#i just ate like one billion cheese balls
ihatebnha · 3 years
✨simp Bakugou✨ is all I need in life
Honestly I was just gonna respond with some boring statement like “yeah…. Me too😌” bc tbh simp bakugo is all anyone needs... but then I started thinking about it in the shower (adjkfalsksj)… and I… got a bit… tripped up about it… 
Like we already know Bakugo is a simp, okay, a huge simp simp, the simpiest simp of all simps… but look, okay… LOOOK
Simp Bakugo who’s older but still rough, and because of such has a number of failed relationships he has to account for... all because the people he always seems to get caught up with assume that all his rough ’n tough hero talk is just a front he puts on for the media and get disappointed when it’s not… 
But oh no, not you… you, who laughs when he threatens to pulverize people. You, who cozies up to him despite the way he pretends he doesn’t want you to, acting like he’s not the infamous Pro Hero that he is, as though he doesn’t smash the faces of villains into the floor for a living… and you, who makes everyone else seem like extras in comparison to the way you light up at the sight of his glare. 
He can’t help but admit that he loves it.
It’s new. It’s exciting… and it’s the only thing Bakugo can really say he wants, will ever want… and he’d do anything to keep you. 
Because simp Bakugo is just so… smitten? 
Simp Bakugo who tells his parents about you by the second date… Simp Bakugo who’s most recent search is always your facebook page… Simp Bakugo who, every day, texts you “good morning” and “good night” with the excuse that he’s making sure you’re okay. 
He really just can’t get enough of you, and starts taking you on dates two, three times a week… loving the way you look both in your afterwork clothes or the sweet looking pea coats you don when you decide slide in the booth next to him rather than across, absolute perfection in comparison to everyone who kept trying to impress him before. 
Wherever you mention wanting to go, he’s taking you; making reservations at the drop of a hat, even using his Hero status to get you to the top of waiting lists for restaurants that even celebrities haven’t been to… 
And of course, he always orders something he knows you want to try, at least so he can slyly suggest that you trade tastes of each other’s dishes, hoping that you don’t shy away from trading chopsticks (and pretending that his cheeks aren’t red when he thinks about it). 
Simp Bakugo takes you home after each one of these dates, not even caring whether you fuck him or not. Simp Bakugo who’s just happy to see you wine drunk next to him on his couch, leaning on his as you watch a movie (your pick), something he hasn’t really experienced before with someone he can’t help from liking so much…
It’s just… you don’t mind when his brash side comes out teasing you for slipping on his hardwood flooring in your cute, fuzzy pink socks… you don’t mind when he calls you spoiled, when he’s angry, or even when he’s looking at you with hunger in his eyes… 
And when you do throw a leg over his lap, when you do let him press you into his kitchen island, his teeth sinking into your shoulder before he chases you to his bedroom where you pull back his bedsheets without hesitation… he’s happy then, too. 
Because maybe you know that this simp Bakugo would also bend over backwards for you, beg on his knees for you, even cut out his tongue if he ever made you cry anything other than sweet tears of pleasure… and he always fears the worst; that you’d leave him, hate him, or call him what so many people already think he is, a monster.
But you never do, and you take him as he is. 
And he wants to protect you. He will. Because God forbid there ever come a day someone tries to hurt you, and he will never let that person be him. 
Simp Bakugo would let you destroy him. 
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hey, if you're not too busy, maybe secretly regressor logan getting so overstressed from planner changes and schedules that he slips right in front of roman in his room???💕
Thank you so much for the prompt first of all! I’m sorry it took me so long to answer.
Too much work, not enough sleep
Cg Roman Regressor Logan
Logan tapped his pencil against his glasses. He was so tired but also so close to being done with Thomas’s schedule. He took a second to look up from his work to the clock and sighed, he’d been working for well over fourteen hours now, but it was fine, he didn’t technically need food, even if he was really craving some Crofters right now...NO. No that could wait until he finished the schedule and he was almost done, he just needed to- “Hello your royal nerdness!” Great, Roman had dropped in and now he was interrupting Logan’s work. Just what he needed right now. He rolled his eyes and tried not to scream at Princey to just leave him alone. Instead he said in a calm voice, “I am quite busy at the moment Roman. Please take your business elsewhere for now.”
Roman scoffed and Logan flinched a bit. “Well you don’t have to be so rude about it. I just came to tell you that the plan for next week is changing.”
Logan froze. No. NO. he couldn’t have said that. He was so close to being done he wanted to cry. Big boys don’t cry, he tried to remind himself. Big Logan had to fix this, he couldn’t afford to cry and regress and throw a tantrum over a simple schedule change, Even if that’s exactly what he wanted to do. Besides, Roman was right there, he could control this, he had to. So he sighed and turned to him, setting down his pencil.  “What nature of schedule changes are we talking about?”
Roman grinned and plopped a few scattered pages of what looked more to be doodles than written out plans. 
“Well I’m just so glad you asked! You see Thomas has just been so bored lately and that is no fun at all, especially not for me, so I decided we’re going to enter daydream mode a few times to help solve this pesky little problem! Oh! I’m also helping him come up with a new song, it’s going to be sooooo good when we’re done!”
As Roman rambled on Logan became more and more frantic, shuffling through his papers and Roman’s doodles and trying to figure out where to put them. No, no no nononononono. This would shake up the entire schedule! He’d have to completely re-write the planner! 
He tugged at his hair in frustration as tears welled up in his eyes and he began to feel himself slip. NO. not right now! Never in front of the others!
Roman paused his rant when he saw that Logan was obviously distressed. “Logan, are you alright? You look upset.” “FINE!” Logan managed as he tried to usher Roman out the door. “M’ fine! Go ‘way!”
Roman definitely wasn’t leaving now. Logan seemed really upset. He turned back around instead of going out the door like Logan clearly wanted him to.  “Pocket protector you do not seem to be ‘gucci’ so to speak are you sure-”
And thats when Logan broke. It was all too much and the stress of the last several hours along with his exhaustion and sudden panic over the new planner changes and not being able to get Roman to leave crashed down on him and he fully regressed.  “GO ‘WAY!” he screeched before crumpling into a ball on the floor and beginning to sob.
“Whoa!” Roman quickly shut the door behind him, figuring Logan wouldn’t want the others to see him like this but he didn’t leave. Logan clearly needed some help. Instead he crouched down next to him and rested a hand on his back.
“Logan what’s the matter?” he asked softly, trying to figure out the root of the problem so he could fix it. But Logan only wailed harder.  “S-S-so many changes! nd’ you not supposed to be here when m’ like this!”
Roman was puzzled, why was Logan talking like that? He was normally extremely well spoken and used big words Roman didn’t even understand half the time. 
“What do you mean’like this’?” he asked instead of commenting on his speech. 
“Like...like when m’ small.” he sniffled and clung onto Roman, his small side winning over and just wanting comfort and affection and to forget about all the stressful stuff big him had to deal with.
“When you’re....Oooh...” Roman was finally struck with the realization of what was going on.
“Are you regressed Lolo?”
Logan looked up in shock before slowly nodding his head. How had Roman known? he hadn’t even known before he practically broke his computer doing research on it.
Roman smiled. “That’s alright bud, Janus regresses too and sometimes I help Remus look after him. Do you want me to watch you for a bit?”
Logan was trying to take in several peices of information at once. One, Roman didn’t think this was weird. Two, Janus regressed as well, and three....Roman...was offering to look after him? He had always had what if thoughts in regards to having someone to act as a caretaker towards him when regressed but he normally pushed them aside and ignored them. Afterall, who would want to watch him?
But here Roman was, soft smile and outstretched hand and Logan couldn’t help but to launch himself into his waiting arms and whisper sniffle, “Really?”
Roman cocked his head to the side and smoothed down Logan’s hair, “Really buddy, I don’t mind.” he smiled and the answer caused Logan to practically melt out of sheer happiness. “Can you tell me how old you are though so I know how to take care of you?” Roman had only ever helped out Remus when watching Jan but had never done this on his own. However he did remember that Janus had an age range he could regress within that often changed, and with it how Remus took care of him did as well.
Logan has to think for a second. It’s rather hard for him to tell sometimes, but Roman is patient and eventually he held up three fingers.
“You’re three?” he asked to double check, Logan nodded softly but didn’t say anything else, still a bit shy.
Roman smiled wide and hefted him up into his arms. causing him to squeal in surprise that soon morphed into excitement.
“Can you tell me what made you regress little prince?” he asked first and foremost. Janus sometimes regressed just for fun but he could be triggered sometimes when he was upset and considering Logan’s outburst Roman assumed it was the later.
Logan cooed happily at the nickname before frowning a bit and whining softly, pressing his face into Roman’s tunic.
“Lots a work...almos finish nd’ then it changed!” he sounded really upset and Roman realized his fault.
He rubbed Logan’s back and sighed. “I’m sorry little one, I should have talked to you before, we can save the daydreaming for next week.” The longer he looked at Logan’s papers he started to realize he hadn’t seen him out all day.
 “Sweet little prince,” he began, successfully gaining Logan’s attention. “Have you been working all day? I didn’t see you come down to eat.”
Logan nodded. “Fouwteen hours, twenty seven minutes nd six seconds”
Roman tried and failed not to look shocked. “Well we can’t have that! That’s much too long for little princes to be working!”
Logan looks surprised at this, he always worked like that. Coffee, computer, three or four hours of sleep and a small snack then repeat. “i’ is?”
Roman shook his head he was definitely going to have a talk with big Logan about his work habits. “Yes, but we can talk about it more when you’re big again, for now we need to get some food in you.”
He makes sure Logan is well supported before carrying him downstairs, luckily it was late so Logan didn’t make a fuss like he would have had he thought there was a possibility of anyone seeing him while regressed. Instead he just swung his feet when Roman sat him on the counter to open up the fridge and looked around. He wasn’t usually in the rest of the mindscape when he was small. Stay in his room and his secret stayed hidden. He only came out when he needed to use the restroom and even then it was a mad dash.
Roman finished preparing some mac n cheese for him and set it down in front of him along with one of Jan’s old sippy cups that he didn’t tend to use, but it was decorated in stars and planets and seemed perfect for Logan.
He looked at it for a second before bouncing excitedly when he saw the space pattern “Staws!”
“Yes baby, stars.” Roman chuckled before kissing his forehead and taking him to the table to eat.
He was still a bit shy to use his sippy cup in front of Roman but he assured Logan that he’d seen Janus use them a billion times and sometimes even bottles when he was very tiny so he shrugged and drank the juice contents. He also ate his macaroni and made a bit of a mess but Roman just cleaned it up with a small smile.
“Alright Star, I think it’s bedtime for you.” he tutted as he scooped him up.
“Noooooooo, don wanna sleep.” Apparently big Logan and small Logan had that in common.
“Yeeeeeeeeees” Roman replied as he carried him up to his room. “little boys need their sleep and I happen to know that this little boy hasn’t slept alot as of late.”
Logan grumbled but relented, Roman wasn’t wrong and he was really tired, he stifled a small yawn. He still saw it however and hummed with a smile. Logan really was adorable.
When they reached his room he set him on the bed and tilted his head, Logan tilted his back, mirroring Roman which was so adorable he almost cooed. instead he snapped his fingers. “Ah, I know what’s missing” He snapped again and Logan was dressed in soft pajamas with planets and galaxies adorning them. The small side pet the soft fabric in awe and his eyes lit up at the planets. “Thank you Roro!” he half whispered, still engrossed in his new pj’s. The prince chuckled “of course little astronaut, I’m not done though, you can’t very well go to sleep without a soft cuddle buddy now can you?” and suddenly Logan was holding a star plush, it was almost half his size and impossibly squishy. Needless to say he loved it.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“No problem little one.” came the chuckled reply as Roman tucked him into bed. “now try and get some sleep”
Roman went to turn out the lights but Logan spoke up softly one last time,
“Yes my little prince?”
“You be my cuddle buddy too?”
Roman smiled and slid under the covers, snuggling Logan (Platonically or I’ll stomp you with my hooves)
“of course star.”
