#in trying to find it he ends up solving other ghosts' mysteries too.
reineydraws · 29 days
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watched dead boy detectives and spent so much of it picturing young mihawk in charles's outfit so i made it happen and threw in an edwin!shanks bc ofc i did :')
if u like teen supernatural shows and ghosts and stuff, or worlds created by neil gaiman, i encourage u to check out the show! it's in the same 'verse as the sandman.
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hyuuukais · 1 month
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⋆.˚𖦹°‧✮‧°𖦹˚.⋆ ERROR 404
pairing ~ yang jeongin x fem reader
synopsis ~ y/n starts getting messages from an unknown number after buying a used phone for cheap. as she finds out more about the boy she's talking to, it turns out there's much more to this than a wrong number --- he died, and she's talking to his spirit, yet he has no idea what happened to him. will y/n have what it takes to solve the mystery of his death? or will the boy's spirit remained trapped in his phone?
warnings ~ gen, drinking
CH 4 ~ ENERGY (wc: 2.7k, 7 screenshots)
Flipping the open sign to 'closed', you wait for Minho behind the counter. There hasn't been much more communication from him since the last time you talked, only a confirmation of when you're meeting. Changbin made sure to leave before he decides to show up, feeling too uncomfortable facing an old friend. Other than the occasional check-in text from Jeongin, you haven't had much ghostly interaction either, which you think is for the best.
Each interaction so far has taken more and more energy, starting with the man on the bus and then the elderly woman. A headache, then nearly passing out? At this point, you'll end up in the hospital. A chill goes down your spine thinking of that; would it be easier for the ghost to get to you unprotected like that, lying in a hospital bed unconscious and exposed?
The sound of the bell alerts you of Minho's arrival. Adjusting yourself to lean against the counter, you watch him close the door and lock it. When he turns around, he catches your eye and gives you a light nod of acknowledgment. Slowly, he makes his way toward the counter, fingers trailing over an arrangement of pink carnations mixed with greenery. Minho stops, letting a petal fall between his fingers and onto the floor. Shaking his head, he closes the distance between himself and the counter with a couple of strides.
"I don't know if I believe you," Minho says, leaning on the counter; his face is too close to yours. "But I'm willing to try and help. I owe Changbin."
"How so?" You ask, unsure if you'll get a reply when he places his bag on the counter and takes out a sleek laptop.
"Why do you need to know? That's between me and him," Minho doesn't even spare you a glance as he opens the device and starts typing. "What's the kid's name again? Any lead suspects yet?"
"Yang Jeongin and no, not really," You answer with a shrug. "I guess the most notable person is his best friend, Hwang Hyunjin."
"Have you looked into him yet?" Minho's eyes dart up between yours, returning to the screen and starting to type. "Could be something there."
"I don't know-" You're interrupted by a buzz and look down to see a text from Jeongin.
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Rolling your eyes, you place your phone face down and focus back on Minho's typing. He's not saying anything, but his eyebrows are knit together in concentration as his fingers fly over the keyboard. Other than the sound of the keys, the flower shop is eerily silent, making you slightly uncomfortable. Ever since this has started up, quiet rooms have you on edge, waiting for the next visit from another spirit.
Minho sighs heavily, stepping away from the screen and pacing in front of the counter. You let him take his time, a hand sitting in his hair showing he must be thinking hard. Hopefully. You'll see in a moment.
"Nothing is showing up," Minho stops in front of his laptop, slamming it shut with the hand not holding his head. "Absolutely nothing, just a warning- error, whatever."
"The same thing happened to me!" You stand up straight, fingertips holding the edge of the counter tightly. "When I found this blog that was talking all about his death, it wouldn't let me read the rest of it and said there was an error! It's like something is stopping us from finding out-"
"Invisible forces?" Minho raises an eyebrow.
"Isn't that the whole thing? Normally, people can't see ghosts. Why do you think probably half the world doesn't believe in them?" You say. "So, yeah, invisible forces."
"Alright, sure," Minho slips his laptop bag into his bag, swinging it over his shoulder. "I'll look into Hyunjin. Goodnight."
"Wait-" As he turns to leave, you call out; he looks back at you over his shoulder. "Would you... could you give me a ride? Being alone right now has me kind of freaked out."
"Won't you be alone at home?"
"Yeah, but it's different," You mumble, looking down at your feet. "It still feels safe there."
Minho hums in response and you don't move.
"Aren't you coming?" He asks after a moment, car keys jingling in his hand.
You lift your head and spot him holding the front door open. Grabbing your bag and jacket, you walk out after Minho and follow him to his car parked down the road. He opens the door for you politely and you step in with a small 'thank you', fiddling with your bag strap as he walks to the other side and lets himself in. The ride to your house is silent, save for the occasional direction from the GPS.
Along the way, you spot a few stragglers out on the streets, one catching your eye when you're stopped at a red light. An uncomfortable feeling washes over you as they keep staring and you shiver, breaking the eye contact and focusing on the road in front of you. When the light turns green, you take one last look and jump. They're right outside your window, the imprint of a hand left on the glass as Minho starts driving again. He gives you a weird look that you miss, too busy trying to learn how to breathe again.
Ten minutes later, you're standing outside your door picking up the keys you just dropped from your hands shaking too much. Minho is stationed outside watching you get in safely, your cheeks flushing from embarrassment when you struggle to get your key in the lock. Switching the light on, you can hear the rumble of Minho driving away and take a deep breath. You're home now, nothing can hurt you here.
Entering your bedroom, you flop face first into your plush bedding and stay like that for a moment. You feel a dip at the end of the bed, but it doesn't freak you out. By now you can tell when it's Jeongin; his presence feels familiar. The bed moves slightly as he adjusts and gets comfortable beside you and you turn your head enough to be able to peek up at him. He's staring straight ahead, hands folded in his lap, and you see he's even kicked his shoes off. Shaggy black hair falls into his eyes and he shakes his head enough to clear his sight, his eyes then falling onto yours- you've been caught.
"Like what you see?" He teases, head rolling to his shoulder to face you completely.
"No," You lie with a grin, propping yourself up on your elbow. "Not at all. Personally, I'm not a fan of having dead people in my bed."
Jeongin laughs at that, crossing his arms over his chest and closing his eyes. You watch him relax, sliding further down into your pillows with a content expression. As much as you want to join him in seemingly falling asleep, you still need to change and wash up. But-
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"I gotta go," You say, rolling off the side of your bed.
"What?" Jeongin sits up, hands behind him. "Why?"
"Changbin wants to hang out."
"I thought you were in for the night?" Jeongin's voice goes higher at the end of the sentence.
"Me too! But it's been so long since we've done something fun. Now, which is better? This," You hold a plain black dress up to your body. "-or this?"
You switch the black for a dark red strapless shirt and some black pants and watch his reaction. Although he hesitates, you can already tell he's thinking the second and you toss the dress back toward your closet. After he covers his eyes, you change quickly and do some last touch-ups before leaving the room. Jeongin follows you and you both keep an eye outside for Changbin.
"Be careful, okay?" Jeongin talks low, keeping his eyes on the road when you look over at him. "Lots of energy in those kinds of places, don't need you getting hurt. Especially if you're planning on drinking."
"Are you worried about me?" You tease.
"No, I just don't want you to become one of us before my case is solved."
"Just like my case." This makes you laugh, a light catching the corner of your eye.
Changbin steps out of his vehicle and starts to approach, but you're already waving goodbye to Jeongin and exiting before he can get up the steps to the front door. The night air is crisp, goosebumps forming on your exposed skin, but you're quickly ushered into the warmth of the car. In the window of your house, you can still see Jeongin watching when you drive off. On the way to the bar, you and Changbin sing along to his daily playlist to bring up the mood, and it works incredibly well. By the time you're entering the building, any thoughts of ghosts and death are gone.
Ordering two of the same drink, you and Changbin sit with your backs to the bar and observe the others, making up backstories for each person who passes by you or seems interesting. About four drinks later, Changbin has convinced you to join him on the dance floor. One more drink, and you find yourself surrounded by strangers, distracted by the loud music flowing through your veins. It seeps into your skin and you can feel the beat moving inside you, letting your body take control. In front of you, Changbin shows off his moves and you can hear people cheering, but you know to him it's just the two of you here.
The music slows and so does your body, adrenaline leaving as you brush some hair out of your face. Changbin's expression is all scrunched up in a pout and you laugh at the way he appears to be going in slow motion; it's funny, that is until you notice how everyone around you is following his lead. Panic starts to settle heavy in your chest, turning every direction to try and spot what's causing this.
You sway on your feet as you see the first spirit weaving through the bodies toward you. There's a hole in the center of his head, dried blood crusted down his nose and chin. Moving back to the bar, you stop when you almost hit the chest of someone else; her eyes are dark as she towers over you and you step away. You let your body guide you away, walking turning into a frantic dance to avoid the mass amount of spirits that seem to be mixed with the crowd. The exit isn't too far now, but you seem to be getting sluggish purely from being near this many spirits. You can hear your breathing turn to wheezing as you stumble forward with a hand out, your fingers barely brushing the red handle before someone is wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you away. There's no fight left in you, your eyelids heavy and your body falling limp. Someone is calling your name as you're torn away from whoever is holding you, blurry visions of colourful figures above you being the last thing you see before your eyes flutter shut.
When your eyes open, you don't recognize the room you're in. Dust falls from the ceiling, visible in the moonlight coming through a window above you, white curtains pulled to the side. The bed you're in is much too small for your body, pale blue sheets twisted under your legs. Rubbing sleep out of your eyes, you sit up slowly, a wave of dizziness rocking you. Once it's over, you take in the rest of the room.
It appears to be a child's bedroom, string lights pinned corner to corner emitting a dim gold on the walls. Tucked in the corner is a small desk with art supplies messily organized in compartments, one cup of paintbrushes knocked over with dried paint water soaked into a drawing. You stand and pick up the drawing; there's two boys standing by water, but one has been smudged by the spillage. They seem to be watching something out there, but the drawing is unfinished.
Directly next to the desk is an open door leading into a short hallway. Stairs lead downward with candles melting over the railing, wax dripping onto the wooden steps. As you walk toward the stairs, you can't help but look at all the photos covering the walls. Most are artsy, decorative shots, but one in particular catches your eye. There's a family of four, but the photo is torn at the parent's middle, leaving only the children to be seen holding hands and smiling wide. It's almost unsettling.
Following the pathway, it ends at the doorway to what looks like a living room, but all the furniture is covered in white sheets. You cover your mouth to suppress a noise when you spot a man standing by a fireplace. The sound of your hand slapping over your mouth must have alerted him, his head whipping around to look at you.
"What are you...?" He's turning fully now, head tilted to the side and eyes squinting. You have to hold in another gasp when you realize it's Hyunjin you're looking at.
"I don't know," you reply quietly, bringing your hand back to your side. "I've never been here before. I don't know where I am."
"You shouldn't be able to get in here. You-" He stalks toward you and grabs your wrists, bringing you into the room with him.
You watch his eyes widen as the moonlight hits you, eyebrows knitting together and mouth falling open slightly. The grip on your wrists is bruising, and he gives no sign of letting go. There's a shift in the air and he looks away from you and past your head, eyes narrowing at something in the space behind you.
"Back off," He warns, and you're almost too scared to know what he's seeing. "Stay right there."
His voice wavers, hands finally loosening and you're able to pull away completely. This, however, is a mistake. Hyunjin is reaching for you again with a shout of your name as hands grab you from behind, tearing you away from the room, the house, this whole place.
With a gasp, you sit up in a hospital bed, lights blinding you. Someone is touching you, trying to calm you, but you fight them off; you've had enough of peoples skin on yours. Head in your hands, you take deep breathes and notice just how badly you're shaking. You hadn't even realized you were crying until now.
"Y/n! It's just me-" Changbin's voice is clear beside you now that you're a bit more adjusted. "Hey, it's just me. You passed out."
"What?" You finally let him settle you back against the stiff pillow. "I did?"
