#im going to bed now im tired of being conscious
eevyerndracaneon · 8 months
God fucking dammit
Guess I'm slapping the tw here
Extremely Dramatic Bitching in the tags. Youve been warned.
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spaceshipkat · 2 months
#anyone have the mommy issues where you’re constantly compared to your mom in a negative way#i raise my voice oh im just like your wife#i get frustrated oh im just like your wife#i get upset bc i do the very thing you’re asking for and /you don’t seem to fucking see it: and im just like your wife#how many times do i have to say ‘i am not mom’ before you fucking GET IT#i know where my mom is coming from when she talks to my dad#i don’t like it but i literally cannot change it#i know where my dad is coming from with how he behaves and talks to my mom#i also don’t like it but i cannot fucking change it#i am so tired of making an effort—what was once a conscious effort but now comes pretty damn easily#only for that effort to NOT exist the split second he gets upset#because what he envisioned us doing isn’t what happened#so instead of taking about it like an adult you fucking fester in your feelings and then dump on the very people#who are fucking TRYING to have a relationship with you#it’s a goddamn self fulfilling prophecy and i am sick of it. i am sick of constantly having to massage feelings.#i am especially sick of going to bed upset because i feel empathy for what he’s going through#and my best is apparently /not enough/ to make a dent#i am so sick of crying over this goddamn motherfucking shit#i want it to fuckijg stop i want fucking peace and quiet#and for that peace and quiet to not be tangled with worry because i am not there when i might be needed#is this part of being an eldest daughter i don’t fucking know#i am just so tired of my efforts not being seen. of them not making a difference. of them apparently not fucking mattering.#ignore me ill be fine i am just so fucking tired#i want to go to bed without guilt or empathy making it impossible to turn my head off#delete later
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yawneon · 4 months
percy will a s/o that’s always sleeping🫶
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a/n : this is so bad 😭😭😭
pairing : in love!percy jackson x hermes kid!reader
summary : in which percy jackson has his best birthday yet.
!!! : praying for more reqs, this one is so cute, i try my best 😞, maybe the plot was the friends we made along the way, unspecified demigod reader, book percy, ooc camp, i wanted it to be rainy in camp so ITS GOINF TO RAIN 🤬, the curse of never being able to write alot returns, THIS IS SO BAD
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
people at camp could’ve sworn there had been a mix up in olympus.
you. an hermes child? what a laugh.
you had to be a kid of hypnos. you slept so much, how couldn’t you? genuinely you couldn’t peel yourself off your bed like ever. everyone in camp knew, you were the person in cabin 11 that won’t get out bed if not needed. alcoholics had alcohol, gamblers had casinos but you… you had something far more worse.
you had the (in your humble opinion) the most comfortable bed in all of camp. sure, it wasn’t a 5 star hotel quality but shit was it good.
and more importantly it was the beds fault that you were oh so tired all the time and you just needed to sleep more than half the day.
everyone else couldn’t care less.. your siblings would just give you a small glance before ignoring you because honestly it was more surprising to see you awake! and trust me when you started dating percy.. did this get worse.
whatever you thought about having the best bed in camp was trampled on and thrown over a cliff edge the moment you laid in percy’s bed.
not only was his bed adorned with comfortable sheets and pillows his cabin was quiet.
percy didn’t understand however.
how on earth could you sleep when you have the most handsome and amazing boyfriend in all of the whole universe??
he has whined and frowned at you multiple times but you’ve slickly avoided his dramatics by lathering him up with sweet and sappy comments like “im dreaming of you~” that make annabeth and grover cringe at when he goes and boasts to them.
but today,
today you couldn’t avoid the dread of getting out of bed.
you stood at the foot of his bed holding a plate of waffles, blue ones. it was far too early for you, (it was 8am) but it was percy’s birthday. you weren’t going to neglect your boyfriend because gods you would never hear the end of it. so you decided to go against your force of nature and got up to whip up a batch of waffles for him.
despite it being the midst of summer rain pelted down against the hard exterior of cabin 3. it didn’t rain usually in camp, the rain would usually just pass right by but maybe the gods were arguing again and the storm was especially hard this day.
sluggishly you drag your feet to stand beside the bed in which percy sleeping.
you wished that was you.
the plate adorning the blue waffles are set down on his bedside table and you place a gentle hand on his shoulder shaking him. despite your (sucky) efforts he doesn’t stir awake.
you grab his arm now with both hands and you shake him harder than before and finally does he grumble awake.
he looks up at you, confused.
“happy birthday, idiot” you pick up and hold the plate of waffles up so he could see them a tired but sweet look on your face. he sits up on his elbows and a dopey smile appears on his face, a very common smile he shines when he looks at you.
“this all for me?” percy sits up fully now taking the plate from you and he smiles bigger now gaining his full conscious. he pats the empty side of the bed next to him and you basically throw yourself into the white sheets.
despite the innate need to sink further in and take ahold of the sleep thats so desperately trying to drag you down you sit up and watch him. “you’re up, today.” percy teases, his shoulder nudging yours.
“just shut up and eat your breakfast.” you laugh softly amused by his jokes.
he begins gobbling the waffles down, scoffing down the cream on top and cleaning the plate of any remains of food. it was actually very impressive how well he ate all of it.
percy’s eyes trail to the window of his cabin his eyes watching as the raindrops pelt down at the glass and the sound of the rain hitting the walls and roof echo loudly.
percy places the plate back onto the bedside and looks out the window. “say aye if your in to stay home all day?” he peeks at you, another dopey smile that you just couldn’t resist is painted on his face.
you didn’t even reply to him, your arm snakes around his collarbone and you basically slump him into bed. you both lay on your back and then percy starts talking.
he always did this. percy would talk and talk and talk while you laid next to him, even if you were asleep he would keep going. just the feeling of having you next to him was comfortable so he would talk about all different kinds of things and today wasn’t any different.
you however wanted to listen to him today but oh geez was it hard.
again it wasn’t your fault that his voice was smooth and calming to listen to even of he was talking about how he fell one time and scraped his knee when he was 7. it was like ypur white noise. you already slept a fuck-ton and having a boyfriend with the most sweetest voice was not helping you.
he held your hand as he laid next to you, his eyes tracing every detail of the ceiling as his fingers dance along your palm. he starts telling you all about how his first quest went. a story you’ve heard over.. and over and over again.
“when i started my quest..” blah blah blah.
your eyes shut and all you could focus on was his voice and the noise of water hitting the window panes. his hand was warm in yours and with his free hand percy pulls the covers over the both of you so only your heads were poking out. he slips his arm under your head and his other hand grabs yours again as he keeps rambling on.
before you could fully drift off you turn into him, you could feel his eyes on you as he watches you shift and his words pause for a moment.
“i love you.” he whispers, hoping that you were asleep. you smile into his skin, a clear sign you were still all there.
“i love you too, happy birthday percy.” you half open your eyes you pull his face down by grabbing his cheeks and you kiss under his eye before moving back down.
percy flashes his signature smile before his story changes from his quest to tell you about how on his 9th birthday his mom baked him a blue cake and how it was awesome. you make a mental note to yourself before drifitng off.
you dreamt of percy that night.
let me rephrase that.
you dream of percy.
you dream of him even though he is yours.
his pretty green eyes, his black hair, his sandy skin on the beach. but more often than not you dream of him like how you are now.
cuddled up beside you, warm under the covers as he tells you about all kinds of things like how he thinks the universe was made.
you dream about him dreaming of you which you know he does (since he tells you).
you dream about the way he wants you despite your sleeping routines, you dream about the way he calls you his sleeping beauty.
yet all those dreams are the reality you live. maybe missing a few hours off of slumber isn’t all that bad when your spending it with the boy you see when you close your eyes.
