#i suddenly know how a ceo feels waiting for their girls to come out of the dressing room HELPP MEE
rintoki · 4 months
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Just a little bit where Bucky offers you a better job.
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Pairing -> CEO!Bucky Barnes x Assistant!Female!Reader
Warnings -> 18+, Minors DNI, smut, thigh riding
A/N -> @lanabuckybarnes the better version of the Drabble I sent to you, bbg.
“Mr. Barnes, I-I wanted to ask for a bit more money for the job I do for you,” you ask, shyly while you play with your fingers in your lap. You have thought about a hundreds way to ask him for more money and now, where you’re sitting in front of him those are the only words that leave your lips without sounding completely shit.
Your boss, Bucky Barnes, CEO of one of the most powerful companies in town, sits opposite you. He has his sleeves rolled up, revealing his tattooed, muscular and veiny arms to you. Your eyes flicker from his forearms to his face and back to his forearms, not sure where to look while you talk to your boss.
Bucky smirks to himself, his eyes roaming over your face and shoulders. His tongue slides across his lips and he needs to stop the groan from leaving his plump lips. He has hoped that you’re going to come to his office to give him some company and especially with a request so he could be so close to you without being weird and stare at you shamelessly.
The brown-haired man’s intense stare, causes you to shift even more, nervousness boiling inside of you. You can’t stand his gaze but you can’t not look at him either. When you’re looking into his eyes once it’s like they hold your gaze, like he could read your mind and you shiver lightly. His ocean blue eyes roam often over your body, your boss just can’t get enough of you, his sweet, little assistant.
Bucky chuckles, leaning back in his chair and tapping his fingers against the surface of the table. Your cheeks heat up while your eyes switch from his eyes to his pink, plump lips and back to his eyes. “Mhmmm.”
You swallow thickly, ready to apologise for that question. A soft whimper leaves your lips when Bucky’s lips twitch, turning into a soft smirk but he tries to hide it. His eyes are still on you, his blue eyes piercing into yours and his lips now curl up. “I’m sor—“
He moves his seat away from the desk, interrupting you with his actions. His eyes dark slightly, his huge hands pat on his thick, muscular thigh. “Come here, doll.”
Your eyes widen and you freeze. Bucky’s gaze doesn’t shift, still smirking at you. He knows that you’re not used to get that kind of instruction especially not from your boss. He waits patiently that you come over to him and take a seat on his thigh.
“Come on, pretty girl. Won’t repeat myself again,” Bucky says, his voice stern but still soft. He taps on one of his thighs once again.
You get up from the chair, slowly and with shaking legs you walk around the table. When you’re just a few inches away from him you stop, not sure about sitting in your bosses thigh.
He stares at you, holding his hands out to grasp you by your waist and pull you closer. You squeak when you’re suddenly sitting on his thick thigh, straddling him. Your legs dangle in both sides of his leg, and you feel his toned muscle pressing against your pussy.
“I have a better offer for you,” Bucky says, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your hips. “How about you’re doing as you’re told and I will make you mine, pretty girl. You can have whatever you want, I will give it to you — you just need to ask.”
He slowly moves your hips, tensing his muscle underneath you. You moan softly about the friction against your throbbing pussy, carving more of his soft touches. You let yourself fall against him, your head leaning against his shoulder while you move your hips over his thigh.
“You need to answer me, doll.” Bucky moves one of his hands to your back, his other still resting on your hips. You’re a moaning and whimpering mess on his thigh, fingers gripping into his shoulders to ground yourself.
“P—Please, wanna be yours,” you moan. Hips rutting against him and you can feel his growing bulge against your thigh. Your moans become needier and your fingers digging more into his shoulders.
“My good girl, huh?” He asks, smirking when you nod. Bucky kisses your jaw softly, you tilt your head to the side giving him more space to kiss and bite softly into your skin. He chuckles, kissing along your neck and leaving purple bruises all over your sensitive skin. “You look beautiful, marked and all mine. So pretty, my doll, fucking perfect, wonderful.”
Taglist: @kandis-mom @sergeantbarnessdoll @identity2212 @km-ffluv @lunaalovesyouu @blackhawkfanatic @armystay89 @suz7days @etherealdisneyvillainness @pono-pura-vida @randomawesomeperson102 @bucky-barnes-lover @rogersbarber @sebastianstanisahotmf @felicitylemon @cjand10 @bookishtheaterlover7 @casa-boiardi @futurequeen2018-blog @flstrawberry @capsbestgirl77 @nervouseden @jiyascepter @princesscore-angel @mrs-katelyn-barnes @sasha-writing
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mactavishwritings · 5 months
Anything for my Bunny
Millionaire!Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Trophy Wife!reader (fem reader)
alt universe where Simon isn't military, but the CEO of a high-tech company
fluff mainly with some sexual implications
You always had a theory as a young girl. You had decided at a young age that you were going to get what you wanted no matter what and your theory was that there was a way to go through life, getting everything you wanted one way or another. You got your education, a degree in English, deciding that you were going to move to England to pursue writing novels in beautiful cafes all day. That dream however died when you ended up working at the cafes instead of being the mysterious patron who sat at a table by the window, typing away on her laptop.
Your wish slowly began to come true when you met Simon Riley. When you met him, he was a handsome businessman who was in a bit of a rush. The other girls at the cafe called him 'Mr. Handsome Latte', standing around the corner, as you took his order. He had a reputation for being quiet or on an important-sounding phone call. You were never one to make assumptions, but there were a few you had about this mysterious businessman.
When he came in that day, he was uncharacteristically wearing a pair of athletic trainers and a plain grey shirt. He had his phone in his hand, not looking up at you until he got up to the register. "Hi welcome in. What can I get started for you today?" You started the conversation like you would with any other customer. "Hi. Can I just get my usual hot latte with an extra shot of espresso?" You nodded, taking his order down. "Sounds good. $4 then." You punched the latte into the register, waiting for him to pay for the drink when he suddenly spoke. "When do you get off today?" You stopped and looked up at the man. "Asks the name of a man whose name I do not know." You fired back, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "Simon, you?" He paid for his drink and followed you down as you began to make his drink. "(Y/N)." You smiled, focusing back on his drink. "Well... Now that you know my name, what time do you get off today?" He persisted so you rolled your eyes with a laugh. "Okay fine. I get off at 6. Why do you want to know, Simon?" You turned your back to steam his milk but turned your head in his direction to let him know that you were still listening. "I'm picking you up and we're going out." He stated simply, causing you to whip your head around. "Excuse me? Why do you think this will happen?" You glared slightly. "Simple. I want to get to know you and I always get what I want." Damn...
You went out with him, but not that night. You played with him a bit before he finally convinced you to go out with him. You told him that he was going to have to work hard for what he wanted. You weren't easy to get and he would have to earn your affection. That's when you begin to receive gifts from Simon. All of the girls at work demanded to know why you turned him down or when you were going out with him; boasting about how you couldn't turn that type of man down. So, after receiving the fifth bundle of roses at your apartment, you finally called the number attached to the note on the flowers. He sounded satisfied when he heard your voice. "I told you; I get what I want."
He had completely wined and dined you that night, sweeping you off your feet. The night had taken your breath away and you felt like a teenage girl. So, when he asked you to go out again, you didn't hesitate this time. You began to spend more time with the man, feeling yourself fall slowly in love with who he was as a person. You learned that yes, he was on important calls because he owns one of the tech's world biggest companies. He didn't like talking about work with you, stating that he would rather shut that stuff away when with you, not wanting to interrupt your time together. It had been 3 weeks of seeing each other when he officially asked you to be his girlfriend. You had told him that you had been waiting for him to ask you, immediately saying yes.
After a year of dating, he asked you to move in. You were excited because he had a big bathtub and that was enough for you. You were still working at the time and while he never said it out loud, you could tell he wanted you to quit and let him take care of the financials. You wanted to still be independent. It was year 2 when Simon came to you with an offer. You would quit your job and he would set up a side account for you where he would give you a 'paycheck'. You would act as an assistant of sorts for him; meaning that you would bring him lunch every day. You agreed, seeing how much it meant to him.
Year 3 was when he proposed. You had gotten comfortable in the giant mansion that you called home. The staff that occupied as well made you uncomfortable at first, but you slowly warmed up to them. Especially when they told stories about Simon, both embarrassing and sweet. Most of them have been with Simon since he started his company, staying with him through all the frustration and triumph he has seen.
You were starting to get close to some of the staff, the main person who you interacted with was a woman named Nancy. Simon instructed her to help you with whatever you needed the first night you stayed the night and you two have been side by side ever since. She became like a second mother for you, helping with sickness and emotions. She knew the proposal was coming long before you did.
Now 5 years later, you couldn’t be more happy. Simon gave you everything you could’ve ever wanted. He often was gone on work trips but always made sure he brought home something for you. Often times, small trinkets. Keychains, figurines, or cups. You loved every one and kept them on your desk at home. You hadn’t given up on your writing dream just because you had become Mrs. Riley. It was one of your few conditions to the marriage. You wanted something separate from Simon and he respected it completely.
As a 5th wedding anniversary present, Simon bought you a new house near the beach and you spent most of your days sitting in your office, staring out of the ceiling-to-floor windows. You were sitting in your desk chair, a cup of coffee in your hands, robe hanging off your shoulder. Simon had been sent away on a work trip and you missed him dearly. He didn’t know when he was going to come back and it killed you, having to wait without a date. He typically knew when he was going to be back, but he had a big launch coming soon and he needed to perfect everything. Nancy had asked you if you were hungry for breakfast and you had told her that you weren’t feeling up to eating. Lately, you seemed to have lost your appetite and you weren't sure why. You felt fine otherwise, figuring that it was just from the stress of Simon not being home.
You pulled your robe back over your shoulder and sighed. Reaching for your phone, there had been no new texts from Simon. You hadn't heard from him all day yesterday and you were getting worried. You rubbed your forehead and felt your stomach churn. You couldn't help but think the worst. You got lost in your head, staring out at the rising sun and crashing waves when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
You gasped and looked up, seeing Simon smiling softly at you. "Si! You scared me!" You felt his hand ride up to rub the back of your neck up to your hair. He leaned down to kiss your forehead softly. "My apologies, love." He came around the front of your chair and knelt down to kiss your exposed knee. "I hadn't heard from you yesterday and I didn't know if you were okay." You pouted, running your fingers through his hair.
"Good thing I got you this then. As an apology." He lifted up a small bag and you giggled, taking it in your lap. You pulled out a box and opened it to reveal a very dainty pearl necklace. You gasped and immediately demanded for him to put it on you. Simon placed it on you and locked the clasp, kissing your cheek before standing in front of you. "I have to make up for lost time. Come."
That night, after you finished catching up, you both had showered and lounged around all day. For dinner, you two sat at the dining table as you requested, having to remind Simon that you could, in fact, feed yourself. Simon could barely keep his hands to himself as he told you about this recent trip. He told you about how well the launch went and how his new secretary was a "complete psycho who clearly lied during the interview". You nodded along to his words, playing with his fingers as he spoke.
"By the way, in 2 weeks, we're hosting a party here." Simon casually told you and you smacked his arm. "How am I going to prep in only 2 weeks!" You whined, already grabbing your notebook to plan. "I know, my love. It just came up, I only just agreed to it two days ago." He kissed your hand apologetically and smiled. You rolled your eyes, already forgetting your fake anger. “It's fine. I've got a reputation for being the best hostess!" Simon nodded along to your words, smiling as if he had hearts in his eyes. "Whatever you need, I'll leave my card for you. You know the pin." You giggled, knowing that the pin was your birthday.
You picked up the empty plates and walked them to the kitchen, smiling when you felt Simon wrap himself around you from behind. "Missed you...my hand was barely enough.." Simon whispered in your ear, gently kissing your neck. You gasped, feeling his hands slip under your slip dress. "Si! Someone could walk in!" You giggled as he lifted you up onto the countertop. "Oh, Mrs. Riley...I paid for this house. I will enjoy my dessert in my kitchen." He smirked as he knelt between your legs.
i loved this idea and would love to expand on it! so feel free to send asks about this <3
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kissitbttr · 3 months
“toji, baby? can you do alena’s hair please?” you call out from the kitchen, fixing simple breakfast for your little family,
he nods at you, giving a short kiss on your cheek as a confirmation before heading towards his little girl’s play pen. his eyes brighten when alena is busying herself with her my little pony plushies, adorable messy hair comes into view making him chuckle,
“hey ya sweetheart, having fun?” toji walks around to face his pretty baby, the sound of her dad’s voice causing her to look up. he swears the moment her big round eyes stare at him, he’s ready to kill anyone who dares to try take his daughter away,
with a toothy smile, she babbles away while clapping her chubby hands. feeling excited to see her dad there, seemingly cannot wait to be picked up by him,
“aren’t you the prettiest girl i have ever seen, hm? aside from mama of course. dunno what she sees in me. she’s a ten and i’m not. i’m happy she chose me, though. such a lucky bastard” toji makes sure to whisper the last word to himself because he doesn’t want his daughter to hear him cuss.
his hands go under her armpits before lifting her up, little legs kicking away in excitement making toji chuckles. “time to do my little alena’s hair!”
he brings her to the baby chair near the dining room, where you can see it too. your eyes look over your shoulder and smile at the sight of him setting your baby down,
“got anything to work on today?”
toji shakes his head, rolling the sleeves of his sweater up to the elbows. “nah. took a day off. i’m letting shiu handling it today”
one of your eyebrows quirks up, turning out to plate the cut up fruits and eggs on the table. “oh yeah? what if there’s something really important come up that you need to—“
“i need my girls more” he cuts you off with a soft voice and a grin, his eyes look up to you and see you mirroring his smile but it’s much more prettier to him. “plus, i’m sure they can handle not having their ceo for today. and tomorrow. maybe”
his fingers move to thread lightly under the strands of alena’s hair as she toys with a little action figure toji had gifted her few days prior. it keeps herself busied while he’s doing her hair,
“how about you, baby? got any meetings or anything?”
you shrug, grabbing a few utensils. “just one with the team to discuss the launch of our newest design. should be quick, though. hopefully. i need to speed up the process and everything because it seems that everyone is fuc—freaking slow.”
he chuckles, tying a band around alena’s mini bun. “i’m sure you can handle it, darling. you’re ruthless like that. one of the reasons why i fell on love with you, is it?”
“would you still, if i had to kill them?”
“absolutely” he answers without hesitation making you laugh,
“god, we are bad parents”
“don’t know what you’re talking about. we’re pretty good at what we’re doing” toji smiles at his baby, who suddenly chucks the toy towards the table. “damn, our baby got strength”
“got that from you, i think” you lean towards the table and snatch a cut up strawberry before plucking it into your mouth,
“nope. that’s from you” he corrects, softly patting alena’s hair that are sticking out. “remember when we had an argument and you almost hit me with—“
“we do not talk about that” you shake your head, not wanting to remember,
“was pretty sexy to me” he replies casually. “i was so turned on by that”
both of you share a laugh, causing alena to look up at both of you at the sound of it.
“so—do i get to see my pretty wife’s latest design or—“ toji trails off, planting a kiss on alena’s chubby cheek before grabbing a handful of berries for himself,
you tilt your head to the side, a small smirk tugs upon your lips and toji immediately catches what that look meant for,
“i see trouble” he eyes you for a second, chewing on the juicy fruit. “is it sexy? god, if it was you can’t keep teasing me, baby. i’d die”
“so dramatic, you won’t die”
“i will for you though” and he means it. “is it dresses? leather involved perhaps?”
shaking your head, you reply “lingeries, babe. night gowns, garters, panties. all that”
and toji suddenly stops moving. breathing even. his eyes widening at the mention of lingeries,
“oh fuck. you are killing me.”
“toji! language!”
but alena just laughs at her silly banter between her parents
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leaderwonim · 4 months
꒰ 사랑𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆: 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧. 🫀
002: she fell in front of her sunbaenim 🤓
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It wasn’t until a week later that you met the other actors and actresses in the film.
Your manager, Hongseok, had cleared pretty much your entire schedule so the rest of PRISM was out promoting while you were waiting awkwardly at the film studio, straightening out your white skirt and thinking of what to say to Sunghoon.
After all, you did kind of audition for Belift as a joke. You were really into Enhypen and Newjeans, so you sent in your singing and dancing tape thinking you weren’t going to get picked anyway. You did, though.
“Hi, sorry I’m late!” The all too familiar Australian accent pops out of nowhere, and your breathing is 10 times rapid knowing exactly who it belonged to. Pham Hanni from Newjeans.
“No worries!” You say, almost choking on the piece of bread you were taking a bite out of. “Greetings sunbaenim!”
You bow but Hanni shakes her head quickly, “ah.. no need. I read your profile, you’re a year older than me, so if anything, I should be the one saying the formalities.”
You don’t get to say anything else before the Park Sunghoon and Kim Gyuvin walk in.
Oh my God. You internally think. You almost have to hold back from fainting because how the hell are you in the presence of Hanni, Gyuvin, and Sunghoon at the same time?!
“This is our main cast,” the director says, who your manager has told you to refer to as Director Jung. “We have a few more idols but they’ll be in and out between episodes.”
The four of you nod, you suddenly feeling so small when in the same room as your talented sunbaenims.
“Today is just introduction and get to know each other day since I know this was probably brought up upon you guys suddenly and it can seem overwhelming and uncomfortable.” Director Jung smiles, showing off his bright white teeth.
“The drama is a romance one, kind of like an American coming to age except Korean, you know? It’s called Parallel Love. The main character, Baek Yunhee is played by Yoon Y/N as you all know.” He then points towards your direction, making the other 3 idols all turn their attention to you. “Yunhee’s love interest is Min Suho, played by Park Sunghoon. The reason I chose the two of you was because you were exactly how I pictured Yunhee and Suho visually and I feel like you would astound me and the viewers with your acting.”
Your eyes subtly peek at Sunghoon, who looks absolutely glorious despite his messy hair and tired eyes. The engene inside of you screamed, but you masked it by biting the inside of your cheek.
“Now, the main female antagonist is Choi Sanghee, which will be played by Pham Hanni. The main male antagonist is Park Wooseok, played by Kim Gyuvin. Sanghee and Wooseok are somewhat love interests, but they’re also Yunhee and Suho’s biggest rivals.”
The rest of Director Jung’s words went from one of your ear and out another as he kept speaking, your vision instead focused on Park Sunghoon.
“Alright, that’s all I have to say! Any questions?”
There’s a few murmurs but no one says anything, so Director Jung hands the four of you individual scripts that were so thick you could slap a person with it.
“It’s time to take the poster photos so let’s get to work guys. Don’t disappoint me.”
Way to not pressure an idol who’s life is already hectic, you think.
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synopsis. you’re a newly debuted girl group under belift, and in order for your group to gain more popularity, your ceo offered you the lead role in a new romance kdrama. this all seems great, so what’s the problem? well, for starters, your co star is your senior, park sunghoon from enhypen, and he doesn’t seem too happy about being in a romance drama. especially when your fans have started to ship the two of you!
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taglist ( is open ) @isawritesss @rodygr @wonifullove @mrchweeee @nyfwyeonjun @yizhoutv @cupkiki @rikizm @jiaant11 @woninluv @brachioanton @seunnimg @jongseongslvr @luvswonyoung @laylasmother @akuspic @haechansbbg @haerinsii @mnxnii
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bluejeanstrash · 1 year
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you had pretty much spent the entire day losing your mind over how fucking fine your boyfriend was looking. the black suit on the news was already bad enough but then he took it off and rolled his sleeves up during the stream?
it was simply too much. and you had let jihoon know by sending him increasingly dramatic messages throughout the day. he would never admit it incase he sounded too conceited, but god he loved it when you hyped up his looks. the cheesier the message, the better.
he had been reading them during every break, giggling at your rapid thirsty descent. and when he walked through the door after work, sleeves still rolled up, gorgeous forearms on display, you had to reiterate just how hot he was.
‘stoo-op’ he whines, feeling embarrassed at the many compliments coming out of your mouth. and like he did when he was awkward, jihoon changes the subject.
‘i’m going to go wash up and change’ he says, starting to walk away.
‘come back here and let me love you’ you follow him as he starts laughing, walking even faster.
‘seriously though-’ you stop teasing, leaning against the door frame as he walks into the bedroom ‘-you looked so good babe! kind of like a ceo. felt like i should call you sir or something’
immediately, jihoon stops. he slowly turns around, the tips of his ears starting to blush red.
‘call me what?’
you walk up to him and run your finger down his shirt, feeling his abs along the way.
‘you know like - yes sir. please sir. thank you sir’ you moan, doing your best impression of every terrible porno ever made.
jihoon doesn’t know what’s worse—the awful impression or the fact that it’s turning him on. he stares at you for a second and then mutters ‘say that again’ taking one step closer.
thinking he’s joking, you let out a little laugh, but when you feel something hard against you, you know he’s not.
until now in your dom-sub play you didn’t really call jihoon anything. if you did have to refer to him, you’d just call him by his name. but the word sir was sitting pretty in your mouth and hitting his ear just right.
‘yes sir. please sir. thank you sir’ you repeat, submissively this time, as he looks down at you, eyes overcast with lust. they always grew dark and severe like this when he moved into domspace.
it honestly always surprised you how he was able to switch up so easily. the atmosphere now was completely different than a few seconds ago. there’s a sudden stillness in the air, a desperate tension waiting to be released.
jihoon brings his hand up to your face, slowly tracing the shape of your lips with his thumb.
‘you make it sound so pretty in that mouth’
‘thank you...sir’ you reply as the corners of his mouth turn up slightly, pleased with how quickly you’ve caught on.
‘such a good girl’ he looks down at your lips thinking how his cock would look equally pretty pushing through them and suddenly feels this rush of lust as he imagines your cum stained mouth saying thank you sir.
you can feel how horny he is. all this…because of a word?
‘i think you deserve a little reward’ he says, and just like that every thought in your mind is consumed by one word: reward. because jihoon’s rewards were just like his punishments—a little too much.
‘tell me-’ he tucks your hair behind your ear before sliding his hand down to your jaw ‘-do you want my cock, my fingers, or my tongue? i’ll let you choose this time’
‘your fingers’ you reply instantly, feeling a little desperate. the thought of jihoon’s slender fingers moving in and out of you with the sleeves of his shirt rolled up was making your brain buzz.
‘fingers please’ you repeat, slower.
he looks at you, raising a stern eyebrow. aren’t you forgetting something?
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yongility · 2 months
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NEO TV # ROCKABYE (taeyong x reader) 1/?.
genre: single dad au, ceo au, fluff, slightly angst, smut.
warnings: adult language, death mentions, idk there’s not a lot of warning for this one.
word count: 7k
a/n: if you want to be in the taglist, just lemme know;) enjoy!
During his childhood, Taeyong always dreamed a thousand times about what adult life would bring him. His mind was always filled with those dreams that led him to his future. Would he become a firefighter? One of his earliest wishes formed when he was barely five years old; or would he perhaps become an idol in the Korean industry? He had wished too much to become one after seeing a performance on some TV channel. What if he became a police officer? Or a secret agent? Movies of that genre had always excited him, and he was sure he could become someone who would care for and protect the city if he set his mind to it.
However, reality hit him when he turned sixteen. As an only child, he would have to take over his father's business responsibilities once he retired. So no matter how much he dreamed or how much he wanted to be as an adult, because he would end up in an office, surrounded by papers to sign, with meetings to attend and deals to close.
And that's where he was now, at twenty-six years old, in the office that once belonged to his father and that was now filled with what he once wanted to escape. Still, he was grateful that his father had taught him enough to become the great businessman he is now. His father, who had been a great man, who had taught him incredible things about life, who had shaped him for any situation, who expected him to always give his best... but he never prepared him for what came to his ears that particular winter morning. Those words that left him frozen in the middle of his office. The words his brain couldn't process and that hit him like a bucket of cold water.
"Mr. Lee, we need you to come urgently to Seoul General Hospital, your daughter needs you."
Daughter... Daughter... Daughter...
What was that person talking about on the other end of the line? Was it some kind of joke? No, he didn't think anyone was twisted enough to joke about something like that.
But had he heard correctly?
"Mr. Lee, are you still on the line?"
A simple murmur came from his throat, still deeply pondering what those words from that person meant.
"We're very sorry about what happened to Miss Shin, however, we require your presence as soon as possible to fill out the necessary forms so that your daughter can leave the hospital with you."
Daughter... HIS daughter...
Taeyong's hands began to sweat profusely, his head began to spin, and his stomach began to feel nauseous. His office wasn't even as large as it used to be a few minutes ago. Now, it was getting smaller and smaller. Why did he suddenly start feeling hot? Wasn't it supposed to be snowing outside?
Was he about to faint? No, not now Taeyong. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
"Mr. Lee?"
Again, that voice called him, like a drill to his ears. Taeyong took a gulp of air and snapped out of his deep trance. He wiped his hands on his suit pants and swallowed hard.
"I... um... I'll be right there."
You'll go? But you don't even have a daughter, Lee Taeyong… Ms. Shin? Who the hell was Shin?
But he had to go, a girl was waiting for him somewhere in that hospital, and before anything else, he had to clarify this situation. He had to go and clarify everything.
Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would be in this situation. What would he do with his life if everything turned out to be true? What would he do being a father?
Oh, Lee Taeyong, you have many things ahead of you. Good luck with that.
"Before entering the operating room, and knowing the possible scenarios that could occur during the process, that was Miss Shin's will. We were not aware that you were unaware of the situation, however..."
Taeyong's body went into autopilot, with the words reaching his ears and the crying coming from the baby lying in his arms, he didn't know what to think and what to do. Next to him, a window was there, and from there, you could notice the snow falling gently and the wind moving the leaves of the trees slightly.
He cautiously looked at the tiny piece of human lying irritated on his arms. Why wouldn't she be quiet? Was she hungry? Was her diaper dirty? What would he know! He had never had a baby in his care and didn't even know the basic care they required. Him, a father? Never, never crossed his mind.
What was he supposed to do?
"... realizing the situation presented, we'll have to extend a few more days, we'll need a blood test to determine if you're really the father of this girl."
Taeyong's attention shifted from the little one and completely turned to the social worker in front of him.
"We understand that the situation may be very confusing and unexpected for you, but you were the only person Miss Shin gave us information about, ensuring that you are the father. Blood test results usually take from a week to ten days to be ready, so until we know the relationship between you and the baby, she'll have to stay in maternal care, still, we need you to show up here at least once a day. The little one needs warmth, in this case, fatherly warmth to feel calm, if the results find compatibility, we'll arrange all the necessary paperwork for you to take her home without any problem. If it turns out that there's no compatibility, the little one will be transferred to an orphanage where we'll make sure to find her a good family," the woman finished with a small smile.
Taeyong's confusion was still there, everything was spinning in his head, but he was at peace that the little one was now simply asleep. He didn't understand what was happening, but now, seeing the baby, something grew inside him. She looked so small, so fragile... so peaceful. Did she mention something about an orphanage? How could something so small be thrown into something as difficult as that? Confused by his thoughts and memories, the face of Shin Jein came to mind, and he remembered the short moment he would have shared with her some time ago and what, possibly, had resulted in what was now in his arms. So yes, there was even a small chance that they shared a part of DNA, but was he ready to take such a big responsibility into his hands? Would he have to rearrange a room just for her? Money wasn't a problem. How would he change her diaper? How many bottles should she take? Maybe he should hire a nanny. God, so many things were running through his head, and he didn't even know if he was her father or not. What he did know was that if the results were positive, he would pull up his pants, take responsibility and give the little girl the best he could. In the end, that's what his father had taught him; to take responsibility for his actions and face them like the man he was, and he would, even when he knew he wasn't even half prepared to do it.
"Are you okay with everything I've told you, Mr. Lee?" the social worker glanced at him and then at the baby. He brought his index finger cautiously to the baby's soft cheeks and then to her tiny hands, who, in a clever reflex, wrapped her hand around his finger. A lump formed in Taeyong's throat, and his eyes welled up. What would he do?
"Yes," his voice trembled so he cleared his throat and nodded. "Yes, I agree."
The worker gave him an empathetic smile and nodded in understanding, jotting down a few things on her tablet and then sighing.
"I have to go prepare some papers for the first phase of the process, which would be the blood test. In a moment, I'll send a nurse to take samples from both of you and to help you with the baby if necessary. You can stay here for as long as you want, and when you leave, the nurses will take care of her," she said before leaving the room and leaving Taeyong alone in the middle of the room with a weight in his arms. Carefully, he moved to a small chair next to a window. He sighed heavily and looked at the baby, and then he couldn't hold back any longer and a sob escaped from him.
He had thousands of emotions running from the tips of his toes to his head. He was confused, he was sensitive, he was frustrated. His face soon filled with tears, and the room with his sobs. Luckily, the little one seemed so immersed in her sleep that she wasn't even affected by the noises of her potential father.
Daughter... Father...
How much weight those words carried. How much it meant. Could he be a good father? He never lacked love at home, sure, sometimes his father could be tough on him, but it was part of growing up and part of understanding what life was. He could say he had a good example when it came to fatherhood, now, could he put it into practice?
To be honest, he was afraid. Afraid of many things. He was an older man, why the hell should he be afraid? He feared not being enough, he feared making mistakes and that the little one in his arms would pay for them. What if he didn't fully learn what being a father entailed? He was on his own, he didn't have a wife, he didn't have a girlfriend to help him with it. His friends... what would his friends know about taking care of babies? And his parents, damn, he had to let his parents know about the situation. In the end, they were the only close people who had some experience in this new world for him.
His routine would change. Would he have to adapt his office to a space dedicated to her? Would he have to leave her in a nursery to attend his work? Or hire a nanny to take care of her in his apartment? He couldn't go out as he used to, and if his sleep schedule was messed up now, it would be even more so. How long would it take for a baby to fall asleep?
But what if... what if the results were negative? Would he just leave, forget what happened, and let luck take care of the little one and find her a suitable family? Would he be able to do that?
He didn't know. Damn it! He had no fucking idea what he would do. Just a few hours ago, he was simply Lee Taeyong, the CEO of Lee Company. Someone single, with no commitments other than his job. And now what? Would Lee Taeyong be a single father?
His head began to ache, and he didn't know if it was from all the thoughts in it or from how much he had cried that he was sure he couldn't shed another tear.
He closed his eyes for a moment, breathing softly and slowly, with no intention of waking up from the peaceful sleep the baby was in. After a few minutes of being in that state, the sound of the door opening made him unconsciously open his eyes, finding a young nurse entering the room.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Lee," a delicate voice called him. "I'm Nurse (Y/N), I'll be the one taking the blood tests, and I'll be the one in charge of the baby," she announced softly and with a small smile.
Taeyong only managed to nod, and with his free hand (the one not holding the baby), he wiped his face, erasing any trace of tears. No words came out of his mouth because he really wasn't thinking straight. His thoughts and thousands of scenarios were haunting his head, and this made it impossible for him to concentrate, even in the slightest.
"Of course," was all he managed to say.
(Y/N) smiled again slightly and approached them with a couple of things in her hands. She sat in the chair next to the boy, and on a small table, she perfectly arranged everything and addressed him.
"All right, I need to take a small blood sample from the baby," she said, taking one of the small needles and turning slightly toward them. "I'll need you to hold her tight, please," she asked kindly.
Taeyong's eyes widened when he saw the needle and then he looked at the baby, and instinctively, he pulled her closer to his chest in an attempt to protect her, so (Y/N) let out a tender laugh, and he saw her with a furrowed brow. What was she laughing about?
"It'll be quick, I promise," she assured confidently.
"Will it hurt her?" he asked, almost obvious.
"It'll only be for a moment. It won't take long, and besides, if you're there for her, it'll be easy to calm her down," she commented, taking the baby's tiny hand and resting it on the large hand of her - potential - father, who, in a reflex, held her firmly. (Y/N) carefully brought the needle to the baby's index finger and without hesitation, pricked it, causing a few drops of blood to fall in the necessary place. The baby, in an instinct, woke up from her peaceful sleep, and a loud cry echoed throughout the room, automatically causing Taeyong to cuddle her more against his chest.
Something that did not go unnoticed by the eyes of the nurse, who just smiled tenderly at the boy's actions towards the little baby. She knew the situation, and it was one that worried her now that she saw the man's behavior. Internally, she wished that the results would be good because it seemed, at first glance, that Lee Taeyong wished the same.
"Now I have to do the same with you," she murmured after having arranged the next necessary equipment and disinfected what would be necessary. "May I?" she asked, stretching her arms toward the baby, and Taeyong looked at her with doubtful eyes, brought the girl closer to his chest, and stopped rocking her after her crying stopped. "I'll just put her in the crib next to you. I need you to stretch out your arm so I can take the blood test, and I don't think it's possible to do it while you're holding your daugh... the baby," she corrected. "As soon as we finish, if you want, you can pick her up again or let her rest in the crib," she said calmly.
Taeyong let out a small breath and nodded slowly, passing the little baby to the nurse's (Y/N) arms, who took her delicately and left her with great care in the crib next to him. Rocking her gently and making the baby close her eyes.
Without much to say, (Y/N) proceeded to take her utensils, and Taeyong rolled up his sleeve, allowing his arm to be exposed for the nurse to do her job, who placed the needle assertively in a vein, causing the boy to give a tiny jump in his place, and then the needle filled with the necessary blood for the test.
"Thank you," she murmured, taking her things and briefly leaving the room. Taeyong held a cotton ball with alcohol on the recent wound and stood in the middle of the room, processing the sudden events of his crazy day, and after a few minutes, the girl came back into the room to find, surprisingly, Taeyong in the same place without the girl in his arms.
"If you want, you can go out for a moment to get some fresh air," (Y/N) spoke kindly. "I know you need it, she's sleeping right now, and I can stay here to take care of her. After all, I'm the nurse in charge. You can go out for a moment, get a coffee, or maybe something to eat. I assure you she'll be here waiting for you to come back, but I think you need to clear your mind a little."
And she was right.
Taeyong's eyes went to the crib and the little figure inside it, he sighed and nodded slightly. "Th-thank you," he murmured, clearing his throat a bit. "I suppose a bit of fresh air would do me good."
She smiled, and he walked slowly to the door of the room, giving one last look to the nurse and to his daugh-... the baby in the crib. He straightened his posture, and as he walked, he undid the knot of his tie, going directly to the entrance of the hospital where, once there, he took his phone out of his pants pocket and dialed a few numbers, bringing the device to his ear and again, taking a breath.
One ring... two rings... three rings...
Please pick up...
"Sweetheart?" a female voice was heard on the other end of the line, and this simply caused another knot to form in the boy's throat.
"Mom, there's something I need to tell you."
On the fourth day after receiving the news that seemed to turn Lee Taeyong's world upside down, he found himself again in that small hospital room, sitting by the same window where he had been on the first day after meeting the little one. This time, the baby was not resting in his arms; now, she was in the small crib beside him, emitting little snores that showed how much she enjoyed her sleep. Taeyong smiled to himself.
It had only been four long days since then, and every time he saw the little one, he could feel something, something telling him that he should take her and take her home, be a father to her and fill her with as much love as he could.
But the fear lingered; he didn't want to get ahead of himself, and he didn't want to get attached to her, even though it was impossible not to. He feared he wouldn't be a good father, and in the worst-case scenario, he feared negative results. He couldn't and didn't want to imagine what would become of the little girl if she were sent to an orphanage.
Would he to want to adopt her to ensure she lacked nothing? Or should he give a chance to a couple who could take care of her?
Four days and he still didn't know what to do.
So, he shook his head, trying to clear his mind of the wild thoughts, and focused his gaze on his phone, which was playing a video on YouTube. Taeyong watched the screen intently, his brow slightly furrowed and a smirk on his face. So, with all his attention on the screen, he didn't notice the entrance of a certain nurse who had been his company - and in a way, his support - during the past few days. She carried some instruments and a coffee in her hands, which she left on the small table next to Taeyong, who seemed unaware of her presence. This surprised her.
Cautiously, she peered at the boy's screen and couldn't help but let out a slight laugh when she noticed what had kept Lee Taeyong so concentrated, which now, with the noise caused by (Y/N), distracted him and made him look at her confused.
"What are you watching?" she asked curiously.
Taeyong shrunk in his chair and quickly pocketed his phone, then scratched his neck sheepishly.
"It-it’s nothing," he murmured.
"Were you watching a tutorial on how to change a baby's diaper?" she teased with a playful smile.
"Maybe," he mumbled, feeling his cheeks turn crimson.
"How cute," she whispered, but despite that, he could hear her perfectly. "I can help if you want," she offered, extending the coffee she had previously brought in her hands. Taeyong gladly accepted it and looked at her with bright eyes.
"Really?" he asked quickly.
"Of course, if it's important to you, I can help," (Y/N) expressed, peeking into the crib and seeing a peaceful baby smiling in her dreams, melting her heart completely.
(Y/N) had seen hundreds of babies come and go in this hospital; after all, it was part of her job as a pediatric nurse. She had heard hundreds of stories about each family's background and had cared for and treated several little ones. But there was something about that little one that moved her heart. Of course, there were other babies who melted her heart with the slightest thing they did, but the baby in front of her particularly did so even more. She didn't know if her story had touched her more, she didn't know if her potential father had anything to do with that feeling. She really didn't know, but she wholeheartedly wished that both Taeyong and the baby would have what they deserved.
"Thank you very much," Taeyong's hoarse voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "It means a lot to me, everything you've done these past few days... I... I'm very grateful for it," he said sincerely, and she smiled at him.
"It's nothing, really," she replied. "When it's time to change her diaper, I'll give you a class on how to do it, after that, you won't have to resort to a YouTube channel, I assure you," she spoke teasingly, to which Taeyong chuckled softly.
"God, this is embarrassing," he covered his face with his hands so that (Y/N) wouldn't notice how red he was getting. Did he look silly doing that? What a shame.
Suddenly, a few babblings made both of their gazes fall on the crib, and with delicacy, (Y/N) and Taeyong approached the crib, watching the little one slowly opening her eyes until they were fully open, and she continued babbling, perhaps hoping to be picked up by the arms she had become so accustomed to and which provided her with the right warmth for her body.
What a pain it would be if he didn't turn out to be the father. A voice filled the nurse's head after seeing Taeyong, carrying the little one in his arms and gently rocking her while murmuring a few words to her in a low voice.
"Wow, little one, you woke up very pretty today," (Y/N) spoke, and that voice caught the baby's attention. As best as she could, the baby smiled slightly, causing Taeyong to smile even more. "If I'm honest... she and you have the same eyes," she murmured, approaching their bodies.
She made mistake. How could she say that?
"Do... do you think so?" he asked hopefully.
Sometimes you should keep your mouth shut.
She swallowed slowly and looked at the little one, then at Taeyong, and then nodded.
"Indeed... your eyes are very unique, Mr. Lee," (Y/N) replied. "I mean, your eyes are big, they look like the cartoons my nephews watch in the afternoons. Hers are very similar, her eyes are big, and the color is very alike. Both of you have very beautiful eyes," she whispered the latter, but despite wanting to say it just for herself, it ended up in Taeyong's ears, who looked at (Y/N) with a sparkle in his eyes and then at the little one in his arms.
"Well, I suppose you're right, she has very beautiful eyes," he smiled tenderly and gently rested his forehead on the baby's head. "I hope you're right," he murmured.
"Then you have to fold these two ends, and... there you go, the diaper will be as it should. Did you understand?" (Y/N) finished explaining while carefully placing the baby's diaper.
"Wow, you make it look so easy," Taeyong commented, surprised. "Easier than that YouTube video."
(Y/N) chuckled lightly and then looked at the guy.
"Would you like to dress her up?" she questioned, pointing to the set of clothes next to the baby. Taeyong, without hesitation, nodded and went to the little one. Taking each piece carefully and putting it on the girl even more cautiously, who was awake and moving her eyes around, possibly trying to find a silhouette.
(Y/N) watched the scene in front of her eyes with tenderness and couldn't help but smile. What was it that caught her attention because of them? What was it that made them particles to be absorbed every time she set her eyes on them? The little baby began to whimper softly, causing Taeyong to quicken his pace but still being careful to finish putting on her clothes.
Clothes he had bought himself with the help of his mother.
He took the little one in his arms and rocked her between them murmuring soft words to calm her down. It felt like such a familiar, personal moment... that (Y/N) almost felt like she shouldn't be there, as if she shouldn't allow herself to see that scene. The baby seemed to have gotten used to the warmth of the boy, and as soon as his voice was present in the room, it was enough to calm her whimpers.
How could they have connected so quickly in just four days?
But one thing Taeyong had been sure of was that since the moment the baby's little hand wrapped around his index finger on day one... the little one had won his heart. He hadn't admired a being so much until she did that tiny action; an action that made him question his entire life.
"Should I give her a name already?" Taeyong asked out of the blue, causing (Y/N) to slowly shake her head and look at him with a puzzled expression on her face. "I mean, it's been almost five days since she was born, and I keep calling her baby, or little one... I guess she should have a name," he commented, lightly booping the baby's nose. "But giving her a name also means I'm tying myself to her. I... the results aren't ready yet and if..."
"It would be nice for her to finally have a name," the nurse responded, nodding. "But if you think you should wait..." she approached him. "I heard the results will be ready soon, maybe you'll have them tomorrow, just don't tell Mrs. Kwan that I told you because she'll get me in trouble," she joked. "I'm sure this little one can wait one more day, right, cutie?" (Y/N) addressed the baby in her arms, and she reacted with a babble that melted them in that same place.
For the first time in the four days of sharing moments with the kind nurse, Taeyong took the attention off the baby in his arms and put it completely on the girl beside him. Who smiled while giving some affection to the baby with a huge smile on her face. But what a beautiful smile she had, how had he not noticed it after spending so much time with her? Was he so immersed with the little one that he hadn't even noticed her company? Things sure do change so drastically, if it weren't for the fact that he was now responsible for a little girl, he would have asked for her phone number after the second day. Surely the Taeyong of a week ago would have done that... would things be like this from now on?
He swallowed slowly and looked back at the little girl, who yawned slightly and brought one of her hands to her face. Taeyong smiled and nodded a few times.
"Yes, I'll wait until then."
“So are you telling me that you've been missing all week because you've been taking care of a baby who could be your daughter?" his friend looked at him expectantly, what kind of madness has he gotten into now? "Taeyong, it's been years since you've had a relationship with someone, what makes you think you're a father to that baby?"
"Formally, Doyoung," Taeyong corrected as he massaged his temple. "I haven't been in a formal relationship for a while, still, I went on dates occasionally," he explained, taking off his glasses and leaning back in his desk chair.
"Have you ever heard of protection, Lee Taeyong?" his friend asked curiously. Taeyong's nostrils flared, and he let out a big sigh. "So, if the results are positive, what will you do? Will you take the little girl to your house?"
Taeyong nodded; "after all, I would be the father."
"And her family? Do you know anything about them?" the long-eyed guy asked cautiously.
"No. When they explained the situation with Jein to me, they told me she hadn't left any information about family and only left mine. I don't know her family. Our thing wasn't formal, we went out a couple of times, but we decided to stop seeing each other because we weren't in the place we wanted at the time. After that, I heard nothing from her... until five days ago."
"And what a surprise she left you!" his friend exclaimed, getting up from his seat and pacing back and forth with his hands on his waist.
"Doyoung," Taeyong lightly scolded. Sometimes he wasn't the most tactful person.
"Why didn't you call me five days ago, Taeyong? I could have accompanied you, did you go through all this alone?"
"Not completely alone, Mom was there sometimes and..." he paused momentarily when (Y/N)'s face appeared in his thoughts, smiling mischievously he continued: "the nurses have also been a great support, besides, what do you know about kids?" he reprimanded.
"What do you know about kids?" Kim curiously replied, raising one of his eyebrows.
"At least, for your information, I already know how to change a diaper," he proudly replied, then fell silent for a few seconds and changed his demeanor. "But seriously Doyoung, I appreciate your concern for me, but things have been like this, all that's left is to wait for the results to come in and everything will be determined. All I need is support, not for you to come and question me a thousand times when I don't even have the answer to half of them," he spoke as he got up from his seat and walked towards his friend, standing in front of him.
Doyoung looked at him with slight pity and lowered his gaze before giving him a few light taps on his shoulder and nodding slightly.
"I'm sorry, man. It's just that you worry me. In the last five days, I knew nothing about you because you weren't answering your calls and your secretary said you wouldn't receive visitors and that you had canceled all your meetings. I can't say I understand what you're going through, but it's a very drastic change and after hearing it, I don't want you to... I don't want you to be affected by the results. From what you're telling me and how you're saying it, Taeyong, you're very invested, and if those results are negative, I know you'll be devastated."
The brunette looked him straight in the eyes and avoided letting a few tears escape when he felt a lump in his throat. He clenched his fist on his friend's forearm, who was still leaning on his shoulder, and pressed his lips together. Why was he suddenly so vulnerable? How could he have changed in just less than a week?
"I know, Dodo... I don't want it either," he said in a low voice. "But that little one deserves something beautiful, and I'll make sure to give it to her, regardless of whether I'm her father or not."
"How would you do that?" his friend questioned.
"I don't know... I really don't know," he finished saying so that both fell into a deep silence right there, in the middle of the large office.
Taeyong was restless, (Y/N) had mentioned that the possible results would be in today, it was almost five in the afternoon, and he hadn't received a single call from the maternity care ward. Would he have to wait a few more days? He hoped not and trusted the nurse with charming eyes, if she had said that maybe he would receive the news today, then today he would receive it.
On the other hand, he felt good about sharing his situation with his best friend. Who has accompanied him during the most remote moments of his childhood until today, and knew that despite how tough or serious Doyoung could sometimes be... his friend only sought the best for Taeyong and no matter what happened, even if a baby suddenly appeared in their lives, he would always support him.
Even if he didn't show it as explicitly as other people.
But Taeyong knew him and he knew him like the back of his hand, and knew that behind those sarcastic sentences, there was a concerned and caring guy. He couldn't wait for him and the little one in the hospital to meet.
And then the sound of a phone inside the office broke the deep silence, Taeyong and Doyoung looked at each other as if they were thinking the same thing, and the latter nodded his head towards the older man's desk, who hurriedly ran towards it. Awkwardly, Taeyong picked up the phone and answered the call with a trembling voice.
"Mr. Lee? What a pleasure to find you! This is Mrs. Kwan, the social worker from the maternity ward," he could hear the voice on the other end of the line. Taeyong's eyes widened, and he nodded repeatedly, as if the other person could see him. Doyoung caught his friend's reaction and ran towards him, standing by his side and pressing his ear against the free side of the phone to listen. Taeyong looked at him strangely and lightly pushed him with his shoulder. His friend didn't take long to react and also pushed him lightly before nodding his head encouraging him to answer the call and putting his ear back on the phone's receiver with a curious expression on his face.
"Oh, Mrs. Kwan, what a pleasure to hear from you, what has happened?" he asked pretending not to understand the situation.
"Just don't tell Mrs. Kwan that I've told you this, she'll get me in trouble if you do," (Y/N)'s voice echoed in his head.
"I hope I'm not calling at an inconvenient time, but I wanted to let you know that the results have arrived at the clinic, and we require your presence to be able to read them," Taeyong's face lit up, and between him and Doyoung, they smiled, the latter once again gave him a little push on his shoulder for him to continue the conversation being held online.
"Oh yes... yes yes yes. Of course, I...," the words couldn't come out correctly from his mouth. "I'll come as soon as possible," he said after clearing his throat slightly. "Thank you for calling, Mrs. Kwan, see you in a few moments," he finished saying to end the call, where he stood still with the phone in his hands while Doyoung hopped around in his place.
"Hyung, the results are done," he said, patting him on the back, however, his friend didn't react. "Taeyong? Aren't we going?" he called him again without an immediate response.
Thousands of things and scenarios ran through Taeyong's mind. He was about to know the truth, one that could be completely satisfying or... completely catastrophic. Five days ago, the news of possibly being a father had hit him like a bucket of ice water, he questioned his entire existence, and fear had paralyzed him, yet, as the days went by and he saw that small face so peaceful and so tender when he arrived at the hospital, he had wished that it was all true, regardless of the weight it would have.
What if the results weren't compatible? He would then have to give up and say goodbye to the little person who had been lifting him with spirits every morning for the last five days. He would have to turn around as he watched the little one being taken somewhere waiting for someone to take care of her. How long did children wait before even a couple could adopt them? Months? Years? He couldn't let her go through that, he simply couldn't. He had to be the one to take responsibility, he was sure of that.
"Taeyong!" his friend's voice and a shake from him made him look into his eyes as he took a deep breath. Taeyong bit his lip and left the phone on the desk, straightened his suit, and slowly walked towards the exit.
"Let's go, Doyoung."
Both boys walked quickly through the hospital corridors, avoiding bumping into anyone along the way. Doyoung was like a confused puppy as he simply followed Taeyong from behind.
"Yong, where is the maternity ward?"
"To the right," the older replied, turning to one side and entering a room where they could see nurses walking back and forth. Taeyong abruptly stopped to search for the social worker with his eyes. He moved his head at different angles until he could finally spot her at the end of the room. He gave Doyoung a couple of pats on the chest and quickly walked towards her, with his friend once again following him. "Mrs. Kwan," he called out, causing her to turn around and give him a warm smile while holding a few papers in her hand.
"Mr. Lee! Thank you for responding to the call so quickly," she exclaimed enthusiastically. "The results arrived this morning, but we had to sort out some things here, so it was difficult to call you earlier," she commented.
Taeyong nodded and moved anxiously in his place. He tried to dry his hands on his pants, which were starting to sweat, and moved his leg impatiently, watching as Mrs. Kwan carefully read the documents in her hand.
"And... well?" Taeyong blurted out with curiosity.
"Oh yes, of course. After reading the results and evaluating other criteria, it remains to say that there is nothing..." she paused briefly to read, and this only caused Taeyong to stop breathing and clench his jaw, while Doyoung opened his eyes expectantly. "... nothing preventing you from taking the little one home," she continued. "The results showed the compatibility percentages we were looking for, and we are aware that you are in an economic position that allows you to provide for her primary needs. In addition, after the observations that both I and the hospital psychologist have been making regarding your individual behavior and with the baby, we believe that you have the ability to take care of the little one."
