#i went to get a new sim card and they got me one for free that was so nice 10/10 for them
tchaikovskym · 1 month
0/10 for the leather market in florence, got my phone stolen (10/10 if you want detox from your phone though)
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Damon x reader - it’s you
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Can u do a Damon Salvatore x Avenger!reader??? Cos that would be pretty cool!! - Anon💜
You hadn’t seen him for months, barely spoke to him and every time you called it felt like he was purposely ignoring you.
Eventually you gave up, staring at your phone, you sighed to yourself as you sent your final text.
You: this is clearly not working Damon. Sorry for everything and I hope you find the happiness you deserve.
With that, you pressed send and blocked his number, tossing your phone across your bed as you rested your head against the headboard.
“Everything alright?” Jarvis asked.
“Yeah… can you block my phone and order me a new sim of Tony’s card. Tell him I’ll pay him back for it when the new sim comes.”
“Of course, it will be here tomorrow. Clint as requested permission to come in.”
“Yeah, let him in.”
You heard the door unlocked and it was pushed open.
Clint came stumbling through with the rest of the team behind him, all of them holding either food or drinks and you laughed at them.
They set everything up, and all sat around your bed.
“Movie night and drinks.” Tony grinned.
“I won’t say no to free food or drinks, you know that.” You smirked back.
Taking the bottle from his hand, you took a sip and hummed, shuffling yourself a little so Natasha, Wanda and Pepper could all come sit on your bed with you.
“Jarvis told us you know, about the last text. Are you okay?” Steve asked gently.
“Jarvis you snitch.”
“Sorry.” The AI replied.
You laughed softly and shook your head, shooting Steve a warm smile as you shrugged your shoulders.
“I’ll live I suppose.”
You guys sat and watched films and drank the night away.
When you woke up, you groaned slightly and sat up, rolling Natasha from your side to the floor as you swung your legs over the edge of your bed.
“Really?” She groaned.
“I have to pee…” you mumbled.
Stepping over her, you made your way out the room and down the hallways to the restroom.
When you came back, the others were slowly waking up. Thor was cleaning the mess along with Steve and Bucky while the others grumbled to themselves.
“I’ve ordered breakfast.” Bruce smiled.
“My hero.”
Giving him a hug, you flopped yourself back on to the bed, shuffling uncomfortably.
“Malting?” Pepper asked.
“Yeah, I think so.”
“We’ll run you a bath and give you a hand.” Wanda smiled.
“Thanks guy, breakfast first though.”
You all made your way upstairs, enjoying some much needed coffee and food.
You and the girls went downstairs, you changed into some shorts and a vest too before climbing into the bath, turning your back to them.
Unfolded the black wings, you could feel some feathers falling loose.
“Jesus (Y/N), when was the last time you did them?” Natasha asked.
You could get her working her fingers through the feathers, trying her best to be gentle.
“Damon would do them for me…” you mumbled.
“So you haven’t tended to them in months?” Pepped asked gently.
“It must hurt.” Wanda sighed.
You nodded your head, focusing on trying to handle the pain.
After nearly an hour you guys were done and you got out from the bath, shooing the others away so you could shower all the dirt away.
Making your way upstairs again, you sat on a bar stool and looked at Tony fiddling with a phone.
“Authentic stark tech, no one can get your number and everyone already has it. So no random calls or texts, top notch security.”
“Thanks Tony.”
“Anything for my favourite mutant.”
You laughed, grinning at him as he handed the phone over, but your smile quickly fell when Jarvis called your name.
“Yes?” You asked.
“You ex appears to be outside and is demanding entry.”
You and Tony shared a look.
“He can’t come in without your permission.” You said.
“Do you want him to come in?” Tony asked.
You opened your mouth but quickly closed it.
You didn’t know if you wanted to let him in or not.
“No, I’ll go down.”
Heading to the lift you quickly pressed the button for the ground floor.
Your heart was pounding, you were confused, upset, angry.
As the doors opened your slowly made your way to the entrance, but you didn’t leave the building.
You stood there and watched Damon pace, running a when through his hair a few times as he looked around.
Finally he looked inside, and that’s when you made your way over, but you still never left the building.
“Jarvis open the doors please.”
“Of course.”
The doors slid open and Damon went to walk in, but he was quickly stopped and he sighed.
“No invite?” He asked.
“Not for you.” You replied.
“Come on, it’s boring out here. Let me in.”
“No Damon, this is privet property, so I suggest you leave.”
With that, you spun around and started to walk away.
You stopped.
“Can we talk… please…?”
You sighed, turning around you walked back over.
“About what Damon? I’ve been trying to talk to you for months!”
“I know! And I can explain I swear!”
“You’ve got two minutes.”
Damon told you about everything that had been going on in mystic falls, about how he was trying to help Stefan keep Elena safe, about klaus and Elijah, and how he was worried about your safety.
“Damon, I’ve faced aliens, I’ve faced mad men with guns and science on their side, hell I’ve faced vampires too. I’m sorry but I don’t believe you.”
Damon tried to get in once again, even though he knew it was pointless.
You stood there watching him.
“Damon I didn’t even get so much as a text from you. But you know what I saw, you dancing with random women in clubs, and dancing with Elena at the ball.”
“Don’t do this…” he whispered.
“If you didn’t love me, you should have said. Unlike you, I don’t have years to wait for the right person.”
“I do love you! Don’t you get it! Everything I did I did to try and protect you! Dancing with those girls was part of the ploy to keep klaus away from you! Because if he killed you id have nothing!”
Damon took a deep breath.
“If I love you (Y/N) I would have nothing, literally nothing. You are my everything, I want you, no one aside from you. And if I have to stand here for weeks to prove that then fine. I will.”
You said nothing and you walked upstairs, telling Tony to just leave Damon to do his own thing and that he wasn’t a threat to anyone in the tower.
Just like he said, Damon never left the front of the tower. He slept in his car, and he would sit around waiting for you to come back out.
Finally you had enough and you left the tower, walking over to Damon, you held out a glass to him.
Damon scrambled from the car and rushed in front of you, completely ignoring the glass in front of him.
“Here. You haven’t fed in weeks.”
Damon looked at the glass before he turned back to you.
“No. Not until you forgive me.”
“You’ll starve Damon.”
“It’s fine.”
“It’s not. Jesus Christ Damon I may be angry but I don’t want you to kill yourself off!”
You shoved the glass into his hand. He seemed conflicted before he finally down the contents, a little blood trickling down the corner of his mouth.
Once he was done he set the glass on his car.
“Please. I’ll stay here if you want me to (Y/N) anything, life is so boring without you.”
You smiled softly, turning around to lean on the car with him as you looked up at the tower.
“And what about everything back in mystic falls?” You asked.
“They can handle it themselves. Right now I have to prove to a woman how much I care for her.”
He reached out, taking your hand in his as he brought up to, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of your hand.
Then he walked in front of you, lifting your hand above your head, he trapped you between the car and himself, carefully not to hurt you.
Leaning down, he brushed his lips against yours.
“One more chance (Y/N)… if not I’ll go. You’ll never see me again…”
You breathed in slowly before sighed, leaning up you gently kissed him, and he smiled into the kiss.
“One more chance Damon.”
“That’s all I need. Can I come in now?” He asked.
“Yeah, Tony have permission like last week.” You smirked.
Lacing your fingers with the vampires, you led him into the tower.
Maybe it was a mistake to give Damon another chance, but you wanted to believe he would do better this time around.
You loved Damon, and you didn’t want to loose him for good, because he was your world and you needed him
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shop-korea · 11 months
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$4.97 - HUB - LOCKER - MOST
MY - NO 1 - FAVORITE - 2 -
CUBES - $1.85 - BLK - GIRL
$500,000 - MAX FINE - AND OR
BLOCKED - DISNEY+ - $12.42
ASLEEP - 6:45A - BUT - 7:30A
4 - NO - DISCOUNT - 4 - THE 2
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thesims4-adventure · 2 years
Not So Berry Legacy Challenge
Generation One: Mint
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"Fazer um cocô selvagem"
Era o meu primeiro dia de trabalho e eu não queria chegar atrasada, mas Charlote tinha outros planos.