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ligit-squid · 4 years
Remembrance of A Bond
The sun was beating down on anything its rays touched, the sand hot to the touch and creatures escaping to the shadows to cool down. In the water, dolphins chirped and clicked, whistling to each other. They took turns springing into the air above the water. Sea birds soaring in the air and watched below them. One dipping down to catch a fish that was close to the surface.
On the beach, two teenagers were busy playing a game. Tossing a small, hand-sized rubber ball at each other, hoping the other will catch it. One was a boy, who had raven hair and olive tanned skin. His brown eyes were bright with enjoyment. He was wearing a loose blue and white striped tank-top, and a pair of tan cargo shorts. A homemade thread bead bracelet was on his wrist, decorating it was a sandbar shark tooth.
The girl was wearing a white crop-top with a flowing knee-length skirt, a white tank-top and around her neck was a shark-tooth necklace. She, like the boy, ran in the sand with bare feet. Around her head, she wore a headscarf, hiding what was underneath.
“I’m throwing it farl, Troy!” the girl called out, trotting backward. She threw the rubber ball at him, but he didn’t catch it. It soared past him while he tumbled backward into the sand. The boy—Troy, huffed and got up, brushing away the sand that had collected on his clothing. “Good throw, Lian!”
The girl smiled, “Thanks for the compliment, Troy. Maybe one day you’ll be good as me,” her tone was tantalizing. Troy laughed and grabbed the ball that was in the sand a few feet away from him.
“Kids’, sandwiches are ready!” a woman in her late thirties or early forties called out from the porch of the beach house. The two teenagers laughed and shoved each other while retreating to the hut. The woman from before smiled as she watched them, only the slightest frown at the tips of her lips. Lian and Troy finished shoving at each other and went inside, quickly sitting down and eating their sandwiches.
“Gracias, Mrs. Haku, for the sandwich,” Troy said, though his mouth was still filled with ham and cheese sandwich.
“Thank you, Troy—now, please finish eating before you talk,” the older woman chuckled. The boy listened and continue to eat away at the sandwich. Lian, unlike Troy, ate hers at a slower pace, occasionally stopped by small fits of coughing. During one of her fits, the headscarf had started to slip. Lian noticed and simply took it off. It revealed an almost bald head—only a few strands of hair in some places.
“Your father is due home any minute now, Lian,” Mrs. Haku spoke up. She was filling the feed for the parrots, whose cage was in the corner.
“We’re still doing the campfire later, right?” Lian asked. Mrs. Harper laughed half-heartedly.
“Yes we’ll still have the fire, the rain from yesterday wasn’t enough to make the logs wet,” the older woman said. The two teenagers gave their announced excitement, Troy even shooting up and shouting his excitement.
“Troy, I’m just as excited as you, but we don’t want Emilio to cause a disturbance,” a man said from the door, a grin on his face. He was tall with a sunburned tan, his dirty blond hair in a man bun.
“Papa!” Lian ran over to him and wrapping him in a hug. He gave a throaty laugh but hugged her back.
Ollie, the family’s dog, skittered in through the door after the man. It’s colored coat covered in wood shavings and grit. 
“Ryan! Clean Ollie off before he comes inside! He’s going to make a mess,” Mrs. Haku exclaimed. The man laughed.
“He can come run in the water with us?” Troy suggested.
“Alright, but Lian, you need to take your medication soon.”
Lian had been a very sick child throughout her school years, missing a lot of days and constant trips to the clinic a few towns away. Doctors claimed it as ‘poor genetics’. It wasn’t until she was fifteen they did a blood test, that’s when they found out she actually had leukemia. It was a devastating discovery, but Lian wanted to keep everyone happy. She continued on with life like before, but with more medications and occasional chemotherapy. Over the time she’s gone through chemo, her skin got paler, she started to lose weight, and her hair started to fall out.
Her father—Ryan Haku—was reluctant to put his only child on the medications and chemotherapy. He eventually put her up for it, hoping it could stop cancer from spreading. Ryan’s wishes weren’t heard, unfortunately. In recent months, their family doctor at the clinic broke the news to them that Lian wouldn’t live to be nineteen. It broke them, knowing their daughter would pass away before them.
Troy had been by Lian's side through those hard years. He was only half a year older than her, and they both turned out to be good friends. Best friends. Troy and Lian were a Romeo and Juliet type of relationship. They loved each other, but Lian was destined to pass away. Troy, however, promised he’d stay with her till she couldn’t anymore.
“When are we having the campfire?” Lian asked.
“As soon as your mother gets the food ready,” Ryan replied, retreating to Nalani and his shared bedroom.
“I have everything ready so we can all head down to the beach,” Lian’s mom—Nalani Haku—mused. She was in the kitchen again, grabbing different foods and drinks into the carrier bag that laid on the counter.
Troy and Lian were already heading for the door, Ollie in tow behind them. The border collie yapped away as it chased after the two young adults, happily jumping in the waves that crashed on the beach. Troy and Lian ran after the dog, laughing while splashing each other. Nalani and Ryan went to join them, sitting a bit away from the water and sat down. Nalani set her bag down beside her, Ryan tweaking the strings of his old ukulele. When the two teenagers were tired out they joined the adults by the now burning fire. The heat from the flames danced on their skin as their shadows stretched out on the sand. The sound of the wood crackling and crashing waves filled the air but was interrupted by a soft strum on the ukulele.
“Mahalo nui ia Ke Ali’i wahine. ‘O Lili’ulani ‘O ka Wo hi ku. Ka pipio mai o ke anuenuehi,” Ryan started to sing, strumming the ukulele’s strings.
“Na waiho’o lu’u a halikeole’e. E nana na maka i ke ao malama mai. Hawai’i akea I Kaua’i. ‘O Kalākaua he inoa. ‘O ka pua mae’ole i ka lā.” Ryan continued singing as Ollie bounded over, sitting at his feet.
“Ka pua maila i ka mauna. I ke kuahiwi ‘o Mauna Kea. Ke ‘ā maila i Kīlauea.” Troy joined, swaying slightly. 
“Mālamalama i Wahinekapu. A ka luna o Uwēkahuna. I ka pali kapu o Kau’auea.” The two of them sang, their voices being carried on the wind. The gentle strumming of the ukulele mixed with their sound, creating a beautiful melody.
“Ea mai ke ali’i kia manu. Ua wehi ka hula o ka mamo. Ka pua nani a’o Hawai’i.” Lian’s soft voice braided into their melody as her eyes glittered joyfully. “‘O Kalākaua he inoa. ‘O Kalākaua he inoa. ‘O ka pua mau’ole i ka lā. Ka pua maila i ka mauna.”
“I ke kuahiwi ‘o Mauna Kea. Ke ‘ā maila i Kīlauea. Mālamalama i Wahinekapu. A ka luna o Uwēkahuna.” Nalani started to sing as the two teenagers started dancing around in the sand. 
“I ka pali kapu o Ka’auea. Mahalo nui ‘ia ke Kuini. ‘O Lili’ulani Wo ka ‘o hi ku. Ea mai ke ali’i kia manu.” Ollie sprung up and started running around them, it’s tail wagging frantically. 
“Ua wehi i ka hulu o ka mamo. Ka pua nani a’o Hawai’i. ‘O Kalakaua he inoa. He Inoa No Kalani Kalākaua Kulele.” The two collapsed back onto the sand in a fit of laughter, covering their clothes completely in sand. 
Later on in the evening, when both Ryan and Nalani went inside for the night, Troy and Lian—with the company of Ollie—went to the field a bit away from the beach. It was farther away from the torchlight, making it easier for them to see the billions of stars in the sky above them. The sky was painted like a canvas, the dark sky was the once black canvas, while the stars and clouds decorated it. The moon was raised high in the sky, hanging over them and the ocean.
Lian’s eyes lit up from the joy of watching the stars. She had wanted to study the stars when she grew up, but it was a lost hope. Because she was so sick all the time, Troy brought her astronomy books to read—which she loved and thanked him for.
“The first one to find a constellation wins!” Troy said suddenly. They laughed and began their search of looking for a constellation. They both spotted the Scorpius constellation, then Aquila, then Orion the Hunter. It continued for hours, looking at the stars.
During that time of stargazing, Troy started to feel distraught. He looked over at his best friend, examining her. Her body was thinner, loss of hair, needing a breathing tube to make sure she didn’t pass away in her sleep not being able to breathe. The Hispanic boy sometimes wished she’d never gotten so sick, that she never had leukemia. To people who didn’t know Lian thought of her as weak, but Troy knew better. This was Lian at her strongest. She was fighting to make them smile, to make them happy.
“Troy,” Lian said. “I want you to remember this moment. I want you to make this a special memory, our special memory.”
They had gone back to her house not long after. They bid each other goodnight before Troy headed up farther along the road to get to his house. Lian’s father was already asleep when she came inside—having a tendency of falling asleep while watching the news. She headed for her room, where she changed into her sleeping attire. Walking over to her window, she gazed out onto the empty street. The light of the moon washed over the rooftops and the long road, making everything seem monotone and stale. The only things moving were the branches and leaves on trees, the wind flowing through them. Lian sighed, closing her curtains and flipping off the lights in her room. She crawled into bed, the cool sheets sending goosebumps up her arms and legs, and stared at the ceiling. Her mother came in her room to help her with the breathing tubes, and kissed her forehead, bidding goodnight. Not long later, Lian fell into a sleep-filled world.
In only a matter of weeks, Lian’s health spiral downward. It wasn’t until August twelfth, two-thousand and eleven, at four-twenty two that Lian had passed away. Troy received a call that afternoon about Lian and immediately left to comfort his second family. Two weeks later, Lian’s funeral went as scheduled.
“We meet here today to honor and pay tribute to the life of Lian Hope Haku, and to express our love and admiration for her.
“Also to try to bring some comfort to those of her family and friends who are here and have been deeply hurt by her sudden death.
“Lian wasn't a particularly religious person, so it's befitting that her funeral ceremony should reflect what she was, ...a gentle, ...kind, …loving person; devoted to her family and friends.
“It's only natural that we should be sad today, because, in a practical sense, Lian is no longer a part of our lives, ‘we must die, we know’ said a character in Shakespeare, ‘tis but the time and drawing days out that men stand upon’, and so we all come to ponder the life and death of a truly wonderful lady aged eighteen; with confused and mixed feelings.
“For we have a powerful sense of loss; combined with a recognition that; if death must come, its as well that its not unduly prolonged, we don't want to see someone we love suffer, so this sorrow; and our sense of the fitness of things; don't sit easily together, one purpose of our proceedings here today; is in some way to try to reconcile those feelings.
“Today is also a day for memories, today will be remembered for many reasons, but mainly I hope it will be remembered by you all; as a very special day, a special day in which you shared some time with others; in order to pay your last respects; and to say both mentally and physically; a sad and fond farewell to a wonderful lady, ...lady whom we were all so very privileged to have known,” the funeral service last three hours. Ryan held his wife close to him while she wept. The ones who were to come to the funeral were her parents, Troy and his family, and other relatives. Some were close friends of Lian and the family—like Mrs. Pine from across the street, who had known the family from when Nalani was young.
Ryan and Nalani still stood beside the Banner family after the funeral. Alicia Banner had pulled Lian’s mother into a comforting hug, tears were falling down her face. Troy’s brothers and himself were in a hug as well. Diego was clutching onto Miguel’s shirt as he cried. Miguel, the oldest of the three, could barely keep himself from sobbing. Lian played a big role in their lives and it pained them to see her time come to an end so quickly.
Nalani and Ryan had decided to never move something from their daughter's bedroom. The breathing tubes and oxygen tank beside her bed served only as a reminder that she died. The friend group between Lian and Troy made memorials for the girl, their friend. They place a picture frame with a picture of her out on their porches, beside that were two candles. From then on, Troy had kept a picture in his wallet, the picture of them at the age of twelve, doing a fake wedding.
Remembrance of A Bond was written back in 2018, and was drafted into a writers competition. No winners were announced due to the competition being canceled, but me and my sister had fun writing it.
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j-j-ehlby-writes · 5 years
Meet Me at the Chalet || day five.
