#incredible to read the words written out like this
epersonae · 1 day
Director's cut of "For The Benefit of All the Broken Hearts", please! (p.s. - is it annoying if I send more than one of these? I have Curiosity)
I saw that it was for the whole fic and I just [stares into space] - because not only is it 62,158 words, which is a lot of words, for me anyway, but it also is one of those stories that occupied my entire brain for months on end, and is still kind of a core part of my personality. I could probably do a whole Taika-commentary-track-of-Boy thing with it, and be equally weird and revealing. 😅
But in trying to pick out a single aspect to write commentary, I realized I've never written the post I've been threatening to write for a year (WHAT), which is what I learned about writing an unnamed protagonist. (Or at least I can't find anything in the #carlita coded content tag.) It's now been a year, so it's likely I will miss something important, but it was such a striking learning experience that I think I can do pretty well with it.
This got long, so more under the cut:
Because aside from being obsessed by the subject matter and vibes and all that, writing for the benefit of all the broken hearts was an incredible boost in my writing craft. (the other big boost was around dramatic pacing and narrative tension and foreshadowing, btw.)
She didn't have a name in the original, and deliberately so, and I was committed to that in my work. See also: Rebecca; this post's tags has some thoughts about Rebecca as a narrative influence in addition to the technical aspects. And unlike Rebecca, I was writing in close third person. (One of the reasons that when I'm feeling particularly cocky I will say SUCK IT DAPHNE DU MAURIER.)
And that's not that hard to do when there's only two characters in a scene and they use different pronouns, but so much of the story is her and Mary. (this post made me laugh A LOT) Which means I can't use pronouns to do the lifting, instead I had to think about other ways to handle it structurally.
Using Mary's name probably more than I would normally, to be quite honest. Her name is in many more dialogue tags and starting actions than I think it would be otherwise, because if Mary's doing one action, she's doing the other action; if Mary is saying one bit of dialogue, she's saying the other.
Using line breaks strategically, clearly separating character actions; and I think over time this actually made a difference in distinguishing how they act (and speak) differently from one another, that carried over to her interactions with Ed and Stede as well. And that carries over to how Mary also becomes a more distinct character.
In some cases, this went as far as actually rearranging the physical action. I don't remember the precise details, but there's something about when they first go into the kitchen in Ch 15, when Stede is making drinks, where you have all four characters directly interacting: I reworked who was doing what where to disambiguate which "she" I'm talking about.
There's also a lot of very fiddly sentence rewording, rethinking every individual sentence, and does every clause need to be there, and what is every single sentence doing. Because there's a lot of ways of writing that are "natural" (aka I have been writing fiction off and on since I was probably nine years old, and even with a wholeass English degree and a lot of supplemental reading about craft, I'm still kind of intuitive about my writing) that lead to structures where clearly her name would go here, but I can't do that, so: is the sentence working? Should it get flipped the other direction? Do I need a paragraph break? Is it okay if it's a little ambiguous -- there's a line in one of the coffeeshop scenes where it's kind of unclear which one of them does some gesture or another, and I decided that the ambiguity worked, actually.
And then probably my favorite craft becomes theme trick, particularly where there's sort of a repetition of sentence structure, or where Mary has been doing something and her actions are in reaction to that: sometimes it makes it work to just remove the subject of the sentence. Walks across the room. Picks up her coffee. It both somehow makes things clearer despite offering less detail AND reinforces this thematic thing of her being both absent and present.
Bonus difficulty level, btw: even if epithets had made sense for the tone (which they did occasionally, iirc), I deliberately chose to have very limited physical description of both her and Mary, on account of them both being amalgams not of actor and character (like Ed, Stede, Jim, Roach, etc), but of either two real people and real person and character played by a different real person respectively. They are both entirely secret third thing, and giving them things like hair color/style (beyond a vague reference to length) or eye color takes that away. (Instead they have some details of their overall physicality - age, respective heights - and clothing, both of which also tie into the themes of the thing.)
