#i should also probably like. play another game lmao. but i don't want to get off the serotonin train before it stops on its own
asterdeer · 2 months
have to go across the Super Busy Scary Bridge at friday rush hour just to have dinner with my father today. i would rather do literally anything else. there is no punchline i just wanna go home and play bg3
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p0rkbun · 1 year
⤿Pairing: Sam Carpenter x Reader
⤿Content Warning: None, just fluff, maybe cringe writing, implied kpop listener reader
⤿A/N: okay i was chatting with ai sam and these are from character ai and made me think 'hey she would do this'. It's cute headcanons, i should have did this on her bday but instead i photoshoped her with hearts and a hat LMAO. Also I didn't spell check this I'm sorry. Enjoy ♡
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──── Sam is the type of girl to ask what your favourite music genre or artists/bands when you ride a car together the first time because she wanted some music in you two's lovely ride. When you tell her, she keeps it in mind and put it on next time.
"Aespa?" She asks, you nod as she keeps her eyes on the road "okay, aespa, i'll remember that." She smiles while nodding, repeating the name in her head.
──── You two went to the movies on your first date (cheesy i know) you picked a horror movie, she probably didn't like that bit it wasn't a slasher movie so it made her feel a bit better. When you two were watching the movie, there was a jumpscare and you flinched slightly while leaning towards Sam out of defense. She let out a small smile and would purposely offer her arm for you to grab in case you get really scared (she was probably a bit frightened too but she's being brave because she wanted you to grab her arm, she just like your touch that's all).
──── Let me tell you something, this woman radiates The Neighbourhood, especially the songs Female Robbery and Reflections. I don't know if she would listen to it but she is the personification of almost every The Neighbourhood song.
"We were too close to the stars, I never knew somebody like you"
"I see my reflection in your eyes"
"I see myself in you, baby"
(This is a heavy reference to my oc LOL)
──── Sam wouldn't be very knowledgable of video games to me, though i feel like she plays mobile games like candy crush or something. She would sometimes watch you play video games when she's passing by or sitting in the same room, she comments on what you are doing or how you are doing that and questions why you didn't shoot an enemy.
"Baby why didn't you shoot that guy? You could have taken him" She says with a confused look, watching you play valorant on the tv screen.
"Sam that's not me, I'm spectating another teammate-"
"What's that red triangle thing on the top?" "That's the spike" "the spike?" "It's a bomb" "oh...okay"
──── The time you convinced her to play, she was a little lost and asks you questions often. She gets the hang of the controlls and is actually pretty good. She would get a little mad when someone steals her kill, she rages with a frustrated sigh everytime she got killed too much. She talks back to every toxic players in the game, she was cursing at the screen and she looked absolutely pissed so you had to turn the game off before she threw the controller at tv out of anger. You don't let her play any fps game again. Not only for her sake but for your precious tv.
──── She absolutely enjoys watching you play story-based games, especially when you two play and make decisions together. She probably cried after playing tlou and life is strange. Besides that, she doesn't play video games unless you play it.
──── This woman is so protective, overprotective I say but you all know this. If you wanna go out, she's going too, she keeps a hand on your waist every time you go to public places. Definately death glares anyone who is looking at you/both of you weirdly or too long.
"You got a problem?" Sam snaps as she holds your waist protectively when she sees a guy eyeing you oddly.
──── It does get a little too much sometimes but you like her protectiveness. She gets jealous too but it's more of insecurity, you have to reassure her that you love her and no one else.
──── She likes holding you, has a hand on you all the time. She likes the feeling of you around her arms because she knows that you're protected by her. Because of that, she also takes care of you and reminds you of stuff. She asks if you eaten, drink etc. She reminds you to take a break whenever you're working too much, alternatively she brings you the food she cooked while you work on your projects. Despite this, she also loves being held and cared by you, it flutters her heart whenever you're taking care of her and cooking her favourite meals after she comes from work. She likes the sound of your heartbeat when you two cuddle and she has her head on your chest.
──── I know i said that she holds you 24/7 but when you two cuddle, she's the small spoon, whether you're short or tall.
──── She's very delicate and soft with you, like i said, she wants to protect and take care of you. She is a tough cookie but she's whipped for you. She gets a little dramatic when you get injured a teeny bit.
──── Have you seen her arms? Her beefy arms and abs are your favourite things in the world besides her. She works out often, you go to the gym with her once in a while and you really love the sight of her working out. You ended up gawking her the whole time instead of working out as well, she notices and teases you with a smirk while sweat is dripping off of her muscular body.
"You like what you see, baby? Y'know, you could have told me that you wanted to stare at me while i work out instead of pretending to wanna work out with me" She chuckles as she lifts her weights "Don't get ahead of yourself." you reply with a flushed face.
──── She doesn't show affection in public that much unless she got jealous but in private she loves kissing and showering you with love. Her kisses are soft and slow, she really is being delicate with you. Though in other occasions (*cough* intimate moments *cough*) you two make out and she practically is eating your face as she pushes down on the bed. She just loves kissing your lips, neck and shoulders. She is very much a big soft teddy bear ♡
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A/N: I accidently posted this halfway OH MY GODHSJSBSJS. Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes or grammar issues, english isn't my native language 💔. Anyways, I love you and please comment your thoughts ♡♡♡♡ i might edit this constantly after i post it...
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mixelation · 11 months
How would Tori and Anko get along during the Reborn!AU? I can see Anko seeking her out right after coming to the village, cause there is no way Anko as part of T&I wouldn't find out about another young girl surviving the tutelage of Orochimaru, but I don't know how that would go. Especially because both of them are quite unique
I haven't really thought about this one! I don't really like Anko so she tends not to be on my radar unless I'm fishing for a canon character cameo. But I think you're right in that Anko would have Opinions and she'd share them loudly.
I think Anko would lean towards "Tori is definitely a plant from Orochimaru and we should be treating her with the highest suspicion" for a long while. And TBH this is probably what you should assume about anyone Orochimaru has ever touched, because the way he plays games, even people who are deliberately trying to fuck him over end up doing exactly what he wants. I'm still Workshopping how Tori convinces Minato she should get to walk free, because this is a good assumption lmao.
The point is I think Tori would intentionally avoid Anko because Anko doesn't like her, and also, Anko is a very tricky person to have not like you. I'm thinking about one of Tori's personal arcs in this AU be trying to just get actual research done dispute a lot of external roadblocks, and Anko could definitely be one of those
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okthatsgreat · 6 months
If the character asks are still going- Ryoma please? :3
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@jolliestlolli DOUBLE THE RYOMA HEADCANONS !!!!!!
headcanon a (realistic):
hands are literally always in his pockets. he is constantly wearing leather jackets or hoodies, lots of long sleeves and LOTS of pockets. genuinely kind of unsure what to do with his hands if he's wearing something without them. i like to imagine ryoma hardly ever uses his hands to talk, and he's a very stoic storyteller. maybe the occasional "drag" of his "cigarette" but never many gestures!
such a dry texter. it is soooo hard to keep up a phone conversation with him and he's honestly not even trying to get you to stop talking to him he just texts how he speaks and uses zero punctuation LMAO
headcanon b (may not be realistic but it is hilarious):
you cant jumpscare this guy LMFAO. his classmates try to prank him by scaring him once he turns the corner but he just continues to walk past them like nothing happened. genuinely awful sense of urgency because he just doesn't scare that easily. like he's able to look up at something obviously dangerous and go "oh i should probably start running now" but he doesnt have that same adrenaline that the others have yknow??
postgame is most certainly a huge uphill battle for him in terms of finding hobbies, but i like to think he is definitely still active! he tries getting into some kind of routine which means a lot of morning jogs in areas that aren't super populated lol. when he musters up the energy i reckon he goes marathon running! i also don't think he listens to music lol. i think he just straight up runs
headcanon c (heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends):
i think deep down ryoma is a very scared kid and he definitely knows that about himself. even if he wanted to start having hope again, he is too terrified of having that hope crushed all over again. this is a kid that literally CAN NOT withstand another heartbreak of that magnitude again, and the only way to preserve that is to avoid being happy. i also just think he was an extremely paranoid person during his time running from the mafia, meaning a lot of his old habits have seriously stuck with him. he sleeps with a knife under his pillow, makes sure there's something next to his door and window that will make noise in case somebody enters during the night, etc.
postgame ryoma is extremely dehydrated like that guy does not drink water. can not get over the feeling of water in his lungs and always looks like he's taking a shot of the worlds hardest liquor whenever he does take a drink of something. he has GOD awful headaches because of this
headcanon d (unrealistic, but i will disregard canon about it):
not a technology guy but extremely good at candy crush for some reason. the only time anybody ever sees him on his phone is when he is playing that game it's kind of ridiculous
his resume is INSANE he's pulled SO many odd jobs out of his ass while he was on the run trying to make money. one of his classmates is like "hey does anybody know if i should get this tooth checked out" and ryomas like "let me check i was a dentals assistant for two weeks" and the classmates like "?????HUH??????". he isn't one to share about his past in great detail AT ALL but sometimes he just randomly drops a piece of lore about him out of the blue that makes you rethink everything
headcanon ask game!!!
