#i like alternative/alternate (tho its not my fav)
shootingsun · 8 months
I have heard many potential names for A in my time scrolling through tumblr
However, I found a verb that I like and might end up using:
Meaning 'in addition to something else, but not as important'
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stereor4t · 5 months
lesbian movies I've seen so far (review based on my tastes)
I'm going to give my opinion of the lesbian movies I've seen so far and I'm going to give them a score from 1 to 5 stars :3 it may contain some spoilers
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For the year this movie was made, I was actually surprised by the END of it(fuck the obsession with killing the protagonist). I didn’t really have much faith in it by how it stars, but man, I was so surprised, I loved it, be gay do crime. ★★★★☆
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God, this movie is my new roman empire, I didn’t know about Gia’s story, but the ending of the movie DESTROYED ME. the scene where shes talking with Linda and she says: now we have all the time in the world, I was so moved by it, I loved it. It’s currently one of my favorite movies.★★★★★
Lost and delirious(2001)
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ugh shakespearean shit, this movie touches more than one of us when it comes to the experience of liking girls. I liked it but I felt like there was a lot of wasted potential that could’ve made it great, tbh i just wanted Paulie to be happy; the fact the Piper Perabo is in it helps the score too. ★★★☆☆
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ITS THE BEST FUCKING MOVIE IN THE WORLD, GOD. I actually hated this movie before watching it ‘cause I thought it was some dumb comedy, but god, when I gave it a chance it BLEW ME AWAY. If you want to see some lesbian spies enemies to lovers shit watch debs.  ★★★★★
My summer of love(2004)
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Personally, I HATED this movie kjj, I didn’t really get ANYTHING at all, like it felt like everything was just too rushed??? like when did they even fall in love lol? Gets points just for Emily Blunt. ★★☆☆☆
Imagine me & you(2005)
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Piper Perabo again and Lena Heady THE WOMAN. This movie is ART, my fav movie, it’s beautiful, comfort movie af. The true don’t let your husband keep you from meeting your future wife. ★★★★★
Loving Annabelle(2006)
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This movie was made for all of us who once liked a teacher or profesor. I liked it quite a lot, but I feel like seize it’s true potential. Personally, I choose to think that the alternative ending it’s the true one lol. ★★★☆☆
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Again for us that like fantasizing about our teachers. I like this movie but again, I feel like they didn’t really make the most of it jskdja annoying af bitching about the same but yeah, it bothered me. Anyway, i liked the movie, and I didn’t like the ending at all,I felt bad for the poor teacher :c. ★★★☆☆
A perfect ending(2012)
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I know a lot of people hate this movie and think it’s shit, but I personally love it lol. Idk I remember that when I watched it it got me super emotional and i liked it a lot, dont care what anyone says to me it’s a good movie. ★★★☆☆
The girl king(2015)
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Didn’t like it at all, boring af, i didn’t really get it, idk, i was expecting more. ★☆☆☆☆
First girl i loved(2016)
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Im fond of this movie, it was one of the first ones I saw, the ending just made a me a bit frustrated, but I liked it, Brianna Hildebrand with a wig funny as hell. ★★★☆☆
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Rachel Weisz and McAdams DAMN. Great movie, I liked it in all aspects. Although the ending wasn’t what I expected I still liked it. ★★★★★
Tell it to the bees(2018)
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Mmm I think this movie is kinda meh, like it’s okay but I feel like it lacks something for me to like it, tho I didn’t get the ending, like I don’t understand the decisions each one took. ★★☆☆☆
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Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan!!!! I liked it but I didn’t love it, I never got to understand if Mary hated or loved Charlotte. The ending got me frustrated!!! ★★★☆☆