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mirlvshft · 3 months
shifting experience! ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ — 2/26/23
this is the night i shifted. it was around 2am about to be 3am and i was veryyy tired, very sleepy. but regardless, i put on my earphones and started to listen to my guided meditation. i barely made it past the beginning fully conscious until i fell asleep and woke up again; i still had my earphones in and the meditation going. i didn’t open my eyes or anything. i switched positions then again, i knocked out. MIND YOU, i don’t know when this all happened. could’ve been in the span of a few minutes to a few hours— who knows.
alright, now this part is difficult to describe. i was on my back, no longer hearing the meditation and while my eyes were closed i was able to see? the ceiling was different and i remember being confused but not entirely fazed, i then ‘closed’ my eyes as i moved onto my side. i couldn’t see anything THEN i opened them again and bitchhhh lemme tell youu… (˵ ¬ᴗ¬˵)
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(my wr is a luxury penthouse, the middle pic is my bedroom ^^) i saw the whole left of the room (since i was on my side) i saw the panels of windows and the way the rain poured down the glass, the grey sky and clouds, the buildings too. the panel closest to the wall being slightly opened (as i want it to be), the nightstand right there with that lamp on top AND ON!! the way outside was the exact weather i wanted it to be, how dim and nice the whole room was. AMAZING GUYS!! IM TELLING YOUUU. although!! i didn’t freak out or anything, i barely realized and in those few moments i was there, i was like “oh. okay cool” LIKEEEE??? my surroundings felt so different, yet so familiar that it really wasn't different. my bed was different, the pillow and sheets— everything. i was just so comfortable that it didn’t faze me. the best i can explain how comfortable, how normal it all felt is when you’re lying in bed. SOOO comfy, so at peace, you’re not actively acknowledging your surroundings, right? you’re just so at ease, you’re not constantly thinking of the mattress or fixating on the way everything feels. you’re just there. to continue on, in these few moments of looking around a bit and acknowledging where i was, i snuggled into my pillow and blanket then knocked tf out and that was it. obv i ended up waking up here but absolutely amazing!! this is such a huge milestone in my journey and i’m so incredibly happy about it!! @sabs-shifts <3 i’m so excited to go back but for a good while this time!! (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)
to quote a lovely friend of mine @evangelineshifts “I’ve shifted a few times albeit briefly and the way it feels so normal is so jarring like ??? Idk I think we all expect it to be the like mind churning, exploding life changing experience and then when it’s just like “you’re home :D” 🤨” — it literally isn’t at all grand and crazy LMAO, it felt like nothing and was so incredibly normal. but of course, as always, everyone's journey is different <3
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aceymazy · 7 months
can i request a idv norton x reader nsfw hc please
yes. you can. (wow another idv req... all i have rn are idv reqs and one sally face from months ago.)(That was a cry for requests)
Well well how did you even get here?
Pinned on the bed under Norton who is staring at you with a predatory gaze without saying a word.
You got him jealous. Not that you need to do much to make him jealous, he easily gets jealous.
But you went too far today it seems.
First headcanon as that he'll always dominate. No matter what. No matter how much you beg or do anything for him he wouldnt let you.
(^) Considering this, he would only let you dominate if he's tired and just wants love when he feels like his worlds about to crumble.
(^) Pamper him, praise him, tell him how much he matters to you and that you dont see him as a monster for what happend, hes putty already in your hands.
When he dominates and gets too into the feeling, sometimes (might i mention also accidentally) he would just randomly degrade you without him even noticing. Calling you names like 'Cunt', 'Whore', 'Slut' etc. (Sometimes he gets so into it he starts to rant about how submissive you are for him, and that you wouldnt even be able to live without his cock inside you, or something along those lines.)
Hes ROUGH. His pace is fast, and hes grabbing your hips/waist hard. He will wait until you adjust though, he dosent want to hurt you.
Along the lines of not wanting to hurt you, he wants you to feel pleasure aswell, not just him. Just imagine one day youre in Nortons bed, both of you cuddling when he suddenly asks if you have any fetishes/kinks.
Awkward conversation but he takes your words to heart, he really just wants to pleasure you.
After the whole shabang is done, he would get you water or some snack you ask but he wouldnt bathe you. Hes too embarrassed after to even look at your naked body, so you have to do that one yourself...
But he would make sure youre alright, still conscious and that youre not too hurt of his pace or marks he left.
Would even offer to massage you after, and if you agree, he would make sure to do it gently, not to 'accidentally hurt your now over-sensitive body or something'. (his words)
Now onto kinks, hes definitely into praise.
Maybe hes into semi-public sex, but that depends on where, when and if hes too much in the mood. (Sometimes when hes just horny he just represses the feeling and goes on with his day without it even being there)
Definitely into cock warming. Like you both could be doing anything and he would just sit there, with you on his lap, his cock in your hole as you both do your respective things/hobbies.
He goes absolutely apeshit if you manage to get your hands on lingerie and tease him with it. He would just want to fuck you right then and there and just rip the lingerie off your body if you allow him. (If you manage to speak that is. Take that however you will.)
A few nono's during sex is degradation. He'll feel awful if you call him something derogatory, even if its accidental.
dosent really like public sex but if its semi public and youre into it he might give in.
despises being tied up, but hes hesitant on tying you up, even if its a kink of yours.
hahahahahhaah im going insane x3
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lexithwrites · 2 months
Jegulus and 5 for the nsfw prompts ❤️
absolutely! i went ham on this one because im on my laptop so pls enjoyyyyy
send me some nsfw prompts from here or just send in your own! (any ships welcome)
5. “Can we just not move for a very long time? I have lots of problems that I can’t be bothered to deal with.” “We can stay in bed forever then, I’m fine with that.” “Good, because I need you to eat me out and I don’t want to move.”
James smiled into Regulus' hair as he wrapped his arms around his waist, and watched him type away on his laptop. He had been at this essay for a few hours now, and had been brainstorming for at least two days, and he wished he was done so they could nap. But he wouldn't bother him enough to make him angry, so he just quietly cheered him on by kissing his cheek and rubbing his waist.
Regulus hummed and then yawned. "I'm nearly done but I need a break." He mumbled.
"You can take one, love. The essay isn't going anywhere."
"That's the problem." He laughed and looked over his shoulder, kissing James' nose. "You tired?" James nodded and closed his eyes. "Poor boy, been so good waiting for me to finish."
"Now you're being mean." James grinned and Regulus gently scratched his scalp like a dog getting pets behind the ear. James practically purred. "We can just relax a bit?"
Regulus sighed and, after saving his work closed the laptop and put it on the floor beside the bed, leaning back against James' chest and closing his eyes. "I have so much more work to do."
"I know." James carded his hands through his boyfriends gorgeous hair.
"And so many lectures to go to next week."
"I'm gonna miss you." Regulus moved back a little and James cleared his throat when he felt him start to rotate his hips.
"Can we just not move for a very long time?" He asked softly, squeezing James' hand. "I have lots of problems that I can't be bothered to deal with."
"We can stay in bed forever, then. I'm fine with that."
"Good, because I need you to eat me out and I don't want to move." Regulus pulled James' hand up and kissed each of his fingers in turn, before drawing one into his mouth and sucking. James nearly fell off the bed.
"Baby, I mean, yeah obviously—" He pushed Regulus up before crawling over him, shoving his glasses up his face and into his hair like a headband. Regulus loved when he did that.
"Didn't even have to ask twice." Regulus teased him but James was already kissing and licking down his torso, taking a moment to nuzzle his chest scars. Regulus blushed. "I never have to ask twice with you, do I?"
