#i'm still tagging it with that bc we have not ruled that out
skylarkblue · 2 years
who wants to hear about my doctor’s appointment?
bad luck y’all are on tumblr you get to hear about it anyway
the new doctor did take me seriously. this was a bonus.
he read the notes i had written about my symptoms, read the letter from the geneticist, read my blood test results, read my file.
said, “have you heard of chronic fatigue syndrome?”
yes, i said.
“right. you have that.”
cool. that’s not what i’m here for. please give me your thoughts on my joint pain.
“it’s....probably fibromyalgia. i would say it is fibromyalgia. but i’m going to refer you to a specialist to be sure.”
so i got a referral to the rheumatologist three hours away in sydney, because my dumbass country town has no specialists to speak of, and it’s a three month wait. it will also cost close to four hundred dollars. but this is A Start. this might be something.
my referral basically says “skylark has long-term extensive joint pain and fatigue with no specific symptoms beyond hypermobility and elevated inflammation markers. please give me your thoughts?”
he did tell me if it’s fibromyalgia and CFS there’s not much more to do than symptom management, but hey, symptom management would be a step above what i’m currently getting, which is nothing.
he also told me i need to lose thirty kilograms (70lbs for my american followers) but due to my joint instability, i need to do it without exercise. he told me to avoid fatty red meats and carbs and eat lean meats like chicken breast, pork, and fish, as well as nuts and fruit.
and i was like, my dude, that’s my whole diet.
believe it or not, I am 120kg and do know how to eat healthy. i am aware of the concept of healthy eating, and i know what works for my body. i don’t eat outside of meals, and if i do it’s limited to a small piece of chocolate or a handful of chips. i had an eating disorder for many years. the somewhat healthy relationship i have developed with food took a lot of work. i am fat. this is not a crime.
i explained to him i did used to be thin, and this was changed by me being put on antipsychotics. he was pleased i was on different, less weight-inducing antipsychotics now, but still thinks i should somehow magically drop thirty kilos without exercise.
i’m glad he’s taking my pain seriously, but the weight comment irked me.
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nereidprinc3ss · 4 days
slumber party
in which there's only one bed. fem bau!reader x spencer reid
fluff! warnings/tags: dark humor, (the word molest is used jokingly once but in my defense your honor its completely on brand for early seasons cm humor, if u cancel me u have to cancel the whole cast those are the rules, its just a joke cause reader always flirts w him aggressively, pls don't come for me i have a wife and children and three boyfriends to take care of,) mutual pining, bullying and death threats as flirting, they love each other so much and bicker like children, glasses spencer, (moans), emily and rossi are mentioned bc canon means fuck all to me, i think thats it but this is my most out of pocket duo so if i'm wrong lmk a/n: just a silly little thing that i cooked up, not a masterpiece but i think its cute!! I hope u enjoy!! lmk what you think!! looooveee youuuu
“Oh, there is no way.”
Your duffel bag hits the dingy carpet as Spencer is still closing the door behind you. 
“What? Is it—”
You give him a look over your shoulder, eyebrows raised as if to say, what are you going to do about this?
But he only manages to meet your eyes for a split second before they’re back to the singular queen bed, darting over the white sheets and pillows like he might find another mattress if he looks hard enough. 
Sharing a room with Spencer, you can handle. You've done it before. Whenever the team has to pair up at a hotel, you two are an obvious choice. And while you occasionally butt heads, mostly you adore each other and it's great.
But sharing a bed is a whole other situation.
One you were not prepared for. And evidently, neither is he.
Watching his big anxious eyes flit around the room nervously, you feel sort of bad for your reaction. You know you can be a bit… abrasive, sometimes. 
“It’s fine, I’ll just—I’ll see if I can share a bed with Emily or JJ in their room—”
Just then there’s a knock at the door. Spencer looks relieved to have something else to focus on, turning back around and quickly undoing the latch again before opening the door to reveal your favorite raven-haired SSA. Emily leans past the doorjamb, eyes immediately honing in on the awkward sleeping arrangement. 
“Oh my god! You guys too?”
“What?” You and Spencer ask at the same time. Emily raises her eyebrows at this and glances between you, but otherwise doesn’t comment. 
“Me and JJ only have the one bed. I thought it might just have been us.”
You frown. There goes your plan of sharing a room with them. 
“What about Morgan and Garcia?”
Spencer snorts.
“Something tells me Penelope wouldn’t be too torn up about it if that's the case.”
“Hotch and Rossi?”
The room goes quiet and a little chilly as the thought disturbs everyone equally. Emily frowns deeply.
“I don’t even… I can’t picture that.”
“Can we please not try to picture it?”
“Great. Okay, well. I just wanted to make sure everyone is suffering equally. Good luck, champs.”
“Thanks,” Spencer mutters dryly. Emily smiles, eyes darting between the two of you for just a moment too long, before pushing off the door frame and disappearing from sight. Once the door is closed again, a heavy silence ensues. “I’ll… I can take the floor—”
“It’s fine, Spencer. I’m not going to make you sleep on the floor. We’re both grown-ups. Besides, we like each other, right? It’ll be like a slumber party.”
“I’ve never had one,” he admits. His glasses slip further down his nose as he frowns. Your fingers itch to push them back up. 
“Then I’m happy to be your first,” you tease, facing him fully with your hand on your hip and barely resisting the urge to add, I’ll be gentle. “Do you want the shower first or can I?”
Spencer has a habit of looking you up and down like he doesn’t realize he’s doing it. Some might find it odd, but his utter lack of social graces is, lucky for him, incredibly endearing to you. 
“You can have it first,” he says, meeting your eyes again. “Just don’t do that thing where you get the entire bathroom soaking wet.”
“Aw. But I love doing that. It’s my favorite part,” you tease, scooping up your bag once more.
Twenty minutes later you’re emerging from the bathroom with damp hair, clad in loose shorts and a college hoodie. 
“Nice outfit,” Spencer says from the spinny-chair at the desk, examining your outfit choice with a scrutiny you wish you’d been prepared for. Really, you wish you’d known ahead of time you’d have a roommate and brought some alternate sleeping clothes. “I had no idea you felt so passionately about… Scooby Doo?”
“Shut up right now,” you grit, tossing your bag into the corner of the room and tugging your hoodie down over your cartoon-patterned shorts as far as you can. 
“What?” He’s laughing as he brushes past you on his way into the bathroom, bearing his own bag. “It’s a good look for you.”
Your face is burning as you choose the side of the bed furthest from the door. Springs creak underneath your weight as you sink down, sitting with your legs hanging off the side for a moment before swinging them up onto the mattress, leaning against the headboard and side-eyeing the empty space next to you. There’s really not very much of it. The bed feels even smaller than it looks. 
From the bathroom you hear the sound of the shower squeaking and starting up again—a cacophony of droplets against tile on the other side of the wall. You try not to be nervous as you imagine Spencer filling the space beside you in just a few minutes, hair wet and in pajamas. And yet you spend each second wondering if he’s almost done, wondering if the shower will finally sputter to a halt, and once it does, wondering how long it’ll be before he’s out again. It’s ridiculous how impatient you're getting—and by the time you finally watch the door knob twist you feel crazy. 
“I think that was your longest shower yet, Dr. Reid.”
The teasing affords you a moment to ogle him head to toe, taking in his choice of pajamas—tonight, familiar plaid pants and an MIT crewneck—as well as his hair which has already begun to dry. Briefly you wonder if he does that thing guys do, where they lean down and haphazardly dry their hair with a towel because they have no concern for its texture whatsoever. But you kind of doubt it, because his hair always looks so soft. 
“You were sitting here waiting for me?” He chuckles, and honestly you’d been expecting a shyer response. But you adapt quickly. 
“Maybe I was. Big spoon or little spoon?”
“Ha-ha.” He opens a drawer in the dresser and begins unpacking his clothes into it. It's a funny habit of his. You never unpack your duffel. “You took the better side of the bed.”
“Uh, yeah. I’m the woman. I get to do that.”
“Well you should know that if an intruder breaks in, I’m not fighting him off. You’d probably have a better chance than me.”
“And my chances will be even better if he’s distracted with you first.”
“So I’m just bait?” He scoffs, looking back at you. Strands of wet hair hang so prettily around his face, like the perfect frame around a work of art. You smile sweetly from your spot on the bed before playfully biting at the air in his direction. The message goes unspoken but reads loud and clear. Of course you are. You make such good bait. 
That gets a blush out of him and he has nothing else to say as he turns back to his drawer. Happily you lean back against the headboard, stretching your legs out and bouncing slightly in place. Beneath you the mattress springs groan and squeak in protest. 
“I hope you're not going to be this irritating all night.”
It's clearly lighthearted, but you promptly stop and frown at his back. 
“Call me irritating again and see where you end up sleeping tonight.”
“I just don’t see how you’re even more hyperactive than usual right now. Has anybody ever told you that you’re crepuscular?” Spencer asks, finally sliding the drawer shut and going to shut the overhead light off. Your eyes narrow. 
“Obviously nobody has told me that.”
“It means y—”
“I’m most energetic within the few hours around dusk and dawn. Contrary to your belief, Dr. Reid, other people are also capable of looking up words in a dictionary and remembering what they mean. Are you going to stand in the corner all night or are you gonna come to bed?”
“I am,” he scoffs, clearly embarrassed and shy and embarrassed of being shy. “I’m just… you look like you kick in your sleep. And hog the blankets.”
You shrug, folding your knees to your chest and hugging them quaintly. 
“I’ve never had any complaints. In fact, you should be so lucky to share a bed with me. All five star reviews, baby.” 
You toss a suggestive wink in at the end, which seems garish enough to break the tension so that Spencer can stop lingering in the corner like a sleep-paralysis demon and move to carefully take his place next to you. He almost mirrors your position, but his legs are too long to quite manage your level of compactness and so they simply fold underneath him. A few silent moments go by, in which you have the dumbest smile on your face and you keep glancing over to the side, waiting for him to be looking back at you. 
“This is already the least relaxed I have ever been in a bed.”
“Good thing we’re not going to sleep yet.”
Finally he looks at you, a casual mix of hesitance, concern, and moderate curiosity coloring his features. 
“We’re not?”
“Oh, my god, Spencer,” you snort. “I’m not gonna molest you. We have to do slumber party stuff, remember?”
He flushes again, glancing at the digital clock in his bedside table. 
“But it’s late. We should go to sleep.”
“At slumber parties you have to stay up until you literally can’t keep your eyes open anymore. Those are the rules. I don’t make them.”
Still, your insistence that you follow the international code of sleepover law goes unabided by Spencer. He simply leans over to flick off his lamp, bathing the room in darkness. 
“I appreciate the effort,” he says, and your eyes haven’t adjusted but you can hear the rustle of sheets and blankets as he gets under them, “but unfortunately we have to be awake and alert in five hours.”
“You’re no fun,” you huff, but climb under your own side of the cover and scoot down until you’re flat on your back, covered in blanket and hands folded on your sternum. 
Spencer doesn’t respond. 
It’s silent for maybe five minutes, during which your brain doesn’t slow down at all. Maybe you are crepuscular. Or slightly nocturnal. You have nothing but energy. 
In an attempt to get comfortable, you try adjusting your position.
The mattress squeaks. 
You do it again. 
Another squeak. 
A second goes by, and now you’re intentionally jostling about, squeaking the mattress as much as you can. 
“Would you stop that?” Spencer says, voice already gravelly with sleep. You manage, but you’re already devolving into a fit of giggles. “I’m going to smother you with this pillow,” he threatens, but you hear the disgruntled smile curling his words. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m just not in the mood to rest.”
Another moment passes. He sighs deeply. You smile into the dark. 
“What are you in the mood for?” He asks flatly, and you’ve won. 
“Tell me a secret,” you immediately demand in a hushed tone, flipping on your side to face his back. “Something you’ve never told anyone else.”
“I don’t—”
“Shh! You have to whisper it. Those are the slumber party rules.”
“I don’t have any secrets,” he whispers, clearly flustered, and to your delight, rolling to face the ceiling. “None that you’d want to hear.”
“Oh, now that’s just not true. You’re an enigma, Spencer Reid. You fascinate me.”
You’re only sort of kidding. 
“I… fascinate you?”
“Completely. You know, ever since you moved your desk across from mine I get distracted just staring at you and wondering what you’re thinking about. But you’re very… hard to read, sometimes. I think it’s because you’re a Scorpio.”
“The position of the stars at the time I was born has no bearing on my personality.”
“Fine,” you concede, still in a glorified stage whisper. “But that doesn’t mean you don’t display the archetypal Scorpio traits. You’re all brooding, mysterious. Kinda, I don't know... intense and sexy and unknowable…”
“Sexy?” He laughs, breaking the whisper rule. You grin and let it slide. You’d hoped he would catch that one. 
“Hey,” you snap, losing the smile immediately and lightly shoving against what you hope is his shoulder. “You’re supposed to be telling me a secret, damnit. I won’t let your wiles and charm distract me from getting what I want.”
