#in your head
euphorictruths · 1 year
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In Your Head- Christopher Morphis; 2020
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bluefishbaby · 1 month
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watchingyousleepbitch · 5 months
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Make sure your dreams are worth watching, or I won't be entertained 👁 👁
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night-houndx · 22 days
You ever laugh to yourself in your head, but like instead of your normal laugh its just grunkle stans 'HA!'
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heavenintheclouds · 28 days
Do y'all repeat phrase in your head ? Like if someone talk to me and just say a basic sentence I'll repeat that in my head without on purpose am I weird TwT
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riotsinmyh3ad · 1 year
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detectivebambam · 2 months
okay i saw this somewhere but i can't find it so I'm gonna have to redneck this shit
What do we share?
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 100lbs
Hair color: Pink/Blond
Hair length: Past my hips but above my thighs?
Favorite color: Pink
Eye color: Blue
Style: Soft Punk
Sexuality + Gender: Queer, Who Knows
Favorite movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Favorite book: The Book Thief
Favorite series: The Lord of the Rings
Favorite artist: Hozier
Sports (competed, not to watch): Gymnastics, Soccer, Baseball, Basketball, Wrestling, Golf, American Football
Hobbies: Electric guitar, Skateboarding, Reading, Writing, Drawing
answer in comments or tags pls
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nayladoodles · 5 months
Screw your star sign...
What's your internal playlist of songs that you can only remember part of that plays on repeat?
Mine currently:
Birth of Venus
Drunk Dazed
Pacify Her
Baby Said
10 Things I Hate About You
oratrice mecanique d'analyse cardinale(genshin meme)
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look i didnt cope well with covid and lockdowns and stuff and i turned to a lot of different things to keep me vibing somewhat normally but i think my favorite coping mechanism was the aesthetic pinterest board i created for my emotions titled "Apocalypse Aesthetic"
its actually really interesting to see how my brain was functioning in the worst times through what i thought reflected the state of the world
here are some highlights
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like idk
its just cool how i picked up something dumb like an aesthetic pinterest board and just decided to go to town with making it an accurate reflection of what i felt the world was like at the time
and it was something i added to when i was feeling like i needed to get stuff out of my head? and its like? not depressing as it could have been?
and now looking back on it
its like im an archeologist digging through the history i lived through
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bluefishbaby · 5 days
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sunglassesmish · 2 years
thought of misha’s smile. 3 dead 12 injured
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vegaseatsass · 1 year
Queen Seondeok spoilers below
Ok exorcising this post from my head before it gets lost in the brain attic instead of articulated. Truly will be of interest to me and only me but I want to SAY THESE WORDS and have a way to reread them months from now. So I don't actually know what the feeling on Nirvana in Fire 2 was in my current fandom circles, but back when I watched everyone was like "meh it's fine but it's no Nirvana in Fire 1" and that is kind of how I feel about the last 10ish episodes of Queen Seondeok after Mishil leaves. Like it's still a really gripping and compelling show but suddenly everyone is a LITTLE stupider and I'm spending a LITTLE more time yelling at the tv screen because all these previously brilliant strategists are taking years to figure out what I, a plebeian, have put together from anvilicious context clues. Suddenly the politics of our heroes are a LITTLE sketchier and we're getting what feels like a LITTLE too much nationalism for my taste*. That's all fine, it's just a drop in quality of writing, still interested to see where this all goes, but the real thing I hated was eps 52-57ish where Bidam...
...went from a delight of a character to an uncomplicatedly manipulative bastard who kept feeling sorry for himself that his grotesque attempts at controlling the object of his obsession were destroying her trust and affection for him. But it wasn't just a consistent personality switch, it was this confusing dynamic where he would be a smirky piece of shit in one scene, then the next he'd be earnestly crying and begging for attention. He would be doing dumb shit that fucked over his queen and nation one scene, then characters would comment on his selfless one-sided love a scene later (the comparisons to Seolwon, who truly did love his evil wife with zero attempts at owning her: I was flabbergasted!). It sucked because he's my fav dude in the show you see! What was the point of him wishing after Munno died to learn to be good at Deokman's side, what was the point of him telling Mishil he'd love in his own way, what was the point of Deokman comforting him beautifully over his mom only for him to choose her over Deokman, are we really going the determinism route where he can't escape his own evil blood? But I tried to make sense of it, like "hey, don't make this already morally flexible guy responsible for corralling all the most toxic people in your court and expect him to come out in one piece, my queen." "Okay, he always just wanted parents and now that he 'knows' his mom who left him on the floor as a baby 'loved him' he has to follow her evil plans after death." (I understood this to be the textual justification but I kinda hated it because he def didn't come across as if he was trying to do his evil filial duty but as if he was trying to follow his evil unfilial dick.) "Well, if Deokman is the hilt for his feral blade or whatever and now she's queen and has to be cold and distant, maybe he's just back in Hwarang tournament mode, causing problems in a desperate bid for attention, rather than because he ACTUALLY BELIEVES destroying Yushin is the path to 'winning' Deokman." I was compelled by a combination of these reasons, but I still missed old Bidam! I missed when he got to be cunning and vaguely amoral and Deokman would go, no we're not going to poison the entire fortress, BUT your idea gives ME an idea! (Instead of like "oh he just went and poisoned the entire fortress w/o me, pinned it on Yushin, and left me to pick up the pieces then cried when I yelled at him for it.")