"Never. Eat you out whenever you want." James mumbled against his flushed skin, one thigh already grasped in his hand whilst the other was flung over his shoulder. Of course Regulus just had to wear these boxers that showed off his ass, and that were light enough to show the wet spot between his legs. James flattened his tongue against it and moaned, just as Regulus gasped above him.
"Sshh." James pulled at the boxers with his fingers, nails dragging gently down his skin to make him shiver. Once they were flung across the room, James ran his hands up his legs again and smiled. He loved the feeling of the hair there, so soft and fuzzy. He knew Regulus got self conscious but James missed it when he shaved, he liked feeling everything on Regulus' body. It was all beautiful to him.
Regulus shuddered the moment he felt James' tongue against him and arched his back, grabbing at his hair and smiling. "Good boy, Jamie. Good...boy..."
James made him cum three times before Regulus was allowed to go back to his essay. And he passed with flying colours.
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taintedtort · 1 year
can you please write something with one of these prompts (only if you want)
“how about a kiss goodnight? “
“you’re lucky that you’re cute.”
with albedo
prompt ✧ "how about a kiss goodnight?" + "you’re lucky that you’re cute."
character ✧ albedo
warnings ✧ gn!reader, petnames (love)
a/n ✧ i’ve been very busy, so sorry this took me so long! this is also kinda short
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Albedo heard your footsteps approaching from behind him right before he felt your arms wrap around him.
"‘bedo, you almost done?" you asked, voice laced with sleep. you were extremely tired, but just couldn’t seem to fall asleep without him in bed next to you.
"im sorry, love, this is taking me longer than expected." he reached up and took one of your hands in his, squeezing it apologetically before bringing it to his lips to place a quick peck.
he felt your body sigh, making the guilt in his stomach rise. he really was trying to hurry! he wanted you to be well rested, but he was so close to finally figuring out the missing part to his experiment and being able to complete his work.
but because you’re such a nice and understanding person, you simply wait for him with minimal complaint. which he greatly appreciates.
you move away from behind him and take a seat in the empty chair next to him; the same spot you sat in hours prior while you waited for him to be finished.
he glanced at you when you settled your head on the table, but quickly became engrossed in his work once more. you watched as he wrote down words and numbers you didn’t understand at a very fast speed, honestly you’re surprised he can read his own hand writing.
occasionally he would let out a semi frustrated sigh before scribbling out whatever he wrote, right before raising his eyebrows and writing something else down in its place. it was entertaining to watch, to say the least.
however, as entertaining as it may be, you were still dozing off on the table. your eyes would close involuntarily before you snapped back awake, blinking away the sleep in an attempt to stay conscious. albedo noticed this of course, causing him to turn to face you with a frown.
"you’re tired. go to bed, i promise i’ll be there soon." he emphasized his words with a nudge to your arm, physically gesturing you to leave and go lay down.
"no— can’t sleep without you." you countered, voice drowsy and slurred. which was partially true, you had a hard time staying asleep without your boyfriends body heat, but you mostly just preferred going to sleep together. you want to make sure he actually rests. if you leave him while he’s working, you’ll wake up the next morning with him in the same spot.
"please? i promise it’ll only be another 20 minutes." his attention was still on you at the moment, so you could tell how tired he was too. with a little convincing youre sure he’d give in and go to bed.
"mmm— fine. but.. how about a kiss goodnight?" you smiled, eyes lit up in mischief as you formed a plan.
you saw albedos face split into a small smile, right before he leaned down to place a lingering kiss to your lips.
when he pulled away you stood from your chair, pulling him up with you.
"hm? what?" he questioned, legs slightly numb from sitting for too long. you ignored him and pulled him towards you, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him once more. he was a bit shocked, but quickly recovered, wrapping his own arms around your waist to pull you even closer.
just as albedo‘s tongue was tracing your bottom lip, you pulled away, leaving him to chase after your mouth.
"if you come to bed i’ll give you more." you stated, a smug smile on your face. you knew he’d never resist more kisses from you.
he sighed, glancing at his work before resting his eyes on you once more.
"you’re lucky you’re cute." he mumbled, finally giving in.
with a bright smile you took his hand and led him to your shared bedroom. you had hoped to get some sleep now that he was next to you, but his lips landed back on yours before you could even sit down.
he felt your muffled laughter and pulled away, glaring at you teasingly. "what’s so funny?"
"nothing," you giggled out, reaching up to cup his face before planting kisses all over. his forehead, cheeks, chin, nose, and eyelids, all before coming back to his mouth.
when you looked at his face, a faint pink was dusting his cheeks and he had a lovesick look in his eyes. you wordlessly pulled him down to the bed, laying your head on his chest before mumbling a goodnight.
"goodnight, my love. please rest well."
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goldenempyrean · 2 years
Can I request a fic where Reader is hiding being sick from Natasha?
Admitting The Problem
Just a little drabble to pass the time :D
“I cant be sick Natasha. I just don’t have the time for it right now!” You gave a congested whine as Natasha’s eyes scanned over you.
You had felt yourself falling asleep during the team-meeting which had just finished. It felt as if you had to pinch yourself every 5 minutes just to stay conscious. Natasha had noticed this and decided to pull you behind to question you.
“Look at me.” She frowned, lifting your head up so she could stare down at your tired face, “I can see the fever behind your eyes sweetheart.”
“Lies.” You argued weakly, “All you can see is a person at the pinnacle of health, because Im perfectly fi- Hhi’tshhhIuew! Hup’TSHHH! Hhih’tshoo!”
Natasha sighed, and turned to grab the box of tissues from the middle of the big table and tucked it beneath her arm before turning back to you and wrapping her other one around your waist.
“Come now.” She spoke softly, guiding you out of the room, “You don’t need to hide anything from me, you know that.”
“But Im fine Nat. I have so much to do, we need to reorganise the files and then finish the mission reports and then-“ You were cut off from your rambling the dull aching in your head throbbed sudden, sending your hand shooting up towards your temples.
Nat eyes grew heavy with concern, “Hey take it easy sweetheart, take slow steps.”
You sighed in defeat giving a weak sniffle as you nodded, leaning your head against her sturdy shoulder, allowing your body to go limp against hers.
“Maybe I don’t feel too good.”
She gave a content hum, happy you’d finally given in and admitted, “I thought as much, lets get you to bed sweetie.”
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yesitsmewhataboutit · 2 years
Can You Say Triplets?
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Tom Holland x Reader
Anyone who says Tom and the twins don’t look alike are liars… sometimes even you can’t tell them apart if you’re not looking directly at their face
»»——⍟——««A/n: STAWP IM SCREAMING AND CRYING I finished this a few days ago but didn’t outline it and I just came to and was about to copy and paste to proofread and I look and the ending didn’t save for some reason😃😃and I do t remember exactly how I did it so now this ending is garbage and I’m sad cuz this whole fic is ruined and not at all how I wanted it. Idk why I’m even posting it
̶̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ Requests open  ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶
Going golfing with his brothers is something Tom loves. He does it for fun, plus when he needs to relax and de-stress a bit. You know the usual routine. They go out around 1 o’clock, golf for a while and horse around, then go get food and drinks on the way home. Tom always picked you up food too which you loved.
Today is no different. You wake up to light kisses on your shoulder from Tom, his arms around you, and when you turn around, his sweet tired face as he looks at you through tired eyes. You have your time in bed, and he heads out with Harrison and Harry. So it’s just you for the day, everyone else was also doing their own stuff.