**It was my first day at work and I didn't want to be late, but Charlotte had other plans.**
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Mas eu consegui! Era perto de casa.
**But I got it! It was close to home.**
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Aí eu me dei conta, eu não sabia o que fazer.
**Then I realized, I didn't know what to do.**
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Na recepção fui ignorada completamente.
**At the reception I was completely ignored.**
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Usei meu cartão de acesso..e ignorei também.
**I used my access card..and ignored it too.**
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O laboratório...bem...acho que vi um equipamento que eu me lembrei da faculdade.
**The lab...well...I think I saw a piece of equipment that I remembered from college.**
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Uma colega passou por mim...não muito feliz. Aí eu entendi, eu sou chefe deles!?
**A colleague passed me by...not very happy. Then I understood, I'm their boss!?**
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Subi as escadas e achei a sala do café...eu precisava de um café...
**I went upstairs and found the coffee room...I needed a coffee...**
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Um super café.
**A super coffee.**
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Eu não estou nervosa, eu não estou nervosa, eu não estou nervosa.
**I'm not nervous, I'm not nervous, I'm not nervous.**
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Eu estudei para isso, não pode ser tão difícil.
**I studied for it, it can't be that hard.**
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Ou pode?
**Or can?**
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Fui procurar metais para minhas pesquisas, agradeci sair um pouco de dentro do prédio. Eu não sei como vou mandar nessas pessoas.
**I went to look for metals for my research, I was grateful to get out of the building for a while. I don't know how I'm going to boss these people around.**
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Quando entrei...acho que atrapalhei alguma coisa.
**When I walked in... I think I messed up something.**
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Por que ele está sorrindo?
**Why is he smiling?**
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"O dia de trabalho de Carola termina em uma hora. Ela precisa terminar logo o que está fazendo. O dia de trabalho pode ser estendido apertando no tempo do evento."
Acho que eu posso ficar mais um pouco por aqui.
**I think I can stay here a little longer.**
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Eu senti uma conexão no momento que encostei neste homem.
**I felt a connection the moment I touched this man.**
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"Fim do Expediente. Carola fez um trabalho razoável hoje. O beaker estava meio cheio. Pelo menos isso pode ser dito"
Depois de um tempo de conversa ele me disse que precisava ir embora para aproveitar comida grátis, na noite em San Myshuno.
**After a while of conversation he told me that he needed to leave to enjoy free food at night in San Myshuno.**
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Ele me perguntou se eu queria ir junto, por que não? Apesar de ser meio estranho.
**He asked me if I wanted to go along, why not? Although it's kind of weird.**
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Havia uma moça se apresentando na praça.
**There was a girl performing in the square.**
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Eu sabia que já estava tarde, olhei o celular e não havia nenhuma mensagem da creche. Ia ficar só um pouco.
**I knew it was late, I looked at my cell phone and there was no message from the daycare. I would just stay a while.**
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É bom conhecer gente nova.
**It's good to meet new people.**
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Perguntei se ele podia tirar fotos comigo.
**I asked if he could take pictures with me.**
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Ele não se importou, tão divertido...
**He didn't care, so amusing...**
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Parecia que eu o conhecia a anos.
**It felt like I'd known him for years.**
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"Queimadura Picante (De comer comida apimentada) Isso queima! Comida picante pode deixar alguns sims inconfortáveis"
Fazia tempo que eu não comia comida apimentada, desde que ganhei o Desafio do Curry?
**It's been a while since I've eaten spicy food, since I won the Curry Challenge?**
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Levei uma chamada na creche e Charlote veio brava no carro até em casa, mas quando chegamos ela me abraçou.
"Achei que não ia mais me buscar", ela disse. Chorei a noite toda.
**I took a call at daycare and Charlotte came home angry in the car, but when we arrived she hugged me.
"I thought you weren't going to pick me up anymore," she said. I cried all night.**
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beckyandrick · 2 years
First 2 weeks in Costa Rica…checking off the ‘hurry up and get settled’ to-do list…
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Well, we made it! Of course Kai had to get a photo with the first ‘sloth’ she saw in duty free. ;) Ever since we told her we were moving here the thing that has eased the sting of moving away from her friends is getting to see her favorite animal for the first time.
It was a bumpy arrival…nothing to do with the rainy season weather. Arrivals are hard. Period. You’ve just left everything comfortable and familiar, leapt head first into a new place and after a day of travel are typically tired, hungry and anxious.
The good news was all of our luggage arrived no problem. The bad news started when customs flagged me over to open one of our suitcases. He dug through it and pulled out the bag of dog food we had brought for Ashe who was planned to arrive on a separate flight just after us. My broken and very rusty Spanish was little help to try to explain why we had dog food without a dog (apparently broken rule #1) and to ask if we could take enough to get us through the night/next morning once we were able to communicate enough through Google Translate to understand that the size of the bag was above the limit (broken rule #2). We were stressed, Kai was crying and we finally gave up and left the food to be ‘destroyed’. Ugh. Not the best start.
But after successfully finding our names on a sign in the sea of people waiting outside arrivals, getting our mountain of luggage into 2 vans (yes…for 3 people 🤦🏻‍♀️ and soooo much luggage) things got better as our smiling driver cranked up some good 80s music, gave us a big ‘Pura Vida!’ and sang all the way to our new apartment in the dark pouring rain.
Once Ashe safely arrived a couple hours later we could all relax a bit (and luckily he had some leftover food from his trip to get us through).
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I’d be lying if I didn’t admit there were some tears from all of us that night. Arrivals are hard.
But we’ve learned that the only way to feel ‘normal’ in a new country is to start doing things…check off the ‘get settled to-do’ list as soon as possible.
So…with a good night’s sleep we got started with our Day #1 to-do list (with the much appreciated help of our Spanish-speaking destination services provider): Get a rental car, go to Kai’s new student orientation, get local SIM cards/cell phone numbers and start house hunting.
The rental car was the first stop and then we were off to Kai’s new school
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Oh wow. I mean we had heard how nice her new school would be but we had no idea. Rick and I both went to small public schools in rural Ohio (and turned out just fine! 😉). Kai has no idea how incredibly lucky she is. The campus is stunning. She loved it. A sweet second grade teacher and an amazing pool didn’t hurt!
We then spent the afternoon getting cell phones sorted and seeing a bunch of houses in several nearby neighborhoods. We didn’t find anything that felt like home yet but it felt better to be making progress.
We’re staying in a great temporary apartment in an area of San Jose called Escazu while we house hunt and wait for our sea shipment with all of our furniture to arrive. All that mattered to Kai was that it had a pool so after spending Saturday morning again on the Day #2 to do list (more house hunting, get groceries, get memberships at the local ‘costco’-equivalent, find new swimming and rock climbing spots, etc) she was happy to get much-awaited pool time.
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Then by Sunday we felt like we had made enough progress on the to-do list to explore with a day trip. Of course sloths were first on the list to see. We got recommendations to check out the Toucan Rescue ranch which also rescues sloths and it was great! So cool for all of us to see our first sloths!
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The following week we got out a bit more to explore the neighborhood…found a dog park for Ashe, the Lego store and good burgers for Kai, strolled to dinner along a beautiful side street, and got Kai going in her ‘normal’ activities…rock climbing and swimming lessons.
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Tuesday Kai started school…Rick took her day one as she was a bit nervous but she rode the school bus home and to/from school the rest of the week. A first for this Boston city kid!
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Rick and I continued the checklist while I juggled working my Boston job remotely (I start the Costa Rica role Sept 1)…bought cars/took a ‘field trip’ to the customs bonded warehouse to see them and got fingerprints taken for our residence permits at the ‘Dactiloscopia’…both quite the experience.
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We did a bit more house hunting through the week and on Saturday morning (we think we found the one!) so felt accomplished enough for another day trip by Sunday…waterfalls! La Paz waterfall garden was also recommended by several people and we could see why. A beautiful, winding drive from the city to see toucans, monkeys, jaguars, snakes, hummingbirds and of course waterfalls.
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So 2 weeks down…it’s a roller coaster as we all deal with the daily discomfort of not speaking the language (yet…working on it!), missing familiarity/friends but offset by early amazing adventures, super kind people and gorgeous surroundings. It’s going to be a great chapter…every page gets better!
