#i spend a very long time on this so it would be nice if it didn’t die?
just an idea - a situation where you have never referred to severus by name (only professor snape), and him going feral for you when you do say it in a one on one setting, if you catch my vibe 🙈
Watch Your Mouth
Snape x original female character
18+ smuuuuuuuutty
3.7+ words
Thank you to whoever requested this, I hope you enjoy it! 🫶
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The marking of his students’ papers was growing monotonous and never-ending for the Potion’s Master. Even now cursing himself for the way he would always insist on himself to go through each and every paragraph of potion ingredients with a fine tooth comb. He muttered to himself as his eyes skimmed the text, then his eyebrow arched as he found himself impressed with a particular piece of work. He completed his first pile of books and then moved onto the next, huffing as he pushed one pile away and brought one closer.
A knock sounded upon his classroom door whilst he opened the first student’s book and his eyes briefly glanced over to it.
If they really want me, they’ll knock again, he thought to himself.
They did.
He exhaled slowly, almost irritably, and looked up properly this time, speaking loud enough so that his voice would carry to the door, “Come in,” He then mumbled under his breath, “If you really must.”
“Sorry to disturb you, Professor,” The voice spoke as a tall, dark haired woman entered the room without a moment of hesitation, “Oh, marking in your dinner hour?”
“My students appear to apply fifty fifty to either of the following; they simply lack common sense and therefore I need to doublecheck their pathetic attempts at stringing a sentence together or they host a little too much knowledge in that their writings are so… pointlessly long when they really could have summed it up in one or two paragraphs,” Snape spoke in a very matter-of-fact tone, “Either way meaning that I have to spend endless hours doing this.” He gestured toward the several piles of student books.
“And I assume your face tells them all that without you having to open your mouth.” She bit her lip to hide a grin.
Snape remained silent, jotting down something with his quill as he glanced back and forth over the written text in front of him.
“Nice candles in this dark dungeon, Professor,” She commented as she glanced around at the many lit candles scattered about the room, “Have you got enough of them?”
“They are to ward off unwanted visitors.” Severus replied bluntly.
“Oh, you don't need candles to do that.” She mumbled under her breath, her eyes still looking around the room.
“Was there something you needed from me, Miss Eleanor, or have you just come here to simply distract me from my work?” Snape asked in a flat tone, growing irritated by watching Eleanor wandering around his dungeon classroom.
“I just thought I'd drop by…” She was now behind him, “Since you have barely acknowledged my existence since… that night.”
“Forgive me if I have been a little invested in finding out exactly what level my fifth years are at prior to them taking their O.W.L.s.” He fought not to break character, though her words did cause a slight stir in him.
“You say the word and I will leave you be,” She placed a hand on his shoulder, “Relax, Professor.” She said with a gentle squeeze over his cloak, knowing full well he was the last person to relax in a situation like this, especially not on command.
Snape huffed quietly under his breath and pushed the books to one side, staying quiet for a few long moments until he felt Eleanor’s hand leave his shoulder, “Alright!” He spoke rather louder than intended, “Alright, I am sure this marking can… wait.” He turned his head to look up at her stood at the side of him.
“Wait for what?” She played dumb.
“What ever it is that you came here for.” He spoke in an oddly timid tone, almost as if there was a hint of fear within it.
“And what do you think I came here for?” She bit her lip, now standing with her hands on her hips.
“Do not play games with me,” Snape warned dominantly as he stood up, facing her, “I cannot stress how much I urge you to not-”
“Not play games with Professor Snape, hm?” She finished his sentence for him, her head now tilted upward as he towered over her.
“Let… me… finish,” He emphasised each word more than the last, gritting his teeth.
“Oh, I know how you like to finish, Professor…” Her lips curled into a smirk, “In my mouth.”
Snape’s throat suddenly became very dry and he hoped his face didn't look as warm as it felt. His hands both balled into fists and he struggled with how to respond, blinking hard as his mind helplessly transported itself back to that night. When he dared to look at her again, this wasn't helped by her saying,
“I can still feel the marks of your fingers on the back of my neck…” As she reached over one of her shoulders and lightly rubbed her fingertips back and forth over the red raised skin on her neck that his frantic fingers had caused whilst trying to hold her head in place that night.
“I… did not…” He cleared his throat sheepishly, trying to push down the knowing that her words’ effect would very soon show itself in his trousers, “D-Did not invite you in here to… to make mockery of me… in my own classroom…” It was as if trying to string a sentence together was suddenly a huge task.
“And, yet, you do not ask me to leave… Severus.” She spoke in a tauntingly seductive tone.
Though the way she had spoken would've made anything sound appealing, it was her calling him by his name that caught him off guard. Not once had she ever addressed him as anything other than ‘Professor Snape’ or just simply ‘Professor’, not even during that night. He didn't know if it was the shock of her calling him by his name and the knowing that she would be slightly afraid of how he would react to not being addressed by his usual title, or whether it was the intimacy of her now speaking to him on first name basis — something only those who he really let in would do in confidence.
His lips were still parted in brief shock as their eyes met again and he felt his heartbeat throb in his throat, urging him to respond to her new daring confidence of calling him by his name for the first time. He raised one of his large hands and cupped her cheek in it, both of them now as eager as each other for their lips to be pressed together.
“Do not think I forget how you pleaded,” She breathed against his lips, now standing on her tiptoes and placing her hands against his chest to secure herself in order to deliver a more firm kiss to his lips, “How you begged, Severus.”
“Watch your mouth.” Severus snarled against her lips, kissing her harder.
“What, watch my mouth now?” She asked in between kisses, “Or when it's filled with your cock?”
Severus felt a shiver down his spine and into the pit of his stomach. His cock jolted in his trousers, earning a shaky breath from his lips. Both of their eyes opened briefly, but the look on Severus’ face took Eleanor’s breath from her completely; she had never seen such want mixed with such a furious expression. Before she even had chance to question what was on his mind, it was soon answered for her when his lips crashed back down on hers at the same time his hands gripped her hips.
“Oh…” She gasped but it was barely audible, hearing a load of clattering on the floor whilst eagerly kissing him back and then quite literally allowing him to sweep her off her feet and place her on his desk.
Once upon it, arms snaked around his neck, it became rather apparent that he had swept all of his marked and unmarked books to the floor in one desperate motion. His hands switched to her thighs and he lifted them up, gesturing for her to hook them around his waist as they devoured one another’s lips.
“Mm.. are you sure you don’t want me on my knees again, Severus?” She spoke quickly in between kisses, her fingers tangled in his black hair whilst his were frantically trying to grab at the buttons of his trousers.
“No,” He answered almost immediately, popping the button and pulling down the zipper of his trousers desperately and inhaling shakily against her lips, “I’m going to fuck- you- senseless,” He emphasised each word with a harder kiss to her lips each time and then speaking lowly against them, “I suppose you’ve earned it.”
“Oh, earned it, have I?” Eleanor grinned, lightly grazing her fingernails against the nape of his neck and kissing him with parted lips as he began to whimper into her mouth, “Is this what a girl has to do to ‘earn’ Severus Snape’s cock?” She dug her nails in a little harder, “Just suck him off a few times?”
“That’s certainly a good start, Princess.” Severus growled against her lips, reaching under the hem of her skirt and tearing her underwear down her legs as their tongues tangled.
“I’m no fucking Princess, Severus.” Eleanor tugged at his bottom lip and dipped her hands into the front of his open trousers, repeatedly caressing her fingertips back and forth over his hardened length straining against the material of his boxers.
Severus hissed from the feeling and narrowed his eyebrows, already feeling precum seeping into the material as Eleanor practically jerked him off through them with the pressure she was now applying with her palm. If this had been the first time they had ever gotten intimate with each other, that would have been enough to get him off completely, and he hated that she was aware of that, too. Now he had built somewhat of a resilience to her touch, mainly her lips, causing him to last more than all of three pathetic seconds. Still, he didn't quite fancy his chances with the aroused state she had managed to get him in, in impressive timing.
