#i tried searching up how uniform works and what means what
scolo-evil-centipede · 6 months
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Must we march? Can´t we ride?
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unstable-samural · 1 month
word count: 5.3K
tags: friends to lovers, first healthy relationship, angst
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[A/N: This is the first version, I will eventually correct the errors:)
Y/N ended the day as usual. The inside of the house was slowly being swallowed by black, and when he finally realized it, he was enveloped in complete darkness. Y/N went out feeling the walls in search of the switch. The lights came on, but he still felt everything was enveloped in darkness for some reason. He had already submitted the report that he spent the week working on for the company; now he was free, although he wanted to continue working on something. The house was clean, the dishes were washed, and the clothes were put away in the closet... Shit, there was nothing else to do that night. He had to be “entertained” Everyone needed that, after all. But he wouldn’t have the focus to read a book or watch a movie. Maybe playing a video game would be the best alternative. He decided that would be it, so he took a shower and prepared his dinner (Cup Noodles, if that can be called dinner).
At around 7:00 pm, his doorbell rang. He did not expect visitors that night. Y/N paused his game and got up from the sofa to open the door.
It was a real surprise to see who it was. Standing there, slightly crestfallen and apparently not knowing what she was doing.
He had never seen her like that.
“Joy?!” Y/N asked, alarmed.
“Y/N... Can I come in?”
He opened the way for her to pass. Joy was dressed in her ballet uniform; that’s what she taught at a dance studio nearby.
“Are you well?” He asked.
“Yes. I mean, not exactly…”
“What are you doing here?”
“Am I disturbing you?”
“No way! That’s not what I meant. It’s just that I’m worried about you showing up unannounced.”
“Sorry.” He noticed how tired she looked. “We had a fight, Y/N. We had a serious disagreement today. And I think it’s over.
It took him a while to process what she said.
Finally, he remembered who she was talking about.
“Yes. And at the end of it all, I said it was over between us. I broke up with you know who.”
“Come, sit on the sofa” he asked, and she sat down next to him. “Why did you break up with him?”
“Things haven’t been good for a while, but i was trying to hold on, cause I thought it was just a bad phase in our relationship, but then other problems came and I couldn’t handle it all alone. You could say I’ve reached my limit.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“It all happened very quickly. I’m still in my ballet uniform.” She smiled. It was a sad smile.
“But why, out of all your friends, did you choose to come to me?” Y/N asked, feeling afraid that perhaps she would misinterpret his question.
“When I was leaving his apartment, your image suddenly came to mind. So I felt like seeing you. How long is it? About four months?”
“Pretty much that. Look, to tell you the truth, I thought I’d never see you again. You or anyone from our old friends.”
“That fight really messed everything up between us, didn’t it?”
“And to this day I don’t understand how things got to that point.”
“I was drunk as hell and said what I shouldn’t have to him. That simple. Some people even die because they do this kind of shit, you know?” Y/N tried to look funny with this, but it didn’t work.
“Was everything you said true?”
“No. Not really. I was just angry.”
“He thought it was true. Still thinking.”
“What difference does it make? Nothing I say will make him believe me. If they hadn’t held him back, the guy would have punched me.”
“A beating,” she corrected him. “At home, he said he would kick your ass.”
“Ah, even better.”
“You asked what difference the truth makes. Well, It’s ME who wants to understand you, Y/N. This is important to me."
“Why? This is past. You seem to be getting off-topic here. We have to talk about your breakup.”
“The two things are connected, you idiot!” Joy exclaimed, and then Y/N saw her blush. “Sorry! I exalted myself.”
Y/N didn’t imagine that being called an idiot could be cute. With a defeated smile, he said:
“The truth was, I was mad at him for getting what I wanted. The anger grew the more time we spent together. The anger came with the frustration I felt in my life, then it became envy, and the envy poisoned me and led me to say those things.”
“I thought it was just because of the alcohol.” She said, confused.
“Actually, I wasn’t drunk enough to say that shit by accident. I knew perfectly well what I was saying. The alcohol was just an excuse. At that moment I didn't realize that I was embarrassing you too. I'm fucking sorry.”
He lowered his head. Y/N would rather face death than look her in the eye.
“But what were you jealous of in him? If you lived with him like I did, you would know that there is nothing there to covet.”
“He had the only thing I cared about for himself. And that made me extremely frustrated. My idea was to slowly move away from him and cut off contact over time, but I knew he would never allow things to end that way. That’s why I acted like an idiot to kill our friendship once and for all. I... I hated myself for how I felt. That shit was making me sick, Joy. I felt like a snake among you...”
She placed her gentle hand on his shoulder, and she looked so pious in that moment that it only made Y/N feel worse.
“What did he have and you didn’t? Say please.”
“You, Joy. He had you.” The words came out of his mouth so bitterly that the expression of disgust on his face was visible.
“me?” She questioned. “Was it me you were jealous of?”
“Yes. I couldn’t bear to see you two together. It hurt like hell to see you in his arms when I was the one who should have been hugging you... See? I don’t even know what I’m talking about anymore. I’m sorry. Again..."
“Do you want to know why your fight with him was also connected to the end of our relationship? Because I was away from you. And when I broached this subject with him, he became extremely angry. I tried to reconcile the two of you, but he didn’t accept it. As the months passed, I felt increasingly lonely in this relationship. Everything was so cold at home, and sometimes what warmed me were the memories of the times we two spent together.” She smiled. “Like that day when I tried to teach you some ballet steps and you almost couldn’t walk for a week.”
“Hey, that shit was serious, okay? Too risky moves for beginners!”
She couldn’t contain her laughter. It was good to see her happy like that; it made him feel a little better.
“I was having trouble understanding. Or I simply made it difficult to understand the simple thing: I like you too, Y/N.”
“Even when you were with him?”
“Our relationship started off very well, but it didn’t take long for him to start feeling like he owned me, judging what I wore, what I ate, my friends, and even my weight. As if my mother judging me wasn’t enough...”
“Damn it! I had no idea you were going through this. I can’t believe he treated you so stupidly!”
“You don’t need to be jealous of him, Y/N. Why he will never compare to you, I now realize. You noticed the little details about me, like when I painted my nails, did my hair or changed my lipstick. Now i think I was very blind in not realizing before that you liked me!”
“Saying it like that makes it seem like I really made everything very obvious” he said, placing both hands on his face to hide it, embarrassed.
“Don’t run away now, little boy!” Joy took his hands away from his face. “If you want, we can allow ourselves to try.”
“What about him? Is it really over?”
“Tomorrow morning, I’m going to his house to pick up my things. I never want to see him again.” Joy placed her soft hand on Y/N’s face; he could feel the softness and warmth that her skin emanated.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked, strangely polite.
They brought their faces closer and their lips touched, almost embarrassed, but soon they found their own rhythm and things intensified; their tongues were already dancing together. Y/N had his hand on Joy’s leg, his fingers between the fabric of the shorts and the ballet tights. She seemed so surrendered at that moment, and all he wanted was to have her in his arms, holding her tighter and tighter, as if she would regret what she had done and run away from there. A silly delirium, because Joy had her arms around his neck, and she herself was the one pressing Y/N’s face against hers. In love.
“It was good?” She asked.
“I don’t even dare to describe it. Tell me you’re going to sleep here.”
“It would be amazing. But don’t expect anything other than falling asleep together; honestly, I’m still not feeling very well.”
“No problem. I just want to have you here with me.”
“Thank you, Y/N. You don’t know, but i was forced to have sex with him whenever he felt like it, no matter how tired or unwell I said I was. But I guess I shouldn’t be talking about that now, right? I’m ruining things.”
Y/N realized that there was a deep emotional wound in Joy, which perhaps took time to heal and this also tore him apart, as he always saw her smiling, laughing, supporting her friends and even making some silly pranks. Above all, caring about everyone around her, except herself, apparently.
“You’re not ruining anything! And you don’t need to thank me for something that should be the least of my part.”
He hugged Joy, she leaned her head on his shoulder, and they remained that way for a while, until he asked:
“How about you take a shower and change your clothes? You must be tired. Did you eat anything after you left the studio?”
“I haven’t eaten anything yet. I’m starving.”
“Go take a shower. I’ll get you something to wear and then we can order something to eat.”
“Thanks.” For a moment, it looked like Joy was going to say something else, instead she just kissed him on the cheek and went into the bathroom.
After showering, Joy wore the clothes that Y/N had lent her, which were basically cotton shorts and a Muse t-shirt. Then suddenly, she appeared in the room saying:
“What’s up, bro? What’s for dinner tonight, dude? I’m so hungry!”
“Hey, did you happen to see that pretty girl who went to the bathroom?”
“I didn't see any girls. But what do you say we make a little mess before this girl shows up, huh? You know what I mean, bro?”
"Okay, I'm starting to get intimidated."
She jumped onto the couch, laughing.
“These clothes are very comfortable; thank you.”
“I'm glad you liked it. Hey how about we eat chop-suey?”
“You are wise as a king.”
He ordered the food.
Sitting on the sofa, Y/N asked:
“What do you think people will think of this?”
“Do you mean: 'we' together?”
Joy lay down on the sofa and rested her head on Y/N’s lap.
“Seulgi will like it, I believe. She was the only person I told what was really happening in my relationship. She was the one who encouraged me to break up.”
“Seulgi was a tremendous angel! I miss her too. You didn’t deserve to go through all this shit. But I’m glad it’s over. I mean, I hope so.”
“I need to let go of some insecurities. He told me cruel things, which were backed up by my own mother. You know my mother was also a ballerina, and they can be quite inhumane sometimes.”
“Let’s take care of one wound at a time. Together.”
She smiled and slowly closed her eyes. There were dark circles under Joy’s eyes, so he knew she was indeed tired.
“It wasn’t in my plans to say I love you today” she confessed. “But I think I love you, Y/N.”
“I have always loved you, Joy. And from now on, I will take care of you with kindness and love, the way you deserve. I hope to prove this to you over time.”
“You don’t need to prove anything to me” she whispered. “I already know this because whenever I’m by your side, I feel peace.”
Hearing this made him find a little courage to also be sincere about some shit.
“After the shit that happened in the bar, I created my own prison and stayed in it for four months. Terribly lonely. Work was my escape valve. After a while, I started to think it was better to stay in the dark, since the lights distorted everything around me. It was nothing more than shine; It always gave me a headache."
“I’m sorry you had to face this seclusion. But I finally came, we won't feel alone anymore.”
He stroked her hair slowly. Time was no longer his enemy.
“And one day we can say ‘fuck you’ to the past.” Y/N stated, he seemed determined.
“I can hardly wait for that day....." She broke into a smile when she thought about it. "Wow! It means I'm your Joy now, right?
Her eyes were still closed when a tear fell.
“Yes, you are my Joy now. I think you always have been, since the day we met, since the first smile you gave me.”
Another tear, this one Y/N captured softly with his thumb.
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Three months had passed. It was the rainy season in the city, and the days were shrouded in bone-chilling cold. That night, torrential rain had been pouring down without respite since the end of the afternoon. Everyone completed what they had to complete as soon as possible to return to their respective homes.
Bad luck to those who had to be on the street.
Joy was with the last child, waiting for her parents at the ballet studio. The rain was delaying all traffic, so it was not uncommon for some girls to stay until a little later, waiting for their parents. For the teacher, it was no bother at all. Finally, a black car that looked very expensive stopped in front of the studio and honked loudly. The little girl said goodbye to Joy and ran through the rain to the vehicle. Joy was now free to go home. She put a coat over her ballet outfit and walked around the studio, turning off all the lights. The establishment wasn’t hers; she worked with two other teachers, and there was an old retired dancer who was the owner behind everything. The fact that she was still there was for the simple reason that Joy was the only person among the studio’s employees who lived in that neighborhood, so it was no problem to stay a little later with the children whose parents were late picking them up and finally close the studio. After turning off all the lights, she took her umbrella and locked the main door.
There was a guy leaning against a light pole next to the dance studio wearing a dark raincoat with a hood. It was a pretty ridiculous piece of clothing, to be honest. Joy found that person strange for a moment and approached, slightly suspicious. After getting close enough to see his face, she said:
“Y/N!” And Joy smiled, excited. “I thought you couldn’t come today!”
“I finished the report early. I decided to come and get you. A pretty girl like you shouldn’t walk the streets alone...”
She laughed. Joy really thought that sleazy accent that Y/N used when she wanted to say corny things was funny.
“Pretty? I look like a bird that fell out of its nest! Can you believe I was able to sweat a lot even in this cold?”
“Big Deal! Can you believe I was drinking hot coffee in my room, completely protected from the cold, while I finished writing some shit sitting in an extremely comfortable chair?”
“Jesus Christ! What would society be without men and their hard work?” she joked.
“Isn’t it? You couldn’t last a day in my shoes.”
““I don’t even want to think about it!” She grabbed his right bicep. “Luckily I have my strong and fearless provider.”
“Oh, Really? Well, i hope you introduce me to him someday. Anyway, I was thinking about taking you for a walk before we go home, are you up for it?”
“In this rain?”
“Since when are you made of sugar?”
“Where do you want to go?”
“First let’s drink some coffee. Then I’ll take you to a certain place so we can do something.”
“I thought you already drank while working hard on the computer.”
“I can make that sacrifice again.”
“And you still wonder why you have insomnia...”
The devil knew how much Joy needed a coffee too, so the two walked together down the deserted sidewalk.
At the coffee shop, Y/N ordered an espresso and a cupcake, he loved the combination of a bitter drink with something sweet. Joy ordered a cappuccino and a croissant.
“We've been living together for three months now.” He commented sitting at the table.
“I don’t know if we can call this ‘living together’.”
“You spend several days in a row at my house, so my house is a little like yours too.”
“If you think so” And she continued to eat the croissant.
“What if we make it official soon?”
“Are you talking about me living with you?”