It’s a normal day, you make some food, lounge around a bit, and watch some tv. Inevitably, you end up where you always do; in your bed watching a show. It’s only around 8 o’clock, but you can feel your eyes getting heavier. You know it’s too early to fall asleep, but that doesn’t stop your body from still pulling, and as always, you lose the fight.
The boys get in around 11 o’clock, you wake up around 1 am. The tv is still on, and the bed is cold, but you can tell the boys are home. Tired and delirious, you push yourself from bed to try to go find your London boy. The house is quiet and dark, aside from the little light coming from Harrison’s room, if you listen you could hear quiet sounds, but what catches your eye when you exit your room is the lump on the couch. It wouldn’t be the first time Tom sat down to take his shoes off but ended up collapsing from a mixture of drowsy and drinks.
You shuffle over to the couch, not having the energy it’d take to get him to wake up and move, instead deciding to join him. A soft smile spreads your lips as you get closer and you can make out the messy curls that lay all over his head.
You rub your eyes and melt onto the couch, laying practically on top of him cause of its size. “Welcome back, Tommy,” you say in a quiet slur of your words, reaching up and giving him a quick peck on his lips before snuggling in, feeling his arms curl around you. You drift to sleep almost immediately, but not before you hear a grunt of response come from him, and soon after, you fall asleep.
It’s not the best sleep you’ve ever gotten, you’ve slept on the couch before, but you chalk the low-quality sleep up to the weird position you were laid. “Y/n.” The warm body you’re next to helps, making you stay in a state between conscious and unconscious. “Y/n.”
“Hm?” You shuffle around, hearing a voice calling you but not really caring, wanting to go back to sleep, already feeling it too early to be awake.
“Y/n.” The voice says again, trying its best to nag you awake.
“What,” you drag and whine, trying to adjust into and more comfortable position.
“What are you doing?”
You sigh, giving up hope of going to sleep at the moment. “What do you mean?”
You adjust again, moving your hand around, it being rested on his stomach under his shirt, where you can usually feel his abs, but you can’t at the moment, you don’t think much of it. What makes your mind skip and backtrack, is the smell.
You smell alcohol on him, which isn’t unusual since of course he just went drinking, but the specific smell doesn’t add up. You smell a strong bitter alcohol, which is something Harry would drink, not Tom, he likes fruitier drinks usually, unless something is wrong, which you would’ve known. So why would he be drinking like Harry?
You hear the voice that you still haven’t stopped to comprehend who it is say something again, but you don’t fully hear as you open your eyes to look up at Tom. Only, it’s not Tom, it’s Harry.
“Oh my god!” You yell startled, your eyes going wide and your body automatically flitching back, immediately putting you on the floor, making you hit your head with a grunt. “Ow.”
You go to sit up, putting a hand to your head as you look around. You now realize you’re between a just awoken and confused Harry, and a Samantha, Harry’s girlfriend. You look toward the door, seeing Tom just as he enters from the hallway, a smug smirk going over his features as he sees the scene in front of him, already figuring out what happened.
"Ya alright there, love?" he asks as he walks over to you.
"I did it again," you say in a defeated tone.
"Yeah, yeah, it's alright," he says with a hint of a laugh.
"Sorry, Harry," you say as you take Tom's hand, and he helps you up, putting his arm around your waist and walking toward your bedroom.
"If this makes this any better, I honestly thought she was you too."
Ahem: @mcushvft @lnmp89 @laylasbunbunny @tomhollandfics
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dasha-haziez · 1 year
JinChul beloved
Istg i will write this fic myself- With all honesty, i really like the thought of Woo Jin-chul working to the point of beyond exhaustion, being in his headspace while working and not noticing the time AT ALL.
Like you know those times where you are doing something and really focused on them you didnt realise it has been hours?
But in Jin-Chul case, this might be unrealistic but he's been working for 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘰𝘥. His substance are powered by coffee. Gallons of them at this point probably.
Promtly then snapping out of trance as he realise his body weaken. Like, tired kind of weak where youre muscles feels like jelly and stuff.
then Go Gunhee came into the office after another worker decided its probably a good idea to let the Chairman knows of his right hand man's situation.
I'm sure Gunhee is a busy man but he could always spare some time to do something else. And SOOOOO.
Gunhee took matters into HIS own hands. That being carrying the half-conscious Jin-Chul and manhadles him into bed in Jinchul's apartment.
And man does it look 𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤. Its clean and all but the food- Fridge is empty asf and even cupboards!
Gunhee is aware about Jin-Chul staying in his office often and stays there at most time, though it never till the point he worked into passing out. Jin-Chul ate yes but only a good few bites before he stores them back into the office's fridge and going back to work.
So, Gunhee personaly, 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘺 takes care of Jin-Chul. Like ordering food and suplements. Most food are not to heavy for the stomach too due to Gunhee worrying it'll do Jin-Chul no good at all.
Though after a good meal and chat with Gunhee, Jin-chul fell asleep for 𝙛𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨.
Lets say four or three. Just sleeping there with occasional and really short time of him waking up to take a drink or bathroom break. Before plopping into bed knowing the chairman visit him in the evenings making sure of things are okay and dandy.
that said, Gunhee worries for the young man's health. Sleeping for days? Isnt that an anomaly by now? Though the healer says everything fine other then immense amount of fatigue and the lack of nutrients.
In the end things turns out fine, JinChul and Gunhee had a talk about the situation. Jinchul assures its fine and he'll try to take care of himself better.
Which spoiler alert, it happened again. Few times each year.
So Gunhee isnt suprised when someone calls him in for help.
Im gonna write this istg i will. The plot gon be where someone ask for Gunhee's help.
Cause JinChul beloved just passes out and they are all confused on what tf to do with it.
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syndxlla · 7 months
Fck now MY head is full of fanfic ideas because of you. I don't have anywhere to throw them so imma throw them at you 💕 take em! Don't take em! Tell em they're dumb! Say "yes and" or "yes but actually" or "no and" or "no but actually"! I don't do fanfic but I play dnd and that's like the same thing in a lot of ways.
Link comes back and is more hurt by Purahs words than he thought. Tired. Grumpy. Zelda feels a little guilty about all the work Link is doing. Asks to help him cook. Link is grumpy, he's bossy. Controlling. Conflict there? Zelda brushes it off but something is clearly bugging him.
Next day. Link is still upset. Zelda kept a journal previously, asks Link to get her a blank book to write in. Link is forced to go back to the lab, he's planning on apologizing, but it goes badly. Comes back, gives Zelda the book, and goes outside to blow off steam doing a bunch of manual labor. Cleans the horse pens. Chops a shit ton of fire wood. While he's working Zelda snoops more, and hatches a plan. Asks Link to draw her a bath again. Bathes. When Link is to come back into the house, she insists he's dirty and smelly. He needs a bath. Something something, reusing her bath water is embarrassing. While he's bathing she leaves.... but then she comes back and starts cooking the recipe he was being bossy about. He can't leave the tub or she'll see him naked, so he just watches her. In a hot tub. That she just soaked in. Eventually, she leaves so he can get dressed and the pot can simmer. Link is so freaking tired, after the bath all his muscles just relax. They talk about the thing Purah said. Bed time. Link puts on a bunch of fire wood, and sits next to the bed Zelda sleeps in. After him not being able to sleep, Zelda pulls him into the bed. He's basically not even conscious. It's warm with him there. He's asleep. The fire is hot. She takes her top off to stay cool.
Link wakes up to find himself in bed with Zelda. Panic! Gets out to not wake her. She's half nude. Stoicly ignore. Must busy himself to ignore thoughts. Eventually she wakes up too. Or was she awake when he got out of bed? Link pretends nothing happened. Zelda is frustrated. Internally, Link tries to work out how that happened. The next night, when Zelda goes to bed she notices theres no raging fire. He takes his shirt off and joins her, and the bed is just as warm.
