#i stared at the saving screen for 30 seconds waiting for the first gif to somehow name itself
ja3minz · 4 years
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warnings. fem!reader, voyeurism, public fingering, light humiliation and manipulation kink, finger sucking. ment. jeno, renjun, hyuck.
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this was wrong.
this was so very wrong, and you knew it. there was this churning feeling in the pit of your stomach, a stinging sensation in the base of your thumbs that told that you were doing something terribly immoral.
well...you weren’t the one doing it. technically.
the metaphorical devil on your shoulder tried to reason, and you made a small, annoyed noise to yourself. two long fingers had practically made their home inside of your core; index stroking your sensitive bundle of nerves slowly but it was still enough to put you in a haze.
you squeezed your thighs shut, puffs of hot breath leaving your lips in quick succession. the culprit only hummed in response, a shameless grin spreading over his face, brown eyes glinting with what could only be described as playful defiance. na jaemin had you exactly where he wanted you.
“you’re doing so good, sweetheart.” jaemin whispered, his head buried in the crook of your neck. “such pretty little noises you’re making for me.”
you whined in response, and you sounded so meek and submissive; you hated it. you never once in your wildest dreams thought that jaemin of all people, the boy who just a day ago was happily introducing himself to your parents, would be the one to have you in such a predicament. cuddled up on the couch with him, a throw blanket rested over both of you, while jeno and renjun sat mere inches away from you.
there was a part of you that remembered growing up with nct dream, watching them walk their path to achieving their dreams of becoming idols. you remembered meeting jeno and jaemin back when they were in the mickey mouse club, all of you in the same age range with goals of making it big.
so, the fact that you were inside of their dorms being fingered by their best friend and bandmate while they were supposed to be watching movies almost felt sacrilegious.
but you didn’t dare tell jaemin to stop.
so he continued, index finger lazily massaging your soaking wet core as if nothing was happening. he even managed to keep a straight face, staring at the screen and turning to crack jokes with jeno every so often. he wasn’t even blushing! how the hell was that fair at all?
you were filled with so much shame, and yet at the same time the thrill of being touched so explicitly right in front of people made your heart race.
every time his fingers would dip to gather some of your essence, teasing at your begging hole, it would take every ounce of you not to scream. you wanted to drop to your knees and beg him to just fuck you stupid, right in front of everyone. you wanted him to go faster, you wanted his mouth on you, you wanted his hands all over you.
goddamnit, you just wanted to cum.
“nngh...t-tease…” you mumbled, furrowing your eyebrows in frustration. jaemin only chuckled softly in response, other hand rested on your thigh; fingers drawing patterns over the expanse of it. “but you sound so cute.” he giggled against your ear, kissing your cheek. “you’re so good for me, doll, you’re doing so good.”
to the naked eye, jaemin was just being overly affectionate. which was in his nature truly, so jeno and renjun didn’t bat an eyelash at him canoodling with you the way he was. if only they knew what magic his fingers were working underneath that throw blanket.
“should i let you cum right here? hm?”
panic began to rise through your chest as jaemin picked up his speed, he kept an eye on his friends, index finger rubbing your clit in quick circles; or as quick as he could do without getting caught. you dug your fingers into the flesh of his arm, whimpering softly as you shut your eyes to try to focus. you were trying your absolute best not to let your thighs tremble, but it was useless at this point.
“jaem, no...n-not here. please, not here.” you pleaded with him, voice a broken whisper. jaemin hummed, his middle finger slipping inside of you before you could stop him.
you inhaled sharply, which caused jeno and renjun to turn to look at you. “you okay?” renjun tilted his head at you and you scrambled to come up with an excuse, nodding your head rigorously.
“yeah! i’m okay! i, uh. i just...accidentally scratched myself too hard. g-gotta cut my nails later.”
renjun narrowed his eyes at you for a moment before nodding, seemingly buying it, and you felt like your heart was gonna come tumbling out of your ass at any minute.
jaemin giggled again, nibbling on your earlobe. “nice save, baby. you’re adapting well.” he teased, and you were so angry you wanted to scream. as a ‘reward’ he curled his middle finger inside of you and you were losing your mind.
you bit down on your lip so hard it hurt, head falling and resting on his chest. “please...please please please please…” you whispered.
“shh shh. c’mon, baby, you can handle it.” jaemin whispered into your ear. “you’re doing so good. so good, my baby, you’re gonna earn your orgasm. i’ll make you feel so good.”
you bit back another whimper, eyes falling shut again as you tried to calm yourself as best as you could. you felt like one more prod was going to send you right over the edge. “nana...i c-can’t…”
“you can.”
jaemin’s voice was dark and demanding, and it made you shiver. “sit still.”
minutes went by, and they felt like hours. the movie had finished and the boys had a long conversation about how boring it was for it to have been a horror movie; you were unable to contribute much as you weren’t paying much attention to it to begin with.
the plan was to order food and watch something significantly better, which in jeno’s mind was some obscure murder mystery he had found on netflix. jeno had left to go to the bathroom, renjun getting up to make popcorn and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“jaem, for fuck’s sake.” you finally burst out, whimpering and whining as you buried your face in his chest. “you’re so fucking mean, i hate you.”
jaemin laughed as he slid a second finger into you, surveying the area and making sure the coast was clear before curling both fingers and ramming them into you with such speed you were sure you were going to pass out. after at least an hour of slow teasing, the sudden onslaught of pleasure was almost over stimulating. you threw your head back, eyebrows furrowing and eyes crossing while your thighs instinctively shut around his hand. it was too much for you, so much that you began to try and squirm away from him only to have jaemin give your thighs a firm slap.
“keep them open.”
“n-no, you’re gonna...m-make me…”
“that’s the plan.” jaemin glanced up again, making sure to keep a lookout. “if you don’t cum before they get back, you’re gonna have to wait another hour or more. possibly until they fall asleep, which could take all night. you’re very impatient so i know you don’t want that.”
oh, god you hated time limits.
you were sure you had, at best, 30 seconds or less before jeno or renjun returned. the last thing you wanted was to be caught mid orgasm by either of them. what would they think of you? their friend reduced to some disgusting little whore being fingered on their expensive couch?
something about that turned you on so much more, though. the adrenaline of trying not to be caught, chasing your orgasm as fast as you could. “you’d better hurry…” jaemin sounded almost sing-songy in your ear, fingers still fucking into you at speed your brain couldn’t comprehend. with the palm of his hand rubbing against your clit, you were melting into his arms.
you stuffed your fingers into your mouth in a feeble attempt to keep yourself quiet enough that they wouldn’t hear but your poor brain was fried, all you could think of was jaemin and how good his fingers felt inside of you.
‘fuck, i have to cum now. i need it, i need it so bad. they’re gonna see me, fuck. oh, god, they’re going to catch me. this is so fucked, they’ll never see me the same if they catch me. they’ll think im such a slut, i have to hurry!’
suddenly your jaw went slack, the burning knot in the pit of your stomach finally unraveling. there was an explosion of white, followed by splotches of every other color in the rainbow as you convulsed in his arms. you found yourself biting down on jaemin’s collarbone as you hid your face in the crook of his neck trying not to scream while he cooed in your ear.
“theeere she is. that’s my girl, i knew you could do it. i knew you could hold out for me, baby. fuck, you’re so beautiful, that’s it. thaaat’s it, fuck my hand. god, you’re amazing.”
you whined desperately, trying to push his arm away as he continued to rub at your over sensitive clit. your chest was heaving, tears clinging to the corners of her eyes and then you heard footsteps. jeno had returned first.
he sighed, sliding his phone back into his pocket before glancing around the room; locking eyes with you. you looked out of breath, panting in jaemin’s arms while he smiled down at you with a loving look in his eyes. “what the fuck are you two doing?” he asked bluntly with a laugh.
you startled, giggling nervously out of instinct. had he seen you? did he know what was going on?
“i showed her this funny video donghyuck sent me.” jaemin answered calmly, removing his fingers from their warm spot inside of you. “she started doing that thing where she laughs until she cries.”
god, he’s way too good at this.
you lifted a hand to wipe your tears and gave another giggle, playing along with his story. “the stupidest shit makes me laugh, it’s really awful.”
jeno scoffed a small laugh, falling down on the couch. “yeah, tell me about it. your humor’s so fucked, one weird sound and you’re giggling about it for weeks.”
‘home safe. god, how did i get out of this.’ you thought as he and jaemin delved into a conversation of stupid memes and how weird the internet’s humor had become.
renjun returned with popcorn and the food jeno had ordered, giving jaemin the chance to fully retrieve his hand as they had their backs turned. “messy girl.” he whispered to you, smirking as he showed you his two fingers coated in your juices.
you felt like your face was on fire, watching him dramatically encase his own fingers within his mouth; licking your cum clean off them before turning to grab the ramen he had ordered as if nothing had happened.
you started incredously at the back of his head, in utter shock at just how brazen your boyfriend truly is. you hated that you weren’t sure if you could control yourself the next time you were left alone with him. you were half considering taking him to the bathroom to take his cock into your mouth and give him a taste of his own medicine.
you decided to keep your composure, though. trembling hands reaching for the peach flavored drink you ordered while jaemin practically burst with pride when renjun began to tease you for your shaking hands.
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Don’t Look! [Part 3]
<- Part 2 | Part 4 ->
Frederick Chilton x Reader
Once again, transformation AU by @we-are-all-just-a-bit-crazy, I’m just making a fic with it! (Going to try to wrap this series tomorrow; we’ll see if I can keep up the pace). Mutual pining + Chilton having trust issues. 
2,160 words
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The door opened a crack, and Dr. Chilton’s eyes appeared, searching up and down the hallway. Your pulse quickened. Finally, you were going to get answers—some logical explanation for what you’d seen last night. At least you could show him support this time instead of leaving him trembling in the dark.
He seemed to be human again. You found yourself checking and rechecking the texture of his skin for lingering signs of spikes and swirling darkness. A chill ran down your spine at his proximity, like it did when you saw a spider. You wished it wouldn’t. You didn’t want to be afraid of spiders. You didn’t want to be afraid of him.
Finding the coast clear, Chilton opened the door another few inches and stepped out wearing your grey hoodie and sweatpants. His hair was a mess, the hood pulled down to hide it.
“I cannot be seen this way. If you need me, I shall be at home. You have my personal number. Please call Nightengale Restorations and have them fix the office. Tell them I will pay a fifteen percent bonus for having it done this week,” he prattled in his professional tone as if this were just another workplace matter. He walked away, a slight hitch to his swift gait, but turned after three steps and met your eyes. “Thank you,” he said.
There was no confrontation after that. Dr. Chilton resumed work the next day, and things simply went back to normal. That is to say: awkward silences, reading novels into every word, and the simmering tension of pretending everything was normal when, in fact, nothing had been resolved.
Questions burned in your eyes, but fear restrained your tongue. The answers would only make you more afraid, and so Chilton did not volunteer them.
You didn’t run away, but you didn’t ask, either. Chilton was satisfied that you were just as in denial as he was.
The daily routine went on exactly as it used to: you would arrive at 7:30 am, knock at his office door, hand him a coffee, and take the file of paperwork he wanted done that day. Only there was hesitation in your knock, and you waited for him to say, “Enter,” instead of sauntering in like you owned the place. He had you put the coffee down on his desk so you would not risk brushing his fingertips as you sometimes did. When you took the file, you stared at him like he might bite.
“That will be all,” he said, dismissing you before your stoic mask faltered and you showed your true disgust.
Chilton’s skin crawled beneath his suit from his arms to his feet, and his scar throbbed for the first time in weeks. Having Abel Gideon back under his care was disconcerting, but a necessary part of Will Graham’s therapy—or rather, another clue in the case Graham was building against Hannibal Lecter.
He was skeptical at first. Graham was a lunatic—a sociopathic manipulator. Delusional. Yet, even a sociopath could not fabricate such elaborate lies with that much sodium amytal running through his veins.
The nightmares would be worth it when he was the man famous for bringing down the Chesapeake Ripper.
Chilton looked up, eyes rimmed with red from hours of staring at a computer screen, working late yet again. You held up a bag of takeout, a weak smile on your lips.
“Need a break?” you offered, moving to sit across from him at his desk. Everything in the office was tidied up—you had cleaned most of it yourself the day Chilton went home in your sweatpants. The damage wasn’t as bad as it looked. Most of the furniture was simply overturned, not broken. Only the antique in-wall shelving waited for professional repair.
“No. Thank you,” he said, waving away the food. His lips thinned wanly. “You may help yourself if you like.”
He was equally surprised and suspicious when you stayed, unpacking the container of vegetarian pesto tortellini. He watched hungrily as you lanced one with a plastic fork and brought it to your lips. His stomach growled.
“Are you alright?”
“What do you mean?” he asked, straightening defensively in his seat.
“With Gideon here. That must be difficult.”
“I manage.”
You chewed another pasta in silence. Finally, he couldn’t help it and grabbed the second fork, stealing a tortellini off your platter. It was rich and flavorful—a bit heavy on the salt, but obviously from a fine restaurant. He held the bite in his mouth. No strange aftertastes. He did not feel woozy after swallowing. There was always a chance you were willing to drug yourself to get to him if you had an accomplice waiting to spirit him away to some secret facility.
“All right,” he snapped, chair shooting back toward the wall as he stood. “What are you after?”
You gave a startled “Mmph?” around a mouthful of pesto.
“What is the catch? A price for your silence? Why are you here, bribing me with dinner?”
“I… I’m not—what? I was worried about you.”
“Unlikely, considering the circumstances. Tell me what you want.” His eyes locked onto you, cold and piercing.
“Fine!” you broke. “I want you to forgive me!”
“For what?” he sneered, half believing your words were a veiled threat.
“I’m sorry, OK? Please—what can I do to make up for it? I tried giving you space, but now you look at me like I’m going to kick you, or”—your eyes widened at the plate of food he only touched after you ate some—“poison you! I swear I never meant to hurt you. I’m so sorry.”
“For what?” he asked in an entirely softer tone. He sat back down, hunching forward across the desk to search your face.
Your head hung low, and you murmured quietly, “I know I didn’t handle it well. I should have left when you asked. Now I understand… you didn’t want anybody to see that. I invaded your privacy. And then I freaked out!” Your voice broke. “And I’ve been trying to… to make up for it. I know you don’t want to talk about it, but—dammit, I’m pushing you again! Sorry.”
The urge to hug you overwhelmed him. If there wasn’t a deliberately massive table in between you—meant to keep others at a distance—he would have hugged you.
“Are you not afraid?” For once, the broadness of his desk seemed obtrusive.
“I could never be afraid of you.”
Your arm crossed the divide, reaching for his hand. It touched, warm and easy, and gave a sympathetic squeeze that set his blood racing. Then it retracted, and his skin ached for the lost contact.
“I just got scared because I didn’t understand what was happening. I still don’t. Maybe I am still afraid, a little. But not because—! Please, just… tell me what that was. What happened to you?”
His Adam’s apple bobbed. Eyes narrowing, he answered cagily, “First, what do you think you saw? Light can play tricks on the eye, especially after long hours in a morbid environment, possible exposure to hypnotic drugs… Let us be sure we are on the same page.”
“Are you seriously going to gaslight me now that we’re finally talking? I’m not an idiot. You still owe me those pants back!”
While he floundered for words, your eyes squeezed shut, and a hissing laugh burst from your nose. A red flush crept up his neck, under his shirt collar. It was inappropriate to laugh in this situation, but perhaps that was why it was so contagious—it had been too long since he’d seen you laugh, and even longer since he’d done so himself.
“Those cheap, scratchy, torture devices? Consider it a favor that I tossed them,” he quipped. (Forget the fact that he had been sleeping with his face buried in them for the past week and simply did not wish to return them before wringing them for every drop of your scent.)
“And yet you wore them, which means I saved your ass. Checkmate, doctor.”
“Please. It is barely a Vienna Gambit.”
Laughter felt foreign in his throat. It was soft, and only lasted a brief second, but it was cleansing. You smiled at him, rolling your eyes, and his soul lifted.
“Very well,” he said, leaning back in his chair. “Ask your questions.”
Your eyes darted to the windows. Another late night. Stars appeared (the handful not blotted out by Baltimore’s light pollution). You chewed your bottom lip.
“Are you going to transform again?”
“Only on the night of the new moon, when twilight gives way to the black of night. No need to worry.”
“Just once a month, then? Werewolf rules?”
He shot an offended glare, though you weren’t wrong. “Sometimes two, near the aphelion. And during an eclipse. It… hates sunlight. Even the reflection of the sun. It wants to be in darkness.” The thought disturbed him—the way the beast called him to the shadows. He always fought it to stay indoors, locking himself away from any nocturnal roving. It frightened him what might happen if he gave in. The coppery taste of blood haunted his dreams.
“Then… would you transform if you went spelunking? You know, in a cave? Or a submarine?”
“I have not tried. A darkened room is not enough. I would not tempt it.”
You swallowed and thought. Your lips twitched, building to the important question: “Is it still you in there?”
“Yes. More impulsive—I would never have smashed the decor—but I am still there.” It brings my true self to the surface, he thought, but withheld this. A slimy, dangerous, unlovable wretch. He looked at you, sitting across from him in front of a container of food you brought to share, and wondered what you were doing there after seeing it. How could you bear to be near him?
“But you’re not going to… eat me or something?” You were embarrassed to ask, and he gave you a fittingly scathing glare.
“No. I would not eat you.” He stabbed a tortellini and popped it in his mouth.
“Then I want to see it.”
He choked.
“I want to get a better look. To wrap my head around it. Besides, it seemed painful—next time I could bring you a hot towel, or… a cold pack, or… I don’t know, some tea? An ibuprofen?”
“There is no next time. You were never supposed to see that in the first place.”
“Please? If it’s going to happen again in two weeks, I want to be there. Prepared this time.”
“This is not a zoo. I am not some freak show to be gawked at! What happened to you being sorry?”
“I just want to get to know you,” you answered, and your voice sounded so small his heart reeled. You snapped your head up, “I mean—I want to be there for you. You shouldn’t be alone.”
He scoffed, defensive again. “Why? Because I might do something dangerous? I am more than capable of controlling myself.”
“Because you deserve to be comforted when you’re in pain.”
Your words struck him like a nuclear bomb of basic human decency. Deserved? Comfort?
“Does anyone else know? Does anyone… take care of you when you change?”
Only his family knew, and they certainly did not take care of him. Bringing him that bag of clothing in the morning was the first time anyone had done something thoughtful for him—helped him with his condition. Even if you had run away at first, you wanted to be supportive. To know his dark side.
Was it possible? Did you feel the same way about him as he did about you? His hand still felt warm from where you had briefly touched it.
He had to admit, it was nice having someone be there for him. Even a small gesture like old, loose-fitting sweatpants in a bag made a world of difference. Or dinner at his desk. He imagined you pressing a steamed towel to his forehead, and he did not hate the idea—doting on him like a spa therapist, taking the edge off the pain as his hair fell out and skin split open. Or watching him become hideous. Vomiting at the sight of him. Losing all interest you might have had. Realizing it was a mistake to be there.
“Thank you for dinner,” he announced in curt, clipped syllables. “That will be all.”
“Frederick…” Your voice was low, personal. Pleading. He did not like how personal it was. How you were giving him everything he wanted, like you were baiting a trap.
“Fascinating as this must be for you, I still have work to do. Your shift ended an hour ago. Go home.”
“OK. Right. I’ll see you in the morning.”
You didn’t see him trembling as you left, clutching his hand over his fluttering heart.
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Taglist: @beccabarba​ / @itsjustmyfantasyroom​ / @thatesqcrush​ / @dianilaws​ / @permanentlydizzy​ / @mrsrafaelbarba​ / @madamsnape921​ / @astrangegirlsmind​ / @neely1177​ / @onerestein​ / @dreamlover31​ / @isvvc-pvscvl​​  / @shroomiehomie / @storiesofsvu​ / @welcometothemxdhouse​​ / @feedthemadness-sweetie​ / @law-nerd105​ / @amelia-song-pond​ / @michael-rooker​ / @xecq / @madpanda75​ / @alwaysachorusgirl​ / @bananas-pajamas​ / @leanor-min​ / @mad-girl-without-a-box​ / @katierpblogg​ / @worldofvixen​
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ggukkiedae · 3 years
⇢ jeno explores the streets of la with hannah
⇢ set in january 2018
⇢ conversations written in italics are spoken in english. requests and feedback are highly appreciated!
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“This isn’t a good idea, Hannah.”
“Jeno, it’s only eight. Relax.”
Jeno looked around anxiously. He didn’t think that he’d be spending his last night in LA walking around some unknown streets with one of his best friends. Not that he didn’t like being with Hannah. On the contrary, he loved being with her. It’s just the concept of roaming around an unknown city at night that freaked him out.
“Hey, you cute little thing!”
A man whistled in Hannah’s direction. She just rolled her eyes at him. Jeno, on the other hand, turned towards the man and narrowed his eyes. He knew that people in America did things like this, but he didn’t think he’d have to watch someone do it to Hannah. He glared and draped an arm around Hannah, pulling her closer to him. Maybe he should have insisted on her wearing jeans instead of shorts. Well, he wouldn’t be able to stop her anyway.
“It isn’t safe for you,” he pulled her along faster.
“Okay, big boy, first of all,” she laughed and wrapped an arm around his waist, “I’m not alone. You’re here with me. Second, I’m from California. I know my stuff.”
“Yeah,” he gave her a pointed look, “San Francisco, not LA. And how long do you think it is till someone notices that I’m not some grown man and that I’m only seventeen in this country?”
She scoffed, “Seventeen-year-olds in this country have gone to prison.”
“Not helping!”