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tomyo · 29 days
Tomyo's Backlog Adventure: 1 Year Later
How it's going
It's been a little over a year since I made the backlog list. Admittedly I did not get through it much simply because I was extremely busy as an artist all that time. Initially I think I hoped I'd get a decent chunk through the DS games only to really never break through much.
What I got/played since
So what are the games I haven't listed?
Well let's see; Sonic and The Black Knight, Wii Music, Pokemon Pearl, Some Japanese Gameboy games of Hamtaro and Tamagotchi, the Dream Eye, Style Savvy Trendsetters, and as of this week, Tomodachi Collection and a substantial amount of Sim 3's content. (Edit: I can't remember if the islands HM DS games and sonic free riders were added on since) There is also a number of switch content that I just refuse to mentally process. Part of making the list was to address how I had gone feral with game collection but was not actually playing the games. I would say in some ways having that list helped me curb my unchecked spending which as you can guess got widely ignored for switch downloads. The irony is I would say I did a lot of switch gaming as well. Notable releases like Sonic Frontiers and Tears of the Kingdom were some of the games I ended up borrowing from the library and spending way too much time on. During the start of the year I was heavily gaming Splatoon 1 only to fail at my mission to collect all the gear before the servers went defunct. There's also been a part of me that spend the last 6 or so months hyper fixating on Tamagotchis. While not traditional games, they do indeed simply function as mini game systems and part of me sees the progression in them as my "gaming time".
What I want to get
Admittedly the urge to buy is flickering in me somewhat. Why? The rise is 3DS game costs. Now with the e shop closed, there is a renewed interest in content that had gone untouched for a while. The big wake up call for me was hearing Tomodachi life now goes for around $100 these days. My other experience in the last year is hunger for 3 things; The sonic games I missed during the GameCube/Wii era, Cooking Mama, and the Japanese series model debut. So here's my list:
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask remakes
Legend of Zelda: A link between Worlds
Project Mirai with Cards
Nintendogs 3DS (while I have a digital download, I want physical)
Yet another copy of New Leaf
Story of Seasons
Pokemon Sun and Ultra Sun (the only two 3ds games I don't have from the mainline)
Pretty much every Cooking Mama game
Smash for 3DS and Wii U
Ducktales Remaster
Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic Shuffle
Loosely a few Japanese games like the soul eater one or the switch model debuts
Fashion Dreamer
Various Tamagotchis and Gigapets
Pocket Sakura
That Sega Eyetoy game
What I want to do
Some of the biggest hurdles are playing through Pokemon and Bokumono games on my list for very different reasons. Bokumono games are always a struggle because the require time being set aside to both plan out the game period and to marathon game days, especially during the 3DS era where this is a lot of mechanics to juggle. On the opposite end there is Pokemon to which most of the games on the list I want to stream my playthroughs as it's in part a ribbon master challenge. Pokemon games will probably stay put aside for an undetermined amount of time but I do want to clear out a lot of Bokumonos.
Right now I have been working through ANB to dizzying results. At some point recently I became very frustrated with the loop and set it aside leading to a hyper focus on FoMT's remake which is super easy and will likely hit my clear in just a day or two more of gameplay(my majors goals are to go through mining and fishing in the upcoming winter season and return to go for endgame houses and achievements at a later time). Admittedly I want to return to the battle that is ANB despite its frustration; feeling like I'm creating the progress is half the enjoyment is the struggle. Part of me even forgets what my end goal reach is for that one but my best guess at the moment is mainline story completion, yuri romancing, and full transition.
Onwards from that would likely be tackling either Trio of Towns or Animal Parade. Animal parade is certainly the harder of the two to pick up since it often requires the most effort to set up but of the two, I find it the more accessible story wise as simply every trio of Towns is overwhelming.
As for the casual dailies; Wild World and My Little Shop have been hard to call finished but also do not really have enough to move forward with. MLS is a pretty repetitive mini game series with a vague end goal of achieving clovers so I might just declare it finished with anyways. Wild World slowed to a crawl simply because I missed certain bug and fish seasons and on top of that is hard to enjoy when there is so little to do in game for progression outside of nonstop fishing/bug catching. Wild World might end up ending prematurely with just the encyclopedia completions since the act of endless money making for a house/charity doesn't appeal deeply to me when it is just an end goal. What might start up instead is a series on Nintendo's (and friends) various fitness trackers; My personal trainer walking, my weight loss coach, Wii fit U, the pokewalker, pocket Pikachu, pocket hello kitty, Pokemon go pikmin bloom, and for funsies the Fitbit and my phone's step tracker cuz it's cute. There's a personal love that Miiblr just exists here there's a good number of fitness things that exists around the miis. Part of me can loose the idea that I enjou watching the meters go up on these devices as the gameify walking. My Wii fit U meter has been carried with me for a while now as the goal to see the distance walked and the heights climbed is a huge enjoyment. Seeing as there are other counters, I see myself wanting to just reach a point carrying all of them for the fun of it.
Some games to stream; Pokemon Channel, Wii Music, Space Channel 5, Sonic Adventure, shenmue, and Time Stalkers all make the cut. As obviously mentioned so would most of my Pokemon games if not for being put on the back burner. Possibly towards the end of the month, I might return to some tiktok streaming with Wii Music and Pokemon channel (especially since this one is pretty camp themed). The dreamcast games are a little more tricky because I have a set up in mind but it's just hard to achieve currently. The other thing preventing streaming is my aforementioned job which takes up most of my nights these days. While most of these games are pretty easy to play in one sitting, the bigger rpgs might have difficulty.
And then finally friend plays; sonic 06 has been long on hold as I keep not visiting the very friend that lent me his PS4. At the same time, the latest game has not been decided for my yearly D trip yet; the choices stand as almost certainly Sonic Free Riders, Time Stalkers, Nintendoland, and shenmue.
As it stands I'd like to get out of the way 14-20 games on the list this year; a bunch already half played, some simply shallow games to begin with, 2-4 with the power of friendship, and about 4-7 requiring actual time investment. Additionally out of the 76 on the OG list; at least 7 of them are going to be shelved for now (the Pokemon ribbon master play throughs). Of that 69 (nice) left, 7 are known hold off, 6 are wrap ups, 3 require additional meddling, and 12 simply required setting aside time to play. There's still tons of games but since my art career is a bit on hold atm, I would like to delve into these games more this year.
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temirbek · 3 months
When I first came to Brooklyn, NY I needed a place to do my work. I couldn't work at my brother's home because my niece and nephews (6, 4 and 1 year old) wouldn't let me. So I searched for places on the google map and found Brooklyn Public Library (Midwood branch), Starbucks and Dunkin nearby. I can't work whole day at coffee shops so I went to library.
I'm not much of a library guy, I visited public libraries in Bishkek only couple of times. I was planing to visit Brooklyn Library and New York Public Library out of curiosity when I was back in Bishkek, did some research, registered online trying to get a library card. But in order to get a library card one should show a proof of address (a bill to my name or a banking statement with NYC address on it).
So getting a library card wasn't an option for me. I had an envelope which I got when ordering a sim card (more on this on different post) with my name and brooklyn address on it, so I wanted to try maybe it will work and went to the library but I had little hope.
At the entry there were some registry terminals where you can print out some kind of guest tickets. I felt some kind of relief and printed out one, it costed 1 cent. When presented to librarian she asked:
"What can I do for you sweetie?" (she was a nice old woman). "I'm a tourist and first time here", I said.
She stood up, took me to computers section and started explaining how to login into computer using the code from that ticket (turns out that ticket was for using library computer). I said that I don't need computers. She said that I need to get a library card in order to take out books, or I can just read here, use any free desk and wifi.
That was it, I could use a desk (there were plenty free desks), bring my laptop and use free Wi-Fi whole day. You can come to the library and go straight to any desk without checking in or anything. I've been visiting Midwood branch for about a week now. Place is quite and librarians are nice.
Brooklyn Public Library has 62 branches, own website, instagram page and a logo:
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chargetheintruder · 3 months
I'm Back.
Let's see . . . nope, I didn't die, my laptop did though, and I nearly did, and had to do some surgery? And then therapy to get my head on a little bit straighter? That's it, the shortest version.