Etc etc, someday Purah comes by and sees Link doing a bunch of chores while Zelda sips tea, watching him intensely, practically taking notes, wearing one of his shirts and Purah just sits there like. Oh. They've got it BAD.
Oh f wait the whole school story arc. Link helps bud a school?? Zelda gets better and plays with kids as Link falls madly in love with her watching her? Ahhh!
Something about tending a fire being a symbol for effort into the relationship or something? She uses the fire for closeness, he uses the fire to get away and be stoic or whatever. He wants to be stoic even though he wants to be close, she wants to be close but understands she must look regal to rebuild hyrule. Then they start doing the things together. Im sorry but building a school and teaching together is foreplay for "hey babe you want to have kids?"
haha i love all of this! you guys are all so creative! it makes me so happy that my works have inspired such creativity! i love a lot of these ideas. i’ve had lots of link taking care of zelda but believe be the tables will turn soon!!
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proudtobealuthor · 7 months
Gonna go on an emotional rant because I no longer have a therapist to explain these things to so feel free to ignore this:
But I am just so tired lately, like can barely leave my bed tired and just from existing. I’m working AND going to school full time and the way my schedule falls it’s just too much. As soon as I get home from school I start work and then don’t get off until midnight Monday through Friday and then the measly 2 days I have on the weekend aren’t enough. It passes so quickly and I spend most of it asleep because of how tired I am. I just feel like crying. I’m not doing as good at school as I could because of how little energy I have like I’m still keeping up with my stuff and doing what I’m supposed to but my attendance is shit and my grades aren’t as high as I want them to be in most of my classes (I’m making B’s in most but still) I just wish I could quit my job and focus on school but then I wouldn’t be able to pay my bills, I’d be evicted, so then I would be homeless and starving and things would be even worse. It just feels like im fighting a losing battle at this point and idk what to do. I just want to sleep for every and not exist for a while. Like I don’t wanna die but I just…really need a break from being conscious. It’s all too much and I don’t have a therapist anymore cuz I got my own big girl insurance and they won’t pay for my therapist anymore (she’s actually just a counselor) not that she really helped with much anyways other than being someone to talk to. I just really wish I could quit my job without any of the consequences that would come from it. And I hate that I feel like this now because I was doing so well. I was feeling amazing for the first time in my life. All last year up until august of this year I was feeling so good and then suddenly my mental health just went on a rapid decline and I don’t know why. I hate this so much
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deuvdas · 29 days
Wounds of Duty and Hearts of Healing.
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(Azad Rathore x OC)
Chapter 2.1
Azad's POV
Dr. Shourya walks behind me to push the wheelchair a little closer to the bars. I felt nervous. I held onto her for balance as she helps me up. I was struggling to stand but.. I tried. She was very careful and gentle. She understands my condition well. Of course, she's the doctor afterall. 
As I looked up.. I realized. Wait.. she's.. taller than me? I look up at her in confusion. She looks at me, oddly with the same expression.
"Azad? Everything alright? What's with the look," She muttered while placing my hands to either side of the bars.
I simply nodded.
"Yes, Im fine. Just.. didn't expect the height difference."
"Height difference?.. Oh! Well, I'm not that tall."
Her laughter and smiles were comforting. It's strange that I'm already warming up to her. I tried showing her a smile too.
"I know.. but still. You're taller," I replied in a low tone.
At first, I tried to take a few steps. I held on tightly, both on the bars and her hand. My head felt light weighted. It felt like there were heavy weights tied to my legs.
"You don't have to force yourself, Azad. We can stop then continue later," I heard her speak as she guided me.
"Im fine, Dr. Shourya."
She seems concerned but gave me a simple nod. After a few more tries, I started to feel tired. It was a difficult task. But, I'm glad I could atleast try.
Dr. Shourya helped me to sit back on the wheelchair. She knelt beside me as she fixed the IV fluid bag and foot rest of the wheelchair.
"Ah.. I forgot to tell you that your father visited the day before you were conscious. He was worried. He did ask me about your progress a lot of times. I'm sure he might visit today," Dr. Shourya told me.
I do miss Baba. It's been a year since I finally found him. I'm happy to finally be close to him again. I hope we will visit me today.
Dr. Shourya brought me back to my room. The halls were emptier than before, outside the huge window was pretty dark as well.
She placed the IV fluid bag to the place it was before. She gently lifted me up, resting my body on the hospital bed.
"Your father told me that he met you last year? How.. is that so?"
Dr. Shourya asked me after letting go.
"Only if you're comfortable enough to tell me, no pressure," She pushes the wheelchair away to the other side of the room.
"It's fine. I'll tell you. But, it's better to take a seat first."
"Long story, eh? Shall I get snacks too?"
Both of us laughed at the light joke. It's almost impossible to stay serious around her. She then took a seat on the edge of my bed. "Whenever you're ready. I'm all ears."
"He said I met him last year because.. I wasn't able to see him before. He was a soldier, but everyone accused him as a traitor. They all assumed he was deceased. My mother was going to be executed but Kaveri Amma found out that she was pregnant with me. The law said the child must turn 5 years old before she can be executed."
I told her. She was listening attentively. Her eyes softened too. I continued my story.
"During my fifth birthday, she was executed. I still remember calling out for her.. and her lifeless body.. being brought on a bed. The jail I now look after.. is the same jail where my mother was in. Kaveri Amma, a warden there, raised me with care. She was a mother figure to me. Still, I thought my father was deceased. I tried clearing his name, I don't want people thinking that he was traitor.. this was all because of Kalee. Now people know Vikram Rathore as a hero.. My Baba is a hero. Someone found out that he was still alive. He lived in a village, where a healer rescued and treated his unconscious body. He lost his memory. When I first met him, all I wanted to do was hug him. I.. never thought I would finally see him standing in front of me. All this time.. I only saw him in pictures.. stories."
"He does not know me then. I still recall how confused he looked when I hugged and kissed him. He did not like that kiss, definitely."
I paused for a moment to lay back a little.
"The day he got his memory back.. he called me his son. Baba finally knew that I'm his son. I've never felt happier.. that moment was everything I could ask for. Of course, we hugged again. This time both of us were in tears. Sometimes we recall and talk about the memories of my mother. We really do miss her.. I just wish she was here with us. And-"
I stopped mid sentence. I looked at her. Her eyes were welled with tears. She was staring off to somewhere else while she was listening.
She notices my stare and immediately wiped her eyes. She chuckled softly.
"Mh? Go on."
I still stared at her. She must be touched by the story. But, she can't hide her tears from me.
Chapter 2.2 is here.
(tags! : @amdone, @my-emo-romance, @pixlerelish, If you want to be tagged in the next, just let me know! :3)
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bulletproofscales · 1 year
monster fucking march 5 - bulbs, spikes and bumps (namkook)
oh i took my sweet time with this one because it was SO out of my comfort zone!! but i ende dup really liking the dynamic i was able to wrtie. which is kinda what the challenge is about!! tho fr now ill preassur emyself to psot everyday for the rest of march to get to all 10 prompts!! wish me luck :,)
tags: intersex jungkook , jungkook has both genitals , mentions of female genitalia , monster genitals , monster pussy , trans man namjoon , ftm namjoon , post-phalloplasty namjoon , trans dick namjoon , first times , chubby namjoon
3.4k (no wonder it took me forever )
“Looking for someone into cock biting-” 
“Is there any sadist dtf my ass that has this weird medical condition-” 
Jungkook’s hands abandon the keyboard as if it were on fire. 
