#i need to keep track of my tabs and the aus
messrsbyler · 1 year
Will as Hades’s son sort of fits to me because I sort of see the underworld and the upside down maybe to be connected on this potential au and maybe him surviving for so long could be because he had those powers?? Like he’s staying with the Hermes kids when he disappears, and when he comes back everyone’s like “how’d you survive” and it just sort of clicks that it might be because it’s his natural abilities??.. idk just some food for thought :D
oooohhh okay i love this one! now i'm torn between will as zeus' son, apollo's son (thanks to @bottomlessabyssposts take) and this! also, how will was taken to the upside down where time froze the day he was, well, taken, and how nico and bianca, hades' children, lived for many years in the lotus hotel where time is also frozen??? and yes if you parallel the underwolrd with the upside down it makes SO MUCH sense how will managed to survive!!! okay yes i see the vision
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jromanoff · 13 days
Study Break II R. George
Pairing: student!Regina George x law student!Reader
Warning(s): Reader not eating enough
Authors note: I’m in the middle of uni exams this week so I wrote a little something to indulge myself :)
Summary: College!AU - Regina is worried about your study habits and decides to intervene.
Word count: 1.6k
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Regina leaned against the door frame, watching you hunched over your textbooks, completely engrossed in your studies. The thick civil code books were laying open on the side, several coloured tabs sticking out to keep track of the laws you needed to use for your upcoming exams. Regina thought it almost looked like a rainbow at this point. That was the only pretty thing about the stuff on your desk though, it looked like a bomb exploded with the mess you’ve made.
"Babe, can you take a break? I miss spending time with you," Regina pouted, hoping to draw your attention away from the books in front of you. Her pout usually did the trick. She wanted to have some quality time with you since you haven’t been spending time with her these past few days, too engrossed with your studies. You even stopped having dinner with her.
You glanced up briefly, your brow furrowed in concentration. "Sorry Gina, I really need to focus. These exams are important."
Regina sighed dramatically, crossing her arms as she walked closer to you. Did you just really resist her pout? "You've been studying nonstop for days. Don't you think you're overdoing it a bit?"
You paused, looking at Regina with concern. "I know, but I need to do well in this. It's important for my future. I don’t want to be a failure."
Regina softened, her concern for you overriding her desire for attention. Regina almost laughed at this realisation, her High School-self could never. "I understand, but I'm worried about you. You need to take care of yourself too."
You reached out to take Regina's hand, caressing it. "I appreciate your concern, babe. But I really need to study now, I’m fine.” you said with a reassuring smile, concentrating back on your books.
Regina frowned and decided she needed to change her approach, this was clearly not working. So instead of complaining or outing her concerns, Regina tried to engage in a conversation with you.
“What are you studying, anyways?” Regina curiously inquired as she saw her girlfriend so intensely focused.
She never asked you about the content of your studies before, because she probably wouldn’t understand it. She, on the other hand, always excitedly rambled to you about whatever she learned that day. From fashion designers to fashion history, Regina shared it all. You didn’t mind it, though. Seeing your girlfriend so excited about her studies made you happy too and extra knowledge never hurt anyone. It was a nice contrast to your law studies.
“Legal philosophy” you replied curtly.
“Sounds boring” Regina remarked. Her efforts were met with a dismissive attitude from you, causing Regina to frown in disappointment. But Regina wouldn’t let this deter her from trying again.
“What are you reading about now, then?” Regina asked once again, looking over your shoulder at the book you were currently reading.
“The Case of the Speluncean Explorers” you responded, perplexed by Regina’s sudden interest in your ‘boring’ law studies. Especially after she just complained about not getting any attention from you.
“The what explorers?”
“The Speluncean Explorers,” you explained, slightly exasperated. “It’s a fictional judgement where five judges with different opinions shed their light on a fictional case. Five explorers got stuck in a cave and eventually ran out of food so… they agreed to eat one person so the other four could survive. They decided who it should be by throwing a dice and when the remaining four explorers were rescued they got a murder charge. I really need to study now if you don’t mind.” You hoped this elaborate answer would satisfy Regina’s curiosity so you could refocus on your studies.
When Regina kept silent after your explanation you thought you managed to fend off your girlfriend for the time being. Wrong.
Regina felt increasingly ignored by your continued focus on studying and your dismissive attitude towards her. So she decided to retort to an old tactic – a kiss to divert your attention. Despite being in college now and attempting to leave her manipulative ways behind, Regina deemed this situation an emergency. You would definitely cave in after a kiss.
Regina put her fingers under your chin, turning your face towards her. Then, she leaned in and pressed her lips softly to yours.
That sudden display of affection caught you off guard, but as Regina deepened the kiss your resistance immediately faded away. The tension in your shoulders eased as you gave into your girlfriend. Regina gently took the book you were holding from you.
“Regina, no. I need to study” you pulled away and protested, but Regina just kissed you again.
“What was that for, anyway?” you questioned her as you finally broke apart.
“So you’d be focused on something else than your studies. I deserve some attention too, you know? Not only your stupid books” Regina smirked.
You narrowed your eyes at her “I know what you’re trying to do” you told her and turned back to your desk. As you attempted to pick up your books once more, Regina shot you an ice cold glare. "If you don't put that book down right now... I swear to god you'll regret it," she warned, her tone leaving no room for argument. Regina rarely used that glare on you, but when she did? She was serious about it. Her glare and tone of voice caused you to immediately put your book back down, holding your hands up in surrender.
"That's what I thought," Regina asserted, a smirk playing on her lips. "Now, you’re cleaning up this mess of books and notebooks on this desk first," she declared, taking charge of the situation and asserting her authority over the chaotic study environment you created over the last week. How you could even study in this mess was a mystery to Regina.
Reluctantly, you set aside your textbooks and notes as Regina took charge of making dinner in the meantime, bustling about the kitchen.
The aroma of home-cooked food soon filled the air, causing a low rumble to come from your stomach. You quickly finished cleaning up your stuff and walked to the kitchen where Regina stood behind the stove.
“That smells delicious” you told your girlfriend as you embraced her from behind, resting your chin on her shoulder.
“It does, huh? Can you set the table for me, please?” Regina requested.
“Of course” you replied, giving Regina a kiss on the cheek before removing yourself from her. You set the table for dinner and sat down, waiting for Regina and the food.
As Regina set the steaming hot plates of food on the table, you immediately started eating before Regina herself had even the chance to get seated.
Regina observed you quickly shoving down the food she made with concern. It's a confirmation of her suspicions – you hadn’t been eating well all week, too consumed by your studies to the point you forgot to eat. With a pointed look, Regina breaks the silence. “I'm definitely keeping a closer eye on you when the next exam period comes up. You're not taking care of yourself properly. You’re never skipping dinner with me again in an exam period," Regina said, her gaze unwavering.
You frowned at her and attempted to deflect her concern. “You really don't need to, that's asking too much of you." you insisted
But Regina's resolve remains unyielding. "I don't care what you think. I'm keeping an eye on you. And that's final," she declares, her words leaving no room for argument. With a sigh you accept defeat, knowing that Regina can’t be swayed once she has her mind set on something.
That’s one thing that hasn’t changed since high school: Regina always gets what she wants.
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After dinner, you cleared the table and did the dishes together. Then, Regina insisted on cuddling with you.
Entering your room, you see Regina is already situated on the bed. She already removed her makeup and changed into something more comfortable.
"Come here, you," Regina said, opening her arms wide with a playful smile. "I need some cuddles."
You hesitated for a moment before relenting, changing into comfier clothes and joining your girlfriend in bed. As your head hit the silk pillow (that Regina bought for you, because according to her it’s better for your hair) you sighed in content. "I guess I could use some cuddles too," you admitted softly, smiling back at your girlfriend.
Regina pulled you close, wrapping you in a warm embrace. “Now, I know you’re tired so I’ll let you go to sleep in a bit, but you do need to promise me to give me attention tomorrow.” she said, softly stroking your hair.
“I promise, my love” you murmur, pressing a gentle kiss to Regina’s forehead.
Eventually exhaustion takes hold of you both, and you drift off to sleep, wrapped in each other's embrace.
The next day you would spend no time on your studies, but only on Regina. You were determined to make it up to her. You even took her out on a spontaneous date to one of the high end restaurants she loved to make up for the lack of attention you gave her the past week. Afterwards the two of you went shopping and then cuddled for the remainder of the evening.
And your exams? Passed with flying colours.