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The kind of movie you gotta watch after Gia, I liked it I thought it was silly, like very much teenage romcom sort of shit, like the Kissing Booth but for lesbians. ★★★☆☆
You can live forever(2022)
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I think this is a great movie, interesting story, I wasn’t expecting the whole ending sequence, what Marike says to Jamie destroyed me, in my head theyre the young version of the Disobedience ones. ★★★★★
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GREAT MOVIE, very entertaining and funny, I liked it quite a lot, it’s perfect to watch it with friends. Gigi is just like me fr best character ever. ★★★★★
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wlntrsldler · 3 months
poisoned mercury is so good! it’s truly one of my fav aus i’ve read in a minute and the way you write the characters is absolutely phenomenal ! i saw that you wanted some song recs for future chapters/inspo so here i am
“waste the night”/“vapor” by 5sos
>wtn is STUPID cute for luke and yn. “smoke in your lungs” is so them kissing on her their bench
> vapor i can see chris and luke writing for clar and yn respectively. like luke and chris just giggling and writing a song for their girlfriends is so cute
“perfume”/“cigarettes and wine” by del water gap
>perfume i can see luke writing as his first song out of writers block, after yn beats him in another game of pool in her cabin and he’s so enamored with her and she’s cocky about beating him and its cute and still ‘will they won’t they’
>cigs&wine i see as them having a full blown camp rock moment and they sing a duet last day of camp (although yn isn’t musically inclined, i picture her still being able to carry a tune)
”girlfriends” by the academic
“lover” by the hunna
> luke writes it for their 1yr and it’s cute
hope these help with some inspiration and what not! keep up the great work!! can’t wait to see where it goes :)
waste the night/ vapor by 5sos
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i love how we all collectively agree that poisoned mercury is 5sos in an alternate universe (especially 5sos in their self titled and sgfg era lol)
im definitely thinking of doing small blurbs of luke x five star interactions in between the longer chapters now because waste the night is SO perfect for them 😭
thinking of luke realizing that he needs to let five star call the shots in their “relationship” because he has a track record of failing at relationships and the last thing he wants to do is mess things up with five star before it even begins.
and five star is waiting begging for him to make a move because she realizes no matter how hard she tries, she was falling for luke castellan. but bc of her past, she’s afraid of making the first move.
the lyrics fit both of them in very very different ways, but they’re both just love-struck and pining and ugh!
for vapor, i can see luke and chris (both equally whipped for their girls) thinking about what will happen to their respective relationships when they leave chb. long distance isn’t easy. being the gf of a guy in a band came with it’s own problems. they both know that five star and clarisse trust them that they won’t cheat or do anything to jeopardize their relationships but they still cant help but worry about it :(((( (my angst sleep paralysis demon is clawing at my brain)
perfume/ cigarettes and wine by del water gap
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perfume is set after r u mine? in my head!!!! i won’t say too much about this one because this will probably be one of the extras i write in the future hehe
cigarettes and wine is post chb!!!!!!! when poisoned mercury is back on tour and luke is missing five star extra. they definitely wrote it together because even tho five star isn’t musically inclined, i like to think that she can write (or at least says things to luke in a poetic way that inspires a song)
girlfriends by the academic
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luke writes this about five star!!!!!! this is their song!!!!!! this is literally them ur so right
lover by the hunna
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“they’re not used to our ways” is def the public causing a commotion that luke castellan is in a COMMITTED relationship like the whole world is shook
“that makes me a better me” YEAAAAAAA THIS GOES FOR BOTH OF THEM!!!!!! they’re always better when they’re with each other. soulmates if you must.
anon, you are god-sent. these songs will go into the poisoned mercury playlist i’m creating. thank u for these song recs!
