#i'm so anxious about change and i know the changes technically happen slowly
xiphiaarts · 27 days
okay, so i saw your love bug bois and i gotta ask, are the changes in the host super noticeable? is it a subtle thing where they’re just a bit more clingy and overbearing out of nowhere, or is there a bigger personality shift that comes with it? would they hid it to try and feed from the soul bound without suspicion or be out in the open trusting the person they got their eyes on won’t just walk out because of the bond? they looks so cool!
Ohmygoodness I love this QUESTION, okay so I think..
The changes that occur happen subtly and over time as the parasite gets used to it's host! They'll seem normal at first, and slowly but surely get more and more obsessive and protective over the subject of their bonding. It will be subtle but just noticeable enough for it to be unsettling, the constant staring, the hanging around their bonded every possible second, the distrust of any living creature who even speaks to them, until eventually it's too overbearing not to notice
There can also be changes in the hosts technical abilities or stats, say for instance papy's cooking abilities, or Sans' HP, Sick!sans' parasite would buff his HP for the security of both it and the host soul
Readmore cuz it got kind of long I'm sorry 😩
The parasite doesn't try and hide in the slightest, as far as it knows it isn't doing anything wrong, it may not be out in the open saying 'hey look at me', but if their bonded should learn about the parasite the host Will act as if it's normal, will ignore concerns surrounding it as the parasite has convinced the host soul that it's an ordinary or even necessary part of it, to keep their bonded safe (to keep their pantry full)
They will however hide that their intentions are to feed rather than to love. the host certainly has genuine love and affection in its soul, but the parasite causing said affection to run wild will pretend as if its not manipulating the host solely for the sustenance the magic of a soul bond gives them
There will also be odd nicknames given to the bonded like 'morsel' n 'treat' n stuff related to food, because that's how the parasite sees them, even if the host doesn't realize it
I've also thought about different parasite personalities for different aus!
The best example I have is swap papy, who when infected seems to become incredibly anxious whenever their bonded isn't in their direct line of sight or is talking too nicely with another person, leading to situations of jealousy and the like
Where as regular infected papy is too delusional to think their bonded would even think of another fondly, who would when they're bonded to someone as great as him? While you don't have to deal with the jealousy, you do have to deal with him saturating each and every possible second of your day with his presence, his gifts and his expertly crafted food. One oddity is that it's, actually edible, unlike usual
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softsebnbuckystan · 3 years
Soul ties - Part 1 (Bucky Barnes au)
“Oh, my my my soul so glad He's popped by to say hello to me„
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Your wedding day was coming soon, which is why you were parading around the store in a puffy white dress. You had insisted this is the last thing you did, since you didn't trust yourself with a white dress and unsupervised. Your best friend was there, obviously, and he was a little too excited about this dress.
"I love it", he said. "You look like a princess."
"I'm not sure..." You sighed. "It's too much, I'd like something slimmer, like..."
"A mermaid cut would be stunning on you," the sales assistant chimed in. "I actually think of this dress...wait a second."
She came back as quickly as she'd left with a gorgeous long-sleeved white dress. It was simple, with some lace here and there, and you loved it at first sight. After putting it on, you were convinced Darren, your groom, would love it as much as you did.
"Considering the smile on your face, I don't think I need to ask if you like it."
"No need, indeed. Oh Steve, isn't it beautiful?"
"It is, y/n. This dress found its owner, I believe."
Steve Rogers hadn't been in your life for a long time, and yet you could not imagine your days without his precious advice. He'd done a great job at rescuing you in Sokovia and even though you might not have had the same powers as your little sister Wanda, he decided to protect you as well. That's what Steve did : he protected people he cared about and now, he was your best friend, a brother, a shoulder to cry on and a contagious smile to hear.
"I can't wait to walk you down the aisle."
"Are those tears in your eyes, big guy ?"
He shook his head, visibly moved. You flashed him a cheeky smile as you walked to the changing room and you heard him snort. In the car back home, Steve couldn't help but think about your dress choice. You'd been avoiding this kind question the whole day.
"I love the dress you picked, of course, but is there a peculiar reason you rejected the one that showed some skin?"
You anticipated his next question and decided it was best to answer it right away. Talking about soulmate tattoos never missed to make you feel like an imposter, a liar. You couldn't say you liked that.
"You know the skin isn't the problem, Steve. And no, I still haven't changed my mind about Darren."
Steve looked back at the road and nodded.
"I support you no matter what, you already know that. I just wonder how it's possible he hasn't seen the tattoo yet."
"I'm careful. And whenever he asks, I tell him I was born without one."
"He buys that ?"
"Yeah. It's happened to other people, sadly. He can never know the tattoo doesn't show his first words to me. I love him and that is all that matters." You desperately searched for a change of subject or a way to lighten the mood. "I'm still wondering what my supposed soulmate did – or will do – to me though... I mean, 'shit, i'm sorry' isn't common. I've never seen swear words on anyone's body except mine."
"Well, you are far from common yourself after all."
"I guess you're right."
"Ready ?"
You exhaled slowly and closed your eyes for a second. The smell of roses and grass was all around you and you could feel some rays of sunshine hitting your skin. Coming back to yourself, you looked at Steve and placed your hand on his arm.
"Ready," you answered, even though you did not mean that.
"Easy," he said as he felt your hand shake. "Darren is already crazy about you, he's not gonna run away. You on the other hand...well, it's still time to make it happen."
"I don't wanna run away, silly! I... I want to marry him. I am just, you know, slightly anxious."
"Yeah, slightly." He scoffed. "It's okay, you have the right to be anxious. Let's go, shall we?"
You almost couldn't hear the music playing as you started walking down the aisle. Every one was looking at you and it made you feel...weird ? Darren, at the other end of the path, was smiling at you. He strongly believed in you being his soulmate. After all, all his tattoo said was "hello", and he'd been confused his whole life at the amount of people speaking that word around him. You tried to smile back, of course, even though it felt slightly off. No one was looking at you weird, though, so it must've been just a feeling. Steve finally left you next to Darren.
"Dear guests, friends and family, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union in marriage of Darren Garrett Ward and y/n y/l/n."
Wanda, your sister and bridesmaid, gave you a reassuring look. She knew about the tattoo as well, even though she always thought of it as an old-dated superstition who tricked people into believing there was only one person right for them in the universe. That couldn't be true in her opinion, since she was blissfully in love with an android, who – technically speaking – had no skin to put a tattoo on. Her views on this had played a great role into making you feel better about lying to Darren.
"I, Darren Garrett Ward, take you, y/n y/l/n, to be my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."
Okay, your turn now. You had this. With a smile on your face, you proceeded.
"I, y/n y/l/n, take you, Darren Garett Ward, to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Sir, you may kiss the bride."
As Darren leaned in to kiss you, the whole crowd cheered and threw flower petals at you. That was the moment you finally felt filled with joy. The sun was shining above your head and everyone was perfectly happy for a moment. The kiss ended and Darren took your hand to take you a little farther in the beautiful garden, where all the tables had been installed for the party. Seated at the biggest table, you felt good, even with all those pair of eyes over you. You were married to the man you'd loved for three years, and nothing could ruin this perfect night. Steve finally joined you after speaking of the last details with the band he'd hired.
"Mrs y/l-Ward, I believe I haven't properly introduced you to my friend here..."
Unfortunately for the friend ini question, that was the moment a kid chose to hit him with a football, causing him to spill coffee all over your chest.
"F*ck, that's hot!" you exclaimed after getting up as a reflex.
"Shit, I'm sorry," he said instantly, with a somewhat grumpy voice because of the slight humiliation.
The two of you immediately shot looks at each other, at loss for words. Steve, who'd heard the exchange, couldn't believe his eyes. He'd always thought that his friend's "f*ck, that's hot" tattoo meant...well, something else. In an effort to seem unsuspicious, he finished introducing his friend.
"Bucky, meet y/n. I..."
"Steve, you'll finish the presentations later," Darren interrupted. "Y/n needs to change. Can you take care of that ?"
In an another scenario, you would've preferred Darren to offer his own help but there and then, you jumped on the occasion as Steve seized your hand and strode away from the scene. You were – undoubtedly – in total disbelief and when Steve handed you your evening dress, you had no idea what was going on anymore.
"What do I do now ?"
--- yes, i am back! I rarely post on this media, but I hope my story can make some people smile or just spend ten minutes away from their problems! Feel free to give me feedback
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aliasimagines · 3 years
A Merry Little Christmas
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word count: 1320
Merry Christmas @jmarshy97!! I hope you'll enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Hope you have a magical, great holiday!💕✨🎄
and thanks so much for @jatpdaily for making this event happen! happy holidays to you all too! 💕✨🎄
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Luke used to love christmas. It was honestly his favorite holiday as a small kid and that didn’t really change after he got older. There is just something about the colorful lights, the hot drinks and delicious foods that made the boy a big fan of the season.
But seeing Julie hanging up a few fairy lights on the studio while humming along to All I Want For Christmas caused him to recall his last christmas. Which was technically 25 years ago.
He thought back to the great christmas tree standing in the middle of their living room with the whole house being decorated. Luke remembers how he grabbed the garland out of his mother's hand with a smile because she couldn’t reach the top of the cabinet where she wanted to put it. Luke and his mom decorated the whole house in one afternoon while singing along to their favourite holiday songs. 
But he also remembers their fight, just a few days before christmas eve. She screamed at him, he screamed back, they all said some pretty bad things neither of them ment. That year he spent christmas alone and crying in the very same studio Julie and the boys are now decorating. Alright he wasn’t completely alone, the guys tried everything to make it a good one and he spent both christmas eve and boxing day at Bobby’s. But the fact that  it was his last Christmas alive and that he can’t ever spend it with his mother again came crashing down on him. Next thing he knew he poofed out of the studio.
He just couldn’t be there now. It was too..Too much? It wasn’t because of his friends, he just wanted to be alone right now.
Julie giggled as Reggie told her about that one time he, Luke and Alex decided to prank Bobby and feed him the lie that the only thing they got him for Christmas was a pair of socks. 
Alex was the first one to notice their friend's  absence.
“Hey...guys, where is Luke?”
Both Reggie and Julie looked up and glanced around the place with wide eyes.
“He was here a few minutes ago. Where did he go?” Reggie asks and soon after Julie puts her worry into words too.
“Why would he leave without a word?”
Alex shook his head before realization hit him like a lightning.
“It’s Christmas.” he said, mentally beating himself up for not thinking about it earlier. Julie looks at him with a puzzled look while Reggie just facepalms.
“Man, I completely forgot..”
Julie looks at Alex than at Reg.
“What? What’s going on you guys?”
Alex slowly exhaled, not that he needed air with being a ghost and all, and started to explain.
“Luke, he ran away from home just a week before Christmas back in the 90’s. It was really hard for him. And you know how he never got to make up with his mom so.. I guess Christmas is still a sensitive thing for him.” 