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marveinator · 1 year
Afraid- Ellie Williams (3)
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Afraid- Ellie Williams (Part 3)
part 1 -> part 2 –> part 4
Summary: You and Ellie stay a bit in the cabin, and decide to play a game of truth or dare. Things indeed turn out in a weird way...
A/N: WHEN I TELL YOU I FORGOT I WANTED TO POST TODAY LMAO... Ty guys sm for the support on the last parts, I love you all. I adore you so so much and the fact that people are reading this story is just insane to me. THE NEXT PART WILL BE SO GAY- be excited. It´s gonna get all sweaty and there is gonna be lots of tension... but first- get your popcorn ready for this one. ENJOY!
Chapter warnings: mention(s) of drug use, flirting, idk.... bye!
"You gotta stop looking at me like that babe, or we both won't get any sleep tonight-"
I was staring at her. What was this fucking weed doing to me? I was no longer myself anymore. Which also made my mood swings kick in... "We should get going," I suddenly said dryly. Ellie's facial expression turned from flirty to serious and-did I see that right-disappointed?
"It's too dark for that. That's what I told you." I swallowed. If we didn't leave now, I was sure I would be making a big mistake.
"Ellie, don't act like you've never ridden back in the dark before. There aren't that many zombies around here anyway, are there?" I knew the answer. My question was unnecessary. I asked it anyway, simply to escape this situation.
"What are you trying to run away from babe?" Ellie whispered as she slowly leaned in closer and took another drag from the cigarette. I felt like my heart was going to stop. Those damn green eyes. I could get lost in them.
There must be a way time would pass faster then... I frowned and tried not to stare directly at Ellie. Running away now, I realized, was definitely a stupid idea-unless I wanted to die today. I again felt the urge to do something very stupid, the high not helping.
"Babe look, I know the sight of me is irresistible, but I'd still like an answer to my question. Unless you want to solve this whole situation some other way-" she said as she leaned in even closer. "I-" was all I could get out, this girl… where did all my hatred towards her go? I was probably red as a tomato and realized how I was nervously playing with my fingers. Suddenly it was hot. Very hot. Too hot-
"Okay- this is your fault. Truth or dare."
What? Was she serious? Or more like- crazy? Where did she get the stupid idea to play such a childish game? But however, the temptation to play it was there and it was huge, so I just nodded silently, immediately regretting it.
"Alright, I'll start…. Truth or dare?" asked the brunette in front of me, still holding the now very small cigarette in her hand. "Truth," I replied, hoping it would be an innocuous question. Ellie rolled her eyes playfully and shook her head. "Boring, but alright. Who was your first kiss?" Great. I could have guessed the questions would go in that direction. "None of your business," I said simply. And I was right. Why did she want to know such things anyway?
"Oh babe, you're really giving me a hard time right now," Ellie muttered as she finally flicked the burnt cigarette from her fingers, only to turn her gaze back to me. "Those are the rules. You have to tell me the truth. Now don't be such a chicken."
A chicken? I'd show her that I definitely wasn´t a chicken. "Fine. Liam. But only because I've never really had contact with anyone else." Wow- I couldn't believe I just said that… I was talking to Liam's killer about him, was I completely crazy? Yeah, but also high… whatever.
"Oh. Um- did you like it at least? So it was your only kiss too?" Even though the round was over and it was Ellie's turn now, I still answered her questions. "Well, I don't know, don't have anything to compare it to because yes, it was my first kiss and so far my only kiss. But now you- truth or dare?", I asked Ellie. She shook her head and contorted her face a bit, apparently surprised by my answer, before replying, "Dare. You know, ´cause I´m not a chicken." And there was that smirk on her lips that might make me want to jump onto her and-
"Mmm- interesting. I don't know- like, what am I supposed to say? Swap shirts with me?", I said with raised eyebrows. I really didn't know what I was saying anymore. At least this game kept me awake….
"Good one," Ellie said as she lifted her arms and pulled her sweater over her head. I couldn't help but stare at her. The tattoo on her arm, her hands, her accentuated belly- wow.
Ellie noticed my look and grinned again. How I hated it. "Your turn, pretty girl."
What- WHAT?! Did she just- without thinking any further about it I took off my shirt too and handed it to Ellie. She gave me her sweater and I pulled it over my head. I would have liked it better if we would have stayed like this- without clothes…
"Well now you again… Truth or dare," whispered the brunette across from me as she leaned down and put her hand on my knee. I felt my whole body start to tingle. I wanted her to put her hand away- or at least that was what my brain was telling me. My body, however, reacted quite differently.
"Dare," I couldn't take it anymore, something had to happen. The weed was doing things to me and Ellie was sitting in front of me with my shirt on and it felt like I was forgetting everything that had happened, what she had done, what was around us and what would happen the next day. I just wanted to- what did I want? I don't know. But I had the feeling Ellie knew exactly.
Ellie Williams POV "Dare" I heard her say, and immediately my heart started pounding. Sure, with truth you could ask intimate questions, but dare was something else again... Slowly, I moved my hand that was on her knee a little higher before looking deeper into her beautiful eyes. "Oh darling, you don't even know what you're doing to me right now…" Before I could lean in closer towards her to whisper what she needed to do, I heard an all too familiar sound in the distance. Clicker. Fuck.
your POV Did I just hear that right? Spellbound by Ellie's eyes, I shook my head to concentrate. "Is that- what I think it is?", I asked her in a shaky tone. The mood had changed in one fell swoop. Ellie stood up, dug in her backpack for her pistol, and loaded it. "From now on, you have to be quiet. No sound," the brunette ordered. "But Ellie-", I tried to argue, but the girl was quickly on her knees again and held her hand in front of my mouth. "You listen to what I say from now on. No arguing." And with those two sentences, I went quiet. Cautiously, I went to reach for my own gun, but Ellie shook her head. Was she trying to protect me now? Well, she did owe me a few things...
Ellie Williams POV She was known for one thing, she just couldn't stay calm. All the more I was surprised that she obeyed me. Probably only because she had not met the zombies that often yet and had a hellish fear. Normally she had patrol with someone else, in areas where there were really almost none.
Well, I thought there were none (anymore) in this area too, especially not in here, but I immediately realized that this was different, when suddenly I saw a clicker standing in the middle of the door. At least he was still away far enough, I had time to prepare for a fight. The bad thing was, I didn't know if there were more. This would mean that if I shot him, a whole herd would probably come running.
I looked down beside me to see her sitting there. Her hands were shaking and her face was pale, but she was still beautiful. Her hair fell in her face and brushed her eyelashes. She sat there, on the floor, so innocent- in my sweater. I could get used to seeing her in my clothes….
I was jolted out of my thoughts as the clicker kept coming in our direction. I raised my gun, trying not to make any noise as I got closer to him. Maybe I could pull the knife out of my pocket and stab him that way? But would this be so much quieter? I knew how these things could scream.