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bloodxspatter · 5 months
funger 2 music tastes and im half sorry
music taste headcanons for the fungers from termina
Levi – it’s either black metal (mainly sarcofagó/early bathory/mystifier/mgla) or depressive black metal (silencer/sacrimoon/my useless life) i feel like he would find lifelover too „happy” tho like this bitch is picky
Pav – terror ebm/electro industrial i just know it look at his cunty ass i bet he has all  the skinny puppy albums and licks them when he’s horny (also he probably loves :wumpscut: and combichrist idk he’s just fucking gay looking and i love him)
Marina – this bitch is new wave or synth pop and breathes depeche mode (same girl ily) but has been influenced by  samarie so she listens to goth music too (i feel like she would love diva destruction and xmal deutschland and a bit of SATB)
Samarie – THE goth bitch and she absolutely loves the scary bitches, the birthday massacre and bauhaus and this cold night (love her for that)
Henryk – feels like the pop guy but secretly loves some rock???? im not sure he looks fruity but at the same time no: I'd say he secretly enjoys The Cure and Red Hot Chili Peppers
O'saa – honestly seems like the type of guy that would listen to everything but for some reason i can envision him being drawn to punk music/ maybe even darkwave? I really feel like he would listen to alternative stuff a lot
August: WAR METAL/ VIKING METAL/FOLK METAL THIS HOE OH MY GOD. yeah amon amarth, finntroll, beherit and anything you can think of. also death metal. (but no goregrind.) also the viking bathory albums are his fav probably (especially blood on ice) and also Venom, especially the early albums
Marcoh: now this is where im kinda puzzled cuz he looks like the frank sinatra type of guy im really sorry if i disappointed you
Karin: i hate her but love her this bitch is a swiftie and she stinks as hell
Tanaka: honestly? seems like the type of guy with the npc music taste. or it’s just classical music.
Daan: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerm…. its symphonic metal… :3 nightwish……. or classical music. OR GOTHIC METAL.
Abella: why can i imagine her loving phonk im really sorry i dont know whats wrong with me please forgive me im sorry please no dont sacrifice me but like she would probably listen to ayesha erotica and then tell us all she's a lesbian and then i'd marry her
Caligura: obviously marilyn manson. or maybe even king diamond. this guy stinks kinda and i dont know but i suppose he wouldn’t have THAT bad of a music taste… Also i feel like he would enjoy Venom with August
im sorry if i disappointed u but if you liked it lets make out
(disclaimer: marina's, samarie's, levi's, daan's and pav's music style is based of mine because i feel like it fits them :3)
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faerieismm · 2 years
hello helloooo aaaa today some content for my fav girl GRELLLLLLLL EEEEEEEEEEE<33333 i decided that because its the first time i’ve written something for her i’d start off with some relationship headcanons and some other random headcanons :}
grell sutcliff headcanons<3
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tw: none :}
genre: uhhh fluffy ish?? just grell<33
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get used to her gushing over you
i see her as someone who is very physical!
ofc if you don’t like this she will keep it in mind but i kinda think it’s her love language!
tho shes not afraid to speak her mind either! so words of affirmation could be an alternative :}
really appreciates it if you listen to her
especially on days where the mis gendering gets to her or she is a lil insecure :(
you better comfort her or i will come to ur house and-
okay with taking you on reaper duty, but on a distance ofc
ehehhehehe melts
praise her, tell her how you love her no matter what
she needs it
i think she’s either bi or pansexual! as shes really openminded
my baby my baaabyyy youre my baby say it to meeee iiii bet on-
ehem sorry anyways
can rock pretty much any style
i can also see you two experimenting with clothing alot :}
lil needy ngl
she just loves you so much!!!
bassy is past tense
i feel like if shes really established with someone, her focus is only on that person
you are granted the specialty to see grell without makeup, be honered
honestly she just slays fr fr
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thats all i have for now, brain empty O~O
yours truly,
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aejiee · 5 months
hi! you asked for marauders fic recs so im here to give you some :)
idk if you’ve read these or any yet, so they might seem kinda basic. they’re just to introduce you to this world/the characters. i wish i had a list like this when i first got into the marauders fandom ngl
also these are only gonna be marauders era fics, if you want golden trio era fics as well, i can give you some!
all the young dudes by mskingbean89 (completed, 527k words, wolfstar & jily): this is THE marauders fic for most ppl, and i just think of it as what happened canonically. no fic is perfect, but this should be every1’s first marauders era fic imo (you might’ve read this already cuz it’s SO popular). its from remus’ pov and it follows him throughout hogwarts and until (i think) poa or ootp
the wolf’s tail by myheadsgonenumb (wip, 457k words, no ships yet but prob wolfstar & jily): this one’s pretty underrated imo, and it’s SO WELL WRITTEN!!! this also follows remus throughout hogwarts. however id say the diff between this and atyd is that (so far at least) it focuses more on the war side of the marauders era, even when they are still young and at hogwarts. so if you’re interested in how actually dark and dangerous the times were back then, even for children, you will like this one! the only thing ill say for this is that its kinda very descriptive at points (ex. there’s a lot of newspaper clippings, book quotes, interview transcripts etc) but you can just gloss over them if you think they’re not that important. rn i think their 5th year just started, so keep that in mind (its gonna be a long one)!