"So... so I... can... I mean, I'll be able to..."
"Yes, Mr. Lee, you can take her with you."
Taeyong felt the air return to his body and the tension dissipate in a snap. Had he heard correctly? He looked at the social worker, then at his friend, who was looking at him with a grin from ear to ear, and then he felt his eyes welling up and his heart fluttering. He threw himself at his friend, who hugged him in place, and Taeyong let out a small sob while feeling his friend's pats on his back.
"Doyoung..." he murmured.
"I know, Taeyong, I know," he replied without letting him finish. "You can go home with her."
The social worker cleared her throat slightly, causing Taeyong to separate from his friend and wipe away his few tears, then look at her.
"I am very pleased to give you this news, Mr. Lee. We were aware of the connection you had formed with the little one, and we are sure that she will receive nothing but love and a good life. We personally took care of expediting the document process, and all you have to do now is sign some papers so that you can finally take her home. The only thing we request after this is that you are in the conditions to do so, so... does your car have a baby seat?" she asked curiously.
Doyoung and Taeyong looked at each other and then left the place as if on cloud nine, leaving the social worker alone, perplexed and not understanding what had just happened.
"Oh, newbies," Mrs. Kwan sighed as she turned around to continue her duties.
In the baby products aisle, Taeyong and Doyoung were lost. Well, actually, it was Doyoung who was lost, after all, Taeyong had come before accompanied by his mother, so he could feel at least – a little – familiar with what was in front of him. So he cautiously looked at each of the baby seats on the shelves, with one hand on his hip and the other on his chin as he tried to figure out which one was the best.
"Doyoung, what are you doing?" asked the dark-haired one without turning to look at him, but feeling him move back and forth, while Doyoung was examining the baby diaper packages, holding three packages in his hands as best he could.
Which one would be better for his niece? Super absorbent or super comfortable?
He looked at each package again and murmured... the boy on the super absorbent diaper package looks very happy.
"Doyoung?" he requested his attention again, and when he came out of his deep concentration on diapers, the aforementioned one jumped in surprise and the packages fell from his hands, causing Taeyong to finally turn to look at him. "What the hell were you doing?"
"I was seeing which diapers I should buy for my niece," murmured Doyoung as he picked up the mess from the floor.
"You don't even know which ones she uses... wait... what?" asked Taeyong surprised as he turned to face him.
"My niece, Tae," replied Doyoung obviously. "Now... am I going to be the godfather? Because let me tell you that among Jaehyun, Johnny, or me, I think I'm the most suitable to be her godfather. Look, I'm the one accompanying you to buy diapers," Doyoung concluded, finally choosing the super absorbent ones.
"But we haven't even come for that," the older one said with a furrowed brow, then the younger one looked at him curiously and held his gaze firmly. "But, okay Dodo, you'll be the godfather, now, if it's not too much trouble, help me with this."
His friend did a slight dance of celebration in his place and as best as he could, he placed the package of diapers between his arm and his rib to hold it, and then helped Taeyong carry the baby seat box and began to walk towards the cashier.
"What are you carrying?"
Doyoung looked at him obviously and huffed.
"The first gift for my niece from me, so... can we go now?"
Back at the hospital, with the car in the parking lot and a baby seat perfectly placed in the back of it; Taeyong was finishing filling out a form with trembling hands, his friend impatiently tapping his leg, and once he filled out what was necessary, he thanked the social worker profusely, left the waiting room, and headed to the room that now felt so familiar to him, with his heart in his hand and a smile on his face.
And of course, with Doyoung behind him carrying his pack of diapers.
They stopped in front of the room door, and Taeyong closed his eyes for a few seconds, taking a deep breath and gathering the necessary strength because once that door opened... his life would change forever, and it would be for the better. He shook his hands in an attempt to dispel his nervousness and carefully took the handle, which he opened, finding (Y/N) on the other side holding a small diaper bag and with a smile that touched him even more.
"I heard about the results," the nurse said as she approached him and handed him the bag, still smiling. "Congratulations, Mr. Lee” she said sincerely, and Taeyong nodded, feeling his chest squeezed by the different emotions he felt at that precise moment. He believed he had never felt that way in his life. He watched as (Y/N) moved a bit and searched for something inside the pocket of her uniform, from which, delicately, she took out a piece of paper and discreetly handed it to him. "I shouldn't be doing this for many reasons, mainly because it's unprofessional on my part," she confessed, while Taeyong, confused, took the paper between his fingers and noticed a couple of numbers written on it next to a: nurse (Y/N). "But if you don't tell Mrs. Kwan, I won't get in trouble," she laughed lightly. "I hope you don't need it, but if you ever need help, I want you to know that you can contact me, I know all of this is new for you and her. She's an angel, I'd like to help you if you ever need it," (Y/N)'s cheeks blushed slightly, and Taeyong looked at her with tenderness, feeling fortunate to have surrounded himself with supportive people.
"I really appreciate it, it means a lot to me, for real," he smiled kindly. "And, (Y/N)? "he spoke to get her attention. "Don't call me 'Mr.Lee' yes, I'm a dad now, but I'm not much older than you, besides, you won't be the nurse anymore, formality isn't necessary," he explained.
(Y/N) chuckled softly and nodded enthusiastically, approached the crib of the little one to hold her in her arms and appreciate her once again. She caressed her delicate hair and looked at her fondly. She leaned in a little closer to her and whispered, "Good luck in your new life, beautiful. See you soon," she said goodbye lightly, she sighed and turned around to hand the little one over to her now – official – father, who took her in his arms, exchanging a couple of playful glances with the nurse and ended up looking at his daughter.
His daughter. It felt good to be able to say it.
He admired her as the little one let out small snores in her deep sleep. Doyoung watched everything from a considerable distance, with a lump in his throat as he proudly observed his best friend and hugged the pack of diapers to his chest seeking some warmth. Taeyong stroked his daughter's cheek with his index finger and bit his lower lip to prevent himself from crying right there. He carefully pressed his forehead to hers and closed his eyes, letting her scent reach his nostrils. From now on, would that be the aroma that filled his apartment?
"It's time to go home, Sun Hee," he whispered, and that's when he knew there would be nothing else he would rather be doing at that precise moment and place.
taglist is open, lemme know if you want to be tagged in the next part;) hope u like it.
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wzy3ka · 10 months
| Childhood best friend✧˖*°࿐Y.JW (양정원)
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Pairing✧.* Childhood best friend!Jungwon x fem reader
Word count✧.* -1.6k-
Contains✧.* kisses, fluff and a little bit of angst that’s all
context: No content just read and enjoy!
"Jungwon is coming as well?" You ask your mother while she washes the dishes and she nods, making you smile.
"He said he will if you're here." The way she says it makes you almost laugh. Jungwon has always hated friend reunions, but it seems he suddenly is a big fan of it if you're present.
You've been out of town for a while because of university, but now that it's summer vacation, you're back for one or two months.
"I actually miss him. It's been a while." You admit. You had a crush on Jungwon when you were young, but because you had gone out of town, you slowly forgot about it the more time you spent along with the new people you met there.
But deep down, he's always been there. You spent half of your life being his best friend, it's hard to just forget about him and the little crush that came back the moment you arrived in town.
"He misses you too. His grandmother said he still has the bracelet you gave him."
You gasp. "Wait, really?" The bracelet was one you made him two years ago. He promised he would never take it off but you thought that at some point he'll take it off and forget about it.
You also believed that by the time you came back, he would already have a girlfriend. It seems you were wrong.
"You haven't moved on, have you?"
Your mother's voice brings you back to reality and you blink at her, surprised. "I can tell you didn't."
You can't really hide anything from your mother, but you're afraid she'd be too excited and end up telling Jungwon's grandmother about it. His parents passed away when he was a child and ended up living with his grandmother, so the two of them are the closest.
"I don't think I have, but I don't want to ruin our friendship. So don't say a word."
"Don't try to silence your feelings, sweetheart."
You end up in silence while you prepare food for the event. Her words replay in the back of your mind but you tell yourself it's better if you don't talk about it.
Time passes and you're standing in front of the mirror, the short sage green satin dress hugging your figure. You don't feel that comfortable in it because of how much skin is exposed, but you're willing to try something different.
You've grown up. You're not the same little girl that used to play with Jungwon anymore. And neither is he the same boy.
His features are more defined now, his shoulders broader and jawline sharper. In other words, he's hotter and more attractive and he's just your type. Someone who looks like he'd break your heart but has a heart of gold.
The event takes place in your backyard and you set everything in place before your friends and family arrive.
"Y/N?" A foreign yet familiar voice calls and when you turn around, it's Jake. You widen your eyes when he approaches you with a big smile on his face. "It's you."
Jake was Jungwon's friend, and you got to know him through Jungwon. He spent most of the time in Seattle with his family and spent the summer vacation in town with you. He used to bring gifts and the three of you used to spend the night in empty playgrounds with you sitting on the swing and the boys protecting you like you're their princess.
It's a nice memory that makes your heart warm. You wrap your arms around his neck and he holds your waist, making you hold your breath. His hands are big and strong, making you feel small in comparison. But it's a comforting feeling, like you're being protected by someone you trust.
"I missed you." You mutter, his grip tightening gently around your waist.
His eyes crinkle in the corner when he smiles at you. "I missed you too. It's been a long while."
"Your father said you're the new CEO."
He nods. "Yeah, I took over the company a few months ago. It's a lot of work but I'm having fun."
"Look at you, all grown up and successful." You smile. It feels very nice to see one of your closest friends being successful and happy.
You're smiling while chatting with Jake, but when you spot him in the corner of your eye, you freeze. He's staring at you, his eyes filled with something you can't quite decipher.
You feel nervousness and excitement flutter in your stomach.
It's been a while since you've seen him, you're not quite sure how to act around him anymore.
He approaches you, his eyes going up and down as he checks you up and you see his Adam's apple bob.
Your heart races as he stops in front of you. His gaze is intense, making you feel exposed and vulnerable. You can't help but blush under his scrutiny.
He looks so good. He's grown taller and his features have become more chiseled, but there's still something about him that's familiar and comforting.
You can tell he's trying to find something to say, but he remains silent. His presence alone is enough to make you feel flustered, and you're not quite sure how to handle it.
You notice the tension between Jungwon and Jake and the way they don't look or talk to each other. Jake clears his throat. "Well, it's good to see you again. I'll catch up with the others."
And he leaves, leaving you standing there with Jungwon while you try to calm your racing heart down. "Hey." His voice makes your heartbeat skyrocket.
"Hi." You smile. "It's been a while."
"'Yeah, it has." He nods, his gaze never leaving you. "You look great."
"Thanks." You feel your cheeks heat up again. "You too."
"I..." He starts, running his fingers through his hair when you notice that he's not wearing the bracelet.
He took it off.
It makes your heart drop for some reason. You expected that he'd wear it to the reunion just for you, but he didn't.
"How have you been?" You ask, the bitter smile on your face too obvious.
"Good." He keeps eye contact and you hold your breath. But then he sighs. "Look, I'm so annoyed right now."
"What?" You frown. "Why?"
"I don't know. Maybe because I've missed you like hell and when I finally get to see you, you're hugging my best friend who likes you too and his hands are all over you?"
Your heart skips a beat at his words and only then do you realize why Jungwon and Jake are awkward.
They definitely talked about you.
"Why does it bother you if I'm hugging him or anyone else?" You scoff. "He's my friend."
Jungwon's eyes narrow at your words, and he takes a step closer to you. "He's not just your friend, and you know it. He's been into you since high school."
"Yeah, but who am I into?" You don't intend for your voice to come out that sharp. "Have you ever thought about it? You didn't even think of me when you took off the bracelet I spent hours making."
He just stares at you for a moment before he holds your wrist and pulls you with him, making his way out of the house. You realize he's bringing you to his car when he opens it and looks for something inside.
And when you see the bracelet you gave him hanging in the rearview mirror, you feel your heart skip a beat.
"I'm sorry," He says softly after he approaches you, holding out the bracelet to you. "I didn't mean to upset you. I haven't taken it off since you gave it to me but I lost it once and I'm afraid of losing it again so I put it here."
"Oh." Here comes the guilt.
"I don't want to lose it when it's the only thing I have left of you, apart from the memories that I can never forget, and the kiss that we shared though it was years ago." His voice is barely above a whisper.
You take the bracelet from him and look at it, ashamed of your outburst. "I'm sorry too," You say, feeling tears prick at the corners of your eyes.
"Hey, hey," Jungwon holds your chin and makes you look at him before he wipes the tears that are threatening to fall. "I'm sorry, sunshine."
The nickname makes you want to cry even more. "Why did you call me that?" You ask softly, looking up at him.
"Because you're still my sunshine. Always." He kisses your forehead and looks into your eyes. "This bracelet means everything to me, just like you mean everything to me. I missed you, a lot. And you have no idea how my blood was boiling when I saw you with him."
"Do you like me?" You ask, kinda knowing the answer. And he smiles.
"Yes, sunshine. Actually, I don't think it's just that." He chuckles.
"You're on my mind. All the time.
It's more like I love you. I was waiting for you to come back so I can confess and ask you out-"
"I thought I moved on," You look down, resting your head on his chest. "But I never did."
Jungwon holds you tighter, his hand caressing your hair as he chuckles.
"I'm glad you didn't. I never did either. I've always loved you, ever since we were kids. But I was too scared to tell you. And then you moved away and I thought I'd lost you forever."
"But you didn't," You say, feeling your heart beat faster when he leans in and presses his lips to yours. They're soft and warm against your lips and his hands hold your waist so gently that you feel so safe and loved.
"No, I didn't," He says against your lips. "And I'm not going to let you go again."
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mi-rae07 · 2 months
Kim Hongjoong : You And Her (Part 2/2)
Pairing : Kim Hongjoong (Ateez) and named character (Lee Hana)
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Hana stared at hongjoong whose head was now rested against her chest, his upper body covered by the blanket and his arm wrapped around hana's waist. His face was still red, his eyes puffy from all the crying. And yet he looked so beautiful to hana, she wondered whether he thought the same about her now.
Hongjoong : hana?
Hana : yes sweetheart?
Hongjoong : I love you.
Hana looked at hongjoong as he snuggled closer to her, his arms around her tightening as he mumbled in a sleepy voice
Hongjoong : I love you so much, as much as the sky. And as much as I love our daughter, if not even more. You're the most beautiful person on Earth for me, you always will be.
And just like that hongjoong fell asleep, tears in hana's eyes as she leaned forward and kissed hongjoong's forehead before whispering
Hana : I love you too.
Hongjoong woke up the next day, feeling numb and drained out. Last night's memories came crashing down on him as he recalled the way he had cried in hana's arms when it was his fault they fought in the first place, pathetic.
Hongjoong quickly got off the bed as he dressed up for work, hoping hana would be in hannie's nursery and wouldn't see him running out. But just as hongjoong walked down the stairs he saw hana playing around with hannie who seemed to be wide awake so early, small gurgles and giggles filling the living room. His two favorite girls, his entire world. And he couldn't even face them.
Hongjoong was about to sneak out when a voice interrupted him suddenly
Hana : you're awake so early?
Hongjoong pressed his lips together as he turned around to face hana, who picked up hannie before walking to him as she asked
Hana : don't you want breakfast?
Hongjoong : uh, no.
Hana : why? The maids have made good food-
Hongjoong : I'm not hungry, and I have work to do at the office. I'll…see you in the evening, bye.
Hongjoong quickly walked past hana and out the house as he shut the main door behind him, hana letting out a sigh as she booped hannie's nose before whispering
Hana : your father is just like you, so stubborn.
Hongjoong was in between a serious meeting when his phone rang, making the presenter pause on her meeting as hongjoong excused himself before stepping out the room and taking up the call in hurry
Hongjoong : I'm in an important meeting right now-
Hana : this is more important. My parents are coming, within an hour. I need you here.
Hongjoong blinked his eyes, looking back at the meeting room as he realized everyone else was waiting for their director making hongjoong sigh as he said
Hongjoong : can they not come, like…maybe 3 hours later?
Hana : hongjoong, you know how my parents are.
Hongjoong let out a breath, opening the door to the meeting room as he said
Hongjoong : 30 minutes.
Hongjoong cut the call as he sat back down on the director's chair, motioning towards the presenter before saying
Hongjoong : cut to the important part, please.
Hongjoong panted as he opened the main door hurriedly, pausing on his tracks as he saw sona and yejun already seated in the living room sofa, hana and hannie sitting opposite them. All of them were looking at him, hana having an angry expression on her face as hongjoong let out a breath, closing the door behind him as his mother-in-law said
Sona : back from the very important meeting, hongjoong-shi?
Hongjoong bowed at his in-laws before saying
Hongjoong : there was traffic, sorry mrs lee.
Sona : you do realize you hold that position of director only because you married my daughter, right? And you also realize you have this much power only because hana stepped down as CEO in order to look after hannie, right?
Hongjoong pressed his lips together, sona never forgot to mention that. How lowly ranked hongjoong was compared to her daughter, his wife.
Hana : eomma-
Hongjoong : yes, of course I do realize all that. This will not happen again, I am sorry.
Hana stared at hongjoong as he sat beside her, hannie making grabby hands at hongjoong as he smiled and brought his hands forward to hold her.
Yejun : don't touch her, you haven't washed your hands yet. She could contact diseases from you.
Hongjoong's smile dropped as he took his hands away, hannie having a confused expression on her face as hana said angrily
Hana : he is her father, appa, I'm sure he knows better than you.
Yejun : what did you just-
Hongjoong : no you're right, I was being careless. I'll make sure I wash my hands before touching her from now.
Hana let out a scoff as she looked away, hannie now playing with her hair instead as sona said
Sona : I see the child's gotten hana's features more, thank god for that. I even went to the temple to pray that she'd get the better genes, it has worked.
Hana : eomma!
Hongjoong smiled, not showing an ounce of any other expression on his face as he said
Hongjoong : I am glad hannie's gotten her mother's features and not mine as well. She is much more beautiful.
Hana looked at hongjoong with hurt eyes as he stood up and asked
Hongjoong : what would you like for dinner, then?
"I still don't get how boss is dating…him? And she's even made him the director now, I can't believe I've to take orders from someone like him"
"I heard they're fighting? Finally, she'll prolly get a divorce from him soon. I'm sure she's had enough of pretending now that she has an heir"
"Apparently he caused the death of his parents. He caused some trouble at school and his parents were called to the principal's office for expulsion. His dad was really angry, drove the car too recklessly and got into an accident. Let's hope he leaves before he causes something like that to the boss as well"
After having heard all of this at office today whatever hana's parents were telling him seemed to make no difference to hongjoong anymore. He heard things like this everyday, hana just had no idea about it. Hongjoong thought it would be better if she had no idea about it too.
His in-laws had left an hour ago and hongjoong had told hana he would put hannie to sleep tonight. She was finally asleep and hongjoong was trying to find hana, finding her at the balcony a few minutes later.
Hongjoong : hana?
Hana turned around at that, hongjoong giving her a small smile as he stepped into the balcony before asking in a low voice
Hongjoong : is it not cold?
Hana : are you cold?
Hana knew hongjoong hated the cold, and she could see his cheeks already growing red from the winter cold. But hongjoong shook his head with a smile, walking towards the railing as he said
Hongjoong : I uh, I wanted to ask you something.
Hana : go ahead.
Hongjoong : do you mind coming back to office again, being the director? I'll stay at home and take care of hannie, no?
Hana frowned, hongjoong had never said things like this before. He loved working, it was one of the things hana loved about him, how passionate he was about their company.
Hana : did someone say something to you?
Hongjoong : no of course not! It's just…I think you would do the work much better.
Hana : hongjoong, the company's stocks have gone up by 10 percent within the last month of you taking complete control over it's proceedings. And you think I do it better?
Hongjoong looked away, clenching his hand against the railing as he whispered, his voice desperate
Hongjoong : I don't…I don't want to do this anymore, please hana.
Something had happened, hana was sure of it. She could sense the despair in his eyes, it was droopy and did not dare look at her. Hana held hongjoong's hand as he flinched back, making hana pause. He never flinched away from her.
Hana : hongjoong? Something's wrong. What is it? Is it what my parents said?
Hongjoong bit his lip, looking at hana as he tried his best not to cry before saying in an unsteady voice
Hongjoong : no, no that's not it. Hana, there is nothing wrong. I just want you to go back, you are the rightful director of that company, it is your company-
Hana : our company. All that is mine is yours as well, hongjoong. I said that 3 years ago, didn't I?
Hongjoong : you said that back when I was a good husband to you, not anymore, right?
Hana : hongjoong.
Hongjoong : I don't want to go there anymore, I'll look after hannie and run the coffee shop again, full-time. Can I not do that?
Hana : hongjoong you used to love working at the company. What's changed, hmm? Do you not like the assistant? Or the executives? I can change them-
Hongjoong : why not just change me instead? It's the easier way hana.
Hana : hongjoong I love you, you are my husband why would I change you?
Hongjoong : you do not love me anymore.
Hana scoffed, staring at hongjoong who was now playing with his hands, something he did when he was nervous or sad.
Hana : is that what you think?
Hongjoong : it's…I-I just-
Hana : if I didn't love you anymore wouldn't I have just left you, hongjoong? You know I am capable enough to do that, so then why would I stay here still?
Hongjoong : I don't know.
Hana could now see hongjoong's lips trembling, her eyes softening she stepped closer to hongjoong before whispering
Hana : hongjoong-ah, won't you tell me what's wrong? Please?
Hongjoong shook his head, his hand clenched against his own as hana slowly took them in hers before saying
Hana : hongjoong, I love you. I love you still, I always will. Why would you think there would be a day on this planet where I wouldn't love you.
Hongjoong finally lifted his head to look at hana, his cheeks now damp with tears as he said in a broken voice
Hongjoong : everyone hates me there, hana. Not just there but ev-everywhere. Your parents hate me, the workers at the company hates me. I just wanted everyone to at least like me in the beginning, I wanted to know how it would feel like to have parents, even if they weren't my own blood. But I didn't get any of that. And even through all of that I lived because I thought I would have you, at least. I thought I'd get to be with you at the end of the day, in your arms. You would believe in me, you would love me, that was enough. But now…now I've lost that too, I've lost you too-
Hana cut hongjoong off as she engulfed him in a hug, hongjoong's face scrunching up as he whispered
Hongjoong : what if this is a dream too? What if-
Hongjoong cut himself off as hana pulled back, quickly shutting him up with a kiss as a lone tear fell past hongjoong's eyes. She pulled back a few seconds later, holding hongjoong's cheek as she said
Hana : this isn't a dream, and you haven't lost me hongjoong. Every couple on Earth has fights, everyone. That doesn't mean we just break it all off and go, okay? I still love you, even if the entire world doesn't I still love you.
Hongjoong : you shouldn't. I have failed you, hana, as a husband. I've been too busy being a father I forgot to take care of the woman that gave me the title of being a father in the first place. I just…I didn't mean anything I said. I think you're the most hard-working woman I've met, someone who's never let anything come between what you do best. Someone who's only ever protected her family. You're too good at this that sometimes…I sometimes think maybe you're too-too good for me.
Hana : don't say that.
Hongjoong : you've told me countless times that you loved me and I still can't get myself to understand why you could love someone like me. And now I've proven you right by being a bastard.
Hana : hongjoong, shut up. That is not true, I loved you because you were you, I married you because I wanted you to be the only person I loved, and I had a child with you because I want my daughter to have the best father in the world. You haven't failed anyone, not yet.
Hongjoong looked at hana, tears in his eyes as she smiled and wiped it away before whispering
Hana : we can try again, fresh and new. If the coffee shop is where you want to work now, then so be it. I will take care of those workers in the company. And if you want to go back to the company, then we can do that too. Whatever you want, I'll make that happen for you, hmm?
Hongjoong : what about you?
Hana : as long as I have you and hannie, my life is already complete.
Hongjoong sniffled, wrapping his arms around hana's waist as he pulled her close before whispering
Hongjoong : my life has been complete since the moment I saw you, lee hana.
Hana chuckled, kissing hongjoong's neck as she said
Hana : well, that too.
Hongjoong : I'm sorry for everything I said, hana, I really mean it.
Hana : I know love, it's okay.
Hongjoong breathed deeply, closing his eyes as he felt his wife's warmth around him once again. He had missed this, and now he was going to do anything to make sure she got everything in the world. Hana had taken care of him long enough, he couldn't be weak anymore.
Hana : uh by the way, joong, do you perhaps know the names of those workers who uttered a word against you?
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m-jelly · 2 years
Sweet inspiration - Chapter 7
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@kenkopanda-art <3
AO3 link
Pairing: CEO!Levi x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: romance, fluff, modern AU, fluff, falling in love, cute, tattooed reader, self-doubt, sweet, relationship development, angst, making up.
Concept: You and Levi have a chat and due to rumours being spread, Levi panics. You both have a serious talk about your relationship that ends in tears. You make up and push forwards in your relationship. You both make plans for the future.