Oh, so you want details? More of those below the break.
It started the week of January 10th, into the 11th. Comcast was having a data breach. And somehow, between them and Google? You know, the company openly PROMISING to update and protect Chromebooks through 2026, and Samsung devices in particular, through 2028? Those guys?
Somehow, a virus got through and knocked out the Wi-Fi. At first I thought it was the cable room's problem, that's how bad it was. Nope, it wasn't that and Comcast swore up, down and sideways that it wasn't their router at all (*eyerolls*). So I did what any Chrome person does and did a Powerwash, and . . .
Somehow, restoring everything to FACTORY DEFAULT didn't restore the ability of my device to find or use Wi-Fi. Yeah.
Then from mid-January to mid-February, my life wasted away as I tried three times, over three weeks (so no, not stalking) to contact my out-of-state best friends in hand-written snail mail through the Postal Service. I was living off of stuff from the vending machines and shredding old pants I didn't wear any more to use as backup-backup-BACKUP toilet paper of LAST resort. (not flushing it but otherwise, you know).
Either NONE of the three letters went through at all (which means the USPS wasn't doing its job) or my friends gave up on me.
THEN, on the 18th of February, late night, into the morning of the 19th, the bane of my existence, my bladder/prostate issues, got too severe. I was down to the last 2 to 3 percent of my urinary function again, couldn't pee or poo to save my life, and was in blinding pain. I had to decided: die in my apartment, surrounded by enemies or die in the hospital surrounded by "professionals."
I chose the latter, nearly died in blinding, howling agony anyway, then had people torture me for an hour-plus trying to put a catheter in me (the first 3 times without ANY anesthetic, mind you, and the 4th with only a numbing gel) before finally deciding I needed it done surgically. One surgery (WITH anesthetic, thank goodness), a cystoscopy, a urethral stent and a Foley implant later, and well, yes, I still had to fight DAILY to have any time to recovery from SURGERY in this hospital, and still had to fight for a pen and paper to write things down with so I could try to arrange for a safer place for me to recover than the public housing mess I'm stuck with now.
So you know, I did what I had to do: get released after the 6th day in the hospital to the local Respite Center to also get titrated on something for the depression while my body tried to heal up (or kill me four more times with pain issues in multiple places). Good times, (sarcasm), and I had to ask for a third week in a two week program to get anything done. Like a new State ID and/or a free "government phone to get back on the internet with. And well . . .
I have the temporary ID, will get a real one sent to me in about a week, and the phone? It came with a bad SIM card and is useless, so far, as a phone. But with a LOT of struggle (tiny screen, bad eyes and big fingertips) I was able to get online and pay some bills, and thanks to the money I had "saved" from not being online at all for 2 months, I was able to start the "pay bills, hurt, then die" cycle over again with a newish Samsung Chromebook. Because the smartphone sucks? Yeah. :-p
And yeah, this includes a bladder infection (taking care of that) and having the Foley implant swapped out manually for a new one (the nurse I saw at the Urology department Wednesday was good, and so was the stent at keeping me from feeling much). Things are weird right now, my body's still in more than occasional pain, and It's bad that I've lost my besties of more than 15 years . . .
But I'm still around for people to pick on, I guess. (*shrugs*)
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sunmarketing · 1 year
Hong Kong or East Asia
  Welcome to the Podcast with Dr. Mary Travelbest:
  FAQ is:  Should I bring a cellphone when I travel?
Today’s Destination is: Hong Kong
Today’s Mistake- Losing my cell phone in Mexico City
Travel Advice:  Try Reddit for some travel advice channels. 
  List to the end to hear about the Reddit feed called “solo travel”. No one uses their real names, so it’s free flow. It is like anonymous social media, with different priorities and postings than on FB or IG, or even YouTube. 
  FAQ: Should I bring a cell phone when I travel?
Answer: Yes, at least one. Ask your carrier if they have service in the countries where you are traveling, and if so, what are the fees, if any. Ask about special plans if they offer them.
You can also get a second service and buy a cheap phone when you get abroad.
Wifi you will get in most hotels, but it is not always a guarantee. If you have a hot spot, maybe you can use that when you travel. Also, consider using a VPN for more privacy than not having one. VPN is Virtual Private Network. 
I had two cell phones the last time I was in Mexico City, but I lost the extra one. I’ll tell that story later in the Lessons Learned section.
Today’s destination: Hong Kong or East Asia
What is there to do in Hong Kong solo? It’s ideal for your first Step 5 trip because you can absorb as much culture as you like, still being in what was a British colony for a long time. They have traditions like high tea here you will like.
On my first trip here, I did not have any reservations, back in pre-cell phone days. That was adventurous, admittedly. What was the worst part of the trip here? Probably a bad haircut. But that’s ok. because hair grows back.
The other downside was that I booked a cheap flat for a few days and as I recall in January, neither the heat nor the hot water was working.
On another island, Lantau Island, you will discover a cable car that will amaze you. 3500 people per hour is the capacity, with more than 100 cabins.
Today’s Mistake-  Losing my cell phone in Mexico City
  I’m glad you held on to it here. So I had a backup cell phone, just for emergencies. I was in a dressing room at a store trying on clothes and I took a minute to send a text. I was using the new phone. However, I did not have them connected, and so I had to look up the contact info on one phone and use it on the second one. Well, this got complicated and eventually, I lost the new phone in the dressing room. I went back and it was not found. I contacted the store manager and no one turned it in.
  Today’s Travel Advice-Get good travel advice from others on social media like Twitter and Reddit.
  I’ve got an active Twitter feed, in case you haven’t been there. My sign is @drtravelbest  Are you following me? Here’s another example:  Reddit.com/solotravel has a lot of good q and a on it. I’m seeing a lot of questions about sim cards in Europe, and it may cost 25 euros for 50 GB of data in Europe. Some recommend Vodaphone. 
Get educated here and join me. Discussions are public. It’s not “owned” by me, just see good posts and skip the garbage posts. No one uses their real names, so it’s freeflow. It is like anonymous social media, with different priorities than on FB or IG, or even YouTube. 
Let me know if you like this platform. It’s popular with millennials.
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Check out this Dr Travelbest episode!
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lagycart · 1 year
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tokyo tohoku trip - day 13.
this is going to be a more relaxing day for me as well, as i am still feeling exhausted from all the activities for the past week or so. we started the day at a nearby bakery - sandwich parlor matsumura サンドウィッチパーラー まつむら, which bakes and sells freshly made breads and is popular among office workers.
i ate an egg, ham and cucumber sandwich and a fried sausage roll with iced coffee, very simple and it fills the stomach to start the day. after our quick breakfast, i went to shibuya again by myself to visit miyashita park 宮下公園, another new building in shibuya which is very popular.
the building is not high, but it has a whole street of izakaya at the ground floor, some of the branded stores and lots of western cafes. on the rooftop, it is a park which has garden area, a starbucks with industrial design, rock climbing and skate zone. when i was there, it was rather quiet and it’s super nice to just walk and sit on the benches and just chill.
after that, i also briefly visited bic camera ビックカメラ 渋谷東口店 next door to purchase a travel sim card for my next trip. this is super convenient and bic camera has a lot of options in terms of data capacity and number of days combination. this place is also a good option if you want to buy gadgets and some eletronics.
i met up with my friend again at nihonbashi for lunch, our initial plan was to visit a tempura place but there was a queue, so we went to torisanwa 鶏三和 at coredo muromachi 2 instead. this store specialize in oyako don, so we ordered the most popular option which has their own chicken breed, with runny egg on white rice with miso soup. the egg is definitely creamy and flavorful and the chicken is so tender with smooth texture, definitely an enjoyable meal and recommended if you want to eat a good oyako don.
after lunch, i walked to takashimaya for my pokemon cafe appointment. this appointment is quite difficult to get, you would need to book it one month in advance. each appointment slot is 90 minutes and the menu is on the iPad for ordering, so it’s pretty simple. i ordered parfait and tea since i already had lunch. while waiting for my food, i got to take a lot of photos around the cafe, you can also ask the staff for help with that. chef pikachu also made an appearance to do some dance with all the customers, it’s very cute and the staff are also very energetic to create a lively atmosphere. the parfait taste alright, a sweet dessert which looks very cute and too nice to eat. the fruit tea i ordered comes in a very pretty teapot and it’s blue color, taste was fine as well, but it’s definitely more aesthetic than tasty.
