#imagine it’s like doug or some shit
bluestbadger · 1 month
another thought i had after finishing apollo justice is how at the very end the judge goes on a sort of beautiful rant about how the law is the culmination of human history & advancement and that striving to perfect it is our goal as human beings…. and we’re just supposed to accept that this came out of the mouth of the same man who didn’t know what nail polish was a couple hours earlier??
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starspann · 1 year
peaches n’ cream | 18+
doug remer x reader
fem!reader, she/her pronouns are used
warnings: smut, cursing
notes: just something short AGAINN
y/n licks whipped cream off remer’s dick
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remer liked experimenting, y/n knew that. she just never would’ve imagined this specific scenario.
“you’re so weird, babe.” she shook the can as the label recommended, her other hand working on him through his boxers.
"and? you agreed to it. you’re currently doing it. therefore, you’re just as weird as me.” remer smiled, tilting his head at her.
he was comfortable, settled into the bed with his arms resting behind his head, an extremely prominent hard-on bulging through his boxer briefs.
“you’re already pitching a tent, how long have you been wanting to do this?” she shook her head in amusement, pulling down his underwear, exposing him to the air of the room.
his ‘manhood’ sprang out, living up to its name as it rested against his tummy, throbbing and a noticeable bead of pre-cum already leaking from the tip.
“i can see you’re ready.” she stroked him gently a few times.
“yep.” remer eagerly nodded.
she paused briefly and removed her hand before cautiously squirting a bit on the tip of his cock, his hips slightly jerking at the new feeling.
“soo.. how’s it feel?” y/n questioned him.
“it’s cold, kinda tickles.. can you do more?”
she giggled, but obliged. shaking the can once more, she pressed down on the nose of the bottle, almost covering his entire shaft in the cold, light cream.
“shit, okay, very cold—”
“yeah, duh, it’s been in the fridge.” her hands roamed his thighs, she watched the soft, white cream slide down his dick, threatening to ruin the sheets of their bed.
“warm me up then?”
“of course.” she smiled and leaned forward, immediately licking away the creamy coating, teasing him with each lap of her tongue around his cock.
he gasped and shut his eyes, the back of his head sinking father into the pillow behind him.
“fuckk. that feels good.”
he felt her tongue slip over each ridge and crevice, the whipped cream only increasing the pleasure, serving as a surprisingly good substitute for lube.
she took him deeper into her mouth, bobbing up and down in a steady rhythm.
“jus’ like that..” his words were slurred, drunk off euphoria. it was a strange sight to behold, honestly. his girlfriend sucking his dick while spit and whipped cream flowed from the sides of her mouth and down to his balls.
he fucking loved it.
“m’ gonna cum, k-keep going.” he stuttered and so did his hips. his breath was now ragged and uneven, his body writhing as y/n quickened her pace.
with curses falling from his lips, he whined loudly, gripping tightly on to her hair and finally spilling in her mouth.
she drew back, a string of saliva still connected him to her lips.
she smiled up at him, licking it away.
“taste good?” remer asked, his grip on her hair softening as he began to run his fingers through the strands.
“mhm.” she mumbled, mouth full.
“you missed some.” remer’s thumb wiped away any remaining residue. he brought it to his mouth and sucked it clean.
he knew what he was doing when he pulled that stunt.
she felt a tightness in the pit of her stomach, squeezing her thighs together, she was desperate for something to be between them.
she needed more, and she knew remer could give it to her.
of course, remer noticed the warm flush on her cheeks. he laughed in an annoying tone, “i see you squirming around, let me return the favor.”
she rose from her knees and laid down next to him, her legs a little sore from the tiring position.
“okay,” she accepted his offer, “no more whip cream though.”
he picked up the can anyway, completely disregarding her words.
“i mean it!” y/n sternly repeated.
“fine! whatever you say.” he sprayed the rest of the contents into his mouth before diving between her thighs.
“alright, sorry!”
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My redneck neighbor Doug on 'Tribe'
When not turning his home into a giant light hazard for Jesus's Birthday or getting into yelling fights in the alley with Bobby Lee (another redneck neighbor who is a DIE HARD 'Bama fan) about SEC football, Doug's been randomly texting me things about the Jedi.
I'll update y'all on that soon enough. (Plo Koon = Sexy Shrimp Daddy?!)
Meanwhile, here is his review of his favorite episode of Season 2 of The Bad Batch...TRIBE, or as Doug calls it 'Chewbacca Junior and the Weed Business'.
Yes, a random fetch quest one in which Clone Force 99 helps out a random Wookiee kid. His favorite. Don't ask.
Need a Doug refresher? Check it out under Doug Talks Star Wars here.
TW: Doug Doug's as is his Doug-like wont. Hold onto your butts. A little calmer since Daddy Warcrimes is MIA in this one.
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So we got Daddy Rambo and the gang making counterfeit licenses for underage drinkers or whatever. You gotta do what you gotta do, I guess, and Daddy Rambo will do a lot of things, but obtaining gainful employment ain’t one of them. 
Ryan-from-Accounting is smug as hell about his counterfeiting operation. You’re so smart, Ryan-from-Accounting, why don’t you go to law school and start practicing corporate licensing? At least you can get equity there, ya dingaling.
And Little Orphan Blondie runs away because she’s embarrassed to be seen around them. I get it, kid.
Woah, it’s Chewbacca Junior! Are the lizard and robot people trying to sell him to the circus or something? Oh, he’s a Jedi?! When did this happen, this is awesome! I loved Chewbacca! I love Wookiees! AWESOME!!!
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And Little Orphan Blondie is protecting him, go Little Orphan Blondie, go! 
I hope they adopt Chewbacca Junior and get him a collar and a nice bed on the floor of the HMS Search Warrant. They need a pet. Little Orphan Blondie can brush him and put bows in his hair! Do you think he uses a litter box?
They’re taking him home, and look! Little Orphan Blondie is giving him her Lunchables. I’m proud of the Dad Batch, they’re teaching Little Orphan Blondie good morals. Oh, poor wee Chewbacca Junior, he has no family and when he talks it sounds like Jimmers when he’s treed a squirrel*.
But Ryan-from-Accounting can understand him! Ya know, I wonder if his helmet can translate Bitch and that’s how Ryan-from-Accounting talks to his Bitch Wife Laura. 