the cadence of part-time poets by motswolo (completed, 980k words, wolfstar & jily): AAAAAAHHHH this one is my ALL TIME FAV (marauders era) FIC <33333 this is a muggle au, so no magic! this is also a remus pov (😭) and he goes to hawkings (which is basically hogwarts) in his (i think??) 4th year? or younger? smt like that :,). this fic also has my fav oc (tomny) hehe. as the tags say, its a band fic/au, but i’ll spoil no more!
the making of the map by fox_pitch (completed, 79k words, wolfstar & jily): this is a shorter one, but its also rlyyy good. pretty sure this starts and ends in their sixth year, but as the title suggests, its how the marauders map come to exist! its also how wolfstar gets together and its very cute and wholesome. the ending is kinda ambiguous in the sense that it doesn’t give any hints as to if anything changes in this fic’s universe’s future, but id assume not.
choices by messermoon (completed, 624k words, jegulus, wolfstar & jily): i kinda assumed you wanted the “canon” ships (aka jily and wolfstar) but if you’re interested in jegulus (james potter/regulus black) then this one is prob for you. i personally haven’t finished this fic, but ik its a jegulus classic/canon, just like atyd is for jily (& wolfstar). this one follows james, and it doesn’t start on his first year i think. it has alternating povs as well! however, as the tags warn, it is canon compliant, aka reg dies in the end, so do w that what you will :,)
only the brave by solmussa (completed, 646k words, jegulus, wolfstar, dorlene, rosekiller & pandalily): this is another jegulus fic! it has started being considered a classic and if you read it, you’ll understand why. this also does not start from their first year, and this one also has alternating povs! i love the writing and just general concept/plot of this one; i don’t love jegulus but i was still HOOKED w this fic, so yes. its rly good. and as you can see w the tags, this is a happy ending (aka, reg lives)!!!!! mwah love those.
art heist, baby! by otrbs (completed, 219k words, jegulus, wolfstar, dorlene, alice/frank longbottom - idk their ship name): i also have not read this fic, but ive only heard good things about it (and some sobs but that’s what you get for “major character death” : ) )! i know the ending of it tho, and it is kinda sad, so prepare yourself. it is a muggle au, and they basically wanna pull an art heist? yup lets go w that simple explanation.
that’s it for now bahhaha, and its a LOT, so enjoy! if you want shorter ones, i also have some i can show you, and if you’ve read these, lmk if you like them! <3
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH 🙏🙏🙏 Ur my savior bro. I'm abt to finish ATYD and I started reading The Making of the Map per your suggestion because it was short enough to download a pdf to read in class 💀💀 I really like both of them!! I need to psych myself up to read some of the 500k+ fics tho bc atyd took me so long 😭😭😭 I'll let you know how I find the rest of them ^^ TYY!!!
