#i just really love the shirt and the pants
svuguru · 1 day
Toji who can’t stop dreaming about filling his sweet virgin gf up >_< she’s just so cute and irresistible, untouched in any sexual way… it really gets him worked up and hard.
Dreaming about undressing you, ridding you of your panties and annoying shirt and getting you on his bed, fingering you slowly but gradually picking up a faster face, your juices coating his thick fingers as he looks up at you with determined eyes, a lazy grin gracing his lips.
“Ahh, Toji, please…!” You cry, squirming around on the bed and pulling at the bedsheets, panting and moaning with flushed cheeks as you look back down at your big manly boyfriend.
“Shh, baby, I know,” and when he feels you about to cum, he pulls his fingers out and undoes his jeans them boxers, stroking his cock before slowly pushing it into your tight warm cunt, looking down at you with loving eyes while you look up at him with wet ones.
“‘S too much—!” You whimper and squeeze your eyes shut, your back arching off the mattress and tugging at the bedsheets, crying and panting and he’s barely moving his hips.
Toji reaches down for your cheek to caress it and wipe your tears away, sucking in a deep breath at the way your tight pussy sucks him in and clenches around his girth.
“Baby, baby, ‘s okay, I got you,” he murmurs and leans down to press a kiss to your forehead, his hand moving from your cheek to your hand, intertwining his fingers with your smaller ones and squeezing your hand, peppering your face in sweet and loving kisses <3
And then he woke up 😭
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I’m a slut for some Matt Rempe smut
Can you please do prompt #6 with fluff as well
Prompt: “We saw each other earlier. Why didn’t you tell me then?”
Warning: sexual content
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You weren’t sure how you ended up in this position, but you certainly weren’t complaining. Sitting on Matt Rempe’s kitchen island with his tongue down your throat and a hand in your pants certainly not on your bingo card for this year. But here you were.
The two of you had been out with your respective friend groups, crossing paths at a bar and sharing a drink. But nothing more than that.
It wasn’t until you’d run into him again, several bars and several drinks later, that the two of you had made it your mission to tease each other until one of you caved.
For weeks your friends had been trying to set the two of you up, and nothing had really come of it. Both of you attracted to one another for sure, but things never reaching a point of action or follow through on your thoughts. That was until now.
“God, I’ve wanted this for weeks.”
You moaned as Matt’s lips attacked your neck, his hands working on getting your jeans off as he smirked as how badly he could hear you wanted him.
“Yeah well we saw each other earlier. Why did you tell me then? I would’ve left the bar on the spot if it would’ve led to this!”
Helping him get rid of your jeans, you shivered at the feeling of the cold marble against your thighs and ass. Matt smirking down at you with lust filled eyes as he pulled his shirt from his torso.
“I needed a little liquid courage I guess.”
Watching as he ditched his pants and boxers in one motion, you’d felt yourself dripping wet on the counter. Ready to explode if he didn’t fuck you within the next twenty seconds.
Not bothering to remove your thong, he simply pulled it to the side. Teasing your slit as he groaned, loving how wet he made you.
“Fuck…why didn’t we do this sooner? We could’ve fucked on every surface in my apartment by now if we had.”
“I don’t know, but if you don’t fuck me soon I’m gonna lose it Rempe.”
Your words igniting the fuse in him, his hips thrusting forward as he’d finally given you what you wanted. What you needed.
The two of you moaning as an array of expletives poured from your lips. His hands gripping tight at your hips as your nails dug into his biceps. The two of you not bothering to keep quiet, surely Matt’s neighbors would let him know their displeasure in the morning. All he could focus on was making sure you got everything you needed from him.
“Shit, Matt, you feel so fucking good. Oh my god…”
Without wanting he pulled himself from you, earning a whine as you lost your building high. Sure to show him your disappointment as he smirked at you.
He picked you up in one swift motion and he carried you off to his bedroom.
“Relax, I’ll make up for it, we’re just getting started.”
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thebestofoneshots · 9 hours
Gilded Constellations | (wolfstar x reader)
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 7.7 K Warnings: Angst (like pretty much every chapter so far). ♡THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SMUT ♡: fingering, masturbati*n, Soft!Sirius, dirty dreams, Needy!Remus. Consent is Sexy! Prompt: The moon is so close and Rem can't control his isnticts as much as he'd wish. And so, he gives into his desires (sort of). This IS a Wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it
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Chapter 51: Some Guys Have all the Luck
“You think Remus’ll be alright?” You asked as you lay on the bed, looking up at James’ fancy mouldings.  
Sirius sighed. “Yeah, the Moon is tomorrow and we had a bit of an argument earlier…” 
You leaned on your elbow and turned to him, “Wait really, about what?” 
“Nothing relevant, just– it was stupid, but I think that’s why he skipped the cuddles today.” 
“Pair of idiots,” you said as you pulled onto his hair. 
“Oi!” he complained, and then smiled devilishly, you knew he was going to kiss you even before he leaned closer and pressed his mouth to yours. It was meant to be a short kiss, but you parted your mouth and sucked on his lip in a way you knew he loved and he couldn’t pull apart. 
Sirius placed his hands on either side of you and slid one of them under your shirt as you kissed. It was nothing he hadn’t done before, but it felt different now, since you knew how far you were both willing to take it. 
“May I make you feel as good as you made me feel earlier?” he whispered into your mouth. 
You smiled and pressed another kiss to his mouth in response, seconds later, Sirius traced his hand down your stomach, and further down, slipping his hand under the hem of your pyjama pants and pinching the side of your leg. You bit his lip in retort and he smiled at your eagerness. 
He was slow, slower now than in the fae pool as he traced your slit, just on the outside of your knickers until he dug in. “Fuck, you’re so wet,” he whispered, more to himself than to you and then brought his hand up to his face and sniffed, his finger almost brushing his lips. You swallowed at the sight, you wanted to tease him for it, but it had been one of the hottest things you had ever seen him do. 
He dug his hand back in and started to roll his fingers in the way he had learned you liked and he had you sighing and panting while you bit your lip, trying not to make too much noise. That was when the door slammed open. 
Remus had gone up to the room to change into something more comfortable for the night, and the last thing he was expecting was to find you and Sirius making out on the bed. On the same fucking bed he had slept last night and would probably sleep on the next. “Sorry,” he said as he spotted you and averted his gaze, not without realising where Sirius’ hand had been. He tried not to think too much about it. Not about Sirius stating you had been amazing and incredible and fantastic and everything great because then, he would have jumped in the bed right in between the two of you. “I- ugh… just came to get some clothes,” he added, rushing towards his trunk and taking the first thing he found before. 
You gave Sirius a look and nodded for him to go speak to Remus. He shook his head and pressed a finger to your folds. Remus was still in the fucking room. You threw him a stern look and pouted. “Go,” you mouthed. 
Sirius made a bit of an exaggerated expression but took his hand from your pants and stood from the bed. 
“Hey Moons, can we talk?” he asked as he pressed his hand on the boy’s shoulder. By now you had turned around and placed a pillow over your head trying to hide the mortifying embarrassment that consumed you. 
“What?” Remus asked, voice a tone higher, he didn’t miss the glistening on Sirius’ other hand, but the hardest thing to ignore was the smell. Fucking hell, they smell like sin. Remus would have gone to hell to be able to bask in it. It was obvious what you had been doing and he was –for a second time that day– wishing he had borrowed James’ cloak, to at least be able to watch. 
I’m a terrible friend, he thought. But Sirius looked genuinely concerned, and it was that honest look in his beautiful eyes that brought him back to reality. “I’m sorry,” Sirius said and bit his lip, leaning closer to Moony. “I was a bit of an ass, I was very excited but that’s no excuse. I shouldn’t have told you about all those,” his lips almost brushed on Moony’s cheek, “details.” 
Sirius was having an internal turmoil of his own, Remus looked so handsome with his casual band shirt and tousled hair, his lips were pink as if he had bitten them and he wanted to kiss them in the same way he had kissed you. He had leaned into him on purpose, he wanted to feel him, which is why his hand was on his shoulder, and he’d wanted to smell him too. He always smelled as delightful as you did, of course, he felt like shit for it.
He had quite literally been making out with you, fingers touching you and it had been so thrilling and then new, lewd thoughts had invaded his mind, but they didn’t include you. Not only you at least. He might have been the worst boyfriend on the face of the earth. Perhaps that’s how his father had been to his mother and that’s why they resented each other so much, perhaps he had also been thinking of someone else, or fantasising about things that weren’t meant to be, ever. 
“It’s okay, we got over that, Pads.” 
“But you– you skipped cuddles and–” 
“Because of my throat,” Remus lied, trying to ignore the bulge forming in his pants and the slight tent on Sirius’ from whatever the hell you had been up to –he did not want to think about it in specifics. Resisting the bIoody temptation to take Sirius’ hands and smell what he’d been doing, to lick the shine away. He held the blush creeping up his cheek at the mere idea of it. “I’m… uh” –he hesitated– “I’m gonna go,” he added, bunched up the clothes in his hands and walked towards the exit. “Good night, Little Witch!” 
“Night Rem,” you said, still under the pillow. 
Sirius was quick to walk back to the bed, “Sorry about–” 
“Next time we spell shut that door,” you said, voice muffled by the sheets under your face. Sirius pressed a tender kiss to your hair and started to rub your back in soft circles, he knew you must have been embarrassed. 
“It was just Moony, he’s seen us do worse–” 
“He has not,” you said, cheeks burning. “He must have been so shocked, damn it.” 
“Well, I mean, It’s only natural–” You shoved him and he laughed, pressing another kiss to your hair. 
You let out a long sigh and then turned to him,  lifting the pillow and leaning your head on it instead, “Hold up, did you wash your hand?” 
“Why would I, it smells great.” 
Remus would have agreed. 
“Ugh… Puppy,” you said with a disgusted expression. He pouted and brought it into his mouth, this time sucking on his fingers in the most lewd way you had ever seen, your eyes went wide before you hit his shoulder. “Such a dog!” 
“They’re clean now, though,” he said as he showed both fingers and moved them for you to see.
You scoffed wryly and hit him again, he only laughed, pressed a short kiss to your lips, and then another one, and then one more until your disgruntled expression was gone. Stupid Sirius Black, he could be so bIoody sweet if he wanted to. And he knew. 
“Veux-tu me câliner, Étoile?” He asked, voice soft, his eyes filled with mirth as if he knew you wouldn’t refuse. 
You sighed. “Sirius,” you smiled. 
“S’il te plaît?”
You scoffed and leaned in close to him, wrapping your arms around his torso and leaning your head on his chest, he pulled you closer when he had the chance, and leaned into your ear, “We’ll finish what we started earlier on a different day,” he promised. 
“Shh,” you said in return, still worried someone might get in. That Remus would get in again. The things he’ll think of us, the images stuck in his head, you thought, still distressed. 
And images in his head there were. He was trying to think of anything else, anything that would drag his thoughts away from what he’d seen, away from what Sirius had told him, away from his sheen-coated fingers, but it all kept coming back to him. 
Sleep, he had to sleep. That would surely make him forget. He went to get one of the sleeping potions that Pomfrey had given him and took a few sips before throwing himself on the bed and hiding his face with the pillow. The potion, thankfully worked its magic on him and he was asleep sooner than later, thoughts gone, and mind blank. 
Until it wasn’t. Remus didn’t dream very often, his sleep deprivation often stopped him from getting his needed rest and when he dreamed, it was mostly after the moon when he was doped with sleep meds. He didn’t think of that when he downed the potion, he only wanted to get his mind off things in that instant. 
And he didn’t have those kinds of dreams often either. Sure, he’d had a lot of them back in 3rd and 4rth year when he was figuring himself out, and sure he had been horrified by some of them when he woke up until he accepted who he was and what he liked. But he didn’t have those as much anymore. Of course, they’d have to come back that day. 
In his dream, the two of you had invited him to the fae pool, you had told him he had to see the colours and then Sirius had proposed for the three of you to get in. That’s when things got lewd. Both you and Sirius stripped and threw yourselves into the water. Kissing each other and then kissing him. It had been so real, he could feel your bodies against his, he could feel your wet kisses on his mouth and lips. He woke up in a heap of sweat and groaned when he realised how hard he was. 
“Fuck,” he said and turned to look at his pants. Feeling mortified over having sexualised his two best friends like that. What would you even think of him if you found out? Would you stop talking to him, would you tell him how much of a pervert he was? 
Fucking Sirius, he had put all those images on his head and things were only getting worse. Walking, he thought, a little bit of walking might take my mind off things. Or a book, I could get that book I left in the living room. Remus took a deep breath, adjusted his tight trousers as best as he could and quietly walked down the stairs. He walked from the living room towards the kitchen, and then to the entrance hall. It was the longest aisle that was also the furthest from the house so he started pacing there. 
Long strides, from the door to the archway that led into the living room and then back. He was thinking about homework and about things he had to study and about anything he could think of that wasn’t you and Sirius. But of course, you always went back to his mind. Either on the Fae Pool, which he had a very clear image on his head by now, or on the bed, with Sirius’ hand digging under your pants and touching you. 
Fuck… fuck.. fuck! Remus couldn’t get the godricdamned smell off his head. It was as if it was fucking there. As if you were fucking there. It was probably because of the moon, his senses were always a mess when the moon was so close and it was proving to be a real fucking nightmare to try and fight against the urges of the wolf. 
Hold up, he couldn’t get the smell off his nose either. He looked around, searching on the corners of the room trying to locate the source of the smell, his eyes finally locked to his coat. 
“My coat?” he wondered as he approached the offending item. He took in his hands and leaned in. “Fuck!”
He quickly remembered Sirius had taken his coat when he left, but it smelled heavily like you. All of it, it was saturated with your smell. It was as if you were there with him, both of you since it still smelled like Sirius. But your smell was much more prominent. He couldn’t understand why until he felt the trace of magic, a drying spell. 
She wore it when wet. FUCK, SHE WORE IT WHEN WET!
The image now solidified in his mind wasn’t helping his case, you wearing his coat, and nothing other than his coat sent another rush of bIood down. He sniffed the coat, burying his head inside of it when he felt his cheeks burn. Lust? Embarrassment? Shame? What was the difference at this point? Moony wouldn’t care. 
Sirius, behind you, placing the coat on you, lightly brushing his fingers on your shoulder before allowing it to wrap around you. Your nipples hard from the cold air after being in such a warm pool brushing against the rough fabric. Sirius looking flushed, his hair still wet and cascading down his bare shoulders. It was an absolute visage. 
Remus felt his pants tightening even more. He knew then that there would be no other way out of this other than through. Perhaps if he used those images now, they’d lose the power they had over him, and then he would get over the stupid crush that kept gnawing at him. He bit his lips in shame as he reached down with one of his hands, gently unlacing the bow on his chequered sleep pants before digging his hand inside. 
He groaned when he felt how hard he’d gotten with the mere imagery of you and Sirius. He hid his shame-filled face on the coat and smelled again, allowing the scents to enrapture him as he patted himself, lightly, teasingly, a soft and much-needed release to his struggle. When he wrapped his hand around his cock, he bit his lip even sharper to hold back a groan, using his other hand to push part of the coat into his face in an attempt to muffle the sound. He moved his hand over his boxers, tracing himself softly until he grew tired and desperate and dug his hand behind the elastic. 
He was painfully hard. And he almost flinched when he felt his hand wrap around himself. He then remembered yours, how much softer it was, how much smaller, he imagined it was you and not him the one touching him, he pretended his scars were your fading broom marks and that it was your thumb brushing against his tip in the way he liked it instead of his. 
He imagined the coat was your shoulder, and that Sirius was just behind the two of you, pressing gentle kisses to his temple and hair as he praised the muffled sounds Remus was trying to hide. He remembered the way your bodies felt pressed into his. Back in the snow day, and when you cuddled, how one was soft, and gentle, and the other toned and strong. Sirius’ smile, Sirius’ hair, your hair, your lips, he had kissed your lips, what a lovely taste they had held. Sirius’ kiss, much longer ago, much shorter than the one he’d given you, but just as present in his mind. 
Remus completely lost himself on the thought of you as he stroked, becoming number and dumber to the world outside of him. So enraptured in what he imagined you sounded like, that he completely missed the quiet steps coming down the stairs. 
You had woken up a few minutes ago, the fact that Remus had refused cuddles still nagging you. You laid there, looking up at the mouldings again while you heard James’ light snoring and Sirius’ soft and warm breath. Something was missing. 
Remus was missing. 
It was his soft breath, his warm hands, the pleased smile he sometimes had while he was sleeping. You had gotten so fucking used to it these past few days, they had been the reassuring sounds and sights that tied you back to reality and away from Christmas, and you missed it, and you felt ridiculous over the fact that you did. You couldn’t depend on him, he was your best friend but he was also only your best friend. He didn’t owe anything to you, let alone to be the comforting figure whenever you felt triggered or had a sad memory. 
It wasn’t his duty to deal with your problems, it was no one’s obligation. You’d have to learn to deal with your own shit, not become so attached to your friends that you become dysfunctional without them. You were sure Remus would eventually find someone who liked him, who loved him, truly did. And then what would be of you? 
No matter how much you loved him, you couldn’t afford to hinge on him the way you had so far, you couldn’t hinge on anyone like that. You had never done it, and you wouldn’t start to crumble apart and do it now that things got harder. If you had to deal with it on your own, then you’d find a way. At least you were good with that.
“You okay?” Sirius asked when he noticed the stirring on the bed. Eyes closed and hand searching for you. 
“Yeah,” you said softly, placing your hand on his head and brushing his curls behind his ear, enjoying the softness of his features underneath your thumbs. “Just thirsty.” 
“Want me to come down with you?” 
“No, don’t worry, Luv,” you said. “I’ll just get some water and come back,” you added and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. He smiled when he felt your lips on his face and kept that smile even as you slid off the bed and looked for a pair of shoes. 