He can’t do this. But he has to. 
Already in his mid twenties, Jungkook hasn’t gone past the occasional hand job back when he was just starting college. Back when he knew something was off but never had the urge to experiment and find out exactly what. 
Needless to say, it was a very painful first fingering experience, for all the wrong reasons. 
Yes, he’s heard people with vaginas say it can hurt the first time. But he didn’t expect his fingers to barely fit. Scrunching up his face as curling them forward and back only seems to make the squeezing worse. 
Jungkook knew he was intersex, his mother made a very conscious effort to explain it to him. He has both genitals and he’s gone his life mostly in normality. All of his biology was male except for the vulva behind his sack; so he lived his life normally. Intersex people exist and he doesn’t have to go around telling people, he doesn’t owe that to anyone! 
Though… He does panic when in a wild tipsy night by himself he wants to experiment fingering himself, copious amounts of lube as he reaches between his lips; thighs spread open and anticipation pumping his heart. 
And when he pulls out to see his fingers swollen and red. It was a bit of a moodkill. If not, the thing that sent Jungkook into cardiac arrest. 
Yes, he knows the rest of his biology is all relatively normal. That he could easily just have standard sex in any position without having to involve the anomaly on his body. But now, as if being intersex hadn’t been enough of a stigma for him to overcome, now he has to worry about people finding said pussy he shouldn't have in the first place, has weird hard bumps in it!
His mom was a fumbling mess when he interrogated her over the phone. Something about her making a mistake, falling for some succubus-like man thing, and some of his genes passing onto Jungkook! 
So Jungkook’s vagina has bumps, apparently. 
He hasn’t had much sex at all after that. 
Though redacting this message was becoming a harder task than he had anticipated. Not even anonymity and a strong vpn were enough to make the shame he felt wash away. Writing and deleting and re-writing just to delete again in exhaustion.
And he’s becoming desperate. And lonely. 
That's where he finds himself now. In a very deep corner of the internet. An old abandoned website with only a few people in it, describing different genitalia anomalies. As if he was gonna find anyone like him. Jungkook didn’t need to find anyone like him though. He just needed to find someone… willing. 
 He needs a drink. 
It ends up being 5 drinks until Jungkook’s drunken inspiration takes hold of him. Writing an obscene message and posting it shamelessly before he plops on the bed; knocked out by the weird cocktail of anxiety, and alcohol that tired him out.
At least he is relieved he didn’t actually post his number online for a group of strangers. But still inside this obscure forum thing, a little bell shows on his chats. Flinging already, he reaches to click it.
 With horror, Jungkook is reminded of his last night’s endeavor when a notification of a message from the same dark website shows up on his phone. 
“Hello Im JUngkoook, my vagina has liek bumps in it or sumthing! you dont have to be into it!!!!! as long asd youre down with having sex w me in anywway shape or form (i ahve a penis too ;))) !! im just despedrate ok? text me if your interesdted!! !!  :DDD”
icantfeelmydickwhenimwithyou: hi! i dont know if you were serious or not, but if youre from seoul, im a bit desperate and more than ok with… your situation. 
icantfeelmydickwhenimwithyou: we wouldnt have to like fuck on first encounter but if you wanna chat im interested :] 
Well she fell for a succubus. She can’t tell Jungkook shit.
He stares in awe. Jungkook’s parents have given him so many talks throughout all of his teenage internet friendships about the dangers of the internet and all the creeps that lay within. But Jungkook is actively seeking them out now. Not only that, but he wants to meet with one too. Have sex with them! 
Jungkook’s mom would not be proud. 
jkabtthecockbiting: i /am/ from seoul 
jkabtthecockbiting: honestly…if youre ok to fucking right away id skip the chitchat. 
His confidence dissipates when the stranger replies immediately. 
Jungkook wasn’t dumb enough to give him his address. Or too agree to go to “Namjoon’s” as he learnt is his supposed name. So they agreed to a love hotel on the outskirts of Seoul. Not the safest place around, but Jungkook can defend himself! He hits the gym! He boxes! That's what he tries to remind himself at least, as he finds himself outside the sketchy area on a random Thursday night.  
icantfeelmydickwhenimwithyou: cutting straight to the point huh
And maybe this stranger online posing no hesitation to meet him, should've been a red flag. His mother would be very disappointed. But Jungkook needs to feel wanted. And if a creep sadist perv on Reddit is the one to make him feel that way. Then they meet. 
He does regret not having asked for some sort of photo or social media. Jungkook may not be desperate enough to fuck a 70 year old man. But he doubts an old man would’ve figured out a way through underground fetish chat rooms, right? Right.
“Jungkook, right?” Oh.
It's cold, he has his arms crossed over himself trying to protect himself from the falling snow while keeping contact with everyone who passes by. 10:30pm outside, that's what they had agreed on. Of course Jungkook not only got there at 9:50, but had booked a room in the hotel for the night. And now has to think about how he will tell Namjoon that he expects him to pay half of it too… Is Jungkook even allowed to request that? This stranger is the one doing a favor for him. 
Even if he hears the steps approaching him, making his head snap up, Jungkook is startled anyways. The stranger must recognize that same jitteriness on himself. 
 Out of everything he’s imagined, this isn’t what he considered Namjoon would look like. Gentle but broad rounded shoulders, only a slimmer bit taller than Jungkook. Padded chin with some patchy stubble and pillowy body showing through the thick layer of clothing. Pear shaped body clinging to his shirt and jeans; despite the flannel and jacket, it still shows. He smiles a bit, plump lips catching Jungkook’s attention more than his body; dimples showing through. 
“I uh… I already booked a room.” He speaks from behind the broad expanse of soft shoulders. Namjoon turned to look over his shoulder, smiling surprised. 
“Y-yeah.” He can’t help but grin, feeling the release of tension of seeing this real life 20-30 something person with him; a real, friendly-looking, human. “Namjoon?” 
“That's me.” Namjoon offers his hand and Jungkook eagerly takes it, satisfied with the warmth emanating from this man. “Oh you’re freezing. Come on, let's go in.” He says it so casually as if they were getting into his home; it's a bit relaxing as he follows Namjoon without letting go of his big warm hand. Like the rest of him.
“Oh! You prepared for everything! Nice.” Even if his reaction is positive, Jungkook can’t help but feel that familiar anxiety slip through. Is he being too eager? Overprepared? He can only smile timidly and nod as Namjoon makes his way to the desk, asking for a reservation to his name for him; and Jungkook lets himself find refuge behind the mass of the other man. Feels nice. 
Namjoon’s smile at him is also very reassuring. “No, no you’re alright.” There's a chuckle attached to the end of his sentence and everything. “I’m not particularly into it. Or I mean, I never tried!” He adds quickly.
Namjoon maneuvers his way through the awkwardness easily. While Jungkook only speaks when they’re in the privacy of the hallway together. 
“So… You're into bumpy holes?” He doesn’t bother being subtle. Though he does feel a bit guilty in the way Namjoon chokes on his own spit; but not guilty enough to hide his giggling. “Sorry, too much?”
“I’m your first I get it.” Jungkook reassures smiling.  
“But uh… I had bottom surgery about a year ago. And it's safe to have sex, but I still need a bit… uh, more, to really feel anything. Until the nerves heal at least.”  Jungkook can only stare a bit wide eyed nodding. 
There's something so… relieving about hearing Namjoon isn’t ‘normal’ either. A smile slowly grows on his face. He’s never been with a trans person. But walking with Namjoon now, it just makes perfect sense that they found each other. 