“When have you ever let anything stop you from getting what you want?”
Truly, your cheeks are going to start aching with this constant back and forth between poker-faced and huge Cheshire smile. 
“Stop flirting and answer my question, Reid.”
With the amount of times you’ve made him sigh tonight he must be dizzy. You chew your lip apprehensively in the silence, picking a loose thread on your pillow. It’s so pitch black in the room, you can’t see him where he lies only a few meager inches from you. But you can feel his presence. You can feel the unexpected bass to his voice when he’s tired and speaking this lowly, which you’ve never heard before.
“All the secrets I’ve never told anyone are just… depressing.”
Your heart sinks a little at the way he swallows between words, like that in and of itself was hard to admit. Unthinkingly your hand slides into the small gap of white cotton between the two of you. 
“Not very good slumber party material, I think,” he laughs self-consciously. 
“You’d be surprised.” 
The sentiment comes quieter and more serious than you’ve been all night. If only you had the words to tell him that he can tell you anything. That you want to hold his secrets for him under lock and key. That you would never, ever do anything less than offer him kindness and support—even if it doesn’t always seem that way when you’re teasing him. 
“Do you have any secrets you’ve never told anyone else?” He murmurs eventually, so soft it could kill you. 
And you do. There are plenty of dark ones, probably not all dissimilar from those he’d elected not to share only a moment ago. 
But you don’t bring those up. 
Instead, you decide to admit to something silly. Still, it makes you nervous as you feel it coming loose in your chest. You’ve really never told anyone this, and it’s perhaps more vulnerable than you’d realized before the words were already leaving your mouth. 
“I, have…” You pause to laugh at yourself, and continue on. “I have a stuffed dragon that I take with me on every single case.”
“You do?” Spencer laughs, so loud and unexpected it almost hurts your ears, angling his head toward you. Blood rushes to your face. 
“Yes. He usually sleeps in bed with me. He’s an excellent listener and has been the origin of several of my most genius breakthroughs. You remember Gibson Cooper?”
“Family annihilator from Houston?” 
“Correct. He’s in prison because Oscar helped me make the Cook Creek Campground connection between the O’Hara and Diangelo families.”
“You have a stuffed profiler dragon named Oscar? Is he here?”
“He’s—I mean, I wasn’t expecting to share a room with someone.”
“So he’s in your bag.”
“Yes,” you seethe, “and I will not be introducing you to him. He doesn’t do well with men.”
“You are genuinely psychotic.”
You huff.
“Fine. I’m sorry I told you anything.”
You’re about to roll over onto your other side—but Spencer surprises you by catching the hand that had been outstretched in his direction. He carefully intertwines your fingers and squeezes gently. 
“You’re right. That was mean. Thank you for telling me about Oscar.” His tone is surprisingly teasing, and you’re so uncharacteristically flustered by this rare show of physicality and affection that you can’t muster an adequate comeback. Spencer doesn’t seem to mind filling your silence, though, sounding a little more solemn now. “I’m sorry I don’t have any secrets for you.”
The way his voice gets all thin and scratchy sometimes—it’s like the earnest sincerity just pours out of him. He can’t control it. He can’t be anyone other than who he is. Maybe that’s a part of why you love him so much. You wonder if he knows how much you love him. It’s not exactly a secret—anyone on the team would be able to tell as much. You’ve been relentlessly teased for the way you are with him. For your batting lashes and your lingering touches and your unabashed flirting. But beneath it all is true affection, and nobody doubts that. 
“It’s okay,” you decide with a squeeze of your own, after a moment of deliberation. “You’ll think of something. ’Cause, y’know—you’re stuck with me for at least a few more days.”
“Oh, god,” he laughs, and releases your hand, rolling over to face away from you. But you don’t mind. You’ll get lots more time to invade his personal space over the coming week or so. “Goodnight.”
“Sweet dreams,” you sing-song, turning away to face the wall with what is perhaps your biggest, stupidest smile yet.
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as the flowers bloom, my heart does too ⋆*·゚misa x putellas!femreader, social media au, (9/-)
when your relationship ends and all you want to do is hide and cry, flowers suddenly start to appear on your doorstep.
or; misa hating to see a pretty girl cry and suffer and going out of her way to cheer her up while staying anonymous
fic: coming
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yourusername: last week ☀️ Liked by bff2, sofie.svava, albaps9 and 983 others
marisabel_rguez I miss you. liked by yourusername ↳ bff2 And we miss you!! liked by yourusername ↳ marisabel_rguez 😊 ↳ yourusername I miss you more. ↳ marisabel_rguez ☺️
alexiaputellas Missing you. ↳ yourusername alright, copycat 🖤 ↳ alexiaputellas But I do!!! ↳ yourusername 😘
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tagged: alexiaputellas, jennihermoso marisabel_rguez: Family and friends 🤩 Liked by alexiaputellas, yourusername, sofiajakobsson and 12,499 others
jennihermoso Puta, am I not family too? 🤪
alexiaputellas ❤️
yourusername oh my god, i love you sm 🥺 ↳ jennihermoso I know they're stealing the show for you, but that's including me, right? ↳ yourusername always 🤍
albaps9 hey now, not so fast, you have to put a ring on it first before we're family 🤣 ↳ bff1 good to know you're at least consistent with your rules ↳ albaps9 oh hey, it's our deranged cousin again
username1 FAMILY????? ↳ username2 yeah, misa, explain pls 🧐 ↳ username3 you don't think they... ↳ username4 😲
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tagged: marisabel_rguez alexiaputellas: Familia 🌼 Liked by yourusername, christenpress, bff1 and 49,987 others
username1 extended family? 💍👀
yourusername brb making this my lockscreen wtf 😭
jennihermoso Team 😎
marisabel_rguez 😊 ↳ alexiaputellas 🤩
albaps9 never thought i'd see the day ↳ yourusername 🙄
username2 sisters in law....when? 👉👈
sefutbolfem Equipo 🇪🇸 ↳ yourusername be gone 😡 liked by 273 otheres
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you this idiota accidentally bought us tickets for the newest paw patrol film
bff2 This is exactly what I meant with zero braincells
bff3 You say accidentally but you can't convince me jajaja
bff1 race to the rescue! 🐶🚓
bff2 Wait, please tell me you're not still watching it...
you 😶
you wellllll, we're watching until our actual film starts and we can go into that theatre so PLS keep me company until then bc she's fully invested in the film now
bff1 ryder and his team of pups will come and save the day!! 🚓
bff2 Oh god 😂😫
bff3 At least I know my baby would have a good time being babysat by you two!
you aw i can't wait until that day 🥺
bff1 that's exactly why we're practising now! trying to sus out what's a nice movie to put on for them, ya know? so hurry up and make us PAWsome aunties
bff2 😂
bff3 You might not have to wait long! ☺️
you ○○○
bff1 ○○○
bff2 ○○○
bff2 Uhhhh WHAT??
bff3 Surprise? 😅
bff3 Yup... baby coming soon 😊❤️
bff1 we're going to be aunties? 😢
bff3 I hope so! But please don't fight over who gets godmother rights 😇
bff2 Congratulations you two!!!!!!!! 😭😘❤️
bff1 okay, but it will be me, right?
bff1 kidding, congratulations OMGGGGGGGGG 😍😍😍😍
bff2 Can we come over tonight to properly congratulate you? ❤️
bff2 Also, is Y/N still here? 😅
bff1 she's crying and our popcorn is all over the floor 🤣
you omg i'm so happy for you two im overwhelmed om im soo sorry liuu screw this film im coming over right now wtf why did you drop a bomb like that through TEXTSS im nOT OKAY !!!!!!
bff1 heck no you aren't, i paid already 😡
bff1 ○○○
bff1 sigh she won, we're in the car.
you SO MUCH!
you 😭💖😭💖😭💖😭💖
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yourusername: city trip with olga 👯‍♀️ Liked by alexiaputellas, leahwilliamsonn, leilaouahabi and 3,113 others
alexiaputellas Have fun and keep each other safe, por favor. Miss you 😘
bff1 remember to look right-left-right when crossing the street!!! ↳ albaps9 i second that. pls don't die in london bc after brexit, it'll be hell to ship your body back to spain ↳ bff1 how much do you think she'll cost to ship or do you think we should just let them keep her ↳ marisabel_rguez She has a heart of gold, so a lot of money, but can you girls maybe not worry me further? 😅
bff1 yeah because the wag life must be SO exhausting 😬
Text Messages
you hey chula, i have a question. m 💌 Yes, I'd carry you around if you were a severed head. We've gone over this. 😆 you sweet! but i can't decide on something. can i send you a photo? m 💌 Princesa, I swear to god, if it's another one of those photos that'll drive me insane, I'll choke you. you oh you i wasn't going to but i now might m 💌 Noted...but okay, send me. you black or red? m 💌 YN... I swear 👀 you black or red? 😠 you sent a photo open ▼
m 💌 Oh phew they're just dresses jajaja m 💌 Hmmm... well you know what I think of you in black, but I'd love you in both 😉 m 💌 Why? What are you up to? you picking my ballon d'or dress for next week! you but ugh misa that doesn't help me m 💌 Ohh right! 😂😅 m 💌 For the record, I'd have said red if you were talking about lingerie. you ○○○ you ○○○ you great minds think alike you sent a photo open ▼
[spicy photo attached, use your imagination, teehee]
m 💌 ○○○ m 💌 ○○○ m 💌 ○○○ m 💌 YN?!? m 💌 Ale's sat beside me in the bus, dios mio m 💌 ○○○ m 💌 Fuck, you're beautiful. Amor, I love you but please!!!! m 💌 ○○○ you 😇 m 💌 😐 you oh, so are you scared of my sister now? m 💌 No. you of how she'll react when she realises the thoughts you're having about me? you because you are having those, no? m 💌 ○○○ m 💌 I am... you well i've been having thoughts about you too. you all day now m 💌 Go on. Delivered m 💌 Querida? you ○○○ you wait sorry, i have to run! m 💌 Fuck, YN, you're a menace, you know that? 😩 Delivered m 💌 And she's gone 😅 Delivered
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↳ 1h ago: yourusername added to their story
Direct Messages
marisabel_rguez You went with black? yourusername yep, just for you 😊 yourusername (so you'll have something to fantasise about when the award show gets boring) marisabel_rguez You like doing this to me, don't you? yourusername i thought you did too marisabel_rguez I did, until you kept it going for an entire week in which I couldn't see you... yourusername oh! no! 😱! whatever will you do to me now! 🤭! marisabel_rguez Well, nothing, not anymore. And seeing as I'm currently on the train to Barca to stay with you for the weekend, that sounds like a problem for you. yourusername sorry 🥺🥺🥺🥺 marisabel_rguez Too late. yourusername fine. then maybe it will become a problem for you too because i don't think i will stop teasing. how sad for you that nothing will come out of it 💔 marisabel_rguez Always a menace, aren't you? yourusername 😇 marisabel_rguez Never change, my love.
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yourusername: my hero, my big sister. finally, after everything. it was a nervewracking night, but we had a little help from above. Liked by albaps9, alexiaputellas, marisabel_rguez and 12,389 others
judebellingham Congrats Alexia! And lovely meeting you, YN! liked by 193 others ↳ username1 👀 ↳ username2 eh, please no? 😰
albaps9 ❤️
alexiaputellas I love you.
marisabel_rguez We screamed so loud when she won! ↳ bff3 I'm pretty sure they could have heard us in France if they tried!! ↳ yourusername 🥺 ↳ bff2 Congrats Alexiaaa! ↳ marisabel_rguez Award to the most beautiful girl in the audience went to you btw! 😁 ↳ albaps9 oh oh oh! what award did i get? ↳ yourusername the most annoying girl in the audience 🤣 liked by bff1
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alexiaputellas: All that matters 🖤 (pretend you're on here again 😔) Liked by albaps9, samanthakerr20, tobinheath and 139,319 others
albaps9 I LOVE YOU 😊
bff2 Yaaaaay, Alexia!!!
janafernandez3 😍
bff1 still my adoptive family ↳ albaps9 ..... fine. but only bc i'm in a good mood today ↳ bff1 oh... are you? 🤭 ↳ albaps9 not like that, dipshit 🤢 ↳ username1 ✨ i don't care, i ship it ✨ ↳ albaps9 🤢 ↳ bff1 🤢
username1 😍😍😍
username2 YES ALEXIA!!!