You were quick and quiet as you walked down the stairs, walking straight to the kitchen and serving yourself a simple glass of water. You had just brought it to your lips when you heard a strained sound. You frowned and placed the water back on the table, paying close attention to the sounds. You heard it again, and then something close to a sob. 
Remus! You thought as you looked around worried. Is he crying? you wondered. He had been there for you every single time, you weren’t about to go back and ignore it completely. You weren’t sure where he was, but decided to be quiet as you looked for him, since you didn’t want to scare him off before you got close enough to wrap your arms around him and comfort him. 
The sounds were soft and almost imperceptible, as if was using something to muffle his sobs. Not in the living room, definitely not in the kitchen. You were so worried for him that you didn’t even realise that he wasn’t crying while you followed the sounds. Finally, you found where he was. When you spotted him he was hunched against the coat rack, right next to the door, head buried in his coat. 
You took a step forward, ready to embrace him when you heard something that sounded nothing like a sob, and everything like a moan. Your eyes went wide, and your breath hitched in your throat. Another moan, and then a grunt. You stared, one of his hands was holding the coat to his face, the other one… the other one was moving, quite fast. You turned around in an instant, cheeks burning as you squeezed your eyes shut and tried to delete the image of Remus jerking off from your brain. 
Ragged breaths, panting, moaning, how the hell had you confused that with sobbing and tears? You felt like an intruder, interfering with his private moment. Although he had done it in the fucking entrance hall, what the fuck was he thinking? 
You decided not to question his actions and after gulping, you started with slow, quiet steps towards the stairs. Much quieter now than you had been before since you knew he had exceptional hearing. 
I shouldn’t be listening to this, I shouldn’t be listening to this, you thought. 
Remus, still wrapped up in his mind, hadn’t even heard a thing, not your hitched breath nor your stumbling while you tried to get out. He was still in the fae pool, his head buried in your hair and now Sirius’ hand around his cock. 
What a wondrous thing the mind can be, not even his dream had been as lively as his imagination was proving to be at the moment. “Fuck,” he whispered when he felt he was close, you had just pressed a kiss to his neck. Sirius’ hand movements had become much faster as he fucked into it, now hip thrusts meeting with hand strokes. 
And then he felt it, the rush of adrenaline surging through him. “Sirius,” he whispered, soft, but clear as water. His mind now brought him back to the real world as he realised the kisses weren’t real and the smell that felt so vivid came only from the coat. What a sublime and yet wretched thing had that coat become in a matter of minutes. It had gone from his two best friends, to a simple coat, and then one stained in his cum, he hadn’t even had enough time to catch it with his hand.
What? you thought as you turned back to the door. Did I imagine that? you wondered, but the ragged breath, the soft sound of Remus’ voice, it hadn’t been strained, it wasn’t debatable whether he had said  Cyprus or Sirius. It had been fucking evident, clean cut and obvious. Painfully so. 
Remus Lupin had cum on his hand while thinking of Sirius Black. Your boyfriend Sirius Black.
There was another course, and then Remus’ soft voice again, “Evanesco.” 
You swallowed and ran towards the bathroom, closing the door as quietly as possible and then locking yourself inside. You sat on the toilet seat and ran your hands through your hair. Maybe he had said Cyprus. Maybe it was a different Sirius. 
But sweeter lies couldn’t have been told, it was obvious. It had been obvious for a while but you had been blind to it. Blinded by the love we have for our friends, you remembered, it had been Remus the one to tell you that. 
But it really had been there all along, the way he looked at Sirius sometimes, a look that you’d found interesting but weren’t sure why. The way he talked about him, the way his hands would linger on Sirius’ the way he seemed to always be around. How he had looked at Sirius back at the Halloween party, how he had run away the minute Sirius had licked his face. 
How he had gone straight to Alice and kissed his sorrows away, and you, you had been kissing Sirius too, displaying all the love and affection you felt to each other for his torment. No wonder Moony was often angry, no wonder he sometimes stepped away from you and Sirius. 
No fucking wonder, he hadn’t cuddled with Vixen and Pads that night. If Sirius told him– if he guessed, what had happened in the fae pool… You let out a soft, defeated breath. You had been displaying your affection for Sirius, waving it like a flag in the air while your best friend was deeply in love with him.
Fuck he saw us in the room too, you thought then, Sirius kissing you, his hand deep in your pants, and then he went and talked to Moony, touched Moony. Such an unbound cruelty you had committed against your best friend!  Of course, you hadn’t known, and you would have never done it on purpose if you did. But even in your nescience, even in your blindness, you had done it, you had hurt him, and ignorance was no excuse. 
How many times? You wondered, how many times had Remus been forced to see you kissing Sirius? Forced to see you all over each other, perched on his lap, playing with his hair, kissing his face. How many times had you talked to him about Sirius? 
How many times have I made him suffer?
Because, was there anything else he could do? Just sit and watch, in silence. Suddenly you realised, when he told you he liked both men and women and you had thought that he seemed to want to say more, perhaps he was about to confess his feelings for Sirius. You gulped, he had seen you cry, he had seen your red-rimmed eyes, and he had decided to shut up, to swallow his feelings instead of admitting them. For your sake. 
What an extraordinary friend you had, and what a dreadful one you were.
How long had it been since he fell in love with Sirius? How long did he have to suffer being into him? Sirius who went on dates and was known for being a player. The Sirius you hadn’t met but you had heard about from whispers in the halls. The Sirius people talked about when they made bets about the duration of your relationship. 
Secrets, Remus had so many of those, how wrong had you been when you thought you already knew them all...
You silently squeezed your hand on your arm as you reprimanded yourself for being such a terrible friend. What were you to do now? Stop kissing Sirius in public? With what fucking explanation? Sirius loved PDA, the entire world knew it. Perhaps you had to talk to Remus instead, but then again, how would you even go about it? 
‘Hey, I saw you jerking off while thinking of my boyfriend, wanna talk about it?’
You sighed again, defeated, so sure you wouldn’t find a solution, and your mind drifted to Sirius. There is no way he knows, right? 
You were certain he had no idea Moony was bi and if he didn’t know that, then there was no way he knew of the feelings Remus harboured for him, and there was no way to make him understand the dire situation you were both in. Oblivious to the pain you had caused to Remus. Oblivious to the one you continued to infringe. 
You couldn’t even blame Remus for falling in love, you had done the same, you understood him perfectly and it only made you feel worse, that you had been the chosen one and not him. What you’d give to bear his heartache, with everything he had done for you, it was the least he deserved. 
And there was Sirius, always touchy, always soft, always happy to be around Moony, always happy to cuddle him and play with him and touch him, the lingering hands never seen as something bad, the stares met with smiles and games. The concessions he had given him, both for you and for himself. You were sure he wouldn’t allow any other boy to be close to you as he did with Remus, at least not in the same way you were close. 
Wait a minute.
Special concessions: the jumpers, the looks, the touching… what if Sirius-?
There was a soft knocking on the door. “Starshine, are you there?” 
“Sirius? What are you doing here?” 
“I thought something might’ve happened to you, you said you came for water but it’s been a while.” 
“Oh.” Of course, he asked if you wanted him to come along. “Yeah, no. Everything’s fine, I just– girl stuff,” you improvised. 
There was a moment of silence. “Is there anything I can do for you?” 
You stood up and flushed the bathroom, washing your hands and face before stepping out, “Don’t worry about it,” you said as you flashed him a smile. 
He placed his arm around you and the two of you walked back to the room, James still slept like a rock. 
Friday, January 7th, 1977 - Full Moon
Effie and Monty had already left, and they’d be back in the morning with potions for Remus. You’d left Sirius sleeping and James had gone for a very early flight. You joined him when you realised he was gone and tried to fly fast enough to leave your thoughts behind.
It didn’t work, the images of last night would come back to your head every now and then, and you were left speeding so fast it was almost unsafe. James didn’t know of what’d happened last night, but that didn’t mean he didn’t notice your change in demeanour, he just assumed it had to do with the Christmas Party rather than with anything going on in his house.
“Hey! Wait up!” He said as he tried to catch up with you. “You’re going too fast, you’ll lose control.” 
You turned to him with a confused glance and then started to slow down, so fast that James went on a few metres until he realised you had stopped. He turned around and flew your way. He wanted to ask you if you were all right, but he’d already seen –more than once– how you’d clam up after either one of them even referred to what happened at the party, or to your wand problem or to anything even remotely close to it, and today was a beautiful day, he didn’t want to ruin it by being intrusive. 
“Race you home, yeah?” he said instead. 
You smirked at that and nodded, “You’re on.” 
Racing was good, you rarely backed down from a fight, let alone from a game like that. James knew you well enough and he was using that to his advantage, he was aware it’d help you get your mind off whatever was troubling it, and he was determined to help, even if it was by aiding you in the stubborn evasion of your own feelings. 
You were both at the same invisible starting line, looking at each other attentively. “Three…” he started.
“One, GO!” he said almost a little too fast and took off. 
“Hey, that’s cheating!” you complained with a laugh. 
“You would have caught up with me anyway,” James shouted from a couple of metres ahead as he turned to look at you and then. “Just takin’ a headstart for it to be a more fair race.” 
“It’s still cheating!” You laughed again and leaned over your broom a little, close enough so your own body would cut like a dart through the air instead of offering resistance. You caught up with him in seconds. He looked at you flying next to him and scoffed. He’d expected to at least last a little bit longer in the first place. “Maybe you were right.” 
James scoffed at your cocky words and leaned down on his broom in the same way you had done, trailing next to you, behind by no more than half a metre. “It’s unfair how fast you are!” 
“It’s because I’m smaller, Prongsie, those big shoulders don’t help you all that much!” 
“Lily likes them, though.” 
You laughed at that and picked up some more speed, breaking just before you crashed head-first into one of his windows. 
“That’s bIoody insane!” Sirius said as opened the window to look at James almost crashing face-first onto him. “Don’t fucking injure my girlfriend with your games, Prongs!” 
“There’s a higher chance he gets injured than me,” you said with a laugh from above and flew towards the window. “Sleep well?”
Sirius leaned his elbows on the window sill and then his chin on his hand, he looked very much like a princess from a book. “Not as well as when you were here,” he said with an exaggerated pout.
“Ugh, please!!” James complained. 
You smiled and leaned back on the broom a little. “Hey Prongsie, come over here, will you?” He did as told, you instantly leaned towards him. “What do you see over there?” you whispered as you pointed towards your boyfriend. 
“A twat,” he responded with a shit-eating smirk. Loud enough for Sirius to hear. 
“Oi!” Sirius complained. 
“I mean besides that,” you said with a similar smirk, Sirius looked at you as if he had been betrayed. “I mean, imagine if Sirius had slightly longer hair, golden, letting it fall to the window down to the floor.” 
James cackled after that, the picture so clear and vivid on his head it might as well have been painted, “Like Rapunzel?” 
You nodded and bit your lip, Sirius hadn’t heard, but he looked agitated as the two of you laughed, enough for him to stop leaning so casually on the window, and placing both hands on the sill to lean on them with a slightly bothered scoff. 
“Hey Rapunzel, let down your beautiful hair!” James teased. 
You laughed outwardly at that, Sirius was pouting now, he looked beyond adorable. 
That’s when you remembered another certain lady who used to linger by her window. You smiled, and cleared your throat “But soft what light through the yonder window breaks. It is the east and Sirius is the sun.” 
He gave you an exasperated look.
You bit your lip as you tried to hold a smile. “Arise, fair sun, and kiIl the envious moon.” 
You had not realised it, but Remus was just behind Sirius, witnessing the entire play. The envious moon, it certainly fits me, he thought, almost bitterly. 
“Oh, it is my love, see how he leans his cheek upon that hand. How I wish I were a glove upon that hand that I might touch that cheek.” 
“Oh, please,” Sirius said exasperated, although he was smiling now as if your theatre was as diverting as bothersome. 
“He speaks!” you said exaggeratedly as you turned to James wide-eyed, and then back at Sirius. “Oh, speak again, bright angel” 
“Are you done?” 
“O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?” You continued, leaning closer to him. 
“That? Never!” Sirius said as he leaned a little closer to the window. “Come, fair maiden.” 
“Oh for fucks sake, he’s joined her,” James muttered under his breath as he watched the entire scene unfold. 
“Stony limits cannot hold love out,” you said as you flew closer to Sirius, a smile on your face, your nose was brushing against his and you had to bite your lips from the stupid lovesick smile you were withholding. 
Sirius laughed, and placed both of his hands around your face, “What satisfaction can I offer you, Étoile?” 
Did Sirius even read Romeo and Juliet? You wondered as you thought of your next line, “The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine… If my heart's dear love—” 
Sirius kissed you, interrupting your ramblings by dragging you towards him. James rolled his eyes from the side. “Oh, blessed, blessed night, I am afraid. Being it night, all this is but a dream…” you said in between a kiss. Dawn had come mere hours ago, your words made almost no sense, but you barely cared.
“Too flattering-sweet to be substantial,” Remus finished. You pulled from the kiss and stared at him. You paled. How long had he been there? How much of your silly game had he seen? 
“Remus, you’re awake.” You said. Sirius, oblivious as he was from what you’d seen last night, turned to Moony with a smile as bright as the star that carried his name. 
“Morning, Moons,” he said. 
Moony took a deep breath, it was a second, almost a flicker of it, but there was a sadness so deep you could almost feel the pang in your own heart. You faltered at it, feeling equally sorrowful. He then smiled, “Morning, Juliet,” he joked, and then turned to you with a soft nod, “Romeo.” 
“Juliet?” Sirius asked, confused, and turned to you. “Who’s Juliet?” 
“What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet,” Remus replied. 
“It’s… uh–” you started.
“Doff thy name, And for that name which is no part of thee take all myself,” Remus added while looking straight at Sirius. You faltered again. 
Sirius had pulled back just a second, but he was looking into Remus’ eyes so deeply, and so enchanted by them, that you felt like an intruder. Like Romeo and Juliet had found each other and you were nothing more than a Paris or a Rosalind. You were so lost in your thoughts, that you flew to the side, and your boom got caught in a vine, making you lose balance and fall a couple of metres down to the bushes. 
“Vixen!” James said as he sped down, trying to catch you, but by the time he reached you, you were already in between the bushes. They had mostly broken your fall.
The loud thud was enough to break the trance of the boys and they had both leaned over the window to check on you, you heard them both calling, each using their own nickname for you. 
“Hey,” you said with an apologetic smile. Both Remus and Sirius looked mortified, James, who had seen you were all right, was just shaking his head in a disapproving manner. 
“Does Romeo fall off the Balcony at any point?” James asked you with a diverted smile. You stuck out your tongue at him. 
“Who the hell is Romeo?” Sirius asked, confused. 
“Shakespeare, mate! You live under a rock?” James replied, feeling entitled. He had only known about Romeo and Juliet because Lily had been telling him about the Shakespeare collection she had gotten Mary for Christmas on the train.
“Muggle?” Sirius asked, turning to Remus. 
“Oh, very,” he replied.
“Not all of it, Midsummer Night’s Dream has fairies.” 
“Are they as delightful as you are, Tinkerbell?” Sirius teased.
You rolled off the bushes and to the side, hiding your entire face in the snow and groaning. That nickname was your own fault, you had suggested Remus to read Peter Pan aloud and Sirius wouldn’t stop comparing you to her. “They’re equally obdurate!” he’d said, to Remus’ amusement. 
“You’ll get cold,” James said as he pulled you from the snow. 
“I don’t care,” you replied, turning to him with a pout, one of your cheeks still buried in the snow. “It’s actually good for your muscles.”
“Yeah sure,” James said as he pulled you up and turned to the window, “See you in the dining room?” 
“We’ll be down in a second,” Sirius said. 
“Are you sure you’re okay, Little Witch?” Remus asked, leaning his head over the window while Sirius removed his nightshirt to change into something else. 
You looked up at him too and placed your hand over your eyes, the day had gotten so bright you could barely look at him straight.
“Like softest music to attending ears!” You replied dramatically. 
Sirius leaned over his shoulder, shirtless with a confused face and you gave him a thumbs up, not missing the nervous look Moony threw his way as their bodies came into contact with each other. You looked down from that, remembering what had happened the previous night with a small frown. 
“Come on,” James said as he pulled you by the shoulder. “Mum must have something for falls on her potions cabinet.” 
“I’ve had much worse.” 
“Yeah, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt still,” James said with an all-knowing raise of the eyebrows. 
As you walked inside, you spotted Remus’ coat still in the hanger and instantly drove your sight to the other side. The elves had already placed breakfast on the table by the time you got to the room, and you went straight to take a seat while James went over the cupboard behind you and looked through the many potions their parents had brewed. 
You were resting your head on the table as you waited for the other boys to arrive. 
“Shadowshade?” James asked. 
“That’s for sunburns.” 
“Harmony Haze?” 
“Isn’t… isn’t that for singing better?” you asked as you turned to look at him, he shrugged in response and placed the potion back on the spot.
“Veil of Vigour?” 
You looked at him with your eyes wide open and stood up next to him, “Are you sure?” 
“That’s what it says, why?” He turned the label towards your face.
You leaned over his shoulder and whispered what that potion did to men.
“Shut up!” he said as he gasped. “Dad’s not that old!” 
“Maybe it’s for a friend?” you said with a shrug. James was still trying to process the information when you pointed to one of the others.
“That’s Skele-Gro,” he said. He took a small vial with green liquid and held it up to you, “Calming draught?” 
“No,” you said as you shook your head.  “That stuff knocks me out.” 
You pointed at one, “What does it say there?” 
James was better at deciphering his dad’s handwriting than you were. “Ce–“ he started. “Celestial Soothe.” He pulled it out from the cupboard in a second. “This is great actually,” he said as he walked towards the table and served about a quarter of a glass of water, “Dad used to give it to me when I was learning how to fly,” he took the dropper and trew around 8 drops on the glass. “It would take the pain away almost instantly.” 