I turned around once more, and nodded to the girl sitting there so fearfully. I had to make a decision now. And so I decided to shoot. After two shots, the clicker was already dead on the ground, and stopped squealing.
"Get up, we have to get out of here," I said hastily. I grabbed my backpack and reached out a hand to help her up.
your POV Gratefully, I accepted Ellie's hand and clasped it to let her pull me up. I briefly felt a strange tingling sensation again, but it stopped when the brunette let go. "Grab your stuff, we don't have any time to waste. More of them could come in here at any time." I nodded and grabbed my bag and dark gray jacket, and we were already on our way out. It was snowing and definitely very cold. I wanted to hide my hands in my pockets, but I had to hold my gun. How smart of me to forget my gloves exactly today...
"Can you even fight?" Ellie asked. "Of course I can- why shouldn't I be able to fight?!", I replied indignantly. "I don't know," Ellie shook her head, "Never really seen you in action before." Great. Was I supposed to prove something to her or what? No. Was I trying to prove something to her? Hell yeah. "Alright. When we get back to Jackson, you and me. A duel. But at your house, I only have one room at Maria and Tommy's and there's definitely not enough room to fight" I suggested. Ellie grinned AGAIN and agreed with me. "Alright."
Slowly, we made our way to Shimmer and mounted up. From the looks of it, there were no clickers here anymore... luckily.
Now that we were both on the horse, we rode back. The whole way back we were both silent, but just before we got to Jackson's gate, I heard Ellie whisper a soft, "Please don't make her regret it," which I guess I wasn't supposed to hear. That's when it all came back to me.
We had almost kissed. We got high together and had played truth or dare. I was too tired to get worked up about it now, but I knew tomorrow-I would sink into shame.
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ooh ive been having another head scratcher these days; would mc be able to actually learn to understand m6s familiars at some point? or is it off limits? like i thought thats how it went with faust but it could be just because of asras whole deal™ with mc hdtjvdt
i havent played pashas route to the end so i dont know if that comes up with pepi, cause like pasha would probably only be starting to get that connection with her too right?? and i dont remember it with julian n malak either lol only that bit where i think its death talking as a raven. listen at this point we can just establish i know basically nothing about this game except muriel hkfshkdts AND EVEN WITH HIM IM SO DUMB TOO LIKE I THOUGHT. FOR YEARS. IT WAS FACTUAL IN THE BACK OF MY HEAD THAT HE CAN LITERALLY ACTUALLY TALK TO ANIMALS BUT NOW IM REALISING I DONT THINK THATS TRUE?? LIKE HES GOT INANNA AND THE REST OF THE TIME HES JUST TALKING AT THEM AND I DONT THINK IT GOES BOTH WAYS LIKE WITH FAMILIARS JHDHKDTGJ god fucking dammit nobody should listen to me ever about any given subject again honestly. i dont know the chickens are just confusing me i dont know what to believe anymore lmao but i love him either way
ALSO THAT ONE BIT in muriels route when youre talking to inanna when i played it the first time literally fully honestly no joke had me like
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i didnt want to look up walkthroughs yet X,DD good times. im so sorry for the rant this went places in did not plan it to but i can only hope i at least make you laugh a little nlhfjt sorry
@tetsuooooooooooo oh, the anxiety around wanting to avoid a reversed ending while refusing to use a walkthrough is real. XD
And honestly I'm not sure about the whole familiar communication thing? A lot of how well the character can communicate with their familiar seems to revolve around how in-tune a character is to themself and their magic.
Asra, for instance, can have full conversations with Faust, Nadia after losing her memories seems to have also lost some of her connection with Chandra, Muriel and Inanna don't seem to need words to communicate with each other, and so on.
There is also a point in Portia's route (spoilers?) where Pepi gains the capacity to talk and speaks to both Portia and MC, so it's easy to guess that familiars would be interested in communicating with MC from their end.
It makes me wonder if MC's capacity to communicate with familiars links into that? Perhaps if the LI, the MC, and the familiar are all in tune with each other it could work quite well? Who knows XD
Your essays are always food for thought, friend, thanks for sharing them! ^.^
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ametrictonofaudacity · 3 months
Yay matchups! So hello I hope you’re doing alright and feel free to take your time on this one :)
So my name is Lune, and please make sure it’s platonic. I’m aroace and agender, I’m 17 turning 18 (in a few weeks actually I’m pretty excited), I enjoy skating gaming drawing and playing piano (I’m trying to learn guitar). I should definitely mention that I’m autistic and have adhd, although you aren’t expected to do too much research for me, just keep in mind when going out or when I’m with too many people I end up being difficult, this also means I’m a little picky with the clothes I buy as the food I eat. As for my personality it really depends on the atmosphere and how long I’ve known someone but naturally when we just meet I’m extremely awkward, I don’t go out of my way to greet or talk to people, I usually hide or talk to anyone else in the room, plus I might find an excuse to leave early because of how low my social battery is. When I’m a little closer I’ll start being physically affectionate, of course if the friend allows it, not too much though, but it’ll still be noticeable. Speaking about physical affection that’s one of my main love languages, I am the type of friend to hug or kiss my friends on the forehead, if they’re comfortable of course! Additionally I tend to stim too much, I have a hard time controlling my vocal chords so I might appear like I’m yelling, and sometimes, if I’m in an extremely good mood, I’ll feel like I’m high off of happiness. I know I’m not high but it’s the best way to put it,y cheeks turn red I get all giddy and giggly, I run around the room, I like touching stuff with textures rub my face on it and spin around, it’s just pure hyperactivity. I already mentioned this but since I have a small social battery I might need a lot of space? Like me time. Otherwise things get too overwhelming and I shut down, I might cry even. Me time can vary depending on how long I’ve spent outside the house, like if I spent a few days with someone 3-4. I probably wouldn’t make any plans for another week and a few days. The last thing I feel like I should mention is im a little sensitive, I might not exactly cry but I’ll get hurt by a lot of things.
If this is important at all, which I doubt, but I’m raised in the Middle East, I speak Arabic and I did immigrate to North America.
Anyway that’s it thank you for your time
Hi!! Sorry this took me so long, I may or may not have gone into a depressive episode lmfao. Also I really like your name! Without further ado, here ya go! I am also autistic and ADHD, so we're twinning lmao
I match you with Clark Kent!
When the two of you meet, admittedly, it's a little awkward. Clark was used to being quiet, unassuming Clark Kent, and as you mentioned, you don't go out of your way to engage with new people. And Clark wouldn't want to pressure you, he can see how uncomfortable you are, and he understands that some people just didn't like strangers, simply because they were strangers.
But then the two of you keep meeting, and gradually, you start growing more comfortable around him. Part of this is due to Bruce, who he had gotten used to stealing away when the other hero got too uncomfortable in a situation, and had unintentionally taught him how to spot when someone's social battery was getting low, even if they were forcing themselves not to show it in any obvious ways. So he would guide you away with a comforting hand on your shoulder, and make quiet excuses for you, saying how he needed you to help him with this or that thing, how he was very sorry but it just couldn't wait. If you needed to be alone, in order to recharge your social battery before the next bit of interaction, he would run interference, making sure you had time to recuperate. Half the time he just sicced Jon on them, because his son would also be very fond of you and look up to you as an older sibling, even if he realizes he's your sibling before Clark realizes he's your Dad.
As for sensory issues and being a picky eater or being picky in regards to clothes, Clark has so much experience in this you have no idea. Even if his own children didn't struggle with textures, which they do with both Conner and Jon being ADHD which they inherited from him, he struggled a lot with textures as a kid himself. Granted, part of it was due to super senses overwhelming him before he had gotten his invulnerability, but still. Sensory overload is hell, and he is aware of it. He goes out of his way to try and memorize what textures you enjoy, and which ones you don't like.
I think the first time he realizes how fond he is of you, and that you are absolutely his kid, is the first time you openly show excitement and enthusiasm in front of him. I could see Conner teaching you guitar, or maybe the two of you playing together with you playing the piano while Conner plays the guitar and this man is just- big feelings. Big feelings he has no idea what to do with because those are his kids and he loves them so much he thinks he might die from how strong it is.
