#i hope this is good lol i feel unconfident today...
vorish-wonderland · 1 year
One day, someone had eaten you. After begging him to let you go, he does, on the condition you let him eat you whenever he wants to. A terrible situation, but what other option do you have...? If you complain, then... he'll let you die...
Includes: soft/safe vore (well, it's safe for mc...), VERY cruel pred, implied digestion
★✦I'll Make An Exception✦★
"You did taste quite delicious... such a shame I'll never be able to eat you again."
That day, you had been quite clumsy while taking food from the kitchen, and you ended up getting yourself caught... and swallowed whole.
You didn't really want to die, so, you came up with the best idea you could in that situation.
"M-maybe you can?!"
"Hm? What do you mean?"
"If... i-if you let me live, then... I'll l-let you eat me whenever you want...! A-as long as you promise I'll be s-safe everytime, ok?!"
"...I'll consider it."
Thankfully, that was enough to convince him not to kill you.
Now, you're Jade's... well, for lack of a better term, you're his personal snack.
As he walks through the kitchen with you on his shoulder, he spies another tiny person such as yourself on the counter.
Jade reached out to grab them.
You wanted to yell at them to run, to tell them what was going to happen if they were caught, but... Jade would punish you for that.
"Hello there." He said as he grabbed the person. "What a delightful surprise~! (Y/N), do you know who this is?"
"I-I have no idea..." You said, squeezing your eyes shut, as he showed you who he'd grabbed up close, hoping not to see them. You really don't want to think of this person as... a person.
"Are you sure~?" Jade teasingly asked you. "Whatever, it's not any problem for me." He smiled just... too wide. "In you go."
You heard a loud gulp, and just tried your absolute hardest to not think about what it was.
"Ahhh...... what is it about you? What is it about your kind that makes me just want more...?" Jade laughed to himself. "If there's one, then there's more. Let's find them, why don't we~?"
You hated this.
One day, when he's sleeping, you'll find a way to get out of this situation...
But... for now, at least, this is how it has to be...
...sometimes he'll make you find more 'food' for him. He'll set you down in the kitchen and make you give him a signal when you find another member of your kind...
He continued searching for the 'pests' and eating them, insisting you watch each time...
"I believe that's all of them." Jade licked his lips. "Each of them had such a wonderful taste... now, I need to really focus to give them the punishment the rightfully deserve. Come on, (Y/N)."
Jade walked back to his dorm room, a hand on his stomach as he did so. He looked so full and happy... it was disturbing.
"Each and every one of them... I can feel all of them squirming around in a panic, how pathetic, really~" Jade grabbed you off of his shoulder as he laid down on his bed, before setting you down on his stomach. "Can you feel them?"
Of course you can... he knows you can... he just wants to mess with you...
He placed a hand over you, preventing you from moving too much.
He quickly fell asleep- well, not exactly asleep, but not exactly awake either.
You were left to listen to the sounds of his stomach, which could be slightly calming... if it weren't for the muffled screaming and pleas for help you could hear...
You can't help them.
This isn't your fault.
You couldn't do anything to help, even if you wanted to...
So for now...
Just... just go to sleep for now...
It's not like there's anything else you can do.
You woke up in Jade's stomach. A regular occurrance.
"Not now, please... not after what you just did." You quietly said.
"Ah, are you awake, (Y/N)?" You heard Jade ask. "I just had a fun idea! Maybe next time I could eat you along with them, after casting a protection spell on you, of course. I could allow you to watch as they-"
"No, no thank you..." You said.
"Are you defying me?" He asked you. "You remember what you said, don't you? As long as I let you live, I can eat you whenever I want, as long as I keep you safe. Whenever I want includes after eating other meals. You understand that, don't you?"
"So you'll be a good little snack and accept whatever situation you're put into, right?"
"...y-yes, of course..." You hesitantly responded.
This terrible situation you're in...
One day you're going to find a way out of it...
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hotarutranslations · 5 years
Evening Its Ishida Ayumi
 Group Cheki Meet 3Shot and 2shot Cheki Meet
Sign Meet Individual Handshake The exciting day is over~
 Thank you very much!! Thanks for the hard work!!
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 Since that’s the feeling when I took this lol
 Well, lets do the sign meet! going to my booth,
 There was watermelon juice on my seat ❤
  I’m happy, it was delicious!