Jeno could only hang his head in exasperation as Hannah laughed at him. Here he was worrying about her safety (and his own!), and she was just laughing in his face. He halted and let go of her, taking a step back and watched her throw her head back in amusement. She seemed to act way more carefree now that they were in America.
He was surprised when she took his hand and pulled him forward. 
“Stop staring, Jen, and hurry up! I found this really good street with tons of food carts online.”
Jeno did not know what was happening.
Well, he had a good comprehension of English because of being with Hannah and Mark most of the time, but everything around him was zipping past his ears. All he could focus on was how Hannah was rushing around the streets more excited than she had been in a few years. For the first time in a while, she was genuinely glowing with youth. 
For some reason, it made his heart speed up.
And he was distracted enough to accidentally run into a small group of people. He jolted back to reality and muttered a quick sorry and stepped to the side. The group of girls giggled and moved to the side, whispering things to each other and looking at Jeno in a way that made him uncomfortable.
“Hannah?” He looked around for her, wondering where she went.
“Yah!” Jeno jumped as she appeared right in front of him. “Don’t scare me like that. Those girls over there are scary enough.”
Her scan of him made him feel queasy. It was almost as if she could see right through him. For some reason, it made him a little nervous. Anyway, he watched the way her eyes trailed him from head to toe, then he followed as they glanced over to the group of girls he pointed to earlier. They were now grimacing as they looked at Hannah, but the smiles appeared on their faces once they caught him looking once again. That was weird.
“They like you,” she smirked.
Jeno’s jaw dropped. “What? No, they don’t.”
“Trust me, Jen, they do,” she crossed her arms, but not before she tugged a little bit at his jacket. “I dressed you well, and you’re not so bad on the eyes for a nineteen-year-old.”
“Seventeen in this country, and you just used the clothes from our filming,” he rolled his eyes before leaning down to align his face with hers and raising his eyebrows. “Are you calling me handsome?”
“Please,” she scoffed at him, “I’m speaking objectively. And you know you look good. Those girls staring at you? It’s on you, my friend.”
Jeno looked back at the group of girls in a mix of discomfort and disgust. He wanted them off his back as soon as possible. He looked back at Hannah with a silent plea for help. She just chuckled and pressed a kiss to Jeno’s cheek and, for the second time that night, took his hand.
“Now they think you’re off-limits,” she grinned. “You’re welcome.”
“Thanks.” They walked off towards a less crowded street that seemed to have a few more high-end shops compared to the food carts they had been going through. That’s when he realized. “Hey, what about you? Why aren’t guys staring at you?”
“Calling me pretty, now?” she asked him, making him shrug, face lightly heating up. “Well, I’m here with you, and all those guys who I saw notice me saw you.”
He smirked at her. “They think I’m your boyfriend, huh?”
“Do you want to be my boyfriend?” The way she looked at him, the playful glint in her eye made his breath hitch in his throat and heart skip a beat. She laughed. “Trying to be as flirty as Nana, Jeno? Yeah, nice try.” 
He watched as she walked down the street, pulling him along with her. Why did he get flustered? Why did the thought of people thinking he was her boyfriend satisfy him? Why did seeing their clasped hands make his insides melt? And why did seeing the way she laughed while showing him the streets of LA make his heart race?
Oh no.
He knew where this was going, and he didn’t think he liked it.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” she asked him, eyebrows knitting together in slight worry. “Why are you being so quiet?”
It took one look at her worried face that made all these thoughts flow into him at once. She made him feel comfortable. She didn’t make things easy, and she knew him. She knew when he was ecstatic, she knew when he was upset, and he could easily talk to her about everything. 
He liked her.
Oh god, he liked her.
He liked his best friend and groupmate. He liked the girl standing in front of him. He liked Lee Hannah.
“Lee Jeno!”
“Let’s get rings!”
He nearly regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. He watched as the worry disappeared from her face, replaced by a chuckle.
“Okay,” she shook her head in amusement, “a little fast there. You’ve gotta at least take me out to dinner before asking me to marry you.”
“No!” The sudden raise in his voice called a few bystanders’ attention. Jeno facepalmed. “I mean, not like that, Hannah. It’s just that you’re gonna be with 127 and with U now, and I don’t think I’ll be there for all your stages…”
That was a good save, he thought to himself.
“So to keep up our tradition?” she smiled. “Sounds like a good idea.”
He was grateful that that seemed to distract her from how weird he was acting. He looped her arm through his and pulled her over to one of the jewelry stores he could see on the street. “Come on, I’ll pay.”
“Are you sure? Because I can do half.”
“No,” he shushed her, “consider this my Christmas present. I told you I’d get you one in LA. You just need to do the talking.”
The huge smile on her face was worth it.
That’s how he found himself watching while Hannah looked around the cases in the jewelry shop, constantly asking Jeno for his opinion on which rings would look best on them without hindering their stage outfits. Well, not like Hannah would care. Knowing her, she’d wear it without hesitation whether or not the stylists let her. And if she would do that, then so would he.
“Oh, how about this?” she pointed to two simple silver bands. “It says here that we can engrave stuff on the inside. How about crowns?”
“Crowns?” He was amused by her excitement over everything. 
“Yeah,” she grinned. “Jaehyun oppa calls me princess, and it caught on with the other oppas. And the fans call you a prince. It seems fitting.”
“It seems so,” he nodded. “Don’t they look a little small, though?”
“True,” she pondered before calling over an employee. “Excuse me? Do these rings come in bigger sizes?”
“Choosing a promise ring for you and your boyfriend?” The clerk gave them a knowing look.
Well, Jeno knew what that meant. He shook his hands and laughed.
“Oh, he’s not my boyfriend,” Hannah clarified, “he’s my best friend. We kind of just want matching rings for this tradition that we have before we go on stage.”
“Sorry,” the clerk apologized, “I just assumed. Dancers, huh?”
“You can say that.”
“Well, this is a good choice,” the clerk took the rings out of the case and showed it to them. “This is stainless steel, and it doesn’t corrode or get scratches easily. Also, it’s meant for your pinkies, so it’s naturally small.”
Hannah quickly translated it for Jeno, and he picked one of the rings up to have a closer look. It was simple and understated, and they could easily add it to stage or photoshoot outfits without being scolded. 
“I like it.”
“Me, too. Can we possibly get a crown engraved on the inside of each of them?”
“You’d have to come back here in thirty minutes,” the clerk pondered, “and the store usually closes at that time, but I guess you can come back at 11:30, and I’ll have these ready for you. There’s a cafe down the street that’s open till three in the morning. You can wait there. How will you pay?”
“Thank you,” Hannah smiled, “by card, please. Yah, Jeno, it’s already eleven?”
“Huh?” Jeno checked his phone, and his eyes widened as he saw both the time and the amount of missed calls from Jaemin and Mark. He shook his head and pulled out his wallet while the clerk brought them over to the counter. “Hannah, check your phone.”
“Oh shit,” she mumbled once she saw her screen. “Mark is so gonna kill me. I told him we’d be back by nine.”
The two exchanged a look. The clerk handed Jeno his card and a claim stub back. He accepted it and turned back to Hannah.
“Should we buy them food to make up for it?”
Thirty-five minutes later, Jeno and Hannah find themselves walking back to their hotel, new rings on their fingers. Jeno couldn’t help smiling when he saw the light reflect off of the band on Hannah’s pinkie while she talked to Mark. It was an English conversation, and he didn’t really try comprehending it.
He watched the way her eyes lit up as she looked at their surroundings, a stark difference from Korea and Ukraine, which she had just visited. She was radiating excitement despite probably being scolded by Mark over the phone. She glowed differently under the lights of LA’s nightlife, and it was something he was glad he could witness.
The glimmer of her new ring once again caught his attention. He lifted his own pinkie which held his ring and poked hers without a thought, making her glance at him in the middle of her explaining something to Mark. She laughed and hung up on the elder and looked at Jeno.
“We’re in trouble with Mark,” she began, “but the managers know nothing.”
“Good,” he draped an arm around her. “We’re in the clear, then.”
“We’ll see,” she snorted. “When Mark gets mad, he gets mad. But, hey. We’re in this together.”
Jeno raised an eyebrow at her. “You’re his roommate.”
“And you’re my best friend,” she laughed while holding up her pinkie to show her ring.
“Right. Best friend.”
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nina-nkl · 3 years
The Notorious Alpha// Chapter One//Peter Hale
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A/N: I KNOW. I KNOW. I am terrible, but life has been a mess. With university, personal life and all that. My mom had the corona but she is great now. I am trying  to come back to writing.  I am really sorry guys. Merry belated Christmas!
The Notorious Alpha// master list.
Chapter one.
S02 E12- Master Plan
Zoe’s P.O.V.
I parked my new BMW X6, which was a gift from my father when he tried to get me to stay with him, in front of Beacon Hills High School to see my little brother and Stiles who is not my brother but after knowing him for his entire life, I am pretty sure he is my brother. 
As I walk in the school hallways so many memories come to my mind, I mean it’s only been a year since I was a student here, I miss high school life was so much easier. I was late when I parked the car in the parking lot, some people were leaving, there was a lacrosse game tonight, Stiles took my ear off about it. I walked towards the locker room first to see if the boys were in there, as I neared the locker rooms I could hear talking.
“She is gorgeous,” a voice said.
“Shut up” I heard two different voices say at the same time and I am pretty sure one of them was Scott.
I leaned against the wall watching for a few seconds, and I decided to make myself known.
“Well, isn’t this a sight for sore eyes!” I say and in a flash four pairs of eyes snap to me. I see my brother, a cute blond guy beside him and to men in front of the boys.
“Zoe?” Scott said surprised to see me.
“Surprise, I guess?” I said a little bit weirded out from all the attention I was getting right now.
“What are you doing here?” Scott asked me.
“Stiles called me a couple days ago, filled me in on what's going on. I got a little tied up with dad or else I would have been here sooner” I answered “ I can’t believe you are a werewolf” I continued.
“Uhmm, who is she?” the cute blond asked.
“Zoe, my sister,” Scott said.
“Another McCall? Great,” the tall moody man said sarcastically.
“Tone down the sarcasm Cranky Pants” I bit back at him.
I glared at the man as I walked around him towards my brother. I am not going to lie, he is kind of hot.
“I am going to guess you are Derek and you are Isaac,” they both look at me weird, “as I said Stiles filled me in”.
“Hi,” Isaac said awkwardly.
“Hi,” I said sweetly to him, “so, who is the Cranky pants.” I pointed towards him as he glared at me and I sarcastically smiled back at him.
“That's Peter, Derek’s uncle. Little while back he tried to kill us all, and then we set him on fire and Derek slashed his throat out.” Scott explained.
“Hi.” Peter waved with a small awkward smile.
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“That's good to know,” Isaac replied. 
I was too shocked to say anything, I mean yeah Stiles filled me in but only informed me about my brother being a werewolf, the kanima, and Derek’s pack. That is just too much to handle. I mean my brother took part in the murder of someone, werewolf or not, psycho or not, that is still a life. Not to mention the supposed murdered victim is alive, breathing, and standing  right in front of me.
“How is he alive?” Scott asked, still glaring at Peter .
“Look, long story short he knows how to stop Jackson, maybe even save him”  Derek answered him.
“Well that’s very helpful, except Jackson is dead” Issac says.
“WHAT?” I scream the same time Derek says what too.
“Yeah! Jackson is dead. It just happened on the field” Scott confirms. 
Derek and Peter look at each other obviously bothered by the news.
“Okay why is no one taking it as good news?” Issac asks. 
“Because if Jackson is dead, it didn’t just happen. Gerard wanted it to happen,” Peter says, and damn his voice is deep, mysterious and sexy.
“But why?” Derek asks his uncle to elaborate.
“Well, that's exactly what we need to figure out. And something tells me the window of opportunity is closing”.
“Peachy, just god damn peachy.” I say done with this whole thing already. 
“We are going to the Hale House,” Peter says.
As we walked towards the parking lot, I could feel eyes on me from behind. I didn’t turn around though. When we reached the exit I started walking near my car, when I felt Scott stop a few steps behind me. I turn around to look at him.
“Well aren’t you gonna come? I am driving!” I tell him.
“I think you should go home” Scott tells me and I look at him with disbelief. “I will go with Derek,” he continues.
“Oh, so I am supposed to let you get in the car with the guy who turned you and tried to kill you and the guy who slashed his own uncles throat out? I am not crazy yet. ” I tell him seriously and am kind of angry. Derek looks at me mad, or offended I can’t really tell and Peter just looks uninterested.
“Zoe--” Scott tries to plead.
“No, puppy eyes don’t work on me. I am the one who teached you that look.'' I cut him off. “Now get in the car and let’s go”. Then I unlock my jeep and hop in, which is kind of a challenge since I am short and the stupid thing is 10 times the size of me.
“Do you need directions?” Derek asked me when Scott got in the car with me.
“No, I am good. I know where the infamous Hale  house is,” I replied and with that my car roared into life and I backed out of my parking space. “Don’t get left behind Sourwolf”. I saw Issac try to hold back a chuckle and even Peter let out a small smirk slip out of his hard façade.
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As we walked into the Hale house ( Derek got his ego bruised ‘cause I beat him here) Scott was looking at his,
“Oh. Oh they found Stiles.” Scott said relieved.
“I told you I looked everywhere,” Derek said to Peter who walked towards the stairs.
“You didn’t look here”, Peter says and crunches at the beginning of the stairs and takes something from underneath a step.
“What is that? Α book?” Derek asks/
“No, it’s a laptop. What century are you living in” Peter replied with sarcasm. Derek rolls his eyes at him. “A few days after I got out of the come, I transferred everything that we had. Fortunately, the Argents aren’t the only ones that keep records.” Peter says. He got up and walked towards a table. Suddenly Scott's cell phone rings.
“Hey, Mom, I can’t talk right now.” Scott answers the phone. “What's wrong?” he asked. After a few seconds he hangs up the phone and announces that we have to go to the hospital. “ Isaac, Zoe, we have to go to the hospital.”
“I don’t think I should come with. I haven’t seen mom yet and I don’t think we should reunite over a dead body” I say to him. “ Take my car, I’ll stay here to see if I can help” I look at him as I extend my hand to give him the car keys. “See you soon, be careful.”
As Scott and Isaac practically ran out of the burned down house, I look at the older werewolves in front of me. Derek just looks at me, as Peter has already started working on getting information for the kanima. 
It’s been maybe 30 minutes since we were all staring at the laptop screen, I was standing leaning over Peter's right shoulder and Derek was just standing by the left.
“Oh my god, what is that?” I look at the screen. 
“Call Scott.” Peter says. I was still staring at the screen leaning closer to it and brushing Peter’s shoulder in the process. Ignoring that, I hear Derek talking in the background.
“Okay, look, I think I found something,” Peter says. “ Looks like what you are seeing from Jackson its just the Kanima’s Beta shape.” he continues.
“Well, meaning what? It can turn into something bigger?” Derek asks, also leaning over.
“Bigger and Badder.” Peter replies with worry in his tone.
“He is going to turn into that? That thing has wings.” I exclaim. 
“I can see that sweetheart.” Peter says to me but not sarcastically, but with fear in his voice.
“Scott bring him to us.” Derek says into the phone.
“What is that? Right there?”  I point towards the screen where there is a play button.
“Look, somebody made an animation of it. Maybe it’s less frightening if we--” Peter taps the mouse and a screeching sound comes out of the speakers. The tree of us jump back and Peter closes the laptop quickly. “No not at all. We should probably meet him halfway”
All of us ran towards the door and suddenly I ran into Peter’s back. “For fuck’s sake Cranky Pants” I curse under my breath.
“We need Lydia.” Peter says.
“There is no time for--” Derek starts
“That's the problem. We are rushing. We are moving too fast. And while everybody knows that a moving target is harder to hit, here we are, racing right into Gerard’s crosshair.” Peter says.
“If i get the chance to kill Jackson, I’m taking it.” Derek says and turns back around. 
I freeze in my spot, shocked that I am about to participate in the murder of a teenage boy- kanima or not. Peter sees it and grabs my hand rushing behind Derek.
We stop behind an abandoned building, Derek and Peter get out of the car and I follow.
“You guys stay here. I will go meet Scott and Isaac. Peter you will know when to come out” Derek says.
“Whoa, hey, wait a min--” I was caught off by Derek already running in all fours, like a dog I guess. “Well, fun meeting you Cranky Pants, but I am going to go to my brother now.” As I turn to walk away, Peter grabs my arm, really hard may I add, and turns me towards him.
“What are you doing? You can’t go out there. When Jackson will wake up he will go on a killing spree.” Peter whisper yells.
“Well, you already went on a killing spree once, what if you get off your rockets again and I will be your first victim.” I whisper yell back at him.  
“Bye Peter!!” I say as I look him in the eyes and tear my arm from his grasp. I could see that he was a little angry, but excuse me that I wasn’t gonna stay with somebody that tried to kill my brother less than a year ago. When I cached up with Scott and the others, they were already in the abandoned building. I could hear Peter close behind me. 
“-- wouldn’t let a rapid dog live.” A middle age man explained to the three werewolves. I was about to walk into the building another voice broke the silence.
“Of course not” an old man said. That’s when Peter grabbed me and pushed me beside the door. I knew it wasn’t the time to argue. I could feel the tension in the air. Peter and I peek around the corner although he tried to hide the view from me the best he could. “Anything that dangerous. That out of control... Is better off dead.” The old man said.
Right when Derek went to slash Jackson stomach, Jackson’s claw dug in his chest. I felt like I was going to vomit and I turned myself so I wouldn’t see what’s about to happen. From the side of my eye I could see Peter getting angry and his claws expanding. I took deep breaths trying to calm myself and I look towards Peter. 
“Kill them all” I heard shouting and I almost fainted. I got down to the ground and pulled my knees close to my chest, trying to make my self as small as possible when we heard the screeching of tires and a loud bang. I heard the voice of Lydia yelling Jackson name and I slowly stood up. After a couple of seconds Peter jumped out and pushed his claws in Jackson back and Derek in his stomach. When Lydia was on the floor besides Jackson body I make my way towards my brother and Stiles.
I was looking toward the couple with tears in my eyes as I stood beside Stiles. Derek was looking on with a sad expression on his face and Isaac too. 
“Where is Gerard?” Allison asked and the middle aged man answered that he can’t be far. When Lydia turned towards us Stiles started towards her but was stopped by the sounds of claws dragging on the concrete. All heads turned to the dead boy in front of Stiles jeep to see his wounds starting to close and Jackson getting up slowly. My eyes widened and turned my eyes towards the older werewolf here hoping that’s there is an explanation for this but all he did was too looking on with a shocked expression. 
Stiles started to tear up and moved forward but stopped beside Scott for a few minutes the two boys were looking at each other when Stiles looked down and said “He scratched my Jeep.” With hurt in his voice.
“Stiles...” I moved towards him following behind in the Jeep. He got in the driving seat and  I got on after him. He started driving and didn’t say a word. “Stiles... are you okay?” I speak softly as if i was going to scare him. I didn’t get a reply back...
“Stiles, let’s go at my place, have a sleepover like old times.” I said and he turned towards the route for Scott’s and mine’s house. When we got there my mom’s car wasn’t in the driveway, she must work late night shifts. I will see her in the morning. 
We go up to my room and I give Stiles some of my brothers clothes as I too take some for pajamas, because my suitcase is in my car and right now I really don’t know where my car is. After I was my face in the bathroom, I go to my room seeing Stiles in my bed already. I creep towards him and get in the bed beside him. I hug him from behind when he starts to sob quietly.
“It’s okay, everything is going to be okay, Stiles” I whisper sweet nothing to his ear until he fells asleep, me following close behind.
A/N: The sibling love is real between Stiles and Zoe!!!!
Tag list: @wil2space​ @iclosetgeek​
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vergilthelibrarian · 4 years
Dream of Me, pt.2.
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To the anon who asked me to write a second part to this, here ya go! I’m might turn this into a series cause I’m actually genuinely interested in what I’m writing.
TW: mentions of self harm
Walking into the day room, you looked around, eyes landing on Jisung who soon saw you.
His eyes lit up and he smiled and you smiled too, walking and taking a seat next to him.
“Did you sleep well?” you asked him and he shrugged.
“A little. Not gonna lie, I was kinda scared.” he answered.
“I get it. I was too when I first went to a psych ward. I cried myself to sleep actually.
You nodded.
You two started talking, mostly getting to know each other.
“I’m in my first year of university. I’m majoring in dance.” he said proudly.
“That’s awesome! I got a degree in music and I was going for my masters before I moved back here.” you said.
“Why is that?” Jisung asked and you glanced away.
“I was kinda forced to move back here. Past demons catching up with me and all.” you told him.
“Is it because of your doctor? I saw him go into your room last night…” he whispered to you and your eyes widen for a bit before going back to normal.
“I… Jisung-”
“I’m sorry if I struck a nerve or-”
“It’s okay Jisung.” you said.
You sighed.
“My doctor is a childhood friend of mine so he knows me. I don’t really like talking about him though.” and he nodded.
“It’s cool. I don’t want to make you upset or uncomfortable or anything.”
You two looked up as you saw a young man walk into the room who you instantly recognized.
“Hey Taeyong.” you waved and the tired looking man stopped in his tracks and looked at you. He waved at you before walking to a chair and sitting down, crossing his legs and turning his attention to the TV.
Soon you saw your doctor walk in, a gentle smile on his face.
“Y/n. I see you’re out today and you’re making friends.” he stopped in front of you, glancing at Jisung for a bit while Jisung gave a small smile in return.
“Let’s go to your room for a bit and see how you’re doing?”
You nodded, getting up and walking off with the doctor to your room.
Once you got into your room, you sat down on your bed, facing Sicheng as he took a seat in the chair.
“How are you today?” he asked.
“Why do you keep asking me this? It’s not like as if you’re gonna let me leave this place anyway.” you said looking at him annoyed.