He absolutely gets you blankets with texture you like too, and various stim toys. He may accidentally steal one, though, be warned.
I honestly see him as being the sort of person to try and learn more about where you were raised. Does this mean he will be trying to learn Arabic? Yes. Is he very good at it at first? No. Does he have a best friend who's son is more than willing to insult him if it meant he got better at speaking Arabic? Yes, even if Damian could afford to be a little less mean about it.
Another good thing is that Clark is pretty much the ideal for if you feel you cry or get upset easy. He's able to actually communicate his emotions, unlike some (*cough* Batman *cough*) and he knows how to make himself seem less intimidating.
All in all, cool dad. Even as a platonic yandere, he would be pretty chill, although there's more kidnapping involved
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optiwashere · 5 months
Moar Asheera image 👉👈?
Well, I decided to start a very fast Asheera run through with some mods. Basically "play this game in the easiest possible way so I can focus entirely on Asheera's feelings about the companions' reactions and motivations" for some writerly inspiration. Plus, I've been feeling the need to re-experience everything and get some Act 1 and 2 screenshots/saves.
I know there's some nasty quest item related bugs right now, but I completely avoided any sort of bugs in my first playthrough so fingers crossed!
Anyways, where was I? Ah yes.
Nautiloid business. Freed Shadowheart. Woke up on the beach, etc.
I'm trying to focus on roleplaying Asheera here, and she was definitely tempted to look at the artefact but this Shadowheart - what a strange name, Asheera would think - knew a fair bit on the nautiloid. So, awake she goes. They naturally decided to group up for safety in numbers. Shadowheart's cagey about a lot of things, but now's not the time to think about it.
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Next, the pair had a run-in with a few intellect devourers, but they were no problem. A few sword slashes and mace hits and they were good as dead.
Also, this is where I mention that I cheated in a bunch of gear because I really don't want to interact with anything but the companions, a few NPCs (like Rolan) and the main quest. I plan on doing this run in a few big sessions over a weekend or two!
When it comes to Gale, Asheera's first impression is that he's a strange, strange man. She thinks he needs to just get to the point sometimes. She of course said #2 here. (Again, pay no mind to the get up lmao)
But a wizard is a fine companion on a dangerous journey, even if he's a bit odd. Then again, aren't all wizards?
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Up next, they had a little run-in with the warrior from the nautiloid. How curious, she's all stranded up in this cage? It's no matter, Asheera convinces a pair of tieflings to go away so that she can talk to this woman again. She's even more knowledgeable about the mind flayers than Gale or Shadowheart it seems.
Asheera is naturally convinced of a cure and committed to finding one, which immediately makes Lae'zel warm up to her. Even just a little. (Side note: I hate Lae'zel's new dismissal to camp dialogue. Why is she soft right away?)
Side note pt. deux: Shadowheart is starting to regret trusting Asheera after this whole... let Lae'zel out thing. She says she trusts Asheera, but I think at this point she's starting to reassess things.
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The group follows the tieflings' directions to the camp they called out only to find a band of adventurers being attacked by goblinoids. They call out a war cry to "the Absolute," whatever that is. After they're dispatched, the party meets another friendly tadpoled face.
Wyll is familiar to Asheera because of his moniker, and it's nice to put a face to the name. It's also a bit odd to find out someone she considers a real Hero is a fair bit younger than her. He's teaching a young tiefling how to distract someone in a fight long enough to run away, and Asheera thinks that it's A) super wholesome and B) clever to focus on the child's ability to confuse and confound if things ever got to be that bad.
Also, Asheera is beginning to see all these refugees and after talking to them she realizes they're likely from Elturel. As a Baldurian, she should be a bit frazzled by them. Some part of her probably is a bit annoyed to be helping people from what is essentially the rival school equivalent. But seeing children potentially in danger tempers that a fair bit.
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Side note: Asheera laughed at this line from Shadowheart (there's a couple very fun, jokey lines Asheera says this early on for sure)
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Asheera decides it's time to talk to the leaders of this place, and she gets wrapped in a whole thing with some girl named Arabella (side note: seeing her with her parents again legit almost made me cry)
I think this is a great time to talk about the fact that I'm using an Approval Dialogue mod. I want to see options when they conflict with companions' approvals and what the weighting implies. This won't always work since I'm going with my "canon" paths for everyone again, but it's something that I want to be able to see and think about from time to time.
This one where you talk to Kagha comes up after you can persuade her to let Arabella go (+1 to a bunch of approvals, but for right now I want to focus on Shadowheart for obvious reasons)
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She has nothing to say about 1 or 3, but she gets a huge boost from 2. That's definitely the Sharran in her speaking through, but I do think part of it is her current mindset of pure survival instinct. If it was strictly "I'm a big evil Sharran" rather than whatever fucked up cocktail her brain is at this moment in the game, I think she would have some disapproval for 1 and IMO she might even enjoy 3 a little bit. But she doesn't necessarily mind 1 in particular, which is what Asheera says. It's a bit surprising to Asheera that Shadowheart doesn't have a comment on that. Worth noting for our half-orc.
She gets her hand pain here for the first time, but when Asheera asks about it the topic is stonewalled pretty quickly. Same with Shadowheart recognizing Dark Justiciars in one of the druids' wall murals. Fair enough. Asheera's a fair bit suspicious at this point, but they've got a unified goal and a paladin can cross that bridge when she comes to it.
Oh, and I got the wolf saving throw here which I didn't expect her to fail! It was fun having Asheera and Shadowheart talk about that so quickly. They're still a bit wary of each other, it's after all only the first (second?) day that they've even known each other. I think that Asheera would hear someone ask for comfort in a deep-seated fear and she would offer the simplest thing she can: protection. Shadowheart likely just sees it as a simple kindness given the way she words this, but I think it's very telling that just being... barely nice to her warms her to Asheera so quickly.
This is where Shadowheart's internal calculus shifts back to trusting Asheera again. Maybe she's a bit foolish about trusting Lae'zel, but there are worse people to have as a de facto leader in a situation like this.
(Also, I caught Asheera blinking lmao)
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Summed up, Asheera's thoughts so far...
If this ceremorphosis is so deadly and swift, why are they all still alive?
The refugees need her help, and she's going to drag half this party into helping them if she has to.
Helping Elturians is not what she expected to be doing, but she also didn't expect to have a tadpole crammed in her brain so. You know.
Shadowheart is curious, secretive, and more than a little untrustworthy. She also approves of helping out the refugee children and seems a bit surprised to be offered basic kindness. So there's definitely more to her than the cold exterior shows, but Asheera can't quite figure it out yet. It could all be a façade. Asheera also has a thing for elven women with a little bite and wit.
Gale is an odd man with useful talents. He's been all right so far, being it's barely been a few hours, but of course a wizard would know to hide any ulterior motives right away. Asheera's suspicious of him and his kind demeanor.
Wyll and Lae'zel are the two that Asheera finds refreshing because it's clear what they want. Wyll wants to kill some devil, and Lae'zel is blunt about curing the parasite and going back to her people. They're easier than Gale and Shadowheart, even if Asheera is very lukewarm about Lae'zel. Wyll's a legend though, so she's just hoping this isn't a "don't meet your heroes" type situation.
Anyways, it was late when I decided to do this and I have other plans for the night. Next time, meeting Karlach and vampire boy and who knows what other fun moments! Toodles.
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skaruresonic · 5 months
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you can just taste the salt pouring from this man lmao. I only dismissed an entire medium as never being able to be art, why are you all whining
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1.) Myst released in 1993, the same year as Sonic CD. Calling it an example of games "from the infancy of the form" following the video game market crash of the '80s is laughable
2.) "I particularly didn't want to play one right now, this moment, on demand" - uwu I just shittalked this entire-ass medium and now people are saying I should try to know what I'm talking about before I talk about it and I don't wannaaaaa
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This is just. Rude? Idk how else to put it. Your friend goes to the trouble of offering to fetch a game and a console for you, installing everything necessary to set it up - even offering to send the console back to Sony when you're done so you don't have to spend a single dime - and your response is to make some excuse as to why you can't do it.