yourusername t'estimo 🥺
username3 So well deserved 🥺
username4 finally getting the recognition!! 👏
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marisabel_rguez: Proud of you! Liked by yourusername, bff2, leilaouahabi and 19,539 others
sofie.svava Is it as heavy as it looks? ↳ marisabel_rguez I don't know, she only let me touch it for five seconds, not hold it 😪 ↳ alexiaputellas How are you complaining when my sister is yours to hold as you please? ↳ marisabel_rguez 🤐 ↳ alexiaputellas I thought so! 😜
bff1 togeeeether, foreeeever ↳ albaps9 we're misa, and alexia ↳ yourusername ✨best friends! ✨ ↳ username1 the linda and heather meme? stop 😂 ↳ username2 im living for them taking the piss out of ale and misa 🤣
username3 we've come a looooooong waaaaay
username4 can someone edit this cute picture next to the pk pic 🤣
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↳ 1h ago: yourusername added to their closed friends story
Direct Message
albaps9 I love how misa has just accepted you're all a package deal yourusername uhhh it's the other way around, if they want me, they get misa too 🥺 liked
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yourusername: house cooling party! saying goodbye in style. thank you for making me feel home on the best and worst days of my life. Liked by bff1, albaps9, marisabel_rguez and 1,893 others
alexiaputellas It was a fun night 😁
username1 wait, leaving? to where 👀 ↳ username2 Madrid, duh ↳ username1 you think so? ↳ username2 Where else? 😅
bff3 Finally found use again for that karaoke machine again, hm? ↳ yourusername and i'm sure the neighbours loved it too!
bff1 goodbye to my second home. i won't forget you 💔 ↳ bff2 And I'm sure it won't forget you either 🤣
albaps9 HOUSE cooling party? pffff your flat's the size of a shoebox ↳ yourusername WAS. i'm upgrading 😌
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↳ 5h ago: albaps9 added to their story
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yourusername: bye barcelona 🥺 Liked by marialeonn16, bff2, janafernandez3 and 1,893 others
marialeonn16 Bye tiny laelia, we'll miss you!
alexiaputellas ❤️☹️
bff1 i'm honestly heartbroken and it's not even sarcastic this time ↳ bff2 Sigh, me too 😕 ↳ yourusername no please don't say that. i've already stalled packing my last few things 😔 ↳ bff3 Can we come over? ↳ bff1 yes please, can we? ↳ yourusername please!!! and never forget that my door will always be open for you guys, no matter where i live 😞
username1 but hello madrid? 👀 liked by 21 others
albaps9 still in denial but oh well, little sisters have to spread their wings and leave the nest some day i suppose. going to miss being able to show up at random times for sleepovers with you. ↳ yourusername alba 😔
Text Messages
Alexia Hey Misa. We spoke about this already, but I just want to say it one last time. I wish you and Y/N all the best together in Madrid, you're part of our family and I love you for how you love her. And I know you know this and will do this, but please take care of our laelia. Please. She's always been our entire world and I'm still a little reluctant letting her go where I cannot be there for her. But I know she has you now, which is the next best thing 😉But truly, I trust you with her. I know we've come a long way when it comes to that, but I speak the truth when I say that I am so grateful that it's you who has her heart. Don't be hard on each other when things get a little difficult in the beginning. You both haven't lived with someone for a while, so it will take some time to adjust to each other, no matter how much you love one another. But if anyone can do it, it's you two. It feels a little silly that I'm hurting so bad, but that kind of also means you're the right person for my sister. Because if you weren't, I wouldn't be hurting that hard, because I'd know she'll come back to us eventually. I'm not so sure that's the case this time. You've got her heart now, and like it or not, I don't think you'll ever get rid of her even if you wanted to jaja. She really loves you, Misa. She's never loved someone so hard. I can see that what you have is forever, even if it's only been a year. I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you enough for what you've done for her, the way you love her and did so even when she needed time. Your patience, respect and gentleness with her has earned you our love and respect. I guess I also kind of want to apologise again for what I whispered into your ear all those months ago after the PK. Because you're family. Vale? You are. Never forget.
Misa Hey. Thank you for telling me all of this, and for trusting me to take care of her. I know how close you all are and I actually feel really terrible for plucking her away from you, from her familiarities and her routines and her people. I know it was her own decision and that she really wants this, despite feeling a little torn too. If I could, I would have us live closer to you all. I know how lucky I am with her loving me so much that she wants to make a lot of sacrifices for me, but I also can't help but feel really bad about it. She's starting all over again and that can be scary, but I'm going to make sure that she feels at home and safe and loved over here, I promise you. That she'll settle in quickly and that she will never forget she's my world. That she doesn't feel like she made all those sacrifices in vain. You can trust me that I'll keep to my promise, Alexia. She's my entire world, and I have loved her for longer than I even realised myself. I know it might be a little challenging at first, but after the obstacles we went through together, I know this will only be a small bump. I'll make sure to schedule regular visits to Barca, even if our schedules get a little busy. I don't want to come in between the bond she has with you and her friends. I would never want to take that away from her, which is why I feel so guilty that I'm indirectly kind of doing exactly that. I actually wanted to pass up on the place we found and wait with looking for anything until after the world cup, so that she wouldn't already be by herself right away. But she insisted and I have to agree, it's the perfect place for us. I think her friends are planning to stay some weekends with her while we're in Australia, so that does ease my mind. And you're also always welcome to stay and visit us, Alexia. Actually, I'd love if you could come over for a few days during our time off after the world cup. I think she'd really appreciate it. Just keep it a surprise, for now? Anyway, I have to go back to painting the next layer in the living room so all the painting is done when she arrives, jaja! She gave me clear instructions which colours to use and where. She got really serious about it and it made me love her even more. But thank you, Alexia. You mean a lot to me. I will forever cherish you and your sister. I promise you.
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tagged: marisabel_rguez yourusername: one. Liked by marisabel_rguez, begovargas, bff3 and 1,837 others
salmaparalluelo We KNEW it was the same person!!!! ↳ ona.battle Up top! 🙏
marisabel_rguez Time flies when you're having fun 😱 liked by yourusername ↳ yourusername it sure does! 😊
ingridengen Congratulations, sweetie!
username1 brb sending flowers to my crush if this is the end result
bff1 eyo ❤️
alexiaputellas Happy one year, you two 🌼 liked by marisabel_rguez
janafernandez3 Aaaaah 😭
username3 IS NO ONE SEEING THE TAG ON THE LAST SLIDE?>>> HELLO??? ↳ username4 HOOOOOLY FUCK ↳ username5 😱😱😱 ↳ username6 quick someone screenshot before it's gone again 😅
aitanabonmati 🎉🌼
jennihermoso Congrats, tiny ❤️
albaps9 you can make me feel single all you want today 😘
leilaouahabi 😍
patri8guijarro felicidades!!!
username1 THE MYSTERY IS SOLVED! ↳ username2 only officially, bc im pretty sure we all already knew who sent the flowers lol
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marisabel_rguez: uno. Liked by alexiaputellas, sofie.svava, bff1 and 34,635 others
yourusername thank you for the flowers, my sweet friend 😘 ↳ marisabel_rguez The couch is yours tonight. liked by alexiaputellas
bff1 what does a card game have to do with yn ↳ yourusername i have no CLUEdo you??
albaps9 😊
username1 HARD LAUNCH?? ↳ username2 HARD LAUNCH!!!! ↳ username3 I COULD CRY AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW THEM ↳ username4 as if we haven't seen them flirt, interact and post secretive pics of each other for over a year 🤭
username5 i love how they're so casual about it lol
username6 Aww yessss congrats 😭
sofie.svava yeeeeeeeehaaaa ❤️
claudiaapina 😍👏
alexiaputellas 😘
jennihermoso Cat's out of the bag!! 😝💖
bff2 Happy one year, lovelies!
mariona8co 😁🎉
marialeonn16 FINALLY
Comments on this post have been limited.
a/n: choose a flower of your liking, hope it'll cheer you up! 🌼🌻🌷🌺
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mono-dot-jpeg · 9 months
tiny exception [pt. 2] - stellaron hunter crew
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summary; there's one little exception to the rules of the stellaron hunters...
genre/extra tags; one shot, fluff, a lot of fluff, comedy, children are menaces but it's okay, blade will be punting a kid (/j), rich aunt kafka, silver wolf doesn't know how to handle kids
[platonic] [5-7 year old reader] [gender neutral reader]
[buy me a kofi to support!]
word count; 615
a/n; finally i have finished the part two of this iconic work bc someone requested it. hope you enjoy!
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[rule 1; don't bother blade]
this rule really should be obvious. it really should, but kids don't listen to obvious rules.
"why are you so grumpy?"
"because of you."
"that's mean. you're really mean." you sit right on his lap because you felt stubborn today. "and you're stupid." silver wolf stifles a laugh at the sight before her. you and blade glare at each other as you poke at his face like a cat. "and ugly."
"i think you're talking about yourself." anyone who didn't know blade would think, man, he doesn't like this kid. but from the way he holds you gently and the tiny glint of playfulness in his eyes as he talks to you.
"you're so rude! i'm gonna tell kafka!"
you push yourself against him in a weak attempt to tackle him. he only carries you, hands under your armpits as you struggle in his hold.
"you're a little snitch, you know that?" he holds you like a baby this time as you're still kicking your legs and trying to squirm out of his grip to get a chance to get to kafka.
"because you're a big meanie! a big butthead!"
"yeah, yeah."
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[rule 2; don't go in kafka's room]
there wasn't really anything incriminating in there. she just didn't like people invading her space and it was normal. but there's always those little exceptions.
"auntie!" you knock on her door, almost a little too loudly. she does open the door, not really fazed since she knows your loud knocks from anywhere.
"what is it, dear?" she's tiredly picking you up, it's clear that she's had a long day but by aeons, she wasn't gonna let that stop her from caring for you.
"can i sleep with you tonight.." you're a little bit embarrassed. you usually stay with silver wolf as her late night working sessions usually help you fall asleep but you haven't seen kafka in the past few days.
"of course you can. i would never say no." her hand pats against your back, comforting you and starting to lull you into a sleep. she lets you rest your head on her shoulder, humming, "i'll be doing a little bit before we lay down. just sleep, baby."
"i like your room, auntie.. i like being with you." you mumbled tiredly. you rest against her as she sits down at her desk, still holding you.
"i like being with you too."
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[rule 3; let silverwolf focus when she's playing her games]
something about children and always wondering what games you got on your phone always has silverwolf reeling away from you when she goes to play her games. it took her longest to get used to your bright presence. honestly, children were not really any of their forte. you were an unexpected (yet expected) part of the crew even if you didn't do much (yet).
she usually kept herself away but today was different. she offered to play with you. as it was almost out of character of her, you immediately accepted. and you played a two player co-op game. she was more focused than you were but you didn't mind.
you weren't doing well in the game as your character died multiple times during this boss battle (that was set to medium for you but co-op gave it more health and different battle patterns). you watched as silverwolf tried her best to pull through.
"you can do it!" you had said in the heat of the moment, but her finger slipped and you both lost. "i'm sorry!"
she's a little bit frustrated being so close to the end but she lets out a tired sigh. "it's okay."
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the-nysh · 1 year
Hi there!! I just saw your tags on the Vash marksman appreciation post and I really REALLY gotta know your thoughts on the fight choreography bc while I did martial arts as a kid I don’t remember everything and just extremely curious!! Wanna appreciate the thoughts put behind making this boyo!!
👀👀!!! Yes, hello! (Note: I'm also about 10yrs rusty out of practice in hapkido--a Korean defensive art that combines many styles from judo/aikido/etc, so while I may not remember all the formal terms and stuff, I can still SEE the very real and very sexy close combat choreography + randori/grapples/ground work they're smoothly throwing in there!) I've briefly tag-ranted on some former gifs I've reblogged here & here but OK, I can indulge into a little more detail! :D
Let's start with this gif, which is such a nice introductory tease!
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The point-blank bullet dodging is some of that sick looking 'rule of cool' inhuman spice, but oh what's this?? 👀 The other dude is dumbly holding his arm out (non-defensively, since if that guy were smart about close fighting, he'd have his other hand up at the ready too) right in Vash's personal space, ripe for the taking - to which OH YES he easily blocks with the prosthetic arm and transitions right into a throw for the takedown. Where he shoves the fool over his shoulder with a lot more power (which is hard to do, esp from a standing position without a solid grip on any lapels either; woo he just goes right in for it), rather than using the dude's own momentum against him, since the guy's literally just standing there (as a stationary weight) rather than trying to punch him in a brawl. But LOOK what else Vash does!!! His block with the prosthetic becomes a grip that both holds/pulls onto the guy's arm during the throw and disarms the guy - by tossing his gun away, in one swift movement! :O Not only that, but there!! We see the first quick tease of him reverse-griping his own heavy brick of a gun into a tonfa position to strike the guy at the back of the neck for a non-lethal stun!!! That is SO cool!!! ;o; Some galaxy-brained application of his no-killing fighting style (using both arms + his revolver in his repertoire...oh wait, that already makes up the title's literal 3 guns *gets shot*) where it looks so fresh and seamlessly smooth af. Great stuff.
Then the Livio fight, despite him being double-armed with long-range weapons, is full of close-range gold from the way Vash tackles him, straddles him, and pins him to the floor with a (forceful!) choke to the throat (like whoa excuse me hello), but ALSO from the self-aware way Vash always has his guard up to keep both of Livio's guns out of the way at all times. D: Whether parrying bullets with his prosthetic, blocking/holding the guns away with that arm too (as shown), or even using his own gun defensively as a tonfa-shield to reinforce his blocks as well.
