#i love part 4 i swear
caitie-likes-talking · 11 months
Part 4 Critique: Everything I'd Change
I love DIU..however, I consider it one of the post flawed of the JJBA Parts. Honestly, I feel like Araki didn't fully know where he was going with it til halfway, which is why the plot can be so janky. No matter what, let's dive into it. First, characters.
(also quick disclaimer: this is all my opinion and i am biased for MANY things.)
if u diagree w me dont tell me i think it would crush me
Characters [Josuke, Jotaro, Okuyasu, Kira]
Josuke Higashikata
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I LOVE Josuke. I think he's a lovely character concept and his design is really cool. My main problem with him is literally his LACK of screen time!! He is the Jojo of this part, yet his spotlight is constantly stolen by other side characters like Koichi, Rohan, and even Jotaro. This also happened a lot in Part 3, with it basically being the Polnareff show (idk why Araki did this sm in pts3-5...either let the mc have screen time or don't have them be the mc!!)
I think Josuke had some of the most missed opportunities in DIU. Especially with his relationships with other characters. I think this part could've been way more interesting if it chose a solid theme, and one that I think would've made sense is commentating on death & tragedy and how that can impact personal relationships. The reason I believe this is because there's already easy set ups for this in the story. Ryohei's death, The Nijimura Brother's family, Reimi, Shigechi, and Jotaro all have that theme in place, but not enough connecting points or real arcs related to this. What was the point of killing off Ryohei (who was the only father figure Josuke had growing up) if you're not going to show how this impacted Josuke, Tomoko, and how he acts with others besides one single page? Sure, it taught him that his powers have limits and that he can't save everyone, but that was a stupid thing to teach him because Okuyasu doesn't fucking die when he should've!! Like why did we make an arc saying 'hey stands aren't magic they can't bring ppl back to life' just for EXACTLY THAT to happen??
Moving on, I also have problems with his stand. I LOVE Crazy Diamond, I think it has a super cool design and power concept, but personally I wish it's powers were more grounded and had clear limits. I feel like a lot of stands suffer from this treatment of vague power limits (ex: Golden Wind..) but my problem with CD is that there were MANY opportunities to add one! For example: we know Josuke couldn't bring back Ryohei even after using his stand on him. So that bears the question: what can CD not fix? What is the real reason it can't bring a dead person back to life? Jotaro says "No stand has the power to bring back the dead" WHY?? am i missing something? Have I forgotten when it was officially established that stands cant do that? I mean, literally in part 3 there was a stand that could reanimate corpses. So does it have to do with the soul? No matter what, I would've used this moment to establish that CD can't bring back ANY living thing. I actually wrote a short fic abt this and included the fact that he also couldn't "fix" a dead leaf. I feel like overall his stand needed more grounding.
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Also, I have beef with Josuke's backstory, but I'll get into that later.
Jotaro Kujo
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Ok firstly, I have MAJOR beef with his design in part 4. Mainly the fact that he's drawn extremely pale in the anime. Like..obviously he COULD be pale as he is wasian (im not trying to say all wasian ppl look the same), but he is TAN in part 3. Why did they take that away?? Pisses me off to the extreme. At least they fixed it in p5+6. Anyways..
Character wise, I really enjoy Jotaro's personality in p4. I like how he's mellowed out in comparison to p3. However, I feel like he needed a more clear role in the story. He showed up to figure out grandpappy's shit, and then took the leader role when facing Kira. Why don't I like this? Because most of the time Jotaro was just..there. I think Araki wanted him and Josuke to have a mentor/student relationship (ex: rat episode) but just didn't focus enough on them or Josuke training with his stand for this to work.
Also, the fact that it took Jotaro so fucking long to figure out who Kira is WITH the help of all those other stand users is so goofy. Like him and the gang back in '89 found Dio's ass from a goddamn microscopic fly in a photo but couldn't find Kira's identity?? Like ugh he almost redeemed himself with the button thing but then he got blown up like gosh what happened king
When it comes to stands, I forever find it stupid that Jotaro didn't work with his stand to become more powerful. Araki just had to nerf him (which is something he does with most reoccurring characters, ex: Joseph). I don't like it and it pisses me off.
With the death of Ryohei, I feel like it would've made more sense for Jotaro to somewhat open up to Josuke and be a bit more sympathetic towards him about it (or maybe he stays closed off until Josuke explodes, causing Jotaro to reveal the truth about his past.) Either way, I think the two of them could've bonded over shared grief.
Okuyasu Nijimura
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I absolutely ADORE Okuyasu. I think his dynamic with Josuke is really fun to watch and his personality is just overall super enjoyable.
Stand wise I do think Araki slightly nerfed him by making him dumb as fucking rocks, but I let this slide a little more just bc he's a side character..
I honestly think Okuyasu has the best character arc out of the whole part 4 cast. I think he definitely deserved more screen time, but what we got was really solid in my opinion. His relationship with his brother was well developed and it was really interesting to see how it still affected him even after his brother's death. The way he felt a need to get revenge for his brother and still felt like he wasn't enough really hit me in the gut. I love him.