“You fell a lot?” you teased as you took the glass he had in his hands and took a gulp. 
“You better sit down,” he said as he pulled a chair, you almost instantly relaxed onto it. “I was always trying to do stupid tricks so yes.” 
You laughed and took another drink, not only were you now a lot more relaxed, but the soreness from the fall was completely gone, not that it had been very painful, “Oh, wow.”
“Yeah,” James replied with a knowing smile as he sat down.  
Sirius and Remus came down the stairs seconds later, “Hey boys!” you said. Sirius walked straight towards you, sitting down on the closest chair and placing a soft kiss on your cheek before he served himself some orange juice.
“Tea, Luv?” Remus asked. You turned your gaze to him, he was looking at you apprehensively. Sirius leaned onto you, and you turned to look straight at the cup, avoiding your gaze entirely. 
“Please,” you responded as you looked at him serving. 
That look on his face, had it always been there? How hadn’t you seen it before?
Although what you saw as apprehension, was nothing other than longing. Yes, it often made Remus jealous that he couldn’t kiss you or Sirius with that same familiarity, that he had the memory of your lips engraved in his brain but that it was nothing more than that, a memory. Moony being so close to clawing his way out of him didn’t make him more lenient. But Remus was never uncomfortable if you kissed each other, heck he had imagined you kissing each other while he jerked off to the coat, the only difference there was that, in his delusion, you welcomed him to the kiss shortly after.
You were worried for him, you wanted to talk to him, but you didn’t even know how to begin. You couldn’t tell him you knew since it could sound like a threat, besides, he might pull apart from the both of you, and you would never want that to happen. Remus and Sirius drifting apart, you and Remus drifting apart, the idea ate you up from the inside out. You loved your friendship. And perhaps you were being selfish –if Remus was in pain– but you didn’t want things to change, you didn’t want more things to change. You didn’t want to lose Remus, the idea of him being a stranger, of him not speaking to you, of being unknown. It was harrowing.
You didn’t want to lose more friends, even if it meant only drifting apart, you just couldn’t bear the idea of it. 
And Remus was still Remus. He was still acting like he did all the time, playful and yet the voice of reason when the boys –and you– got unreasonable ideas. 
He placed your tea, prepared exactly how you liked it, next to your plate. He was the same. The only thing that had changed was your knowledge of the situation.
“Are we ready for tonight?” Sirius asked with a smile. “Effie and Monty left, right?” 
“Yup, earlier today,” James said as he popped some pancakes into his mouth. “Picksie and Mellie will catch up with them after lunch, I believe they’ll leave dinner ready.” 
“And you sure there will be no one else in the perimeter?” Remus asked apprehensively. 
“That’s why we were flying today in the morning,” James said.
“Before we decided to get into a race,” you added. You stood up and walked over to the bathroom. By the time you got back you realised James was talking about Tadpoles, and while Sirius looked at him attentively, Remus was lost in Sirius’ nodding profile, you felt so impossibly stupid. 
That look, so immensely similar to the way you looked at Sirius all the time, eyes fixed on him, lost on him. How hadn’t you seen it before?  Undeniable as the full moon, Remus was lost on him, and you didn’t blame him at all. 
Remus said something to James and Sirius cackled, that’s when you realised that Sirius’ gaze also lingered on the other boy.
It was in the way he’d brighten up when Remus smiled, in the way he would laugh louder if Rem cracked a joke, in the way he would look for him when he wasn’t around and in the way he would often ask about him when he was gone. 
Had he been like that with you too? 
You didn’t want to think much about it, you were so in love with Sirius, with everything about Sirius that you had never stopped to think, to really think, if he was as in love with you as you were with him, and then again, even if he was, what about Remus? 
“Starshine,” he said as he looked past Remus’ shoulder and towards you, “Did you hear that?” 
You shook your head and gulped, “I must have missed it, What was it?” 
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Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
TAGLIST: @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia @ireneop @endversewinchester @moonyunebi @smuttysluttybitch @mazzymoons @drugs-for-memes @sofiacblair @vmpir3lvr @remuslupinisbae @rabluver @willgrahamisalesbi4n @thatobsessedreader  @itskailey24 @hell0-kittie @belovedmoony @blacksgarden @loving-and-dreaming @cassie-love20 @starchaser-lily @zucchini-queenie @springflwer07 @sseleniaa @cometsghost @orkwardx0 @imdoingbetternow  @sbrewer21 @remuslupinsbae @maxinehufflepuffprincess @wifiatthetrainstation @unstablereader @msblacklupin @simpkingollie @jaylienpotter @remussbitch @hermionelove @izuoyarmin @themarauderswife7 @keira-kaz2y5 @lampthemacarenagod @bugg06 @a-n-1-m-3-f-r-3-4-k @darlingeels @kissmeunicornbaobei @xluansstuff @boo8008 @angelmixer @voteforintensedreams @allons-y-molly @aremuslupinsimp @imaginexred @writingshae @nyanwyn @poetrypirate @crazyhorseforgot @saturnhas82moons @ryeyeyer @mothraantics @maqqiekwon @desikudisworld @pastelorangeskies @barking4you @profoundpidgeon @nagareboshi-chiyo
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A/N: Well this one's a bit of a rollercoaster, wasn't it? At least someone finally SAW something!
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v-ternus · 2 days
Thinking many thoughts about service top Mountain and stone bottom Zephyr. They’re the perfect pair.
(i like to think zephyr goes by they/them but also likes being called mommy ok. idk why. dont ask me why)
Mountain always makes them cum first. Always. By his tongue, fingers, dick. Hell, even his thigh if thats what Zephyr asks for. The only "reward" Mountain wants are their pretty moans, warm hands laced in his curls, and heavy scratches across his back.
He likes wearing their marks. He especially loves when they leave hickeys along his collar bones. Sometimes the neck lines of his shirts are stretched out just enough so that the purple bruises peak out. If he catches a glimpse of himself in a mirror, he starts to chub up in his pants, remembering the memories from the night before.
But also, think of how he loves on Zeph while between their legs. He's fucking them nice and slow or however they asked for that night, and Mountain keeps his head buried in the crook of their neck, kissing softly, breathing them in. Zeph just crane their neck to give Mountain better access.
Gonna make you feel so good mommy, make you cum on my cock.
Mountain whispers the words, separated by his desperate huffs of breath while he rests his forehead on Zeph's.
Sometimes, Mountain doesn't even finish. He finds enough satisfaction in Zephyr's pleasure that he doesn't really care whether he gets off or not. And when their breathing has evened out again, Mountain kisses them properly. Its hungry, desperate.
It's all a very good time. Its sappy. They both enjoy their dynamic very, very much.
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slvtforwandanat · 3 days
Shhhh / A Billie Eilish fanfic
WARNINGS: Fingering, Cumming, swearing MDNI!!!!
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Billie Eilish is your girlfriend, she was nominated for another award, and like always she invited you as her guest, she also pulled a few strings to invite Finneas OfCourse, you didn't really know what to wear but Billie wore a white shirt and a black tie with a brown and red short sleeved cardigan, so you just went with your suit that you wore one your first date. As you walked outside to were Billie was waiting for you, her face lit up with that amazing smile that you absolutely adored "I RECOGNISE THAT SUITTT" You let out a flirtatious chuckle "a special suit for a special day my love" she squeezed you almost smudging her mascara you slightly pushed her away "your makeup babe, don't smudge it" she laughed while looking up at you "oh c'mon you haven't had trouble with lipstick stains on your collar before" she chuckled and bit her lip while you blushed "c'mon our ride is here and Finneas is waiting" she tugged you by the wrist and you guys got in the car, Finneas was wearing something similar but with a bow "wow man you look good" you smiled dapping him up "thanks y/n, the suit, suits you, get it?" you and Billie both shared a chuckle, within a couple minutes you made it, the red carpet, you helped your girlfriend out of the car and held her arm while walking in, as expected the paparazzi flashed in your eyes but being with Billie you were used to it, you and Billie did a couple poses and had some fun with Finneas, we greeted some other celebrity, but soon the guards welcomed us into the massive hall, slightly pitch black at the back with mustard toned light shining the room, you and Billie moved to the back, you were at the end seat, Billie next to you and Finneas next to her. about 40 minutes go past and awards go out, people laughing, it was fun, but you felt a small touch on your thigh, you looked at Billie she was looking at the stage, you assumed it was a comfort thing, but as time went along her hand had gone further down, her hand had made it right on top of your clothed pussy. she was softly rubbing up and down against your covered folds, you had gotten wetter by the second, but you could also smell it, you started to panic people Infront of us had confronting looks on their faces, Billie's hand moved further towards the right side of your face "you want mommy to win right? let mommy have some fun time, I've heard its good luck" you were fucked whenever Billie brings something about other people's opinion there was no getting out of it, her hand stretched your pants making their way directly on your pussy, you started to squirm, Billie made sure not to be so rough so people couldn't hear how wet you were, within minutes you were trying so god damn hard not to whimper, her fingers rubbing violently against your clit, with a push your pupils grew, Billie had placed two fingers inside your aching hole, in and out, in n out, soon you were going to cum, suddenly something caused you to look at the stage, shit, it was Billie's nomination, she started going faster, "and the winner for this year's best music award goes to" Billie went faster and faster, PUSH, you came all over Billie's finger "AND IT GOES TO BILLIE EILISH" everyone started to applause and look out way, Billie took her fingers out of your pants before licking them and standing up, you looked at Finneas you knew you were glowing red, manspreading, and puffing "yo y/n you alright?" "Yea just uhm nervous" "oh alright" shit that was hard.
just something, I'm not sure if the award thing was correct, I was just making it up as accurate as possible in the moment lmao
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spiceofvy · 2 days
BTS - Teaching an innocent reader
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requested by: @dambaepuff
cws: gender neutral reader, nsfw, this made me blush while writing it, dirty talk, (soft) corruption, praise, could be read as d/s if you squint, slight degradation (jin), blowjobs (jin, yoongi, jimin), handjobs (hoseok, namjoon, taehyung, jungkook), implications of the reader also receiving pleasure, mentions of porn (taehyung), mentions of masturbating in front of someone (jungkook), mentions of edging (jungkook)
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Seokjin: Surprisingly he gets off the most on the idea of „taking your innocence.“ Also kinda the meanest about it as you try your best to get as much of his dick in your mouth. „Aww, you really never did this before. It's so obvious, so cute.“ „Helps“ you by pushing his hips up, not enough to choke you but just enough to startle you a bit as he suddenly shoves himself into your mouth deeper. He is not super vocal as you suck him off, as he is too high on his power trip, locking his eyes with your teary ones. His hands caressing your hair, petting your cheek, wiping your tears. „You can do more, I know it. Try harder for me.“ Encourages you to move your head on his dick, hearing you sigh around his cock as you feel his dick twitch in your mouth. He gets close to his orgasm faster than he realizes and pulls you away at the last second, coming all over your face. After he slips down from the couch onto the floor with you, wiping you clean with his shirt as his usual sweet persona returns. „You did amazing. So good for your first time. I‘m so proud. Made me feel really good.“ Gives you such great aftercare after.
Yoongi: He is oh so gentle with you. So understanding, almost tooth rotting sweet, reassuring you the whole time. „Don‘t worry about doing anything wrong, I will tell you exactly what to do.“ Helping you kneel down on the pillow he laid before his studio chair, so you don‘t hurt your soft little knees while you suck him off. He’s stroking your hair as he opens his thighs shuffling just a little bit closer, putting you face to face with his dick. „C‘mon no need to be shy, open my pants, little love.“ Chuckling at how hands shake just a little bit, as you reach for him you blush getting darker as you undress him. Secretly or not so secretly he puts all of his attention on how he likes to get pleased. He's not just teaching you how to give someone head, he is teaching you how he likes it. Where to suck, how deep to take him. He’s getting the biggest power rush from knowing that you are leaning all of this for him. Because you want to please him. Want him to feel good due to what you are doing. Ruining you for anyone else. „So good, keep doing. You know what I like, don't you?“ Pulls you onto his lap after he has come, holding you tightly, while he in turn makes you cum on his skilled fingers.
Hoseok: Oh he has so much fun „teaching“ you everything you need to know to make someone feel good, especially if that someone is him. Likes taking it nice and slow while he leads your hands down his body, cupping them in his when and slowly moves them over his dick. Shamelessly moaning in your ear, and cooing at how you blush. „Shouldn't it be me who is shy? I am the one who is naked after all. Cutie.“ Helps you jerk him off, showing you the moves. He has so many sinful yet sweet words of praise for you. „Keep going love, show me what you learned.“ Tells you when he feels close, whispering to squeeze harder, go just a bit faster, to not let go. „Doing so good for me, feeling so good. Aren‘t you listening well ?“ Squeezes you so tightly to his chest when he spills all over you, his hips twitching, riding out his orgasm. Wipes your hands clean after he comes before pressing you back onto the bed. Slowly kissing down your body, ready to repay you. Is really soft after you also came. Holding you tightly. Telling you again, and again how good you did. Just to start it all over again the next day.
Namjoon: Is so sweet and patient with you, dims all the lights so you feel less intimidated by the sight of bare skin. Hugs you tightly, laying your head on his chest, telling you to touch him whenever you feel ready for it. „Take your time, sweetheart. We‘re doing this at your tempo.“ Won't rush you, as you finally snake your hand down his sweatpants, under his underwear. Grazing his already half-hard cock, a soft sigh leaving his lips at the slightest touch worked up from anticipation. When he feels you hesitate, he takes your chin in his hand and turns your head to his, making you keep eye contact. „So good, the hardest part is done. Just touch me.“ Kisses you to calm your nerves, and moans into your mouth as you wrap your finger around his dick. Carefully you start pumping his dick, feeling his hip push towards your hand. „That's it. That's my baby. Keep going. You can do it.“ He keeps encouraging you, his hips doing most of the work. Not big on giving you direct orders, likes to teach by positive reinforcement. He comes almost embarrassingly quickly, but neither of you mind, as he hugs you even closer, kissing your cheek softly.
Jimin: Usually calm-headed in bed but the way your big innocent eyes look up at him, is doing things to him. Are awaken something in him. His eyes look dazed as he sees you sitting between his thighs, shaking trying to open his fly, but slipping. „Try again, you can do it.“ Laughs, when you blush, making you blush even more, as you sit a bit helplessly in front of his dick, eyeing it. „C‘mon you are a smart baby, aren‘t you? Try to lick it, it's intuition, I promise.“ So responsive too, getting loud so easily, as you shyly give his tip kitten licks. Buries his hand in your hair but stops himself from pushing you down, softly urging you to take something into your mouth, and more and more. Not once are you breaking eye contact and it makes him crazy. Not really helpful with advice, but his moans are enough to give you an idea of what he likes. „Look at you, doing so good for me. So perfect. Sweetest of them all.“ Comes on your mouth but immediately hands you a tissue in case you want to spit it out. Helps you onto the couch, caressing your sensitive knees. Promising to kiss them better later but first he repays you in pleasure.
Taehyung: Uses porn to help get his point across, not caring how flustered you get by the idea of the two of you watching such kinds of videos together. Sits next to you on the couch, some amateur porn running on his big-screen TV. Opens his pants and as he slowly pulls your hand to his crotch he whispers commentary into your ear. „See how he moves his hand over tip, that feels really good. C‘mon try to copy him.“ Guides your hand onto his dick, leaving you your only choice to either look at the sinful video, his face, or his cock. „Just move up and down. So good, keep going for me.“ Moans close to your ear as you do as he tells you. Pressing kisses to your cheek and neck, whispering more and more praise. As he gets closer and closer, his hips start moving on his own, working in tandem with you. The video ended already but you keep going, his sounds making you feel hot yourself, shifting in your seat. He comes over your hands, dripping onto his expensive couch but he doesn‘t care as he kisses you hurriedly. „You did amazing, what a natural talent you are.“ Kisses down your neck while undoing your pants, getting to lesson two, how to be good for him as he makes you feel just as amazing.
Jungkook: Believes in „learning by showing“, because how are you supposed to learn when you have no example to follow? Which is how you ended up with him sitting in front of you, naked stroking his dick. Telling you everything he believes you need to know to give an amazing handjob. „You need to pay attention to the base too. See?.“ He comments, as he strokes himself for you, cock shiny with the excess amount of lube he used. Gets himself so close, making sure you get to see the whole process, „Don‘t look away. Look at me. Only at me.“ Just when he is about to come, he rips his hand away, edging himself for you. Before urging you to come try yourself, just do what he did. You can do it, he believes in you. Pulls you onto his lap, sitting chest to chest, as you reach down, shyly taking his dick into your hand, still wet with the lube. Feeling how hard and hot he is your hand. You try to imitate his moves, his eyes not leaving yours once. „Doing great, amazing. Learning so fast for me.“ Comes really fast due to his edging, and turns into a lovesick puppy afterward. He is just so proud of what you accomplished. And while he cuddles up to you, whispering sweet words, his still lube slick hands move into your pants, ready to make it even.
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a-killer-obsession · 3 days
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Kid Pirates x AFAB Reader Modern AU Campground Series
It wasn't something you'd ever admit to those who knew you, they all made the reasonable assumption that you went camping to spend time alone. At first, that had been the case, but you'd quickly come to learn that other single men your age were doing the same thing, and you found yourself loving the thrill of a romp with a stranger.