Eventual pairing: Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Jenessee Borosi)
Word count: ~3.9k
Summary (I suck at these): Jenessee goes on a solo vacation after the release of her first novel. She got a little more than she bargained for when she gets snowed in with her biggest celebrity crush.
Warnings: So much freaking fluff, swearing but blink and you’ll miss it, Tom being Tom
Side note: If you want to read the full short story Jen and Tom act out at the end, you can check it out here!
night one. || day one. || day two. || day three. || day four. || day five. || day six. ||
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“Are you feeling any better today?” He asks as I walk into the kitchen the next morning. After actually talking about it with someone it did make my shoulders feel a tad bit lighter. I’ve never told anyone about those feelings. No one knew about my middle of the night breakdowns. Not even my best friend. So to open up to an almost complete stranger felt odd but nice. I also don’t think I would have opened up this much if it wasn’t Tom who was the one listening.
“I do, thanks to you.” I snake my arms around his waist instantly feeling more awake than I did a second ago.  
“Lending a listening ear was all I did, sweetheart. You’re stronger than you think. You just have to have more faith in yourself.” He kissed my cheek before returning to the stove. 
“Whatcha makin’?” I stand next to him and observe.
“Since you’ve had a rough couple of days, I looked up some American comfort food and found a recipe for this egg casserole with sausage and cheese. It looked good so I decided to try it.” I chuckled at his wording.
“In the Mid-west we call it ‘egg bake.’ You can never go wrong with making an egg bake for breakfast. My family and I have it for Easter and Christmas morning.”
“I’ve never tried it, so here’s hoping it turns out alright.” He sent me a hopeful smile with a hint of terror.
I couldn’t believe how thoughtful he’s being. I mean, I’ve heard he can meet someone and by the end of the day they’re best friends, but I never expected him to be like this. So comforting and nurturing. All I can say is his mother raised him absolutely right.
Half an hour later, we were lying on the couch, stuffed.  We ate half of the 9” x 13” pan he made. I don’t know why he didn’t try a smaller pan since it is just the two of us. That usually feeds at least ten people.
“Darling?” He spoke after some time in the silence. “I have to tell you something.” 
I sat up to face him. “Okay.” I took in his sudden nervousness. Whatever he’s about to tell me, he’s obviously apprehensive about but it was also mixed with determination.
“I like you.” He started, nearly sending my heart into a frenzy. Even after what happened the past two days, he says that? “And it’s because of how much I like you and how forthcoming you were with me yesterday that I can’t lie to you anymore.”
I flinched at his words. “You lied? About what?” On all accounts, Tom has been known as a very honest man. To know that he lied to me is surprising.
“My name, for one.”
Then it clicked for me. He was coming clean about who he really is to me. He is willing to give up his anonymity because he wants me to know the real him. My heart swelled at the thought.
Now I have a decision to make. When he tells me, do I tell him I knew all along or do I act shocked to find out that he’s actually this big shot actor and not the lowly theater actor he made me think he was?
He continued, “My name is not Will. Well, my first name isn’t. It is my middle name, William. But my name is actually Tom. Tom Hiddleston.” He paused, looking for some sort of recognition in my features. Thankfully, I kept my expression neutral. “And I’m not just a theater actor. I’ve done some movies that have done well and some that have not. Most people would recognize me as Loki from the Marvel franchise. I’m also currently on a TV show in the UK and am in production for another here in the states.” He paused to let that sink in. “I’m terribly sorry for being dishonest with you. When I met you and you didn’t seem to recognize me, I realized I could have a normal interaction with somebody and not have to worry about having a camera in my face. I know it wasn’t fair to not be completely honest with you, but I’m trying to make up for it by telling you everything now.”
“Wow.” I voiced, his earlier words still repeating in my head. He likes me… He actually told me he likes me; the one who just had a mental breakdown a little under 36 hours ago; someone who he met less than a week ago. Never in a million- no, a BILLION years- did I think that would ever happen. Everyone always dreams they’ll be the one who will catch their favorite actor’s eye. Not once did I think that would happen to me…
“I hope you’re not upset with me, love.” I looked in his eyes and saw how truly terrified he was that I would be mad at him. How could he think I would harbor any negative feelings towards this man with a pure heart of gold?
My hand cupped his cheek. He leaned into my hand, eyes never leaving mine. This man is so pure. He’s too precious for this cruel world and yet, here he is.
“Oh you sweet, sweet man…” I shook my head, smiling at how real my feelings for this guy have become within the last few days. “I’m not upset with you. I don’t think it’s even possible for me to think negatively of you.”
He released a huge sigh of relief, a heart-stopping smile breaking his serious demeanor. He pulled me into his lap, wrapping me up in the kind of bone-crushing hug I’ve always wanted from him. 
Since he’s been so truthful with me, I decided to tell him the truth as well. “As long as you’re not upset with me for knowing who you were the entire time.”
“Beg your pardon?” 
I resumed my original position next to him to face him, placing both hands on his shoulders.  “It hurts, doesn’t it? Being lied to. Being told you’re one thing and then learning it’s all a fiction.” I quoted Loki to show I’ve been a fan of his for a while, but not expressing just how much. “Ragnarok.” I whispered in his ear before standing up and going up to my room.
When I came back down with my writing stuff in hand, he was in the exact same place I left him. “Why did you not say anything before?” He asked still bewildered by this turn of events.
“You wanted anonymity.” I shrugged. “I wasn’t about to take away your one chance at a normal vacation. You work hard. You deserve to relax a little and not have to worry about a camera being shoved in your face.” He shook his head in disbelief at using his words against him. “And besides, I wanted to get to know you as you, the man behind the famous actor.” He still was speechless about my confession. He’s about to get another curve-ball thrown his way... “And while we’re being honest, I’ve been keeping something from you too.”
“Oh?” He finally spoke, curiosity taking over.
I fidget with the pen in my hands, keeping my eyes on it. “You know the book you were reading when I got here? Yeah, that’s mine.”
“Beg your pardon?” He says for the second time during this conversation.
“Yep. I wrote it. I’m J.J. Ehlby.” I finally admit. “It’s my pseudonym. It stands for Jenessee Julia Lynette Borosi. J-J-L-B.”
“So all of that stuff you said about not wanting to be published?” He asks, putting the pieces together in his head.
“Not entirely untrue. That’s exactly how I felt before I got published.”
He chuckled after a brief silence. “I know, darling.”
“Say what?” I blurt.
“I knew. You thought you were sneaky with your reaction to my reading it, but I saw that brief panic set in before you erased it. And then it was a complete giveaway when you pronounced the surname. You said it so flawlessly, I knew it couldn’t have been coincidence. With those two things combined, it wasn’t hard to figure out after that.” He shrugged, that mischievous smile returning to his face.
“Well then…” I plop next to him on the couch. “Now that we have that out of the way, can I please get back to my writing? Last night I was in the middle of a scene before you so rudely tempted me with food.” I stuck my tongue out at him before getting my stuff situated on my lap.
He chuckled at me from his seat. “Of course, love.” 
We were enveloped in silence once more as my story came to life in my head as I wrote. That’s where I get lost most of the time. Picturing everything in my head like it’s a movie is what drives me the most. It’s when I get stuck on how someone would move or if a certain action is even possible that I struggle. And since I’m usually alone while writing, I have no one to test it on.
I glance at the man who has resumed his new favorite position on my lap and immediately I want to ask him. But after everything that was just aired, I don’t know if that would be the best idea right now…
“You look like you’re struggling with something.” He pointed out a little while later when he noticed the sound of my pen on paper stopped.
I answered him with sarcasm, “Well aren’t you observant?” He chuckled again as he sat up. 
“What are you stuck on?” He asked settling into his new position, tossing his arm around the back of the couch and crossing his ankle over his knee.
I let out a frustrated sigh. “I’m having trouble with placement. I want it to feel realistic but I just can’t seem to get it right in my head.”
“Darling, you know I’m an actor. Use me,” He offered. “I’ll help in any way that I can.”
I bit my lip as I thought about the scene I’m thinking of in my head. The characters get extremely close, closer than him and I have gotten. I know he’s used to people being in his personal space, but still. This feels different…
Despite my reservations I know I would kick myself for not taking his help. So within twenty minutes, we had the potential set up in the living room. We found a table and a roller chair we could use for an “office setting.” I sat in the chair, in the position of the narrator of my story. Tom stood about ten feet away where we placed another table to indicate where the doorway to the office would be. I directed him to lean against the table as best as he could. I also reluctantly let him read and study the scene I had so far. 
When he assured me he was ready and didn’t need it for reference anymore, I took it back. On cue, he started, “I see some things never change.”
I turned around in my chair. “What are you doing here?”
He shrugged, “I’m in town.”
“No, I mean, what are you doing here of all places? Why are you here, standing at the door of my office at midnight?” It was so strange to have the scene I had in my head, come to life in front of my eyes. This must be how a writer for a TV series or a movie feels when their vision comes to life as well…
He ran his fingers through his hair and fixed his glasses on cue. “Erm,” he hesitated, shifting uncomfortably, “I came to see you.”
“Why?” I blurted. “Why today of all days?”
“Because my divorce was finalized yesterday and the first person I wanted to see as a single man was you.” My heart leaps at his words as if he really meant them and was the character I had in mind.
“Divorce?” I whispered, faking disbelief.
He nods as he continues reading from the copy I made. “Shortly after I left, I told her the truth.” I drop my jaw as the character would. “She knew I was acting a bit off, but she never expected that. I told her that we never did anything… and she forgave me. I was stunned, too. That just shows how amazing she is. She asked me if I thought I could forget about you in order for us to work on our marriage. I told her I would do anything to save our relationship. We went to counseling, we spent time just the two of us without distractions to focus on who we were before we had gotten married and it all seemed to be working…” He trailed off. “But no matter how hard I tried, you were always in the back of my mind.” He met my eyes again. “I couldn’t forget about you. I couldn’t stop wondering what you must be doing, if you had met someone else, if you were thinking about me… I must have started a thousand phone calls just wanting to hear your voice again.” He paused to just stare. “I longed to see your beautiful smile or hear you laugh. I just wanted to see you again to see if I truly still felt the same as I did before or if I was only fooling myself. And so, I came back around a year ago.”
“I came back to have lunch with my former and your current boss. When we were passing through, I saw you. You were strutting around the office, touching base with everyone. Laughing even.” He stares at me in awe as if he was truly reliving that moment. “You were even more beautiful than I remembered.” He steps into my “office,” “That was all I needed to know nothing had changed for me. You still took my breath away.” He shakes his head in amazement at the ground. “On my way out, I pulled someone aside. That someone turned out to be your assistant. Naturally, I introduced myself. He didn’t seem to know who I was, so he was more than happy to divulge any and all information about you. He raved about how ‘amazing’ it was to work for you and how you were extremely well-liked but seemed like you were ‘hung up’ on ‘your previous boss,’ thinking you were still in love with him. He didn’t go into detail but…” He chuckles again, “I didn’t need to hear anymore. With even the tiniest glimmer of hope that you still felt the same way I did even after all this time… I returned home and told her I couldn’t do it anymore. My heart was no longer in it and she knew that. Filing for divorce was the easiest decision I’ve made in a long time.” 
“Okay, now come over here.” I whisper, still slightly affected by this situation. I pointed to the spot I imagined and Tom did this, coming to a stop where I said. I turned my chair to face him. “Kneel.” I broke character for two seconds to throw that in there. He did too, cracking up at my reference. “Okay, okay,” I said trying to get us back on track. “But seriously, drop to your knees.” I directed.
He did as I instructed instantly getting back into character. His eyes relayed the exact emotions I wanted the character to have: sadness, regret, longing, relief… I don’t know how he did it so flawlessly, but that just shows how brilliant of an actor he is.
His eyebrows were furrowed creating the creases in his forehead; the type of creases he gets whenever anything caused him any distress. I’d seen them during multiple interviews and pap photos. I wanted to massage them away every time I saw them, as did the character. 