Alex felt the 'anxiety monster' inside of him creeping closer and closer. His thoughts were all over the place, trying to figure out what to do, blaming himself for not remembering. 
He started to walk up and down the studio while mumbling under his breath, he does this a lot when he is anxious, the boys like to call it his runway walk practice. 
"What do we do now?" he asked, finally stopping and looking at the remaining members of the band. 
"We are going to try everything we can to make this holiday extra special for Luke!" says Julie jumping up with a determined expression. 
"Yes, let's do this!" Reggie joined the singer and put his hand out mid-air. "For Luke!" 
"For Luke!" 
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The studio looked amazing, it always did but now they really outdone themselves. 
All three of them, the two 'musician spirits' and Julie, stepped back so they could take in their masterpiece. 
"Wow, if I actually would have to like..you know, breathe I would be totally in trouble cause this-" Reggie gestures around the place " this takes my breath away." 
Julie nodded along. 
"I agree, now we just need to find him." 
Alex raised his hand.
"I'll go look for him." he starts walking towards the door but stops in his tracks and turns around "Hey, uhm.. Julie? Is there any chance we could watch Home Alone? Luke really liked that movie."
"Sure! I'll have it on by the time you guys are back."
Julie and Reggie went to find the movie as Alex poofed outside. 
Now he just needs to find a ghost who probably doesn't want to be found. Fortunately for Alex (and unfortunately for Luke) he knows Luke, so well that he doesn't really have to think for a  long time to figure out where he could be.
His guess is right because he sees the boy sitting in the sand. This was a small, kind of 'secret' part of the shore with overgrown bushes and trees blocking the view from the more busy part of the beach. 
They often came here, back when they were alive, this place was calm and the sound of the waves crashing into the sand was just so comforting. 
Luke loved it here the most probably. He is just such an energetic person always up and about, he just loved to escape it all and come here to relax. 
"Hey." the blond spoke softly. 
Luke didn't look up, he didn't need to, he knew who it was even before Alex opened his mouth. 
"Is this seat taken?" Alex awkwardly gestures to the empty space beside Luke. 
"It's all yours." he says simpy, sitting still and watching the waves. 
And for a few minutes they stay there, enjoying the silence and the company. 
"Luke.. I know how hard it is. And I'm sorry for forgetting about it.."
Luke finally turns away and looks at the drimmer. 
"No, bro, it's fine. You don't have to apologize. It's just- it sucks man. But at least I still have you..and Jules and Reg." 
"You will always have us, I promise. Do you maybe wanna get back?" 
"Why?" asks Luke quietly. 
"You love Christmas, and despite everything that happened I want you to still have a great time." he immediately goes to bite his lips, fearing that he overstepped. But then Luke smiles at him. 
"Let's go then." he gets up and offers his hand for Alex, who takes it, and pulls him up too. 
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"Hey guys, sorry for- woah! What? The place looks incredible!!" Luke yells excitedly.
They rearranged a few furniture so the Christmas tree would fit in. It wasn't huge, but it was wide and looked beautiful with the handmade decorations on it. Small ghosts, instruments and fairylights hang from each branch. 
There are candles placed everywhere along traditional decorations that Luke's mum used all the time. 
"You like it?" Reggie jumps in front of him. Luke grabs his shoulders 
"Like it?? Dude, I'm in love with all of this! And you guys! I love you so much for doing this for me." 
They all laugh, happy they could make their friend smile. 
"Hey, Luke do you want to watch Home Alone?" Julie points at her laptop sitting on top of the small table in front of the couch. 
"Heck yeah! I love that movie!" 
They all went to sit down on the couch. 
"Thank you." says Luke for everyone but his eyes wander over to Alex. The blonde offered a smile as they gazed at each other for a few more seconds. 
"Khm.. Julie, how did you get your dad to buy a new tree?" asks Luke, tearing his gaze away from Alex. The girl grimaced at the question. 
"Well, about that.. I actually-" she was cut off by a yell coming from outside.
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igotyouniverse · 4 years
Breathe Me - Chapter 3 [nct vamp au]
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Pairing: Oc x Taeyong , Oc x Johnny [side: markxoc, tenxoc, lucasxoc, jaehyunxoc]
Included Members: Taeyong, Johnny, Mark, Lucas, Ten, Jaehyun, Doyoung, Haechan (maybe more)
Genre: Drama, Romance, Angst, Fantasy
Warnings: angst, blood, death (this chapter), strong language
Description: After dropping out of college and coming home for the first time in two years, 22-year-old Ava Lee gets caught up in a mystery surrounding the people she thought she knew for so long. Between friendship, affairs and true love the young women finds herself being pulled into a  nightmare she would never wake up from.
a/n: dundunduuun. I re-wrote this chapter 8476 times. Yikes.This chapter is from the boys' (mostly Taeyong) point of view so you get a little insight on the different relationships and what happened :o Plus some explanation to what they (obviously) are and other stuff . *winkwonk* Anyway I hope you enjoy this! I’m actually hyped to write the next one, oof. (I had to delete and repost this because Tumblr wasn’t showing it anymore and idk why)
[tagging @neowritingsnet and @czennienet because tumblr won’t let this post show up in the tags, whysoever :^)
words: ~5k
Ch. 1 || Ch. 2 ||
Taeyong sighed, resting his back against the wall of the café. He looked down to his feet, listening to the conversation the two girls had, while hiding in the back room, to avoid looking at them. Yes, he felt a bit ashamed for eavesdropping but was it really eavesdropping if he would understand every word anyway? He didn't even have to try to specifically listen to them. The café was quiet, just some cozy music playing in the background – nothing that would distract his sensitive senses.  
He let the back of his head fall against the wall, his eyes now facing the ceiling when someone came into the room.  
“You good?”, Jaehyun said and Taeyong nodded at his friend, straightening himself up and walking up to the table, thinking if he should just make some more pastries to keep his thoughts collected and senses calm.
He saw how Jaehyuns eyes were glued to the small doorway arch, leading into the main room of the café. Taeyong knew that he was listening as well. How couldn't he?  
“Did you know that she was back?”, Taeyong asked, raising one of his brows, looking directly into Jaehyuns eyes when he turned his head away from the noise and towards his friend.
Jaehyun kept silent for a minute and bit his lip. Taeyong knew, that he couldn't lie to him. Well, he could try.
“It's fine if you don't want to tell me.”, Taeyong added softly and let a small smile escape his lips.  
“Thank you.”, Jaehyun answered, seemingly relieved.
Taeyong looked away, not wanting to disturb his friend much longer.  
“Strange, isn't it? Why did she come back now?”, Jaehyun asked quietly, starting to set up some hot water to get himself some tea.
“I don't know.”, he answered, his voice sounding dry.  
He felt how Jaehyun looked at him.  
“It doesn't matter, as long as you won't let her out of your sight.”, Taeyong added and sighed.
“Of course I won't. I didn't let her out of my sight for the past years now, just how you told me to do. But it's not like we're that close or something. She rarely really talks to me anyway.”, Jaehyun answered truthfully.  
“I know. You don't need to tell me what you're doing if you don't want to, Jaehyun. I won't force you to tell me.”, Taeyong tried to smile again, not letting his emotions out of control for a brief second. He knew, that Jaehyun knew he was hiding something, yet he didn't further ask him anything.  
These years ago, after the incident, Taeyong needed to change something. He knew that she was at risk of getting hurt. But Johnny was incapable of even talking about her, after what happened. Taeyong just had to know how safe she was in New York, so he entrusted her safety with Jaehyun. The boy knew, what could happen if he sent Jaehyun but he couldn't care about his own feelings. It wasn't right. So he didn't.  
Yet, it was indeed strange that she decided to come back for now. It was even stranger that no one seemed to feel the need to tell him. He could understand them, though. None of them knew his part of the whole story – not even Johnny. And that's how it was supposed to be. Still, he wished someone had told him so he could prepare. But as much as he was worried to show anything, he knew that she wasn't able to see it anyway. However, the encounter with her wasn't how it was supposed to be. The way she looked at him, he could see her emotions written all over her soft face. She remembered something in the back of her head. He sighed slightly, trying to think about what he'd done wrong. It wasn't usually like this. She was supposed to see him as a complete stranger.  
“You want some tea?”, he heard Jaehyun ask and shook his head. It wasn't like they needed it anyway, yet he knew that Jaehyun enjoyed the taste of it.  
They both looked up as they heard how the girls stood up and brought their plates and cups to the counter. They noticed how Ava stood still for a moment, before leaving the café.  
“Do you think it's a good idea to let her come to the party?”, Jaehyun asked after he took a sip of his tea.  
“Well, you can't un-invite her. As long she won't be left alone, nothing will happen.”, Taeyong patted his friend's shoulder before going out to collect the dirty dishes and putting them in the sink where he started to clean them.  
“Ah, Johnny's outside.”, Taeyong said as he sensed the presence of his friend right outside the back door. “Would you mind picking up some books from the store?”, he added and looked at Jaehyun, who was staring it him for a second too long. Both heard that Ava was probably going there right this second.
The room got silent for a while, only filled with the noise of running water and the scrubbing of the sponge, Taeyong cleaned the dishes with.  
“Fine.”, Jaehyun sighed, not able to say no, even though Taeyong didn't do anything.  
Taeyong listened how both of them went to the store next door and finished doing the dishes and putting them back in the shelves where they belong.
It wasn't easy for him to see Ava after this time, yet he just had to pretend he rarely knew her. Honestly, he wasn't even sure if he'd knew her at all. All these memories he buried in the last corner of his brain, where they should just fade slowly, but they simply weren't as slowly fading as he wished for. It was tiring for him. Way easier, when she wasn't in the small town, though. He even resisted from asking how things where going whenever Jaehyun had some news. He just pretended he didn't care at all. It would be way too awkward and exhausting if he'd tell them. It was for the best just like things were.
Maybe she wasn't staying for long anyway, maybe it was just a short visit whatsoever. But deep down he knew it wasn't. He was a little uneasy thinking about the part, maybe even anxious. It wasn't like he thought their house was a dangerous place, yet he preferred to let her stay out of it for as long as possible. He sighed and looked at the clock, thinking about how he would survive for the next hours with his head full of thoughts.  
Lost in thought, he cleaned the tables. Was it insensitive for him to send Jaehyun and Johnny together when he knew she was there? Maybe. But it wasn't his cup of tea, honestly. He didn't want to interfere with their lives, especially not hers. The years went by and she got more grown-up, he thought, probably much stronger than before, so she'd knew what was best for her. Or at least, that's what he wished for.
He knew that the city she knew changed and it wouldn't take long until she started to ask questions. Things happened, life went on. Taeyong wanted nothing more than to protect her from all these things which had happened and will happen but he wasn't in the position to do so. He just hoped time went by quickly and she'd return to a city where she was safe. Well, safer than here.  