It would be awesome if they adopt Chewbacca Junior and he attacks people with his lightsaber. He’s like a pet version of an MR-15! Imagine the DAMAGE his furry ass would do on the battlefield! 
Ooh, they made it to Wookieeland! Ya know, it always reminded me of where Jenny and I used to camp in northern California. I wonder if there’s a brewery nearby? I bet Toaster Strudel needs to throw back, that man needs a beer and a restraining order from Daddy Rambo. 
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Oh SHIT, looks like the bugs from Klendathu made their way down to Wookieeland. Somebody call the Starship Troopers! Oh, wait, they can talk to those things like Dougie Houser did? Woah. Neat. 
Looks like the Empire found the Wookiee weed farm and torched it. Poor Wookiees, they’re just trying to make an honest living growing herb. Leave ‘em alone!
Which planet makes meth, my money’s on Tatooine, it looks like New Mexico and that place is meth Disneyland, there was a whole TV show about it. 
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(Above is...Tatooine?! - Dr Meat Muffin)
Oh man it’s Houma-BBQ-Bitch’s shitty brothers and they’re burning the whole weed operation to the ground. Guess they work for the DEA.
Kick their asses, Wookiees! Now they want Chewbacca Junior, but the Dad Batch is saying FUCK YOU! 
Go Dad Batch go! Fire ‘em up! Destroy the tanks! GO JULIO GO! It’s like Apocalypse Now with Bigfoot!
More Wookiees! And they’re riding giant monkey-cats! AWESOME. Man, I feel stoned just watching this episode. Why can't I stop giggling.
Granny Wookiee says come on in and have some weed! Oh, shit, are they doing ayahuasca? Toaster Strudel ain’t having it, but Julio’s down. Julio’s down for anything, he’s probably gonna stick around, use his pipe laying skills, and get some free ganga out of the deal. Man, we all need a Julio in our life. Love him. 
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Oh, poor Chewbacca Junior can’t find a home. Come on, Granny Wookiee, just let him crash with you guys! He can clip weed on the side, he’s got that lightsaber, let ‘em have it. But first, let’s talk to the trees! Did they take mushrooms before this scene, Jesus Christ this really does take place in Humboldt County, doesn’t it.
Ah, nevermind, the gators that run the DEA are here. With Stormtroopers. Oh shit, are the gators wearing Wookiee pelts while fighting Wookiees? That’s some Silence of the Lambs shit right there.
Welp, time for fire fights, Smokey the Bear does not approve of this episode, especially as one of the lizard men chases Chewbacca Junior and Little Orphan Blondie into the woods with a flamethrower. 
Oh shit, there are the bugs! Shit, am I actually cheering on the bugs from Starship Troopers? What is going on here, I’m so confused. Whelp, they’re eating Houma-BBQ-Bitch’s brother, good for them.
Back to Granny Wookiee’s Pot Palace, where Toaster Strudel and Julio throw back her questionable moonshine and smile at each other. If they end up with Wookiee girlfriends, it will be weird, but I will be happy for them. 
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And Little Orphan Blondie and Chewbacca Junior are talking to the trees, again. Just watching this episode makes me wanna go back to Electric Forest. Except I don’t think Oceana County has wookiees, but it does have crazy people in the woods I guess. 
*=Jimmers is Doug’s extremely handsome poodle mix dog. His full name is Jimmers Jimothy Jimerson III and they found him as a stray when he was eating trash behind a bowling alley in Nacogdoches. 
Where my Doug fans at? @amalthiaph @eyecandyeoz @merkitty49 @sued134 are the biggest, but let me know if ya wanna be tagged in the next installment!
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fangtasticgurl · 1 year
I need the mbav fandom to realize the racist implications behind the way we summarize the plots always being resolved as "Sarah just beats ppl up and does everything"
Erica can canonically murder people and endangered animals, Rory can maim animals, but Sarah, who literally goes out of her way to drink blood substitutes and kill no one...?
The girl who, when Doug Falconhalk chased and tried to shoot her with a crossbow, she ran?
Fandom masculinizes the shit out of black girls like Sarah, treating her like some bruiser while treating the white guys like helpless damsels.
As the mbav fandom is coming to terms with the fact that Benny is not the "uwu soft boyo" like the fanon imagined, lets see Sarah for the way she really is from canon. Shes a sappy romantic who likes love poems and sensitive guys. She makes stupid puns. She 's learning how to trust people again after her trauma from her last relationship. She goes out of her way, even as a vampire, to never hurt people unless she absolutely has to.
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hrodvitnon · 2 months
can we talk spoilers? (if at least tag them so those who haven't seen it yet can block the tag)
DOUG STEALS KONG'S LUNCH LOL. He's even so smug about it when Kong relents and lets him have it.
Mothra is so much fluffier this time around! Love how when she breaks up Godzilla and Kong's fight she's almost SCOLDING Goji lol. "Goji! Stop bullying the poor monkey!" "S..sorry, dear..." Jia seems to be her main priestess now tho? Whatever happened to the twin scientists from KOTM? I hope they aren't entirely forgotten and replaced. Maybe they can return as Jia's guides.
Shimo is adorable. I'm glad she got a happy ending and some neck scratches from Kong. Big huggable lizard-horse-kitty.
Suko saves the day by retrieving Kong's axe? Huh. That lil kid pulled his weight a lot more than I'd expected to. Also love his mean streak at the start, he and Kong bickered a lot at first.
And of course, Skar King's very very karmic and brutal demise. I can only imagine the state of him (and Rio de Janeiro's streets) when those ice chunks finally thaw out. Good luck with the cleanup, Monarch.
Everyone make sure you filter "gxk spoilers" because I've been using that tag for everyone not looking to be spoiled!
I think Mothra suddenly becoming an Iwi protector is because supposedly there was going to be another Original MonsterVerse Monster called Phosphora or some-such, but it wasn't well received by test audiences or something so it got reworked into Mothra. I could be misremembering, but that's what I remember hearing. Which is funny, because if memory serves correctly the KOTM end credits hinted at Mothra having already laid an egg before the Boston battle, so... retcon?
I'm really glad Shimo survived the movie, I felt so bad for her being under Skar King's pain control and how she visibly resists him throughout. Even her roars sounded pained. It was really sweet seeing the look in her eyes when the surface world sky is being cleared up, like if she's the source of the last Ice Age then it's been literally thousands upon thousands of years since she's last seen a sky like ours. Hoping we see her again in another movie!