When it comes to Okuyasu's "death" I have very mixed opinions. On the one hand, ofc the goat of part 4 survived. On the other hand, I feel like him surviving goes directly against the idea we've been given since the beginning. You can't save everyone. And on the one hand, I enjoy the subverting of expectations. On the other hand, I don't like how it's still just never fully explained. I guess in JJBA as long as your soul doesn't feel like dying yet, you won't. I wish we saw Okuyasu actually speaking to his brother when he "died" however. I find him and Keicho's relationship really gut-punching and that would've been a fire scene imo.
I have more to say on him, his dad, Keicho, and the arrow, but I'll save that for when I'm talking about the plot.
Yoshikage Kira
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I find Kira to be a really interesting villain. I really enjoyed every moment we got going deeper into his psychology and it's something I really wish we got to see more of. I enjoy his sleek design and he's fine asf tbh.
Im not gonna give commentary on his stand rn bc honestly i dont fully remember how that shit worked by the time he was using the arrow
Character wise I just really wish he was established as the main villain sooner. The build up and hints dropped about him were so addictive, so it's disappointing that they're only there a little before his full introduction.
The psychology of Kira is something I really liked. The way he truly believes he's never really done anything wrong and only wanting to live a peaceful life is something I wish was even more looked into. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but from my memory, in the manga Kira's whole thing with his nails growing quicker when stressed/when his need to kill is getting too strong was only psychological. At least, I don't remember them growing the same way it's shown in the anime. I think this would've been something really interesting to deep dive into. The fact that he believes his nails grow when his need to kill is really high is really intriguing and the overall connection between hands and his killings are something I wanted to be fully developed more. I know it was kind of just a weird ass fetish but like..that's interesting!! this is interesting!!
I'll probably make an individual post to talk more abt him.
Where do I even begin. The plot of part 4 is all over the place. I loved many episodes, and I enjoyed when it leaned more into the slice of life style, but why the fuck where there like 3 seperate plots? Honestly, cut out Anjuro. His whole plot shit was annoying as hell. Didn't care for him.
Akira's entire plot pissed me off. I only like this arc because of Okuyasu. Overall I found there to be a lot of plot holes and just annoying parts. Everything til Kira was like this for me. Like get to the REAL plot please.
The arrow annoyed me. I've never wanted to rip my hair out more than when Kira's dad got a hold of it. He was SO GODDAMN ANNOYING. I like the concept of Kira using the arrow to get allies or ways to cover up his plot, but most of the stand users that came out of this were annoying and Kira's dad was insufferable in the worst way possible.
I think something I wish was more covered by the plot is the aftermath of Part 3 and Dio in general. This is something that CDDH (best jojo spinoff) covers really nicely, however. Go read it.
I also just in general think more should've been done w Okuyasu's dad, as he is a direct aftermath of Dio.
I feel like a lot of the women in Part 4 were set up to have strong, actually plot-influencing roles, but then were totally side-lined. I'm going to make a full post abt this tho.
Reimi being connected to Rohan never made sense to me. Just narratively speaking, why did you connect the main motivation for catching Kira to a side antagonist instead of the main character? This is slightly fueled by my hate for Rohan but like, c'mon! I think it would've made more sense to 1. just not include Rohan so fucking much and 2. connect Reimi to Josuke's past.
Speaking of Josuke's past, I feel like it just..needed more. Or at least, I think something needed to be done with the boy who saved him. I can appreciate the idea of it connecting to a theme of the general kindness of strangers, but you don't see that theme pop up as much in the rest of the plot. Also, I again would've connected Reimi to Josuke because WHY ISN’T SHE CONNECTED TO THE MAIN CHARACTER OH MY GOD
Overall tho I like the vibes of part 4, i really enjoyed different arcs and characters, and I just wish Araki got more time to flesh everything out and refocus on certain themes and characters.