"Yeah, and I think it's ghost related, but I don't know," Changbin shifts in his chair uncomfortably. "Jeongin's been blowing up your phone."
He hands you the small device and you unlock it to see he's right, Jeongin has been blowing up your phone.
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Jeongin replaces Changbin, sitting in the chair with his legs crossed at the ankles. Neither of you talk, but he does stare at you with concern visible on his face. You lay down on your side, keeping your eyes on him as you get comfortable, or at least as much as you can be. There's a moment when he opens his mouth, but a nurse comes into the room to check on you before he can say anything. She explains you'll be able to go home soon, just rest for now.
When she leaves, you sigh. "I wish I never left my bed."
"Me too," Jeongin admits quietly, a faint blush of red creeping up his neck and you giggle.
The energy with him is so different than other spirits and you can't understand why. With him, it's warm, easy; It's not draining or unwelcoming in the slightest. Being with him feels nice, like a dream you don't want to leave.
Jeongin follows you out of the hospital, into the cab they provide, and back into your home. He waits outside of your bedroom as you change, opening the door to let him back in. Crawling into bed, you catch a glimpse of Jeongin next to you. This is the first time you've seen him look so unguarded since you've met, so peaceful, and you drift into sleep thinking of him.
notes ~ this is unedited bc it's 2:30 am and i'm tired so pls ignore any mistakes lol
taglist ~ @chaeryred @toplinelix @channie-143 @bloomingstay @sona1800
@dollschan @defnotfertilizedtoesw @thisisnotjacinta @kayleigh-28 @kayleefriedchicken
@lailac13 @linocvp1d @ilov3jeong1n @mooseung @kkamismom12
reply or send an ask to be added (18+)^^^ green means i can't tag you
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gothcryptid-art · 2 years
simon 'ghost' riley x reader headcanons
fully gender neutral + no descriptors because ghost is for the people. implied that reader is military tho. all lowercase bc im cool. wacky ass writing. no other warnings besides ghost being a deeply insecure individual
(literally just writing this bc i have the brainrot so bad i spent 95 hard earned canadian dollars on this stupid game im not even good at it its amazing i love it anyways enjoy u filthy animals)
- he's a dog guy. he secretly wishes he couldve had a stabler life so maybe he could have one or two. If you have a dog, he is ALL over it. will buy treats, toys, enrichment, literally anything and everything. he just wants to spoil the lil baby
- absolutely does not know how to cook, he can only use a microwave smh. if you can cook for him tho, he will absolutely get all heart eyed kickin his feet under ur dinner table twirling his hair round his finger he is in LOVE
- THAT BEING SAID!!!! he makes a bangin cup of tea. his fav is earl grey and he loves a good london fog, but with his line of work he just doesnt have the time. thats why every time he actually goes home, the first thing he does is make a proper cuppa.
- it's very difficult for him to trust anybody, much less fall in love, so when he falls he falls HARD. he'll go out of his way to do nice things for you. if you're out on a mission together and have some downtime he'll just grab your knives and sharpen them for you. He's already doing his own, why not yours too? He lovesss doing small acts like that for u. he knows a little kindness can go a long way.
- the same goes the other way around, if you do literally anything for him the man is SWOONING. he's about to head out but can't find something, and u pop outta nowhere to place it in his hands with a kiss on the cheek of his mask? he's planning a proposal as soon as hes out the door. he loves u. amazing.
- he knows he's a good looking guy, but before he shows you his face he's super scared about you not liking how he looks. He worries that he isn't your 'type' and once you see his face you'll get bored of him and move on to someone more entertaining like Soap or Alejandro
- He's not great at verbalizing his emotions, and tends to bottle things up. if he does it for long enough he'll get way too in his head and he'll start distancing himself from u (unintentionally). one day it gets to be too much and u just sit him down and make him tell u whats up
- he's just. not good at talking abt his feelings. his sentences have super long pauses where he overthinks everything he's saying. he's trying not to hurt your feelings if it's something relating to you, but sometimes that means he wont tell u the whole truth. but hes trying ok? he WANTS to communicate with you, he's just gotta learn how essentially from scratch.
- but man if ur able to break down his walls a little, and he can tell that you see him as a person and not just some mysterious puzzle to solve, he will go to the ends of the earth for u.
- he will devote a lot of his downtime to just being around you. he just likes your presence, hes the type of guy to want to sit in a room together and do your own things. he'll post up at a desk and look over the next mission's paperwork while you chill in a corner with a hobby of yours
if u made it this far hell yeah i hope u enjoyed, this is absolutely just self indulgent but i figured the world must be blessed as well. have a good one yall
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becca4leafclover · 6 months
Thinking about the ending of Purgatory again, how the two people with wings saving people were Philza and Fit.
Phil, everyone knows had the wings. HAS the wings, now, in this miracle of this place, where nothing good grows and yet it's given Phil the chance to regain his lost limbs. Even after they were pushed to their fragile limits and broken again to save Tubbo, Phil's wings still exist on his back after they'd been gone for far too long.
But what about the other person who miraculously had wings? Who never had any sort of phantom pains of lost limbs in all of his life, who touched the sky only through mechanical marvels and the husks of void insects and never craved the feeling of flight as a wingfolk does.
Unlike Phil, who returned from the End challenge nearly sobbing for his children and the healing of his wings, Fit had no such thing when he went through those portals. He went through and grinned at the sight of a pair of elytra, a trusty tool back on 2b2t. He raced through the course and jumped through the other side and physically looked no different.
But who knows how long it's been since the last time Fit touched the void? Since he went to go solve the mystery of his airship's ghost voyage? That was years ago. It was nice to feel- free. Of Purgatory, of Quesadilla, of his mission and all the complications of the past few months. It was just him and the empty infinity below him for a few minutes.
When Fit left the End, he didn't miss the elytra. No, he was no Philza. But his body felt abuzz in a way he couldn't explain. It came and went, a slight background noise or strangely absent. Fit didn't pay much attention to it- his focus was on surviving. Grinding. Winning, for Ramon. But he found himself idly noticing it when he was helping Tubbo, or wandering with Pac, or defending Tina.
Days past, and the end of the world seemed to come from one of their own. Fit saw the writing on the wall of the fate of their kids and knew that he didn't have time to look for a lost cause. He pushed his limits to get to the escape boat. It was intense, but he didn't think for a moment that he wouldn't make it. He knew that not all of his friends would be so lucky. But it was survival of the fittest, and Fit knew it better than almost anyone else.
When Phil and Tubbo made it to the boat on Phil's broken wings, something stirred inside Fit. It was the two leaders of the surviving teams, the two that had just dueled to the death, holding each other like lifelines. These weren't more survivors in a wasteland, they were his FRIENDS. Could Fit really stand here on this boat, knowing if he didn't do something he'd never see them again?
"Give me the lasso, I can save people," Fit offered once Phil collapsed when trying to get up.
The old crow and his young adversary looked at him with wonder. That buzzing feeling was back, stronger than it'd been before. Fit held out his hand for the fraying rope. Fit backed up on the boat's deck and sprinted, planning on jumping over the edge and diving into the water-
But he never fell once he went up.
Fit used all of his willpower to keep going. Find someone- ANYONE, to save one more life so it wasn't just him, the unconscious people he'd managed to get to the boat, and those other two going home. Anyone else.
One minute. Bagi.
Fit screamed her name through the air. She shouted in surprise when she spotted him.
"Fit! You have wings?"
Fit took the second to glance over his shoulder. Wings, on his back, glowing against the hazy red light that covered the island.
"I'm getting you out of here," was all Fit said as he tied the rope around Bagi. He hefted her up, and then took off again.
They made it to the boat with twenty seconds left on the timer. Tubbo had gotten the engine revving and he heard Charlie screaming somewhere inside. He pulled Bagi out of the water, and then everyone's MDA's went off violently with notifications. Their time was up.
The buzzing in Fit's body faded as the boat sped away from the island- and their remaining friends, and the little buddies, and the corpses of their children, and the black dot rising in the sky that spelled total destruction. And the next time Fit noticed, the magic wings that had allowed him to be the hero of the hour were gone too.
It wasn't until they were back on Quesadilla Island that anyone mentioned the miracle Fit had pulled. Phil showed Fit so much trust, in revealing to him his mangled wings that he was able to keep coming back home. And he gently asked- what happened to Fit's? Why did Fit never tell that he had lost his wings too?
"I'm not like you, Phil. I've never had wings to lose."
"...But we all saw them, mate. Were you at least born with them?"
Fit shook his head. "Not that I ever knew. But I don't remember much about where I came from before 2b anyway."
Phil had frowned at that, but left it.
The next person to bring it up was Tubbo, along with Bagi and Pac while they were waiting for their somehow-alive kids to wake up from their comas.
"Hey Fit, what happened to your wings?"
"Oh yeahh! You were my hero, Fit! I don't think I'll ever be able to make it up to you," Bagi said. Fit waved them off.
"Don't worry about it, Bagi, we're all good."
"You have wings?" Pac questioned, his voice filled with such pure wonder. Fit shook his head.
"I... I really don't know what that was. I just knew I had the chance to save one more person, so I did. I wouldn't be surprised if that fucking Eye did something just to try to get under my skin! Good thing I'm tougher than that," Fit said with a smile. For the first time since the boat, that strange feeling prickled along his back.
Bagi frowned, while Pac looked at his whole being with his observant eyes, and Tubbo tilted his head.
"I would have loved to see you with wings... How cool you would look!" Pac breathed. Fit chuckled at that, but couldn't find the words to quite reply.
"What if you did have wings before?" Tubbo said, "Like how Phil had his healed back there?"
"I already talked to him about it. I've never had wings in my whole life. Or if I did, I lost them before I ended up in 2b2t, but that was when I was still a kid. If I ever came from anywhere before 2b anyway."
"They weren't really like Philza's either, when I saw them. They seemed- magical? They weren't really- I don't know the word- they weren't really real. They were all glowy," Bagi added.
Pac hummed thoughtfully. "You sound like a guardian angel that only got his wings in a time of need..."
That struck a chord with Fit. The feeling in him settled pleasantly, like he'd gotten an answer he didn't know the question to. "Maybe, maybe. Maybe you're closer than you think, I don't know. guess we'll never really know unless we end up in hell fighting each other again and have to escape another nuke!"
"Do NOT even joke about that!!"
"I don't know, I kind of want to see my guardian angel fly me to safety..." Pac said, a tease in his voice and cheeks flushed pink. Fit, admittedly, balked at this, and couldn't come up with a response. Tubbo, meanwhile, gagged.
The last clue Fit had to the strange event in Purgatory, was when he was stretching in the new yoga room of Fit's Fitness.
He was alone in the calming space, the tinkling of the water feature an easy background noise. He was doing some final stretches after a workout, to relax his muscles before he called it a day. His sweaty shirt was in the corner by the shoe rack- he really needed to change out of his Purgatory clothes, now that the islanders were slowly starting to be able to put that behind him.
In the mirror as he was just doing a shoulder stretch with his mechanical arm, for the first time Fit noticed a pair of scars on his back.
Now, Fit was familiar with his plethora of scars that covered his whole body. He knew the major ones- the ones that were closer calls with permanent death than he'd like to admit. His scar tissue had layers, with the way that explosions left their marks on the same spots over and over again. But despite the size of these scars, Fit couldn't remember where he got them from off the top of his head. Two long slashes- fairly clean. One was partially covered by the metallic plating that was embedded into his shoulder- maybe that was why he'd forgotten about them before?
It was still weird though. Nothing on 2b2t left such clean slashes. Especially not so symmetrical, or in what really was a vital place... strange indeed...
Fit looked back at himself in the mirror, examining the scars with mild curiosity.
For a moment, pale glowing wings were aligned with those slits. Fit blinked, and they were gone. That fuzzy feeling returned, and lingered as Fit's mind raced.
He had a feeling there was something he didn't know about himself.