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hyugaruma · 6 months
WOOHOO MATCHUPS!! ok uhh for my personality i would say i'm an extroverted introvert, if that makes any sense? i don't mind hanging out around people, i enjoy hanging out around people i like, but sometimes my social meter can go down reaaaal fast. i don't like socialising that much, but if i need to or want to i can converse pretty well (i guess). im quite blunt, im not afraid to say what i think needs to be said, as i feel that hiding things only leads to more problems. i know when things don't need to be said and when to keep my mouth shut tho. i usually balance out the people i'm hanging out with: if they're all quiet introverts im the talkative social one, if they're all loud and chaotic im the quiet one with common sense. idk why i do it its just easier to balance things out, it comes naturally to me. I'm also usually the protective one of the group, if someone looks at my friends funny i'll be the first one to glare back, or shield my friends from them. heck i'll even pick a fight if i need to, come at me bro. when it comes to standing up for others, all my shyness and social awkwardness goes out of the window lmao. i can also be a bit too sensitive at times, my emotions are quite strong, leading me to cry even though i definitely do not feel the need to 💀. it's humiliating honestly but i just ignore it and act like there's no tears at all. other than that i can usually push my emotions to the side and think logically, the best i can in that situation anyways
for my interests and hobbies, i like gaming and consuming fictional media, mostly manga and anime, although i don't mind other genres as well. my current hyperfixations are high&low (duh) and tokyo revengers, so u can kinda see a theme going on huh... i'm also a huge music enjoyer, i can listen to anything (except for love ballads. idk why i just can't rlly stand listening to them), but my fav genres are pop, kpop, and jpop. I'm also an actor! I'm aiming to get into the entertainment industry in the future, although my parents want me to take a more "solid" degree first just so i'm able to support myself financially (they're not wrong honestly). i think i'm pretty good at acting teehee (i'm rlly good at lying too :P).
there are many things i dislike, so many that i can't even think of any, but i guess the most important ones are discrimination like homophobia/transphobia, sexism, racism, etc. ik it seems like a no brainer, but i absolutely cannot accept a partner who does any of these. it's not that hard to be a decent human being. ive already mentioned most of the things i like up there, but others include cats, plushies, kuromi, food (i LOVE food. small stomach tho), and many more that i again cannot think of.
i hope this is enough info, lowkey feel like ive overshared so apologies for that, i've never done a matchup before 😅 thank you so much!
p.s. i love ur writing, i'm glad there's still writers like you who keep the community alive <3 thank u for all ur hard work! and sorry again for writing so much T-T
tysm for requesting, and also for the kind words :-)) and don’t apologize, more is always better for me to work with!!
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I match you with… Miyauchi “Binzo” Kouzou!
Binzo prefers people who are honest and upfront about their feelings and thoughts, and doesn’t really believe in sugarcoating things, so he would like that in a partner as well. Also, if you ever picked a fight with some asshole in front of Binzo, he’d fall in love with you all over again, like holy crap he would be all heart-eyes emoji over it. Maybe unpopular opinion here, but I see Binzo as being an introverted extrovert type, so I can see the two of you balancing each other out well. Binzo is all for good action plots so he’ll definitely be down to binge some Tokyo Rev with you. Also, this dude eats like a horse (do horses eat a lot? idk), so if you like food he’ll probably take you out to eat, like, all the time.
Alternate Matches: Odajima Yuken, Tettsu
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anyways this is my absolute fav lore unfriendly skyrim screenshot i have and i just wanna take more like it tbh. heres some others that arent as good:
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the last image here is of a character I made just to test out some mods and i named her Todd Howard, i cant find an actual screenshot of her tho, just this one phone pic
Also i have the funniest fucking gif of brynjolf dancing that i can share if anyone wants to see it LMFAO (the gif includes 2 alternate versions of Todd Howard also)
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ishhbowl · 13 days
Can u tell me about ur ocs…
YAAAAS i <3 my ocs i am thinking abt them 24/7 365 ‼️‼️‼️
my sona tenni (who is my newest oc) doesn’t rly have a story atm other than he comes from an alternate universe where it’s the future but humanity kept making tech look like it’s from the 2000s . like if steampunk was frutiger aero or whatever the aesthetic is called instead of victorian era. and he is a robot made from a radio/cd player ANDD he roller skates bc roller skating is awesome 💥
