. So I think Raz is confronted by Augustus and reluctantly comes out to him when asked if the whole "pretending to be a boy thing" had grown more serious than just some sort of game. Gus was extremely welcoming to the idea, even if he couldn't completely understand it, he was hit with this sudden pang of intense empathy [it's the psychic thing again]. Donatella finds out the result of the conversation thru Gus afterwards. Dona encourages Dion to give Raz his old circus clothes and a few other old things they were holding onto just in case. Dion does not get what is happening. Over time the whole family gets it and they decide it is for the best. Raz has been performing better and has been so much more happy since this development. The only concerning part at this point was his increasing interest in psychics...
Yada Yada the events of PN1 happen. Lili is his first real crush. He never thought a girl would like him back and is honestly thrilled at the development of getting to have a girlfriend like a real boy would. He decides to keep his transness to himself when it comes to Lili. He doesn’t want to feel like an imposter. When Raz gets to meet Sasha, he does everything in his power to make Sasha think that he is the number one coolest boy in the world. Sasha really sees himself in Raz for reasons he can't quite put his finger on...I mean it's not like he acted anything like that at his age. [It's the transness and the 'tism] When Sasha finds out that Raz is trans, he suddenly realizes what it felt like to be Otto all those years ago when he began his mentorship. Raz is scared and embarrassed that Sasha will tell on him but instead receives a cool and collected "It's okay, I used to be [a girl] as well." And Raz is absolutely mind-blown. He can't believe it. The two have a talk about their experiences that is like a much more dry version of he and Otto's past discussion. He doesn't mention that Otto is too, or Milla. The general standard in this universe is that people just don't talk much about being trans publicly. You just have to learn to accept it and adjust. Some of the 80s taboo has to creep in there and make people at least not used to talking about it openly, even if not out of shame.
When Raz finds out about the hormones situation and how it is in fact not illegal drugs fueling an addiction (lol) he goes to Otto like "hang on who all here is like that!! Like me and Sasha?" And Otto is like "oo-hoo doctor-patient confidentiality!" And Raz is like "Please, I just don't want to feel alone!" And now Otto knows that Raz is trans too and he is very happy about this information because to him,  Raz is like the perfect blend between a young version of himself and a young Sasha. And Otto knows he isn't going to use this information for bad so he tells him that it is himself, Sasha, Milla, Norma, and now Raz.
GIANT THUMBS UP. I broke Tumblr a couple times trying to post this.🏳️‍⚧️
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dilucofdawn · 26 days
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❝ Lily of Mondstadt, Interested in idle chit-chat!❞
Lily is a girl who mysteriously showed up at the Dawn Winery, within a few days she became Diluc's 'partner' said to assist Diluc in anything and is rarely seen without him. Said to be Diluc's 'partner' in everything, if you ask about romance she responds flusturedly  and tells you that they are not in a relationship.  Said to be Albedo's, Klee's and Alices cousin, but this information seems to go no where without any proof. Working under the Dawn Winery and said to specialize in non alcoholic drinks and business ideas.
Lily and Diluc are on the same wavelength. Their thoughts are almost the same. If Lily needs  break from all the work they both do, or individually, Diluc will take a break. Sometimes Lily has to convince him, or he feels like he is sneaking away like a mischievous young boy to take a break and spend time with her. At the beginning Lily had to beg Diluc to take breaks. As they got closer, Diluc takes breaks whenever she does. Just being around her is relaxing to him, the feeling is mutual.  This connection doesn't just extend to breaks, often times they have the same ideas. Is this Lily predicting what he is thinking or simply them being close and alike?  Their often never seen without the other especially at the beginning, but as they grew close, Lily's duties increased and they learned how to spend time without one another. Always on each other's mine and hurrying back to do their shared activities. They do what their good at individually while the other is on their mind. Always hurrying back to do their shared work, take a break, or go on their secret missions. 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lily is literally just me, but somewhat modified by lore etc. So her backstory is just mine. You wanna learn hers? Get ready for my trauma dumping. 
Reading and consuming media is what Lily does. Lily, enthralled by Umineko, read it and understood Beatrice's pain. The Golden Witch [Beatrice] saw Lily’s love for her [in our world] and decided to isekai a part of her to a story she loved. Lily loves many stories but the one currently on her mind is..sigh, genshin impact. Which is further referred to as simply just ‘the story’ for lore purposes.  Lily still exists in her original world. Think of the Isekaied Lily as a piece of hair that fell off, metaphors. 