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corethetrueidiot · 4 months
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grrr ethan pokemon how do I draw you 🪦💥
So. I've been playing heart gold AND soul silver lately. you can tell what's affecting the poke brainrot now
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httpiastri · 3 months
paul is a 100% a boob man OMG
and, also, WHYYY do I think he's the type that whines . theres a prema video where they're trying to guess the circuit blindfolded and when they ask paul to confess to kimi that hes been cheating he starts to literally WHINEEEEEEEEE those 30s lives in my mind rent free and im not kidding
!!!!!! im HOLLERING!!!!!!!!!!!! that's one of my fave vids ever omg and paul freaking whining is like music to my ears istg. it's so on point for him too.... i wrote a little about that in the paul nsfw alphabet that i never finished 🫠🫠 but yeah like we've been through, i think he has a slightly submissive streak and he enjoys being teased. and to hear those sweet sounds as rewards when you tease him, or kiss him with a bit of force, or roll your hips on his.... 😶
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alinelie · 1 year
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early mornings at ventura's
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thinking gabriel thoughts (again)
#the guy who cut down minos without a second thought is the same guy who was the only angel to care about the ferrymen. fucking dies#his terminal entry literally says hes popular in heaven because of his radiant personality. he does nothing but insult v1 in 3-2#get you a man who can do both#minos swears revenge on him while the ferryman literally worships him.#the skeleton in 1-4 who is worshipping him even after their life is long gone and the mural in 4-3 with traitor written over it#he looms over the narrative even when hes not there#he encourages even those in hell to Be Good and Have Faith but destroyed minos for trying to make a better life#different characters have extremely different views of him and all of them make sense!#heaven's specialest little boy can be hell's worst nightmare. as a treat#i also think about minos a lot by extension#i was just chilling on the wiki when i got hit with the 'he thought it unreasonable that people were punished for loving' and cried#like even as someone whos aroallo. it got to me!#it also raises the question of how much homosexuality is part of that. to me#is heaven ultrakill homophobic. discuss#i mean they do have Major bisexual lighting. in lust.#yeah sure theyre in hell hell is eternal punishment but he really was just. trying to make a peaceful existence#also the sisyphean insurrectionist lore fucked me up a little#ultrakill on the surface looks so simple but then you open up the wiki and its 'yeah the ferrymen tore their own flesh off their bones'#'king minos attempted to make a peaceful civilization in the lust layer and was killed for it but he lingered bc hes op'#'yeah actually the sisyphean insurrectionists are like that because the angels took away everything they didnt need for the punishment'#and you just have to live with that information now. you wont go back to blissful ignorance. you cant.#or thats just on me for taking lore too seriously. v1 doesnt care
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zodiac-senpai · 1 year
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ashes-writing · 1 year
stranger things ● summer of 86 pt 6 ● e. munson
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idiots in love + Eddie is endearingly oblivious to you/reader's open flirting where he's concerned, sloooow burn., mentions of divorce/marital troubles (Carol + Tommy), Carol being the same mean girl she was in high school, barb and robin hooked up + made things official and some angst about them having to hide it (cos 80s were not the time to be wlw or mlm, it's sad buuut. I'm writing this accurate to the time period so.. there will be internal fear/angst and anger that they can't just be together openly.), sexual tension, lots of little touches, swearing, a confrontation between reader/carol that kind of ends on a vulnerable!carol note?, post season 4 au with absolutely no sci fi driven plot / previous seasons did not happen here either, fyi. Hawkins is just a normal small midwestern town. OH AND.. Eddie might seem OOC to some, this is merely my take on the character.
<- reader/you are a female. reader/you have female parts. reader/you also have a specific style aesthetic ( ie this or this ) and a defined personality + nicknames and/or petnames. reader/you also happens to be Joyce Byer's oldest child, putting reader/you at 21 which is the same age as Eddie here. So.. this is another self indulgent thing and I am.. not sorry or ashamed. if specific readers aren't your thing, dldr ig?
word count
3034 words exactly. For any missing context part 5 <- is there, click.
“You askin me out on a date, __?”
You realize what you’ve done and you’re panicking a little. Then you shrug. “Maybe I am.” you’re dragging your fingers over the raised edges of his tattoo and he has to bite back a groan. “It’s just the drive in.” you laugh softly. 
“The drive in, huh?”
“Mhm.. there’s a horror movie playing I really wanna see. And my friends are all babies, Eddie. So am I, come t’ think of it.”
“So you want me t’ go.. Protect you, huh?” he’s teasing right back, totally unaware of what his teasing is doing to you, because if he knew how crazy it drove you -or how wet it made you, whenever he teased like this..
taglist + shoutouts
taglist is here. if you're here for steve/gareth + other ST content and you don't want to be tagged in Eddie content, please lmk. If you want to be added to my taglist but the doc is being wonky, also lmk, i will add you.
@allelitesmut omg i love you sm and i can't even begin to express how happy your tags on my content make me when I see them in my notifs, you're amazing, I swear. i'm so glad you like this and you take the time to read.
@eddiemunsonspantschain listen.. hear me out.. when i said i was going to do all the things with this in discord, i meant it. i don't know what i'd do without our talks, you are amazing and you're just so sweet and like.. i love you to pieces.
@tbmunson bestie. babes. babe.. i love you sm. i don't know what I'd do if i hadn't met you / gotten to know you on here. you are my inspiration 5ever and i want to be you when i grow up.
other links
masterlist ● eddie's masterlist ● about+ rules
 " ____ since when do you work for Ms. Albright?" Carol's voice has you looking up from a growing pile of transcripts, depositions and other legal documents. 
You roll your eyes and you start off strong ignoring her but then she does the obnoxious throat clearing bit.  "What do you want, Carol?"
Carol swallows hard. "I have a consult. 3 pm?"
"Shit. She's in court right now. All I can tell you is come back in a few minutes, she should be back then..if court doesn't run over." Carol isn't leaving when you tell her this. Your hand settles on your hip. "You don't have t' wait around, y'know. I'll tell her you checked in."
She's still lingering.
You turn your attention to the documents and files littering your desk. You can feel her staring and it's giving flashbacks to the way she always did this right before she decimated your self esteem back in high school. "Say whatever you're thinking. Just get it out and leave, Carol because I am up to my ears in files and phone calls right now."