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sfznyxio · 2 months
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. codename “cipher”, you’re an enigmatic assassin who has a perfect track record of leaving no trace behind. until your current target is actually bait to lure you in by jade of the ten stonehearts, elite spies of the international peace corporation. now they can’t let you go, not when they’ve finally caught the inconvenience of their missions. and so you’re forced to cooperate to prevent the destruction of the nation.
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒. aventurine, dr. ratio, topaz
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓. gn!reader. spy au, assassin au. 1.0k words. inspired by the the “assault squad” fanart of the ipc trio by @/625light on twt and spy x family. jade is referred to as “that jade woman”. diamond and opal are briefly mentioned (dr. ratio and topaz). gambling (aventurine). assassins execute each other if ever there’s a traitor among them (dr. ratio). there are drunk lower-ranked spies who size reader up (topaz). natural disasters (dr. ratio and topaz).
𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐀. whoa, a new fic a week later? what a surprise. i kinda cooked with all these parts, especially aventurine's. enjoy your meal.
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the golden hour is a club popular among gamblers. you wonder why that jade woman chose this place specifically for you to go; she doesn’t seem to be the high stakes, high rewards type of person. once you’re settled at the bar, a flamboyant man who seems to be a regular tells the bartender to put your order in his tab. he then invites you to play poker as his way of welcoming the newcomer.
“oh? looks like my new friend here is quite the experienced player,” the man comments when you two make it to the final round. your previous assignment was at a casino, so you learned about the game in order to reach your target. the spectators are anxiously anticipating to see who will be the winner.
perfect. the aces in your hand and on the table are keys to your victory. the man thinks otherwise by betting all his chips. the spectators roar, resounding your disbelief. when it’s time to unveil your cards, a smirk spreads across his face. you’ve been beaten by the odds.
“royal flush,” he drawls, picking up his ace. “when your opponent has an ace up their sleeve, find the opportunity to use it against them. that, my friend, is why you’re here today. you’re welcome, by the way, for sparing your life. think of it as gratitude for being merciful to our men.”  
“… stoneheart.” he smiles at your conclusion. this man is responsible for fooling you twice with your own cards. convinced that your methods do safeguard your identity, he manages to pinpoint specks of traces left on pieces of evidence and use them to his advantage. so he’s been tracking you down for a long time. “impressive. it appears i was careless enough to get caught. to whom am i speaking with?”
the ace on his hand disappears with a wave, and then reappears in your pocket when he gestures to your clothes, having you pull it out. “name’s aventurine. pleasure to make your acquaintance, friend. now, why don’t go somewhere quieter. i’ll answer all the questions you may have.”
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an interrogation room is the last place you want to be in, let alone pier point the headquarters of the international peace corporation. that jade woman has arranged a meeting between you and “someone who is good with words” - according to a certain gambler. you expect it to be their spymaster, however the person sitting across from you is anything but.
“uh… are you supposed to be spymaster diamond?” jade mentions that diamond thinks you’re interesting enough for him to meet you, but his schedules are keeping him occupied. based on that logic, you’re pretty sure that the person in front of you is not him. because, who wears an alabaster head outside?
“even if i am, that should be the least of your worries.” right, you and the stonehearts need answers from each other. time is of the essence; other assassins may be sent to kill you for betrayal if you don’t make use of it wisely. if only that man would take the alabaster head off; it’s unsettling.
“you’re eager to know who i am.” as if he has read your mind, he puts his hands on the alabaster head. “because that damned gambler managed to expose you, i may as well do the same to myself out of fairness. should my identity satiate your curiosity and have you confess, by all means.”
your eyes widen at his features. wavy violet hair, amber eyes, and a gold headpiece. he was your previous target - the exact reason why you’re in this room, veritas ratio, the handler of the stonehearts. when you think you had him fall into your trap, he has you fall into his instead. you’re at a loss of words. 
“we meet again, assassin.” he lays out files that immediately pique your interest: the  incident that robbed you of your childhood and made you into the person you are today. “judging from your expression, you’re in the know of the stellaron crisis. we have much to discuss, don’t we?” 
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the reverie hotel is too fancy to be a prison. that jade woman reserves a room for you and covers service costs so you don’t need to worry about payment. the stonehearts are treating you awfully well as if you’re their guest, only if you have useful information in return. their subordinates on the other hand, they’re trying way too hard to intimidate you to the point you’ll spill your secrets.
“hey! what did i say about drinking during work hours?” a woman with short hair storms into the hallway where your room is with more agents behind her. “take them back to their rooms. i’ll meet with them later on how to not treat a person who was invited by jade. i sure hope they don’t want this to be included in my reports.”
she dismisses her squad with the drunk guys in tow and looks at you for permission to enter your room, which you soon grant. she settles on one of the chairs, gesturing to you to sit next to her. “nice to finally meet the elusive cipher. i’m topaz; jade sent me here to keep you company on her behalf. luckily it’s not opal, or else he would’ve given you a hard time.”
that jade woman has arranged meetings between you and three specific people within the stoneheart network, including her young associate in your room. you left the golden hour with more questions than answers, and the interrogation room made you upset through a series of debates about the stellaron crisis. so what’s her purpose for accompanying you here today?
“ah, you want to know why jade sent me here? i can tell from the look in your eyes.” she pulls out documents on her person, which spells out the event you dread most. “thanks to your productive conversation at the bar and your outburst at headquarters, we believe that you’re our key player in preventing the crisis from happening again. we understand that this is a lot to take in, so please carefully consider.”
“other than that, feel free to make yourself at home. the ten stonehearts look forward to your decision.” she waves farewell as she retires for the night. you put your head in your hands and sigh, realizing that the only choice available is to cooperate with those spies. already at the point of no return, you decide to chase after her.
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kindaasrikal · 26 days
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He was originally not gonna have pants cause i didnt find it weird since he is still a metal man, but then i realised others might take it a bit weirdly so i had to quickly add pants 😭
Zane is known to sacrifice himself for those he cares about, and it shows how deeply protective he is of his team/family. In an AU, if that protectiveness got a bit too strong…mixed a bit too much with his care…he becomes secretly obsessive. He stalks the ninja when away from him and is constantly keeping tabs on them, his relationship with them is similar to canon, but he always makes sure to know where they are and their health. None of the ninja, including Pixal and Wu, have any idea of this going on, and they never will.
He watched over the ninja (plus Pixal and Wu) in a little area in his room, and watches memories and current events they’re going through daily. His love for them all is platonic (romantic for Pixal), and as much as he is aware that watching-stalking- his family is not normal nor okay, he does it since he only ever ensures he knows what they are doing at all times, and that isn’t too bad, right?
(Wrong, its still bad, Zane just worried and cares too much to bring himself to stop)
In this AU, if his team were to find out, i feel like they’d be concerned but accepting. Like bro it’s ZANE, they trust him more than anyone. They put limits to it and rules, but other than that they let him keep doing it. In fact, this allows them to freely do the possibly stalker-ish activities they do freely.
Kai says that sometimes he tracks or follows then when he’s worried.
Nya bugged everyone’s gi with recording and tracking devices. She listens to conversations sometimes if shes suspicious (read: worried).
Jay has books on all of the ninja, and the notes are deeply personal and downright creepy.
Cole hunts down everyone one of team mates might’ve met or known, acts like he accidentally bumped into them, and slowly weeds information out of them related to them as a person and their intentions. If they’re a close friend to his teammate/s, he gets information out about their interactions of conversations.
Lloyd follows everyone. Whilst Kai probably jumps from buildings, and leaves after knowing it’s ok (most of the time), Lloyd follows on ground with a disguise. He learns the others interests and picks then up himself to bond with them, not realising that picking up the exact same comic jay just touched and hugging it whilst thinking Jay would love him if he got this and read it is kinda creepy.
Pixal bugs all of their tech, she knows every location, every conversation, and has many recordings. She never checks them though. What she does do is read their conversations through text, she likes gathering information about the ones she loves, and likes the drama that pops up sometimes.
Wu is normal, he’s like an overbearing dad who just interrogates his team with gentle words and they spill. Either that or he already knows, by guessing.
And because i need to add Morro to everything, Wu is overbearing because of not knowing everything Morro does because if he did he might’ve been able to prevent what happens.
And when Morro was younger, he used to hide behind corners and watch people, never letting them know he’s there. He never followed them, but if he’s already there and he sees you, he’s watching you in a corner until either has to leave or you do.
But thats child Morro, ghost (cursed realm) Morro pulls a Zane and watches people, so does Garmadon in the departed realm.
Yeah, he’s the only normal one. After everything he just became tame and couldn’t care anymore. He was a bit freaked out when Lloyd comes up to him two weeks later and says “you rlly like reading about horror stories, right?” Because they both have been avoiding each other and only had five normal conversations, and not a single one was casual, so how the heck did Lloyd know that.