Part1 Part 2 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part8 Part9 Part10 The end
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You noted down Dean’s coffee and snack order. “Got it, anything else?”
Dean shook his head. “That’s all for me. Thank you.” He shifted in his seat a little. “Are you sure I can’t buy this?”
You nodded. “I’ve got this, don’t worry. Levi pays me well and I wanna spend some money.”
You pulled on your coat and waved. “See you in a bit.”
Dean grabbed his scarf and hat. “Wait!”
You stopped in the doorway of his office meaning everyone could see. “What’s up?”
He wrapped his scarf around your neck and put the hat on your head. “Keep warm. It’s cold out there.”
You nodded. “Got it, thank you.”
He pulled back with a slight blush when he recognised the stares and people whispering. “I uh…be careful it’s icy out there.”
“I will.”
He smiled a little. “Great, see you soon.” He watched you walk to the lift. “Hm.”
Layla walked over to Dean and smiled. “You two are cute together.”
“You just click.”
He hummed. “Thanks, but she’s taken.”
Layla folded her arms. “Taken sums it up perfectly. Do you think she wants to be with our boss? Why do you think I was moved? It was so I would keep my mouth shut. He keeps her close for a reason. He gives her money and gifts so she turns a blind eye to his harsh ways. You’ve seen how he treats some people here.” She leaned closer. “All I’m going to say is, take a closer look at the bruises on her body when you see her again.”
Dean’s head flashed images of your bruised body, the bites and the exhaustion in your eyes. He frowned a little and felt a sinking feeling. “You think he’s really abusing her?”
“I was with him for years and he suddenly moves me away once he gets a girl that’s glued to his hip.”
Dean stared at Layla. “You…you have a point. Wait, don’t you have a crush on him?”
She laughed. “When did you ever see me flirt with him?” She knew she had him because she never showed her infatuation for Levi to others, people assumed she was very loyal to the job. In the long run, it worked well to avoid being obsessed with Levi in front of others. “I did my job, that’s it.”
Dean rubbed the back of his neck. “Why’s no one said anything?”
“Fear. You could lose your job if you do and Levi is a tough guy.” She walked past slowly. “He’s very strong.” She paused. “You’re best option is to keep her close and know she can escape him through you.”
Dean nodded. “I will try.”
You sang in the lift as you went up not knowing what Layla was plotting. You just wanted to go grab your boyfriend and drag him to the coffee shop. You skipped out of the lift towards Levi’s office. You shoved his door open and hung in a little. “Leviiiii.”
He flinched and looked up from his desk. His anger at someone interrupting him melted away when he saw you. He smiled and stood up. “Hello, my darling goddess. What can I do for you?”
You twirled inside. “Bear?”
He walked up to you and gripped your waist. “Bunny.” He kissed you. “Hello.”
You smiled. “I’m doing a coffee and lunch run for me and Dean.”
His eye twitched a little. “Right.”
You bit his bottom lip and pulled playfully. You giggled. “Wanna come with me? It’ll be a little date!”
Levi lifted you up and kissed you. “Of course, I’ll come with you.” He frowned a little as he looked at your hat and scarf. “What are these?”
“Oh, Dean let me borrow them as it’s cold outside.”
Levi pulled the hat off and scarf. “I have something better.” He put it on the side, grabbed a thick coat of his, and rested it over the arm of the chair. He helped you out of your coat and put you in his. “I will design you a coat.” He grabbed a scarf and hat and put them on you. “I want to keep you warm.”
You smiled. “Thanks! Oh, but what about Dean’s things.”
“We’ll hand them over to him when we get back.”
You stared at Levi as you slowly understood he was being jealous. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”
His cheeks burned bright red. “I’m not…I…fine I was.” He let out a long sigh. “Look, I love you a lot, and I get a bit silly.” He pouted and turned his head to the side. “I’m sorry.”
You hugged Levi. “It’s okay.” You flopped your arms in the big coat. “Let’s get some yummy coffee!”
Levi yanked on another coat and held your hand. “Come on then. I’ll buy.”
You shook your head. “I’ve already said I’m buying.”
He walked with you towards the lift and saw people whispering and staring, there was a coldness in the air towards him and people looked sad at you. He frowned and pulled you closer and stood in the lift. “You ever get the feeling people are staring at you?”
You frowned. “Well, yeah. I mean, I model for you and I am dating you.”
He hummed in thought. “I suppose. I just have a bad feeling.”
You kissed his cheek. “Not everything is bad as you think, my love.”
You walked out of the lift and walked down the road to the coffee place. You grabbed the snacks and ordered the drinks as Levi stood there with a dark look. You handed the money over to the cashier. “Thank you.” You turned to Levi and smiled at him. Your smile slowly faded as you stared at him. “What’s wrong?”
Levi clenched his jaw. “I think we should break up.”
You stared at Levi for a while. You hummed and looked at the people making your order. “So, about the fashion show, we’re going to in Italy. Do you know Italian?”
Levi was a little confused. “Uh, yes I do.”
“Really? That’s awesome, though I’m not surprised because you knew Greek.”
He said your name. “Did you hear what I said?”
You walked over to the counter and picked up your order. “Thank you.” You walked up to Levi. “Be a peach and help?”
He grabbed the drinks as you handled the food. He called your name again. “Did you hear me?”
You looked back at him. “Yeah, I heard you. You said you can speak Italian.”
He let out a long sigh and stood in the lift with you. “No, I meant about us breaking up.”
You hummed. “Oh, that part! Yeah, I heard you.”
You frowned. “You want me to respond?”
He nodded. “Of course. I’m thinking about breaking up.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“What do you mean I don’t mean it?”
You looked into his eyes. “I can see it in your eyes. You didn’t mean it.”
You let out a long sigh as you thought about what to say. “Look, bear, if you meant it then you wouldn’t be calling me bunny. If you meant it, you wouldn’t be so upset. You are panicking about people hating me, or that people think you’re a monster, or that you are mean to me, or that you’re possessive, or this and that.” You sighed. “Who gives a shit what others think. I love you and you love me, right?” You walked out of the lift and into Levi’s office. You put everything down on his coffee table. “Do you honestly, with all your heart, think we should break up?” You looked Levi in his eyes. “Do you really mean it? If you do, I will walk away right now. I will not come home and ask people to help me move out. I will only come to work to try on the underwear and I’ll give my reviews to someone else.”
He frowned. “We, won’t have any contact?”
You hugged yourself. “That’s right. I will cut ties as best as possible. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anymore before. If we were to break up, I wouldn’t be able to face you or be around you, I would have to keep away.” You let out a long sigh. “So, I ask again. Do you really care about what others are stupidly saying? Is it so important to you what others think of us as a couple? A man who flew to another fucking country to see a woman whom he claimed to be so beautiful. A man who fell for a woman who’d known for a week.” You walked closer. “A man who made a whole clothing line based on his girlfriend. Do you honestly want to give that away because people are whispering and staring?”
Levi welled up a little as he said your name. “I…”
You pulled off his coat and swapped it for your own. You put Dean’s scarf and hat back on and grabbed Dean’s food and drink. “I’ll come back later to see what you decide.” You walked up to him and kissed his cheek. “Bye Levi.” You walked out of his office and over to Jean. You placed the coffee and food down, along with Dean’s hat and scarf. “Jean? Could you take these to Dean for me? I’m heading home for a bit.”
Jean took it all. “Sure. I’ll head out now.”
You waited for him to leave before you started sobbing. You shook as your tears streamed down your cheeks. You felt your heart breaking and you couldn’t fix it. You felt your happiness was just slipping through your fingers. You loved Levi to death and there was a chance you were losing him. You said everything you needed to say, but it still hurt you badly.
You jumped at the door slamming open behind you. You turned to the door to see Levi with tears in his eyes. “Levi?”
Levi tackled you into a hug and clutched you tightly in his arms. “Don’t leave me. Don’t ever leave me!” He cried into the crook of your neck. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I just want to protect you. I’m confused and I’ve never been in love before. I just want to protect you so much. I love you.”
You hugged Levi back and started crying against his chest. “I don’t want to leave either. I love you so much. You’re my everything.”
Levi lifted you up and pulled you into his office. He slammed the door shut and locked it with one hand as he held you close with the other. He pulled you to the sofa as you both cried a little longer. Levi cradled you in the end and wiped the last of your tears away. He kissed you and sighed. “I’m sorry.”
You rubbed your tears and sniffed. “Don’t be sorry. You are trying to do what’s best for us both.” You laughed a little. “It was a stupid idea you had, but I don’t blame you for trying.”
He blushed bright red. “I just…I had an idea and it sucked, I know. God, it really fucking sucked. What the fuck was I thinking? I love you so much and you’re my everything. Hell, a week ago I got so jealous about Dean that we rough fucked.” He pressed his face against your boobs. “I was so possessive and rough. I’m sorry.”
“I wanted it and I liked it.”
He whined. “I know, but I still feel terrible.”
You played with Levi’s hair. “It’s okay.”
“I just love you so much. I’m confused and don’t know what to do.” He sniffed back tears. “There’s so much I want to give you and do for you, but I just fuck it all up.”
You hummed in thought. “How about we just focus on each other? We’ll not care about anyone else about ourselves and our love.”
He nodded. “Yes.”
“Oh, and our nice parents.”
You hummed a little laugh. “Maybe we should go home. We can have our lunch stuff first and then go.”
He lifted his head. “I don’t want to let you go.”
“I know, but I’m hungry and our drinks are getting cold.”
You leaned over and grabbed the drinks. “Here you go.”
Levi took his drink and sipped. “It’s only a bit warm.”
“Well, we were being very dramatic together, so it’s our fault.” You laughed and rubbed your eyes and sniffed a little. “I’m tired.”
“Can I ask you something?”
You nodded. “Yeah.”
He sipped his tea. “How come you were so calm?”
You blushed. “Huh?”
He sighed. “Well, you seemed so at ease and relaxed when I suggested breaking up. You didn’t cry until you left me.”
You nibbled your lip. “Well, I’m so used to things not going my way and losing everything, so I don’t want to fight and lose over and over all the time. I get mentally tired of it. I also didn’t want you to make your mind up because you saw me crying. If you saw me crying, you probably would be nicer to me and just say we’ll stay together just because I’m crying.”
“So, you wanted to cry?”
You laughed and let tears fall. “Yes. I love you so much and you are the only man who has ever made me feel lovable, sexy, fun, smart and just wonderful. You make me feel so good about myself and you don’t ever ask me to change. You love me for me. I was terrified of losing that and I am scared of losing you, but at the same time I want you to be happy.” You looked Levi in the eyes. “Your happiness means more to me than anything in this world. If your happiness is not with me, then I’ll help you get away from me.”
He placed his hand on the inside of your thigh. “My happiness is you.”
You smiled. “Why did you think breaking up was a good idea? Was it because you thought it’d save me?”
He pulled a face in thought. “Yeah, you’re right. I’m famous in a sense and being with me means people will see you more and judge a lot. I hate people thinking horrible things about you.” He frowned a little. “It’s also a possibility that people are saying terrible things about me that I’m cruel and abusive. I don’t want people to bother you and try and play the hero. I just have this terrible feeling.”
You picked up the food bag and gave Levi his treat. “Well, we’ll ignore everyone. I am almost done with Dean. I’m finalising the outfit with him soon and then it’ll be made.”
Levi smiled. “You’re so sweet.”
You kissed the end of Levi’s nose. “Are you okay with me going to see Dean? I just want to approve the work.”
“Of course. I’ll be right here.”
You kissed him and jumped off his lap. “I’ll be back, I promise.”
He smiled sadly. “Okay.”
“I promise. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
You slipped out of his office and went to the lift. You road it to Dean’s floor and leaned into his office as he worked. “Dean?”
Dean looked over at you with wide eyes. He shot to his feet and said your name. “Are you okay!? What happened?”
You walked in and sat down. “Levi and I had an emotional moment.”
He walked up to you. “Did he hurt you!?”
You shook your head. “No.”
“You can talk to me.”
You laughed. “Dean, he would never lay a harmful finger on me. He loves me and I love him.”
“Are you sure?”
You nodded. “Yeah.”
He pointed at your neck. “But those bruises.”
You blushed. “Love bites. I really like getting them and I like playful bites, it’s a kink of mine.” You leaned back in your chair. “Why, has someone said something?”
He nodded. “I won’t lie to you. Someone suggested that Levi is too possessive and is a little abusive.”
You laughed a bit. “I mean, he is possessive but he’s not abusive. He protects me a lot. I would say he’s like a worshipper of me.”
You nodded and hummed in agreement. “He adores me so much. It’s very sweet.” You shrugged. “I guess people could interpret his actions as possessive, but I don’t feel in any danger. I don’t need saving. He is my world and I love being with him.”
Dean stared at you and weighed your words. He dropped into his chair and sat back. “Okay.” He smiled. “Okay. If you say you are safe and happy, then I will support you.”
“Thank you.”
He smiled at you. “I’m glad you’re okay. So, did you and Levi fight?”
You shook your head as your heart stung. “No, it wasn’t a fight. He suggested we break up.”
Dean rolled his chair closer and held your hands. “I’m so sorry.”
You held Dean’s hands. “We’re not, but it was close. He cares so much about me that he thought breaking up would mean I would be left alone by others. He wants nothing for the best for me, but being apart from him would upset and break me.” You welled up. “Sorry.” You rubbed your tears away and laughed. “I’m getting so emotional again. Uh, we talked and agreed we want to be together. It was one of those situations where two people want to be together, but they want to protect the other because they love each other so much.”
Dean chuckled. “I understand. You’re two people who love strongly. You both go all in.”
You nodded. “Exactly.”
“Selfless too.” He chuckled. “You’re both a right sweet pair.”
You blushed a little. “I guess so.” You gasped. “Oh! I came here to review the outfit and approve.”
He showed you the outfit. “What do you think?”
You clapped your hands. “I love it! I just need to make it.”
He raised a brow. “Do you know how to sew?”
“I do, but not whole outfits but basic things.”
He smiled. “You really want to make this for him?”
Dean hummed. “Alright. I will make some instructions and send you the materials. I’m guessing you’ll be borrowing Levi’s office at home.”
“Well, I wish you all the best with it. If you need any help at all, give me a call.”
“I will.” You stood up and opened your arms. “Hug?”
He shot up and hugged you, your body was engulfed by his own. “Good luck.”
You walked out his door and waved. “See you soon!”
You hurried into the lift and pulled your phone out to see a text from Dean about the outfit and confirming things slowly. You smiled and thanked him. You couldn’t wait to make Levi’s outfit. You were going to work your ass off and didn’t care how long it was going to take you. You wanted his outfit to look nice.
You put your phone away and smiled as the lift doors opened and Levi stood there. “Levi.”
Levi blushed hard. “I ah…I…I wasn’t waiting for you in front of the lift…”
You jumped into his arms. “You are adorable!”
He squeezed you. “I missed you.”
“Missed you too.”
He carried you to his office. “Did you do what you needed to do?”
You nodded as you looked down at Levi. “I did.”
You covered his face in kisses. “Can we go home?”
He nodded and put you down. “Yes, let me just finish up and we’ll go.”
You bounced around his office as he worked. Levi finished up and you both travelled home. You both got into your more comfy clothes and did your own things to settle down. You wrapped up in a blanket after a while. You shuffled around the penthouse and eventually moved into Levi’s office as he worked a bit.
Levi smiled softly as he felt your stare. He looked over at you. “Hello, my cuddly bunny.”
You shuffled over to him. “You still working?”
He nodded. “I’m just finishing some emails.” He reached over and grabbed your bum. “What about you?”
You hummed. “I got cold, so I wrapped up in a blanket.”
He turned his chair, parted his legs and pulled you close. “You look adorable.”
You smiled at him. “So, I’m making your clothes.”
Levi massaged your hips. “Really?” He lit up in delight. “You’re really making it for me?”
You nodded and blushed. “But.”
You pulled the blanket around and hid your face. “I might not be the best, so umm…”
Levi hummed a laugh. “You know, we could work together.” Levi laughed as you whined and dropped to your knees before flopping onto your side. “Look at you, you little cutie.”
You curled up. “I am a blushing burrito.”
Levi got off his chair and crawled over. He lay on his side and propped up his head. “May I see this blushing burrito?”
He reached over and pulled the blanket open a little to see your face. “Look at how cute you are.”
You pouted at him. “I’m not cute. I’m deadly. You touch me, I bite.”
He shuffled closer to you. “That so.”
“No touch. Hands stay away.”
He smiled. “No hands?”
“No hands.”
He purred and kissed you. “You didn’t say no to lips.”
You blushed. “You’re sly.”
“I am.” He moved right up to you. “Would this burrito let this meat in?”
You hummed in thought. “I dunno if sausages are allowed. Is it tamed?”
He blushed a little and nodded. “Yes.”
You opened your blanket up. “Come.”
Levi moved and hugged you tightly. He sighed in contentment at being warm and against your body. He inhaled deeply. “You smell good.”
You nuzzled the crook of his neck. “So do you.”
“Thank you.” He played with your hair as he lay with you. “I’m sorry about how emotional today has been.”
“It’s okay. I think it all needed to be said.”
He sighed. “I guess you’re right. It’s better to get everything out in the open sooner rather than later.”
You shuffled back a little so you could look him in the eyes. “I’m glad we had the talk.”
“I guess I am too.” He smiled a little. “Everything has been aired out and I think it’s all good between us.”
You nibbled your lip. “Well, there is one thing.”
“What is it?”
You blushed. “Kids.”
Levi blushed as well. “Kids?”
You nodded and avoided Levi’s gaze. “Do you want children?”
He gripped your waist. “I’ll be honest. I am worried about having kids because I didn’t have a father figure in my life, so I don’t know how to be a dad, but then again no one knows how to be a parent.” He let out a long sigh. “Everyone is always learning and my mother was so alone with me and she had to learn and change all the time.”
You smiled a little. “She sounds amazing.”
“She is.” He smiled. “This isn’t about her, it’s about us and kids. Look, I am worried and a little scared. However, I know that if I’m with you, anything is possible.” He chuckled as he felt love in his heart. “I know we’ll make great babies together. Our children will be so beautiful and cute. Our little babies will be so well behaved, loving and kind.” He laughed with you. “They’ll be wonderful. So, do you want kids?”
You blushed hard and nodded. “I would like them, yes.”
He leaned close to your lips. “Do you want them with me?”
You kissed him softly. “Yes. Oh, but not yet. Le-let’s be a couple for a while.”
Levi chuckled. “Of course, but if we get a surprise baby?”
“I’d love them.”
“Me too.” He kissed you. “Just putting it out there because you know what we’re like.”
You laughed. “Yes, you’re right.” You sat up and hummed. “So, you’re helping me with your outfit then?”
You pouted at him in thought. “Italy soon.”
Levi lay on his back and sighed. “Three days.”
You crawled over and straddled him. “Thank you for making me a dress.”
Levi smiled. “You’re welcome.”
You leaned over him and hid you both with a blanket. You played with his hair and kissed him. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“I really love you.”
Levi grabbed you and rolled over onto you. He pressed his pelvis against yours and moaned. “I love you deeply.” He covered your face in soft and slow kisses. He moved his hips against yours. “How are you feeling, my love?”
You blushed a little as you thought about Levi making love to you. “I’m feeling good.”
“Not too tired?”
You held his shirt and pulled him close. “Not at all. So, make love to me.”
He smiled against your lips. “Happily. It’ll be slow, sensual and long. So, be prepared to be in here for a while.”
“I’m ready.”
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 1 year
Things got complicated
ha ha! i got this done earlier than i thought so, point for nattie! but anyways, here is the next update of the hytesdoll office au for you all!
Three weeks. It’s been three weeks of this back and forth and Brooke could feel her mind start to go insane. Weeks of little comments in meetings, gentle brushes when they pass each other in the hall, small smiles that she wants only her to see. It was driving her crazy. How could she do this? With a collaborator, no less. Brooke sighed and rubbed her temple, laptop open with a mountain of emails waiting to be answered. 
“Brooke Lynn!” A loud voice says, barging into her office. Brooke sighed and rubbed her eyes. 
“Go away, Vanessa.”
“First of all, rude. Second, I have those prints you need to submit by tonight. You’re welcome.” The brunette said, hand on her hip as she dropped the file onto Brooke's desk with a loud smack. Brooke sat up, at attention and reaching forward for the manila folder but a hand slams down on it before her fingertips can make contact. 
“Oh hell no. You are gonna spill what the hell’s been goin on with you before you get your grubby hands on these.” She picked up the folder and held it in her hand, sitting in the seat across from the desk and crossing one leg over the other. “Now start talkin.”
 Brooke groaned and leaned back into her chair. “It’s nothing, V. Can I please just have the prints?”
“Nope.” She said, relaxing back into the chair with a satisfied grin. 
“Vanessa, I don’t have time for this.”
“You don’t got a meeting till 2 with them Frenchies or whateva. You got plenty of time to explain why the hell you’ve been actin like someone shoved a fucking tree up your-”
“Okay!” Brooke held her hand up. “I get the idea. I’ve been an ass.”
“Yeah, a fat one.” Vanessa scoffed. Her eyes softened as she looked at the blonde, her nails drumming against the wooden desk. “Brooke, come on. You can tell me what’s goin on with you.” She sighed and looked at the ground for a moment.
“It’s the company we’re working with.”
“They causing problems?” She asked, suddenly intrigued. She leaned in more with a curious glint in her eyes. “Cause you know we can get Kameron on it real quick.”
“It’s not the actual company.” Brooke tried to explain, exhaling through her nose and grabbing a red pen off her desk, twirling it between her fingers. “It’s the company's head that’s causing some… tension.”
Vanessa furrowed her brows. “What, that Doll girl?” Brooke nodded, her grip tightening slightly at the mention of her name as tension ran through her body. “I think she’s pretty cool.”
“She’s a child trying to be a CEO.” Brooke said sharply, her fist wrapped around the pen. Vanessa made a face, tilting her head and her eyes glancing between the fist and Brooke’s set jaw.
“So? You were like that when we first started this agency.”
“I wasn’t entitled. She walks into any room and thinks everyone should bow at her damn feet. Who does she think she is?” Brooke was out of her chair now, pacing as she spoke and lost in the sea of thoughts she’s kept inside for the past weeks. Vanessa just nods along and lets Brooke rant, absentmindedly looking through the photos in the folder.
“Did you hear her at the last meeting? She completely uprooted the shoot we had planned for months just because it interfered with a lunch she had. Can you believe that?”
“Mhm yeah, how rude.” Her fingers pull out one photo and she whistled at the picture. “Damn she knows how to model.” She said under her breath and looked up at the blonde. If there could be steam coming out of her ears, there would be considering how deep her scowl was and how cold her stare was, freezing the carpet if she was able to. “Ya know, if you dislike her so much then why did you order an entire photo shoot of her?”
That’s what gets her to stop weathering her heels into the carpet. “What?” Surprise evident in her voice as she stared at Vanessa. 
“Girl, look at these. They’re all of her.” She held up the folder to Brooke. She snatched up the folder, thumbing through the pictures with her eyes scanning over the photos. All of the pictures, every single one was a photo of Nicky in a variety of garments revealing more and more of her skin. She closed her eyes and inhaled hard, her anger boiling inside her. 
“From that response, I have a feeling this isn’t what you needed?”
“No. Not at all.” She grit out, closing the folder shut and putting it on her desk. She breathed in deeply and closed her eyes, thumb and forefinger pinching the bridge of her nose. She exhaled and opened her eyes, a hard stare in her eyes as she mumbled something and grabbed the file again, heading for the door.
“B! Where the hell you goin?” Vanessa asked, sitting up in her chair and watching her friend.
“To go talk with Miss Doll.” She said before storming down the hall, a fire in her eyes that Vanessa knew wasn’t any good.
Nicky was at her desk, humming to herself as she crossed items off of her list when her door was pulled open harshly. She looked over with an annoyed expression on her face. “Excuse me, have you never heard of knocking?”
“What is this?” Brooke asked, dropping the folder on Nicky’s desk. Pictures spilled out, all of Nicky in what probably was the finest garments Brooke has seen in months with sultry smirks and smiles on her lips as she stared into the camera. The French woman looked down at her desk and chuckled at the photos, evening pressing her lips together to keep from smiling. Brooke could feel her blood pressure rise. She had the audacity to laugh at this? She looked up at Brooke with that same smile she would give her whenever they caught each other's eye during meetings.
“So you got my little gift I see.” Her voice was playful and Brooke set her jaw hard, teeth grinding against one another.
“I have been waiting for your submissions for four days for this edition and you think it’s appropriate to send this in?” She has to contain her rage and let the annoyance take over her voice. Nicky’s lightness shifted in her eyes, staring at Brooke the same way she did when processing information. Silence filled the room as they stayed where they were, both not saying anything. “Well?” She expected, no, demanded an answer for this behavior. Nicky smirked and chuckled to herself and Brooke had to restrain herself from lashing out. “You think this is funny?”