Beatrice either found or remade Teyvat [it doesn’t matter either way, I’m sure I change it based on my mood] for Lily to live in, without the traveler [if we are talking about the au where traveler exists, then well modify it, not a big deal]  She told Lily that this was a gift to her, and that [a part of her] can live happily in Teyvat. Beatrice ‘spawned’ her in the Dawn Winery. Giving Lily the chance to met the person she loved the most. Later Lily is given the information that her existence in Teyvat is a gift via a dream, this is how she and Beatrice communicate, which isn’t often.  Beatrice freed her of pains [Lily canonically doesn’t feel pain unless its important, example being if a cat scratches her she feels, but she doesn’t feel back pain from moving around etc] and also.. She is 5’6 compared to my 5’4 because, why not.
Beatrices Magic to Lily [Changes/Adjustments]:
-Lily no longer has migraines. She is not effected by light or sounds in a way that causes her head pain. She can not get head aches. The most she can have is slight head spinning at confusion. She still can experience a hangover but most times Beatrice elimates the painful effects of a hangover.  [I do not enjoy writing about my own chronic pains]
-Lily can't have pain outside of battle/fighting. She doesn't experience pain or has an extremely high tolerance now. Think of it almost like having a permanent 50% off pain coupon.  
If you were in pain from swinging around a sword all day, Lily doesn't experience that due to Beatrices magic. This being said she can still over work herself and feel exhausted, but not be in pain or experience muscle pains. 
-Lily's eyes are purple
- She had an extra 2 inches [of height]
Age: Fluctuates depending on WHEN IN THE STORY but she is 20 at the beginning of the story, later on I may have her turn 21, but since Teyvat/Genshin doesn't age because well.. It's an anime gacha game, Lily may not actually age herself / be a version of 20-21 Me
Intro 1/2
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aeternallis · 8 months
i want to hear all the violence: 14, 16, and 18 !!!
14) that one thing you see in fics all the time
In a lot of Kimchay reconciliation fics on Ao3, a lot of authors like to write Chay running away and going off on his own.
And don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I can’t see that scenario of Chay leaving post-canon events as a plausible idea at all, but rather it’s that I disagree with the impulsivity with which he usually makes that decision in the fic, yknow? The impulsivity is mostly based on how he regards both Porsche and Kim at the moment, instead of it being a well-thought out decision on his part and giving the appropriate weight of consideration it deserves. And by this I mean more often than not, the running away scenario is a result of feeling abandoned or left behind by Porsche and/or the betrayal from Kim.
And see, I’ve always been a firm believer that Chay is a very strong, brave, and rational character, so the running away thing is an antithesis to this belief. Despite his young age, the narrative tells us that he's not as naïve as one might expect, and he knows his own worth and steadfastness. I’ve said it before too that at where BOC leaves Chay in the final episode, he has more reasons to stay than not.
He no longer looks at Porsche with the idealization of a younger brother, but it doesn't mean his loyalty to him is any less than it was before. His anger over Kim's lies and perhaps the sudden changes in his life is clouding his judgement, but it doesn't mean he loves Kim any less, or that he wants to cut ties with everyone in his life completely.
So the Chay running away scenario is something I can see under only specific circumstances, but it's an interesting interpretation by a lot of writers for the KP fandom that this character would completely drop everything based on emotional impulse alone.
16) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
The babygirl/uwu-fication of one Kimhant Theerapanyakul--//HITS It's a bit vague, but certain headcanons such as:
-acts like a cat / loves cats -not knowing how to act on his emotions -not knowing how to articulate his feelings -no confidence in taking the lead in his relationship with Chay -allowing for Chay to bully him because of his lies, lol
Lol I've said it a lot of times, but I might as well go a bit more in-depth with it on here lol
Okay, see--here's the thing: it's hard for me to see Kim as having any soft edges or any weird, lovable quirks outside of his interaction with Chay and/or his brothers, because throughout the entire show, there's an air of mystery surrounding his character that BOC never quite shakes off. Honestly, my ongoing theory about that is the fact that they may be setting Kim up to be the "true" heir to the throne, as established in the novel. Which again, brings him a little bit closer to his book counterpart.
He's the only character in the show that has no comedic scenes--most if not all of his scenes are either soft/sweet w/ Chay pre-break up, rude to Big, an asshole to strangers, and angst post-break up, lol
He's a very controlled, serious-minded character who is capable of being vulnerable and open with only a select few people, but it's not his default state whatsoever. I don't think it means that he doesn't know how to act on his emotions, since the show shows us the contrary: he's physically affectionate with Chay once the latter confesses to him, and he didn't hesitate to sing to Chay of his feelings and his remorse for his actions that have hurt them both.
