#i think i went overboard with the flowers
froggibus · 13 hours
Hi! I was wondering if I can request venture dating a sugar mommy? It can just be dating hc’s 😋 (maybe throw in some nsfw ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sugar Mommy - Venture
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Pairing: Sloan Cameron x fem! reader (reader uses fem pronouns + has a pussy---non NSFW part can be read as gn ^~^)
Genre: fluff headcanons, NSFW below the cut (MDNI)
CW: sugar mommy, established relationship, reader is RICH rich here, can be read as AMAB! Venture or AFAB! (w the strap), oral (f! receiving), begging, thigh riding, mention of sex toys, switch! Venture, praise, face sitting, overstim, i make one (1) bad joke
hey hi i definitely went a little overboard with the nsfw here but it was just such a fun thing to write! still (slowly) working through my requests & some summer content. in the spirit of that: what's your favorite thing to do in summer? mine is definitely roller skating, or reading a book on the beach ^~^
have summer fic ideas? come vote in our summer solstice poll & send in your ideas, thirsts & suggestions to my inbox!
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they are very hesitant at first to let you spoil them
of course they enjoy it, but they don’t want to take advantage of you
it takes a lot of gentle coaxing (and probably showing them your bank account) for them to warm up to the idea
they hardly ever ask you for things either
they have their own money to buy themselves things, and they don’t care much for fancy clothes or elaborate jewellery
you learn very quickly that the way to their heart is more through gestures than gadgets
the first time you pay their rent, they definitely call you in a panic
“I went to go pay my rent and they said it’s already been paid, do you think they made a mistake?”
“I paid it”
“You HUH?”
tried to pay you back before accepting you’d just buy them something else extravagant
you’re always browsing online auctions to see any rare rocks or artifacts being resold
nothing makes Sloan happier than being gifted with a long lost artifact
they’ll admire it for days until they return it to where it rightfully belongs
whenever they want to go on a new dig, or search for something new, you’re first in line to help fund it
equipment, travel arrangements—you’re paying for it all
Sloan is always very flustered when you spoil them, especially if it’s something big/expensive
they’ll always grant you an awkward, excited ‘thank you’ and spend the next few hours brainstorming how they’ll make it up to you
maybe they’ll attempt to cook you dinner, or gift you with an arrangement of fresh flowers and pretty crystals
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or they’ll bury their face between your legs and spend hours eating you like you’re their last meal
Sloan will NEVER admit it, but they’re secretly turned on by you flexing your wallet on them
they’ll come to you all flustered and get down on their knees and beg you to let them touch you
call them Dumbledore cause they’re a head master
the odd time they do want you to buy something for them, they’re not afraid to show you just how much they want it
they’ll climb right into your lap and grind on your thigh, whimpering in your ear while they tell you exactly what they want
or bring out their toys and show you just how needy they are (though their face always burns with shame at first)
will beg you to sit on their face and tell them how good they are
on days where they feel bolder, they don’t beg at all
they’ll fuck you relentlessly until you’re sore and so overstimulated you can hardly speak
with each thrust they tell you just how badly they want you to fund their newest project
when they’re finally satisfied with your sorry, fucked out state, they’ll help clean you up before happily taking your credit card
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overwatch masterlist | masterlist
(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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shroombell · 3 months
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@adriaue's soundwave design :3
another version under the cut ⬇️
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thedorfmirrin · 3 months
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Art trade with @the-girl-who-barks of their fursona Zezo ❤
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fairlyang · 3 months
more husband!miguel x wife!reader headcanons! 🕷️
taglist: @safixiovi | part one
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miguel was an attentive listener so anytime he’d take you out shopping and you had an eye on something like a lipstick or dress, he would just make a mental note and come back for it the following weekend
but sometimes he’s go overboard and end up buying more things he thinks you’d enjoy
or even try to pair a cute dress with a lipstick and new heels/flats
would absolutely peel all your oranges or cuties, would even cut up your fruits if you liked them diced
could def see him as the gardening type! he’d take care of his lemon trees and all his veggies while you took care of your pretty flowers and plants in the backyard
going grocery shopping would consist of him putting any snack he’s been craving for the past two months tops
he simply might see some Canelitas or Barritas and how could he not get a box of each?
and when it came to remembering if you had queso fresco, beans, or cilantro his mind would go blank which resulted in you giving him a, “are you serious?”
when it was time to pay he’d playfully push you towards the cart so you didn’t have to pay a dime because that was his job
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best of all he is the the most romantic man imaginable but when valentines comes around his date plans, gifts, and flirtatious manner just skyrockets
and when he finally does the grand reveal of everything he got for you, you’re practically tear eyed, feeling an immense amount of appreciation for him
you just stared at him with a little pout (trying not to cry) while admiring how handsome he looked because he loved dressing up for special occasions
you went up to him holding his face in your hands and attack his face with kisses while he laughed and dropped the big stuffed bear he got you
he wrapped his arms around your waist while you were on your tiptoes, kissing his cheeks, nose, forehead, and lips as lovingly as you could
then you pulled away and ran off to the kitchen where you had your own gift for him that was in a pretty glittery red bag
it was a big bag with two little gifts and you were certain it’d be the best present you could possibly give him
returning back to him with the bag in hand and handing it to him before standing in front of him awaiting his reaction
he shook his head in disbelief because he never wants you spending money on him which is quite ironic
but he placed the bag on the coffee table and grabbed the gift paper, throwing it on the floor as your heart pounded in pure excitement
his hand reached down and grabbed the first item, bringing it back up with an instant gasp and tears already filling his eyes
the white baby booties were so tiny in his big hand but it only made the reality hit harder
he was going to be a dad
with a shaky hand he grabbed the final thing in the bag which was a positive pregnancy test in a ziploc baggie
without a word being said he walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you, hugging you gently with tears streaming down his cheeks
you hugged him back and finally your tears fell as well from having to hold this surprise for a little while now
(it was hard because you tell him literally everything)
he was about to speak when a sob instead came out making him laugh because he wasn’t expecting it
you sniffled and grinned so wide your cheeks began to hurt as he pulled away from you just to be able to look at you
his eyes were red and a single tear fell from his eye as he whispered, “I love you so much.”
“our family is growing.” you whispered back making more tears fall from both your faces
he kissed you softly before embracing you once again and making sure to be extra cautious for the little one in your tummy
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mypimpademia · 11 months
— The Teacher (pt. 2)
Single dad! Gojo x Fem! Preschool teacher! Reader
Synopsis: Little Megumi wonders if you’re his new mom, and Gojo finds himself wondering the same thing.
TW: None
Note: click/tap here for part 1! or Click/tap here for part 3! I forgot to mention it in the first part, but ig it was kinda implied, Gojo is 29 in this not a teen like he was in canon. Gojo is also very briefly implied to get around
⇶ Satoru stuck to his promise of taking you out
⇶ He left Megumi with Utahime for the night, and made sure that everything was perfect for you
⇶ Truthfully, he went a little overboard out of his own anxiety
⇶ Booked reservations for one of the nicest restaurants in town, deep cleaned his house (just in case), got his already clean car detailed, bought a new suit despite having many hardly-worn ones in his closet, stalked your socials for hints at what you might like, and more that he’d be far too embarrassed to ever admit to
⇶ Satoru picked you up from your house at 6 pm, knocking on your door with a giant bouquet of flowers in hand
“You look incredible.”
Those were the only words Satoru could come up with when he saw you.
He always thinks you look incredible, but seeing you all dressed up outside of your usual work attire was a nice change of pace, and you looked effortlessly beautiful.
“Thank you, Toru,” you beamed. “You look pretty,” you told him, scanning over his tall figure, clad in a deep blue suit.
‘Toru’, ‘pretty’. He nearly passed out on your porch.
Satoru smiled, clearing his throat in an effort to gather his bearings as he fought back the deep blush that was crawling up his face.
“For you, mon chéri,” he said, in a corny fake French accent, presenting the large bouquet of flowers to you.
They were neatly wrapped in a brown paper, and tied off with a white bow. From just the look of it, you could tell they were expensive.
“These are my favorite,” you gasped, taking them from him. “How’d you know?”
He stalked your instagram and found a post from a year ago where you said you loved them.
“Lucky guess,” Satoru smiled. “Y’ready to go?”
⇶ He led you to his shiny black sports car, opening up the door for you to get in
⇶ It even smelled expensive, and the fresh scent of car shampoo was still lingering. You could tell he had it cleaned just for this, but didn’t say anything
⇶ When you got to the restaurant, out of place was an understatement for how you felt
⇶ You were just happy you decided to dress nicer than you had originally planned
⇶ Looking around, the restaurant was beautifully decorated, and the people dining were dressed just as beautiful
⇶ The more time you spent with Satoru, the more that you realized you knew next to nothing about him
⇶ Where does he get all this money from? What does he do for a living? Who is he, really? And what’s up with the sunglasses?
⇶ You will admit, the mystery only made him all the more attractive, but you had a newfound determination to peel back his layers
⇶ But your first date might not be the best time for that, so you were willing to let things unfold naturally for now
⇶ Satoru insisted that you ordered whatever you want off the menu because he was paying, and ignored your protests
⇶ You hopped around different topics of conversation throughout dinner, and you did eventually make it to the subject of work
⇶ Satoru asked you what exactly made you want to teach preschool, or teach at all, and watched your eyes light up
⇶ Teaching was undoubtably a job you need to have a passion for, and you had more than enough passion for it
⇶ You told him that you’ve always had an interest in teaching, and loved kids and thought they were precious, sacred even, and that their early years are the best part to watch and be a part of
⇶ Satoru’s heart was getting ready to leap out of his chest just watching you talk about something you love so much
‘She’d make a great mom for Megs…’
⇶ The thought surprised even him, Satoru wasn’t sure if it was genuine or intrusive, but it had him glancing at your features and around him to make sure he hadn’t accidentally said it aloud
⇶ He told you that all the kids were lucky to have you, and that seeing you take care of Megumi and all those kids with ease made him feel like his worries from adopting were pointless
⇶ He glazed over the adoption part so easily, you almost missed it
⇶ Sure, you were more than well aware that Satoru was a single father, and when you saw that his last name was different from Megumi’s, you just assumed it was his mothers last name
“It is his mothers last name, but he’s not at all my biological kid. I adopted him from… a friend.”
⇶ You had removed a layer from Satoru, only to find how thin it was in comparison to the amount he had left
⇶ The revelation answered some of the questions you had, and left you with even more at the same time
⇶ Just based on the hesitation he showed, you knew better than to press any further, and changed the subject
⇶ The rest of dinner went smoothly, and you and Satoru once again went back and forth about the bill before he was calling the waiter back to take his card
⇶ On the drive back, Satoru asked if you wanted to see Megumi since Utahime’s house was in the same direction as yours
⇶ You said yes, because of course you wanted to see Megumi, and because it was getting harder and harder for you to say no to Satoru
⇶ When you arrived at Utahime’s, Megumi lept at you before he even said hello to Satoru
⇶ Satoru feigned being hurt by the action, but Megumi still payed him no mind, directing all his attention to you
⇶ Satoru thanked Utahime for watching Megumi, and you overheard her saying something about not dumping his kid on her again
⇶ Megumi had you sit in the backseat with him, and told you about all the stuff he did at Utahime’s
⇶ All the sudden, he asked why you and Satoru were all dressed up
“Did you guys go on a date?”
You and Satoru shared a questioning look through the rear view mirror, one that asked ‘Should we tell him?’.
“Sure did little man!” Satoru told him, but Megumi didn’t seem too surprised by his answer.
“Oh, Dad goes on a lot of those,” Megumi said, before going back to playing with the plastic dinosaur in his lap.
Satoru was rethinking all his life choices in that moment. He gulped back the saliva that had pooled in his mouth, already going over how exactly he could explain that to you later on.
To his surprise, he heard you laugh at Megumi’s comment.
“But I’m your favorite, right?” You asked the boy, playfully nudging him. He turned to you with big wide eyes and smiled.
⇶ Dropping you off at your house, Satoru thanked you for letting him take you out, and haphazardly tried to apologize for Megumi’s little comment and explain himself
⇶ You told him it was fine, and thanked him for the night, hugging him and planting a kiss on his cheek
⇶ Satoru froze up at the action, but managed to say bye to you as he collected himself and you disappeared into your house
⇶ When he and Megumi got back home, Satoru made a point to explain to Megumi why he couldn’t just throw out information like that to people, especially you
⇶ While putting on the boys pajamas in the dimly lit dinosaur themed room, Megumi yawned out a question
“Hey, dad,”
He spoke through a yawn while rubbing his eye with his fist. Satoru hummed back in acknowledgment, straining out the bottom of the little boy’s pajama shirt
“Is Ms. L/n gonna be my mom?” Megumi asked, looking at Satoru with low, sleepy eyes.
Satoru thought back to the statement that popped into his head during dinner. You would make a great mom for him.
“Um,” Satoru started, tucking Megumi underneath his comforter. “I dunno yet.”
He was honest. He didn’t know if what he was feeling for you was real or if he was just in over his head.
“I hope she is,” Megumi muttered, huffing out as his breathing turned into soft snores.
“Me too, Megs.”
Taglist: @megurulvr @miirene @planetlunaa @kazuminari @goldenglow149 + @torusmochi
Send in a ask or DM me to be added to all taglists, or fill out my form to be added to select ones.
Thank you for reading, comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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loud-whistling-yes · 1 year
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Wooooo winners gang (design notes + version without scott's stars + halos under cut)
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All of them except martyn have scars related to their final death
Also gold accents for all of them :DD
Took 5 minutes of debating with myself back and forth on whether I wanted black eyes, red eyes, purple eyes or whatever goddamn eyes their skins have
Ended up with dark red eyes. Which is not even a colour I was thinking of as shown above
Also this isn't even that related to the design or anything but I like to think the winners only remember as far as the game they won. So like grian only remembers 3l scott remembers 3l and ll so on and stuff. Makes shit funnier. And more dramatic. (looking at you whatever the fuck dl!galaxy duo had going on)
Poncho and the flowers were inspired by @/cherrifire's design :D
Scars on the head are from the fall. Also not shown in here are bloody marks on his hands from the cactus ring LMAO
Tiny wings don't fly D:
As you can see
I may have went a bit overboard with the headcannoning
Relates to an old post of mine (oh god. It's from 2021. oh god this is VERY old.) Where I hc-ed ll!scott to have becomed a starbrone after dying. Hence... Whatever the fuck this is
Not really happy with how the galaxy thingy came out 😭 might redo it sometime...
But yeah lighting scars :)))
And the crystals around him are kinda half-melted also from the lightning... Also a thing from the old post
Frayed soulmate string :)
Explosion scars on face, chest and right hand from the explosion. Basically she threw herself to the explosion or something idk I've been looking at the mirror for 20 minutes now with stupid looking positions
Crystals are shared soulmate trait she got from scott
Ehhhh I might redesign him someday he isn't as well thought-out compared to the others cause I've had months to think of the others designs...
No scars for him lol. Like I know irl he just got smited by grian but in his video he actually runs out of time so...
He's got his hourglass tho (top part empty as it should be :))
His head is meant to look like pufferfish :D yellow and blue and all
Yes I think about the banner belt a lot
His halo is based of mars and its moons phobos and deimos :D
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mrsparrasblog · 2 months
Makarov x Price Daughter pt.5
Ngl I was sobbing when I wrote it, when you come to the price part listen to "Slipping through my fingers" will make it better.
Im unsure about if we want a Price or Makarov ending, because the next chapter will be the last.
Previous part. next part
You were surprised by how much freedom you had since you accepted his proposal. You could walk around Russia, of course, with your guards because you knew how dangerous life could be, especially without Vlad, who always protected you.
You even found friends Vlad introduced you to Milena, and you always had a blast. She was funny and confident, and you liked that.