“I must say, I’m surprised it took you so long to come down here, mon ami.” She smiled, getting up from her seat and stepping in front of her desk gracefully and methodically, as if wanting Brooke’s eyes to travel up her toned legs and up to her short pencil skirt. Brooke swallowed and kept her stance steady, tall and proud like an unmovable pillar from the ancient Greeks. “And if I remember correctly, you also sent me some interesting materials, Madame Hytes.” Brooke hated the way her name rolled off her tongue so easily, her accent adding something that made her stomach twist and her chest burn with a fire that she couldn’t explain. The smirk in her voice tainted her just as much as the one across her red lips. 
“Those were specific to the necessary editorial cover, something you would have known if someone didn’t need to hold your damn hand every five minutes.”
“No but that one of you half naked was absolutely necessary for the campaign and just had to be on my desk.” Nicky arched a perfect brow upwards, now sitting on the front of her desk, ankles crossed and her hands holding onto the edge of the artisan carved desk. She was so calm, eyes glinting and taking in every bit of Brooke's tense stance and anger barely holding back. She wanted to cut that smug grin off her face, she wanted to bring this entitled woman down to her station, to show her what a true leader is like. The carpet between them was more of an ocean, dividing their stances clearly and making it nearly impossible to see the others side. Her steps were confident as she crossed the distance, her back straight and her head high as her eyes looked down at the blonde. 
The silence was thick in the room; palpable and ever present as they stared into each other. The clock ticked ever so slowly as their breaths filled the space between the robotic clicks. Brookes hand came down onto the desk, gripping it tightly and barely a millimeter away from touching Nicky’s skin. She could see a shift in the younger girl, her confidence wavering for a second as her lips twitched. Something flashed in her gray blue eyes Brooke didn’t care to pinpoint, her own blue eyes storming and ready to strike, too focused like a predator. Her heart was pounding in her ears, setting her pace for how hot and visceral this feeling was inside her. Her eyes stayed trained on Nicky with ice-like precision as Nicky’s eyes seemed to wander and drift around Brooke’s face, searching for something as her brows slowly relaxed and shifted into something more gently, vulnerable almost. 
“My apologies, Madame Hytes.” She said, her voice thick before finding its usual steady tone. “I did not intend to cause such a disturbance to you.”
Brooke retracted her hand from the desk, brushing off her suit before nodding. “You have a lot of growing up to do if you want to survive in this world, Miss Doll.” She looked at Nicky one final time before walking out of her office, a satisfied smile on her face. 
Vanessa listened to Brooke's rant when she came back to her office. “So now you finally feeling better?”
“Much.” Brooke sighed in relief, leaning back into her chair. “It was a long time coming if you ask me. But hopefully now it’s in the past and we can continue into our next projects
Vanessa made a humming noise and raised a brow and Brooke looked over at her. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I don’t know but I think she wasn’t trying to get you off your game with all those pictures and whatever.”
She looked at her confused. “What other reason would she send me those pictures?”
“Are you being for real right now?”
“Yes, why would she send me those?”
Vanessa sighed and snickered to herself, hand over her mouth. She started to giggle harder at the sight of Brooke's confused pout. 
“V, just tell me already.”
“Brooke, use your damn head. Why would a girl send pictures to someone else, especially those ones.”
Brooke thought for a moment as Vanessa had to force herself not to laugh, pressing her lips together tightly to keep from any sound coming out. She ran through the list of possible reasons in her head but still found nothing. What could it be? She wasn’t looking for comments or help, she certainly didn’t need any with how captivated she was after she opened every folder to a photo of her in dresses, pantsuits, bodysuits and even lingerie. Her eyes widened as it finally hit her.
“Oh my god.”
“Mhm, now you finally seeing it?” Vanessa said, a smug smile on her face as she watched what looked like a full system shut down of Brooke's brain. 
“There’s no way.”
“I think there is, Brookie B.” She got up from her chair and walked over to her desk, her voice light and singsong. “Little miss Frenchie likes you. But the real question is, do you like her?” She leaned against the blonde, nudging her shoulder. 
She was speechless, utterly speechless. Her mind couldn’t wrap around the fact that Nicky Doll, her collaborator and colleague liked her. 
“Well,” Vanessa clapped her shoulder. “I’ll leave you. Seems like you got some things to figure out.” She walked out of the room, still chuckling to herself and her voice echoing in the office and in Brooke’s mind. 
There’s absolutely no way she could ever like Nicky. No way in hell that would happen. She brought a hand to her head and looked down at her desk. Could she? No, absolutely not… but maybe there could be. She shook her head and sighed. As she stared she noticed a sticky note in the folder from hours ago. How she didn’t notice the hot pink paper was another thing but her hands went for it, holding it between her thumb and forefinger as she read the message. 
Hope you enjoy these, Ma belle. 
There was a little heart at the end and Brooke couldn’t fight the small smile gracing her lips. She put down the sticky note and the smile lingered before Brooke blinked and groaned again, running her hand through her hair. She sighed and looked at her calendar.
“Fuck.” She had completely forgotten the holiday party at the office, the holiday party that was tomorrow with everyone invited to attend, everyone including Nicky Doll. Nicky Doll, her collaborator, her colleague and the girl she just happened to like.
“Fuck things just got complicated.”
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frizzle-tales · 1 year
“Ah!” Jiyeon flinched at the man’s sudden shout, before she was yanked off the piano. The slam of the piano cover caused her to flinch once more, but before she could attempt to apologize, she was tossed towards the stairs, and she decided to not stick around any longer and she scrambled up the stairs, right to Taehyung’s room, and she closed the door behind her.
She didn’t understand. How could he get this angry over her curiosity taking over and her innocently playing some music? But maybe he was right, perhaps she did develop some cockiness and carelessness— thinking she could indeed do whatever she wanted in his home.
Knowing better than to roam around once again, Jiyeon sat on her bed, wrapping the blanket around her body as she stared right ahead. Jiyeon wasn’t sure what Taehyung expected of her now, should she sit here and wait? Should she make the first step and apologize? Sighing, she decided to lay down instead.
Hours went by and Taehyung still didn’t make a move and Jiyeon figured that she had to sit out her punishment in his bedroom, and it took a couple more hours until she fell asleep out of exhaustion.
But she couldn’t take a break as her dreams brought her to a reality she didn’t want to consider; Taehyung falling for his secretary, and in turn, growing bored of Jiyeon.
In her dream, Taehyung announced that there was no use for her any longer now that Sohee was in the picture, and he tossed her into the basement, leaving her to starve and die.
But fortunately, Jiyeon was rippped away from her nightmare and she suddenly stood on her feet, confusion on her face as she tried to make sense of what was happening, but Taehyung was already leading her outside of the room, towards the stairs and then past the piano, which reminded her of what had happened hours ago.
“Taehyung…” Her voice cracked, then she held onto his arm. “Please… wait.” She requested, rubbing her face with her free hand as she tried to wake up some more. “Earlier… I’m sorry for earlier.” She apologized. “That piano… It looks like it was well loved, and it must mean a lot to you, and I shouldn’t have touched it, not without your permission, and I’m sorry.” Jiyeon spoke up, and after Taehyung’s response, she continued to follow him to the dining room.
She sat at the table, noticing how dinner was served and that it was much earlier than she thought it was but she did notice that the meal looked different, and it didn’t take long for her to realize what had happened. “Dinner must’ve burned… I should’ve told you that I left it on the stove, it’s my fault.” Jiyeon blamed herself as she picked up the spoon, glancing down at her plate, waiting for Taehyung to start or tell her it was fine to eat.
“Do you… have to go to work tomorrow again?” Jiyeon questioned, deciding to take a sip of the beverage first. Her next question was about to be how she could tag along once again if he’d like, but Jiyeon knew that now was probably not the best time to ask. “It was… nice to see where you work. My grandparents would be so excited if they knew I knew the CEO of their favorite airlines…” The thought of them made Jiyeon feel sad, so she decided to change the subject. “It must be an intense job.”
— 🎙️
“Yes?” Taehyung hummed in response to his name coming from the young woman’s lips like a sweet melody. His footsteps towards the kitchen pausing as she tugged on his arm. He turned around the face the girl, watching the way she tried to wake herself up more.
It was.. cute. The dopey strains to her voice. Her delicate touch. Soft eyes. It made his heart pound harder with an emotion he’d never felt for someone before. At least, never like this.
Taehyung took a step closer, his free hand reaching up to tuck some hair behind Jiyeon’s ear. “What a good girl.” His fingers then slid under her chin, tilting her head up to look at him as he leaned in, simply ghosting his lips across hers. “All is forgiven. You’ve learned your lesson; you’ll always remember to ask permission before doing anything again, isn’t that right, sweetheart?” He patiently waited for her obedient response before nudging her forward. “Come.”
The two finally made it to the kitchen where dinner was already portioned and dished out. Along with drinks set up at the side.
He wasn’t one for apologies — not the he necessarily thought she deserved one either way — but preparing their dinner was a simple something he could do for starving her for so many hours.
“It’s fine as long as you don’t let it happen again.” He simply responded to her blame, beginning to chip away at his own food. It was nothing special, not the best he’s ever done. But it satisfied enough for a 3 a.m. dinner. “Mhm.” Taehyung continued to answer her question.
As much as he couldn’t wait for the weekend; just he and Jiyeon together. No distractions. No work. There was still one day left to go.
Although he tried to keep his annoyance in check, the young woman just wouldn’t start eating. She kept rambling on about his job, not even making an attempt to try the supper he prepared for them.
“Enough talking and eat.” He scolded, pointing his spoon in the direction of her bowl. His eyes fixated on her face, only pulling away after she swallowed a couple bites. Now — what was it she said again? “Is that so.” He finally responded. “I wonder how they’d feel knowing you were with the CEO of their favourite airline.”
After dinner, Taehyung stopped Jiyeon from collecting the dirty dishes, guiding her away from the table and towards the back door. Something he learned during his brief moment of post-secondary education: never go to sleep straight after eating. “Come with me.” Not giving her a choice in the matter, the man led her outside, and after a short stroll through his property, the two wound up at a greenhouse stashed away.
The entire building was made of glass: the walls, the ceilings, even the doors. The floor was a mix of cobblestones, only being separated by a pond in the middle of the garden oasis. Above them, crystal clear through the transparent ceiling, stars danced in the dark sky.
Solar powered lights turned on as the couple walked past them, illuminating their steps just enough. “Tell me..” Taehyung sparked a conversation, his mind drifting back to just a little bit earlier. When he found Jiyeon asleep in her bed. The way her eyebrows were furrowed, the barely audible noises that escaped her lips. “Earlier, what we’re you dreaming about, Jiyeonnie?”
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loveandthings11 · 2 years
How Deep My Love Goes, Chapter 4
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Read on AO3 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Welcome Back
He kisses her cheek, turning to go for his first day in the role he’s been waiting for his whole life. He’s never been so conflicted between dying to be in the office and never wanting to leave the apartment again. She’s not letting go of his hand and he turns back and looks at her. 
He forgot what it’s like to feel needed and how much he loves it. In college, they would tell each other how many hours it would be before they’d see each other next. 
“Good luck today. Call me and tell me how it goes!” She’s putting on cheer and wants him to feel good about going, but she’d rather keep him here, where there are soft pillows and softer kisses, where no one can make him feel like less than he is.
“I will,” he says. As if he ever stopped calling her at work. He keeps his hand in hers for a second before turning around and pressing the elevator button and stepping inside.
“Hey,” she says.
He’s never going to be able to leave. He smiles and steps back out.
“You’re CEO today.” 
He shrugs. 
“I mean, not really.”
She tilts her head, a mixture of disbelief and a coy smile.
“But… kind of. You are.”
He lets himself enjoy it for a moment.
“Kind of.”
“So. How many hours?” She asks in the type of cute, shy voice she used on him when she was 22.
She loves when she can see the love in his eyes. He counts in his head.
“Uh, ten?”
She tries to put on her Patient Wife persona but Impatient College Girl is insistent. 
“Ten. Ummmm, okay.”
He’s never been happier to see her pretend something is fine. She gives him an irresistibly adorable look and he considers everything that awaits him when he gets home.
“I’ll try for nine hours. So- so, 7:00.”
She smiles. He missed making her smile. He feels himself relax a little at the thought that she wants him to be there so much and wonders what made her change her mind about them so quickly.
“Okay,” she concedes. “Go before I start really thinking about you being in charge… bossing everyone around.”
He pauses.  She’s into this. 
“You could text me, you know, if you, uh, want to share your thoughts.” He knows it might be a hard day and he’s already hoping for the rare bit of reassurance.
She laughs softly and looks away, suddenly bashful at the idea of recording the words. He’s usually the one who talks like that.
“Um, are you going to tell me what to do when you text me back? Because, you know, I don’t really know how to do that…”
“Right. You’re so innocent.”
She shrugs and gives him an angelic look. He’s staring.
“Okay. That’s really not fair. I have to go to work.” She giggles. He’s so easy.
“So, I should stay over here while you leave then, right?”
He lets his head fall back.
“Jesus, no. Come here.”
She takes a couple of steps toward him and he kisses her like he won’t see her for months, gentle and intense with his hands in her hair. She feels like no time has passed since he did this for the first time and it made her fall in love.
He keeps both hands on her face and looks into her eyes.
“I love you,” he says easily, like he never stopped telling her.  “And I’ll see you at 7:00.”
He exerts a physical effort to get in the elevator.
“Love you! Byyyee,” she says cheerily.
He shakes his head and smiles.
The elevator shuts and he runs his hands over his face to see if it’s real.
She’s just opened a bottle of wine when he gets home and is watching the sunset from the kitchen. She hears him walk in and turns to meet him.
“You’re home!”
He’s pumped up with energy and so ready to show off. He revels in finally getting to hear her say those words as he walks over and gives her an extra-confident sexy kiss. She feels her heart flutter.
“Yeah, and what time is it?” He raises his eyebrows and she looks at his watch.
“6:57. Wow.” She laughs softly.
“That’s right.”
“So, it sounds like things got better today!” He’d tried to sound confident on the phone, but she could tell he was dealing with disaster.
“Oh, they got better. I saved the fucking company today. Dad doesn’t even know, but he was seriously letting things slip. If- If he doesn’t make the announcement at RECNY then he really will be out of his mind. I got four billion dollars from Stewy and got us out of debt-“ he stops to breathe and looks around. “Where are the kids?” He asks curiously.
“Oh, they’re both at friends’ houses today. I meant to tell you earlier.” She has to remember to tell him things like this now. She hopes he’s not mad. “They already had the plans, so I didn’t want to cancel. So- out of debt?”
“Oh. Okay- well, yeah, that’s okay. Uh, yeah, the bank was about to do something completely fucking insane, but, you know… that’s not happening anymore.” He’s so proud of himself.
“Wow,” she smiles and nods. “So, you’re kind of a big deal.”
“I actually am.” He smirks. He slows down the energy just a little bit and they walk over to sit on the couch. “How was your day? How was work?” He really wants to know. He used to wonder what she was doing all the time.
“Well, not as epic as your day! But, interesting. I talked to this new client who is just getting completely screwed. He’s been through some truly disgusting stuff at work and he’s getting these horrible threats, it’s awful. I really want to get him his day in court.”
He loves that she gets to take on any client she wants pro bono. She’d broken down to him in her first year of law school about having to go into corporate law because otherwise she’d make nothing. The next day she’d gotten a letter from the accounting office that law school had been paid for in full. She’d protested to him through happy tears until it sank in that she could now take on only those who needed her most.
“I have no doubt you will. So, just you and me then- you wanna go out? Because then we’re coming back here and you’re going to do what you said in that text that I could barely stop thinking about for five minutes.”
She’s glad it made an impression. She’d played coy earlier but she really hadn’t been much for the dirty texts before.
“Oh, I’m going to?” 
“You’re going to.”
She moves closer. He’s so hot when he’s on an ego trip.
“How can you be sure?”
He smirks at the way she’s almost up against him. 
“I mean, for one thing, you can’t stay more than a foot away from me.”
She laughs. He’s won.
“Fuck you.”
“I know this new French place. It’s super good.”
“Sounds great.”
“So, I should probably also tell Dad about us, you know, before the press publishes those photos from earlier, and ones they’ll probably take tonight?”
“Oh. Yeah, okay, so you have to call him now?”
“Well, I mean, yes, I don’t know-“ he’s fidgeting with the phone, putting it down and picking it back up again and rubbing the throw blanket next to him. She hates to see it, but it’s best to get it over with. She puts her hand on his.
He picks up the phone and feels his shoulders tighten as he drums his fingers on the couch cushion. She can tell the moment Logan answers by his sharp intake of breath.
“Dad. Hey. How are you?”
“In my own fucking room being told what I can and can’t eat by these morons,” Logan grumbles. It’s not on speaker but she can hear his booming voice.
“The doctors? Yeah.” She snickers at the dryness and he allows himself a tiny smile in her direction. “Do you- are you feeling okay? Do you need anything? I can come over there right now.”
Plans evaporate when Logan might need him.
“No, not here. I have enough people crowding up this place. What is it?”
“Uh, I just- I wanted to tell you that Rava and I got back together last night. She came to the hospital because she was worried about you, and-“
Rava looks away to roll her eyes. Right. 
“-we, uh, we’re back.” She can hear his shallow breathing waiting for Logan’s reaction like he’s still 17. There’s a pause.
“Huh. Good, son, that’s good. Plays well. See you at this bullshit next week. Roman tells me we’re calling it the sad sack wasp trap.”
“Yeah. Roman calls it that.”
Logan chuckles.
“I like it. And Marcia and I will still be there. Don’t say anything fucking stupid in that speech of yours.”
“Yeah,” Kendall says, looking at the phone and not even sure if his dad heard before he hung up.
“Okay.” He gives her a nervous smile. A look of relief washes over him. “He’s back.”
For better or for worse. She looks at the couch. 
“We play well,” she nods sarcastically.
“Welcome back,” he says with a strained laugh. 
“So- you’re not going to tell him you saved the company today?”
“No. I’ll let the news do that for me.” She actually watches the smirk come back across his face. She’s glad to see it. Logan doesn’t get to mess this up. She takes his hand and stands up.
“Good. Well, we better go then. We have a lot to do tonight.”
It’s been five endless work days full of Logan’s blustering and disappointment, five days of noticing the many unsettling oddities his stroke seems to have brought on. Kendall and Roman have been increasingly concerned and are feeling hopeful that he’ll serve as a figurehead more than a CEO moving forward.
At home, it’s been five deliriously happy dinners full of kids’ laughter and the sweet, knowing glances he used to strategize about how to get back. Five nights of the kind of love most people only read about, and the kind of sleep only found when things are just as they should be.
After five days that had felt like a new lifetime, the evening of the RECNY ball has arrived. Kendall’s been prepping all week, planning the night that his father will finally announce that he’s ready to accept his place as the legend he’s been raised to become.
Rava’s meeting him at the office before they ride over together. Things have been so crazy he hadn’t had time to come home beforehand. It’s dark outside and the only light on in the office is Logan’s- Kendall’s. 
She hasn’t worn a dress this elegant in so long, and she feels like it might be too much. She’d worked with her old stylist to have a floor-length black work of art made with the smallest hint of shimmer in the silk. A deep V in front and a slit up part of her leg give it spice, and she hopes it isn’t too over-the-top. She makes her way across the mess of cubicles and opens the glass door. He looks up from the couch and she watches his eyes widen and flit all the way from her face to the floor as he stands up and walks over to her.
“Hi,” she says, squeezing her eyes shut. “I feel like we’re at prom and I feel ridiculous and this is way too much, right?”
He’s trying to remember the last time he saw her like this and feels at a loss for words.
“I- no. You look unbelievable. Wow.”
He puts his hands on her waist and feels the fabric over her body. He slides his hands over the dress. He wants it on the floor. Silk makes him insane. She picked it on purpose.
She grins and shakes her head.
“It’s too much.”
“No, it’s… perfect. But, you know, if, uh, if you just want to take it off for a while, I’m pretty sure we’re the only ones here.”
“Ohhh, stop that. God, I’m nervous. Your whole family is going to be there, the photographers, all the pressure on you... I’m ready for champagne already.”
He puts on a mock-serious tone. 
“Substance abuse is not the answer, Rava.”
She laughs and puts her forehead on his shoulder.
“I think I heard that somewhere.”
“It’s gonna be great. You know them, they’re all, you know, they’re all assholes. But we’ll just be with Stewy and whoever, it’s cool.”
“Yeah,” she smiles at him. He can’t get over it.
“Uh, come sit on the couch for a second, I just have to finish this email and then I gotta show you the final speech.” She settles onto the couch and watches him cross the room and sit down at his dad’s desk.
“You look good there,” she says.
“You know, I feel good here.”
She’s thrilled to hear it. He finishes typing and walks back over to her.
“Okay.” He takes a breath. He wants to impress her so much. “Time for the speech. I talked to all the fucking best people for this, like Lampoon guys, poached a couple SNL writers today… so- yeah, we’ll see… you know, tell me what you think.”
He goes into the whole thing, peppering jokes throughout the speech all about Waystar and how much it means, and how much good the company does in the world. When he reaches the part he’s most hopeful will get a chuckle from the audience, she bursts out laughing so he has to stop for a second. He’s so relieved.
“You wrote that one, didn’t you?” It’s the only one he did. 
“Yeah. How could you tell?”
“It’s just like that thing you wrote for the Lampoon senior year!” He looks at her like she’s the most wonderful thing in the world and leans over to kiss her head. She catches his face as he pulls back and kisses his lips. “I guess you’re right, sometimes you are funny,” she says, gently rubbing her lip gloss off him with her thumb. He looks down and smiles. “You can leave it,” he says.
The red carpet had been exhausting. It’s never been her favorite part of being a member of the Roy family, but she knows Kendall secretly likes the validation, so she goes along with the madness. The interviewers had had a million questions and the flashes from the cameras had been blinding. But they’ve made it inside.
The first one to greet them at the door is Connor.
“Hey, Kenny!” He’s so happy to see his little brother and gives him a warm hug.
“Hey,” he says, letting the embrace last a few extra seconds. Connor’s the only other one in the family who doesn’t withhold affection. 
“Rava!” Connor exclaims as they pull apart. “I’m so glad you’re back. I knew it would work out. See, I told you, buddy!“
He pats Kendall’s back and Kendall smiles but doesn’t look at her. She might melt. 
“Yeah. You knew it.”
Connor ushers them inside. 
“I did! Well, come in, come in, you’re at table two. Mostly because you were born second, in case you forgot. Have fun tonight.”
Kendall nods. He knows the non-jokes are based in some deep insecurities so he always lets them go.
“Yeah. Thanks, Con.”
He holds her hand as they walk across the huge and immaculately decorated ballroom. They stop for drinks and make their way toward the stage. Kendall’s looking at the podium like it’s an altar. 
“You’re going to do great, don’t worry,” she says. “That speech is perfect.”
He squeezes her hand and they walk over to sit down at the table, already partially occupied. Stewy smiles at Rava and leans back in his chair.
“Oh, welcome back, Rava.” He swivels to look at Kendall. “Ken, I’m very impressed. Guess this means I’ll call off the dogs then.” 
Rava’s sipping the pre-poured glass of champagne at the table, her second on an empty stomach. 
“What does that mean?” She asks. Kendall shoots him a warning look. 
“Nothing.” He puts his hand on her thigh and Stewy laughs while he sips his scotch. Kendall rolls his eyes and she looks at him. 
“Oh, does one of your friends have a crush on me?“ She teases.
“Might be a couple of them, actually, are you entertaining offers?” Stewy asks, smirking and clearly deeply enjoying creating chaos.
Rava laughs and takes Kendall’s other hand on the table as she turns to Stewy. 
“Oh, that’s adorable,” he says, voice oozing sarcasm.
“Okay. Fuck off,” Kendall says. He turns to Rava. “You want to come get another drink?” 
“Yes!” Rava answers, slipping her arm through his.
They start walking and he looks serious. 
“What?” She asks playfully.
“Nothing. Stewy…”
“Oh, he was just messing with you.”
He raises his eyebrows.
“Oh, he wasn’t?”
“He- he told me a few days ago that he was deciding whether to… allow someone to ask you out, and he asked me if I was okay with it.”
She laughs softly. 
“Well? You were just dating someone else, so… you know, whatever. I don’t want to get into it.”
“Awww,” she reaches out to stop him and guides him to look at her. “Hey, I’m taken now. And I’m happy about it.” She smiles at him and gives him a quick little kiss. He looks at her face, trying to read it. He really hates that she was with someone else. He feels a little nauseous thinking about it, but he thinks he shouldn’t say anything more. She looks back and realizes she didn’t ask an important question.
“What did you say?”
“What did you say when he asked whether you were okay with it?”
“Uh….I- I told him it was fine and then I came to see you that night,” he chuckles. He takes her left hand and looks at the ring. “Just- don’t take that off.” She laughs, but it does little to quell the insecurity he’s feeling.
“I won’t.” She kisses him again, a little longer this time, the warmth of the champagne making her want to get closer.
Roman calls out from the table next to them. 
“Ugh, people are eating here, that is disgusting. What is this, 2005?” Kendall looks at him.