“Enough.” He spoke lowly, pushing his own hand now between her legs, “In my classroom, you are whatever I say you are.”
Eleanor’s hand returned to her side and her legs parted more the higher his hand traveled, eventually gasping when she felt his fingertips lightly brush against her. She instinctively leaned up to press another kiss to his lips, purring against them as he continued to circle his fingertips.
“That’s right…” He whispered against her lips, “Just because I haven’t fucked you yet, doesn't mean this doesn't belong to me.”
“Fuck… me, Severus.” She gasped shakily, wrapping her legs around him and trying to bring him closer with her heels against his bottom. One of his fingers pushed inside her and curled each time she pleaded for him, making him smirk against her lips when she began to moan.
Without barely a second thought, he removed his hand completely and pushed her legs further apart, fumbling in the crotch of his underwear before thrusting himself forward in one, heavy motion. Eleanor gasped in pleasure and Severus gritted his teeth, exhaling shakily as he repositioned his hands on her thighs. Their eyes met for a brief moment before their lips smacked back together, desperately kissing one another as his desk began to move beneath them from his movements.
“Fuck, how do you feel even bigger than you do in my mouth…” She breathed against his lips, tangling her fingers in his hair.
Severus didn't answer. Instead, he bit down on her bottom lip harshly and earned a small squeal, speeding up his thrusts as he gripped onto her thighs harder. He pulled her a little further off the edge of the desk and moaned against her lips from the feeling of her legs tightening around him.
“Wh… where are we going?!” She gasped when she felt Severus lift her, now holding her around him as he spun them both around, “What’s this, a change of scenery from your desk to your board?” She asked through a muffled laugh as her back thudded against the display board fixed to the wall at the side of his desk.
“If you’re not a Princess, then don't expect to be fucking treat like one.” He grunted, pinning her against the board with his hips as his arms secured themselves around her.
“Mm.. yes, Professor.” Eleanor grinned and snaked her arms around his neck.
Her lips gradually parted as Severus’ relentless hips continued to slam upward against hers, her head falling slightly and her lips landing upon his neck. She suckled on the skin briefly before breaking the contact to gasp in pleasure from the impressive motions of Severus’ somewhat questionably inexperienced hips.
“Christ, if I’d have known you’d be this good to fuck, I'd have done it weeks ago…” Severus grumbled, feeling his cock pulsating in delight with each movement.
“Too much time spent with your cock in my mouth, hm?” She teased him, lifting her head so she could kiss his lips.
“I…” Severus swallowed hard, the images of her knelt in front of him now flooding his brain.
“This mouth?” She kissed him again, “How does it feel to kiss the mouth that has contained your cock so many times, hm?”
“Sh—Shut up.” He grunted.
“Do my lips taste of—”
“I said…” Severus butted in, inhaling sharply though clenched teeth. Though, he did think about it, only for a short while before their lips were pressed against one another again, “Shut. Up.”
Eleanor began to rock her hips down against his, creating a slight banging noise against the wall as the board behind her began to hit against it with each movement. The beads of sweat began to gather upon Severus’ forehead as they continued to kiss and moan in sync, surprising Eleanor at how quickly her orgasm began to approach. Unaware of how close Severus was, she squeezed her legs around his waist, digging her heels into his bottom and urging for him to keep going, as if her world would stop if he did.
“O-Oh, Prof…” Her eyes rolled back in pleasure as she squeezed them shut, “Severus!” She half cried out in pleasure as her climax fell victim to his thrusts before he clasped a hand across her mouth in an attempt to quieten her, “Sev, Sev, Sev…”
“Mm… yes?” He asked wearily, pressing their lips together but growing dizzy from his own orgasm fast approaching and Eleanor continuing to address and moan at him by his first name certainly not helping.
“Do you enjoy the taste of your own cock against my lips?” She asked, smirking tauntingly against his lips.
Severus broke the kiss immediately and pulled back, now pressing his lips so tightly together that they turned white. He stopped moving his hips, careless of whether he was cutting the ride of her orgasm short, and unhooked her legs from around his waist, making her feet land back on the floor.
“On your knees,” He glared darkly, “Now.”
“Severus…” Eleanor inhaled shakily, her eyes daring to look up into his black ones.
“Knees.” He terrifyingly emphasised it this time, grumbling under his breath, “I want to cum.”
Eleanor nodded quickly and began to kneel in front of him, almost afraid that she would reach her orgasm again just from the way he was speaking to her. She fluttered her eyelashes innocently and parted her lips, flattening her tongue for him as their eyes met. Severus stepped closer to her and cleared his throat, glancing down at his angrily red length still glistening with the remanence of Eleanor’s orgasm, also a droplet of precum threatening to drip from the tip and land upon her tongue.
“Good girl,” Severus exhaled deeply once Eleanor had leaned forward to push the tip of his cock into her mouth, gently suckling on the head tenderly whilst making sure to massage her tongue against the underside.
“Mm, mm…” She made soft noises each time more pushed into her mouth, feeling his hands beginning to entangle themselves in her hair.
Severus’ head gradually tilted back more and more as his length slipped further into her mouth and he gripped her hair slightly tighter when the tip of his length touched the back of her throat. Eleanor raised one of her hands and wrapped it around the base of his cock, starting to bob her head back and forth over him and following the movements of her head with her fist.
“Now…” Severus exhaled shakily, trying to talk through the moan taunting his lips, “I ask you a similar question, you little brat…” He felt his breath hitch from her actions, “Do you enjoy the taste of my cock with you splattered all over it?”
Before Eleanor even had a chance to reply, he swatted her hand away from him and firmed his grip on her head. Eleanor gazed up at him with a willing expression and tightened her lips around him, the head of his length now lingering in her mouth as she teasingly traced the tip of her tongue back and forth over the leaking slit. That bolt of pleasure was enough for Severus to begin thrusting himself back and forth into her mouth, throwing his head back with painfully quiet shouts of bliss; afraid he would bring too much attention to his classroom if he did so, but unsure how long he could keep himself quiet. One of his hands slipped to the back of her neck and his fingertips began to re-raise the reddened lines on the back of her neck again.
“Fuck, fucking… fuck,” He grunted, his hair covering his face now as it whipped in time with his thrusts, “Agh!”
Eleanor’s eyes began to water from the force of his hips and the constant bounce of the tip against the back of her throat each time. Thankfully, she was used to his liking of her mouth, so his size wasn't that much of a surprise.
His hands began to tremble, hers now pressed against his thighs to keep herself still, and he felt the all-too-familiar warmth in his stomach rapidly begin to rise. His moans caught in his throat and he suddenly stopped his hips, leaving only the head of his cock in her mouth again and weakly gesturing down to her;
“Fu… fucking make me cum…” He could barely speak, his toes already curling in his shoes in anticipation.
Eleanor immediately obeyed his command as if it was second nature at this point and began to suck on the head whilst her hand frantically pumped up and down his entire length. It wasn't long before his cries of, “Oh, oh, oh-!” quickly developed into sticky warmth landing on her now flat tongue. She gazed up at him with heavy eyes and watched as his face screwed up in pleasure, hands shaking madly in her hair as he struggled to grip onto anything from the ecstasy now coursing through him.
“E-Eleanor, ugh!” He whimpered, now stumbling back slightly and catching himself with his hands weakly gripping the edge of his desk.
“Mmmh…” Eleanor gradually slowed down the movements of her fist but continued to wiggle her tongue against the sensitive ridge, making him twitch madly from the sensitivity of it.
“I-If I open my eyes and find that you have not had the decency to swallow what you caused, I shall have to put a stop to these… encounters.” He spoke still out of breath, leaning back against the desk as his heavy eyes opened.
He was met with the sight of Eleanor still on her knees and licking her lips before they settled into a proud grin, their eyes meeting. The sight alone sent a shiver down Severus’ spine, and he feared his cock would never soften if that image was forever in his mind.
“I hope this has allowed the encounters to continue, then.” She bit her lip, getting to her feet.