Taeyong could easily hear how Johnny and Jaehyun came through the backdoor again, their hands full with books. He could tell the shifting atmosphere between them and watched how Johnny just quickly nodded at him before bringing the books into the café, placing them in the intended bookshelf on the wall at the back.  
Taeyong sighed and looked at Jaehyun who just shrugged his shoulders and completed his task the same way Johnny did.  
“Why did you tell her to come?”, he heard Johnny ask Jaeyhun as both of them joined Taeyong in the back.  
“Well, technically I didn't tell her. Her friend invited her beforehand.”, Jaehyun chuckled and tried to avoid Taeyong's staring gaze.
“You do realize I'm not blind, don't you?”, Johnny hissed and Taeyong saw how his jaw clenched. Johnny wasn't good at hiding his emotions. He never really was.  
“I know.”, Jaehyun answered plainly and leaned against a big table in the middle of the room.  
“I don't know what you want. Do you want to make me mad?”, Johnny's voice was strained, he got angry. Taeyong avoided to look directly at his friend, continuing to listen to their conversation, even though he didn't even want to hear it at this time.  
“Jeez, not everything is about you, Johnny.”, Jaehyun said annoyed, running his hand through his dark hair and sighing, looking at Taeyong, asking him for help but Taeyong just turned around and headed outside of the door.  
He obviously didn't tell Johnny about the task he obliged Jaehyun with as he honestly didn't think of them to collide like this any time soon. He sighed and stood in front of the back door for some time, fighting with himself if he should listen to their conversation or not.  
“Since when are you close to her anyway? I never even see you talk to her.”, he heard Johnny ask Jaehyun.
“You mean because you talked to her so much the last years?”, Jaehyun chuckled, “Honestly, you should seriously get your shit together. She won't wait forever, you know.”
The door opened in front of Taeyong and Jaehyun stared at him before closing it behind him, leaving Johnny alone in the room.  
“I won't ask you to tell me why you want me to do this.”, Jaehyun sighed once more and started to walk next to Taeyong, who fell silent.
“Didn't you say it was a small gathering?”, Jaehyun said while watching more and more people casually walk into their house. Most of them had some kind of booze or snacks in their hands, everyone already seeming to feel a little lightheaded, as they started to laugh and dance to the music.
“Yeah, I might've told some people and you know-”, Lucas answered apologetic and pouted towards Jaehyun, who just rolled his eyes and patted Lucas' shoulder to signalize him that it was fine. He couldn't change it anyway now. Lucas face lit up and he smiled at Jaehyun, thanking him for being chill and cool, before wiggling his way through the mass of people, in which everyone seemed to know him.
Jaehyun's eyes followed the youngest with every step he took. He was young, just wanting to enjoy is life, Jaehyun thought, yet he knew that Lucas wasn't quite there yet. He still had his phases in which he still was unable to control himself. Not being able to control oneself, mixed with young people who were buzzed was a delicate matter. He did trust Lucas, though. He knew, that he would never hurt anyone on purpose and saw how much he tried to fit in and adjust to his life with them.  
“No need to worry, he has a good day.”, Taeyongs voice appeared next to Jaehyun, who turned towards his friend and smiled mildly.
“He seems to be in a good mood.”, Jaehyun said, when looking at Lucas again, who was now standing amidst a group of people, probably telling some story or jokes. The music and people way too loud for him to focus on his hearing ability to listen to their exact conversation.
“Yeah, he kinda invited half of the town, as it seems.”, Taeyong said, scratching his neck
“I'm honestly surprised to see you down here anyway. You don't like parties.”, Jaehyun stated, his head turning towards his friend again who shrugged his shoulders, his eyes scanning the people in front of them.  
“Just wanted to check in what's going on in my house. I'll probably go upstairs soon.”, he said after finishing his quick scan and look back at Jaehyun whose eyes were still on him, totally aware of the fact that he wasn't telling him something yet again.
Jaehyun let his eyes wander back at the room, watching how two of the local detectives came in together, where they immediately got greeted by some others. He watched how the girl took just a minimal step back, as soon as another girl stood next to her. The human didn't even notice it, just continuing with her talking but Jaehyun saw how the girl shifted every time another person was close to her. For a second, he looked back to Taeyong, whose eyes were focused on her as well.
Just as he looked back at her, her eyes met theirs and for a quick second, he felt something. A feeling in his stomach, a small burning, a signal. His muscles immediately tensed and he felt how his mouth got dry.
“Do you think she knows?”, Jaehyun whispered to Taeyong, whose muscles were clearly strained just like his.  
“The question isn't if she knows. It's why and what exactly she knows.”, Taeyong answered and kept on looking back at the girl, “I'll be upstairs. Would you mind coming up later?”
Jaehyun looked at Taeyong for a second and nodded before his friend let the girl go an quickly walked the stairs up.
When he turned away, the girl and her friend were gone. He sighed and squinted his eyes, looking at his hands.  
Taeyong closed the door to his bedroom behind him, quickly running up to his desk to search in the documents he so carefully made the last months, when things started to change in the town. He knew, something was about to happen. He felt it in his guts ever since that day when Lucas had to join them. Something happened that night – not only a transition but something more. He felt how a ritual took place inside a house somewhere in town, he just couldn't figure out where exactly. He searched the whole night but couldn't smell or hear anything at all in the middle of the town, which was more than suspicious to him, keeping in mind that his senses were so old and trained, he could hear noises hundreds of miles away. That's when he knew there had to be something non-human going on. Something magical.  
Which was technically impossible, because the last real witch who lived in  town has died and as of his knowledge she didn't have any children. It wasn't usual for witches to hold a ritual on some random night, no, they need to plan their rituals carefully and with months, if not years, of preparation, especially if it's a ritual to welcome a new member to their family.  
He knew, that witches weren't evil and usually he got along with them for the past decades but the way the ritual took place and the fact that they used magic to shield their ritual from them made him  think about the motives. It backed up his feeling that something was about to happen, something that the witches know about. Yet, he didn't know where they come from. They could've used magic for weeks to hide themselves from him and his friends. But why would they do this?  
“Damn it.”, he whispered under gritted teeth, his eyes scanning his documentations from the past months, trying to figure out what they're planning. The fact, that the girl lived in town for years before made him feeling unwell. If they were somewhat able to hide her powers and family history to him, they could be up for more.  
He sighed and walked up to his window, facing the front yard, watching cars pull up and people walk in. His gaze quickly caught two familiar figures in the dim light and saw how they slowly walked up to their entrance. Taeyong followed the movements of Ava for as long as he could, watching how she looked over the yard, while talking to her brother before they stepped inside.  
A mild knock on his door made him look away, waiting for the person to walk into his room.
“She's a witch, isn't she?”, Jaheyun said and looked over at Taeyong, who let himself down on a chair.  
“I think so, yeah.”, Taeyong sighed once more and watched how Jaehyun leaned himself against the door frame.  
“She's talking to Ava.”, he added and the look in Taeyong's eyes changed for a quick second, before he closed his eyes and tried to collect his thoughts.  
“Well, that's nothing we should be worried about.”, Taeyong finally answered and clicked his tongue. “You should probably know, that Ava doesn't have magical powers.”, he added and looked at Jaehyun, who just shrugged his shoulders.  
“She could have, though. I didn't know that girl had them as well.”, Jaehyun said while letting his eyes wander through the room to keep them busy.  
“She doesn't have powers.”, Taeyong stated once more, his voice firm as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.  
“Maybe they aren't active, yet.”, Jaehyun tried to argue but as soon as he saw Taeyong's look he shut his mouth.  
Taeyong knew that Ava couldn't be  a witch but for now he didn't want Jaehyun to know more than he needed to at this point. He saw how Jaehyun rolled his eyes and sighed.  
“Fine. I still think it's weird, that she's coming back to town just after the witches activate their powers.”, Jaehyun added.
“Of course it's problematic. Just try to keep an eye out for her. Especially tonight.”, Taeyong said and looked away, trying to put  the memories back in the corner of his head.  
“I will.”, Jaehyun said and as soon as Taeyong looked back at him, his friend turned around and walked back downstairs.
Taeyong sighed, standing up to look outside the window, before resting his head on the cold glass. His mind was way too loud for him to focus on one single thought or sense. It was a mixture of emotions, covering his thoughts like a thick mist. He needed to find out what was happening in the middle of the town, before his family got alerted. It was enough, that Jaehyun already sensed his uneasiness. He didn't need all of them to sense the distress he was going through. It was his task, his  purpose, to keep the peace for as long as possible and he knew he couldn't risk any danger to it.  
He closed his eyes for a second, trying to structure his thoughts. If Jaehyun sensed something, it wouldn't take long for the others to feel the same, especially now with that witch in their usually well guarded house. He needed to know what her motives were. Yet, he knew he couldn't underestimate her. Even when she was young and got her powers recently, he knew what they could do. Sooner or later he needed to talk to her. His eyes opened, fixating a small figure running out of the house. He saw how Ava practically stormed out, just to stand still for a second, her face turning towards the forest next to her. He furrowed his brows, her eyes were red, her blood pulsating rapidly in her body. Taeyong watched how she closed her eyes for a quick second, before walking straight forward into the woods.  
He waited for a moment, looking after her shadow, which was quickly disappearing in the dark, where not even his eyes could follow. He could clearly see how upset she was. He sighed, realizing how stupid it was for her to come into this house.  
Taeyong walked outside of his room, were he was greeted by Johnny standing next to Jaehyun in the small hallway upstairs.  
Johnny's head was rested against the wall, his eyes squinted together, while Jaehyun just stood there next to him, arms crossed in front of his chest, eyes wandering towards Taeyong, who could see clearly how Johnny's breath hitched and how he tried to keep his emotions in control.
He thought about saying something, but he couldn't think of anything which might be helpful for Johnny. Noone could actually help him with his emotions or guilt. It was something he needed to figure out by himself, so Taeyong decided to leave them behind, making his way downstairs, quickly disappearing through the front door without someone noticing him.  
He looked around, trying to make Ava's figure out but he couldn't. He furrowed his brows, following the path he saw her going at through his window. The music slowly disappeared behind him, making it easier for him to hear and try to find the girl. He stopped in his tracks when he suddenly heard noises somewhere around him. Footsteps. More than one. He knew the steps didn't belong to a human as he started to follow them, his heart starting to beat faster as he heard more noise moving further away.
Taeyong's breath started to hitch, his eyes scanning every inch in front of him, jumping from point to point, trying to get her tracks. His senses were on edge, he felt his body burning as he rushed through the woods in his supernatural speed, trying to follow the scent, which was already burned inside of him. He felt her emotions wandering through the air. He could clearly feel fear surrounding her, paired by fast, swift footsteps.  
He heard bricks cracking under someone's steps, letting his legs carry him towards the sounds. He could hear her short breaths. His ears could hear how her heart beat rapidly in her chest, he could feel the terror running through her. Taeyong felt his body tense, his mind going blank when he heard the scream. A scream, so full of terror it felt like his blood froze in his veins.