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So then we get to THIS GIF, the same sequence that drove you insane for his smooth marksmanship tracking, drives ME insane for his immediate close-quarters holywhattheflyingshit did he just DO!?!?!?! 👀👀
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LOOK AT HIM!!! Honestly it's kinda hard to see everything from how fast he goes, but I love the way he zips in there to grapple Livio off-balance, and ahh!! Look at the way Vash ducks and defensively keeps both arms up (this is SO important, because once you've trained you'll notice how in so many movies/comics' 'rule of cool' martial arts moves, they'll often have a character wildly swing their arms out to the sides to counter-balance kicks and stuff, but no--that's bad/unsafe form; bc if you're in a real fight you need to keep both arms up and ready at all times if you want to protect your core/face from getting blown off! Which just as you've noted, is something that needs to be practiced! The fact Vash has kept his unblemished pretty face for 150yrs is testament to that~) Vash knows how to simultaneously use his prosthetic AND his gun as needed--cause look at that, he swiftly holds it reversed as a tonfa again to block Livio's gun swing, which is a really cool way to use a gun as a shield to protect his own flesh arm from the incoming blows.
But that's not all, because ahaaa~ Fighting defensively is not all he's got up his sleeve! The little boxing jab he throws to Livio's face with his prosthetic arm makes me giggle, because OH YEAH that's a real thing! A type of distraction strike you pull - the same as stomping on a foot or kicking someone in the balls, to disorient your opponent off-guard first before you serve your real (offensive) move. Which in Vash's case leads up to a....O___O;;!?!? TF is THAT.
Here's where they're teasing in more of that inhuman spice again, because Vash holds Livio's guns out of the way (as usual) and revs up for a....fucking one-punch to the solar plexus at point-blank?!? D8 Whatwhatwhatwhat!!! Because that wasn't his gun's doing at all; he was still holding it defensively in that arm as a tonfa! That was his real arm's natural brute strength bitch!!! aaaahaha!!! wow I love it. The guy modestly says he's not much of a fighter but that's not trueeee at all, is it~ ;) I can SEE real proof of that otherwise and I can't wait for what else studio orange will show us to blow our minds.
*Ahem* So anyway did I ever mention how much I like the way he reverses the grip on his gun to use as a tonfa? (both defensively as a shield to protect himself and offensively to stun/strike his opponents with) For thematically how much it seamlessly works for his fighting style to never kill, for how the improvised (but practiced!) close-range practicality and versatility of it looks crazy awesome, and because damn, that shit's hot.
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thehollowwriter · 3 months
I've just realised that NRC this, this extremely fancy and prestigious private magic school, is less strict than my school in regards to uniform. Like, at my school, even Riddle will be punished??? We have a uniform like NRC, so no casuals allowed (we have "casual days," but you're charged money for it), and the rules are just:
•No makeup,
•No nail polish,
•No necklaces (one girl had a necklace bc it belonged to her late mother and she was mourning her, she was still forced to take it off and then punished)
•No rings
•Only girls can wear earrings, and those earrings must be studs or hoops and must be certain size
•No hair dye unless you're dying all of your hair a natural colour
•Boys must have short hair and be shaved. Girls must have hair tied up
•No bowties
•You HAVE to buy the school bags, including sports bags, book bags, and drawstring bags, or you'll get in trouble. It "looks unneat," apparently. We frequently joke about how we're gonna have to buy school branded lunch boxes next.
•They were so strict with our blazers that parents actually issued complaints until they changed the rules because it used to be mandatory that we wore our blazers at all times between, before, and after classes and during assemblies. Even during the summer. I'm in South Africa, the summers get extremely hot. Someone nearly passed out during an assembly because of the heat and the staff was still like "sorry you can't take it off, it's the uniform"
Like wow, my school is insane cjfbjggbjg
Tagging my moots so they can see my suffering: @distant-velleity @the-banana-0verlord @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker @whspermy-name @dove-da-birb @azulashengrottospiano @kitwasnothere
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whorejolras · 1 month
as promised: jess' les amis fanfic rec list ✨
this is mainly e/r, a little bit of e/r/c and a few courferre
This is just the stuff that was in my bookmarks on ao3 when I started writing this post (months ago lol sorry it took so long). Going through I was shocked to see so many of my faves weren't actually bookmarked so I will for sure do a part two when I find them again, and have also added heaps of new fics to my bookmarks since then, but for now 25 fics is enough 😂
many of these will be rated E and will have sexual content, some are straight up pwp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ok first is my ultimate fave that isn't even on ao3 anymore, but thankfully is on the authors tumblr, and that's:
Gnomon by luchia
50-80k words (?) (bc it's not on ao3 i'm estimating)
rating: E
terrorist/assassin Enjolras my beloved ever. My fave are the "charming young man capable of being terrible" fics obviously. This one is my #1 e/r like in my head this is it's own canon. & this series has my fave e/r smut scenes ever. I still daydream about a Gnomon tv show...
- trigger warnings bc it's not on ao3 so doesn't have tags: murder, gun and knife violence, bombs, conversations about the deaths of children. this is not healthy relationship fluff but it makes for a 🥵 dynamic that's for damn sure.
also linking the rest of the series which is up on ao3 still, even though it is officially abandoned and unfinished - i am going to break my ultimate rule right off the bat and link an unfinished series bc I like it so much.
stupid terrorist boys by luchia
series, 5 works
200k words
rating: M and E
here we have gnomon's prequels, two sequels, and some one shots in between 🫶🏻
if you're here for kinky pwp Senselessly Happy and Unsuspecting could be good stand-alone (but it's better when reading in order). I would say read Gnomon first on tumblr then read the rest in order on ao3.
Silence Is the Speech of Love by lady_ragnell
50k words
rating: E
Enjolras/Grantaire, background Courfeyrac/Marius/Cosette
Enjolras is cursed for speaking out against the gods, Grantaire is there for him.
will I ever shut up about this fic? Never. fave fave fave. the world building, the mythological/religious system, the writing, the "I love you" "I don't think you do, actually" scene URGH!!!! I think of this fic every time i hear chopsticks. Everything happening with courf/marius/cosette, and the genius inclusion of social worker Fantine my beloved. This is one of those "could be it's own novel" fics.
and the sequel from Enjolras' pov 😭 - Left Unsaid
World Ain't Ready by idiopathicsmile
185k words
rating: T
yes it's the top fic yes everyone probably knows it but it's good for a reason. THE fake dating high school au fic that I broke all my rules for back in 2015. I refused to read unfinished fics, let alone T rated high school fics, yet I remember waiting for the updates for this one as it came out, messaging mutuals on the day the last chapter was released. and every time I reread I remember why. Brilliantly written, the pining, the angst, the miscommunications. All the Joly and Bossuet scenes.
honourable mention to the scene where Joly is so excited for the battle of the bands, then next scene starts with "I think it's more of a sitting night today" the realest simple yet most gut punching illustration of chronic pain that gets my ass every time.
Lovesickness by idiopathicsmile
11k words
rating: T
Enjolras/Grantaire, Joly/Bossuet/Musichetta
(we're gonna see a fair bit of idiopathicsmile on here)
this is one of my absolute favourites. not only bc I quote "hit by a truck full of shirts" all the time. a Joly pov fic!!!!!! my beloved!!!!! I'm a BIG JBM fan (they are essential to me when I'm writing grantaire) and love fics that stay true to his friendship with Joly and Bossuet. also I love when Enjolras is a giant dumbass who thinks his feelings for Grantaire is a mystery illness 😂
Still the Same by The Librarina (tears_of_nienna)
74k words
rating: E
ok ok ok. listen. Yes. in this fic, Enjolras IS an fbi agent... and u know i'm the first and last to scream acab always...
that being said this is fully still one of my fave e/r/c fics. Enjolras and Combeferre are married & Enjolras needs to work with art thief Grantaire (fave) on a case. also that one bit at the end when Grantaire *redacted* 👀🫣
cupbearer by illuminate*
*this one is locked, you need an account to view
series, 4 works
124k words total
ratings: T, M & E
this series!!!!!! VAMPIRE ENJOLRAS!!!! thrall Grantaire!!!! canon era AND modern au! REINCARNATION!!!! i'm eeeeaaaaattiiiing 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
More Than Just a Game by ecaitlin
36k words
rating: E
Fake dating courferre 😭 this one is so good for the desert scene alone 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 one of my fave courferre fics
Good Intentions by ecaitlin
95k words
rating: E
Courfeyrac/Combeferre, background Marius/Cosette, Joly/Bossuet, Bahorel/Feuilly, and Enjolras/Grantaire ofc
THE les amis hogwarts au. 95k of Courfeyrac pov is always a treat for the system. in their last year at hogwarts, Courfeyrac decides to play matchmaker for all his friends. shenanigans!!!! fuck jkr, but whenever I wanna reread harry potter again I read this fic 🫶🏻 fave courferre ever, and also fave background e/r
if you remembered me by nightswatch*
*this one is locked, you need an account to view
40k words
rating: M
one thing about me is I love an amnesia fic! Enjolras loses his memory and Grantaire helps him recover 👀 this one's for the hurt/comfort and miscommunication/not being upfront about shit fans. also there's some past Grantaire/Combeferre and i'm always a fan
Beautiful Music Together by lady_ragnell
31k words
rating: E
a rare Courf/Marius/Cosette fic for your palette. established Marius/Cosette need a little help from their good friend Courf with their sex life 👀 while the three of them also work on a musical assignment together 😭 prequel to You Dance Dreams kinda 👀
You Dance Dreams by lady_ragnell
61k words
rating: E
(you can tell when i've found a writer who has a fair few fics and just gone nuts lol, lots of lady_ragnell too)
BALLET AU I LOVE YOU!!!!!! so set in the same universe as Beautiful Music Together, Combeferre ropes everyone into working on his opera, a Midsummer Night's Dream sequel. Grantaire dances as Puck alongside Enjolras singing as Oberon 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
In Defiance of all Geometry by idopathicsmile
51k words
rating: T
this is a top fave E/R/C fic and a top fave les amis fic of all time! Them living in a co-op and all the little details of how they make it work is sooooo real and anyone who wants to see accurately written community organising in les amis fic it's here! now for the ✨romance✨ - Grantaire moves in to the amis co-op and starts crushing on both Enjolras and Combeferre, who have both been pining for each other for years.
Years Since It's Been Clear by lady_ragnell
10k words
rating: E
Enjolras offers his spare room to grantaire - or the one where enjolras chases the sun across the living room floor like a cat. That image has lived rent free in my head for and I am not exaggerating here, 10 years.
Gonna need (a spark to ignite) by FinditAgain*
*this one is locked, you need an account to view
47k words
rating: M
soulmate au! soulmate au with E/R/C!!!!!!! enjolras and combeferre are soulmates who lost their bond as children. when combeferre and enjolras find each other as adults, enjolras is already in an established relationship with grantaire 👀👀👀
secret agent man by goshemily
30k words
rating: E
yes another cop one haha 😭 bc if ur not able to contradict urself with the media u like are u even a person? but also I wouldn't recommend if it wasn't a good read for the stairs scene alone 😅 Enjolras and Grantaire need to go undercover as a married couple in a small town.
Leaves in the Void by myrmidryad
16k words
rating: M
this is one i've found since rejoining tumblr late last year that 😭 fully broke my heart bro 😭 space au, enjolras writes letters to everyone when he's accidentally isolated on a ship for what to him was eight and half months but was two hours for everyone else.
Blame Delicate Artemis by hyenateeth
22k words
rating: E
femslash Enjolras/Grantaire
posting omegaverse on main? more likely than you think!
this is porn with a tiny bit of plot, but also one of my fave for femslash e/r and also..... girl dick. that's all.
omega enjolras alpha grantaire canon era lesbians.
that's enough description to find its right audience I feel
Eyes to Serve, Hands to Learn by myrmidryad
94k words
rating: E
Grantaire runs into Enjolras at a kink club. enter 94,000 words of bdsm porn and pining. mostly dom Enjolras and submissive Grantaire, mostly.
Never Be Satisfied by torakowalski
15k words
rating: E
femslash Enjolras/Grantaire
dental dam mention! win!