Honestly, overall it was an interesting creative puzzle, and I learned a ton -- Through the Storm, which is a very very very different story, owes a lot to it, and I've managed to commit to the bit through all the missing scenes fic (altho since a lot of that is alternate POV, there's a lot of "Ed's wife" construction, which is not my favorite) and the alternate bad endings fic.
tagging the beta team in case anybody has anything to add; this was very much a group project, esp in identifying places where it was clear to me but not to other people: @emi--rose @veeagainsttheday @gaypiratebrainrot
also, going to leave this here - when I went to ECCC in 2023 the original artist of this meme was selling versions with a blank word balloon and you could have her write in something, and I got it left blank with the idea that I would write other things on the plastic or if ever get a glass frame, but uh, it's been Carlita? since March of 2023.
there's so many other things I could have written about at this length about this story (both specific details and the thematic stuff), I'm serious.
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and to answer your ps: NOT ANNOYING AT ALL. clearly I enjoy talking about my writing. :D
[director's commentary asks]
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quatregats · 10 months
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Patrick O'Brian was so real for this one <3
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wewontbesleeping · 7 months
nothing is more therapeutic than typing a long tumblr post and then deleting it
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steppedoffaflight · 1 year
How do you feel about SAK looking back on it now? I really, really love that fic and your writing so much ❤️
To be honest, as time has passed I’ve only felt prouder and prouder of it. Especially because the last year I’ve been in a complete writing slump, I miss how vividly I saw those scenes unfolding and how much fun I had creating that world.
I’ve been reading Jami Attenberg’s Substack, Craft Talk, lately, and as motivation for her 1000 Words of Summer event she asked readers to comment their “why” for writing. This is something I’ve been grappling with lately, because fic writing is something done for free, just for the joy of it, but also writing can be incredibly hard and I have a tendency to love rarepairs which means attention/readers is a horrible motivation to base such fics on 😂 but I saw this comment, and it really stuck with me:
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“When I write, it sticks with me longer— not just the moment but who I was in that moment.” I was instantly inspired by that!! I think so much of the beauty in SAK was the fact that a lot of the ideas for it came directly out of my journal, and rereading it I can tell from my own writing how dearly I love(d) Van and all the aspects of him I devoted attention to. It also inspired me to make another honest effort to get back into writing, if only to capture who I am and who I love at this chapter of my life.
Another random note on how proud I am of it is that it’s novel length, which felt completely effortless at the time and now is like DAMN. HOW did I write that many words??!! I know so many people die with the regret that they didn’t write their book, but in my heart I wrote mine. I sat my ass down and wrote a novel-length fic, and hopefully have more to come!! But at the very least, I’ve written Summer’s A Knife and I love her so much!!!
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bassiter2 · 1 year
the level of emotional attachment that i have to whatever characters i'm most invested in at any given moment is that even simply seeing the preview of a fic for them tagged with "post-break up" is 90% likely to make me severely nauseous and want to cry. if not give me a literal panic attack
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montanabohemian · 7 months
do you ever start reading a fandom popular fic and within the first five or ten minutes, you start questioning why it's so popular?
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csainzoperator · 2 months
college bf! f1 drivers pt 1 ☆
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summary: college bf! f1 drivers text messages with small written snippets based on the texts :)
warnings: fem pronouns, kys jokes, cursing, mentions of kissing, kissing, slightly suggestive, nicknames (baby, babe, love), typos (?)
read more below the cut !
charles leclerc
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you grab a can of grape soda and search for a place to sit. you find a corner near the window, the fresh spring breeze rustling your hair. you sit down and wait patiently for charles. a few minutes later he's walking inside the canteen, towards you. he's smiling big and as soon as he reaches you, he grabs your face, placing chaste kisses on your cheek and lips.
"hey, baby" he greets you. you smile and reply "hi"
he takes a seat beside you and raises his eyebrows, like he's waiting for you to do something. you raise your eyebrows in return. he grumbles out a few words which you cannot decipher. you nudge him softly as you ask him to repeat. "i didn't get my kiss!" he says, rolling his eyes playfully.