 Its super, watermelon
 It was piercingly cool,
It seems it will be delicious even if its frozen! Uwa, I’ll test it--!
   Today at the handshake,
 “I’m looking forward to Rockin’!!!” there were really a lot of voices,
Saying that
 On August 10th, I think its pretty ahead of it but,
From now saying “looking forward” as you’d like, for everyone, of course for us as well,
 that’s what it feels like~ ❤
I’m really excited about it……
 General release for the tickets, seems go to on sale on July 6th (Sat)
There is still time to worry about it! But I really want your support
We’ll do our best
 Details are here
  I think there a lot of you, that have already gotten your hands on pre-registration tickets! Thank you very much! Please look forward to it!
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 Today suddenly we did, a tapioca pose
 We were able to “want to drink tapicoa~”
 Eh, I think the creator of it was certainly  Nonaka! And Chiichan… and, Yokoyan… They too unconfident so they took precautionary measures… I wasn’t the werewolf I’m not lying
 If you’re considering the pose, please try it! Lol
 Tomorrow is also the same exciting day, Ah, although there wont be a group cheki,
 I hope it will be a good day!
When it was our evening meal break I wasn’t hungry,
After that my stomach was growling,
 I’ll eat shirataki pastaaaa
 See you ayumin ❤
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babyjiminiexx · 7 years
Pairing: You x Jimin
Request: hey, I want an imagine of being jimins thick/curvy gf where y/n feels ugly and unconfident but he try to show her how much he loves her thanks :)
Warning: 100% fluff
Words: 1440
A/N: i feel like this is really bad and like what you wanted was something a little smutty but I’m not sure… lol if it’s what you meant I’m sorry :S but I hope you’ll like it anyway! ❤
Jiminie❤️ sent you a message.
“Hey baby, I’m sorry but I’ll be home late tonight, practice is taking more time than I expected. Love you!”
You sighed as you replied.
“Don’t worry, its okay, love you too!”
You were not disappointed; you already knew that being an idol’s girlfriend wouldn’t be easy. You were just frustrated about the fact that directors and managers asked too much to the boys.
It wasn’t the first time.
You decided to take your computer and go on Youtube to distract yourself. You started watching youtubers that you knew would make you laugh and suddenly you saw in the recommended a kpop song. You absolutely loved K-pop so you clicked on it.
The song was actually really good, so you decided to get it on your phone. But something catched your eyes. It was a girl group, and they were all beautiful and had a perfect body. Long legs, thin arms… Everything that was good-looking in today’s society.
You started to feel jealous about them. You were nothing like these girls. You weren’t fat, but you had some curves that always had bothered you a little bit, but nothing to worry about. But now seeing these girls were making you sick.
You started thinking that maybe your boyfriend would prefer a girl like that over you; he was an idol too, he could have every girl he wanted when he wanted.
When the video finished, you decided to watch more music videos of these girls, and you spent an entire hour watching. The only thing in your mind was what if you weren’t beautiful or thin enough for Jimin? What if his fans started sending you hate when you both go public? You weren’t sure if you could handle it.
You closed your laptop and walked over the bathroom to wet your face a little bit.
You looked at your reflection in the mirror and after a few seconds you raised your shirt up, revealing your stomach. You turned around and hold your breath.
You never really had problems with your body, but today you started thinking that maybe you were beautiful enough.
As you lowered your shirt again, you felt tears forming in your eyes, blurring your face. You never thought that one day you’ll be crying in your bathroom in front of your mirror because of your body. But you have lived in Korea enough time to know how important was being beautiful, and this made you start questioning yourself.
You wipped your tears and headed to the living room, were you lied on the couch.
 “Y/N?” A voice was calling you. “Baby, wake up…”
You opened one eyes. “Jimin? What time is it?”
“It’s 12am. I’m sorry for being so late…” He said caressing your cheek.
“Don’t worry, I was going to watch a movie but I feel asleep.”
He kissed you on the lips and then he went to the kitchen. “You’ve already eaten?”
“Uhm… Yes.” You lied as you turned on the TV.
“Okay then…”
A few minutes later, his blond head appeared next to you with a plate of pasta.
You watched him eat.
You were hungry, but you didn’t want to eat. You were determined to lose weight and be as beautiful as the girls in the music video.
But without being able to control it, your stomach started to growl.