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bbcphile · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
I've finally worked up the courage to post the opening of one of the Mysterious Lotus Casebook fics I'm writing (Li Lianhua/Di Feisheng/Fang Duobing), specifically, from my post-canon fic where LLH's shiniang tried to sacrifice herself to cure him.
Tw/cw: suicide attempt, mention of off-page non-consensual medical procedure, internalized ableism
Li Lianhua crashed to his hands and knees on the ground as the last trickle of his borrowed qi abandoned him, the densely-packed sand doing nothing to cushion the blow. The impact rattled through his spine and ribs, shaking loose a bout of coughing that forced him to swallow down the burning flare of copper trying to escape from his mouth. He couldn’t cough up blood now, not here, too many steps away from the water’s reach. It would leave evidence of his route, a trail that his shiniang would undoubtedly follow once she had broken free from the immobilization. He couldn’t let her find him until the job was done. 
He pushed himself to standing, his arms and legs shaking hard enough to nearly drop him back to his knees, and he blinked to will the dancing black spots from his eyes. The waves awaited him, and he refused to crawl to meet them. He took a staggering step toward the sound of crashing water ahead of him, far fainter now than it had any right to be, and squinted against the sunlight to get his bearings. 
A large gray lump on his left snagged his attention, disrupting the blur of gold and blue that filled up the rest of his view. Why did that look familiar? He took an unsteady step closer, pressing his palm against his chest to convince his lungs to hold back a cough one more time, and the gray lump resolved into a rock. 
A rock that had once served as a pillow that was soft only in comparison to how hard the rest of the day had been.
Of course. He’d landed at Donghai beach. He swallowed back tears with a bitter laugh. Never let it be said that the universe didn’t have a sense of humor.  
He’d returned after all: three months late for the duel and over a decade late for bringing his decrepit body back to the waves that had so decisively spat him out. But surely this time, with all the mysteries solved and no business left unfinished, the sea would accept the offering of his broken frame. Li Xiangyi was long dead and it was past time for Li Lianhua to follow his example. He was already a ghost in every way that mattered. And this was the only way to guarantee his shiniang would live.
She would be furious, of course, but wasn’t furious better than dead? How could it be unfilial to make sure she lived on? Too many people had died for him; he refused to let her join those ranks. Dying to save her was already a far better death than he deserved. 
As for the others, Xiaobao would have his teachings and would be too busy climbing the heights of the jianghu to miss the weak physician he once protected. 
And a-Fei—
—well, how could he still fixate on defeating a ghost with Xiaobao shining more brightly than Li Xiangyi ever had?
No, this end was far better for everyone, and best of all, no one would sacrifice their life or be forced to play caretaker to an empty husk of a man.
A familiar chill seared through his veins and meridians, despite the warmth of the fur of his outer layer, stealing away his breath and the amorphous blue blur before him. He took another stumbling step toward where it had been, his heart stuttering painfully in his chest. 
Not much longer now. It seemed his frenzied dash here and self-shattered heart meridian were more efficient for what he had in mind than the weight his waterlogged fur coat would have offered.
Perhaps he didn’t need the coat for this at all. His body would certainly float further without it. And not even his shiniang could save him now, so what harm could it do to leave some evidence behind? Xiaobao might not believe the beggar’s words, but surely this fur cloak at the water’s edge would put to rest any lingering futile hopes. And then Xiaobao would tell a-Fei.
And if it brought them peace, if it let them say goodbye, then how could he not leave it behind?
It was decided, then. 
He lifted his hands to the coat’s laces, then paused. Were those voices? For a moment, he could have sworn he heard—
—Ah, no, the hallucinations must have started again. 
He smiled. At least he had heard a-Fei and Xiabao one last time, if only in his mind.
He untied his laces with fumbling, stiff fingers, and let the coat fall behind him. 
His heart and lungs clenched with another spasm, and a wave of dizziness broke over him, threatening to drop him to his knees once more. 
He fought against it, muscles shaking as they never had during battles. He couldn’t surrender now; not until he reached the water. He could manage three more steps. He had to.
He tried to lift his foot again.
The world swam before him, and darkness dragged him under.
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gilbirda · 2 years
The Vampire Bat
For DPxDC Week!
Day 1: Lazarus Pit.
[Read on AO3]
Jazz met him for the first time when she was doing that internship years ago. It had been a once-in-a-lifetime chance and she bet everything she had on making a good impression on the Arkham Asylum director.
(For whatever good it did, because even if she had made an impression she had to leave Gotham before the end of her internship. Danny needed her.)
She found him hurt and alone, with death all over him, still smelling like graveyard dirt.
He couldn’t be much younger than her, even if he was tall and very fit under the burial black suit.
Jazz followed him around, half wondering how a revenant was walking the streets of Gotham and half keeping an eye so he wouldn’t find a quick second death. She wanted to see as well if the guy, like all revenants, instinctively walked home or a familiar place - if he had loved ones that gave a light on the mystery, she wanted to talk to them.
Soon he was picked up and brought to a hospital, where he would be properly taken care of.
She hoped she wouldn't meet him again, but if she did, she wanted to solve this mystery.
Jazz met him again by chance, some years later.
She was on a forced vacation after Danny complained she was too bossy and he was a grown man now and ‘I don’t need you breathing down my neck all the time!’ and ugh-
So. Yeah. She was subtly sent a link to the Arkham Asylum job portal and details about her new flashy apartment in the city. Completely furnished.
Subtlety was not Danny’s (or his friends’) specialty.
So here she was trying to figure out if she wanted to go back to her dream or not, and if she really could just walk back in and ask for a second chance, when she felt him.
Her senses had gotten sharper with time - her liminality ramping up in the time it took Team Phantom to settle Danny as the ruler of the Infinite Realms. Somewhere along the way they accepted the fact that neither of them was completely human anymore, with Jazz herself embracing it rather easily given the circumstances.
Her only complaint? Having to consume ectoplasm regularly to compensate for her inability to make the stuff herself.
That’s why when she sensed the revenant from years ago, she could pinpoint his location easier than she did when she was younger.
She sniffed him out, finding that his smell had changed with time - the baseline graveyard dirt stink was still there, just buried under the most potent ectoplasmic fragrance she ever detected in the Living world.
He was not a ghost. He still had the warm middletones of a Living creature. But he was familiar enough to make her mouth water.
Jazz watched him, carefully following him around as he walked around the isles in the Classical section of Gotham’s Public Library. Everything he touched, everything he breathed at, smelled so deliciously that she got sidetracked imagining how he would taste.
She needed to know.
So bad.
Maybe this vacation thing wasn’t that awful of an idea after all.
She found him again, but in the craziest way possible. Also, maybe she had found out one of the city’s biggest secrets by accident.
Her mystery guy was a vigilante.
Not that it changed anything for her, mind you; it even made things more exciting. If he was used to the weird stuff going on in Gotham then she could approach him more directly and not lose time in silly games.
Once again she followed him around like a, well, like a ghost, having fun with the chase around the rooftops without him noticing. Or maybe he did? Sometimes she caught him looking around at the shadows, stopping to check them before doing his next jump.
It wasn’t until a few nights later, when she had to stop her chase to talk to some very lost ghosts that didn’t know they were dead, that her little game came to an end.
The click of the gun, once upon a time, would have made her heart stop for a moment. Now she knew it wouldn’t actually kill her, just push her officially to the other side of her Life/Dead status.
She turned, her hands lifted in the air.
“Who are you and why are you following me.” He growled. His aura did a flare that was supposed to scare her, but she had seen worse. One wasn’t the Princess of the Dead without fistfighting a few gods here and there.
She smiled softly, lowering her hands. “You noticed me?”
“I’m the one asking questions.” Red Hood didn’t lower the gun. “You have to answer.”
“Sorry, I’m just excited,” Jazz's chuckle was lost in the cold Gotham breeze. “I thought I would never see you again and then I did and there’s something about you-”
“What the hell are you talking about?” He growled.
“Oh, right, you don’t know me. It was… four years ago? I think. Yeah, four years. You were wandering around and revenants are vulnerable, so I watched you-”
“What?” He really liked to interrupt people, huh.
“Revenant? A type of undead. Not actually a zombie,” she rolled her eyes, offended, “those are a different thing.”
“You knew me? Four years ago?”
“Yes? Not, like, know, know you. I was in the neighborhood and sensed death on you and I needed to check.” She sniffed again, walking a bit closer. The gun was still pointed in her direction, but he didn’t move. “Something’s changed, though. You smell like death but also less like death, and more like ectoplasm. Were you revived?”
He tensed. So yes, someone revived him. His loved ones? She should know if there was a magician powerful enough, and with access to this much ectoplasm, in the city.
“Who the fuck are you?”
“You mean you don’t sense me?”
His silence was enough.
“Oh well, how about now?”
She let her tight control of her aura go for a moment. It wasn’t a good idea to broadcast her status and power all the time, especially if she wanted to keep a low profile. Also, the Spirit of Gotham had let her into her city, but Jazz didn’t want to push it with a power play - she may be the Princess, but Gotham was older and her claim was stronger.
“Holy shit.” Red Hood flinched, putting away his gun. Then, he took the helmet off to look at her with his own eyes. “You feel just like the Lazarus Pit.”
“The what?”
Both looked at each other in silence for a moment.
“You really don’t know?” He insisted, frowning. “The League of Shadows?” She shook her head. “Ra’s al Ghul?” She shook her head again. “Immortal guy that has been using the Lazarus Pit to artificially extend his lifespan?”
Okay that rang a bell. “And has a creepy cult of assassins and lives in a mountain?”
He chuckled at her wording. “That guy.”
“I know of him. We’ve been looking into his case for a while.”
“We?” He arched an eyebrow. “Are you the death police?”
“I’m the Princess of the Ghosts, actually.”
He stopped and looked at her as if he were considering she was joking or trying to mock him. After a few seconds of pondering, he shrugged and rolled with it.
“And what does the Princess want with me? Take me back to the Afterlife?” By his little smile, he wasn’t taking this seriously. Did he think she was not being honest? What was the point of lying?
“If I wanted to take your soul I would already have done so,” she took a step closer. If she wanted, she could jump on him and take that sweet smelling ectoplasm, but she behaved. No need to act like a barbarian. “I just thought you smelled nice.”
He didn’t expect that. His cheeks turned a bit red. “That’s the worst pickup line ever. Very creepy.”
“Who said anything about pickup lines?” She slowly reached and brushed a bit of his hair away from his neck, the movement sending that sweet smell in her direction. “I’ve never encountered this scent and I’m curious.”
There was recognition in his eyes. He knew there was something different about him.
“Let’s say there’s an explanation for that. What would you do?”
What wouldn’t she do?
“If it’s harmful for you, I’d find a way to help and then kindly ask you if you are interested in a bit of fun." By the way his eyebrows rose, he got what she meant. "If not, then I want to kindly ask you if you are interested in a bit of fun and if you could let me take a sip."
"Are you- Are you like a vampire?"
She hummed, amused by the comparison. This wasn't the first time someone made a comment. Maybe she was a vampire after all, just not hungry for blood but for ectoplasm.
"Not for human blood.” If her smile hinted at her pointy teeth, it wasn’t on purpose. “So that’s a no?”
His smile was devious when he answered: “I never said I was against it.”
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fang-and-feather · 2 months
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Masks Off
Ikemen Vampire - Sebastian x Pureblood! Reader
I had this with the last scene pending since February, but despite everything, I finally finished it!
Written for the Love Booth Challenge by @queengiuliettafirstlady, for Sebastian's prompts: Secrets and "My composure is an act."
Words: 1,714
Summary: Forced apart and then back together by twists of fate, you and Sebastian hold on to your secrets and try to ignore the past. But with old feelings that never went away resurfacing and your secrets on the verge of being revealed, you are forced to face each other, all masks off.
Tags: Fluff, Getting back Together, Canon Divergence
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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Sebastian tried to work with you, like he’d been doing nearly every day since your arrival, but after what just happened, it was difficult with the way you were acting.