His eyes scanned the surrounding, trying to see anything in the dark, which usually wasn't a problem but something felt off. It was, like he couldn't quite see as clearly as he was used to, as if his vision was blurred, which was impossible. He continued to run through the woods, slowly losing the sound of her breath and heartbeat, which both got quieter with each second passing by.  
But then she saw her. It felt like he choked on air, seeing how the girl lied on the leaves, covered in dust. He looked around, a feeling growing inside of him. His emotions swirled around in his body, unsure about what exactly he was feeling at all. He was afraid – in fear. The prominent bite marks on her neck were in a deep red, blood still drooling out of them.
He looked at her body, how her eyes were closed, her skin looked pale. For a quick second he thought she might be dead. Fear spread through his veins, closing his eyes trying to concentrate on his senses. He sighed in relief, when his ears could hear a slow heartbeat.  
Taeyong looked around once more. He knew he wasn't alone. He could feel something lurking in the woods around him, carefully watching him. But there was no time. He couldn't go and search for the one who did this.  
With a quick motion he picked the nearly lifeless body up, pressing her against his chest. He looked at her fragile body, which was barely moving. Her eyes were sunken, skin pale due to the blood loss. He could see her veins through the thin, white skin, yet her face looked like it was covered in shadows.
He pressed his lips together as he rushed through the woods, leaving the lurking shadows as far behind him as he could.HIs mind went completely wild, thousands of thoughts and screams spinning through his head, feeling like it was about to explode at any seocnd.
The house was no option to put her, obviously, with that many humans around. Nobody could see her. He knew, that it wouldn't take long for his family to smell her blood through the air. He knew, they'd come fast.  
His legs carried him back near the house, a small entrance covered by trees and bushes leading right underneath the earth, into the crypt of his house. He breathed the muddy, thick air underground in and couldn't remember the last time he went in there, usually preferring to stay upstairs.  
He rushed inside a big room, covered in dust and spiderwebs, laying her down on the stone table in the middle.  
“What the fuck.”, he heard Jaehyun whisper behind him, his eyes wide in shock, “Who?”, he asked looking at Taeyong.
Taeyong was suddenly angry – no, he was furious. “I told you to not let her out of your sight! How could you let her wander through the woods alone?!”, his voice was deep as he felt how his blood started to pulsate in his veins, turning the skin under his now shining eyes black., “This is your fault!” he hissed, trying is very best not to fall into a rage.  
“I- Listen. If I knew she'd go into the forest I would've followed her, I thought-”, Jaehyun tried to explain himself, knowing that he had to calm Taeyong down. His own voice not as steady as he wanted it to be, his eyes fixating on the body in front of him.
“Clearly, you're unable to actually use your brain!”, Taeyong growled, grabbing Jaehyun by the throat, pushing him against a cold-stoned wall, a small choking sound escaping Jaehyuns throat.
“I'm giving you one simple order and now she's dying and it's your fault. Her blood is on your hands, Jaehyun.”, Taeyong's emotions covered his thoughts, making it nearly impossible for him to think clearly.
“Y-You're hurting me.”, Jaehyun gasped, his hands on top of Taeyong's, trying to fight him off but his strength wasn't even near Taeyong's.  
“What's going on?”, Johnny asked as soon as he came rushing into the room, trying to get Taeyong's hands off Jaehyun's neck, before even realizing what was going on.  
Within a second, Taeyong suddenly snapped back into reality and out of his rage, when he heard more people saying his name. He let go of Jaehyun's neck, turning towards his family, who was staring at them before their gazes went down to the table, eyes growing wide in shock.  
“Oh my God.”, Johnny's voice was shaking as he stumbled through them, falling on his knees next to the table, his hands desperately grabbing for hers. His eyes scanning her body until they met the marks on her neck. He gulped, feeling how his stomach turned upside down.  
“What happened?”, Johnny whispered under his breath, his eyes still fixating on the girl's neck.  
Taeyong took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a second, waiting for his rage to pass. He looked at Jaehyun, who was now standing in the corner of the room, his eyes on Ava as well. He could see the shock covering his face now.  
“I found her in the woods.”, Taeyong answered and looked down at Johnny, who started to shake. He put a firm hand on his shoulder, trying to distract him from his urges, “I don't know who attacked her.”, he added, his eyes focusing on her chest and heartbeat, which was getting weaker with any second passing by.  
“She's dying.”, Johnny whispered under his breath in pain and strain, his eyes still glued to the girl in front of him. “This is my fault.”, he choked, closing his eyes for a moment.
“It's not your fault.”, Taeyong tried to comfort him, his voice slowly softening.
Taeyong's mind screamed at him, fighting over what he should do next. He felt like his chest got pressed together, barely able to breathe. But he couldn't show any weakness now. He couldn't allow it. He took a deep breath, letting go of Johnny's shoulder. It was more than enough, that Johnny had to see his emotional outburst before.  
“She's dying.”, Johnny repeated, his hands still on hers
Taeyong looked over her face, how her skin now lost every bit of color it had left. Her lips were chapped and blue. He was aware of the fact, that there were only two possible outcomes and he was sure he wouldn't be able to handle both.
“Please, Taeyong, you need to do something.”, he heard Johnny plead, his eyes locking with his for a moment. He saw fear and desperation so clearly in Johnny's eyes, it felt like something hit him right in the stomach. Taeyong hesitated for another second before he walked up to stand behind her head.
Taeyong looked down at her once more, his fingers now carefully stroking over her dirt-covered hair. He pressed his eyes together before burying his fangs in his wrist, biting down until the thick, dark red blood ran down his skin, feeling how Johnny watched his movements closely.
He knew it was wrong to take the decision from her, to put this life on her but at least it was a life. He took another breath, whispering a soft “I’m so sorry” before putting his  bleeding wrist on her opened lips, letting his blood run into her mouth just before she took her last breath and started her transition.
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headoverjojo · 5 years
how would the bruno team be jealous of your s / o fem. (I do not know if they already made this request, if they discarded it, but if not, I could do it when I'm ok)🙈🙈
Hi there! Sure :3 I decided to focus on the way they act when they’re jealous and not so much on why they are so -I personally think they all trust with their life their s/o, so it could be due to a misunderstanding or something like that-. This said, let’s go with short hcs!
How Bruno’s gang act when they’re jealous
Bruno Bucciarati
Bruno is not a person who gets jealous often. He trusts his s/o with his life, he has no doubt about their loyalty, so he never actually suspected she could ever cheat on him. However, he’s pretty attached to them and he can get a little jealous when she showers in affection someone else for long time. He wants that affection too!
When he’s jealous, Bruno tends to bury himself even more than usual in papers, grumbling when she comes to check him. If she doesn’t want him, she has just to say it! She needs to show affection to him to finally convince him to go back to his usual self.
Bruno is not one who holds grudges. Once the moment of jealousy is gone, it’s gone and he doesn’t think about it anymore. He doesn’t like to think a lot about it, as it could ruin their relationship. A mistake is normal, is human, it can happen, and he won’t let it ruin their beautiful relationship!
Leone Abbacchio
Leone tends to get jealous/resigned every time he sees his s/o in more than good terms with someone who’s not one of their relatives. He tells himself that he should have expected it, that soon or later that time would have come… he’s not a good man. One day they’d find a better man than him, he always thinks it, and every time he thinks the time has come.
By now, his s/o knows how to act when he has one of his “resigned jealousy” attack: she has to shows him the practical way that she loves him and just him. And so, even if usually they’re not a really touchy-feely couple, she holds his hand when they’re out, if they meet one of her friends she introduces Abbacchio as “my boyfriend”, instead of just “And he’s Leone”; she knows he appreciates a lot, that he feels… to belong to her, that she’s his home.
Even if those periods are frequents, they don’t last more than few days. Abbacchio also tends not to think too much about them, or, at least, he tries. If his s/o sees him struggle to let it go, she just hugs him tightly, reminding him that she has chosen him and no one else and that they’ll always be each other’s home. This usually relaxes Abbacchio, allowing him to finally leave behind his bad mood.
Guido Mista
It’s almost absurd to say, but, sometimes, Mista gets jealous of his own stand. The Pistols are adorable and very demanding and they often “steal” Mista’s s/o’s attention! Sometimes she’s so busy cuddling them that she almost forgets Mista’s here! And when it happens, Mista usually becomes grumpy and pouty not only towards his s/o, but towards his stand too!
Mista needs a bit to “recover” from his jealousy. A good method to help him to go back to his cheerful and chill self is to hug and kiss him! Mista has a giant soft spot for hugs and kisses on his cheek, those loud and nice kisses always manage to make him smile! If his s/o does that and pays attention to him, he’ll be fine in a couple of days.
Mista knows that holding a grudge would just complicate both their life and relationship, so he prefers to just let it go. All in all, the Pistols are part of him… so she was technically cuddling a part of his soul, right? It was like cuddling him, in the end! This helps Mista not to think anymore about it in a rancorous way; still, if it happens again, he’ll pout at them until they decide to cuddle not only part of his soul, but him as a whole!
Narancia Ghirga
Even if he comes out as bold and cheerful, Narancia deeply lacks of confidence when he has to trust someone else. He was betrayed so many times that everything could mine his trust on someone else. Rationally, he knows it’s absurd and it doesn’t make sense, but his subconscious doesn’t stop to nag him and, when it happens, he’s usually so grumbly and pouty to the point that he could rival Abbacchio.
It usually happens when his s/o seems distracted or too “busy” for their relationship. He constantly needs affection and attention, so, when he doesn’t get it for a while, he tends to sulk and and start to think that maybe he’s not enough for her. It all disappears when she comes back to him with a truck full of affection and she hugs him full force and speed, kissing all his face, making him giggle in seconds. How could he think she was about to leave him? She wasn’t that type of girl!
If taken in time, Narancia doesn’t hold any grudge. But, if he’s left too much time alone with his subconscious and doubts, those may intact his trust for her, making him constantly anxious, even if he doesn’t show it. His trust issues are bigger than what it seems: his heart needs to be handled with care and gentleness, it’s fragile!
Pannacotta Fugo
Fugo’s reasons to be jealous are a bit similar to Abbacchio’s: he too knows he’s not a good man and that around there are way better men. Even if he loves with all his heart and mind his s/o, he can’t help but think that she deserves someone better than him, deep in his heart; his s/o’s usual replies which say that she loves him and just him help to tame his turmoils, but if, for a reason or another, she isn’t here when he has one of those crisis, he sinks deeper and deeper in doubt and self-loathing.
When he feels like this, Fugo tends to be cold and to close inside his shell -and office-, mulling again and again, doing nothing more than fueling his doubts and sadness. His s/o is his light and joy and, without them, he feels… lost. Angry, so angry, as he was before them. It all stops just when she’s at his side again, taking him in her arms and kicking out of him all the darkness and the anger that were poisoning his heart.