Today, you were shopping for a wedding dress, and Vlad gave you his card. You knew nothing was off-limits; you were well off. You didn’t know much, just that he was filthy rich. When people saw you walking in, knowing you were the future Mrs. Makarov, they literally bowed. The press called you the princess of Russia, and you felt like one. You picked out the dress of your dreams without going overboard, but you looked stunning. You asked the tailor to make it adjustable. By the rate you and Vlad had sex since the engagement, you wouldn’t wonder if you were already pregnant.
Sometimes you forget about all the circumstances you met. Maybe it was biology protecting you, or maybe your big heart thinking about how no one in your life ever treated you better than him. Did anyone even miss you from your old life? Certainly not, or your Dad would have at least found you. He was a special ops captain, so if he wanted to, he would.
“Моя жена, why are you crying? We will be wed tomorrow; you should be happy,” he asked. He slowly got used to your overly sensitive character; of course, he saw you as a weak dear, but that made the appeal. In his position, having a wife was a luxury; having a soft, innocent wife was like a status symbol to him. Other people in his position kept their private lives hidden. But he was Vladimir Makarov. He didn’t have to fear anything; he could show you around everywhere like a prize, and his enemies wouldn’t even dare to cross him.
“Just sad that Dad won't walk me down the aisle,” you admitted.
You missed your Dad; you always would, even if he was a shitty dad. He was all you had for years until Vlad changed everything for you. Now, he was all you needed and depended on. Even if you would want to leave, you knew you can’t. You were too well-known here; all your money belonged to him. God, his name was tattooed on your soft skin, a claim he wanted to give you before marrying you.
“I invited him, моя жена,” you couldn’t believe him; he invited your Dad, he really did it.
“You did?”
“Everything for you, princess.”
You crunched over the toilet seat a few hours before your wedding, holding the stick close that could determine your whole life. In these moments, you missed your best friend or someone you could talk to. You loved Vlad with all your heart; you really did. After everything he did for you, how couldn’t you? It was needed. But still, sometimes, a small, faint little voice in your head screamed at you, telling you he kidnapped you. But he saved you from a miserable life, didn’t he?
You peed on that damn stick, waiting for the results to finally show. Should you be happy, sad, or what? The result didn’t surprise you, though. It would be okay; you knew it would be coming, and you loved kids, right?
Your bridesmaids helped you with the wedding dress, hair, and makeup, and you were prepared now to walk down the aisle, unfortunately without your father bringing you to the supposed love of your life. The church was decorated luxuriously with all the flowers you could only imagine, and you walked towards the men who looked at you like you were the only woman on earth, suddenly, your doubts went silent as you almost ran towards him at the altar.
“Today I can finally call you Mrs. Makarov,” he whispered in your ear.
“You call me your wife for a year.”
“But now it's real,” he smiled at you, kissing your forehead, and the ceremony started. You were happy about your Russian teacher so you understood everything. You were surprised that he prepared his own vows; you thought it would be the fast “I promise to be with you through sickness and health” to not appear vulnerable, but he did it for you, showing you it was real. The man unable to love—loved you.
“My Princess,
As I stand here today, I cannot help but laugh at the twists of fate that have brought us together. In a life marked by shadows and violence, you emerged as a beacon of light—a flicker of hope in a world tainted by darkness.
Lying, cheating, and betraying were never hard for me and never will be. I could promise you to change, be the man you deserve, and be a good man who will never lie to you or hurt anyone else. But I've decided to not lie to you today or any day in my life.
I make no promises of transformation, for I am who I am, a man stained by the choices I've made. But in you, I've found something worth protecting, worth fighting for. You, with your unwavering faith in me, have softened the edges of my hardened soul. Your love has shown me glimpses of a life beyond the one I've known—a life filled with love, laughter, and the simple joys I never dared to dream of or never even knew could be possible for a man like me.
I may not change for you, my love, but I vow to stand by your side, to shield you from the consequences of my actions, to love you fiercely in the only way I know how.
I promise to never let anything happen to you, to protect you from my enemies. I promise you that I will burn the whole world down for you without a second of hesitation. I promise to kill for you, fight for you, and cherish you.
I promise to never look at another woman the way I look at you. Then, in a world where I am defined by my sins, you see beyond the labels, beyond the façade, beyond the money, the power, to the flawed man beneath. You fell in love with Vladimir and not Vladimir Makarov. And for that, I am eternally grateful.
With every beat of my heart, I choose you. And I promise you, if death takes us apart, I'll pull your hand and bring you back from the death and find you in every other life. For better or for worse, in this life and the next, you are mine, and I am yours.“
You almost cried. You thought about a lot of things, but not this kind of vows. It was almost vulnerable if you forgot the killing part, and the longer you looked at his beautiful eyes, you almost forgot the way you got to know him or that your dad, your best friend, and no one you really knew was here. Did it really matter? If he is here, you are safe and cherished. Now it was time for your vows.
“Vlad—sorry for the sobbing,” you laughed, removing the tears before you continued your vows.
“When we first met, I didn’t know who you were. You were just Vlad to me, and this was the man I fell in love with—the man who taunted me for my mint chocolate chip ice cream.
The circumstances we became a couple were odd, but I'm a long time away from despising you. You gave me the safety, guidance, and attention I longed for my whole life. It was like you slowly found your way into a missing piece of my heart, and I know loving you isn’t easy. Exactly like loving me will be hard, but I promise to always support you, cherish you, and never judge you for a day in my life.
I promise to accept you the way you are and never make you doubt my love for you.”
You kissed, and the wedding was final; you were Mrs. Makarov now, with a child in your womb he didn’t even know of. Of course, you knew he would be more than happy about this; it's what he wanted. He carried you out of the church with ease where you got to eat bread with salt, a Russian wedding tradition you never heard of.
When you thought the church looked posh, you were even more surprised about the reception. Every guest was clothed fine with tuxedos and high-fashion dresses. The guests were mostly influential people from around the world. You knew Vlad loved you, but you also couldn’t deny the political effect your wedding had. Vlad wanted even more than what he already had; he thought about getting a lead political role in Russia, operating not only from the background but from the front, and the way you charmed your way into the hearts of the Russian citizens was perfect for his plan. Everyone loved you, how nice and down to earth you were, the 10,000 photoshoots with orphans and rescued dogs helped him, and you were such a good wife helping him to reach his goals. But he didn’t talk about his goals with you, telling you to not worry your pretty head about it.
The ceiling was with opulent Chandelier; everywhere were your favorite kind of flowers. A huge buffet filled with caviar, lobster, truffle, and every delicacy you knew and everything you could dream of was there. It was like a wedding out of a Disney movie, just with a champagne tower. „Don periogn,“ the waiter said as he gave you a glass, which you declined; alcohol wasn’t in for you right now.
Your husband greeted the guests and then clung his glass of champagne to your orange juice, his head moved to your pulsing neck, and his breath ran hot, making your hair go up. „Congratulations Mrs. Makarov, I hope it will be a boy,“ he whispered in your ear, his hand slowly trailing down to the barely noticeable bump on your belly where his heir would grow.
„How do you know?“
„Your breasts are bigger, you are more moody, and you drink orange juice on your own wedding,“ he said, looking at you as if you were dumb for even questioning his deduction skills.
You started your wedding dance, and it went smoothly and romantically; how couldn’t it after all the dancing lessons you two had? You even had a bit of etiquette lessons with Milena, which were honestly fun. While one part of your brain screamed for you to wake up, telling you this isn’t the dream you thought of, more of a nightmare, the other part of your brain enjoyed this, how much power you had, how Vlad treated you, and how you were the center of attention right now. The press loved you; everyone loved you, everyone just not your Dad, you thought.
“Captain, why do we have tuxedos on?” Kyle complained outside of the big building that had more security than the NATO meetings.
“We can’t just storm in with gear, sneaky, we have an invitation,” they walked in, making them confused about how easy that was; maybe it was a trap from Makarov, but Price didn’t care as long as he had you back.
When they walked inside the wedding, they saw your wedding dress, how you were wrapped in Vlad's arm like a priceless possession, and how happy you looked.
“Aye, didn’t tell us your daughter was such a looker, Cap,” Soap commented, not able to keep his eyes from your beautiful frame, earning a punch from Ghost for his unprofessional behavior. Your dad was too deep in his thoughts to acknowledge Soap's banter.
He looked at you, realizing how he missed your wedding. He didn’t care about the circumstances anymore; he wasn’t Captain Price anymore; he was the man you called Dad so many times. He never got the chance to walk you down the aisle, how he intended to; he never helped you pick out the dress of your dreams, telling a man he would kill them if they touched you; he missed all of it. And if he was true to himself, he missed even more by his behavior towards you. Of course, he was young when he got you, but he never will experience your graduation that he missed, never saw you dancing Clara in the Nutcracker in your pink tutu.
He got only pulled deeper into his feelings the longer he watched you swirl around; this was it; he could kill Makarov, but it didn’t change the fact that you aren’t his little girl anymore. You will never ask him to look under your bed for monsters; you will never run to his bed again, snuggling his hairy body after a nightmare; you will never hold his hand while you get a shot; you won’t even live in the same apartment anymore. You were leaving him, and for the first time in his life, he didn’t care about appearing strong anymore, and his tears fell down, admiring you, the girl he would do anything for, his little girl all grown up. And for once, he didn’t have a plan on how to save you, or how to approach this situation, he just watched and cried.
Tag list: @multifand0midi07 , @whos-fran , @cassiecasluciluce , @the-faceless-bride , @paintlavillered
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fantasyandshit · 1 month
My high lady
Type:One shot
Pairing: Eris x reader
Summary: Eris makes mistakes, causing a fight between his mate and himself- how will he win her over and bring her back home?
Warnings- Oral (f receiving) smut p in v, fighting
“You know what! Fuck you Eris! I’m going to stay with my brother. Sort yourself out!”
I stomp through the room and out to the balcony, calling out to Rhysand that I would be coming.
‘Yn! What is it?’
‘I’m coming to stay in the night court for a bit-is that ok?’
‘Yes, of course yes- we all miss you, your brother will be ecstatic!’
‘Well then I’m on my way now-I’ll be there soon’
‘Can’t wait to see you’
Eris hadn’t moved from where he stood as my wings flared out- I look back one last time, “contact me once you’ve figured yourself out. But not before then.”
“Goodbye Eris.”
And with that I shut down my side of the bond and take off into the early morning skies. Out of the corner of my eye I swear i see my mate move but he doesn’t come after me or call for me past a singular step.
“Hey little sister!” Cassian pulls me into a bone crushing hug, spinning me around and burying his head in my neck.
I laugh as he sets me down, “Hey big bro.” Looking past my brother I see his mate and we moved to hug- Nesta had never been a hugger but we had become close, sisters in a sense. I mean we were technically sisters in law. “Hey sis.”
“Hey girl. Oh remind me, I have a few new books for you.”
I smile as we make our way to the dining room and get greetings and hugs out of the way. Sitting down to eat.
“So what did Eris do?”
I choke a bit at Mor’s question, “He decided to be a prick.” My family’s eyebrows raised, looking for more information, “He just keeps undermining me and acting as if he didn’t declare me high lady of autumn, like my opinion and rule mean nothing to him.”
“He did what?” My brother looked angry, more angry than even I was
“Cass it’s- it’s fine. I blew up and he knows not to come after me till he sorted his own shit out.”
My brother simply glares at his potatoes, sliding his fork around in his plate as Mor tries to strike up other conversation.
It had been two weeks TWO WEEKS since our fight and nothing- I mean I excoriated for him to do something, even send something down the bond but nothing. I was beginning to think he simply didn’t care. Didn’t want me back. Cassi and anger only grew with mine as time went on.
“Fuck!” Eris’ fist slamms the table, breaking it nearly in half. “What have I done?”
Eris’ mind reeled, he didn’t know what was wrong with him but looking back and seeing all he had done to his mate, his wife, the ruler of his court- it killed him. He had to fix this. Fast. But he just didn’t know what to do.
So after two weeks of letting her have some time away from him, sure she didn’t want him, he went out to her favorite shops, buying her flowers and sweet treats, some more yarn for her crochet project, that painting she’d seen and desperately wanted, a new blanket and that dress she eyed in the store window, he bought her more books she had mentioned and her favorite tea and coffee. Quickly winnowing home and setting things together in a massive basket display on the bed, he strode over to his desk, writing a long, long note- apologizing and expressing his love and all the ways he’d fix it and more. Finally, he closed it, signed it, and set it in the middle of the bed. Sure this may have been seen as overboard but not to him, never to him, his mate was worth anything and everything, he’d burn the world down for her any time of any day.
Quickly, he fixed his hair, shaving the stubble that had grown over the past 14 days, he changed, spraying on your favorite cologne and sent a message through the bond.
‘I’m on my way. I have so many things to say to you- and I plan to beg at your feet for your forgiveness.’ And with that- he was off, winnowing to the night court.
‘I’m on my way. I have so many things to say to you-and I plan to beg at your feet for your forgiveness.’
I jolt at the sudden, first sign of anything from Eris’ side of the bond, his words were filled with emotion as it came through to me and I know. I knew he spoke only the truth. I quickly make my way up to my room, freshening up and looking in the mirror, “you’ve got this.” I whisper it so low I almost don’t hear it.
As I walk back to my room I’m spooked yet again by my mate standing in the middle of he room, intense eyes meeting mine. “Hello again love.”
“I- I don’t even know where to start with this. I’m more sorry than words exist to describe the feeling, it’s- darling I look back and realize all of done and apologies don’t even begin to cover my remorse, the utter disgust I feel when I think of what I’ve done, when I look in the mirror knowing I’ve hurt you my love. I hope you know that you- you are my world, my life and after you are my everything. I cannot begin to explain what I’ve done because there, there is no excuse for the utter miss treatment and horrid behavior.” He moves closer, I just barely stop the gasp threatening to leave me as he drops to his knees and stares up at me. “I will never undermine you again- your ideas, your opinions they are the only thing that matters, the only ones in this world I care to listen too. You are the high lady of autumn and I will start treating you as such. As the amazing, powerful woman you are.” He scorched closer, his hands going to my thighs. “Yn I am- I will worship you, I will kiss your feet and the land you walk on if I must to prove to you how regretful I am, to show you how much you truly mean to me.” His lips meet my thighs softly as he maintains eye contact.
“Eris. I love you.” I pull him up by his hands, keeping them in my grasp. “I understand the stress we’ve all been under and while your behavior was not ok but I forgive you. I love you and we will move past this as long as you keep your word and I know you will my love.”
A dopey smile appears on his face as he grabs mine, silently asking for permission, which I grant and he swiftly leans down, meeting my lips in his, a tender kiss being pulled from the both of us. “I love you.” He whispers into my mouth. As we pull away, my mate speaks again, “I have a surprise at home, may I bring you to it, back home.”
“Yes my love.”
After saying goodbye to everyone, Eris being threatened by each of them, we winnow back to autumn, back home. As we appear in our bed chambers, I’m unable to hold in this gasp as I see the bed. “Eris you-you didn’t have to do this.”
“Yes I did. Now go look at your gifts love.” After looking through everything, nearly crying as I stroke the silk that’s just as soft as I imaged as I stared at it in the hop window. I look back to Eris, the small smile on his face making me light up as I bound over to him and pull him into another kiss.
My hands find his hair, twisting into it, giving it a small tug as his hands find my waist and a small growl leashes his lips. I’m pushed up against the door, his lips leaving mine to find my jawline, then my neck, then as my dress gets in the way, he rips it- another gasp leaves me as he does so, his lips trailing down my body, sucking marks as he works his way down. “I told you I would be on my knees before you- I’m keeping that.” He lowers to his knees, lips never breaking contact from my skin longer than needed to move to a new spot. His hands grapple at the back of my thighs as his tongue strokes me through my already soaked panties. He yet again- tears them with a growl before his lips land on my sensitive bud.