You could have just said "no," Roger.
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yeah it's almost like talking out of your ass "purely on theoretical grounds" without engaging with the thing you're slagging off makes you seem too ignorant to hold a valid view on the thing you're slagging off. or something.
also "This is the gratitude you get for responding to comments at all" lol these salt levels could dry out the Dead Sea
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my man has never heard of video games with linear narratives before
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Billy cracked dick jokes, Ebert. Billy wrote his plays to appeal to the common people's interests, Ebert.
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then why are you talking about video games if you don't want to be told to play one? real "I'm a Sonic fan who hasn't played the games, stop telling me to play the games you're picking on me" energy
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The fuck is up with this weird capitalistic pitting of one art form against another? This isn't some zero-sum game where literature loses if video games win. Gamers read too, Ebert. In fact, many games take inspiration from literature, such as SH2 drawing inspiration from the themes of Crime and Punishment; The Witcher being based on Andrzej Sapkowski's book; and Metro 2033 springing from the self-published book of the same name.
I could name more. I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (Harlan Ellison even voiced AM!). Classic RPG Parasite Eve is a spiritual successor to Hideaki Sena's 1995 sci-fi horror novel. Beev will probably want me to add Castlevania as an example as well, taking the titular character from Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Category:Video games based on novels - Wikipedia
Acting like games and literature are two disparate mediums with no overlap is... frankly, deeply disingenuous. You spoke with fucking Clive Barker, Roger, you should know this. FFS.
Besides, anti-intellectualism runs a lot deeper than New Medium Bad. It has more fascist roots than simply "The kids want to play Fortnite all day and don't want to crack open a book!"
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Roger goes on this tangent about how it's difficult to find a definition of art that would preclude video games. Even the one he settles on, his view that art ought to teach him empathy for other people - which... has its limits and when taken too far, borders on requiring moral didactism in art; my man has never heard of art for art's sake - doesn't necessarily rule out games. Because video games literally require you to step into the player character's shoes.
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you are such a condescending ass, oh my God. could you not?
"I don't personally know how gamers can learn about other human beings despite the entire conceit of the medium requiring you to assume the role of another person, but whatever, I'll give you guys this one because I've run out of things to say. Perhaps one day gamers will learn to have refined tastes like me, the Movie Review Man. anyway y'all losers, I got better things to do despite the fact that I typed out this wall of text poorly defending my position"
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kimmkitsuragi · 10 months
The Fame (2008) by Lady Gaga - my commentary edition
because i truly am insufferable like this and want to talk about her music (also one mutual said i should do it so ❤ if u see this, this one's thanks to u bestie)
i will probably do this for her other albums as well ✌
general comments: first of all this album is THAT GIRL. every song is still so relevant, both in terms of sound and lyrics. you would think okay ive listened to [a song from this album] 9283755 times it was way overplayed. and yeah but umm actually no! no matter how many times, it will still be slaying. pop perfection in the literal sense. and she did all that with her DEBUT ALBUM. legend energy. and!! it's insane that this album had SO MANY literal hits like so many of these songs were so popular and all over the radio. it was at the time where they didnt really understand gaga but they were still all over her. energy. (i dont think the general public ever understood her to this day but u get what i mean)
JUST DANCE - a classic!!!! the redone tagline that started it all... makes me think i really want these two working together again. anyway, having this as your studio debut is actually insane if u ask me. no matter how many times i will listen, don't think i will get bored. the bridge is too good actually, can we bring back actual bridges in pop songs???? please and thank u
LOVEGAME - oh man how to even begin this one. i can't believe this one was playing everywhere for years!! "I wanna take a ride on your disco stick" is actually one of the most iconic lines in late 2000s music lmao. truly a signature sound for this era btw.
PAPARAZZI - that girl forever and ever. this will have to be considered together with its vma performance, because it just HAS to. the song itself is crazy, the celebrity worship and the downsides of fame. love that concept love the execution. but then she had to go ahead and have that performance too!!!! truly game changing and life changing as well. the way NO ONE was prepared for it. no one even understood in that room. she was one step ahead even from such an early time in her career. this one truly makes u understand that she's not just another popstar thank u very much.
POKER FACE - the first insanely popular hit. like yes the songs up until this one was Successful and popular. but this one?? honey there was no escape from this one. my first exposure to gaga as well <3 i was like 9 lmao. (it's also insane how it's going 4/4 in terms of the songs being actual hits lol) anyway did you know she says "fu fu fu fuck her face" in the chorus? now u know! sneaky and very strong gaga energy for this lmao. ALSO i love the live performances of this song because she makes it so fun all the time. mixing it up and all that. the dance is fun too! i dont know how to actually comment further because like what else can i say this is poker face.
EH, EH - this is the odd one out of the album right. it's so cute and bubblegum-ish compared to the rest of the album. and i like her!! a lot!! it's giving a little bit of retro too. when i think abt it this might be the odd one out of her whole career probably lmao. she's versatile, and keeps doing different things all the time. but this kinda cute-ish song is very rare for her. as i said i like it but now i wonder how the selection of this song went lol. this is also kinda reminding of her pre-debut stuff in some ways??? but it's been some time i might be wrong too. anyway, interesting and fun song imo
BEAUTIFUL DIRTY RICH - oh my it's so hard to pick my fave song from any album but like this may be IT. the cuntiness of this oneeee it's clear to me that this is kinda the direction that her music ended up turning after this album. in terms of the vibes and cheekiness and as i said, the cunt levels. there's also some jazz influence (? i may be using a wrong genre name here but U GET IT) even if it's minimal like cmon this song is SO GAGA. it's so her. it's so fun. this one deserved so much more popularity if u ask me. im eating up the delivery each time also
THE FAME - ooh baby the guitar in this she's a rock starrr <3 this is the most direct one in terms of the album's general theme and messages (i mean duh. the name lol). i like how the verses and chorus kinda have different vibes. verses being more guitar driven, and the chorus being more bubbly and poppy. it's fun, but nothing so mindblowing tbh but i still like it!
MONEY HONEY - okay cunt is back. we love it. the pre-chorus is SO delicious and then how it transforms to the chorus is even MORE delicious. this one would be so high in my ranking of the album you dont even know (if i could actually have a real final ranking lol). love how she's embracing the famous rich bitch vibe so much here. KI KI KISSES!!
STARSTRUCK - one of the more underrated tracks in my experience. honestly i love this one so much. feel like it's another lowkey unusual song from her, but she has the vibe down so well, the genre doesn't even matter. it feels so natural. the tasteful autotune sooo late 2000s man i feel that. the features work well too imo! this is all "jewels and drugs" wished it was tbh (we will get into it more in the artpop post tho, havent actually listened to that song in sooo long so i may be wrong once again lol)
BOYS BOYS BOYS - i always think "oh this one yeah ok whatever" but then im always having so much fun with it?? like i will have fun with it, but still not care a lot abt it tbh. it's a pretty straightforward pop track and doesnt really feel like a gaga-exclusive something to me. but i still enjoy it! love the little nod to just dance btw lol
PAPER GANGSTA - a piano hip hop influenced track <3 always love this vibe. still tho, kinda another unusual gaga song imo. out of all the hip hop influenced songs from her, this might be one of my faves. it's also more lowkey than the others. and that bar is not so high tbh lmao. so yeah i like it, nothing too special tho
BROWN EYES - okayyy believe it or not this is one of my most played songs from the album probably. i love gaga balladsssssss!!!! serve the VOCALS. give me everything. i love this one so much so much. also that guitar part in this like im listeningggg <3 this feels like some kind of a prequel to speechless, which is probably my fave gaga ballad ever. ough dont know what to say. this is the most vocals she showed in this album, and i know that this is Nothing compared to her full potential and talent. but!!! still so impressive for me. i just find her voice so (insert every positive adjective here) umm and also on top of that, comforting. so. yeah great great song imo
I LIKE IT ROUGH - futuristic vibes here we gooo i like this one a lot. this is also very signature gaga sound for her future career i feel like. especially the verses, but the chorus too to some extent. also one of the biggest earworms of the album for me
SUMMERBOY - okay this is also a somewhat cute-ish song but this one feels less cute for some reason. it feels more... naughty?? lol maybe that's why i dont find it too out of ordinary for her. but it kinda is when i think abt it! really reminiscent of her older stuff as i said (iirc) for "eh eh" too. but also love the rock influence too! maybe that's why i dont find it too out of the ordinary lmao. anyway this is really such a vibe it makes me so happy and silly i love it
DISCO HEAVEN - this one is probably the one i listen to the least from this album tbh. it's fun! but it doesnt feel that special for me. i love the instrumentals a lot now that i think abt it. but couldve used a stronger closer for the album maybe!! also never paid attention to how this album has so many spelling moments lmao truly 2000s vibes
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ackermanbitch · 2 years
Teenage Dirtbag (Peter Parker x Fem!Reader) Part Four
a/n: when i already have really insanely detailed scenes planned in my head for homecoming, aS IF IM NOT STILL STUCK ON CIVIL WAR LMAO
also i am making a taglist for this story so send in an ask if you wanna be a part of it!