“It does make my dinner hour go rather quickly, and my students’ markings may suffer, but…” He sighed softly, watching as she stood.
Eleanor began to nonchalantly tuck him back into his underwear and fasten up his trousers, arching a brow as she looked up at him again, “But?”
“I suppose I can make an acceptation for something like this to take place again.” He replied in a calm tone, trying to ignore the feeling of her hands upon him still and trying to distract himself by looking at the time, “But, I am afraid I am going to have to ask yourself to leave my classroom… for now, at least.”
“Don’t strain yourself, Professor…” Eleanor jokingly rolled her eyes and fixed her dress properly, walking over to the door, “It is not good for a man of your age.” She giggled.
“Actually…” Severus spoke, his footsteps evidently close behind her and making her silently fear a loud verbal repercussion of her daring words. She stopped at the door and turned around to face him, raising her eyebrows, “Drop ‘Professor’. I liked it when you called me ‘Severus’.” He admitted.
“Oh?” Eleanor smirked, “I couldn't tell.” She spoke sarcastically.
“I would tell you to watch your mouth, Miss Eleanor, but I am actually rather fond of doing that myself.” He swallowed hard, his lip twitching.
“Mm…” She grinned, placing her hand on the door handle, “Have a good rest of your day.”
“And you, too.” Severus nodded.
“In fact, one more thing…” Eleanor quickly turned around and bent down, picking up the torn underwear that had been carelessly tossed to the floor from before and then standing up straight again. Severus’ eyes narrowed and his breathing suddenly quivered when he felt her finger push into the waistband of his trousers, then underwear, pulling it away from his skin slightly and tucking her underwear into the front of them, “This way, I can always be wrapped around your cock… Severus.” She spoke in a seductively smooth tone, quickly pecking his lips.
Severus barely had time to take a breath before she had left his classroom, let alone form a response. Instead, he watched her leave from the doorway; once again on his own, once again counting down the seconds until their next encounter, and once again visibly aroused.
Thank you for reading! ♥️
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poomphuripan · 2 days
the mingjoe hotel room scene has been running on loop in my head all day. uppoom are just insanely talented people Jesus Christ. i would love to hear your thoughts on it!!
and cheers to no phone throwing—just lots of pushing and biting(?), which is definitely a little bit more palatable. i really enjoy that like with the ep3 bathroom scene, ming’s extreme physical behavior is not being romanticized. like sure some (me) will still find it hot but it’s very.. ugly looking? like the way ming is overly rough with his arm around joe’s neck acting like an animal or in a sleazy outfit like ep3 (😭) that it just makes you cringe more than anything else.
hi nonnie (ToT)/~~~
sameeeeeeeeee. this scene was just incredible. so for anyone that doesn't know, this is the scene from chapter 73 'Underestimating Yan Ming Xiu’s Feelings for Zhou Xiang' of Professional Body Substitute. I will leave a small excerpt with edited names for easy reading experience down here.
Joe smiled sarcastically, “Khun Ming, I am just as baffled as you. I don’t know how I could have offended P'Tong. Your FAMILY is of one mind, if you could help me figure it out, perhaps I could correct my mistakes.” When Joe mentioned ‘family,’ he especially emphasized it with a heavier tone. Ming’s expression became unsightly. He grabbed his cell phone and threw it at Joe’s face, immediately hitting Joe in his cheekbones, making it instantly swollen. Ming responded coldly, “Joe, don’t you have a bit of shame. You keep repeatedly speaking to me with this mocking sarcasm. Even if I was to spend money to raise a dog, it’ll bark nicely upon seeing me. Who do you think you are? If it wasn’t because ….. do you think you’re even worth a few yuan?” Joe caressed his face, feeling the air leaking from his voided heart. But he didn’t feel anything. He didn’t feel humiliated, let alone sadness. He felt that what Ming said is extremely right. If it wasn’t because he looked a bit like Tong, whether it was from before or in the present, how could he have the opportunity to stand in front of Ming? After such a long time, he had finally accepted this fact and was able to fully be at peace. He smiled, “What Khun Ming said is right. I admit that I am wrong. No matter what P'Tong does, he must have his reasons.” Ming raised his eyebrows deeply. The smile on Joe’s face made him feel uncomfortable, not only is it uncomfortable, it was simply glaring to the extreme. He instinctively felt that he had seen this expression before from somewhere, this expression made his heart tremble. Ming didn’t know how he could teach this person called Joe a lesson because this person is too untamed. But at the same time, there are so many commonalities between this person and “that person,” so that he is always subconsciously tolerant of him. He has repeatedly tolerated his words and even gave him the condo he had prepared for his older brother. He knew that he is not “Joe” but because there were so many overlapping details between them, it made him lose his mind. He didn’t know what he is expecting from this fake ‘Joe.’ What exactly was he expecting!! He stared at Joe coldly and ordered, “Undress.” Joe is slightly startled and then nimbly removed his clothes piece by piece. Ming press him onto the bed, separating his thighs. Then, he proceeded to brutally and fervently fuck him. The lines on Joe’s back are painfully stretched, his muscles trembled violently with Ming’s frightening rigorous speeds; sweat dripped along the sides of his cheeks onto the bed sheet. Joe clenched his teeth trying with much difficulty to suppress himself from making any sounds. The moans lodged in this throat instead became smothering sounds. The phone next to the bed suddenly rang. Joe slowly looked up and blankly glanced at it. Ming immediately pressed his head into the blanket and hoarsely shouted, “Don’t let me see your face!” Joe’s face was forced into the blanket. He hated that he couldn’t directly bury himself beneath the bed. Ming picked up the handset; his thrusting movements became a bit stagnant but he was still slowly pummeling in and out of Joe. Back and forth, his hot weapon thrusted repeatedly into Joe’s body. This strange feeling made his entire body shook.
okay so i was crazy excited for how they were gonna adapt this onscreen because for this scene to truly delivered they had to be able to retain the shame joe had to bear to hear those hurtful words from ming while showing ming is lashing out as a result of him being driven up the walls due to the similarity between joe 2.0 and joe 1.0, especially when joe 2.0 associated him and tong as 'family'.
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i totally agree with the series' refusal to romanticize any of these scenes. and i think the best adaptation change has been for joe to say all these things back to ming whereas he didn't in the novel.
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oh god poom's eye work in this scene was just incredible. i think i prefer this to his resigned attitude in the same scene of the novel. the series has designed joe to be more emotional and vulnerable than his novel counterpart and i think it fits in line well with the comments in the first few episodes of novel readers noting that joe seems more "innocent" and "naive" than novel!zhou xiang.
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all gifs courtesy of @jimmysea
and yes as you mentioned, it doesn't feel romantic at all. and i'm sure it's completely intentional on the producers to design this scene as such so we get a remorseful ming the following morning and heightened the tension between the two characters, while building up to the reveal scene at the end of the episode.
like just how can joe 2.0 trust ming saying this when ming is seemingly the same 'guy who lashes out' in that very fight scene they had earlier.
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i also like the contrast between the design of that fight scene and the scene where ming ended up not following through with sex when joe 2.0 had reminded him of joe 1.0 (see, he can make good decisions on rare occasions). it's interesting because at that point you'd think ming has changed but then just one mention of joe/tong is such a sore subject for him, as if it's a sharp reminder (from joe himself) that he (and tong) are the reason for joe's disappearance, that it triggers all ming's buttons and he's right back to square one. it's a long journey for ming to prove his love to joe and i like that the series doesn't make it an easy ride for him even if they've 'toned down' to make the characters more palatable and human.
i don't know i'm just rambling incoherently at this point, but i hope that made sense nonnie ಥ_ಥ
edit: linking this weibo post from the msi supertopic which discusses the conversation. why do i hate miscommunication but love this so much wahhhhh. also more praises for this scene here.
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arisewanekosuki · 1 day
hello I have an ask for traveler’s little helper what if LH has a food allergy and forgot to mention it and some of the boys (Subaru bois + Ather & Paimon )were witness to a severe allergic reaction.