“Okay, now hold still. This is a trouble spot,” I whispered to him as I tried to run over everything in my head. I reached out to do exactly as I pictured. He watched as I did so, the wrinkles disappearing the instant my fingers touched them. His eyes fluttered shut at the contact. He released a shaky breath just like I imagined his character would. My hands were trembling as I imagined the character’s would, not knowing just how much until they came in contact with his skin. I brought my fingers down over his prominent cheekbones. His beard was surprisingly soft to the touch, taking a moment to appreciate it by running the back of my hand down his jaw. His large hand covered mine when it came to his neck, bringing it up to his lips, placing a kiss on my palm. I made a mental note of his action as I didn’t want to break this tender moment.
“The hardest being when I let you walk away from me.” He whispered, locking his eyes on mine, pain and truth written all over them. It nearly knocked me out of my seat. He encompassed everything I expected.
My shoulders slumped in defeat, losing myself in the scene. I slide off the chair as I imagined, falling knee to knee in front of him. He scooped up my hands in his, causing goosebumps to form on my entire body from his touch. He held them, running his thumbs over the backs like I wanted him to. He took a deep breath taking my attention away from our contact. “I love you, darling.” He confessed, making my heart flutter. “I believe I always have. I just didn’t know how much until I’d lost you.”
Maybe this was a bad idea… I thought I could handle doing this with him. I thought I could try and compartmentalize the acting from reality, but with him, it’s nearly impossible. He makes me believe what he’s saying, even though I know in the back of my mind that it’s not true. They’re just words I wanted him to read aloud. Nothing is real about them.
The line I wrote last before getting stuck was “If my heart could fly, it would soar…” and oh how freaking true it is…
“Okay, this is where I got stuck. I don’t know how to get where I want them to go next.” I voiced, needing his input.
“What do you want to happen?” He softly asked as if he were still in character.
“She has been imagining how this moment would play out for six years. To have the man she has been madly in love with for over half a decade finally telling her what she’s only dreamed about him saying for that long… She’s taking it all in.” I release his hands and stand on my knees to be level with the desk. I grab my pen and start writing what I see play out in my head. “She searches his eyes for fallacies, but she obviously doesn’t find any.” I vocalize to him as I write so he can stay in the loop. “She worries that she may have fallen asleep at her desk, but then she looks at their hands. The warmth his hands are giving her is the only tether to the real world she has.” 
“And because she doesn’t say anything, he’s anxious.” Tom joined in. “He sees how she’s stuck in her head, so he has to bring her back to him somehow.”
I take a moment to take his suggestion into consideration. I agree that she shouldn’t say anything at first. She’s lost in the fact that he’s in front of her, confessing his feelings for her when she’s only made up conversations like this in her head.
“If she’s looking at their hands, he could use his hand to bring her eyes back to his. He’s missed her as much as she has him so he’ll want to stare into them as much as he possibly can.” He adds, making perfect sense.
“Good.” I write it out as it plays out in my head over and over again. “As for the dialogue, there doesn’t need to be much. There really isn’t much else to say, except for her finally telling him how she feels.”
“Should we just see where it takes us?” He suggested. I nodded in agreement. I returned to our previous position after finishing. His hands enveloped mine again, the warmth of them heating up my now cold fingers. I watched as if I could see them warming before my eyes. He let go of one of mine and brought it to my face. He used his thumb and forefinger to take my chin and bring my gaze back to his, just like we described. “Darling?” He whispered.
Both of us were brought up to our knees with the feeling of our bodies longing to be closer to the other, driving us to stay close.
“Is this real?” I asked, feeling like I just came out of a daydream. My hands found their way into his long ginger locks. They were just as soft as I imagined them to be. I would have run my fingers through them every day if he would’ve let me…
“God, I hope so.” He breathes out, leaning his forehead against mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist, our hips connecting. Tingles spread throughout my body at the close contact. My heart was beating so loudly, I’m sure he can hear it. 
I froze, knowing what I wanted to happen next with the characters, but I don’t know if I could handle what would happen if we were to do what I was thinking… Oh God do I want to kiss him. I’ve thought about kissing him since the first night. But I didn’t think he would’ve been okay with me doing so. After his confession earlier though, he might be now… However, I can’t let that happen. Because if I were to let myself have what I’ve been dreaming of, I don’t think I’ll want to stop.
So to save us both some awkwardness for the last two days we have here, I pulled away from him. He looked confused as I stood up completely. My knees yelled at me for abusing them more than they’re used to but I ignored the pain. “Okay, I think I can figure it out from here.” I collected my stuff. “Thank you for this. It helped more than you could ever imagine.”
He abruptly stood up as well, clearing his throat. “You’re more than welcome, love. Let me know if you need any more help.”
We both go to our respective rooms for the remainder of the night. As soon as I got back to mine, I kicked myself. I actually walked away from kissing Tom freaking Hiddleston; someone I’ve been dying to know what it would be like for years. I could have had his lips against mine and I made the conscious decision to leave before it could happen. My pre-vacation self would have killed me if she saw who I’ve become.
I wrote down what played out, finding it was exactly right for the situation, but I couldn’t finish it. When I got to the kiss, I couldn’t bring myself to write it. I tried to watch a few of his kiss scenes but that didn’t help at all. None of them can describe what it’s like to kiss him. I want it to be authentic. Had I known that at the time, I might have let it happen for the story… or maybe not. I guess I won’t know.
day six...
Permanent taglist: @elusive-beauty @drakesfiance @im-a-slut-for-an-accent @fantasy-is-my-reality @hiddlephile @naniky
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acourtofidiots · 2 years
Welcome to BK! How can I serve you today?
One flame broiled ass clown? Have it your way
You can't do fast food half as good as I do
Your pink slime meat turns my asshole to a drive through
You're played out like a Chuck E. Cheese token
Your style's like your ice cream machines, broken (Ha!)
I'm dropping Whoppers that'll knock you off the menu
Call you Ronald Donald, 'cause there's no MC in you!
Why don't you call me Ronald Jeremy? 'Cause I'm getting nasty
Like the Whoppers you sell made of horse lips and ass meat
Ask Rick and Morty who's the lyrical boss
I've got lines for days, call me Szechuan sauce
The undisputed GOAT of putting burgers in bellies
I'm fast food Eminem, you're Machine Gun Kelly
I'm Coke to your Pepsi, I'm Mac, you're Android
Let's be real, I'm Nice Peter and you're Epic Lloyd
You're number one, like the whiz I took in your ball pit
Them rhymes you just spit are a Ray Kroc of shit
You spooky-ass clown, you're so creepy it's insane
You look like you just ate someone's brother in a storm drain
You can't beat the King with your crew, please
The whole head of your government's name is Mayor McCheese
I ain't lovin' shit, even if Timberlake sings
I'm running circles 'round you like my onion rings
(Your onion rings are pretty good)
But that verse was lifeless! You had no joy in it
Last rapper this plastic had a Happy Meal toy in it
I'm serving billions and I can't be beat
You're a bin full of lettuce, facing da feet
Using Cheetos, dude? Get your recipes together, man
I've had the same fries since I was Willard Scott the weatherman
I'm the best trash talking mascot in town
You might be the King, but a clown wears the crown
Show me two losers old enough to be my daddies
And I'll square off with 'em like the corners of my meat patties
It's Wendy! The hip-hopping Pippi Longstocking
No flow's as Frosty as the salad bars that I'm dropping
I'm topping you two like plain baked potatoes
Exploiting you both like you were growing my tomatoes (Aw!)
King, you're creepy, and you're always second fiddle
Your breakfast croissants are even worse than his McGriddle
And McDonald's gave your job to a box with a face
Left you behind like a quiet kid in a PlayPlace
I'm the fast food queen! Mean with a tweet sesh
Leave opponents frozen 'cause I always keep my beef fresh
literally my favorite ERB
0 notes
alicethecook · 4 years
Why Raise Squabs, The Delectable Bird?
New Post has been published on https://homekitchen.info/why-raise-squabs-the-delectable-bird/
Why Raise Squabs, The Delectable Bird?
I have noticed that one of the most common superlatives used to describe the taste of a squab is “delectable.” Webster defines the meaning as highly pleasing, delightful, and delicious, and others add luscious, extremely pleasing to the sense of taste, and capable of causing desire. Having eaten a few, I must concur.
I began raising pigeons and squabs after reading “Raising Small Meat Animals” by Victor M. Giammattei, D.V.M., 1976. His chapter named “Raising Delectable Squabs” caught my eye, and I quote from the first paragraph. It reads: “Curiously, few people today are familiar with squabs, even fewer have eaten them, and fewer yet have raised them. There’s no logic in this, for squabs are easy to raise, and their meat is the finest of all poultry meats”.
O.K., you have my attention, sir. I was one of the uninitiated, for at that time I had never eaten a squab either nor seen it offered. He went on. “Squab ranks along with filet mignon, lobster, or suckling kid (young goat). It is found only on the menus of better restaurants and hotels, on steamships, in country clubs, and in some hospitals. It has been a dinner entree for kings, queens, and other nobility since the time of the ancient Greeks… Considering the ease with which they can be raised, the quality of their meat, and the modest cost to the backyard grower, there is no reason why the energetic family should be without squab meat – in the author’s opinion, the choicest of all meats.” Why not indeed, I asked? How had I managed to miss this taste treat? Sign me up.
If this were not enough to convince me about the quality of squab, I have since found other interesting references. Philippa Scott, from her “Gourmet Game”, lists a recipe for “Trid”, or Moroccan Pancakes Stuffed With Pigeon. She writes: “In his “Moorish Recipes”, John, fourth Marquis of Bute, suggests that this dish might well have been introduced into Morocco in the time of Mulai Idris, descendent of the Prophet Mohammed, who fled to Morocco from Mecca, and whose body lies buried at Fez, the land of his exile. It is reputed to be the oldest Arab dish, and it is said that when the Prophet Mohammed was asked what he liked best in the world, he answered that he loved his wife above everything, but after her he loved “Trid.”
The Chinese have raised squab for over 2000 years. Today squab farms are big business in china, with several hundred being operated with government approval and encouragement. They are also big medicine. The Chinese believe that squab is not only delicious and easily digestible, but that the meat and broth can be used to treat a variety of health ailments. The ancient people used to call pigeons “the sweet blooded animal”, and can be used to cure anemia, weakness, and fatique. It can be used to prevent high blood pressure, vascular sclerosis, and osteoporosis, just to name a few. Pigeon was the first kind of poultry to be designated as “green food” from the China Green Food Development Center, which means pigeon is the most clean and unsullied meat product to consume.
On the American scene, the use of squab may be a result of the people’s memory and fondness for the tenderness and taste of the passenger pigeon, and we know what happened to that miraculous horde. They ate them. Thomas Jefferson and the history of the United States are forever intertwined. Among many other things, Jefferson was a “foodie”, should there have been a such a term around in those days. He loved his land, his crops, and his meals provided from them. He was famous for his dinner parties and for his dinner guests. Squab was on the menu, raised from his own lofts. “Squab in Compote”, a french recipe, was one of his favorite dishes.
William Randolph Hearst, in his day, was one of the richest and most powerful men in America. Like Jefferson, he was also famous for his dinner parties and the extensive menus. The estate was well known for it’s squab loft’s and squab dinners, served to other American royalty and celebrities lucky enough to be included on the guest list. If they were very fortunate, “Hearst Ranch Squab” a roasted, stuffed bird, would be on the table.
So folks, try a squab today. If it’s good enough for a prophet, an American founding father, and one of the world’s richest men, it’s good enough for me. After all, 1.4 billion Chinese, with a “B”, cannot be wrong.
By the way, did I mention that you can raise them in a small backyard? You don’t have to be born of royal blood lines either, but you can dine like you do. They are, a most “delectable” bird.
Trid: Moroccan Pancakes Stuffed With Pigeon
1 1/2 pound pigeon meat, cut into about 20 pieces. Salt, 1 teaspoon black pepper, good pinch of saffron, 1 teaspoon ground ginger, 1 stick cinnamon, 1 tablespoon chopped chervil, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 3 large onions (chopped), 1/2 cup water, 1 cup olive oil, 3 heaping cups flour.