“Hopefully I’ll be of help then.” His smile must be contagious because Namjoon is grinning back at him, gentler than last time. “Won’t it hurt the stitching?” Jungkook asks curiously.
“Oh no no. Most of the stitching is gone, and the scarring made the skin really tough.” He explains before his smile widens more, a little bit of confidence oozing off him. “You did your homework.” 
“You’re not the only one that looked for bottom surgeries!” Jungkook accuses with a finger that pokes at Namjoon’s pillowy bicep. Their giggling rudely echoing through the hallway. 
“This is our room.” Laughter still clings to his voice as he gestures to the room. “I’m kinda scared, never been in one of these.” He confesses. 
“I can still appreciate it!” He whines but the laughter makes it less serious. Jungkook is starting to worry less about their night together, and more about if the other customers will file a complaint about them. Which feels a lot better. The door opens and Jungkook prepares himself to be grossed out. 
“Does it look like I have?”
“That was the anxiety, Namjoon.” Jungkook deadpans earning another wave of giggles. 
They turn to each other in pleasant awe, smiling softly in the brief moment of silence. Jungkook catches Namjoon’s eyes glancing down towards his lips before their eyes meet again.
“Oh!” “This is so much better than I expected.”
“Me too.”
He wouldn’t be able to tell you who leaned first, all Jungkook knows is it is his own back pressing the door shut close; once the eager weight of Namjoon’s body presses flush against his. Softened belly and chest engulfing him in warmth as Jungkook cups his face, feeling big hands cup at his waist and squeeze. Coaxing a moan to vibrate for his lips to be swallowed by Namjoon. 
This is where he would start to feel nervous, jittery over not letting himself get to enjoy too much. Jungkook would have to stop them before it gets too far, before he has to explain himself; make excuses for his body. But he doesn’t have to, not when Namjoon’s hands softly caress the hem of Jungkook’s shirt. Stripping his jacket and shirt alike, leaving him bare. 
Goosebumps break down his back from the feeling of the cold wall against his skin; but Namjoon’s warm hands tug him closer and away from it. Jungkook’s muscular thigh slots between Namjoon’s thicker ones in an attempt to stabilize himself. A bit harshly but it seemed to do the trick for the other; moaning deeply into Jungkook’s lips. 
Jungkook doesn’t feel like covering up, he feels like revealing Namjoon too. 
His own hands strip his jacket off before letting his hands get a feel of his tubby torso, pudgy and soft to the touch. Jungkook’s hands are desperate trying to memorize the curve and thickness of his waist, and Namjoon’s chuckle into the kiss does nothing to help. Confidence making his dick twitch in desperation; which he is sure Namjoon can feel, from the way they’re pressed together. 
“F-fuck… Fuck can I?” He whispers as his hands trace to Jungkook’s belly, settled on the waistband of his pants; where Jungkook’s bulge is beginning to show. He nods urgently, his own hands aggressively tugging down at Namjoon’s sweatpants; everything on his body jiggling softly with the strength of Jungkook’s pulling. Too preoccupied licking his lips at the sight of Namjoon’s semi to worry about himself. 
“Pleasantly surprised.” The flirty giggle clings to his voice as his hand curiously caresses the chubby bottom of Namjoon’s belly, trailing down to wrap around his dick. Both of them looked down at Jungkook’s tattooed hand. 
“You’re hard.” Jungkook whispers with an awed smile and very shameless staring. 
“Surprised?” He retorts with humor and endearment. 
Harsh, he’d told Jungkook. So biting his lips, he squeezes Namjoon’s shaft, letting his nails sink a little into the skin in a way he’d never dare to try on himself. But Namjoon seems to melt into it, his thick thighs shivering in what Jungkook can only assume is a mix of pleasure and pain? He moans like its only pleasure. 
“We don’t have to do anything.” His thumbs rub soothing circles along his squeezed knees. And oh, how could Jungkook pass up an opportunity like this? When is he ever going to find someone like Namjoon again?
“I wanna see too…” His voice sounds significantly deeper than Jungkook remembers it. Making his heart skip a beat as he looks up to Namjoon; whose half lidded eyes do nothing to calm his stammering pulse. Warm hands squeezing gently at his waist; so much softer than Jungkook’s treatment. 
Guiding him towards the bed, their legs still tangling together as Jungkook lets himself fall on the surprisingly soft mattress; Namjoon standing in front of him. He instinctively presses his thighs together in an attempt to hide his vulva. But those same big hands are rubbing at his knees as Namjoon carefully kneels on the bed. The hunger in his eyes dissipated for something softer. 
Jungkook has to really bite into his lip to stop a shaky whine from slipping, so many years of self neglect leaving him needy and so sensitive. But even so, a choked whimper slips past. “Can I?” Namjoon asks, regardless of the desperation in Jungkook’s eyes when he snaps up to look at him again. 
“I want to.” Jungkook confesses vulnerably. “Just, uh… force of habit.” He chuckles a bit at himself, taking the first step as his thighs begin to spread for the dreamy man. The rush of adrenaline makes his breathing already a little heavy. Biting his lip preparing himself for the worst. 
But Namjoon’s expression only melts with lust, exhaling as he doesn’t take his eyes off Jungkook’s crotch. “Oh look at you…” He whispers and it feels like his voice could rattle at his insides. Warm hands still very much secured on his muscular thighs. Jungkook can feel his face burn as he forces himself to look up once Namjoon’s fingers abandon his leg to caress his lips, tentatively. Only the tips of fingers feeling him up. 
“You're so wet…” He mumbles against Jungkook’s lips. Only getting a desperate moan in response. His jaw dropping, looking up at Namjoon with eyes that struggle to stay open. “I can’t finger you but–but we’ll take it slow, yeah?” His thumb presses against his clit, and Jungkook’s eyes roll with a trembling whine. 
“Yes!” All self control leaves him, body trembling, begging for Namjoon to do something more than to caress the shaven lips of his pussy. “Yes Namjoon, please-” The sentence dies in his throat as Namjoon’s fingers press between his lips, rubbing up and down without pressing in just yet. Wet and sloppy noises coming from within him; only more accessible as his dick hardens against his flat tummy. 
Namjoon smiles at the shivering man beneath him, taking the liberty of leaning closer and really making Jungkook’s legs spread. Opening to fit the girth of Namjoon’s hips; calves squishing into the chub a bit. Plump lips take a hold of his, greedily kissing as Jungkook is engulfed by the softness of Namjoon’s torso. 
He has to make an effort to stay lucid enough to respond. Nodding quickly before he can even coordinate to speak, stuttering as his own hips grind against Namjoon’s fingers. Stabbing jabs of pleasure spreading through his navel. “Yes–Yes please!” Shaky hand presses to Namjoon’s cheek just to pull him in for another kiss, to let his weight press him down to the mattress. For the first time in a while, Jungkook allows himself to feel empty, to yearn for the warmth he so desperately craves. Worsening when Namjoon pulls his fingers away.
Something in his stomach tightens in anticipation, for it all to go invariably wrong. But Namjoon aligns himself, taking a curious look at where their crotches meet, sliding on a condom before he starts pressing in. Frowning in concentration, while Jungkook’s heart goes rigid. Gasping quietly at the stretch, he feels his bulbs press onto Namjoon’s dick in a tight fit. Jungkook can only imagine the pressuring squeeze they’re pushing onto Namjoon’s dick; even if he feels more stretched than he ever dared to try. 
Even as his heart raises to Jungkook’s throat he stares at Namjoon wide eyed. Taking in his groans, trying to read if it's the pain or the pleasure overpowering his senses. Though Namjoon’s continuous, even if slow, sliding into him is somewhat of a good sign. Regardless, he asks. 