Anyways that was fun :>
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beansprean · 2 years
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Some misc ghost au stuff 💕
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Ghost Guillermo slumped over, leaning an elbow on his tail with his cheek resting in his palm, doing a talking head. There is a small mic on the table in front of him, text nearby explaining he can't wear a lapel mic. Guillermo says, "My unfinished business... I really don't know. There's too much I missed out on in life to even narrow it down. I'm not that invested in keeping the house clean or anything. Besides, like they said, I'd be here forever." 1b. Guillermo lifts his head up, horror crossing over his face as he whispers "What if I'm here forever??" The table mic slowly lifts itself up, surrounded by Guillermo's ghostly blue glow and unnoticed by the spectre himself.
2a. Talking head with Colin, looking a little annoyed as he explains "Yeah, I can't feed from ghosts, which is super frustrating since they're basically pure energy. It's like having a can of Pepsi with the tab clipped off. Or trying to suck a super thick milkshake through a coffee stirrer. 2b. B roll of Colin licking his lips hungrily and staring at Ghost Guillermo as he drags a body past. Colin's voiceover continues, "Guess this is how the sanguinarian vamps have always felt around Gizmo. The forbidden snack! Haha, so tempting..."
3a. Talking head with Guillermo - the producer asks offscreen "You implied before that your unfinished business may have...something to do with Nandor?" Blushing and forcing a reassuring smile, Guillermo waves his hands in front of him and replies "Oh! No. No. No, no, no. That would be...that can't be it. I was never planning on telling him anything." 3b. Guillermo drops his hands and his smile and looks away with a grimace, reddening further as he mumbles, "Like he didn't already know... Besides, that's all in the past! I may be single again, but that doesn't mean I'm going backwards."
4a. Nandor ducks into the room wearing his travel cloak, chin raised imperiously, and announces, "Guillermo! I am going out to track your useless sire and save your mortal soul. No need to thank me or anything." Guillermo immediately whips his head around to give Nandor an adoring smile, obediently saying "Thank you, Master!" with a heart. Nandor replies "Of course." 4b. Guillermo turns back to the camera with a glare, cheeks red and the ghostly blue glow intensifying behind him in an intimidating way. He points a finger at the camera and snaps "Shut. Up." /end ID
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mrghostrat · 5 months
This is something silly, no need to respond. But I only started following you relatively recently, mostly to keep track of your updates for BNF and ATWS, and then I saw that you wrote Mon Horrible Cheri too. Had a moment like "What? Really? I just read that recently?" because someone insta recommended it and I was like "well enemies to lovers human au, this is right up my alley" and because I never close any tab ever on my phone (currently on 300+ ao3 tabs rip) SURE ENOUGH there's Mon Horrible Cheri literally right next to the BNF and ATWS tabs, and I never noticed they shared the same writer.
Anyway, thanks for your hard work! I love your writing, and your fanart never fails to brighten my day. I shared your "Do you yearn" art with my Seinfeld obsessed friend (who hasn't watched GO but still appreciates it) and she was tickled by it too.
IT ME! i was going to joke “if it’s got ___ then it’s ghost rat” but had to pause to think of what would be recognisable in my writing
what makes yall think of a rat fic? 👀
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gods-graveyard · 2 months
I get-
Beta read fic's
Give opinions on works (art/writing)
Propose plot ideas and get your vibe
Share theories on what you think will happen (gotta gauge if foreshadowing is working or if its too apparent)
You get-
Fic commissions
Fanart commissions
(Yes these can include other fandoms besides HP)
Spoilers to my shit
Return beta read/advice for your works (if you want of course)
Edit- FANDOMS INCLUDE HP Golden era Marauders/Skittles Batfam (Even MORE info below)
___________________________________________________________ Me asking for Betas, but make it a cat for emotional manipulation
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My current works include-
"Ill Never Wear Your Broken Crown" Plot summary- Fix it AU w/ Slytherin Morally grey Harry trying to navigate the extended HP world and survive the constricting fate tied to "the boy who lived" Ships- Percy/Oliver/Marcus (ask about the rest due to spoilers) Length- Currently at 80k but planning to cover every book, realistically this will probably end up a stupidly long fic which is exactly why I want someone to bounce off of and keep track of all the strings im lining up. Need- Someone to bounce plot points off of, due to this being an AU a lot of canon is changing and while I have established a lot of change there are some things that remain murky and I would love help in ironing them out ahead of time
"Rose covered Graves" Plot summary- The Rosier twins own a mortuary/funeral home. Barty is the son of the sherrif and decides to intern there as rebellion/an escape from his "fate" but of course falls in love. Lots of supernatural funky stuff and bending the laws of reality, and might lean very heavily into crime drama genre. Ships- Barty/Evan, James/Regulus, Remus/Sirius, Dorcas/Marlene and Pandora/Lily (Rosekiller and Jegulus being main while the rest are background) Length- Short fic for my standards so under 100k, for now im aiming at a max cap out of like 50 but knowing myself that might spiral Need- Keep track of ships make sure everyone gets their moment to shine and charecterization/foreshadow stays consistant rather than gimicky
SO YEAH- Trying to keep this vauge so the post isnt stupidly long but you can absolutely dm/comment asking for more info and im very open to negotiations depending on what you are down for!
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azurlily · 1 year
Ok ok listennnnn mean girl! Historia au headcannons nsfw and sfw whatever you prefer I just need more mean girl historia fr
OH MY FUCKING GODDDDDDDDD YESSSS!!!!!!! PLEASE GOD YES WE BOW DOWN TO MEAN GIRL HISTORIA!!!! Historia as well as yourself are both seniors, so you're both 18.
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Mean Girl!Historia Reiss SFW and NSFW
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"Wow, you really are pathetic. Useless, weak, and pathetic. In every way."
I wonder how you got into this situation, you thought becoming friends with Historia would be easy because she looks so sweet. You learned the hard way she is anything but sweet.
Shes rough, and mean, and loves to tease you. She loves seeing you squirm, and blush, and look away in fear. She finds it amusing.
You saw her true colors at a sleepover. It was just you two and you were watching a movie. You woke up and it turns out she only invited you over as a dare. She found how sweet and kind you were funny, and couldn't help herself.
She posted about it all over social media and had plenty of fun making your life hell. Of course, only Historia is allowed to make your life miserable. If anyone else dares to, they're dead.
All you have to do is talk to her, maybe cry a bit and whoever it is, is gone the next day.
She is your bully after all so expect to be pushed into walls, lockers, doors. Anything really, she finds you trying to run away or tell her to stop cute.
You can't fight her though. While you might be able to win in a real fight, she'd destroy you in every other way. She'll take everything from you.
You're smart enough not to fight her, even if she's small enough that you could win.
She likes babying and coddling you. You're essentially her toy, plaything, pet, whatever. She owns you, wether she wants to be gentle or not is up to her. Usually she makes fun of you and degrades you, although, there are times where she treats you like you're a weak child in need of help.
She'll coo and play with your hair. Kiss you and tell you it's okay, she loves seeing how red you get. She's touchy even when she's bullying you, she expects you to be okay with it.
Historia refuses to let you pay for things. Doesn't matter, she'll buy you brand new clothes and expects to see you in them. She wants to see her plaything in the clothes she bought.
Historia is horrible during school! She loves to break you down, make you feel insecure, make you feel dumb. Of course in her eyes that's what you are. In her eyes you're a weak, insecure, little bunny who needs to be taken care of.
She intends to be the one to take good care of you.
Loves seeing you cry because it boosts her ego, seeing the tears run down your face as you look at her with wide puppy dog eyes. She laughs, smiles, and giggles just thinking about it.
Loves to hold her power, and family name over you. Oh you dont want to have a sleepover? Oh, maybe you should be careful... your dad/mom might loose their job.
She's hot and she knows it too. She loves seeing people(girl or guy) drool over her. Most of all she loves it when you try to look away while she has some hot new clothes on. She loves seeing you back and forth between her chest and ass.
There is a second way you could have caught her eye.
Historia genuinely doesn't understand why you wouldn't love her. She's perfect in her eyes, and in most others. So you can imagine you just not liking her. That's how she takes an interest in you. Because you don't adore her. Especially when shes being a bitch.
Historia will watch you for some time before finally deciding she wants you. When she decides she owns you, it's all over. You're either in heaven or hell. Depends on if you obey her or not.
As I said before you thought becoming her friend was easy. So when she starts being friendly your opinion of her changes. Then you see the real her and you're fucked.