"You should really thank me."
You scoff at her audacity. "Now why would I do that, huh? I mean, I'd understand if any of the useless shit you did or said actually.. ya know..inspired me. None of this came from your bullying though."
"Are you really sure about that?" Carol asks and you clutch your sides in laughter. "You really are delusional, huh?"
"It's true. You weren't anything before. People didn't see you. Unless they wanted to hurt you or needed amusement in the form of making you cry."
You laugh.
"I was invisible because I chose to be though? Some of  us don't need constant validation. So whatever point you think your making is.. useless. Kinda like you always were."
"Aw, thank you, buttercup."
Ms. Albright walks in and she's fuming about the outcome of her case. You clear your throat and nod to Carol and she raises a brow. "Did we have an appointment?"
"Carol, ma'am. I'm your 3 pm."
"Uh huh?"
"My mother, she uh..she made my appointment?"
"Oh! Okay, come right this way, sweetheart!"
You sink down in your desk chair and recline your legs against the edge of the desk. You're tempted to eavesdrop but then again, you just don't care enough about Carol enough to bother, so you get back to organizing files and putting them away. By the time 4 pm rolls around, you've lined up your bosses entire next day and you've made it to m with sorting the files.
Carol wanders out of the woman’s office and it looks as if she’s been crying. And normally, you’d have something snarky to say, but she just looks so hurt that for once, you feel really, really bad for her.
She barely meets your gaze as she walks past your desk, but once she’s at the door to the office, she pauses. “Go ahead and laugh. I know you want to. Everybody else is laughing. Everybody but me.”
She turns to lock eyes with you and you do the same, popping a bubble with your gum. “Why would I laugh? Look, I dunno what led to this, but… Even you deserve to try and find your own happiness. Maybe you should do that, Carol.”
Carol gives you a nod and steps out of the office, letting the door close softly behind her. You stretch and stand, tidying up your desk as you wander into Ms. Albright’s office to give her the list of appointments and consultations you took down from her calls for the rest of the week.
“Another one made the same mistake I did.” the woman says it without any prompting or further context and you shrug. She takes the paper from you and reads over it, smiling at you. “I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow.”
You nod and smile, wandering back out into the front of the office to gather your things. And as you walk past the diner, you spot Carol Perkins sitting inside. Nursing a milkshake, with her toddler sitting in a high chair and her 5 month old asleep in a car seat carrier.
“Those poor kids.” you mutter, shaking your head. Remembering when it was your own mother in Carol’s situation. Wondering what the final straw for Carol was because you know exactly what the final straw for your mother was. And just thinking about it all makes you flinch a little. You make your way down, wandering into the office of the newspaper Nancy works at.
“How was your first day working with Albright?”
“It was.. Interesting. I mean, it’s not exactly what I planned, Nance.. But maybe my plan is changing.”
Nancy smiles brightly at you. “That’s great!”
“Carol came in.”
Nancy gapes. “No way.”
“Well, my mom did mention that Tommy’s mother told him they were getting divorced soon. I feel bad for them.”
“I feel bad for their kids.” you say it and sigh, shaking your head. “Anyway, let’s think about literally anything else. Did my lug of a brother tell you anything yet?” you ask, giggling when she shakes her head and gives you a confused look. You shrug. “I may or may not know he’s up to something really, really big.”
“Oh he is, huh?”
“Mhm. But I can’t tell you.”
“Damn it, __.. Why do you always insist on doing this? You’ve done this to Barb and I since we were kids.”
“Because I can. It’s fun, watching the two of you try everything under the sun to get it out of me.”
“C’mon. We need to get a move on. Barb and Robin are headed into town now. And I’m starving.”
“So am I. The takeout I ordered at 9 is wearing off.” you admit, making Nancy gape. “You didn’t take a lunch break?”
“I was in the zone, Nance.”
Robin smiles as she feels Barb’s body melt into hers. Barb’s eyes flutter open and she gives Robin a sleepy peck on the freckled bridge of her nose, raising a hand to caress her face. “Last night was..” Barb trails off, she’s searching for the best word to describe what finally happened between the two of them the night before after months of dancing around their feelings. But there’s not a word that even comes close. Robin sighs in content. “Amazing. Mind blowing. Every good thing I’ve ever wanted t’ feel.” she goes quiet, the two a tangle of arms and legs beneath a faded purple sheet as Robin rolls onto her back and pulls Barb so that she’s partially draped on top of her.
But the afterglow is short lived when a car door slams outside, the sound floating in through the crack in Robin’s bedroom window. Barb pries herself apart from Robin to move to the end of the bed and peer out the window. And she’s wide-eyed when she turns back to look at Robin. “It’s your mom!”
“Shit!” Robin can feel her heart speed up and suddenly, she’s wide awake as panic sets in. Barb has slipped out of bed and Robin joins her, the pair gathering flung articles of clothing off of the bed and helping each other get dressed. Unable to keep their hands to themselves, pausing to exchange breathless and needy kisses or rest their forehead against the other one’s forehead. “I hate that we have to hide this.”