Holy shit, Suko's introduction scene got SO MUCH FUNNIER when he goes from "i'm baby" to biting Kong's finger to being used as a BLUDGEONING WEAPON BY KONG. Suko really chugged that character development juice.
I feel vindicated for not once underestimating Skar King, because he is the most vile MonsterVerse... uh, monster villain we've gotten so far. Ghidorah was a sadistic son of a bitch and Mechagodzilla was a crazy Titan Terminator On Blue Rock Steroids, but Skar King has the heads of fellow Kongs stuck on pikes (presumably to set an example for anyone looking to challenge him), when he mocks Kong's new tooth most of the apes and especially Suko seem to laugh along out of fear, he straight up KICKS an ape into lava, and has actual sex slaves holding babies in his throne room, and you just KNOW they don't consent to what he does to them. On top of him controlling Shimo with pain and his attempts on Suko's life - and considering the number of red/orange-furred babies in the throne room, we can surmise that Suko is one of his own children - Skar King may not have the spectacle or scale Ghidorah had, but my god did it feel good seeing him go down.
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autiedonnie · 5 months
I read the tags on the ROTTMNT villains reblog, do you have more any scenarios and ideas for the villians? ANYTHING will do, they’re so fun and intriguing but the fandom overlooks them constantly.
Oh, I'm so glad you asked!!! I love the villains sooo much that I'm making an Ask blog revolving around them opening a bar lmao. I'm happy to see others who are invested.
Repo Mantis
I feel he was the first to be mutated with normal he acts like he gives no shit he's a mutant and we see him deal with humans. In my AU it's due to the fact he was mutated years before ROTTMNTs start. I mean he is not weirded out by the boys, he clearly knows Yokai exists. I have it set so he started doing work in the Hidden City and Draxum saw a nice unmutated human to experiment on and bam mantis man.
Repos trans too, idk man he's my favorite outside of Todd and you know? He's like me frfr. Repo def doesn't strike me as a top surgery guy, but also I feel his mutation helped his dysphoria a LOT because like I mean I've felt that.
Man is also very obsessed with his hair, and uses a lot of products. Doesn't care he's greying but he DOES care how healthy it is.
Repo can and will do drag. (Warren helps with his makeup and wig due to his claws getting in the way)
Here's a lil angst one.
Hypno doesn't realize he fused with Doug. I can't remember the episode name, but it's the one in the botanical gardens where we get the flower mutant. We see that humans can literally be fused with plant life and possibly animal life. Also since we know Hypno wants to bring Doug back to life, hes passed away. Given that Doug was Hypnos hippo, and was most likely with him when he was bit, he doesn't realize he's been fused with his buddy.
He just knows his buddy is gone and he'll never see him again. That or he fully knows but is in denial. Warren buys him merch based on Doug as a way to make him feel better, since he's not the greatest at comforting people.
and some non angst headcanons
Hypno doesn't really have a label. He knows he's queer but doesn't care to label himself. He likes who he likes, and that's all that matters.
Hypno does drag a lot!!!! He LOVES doing drag! It's fun for him, and how he expresses himself!
A lil senario thing
Imagine that Repo was actually a fan of Warren Stone as an anchorman, imagine he enjoyed his jokes and commentary. Repos devastated he went missing, and genuinely invested in keeping up with anyone trying to find him. When he discovers his favorite anchors alive and not dead he's thrilled.
Due to the fact we know everyone Warren knew pre-mutation abandoned him he doesn't trust Repo, not at first. After all Hypnos is the only one who takes him seriously or seems to give a shit about him especially after he bungled everything with April. (He feels guilty about that gauntlet situation I will die on this hill.) So naturally he doesn't believe Repo at first. Repos pretty hurt, but man he gets it. These changes are big but he promises he's a fan and even knows other fans too.
Repo ends up taking Warren and Hypno to meet the others, sure they met when Draxum "hired" them but it was just a job and they didn't really to much time to talk after they got into action. I like to think Warrens was genuinely touched to see he has a fan base. I'm fully convinced post Warren and Hypno Sitting in a Tree Todd got Warrent a job as a Hidden City news anchor. Sure it's not what he had, but it IS something, and these yokai? They love him even if he's a worm-
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Loki Episode 5 Coherent Thoughts
Spoilers for Episode 5. Once again, I have not rewatched before posting.
Most of this is lokius related because I'm still a damn fool.
I want the twist at the end to be that Loki gives Mobius (and the others) back his memories to give him the choice to go back to his life, and is just really sad about it, because he expects Mobius to want to go back to his kids who don't have a mother. But he gives him his memories of his past and they're... not what he saw when he found him. Like at all. I'm not gonna speculate on specifics (*cough* Theo Bell *cough*) but he doesn't have the responsibilities of being a single parent. And Loki's like 'No, but you had two boys,' and he tells Mobius about them and they both kind of realize at the same moment that they looked like Mobius but acted like Loki. None of that was real. Mobius made all that shit up and it somehow manifested. Because he's got it B-A-D for Loki, like a middle schooler with their first crush imagining an entire life with them.
Alternatively, I saw only one other post about this but maybe it's gotten some traction by now, but maybe Mobius's wife got Blipped four years prior. So the good thing is the boys are gonna have a parent in a year even if Mobius decides to stay with Loki.
Hi hello I'm still disturbed that these very young children have been possibly left home alone for eight hours (he says his shift is 9-5), and Mobius couldn't even answer the phone when they called. We don't see a babysitter. Mobius, this is neglect. For the children's sake, I fucking hope either A. they aren't real, or B. a more responsible parent is about to come back and take care of them in 2023. (Ugh, but Love having cousins who are about her age and just as chaotic as she is would be amazing.)
I've come up with the worst Dad joke and a way for Mobius to get out of his bribery with his kid he for sure cannot deliver on. He brings OB around for dinner. OB's timeline name (if I read the subtitles correctly) is A.D. Doug. ADDOUG=A DOG. And his TVA name is Ouroboros, the SNAKE eating its own tail. (Alternatively, you now know Loki, you can borrow his sons Fenrir and Jormungandr. Blended family.)