Sicheng chuckled.
“You’re right about that.” he said with a smirked.
Ever since finding out that Sicheng was your doctor, you knew that he was gonna somehow use his position and power to make it harder for you to leave despite being the cause for your stay at the psych ward in the first place.
You pulled at your fingers, your eyes soon on your lap.
You hated the air in the room.
It felt stuffy and awkward and you didn’t feel safe. You wanted to be back in the day room talking with Jisung.
“So… I see you’re talking with a new patient.” Sicheng said.
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous. You’re the one who told me yesterday to go out into the day room and talk to others.” and he nodded slowly.
“I did. But I still can’t help but just get a little jealous when I see you’re talking to other people besides me.” he admitted.
He leaned back into the chair, his eyes on you.
“You know, I’ve been talking with my team and I brought up you moving into a long term residential psychiatric program and-”
“What?” you looked up at the doctor, eyes wide.
“Aww, Y/n.” he cooed. “You’re sick. You’re a danger to yourself. If I let you go back outside, who knows what will happen to you.” he said.
“B-but… You can’t do that!” your voice raised as you looked at him in shock.
“I can and I will. You weren’t even taking your medication when you checked in.”
“That’s because you kept throwing them away. You worsened my sickness…”
Sicheng’s jaw clenched and he glanced away.
He looked back at you, his face soften as he said, “I’m only doing this so you realize that I’m the only who can really help you. No one cares for you as much as I do and if you’d just stop resisting me, it wouldn’t have to be like this.” he said before getting up.
“You can go back to the day room now. We’re done for today.” he walked to the door and left the room.
You got up from the bed, rubbing your arm as you walked to the door and left the room.
You went back to the day room only to see Taeyong talking to Jisung.
You couldn’t help but giggle at how Jisung looked a bit uncomfortable while Taeyong talked to him.
They soon noticed you though, their eyes landing on you and Taeyong motioned you to come closer.
You did, taking your seat next to Jisung.
“What did Sicheng say?” Taeyong asked, his eyes now on you.
You sighed.
“He’s thinking about putting me in the long term program.” you told him.
Taeyong frowned and Jisung eyes grew wide.
“What does he even gain from keeping you trapped here?” Taeyong wondered out loud, leaning back into his seat.
You shook your head.
“I don’t know.”
Taeyong himself was a long term resident of the psych hospital. He was schizoaffective and, from what he told you, his mind snapped when he lost his mother. You met Taeyong in your first year of high school, he only being one year higher than you. Everyone knew how much Taeyong loved his mother and when the news came out that she had cancer, he became a bit more sadder than his usual cheerful self but still, he kept his optimism. Everything was fine at one point, his mother had her last chemo treatment and things seemed to be turning up. But then it came back and this time it was worse and the doctors told his family that there was nothing they could do. When his mother passed away last year, his mental health started declining rapidly and with him already being bipolar now being paired with symptoms of schizophrenia, he genuinely felt as though he was losing his mind. Besides all of that, he didn’t tell you much as to what led up to him to being here but he did tell you that it was his relatives who brought him here and suggested to the nurses for him to stay here long term and with how unstable he was, his team decided that that was probably the best thing for him.
“This place is hell. I mean, besides the fact there’s nothing to do here, some of the doctors and nurses will just dope you up with so much drugs to the point were you become numb.” Taeyong said, which was true.
Some of the doctors and nurses just weren’t good people.
They didn’t see the patients as people who were genuinely sick and needed help.
Some of them saw you as lab rats to test new drugs on or as incurable.
One of the patients named Jennie, who only left her room for meal time, had severe BPD and was given so much medication by her doctor that she never really seemed all too there.
She would just sit and stare at the wall.
Never moving, her eyes blinking slowly.
It was sad.
Jisung frowned slightly.
“Isn’t that against the law though?” he asked and Taeyong rolled his eyes.
“The government doesn’t care about insane people. We’re seen as dangers to society just for existing and some of these “doctors” and “nurses” tend to keep those same ideas when they come into this line of work.” he crossed his arms. “And they don’t help us because we need it. They “help” us because we’re considered ticking time bombs that will kill someone the moment we have an episode.”
Jisung shook his head.
“But that’s not true.” he said and Taeyong sighed, looking at him with sad eyes.
“You’re right. It’s not true. But the rest of society still think it is and we, the ones with the illnesses, still suffer because of it.”
Sicheng typed away on his computer when he heard a knock on his door.
“Come in.” he said, his eyes soon leaving the screen when he heard it open.
A man in a black three piece suit came in and closed the door.
He took a seat in one of the chairs that face the front of Sicheng’s desk and Sicheng smiled warmly at the man.
“How are you doing Yoonoh?” he asked and Yoonoh made a face as though he was in thought.
“Fine I guess.” he answered.
Sicheng saved his work and closed his laptop, giving his attention back to the man in front of him.
He waited patiently as the man tried to gather his thoughts.
“I don’t know how I’m doing. I don’t know how I’m feeling. Honestly, this life has made me so numb, so desensitized that I don’t even know if I could even have a genuinely healthy relationship with anyone. The fear of them dying a retaliation is just too high.”
Sicheng nodded, his eyes on the man who looked visibly distraught.
“It amazes me how my father was such a sweet man to me and my mother. I genuinely don’t know how he did it. This life makes it so hard to be sweet to others especially since it made me realize how much of a sadist I am.”
Sicheng listened to Yoonoh spill his guts out to him, about his fears, the nightmares he has of those that he killed getting their revenge.
And as Yoonoh talk, he cried.
He always cried during his sessions with Sicheng and Sicheng knew that Yoonoh thought he could only cry here with him because what would his men think of him crying over being raised in a life crime considering he’s the leader of his father’s mafia?
They would think he was a pussy.
After about 30 minutes passed, Yoonoh wiped his eyes, closing his mouth as he was done talking.
But before Sicheng could say anything, something came across Yoonoh’s mind and soon he found himself asking, “How’s Y/n doing? I’ve been thinking about them lately.” he said and Sicheng smiled.
“I’m taking care of them at the hospital. I’m actually planning to become their sole caregiver.”
Yoonoh nodded.
He didn’t want to tell Sicheng but he did felt bad for helping Sicheng force you to come back here, especially since it seemed like you had your entire future ahead of you. He also felt bad that Sicheng was using your mental illnesses against you. He only did things like that to his enemies so he didn’t understand why Sicheng was doing it to you… but love did come in different ways so he usually chalked it up to Sicheng just being in love.
Yoonoh didn’t really question why Sicheng did the things he did to you but he still couldn’t help but feel guilty at helping destroy your future and being stuck with a man who may be missing a few screws himself.
“How are you gonna become their sole caregiver?” he asked curiously.
“Their family already gave me the okay to care for them long term and their friends don’t even know that I was the one that was stalking them all those years ago. Also, no one is gonna question why they’re living with me suddenly since everyone knows we were close friends.”
Yoonoh knew he was right.
Everyone who was raised in this town knew how close you and Sicheng were before you went off to university.
What no one knew however was how your leaving made Sicheng lose it and while he was taking more unconventional routes in order to become a psychiatric, he hired Yoonoh to find out where you were since you deleted all of your old sns accounts before you left and didn’t really tell anyone the college you got accepted into. Once he found you though, Sicheng made it his mission to get you back, no matter how mad he had to drive you.
“Why are you asking about Y/n by the way?” Sicheng asked and Yoonoh ran a hand through his hair.
“I don’t know. Guilty conscious I guess.” he admitted and Sicheng nodded.
“I understand. But know that Y/n is only safe in my care. I will never let harm come to them.” he said and Yoonoh just nodded.
That might be true but if anyone was to ever harm you, Yoonoh thought, it’d be no one other than Sicheng himself.
You eyes looked to your side, landing on Taeyong’s drawing.
You looked back at the blank paper in front of you, not knowing what to draw.
You decided to go to art therapy with Taeyong since you didn’t want to be in your room all day since you were still hallucinating and talking to both Jisung and Taeyong seemed to be helping a bit.
You’ve always heard a voice in your since you were child and only started visually hallucinating around the time you hit puberty.
The voice started off telling you do to random dangerous things, similar to how intrusive thoughts are but as you got older, the voice became more abusive and since your family didn’t believe you when you told them what was happening, you suffered throughout your entire youth because of that voice, the only people taking your words seriously being your friends.
The voice that would talk to you was a male’s voice. You couldn’t put a name to who it was though so you usually called it Him.
But when Sicheng started stalking you, a new voice appeared and the voice was that of Sicheng.
His voice would tell you in the mostly sickly sweet tone how no one loved you.
How no cared about you.
That your friends were fake and your family hated you.
And you heard his voice tell you this because he was already telling you this himself.
Leaving messages on your phone through voice and text, writing letters and leaving it in your mailbox, telling you how much no one loved you… besides him.
And it really did affected you.
You started distancing yourself from your college friends and by the time you graduated, your mental health was just as bad as it was when you were younger, if not, worse.
The only reason why his words affected you was because of how much you believed him.
Out of all of your friends, Sicheng was the only one who truly comforted you.
You were friends with Taeyong too but he was going through so much back then that you understood why he couldn’t really do much to help you.
But Sicheng…
Sicheng was always there for you and maybe it was selfish of you to just leave your hometown without a word and start a new life at a college in another state but you wanted to get away from your family so badly that you were fine with forgetting about your old friends and moving on.
Starting anew.
You sighed as you picked up a red color pencil and started drawing circles.
The circles began overlapping one another until it turned into a red mess.
“Okay guys. Now it’s time for us to go around and tell everyone what we drew and why.” Chittaphon, or Ten as what everyone called him, said as he turned down the music that was playing in the room. “Remember, you don’t have to say anything.” he smiled before picking up his drawing and starting first.
You liked Ten.
He was pretty chill and funny and would also let patients take crayons and paper to their room just to draw.
Once Ten was done explaining his drawing, he passed it down to one of the patients who began talking.
When it got to Taeyong though, he shook his head.
“I don’t feel saying anything today.” he said and then looked at you.
You picked up your drawing, looking at it, sighing.
“I didn’t really draw anything.” you started. “I just drew a bunch of circles overlapping into one another.” you turned the paper around for everyone to see. “I’ve just been hearing the voices and they keep talking over each other. I guess it could mean that? I don’t know, I’ve just been overthinking a lot about things.”
“What are they?” Ten asked and you looked at him.
“Just… just about the things that led me up to being here…” you answered him and Ten nodded.
“The beautiful thing about art is that it never truly has to be good. Art is a way to express emotions and thoughts that you can’t express in the verbal all too well. To make sense of the thoughts and troubles you have. To cope and understand the trauma you suffer from. If you drawing a bunch of circles made you come to that conclusion, then I say that you did draw something.” Ten said, a gentle smile on his lips.
You nodded.
“I guess you’re right.” you said, setting the paper down on the table. “I’m done.” you laughed awkwardly, looking at the older woman next to you who then began explaining what she drew.
When group ended, Taeyong told you to wait for him and went up to Ten and asked him for some more art supplies and Ten went and got him some crayons and paper.
Once he gave it to him, Taeyong thanked Ten and soon the both of you left the room.
“Let me put these in my room real quick.” Taeyong said and you two walked to his room, just talking about whatever.
When he got to his room, he went in, set his supplies on his dresser and walked out, the both of you heading to the day room.
As you entered, you saw Jisung whose eyes were red and puffy.
He did have talk therapy during yours and Taeyong’s art therapy group so you assumed that was the reason why he looked rather sad.
You went up to him, taking a seat next to him and smiling.
“Everything okay?” you asked him and Jisung looked up at you.
Taeyong took the opposite seat next to Jisung and began rubbing his back.
“Every time one of my alters take over, I don’t feel in control of my body. I’m just watching on autopilot while this stranger ruins everything.” he said. “I just hate that I can’t even remember what actually happens. I can’t recall the things I’ve done or said. I just feel so alone...” he sniffled
“Jisung, what you’re going through, there are others who go through it as well. You’re never really alone.” you said, trying your best to comfort him. “But I know what you mean. I feel the same way too.” Taeyong nodded. “Same.” he said. “When it comes to being sick mentally, it feels like as if no one understands your struggles. That you’re the only person in the world suffering but there are others who do know your struggles. Just because your friends and or family don’t get it, doesn’t mean you’re truly alone.” you told him, a soft smile on your face.
Jisung nodded slowly.
“I guess you’re right.” he said, shoulders slumped.
As you and Taeyong try to comfort Jisung, you saw someone come into the room out of the corner of your eye. Looking up, you saw a patient you’ve never seen before and thought it was a new patient.
His eyes met yours for a bit before looking away.
He looked rather tall in to you and his hair was black. His eyes look tired and sad and as he sat down, you wondered what exactly brought him here.
“It seems like everyday a new guy shows up yet I’m still stuck here.” Taeyong whispered bitterly causing you and Jisung to laugh, who seemed to be feeling a bit better.
As you sat in your bed, you pulled at your hair.
The voices were loud.
Even though you were taking medication, they wouldn’t stop.
You began wondering if you were even given the actual medication you needed or sugar pills.
Knowing Sicheng, that wouldn’t really surprise you if that was the case.
You’ve been in the hospital for 3 weeks now and it seemed as though mentally, you were getting worse.
You looked to your side as the door squeaked open and Sicheng came in.
He walked to the bed and sat down on it, wiping your hair away from your face.
“How was your day?” he asked you and you looked away, pulling at your hair harder.
“No no no, don’t do that. That’s not a good habit.” he said gently pulling your hand away from your hair.
Sicheng was always so gentle with you… but his words always hurt you.
They cut you, hurting and bleeding far more than any self harm scar you’ve ever inflicted.
There was a part of you that still clung to Sicheng.
He was always there for you when no one else was and it made you so confused whenever you thought about that because Sicheng was the reason for your mind worsening in terms of health.
“My day was okay.” you answered timidly, not looking at the man who watched you with soft eyes.
At first, when he started harassing you, you felt terrified, angry that your old best friend was doing this, but ever since coming back home, you began feeling weird. Confused at the fact that Sicheng was still very much the warm and understand boy you grew up with… as long as you didn’t do anything that upset him that was but to Sicheng, you could never upset him.
Irritate him, yes.
But genuine anger towards you, no.
Sicheng chuckled, his hand soon caressing your cheek.
“That’s nice.” he said.
You hated the fact that this man practically had a say on whether or not you were “healthy” enough to leave because deep down you knew he was still sabotaging everything in order to make you stay here.
But a part of you would protest and say that Sicheng is just looking out for you because Sicheng’s voice, that was in your mind, was telling you that all he ever did was look out for you because that’s what the real Sicheng was telling you.
You bit your bottom lip as you felt soft plump lips, gently touch your cheek.
Sicheng would always kiss you everywhere on your face, except your lips.
His kisses was always hesitant and shy, just like him.
He leaned back, his eyes on you, smiling, a soft look on his face as he said, “Goodnight 亲爱的 (Qīn'ài de/Dear). Things will start getting better once you realize that all you need is me.” he lifted his hand up and began rubbing the top of your head. “Now get some rest.”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
Steve’s final attack; Queen x reader
*Author’s note*
Okay so INTENSE CHAPTER HERE. PROBABLY THE DARKEST CHAPTER I’LL EVER WRITE FOR THIS SERIES! GUN VIOLENCE AND SHOOTING IS IN THIS CHAPTER SO YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Potential death/paralysis, guns shown and spoken of, stalker themes shown (like I said this is a DARK chapter).
Again I’ve got trigger warnings below so if you want to block it out, i’ve got stalker, gun violence and shooting as my #tw:. Now to those who do wish to proceed with reading this chapter, you have been warned and proceed with caution, it’s a LOT to take in and just one more section to go with this chapter then I PROMISE from here on out it’ll be nothing as evil as this chapter. ALSO IMAGE SHOWN IN STORY IS NOT MINE. CREDIT GOES TO THE OWNER!!
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*June 7th, 1993. Madison Square Garden, New York*
This was insanity.  I should’ve seen the signs earlier, maybe if I hadn’t switched to coming here to Hollywood records maybe none of this would’ve happened.  Steve Harrison has gone too far now and now I’m deathly afraid of what he’ll do next.
I had told the cops and the judge myself to expect the next call to be my dead corpse lying in wait with a bloody message saying I TOLD YOU SO.  He’s been biding his time but I’m resorted to looking over my shoulder every time I go out in public.
I was in my dressing room trying to calm my nerves down before I had to go up on stage when a knock came at my door.  I jolted and asked.
“Who is it?”
“It’s me and Jensen baby.” I sighed with relief.
“Come in.” the door opened and there stood my darling husband and cousin in law.  Jensen was all geared up in a security uniform and had his Ruger SR1911 steel gun strapped to his pouch.
“Hey kid, how you doing?” Jensen asked me.
“I’ll be better once the show’s over.”
“Hey, don’t worry. As your new head of security I’ve got every cop in NYC on your side, plus some of my boys who have been firing guns for years. We’re not gonna let that creep anywhere near you again.” he said as he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.  I looked up at him and took his hand.
“Thank you. Are the kids safe?”
“Yeah, Danneel has them in the front row.” He said to me.
“Jensen can you give us a minute alone?” Jack said to him.
“Okay, sure. I’ll get into position and get the boys ready.” Jensen gave me a sideways hug and kiss to the top of my head before leaving my dressing room.  Jack came up and sat down in front of me and said.
“There’s no way I can talk you out of this, is there?”
“No, you can’t.”
“Not even if I can convince you that you could just do your show from here. I’m sure the audience would think it would be adorable if you did. Cause I could be close beside you.”
“Jack, we don’t have the tech to make all that happen and you know it.”
“I know I’m sorry. But you can’t blame me for trying right?”
“I suppose not.” I cupped his cheek and he leaned up against my touch. “This is the last show of the tour. I promise once this is all over, we can go back to England and stay there.”
“How about we go to Capri. No better place right? Isolated, peaceful, our island of paradise. And this time we can make new memories with the kids.” I smiled and said.
“That sounds fabulous.”
“All for you my love.” He kissed me softly and that’s when I heard a knock and the voice of one of the volunteers.
“Mrs. Kline. You’re up in 30 seconds.” Jack and I quickly separated and I sighed.
“I’m coming.” Jack and I stared into each other’s eyes before he silently took my hand and we left my dressing room.
I now stood backstage getting myself pumped up and trying to get rid of the fear and anxiety of Steve out of my head.
“I’ll be right here watching you baby. And promise me, if you see anything that makes you the slightest uncomfortable, you get off the stage and come to me.” Jack said as he placed his hands on my upper arms.
“I promise Jack. I love you.”
“I love you too.” He cupped my face and we kissed as the announcer’s voice proclaimed.
“AND NOW DIRECTED FROM LONDON, ENGLAND AND WHO MADE HER MARK HERE. PLEASE GIVE IT UP FOR THE ANGEL OF ROCK! (Y/N) KLINE!!!” the crowd cheered louder and I took that as my cue to race onto the stage and I posed for the crowd.
“HELLO MSG! My home away from home! Are you ready to rock and roll!?” the crowd cheered and I opened up with ‘Who I am’.
*3rd Person POV*
As soon as (Y/n) went onto the stage, Jack stared at his wife with worry but admiration as he muttered.
“So much.” Unclipping a walkie-talkie given to him by Jensen he turned the radio on and said.  “Jensen, you copy?”
‘Loud and clear kid. All security is in position.’
“Good. This. Ends. Tonight. I don’t care how long it takes us, Steve is going down tonight. Dead or alive.”
As the concert continued, Jensen who was now walking standing alongside Jack checked in with the rest of the guards.
“Sector one report in.”
‘Copy you Jensen, negative signs of him.’
“Okay Gary, but keep your eye on that door. Don’t you dare take your eyes off of it for a second. Sector 2 how you guys doing?”
‘That’s a negative of him coming in through this way either.’
“He got through the screen room last time Jason, I want two men on that door all night.” Jack said into the walkie-talkie.
“George how you doing?” there was radio silence. “Yo George come in.” Jensen said again.  But again there was radio silence. “Damnit George! Answer your radio!”
“Any nearby units we’re not getting a response from sector 3. Go and check on him!” Jack said urgently.  Jack and Jensen looked at each other worriedly before a voice said.
‘Officer down! Repeat officer down!!’
“What do you mean he’s down!?” Jensen snapped.  At this point Jack was getting real anxious.  He turned to his wife who was singing her cover of ‘Somebody to love’ at the piano.
“How the fuck did he get in?!” Jack said as he combed his hand through his hair anxiously.
“All units we have a man down in sector 3. Close all perimeters!” Jensen’s voice said.
‘This is Sam of sector six. I have eyes on him. He’s in uniform!’
“What? He’s in officer uniform!?” Jensen’s voice cried out.
‘Affirmative! SHOTS FIRED! SHOTS FIRED!’ Jack turned on his radio and said.
“Gordon! I don’t care if you make a scene get my wife off that stage immediately!” Jack snapped.  When Jack turned around back towards the stage, he would soon be forever haunted by a scene that would haunt him forever.
Almost as if in slow motion an officer making sure that his face was hidden through the jacket and hat came up onto the stage and walked towards (y/n).  
Just as she was holding out the final vibrato note like she did when he proposed to her ten years ago, the officer soon took out a 9mm pistol and fired one shot into her side.
A loud bang echoed through the stadium and as (y/n) dropped from the piano bench, people screamed in a panic.
*My POV*
I felt a sudden rush of pain as I collapsed onto the ground. There was this wetness at my side followed by pain.  I could hear people screaming but the only thing I saw were the eyes of Steve Harrison. They were soulless and empty.  It was like looking into the eyes of a true monster.
“Should’ve killed me when you had the chance bitch.” He raised the gun and I heard another loud bang before feeling pain in my stomach and then my vision went bright before I closed my eyes.