my other fav ocs are from my story that i plan to make into a comic called into orbit!!! its abt aliens and the cycle of abuse and dumb teenager drama and gay people and a lot of other things. the 5 main characters are sylv, shel, theo, jaz, and spacegirl and i love them all sooooo dearly :3 i have a lot of stuff written on them and a big chunk of the plot for their story written out, some of which i’ve posted (and u can find in my oc tag if u want, you’d have to scroll a bit tho i think)
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torchiiko · 15 days
my sister shows me tiktoks of ppl making lists of their fav things from a media & there was one she did with a friend abt their fav pokemon & i think itd be cool to draw smth like that & get my pokemon moots to do it too
make like a little grid or smth & draw ur favorite starter, regular mon, legendary, mythical, shiny, mc/player, evil team, gym leader, & rival perhaps... i have way too many favorite pokemon tho its hard to narrow it down at all </3
an alternative could be to draw your favorite of each type so you have more options :0 idk smth to consider when im not in the middle of 500 other things
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
Hc that sometimes aubrey doesnt feel like actually bullying basil so she just tickles him instead. Or alternatively post game she develops kind of a soft spot for basil (and sunny) after a bit and sometimes will get bored and just randomly tickle him bc hes cute (will usually lead in one or more friends joining the attack, tho more often than not its sunny or kel)
Look, look, I am going to be honest. I have a HUGE soft spot for Basil, and the idea of him being friends again with the whole gang after the game is one of my fav hcs. I don't even care, da flower boi deserves some tickles and giggles and blushes as well 💛💛💛
And that scenario!!!! Yesh yesh yesh!!! Picture with me: everyone decides to meet on their old spot by the lake and Aubrey and Basil get there sooner so, as Kel&Sunny&Hero are getting closer they just hear a high pitched scream and LKel immediately gets defensive because "That sounded like Basil" and nyooom the rest of the way to the lake and when everyone gets there they all freeze because there is, indeed, Basil: laying on the floor and becoming a mess of giggles and laughter as Aubrey tickles his ribs with a gigantic smile and a "So you thought that you could sneak upon me, huh? That I wouldn't see you hiding in that bush and do something about it? You may love plants, but you did not become one yet, flower boy."
And Basil is just shaking his head and blushing and trying to protest but keep failing because of all the giggles that keep escaping because!!! That was not his intention! He just arrived and saw that only Aubrey was there and even tho they all were in good terms now he didn't want to make things awkward by forcing her to interact with him so he just tried to hide until the rest of the group appeared and he could pretend that he was late.
But of course Aubrey realized that he was there, and got the gist of why he was hiding and she wasn't really the most perfect person for reassuring speeches or soft comforting, but she remembered very well a game they used to play as kids to make Basil's anxious thoughts go away.
(She may not be the best at comforting but she knows how to make her tickles soft and gentle. She may not be the best at breaking the ice but she is good at perceiving which spots makes Basil's laughter more bouncy and excited and *focus* there. They may not be the best at apologies but Aubrey is good at actions, at doing her best to make up for what she did and Basil is good at giving her discreet gifts and not making a big deal of it and letting himself squirm and laugh his heart content without calling her out)
Anyway! It's indeed very hard to see a giggly, smiley Basil and NOT want to partake of the activity that is making him so happy so in a blink Kel is already by Aubrey's side, worming his hands on the boy's scrunched shoulders to attack his ticklish collarbone while Hero is letting out a good humored chuckle and Sunny is considering in getting into the tickle fight or just enjoy the moment (if he takes too long to answer Hero may let his Tickle Konster Side shine thro and get him. Rip our bois ♡♡)
Awesome headcanon, I am on the floor. my heart is melted. Fabulous.
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pansear-doodles · 1 year
Hi, hello there! Sorry to bother but just wanted to say I love the way you draw the slugcats and I adore your Anthro AU. Saint's design is my fav. Scug is so pretty! Spears's design is also my fave! So fancy x3 But I'm a bit confused about one thing tho. In one of the pages, Spears mentioned not having a mouth to either or talk so...how is Spears able to talk with the group and that one Scav? Duid I miss something? =? Also since Arti's pups are alive here, why does Arti still seems to have a vendetta with them in this AU? 👀
EDIT UPDATE 17/02/23: I've now been informed that Spearmaster uses sl in the game, so I'm combining that with tail wind noises (which is now minimized).