Hello! Sorry that it took so long T_T I hope you'll still enjoy this! >.< Tbh I don't have allergy to anything so sorry if something is not correct m(_ _)m ---- You didn’t know how this happened. It started as a normal day, doing commissions in Sumeru with Aether and this time Cyno was the one who had time to help you both. When you finished and Aether approached Katheryne to get payment, Cyno invited you for dinner. Of course you didn’t get it that Cyno wanted to eat dinner with ONLY YOU, you thought he wanted to spend more time with your whole group. And surprise, surprise. The rest of Sumeru boys invited themselves to this dinner. Cyno is not even sure how they knew about it, he was paying attention to his surroundings, making sure nobody else will hear about his plans and yet, here they are. You didn’t complain, as you said “the more the merrier!” Meanwhile Tighnari gave his friend the look that said ‘Nice try’, Kaveh was the one who was asking how your day went, Alhaitham sat in silence, waiting for food and listening to your conversation with Kaveh. Wanderer sat in silence too, from time to time bickering with Paimon, Aether looked tired, for sure he just wanted to relax with you in Teapot. You couldn’t see it from Cyno’s face but he was disappointed that again, he couldn’t spend some alone time with you.
After a while many dishes were brought to your group table. Paimon and you were excited to try some of them that you didn’t eat before. But after taking some bites you started to feel unwell. Not only you didn’t realize the dish had something you have an allergy to, you never mentioned it to even Aether and Paimon. The reason is that you thought that in this world your allergies won’t act up at all and not only that, to this day it seems you luckily avoided anything that you’re allergic to.
You started to have trouble with breathing and feel dizzy. Tighnari was the one who reacted first. For a moment he wondered if there was poison in food but looking more at you he understood it was a severe allergic reaction. He laid you down on the floor and searched in his little bag if he had anything right now that can help you. Paimon was panicking, asking “What happened to her?! Will she be alright?!” Aether was panicking too, crouching by your side and looked scared, not understanding what’s going on. Alhaitham and Cyno asked Tighnari what’s going on. While Kaveh asked what they should do to help you.  Tighnari asked them to make space for you and explained that you have an allergic reaction. He tsked when realizing he doesn’t have anything to help you. -“ We need to inject her with adrenaline! We shouldn’t move her in this state, so someone has to go to hospital-“ before he could finish sentence, Wanderer already left the restaurant and went to hospital. Tighnari was monitoring your condition while Kaveh was trying to calm down both Paimon and Aether (and himself), Alhaitham and Cyno keep people from coming to see what’s going on while the whole group waited for Wanderer.
They didn’t wait too long for Wanderer to come back. Tighnari applicated the adrenaline to you while others waited, some more nervous than others. When you could breathe normally and felt better, the boys would give you only one minute before they started scolding you for not saying something important like this earlier. -”How could you forget to tell us about your allergy?!” said Tighnari flicking your forehead. -”Yeah! We traveled for so long together and you didn’t say a thing about it?!” shouted Paimon. -”What if Tighnari wasn’t here?! We wouldn’t be able to help you!” said Aether, very angry at you. -”(Y/n), you shouldn’t hide things like this from us.” said Cyno, even if he sounded calm you could see disappointment in his eyes. -”But-” you were interrupted. -”They are right!! Do you think we want to see you suffer like this?!” Kaveh raised his voice a bit. -”But I-”  you were interrupted again. -”Hmpf, it seems you can’t take care of yourself, so tell us what you're allergic to, now.” said Wanderer with crossed arms. -”Even if nothing happens to you in the end, I assume it’s still not a pleasant experience for you. It’s better to know in the future what to avoid to order, than making fuss in restaurants.” said Alhaitham. Food got cold, but Paimon didn’t mind. After you told them what you are allergic to, they ordered new dishes. You hoped that you could just enjoy food now but not really. From time to time you could hear complaints about how careless you are. You got a bit annoyed but you nodded to them and promised that you will be more careful in future. After all, you know they just worried about your well-being. From this day the boys started to pay even more attention to you and your health.
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PLEASE write more mini fics about ponyboy and curly i love them together
Hi anon! This is the first of the PaperCut asks I'm cooking up, so I hope you like it. Sorry it took so long!
Curly Shepard knows he’s the hottest person alive, which is good, because he needs this to go well. 
He’s got a pair of Tim’s jeans on- they’re a bit long, but unlike his own they don’t have any stains- and he might pay for that later but right now it doesn’t matter. His muscle shirt might’ve belonged to Tim at one point or another too, but right now the important thing is that it shows off his arms. Gotta show off his gains if he’s gonna get a date for the rodeo this weekend. 
He really needs a date for the rodeo this weekend. Angela had bet him three dollars and a pack of kools he couldn’t find one and he was determined to prove her wrong. Also, he doesn’t have the scratch to spare if he loses- he’s trying to save up for a nail gun. Dally Winston told him a week ago about a guy in New York who used a modified nail gun as a weapon, and Curly wants to try it.
So, the date. He’d considered asking Catalina Perez- she’s been making eyes at him for weeks, and despite what Angela thinks he isn’t completely clueless- but he doesn’t really want to take a girl out. Girls are fine, but he’s gotta be like…nice and gentlemanly and shit and it's so boring. Besides, Angela just said he had to find a date. She didn’t say it had to be with a girl. 
There’s only one person he actually wants to ask out. Of course, Ponyboy will probably tell him to fuck off, but he tells Curly to fuck off a lot and only means it like a third of the time, so it’ll probably be fine. 
Curly flexes once more in front of the mirror (for confidence) and sticks his switchblade in his pocket. Momentarily he considers grabbing a jacket, but he didn’t spend the last three months beefing up his arms just to cover them with sleeves. Besides, it’s not that cold yet.
Angela’s in the living room with Sylvia, and he promptly decides he does not want to hear them rip him to shreds for his very cool outfit, so he climbs out his bedroom window instead. It’s good practice for gang stuff, he tells himself, because saying he doesn’t want to feel the sting of Angel’s judgemental gaze feels a lot like cowardice.
Once he’s outside he runs into a problem: he’s finally psyched himself up enough to ask Ponyboy out, but unfortunately he doesn’t have any idea where to find him.
Ok, that’s not completely true. Truth is, the guy is pretty predictable on account of his grumpy ass older brother keeping him on a leash shorter than Angel’s temper. Tim didn’t keep half so close an eye on him, and he’d done things Ponyboy probably hadn’t even dreamed of.
It wasn’t like Pony was any sort of goody two shoes. No, Curly didn’t like teacher’s pets and he liked Pony something awful. Pony just…wasn’t as dumb as him, that was all. And he had more to lose, with the state breathing down his neck and all. Curly could respect that.
He’d try the movie house first, he decided. Shit Ponkid liked movies, and anytime he went with him Ponyboy would get all pissy if he said anything about Paul Newman. (What did Pony like so much about that guy anyway? He wasn’t even that tuff looking and he talked like a soc.)
When he shows up, the movie house is empty except for a pair of socs getting handsy in the back row, so he makes his way to the library instead, hoping the old lady behind the desk has forgiven him for time he spilled Pepsi over half the books in the history section (it's not his fault ok? He got distracted.)
This time, his detective skills are as flawless as his face, and he spots a familiar head of reddish hair in the back corner near the biology section, Pony’s shoulders curled in his familiar slouch. The sight of it makes a familiar warm feeling start in his chest, like how good whiskey goes down, a feeling Angela had explained to him two days ago was ‘what a crush feels like, dumbass’ with an eye roll and a not so gentle swat on the head. Much as he hates to admit it, it’s a fairly common occurrence. He’s good at describing feelings but not naming them. Angela feels nothing, but knows what things are supposed to feel like. It works for them, even though Tim calls them weird for it. 
“Hey Ponykid!” His voice is too loud for the library and he knows it, but what’s the old bitch behind the desk gonna do? Kick him out? He could kick her ass.
Ponyboy scowls. “Shut up!” 