At first, you were blushing, avoiding looking at him, and jumpy when he approached. A reasonable reaction to an accidental kiss.
But through your attempt to continue normal work, he watched you frown and tense more, your breath becoming audibly heavier.
Sebastian wasn’t sure if he should go away or send you away. He could try to help, but you had gone so out of the way to be discreet about this that he wasn’t sure if he should reveal that he already knew.
When he decided it was better to be the one to leave and let you solve your problem on your own, he was distracted by you picking a glass a little too hard and accidentally shattering it. You jumped back, startled, before fleeing the scene.
Sebastian sighed and started cleaning up the glass shards before he could resume his work.
He had no idea why you made the effort to hide the truth. Not only from him, but from everyone else, too. Unaware that he already knew.
It was easy to find out as soon as he arrived in the mansion and started to learn about the vampires. Every strange thing from your past together started to make sense, including your mysterious move that ended the couple of years of your young romance.
Who would imagine two old sweethearts would meet again over a century in the past. Years had passed in your time too, and both of you had grown. Maybe way too much.
But Sebastian still loved you. It didn’t take him long after your reunion to realize that. But due to his problems, he had chosen to ignore it and pretend you were strangers again. He hoped you would return home.
And you had played along until he had a few sick days, which worried everyone. They came to visit and spend time with him, some even trying to give him gifts.
He’d never considered himself such an important presence in their lives to get that treatment. He was just a butler. Except for being a human willing to work for vampires knowingly, there was nothing special about him that they couldn’t get someone else after he was gone. He never meant to make himself anything important for anyone. Not after letting go of everything he already had in his old life.
Which wasn’t much, either.
The most worried, though, was the ghost of his past that accidentally chased him even across time. The one whose first sight of promised salvation. A salvation he’d tried to run from, but now was considering embracing.
He wanted to believe the others would soon let go of him when he was gone. But you? You had the opportunity to forget him. Sebastian thought you did, until then.
But you stuck by his side while he was ill. With whispers that he didn’t know if happened in his dreams, and were reflections of his desires, or if he was half awake and these were yours.
And he realized you had nothing to go back to. You held on to him because he was the only thing that ever made you feel alive and happy. The only one who made you feel at home. That’s why you never mentioned your family, or why you didn’t seem friends with the people who hung around you.
A part of him wanted to believe you could stay, even without him, though. You had made yourself a home with the others in the mansion, and he wanted to believe you would find happiness in here after he was gone. But it seemed unlikely as you looked at him, failing to conceal your worry.
And at the time, he wondered if you weren’t someone worth living for. You were back in his life. He knew who you were and that you could rebuild your relationship.
But was love enough to live on for? He’d so long abandoned any other purpose in life. Could he find one now?
He would talk to you about it as soon as you calmed down, even if he would not be able to make a decision about his future right away.
Comte came in soon to get you some rouge. The purebloods were the only ones you couldn’t really hide from, so it wasn’t surprising you relied on one of them in that situation.
Sebastian only saw you late at night, when he was finally done with work and you were the one to seek him out.
“Hey. Do you have a second?” You knocked on his door.
“Come in.”
You walked in with hesitant steps, only briefly looking at him.
“Sorry to bother you this late. I wanted to apologize for leaving you with all the work.”
“That’s not something you need to apologize for.”
“No, I do. I didn’t need to have taken that much time off. And the accident that caused it was also my fault. Sorry for that too.” you bowed. “Not that you care.” He heard you mutter, probably without realizing it was audible.
He did care. The past was harder to forget when it was this close to him. He was just good at masking his true thoughts and feelings, and apparently, even you, as perceptive as you usually were, couldn’t see through him.
In other circumstances, he would be happy, but at the moment, it frustrated him.
You startled when he took a step towards you, and stepped back when he took another, until you had your back against the closed door.
He had already decided to admit defeat and tell you the truth. To hold into that little hope you brought back into his life. And the moment couldn’t be better.
“Did you want me to care?”
“I… I don’t know. I just…” You looked down, a light blush coloring your face. “I feel so pathetic for being the only one who couldn’t forget the past. The only one for whom it meant something.”
He knew you had some difficulty accepting this arrangement, but you had always been so good at reading people and emotionally mature that he never expected you were hiding such negative thoughts.
But his behavior since you arrived at the mansion probably wasn’t the source of such thoughts. It was likely you had been alone with them for years before arriving here. He only accidentally fueled them.
He called your name, but when you didn’t look back at him, he cradled your chin and made you look up.
“Do you really think I would have wasted my time with someone who would mean nothing to me?”
“Well, pretending to not know me seems pretty easy for you.” You shot back, barely concealing the anger in your voice. Whether you were truly angry or just feeling cornered was hard to tell.
“It isn’t.” He sighed, and his voice softened. “My composure is an act. One that I thought would benefit you.”
“To push me away from here? Or away from you?”
“From me. I wasn’t prepared to face what your coming back into my life meant.”
“And what did it mean?”
He gave you a teasing smile.
“That depends if it was you whispering by my bedside that you could save me, or if it was my imagination.”
You finally properly met his gaze, a challenging glint that he hadn’t seen for years returning to them.
“Well, that depends on whether you were just tired or if I was right to worry.”
He sighed, but smiled back, releasing you and taking just one step back.
That was as much an admission as any. You always had good intuition. It wasn’t surprising he couldn’t fool you, even if you weren’t one hundred percent sure of what you thought you knew.
Which meant both of you knew each other’s secrets, and there was no point in pretending you didn’t.
And it also meant you were much more than he thought at first, and his choice of how to proceed from now on didn’t affect your life as much as he expected.
But it still made enough of a difference.
“You would worry even if I was just tired, anyway.”
“And would fix it at once, you wanting me to or not. But this… As much as I was tempted to fix this, the choice is entirely yours. And I can’t even say it is the best choice and you would have no serious reasons to refuse because I would be lying.”
“For someone who sounded so desperate to save me that day, you’re not being very convincing.”
“I’m being realistic. The only thing I can offer you besides healing, I don’t think I have the right to. I was the one who disappeared without a word years ago and I’m sorry, but that doesn’t change what happened.”
“It was your parents’ decision, no? For your safety, probably.”
“Or just to get me away from you. They seemed to think I was growing too attached.”
“And they were right, if the incident this morning is any indication.”
“Growing attached is different from truly loving someone. I guess it is no secret that my case was the latter. I was afraid to give away the truth, but it was hard to hide this morning.”
“Because I kissed you?”
“You make it sound as if you did that on purpose.”
Again, you blushed and looked away. Amused, he pulled you to look at him, but this time he kissed you.
You didn’t react at first, and only looked at him with wide eyes as he pulled back, making him chuckle.
“Now it was on purpose.” He whispered in your ear, finally making you jump.
“And why would you do that?!” you asked, voice almost too high.
“Because I still love you, too. And no matter where our paths will lead from here, while we have all masks and pretenses off, I wanted you to know.”
Although he had a good idea of where his path would lead. The remaining doubts would be assured in time, just like his masks slowly slipped away in front of you.
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Tag List: @tele86, @nightghoul381, @natimiles, @bicayaya, @eventinelysplayground, @2-lines-and-a-circle
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burning-sol · 1 year
on a dime thinking about characterstics different pcs tend to share across the players.
charlie: everyone says it and it is so real, religious trauma and imagery cause i mean literally just look at peter and exandroth, gillion's whole deal being the chosen one, william's incredible distress discovering the absence of god. horror but especially body horror cause AGAIN peter and exandroth, gillion's often scary n fishy descriptions, the way charlie describes how ghoulish william looks with william literally decomposing. comically exaggerated personalities with gillion the most hero of heroes he's so hero just look at his titles, peter to be mistaken for a literal doormat, exandroth the fanatical violent all around super evil angelic force, william wisp the freak from deadwood who has ghost powers and was so dedicated to solving mysteries he died that's his thing. might i say they are all quite obsessive, gillion obsesssed with being the chosen, peter obsessed with rocks and lizard, exandroth obsessed with retribution, william obsessed with mysteries, and this can create a strong disconnect with the world around them. of the pcs i would say they are usually the most outcast of outcasts and the most freak of freaks. also autism.
bizly: very straightforward characters with no subversion, what you see is what you get. NORMAL, AVERAGE, UNDERWHELMING, these are terms you can use to describe chip rand AND connor <- also they all have the same brown hair. this makes their badass moments stand out and be triumphant, where would we be without chip's badass sword, rand's badass finale, connor's horrifying but also sort of badass moment with the book, and also thanatos is a compilation of every badass moment bizly could probably ever want. there's always some sort of family issues see chip no family, rand strained relationship with family, connor i think had something going on but i cant remember, thanatos and the holy family. definitely most likely to get into conflict with other pcs might i say, gillion and chip, rolan and rand, rumi and thanatos, that's literally one of every other players' character what can i say.
grizzly: these characters are all struggling to live up to incredibly idealised persona and for the most part end up failing, rumi's persona literally breaking down until they shed it completely to be true to themselves, dakota always trying to be a hero which has worked out so far but we're just waiting for something bad to happen, kian who pretended to make it as a rockstar after most definitely failing, aster is by proxy sort of failing to live up to the perfect persona that is her father. shapeshifters? i mean rumi is a changeling, aster can alter her form, dakota has a feral mode, and kian got bugged so you know (joke). lot of these characters are incredibly gender lets be honest here.
condi: feel an intense pull towards conforming, jay struggling to push against her family, vyncent from another world trying to adjust and appear normal, rolan getting a respected profession, everything with ryan. there is a struggle of identity that is incredibly external, jay as a pirate vs the literal navy, vyncent's repeated experience of sharing a body, rolan being a fucking bug, ryan had a confrontation that was the most direct thing you could bear witness to. the actual perfect balance of two very smart characters and two of the most incredibly stupid characters i have ever seen. honestly very on point about their observations of others and themselves but can find difficulty to express that to other.
and i totally forgot about the prequel pcs but ms g and finn are also autistic, harlem shade definitely has that classic super cool persona also gender, jason king god bless this normal dude dragged into whatever the fuck the other two have going on, arlin is the source of the family issues. i literally am too tired to write anymore so i apologise if i fucked stuff up i cant be bothered anymore send post.
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reviewdiaries · 10 months
Ace and the paradox of finding peace in 4x09
Ace is very isolated this week, and it allows for some quiet introspection - the possibility of getting into his own special kind of trouble. And isn’t that something Ace has always been spectacularly good at? Whilst I’d love to see more episodes like the last two with entire Drew Crew shenanigans and hijinks, I’m also really loving the separate threads that each of the characters are following. The writers have a beautiful ability to weave seemingly disparate threads of stories together into one cohesive whole that makes the season even more satisfying by the end.
So he’s thrown himself into work, because that’s what he does when the snarls of feeling become too much. And yes, the last we saw he and Nancy were very much more on the same page, starting to feel their way through to an understanding, a want, a please I want to be with you more than anything, I don’t care what anyone else says. But that doesn’t magically fix everything. Doesn’t iron out the creases in his mind where the fears have taken root. That he’s not enough, not worth it, that Nancy will die and he’ll be left with nothing but a fistful of memories and a crippling guilt that it was all his fault.
But it’s still there. In the distraction as he picks up the clipboard and nearly shatters Connor’s mug. In the distant half aware way that he greets the latest addition to the morgue. His mind is half on his job and half on Nancy and the way his heart is tied to hers, a tug beneath his ribs whenever he thinks of her.
And then he is offered a distraction. A beautiful shining puzzle all his own. And he can’t resist, he’s never been able to resist, that’s part of why he and Nancy work so well together, so attuned to the frequency of mysteries to untangle, problems to solve, locks to pick. He’s used to the supernatural - the idea of the morgue being haunted barely rating in his top ten creepy situations he’s found himself in. So of course the latest body has brought in its ghost, and of course they’re trying to communicate with him. And he’s part running through all of the things he remembers from Tiffany haunting George, from Odette, the tips and tricks to try and draw them out, help them move on. Part engrossed in the who and the why and the what of it all. Metaphorically putting his fingers in his ears over all of his own feelings and problems and focussing entirely on this.