after my time at the cafe is over, i went shopping at the pokemon store next door, which has so many plushies, stationery, and other merchandises, i did have to limited what i get because i have very limited luggage space. foreigners may also get the duty free discount when you pay if you show your passport.
after i have done with shopping, i wanted to take the shuttle bus to the dinner place, however i ended up on a different bus and just took the bus for an entire loop and just enjoy the views around nihonbashi as the sun sets. and end up taking a train instead.
my friend and i met up for dinner at tsujihan つじ半 for their famous seafood bowl. there was a long queue at the restaurant as there’s very limited seats, i think we waited for an hour or so to get it. as it was our first time, we just decided to order the most expensive option which has a big portion of minced tuna (negitoro), crab meat, sea urchin (uni) and overflowing of ikura on top of white rice. they also give us a separate plate of sashimi. the portion is really huge but it was so good and so satisfying, every single bite is filled with awesome seafood and all the flavors just burst in your mouth, which is a nice sensation. everything mixed well together and i can’t stop eating it. when you have a few bites left, you may pass the bowl back to the staff for fish soup. the soup will cook the remaining sashimi just like ochazuke, and it’s such a heartwarming and satisfying way to finish the meal as the soup is very good. i can see why the long queue but it would be best to come early to avoid waiting for too long.
after such an amazing meal, we just head home to rest up and i also did some packing since i am leaving tomorrow. there’s just so many things to pack!
to be continued...
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troubleabroad · 2 years
Under The Sea
This was an action packed day. So put the kettle on, she’s a long read
We woke up surprisingly well rested, and ready to take on the classic sights of dallas. Were staying a just out of the downtown area, so thankfully our dear friends at uber are willing and able to transport us anywhere! We arrived at the Dallas World Aquarium and were excited to see what it had in store for us. Well, what it had in store was a lot of animals in small enclosures, with no information. I’d love to tell you what animals we saw, but i have no idea. There were various birds, fish, frogs, penguins, sloth, a mini deer looking thing, an otter who just swam laps of his fish tank, a dugong that was uneventful & boring penguins. There were a lot of animals, but they all looked pretty grim in such small spaces. It was also weird to go to an aquarium that has so many non-aquarium animals. Not having any information on the animals was an odd choice by the aquarium too. But hey, this is ‘murica, and learnin is for nerds.
We left the aquarium, and were not far from the historic west end of dallas, which is kind of where all the nation is. Bars, eateries, sightseeing etc. Nearby was the very art school museum of illusions. This was much better than the aquarium, thank god. Its basically a giant office space, that has been converted to who a wide array of optical illusions & art. It also had descriptions of what each piece was, take note dallas aquarium! One of the cooler exhibits was the vortex tunnel. Its a tunnel that rotates around you, and you walk through it on a boardwalk. Seems simple and boring enough in practice, but in reality after about 3 steps you feel like you’re going to fall over. It sucks. But kinda cool. After a little while there, and after the kids running like mad got to me, we went off to do sort out sim cards for the trip to make life easier. Thankfully AT&T have their own area in the city. Think of a smaller Fed Square that is owned by telstra. It was a quick and easy set up for the phones, and even better, there’s a pub right next to the store! Best kind of exit via gift shop I’ve experienced!
We had some food and a couple of drinks at Jaxon, maybe not me new favourite, but still great, and planned what else we wanted to accomplish in dallas. One of the major things we need to do is find some sort of clothing store, because this smart, seasoned, well adjusted traveller did not pack enough clothes. 1 pair of shorts & 3 t-shirts will not get me through 5 weeks…. All of that aside though, there was one major attraction that we had to see. THE TEXAS STATE FAIR!! What better time to do the fair than right now! Another uber ride to the fair, and ill tell you this for free, first impression is wild. It’s like the melbourne show on steroids. Really, really good steroids. Not the ball shrinking ones.
The first exhibit we see as were walking in, is a small area that looks like a dirt bike track, instead it was very much not dirt bikes and instead huge Dodge Ram pickup trucks doing jumps and ripping around the track. You better believe we jumped in and had our free ride! Like most people in america, our driver knew where melbourne was. He even pronounced it correctly, so i guess he wasn’t lying! He mentioned that he drives monster trucks so this was just a little bit of fun for him. And what fun it was. Gotta give Dodge credit, it was the perfect advertising for their trucks. I walked away wanting to buy one. We left the adult merry-go-round and had a wander through the fair. Everything you’ve heard about fairs is true. Deep fried everything, ben flowing, rides, oversized food, drink, entertainment, everything is bigger in texas! After such a big meal at Jaxon, we weren’t overly hungry, so were quite content walking around the fair and taking it all in. They had a petting zoo, complete with a porcupine, zebras, bison, and my favourite Kangaroos! there is also a token parade through the fair grounds, complete with a tractor float, various “miss” beauty pageant winners. After all the sights, we regained our appetite, so went to the nearest fried stand to get some food. Funnel cake and deep fried cheesecake should do the trick! Both were equally as sweet and delicious as you could imagine. By this stage we were getting pretty tired, and the festival was winding up. so we made our way, slowly, to the exit to head back home. Across from the state fair were two service stations. One a shell. The other, a very dodgy looking homebred one. I had heard stories of being able to buy alcohol from service, or Gas Stations, so this was the prime opportunity. You better believe we went to the sketchy one! The rumours were true, there is booze everywhere. where we would normally have ice cream fries near the counter, the just had an open top fridge full of ice and individual pint cans of beer. Thankfully in this store, the clerk was behind super thick glass, and all the alcohol fridge doors were locked. It screamed safety plus. With the clerk so far away, and the fridges locked, it would have been hard to buy alcohol. But thankfully this service station has a doorman! Fancy! Im pretty sure the doorman was just a homeless guy that the clerk was paying to basically keep guard if everything went south… We took our 12 pack of white claw, and pint of natty light back to the uber pick up spot, and that’s when my body decided it need to pee, and pee now So bugalugs got the uber back to the hotel and i made a mad dash back into the fair ti find a toilet. Word to the wise, Americans DO NOT like it when a panicked dude runs into a crowded area. Anyway, crisis averted and into an uber i got. The uber driver was well across Australia’s lockdowns, and was chuffed that i “managed to escape”. What we needed when covid hit was this gentleman, because all we need to do was not be scared and believe in our faith, because god will look after us. Safe to assume that this guy did not get his booster shot… Eventually got home after hearing how he was family friends with michael jackson, and had a budding radio career. Not sure what’s on for tomorrow at this stage. We will most likely be pretty knackered after such a big day of doing things. But that’s part of the fun!
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riddlebot · 2 years
i had such an exhausting day today i'm gonna just ramble about it
i am on food stamps (we call it link or snap, basically i get food money on a debit card that i can only use on food every month from the government) as well as free government insurance for poor people, and because of that i also qualify for free government cellphone service.
now, i had been on straighttalk for like. god idk 8 years at least. but i can't afford $40 a month for phone service and kept going without, and their website is abysmal its impossible to do anything on it so it was very hard to renew my service anyway.
so i decided to sign up for one of the few government phone service plans, as well as bringing my own phone that i already had. so they sent me a sim card. i put it in my phone. it didn't work. it would not unlock no matter what instructions i followed or how much troubleshooting i did. i called customer service from my sister's phone and was never connected to a live agent and it was absolutely a waste of 40 minutes.
so i decided to buy the cheaptest phone on the website associated with this service (it was like $35) and it got here today. the instructions were to put the sim card in the phone, call a number, give it the sim card number, boom set up complete. as u can imagine this is not how that went.
i guess the service i'm using is through tmobile, or it's connected to the same call center for customer service as tmobile is. so after waiting on hold for 30 minutes, i was connected to an agent who kept talking to me as if i was being absurd or demanding when really i barely spoke to him aside from reading my full sim card number out 8 times while he continuously got it wrong. and then he transferred me to the activation section. got there, the new agent started talking about confirming my card details ect and i was like whoa whoa whoa i'm trying to set up my phone for x government service. and he was like oh okay that makes sense, i'll transfer you to THEIR side of things and i was like okay finally thank you. he transfered me and THE NEW GUY COULDN'T HEAR ME FOR SOME REASON AND HUNG UP. at this point i was literally ready to just go walk into the woods and never return.
thankfully i had the website open and on one specific page of the website there was a pop up for a live chat and in doing that, the person on the other end managed to get my phone activated and i was so overjoyed i was like if ur a real person give me whatever survey or form you want so i can fill it out to give you kudos for helping me so much.
also my new phone is a piece of garbage that literally shows me news and ads on my lockscreen that i cannot turn off but whats important is that i can text and call ppl in case of emergency so i'm not gonna worry about it and just try and save up for a nicer one later down the line.