“Exactly! It’s a good house. Spacious. We can receive our friends without any worries. It’s close to your work... I see no reason why it wouldn’t happen”
“Where is my toothbrush now?”
Y/N found the question strange but replied:
“At home. In my bathroom. Next to my toothbrush.”
She looked at him with her eyes shining, and Y/N could see that she was happy.
“So that’s it.” Joy tried to suppress her smile by drinking some of her coffee.
“Serious?!” Y/N asked so loudly that the people sitting at the tables around them looked at them.
“Sure! And speak more quietly, please.”
“Sorry” He laughed. “I’m fucking happy, that’s all.”
“I’m happy too.”
“I could scream right now for everyone here to hear.”
“Oh my gosh... don’t even think about it!
“Do you doubt it?! Are you doubting my love for you?!”
He started to get up.
“No, no! I don't doubt it! I know you love me, but I will die of embarrassment if you scream!” She tried to explain, desperate.
Y/N returned to his chair and laughed until tears came out of his eyes.
Walking and walking in the rain once again. Y/N stopped with Joy in front of the shopping mall that rose like a titan, casting dazzling lights across the square. They entered and noticed that most of the stores were already closed. Joy said:
“I think you came a little late to buy your underwear. By the way, you could do it without me.”
“Look, this weekend I’m going to sign you up for a stand-up comedy show for beginners so you can tell your jokes on stage, what do you think? No, what I want to show you is there on the third floor.”
“I just hope it’s not a wedding thing.”
“Do people still get married?”
They got into the elevator and went to the third floor. Looking at the mirror that was there, Y/N noticed how ridiculous he looked in that raincoat. Joy made fun of him by saying he looked like a trash bag.
“I’m really going to sign you up for a stand-up comedy show” he reaffirmed. “Just know that this raincoat is all the rage in Japan!”
“And what are the chances that the salesman told the truth?”
Y/N was silent.
The third floor was almost empty. He took Joy to the toys and games area, which was partially closed, but the lights were still on. She looked surprised. Not in a positive way.
“Arcade? We could have played video games at home.” She said.
“Mr. Miyagi used to say that the eyes are only capable of seeing a third of the truth. You have to look with your heart, too. Joy, you should learn a thing or two from him.”
“I never saw the movie but I know he never said that.”
“Take off your coat and come with me.” He asked, and then ran to the arcade.
“Hey, wait a minute!” She followed him, unbuttoning her coat.
Y/N stopped at the end of a narrow corridor between pinball tables and shooting games. Joy still hadn’t understood what the hell he was doing until she guided her eyes to where he was pointing, and there it was: an old, faded photo booth. That’s what he's wanted all along. Analog photos. Well, that was cute; she couldn’t deny it.
“Would you agree to take some photos with me?" He asked kneeling.
Joy extended her hand to him.
"It will be a pleasure."
Y/N smiled at her. He never got tired of admiring how beautiful she looked in a ballet uniform. They entered the machine together. Joy sat on his lap and put an arm around her neck.
“Money in banknotes?!” He questioned in awe. “The last time I got into some shit like that, it was coins.”
“The machine may be analog, but the company that built it certainly keeps up with inflation.”
“Anyway, let’s go!”
Y/N put his money in the booth and pressed the button, waiting for the first photo to be taken. Then came the flash, which caught him off guard. “You blinked!” she said. “The photo will be funny.” More flashes, and also more poses. They put on a tough face for the camera, then they smiled with their cheeks touching, then they made the ugliest faces they could, and finally they kissed.
The booth complied with the deal and spat out the roll of photos. They analyzed it together and, with the exception of the first image (the one where Y/N had blinked his eyes), all the photographs were great.
“I really liked this surprise. It will be a good memory. I think simple days also need to be remembered.” Joy commented in the elevator.
“I was afraid it would look silly. But I’ve wanted to take photos like these with you for a long time. We can make a mini-album or something. I don’t know, in my mind, it’s kind of special.”
“Mr. Miyagi used to say that when something is special in your mind, it is because it is also very special in your heart. You should learn a thing or two from him…”
“Oh, come on...”
Joy couldn't contain her laughter. Seeing her like that warmed his heart.
“Look, seriously now: i think the photos and the other things we’ll do will make the past a little better when we look back in the future.”
“A new past.” His voice sounded ethereal.
Yeah, a new past! But our hearts must stay in the present. Ever.”
Joy gave him a hug. He hugged her back, and they stayed like that as the elevator descended to the first floor. He wished simple days were always like this.
At home, a hot shower was more than enough to banish the cold they felt while on the streets. He was lying in bed looking at those photos again. They were really good, he concluded, and the record seemed to positively signal an important moment in their lives, after all, the photos were taken on the day she agreed to live with him permanently. And this might even seem strange since the formal dating request had not yet been made. But, well, fuck conventions. They were a couple, and the dating proposal would be made soon.
When she was ready.
Y/N was so far away in his thoughts that he didn’t notice when Joy had come out of the bathroom, standing in front of him, wearing a beautiful pink slinky nightie that adjusted to the curves of her body.
“I bought it a while ago, when I was still dating, you know who, but I never had the courage to use it. Not after he talked about me being fat.”
“You’re not fat. And even if he was, fuck them all with their shitty opinions.”
“You made me feel comfortable wearing that slinky nightie again.”
“I did nothing. You realized how beautiful you are on your own.”
Joy approached slowly. So beautiful, so sensual, like paradise. She sat on the edge of the bed and said:
“Thank you for caring about me, baby. I've been smiling to the point that I've created expression marks on my face since I started staying here with you."
“You’d be surprised how easy it is. And these marks... look good on you."
Y/N noticed that her cheeks were softly flushed.
“I feel ready now.”
“Are you sure?"
“I have never been as sure as I am now. You are my man. I'm your-”
“Joy” he completed.
She crawled onto the bed like a feline.
They find themselves in a fiery embrace, their bodies melting into an ember of insatiable desire. Each touch was a discovery, an exploration of carnal pleasure imbued with true feeling. Precious like a diamond. Y/N’s lips traced a path of fire down Joy’s neck, leaving a trail of heat that burned on her delicate skin. As he lowered the strap of Joy’s slinky nightie, his fingers trembled with excitement, eager to touch the soft, inviting skin that was revealed just to him. It was the longing for love combusting.
Laying Joy on the bed, Y/N immersed his head in the delight of her tits, exploring each curve with fervent devotion. His lips found Joy’s nipples, eliciting moans of pleasure that echoed through the room, while his hands explored every inch of her body with palpable urgency.
Tracing a trail of kisses across Joy’s body, Y/N got closer and closer to his goal; he had a wild desire to taste her. Each kiss was like a promise of pleasure, an anticipation of what was to come. Joy writhed beneath his skillful touches, her moans filling the night air as she gave herself over completely to the heat of the moment.
And then, finally, Y/N put his head between Joy’s legs. With a decisive look, he plunged his tongue into the source of her desire, savoring every drop of forbidden nectar that she was barely dripping with. It was a scene of ecstasy and abandonment to reason, a total surrender to the desire that consumed them. Joy gripped the sheets, her moans of pleasure mixing with the sound of the night rain as she lost herself in the waves of pleasure that took her to the edge. The senses were heightened, an eternal moment, the words sounded alive when she announced that she was going to cum. Y/N got goosebumps. He never imagined that words could make him so excited. Then her delicious honey dripped into his mouth.
“I want to feel you inside me.” She murmured after recovering from her first true orgasm.
Y/N took off his boxer shorts in an instant. She saw how hard his dick was as he opened the rubber package.
That would be the two’s first time together. Hungry with desire, he didn’t hesitate as he pushed his latejante cock into Joy’s hot, wet vagina, both of them writhing with pleasure on the messy bed, fucking in missionary position. Each thrust was a frenzied thrust, their bodies slamming together in a wild rhythm. Their eyes met in a mix of lust and love, while their mouths locked in voracious kisses, moans escaping their lips as they gave in to passion.
Joy, feeling taken by her impulses of domination, mounted him, guiding his hard cock inside her with an agile movement of her hips. Her boobs swayed freely with the rhythm of her riding, inviting Y/N to grab and caress them with his warm hands. Each movement of her hips is a thrust, an explosion of pleasure, their sweaty bodies moving in perfect harmony as she leans in to kiss him without ever stopping the flow of her hips.
Y/N grabs Joy by the waist and puts her on all fours, exposing her temptingly pert ass in front of him. Without hesitation, he thrusts into her hard, their bodies slamming together in a wild frenzy. Each thrust is deep and relentless. Moans of pleasure echo throughout the room, mixing with the sound of skin hitting skin.
“oh fuck, i’m gonna cum!” he said between moans.
Joy got out of bed and got on her knees before he even asked. She was thirsty for it. She took off the rubber and wrapped Y/N’s throbbing cock in her fleshy lips with an insatiable hunger, determined to explore every inch of that source of pleasure that rose hard just for her. Joy’s eyes sparkled with devotion as she immersed herself in the task, making extremely erotic eye contact. Her tongue, skillful and thirsty, traced circles around the pulsing red glans of his cock, exploring every groove and vein with an almost scientific meticulousness. She savored every drop of precum that came out as her skilled hands gently caressed and squeezed his balls. With rehearsed dexterity, she slid her lips to the base, swallowing him with a voracity that made Y/N moan loudly. With each upward movement, Joy sucked with insatiable ferocity, sending waves of pleasure through his body. Every inch of his cock was explored and devoured, as if she were determined to extract every last drop of pleasure he could offer. And when finally Y/N could no longer contain the impending explosion, Joy intensified her efforts, sucking with an insatiable intensity until he could no longer hold back, flooding her mouth with warm milky cum, which Joy swallowed without wasting a single drop.
It had already become part of her routine to wake up alone in bed. Fortunately, the noises from the kitchen were welcoming to her ears. Joy got out of bed wrapped in the comforter. The morning was rainy (what a surprise).
There he was, by the stove, finishing what looked like scrambled eggs.
“Good morning” she said, sitting down at the table.
“Good morning, baby. Are you hungry?”
“Oh dear, I could eat an elephant!”
“I prepared toast, scrambled eggs, coffee and there’s cheese and ham if you want a sandwich.”
“You are so divine!”
“Thanks. By the way, could you get the milk for me?”
Joy got up and went to the fridge. When she opened the door and took the bottle of milk, she noticed that there was a small square box at the bottom of the fridge.
“What is that?” she asked.
“I don’t know. Why don’t you open it and find out?”
“Oh, Y/N! It’s not what I’m thinking, is it…?”
She couldn’t control the shaking of her hands. When he lifted the lid of the box, two rings sparkled.
“Will you agree to date me? My strategy was to persuade you with the help of drowsiness. It worked?”
“Shit, it worked great!” She started to laugh nervously. Then came the crying.
Y/N helped Joy. He took one of the rings and put it on her right ring finger; she did the same with it.
“These are our dating rings.” He told. "I know putting this in the fridge isn't the best of surprises, but you don't have a very creative guy on your side."
“It was unusual, but cute. I bet I'm the only one who opened the fridge to get some milk and ended up getting a dating ring. When I saw this ring box, God... for a second, I thought they were wedding rings!”
“I love you, but I also know how to take it easy.” He joked.
“I loved it. Thank you, Y/N.”
The morning remained cold, wet and impetuous, but, believe it or not, towards the end of the afternoon, a blessing occurred. The sun rose for a few moments and shone benevolently, and a couple who were now breathing in unity were able to contemplate it, and despite being in different places when this happened, their minds came together in a single thought: what a joy it was to be alive.
[A/N: I know for some people reading this the "dating ring" thing might seem weird. But in my culture it's something relatively common, and I only knew it was a cultural thing when I finished writing the smut. I decided to keep this detail because, idk, i think it's kinda a cute thing, although some people find it bizarre and associate with being possessive cause they have a severe perception about rings in relationships.
But this is nothing more than a simple silver plated ring that symbolizes a serious relationship. Common among young couples.
Well that's it. Keep your mind open and thanks for reading 🔥
I was a little inspired by this song:
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runningfrom2am · 5 months
cold nights // part four
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summary: all the stars aligned, and it was you.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 2.9k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: tribute!reader and mentor!coriolanus, r is very sweet (too kind for this world. literally.), sunshine x grumpy trope kinda, he falls first, violence typical for the source material, r is very smart (as she should), district twelve!reader.
a/n: this is your reminder to reblog and comment on fics you like!! it helps us writers out a TON the girlies who get it get it. thanks!!
series masterlist // playlist
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"I just have to ask you a few questions... is that okay?" Coriolanus asks, sitting across from you at the small table you find yourself chained to.
"Please." You nod, grinning at him. You were so tired, the bags under your eyes were evidence enough of that. Screw getting you food- Coryo is worried if you don't sleep you'll be all but useless in the games, even if all he needs you to do is run and hide.
"It's just so people can get to know you a bit better. Okay, so..." He looks down at the sheet in front of him, tapping the pencil against the table as he tries to focus on reading. "First, nice and easy, what is your full name?"
"Y/N M/N L/N."
"Great... Okay, and where are you from?"
"District Twelve, born and raised."
"How old are you?"
"Seventeen. I'll be eighteen next week." You smile.
"Oh, really?" He asks, pausing mid-sentence as he starts writing it down.
"Yeah." You smile. "Hopefully I'll live to see the day."
"You will." He tries to be reassuring as he scribbles the finished answer on his sheet. God, you got unlucky. Not that his eighteenth was a big celebration like some of his classmates, but Tigris made him a cake with ingredients she'd been saving up for and she refit his school uniform for him. You wouldn't even have that- you would be spending the day fighting for your life, if you even made it that long.
"And who is in your family unit?" He reads directly from the slip as he forces himself to move on.
"Well, there's me, my brother, he's fifteen, and then my ma and pa." You nod. "Well, my pa isn't home much. Lots of work in the mines; usually has sixteen-hour days. I hardly ever see him." You admit, sadness laced into your tone. "Saw him, I mean."