*3rd Person POV*
After shooting her, Steve looked right at Jack who was just standing there in shock at what had just happened.  Steve grinned before leaning down and actually took off (y/n)’s wedding ring before taking off running.
Jack raced over to his wife.  As much as he wanted to chase after Steve for shooting the love of his life, his first and main concern was (y/n).
“(Y/n)! (Y/n) baby! Baby please can you hear me?” Jensen came down along with the head of medical who took her pulse.
“I’m barely getting a pulse. Call 911!” Jack knew he couldn’t wait that long.
Going off pure adrenaline and desperate to save his wife, Jack picked up his bleeding wife and raced out of the concert venue.
“Jack where you going!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” As soon as Jack came out of the massive screaming crowd that was still trying to run away from the stadium, he took off down 43rd street as fast as he could.
Having been to New York loads of times with (y/n) it was like he could navigate the city with his eyes closed.
“Move! Move! Move!” he would say to crowd of people who were just going about their normal walks around the city or tourists trying to get pictures.  When some of them recognized (Y/n), they tried to ask Jack what was wrong but he told them to fuck off.
Jack raced through traffic and down a steep hill till finally after running the full 20 blocks, he reached the hospital.  He quickly raced inside through the doors and screamed out.
“HELP! HELP MY WIFE NEEDS HELP! HELP!” immediately doctors and nurses came in with a gurney and a doctor asked him.
“What happened?”
“She—she was performing on stage. She—her stalker. He shot her.”
“Gunshot wounds to the side and stomach.” A male nurse said as they got her on the bed.  The doctor shined a light into her eyes while a female nurse checked her pulse.
“I’m not getting a pulse.”
“Let’s move her!” the doctor said.  Soon she was wheeled into the ICU, all of them barking out orders hoping they could save her life.  All the while, Jack desperately tried to follow his wife but a receptionist came and stopped him.
“(Y/n). (Y/n) my baby.”
“Sir you need to stay out here. Don’t worry they’re gonna do their best to save her. It’ll be okay.”
Hours ticked by and soon the hospital waiting room was surrounded by the entire Rock Angel team.  Jack who was still covered in his wife’s blood stared down at his stained hands trembling.  Jensen turned to his little cousin and couldn’t find the words to say.  But he reached out and placed a hand to his shoulder in comfort.
Feeling the tears in his eyes, Jack rushed out of the hospital and outside into the cool New York air.  Repeatedly he kept hearing the two gunshots in his head, and the evil look on Steve’s face as he just carelessly shot another human being, a woman, his wife without a care in the world.
It was like shooting a game animal to him.  Jack collapsed to his knees and wept his heart out.
Back inside, all the news stations were covering the story of the shooting at MSG.  At this point Jensen was getting sick and tired of it.
“Hey! Can you turn that crap off!?” he snapped at the receptionist.  She looked at him and obeyed his wishes. “And while you’re at it can you go back there and tell them just what the hell is taking them so long!?”
“Sir, the doctors are doing everything they can. They’ll come out when they can stabilize Mrs. Kline.” Jensen growled and nearly punched the wall until one of his old friends Gary stopped him.
“Easy man. Easy. Don’t take it out on her. It’s best they try to see if (y/n) will make it then give us the updates.”
“DON’T YOU DARE SAY THAT WORD!” Jensen screamed at him. Jensen then collapsed back into his chair whimpering. “Not if. There can’t be an if.” Jensen clasped his hands together as his leg bounced up and down and he too felt tears prick at the corner of his eyes.
As morning came across the Big Apple, the news was literally eating the story alive.  NYPD was on a statewide manhunt for Steve Harrison, and to make matters worse, the press had found out just which hospital the Rock Angel was at.  
They were swarming outside wanting a story from the husband or any of her team members.
With the story of the Rock Angel ‘assassination’ now going worldwide, it wouldn’t be long till the story reached back to England.
It had been over 10 hours since Jack had gotten his wife to the hospital and with the situation of the press being contained outside, Jack who now had the kids with him continued to wait in the waiting room.  
Little Kelly who was the most traumatized by the whole thing, clung onto her daddy’s arm and finally spoke for the first time since the incident.
“Is mummy gonna be with uncle Freddie?” Jack looked down at his baby girl.  He could see the redness in her eyes from her crying and he said as he held his baby girl closer.
“I don’t know baby girl. I hope not. I mean—as much as I’m sure he’d love to see her, I don’t think he’d want it to happen this quickly.”
“What’s the update with our Rock Angel?” a voice soon spoke up. Jack and Kelly turned around as did some of the team members and they were surprised to see Elton John and Bernie Taupin.  Kelly raced up towards them and she hugged her uncle Elton who immediately picked her up and held her.
“Uncle Elton, an evil monster he shot……”
“I know darling, I know. Uncle Bernie and I saw it on the telly.” He said as he rubbed her back comfortingly.
“You guys came all the way from St. Louis just to be here?” asked Jack.
“Darling we came for the whole family. Besides count yourself lucky that it’s me and not the in-laws.”
“Oh God!” Jack began to realize that Brian, Deacy and Roger might’ve heard about this story by now.  He lowered his hands in his head.  Elton looked down at Jack and said.
“Bernie, why don’t you take the mini-angel and her brothers, and go out and get them some ice cream.”
“But what if mum wakes up?” Elton rubbed her back again and said.
“Then I’ll be sure to call you straight away if any news on your mother comes around. Trust me dear after the night you’ve had, you deserve an ice cream.” Kelly looked down and nodded. “That’s my little bunny.” He kissed her cheek before setting her down, “Off you pop then.” Bernie softly smiled at her and took her hand and Bernie called out to the boys.
“Georgie, Jackson, come on.” The two 3 year old’s got off their chairs and went over to the pair.  Jackson took his sister’s hand while Bernie picked up Georgie in his free arm and the four of them left the hospital.  Elton then walked up to Jack and said.
“Come with me.” Jack wiped his tearstains and stood up from his chair.  Feeling his legs falling asleep already, Elton steadied him and the two of them walked along the hallway till they came to the first boys bathroom they could find.
They entered inside and Elton locked the door giving them some privacy.
“How could I let this happen?” Jack said as he leaned against the sink. “I knew something bad was going to happen, deep down I knew. Why didn’t I try harder to convince her?”
“Because you married the most stubborn woman I have ever had the privilege of knowing. Her stubbornness rivals that to my dearest friend who was once both of yours. That’s probably why I liked her so much.” Jack shook his head feeling a slight smile come at the corner of his mouth.
“I just—I can’t lose her. What if—”
“Now don’t you go talking like that! The world already lost Freddie Mercury. I’ll be damned if we have to lose the Rock Angel too. She’s a fighter! She always has been. So don’t you dare go talking bollocks on me boy!” Elton snapped.  He walked up to Jack and tightly gripped his shoulders encouragingly.
“I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose her.” Jack whispered out in a choke.
“You won’t. But you listen and you listen good Jack Kline.” He lifted Jack’s chin up with his index finger. “You’re allowed to cry and weep, that’s not gonna make you weak. But you also need to remember this, you are not the only one affected by this. You have three innocent little eyes that had to see that gruesome sight that no child should ever, ever have to see.”
“Kelly? Jackson and Georgie. Dear god they’re never gonna recover from this.”
“In time they will. But right now they are feeling just as much fear and sadness as you are. Bernie’s buying you some time with a little bribery to make them forget for a moment. But when they get back, I want you to clean yourself up. And be the dad they need right now.” Jack looked up into Elton’s blue eyes that shone with strength.
Jack sniffled and nodded.
“Good boy. That’s a boy.” Elton said as he gave Jack a comforting pat before bringing him into a tight hug.  Jack buried his face into Elton’s suit while Elton rested his head against Jack’s.  He gave him a comforting kiss on the top of his head before helping Jack clean up.
After helping him clean up, the two of them left the bathroom and walked back to the waiting room.
Another two hours have passed, making it now 12 hours since the Rock Angel had been admitted into the hospital.  Elton and Bernie remained with Jack and the kids until finally the doctor came out.
“Family of (Y/n) Kline?” at that point the entire waiting room stood up.  It was then the entire Rock Angel team stood up from the security, to the costumers, and roadies. The doctor was surprised until finally Jack came up and said.
“I’m her husband.”
“Your wife has been given a blood transfusion to replace the amount of blood she lost. She went into shock a few times during the procedure but we managed to keep her stable.”
“Is she—is she awake?” at that point the doctor sighed solemnly.
“Mr. Kline. The second bullet your wife took just barely penetrated some major organs. Any centimeter deeper would’ve killed her. We’ve put her into a coma and—I’m sorry to say that only time will tell if she’ll wake up.” This was something Jack did not want to hear.  He was desperate to hear that his wife was gonna be okay and that she was awake and alive.
“Can we at least go see her?” Jensen asked.
“We’re setting her up in a room right now. Give us 10 minutes and you can. But three at a time.” The Doctor advised looking back at everyone.
“Okay, thank you doctor. Thank you.” The doctor nodded and walked away but he stopped and said.
“Mr. Kline.” Jack looked up at him and he continued, “Had you stayed at the stadium and waited for us, there was a great chance of her not being saved. You were really lucky this time.” The doctor then walked away leaving Jack stunned at what he had to learn.
“Who would’ve thought something like this would finally get you running.” Jensen said.  Jack glared at his older cousin and he said, “Right wrong time to be bringing up all those races we had as kids.”
After several minutes waiting, a nurse came in and said that Jack and the kids could come and see (y/n) first.  She led them to her room on the second floor and when they came to room 211, she opened the door and there she was.
Hooked up to wires, breathing tubes in her nose, and IV’s for fluids and blood transfusion was the Rock Angel, wife and mother.
“Mummy.” Georgie whimpered.
“Mummy owie.” Jackson said.
“Yeah boys she’s—mommy got hurt.” Kelly didn’t speak a word but slowly walked right up to her mom’s bed.  This young 7 year old girl was now looking at something that only her mom once experienced before long ago.  She stood at her bedside, gripped the sheets as she sniffled and whimpered.
“Mum!” she allowed her upper body to collapse on the bed as she wept into the bedsheets.  Before she soon got up onto the bed and cuddled close to her mother’s left side and continued to cry.
Jack was heartbroken at seeing his little girl so upset.  He took the boys and placed them up on the bed as well as he came down to his baby girl and rubbed her back, hoping that it would provide her some comfort.  Meanwhile the boys cuddled close to their mom and found themselves crying for their mother.
At this point Jack didn’t know just what to do, all three of his kids had to go through something so traumatic and terrifying he was afraid it’d damage them forever.
But all he could do now was be there for them like Elton had told him earlier in the bathroom.  With (y/n) in a coma, he was the only parent left to be there for them.
Hopefully, he wouldn’t be the only parent in their lives.
As each day passed, every member of the Rock Angel team got to have their time with their dearest friend and amazingly kind person to work for.  Each member of the team would bring in gifts, balloons, flowers for the room, and give the family their thoughts and prayers.
Even fans themselves were reaching out to the hospital that the Rock Angel was in and sent in letters and gifts to Jack and the family.  New York practically had the Rock Angel memorialized as a figure to the city and hoped that she would survive this horrible ordeal.
By the 4th day, with a stern telling from Elton, Jack had arrived back from his hotel showered and cleaned up and had the kids go home with Jensen for a little while to be with their grandparents and away from this whole mess.
He entered his wife’s room to see Elton and Bernie just setting down their gifts.  Bernie had bought her favorite bouquet of flowers as well as some more balloons.  
While Elton brought in a large painting of a mother lioness and her cubs don’t by a famous French artist that he had called up for a favor he owed the singer.
“There we go, now you look like your handsome self again.” Elton praised.
“It was nice to get a shower in. It’s just that—with this whole thing I—”
“We get it Jack. This…..this is even more crazier than when it happened to Lennon. But this is a wait game, but I’ve got a strong feeling she’ll pull through. She always does.” Bernie said as he clasped Jack shoulder comfortingly.
“Thank you Bernie. Thank you both. I—don’t know what I would do without you both here.” The two older men smiled at him before Jack took his seat right by his wife’s side.  The three men sat there in silence as they looked down at the beautiful young woman sleeping before them.
She almost resembled Sleeping beauty or Snow White. The machine beeping off her heartbeat and brain activity which was all normal.  She just wasn’t awake.
“Why didn’t you both call us about this!?” a voice suddenly snapped out.  Jack froze in both fear and guilt at the voice that had just spoke up.  He lowered his head in shame and he shut his eyes.
“Brian, Roger.” Elton greeted them.
“Elton, Bernie.” Brian’s voice greeted.
“Jack Kline you have got some fucking nerve about hiding this from us! We get home and we see you and (y/n). Her face plastered on the front of every fucking magazine! I tried calling her a hundred times throughout these past few months, she never answered. And now I see all of this on the news! The Rock Angel shot at by her former personal assistant!” Roger snapped at him.  Each time his voice growing angrier and angrier.
“Roger lay off him. You don’t know just what he’s been through the past few days!” Elton snapped at him.
“Elton with all due respect please stay out of this. This is a family discussion.” Brian said to him sternly.
“Well believe it or not, she’s my family too! Freddie asked me personally to keep an eye on her. So this is just as much of my problem as it is yours.” Elton challenged the curly haired rockstar.  Before another retort could be said from either rockstar, Jack choked out.
“You think I didn’t want to reach out?” the two members of Queen turned to Jack.  His head still lowered down.  Jack let out a sniffle and he said. “But she didn’t want me to. I should never have listened to her. Why didn’t I do more?” he growled at himself.  He turned to look up at his father and uncle in laws before choking out. “It was my fault.” Before he wept, but he hardly any tears came out due to his dehydration, but the emotion was all there as he leaned up against his wife’s unconscious body.
The anger and resentment the two Queen members once felt, melted away as they heard the pain in Jack’s voice.
“Jack.” Roger started off softly.  Jack gripped his wife’s hand in his as he kissed her temple. Brian and Roger turned to Elton who told them.
“They’re saying there might be a chance she may not wake up. Not only he but the kids saw the bastard shoot her right there on stage performing her favorite song of Freddie’s.” at hearing that, Brian and Roger looked down at Jack in shock.  Brian ran his hand through his curls as he exhaled heavily.
“Please……” Jack pleaded in a soft whisper as he turned to look up at them. “Please forgive me. I—I couldn’t protect her.” Brian looked down at Jack with empathy while Roger still looked at him with a harsh glare.
When Jack turned back around to weep into his wife’s shoulder. He didn’t notice Roger walking right up to him.  Roger just stood over Jack and he could’ve struck Jack in anger, sorrow whatever was racing through him.
In the end, he just placed his hand on top of Jack’s head and said four words that would resonate within Jack for the rest of his life.
“It wasn’t your fault.” Jack turned to look up at him. Behind his circular shades, Roger’s eyes were now showing only sadness.  He then immediately embraced Jack and Jack buried his face into Roger’s chest.
Just like he had done with (y/n) many times whenever she cried, Roger cupped the back of his head and allowed Jack to bury his face deeper into his chest if he needed as Jack’s arms wrapped around him and he shook with each sob her let out.  The drummer held firm but allowed a few tears to slip down his face.
Soon enough Brian joined in as he embraced Jack from behind. The two of them sandwiching their beloved girl’s husband.  Elton and Bernie took this as their cue to leave, so without a word the two of them left the hospital and decided that for now they needed to get back to the real world and let the members of Queen take over in comforting the Kline family through these dark times.
But they both promised they’d call and check up on how their beloved angel was doing.
Three weeks passed and throughout that time Jack had confessed to Brian and Roger everything that had been going on with Steve, the stalking, the threatening letters, everything.
“Where are the kids?” asked Brian.
“Jensen took them the day before you guys came here. They—they needed time away. Mom’s been calling me with updates. All of them having nightmares, especially Kelly.”
“Oh god that poor dear.” Brian exhaled.
“You think you could call and have them come back? Now that we’re here.” Asked Roger.
“I could try. Don’t know if my mom will allow it.”
“I’ll convince her if I have to.” Roger said strongly.  Jack nodded.
“I’ll try.” He then stood up and went to find a payphone while Roger went with him leaving Brian alone with (Y/n).  Brian took a seat close to her bedside and took her hand in his, his thumb gently stroking over her knuckles.
“You stubborn, stubborn girl.” He scoffed softly. “You could’ve told us. We would’ve understood. Please, please my darling star. Don’t leave us yet. Not so young.”  He squeezed her hand tightly between both of his before lifting it up and kissed the back of her hand.
“Good news, she’s gonna bring the kids over.” Roger said as he and Jack returned to the room.  “Any sign of her moving at all?” he asked Brian.
“Afraid not.” Roger then took a seat on the other side and stroked his daughter’s cheek.
“Hey lovie. Yeah it’s me. Papa lion’s here. Listen; you gotta come back to us. For the kids, for Jack, your family. We all miss you. I miss you. And…..you can’t be with your real dad. Not yet. Remember our talk on your 21st birthday? Don’t do this to your papa lion. Don’t leave him just yet my lion cub.”  He leaned in and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
He stayed there for as long as he could before finally separating and allowing a couple of tears to fall down onto her cheek.  
He wiped them away as he lay his head down close to her, wrapping his arm around her body hoping that his father love would bring her back.
The next day as promised, Jack’s mom came in with the kids. When little Kelly saw her godfather and uncle, she immediately ran up to her godfather and embraced him tightly.  He felt the young child softly cry into his shoulder.
“Oh Kelly cub.” Roger cooed as he embraced his goddaughter and rocked her back and forth trying to comfort her.
“Mom, has she—” Jack asked his mom as he held Georgie in his arms while Jackson went over to his uncle Brian.
“She hasn’t spoken a word since she came to live with me and your dad. Just nightmares every night. Not even the therapist we got for her and the boys can get her to say anything.”
“And what of the boys?” asked Brian.
“We talk. It’s not fun though.” Jackson said as he fondled with his uncle’s unbuttoned shirt.
“We don’t like talking about that night every day.” Georgie said as he clung onto his dad.
“I’m sure it doesn’t buddy. Talking about stuff like that never is. Trust me I had to tell it over and over again to some police officers and detectives these past few weeks.”
“Does it hurt to talk about it? Cause I hurt when I talk about it.” Georgie said to his dad.  Jack leaned his head against his son’s and said.
“Every time.” As Roger rubbed little Kelly’s back, she then finally whispered so brokenly that it broke Roger’s heart but also surprised him because this was the first thing she had to say in over three weeks.
“She’s gonna die, isn’t she?” Roger looked down at her and tucked away her (h/c), the same color she inherited from her mother.
“Could you give Kelly-cub and I some privacy?” they all nodded and left the room, knowing what Roger had in mind.
Jack however was hesitant to leave.  He stood halfway out the door before turning back to his baby girl. He looked to Roger but the drummer just gave him a look that said to him ‘let me handle this.’  While Jack wanted to stay and talk to his daughter, maybe even try to comfort her, another part of him was saying let Roger handle this.
He was always able to comfort his wife whenever she needed it in the past long before he knew her, maybe what his daughter needed was the famed Roger Taylor “comforting charm” just like her mom always got.  With that Jack left taking Georgie with him.
Roger removed his shades and hung them over the front of his shirt while he adjusted Kelly in his lap.
“Is that what’s been on your mind lately lion cub?” she gave him a sad nod.
“All I hear is mum still not being awake. And it’s all that’s ever on tv. And now seeing her still the same I—I know I’m gonna lose her. Just like she lost her mum when she was a year older than me. I don’t wanna grow up without her!” Kelly wept.
“Hey, hey, hey Kelly-bear. Kelly lovie. Shhh, shhh. Deep breaths darling.” Roger soothed her as he cupped the side of her face.  Kelly look at her godfather and saw the gentle blue eyes staring back at her.  Those eyes that always gave her a sense of warmth and comfort when her parents were either too busy or not around.
She did exactly what her god papa told her to do as Roger stroked her cheek with his thumb.
“That’s my little cub.” He praised as he kissed her other cheek. “I know this is a very scary time love, believe me I’m terrified.”
“You are?”
“Yes. We all are.”
“But I thought grownups never got scared.” Kelly said with a tilt of her head.
“Oh trust me love. Grownups get scared a lot. I’ve been there, your uncles have been there, even your mum and dad. Fear is natural to everyone old or young. And something like this—it’s really scary.”
“Will I really grow up without a mum like she did?” hearing that question broke Roger’s heart.  He stroked the strands of hair out of her face but before he could say anything a voice spoke up from the door.
“I doubt that Kelly. She has the strength of a lioness, and that’s what you got from her.” The two of them turned towards the door and Kelly gasped out and proclaimed as she ran towards the door.
“Uncle Deacy!” Roger was surprised to see his dear friend again after two years apart.  Kelly hugged her uncle and Deacy embraced the young girl back.  He rubbed her back comfortingly before kneeling down to her height.
“Your mum’s been through many obstacles and tribulations. This is just another one to the list. She knew what it was like to grow up without a mum, and she’s always told me that she refused to let you kids grow up without one. Especially you poppet.”
“But what if she doesn’t pull through uncle Deacy? Some people are saying mum may never wake up.” Deacy sighed heavily and said.
“For now it’s still too soon to tell. Nothing is written in stone yet.”
“Your uncle Deacy’s right love. As long as these monitors keep beeping, we know that your mum is still alive. She’s just resting and trying to heal herself. And with a mighty lion soul that she has, she’ll need a lot of rest.” Roger said as he stood up and knelt down beside her, kneeling right beside John.
Kelly turned back to her mom and walked over to her.  She laid her hand on the small railing and just looked at her mum.
“She looks like Sleeping beauty.”
“She does, doesn’t she?” Roger said as both he and Deacy stood up.
“Can—can she hear us?” Kelly asked.