“Me too.” Robin breathes out against her lover’s mouth. Barb motions for Robin to turn facing away and she’s just hooking the last clasp in Barb’s bra when they hear Robin’s mother shut the front door to the trailer behind her and call Robin’s name. Barb nods to the open window, heading over to slip out and Robin comes over too, helping  Barb out, Barb lingering in the window to steal another deep kiss and caress Robin’s face. “I’ll go bring the car up and pretend I just got here.”
Robin nods, pouting as Barb pulls away from her and jumps out the window of her bedroom, bolting across the lawn. Robin’s mother is knocking on the door at this point and Robin makes her way over, opening the door.
“Oh good. You’re awake. Didn’t you hear me come in, Robbie? Come help me bring in the groceries.”
Robin smiles, nodding. A pang of guilt at having to lie to her mother again, but for now, it’s what she has to do. She has to come up with a way to spring everything on her mother gently.
As they unload the trunk of Robin’s mom’s car, Barb pulls to a stop behind it in her own car. Robin’s mom glances from the idling car to Robin and she smiles.
Robin is blushing again, it’s something she doesn’t even realize she’s doing. But her mother picks right up on it. She laughs softly. “Look who’s here, Robbie!” she gives a bright grin, waving at the girl currently sitting inside the parked car. Barb kills the engine and gets out just as Robin’s mother takes in a few more bags from the trunk. Robin steps up into her girlfriend -awed by the fact that now, it’s official. Now she can actually call her this, even if for the time being, it’s kept private. Between the two of them.
She gives Barb a little peck on the lips and Barb laughs softly, returning the small peck. She nods to the trunk. “I’ll grab some bags too.”
As Barb grabs bags to help carry them into the trailer, Robin is silently mulling everything over, waiting. She stops Barb on the steps.
“We have to tell someone soon. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to keep this a secret.” and Barb nods, smiling. Stepping up to her girlfriend as she mumbles quietly, “I was thinking the same thing. Keeping you.. Keeping us.. Hidden.. I don’t want to.”
Robin smiles bright, opening the door so that Barb can step into the trailer. As the two of them set the bags that they’d grabbed from the trunk down, her mother speaks up. “Do you have to work today?”
“I need to get going, actually.”
Barb nods. “I can take her, Mrs. Buckley.”
Robin’s mother smiles. “She’s such a sweet girl, Robbie. You two have fun!”
As the two make their way out to  Barb’s parked car, they let out very ragged breaths. “That was.. Close.”
“Not as close as last weekend. I was just about to kiss you and Steve wandered out onto the patio to smoke.” Barb admits, making Robin gape at her in surprise. “You were.. About to kiss me?”
Barb laughs softly. “Why wouldn’t I want to kiss you, huh?”
Robin laughs, shrugs and answers quietly, “I.. I don’t know. I’m still shocked, okay?” Barb nods, smiling as she turns out of the driveway and onto the dirt and gravel road leading into Forest Hills. “Me too.”
“I hate that we have to hide this.”
“So do I. We’re going to tell everyone soon.”
“We are.”
As the car heads into town, Barb’s hand leaves the wheel, settling over the top of Robin’s hand, giving it a soft little squeeze before Robin laces their fingers together and leans towards Barb, leaning her head against Barb’s shoulder.
“These heels are killing my feet.” you stop behind the rest of your friends to  take off the heels you’ve been wearing all day and Nancy laughs. “I don’t know why you keep wearing them.”
“Because they make my ass look good?” you laugh as you shrug and look up at her through a curtain of hair. Nancy’s laughing too. “But you’re always complaining about how painful they are.”
“You’ve got me there.” you straighten to full height and start to walk again, the heels tucked beneath your arm. As you make your way past the service station, you happen to see Eddie Munson sitting on a 5 gallon barrel out in the back. He’s smoking, dark brown hair stuck to his face. He’s got his shirt off and a pair of FR overalls with the bib down at his waist and you’re mesmerized.
“__.. You’re staring again.”
“Uh uh.”
“You were.”
“I can’t help it he’s pretty and my eyes enjoy the view.” you give a sheepish shrug and Nancy laughs, shaking her head at you. “Instead of staring, go do something about it.” she gives you a gentle shove towards the opening in the  fence.
“I can’t!”
“You can. You need to because the sexual tension between you is unreal, okay? Look.. I’ve been in the same room as both of you at the same time and I almost choked on the way the air got so thick.”
You laugh, shaking your head. But you’re lingering in the opening of fence. Your eyes roam over him, taking in the side profile. The grease smear on his cheek. The way kissable lips curl around a Marlboro Red as he drags the back of his hand over his sweaty forehead to wipe away the sweat.
“It’s a new world, __. You can totally make the first move.”
“I cannot!” you’re gaping at Nancy when you say it, but then you happen to look back just in time to see Eddie glance up, looking right at you. He grins and stands, wandering over.