Historia definitely buys you things just so she can keep a better tab on you. Oh your phone broke? Here's a new one! This one has a tracking device, but you don't know that...
Will buy you makeup just to see you cry in it when she's making fun of you. She finds it adorable, she loves the part where she takes you some where private and cleans you up. Cleaning your face and reminding you to be good, unless you want to earn a punishment.
I'd say her nonsexual punishments consist of ignoring you, being harsher than usual, leaving you alone with some of her meaner friends. She doesn't let any of them touch you. No she'd kill them if they tried.
Another punishment Historia would use is probably: taking away any and all things she bought(which is almost everything you own because she made sure).
Historia stakes her claim over you in her own way. She'll post pictures of you two all over social and the caption will be things like: my favorite toy, hanging out with my nerd, the queen x the geek.
She finds it funny. You do not.
All in all she really has no intention on letting you go. She's going to keep you until she find someone else. She never will though.
You hope, and beg, and pray that someone else will catch her eye, but they never do. She never looks at anyone else. She never feels the need to.
You're hers and you better start getting used to it.
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She's repressed her sexuality for years and I mean YEARS. So when she finally has you, she's horny all the time, she needs you. You'll let her take you, right?
She's so horny, she gets herself all riled up just by seeing you. She needs you, and she needs you now.
Historia is a switch, either power bottom or pleasure top. She loves seeing you cry as she overstimulates you. She also loves to cry out your name while you eat her out.
"Need, need, need you! P-please fuck me harder! Harder! God dammit!"
She has needs and expects you to fulfill them. If you dont? Well it doesn't end well for you.
Historia loves to reward you just as much as she loves to punish you. She'll find stupid reasons to punish you just so she can get off.
Historia pulls you aside and has you eat her out at parties when she desperately needs it.
She loves screaming your name, she finds it cute how you think you're in control. In reality all she has to do is snap her fingers and you're bent over, waiting, ready for her fingers and strap.
Historias strap is bubblegum pink. She loves it because she gets to joke that it matches your insides. She loves seeing you cum on it too.
Loves to see your cum dripping on her cock. Turns her on to the highest extent.
Historia loves to dress you up. Wether it's in lingerie or some bunny suit. She loves seeing it all. Loves seeing you all dressed up and ready for her.
She makes you wear skirts as a claim of ownership. The skirts will be just enough to pass school dress code. She'll make you take your underwear off for her. She'll hold onto them until she decides you've been good enough.
She gives you things as rewards. Sexually related ones, that is. She'll buy you new lingerie, necklaces, bracelets, collars, thigh highs, pants, skirts.
Anything, as long as you let her fuck you in it, she doesn't care.
Historia adores putting you in collars. She'll make you wear one that says "GOOD SLUT" in all caps and glittery pink. You can whine all you want, she's not letting you go.(she'd never make you wear it in school. She's too "nice")
She'll pull you into the locker room and you two will have angry make out sessions. She's mad because you look so damn cute and she wants you begging for her.
Historia goes crazy when you're too close to others. She's jealous and will take you into the room right next door and fuck you til you (s)cream.
She likes seeing you all embarrassed and shaking after fucking. She'll intentionally pull you into a room with people just to see if you know how to act right.
If you don't and piss her off or embarrass her. You're as good as dead. If you somehow manage not to fuck up. Expect a reward.(most likely a shopping day)
As I mentioned before she does nonsexual punishments. She also does sexual punishments. Those would include:
Putting a bullet vibrator in you and you have to wear it all day in school. She'll mark up your neck with hickeys and bite marks, and she wont let you cover them. Her favorite is when she'll rile you up all get, get you so, so, so ready for her...then she just leaves you all day.
Don't touch yourself. She will know. Doesn't matter if you can't because of a punishment, or if she just told you no.
You better listen, for better or for worse. Always remember who owns you.
Historias aftercare all depends on the status of your relationship. If it. was at the beginning when she saw you as a toy, she'd leave you. She'd expect you to be gone by the next morning and didn't feel the need(or want) to help you.
If it's by the time she has feelings for you and she's accepted it. She struggles with it, but she tries. She buys snacks and drinks she thinks you'll like.
(She tried doing research on aftercare once she developed feeling for you. She wont admit it though.)
She tries to be gentle and not so bitchy but it never works. She ends up just cleaning you up and feeding you snacks while looking at her phone.
She loves you, she does. She just refuses to make it known too well.
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lazlolullaby · 9 months
late hatching, a Batman Beyond and Batfam concept
I think i made myself clear as mud in my last post that the Batfam as it stands now in the comics does not mesh with the DCAU timeline.
but that doesn't mean the batfam can't come to Terry.
Special thanks to this fic (slice of life where Bruce is younger, has the fam but can't go vigilante anymore so they hire Terry to babysit) https://archiveofourown.org/works/44548396/chapters/112054687
and this series. (Balances dark and light very well, even if the Batfam grow and protect Gotham, Terry still gets the cowl) https://archiveofourown.org/series/1710604
So. Here's Cake #3!!! Ya'll enjoy and if you make something i'd be happy to see it!
TL;DR: Cassandra steals a delayed Damian from the League of Assassins, reunites him with his elderly genetic donor, and decides to stick around. Dick decides that he should probably keep a closer eye on the manor. More people come out if the dark streets of Gotham, ready to fight to keep it safe.
Batman II gains Pranking Auntie Black Bat, Worried Uncles Grayson and Drake, Mob Parents Jason and Roy, the gossipy PIs Signal and Spoiler, and Murder Child Robin. Terry gets an existential crisis, Matt gets a some emotional and physical wounds, and Mary gets some inheritance money.
AKA: Beyond limited capes AU.
From the top, chronologically:
Cassandra lost her chance to train with Batman. He refused, after the Incident with Tim Drake and the Joker. Even though she was a trained fighter, he can't risk it. He can't risk anyone. He points her in the right direction for help and keeps tabs like he does.
Cassandra is adopted by Nightwing and becomes the Batgirl of Bludhaven, eventually Black Bat on her own, focusing on saving other children forced into a life of cloak and dagger.
(Jason Todd was never written into the DCAU shows. He and Tim Drake were condensed for reasons. But let's presume he was there the whole time. They were friends on the streets. He was late trying to help Tim find out what was in the locker. He remembers Robin later trying to help him before suddenly leaving. Overlooked by Batman, thus overlooked by the Joker, the League of Assassins, and heroics in general. But he survived. Saw all of the pain and anger and just decided to run his little piece of Gotham how he likes it. No starving kids. No heroes or villains. Absolutely no Jokerz. Roy Harper comes to break it up but then goes: hey I'm sorry but the Drug Lord just got me clean off drugs so I'm gonna marry him.) They are older gay mob grandpas with their daughter Lian.
Since the Joker is dead, Duke's parents are not affected by the Venom. He still has an interest in vigilantes. He was able to track what happened to Robin. Batman scares him off, but he's still determined to help. So like comics canon, Bruce points him to learning opportunities. He ends up becoming a Private Investigator, of Signal and Spoiler fame.
Batman saves Stephanie Brown from her shot at the cape. They also work closely with Barbara Gordon. Stephanie is also an investigative journalist and busts open several mob and villain rings with the help of Duke, Jason, and silent help from Batman.
Cadmus sees all of these new Robins keep getting denied left and right. Concerned that Batman was needed, they go ahead with Project Batman Beyond.
Bruce discovers this. He creates a false paper trail. A company was illegally creating clones/children of the rich for blood transfusions and organ transplants. And the occasional "long lost heir" con. It was easy enough to add Terry and Matt to the list before exposing them.
Bruce went over to the Mcginnis household with a lawyer and an NDA. Terry and Matt don't have a legal right to the Family Fortune, but they do have a small trust fund to be given when they're 18. (small is relative when you're rich.)
Terry grows up. He gets the job at Wayne Manor. (With Mary's blessing, of course.)
Terry tracks down Dick Grayson and they have a agreement about weekly emails. He never comes to Gotham. (Batman II, fighting Nightwing: PER MY LAST EMAIL-) Dick doesn't show up at the Manor at all. Not until Terry sees him scrubbing the Joker Graffiti off of the Batcave walls.
Now everything after this is post-ROTJ movie.
And then. Damian. The League of assassins has been trying to recreate Batman as well. But all of the clones consistently die around their 8th birthday. So the project was delayed by decades. They accepted a work around with the splicing tech. Damian wasn't originally related to Bruce and Talia. But they overwrote his DNA to truly make him the Heir. They were training him to take over the Batman mantle - he wasn't ready to do it yet, but then Terry as Batman II pops up. Damian is angry. Cassandra is able to sneak in and use that to smuggle him out to Gotham.
so now the Manor starts filling up with Dick, Cass, Damian, and occasionally Tim and Terry gets moved to a less hectic shift. He's bounced off of solo vigilante status and now has to contend with Cassandra and Damian following him around.