Grantaire gives Enjolras some advice, lends some toys, and then offers some hands on help when she learns Enjolras has never come before 😏
potentially lovely, perpetually human by myrmidryad
20k words
not rated, does contain smut
lots of myrmidryad here too lol
two of my favourite tropes here. 1: supernatural Enjolras who's in control of his abilities except when it comes to Grantaire (see cupbearer series) and 2: nonbinary Grantaire my beloved!!! Enjolras has psychic empathy triggered by physical touch, so he refuses to touch anyone: until his touch starved ass accidentally touches Grantaire and feels what they're feeling 🥹
Witchboy by tothewillofthepeople
series, 8 works
84k words
rating: T, M
this one is a more recent recommendation that I loved, the world building and magic is so good, there's some great background eposette and patron minette which I'm always a fan of.
i'm not the moon (i'm not even a star) by serinesaccade
40k words
rating: M
amnesia fic and fake dating 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 this time we've got Grantaire losing his memories and waking up in a world where he has a really hot boyfriend, but apparently his 1.5 year relationship with Enjolras isn't what it seems 👀
and let's round this out with a classic
Thirty-Two Times by Ark
7k words
rating: E
the bottom R canon era bible 🙏🏻
i'm sorry i feel like my emoji use is very millennial. jsyk 👌🏻 is me clicking with my nails ok bye 😘
if you want more i'm whorejolras on ao3 go nuts 🙌🏻
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bakubunny · 7 months
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daddy!hizashi headcanons
a/n: if you've been following me for any length of time, you've likely come across at least one or two bits of daddy kink content. it's not exactly hidden or in small quantity. thus, i bring you daddy!hizashi. this has been in my drafts for months as well so have fun.
*this was written with f!reader in mind but most of them could also work as gn!reader.
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look, we all know hizashi is an absolute babygirl, but listen. i want to expand on (or reiterate) this hc bc daddy!hizashi makes more sense than you might think.
he's pretty soft as far as doms go. actually he’s less of a daddy dom and more of a dilf/sugar daddy but still.
high social emotional intelligence. someone who leads with love and guidance even if he's not a dom.
i don't see him as the 24/7 dynamic type, but it's also more than just in the bedroom. that said, he's a grown ass man and will communicate if/when he needs you to take the lead.
like i said he seems aloof but he's playin 3d chess over here. he's the one who draws it out of you without having to say it.
maybe you weren't sure if you were into that kind of thing, but one day, it slips from your lips; you call him daddy, and while he might blush a little the first time, it's pretty much settled. no teasing, no weird looks or strong reactions, no awkward conversations (save your own embarrassment)…. it feels natural without a lot of effort.
"daddy's little listener." that's all i'm saying.
he spoils you with the cutest clothes and lingerie.
if you’re a little: he started and continues to add to your stuffed animal collection. sugar daddy!hizashi’s got a whole playroom just for you.
not big on rules and punishments, but he does see to it that you take care of yourself/are taken care of.
not a sadist, but he might spank occasionally and will say yes if you ask nicely.
unless you don't want him to, he's gonna be holding your hand to cross the street and giving you a peck on the lips when he buckles your seatbelt, i don't make the rules. he also likes to walk on the street side of the sidewalk, hold doors, and pull out your chair. it's not a chivalry thing. he likes taking care of you.
i stand by my "leaves cute lil notes with ur lunch every day" hc. he also sends cute or teasing texts on the regular just for the fun of it.
big on praise, giving and receiving, though he might not admit the latter at first.
his fav nicknames for you: sugar, sweetness, babydoll, kitten, princess, kiddo
you might be his kitten, baby, princess, etc. but he loves it when you take the lead.
i’m gonna say that he’s like izuku in that he has a pretty substantial dildo toy collection, many of which are custom pours. it’s just one more way he likes to spoil you… and himself.
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if you’d like to be added to my tag list, let me know. ♡
gremlins: @callm3senpaii @arlerts-angel @dcsiremc @darkstarlight82 @bookcluberror @neon-gothicc @zazter-den @breadandbutter33 @i-literally-cant-with-this @she-who-writes-for-multi-fandoms @rinalouu @stvrfir3 @r4td0lll @emmab3mma @aria-chikage @mhadabiandhawks4eva @yazminetrahan @doumadono @dreamcastgirl99 @maddietries @jazzafayesworld @karebear5118 @unofficialmuilover @cherriluvs35 @erensslut @citysweet @ruu-https @hana-yuri @keiva1000 @katsul0vr @trickster-kat @ayeohoh-blog @dinomeow @flamgosstuff @mistressreaper @anonymously-ominous @hisconsistency @amberexe2
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echo · 3 months
this is a response to @anarcho-yorpism's tag for me in this post. i'm not directly rbing bc that post is long and it has a lot going on in the notes.
anyway please note all of my responses here are my own, and not representative of Staff or tumblr. i am not T&S and have zero power to make any moderation decisions here.
with that disclaimer:
Predstrogen received a message from Tumblr saying she was banned for "sexual content". If she was not, why was she told this, why were her transition photos removed, and why has she still not been told the actual reason? (I understand not making it public, but it is your policy to tell the user) If she was, what was this sexual content, if not her transition timeline?
i can't really directly answer this for few reasons. firstly, i feel that staff shouldn't talk about her anymore bc i feel this continued controversy will only attract more harassment for her on other platforms.
secondly, as a low-level staffer talking about moderation decisions can get me, y'know, fired. i'd prefer not to do that.
also just like... i want to avoid getting into a narrative of "well she did bad things so she deserves it" or whatever. idc if she broke the rules or not, she didn't deserve what happened.
i know this isn't terribly satisfying to hear, but i'd like to be honest about why i'm not saying more at least.
If you can't answerblegal questions, ignore this question: The NYCLU settlement agreed that Tumblr would fix its moderation so it targeted transfem users less. Why has there been no comment on the settlement and actions taken since? There could genuinely be a large legal case against Tumblr after this, and I love this site and don't want that to happen. Also, wasn't it illegal under GDPR to release her usernames?
i'm not able to answer legal questions. i don't know the exact text of the agreement, but it mostly boiled down to some training and stuff from my personal experience there.
however not as a staffer but as NYC trans human: i would not put a ton of faith in the NYCCHR. they have some noble goals but they are a chronically underfunded city agency that in practice does very little to curb real-world violence against marginalized people. i tried to use them myself when my landlord was kicking me out right after i had surgery and they didn't even get back to me until months after everything resolved. nobody i know in the community out here has been helped by them off the top of my head.
i have sincere doubts in relying on the state to help people here.
A lot of transfem users don't like vague language like "prioritize", especially given point 2 and Matt's statement that improving moderation was not on the agenda. I understand you can't reveal company secrets in an already risky post, but we would like to see the specific actions taken after this, given a lot of broken trust by what @\photomatt has said. Are any of the trans women banned recently for "sexual content" going to have their accounts restored?
i don't know. i'm pushing internally for at least a review of everyone suspended to see if the less egregious stuff can be reversed. but like i said, i don't have a ton of power as i'm not in charge of anything.
and yeah, "prioritize" is vague corpo-speak. i know some stuff is shifting internally and what we said does match what is happening inside. but also... i've been disappointed before.
i can say i'm tentatively optimistic. people are responding seriously, and being asked our opinions for once is pretty nice. but also, systemic stuff is hard. i trust in my fellow workers and i'll continue to fight until i can't anymore.
so... yeah. i genuinely wish i can be more informative here, but what we wrote (and i want to emphasize we here, it was not just me by any stretch!!) is what we can say in an official capacity.
i'm just frustrated, tired, angry, depressed... and also weirdly hopeful?
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loserdiaz · 11 months
fic rec friday fun! 💌
rules: share the links to your wonderful words with the most hits/most kudos/most comments/most bookmarks /most words/least words
tagged by @spotsandsocks @littlebitofdiaz @prince-buck-diaz and @bekkachaos 💗
most hits, most kudos and most bookmarks
and this is when the feeling sinks in ( i don't wanna miss you like this ) mature | 17.4k words
Buck was supposed to come home in a couple months, pretty close to Eddie's birthday. He was finishing his tour with the Navy and then they'll get their happy ending. That's how it was supposed to go.
Then two officers showed up at Eddie's door with a flag and thanking his husband for serving their country.
And everything changed.
2. most comments
believe in one thing (i won't go away) mature | 24k words
"I think— I think we should go to therapy. Together." Eddie says one night and takes Buck completely by surprise. "Therapy? Together?" "Yeah, like, couple's therapy or something. Frank told me he can recommend someone for us." "Eddie…" Buck says slowly, as if he's trying to explain the hardest math problem in the universe to a five year old. "We're not, uh— We're not a couple." "No, I know." Eddie frowns and looks down, fidgeting with the beer in between his hands. "But we're partners." He says, this time a lot lower that Buck barely hears it. "Right?"
or; the one where buck is figuring out stuff after waking up from a coma, eddie misses his best friend and they go to couple's therapy.
3. most words
made my way to a life i would choose | explicit | 26.1k words
In which Eddie transfers from his station to the Dispatch Center to be the LAFD Liaison, change is hard, staying away from Dispatcher Evan Buckley is even harder and not falling in love with the man is god-damned impossible. Eddie makes his way to a life he would choose and to a family who will choose him back. or affectionately called the buddie at dispatch fic <3
4. least words
I'm the one on the phone as you whisper | teen and up | 1.2k words (it has 999 kudos so if someone wanted to go and read it and leave a kudo i wouldn't complain about it 👀)
"Hey, how do you feel about an impromptu romantic date at a fancy restaurant with the love of your life?" He asks once he hears the call has been picked up. There's silence on the other line for longer than it's normal and Buck is about to check if Hen hang up on him when someone finally speaks— and Buck suddenly feels sick to his stomach. "Okay." Says the voice that is certainly not Hen's. The voice that's been haunting Buck's every dream for forever. "Eddie?" Buck chokes out, stuttering and hoping to God it's not him. "Yeah…" Of course it is..Buck looks up at his ceiling again, cursing the damn universe and its awful sense of humor. He's sure its laughing at him at this point. "Why? D-Did you mean to call someone else?"
or: Buck's date cancels but he has already made the restaurant reservation, so he decides to call Hen and ask if she'd like to take Karen there. He dials the wrong number. It all works in the end.
honorary mention to famous buck au bc it might not fit in any of this categories but it's still one of my fave fics i've written:
he never thinks of me (except when i'm on TV) mature | 18.1k words
"I have been in love, yes." He says after the most torturous of seconds. "Would you mind expanding on that?" Buck hesitates for a few seconds and then Eddie sees the exact moment he decides 'fuck it' as he straightens in his seat. "There was this guy in high school. He was my best friend." Wait. Hold on. Eddie freezes. Is Buck— Is Buck talking about him? or: In which Eddie finds out years later that his unrequited feelings for his high school best friend were not actually unrequited, Buck is stupidly famous now and they pine. They get there in the end, they just need to get their timing right. Inspired by the prompt: “you’re famous and just got asked if you were ever in love this should be good– WAIT WHAT."
tagging (no pressure): @monsterrae1 @buddierights @barbiediaz @cowboy-buddie @transbuck @transboybuckley @honestlydarkprincess @bigfootsmom @lesbianmaygrant @maygrantgf @buckitup @the-likesofus @spaceprincessem @alyxmastershipper @elvensorceress @ebdaydreamer @greyacebuckley @starlingbite @lovebuck @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @911onabc @hippolotamus @shortsighted-owl and anyone else who wants to do it! 💗
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ashes-writing · 1 year
outer banks ● one girl, two guys pt 8 ● j.maybank + t.thornton ● [18+]
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18+ only. MDNI with this chapter, don't you dare. Filth, babes. sheer filth {sexual warnings : unprotected sex, marking / biting, overuse of the word fuck, p in v, body fluids, virgin!reader gets her v!card punched by Tops, touching/affection, gentle dirty talk, nudity}. Also warnings of angst and jealousy, and tension between Kiara and JJ in the v. beginning of the chapter. A continued complicated series of relationships between like... three different couples if you count Sarah/John B -absent from this chapter bc I can only write Sarah so much before I'm done for a while- Underage drinking / smoking +w**d mentions at a future point in the story, angst and jealousy, arguing / confrontations and actual physical fights, Topper's issues with his mom and reader/your issues with your own, copious amounts of PDA and I swear to God, a writer who has not one fucking clue how to go about properly executing a love triangle to save her pathetic life but she is trying, lmao.
<- reader/you are a female. with female working parts, clothes/hair/personality, etc. Nicknames and petnames are in use here. this is self-indulgent, to be honest and I have zero shame.
word count
4941 exactly. for any missing context you need part 7 <- can be clicked and you should be taken straight there.
-- you're torn between your long standing feelings for your best friend JJ Maybank and now, you're starting to fall for Topper Thornton, a Kook. This won't get messy at all, right?
taglist + shoutouts
-- the taglist is here. click to be taken straight to it if you want to be added to my tags for outer banks or anything else listed that I write for.
@tbmunson bestieeee i love youuuu. and the moment we've been waiting on is finally here? Well, the first part of it, at least. You're my inspiration and I want to be like you when I grow up.
@writingreadinglurkingandsmirking bestieee heyyyy.. i have enjoyed talking to you and your commentary on these posts oh my god. you make my life, your comments mean so much to me, you have no clue.
@stilesstilinskisgf oh my god you're so sweet I can't even. thank you so much. from the bottom of my heart, babes. you don't know how much your comments mean to me.