“I’m sure she can. I’ll bet she’d love to hear your voice.” Kelly walked closer towards her mom’s head and she said.
“Mum. It’s me, Kelly. I—I wish you’d wake up. Please, I need to know you’re gonna be okay. Seeing you get hurt like that was really scary, but papa Roger says that it’s okay to be scared. Said that you get scared sometimes too. But he also said that you need to heal your lion soul, so hopefully it’s getting better. But I wish you could wake up because I love you so much and miss you. Same with everyone else.”
The two youngest members of Queen watched with heavy hearts as this young girl was talking to her coma-induced mother.  Doing something that only a grown up should do when their parents are elderly, not when the child is still a literal child just barely the age of 10.  
“Can I have a moment alone with her?” John whispered to Roger. The drummer looked at the bass player before agreeing to Deacy’s request.
“Kelly love, why don’t we go and find your dad and head on over to the cafeteria? Maybe get a pudding cup.” Kelly looked up at him before turning back to her mum.  She kissed her mom’s cheek before racing over to Roger who picked her up in his arms. Roger held her close to him and rubbed her back comfortingly as Deacy did the same before giving her a kiss on the head.
He watched as his friend took his niece away leaving him alone with his sister.
For Deacy this was the third hardest thing he ever had to cope with.  First he had to go through the trauma of losing his dad so suddenly, then he lost his best friend Freddie to a terrible disease that literally ate him from the inside out, and now this.
John Deacon had heard about this terrible event through his daughter Laura who came in storming from school with a newspaper on hand. She showed her father the article that had read ROCK ANGEL SHOT AT MSG IN NYC.
Deacy almost lost it at this point.  It had almost been 2 years since Freddie’s death and now to hear that his sister had been shot at by some deranged psychopath, it practically destroyed him.  
Like with Freddie’s final moments, Deacy almost didn’t even want to go and see his sister in some hospital bed barely clinging to life only to be let down for the third time in his life.  He was even thinking that this would be the thing that would finally push him over the edge.
But he was stopped by the love of his wife Veronica who had managed to get through to John.  She told him that he had missed his chance with Freddie, and with the love and support he had given (y/n) throughout the 13 years he had known her, he had to go see her.  Because if he didn’t and should she be pronounced dead, he was going to regret it for the rest of his life.
So cleaning himself up, John Deacon bought his first class flight to New York City and had arrived just for her.
“Sister dear.” He started off.  “I—I don’t know if you can hear me but, I’m here. I read what happened….About the shooting, of course the media loves to exploit some details so I don’t know what exactly is true or not. But…..why you didn’t tell us what was going on? Sister you—you should’ve come to us. We could’ve protected you. I—I could’ve protected you. Please don’t go. Don’t you leave us too. Please come back to us.”
*My POV*
I don’t know where I was.  All I saw was nothing but blackness until suddenly a flash of light came at me and I was now in a—jungle? Wait why was everything a bigger? And why do I feel—different? I mean I still feel like me but not, this is confusing. I then see just ahead of my what appeared to be some sort of lake or well I guess watering hole (since this is a jungle I guess I better call it a watering hole).
I walked towards it and stood at the edge of it but when I got up to it, I was—well to put it lightly stunned. No I’m just gonna say I was freaking out.  What I saw staring right at me was a lioness.  I backed up screaming.  Hell you would scream too if a lioness was staring right back at you. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Back it up.  I approached the water again and lifted my hand but the lioness raised its paw up.
Oh. My. God. The lioness was—I was the lioness.
“Okay. This is even weirder than when Deacy and I got so drunk in Rio that we both woke up with each other’s clothes on and he had the word ANUS written on his forehead in sharpie while I had a dick drawn on mine.”
Okay so I’m a lioness. I am a freakin lioness.  The Queen of the beasts. Why? I mean I know Roger and the band always called me lioness but that’s just figuratively. But now, literally I’m a lioness.
“Maybe if I walk around I might find someone who could explain this crazy shit show.” I then began walking through the wide jungle, but as I walked I kept feeling this brush of pain on both my side and stomach but I didn’t know why.  And I know this sounds crazy, but I think something or someone is following me.
Every time I turned around, I would see this brush of a shadow before it disappeared.  I was weary and thanks to these lion instincts it made me even more aware that whatever it was, was still following me as I kept walking.  Suddenly out of nowhere I felt something land on my head and a flap of wings attacked my face.
I fell to the ground and shook whatever it was off of me before growling at it.
“Show yourself!” I soon heard a laugh and it said.
“Bout time you finally noticed me.” I turned around and there stood a peacock.
“Are—are you the thing that’s been following me?”
“I don’t know. Was I? Or am I?” he spoke in a riddle-like manner as he fanned his tail feathers.  I rolled my eyes and said.
“Well this is where you stop. Now go away.”
“Whatever for?”
“Cause you’re annoying me, and I don’t have time for games. I’m looking for someone.”
“Oh really? And just who might that be?” he came up to me and cocked his head in that bird-like manner.
“I—I don’t know. Just someone. Anyone.”
“Well I know where you can find someone.”
“You do?”
“Yes. But shh come here, it’s a secret.” I leaned down towards him and he wrapped his wing around me.  But instead of giving me a name he started speaking in bloody tongues, flaunting before prancing about away from me.
“Stop! Stop! Enough! ENOUGH! What the hell does that mean?”
“It means you’re a peacock. And I’m not.” He then began laughing at his own statement.
“No, you’re as mad as the March Hare.” I muttered angrily as I walked away.
“Wrong!” I had a feathery finger suddenly poke my nose stopping me in my tracks. “I’m not the one whose mad. Cause you don’t even know why you’re here.”
“You don’t know the first thing about me bird! Now stay out of my way before I go full predator on you!” I growled before giving him a warning roar which made him fly back scared.
“Okay! Okay, okay.” I walked past him angrily.  “No wonder why you’re a lioness my Rock Angel.” I gasped as I stopped in my tracks.  I turned towards him and he only gave a wave before saying, “Bye-bye.” And took off flying, almost turning into a shadow with how quick he suddenly took off.
“Oi wait!” I chased after the peacock.  Practically losing sight of it till I saw it now standing on top of a rock.  I trotted towards it and I asked him. “Did you just say my Rock Angel?”
“No. I said thy Rock Angel.”
“No you didn’t. I specifically heard you say My. And—” I trailed off before looking downward solemnly. “Only one person ever called me that. But he died. What felt like a long time ago.”
“Nope. Wrong again darling!” he laughed again before flying off the rock and now stood before a small entrance into a thicket-like forest. “You said you wanted someone to talk to, I can show you. But you gotta catch up with me first and I’m fast!” he then disappeared through the hole.
I trotted up to it and looked inside it.  I can’t believe I’m actually doing this, but—what other option is there? So I entered inside the thicket.
It was definitely a tight squeeze just to even go through it but somehow I managed to get inside.  I peeked through some thick brush and there sitting on a perch of a tree was the peacock.
“Don’t dottle dear, hurry up!”
“Hey wait, wait, wait!” he kept soaring and jumping from branch to branch all the while chanting and singing out words that didn’t even sound right.
“C’mon lioness!”
“Would you slow down!?” suddenly I felt myself falling down a hill but I quickly stood back up and continued to push forward.  
Getting caught in branches and vines all I kept thinking to myself was follow the peacock’s bizarre singing.  Hitting bush after bush I ran faster and faster as the thicket closed closer and closer around me.
“STOP!” the peacock suddenly said as it spread out it’s tail.  I skid to a stop and the peacock made it’s cooing sound as it’s tail tucked back in like a fan.  He then slowly strutted towards the edge of the thicket and he said. “Come here child.”
I got out of the thicket and we now stood before some kind of creek.
“Why’d you bring me here?”
“Look into the water, and you will speak to the one you most long to speak to.” I looked at him, and I was surprised to see that instead of this goofy, child-like attitude he had earlier.  He was now more serious and dead-center on me doing this.
I followed his orders and slowly approached the creek. I slowly walked towards it before looking into the water that lay beneath me.  
But all I saw was myself.  I waited and waited but still nothing happened.
“Nothing’s happening. And just who is it that I’m supposed to see?”
“Shhh! Look harder.” I then saw his feather-finger touch the water and ripples soon started to form.  I looked closer into the water and soon an image began to form. Suddenly everything around me grew darker but then something echoed through the air.
“AYE-OH!” my eyes widened and I whispered.
“Freddie?” suddenly there was a bright glow right beside me and then a bright flash.
I felt myself floating now and when I looked down at myself, I saw that I was now human again.  There was nothing but darkness before suddenly a giant bright light encompassed the darkness.  Instead of alone and frightened, there was—warmth.  And love.
The light then began to form a giant silhouette of a man (by giant I mean seriously giant. I was like an ant compared to this shadow).
However this specific silhouette was very familiar to me. It was Freddie, standing in the exact shadow position that he once did for the Bohemian Rhapsody video.
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Though I couldn’t physically see his face, it was him.
“(Y/n) dear. Why are you here?” he said to me.
“I—I was…..” it then came back to me.  The concert, the pain, the gunshots, Steve. “I was shot. Steve he—killed me. At the concert.”
“Not quite my darling. You’re still clinging onto life. So I’m going to make the decision for you. Go back. Go back to our family. You still have so much more to give to the world. The world may have lost Freddie Fucking Mercury, but do not let them lost the Rock ‘Badass bitch’ Angel.”
“BUT WHY FREDDIE!? Steve he—he’s made my life hell this past year. How can I face him?” Freddie’s spirit shined brighter than the sun and encompassed around me as he said.
“You will do that by reminding him who you are. You are (Y/n) (m/n) Kline. My Rock Angel.” Feeling his light around me, it was like Freddie was actually holding me, embracing me with his confidence and giving me the strength I needed to fight.  
I looked up right where his face was at and tears poured down my face as I looked up at him in awe.
“Show him. The lioness you are.” It was then his silhouette began to disappear.
“NO! PLEASE! Don’t leave me again!” I chased after his light that was now getting further and further away from me.  No matter how fast I ran, I couldn’t reach him. “FREDDIE!”
“Show him the lioness you are.”
“Don’t go.” I gave up the run and collapsed to my knees as Fred’s final words to me were.
“The lioness you are.” I collapsed to my knees before feeling this gently wind blow across my face as Freddie’s spirit was now gone and I was once again in nothing but darkness.
Sitting there in silence, I began to realize that I couldn’t stay here.  Freddie was right, even though I would have to face Steve again if they caught him and put him on trial.  I couldn’t abandon my family.  Brian, Deacy, Roger, Elton, David, Jensen, Jared, their wives and children. Mum and dad. Jack, and my kids.
I grew up without a mother, I couldn’t let my own children go through the same thing, especially my baby girl Kelly.  Cause she’s almost the exact age I was when I lost my mum, no I refuse to leave my baby motherless! That cycle will not go on!
“I gotta get out of here. But how? How? Come on (y/n) wake up. WAKE UP!!!” I screamed.  I kept screaming at myself to wake up, I shook my head rapidly, pinched myself, even slapped my cheeks a few times telling myself to wake up but nothing was working. “No it. It’s can’t end like this. I can’t die. I don’t wanna die. Please. Please wake up. Freddie I—I don’t know what else to do.” There was dead silence. I lowered my head and felt tears come into my eyes.  I sniffled before I suddenly heard a voice.
‘Sister dear.’ Deacy? No it—it couldn’t be. ‘I—I don’t know if you can hear me but, I’m here.’ It was him.  I knew that distinct accent anywhere.  But—why was he here? I hadn’t seen him since the tribute concert two years ago.  He never called, or sent a letter, he wanted his space and I obliged by giving it to him. Now he was here.
I soon felt something take my hand, I felt a squeeze before Deacy’s voice spoke again.
‘I read what happened….About the shooting, of course the media loves to exploit some details so I don’t know what exactly is true or not. But…..why you didn’t tell us what was going on? Sister you—you should’ve come to us. We could’ve protected you. I—I could’ve protected you. Please don’t go. Don’t you leave us too. Please come back to us.’ I could hear the tremor in his voice by the end.
“Oh Deacy.” I cooed. “Please, please (y/n) wake up. They still need me. I can’t leave them now. Not like this. Please somebody, anybody, wake me up.”
It was then I felt this warmth inside my chest.  It got warmer and warmer until yet another light shined right where I got shot the second time and I was now surrounded by bright light.
*3rd Person POV*
Deacy remained there clutching his sister’s hand tightly, his eyes brimming with tears.  Suddenly he felt fingers slightly twitching in his grip.  His face quickly changed from sorrow to surprise.  Slowly for the first time in 3 weeks, (y/n) Kline was finally opening her eyes.
*My POV*
The first thing I saw was white.  White light everywhere.  Oh god please tell me I didn’t go to heaven. I wanted to go home.  But it wasn’t until my hearing came back and I could hear the sounds of machines beeping and counting off something.  I felt a hand grasping mine and when my vision became clear, there sat Deacy.
Boy did he change in the last two years.  His hair was now more grey and longer now.  It came right just the back of his neck, a few inches from growing past his shoulders.  His eyes were red and brimmed as he stared down at my in shock, almost not believing something.
“Did you seriously grow a mullet?” was the first thing I asked him.  He smiled and scoffed out as he shook his head.
“At least I still have hair unlike Roger whose slowly losing his. Of all the things to say that’s the first thing that comes out of you?” I playfully looked up at him.  He didn’t say another word but his actions spoke louder than what he could ever say.
He leaned down towards me and began kissing all over my face. Cupping my cheeks in his hands as he would press his forehead to mine and poking his sharp nose to mine, drawing in our sibling strength.
“Hey Deacy, Roger said you might want some breakfast since you—” we both looked up at the door and there stood my Jack.  Deacy stepped aside from the bed as Jack and I locked eyes with each other.  He dropped what looked like a pudding cup and stood there frozen.
“Hey Jack.” I said.  Jack didn’t say a word but crossed over to me, his bottom lip trembling as he sat down beside me and cupped my face in his hands, just like Deacy had earlier. A sad smile soon broke out across his face as tears poured down his face and he gently embraced me.
“You came back.” I leaned against his shoulder and inhaled his scent.  And yeah even though he smelled like he hadn’t showered in days, I didn’t care at this point.  It was Jack. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him as hard as I could.  We separated from each other and he leaned down and kissed me.  The kiss got more and more passionate and I said between our kisses.
“I’m here Jack I’m…..I promised. Till death….”
“Don’t even finish that.” We both chuckled as we now stared at each other.
“The kids! Jack where are my babies? He didn’t……”
“No, no baby. Brian and Roger have them. They’re alright. Well physically they are. They were shaken up the first several days.”
“I’ll go get them.” Deacy offered as he left the room.
“What—what happened Jack?”
“You really don’t remember?”
“All I remember was pain, a loud popping sound and Steve. Other than that nothing.”
“(Y/n). Steve he—he shot you during Somebody to love. He shot you twice in the side and stomach. I ran you all the way to the hospital.”
“You did?” he nodded. “How—how long have I been out?”
“You were in the ICU for over 12 hours before being moved here. But you’ve been in a coma for the past 3 weeks.”
“Three—three weeks?!” I shouted which made me flinch which caused some pain in my side.
“Baby are you alright?!” he asked urgently.
“Just a pain in my side. Must’ve stressed out a stitch or something.”
“I’ll call the doctor and let him know you’re awake.” As he reached over and pressed the call button on the wall, I heard the racing of footsteps coming towards the room.  Paranoid I thought it was Steve coming to finish the job, but soon three small voices eased my nerves tremendously.
“Mummy!” soon racing in were Kelly, Georgie and Jackson. All three of my kids raced over and tried to climb up on my bed.
“Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on kids. Easy. Mommy is hurting very badly. Be gentle around her.” Jack warned the kids as my boys got up by my feet while Kelly stood on the other side of me.
“Are you okay mummy?” asked Georgie as he lay on my right side.
“I will be baby.”
“Bad man hurt mummy.” Jackson said.
“Yes he did Jackson. But mummy’s gonna be okay now.”
“Are you sure you’re not gonna die mum?” I looked to my left to see my baby girl’s look of uncertainty.  I lifted my hand and wiped away her hidden tear.
“I’m sure baby. A…..very special angel told me I was gonna be okay when I woke up. I promise you, I’m gonna be just fine. A few days of rest and I’ll be right as rain again. Just you wait and see.” I poked her nose which made her smile before she got closer to me and leaned her head against my shoulder.  I smiled as I leaned my head against her and kissed the top of her head.
“You damn better well be. Cause hearing about all this on the news is not what I ever want to see from you again.” I looked up at the door and there along with Deacy were Brian and Roger.
Oh fuck.
“Dad, Brian. I—”
“We’ll discuss this later. For now we’ll let you be with your kids and husband.” Brian lectured me, that stern look in his eyes when he meant something.
“I’m afraid that won’t happen till later.  I’m gonna have to ask all of you to leave while I check Mrs. Kline’s vitals.” A male doctor around his mid-30’s possibly early 40’s with short brown hair and tan skin said as he came in.
“Why can’t we stay with her?!” Kelly demanded.
“The doctor’s gotta make sure mommy’s okay sweetie. But she needs to be alone so that she can do his tests.” Jack tried to calm her down.
“No I wanna stay with mummy! I want to stay with mummy! I want to stay with mummy!” she began to throw a tantrum.
“Kelly. Kelly. Kelly Michelle Kline!” I spoke her name in a low toned voice.  She stopped her fitting and I said as I cupped her chin.  “None of that now. You are to do as your father and the doctor tell you.”
“But what if you die?!” she whimpered.  Oh my poor baby girl.  God if I ever come face to face with Steve again, I’ll be sure to give him hell for traumatizing my little girl like he did.
“Baby these tests aren’t dangerous to me. It’s just to see if I’m gonna be okay to leave. Now I want you to go with your father and stay with him until the doctor gives the all clear to come back in. And no more tantrums, is that understood?”
“Yes mama.” She huffed solemnly.
“Good girl.” As Brian and Deacy each took the boys, Jack took our daughter’s hand and as they passed the door, Roger took her other hand and soon everyone but the doctor was out.  “I’m so sorry about that she’s never—”
“No worries Mrs. Kline. I get children who act like that all the time when their parents go into surgery or they need to get a shot. First introductions I’m Dr. Hamilton, I met your husband at the door when he brought you in.”
“Did he seriously run the full 20 blocks to get here?” I asked him.
“Oh yeah. And it was lucky for you he did. I told him based on the amount of blood loss you had, had he waited for an ambulance at the stage, you might’ve been lost to us.” Oh my god.  Jack you—you crazy, indescribable man.  “Okay now first I want to check your eyes, look right at me.”
I looked at him as he shined a light in my eyes.  He held his finger up and told me to follow it. I followed his instructions and he said,
“Okay now straight at me again.” He nodded. “Okay pupils are normal, and your ocular motility is perfect. So there’s no brain damage. Tell me do you have any discomfort? Feeling any pain around the stomach?”
“Just a sharp pain in my side when I moved around after finding out how long I had been in a coma for.”
“Alright let me take a look.” He uncovered me and lifted my shirt up so that he could see just what had been done.  My right side and the center of my stomach had been stitched up and was still stained with some dried up blood.  “Well good news is there’s no unhooked stitches. We’ll get you some morphine to dull the pain. And then I can prescribe to you the pain killers you’ll need while you recover here.”
“Thank you Dr. Hamilton.”
“You’re welcome Mrs. Kline. Are there any other concerns you wish to speak to me about?”
“Yes. As a matter of fact. How long will I need to be here for?”
“Well that depends. Cause here’s what I’d like to show you that we had found out from the first gunshot wound you had gotten.” He turned on a screen light and held up my scans of my skeleton.  “When the first bullet entered your side, it actually ended up almost right in the L3 vertebrate.”
“And what is that?”
“It’s the vertebrate that helps with the leg muscles. There—might be a chance you may not be able to walk again.” What? No it—it can’t be. “But it’s not 100%. My best guess is that there’s a 50-50 shot. It didn’t penetrate it enough to cause the L3 to break, but there was some damage to it when the bullet tried to exit out that way through your Lumbar vertebrate. If you can show us you can at least attempt to walk, we can have you transferred to our physical therapy facility in Upstate New York.”
“And if you’re wrong?” he sighed heavily and said.
“Then we can do one of two options. We can operate to try and repair any nerve damage done, but that in itself could have serious risk. Or…..you can tell us to let you go and you’ll never be able to walk again.”
Steve you selfish, cowardice, son of a bitch! You’re ruined me!
“I’m sorry miss. But don’t lose all hope just yet. We’ll give you a week of bedrest and do some minor leg tests to see how you’re doing.”
“Thank you Dr. Hamilton.” He nodded and said he call my family back in before he left my room.
I couldn’t believe this.  There is literally a 50% chance that I may never walk again.  How the hell was I gonna perform? No one would want to see a wheelchair rockstar.  Steve’s basically ruined my life now? How the hell am I ever gonna recover from this.
At that point the kids came back inside with Jack, Brian, Deacy and Roger.  The kids all cuddled up to me and we shared a brief moment until a police officer came in.
“Excuse me, Mrs. Kline. I’m Lieutenant Banks NYPD. I wanted to ask if you’d give us a statement in regard to Steve Harrison’s attack on you.”
“She’ll give you her statement when she’s well enough.” Roger snapped out.
“Dad.” I warned him.  “I’ll tell you everything.” He took out his notepad and I confessed everything, all while the guys and the kids were there.
“Okay now did anything happen after the shooting?” asked Lt. Banks.
“He uhh….he looked right at me and actually stole her wedding ring right off her finger.” Jack explained.
“He did what!?” I finally looked down at my left ring finger and was horrified to see that my ring was truly gone. “No. That—that son of a……”
“Actually Mrs. Kline. We’ve recovered the ring. In fact, I’ve got it right here.” He soon dug through his pocket and pulled out an evidence bag.  He opened it up and soon he pulled out my wedding ring.  