Eris nips the sensitive skin, sucking my bud into his mouth, in between his teeth before soothing the area with his tongue. His moth continues working my clit, small gasps and moans leaving me as my hands tug on his hair, hips rocking forward. I notice him rocking his hips, desperately trying to humo the floor the best he could causing a giggle to fall from my lips.
A small shriek leaves me as his tongue dives between my folds, my pussy clenching as he tastes all of me. Not long after I cum, my juices spraying his tongue and face. He stands and licks his lips, whipping his check with a finger before bringing it to my mouth, shoving it in between my lips. I suck his fingers, my tongue swirling it, looking at my mate through my lashes as I do so. I release his finger with a pop as he pushes me to our sofa- our bed currently occupied.
Eris’ clothes are shucked off quickly as he continues to suck on my neck, his hand working his dick for a moment before gliding it along my pussy lips. “Just put it in.” I growl, he smirks as he pushes in, to the hilt with one deep thrust. I nearly scream as he groans, beginning to move in and out at a fast but deep pace, utterly devastating. Sweat beads on his shoulder, dripping down his chest slowly. I push myself to my hands, licking up the small bit of moisture as he continues bullying in to me. Muttering praise and love into my ear in between groans.
“Eris I-I-“
“I know love.” He rocks me back and forth slightly, “cum for me. Cum for me my mate.” I cum with a shout, my pussy clenching around his cock in a death grip as white flashes in my vision and my body convulses, shortly after this his own release hits, thick streams of white cum coating my gummy walls.
Eris slowly pulls out with a hiss, turning to our bathroom before returning with a wet rag, carefully cleaning me up, placing tender kisses to my skin as he goes. “I love you.” He brushes my hair behind my ear before magicing the items on our bed away and laying me down, my eyes blinking groggily, a small smile spreading across our faces.
My mate lays beside me, “I love you too.” I curl into his warm chest, my eyes sliding shut as I fall into a peaceful sleep, his hands rubbing small circles across my back. “Sleep good my mate.”
Ok ok here it is- I’m so so sorry for how long it took but I hope it’s good!
163 notes · View notes
Zoro x Fem Reader fluff and NSFW! S/O is a sweet and gentle lover, being like the opposite of Zoro. She always takes care of Zoro, like giving him blankets during naps, water and towels and massages during his training, etc. But Zoro hasn’t done much for her as a lover, which everyone but S/O reminds him. Zoro tries making it up by taking her to a flower field date. S/O is so happy, playing with the flowers that Zoro couldn’t help but fall in love with her innocence and kindness even more.
S;DUFDFVHJDOI;FDS;SDJF;OS THE WAY I SQUAWKED AND FOLDED FOR THIS REQUEST because I relate to it sooooo much oh my goodness gracious. I was so excited to write this and kept thinking about how to approach it, (which you can tell from how long it is... I got SUPER carried away lol)!!! Thank you SO MUCH for this request!!! I also used post timeskip Zoro because he seems more serious and stoic, and just imagining him being soft and blushing and in love just sidfjduhgsdijfo;i ugh okay? I headcanon that Sanji hides the sake and beer from Zoro just because he can. I don't know yet if it ever actually happens, but I would not be surprised.
Warnings: light angst, kinda cheesy romance (leave me alone I'm a romantic), kinda ooc fluffy soft!Zoro (because I'm a SLUT for soft zoro), SMUT - (oral/fingering, f!receiving, penis in vagina sex, squirting, mild choking m!receiving, f!reader getting railed by Zoro)
There is a section written in green from Zoro's POV.
Okay I'm literally so proud of this piece. That's it. Thank you, and enjoy.
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ALL CREDIT TO ARTIST BUT I CAN'T FIND THEM but it's the perfect image for how I describe Zoro looking at you adoringly :3
"All I'm saying is that if I had a lover like her, I'd give her everything and anything" Sanji quipped from his place in front of the stove.
"I didn't ask you, ero-cook. I love her and she knows it. That's enough. Stay out of my relationship" Zoro snapped from the pantry, searching for some alcohol.
"You should say 'our' relationship, idiot marimo. It's you and her together."
Zoro slammed shut the pantry, rattling the wall. The cook hid all the alcohol from him again.
"I don't want advice from a love sick fool who can't get a woman to save his life. At least I have a girlfriend" he spat, stalking towards the door.
"Yet you're arguing with me, trying to find alcohol to go drink alone instead of spending time with her. After everything she does for you." Zoro spun around angrily, hand on one of his swords, but was interrupted by the door to the eating area opening. You stood in the doorway hesitantly, immediately sensing the tension in the air, and the way it thickened at your presence.
"Oh. Uh. I stashed an extra bottle of alcohol away for you for when San-... uh... you couldn't find any... so... here" you held out the bottle. It was a bottle of decent sake you had swiped and stashed last week for the inevitable time the cook hid all the alcohol from your boyfriend, which you had seen the blond doing earlier.
"Thanks" Zoro muttered as he took it from your hand. He walked out the door, leaving you with the cook. You didn't miss the glower the cook sent towards the swordsman's back at his dismissive attitude, but you ignored it. You walked into the kitchen, distracting Sanji from his annoyance with a sweet request for two cups of water. He quickly got them for you with an exaggerated flourish, causing you to giggle. At the innocent sound, his smile turned sad before he became serious.
"You do too much for him and don't get enough in return" he muttered. Your heart clenched.
"He loves me in different ways, away from where people can see. Unfortunately, it's hard to do that on a ship" you said, shrugging off the comment. You knew it was true. You knew he loved you, he just... had lofty goals. It's hard to find time for romance and giving your lover attention when you're training constantly to be the worlds greatest swordsman, and first mate to the future pirate king. You knew that going into the relationship, and you were content with giving him attention so he knew he was loved.
"Besides, if he knows I love him, that's all that matters to me" you said.
"He doesn't even take you on dates when we go to islands" Sanji said quietly.
"It's pretty hard to do when he has the directional sense of a rock, and he somehow usually manages to get into some sort of trouble" you dismissed easily. The cook sighed, turning back to the stove.
"As long as you're happy, but I'd be glad to kick his ass for you if you ever feels like he needs it" he offered. You snorted, grabbing the waters as you made your way towards the door.
"You'd do it if he even looked at you wrong, let alone pissed me off" you teased, opening the door. Sanji waved goodbye with a sweet smile, knowing what you said was one hundred percent true. You rolled your eyes, making your way to the deck towards Zoro. It was evening, the sea breeze sweeping away the heat of the day, cooling the air to a comfortable temperature. The sun was starting to set, the sky turning gold with strokes of pink and red towards the horizon.
Your boyfriend was enjoying the last vestiges of sunlight on the deck, sprawled on his side with his head propped in his hand. You stood and admired his features for a second. His short green hair seemed more vibrant in this light, and his eyes closed gently, the scar over his eye shining with the different texture. The light hit his exposed chest just right, highlighting and shadowing his muscles that he worked so hard for. He brought the bottle of sake up to his lips and took a swig. You watched as his chiseled jaw moved as his throat bobbed. His earrings glinted in the golden light at the new angle. You swallowed, feeling butterflies erupt in your stomach.
"You just gonna stand there?" he asked, lowering the bottle from his lips. A drop made its way down his chin but he wiped it off carelessly with the back of his hand. You cleared your throat, flustered that you had been caught staring. You made your way to sit so he could see you with his good eye. You silently held out the glass of water, glancing at him quickly.
"You good? You look like your blushing" he said, letting his fingers linger over yours as he accepted the glass of water. One of his ways of showing innocent affection.
"Yeah... You just... You're so beautiful" you breathed honestly. Zoro blushed slightly and grunted, looking away from you. You giggled quietly, able to read his reactions like a book. He was surprised and flustered.
"Not my choice of description" he mumbled. You decided to tease him further.
"No? I could say you're pretty, or stunning. I could say you're handsome, sexy, strong, amazing-"
"Shut up!" he swatted your thigh lightly. Now he was beyond flustered, blushing all the way to his ears. You dissolved into laughter, falling onto your back as you clutched your stomach. You missed his gaze, staring openly at you with awe, but he controlled his expression quickly before someone saw him. Your laughter eventually faded, and you eased yourself up to lean on your elbows to watch the sunset. Streaks of purples, oranges, pinks, and reds painted the sky.
"Tomorrow we should arrive at a spring island" you said quietly. Zoro grunted quietly. To anyone else, it sounded like a simple acknowledgement that you spoke, but you heard his silent invitation to continue.
"It's famous for the flower fields that grow wild there" you said, awe and excitement coloring your voice. You didn't notice his curious glance towards you.
"Yeah?" he prodded. You sat up fully, hugging your knees to your chest, your expression dreamy as you let the visual of the current sunset coloring imaginary wildflower fields form in your mind.
"Mmmhmm. I told Chopper I'd go with him" you said quietly.
An idea bloomed in the swordsman's mind, but he kept his expression neutral.
"For medicinal herbs?" he asked. You nodded.
"I'm excited" you said dreamily. Zoro hummed, a plan forming behind his neutral face. He'd need to ask some favors, which he hated, but to see you smile it was worth it.
The next morning you woke up with more energy than usual, the excitement to visit the wildflower fields evident in your actions. All morning, you asked Robin about her flowers, and she lent you a book about the flowers you were likely to see on this island. You devoured the information until Luffy exclaimed loudly that he could see land. You worked off your extra energy running wild around the ship with him and Chopper, feeding each other's childish excitement. You didn't see Zoro anywhere, but assumed he was training in the crows nest.
The ship finally docked, and you waited impatiently for Chopper to finish gathering what he needed before the two of you leapt off the ship.
"Oi! Wait up! I'm coming with you two" your boyfriend called out, sounding exasperated as he slung a bag around him. Your happy surprise showed in a small squeal and a jump into his arms once he caught up. A wide grin donned your lips and you laughed as he tsk'd at your behavior and pushed you back by your forehead.
"Did you shower?" you asked, surprised. Normally it took you promising alone time or a bottle of sake to get him to shower regularly.
"So what if I did?"
You shrugged, grabbing his hand as you turned away.
"C'mon! Let's go! And don't let go of my hand. I don't want you getting lost"
You lead the way through the town, the three of you stopping to buy some drinks before continuing. Chopper got chocolate milk, Zoro got sake, and you tried a popular local flower tea. You asked the shopkeeper directions to the flower fields to make sure you were going the right way. He nodded, but leaned forward, indicating at your hand in Zoro's.
"The fields are a tourist attraction, but there's a place that's out of the way and much prettier, if you're looking for a more secluded area." You opened your mouth to say it didn't matter, but Zoro leaned forward, intrigued. You realized he probably wanted to take a nap in the quiet area, so you nodded and asked for directions. You thanked the shopkeeper with a few coins as a tip for his information, and set off with Chopper and Zoro in tow.
"You didn't have to give him money just for telling us that" Zoro griped. You rolled your eyes.
"You just say that 'cause you're in huge debt to Nami" you teased. He bristled slightly.
"He offered up the information for free!"
You shrugged.
"You repay kindness with kindness. That comes in different forms for different people"
Zoro grunted, having no reply to that. Chopper spoke up.
"Ooo you're so nice! But the directions the man gave you leads to a different area where the herbs I need don't grow. Is it okay if we split up? I'll be fine by myself, and you can go enjoy the beautiful area."
You hesitated. You told Chopper you'd help him find herbs, but the offer to spend alone time with Zoro without other people disturbing you in a flower field sounded too tempting. Your boyfriend squeezed your hand.
"He'll be fine. Let's go. You're excited right?"
You exhaled, and ran your free hand through your hair before smiling down at Chopper.
"You sure?" He nodded determinedly at your question, then ran off with a quick goodbye and a promise to be safe. You watched him for a bit, but turned around when Zoro tugged on your hand.
"C'mon. Lets go" he urged. He began leading you, but you quickly stopped him, a smile tugging on your lips.
"That's the way we came from, babe. This way."
He huffed in embarrassment both at his mistake and your pet name, but let you lead him. You reached a fork in the path just outside the town. One sign indicated the path lead to the flower fields, but you headed down the unmarked path, following the shopkeeper's directions.
"Oi. The sign said the other way. You sure we're on the right path?" your boyfriend asked. You glanced at him with a single raised brow and a smirk.
"I love you so much Zoro, but I'm surprised you even realized the sign was referring to the other path"
He blushed and spluttered, indignant at your quip and flustered by your easy admission of your feelings towards him. You cut him off with a soft laugh.
"Hurry up! I can smell the flowers already!" You broke into a quick jog. The swordsman easily kept pace with you, staying by your side even as you let go of his hand. You focused on the path ahead of you, missing his quick, adoring glance at you. There was nobody around, after all.
A few minutes later, you rounded a corner of a rock face, and your view exploded in vibrant colors. Shades of purple, pink, yellow, orange, green, and blue dotted the field sprawled in front of you. You gasped audibly, in awe of the view in front of you. The air was thick with the sweet scent of flowers, the breeze wafting their perfume around you as it brushed the petals and bowed the thin stems in waves. A lone apple tree stood in the middle of the field, matching the rustling of the field as the breeze threaded through it's boughs. The field led to a cliff, which looked out over a hidden cove. The beach below was white sand and turquoise waters.
You stepped forward hesitantly, unwilling to crush any of the beautiful plants. A warm hand landed on your lower back, nudging you forward. You couldn't tear your eyes away from the flowers.
He wished you could see yourself from his point of view. His life had been dark and full of violence, but you brought innocence and raw love to his life. You were the light to his shadows, the food for his soul, the gentleness to his calloused fighting.
Your awe at the flower field in front of the two of you froze your entire body, your hand curled in a gentle fist against your chest, over your heart as if checking you weren't dead. You were hardly breathing, as if unwilling to disturb the beauty in front of you.
Tears shone in your eyes, overwhelmed by the excitement and unfiltered, pure awe of the beauty in front of you. You took a small step forward but stopped. He placed a gentle hand on your lower back, nudging you slightly forward. You deserved to experience the beauty he could never bring you as a person.
You deserved everything his crewmates said you did. The open affection, the love, gentle smiles, and innocent caresses, returning the small gestures and kindness you unthinkingly did for him. You massaged his muscles when he over trained, patched up his minor injuries after a fight, and brought him water and fresh towels when he was working out. He wanted to give back. To run a finger over your cheek before kissing you gently, to play with your hair, to cuddle you when you frowned.
Yet, selfishly, he couldn't bring himself to be seen doing it. He couldn't let anyone know you were his weakness, that he loved you enough to give up his dream of being the worlds greatest swordsman for you. It wasn't that he didn't trust his crew, he did. It just terrified him knowing how deeply you affected him- how much he loved you, and how much he would sacrifice for you. He would even destroy the very sun if you asked.
He let his gaze wander over your face. Innocent and pure adoration, the tears in your eyes at the view that surpassed your expectations. You looked beautiful, but he couldn't bring himself to say it because he was falling even harder for you. He nudged you forward gently again with the hand on your back.
She deserves everything.
"Go on. You deserve it" he said quietly.
He met your gaze, letting himself show his affection for you, removing the wall he put up to keep his expression neutral. Fresh tears gathered in your eyes, and he chuckled at your innocence.
"Get out there or I'll carry you" he teased. With a nod, you shuffled forward, and crouched to gently caress the delicate petals of a flower. He could hardly tell them apart, but you had been studying them all morning. You sniffed the flower, and you gazed at the field before suddenly taking off. Your unabashed, pure and kind laughter carried over the field, making him smile at your innocent joy and excitement. You opened your arms as you spun, as if to hug the breeze that tangled it's fingers through your shining hair. Your face turned towards the sun as you breathed deeply, a smile never leaving your face.