“G–Good?” The insecurity shows in his voice even throughthe heavy breathing and fucked-out stutter. Namjoon opens his eyes for him with a haze of their own; his voice sounding a little breathless itself when he responds. 
“I won’t.” He whispers leaning to take Jungkook’s lips into another kiss, both of them smiling into eachothers mouths before his hips begin to grind. Their kiss is sloppy enough that it's not able to silence the moan of pleasure out of Namjoon’s throat. Unable to help himself as a rhythm begins to build. As Jungkook begins to lose himself, his insides churning in a pleasure that takes him from within. Feeling through the nubs inside him every inch of Namjoon’s skin, his own bumps, his own imperfections. Filling him to the brim with quickening thrusts. 
“Oh Jungkook… It feels amazing.” He whispers leaning so their noses brush, fully bottomed out he can feel the way Namjoon’s entire body shivers in pleasure. “Y-you?” His smile is giddy even if it's shaky; like he is holding back.
It feels ridiculous for him to even ask! Jungkook is nodding before the words come out again. “So, so good, keep going!” He can’t help but grin excited, nodding in encouragement; seemingly contagious as a wider smile spreads on Namjoon’s own face. 
He is beyond controlling the string of moans that Namjoon coaxed out of his chest with each thrust. Warmth, all he feels is warmth. From the inside out, form the jiggling soft body pressed on top of his, weighting on him like a blanket. Namjoon’s own moans, deep and lustful, making his eyes roll back as his legs hang heavy and useless at either side. Dick rubbed against the bottom of Namjoon’s belly, sinking into it deliciously. 
Jungkook never could’ve imagined, he could ever feel this good. That he could ever cause this much pleasure to someone else. 
It's pointless to try to warn Namjoon about his orgasm. Legs squeezing into the sides of his chubby belly as he spurts against the very bottom roll. “D–Don’t– Don’t stop!” Is all he manages to say. Hands cupping Namjoon’s thick neck howling in pleasure as he continues. Shamelessly enjoying after so many years of deprivation. 
He never wants it to end. 
“F-fuck –fuck don’t say that, Jungkook. I’m – I’m going to-” Namjoon’s own speech is cut off with a shivered moan, his entire body trembling and spasming as he grinds his hips into Jungkook’s bumped heat. 
And for a moment everything stills, looking at one another with widened eyes. Like it's the first time in a while either of them have been able to feel this amount of pleasure. 
The first, but definitely not the last. 
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harryfeatgaga · 1 year
So Harry comes home and finds you curled up in bed sniffling and tearing up from how overwhelmed you feel after having a bad day. He wouldn’t say anything about it, just get in with you and lightly scratch and tickle your back and kiss your head until you feel up to talking about whatever’s going on.
“Ready to talk about it, baby?” He’d ask you. You’d just unbury yourself from his chest and glance up at him with teary eyes and huff out a long breath.
“Today was just really hard.” You’d admit through a tired sigh, “God, I’m being so dramatic.” You grumble and roll your eyes and sit up to wipe at them and he’d pout at you not validating your feelings.
“Baby, you’re allowed to have a bad day. It’s alright it happens to all of us.” He’d reassure you and then roll his lips together as he looks at you. It looks like he’s suppressing a smile. He doesn’t want to laugh at you and make it worse, but when you rubbed your eyes you smeared your eye makeup all around you kinda look like a panda.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You’d ask him and he’d just let out a little chuckle.
“Nothing baby, just have a little smear here.” He’d say nonchalantly, playing down the mess you made of yourself and reach out to wipe under your eye but it kind of makes it worse and he just pretends like it’s fine now so you’re not self conscious about it, “There. Now, how can I help make it better?” He’d ask, taking your hand and intertwining your fingers.
“Mmmm… wanna make those holiday cookies you’ve been putting off making?” You’d ask with a little smile and he’d giggle and nod.
“Yeah, sure baby. I’ll get right on prepping the dough.” He’d assure.
“OK, gonna have a quick shower and then I’ll come help, I love you.” You hum and pucker your lips and he smiles and leans in and kisses you gently.
“Love you my, perfect girl.” He’d whisper before you both head off in your separate directions. And when you finally flick on the bathroom lights you see your reflection and are in shock.
“Oh my god!” He hears from afar and hurries back in and sees you doubled over in laughter at the state of your makeup and he starts to laugh with you until both of your tummies hurt. “Why didn’t you say anything?” You laugh and playfully and very lightly punch at his chest and he giggles “I look like the fucking winter soldier…” you chuckle and he laughs again.
“Initially I thought panda but that’s a much more accurate description.” He giggles as he fixes his arms around your waist and leans in, nuzzling his face against yours playfully, “Regardless, I think you’re absolutely breathtaking.” He smiles at you and you roll your eyes at his cheesiness but it makes you feel so warm inside and you just tiptoe in the slightest to kiss him sweetly.
“Thank you for just being there.” You whisper and he smiles.
“Of course, baby. I’d do anything to see you smile.” He responds quietly before kissing your forehead and hugging you close.
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thegirltony · 4 days
hey sorry it’s been a minute. things have been kinda crazy. idk. my mom says she’s worried about me. she thinks im not eating enough. or like leaving my room enough. it’s not that i don’t want to. i just have no reason to. i have no reason to.
i can’t keep going to school. i’m tired of the lights, the people, the stares, the everything. but maybe i’m just tired. i’ve also stopped sleeping i guess. i can’t keep dreaming. i hate falling asleep, there’s no control in that. every time i close my eyes i feel like i’m dying. i am dead, aren’t i? my dreams are just little tastes of hell, coming up and reminding me of what lies ahead. what i deserve.
there’s either nothing, or dreams. i don’t know which is worse. i shouldn’t hate the nothing, it’s nothing. but the not being conscious, not being in control, scares me. or i dream. i dream and i dream and i dream and i dream. i’ve tried doing the tricks to be lucid, but they never work. i just see . you know. it’s the same one every time. she keeps looking at me, wherever i am. i wake up, drenched in sweat, then i see her again. i wake up so many times in those dreams. i can only tell if i’m awake if my stomach hurts. the hunger is the only thing keeping me alive. but i can’t complain. i really, truly can’t.
i’m either in bed or the bath. i close my eyes and pretend i’m back at the lake. in the dreams, the lake rebirths me, cleans me. but i step out and i’m dirty again, it’s back again and it’s all over me again. she’s all over me again.
sorry if i’m being cryptic. these few weeks have been hard. tal was right about needing an outlet, i guess. when hasn’t she been?
there is so much wrong with me its almost hard to count. i don’t know why i feel like this. why i keep feeling like this. this is also so embarrassing and cringey and god so middle school. every single thought i have makes me want to rip my fucking head off. i hate living like this. i hate living in this body. i hate this body. my legs are short and fat and stubby and i have the most disgusting kankles. my fingers are short and meaty. my boobs go off in different directions and my nipples are ovular and so fucking big. my neck and chin are full of fat like my face where my eyes are so far apart. my nose is obtuse and bumpy and my teeth are crooked and yellow. and god my stomach. its so fucking large and round and disgusting and im a 33 and i used to be a 29 and now look at me. like a 29 is even good. and i want to blame this all on my birth control or growing up or whatever but does it even matter. i look like this. i walk around and talk and eat and exist like this. people look at me like this. or maybe they don’t.
it has to be my fault. there isnt any other way. i want to move away from everything and go to college and start over but i know that i’ll miss you. i don’t want to fade away from you. and i know i already have. thats the worst part. i know its too late. i know you’re gone.
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