“Dude, if it were 2005, you’d be calling me from the strip club asking what the chances were that a girl named Sapphire was serious about you.”
Roman gives Rava a look. 
“Well, you wouldn’t share, so…”
Rava laughs out loud.
“See, even your wife knows I’m funnier than you.”
“Fuck you,” Kendall says to Roman, with a barely-there smile. She rolls her eyes at Roman. Kendall takes her hand and they walk over to the corner bar.
He gives her an amused look. 
“You’re a generous audience tonight.”
“Well, I’ve been generously sipping. I forgot how much fun it is to be the couple who grosses everyone out. I actually love that.” He gives her a small smile.
“Me too.”
She can tell he’s feeling worried and wants to make it better. 
“A glass of champagne for her, please,” he tells the bartender. She steps closer to him again and he looks around to see if people are watching.
“Are you trying to get me drunk?” She smiles in his ear and he can’t stop the wild memories of what happens when she drinks just a little more than necessary. He wants all her attention on him.
“Yes.” He allows himself a glance down her slinky dress and she takes a long sip from the fresh glass. 
“I think it’s working,” she whispers, touching the button on his jacket.
“Okay, you can’t do that here,” he laughs quietly as she breaks through the seriousness.
“Good point. Back room?”
“Ha ha.” He looks at her and she’s biting her lip and smiling. “No. Wait, are you- what? No. Are you serious?”
She’s still able to feel a little self-conscious. 
“I don’t know.”
He looks at the half-empty glass and shakes his head.
“I asked for this.”
An A/V tech walks over and awkwardly tries to interrupt them.
“Sorry, but Kendall, can I borrow you for a second?” He asks. She shakes her head in protest and Kendall tries not to laugh.
“Uh, sure, yeah.” He looks at her. 
“I’ll be back,” he says. His gaze lingers on Rava’s plunging neckline as he walks away with the tech, who is not relishing this moment.
“Um… so the thing is… I’m really sorry, but, your dad said he’s actually going to make the speech.”
“Yeah, he said he was going to make his speech instead.”
“What- no. I’m making the speech, it’s already in the teleprompter, I’ve already- it’s set.”
The guy looks uncomfortable and doesn’t really know what to say.
“Sorry, um, it’s Logan’s orders.”
“What- okay. Never mind. I’ll talk to him.”
Rava watches his face change from the bar and he walks over to Logan with purpose. It looks like he’s probably not going to be back here. She picks up some tray-passed appetizers to soak up the alcohol in her other hand and goes to sit back down next to Stewy at the table, wondering what could be going on. She’s feeling a little disappointed and uneasy. He hasn’t taken his eyes or hands off her for a week.
Stewy’s stunning date is sitting so close she’s practically in his lap, whispering in his ear and giggling at everything he says. The familiar jealously of happy couples that’s been hanging over her for years creeps up, and she reminds herself that she finally has that again, if he would only come back over here. Stewy keeps his arm around his date and notices Rava’s expression.
“Trouble in paradise already?”
“No. I don’t know. He’s talking to Logan, so…”
Stewy rolls his eyes. 
“Fuuuuck Logan.”
“Yeah… what do you think he wants?”
He slowly stirs his drink and traces his fingers along the high slit in his girl’s dress. 
“Could be anything, really. Luring Ken to a sinkhole, just getting close enough to put some arsenic in his drink…”
“Seriously. Do you think it’s about the speech, or- I mean, it must be important, right?” She’s hoping for validation. 
Stewy shrugs. 
“Could be. Guess we’ll find out.”
The girl is running her fingers through his hair. 
“Now if you’ll excuse me,” he smiles at the girl.
Rava nods wearily and looks around. Kendall catches her eye from across the room and he looks like he got struck by lightning.
“Shit,” she mutters. Logan ruins everything.
She watches as he whispers in Gerri’s ear and Gerri walks over to Logan as Kendall pretends not to watch. Gerri shakes her head at him. 
Kendall walks over to the table slowly, the way he does when he’s processing the worst kind of news. He stops to talk to Roman for a minute, who’s shifting in his chair at the news of another family rift. He walks back and sits down next to Rava, saying nothing for a second.
“What did your dad say?” She asks tentatively.
“I guess… he’s going to be making the speech.”
“What? Why would he do that?”
“Thinks I was trying to… fucking… sabotage him or something. It was one joke about him. You know, he might not even need my help to sabotage things, the way he’s been acting at the office. He’s out of it. And it’s not just me saying this, I mean, Roman agrees with me. Honestly, I-I don’t know what he’s gonna say. I tried to get Gerri to do something, but, you know, she’s part of the problem.”
The lights dim and she hates watching him deflate as his dad comes on stage. Stewy pats Kendall’s shoulder.
“It’s all right, man. He can’t keep this up forever.”
The wheels start turning.
“…Yeah. That’s true. Dude, can we talk right now?”
“Hell yeah, bro.”
Kendall and Stewy walk over to an empty table a couple of tables over and start planning. Rava’s left with Stewy’s date, who immediately starts texting. After about 10 minutes, Logan finishes his speech and the room erupts in the kind of thunderous applause reserved for those who control the lives of every clapper.
Kendall stands up and fist bumps Stewy before he walks all the way across the room and Stewy returns to the table and sits down. The next speaker comes on and drones on about the half-hearted charitable efforts of Waystar’s PR department.
Rava’s half-listening as she looks around the space. She spots Kendall huddled with Gerri and watches her give him a shrug before nodding and taking him over to sit down at the table with Frank.
The second speech ends and an inspirational video begins. Kendall walks back across the room and she’s glad to see him sit down.
“Hey!” She whispers. “What’s going on?”
He looks around nervously. “I- I can’t really- I’ll tell you later.” 
“Really? Something big, or-“
Roman appears behind Kendall and leans down to talk quietly.
“Uh, so, I just talked to Gerri, and I need to talk to you. Like, now.” He pulls Kendall’s arm.
“Yeah,” Kendall says. The two brothers walk into the hallway outside the ballroom. She looks after them uncertainly.
“Is he coming back?” She whispers to Stewy.
“Here?” He gestures to the table. “Not tonight. Probably not for a while, actually.” He smiles. “This is gonna be a fun ride.” He whispers in his date’s ear. She nods and takes his hand as they walk toward the bathrooms.
Rava sighs and fiddles with the dessert fork in front of her as she takes another long drink of champagne. She feels the space around her and realizes she forgot about this part.
In the car, she stares out the window and they ride quietly. He’s going over every board member in his head, analyzing whether he can trust each one of them, figuring out to who to approach first. She crosses her legs and he realizes she hasn’t said anything for 20 minutes.
“You okay?”
“Oh. Yeah, I guess so.”
He knows better.
“I guess I forgot that I was also married to a company,” she says, half-joking.
He sighs. “Come on, that’s not fair. This- this is everything, you know that. This is the time. I mean, and this was literally my dad’s foundation, so… it’s going to be about the company there. You know how that is. This is my chance, you know? This is everything.”
She looks back out the window and nods.
“Yes, it is.”
“Don’t do that. You know that’s not what I meant, but this is, like, the most important week of my life. And-“ He rolls up the partition and takes a deep breath. “Look, we’re planning a vote of no confidence against Dad.” She looks shocked. “Yeah. I know. I hate it, but this vote… this could be it for me. I-I mean, you’re here with me, right?”
She nods.
“Yeah,” she says. “Um, so what happens if it works? If you become CEO?”
“…If?” He didn’t know there was so much doubt in her mind.
“No, when. Are you ever going to be home?” She hadn’t really considered this part in their week of domestic bliss. She hadn’t considered it for years.
“Uh- what? Yeah, I’ll obviously be home. I mean, maybe less, but I’ll try. I’ll just have to focus on this stuff, though.” He doesn’t know where this is coming from. “Is this, like, news that I want this?”
“No, I don’t know, it’s just never been so... close before, you know? I mean, your dad is basically a company and not a person, so, you understand my concern?”
He’s taken aback by that one.
“I’m not my dad, Rava.”
“I know that!” She jumps in, realizing that was really the wrong comparison to make. “No, you could never be like that. And, of course, I want you to get it. It’s your dream. I just… the timing is hard. It’s stupid, this is stupid.” She wishes she’d kept her mouth shut.
“The timing?”
She looks at his hand and wants to hold it.
“I just got you back,” she says quietly.
He blinks and looks at her. It hadn’t even occurred to him that that could be the reason behind her lack of enthusiasm. 
“Oh. Wow, okay. Hey.” He moves closer and puts his arm around her. She feels silly.
“I just… I liked the glow. It’s only been a few days, I’m not ready to lose you to the boardroom already.” He doesn’t even know what to say. No one has noticed or cared when he got home for a long time. “It’s not your fault, it’s just how it is.” She wants to make herself stop talking but the drinks won’t let her. “This is nothing, it’s fine. You just kept getting pulled away and I started to feel like a commercial break in between the main attractions.” 
“In that dress?” He tries to get her to smile. She lays her head on his shoulder. “Well, I- I can’t completely change that part, you know how it is- sometimes it’ll be like that but- but that was way better than it’s been for the last three years.” She’s still quiet. “I lost the speech, and I still- I actually had fun because you were there.” That gets an amused smile. She can’t remember ever hearing Kendall say he had fun.
“Yeah, I know that’s the way. I shouldn’t have said anything. But we could’ve had a lot more fun,” she sighs, missing the sexy feeling from earlier in the evening.
“Yeah? Well… if you’re still up for fun…”
“That doesn’t just fix problems, you know,” she admonishes, leaning into him nonetheless.
He snakes an arm around her waist and lets his eyes wander over her exposed thigh peeking out of the slit.
“I mean… it’s not going to make them worse.”
She tries to keep a straight face.
“Mmhmmm,” she says, still mulling.
“You do look amazing in this. Seriously. I was thinking about it all night.”
“No, you weren’t,” she rolls her eyes and hopes he argues.
“I was. Believe me, I- yeah. I would rather have stayed in that corner with you all night.” He’s still wondering if she’d really wanted to go with him to a back room as he breathes in the fragrance of her perfume. He thinks he would’ve been too scared of getting caught, but it’s insanely hot that it was even in her head.
“Well, you didn’t stay there…”
He decides now is not the time to make the point that that was out of his control. He brushes her hair back and kisses under her ear.
“When- if- this works, you’re still going to be the best part- you know, of everything,” he whispers.
She looks at him to try to see if it’s true.
“Can I make it up to you?” He tries.
“Tell me what you were thinking about with the back room,” he says in a low voice as he kisses her neck.
She blushes. 
“No! That was just the champagne talking.” She inhales sharply as he hits a sweet spot.
“Please tell me it wasn’t.” He leans over her and starts undoing the back of her dress.
“You wouldn’t have gone,” she teases and loosens his tie.
“Now I’m thinking I would’ve,” he runs his hands over her hips, up her body, feeling every perfect curve.
“We are in the car!” She giggles.
“Yeah, I don’t care.” She hears his breathing quicken as he pulls her onto his lap.
“You are out of control!”
“Uh huh,” he breathes. “I need you, right now.”
He puts his hand on her face and guides her lips to his.
Chapter 5 💗
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manygalaxiesinone · 7 months
Disgaea 7 DLC Episode: Nikke
Part 1: Neon, the firepower spy.
Fuji: "So, remind me again why we're here?"
Pirilika: "You forgot the news already? There's been plenty of strange alien sightings lately."
Fuji: "I know that. I mean, why do we care? We're supposed to be finding the infernal weapons."
Pirilika: "Those aliens have been attacking Hinomoto, Fuji! People might be hurt."
Fuji: "Still don't see how that's our problem."
Pirilika: "Ugh, what if I told you that it'll mean less customers for Tempoora?"
Fuji: "Now you're speaking my language. So, how are we supposed to find them?"
Pirilika: "According to the news, we'll know when one is nearby when we hear a loud-"
Pirilika: "...That. A loud that..."
Fuji: "My ears... I'm already starting to regret this."
Pirilika: "What the hell are these things?!"
Fuji: "Why are you asking me?! You know more about aliens than I do, Piriko!"
Pirilika: "These aren't any of the aliens I've seen in the movies, Fuji!"
???: "Kyaaah!"
Fuji: "Huh? Gunfire?"
Pirilika: "Fuji, over there! It's a girl fighting the aliens!"
???: "Come on! I'm not even using my strongest ammo yet!"
Fuji: "Taking them on by herself, huh? She's got guts. With any luck, we won't even be needed here."
Pirilika: "FUJI!!!"
Fuji: "Alright, fine! You don't have to yell." runs up to the young girl
the aliens inch closer to the young girl.
???: "I was hoping to show master this masterpiece, but I guess there's no helping it..."
Suddenly, one of the aliens get cut in half.
???: "Huh?"
Fuji: "Hey there. Any room left for this party?"
???: "Who... who are-"
Fuji: "Don't worry about that. Just sit back, relax, and let me do my worst!"
Part 2: Anis, Nihilistic Soda Queen
Pirilika: "That was awesome, Fuji! The way you entered the scene and slashed down the alien in the nick of time was amazing! You looked like a real action warrior back there!"
Fuji: "You're getting better at these praises, Piriko. For once, I don't feel like coughing up blood."
???: "I...I..."
Pirilika: "Oh yeah, are you okay? You looked like you were in a real blind back there."
Fuji: "It's "a real bind", Piriko."
???: "...Identify yourselves!"
Pirilika: "Huh?!"
???: "Who are you and how were you able to take down those raptures with such ease?!"
Pirilika: "Hold on! We just saved you! Why are you pointing your gun at us?"
Fuji: "Still not grasping where we are, are ya?"
???: "Answer me, or should I make my firepower do the interrogating instead?"
Pirilika: "Okay, just wait a moment. I'm Pirilika, CEO of Tempoora and this is my friend, Fuji. We came here to find out about the aliens attacking Hinomoto right now."
???: "Hinomoto???"
Fuji: "Yeah, as in the Netherworld you're in right now."
???: "N-N-Netherworld...???"
Pirilika: "Fuji... I think we're going to have to do some walking and talking."
Fuji: "We need to see the other sightings anyway so, whatever."
???: "So I'm currently in another world right now, one that's filled with powerful demons. Not only that, but there are various demon worlds across the stars, each one with their own quirks, correct?"
Pirilika: "I know it's a lot to take in but..."
???: "Well, I guess that explains why my surroundings are unfamiliar."
Pirilika: "Wait, you're not freaking out over this?"
???: "I've actually met people from other worlds before, one of which had demons roam around in their home. That being said, they're usually the ones coming to our world. This is the first time a vice versa situation occurred."
Fuji: "Alright, we answered your questions, but what the hell are you?"
Neon: "Me? I'm Neon, a Nikke spy."
Pirilika & Fuji: "..."
Neon: "What? Don't believe me?"
Fuji: "First, the hell's a Nikke? Second, what kind of spy outright announces they're a spy?! That's like an assassin telling their target they're here to axe 'em off!"
Pirilika: "To be fair, I don't think she's here to spy on us, Fuji."
Neon: "Of course I'm not. This world isn't in our database, let alone either of you. As for the other question, Nikkes are machines created as mankind's last resort to fight against the raptures."
Pirilika: "You mean the aliens we just saw?"
Neon: "Precisely."
Fuji: "Considering how much you were struggling, I'd say they did a banged up job."
Neon: "I'm far from the only model, thank you very much! Besides, since Master isn't here right now, my firepower isn't at its best performance."
Pirilika: "Master?"
Neon: "The commander of my squad. He and my two squad mates got separated when we suddenly arrived here."
Pirilika: "In that case, you should stick with us, Neon. We're checking out the other rapture sightings so we should run into your friends sooner or later."
Fuji: "I told you this before, Piriko, stuff like that isn't guaranteed."
Neon: "Actually, the odds of seeing them fighting against raptures are rather high as both raptures and Nikkes are on a mission to exterminate each other."
Fuji: "I don't know if that's convenient or depressing... I'll just go with convenient so I won't hack up a lung."
Fuji: "Looks like we found our next target."
Pirilika: "Yeah, but do they have to be so loud though?"
???: "Man, they don't know when to give up, do they? I'm almost out of ammo too. At least I don't have to worry about the Commander getting caught in the crossfire." keeps running.
Neon: "Anis!"
Pirilika: "Is that one of your friends?"
Neon: "She is a part of my squad."
Fuji: "Alright, I got this. Looks a little bigger than before, so I might actually get a challenge this time."
Part 3: Rapi, the Most Loyal
Anis: "I don't know who you are, but thanks for saving me back there."
Fuji: "For the love of everything unholy, DON'T thank me."
Anis: "Well, excuse me for trying to show some gratitude."
Pirilika: "Please don't take it the wrong way. Fuji has an empathy allergy. He gets like this when people act too kind."
Anis: "An empathy allergy? Sounds like some BS Crow or Syuen would make up."
Neon: "If he wasn't coughing up blood right now, I'd question that too."
Anis: "Oh, hey Neon. Glad to see you're okay."
Neon: "Right back at ya! It's unfortunate that Master isn't here with you."
Anis: "He's probably with Rapi. There's no way she'd let him get out of sight. So who are these two?"
Neon: "They're Pirilika and Fuji. They saved me from some raptures earlier too. You should have seen it. Fuji instantly killed one of them with just a swing of his sword!"
Anis: "Woah! I thought only Scarlet could pull something like that off."
Pirilika: "That's the power of Fuji's infernal weapon! It can cut down just about anything."
Anis: "For real? Can I see?"
Fuji: "No can do. Infernal weapons pick their wielders. Not that I'll be handing this over anytime soon anyway."
Anis: "You're telling me weapons can get stingy now, too?!"
Pirilika: "Sorry, we don't make the rules."
Neon: "Maybe there's an infernal weapon in the shape of a gun. I bet it would have maximum firepower."
Anis: "Of course you would think that. So, where are we anyway?"
Fuji: "A Netherworld called Hinomoto. Like I told your friend there, you're not on your home planet right now."
Anis: "Just straight to the point huh? Anyway, a Netherworld? This place looks more lively than Earth."
Pirilika: "Is the Rapture invasion really that bad?"
Anis: "That's putting it mildly. The Raptures basically wiped out everything. All the survivors are hiding underground while a few of them like the Commander are helping us fight to take back the surface. It's rare if you see any flowers bloom or animals roam around."
Pirilika: "That's...that's so horrible."
Fuji: "Even I can admit, that's pretty rough."
Anis: "Are you seriously coughing up blood while you're saying that?"
Fuji: "Hey, I can't help it if I'm allergic!"
Pirilika: "Ahh! My poor fluffy ears..."
Neon: "That sounded like a big one."
Anis: "Yeah, and knowing our luck... Rapi and the Commander are probably there too."
Neon: "Then let's not waste any time!"
Human male: *cough* *cough*
???: "Commander, are you alright?"
Commander: "I'm fine, but..."
???: "It's very determined. No matter how many times we slip by, it always seems to find us."
Commander: "Go find Anis and Neon. I'll keep it busy."
???: "Commander, you and I both know I cannot follow that order. No matter what, keeping you safe is top priority."
Commander: "But Rapi-"
Rapi: "I am not leaving your side, commander! I don't care what class we're up against."
Commander: "..."
Fuji: "Hey, could you tone it down a little? I feel like I'm gonna vomit at this rate."
Commander & Rapi: "?!"
Fuji cuts down one of the rapture's weapons with one slash.
Rapi: "W-Who-"
Anis: "Rapi, Commander, he's with us!"
Neon: "That's right! He saved both of us earlier!"
Commander: "Anis... Neon..."
Rapi: "They're alright..."
Pirilika: "Why is that thing so huge?!"
Anis: "That's the Tyrant Class Rapture that we were fighting before we got sent here."
Neon: "I'm not sure if it's the one that sent us here, but it must have been trying to take advantage of us being split up to get to master."
Fuji: "Oh so these things know how to fight dirty? I like it! It's too bad I gotta cut them down."
Rapi: "Commander, your orders."
Commander: "Help him fight the tyrant rapture!"
Anis: "On it boss!"
Neon: "You can count on us!"
Rapi: "Roger... engaging!"
-after the battle...-
Neon: "We...we did it!"
Anis: "Oh yeah! That's another score for us!"
Commander: "Rapi, status report."
Rapi: "There's no more signs of raptures and thanks to our reinforcements, damages have been kept to a minimum."
Commander: "That's good to hear. Well done everyone."
Neon: "It's always so nice to receive praise from master. Both that and firepower are music to my ears."
Anis: "I'm just glad you're both alright. Who knows what how this would've turned out if Fuji and Pirilika didn't help us."
Rapi: "Fuji and Pirilika? I take it those are the names of your new acquaintances?"
Pirilika: "Yup! It's very nice to meet you both."
Commander: "Same. Let me tha-"
Fuji: "Stop right there. If you're not thanking me with cash, don't thank me at all."
Commander: "I'm...sorry?"
Fuji: "Don't apologize either, dammit!"
Rapi: "I...fail to understand..."
Anis: "Don't mind him. He apparently has an empathy allergy."
Rapi: "I...see..."
Neon: "Now that we're back together, what's next?"
Anis: "Well, we took care of the other raptures that came here with us so, all that's left is to go home and report in."
Fuji: "And how do you plan on doing that?"
Neon: "Hmm?"
Fuji: "Did you already forget that you're not on whatever human world you came from? And the fact that you guys just appeared here out of thin air means the Dimensional Gate currently doesn't have access to your world. Long story short, you're all stuck here."
Neon & Anis: "...WHAT?!!!"
Commander: "You're joking...right?"
Pirilika: "Uuh... I wish he was..."
Anis: "You gotta be kidding me! I just bought some limited edition soda before the mission! UGH! I was so looking forward to drinking it today!"
Neon: "Seriously! I just rented a book on weapons throughout history and now I don't even get a chance to read it! You understand how frustrating this is, right Master?"
Commander: "It is very concerning, but not just for those reasons."
Rapi: "Correct. There's a chance the ark could change dramatically during our absence, especially in the commander's case."
Fuji: "Why the hell is he so special?"
Anis: "The commander's pretty popular with Nikkes. He has only been in service for a year now, but he helped out a lot of people."
Pirilika: "Wow. It's like you have an everyday hero walking among you."
Commander: "I wouldn't go that far. I'm just doing what feels right."
Anis: "To be fair Commander, there's a reason Laplace keeps calling you her sidekick."
Rapi: "Banter aside, we do need to find some form of shelter until we can get in contact with the Ark...somehow."
Pirilika: "In that case, why don't you come stay with us on my ship? You'll each have your own room and you can use our Dimensional Gate once we figure out the gate key to your home world."
Neon: "Really?! Thank you so much for-"
Anis: "Hold on, Neon. Before we agree, what's the catch?"
Fuji: "You pick up pretty quick. Someone like you would survive pretty long in the Netherworld."
Anis: "We've been burned plenty of times before, so I learned to start being a little skeptical."
Pirilika: "I actually wasn't going to charge you anything, but... you remember the infernal weapon Fuji wields, right? There are more like it throughout Hinomoto. We're on a mission right now to collect them all and use them to confront the Shogunate. I would really appreciate it if you could lend us a hand."
Rapi: "That sounds like a fair deal. After all, you did come to our aid against the raptures. The least we could do is return the favor. That said, the Commander does have the final say."
Commander: "I think this would be our best option. After all, if they have a working portal to send us home, it would save us time trying to find one."
Anis: "I guess it's a done deal then."
Neon: "We appreciate you letting us on board."
Pirilika: "The pressure is all mine! We're glad to have you on the team."
Fuji: "Seriously, who is teaching you how to botch these phrases?!"
0 notes
saetoru · 3 years
staying late with CEO sakusa to help him finish his paperwork 🤪🤪🤪🤪 getting stuck in the office elevator with CEO sakusa 😝😝😝😝😝😝 making out in the basement car park with CEO sakusa before your co-workers catch you 🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒
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warnings: fem! reader, elevator sex, unprotected sex, degradation (use of word slut), and fingering
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you and sakusa kiyoomi hate each other. and by hate, that refers to the both of you finding the other utterly intolerable in front of everyone else—but there’s more to it behind the scenes.
everyone thinks he’s picking on you when he asks you to stay longer, when he piles a stack of paperwork on your desk and sternly tells you to finish it, when he plops files onto your lap and claims you didn’t follow instructions. and they pity you, they do, but if only they knew.
if only they knew the paperwork’s already been completed, they’re just there for show—so as not to cause suspicion when you stay longer. if only they knew the files he claims you didn’t read you actually know by heart—you do your job perfectly, down to the finest of details. and most of all, if only they knew that sakusa kiyoomi and you absolutely don’t hate each other—in fact, you think you might just be each other’s favorites.
“so, kiyoomi,” you grin, poking his side as he walks in step beside you. “are you gonna take me out to dinner for making me work so hard today,” you pout. sakusa rolls his eyes as he fixes the collar of your hastily thrown on shirt, shaking his head.
his hand lingers over you chest slightly.
“why are you always hungry,” he mutters, but there’s a hint of fondness in his voice, making you smile up at him cheekily.
“it’s cause you know how to show a girl a good time,” you grin, hinting at your earlier activities as you reach over and pinch his cheek. chuckling, he swats your hand away, pressing the elevator button and waiting for it to open. he lets you step in first, following you in as the door shuts behind him.