He couldn't help the answering smile that graced his own lips. Your beauty and joy sent his heart fluttering as he made his way to the lone apple tree to set up the meal he had packed the two of you, courtesy his begrudging ask of Sanji. He wanted the best for you, and even he had to admit the cook was good at his job.
He was supposed to stay and watch the ship today, but he asked Franky to instead. The damn cyborg had even started bawling when he explained begrudgingly that he wanted to take you on a special date. He considered asking Brook to be nearby to play some of your favorite songs, but he really wanted it to be the two of you during this date, so he asked him to do it tonight, back on the ship. He asked Robin and Usopp to work together to buy some seeds and plant you some flowers from the area in a small planter, so you could always have a little bit of this spring island with you. He even asked Chopper to make an excuse to find the herbs somewhere else. It was lucky that the shopkeeper guided the two of you away from where the reindeer actually needed to go.
He flicked open the blanket, spreading it on the ground beneath the tree. He saw a few ripe apples in the branches, and picked them easily. He heard your footsteps approaching, but didn't look back, focused on reaching the last apple, just out of his reach.
"What's all this?" you asked breathlessly. Zoro didn't look back. You slid off your shoes before stepping fully on the spread blanket, placing them neatly next to Zoro's boots.
"'s for you" he said before jumping a little to grasp the apple he was trying to pick. As he pulled it from the tree, the branch shook, raining petals and leaves on the two of you. You giggled. He turned around, gaze landing on you, and froze. His eyes were wide and his mouth parted. A blush was coloring his cheeks a red under his tanned skin. He had only reacted like this the first time he saw you naked in his bed. You noticed he had a leaf stuck in his hair, and you chuckled as you reached out to pluck it from his head. He started a little, and pulled you close with an arm around your waist.
"What's wrong?" you tilted your head.
"You..." he trailed off, plucking a light pink petal from your hair.
"God I love you so much" he breathed. Your eyes widened, and you gasped lightly. It was kind of rare for him to say it, preferring to show you. He took a deep breath, exhaling as he cradled your cheeks in his hands. His thumbs drew matching gentle circles on your cheeks, and he lowered his forehead to yours, eyes closed. One of your hands came up to cradle his, the other resting on his hip.
"I know I should be more open about it. I'm a selfish bastard because I just can't let people know that you're my weakness. I can't let them know that I'd give up my dreams, to be the best, for you. Because when I'm with you... nothing else matters. I'd tear down the sun and the moon if it meant you would always be happy and safe. I can't show it because I can't lose you."
His voice sounded strained, as if it caused him pain to speak like this. Your voice caught in your throat, unable to form any words. You could only surge forward in a desperate kiss, which he matched in fervor. You couldn't get enough of him, shoving your tongue into his mouth clumsily to explore it. He grunted in surprise, but quickly adapted, returning the favor quickly. Your hand that was resting on his wrapped around to thread through his windswept hair, and the one that was on his hip slid to his bare chest, trailing down to his haramaki. He groaned into your mouth, his own hands skimming down from your face, featherlight touches down your shoulders and sides until he reached your hips. He broke the kiss, breathless.
"You drive me insane, woman" he muttered as his hands cupped under your ass. He tapped his hands twice, and you took the hint, looping your arms around his neck and jumping to wrap your legs around his waist. He lifted you easily, and you kissed him again. He moaned into the kiss, and you answered with a groan. He knelt smoothly on the blanket, lowering you to your back gently. You broke the kiss, looking at him softly as he hovered above you, hands caging your head.
"You drive me insane too" you muttered with a smile. He smiled lovingly at you.
"Pretty sure that's part of the boyfriend job description" he answered, leaning down to nose your jaw. You huffed a laugh as he tickled your neck with butterfly kisses. You rarely saw this side of Zoro, and each moment made you fall more in love with him. Usually it was desperate, passionate kisses that lead to fucking, and while that was nice, this felt more like you were going to make love. You dragged your hands down his chest, reveling in the warm touch and the chiseled muscles.
"Hm?" He broke away from your neck, meeting your gaze. Your hands drifted to the front of the shoulders, flexed as he held himself above you.
"I want you" you whispered. His eyes flared with lust.
"Whatever you want, princess" he muttered, lips brushing yours with his words. He covered your lips with his, slightly chapped and tasting like the sweet sake he had on the walk here. You groaned, and you let him explore your mouth with his tongue, running over your teeth and tangling his tongue with yours. Your hands threaded through his hair, scratching his scalp the way he liked. He broke the kiss from your lips and started kissing down your neck, gently biting in places before licking and kissing it as if in apology. A hand wandered under your shirt, caressing your belly, sides, and breasts.
"I don't tell you nearly enough. You're beautiful"
Your breath hitched, and you raised a hand to cover your mouth in shyness. He sat back, and pulled you sitting upright with his movement. He helped you strip from your shirt, decorating your chest with soft kisses. You tilted your head back, a blush on your face, unused to the loving attention. Normally it was pawing and tearing at each other's clothes in desperate lust when you finally got some privacy, but this... this you liked. A lot.
You moaned lightly as his hands deftly removed your bra, then eased you back down gently onto the blanket. He cupped your breasts, thumb rubbing gentle circles over your nipples as his tongue laved over the other one. You moaned quietly, raising a curled hand to your lips in embarrassment. Zoro caught it before it even reached your shoulder, and popped off your nipple to catch your eye as he hovered over your chest.
"Let me hear you. Please." His voice was deepened with lust. You nodded at him, sure your blush was prominent. He huffed a small chuckle, letting himself look at you with all the love he had, a genuine close-lipped smile curving his lips softly.
"Let me take care of you today" he said, kissing the back of your fingers.
You tangled your fingers with his, gazing at him, "Z-zoro".
He leaned down to kiss your lips chastely, before allowing himself to travel down your neck and chest, planting soft kisses on your skin. He whispered praises unabashedly, knowing he could show his love for you openly here. It was safe. His hands kneaded your breasts as if to ground himself.
"I love you so fucking much"
"So beautiful"
"I love how you do so much for me"
"I love how you show me you care for me"
"I love how innocent and carefree you can be"
"I'd give you the world if I could"
He slowly made his way to your shorts, nipping lightly at the skin of your tummy before sliding his hands down your sides and removing your shorts and panties. You lifted your hips to help him. He hummed in appreciation at the sight of you laid bare in front of him, better than any meal he could ever taste. He gently spread your legs, and you tried to keep your thighs closed out of embarrassment. He soothed his warm calloused hands on the outside of your legs, from hips to ankles. He easily placed your knees on his shoulders, and eased himself forward. You parted for him automatically.
"There's my good girl" he cooed. Electrifying heat pooled in your lower abdomen at the words. His words were usually somewhat degrading, which you loved, but his praise trailed heated fingers down your spine. You moaned, and you could feel him smirking against the fat of your thigh as he kissed it. His fingers slid their way over your slit, finding your hole and collecting some slick so he could rub your clit. You hummed at the sensation, breath starting to come faster as you began to lose yourself to his ministrations. His fingers were gently drawing circles on the outside of your clit, making sure you didn't get too stimulated right away.
His face lowered in tandem with his fingers, his tongue quickly finding your clit as his fingers prodded at your hole. One slid in and out a few times before the second finger joined and together, they prodded up into that one spot that sent your toes curling, right as he flicked his tongue expertly on your clit. Your orgasm was sudden and blinding, squeezing around his fingers and your hands finding their way to his head, bringing him closer. He groaned into your cunt, lapping at you like his life depended on it. Your moan was loud, head thrown back and back arched sweetly for him as your thighs squeezed around his head. He only eased his onslaught of pleasure as your thighs loosened their grip and you were pushing away his head.
Your chest was heaving from your pleasure, and he was catching his breath from being happily squished between your thighs. He licked the shiny release he could release from his face, dragging the back of his hand across the rest of his face.
"You like being praised that much, princess?" he teased, a smirk on his face as he shed his coat and haramaki with practiced movements. You could only stare as his muscular frame rippled under his tanned skin. He leaned over you, caging you with his hands on either side of your head. He chuckled, but it was different from the dark laugh that promised difficulty walking the next day. There was a light blush on his cheeks, and he looked genuinely happy. You looked in awe, having never seen this expression on his serious face. He brushed his lips on your cheek, then pulled back.
"You deserve to hear it."
You couldn't help it. At those words, tears brimmed your eyes. Zoro panicked. He sat back on his heels and immediately brought you to his lap, holding you.
"Oi! Wait! Don't cry! Did I hurt you? What's wrong?"
You shook your head, a watery smile breaking through.
"Just... who are you and what have you done with my Zoro? You're all sappy!"
He rolled his eyes and flicked your forehead gently.
"I'm tryna be romantic for once, treat you like you treat me constantly" he muttered, scowling as he looked away. You dissolved into giggles.
"There you are! There's the man I love." He huffed.
"Did you wanna fuck or not?" he asked bluntly, shifting his legs so you could feel his hard length trapped in his pants. It sent the heat of arousal swirling through your veins again.
"I wanna make love" you cooed with a smirk in his ear, pressing your chest against his bare skin. He hissed out a breath.
"Lay down then, princess" he growled in your ear. You could feel him smirking against your cheek, "Let me make love to you" he teased, throwing your own words back at you. His fingers trailed down your spine, landing on your hips. You shifted off his lap and made yourself comfy on the blanket. He stood quickly to removed his pants, but you didn't miss the quick scan of the area to make sure you were alone. Not that he cared if people saw the two of you fucking, he just didn't want this experience ruined.
He sank down and crawled over your form, spreading your legs wide to kneel between them. You absolutely loved when he fucked you in missionary. He was so big and strong, and he stretched you out so well. He surrounded you and was inside of you, and it was both a calming and euphoric sensation.
He stroked his large cock with one hand, the other balancing his weight by your head. You dragged your fingernails up his arm, landing on the back of his shoulder.
"Please, Zoro" you murmured. His silver eye widened a little before his lips curved up softly. He lowered himself in a sort of half one-armed pushup to rest on his elbow. You didn't miss the casual show of strength. Showoff. He eased the tip into your wet pussy, and you hissed in a breath through your teeth as you turned your head into his forearm, biting lightly. Zoro laid kisses on your neck and jaw, distracting you from the stretch. His other arm came up to the other side of your head.
"Good girl. Doing so well" he murmured in your ear. You shivered, the words in his deep voice making you groan. He took it as an invitation to continue, and he slowly began to sheath himself into you. You were soaking. His praise, kisses, godly body, and obvious love all affected you deeply.
"Shit. So tight and wet"
Your hands curled into claws, lightly scratching down his back as you whimpered. He shushed you, caressing a finger down you cheek.
"So good. Taking it so well" he murmured before kissing your lips. You could only moan into the kiss. You raised your legs to rest on his sides and hips. He reached deeper and you moaned loudly at the sensation.
"Good fuckin girl. Doing so good for me. Took my whole cock on the first try" He moaned into the flesh of your throat. You whined, arching your back. The new angle hit something devastating deep inside, and you mewled.
"Look at you, so beautiful for me"
"Zoro~ move" you moaned. He started slow, letting you get used to the stretch, but quickly built his pace to a steady, smooth one that sent you keening. His thick cock was dragging along your walls, pulling out enough so his tip was pushing gently on your g spot, before pushing in smoothly with a roll of his hips that had his cockhead pushing that one spot deep inside. Your breath was heaving, interspersed between moans and calls of his name. It was so good, but you couldn't quite reach the peak.
"Please, let me cum" you begged desperately. Zoro grunted above you, raising himself so his palms were beside your head. He hardly broke his rhythm as he looked at you with a dark smile.
"I thought you wanted me to make love to you" he teased. You reached up, cupping his cheek with a hand.
"Romance me later. Fuck me. Now"
"As you wish, princess" he mocked.
He pulled out, kneeling in front of your hips as he slung your legs over his shoulders. He simply picked up your hips, and started slamming his cock in and out of your pussy. Skin slapping together echoed across the field, and your wails followed. With your back bowed off the ground, you had no control over your hips, but the angle was incredible. Your hands gripped the blanket uselessly, unable to hold back your moans and sounds of pleasure. Above you, Zoro was grunting and swearing under his breath. You could tell he was getting close, seeing you bent so sweetly under him.
"God fucking damn it. You're just sucking me in" he growled. You tightened at the praise. You heard him chuckle darkly.
"That's right baby. Feel so good, tightening on my cock like that. I want you to cum for me, like that. Needing me to hold you up like this. You look so pretty, under me like this"
As he spoke, the knot in your abdomen tightened to dangerous levels. Your legs tensed until you were practically hanging from his shoulders. At the new tension holding you up, Zoro could wrap one hand around your thighs holding them together as he held you up, lightly choking himself with your calves on the sides of his neck as he brought one hand to snake around to your torso. His warm hand pressed down on your lower abdomen, and he could feel his own length as he pistoned in and out of you. A new sensation began to build.
"Z-Zoro- something- ah! please! I'm gonna-"
"Go ahead. Cum hard on my fucking cock"
His thumb reached down to draw circles on your clit, and at the rough touch, you exploded. Your mouth opened in a silent scream, and Zoro kept your thighs tightly against himself, slowly only slightly as you tightened around him enough to start to push him out. Your back bowed further, and you felt yourself wetting his torso as you squirted. His body shuddered as his hips stuttered to a stop, a loud groan leaving him as you unwittingly limited the blood flow to his head with your spasming calves. Had your eyes been open and focused, you would've seen his eyes fluttering and rolled back in his head, cumming hard.
Both you were breathless as Zoro lowered your hips back down to the blanket, collapsing beside you, uncaring of the mess.
"holy shit" you breathed. Zoro started to chuckle at your swearing, and you joined, giggling as you rolled to snuggle onto his shoulder. He held you close, and you reveled in the touch. Suddenly you sat up, looking concerned and turned his head to the side to look at his neck.
"Did I choke you? I just realized that maybe my legs-"
"I'm fine. I liked it" he took your hand in yours, looking sheepish, "It's almost like being squeezed by your thighs when I eat you out."
You blinked at him, easing yourself back down.
"Huh. Who would've thought you had a choking kink" you muttered to yourself. Zoro swatted your bare ass lightly in retaliation, but didn't deny your words. He wasn't a liar. The two of you laid there in easy silence, listening to the breeze and inhaling the sweet perfume. You shifted, feeling the uncomfortable squelch of drooling cum from your pussy.
"Let's get cleaned up" your boyfriend suggested, sitting up. Clear droplets rolled down his torso with the movement, and you watched their movements.
"I don't think I've ever cum that hard" you said quietly. Zoro handed you a napkin he produced from his bag.
"Me either" he admitted. You giggled, still somewhat delirious from the post-sex high.
"What did you pack?" you asked curiously. You were starting to get hungry, and you were thirsty from your heaving breaths. Zoro silently handed you your clothes, and you took them gratefully. He began pulling out a meal and drinks from his bag, and it was obvious Sanji packed it with care. You smiled softly, understanding the sentiment. Zoro sucked up his pride to make you happy for a day.
You crawled over to him, still naked, and pressed your chest to his slightly sweaty back as you hugged him. He grunted at your sudden affection, and you leaned forward to kiss his cheek.
"I love you, and I know you love me too. I see it in the small things, the things you can't hide. We love each other, and that's what matters. Don't let what they say get to you. I'll start telling the crew to stay out of it too" you said, determined. He somehow slung you around him and into his lap, an innocent smile on his face.
"Whatever you want to do. As long as you know that I love you"
You smiled easily in return, kissing the tip of his nose.
"Get dressed. You're naked" you said, crawling off his lap. You weren't sure if you could even stand up after that round.
Zoro landed a solid swat to your bare ass retreating from him, "you're one to talk"
That evening back on the ship, Brook played your favorite songs, and you were surprised when Zoro thanked Usopp and Robin in front of you. They had gone above and beyond, creating a tiny greenhouse planter for your soon-to-be spring flower garden. Sanji asked if you liked the food, and you thanked him. Even Zoro held his tongue, simply nodding at the cook. That night, as you lay in bed with your boyfriend, you ran your fingers over his earrings before trailing your touch down his jaw. He opened his eye curiously.