"My father died in Twelve." Coryo says, catching you off guard. He doesn't even fully understand why he felt the need to tell you this. "About ten years ago, it was rebels."
"I remember that." You reply quietly, recalling the lockdown placed on the District after the murder of a peacekeeper general. "He was the general. Crassus Snow, I assume?"
Everyone was forced into their homes at gunpoint, and in search of the responsible parties everyone you knew had their home destroyed by peacekeepers. Yourself included. Your bed was torn apart, and your mattress shredded for any hidden weapons or plans. Since then, you have shared a bed with your brother. A new mattress was hard to make, and your ma never got the free time or materials again.
Up until this week, that was the scariest day of your life. Just before the peacekeepers kicked in your door, your mother had grabbed the two of you and shoved you into an opening under the floorboards- a crawlspace made from a faulty foundation. You were in there for what felt like hours, listening to shouting and your home being ruined as you held onto each other with a hand pressed over your brother's mouth to keep him from crying too loud. Your mother's cries that day never seemed to end.
"It's a small world." You say after a solid few moments of silence, and Coryo can see it in the way you're staring at his paper that you're not reading it. You're zoned out completely. "I'm sorry that happened to you. It must have been scary."
"The war was hard on all of us." He responds. "What... what do you remember?" He had never heard anything about it besides the bare bones of what happened, he had never considered that the people of Twelve would remember it as well. And judging by the look on your face, it wasn't a good memory.
"I was about six, maybe seven, and I was playing with my brother, and I didn't hear anything but my ma must have because she grabbed us and hid us under the floorboards so fast I could have got whiplash. Peacekeepers came into our home, tore the whole thing to shreds, hurt my ma, then took off. Onto the next house. I didn't find out until a while later that rebels killed the peacekeeper general, they were looking for any evidence of conspiracy, I guess. The people who did it."
"Sounds like it was scarier for you than for me."
"But I want you to know," You speak so quickly you almost cut him off. "My parents had nothing to do with it. My pa is an honest, good man. All he ever wanted was to keep us safe. We're not rebels, I promise you that."
Coriolanus almost wishes you were, so he wouldn't be so hurt by what his people were putting you through. "I know. I wouldn't blame you for that."
"Thank you." You whisper, picking at your nails now as you look down at your shaky hands.
Coryo clears his throat, forcing himself to look away from you. "Uh..." He chuckles at the next question, making you look up at him again. "Are you married?"
"No." You reply, having almost completely forgotten about the worksheet in front of him. "I'm not."
"It's just... I just, I have to ask." He says, clearing his throat as he writes it down.
"Of course." You nod in understanding.
"Boyfriend?" He asks, and as you squint at the sheet you can see it's not there, and he quickly covers the next lines with his palm, cheeks flushing pink.
"Yes." You giggle as he snaps his head up to look at you.
"You do?" He asks, voice catching as his curls fall back onto his forehead from the sudden movement.
"Yes, what is so wrong in that?" You raise an eyebrow at him, trying not to laugh.
"No, no, I mean, of course you do, you're beautiful, I just, you never mentioned-"
"Relax, Coriolanus. I'm kidding." You smile at the panic in his tone. "No, I don't have a boyfriend."
"Oh, right. Thanks, it's just for, yeah..." He mumbles, pretending to write something down behind his cupped hand so you couldn't see.
You shake your head at him while he's not paying attention, smiling to yourself.
"So, uh, do you have a job?"
"Not formally, but my ma is a seamstress. I help her lots with that. Fixing people's work clothes, stuff like that." You answer, getting back on topic.
"Did you make your dress?" He asks.
"Now I know that question's not on that form of yours." You laugh. "But yes, my ma made it for me when I was five. It's been my favourite ever since."
He looked the parts of it over that he could see above the table. It was well worn down, but well cared for. Similar to a lot of his own clothing.
"It used to be this big, flowing thing. Too big for a five year old- I would step on the bottom of it, just tore it right up." You recall. "So we trimmed the bottom, and as I grew, it grew right with me. I stitched up the bottom when I was old enough to enter the reaping, so now it's got shorts instead. But I still love it, lots of good memories held in the pockets of this old thing."
Shorts instead. So it's easier to run in. The thought haunts Coryo for a moment. The idea that you, at twelve years old, decided this is what you would want to run in, to die in, and took the liberty of sewing up the crotch in it yourself. Every stitch possibly sealing your fate.
"It's nice. I like it." He responds.
"Thank you." You smile, nodding proudly to yourself as you look down at the fabric. "It's real comfy, too."
"It looks it. Not very... restricting." He chooses his words wisely. No wonder you had kept it so many years. It still fit, so why not? Especially when it looked so good on you. The typically plain, neutral tone of the fabric complimented your skin tone so well. Even in bad lighting, it seemed as though you were glowing where the cloth met your skin. Glowing everywhere, now that he thought about it. Maybe you just lit up every room you walked into. Maybe it wasn't the clothing that was made just for you and hugged your form so flawlessly, maybe it was just you.
"Yes, it is not." You agree. "Now, our time is limited. Next question." You interrupt his thoughts, gesturing to the sheet of paper in between you.
"Yes, sorry." Coryo chuckles, shaking the distraction from his head. "Any hobbies?
"I did know that." He smiles to himself. "Anything else?"
"Well..." You think about it for a moment, chewing your lip. "I have a cat, and I like to play with him and take care of him, does that count?"
"I'll count it." He nods, quickly jotting it down. "What's your cat's name?" He asks, purely out of curiosity.
"Tybalt." You giggle.
"Tybalt?" Coryo tilts his head at you and you nod, bottom lip drawn between your teeth.
He nods slightly, prompting you to explain. "He's named after a character from Romeo and Juliet."
"That's your favourite, I remember."
"Good king of cats, nothing but one of your nine lives." You quote. "Mercutio calls Tybalt the king of the cats, so I named him after that."
"That's clever. Very funny."
"Thank you. I thought so." You smile proudly, watching him write down your cats name in his notes. "What is this for, if I can ask?"
"Uh, there's going to be an interview you'll have to do the night before the games. It'll be aired live on Capitol television, and people will be able to send in donations so I can send you things in the arena. Just like I told you." Coryo explains.
"An interview?" You ask. "What does that entail?"
"Well, I'm not sure yet." He answers honestly. "But we'll pass this sheet onto the host, Lucky, if you remember him, and he can ask you questions about your family, your life, any of this stuff. I think really whatever we want, though, so if there's anything in particular you want to say or talk about I can write that down for you."
"Oh, I'm really not sure." You reply. "Nothing in particular, but if you need me to talk I can talk about books for hours on end." You smile.
"Could you do a monologue?" He suggests. He had discussed this with Tigris before, and he was hoping you would, but knowing you, you would be dropping quotes in your interview anyway so you might as well commit to it and display how smart you are with something well-planned.
"Maybe, if you could find me a copy of Romeo and Juliet." You smile. "I think I know it, but it would be nice to have a refresher. Just to make sure I get it right. Would be awfully embarrassing if I made a mistake."
Coryo nods, quickly writing that down in the margins of the page. Considering he had never even heard of this book, it may be hard, but he would certainly try for you. "That would be great. Your goodbye was very moving, although quite confusing for most, but it had people talking about you and that's what we want."
"Okay. I'll practice."
"Thank you." Coryo smiles. "And I just have one more question on here to fill out... Do you have any special skills that you think will be helpful in the games?"
Your smile fades slightly and you just shake your head.
"That's okay. We'll figure it out."
That night, Coryo came to see you again. You were curled up with his blanket, draped half over yourself and half over Jessup as he lay next to you. It was a small blanket, obviously meant for a child, but it helped anyway. Maybe it was just a placebo, but for you, that was more than enough.
As you got up, hearing him call your name in a familiar tone, you draped the blanket more fully over Jessup before making your way over to the bars of the enclosure. "Good evening, Coryo. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I brought you some things." He whispers, digging in his bag.
"How kind." You smile, watching as he pulls things out, handing you a napkin with some bread wrapped inside and tucking whatever else he brought under his arm to give to you after you've eaten. "Can you sit for a few minutes?"
"Of course." He nods, sitting down with you as you cross your legs and unfold the fabric carefully as not to drop what's inside. "I was hoping to talk to you anyway."
"Let's talk; it is not day." You smile, leaning toward him more.
"Should I be asking what that's from?" He jokes, but is surprised when you shrug.
"You could, but I wouldn't want to bore you." You giggle, shaking your head. "Take a guess, though. I believe you'd know it."
He smiles, watching as you take a bite out of the bread. "Romeo and Juliet?"
"Yes." You nod in confirmation, covering your mouth while you speak. "You're a real fan, now, aren't you?"
"I guess so." He chuckles. "The fact that I've never read it is unimportant."
"Completely irrelevant." You agree with a quiet laugh. His smile fades as his eyes land on something behind you, and you turn to follow his gaze over your shoulder. "What are you looking at?" You whisper, looking back at him again.
"Are you sharing everything I bring you with Jessup?" He asks, voice stern as his brow furrows at the question.
"I try to." You nod, taking another bite. "He's not well. I think something bit him the first night we were here."
"You can't." Coryo insists. Of course, he wants you to win, and you handing over every bit of sustenance or help you receive is only lessening your odds. Making Jessup stronger and you only weaker. "I know you're a good person, but once you get in that arena you won't have any friends. Not even him." Coryo explains, strategically skipping over the part where it makes him ill to see you sleeping with your head on the boy's shoulder and sharing the blanket that he gifted to you.
"Oh..." You say, so quietly he can hardly hear. "But-"
"Y/N." He cuts you off, a serious look on his face. "If you keep feeding him, keep helping him, and it comes down to you and him in the end, who do you think will win in that fight? If you had all the same nutrients and sleep, who do you think will win?"
"I- well..." You stutter, looking back at your friend. "It won't come to that. I think we both know that."
"We have to assume it will." He pleads, eyes now locked on yours. "Don't make it easier for him."
"Coryo, he's got a family, siblings, his ma to get home to. They need him." You protest, leaning closer so no one else could properly hear.
"So do you." He reminds you. The look of guilt that crosses your face indicates to him that even though you had your own family, something about Jessup makes you willing to give that up for him to get home. "What about Tybalt? He'll never know what happened to his own mother. Or your brother losing his sister. Y/N, please..."
Your eyes widen at the mention of your cat and your brother in particular. Clearly, Coryo is so desperate for you to listen that he's pulling strings he shouldn't. To make you hurt. To make you pay attention.
Tears fill your eyes as you speak. "I know." Your voice cracks, and the pit in Coryo's stomach tells him he's gone too far. "I'm sorry, I just- I don't want to be afraid anymore. It's selfish of me, I know, but I won't last long and I know that so I just want to get it over with." You cry quietly, reaching up to wipe your eyes on your wrist. You hadn't been so candid with him before, he almost doesn't recognize you without a smile on your face.
"Hey, no, don't be sorry. It's not selfish." He whispers, without hesitation reaching through the bars and resting his hand on your knee. Your skin is cold to the touch, even for him after he had just walked all the way here in the same air. "But it'll be over soon, and I'll get you home. I'll do everything I can."
You sniff and nod, hesitating before placing your hand over his. "I promise I'll do my best in the interview. I want you to win your prize."
Coryo's mouth gets dry at the insinuation. You didn't think you could win, you won't even consider it even with all the encouragement he tries to feed you every day, but you want him to win. "That's not important." He says, shocking himself with the sentiment. The Plinth Prize is his only hope at a viable future, at saving his family. But right now, he doesn't even care.
You don't respond right away, just sliding your hand under his to hold it. His skin on yours feels warm, comforting, the same way it did when he held it when you were first dumped in the zoo. You don't know if it's more comforting to you or him.
"I'm sorry to cry at you, I just sometimes realize what's going to happen to me and spiral over the possibilities and no matter how hard I try to accept it..." You shake your head, looking down at your hands. "I'm still fearful." Your voice drops below a whisper.
"Then don't accept it." Coryo grasps your hand tighter, leaning closer to you and looking at you through the bars. "Fight. Try to win."
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taglist: @soulessjourney, @keziahcore, @that-veela-girl, @motorsport, @dreamyysouls, @rockstarbfs, @Lanadelrey3, @rawrmameh, @3zae-zae3, @babyspice6, @pastel0rchid, @maysileeewrites, @articxari, @Urfavpouge, @Multivitaminfy, @baybieruth, @kitscutie, @annaelise, @serrendiipty, @fratboyharrysgf0201, @totallynotkaibiased, @stelleduarte, @klplynn, @secretsicanthideanymore, @bejeweledreverie, @fals3-g0d, @drewsandsebastianswife, @niicole-87, @queenofshinigamis, @innercreationflower, @nallasstuff, @spring-goddess1, @baybieruth, @lovelyxtom, @throughgoeshxmilton, @enwonie, @scorpiolystoned, @iovemoonyy, @kodzuvk, @soupasoup, @eedwardss, @thatmarvelchick19, @wearemadeofstardust0, @regulusblackcore, @kbakery , @qardasngan, @omgsuperstarg, @kuroosbby001, @puredreamagination,
if your user has a strikethrough i wasn't able to tag you! i'm so sorry!
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wcbblife · 2 months
could you do paige with either a black gf or a volleyball player gf hcs??
Paige x Volleyball player!gf HCs
a/n: I've had this idea in the drafts for quite a bit of time. So glad you sparked my mind to finally finish it
Bit of background about you two ig:
What first stood out to Paige about you was the ability to absolutely spike the ball with an insane amount of power. The first time she saw you play she was with KK because they were both oh so bored on their free day. Next thing she knew you were elevating off the floor and slamming your palm against the ball with an insane amount of strength. They both let out a synched “DAMN” as the ball quickly made its way down to the floor with a resounding bang. One after the other, she was literally left with her jaw on the floor at how good you were and how you were able to carry the team to a flawless victory.
She definitely went home and searched all of your highlights, slowly being more and more captivated by how high you could jump and how fast you could react to get some saves. After that, she would literally make up the stupidest excuses to just see you absolutely dominate on the court.