Thanks! Glad you like it :]
Know that this is my au so there's a lot of personalized hcs and stuff that may or may not be canon:
Short answer: Spear talks via their tail holes ; Gourmand reunites her kids after she thought they were dead for good (but actually just underwent the cycle)
Very Long complex answer:
Spearmaster talks through their tail. Its a thing from the dating simulator in inv's campaign but its dubiously marked if canon (because you don't hear/see slugcats talk in the game itself anyway)
While most may consider this a weird thing the inv campaign just do, I personally accepted it.
They practiced manipulating the winds in the holes they bear to make it sound like someone is talking. It is so effective and mastered to the point that people forget that they don't actually have a mouth lol.
As for Artificer, its a bit intertwined with another AU explanation (thats a bit popular among fans): Gourmand finding Arti's lost kids and reuniting the family, who simply underwent the cycle and is just out there, separated from her. Of course, she had to deal with the stress and anguish of not knowing whether or not her children is still alive (hell, I don't think within the game she is aware of the cycle system but then another explanation for if she is aware and WHY they don't... appear, is because the pups were "too pure for this world"- which I may call bs, personally, but everyone thinks what they wants so...). (as a bonus, this is what lead to arti being friends with gourmand and eventually meeting survivor and monk because they share the same colony)
There are other alternatives for it- like they just didn't die but arti's got the vendetta anyway- probably because they had feuds or gang wars or a bad history (there's going to be one explanation soonish in the heist comics). (answers that don't need complex explanations lol)
Because at the same time, this AU has all the playable scugs meet each other in the same time, which doesn't happen in the game (ik jolly coop exists but thats not canon)
I see the anthro au as my personal outlet for creativity. It doesn't HAVE TO be consistent with in-game lore. Its just my personal dumb fun haha
I do understand the people finding issues with implementing things that aren't canon sometimes, but thats the fun of creating aus (i bring this up because ive seen a tumblr post about this earlier and it made me think for a bit if the anthro au is a bit "too weird" or "too fandom cliche" for rain world's context- but like i said earlier- this is my funzone. if people dont like what i got for it, then at the very least ignoring and respecting that it exists is fine. the internet will and will always have opinions, but the smartest people dont start the fire.)
Sorry for going on a tangent! Thanks for reading it all if you did though.
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badartmada · 4 months
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this is going to be long, bear with me. so, does yang's skin look yellow in the top two photos? when i had first finished these pictures yang looked fine, imo. i wanted her to be more tan (closer to what im going for with her dad's skin tone) but shifting from my ipad to my computer made me re-evaluate. so i shifted her skin tone to that of the bottom two pictures, that look a bit better to me. it could be that im simply seeing the picture with new eyes, i stopped looking at the piece for a while. but id like opinions on it. okay, on to the outfits.
Top Row
i took quite a bit of inspiration from an old concept art for the vol 1 look, where yang was wearing a tan jacket. i really like the dark brown on her canon look, i feel like it makes the yellows on her pop a lot, but i wanted to try the tan look with some darker boarder colors on the jacket.
the vol 2 alternate outfit is, imo, 10 outta 10 no notes
her dance outfit...i tried for a very light yellow cheongsam inspired dress (took inspo from some wedding shops i found online) and originally i was gonna give her a dragon design. she is a sunny little dragon after all. but i didnt like any of the dragons i drew, so i did this pattern inspired by some floral designs i found.
Bottom Row
tbh i wasnt sure what i wanted to do with the vol 4 - 6 outfit. i always found it kind of boring tbh. i tried the mismatched pant legs and put the long orange sock back because i feel like part of yang was working on regaining some part of herself. i never liked the long...flaps she had so i didnt add them. i did another variant with a duller brown jacket (its leather in my head) cause shes still struggling.
this is my 3rd fav outfit for yang in canon and i didnt change much, tho i got rid of the black...idk what that, ig ill call it a belt add-on doesnt feel like it adds anything to me. the only other thing i did was that i added the purple handkerchief into her open leg slit. its great.
just a casual outfit. very simple and now that i think about it, perhaps the pattern should have been on her top cause its looking king of blank to me. not sure if i like the black socks or the yellow socks better.