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
pairing: peter parker x fem!stark!reader
warnings: cussing, awkward teenagers
word count" 1.3k words
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"Man Parker, you suck at Halo!" (Y/N) laughed, dropping her controller and folding her hands behind her head.
"No, you're probably cheating or something!" Peter defended, dropping his controller in his lap, "It's like you sit around playing all day every day or something."
She snorted, "I could never, that would be so lame." She mumbled, leaning forward to grab some popcorn.
(Y/N) was sitting on a leather armchair by herself, Peter on the floor and Ned was asleep on the large sofa.
"I doubt you'd have the time anyway, to play video games all day." Peter added, grabbing his drink off the coffee table.
"Why, does it look like I have more to do?" She laughed, hanging her legs off the armrest. "When I'm not at school or like- I don't know- vacation, I'm just here, fucking around. Pretty sure that's how most fifteen-year old's spend their time."
Peter nodded, "I guess, but most fifteen-year old's don't get to play Mario Kart with the Avengers." He chuckled, facing her as he put his elbows on the glass coffee table.
"That's not as fun as it sounds, it gets really violent-"
He cut her off with a laugh, looking down and shaking his head. "I'm serious Parker! It's terrifying, so many broken controllers...." She sighed, closing her eyes and leaning her head back.
Peter looked back up at her, watching how her legs swung back and forth slightly. "Y'know you're not as uh- scary as I thought you'd be." He said suddenly, watching how her head snapped up.
"Not scary? I think I'm extremely intimidating, with my Halo skills and all." She joked, sitting up to get another handful of popcorn.
"You're pretty scary when you turn down Flash..." He chuckled nervously, taking his arms off the coffee table to fold his hands in his lap.
"Yeah, that asshole deserves it though, he's already rich, I don't know why he's trying so hard to mooch off me." (Y/N) rolled her eyes, getting off her chair and stretching, "Wanna go to the helipad? See the quinjet? I don't want to stay on the topic of Flash." She smiled, already walking towards the elevator.
"The quinjet?! Should we wake up Ned?" Peter asked, scrambling to his feet and brushing off his pants, not that there was any dust on the floor.
(Y/N) turned around, looking at Ned's snoring figure. "Nah, naps after school should not be interrupted, they're the best kind." She turned back to hit the button; hearing Peter jog up next to her.
She looked down at her watch as they went up, gasping quietly. "Geez, it's already five? Isn't your aunt going to want you home soon?"
"I usually stay out pretty late anyway, she's okay with it." Peter responded quickly.
(Y/N) turned to look at him with a slightly raised eyebrow, "You don't seem like the party type Parker, not that it's a bad thing or anything I just didn't expect that."
He cleared his throat, watching the elevator doors open and taking it as a chance to drop the current conversation. "Holy shit..." He mumbled, running up to the glass doors and pushing them open, giving access to the helipad. "This is- this is insane!" He practically squealed, sprinting to the aircraft to get a closer look.
(Y/N) smiled at him and all his reactions, reaching her hand into her pocket.
"Y'know what's even cooler than the outside of the quinjet?" She began, walking up behind Peter, "The inside!" She exclaimed, holding up the keys.
The brunette gasped, looking at her like she had two heads. "No way, oh my god! Won't your dad kill you?" He whispered the last sentence, leaning forward slightly.
"Pshh, I don't see him here, do you?" She smiled, clicking a button on the keys and watching the large door make a small hissing noise as it opened.
Peter's open mouth slowly formed into a smile as (Y/N) walked up into the jet, turning around to wave her hand at him to follow her. "I've only been in here twice and one of those times was like this, sneaking on while I was home alone. Pretty cool, right?"
"Yeah, super cool..." Peter muttered in awe, running his hand over some of the buttons while (Y/N) sat in the captain's seat, admiring the skyline through the windshield.
"One day when the Avengers all tragically die in a fire together, like every single one, I'll be driving this beast." (Y/N) grinned, crossing her legs and putting her hands behind her head.
She turned to looked behind her when she didn't hear Peter laugh, seeing him stare at her with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth.
"Joke Parker, that was supposed to be a joke." She deadpanned, hopping out of the chair and walking up next to him. He was staring at a panel with a keypad and speaker on it, analyzing it in some way.
"The whole thing is actually voice activated if you want to fly it, keys are just for opening it. Waiting for the day my dad puts my voice on there." She sighed dramatically, putting her hands on her hips.
"Voice activated, that's really interesting. Good security but what if you just played a recording of one of their voices?" He asked, taking a step back.
"There's some sort of code, a nickname for whoever's flying it. Like Captain America has to say a different name than my dad to fly it. I don't know what the names actually are since it's not their real ones, something stupid I assume." She explained before turning to exit the jet, Peter following her.
He suddenly cleared his throat, hearing the quinjet lock again as they walked to the glass doors, "Thanks for showing me that, really. And for inviting Ned and I over, this place is really cool."
Her smile faltered for a second as she listened to him, "Yeah of course, we should hang out more often, not just for tutoring," She added, "you guys are really fun but maybe work on your Halo skills some more before you come back."
Peter laughed at her remark, turning to admire how the golden light hit her skin. (Y/N) cleared her throat, seeing him staring in her peripheral, "But uh- yeah I figured you'd like the quinjet, just assuming you're into machinery and science and all that. I've seen you in chem- not that I'm like staring at you or anything but you're always doing your own side experiments." She rambled slightly, getting flustered herself.
His eyebrows shot up, "You see that?"
"I mean yeah, not like I'm paying attention to the lesson. And we don't sit that far from each other."
At this point they were stopped in the middle of the room that sat on top of Stark Tower, the only light coming in from the setting sun through all the glass doors and windows that decorated the room.
He chuckled nervously, hand shooting up to rub the back of his neck, "Ah, it's just extra credit stuff, you know. Not that I need it but- I mean, it's fine for anyone to need extra credit, I just don't, I guess I'm just a high achiever but I'm not trying to sound braggy or anyth-"
(Y/N) cut him off with a laugh, shaking her head. "You don't need to explain everything to me Parker, I'm not interrogating you. Just curious." She smiled softly, not making a move to continue walking to the elevator. "You should show me some of those experiments after school though, they look interesting." She finished before turning to walk away.
"I'll never forgive you for not waking me up to see the fricking quinjet so you could be alone with (Y/N) Stark."
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a/n: sorry it was so short yall, more of a cute filler tbh
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flattenedcat · 10 months
Oh man. It's ass o crack in the morning and I can't sleep because of stupid brain dead fans and insane misinformation.
Incoming rant from a renheng shipper who frequents tiktok that enjoys ships that aren't just green flags or whatever.
Lowkey hate myself for getting obsessed with hkr and renheng. The amount of people who misunderstand lore or that the characters in question have an insane amount of MEMORY LOSS. Also, why are hoyo fans so obsessed with hating on queer ships and spreading bs about them, like bro chill it's just a game and we're all gay fuckers who like to see other gay fuckers in love. It's fiction, seriously who the fuck cares lmao.