Noticing her growing attendance, fans began to joke around on the internet (with pics and vids). You take notice of this. Especially on how she cheered extra hard whenever you helped on scoring a point.
Funny enough I think you two would meet in the library. She would pass you and the look on her face is hilarious (something between a mix of amazement, shock, and something else). She tries to stop the absolute sound of excitement that she wants to let out.
"Dude, you’re an awesome player.” She says, smiling super bright.
"Well if it isn’t my biggest fan” You tease. “But are you serious? You’re the cool one here.”
You both continue to absolutely geek out about one another and compliment the other's play style. It’s then that you find out that she absolutely loves when you spike.
You both get closer after one particular game where your famous strong spikes literally sealed the deal for the team to win. After a particularly impressive spike she literally jumped while screaming as loud as she could and you couldn't even deny that trying to ignore a tall blonde jumping erratically up and down was getting harder after each game. So you just turned towards her and pointed to mess with her. It worked though cuz Paige went absolutely crazy.
After that, you two started talking some more and you even started showing your face to some of her basketball games. And she asked you out after one of her hard games, caught up in the high of the game. You two immediately become the school's hottest topic after it.
Some actually normal HCs:
She absolutely is your biggest fan. No one ever cheers louder for you than Paige Bueckers.
Is eager to learn how to set for you so that she can help you with your spikes. Like seeing it first hand because it makes her feel so starstruck seeing it first hand.
Absolutely loves to play beach volleyball with you. Idk why she just seems like it.
Lovesssss to see you in your uniform. Especially with those shorts. Makes her go crazy.
Goes nuts when you react fast and save the ball. "YEAH BABY! YOU SHOW EM HOW ITS DONE!"
Will 100% challenge you to a 1v1 but immediately regret it as she watches you jump to slam the ball. “Chill! You're gonna kill me if you do that.”
She loves to learn and break down each set with you. Especially if you tell her it helps you better your game. And vise versa. You love to watch her games and hear her break down her own playing.
Outside of sports and school, Paige will literally show you off to everyone (like imagine a family Christmas party and she's literally holding someone hostage while showing them you play. “Isn't she awesome? I mean just look at her!").
Acts like a concerned mother whenever you fall one too many times in a game while diving to save the ball from touching the ground.
Loves it when you wink or smile in her direction while you're playing. It actually drives her a little crazy.
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femininemenon · 5 months
Hii! Sorry to bother you, but I just saw your post about that one GoT scene with "camera raw filter" and *have* to ask...what is that?! That looks insanely good. I tried doing a quick google search, and it seems like it's a Photoshop pluggin, maybe? I'm not too sure... Would you mind sharing a bit more about it, pretty please?
the post anon is referring to:
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this is by no means an adequate guide or even a comprehensible explanation, but i hope it helps out somewhat.
you are correct, camera raw filter is a photoshop plugin. you can download it from here (works with 🏴‍☠️d/portable versions too): the installation is pretty straight forward, just do it as you would with any program.
before you do anything, make sure your screencaps are a smart object (it will obviously be faster if you add a camera raw filter after you've resized and added whatever it is you need to add, but you can always just do it with the original sized screencaps). it's easier to edit the properties from a smart object than to go back and try to get it right again from scratch.
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you will find it under filter > camera raw filter… this will bring up a new window:
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you can add as many of them as you need to. if you want to edit it because you think you've made it too bright or too blue or something, just double click on camera raw filter under your smart object:
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if you're editing one scene and you would like for everything to look uniform, you can also just bring over your settings because they're smart objects:
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okay enough yapping, back to what you came here for. let's go through all that i use/have used and how they work. you can mix and match them however you want - what works for one scene might not work for another.
the 'Light' section you can use to fix the light of the scene but i basically only use it if i want to "strengthen"/darken the whites and highlights. if your files are too dark or lack contrast, you can fix that here.
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the 'Color' section!!! chef's kiss. this is what i used for the Sansa screencap. first you need to think about whether your screencap is too yellow or too blue, and then slide it towards the opposite direction. after i did that, it was way too green, so i used the tint feature to help out with that.
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if you have handled today's media, you know that they haaaate color. so still in 'Color', in vibrance/saturation (i have never worked out the difference and atp i don't really care asdfghjkl) you can adjust that as well but it's for all the colors of the rainbow. you can enhance colors better in 'Caliberation' (see below).
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i don't really use 'Effects', but the Vignette feature is a lifesaver if you encounter those. an example:
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i have never touched 'Curve' but i image it works just like curves.
'Color Mixer' is good to manipulate colors. it's basically hue/saturation but lowkey better. if you switch to 'Color' in Adjust, you can edit them more accurately (Capcut has a feature similar to this i think).
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ngl i don't have a good example of this now so enjoy this cartoonish something:
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and we have arrived at my favorite!!! with 'Color Grading', you can fix almost anything: Midtones, Shadows and Highlights. it's basically a color wheel and you can try to find the black midtone and white points that will neutralize your screencaps. you can be more accurate with them if you click the circles in Adjust. basically a more freestyle curves i think.
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lastly, 'Calibration'. you can also enhance or diminish colors here based on whether they belong in the red, green or blue primary. eg if you have a scene that's way too yellow, you can try and bring down the saturation in Blue Primary and it will help tremendously.
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if you have any further questions, feel free to send me another ask!
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Playing Nurse for the Batfam
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Artist: Norm Breyfogle
Summary: you are a nurse working for Gotham General Hospital. Batman is working tirelessly to find out who you are. What will you do when he finds you? What will he do?
Pairing: Slowburn Jason Todd x reader, (maybe a why choose with Dick Grayson as well?? Idk tell me what you guys want)
Warning: Adult language, breaking in and entering
Word Count: 1.4k
Note: These characters are not my own they belong to DC. The only character that is 'mine' is the reader. I am going to be as nondescript as possible for the reader as well for physical attributes. This is a continuation series; I’m not sure how long it will be. Also for some reason, my replies to comments are not showing up. I’m not ignoring your comments Tumblr won’t let me respond :( But please, please comment I live for it 
Part One Part Three
Part Two: Job Opportunity
“Master Bruce, do you think there is a possibility that this manhunt of yours may be born out of paranoia? Or perhaps an injury-induced delirium?” Alfred asked, as Bruce manically typed information into the Batcomputer. 
“That’s the problem, Alfred. There are no injuries. None. She healed me. She saw my face.” Bruce’s low voice rumbled. 
“Only you, Master Bruce, would consider a lack of injuries a problem,” Alfred sardonically stated. “Are you quite sure it was a woman?”
Bruce didn’t bother with a verbal response. He merely gave a curt nod. The sound of the elevator pinging and the door opening did not budge Bruce’s concentration from the computer. 
“Bruce, I’m back from Commissioner Gordon’s. The fingerprint is a dud. There are no matches in the criminal database,” Dick said, jumping into a rolly chair and sliding very loudly over toward Bruce. 
“That narrows it down, only about 25% of women in Gotham don’t have any form of criminal record,” Bruce muttered out loud. He didn’t particularly care if anyone heard. It moreso was for his train of thought. Bruce continued typing furiously, “I’ll check it against the other databases.”
Dick spun aggressively in his chair, “You got that fingerprint off your suit, right? What about the mask that was left?”
“The mask had been unused and freshly opened. There were some traces of fingerprints on that but my blood made them nearly impossible to ascertain,” Bruce said flatly. Bruce’s computer flashed with an oncoming message from Barbara. 
[The street cam footage was shaky, but I got a general description. She is about __ tall, with __ hair, and __ skin. It also appears that she is wearing a medical uniform that is issued for Gotham General Hospital. You’re welcome, Babs.]
Dick leaned so close to the computer that his and Bruce’s cheeks touched, “Wow I didn’t realize you brought in the big gun Babs. You want this girl found.”
Bruce tried not to smile at the ridiculous boy, “She saw my identity, Dick.”
Dick inhaled sharply through his teeth, “What are you going to do when you find her?”
A few ideas popped into Bruce’s mind, not all of them were legal. 
“He hasn’t got a clue, Master Dick,” Alfred said, spawning behind the two men, holding a silver tray with a bowl of Lucky Charms on it for Dick and a large black coffee for Bruce. 
“Thank you, Alfred,” Dick said, taking the cereal, “I mean she saved your life, Bruce. She hasn’t told anyone your identity,” Dick said, feeling the odd need to defend this girl he has never met. 
“She could just be selling the information to the highest bidder,” Bruce said, sharply taking a glug of coffee. 
Dick held back from rolling his eyes. He looked at the monitor and stared at the girl. “She saved your life when she didn’t have to. I don’t think she would ruin it on a whim. Not every person is out to get you, Bruce.”
And with that Dick and Alfred left Bruce alone in the Batcave. 
Bruce took another long sip of his coffee and continued his search. A small smile, barely a smirk lifted on his lips. 
It was a good thing that healthcare workers needed to get fingerprinted. 
He found her. Now all he needed was a solid plan. 
“Y/n please girl. Please, please, please, please, please,” Sam begged jokingly with her hands together. 
“Nope! No! I am not taking another patient with bed bugs! I took the last one for you and I felt itchy for a week. Besides I have my hands full with an IICP and a stabbing,” I said, wagging my finger at my friend. 
“Gah fine! Wish me luck. I’m manifesting that I have rancid energy that repels beg bugs but is very welcoming and kind to patients.”
I laughed at her, “When you figure out that ratio please let me know, babe.”
The rest of the shift went by quickly, and mostly uneventful. I healed the head injury enough that no surgery would be required. I healed that stabbing enough that he could go home stable the next day. I healed a gunshot wound. A sick two-year-old with a fever. And so on. By the time I was walking out the back of my eyes burned and my back throbbed. I needed to do some stretching. Maybe take a long bath with some Epsom salt and a dirty romance novel. 
My walk home was uneventful. I was grateful to see my apartment. I wanted to shower, sleep, and cuddle Hashbrown. 
I turned the key to my apartment and stepped my leg in to block an anticipatory escape plan from Hashbrown. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion when she did not greet me at the door. A sense of unease flooded my body and I rushed in.
“Hashbrown? Here kitty-kitty!” I yelled in my sing-song voice for her. The hairs on my neck stood up. Something about the energy in my home was different. It was charged. Slowly, I grabbed my pepper spray. With my other hand, I grabbed my phone. 
Out of the darkness, there was a twing of metal and my phone and pepper spray were on the ground. Quickly, I turned to run out the door. 
“I just want to talk,” a gruff voice said from the darkness. I fumbled my hand against the wall and flicked on the light. 
I tried not to laugh. 
Batman was in my living room, with my cat on his lap. Hashbrown, the traitor seemed completely enamored by him. Some guard cat she was. 
I walked casually to my kitchen, to my fridge. “Do you want anything to eat or drink, Batman? I have some leftover Thai food, some diet cherry vanilla coke, water, coffee, tea?” 
“None for me,” he said, his voice seemingly lower by the second. 
After my dinner was assembled I joined him on the couch. I faced across from him. “What do you want to talk about? And why the fuck did you feel like it was okay to break into my apartment?”
“You’re bold. Is it a front to hide your fear of me?” He asked as Hashbrown nuzzled against his sharp chin. 
I looked at him, almost annoyed, “Should I be afraid, Bruce?” 
“I guess that depends on your answer,” Bruce said, intentionally not finishing his statement. 
“If you want an answer you need to ask me a question,” my tone was sharp. My anger was surging. I just got off a thirteen-hour shift of a four-day stretch. I just wanted to eat, shower, and go to bed. But this oversized emo chicken was interrupting that. 
“What would you do if the world knew about your healing powers?” He asked, and my heart stopped. 
“What would you do if the world knew your identity, Bruce Wayne?” I practically hissed the last part. How dare he break into my apartment, pet my cat, and threaten me? 
“It would be the end of the Batman,” Bruce said.
I looked him dead in the eyes. I held no fear. I just showed him my true exhaustion. “If you’re worried about me telling anyone, I won’t. Call it personal morals or call it fucking HIPPA I don’t care. I’m not going to tell because you were my patient and I cared for you. End of story. Now get out of my house.”
“Would you like to work for me and my family?”
The offer caught me so off guard I almost got whiplash from it. “Excuse me?”
“You would be a permanent first responder that lived in the Wayne Manor full time. Full benefits. A salary ten times what you are making now. You will need to sign an employment contract and an NDA. Your cat of course can also live at the manor. Your services will just need to be available 24/7.”
My mind whirled, “Give me a week to think about it. Write a draft proposal and give it to me as soon as possible. To be frank, I do feel like this is a form of manipulation. You want to hold power over me by being my employer and having me sign an NDA. You want to keep a close eye on me so that you know what I’m doing, who I’m talking to, and what I’m saying. You do not trust that I will simply not say anything out of my own morality.” 
I saw a ghost of a smile on his face, “You’re smart. You will fit in well. I will have the draft in your mailbox by tomorrow. Goodnight, Miss Y/l/n.”
Before I could say anything, he was out the window and vanished into the night. 
“What the fuck, Hashbrown?” I yelled, scooping her up. “What am I going to do?”
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qiupachups · 8 months
miles.g / wiles
.。.+*☆ headcannons 👾💭
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contents: general hcs, mention of his father’s death, i call 42-miles ‘wiles’, me sorta bullying him
a/n: after a lot of procrastination and harassment gentle encouragement from @vhstown i’m finally posting my hcs. :3c (they’ve been sitting here since july)
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Despite his tough guy exterior and criminal career, he's actually a massive nerd geek. Like: gundham, comics, posters all over his room.
Until you bring up those interests, he won't mention them. But once you start a conversation about them, he can tell you all the lore front to back or tell you where and when each collectible is from. Just listening to Wiles and nodding along will make his day.
Accepting help from others is not an option. Ever. He's an overly D.I.Y guy since his father's death and it's staying that way.