“You goin’ to the rodeo this weekend?” Shit. Curly had meant to build up to that, honestly he did, but Ponyboy Curtis has a way of getting him to act like a prize idiot instead of his usual cool, suave self. He hates what this crush is doing to him, and also never wants it to stop.
He goes back to his book. 
“Why not?” Curly presses, leaning on the table in a way that makes his arms flex just the way he practiced. The moment is wasted though, because Pony doesn’t even glance up.
“Because why?” He should’ve known better than to come to the library. The only time Pony ever gets proper mad at him is this godforsaken hellhole.
“Because Angela told me you were gonna ask me out,” Pony shuts his book, a shit eating grin crossing his face, and fuck this was not part of the plan. Curly can feel his cheeks flushing and he’s not for the first time he’s glad his skin is dark enough it won’t be obvious. If Pony- or anyone else for that matter- had any idea how much he made Curly blush he’d never hear the end of it, “and she paid me a pack of kools not to say yes unless you ask again after this weekend.”
“She- she what?”
That had to be cheating. Even Tim would have to agree that was cheating, or racketeering or- or something. She was rigging their bet against him. Worse than that she’d told Ponyboy he was gonna ask him out, and now Ponyboy was prepared with his smirk and that face and whatever cologne he’s wearing which smelled so good it should probably be illegal.
“Sorry,” Ponyboy grins, not sounding sorry at all. He climbs to his feet, and Curly is suddenly acutely aware of how close they are, almost chest to chest. Pony’s maybe three inches taller, and Curly finds himself having to look up a bit into his eyes, “guess you’re gonna have to try again next week.”
Then he leans in and kisses Curly on the cheek. 
Curly’s brain melts. 
Pony must see it, because despite the slight flush on his pale cheeks, he manages to look completely smug as he turns away.
“Now fuck off, would ya Curls? I’m tryin’ to read.”
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peeweekey · 1 day
everyone adores you (at least i do)
pairing: sam x reader
wc: 1.1k
tags: CHEEEEESY cheesy cheesy puppy love, mutual pining, sam is PATHETICALLY down bad, pre-relationship, abigail and sebastian mentioned, friends to lovers
synopsis: if it were up to sam, he'd spend every second of everyday at your side.
a/n: in all of my other sam fics, its reader embarrassingly in love with him...he gets a taste of his own medicine here lol!
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With vanilla ice cream melting and dripping down your fingertips, coarse sand underneath you and the salty ocean waves lapping at your feet; you are a child again, sitting with your grandpa at the docks, watching as he reeled in a ‘big one’. Filling his bucket with loads and loads of fish.
Those days are far gone now, but the memory remains, as clear as the day you remember it. The feeling is nostalgic, sleepy in the way your senses are dulled by syrupy thick contentment. Beaches at sunset have that effect on you, you suppose. 
“This is fun,” Sam says, tone lacking its boisterous loudness, you almost don’t hear it over the sound of crashing waves. “I had a lot of fun today, farmer.”
Your eyes flicker to him, his green gaze dead-set on the peachy golden sky, the taste of sea salt mingling with sweet ice cream heavy in your tongue. The sea breeze is cold, whipping against your face and running through your hair.
“I did too,” you agree. “Y’know, I don’t get a lot of off time with the farm and stuff. This is a nice change of pace.”
He smiles, that sunshine smile you’ve come to associate with Sam. “I caught you at just the right time then, huh?” 
You shrug, your own smile mirroring his. “Auspicious.” He did.
The sun is setting, the day is coming to a close yet Sam wishes it wouldn’t, silently pleading with any higher being to somehow stretch time. He is barely a religious person, but the weight of his want is enough to transcend his own beliefs. Every second with you barely feels like enough; like sand slipping through his fingers.
One thing’s for certain, Sam isn’t going to just let it end here.
“We should hang out like this again,” Sam says, a little hurriedly, captured all in one breath. Shy and tentative, like a bashful child with a school crush. “Uh, I mean, do you? Wanna? Hang out with me?”
You can barely suppress a delighted chuckle from slipping past your lips, your chest warming with fond affection. “I’d be more than happy to. Yoba knows I need a break or two or I’ll actually explode,” you huff while Sam hums in agreement. “We can even invite Abigail and Sebastian… so can demo that new song for me, I see you all working very hard when I visit sometimes.”
He should be happy to hear that; that you’d be more than happy to spend your precious off time with him out of all people. You and him, him and you, Sam and the farmer. Your name connected to his with ‘and’, it makes him giddy, causes his cheeks pinken and pinken. 
Just the two of you, though. Sure, he loves his friends, Abby and Seb have been with him since day one. But it feels out of place—
(Sam, Sebastian, Abigail and the farmer doesn’t have that ring to it…)
“Yeah, I—I dunno, it’s just…”
The unfiltered truth is stupid, at least to him. Vincent is far too young for some of the things Sam longs to say. There’s a reason Abby and Seb hang out under his nose, he won’t blame them, they have their own secrets he isn’t privy to—too serious, too dull for him.
(And now with you, he thinks you might just be the one he can share his own secrets with. Because even he has his own serious, dull thoughts. Thoughts that he doesn’t want brushed away with a snarky remark or a sarcastic laugh.)
“I kinda like that it’s just the two of us?” 
His voice sounds unsteady, squeaky. Trailing off at the end, lost in the sound of water crashing at your feet. Phrasing his statement into a question that you could deny, that you could easily brush off—because if you did, he would too. 
(It would be a bummer if you did though, but Sam is cool with that, chill with any decision you make. Really, he totally is.)
You grin, bumping your shoulder against his, your ice cream is dripping down, down, down your knuckles. Once your skin meets his, you don’t pull away, you press closer and closer to his side. Leaning your head against his sunburnt shoulder—but he barely registers the sting—and your arm against his own. It’s a pleasant weight, having you against him—grounding and tethering him to you.
“I do too. Like it, I mean. I think I get to see so many other sides to you, Sam. Without the others and all that.”
Sam feels his breath hitch, his cheeks flush even pinker even with the sunburns. “Woah, phew, I mean—awesome… When, when do you think we can meet next?”
You tilt your head, running calculations through your mind. You’re very busy on that farm, he knows; but Sam can’t help but keep his hopes up, you’re fun company. Maybe the best he’s had yet.
“I know I won’t have enough time until my melons are ready for harvesting—and don’t you dare try making a joke about that,” you smile, wide and cheeky. Right as Sam readies an innuendo at the tip of his tongue; it makes his blood pump faster and his breathing stutters at the thought of you knowing him so well. 
“So how about this?” you propose slowly. “We spend one day every month doing all the stuff we wanna do, together. just you and me—fun right? I’ll even sleep a little earlier the night before.”
Sam bites into his ice cream—chocolate and your treat, at your insistence—though he isn’t quite sure if the immediate smile on his lips is due to its sweetness, or yours.
He leans closer into you, resting his head on top of yours, strands of your hair tickling his lips. Lowering his voice into a whisper so only you can hear.
(The secret is that you make Sam want. Want, want, want like he’ll never get sick of it. He hoards these stolen moments with you so greedily yet wants more.)
“…two days, two days each month.”
He feels your body shake with the strength of your laughter, warmth swirls all throughout his body, tingling wherever your body brushes against his own. Sam finds that he likes the feeling, the buzz of it—it’s addicting.
“Yeah, alright then,” you reply, mirth dripping from each and every word. “two days. We have a deal. Better?”
“Yeah,” he turns back to face the water, the ocean spray misting his face. “Yeah, a lot better. That does sound fun.”
Anything sounds fun when it involves you.
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writtenonreceipts · 3 days
Jily prompt(on their bed:)): “James, you’re on my side!”
Hope you enjoy this!  It was very, very hard to get back into the swing of things and write.  So it’s short…and probably not the best…around 700 words.
The One I Love
It had been a long day.
Excruciatingly long.