"Thank you for today" you murmured. You didn't know how to begin describing how much it meant to you, so you simply kissed him gently, trying to pour your emotion into the kiss. He cupped your cheek, pulling back from the kiss.
"I love you" he muttered. You smiled softly. His walls were up again, but you could never doubt his words. He never lied. Not to you.
"I love you too, Zoro"
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ranhaitanisgf · 5 months
🤺back🤺🤺🤺back i say🤺🤺 it’s my turn to request something for hana’s event🤺
may i please request a scenario with baji + flower shop in which he goes to buy his mom flowers as an apology but doesn’t know what to get, so he just picks out random flowers that actually mean everything except “i’m sorry” so you help him out?
by the way, you don’t have to write this part, but i just thought it would be cute if he develops a crush on you and you see him at a different flower shop buying a small bouquet and you think he’s betraying you, but later he shows up at your shop, awkward and stiff, with that same bouquet to ask you out because his mom said that’s the proper way to do it. just wanted to share that little add-on with you!!
— baji keisuke // flower shop // love at first sight
☆ ˎˊ˗ heyyy ... arba idk if ur still active IM SRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG i disappeared D: we miss u come back ... also this idea was sooo cuteeee arghjhghjghjhg i actually went soo overboard w this but it was too good!!
☆ ˎˊ˗ fem!reader implied
☆ ˎˊ˗ wc ; 2.2k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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you’d had your eye on him since he’d walked into the store. 
it wasn’t for any particular reason aside from the fact that he seemed to be feeling wholly out of place, which made you giggle a bit as he shuffled around, muttering and grumbling to himself as he awkwardly looked at different bouquet arrangements. 
he definitely didn’t seem like the type to be buying flowers either; his long dark hair and overall brusque demeanor didn’t exactly give you the impression that he was someone who would go around buying flowers, (and was that him that pulled up on a literal motorcycle?! he seemed like he was around your age!!). 
under normal circumstances you would have gone up to assist, but you decided to sit back and see how this boy was going to play this one out, (he was really cute, but if a cute boy like him was in a flower shop, he was undoubtedly buying flowers for his girlfriend). it was quite the entertaining spectacle to see him walking around, his eyebrows pinched together as he tried to find something that he found suitable. at one point, he even seemed to phone someone for help, though he hung up rather quickly after yelling that he definitely was not buying flowers!!
after minutes and minutes of walking around, he finally picked up two bouquets of flowers; geraniums and tansies. you had to restrain your laughter as he walked up to the register, damn near shaking to keep yourself from bursting out into giggles. 
“d-did you find everything, pff--ahem! did you find everything alright today?” you had let your giggles slip through on accident, and even though you tried to cover it up with a cough, you could tell that it failed immensely from the ticked off look on the boy’s face. 
“you’ve got a lot of nerve to be laughin’ at me-” he started, the deep tone of his voice taking you off guard. 
“n-no! i’m not really laughing at you per se…well, kind of.” you tried to explain. “see, okay, do you know what flower language is?” the boy quirked an eyebrow at this, giving you the sort of look that says go on. “well, it gives flowers different meanings, y’know? so unless you’re trying to pick a fight, i really wouldn’t suggest using these flowers.” 
“...what do they mean?” 
“geraniums and tansy flowers together…you would be calling the person stupid and then be declaring war on them.” the boy’s amber eyes widened, his lips pressing together in a thin line as his brows furrowed together once more. “if you’d like, i can suggest flowers with a more…caring meaning for your girlfriend.” the boy’s eyebrows shot up at your words, making you wonder if you’d said something wrong. 
“girlfriend? these’re for my mom.” 
“oh! sorry, i just assumed-ah, never mind. now, let me see…” you stood up from your seat, gathering the flowers in front of you in your arms and coming out from behind the counter. after you put the flowers back, you looked around for a moment, a few ideas floating through your mind. 
“hmm, why are you getting her flowers?” 
“...’cause…” he mumbled a bit, making you lean in a bit. 
“what was that?” 
“‘c-cause! i made her cry…” despite the fact that his voice had raised a little bit, all you could sense from him was embarrassment and shame, especially from the look on his face, (he almost looked like a kicked puppy). the sight made you smile softly; it wasn’t often that you got genuine customers like this, so you were going to make it your mission to help him. 
“alright, give me one moment…” your eyes flicked throughout the store, taking a few moments to weigh different options before making a decision. you ended up grabbing three bouquets; white tulips, daffodils, and some small filler greenery with bits of baby’s breath. 
you walked back behind the counter, setting the bouquets down in front of you. the black-haird boy had followed you aimlessly around the store, eventually ending up back in front of the register. there was a kind of quiet curiosity in his eyes as he watched your practiced movements, (truthfully, you weren’t used to someone watching you do bouquet arrangements with such an intent stare). 
“i’m doing this for you right now because i want to help you, but for future reference, you usually have to call ahead a day or two for this.” a smile played on your lips as you unwrapped the flowers in front of you, glancing up a bit to look at the boy. 
it was only for a moment, but his amber gaze staring right at you caught you off guard, making your heart skip a beat. you immediately looked back down, busying your hands and trimming the leaves off of the flowers. the rest of your work was done in silence; trimming the end of the flower stems, arranging them in a way that looks pleasing, opening some of the flowers to match the rest. it was relaxing work, so much so that you almost forgot about the boy in front of you. 
the whole time you were working you could feel his gaze on you, looking up a few times just to look back down immediately. you felt a little bit anxious throughout the process, hoping that he would deem your work acceptable enough for his mom, (your anxiousness was also from the fact that a very cute boy was watching you, but that was aside from the point). 
you finished the final step, delicately wrapping the flowers in a thick brown paper and securing them in place with the tie of a thick ribbon. 
“there, all set! what do you think?” you asked cheerily, admiring the flowers you had put together. in your mind, you thought it looked pretty good, but it wasn’t your opinion that mattered here. 
“yeah…they look good.” 
“yay! i’m glad you like them!” you handed the bouquet over to him, a rush of happiness flooding through you at his approving words. “i hope you’ll come again!” 
“wait, how much was this?” he started to pat around his pockets for his wallet, but you shook your head. 
“don’t worry about it, it’s on me! just make sure to come back if you need more flowers, though i hope it’ll be for a better reason!” 
“i will…” he stared at you for a moment, a questioning look in his eyes. “hey, if you keep looking at me like that i’m going to take it back, so go apologize to your mom!” you ushered, waving bye to him. 
“thanks.” if you weren’t looking closely, you probably would have missed the small smile on his face before he left. 
˗ˏˋ ☆ ˎˊ˗
“isn’t that…” you squinted a bit, walking a few steps closer to get a better view. sure enough, there he was! the same black-haired amber eyed boy who you had helped last week, in another flower shop!! 
“oh my god, that total traitor!!” you huffed. “i told him to come back if he needed more flowers…” you watched as he got handed a bouquet of flowers, shaking your head in disdain. when you saw him head for the exit, you immediately panicked, scrambling away from the scene and jogging the whole way back to your shop. 
despite the fact that you had only seen him once, you still felt a bit of disappointment at the fact that he had gone to another flower shop, even when he’d said he would come back. maybe you scared him off? 
i didn’t even say anything weird though…
your thoughts kept you quite occupied while you were preparing the shop for open, though they were a bit burdensome when you happened to prick yourself on some roses, too distracted to be paying attention to the thorns properly. 
after some of the bouquet orders for the day, you flipped the sign on the door to ‘open’. you were about to go back to sulking behind the counter, but a glimpse of black hair outside caught your eye. 
looking closer, you realized that it was the same boy! he was seated on his motorcycle, chatting his a blonde haired boy who you assumed was his friend. 
maybe he had realized that the flowers from your shop were better!
however, your gaze narrowed when you realized that he was holding the same bouquet you had seen him with earlier, making your mood sour immediately. 
was he coming here to rub it in your face or something?!
while you were busy glaring, you started to notice that his blonde haired friend was gesturing and pointing wildly towards your shop, seeming to be shouting at the black haired boy about something. while you were still a little bit sour, you began to be intrigued by what was going on, contemplating going out there to see what all the commotion was about. 
the thought immediately perished as you made eye contact with the blonde, who could clearly see you staring at them through the windows of your shop. the two of you stared at each for a moment before you darted away from the glass, rushing back to behind the counter as you prayed that he didn’t actually see you, (he definitely did). 
“well, whatever! i helped him out and he went to another flower shop--so what!!” you muttered to yourself, throwing your hands up. “that’s the last time i ever do a nice thing for someone!!” you grumbled, preparing the flowers for the rest of the bouquet orders you had to do. 
it was a practiced routine at this point, so you were able to arrange the flowers properly without putting much thought into it, using it as busywork to take your mind off of things. you weren’t sure why you were so upset about the fact that this boy went to another flower shop, but it certainly wouldn’t help you to let it get in the way of things. 
hearing the bell to the door chime, you chirped out a ‘welcome in!’ as you continued trimming and arranging flowers, being careful this time to mind the thorns so that you didn’t get pricked a second time. 
“uh, hey.” the deep tone of voice immediately made you look up, feeling as if you would have snapped your neck if you looked up any faster. you shook off your nervousness, (and excitement) going back to what you were doing as you tried to look casual. 
“well, you’re back. whatever you want isn’t going to be on me this time because you betrayed me.” you said cooly, a bit of a frown on your lips. 
“betrayed--what? uh, anyways, i just wanted to give you these…” he cleared his throat, holding out a bouquet to you. when you finally looked up and took a good look, you noticed that the tips of his ears were red, (should you be having hope right now…? no, stop it! get a hold of yourself!). “and, uh, i got them with that flower language thing…” 
“what…?” you leaned forward across the counter, inspecting the flowers in the bouquet a bit closer. “calla lilies and white camellia’s…” looking up at the boy’s embarrassed and somewhat flustered expression, you paired it with the meaning of the flowers, and…
immediately, you felt your heartbeat speed up and felt the apples of your cheeks heating up, leaning back and looking away. you fiddled with your fingers for a moment as you tried to think of something--anything, really--to say. 
“i…uh…how, um, how did you come up with this…?” 
“my mom said it was a good idea…” he shifted a bit, his arm still holding out the bouquet of flowers. “if you don’t want them, i can jus’ take them back-” 
“no!” you grabbed the bouquet from him, smiling a bit too much, (you couldn’t help yourself though). “you’re giving them to me, so they’re mine now, right? you can’t take back a gift! and-and just hold on for a second!” you left without another moment to spare, running into the back and scrambling for a piece of paper. you picked up a nearby pen, quickly jotting down your name and number and then running back out, a big smile across your face. 
“here!” the boy in front of you grabbed the slip of paper, his amber eyes examining it before he smirked a bit, showing off the sharp bits of his canines. 
“(y/n), is that right?” 
“yes! what’s your name?” 
“baji. baji keisuke.” 
˗ˏˋ ☆ ˎˊ˗
“baji-san! how did it go!?” 
“i need a yakisoba right now, chifuyu…” baji grumbled, sitting on his bike and leaning back. 
“did you get rejected?!” chifuyu asked, a look of grave anticipation on his face.
“no!! she thought i betrayed her flower shop because i went to another flower shop! your idea was shit!” chifuyu’s face went pale at that, his mouth hanging wide open. 
“i didn’t think about that…” 
“yeah, this is the last time i take advice from whatever weird manga shit you got this from.” 
“i mean, she said yes, right? a win is a win!” 
(chifuyu proceeded to pay for the yakisoba outings for the next six months.)
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geraniums: folly, stupidity | tansy: hostile thoughts, declaring war | white tulips: apology, i'm sorry | daffodils: appreciation, happiness | calla lily: beauty | white camellia: you're adorable
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riaki · 6 months
santa claus and his treats | satoru gojo x f!reader pt.1 of christmas event! wc: 3.4k oops i went overboard | cw: petnames, literally j pure fluff ur both STUPID in love, he’s the cutest! happy birthday pretty boy 🧸
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"'toru?" you called, voice filling the dimly lit room as you peeked your head in through the door. the curtains were drawn, the iridescent green tinsel dotted with soft yellow lights framing the doorway of your bedroom scratching your neck as you spotted the white-haired boy sitting on your shared bed, picking at something on his lower lip.
you took a moment to drink in the sight— his soft white hair that fell over dazzling sky-blue eyes, the color of the lake dotted with fragile crystalline snowflakes that melted into fresh spring streams that fed nature with new growth and fresh flower buds, a tangible warmth when his gaze fell on you and an easy smile stretched across his pink lips. a little too easy, you think. easy enough for you to miss the way he swipes a coffee brown crumb from his cheek; the smile has too much sugar and cream for you to buy it.
your eyes slowly drift from his charming grin to the rest of the room. there's a forest green tuft of leaves hanging from the ceiling on a thin golden string; you recognize the crimson red berries and waxed leaves with spots of pearl dotting as a bunch of mistletoe, hanging right over the mattress. clearly, he thought ahead.
you snuff the flush from your cheeks as he perks up at the sight of you, straightening his back. "hey, baby! you must be my present from santa this year," he laughs, holding his arms out, an invitation for you to crawl into his arms and curl up on his lap like two warm cats by the fireplace. you almost gave in— until you remembered why you were looking for him.
"you're getting coal this time, satoru." you said, huffing as you walked over to the mattress and put your hands on your hips, attempting to come off as intimidating in front of your boyfriend as you leaned over and stared down at him. he just giggled that sweet, boyish laughter of his, scooting closer and capturing you between two strong arms to tug you onto the bed with him. the sheets were soft, and they smelled like him as he pulled you onto his lap and cuddled you like a life-sized plushie, all warmth and soft comfort that he craved so much.
"aww, really? but it's my birthday today," he sighed loudly, shaking his head as he firmly planted his hands on either side of your head to prevent you from worming away and planting a loud smooch on the top of your hair, before laughing as you pulled away from his grasp and gave him a glare. “besides, you’re anything but a bad gift.” he smiles.
“don’t sweet talk me, ‘toru. you’ve been naughty this year.” he wiggles his eyebrows at that, and you shoot him a sharp glare which just earns you a light scoff, but there’s a smile mirrored on both of your lips.
(maybe they’ve met so many times in the past that they know how to copy the other flawlessly.)
"but you're already here, my love. lookin' all pretty like the angel on top of our tree." he hums, crossing his legs and holding his ankles as he rocks back and forth; the teddy bear he won you from the arcade on your first date is face planted into the pillows by his side, donning a festive red santa hat. the white fluffy pom pom looks like satoru's hair, and you stifle a laugh at the thought.
"how kind of you, satoru." and you mean it— he looks like his own christmas angel; snowy hair and pretty blue eyes clad in a loose black tee with cheap printed red and green christmas lights over his chest. he looks unfairly attractive with those gray sweatpants on, too. you wouldn't mind wrapping him up in yellow ribbon and presenting him to your parents this year as your holiday present from santa, and then having your own fun with him later. you suppose you must've been perfectly good to land him; so pretty and fun, bubbling laughter that speaks of his care in volumes. and he’s their soon-to-be son-in-law, after all. and he’s a golden catch.
but it’s time for this white betta to be put in his place; he’s gone snooping where he shouldn’t have— or rather, scavenging would be the more appropriate choice. and he’s about to be skinned for entering the lion(fish)'s den. your matching red-green plaid pajama pants won't save him this time.