Masterlist || AO3 || Part One
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PART 3/6 - GETTING WET (Kid + bonus Killer)
CW: sex with stranger, afab reader, semi-public sex, handjobs, shower sex, p in v sex, unsafe sex, blowjobs, oral, squirting, facials, kid is a bit shy, pool/spa sex, unsafe sex, anal fingering, rough sex, face fucking, degrading language, creampie
WC: ~4k
Taglist: @nocturnalrorobin @bbnbhm
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You were feeling pretty damn good when you got up the next morning. You had four lovely prospects for fucking right next door, though you were more than happy if it turned out only Killer was down to fuck. The dreams you'd had about him and that fat cock of his were sensational, and with how wet you were when you woke you wouldn't be surprised if you'd cum in your sleep. An early riser by habit because of your office job, you decided to have a shower before thinking about food, still a little sticky from last night's unexpected kitchen romp. You weren't super surprised to see that of your neighbours, only Killer was awake, sitting in a folding camp chair with his feet up on another, a book in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.
You flashed him a smile, and then you flashed him your tits. His grin grew wide and he quickly put down his coffee and book, stalking you to the showers. You weren't sure you'd seen any other females in the campgrounds other than Margie, so the bathrooms would no doubt be deserted, perfect. He scanned the grounds for a moment to check nobody was watching before following you in, shower already running and clothes already discarded. He pulled off his shirt as he approached, closing the cubicle door behind him and kicking off his shoes and pants before locking his mouth with yours. Your hand found his cock quickly, pumping it a few times before pulling away and turning to face the wall, arching your back and sticking out your ass so it was abundantly clear what you wanted. He was quick to shealth himself in you, fucking you hard till your legs were jelly and he had to hold you steady, practically using you like a cock sleeve. You fucking loved every second of it, and he got you cumming twice before you turned and knelt in front of him, eagerly blowing him, your mouth stretching and your eyes watering as he hit the back of your throat. He pulled out of your mouth with a pop, jerking himself off and cumming ropes of hot cum over your face and waiting tongue.
He spanked your ass as you stood back up and excused himself, but promised to bring you breakfast when you got out. You finished your shower in post coital bliss, your legs still wobbly. Dressed in a fresh set of clothes for the day, a summery dress with a deep neckline and a short skirt, you headed back to your tent with a skip in your step. He came over with two plates of bacon, scrambled eggs, and buttered toast, sitting in your ‘guest’ chair as he handed yours.
“Nice setup you have here,” he noted.
“Yeah, took a few years to get it the way I like,” you hummed, taking a forkful of delicious eggs, “you should see the bed. Most important part.”
“I'd love to later,” he grinned. “So this is your thing then? You come to camp and fuck random dudes?”
“Yup, pretty much,” you smiled coyly. “Annual tradition”
“Admirable, really,” he replied. “I love a woman who knows what she wants.”
“What I want is a taste of your friends as well,” you smiled, “think they're game?”
“For you? Absolutely,” he laughed, “They should just count themselves lucky that I'm fine with sharing, or I'd have you locked away in that tent for the next few days”
“Baby I'd suck you dry,” you replied smugly.
“Oh I fully believe that,” he grinned. “How long you here for?”
“Few more days,” you told him, “but don't tell your friends I'm trying to fuck them, I like the hunt”
“Well, if you're unsuccessful you know where to find me,” he said as he stood and took your empty plate.
“Oh I'm sure I will anyway,” you winked, “catch you later, I'm gonna go binge watch some trashy tv shows”
“Sounds like fun,” he smiled as he headed to the kitchen to wash up, “later.”
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After a decent few hours of watching some trashy tv drama on your laptop, you fixed yourself a quick lunch, read a little of your book, and decided to hit up the pool. Your neighbours were currently not in, you'd heard their ute starting up an hour or so ago, no doubt headed to town. Slipping on one of the several bikinis you'd brought with you, you grabbed a towel and your slip on sandals and headed to the pool. You were surprised when you got there to see a puff of red hair from someone at the deep end of the pool resting against the side, his back to you. You deposited your shoes and towel in a cubby and slipped into the water, heading for the opposite side of the deep end. The pool wasn't a massive complex, just one decently sized pool with a shallow end where the water came up to your waist, and a deep end where you couldn't reach the floor. The deep end was covered in a large fabric cover for shade, and there was also a smaller, very shallow, covered pool for little ones, currently very much abandoned. Both pools were filled with naturally heated water that gave off a slight sulphur smell.
You mirrored the redhead and leaned against the titled edge of the pool. The cool tile was a nice contrast to the warm water, which you knew from the advertising for this place was enriched with minerals due to the source of the heated water. It was supposed to be healing, though you weren't sure how true that was. The hot water did feel soothing on the muscles though.
“Thought you all went to town,” you said loud enough for the redhead to hear, which wasn't difficult due to the pool pumps being the only sound other than the birds in the surrounding forest. It was one of the reasons you loved this camp, the pool complex was right at the edge of the grounds, untouched native forest visible on just the other side of the chain link fence, and you often saw birds you would never dream of seeing in the city.
“Stump was hurtin’” he mumbled back, waving what was left of his left arm in example, “Killer said the water here is supposed to be healing or some shit”
“Yeah, it's supposed to have minerals or something in the water, cos of the geothermal source,” you explained, “I don't know if it's just a tourist trap thing or something but the warm water is certainly nice on sore bodies”
“Mmm,” he replied, closing his eyes and resting his head back against the cold tile. “What's your name?”
“[Y/N], you?”
“Nice to meet you, Kid,” you smiled. You turned over and let the back of your head rest against the metal rail that circled the pool just under the water level, letting the rest of your body float weightlessly. Your eyes were closed as you let yourself softly bob in the water for a while. When you opened them the redhead was staring, a small blush creeping over his face as he realised you'd caught him and he quickly looked away. “You don't have to be shy you know, I don't mind you looking. You can even touch if you want,” you purred at him.
His face went through a million different expressions, looking between you and the gate to the pool complex. You wondered whether he was checking if he was going to get in trouble, or whether he was considering fleeing. You took it upon yourself to give him some encouragement, swimming over to him lazily.
“Would you like to touch me, Kid?” You asked, voice laced with honey. It worked like a siren song, and he pinned you between his body and the side of the pool, running his hand up your exposed belly till his fingers ran under the edge of your bikini top and his hand groped your breast. “There you are, no need to be shy, I don't bite, unless you want me to”
You ran a hand down his chest, you could feel the solid muscle under the soft outer layer, and you traced a long scar that ran down from left armpit to his abdomen. “These scars are sexy,” you hummed, before sliding your hand over the front of his swimming shorts. They were severely tented, you could feel his large cock straining against the fabric, and he made a little groan as you stroked him through it. Curious to see how he compared to his friend, you tugged on the waistband of his shorts till his cock sprung free. It was a little shorter than Killer's, but fuck did it have a girth that was going to split you wide open.
“Fuck,” you whispered under your breath as you struggled to wrap a hand around it, pumping it a few times, “look at you, how's that gonna fit in me?”
He grinned, beaming with pride, his hand slipping under your own waistband. You lifted a leg so he could feel the slick between your legs, and you let out a small moan as he pushed a thick finger inside you.
“Don't get greedy girlie,” he growled, “I ain't fucking you out in the open in the middle of the fuckin’ day”
“No? Not one for a little public indecency?” You tutted, “that fat cock of yours is making me ache though, what if I find us somewhere more private?”
“What did you have in mind?” You bucked a little as he slid in a second finger. God, even his fingers were girthy.
“Give me five minutes,” you whispered in his ear before tugging on the lobe with your teeth. He made a little growl but removed his fingers from you. The emptiness disappointed you but it would be all worth it for that monster he was holding back on. “Come with me”
You held his hand and led him out of the pool, letting go to grab your stuff from the cubby. Tucked back into his pants, not that it made his erection any less obvious, he grabbed his own shit and followed you out the opposite gate from where he had entered. The small complex was fenced off and had two gates: one that connected to the camp grounds, and one that connected to a secluded back path, actually paved as opposed to the gravel that was everywhere else, and leading to the office/shop building. This was the entry that visitors just here for the pool used, but there was also another facility along this path. Stopping at a gate next to a tall fence, you instructed him to wait there a few minutes and you continued down the path.
The shop was of course unmanned, so you rang the little bell on the counter and Margie came hobbling out.
“[Y/N]! I see you've been having a swim,” she smiled, “what can I do for you?”
“Well Marg my dear,” you replied with your sweetest tone, “I was just enjoying the warm water and was thinking about how much some even hotter water would feel great on my aching muscles. You know how camping beds can be. I left my wallet back at the tent though, is there any chance I could rent a spa and pay for it when I come grab ice later?”
“Of course sweetheart,” she grabbed a key from a back wall, a thick white tag with a number on it hanging from the keyring. “We ain't expecting any other rentals today, stay however long you like, I'll just charge you for what you use”
“You're an absolutely angel, Marg,” you grinned back, grabbing the key and flashing her a grateful smile before heading back down the path.
Kid was patiently waiting for you, shuffling on his feet, his hand itching to palm himself but preoccupied holding his shit. Absolute worst time to only have one arm. You jiggled the key at him happily and led him inside the tall gate he'd been waiting next to.
“What's the key for?” He asked curiously.
“You'll see,” you winked. Inside the tall fence was a series of five large, round, concrete huts with conical tiled roofs. You unlocked the door to the one that matched the number on the key tag and held the door open for Kid, who followed you in with a suspicious gaze. Inside the room was a large private spa, heated with the same nearby geothermal activity, but not watered down with cold water like the main pools. Well, not as much anyway. The source water actually ran unhindered in a small stream through part of the camp, with the world's least practical fence (aka a single wire with an occasional post) and dotted signs that warned you would absolutely be boiled alive if you fell in. It wasn't a fancy spa, since it didn't require electronic heating like most did. Instead it was a large raised tub, mostly cement with decorative tiles, set in a wooden platform that took up the back half of the round room, with buttons to activate jet pumps and a tap for adding cool water if you so required to adjust to your comfort. The water was cycled continuously to keep the tubs hot, and since there was no need for power to heat them they were kept hot 24/7, the small pump being the only electronic, and also the only sound in the small echoed room. Next to the door was a small wooden bench, where you dumped your things, as well as your bikini. Kid watched you with a blush as you shamelessly peeled it off and slid into the spa, letting out a satisfied moan at the hot water and sliding over to the edge to hit the jet button. Nudity was frowned upon in these private rooms, and sex was very much even more discouraged, but in the small soundproof room behind a locked door, who was going to stop you? Certainly not Margie. Hopefully not Kid.
The water sprang to life, bubbling around you from the jets, and you sat yourself on the built in bench with a jet massaging the small of your back. Kid dumped his stuff next to yours and checked the door was locked, awkwardly standing near the bench and palming himself through his shorts at the sight of your tits jiggling in the water.
“Care to join me?” You smiled.
Finally he let his shorts drop to the floor, and he lifted himself with his one hand to sit on the wood that surrounded the spa, swivelling on his ass to put his legs in. Before he could slide in entirely you swam over, placing a hand on his wide thigh to still him as your other wrapped around the base of his hard dick.
“Allow me,” you smirked, running your tongue up the underside of his cock. He tasted of chlorine from the pool but you paid it no mind, he'd be tasting of saliva and precum in no time. He groaned and fisted his hand in your hair as you ran your tongue over the head of his cock, before sucking it into your mouth and hollowing your cheeks. You knew you could take his length, but his girth was another thing, and your lips were stretched to their limit as you swallowed him into your throat. He let out a deep groan as your nose met his curly red pubes, his hand holding you in place till you tapped his thigh and he let you go to breathe. You ran your tongue up the underside again before your started bobbing your head on his cock, blowing him with practised skill as he let out a string of curses and grunts.
In the mood to get rough, you put your hand against his and encourage him to push, to control the movement of your head. He eagerly took your suggestion and held your hair tight, pulling your head back and forth and making small thrusts to match, making his cock touch the back of your throat as he fucked your face. One of your hands gripped his thigh hard and the other reached between your legs, rubbing your clit furiously and fingering yourself as you enjoyed being used by a stranger.
“Ohh fuck yes,” Kid groaned, “I'm gonna cum right down that tight little slut throat of yours, take it you fucking whore”
You whined with his cock deep in your mouth, the vibrations putting him over the edge. Thick salty cum coated your throat as he let out a roar that sent tingles down your spine. He pulled his cock out with a pop and you gave him a half lidded grin as he pulled your hair, pressing his hungry lips to yours in a bruising kiss and tasting his own cum on your tongue as he rubbed his against it.
“Let me return the favour,” he smiled, sliding into the water and guiding you to take his place on the edge. You spread your legs wide for him the same way you had last night for Killer, you feet planted flat either side of you on the wooden boards, though it was easier here with the curved edge of the tub meaning your feet didn't have to be as far back.
“Fucking beautiful,” he mumbled to himself before diving between you legs and running a wide stripe with his tongue between your folds. You shuddered at the contact, already sensitive from touching yourself, and he eagerly sucked at your clit and rolled his tongue against it as he slid two fingers inside you, pumping you hard and fast. Your moans were loud and throaty as he ate you out and finger fucked you, and your hand fisted his soft red hair eagerly. He added a third finger and made come hither motions, zeroing in on your g-spot and driving you wild.
“Ohhhhhh fuck,” you growled in a deeper tone than normal, your voice shakey with the quickly building pleasure, “just like that, fuck, you're gonna make me squirt”
He looked up at you with sharp amber coloured eyes and grinned against your pussy, the hungry look in his eyes putting you over the edge as you screamed and pulled his hair hard, coming with a wild gush that splashed against his chin and hand, dripping into the spa water. You shook hard as he worked you through it, a delirious smile on your face as your head lolled back. When your pussy stopped clamping around him he removed his fingers, making one more wide lick up your centre before he knelt on the built in bench to hover over you. You wrapped your arms around his shoulder and your legs around his waist and kissed him eagerly, tasting yourself on him. Wrapping his arm under your ass, he pulled you into the water, seating you in his lap on the opposite side of the small pool.
His cock was hard again underneath you and you eagerly rubbed yourself against it before giving in, reaching down and lining yourself up with him. The stretch was insane as you lowered yourself onto him, your head buried in his shoulder, you swore you could cum again from the stretch alone.
“There's a good little slut,” Kid purred as you started to bounce yourself on his cock, his hand teasing and pinching your nipple, “taking my fat cock like a champ, good fucking slut”
“Fuck your big dick feels so good inside me,” you moaned, “so fucking big, fuck~”
Your legs were jelly at this point and he could feel how shakey you were, so he flipped the two of you so you were underneath him and pulled out.
“Bend over for me sweetheart,” he asked, lining himself back up immediately and starting a deep but languid pace. His heavy member pressed against your g-spot, rutting against it with every thrust, making you whine and claw at the wooden boards. His hand squeezed at your ass cheek before rubbing a thumb over your asshole, waiting for you to protest. When you didn't he sunk his thumb into the first knuckle, and you let out a deep moan that made him grin.
His pace increased as his thumb went deeper, pumping your asshole slowly as you loosened around him, till his thumb could match the pace of his cock. You were a mewling mess underneath him with both your holes being filled, cursing that you didn't have any lube on you for him to go the whole way and fuck your ass. You'd done anal before, but never with a stranger, and the mere suggestion had you cumming again, clamping down on him.
“Oh fuck bitch, you're so fucking tight,” he groaned, “can I cum in you?”
“Yess, fuck, fill me up,” you whined. Was it a mistake not using a condom? Probably. But you had your birth control so one or two creampies wouldn't hurt, right?
As soon as you granted permission he was unloading inside you, gripping your hip hard as he made a few more thrusts inside you before letting out a satisfied groan and resting his head against your back. He caught his breath for a few moments and pulled out, pulling you back into the water with him to sit in his lap. You turned yourself sideways to sit across him, happily letting him suck on your neck while your own breathing settled. His arm stayed around your waist to keep you in place and you very nearly fell asleep from the combination of hot water and satisfying orgasms.
“You're a lot more confident that you make out to be,” you noted.
“Yeah, well, I used to be like that all the time,” he said, a tint of sadness in his voice. “Before, you know,” he lifted the stump that remained of his arm and sighed.
“Did it all happen at the same time?” You asked curiously, “the arm and the scars? You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, I'm just curious”
“Yeah, motorsport accident,” he explained, “used to race formula one cars. Was pretty fucking good too till a dodgy wheel burst mid race and sent me spiralling. Doctors said I'm lucky to be alive, but as you can imagine, my confidence isn't where it used to be”
“That's understandable,” you replied, nestling your head into the crook of his neck in a comforting embrace, “I imagine it was a big change for you, I can't imagine losing a limb is easy either. For the record though, I think its sexy. You look like a bad boy who gets in a lot of fights”
Kid snorted and grinned, amused. “To be fair, I do get in a lot of fights”
“Aha!” You exclaimed, “So you are a bad boy! I'm sure the girls must be all over you back home”
“Used to be, not so much these days,” he sighed.
“Maybe you just gotta fake it till you make it,” you suggested, “give em the confidence you gave me in here and they'll be drooling and dropping panties for that fat dick in no time”
Kid laughed and squeezed you closer. “You're a weird chick, I like it”
“Why thank you sir,” you replied, “I'll remember that kind compliment when your cum is dripping out of me next time I stand up. Which should probably be soon, I'm going wrinkly, and Margie is charging me for whatever time I use”
“Let me know what you owe her, I'll cover it,” he replied, helping you off his lap. You climbed over the edge of the tub and stretched your arms out.
“Nah don't worry about it,” you smiled as you stood and grabbed your towel to dry off, “it was money well spent, and it was my idea anyway”
“Alright, but I owe you a beer,” he huffed as he started drying himself off. Even flaccid, his cock was impressive.
“Killer already invited me for drinks some time so I'll definitely take you up on that,” you smiled.
“Aye, when did you talk to Kil?” He asked, sliding his shorts back on.
“After he fucked me in the kitchen last night,” you winked, and his brows, or rather the space where they would be, shot up in surprise, “and in the shower this morning”
“That fucking dog,” he laughed, “so you're just tryna to fuck all of us then? Is that it?”