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By the time he makes full contact, Ace has had time to think about this, to puzzle out the problem of his supernatural visitor. I don’t think you’re here to hurt me - famous last words Ace, but he’s also not wrong on his assumptions so far. The entity could have hurt him when they first announced themselves. He drops to the floor expecting an attack, for something to fall, to electrocute him, for danger of some kind. But nothing comes. He’s realised they, whoever they are, want his attention. Want his help. 
But it’s the phrasing of the next part that gets me.
Maybe I can help you move on. The slight pause, the stumble over the idea of moving on. And doesn’t everything come back to Nancy at the moment? What they have, how they’re wrapped up around each other, tangled beyond hope, uncertain how to move forward, impossible to move back. Pandora’s box where once they admitted how they felt, once they had those first delicious illicit moments - conversations, touches, kisses - they couldn’t ever go back to not knowing. 
Find peace.
He can’t find peace. As elusive as sleep when he thinks about kissing her. And things feel cleaner, lighter, since they spoke. But there’s still a disconnect, still the pain of a dislocated bone when he sees her, so it’s easier to avoid. Easier to stay here in his own space with his own mystery, and not think about the constant beating of what if that thunders in his chest when he thinks of her.
It’s tantalising, the possibility of helping something, someone else to find those things. Like maybe if he can find it for someone else he can see the roadmap for himself. Because it’s all one step forward, two to the side, three steps back. He’s lost and confused and throwing himself into his work at the morgue because it is his. It is separate, isolated, a haven away from the tangles of the rest of his life. And sure, Nancy has a way of finding her way in, even here, she always does, she wouldn’t be her if she didn’t, but on the whole it’s clean lines and antiseptic - impersonal and so far away from the riot of colour and knot of emotions he’s so used to.
So he doesn’t even question. Doesn’t wonder if this might be something bad, something that might hurt him. Just wants to help (doesn’t he always want to help - acts of service, acts of service, acts of service) wants to prove to himself, to the ghost, to Nancy, to the world that he is helpful, he is worthy, he can do this on his own. Wants to shut the feelings away and focus on something else if only for a little while. Plunge his hands into the cold water for the shock of something new, something different, something that takes him out of the loop of his own thoughts.
He’ll tell the others at some point, maybe, he’s not sure at this stage. Too lost in the here and now moment of the puzzle to think about caution, about the need for back up, for different perspectives. To wonder whether maybe he’s being incautious because he hurts, because he’s got a chip on his shoulder the size of the bay, because he’s terrified that Nancy is already moving on and what he meant to her was nothing compared to the size of his feelings for her. It was so much easier to stuff his feelings down and pretend they didn’t exist when he didn’t have the reality of his name whispered out on a gasp from her lips, the feel of her gathered close in his arms, the softness of her hair tangled around his fingers. Now it’s just a relentless barrage of knowing whenever he’s near her and can’t touch her. Worse since their body swap and he became intimately aware of her in ways he still can’t let himself truly think about. Can feel the heat of a blush staining his skin whenever the thoughts slip in. 
So he’ll keep pressing through and ignoring the warnings in his head, and not wonder about the curse in the jar that allows the cursed to talk to the dead. Not wonder about the way he fell when the wave swept over the boat. Not wonder at the way Connor doesn’t seem to notice the weirdness that’s been drifting over the morgue like a dark cloud since this body arrived. Just keep breathing and pressing through against the bruises where his heart ties to Nancy’s, and plunging his hands into cold water until he can hear the voice again. Because maybe if he can solve this, help someone else move on, he’ll work out how he can do it himself.
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theelvenhaven · 2 years
Elves watching Horror Movies
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Elrond is honestly not a fan of horror movies. It’s not that they scare him, as there is not much in fiction that scares Elrond. But it is the fact that they can be gorey and torturous to the characters that are on screen that bother him so much. 
As someone who has seen a lot in his time, and has seen the suffering of others and does his best to shield and protect others from harm. Being an ellon with intense empathy it bothers him to see them suffer. He’d rather shield them then watch the crazed murderer or monster inflict such torture on someone else. 
So despite your request to spend all of October watching Horror Movies in the evening, you will find that Elrond will turn you down. Though a good alternative for Elrond would be ghost hunting shows or something like A Haunting despite the more horror-esque aspect to it. He likes that there is a positive resolution in those usually by helping the spirits crossover or giving them a voice.
Elladan loves horror movies, he finds them absolutely enthralling. Doesn’t matter if it is gorey or a suspenseful thriller. He loves the adrenaline rush that he gets out of watching one. Often times it always catches him off guard despite all his years of experience with hunting. Zombie movies and TV shows are really his favorite. 
It’ll be when he is mid joke- a way to cope with the intense anticipation he is feeling- when something pops up on the screen making him jump in response to it. Elladan likes to poke fun at some of the stupid things that the characters are doing that are clearly going to get them into trouble with them. He also gets intensely critical when he gets antsy waiting for something bad to happen in fear for the character.
Elladan though isn’t a fan of old fashion black and white horror movies, you’ll find hat he is more likely to make fun of those the whole time rather than actually sitting and enjoying the movie that’s on. So if you are looking for a good way to decompress and get a good laugh, those are the best to put on. Elladan will absolutely spend all of October watching horror movies with you if you ask him too. 
Unlike his brother, Elrohir doesn’t like gorey horror movies. In his mind he has already seen enough gore in his lifetime then to want to have to watch even pretend gore that looks uncannily realistic. If anything he’d turn it off mid movie not wanting to bear witness to anymore. 
Though you could honestly really get him into paranormal horror movies- vampires specifically. Especially the older movies, even Nosferatu. He’d be a big fan of it. Just as long as the gore isn’t intense he’d be happy to watch them with you. Though when it comes to things regarding spirits you’ll find that Elrohir is a big skeptic. 
Any of those paranormal shows or movies claiming to have spoken with spirits is just a big fat lie as far as he is concerned. He’s in a weird category of skeptic. It’s not that he doesn’t believe in spirits, its just that he doesn’t believe that they are able to be communicated with. He has a very one track mind that ghosts/spirits are all malevolent and wouldn’t want to hold a conversation with anyone. He even finds it more believable though when something like a demon hurts someone, less believable if it talks. 
Unlike both of her brothers, Arwen really isn’t into Horror Movies or Shows. While she is up for getting into the Halloween Spirit, it isn’t by being scared unnecessarily while trying to watch a movie and relax. You will find that she has more of a preference for feel good Halloween movies and even some True Crime. 
If she’s going to watch or listen to True Crime it’s got to be ones that are solved, the unsolved ones just leave her really unsettled and unnerved. She has no desire to solve the mystery or be left wondering if the Killer is still out there or not. She likes the more happy endings that you can have in True Crime which is the killer locked up and punished for what they’ve done. 
As for feel good Halloween Movies, think Disney movies. She really loves to watch those, and gets very into them. She enjoys the little bits of suspense, the characters and themes. They are just really enjoyable to her, even if they are a little bit cheesy. 
Thrillers are what get Erestor excited when it comes to Horror movies. Gore is absolutely off the table, he can handle some blood and insinuations. But full frontal gruesome deaths is not on his list of favorites. (Looking at you Final Destination). 
Erestor likes a good mystery, he likes not knowing who the killer is and having to try and predict who it could be. It’s even better for him if he wasn’t able to make a good guess and it was someone completely different. He definitely has a love for True Crime, so movies and shows usually relating to True Crime is going to be a go for him. 
Though naturally aside from the gore there will be other boundaries Erestor will have depending on what crimes they show in the movies or shows. Erestor also really gets into True Crime podcasts, and loves to discuss his thoughts with you regarding them. He also adores when you show any interest and want to share your own thoughts with him on cases.
Lindir is absolutely not for any horror movie that you could think of. Gore, Monster, Paranormal, Thriller, Suspense- none of it. There is nothing you can do to convince him to sit down and watch one with you through the Halloween month. They terrify him and make him extremely uncomfortable. 
Even True Crime documentaries make him really uncomfortable. There’s enough horror in the world, why on Eru’s good green Earth would he want to watch even more than what he already has to hear about? Lindir is definitely your more cozy Halloween kind of ellon even if it’s a kids movie. 
Addam’s Family, Hocus Pocus, Halloween Town, Nightmare Before Christmas- Those are way more his speed and his vibe. He has no issue if you want to get into the Halloween Spirit! If anything he would really encourage it, just as long as it’s not terrifying horror movies. 
Glorfindel has really mixed feelings about horror movies. He doesn’t like the gorey ones because he’s seen enough in his life to not want to watch those. But thrillers and suspense really don’t do it for him either in the sense of enjoyment. True Crime is definitely off the table too. 
He doesn’t dislike Paranormal shows, he does find amusement at the way the spirits can scare someone in a non-harmful manner. Though he’s more akin to Lindir where he is really into a more cozy Halloween Spirit vibes. He will watch horror movies with you if that is really what you want to watch. Glorfindel definitely finds all the cuddling to be an absolute bonus while you are getting scared out of your wits. 
He finds it amusing you’d want to subject yourself willingly to being scared. Glorfindel is not scared by them in the slightest. He really really like the Addams Family though. Glorfindel loves the way Gomez worships the ground Morticia walks on, and would probably drive you crazy re-watching anything related to them. He’s all for tradition so every October would be full of Addams Family reruns and re-watches
Haldir doesn’t really like Horror Movies, but he will in fact watch them with you despite his dislike for them. The reason he doesn’t like them is because in reality- which he won’t tell you- is because they do in fact scare him. 
Haldir tries really hard to play it off when he’s with you. Trying to act composed watching them fixated on the TV and anticipating for what is going to happen next. He gets really into them as much as he says he doesn’t like them. And when they scary thing happens or the creatures pops up on the screen, Haldir fights really hard about jumping in response to what he’s seen. 
He doesn’t want you to think any less of him because even the Marchwarden who has faced down countless Orcs is terrified of an actor dressed up as the undead or a ghost/demon or Eru knows what else. You’ll find that he relaxes considerably when watching just Halloween themed movies. 
* * * 
Tags: @saviorsong​ @lilmelily​ @dicksoutformtl​ @fandomhoe101​ @icarus-fell-in-spring​ @red-riding​ @miriel-estelwen​ @ta-ka-shi-ma​ @nerdysimpy​ @thegirlwithoutaname87​ @anunexpectedsideblog​ @spidergirla5​ @eunoiaastralwings​ @eternalabysss​
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twistedtummies2 · 4 months
Year of the Bat - Number 9
Welcome to Year of the Bat! In honor of Kevin Conroy, Arleen Sorkin, and Richard Moll, I’ve been counting down my Top 31 Favorite Episodes of “Batman: The Animated Series” throughout this January.
  TODAY’S EPISODE QUOTE: “So, it wasn’t all for nothing.” Number 9 is…Beware the Gray Ghost!
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This is one of the greatest and most renowned episodes of the Animated Series…but as of these recent years, it’s also become one of the most difficult to talk about. In some ways, this episode is even more profoundly impacting now than it ever was before. It’s funny, because the reason(s) for this, I’m sure, will be lost on many future Batman fans; they will never know just how big a deal this episode was when it came out, and how big a deal it is now in this given year. Thankfully, however, those points will not detract from the greatness of this story on its own terms, and a great story is exactly what it is. In this episode, Batman finds out about a series of bombings, committed by a mysterious villain simply referred to as “The Mad Bomber.” He recognizes the crimes as being almost identical, in every way, to the attacks of a fictional villain in a TV series that Bruce Wayne loved dearly as a child, “The Gray Ghost.” To try and solve the case, Batman gets help from the Gray Ghost’s original actor, an aging performer by the name of Simon Trent. Simon has seen better days, as the combo of his typecasting and other personal issues have led to him falling on hard times, and he’s grown bitter about the role that once made him a household name. Batman must find a way to not only stop the Mad Bomber, but reinvigorate Trent’s spirits, as he teams with the Gray Ghost himself to end the crime spree.