However!!! Somewhere around ep 57 (sorry I don't have the specific number, we were binging), his personality... switches back?!?!?! Suddenly it's like no time has passed between Mishil's death and this moment, suddenly he is the Bidam Deokman and the audience know and love. Glad to have him back! LOVE that Deokman decided to prioritize keeping him over punishing him for the fuckery of the past bunch of episodes, that is a fun and consistent character choice. But!! I still feel like the writers did not do enough to justify or acknowledge his 5ish episodes of pure fuckery. He didn't just try to knock Yushin out of favor, he failed to stave off the Baekje invasion when they had everything they needed to get the leg up on them. That is something neither Deokman or his mom would have forgiven so easily! And hey maybe Deokman doesn't blame him because the entire court was agitating to bring Yushin down and ignore his information, but it was very frustrating to watch Bidam fuck up that bad for that many episodes in ways that almost wiped out their army and got who knows how many civilians killed, and never be held even verbally accountable. All to try to control Deokman into wanting him, while the narrative kept telling us he just has a selfless crush and some unrelated "manipulative DNA" issues. Well anyway!!! I solved it for myself!!! By deciding!!!!!! He is possessed by Mishil's ghost for those episodes!!! HAHA
It's perfect because everything fucked he was doing was consistent w/ her style of strategy (and it is genuinely more sympathetic to me to try to destroy Yushin for power than for "love"), and it means all the atonal Jekyll moments of earnestness he has in between the fuckery are just actual Bidam coming up for air before his mom's ghost takes the reins again.
More importantly it's perfect because I needed more of a motivation for my absurd time travel fuck-it fic concept (where Deokman travels back to the moment as a trainee where Mishil tells her to take off her clothes, is like, YES MA'AM!!, and then proceeds to seduce her utterly) than "Deokman is sad Mishil is dead and wishes she was around to help hone her as a ruler." Well, ha ha! Now when Deokman gazes into the abyss of the time vortex at the end of her life (don't spoil meeeee for the very last 3 episodes, but I'm p worried that's coming up any minute), and tells the time gods that she wants her shot at a do-over instead of passing into the next life, it won't just be so she can make Mishil love her more than she loves Silla, so Mishil takes her deal to come home w/ her during her coup, it won't just be to try to save Cheonmyeong and Sohwa's lives and get more time with them, it will also be to avert or at least get the leg up on a disastrous surprise war for her country.
This also means if any fuckery does happen w/ Bidam in the remaining three episodes lol I can justify it as "oh well trust was broken between them in 52-57 but if Deokman had exorcised Mishil's ghost - or better yet averted her death with irresistible sex - that never would have happened, and Bidam would get a happy ending too, which she very much wants." I am going to tag this in case I never write the fic, in case another person one day watches this 2009 drama, gets obsessed with Deokman and Mishil's relationship, and also cares overly much about Bidam's character consistency, but I apologize to everyone else who checks the tag, for being such a niche weirdo with tunnel vision. Oh a post about fan favorite Bidam! No it's actually about my Mishil/Deokman agenda... I just think it would be fun for trainee!Deokman to be like "oh, my lady, oh! I'll take off my clothes but now you're going to have another secret to control me with! But I simply can't resist you~~" and like, not actually dispel Mishil's correct suspicions that she was working for the princess at that point, but dangle this delicious opportunity before Mishil to at least compromise that loyal bond w/ sex, all whilst Deokman works to be sexy and mesmerizing enough to compromise Mishil's loyalty to her own dreams. I am prob not talented enough a writer to pull this off ANYWAY lmao, but I think it would be FUN!!! * This was about the Deokman vs. the Gaya plot and that was well worth sticking it out for imo, but my god I got nervous when she was stamping her feet about them not appreciating her enough for the rights she doled out. I guess I was used to Deokman being in the moral right, so I didn't trust that they were doing a storyline where she still had more growing to do. But they did and it kind of ruled imo. EDIT: WE JUST WATCHED EPISODE 60 AND SURE ENOUGH THERE'S MORE BIDAM FUCKERY!!! LOLLLL it's not his fault this time though :( more fodder for Deokman to want a time travel do-over
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vizrecon · 1 year
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mitietoni · 8 months
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Obituary  -  In Your Head
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