“You betcha,” you smiled as you finished redressing, “but don't tell the one with the tattoos or the tall one, I like the fun of luring them in”
“You're certainly fucking effective, goddamn siren,” he smirked, “not even twenty four hours and you've fucked half of us. I'm impressed, honestly. Their names are Heat and Wire by the way, Wire is the tall one”
“Oh, thanks!” You smiled, making sure to turn off the jets and check you hadn't forgotten anything before locking up. You paused outside the tall gate. “I gotta go return the key, I'll catch you later. You boys drinking tonight?”
“No doubt, the others went to town mostly to get more booze and weed,” he replied.
“Great, count me in then,” you started walking towards the store, “see ya later!”
He gave you a small peace sign in reply and headed the other way back to camp.
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i would love some vessel x reader sleepy cuddles and kisses please :)))
To breathe in your arms
Most of the time the post-concert crashes took them all out. To the point where getting any kind of food or beverage into them was one impossible task. But one thing that occurred without fail was that needy side of Vess. One that made him rush through all the packing up. Craving nothing more than to lock the door behind him and keep you in his arms for the rest of the night.
“Go to sleep”, you muttered, brushing your fingers through his still slightly wet post-shower hair. “Not tired”, Vess muttered, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. Trying to suppress a yawn. “Yeah, I can tell”, you chuckled beneath your breath, pressing a loving kiss at the top of Vessel’s head. “Missed you today”, he mused, looking up at you. “We were practically glued together”, you reminded him. And he had been dragging you around with him all day long. Refusing to let go of your hand. And if that wasn’t possible he at least wanted to be able to see you standing close by.
“Not really”, Vess objected, with a slight shake of his head. “Oh, sorry that i went to the bathroom without you”, you chuckled, and even if it was barely there you could see a slight smile creeping onto Vessel’s face. He stayed still before jabbing his fingers into your sides, making you squirm beneath him. Before pressing a lazy kiss to your collarbone. One after another. Before pulling away, eyes drowning you in. A deep sigh left his lips.
“Come on”, you pulled at him, opening your arms for him. “To lay on you?”, and he sounded so unsure in his words that it almost made you frown. “You don’t want to?”, bits of self-doubt stirred deep within your chest. “Fuck, of course, I do”, Vess murmured, before reaching for his shirt but stopping mid-way.
“Can I ask for something… but it’s stupid so you can say no”, the words fall fast, as he sits down on the side of the bed. “What is it?”, you move yourself up on your elbows as you watch him, slowly swirling his thoughts in his head, “No, actually forget it”, he shakes his head after a moment, waving you off. “Vess… we talked about you saying the things going in your head. I can’t read them, remember?”, you sighed. Vess just looked at you for a moment. Like he always does. One of those looks where he’s slowly drinking you in. “Can we cuddle”, he mutters after a heartbeat. You can’t help but frown, “That’s what I'm offering, baby”, you blink up at him feeling slightly confused.
“Naked”, Vess says so quietly that for a minute you’re sure that you might have imagined it but it’s once again his eyes that speak the loudest. “Sure”, you shrug, not understanding where the sudden shyness over something you two had already seen more than a handful of times, had sprouted.
“I just feel like all this material is in the way”, he runs a hand through his hair, “It’s weird, probably, right?” You smile at him, scouting closer, till you can reach him properly. “It’s far from weird”, you shake your head, leaning in to kiss his shoulder before, reaching for the ham of his shirt. Waiting for him to give you a slight nod before pulling it up. “Just missed the warmth of your skin”, Vess admits, leaning in to kiss your lips before he too reaches for the shirt his shirt that you have on.
He lets his eyes dance over your naked skin for a moment. “So pretty”, muttering he brushes his lips over yours once more. “Right back at you”, you nuzzle your nose against him, reaching for his grey sweatpants, “You’re more than aware how unwell I am over your v line”, you lick your lips, wiggling your eyebrows at him. Vessel lets out a slight chuckle. “Heard a thing or two”, he shrugs, kicking his pants off. “I can name favorite as well”, kissing your hip bone he slowly pulls your panties down your legs, before throwing them carelessly over his shoulder.
“Cuddle me you big softie”, you caress his cheek before pulling at his bare shoulders. He slides over you like a serpent. Kissing up your body before carefully lowering himself into your embrace. The deepest sigh leaves his lips, “I feel like I can breathe again”, he admits, wrapping his arms over your torso. “Then let yourself breathe. I will not let go until you’re fully recharged”, Vess hums at your words, pulling up to leave a couple of lazy kisses over your chest and shoulders before melting into your warm body.
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winstonsns · 2 days
hii !! can u plss do gang (minus darry, soda, and pony) x reader where reader's a curtis, like around soda's age? also ur page is soo cute im dying 😭
the gang with curtis!reader
authors note: i’m so glad you like my account!! please enjoyyy 💗
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includes johnny, dally, two-bit and steve
word count: 4.2k
warnings: cussing, slightly suggestive, smoking
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you and johnny met through ponyboy after the drive in
your brother was telling him about how the two of you should meet, both of you were the same age and had the same interests
walking to his house, ponyboy said, “y/n will probably be on the couch reading or doing homework or something. she’s real smart, i think you two would like each other.” lightly bumping into johnny’s shoulder near the end in a teasing matter
when they got close to the house, your brother reminded him, “she’s easy to talk to, just make an effort and you’ll be good.” so he nodded and fidgeted with his hands
the two of them walked into the house, greeting you when they saw you watching a movie on the couch, bouncing your leg
“oh, hey pony,” you looked up and down at the boy next to him, “this your friend?” then looking at the boy in the eyes, not looking at your brother when he responded, “yeah. this is johnny. he’s around your age. i’ve told you about him, haven’t i?”
you nodded, johnny sitting next to you on the couch but staying at a distance, wanting you to be comfortable
you took in how he kept looking around nervously, his fingers tapping his thighs, you teased, “no need to be nervous, johnny. it’s okay.” but gave him a warm smile that helped him calm down
you started asking how him and your brother met and became friends, his interests, etc
according to ponyboy, the two of you really hit it off because when both of you saw him the next time, you started talking to him about your conversation with johnny, and vice versa
both of you continued to talk, becoming more and more vulnerable each time, him sometimes coming to your house unannounced to he could talk to you
but one day, he came to your house covered in bruises and blood, limping towards you, nearly falling down in the process
he wasn’t breathing normally, so you worriedly asked, “holy shit, johnny are you okay, what the fuck happened— no, tell me later, let’s go to the bathroom so i can patch you up.”
you helped him walk to the bathroom, him muttering, “it was my dad. i’m sorry i came here, i-i didn’t know where else to go, im sorry…”
the two of you walked into the bathroom and you quickly got out the first aid kit, telling him, “oh, honey, it’s not your fault. you come straight to me when something like this happens, okay? i can help you.”
your hands were shaking, almost as if you were as worried as johnny, unzipping the first aid kit and getting a washcloth, putting it under running water and wiping his face gently, him wincing
you apologized quietly and dried off his face, putting band aids on his knees and arms, hoping the wounds would heal faster
“you feeling okay, johnny?” noticing he hadn’t said anything in a while, staring at the wall, him nodding
“you wanna go to bed?” you whispered, going down to where he was looking, him nodding once again
you helped him walk over to your room, sitting him down on the bed and pulling back the sheets, he took his shirt off and put on more comfortable pants
you got in bed next to him, running your hands through his hair, he stated, “thank you, y/n,” he hesitated before saying, “i think i might like you…” his eyes closed
looking down at him, you smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, which started your romantic relationship
the two of you didn’t really ask the other if you wanted to be together, it was just mutually decided without really saying it
whenever others would ask, “are you two dating?” you would agree and say something along the lines of, “yeah, did you not know?”
ponyboy and dally really loved how you treated johnny, he felt alive again and wanted to live with you for the rest of his life
the two of you actually met when he was in the station, having to call someone to pick him up because he assaulted some guy and broke his nose
he was lucky that the man didn’t press charges, the police officer came to dally’s holding cell and said, “winston! get over here, get someone to pick you up.”
he responded with a “yeah? and what if i don’t, huh? what’ll happen then?” trying to test the officer’s limits
the officer rolled his eyes and ordered, “winston, you better get your ass over here and get someone to pick you up. now.”
dally got up from his seat and went to the phone, typing in the curtis household number, taking a few seconds to ring before someone picked up
“y/n curtis, what do you need?” a soft voice asked, dally pausing, a bit shocked and hesitant to continue
“hey, uh, think you could pick me up? are your brothers not there?” he asked
you mumbled a “no, i can pick you up. where are you?” and he responded with a “at the station, you know where that is, right?” feeling the need to talk in a gentle and softer voice
you mumbled “mhm…” and hung up, both of you putting the phones down
you grabbed your shoes and it them on, grabbing your keys and walking out the the car, putting it in and driving to the station dally was at
when you arrived at the station, you walked in, dally looked over to see you looking nervous and fidgeting with your hands
“um, hello… i’m here to pick up dallas winston..?” he heard you saying to a police officer
“winston!!!!” the same officer called his name, causing him to run over to you, the officer asked him, “what’s your relation to this young lady?”
he responded quickly, “she’s my girlfriend.” and the officer wanted to confirm it, so he asked you, “you’re dating him?” pointing at him, scoffing when you nodded your head
he told you and dally that you’re free to go, the two of you walking to your car and turning the radio on
he made small talk, apologizing for how he acted before, asking you about your interests and if you’re really soda and pony’s brother, not remembering them talking about you or ever meeting you
you answered all of his questions, even asking him about himself and looking at him occasionally, trying to keep your eyes on the road
you drove him to buck’s after he asked you to, “hey, uh, wanna hang out tomorrow or something? like a diner? you know that one close to the market?” you nodded and smiled, “yeah, i’d like that.” he thanked you and smiled, getting out of the car and waving as you drove away
when the both of you met up again at the diner after he called you in the morning, the two of you bought the same thing, having the same taste buds
you had some food on the corner of your lip, and dally couldn’t handle the urge to say, “you got something there..” and wiped it off your lip, causing you to roll your eyes and smile
that night, he went home with you and basically pulled an all nighter with you, him feeling warm around you, which he realized when he woke up, the two of you on the couch together
he was thinking, ‘oh shit..’ wondering if the two of you dated, if you cheated like how sylvia did
but soda and johnny noticed how he acted different around you, trying to act cooler and funnier, purposely embarrassing himself to make you laugh
so one day, many months into talking and flirting, the two of you were talking when you were called over by your friends
you walked away, soda and johnny replacing you, immediately asking, “when are you gonna ask her out?”
he took a puff of the cigarette smoke, looking at you and saying, “don’t know what you’re talkin’ ‘bout…”
“you’re literally still looking at her, dumbass.” soda pointed out the obvious
“i don’t know man… i’ll figure it out, give me some time…” dally mumbled, soda continuing, “she talks about you all the damn time, it’s annoying. just get with her so she can stop talking about you all the time.” dally nodded and looked away from you, but you were still in his mind
the next day, he came to your house covered in bruises, a black eye and large cuts all over his body, asking, “y/n? y/n, where are you…”
your brothers came to his help first, but he pushed them away, only wanting you to help him
you walked out of your room, seeing dally and lightly grabbing his arm, instinctively leading him to the bathroom where the first aid kit was, scolding him along the way
“oh, dal, what happened to you? are you okay? i’ll help you, ill—“ you stuttered, clearly nervous, dally’s physical state wasn’t good but he looked fine
“hey, hey, i’m fine..” he tried to reassure you, but you wiped the blood from his body, wrapping some parts in gauze if they were severely injured
it only took a few minutes, but he finally explained it was from a few socs, but he hurt them worse than they hurt him
it was an intimate moment, both of you knew he didn’t trust anyone else besides you to attend to his wounds
you looked at him with worry and love in your eyes, you mumbled, “i get really worried about you sometimes, dal…”
he looked at you with both love and worry, just as you looked at him, he got up and gently kissed you
you softly put your hand on his face, caressing him and giving him a kiss on the lips, he asked you, “hey… you’re really important to me and shit, make me feel real happy, better.” and hesitated for once in his life, “do you wanna be my girlfriend..?”
you smiled at him and said, “yes.” gently kissing him once again, feeling a smile against your lips
although your brothers were protective of you and didn’t necessarily want you dating dally, he was protective of you too and treated you well
they learned to trust him with you, to keep you safe and loved
you officially met two-bit properly after the drive in, he left with pony and johnny, walking back to your house after the encounter with some docs
two-bit and ponyboy were talking about kathy, two-bit’s ex girlfriend and how she was toxic, but he was over her
“maybe you could go for my sister,” ponyboy shrugged, “in between you and soda’s age, but way closer to yours. you’ve met her before, haven’t you?”
he nodded, stating, “she is real pretty. mind if i talk to her a bit at your house?”
he nodded back, looking at johnny and chuckling, johnny confessing, “you know, i’ve seen her look at you. like she wants to talk to you or something, probably thinks you’re good lookin’.”
two-bit scoffed, the three of them were at your house now and opened the front door, seeing you reading a book right next to soda on the couch, he was watching some movie that you weren’t paying attention to
he looked behind him, feeling johnny and pony whispering and pushing him towards you, “dude, go talk to her!”
he was standing in the living room but tried not to make it awkward, so he stood near the couch and looked at you and your brother, asking, “hey, you two, whatcha up to? oh, you’re y/n right?”
“y/n’s reading some damn book… always stickin’ her nose in them… some romance movie’s on, don’t remember what it’s called though.” soda stated
“oh, don’t call it a romance movie, soda. it’s about a guy in his fucking thirties being attracted to his twelve year old step daughter. it’s messed up,” bickering with your brother, rolling your eyes and looking at two-bit, “yeah, surprised you know me though, you’re keith, aren’t you?” talking in a sweet voice to him
he paused for a moment, soda looking at you even though your attention was on two-bit, your brother giving you a look
he was surprised you actually knew his name, so the two of you continued talking after you put a bookmark in your book, soda was fucking flabbergasted because you could almost never put a book down if you started reading it
three hours passed, you and keith were still talking and soda was passed out on your shoulder, you looked down at your brother and smiled, quietly asking, “are you gonna stay here, keith? you can sleep in my room…” but he politely declined, saying he didn’t want to disturb your sleep and he wanted to sleep in his bed
you nodded and got up, gently laying soda’s head onto the couch after you grabbed a pillow for him
“well… maybe we can talk another time, huh? come over tomorrow.” you looked up at two-bit, smiling at him
he smiled at you and gave you a pat on the shoulder, stating, “i’ll be back tomorrow.” and opened the door, waving at you and walking in the direction to his house
you heard mumbles from behind you, “did you guys kiss yet?” so you looked behind you and shook your head, but you couldn’t help but grin at his teasing
he smiled back and chuckled, getting up from the couch and grabbing his pillow, hugging you before walking to his bedroom, shutting the door behind him
you and steve met again the next day, and soon enough, you found yourself seeing him multiple times each week
you grew to have an attraction to steve, in a romantic way, and he liked you, it was obvious to everyone besides the two of you
he was hanging out with the gang once in a diner when ponyboy asked, “hey, when are ya gonna ask out my sister?” and two-bit stopped in his tracks, staring at him dead in the eyes, starting to rant, “what? how the hell did you know, is it obvious? well i mean, i don’t know man, she’s real pretty and way out of my league, but we see each other so much. like multiple times a week to the point where im sleeping at her house, in her fucking room! i wanna get her something and ask her out and stuff but i just don’t know what to get her—“
“take her to some movie, man. doesn’t matter what it is, she’s been blabbing her mouth about you ever since you came over that one time. can never get a moment without, ‘oh, keith said hi to me today!’ ‘he touched my shoulder!’ ‘we talked for hours yesterday!’” soda stated, mocking you at the end and making faces
two-bit was surprisingly more quiet than usual at the diner, he couldn’t stop thinking about what he could do in order to ask you to be his girlfriend
so after being at the diner for an hour or so, the gang headed to the curtis house, so when they arrived, soda opened the door and saw you reading another book on the couch, which was how keith saw you the first time he had a proper conversation with you
your brother walked over to you and gave you a hug, greeting you, “hey, sis. sorry we were out for a while.”
you accepted his apology, greeting the others, “hey guys! hi keith!” you smiled at him and dally nearly pushed him all the way to the couch, forcing him to sit down next to you
you giggled and he widely smiled at you, noticing how the gang went into the kitchen to give the two of you some time alone, “i was uh, wondering if you wanna go to the drive in sometime? to like, watch a movie together. there’s one tonight, if you’re free.” two-bit asked, shrugging at the end
“mhm, sure! any movie’s fine with me, what time is the movie at?” you agreed, asking him a question
he told you it would be around 8pm, so the two of you had around six hours to spare, talking for around four hours, him going home to change and get ready for the drive in
at 7:30pm, you drove to his house to pick him up, both of you talking with elvis’ music in the background
when you arrived at the drive in, you choose a good place to park so you and keith could see the screen, but planning to sit in the chairs
when you sat down, you talked for around ten minutes before the movie really started
the two of you quieted down, occasionally making comments about the movie, which you figured out was a very romantic one
the couple acted like how you and two-bit acted, all close and making jokes with each other, sharing food and being overly touchy with each other
at the end of the movie, it ended with the couple but a very old version of themselves, years ahead in a diner
they were on a date, giggling and all in love, when they were done eating their meal and the bill came by, the two of them stood up and held hands, kissing each other
keith looked over to you, seeing tears in your eyes, immediately asking, “holy shit, are you okay? what’s wrong?”
you nodded, wiping your eyes and saying while sniffling, “i need a relationship like that—“ taking a break to sniffle, “they were so fucking cute together!!!”