Much like the later “Legends of the Dark Knight,” this is an episode that essentially pays homage to Batman’s roots, but in a much more subtle way. I guess I can’t go any further without bringing up the big point: the voice of Simon Trent. It’s none other than Adam West: the original 1960s Batman. The creators of B:TAS were huge fans of the original Adam West series, and odes and homages to the show are sprinkled throughout, some more obvious than others. Trent’s character is one of the biggest examples, as his fictional foibles are a sort of exaggerated mirror of how West’s own career and life went after the 60s series ended. It goes even deeper than that, however: the Gray Ghost himself is a thinly-veiled parody of The Shadow, a character I’ve mentioned many times in the past, who was one of the main inspirations for Batman as a character. (The first Batman comic ever made was an outright ripoff of a Shadow story. No joke, look it up.) Even the villain of the piece feels more like something out of the Shadow than your typical Batman tale, let alone the silly sixties. It’s a double-homage, in a sense, to two great influences on the creators of B:TAS.
This is also what makes the episode hard to watch now: Adam West has been dead for only a few years now, yet, and Kevin Conroy’s passing is still even more painfully recent. You can’t watch this episode as a Batman fan without feeling a sort of pang, realizing not only the significance of two of the greatest Batmen in history onscreen together, but the fact that both are no longer with us. In a weird way, though, that makes the episode even more powerful, because of what the whole story is really about: nostalgia. The way nostalgia effects all three of the main characters in the story – Batman, the Gray Ghost, and the Mad Bomber alike – is a BIG part of this story. Trent is someone who tries to shun the past, who feels pained when he looks back, and has to come to terms with the fact the world has changed, and he has to change, too. He’s haunted by the role that made him once iconic, while also dealing with the issue of being seemingly obsolete, no longer sure of who he is or what his life has truly become. The Bomber, meanwhile, is the opposite extreme: without giving away who it is, it’s someone who clings TOO CLOSE to the past, and to the things they loved in youth, and that obsession drives them to toxic self-destruction, not to mention acts of cruelty and spite. It’s probably not a coincidence that Bruce Timm, one of the show’s creators – a fan of the 60s series – plays this character; a sort of self-parody in the form of the world’s most unsettling fanboy.
It's Batman himself who shows the value of nostalgia and the balance of where it needs to fall: he clings close to his past, as we know, and the Gray Ghost character and series is revealed to be no exception. But he doesn’t allow these things to rule him or destroy him. For people who grew up with Kevin Conroy and Adam West alike, this episode shows just what made both of them such special actors, and reminds us of why both of their respective takes on Batman were so interesting, while also providing a fascinating story that combines all kinds of tonal elements to create an intriguing and entertaining tale. But above all, it serves as a lesson in the dangers and the values of what we keep close in our memories. I think it’s fair to say that everything about this episode – it’s actors, it’s inspirations, and the series it hails from – will be a treasured, nostalgic memory for many years to come.
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Tomorrow we move on with Number 8! Hint: “But they share my unique face! Colonel Whathisname has chickens, and they don't even have moustaches!"
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mxanigel · 4 months
Incoming Pillars of Eternity rambles! (I tried to make my thoughts coherent. Emphasis on tried.) Now that I've reached Defiance Bay, I've been devouring the game this weekend to help me recuperate from recent life stuff, but this morning I had to pause to digest how much the events have affected Natsuki.
For context, Natsuki is a crime-solving moon godlike scientist ranger who initially leans clever, rational, stoic (except for certain things). Diplomatic tendencies partly arise from navigating her pursuit of science and clues and from being a moon godlike. Rational thinking because scientist and because that mindset helped her develop archery skills early on. Prefers honesty to lies but will bend the truth if it helps someone else. Yet becoming a Watcher and learning more than she ever wanted to know about Awakening and soul manipulation… well, that understandably changes a person. She never expected to be considered benevolent. But benevolence is understandable when you're able to read someone else's soul, isn't it?
Recent Caed Nua things:
Natsuki explored more levels in the Endless Paths and got gut punched by Kana's discovery of the truth of the Tanvii ora Toha (Book of Virtues, ooooof)
Was called to court over a dispute of ownership and ended up able to keep Caed Nua because said disputer is a pathetic person
Loves her Mechanics bonus from resting at the stronghold -> she's much less likely to trigger traps now! to her companions' relief
Recent events:
Natsuki imprisoned the impostor of a drug dealer (who later escaped…) and probably meddled too much in the relationship between the real drug dealer and his ex? fiancee
She helped a kid get a fancy dagger and totally burst his bubble by revealing she'd already discovered the secret stashing spot near the amphitheater
Wandered catacombs in search of the source of a long-dead voice and accidentally moved forward a main quest by stumbling into the temple of Woedica (a moon godlike trying to wear a hood doesn't go well, haha) -> ended up taking down creepy catacombs dude and then convincing the quest-giver to destroy the amulet
Spoke at length with a talking statue and has a growing concern with how souls are treated in this world (okay maybe that's more me than Natsuki) with a side effect of starting to wonder whether pursuit of science is worth the cost
Was a bit too giddy about offering Aloth as a "volunteer" to investigate his soul duality condition (she made the two of them talk to each other like adults and was adamantly against him destroying the data gathered in the process)
Retrieved a scroll and instead of returning it, she buried it because a god(?!) asked her to
Discovered Durance's involvement with the Godhammer
Later stumbled across a piece of the Godhammer bomb
Was wholly unprepared to enter the North Ward of the Sanitarium (what. the. fuck.) and ended up killing Azo
Found a ghost who didn't realize he was a ghost playing guide at the above-ground entrance(?) to the temple of Woedica
Drooled with Kana over the bookshelves in the Hall of Revealed Mysteries but came to her senses long enough to use Grimda's key to help an animancy researcher get a text useful in their studies
Figured going to Heritage Hill wouldn't be a big deal and then got wrecked
Also now they're getting attacked by assassins in Defiance Bay
But hey, at least those events boosted Natsuki's reputation enough for Edér to access the records he's been seeking…
Okay. So the Heritage Hill thing. It was bad enough to stumble across the plight of a terrified child surviving amidst the unliving. And then find that an undead soldier was luring her compatriots to their deaths. But that damned tower. Specifically, talking to Icantha about it. The pride of hers that Natsuki felt, the pride Natsuki had to chip away from to reach a rational conclusion, the pride that resonated with Natsuki's own sense of identity. The pride that casually manipulated countless souls… for what purpose? Knowledge? Power? Control? People aren't playthings, aren't resources, aren't materials. They are people. The living shouldn't be abused by the dead.
Yet what it takes for Natsuki to chip away at that pride… is talking like she once herself did about being a scientist. About pursuing knowledge and understanding and wisdom. She convinces Icantha to give up that pride under the hope that Natsuki will carry the knowledge forward on her behalf. And then Natsuki overloads the tower so that no one else can abuse those souls. Despite knowing the souls would be destroyed, it's better than them being abused. Isn't it?
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Now Natsuki has too many questions storming through her already overly-taxed mind: What does it mean to be "good"? What does it mean to pursue knowledge? Can knowledge be gained without harm or sacrifice? When is that knowledge worth the cost?
Her remaining tether is helping her companions. Who occasionally seem to notice when she's faltering. Thank the gods for Sagani and Edér and, well, everyone in her party.
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scorpiongrassfield · 8 months
Theo Can’t Taste His Food
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“I’m fairly certain I didn’t have ageusia before I died… Perhaps this is a... side effect, of being a ghost, so to speak?” he says. 
Pat finally snaps out of their stare of disbelief. “That’s possible. We’d need more data to know for sure,” they say. “But this is very helpful. Thanks, Theo.” 
You’re barely following the conversation. This has to be a coincidence. Maybe you just lost your sense of taste when you lost your memory. Maybe you’ve never been able to taste things. 
Just because you have no sense of taste doesn’t mean you have to be a ghost, right? 
“Are you okay, Sylv?” Theo asks. 
You force the welling panic back down from where it’s rising up your throat. “Yep. Fine,” you lie unconvincingly. The lighter might as well be burning a hole in your pocket.
Theo raises his eyebrows, but doesn’t call you on it. 
Pat has completely abandoned their salad in favor of making more notes. 
“So, what’s next in our plans,” you ask, refusing to continue thinking about any implications the past few minutes might have about your entire existence. 
“Well… I’m going to say goodbye to the folks here. Tell them I’m moving away so they won’t worry when I don’t show up,” Theo says. 
“Oh. That sounds like a good idea,” you say. The sinking feeling is refusing to go away. You try to outrun it by staying distracted. 
“Why do the people here call you Teddy instead of Theo?” you ask. 
“Ah, that’s because George is friends with the owner and most of the staff here. George and Bernie were regulars for years and years,” Theo says. 
“That doesn’t actually answer my question,” you point out, trying to keep your breathing under control. 
“Oh! I forgot. George has always called me Teddy since I came out. Said it would give me “transition goals”. You know. Like a teddy bear,” Theo says, rubbing at the back of his neck, seeming a bit embarrassed. 
“And then George introduced me to the people here when I moved, and said “this is my little cousin Teddy, play nice with him, okay?”. So. They call me Teddy.” 
“Oh. That’s kind of cute,” you say. 
This is not working. 
The dread is coming for you whether you like it or not. 
“I don’t mind it, but I still prefer Theo. It seems more. I don’t know…�� he trails off.
“Are you feeling alright?” he asks, looking worried. 
“If you’re feeling unwell, have some of your soup,” Pat chimes in, making you jump. “You’re not a ghost, so you still need to eat,” they say. 
And that’s just a little bit too much. 
You really can’t breathe. 
When the woods come to take you, you can’t even fight it, despite knowing that there’s something you need to do. 
The flowers are cold and wet underneath you as you fall to the ground, unable to keep yourself upright. All you can do is hunch over and try and fail to breathe. 
You feel cold rain on your back. You can’t tell where the shaking from the cold ends and the shaking from panic begins. 
You can’t be dead. You can’t. You’ve been living with Pat for years, wouldn’t they have noticed you were dead? They’re a ghost expert. And if… if your memory loss was connected to your death, they would still have noticed. There would have been a body. Or you would have gone missing. They would know.  
It has to be a coincidence. It has to be. Because you don’t think you could handle any other explanation. 
You finally manage to get some air back into your lungs and it burns. 
You’re breathing because you’re alive. 
You have to believe this. 
After another minute or two of getting your breathing back under control, you stand back up, still shaking. It’s not raining anymore. The lighter has cooled off. 
You sway a bit, feeling dizzy. 
But you have to keep going. You have a promise to keep, and a mystery to solve. 
Maybe along the way you’ll find out what happened to you, so you can know for sure that you’re still alive. 
You can hear music playing. Sounds like one of Pat’s CD’s. You’re probably in the car. 
You follow the music back into the passenger seat. 
Your breathing is still a little shaky, but the music does help. 
Once Pat notices you’re awake they say, “Are we going to talk about it?” 
“About what?” it could be any number of things. 
“Your fainting worried Theo so much he almost didn’t say goodbye to his friends at the diner,” Pat says. 
“Oh.” That. Well. It could be a worse topic. 
Pat sighs. “Look, kid. This is really getting worrying. It’s been worrying,” they say. 
Pat shakes their head. “No. You don’t have to feel bad, it’s not your fault, but,” they stop, seeming to be looking for the right words. 
“Won’t you let me take you to the doctor? I swear I’ll stay with you as much as they’ll let me. I won’t let anything bad happen to you, but you need to get this checked out. Before it gets worse,” they say. 
You shake your head without a thought. You are not doing that. 
“I can’t,” you say. You don’t know why you can’t. You can’t remember whatever it is that tells you that you can’t. But you know that you can’t. 
Pat sighs again. “I thought you would say that. It was worth a shot,” they say, sounding sad. 
“Sorry,” you say again. 
“Don’t be,” they say. 