@music4life42 you wanted to be tagged in everything babes. idk if you're familiar with this but like.. enjoy! Also if this isn't your thing, pls tell me!
@valentineshiftz your comments make my day and you always make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I'm so glad you're enjoying this and I can't even begin to tell you how much your comments mean to me babes!
other links
masterlist ● jj's masterlist ● toppers masterlist ● about + rules
“Do you love her, JJ?”
Kiara’s question is something JJ was not prepared for. And he doesn’t want to answer it, either. Because answering it means that it’s out and he can’t take it back. He tries to change the conversation a time or two but Kiara’s staring him down, waiting on an answer.
“Do you love her? It’s not a hard question.”
“It is though. Because if I answer it and you don’t like my answer, Kie..” JJ drops the wrench he has in his hands and he swears in frustration. “We need to get the boat going again. Now isn’t the time, okay?”
“Screw the boat. I’m sick of doubting everything, JJ. Do you even realize how much that’s messing with my mind? I mean, since she told me..” Kiara takes a deep breath and goes quiet. Knees to her chin as she stares out at the still water. JJ rubs his forehead and takes a deep breath. “ I do..”
Kiara looks so hurt when he admits it. He drags a hand over his head. “She only said anything about it in the first place because you kept pushing, Kie. Sometimes when you push, you don’t get the answer you want.”
“Why..” Kiara starts to ask him why he’s with her if he loves you, but she goes quiet. Grabs a wrench and starts to work on the boat with JJ. And the tension between them is heavy and awkward and scary as hell. Because Kiara doesn’t want this to be over. She doesn’t want to lose him.
She wishes she’d just kept her questions to herself. With both of you.
JJ drops the wrench again and he’s swearing because he’s busted his knuckle open again. Kiara takes his hand in hers, surveying the injury. Fussing over it a little and JJ takes a deep breath. “The problem is that I love you too, Kie.”
Kiara relaxes but only a little. “Who do you love more?”
“I really don’t know. I just know that if __ and I were a thing I’d fuck up and I’d lose her somehow.”
“So what? You just don’t care if you fuck things up and lose me?” Kiara asks, a hurt look in her eyes as she drops hold of his hand. JJ groans to himself. Wants to take back everything, wishes like hell he had a rewind button because if he did, he’d be using and abusing it right now. “It’s not like that, Kie. I’ve known her longer, okay? We’re.. We’re closer.”
Kiara swallows hard. “Okay then.”
When she starts to walk away, JJ throws the wrench and takes off, catching up to her. “Will you just leave this alone? I’m with you, alright? Not her. Can’t that just be enough, darlin?”
Kiara looks up at him and she’s really mulling it over. “But if she comes to you and tells you she still loves you..”
“Then I’ll figure it out if it even happens. I really fucked it up, alright? I don’t think you gotta worry about that anymore.” JJ looks like even thinking about it is killing him and seeing this is killing Kiara. But she wants him too. She loves him. It’s not fair and now that she has him at last, she’s spent every single second doubting and worrying, stressing over every little stupid fight instead of just.. Enjoying their relationship.
It’s just starting to get to her.
And if she has to lose him, she’d rather do it now than keep waiting, get even more attached and then have him one day just walk out. Or worse, settle for her and wake up five, ten.. Even fifteen years from now if they’re lucky enough to make it that long, and regret it all, loathe the sight of her.
“I do, though. I do because I love you so much and I don’t want to lose you. I mean it, JJ.”
“I know, darlin. C’mere.” JJ pulls her against him and wraps his arms around. And he feels so damn guilty when he finds himself wondering what you’re doing. Wondering if you miss him at all, if you even think about him anymore because it’s already started.. You can pass him lately and it’s like you don’t even see him.
He’s guilty of the same.
But it’s just easier to do it that way right now. There’s no potential for that final friendship-ending fight that JJ can feel brewing deep in his bones. He’s dreading when it happens. And he’s dreading it so much that he doesn’t reach out like he’s dying to.
And this is also driving him crazy because there’s never been a time that he hasn’t been able to talk to you, to tell you anything and everything and he really misses that. He misses you and it’s killing him.
But missing you is better than losing you entirely. Especially given that he knows if he loses you, it’s totally his own fault.
You’re still sleeping but Topper is awake. Propped on one arm, watching the way your chest rises and falls. Snickering to himself when he hears your light snores now and again. You keep squirming, it’s almost like you’re seeking something out.
The answer as to what you’re seeking out becomes clear when he hears you mumble his name. His breath hangs in his throat. At first he tells himself he didn’t hear you whimpering his name. And he has himself nearly convinced until about the time you do it again, accompanied by a very needy and sleepy, “I wanna be closer.”
He hooks an arm between your legs after rolling onto his back. He pulls you so that you’re lying draped on top of him and his arms wrap around you. The way you’re laid on top of him with your face buried in his neck has him biting back several quiet groans as thick fingers dig into the skin exposed by the way your tie-dye shirt has ridden up over your thighs and ass. Your lips graze right against his racing pulse and he can’t stop the groan that escapes. When you giggle and mumble something else, something entirely muffled by his warm skin, he snaps his hips, rocking himself up into you before he can stop it. 
“What’d you say, love?” he questions, wondering if maybe you’re awake.
You mumble again but a snore is right on the tail of it so he knows you’re still sleeping. And then he feels himself get hot all over as soon as he realizes exactly what’s happening.
You’re dreaming.. About him.
And if the way you keep trying to disappear and be dissolved by his body is any indication, it’s not just your average dream, either. When you manage to rub against him for the fourth time, he’s so hard he could break. And he’s trying so damn hard not to give in to his more primal urges, the ones that want to wake you up with his mouth against your skin leaving marks behind and his cock buried deep inside you.
You’re dreaming about Topper again. It’s more vivid, more intense than any other night up to this point. It’s so intense that you can almost smell the faintest hint of his designer cologne lingering in the air, woodsy and clean all at once. You can feel his hands on you, his breath against your ear just like the night before when he whispered good night before he finally crashed.
“Topper..” you whine, the needy sound ripped right out of you and muffled against his racing pulse, “Need you. Please.” you’re begging for it in your sleep and he’s lying there,stunned.
“I’m right here, love.” he mumbles quietly.
“No.” you whine again, “I mean I need you. Now.” your voice is slurred, thick with sleep. Soft and dreamlike. Topper takes several deep breaths to try and bring himself back under control but he’s dangerously close to his breaking point.
A loud noise makes you jump, waking you up and he’s able to pull himself together as you open your eyes and give him a very sheepish look as you settle in your bed beside him. He pouts because he misses the weight of you on top of him. But he rolls onto his side and raises a hand, caressing the side of your face. And there’s an almost teasing gleam in his eyes as he yawns and asks if you had a good nights sleep.
“I did, actually.”
“Me too.” and he’s not lying, not even slightly. The way you kept trying to dissolve yourself into him through the night felt so good. It’s a feeling that lately, when he sleeps alone, in his own bed at his mom’s place on Figure 8, he really misses.
,, go ahead. Cling to her, man. That’s what pushed Sarah away, remember?” the thought comes and his face transforms to this somber, million miles away look that you pick right up on, frowning. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah.” he makes himself smile, focuses his attention on you. “I’m fine. Still tired, I guess.”
“Oh god, I’m sorry.. I’m the worst person to share a bed with..” you go quiet. Topper pulls you closer to him and presses a wary kiss against your hairline. “It’s not that.”
“I was just thinking that lately, this is the only way I can actually sleep. That was.. I should not have said that, __.”
“No, it’s fine.” you lock eyes with him, raising  your hand. You press your thumb against his lip for a second and admit quietly, “Me too.”
Topper’s breath hangs. He plays it off with a chuckle. “Oh really?” he questions, rolling you onto your back as he settles on top of you. Your breath hangs too, released a second later oh so shaky.
“Mhm.” you answer, face feeling as if it’s on fire. You can barely hold his gaze because he’s got this hungry look in his eyes and as they settle on you, you’re fidgety. Mind replaying the very dirty dream you just barely finished having about him not even ten minutes before. Which only makes you fidget more and you’re not sure what to do with  your hands. Or the rest of your body. Topper grips your hip with his hand and gives it a gentle warning squeeze. Biting his bottom lip as he continues to stare down at you and presses himself down into you heavier. His body engulfing your own.
“ I heard you, y’know..” he mumbles as his mouth closes in on yours for another kiss because he can’t take it, he has to kiss you or it’s going to drive him crazy. You're frozen. At first, confused and then as you realize what you might have said, you're mortified so you attempt hiding your face. But he chuckles quietly. Gives you a sweet peck on the lips, "No need to be embarrassed, baby. And trust me, I am..definitely flattered."
"What'd I say?" You ask the question but honestly you're half scared of the answer. He settles himself over you more heavily til you're engulfed by his taller frame and completely pinned beneath him. You're staring at his lips and dying for a kiss and you just..can't. It's too much. It's overload. And you cave into the urge, your fingers tug at his hair as you pull his mouth into your own, a clumsy and needy kiss that leaves him breathless when you both have to pull away to breathe. 
"Are you sure you want the answer?" he asks, gazing deep into your eyes as his hips pin you flat. He's still trying to process everything, from the kiss to what's currently happening right this minute and most importantly, the way you just kissed him seconds ago because hes never been kissed like that before. 
"No and yes." you feel like your whole body is on fire, with a healthy portion of it settled in the pit of your stomach and lower, your core. As he starts to tell you exactly what you said in your sleep, his mouth crashes against your own, each word -and your accompanying whimpers and whines- are swallowed in deep and needy kisses all over again.
His hands are roaming, one settles over your wrists, circling to pin your hands over your head. The other hand settles on your ass and you can't stop the whine that comes as he starts to squeeze. His mouth breaks away, moving down the column of your neck. A quiet growl slips out as his lips latch hard against your skin. When he bucks into you because he's completely lost his usual filter, you whine and rub against him as the need grows even more, rising within you  like steam in a hot shower. "Fuck." he groans out against you as the two of you continue to seek friction, growing frustrated because there's too much between you and the more friction you get the more friction you crave.
Your hand slips down between your bodies and you gently tug on his waistband with a needy whine and Topper bites back a quiet growl. Stops leaving marks all over your neck to stare at you and catch his own breath. “Do you want something,love?”
But you can’t form words because you’re overwhelmed. This is all new to you. You’ve never gone this far, the most you’ve done is a kiss or two here and there. Topper grips your jaw light and makes you look at him. “Do you want something, love? Because whatever you want..” you’re rubbing against him again, getting wetter by the second and he’s desperate for the way it feels, but he needs to hear you say it. “Fuck.”  he groans out, bucking himself right back into you, “It’s all yours.”
“You.” you whine in need. “Wanna feel closer.” you hook a finger beneath the waistband of his shorts and your breath hangs in your throat; your heart feels like it might explode. You don’t want to stop and maybe in the back of your mind, you feel just a little guilty because this is not how you carefully planned your first time, but it’s him. And the weight of him on top of you feels so good, so reassuring. You want him so much. Topper bites his lip as he stares down at you and tries to catch his breath. It starts to click for him and normally, this is where he’d stop. But he wants you so much. All to himself.
He can’t stop it from happening and as he presses a few kisses to the front of your throat and his hands wander your body all over again, he realizes he doesn’t want to stop it from happening. Because he wants you and you want him back and it’s all he’s really ever wanted.
“You’re sure.” he questions and you nod, biting back a quiet whimper as his hands catch in either side of your shirt, working it up your body. He pulls away to stare down at you and you try to throw up your arms because you’ve never done this, your instinct is to hide your body. He gently pushes down your arms and settles himself on top of you all over again, letting out a sharp hiss as he soaks in the way your skin feels pressed right up against his. “Have you..” he starts to ask if you’ve ever done this before but stops himself, goes quiet because he just feels like he knows the answer already.
“No.” you mumble quietly, almost sheepish and apologetic. He groans quietly. He’s got his forehead resting against the swell of your breasts as he tries to pull himself together yet again. His fingers dig against your sides and he looks up at you after peppering a few kisses against your skin, pulls himself up your body enough that your mouths crash against each other all over again. “I haven’t.” you admit. Your cheeks on fire.
“ ‘S okay, love.” he reassures you. “I’ve got you.” and he’s moving down your body. Parting your legs with his hands, an arm hooking beneath each leg as his nose brushes up against the wet fabric serving as a barrier. Inhaling the scent of you deep. Cock getting even harder at the way you’re already dripping for him. Your hand catches in his hair, giving a tug to blond tipped ends as you squirm beneath him. He slips an arm out from beneath one of your legs and the silent rip as he tears your panties away and slides them down your leg has you whining even more. Louder. As he begins to trail his tongue up the inside of your thigh in a determined march, his free arm slips beneath your leg again, fingers digging against soft skin. “So sweet.” he mutters in awe. “Can’t wait to taste you,sweetheart.”