he chuckled at how you thought the movie was so adorable that you cried, the two of you made eye contact
he moved a little closer to you, giving you a light kiss on the lips before pulling away to no avail, you pulled him back and kissed him again
the two of you pulled away and smiled at each other, smiling at each other, two-bit finally had the hope to ask you, “would you be my girlfriend, y/n? i’ve liked you for a long time, and um, i really hope this doesn’t ruin our relationship.” getting a little nervous at the end
you smiled at him and nodded, “i would love to be your girlfriend, keith.” kissing his cheek and leading him to the car, driving back to your house
opening the door, everyone was in their rooms, so both of you walked to your room and changing into comfortable sleep clothes, pulling down the covers and getting into bed
you curled up into his side, both of you feeling like the luckiest people ever
two-bit later realized he was missing out after the two of you started dating, thinking, ‘how the hell did i not notice her? she’s amazing, man…’
steve met you when him and soda just began to get close in elementary school, he went to your house for a sleepover one day after school
him and your brother were in his room when mrs. curtis called them to the kitchen for dinner
at the dinner table, you and soda would sit next to each other on one side, your parents on the opposite side and ponyboy and darry sat on another side, darry closer to you and ponyboy closer to your dad
steve was opposite to where darry was sitting so he was close to soda, but when steve saw you, he realized you were really cute even though the two of you were in the same grade, you never talked though
everyone was talking besides you and steve, not wanting to intrude on the conversation, waiting for someone to talk to you instead
“hey, sis,” soda began to ask, you looked away from your food and looked at him, “you remember steve, right? he’s in our grade!!”
you nodded, looking at your brothers friend for a couple of seconds and smiling at him
steve blushed, thinking your smile was very pretty and tried to make you smile even more throughout the dinner, making jokes to hear you laugh
after that night, every day at school, he would try to talk to you and partner up with you and his best friend if you had to get into a group of three
he noticed you were very smart, he kept making an effort to talk to you for years, and by middle school, your friendship had bloomed and the two of you hung out one on one
but he wanted more than to be friends, he would feel warm when the two of you would talk and would forget all his problems when he was with you
in freshman year of high school, he had asked you to be his valentine after a lot of persuading from your brother
“dude, you need to ask her out! she talks about you all the damn time, like i don’t know everything about you. she likes flowers and candy. get her some chocolate or something, man. or a calculator, she’s been complaining about hers not working for days now…” soda stated, mumbling near the end
when steve came to you the morning before valentine’s day, the two of you immediately started talking and he brought up valentine’s day
“oh, uh, valentine’s day is tomorrow. you ain’t with anyone yet, right?” he questioned
you shook your head, stating, “no, no one’s asked me yet. has anyone asked you?”
he shook his head quickly, then immediately after, he hesitantly asked you, “wanna be together for valentines?” and shrugged
he was almost shaking, his heart beating irregularly when you stared at him for a bit before exclaiming, “yes!! i was gonna ask you but i was nervous, you beat me to it though!” laughing at the end
the two of you were blushing and continued talking, almost as if he never asked you in the first place to be your valentine, but there was obviously something different about how the way you two talked to each other after that conversation, people said you two seemed nearly in love with each other
so steve got you some of your favorite candies, flowers and a calculator for your math class and gave them to you the morning of valentine’s day at school
you bought him a big pack of fun dip because your brother always talked about him having too much sugar from fucking fun dips and a frame of the two of you from the time when you and steve went to a middle school dance together
but when he went to your house after school, the two of you walked to your room, soda walking out of his and winking at steve, doing a making out motion with the air, causing mr. curtis to hit his head with the newspaper, forcing a yelp out of soda
before the two of you went into your room, your dad said, “y/n, keep the door open!!” and you playfully rolled your eyes, smiling and leaving the door open to a crack
you and steve sat on your bed and talked about drama from school, then started talking about a few couples and your own dating lives although they were boring
“thanks for the fun dip and frame. gonna put it on my nightstand when i get home.” steve thanked, smiling at you
“oh, of course! thanks for the candy, flowers and calculator too, mine wasn’t working for a while… but im really happy you asked me to be your valentine, steve.” smiling sweetly at him, there was a moment of silence and he slowly leaned towards you, checking to see if you were alright with what he was about to do
you leaned in quickly into the kiss and put your hands on his shoulders, the kiss lasting longer than it probably should have, when the two of you pulled away, there was once again a slight moment of silence, but it was different
he hesitated before asking you, “i really don’t wanna piss off your brother but… do you wanna be my girlfriend?” and you smiled widely at him, you pulled him into a hug and gave him another kiss, exclaiming a loud, “yes!!!”
he leaned into the hug and smiled although you couldn’t tell, and looked over to the door, seeing soda smiling widely and heard him giggling, “mom!! dad!!”
but because steve and soda were best friends, both you and your boyfriend would get so much information about what the other is saying about each other
soda saw in you and steve what others saw in him and sandy, although you didn’t run away because you got pregnant, you loved being around steve and used to go on double dates with soda and sandy
sometimes he would leave little notes in your room after visiting with soda, or he would put supplies in your desk if you’ve been talking about them for a while
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authors note: thank you all for your support! school is ending for me in four days, so i’ll be able to write more in the summer!
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kirrrnz · 1 day
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word count: 711
18+ content MDNI!! — fem!reader, reader called “baby” and “doll”, smut!!!!! with a bit of fluff, nanami x reader, not proofread :< might edit l8rrr ! enjoy ^_^
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it wasn’t like nanami to express his emotions when shit happened to him.
but when you just got up and left him because he prioritized his work over you, he couldn’t help finding himself drowning in overdue papers and lying sleepless in bed for hours on end.
nanami couldn’t stop replaying the moment in his head, the way you yelled at him for not comprehending and how he just stared at you like you were spewing nonsense he couldn’t understand.
he regrets it. he regrets letting you walk out the door. he regrets not calling you for the past few weeks.
how did it take him this long to realize he needs you?
with that, he was gripping on the steering wheel, jaw clenched to hold himself from going way over the speed limit in the pouring rain.
he was rushing into your apartment building, soaking up the lobby.
nanami couldn’t even recall how quick he ran out the elevator once it reached your floor. he wasn’t necessarily out of breath, but his breathing was staggered.
he knocked, stood there with his body soaked from the rain, white shirt sticking to his skin. you opened the door, a puzzled look on your race because you weren’t expecting company.
you were wearing a t-shirt that was much too big for you and no pants, just a lacy, mesh pair of panties.
“kento? what’re you doing here? it’s like 10 o’clock.” you say once you’d connected the body to the face, you were shocked to see him, genuinely you thought he didn’t really care about you.
but here he was, soaked and dripping at your front door.
he just looked at you, his stoned expression quickly shifting to a soft, pleading one.
“i- i just needed to see you. baby, let me in. let me explain myself.” he was pleading, he didn’t care how desperate he looked or sounded.
he needed you back.
and his wish came true. barely 10 minutes after you two “talked it out”, he had you bent over your sofa, legs spread and face burrowed into one of the cushions.
your pussy was swallowing every inch with so much vice, and he made sure you knew that. made sure you knew how tight and good your insides felt.
how much he missed them.
he didn’t have to tell you much honestly, he was behind you grunting and huffing with every thrust. he was deep in there, the cushion was soaked with your tears, maybe even some drool.
you could hardly think with how harsh he was fucking you. you lift your head up and babble out some incoherent words. he laughs.
nanami lowered himself to bite against your ear lobe, his hands gathering themselves on your ass. “i’m sorry for being an asshole, doll.” he groaned into your ear in a breathless whisper, hands gripping the flesh on your cheeks as he hurried up his thrusts; leaving you absentmindedly moaning louder into the space of your apartment.
he couldn’t help the smile that tugged his lips at how he had you. he stood back up straight and grabbed your hair, crashing his hips with all his power when he felt how tight your pussy was squeezing him.
you stayed there and took it, grabbing the top of the couch. the state you were in was so embarrassing: mouth wide open, hair sticking to the drool on your face, eyes shut, and tears marks staining your cheeks.
when he pulled out then forced himself entirely in you, you screamed. finishing all over his shaft and leaving a ring around the base that he loved to see.
one thing about nanami kento, was that after care was never a problem. he carried you to your bed, cleaning you up gently with a rag. even putting a fresh pair of panties on you.
he debated staying. nanami stared at you as you started to fall asleep. at least he thought you were. but as he was heading towards the door of your bedroom, you spoke softly to him.
“you better not be leaving, kento.” and it made his heart flutter in a way he never felt before.
he was determined to not fuck up this time. it just felt so good to him that you were his.
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selfloverrrrrr · 18 hours
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Handling Them
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Warning: Smut, unprotected Sex, rough sex, teasing, anal sex, nipple play, blow job, threesom....
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( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
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I was a first year student in jujutsu high. I had friends there. Nobara, Megumi and Yuji. IT was a normal day. I just woke up. I got up and sit on my bed. I was sleeping in my own bedroom. I don't need to wear so much clothes ofcourse. I got up went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and again came back to my room to change my clothes.
I went to jujutsu high after getting ready. Me and Nobara were chatting. "What happened GURLLL.... why are you looking kinda upset?" She asked. "I'm so from some day....and If you wanna hear it in simple words.... I wanna get laid" I said. "Ohh?" She smirked. I gave her 😑 look. "I'm joking...but I understand....but that means you have to go to a part or something..." She said and I nodded.
We were talking with we was Yuta coming towards us. " Hey... Tonight all of us decideed to going to a party.... will you come too" he asked. We both got shocked that how is this a coincidence! " Yes SUREEEE" Nobara replied. I gave her a side eye and she giggled. Then Yuta looked at me. "Yes Yuta senpai...we would love to" I replied. Yuta smiled and left the place. "Yayyyy it's gonna be funnnnnn!!!!" Nobara screamed and I laughed.
After I come back to my room I went to my closet to pick up a dress for the night. I took a red silky short bodycon dress. Perfect for the night. I took a quick shower and wore the dress and put on my makeup. Now I was totally ready. Then I went out of my room and took a cab and went to the party.
When I entered there first I saw Yuji and Maki. Maki hugged me and took me inside. Then I saw Yuta. " Thank you to you two for giving the party " I said with a smile. " Your welcome" he replied me. Then I turned to Yuji again. " You're looking hot... tonight" Geto said. " Oh... thank you for the compliment" I replied with a small smirk.
I didn't know when Nobara came beside me. "Gurl... you just got here and started to get laid already!" She whispered. "Ummm... maybe yes" I whispered back and we both giggled. Then Nobara left. "You gotta nice butt tho" Yuji Said. I turned back my attention to Yuji again. I smirked. "Wanna slap it for tonight?"I asked. "How can I refused someone gorgeous like you" he replied and pulled me towards him. His hands on my ass. I pressed my lips on his.
He kissed me back. We were exploring our mouth shoving our tongue. He was Kissing me roughly. Making me breathless. Everything was going well suddenly we heard someone calling Yuji's name. We realised it was Todo. He came from nowhere and dragged Yuji to somewhere to show him a poster he just saw. "fuck" I sighed.
Todo had to take Yuji right now! I thought and started walking through the party. I was finally getting some and it was ruined again!!! I went into a room. People were there too. Then I saw Megumi in that room. He was wearing a black shirt and a sweatpant. He was leaning his back on a table. There was a drink in his one hand and he was going through his phone with the other hand.
When did he got that hot... I thought and smirked. I walked towards him. When I reached infront of him he looked at me. "Oh...y/n" he said and put his phone inside his pants. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Nothing really... you?" He asked. "Same same..." I replied. I looked at him.
"You're looking hot" I said. He slightly blushed. "Thanks....You're looking gorgeous too" he replied. I leaned towards him. His back touched the table. My one hand on his thigh and the other hand on the side of the table. "Are you free tonight... Megumi?" I asked. "Huh?.... y-yes" he replied. I run my hand upwards. His breath hitched. I rubbed my hand on his crotch. He whined.
I felt he's getting hard. "Why don't you take me your room tonight..." I whispered and continued my hand work. "F-fuck....why not!" He whined while stroking my inner thigh. Then suddenly Maki came from nowhere and thank God she didn't saw anything... She dragged me out of there because some girl gossip was happening.... And at the end of the night I got none of them! When the party ends both of them were already went back. Then I went back to my room again frustrated and directly went to sleep after changing my clothes.
The next morning
I just woke up. Got up from bed and brushed my teeth. Then came back to bed. Today was off day in school. I took my phone and opened messeges to see who messaged. First two chats were from Megumi and Yuji. I smirked and opened the chat.
Megumi's chat
Hey... I'm so sorry for last night... The boys forced to come home :/
No... it's fine :)
Yuji's chat
Hey... good morning:)
Yesss.... good morning to you too
My morning is already good;)
Really? Why?
Megumi's chat
You don't know what you're doing to me
Show me ;)...
[ image]
Want me to wrap my walls around it? ;)
My jaw dropped seeing the image... HE SEND ME NUDE??!! it was a selfie image...he wasn't wearing pants and taking up his tshirt with other hand. He was looking another direction.... That was so hot!!!!
Nobara's chat
What are you doing?
Girllll.... listen.... you won't believe what just happened!!!!
Megumi just sent me nude😭😭😭
What!!!! There's no way!!!! He can do that??? He doesn't seems like that kinda person!!
yes I know!!!..but he really did!!!
Wtffff girlllll!!!!!
I was talking with Nobara and another notification came. I saw it was from Yuji so I opened the chat and my jaw dropped again!!! He also sent nude!!! He sent pic of his cock. He's holding it with one hand and took the picture with the other....
Yuji's chat
Thinking about you;)
Want me to suck it? ;)
Nobara's chat
Gurlllllll.... there's no wayyyy!!!😭😭😭😭
What happened again???
Yuji also sent me nude!! 😭
he really did 😭😭😭
Gurl... I think you gonna enjoy today;)
Was talking with Nobara when again notifications came from two persons. And ofcourse it was Megumi and Yuji.
Megumi's chat
Fuck.... don't say like that... you're making me harder
Don't make yourself suffer.... come in my room ;)
Fuck... wait a minute I'm coming!
Yuji's chat
Don't say that!!...my dick's gonna explode if you keep saying things like that!!!
Awww.... come In my room.... lemme help you :)
What!! Really???.... wait I'm coming!!!!!
Megumi's POV
I went out of my room and locked the door. When I was almost infront of y/n's door I saw Yuji was there too.... what was he doing here. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I was going to ask you the same question!" Yuji replied. "Y/n called me here...but why are you here?" I asked. "She called me here too" Yuji replied. "What the... Exactly for what did she called you here?" I asked. Yuji smirked "you know ... some private work" he replied. "Ok Yuji let me be clear... did she called you here for having sex?" I asked curiously. "Yes ...but how did you know?" Yuji asked. "Because that's the same reason she called me here too" I replied. "What!" Yuji said. "One second" I said and this time I smirked "is she planning for..." I said and Yuji completed my sentence "threesom?" He asked. "Yes" I replied with a smirk. Yuji smirked back and we knocked on the door.
Y/n's POV
I heard the knock on the door. I smiled at myself. Went towards the door and opened. I saw Megumi and Yuji both of them there. They came inside. Megumi pulled me towards him and grabbed my waist. "Yuji...lock the door" Megumi said. "Yess...." Yuji replied and locked the door. He came behind me and pressed his body on my back. "So our miss naughty want to have threesom...huh?" Megumi said with a smirk. I could feel they were still hard. "Then let's make her wish complete" Yuji said with a smirk and they bring me towards the bedroom.
They were kissing me like as if their life depends on the kiss. They took both of my hands and started rubbing on their crotch. They were whining in the kiss. Megumi put his hand inside my pantie and rubbed on my clit. I moaned. "fuck baby... you're wet" he whispered.
Then there was I, on my fours. All of our clothes were on the floor. Yuji thrusting his dick in my mouth and Megumi in my pussy from back. I squeezed my eyes. Tears flowing down. Because both of them were too much big. My mouth was wide open. Yuji's dick inside my mouth taking the whole length in slowly. It was too big. Yuji's breath hitched. He threw his head back mouth wide open. He grabbed my hair telling me to suck hard. I slowly sucked his dick and his legs shook. He bobbed my head up and down. His tip was poking the back of my throat. He grabbed my hair and started bobbing my head up and down faster. "Oh god...oh god.... don't...ahhhh... don't stop!!!!" Yuji moaned out loudly. He was bobbing my head up and down faster and faster. He suddenly felt that Yuji was close. In a few minutes he came inside my mouth. He grabbed my chin "Swallow it y/n" Yuji said looking at me. I swallowed Yuji's cum.
On the other hand Megumi was thrusting too. He was slamming his whole dick inside me. I moaned. My legs were shaking with pleasure. And he was liking it so much. His thurst became harder and harder. I clenched around him tightly and he moaned loudly " ughhhhhh....ahhh s-so...ahhhh....so f-fucking tight, this pussy might be the death of me!!!" he started rubbing my clit with his thumb and I squeezed the bedsheet to control myself. With a few more thurst I came. He was still thursting roughly. I felt his cock pulsing inside me. Within a minute he came inside me I could feel his seed inside me. He pulled out. "You're ready for the round two..huh?" Yuji whispered in my ear and I blushed.
Both of them crashed their mouth on my each breast. Sucking, biting, licking harshly. I moaned and grabbed on each of their hair. They were so rough on my breasts.
They licked my belly and each of them squeezed each of my breast. I grabbed sheet and squeezed my eyes shut. "Uhhah..... eyes on us princess" Megumi said and I did. They bite on my nipple. "P-Please" I moaned. " Please what baby?" Yuji asked. " Please fuck me already!!!" I moaned out. "Good girl" yuji whispered.
Yuji threw himself on the bed and said " you're gonna ride me, baby" I get on him and sit on his dick slowly. The pain was too much. I almost screamed. " Shh... it's okey it's okey....take your time" they said. After I adjust the size I nooded and Megumi went behind and put his dick inside me in anal position. Then I started riding Yuji and Megumi started thursting in and out. Three of us were moaning mess. Yuji's one hand grabbed the bedsheet and another grabbed one of my breast. On other side Megumi's one hand grabbed my waist and another one grabbed my another breast.