"sorry, baby, but you can't talk yourself out of this one." you said firmly, scooting closer to him as you sat back on your knees and gave him a look as pointed and narrow as the icicles melting on the frosted awnings. to anyone else, you might look like a wet, angry cat— but to satoru, it was enough to strike fear straight into the center of his heart. his fight-or-flight response kicked in (it only ever did with you)— and it was as if you could see the change in his demeanor. his eyes voluntarily softened, lids drooping as a lazy smile drifted over his lips like fluffy white clouds over a pale sun on a winter's morning.
"aww, don't be like that. my princess looks so much prettier when she's happy," he coos, all milk and honey as he reaches out and catches your wrist, rubbing his thumb over your pulse beating beneath your soft skin as he brings it to his lips and kisses your knuckles. so he chooses to fight, and you almost fold— almost.
you twist your arm in his grasp, eliciting a whiny yelp of pain; getting him to let go of you as you quickly flick his forehead. even so, he lets you-- he never turns infinity on around you, even at the price of his own sanctity.
you sighed when he gave you a dramatic pout, sticking out his bottom lip as he hung his head low in defeat like a golden retriever being scolded by his owner, soft hair falling over his pretty blues. his hands come up to cradle his head, rubbing the spot where you'd knicked him. "don't play around, satoru. where are the cookies i baked last night?" you asked, reflecting his frown with a pointed glare. if looks could cut, he'd be a red christmas on the cloudlike sheets. you were tired of beating around the bush, especially when satoru had a knack for making it utterly exhausting. nevertheless, it went on.
"maybe santa came early," he quipped, giggling at his own joke. "you never know, huh? he's an unpredictable old geezer. likes his milk and cookies, or so i heard."
"didn't know santa claus had the six eyes." you deadpanned, crossing your arms over your chest and looking him square in the eyes. "and he shaved his beard off, apparently." he feigns hurt, holding a hand over his heart in mock anguish.
"i'm no thief! it hurts me to know you think of me so low, sweetheart." he sighs dramatically, shaking his head. outside, the snowy wind howls in agreement. "besides, it's my birthday. you're suffocating the spirit, honey." he drawls.
you just roll your eyes at that, crossing your arms and shifting to sit closer to him. you will your irritated expression to soften, and it's reflected in the way satoru immediately relaxes, shoulders sagging as the anxious look in his eyes vanishes like the wilting ghost of fall on a christmas eve, leaving behind the scent of bluebells and frost on the wind. he thinks you've forgiven him.
that's just what you need. for him to let his guard down so you can spring the trap on him. santa may be able to get away with his yearly trespassing, but satoru's entered the property of more than your heart this time, and it's time for his holiday retribution.
"give me your hand, satoru." you said softly, voice barely a breath above a whisper. he obliges almost immediately, scooting closer on the bed so that his knees graze against yours, and you hear him suck in a little breath at the contact as your hand finds his.
you take his palm in your own; his hands are considerably bigger than yours, but you still manage to run a thumb over the ridges of his knuckles, gently massaging the soft skin over weary bones. a sweet little noise leaves his breathless lips; it's almost like a purr, and when you glance up at him he's almost as red as the glittering velvet bulbs dangling from the primmed branches of your christmas tree. he looks away, a subtle pout weighing down on his lips as he coughs loudly, as if the amber sap of a pine tree has caught in his throat, scratchy like tree bark.
"what are you doing?" he whispers, voice rough and hoarse, like someone took a fireplace stoker and poked his throat. almost a protest.
but you can feel him melting into you, and soon enough, he’s sandwiched you between his warmth and the fluffy blankets, the scent of apples and cinnamon weaved between the strands of his soft white hair as they tickle your flushed skin. his lips are soft and pliant and warm against your own; he's all over you, hands finding your wrists to trace tender, wobbly circles over your thrumming pulse with his thumb. he's robbing your lungs of air, needy in the way he cages you between his lanky limbs, lock and key with his free hand threading through your hair. he can never get enough of you, and he throws his inhibitions to the frostbitten wind if they mean learning to resist you.
it's spread around you like ripples on the surface of a misty lake, and when he draws away to stare down at you, eyes blown wide with a certain shine in his eye that reminds you of glowing embers, jumping from the lively blossom of fire on the grated dark metal of a hearth, there's a cheeky lopsided grin on his glossy lips. his fingers are slender, pale and callused, a gentle flushed at the tips.
"there was a mistletoe," he says breathlessly, as if that'll excuse him. as if he needs an excuse to kiss you. you just laugh, reaching up to trace his jaw with a finger, and he shudders despite the heater inside your room. the bunch of green leaves and red berries hanging above you sways in agreement.
but you can't focus on the dreamy look on his face; that lazy smile that dances over his lips and illuminates his features like twinkling christmas lights catching on each edge of a carefully cut snowflake, the sky's jewels. every time he looks at you as if you've crafted each intricacy of his world; patched the colors together and taught the light to reflect, you feel as though there are bubbles in your throat, and you have to cough them away when they're accompanied by a familiar rush of heat to your face.
it's all overpowered. strongly, by the rich taste of cinnamon. rich, sweet, distinctly festive, mixed with brown sugar and cookie batter; flour on the matching aprons satoru bought for the two of you, except the 'he' on 'he cooks' has been messily crossed out and replaced with a scribble that says 'she', and vice versa. it's on his tongue, his lips, the little dips on the corner of his mouth that makes him look like a kitten every time he grins. it tastes like wearing matching christmas sweaters, sampling sweet treats fresh out of the oven and laughing cheerily in your little cozy kitchen of warmth when he burns his tongue, a sour look on his face that wrinkles his nosebridge.
but, most importantly, it tastes like condemnation.
you sit up, briefly (and painfully) knocking foreheads with him when he's too slow to mirror your actions, but the complaint that's ready to stain the air like chimney soot dies on his tongue when he sees the look on your face. you look the same as you did the first time you found out he'd forgotten to pick up megumi and tsumiki from school. in other words, pissed.
"hey, pretty girl. you should smile; you look less like an ogre when you do—" he hastily starts, laughing nervously as he runs his hands through his messy hair. you've noticed that whenever you neglect to toy with the silky soft strands when you're tangled with him, whether it be kissing, cuddling, or... something else, he'll do it afterward as if to emulate the feeling of your fingers in his hair, even if it 'screws it up'. apparently, his skyscraper ego is too fragile to ask for headscratches.
"just a minute, satoru." you cut him off through gritted teeth, lips that should be stretched in a wide smile pressed together in frustration. your eyes narrow as you straighten up, sitting back on your ankles. "you ate them, didn't you?" your fingers dig into his skin, pinching his cheek. if his skin wasn't already stained crimson with boyish excitement, it would be an angry red now. you give killer pinches; he knows firsthand.
which is why he should've thought ahead and listened to the angel on his shoulder when you were knocked out earlier, curled up in a fluffy blanket on the couch, snoozing away. what was he to do? the cookies you'd made were calling his name. and it was for his birthday, and they were made for him. so why couldn't he indulge?
this was why.
and you know you've pinned him with your accusation like a throwing dart on a cork board; the way his gaze bounces around the room and his smile turns a hint sheepish and a handful guilty speaks volumes enough before he can even protest. but he can feel your wrath like an entire mine's worth of coal in his stockings, so he quickly throws his hands up, shimmying away from your angry pinch. the sheets bunch beneath him.
"listen, sweets, i just thought that— well, i'm sorry, baby, they just looked so good. and i only ate a few! i swear." satoru says solemnly, getting on his knees and throwing himself before you. he knows you're unamused— sitting there, crosslegged, looking down at him as if he's some chewed up gum you found on the bottom of your shoe. he might as well be. blueberry flavored, maybe? or mint, he's fine with that too—
"so you did." you just sigh, flicking his hunched shoulders, before you go soft again, and he sees pink. you reach forward, fingers creeping beneath his chin to tilt his face up. his skin is soft and warm beneath your skin, thrumming with a life and heat the poor overworked radiator in your room could never measure up to. and when he does look up, his starstruck gaze meets your own; you look ethereal in the warm light, and he wonders why he hasn't put a ring on your finger or started a family with you yet. maybe that can be the last gift to top off the cake of your overflowing knitted stocking, hanging from the kitchen counter; a mahogany box with golden hinges who's shine pales in comparison to the diamond ring in the center of the velvet.
he tucks the idea into his mental notes and grins, a cheeky flash of teeth. "so you forgive me, right?"
wrong. he should know better than to push his luck. especially when it comes to you.
the hand beneath his chin creeps up his face to squeeze his cheeks together, forcing his lips to pucker like a fish out of water as he tries to escape to no avail. you glare down at him, all needles. not at all in the holiday spirit, if you ask him. his face is squishy as a pillow beneath your fingers, and a smile resurfaces on your lips after a long struggle to keep it submerged.
he opens his mouth, no doubt to wail like a newborn, and you quickly withdraw, knowing better than to continue your assault. "geez! okay, fine. sorry. i ate them, you grinch." he grumbles, rubbing his squished cheek as he pouts and looks away, shrinking in on himself. his shirt is bundled beneath his arms, slipping off one of his shoulders to expose a pleasant flush on his neck. "seriously! you're such a killjoy. there's no fun in waiting," he smiles mischievously, wiggling his toes and nudging you with his foot. the fabric of his fuzzy reindeer socks bumps against your thigh, and you make another face at the red pom poms on the crudely-knit rudolph face.
"apologize." you emphasize each syllable, letting them fall off your tongue. they jut into his side like blows to his ribs; he falls back onto the bed for extra dramatics, letting it squeak beneath his weight.
"oh, the horror! to think that i'd be reduced to such a state—"
"—that i, head of the gojo clan, the honored one—”
"satoru gojo."
"should be forced to bow to such pious customs at the foot of scrooge—"
you reach over to threateningly pinch him again, and he rolls away, tossing a fuzzy pillow into the air and kicking it at you like he's playing some cursed form of tennis. you scowl, catching the cushion and tossing it back at him. it lands square on his face, and he whines, crying about how you've ruined his beautiful, youthfully full, gorgeous face; how is he ever going to pretend to be santa and let pretty girls sit on his lap now? —and that one earns him another pinch to his arm.
"okay, okay! i'm sorry, my love. you're not the grinch, or scrooge, and i shouldn'tve eaten the cookies." he sighs, excruciatingly slow as he inches towards you again, wary of but wanting your warmth all the same. it's too cold to be alone this morning, anyway.
"without me." you corrected, unable to wipe the light grin from your face, and you watch as his face lights up, like a kid seeing his dream christmas present in the window display of a bright shop, hidden behind frosted glass and cold air.
he sits up again, scooting close and opening his arms once more. this time, you oblige, throwing yourself onto him and wrapping your arms around his neck. now he’s the one with his back flush against the mattress, soft as a cloud of cotton candy. he laughs, and it rumbles through his chest when his hands find the back of your head and he tucks your head beneath his chin, cradling your neck.
"without—" punctuated with a kiss to the top of your head, "you." satoru finishes, and you can hear the grin in his voice, cheery as a christmas carole. his arms snake around your waist, squeezing lightly as one hand slips beneath the hem of your shirt to gently rub your back. his fingers against your skin feels like the touch of a butterfly, wings like stained glass.
"how about this, pretty? we can make more together." he suggests, resting his chin on top of your head. you're smushed into his chest, the printed material of his christmas light t-shirt scratching your face, and the only thing you can manage to breathe is the cheap cologne you bought him (you don't understand why he uses it when he could afford the best of his own), but suddenly you can't bring yourself to mind. so you nod, and he chuckles.
"d'ya still wanna do cinnamon?" he asks softly, slipping his free hand into your hair to play with the strands, holding you close and cozy in his embrace. the burning heat of friction between your numb hands or a roaring fireplace don't compare to the warmth he brings you, soft and sweet and painfully human. and you can't really make yourself feel upset at the pretty boy with snow-white hair holding you anymore.
"nah. let's do peanut butter chocolate chip." you hum, muffled, and he laughs, hearty and full, the kind that makes his entire body tremble a little. and you can feel it, so you tilt your head up to peer up at him. there's a stray pine needle in his hair; must've been from your hazardously decorated christmas tree. he looks down at you and smiles, brushing your hair from your eyes and leaning in to kiss your forehead. it’s like a crimson wax stamp sealing his love letter to you.
he cuddles you close, tufts of his soft hair tickling your face like a tacky christmas sweater. "sounds unhealthy. but whatever you want, baby. santa's gonna give you all you ask this year." and this time, he doesn't use the mistletoe as an excuse to brush his lips against yours when you move to pick the pine needle from his hair. he smells like vanilla, swirled like espresso with a hint of cinnamon.
he may have enjoyed his cookies and milk without you, but there's nowhere else he’d rather be— no one else he'd rather share the rest of his time with, be it baking, decorating, or lazy naps in each other’s arms. after all, half the jolliness of the holiday season comes from being with you.
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fish analogies went crazy… happy bday gojo !!! my (riaki) stuff. don't repost and/or plagiarize !
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curvykittyyssmutfics · 5 months
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A/N: Who has time to fuck when they're too busy kickin ass? Also.. Kinda went overboard on this one. Was trying to keep it pg-13, maybe get to a lil nc-17 but ended with straight porn! 🤣🤣
virgin!Megumi isn't really sure how this happened.. He's not blind to the opposite sex. Knows what women think of him, how they stare when he walks by; easily notices his female teammates eye-fucking him as they spar. So why the fuck hasn't he gotten his dick wet yet? Well.. Unfortunately for them, he's more interested in how you see him. "Lookin good, Gumi. Such a fuckin tease, know that? When you gone let me hit?" You whisper in his ear, giggling and smackin his ass when you walk by during his match. 'What. The. Entire. Fuck.' He thinks, gaze fixed on your cute lil wink and sway of your curvy hips. Your beautiful body is unmatched to him, makes him lose focus as he watches you walk away. Can't really be blamed for the way he stares, cheeks warm from your public teasing. It's not his fault he ends up face down in the ground while Yuji does a spit-take, clutching his sides laughing at how Megumi groans and coughs out a mouth full of dirt. "Dude! Never turn your back on your opponent." "No shit, Itadori!" He's half hard and embarrassed as shit right now thanks to you.
virgin!Megumi knows that your lil show of dominance was actually pretty tame- considering your usual antics. He's 100% sure you know about his little predicament and use it to your advantage any chance you get. "Oh what the fuck!" Megumi's shout pulls you downstairs to see what the hells goin on. He looks so cute: got your flower apron on, kitchen towel on his shoulder as he struggles opening a can with damp fingers. "Awww, my poor baby havin some trouble?" You chuckle at him, taking the jar poppin it open with ease, and set it on the counter. "No, it's cause- well obviously I could've done that myself! My hands.. It's just cause my fingers are wet." He sputters but you don't bother payin attention. You're slinkin up to his fine ass, nosing into his pale throat, peckin slow sweet kisses. "Mmm, Gumi. Taste so good. Wonder where else you taste good.." Oh, how he's so willing to let you find out. Your body presses into his side, perky brown titties pushing against his arm, adoring how he immediately comes undone for you. His head tilts as he whines your name, hips jerking as you lick at his skin. "So needy already. Poor thing. Only takes a kiss to your pretty throat.. Now you're ready to buss a big nut for me, huh baby?" He's nodding before you can get the question out. What a goddamn sight.. Megumi holding tight at your waist, dick tenting deliciously as he humps into the air. Fuck, he'd kill every curse on earth just to feel your dainty fingers wrap around him. Why does it always feel so dam amazing when you've barely touched him? "Know what would feel soooo good, princess? If you cum for me, right here- right now." More pretty moans before he gives you an unintelligible "N-not a princess." You smirk, hand creepin up to yank his head back by a fist full of his dark hair and grace him with one last harsh nip. He sounds so pretty when he gives you a loud whiny "Fuck!" Your too fuckin estatic to witness Megumi's eager sounds, pretty face pinched up as shivers run throughout his perfect athletic body. All of his reactions only for you.. So you palm down his thick clothed cock once as a reward. His whimpers are so fuckin pathetic, that paired with the cum stain quickly spreading across the fat bulge in his pants. "Seriously, Megumi?" you laugh heartily, slapping his toned ass once and heading back upstairs. Your boyfriend gazes at your exit with glazed eyes before thumping his head back into the cupboard to stare at the ceiling. "Fuckin woman's gonna be the death of me." He mutters under his breath as shame creeps in once again.