Some of yall are just homophobes in disguise who hate any sort of gayness even when it's implied or just theorized. Meanwhile hoyo is trying desperately to get past the censorship and hide the gay while also shoving it down our throats lol. (Aka that typo stuff or whatever. Idk what happened there but why's that your first thought...?)
Ughhh I really need to delete tiktok, I can feel my brain losing cells at a rapid speed. I type renheng and 7/10 videos are just hate. Like bruh don't use the fucking tag you absolute bitches.
Ohhh they're so toxic or whatever. Danheng is traumatized because Blade keeps trying to kill him (...points at canon...lol). First of all, baby that's true love. Joking but like renheng is also very much classic danmei. Lovers to enemies to exes to lovers but slightly deranged. Also very very j*ongdok coded. Oh and now people hating on enemies to lovers trope just cuz they can't stand renheng for whatever reason. Saying stuff like what chemistry or how could they ever like each other, they are trying to kill one another. Like pause. Focus. ENEMIES. TO. LOVERS. ENEMIES ENEMIES ENEMIES. It's not going to be a walk in the park fucking dumbasses.
It's basically friends to lovers to enemies to strangers to enemies to scorned semi-amnesiac exes to lovers again if that helps ^-^. We in the divorce arc now but no one knows lmao, not even the two fuckers in question themselves.
I genuinely don't understand why people are so fixated on hating ships that are 'toxic'. Sure happy good queer ship representation is important. But like, to be brutally honest, I prefer angst and complex, complicated dynamics. Just let us have both, no need to insist that everyone be the pinnacle of morality. That's boring lol. Sure h*artstopper is amazing, but also fucking love h*nnibal too. Imo these the same bitches that want to censor ao3. Let the gays have their toxic shit too, not everyone wants straight fluff.
Also. Hsr is pretty dark when you think about it. At least, from the perspective of someone who only has general knowledge of g*nshin i*pact and just reads funeral man x foxy dude ao3 fics, I was not expecting the deaths of actual people. Like the xianzhou arc had probably the highest body count, with scenes of people literally taking their last breath and not just in the actual gaming part. It's gonna be a bit dark babes.
This goes for jingyuan too. Like i saw someone comment that they're upset he was sorta manipulative during the dragon arc thing. And um sure, but also bros an old ass general who also looks into the future with the divine something. But main point. GENERAL. Sorta his job babes. Mans not going to be some 1D soft uwuu boy. But he's also impartial where he can and perhaps shouldn't be. Tbh hoyo fans should be happy at how complex these characters are.
Sidenote. I find that I cannot stand watching people play games anymore. Like wdym you're talking over the damn cut scene that's significant and/or looking away. Bruh, this isn't a pure battle game, it's heavy on the story so where the fuck is your goddamn attention. Talking bs like oh idk what's going on but they don't read the dialogue, check out the databank/bookshelf, watch the short videos hoyo puts out, or even, just even FUCKING EXPLORE. Some ass I watched just walked straight past vital info, running their goddamn mouth and was then like, broo I'm so confused what's going on?!? Genuinely, if not for the story, then why are you playing? The combat is fun, sure, but it's not like the most riveting thing ever, so why do people not pay attention????
I feel faint oof.
I don't even care if renheng isn't canon and we're all fucking delusional. I'm just annoyed for a varied number of reasons that are triggered everytime I open the devil app that is tiktok...also I feel sorta sad for spoiling 1.3 for myself but also half of it was already spoiled because of tumblr+tiktok having spoilers like the fucking devil himself and also also i feel better/insane that i know like 75% of what's going on.
(Do i need to censor the other names/fandoms? No idea, but might as well ig)
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randomrealityshift · 3 months
people keep insisting the new training guide genshin added with the newest patch is great for newbies/casual players, but it suggests the most comically wrong things that i feel like it's going to be more a detriment to them in the long run lmfao
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under a cut bc screencaps and i know no one cares about this shit but me lmfao
it prioritizes 5* weapons over 4*/3* which isn't necessarily a good thing, esp when it suggests 5* weapons that give NO BENEFITS TO THE CHARACTER THEY SUGGEST THEM TOO however, it ONLY suggests the weapons that you currently have on your account plus craftable weapons (not sure about fishing since i already have the catch and the pipe?) which is a surprisingly unscummy thing for hyv to do? congrats guys, not as terrible as you could have been. ex 1.
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recommending the unforged on itto is comical. it's an atk% weapon with an effect that further buffs your atk. on a DEF SCALING CHARACTER. literally what is he getting from this? it will also recommend the unforged for noelle too, who at least can get a little more use from it than itto (since she actually uses her atk stat), but serpent spine and whiteblind are both much better options for both of them.
ex 2.
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FUCKING HOMA ON CHEV???? a crit dmg weapon with a 20% hp buff (actually useful for her) and atk buffs at low HP for a character that you primarily play OFF FIELD. the HP buff from its effect is fine but if you want more HP literally black tassel is RIGHT there and you should have a million of them by virtue of just playing the game. Also Rightful Reward is another one that sounds ok on paper but needs more nuance that newbies/casual players probably aren't going to notice. You can only proc it's effect if you heal the HOLDER, and chev's heals only effect the on-field character until you get her c6, so it's going to be inconsistent energy regen until then.
another issue it has is that it will forever have a tantrum at you for NOT leveling one of your talents, even if the character straight up doesn't use that talent. this isn't a HUGE deal, but it's stupid as fuck to insist players waste resources on shit they really don't need to ex 1.
level 90 furina with level 90 weapon at 1/9/9 talents
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again, it's not a huge deal, but the double red arrows for NOT LEVELING HER NORMAL ATKS is batshit considering her playstyle. you put her on field, you summon her pets, you hit her burst, you take her off field. that's literally it, you are generally not playing her on field unless you have her c6. i know this system isn't that nuanced, but insisting people waste resin and mats to level something that most players aren't even using is stupid as fuck.
ex 2.
lvl 80 Jean with lvl 80 Fav Sword with 2/5/7 talents shows "room for improvement"
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furina was at least green bc she was level 90 with a 90 weapon, but jean isn't bc she's 80 with an 80 weapon lmao hot take: atk scaling healers don't need to be level 90, the atk/healing boost isn't worth the sheer amount of effort and mats needed to get there. but again, the system is having a tantrum over the talents (which could be better for burst and skill, i admit. but healer jean doesn't need normals leveled), NOT the level or weapon.
ex 3.
level 80 yaoyao with level 70 Fav Lance with 2/6/6 talents shows "room for improvement"
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this one is even more hilarious, bc i agree she could be better, but not for the reasons hyv is insisting. yaoyao is an HP scaling healer and dendro, so leveling to 90 is actually super important if you're going to be using her regularly for her heals and dendro reactions. more important than leveling the weapon OR talents, i'd argue lmao. again, nuance.
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I've been meaning to make a post on the new legends game since the announcement, but have continuously had stuff come up so finally getting around to it now. Noting now that I've only seen very little (I'll mention what beneath the cut) about it so if any of this has been proven/disproven, my bad I guess lmao. But yeah, with that in mind, these are my very late night thoughts/predictions for the game.
So starting off I want to say that the only things I have seen on this game is the trailer and that apparently the whole game happens within Lumiose City. My kneejerk reaction to it happening purely in Lumiose was disappointment but then I took a step back and remembered that this will be Lumiose before it becomes the city we know from X and Y. Realistically I cannot see them making the areas of the game either 1. any smaller than Legends Arceus or 2. if they are smaller, have any less areas than Legends Arceus. Like with all the work they've done since Sword and Shield with bigger areas, I have faith that the sizing won't be an issue here.
Plot wise I am a little nervous, but I think a lot of that is just because there's so much that is unknown for now. Like tbh we don't even know if it'll have the same elements as Legends Arceus. Like for all we know it's a level by level game that once you finish a level, you can't go back because that part of Lumiose will have been built. Like I doubt that's the case, I imagine it'll be similar to Legends Arceus because they know that works, but we just don't know for sure yet.