“well, we can—” the elevator jolts suddenly, making you let out a small shriek, gripping sakusa’s arm as he balances the both of you. cursing, he presses the emergency button, pinching his nose in frustration. “are you kidding me right now? in the middle of the night,” he hisses. turning to you, he stares down at you as you smirk.
“why the long face, omi?”
“we’re stuck in an elevator in the middle of night. in an empty building. why do you thi—”
“so we’re stuck and we have the place to ourselves,” you shrug. “i say we have plenty of time before someone gets here.” you finger trails down his chest, and his breath hitches a little.
it’s a bit risky, he thinks, he’s sure help will come soon, but something about that only makes the idea all the more enticing.
shoving you against the wall, his lips press heatedly to yours, making you moan into his mouth instantly, kissing him back in a mess of teeth and tongue. his lips move to your neck, sucking harshly into the skin over the small bruises formed from not too long ago.
“you’re such a damn slut,” he chuckles breathily. “what do you think they’ll say if they walk in? imagine if they see you fucking your boss,” he sneers. you cup his face with a condescending smile.
“and imagine if they walk in on their boss fucking one of his employees.” sakusa presses his lips to yours again, hands tugging your slacks and underwear down in one go, smirking when he feels the wetness in between your legs.
“it’d be a sight, i’m sure,” he shrugs, plunging his fingers into your cunt, thrusting them in and out as you claw at his shirt, whining at the feeling. he watches you with dark, lust hazed eyes as you approach your climax quickly, still sensitive from being bent over his desk not too long ago.
you tug on his collar, pulling him into a kiss as his mouth swallows your moans. whining, you arch your back off the wall as your orgasm crashes over you, slick gathering on his digits as your walls flutter around him. he grins as he pulls away, unbuckling his belt instantly and undoing the zipper of his tight pants, pulling out his hardened member, red and angry at the tip.
“too bad we don’t have time for me to have you on your knees,” he grunts, hands caging you as he rests them on the wall above your head, shuddering at the way you pump his throbbing cock. moaning quietly, he lets you smear the pre cum over his length, stroking him a few times.
“technically nothings really stopping us,” you drawl. “who cares if we get caught. just tell them you’ll fire them if they say a word.”
“that’s highly unprofessional,�� he moans as his length sinks into your folds, your arms gliding over his shoulders and making their way to his messy curls, tugging on the roots as he starts a steady pace. whining as he squeezes your tits, you tug him by his hair, his face burrowing into the crook of your neck as he bites on the soft skin.
he’s thoroughly pleased with the existing markings, and an overwhelming urge to leave more hits him, making his hips roll faster as he ruts into your tight walls at the thought of your neck covered in more love bites.
“k-kiyoomi,” you moan, whimpering when his thumb glides over your clit as he reaches in between your bodies.
“it’s unprofessional to—oh fuck—to call your boss by h-his first name,” he groans, cutting himself off with strings of curses as your tight walls suck him in, squeezing around his aching cock. his balls are heavy, ready to spill his seed into your walls as you cling to his large build.
“you’re the one who didn’t want me to moan your surname,” you remind him, making him growl as he shuts you up with a rough kiss.
“watch it,” he warns. it’s hot, and the small elevator only adds to the heat radiating off your bodies as sweat collects on your skin, the tightness in your belly’s ready to snap as you both approach your highs. sakusa whines quietly into your neck, panting erratically as his cock twitches. “g-gonna cum,” he grunts. “cum with me,” he orders.
he rubs circles into your clit as he snaps his hips, thrusting into you quickly before you both tense, groaning out each other’s names as your orgasms crash over you.
“f-fuck, kiyoomi,” you whimper.
“ngh—shit,” sakusa curses, thrusting into you as ropes of cum shoot into your cunt, painting your walls white. he slams his hips into your once more before stilling, head tucked into your neck as he pants, catching his breath.
your hand strokes through his sweaty curls, the both of you hissing as he pulls out. he stares at the cum oozing down your thighs with a smirk, making you slap his chest.
“now i have to walk around like this,” you snarl. he chuckles, pecking your lips sweetly.
“consider yourself lucky,” he says cockily. you roll your eyes as you dress yourselves and try to look as presentable as possible, the elevator jumping back to life and slowly moving its way down to the first floor not long after you finish.
turning to you, sakusa’s thumb runs over your cheek lightly.
“we’ll pretend to be mad at each other when we get out. give me a few more weeks, i’ll promote you and then you can finally really be mine,” he says softly, making your heart flutter as you lean into his palm.
“what if i’m just using you for that promotion,” you tease. he flicks your forehead, rolling his eyes.
“i can still fire you,” he raises a brow. a deep fondness sets in your heart, and you know your feelings run much stronger than the hidden, fleeting moments of intimacy you share with sakusa.
“you wouldn’t,” you gasp. he chuckles, pressing one last peck to your lips as you approach the first floor.
“i wouldn’t,” he agrees.
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this was supposed to be enemies to lovers (more like enemies who fuck) but then it turned kinda soft lol
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smileysuh · 3 years
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🌙 staring. Johnny & Haechan x afab!Reader  
🔮 preview.  Unfortunately, after a long day of work, both Johnny and Haechan are very close to being at their breaking point. When you walk past your window wearing a cute bra- well, to the men watching you from the street below, you’re all but begging to be plucked from your safe life and dragged into a world of strict bedroom roles and rich boys who are in desperate need of someone to help get their frustrations out-  luckily for them, they have the god complexes and the money to make that wish come true.
cw/tw.  yandere warning, voyeurism, stalking, toxic friend, toxic yandere JohnHyuck, conniving, master!Haechan, dom!/Yandere JohnHyuck, size kink, rough sex, bdsm, safe words, unprotected sex, threesome, multiple orgasms, fingering, choking, hair pulling, manhandling, marking/bruising, boob worship, spit roasting, blow job, hand job, lots of finger sucking, reader as ‘sex toy/doll’, creampie, Haechan oral fixation, lots of pet names, spanking, finger sucking, god complexes, etc... I petnames. (hers) good/pretty girl, toy, doll, gorgeous, etc. (John's) daddy. (Hyuck's) master.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 9k
🍭 aus. yandere/horror au, ceo/non idol au, etc...
☀️ mlist + an. this fic has been edited/extended on patreon as of april 2023 :)
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The first time Haechan sees you, you’re crossing the street and walk right past him.
It’s a cloudy day, but there’s light enough in the greyness of it all for him to appreciate your beauty. 
His eyes follow you and his head turns, eyes assessing you up and down quickly. He sucks his cherry flavoured lollipop into his mouth greedily, fresh saliva running over his tongue and making it all the more sweet. He’s so enraptured in you that he almost runs into a power pole, only to quickly adjust, side step it, and stop at the street corner. 
He turns sideways while he waits at the crosswalk, and this allows him to casually look to his left, watching you get farther away. When the light changes, he nearly skips across the street, hands not leaving the warm safety of the pockets of one of Johnny’s hoodie denim combo jackets he’d insisted Haechan wear on days when he’s on the prowl due to the unquenchable voyeuristic urges they both feel.
When Haechan’s on the other side of the street, he makes a left so he can shadow you from the opposite side of the street. One of his hands adjusts the black baseball cap on his head. He pulls off the sunglasses he’d worn because he can’t stand to have your figure obscured by anything. His fox-like eyesight latches onto you, and anyone that passes him can see he’s on the prowl, however you - across the road and about five yards ahead - have no idea of your second shadow.
Haechan follows you diligently. He memorizes the way you walk and sizes up your body the way Johnny had taught him. 
You’re going to make the perfect little pet, and he knows this because you lead him straight to your apartment building. It’s so easy that Haechan almost feels bad. 
He’d thought maybe you were going to work, or school- he’d ached for a long chase, a proper stalk to get to know you, to see if you have any friends or rivals he should be aware of.
But now it has ended too soon.
When light suddenly catches Haechan’s attention on the third floor he laughs, adjusting his baseball cap again as he steps back, out of the way of the traffic of people on the street. He looks around, eyes landing on a bench that, coincidentally, looks directly up to your apartment. Or, what he assumes to be your apartment.
When Haechan settles himself down on the bench, stretching like a cat and grinning at the pleasant turn of events this day has taken, he finds himself laughing again when movement catches his eye.
You’re standing by the window, tending to a plant, and you have no idea that he can see you.
Haechan usually likes to give girls a fighting chance, to have things be a challenge. You’ve led him right into your safe space. How could he possibly resist this now? 
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Johnny understands why Haechan likes you so much.
He’s not sure how many times he’s shadowed you now, often with Haechan. But tonight, it’s just you, him, and fifty feet of empty street separating one soul from her handsome shadow.
Johnny had been lucky enough to get a text from a mutual friend that he’d… acquired, that you’d be walking home this way. So now here he is.
The man from Chicago is in an all black outfit with a duster, baseball cap, and a matching mask to hide his features from any curious people that lumber by Johnny as he follows you home. 
When Haechan had brought Johnny out for a walk, introducing the prospect of you as a new submissive, Johnny had been tentative. Their last object of “mutual affection” hadn’t lasted long… and Johnny had made it clear that they’d have to think this through if they were going to find a replacement for their last girl. 
Walking with you like this - albeit fifty feet behind you - on a Tuesday night feels normal to Johnny already. He knows Haechan has a particularly strong enjoyment of you, and as far as the tall man from Chicago is concerned, you’re already theirs... you just don’t know it yet.
Johnny likes the way you move to the side anytime you pass a man on the street, and he makes sure to give them his own predatory smirk when they inevitably brush by his own shoulder. He thinks you have a decent caution level when it comes to strangers, and he thinks that’s a good thing. He enjoys smart girls.
Johnny knows where you’re both headed when you turn down your street and he instinctively crosses to the other side. He doesn’t even need to watch you anymore as you head into your building.
You’re on the third floor, he knows where. 
He takes his seat on the bench. 
It’s just getting dark out, so Johnny won’t stay for long. As he looks around the street, your light comes on, and while that interests him, he knows you won’t be at the window for a while.
Johnny waits patiently, eyes tracking people as they walk by, until motion in your window tells him you’re doing your night routine, and he can make out your form when you’re near the glass.
Johnny likes the closeness that nights like these provide for him. He enjoys knowing how safe you feel up in your home... even whilst he lurks around just outside your window. 
He particularly loves it when he catches you in private moments; brushing your teeth and dancing in your living room to music he hopes he’ll one day be able to hear, the way you stretch right after opening the blinds some mornings to let in the sunshine of the coming day. 
“Hey.” Haechan’s voice draws Johnny’s attention from your window and he watches his best friend take the seat next to him. Haechan’s also dressed fully in black, but he doesn't have a mask, which would get in the way of the red lollipop he always seems to be sucking on. 
Johnny knows Haechan enjoys shadowing you too, and this isn’t the first time they’ve bumped into each other while simultaneously giving in to the ‘voyeuristic tendencies’ they try so desperately to hide during the rest of their day to day lives.
It doesn’t help that work’s been extra stressful lately. 
Both Johnny and Haechan come from money, and they run a successful company with a number of close associates. Their positions as rich boy ceo’s mean Johnny and Haechan have been able to go through life being handed everything they could possibly want. They’re greedy, impatient, and above all, Haechan and Johnny don’t take no for an answer.
Unfortunately, after a long day of work, both Johnny and Haechan are very close to being at their breaking point. When you walk past your window wearing a cute bra- well, to the men watching you from the street below, you’re all but begging to be plucked from your safe life and dragged into a world of strict bedroom roles and rich boys who are in desperate need of someone to help get their frustrations out-  luckily for them, they have the god complexes and the money to make that wish come true.
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Tonight’s the night and Haechan knows it.
His skin is buzzing, from the shot whiskey he’d downed or from the thrill of the chase, Haechan’s not sure. 
His lollipop clicks against his teeth as he sucks on the cherry sugar, tongue running it across his lips and leaving sweet, artificial, fruity flavour in its wake. 
His eyes are fixed on you where you’re standing by the bar.
You’d shown up with your best friends, and one of them, not so coincidentally, is their mutual contact.
Haechan had brushed by Mark Lee earlier, who’s small nod is the only interaction they’ll have tonight as the Canadian made his way over to the bar to join you and the girls nearly ten minutes ago. 
From Mark’s intel, which he’s gathered after having befriended your friend group through a different girl on tinder, Haechan knows a lot about every one of you. 
Tonight, you’re with Mark, his new friend/fuck buddy (your friend), and the main party girl who’d dragged you here (your new friend). 
The main party girl, who Mark refers to as the ‘alpha gatekeeper’ is who they need to get out of the equation tonight. She glares at creepy men who come near you, and Haechan respects that, but at the same time, he doesn’t want to be sized up too well by a friend… who would be really concerned if something were to happen to you… like, for example, if you were to go missing.
Beside him, Johnny says something that makes the group of girls they’re talking to laugh. Haechan can’t even pretend to be interested in them, not when he’s so close to you, just a few feet away-
A hand on Haechan’s forearm drags Haechan back into the moment and he’s forced to meet Johnny’s eyes. The elder shoots him a look that says ‘calm down’ but Haechan can’t listen.
The last time they’d picked out a girl, they’d gotten her home by flirting with her in a bar. She’d gone with them willingly, and Johnny had even insisted on letting her have some freedoms… which she’d abused immediately, in Haechan’s opinion at least. 
This feels different, and Haechan doesn’t want another doll slipping through his fingers.
You’re his. He wants to walk right up to you and simply take you home. Wants to throw you on the bed and tell you how it’s going to be, your opinions be damned-
But, as Johnny’s reminded Haechan all day, the point is to make you want to stay with them. If Haechan grabs you and squeezes too tightly too fast, he risks scaring you off… but that would just mean he’d have to chase you, and Haechan isn’t opposed to that.
Haechan watches you and your friends move to the dance floor and he pushes off from his own table, drawing Johnny’s attention. 
Squaring his shoulders, Haechan makes it clear to Johnny that he’s done waiting. They’d come to the bar for a reason and he’ll be damned if he waits another moment without touching you, he thinks he’s waited well past long enough. 
Johnny joins Haechan in wading into the crowd.
At first, Haechan finds a safe option, a pretty girl with more than enough admirers. The predatory man stays in her general vicinity for some time, watching you and your friends as Mark breaks off with his girl. This leaves just you and your alpha friend. Mark had said she’s a total flirt, and soon, she breaks off with a Yuta Nakamoto of all people. This is the club they come to frequently, and Haechan wonders if the elder man had been invited by Johnny for this very reason, to distract your cock block.
When it comes to the two men who have their sights set on you, they’re very different in approach. Johnny’s a good talker, that much became obvious last time they ensnared a pretty girl. But Haechan is more raw energy, the sexual power that hooks his prey and draws them in close. 
He decides tonight will be no different.
Haechan invades your space as soon as you’re free of your friends, and one look at his pretty face seems to be enough for you to decide he’s alright, because soon you’re pressing your ass back against Haechan as his hands explore your body. 
He can’t help the rush of endorphins that floods his form, nor the pride he takes at the fact that you’d so easily accepted him.
He’s waited so long for this, and his heart is racing in his chest as he smooths himself against you. You smell good, and Haechan removes the lollipop from his mouth, holding it out in front of your face and wordlessly offering to you. 
When you accept the treat, grabbing it with your mouth, Haechan puts his lips to better use, pressing tentative kisses to your neck that become more aggressive as he searches for your sweet spot. You reach for him, tangling your fingers in Haechan’s hair and tugging gently, which prompts him to grip your waist tighter, hips rutting against your ass.
Another body appears in front of you, and Haechan looks up at Johnny, who’s grinning down at the both of you. Haechan’s not in the mood for explaining their relationship to you or doing small talk, so he reaches out and grabs Johnny’s shirt, bringing him in closer and solidifying their friendship to you as you’re pressed tighter between them.
You can’t believe your luck, to have not one but two gorgeous men giving you their complete attention- you live for this. You come to clubs to get a hit of attention, and the two men doting on you are more than you could have ever hoped for.
The man behind you is a walking sex god, and you’re still sucking diligently on the delicious lollipop he’d relinquished to you in favour of marking your neck. 
Your skin feels sticky where he’s left open mouthed kisses that oddly enough feel sexy and sinful in all of the right ways.
The taller guy in front of you is just as gorgeous as his friend, his height making your size kink scream and your fanny flutter like a motherfucker. 
You wrap one arm around the tall man’s neck, your other hand still tugging at the hair of the man behind you. Your bodies are all moving to the music and you drag the taller one in so you can kiss him.
He stops just out of reach, gently grabbing at the lollipop that your relinquish to him, watching him offer it instead to the man who’s stopped kissing your neck to receive it with an open mouth.
Only then are you rewarded by soft lips and a tongue that glides across your own. A large hand cups your jaw, forcing you to tilt your head up as the man gets closer, kissing you even deeper.
Behind you, Haechan’s hips press forward, a small groan leaving his lips at the pressure your ass provides on his cock. He’s revved up and ready to go, skin crawling with a tingling sensation that makes Haechan want to grab you and get out of here. 
He’s too hot, surrounded by dancing bodies and clothes, he needs you alone, in a bed, unburdened by fabrics and things that would keep you from his greedy fingers and eager lips-
“You here with friends, gorgeous?” Johnny’s deep voice makes Haechan want to laugh. As if they don’t know the answer to the question as well as the addresses of all three of the friends you’re here with tonight, including sweet Mark, who they’ve known for years.
“A few,” you respond.
“Want to come home with us?” Haechan nips at your earlobe, enjoying the way goosebumps erupt on your arms from the brief movement. He ghosts his nose over your neck, smirking as he inhales your pretty scent and waits for your answer.
One little word, and it sounds so confident coming from you even as your body shakes from anxiety, betraying your feelings to the man eagerly pressing himself to your body. He loves it, loves the control you are so willing to give to him.
“But I should say goodbye to my friends,” you add, which Haechan doesn’t mind. He’s sure Mark will be more than supportive of you heading home with them, all under the guise of being your ‘new friend Mark’ when in reality, he’s their friend Mark.
Haechan will make sure to prove you’ve given control to the right person by going home with him. He vows that tonight he’s going to get you completely addicted to his cock. He’s going to give you absolutely everything he can possibly give you, till you’re crying from cumming, and once you’re his broken little cock slut, you’ll never be able to leave.
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They brought the black suv instead of one of the fancier two seater sports cars. Haechan had argued that they could tell you to sit on his lap, but Johnny had made it clear that nothing of the sort would be taking place. Being invited home by two men is already a little out of the ordinary, they don’t need to set any more red flags off with other weird behaviours. Besides, you’ll get used to Haechan’s crazy ideas soon enough.
When their car is brought around to the front of the club- they’re that kind of rich - Johnny opens the door to the back seat for you. He offers you a smile, but as you move past him to enter the car, you have a distinct eerie feeling that you can’t put your finger on, so you ignore it. 
Haechan sits in front of you, head tilted down as his eyes scan his phone. You can hear the clicking of his lollipop against his teeth when he gives it a particularly harsh suck, and the idea of what else his mouth can do is making you wetter than you’ll ever admit to anyone. 
Johnny takes the driver's seat and he adjusts the rearview mirror so he can look at you. “Are you sure you don’t want us to take you back to your place, gorgeous?”
He’s giving you too many opportunities to back out, and it just makes you want him even more. 
What could possibly be so dangerous that he has to give you an out in this way? He’s big, and his friend has something dark in those rich chocolate coloured irises, but you really can’t imagine you have anything to be afraid of. 
“You hiding a dead body in your closet?” you tease, leaning forward to peak your head between the two seats.
Johnny laughs, setting one hand on the top of the steering wheel as the engine revs to life. “Something like that.”
“Do you guys live far?” you ask next, eyes turning to Haechan’s phone, which he’s hooked up to the bluetooth. 
“No, we’re in one of the new condos down here,” Johnny says as you whip through the downtown of Seoul. You knew they were rich from looking at them, but to have a new condo in downtown Seoul?
“Okay, maybe you two really are hit men,” you breathe, a joke, but their laughter is just a millisecond too late and slightly too forced to steady your rapidly increasing heart rate. 
“We’re part owners of NCT corp actually-” Johnny explains.
“We do everything,” Haechan adds, “technology, housing, security.”
You can’t help but laugh a little. “Security? Wow, you mean a window lock doesn't do the trick anymore?”
“Not if someone is particularly interested in coming inside.” Haechan’s voice is low, and he’s talking to himself more than actually answering you. The eariness of his words prompts you to ask for expansion on Haechan’s thoughts, but before you can, Johnny is speaking again.
“I’m sure if you’re not on the bottom floor of your building you’re safe.”
Safe from most regular run of the mill burglars, but not from them, not from seasoned voyeurisms with a tendency for obsessive behaviours such as building scaling in order to look into specific windows. 
Johnny hasn’t done it himself, Haechan’s really the more determined of the two when it comes to having his eyes on his prey. No, Johnny instead inquired on the apartment directly across from yours and had been more upset than he’d care to admit when the renter had declined his offer to take over their lease and pay them out. He’d been pissed for a few days and Haechan had suggested they simply kill the renter and take the apartment, but Johnny had vetoed that idea and pushed up their plan to finally make contact with you. 
After all, now that you’re in his car, in the claws of the beast, two beasts, there’s no escape. Neither Johnny nor Haechan need the apartment across the street from yours now because you’re theirs.
You don’t know it, sitting there, comfy and chatting with the two gorgeous ceo’s, but you’re theirs now, and they have no intention of ever giving you up.
You pull into the garage under a massive skyscraper. Johnny hadn’t been lying when he said they live in one of the newer buildings. Johnny pulls in between two luxury cars and when you get out, you can’t help but admire the sleek red Lamborghini.
“Like her?” Haechan asks, coming to stand next to you.
“She’s beautiful,” you breathe, leaning in to his use of the feminine pronoun for the car.
Haechan reaches out and smooths a hand along the body of the car. “I loved the colour when I first bought her, but now I’m not so sure.” He pauses for a moment, considering. “Maybe yellow next time.”
“You’ve already had yellow,” comes Johnny’s voice as he joins you where you’re standing near the trunk of the luxury car.
The taller man’s hand finds the small of your back and you really enjoy the way he pulls you into his side, his large body dwarfing you as he also eyes the Lamborghini. You can’t believe how they talk about these cars, as if paint jobs are easy and getting a new luxury car is a decision that can be made on a whim. 
“I had yellow with a black stripe,” Haechan corrects the man next to him, pulling his red lollipop out of his mouth to use it to point at the car, “this time it would be full yellow.”
“You’ll just end up changing your mind again,” Johnny chuckles, applying a bit of pressure onto your back to get you moving with him towards the elevators that will take you to their apartment. 
“And then I’ll get a new car,” Haechan responds simply, shoving a hand into the pocket of his black dress pants before following you and Johnny. 
Waiting for the elevator, sandwiched between the broad shoulders of two ceos, your heart is racing. Johnny’s hand is on your lower back still, and his fingers are gently stroking you, his eyes fixed ahead. Haechan isn’t touching you, he’s playing with the lollipop in his mouth, twirling the stick with long, pretty fingers. 
The elevator arrives and you all step into it. Haechan turns to face you, leaning back against the mirrored walls. His eyes are on you now and your skin prickles at the attention. You unconsciously press closer to Johnny, who laughs. 
He thinks it’s adorable that you’re reacting this way to Haechan, who has always been the more obvious of the two when it comes to his predatory behaviour. 
Johnny is well past proficient when it comes to slipping on a mask and acting like a kind, warm, nice person, which, to be fair, he is. He hides the dark side of himself as much as he can, but Haechan doesn’t have as much of a handle on himself. Besides, Haechan can get away with aggressive behaviour because he has a different aesthetic from Johnny, leaning in more on the fact that he’s slightly younger, smaller, and less physically threatening at a glance.
Unconsciously cowering away from Haechan, who appears to be the darker of the two, you’re simply allowing yourself to get closer to the real dominant in the elevator: Johnny.
You’re not aware of it, but Haechan is behaving this way because Johnny allows it. He enjoys the way girls react to Haechan’s aggression, enjoys the voyeuristic act of watching. If Haechan’s behaviour is ever going to get in their way of getting to a target, Johnny will put his foot down and expect full compliance from Haechan… but until that day comes, Johnny will enjoy letting Haechan play with his food.
“So you two do this sort of thing often?” you ask to fill the quiet. “You two with one girl?”
Johnny exchanges a look with Haechan, who smirks around his lollipop. “Often enough,” the large man holding you responds.
“Are there any safe words I should know about?” Your voice is teasing, and the innocence in your smile makes Johnny want to simply throw you against the mirror and fuck you in the elevator- Haechan’s tried to do this sort of thing before - jumping the gun too quick in the elevator - and it had ended with a poor lady from the floor below their own getting a better view of Haechan than she’d probably ever wanted. 
Johnny’s grip tightens on you and Haechan stays pressed to the other side of the small enclosed space. “Do you want us to put you in the kind of position that requires a safe word, gorgeous?” Johnny grins down at you.