virgin!Megumi loves when you give him lessons on how to please you. As much as he's dying to cram his dick into you, he thinks learning how to make you feel good is so much more important. So Megumi sits on his knees, naked from the waist down on the floor by the foot of the bed; cock harder than it's ever been as he gives himself quick sloppy strokes. He's absolutely engrossed with your fingers playing between your thick cocoa thighs. Bright white teeth clench together at the sight, trapping his dark blue t-shirt in-between. "Y/n, come closer. Please! Wanna see you up close." Words muffled but hopin you understand. You're so preoccupied with the pleasure, eyes closed as you scoot to the edge of the bed to give him a better view of your nude body. You pick up the pace of the 2 fingers slippin in and out of your tight gushy hole. The sounds of your lil puss fill the room, adding to the slaps of his handjob and both of your heavy pants. "Fuuuuck, love when you watch me play with my pussy. Mmm, yeeesss- so good! You like it t-too, right Gumi?" The breathless way you say his name has him agreeing before he can process what your asking. It's the fuckin truth anyway. "So damn perfect, y/n. I swear it. Never seen anyone more beautiful." He vows, leaning in close as you bring your other hand down to rub your clit in quick messy circles. "Ahhh! My Go- getting so close baby. Turnin me on so much. Kiss me! Kiss me Gumi, pleeeeease." Megumi's never heard you sound so submissive, so utterly feminine as you get closer to your high. "Okay, honey, okay.." He springs to his feet, snatchin his shirt over his head before caging your sweaty brown body with his. Feels fucking incredible when his body pins yours to the bed, hard dick pokin at your slit. Removing your hands to clutch at his back as the feeling of his dry humpin amps you up. "Fuck, Gumiiii! Dont wanna rush you, jus- ohmyGod! Cant wait anymore, baby. Just the tip, yeah? Please Gumi, just lemme have the tip!" Those rosy lips melt into yours passionately at your earlier request as well as to silence your filthy mouth before you make him nut, but you can barely keep up. Orgasm hittin so viciously, you're doing more moaning than kissing into Megumi's mouth. And boy does he fucking loves it, inhaling each one as he continues to press his mouth over yours. His body slides repeatedly against your own, itchin to give you his cock. The rough pressure on your clit keeps you mindless as your please alternate between "Please, Gumi, please.." and "dick, just the tip.." 'Fuck it.' He thinks, cock slippin clumsily against your hole before he angles just right and forces the head of his dick between your walls. You're insides suffocate him, hug him lovingly as he immediately gives you 3 jerky thrusts that have you wailing. "Thank you baby. Ah, ah, ah! Th-thank you, so fuckin much!" The way you sound, the wet warmth on his cock.. It's all just so damn nerve-wracking, so mind-blowing and he cant take it anymore. A thunderous groan permeates the room before Megumi goes silent, stiff as a board ontop you when he pulls out to pour his nut out all over your pussy lips. Rubbing your hands down your boyfriend's flushed back soothingly as you feel his hot cum cover your cunt, raining drips down your ass crack. Fuck, what a mess. "Good boy, Megumi. Such a good boy for me." You tell him as he gasps into the side of you neck.
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kissitbttr · 3 months
frat!miguel setting up a valentine’s date, rose petals on the bed n everything. as always he cares about making her feel good, praises n kisses everywhere, making her feel so so so special 😩
bonus points if muñeca surprises him with lingerie n he’s obsessed!! 😌
so so late, baby i am so sorry for this 😭💖
I switched it up a little bit so no no smutty:(
valentines used to be one thing that miguel not looking forward to celebrate. flowers and chocolatey bullshit with glitters? useless.
he remembers that one time where his ex was begging to take her to a carnival and a dinner date to celebrate valentines, but he refused to do so and they just settled with takeouts at the frat house. safe to say, she wasn’t happy,
now? he’s bending over backwards to give you everything you needed,
a week before the day comes, he went to to five different stores and gotten you so many gifts. though gloria advised him not to go overboard considering receiving gifts are not something that you’re used to and how weird it makes you feel. instead, she pointed out how a simple dinner or a trip to a museum would actually ones you prefer.
still, he didn’t listen.
he wished he did though.
miguel awkwardly stands before you, eyeing how quiet you become the moment he settles the expensive gifts and finest chocolates he could find,
“i… went too far did i?” he nervously chuckles, scratching the back of his neck,
you gaze up at him, offering a warm smile before shaking. “n-no! it’s just—wow” a huff of breath escapes from your lips, “how am i supposed to one up you when—are those louboutins?!” your eyes widen at a specific brand of expensive heels sits on the bed,
he snorts, striding closer to pull you close to him, his hands find immediate rest on your hips. “no seas bobo ahora” he warns, “you’re my girl, baby. i do not need you to one up me or repay me if that’s what you’re thinking”
“that wouldn’t be fair” you argue with a frown and a pout on your lips, arms coming up to wrap around his neck. “i’ve only gotten you two things”
he cocks an eyebrow in amusement, large palm moving down to palm your ass. “does it include you being naked?”
you laugh, “maybeee”
he sighs dreamily, head thrown back muttering a soft ‘fuck yes’ in which gives you an opportunity to plant a soft kiss under his jaw. “is it underneath this robe?”
nodding, you look up at him with your lower lip tucked in between your teeth. miguel feels his pants growing tight when your doe eyes staring back at him.
he’s about to open his mouth to say something but you beat him to it by removing the satin material of your robe and letting it fall down on the floor. his eyes immediately grows twice as big the moment you expose yourself to him in a red and blue lingerie.
“do you like?” you ask him, hands wandering over the bra and down to the garter around your thigh, a silver ‘M.O’ initials attached on it,
“like?” he asks in disbelief, letting his fingers run all over you. “baby i fucking love it. oh my god, you are so—“ he cuts himself off by hoisting you up by your thighs, earning a surprise squeal from you,
your legs wrapped securely around his hips, giggling as he peppers your neck and collarbone with kisses before bringing you to his bed,
“baby, baby, the gifts!” you point out, and he’s quick to remove the box down to the floor, careful not to break it,
he gently lays you down on his mattress, stopping himself from kissing you for a moment just so he can appreciate the sight of his girlfriend.
you are so goddamn beautiful, it’s driving him insane. the way your soft curves fits perfectly against his body, how your pretty eyes blinking up at him as an invitation,
“shit” he sighs, hand running through his hair. “how did i get this lucky?” he mutters, head shaking at the impossible but he still is grateful that somehow the universe brought you to him,
he dips down to tuck his head in between your neck, giving the exposed skin a wet kiss making you shiver and call out his name. “so so beautiful baby, fuck” he whispers, lips trailing lower to the valley of your breast, fingers toying with the hem of your panties to tug them down,
“and all mine”
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makeitmingi · 9 months
Meet My Chaos
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Jongho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Girlfriend!Reader, Boyfriend!Jongho, Friends!Ateez
Summary: After dating you for a bit and maintaining secrecy, Jongho knew you are the one he wants to introduce to his family. While you have met his real family, there's another family that he's been slightly reluctant to let you meet.
Word count: 3.6K
[A/N: I didn't want this to be SUPER fluffy. Just comforting and because I miss Jongho. I'm glad his surgery went well and that he is resting and recuperating.]
"I don't think I've ever seen you this nervous, Jongho." San rested his head on his hand as he watched the youngest pace up and down in the living room.
"Seonghwa hyung, did you help clear Hongjoong's room yet?" Ignoring the older, Jongho went to find the oldest of the group. He had Seonghwa come early in the day to help clean up the dorm since the oldest was known to be the cleanest.
"You know, I don't understanding why we have to clean the bedrooms too." Hongjoong scoffed.
"Less talking, more mopping." Seonghwa ordered.
"I want everything to be ready and presentable." Jongho said, going to where Wooyoung and Mingi were in the kitchen, preparing some small snacks. Yeosang was plating the few take out they got.
"Ah, Yunho hyung!" Jongho yelled when Yunho spilled some rice cake sauce on the counter. He grumbled as he grabbed some kitchen towels to wipe it up quickly.
The 7 older boys watched their youngest with slight fear and amusement. Fear of his wrath and amusement of how he was acting.
"Calm down, Jongho ah. Things are going to be fine." Hongjoong comforted as he entered the kitchen.
"I just want things to be perfect."
"She already likes you enough to be dating you for so long. I don't think a few dirty dishes are going to make her like you any less. Plus, it shows that you're human." Wooyoung shrugged. Jongho shot him a flat look, threatening to throw his house slipper at him. Wooyoung yelped and ducked behind Mingi.
"Hongjoong hyung! Jongho is being a bully again!" Wooyoung complained. Jongho rolled his eyes, taking his phone out from his pocket to send a text message.
'Let me know when you're here. I'll come down and get you. - Jongho'
'Mmm... I'm 10 minutes away, I think! - (y/n)'
"She's 10 minutes away. Those that need to get changed into presentable clothes, please go change now." Jongho announced. He needed to change too.
"Do we need our suits?" San teased, earning a glare from Jongho as he went to his bedroom to change into a fresh set of clothes.
"Everyone ready?" Jongho asked as the 7 sat down in the living room.
"Yeah. Everything and everyone is ready." Yunho said. Even though they tease Jongho, they didn't want to add to his stress so they did try their best to be more of a help than a burden. Jongho's phone rang and he stepped aside to answer it.
"Hello?... Mmm, you're downstairs? Okay, I'll come down now..." Jongho spoke, not being able to help the small smile that crept onto his face at the sound of your voice.
"I'll go down and get her." Jongho informed and left the dorm. When Jongho stepped out of the lift, he saw you standing there.
You looked so pretty, dressed in a baby blue sundress with white flowers. You rocked on your heels as you waited patiently for Jongho to pick you.
"Aein (sweetheart) ah." Jongho called out to you. You lifted your head at the sound of his voice.
"Oh, Jongho." You waved with a smile. Jongho jogged over to you. When he stood in front of you, his arm slipped around your waist to pull you in and give you a greeting kiss on your temple.
"What's all this?" He laughed at the paper bags by your feet.
"I bought some desserts and drinks for your hyungs. I don't know what they really like so I went a little overboard. And I bought you the katsu sandwich you like." You said sheepishly, embarrassed by how much you bought. Jongho patted your head, you always bought him something savoury, remembering that he isn't a fan of sweets.
"You didn't need to bring anything, aein. It must have been hard carrying all this on your own in the train." He said, picking up the bags to carry.
"No, it's fine. Plus, I want to make a good impression on your hyungs." You giggled shyly.
"They'll like you just as you are, not by the gifts you bring." He smiled as you began to walk with him back to the lift lobby.
"Your words are biased." You hit his arm.
"If I like you, the hyungs will too. Don't worry. I'm honestly more concerned that they like you too much. A lot of them show their affection through skinship..." He sighed as you pressed the lift button.
"I'll stick to your side then. You can protect me." You reached up to kiss his cheek.
"Yeah, if they know what's good for them, they'll know to back off and not try anything." He rolled his eyes, making you laugh. You knew Jongho's strength was something the others were scared of. You both stepped into the lift and Jongho pressed the button of the floor.
"I hope you didn't bully them into preparing too much for our meeting today." You said.
"There's no such thing as too much when it comes to you." Jongho said, transferring the bags into one hand to free up the other. He laced fingers with you.
"Have you seriously not met her before?" Wooyoung asked Hongjoong and Seonghwa. The two oldest shook their heads.
"I've met her before." Yeosang raised his hand.
"You have?! When?! Why have you not mentioned this?" The others all made a fuss. Jongho had kept you and your relationship very well hidden from all the nosy hyungs for quite a while.
"Yeah, I have. We went out for lunch together and Jongho introduced us." Yeosang nodded his head.
"WHAT?!" Not only has Yeosang met you, he even had a meal with you.
"Probably because Yeosang is the most 'presentable' and 'mature' one." Mingi scoffed. That was when they heard the door open and Jongho's light laughter, as well as your voice, sounded throughout the dorm. The 7 sat there, like puppies waiting for their owner to release them from the wait command.
"I've never heard him laugh like that before." San mumbled. Wooyoung nodded in agreement. They peered down the hall to see if you were coming but you and Jongho seemed to linger by the door.
"Why are you so nervous? I think in this situation I should be the nervous one!" You giggled as Jongho stopped at the door way.
"Ah, they can just be... loud. And overwhelming for people meeting them for the first time." Jongho rubbed the back of his neck as he squeezed your hand that he was holding.
"I'm sure they're lovely." You said.
"Just come in already!" Seonghwa yelled, getting tired of waiting for you two. Jongho sighed while you laughed. He began walking first, leading you to the living room with you trailing behind him.
"Hyungs... this is (y/n). (y/n), meet my 7 Ateez hyungs. Of course, you've met Yeosang hyung before." Jongho introduced as all 7 stood up. You waved to Yeosang, recognising the familiar face. He smiled and waved to you.
"Hello. It's nice to finally meet all of you." You waved shyly. The 7 all melted at how cute you were.
They've never even seen a picture of you before. The only picture Jongho had of you was his KakaoTalk chat background and that was a picture of the back of your head.
"Hyungs... Say hello." Jongho said through gritted teeth when he noticed that they were just frozen there, staring at you.
"Oh, right. Sorry. Hi there. I'm glad we're finally able to meet you. I'm Hongjoong." Hongjoong was the first to reach out and shake your hand. You nodded with a smile, shaking his hand.
"Hongjoong, the captain." You giggled. Jongho had shown you photos of them before, telling you all their names.
"I'm Seonghwa, the oldest." You went through all of them as they introduced themselves to you with a handshake. When you reached Yeosang, you and him shared a friendly hug of familiarity. Jongho watched an endearing smile, he knew you secretly watched Ateez videos to learn and memorise their names.
"You're so cute!" Wooyoung pulled you into a hug. You blinked in surprise but laughed, patting his back. With a small frown, Jongho came between you, pushing Wooyoung away gently.
"Please don't do that, hyung." Jongho mumbled.
"I brought some cakes and pastries for everyone." You said, gesturing to the paper bags that Jongho was carrying for you.
"That's very nice of you, (y/n). Thank you. But really, you didn't need to bring anything." Seonghwa smiled kindly, making your cheeks heat up.
"Go put these in the fridge." He gestured for Mingi to help Jongho take the bags into the kitchen to keep the cakes. Jongho came back out with a glass of water for you.
"Here, (y/n)." He handed it to you. You bowed your head and took the glass to sip the water. Jongho never really liked calling you 'aein' or other endearments in front of others. It was just one of the things he liked to keep private and you were fine with that.
"Hyung, move." Jongho shooed San away from the armchair so you could sit down.
"Jongho!" You lightly hit his arm in shock at the way he chased his hyung away. He just shrugged, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
"Please, it's okay. You don't have to move. I can sit wherever." You said, bowing apologetically to San.
"It's fine. Please sit." San shook his head with a kind smile, sitting between Wooyoung and Yunho on the couch. Jongho sat on the arm rest to ensure that he's near you.
After you've been dating for a while, you and Jongho agreed that it was time to meet each other's families. While you've met Jongho's parents and brother, you also wanted to meet his Ateez family. He does live with them and is with them most of the time like a real family so you should meet them too.
But Jongho, being Jongho, had always kept his personal life very private, even from Ateez. He was worried you would be "scared off" by how loud and chaotic they could be.
"So Jongho said you're a freshman in university? What do you study?" Yunho asked.
"Yeah, I'm a double biology major, specialising in Molecular Cell Biology and Microbiology." You informed.