“How did you get it back?” asked Brian as Jack took the ring and placed it back on my finger.
“When was the last time any of you checked the news?” the Lt. asked us.  
We all stayed silent before he walked up and turned on the TV.  A female news anchor sat there at the desk and she said.
“It has been three weeks since the horrific attack at Madison Square Garden. Rockstar sensation (Y/n) Kline aka the Rock Angel was shot in cold blood in the middle of her concert. Her assailant, her former PA Steve Harrison after going on the run. Was finally apprehended. Not by police, but some loyal fans of the rockstar herself. Let’s get in touch with Bobby whose live at the scene where the assault took place. Bobby.”
The screen split to an elderly man and the name Robert “Bobby” Johnson came on the screen.
“Thank you Natalie. It was right here at the corner of 34th and 33rd street when a group of men recognized Steve Harrison from the news. Reports say that the group of 7 boys jumped Steve and proceeded to beat him till almost consciousness. It took about 5 minutes for police to finally arrive. When asked about why these men attacked him, this is what they had to say.”
The screen altered to a young black man with dreads, he had the makings of a beard starting to come around his chin, up to his face.  He looked to be about Jack’s age and he spoke in a low tone as his name read William Henderson.
“The Rock Angel is life man. She practically saved me through some tough sh*t in my life. And to hear this coward did what he did, he didn’t deserve to be walking the streets the way he did.” Another boy appeared on screen.  This time he was white with blue eyes and blonde hair and the name Harvey Davidson came up on the screen.  His accent was a heavy Bronx tonality as he said.
“Even though she’s from England, (Y/n) Kline was born and made here in New York. I remember when I saw her very first concert when she came up with Queen.”
“No a**hole messes with the Rock Angel! You mess with the Angel you mess with New York!” another black boy named Erik Woodson proclaimed.
“You mess with her, you mess with all of us!” Harvey came back on screen.
“Steve Harrison has been taken to a separate hospital from where the Rock Angel is said to recover but will be facing criminal charges. As for the gang that assaulted him, they too were arrested for assault and battery in a public place. But are they guilty? Or are they heroes? More of this to come at News4 tonight at 6pm. Back to you Natalie.”
“Thank you Bobby, coming up next—” at that point Lt. Banks turned the tv off.
“Surprisingly, one of those young gentlemen found it hanging around Steve’s neck. He recognized the ring from her last concert she did in Queens. Told us to make sure she got it back.”
“Seems we know who the real fans are.”
“Roger not now.” Brian scolded softly.
“What’s gonna happen to him now?”
“Well—those boys did a pretty bad number on him. When and if he wakes up, he’ll go to jail and be put on bail. Then of course the trial. We’ll keep in touch with you once all of this goes down.” He handed me his card and bid us a good day.  All was quiet once more before Brian looked at me and he softly said my name.  I shook my head before suddenly finding myself laughing.
“What is wrong with the world? Why did this have to happen to me? Why me? I told him I told that rich, pompous, arrogant, sexist asshole what Steve was doing but did he listen to me? No! He didn’t! Hollywood records doesn’t give a shit! They never did! They hired a fucking sociopath to be my personal assistant and to make matters worse IT WAS HIS FUCKING NEPHEW!!!!”
Tears of anger pooled in my eyes as I angrily tapped my finger against the railing.
“James did this. He didn’t care. He knew he must’ve known his nephew was like that. Why else would he easily give him the job as my personal assistant. I should never have signed up with Hollywood records. I never should’ve left EMI. I should never have come to America. I should never have become the Rock Angel!”
“Don’t say that (y/n).” Jack tried to calm me down.
“No, no, no! NOOO!! Had I never been famous this-this-this-this shhhhh SHIT! Would’ve never happened!” I stammered angrily.  He stroked down my arm comfortingly.
“Baby calm down.”
“No you don’t tell me to calm down! I may never walk again Jack! Did you know that?! Yeah Dr. Hamilton said there’s a 50-50 chance of me being paralyzed. Who in the hell would want to see a handicapped Rockstar!? HMM! Tell me that Jack Kline! In fact who would want to be married to a handicapped Rockstar!? You’ll leave me, you’ll all leave me just like everybody else in my FUCKING LIFE!!”
At this point I was going crazy.  I may not have known it then, but my kids were starting to get so scared of how I was acting, Deacy had to take my kids out of the room while Brian ran to find a nurse or doctor.  Both Jack and Roger tried to calm me down but I was literally going—well exorcism crazy.
It wasn’t until a nurse came in with a needle and poked it into my veins before I suddenly stopped my rage fit and passed out.
*3rd Person POV*
After she collapsed onto her bed, Jack took his wife’s hand and clutched it between both of his.
“The sedative should keep her asleep for the rest of the day.” She said to them as she took the needle out of her arm.
“Thank you.” Brian thanked her.  She nodded before leaving the room.
“I’m just thankful the bastard’s finally been caught.” Roger said. “I’ll agree with one of those boys.  He did not deserve to walk down the streets of New York after shooting my daughter and wearing her wedding ring around his neck like some prize he won at a fucking carnival!”
“That’s only half of good news to this whole shit show. Already the British media are just as fueled up by this just as they were when Freddie died. The same arsehole who trashed Freddie’s name as well as many others who died of AIDS calling it their form of suicide. He’s called (y/n) out as a woman looking for trouble. Like she asked for this to happen.” Brian snapped.
Jack shook his head angrily as he stared out the window before suddenly trudging out of the room.
“Jack where are you going? Jack!” Roger called out.  But the young man didn’t answer.  All that was going through Jack was anger and rage.
Roger and Brian looked at each other confused but they chose to stay with (Y/n) thinking that Jack needed some air, after hearing what the British tabloids were saying about his wife.
*My POV*
I woke up the next day (at least I hoped it was the next day) and saw Roger and Brian sleeping in the hospital chairs.  I softly smiled at them and said softly.
“Morning guys.”
“Hey love, you’re awake. You okay now?” Brian asked me as he and Rog both woke up.
“Little funny. Now was I dreaming? Or did that bitch stab me in the fucking arm?” I croaked out.  The two of them laughed softly.
“No (y/n). She gave you a sedative. You—went a little bonkers last night.” Brian said as he stroked the side of my cheek.  I turned to my dad and said.
“How bad was I?”
“On a scale, I’d say you were all of Motley Crüe mixed in with 20 beers and maybe a little bit of heroine.”
“That bad huh? Were—were the kids…..” they didn’t answer me. Then again they didn’t have to, the sympathetic looks on their faces told me all. “Oh god. I—I’m sorry guys. I—I need my babies here, I need to apologize to them on my behavior. I didn’t mean to scare them.”
“We know lovie, we know.” Dad cooed as he brushed his fingers through my hair.
“Where’s Jack?” I asked.
“We don’t know. He just…..walked out and we haven’t heard from him.”
“He’s not at the hotel? With the kids?” I asked frantically.
“Calm down love I’m sure he just—needed to go on a long walk. Think this whole thing through. I’m sure he’ll be back soon.” Brian soothed me as he rubbed my shoulder.
“Mrs. Kline, we’re here with your breakfast and some medicine. Mr. May, Mr. Taylor I’m afraid I’m gonna have to ask you both to please leave the room since we had allowed you both to stay overnight.”
“We understand. Thank you for letting us stay though Nurse Williams. We greatly appreciate it.” Brian said.  She smiled and nodded.  Brian looked down at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “He’ll come back love, just give him some time.” After he left, dad came up and cupped the side of my face.
“I’ll be back tonight to check in on you.” I thanked him and he kissed my forehead before giving me an Eskimo kiss before he followed behind Brian.
The entire day went by and the weather soon changed from cloudy to pouring down rain.  It was around 7pm and Nurse Williams had just brought in my dinner for the night and there was still no word from Jack.  I was starting to get frantic with worry, that was until the door opened and coming in dripping wet was Jack.
His face completely soulless and hard as he stood there dripping wet from his head to his soaked shoes.
“Jack? What the f—where the hell have you been?!” he looked up at me.  His trance-like state broken as he said.
“I—went for a walk. A long, long, long walk.”
“And what you just stayed out in the rain for the past seven hours?! You could get sick!”
“I’ll change and take a warm shower when I get back to the hotel. This whole thing it’s just been……” he sighed heavily as he lowered his head.  My anger at him soon faded away as I relaxed and let out a soft sigh.
“Come here my love.” He looked up at me, his broken eyes staring right into mine as I reached out to him.  He walked up to me and took my hand.  I clenched his and brought it close to my face and kissed the back of his hand, as well as his knuckles.
I then looked up at him and he slowly leaned down and captured my lips with a kiss.  The kiss slowly got deeper and more passionate as Jack cupped both sides of my face.  His tongue peeking out and asking for entrance, which I granted to him.
My heart monitor was starting to escalate as I moved my hands down from his neck, down his chest and even lower to his stomach.  Once I reached his hips I felt something.
“Jack…..are you—really this turned on now?” I asked between our kisses.  It was at that moment he stopped and turned his head away from me.  His face back to being grim and his eyes cold and harsh.
“No. That’s not it.” His voice was low, almost threatening. At this point, I was getting nervous.
“Then what is that?” I asked him.  He moved his shirt aside and I saw the familiar lining of a curved, steel handle.
“It’s a gun.”
What? He got a gun? And he brought it in here?!
“Jack are you out of your fucking mind? What are you doing bringing something like that in here!?” I snapped at him.  He separated from me and his only response was.
“For protection.” I lay my head back against the pillow as I rolled my eyes.
“Jack. What do you think it’s gonna be that easy to just go and shoot somebody?!”
“Ask Steve that question.” He told me.  He turned and slowly walked away but not before completely punching my dinner tray and knocking the stand down to the floor. The food scattered everywhere, the plates fell and the tray flew across the room as Jack pinched the edge of his nose as he now stood a few feet away from the foot of my bed.  I stared blankly at what had just happened.
“You know they only give you 2 course meals here right?”
“God everything is a damn joke to you isn’t it!?” Jack snapped at me as he breathed heavily. “Steve almost killed you! He makes you flip out and then the next minute you’re treating it like a fucking joke!?!?” he roared at me.  I adjusted myself in the bed and told Jack in a low, firm tone.
“You don’t think I’m pissed Jack, hmm? Having that 50-50 chance that I may become paralyzed. Or having to live with the fact that if you hadn’t thought fast the way you did I would be with Freddie? My parents? Letting our kids grow up with the same trauma I had to go through growing up. You don’t think that I wanna walk out of this bed and get Steve for—”
“Love. My darling I know you’re scared. But these are scary times. The world’s changing and becoming a lot scarier than it was when we were kids. But it’s our job as parents to ensure that our kids don’t follow down that road.”
“Well they already got involved. Steve didn’t even care that our kids were at that concert. And with this, I’m gonna ensure that people like him never go that far again with you.” he said as he showed me the gun again.
“Okay. Then you are no better than Steve or anyone else out there in the world that solves problems with only bullets.” I lectured him. Jack looked away from my gaze, he was silent for a moment before he said.
“Look I didn’t come for a lecture. I came to check on my wife and see how she was doing.” He and I had a stare off before he grumbled. “I’m outta here.”
“Jack.” I called out to him as he stood before the door. He stopped before he could even open it up but his hand was right on the handle. “If you walk out of here with that thing, consider yourself erased from this family. The kids almost lost one parent because of that thing Jack Kline. Our babies almost lost their mother I WON’T LET THEM LOSE THEIR FATHER TOO!!!” I yelled at him.
The room was dead silent between us.  Jack slowly turned towards me.
“Now give me the gun Jack.” I said as I extended my hand out. “THEY NEARLY LOST THEIR MOTHER I WON’T LET THEM LOSE THEIR FATHER TOO!!” I repeated back to him.  Slowly Jack released his hand from the door and walked up to me silently.  He stood there, his eyes harsh and cold but I looked back at him with just as much ferocity.
He lifted his shirt and took out the gun which ended up being a double action revolver.  He wordlessly placed the gun in my hand before he looked at me with a look of defeat and walking out of the room and shutting the door behind him.
As I sat there holding the revolver in my hand I brought it close shaking my head as I opened it up.  My heart broke into a million pieces as I turned it over and all six rounds of bullets came falling onto the bedsheet.  
I closed it back up and dropped the gun by my side and held my hands to my face as I softly cried.
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j-elaine-hyde · 4 years
Your Remedy
Like clockwork he called you. Every Wednesday at 7:00, for the last four months. You stared at your phone and watched it ring. His stupid handsome face plastered across the screen. Your dumb face smiling next to his, sitting in his lap, arms wrapped around each other, blissfully happy. The 30 other selfies you’d taken together at that time now resided in a hidden folder where you’d be less likely to see them.
7:00. Every Wednesday. He knew you’d be home and settled, relaxing after a long day at work. Feet kicked up on the coffee table on your patio, glass of wine in hand. At first it took everything you had not to answer. Then it irritated you and you purposefully walked away from your phone at 6:58. For a brief period of time it made you smile. It tugged at your heart strings that he was still trying. Now it just made you feel guilty.
You were the bad guy in this scenario. You were the one breaking his heart. You were the reason he posted sunsets with sorrowful captions on Instagram. You had seen the tabloids. “Mystery woman crushes Cavill.”
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He even talked about you on talk shows. Instead of pushing his new show, he sulked and smiled forlornly. He never mentioned you by name. He knew his celebrity status was what was keeping you away. You had refused to be a part of the fishbowl life. You were a private person and couldn’t fathom prying eyes commenting on every aspect of your being. You didn’t feel strong enough to endure it. He didn’t fault you for it, but he knew he couldn’t protect you from it.
He told you he understood. That he’d do his best to respect your wishes. He did so by sending flowers to your office every Monday and your favorite Chinese takeout to your house every Friday. The delivery guy knew you by name, he’d sigh and shrug every time he arrived at your door.
This time he surprised you. A text followed the call. Three words. And it cut you deep.
“I miss you”
You opened the text and read it. Your heart instantly sinking into your stomach. You chugged the last of your glass of wine and went inside for more. As you opened the door to go back outside you heard your phone ping again.
“Please talk to me”
You started to type, but immediately deleted it. He must have seen the text bubbles...
“I miss us” and he sent the pic you saw every Wednesday at 7:00. You knew he had saved it as his wallpaper. But now he was reminding you of how happy the two of you had been. A tear rolled down your cheek as you tossed your phone into the chair and went inside. He was clearly on a roll, and you couldn’t mentally or emotionally handle it. You knew you’d cave. You’d call him back. He’d talk you into getting back together and saying screw everyone else.
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But it didn’t work. It couldn’t. Your life wasn’t in LA. It was here. Your family, your friends, your job that you had busted your ass to get. His life was in LA and London. Far from the small quiet life you had worked so hard for. You couldn’t justify flittering off and living abroad, forsaking everything you knew and loved. You were too level headed and logical for all of that. You didn’t believe in fairy tales, in happily ever afters with Prince Charmings, and you were bound and determined to keep your feet planted firmly on the ground.
You stood in your kitchen, back against the counter as you finished the bottle of wine. Another one staring at you from its rack.
“I see you damnit. It’s Wednesday. I’m not doing this.” You said defiantly to the inanimate object.
Your blood ran cold. You could hear his ringtone blasting from outside. He never called twice, but then again he didn’t usually text either.
You swallowed hard and grabbed the second bottle of wine. Swiping the corkscrew off the counter you slid down onto the floor.
You sighed heavily as you opened the bottle. The cork popping as you pulled it out. You leaned your head back against the cabinet and tried to fight the flood of emotions and memories hitting you.
The feeling of his full pouty lips on yours. His massive hands sliding around your waist. The way he’d bury his nose in your hair, breathing in the smell of your shampoo. The sweet way he’d smile at you when you’d wake up and say good morning. The safe feeling that would wash over you as he tucked you under his arm while you were cuddled up on the sofa. And the little things you didn’t even realize until now that meant so much. He’d always walk between you and the street. How he’d lead you with his hand on the small of your back. The secret grin he’d give you making you feel like you were the only two people on Earth. The way he’d kiss your forehead or gently squeeze your hand and wink.
Being in love with him made you smile like a fool. You were always giddy and excited. Nothing else mattered when you were with him. Nothing bothered you. But the rational part of your brain started chipping away at your happiness. This wouldn’t last. It was just a fling. You can’t leave your life for a guy. And your biggest fear, that he would ultimately break your heart.
You were still sitting on the floor reminiscing by the time the third bottle was empty. And you were drunk. Drunk enough you contemplated sleeping on the kitchen floor.
“Alexa! Play Adele!” You drunkenly yelled.
You were in the mood to sloppily sing sad love songs. You climbed to your feet, and fell into your feels. Eyes closed, hands in the air, you belted out Adele songs like your life depended on it. The power of the music swept you up. You clutched onto your remote like a microphone, haphazardly balancing on the sofa cushions and sang your heart out.
The doorbell ringing startled you so much it gave you the hiccups. You hopped off the sofa onto the floor and tossed the remote. You yelled at Alexa to stop as you drunkenly stumbled to the door. You tripped on the rug and face planted against the door, barely catching yourself before attempting to peer out the peep hole. A feat your eyes refused to focus on.
You regained your footing and opened the door. There he stood. All 6’1” of him. You hiccuped and tried to shut the door. You were mortified. His strong hand stopped the door from slamming in his face.
“Babe please.”
You wretched. You knew what was coming. You bolted down the hall to the bathroom. Skidding to your knees and slamming the seat up. The last thing you remembered was Henry’s hands gathering your hair away from your face.
You came to expecting to be clinging onto the toilet for dear life. Instead, you were cradled in Henry’s lap, his hand stroking your hair. You squinted as you looked up at him. He was watching tv, and flipping through channels.
“Hey there” he smiled.
“Yes darling?”
“Of course.” He helped you off of his lap. You rushed to brush your teeth as he made his way to the kitchen to retrieve some water for you.
You had never been so grateful for his persistence as you were making your way back to the sofa. He came back into the living room with a bottle of water and a couple ibuprofen. He sat back down pulling your legs over his lap.
“Take these my love. Judging by the vineyard you projectiled, I think it’s safe to say we need to get some food in you.”
You nodded happily as you sipped the water, swallowing your pills in a poor attempt at staving off a hangover.
“Pizza?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“Carmine’s?” You squeaked hopefully.
“Consider it done my love.”
You watched him as he rubbed your legs and ordered the delicious wood fire pizza.
You didn’t care about anything else right now. You didn’t even think of the dozens of reasons why he shouldn’t be here. You didn’t even worry about what happened beyond tonight. You were just grateful he was here to take care of you.
The two of you laughed and ate while watching movies. You snuggled up against him, deeply breathing in his scent as he kissed the side of your head and hugged you tight.
You sighed heavily, “I don’t deserve you. I’m so sorry. For everything. I’m horrible.”
He rest his chin against your head, “You really are.” He laughed before continuing, “...but I love you. And I understand, I do. But I need you. It’s as simple as that.”
You turned and looked at him, shifting in his lap to face him. “I’m so sorry Henry. Please forgive me. I love you. I-“
“I know my love.”
You leaned forward planting a quick kiss on his lips before ducking your head down feeling almost guilty for it.
“Hey...” he tipped your face up to meet his with his finger. “Don’t I deserve a proper kiss after everything?” He smirked.
You kept a straight face as you climbed off his lap and stood up. He furrowed his brow and gave you a confused look.
“Aren’t you coming? I owe you a proper welcome home.” A brief smile was replaced by a seductive look as you stood there waiting.
His eyes got wide as he jumped up off of the sofa, sweeping you off your feet into his arms as he carried you to bed.
-The End-
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lerbts · 4 years
The 8th Sibling
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You smiled slightly at the sight of Vanya hanging out with not just Klaus and Allison, but Luther and Diego as well in the living room. It warmed your heart to see your so often neglected sibling get the love she deserved. 
You ignored the pang telling you to go join them and opted to hang in the shadows as you usually did. It wasn't that you were flat out ignored by the others; instead your ability just..wasn't helpful in combat. Until everything with Vanya happened. Luther wouldn't talk to you for 3 weeks after you refused to force Vanya into a manufactured calm. 
You'd always been closer to her than the others, save maybe Five at the time; like Hell were you going to betray her trust and manipulate her like that just because their neglect had forced her to such a frenzied state. Yours too though you tried to be there. 
You straightened a bit, and looked away nervously as Klaus brushed his fingers over Vanya's neck causing her to squeal. Your cheeks already starting to burn, you ducked your head and dissapeared as quietly as you had arrived, completely unaware of the perceptive eyes keeping watch of your every move. 
The next time it happened was family movie night. No getting out of that, typically squeezed between Klaus and Diego as you were but luckily the popcorn bowl was empty and you all but yelped as much as you swiped the bowl and were gone, your tiny frame letting you slip away as Allison scribbled at Luther's ear. 
A pop followed by a flash of blue you knew all too well and you willed your face to cool as you turned your back so you wouldn't have to face Five. 
"Why do you keep doing that?"
"Doing what?"
"...You know what. I'll spell it out if I have to but I guarantee you won't like it if your current state is any indication."
You barely held back your shiver at Five's smug tone but put your love of acting to good use as you put the kettle on. You'd need some sugary milk tea to get you through this shit and calm you down afterwards you could feel it. 
"I've got no idea what you're talking about."
You claimed innocently, and Five hummed from behind you as you grabbed a bag of microwavable popcorn and moved to cook it.
"Oh you don't?" 
Five stood in your path and you fought the urge to squirm under his scrutinizing stare. He'd always been closer with Vanya so why was he taking such an interest in you now? The defensive voice in you wanted to ask but the kindness you typically felt made you instantly tell it to shut up instead. You pasted on a vaguely confused smile. 