I know it hasn't been explicitly stated, but I thought the whole thing with Alioth in season one was meant to imply that Loki now knows how to restore memories. So why the fuck doesn't he try it in this episode? Even if he's pretty sure they're all where they were prior to the formation of the TVA, it's still after for him, so why wouldn't he at least try it? When he kept moving toward Mobius in the garage scene I thought he was gonna grab his head but he doesn't. (Maybe he was interrupted by OB, but he has ample opportunity later.)
It just needs to be said because I love history. I am obsessed with Casey being Frank Morris. Both he and Loki being central to these ongoing (technically) mysteries is amazing. Like unlike Cooper it is generally accepted that Frank and his co-escapees drowned during the attempt, but no bodies identified as the men were ever found (if my shallow dive into the wiki article immediately following the episode is to be believed). OB, your boyfriend's a convict lolololol!
AD Doug is still gender-neutral though. It's 1994 but my boi can still be enby. (I'm aware enby people existed well before this but, and the wiki is not being helpful, I think the specific term was coined in the mid to late 90s or possibly later, so OB may not have been aware of it.)
I don't think Marvel is moving toward Casey/OB (at least not before the end of this season, if we get another season it MIGHT be a different story), but fuck it would be so funny if they met so much later than lokius but were able to get their shit together faster than lokius. I think it'd check out for for everyone involved. Hell, maybe they're already together and it just hasn't come up yet to the group. That'd be funnier (bonus points if B-15 already knows though).
Loki for some fucking reason: Hold on, I gotta look cool and suave for this dork of a single dad who's already informed me at least three times of his own volition that he's single.
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creteature · 2 years
no thoughts but thinking abt izzy being good with children
imagine mary and doug(? i think thats his name) go on vacation and need someone to take care of the kids and stede decides to watch them for a few weeks and bond and intoduce them to ed and finally get the family together.
what no one expected was for them to immediately latch on to izzy and even more surprising: izzy doesnt mind. in fact he having fun teaching them sword fighting and taking care of the ship. whenever someone asks abt why hes so soft with kids but literally feral with them he just shrugs and says "maybe theyll end up better pirates then you lot"
alma and him esp get along well due to izzy not caring if shes a girl and teaches her the same as he would teach a dude. stede (who cmon yall he would probably have a bit of misogyny raised into him) is a bit upset at this and tries to get alma to participate in more "girly" things like books and drawing but alma is taking none of his shit. to make matters better (worst for stede) alma gets izzy to chop her hair into a nice shag.
louis(? also not sure thats his name) and izzy get along in different ways due to him being younger. the crew watches in amazement as izzy recounts all of his adventures (with less gore then what actually happened but no one needs to know) dramatically to louis. stede tries to get louis to listen to some of his stories but louis says that izzy knows how to do voices. also to stedes despair (and izzys delight) louis picks up on a variety of curse words and makes sure to use them in every other sentence.
the crew ofc is completely baffled but not complaining bc when the kids are around he is significantly less mean.
when ed is asked abt it he just laughs and doesnt elaborate
stede thinks its a plot to get to back on him for beating him in that duel but is mostly just sad his kids like izzy better. also a bit terrified because he has to give the newfound child pirates back to their mother and mary is going to skin him alive when she sees almas hair.
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zilabee · 2 years
“He was my best friend,” says Ringo softly. “Yeah. I loved Harry.”
rolling stone interview
“Ringo and I spent a thousand hours laughing,” Nilsson said.
ringo: with a little help, by michael seth starr
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Mark Hudson: “I think that Harry's friendship with John was also very very close, but I - I don't think it was as intimate as his relationship with Ringo Starr.”
Harry Nilsson: “I had a relationship with John - we were roommates a couple of times you know, short times […] But uh, Ringo and I are the, Ringo and I are friends. It's funny I always thought I would be closer to John but then over the years Ringo and I ended up being pals.”
Michael Seth Starr: Harry, born in Brooklyn, New York, in June 1941, was less than a year younger  than Ringo. They were both three years old when their fathers (Richard and Edward,  respectively) abandoned their families, never to return.  They both enjoyed alcohol and practical jokes and were garrulous in nature, at  least early in their relationship. Neither man had completed any semblance of an education. Ringo left school at the age of fifteen; Nilsson, who was extremely  bright, dropped out of school in the ninth grade. 
Ringo Starr: “I think I could always call Harry, night and day, and he would come and save me. I'm very lucky with friends like that.”
Chris O'Dell: “They became really, really close friends, and a lot of it was based on how much  alike they were. They shared a sense of humour. You can never  underestimate Ringo’s sense of humour. It’s there, it’s a huge part of who he is.  Harry was also like that. [...] They were like brothers.”
Harry Nilsson: “I saw Ringo in an interview once looking very nervous saying “Well I'm probably the best rock and roll drummer in the world” and the truth is he is. But he looked very scared saying it. I could see him being scared about it, not scared, but not comfortable about it. And I wanted to be right there and say “Yes! You are! It's okay! You are the best rock and roll drummer in the world ever. That's it. Period, the end.”
Doug Hoefer (Harry's Cousin): “They would fight about shit  and hang up on each other. Then time would go by and one of them would call the  other back and they would pick up where they’d left off. I’m not really sure exactly how they pissed each other off, but they would . . . because Harry had a very strong personality as well.” 
Stephanie La Motta: “He said, ‘I’m Harry’ and he goes searching all over the  place - and I’m screaming for Ringo - who comes out and hugs Harry, because he  loved Harry. They had a special bond. It was unbelievable this bond I saw between  them. He loved Harry as much as Harry loved him.”  (she was screaming because Harry was barging into their hotel room and she had no idea who he was)
Ringo Starr: “Harry’s no longer with us. He’s been gone 20 years now. I still miss him.”
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Music played this way All I need is my imagination Take me far away Where I can be with everyone who loves me
Harry's Song, by Ringo, 2008
There's no more oyster bar There's no more Ringo Starr There's no one left to love but you and me
UCLA, by Harry Nilsson
Ringo paid for Harry to have cosmetic dentistry to straighten his front teeth. [...] Some of Nilsson's closest friends believed that self-consciousness about his crooked teeth had been a significant factor in his decision not to appear in live concerts. Samantha Juste, for example, said: "He didn't have great teeth. I remember when he had his teeth fixed, it did a lot for him. In the early days he didn't smile really. Those teeth made a big difference to him, and to his confidence."