Much like everyone else, I do hope Zygarde gets a proper story and tbh I don't want the A in the title to be another legendary (I do have a theory that instead of a new one, it may be Arceus but we'll see), but as long as it's written well, I will be happy. I also do wonder if the swords of justice will play a role given them being based on the 3 musketeers and feeling like they should be in Kalos.
More broadly plotwise, I am also super happy that Kalos was picked because tbh it's one of my least favourite games given how many missed opportunities I felt it had (likely due to the lack of a 3rd game) so I am excited to hopefully see those gaps be filled.
But yeah, overall I will say though, with Legends Arceus being my favourite pokemon game, it does have a lot to live up to, and that makes me anxious.
As I'm sure is the case with most people, my main hope for this game is that there are new mega pokemon (and regional forms). And tbh, I hope that any pokemon that already has a mega doesn't get a new one... maybe with the exception of Blastoise and Venusaur because it'd be nice for Charizard to not have the special treatment lmao. I don't really have any hopes for specific pokemon to get a new form or mega, maybe something I wouldn't usually use. Like I had never used Muk before Sun and Moon and now Alolan Muk is a top 10 pokemon ever for me.
Starter wise, my first guess is that they will pick all 3 from ones that aren't generation 6 or generations that were picked for Legends Arceus. Sprigatito, Sobble and Torchic were the first to come to mind, but I also have a nagging (affectionate) feeling that Squirtle may also be picked. If I'm right, I will likely pick Sobble because I've never done a runthrough with it, but if it is Squirtle and not Sobble, I really don't know because I've used all three of those pretty evenly. Then again, Lavender specifically came from another region iirc (did we ever talk about the implications of this? Like the 'Hisuian' starter forms may not actually be from Hisui if he brought them along from where he was from. Like I know pokemon says it's the area that determines the form but it takes years/generations to adjust so there's likely another region that had at least similar if not the same final forms as the Hisuian starters) so they could use that as a reason to finally give the generation 6 starters a mega and/or new final form.
And there is probably more but it's 1am here so those thoughts will have to wait for another time.
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venriliz · 1 year
I was tagged by @sheplayswithlifee. Thanks! :)
1. What’s your favorite sims death? I personally never experienced this death while playing but the "running with scissors" death in the Sims 2 is hilarious and also disturbing lmao.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? I always use Maxis Match for hair but the rest is more Maxis Mix.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Never have and don't plan to do so in the future!
4. Do you use move objects? I'm not a builder but as soon as I change to buy/build mode move objects needs to be activated lmao
5. Favorite mod? Probably MCCC but I also love Wicked Whims/Wonderful Whims. For CAS the more CAS Colums mod is nice. I also enjoy the Realistic Childbirth Mod a lot!
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I got them in release order besides the Werewolves pack, still not sure whether I'll get it or not.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? aLive mode :D
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? I don't really share much about my sims here (I probably should) but I actually really love the girls of my simblr band I created for the Edgewavefest event right now.
9. Have you made a simself? Nope, never even tried. :D
10. What sim traits did you give yourself? Hmmm probably Creative, Art Lover (I could stare at surreal paintings for hours) and Cat Lover. Goofball or Socially Akward would fit too I think.
11. What is your favorite EA hair color? That's hard. The jet black one is nice and I also like the new very light blonde hair color.
12. Favorite EA hair? Might be weird but I like to use almost all of the slicked back male hairstyles.
13. Favorite life stage? I like all of them except for the baby stage, that one is...rough lmao. I surprisingly enjoy the elder stage a lot.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I actually hang out in CAS mostly but I'll try to get more into gameplay soon! I have a sort of love-hate relationship towards Build Mode. I really need to be motivated to sit through building a house without quitting :'D
15. Are you a CC creator? No, I only do some basic recolors from time to time for my own game.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I'm not sure actually. I have some people here I connect with more often then others I'd say.
17. What’s your favorite game? When it comes to the Sims franchise it's definitely Urbz for the GBA. I played it religiously as a kid and I still do sometimes C: My favorite Non-Sims games are Rimworld and the Dragon Age games.
18. Do you have any Sims merch? Nope
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope again
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I started out avoiding mods at all costs and now I can't play without them. In terms of gameplay I now play a lot more families than I did a few years back.
21. What’s your Origin ID? BlueApple95 - But I'm not that active on the gallery
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? I have A LOT. Probably too many to list here and I don't like to pick favorites. :)
23. How long have you had a simblr? I think I made my account in 2020? But I had a very long hiatus up until recently.
24. How do you edit your pictures? I mostly use Blender and edit the images with Gimp afterwards. I suck at taking screenshots I don't know why. T.T
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? My favorite is seasons and get together (only bc of Windenburg lmao) I also enjoy Cottage Living a lot.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I'm not sure if I even want another pack to be released...but at the same time I don't want Sims 5 either. xD
That's it! :)
I tag @boredmoodlet @microscotch @pisces-king @simsstuph @charmingmushroom @lilamausmaus and @crazy-lazy-elder-sims but ofc you can ignore it too, no problem! :)
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bonesandthebees · 5 months
chapter six time!
and you are excited because its not going where we would expect
im not quite sure what i expect, i dont think it will go perfectly, i think perhaps something will happen that will change force their dynamic to change in a sense theyre going to this abandoned area, lots can happen they could get stuck, they could experience something crazy, a lot could happen and any one of them should realistically either drastically change their relationship or lead to a change that will eventually force their relationship to change but yk
anyways time to read!
he left the ferro thing (i cant bother to look at how to spell it right now my bad) which is you know interesting
i like this little flashback because niki obviously realizes that wilbur will do what his dad says and its obvious his father wants him to play into tomys. and thats the game of politics niki knows there arent truly friends here, but its hard to watch someone youve trusted and had on your side for so long suddenly be pulled in a different direction due to this game and i think its also just niki’s own game in a way as she figures out what she must do and yeah its a balance
and thats another thing because they know each other the way friends do but they cannot be truly “friends” because of how this works
be careful on the mountain roads… somethings going to go wrong there and itll probably be wilbur who pays the price
i think ive seen this film before and i didnt like the ending
a bad feeling…
oh my goodness shouts!
bandits!!! this is going to go terribly!
and theyre here for tommy so of course wilbur is going to protect him (right…) yeaaaa get behind him (this is going to go terribly)
oh lord we’re going off roading i dont think this carriage has four wheel drive
and crashed
oh god his leg is broken isnt it
yes! play dead!
the contract? someone paid for tommy’s death and i have a sneaking suspicion its one of the potential heirs quackity would make sense with his warning and schlatt probably would i wouldnt be shocked
oh lord i got so distracted it is significantly later than when i started writing this
they lived! big shock!
but uh oh! now they have to try and survive in the winter in the wilderness alone! i wonder how that will drastically change their relationship!
anyways this chapter was great im very excited for the upcoming arcs and whatnot and im very invested in wilburs broken leg and all because ive taken one too many medical courses that have made me a tad too aware of how to properly care for a good chunk of injuries but thats besides the point! hope you have a good day and i cant wait for the next chapter :]
- 🪿
the thing with niki is that her and wilbur's friendship is very real and has existed for longer than they've been aware of the political games. it's a matter of is that friendship going to continue through all of this? how far can their relationship bend until it breaks completely? niki in no way thinks her friendship with wilbur is fake or over. but she's trying to figure out what matters more to him—is it loyalty to his father, or loyalty to her? is she ever going to be the most important person to him? or is she always going to be one step behind?
"oh lord we're going off roading I don't think this carriage has four wheel drive" this made me laugh out loud thank you for that the carriage does NOT have four wheel drive
lol knew the brother line would get you guys
hmm who paid the contract for tommy's life... so many options...
wow now they're stranded alone in the wilderness together! surely this won't have any lasting impact on their relationship!
don't hold your breath for proper medical treatment tommy and wilbur are 1) trapped in the wilderness and 2) this is technically a medieval-ish era so. medicine ain't exactly up to modern standards lmao
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