"Nope! I just need to put this in...one sec okay?"
You gently maneuvered your small frame around his and were relieved when he let you pass silently. You put the bag in and set the time without incident for 3 minutes and 30 seconds and when you went to walk past him again, squealed and hopped away as his nimble fingers squeezed your waist. Suddenly, as if by magic, you were red again. 
A smirk bloomed across his face as he seemingly got the reaction he wanted. 
"It is the tickling isn't it? I thought it was the bonding in general and I think that may be it to a lesser extent...but it's definitely the tickling itself that makes you so jumpy and flustered."
You went silent and refused to meet his gaze, leading to him prodding you verbally. 
"I'll be more direct. Why do you run away the second any kind of tickling-"
He blinked as you suddenly covered his mouth and you finally met his gaze, your own with a wild glint. 
"I'll tell you if you just please stop saying it!"
You squeaked as you realized what you'd done and scrambled away much to his amusement to where your tea was being made, pouring the hot water into your waiting cup and loading it with sugar to distract yourself.
"Even the word gets you? Are you like Klaus where it's a kink for you or...?"
The way your cheeks reddened further gave him his answer as did the way your shoulders slumped. Ah. That was why then. You were terrified they'd judge you. He barely withheld his laughter at the thought. As if. Every one of them had kinks or little flaws or insecurities. It was what made them all Human. 
He paused as you looked at him in hesitant curiosity. 
"K-Klaus has it too?"
He saw the question in your eyes and answered it, his smirk widening at the equally surprised and mortified look on your face. 
"Yup; he's a 50/50 Switch I'd say. I'm surprised I know that and you don't. Some days he's full ler, others full lee and most of the time he's happy to have either and gives as good as he gets."
He snatched the popcorn from the microwave as it finished beeping, opening it and starting to munch on it absentmindedly in amusement at how funny your reaction was to him. 
"Well...I wasn't exactly the closest with everyone. That didn't magically change when you left, y'know. But- why do you know all the lingo!?"
He quirked an eyebrow. 
"...Klaus confided in me one day. He was pretty high, probably doesn't remember it. He's always been a rambler though. Guess it's not too surprising." 
He looked you up and down and smirked as he noticed you shiver in response.
"Even if I didn't know the language- you're a 100% lee aren't you? You wouldn't get that flustered seeing others getting messed with if you weren't. You want to be the one getting tickled-" He placed special emphasis on the word now that he knew it bothered you and relished your flinch. "But you're too scared to ask for it. It's quite cute actually. Very in line with how you were when we were still kids. You never could ask for the things you wanted, or speak up. So…" He hopped off the counter with a flourish after putting the now empty bag aside. "I'm going to be a good big brother and help you out. Come with me."
He grabbed your hand after ensuring you weren't holding your tea mug and gently shoved you in front of the screen most of the others weren't watching anyway, mighty strong despite his younger appearance. 
"Listen up idiots. ______'s got something she wants to say." 
He turned to you expectantly with a mocking smile as you looked between him and your other siblings with wide, disbelieving eyes. 
Oh no way in fuck this was happening. 
Your eyes moved to both the stairs and the front door, weighing your chances but Five's clicking tongue made you stiffen and move your gaze towards him. 
"I wouldn't try it. I'll just teleport before you get far enough and then I'll show them. And I know you don't want that. Or...maybe you do. Either way; I'm not the kindest of our siblings in that regard so you may want to think twice before trying to get on my nerves. Just tell them."
"Okay will one of you please just say what's going on!?" 
Predictably, Diego was the first to snap, but the flinch you gave in response to his raised voice made him wince in sympathy. Whoops. 
Allison tried next, ever the mediator. 
"Whatever it is this is… I'm sure it's nothing bad right?"
You couldn't meet anyone's gaze now; Diego's loud proclamation had made you too cagey but you mumbled. 
"Define bad. It...d-depends on your perspective, I guess."
You risked a pleading glance towards Five, wishing a hole would appear to make you disappear. 
"Five, please you're literally killing me right now; this doesn't even matter okay? Can I please just go?" 
At your whining tone and childish reaction Five gritted his teeth in annoyance before he shrugged and nodded. 
"Yeah, alright fine you can go."
Your expression visibly relaxed but just as you took your first step, Five continued. 
"All she can't seem to say is that she has a tickle kink like Klaus and likes to constantly be on the receiving end instead of both like him."
You whirled to look at him with your mouth dropped open in shock, filter gone as betrayal fueled you.
"Five no-! You fucking little-"
You gritted your own teeth as he smiled in smug satisfaction up at you and clenched your fists with an upset huff, hating the way your eyes burned in humiliation.
"Y'know what? Whatever. It's not even fucking worth it.  I'll be gone by tomorro-AGH!" 
You shouted in surprise not having any time to wallow or finish your self deprecating words because suddenly Klaus was digging into your hips like a madman after tackling you to the floor and making you burst into giggles as you tried to weakly push him away in shock. 
He rolled his eyes like it was obvious as he moved up to squeeze experimentally at your sides. 
"You may be the actress of the family; but I'm the only drama queen thank you very much. You're not going anywhere till I'm done with you!!" 
He cooed with a giggle of his own. 
"It's good to know anytime I'm in a ler mood I'll always have a cute little lee to wreck to oblivion."
"You always go red so easily…"
Diego's fond voice could be heard above you and you moved your eyes up a bit to see him crouching above your head as he traced feather light patterns into your underarms with his free hand as he held your hands down with the other. 
"To think you hid this from us for so long. Tsk tsk. Now we've got so much time to make up on...at least an hour a day."
Your eyes widened at that.
"N-No whahahay! I'd dhihihie!!"
He pretended to think before he smirked and traded out his hand for his knees letting both hands scribble into your exposed underarms. 
"Fine. A half hour a day then. Minimum. Final offer. Better hurry it's going fast...20 more seconds and it goes for 45 minutes…"
At his threat you cracked, reluctantly. 
"Okay okhahahay!! 30 minutes!" 
He smirked in satisfaction and his eyes lit up at the way you squealed when his fingertip accidentally brushed over your ear, focusing his attention there with manic glee. 
"Well now I know why you were always running away every time tickles came up." 
Vanya's sweet voice greeted you and you looked to your right to see her kneeling, Allison doing the same at your left. 
"You'd always run off, even when we were kids. I always thought it was too painful for you and it was probably that too but it also must've made you too shy to stand it."
She noticed your cute little pout at her vocalizing the word and her eyes glittered as she began ever so gently dancing her nails over your sides and ribs, Allison quickly mirroring her, though she didn't directly say anything to voice her approval; her actions spoke much louder anyway and you were sure you'd talk later. She wasn't as big on voicing her intimate feelings unless alone with the other person. Vanya had always been the merciful type and kept her knowledge to herself instead of tormenting you with it. 
And speaking of merciful…
You barely mustered a weak glare through your laughter and giggles as Five took Klaus' place straddling your waist, Luther easily holding your legs still with a single hand and scratching tentatively at your feet, clearly scared of hurting you while Klaus moved to your knees. 
Five's face screamed I told you so but you still managed to flip him off and stick your tongue out at him which made his eyebrows rise to his hairline before he made a show of rolling up his sleeves. 
"Aww you wanna be a little brat do you? After helping you confess your little secret and be accepted? Fine. But just consider I've y'know...done actual tickle torture to people. And gotten the info I wanted every time, might I add. So maybe think twice next time. Unfortunately… you've already sealed you fate for this session but hey; there's always tomorrow's thanks to Diego right?" 
And then you were screaming in laughter as he dug right into your hips, nailing every ticklish nerve possible and sending your body alight at the sensations combined from everyone. 
And eventually of course they pulled away at a stern look from Allison even as Diego patted you on the back and said he'd add the 15 minutes of time to tomorrow for you. 
It looked like you would be getting 45 minutes after all and as you were smothered in affection from your adoring siblings, each who loved and showed that love in different ways...you had to say you didn't mind nearly as much as you pretended to. 
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raysofcrosby · 5 years
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𝘨𝘪𝘧 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵 (𝘹)
𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥: yes and no
𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨(𝘴): umm i don’t think much, probs just some swearing :)
𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 5,664
𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦: oof this took a long time to finish up. sorry about that. but anywho, if you haven’t read parts 1 and two, read them here and here!  tbh i was planning on making this a 4-part imagine, but i really like the way that this part ended–– so this is the end lmao. ummm ya, so anyway, sorry it took so long, i hope you enjoy and don’t forget to request! :) ok bye!
The first thing you noticed when you woke up the next morning was the ache in your head and body. Carter was lucky he was cute and that this was by far your weakest hangover, or else he'd have another thing coming. The second thing you noticed...was that you woke up in an empty bed. A lot of alcohol was consumed last night, but you were positive that you hadn't drunk enough for you to have imagined falling asleep next to Nolan. Or that you kissed him and he kissed you back before well...turning you down in the nicest way possible.
The third thing? You were lying in the middle of the bed...full-on spread eagle. 
"Oh shit, he was right," You groaned, rolling over onto your back and staring a the ceiling and grabbing the pillow next to you. "Oh God, I kissed Nolan." You pressed the pillow against your face, hoping that the lack of air would wake you up from this nightmare. But when your lungs started to burn, you tossed the pillow aside and sat up.
You weren't dreaming at all. You had kissed Nolan, your best friend since practically the womb. You tossed the blankets off of you and got out of his bed, racking your brain for any details of last night as you made your way into the kitchen. Opening the fridge, you reached inside and grabbed a snack-size pack of watermelon and a bottle of water, closing the fridge and walking towards the counter. Waking up in his bed and with him gone felt, to you, like a miserably failed and backward one-night stand. In normal ways, you were supposed to be the one leaving him in the early morning hours and going on with your day. But no, you lived here... with him and now you're just hoping that things wouldn't be awkward between the two of you. Though, there was always the couch.
You chewed on a small piece of watermelon as your phone lit up to see a text from Ryanne. You finished off the piece of watermelon when your eyes caught notice of what your phone was lying on top of. It was a note from Nolan.
At morning skate, be back soon (prob 11:30/12.) Let's grab lunch and talk a bit before tonight.
– Nol
Your eyes drifted lower to see Travis, a little neater than Nolan's, handwriting at the bottom of the page
Don't touch my watermelon, you already stole my last parfait (ya dick.)
– Teeks
You looked down at the watermelon in front of you, swearing in your mind up and down that you had bought two of them. Taking another piece of watermelon, you picked up your phone and opened Ryanne's text
From Ryanne:
If you're not too hungover, would you want to get some lunch and maybe come shopping with me? Need some girl time, C is driving me nuts and I need to relax before the game tonight.
Ugh yes, as per usual Ryanne is there to save the day.
To Ryanne:
I'm so down! I need to get out of the apartment before the two terrors come back. How soon can you get here?
From Ryanne:
I can be there in 10 and you better spill the deets.
To Ryanne:
Of course xx
You locked your phone to see that it was almost 11 and Ryanne's arrival would be cutting it close for you to be able to avoid Nolan and Travis and the conversations you'd probably be having with the both of them. Not taking what little time you had for granted, you rushed to Nolan's bathroom and started to rush through your routine. You grabbed your toothbrush and toothpaste and took them into the shower with you, knocking two steps out in one. Though you knew you'd probably be regretting not leaving the conditioner in your hair for longer than you had, you practically ran out of the bathroom and down the hall back into Nolan's room...your towel no doubt nearly falling off of you.
You ruffled through the three drawers Nolan had let you take over and grabbed a quick and easy outfit– some jeans, a long sleeve t-shirt and a crumpled up sweatshirt off of the bed. You took your brush off of the dresser and ran in through your hair, trying not to struggle too much with the tangled bits. When you put it down, your phone started to ring. Rushing over, you picked it up and exhaled, glad to see that it was Ryanne. Sliding your thumb across the screen, you answered it. "Hey, you here?"
"Just downstairs. I think I might have passed Travis and Nolan getting ready to pull out of the arena parking lot on my way here. Did you want to wait and invi–"
"NO!" You yelled, balancing the phone between your cheek and neck as you grabbed your purse off of the floor and rushed out of the bedroom. "Sorry, I just...I'll be right down."
You hung up the phone, making sure you had your copy of the apartment key before locking it behind you and walking down the hallway. Not wanting to waste any time, you opt for taking the stairs instead of the elevator and if running down those steps didn't knock the breath out of you, the harsh cold air hitting you in the face the moment you stepped outside...sure did. You looked in the parking lot for Ryanne's car and spotted it just as she honked her horn three times.
Jogging over, you opened the passenger side door and got in, closing it behind you. "Drive, please."
"Jesus what crime did you commit?" She joked, putting the car into drive as she pulled out of their apartment complex. "Oh look, it's Nolan and Travis."
You sunk into your seat slightly, still obviously in view and tapped her thigh. "Drive, drive, drive, I beg you."
She looked at you with raised eyebrows before smiling. "Something happened between you and Nolan last night, didn't it?"
"OOh, Claude so owes me $10." She smiled, turning on her blinker and turning out of the complex. "And you better believe you're going to tell me every single detail."                                             
"Wait...that's it? You guys just kissed?" She asked, bringing the hot chocolate up to her frowned lips. "No hot and heavy make-out session? Not even a little heavy petting?"
You picked at the number given to you by the cashier at the counter and rolled your eyes. "No, Ryanne. No heavy petting."
"Well I can't say that I'm not disappointed, but it is a good thing." She nodded down at her hidden bump and shot you a mischievous smile. "That's how this little one happened."
"Oh God, please don't go into detail. I'd like to be able to look Claude in the eyes again."
Ryanne just rolled her eyes as she took another sip of her drink. "Oh please, it's not like you've got virgin ears. Now explain to me why you were going all spy-like when we saw Travis and Nolan."
"I just told you–"
"No, you told me that you had a little heart to heart about whats-his-face and then you planted one on our favorite rosy-cheek boy. Nowhere in there did I hear a denial of his feelings."
You sighed and picked at your blueberry muffin wrapper. She had a point. There was no reason for you to run from Nolan like that, not a logical one anyway. "I just...don't want to be embarrassed, I guess?"
"I woke up and found a note on the counter from Nolan saying he wanted to talk when they got home from morning skate." You leaned back into your seat, taking a piece of your muffin with you. "And normally, 'we need to talk' isn't a positive thing. So I just freaked out, I guess."
Ryanne nodded her head as if she understood what you were saying. And maybe she did. Her and Claude had been dating long before you met the two of them. Dating or even being involved with an NHL player was brand new territory to you, one that she'd know how to navigate. But could it be the same thing as dating your best friend too?
"Please stop looking at me like that."
"Like what?"
You sighed and chewed on your muffin as you shook your head. Following the muffin down with some hot chocolate you rested your elbows on the table. "Like I'm some scared girl who's running from something possibly good for her because she doesn't want to get hurt again after being burned in a previous relationship."
Bringing her cup up to her lips, she smirked and nodded her head to the slight. "You said it, not me." After taking a sip, she leaned her elbows onto the table and looked at you. "But in all seriousness, are you just going to avoid him and pretend like nothing ever happened?"
You bit the inside of your cheek, considering her suggestion. "I mean, it'd be kind of hard to do that since I live with him and sleep in his bed."
She raised an eyebrow, "and?"
You groaned and rested your head in your hands. "And I really liked the kiss and wouldn't mind doing it again. Which is so weird because he's Nolan, my best friend."
"He's also the guy who managed to rock your world with a single kiss. Now imagine what he could do if there was some heavy petting and–"
Your ringtone cut her off and while you were silently praying to whatever universal magic there was, you were also panicking about who it could be that was calling you. Grabbing the phone out of your purse, you turned it over to see the same number from the clinic that had called you last night. "Hold on, a sec." You pressed the accept button and took a deep breath before bringing the phone to your ear. "Hello?"
"Hello, may I speak to Y/N L/N?" A voice that definitely wasn't Dr. Pippen, asked.
Your heart began to race. What if this was a different Doctor who was in charge of treatment for whatever venereal disease Preston had given you. "This is her."
"Hi Y/N, I'm Dr. Scott, I work here with Dr. Pippen, who called you yesterday with some test results."
 "Yes sir, he did call me yesterday. I'm supposed to receive the results for some more tests today."
Some shuffling of paper in the background only made you more nervous as Ryanne placed her hand on top of yours for comfort. "Well he's not in the office today, so I'm calling to give you your results." More shuffling of the paper only intensified the suspense before he cleared his throat. "Your HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis B results all came back negative."
You sink down into your seat in relief as the weight on your shoulders lifted. "Oh Thank God."
"Is there anything else you need, Miss L/N?"
"No, no sir nothing else."
"Alright, well you have a good afternoon, and if you need any information on contraceptives and STD testing, we have pamphlets available at the clinic."
You felt your cheeks burn as his suggestion burned the image of Nolan sitting in the living room reading all of the pamphlets. Pamphlets he didn't have to grab but wanted to because he wanted to be able to help you and be by your side in case your results went the other direction. "Yes, thank you, Doctor."
You hang up the phone and looked at Ryanne whose eyes were wide. "So does this call for a little celebratory shopping?" She smiled, patting your hand.
You look back down at your phone to see text messages that must have come through during your call.
From Nol:
hey where are you? want to grab some lunch before pregame nap?
From Nol:
also has the doc called yet? what are the results? you're supposed to get them today, right?
From Teeks
you ate my fucking watermelon. didn't you get my note?
From Teeks:
i'm eating your leftover mac and cheese. consider us even.
You locked your phone again and shoved it into your purse, looking back up at Ryanne. "Any chance this shopping will last us till the guys have to be at the arena?"
She sighed and shook her head. "You're going to need to confront him at some point Y/N," standing up and downing the rest of the hot chocolate Ryanne tipped her cup to you with a smile, "but of course it can."
The retail therapy with Ryanne was more than what you needed. 30 minutes into your second store, Target of all places, you felt happy. Ryanne went on and on about how the two of you needed to come shopping more often, especially since you had picked the cutest outfits for their soon to be, bundle of joy. Of course, you agreed to. Besides the few co-workers you had that were around your age, Nolan, and Travis...Ryanne was your closest friend.
When you got back to the apartment, it was empty and that alone was a relief. Your note from this morning was still sitting on top of the kitchen counter, only this time there was an additional one on top of it.
Check the bed for a surprise from 'the girls'. See you at the game tonight.
- Nol
p.s. you owe me watermelon. 
- Teeks
You couldn't help the way that your cheeks reddened and your heart rate sped up when you read that sentence in Nolan's handwriting. At first, you thought that maybe he had bought you something. Until you realized that, 'the girls' was no way Nolan would refer to himself as. Unless he enlisted the help of some of the fellow WAGs to get you something. You rolled your eyes at Travis's side note and made your way back into Nolan's bedroom. On the bed was a dark gray jean jacket with flyers patches on the upper parts of each sleeve. It looked pretty straight forward, no excessive designs on it– not the usual playoffs jacket you'd normally seen.
The moment you flipped it over, your heart dropped into your stomach. On the upper back was a patch that said 'Patrick' and right in the middle were big, bold numbers '19.' Flipping it back over, it was then you noticed the small '19' on the right breastplate.
This was a WAG jacket...for Nolan....for you.
You dropped it onto the bed and quickly got out your phone, calling Ryanne. "Hello?"
"Why am I staring at a jacket with Nolan's last name on it, right now?"
"Yay! They must have came in at practice today. Crystal said she'd bring them and give each of them to the guys to take home. Put it on, does it fit?"
"Ryanne. Why–"
"Oh shoot, I guess that means we're wearing them tonight, which totally screws up that outfit." A short pause took over before she gasped. "Unless you don't wear that tank under the sweater! Ooh, which I bet will accentuate your boobs even more for Nolan to–"
"WHY?" You didn't realize just how loud you had yelled into the phone until Ryanne's side of the call was completely silent. "Sorry Ryanne, I just...I'm really confused."
"Be ready in 15. I'm coming to get you. And Y/N, you better wear that outfit and that jacket."
With a quick click of the phone, Ryanne had ended your call. You sighed and put your phone back into your purse before looking at the jacket and then dumping your shopping bag contents onto the bed next to it.
Of course, you couldn't have let the shopping trip without Ryanne insisting that you buy a new outfit for the 'new and improved, y/n' as she put it. An outfit she solely picked out herself and claimed that her inspiration and end goal was, of course, something that would snatch Nolan's attention.
You tugged at the bottom of the one size too small sweater, wishing that it could stay tucked into your jeans as you planned it too. It wasn't until you realized just how much it accentuated your chest that you realized just how Ryanne planned for you to grab Nolan's attention. Deep breathing did the trick of keeping your calm. It is, of course, very bad to upset or be upset at a pregnant woman.
"Can someone please explain to me why we're wearing the jackets? It's not even playoffs yet." You groaned, adjusting your sweater beneath the decorated jean jacket given out amongst the wives. "And why I even have one? I'm not dating Nolan."
"Oh sweetie, maybe not officially. But we all know that the two of you might as well be dating." Crystal, Simmonds wife smiled, wiggling her eyebrows.
You sunk further down into your seat and bringing your beer up to your lips. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Yes you do," Ryanne sang, smiling and looping her arm through your free one. "I think we're already planning your first date. I mean, if there's anyone who can push Nolan into finally asking you out it'll be Claude and Wayne. Those two are you biggest supporters, I swear."
You took a sip of your beer as you tried to hide your blushing face away from them. "There's nothing to support. We're just friends."
"Friends who had a PG-13 make-out session."
Crystal gasped and leaned over, holding onto my knee. "You and Nolan kissed? Uhm, when?"
"Last night. The party was still going on and they both wanted to go to bed, so Y/N offered Nolan a spot to share and one," Ryanne held up her index finger, "he agreed without a second of hesitation. two," another finger, " they had a huge heart to heart and three," she went to hold up a third finger when you brought her hand down.