- from "Nilsson, The Life of a Singer Songwriter" by Alyn Shipton
Most commentators have focused on "You're Breakin' My Heart" as the one song that expressed Nilsson's emotional torment about [his wife's] departure. However, there is another interpretation, which was that it represented his first quarrel with Ringo Starr. There are coded references to Starr and their social life together, notably in the lines, "You won't boogaloo - Run down to Tramps - Have a dance or two". The reference to the Beatles' Drive My Car [You won't drive my car, might be a star] is another clue to this possible interpretation.
- again from "Nilsson, The Life of a Singer Songwriter"
For reasons of his own, Ringo did not attend Harry’s funeral, which was held on  January 17, a day that was rocked by aftershocks from an earthquake in nearby  Northridge. He claimed to be too grief-stricken, and Barbara went in his place.
- from Ringo: With A Little Help, by Michael Seth Starr
"We tried every which way to get Ringo to talk on camera. What came back to us each time was that there are three people he just does not feel comfortable talking about in person: John Lennon, George Harrison and Harry Nilsson. It’s just too emotional for him and I totally respect his feelings on the matter. Ringo was, however, tremendously supportive of the film including providing us with photos and making it possible to use Son of Drac, a film that Ringo and Harry made in the early 1970s but has been locked away in a London vault since 1974. At the end of the day, we were happy to have his support and understood the decision he made. Sometime later we had heard that he saw the film and liked it but thought some things were missing from the story. And I said to myself, “Yeah, Ringo, you were missing…” (laughs).
- John Scheinfeld, about making 'Who is Harry Nilsson..?'
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(I have found absolutely no evidence that ringo starr knitted this)
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| My personal statement/thoughts:
+ I honestly think GLaDOS would look super terrifying like a gigantic Kaiju since she's canonically super big and powerful enough to scare the shit outta of us. I also think Ellen McLaren would do an unbeatable amazing job as best voice actress ever. It is known that GLaDOS is the best written character so hopefully they (Universal Pictures) don't ruin her essence. If they do I would kms/j.
Imagine a Kaiju sized female prototype staring at you with her super realistic design. Absolutely scary and STUNNING OVERALL! I can't wait to see the official concept of Universal Pictures about how would GLaDOS look like realistically!
| About Chell? She would literally be Natalie Artemis (Monster Hunter's movie actress). I always have seen Natalie as Chell from Portal. Why? Because she's close to her physical appearance and action movie behaviours. She must train herself to not speak a single word since Chell is canonically mute because she refuses to talk to machines and robots (mainly due to she's kind of angry and pissed).
| I don't know which actor would be super cool for Doug Rattman. I'm sorry. But if that's the case, the movie should have a prequel because Rattman has been being a survivor of one of GLaDOS's attacks and people do deserve to understand better the lore behind this amazing videogame. Isn't it?
| I don't know how social behaved is Stephen Merchant but if he's sociable enough he would have a lot of fun trying new quotes for the animated/live action movie of Portal. Wheatley would look super but super realistically animated by professionals and his voice would sound kind of robotic (with some autotune in the background of his original voice). Anyways I can't wait to see his concept artwork made by Universal Pictures!
| The turrets, Prima Donna turret and others would be wildly amazing and super realistic. The turrets would be quite more dangerous than the game and I bet they would change their stay-here behaviour to one more scarier: making the turrets run over their legs to catch and kill their targets easier. That would be a terrifying challenge for Chell. What do you think?
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inyourwildestdreams22 · 9 months
The only project Tom has refused to do press for and actually deleted his IG posts about is Chaos Walking. Cherry may not have been received well by most critics but Tom still speaks fondly of the experience. I remember how excited he was during that initial CW shoot and working with Doug Liman. That kind of experience makes you want to have a seat at the table as an executive producer. Also contributing to that desire was the uncertainty in August 2019 when Sony took Spidey out of the MCU. I just imagine how Tom felt when the news was announced just before he was scheduled to attend D23 for Onward and was not allowed to hang out with any of his Marvel peers besides Pratt
Yeah it was kinda hell for Tom, CW really backfired badly and some shit definitely happened bts for Tom to act like that, he is super professional so him acting like it did not exist spoke volumes, and then you add the dark times of Spidey out of Marvel and yeah.. it was a lot. No wonder he likes being an EP now, I think that kind of control is nice to have.
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queersatanic · 1 year
After looking at all the evidence and considering things , i decided to forgo becoming an official member of The Satanic Temple, but i still closely relate to and appreciate their values and tenets. In your opinion, is it morally sound for me to use these tenets as a guiding tool in my life and also consume media from people supporting them (buying books for information, watching videos, etc.)? I'm not considering myself a member, but i am heavily influenced.
Short answer: No, you should not.
The Seven Tenets are the intellectual property of a shit organization owned by shit people who do shit things, and you should not support them.
If you are drawn to the idea of specifically Satanic moral guidance, give the Global Order of Satan's six pillars a gander.
Long answer going into more about the intellectual property stuff below.
First of all, the Seven Tenets aren’t really anything special.
You can see in their history how the different things The Satanic Temple has been has shaped what now are the “Seven Fundamental Tenets”, and like lots of things, the fact that Cevin Soling and Doug Misicko control what TST is and ever will be is a fatal flaw that can’t be got around.
This latest version of the tenets aren’t necessarily bad, and if they weren’t proprietary intellectual property of two specific men, you would want to have various local chapters/congregations come together to revise them collectively every so often to—by consensus—create principles that spoke to the people actually involved and doing the work.
In another world, in a better version of TST that recognized it had become more than a prank documentary and stumbled into a genuine religious movement, and rather than trying to enclose as much of the commons as possible and profit as much as possible, the founders could actually have stepped aside and created a federation more like the Quakers/Society of Friends to grow beyond their control.
But we live in this world instead.
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The Seven Tenets of The Satanic Temple.
Type of Work: Text
Registration Number / Date: TXu002170560 / 2019-10-24
Application Title: The Seven Tenets of The Satanic Temple.
Title: The Seven Tenets of The Satanic Temple.
Description: Electronic file (eService)
Copyright Claimant: The Satanic Temple. Address: 64 Bridge Street, Salem, MA, 01970, United States.
Date of Creation: 2013
Authorship on Application: The Satanic Temple, employer for hire; Domicile: United States; Citizenship: United States. Authorship: text. Rights and Permissions: The Satanic Temple, 64 Bridge Street, SALEM, MA, 01970, United States
Copyright Note: C.O. correspondence.