“Are you hungry?” Asked Jimin, offering you his plate.
“No, baby. Don’t worry.” You lied again.
You turned your head to the TV but you felt his eyes on you. But he didn’t say anything.
About five minutes later, you heard your stomach again.
“Y/N, you are hungry!”
“No, I am not.” You said calmly.
“Stop lying to me. Have you really eaten?” He insisted.
You sighed without looking at him.
He took your chin and made you look at him. You could see the worry in his eyes.
“And why not?”
“I don’t know…”
“Y/N, I know you. What’s the problem?”
You pushed his hand off your face and turned your face away, ready to cry again.
“It’s nothing Jimin, I promise.”
“I can see that it is not “nothing”… So, tell me…”
You knew he would be mad at you for thinking about starving yourself, but you started telling him everything.
“… and seeing these girls like this made me feel really bad… I feel ugly and horrible…” You sobbed. “I’m jealous of them. I want to be as beautiful as them for you…”
“You’re absolutely beautiful and I am proud of you. I really am. But Y/N, you can’t do this to yourself… It’s really bad for your health… You can’t do this… I won’t be able to stand seeing you hurt yourself like that…”
“I thought it was the only solution…”
Your boyfriend didn’t say anything; he just took you in his arms.
“You know, I’m afraid that one day you’ll leave me because of my looks…” You admitted.
“Hey… Look at me.” So you did. “I will never do that. Okay? You’re the most beautiful girl on earth for me. You’re perfect from head to toes.”
You couldn’t do anything more than sob.
“I’m serious. You are beautiful. Don’t let these girls make you think otherwise. I’ve chosen you and I will always choose you over these chicks. Always. I love you too much to let you go.”
You placed a small kiss on his lips.
“Promise me you will never think about starving yourself…”
“I promise.” And you were sincere. You saw the pain in his eyes when he asked you to promise that, you couldn’t tell him no.
“I will always choose you, Y/N. And I will always love you for whom and what you are. You’re an amazing and beautiful person, on the inside and outside. I love you so much it hurts, and seeing you feeling like this make me feel horrible… I promise to remind you every day how beautiful you are to me. Every single day.” He kissed you again. “I love you so much, Y/N. Don’t make this mistake again, please… I don’t want to see you like this…”
You felt silly about what you thought earlier. You were the most beautiful thing he had; you saw it in his eyes. You believed him. And you loved him so much. He was always there for you.
You thought that you couldn’t do that to him. You couldn’t hurt you and him at the same time. You will be strong.
“These girls can go fuck themselves.” You sobbed, and you heard him giggle. That sound made you feel better instantly.
“Yes, they can. Now come here.” He lied on the couch and made you lie down between his legs, your back on his chest.
“I love your cheeks, they are so cute!” He said, pinching them as you laughed. “I love your arms and how ticklish you are when I touch you… HERE!” He started tickling your armpits and you couldn’t help but laughing your heart out.
“I love your waist, its curve. It’s the second most beautiful curve you have.”
“Oh, and what’s the first?” You asked looking at him.
“Your smile.” He bent down to place his lips on yours.
“I love your eyes…” He said, caressing your hair, and he placed a small kiss on each of your eyelids.
“I love your neck…” He lowered from your cheeks to your jawline and then to your neck. And once again, you laughed.
“What? I’m trying to be cute here!” He pouted.
“I know! That’s why I’m laughing. You’re so cute.” You booped his nose.
“I love all of you Y/N. Don’t forget about that, okay?”
“I won’t. I love you so much…”
An after a long kiss you both fell asleep on the couch.
 A/N 2: You should be proud of whom you are and in what body you came in, it what makes you special. You are special.  Don’t let anyone make you think otherwise. You are strong enough. You are beautiful enough. You are smart enough. You ARE enough. I’m no good at comforting or talking about these delicate topics, and I’m sorry if it offended anyone, I’m just really bad at expressing myself about these things. I promise that my intentions are not bad. I love you all for what and who you are. ❤️
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that-cheer-up-anon · 3 years
take extra good care of yourself today, do something nice for yourself! I hope you'll feel better soon 💖💖💖
Thank you so much anon. I’m feeling better now. I also bought myself some nice fancy soap from my beauty school bc you said to do something nice for myself. I’m excited to use it and smell better after stressing over BASICALLY NOTHING bc my teacher and this short course is SO CHILL WHAT THE HECK?! I can turn in my essay later this week.