"I kissed him, he kissed me back and then pushed me away and said, 'yeah I'd like to do this, but not now. sorry for rejecting you."
Ryanne shoved your hand off of hers and glared. "That's not what he said," she looked back at Crystal with hopeful eyes. "He said, that he wanted to kiss her and you know. But not in the middle of a party and he's been wanting to talk to her all day, but she's been avoiding him."
Crystal looked at you with proud eyes and squeezed your knee. "I feel like a proud parent right now! I've been waiting for you two to get together since you arrived in Philly. Now how was it, the kiss?"
You blushed again, taking another sip of your beer...only this one was a lot longer. "It was pretty great."
"What was that?" Ryanne smiled, cupping her ear. "Did I just hear the Y/N L/N admit that kissing her best friend was, in fact, great?"
"Oh shut up," you laughed, swatting at her. "You're lucky that you're pregnant or I'd dive-bomb you."
"Speak of the devil, here comes your man," Crystal smiled, nodding her head as the boys were coming back onto the ice for the third and final period.
The game had been a tough and brutal one. Yet again, they were playing the Pens and it was a pretty heated rivalry. Nolan had been checked into the boards more times than you could count...or want to see. It was weird, before this whole thing about your feelings with Nolan, you never had any problem seeing Nolan getting checked. You knew he was a tough guy and would probably get his redemption later on in the game. However, this game he'd spent most of his time chirping with anyone who would even dare to look in his direction, particularly number 59– Guentzel, his jersey read. And every time he got checked, you could feel yourself wince and then hope that he was okay.
"Come on, come on stand up! We have to cheer with everyone else!" Ryanne smiled as she and Crystal both tugged on your arms to get you standing with the crowd. Normally, the WAGs all sat up in a box, especially with a game as big as this one. But for some, strange and odd reason, the families and WAGs were sitting in a lower section, 5 to 6 rows up from the ice.
"Wooo! Go Flyers!" You cheered, clapping your hands together as the starters for the period stood on the ice. You watched as Nolan skated his last lap, looking at you with a smile before going off the ice to wait until his shift.
"Did you see that?" Crystal asked, looking at Ryanne. "I think he was checking Y/N out."
"Maybe he was checking out her chest. I didn't pick this sweater a size too small for nothing."
"I hate both of you." You grumbled, pulling the jacket tight over your chest and sitting down as the third period started.
You kept the jacket tight over your chest as you watched the game, keeping an eye out for your two roommates. When the play stopped and you saw Nolan come out for his shift, you sat up a little more on the edge of your seat, earning knowing smiles from Crystal and Ryanne.
"He's so feisty tonight. He hasn't stopped chirping 59 since their first shift." Ryanne said, perching up a little to see. "Like look at him, he looks pissed."
Just then, 59 skated closer to Nolan on the line and said something that pissed him off because the moment the ref dropped the puck, Nolan shoved the player. 59 dropped his gloves and skated at Nolan who followed suit. 
"Uh...I'd say he's a little more than just pissed." Crystal said, standing up as the crowd around us roared.
You couldn't get yourself to look away from the sight of the two boys fighting. Nolan had a fistfull of 59's jersey and was throwing punches at him every chance he got. 59 got a few licks in, that was evident the moment Nolan lost his grip on the jersey. 59 went to grab the back of Nolan's jersey and tried to pull it over his head and lock him in. Nolan, the sneaky player he is, snaked an arm out of the sleeve and continued to throw wild and blinded punches, still getting a few licks in until the two of them fell to the ice.
The crowd around us roared into cheers and screams as the people sitting on the glass beat against it with fervor. You stared with tunnel vision, laser-focused on Nolan as you watched him tear off half of his jersey and not bother to pick up the equipment he lost on the ice before stumbling back towards the locker room with a trainer fast behind him. You could feel the adrenaline from watching his fight mix with the worry your heart was beginning to feel, making a combination that left you feeling all sorts of lost.
Never in all of the years of watching Nolan play hockey, did you ever feel the need to know if he was okay after taking a hit or getting into a fight. Normally, you'd think nothing of it and wait until the end of the game for him to walk out with some makeshift bag of ice taped to a limb all while giving him a few chirps of your own. But now, you wanted nothing more than to run out of your seat and find your way through the corridor and into the training room, needing to know what happened.
"Y/N?" Ryanne waved a hand in front of your face and you shook your head, looking at her. "You zoned out, are you okay?"
"I just..." you looked back out towards the ice as the ice girls worked on scraping the blood off of the ice. "Whose blood is that?"
Crystal looked up from her phone and at you. "Nolan asked for you."
She held up her phone to see a text from Wayne. "Wayne's in the training room getting P.T. and said Nolan mentioned you. Do you want to go down?"
"Nolan wants me down there?" 
"Sounds like it girl." Ryanne smiled, nudging you.
You stood up from your seat slowly and nodded your head. "Okay, okay yeah uh, I'll be right back."
You left your beer in your cupholder and made your way up the section steps. On your entire walk down to the corridor and trainers room, you couldn't help but replay the fight in your head. Did Nolan do as well as you thought he did? How many hits did 59 get in? Were they quality ones? With each thought, you tugged your jacket against you tighter and tighter. And just as you came to a stop in front of the training room door, you realized that you weren't pulling it against you because you felt exposed, but because it made you feel safe.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, preparing yourself for what you were about to see. A few deep breaths later, you opened your eyes and pushed open the training room door. When you walked in, Nolan was hunched over on one of the tables, his jersey off and his head hanging down as he held a towel to his face. He looked up to see who was at the door and when he made eye contact with you, his eyebrows furrowed and then his mouth opened, only to close again as if he couldn't find the words to say.
You ran over to him and held onto his shoulders, looking over him to make sure his injuries weren't too severe. Your hands then wrapped around his back and you hugged him tightly, not caring if you got any blood on you. When you pulled away, you sighed, looking at the damage done to his face. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just some stitches on my head and then something for my nose. Cliff says I should be able to go back out once he gets the blood out of my jersey."
You let out a sigh of relief and then the images of him fighting 59 took over. In a quick moment, you smacked his padded shoulder and glared at him. "What the hell, Nolan?"
“Um, OW? That actually kind of hurt, Y/N."
"What the hell do you think you're doing fighting that guy? Since when did you become a fighter?"
"Why do you care? You've been avoiding me all day. You never even told me the results for your doctors' appointment." He put more pressure on the towel as he looked away from you, only to look back at you with a gleam in his eyes. "Wait a second...are you worried about me?"
His truthful accusation set you back. Of course, you were worried about him, he's your best friend! "One, you don't know that I've been avoiding you all day, and two, you're my best friend. So excuse me if I don't want to see you get your face smashed in by some dude you’ve been exchanging petty middle school glares at all game."
A cocky smirk took over his face as she brought the towel off of his face, revealing the damage done. A nasty head laceration just by his left eye and a bloody nose. "You've never been worried before. You haven't even snuck in one of your infamous chirps yet."
You could feel yourself getting frustrated because he was right. But now didn't feel like the best time to admit your feelings for him. Or maybe it was. "I hate you, you know."
"Being right," you sighed and walked closer, standing directly in front of him. "I have been avoiding you all day. because...well, it felt like you kind of rejected me after our...kiss last night."
You shrugged your shoulders and looked away from him. "And I guess I'm just really embarrassed about it and didn't want to face you this morning. But now I'm wearing a WAG jacket with your name on it, Ryanne and Crystal are in my mind saying how much they like us together, and we're not even dating! Not to mention, for the first time since I've ever watched you playing hockey, I found myself worried sick about you."
"You were?" He whispered, almost in shock himself as if he hadn't known my feelings since last night.
"Yeah," tugging the jacket against you tightly again, you looked at him. "Every check into the boards made my stomach twist into knots. And then when you started fighting with 59 I just...I don't know."
The silence between you two was overbearing and you couldn't help but wish that Cliff would come back with Nolan's blood-free jersey any second now.
"He said something," You looked up to see Nolan removing the towel from his face. "Guentzel. He said something...about you. We'd been chirping all night, stupid shit here and there. But then that last second right before the shift, he must've noticed the jacket or something...because he'd love to have his way with you and I just snapped."
He fought to protect you. It wasn't from the pure frustration of the game and rivalry, but the chirping had turned to you being the subject and Nolan wasn't having any of it. "Nolan?" He looked back up from his towel, the swelling starting to settle in. "Do you like me?"
He laughed and shook his head, bringing the towel back up as he looked at you. "Isn't it obvious, Y/N?"
"Obviously not, since your teammates and their wives all want us together and yet I've never known about your feelings for me. So please Nolan, tell me. Don't give me a subtle hint or a stupid, crooked smile...just, say the words."
"Y/N," he dropped the towel next to him and reached out, grabbing both of your hands. "I love you. I've loved you since we were like 10-years-old and I'm an idiot for taking so long to finally act on my feelings and do something about it, but I just–"
You leaned forward, carefully cradling his face in your hands before pressing your lips to his. A simple kiss that sent electric shocks to the tips of your toes. You pulled your lips from him, keeping your eyes closed and your vicinity close as you tried to catch the breath that the small kiss had knocked out of your lungs. Opening your eyes to see Nolan looking at you, you smiled and brushed your thumb along his right temple. "I love you too."
He smiled and cupped the right side of your face and on instinct, you leaned into his touch as if you'd known it all of your life and were finally letting your heart accept what you'd been missing out on for so long. Nolan wrapped an arm around your waist and held you tight before pressing another kiss to your mouth, this one more feverish and hungry than the one the night before.
"Alright Nolan, let's just stitch you up and– Oh!"
Embarrassed, you stepped away from Nolan and turned to see Cliff standing there with Nolan's jersey in his hand. "Sorry, Cliff." 
He just smiled and shook his head, placing Nolan's jersey down on another table. "I'm gonna go get the stitch kit, I'll be right back."
Nolan kept his grip tight around you as Cliff left the room again and he pulled you back, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth. "So, does this mean if I ask...you'll go on a date with me?"
You brushed your fingers along his jawline, smiling down at him. "Hm, if I say yes, what do I get?"
"A night away from Travis, your favorite dessert and lots of kissing," he mumbled, pressing a kiss alongside your jaw.
"No surprise visits to any clinics?"
He raised his eyebrows and took in your smile. "Negative?"
"All three."
He pulled you into him and hugged you tight as he pressed another kiss to your temple. "Change of plans. If you say yes, we're kicking Travis out of the apartment and onto Hartsy's couch, ordering in your favorite food and then christening every surface we can find."
"So, that also includes a new roommate and endless amounts of cuddles?"
"Sure thing, spread eagle." He laughed, kissing you again before pulling back moments later. "Wait, new roommate?"
"You, dummy." You smiled down at him and then a thought dawned on you. "So uh, who's going to tell our parents the news?"
"More like who won the bet."
"There was a bet?"
"Oh Y/N, there's been a bet ever since the joint sex talk featuring my mom's fresh produce," he cringed, pulling you into him again. "At least we'll never have to sit through one of those again."
"Until they start asking us about grandkids."
You both burst into a fit of laughter as Cliff came back into the room, a stitch kit in his hand. You pressed a kiss to Nolan's temple as he squeezed your hand. "Are you heading back out there, Y/N?" Cliff asked, sitting down on a stool.
"Yeah, someone's got to make sure Ryanne doesn't go all crazy pregnant lady on some fans," You laughed, nodding at him. "You take care of our boy, Cliff."
"Always do, no matter what the punk says."
You laughed and walked towards the training room door, opening it and getting ready to walk out. "Has anyone told you how hot you look in that jacket?"
You turned to see Nolan, not even wincing as Cliff did the first stitch on this cut. "Eh, only this one guy. Long hair, pretty eyes, can't seem to grow a beard. Does he sound familiar?"
Nolan rolled his eyes and then a serious look fell over his smiling expression. "Will I see you out there?"
You winked at him and smiled. "Always, Nol. Always."
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mvssmallow · 7 years
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Cloudy With A Chance
Part 13: …of no surprises.
Some time between the dinners in Hanbin’s apartment, late night phone calls and text conversations about writer’s block and car engines, Jiwon realises he just knows things about Hanbin now. Random but important and specific things that weave and intertwine to tell a story about a boy, like how a bird will collect seemingly disconnected things to build a nest.
He never set out to get this deep.
It’s June who gets him thinking about it during a Saturday morning Metal Gear Solid marathon.
“So how’s things with your hot boyfriend?”
He grimaces as they pause the game for a lunch break. “Can you not call him that?”
June throws down the controller and rolls his eyes. “Geez. Okay. So how are things with that ugly guy you vaguely know?”
“We’re fine.”
“I knew you were going to say that.” June laughs as they get up from the couch and pad to the kitchen to eat the rice and noodles Yoyo had made before he left to visit his sister that morning. “Must be getting serious when you start pretending like you have nothing to say.”
He helps set the table and thinks on June’s words for a long time before replying. “It’s not that. I just…I don’t know if he’d want me to tell everyone about it. He likes things the way they are right now. Shit. I shouldn’t have even told you that.”
“I won’t tell the police.” June snickers. “You guys not spending the weekend together?”
He shakes his head. “Nah, he has to take his sister to her dance competitions and stuff. I wanted to come but I got the feeling he wasn’t ready for that kind of thing. I think it’s good for him to have breaks from me. He won’t say it or anything sometimes you can tell he needs it.”
June gives him a curious look. “Oh really?”
June just shakes his head and chuckles, almost in sympathy. “Nothing, nothing. You finally figured out how to read him properly huh?”
They sit facing each other and he watches as June starts eating, remnants of the amused expression still on his face. “I figured out some things. Not everything.” He shrugs and picks up his chopsticks. It’d probably take him 8 lifetimes to figure out everything about Hanbin.
“How’s his book going?”
“He told you about it?” He asks in surprise, trying to keep the disappointment out of his voice. “I didn’t know he was telling other people.”
“Relax Frank Farmer. He’s not spilling all your secrets. It just accidentally came out a few weeks ago when he was calling me and Yo for help with that business article.”
“Ah, okay.” He laughs it off, trying to be casual and ignoring June’s knowing look. “I don’t really know how it’s going to be honest. He said he’ll let me read it when I win a mic night.”
June snorts. “When you win one? Not ‘if’ you win one? He’s optimistic.”
It’s Jiwon’s turn to laugh at that. Hanbin is one of the most pessimistic people he’s ever met. “He probably meant ‘if’.”
“Personally, I find his faith in you disturbing. I told him to go get his vision and hearing checked. Anyways, you’ve been meaning to get back into the rap thing for ages, why’d you decide to do it now? Is it because of him?”
A smile spreads across his face, involuntarily and completely out of his control, as they tend to do now whenever someone mentions Hanbin.
“I don’t know. I just told him to start writing his book and he did. He told me to get back into rap. So I did. That’s it.” He shrugs, not wanting June to ask him any more questions. He feels like he’s said too much already, betrayed Hanbin and their low-key relationship in some way or accidentally left the door open for someone else to walk into their private World.
June pauses in contemplation mid-chew. He’s known June for so long that he can almost see the speech on the tip of his tongue. Strangely enough, it never comes.
All June says is, “Wow.”
“What’s wow?”
“You guys are fucking disgusting. Take your perfect young romance somewhere else. I’m trying to eat here.”
Okay, so he wasn’t being completely honest before. Despite all of June’s pointed looks and leading questions, he didn’t really put much stock into how well he and Hanbin knew each other. It only really hits him two weeks later when Hanbin comes over for dinner after work, arms laden with food and a laptop.
“I got a lasagne. You still want that right? You said you hadn’t had one in ages.”
He nods, taking the box of food from Hanbin and following him into the small kitchen. The first thing he notices is the distinct lack of commercial packaging. The second thing he notices is the Mickey Mouse tupperware container. He’s not entirely sure why it shocks him but it does.
“Hey. Did you make…all this?” He asks hesitantly, gesturing to the box.
Hanbin is already crouching down to turn on the oven. “Uh-huh.”
“No offence but since when did you cook?”
Hanbin stands and grins. “Don’t trust me? Think it’s poisoned?”
He shakes his head furiously. “What? No no no. That’s not how I meant it! I’m just surprised.”
“Yeah, you’re always surprised. One day you’re going to realise that I can actually do a lot of things.”
“I know you can! I’m just surprised. Can’t a guy just be surprised? Don’t I ever surprise you?”
Hanbin laughs, bending down to put the dish of lasagne into the oven. “Only sometimes.”
He stares at Hanbin’s face. This is the part he hasn’t figured out yet; when Hanbin’s replies are so short that he can’t tell if they’re complimentary or insulting. “Only sometimes?”
“You did a lot in the beginning but I don’t know if I’d call anything a surprise now. When you do things…it just makes sense for you to be good at them.” Hanbin says, smirky face now replaced with a more sheepish expression.
He’s not sure how to respond to that so he’s relieved when Hanbin turns around to start putting the other food containers into his fridge. There’s something so domestic and natural about the action that it makes his stomach drop.
How can he ever get used to this?
“Okay, so dinner will probably take about 30 minutes. I really need to edit my article, it’s due in 2 days.” Hanbin says, picking up his laptop and sitting down at the dining table like he didn’t just cause Jiwon’s brain to temporarily freeze.
“Okay.” He replies distractedly, still stuck in the brain fog. He manages to sit down at the table eventually, drumming his fingers and feeling weirdly unsettled, even though he was in his own apartment.
“Hey?” Hanbin says from behind the laptop screen.
“That’s really annoying.”
“Sorry.” He gets up and wanders out of the kitchen. He can hear Hanbin laughing and calling out after him.
“Oh my god, you don’t have to leave!”
He’s not upset but he does need some time to chill out and get his brain back online. Collapsing on his bed, he stares at the ceiling and marvels at everything happening to him right now. A few months ago Hanbin wasn’t even in his life. A few weeks ago he found himself wondering if they’d ever see the insides of each other’s apartments. A few minutes ago, well….he might’ve started believing in some impossible things.
Hanbin watches as Jiwon sulks his way out of the kitchen.
“Oh my god, you don’t have to leave!” He says with a laugh. Despite his work deadlines he was feeling light and optimistic. 
He barely recognises himself. He doesn’t know the person who has made all these new decisions on his behalf. Coming over to Jiwon’s apartment on a Wednesday was a stupid stupid idea. He has to edit his entire article in 2 days because the research had taken up so much of his time. Old-Hanbin would be on the couch in yesterday’s sweatpants, eating instant noodles or take-away, tearing his hair out in stress as his eyes go blind from staring at the laptop screen for too long.
New-Hanbin was sitting at Jiwon’s dining table, in Jiwon’s apartment, waiting for the lasagne he made to finish baking in the oven. He’s still stressed (because when was he not?) but its sharp edge was getting more blunt now that there was another person to share it with.
No. He really doesn’t recognise this new version of himself at all.
Shaking his head, he refocuses back on his article. There’s peaceful silence in the apartment and he manages to get through a large section of editing. The oven fan is strangely comforting as it hums in the background. Or maybe it was just because he was in Jiwon’s apartment and everything here was comforting.
He’s on page three when he hears Jiwon shuffling back into the kitchen to hover over his shoulder. For a few seconds his paranoia and anxiety take over, causing his heart rate to spike as he looks nervously behind him, feeling exposed and vulnerable.
“You okay?”
“Can I show you something?”
“Yeah, hang on a sec.” He presses save and puts the laptop into sleep mode. “Okay, what is it?”
A small flyer gets put down on the table, just a plain black page with white writing. He leans over to read it.
MOBSCENE MIC NIGHT. 8pm September 5th. 
“What exactly is this?” He looks up at Jiwon in confusion. “Something you want to go to?”
“Something I’m in actually.”
His eyes widen and he turns around in the chair so they’re facing each other. “Seriously?! You’re going to compete in this thing?!”
Jiwon smiles but shrugs. It’s been awhile since Hanbin figured out that the action means he’s excited or proud but trying keep his cool.
He kneels on his chair and pulls Jiwon in for a hug. “I hope you destroy everybody.”
He feels Jiwon’s laugh against his chest more than he hears it. “The other guys are pretty good. I just heard that Mino was going. He’s been wining everything lately.”
“So what? You’re better.” He says against Jiwon’s neck.
Strong arms tighten around him. “We’ll see. I haven’t gone up against him in awhile. We used to run with the same crew in Uni.”
“So you know all his weaknesses. Makes it more easy to take him out.”
There’s another laugh against his chest and a quick kiss on his right cheek. “We’re talking about a Battle of Rap, not a Battle Royale.”
He shrugs. “Same difference. The last guy standing should be you.”
It’s then that Jiwon pulls away slightly to look at him nervously. “Do you want to come? You don’t have to if you’re busy or whatever. June and Yo will be there too. So it won’t be all weird if you’re still worried about people seeing us together and-what? Why are you looking at me like that?”
He’s not entirely sure what his face looks like but he knows exactly what his heart looks like.
“I’ll be there.”
He’s feeling brave so he leans forward to press their lips together. When he pulls away there’s another wide-eye-look of surprise on Jiwon’s face again. He loves that he can still do that to him.
“And um, I think I’m okay if people see us together.” He starts shakily, heart hammering inside his chest and eyes fixed on Jiwon’s earrings instead of his face. “I mean, not all crazy or anything but I think that I’m ready for a few new things. Not everything…..just a few more things.”
He buries his face into Jiwon’s neck, mainly to hide the annoying blush that he can never seem to avoid in these situations.
It’s all Jiwon says but Hanbin doesn’t mind. He finds himself cocooned in another soft hug and he can feel one hand squeezing the back of his neck, as if to tap out some kind of Jiwon Morse Code.
They don’t need to say anything else to each other. Who needs regular words when you’ve got your own language?
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