You turn to fully face him, enjoying the way his hands both find your waist. “I'm not as innocent as I look.” 
Behind you, Haechan audibly pulls his lollipop from his mouth, holding it deftly in between two fingers while he closes the distance between his body and your back so he can cage you in against Johnny. 
“You’re pretty confident you can take both of us, aren’t you, pretty girl?” His breath fans over your neck as he teases the skin there, tongue caressing your ear lobe just long enough to give you goosebumps and make your panties unbearably wt, but not long enough to actually give you satisfaction. 
You hum in response, pressing your ass back against Haechan, which earns you a deep groan that also goes straight to your core. 
“Are you going to let us break you, gorgeous?” Johnny’s hand cups your face, his thumb trailing along your bottom lip.
You suck his digit into your mouth, twirling your tongue around it as you nod, looking up at Johnny with big, bedroom eyes. 
“Then I guess your safe word can be red,” Johnny tells you, removing his thumb from your mouth so he can grasp your throat instead. Your breath catches and you stay completely still, something that Johnny absolutely adores. “But if you’re uncomfortable, you can say yellow.”
You like the way he explains this, you think to yourself as Haechan spins you around and claims your lips with his own, pressing his body flush against yours. 
You’ve had your share of interactions with BDSM and guys like Johnny, or should you say doms like Johnny. Having one safe word is pretty entry level, but the guys who hit you with two safe words that vary on level of discomfort? They’re the seasoned dominants that you thrive on… and unbeknownst to you, they know it.
You may have caught Haechan’s eye on the street that first day, but neither of these men are as careless with women as they are with cars. Haechan had done the research, and this interaction is only taking place due to months of planning. They know everything about you now, and it hadn’t taken long for a paid hacker to get them access to your search histories. Haechan has spent many hours watching your screens, and they both know through your porn searches that you have an interest in the harder things in BDSM. 
Johnny had warned Haechan that unlike their last sub, who had entered into things with not much prior history in BDSM, you would be different. You’d be expecting protocol, such as safe words, and Johnny is actually very pleased you’re asking this before even arriving at their apartment.
He knows you have a decent head on your shoulders, but your head also has eyes, which are not impervious to their looks, nor are your ears to their sweet, charming voices. But you’d still agreed to go home with them quicker than he’d expected, which had made him wonder about your street smarts if nothing else. Bringing up safe words in this setting solidifies Johnny’s confidence in you, and the way you’re behaving with them shows that you’re interested, but you’re still a little apprehensive.
The fact that you’re being cautious, to an extent, pleases Johnny. Most girls take in the two big ceo’s and immediately think that they’ll be taken care of, that all their needs will be met and they’ll be rolling around in money and men the moment they get back to the apartment, as if Johnny and Haechan’s attentions and affections are a given, which they are not.
No, Johnny is more of a one time fling kind of guy. Act the prince for a night but always be sure to leave for ‘work’ the next morning with a sweet note of explanation left on his pillow and money for uber.
When it comes to long term girls, well, he’s extremely picky. After their last sub, who had been the perfect image of innocence, had ended… badly, to say the least, Johnny had decided not to pick up a new doll for a while. So when Haechan had found you, he’d thought long and hard about his deal breakers, the things he simply would not be happy with in a female companion.
It was in this that he and Haechan had discussed their mutual attraction to girls with a bit of strength and bite. Johnny had always found his romps with switches - who always attempted to fight him for dominance - to be nearly the most rewarding. Although he’s not interested in a switch (simply because they would never ever be allowed to dom him), a bratty sub, or at least a seasoned one, has been tantalizing for a while. 
Everything in your behaviour is telling Johnny that he and Haechan have found the right girl. That their research hasn’t been in vain. You’re proving to be just as teasingly bratty as he’d thought you would be from glimpses of you on your social media, but you’re still being submissive, pressed to his chest and wallowing in the attention. 
You’re seasoned enough to be weary, and your trust will have to be earned, which Johnny honestly prefers to the faith blindly given to him by cute pillow princesses who only want the taste of excessive luxury that he can provide. 
When the elevator reaches their penthouse, Johnny steps from the lift, prompting you to pull away from Haechan to follow- but the man has you ensnared in his embrace. He allows you to exit the elevator, but he keeps a firm grip on you, wrapping his arms around your body as he molds himself to your back, a feeling you’re becoming used to. 
You look around their home while Johnny heads into the kitchen, discarding his jacket on a chair before retrieving a cup from the kitchen.
“What do you think, princess?” Haechan’s voice is low and gravely in your ear, drawing your attention from his tall friend, “should the tour start or end in the bedroom?”
“Tour later,” Johnny answers, approaching you both and plucking the lollipop from Haehcan, which he places in the cup he’s brought. Johnny leaves the cup on the kitchen counter then heads off down the hallway, not bothering to look back at you or Haechan for further discussion. 
You don’t mind that he’d made the choice, in fact, it feels kind of fitting in some odd way that Johnny’s the one calling the shots… and you also enjoy the way he deals with the man behind you, thinking two steps ahead and getting rid of the lollipop that would otherwise had to have been constantly passed between mouths or possibly even placed on a direct surface.
The man pressed against your back pushes you forward with his body, prompting you to head off in Johnny’s footsteps, and you think maybe Haechan’s more of an enforcer dom than the type that makes decisions. 
Your mouth is nearly watering at the idea of what they’re going to do to you. You wonder if they have a game plan, or maybe if they’ll riff off each other and let things go a more organic route. 
When you arrive at your destination, the master bedroom, you take in the space. It’s furnished in a minimalistic way that you find very pleasing, with a large bed and windows that overlook the city of dazzling lights.
There’s a nice table by the window, and on it are a laptop and a few books, as well as a notable crystal decanter full of an amber liquid- whiskey you think, and you think you see some small wood like chips in the bottom, suggesting it’s been aged.
You’re too far away to see titles of the books, which catch your eye next. You wonder what these men could be reading- however, the fact that it’s only one chair at the table makes you think perhaps only one of them is a fan of what now looks to be maybe classic literature, Shakespeare?
Johnny walks over to the table and pours himself a drink, keeping his body slightly turned so you have a view of him. He has such an amazing side profile, and you step forward- only to be lurched back by Haechan’s embrace. 
The tall man smirks by the window at the altercation, but doesn't give you his attention. Instead he sidesteps to fully face the city, while Haechan’s teeth graze your ear and a growl of annoyance grumbles through his chest. 
“You like him more, huh?” the man behind you seethes, his hands moving from your hips down your legs. You’re in a clubbing dress tonight, your friends had insisted on it, and it’s giving Haechan way too easy access to you. 
You respond by pushing back against him, turning so your lips can brush Haechan’s while you grab the back of his head, tangling your fingers through his hair. “You’re the one holding me right now.” 
The next word that comes from your mouth gets shocked reactions from everyone, but it feels right. Between Johnny and Haechan, the taller of the two is obviously the daddy, and the man grinding behind you like a jealous frat boy feels a little young to be a sir. So when you call him “master,” things feel right.
You have no idea that you’ve just solidified everything in Haechan’s god complex affected mind that you’re his now. 
You put one of your hands over each of his, bringing them both up. This causes his large fingers to slowly drag your dress to expose more and more skin until he can access your panties. At the same time, his other palm comes to massage your breast.
In front of you, Johnny moves the chair to face the spectacle Haechan is all but puppet mastering from his position behind you.
Your master pushes you forward.
Johnny sits down in the chair, raising his glass to his lips. His eyes follow your every movement as Haechan brings you closer and closer until you’re just between Johnny’s confidently spread legs. 
Haechan’s hand has slipped fully into your underwear, and his long fingers are teasing you. “So wet,” he groans, pressing an open mouthed kiss to your neck, “who made you this wet gorgeous?” 
You moan when his index finger gently brushes over your clit, pushing your ass back against Haechan. “You did, master.”
You enjoy the way the man behind you reacts every time you call him ‘master’. This time, he squeezes your breast roughly, and finally slips two fingers into your core. He’s figured out that you have a sensitive neck, and has already found your sweet spot, which you’re pretty sure he’s marked based on how often he keeps coming back to it. He also drags your strapless dress down enough to get full access to your chest, and you can’t help the whimpery sigh that leaves your lips at the coolness of the room on your newly exposed skin.
Between his mouth on your neck, his digits buried in your pussy, and his fingers - which are now teasing and pinching at your nipple- you can feel your orgasm rising already. 
In front of you, Johnny sets his drink down. He’s at the perfect height while sitting, and he’s able to simply lean in and latch his lips to the nipple that Haechan’s been neglecting. 
With one hand, you grab at the back of Johnny’s head to keep him at your chest while your other hand tugs more at Haechan’s hair. “Please let me cum?” 
Haechan chuckles behind you. “Aw, is our little pet that sensitive?” he coos, “going to cum and we’ve only just started.”
Teeth graze your nipple and you gasp, looking down at Johnny, who pulls away from you only to hook his fingers in your panties and drag them down. Haechan hadn’t bothered to get rid of your underwear, but now that you’re close to cumming, you’re thankful one of them has dealt with the annoyingly confining fabric. 
Suddenly Johnny is offering you two fingers to suck on, and you do so diligently, only to have them removed a moment later. You have no idea what Johnny is about to do to you- and then his hand is joining Haechan’s at your entrance. 
Johnny’s digits slide into you under Haechan’s, and you whimper at the new feeling and the stretch it provides. Your eyes close and you focus on the pleasure that they’re giving you, but as you’re about to fall over the edge you realize they haven’t given you permission yet.
“Can I cum?” you whimper again, earning a chuckle from the man behind you. “Please?”
“Only because you asked so nicely.” It’s Johnny who gives you the go ahead to orgasm, and a moment later your body is quivering as waves of pleasure slam into you. 
Haechan keeps you up, his strong form holding you as his fingers continue to slide in and out of your core, aided by Johnny’s, which reach just a bit longer and curl up past Haechan’s into a spot that’s making you see stars. 
You’re not sure how long you cum for, only that when you’re done, you’re a shivering mess. You watch Johnny remove his fingers from your core and lick them clean. Then he reaches for his drink, leaning back in his chair and letting out a sigh. He’s so incredibly sexy and confident in his movements, and the sheer amount of space he takes up with his large form-
Behind you, Haechan is unzipping your dress. His hot breath fans across the expanse of your bare back and you like the way he roughly grabs at the fabric that’s bunched around your waist and pulls it up, all but tearing it off of your body. 
Haechan pushes you forward, manhandling you into a position that’s kind of new to you and utilizes Johnny’s sitting form. 
Haechan lifts one of your legs, and you find yourself forced to use Johnny’s thigh to half kneel on. Haechan then applies pressure to your back and in this way, you’re in a half standing doggy, with one knee and your hands cushioned on Johnny’s strong body still seated in his chair. You worry for a moment about Johnny and if this is uncomfortable for him, but when he helps adjust your leg slightly forward, it stretches you out more for Haechan and tucks your knee near Johnny’s hip, resting much of your shin on his sturdy thigh.
Haechan’s hands find your waist and a moment later the head of his cock is rubbing against your entrance. He coats himself in your slick, and then begins to push in, causing you to both let out groans of pleasure.
Johnny’s lips find your nipple again, the position giving him perfect access to your chest, and he massages your neglected breast with his free hand. The stimulation makes your pussy flutter around Haechan as he fully sheathes himself, inch by inch, until you can feel him practically everywhere. 
The man behind you lets out an animalistic growl, then he grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling your head back and forcing you to arch your spine. 
It hurts to have him grabbing you by your hair, but it’s wonderful too. Electric pricks of pain delighting your whole body as Haechan begins to fuck up into you with a cock that’s threatening to split you in half.
You can hear the moans spilling past your lips, but you can’t control them. The sound of Haechan’s skin smacking against yours with each harsh snap of his hips nearly drowns out his groans of pleasure, and Johnny is quiet as he sucks on your nipple. His free hand moves between your legs, finding your clit even as Haechan roughly fucks you, and this stimulation is almost too much with everything else going on.
You let out a strangled gasp, teeth sinking into your bottom lip to stop any further whimpers from being freed. You can’t believe how easily these two can bring you to the edge. They work in perfect unison, both of them dealing with separate pleasure spots on your body and abusing them until you’re nearly screaming.
“Gonna cum for us again kitten?” Haechan’s cocky voice interupts your thoughts, his teeth grazing by your ear.
“Please-” it’s the only word that can come to your mind.
“Do you deserve it?”
“Please!” you whimper, muscles tightening painfully as you try to hold back your orgasm until you have permission. 
“Cum for us,” Haechan commands as Johnny’s teeth graze your nipple and his fingers rub your clit harder, triggering your orgasm to slam into you. 
Haechan lets go of your hair when you cum, allowing you to slump forward, cradling Johnny’s head as he sucks and licks at your nipples while your body shakes with stimulation. 
Haechan uses his newly freed hand to grab at your ass, kneading the flesh and adjusting your hips just so- his cock slams into your gspot and you let out a strangled sound that prompts Johnny to wrap a hand around your throat, muffling your noises and gasps.
You’re pretty sure Haechan cums from the way his hips piston into you. 
If Johnny wasn’t holding you, you’re sure the power behind Haechan’s thrusts would have knocked the both of you onto the floor. As it is, his strength has you nearly at your breaking point, his fingers digging into your waist painfully, but you can’t bring yourself to care. It feels wonderful to be used this way, and sandwiched between two massive men no less.
When Haechan stills, his hands let go of your waist in favour of your hair again, and he pulls you away from Johnny so you’re standing with your back pressed to his chest. “What do we say when someone is nice to us, hmm?”
“Thank you, master,” you answer quickly, voice a little hoarse from moaning. You’re trying to catch your breath, but when you open your eyes, you’re met with Johnny, who’s looking at you with hunger.
“Going to be a good girl for Johnny now, right?” Haechan’s tongue darts out to leave a stripe of wetness up your neck to your ear, where he gently tugs at your lobe with his teeth.
You nod, swallowing thickly as you try to pull yourself together. 
Johnny stands up, and you’re forced to tilt your head up to meet his eyes now that he’s no longer below you. You lick your lips, practically drooling at his height. 
He’s still fully clothed, and you watch him begin to unbutton his shirt. He moves slowly, but you don’t mind, eyes fixed on his long fingers and the pretty skin he’s revealing more and more of. 
Behind you, Haechan lets out a sigh. He pulls his cock out of you and roughly pushes you onto the bed, a motion you were not expecting. You land with a scream of shock, blinking at the two men standing over you.
Haechan tucks himself back into his pants before going to take Johnny’s seat, while the taller of the two comes to stand at the foot of the bed near you. He’s finally pushing his shirt off of his shoulders, and you mewl at the way muscle moves under his beautiful skin.
“Careful baby,” Johnny says when he begins to undo his belt, his eyes scanning your open legs before going up to your face, he winks at you, “or you’ll make a mess before I’ve even started.”
Hot embarrassment floods your body as you feel Haechan’s cum beginning to drip out of your needy core. You bring you hand down to your entrance, collecting what you can before stuffing yourself with digits that don’t even compare to Haechan or Johnny’s. Your legs close around your hand and you let out a soft whimpering sound, the coolness of the room getting to you now that you’re not sandwiched between two large, warm bodies.
“Aw, is our little doll getting shy?” Johnny’s tone is playful, and the sound of something hard and metallic draws your attention back to him. He’s naked now, pants discarded, and he gets onto the bed, hands grabbing your legs and forcing them open easily. 
He looks down at where you have two digits buried inside of yourself, and you watch him wrap his index finger and thumb around your wrist. He moves himself up the bed so when he removes your hand from your core, his cock can take its place. There’s a rush of wetness at your entrance and you feel Johnny rut himself against you, coating his shaft in it, but you’re too busy paying attention to your own fingers, which he’s shoved into your mouth.
You can taste yourself and Haechan, and you’re eager to clean your digits completely, Johnny’s warm brown eyes fixed on you and your task. You pull your fingers from your mouth with a pop, wrapping your arms around the back of Johnny’s shoulders to pull him closer, smashing your lips to his while your legs also increase the pressure of Johnny on your core.
Johnny stops kissing you, a hand wrapping around your throat to hold you against the pillows as he asks, “Ready, baby?” 
“Yes, daddy.”
You’re confident that you’ve given Johnny the right title because he rewards you immediately, reaching between your bodies to adjust his cock only to slam it into you. Haechan had taken his time inch by inch, but Johnny doesn’t. You’re already prepared from two orgasms, but Johnny’s massive cock still feels like an intrusion as your warm walls struggle to accommodate his sheer size. 
You moan against Johnny’s lips, tangling your fingers in his soft hair as his hips find a strong, steady rhythm. Johnny’s large body presses you down against the mattress, and you know there’s no way you’re going to last long like this, your size kink alone dragging you towards the edge for the third time tonight.
Johnny must be able to feel your pussy tightening around him because he applies more pressure to your neck, causing your moans to rise into squeaky sounds that have him chuckling down at you while he straightens slightly.
He’s half kneeling now, grabbing the headboard to stay up while he lifts your hips with one hand so he can fuck you deeper. Johnny’s arm is extended, holding you down against the pillows by your throat, pinning you, and  you’re prompted to grab at his strong forearm. 
Muscles flutter under your grasp, and despite the pleasure coursing through you and telling you to close your eyes, you can’t help but force yourself to blink up at Johnny and appreciate his beauty. 
Haechan had fucked you from behind, and you’ll be damned if you miss out on seeing Johnny’s face too. 
You can’t speak, but you find nonverbal ways of communicating with the man who’s using you like his own personal sex toy. When you pout out your bottom lip, you see Johnny’s expression soften slightly. His hips continue their rhythm but he lets go of your neck in favour of returning to a missionary position, his mouth  returning to yours.
Without the pressure on your throat, your moans are free to fill the room again, and soon they’re joined by someone else’s sounds of pleasure. Johnny’s lips move to your neck and this gives you time to turn your head and look at Haechan, who has his cock out again and is pumping it roughly while he watches you and Johnny on the bed.
You can’t help the way one of your hands reaches for Haechan while the other pulls harder at Johnny’s hair, and it’s more than enough of an invitation to have Haechan standing to come join you. 
Johnny laughs when he sees the turn of events, and he’s quick to pull out of you. “Our little doll wants both of us, huh?” he says as he flips you onto your tummy then grabs your waist, lifting you into doggy and sliding back into your wet core while Haechan gets comfy kneeling in front of you. 
“She’s greedy,” Haechan responds, looking down at you with a fond smile as he pets your hair, sliding his cock into your awaiting mouth. 
“And so tight.” Johnny lands an unexpected smack to your ass, causing you to jolt forward and farther onto Haechan, your throat constricting around Haechan’s cock before you steady yourself again.
“Fuck,” Haechan groans, tightening his grip on your hair. “She’s our perfect little toy.”
“And she’s not going to cum until we both do,” Johnny says. “Isn’t that right?” Another smack, this time harder, has you sputtering out sound of affirmation while Haechan continues to fuck your face. “I want to hear her say it.”
Haechan pulls you off his cock and your lungs greedily gasp at air, you can feel saliva running down your lips but you say as clearly as you can “I’m not going to cum until Master and Daddy cum first.” 
“Good girl,” comes Johnny’s response, and then Haechan is claiming your mouth again as the man behind you finds a brutal pace. Johnny’s fingers dig into your hips and each thrust has him all but breaking you with how insane his cock feels.
You get a good grip on the sheets below you and you focus on breathing through your nose even as you’re used on both sides by men who seem to be intent on making this the most memorable night of your life.
Haechan’s cock slips deep into your throat and makes you gag again, one of your hands instinctively coming up to grab at his thigh. A moment later, he’s removed from your mouth completely and Johnny hauls you up against his chest, strong arms keeping you up as his lips find your shoulder and his fingers find your clit.
Haechan is still in front of you, and he looks a little upset, his eyes narrowed in on the man behind you. 
You think your choking must have prompted Johnny to pull you away, so you make it up to Haechan by grabbing his cock with your free hand, picking up where you’d left off with your mouth. This draws his attention, and he gives in to you, coming closer so he can press his lips to your own.
You’ve yet to really focus on kissing Haechan, and you can still taste the hint of cherry left over from his lollipop. He cups your face with both hands, dominating your mouth with his red tinted tongue. 
Johnny works your clit harder with his fingers, your entrance so wet that it makes his strokes incredibly smooth as he continues to thrust into you at a crazy pace. 
“Please cum!” you whine against Haechan’s lips, remembering Johnny’s instructions even as your orgasm builds. You work your hand faster on his length and Haechan groans into your mouth, hips rutting into the stimulation. “I’m so close-” you’re all but crying now, your body overcome by the pleasure that’s just out of reach-
“Cum for us princess,” Johnny says in your ear before he latches his mouth to your neck. You can feel him cumming and you allow your own orgasm to hit you, your movements on Haechan faltering just slightly- but it’s enough to have him wrapping his hand around yours, forcing you to stroke him to a climax, which comes out in sticky spurts all over your abdomen and chest. 
The room is full of gasps and groans, as the three of you clutch at each other, working yourselves through intense orgasms that have you all nearly shuddering in ecstasy.
The three of you all try to catch your breaths as your orgasms die down and so do your motions. Haechan releases his grip on your hand, which is still wrapped around his cock, and takes a deep breath before collapsing onto the bed. 
Behind you, Johnny strokes your arms up and down, pressing soft kisses to your shoulder. You can feel his heart racing still, but his words are calm, “We should get you cleaned up.”
He’s right. Haechan had left a mess all over your front, and you’re sure that as soon as Johnny slips out of your core, you’ll have just as much of a problem between your legs as you do on your chest. 
Soon, you’re in the shower with Johnny, cradled in his arms. 
He holds you close, enjoying the way you’re too tired to even speak. You need your rest, there’s time for talking tomorrow. And the next day… and the day after that.
You’re theirs now, and although you might not have a concept of what that means, Johnny does. And part of his ownership of you comes with responsibilities, like aftercare. You’re his little doll now, and it’s important you’re clean and safe and well groomed. 
He already has a list of things he wants to do with you; take you shopping, go get your nails and hair done-
You shift in Johnny’s arms and all his plans dissipate, his focus shifting to the moment and what he needs to do to make you comfortable.
“I’m tired,” you tell him.
“Then let’s sleep,” he says smoothly, reaching past you to turn off the shower. He helps you out and hands you a towel, then he finds you a shirt you can wear to sleep in, although he’d really rather you simply just be naked. Come morning, Haechan will be tearing the shirt off of you anyways, so Johnny doesn’t bother trying to convince you to ditch it now.
You’ll learn soon enough, and Johnny doesn’t mind waiting until you do. He’s a patient man, and when it comes to you? He has all the time in the world.
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! I missed this fic, thought it deserved more of an ending, so here's a bonus below :)
🍭 support me by. sending a tip here or here - or become a patron to access monthly bonus content and extensions for fics like this one :) find the Patreon teaser below! 
🔮 preview. “So the puppet wants to become a puppet master today, is that it? You want to pull at Johnny’s strings?” “No, I-” “Don’t deny it, princess,” Haechan grabs your chin roughly. “I think it’s kind of hot- and I’ll play along with you… just this once. As long as we’re still clear on who’s running this show.”
cw/ tw. yandere warning, unprotected sex, blow job while gaming, praise, degradation, dirty talk, deep throating, exhibitionist themes, nsfw photos, dumbification, cum play, etc... I petnames. (hers) good/pretty girl, pet, cock whore, princess, etc. (Hyuck's) master.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 3k I teaser wc. 350
🌙 staring. Haechan x afab!Reader I ft. Johnny
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In the few months you’ve been ‘dating’ Haechan and Johnny, you’ve had to adjust to a lot. You’d had no idea when you left the bar with the two ceo’s that they’d latch onto you and refuse to let go- so to be suddenly thrown into a sugar daddy/baby type relationship- well, it had been unexpected, to say the least.
You’ve never known a love like the one you experience with both men- it’s hot, all consuming, and obsessive- but there are soft moments that you share with them, moments that elude to earlier life traumas that have made your lovers the way they are.
Haechan is especially obsessive, and while Johnny’s temperament is more relaxed, there’s always a glint of something behind his brown eyes; he supports Haechan with all sorts of ideas that others might find crazy. 
Like when Haechan insisted you quit your job and live with them full time, Johnny had nodded in agreement, offering up a monthly allowance to you as an incentive. Or then there was the morning Haechan had woken up and decided he wanted to take you on a week long tropical vacation, Johnny had simply stated that he’d make sure their assistant rearranged his schedule to make it happen.
The American also has his quirks, and just as he concedes to Haechan’s proclivities, you’ve found yourself giving in to Johnny without a question asked. He has an eye for fashion, and it’s been weeks since you even dressed yourself, instead, you wake up to a chosen outfit in your walk in closet every morning, and a note of intention from the man who always wants you looking your best. 
Sure, sometimes when you think about the long term goal, you fear what could happen if one day they just dropped you, but the way both men greedily enjoy your time - the way they fuck you absolutely stupid - it makes you want to just revel in the moment, despite the unconventional things about your relationship.
As time goes on, you’ve learned to love being their cock drunk little whore. You’ve learned how rewarding it can be. 
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