I’ve been enjoying myself in my short eyelash extensions course and honestly warming up to the idea of working in a salon, even though I’m shy and unconfident lol.
I passed the practical assessment and my client really liked their lashes, and my teacher complimented my work, so that made me feel good. Unfortunately now I have to track down a special student ID that I’ve probably made bc I did uni, but have no idea how to track it down. I have to find it or else I can’t get credit for my course and that suuuuuuuucks
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long distance; tom holland
pairing: tom holland x reader word count: 1,342. more than thought, tell me if you want a part two to this. summary: you and tom meet each other on the internet.  warning: none, (y/f/n) means your friends name, the friend is not described as any gender, you can chose. I think you got it.  part two| my other work
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‘yo, you have a new number right?’ 
‘this is (Y/n) by the way’ you sent your friend who just got a new number a text.
‘I don’t know a (Y/n)’ the person, who you thought was (your friends name), texted back. 
‘ha ha very funny, (y/f/n)’ you responded as you rolled your eyes at your screen. 
‘this is not (y/f/n), I’m sorry but I think you got the wrong number mate’ the now stranger texted back. 
‘oh, sorry my bad’. You felt really awkward.
‘I am Tom by the way’. You were surprised that he kept the conversation going. 
‘nice to meet you Tom’
‘nice to met you to (Y/n)’. 
Weeks had gone by and you and Tom had talked everyday over text. Tom really wanted to video chat, but you were a bit scared. What if he wasn’t this total awesome, British, twenty one year old, but some weird creep. Maybe your friends even scammed you to prank you. Every time he asked to see your face you got out of it. But not today. 
‘What are you doing rn?’ Tom asked. 
‘Not much tbh, pretty sad if you think about it, it’s Saturday night lol’ You replied. 
‘Want some company?’ He asked. 
‘What do you mean’ You sighed as you knew what he was gonna say. 
‘Call me or I can call you, whatever you want’. You rolled your eyes. 
‘Tom..’ You hit send and started typing again. But he already responded. 
‘Come on (Y/n). I wanna see how pretty you are’. If you didn’t trust him, that would be the creepiest thing ever. 
‘You know what, fuck it. Call me’. You hit send with slight regret. 
incoming face time call from ‘tom’ 
You were greeted with the face of a very handsome smiling young man. Brown hair, brown eyes. Very cute features. Both of you were looking at each other with adoration. Stunned by one another’s beauty. 
‘Hi’ You said with a little grin. ‘Wow, I mean hi, (Y/n)’ Tom almost choked on his spit. ‘You. You’re. You’re beautiful’. ‘Not so bad yourself’ You said and laughed. 
You sat in silence for a bit. 
‘Talk to me. I want to hear your voice, love’. You could hear Tom was desperately flirting with you.
You and Tom had gotten closer and closer. The line between best friends and soulmates was almost transparent. 
You were sitting on your bed with (y/f/n). You were giggling at you phone, because you were texting Tom. (y/f/n) rolled their eyes. They could see you were texting him, because you were always blushing if you were. 
They grabbed your phone. ‘Hey! I was texting-’ You got cut off. ‘Tom? Yeah I know. This silly little boyfriend of yours is distracting you’ 
‘He’s not my boyfriend!’ You did not want them to see your conversation with him. ‘Whatever (Y/n). He’s distracting you! From college and from your friends! I’m deleting his number’. They tapped on your phone while your jaw dropped. His phone number was the only thing you had of him. ‘No!’. You were not ready to lose Tom to (Y/f/n). They could not do this to you. ‘Blocked and deleted, now you can have your phone back. Thank me later’ They were very proud of them self and found the whole situation hilarious. 
‘Are you an idiot? That was all I had of him. Why did you have to ruin this!’ You were boiling with anger. ‘(Y/n) take a chill pil. You did not even know the guy, it’s not like he cared about you or something’. 
‘Get out of my house!’. ‘W-what? (Y/n) you’re being ridiculous. You know I’m right’ They backed off slowly walking towards the front door. ‘I said get out! You obviously seem to care less about me than you think Tom does. Thank you very much, you don’t have to show me your face again’ You opened the door and shoved them out. ‘Bye!’ You slammed the door shut. 