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zankie-enough · 2 years
Bad Buddy The Cursed Episode Re-Imagined
Let’s talk about the genius of P’aof and how he structured this episode cause it was kind of brilliant. I went in to it thinking there is no way there will be melodrama and a breakup because he has fought every BL trope and he wasn’t going to get lazy and perpetuate one right at the finish line. I was pretty annoyed with everyone predicting he would. So imagine my surprise when it “seemed” like that is exactly what happened. It took me a while to process but what he did was so subtle and so beautiful it was even better than just simply breaking the curse he subverted it with subtext and I am officially obsessed! I have so many thoughts. I am just going to word vomit them out LOL!
A Break Up Disguised as “Honeymoon”
From the very start this whole trip was their goodbye. They both knew how this would end. I think they knew from the moment they left that when they got home their relationship would be over. If you are asking yourself why P’aof masterfully laid it out in their first few lines
Pat: “Do you think your mom will ever forgive my dad?”
Pran: “Would you?”
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This, this is the moment that frames the episode. They know that there is no coming back for their parents. There is no quick fix for their situations. Everything is too fresh and too new. Everything but their love for each other. That’s the only thing that feels stable and real and theirs.
This is the point I believe they knew they would eventually break up. The rest of the episode is them going through the stages of grief and letting go. 
So why is P’aof a genius? Because I did not see this so clearly the first time I watched. I literally had no idea what I was watching till the ending then when I re-watched the story was there. P’aof disguised a cursed episode inside of one of the most loving episodes I have seen in any BL. He tricked us but almost like it was for our own good. He helped us embrace their love without knowing we were about to let it go. FREAKING GENIUS!!
There are so many moments if you re-watch that let you know what’s coming. I don’t think I have any revelations there. I’ve seen tons of post pointing them out. The thing I love the most is that Pat came through once again finding a way for them to process and have time to be free.
The “Honeymoon” was the “Flirt Game” 2.0
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I have always said the flirt game was Pat’s way of giving Pran space to process while allowing Pat a way to get closer to him. Pat is so smart when it comes to Pran. I never saw that “competition” as real. Remember on that trip Pat was trying to find any way of getting Pran to talk to him but Pran was so shut down. Pran has been repressed his whole life. The hold his mother’s influence has on him is strong. She sent him away for 2 yrs and made him stop playing guitar JUST to keep him away from Pat. He did it all just to keep her happy. So the only way Pat could get Pran to even acknowledge there was something there was through competition. Competing was allowed. That was Pran’s comfort zone. PAT WAS NEVER TRYING TO “WIN”. The game was all for Pran to process. The bonus was Pat could flirt with Pran openly and go as HAM as he wanted to LOL. Remember he said “I always let my lover win”. Pat will do anything to make Pran happy.
Unfortunately  for us that even means breaking up. We already know when they were outed his first go to was to tell everyone they had broken up. He was about to do it with a smile on his face. I truly believe he went into this trip knowing it was a goodbye. He just had to figure out how to get the most of it. How to get Pran out of his head and into the moment because the clock was ticking. So they took out their Sim cards, found a place to stay and he created the “honeymoon”. This was a fantasy they could live in to mentally not just physically run away. They have always been like little kids when they are together. Childish games are where they thrive. Living in the land of make believe was the perfect way to end their relationship. This whole episode was the breakup. I still can’t believe we didn’t know.
The Moment the Said Goodbye
I think we have all figured out by now the moment of the actual break up. It was so coded that I truly missed it the first time around. When Pran brings the work clothes and Pat admits he knows they must go home that is the moment Pat has decided that the make believe bubble must end. The same way he showed up for Pran at the play. This was the moment he was ready to “lose”. Only this time losing meant losing Pran. 
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The reason why this was so different from any other cursed episode is because they talked about it. They thanked each other for loving each other and caring for each other. They were on the same page. They couldn’t see a way out of their situations. Pran loved his mom too much. Pat’s whole future was wrapped up in his dad. There really was a second option in their minds. If their relationship got wrapped up in their parent’s fight it could have ruined it. It was pure and beautiful in their bubble. The let go before their parents destroyed it. In some ways the bested their parents by breaking up on their own terms. They did not allow their parents to destroy what they had and they got to be free together. Christ every time I think about it I freaking cry.
The Genius of P’aof
He broke a trope by embracing it. Instead of running from the cursed episode he turned it on it’s head. It could not have worked with out all the pieces being at the top of their game from the actors to the writers and his direction. I cried my face off on this one and I have cried during every re-watch. No matter how heartbreaking it is I notice something new each time I re-watch it. The way Pat looks at Pran. The way they say goodbye and Pat is a wreck. The way the have NEVER called each other friend till that last scene. You want to know real pain listen to Pran deliver that final blow “Goodbye, Buddy”. What a gut punch!! I am not really into to angst but beautiful tragedy is my jam and they did the damn thing with this episode. I will never stop thinking about it. I am so not ready to let this show go.
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katatty · 3 years
Recap: Pleasantview Round 5 (Summer)
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The romance of Spring certainly went to a few heads in Pleasantview - the suburb is in the midst of quite the baby boom. But now Summer is here, and school is out! Parents are scrambling to sort out childcare, teenagers are reveling in their freedom, and with the sun shining, the mood in the neighbourhood is pretty great.
But are the families as happy as they seem? Or are some on the brink of collapse? What secrets lurk in their hearts?
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The round began with newcomers Tiffany Sampson and Kevin Beare getting settled in. They adopted a puppy, got new jobs, and got to know the neighbours.
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Then as Tiffany finished her first day of work in the Education career, she learned she was already pregnant!
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They had a quick, slightly rushed wedding before the baby arrived.
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Baby Harvey was born, but it already looks like she might be expecting again.
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The round ended on a happy note, with the couple already nicely established as a family in town with a few friends!
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The Dreamer family started out just as well, but things quickly started to deteriorate.
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Due to a combination of bad mental health, recurring nightmares and possible haunting, Brandi Broke isn’t in a good place. Her relationship with Darren suffers for it, too.
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Meanwhile Cassandra’s marriage with Don is falling apart, and Darren can’t help being sympathetic. Perhaps a little too much so.
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Mia Broke, obsessed with the paranormal, gets herself abducted by aliens, much to her mom’s dismay.
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She’s also eager to discuss her theories about the spooky sounds in their yard, but Brandi shuts it down.
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Mia goes on a date with Benedick Monty, but it’s kind of a mixed bag.
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Back home, Mia and Darren eventually talk about the possible hauntings at home. He admits to her seeing Darleen’s ghost, from time to time.
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Brandi also opens up to Mia about her father, Skip.
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And Mia is vindicated to finally some ghosts herself!
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I played the Lotharios next since I was interested in what was going on with Cassandra.
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Cassandra and Don’s relationship has had its ups and downs - neither of them has been 100% faithful, but they’re dealing with it. Maybe? Between raising the twins and focusing on their careers there hasn’t been a ton of time for marriage counselling.
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Don’s been feeling a bit isolated, recently. Outside of his family and his coworkers, he doesn’t really have a lot of friends. That’s been deliberate, to an extent. The fewer people around him, the fewer temptations to stray outside of the marriage.
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For the most part, it’s been working. But a chance meeting with Nina Caliente has him feeling… confused.
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The kids are doing fine, the parents not so much.