... unless you're very close to him. Wiles will begrudgingly accept your help and then be adamant on repaying you. No matter how trivial it was, he'll show his gratitude through service.
Wiles has great memory and knows all the lyrics to his favourite songs. Go through his playlist and pick something at random- he'll recite them flawlessly!
A good memory also helps with remembering those flashes of songs playing on your lock screen. Just a split second glance? He's adding it to his playlist, maybe listening to it as he works on his latest gear.
Would be a straight A student if he were there half the time. The only thing keeping his total grades down is attendance, where he’s often absent.
However, if he’s in a group project with you, Wiles will put more effort into it. Getting a ‘C’ or GPA point lower is fine if it means keeping Brooklyn safer. What’s not fine is him being the reason for your lower marks.
Unlike his counterpart from 1610, Wiles’ art is more realistic. He tries to capture the subjects’ essence quickly and minimally, so colours are an afterthought.
Accuracy was his pride in art until it came to you. He’d be so nervous in getting your smile right, scribbling failed attempts over and over again. Wiles even resorted to a pencil sketch.
Following the passing of Jefferson, Wiles has gotten much closer to Rio. That’s a no brainer; he was fourteen— a kid. And Jefferson never got to see his son in that overpriced Visions uniform.
Wiles makes an effort to speak more Spanish. He lets his mamí braid his hair even if it hurts like hell. Those stupid telenovelas aren’t that bad on the second watch.
Once upon a time, Wiles used to be a choir boy (keyword: used). He’d love singing hymns and doing nativities before he could read; all for his mamí and dad to see.
However, the christmas after Jefferson’s passing felt… empty. Wiles quickly lost his passion for choir and now just attends mass with Rio at most.
After years of experience being a choir boy, Wiles has the voice of an angel. Not that you’d know, of course— he intends to take that to the grave. But there’s also a deeper, darker secret… he can’t rap to save his life.
An extremely personal and harrowing Musically comment told him so. Following that attack, twelve year old Wiles abandoned his account with only a black profile picture left behind.
Like any other middle schooler, Wiles had a hype beast phase (he denies it). When Aaron got a Hype shirt for Wiles’ 12th birthday, words couldn’t describe how he almost knocked Aaron down with a hug.
The shirt’s first stain had Wiles distraught and furiously searching ‘remove paint on shirt hacks’ on Youtube. His heart would probably stop if he misplaced a gift from you.
Wiles isn’t the best cook, but he can definitely make himself a good meal. With Rio working night shifts and Uncle Aaron doing… jobs, he has to be self-sufficient.
A secret lil’ side project: he’s trying and failing to replicate Jefferson’s mac ‘n cheese. It wasn’t the best, but it was his. Something’s always off when Wiles makes it and he’s not quite sure what.
Sure, cooking isn’t that hard, but baking is like wizardry to Wiles. AP Chemistry and it’s endless calculations felt way easier than making pan de agua with his mamí.
But, mamí didn’t raise no quitter! On a particularly busy birthday, Wiles pulled together a modest little cake for Rio. She burst into tears seeing the shaky ‘!Feliz Cumple!’ written in too-sweet icing.
Calling Earth-42 a wreck is a massive understatement. Shit’s like Gotham, only very real and very deadly. Just breathing in that damn city air makes Wiles’ skin crawl.
Luckily, he’s got an outlet: boxing. A fun hobby he picked up from Uncle Aaron became his release. Wiles might never be in the ring, but Brooklyn’s more than enough.
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a/n #2: what the fuck. this was supposed to be short and silly and fun. exsqueeze me how did this… erm. disjointed mess.
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Are you there? - 141
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Reader goes missing on a mission.
This is based on a request
F!Reader, Angst?(idk anymore)
The team and you were in a high profile mission. Laswell thought you'd be perfect bait for this one. However it was a deal/plan between you and her. You would get the men out and give yourself up so they could return back to base. All is going well so far.
''R/n, you and Gaz take left, meet us at extraction point.'' he commanded and you obeyed. Gaz was hit in the head by some gravel. You pushed him out and dragged him to extraction. You ran back and made the enemy chase you. Soap and Ghost ran towards him as soon as they noticed he was unconscious. Price looked around, but no sight of you.
''Fuck, where are you kid.'' he said under his breath.
''This is Bravo six, how copy?''
''What is the matter?'' Laswell responds.
''We've lost the kid, she's nowhere to be seen.''
At that moment Laswell knew the plan you two had made worked, ''did you all make it to extraction?''
''yes, but we have to go back for her-''
''negative, you and the others get on that helicopter and leave, no need to fight.''
''we lost the kid, what do you mean negative?''
''get on that heli Price, thats an order.''
The ride on the helicopter was...confusing, to say the least. Soap would look out the window and to the ground, he'd ask too many questions. Ghost was looking for any smoke signal, but nothing. Gaz, although injured fought the medics and tried at many occasions to jump out and go search for you. Price was quiet.
It was odd for Laswell to just tell him to leave you behind, knowing well that you and him had grown a daughter-father relationship.
After the medics tranquilized Gaz, Price turned to his men. ''You two meet me at my office.''
Soap and Ghost nod and continue doing their own thing.
At base, the three men sat there, plotting their next move. Soap tried not to think of what could've happened to you. What if you were looking for him in all that smokey mess? What if the enemy saw you and knocked you down?
All he kept doing was touch the small bracelet you had given him not long ago. It was regret, maybe if Ghost would've gone with you and Gaz you'd be annoying him with your stupid jokes by now.
''She's going to be okay.'' Price tried to say with confidence. Ghost took out a picture of you and the rest of the team. You and Soap doing some funny pose whilst he flexed his arms. It was a good day that day.
There you were, hanging from your arms at some old base. You had been beaten up over the course of 13 hours. Your own blood soaking your uniform. The matching bracelet holding onto your wrist as a reminder there are people waiting for your return.
Gaz was the first one you thought of. How hard he must be on himself for losing sight of you. And then you thought of Price, no one to hear his stupid corny dad jokes. Ghost probably reliving some stress from his past because now you weren't there like his own family. And then the one you tried to not think of the most, your best friend in all, Soap.
How much he would be arguing with Laswell over the decision. The dumb bracelet you got him after you over heard it was meant for a forever kind of friendship.
As your own blood dripped down your weak limbs, it was them who you thought of. The one family no one would ever take from you. The one thing this cruel world would'nt dare understand.
''R/N!'' a muffled voice called for you.
''Are you there?'' another deeper voice ushered.
Your vision blurry as you tried to keep your eyes open, but you knew it was time to let go.
''...go Home'' the sweet voice said, you felt warmth, a sense of familiarity.
You soon met darkness.
A/N: this one is short I know...but hey..its something am I right?
Tags: @ghostslittlegf
(hope this is angsty enough for ya)
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rhunew · 8 months
⭑ Listen to me; Fred Weasley x reader
Summary: You loathed Fred Weasley but kept having midnight thoughts about him you were sure it was normal right, I mean he gave you attention, but you were not even close to being friends, so this could never be a relationship. Or perhaps could it after the kiss you shared?
[ My English, fluff, ‘angry’ but not really angry love confession, kissing, girls can go to guy's dorms idk, if there’s anything I missed please lmk! ]
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WC: 1,207
A/N: Hii, I hope you enjoy this, I’m not sure how to feel about it. Definitely not one of my proudest works I’ll write, please feel free to comment what you thought about it or tips on how I can improve if you want to :)
It's another busy day for you as prefect of your house, another day you'll be the victim of a prank the Weasley twins have set out for you. You hear two muffled chuckles behind you while you're doing your nightly tour of the hallways, and your first thought is, "of course, it's them," but when you turn around, nobody is there. 
You don't see anyone, yet the laughter is back. You tell them, "Hilarious, really. Just show yourselves, or are you too afraid?" 
A foul smell—dung bombs—caught you off guard as you turned around to continue your tour. Knowing this, undoubtedly, it's them. If not them, then who else could have been responsible for such a prank?
- ⭑- ⭑ - ⭑- ⭑ - ⭑- ⭑ - ⭑
A week has passed, and surprisingly, you haven't been the target of any more of their humorous antics. You assume that this is because they realised there was no point in playing pranks on you anymore, but you couldn't have been more wrong. 
The following morning, as you dressed in your uniform and noticed how tightly it fit, you looked up to see your gorgeous BRIGHT PINK?! hair and were furious. You knew Fred was behind this, he had wanted to embarrass you. Between the two of them, Fred has always seemed to enjoy getting on your nerves more, and taking the pranks further, you resented him. That said, you did your best to ignore the feelings you had for him. I mean, it's Fred Weasley. You kept telling yourself that there was no way you had feelings for him; it was all just attention you got. (so real) 
You stormed up to his dorm, hardly knocking before opening the door. Guys turned to stare at your hair as you did, but they did their best not to laugh. Looking for the ginger-haired boy, you search the room. He is chuckling with his friends while having the biggest shit-eating grin on his face. "Went to the hairdresser, love. A bit..noticeable, but sure does look great on you!"
Oh my god, he called you "love," so what if he calls you that, he does all the time? This time it's different, though. No, it's not you're crazy
You swiftly straightened up and gave him a sneer. ''I preferred something a little lighter, but hey, pleased you like it!" you said sarcastically.
- ⭑- ⭑ - ⭑- ⭑ - ⭑- ⭑ - ⭑
This continued for months; occasionally, it was still the two of them playing pranks on you, but Fred was the only one that targeted you specifically. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't help but be drawn to you. Until George questioned him about it, he had been ignoring his feelings. He then started trying to impress you by keeping your attention on him at all times. Fred, being Fred, chose to express this by pranking you all day, every day. 
You saw him as you carried out your nightly tour around the corridors again. Why would he intentionally allow himself to be spotted by you, knowing he would get into detention? And George, where was he? This was really odd. You approached him and said, "You should be in your dorm, and you know that. What are you doing here? Where's George? " He winked at you, making you blush, and he leaned in closer, saying, "Oh, I know, you've made sure of that, and George is already asleep. I came to talk to you; have a minute?" Now you were even more confused, why would he even care to speak to you?
 You led him into an empty classroom and nodded to him before sitting down and saying, "Okay, let's talk." He smiled and said, "Abandoned classroom, ey, have a little more than just talking going on in that pretty head of yours, do you, love?" he said cheekily. Noting your glare (and blush—a proud moment for him). He coughed and continued with what he wanted to talk about. "I waited for you to tell you I like you. I've been trying to tell you, you know, all the pranks, but you don't seem to be picking up the hints'' 
You can't possibly have heard it correctly, now, can you? This had to be one of his jokes, so you glanced around to see if any of his friends were nearby who would laugh if you revealed you liked him too. You rolled your eyes at him and said, "Seriously, do you find this funny? Where are they, your friends? What do you want to hear—that I also like you? I'm not an idiot, Fred; I know this is one of your pranks." You sighed because you had anticipated a serious response from him and believed he was trying to tell you something important. However, you should have known better than to assume so. 
He laughed as he looked at you, much more perplexed than you were. "What makes this a joke? I really do like you, so yeah, it is exactly what I want to hear." You scoffed, mocking him, saying, "Don't act foolish, Fred. Since you've been playing pranks on me continuously for months, why should I believe you now? I don't have any reason to, that's right." How could he possibly find this funny? You knew he occasionally hurt people unintentionally, but this wasn't one of those occasions. Why would he want to hurt you? 
"Don't you listen, darling?" He said, "I really do like you, please believe me," before you interrupted him once more. "You know, Fred, I knew you could be mean, but I wouldn't think you would do something like this. Now, if you will excuse me, I have far more important things to do than sit around talking to a guy whose only goal tonight is hurting someone. Goodbye, have a fantastic night!" you replied sarcastically. 
Before getting up and leaving the classroom, a warm hand grabbed you and drew you back to him. "If you won't listen with your ears, then maybe you'll listen with your lips," he murmured before you felt his lips press against yours. "Fred, just let me g-," You got cut off as he kissed you. You were shocked. Your eyes widened before you closed them to kiss him back in return. Is this real? Was this a dream? 
Nope, very much real.
- ⭑- ⭑ - ⭑- ⭑ - ⭑- ⭑ - ⭑
Fred and you continued to hide your relationship—or whatever it is you two might have—for another month. You both felt a connection, but neither of you made it official. You were standing next to him when you noticed a couple kissing a few feet away. You pointed them out to him with your eyes and teased, "Looks like you're not the only one that can't resist a girl, Freddie," to which he laughed and leaned in closer to whisper in your ear, "Perhaps you'd like to be in their position right now." While looking up at him, confused, your cheeks heated up. "What do you mean?" 
Noticing your blush, he winked at you and said, "You know, snogging. Right now. Right here." He is a tease, that much is clear. You shrugged playfully and said, "Perhaps, maybe I do," before connecting your lips.
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callsignhoney · 2 years
outranked ➤
pairing ➤ jake “hangman” seresin x reader
genre ➤ fluff
summary ➤ hangman lays the flirting on heavily before he realizes who you are, and what you are to him
After several minutes too long, you finally turn to face the man who had sat himself beside you. A quick glance at his uniform told you everything you needed, his rank and surname. You hadn’t come here tonight expecting to take anybody home and you were keeping by that. But this man had caught your attention just as much as you had his.
“You got something to ask me, lieutenant? Or are you just gonna keep staring at me all night?” you asked.
The blond man who had been stealing glances at you long before he came to sit by you actually had the nerve to scoff. “How’d you figure that one out?”
“You’re literally in uniform.”
“So, you know the Navy?”
“I’m familiar, yes. And all it takes is one Google search to know what the little stars and bars on your collar mean.”
“You from a Navy family?”
“Something like that.”
“You’re not giving me a lot to work with here.”
“That’s the point.”
“Is the point to make me lose interest? Or make me more interested?”
“What do you think, Lieutenant Seresin?”