Fugo is a person who tends to overthink, so he’s going to mull over it for long time. “Healing” from this dark period full of doubt will be a long and hard path, but, if his s/o is with him, he feels he can do anything! With them near, everything is possible, even winning over his natural sceptical behaviour. He always found hard to follow his heart and not his brain, but… to be with her, he’s ready to listen more to his heart than to his brain. For her, he’d do this and much more.
Giorno Giovanna
Giorno loves his s/o. He loves her with all his heart, with all his soul; he doesn’t demand a lot of affection or such. It’s his own brain Giorno’s real enemy, as it drops doubts over doubts built over things heard around. Giorno never received a lot of affection, during his life, so he’s scared to lose it all, to lose the only person who ever showed him affection… and when this fear reaches its peak, he could be get “jealous” over the smallest things.
When this happens, Giorno is no more the sweet and kind man his s/o knows. He’s just focused on work, he’s cold, he seems even as he doesn’t love her anymore… truth is, he’s just hiding, trying to escape the pain and the fear. His s/o is the only one who can bring him out again, with patience and gentleness. Her love’s warmth will break the ice that surrounds Giorno’s heart, managing to slowly bring out the Giorno she knows and loves, the real Giorno, her Giorno, not the regal and serious Don.
Those periods are, unfortunately, not just a single thing, but it repeats in time. Giorno spent all his life feeling like this and it’s not easy to change mind in such little time; his s/o has to be patient and constant and to have the strength to fight Giorno’s fears at his side, day by day. In the end, they both will be rewarded with serenity and a deeper and wonderful bond.
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unmanageable-day · 5 years
01. Between a friend and another friend
When you are friends for so long, and it has never come across your mind to date one of them. Until one particular guy friend of yours came to offer you a relationship, a new chapter of life like no other before.
Doyoung, Taeyong, and 'you' as Choi Jooyeon
Genre: angst, friendzone, from friends to lovers AU
🔸 — — — — — 🔸
You arrived early at Seohyun's wedding party. You wandered around not knowing where to go except the food bar. You already said hi to the bride and you promised to go back to her with your friends. Yet your friends were still nowhere to be found. When you went outside the ball room, that was when you bumped into Doyoung.
"Doyoung!" you exclaimed cheerfully, stomping towards him.
He accepted your hug. "Jooyeon, hey, how are you?"
"I'm great. How are you?"
You two ended up catching some updates and recalling old memories. How you two used to be chairmates and groupmates, and how he always asked to borrow a pen from you which ended up missing. You also remembered how you liked to switch your food items from your lunchbox, since his mom's cooking somehow matched to your liking and vice versa.
"I miss your mom's radish kimchi and the braised beef. I tried recreating it at home, my mom did too. But your mom is just another level."
Doyoung grinned. "Speaking of which.. Jooyeon, you're not married, are you?"
You almost choked on your apple juice. "I beg your pardon?" You quickly wiped your mouth before roaring to Doyoung. "We haven't met for years and you have to ask if I'm married or not? You really are something, Kim Ddong."
"Okay, that's a no. Great."
You narrowed your eyes at him. "Excuse me? What's so great about it?" you asked, feeling somewhat offended not in a serious way.
"Are you currently seeing someone?"
After grasping a bit of the sudden topic change, you finally showed some enthusiasm. "Are you going to introduce me to one of your friends?"
He rubbed his chin while his face looked like he was thinking. Or making something up in his head. "Well, not technically my friend but, yeah, you can say I'm friends with this guy."
"Who is it?" You playfully wiggled your eyebrows.
"You're looking at him. He's standing right in front of you."
You widened your round eyes, trying to look around. "What? There's only you."
He nodded with a big smile.
You gave him a face. "Haha. Very funny."
Your conversation with Doyoung was interrupted by your upcoming friends joining you. Taeyong was one of them. He came with his girlfriend. Fiance; that was what you'd been told. Ahn Hyemi. This girl never really liked you. Simply because you were close with Taeyong. Or you were used to be close, to be precise. And almost everyone knew Taeyong used to like you, like, a lot—which the feelings were not mutual in your case, and he had a difficult time to move on. He thought staying away from you would help. You were sad, of course. But you respected his decision, hoping things would be alright after giving him some time. Until he started dating Hyemi. This girl was another reason why Taeyong kept his distant even further from you.
"Next month it's Changmin's and Siwon's wedding, the month after that it's Kyungsoo's wedding. Gosh, I think Johnny will follow their path very soon," Sehun commented, followed by the cackles of you and your friends, somewhat agreeing to his statement. That Johnny guy did seem like a family guy.
"Honestly, the good thing about these wedding party invitations in a row is that we get to gather like this," said Chanyeol in his sassy tone.
"To those who do not have their plus-one, we should hang out more," stated Jaehyun. "Oops, sorry to Johnny hyung and Taeyong hyung."
While the others laughed, Taeyong could only smiled bitterly.
You took a glimpse at him. You really wished to be able to talk with him like the old days. But you knew Taeyong himself wouldn't let it happen. His classic reason was he didn't want to make Hyemi worry. Luckily these thoughts in your head got distracted by Doyoung and Yerim who dragged you to an ice cream corner.
Doyoung and Yerim left first while you were still standing in front of cake bar. Cakes were always hard to choose. Until someone appeared next to you and put a mini chocolate cake on your plate. You looked up and found Taeyong. He remembered your all time favorite cake.
"Thanks," you muttered as you flashed him a soft smile.
"How are you?" he quietly asked.
"I'm good. I see you're doing great too." You tried to sound as cheerful as possible, while you were actually quite anxious whether Hyemi was spying on you with her eagle eyes. "I hope to hear from you and Hyemi very soon."
Taeyong pursed his lips and curved it into a little smile. "Are you ...still single?"
"And ready to mingle," you answered with chuckle escaped your mouth.
He paused as his smile faded away slowly. "I hope you find the right one soon," said him after quickly drawing up a smile again.
"Thank you." You disguised the disappointed feeling with a smile. How you wished he could stay longer talking with you. It was quite disturbing you that the smile on his face wasn't as genuine as it used to be. You watched him walk away from you in silence.
I'm sorry I can't reciprocate your feelings. It's still a mystery to me as well, why I can't like you the way you like me.
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He’s in Charge; Chapter Eight
Pairing: Henry/Bertrum
Warnings: Slight body horror, mentions of homophobia
A/N: Hoo boy, took me an awful long time to get this out, didn’t it? Ah well, technical difficulties happen. In this chapter, we get a little insight into just what goes on inside the head of voice actresses- and what’s been happening behind closed doors at Joey Drew Studios.
Chapter word count: 2,331
{First part} {Previous part} {Next part}
Chapter Eight; Inner Demon
Once the studio was back to running normally again, it was already Thursday. Joey had evidently returned to work against doctor's orders, but he, like everyone else, was anxious to get back to work. Joey summoned Henry to his upstairs office almost immediately that morning.
As he stepped into the cramped room, Henry's heart was solidly lodged in his throat. He forced a neutral look onto his face, though. Joey sat behind his desk with a pen in his hand, scribbling notes on… something, Henry couldn't tell what. With his other hand, one wrapped completely in thick bandages, he gestured to the chair across from him.
Sitting down only gave the animator a better perspective on the extent of his injuries; Half of his face was an odd purple-yellow, the bruises trying their best to heal. From his eye down to his jaw on the right side, his skin had been dyed that almost sickly color. A gash across his cheek on the opposite side was still healing, but he obviously hadn't bothered dressing it. What really shocked- and to some degree, worried- him was the wheelchair Joey had been placed in. That, for the most part, was probably what was making him look so angry. 
“G'morning, Joey.” Henry tried hesitantly. 
“I hope you've enjoyed your time off, we're all going to have to make up for it around here.” Joey practically ignored his greeting, speaking through a scowl. Henry was able to see where he was missing a bottom tooth as he did. “You've got to start on the storyboard for the next short, the writers already have the script downstairs. That's all, just get going. Please.” The please he added as an afterthought.
Henry nodded, already standing from his seat. “Right away, I'll get that going.” He made his way to the door. 
“And Henry?” Joey stopped him just as he was about to close the door. Henry poked his head back in. “For the love of God… Stop seeing Bertie. He's dangerous. He'll end up hurting you, look at what he did to me.”
“If you say so, Mister Drew.” Henry accepted what he said, then shut the door. As he made his way to the writing department, he shook his head. Bertrum would never hurt him, that he was sure of.
Saturday night, Henry stayed at Bertrum's house again. Bertrum had offered to visit with Henry instead, but the animator knew his run-down apartment would be nothing compared to where Bertrum lived. He made his way back home Sunday afternoon to take care of some housekeeping, and to make sure he had enough clean clothing for the upcoming week. 
When he got to his desk that Monday, almost exactly on time, Joey was already waiting for him. He'd parked his wheelchair right in front of Henry's chair, preventing him from getting to it. Henry stopped at the end of the hall, on edge.
“Good morning, Joey.” He greeted.
Joey slowly rolled the chair up to him, pushing him back against the wall and glaring. His bruises had already started to clear, but the gash on his cheek wasn't healing as well. “You. You need to stay away from Bertrum. Do you know what I'll do if you don't?”
“Dock my pay? Fire me? Out me? Honestly, Joey… your threats are… getting a little old.” Henry voiced. Of course he was still terrified of Joey, he didn’t want to show it. 
“You're distracting each other. Work isn't going as fast, and that's costing us some serious cash. Do you really want this whole place to go under because of you and your little game? Because you wanted to have a little ‘harmless’ fun?”
Henry took a moment to calculate his response. “Do you really expect me to believe that? If things are really so bad, you wouldn't be-”
As soon as the words left his mouth, Henry could see the shade of his boss's face change. His jaw clenched and the inside of his eyes caught fire. Before Henry even realized what was happening, Joey was up on his feet, wincing as he slammed his hands into the wall, one on either side of the animator's head. The man towered over him. “You have a job to do, Stein! And I'll be damned, if you won't do it, I'll make every aspect of your existence a living hell!” Joey roared, spit flying into Henry's face as he flinched. He hadn't even noticed the whites of Joey’s eyes beginning to darken. “I'm in charge here! What I say goes, no questions! No what if's! No maybe’s! This is my studio! My company! My animations! Behind the scenes, I own you! Do you understand me?! You and your work belong to-” 
Joey was suddenly interrupted by his own ragged, shuddering cough. He backed away, falling into his wheelchair as his body continued to seize. He pushed a hand over his mouth to muffle himself and the longer it went on, Henry realized he'd begun spitting up a thick black sludge. It seeped between his fingers and started to drip from his nose, also pooling in the corners of his eyes. 
All Henry could do was stare, horrified. “Joey-” 
“Leave!” Joey's strained voice commanded, prompting Henry to do so. He practically ran from the hall, past the exit and down the stairs to the music department. Only then, at the foot of them, did he stop for a moment. 