The official story is that the Cloning and corporate espionage happened and now Dick Grayson came back to Gotham to help his elderly father raise his clone and handle his affairs. He brought his security detail, Cassandra. Also they get Titus the emotional support dog for Damian.
Mary Mcginnis calls Bruce and renegotiates the terms of the NDA, since the cat's out of the bag. She sits Terry and Matt down and tells them that they're not genetically related to Warren. Terry. Does not take it well. Matt is confused and sad.
Damian hears about this and tries to kill Matt both as a "thing the League trained him to do" and "he's like me why does he get to be happy?" anger and jealousy over his life.
Batman II is seen wrangling a brightly colored child and demanding that he not stab his brother. Matt recognizes the wrangling and figures out who's under the cowl.
There are now officially two Robins. Pray you get the one without a sword.
(that's it it's just Terry adjusting from being a Single Child of Batman to being a Middle Child of the Batfam)
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Drafted all the stuff I need done, and could do with something cheerful, so... This isn't really a whole scene, its just some silly hours that were in my head. With the whole taking old games back to the ship to give people something to do, and sure Etoiles is the most competitive, but nobody said anything about everyone else...
XCOM au, but really it's just Pac, Mike, Felps, Cellbit, and Bagi playing Mario Kart (wii version as its the one I know best)
Bagi wakes up to shrieking laughter, and is never more thankful for the sound-cancelling earplugs issued as standard to the entire team. She rolls over - the clock on the wall says she has an hour and a half before her shift, and sat on the floor of the common room are four very familiar faces. Felps is on the couch, almost serene as he sits crossed legged above the chaos below - Mike, leaning over Pac to try and grab Cellbit's controller with a scream of "Bitch!" as Cellbit laughs. Pac is leant back, trying to keep his controller from the chaos. Only his and Felps' characters managing to keep their vehicles on track.
She yawns, and sits up - oh, Christ, Mario Kart.
Somehow the people on the other seven bunks are sleeping through this but, again, sound cancelling earplugs as standard.
"Morning," she yawns in their direction, already thinking about a coffee from the kitchens down below.
Hmmm coffee.
"Morning!" Cellbit leans around of the sofa, mischief in his grin. "Do you want to tab in?"
"Not if you're tagging out," Bagi looks back at the clock, and counts. "Let me grab a shower and you're dead meat."
Cellbit and Mike's squabbling continues.
When she gets back ten minutes later, Felps is now in on the argument, and it seems an intense debate over whether Super Mario Galaxy is a happy game or not.
"Bagi!" Pac and Mike are even more in synch than usual today, matching expressions and tones as they speak. Mike turns back to the argument, seemingly having a blast, while Pac waves his controller and carries on, "help? Or steal a controller and play with me while they fight."
Bagi steals Felps', left unattended to one side. She and Pac are two laps into an especially viscous run of Mushroom Gorge. She's Roselina in a tank of a car, and Pac's playing Peach on a motorbike, and she can only laugh when Cellbit's offended "you started without us!" comes out a bit like a dejected cat.
They are both cat hybrids, but that's really besides the point.
(She hasn't seen his claws since they were children - did he learn better control or something? Doesn't seem like Cellbit, but what does she know of him now?)
"At the end of this race," Pac promises.
"Do you need me to sit out?" Felps offers. "Bagi has my controller anyway, I'm happy to watch."
"You can have mine," Mike offers, a slight wicked grin in his eyes. "Pac and I are only on call for another ten minutes, so I might just go lie down."
"Don't you fucking dare-" starts Cellbit, except that Felps takes the controller and laughs Mike away.
Mike goes and takes the bunk Bagi had been sleeping on, grabbing a clean pillow and then immediately face-planting into the sheets. It's unusually fast - a few seconds later Pac, just over the finish line, turns to her. His eyes aren't right - not brown, and neither green nor blue, but a pale shade somewhere between the two.
He raises a finger to his lips with a wicked, Mike-shaped grin, before turning back to watch Bagi finish the race.
There's not really time for her to think much about that as a fight starts over which track to play. She refuses any part in it, and then goes and selects random anyway.
Rainbow Road.
"Baaaaaaaagi," Cellbit whines for all of a second before curling over his controller, eyes fixed in concentration.
Pac, similarly, knuckles down and prepares for the race.
Felps flexes his wrists - he'd been advocating for it anyway.
Bagi cracks her neck, and sets to work.
It starts with extreme focus, quickly breaking when she sends a red shell straight into Felps, and earns a soft kick between the shoulderblades as it knocks him off the course. That one kick sets everything off - Cellbit elbows Pac to try distract him, only to be the one distracted in turn. Bagi swoops in, using her car's superior weight to drive Pac's bike from the course.
There's laughter winning out as three of the four of their cars are fished out of the depths of space.
It's also time for Cellbit to notice Pac's eyes and yell a quick, "that's cheating!"
"How's it cheating?" Pac asks. "It's the best way for all five of us to play."
The smirk on his face says he absolutely knows it's cheating. Bagi, with only half an idea what's going on, joins him anyway.
"Don't you love Pac?" she asks on his behalf. "And Mike? Why would you not want them to play?"
Bagi, distracted defending him - them? She isn't sure what pronouns to use when Pac and Mike are possessing each other, let alone like this where they seem even more unified than usual - drives herself off the course.
"Oh, fucking shit-bitches," she swears as she's fished back up, the others now taking the lead.
Above her, Felps cackles, while beside her both Pac and Cellbit giggle in their own ways.
Bagi isn't even sure who wins the race, in the end - it quickly devolves into pushing each other off the track, so probably an AI, and she thinks only Pac (and Mike) ever finished.
It doesn't matter though - no sooner is Rainbow Road over than she downs her coffee, slams random track again, and this time she's determined to /win/.
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years
hello would you mind sharing your dark! Ranboo thoughts?? 👀👀
Anon you're going to need to be a little more specific /j. Name any character and I probably have at least three AU about them yoinking Techno and being protective of him, that genre is my lifeblood. That counts for peerpressure duo even more so because I love them 🥺
I'm assuming you mean the canon divergent I mentioned though. It's really simple: what if Ranboo finds out Techno only has one life. I mean, finding out any of your close friends only has one life is already worry inducing. But this is Technoblade we're talking about.
Technoblade, who has more enemies than allies on the server. Technoblade, who has a tendency to put himself in dangerous situations with little regard to his own safety. Technoblade, who is the only one who has ever had an entire hunting party out for his blood (Ranboo would know, he was part of that one).
Technoblade, who has come frighteningly close to dying several times when you think about it.
The butcher army, the green festival, doomsday, putting himself between the egg and his friends, going into the prison. Techno is... not very good at keeping out of harm’s way for somebody with only one life.
And sure, that’s because Techno is confident in his own abilities and he hasn’t died yet so there’s probably some merit to that. But Ranboo is an anxious mess and doesn’t trust a lot of people. He’s also the type of person who often thinks he’s the most correct one always and knows what’s best for others better than they themselves do sooooo-
He’d start by just hovering and trying to keep track of where Techno was going whenever he leaves the arctic, always joining him. And maybe he tries to keep tabs on other people on the server too, see if any of them are planning revenge. But Techno’s going to get mildly annoyed by that sooner or later plus he’s not like, going to just announce his every move to Ranboo for him to stalk him. Maybe there’s some kind of thing that pushes Ranboo over the edge? Maybe it’s dying and getting revived. Maybe it’s something much simpler like Techno getting hurt and now that Ranboo knows about the one life thing it just hits a lot harder.
Something is going to snap.
I’ve thought of two general directions here.
a) The arctic is already pretty secluded so it’s entirely possible Ranboo would just try and keep Techno isolated there. Now, the issue with this is obviously Phil. Either Ranboo would need to convince Phil somehow that this is totally a normal and sane thing to do (unlikely, but if you enjoy dark!Phil there’s probably a way) OR Ranboo has to go for the two for one bargain and yoink Phil too. The old man only has one life as well. Ranboo wants to protect Phil.