Time passed. Their Thursting became faster, rougher and harder. Sound of my screaming, our moaning, skin slapping filled the whole room. I felt their dicks twitch inside me. Then I came again. Came allover Yuji's's dick. With a few more thurst both of them came again. We all flipped on the bed panting.
"Now that was something great..." Yuji said. " Oh it was best" Megumi replied and I giggled.
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Give me your requests guys....
I love when you give me your requests 💕
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sharpth1ng · 6 hours
Soooo I ship Billy x Sidney now? Step aside Stu!
There’s a little preview of my latest work under the cut. Warning!!! Its very 🌶🌶🌶 spicy. 18+ !!!!
“Are you sure?” Billy asked, his heterosexual love rod throbbing.
“Yes Billy, I was so silly being so focused on my mom. Isn’t it funny that half our conversations have to do with my mom?” she moaned, gripping his slender forearm. “Anyways, I want to have sex now! You are a man and I am so attracted to men” she said.
“Me too.” He groaned. “I mean, women. I am so attracted to women. Mmm, female breasts.” He groaned as she pulled her shirt off.
“~Yes, yes!~ Touch my female breasts!” She screamed, so he did. He really got a grip on them and squeezed.
“These are awesome.” He said, honking on her boobies like a horn. “Just like William Friedkin’s 1980 masterpiece: Cruising. Which is also awesome, that’s the only reason I would reference that movie right now, it has nothing to do with the source material or the directors sexual orientation.”
“I’m flattered by that!” She moans again, feeling his turgid member as it grinds against her coochie through their jeans. He continued to mash her boobies with his hands and it definitely felt so good.
“I wonder what Stu is doing right now,” he says, making eye contact with her nipples.
“Maybe he’s with Tatum,” She said. And she definitely wasn’t thinking about Tatum for any reason. “I ~need~ you inside me,” she said, groping at his bubble butt as he continued to massage her chest. It felt like a sexy breast exam. “I want you to squirt me with your male passion juices!”
“Yes! Have you ever seen the scene in nightmare on elm street where Jonny Depp sprays his blood everywhere? It will be just like that!” Billy is taking his pants off, revealing his raging member. Sidney grabs it hard and moves her hand up and down so fast.
“Yes!” She screams. “The thought of that arouses me sexually! I love your male bnoner! Put it inside me!” She begs, and so her rips her panties of and sticks it in. “I am one of the 18.4% of women that are capable of orgasm through penetration alone!” She cries out, receiving her climax immediately.
“I on the other hand will last a very long time and I have a very large and virile penis!” His brown orbs were glowing with his horny fire. “I will give you so many orgasms in your vagina! The only penis I am thinking about is mine!” He was now pumping his hard peen in and out of her, scraping along her inner walls and making her cum every-time he pounded against her pulsating cervix.
“The Dixie chicks poster on my wall means nothing!” Sydney is wailing, still creaming all over him.
“I don’t want to kill you!” He groaned lustily, pounding her out. “I love you as much as I love Stu- and I’s favourite movie: Halloween, 1978 starring Jamie Lee Curtis!”
“JAMIE LEE CURTIS!” Sidney cried out, her love fountain overflowing one last time as Billy’s stiff meat starts to jizz.
“ANTHONY PERKINS!�� He growled, hips going crazy on her as he finished.
“That was so good.” She said after he finished.
“Yes.” He replied. “Incredible.”
💕They were so in love 💕
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padfootagain · 5 hours
Only an Almost (XIX)
Chapter 19: Ascent
Hi! Here comes a new chapter!
We only have two chapters left, including this one :(
I hope you’ll like this chapter! Please, tell me what you think!
Pairing: Hozier x fem!reader, friends with benefits AU
Warning: No explicit smut or nsfw content, but there are sexual themes and heavy make-out sessions (it’s a friends with benefits AU, I can’t really escape it), so 18+ only!
Summary: Andrew has been in love with you for years, and yet he has never confessed his feelings. But a night out celebrating the engagement of his best friend changes everything. However, you don't seem ready to be with him just yet. You make him an offer that he can't refuse... but will certainly regret.
Word Count : 5157
Masterlist for the series – Hozier’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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Andrew was never more aware that he was getting older.
The hangover that was stabbing his temples with daggers was the best reminder of all.
Details from the end of the night were fuzzy, at best. He wasn’t certain how he got home, but he had somehow managed to reach his bed. He was still wearing his shirt and pants from the wedding, his hair was a mess, but that was nothing compared to the fog that clogged his brain.
He made a stop by the kitchen first to drink some water, prepared some strong coffee. He splashed some cold water on his face to clear his head. Christ… he needed a shower. Maybe two.
He could recall a cab driver, some very loud music, jumping up and down with the beat, Sam and Daphne laughing, getting drunk on purpose…
… and then there was you lying in bed, fast asleep, him kissing your forehead in a chaste kiss, tucking you in, helping you through the mansion, finding you in the park, the fear of not knowing where you were, him singing that song to you even if the dance was meant for the married couple…
He could hear your voice ringing in his ears, echoing through his head, beating in his heart. Words that rang again and again. Words that he had dreamt of hearing.
He took a couple of deep breaths, and let the unkind voice in his head take over. You were drunk. You didn’t mean it. You said it yourself you didn’t want to be in a relationship, and especially not with him. You were scared, you didn’t want to take the risk, didn’t want to make the sacrifices that a long-distance relationship would require, not for him, at least, because he wasn’t worth it, he wasn’t enough and you didn’t love him, you were just drunk, you didn’t mean it…
He turned on his phone, checked the time. It was already 1pm.
Messages from his friends, from Sam and Daphne, one from his mom, a few from his label…
… and then 10 from you.
He swallowed thickly, but touched your name first anyway.
Hi! I hope you got home safely last night.
First, thank you for taking care of me. I was drunk… obviously
A true gentleman, as usual.
I’m so sorry you had to see that. I was hammered. I wasn’t myself and I said things I shouldn’t have.
Andrew had to stop reading. He took a deep breath, looking up at the ceiling for a moment, bracing for the rejection that was sure to come… again.
Still, he read on.
I know that I’ve fucked up, and that you don’t want to see me anymore. Which is perfectly understandable, and I completely respect your decision. I had no intention to contact you again. It was completely out of line for me to confess my feelings.
Andrew read that last sentence several times, before rushing to the next text.
I’m sorry about what happened. I know you don’t want to see me anymore, and again, I completely understand. I was an idiot and I’ve fucked up everything. I don’t deserve your forgiveness, and I won’t ask for it. At this point, I just hope that what I said last night didn’t make things even worse.
I know that you’ve probably moved on by now, and I’m not expecting anything from you. I don’t even expect an answer to these texts, and I will simply not contact you again if you choose not to answer. I guess that alcohol simply made me reveal things I would rather not have confessed. I trust you not to tell anyone about this, even if you don’t want to talk to me ever again.
I reckon that I should make it clear, although I expect that you don’t feel the same anymore, that I meant what I said last night. And I wish I hadn’t been so stupid, and told you how I felt while I still could.
His eyes ran through your words again and again, but they remained unchanged, no matter how many times he read them. He let out a long exhale, unable to believe what he was reading was true.
You couldn’t be meaning that… you couldn’t…
I’ll see you this afternoon at our cute couple’s get-together for post-wedding day, before they enjoy their well-deserved honeymoon. Don’t worry though, I won’t initiate a conversation, and will completely understand if you don’t want to talk to me ever again. Also, I’ll stay sober this time, just in case I do something stupid.
If I never hear from you again, know that I wish you the best. You deserve all the happiness in the world.
Andrew struggled to breathe for a moment. He dropped his phone on the counter next to him, buried his face in his hands.
What the fuck was going on?
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Andrew hadn’t texted you back. He didn’t want to have this conversation with you over a phone. There were too many things to be told, too many things to be discussed.
He was a ball of nerves by the time three o’clock arrived and he stepped in his friends’ house. Some help was needed to make sure that the rented mansion was in good shape, to take care of the rest of the food and drinks, and obviously, to have another party to celebrate the newlyweds.
And you were there. Standing in the kitchen, making tea, your demeanour perfectly calm, as if you hadn’t dropped a bomb that had shattered his life in a million possibilities the night before…
You turned to him at the sound of his name, he noticed the way your lips parted, before you looked away in a hurry…
The next second, he was engulfed in Sam’s strong embrace.
“How are you, Mr. Married-man?” Andrew joked, returning the tight hug.
“Ecstatic. Not realising what’s going on…”
Andrew chuckled at that.
“Daphne’s gone with her mother to deal with something… don’t remember what… but somebody has to go to the venue to check that everything is fine before we leave for good. Can you do that?”
“Sure, I’ll go.”
“You want some tea first?”
“No, no… I’m fine. I’ll deal with that.”
“Y/N can go with you, you might need help. The caterer left some food there apparently, even if they were supposed to deal with that and pack it up. Also, check that no one has broken anything, we were all quite drunk last night.”
“Sure, I’ll do that.”
Andrew looked at you, but you didn’t move towards him. You remained standing there, in the kitchen, the kettle in your hand. You looked almost afraid, definitely uncomfortable.
“You’re coming, Y/N?” he asked, making sure his voice was neutral but still soft. He didn’t want you to believe that he was angry.
You jumped, surprised that he would talk to you. Still, you nodded in a hurry, putting the kettle down.
“Yeah… yeah…”
You offered him a smile, and he reciprocated the gesture. You seemed appeased by it.
You both hurried outside, greeting some other friends who were coming and going, set on different errands. It was merry despite the grey sky and the threat of some new rain.
“I’ll drive,” Andrew said as you reached his car.
“My car is right over there, I’ll follow you.”
“No need, I’ll drop you here after we’re done. Come on.”
You remained staring at him for a moment, clearly trying to gauge his actions.
“I’m not angry,” he said, reading your mind too easily. “You can come in.”
Slowly, you nodded, and opened the car door.
It was silent as Andrew started to drive. An awkward kind of silence that Andrew tried to alleviate by turning on the radio. Van Morrison filled up the empty spaces of the car, while you tried to discreetly look at him, failing miserably. He wanted to laugh at you for being so obvious about it.
It was a short drive to the venue, but he couldn’t find anything to say to you. His throat was dry, he could feel his palms getting clammy at the mere thought of speaking to you. There was too much that needed to be said…
“Andy…” you finally broke the heavy silence, while he was waiting at a red light. “About last night…”
“Can we… can we not do that now?”
When he looked at you, you were clenching your jaw and looking away in a hurry.
“I’m not angry,” he repeated, his voice soft but neutral still.
He didn’t want to let himself get emotional now. There was too much to say and too little time before reaching the venue. Besides, he didn’t want to speak about this in his car, this wasn’t either the right place nor the right time.
“But we should talk about all this after we’re done with the venue and everything… like… when we’re alone and we have time to discuss things.”
“So… you… you want to talk about it?”
“Yeah… I reckon we should.”
“We don’t have to. I understand that you hate me, that you don’t want to have anything to do with me ever again. You don’t have to be this kind to me.”
Andrew couldn’t refrain a breathy chuckle, shaking his head. Christ, you were so wrong… about everything…
“I could never hate you, Y/N. I don’t have that in me.”
“I hurt you. A lot.”
“Yeah, you did.”
“You should hate me.”
But he slowly shook his head, eyes still fixed on the road, and he hoped you wouldn’t notice the way he tightened his grip on the steering wheel.
“That’s not how love works, Y/N.”
You didn’t say anything, but he could feel your stare upon him. He didn’t know what he could add, so he let the rest of the drive pass in a silent haze, his mind swarming with thoughts and feelings and trying to figure out what he wanted, what he should do, what was reasonable…
More than anything else, he thought about how nice it was to smell your perfume in his car again.
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Andrew had taken care of the caterer and the food while you were going around the bedrooms to make sure nothing was wrong. He was looking for you to give you a hand, the mansion was rather large, and the keys needed to be returned after everything had been cleaned and put in order, or fees might be added. Andrew had offered to pay for everything, but Sam and Daphne had refused, and seemed offended by the idea, so the best Andrew could do now was to make sure they wouldn’t pay anything extra. A few other friends and family members were also helping out, and everything was ready.
He found you in one of the bedrooms. You were checking the room quickly, but everything seemed to be in order, except for something that seemed to have been forgotten on top of an old wooden wardrobe. Andrew looked at you for a few seconds as you went on your tiptoes to try and grab whatever object was up there, but you were too small. An amused smile was drawn to his lips when you huffed in annoyance.
You turned around in a jolt when you heard the floor creaking under his weight. He said nothing, stopped only when he was close to you, so close he would only have to bend to kiss you… And then he reached up, and grabbed the forgotten object.
You both exploded with laughter as Andrew revealed a green bra.
“Somebody had fun here last night,” Andrew laughed.
“They definitely got lucky!”
He handed it to you, but you shook your head.
“I’m not taking this, I have no clue who it belongs to!”
“I can’t walk out of here holding a bra!”
“Why not? Is it better if it’s me?”
“Y/N… They’ll think I had sex with someone!”
“And if I walk out with this they’ll think I had sex with someone…”
He rolled his eyes.
“What do we do, then?”
“Can’t you hide it in your jacket?”
“Can’t you?”
It was your turn to roll your eyes, grabbing the piece of garment and stuffing it in the pocket of your vest.
“Alright, crisis averted for our famous diva.”
“A diva? Me?”
You both chuckled at that.
“No, not at all… I don’t know why I joked about that.”
“Because you’re mean.”
He was joking, but your face fell, and the next second you were taking a step back and clearing your throat. And the moment had passed.
“It was the last room. Everybody behaved, apparently.”
“Good… that’s grand… let’s go, then.”
But when he turned towards the door, you held onto his hand.
He lost himself in your eyes… in their shade that he saw at night still, despite the long weeks you had spent apart, and they looked begging now, soft and vulnerable.
“Can we… can we talk before you take me back to my car?”
Slowly, he nodded.
“We can go to my place.”
“Your place?”
“Or yours.”
“You’re sure?”
“We should be alone for this. Alone, and undisturbed.”
You nodded in agreement, letting go of his hand again. He hated the cold of the air that replaced your skin.
You walked out in silence, managed to discreetly get rid of the bra in a bin, stopped to chat with a few friends, but Andrew could hardly be patient anymore. He was careful not to be rude when he pulled you away from the conversation so you could walk back to his car. Still, when you looked at him before climbing in his car, you seemed to read right through him, through the mix of emotions in his hazel eyes, from the impatience to the fear.
“Let’s go to my place,” you said softly as Andrew turned on the engines.
He nodded in silence, struggling to regulate his breathing. There was so much hope and bitterness mingling in his heart now, being injected to his veins, preventing his lungs from functioning properly.
Why had you acted like you didn’t care if you loved him? Did you even love him? Really? Would you be ready to give him a chance? Had you dated anyone since that night?
The drive to your house was made in silence, both of you lost in your own thoughts. There was music playing on the radio, but Andrew couldn’t notice it. It started to rain at one point, heavy and cold droplets that made it harder to see the road.
Not a word as you both climbed out of his car and hurried to your door, fleeing the rain. It was cold as it dropped on his face, the contrast stark when you let him in your house that was so much warmer.
“Tea?” you merely asked, but didn’t wait for his answer to go prepare a kettle.
He remained frozen in your hallway. All of a sudden, that evening was playing over and over in his head. He looked at the doorknob, and thought about leaving. Just… running away. Never see you again. Then what?
He would spend the next months, or most probably years, trying to forget you, trying to move on. He would bury himself in work so he could numb the pain. Eventually, he’d find someone new, build a life for himself without you in it. He’d avoid you at gatherings with your common friends. He would sing the songs he had written about you, trying to forget that you were the muse behind every note played and every rime spoken. You would find someone else too, get married, build yourself a home and a family with another person joining you in bed every night. Not him. He would never kiss you again, never hold you again, never hear your laughter, never giggle at your snarky remarks, never make love to you ever again…
He spun around, facing you.
The choice was his. He could still tell you that he never wanted to see you again. That you had hurt him too much and that he didn’t want the two of you to stay in touch.
Or he could walk into your kitchen and talk with you until he was certain about the nature of your feelings for him. And then he’d decide if you were worth putting his heart on the line again or not.
He could run away, or stay.
“Is everything okay?” you asked, voice gentle, head slightly tilted to the side.
He nodded, took a deep breath, and walked over to you.
“Yeah… just… lost in thought.”
You handed him a cup of tea. No sugar nor milk. Two teabags. He recognized the tag of his favourite brand.
“We should sit down,” you offered, voice hesitant, but he nodded, and you smiled as you took a seat in your living room, around your wooden table.
He sat across from you, silently measured the distance that separated you. You were resting your hands on the wooden surface, and he ached to reach out, hold your fingers tight.
You didn’t seem willing to start the conversation, and after a couple of minutes of both of you silently staring at your cups of tea, Andrew exhaled deeply through his nose, closed his eyes, and finally broke the heavy silence that had entered the room.
“So… last night… when you were drunk…”
“I reckon we should start from there.”
“Thank you again, for helping me.”
“There’s no need to thank me for that.”
“Sam said you were worried about me.”
He finally looked up at you, gaze getting caught in your stare, and he couldn’t look away after that. He struggled to swallow.
“Of course, I was worried. You were alone, no one knew where, and you didn’t have your phone with you.”
“But you hate me.”
“I’ve never said that.”
“After what happened, you should hate me.”
He heaved a sigh, shook his head, his shoulders bent under an invisible weight. The burden of loving you despite everything…
“I don’t hate you. I’m just… hurt.”
“It’s not exactly better.”
“No, I guess not… But it’s not aimed at you. It’s aimed at myself.”
You blinked a couple of times, a pained expression on your features.