As Lily finally opened the front door, exhaustion encapsulated her.  She could feel it all the way into her bones.  It actually felt a little nice to admit it—she’d been trying all day to pretend she was fine.  Now she let her walls down and just be tired.  Sometimes it was hard to hold it all together.  Hard to pretend to be something that she wasn’t.  And here at home, it didn’t matter anymore.
Sighing, Lily kicked off her shoes into the already waiting pile by the door.  There were James’ muddy soccer cleats that still had grass clinging to the spikes and her slippers with holes in the toes.  It was familiar and comforting and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
In the kitchen she left her purse on the table covered with textbooks and notebooks.  Much like her, James had been busy with his own work—mostly studying towards his PhD—and it was making both of their lives chaotic.  Chaotic to the point that they hadn’t been spending much time together.  Which was exceedingly annoying since they’d only been married three months.
It was strange missing someone she was already so close with.
She left her purse on the table knowing she would be up in five hours and starting the routine over again.
Without bothering to eat, Lily moved down the hall to the bedroom.  All she wanted to do was peel out of her clothes, crawl into bed, and sink into sleep.  She’d been so busy lately that functioning in any capacity seemed nearly impossible.  Any amount of rest she could get was welcome.
She pushed into the bedroom, dark and quiet aside from James’ soft snoring.  It would have been a welcome sight, seeing him sprawled there across the bed, if only he hadn’t been taking up her side of the bed.
Approaching the bed, Lily stared down at her husband.  He was curled around one of her pillows with the quilt twisted around his waist, his t-shirt riding up to expose a patch of skin.  Lily didn’t know how he could sleep like that—so chaotic and…floppy.  She smiled, unable to help it, and leaned over to brush errant curls out of his face.
“Hey,” she whispered, hoping to ease him awake.
James, of course, was more or less dead to the world.
Lily prodded his shoulder and tried to push him over to his side of the bed.  He was deceptively lean though and weighed more than even she realized.  All she managed to do was give herself an inch.
“You big tree,” she said, pushing at him again.  This time she managed to rouse him a little bit into reality.
“Mmmph,” James groaned scrunching a little further to his own side of the bed.
“You’re on my side of the bed,” Lily informed him as she continued to try and get him to roll over the rest of the way.
“’S’late,” James murmured, one had flopping out, reaching for her. “Wherewereyou?”
Lily eased onto the bed, tugging the blankets over to her side when James refused to give them up.  She smiled to herself as James immediately rolled back towards her, wrapping his arms around her middle and tugging her close.
“Sorry I’m late,” she said.  She ran her fingers through his hair, messy and erratic as ever. “Did you have a good day?”
His arms flexed around her as his mouth pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “Missed you.”
A small ache formed right in the center of her chest.  She knew, they both knew, how chaotic their schedules were going to be.  At least for a little while longer.  But it still hurt, being away.  It still hurt to know that this had been the extent of their married life since actually getting married.  Tired talks and sleepy greetings.  Maybe they’d been able to steal coffee together in the afternoon. 
It was all so different than what she’d been expecting.
Lily looked down at James who had almost certainly drifted back off to sleep.  She shifted until they were flush against each other and she could bury her nose against his chest and breath in his familiar scent.  This was all she needed.  Just him and the rest would work itself out.
Sighing, Lily closed her eyes and hugged him closer.
“I love you,” she whispered.
James, even clouded in sleep, held her tighter still.
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Hello! Could I request A, G, K, P, and S for Cp0 Kaku Please?
I admittedly based this more off his CP9 days because I haven't gotten far enough to see him as a CPO agent. I hope that's okay! Also thank you for requesting Kaku, I owe you a kiss on the forehead.
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He's very old fashioned, and that comes out strong in his affection for you. He displays all four love languages pretty evenly, but he leans the most into acts of service. He loves to do things for you and make himself feel useful. In the early days, he tries to endear himself to you by doing favors. Things like repairing something that broke in your home or running errands in your place if you're too busy. He also wants to be seen as a provider by you. He wants you to rely on him, and he also simply enjoys giving you gifts; particularly if he made them. I headcanon that he's incredible at woodwork in general, so he could fully furnish your whole home if you don't stop him.
As for physical touch, he's very polite about it at first. In the beginning, he'll hook his arm with yours, rest his hand on the small of your back, and hold hands with you. He might even kiss your hand if he feels like the day with you is going well. As he gets more bold and comfortable, he also enjoys hugging you from behind and kissing your forehead.
His affection starts off mild and polite, but the more the obsession grows, the more intense it gets. Every interaction leaves him wanting more, and he's so desperate to get the next high that he'll make excuses as to why you seem to not want it. You're just shy, or maybe you had a bad experience and don't feel safe with him yet. That's got to be all it is.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Not at all. He would be genuinely offended if you so much as insinuated that it was a game. He loves you! How could you possibly think that this is just a game to him? All that he wants is to have a nice life with you by his side. He's 100% genuine in his love and want for you. Escape attempts are usually excused as being something else. Like you just wanting fresh air or needing to get something from the store. If he sees it for what it actually is, he gets really quiet. He feels hurt that his darling would want to run away from him. Is he not good enough? He decides that that must be it, so he doubles down on affection and spending time with you. You just felt neglected, that's all.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
You two were getting mistaken for a married couple since you first started spending time together. He's always calling you dear and regarding you with such soft and genuine affection that everyone assumes you're newly weds or something. This works out great for Kaku because that's pretty much how he feels right off the bat. He doesn't open himself up easily, so if he let you in enough to actually date you, he's already pondering what to get you for your first wedding anniversary. He knows that you two aren't married yet, but he has occasional slip ups where he'll refer to you as his spouse.
Once you're happily married and living together (read: kidnapped), he plays the part of a doting husband. He's kissing you the second he walks through the door even if he has to hold you in place for it. He'll make small talk about your respective days while you two cook dinner together. When that's done, he'll cuddle up to you on the couch while talking about how much he loves and appreciates you. This man wants to play pretend that he has a perfectly normal life, and he'll get you to participate in that delusion one way or another.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Kaku is an extremely patient man in general, and that applies to you. As long as no outside force pushes him to act quickly, he could play the part of a perfectly normal and loving boyfriend for years. You'll never see his true nature coming because what few slip ups he has are either very minor or justifiable.
After the rug has been pulled out from under you, and you start to fight back against him, he's still very patient. He's so delusional and good at justifying your behavior that most of the things you do don't even phase him. Genuinely upsetting him takes a lot and will actually make him withdraw for a bit while he tries to figure out how to fix it.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
It's a combination of his childhood and him being dissatisfied with how his life currently is. He feels a constant ache for the family he once had before he was orphaned, and there is nothing that he wants more than to have his own family and finally be able to heal through that.
On top of that, he doesn't like being a Cipher Pol Agent. It's just what he is, and he feels like he's trapped because that isn't exactly a job you can just quit. He craves normalcy and loves the appeal of a mundane life. He sees his darling as an opportunity to finally have that.
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sequinsnstars · 2 days
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pjoverse headcanons . . . starring SIARA as the pink aphrodite princess ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖
notes; this was sooo fun to do eek!! sunni @sunnitheapollokid created the first super cute post like this so go check it out here hehe. these are a bit all over the place LOL
♡ i was really suspicious of chb bc literally no one tells u anything ab it before u get there like... i’m going to some random camp that i know NOTHING ab? what are we going to do? what’s the age range there? how long am i staying?
♡ def had a lot of questions when i reached LMAO. i felt a bit out of place at first since i didn’t know anyone though the apollo, demeter, and aphrodite campers were def super sweet :) @starlitszn @gentlehue @maybxlle @puffoz @canonfeminine
♡ since i’m a legacy of hades, there would have been a bit of confusion w claiming. i do hold grudges, usually longest when someone i love has been wronged (see how the aphrodite and hades work so well together 😫)
♡ i think something i do when i or someone close to me receives unfair treatment is forgetting but not forgiving which is very hades core imo. also ever since i was a kid i’ve been super interested in ideas of afterlife
♡ but at the end of the day aphrodite is the most me and i feel extremely connected to her 💓 i love all forms of love, i think it’s one of the most beautiful and key things in life. one of the things i appreciate ab myself is that i can see beauty in things and people even when they can’t see it themselves
♡ i can see myself being claimed after i comforted and reassured a friend bc something unfortunate happened ☹️ being there for the ones i love during the hard times and helping them get through something is so so so important
♡ “are you sure you’re feeling better now?”