Names: The Satanic Temple
Now, it’s not clear whether they mean the for-profit corporation or the tax-exempt church here.
It's probably the for-profit because most TST stuff is registered under United Federation of Churches LLC dba “ ‘The Satanic Temple’ ”.
However, the above entry is registered only as “The Satanic Temple”, full stop, which was also the previous name of the church before they renamed it “The Satanic Temple, Inc.” and still appears on lots of documents that way.
Along with the use of pseudonyms on official documents and other instances of perjury, it ought to be a red flag to supporters of TST about the two owners and their business practices but so far largely hasn’t been.
"Oh, all religions do this."
We can assure you they do not, and it's not just some box they needed to check. Per Joseph Rose of the Hail Satan Podcast, The Satanic Temple threatened to sue him over him selling something with the Seven Tenets on them. Forget which episode.
But imagine the Catholic Church suing someone over selling a pamphlet with the Nicene Creed or Ten Commandments. It's ludicrous, but TST is, among other things, a for-profit corporation and its owners want their money.
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My redneck neighbor Doug reads my fanfiction for 'The Bad Batch'
Proverbs 11:2 “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.”
I made the gross error of telling Doug that I was writing a novel length fanfiction crossover of The Bad Batch and The Expanse. It's here if you'd like to take a gander yourself.
A massive fan of both, Doug practically hooted with joy when I mentioned it at a barbeque. So, like a dumbass, I sent him a link to the fic, thinking he’d wax praise on me.
I had forgotten how aggressively irreverent this man is. I was in for a beating.
Hint: I quickly sketched this up and sent it to Doug asking if this is how he imagined Tech and Sjael Drummer in the story. He said yes, and was ECSTATIC. I'm 99% sure it's on his fridge now. Next to @amalthiaph's piece of course.
CW: It's Doug, he's not child friendly. Y'all should've figured it out by now.
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They're looking at me like 'We're a clone commando genius and a pilot with a Ph.D in chemical engineering. WTF is this hillbilly shit?"
Anywho, here’s the delightful exchange we had after he finished up the current chapter:
Doug: So, lemme get this straight. We got a nice pretty Belter scientist-engineer, Sa-Jail Drummah, –so the lady’s a space Cajun. She got an undercut, tattoos, some Indian blood in her, and a crazy bitch sister who was in the Navy! Yup, pure Gulf Shore girl, got it. Sa-Jail’s a chemical engineer, I bet she got her degree at USM* like a good gal. And she meets Ryan-from-Accounting, who is a space redneck, because the boy’s a Mandalorian clone. And they’re all out camping, nice. It’s a white trash love story in space, awesome. Love it.
Me: It’s not a white trash love story in space, DOUG.
Doug: Oh, it ain’t? Let’s see here…the first time the boy meets the girl, she’s setting up a shitty perimeter fence around her trailer in the woods and he holds her up at gunpoint in the middle of the night. That’s some bayou romance right up in there. Did she show him her shrimping boat after that?”
Me: …that is true. No shrimping boat, but he joins her on a hike the next day.
Doug: Taking a girl out into the woods to show her what a rough rugged redneck you are! That’s classic white trash mating rituals right there. I’ve seen it in action my whole life, I know it when I see it. Did the boy talk about his guns?
Me: No, but he does talk about his time in the armed forces and his brothers. His guns are in his backpack. 
Doug: Guns on the first date? Seriously. And bragging about your time in the USMC is like, the first thing a redneck does to impress a lady besides talking about his truck and his smoker and how much he goes to church. This is real redneck courtship happening in this story. Oh, and the part where they finally start banging?”
Me: (takes deep breath) What about it? 
Doug: First of all, my wife, she loved that part!
Doug: Well, yeah! She loves a good romance and we had a long drive that day. Anyway, Sa-Jail had just been bitching about her ex-oyfriend, or was it ex-husband?
Me: Ex-fiance.
Doug: Same difference. Anyway, Toby***–clearly named after Toby Keith like a good Southern man–left her for some other chick after he joined the Navy because that’s how the Navy man rolls. Just like Toaster Strudel's daddy. Wasn’t Toby a pilot? Yup, sounds like an average day in Pensacola to me. Flew his Blue Angel to different poon. Then, Sa-Jail, well, she needed somebody else to wash her mouth out, per se. 
So, after knowing the man for what, two or three days, she flings herself at Ryan-from-Accounting and they proceed to hump like coked-out rabbits all over her trailer. And in TRUE Cajun fashion, Sa-Jail is so impressed by Ryan-from-Accounting’s pipelaying skills that she makes him DINNER. And what does Ryan-from-Accounting do that any self-preserving redneck man would do with a woman he just started dating?
Me: Enlighten my Yankee self, Doug.
Me: Jesus Christ, Doug, that is not what happened.
::Doug screenshots my longfic and sends it to me and I am deceased because he’s not exactly wrong::
Doug: And of course, Sa-Jail is a good Cajun woman, just rolls up her sleeves and feeds everybody because that’s how the bayou babe do. The rest of the story might as well be called ‘Real Housewives of Space Slidell’ for all of the white trash shenanigans that follow. Let’s see here…there’s knife chasing, screaming, someone gets pregnant out of wedlock, a fist fight while someone’s driving, lots of guns, tattoos, motorcycles, a cowboy bar, a hot Southern nurse, lots of cussing, baby daddy drama, biscuits and gravy, Navy veterans, Ryan-from-Accounting’s various brothers from different daddies show up and they all want food and a place to stay, hooch-making, pimp-slaps, more guns…this is a real Cajun-Redneck tale of love. With spaceships. It’s great!
Me: I’m speechless, Doug.
Doug: Jenny loved the scenes where they cross a river with the motorcycle and then they do the nasty next to it. That’s 10/10 on the redneck  Was Ryan-from-Accounting playing ‘Fishin’ in the Dark’ in the background on his phone, too?” 
@eyecandyeoz, did he do a good job capturing the essence of the story? LOL
*=In Doug’s defense, University of Southern Mississippi has an incredible department regarding chemical engineering and specifically, polymer science. So he’s not far off.
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beck-a-leck · 5 months
What are your headcanon ages for the main character, bachelors, and bachelorettes from Rune Factory 4?
oh my gosh I started answering this like a week ago and then it fell through one of the swiss cheese holes in my brain. Sorry Nonny!