The music fills the silence between you, the upbeat synth at odds with the atmosphere. 
It makes you uncomfortable, so you speak up again. 
“I have an idea,” you say. You’ve decided what angle to work to convince Pat to do what the shadow wants. 
“Is it about going to the doctor?” Pat asks. 
“Pat,” you admonish. 
“Sorry, sorry. What’s your idea?” 
“I think that maybe Theo would like to help us solve our missing sun mystery,” you say. 
“Probably, but I’m not sure he’ll be around long enough for that,” Pat says, tapping their finger against the steering wheel. 
You frown. “I think it would be nice for him, though. He felt really isolated before he died, and was still isolated afterwards. Don’t you think getting to spend some time with friends might help him move on peacefully?” 
Pat considers it. “That… might be true. Good thinking, kid,” Pat says. “It won’t hurt to try. We can ask him next time we see him.” 
That was surprisingly easy. 
“I could text him,” you say. 
“That phone really shouldn’t be working at this point,” Pat mutters. They don’t comment on it further, so you assume that it’s fine to text. 
[Would you like to help Pat and I solve a mystery?] 
<I would love to. What mystery will I be helping with?>
[It’s kind of complicated]
[The sun is missing, for one thing]
[And I am trapped in between two different realities, for another]
<That does sound complicated!>
[I’ll fill you in on the details next time I see you]
<I’ll be looking forward to it. : )>
“If we’re gonna be focusing on this, we’re gonna need to make a stop,” Pat says, pulling your attention away from your phone. 
“What for?” 
“Supplies,” they say vaguely. They’re grinning. 
You know they enjoy being cryptic, so you let that rest where it is. 
Instead you turn your thoughts to what the shadow was trying to tell you. 
If the woods were the bottom canvas, you can assume that one of the other canvasses was here with Pat. But then, what would the other canvas be? 
And the shadow said that your soul would be fine in such a way that implied that there was a soul on the line, but that it wasn’t yours. So whose soul makes up the woods? The shadow’s? Why are you entering the shadow’s soul? How are you entering the shadow’s soul? How is Ametrine there? The shadow doesn’t seem to be at particular risk from her, it said she could only make it forget, meaning she couldn’t exorcize it. 
So what is she after? 
Your heart skips a beat. 
If there was another ghost around in there. That would explain things. 
You put the thought away before it has a chance to sink in. 
There aren’t any other ghosts in there. It’s just you, the shadow, and Ametrine, and the shadow is the only one that’s dead. 
Back to the original question of the three canvases. One might be Ametrine, if they represent souls. Her soul would be in some way connected to the woods, for her to be in there, right? 
And the other one could be you, since you’re also in there. 
But that also doesn’t seem right. 
In that case the collapse would still affect you. Maybe you  misread the shadow’s tone when it said your soul would be fine? 
“You wanna stay in here, or come inside with me?” Pat asks. 
Pat gestures to the craft store visible through the window. “We’re here. Do you want to come in?” 
“Oh. Sure,” you say, unbuckling your seatbelt. 
“Are we getting some paint for Theo?” you ask as you follow Pat inside. 
Pat huffs, surprised. “Well, we weren’t, but that’s a good idea. Maybe finishing his painting will help him move on,” they say. 
“What are we here for then?” 
“Supplies,” Pat says again. 
“Okay, but what for?” 
Pat grins. “Let’s see if you can guess by the time we check out,” they say. 
“Challenge accepted.” 
You head for the paint section first. 
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m0use-brained · 7 months
my (super)ordinary life!
as some might know its about two college boys renting an apartment together(by chance) and dealing with the ghost of a Victorian boy who was murdered by his nanny. the story follows the protagonist Xavier who is a "realist" and skeptic and doesnt believe in ghosts at all. his roommate on the other hand dallas is a firm believer and a medium. the little Victorian kid Arch whos trying to get the attention of xavier due to him looking so much like his best friend in life falls short in doing so through little antics. The two go through college with unexplainable things happening(well dallas tries to tell xavier its the ghost with xavier not believing him) until xavier has enough of bad things happening and finally folds and lets dallas do whatever he needed. they go through alot to finally talk to arch(buying equipment is hard when your in college) and THEN try to solve the mystery of who killed arch, to let him feel at peace and not restless anymore
Government kids??? no name yet- haeaawdjhnThree kids (17 yr old girl, 14 yr old boy and 10 yr old boy) who are all siblings to this last group of people with magical powers end up loosing their parents due to the new government that was implemented recently. But the world for like more then a hundred years now have passed their reign over magic. now magic is only within their brightly colored hair and eyes(bald ppl dont exist). Along with some people having animalistic qualities and other- fanstay qualities. they are still so very human in the aspects of no one has magical powers but they have some extra points towards things like strength if they were a werewolf or something. (they dont change under a full moon they are stuck in the half furry state). anyways. the three kids end up trying to not get captured by the government running all over the place. they go to highschool for a time, then make friends and go to the friends house. a friend dies. some within family drama happens and the oldest sibling fights with the middle child. the oldest gets captured first. the two other siblings go with their owl caretaker(who barely shows up within the story). the youngest seems not to happy with this and escapes to a village somehow untouched by the government and learn about his herritage(somewhat hes like 10). oldest goes through hell to escape and find the middle child and the youngest. turns out hte owl turned the middle kid into the government and winter finding out oliver isnt with the middle she saves the middle and then says a brisk apology as she is on the hunt to find her baby brother. tension between winter and rodger rise but winter is preoccupied with saving oliver. oliver makes frineds with this young girl and her dad and those two help oliver go into the biggest city to try and find winter and rodger. winter and rodger are one step behind as they get into the village. rodger finds out about their family but winter couldnt care less as she is tiredlessly trying to find oliver. its way to much i know and i left out funny goofy government villans that are clear ripoffs of team rocket but in my own funny way...
Super hero esk story?? idk i called it Switcheroo but thats kinda silly.the protagonist is the top villan's son who goes into the top hero school. (the mom sees how influcened he is to do crime but wants the best life for him. she wants him to choose after also being influenced by what their society deems as noble and good) Zero(protag) dorms with a girl(filing mess up) who is the daughter of number 1 heroic(hero system is different here too) bull's eye. on the news they find out the 3rd heroic on the ranking chart gets kidnapped by zero's mom??? and zero goes to talk with her about it as hes grown attached to the girl he dorms with and saw how upset she'd become. the mom denies it and says this was all a publicity stunt from bull's eye to gain more money and fame. zero says to out them. the mom cant. because no one will ever trust the villains. even if they did what would it do. strike fear into people that even hero's are corrupt and evil will always win? they needed to do something. zero tried to tell the girl but she couldnt believe him. they have a fight. zero ends up trying to do everything in his power to make it up to her. humiliating himself infront of the whole school(but he doesnt care). she accepts his apology and makes sure he isnt injured. he does get in trouble but thats not the point. she hears him out and admits to things shes seen as a kid ever since her parents divorced due to money problems. the premise is they have to take down the two top heroics from inside their ogranization or making them quit by them messing up every save. (prank them so hard they quit). (i dont know the ending yet akjwdnajkw) -
Super hero esk story?? idk i called it Switcheroo but thats kinda silly.the protagonist is the top villan's son who goes into the top hero school. (the mom sees how influcened he is to do crime but wants the best life for him. she wants him to choose after also being influenced by what their society deems as noble and good) Zero(protag) dorms with a girl(filing mess up) who is the daughter of number 1 heroic(hero system is different here too) bull's eye. on the news they find out the 3rd heroic on the ranking chart gets kidnapped by zero's mom??? and zero goes to talk with her about it as hes grown attached to the girl he dorms with and saw how upset she'd become. the mom denies it and says this was all a publicity stunt from bull's eye to gain more money and fame. zero says to out them. the mom cant. because no one will ever trust the villains. even if they did what would it do. strike fear into people that even hero's are corrupt and evil will always win? they needed to do something. zero tried to tell the girl but she couldnt believe him. they have a fight. zero ends up trying to do everything in his power to make it up to her. humiliating himself infront of the whole school(but he doesnt care). she accepts his apology and makes sure he isnt injured. he does get in trouble but thats not the point. she hears him out and admits to things shes seen as a kid ever since her parents divorced due to money problems. the premise is they have to take down the two top heroics from inside their ogranization or making them quit by them messing up every save. (prank them so hard they quit). (i dont know the ending yet akjwdnajkw)
The Moon's craters
a bunch of billionares go to the moon(or a planet that looks like the moon whatever man) and colonize there. hundreds of years pass and the world is sci-fi and dystopian esk?? the poor live in slums and the rich live near the sky!. people who live on the moon have adapted to look different. and the story follows one poor boy on the moon. hes loved the moon but hated the system. classic. so one day he sneaks on a ship that travel's to earth. there he's traversing through earth to see if it was better then the moon. in fact it is not. its more- kingdom esk?? ever since a war that happened long ago.(they still have tech and use alot of it they just enjoy the structural build of kingdoms) protag finds a prince(after getting a job as a servant) and tells him about the moon and stuff. the prince is grossed out but interested in the rich people's fashion sense and taste. he agrees to go with. he litterally just runs away with like a shit ton of money and buys himself a ticket to the moon. goes to the moon they find out theres a war gonna happen cause they cauiught the protag "kidnapping" a prince??? protag is wanted. best friend sidekick doesnt give a fuck????:? so they get a trip to a different planet to escape it all. find out they are super underdeveloped and the moon have been taking that planet's orphans for testing!>?!?>! they rescue one orphan from a new shipment of orphans about to be sent out. (thats all i have so far lmao) -
this follows like a ground of people going about space. spaceboots SB(hes got big ass boots), SpaceGloves SG(shes got big ass gloves), Chat(robot guy who talks like zane from lego ninjao but has the brain compacity of a twitch chat), Hat(he wears hats idfk), Shirt(wears beeeeeeg shirt. the hyper cute person of the group). Dress(guy who loves fashion) along with shirt's cat Skrible(very poorly drawn cat who uhm... cat) i forgor most of the plot but like SB uses his mom's ship to do random things through out the galazy and goes on quest. something is wrong with the spaceship i think and they have to get new parts on planets they havent ever been through. they find out more about- the mom and other family i think while getting parts from people who seem to know their parents and shit? aughh i loved their characters so much ajshdakjhwd
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allthecastlesonclouds · 5 months
hi giving you an opportunity to infodump about wips and fic ideas <3
AGADSGFJHASDFJKH bird got my fic rambles so. you get my OCs sorry i don't make the rules they are forever a wip and i refuse to shut up about them
SO they're technically backgroundish characters for a DnD world bc Teary is part of the Pantheon for the world but. it's not about them it's about my guys!!
so teary is the son of Light and Shadows. his full name is tearithus, because why the hell not he can have some drama as a treat, he starts as a funky little imp, a bard-esque guy, who's kind of the comedic relief? he's the least toxic-masculinity-ified man you've ever met, though, because. his mother refused. their story is in three arcs and between one and two he gets mass promoted from imp to archdevil bc. yknow. saving the world and all that jazz. anyway he gets some body issues deals with that for a While. he deals with them by creating a magic circle that creates a 'permanent' shape change on his body to send his actual form to the ethereal plane. (he does not deal with them for a While.) he's loud and dramatic until literally anyone in the party starts talking, and then. he just sits and listens.
and his bestie my bestie chara. it's not her actual name (that's barely shared bc. points. fae). her title is the lady of fire, keeper of memories and watcher of time, but she doesn't try to get into that much. she's just a sad gay phoenix woman who misses her wife. she is So Self-Sacrificing and for what? Self hatred?? anyway she lost her wife in the First War, got her wife's Orb, and realized that she's possibly never going to see her wife again because her soul is nowhere. she's a fae (bc phoenix) and so struggles a lot in transitions between realms, but the transition that hit her hardest was, naturally, faerie to material. her wife helped her then. a millenia later, teary shows up at her doorstep, bleeding out, and she helps him just how she was helped. she has innate magic (sorcerer!!) and absolutely loves fucking with her own appearance. her spellcasting focus is her wedding ring– when she realized teary set up the Circle to hide his appearance, she said she wouldn't tell if he hid her ring too– focuses are targeted, she points out, and she'll be damned if she ever loses that. she can die and 'be reborn', but it's based on deals: if she dies, she gets sent to Liminality, too far from where she knows safety, and a Demon or Angel pops up to offer her a deal. she haggles and returns to life with some benefit or disadvantage. towards the end of arc two, she gets hung, and returns in a blaze of fire with true sight, but her Actual Vision is taken– her eyes are pure flame.