You swallow hard as he comes to a stop in front of you because there’s just something about the way he absolutely towers over you that drives you crazy. You step closer before you can stop yourself and Eddie chuckles. “Careful, woman. I’m all sweaty n’ dirty n’ shit right now.” Doe eyes settle on your bare feet. “What the hell are y’ doin, there’s glass and shit out here.”
“These shoes,” you raise the pair of stilettos so he can see them, “Were killing my feet.”
He snickers to himself, shaking his head. He’s trying to stop himself but he just can’t. The urge to be closer to you wins out so he steps even closer. “How’d your first day go?”
“It went.” you laugh. “It was pretty boring. All I did was try to give the woman an actual filing system that was easy to keep up with and answer phones?” you notice that his knuckles are caked in dried blood so you raise his hand, surveying the damage as you hiss and glance up at him. “What the hell did you do?”
He chuckles. “Got th’ station wagon from hell in my garage bay. I might’ve slammed the damn hood on my hand because of course, the hood latch is a piece of garbage too.”
“Eddie, you need to clean this.”
“Woman, it’s fine.”
“Eddie, your hand could rot.” you scold gently. He chuckles, turning away to thump his cigarette into the gravel behind him. Then he turns to face you again. And he’s got this teasing look in his eyes. “Aw..” he mutters, leaning down just a little, “You worried about me, doll?”
You stick out your tongue. “I’m just telling you what could happen if you don’t clean out the wound.”
“You really don’t wanna know what I did last week when th’ box cutter slipped when I was tearin’ down boxes at the record store.” he chuckles. He’s teasing a little. You swallow hard. “I probably don’t. I swear to God if you say you used super glue…”
“Maybe I did.”
“God damn it, Eddie. If you needed actual medical attention.. What is it with men and their stubborn refusal to go to a fucking doctor?” you laugh softly, shaking your head. Eddie laughs too and he shrugs. “And women who insist on wearin’ shoes that hurt their feet. Kinda the same thing, right?”
“Not really?” you raise a brow, laughing again.  Raising a hand to rest against his bare chest before you even realize that you’ve done it. Eddie’s breath hangs and he gulps as he looks down at the way your hand’s settled against his chest tattoos.
He shuffles his feet because currently, all the blood in his body is southbound. Straight to his cock.
And you’re struggling. Trying to think of something to say. When you open your mouth, you’re honestly not expecting what comes out.
“Are you doing anything later?”
Eddie rubs his chin as he stares down at you, trying not to marvel over how your pretty little body would be easily engulfed by his. Or how good that might feel. How it’s something he might be able to let himself get used to.
“You askin me out on a date, __?”
You realize what you’ve done and you’re panicking a little. Then you shrug. “Maybe I am.” you’re dragging your fingers over the raised edges of his tattoo and he has to bite back a groan. “It’s just the drive in.” you laugh softly. 
“The drive in, huh?”
“Mhm.. there’s a horror movie playing I really wanna see. And my friends are all babies, Eddie. So am I, come t’ think of it.”
“So you want me t’ go.. Protect you, huh?” he’s teasing right back, totally unaware of what his teasing is doing to you, because if he knew how crazy it drove you -or how wet it made you, whenever he teased like this.. You barely manage to pull yourself together and when you go to answer him, you accidentally squeak out your answer. He laughs and nods. “9’s okay, right?”
“9 is perfect.”
“Are you opposed to the motorcycle?” he asks.
“Not at all.” you mumble out the answer, managing to step away from him a little as Nancy laughs nearby and speaks up. “I think Barb and Robin are at the  diner waiting.”
You glance at her to nod and turn your attention back to Eddie. “Try not to bust anymore knuckles today, Eddie?”
“I’m not makin any promises, woman.” Eddie responds, stepping up into you. His hand lingers close, grazing against your hip and you feel your breath hang in your throat. “I gotta get going.” you finally manage to say it after about four or five seconds of just staring up at him.
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m0e-ru · 1 year
girls will literally say ohh the golden anime is soo bad you should never watch it or consider part of any sort of it canon and same girls will watch it themselves and cry
#kommento#// sorry im so sad all the time ever i get to be sad for marie and mad as fuck at epdisode 6 and 7#// personally it's miffing me because it would twist the general understanding of the lore so much#// with all the liberties in writing it takes as compromise to make it more emotional#// and make ME cry like a baby#// which is a very strange tradeoff but i literally have my opinions on the stageplay duology too#// but its execution is so good i wish it was handled a little bit. better. though.#// it's good to ME because it has marie in it and it's TERRIBLE because HE WOULD NOT SAY THAT#// i have sosososo much beef with the Golden addons like prsona writers are kings of writing he would NOTT say that i SWEAR TO GOD#// throw yosukes sl under the bus and do the STUPID okina scooter trip or so help me . like i CARE <- cares#// but bringing marie's issues to light and how it matters so much and giving insight on her character outside literally every media possib#// i CANT be picky with this. but i AM#// theres 1000000 things wrong with it but it's fine with me because i can handpick whatever i want from media and enjoy my life#// the lore is . handled so sloppily these bitches have NOT played prsona at all but like. theres something for Me. theres SOMETHING !!!#// i want sogabe to work on the golden parts of 4 and make the manga five volumes longer i dontcare anymore i want omakes too#// iwant a new stageplay recasting masami and asanuma because THEY GOT IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME !!! i want a musical iwant a 4 act prodcuiotn#// soosososo many things wrong with the things i love it'sok i have a rag and i'll clean off the dirt until i passout on asphalt
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elnotwoods · 2 years
not me signing up for the majority of my lectures/courses hours before signups end… who let this dumb adhd-ridden cracker attend uni, again?