♡ “i am. siara, look at yourself.”
♡ “yes, i know i have aphrodite’s blessing. but are you one hundred percent sure?”
♡ after that piper and i became bffs actually ☺️☺️ ik she’s such a welcoming head counselor, my number one girl fr! i see so much of myself in her <3
♡ slightly unrelated but i like the idea that being around a lot of the v kind and gorgeous cabin 10 girlies would have helped piper work toward healing her relationship w femininity. she grew up without her mother obv and the “girly girls” at school would bully her so naturally she kind of rejected it
♡ in my head after growing closer to the aphrodite campers like lacy her views changed. rick’s characterization of her was so messy don’t even get me started 😣 but anyways
♡ we watch movies, go shopping, and paint our nails together like yes bby being a badass and being feminine are not mutually exclusive 😊😊 i js know she is the BEST at nail art
♡ WILL IS MY OTHER BFF! crazy dangerous stuff always happens in chb so naturally i visit the apollo cabin a lot (def getting five nasty splinters a day js from eating lunch at those wooden tables) which is how we met and bonded
♡ piper will and i go to the strawberry fields for picnics when we can and js lie in the grass on warm summer days! biconic trio me thinks
♡ she paints his nails w little suns btw ☀️
♡ i got to become friends w the seven + reyna and nico bc of those two! hazel, nico and i are the crazy hades gang fr
♡ i’m able to shadow travel but not very long distances since i’m not a direct descendant
♡ “nico, can you get my book for me? i forgot to bring it back when i went strawberry picking with will and piper.”
♡ “you can go get that yourself.”
♡ “i’m quite obviously disadvantaged. you can shadow travel farther than i can.”
♡ and omg there are sleepovers when hazel comes to visit chb and we watch the orientation film
♡ hazel and i start cackling at the song parts bc nico knows the lyrics LMAO
♡ but none of us can actually sleep in the end so we go to the stables and js talk about existence and life
♡ i love spending time w them sm, so nice after a long day
♡ shoutout to my poseidon besties for translating what they say to me 🫶🏽 @kozumesphone @metyouattherighttime @somewhereincairparavel (elora ur a child of neptune i believe so u would be at cj? but u would visit so it’s all good)
♡ sorry y’all not to be an aphrodite kid stereotype but i will be DITCHING capture the flag. genuinely sounds like the most terrifying and risky thing ever. also i am not a competitive person so 😭😭 i prefer other forms of training for battle
♡ nico would hide in the cabins with me 😔
♡ A HUGE FRIENDSHIP BRACELET ENTHUSIAST. making many for all my friends duh
♡ i loveeee giving out romance book recs to fellow campers
♡ the space by my bunk bed is covered in string lights as well as wall prints of things i love! music, movies, aesthetics, n books. my own mini irl pinterest
♡ my trademark is little cute doodles around camp. they’re on the walls, the archery targets, picnic tables, shields, u name it. animals, stick figures, foods, hearts, stars... the list goes on
♡ buttered toast and croissants are breakfast STAPLES. jason is with me on the latter 🙏🏽
♡ a pink or white baby tee is part of my signature fit xx
♡ i’m still a hopeless romantic, but more of a self love focused child of aphrodite :)
♡ THE BEACHHHHH omg my favorite spot fr. reading in the sun while listening to the waves? sign me UP!
♡ i bake cookies, cupcakes, and any coconut, vanilla, or chocolate dessert whenever i can. baking pastries is my love language
♡ my camera is always with me, capturing little moments of life’s beauty makes me so happy
♡ ALWAYS there for young girls when they need me. i’m like their older sister i love them sm
♡ especially when they’re my little sisters! if any of them ever feel unworthy or not beautiful enough to be related to aphrodite i WILL be changing that mindset instantly bc they are all beauty queens
♡ my soundtrack includes; in between by gracie, please please please by brina my mother, bewitched by laufey, high school in jakarta by niki, there she goes covered by sixpence none the richer
♡ if i tagged u in this and u haven’t done it, feel free to! no pressure ofc <3
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msmk11 · 22 hours
Marauders Era Gym HC’s
What I think these crazy kids would get up to at the gym.
A/n: I’m trying to have a more consistent workout schedule and writing this was very motivating for me. Enjoy!
James Potter
- James Potter is 100% an arm day guy. I mean, have you seen how broad his shoulders are? That’s not all natural baby. Whether it’s shoulder, back, chest, or arms, James is doing it. And boy is he strong. He could and would pick you up and throw you around like you weigh nothing because, well, to him- you don’t.
- His arms are so buff, most of his shirts strain under the bulge of his arm.
- When he bear hugs you you are literally smothered in his muscles.
- He’s so strong that he’s not always aware of his strength though..: Sometimes you have to remind him to loosen his grip on you, whether he’s holding your hand or hugging your waist.
- Two words: muscle. tees.
- Veiny hands ;)
Lily Evans
- Lily Evans, conversely, is a leg girl. One, that woman has legs for daysssss oml. But also, her thick thighs?
- Girl can squat 200 pounds easily.
- She also loves the stairmaster and anything that makes her ass looks nice (cuz me too).
- You know that trend where partners work out together and the stronger one finishes off where the other stopped? Yeah, James would give up on legs so fast and just stand in awe as Lily easily passes him and more.
- Those strong legs don’t just look great. They feel great too. If you know what I mean ;)
- Leggings.
Sirius Black
- To no one’s surprise, this man has to have it all.
- According to him, he needs to “look beautiful everywhere.” He does ab day, leg day, arm day, cardio, you name it.
- Sometimes he likes to do all in one day. Tbh he could spend hours at the gym and not get tired because he’s hyperactive.
- This man loves protein shakes like it’s no one’s business.
- Jacked. Literally everywhere. I mean he’s Sirius mf Black for a reason.
- Will listen to any music when he’s working out!
- Low-rise sweat pants
- Stamina. Necessary when Remus is your boyfriend <3.
Remus Lupin
- Remus Lupin, being a werewolf, gets plenty of exercise in his arms and legs. So when he works out, he prefers to do abs. Plus it’s something he’s able to do when the rest of him is sore after transitions.
- Has a six pack but is really good at hiding it. Everyone is always shocked when his shirt rides up while he’s pulling off his sweater.
- Our boy is still a little insecure so he likes to wear long sleeved baggy shirts when he works out.
- Listens to classical music when he exercises because it “grounds him.”
- Once Sirius learns about his six pack, he’s obsessed. Always begging for Remus to be shirtless.
Peter Pettigrew
- You will not catch Peter Pettigrew dead around weights and workout machines because he thinks they’re boring and monotonous as fuck.
- However, Peter loves to be active, particularly in sports.
- Whether it’s basketball, quidditch, football, soccer, etc. Peter will play it.
- He’s eerily good at picking up any sport he learns.
- Why, you ask, is he not on the Gryffindor team? Cuz he chokes under pressure.
- Plus, he wants to play for fun, not for competition.
- If he’s at the gym, you can guarantee he’ll be wearing some sort of graphic tee.
- Also, carries around a ginormous water bottle. Like the 85 ounce ones and downs it so quickly. (Ofc it’s red).
- He has beautiful skin because of how much water he drinks (and everyone’s jealous of it.)
Marlene McKinnon
- Marlene is not against weight training- she does it for quidditch all the time.
- However, she much prefers a workout that stimulates her overactive brain. That’s why she loves rock climbing.
- Not only does it make her ripped, she also likes the challenge of planning out each step, trying not to fall.
- She’s got strongggg fingers ;).
- Super light on her feet and flexible. She can climb those rock walls like a spider monkey.