if duos were made of my guys, chara and mini would get paired up a lot just because teary and august are Love Interests TM. this whole friend group are Friends With Each Other, and these two have that good good sapphic/aroace bonding. they're besties. they're competitors. they have completely different views on the gods. mini, if i had to sum them up in a 'describe your character like Shit challenge,' would be: an amnesiac ghost wakes up in the Liminality with a sword and decides to solve a mystery. mini is self named– short for minutia– and they're a paladin of the Innkeeper, one of the Pantheon (Time). Mini's title starts as 'The Sword of the Innkeeper' and they are a damn good paladin. they don't have control over too many things at the start– their main motivation is to know Who They Are– but, really, their main arc is finding themself in the world itself, figuring out that they are not defined by who they were in life. it helps that, being a ghost and a dead elf, they have almost complete resistance to magical effects on physical forms and non-magic weapons– they will refuse to die. they're not naïve, but they are optimistic, which pairs them and teary together against chara and august pretty often, who are a bit more pessimistic/pragmatic.
and! speaking of august! my darling augustine, High Angel of Mercy. she begins the story serving under Life, but ends up just serving the cause, the belief of Mercy. She, of all Immortals, is the one pushing closest to Godhood without being one. she doesn't want to be one. she died half a decade into the First War– she was followed home from a town square performance and shot twice– and she's been Working In This Vein of Bullshit for the longest. if i had to give her a dnd class it would be monk: she does the punches, not the magics, but thoroughly diverts the 'magics person is the leader, punchies are the henchman with no thoughts' idea by Being So On Top Of Her Shit. she's got portals set up to each Plane, commissions Sending Earrings/Rings for the group, does a lot of Heaven's paperwork, and is too much of a perfectionist to not Have Her Shit Together. she's not, exactly, go-with-the-flow as much as the rest of the group is, because she is Terrified Of Fucking Up, but she is ruthless and impulsive in battle once she knows the people she's fighting have Wronged in a way that cannot be reprieved. also, she likes to dance. wonder what that's about? couldn't be her Life.
teary and chara have known each other the longest: legends build, you see, and townsfolk are afraid, and so when Teary came to the Material he got shot. a couple times. and a kind soul in the woods told him of the Firebird in the Mountains, so you best believe he hightailed it up there. he found her, and she helped him, and they have tea every Tuesday, where they absolutely gossip and are happy to admit it.
teary and august met next: teary works in hell for a Long While– being an imp, not a god, where would he go?– and august is basically the Deal With Anything Anywhere department of heaven, so when some trappings of Uncanny Necromancy starts to pop up on the material– and they're summoning from both Heaven and Hell– august goes Give Me One'a You Guys and gets teary to help her out. they become friends and just. keep working together.
then there's something messing with faerie, their souls being trapped in heaven instead of melting into the Being Of The World, and teary goes 'gustie i know a guy' and drags in chara. chara and august are DELIGHTED with each other and bond over lightly ribbing teary and also pretty women and also the world is fucked up and we lost Too Much to War, didn't we? anyway they get that cleared up :)
mini comes along last– it's 6 years into the Second War when heaven and hell stop receiving souls and august realizes there's a backup at the Inn at The End of The World. the innkeeper goes Help Me Please the Inn Isn't Made To Hold This Many People and mini, being one of these souls and being nosy and also knowing 'hey i worshipped this one. that's my Diety Right There' goes how can i help? and! the party is complete!
i'll shut up now but there may be a post about the Pantheon if i'm ever prompted with anything because. these ones are my guys but the Pantheon lets me weave words yknow?
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omegasmileyface · 2 years
Of All the People - Ch. 9
journal time! written by @attackradish and me and @ectolemonades. art in chapter 1 by @/toasty-ghosti
whole fic summary: After a stupid dare puts Dash Baxter in the lab at Fentonworks during the middle of a ghost fight, he finds himself a little more spectral than usual. Apparently Danny Fenton’s gone through the same thing (someone has got to call OSHA on these guys eventually), and who could better help Dash than his hero? His lame, stubborn hero?
warnings: Nothing for this chapter! In others, existential crises, and Spectra.
words: 1645
AO3 link
first chapter
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Star stabbed at her chow mein from her place on Paulina's couch. Her mind was racing trying to sort everything in her life. Between Dash's ghost situation, the hectic state of student council (you can't find funding for two new school dances in one year. You just can't do it!), and a tricky new Government paper, she felt like she couldn't afford to give all her attention to her friends.
"Oh my God."
Well, alright, she could always spare some attention for Paulina.
"What is it, Lina?"
"Dash has been spending an awful lot of time with Fenton recently."
"Huh." Kwan set down his broccoli beef and slowly leaned into the couch. "I guess it's probably a ghost thing. Like, Fenton's got access to a bunch of portals and weapons and stuff. Or at least he did when we went up against those pirate ghosts. How do you think Dash is keeping his secret from the guy?"
"It's more than that. Dash is fully putting up with Fenton. Even though it looks to me like Fenton isn't enjoying it much. If he needed equipment, wouldn't he just go to the guy's sister? She's actually tolerable."
Huh. She had a point. 
Kwan shrugged. "Well, she is really smart. I bet he's worried she'd figure out that he's a ghost."
"Hold on. That might be it, but I think Lina's on to something." She was clearly going somewhere with this, and Star wanted to know where. "I feel like Dash has been following him around like a puppy. Almost like… he's started, like, admiring him, or something."
Kwan's eyes brightened in understanding. "Hey, if Dash has been getting help from Phantom sometimes, do you think maybe they're sharing resources? Say, if Phantom had any help getting into tough places and getting his hands on equipment, I bet Dash knows about it too."
Star liked how this was coming together. "Gosh, guys, have you ever noticed how Fenton seems to leave and take that thermos with him whenever there's a ghost? And that time that we were all over at his house, he certainly knew how to hand out weapons and get us using them."
Kwan smiled back at her, just as satisfied with a mystery solved.
"Wasn't it weird," added Paulina, "when Dash said Phantom had experience with half-ghosts?"
'Oh my God' indeed.
Well… Star could work with this.
Kwan 7:38 PM hey man sorry u missed hanging tonight
Kwan 7:38 PM: dont really want to have this conversation over text but i get why u missed
Kwan 7:39 PM: paulina has this theory that the nerd ure hanging out with is Celebrity Ghost Watch
You 7:39 PM: what hes not
Kwan 7:39 PM: whatever man
You 7:39 PM: shut up
You 7:40 PM: you cant tell ANYBODY!!! u guys super were not suposed 2 find out
Kwan 7:40 PM: yeah i get it i read spider man
Kwan 7:40 PM: we would never do that to him or u
Kwan 7:40 PM: dont worry
You 7:40 PM: thanks.
"Hey, Fenton."
"Star. What's up?"
"I know you're Phantom."
"And it's just them?"
"Looks like it. Paulina and Star swore themselves to secrecy.  Kwan did some kind of intricate bro handshake with me that ended in a pinky promise. Dash wasn't even there."
"I wouldn't trust a word out of their mouths."
"I don't know, Sam. I, for one, think we could use this to our advantage."
"Of course you would, geek."
"I'm so fucking sorry my friends found out about your thing!"
"Don't call it that."
"I swear I didn't tell them."
"I know. They already told me. I'm still trusting you to keep them in line, though, alright?"
"Of course! I'll try not to let them bug you too much either."
"Good luck."
"What's up with the sudden interest in ghost culture?"
"Well, really, Danny, it's such a fascinating topic. But there wasn't really anyone we could ask about it before we knew you were, you know, not a massive loser!"
"Thanks. My reputation is saved. Hallelujah."
"So? You've got to have something you can give us a lesson on."
"Fine. Get prepared to dive right in, though."
"Specter Speeder is ready. Everybody got your bags secured?"
"This is going to be a fun new form of Hell."
"Don't I know it, chica."
November 19
I didnt realize how long its been since I journaled. Shit's just been so hectic lately I kinda forgot to be honest haha. Well for one thing my friends know about Dannys secret now. Paulina just sorta put it together. Shes always been good at problem solving and that kind of stuff, apparently I've been hanging out with him way more now and that was enough to make a conection? When Danny found out he insisted his friends and him get to talk to them to make sure they don't rat him out to the G I W or whatever but honestly it looks like their getting along pretty good after that. My friends wanted to see more stuff about how ghosts live(?) so we got to go on a trip Danny and his friends wanted to take me on some time anyway. It was Ok so apparently when Danny got ice powers he had to figure out how to use them and also not freeze to death (am I gonna get ice powers?? is he gonna have to teach me? or would I learn straight from these guys) and when he did that, it was these like sasquach guys who had to train him for a bit. So now their like buddies. They live in an ice tribe called the Far frozen and that's where we went today. That's in the ghost zone!!
It was really scary worrying tbh. The ghost zone is super not designed for humans to be in it so it was kinda like we where going to space or something. Aparently people can breathe and stuff but their organs will get all fucked up from the weird gravity and radiation if theyre out there for too long. Danny said I'd be fine though. So anyway we had to wait untill the fentons weren't home, and Dannys' friends got this spaceship car thing out and told us a bunch of safety prep like we were going on a roller coaster. Do they really think we were just gonna fuck around and put ourselves in danger in a new dimension? It was like listening through the instructions before the C A T. ugh. But it was cool becuz after that we got to go into the ghost zone! The portal kinda sucked to go through, it reminded me of when I the bazooka. But when we got in it was super cool, it was like you could taste the air without opening your mouth… it was like when you drink an energy drink to stay awake and it actually works and doesn't feel like shit.
When we were driving there was all these doors and islands and stuff just floating everywhere. Danny started talking about it, and there was so much cool stuff I didn't know about ghosts!! The doors usually go to ghost's lairs which are like there personal homes (do I have a lair or is it just my house? I should ask Danny what his lair is) but sometimes they just go to diffrent time periods and places in the normal world?? There was this sick ass island that had a giant skull on it. Some Junglanji shit. But Danny said we couldn't get close cuz the island belonged to that Skulker guy. I don't see what the issue is when I've seen Phantom take him down so much before but there was too much other cool stuff to put up a fight. One time it looked like we were gonna run into a school of fish, but they were little green blob ghosts. I've seen those in town a couple times but theyre never in swarms like that back home! Blob ghosts are SO CUTE. Maybe I can have one as a pet some day.
So when we got to the Far frozen it was cold as hell. What a surprise huh? The whole place was just this massive plain of snow. It was like those pictures of Canada. But as soon as we got off the ship, the main chief guy Frost bite greeted us. He was this yeti sasquatch polar bear thing and he was HUGE but once my friends were done being scared he shook our hands and offered to carry us and oh my god he was so soft. Also his arm was like made of ice and it had bones showing thru it, which is just wicked. He took us into the town, and they had igloos and furs and stuff like those Alaskan tribes but there was also electronics and stuff? I didn't even think ghosts had towns let alone made tech. Everybody was super nice and they had all this great art made out of ice. I get that they have ice powers but oh my god?? Oh yeah and everybody kept calling Danny great one like he was the guy in one of those midevil romance flicks. I don't think he wanted them too but when we asked why, Frost bite told us he saved everybody from that viking dude who put the town in the ghost zone freshman year. God I didn't even think about how it was Danny who did that.
Yeah. We got to eat some of their food when we knew it was human safe and then we went home. I could sleep for a day but it was sooo cool. (Heh that was kind of a pun)
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