The first person to catch his eye was a violinist- he recalled her name being Ellie- standing by the door to the music hall, who waved. She made her way over to him with her instrument in her hand, frowning. “You look like you've seen a ghost, mister. You alright?”
Henry hadn't realized he'd gotten so pale.  He swallowed and nodded. “I'll be fine, thank you, Ellie.” 
The curly chestnut hair resting on her shoulders moved as she shrugged. “If you say so. What brings you down here? Mister Lawrence and Mister Fain are in their office if you need ‘em.”
Henry figured that would be as good an excuse as any to be away from his desk for a few more minutes. “Are they? Thanks.”
“No problem!” She waved again as he moved off down the hall.
As he did, through the huge glass window in Sammy and Jack's office, Henry could see the music director pacing back and forth, clearly ranting about something. When he got up to it, he knocked on the glass. Sammy froze, glancing at him. Henry shifted to push the door open, taking a step inside. “Hey, how are things down here?”
“Could be better.” Sammy and Jack spoke in unison, throwing each other a look. Both groaned, Jack lifting his hat enough to push his hand through his frizzy hair.
“These demands are getting ridiculous! How are we supposed to have a full score in two months?! He’s fired half my orchestra! Without even consulting me, I might add.” Sammy explained. 
Jack turned to him, dark marks evident under his eyes. “I just don't understand the logic here. Does he know how writing music works?”
Henry crossed his arms and shook his head. “I'm not sure he knows how any of this works.”
“Amen to that.” Sammy scoffed.
“Is there anything I can do to help you guys?” The animator offered.
At first, Sammy shook his head. “You have your own assignments to worry about, I'm sure.”
“Actually…” Jack perked up. “You used to play piano, right? Think you could do one of these songs?”
“Well, I still sort of remember how to play… Can I see the keys?” Henry asked, looking to Sammy.
Sammy, knowing which one Jack referred to, picked a few papers out of the stacks on his desk. He held them out. “Here, it's fairly simple. We're still trying to teach one of the two bassoonists left to play piano, I'd appreciate your help.”
Henry took the papers, looking over them. “Hm… I'll take some time to practice on my lunch hour, if that's okay with you two, but it does look pretty easy.”
“Perfect.” Jack and Sammy spoke in unison again, glaring at each other with mock annoyance. 
“I'll see you then, Henry. Thank you for this.” Sammy clapped him on the shoulder, only briefly. 
“Yeah, of course! See you guys later.”
“Bye, Henry!” Jack raised a hand as a send off, his back already to Henry as he continued his work. 
Henry pulled the door closed behind him, figuring it had been long enough for Joey to compose himself. He was almost back to the stairs when a man walking out of the department “lounge” caught his attention. He recognized the man as a trombone player, but also one of their voice actors. “Oh, hi. Harry, right?” Henry asked.
“Nah, Harrison, actually. Mistah Drew insists on Harry.” Harrison spoke with the twinge of an accent Henry couldn't quite place. 
“Right, sorry. Is something wrong?” 
“Nah, Miss Susie was lookin’ for yah. C'mon.” Harrison gestured for Henry to follow him and disappeared back into the lounge. 
The room itself wasn't so much of a lounge, more like a small room with a beat up pool table and some crates stacked up in it. Leaning over said pool table lining up her shot was Susie, aiming a green ball towards a corner pocket. Two other musicians stood to the side, watching and talking quietly. Henry couldn’t for the life of him remember their names, though.
“Uhm… Susie?” Henry tried to get her attention. 
She took her shot, which she’d evidently calculated perfectly. Then she stood up, turning to him. She offered a small smile. “Hi, Henry.” She moved to the other side of the room, away from the pool table, and Henry followed. “Look…” She made her voice soft, though the others weren't paying attention to them anyway. “I'm… sorry about the other day. The way I reacted to you… wasn't the best. I wasn't expecting it, especially from you.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” Henry raised a brow. 
“Well, look at you!” She indicated him as a whole with one hand. “You're adorable, I would think you'd have girls all over you, I never would've thought that's not the team you play for. But regardless of that, I'm sorry for how I acted. After what Joey did to you for it… I feel awful for letting it slip to him.”
Henry bit his lip. “Oh. You're the reason he knows…?”
“I am, and I'm so, so sorry. I had no idea he'd threaten you like he did, I…” Susie trailed off, unsure of what else to say.
“I guess it's… fine. All Joey wants is to blackmail me with it, I don't think he's really going to out me.  Or, at least, I hope.”
“I hope, too. So… are we okay? You don't… hate me?”
Henry shook his head. “I don't think I'm able to hate anyone, really.”
“Oh, good.” Susie opened her arms for a hug and Henry accepted, though neither made it a very strong one. “I'll see you around, Henry.”
“Yeah, see you later, Miss Campbell.” He gave her a small smile and wave, exiting the room and going back to the stairs. Thankfully, that time, he was able to do so uninterrupted.
The hall to his desk was another story, though. He had nearly made it back to his workspace when he spotted a sandwich board, the letters “floor is wet” crudely painted on it. The sign wasn’t exactly blocking the space, it was plenty small to move past easily, but it brought a small smile to his face. As he came around the corner, he spoke. “Hi, Wally.”
The janitor paused to wave and grin, mop  still held in his other hand. “Mornin’! Say, did ya spill?” He indicated the spots he’d mopped already with a tilt of his head. “Was pretty hard gettin’ the stuff up, is it a new brand?”
“Of ink?” Henry questioned, and Wally nodded. “No, it…” He glanced around, making sure no one else was within earshot. His voice dropped low. “It was Joey. I… I don’t really know what happened, he was talking to me and he started to get upset… and then he started to cough, and… This black gunk started coming out of his mouth.”
“Ya tellin’ me tha’ crazy bastard was coughin’ up tar? It looked like tar, there was a lot of it.” Wally matched his volume.
“I’m not sure what it really is, it started happening and he told me to leave, so I did. I wasn’t even sure he’d be gone by the time I got back here.”
“Huh. Y’know, he stays hea’ pretty late at night, I got the feelin’ he was up ta somethin’.”
“You don’t think he’s just sick?”
“Not a chance. Listen, Henry,” The janitor reached over to put a hand on his shoulder. “Stuff’s goin’ on hea’ tha’ you’ve got no idea about. Really, I shouldn’t even know, but I do! I got keys ta everywhea’, so Drew can’t keep secrets from me!”
Henry’s expression became concerned at the statement. “You know what Joey’s done lately, you really should be careful snooping around like that.”
Wally waved a dismissive hand. “Pff, I’m not snoopin’, I’m cleanin’! Drew wants this place spotless, I gotta get everywhea’!”
“Well… if you say so…” Henry still didn’t sound convinced. 
“I do! Hey, I’m gonna get outta hea’ and let ya do ya work, looks like Drew left somethin’ on ya desk.” As he spoke, Wally stuck his mop back into a water bucket on wheels, starting to move off. “Lata, Henry!”
Henry gave a small wave to his back, then shifted his attention to his desk, where a thick packet awaited him. He could see already that they were his sketches- some he’d never given to Joey, he noted- and they were covered in red chicken scratch. He sighed, taking his seat.
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himbohargreeves · 5 years
hallo here are the hc's i whipped up for the teacher au!! i'm sorry this turned into an essay i'm just a dumbass who loves soft teacher au a lot!!
“not sure what the others would teach in this teacher au tho-” *wakes up in the dead of night with cold sweat* *kicks down the door* I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS!!
oh boy…get ready….cause it’s A LOT
- Submitted by @katgreeves
luther: physics teacher, cause you know…spaceboy……everyone is scared at the beginning of the year when they get him as a teacher cause he’s TALL AND HUGE AS FUUUUUCK, but then fast forward two months later and everyone is chill because turns out he’s a really easygoing and soft teacher…just really socially awkward and lowkey dumb sometimes
asshole kids in his classes use his softness to his disadvantage and pull pranks on him constantly, poor guy….the other kids tho always tell them to shove it tho because he may be soft and dumb and socially awkward but he’S OUR SOFT AND DUMB AND SOCIALLY AWKWARD TEACHER DON’T TOUCH HIM!! the first time they protected him he had to remind himself not to tear up because HE FELT SO LOVED!!!! 
he gets them snacks even if they’re not supposed in the science classrooms because “eXPeriMENts and CHEmIcALsSsSsssSS!!!” and will rant for hours about space and starts and THE MOOOOON cause when he was a kid he always wanted to be an astronaut ( :’))))))) ) and his kids get fed up one day and go “why don’t you just make an astrology club mr luther????” and he does and IT’S A REAL SUCCESS WITH THE SCHOOL BODY YAY!!!
(five when he grows up also becomes a physics teacher and pesters luther all the time like “I AM 10 TIMES THE TEACHER YOU EVER WERE-” “NO YOU AREN’T STFU” and he’s technically wrong and right because material wise??? yes he’s 100% the better teacher and he always has answers to the kids questions and teaches them extra content cause he’s always been a genius but as a physics teacher that kids really like????? no siree that title goes to luther because he was a soft teddy bear to his students and they trusted him while five is eccentric and strict the the point where his kids are scared the FUCK out of him)
diego: pe teacher, SWEARS SO MUCH IN FRONT OF THE KIDS IN CLASS OMG HOW IS HE NOT FIRED YET?? is tough on the kids sometimes so push harder but IS ALSO SOFT AND REALLY ENCOURAGING THE KIDS TO WORK AND TRY THEIR BEST BECAUSE HE BELIEVES IN THEM!!! (except for the group of cocky assholes he’ll get in every class and don’t want to listen to them…he has personally removed their rights in the class)
whenever the self-defense unit comes around he’s sooooo dedicated to it and makes sure that the kids master everything to a t, cause who knows when it might come in handy??? he wants to make sure that the kids know how to protect themselves as the world is a shitty place and you never know when shit will go bad (except he does…he’s had enough bullshit and scared happen to him and has gotten involved in so many fights that he wants to make sure that the kids won’t hurt like him :“’))))))))) ) 
he’s a secret softie that will protect the kind kids that are not as good at pe and get bullied by the cocky assholes in the class becAUSE THAT’S JUST WHAT HE WOULD DO NO IM NOT SELF PROJECTING OF WHAT I WANTED OUT OF MY PE TEACHERS SHUT U-
also eudora is a pe teacher and the two of them are very competitive to be the best pe teacher and this rivalry turns into playful flirting and big ass crushes that they’re way too stubborn to admit, the entire school still ships it anyways (the entire school also ships klaus and dave because gay rights!!!!!)
allison: either school counselor or principal i can’t decide because she can be super kind and open to talk and gives advice that helps a LOT but she’s also a hbic THAT CAN AND WILL run the place. 