I don't really have any hard headcanons about the rf4 character ages, and really what I do have is just kind of a general age range for them. But if you're curious about how the characters read to me maturity-wise I'll tell you.
Frey/Lest - I think they're in their early 20s, somewhere between 19-23 at the beginning of the game. the amnesia helps them have a bit more of the "youthful innocence" that just comes as being that age. Like you can clearly tell they're grown and responsible enough to have been given the story-compelling mission in the first place, but that also have the energy and optimism of someone who still sees the world as completely open to possibilities without as much of the "i need to have my shit together" vibes an older 20-something might have
Amber and Kiel are the ones I headcanon as the youngest, and they both give me very strong late-teens/babey adult vibes. I don't see them any older than 19 at the beginning of the game. And depending on when in the RF world society would consider someone a Full Adult TM, it can change the lower end of that age range, so even to 16 or 17. They're not children, but they're still kids, if that makes sense. They both still have "parental" figures in their lives so they're not entirely independent as an older adult might be.
Forte, though I actually don't think is too much older than Kiel, she's maybe just a few years older than him. So about the same age as Frey/Lest, early 20s, no older than 25. I think given her family history and her general character she was definitely the girl who had to grow up too fast and has acted more mature than other kids her age needed to. So she can very easily be read as older, but I think there's enough clues in her dialogue and her character to show that she's younger than she wants people to perceive her as.
I get the same general age range from Vishnal and Clorica too, 19-25 though probably closer to college ages. Vishnal I think is the younger of the two butlers. Their roles as apprentices and the fact that they're still in training tells me they're probably still rather young adults. I imagine butler training of the caliber they're going through is a 4-6 year ordeal and I imagine they would have started in their late teens/early 20s, much like most people choosing a career path.
Xiao Pai and Doug are the last of the under 25s. It's hard to know Doug's precise age, given he's not human and dwarves are long-lived in the RF world. So while he might look and act like a hot-headed 19-22 year old, he might be 60-70 years old. They've never really spelled out the lifetimes of the non-human races. Xiao Pai I tend to read as on the younger end of her 20s, but given the way she acts and her general clumsiness (which are often associated with younger people) she could also be older than that. It's hard to say.
Margaret is another one of those ambiguously ages characters, being an elf, we don't actually know how old she is. But I definitely read her as an adult in her mid-late 20s. I think she's the eldest-coded bachelorette, so I could even see her as a 30-something. (I genuinely don't think any of the bachelorettes are supposed to be older than 30 because god knows the developers would have had them complaining about being an old maid and a spinster 🙄) She just reads as a character who has had much more worldly experience than the younger girls, and yeah, some of that can be attributed to the fact that she's had Decades more time and lots of freedom than the others, but she also feels more settled into life and adulthood than a younger character would.
Dolce I think is mid-20s. I can't really explain it, but she just gives me "I'm 25 and I've finally felt my brain chemistry solidify" vibes. I do think what she went through in her life, as well as dealing with an eternally youthful and chaotic spirit of Pico probably made her act more mature than she was, much like Forte, but I also do think she's just a little bit older than most of the other marriage candidates in town.
Dylas and Arthur I think are around the same age, mid-20s. Arthur I could push to late-20s, but there's something about his character that makes me go "oh no, he still has that independent streak of the young 20s" I do think his upbringing also forced maturity onto him at a younger age than would otherwise be expected, but he also took on responsibilities that people might not expect someone so young to do (he also shirked the responsibilities he didn't want to do, so again that independent/rebellious streak) Dylas I think acts younger than he really is, though he's really not all that old. I think he got to spend a several years living as an adult in his original time before becoming a guardian, though he didn't really see himself as 'grown' back then and that carried over to how he behaves in game (with additional traumas)
Which brings us to Leon as the last, I think. He's the one I could possibly see being the oldest of all the bachelors, late-20s to early-30s. In his life before becoming a guardian he has established a whole vocation and had been in it long enough to become a high-ranking priest. Even if he had started his vocational training as a young teen, I don't think he could have gotten as far without spending a good portion of his 20s working at it.
So the tl;dr list:
Lest/Frey: 19-23
Amber: 16-19
Clorica: 22-26
Dolce: 24-28
Forte: 22-25
Margaret: 25-30
Xaio Pai: 20-25
Arthur: 24-28
Doug: 19-24
Dylas: 24-28
Kiel: 16-19
Leon: 27-33
Vishnal: 20-24
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thevampiresoc · 2 months
ramble. under read more. also fixed pacing.
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starting off with the ogs diego/gumball and doug those two. god. depressed jester to silly neighborhood old man pipeline. in canon he works at a library now where he sometimes puts on puppet shows. doug is no longer pathetic scared man he teaches geology for fun and as clean-up crew for crime scenes for normal. old probably 58? now? men living with peace and letting their past not get to them. and then matthew and sasha. god . their beef went from like "that purple doesnt match your pants" & "your hairs a mess" to geniune death threats and "YOU WERE MARRIED TO A DRUG SMUGGLER WHO'S SKIN WAS WHITER THAN SNOW" & "I'M NOT LISTENING TO A MAN UNDER 5'5" WHO CAN'T COUNT HIGHER THAN 8 IN ENGLISH WITHOUT USING HIS FINGERS". potato knows whos who. matthew 'ohh good lord what the fuck' to 'i'm PROBABLY traumitized but my boss wants me to go clean the Scary Hallway so I can't think about that right now' domino effect. is it affect? idfc. im in here saying bullshit. speaking of bullshit sasha went from "... please try and get better" to "*grabs you by your eye sockets* You Are Going To Stop Eating Twice A Day. Full Meals Are Not Just Seven Ritz Crackers™️©️ And Sour Cream."
and its great.
she still does taxidermy and murder. taxidermy's her side-job since she works as a welder now. shes in there with blowtorches welding shit. your car needs repairs? shes got it boss. oh yeah matthew working as a knight in rp-1 is funny if you consider how his main job went from freddy fazbears janitor to comfortably retired lighthouse keeper. OHHHHH CHARLES I ALMOST FORGOT CHARLES he died in canon. not really. you ever get zombied. yeah jhe got zombied. i should start breaking this up but i cant
snapshot at the start of the rp was just. fucked up guy with a dead wife and platoon with a pet mouse droid. he went into a coma so he didnt participate in order 66 and misses his wife. alot. but NOW? NOW???
okay so imagine walking out of a hospital room, disorented as shit and you go to find your wife jedi and fellow clones and when you DO find them shes just cut one in half with her light saber. Turning to you with fear, she almost chops your head off but you stumbling back and showing that your unarmed gets her to stop. "It was self defense," the jedi pleads for you to understand as your blood flows into your mouth, preventing you from screaming but you want to scream, need to scream.