These aren't the actions of someone who's awkward with feelings and isn't aware of them; on the contrary, it goes to show that he's all too aware of them, hence his controlling nature from the beginning and his need to know what's going on.
Kim is definitely a character who understands what he wants and the effort he has and is willing to make in order to get it, be it Chay or wanting to know the machinations of his father and their family. Because of this, I just don't want to give disservice to his character by thinking that he's not capable of what he can actually do.
18) it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
THIS VERSION OF KORN! He's so different from the Korn in the show who's all scheming and be playing 4D chess with everyone in this life, and I'm just so surprised that not many creatives in the fandom has utilized him????
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He just screams divorced male dad energy who miraculously got custody of all 3 kids during the divorce proceedings w/ the ex and doing his best to keep himself and his 3 sons afloat, all the while running an illegal empire on the side. XD
For example, the chocolate factory thing: he wants to get it off the ground for sentimental reasons, and the wrappers for the chocolates depicts his 3 kids. Adshjhjkhfdkj
For reals, I would have loved to have seen how this version of Korn would have changed the tone of the story, yknow? In the book, he definitely gives off that aura of an exhausted father who's doing his best to leave behind a legacy for his children, even if it means at the questionable cost of trampling on everyone else.
The fact that in the book he's divorced and the boys' mama left the family just a little while after Kim was born is honestly an interesting backstory for this guy, and I for one am here for it. LOL
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perfecteggpartyland · 10 days
if u want answers to ur points ig ill give it a shot:
"Neil is biased." - Yeah, but it's not really a point. You can acknowledge this, and still agree with Neil.
"What about Jean?" - Again, doesn't really matter. Whether Jean is seen as a coward or not has no bearing on whether Kevin is seen as one or not. They don't even really behave all that similarly either, Jean is closer to Neil in behaviours in many ways.
"Kevin's character grows and changes." - I'd agree. Whether people view Kevin as starting the first steps in changing or having completely changed is a readers perspective however. Personality traits don't just dissappear, Kevin may still act 'cowardly' post canon. In the same way, Neil is often post-canon treated as having urges to run or to behave in dangerous ways (taking care of his own serious injuries DIY style, keeping a packed bag to help with anxiety about having to run, etc). Readers often like to explore key character traits even after the text itself has suggested they might have overcome them, or began to at least. And I don't really see an issue with this treatment of either Kevin or Neil, it's just something fans tend to enjoy doing, to explore the characters further.
"Neil's bravery had negative consequences." - You've said this one a lot, and I don't really get your point. Whether the actions are brave or not aren't based on the consequences. At the very least, that's not a universal perspective, so I'm not sure what you were going for.
"The other Foxes flaws don't get used like this." - I'd disagree. I pointed out the Neil thing, but it gets done to Andrew, Nicky, Aaron, etc. Fan work always tends to do this. Aaron's homophobia is exaggerated, Andrew's violence and controlling tendencies are, Nickys lack of boundaries are, and so on.
"Neil had nothing to lose." - Again, don't really see how this matters. Regardless, Neil was still afraid and had to push through that. And he did have his life to lose. And by the third book, the Foxes too. The thought of losing these two things upset and scared him, its shown explicitly in the text. I think people often make it out like Neil didn't care that he'd die, but it's not true. Its shown in the books to not be true.
"Neil doesnt know the power the Moriyamas have." - Just flat not true. Neil finds out the Moriyamas are part of the Japanese mafia in the first handful of pages of the first book. Long before he's had to meet any Moriyamas personally. So, by the time he does, he knows. And he obviously knows how serious the mafia is, he's the son of two mafia crime families.
I think that's everything?
First of all thanks for discussion; I mean in everything regarding Kevin 99% is all Kevin is a coward and he always stays that way; I'm all about exploring characters traits ; also I think I'm referring to Kevin/jean as both of them grow up in same circumstances and I'm wondering what makes Kevin a coward and if jean is by the same logic; also while Neil does find out that moriyamas are mafia he still doesnt realize what they can do if that makes sense ? Like jean/Kevin know riko but Neil even after roasting him on live tv and riko goes after Seth; he still does antagonize him and it still ends up destroying property of the foxes; like I think someone already said this in my anons that Kevin's beheviour can be both cowardly and understandable since both Neil and Kevin are just trying to survive; Neil's behaviour can be both brave and reckless/impulsive; since even after knowing what confronting riko does in the end and that it always affects People around him he still does it and can't keep his temper in check ; so it ends up hurting another lot ;, I think he didn't grasp and didn't care what riko would do to other People; unlike Kevin/jean who knows how riko is 🤷so I think that's a huge part as in why Neil is more likely to talk but to riko
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