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fawnoir · 2 years
Constantly torn between either going cold hearted and retreating into myself or finding connection and belonging with other people. One is definitely safer than the other, but my safety is isolation. My safety is a black hole. My safety is my end. It has only ever landed me alone in a room bleeding or crying or staring blankly or some combination of the above. The longer I exist in that state, statistically speaking, the higher the chance that one day I just???
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aria0fgold · 5 months
Clenches fist... grits teeth... I need to replay the game again actually and abuse the save and load feature to know all of Grim's replies to every choice the base game has to offer.
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mareestoermers · 1 month
i think we are all forgetting something when we talk about how toxic patrick, tashi, and art are — or when we decide one is “worse” than the other. they all have moments of seeing right through it, seeing each other’s toxic behavior for what it is, and STILL want and need each other in this possessive, envious, visceral way.
1. in the way beginning, tashi is clearly flirting more with art than patrick, and patrick is visibly annoyed. art sees right through it and even challenges him like “okay, let’s leave”, and has this little smirk on his face because he knows patrick won’t give up on tashi.
2. tashi immediately sees the visible tension and love between art and patrick, and literally orchestrates their first kiss. she sees right through their repression, and even calls herself a “home-wrecker” but still entangles herself with them, especially patrick because he’s clearly the better tennis player at that point and that is tash’s ONLY true love. tennis. that’s what she desires most in him, and patrick knows that. he even calls her out on it in the dorm room scene. but they have this mirroring fire in each other that neither of them can give up, not until patrick breaks the balance and bails — tashi’s injury is literally a metaphor for the balance shattering between all three of them when patrick leaves her.
3. before this, patrick sees right through art trying to break them up, and even admires that quality — maybe even feels smug and flattered because art is jealous and feels left out from both tashi and patrick. patrick has known this all along, we saw it in the “tick-serve” scene, where he even swears to tashi he won’t tell anyone but he still tells art, who is desperate to feel a part of them and patrick wants that, too — even keeps that close intimacy with art that we see in the churro scene (swoon swoon swoon).
4. haven’t you noticed that arts desire to be great is only ever tied up in patrick and tashi? how he needs to beat patrick to win tashis affection, how he needs to win in tennis so that tashi can live through him, how he lives up to his potential in the ending only because tashi and patrick push him to it, in their little fucked up ways? he knows this — he even admits that he’s playing for tashi, that he knows she’s living through him. he even admits he’s playing a fucked up little game with patrick when they’re in the sauna. yet he still does it. again, he knows what’s happening, sees right through them — still does it, still loves them.
5. when tashi calls patrick to come pick her up he knows it’s not just to tell him to throw the match — and despite how she battles him about it, they still have sex in the car, because he already knows. he’s so fully aware of her and her game and he’s so willing to be caught up in it, the same as art.
just some examples of how they all have moments of clarity and agency and yet they still choose to be entangled in one another because they’re all fucked up in their own, individual ways, and they’re all living through each other for their own specific needs. arts is to be seen as worthy, as great, but only through their gaze. tashis is to have the career that was stolen from her. patricks is truly to be in love and in lust with both of them, because we even see that from the beginning that tashis love alone will never satiate him; it has to be arts love, too. that scene in the sauna when he thinks he’s lost it from art is the most sad and fucked up we ever even see patrick. on top of tashi asking him to throw the game — he’s so defensive of arts feelings.
in short this is an actual love triangle (and i would go as far as to see it as a polyship). you can’t erase one without the whole thing unraveling, and you can’t say one character was the “worst” without picking apart the motivations and pointing to the fact that their bad behavior was never a secret or left unchecked.
even at the end, patrick signals to art that he slept with tashi — art knows and they still have that intimate completion at the end, all three of them. art living up to his potential and embracing patrick fully (id argue this could even be a metaphor for embracing his bisexuality), patrick having both tashi and arts affection again, and tashi playing a phenomenal tennis match through her little white boys — in such a visceral, emotional way that she cries out like she did in the beginning and the last frame is her smiling.
in a fucked up way, they all get what they wanted out of each other.
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the hardest lines ALWAYS come from ao3 fanfics and I stand by this
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Mostly thanks to @emilyelizabethfowl (their reblog contains many of the fic links!! thank u sm) and a few deep dives into my ao3 history, the sources of the quotes have mostly all been recovered! I apologise for not posting them all with proper credit originally, I truly didn't think the post would blow up so much, but the lesson is very much learned :) enjoy!