You both are uneasy and fearful, trying to calm down. Order 66, something you just thought of as a far off nightmare to enact, had happened a mere few minutes ago.
years later, probably a decade, the tragedity now only becoming stale on your mind- a healing wound to your already mangled brain- you had been cut off from the "empire", hiding on fucking HOTH of all planets. You managed, sure, but it was still hoth… "Your" Jedi, surviving by faking her own death with you saying you had killed her, picking you up randomly only to tell you that your being relocated to a terrestrial planet. So called 'Retirement' in some barely populated town, living on a farm. Great.
nottt much really changed except for TMCs status. just that they upgraded from living in a shitty one room apartment to a still shitty apartment where the bedroom, living room, dining room and bathroom were seperate rooms. also parents. good for it.
neeed to traumitize that war machine
anyways my ocs going from eueueueuuuu to Can You Shut Up im going to Kill You With My Bare Hands is funny
conffession sometimes i watered downn my oc when using them. im shouting into the void but do you guys think you could handle he/him sasha. i feel like if i ever rp again with any of you itd be hell because ive just done so much stupid ass writing with my little sillies. like andreas' kingdom got slightly more fucked but id keep it silly for yall
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eemcintyre · 1 year
Random thoughts I had during my fifth viewing of the cinematic masterpiece "Cocktail" (1988)
Well... more like my 5 2/3 viewing bc I got like 2/3 through it and then my mom was like "why didn't you tell me you were gonna watch it, I would have wanted to watch it too" so I lied about how far I was through it "there's still a lot left we can start it over" and I watched the same movie almost twice in a row in the span of a few hours :)
"Wild Again" by Starship is one of the only good songs tbh, although "Addicted to Love" and "When Will I Be Loved" are also pretty alright. But the soundtrack is lowkey horrendous imo
I stand by my previous standalone post- no one has ever been that excited to get on a fkin Greyhound bus
Benefit of the bus, however- the scene with him and the baby; I feel like Tom just vibes really well w kids because he's such a smiley, fun, and chaotic lil guy and gREAT now I have baby fever again thx 💖
Oh the blatant plot exposition about his parents that they beat us over the head with oh-so-subtly
Oh the foreshadowing throughout that is even less subtle
One of my favorite quotes in any movie, bc it makes me feel better about my life being in disarray and not knowing what to do about it, I guess, is the “Most things in life, good and bad, just kinda happen to ya.”
Tom's still got his high little baby voice 😩
Even as a college graduate, the interviewing scene hits way too hard 🥲😩
Someone needs to acknowledge that the Red Eye looks like the most disgusting thing
Wish the dress shirt and tie fit had been featured more because it does things to me, but the scenes contrasting his first and second shift at the bar are when I first developed TC brain rot and fell in love w that lil goofball
I can’t judge the girl giving him the "fuck me eyes" bc have you seen him, plus she’s showing restraint compared to what I would do tbh
The adult learners usually drove me nuts in my classes (which I know is terrible but shhhhh) but I felt so bad for Sheila Rivkin
This professor really thinks he’s doing standup comedy or smth
Honey don’t put your face on the subway stairs that's arguably more disgusting than a Red Eye
The timeline of this movie is pretty hard to follow tbh; much as I adore it, you never know every time a scene changes whether it's been two days or like 3 months
What the actual fuck was the whole yuppie poet thing about- it's like when I used to watch those 60s Frankie and Annette movies where the weirdest shit would just happen for no reason and I felt like there was some social commentary or inside joke or smth that was just going way over my head that, if I had existed in that time, would have just been like "oh yeah that makes total sense"
The amount of raw sexual energy that this man exudes- I remember someone's post from a while back that was like "why is Cocktail like a 'mom' movie that all the moms are still obsessed with" but just like imagine if you saw this in theaters when it first came out
The only man allowed to wear beach shirts and look sexy, change my mind
I've always thought Elisabeth Shue is so incredibly underappreciated as an actress, smth about her line delivery and expressions just seems very genuine and naturalistic idk
She just orders “a beer” WHAT KIND???
So scary tbh how much he was becoming like Doug even being apart from him for a while
The side eye and shade Jordan gives Doug in this scene cracks me up every time without fail
The reggae singer absolutely popping tf off in his silver lamé suit ✨
Brian and Jordan both pulling the “I’m not like other girls” lmao
Sure she’s lowkey a manic pixie dream girl but I still love her
If this movie was remade in modern times (God forbid) Brian would 100% be one of those guys with a hustle culture boss up motivational entrepreneur Instagram account. And Doug would perhaps be one of those cringy creepy pickup artists that talks about low-value women and compares them to horses and thinks he can mind-trick them into falling madly in love w him
If someone was waking me up early every morning to drink carrot juice I would commit crimes
The artist guy who made that exhibit looks like the oiliest man I’ve ever seen
Jordan’s dad says “bartender” like it’s a slur
When Brian tears up the check it always makes my lil heart just 💗💫🥺 the character evolution
Why did I only have this thought on my like fifth viewing of this movie, but I wonder if he hadn’t escorted Kerry back to her apartment if he would have gotten back in time to save Doug, and then who knows what would’ve happened bc then he wouldn’t have felt compelled to tell Jordan how much he really loved her and ask Pat for help and all that
WHEN HE FIGHTS EVERYONE OFF TO GET TO JORDAN what can I say, I'm a sucker for grand and melodramatic romantic gestures and proclamations of love
The teasing and singing along at the wedding is getting a little too real guys stop making this awkward 👀😬
I don’t care how unrealistic the end is, and that in real life they would have 100% soon gotten divorced, bc I want to believe that people can change and that all of the tribulation was worth it + enough for Brian to become a good dad/husband and successful but with it not being above and at the expense of his family; he would be such a fun and chaotic dad and their life would be so hectic w twins but I want to believe they could do it :( it comforts my cynical and depression-addled brain to believe they could do it :(
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