“Topper.” you whine, arching your back as he slips an arm free again and his fingers work you open, the pad of his thumb pressing against and massaging your clit. And if you thought you were wet before, it’s so much worse now, you can feel the slick as it rolls down the insides of your thighs and drips down, pooling beneath your body on the bed sheets. 
“So wet for me, love. Good girl.” he gazes up at you and you bite your lip, rocking your hips up to meet his fingers as they bury inside you deep. “Topper.” your cry echoes off the walls of your bedroom, shattering the silence.
And on your nightstand, your cell phone is going crazy.
“Fuck.” he groans out against your mound as your hands catch in his hair as he lowers his head to bury it between your thighs, “So fucking sweet.” his tongue rolls up your center in a broad stripe that sends a shiver racing through you and has you clutching at his hair, tugging harder. He nips at skin, lips latching, leaving a mark and his tongue joins his fingers as they massage and scissor inside you. Your head falls back and you whine, louder this time. Moaning his name as tension starts to build hard and fast in the pit of your stomach. You’re desperately trying to rock your hips as his fingers strum against the spongy soft of your spot once and then again. He grips your hip with his free hand, raising it just a little and you’re almost seeing stars by this point, your toes digging into the comforter beneath you as Topper’s tongue swirls inside you, matching the pace set by his fingers.
“Let go, love. C’mon..” he begs, pausing to look up at you, watching the way your face twists in ecstasy, your eyes fluttering open and shut as your mouth falls open. “Let me taste you, baby.”
Your first orgasm shatters you completely and you’re clumsy and frantic, thrusting against his tongue and fingers as they continue to push you, coax you down from your high. He growls against your skin, sucking on your clit until you feel like you’ll see stars and it’s starting to throb painfully. “Topper, oh.. Fuck.” you whine, fingers catch in his hair as you try to get him to stop and look up at you.
But he’s determined. He’s addicted to the way you sound when you moan his name and he’d die to hear it again. And again.
“Baby, I can’t.” you whine out as he tries to coax you into another orgasm. “Hurts.”
Topper chuckles quietly. “C’mon, love.. I know you have one more.”
“Baby, I need you. Now.” you beg. Gripping his jaw to make him look up at you. He moves up your body and you melt against the mattress as he settles on top of you, his body engulfing yours, holding your legs open. “I can..” you start to tell him that you can go down on him but he shakes his head. “Next time, love. This is about you, okay?” he’s staring down at you, eyes full of adoration. His mouth meets yours in a slow and lazy, sweet kiss and you whine at the taste of yourself in his mouth. He lines his cock up with your throbbing, needy cunt and eases himself into you, going completely still when he’s halfway in and he feels your entire body clench as if it hurt.
He’s so thick and this is your first time so as he slips into you, it feels as if you’re being split in two. But there’s a pleasure in the way it burns and you’re attempting to rock yourself up and down his thick, veiny member as you grip his shoulders and cling to him. He chuckles. “Just be still, baby. You..” he groans, biting at your neck gently and leaving another mark behind, another one that won’t be well hidden at all, “You gotta get used to me.”
“Topper.” you whine his name and the way you’re clinging to him has him melting inside. Because right now, you need him. You want him so bad you’re whining and clinging to him and it just feels so fucking good. He never wants it to end and he knows that now, he’s going to be addicted.
You’re starting to get used to the way he fills you and you’re rocking yourself against him, clumsy and slow. Which is a damn good thing because your walls grip him and squeeze like a vise and it’s been a while and this all feels way too good for him. He can feel his cock flinch, an orgasm barely held at bay with every little move you make until he pulls halfway out, cock-warming you as he tries to fight his way back from the edge. “Easy, love.” he coaxes, warm and breathy against the shell of your ear, “I wanna..” his eyes flutter open and closed because you’re trying to pull him all the way into you and it just feels so good,”Fuck.” he groans out, “Take my time with you.”
“Baby, please.” you’re begging even more now, whiny and needy, the two very things you go above and beyond to avoid being but your filter is gone, you can’t think about anyone or anything else but how good.. How solid the weight of him feels as he presses himself down into your body completely, a hand raising to pin your hands flat against the pillow by your wrist. How good it feels every single time his mouth conquers your own.
You’re chasing his cock, trying to pull him completely in and your nails catch against muscular shoulders, dragging down his back. He groans at the way it feels and when you manage to wrap your legs around his hips, he chuckles into your mouth. “How’s that feel, love?” he asks, picking up the pace of his deep thrusts just slightly. It’s enough but somehow, it’s also not enough at the same time. You whine out his name, nipping at the  shell of his ear, “So good. So good, Topper, don’t..” you moan as his cock bottoms out once and then all over again in the next deep drive, “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” 
He  slows way down and you’re pouting about it, he’s peppering every exposed inch of skin with soft kisses and little nips. Breathless as he gazes down at you, enjoying every second of the way it feels to watch you come apart below him, pinned. Taking his cock over and over. And his mind is still blown that he’s the only guy to have you like this yet. “Oh you want me to keep goin, huh?” he chuckles against the curve of your neck, glancing at you. You nod eagerly. Clinging to him. Tears glisten in your eyes.
And if he thought he was falling too hard and too fast for you before, he’s proven wrong because the way you’re looking up at him, the way you’re touching him, the way you chase down every single inch of his cock when he pulls out halfway and you’re frantic to get him buried back inside of you… It feels so good. He knows he’s as good as fucked and there’s nothing he won’t do to be the only boy you ever want or need again. He’s already fallen, it’s too late. Now nothing will do but him.. Getting you all to himself. Where he can give you the love you deserve.
“Please?” you beg, breathless. Falling head over heels with no filter or censor to stop it. Giving yourself over to the way it feels so good when he holds you and the way he kisses you like he needs you to breathe. It’s scary, feeling the way you feel about him. It’s scary and it’s thrilling. 
Topper starts to speed up, his hands grip your hips roughly, squeezing with every single deep drive he makes. “You feel so good, love. So fucking good. You’re such a good girl, takin me so well.” he mutters against your ear as he coaxes, “Think you can give me another, baby?”
“Fuck.” you whine out against his collarbone as you cling to him and your pussy clenches him tight, your orgasm shattering through you and leaving you dizzy, colored dots lining your vision as he melts down into you even more. Because skin to skin is the closest he can get to you and he knows it, but somehow, it’s just not enough and he craves more. It’s getting harder and harder to control himself and fight off his own orgasm. He pulls out halfway, cock-warming you again as he crashes his mouth against yours and when you deepen the kiss, try to pull him back inside you, he’s almost shaking because he continues to try to hold it at bay. “Don’t wanna cum yet, love..” he groans out as he nips at your bottom lip, teeth tugging at soft skin, “Wanna last longer for you.”
“Topper, baby.. Please, I need it. Need you.” you whine and the sound is so needy, so sweet, a hushed whimper against his throat as your lips latch on. He doesn’t want to stop because he doesn’t want to pull out of you just yet, you fit together with him too well.
It’s going to be addicting, he can feel it deep in his bones already.
He goes still, pressing his lips against your hairline as he raises a hand to caress your face and both of you try again and fail again at attempting to catch your breath because you just can’t keep your mouths away from each other long enough to do so.
But he can’t hold off any longer, he can feel himself getting so dangerously close and no amount of stopping or tensing up is helping at all. His thrusts turn sloppy as the sound of skin meeting skin echoes off the wall of your bedroom, shattering the silence. You’re clinging to him all over again, your nails leaving crescents in the back of his shoulders as he bottoms out, making you moan his name. Louder. He shatters, his hips stammering as his cock throbs, empties, painting your walls white and you dig your nails and whine, pulling him down on top of you completely, your mouth crashing against his in a deep kiss as he comes down from the high.
As the two of you lie there, he grimaces at a particularly deep mark he’s left on the  side of your neck. “I didn’t.. I didn’t hurt you, right?”
“No. It felt so good. So good,baby.” you mumble, a yawn cutting into your words. He falls to the bed beside you and immediately pulls you against him all over again, dragging his fingers up and down your spine to trace it. 
And neither of you can bring yourself to ask the question you’re both dying  to. You choose to snuggle yourself up to him and just enjoy the way it feels to lie there, skin to skin, his arms around you. Because maybe if you don’t push. Maybe if you just lean into whatever is happening… Maybe it’s just better this way.
But you’re already dreading in the back of your mind what you’re pretty sure will wind up happening. Sooner or later, this will be over. Because he’s bored, he has to be. And you’ll keep telling yourself that until you don’t secretly hope that it’s not the case. Because it’s the only defense you have.
Deep down you know it’s too late, you know you’re falling for him. You just can’t bring yourself to admit it yet.
,, because what are the chances he’ll feel the same.” you wonder to yourself as you nuzzle your face against his chest and settle yourself against him, turned to the side so you can still sort of see the television. Topper catches himself staring down at you as you drift off to sleep and he takes a few shaky breaths.
Every part of him is dying to talk about what just happened, but every part of him is also scared to death to bring it up. As he watches you dozing off, he decides that maybe he should just let it be. Maybe just letting it happen is better than pushing. Coming off too needy. Wanting you all to himself way too much. 
Because look how well that worked out for him before.
But everything about this feels so much different. And he knows it already. It’s too late. He’s in over his head.
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ideas-4-stories · 4 months
NOOOOOOOO I LOST THE AU I WROTE FOR YOU 😭😭😭 I LITERALLY SENT IT AND TUMBLR SAID "NETWORK ERROR". L FOR THE WIFI. L. Not cool I'm literally crying I thought that AU was genius. It was a Teacher!Buggy AU with Crocomom and Dadhawk. + Shanks co-parenting Luffy with Crocodile. That note was so long I literally spent like 45 mins writing it here on your ask and it was just. Gone. Or I think it did. Why does life hate me. I'm just gonna be brief with this cuz I still think it's golden lmao. Croco and Mihawk work long hours so their kids (Luffy, Zoro, Perona) have to wait for a few hours until they're picked up by their parents. The school doesn't have school buses bc I said so (no I am not cruel it's just out of my budget /j). So Buggy takes the responsibility to keep them comfortable and entertained while they wait. Croco and Mihawk meeting this charming (and clown looking) blue-haired guy and they start courting him. Shanks gets dragged in on the courting bc of Luffy. Also he was already courting Buggy. I didn't write their process of courting I basically skipped and went,, their wedding will take part in a Goth castle. And the design are all sunshine and rainbows (literally). Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Vivi, Zoro and Luffy being in a class along with other kids. Franky, Robin, Jinbei and Brook are in higher classes. Chopper is atom. Not here in the world yet. Perona is like, 2-3yrs older than her brothers so. Yeah *awkwardly shuffles* (I love perona I swear-). Implied Zosan. Some rando: but you didn't imply shi— Me: Shhh I did. *gaslighting*. Law is also there in the classroom with lower grade strawhats. He's suffering. He only attends 3 days a week tho, he's mostly homeschooled bc of his sickness. He's homeschooled by Cora. (You can pry Law and Cora from my cold dead hands. You can separate them when I dissolve into ashes). Don't worry as he gets older his sickness is cured. Ofc he's cured by Cora. He's saved by Cora in every universe. In every AU. Every Era. Every life they will ever live. I will die on that hill– *applies the nobody dies/everyone lives tag on this AU* let my babies be happy pls. Let my man Cora live and travel the world with this emo boy (Law). Doffy isn't real, he can't hurt anyone. Ace is there. Sabo is there. Every One Piece character is out there somewhere. They're like hidden stones and you have 0.02% of finding them. I thought I was just making a Teacher!Buggy AU but then it turns into a Modern!AU for everyone. Let's gooooo. Sora divorces with Judge and remarry with Zeff so now Sanji lives with all his brothers and his sister. They get separate classrooms tho, and reiju is perona's age so she's besties with her. (I do not play by canon's rules with ages bc i live in my own world) They both tease their brothers (Sanji and Zoro) about their crushes on each other. The heart crew is there. Bepo is a dog, a very fluffy one. Kuina is alive. Kaya is there, same classroom with Usopp. I have no idea how to continue this lmao, but I do hope you find this interesting bc Buggy is 100% great with kids and probably teaches well bc he is a big nerd and makes lessons interesting. (Also, the whole reason why I wrote this instead of letting the idea slip through my mind like the others is bc the image of two goth men courting a clown looking mf was funny to me. So here we are lmao. The way I wrote this makes Shanks look like he's the person they let into their open relationship twice lol I'm so sorry 😭😭)
That's really sad, I really like this idea (though I see Shanks and Buggy more as siblings, but I understand the idea of Shuggy) It's fine that this became about so many people, I really like this.
Teacher!Buggy sounds so cool, you know that he's the flashiest and maybe one of the craziness of the things he'll do to get his students good things that will boost their learning. He knows that every kid might not have the same learning paths as others.
How many classes does this man teach? Who knows, too many for how much he gets paid. All teachers needs to get paid more.
I would think Jinbei and Brook being other fun teachers in the school, like Tom could be as well!