"Oh wow. It must not be easy having to juggle a double major." Mingi said, impressed by how smart with were. You rubbed the back your neck, nodding.
"It's not easy... I only did it because I was indecisive on what I wanted to specialise in." You said shyly.
"They both sound like promising fields." Hongjoong laughed and you nodded with a giggle. Jongho watched you conversed with his hyungs, how easily you clicked and carried a conversation with them. He felt a little more relieved that you all got along.
"You're so smart. Then how did you meet Jongho?" Wooyoung asked in amazement. Jongho would have punched him but you were around so he abstained.
"Hyung..." Jongho glared warningly.
"We've actually been friends since high school. Then we reconnected at a reunion dinner." You smiled up at Jongho.
"Mhmm." Jongho hummed in confirmation as he smiled softly at you, patting your head. He held your hand, casually resting your interlocked hands on his thigh.
"Oh, I bought drinks too. Let me give them out." You remembered, going to the kitchen where the bag of drinks were. Jongho trailed behind you to help carry the bag to the living room.
"I hope I got the orders right... Iced americano for Jongho, Wooyoung and Mingi. Iced americano decaf for San, hot latte for Hongjoong, iced caramel macchiato for Yunho and Yeosang. And the none coffee drink they had was strawberry ade. That's for Seonghwa." You gave out the drinks to each of the members.
"That's right. I'm guessing Jongho told you our favourite drink orders?" Mingi blinked.
"I didn't..." Jongho shook his head.
"I remembered you've mentioned them in passing before. But I admit, I had some help with the information Atinys put on the internet." You confessed.
"Well, thank you for remembering and taking the time to research. You really didn't have to." Yunho smiled, sipping his drink.
"This is yours." You handed the iced americano to Jongho.
"Thanks. I can't believe you remembered me saying all that. Even I don't remember saying it myself." Jongho said to you softly, poking his straw into the drink.
"You never know, the information might come in handy one day. Like today." You smiled. Jongho mirrored your soft smile. He noticed the members immersed in their own conversations and quickly leaned in to give you a peck.
"I saw that!" Wooyoung pointed. Jongho pursed his lips and looked away to hide his shyness. You giggled, patting his hand.
"Don't tease them." Yeosang scolded.
"Can we eat now? I'm hungry." San suddenly asked. Hongjong facepalmed but turned to Jongho, who nodded. They all went to take the food that was prepared, leaving you and Jongho behind.
"Sorry." Jongho held your hands, more comfortable now that you two were alone.
"Nothing to be sorry about." You kissed his cheek. All the Ateez members have been very nice and welcoming to you.
"Come. Let's take some food before they finish it all." Jongho led you to the kitchen. He got two plates, instinctively kind of blocking you protectively so you could take food peacefully. The others got their food and Seonghwa rushed them out so you and Jongho could have some private time on your own.
"Want chicken?" You turned to him. Jongho nodded and you put a few pieces on his plate.
"Remember to take some for yourself too, aein." He reminded, looking at how you were taking food for him only.
"I will." You nodded and put some food on your own plate. It was cute, you taking food for yourself and Jongho while Jongho's free hand naturally came to rest of your waist.
"Wait, I'll get another plate to put the pasta so we can share." Jongho left you momentarily and came back with a new plate for you. He held it while you put some of the pasta on, enough for you to share.
"Do you want some rice?" You asked.
"I don't want carb on carb. And you know I'd rather eat more meat later." He shook his head and you laughed.
The other Ateez members watched in silent awe and shock, this side of Jongho was something they have never witnessed before. He smiled and laughed at the littlest things you did and was the one constantly initiating physical skinship with you.
"Jongho, I can carry my own plate." You insisted while laughing.
"You get the cutlery, aein. I got the plates, I promise I won't drop the food." Jongho smiled as he struggled a little to balance the 3 plates. Despite that, he still waited for you.
Obviously he didn't know the hyungs were watching and listening to him. When the two of you came back to sit in the living room, the 7 immediately acted like they were doing something else.
"Thank you for preparing all the food. It looks really good." You said.
"Hope you enjoy it. There's more than enough for you to get seconds." Seonghwa smiled.
"Yes, yes, eat more." Yunho insisted. Even as you all ate, the 7 hyungs secretly observed you and Jongho. The way Jongho removed the shells from the seafood for you and how you removed the meat off the bones for him. It was something you did for each other habitually that it was second nature.
"Sorry, may I use the washroom?" You apologised and asked. Jongho led you to the toilet. You made him go back, not wanting him to wait for you.
"Relax, she's just using the toilet." Wooyoung teased, seeing Jongho repeatedly turn to the hallway where the toilet was. Jongho huffed, pursing his lips and looking away.
"She's nice and cute." San complimented.
"She is." Jongho nodded, a light blush on his cheeks. You were beyond cute to Jongho, he could never describe it. Whenever Jongho looked at you, he saw this glow around you.
"At least we don't just know what the back of her head looks like anymore." Mingi snickered.
"You weren't even supposed to know about her." Jongho corrected.
The one time Jongho slips up was letting Yunho borrow his phone to text Mingi and Yunho seeing the KakaoTalk background. Jongho was careful, having that as his only picture of you since he assumed it was private. None of his others devices had you as the wallpaper.
But Yunho couldn't contain his shock, loudly asking Jongho who 'that girl' was and that got the attention of the other nosy hyung. Luckily it was just a photo he took of you looking out the window.
"I'm back." You came back, drying your hands with a tissue from the toilet. You and Jongho sat down and continued to eat your food.
"Yah! You made me spill the sauce." Wooyoung yelled as Mingi hit him while standing up to get more food.
"I tripped over Yunho's foot. And besides, you should have moved when you saw me get up." They bickered. Jongho sighed, pinching his nose bridge at how his hyungs acted.
"If you're going to argue, do it in the room. We have a guest." Seonghwa stepped in to mediate the fight. You couldn't help but giggle, they all easily bickered over small things like siblings but just like siblings, they never took things to heart.
"I told you, I never forget I'm the youngest. They just forget that they're older." Jongho leaned over to tell you.
When everyone was done eating, none of them let you help with the dishes when you offered but you did insist on wiping the table that they used to eat on.
"Aein, let me do it." Jongho bent down beside you.
"It's wiping a table, I can do it. It's the least I can do since you all don't let me do anything else to help." You chuckled.
"You're the guest. You shouldn't be doing anything." He reasoned. However, San was talking to Mingi and walking backwards, not noticing you crouched by the table. He tripped over you.
"Be careful!" Fortunately, Jongho had fast instincts and strength, lifting you up and practically hauling you onto his lap. He saved you from being squished by San while the male just landed onto the ground where you previous were. He winced in pain from the impact of his butt hitting the ground.
"HYUNG!" Jongho roared.
"Jongho, I'm fine. It's okay. It was an accident." You put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. You knew he was upset. Jongho's arms remained secured around your waist.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, (y/n). Are you alright?" San scrambled to you.
"Yes, I'm okay. What about you? You took quite a fall." You asked, worried about the impact of his fall on his tail bone.
"I'm fine. Don't worry. I'm sorry" He smiled, a sign that he didn't hurt himself too badly. The others came out of the kitchen, having heard the commotion and Jongho's yell.
"What happened?"
"It's fine. There was just a small accident." You assured, turning to Jongho, who just pursed his lips into a thin line, frowning at you. Jongho was very protective of you and always worrying about you. He never verbally expressed himself much but you knew.
"No more cleaning, come here." Jongho mumbled, holding your hand to lead you away. You hummed and follow him, not wanting to argue with him.
"Go ahead and start eating the dessert." He said to his hyungs before leading you into his bedroom and closed the door.
"Jongho, are you okay?" You asked worriedly.
"That scared me, aein." He sighed, walking over and letting his head fall onto your shoulder. Now that the two of you were alone, Jongho was more relaxed about being close with you.
"Sorry." You apologised, rubbing his back while iis arms hung by his side. You felt bad for causing this to happen.
"Don't apologise, pabo. You didn't even do anything wrong." He mumbled. With another sigh, he finally lifted up his head to look at you. Seeing you stare into his eyes, blinking innocently made him chuckle. He reached up to hold your cheek with his hand and gave you a sweet peck.
"Honestly, aein, I'm really happy you're here and finally got to meet my hyungs." He confessed, ears turning red. His arms loosely coiled around your waist.
"Me too. They're very nice and funny." You giggled.
"I'm glad that you're having a nice time with them then." He said, sitting down with you on his bed.
"Sure, they like to tease me and I don't always partake in their shenanigans or express myself as much as they do but they accept me for who I am. Just like you." He held your hands in his.
"You're amazing, Jongho. For being you. There's no comparison when you're your real, true self. That's who I fell in love with and continue to love." You said. Jongho didn't have much self confidence but there was so much to love about him.
"You meeting my Ateez family today after meeting my family. It's like all my worlds are becoming one."
"Thank you for letting me meet them. They're all great people, I can see why you adore them so much." You hugged him. Jongho hugged you tightly.
"They are good people. They make me a better person. Even if they can be quite chaotic from time to time." He chuckled.
"But that's what makes you guys a family right? They are your chaos." You pointed out.
"Yeah... They are." Jongho smiled softly.
And he wouldn't have it any other way.
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dystychiphxbia · 7 months
☆ - Meeting your parents for the first time!
something short n simple to hopefully get out of writers block!
characters: reo, nagi, sae
Mikage Reo;
Reo always comes off as a confident person who always gets his way with things
At least that's how you've always known him...until now
For weeks prior to the fated day, he has been asking you so many questions
"What type of food do they enjoy?" "Do you think (restaurant) would be a good place?" "Should I start with talking about my education or my plans for the future? Or my achievements in soccer? Or maybe my wealth?" "What are your mother's favorite flowers?" "Should I buy them an expensive bottle of whiskey? Or wine? Would they like that?" "Does your mother wear silver or gold?"
At this point you are so done with him
So you look at him straight in the eyes and tell him to just be himself
Easier said than done when he really wants to make a good first impression
You are the love of his life, he doesn't know what he would do if this evening went badly
But in the end...Mikage Reo is Mikage Reo
The dinner goes way better than he ever could've imagined
Your parents already know so much about him...Mainly since you've told them a lot of things, but also because he's...well, Mikage Reo.
Reo is charismatic and familiar with such situations, he's honestly so smooth with the way he speaks the whole evening
So your parents approve this relationship...Honestly they probably gave their approval the moment they heard the name Mikage but oh well!
Nagi Seishiro;
Nagi kind of just doesn't care much?
He doesn't care about making first impressions or getting your parents approval
And him first meeting your parents just happens on a random evening
You had begged him to walk you home from school and your mother basically forced him to stay for dinner
"Wow you are so tall! (Y/n) has told us so much about you!"
Nagi isn't sure how to act since it happened so unexpectedly
And honestly he probably doesn't leave the best impression
Your parents ask him questions about his plans for the future and his answers aren't exactly what parents want to necessarily hear
But...he plays soccer and that possibly equals good money so he is good for now
And your parents know how happy he makes you, so you get their approval <3
After dinner he tells you how awkward he felt the whole evening...
During it he realized that you are such an important person to him, and he wouldn't want to lose you over one flimsy dinner...he wished he could've prepared for it
Next time he visits, he brings a small bouquet of flowers...just to make up for the last time...your parents see that he cares about you a lot, approved! <3
He probably asked Reo for advice but that shall be a secret from you and your parents!
Itoshi Sae;
From the first mention of his name, your parents have already given their approval
But Sae will make sure to leave a good impression as his own person
He would probably set up a simple dinner in a restaurant you could never afford
He is so formal with your parents...You've never seen him so polite with anyone
And the confidence. He doesn't ask many questions prior, and answers all the questions your parents ask so confidently that you think he has a whole script for this
And yes maybe he did practice his answers a little beforehand
But that he would never tell you...
Oh, your parents are indeed impressed...Sae didn't go overboard with anything, and everything just seemed so perfect...
Later he admits that he was a bit nervous about the evening
You may tease him, but in the end you two are just satisfied with the outcome
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atimeofyourlife · 4 months
A love written in the stars
written for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt: Valentine's Day | rated: t | wc: 850 Steve always had bad experiences with Valentine's Day. Eddie makes him change his mind.
Steve had always hated Valentine's Day. Ever since he was a little kid. Because his early- only- experiences with it was an attempt to buy another's love. His father would always go overboard, showering his mother with attention and love and expensive gifts. Buying her love and loyalty for another year before going back to his mistresses by the end of the week. So by the time he was old enough to understand Valentine's Day, he already had a strong distaste for it.
Once he was old enough to start 'dating' it all fell on him. From when he was twelve, if he was even vaguely involved with a girl he was expected to get her a card and flowers or chocolates. Even when there was nothing more between them than holding hands at lunch and maybe a kiss on the cheek. He'd be lucky to get a scribbled note in return.
Once he was in high school and actually interested in dating and girls, Valentine's Day started to feel very transactional. He would put in cards and flowers and dates with expensive gifts, and he would get affection and maybe sex in return. But he knew deep down if he didn't go all out with it, they wouldn't be interested. Most of the girls around him wanted an experience they could brag about, not anything with commitment.
With Nancy it felt different. He knew she wouldn't want anything too big and out there. So he had a card and a single rose for her at school, with a candle lit dinner that he'd made that evening, with a full bunch of roses. A sweet date without any expectations for the evening. She'd got him a card and some chocolates in return. The date seemed to go well, but as the evening went on, Nancy started to pull away, the grief of losing Barb eating at her from the inside, making her feel guilty for doing something that Barb would never get to do. So the evening ended early with him comforting her and then dropping her home early. He knew it wasn't her fault, that she was suffering and struggling with her trauma, and he didn't blame her for the evening not going the way he'd planned it. But, when he got home to see the half eaten dinner that he'd worked so hard on, he couldn't help feeling that there was something inherently bad about Valentine's Day. It felt like it was almost cursed for him.
The years after Nancy didn't get any better. He tried to stay away from the spending a lot of money style of Valentine's plans, and focused more on the romantic, meaningful style dates. But once his dates realized he wasn't going to be showering them with expensive gifts, they lost interest. Often making excuses to leave before the date had run it's natural course. It made him want to just give up on Valentine's Day.
But then Eddie happened. Neither of them mentioned any plans for Valentine's Day. Steve was thinking of treating it just like any other day. Get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner together, have sex, then fall asleep. And to start with, Eddie seemed to have the same idea. The day started normal, a lazy morning make out session before they both had to hurry to be ready to leave on time for work.
When Steve got home, the table was scattered with folded paper stars. He didn't know what to make of it. He was so caught up in it, he didn't notice Eddie coming up behind him until his eyes were covered.
"You weren't supposed to be home just yet. No peeking." Eddie said, steering Steve into the bedroom and pushing him down onto the bed. "Now stay here until I call you."
Steve didn't get a chance to reply before Eddie had left the room again.
He wasn't alone for long before Eddie came back to him. "It's ready now."
Steve followed Eddie back to the kitchen. Plates already on the table with what looked like take out from their favorite restaurant. The room lit only by the star shaped lights that had been hung all over the kitchen.
"Ed's, I-" Steve didn't know what to say. He just wasn't used to a partner making an effort for Valentine's Day.
"Happy Valentine's Day, baby. I wanted us to eat under the stars, but it's too cold to eat outside, so this is the next best thing." "I. I love it." Steve choked out, unsure what else to say.
"And each one of these stars," Eddie picked one of the paper stars up, holding it between his thumb and finger, "is to remind you how much I love you. I know you don't have great experiences with Valentine's Day. But every time you feel like you deserved the way all those girls treated you. Open one of the stars. Each one has a message inside, reminding you that you are so loved."
Steve couldn't help the tears that were welling up. "I love you."
the paper stars are these origami wishing stars:
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