Simmer the meat, salt and pepper, spices and herbs, onions, water, and 1/2 cup olive oil in a heavy casserole with a tight fitting lid. Make a simple dough with the flour and very little water. Work it thoroughly, then make it into about 20 balls about the size of small hen’s eggs. Flatten each on a lightly oiled board into a very thin disc. Cook each on a dry griddle, not too hot but cooked on each side.
Arrange 1/2 of these cooked pancakes in an ovenproof dish, overlapping each other and coming up the sides of the dish. When the meat is tender, remove the cinnamon stick, and arrange the meat on top of the pancakes. Cover with the remaining pancakes. Pour a little of the cooking liquid over the trid, and serve the rest as a sauce.
From Gourmet Game: Recipes and Anecdotes From Around The World by Philippa Scott.
Squab in Compote
6 plump squabs, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 cup finely chopped onion, 1 finely diced carrot, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 slices diced bacon, 1/4 pound sliced mushrooms, 1/3 cup Sherry, or Madeira.
Truss the squabs. Melt butter in a casserole dish with a tight fitting lid. Add squabs along with onion, carrot, and salt. Saute until delicately browned on all sides, turning the birds frequently. Next add the bacon, mushrooms, and sherry or Madeira. Cover tightly and simmer in the oven gently for 40 or 45 minutes or until tender when tested with a fork. Do not overcook or they will fall apart. Remove birds, and serve with the sauce on the side.
Hearst Ranch Squab
6 plump squabs, 3 cups bread crumbs, 4 eggs, 2 cups grated Romano cheese, 2 gloves garlic, 2 teaspoons chopped parsley, 3 chopped onions, pinch of marjoram, salt and pepper to taste, 1/2 cup olive oil, 1 cup claret.
Drain squabs dry, cut off tips of wings. Mix ingredients, except oil and claret. Stuff birds with mixter and skewer closed. Brush birds with oil and place breast up in an uncovered baking dish. Bake in oven preheated to 400 degrees until brown (35 minutes). Brush with oil, baste with claret. Serve on thin toast with a Borderlino or California red wine.
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rilenerocks · 4 years
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On July 2nd, I thought I’d finally figured out this Covid summer. After coming to terms with the fact that the virus wasn’t going anywhere, that I wouldn’t be swimming any time soon, I made a move. I ordered myself an extra-large doggy bathing tub, dug around in the garage for an old beach umbrella, and set up shop for my new daily mini-vacation. Every morning after breakfast, I’d head out the back door, plug in some headphones, dip my feet in the water and kick away as if I was in an Olympic-sized pool. The bonus was the fact that I could watch the birds, butterflies and even my decidedly least favorite small mammals, destroyers and omnivores of flowers and vegetables. I could enjoy shooing them away.
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I’ve been amazed at how well this little spot has worked for me. The heat and humidity where I live are always a challenge during the summer months. Ordinarily, I’d do my swimming at the outdoor pool and feel perfectly fine about spending the rest of my day indoors. But with this set-up, I’m spending hours outside. Adding cold water from the hose keeps the temperature from getting too toasty. Aside from the physical and psychological benefits of this arrangement, I think my growth as a backyard scientist has been a much-needed plus in my life. But the bliss back then was short-lived. On July 11th, exactly a month ago, nature took a surprising turn.
In the midst of a typically warm, muggy afternoon, a rain event was predicted. When it arrived, large chunks of hail came along for the chaotic ride, blowing things over, denting vehicles and leaving large chunks of ice all over the grass and garden. It was a mesmerizing event. I stood at the back of my porch to avoid getting hit by the blistering balls, hard enough to pockmark metal. All I could think of was climate change. There have been so many extraordinary weather episodes all across the world. Lots of people think that since it’s not hot all the time, the concerns over what’s happening to this planet are overblown and inflated. How very narrow and naive. That storm, a scant month ago, left us without power for 12 hours. In addition to the modest discomfort, there was worry about all the food in the refrigerator and freezer going bad. In the time of a pandemic, having to toss out expensive sustenance and replace everything is daunting. When it ended, the cleanup started. After that was done, it was time to just start over.
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Today started out as a normal Covid Monday. I was going to babysit my eldest grandson during the afternoon as I have for months.  I ate my breakfast and then went out into the yard for my pool time. After a few temperate days, the sizzle had returned.  I listened to music while I paddled away, getting up intermittently to photograph the butterflies I so dearly love. I was also happy to see my cardinal pair, Carmine and Pumpkin make their appearances, always a bright spot in my day.
After a few hours, my grandson came over – lucky me with the family living across the street. We ran a few errands and then went off to one of his favorite drive-through restaurants where he gets his grilled cheese sandwich and a milkshake of one kind or another. We park in a shady space and chat about all kinds of different topics. Our freewheeling conversations cover a lot of territory ranging from the ordinary, who did what at home earlier today, to the more exotic, like cloning and eugenics. We were watching a red-tailed hawk swoop and dive, no doubt on the hunt for a tasty snack, when I noticed that the sky to the northwest was suddenly looking ominously dark. A 60% chance of showers was in the forecast but the perceptible nuances in cloud formation made me think it was time to head home. We were only about eight minutes away but in that short time, the winds picked up and we quickly went inside. Within a minute, a powerful wind gathered that was incredibly loud. My son, who was upstairs working, appeared saying he thought he’d heard something like crashing glass. The three of us stood at the back door watching all sorts of debris swirling through the air. The power in the house snapped off.  The pole from which the power and cable lines run was crooked and one of them had been yanked off the house. What we thought was shattered glass was actually a devastated hackberry tree, tall and imposing, which draped over our driveway and our neighbor’s to the south. A huge limb had snapped off and crashed into their garage which serves as a studio for the artist who is constantly working in it. I shouted out his name, mightily relieved that he answered. His wife is away so I knew he was in there alone. Meanwhile the wind had pushed a fencing section right off its post in my yard, no small accomplishment as the posts are set deeply in concrete. The whole episode only lasted a few minutes. During a lull in the rain, I sent my grandson home. Within minutes, various neighbors emerged to check on each other and the physical damage.
My neighbor’s garage/studio is a total loss. He was inside at the time – miraculously the limb hit the apex of the roof which held even though a wall bowed out to the side. My fence is being held up by an extra timber Michael had lying around, ever the boy scout, always prepared.
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We all thought we’d seen some kind of mini-tornado. The stuff swirling through the air had a circular motion. We later found out it was something Id never heard of before, an unusual kind of straight wind event which had cut through the midwest leaving a wide swath of damage which will cost billions. A derecho wind.  
What is a derecho? A derecho (pronounced similar to “deh-REY-cho” in English, or pronounced phonetically as ““) is a widespread, long-lived wind storm associated with a band of rapidly moving showers or thunderstorms variously known as a squall line, bow echo, or quasi-linear convective system. Although a derecho can produce destruction similar to that of a tornado, the damage typically occurs in one direction along a relatively straight swath. As a result, the term “straight-line wind damage” sometimes is used to describe derecho damage.
How strong are derecho winds? By definition, a derecho must include wind gusts of at least 58 mph (50 knots or 93 km/h) or greater along most of its length. While derecho winds typically are less than 100 mph, gusts as high as 130 mph have been recorded — equivalent to those with strong EF2 tornadoes.
Backyard science, all right. I’ve never heard of this wind until today. Ordinarily, I’m thrilled to learn something new every day. But for now, I’m just wondering when the locusts are coming. The other plagues too. The out of control virus still rages here. The weather is bizarre, the planet blaring messages in our faces. The power in my house has been out for 10 hours now. My power company just sent me a message telling me my power has been restored. This is a current photo of the inside of my house.
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Tonight I sat for awhile in my driveway, charging my phone and a battery pack  for a few hours. Oh me of little faith. With limbs that size lying around and power outages everywhere, I didn’t think I’d have lights or fans tonight. My freezer food is melting while the refrigerated food spoils. I did some lovely birds emerge for their dinners and watched the sky turn an amazing shade of pink. Ad I close this note in the darkness, I’m reminding myself to be ready for anything in the morning. Except my feet won’t be dancing in my pool.
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So Much For The Peaceful Space On July 2nd, I thought I’d finally figured out this Covid summer. After coming to terms with the fact that the virus wasn’t going anywhere, that I wouldn’t be swimming any time soon, I made a move.
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intdfoodchallenge · 4 years
Day 2 of Welfare Food Challenge - Thursday
Welcome to Day 2 of the challenge!
Compared to yesterday when I woke up at around 11:00am, I woke up today at 8:35am. This is good on a normal day where I have no work or school in the morning but I had work today at 9:00am and I did not prepare food the night before. I was going to do it but then I thought to myself,  I am just going to wake up early and prepare my food then. Nope, it did not happen because I slept through my alarm (shocker, not). It was a good thing that I woke up before I need to go to work and the place is not that far from our house. Before leaving the house, I grabbed 3 slices of bread and half of a banana.
I didn’t feel hungry when I woke up but about half an hour after working, I  was starting to crave for food and my stomach started rumbling. I didn't eat my “breakfast” then because I know that I am not going to be done work until around 2:00pm and what I brought is not going to fill me for long. I babysit 4 year old twins who is full of energy. At around 10:30am, I had no energy left from playing with the kids (we were playing indoor soccer and catch the ball which always ends up me getting the ball when it's thrown far away). I started to feel weak and I had a headache. It was a good thing that they decided to stop playing and wanted to watch a movie instead. After putting on Frozen 2, I ate my breakfast - picture below is what I had”
Three slices of plain bread and half of a banana with water. 
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Breakfast was okay, I would have preferred if there was something in my bread but at least have the banana (i.e. peanut better or nutella which I could have added to the bread and still be within my budget because it was free but decided not to since that would be considered as cheating). Every bite of bread, I would bit a little bit of banana so that there is a little bit of sweet flavour with the bread. 
After eating my breakfast, I started to do chores around the house (e.g. laundry, dishes, make lunch for the kids). Normally, I would eat whatever the kids are having for meal but since I am doing this challenge, I just had a couple glasses of water. I thought that the water would be able to make me feel full therefore decrease my hunger. According to Petre (2017), "Drinking water can help decrease the hunger you feel before meals. It may also increase feelings of fullness following a meal and promote weight loss."
When the kids don’t finish their meals, it is usually thrown out because they are not going to eat it for later or the next day. This got me thinking “How much food gets wasted that could have been eaten?” Here is what I found:
According to Toronto Food Council Policy (n.d.), “$31 billion worth of food is wasted in Canada each year” which is approximately 40% of food produced in Canada yearly. Of the food wasted, 47% occurs at homes and the other 53% of food wasted is generated along the value chain when food is sold, prepared, processed, produced, transported, and served in commercial or institutional settings. Per households in Canada, $28 worth of food is wasted each week ($1456 annually). Statics Canada (2016) found that in 2007, 6.0 million tonnes of solid food was wasted which is equivalent to 183kg per person. This was shocking and saddening because I think about how many people are not able to eat. Those food could have been eaten but instead, it is being wasted. 
When I finished work at around 2:00pm, I was a little bit hungry since the only thing I ate was bread and half of a banana so, I made my lunch which was the same thing as what the kids had for lunch today expect I know that theirs tasted much better 😭. Here is a picture of what I had for lunch:
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Half a box of mac and cheese and 2 baked chicken hotdog with a glass of water. For the other half of the mac and cheese, I decided to put them in the fridge for another time. 
Lunch could have been better. The mac and cheese tasted really weird. I don’t know if it’s because it’s from a box or because it’s vegetarian (I didn’t know I grabbed a vegetarian one - explains why it was a little bit expensive compared to the ones I saw at Walmart) but it tasted like cardboard. This made me sad a little bit because I had high hopes for this mac and cheese. It might not taste like what I prefer but it’s mac and cheese. I was hoping to taste cheese even if it is artificial. 
After eating lunch, I decided to do some chores around the house which kept me busy for almost 2 hours. Since there is nothing to do after finishing my chores, I decided to take a short power nap - which I was intending to be only half an hour long but took almost 2 1/2 hours long. It was already close to 7pm by the time I woke up which I then “cooked” what I’m having for dinner as pictured below. Half a can of the lasagna and two slices of bread. 