I really like this idea, and the imagine of two gothic men trying to court a clown-looking mf is really funny to me as well.
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omgcatboi · 3 months
Are you a “eat until death” type of person? I know you want to get fatter, but 800 pounds is a lot…
Answer below the cut (:
I'm not sure how to read the intentions behind this anon, rather they be good or bad. But I'm going to answer anyways because I do get asked this from time to time.
( disclaimer because I can already hear people trying to argue with me, but my aunt who was 700 pounds lived until her 60's and she was fat her entire life, so no, she didn't die immediately from gaining weight. Nor will I. )
Am I an ' eat until death ' type of person;
I absolutely am, but I limit my ' death feedism ' posting here ( as well as tag it ) and am thinking of making another side blog to remove that posting from here entirely for the comfort of my followers. I'm not eating with intention to end myself, I just feel like life is what you make of it and anything can happen at any point to cut us a short deal. Also, my cultural beliefs are that the entire purpose of life is to experience it. So that's what I want to do. Death isn't the end goal, and I do eat many healthy foods ( and encourage it often on my blog so that other feedees can gain weight more healthily. ) I just know I wanna get as big as possible, and that may bring along a good handful of complications that can result in death.
TW ; talk of fascism and American imperialism as well as transphobia / legislation enforcing bigotry.
Also, not to get all doom and gloom but look at the state of this world. Look at the dying planet we have limited time on. Each day a new fascist bill gets passed here in America alone. If death takes me out this hellscape then it's doing me a hell of a favor, because there IS no other way out. Not without a ton of money for a passport and applying for citizenship overseas as well as paying American taxes AFTER moving out. And even then, America IS the empire of our age. It influences the rest of the world. And it has already been invading other countries and enforcing fascist dictatorships either directly or indirectly for MANY years now. So even if I COULD hypothetically move out, I'd still be at risk of being under Americas extreme rule anyway. Or worse, I'd end up in a situation like P/lestinian just like Vi/tnam was.
I know what I'm saying is dark and depressing, as well as anxiety inducing, but I'm showing that I've put plenty of thought behind this decision. Just like I did before starting HRT even tho I ALWAYS knew I am trans. And I don't need anyone trying to talk me out of the lifestyle I am living. Besides, with my genetics, I'm going to keep gaining regardless. It happened to my aunt who was roughly 700 pounds, and even then, she was near her 60's when she passed. I'm only gaining faster, not less. ( And she wasn't gaining intentionally, she just didn't care about fitting into other people's idea of what she should be and what she should do. )
In her 60's
I don't want to be old and wrinkly ( no hate tho those who are ) I don't want to live that damn long ( like 70's and older ) just. Nah. I'm good.
I'm just enjoying my time while I have it.
( this next part is not about people with triggers who are triggered by death feedism or very fat bodies. So if that is you, stop exposing yourself to this bc I tagged it and talked about it plenty before getting to this point of the post. )
And as a footnote to anyone who may be reading this, if you have an issue with people getting ' too big ' 1) you need to check that way of thinking because you ARE in the feedism / fat kink community. And that INCLUDES people who are, gasp, suprise, FAT. And 2) you should spend some time reflecting on what lead you to harboring that way of thinking.
Not saying this anon holds these views at all, I'm just mentioning it because it is my blog and we are on the topic. ( Plus I'm Knipping everything in the bud now as far as the group of people who will try and spew any level of fatphobia at me for this. In which case I'm not even going to read what y'all say, I'm just going to block you lol. )
One love and allat 😌
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hibernationsuit · 3 months
5 Songs, 3 Outfits
Thanks for tagging me @spaceratprodigy aaaaa this is so fun <3
Rules: Post 5 songs associated with your OC, followed by 3 outfits they would wear
Tagging @vvanessaives @elvves @yrlietlanaevyss @cilantlis @quickhacked @reaperkiller @velocitic @dickytwister @katsigian @edgepunk @devilbrakers @babylon5 @ncytiri and everyone else who wants to do this 🤍 (+ no pressure to do this obviously hehe)
picked toby for this hehe :3 also switching it to be outfits first, songs later bc i added commentary for the songs and they're under read more. hehe. i also added a bonus song there.
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sources: one / two / three
Tobias likes comfortable clothes and has a high preference for oversized sweaters and shirts. He also likes wearing flannel shirts or soft warm jackets <3 He likes somewhat neutral, earthly tones, but isn't afraid to use funny patterns either :)
Firestorm - Siamés: Toby's a guy who easily goes to do something he really wants, especially when highly motivated, and has accepted the fact that this road can and will have lots of "falls" and problems for him. He's still going forward :) idk man this whole song just reminds me of him <3 also, these lyrics: "to be in the glory, you'll have to survive to your falls"
Black Mambo - Glass Animals: I think going against the higher-ups is a big part of Toby's story and personality tbh. This man has many opinions and he is not afraid to say them. Or blow a whistle or two. Also can be seen as the whole "some guy goes against the Halcyon Board" song.
So Much Love - Depeche Mode: I remember this one uquiz calling Toby sooooo much. This guy has so much love to give and does that all the time, he wants people to feel good, feel loved. Something something, also Dave Gahan saying this about the song: "It's like we have so much love here, we really do, but we're afraid to use it and access it." Based on what we know abt tow universe, I doubt it's better there, so showing vulnerability or doing something nice might indeed look "weird"/"unusual"/"not productive" and thus may even be looked down upon?? idk man.
Dying to Live - Poets of the Fall: honestly no matter what i said above?? toby doesn't like showing his true self to other people and gets, well, ashamed? scared? when forced to talk about himself or explain why he did something and all. He also tends to overthink everything so much :/ Which then has kinda lead to also kinda missing out on many things in fear sjfkkfkgnfkfn
Shine - Dave Gahan & Soulsavers: honestly just toby vibed song. also somehow relates to toby's optimism <3
BONUS SONG which is strongly related to young long hair Toby
Fear of a Blank Planet - Porcupine Tree: i was listening to songs that were in control at some point and idk why but the moment this was on i suddenly got?? so many long hair toby thoughts??? very fitting for him honestly. Obviously only some parts of the lyrics are fitting (which seems to be the case for most songs) but um. yeah. thank my obsession with control soundtrack for accidentally creating long hair toby. After leaving the family he kinda got into this very...unhealthy kind of behavior in which he basically either spent his time working A Lot (or doing some side gigs bc no matter how smart you are i doubt a junior chemist's salary in udl would let you pay for your rent and necessities properly) or spent in clubs or sitting all alone at his apartment doing something or having sex. Additionally I'd mention how his substance use got v high, specifically smoking and drugs. I'm pretty sure corporations actually encouraged their workers to use them to get better productivity and all even on Earth, and while Toby didn't really care abt the whole 'be profuctive' thing, boy did he enjoy getting rid of feelings and having more focus.
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faeryclown · 2 months
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the NO-SKIP albums: a tag game 🎶💖
rules: share the albums that you can listen to nonstop. those lightning in a bottle-albums that scratch ur brain just right. every single track, an absolute banger. u could not skip one if u tried. no notes. stunning, show-stopping, immaculate. ur no-skip albums. 🔎 bonus & optional (but imo, v fun) rules: 1) add a track rec for us to listen to! AND 2) share ur favorite line(s) from that track! 👀
Thanks for tagging me @apricotdeer 🥺🤍 Sorry for taking so long. I actually couldn't decide bc I had SO MANY no-skip albums that I kept changing my mind 😭 Tagging @padawanton @highway-stars @iidsch @darkwehl if you feel like :)
🎧 album info/track recs/favorite lines under the cut
💭 Lucid Dreaming by Say Lou Lou
Fav Track: Wilder Than the Wind ↳ We'll ride the night / Every second is like I'm dying here with you
🔮 The Magic by Lola Blanc
Fav Track: The Magic ↳ But I can't find it so would you please / Enchant me? Give me a potion / For my devotion to the emotion
🪽 Saved by Now, Now
Fav Track: SGL ↳ Starry-eyed / I was young and undone / But I could have died / With you there in the sun
🌙 Threads by Now, Now
Fav Track: Prehistoric ↳ It may be different now, but the pattern won't wash out / Covers up our eyes, leaves us knots and severed ties / We follow new lines
✨ Midnight Machines by Lights
Fav Track: Follow You Down ↳ So just call me, you know I will be waiting / For you as you walk towards that redemption sound / You know I'll be the stillness when you're shaking / And when you fall overboard, I'll follow you down
💗 Love & Desire by MYZICA
Fav Track: Endless Love ↳ Run with me following the stars above / Running free forever in an endless love / Run with me
🍒 Summertime by Luna Shadows
Fav Track: Cherry ↳ 'Cause darling if you call me, I’ll come running / Just let me turn out all the lights in the dead of night / 'Cause I'm, I'm your lovely / Burning for my turn to be your one and your only / Ready for your eyes, sweet on the inside by your summertime
💀 We Don't Stop by Aly & AJ
Fav Track: Good Love ↳ So I keep waiting to touch somebody / Keep you closer on my body / To love somebody /To kiss somebody
💫 MY GOD! by Tessa Violet
Fav Track: song without a title ↳ Left my love in idle, song without a title (Here I go again, take it back what I said) / It's not love (Again, again, again) / (Never gonna play with fire) / It's just what you get (My god, my god) / Tell myself I hate you, tell myself we're made to (All my love) / Fall in love and fall apart (My god, my god)
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veggieboxes · 2 years
ok that adult teru post and in the tags you have some thoughts about him and his relationship w adulthood PLEASR PLEASE PLEASE TELL Us those THOUGHTS PLEASE. sorry i just i want to know i love teru hahaa
my god. you are unleashing my analysis brain. ok.
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i have a lot of thoughts in general on the "main cast" around mob (reigen, dimple, teru, and ritsu) in general LOL + how they all intertwine with e/o but i do really like teru bc of how nebulous his backstory is.. ONE pretty much just gives us this:
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(this dude is fucking 14. did he start living alone at 10????)
+ the fact that he started living alone bc of the claw attacks. everybody else has pretty straightforward backstories (except for dimple i guess, but he doesn't really follow the traditional rules of all the human characters), but teru's situation is so fucking strange. and it's never elaborated upon.
but i do think that it's very obvious that he turned out the way he Did pre mob meeting just bc he was forced to take care of himself and survive from an insanely young age. skipping childhood to become an "adult" is really the only option for him, which ultimately leads him to creating a social hierarchy at his school because gaining a position of power is "just something adults do." that plus the fact that he needs some way to prove himself to others that he's worthy of attention and praise because he can't get that validation from his parents. so the next best thing is his classmates!
from my viewpoint, a lottt of teru's behaviors boil down to doing what an adult "should" be doing / the ideal successful adult figure. which is also why he fits himself in those traditional heteronormative and masculine roles via. dating women and fighting men. this stuff helps reinforce the social hierarchy, but also creates the illusion that he's capable of being in functioning hetero relationships as people are expected be in as they grow older. teru wants to stand out, but in a "socially acceptable" way -- the way that will guarantee him praise from others.
the whole facade obviously crumbles after his encounter with mob. he's knocked off of his pedestal, being stripped of his dignity (and other things...) in front of the carefully constructed ecosystem he created with himself at the top. bigger pond, bigger fish! so once that's gone, teru really has nobody else to prove himself to or get worship from. at the end of the day, all he really has is himself to gain acceptance from. and with that, he can become an actual functioning human being and not a weird, disfigured, carefully chiseled mimic of what he thinks is the ideal adult.
obviously, remnants of this system pre-yassified teru put up is still present and we see that with teru still getting lots of gifts from girls who are kinda scared by him. but we don't really see how teru interacts with his classmates or vice versa in everyday life past that. i do really enjoy the idea of black vinegar's shadow leader coming back with a complete 180 personality. and a wig to match that change.
but all that aside, teru coming to the realization that he doesn't have much if you take away his psychic powers lets him become a kid again. not hardened by life or jaded, not held up to these wild expectations, not expected to take care of himself emotionally (which isn't kid-exclusive, but teru just never allowed himself to share that burden to begin with). i mean, he's always been a kid -- just in the way he tries to appear mature -- but he can let himself grow in his own, much healthier, way.
i think that's why teru's character in particular inherently has so much gay subtext, because the audience sees his character go from "traditional masculine figure" to... basically the opposite of that. and if the traditional masculine figure is defined by the role in heterosexual relationships, then the opposite would be homosexuality.
well, that and his general attitude towards mob. and teru's fruity ass fits. i'm not sure how he had those in his closet and thought, "yeah! i'm straight!"
and that's my two cents! my concluding statement: god, i hope we get the series of animated spinoffs ONE mentioned as a hypothetical.
i love mob's story to death, but i'd love to see more explorations into the other characters because they're usually pushed to the sideline development-wise after their respective arcs are over. i do love the omakes for this reason though lol
anyways, thanks for reading my intro to mob psycho 101 essay :-) sorry this is stupidly long. but also? i could write an analysis like this for every secondary character because i care about them so much.
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