- Sports drinks like Gatorade get her hyped.
- Opposite of James, Marlene is not broad but incredibly lean. Her muscles are so fucking toned.
- Sports bra with muscle tee.
Dorcas Meadowes
- She could not give less of a fuck about lifting weights. But, she lives and breathes cardio.
- This girl LOVES to run. When it’s nice out she likes to run on trails or around the Black Lake. When the weather is shitty she’ll run on the treadmill.
- And Dorcas doesn’t just casually jog, she likes intense running. While everyone else is struggling to keep up with an incline of 1, she runs at a 6 no problem.
- She has a hella good playlist to run to as well.
- Cardio=sweaty so you can be assured that she’s always in a sports bra and biker shorts. Even if it’s 30 degrees out.
- Girl also has long legs so she runs one mile SO quickly.
- Don’t even ask her to race because she will beat you, every time.
Mary MacDonald
- Mary does not like to workout alone. That’s why she loves exercise classes!
- She loves that with Zumba, she can dance for exercise.
- Girl loves cycling too and will try to convince everyone else to join her for a class.
- Hot yoga? Pilates? She’s there.
- She’ll even sign up for a water aerobics class and make friends with the sweet elderly women there.
- For her, working out is more of a social opportunity than anything. (Though the endorphins are a plus)
- You know Mary has the cutest outfits and leaves everyone wishing they had her clothes.
Pandora Lovegood
- Pandora doesn’t really care about nurturing the body as much as she does the soul and mind. So she’s big into yoga and meditation.
- Honestly, she could, and sometimes does, lead yoga classes for other students in the room of requirement.
- She will do yoga or meditation literally anywhere. Everyone knows not to bother her when she’s doing it.
- Miss girl is flexible though because of it.
- Calmest person you’ll ever meet and will make you try yoga when you’re feeling stressed. (Regulus pretends to hate it but secretly loves when she makes him do it.)
Regulus Black
- This man literally refuses to work out besides when he’s playing quidditch.
- Yet, he’s still fucking fit? Damn Black genes.
- Oh, he does get a lot of exercise from his late night brooding walks by the lake.
- Starting to do yoga a little with Pandora.
- If he does work out, he won’t go to a gym because he hates working out with other people.
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sid-the-sandwich · 13 hours
Ok, so feeling a little underwhelmed by the new lesson teaser, and besides the Simeon FNAF jumpscare at the end, it was basically what we already knew, I thought it may have been like the first mini-lesson or something (not the whole chapter, just one book part)
I wanted to write what I think might happen in the next set of lessons, based on what we saw in the teaser but like... there's nothing much to expand upon. (Go girl give us nothing)
So what I am going to do, is I am going to write a plot for season 3 that I think would be the most outlandish thing ever and that would never happen, based on the little summary we got from the description of the video! so here it is (I'll put a TLDR at the end):
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Season 3: False Hope
Returning to the Devildom is hard for MC after the events they just went through, all they want to do now is put their feet up, rest and hang out with their favs
Everything is the best its ever been, despite MC only disappearing for mere minutes in their time, it felt like an eternity and more had passed by them.
The characters' are all constantly happy, everything is bright, warm, exciting, and everyone is in high spirits; even Raphael and Mephistopheles, who once seemed to hate each other, getting along like long-lost best friends.
The characters dote on MC, anything they could have ever wanted is given to them:
MC wants to go out? Mammon and Asmo would happily spend all their money just for them.
MC wants food? Beel happily hands his food to MC.
everything is just... odd
But at first, its nothing notable, sure, the brothers are acting weird, but that's because they are practically family and MC did technically disappear for a while so it fits.
But then... things kept being too convenient, random good luck, people where being nice, very nice; everyone, even Solomon was smiling like nothing happened,
MC is seriously doubting the few months they spent in the past since no one has brought it up since that initial return
its something MC cant shake, everything feels too surface-level, too sweet... too fake,
but the most damning piece of evidence... Simeon was an Angel again. and when asked about it, Simeon avoids the question, suddenly being whisked away by Luke or Raphael very conveniently.
Solomon can now cook good...
MC deduces something is definitely wrong, this isn't the present they left,
MC starts noticing weird oddities, but not with our characters, but rather the landscape around them, whenever MC tries to venture too far out the Devidom, they are brought back to the main city as if the world is wrapping around this city.
MC tries telling the characters that something is wrong, but none listen to them, dismissing MC for having an 'overactive imagination'
it goes so far that the brothers lock us in our room once we are more adamant and threaten to find out the truth by ourself, the brothers saying we just 'need some alone time'.
The brothers periodically check in on MC, seeing if they have 'calmed down' and each time MC badgers on about the same point.
Eventually, MC manages to steal the keys of the bedroom from one of the boys and escapes the House of Lamentation in the middle of the night
MC tries to run, somewhere, anywhere they can think; The demons lord castle? Purgatory Hall? Damn, even Thirteen's cave!
But while running through the woods someone grabs MC rather strongly, covering MC's mouth, its... Solomon?
Solomon shushes MC, signaling MC to the sounds of rustling and voices of other characters looking for MC.
Despite how weird Solomon's been acting since they got back, this time Solomon felt warm, comforting and familiar.
MC crawls, following Solomon's instructions, only to be met by... ANOTHER SOLOMON?
The two Solomon's Brawl using Magic and honestly MC is just confused, because what is even happening?
MC recites a magic spell they know and threatens to shoot one of the Solomon's
Both Solomon's freeze and each say something to plead their case, one Solomon expresses Love for MC while the other says the same thing He said when he first met MC in Nightbringer. MC shoots the first,
Solomon explains how this world is an illusion created by Nightbringer to keep MC away from the present,
With the illusion broken, The world becomes grey and devoid of colour
Hastily, Solomon drags MC back to where the portal in the sky that brought them their, With all the 'fake characters' chasing them, Solomon repeats a very strong spell alongside MC so get transported back
Now they are actually back to the right timeline... or are they?
(Side Note: Originally, the character helping Mc was different, but Solomon made the most sense)
TLDR: MC goes back to the present but it is actually an illusion created by Nightbringer to prevent MC from returning
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I’m here in search of your glory
There’s been a million before me
The first design in my latest TMNT AU, The End Of Infinity (With You)! This is basically where each version of the bros is a reincarnation/combination of all the ones before, right up until Mutant Mayhem.
For some reason, every other universe has ended. The last branch is left in the hands of the mutant mayhem bros, who have no recollection of their past lives or how to stop their universe ending just as the others did. They are the last of the real ones, together until the end.
-> Commissions || Tip Jar :) || My Kofi <-
Can you spot the references to each version?
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hella1975 · 9 months
i need to read more books and annotate in the margins i need to write more i need to buy jeans that fit me i need to eat more fruit i need to buy good quality headphones i need to get a skincare routine i need to talk to my friends more i need to wash my hair i need to stop treating this inhabitation as a curse. i am tired of punishing the body that has fought me for survival every day for years. i deserve little treats as regularly as possible !!
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voidedjuice · 8 months
As promised, the Sharon & pals very old art recap:
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The very first proper digital drawings of all of them. Airi is the oldest, with hers being from the may of 2016, with Sharon lagging behind at the march of 2017. Aalis is the "youngest" at the june of 2017.
Airi used to have her totally own thing, but I merged her into Sharon's project later on. Airi's gone through the hardest design revisions, while Aalis is like 99% the exact same as when i first doodled her sometime before that drawing.
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Old art dump
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Sharon's old refs (the only one of them who's had that privilege :( sad)
Most of the lore present is old and outdated + i ended up doing some retcons between drawings as well (recycling Aalis' surname for Sharon, changing her name from Charon to Sharon (esl mixed up those names initially/changed it bc it was a bit on the nose for her profession and role in the story)
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lizardsarecute · 7 months
Since a few people have asked through messages/inbox:
I don't do commissions. Currently, the thought of it stresses me out, sorry.
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jayswing101 · 16 days
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March 2024 - Yangshuo, Guangxi province, China
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