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I did not have high hopes and didn’t expect that much from the lasagna as I did for the mac and cheese and I was right. The lasagna tasted sour but also bland at the same time, I don’t really know how to describe it, aside from I am not a big fan. If this was just a regular day where I am not doing challenge, I would have thrown it away if it somehow ended up in the pantry. That last sentence was me typing before thinking which made me shocked when re-reading it because earlier, I just talked about how much food gets wasted and this could be one of the reasons. Also, others do not have a choice on whether to eat it or not. If someone is on a tight budget and want to eat, but don’t like the food, chances are, they are going to keep eating the food if they don’t want to go hungry. 
Petre, A. (2017). 18 Science-Based Ways to Reduce Hunger and Appetite. Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/18-ways-reduce-hunger-appetite
Statistics Canada. (2016). Section 1: Food in Canada. Retrieved from https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/16-201-x/2009000/part-partie1-eng.htm
Toronto Food Policy Council. (n.d.). Food Waste: The Issue of Food Waste. Retrieved from https://tfpc.to/food-waste-landing/food-waste-theissue
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90stimkon · 7 years
macaroni and cheese
Rating: PG for gushy romance ew Length: 1,556 words  Pairing: Hanamaki Takahiro/Matsukawa Issei (matsuhana), background Oikawa Tooru/Iwaizumi Hajime (iwaoi)
Summary: Oikawa insists that Hanamaki and Matsukawa don’t look like a couple. Hanamaki and Matsukawa insist otherwise.
Notes: @cheesyshenanigans made a super cute doodle of matsuhana in these hoodies and it’s been haunting me all day.
my fic | buy me a coffee | commission me
“Oikawa is staring at us strangely,” Matsukawa stage whispers to Hanamaki.
“He always does everything strangely,” Hanamaki stage whispers back.
“I mean the staring at us is strange.”
“Yeah, that is pretty strange. Usually he’s staring at himself.”
“Don’t talk mean about your captain if you know I’m listening!” Oikawa cries, now finally cracking. He looks away pointedly and stomps to the ball cart, not that practicing one of his float serves does anything to deter his two joking teammates, who approach him immediately after.
“So what’s with the staring?” Hanamaki’s the one to asks, but Matsukawa nods behind him, obviously expecting some kind of answer as well.
“I was just thinking,” Oikawa huffs, putting both hands on his hips as though it helps him carry more authority, “that you two don’t look like much of a couple.”
“Well that’s ridiculous,” Matsukawa says. “We’re a couple, so of course we look like one.”
“Yes, I agree,” Hanamaki says. He holds up a finger for silence and attention, and then dramatically showing a hand to his boyfriend: “We finish each other’s--”
“Ha ha,” Oikawa says dryly. He raises his eyebrow in a way that’s both judgemental and approachable, a way only their captain can manage. “I know that joke already.”
“It’s not a joke,” Hanamaki insists defensively. He does, however, puff out his bottom lip in a mock expression of Oikawa. “I really was thinking about sandwiches.”
“He mentioned it a few minutes ago about what he’d like to eat after practice,” Matsukawa agrees, nodding. He claps his palm on Hanamaki’s shoulder and they both lean their heads in toward each other. It looks about as affectionate as two strangers, but Hanamaki and Matsukawa have never been ones to demand attention in the same way Oikawa does.
Their captain sighs in a rare way. Oikawa’s competitive, mocking, and playful sighs were well known to any Seijou regular, but this sigh sounds…disappointed. “I can never tell when you two are joking or not.”
“We never joke.”
Oikawa’s honey brown eyes sharpen and by the way he inhales, both of them know he’s about to say something, but whatever it is dies on his tongue the moment Iwaizumi walks up to the ball cart beside them. “You okay?”
“Iwa-chan!” Oikawa instantly gushes, wrapping both arms around Iwaizumi’s shoulders and squeezing clothes. “I missed you so much!”
“Hey, not during practice!” Iwaizumi says, but both Hanamaki and Matsukawa note that he’s not trying too hard to push him off. And his insistence that, “it hasn’t even been five minutes since I saw you in the lockers,” is just as weak.
“That’s five minutes too long!” Matsukawa fake gags.
“New couples are so annoying,” Hanamaki says under his breath, just loud enough for Matsukawa to hear.
His boyfriend nods in agreement. “You can never tell when they’re flirting or not.”
Hanamaki frowns while they’re watching Netflix curled up on Matsukawa’s couch, and he hits the spacebar to pause the laptop, where it’s sitting half on his thigh and half on Matsukawa’s. Somewhere out there, he’s sure Oikawa and Iwaizumi are rolling around on one of their beds as if they won’t have the chance to kiss a million other times, a thought that sends an annoyed prickle down Hanamaki’s back. Or it could be the fresh memory of today’s practice. “Do you think we’re not coupley enough?”
Matsukawa presses his lips together in thought for a moment and then turns to meet Hanamaki’s gaze. “Now that I’m thinking about it, maybe we aren’t very typical. But we can’t ever let Oikawa know he might be right.”
“Yeah.” Hanamaki sighs and leans into Matsukawa, idly playing with Matsukawa’s fingertips brushing against his shoulder. “Not that I wanna be like Oikawa or Iwaizumi. They’re too…”
“And loud.”
“Try hard,” Matsukawa agrees in a tone of finality.
Hanamaki grins widely at their easy, comfortable banter, and his teeth clack a little when Matsukawa smiles back and kisses him.  “We’re totally coupley enough.”
“It’s not like there’s a look all couples have, you know?” Matsukawa muses out loud, as they bump knees during lunch. Hanamaki looks up from where he’s eating the pudding Matsukawa bought, raising a brow in question. “If there’s about seven billion people in the world, let’s say there are three-and-a-half billion couples.”
“Remember to subtract the number of sad people who can’t get dates,” Hanamaki reminds, just after pulling out the spoon from between his lips. “And families, probably. Though who knows.”
Matsukawa’s staring right at Hanamaki’s mouth and it takes a moment before he agrees, “right. So that’s about five hundred million couples on earth.”
“Sounds about right, I guess.” Hanamaki shrugs off the question and lets Matsukawa reach out to wipe the bit of chocolate from his lower lip. His eyes narrow as Matsukawa licks his finger clean like it’s nothing. “But so what?”
“So there can’t be anything in common among five hundred million couples.”
“You’re right!” Hanamaki agrees, pointing the spoon at Matsukawa with a glimmer in his eye. “And if there is, we definitely have it.”
Hanamaki groans and shuts Matsukawa’s laptop shut. Somehow he thought Love, Actually would be funnier than it was, but it just leaves a bad taste in his mouth. “Wanna go to Oikawa’s house without telling him and ruin his make out time with Iwaizumi?”
“Hey, Mattsun, pucker up like we’re the white, heterosexual couple at the very end of a movie,” Hanamaki randomly demands.
Without asking why, Matsukawa does as he’s told, closing his eyes so tightly that his nose scrunches and his lips pucker up absurdly, complete with a really, “chuuuuu.”
Hanamaki would laugh if he wasn’t doing the same, a breath away from Matsukawa’s face. There’s a quick click of the camera’s shutter and Hanamaki pulls away to look at the photo. “Okay, let’s put every ridiculous filter on it and spam Oikawa’s messages with really obnoxious pictures that show we’re a couple.”
“You have to use a soft filter and the ridiculous stickers,” Matsukawa helpfully explains. He points to the most ridiculous stickers with throbbing hearts and I-L-Us written in dainty cursive, stickers that should only be used for the nefarious of selfies. (Oikawa had sent them no less than five selfies of him and Iwaizumi with said sticker in the past two days) “Okay, now draw blushes and sparkles on both of our faces.”
“Oh, that’s good!” Hanamaki chirps, dutifully drawing exaggerated manga blushes and sparkles on them both. “How’s this?”
Matsukawa grins at the parody of romance on Hanamaki’s phone and gives him a thumbs up. “Perfect.”
Hanamaki’s phone beeps fifteen minutes later, just after texting a picture of Hanamaki and Matsukawa fluttering their eyelashes at the camera and making a heart with the shape of their hands.
[From: Still Owes Me Ramen] u both suck!!!!!
Hanamaki grimaces at his phone wallpaper a week later. He and Matsukawa both thought it would be funny if they changed their wallpapers to same selfie from when they spammed Oikawa, but it gives him goosebumps every time he looks at it now. “It’s kind of gross.”
“Really gross, actually.”
“So gross that I want to delete it.”
“I wasn’t about to suggest it, but I’m glad.”
“Agreed. It’s settled then. It’s gone.” Hanamaki deletes the photo and replaces his wallpaper with one of him and Matsukawa purposefully failing an attempt to form a heart shape with their hands. Matsukawa’s arm is pulled over his head to form half of a full-bodied heart while Hanamaki’s hand is held up to form half a heart shape with his hand. Hanamaki smiles at the old photo; it was his previous wallpaper and he missed it.
On a double date with Oikawa and Iwaizumi, Oikawa clings to Iwaizumi’s bicep and cheerfully suggests, “let’s do something fun and say which movie represents our love life! I choose Beauty and the Beast!”
“We’re more like Tangled,” Iwaizumi corrects, bumping his head against Oikawa’s.
Oikawa downright giggles and Hanamaki misses the days when Iwaizumi might have snarkily replied back, ‘who are you calling beast?’ Big sigh.
“How about you two?” Oikawa probes, snuggling impossibly closer to Iwaizumi. “Which movie describes your love life?”
Hanamaki and Matsukawa take one look at each other and say at the same time: “Shrek.”
“Yes,” Matsukawa breathes when Hanamaki points to a window display. “We have to get them.”
The next time Seijou’s third years are on a double date, Oikawa’s nose wrinkles in disgust the entire time.
“What is it?” Matsukawa asks, half out of irritation. After all, he and Hanamaki hadn’t pulled any pranks to receive that look (yet).
“You two look like a couple,” Oikawa says, sticking out his tongue as if he ate something disgusting. Iwaizumi isn’t so overt, but he’s been watching them worriedly the entire date as well. “It’s weird.”
“He’s the cheese,” Hanamaki says dryly while pointing to Matsukawa.
Matsukawa points to himself. “I’m the cheese.”
Oikawa’s gesturing with his hands in the air that signals a long tirade that’s about to happen while Iwaizumi shakes his head in defeat. It doesn’t matter to Hanamaki that neither of them understand his and Matsukawa’s matching You Are The Cheese To My Macaroni sweaters. All that matters is that he and Matsukawa know they go together like macaroni and cheese.
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rebellionandallies · 7 years
Epilogue: A Nuclear Throne Tale
In the cold dead of the desert evening, two humanoid shapes sat on warped logs around a campfire. As the flames flickered like a buoy in the darkness, the two figures stared at each other in a moment of hesitant examination. One had the posture of a tired man, nearly beaten down by the broken world around him. He wore the faded uniform of an American police officer, and tuned a battered guitar in his scaled hands. His brow was furrowed as he looked up from the taut strings, the fins lining his arms folding in as he met eyes with his companion. His weary face met the burning gaze of his companion, a young woman covered head to toe in dirty gauze, what flesh could be seen from the glow of the fire was burned and twisted. The two post-apocalyptic wanderers maintained eye contact, one worn out and the other bright and furious, before the man returned to the maintenance of his guitar.
His companion however, maintained her stare at his scaly head. “I cannot believe you’re going to get yourself killed, Frank. After everything we’ve been through, you still want to die for the sake of some fairy tale.” The aquatic man raised his head and put his guitar to the side, leaning it against his log to rest it safely, bottom nestled in the wasteland’s desert sand. As he spoke, leaning back with his face receding into the shadow of the night, his voice rumbled like some terror from the black lagoon might in films long gone. “If anything is going to kill me Rebecca, it’ll be you nagging me to while away my retirement on this wacko dust ball. You know I can’t wake up proper without a cup of coffee. And that just doesn’t exist anymore, does it?”