“Yesterday… you said…”
You looked away, setting your gaze on your tea, on the steam that was rising from the porcelain, on the coloured liquid inside.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Because you didn’t mean it?”
“Because I know you didn’t want to hear me say that. Because you want me out of your life, and I understand why. Because I don’t want to hurt you again.”
Andrew clenched his jaw, struggled to keep his heartbeat regular.
“Did you mean it?”
You brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear, still avoiding his stare.
“Y/N, look at me. Please, look at me.”
You closed your eyes for a brief moment, but then you complied, looked up at him.
“After everything that has happened, I just need the truth. I just need answers. Can you do that for me?”
“Just answer me.”
You nodded, waiting for him to speak.
“Did you mean it?”
You blinked tears away, but slowly nodded still.
“When you said…”
His voice broke, he had to clear it to gather words on his tongue once more.
“When you said that you loved me… did you mean it?”
But you nodded again.
“I did mean it. I shouldn’t have said it, though…”
You fell silent when Andrew buried his face in his hands. He was struggling to breathe, struggling not to cry…
“I’m sorry, Andy… I’m so sorry…”
“Why the fuck did you reject me then?” he interrupted you, looking at you once more, his hands falling loudly on the table. “Why did you keep on pushing me away? On making me feel fucking miserable? If you loved me, why would you hurt me like that?”
“I didn’t mean to… I just….”
Your lips trembled, but you went on anyway, voice calm and a little cold.
“My life was a mess… still kind of is, to be fair. I had a new job, and then… then you kissed me that night at the bar and… old feelings came back. Feelings I had been very good at burying and forgetting. And I just… I didn’t want us to remain just friends, but… I was fucking terrified, Andy. I still am, to be honest. And so, I convinced myself that I could… have you while protecting my heart, which was the worst idea ever thought since the beginning of mankind, clearly…”
You heaved a tired sigh, rubbed your forehead as you tightly closed your eyes.
Andrew was remaining perfectly still, utterly quiet. Waiting for you to continue.
“I just thought… I thought that if we didn’t act like a couple, if we didn’t date, I would be able to control how I feel for you. I thought that it could be casual. And you accepted, and I thought… I thought that it meant that you were just attracted to me, and it helped me ignore my own feelings to believe that you just wanted sex.”
“I didn’t want you just for sex. I never did,” he interrupted you, and you stared at him with pain twisting your features.
“I’m sorry, Andy…”
“You said that it didn’t mean anything to you. You said that you didn’t have feelings for me, that… that you felt nothing when we were intimate. You said it was just about fucking…”
“I didn’t say any of that...”
“That’s how you behaved, though.”
“I didn’t say it was just about fucking…”
“You didn’t deny it.”
“It wasn’t about fucking. I always had feelings for you.”
He clenched his jaw, heaved a sigh.
“Why did you pretend it didn’t mean a thing then?”
“Because I was scared. And I didn’t feel ready to have a relationship with you.”
“Because I have to go on tours?”
“Yeah… not just that but… mostly, yes. Because you won’t be here. Dating you means signing up for a long-distance relationship, and I don’t know how to deal with that kind of situation.”
Slowly, he nodded.
“I understand that,” he mumbled.
“You’ll never be around… you’re always off to somewhere else. Our lives are so different…”
“But this is my home. It’s always gonna be my home. I’ll always come back.”
“How do you handle not seeing your partner for months?”
He let out a bitter chuckle.
“Badly,” he truthfully answered, and the two of you shared a sad smile.
“I was afraid to open up to you, to be vulnerable, to let myself feel this way… for you to disappear and break up with me because you’d have found someone better on the other side of the globe…”
“Y/N… I understand why my career can seem like a giant obstacle, because it is one. It’s… so fucking hard to not be with the person you love for months, and I’m so goddamn busy when touring that I can’t promise you that I’ll be able to give you the quality time that you deserve. It’s a nightmare to get our schedules to match, to plan everything out, and that’s without counting all the things that are added along the way that weren’t planned at the beginning of touring… And then there’s the press, and the writing, and the recording, and… and I understand, okay? I understand that you would reject me because of that. But Y/N… if you’re just afraid that I might fall for someone else because we’re apart for a few weeks… that is literally the least probable scenario that could ever happen.”
“Why would it be?”
“Because I’m in love with you,” he answered simply, earnestly, like it was the most obvious truth on earth. “Because I’ve been in love with you for years. And no one has ever replaced you, even when I thought you felt nothing for me, even when we both were dating other people. Trust me, you’re the only woman I want on this planet. The only one I really want.”
He watched as you took his words in, your lower lip trembling, blinking tears away.
“You should have told me,” he went on. “Instead of inventing this fucking arrangement, you should have just told me.”
“I know. But I wasn’t ready to try and be with you…”
“I would have waited. I would have waited for you.”
“I’m sorry…”
“It was fucked up, Y/N… you… it just… it was so painful to me,” Andrew admitted, trying not to let his voice shake too much. “I felt… I felt like you were just using me. I’ve never felt so terrible about myself… cause I… I was just enough for you to fuck me, and nothing more…”
“No, that wasn’t that at all...”
“That’s how it made me feel. Not all the time, of course. There were so many times when I felt… loved. When I felt like you felt more for me than simple physical attraction; most of the time it was the case. And that… it kind of messed with my brain, made me feel like you wanted more; but every time we were getting closer to an actual relationship, you rejected me. And you kept on doing it, over and over, and sometimes it was so fucking painful. Almost mean. And more than unloved, it made me feel… unlovable. Undesirable. And I know that you deserve better than what I can give you with my career, but…”
“Don’t say that. God, Andy don’t say that…”
You heaved a sigh, and Andrew was taken aback when you suddenly stood up, walked around the table and held him close. He didn’t think as he wrapped his arms around you too, though.
“I love you,” you whispered as you held him close, and felt his entire body relax at your words, tears rising back to his eyes. “God, Andrew… I love you so much. I was just scared. It was just bad timing. And I’m sorry, I’m sorry… I acted like the worst piece of shit, but you are everything but unlovable, okay? How could you think that?”
“Say it again,” he whispered into your neck, noticing the way goosebumps erupted across your skin under his breath. “Say it again.”
“I love you. I love you, Andy…”
Before you could say anything else, he was standing up as well, catching your lips with his in the process.
He heard the shock in your breath, but then your hands were in his hair, and you were pulling him closer, until you were leaning back against the table. His hands on your face to make sure you would stay close. And Christ… the relief of kissing you again, of feeling your lips move perfectly against his at long last, of tasting you once more…
You held him so tightly when you pulled away, arms wrapping around his neck while you rested your forehead against his shoulder.
“Are you dating anyone?” he asked, voice hoarser than usual.
“Have you? Since we’ve stopped seeing each other?”
But you shook your head.
“No, nothing. You?”
“No one.”
“You broke my heart… it does take more than a few weeks to get over that,” he chuckled, but you didn’t laugh, merely holding him closer, so close he could barely breathe.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I was so scared. I tried fooling myself into thinking I didn’t love you, but I do. I love you…”
“I’ll wait for you,” Andrew whispered into your hair. “If you’re not ready but you’d be willing to give me a chance, I would still wait for you…”
“I don’t deserve you.”
He chuckled.
“I don’t know about that. But I know that I love you, despite everything that happened. And besides… it wasn’t all bad. Most of it was good.”
“When I didn’t act like an arse, you mean?”
“I loved it so much, you know? Whenever I let myself get closer to you… whenever I let myself love you… Christ, I was so happy then…”
“I was too. Whenever you let me in, I was happy with you. We could still be happy together, if you give us a chance.”
“I was breaking my own heart every time, you know? Every time, Andy… It was so fucking hard… but I was so scared…”
He pulled away, took your hands in his. He stared at you with begging eyes.
“If you want to try this, long-distance is going to be hard. It’ll be rough. Real rough.”
“I know.”
“I can’t… I can’t go through this again, Y/N.”
“Me neither. It was awful for me too.”
“So… if we try this… we give it a real try: I take you on a proper date, and we don’t hold back.”
“Are you sure you still want me?”
“Yeah… yeah, I still want you. Do you want me?”
You answered by kissing him, slow and passionate, making him melt against you, wrap his arms around your frame.
“I’m all in for the date,” you whispered against his lips. “But… can we still go to my bedroom now?”
“Before the first date? What about giving me a proper wine-and-dine treatment before taking me to bed, huh?” he playfully answered, grinning into your lips, his heart beating a thousand miles a minute.
“I’ll give you wining and dining and everything in between for our first date, but I really want you, right now…”
You fell silent when he let his lips fall to your neck and his hands rise to your breasts.
Little words were exchanged while you left a trail of clothes on the path to your bedroom, staggering now and then as your lips remained sealed to his most of the way.
Except when you were lying on your bed, head against your pillows, looking up at Andrew with adoring eyes as he hovered over you, staring at you like you had hung up the stars and moon in the sky. While he was trembling at the feeling of your naked skin against his, you raised your hands to hold his face, your thumbs gently brushing his cheeks, and his heart stumbled against his ribcage under your tender touch.
“I love you,” you whispered in the softest voice he had ever heard, adoration oozing from your sweet tone. “I love you, Andy.”
He rested his forehead against yours, lowering his body onto yours to feel as much of your skin against his as he could.
“I love you, Y/N,” he murmured with the same devotion and worship in his deep voice. “I love you so fucking much…”
And when he kissed you again, there was no doubt in either of your minds that this was what love was supposed to feel like.
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misty--nights · 1 day
Onto episode 3 we go now. This one is always rough to watch, for obvious reasons, but I still found some little details I thought were interesting
At the very beginning, when they set up the new office in Crystal’s room, we can see on the table that there are colorful markers and pens, and sticky notes shaped like cats and hearts. Those have to be Niko’s right? I like the idea of her lending them her cute stationary so Edwin wouldn’t have to go mad trying to get Charles to bring the right things from the office. There is also a pig statue on the table. Not sure what that’s about but it also has to be Niko’s
Crystal’s shirt in the beginning says Tongue and Tail. It looks kind of faded, so did Jenny give it to her as a gift? But then, why does Jenny have a shirt with the butcher’s name? Does she sell merch with her shop’s logo for some extra cash? Did someone make it for her as a joke/gift?
Listen, I know for episode 2 I said I didn’t have any other details for the intro, but clearly that was a lie. Charles’ skeleton has his pins on the ribs. As if he stuck them directly to the bone, which is a hilarious thought and somehow really in character
Niko has a “no junk mail” sign taped outside her room. There’s a note taped outside of Crystal’s, too, but I couldn’t read what that one said
I saw someone call the Night Nurse and the Notary bitter exes and you know what? I see it. Love the interaction between those two, and I really wish we had more. Speaking of the Notary, though, she has so many stamps. I get why she needs that many, but it’s kind of funny
The sprites have a specific music that plays whenever they appear, and I love it. But also, last episode I saw that Litty’s skirt and Kingham’s waistcoat are made of the same fabric, and now that they aren’t wearing their sweaters in this episode, I think his pants and her waistcoat also match.
Speaking of the sprites and their clothes, Kingham’s tie pin is some sort of bug. Maybe a moth? It’s cute either way. Honestly, I just really like the way these two dress
Niko’s pillowcase has fish in it, which is small, but very sweet and very Niko
Edwin’s voice when he says “he’s stuck in the loop too” breaks a little, he’s so scared for Charles
You know, it was probably a good thing Charles was no longer with them when they found the dad’s creepy hidden room with the cameras. I think that with the way the case was affecting him, he would have fared well against the misery wraith
And speaking of the wraith, I think it’s interesting that only Crystal seems to be able to hear it. Even when both she and Edwin are in the same room, she’s the only one who hears it. Edwin turns to look because she does
Edwin almost never flinches during the loops. I think he does the first time they see the dad killing the others, but then it’s mostly Charles and Crystal who flinch at the gunshot and the murder
Honestly, props to Edwin for managing to figure out the vhs while trying not to freak out about Charles and the wraith that reminds him of hell Monty’s handwriting is really pretty, and I admire the dedication of drawing that whole chart by hand
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puffins-studio · 2 days
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Zombies AU! 🦠
I got to sew another set of Spydoc doll to add to @picnokinesis ’s fic collection! I was given free reign for koschei’s outfit so obviously I did my best to go all out 😆 even added some extra grim! Image description and explanation of his outfit with all the little Easter eggs and things is under the cut
Even if you don’t like the idea of zombies I highly this fic, am not really one for the gore in zombie movies but this fic it have big on the science side of zombies and am a sucker for and it’s don so nicely! I absolutely love it!
@picnokinesis Zombie AU “Future Dust (blood and rust)”
Bonus pictures of our little meet up! Which was totally amazing!! Taka is just a brilliant and kind person! So am really happy I get to make them dolls base on their fics! As always they just turn out to be really fun to make!
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For costumes designed I like zombie koschei’s look as it’s match’s 13’s, the brown shoes, blue pants, purple shirt/sweater. there also a thing going around of villains wearing sweaters but it also give a misleading soft look and the zombie virus probably makes him cold. His jacket have a grey inside and a hood. He also in the same color palette as camper van koschei. I was trying to make him match with Theo and her jacket as what are the chances that they found matching jackets and put them on because it reminds them of each other. A little detail that I added just because I thought he be crazy enough to do something like that, you can see it in the picture but I put a little piece of green felt that matches theo’s bandanna around his wrist just under his sleeve like there a bracelet as if he found a piece of her and he wanted to keep her close/ maybe if it the other way around. And I also just switched which sides their hair parts to what they have in campervan
[ID: The pictures is of two felt doll that are the shape of a gingerbread man with a big head, one is supposed to be the Thirteenth Doctor and the other is Dhawan Master from Picnokinesis’s fic. Dhawan master have light brown felt for skin, black hair with a fringe to his left and sideburns hanging past his ears. He also have brown spotting over his face for scaring. He have on brown shoes, dark blue pants, a purple sweater and a brown jacket hoodie with a grey lining. Thirteen has shoulder length, dirty blonde hair that hang just pass her ears. She has on 13’s purple rainbow stripe shirt, cargo pants and black shoes, and a brown jacket and a green bandanna around her neck. She also has a green backpack with a brown sleeping bag rolled up on top, a metal pipe sticking out of it. With a little embroidery of a planet with a ring, a moon, and a star to be a Easter egg for camper van there a virus shape keychain. 1st picture is them together, 2nd is a picture of the back of the doctor to see her backpack with a brown sleeping bag and a felt metal pipe sticking out of the top, 3rd is a picture of her front, and the 4th is a close up of the master.:ID]
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incandescentwarmth · 2 days
If you do Jily how about James fucking Lily's cramps away
If yyou don't do Jily, then the same with Trans!Reggie
Or maybe.... Both? Jegulily? Maybe? 👀
Sorry this took me forever nonnie!! I actually already have this with jegulus here! (And there may or may not be more coming on this topic)
I do write both and since I made you wait so long here is both jily and jegulily
Anyways, it's a little awkward at first. They're both comfortable with the it and understand that it will get a little messy but they still don't want to ruin their sheets. James is so sweet though, he laid out some towels and arranged the pillows around the bed so she would be comfortable. He's kissing her everywhere, her lips, her jaw, her shoulders, her boobs, her tummy, her thighs. God how James loves her thighs. It's nice but Lily is getting impatient, one, because his lips and tongue were getting her worked up and his position between her legs was stopping her from getting any friction to hold her over, and two, because as much as she was enjoying this there were still cramps rolling through her lower stomach and it was hard not to tense and curl up in pain. So she tells James to hurry it up, making sure he knows she loves what he's doing but needing him to get one with it. So he does, he's gentle with it as he fucks into her, holding tightly to her hips to keep them in place. It’s so soft and loving and they’re both basking in each other’s bodies. The pain is lessening a bit and James is a good distraction and the two get lost in each other. Lily comes first, then James, and then he helps her finish again with his fingers. The two go to clean up together, James gets fresh pajamas for them straight from the dryer and they cuddle together for the rest of the evening.
Lily's been grumpy all day. It felt like something was trying to claw it's way out of her stomach and she wanted nothing to do with anything not involving laying in bed. James was giving her a massage, sitting behind her and rubbing her shoulders the way she liked. It didn't stop her from doubling over and grabbing her stomach but at least it felt good between the waves of pain. Neither of them had noticed Reg standing in the door watching them but when they did, they couldn't miss the dark look in his eyes. Reg couldn't be blamed though, Lily had her shirt off and watching James’s oil covered hands working against the muscles was a sight to be seen. Reg sauntered over, he was only wearing a pair of sweats, and climbed onto the bed to kiss his girlfriend. He's biting and needy with it, teasing her "do Jamie’s hands feel good, love?" She's biting her lip and nodding her head, looking Reg over. He sits back up, hooking his hands in his waistband and lowering it to reveal the harness that was already situated on his waist. "If you want, it helps? James and I tried it once for me." He asks, clear in what he's referring to. Lily just nods her head again and Reg stands to finish taking off his pants and getting himself ready. He's climbing back on the bed over her again and gives her kiss, then James, and then Lily again while his hands wander up Lily's legs. He gets to her pussy and is running his fingers over her clit in a way that makes her whimper from the back of her throat. "His hands must really feel good." He teases. Lily whines and tips her head back to see James blushing. She can feel him hard against her back. "Please Reg, just... I'm ready." Regulus, with his strap situated nicely against him pushes into her quickly, bottoming out and forcing the air from her lungs. He’s quick and hard like he always his and it’s perfect for Lily. The feeling takes over her and all she can think and feel anymore is her partner moving inside her and her other pressed hard against her back, letting out quiet noises from the friction. They are so in tune with each other as their bodies build and build until they’re all falling over the edge. They all take some time to breathe and then Regulus is helping to clean them all up and James is rubbing Lily’s temples as she finally is able to nap for a bit in relief
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