OR MY PREFERRED OPTION, b) Ranboo enlists Tubbo’s help. See it’s probably not easy to convince Tubbo to help him protect Techno (unless you set this like, post revival and post saving Michael and fireworkduo have been bonding) but it’s probably an option to convince Tubbo that Techno’s a danger to the server and needs to be locked up - kinda like Dream in the prison but more humane. So they just yoink him and find some place to keep him in Snowchester. Maybe they can even rope Tommy into it (a Tommy who is freshly dealing with Wilbur leaving and is really scared of anybody else he cares about leaving him or dying?) and then you can make it dark!benchtrio which is a trope that probably appeals to me and me only.
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thefourchimes · 18 days
Fun fact, I’ve reached the point where I need to have two tabs of the same encanto au doc open in separate screens just to keep track of the entire au and its details, especially as I’m tackling the rough timeline of the au now
Currently at 187 pages
It’s fun (and my brain hurts sometimes—or a lot)
Good news though, the ideas are abundant tonight, and I’m using it to my full advantage
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memes-in-a-half-shell · 11 months
Villain AU - Deadlock, Part 5
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 ||
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smooth_criminal: idk, must be some kind of chess nerd.
She too had noticed that Bishop name on the investors' list. Getting that question from Donatello confirmed that this was a new face in the game, or at least one that usually knew how to cover their tracks efficiently.
smooth_criminal: Is that the new target you want me to look into? HookedOnCoffee: Not yet. I need to think. Things are getting a bit complicated... smooth_criminal: How so?
The answer took some time to come in.
HookedOnCoffee: Lack of trust.
A grunt escaped Vee. For what? The info she gave him? Herself? His own team?
smooth_criminal: Gotta be more specific, turtle.
She couldn't afford being tossed to the side this early, especially considering the advance she got from her mysterious client.
HookedOnCoffee: The others don't want an external presence in the investigation.
"Fuck 'em," hissed Vee.
She pushed herself away from her desk, walking away only to crash on her bed in the nearby bedroom. A muffled grumble left her, face planted in her pillow. Thinking fast wasn't her forte tonight, yet she knew she had to bring a new idea on the table in order to keep the mutant invested in her. ... Nonchalant, she brought a nearby tablet to her, starting to scroll through its content mindlessly. Landing back on the project Renaissance's information, she decided to revise it lightly. Maybe that would hype her again to truly keep this mission alive...
Skipping some pages, she landed on a listing of who was working on what, as well as a mention of contributors and commissioners. Frowning, Vee stopped as her gaze landed on the name "Bishop".
"Who the hell are you...," she mumbled to herself, already starting a search for any other mentions of that name.
The results were very few, but she did find some other instances that were listed alongside the initials "E.P.F." In a rush, she jumped out of bed and headed back to her computer. She briefly saw another message from Donatello, but disregarded it at first and prefered to open a new browser tab. Her queries were basic at first:
>> E.P.F. >> What is E.P.F. >> Bishop E.P.F. >> Who is Bishop >> Bishop Eternal Poopstain Fucker
"Come on, brain, wake up," groaned Vee, unable to find anything sustainable.
She hopped back to her conversation with the terrapin, finally seeing what he had written.
HookedOnCoffee: That doesn't reflect my view on this matter. I want to prove them wrong, and I hope you can show them you're trustworthy.
She paused. ... It certainly was a wonder to see how adamant he now seemed to include her in this operation.
smooth_criminal: Aww, cute. You like me already!
His response was almost immediate:
HookedOnCoffee: Don't get some high hopes. I simply recognize talent when I see it.
That brought a smile to Vee's face. His enthusiasm was worthy of calling him a 'sweet summer child', but she did admire his convictions.
smooth_criminal: Speaking of hope, I was wondering (hoping) you'd know something about "E.P.F."? HookedOnCoffee: No idea. Where's that coming from? smooth_criminal: I found a mention of Bishop in the project Renaissance files. Alongside it were those initials... I found nothing online about that, nor Bishop.
Gosh, she hoped she wasn't making a faux-pas by mentioning the project...
HookedOnCoffee: Interesting. HookedOnCoffee: Let's meet up and discuss.
"Woah there, mister," puffed Vee, not expecting such request.
smooth_criminal: What about your dear ol' family? Won't they be pissed if you do that? HookedOnCoffee: They don't need to know. For now.
That brought a quick laugh out of the woman, highly entertained by this sudden rebel strike of his. Was she inspiring him?
smooth_criminal: That's what I'm talking about! smooth_criminal: And to reward this initiative, plus prove you can trust me, we can meet up at my place. smooth_criminal: but that'll have to wait close to the weekend. Right now I'm swamped.
She had to up her game if she wanted to get into his good graces.
HookedOnCoffee: Can't get your phone number, but going to your place is cool? ... I don't understand you. smooth_criminal: I don't understand myself either. Glad we agree on that! smooth_criminal: Take the offer or leave it, turtle. Dunno what you want to talk about, but if you want to join our searches together, that'll be a good step forward. HookedOnCoffee: Count me in.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Finally back on tracks, Vee forwarded him her address, alongside an ideal date and time to meet up. She fluttered her legs happily, making her chair swivel. Getting a look around her apartment at the same moment, her lips formed a thin line.
"Fuck. I'll have to clean around..."
It was always so easy to lure his family away. Giving the pretense that he needed to go scavenge for some electronics was the ideal excuse for him to be left alone - especially if he needed to get topside by himself. The trek to Vee's place was easy and pleasant at first, until a storm slowly crept its way over the city. The joys of spring.
He found the apartment building, aiming for her floor as he scaled down the fire escape stairs from the rooftop. As he reached for her window he paused, feeling somewhat weird to arrive at this new place - a woman's place nonetheless! Finally knocking on the glass that gave view into her living room, he soon spotted Vee making her way towards him. She gasped after opening the window, noticing the heavy downpour.
"Fuck, wait! Let me go grab some towels."
As she rushed away, the turtle took a moment to glance inside furthermore. The place seemed small, the living and kitchen areas melding together, and he guessed that there was only one bedroom and a bathroom. When the woman reappeared, he finally got a view at her frame. She was wearing jeans and a tank top - which gave a nice sight on her cleavage... Keep it together.
He was allowed to step in, Vee tossing him several towels as she also started to forcefully pat the water off of him.
"I don't want you to mess any furniture or my tech. Otherwise I'll slap you."
"Oh, I'm so scared," replied the terrapin, amused.
She dismissed his comment with a quick grimace, then offering him to remove any gear he wanted to let dry on towels left aside. Finally settled, the woman stood before him, hands on her hips as she laid out some rules:
"First of all, do NOT try to log back into my stuff while you're here. I was able to push you out once, I can push you out again. Please respect my privacy."
"I already agreed to that, what else?"
"Don't go snooping around my place. It's small and I know where everything's at. If you touch something, I'll know."
"Didn't know I was in the presence of a dragon."
That brought a quick chuck out of Vee: "Fun fact, they're my favorite mythical creatures."
"Another rule, or we're gonna share more info as if we're playing a get-to-know-you game?"
"Rule number three, don't be an ass. And rule number four-" she made her way towards the small kitchen, getting some wine glasses out. "- when we're here, we drink. What's your age?"
"Oh now you're asking me how old I am," smiled the terrapin, coming her way, then leaning against a countertop. "I thought you were just going to hand me a drink out of nowhere, like last time."
"I was too focused on leaving with class, I do have a dramatic flair as well."
After pouring some red wine, she offered him a glass.
"I'll be thirty-one in October," answered Donnie as he took it. "So we're basically in the same age group."
Vee whistled low: "Looking swell for an old man."
"Same goes to you, old woman."
They both took a first sip, Donatello appreciating the flavor for a moment.
"You got good taste, I'll give you that," he commented.
Vee jokingly flipped her hair, letting out an "I know" as she made her way next to her computer desk. Setting herself in her chair, she unlocked the screens, revealing notes and some of the Renaissance files opened.
"You wanted to discuss, let's do so," she started.
As her eyes fell back on the mutant she frowned lightly. She had no seat to offer to him, and she sure as hell wasn't going to offer him one of her weak kitchen chairs. Guessing her questionnement, Donnie simply knelt down beside her, his new height allowing him to rest his forearms on the desk.
"No worries, I'm cool like this," he reassured. He then vaguely pointed the screen: "Turns out 'E.P.F.' stands for 'Earth Protection Force'."
"Wait. Where did you get that information?" Vee was already scrambling through her opened windows, trying to find any mentions of what he just said.
"I have my ways to find things off the grid, and I want to offer some of my tools to you so we can be on the same level."
That slowed the woman down, somehow incredulous.
"... Wait, you'd do that just like that for someone you barely know?"
He shrugged: "Why not? I feel like you'd make good use of it. Unless I should be worried?"
"Any sane person would be!"