           The bandaged gave a hard glare and some choice words, arms folded as she leaned forward, her voice raised as she criticized her companion. “And nobody is certain that damned Nuclear Throne exists either. But we’ve lost good friends on this fool errand, and it seems you’re determined to die like a fool too.” The slimy fish took up a stick from the log as his companion glared at him, hands on her hips, shaking his head with a certain sadness. “Reb, this is a sad world. Do you want to keep living in it? I think I might’ve taken the way out if not for that legend.” He kept his eyes on the stick, jabbing it into the sand to pierce a struggling beetle, which he then held over the fire on his sharpened stick. “You really think of it as suicide? Well at least its suicide with a bit of hope mixed in. There’s a chance it could work, you know. And I’m willing to take that risk.”
           Rebecca took up her own stick, quickly stabbing into the sand and piercing a toothed worm, holding it over the fire, silent as the creature squealed. A minute of silent roasting, interrupted only by the popping of the internal bits of the two bugs, and the two took their small meals out of the fire. Rebecca slid the large worm off the stick, biting right into the motionless creature, speaking only after her mouth was filled with faux desert sausage. “Frank… it’s not your risk to take. The Nuclear Throne is just some story made up to give dying kids hope their fatal mutation will disappear, maybe. We’ve wasted too much time on chasing some phantom gizmo, when we need you here. To help us rebuild.” Frank meanwhile, simply stared at his roasted beetle, legs still slowly moving. He did not bite into it, or even peel away the shell. Instead, he lowered his stick and looked over to his companion. “Do you know the last thing I ate before those bombs dropped?” As Rebecca groaned and leaned back, the ex-cop smiled and put his beetle-on-a-stick down. “A burger with all the fixings, double patty, melted cheese and a side of fries. That’s just not something we can rebuild, you know?” Frank smirked, as his beetle continued to burn away in the fire he allowed it to fall into. “I was a week away from retirement, you know. Real cliche, isn’t it? Just about to retire to the mountains, and they dropped some mutagen whatsits all over the world.” He frowned, interlacing his webbed fingers as best he could. “I want my past back. I think we all do. One more dead man won’t doom this world further, but if we can hold out hope a little longer, maybe we can get it back.”
His voice grew wistful, and Rebecca regained her unsettled expression as she swallowed her meal, tossing her stick into the night and pointing a finger at Frank. “Don’t you feel like we’ve lost enough? Four years and billions of people dead, dozens of close friends passed on, do you really want to make their deaths mean nothing?” The ex-officer sighed, hands on his knees. “Reb, if I don’t take up the torch they held, then their deaths really would mean nothing. They had… hope, you know? Don’t you miss that, hope?” An uneasy quiet holds them both, while the bandaged mutant took her time to formulate a response. Eventually, she had a reply, lifting her head back up to continue the tense discussion. “Frank, that’s just a dream. That’s giving up. Making something new, building for the future, isn’t that what the real hope is?” Her hands moved as she talked, arm swinging as she emphasized her points. “If you die out there, you’ll be killing most of the hope I have left in this world. We made it this far, isn’t that good enough? Isn’t it good enough to know we can make something better for others?”
The fire started to dim, as Frank withdrew the tip of his stick from the fire, broke it into kindling, and tossed it back into the shallow hole in the sand. “I don’t think it is. This future, it doesn’t feel right. You can go ahead with it if you want, but I’m going to do what I feel is right.” Rebecca shook her head, scowl apparent on her face. “You’re being a fool Frank. And you’re making the rest of us weaker as a result. And you can’t pin that on the bombs, that’s on you.” Her scowl lessened as she realized the strength of her words, but Frank did not show any signs of offense. Instead he smiled and stood up, brushing dust off the front of his faded clothes. “I don’t know about you, but I’m going to get some sleep. There’s a big day ahead of us, and I’m hoping you’ll join me.” Rebecca stretched her limbs and closed her eyes, breathing out slowly before kicking loose sand over the fire. As she lay on the compact desert floor, she grumbled into the inky blackness, “If you don’t die out there… come back. Please.” A chuckle came from the night, both irritating and welcome. “Well, I try my best to not die. Have some faith, Reb.”
           As the morning sun rose to greet the mutants of the new world, the two figures rose from their positions by the campfire, lazy smoke from the ashes trickling up to greet the sky. Rebecca and Frank looked at each other in unease, as they made a halfhearted attempt to separate on good terms. The ex-cop put a hand forward to shake, only to slowly lower it as he saw the ex-bandit had raised her arms for a hug. Neither could find a way to properly say goodbye, and so they parted in silence. The fish man strode into the baking desert sun, guitar in his hands, strumming the instrument like a character straight out of a heroic western film. And the bandaged mutant limped in the opposite direction, toward a crumbling city block a short distance away from the dead fire. A handful of other mutants milled about the road cluttered with rusting automobiles, and she soon took her place among them, placing her shoulder against the wrecks and heaving at the obstacles with all she had. The day faded to night as they moved the rubble into the shifting dunes, and a new fire was lit when darkness fell.
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king77jonassen-blog · 6 years
The Definitive Overview of Insusceptible Carbohydrate
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I've goned on a pair of full week constant streak from fallen short dinners, so I experienced therefore the winner whipping this up with acorn squash for dessert. She wasn't dismal or even vindictive, however it had not been like she was actually completely fine to rest idly and watch the amount of time tick through. The web content of this web site certainly not wanted for the procedure or protection from ailment, nor alternatively for clinical therapy, nor as a choice to health care suggestions. After the umpteenth time from being confronted along with the debate over this book (mainly through one assessment and also connected comments) I permit myself irritated into reading this. I visited the audio CDs (only four) as well as the book also off the public library. Like Colony it may also be reached manage multiple temperatures (added temperature, ₤ 179), yet fortunately is actually that they are actually releasing hooked up radiator valves (the middle of 2016) to create that easy to create a real multi-zone heater. I've created this dish so many opportunities, and that feels free to all whose tummy this contacts each time. Three years ago the website observed that teams were actually beginning to acquire financed by neighborhood services. Instead, I used avocado to generate a creamy mousse in addition to a healthy chocolaty spelt crust. The initial phone call lasted over a hr, as well as the exclusive chat triggered even more contacts the following full week and the week after. The rise of the attraction of physical lifestyle-- off difficulty training program training to punching to outside quests-- was among the best (pun intended) techniques males of this time period dismissed versus its own enervated apathy.. http://esprituniversel.info/corrigez-votre-virilite-avec-testo-ultra/ to develop an event today mentions Yuli Ziv, that coordinates the Meetups for her group Style 2.0 and is the founder of My It Things and also Type Coalition Ziv's group has more than 1,000 members, and also she has actually arranged 20 Meetups considering that 2008. All motion counts as well as physical exercise mins add up. The American College from Sports Medicine encourages 150-250 mins (30-50 mins, 5 times a week) of mild intensity physical exercise for weight loss. Right here you can in fact create a pleasant writer page along with your complete biography as well as headshot, which may aid your sales. A lot of our company in the contemporary planet devote our time in just what learning reformer John Taylor Gatto phones systems." Networks, according to Gatto, are actually ad hoc social companies made up of only weak tie relationships. Live songs television could be a relic of recent, however on-line video are here to stay. Nevertheless, continuous HIIT at night might interfere with sleep therefore if you do have problems going to sleep, this may be the main reason. Blurb concentrates on generating printed publications that definitely do not possess a print-on-demand feeling, and also given that they generate such great photobooks, the site has actually brought in lots of artists and digital photographers. Sinatra and also Strait are actually 2 folklores in the crooning/music organisation and also I discover people throughout the country which love their popular music. Simply this last time I carried out make use of the Japanese variation as well as I must say I did like it a whole lot. This is my 4th recipe from your site/book in the last week as well as they have all been a smash hit. I played it secure and selected the normal curry powder, yet I think following opportunity I'll make an effort the added spicy sauce particle for a little extra zing. But just what was so troubling for me was actually that I was must have 5 Imodium Advanced tablets each night just before the looseness of the bowels would quit. When Breath Becomes Air is a intellectual and also profoundly mental narrative, written through a boy with a great deal guarantee, a great deal soul, a lot compassion. While Private detective is growing up he looks into other forms of faith and as opposed to picking one makes a decision to be Catholic, Islamic, and Hindu all concurrently. I made this the other night with a few little substitutions due to just what I carried palm-- olive oil and full fatty tissue coconut dairy with some of the fat deposits lef off. Never ever are our team told that to construct the wall structure, even to the lesser 35 feets, (through actual building estimations) would certainly cost $25 billion bucks, regardless of whether you could possibly acquire the property to construct this (the majority of the perimeter Trump desires to wall is in the middle from a river as well as property in many instances might certainly not even be actually gotten for a fence). If you want to reconnect with the Circle from Life," this is actually due time you take place a quest. Create your team, as well as choose your site, the group's name, headline and your top statement defining what the group is about. However you grow, so to accept you have no abilities and still possess no ambition, and also instead of snatching for that golden band, you waste your time writing shitty customer reviews on shitty manuals listed here on goodreads on a ball-dampeningly hot Sunday mid-day. Simply point I intended to mention is actually that I added crumbled California hamburgers as you pointed out, but trying to disperse the cheese sauce in addition to that was a pain, therefore next time I wll spread the cheese on the noodles initially. That can participate in songs and videos, display your vacation snaps, as well as have grainy, low-resolution pictures with its own built-in electronic camera. http://esprituniversel.info/ carry out still eat fish but other than that i'm vegan so i attempted your iron female smoothie/parfait (i mistakenly blended all of them with each other adding oatmeal to the shake) but this was one of the very best points i invited a very long time. That felt like a light bulb happening since the sores always looked like burns off the blistering and striping to the black locations left after they cured (luckily, I do not acquire keloid scars on my face). These information crews are actually precisely the like Fox and CNN in that they all depend upon social ignorance to create their very own misconception from fact. Select a theme for your team's web page; you may pick from many themes or produce your very own. Oh, and also that seems that he wants you thus extremely he can not limit off ramming you frequently with his male member while informing you how much he can not limit themself which acquires very seriously frustrating after the twentieth time. The Young boy in the Striped Pajamas, which to this day has actually offered much more than 7 thousand copies worldwide, is actually a # 1 New York Times Bestseller as well as a movie modification was launched in September 2008.
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25 Creative Fourth of July Contest Ideas and Examples
The Fourth of July is a massive holiday in the US.
It's the #1 beer-drinking holiday (take that, Super Bowl), and in 2016 we spent $6.77 billion dollars on food, $324 million on fireworks displays and $4.4 million on imported flags. We also ate 150 million hot dogs and bought 190 million pounds of beef.
For businesses whose target market might be buying something around Independence day, your ears should be perking up right about now.
The best way to take advantage of the Fourth of July buying market is a contest, and this article will give you everything you need to get rolling while you still have time - 4 contest examples and 25 creative Fourth of July contest ideas.
Let's get rolling!
A Simple Fourth of July Contest Example from Ile de France Cheeses
Your contest doesn't have to be complicated or require weeks of work. Sometimes the best contests are the ones which make entry easy and with a simple prize.
This Fourth of July contest from Ile de France cheeses is just such an example:
When this contest initially ran it got 2,070 entries.
A "Bigger In Texas" Fourth of July Contest Example from The Texas State Fair
This Fourth of July contest shows how important your header image is. In many ways (and if you have your prize value in that header) it's all you need.
This Fourth of July contest from the Midway State Fair is a great example of a family-oriented campaign:
When this contest was initially run it got 2,087 entries.
A Fourth of July Contest Example Made by Me
I quickly put together my own Fourth of July contest example using the Wishpond contest builder. The template I used help me create this campaign in about 10 minutes from start to finish.
All I'd need to do now is promote with a newsletter, social media posts, PR and in-store.
Run this campaign for a couple weeks, send a follow-up discount to all the entrants giving them 25% off their first month of fitness classes and I could watch the profit roll in…
A Fourth of July Contest Example Made by our Designer
I also took the time away from one of our designers to create a hypothetical campaign for me as well using our platform - just to show you what the professionals can do.
For details about Wishpond's fully-managed campaigns, check out Wishpond 360.