You collapsed to the ground and started crying as you just lost the contact with Tom. You could not get it back, you knew that. And he couldn’t text you, because (Y/f/n) blocked him. 
‘What’s up darling?’ yesterday 10.07 am
‘Yo are you busy?’ yesterday 1.15 pm
‘(Y/n) are you there?’ yesterday 5.30 pm
‘I’m getting worried, what’s going on?’ yesterday 9.45 pm
‘Goodnight love, please text me back or return my phone calls’ today 2.10 am 
‘Good morning. (Y/n), did I do something? Don’t ignore me, you can tell me anything?’ today 10.50 am. 
Tom let out a growl of anger. ‘What’s up?’ Harrison asked. ‘She’s not texting me back or returning my phone calls Haz, I am worried. What if something happened to her!’
‘Tom I’m sure she’s fine’
‘You call her than!’ Tom sighed after he spoke up, he did not want to fight with Harrison. ‘Pff okay’. Harrison dialed your number. ‘Sorry mate. Call denied’ Haz looked at Tom with an apologetic look. 
‘Come on..’ 
If you couldn’t call or text him you would google him instead. 
In the middle of your search you got called up by a foreign number. You decided to deny the call, they would probably be like one of those numbers that charge you loads of money. 
‘Tom Holland’ you mumbled and typed the name in the google search bar. What appeared in front of you was shocking.
“Tom Holland (Actor) - Wikipedia”
“Tom Holland (@ tomholland1996) |Twitter”
“Tom Holland Instagram photos videos and more”
Your eyes widened as you scrolled down the screen. This couldn’t be him. You clicked on his google biography. 
“Thomas Stanley Holland a British actor. Most know for his roles as Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War and Spider-Man: Homecoming and Lucas in The Impossible”
He was an actor for Marvel?! All these questions were bouncing though your head. Maybe you could reach him through social media. You followed him on every platform and sent him; ‘Tom it’s me, (Y/n). My so called friend deleted and blocked your number, because they thought you were a silly distraction. Which you’re not! Please if you see this, send me your number so I can unblock you’ 
No response, not even after a week. Why did you even think that would work. He’s a superstar like he would answer your stupid DM. 
The fact you now knew he was famous made you very unconfident. Why did he even talk to you, he could do better. 
The weird number kept calling over the weeks and you got sick of it. They called about three times a day. You decided to pick up this time. ‘Who is this and why do you keep calling me?’ You angrily said into the phone. ‘(Y/n)! It’s me Tom!’. 
Your mouth fell open. ‘Why haven’t you been answering the phone or my texts! I was worried sick? Is it something I did, are you mad at me? (Y/n) please say something!’ Tom was trying to talk as fast as he could he wanted damn answers. 
You sighed. ‘Tom, I’m sorry’ You started to tear up after finally hearing his voice again. ‘I’m so so sorry’ And you started sobbing. ‘Hey, (Y/n) what’s wrong. Darling please tell me what’s going on’ His warm voice calmed you down. You took a deep breath. ‘Okay, My friend got sick of me talking to you and thought I did not mean anything to you. They said you were a distraction from college and from my friends. And you’re not! I broke down after they did delete it and tried to find a way to contact you… Than I found out who you are, Tom.’ You said slowly. ‘(Y/n), I’m sorry I didn’t tell you! You did not know who I was so I thought it would be for the better’ 
‘It still pisses me off. I don’t think I can handle all of this right now, Tom. I-I’m sorry’ You cried. ‘No, no, no. (Y/n) please don’t hang up I-’. You hung up and cut him off. 
‘love you’ 
A/n: wassup friends! Hope you enjoyed this! I am planning on making a part two, let me know if you want a part two!
lol my PE teacher hit me in the face with a baseball today, now my nose is all swollen and purple. Love it when that happens ha ha. 
I am working on a prompt list atm, and I’m very excited about it! Expect that coming soon. 
For the rest of the night I’ll be answering ship requests, so if you want to request one for your own feel free to! 
For the people who have requested one shots etc.. I’m working on them don’t worry loves. 
We’re also really close to 400 followers *faints*. Omg update WE HIT 400 FOLLOWERS, babes you're incredible.
I hope you have a great day and I’ll see you in the next one!