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~°·Read this before requesting and interacting please!·°~
General info about me
My pronouns are He/Him They/Them Xe/Xem Ve/Vem and It/It's
I use many names and aliases my more common ones are Andrious Arrow, Arson Arrow, Astarno Arrow, Chaotic Cacophony, NightCall, NC, Star, and Alto
just ask how mentally ill we are
I love jesters!!! I will talk about jesters!!!
I'm already in a relationship with the amazing @endyark (fr check them out they made my pfp and banner their art is *chef's kiss*)
I will go fucking rabid if anyone ever draws fanart of my characters
Im ADHD and autistic
-peeks in, erases something- I'm pan and trans (FtM)
I love art
I love Warrior cats
Yes, I'm a furry
No, I won't draw furry nsfw
I like FNAF
Literally if you interact with me a few times you could become my best friend
I'm not very smart
I'm kind of a jerk
This blog has no theme because I have no theme, but it is jester oriented in a way
I like Lemon Demon
I get embarrassed easily
I have bad anxiety
My art isn't great
People frighten me
My birthday is 9/27
American :(
I have a discord! twinkvision
Mfs I have on speed-dial (some of my fav mutuals)
Fandoms I'll write for
FNAF (Specifically Security Breach but I'll do others)
Undertale (can't do many aus tho TwT)
Dragonball (please I'll write Fu just ask me I adore him)
Pokemon (it's a comfort series for me)
Stardew Valley
Things I will do
Friendship fics
Enemies to lovers
Lovers to enemies
The "I fucking despise you and want you dead but also kiss me please"
The "Oh shit random dude I found passed out in the middle of nowhere who could be dangerous??? Lemme take them home and nurture them"
And light smut (I cannot write smut to save my fucking life sorry)
What I wont do
Forced smut fics (it's not my place to write that)
Abuse fics (not writing things I have trauma with unless its to vent)
P*do fics (I hate those)
-specifically fnaf here- fics where purple guy kidnaps a child and makes them his slave (ive been asked to do one before wtf)
I ask that my writing style not get absolutely shit on because I am terrible at this stuff so please have patience with me :)
Alternate blogs-
@bishopboyblog [TADC oc ask blog]
@wyrmsley [TADC oc ask blog] (how was that name left open???? Is this fate????)
@various-vincent [alt for random shit]
User Boxes under cut
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red-dyed-sarumane · 9 months
4 5 19 25 30 for art asks!!
4. fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw: i loooooooove girls with long hair. hate to color it tho. alternatively i love building/city scape settings but i suck at hard angles & straight lines so i rarely bother
5. estimate of how much of your art you post online vs the art you keep for yourself: i post like. 95% of it in some way i think. sharing low effort doodles on a private accs counts as sharing to me so definitely. the only things i dont post are doodles with either bare minimum effort or are r18 or both. not even for attention reasons really its just that once im done drawing something i kind of forget it exists usually & if i put it out in the world then maybe someone else will remember it more than me
19. favorite inanimate objects to draw: I LOVE BROKEN GLASS. i love broken glass. i swear i use a different technique every time accidentally but its always just. so fun & mind numbingly satisfying. i would also like to say blades/knives but i draw them less frequently & admittedly worse at them bc of it
25. something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by: idk no one ever tells me this. not even my coworkers who've seen my art said anything to me i just dont know what to tell u here.
30. what piece of yours do u think is underrated: the him. i dont even remember how much attention it got but i know its less than the series art i do. i was really feeling this one & u can tell i think.
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lemonine · 11 months
my Barbie™ movie review
im not gonna spoil everything but still, vague spoilers under the cut
- alternate title: greta gerwigs monologue about feminism, the patriarchy, and the complicated relationship between barbie, symbol of capitalism, consumerism and unattainable rolemodels, and barbie, symbol of young female empowerment
- theyre not subtle about it, you get smacked in the face with a giant pink hammer basically
- still a fun time tho! its a funny movie. surprising amount of dick jokes
- ngl alan was my fav
- everything is So pretty and the outfits are so good, it is a delight
- music slapped!!
- some scenes felt like they went on a lil too long, especially at the ending, but i still left the theater feeling somewhat touched
- aroace barbie real
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