anyways, whatever job she has, she also helps with the drama club and school plays, and literally every year the theatre kids BEG HER to kick out the current drama teachers and replace them because allison>>>>>>>>>>>> all of the existing drama teachers there  
ben: is either a literature or philosophy teacher. super smart and knowledgable but is also really laid back and fun to talk to. he’s got a dark and snarky sense of humor and his students always have sass battles with him. the number of INSANE inside jokes his students and him share is HUGE.
anyways…he is really considerate to what students need and makes them as relaxed as possible because school is HELL. students LOOOOOVE HIM. HE’S THE ONE TEACHER BESIDES DAVE THAT LITERALLY EVERYONE LIKES. (highkey inspired by my philosophy and lit teachers because they’re also really smart but sassy and cool like ben and I JUST THINK THEY’RE NEAT)
vanya: strings orchestra teacher for obvious reasons. she was real shy at first when she first got hired but the the strings department at that time was soooo small and crappy that she went “oh HELL no,” rolled up her sleeves, and set to revitalize it just because she cares about music so much.
she recruited more students, got more advanced music so the kids could feel a challenge and be motivated to improve, and collaborated with the choir and band departments to provide more clubs, events and opportunities outside of class for kids to do music.
she is a no business type of teacher when it comes to arrogant people that put other players down or people who don’t practice and goof around and will snap at them SO HARD because everyone needs to be at their a game for a concert and in an orchestra no single person is bigger that the collective. she’s however SOOOO SOFT with really soft playing and shy kids because she understands how it feels when you think your playing isn’t good enough, so gives them extra help, gives them solo lines or solos to play so they gain more confidence in themselves, all while constantly giving encouraging words about how much they’ve improved that always makes them feel better and more motivated to improve.
she’s an absolute anxious and cranky maniac a week before the concert but she throws parties with food, drinks, and games afterwards to celebrate with her kids. she constantly gets them to play music related games and challenges that they do as a class for team bonding to make things more entertaining in class. she makes dumb music puns a lot too! 
she also will in the class say crazy stories of her childhood and the crazy shit she and her siblings did and then somehow always relate it back to the lesson and make it some sage advice…the kids never understand how she does it
(me???? self projecting more of my teachers into this au cause they’re cool??? more likely than you think)
also one day she chops her hair real short and cute and the conversation with her students basically went like this:
students: miss vanya you cut your hair???
vanya: yes kids I’m a lesbian
students: !!!!!!!!!!!!
vanya: ;))))))))
vanya: HELL YE I DID!!!
bonus grace yayyyy!!!!!: is the school nurse…she’s so sweet, so soft….has precisely whatever people need when they feel sick/injured…helps them calm down in they’re freaking out…always has a couple of beds in the nurse’s office so people can lie if they feel dizzy…gives out candy/sweets/food to people so they feel better!!
diego meets her a lot because a lot of kids in his class gets injuries and he takes them to the nurse and he jUST LOVES HER SM!!! INSTANT MOM FIGURE!! THEY TALK AND JOKE AND LAUGH TOGETHER AND GRACE WILL ALWAYS GIVE HIM A PASTRY SHE MADE WHENEVER HE COMES BY AND HE JUST IS SO SOFT AROUND HER ITS GREAT (his students find his sudden change in his demeanour amusing “hey mr diego is nurse grace your MMMmoooOoOooOOOmMMMMMMmmmmmM??” “kid your a good one but say that shit to me one more time and I will beat the sh-”)
she always has a smile on her and everyone LOVES HER…..except for the administration that always want to get her fired because they are assholes and they think she’s too weird to stay. however, every time they try to fire her, a certain teacher comes by the office for what they claim is a civil discussion...and after an hour of yelling, death threats, and the door getting 10 knife marks they go “you know what grace…you can stay" 
those assholes are persistant though, and one time though not even a certain teacher could get them away from firing her so once the news breaks out that nurse grace is leaving the whole school is FURIOUS and throws a 1 week riot and the administration get so scared and tired that they just go "OK WERE SORRY JUST KIDDIN- OK OK SHE’S STAYING FOR GOOD JESUS”
grace is so grateful that she makes a whole bunch of cake for everyone and everyone with tears in their eyes just goes “this…is why we love you sm nurse mom”
~~okkkieee that’s the end of it sorry it’s a literal essay I just got very passionate about this au lmao rip!!! I’m slowly tempted to write a fic about it even though i’ve never written a fic before in my LIFE and I already have like 3 other au fic ideas in my head already smh
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hanniiesuckle17 · 5 years
Bend Over Backwards
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A/n: not requested but I recently was watching old cirque videos and thought of a cute idea so here ya go my lovelies.
Member: Seo Changbin ft. StrayKids
WARNINGS: Partial nudity, swearing, uwuing Binnie
Summary: You started dating Changbin six months ago and he recently started staying over at your place. You haven't been exactly open about your job with him as it can be a little intimidating. All he knows is that you are a performer as well and are always home later than him........which says a whole fucking lot and that you come home with glitter in your hair sometimes. What happens when he starts to ask questions?
GENRE: Acrobat! au Reader, Cirque de Soleil!reader
I could tell I made Changbin nervous. But nervous in a good way. (OMG SHE IS SO PRECIOUS AND HOT AND UWU LITERALLY ALL THE FREAKING TIME MATROSHYKA WHAT?)
But, lately he was anxious for another reason. It was the eighth night in a row you saw his shoes by your front door. At this point he was probably only dating me because my apartment was closer to the studio than the dorms. My watch read 3 AM. All the lights were off so I knew he was in bed already. I knew he would abuse it if I gave him a key. (Though I didn't think it would be this way.)
I took off my shoes and changed into one of Bin's big fluffy shirts. I climbed into bed with him and started to fall asleep until he instinctively pulled me into his chest. "Five." He mumbled. I hummed back in question.
"This is the fifth time you've come home late and with glitter in your hair and on your face." He stroked a piece off my cheek sleepily and held it up for me. "Is there something I need to know, Y/n?"
When I stayed quiet he sat up in bed and turned on the light on the bedside table. "I'm not dating a stripper right....I mean not that I would mind- I mean I would mind-but that's not the point." I sat up tiredly holding his face in my hands. "No. I'm not a stripper." Laying back down, I tried to go back to sleep.
"So, what do you do?" I gave Changbin a look and he just shrugged his shoulders cutely. "Bin we talked about this! I'm a performer that's all you need to know." He didn't look satisfied.
"What I WANT to know more? Why don't you want to tell me?" Frustrated, I sat up looking tiredly into his eyes. "It's intimidating, okay! The work hours are long and rigorous and my shows are a little intimidating to someone seeing it the first time."
He started playing with my fingers, which he knew calmed me down a little, before looking back up at me.
"Yeah, but what do you do?"
"You are impossible."
"Not a compliment, Bin."
"Y/n! Just tell me what you do already!"
"Fine! You can come to my show this weekend. I have a couple extra tickets. Now can we please go to sleep?" I pleaded pulling on his sleeve. With a big smile he nodded pulled me back down into his chest. There was a moment of silence as he stroked my hair lulling me back to sleep.
"You being a stripper would make sex make so much more sense." There was silence after I slapped his shoulder, quite hard I might add.
I didn't hear a word about my job from Changbin for the rest of the week. Which was surprising. He didn't even say anything when I climbed into bed at 4 AM. He just kissed my forehead and went back to sleep.
Saturday had finally rolled around and Changbin and the rest of the boys had taken the day off. He insisted I get more tickets for them the day before. What he didn't realize is that we technically sold out tickets three weeks ago. I managed to scramble together seven other tickets and gave them to him before I left that morning.
Placing a soft kiss on my lips he ushered me out the door. "Go! Go! I want you to do you best today!" Changbin said essentially shoving me down the hall to the elevator. Laughing, I waved goodbye to him and then headed off to the stadium my show was performing in. Cast members greeted me with smiles and kisses on the cheek and I dropped my stuff on backstage before going out and stretching thoroughly.
Lifts and rigging were being hauled up into the ceiling for safety check and in a couple hours our large cast would go into costume and makeup.
House lights had been down for at least an hour and the show was about half way done. I stood backstage in the wings prepping for my act which came on shortly. I stood in my flesh colored bodysuit which sparkled at certain angles in the light. The harsh lines of the makeup accentuated my facial structure in the show's desired aesthetic. I climbed the stairs quietly up to the cat walk where my friend held my silks for me. Briefly stretching my head, ankles, and neck before he helped me into the starting position wrapped in the bright red fabrics.
He counted me down before moving the silks away from the catwalk so that I was hanging above the stage itself almost completely upside down. This was my favorite part. No one in the audience could see me yet, but I could see everything from up here. I loved the feeling of my muscles working to hold my body up with the help of the soft fabric.
Soon my cue came on and I was slowly lowered on stage. I was ready to perform.
The feeling of only my body being in control was thrilling and the fact that millions of eye were watching only added to the rush. This was what I lived for. To perform. Slowly my feet lowered to the ground and my heartbeat began to climb down from its high. The applause was deafening as I left the stage.
Once in the wings, I was handed water and rushed to change into my next costume for the aerial bar act. The shoe proceeded as normal and soon it was finished. The cast came out and did curtain call and then I could go and remove all of the harsh makeup. Looking down at my phone I saw multiple notifications. One from Dispatch news with a picture of the boys walking into the show. The others were texts from the boys who were completely shocked. It brought a smile to my face and I quickly removed the rest of the stage makeup.
Waving goodbye to my friends as they left I raced back out onstage. I searched for the boys who said they would wait for me and so that they wouldn't get more pictures. The stadium was empty though as I stood center stage. The feeling was weird since I was always up in the air.
Suddenly, I heard applause coming from the aisles. I squinted to see the familiar form of my boyfriend walking towards me. Laughing, I climbed off the stage and ran to him. His embrace felt better than any rush from the stage ever could. Changbin spun me around telling me how proud he was.
"You aren't intimidated?" He shook his head with a laugh, pulling away from me. "What? No! This is so cool!" He swung out hands back and forth a huge smile on his cute face. "Your everyday office is fifty feet in the air! That's so cool!" "Sixty actually but whose counting." He wrapped me in another hug planting kisses all around my face.
"So.....you want to try it?" I said motioning my head to the stage. Before crew left they had set up for the first act which was multi trapeze. "Is it safe? I thought everybody left?" I nodded pulling him to the stage. "It's safe as long as you're with me, babe."
He looked up warily at the high bars. "First, while you look very handsome in your blazer, that has to come off. Loose fabric could get caught in the rigging." I started playfully unbuttoning his shirt. "Y/n, if you wanted me to strip just ask." He retorted with a smirk.
"Come on then. Hurry up." I called over my shoulder as I climbed the ladder up to the highest platform. Soon, I heard him coming up behind me. I turned to see him clutching the small railing we had on the pole. "You afraid of heights, Bin?" I stroked his cheek which calmed him down a little bit. "Not usually." He looked down and his eyes went wide.
"Isn't there supposed to be a net!" I laughed seeing him panic. "This is Cirque. We live without nets to catch us." I jumped off the platform grabbing a farther out bar at the last moment before swinging to the other platform and landing gracefully. "Y/N I'M GOING TO DIE!"