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otomeduck · 6 years
wah i think i super drunk lol but i watching pokemon movie 18: hoopa and the clash of ages!!! i cant wait ehehehe;)) i love pokemon lol not even kidding <33
feeling the s word has always felt v scarring and it still feels so but intrusive bad thoughts still arise at times which is kinda disappointing??? but i shd get used to it hahah
shit i feel v humoured @ myself that i dont even dare to type the full word of 's' but ya ok s thoughts r super bad lol but ya ok sigh sigh sigh so not mentally stable sia fml
but ya ok jinlijiuhao uhhh ughh hahahah omg first 3mins of the movie and im alr confused lol like whats going on whats this "hoopa" pokemon and why isit so powerful and overpowering all other legendaries??? is that even possible?? im so confused im gonna go on and research abt that pokemon fml
and its so mean and causing harm to other pokemon i want to slap it lol WHATS ITS ISSUE??? anyway watching this gives me such good vibes lol it reminds me of my younger days when i was like a kid and i used to binge on so many pokemon movie cds and waste so much of my parents' money hahah
freak i love pokemon yass ill do anyt for it;-)) ooh omg apparently its a mythical pokemon rather than a legendary and im so shook bc i nvr heard of its differentiation until today??? damn research works wonders hahah im so impressed
omg im laughing lol ash looks as fetus as ever in every series lol i feel ded hahahah does he never age lmao omg its hilarious but lol ok hahah
omfg im so scarred lol i never knew a "cartoon" would have such a deep meaning lol even as a teenager im loving this film omg 10/10 i love it wah
omg i wont say im confident because i dont watch a lot of pokemon when i started to learn english LOL in fact ive only played pokemon games when i have truly "matured" so to say so im not sure what the moves look like but im pretty sure lugia has been using brave bird continuously to protect ash and his team. im so amazed omg
omg im super impressed lol im naming the pokemon from memory so i apologise if i get any names wrong but omg hoopa is freaking OP and awesome??? omg it can summon all the legendary omg thats so cool and wonderful!!! it freaking summoned latias, latios and rayquaza lol im so impressed i crei omg i love baby hoopa lol innocent hoopa but yes this movie TEACHES SO MUCH bc yes pure hoopa has to learn how to befriend the dark hoopa as well bc both of them r the same person... omg deep lol wah 10/10 hehe loving it
i find ash so amazing for being able to befriend all, if not most pokemon omg. it must be his outstanding vibrant personality/ vibes. wah damn omg i love ash omg would get him as a bf jkjk
omg whats happening im so shook but the "bad" side of hoopa has summoned dialga, palkia and giratina??? omg im really unconfident of my naming but lemme pray im correct lol my pokemon naming skills aint gonna be rusty aft so many yrs of experience right??? hahahah
omg im shocked rn, it has went the extra mile to summon groudon, kyogre and another legendary i havent seen before bcs i stopped playing /watching pokemon when i got older like in high sch bcs of studies. wah omg
ik i feel readily angsty and its weird for me to mention sth negative while im enjoying my pokemon movie but i rly feel v angsty emotions readily like jealousy?? and stuff?? and comparison w others + beating myself up?? idk why hahah but ok nvm we all grow this aint a one night gonna improve all my bad qualities kinda thing
尽力就好 jiayous lol fml woah omg im so shook omg im so shook really but i never knew the concept of mega evolve wld be shown on the series so im really very extremely impressed rn?? LOLOL gives me ben 10 vibes jkjk but omg im so impressed lol wow
wow i love pokemon hahah i truly do lol and its wholesome content;))) ehehehhe. wah can i talk about how nice/awesome/AMAZING the graphics for this movie are??? omg im so shook im about to cry lol esp from the scene where rayquaza used twister. 10/10 man
wah i rly q moved now lol i hope nth bad happens to hoopa omg mus protec!!! omg i want to cry lol the movie has ended sigh fml ok wah that was a great watch???? wah bless that was a rly nice movie. NO REGRETS HAHA omg i love this movie so badly. <333
yeah that was nice hehe i loved it so much. apparently it has been out since 3 yrs ago and stuff LOL im so old fashioned but thats ok nobody's too old for pokemon <333 aw damn pokemon is gold hehe das some wonderful vibes tonight;))) i think im up for another lol but YAS i mean NU my ipad is 6% now uhuhuhuhu nvm let it charge, i can continue tmr if i wish HAHAHAH or technically later* bcs its 1.30am now lmaoo but that was so interesting??? ahh legit no regrets
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