You tried not to sound flirty; that’d be much too easy. He should be able to tell you were interested based simply on the fact that you were humoring him and not telling him to shut up and leave you alone. This would lead nowhere, you told yourself firmly. You knew who he was and why he was here on North Island. But a little good natured flirting never hurt anybody.
“I think you’re acting uninterested but I saw you watching me from across the bar,” he said.
“Maybe I was just amazed by how you managed to balance such a massive head on your shoulders.”
“They’re pretty broad. I think they can handle it.”
That got a genuine laugh out of you. “I’ll give it to you: you’re good.”
“Some would say I’m too good to be true.”
“Who’s some?” you asked, shaking your head.
“Women, mostly. Particularly the ones that have seen me out of uniform.”
“I’m sure your civvies are impeccably stylish.”
“You know that’s not what I meant, sweetheart.”
You eyed him but said nothing. You took a long drink from your cup. The lieutenant shifted to face you more comfortably, leaning against the bar and facing you to give you his full attention.
“You got a name, stranger?”
“What makes you think you’ve gotten that privilege?”
“You know mine. It’s only fair.”
“Well, in the name of fairness, it’s Grey.”
“Is that a surname or…?”
“It’s all your getting is what it is.”
“Well, alright then, Grey,” he said with an emphasis on the name that was technically yours, “can I buy you a drink?”
You held up the half drunk cocktail in your hand. “I’m all set.”
Lieutenant Seresin hung his head with a chuckle. His ears were tinting red. Whether that be from frustration, embarrassment, or alcohol, you didn’t know.
“Then, maybe I can give you a ride home,” he offered.
“Ooh.” You sucked in air through your teeth. “I actually drove myself. Sorry.” The grin you barely tried to hide behind your glass said otherwise.
“What’s it gonna take for you to give me a chance?”
“‘A chance’ and agreeing to sleep with you are two very different things, lieutenant.”
“They don’t have to be. Who knows where the night might take us.”
You laugh. “You really are good.”
“You know what they say.”
“That you’re too good to be true?”
“See, you’re starting to catch on. So how about it?”
“Still no. But thank you for the ever so gracious offer. Penny?”
You set a five on the bar top and gave a wave to the bartender you’d come to know from your occasional layover in North Island. You slid out of your seat and slung your jacket on.
“It was nice talking to you,” you said. “I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around, lieutenant.”
“Don’t count on it. One night offer.”
You sent him a smile that called his bluff on your way out the door.
“Grey. Captain!”
Your call sign came from Grey’s Anatomy, or rather it came from your Navy friends’ obsession with the show and them all but forcing a themed call sign onto you after you began pursuing your doctorate following basic training. Regardless, it was technically your name. It’s what you would most commonly be addressed as by the class of students you had been assigned to for a short while, the class which you were to monitor the health of during their training.
“Captain L/N!”
You turned toward the call to find exactly who you expected. Lieutenant Jake Seresin, call sign Hangman, approached you. You had to applaud how well he held onto military conduct, feet planting as he stopped in front of you, hand raising to a salute.
“Lieutenant,” you said, waving him to ease.
“You weren’t lying about your name being Grey, then,” he said.
“I find it’s bad practice to lie to your patients.”
Hangman’s jaw clenched. Despite his obvious embarrassment and irritation at the situation you had put him in and the obvious fact that you had been well aware of who he was the previous night, he still seemed intrigued by you. It would be a lie to say you didn’t feel the same.
“I wasn’t joking when I said it was a one night offer. Can we put it behind us? Captain?”
“Luckily for you, I don’t sleep with my patients, either.”
Hangman cocked his head at your not-answer. “Bad practice?”
“It would be considered so.”
“And you’re a strictly by the books kind of doctor?”
“I try to be.”
“You try?”
“Every so often something makes it difficult.” You give a lilt to your words.
Your demeanor was entirely professional. The flirtation you leaned into last night was absent from your tone and words. Somehow speaking to him like this made your heart beat even faster than previously. It felt even more like flirting when it couldn’t sound farther away.
“I only hope to make your job as easy as possible,” Hangman said.
Bullshit. “I look forward to it, Lieutenant. You’re dismissed.”
You watched him go. He didn’t turn back to look at you once before he disappeared around a corner and was gone from sight. You breathed for the first time in several minutes. This would be an interesting three weeks.
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perplexingluciddreams · 2 months
more details of experiment edits on AAC:
first i will show 3 pictures of Supercore 50:
how it looks automatically without any edits
my current grid set that i use for communication
the version of this grid set i added just to try colour changes and other visual edits.
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[Image description: 3 images of the same vocabulary grid set in Grid 3, called Supercore 50. the first image has rounded corners on buttons, a white background, bigger spacing, and text labels on every button with text above symbol. second image is similar looking with same rounded buttons, but less spacing. is different by black background, text label removed from folder and menu/function buttons, text below symbol. third image is very different looking from other two. same black background, menu and main folder buttons have black background with simple coloured symbol, mainly yellow. no folder buttons have text label, and many have simplified symbol. all button colours are altered in tone and shade. all darker colours, easier on the eye. the "little words" buttons are changed from almost white to dark grey with yellow text. End ID.]
here is explanation:
added new version of my grid set (Supercore 50) to just play around with and change colours and see what works. didn't want to mess up my actual grid set with all my personal edits and added vocabulary. didn't go to bother of making it all "uniform" across the whole device (because is time consuming and i will have to do that eventually on my real grid set).
mostly just tried out different colours. and how to make home page as easy to visual process as possible. didn't change colour coding (for example pronouns yellow, verbs green, adjectives blue, little words grey-ish - that all stay. just change tone of colours to not "attack" eyes).
eyes can't cope with a lot of "whiteness" in any colours, especially on a screen where there is so much white/blue light already. makes much sensory overload and bad headaches. pastel colours or very bright neon or light blue/purple/yellow/grey... not fun. brain simply skips over any blocks of those colours cause it can't get past whiteness to see what is on the button.
in Grid 3 edit menu you can change colour of button - there is a palette of pre-made colours, but you can also do "adjust colour" and choose custom colour there. and there is something called "button styles" so you can just edit one button how you want, then say "update style" and it will change all buttons with that "style".
i worked out that turning down "saturation" and "luminosity" helps me a lot. then the colour doesn't "attack" my eyes so much, so i can actually search the screen for the symbol/word i want. better visual scanning ability.
also removed borders on buttons. just adds extra stuff for eyes to get "stuck" on. it looks cleaner without border.
On Grid 3 there is also different button "themes" available (different from button styles), which changes the entire automatic look of the entire grid set with just change that. changed from "modern" to "blocky" theme. because there is a slight "colour gradient" on buttons with "modern" theme (I think🤷🏻‍♂️). meaning there is more highlight at the top of the button on more shadow/darker at the bottom. makes it hard to see the symbols and text because it is not "flat" looking. to me the "modern" theme looks slightly bumpy and 3D, the "blocky" theme looks flat. and brain can't process 3D (especially not at same time as try to search for words and scan screen).
i also made the "menu" buttons or "grid functions" buttons have black background (to match black background of entire grid set), with symbol in yellow. and remove text labels for these buttons and some folder buttons. this helps because then only the word buttons "jump out" at brain. so there is less "bulk" of the screen to process. and the "function" buttons have only simple symbol, so can easily find!
this is all still only changed in the blank version of Supercore 50 that I added for this specific purpose. it is a HUGE change to my AAC. so i can't just change it all at once. it will have to happen in stages. and i am still not 100% sure of all the changes. (for example i don't really know what to do with the folders. don't like how they look right now...). so i have to be very confident in a change before i can make my real grid have it.
(also there is still folders and buttons i haven't changed at all. just mostly did home grid so i can see the difference. still working on it and will be long time until ready to change my real AAC).
i will keep updating on the changes!
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sunnylands-world · 1 year
Batch of cookies
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Pairing: Jim Hopper x fem reader
Summary: You've just moved to town with your parents. your mother thinks it's only the neighborly thing to do for you to bring cookies to the chief your father works with but not everything stays that way…
Word count: 1'793
Warning: p in v, daddy kink, oral [fem receiving], pet names [sugar, pretty girl…]
Universe: stranger things
A/n: here's this one guys since I started writing it a while ago
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You stayed across the street from the chief of police for the past few years you had been living in Hawkins. Your mother insisted you bring him some of the cookies you baked. The first time you knocked hopper thought you were a girl scout. you were sixteen with a sugar, sweet smile and held the plate out when he answered. You were in a flowy skirt and a somewhat tight white t-shirt that was tucked in. Your thighs showed beneath the skirt and your baby blue bra was visible in the plain shirt which he noticed before you snapped him out of his train of lustful thoughts.
"Hi," you beamed. Jim was exhausted and not in a very good mood on top of the hard-on forming in his work pants.
"Look kid, I don't buy cookies from girl scouts so you can leave my porch." he said, going to shut the door.
"Oh no chief, I'm y/n. My father works at the station with you and my mom said to bring cookies as a thank you." you said presenting the cookies again. His eyebrow raised as he looked across the street and back at you.
"For your service sir" you said, reading the expression on his face. He nodded, taking the plate and shutting the door.
You immediately assumed he was not interested in friendly neighbors. After that, you saw him to drop off cookies which he grew to love. you begin to enjoy seeing him on his porch with a cigarette in between his lips and looking exhausted. When you're at the door, his uniform would be unbuttoned, a white shirt, sweaty and his brown hair stuck to his forehead. Today was a bit different… your dad had asked hopper to watch you while he and your mother left.
of course, he didn't like the idea; not because he didn't like your company but because he realized this would mean you were at his place for the night after he watched you leave in and out of your house in your short skirts and fantasy about what was under. he tried to tell them off saying you were eighteen and would be fine but your father insisted that he didn't want his precious daughter at home alone so here you were with cookies, a small bag of clothes, and waiting for instructions on where to sleep.
"You can sleep in the extra room, the bathrooms right there," he said pointing out the places and you nodded, setting down the cookies.
"Can I shower?" you asked heading towards the bathroom.
"Yeah," he responded. You entered the bathroom, stripped yourself down, and got into the shower trying to clear up your anxious thoughts about being in his home knowing you'd touched yourself to the thought of him. A few minutes passed before you were out, damp hair and in your sleeping gown. hopper's eyes widened as he looked longer than was appropriate. your eyes raked over him as he sat with a white tank top and boxers. you couldn't deny how much you wanted him right now. your eyes trained on his underwear that now had enlarged in his lower region and back up to his.
"hop i-" he quickly got up heading for his room before he or you did something you might regret. you grabbed his wrist pulling him down and kissing him softly he let his lips move against yours eagerly before he pulled back shaking his head.
"no your-i" he stuttered, trying to fight his lust. "But I want to," you said, searching his eyes.
"Please hop no one else can make it go away," you begged and he caved with a groan as you giggled in excitement. He sat back on the couch pulling you on top of him. hands grabbing your ass with a tight squeeze, lips crashing into each other desperately as you rocked against him. His teeth bite your lower lip, causing prickles of pain, but it hurt in a good way, knowing he was so in need that he'd bite you. A moan leaves you as his tongue slides in tasting the open space.
his hands grip tighter as you continue to rock against him only worried about the wetness soaking your panties. It brings light pleasure to your aching pussy, but it's not enough. His lips left yours leaving light kisses across your jaw with heavy breaths as he moved closer to your neck. his tongue did a small dance before he began to lightly suck the area and your head fell forward, putting you near his ear as you whined. He pulled back.
"What's wrong sugar," he asked, seeing your eyes glossy. "It's not enough," you pouted and a smirk replaced the worried look.
"You want more of me," he asked and you nodded. He quickly lifted the gown over your head, now exposing your breasts with hardened nipples.
"You're so fuckin' beautiful. I could eat you like a cookie" he said, and your cheeks grew darker than before. His fingers slowly moved down till they met your panties running along the waistband. His eyes met yours, glowing with lust.
"Can I taste you pretty girl?" he said, lightly pulling them and letting the band pop back in place. You shyly, whispering a yes.
"speak up for me, say it louder," he pulled the panties down a bit but not enough to show anything.
"Yes" you breathed out and he smiled. He flipped you so you laid beneath him, pulling your underwear down. His eyes fell to your core being covered by your thighs as you squeezed them.
"No, no that won't do. Come on then, spread your legs for me. Let me see." he said. You open your legs, giving him space between them. He lowered himself between them, gazing at your center in awe.
"Look at you sugar, so pretty," he said, pressing a small kiss to your clit, fingers coming to play between your wet folds.
"Hop" you whined, bringing your hands to your breasts, pinching at your hardened nipples. He hummed as he opened his mouth around your pussy, letting spit coat you before he's flicking his tongue at your bud, fingers coming to pry at your hole.
You cry out squeezing his head between your legs, fingers tangling in his hair. His thick fingers working inside you, connecting with the wet muscle as he licks at your clit sending your eyes to the back of your head as the sweet tension builds in your belly. You just want release, but you also want to stay like this with his attention all on you. his hands on you, tongue on you, and anything else he'll give you as long as it's him.
"Hopper i-" you're pretty sure whatever you were about to say would make him stop doing this and you need some part of him even if it was only this. He pulls back though and for a second you thought you messed up or something till his lips clash with yours and he's grinding into your uncovered area. your eyes flutter shut and you moan into his lips. His beard lightly scratches at your skin while you cup his face.
"I'm gonna fuck you so hard right now. Hard enough to make you cry for me." He moaned.
"Please," you say, pulling at his shirt and he doesn't withhold any longer, freeing his cock from his boxers. your eyes widen and your mouth waters. He's thick like his fingers, veins running along the side and pre-cum running from the tip. you're so tempted to put him in your mouth, but that would have to wait for another time.
He slips right in thanks to your wetness. The stretch burns as he rocks slowly, giving you time to adjust. You can tell he's struggling to not move faster by his heavy breathing and low curses. You moan softly as your body moves with the couch. The space isn't ideal, but the tingling in your body is enough to ignore the small sofa. He picks the pace, sending you haywire as he pushes your legs up on his shoulders and you gasp.