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She’s always in low aspiration, lately, ever since her Dad passed away. It’s been hard getting on her feet since then, and Don going on about needing “me time” doesn’t help. She needs his support right now more than ever! Why doesn’t he get that?
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They don’t talk about it, but both of them are feeling very alone, and starting to lose faith in each other...
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Meanwhile, the boys age up. Bernado’s a popularity sim and Cassimiro’s knowledge.
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Eventually, things in the marriage finally explode and Cassandra tells Don about Darren, trying to get a rise out of him.
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Don immediately retaliates by woohooing with Sharon Wirth on a grocery-run.
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After a cool-off day, they agree to break things off, and Don moves out.
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He moves in, temporarily, with Bella. Who is insistant that he and Cassie try and patch things up!
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He’s more interested in exploring new options, though.
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Bella is devestated to lose her job as a party guest.
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Meanwhile Oliver Goth (Dina and Mortimer’s son) gets his first kiss with Ariel Capp! Later he goes on a date with Tommy Ottomas, too.
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At one of Bella’s parties, Cassandra and Don keep things civil, but Cassandra evidently isn’t doing well.
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Bella goes on a date with Gilbert Jacquet. It’s not really all that serious between them, and Bella still misses Mortimer dreadfully, but Gilbert is charming and handsome enough to take her mind of her worries.
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Things with Bella and Don also seem to be getting a little heavy, and Don concludes he needs to move out before things cross a line. Bella reluctantly agrees, it’s obvious her plan to get him and Cassie back together hasn’t worked
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Don moves to Strangetown!
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Next up are the Ramaswami family, a nice breath of fresh air after all the drama.
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Priya befriends some of the other mothers in town, becoming especially close to Kaylynn.
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And baby Ravi gows into maybe the coolest toddler ever?
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Sanjay survives a near death experience.
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And Priya finds out she’s expecting again!
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Divorced once and with the girls having just graduated college, Daniel Pleasant didn’t expect to be engaged again with a kid on the way as he approached retirement age, doing it all over again. He’s far from unhappy about it, though. Mary Sue always had an independent streak, but Kaylynn adores him. Maybe it’s a bit selfish, but it feels so good to be needed.
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Kaylynn knows some people in the neighbourhood look down on her, think her naive, call her a homewrecker… that’s fine. If they worked as a cleaner for years and years maybe they’d consider packing it in and settling into an easy life, too. What’s wrong with wanting to be taken care of?
Notably (and much to my horror) during the Pleasant round, Brandi and John start up their affair again.
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Kaylynn finally gives birth, to a baby boy they call Jeffery Pleasant, after Daniel’s father. Daniel’s really pleased!
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Jennifer’s eager to meet her new nephew. She and Kaylynn get off to a rocky start, but eventually start to bond.
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She’s closest friends with Brandi Broke, though. The two have become inseperable, with Brandi visiting all the time.
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Daniel invites both of the girls over to meet their little brother, but Angela is the only twin who shows. Whether that’s because they have a better relationship, or because Lilith was just busy is anyone’s guess.
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Then it turns out Kaylynn’s pregnant again already?
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Kaylynn and Daniel tie the knot!
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Nina and Don also reconcile at the wedding.
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Kaylynn gives birth to another baby boy, Luke!
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And Jeff ages upp!
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Daniel ages up, too. It’s finally time for him to retire, soon...
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Daniel’s definitely a bit of a dirty old man, but Kaylynn doesn’t seem entirely oblivious to that side of him, and figures as long as she keeps his needs met they should be fine. We’ll see if that holds up.
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Then it was time to catch up with the Shoreharts, who moved here form Widespot for a fresh start.
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A retired chef, Sandy’s enjoying her retirement a lot more than she ever enjoyed being a stay at home mom. Granted, all this free time has her a little restless, but it’s nothing a bit of time outdoors and excercise can’t fix. She hopes.
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They were honestly pretty chill! Rhett’s taken to the whole marriage thing suprisingly well, for a romance sim. Turns out, as long as he’s getting lovin’ on a regular basis he doesn’t really care if it’s with one woman or several. It’s never boring with Sandy, and he intends to keep her as happy as he can for the rest of her days. That’ll show her shit-heel of an ex-husband.
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Mostly they just spend a lot of time with family.
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Sandy’s very generious with the backrubs, but nothing goes too far.
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Mimi is definitely at least a little anxious about her parents’ marriage though, because she spends some of the round reading up on Couple’s Councelling.
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Then it’s time for her to age up! She grows into a rather cute romance sim.
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Then at the party the house of cards starts to crumble, as Sandy gives her ex-husband Hamilton a kiss, right in front of Mimi and Rocky.
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Mimi agrees not to tell her Dad, but isn’t happy. She spends a lot of time out of the house.
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With Sandy keeping her indescretion quiet, I’m not sure what they have in store in the future!
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Regardless, next are the Ramirez family.
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Tessa’s spent a lot of time looking afte rthe baby and she’s sick of it! So she spends some time Downtown with friends.
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She later takes Bernardo on a date, although he’s not sure if he likes her as more than a friend. Bernardo likes the idea of falling in love with Tessa, who he’s always admired! But he’s a little hesitant at the same time, especially with his parents’ divorce still being so recent.
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Checo has a bit of a wandering eye, but mostly he keeps himself in check.
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Checo might be a bit of a flirt, but at least he’s not a hypocrite. When Lisa was dancing with Skye he didn’t even bat an eye. Or maybe he just doesn’t see an old man as much of a threat…
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Ugh, God, I forgot this happened
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Baby Sofia grew up super cute!
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Anyway, that’s all from them!
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The Oldies weren’t too eventful, mostly just focused on hobbies!
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They did finally meet Mary’Sue’s new partner, which went... poorly.
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But they did have a nice meeting with their grandaughter later, and a fun night out!
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Then it was the Burbs! John’s recent indescretions with Brandi aside, things seemed to be going well.
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At least, until he made out with Coral Oldie :/
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Oblivious to thins, Jennifer was starting to trust John again.
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They had dinner with Jen’s brother Dan and his new wife...
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And Jennifer discovered she was pregnant again!
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Lucy headed away for college...
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And baby James grew up, leaving the Burb round complete and Pleasantview all done & dusted!
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pagesofkenna · 3 years
Heads up, today is Creator Day on Itch.io, meaning Itch is waiving their service fee for the day and giving 100% of profits to creators! A bunch of people have put bundles together, including a bunch of indie TTRPG folks! Here's some of my tabletop and video game recommendations:
Blades in the Dark - This is a very well known title in the TTRPG community, and one of my FAVORITE games of all time. You and your friends play a gang of scoundrels - thieves, murderers for hire, cultists, whatever you want to be - trying to survive in the seedy underbelly of a city plunged into eternal night. Very reminiscent of Dishonored, Bloodbourne, Peaky Blinders, and Crimson Peak.
Golden Sky Stories - THIS IS SUCH A CUTE GAME. You and your friends play animal spirits in a quiet, rural Japanese town. You can transform from forms that look like human children to foxes, birds, tanuki, and so on. There's no combat mechanic (not that I remember) because the purpose of the game is to help out the humans in the town, or the great spirits in the forest. I wish this was more well known!
Superstition - This is the game I did a writeup of on my portfolio blog a few weeks ago, written by a friend so you should check it out! It's a solo storytelling game where you play a fake seer making up rituals.
The One - A tabletop dating sim! I actually helped beta test this a little. It's another solo game, you draw cards and roll dice to try to maintain a successful relationship in a weird fantasy city. I ended up dating and breaking up with at least ten different monsters and spirits.
Take Root - Tabletop farming sim! Like Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley? Play it with dice! Can be played solo or in a group. I haven't personally played this one yet, but I'm planning to play it soon and do a writeup for my portfolio blog.
Alone on a Journey - A collection of solo games, some of which you can pick up for free if you just want to try them out. Sort of a meditative worldbuilding exercise - you draw cards to get prompts, then write out what you discover about the world around you based on those prompts.
Thursday - A diceless, GMless 2+ player game about time loops - like Groundhogs Day! I haven't actually played this one yet (*eyes emoji*) but I've been watching it for a while and it looks fantastic.
Delve - A solo dungeon mapping game. You control a kingdom of dwarves who are digging further and further into the ground, trying to unearth riches without unleashing an elder evil. The first time I played this I... sorta got my whole kingdom killed....