A quick flash appeared in the room, surprising both. It was quickly followed by thunder, the air slightly shaking in its roar.
"Look, do you want to help me, or not?" asked the male next. "I can't have you be slowed down by generic tools."
Vee slumped back into her chair with a sigh.
"I mean, sure," she said. "I just hope your thing doesn't have anything suspicious in it."
"I think now we're past that point of questioning eachother's stuff. Trust me."
He got back up and headed for his backpack he had left near where he entered.
"It's a simple installation," he continued, still searching around. "It'll allow you to get past government firewalls, dig deeper into queries, and basically uncover anything that is usually hidden to the public." He got a small USB device out with a grin. "I'll teach you how to use it!"
And right after his words another lightning appeared, its crash closer this time. Power was instantly lost, plunging the small apartment into darkness.
"Are you FUCKING kidding me?!" let out Vee.
That made the mutant laugh, a quiet snort escaping him.
"That was a good, yet unfortunate timing," he said next.
"I guess we wait now..."
With a sigh, she grabbed her glass and got up, trying to aim for her couch next. She heard some movement as well from Donnie's side, which was enough to distract her and for her leg to hit her coffee table in the dark. She was about to lose balance, but was quickly stabilized by the turtle's grasp around her free hand and forearm. Dang, now she remembered how big he truly was... Her fingers got a chance to graze across his scales, taking in the texture and realizing how thick his skin seemed like. Great, she thought quickly with slight annoyance, I may need a stronger needle...
"Thanks," she quickly mumbled, both then letting go of eachother.
Vee finally settled down on the couch, taking a well-deserved sip of wine. It didn't take long before she felt a dip into the seat, her body instantly falling towards the terrapin's mass and clashing into his form.
"Oh shit! I'm sorry!" he let out.
That brought the woman to spit some of her drink back into her glass, instantly laughing right after. Maybe it was the adrenaline of being so close all of a sudden; Vee couldn't quite control her reactions.
"No worries, I just didn't expect it," she said. "I can't see shit!"
Man, this guy was well-toned as fuuuuuuuuuuuc- Sitting straighter, the woman returned to her drink, letting the sound of rain fill the space instead for a moment. Allowing for this silence to reign made the gears of her mind work, almost regretting the next words leaving her mouth:
"You know... I'm starting to wonder why you need my help, really." She tried to find his gaze, but her eyes were not quite yet adjusted to the darkness. "You look and sound like you can handle yourself with all that research stuff. Won't I slow you down or something?"
The turtle hummed, first taking a sip of wine.
"Sure I can find my way through anything," he started. "And I can always let an algorithm work for me whenever I'm either away or asleep... but there's always a margin for errors and details can get omitted. Meanwhile-" Vee saw the faint silhouette of his hand get up, a finger tapping to his temple. "A living brain gets to see nuances and make connections where a machine can't. And that's what I need right now."
He took another sip, probably finishing his drink as he next left his glass on the nearby coffee table.
"And that is actually a great segway into something I wanted to talk about. ... You found Bishop's mention into the project Renaissance documents; why were you looking through that in the first place? I asked you before why you were seeking information about it, but never got an answer."
Oh boy. Vee finished her glass as well, trying to find something good to say. The deep rumble of thunder rattled through her brain, opting for an innocent approach.
"I was curious?" she started. "The information was unknown to me, and like I said when we met previously; if I don't know something, that'll only push me to get to know more about it."
"What do you intend to do with that information?"
She noticed how his tone was now serious and somewhat deeper. Unwillingly, she started to feel some fear deep within her - which she would never confess about.
"I just want to know what I'm dealing with," she replied.
"You're not thinking about selling anything you know to any good offers?"
He had said that while getting closer, his intimidation act somehow now sending shivers along Vee's spine.
"I wouldn't have anything really sustainable to sell, anyway." The woman tried to keep her cool. "Most information I've found was incomplete."
She risked leaving her hand against the terrapin's chest, stopping his motion.
"You said you want me to show how trustworthy I can be, then let this be your proof. I will never sell the information I've read."
But I can easily sell anything related to it... Her spoken word did seem to bring some calm onto Donnie, a quiet and relieved sigh leaving him. This time Vee was the one to get closer, her hold shifting to one of his mask's tails. She replaced her fear with enticement, speaking so close to his jaw:
"Don't worry, I won't stab you in the back. I don't think I could anyway with that shell of yours."
She released him next, getting up instead and grabbing the empty glasses so she could bring them to the kitchen. Donnie prefered to remain silent at that moment, attempting to bring the rapid pace of his heart to a calmer beat. He could still feel the touch of her hand on his plastron and the ghost of her lips so close to his face...
"I'm guessing those concerns of me selling any information is also part of your family's lack of trust towards me?" rose up Vee's voice once more from the shadows.
The turtle's attention snapped back to her.
"For the most part, yes."
"I get it, and I don't blame them."
Donnie couldn't help noting a faint trace of melancholy in her tone. At once, he did realize that her world was probably feeling very small - with most people surely having little to no confidence in her due to her occupation. His conscience got him to stand up, approaching the woman's position. He couldn't explain why, but if he could bring her any peace and comfort, he'd do so in a heartbeat... He felt Vee's gaze in the dark, her small frame a sudden magnet to the depths of the mutant's soul.
"Need something?" her words echoed timidly.
Suddenly he needed everything...
The power came back, illuminating the frozen scene they were now in. Donnie finally realized his position; standing so close to the human who had backed up against the countertop. His eyes grew slightly, suddenly ashamed of his behavior. With a quick clear of his throat he got his device out of his pocket, pointing towards the computer's direction with it.
"Let's get this installed and I'll give you a quick rundown of it."
((Part 6))
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pilots-and-protons · 11 months
Been thinking about headcanons for the sort of nebulous, non-existent Omegaverse Voyager AU that likes to rattle around inside my brain. Decided I should maybe post some now and again.
You know, the AU where Tom Paris has been hiding that he’s an Omega since joining Starfleet. His father expected another in a long line of family Alphas, both Captains and Admirals, and ended up disappointed. Somewhere that disappointment turned into Tom’s father expecting him to play out the role of an Alpha anyways, and since Starfleet is so stringent with scent blockers and suppressants, all it takes is a lot of false bravado and some very high scores on the flight sims. No one even suspects a thing, since to actually ask would be an offence, and when everyone sees the red uniform they just assume that Tom’s an Alpha (like his father, and his grandmother, and every other goddamn Paris before him). 
So Tom just... doesn’t bother to correct them.
There’s nothing actually keeping Omegas or Betas from the Command-track in Starfleet, but most graduates end up being Alphas anyways because of their more brash qualities and general penchant for choosing positions of leadership. There also isn’t anything keeping Tom from telling the truth about his status (after all, the doctor for his physicals knows even if she wouldn’t ever tell), except the looming feeling that his very existence is somehow a disappointment to his father. There’s also the small, gnawing desire that maybe, just maybe, if he lies to enough people and follows the path his father expects of him, someday he won’t feel like such a failure.
Until the accident at Caldik Prime happens, and he’s basically a failure anyways. It’s ironic that the first time Tom really tells the truth about something, it ends as badly as he always feared it would. With no more Starfleet, no more protocols, he’s both free but also adrift. Lurking around at Chez Sandrine’s he finally goes off the suppressants and the scent blockers, tries to be the complete opposite of what his father expected and go full-throttle into being an Omega - whatever that’s even supposed to mean.
Except, all he gets is a bunch of assholes assuming he’s a whore because he’s a drifter, he likes to talk and he’s pretty. If nothing else, he’d thought acting the part of a coy Omega might help him hustle at pool. Instead no one wants to play him, the ever-changing crowd of Alphas always trying to show him “how it’s done” - as if he couldn’t wipe the floor with half the patrons. It makes him feel cheap, knowing that the Alphas seem to only care if he’ll put out, but at least he can sometimes get his bar tab payed before giving them the runaround.
By the time the Maquis come calling, he’s started on the suppressants again but is still drowning in the drink. Couldn’t make it as an Alpha, can’t seem to make it as an Omega either. Chakotay must still think he’s some Alpha hotshot though, because there’s a lot of glaring and posturing before he agrees to let Tom fly (and to pay the last of his drinking debts). It’s ironic to him, later, to find out that the “Big Maquis Boss” is actually an Omega too - something Tom learns from a few muted conversations when the crew don’t realize he’s still lurking nearby. Apparently Chakotay just has to act like a Pack Alpha to keep the less honorable Maquis in his squad from pulling shit behind his back. And that makes Tom feel even more sick, seeing that maybe if he wasn’t such a failure he could have pulled it off too - living as an Omega in some position of authority without being laughed out an airlock like his father always warned.