12 Awesome Fourth of July Contest Ideas
A bit of creativity is often all you need to get started with a great online contest. To help you out, check out these 12 Fourth of July contest ideas to inspire your success:
A sweepstakes contest, giving away a barbecue
A video contest, giving away a shopping spree and cooking class
A photo contest where people submit a photo of their families celebrating for the Fourth. Prize would be a family trip or vacation (like the designer example above)
A sweepstakes, giving away a vehicle detailing package around the idea of summer roadtrips
An America-themed photo contest, giving away patriotic clothes, flags and etc
A referral contest, giving away 4 tickets to an outdoor or drive-in theater
A photo contest, giving away a beach-day prize package (sunscreen, umbrella, towels, toys, etc)e
A sweepstakes, giving away everything you need or a summer picnic
A referral contest, giving away a family-oriented photo shoot
A photo & referral contest, giving away a flight to Washington DC from anywhere within the continental US
A sweepstakes, giving away four tickets to a baseball game in your area
A photo contest, giving away baseball (or t-ball) team sponsorship
13 Fourth of July Contest Prize Ideas
Camping gear prize package
Sports gear prize package
Backyard or Barbecue prize package
Day trip or adventure day for the family
Gift card to purchase summer gear at your brick-and-mortar store
Tickets to a sporting event
Summer makeover/waxing/beauty package
Camera with a tripod stand
Tourism activity, like a bus tour or ferry/boat trip
Berry picking
Brewery tour for 4
Firework package
Meat (hotdogs, hamburgers, chicken, and more, for the barbecue)
Top Tip: Try to identify a prize which will bring in, exclusively, your target market. This will make it easier for you to convert your entrants into customers down the line. If you choose a prize that is totally unrelated to your actual products then you'll get a bunch of people who will never actually buy from you.
Wrapping it Up
Hopefully this article has given your business what it'll need to get the most out of the Fourth of July.
Here are a few Fourth of July contest best practices to keep in mind:
Show your prize in your contest's header image, and focus on making that image great
Don't hide your prize's value. Put it front and center in your headline and also within the header image.
Don't ask contest entrants for more than their name and email address, unless you need their phone number to be able to convert them down the line.
Create your contest rules or terms and conditions in a separate page of your website. Provide a link to them from your promotion. Don't include the whole thing within your contest page.
If you have any questions, let me know in the comment section below!
Related Reading:
24 Amazing Facebook Giveaway Examples
25 Sure-Fire Facebook Contest Ideas
Social Media Marketing Plan: An 11-Step Template
25 Awesome Ideas for Giveaways on Facebook
30 Amazing Examples of Branded Facebook Contests Done Right
5 Facebook Landing Page Template Examples Critiqued
The 2017 Guide to Instagram Contest Rules
Facebook Landing Pages: 38 Ideas, Tips and Examples
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kelaguk · 7 years
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On the road: Weekend in Tallinn, Estonia
One of the (numerous) benefits of being based in London once again is that MA and I were able to resume our annual tradition of Christmas Market-ing in Eastern Europe. We spent a few lovely days in picturesque Tallinn before I headed over to Riga, Latvia. It was absolutely freezing and there was only about 6 hours of daylight but we had a great time!
The market was less food focused than Budapest and less commercial than those in Munich or Salzburg - just the perfect balance. And there really isn’t a more festive start to the holiday season than a fresh dusting (or foot) of snow, warming up by a wood-burning fireplace, browsing the markets in Old Town and, most importantly, drinking a gallon of gasoline-grade hot alcoholic beverages. Instant festiveness! 
Where I stayed: Three Sisters Hotel in Old Town; highly recommend, very cozy and charming with very sweet service and unique rooms. Breakfast was a bit meh (though although we usually arrived at the tail end of service). The staff was very friendly.
What I ate/drank: Thick meat soup washed down with light cinnamon beer at Old Hansa; traditional Vana Tallinn coffee and rum balls at Dannebrog Tower Café (a trek up some really steep steps but great views and located within part of the old wall - note that prices are a bit ridiculous though); delish hot chocolate and gorgeous interior typical of any eastern european café at Kohvik Maiasmokk; grilled sausages & sauerkraut with hot grogg in the market; modern Russian food including beetroot barley salad, onion hummus and beef dumplings with mushrooms at Babulja; crepes and fried cheese curd with sour cream and berry jam (omg) at Rukis Café; a nice cuppa at Kohver at Tallinn airport (a darling spot to wait for your boarding call with fur lined chairs and billions of tea pots).
What I did: We spent most of our time exploring Old Town (quite consolidated so it’s easy to cover a lot of ground on foot in a short amount of time); wandered around Toompea Castle and Hill; visited Alexander Nevsky Cathedral; took in the views from the Radisson Blue Sky Lounge 24 bar; warmed up at the Barbor Spa sauna (also in the Radisson Blu Sky Hotel, truly amazing views of the city, especially for a sauna!) and of course the local Christmas Market. But I think the surprise highlight of our trip was  the KGB tour at the top of hotel Viru - a former radio control room for the KGB situated on the once secret 23rd floor of the hotel that was used to spy on "suspicious" guests. We got to check out lots of old bugs and listening devices from the 70s & 80s. Fascinating stuff and try to get Pavel for your guide if possible - his dry humour cracked us up (seriously). The hotel also houses a Hard Currency Bar where you used to only be able to pay in foreign currency and ashtrays were guaranteed to be bugged. And each floor in the hotel used to have a little old lady sitting near the elevator all day who would record the comings and goings of guests. Utterly fascinating. 
Super short days in the winter (we only had daylight from about 9:00am-3:30pm) so plan ahead to make the most of your time
Uber is so cheap, far cheaper than taxis
The airport is really close by and it won't take you long to get in or out of town at all 
Pictures (mine, iPhone 6S):
Tallinn Old Town
The old wall
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
Town Square Christmas Market
Views from Hotel Viru
Like my photos? Follow me on instagram. 
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rilenerocks · 4 years
On July 2nd, I thought I’d finally figured out this Covid summer. After coming to terms with the fact that the virus wasn’t going anywhere, that I wouldn’t be swimming any time soon, I made a move. I ordered myself an extra-large doggy bathing tub, dug around in the garage for an old beach umbrella, and set up shop for my new daily mini-vacation. Every morning after breakfast, I’d head out the back door, plug in some headphones, dip my feet in the water and kick away as if I was in an Olympic-sized pool. The bonus was the fact that I could watch the birds, butterflies and even my decidedly least favorite small mammals, destroyers and omnivores of flowers and vegetables. I could enjoy shooing them away. I’ve been amazed at how well this little spot has worked for me. The heat and humidity where I live are always a challenge during the summer months. Ordinarily, I’d do my swimming at the outdoor pool and feel perfectly fine about spending the rest of my day indoors. But with this set-up, I’m spending hours outside. Adding cold water from the hose keeps the temperature from getting too toasty. Aside from the physical and psychological benefits of this arrangement, I think my growth as a backyard scientist has been a much-needed plus in my life. But the bliss back then was short-lived. On July 11th, exactly a month ago, nature took a surprising turn.
In the midst of a typically warm, muggy afternoon, a rain event was predicted. When it arrived, large chunks of hail came along for the chaotic ride, blowing things over, denting vehicles and leaving large chunks of ice all over the grass and garden. It was a mesmerizing event. I stood at the back of my porch to avoid getting hit by the blistering balls, hard enough to pockmark metal. All I could think of was climate change. There have been so many extraordinary weather episodes all across the world. Lots of people think that since it’s not hot all the time, the concerns over what’s happening to this planet are overblown and inflated. How very narrow and naive. That storm, a scant month ago, left us without power for 12 hours. In addition to the modest discomfort, there was worry about all the food in the refrigerator and freezer going bad. In the time of a pandemic, having to toss out expensive sustenance and replace everything is daunting. When it ended, the cleanup started. After that was done, it was time to just start over. Today started out as a normal Covid Monday. I was going to babysit my eldest grandson during the afternoon as I have for months.  I ate my breakfast and then went out into the yard for my pool time. After a few temperate days, the sizzle had returned.  I listened to music while I paddled away, getting up intermittently to photograph the butterflies I so dearly love. I was also happy to see my cardinal pair, Carmine and Pumpkin make their appearances, always a bright spot in my day.
After a few hours, my grandson came over – lucky me with the family living across the street. We ran a few errands and then went off to one of his favorite drive-through restaurants where he gets his grilled cheese sandwich and a milkshake of one kind or another. We park in a shady space and chat about all kinds of different topics. Our freewheeling conversations cover a lot of territory ranging from the ordinary, who did what at home earlier today, to the more exotic, like cloning and eugenics. We were watching a red-tailed hawk swoop and dive, no doubt on the hunt for a tasty snack, when I noticed that the sky to the northwest was suddenly looking ominously dark. A 60% chance of showers was in the forecast but the perceptible nuances in cloud formation made me think it was time to head home. We were only about eight minutes away but in that short time, the winds picked up and we quickly went inside. Within a minute, a powerful wind gathered that was incredibly loud. My son, who was upstairs working, appeared saying he thought he’d heard something like crashing glass. The three of us stood at the back door watching all sorts of debris swirling through the air. The power in the house snapped off.  The pole from which the power and cable lines run was crooked and one of them had been yanked off the house. What we thought was shattered glass was actually a devastated hackberry tree, tall and imposing, which draped over our driveway and our neighbor’s to the south. A huge limb had snapped off and crashed into their garage which serves as a studio for the artist who is constantly working in it. I shouted out his name, mightily relieved that he answered. His wife is away so I knew he was in there alone. Meanwhile the wind had pushed a fencing section right off its post in my yard, no small accomplishment as the posts are set deeply in concrete. The whole episode only lasted a few minutes. During a lull in the rain, I sent my grandson home. Within minutes, various neighbors emerged to check on each other and the physical damage.
My neighbor’s garage/studio is a total loss. He was inside at the time – miraculously the limb hit the apex of the roof which held even though a wall bowed out to the side. My fence is being held up by an extra timber Michael had lying around, ever the boy scout, always prepared. We all thought we’d seen some kind of mini-tornado. The stuff swirling through the air had a circular motion. We later found out it was something Id never heard of before, an unusual kind of straight wind event which had cut through the midwest leaving a wide swath of damage which will cost billions. A derecho wind.  
What is a derecho? A derecho (pronounced similar to “deh-REY-cho” in English, or pronounced phonetically as ““) is a widespread, long-lived wind storm associated with a band of rapidly moving showers or thunderstorms variously known as a squall line, bow echo, or quasi-linear convective system. Although a derecho can produce destruction similar to that of a tornado, the damage typically occurs in one direction along a relatively straight swath. As a result, the term “straight-line wind damage” sometimes is used to describe derecho damage.
How strong are derecho winds? By definition, a derecho must include wind gusts of at least 58 mph (50 knots or 93 km/h) or greater along most of its length. While derecho winds typically are less than 100 mph, gusts as high as 130 mph have been recorded — equivalent to those with strong EF2 tornadoes.
Backyard science, all right. I’ve never heard of this wind until today. Ordinarily, I’m thrilled to learn something new every day. But for now, I’m just wondering when the locusts are coming. The other plagues too. The out of control virus still rages here. The weather is bizarre, the planet blaring messages in our faces. The power in my house has been out for 10 hours now. My power company just sent me a message telling me my power has been restored. This is a current photo of the inside of my house.
Tonight I sat for awhile in my driveway, charging my phone and a battery pack  for a few hours. Oh me of little faith. With limbs that size lying around and power outages everywhere, I didn’t think I’d have lights or fans tonight. My freezer food is melting while the refrigerated food spoils. I did some lovely birds emerge for their dinners and watched the sky turn an amazing shade of pink. Ad I close this note in the darkness, I’m reminding myself to be ready for anything in the morning. Except my feet won’t be dancing in my pool.
So Much For The Peaceful Space On July 2nd, I thought I’d finally figured out this Covid summer. After coming to terms with the fact that the virus wasn’t going anywhere, that I wouldn’t be swimming any time soon, I made a move.
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