- number 1 is from merthur fic called Destiny Ordered You To Die, But I Willed You To Live by ironfamjam
-number 2 is from a klance fic called reach out for you (break these walls) by Paladin-Pile (UserFromPluto)
- number 3 is a batman fic called Home (jason centered) by Daisybirb
- number 4 is a zukka fic by I'm Not Angry Anymore by team_avatars_eyebags
- numbers 5 and 9 are from The Art Of Burning by hella1975, an amazing ongoing atla following zuko
- number 6 is a hualian fic called No paths are bound by cataclysmic_calamity (originally a thread fic but also fully uploaded on ao3)
- number 7 is a merthur fic called tell me every terrible thing you ever did (and let me love you anyway) by Stardustwrites17 (the quote is also originally from a poem apparently)
- number 8 is from a batman fic called Nature and Nurture by lurkinglurkerwholurks
- number 10 is from a steddie fic called let me know (everythings alright) by bexiguess
ALSO there is now a part 2 !! (which I swear is better organized)
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artisanalpeanutbutter · 11 months
Trying to build muscle is so frustrating bc it's hard enough to motivate myself to eat as it is but now I have to eat more protein and my stomach is too liddol for the amount of food I need in a day
Can I get an f in the chat?
#tw food#tw eating#i like. forget to eat#and it's low priority for me bc i dont like cooking#bc it can make me start to think abt calories and micro/macro nutrients and i used to have disordered eating#so thinking abt that stuff is triggering to me#but now that im trying to build muscle i have to super pay attention to protein and shit and it's HARD#im trying to like HOPEFULLY convert 3-4 lbs of fat to muscle#just feel dysphoric abt my hips and since you cant target fat deposits ill probably have to lose like 3 lbs of fat instead#of the 1 that i think will help with that a bit#ive been working out a lot and have definitely seen results but i do not eat enough as it is to see the muscle growth in my back shoulders#and arms that i want to see. so now i have to eat more and it's hard bc i get so tireddddddddd and boreddddd and also the cooking thing#and PLEASE no dms worrying abt my eating habits ive improved so much and I'm doing well!!! I'm eating MORE even!!#it's just hard bc it feels like a chore to me#which is part of why i had disordered eating in the first place. well that and dysphoria#I'm legitimately healthy and eat well for the most part. it's just such a hassle to consciously try to build muscle yk? im eating i swear#i love food ask anyone#actually dont bc for whatever reason everyone around me thinks i dont eat bc they never /see/ me snack#i just keep my snacks in my room bc that's where my workstation is rather than snacking in the kitchen bc i dont like to waste time#that's my hangup tbh. i always feel like im wasting time even though it's hella important to cook yourself good meals#it's probably bc i go on a lot of walks so that eats into the time that i WOULD spend cooking#but yeah like i pound back food at restaurants so ppl also say it as a joke bc of how quickly i eat when im not distracted#i could eat more veggies though tbh. i just dont like many of them outside of complicated dishes and like i said i dont like to cook#and theyre so low calorie it takes FOREVER to eat enough to be filling#love protein though#it's quick and tasty ;3#also this is coming from someone who eats baby carrots like they're jelly beans lmao#they're a treat to me bc it takes so long to eat a serving of them#and they're sweet#so to be clear i DO like veggies they just take a while to finish
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railmerosalie · 7 months
I find it so funny when ppl say that Katniss has no personality, she's so cute and funny! Like do you not remember when she...
1. Thought Finnick was making out with Peetas corpse and was like "damn didn't know he was fruity like that"
2. When Gale confessed his love for her and she was STRIAGHT up like "yeah I know" 💀
3. Saw Peeta had been crying after the first reaping and immediately thinks "damn he's good, playing the weak sympathy card". Like girl he thinks he's gonna die! He's gonna die!
4. Katniss and Finnick wearing the green face cream in CF and scaring the fuck outta Peeta on the beach
5. Just her and Haymitch, especially the first book
6. "I decided to go ahead and like Boggs" - thanks for letting us know queen 👑
7. In MJ when they're trying to film the propos, and she's just horrible at it
8. In the first book when she's trying to drain the pus out of Peetas leg and she just so goddmaned grossed out
9. Saw the cupcakes at the Capitol party and immediately thought that Peeta would love the frosting details
10. In MJ when Gale and Peeta are talking about Katniss choosing one of them, she's just like "gonna leave you two bums here, don't need this shit"
11. Everytime she was unaware of people flirting with her or just being nice. She always think there's some hidden motive... like girl they're your family and friends, they just like you as a person
12. "Nobody needs me" "I do, I need you". Katniss finally admitting her love for Peeta and realises that she can't live without him!! It's such an important part of her growth towards Peeta and no one talks about it!! The girl how has survived everything finally needs not just something, but SOMEONE. And it's HIM (I'm so normal about this I swear)
13. Sassying buttercup at every turn
14. She has the same vibe as goop from Meet The Robinsons (especially with Madge). "Hey Katniss, wanna eat lunch together?" "Hey Katniss, wanna go for a walk into town later"
She's there like:
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At random for now.
-From the reaction library, of my all time favourite lyrical rap knowledge. It's silly how good this is. I love it so much.x
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