But then he gets caught on his first real mission and thrown into prison. The final indignity is that the prison intake officer takes one look at the glare on his face and the last name in his file and agrees to provide him with suppressants. “Don’t need another hard-headed Alpha causing problems” they say, and Tom can’t even find the will to correct them. At least it would probably keep the other inmates off his back. 
By the time Captain Janeway comes calling, Tom’s built up a hard shell - buried the weak and pathetic Omega inside himself so deep in failures and suppressants, that it’s easy to play the smart-mouth and pretend like he’s as tough as he sounds.
It’s funny, how Janeway is so tiny compared to him, and yet even from a mile away he could see she was an Alpha. She practically oozed confidence and a calm, level head for leadership when she offered him the position as an “observer” on her ship. And how could Tom say no to a person like that?
It just meant that for the next few days, he’d have to remember what it was like to pretend again - to play the proper Starfleet Alpha, even if there was no rank to his name and no position to fill. 
Tom doesn’t know if it’s an ingrained Omega need to help, or the self-taught Alpha drive to protect that he’d tried so hard to cultivate, but something sends him stalking across Quark’s after some floundering newbie that’s clearly about to be swindled. It isn’t until much later - after declarations of friendship, being stranded in a new quadrant, and a field commission that suddenly feels like it might be based on a lie - that Tom is flabbergasted to find the gentle, dedicated, and friendly Harry whom he’d rescued in that space station bar is somehow a goddamn Alpha.
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h-of-ts-sams-au · 11 months
~{Holder Of The Stars}~
TSAMS AU Ch 2. “The journey of four”
Sun and Snow were currently talking with each other, sibling bonding. Moon was explaining what happened and asking computer about how the newton star was made.
“Moon has required a password for the blueprints to the Newton star. Or the Reality Star.” Computer said “I can tell you because. Well. You are moon, but Bald one and Snowflake must get out of the room”
Snowflake looked at sun with a confused smirk, “Bald one?” She asked
“Don’t- computer why” Sun said. “Ha ha ha. I am only kidding Sun. But seriously. Get out of the room please.” Computer said, “I cannot say it until you are out of earshot”
“Fine” Sun said with a sigh, heading out of the room. A few minutes later Moon came out and called them back in. Sun looked at computer’s screen and it was showing blueprints to the Newton star.
There were lots of magic symbols and steps. Sun opened the book and flipped through the pages, “alright so here it says…we can’t make another star if it already exists in this world” Sun spoke “so the blueprints are basically useless?” Moon asked, “No, no, maybe it’ll be helpful somehow? Computer can you keep that tab open?” Sun asked, “Yes. I can Sun. But it will be deleted if someone other than you or moon tries to open it.”
“Got it, thanks” Sun said, “so what now?” Moon asked, sun continued flipping through the book, then he stopped and flipped back two pages, “wait…it says that the stars have an emergency protocol?” He said, “It says that ‘stars are capable of tracking other stars’?” Sun hummed a bit, then turned to snowflake, “Hey, do you know how to do that?”
“I don’t know, I’ve never tried…”
“Okay, uhm, here it says that… you’re supposed to say ‘Guide me to the ones that hold’.”
Snowflake nodded and held up the star with both hands.
“Guide me to the ones that hold!” She said.
The star began to glow brighter and then summoned different colored compasses. Light blue, green, red, and purple, all seemed to be pointing in different directions.
“Alright Welp. If this is avengers shit then I’m guessing…” Moon mumbled
“Blue is the space star, Green is the time star, Red is the Reality star, the one Eclipse has, and purple is the power star!” Sun finished.
“Which one should we follow first?” Sun asked. “Well, we could probably use the red one later” Moon responded, “let’s follow the green one” Snowflake said, “time would probably be helpful”
The others agreed, and Moon hummed a bit, “Computer, is there any way I can take you along?” Moon asked, “Yes. Actually there is.” Computer responded, “In your drawer over there, the old you made a small body for me made of nanobots. Essentially I am a talking watch until you need me. Then I can materialize into a proper animatronic.”
Moon dug around in his drawer and found a smartwatch, the screen was currently black and it had a USB Attached to it, “alright do I just plug this in…?”moon asked, “exactly. My twin will take over in this body as I go into that one”
“sweet, alright” Moon plugged the USB in and within about five minutes, computer spoke again, “It’s done” he said
“Why was I forced awake?” A higher-pitched voice from the computer spoke, “Uh, Sorry….monitor…?”
“Monitor?” Sun asked with a snicker, “I don’t know, this one’s computer and the other one is monitor-“
“Moon. Answer my question” Monitor interrupted. “Sorry, sorry, we’re taking your twin on our little…adventure thingy, can you keep the security in check while we’re gone?”
“As you wish, moon” Monitor answered.
After a while, Computer was now fully in the wristwatch and Moon put it on.
The wristwatch had a little face on it which was probably computer.
“Alright…should we pack anything or just like- leave?” Sun asked
“Eh, I’m just going to text Monty that we’ll be gone for a while so he won’t panic” Moon answered, pulling up his phone on his wrist and then texting Monty and sending it.
“Done, alright let’s go”. Moon said
Sun, Moon, and Snowflake as well as computer then left the daycare.
Ch1: https://www.tumblr.com/h-of-ts-sams-au/720991545121210368/holder-of-the-stars
Ch 2: (you are here!)
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jellicle-chants · 1 year
This is me *not so subtly* sliding into your Inbox to ask more about your Speakeasy AU - you had mentioned characters having certain jobs based on archetypes/roles; would you be able to give us more in regards to what the rest of them do as well? (I'm also interested in the bit you talked about regarding their backgrounds, or where they were before the AU!)
Yes, I can totally talk about everyone’s jobs!!
First, there are the littles (AKA kids under 10), which for now consist of Jemima, Pouncival, and Tumblebrutus. Electra and Etcetera might also end up falling under this category, but I’m not sure what to do with them yet.
Old Deuteronomy owns a secondhand story officially called The Jellicle Ball but lovingly referred to by the community as The Junkyard. It has everything one could ever want, from garden tools to antique books to furniture to things you didn't even know you needed until he hands it over to you with a wink and a smile.
Munkustrap sometimes works the register, but he also moonlights as a sort of investigator for the neighborhood — he's not a hired gun, but he will certainly help track down a missing pet or stolen items. Mostly, he keeps tabs on Macavity, who runs a crime ring reaching far and wide across the city. Macavity also owns a range of various illegal businesses from brothels to speakeasies (in fact, the only semi-popular bar that he doesn't own is Deme and Bomba's, a fact he's not too happy about). Munk is also raising Jemima, his niece (Mac's daughter), ever since she was left on his doorstep. Plato is Munk's apprentice, although he's often too busy herding his little brothers Pounce and Tumble to pay much attention to what's going on.
Bustopher Jones is a wealthy expatriate from England who lives in a rather expansive house (for the city, at least). He was involved in some war in his past, although which one, what branch of the military he worked for, and what he actually did are much harder to pin down. He's retired now, and mostly spends his days as a socialite going out with his friends (including Old Deut) and donating to various projects throughout the neighborhood. When he came to the States, he brought Jennyanydots along with him as his long-time housekeeper. Her two kids, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, are technically Bustopher's wards, but they don't listen to him (or their mother) much at all, preferring to spend the remainder of their teenage years refining their breaking-and-entering skills.
Jellylorum and Asparagus run the Queen Victoria Theatre after taking over the reins from their dad, Gus. He used to own many more theatres in both the US and UK after a long and varied career as an actor himself, but myriad accidents and bombed shows have forced the family to give up all but this one. It's sometimes hard to balance the budget, but the community helps the best they can (especially Bustopher, who insists that the siblings are the only ones in town keeping the British theatre tradition alive).
The Magical Mr. Mistoffelees (AKA Quaxo) is a stage magician who has a running show at the Queen Vic. It's not enough to get by on, so he shares an apartment with his sister Victoria, a ballet dancer, and Cassandra, a contortionist who works as his stage assistant. Recently, two of Cassandra's old friends from the circus, Coricopat and Tantomile, have moved to town, so they're staying there for the time being as well. During the day while everyone else is out, they do tarot and palm readings at the kitchen table. (Whether or not Misto and the twins actually have mystical abilities is still under consideration.)
And, last but not least, Skimbleshanks is a local trolley car engineer. No big backstory, he's just a simple railway cat. :)
(Any character I didn't mention here I still haven't decided what to do with yet. I'm also thinking about adding my and/or other people's OCs to fill out the background characters!)
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