"oh, god daddy" the word falls from your lips before you can stop it, but he doesn't slow, he thrust harder, ramming his tip into your spot.
"Say it again," he growled.
"Daddy" it falls from you easily this time and he lets out a chuckle, teeth nipping at the skin of your ankle. He threw his head back as your walls tightened around him. You knew your father would flip if he found out, but you just couldn't help yourself. It's Jim Hopper and he was so damn sexy. His hips continued to snap into yours and your legs were quivering. You probably look like you are being possessed, but you are in a way.
You are floating in a state of blissfulness, your chest heavy with your breath as your back arches and you can't tell if it's to run from him or be closer, but you're going with the ladder, because you'd never run from something that felt this good. it only makes you drip more as you think about the fact that this is a secret and yet you're moaning like you're singing a prayer. Maybe you want to be caught and be told you're disgusting for sleeping with a man near your dad's age at eighteen because something about being humiliated for this made your end a hell of a lot closer.
"Fuck Jim please!" His eyes lock on your frame and a half smile makes its way on his face. He brings one of his hands between your legs, thumb rubbing at your clit as you make unrecognizable sounds. your body jerks but he doesn't stop, he just grabs you tighter and slams harder like he's trying to ruin you from the inside out. you're weakened and your skin feels like you're being zapped in random places with pleasure. It's an intense roller coaster ride that you just can't stop riding as it goes through its many loops.
"That's it come for daddy sugar," he says, his hand slapping the skin of your thigh.
"I'm gonna cum hop," you say as your toes curl on his shoulders; and then you're off riding in the clouds completely unfiltered as filthy mumbles falls from your lips and your eyes roll with a wave shooting from head to toe. He follows with the squeeze of your pussy, letting his hips move lazily and losing grip as he fills you fully. He drops your legs, breathing heavily as you both come down. He kisses your forehead and carries you to his bedroom
and you hope it's for round two…
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ash5monster01 · 2 months
Goes On Chapter Eleven
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x OC!FemReader
Warnings: 18+, depression, mentions of suicide, heavy topics, eventual smut, slow burn romance, fluff, gender themes/stereotypes.
Summary: Against his best efforts Charlie has to start at a new preparatory school after the tragic events that took place at Welton. The very events that led to the loss of his best friend and getting expelled in the first place. He has no plans to make friends let alone get close to anyone ever again. That is until he meets Evelyn and her interesting group of friends. No matter how hard he tries to push them away he finds it to be impossible. So he caves and in the end learns that life can still be enjoyable even if it feels like everyone is against you.
word count: 2.8k
Ten ←→ Twelve
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Ridge Academy, NY
When Evelyn wakes up the next morning the smile on her face is still wide. She had never really known what this feeling would be like. That feeling you get when you like someone and they just so happen to like you back. It made you feel brand new, refreshed, hopeful. Which may explain why getting up so early on a Saturday hadn’t bothered her like it normally would. Instead she turns off her alarm on the first ring and makes her way to the showers with that beaming grin.
It’s not long until she’s dressed in a simple floral dress, thankful they weren’t required school uniforms on the weekend. When she adds a little more makeup than normal she excuses it as feeling experimental but honestly she just wanted Charlie to look at her with those eyes that he always does. The eyes that make her squirm in her seat while she feels every nerve ending go off in her body. In fact she’s glad him finally kissing her last night didn’t entirely short circuit her brain.
“You’re forgetting something” Violet grins behind her in the reflection of the mirror and Evelyn furrows her eyebrows as she looks back at her.
“What?” she questions, eyebrows pulled together tightly. She inspects her face quickly, worried she had messed something up or missed and Violet just laughs.
“If you’re gonna put all that effort into your makeup you might as well cover up that neck” Violet says, hand reaching to tip her neck up and reveal the dark red mark right above her throat. Evelyn gasps in an instant, eyes now trained on the spot that is very visibly now that she’s paying attention. Her stomach drops at the idea of other students seeing it as they roam the halls today.
“Shit” she mutters, hands fumbling through the makeup on her desk in search of anything that could possibly cover it up. Violet quickly sets a hand on her own, stopping the girl from stressing too much.
“Calm down and let me help” Violet tells her, grabbing her own chair and pulling it next to hers. Evelyn tries to calm as the girl gets to work, hands grabbing the makeup and focusing her attention to the mark.
“How do you know what to do?” Evelyn asks after a beat, her heart rate now at a normal and soft thump. Violet just giggles at the question as she glances up from her neck and into her eyes.
“When Marty and I first got together he would always leave marks on accident, I got pretty good at covering them up and now I just make sure he leaves them where others can’t see” she says, suggestion in her tone and eyebrows raised which makes Evelyn laugh loudly at the notion.
“It was my first real kiss” Evelyn whispers, recalling the two other times she had barely pecked a boy and felt nothing but regret in her stomach. Instead she kissed a boy hard and good and in return the butterflies hadn’t left her stomach yet.
“He’s good for you and I’m pretty sure you’re good for him too. Hell, he would barely talk to us when he started, and now I can’t get rid of the guy” Violet teases and Evelyn laughs again, admiring the black hair that cascades down her friends back as she works on fixing her neck up.
“I’m just so nervous, I don’t really know what this means for us. I wasn’t even really planning on kissing him but he just showed up at the door and I couldn’t help myself” Evelyn says, softly shaking her head and using the brunette curls falling forward to hide her face. Violet just smiles, leaning back as she checks over her work.
“It means he likes you, and you like him. Don’t let the pressure of others and their expectations ruin what you guys already got. Just cherish it and the rest will happen on its own” she tells her, recalling all the times people had judged her and Marty for getting together so young. At least they had stayed together the whole time, a testament that each of those people were wrong.
“And if he doesn’t want to date me?” Evelyn voices her worries and Violet just gives her a soft smile, knowing how long her best friend waited to feel this way about someone, to stop feeling broken because she couldn’t have crushes like other girls.
“He does, but if not he’s an idiot and I’ll kill him” Violet deadpans and Evelyn is laughing again, heart easing due to her best friends words and the she’s wrapping the raven haired girl into a hug.
“Thanks V” she tells her honestly and Violet hugs right back, enjoying the time alone they have together within this dorm. “Now, how does my neck look?” Evelyn asks pulling back and lifting her chin for Violet to investigate.
“As good as it’s gonna get” she tells her, knowing no makeup in the world was ever that successful at covering any mark left by a silly lovestruck boy. Evelyn turns to the mirror to find it much better than before but the shadow of it still there. Accepting her fate she stands and joins the girl.
“Let’s get breakfast then” she tells her and the girls are off in search of their friends and Saturday morning pancakes which was the only good reason for getting up so early on a Saturday around here. Plus Evelyn wanted to get a head start on planning the spring sport fundraisers before she had a meeting that more than likely only Charlie would show up too.
The closer the pair got to the dining hall the more nervous Evelyn became. She wasn’t used to being nervous like this but for the first time in her life she was going to face a boy she liked and not only liked but had kissed just last night. Her cheeks were already burning red just thinking about it and Violet just shook her head as the two walked through the lunch line and headed for their table that held all of their friends.
“Morning” Marty beamed as the two girls joined them. Evelyn felt her heart drop as she realized Charlie wasn’t there. Nate saw the disappointed look in her eyes and felt jealousy twist in his gut as she moved to sit beside him.
“Heard you got caught sneaking to Marty’s room last night” Laurie teases, eyes twinkling with amusement as she looks at Nate who had told them about how him and Charlie had spotted the girl.
“Better the boys than Mr. Holly” Violet said with a shrug, taking a bite of pancake and grinning around the fork.
“Seems like everyone had a bit of fun last night” Laurie grins, eyes landing on Evelyn. The thing about Laurie is she notices everything, observes everyone and everything around her. The evident disappointment, red cheeks, and half visible hickey on the girls neck were all immediately noticed by the blonde girl. Her awareness is what made her the queen of drama at Ridge.
“What?” Evelyn gapes, getting more nervous as everyone at the table begins to stare at her. Laurie just smiles, leaning against Marty to reach for the girl across the table, manicured nails turning her chin upwards and as the bruise is revealed to everyone Marty snorts, coughing around his food.
“Holy shit, Ev’s got a hickey” he says and the girl quickly shushes him, pulling away from the blonde girl who settles back into her seat across from her. Nate’s stomach drops, the sight of the small bruise pointing out Charlie did much more than kiss the girl. His girl even. Yet he had to save face, he had told himself he would get over this. He just didn’t think it would be this hard.
“Stop, it’s nothing. Especially since he couldn’t bother to show up this morning” Evelyn grumbles, eyes dropping to her plate so they can’t see her utter disappointment and Nate suddenly feels guilty. He wakes up Charlie every Saturday but today he didn’t because he was jealous.
“Evelyn I’m sure it’s not you” Violet starts but the group is cut off as the chestnut haired boy clambers into the seat beside the girl, hair a disarray and black t-shirt wrinkled against his skin. The very shirt he slept in and didn’t bother to change since he was in such a rush.
“Shit, what time is it?” He asks quickly, shoving his tray onto the table and the group laughs while Evelyn beams a bright smile at the boy beside her. As Charlie glances amongst the table he spots Evelyn’s soft smile and returns one back.
“It’s nine, there’s still a half hour of breakfast” she tells him and he smiles at how gorgeous she looks. He loved weekends when he could see the girl in her regular clothes. It gave him a better image of what life would be like with her outside of this school. That is if he got to keep her.
“Hi” he tells her, a little breathless and eyes shining into her own like they always did. The very look Evelyn had been hoping for as she got ready this morning. Then much to Evelyn and everyone else’s surprise Charlie leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek before turning to his food.
“You forget to set your alarm?” Marty asks, laughing lightly at the boys disheveled appearance. Charlie sends him a glare before glancing over Evelyn’s head to look at Nate.
“Nate usually wakes me but I guess this morning he forgot” and with everyone’s eyes on him Nate not only feels guilty for giving Evelyn doubts about Charlie but guilty because he knows everyone at this very table knew he had done it on purpose.
“My bad man, I just forgot” he says and doesn’t even convince himself before turning back to his own plate of food that he had barely touched due to the fact his stomach was in knots all morning
“So, this is like officially a thing?” Laurie asked, pointing between both Charlie and Evelyn. Instead of responding Evelyn thinks about what Violet had said and looks to Charlie to see if there is any regret written on his face.
“I guess so” Charlie just tells her before flashing Evelyn a smile and continuing to eat his food. Evelyn can’t help the wide smile that crosses her face as she drops her head to look at her food. The rest of the table share knowing looks but this time no one offers Nate a remorseful smile because his own jealousy would be the thing to ruin his friendship with Evelyn, not telling her his feelings.
After finishing breakfast and being harassed for the hickey on Evelyn’s neck the group is quick to move on to the rest of their day. Retreating to study halls, clubs, sports, and group projects. Charlie promises Evelyn he’ll meet her soon for planning committee, needing a shower and change of clothes before he went about the rest of his day. That’s how he finds himself walking back to his dorm with Nate by his side.
“Look man, I know you’re upset but that was a dick move” Charlie tells him as he pushes through the dorm door and Nate drops his head.
“I know” he mutters, watching as Charlie collects his towel and a change of clothes so he can head to the showers. Nate had been too busy letting his emotions control him he nearly forgot he finally had a friend, the kind he always wanted.
“I know this whole thing isn’t ideal, I’d hate it if I were in your shoes too. You have to remember we’re friends though and you were the one who decided to let her go” Charlie tells him, tossing the towel over his shoulder. Nate groans, hating himself even more for deciding to let her go.
“I know man, I don’t know what to tell you though. It’s not like I just fell out of love with her over night okay. I need time to process and when things happen like you biting her neck I struggle” Nate tells him, sitting on his bed and running his hands through his hair. H hated that he never committed and he knew he was being a child but this was just how it was now.
“Nate, I’m not a fucking vampire. Also I obviously know that but if you love her you have to let her be happy and I like to think I make her happy. Plus she makes me really fucking happy, for the first time in months, even when I thought I never would be again. So please, be a friend” Charlie pleads and Nate is reminded of the truth that Charlie had shared with him not so long ago. A sentiment that he was just a guy trying to figure things out and his intentions weren’t to be mean.
“Okay” Nate agrees even though agreeing officially confirmed he would never leave the friend zone no matter how badly he wanted to. Charlie nods once he realizes Nate has agreed and then starts for the door.
“I’ll see you later” he tells him before going off and getting the shower he should’ve had this morning.
It’s not long until he’s finally refreshed and on his way to meet Evelyn. The excitement of seeing her alone has him nearly buzzing as he laps the hallways in search of the girl. Coming upon the study room used for planning committee he shoves through the door without a second thought. He watches as the girl looks up from her alphabetized and color coded planning binder and offers him a grin.
“Clean now, are you?” She teases and he rolls his eyes before moving to the chair beside her.
“Fresh as a daisy, want to smell?” He asks her, moving to nudge his face near her own and she giggles as his slightly damp hair brushes against her cheek.
“I trust you” she squeals, shoving him away and he grins, searching her features and taking all of her in now in the daylight.
“I can’t stop thinking about last night” he tells her and Evelyn blushes lightly, eyes glancing away under his stare and Charlie just smiles, hand reaching to tuck some hair behind her ear.
“We have to plan the fundraiser” she tells him, hands still gripping the binder that Charlie swears is her lifeline but he just chuckles and ducks in close, lips capturing her own. The hum of contentment that leaves her mouth tells him that she actually doesn’t mind one bit.
“We can plan later, I want to make up for all the time I haven’t been able to kiss you” he mutters against her lips and the words wrap around Evelyn’s heart and she wishes to tie it with a bow and keep them there forever.
“Such a sap” she mutters back before reaching to run her fingers through his damp hair. Charlie smiles against her lips, kissing her deeply due to the action. When his lips start to trail down to her neck again she’s too lost in his touch.