Changbin now clung to the pole like a koala bear. "It's fine! You see down there? Those are trampolines embedded in the floor! It's how we do most of our stunts! If you fall they'll catch you!"
Pointing the the lighter black strips on the floor that were strategically placed on the stage. "MY GIRLFRIEND IS TRYING TO KILL ME!" Bursting out laughing I tried to catch my breath. I swung back out and positioned myself so I was hanging from the bar by my legs.
"Just grip the bar and don't let go. Push off from the platform!" Motioning with my hands, I tried to slowly usher Bin to the trapeze. Hesistantly he gripped the bar until his knuckles went white. "One." I counted. "Two." He said with an inhale. "Three!"
Screaming he pushed off from the platform and swung through the air. "Look at you! You're doing it.....sort of!" His legs were flailing in the air like a cartoon character. "You wanna try something else?" Hesistantly he nodded. Moving my torso I made it so out swings matched up. "On the count of three I want you to let go okay!"
"Y/N YOU ARE THE MOST INSANE BITCH EVER!" I laughed and kept the motion going. "You love me though."
"You trust me?"
"Trust me, Binnie. I won't let you fall."
He nodded and took a deep breath. On the count of three he let go and shut his eyes screaming in the process. He stopped when he felt my hands latch onto his wrists holding him up. He looked up at me and smiled. I talked him through how to reach the bar and I pushed myself up to balance on the small thing. Changbin sat on the trapeze gripping the rope for dear life while I stood next to him.
Moving to sit one leg on either side of the trapeze I looked over at him. "Thank you for coming." The motion of the bar blew his hair out of his face slightly. He seemed less scared and had a smile on his face now. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world." He gave me the largest smile I had ever seen. True happiness and love could be seen in his eyes. My hand came to his cheek and brought him into a kiss.
To be honest, kissing Changbin had always been my favorite thing. But, I would always remember this one, when he shared something I loved with me. I couldn't have been happier. We both smiled into the kiss and it felt even more that we were the only ones in the entire space.
He pulled away with a smile and the looked around the stadium. "I love you." He turned his head at my voice. We had said it jokingly before, but something about this time made it different. "I love you. More than anything in this world. More than anyone had ever loved before." He always had a way with words, but Changbin never failed to make me feel this way. We sat together for a moment, enjoying the sway of the bar and each others company.
"So.....how do we get down?" "We jump."
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thathpheadcanongirl · 7 years
How Audrey Weasley finds out about “real magic”...
Revealing a Magician's Secrets
There, she saw it, a few yards away. It was a rickety-looking barn house, but it looked homier than any other house she has ever seen. Audrey had been pestering Percy to take her to his childhood home, considering she had begrudgingly taken him to hers many times.
It was embarrassing to reveal her parents' vanity and delusion. Thankfully, her little sister, Jude, had left that house as soon as she turned eighteen. That was two years ago. Since then, she had gotten a good job that didn't require a college degree.
As for Audrey, she had received an Undergraduate degree in Education and was currently working on her Masters in English Literature. With her own drive and Percy's encouragement, Audrey was able to snatch a job in her local school district. She was teaching primary school level, which was better than nothing. It helped find a better flat with Percy, and eventually marry him. And now, with a baby on the way, this was everything she could have wished for.
She couldn't wait to see all of Percy's family again, the last time being at their wedding, which was about a year ago. They got married in the same church her parents were married in. Percy's parents were adorable, although Audrey had a strange feeling that his father had some early stages of dementia. He asked her about how cellphones worked without a cord, or if the "Astronet" was the same as the "Internaut", or how many plugs she could truly plug into one electrical socket. He was strange, but very genuine and kind.
Percy grabbed her hand. "Do you love me?"
"Of course I love you," she replied, squeezing his hand.
"Do you trust me?"
"Perce, I will love your family, no matter what." She could see that that wasn't what he was worried about.
"Before we go over there, Audrey, I need to tell you the truth…"
"What?" She dared to ask.
Percy took a deep breath in, and said, "What I am is more than a magician."
Well, thankfully, it wasn't about him having cold feet about their new family. She smiled, still confused. "You're an illusionist."
"No, I'm… my family… we are wizards."
"Is that what you call yourselves, then? The Weasley Wizards? Oh, sounds quite catchy!"
"No, Audrey, listen to me." He moved in front of her view of the Burrow so that they were face to face. "Magic, it's real. What I do is real. And I just want you to be prepared for what you might see in there. Promise me." He looked slightly frantic.
She caressed his cheek, humoring him, "I promise, but I don't see what this has to do with anything."
"You will see soon enough."
They began to walk toward the amazing house. A little blonde girl was playing with a small boy who had florescent turquoise hair. Audrey found that a little unruly for such a small child. She didn't even approve of her sister's wacky hair colors and Jude was a teenager then.
Percy's mother opened the door and gave them both such amazing hugs.
"I'm so happy you're finally here! And congratulations!" Molly beamed, indicating Audrey's stomach. Audrey was confused; did Percy tell his family before they could announce it together? Molly rushed them in while yelling out behind them, "Teddy! Victoire! Lunch will be ready in ten minutes!"
Audrey glanced over her shoulder, and to her astonishment, the boy's hair was now a bright ginger. She had to take a double-take. Maybe it was just the trick of the lighting before; the whole family was red-headed anyway. It only made sense.
As she walked further into the living room, she was absolutely fascinated by the amount of illusions happening at once. They truly were really into their magical craft. Everything was mismatched, and yet, it suited that house very well. The house was so full of people that Audrey was surprised that such a small-looking house on the outside could hold so many on the inside. She recognized George, his girlfriend, Angelina, Ron, and Arthur sitting around the kitchen table. After greeting these familiar people, Percy introduced her to Bill, and his wife, Fleur, and their youngest daughter, Dominique, his other brother Charlie, his sister Ginny and her fiancé, Harry. Audrey was quite disappointed that Hermione was not there. She had really enjoyed getting to know her over the years. She took a mental note to ask Percy why she was not there.
Lunch was amazing, according to Audrey. She had seen food appear out of what seemed to be thin air before, but this was true perfection. She found it rather fascinating.
"I absolutely love your tricks!" she admired Molly's handiwork. "You must tell me how you created such a realistic set-up."
Everyone looked at each other, then at Percy, who smacked his hand to his forehead in embarrassment.
"Percy Weasley, didn't you tell Audrey-" began his father.
"Of course I did! She still thinks it's what she thinks is magic."
Audrey looked around at knowing smiles. She didn't quite understand. She glanced down the table to where the three children were laughing, oblivious to the conversation at hand. And there, she saw it again! The boy named Teddy changed his hair color right before their eyes, making the two little girls giggle. She jumped and pointed down the table. "How! How did he do that?!"
"He's a Metamorphmagis," replied Harry, looking proudly down at Teddy.
"A morphing-what?"
Percy excused the two of them from the table and into the living room.
"Percy, what is this? Are you taking the piss?"
"No! Addie, I've been trying to tell you. I'm a wizard. My magic is real. My whole family can do magic-"
"So can mine-!"
"No, love, listen to me. Believe me! I would never lie to you."
She looked in his bespectacled blue eyes as he grasped both of her hands in his. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement from the wall. She turned to see all of the pictures were moving, waving and laughing. Were these mini-TVs? Why would they have so many if they were supposed to be poor?
She took one down from the wall. She saw no chord attaching the picture to the wall. No batteries. No on and off switch. "What is this place?" she whispered.
"My life," Percy said quietly. She looked up at his anxious face.
"This is a lot to take in, Perce."
"I know. I'm not expecting you to grasp it right away."
There was a bit of silence. Then, Audrey spoke. "The- the day we first met. When the Ping-Pong balls fell out of my pockets…"
As if on cue, Percy took out a stick from his pocket, gave it a small wave, and, like before, Ping-Pong balls cascaded from beneath her shirt sleeves.
Audrey was terrified. "Oh my God! Make it stop!" With another flick of the stick, the balls disappeared. "What the hell!"
"Addie, I'm sorry-" started Percy, reaching out to touch her, but she jumped out of his reach.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I wasn't- our laws didn't allow-"
"Your laws? Like your own principle, or…"
"No, our own Ministry."
Audrey laughed at this. "You have a Ministry?! What's it called? The Ministry of Magic?"
Percy grinned sheepishly. "It sounds too good to be true, I know, but you've got to trust me. Remember what you said before we came here? That you promised you'd trust me? This is why, Audrey. I love you so damn much, and I am over the moon that we're going to have a baby. I didn't want to scare you away."
Instinctively, she put a hand on her stomach. "So you couldn't tell me until I was pregnant?"
"Actually, I broke the rules a little bit," he said, seeing that this was a good time to start walking towards her. "I'm technically not supposed to say anything until the child is born, but I couldn't wait anymore. Hermione and I are trying to get rid of that rule for good. It's old and useless. But that's neither here nor there. The point is," he touched her hand over her stomach. "I love you and I don't want any secrets anymore. You've always wondered why I was so good at magic. Now you know. I am revealing my secret to you."
He chanced a smile, but Audrey was still quite frightened. "I don't know, Percy…"
"Listen, if you want, we can leave," he said. "We don't have to stay."
"Well, your family seems nice," she said slowly. "And they didn't try to kill me or anything."
"They would never kill you, Addie!" Percy took her by the shoulders, looking very serious. "We don't kill. We love. That's all we ever did was love." He had a sparkle in his eye and his ears turned red. "I will tell you anything you want to know about my world because I want you to be a part of it. I love you."
He looked so genuine. Audrey sighed of relief. She knew she could trust him. "I love you, too." After a quick peck, they returned, hand in hand, to the kitchen.
"So, you finally realize we've been scamming you all this time, eh, Addie?" Teased George, causing everyone to laugh except for Percy, who looked as if he were about to punch George in his good ear. No one knew that Percy created a nickname for Audrey, and he tended to want to keep it that way.
Audrey had a great rest of her time with the Weasleys, although she did miss Hermione. It turned out that Hermione was born from non-magic people, and that she knew the best of both worlds. Harry knew about normal people things too, so Audrey chatted with him more so than anyone else there. He informed her about what happened between Ron and Hermione. It was all so tragic. She figured that was why Ron avoided her the whole day. She hoped it would all work out in the end…
She also found out that Arthur did not have dementia after all! He was just an old wizard who was fascinated by regular, every day things. Audrey was glad to explain some things to him. He hugged her and said, "I am so happy you are part of our family."
Audrey's heart warmed up at the sight of the old man's happiness. She looked around at all of the magic that was happening around her. It was like she had woken up from a dream- a really cool dream that no one else would ever believe was real. In all of her years trying to run away from her family's magic act, she never thought that she would feel so at home in a place where real magic existed. She smiled back at her father-in-law. "I'm happy to be here, too."
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