Monster Mix - A 2-player game, both players create a monster character and then create a music playlist for that character. Then you each listen to the other's playlist, and try to see how many questions you can answer about the other's character. It's a cool experiment in character creation AND playlist making, which I love.
Artefact - Another solo game, but instead of playing a character you play a magical artefact, a cool sword or magic ring or whatever you want to create. Over the course of the game you tell the story of this item, how it was created and what great events it's seen, over the long, long arc of history.
(Note on Solo games for people new to them: They're a lot like guided writing prompts, but I love to use them to create backstories for OCs, or flesh out a setting for writing projects or DND games. You can journal as much or as little as you like.)
Video Games:
Oxenfree - (In last year's Itch megabundle) A 2D sidescrolling horror game about teenagers stuck overnight on an island with angry ghosts. Listen I don't love horror as a genre but this got me SO good, its creepy and unsettling and ghosty, and the music is amazing, and it's an indie fan favorite.
A Short Hike - (In last year's Itch megabundle) A cutesy short exploration game - also stuck on an island, you play a bird-person who sets off on a hike to the top of the mountain.
Arcade Spirits - Nerdy visual novel/dating sim! I think this also may have been in that megabundle. In an alternate world where arcades never went out of style, you try to hold down your job at a floundering mom-and-pop arcade, fight the capitalist megacorp, and maybe find love (but only if you want)!
A Normal Lost Phone - The entire game takes place in a phone you've apparently found on the ground. You have to snoop through the owner's texts, email, and apps to figure out how to turn on the wifi and unlock more parts of the phone, discovering the story of the person who 'lost' it. I don't wanna spoil anything but it was a very touching game.
Feel free to share some of your own recommendations!
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
It's so good to have you back! I actually went and got myself a tumblr account in the meantime, so now I can properly follow you instead of just lurking anonymously 😄 Don't have an actual prompt for you, although I saw that you've been watching shadow and bone, and I'd certainly love to read anything you write about those guys if you happen to feel like it 😇 In any case, welcome back, and it's great to hear that things are looking up for you ❤
Haha, thanks! Since you didn’t specify a prompt, and because people seem very excited about this Helnik modern AU that is, to nobody’s surprise, becoming a full-length fic, I will give you an excerpt from chapter one for Important Reasons.
Nina boots up the secured OS, opens Tor, and navigates to a secured messaging site, accessed via a one-time key that will deactivate when used (another one of Jesper’s inventions) and randomly generate a new encryption code that she has to access elsewhere. The Crows have gotten very good at not putting all their eggs in one basket, but when you run a successful grey-hat hacktivist collective that has made a specialty out of pissing off powerful people (including in this very country), it’s a necessary fact of life. There are five of them: Nina herself, Inej Ghafa, Jesper Fahey, Wylan Van Eck, and the boss, Kaz Brekker. It took a long time for them to reveal real names; for the first few years, they communicated only under pseudonyms. Nina is “Heartrender.” Inej is “Wraith.” Jesper is “Sharpshooter,” and Wylan is “Runaway.” As for Kaz, their mysterious, mercurial man-in-charge who was teaching himself C#, Java, and VBScript at twelve, running Nazi-doxxing ops with Anonymous and Bellingcat at sixteen, and establishing himself as the head of his own feared gang of cyber-criminals at eighteen, he’s “Dirtyhands” or sometimes simply “The Bastard.” The epithet is apt. You don’t survive in this life by making friends or trusting your enemies, and Kaz has a knack for not doing either. Not that Nina’s about to complain. God knows, especially now, she could use a little ruthlessness.
She signs onto the Crows’ dedicated chat channel and sends an innocuous-looking phrase about bad weather which actually means, “I am in deep shit and need to talk to someone right now.” Then she waits, staring at the screen, wondering how long it’ll take to be answered. Kaz and Inej are currently based in Amsterdam, an hour behind, which isn’t too bad. They’re probably awake, not least since neither of them keep a remotely standard schedule, but there are any number of other things they could be doing, most of which are flagrantly illegal. But it’s only ten minutes or so until Nina’s notifications ping, and a message pops up:
Wraith: I’ll call you. Give me a couple min.
Heartrender: Primary phone got snatched. Use burner.
Wraith: Oh shit. Nvm. Calling now.
With that, it’s no more than a few seconds until Nina’s burner phone starts buzzing, she fumbles a little as she grabs it, and tucks it under her ear. “Inej?”
“Nina?” Her best friend sounds understandably worried. “Are you all right? What’s going on?”
“I – ” Nina’s relatively sure that the FSB doesn’t have a fix on this crappy throwaway phone, since she changes the SIM card every month, gets a new number, and otherwise does her best to make sure they don’t, but deeply ingrained habits are not easily shaken. She shoots a glance at the door, making sure her parents aren’t listening. Finally, having been assured that this call is as free of outside interference as can ever be assured in the modern world, she says, “I got busted last night. Big time. They meant business.” There’s a quaver in her voice. She chokes it down.
“Oh Nina, no. Did they hurt you?”
“No, but they – like I said, they were not screwing around. They openly threatened to send me to IK-2 if I kept doing my stuff, and – I’m not giving up. You know I’m not. But it might… it might be time to get out of Russia for a while.”
“Where are you now? Are you safe?”
“At my parents’ house. My backup gear is here. But there’s no way I can work here. They don’t know the half of it, and if they did, they would hit the roof. I don’t have anywhere else I can think of, and…” Nina trails off. “Is there any way I can come to Amsterdam with you?”
“I don’t know.” Inej is clearly thinking hard. “The Crows aren’t exactly a registered company that can offer you a work visa. Kaz is Dutch, obviously, but he could probably only sponsor you for permanent settlement if he married you, and I doubt you want that – ”
“I doubt you want it either – ”
“I have right to remain, at least until Brexit goes through,” Inej says, evidently deciding to power right on past that comment and pretend she didn’t hear it. She and Kaz might be living together, and obviously devoted to each other, but they’re still not yet at the “actual relationship” stage of things, and for all Nina knows, they might never be. “Unless – wait.”
“I was joking about Kaz marrying you,” Inej says slowly. “But what if it’s not such a bad idea?”
“What? No. I am not marrying Kaz!”
“Not him,” Inej says. “Someone else. Someone with a non-Russian passport who could theoretically get you out of there. It would be hard, and we’d have to do some work to make the relationship look real, but Jesper could help with whatever we needed forged. Have we ever mentioned Matthias Helvar to you?”
“Matthias who?”
“I’ll take that as a no. He’s another one of Kaz’s… contacts. Norwegian. We helped him get out of jail a year ago, and he owes us a big favor. He’s also stupidly honorable, unattached, and probably pathologically unable to resist helping a lady in distress.” To Nina’s horror or her hope, Inej sounds like she is actually considering this. “If he married you, he might – ”
“If he what? He was in jail?” Nina is aghast. “So he’s a criminal?”
“You know,” Inej says, bone-dry. “We’re all criminals.”
“Yes, but if he was in jail, that means he got caught, and that means he’s a stupid criminal. I could marry a criminal, but I draw the line at a stupid criminal.”
“He wasn’t – it was complicated.” Inej’s tone portends a very long story they definitely do not have time to get into. “Anyway, Kaz helped get him out, and he lives in Oslo now. You could do a lot worse than Norwegian spousal citizenship.”
“This is insane,” Nina says weakly. “Is he ugly? He must be ugly.”
“Really.” Despite the gravity of the situation, Inej is definitely trying not to laugh. “That’s your objection? For the record, no. He’s not ugly. He’s just your type.”
“Oh. Oh, like that’s any better. He can’t possibly be my type. Inej – ”
“Look,” Inej interrupts. “Do you want to get arrested or not?”
“No,” Nina says meekly. “No, I really don’t.”
“So should I ask him?”
This is nuts. This is nuts this is nuts this is nuts this is nuts. Especially since Nina genuinely is starting to play the idea around in her head. Just for a moment. That’s all.
“Maybe,” she says, after a very long pause. “But I am not necessarily agreeing to this.”
“Of course not.” Inej sounds annoyingly smug. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
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