“For the first time I’m so glad no one ever shows up to meetings for my club” Evelyn says, a little breathless and lips swollen from him. Charlie laughs, hot breath fanning across her neck and Evelyn laughs from the ticklish feeling and pulls away.
“Hey, get back here” Charlie pouts, arms snaking around her waist and Evelyn shakes her head as he pulls her flush against him.
“No, no more hickeys. I don’t want to get caught again” she tells him and Charlie laughs, hugging her close and Evelyn hugs right back.
“Sorry, I just can’t get enough of you” he tells her and Evelyn smiles, pressing a soft kiss to his nose and admiring his chocolate eyes.
“Yeah, same” she tells him with a grin and Charlie kisses the corner of it, thankful to finally have her all to himself. Not hold back every time he wants to kiss her for being so damn adorable.
“In that case, do you want to join me on a date tonight?” He asks and Evelyn blushes, thinking of how she was never one of those girls who was able to go to the small cafe on campus and go on dates. The small restaurant a hot spot for Saturday night dates with the heart throb boys.
“I’d like that” she tells him and Charlie smiles and presses his lips to hers again.
“Good, then maybe after I’ll sneak into your room again”
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Taglist: @octaviasdread @eden-punk @linmichea1 @pursuedbyamemoryy @mynameisjxlia
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goth-mami-writer · 4 months
{Hazbin Hotel One Shot}
Alastor/Reader Drabble 🖤❤️
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(This is nothing special. Just something that fell into my brain, so naturally, that means i need to share it. I didn't want to post this on Archive, so imma just put it here ✌️)
《 Alastors' room was always the last stop on your rounds before ending the night. You weren't sure why, but it made the most sense seeing that he was on the highest floor, which was always last in line for the housekeeping staff at Hazbin Hotel.
That night you were especially tired. Hell had been more demanding than usual with guests coming and going so your day had been tiresome to say the very least. It was your first week so learning the routine was also pressure that weighed against you.
When you came to Alastor's illustrious suite that took up the majority of the top floor, you stood in awe just for a moment. A calming second allowed you to take a breath and recoup inside. The Radio Demon himself was hardly ever around so you found yourself comfortable in his room whenever you cleaned. There was no one around to stare over your shoulder and that was a relief.
No one really knew how perfect he kept his living space, there was hardly ever anything you actually needed to clean. Besides the occasional painting of blood spatter because well…he was Alastor.
You replenished his linens and saw that his bottles of liquor in the personal minibar were full, then you sighed exhaustedly. When you saw his large window that overlooked the landscape of Pentagram City, you decided to do something you hadn't done all day.
Sit down.
On his large red chaise you crashed down to give yourself another moment of peace. While being deep in wonder if this job was making you tired or maybe something else, you began to feel your eyelids become heavy. Softly, yet all at once, you were completely comatose in sleep by the window.
Unbeknownst to you, Alastor had actually been reading on the balcony outside but with having an empty teacup now, he made his way back into the suite. With a peculiar scent in the air that met his keen nose immediately, he turned to see you sleeping soundlessly on the chaise.
Your head was turned adorably to the side where the fires from the hellish outside illuminated your delicate features. Alastor sat his cup and saucer to the side to cross his arms behind his back as the long walking cane still swung in his grip to begin approaching this display that glinted in his scarlet eyes. With every step closer, his smile grew more devilish and wide to the amusing sight of a sleeping maid in his room.
He saw that your eyes were searching beneath your lids in an active bout of dreaming and he knew what he wanted to do. Of course he thought of snapping his fingers to evaporate the chaise to give you a nice scare awake but he thought differently. He'd never met you before, that must've meant you were new to the staff so as his first real introduction, he wanted to show mercy.
He admired anyone that was willing to work until the point of exhaustion that led to falling asleep on the job. It seemed selfless in his eyes.
He placed the walking stick under his arm before moving towards you closely. Bridal style, he heaved you up into his arms, watching your uniform gown sway in his careful movements towards his bed across the marble floor.
Softly, he laid your body down to the mattress that was dressed in soft, red satin bedclothes and removed your work shoes to cover you into the duvets warmly. He tried not to notice your alluring smell but his nose crinkled to the enticing scent of your skin being damp with a light sweat from working. His eyes fluttered after another inhale and he muttered through his grinning teeth that became eager for a taste of your flesh,
Your eyes snapped open upon hearing his voice that was so infamously washed in that radio dissonance, and you sat straight up to be in horror that you were laying in his bed.
Before you could spit out a fervent, stuttering apology, Alastor returned the cane to his gloved grip to also extend a cordial hand in your direction,
“My dear, you needn't apologize. There wasn't a transgression committed here. I hardly use this bed but I know it's far more comfortable than that old loveseat. Please, don't fret.”
You took his offered hand with an introduction, leaving your lips and only watched as his monocled eye seemed to glimmer at the sound of your voice finally before he replied charmingly,
“Pleasure to meet you. I've never had to meet you before which has to be a good sign. My presence usually isn't what the French call ‘a blessing’. But darling, if you're weary, I implore you to rest.”
You seemed unsure still that you would lie back down but you wanted to be sure that you could trust him not to just scamper off to tell your superiors that you were slacking off of finishing your shift. So you mentioned that if there was anything you could do for him in return, you'd be willing to oblige him.
Alastor's demonic lips curved upwards in delight with a smile and he knelt down with one knee to the floor with his walking stick lied across his lap as he looked up to you with an offering expression that was matched with his dialing eyes,
“You can sleep here all night for the rest of your nights, sweetheart, if you make this deal for me. Let's trade. At the end of each night, how about reporting to me with any funny business you see around the hotel? Everyone knows not to scheme around Ms. Morningstar, but they become so lax around the more lowly staff I've noticed. Whaddya say? Would you be my little bird and sing to me with any trouble?”
You found yourself blushing as you saw him perched below you, practically groveling for you to make a deal and you agreed. He outstretched his hand once more, offering you to shake on the agreement with his bold red eyes burning you with a strangling gaze.
You shook his hand carefully, hearing all the careful voices in your mind that warned you against making deals with demons, but something was different about Alastor.
How could you not trust someone who carries a stranger to their bed out of kindness?
You shook his hand and felt as he brought your knuckles to his mouth in a very gentlemanly kiss that made your cheeks hot once again.
“Wonderful! Well then. I won't bother you a second more, my love. Get some shut eye. As I stated, this bed doesn't get used….very much.”
You watched as he strolled in that leisurely gaint towards the door of his suite, even winking over to you before he softly closed the door. You lied back to the bed to let yourself settle but felt as a wide smile of your own became painted on your mouth. But why?, you thought before drifting off.
He was like that to everyone. Alastor was a gentleman.
Right? 》
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blues824 · 1 year
Greetings! Here's some milk and cookies 🍪🥛, but for my request can I have the obey me side characters with Frankenstein reader from Noblesse?
Frankenstein is the most powerful human to ever exist and is Raizel's devoted servant. He made a contract with the Noblesse in the past and avoids the noble leaders but supports Raizel wholeheartedly, addressing Raizel as his "Master". After Raizel's apparent "disappearance" and betrayal at the hands of ex noble leaders, he had tried searching for his master to no avail. Frankenstein even left the Nobles and went into hiding to search for Raizel because he had suspicions that there could be a possibility that one or more of the Nobles contributed to his master's disappearance.
Frankenstein is also the principal and director of Ye Ran High School. He established the school hoping that some day his master would return and wished to provide a place where his master could lead a normal life. He was stunned to find Raizel in his school office after Raizel had woken up from 820 years of slumber, dressed in the school uniform.
Now, Frankenstein fights not only for his Master but also for everyone who is under his protection. Frankenstein shows concern for his Master when Raizel uses too much power or removes the seal that restrains the immense power of his "Soul Weapon". This worry is due to the opinion previously stated by Frankenstein that Raizel's body hasn't recovered even though he went into an extensive hibernation. Frankenstein worries a lot about his Master. He trains very hard to become stronger to prevent Raizel from using his power.
Frankenstein, like his Master Raizel, is very handsome and elegant. He is tall and has shoulder-length silky blond hair, with bright blue eyes and a cheerful smile. When he becomes overly boisterous, his aura changes and he sports a sadistic grin with an equally sadistic personality to match. He is regularly dressed in formal attire but has been seen to switch to a more casual style when at home. He wears glasses when performing his duties as Chairman of the school and has also been seen wearing monocles during flashbacks of him carrying out his research work hundreds of years ago
Maybe if you could add in like some feelings catching if you don't mind
Since gender wasn’t specified, I decided to keep it gender-neutral but more targeted towards a male reader. Also, I tend to stray away from physical appearances like blonde hair, blue eyes, etc. Reader is still handsome and elegant though.
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Since your master was absent, you felt as though you needed someone to be loyal to, so why not pledge your undying loyalty to the Prince of the Devildom? Of course, this is in a different manner because you're pledging your loyalty as his significant other rather than as a servant.
Aside from Barbatos, you were his voice of reason. You understood when Diavolo had to cancel date plans because he had too much paperwork to be doing, and you often switched the date up to you two spending time together filling out the paperwork.
Because of your experience with running a school, you often gave suggestions to Diavolo on how to make things run smoother. You would have thought that the entire system was flipped upside down by how many changes you implemented.
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You two truly understood each other because you both were advisors for Diavolo who acted on the behalf of RAD. In that, you both really got to understand each other. Working for the heir to the throne could be exhausting, and Barbatos is continually impressed as you prove to be efficient in your work even though you were human.
When you both started going out, dates were very rare and in-between because you were both so busy. However, your boss could see the tension between you and forced you both to take a day off to go on a date. You both had a lot of fun… if you know what I mean…
Anyways, the butler often is surprised at how well you offer knowledge not just as an advisor to Diavolo, but also as a friend. You both have been around for a while, but sometimes he even goes to seek your council on certain subjects.
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He has seen you in the human realm, and he is impressed by your abilities and dedication to serving Diavolo. However, there were a few times where he wanted to spend time with you but you declined and said that you were too busy. 
Eventually, he just takes you by the hand and leads you to a meadow where a picnic was set up. Solomon had let the Royals know what happened to you, and he had to tell you that it was fine to take a break every once in a while.
You were actually a big help in the whole student exchange program, even though you were one of the humans picked. Since this was a testing phase of the program, you played a huge part not only as a guinea pig, but also the one who formulates the questions on how it could do better. Solomon often helps you do this because he, too, is an exchange student.
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Up in the Celestial Realm, you were a big topic of debate. You were one of the strongest humans alive, and you could possibly pose a threat to the other Realms. However, Simeon only saw the good side. He finally understood Lilith and her actions, because he was in love.
When in the exchange program, he finds it hard to talk to you not just because he’s nervous but because you were a busybody. Your dedication to Diavolo was admirable, but also quite frustrating as he just wanted to spend time with his favorite human.
He often tries to help you in your work, and this doesn’t stop when you are together either. He always tries to lessen your workload. On another note, as he’s writing the next few volumes of TSL, he incorporates a character that was exactly like you.
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candyswirl101 · 3 days
Can we have of more yandere mha x abused reader? :)
omg it’s been so long😫
Also this is probably a bit of a speedrun of writing :3
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So it’s the second day of school
After meeting your long lost bestie and you new “best friend”
“Hey Gurllll”first greeted with Mina the next day. is this how every day will be? I mean I just started.
You were too used to being alone (Todoroki was a help) I mean you cleaned, ate, and cried alone at your house.
“Hello Mina…”
“What’s with the pout bestie?”
“Tired that’s all” you tried to smile
Oh she knew a real and fake smile. Oh she’ll get to the bottom of this
“Alrighty then!”
today was training today like class 1A and 1B (I hope it’s fine if I kind of scramble up the timeline)
Oh did I mention you have a Web quirk?
*It’s like Doflamingo’s in One Piece. You can control anything with strings (stealth black is a diff au) and if you need a full explanation just search up Doflamingo one piece and look at his wiki (devil fruit).*
Also your costume your worked on was uhm kind of destroyed by your parents so you just wore your school uniform.
But I mean you were excited but you were more excited for the sports festival
Well it can’t be bad
(12 minutes later)
“HOLY SHiT” You said when Bakugou had one of his angy issues since he just exploded the wall
“What?” Everyone coming out to see what is was (- Baku squad)
“Omg Baku-bro why are you so mad?” Kiri asked
“Ugh is this one of your anger issue things again?” You said
everyone looked at you and bakugou was embarrassed?
“WHAT THE HELL YOU MEAN ANGER ISSUES!????!?!???” Bakugou screamed
“It means that YOUR ASS HAS BEEN MAD SINCE I GOT HERE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!!” You screamed at him (Just stick with me here)
this was the first time you ever screamed at someone and they already knew it was bad since your already in a argument with bakugou on you like first day
“Hey what’s going on?” Aizawa came in and asked (Also Aizawa is like in his late 20’s and your like 19 but no one knows)
“He punched through the wall that’s for sure..” you were a bit angy since you were too tired for this shit :3
You rushed to the couch and looked in your phone to see that you had 30 missed calls from your “Parents”
You put on your earbuds to hear what you mother and father sent
“Hey y/n, I know it’s been not so long since our fight but we really need you back at home.”
Tch need is different than a want you listened to the last one they sent
Knew it it’s just one of their plays.
They always treat you like a puppet and will forever. you just an item for them nothing else. Honestly your surprised you aren’t a villain since you have been through shit ton of stuff.
(2 hours later)
We’re at the place were we go against class 1B ugh just can’t wait for this shit
“Hello class 1A!” miss midnight greeted (she is 26)
She was one of your favorite pro hero’s but your favorite (1#) had to be present mic you don’t know why but he was super cool and you liked people with out going personality’s (Which luckily for you are in class 1A)
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Ty for reading this and ofc I will make this into an actual series!
Love ya’ll for so much followers (31) :3 I hope ya’ll have an amazing year
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