"oh you big baby" you say as you grab his face a drop a few kisses on his cheek. your lipstick staining his cheek. you caress his cheek to wipe it away. "happy?" you question him. he nods, "very. afterall, i ditched my class to be here with you."
your smile fades a bit, feeling a little guilty as you had called him so abruptly. you shove him playfully, making him stand up "go back, the class would've just started. you can still make it"
he frowns. he shakes his head, "its not an important class, he's just doing some revision."
"revision is important! i just needed to see my boyfriend for a little boost. i'm good now. go!"
he reluctantly lets go. he places a kiss on your forehead and promises to come visit your dorm later in the evening. you smile up at him and reach for your soda, only to see it in charles' hand. he gives you a wink as he leaves, taking a sip from the can.
carlos sainz
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the game had just ended, and you were so incredibly proud of your boyfriend. he had scored a goal for the team. the winning goal. you smiled in excitement, waiting for the team to let go of your boyfriend so you can congratulate him. he spots you standing nearby and excuses himself from his team mates. he walks over to you, picking you up as he reaches you.
you yelp in surprise and hold onto him tight. wrapping your arms around his neck, laughing. "congrats, baby. that was amazing!" he smiles brightly, kissing your cheek. "thank you, mia cara" he says. he puts you down gently and wraps his arms around you.
"you came" he says, kissing the side of your forehead.
"i wouldn't be anywhere else"
after a few seconds, you swat him away. "look at all that sweat. ugh get away from me" you complain, rolling your eyes playfully
he picks you up again, walking towards his car. "put me down, you sick fuck" you wrap your arms around him as he fastens his pace, making you laugh. "now i'm all sweat"
"gives us another reason to shower together" he says, a slight smirk making its way onto his face.
lewis hamilton
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you pick your phone up as soon as you're done showering and putting on some comfortable clothes. you click on the face time button and set your phone up on the bed, pillows as the support. you wait for lewis to pick, which doesn't take long as he picks up in a couple of rings.
you smile at him "what's up, princess?" the words slip past you automatically, like you've said this to him a thousand times. which you have.
he grunts in mock annoyance. "come save me, i'm stuck here" he says, his face showing how he hated being in that party. you could hear loud snarky music in the background.
"i wish i could, i left my car for service" you smile at him apologetically. he groans and starts walking towards a balcony of some sort, or an open space. it was much more peaceful. you could hear him more clearly now.
"will you please stay with me on ft for a while? until my room mate decides to leave. which will be soon because he's drunk out of his mind." he says, sitting down on a stool. the night breeze making him shiver.
you spoke for a few minutes until his friend decided to leave. lewis said he'd be near your dorm after dropping his mate in the room. he said he desperately needed your hug.
george russell
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you shared your live location with george. you were currently walking towards your dorm. you felt his strong cologne engulf you before his arms did. you smile as you walk with george, his arm draped around your waist. "well, hello there" you amuse.
"don't you ever scare me like that. do you know how much i died on the inside?" he questions you, giving your waist a squeeze. you kiss his cheek, hoping to calm his nerves. "i told you, baby! i fell asleep in the library. ms sanders woke me up. i was exhausted after that 12 page essay"
"its okay, i know. you need to rest, love. did you eat yet?" he questions, as you both enter your dorm.
you shake your head, "i had breakfast, slept through lunch"
he looks at you like you've grown two heads. he grabs your hand and starts walking towards the exit. you let out a chuckle "now where are we headed to, girl?"
he looks at you, giving you a mock glare. "girl? what happened to bf, love, baby, cutie?"
he tells you to wait near the exit. a few minutes later, he's there with his bike. he motions for you to hop on. you smile as you get on, getting comfortable behind him. "we are getting some food into that stomach of yours" he says, handing you your helmet.
you wrap your arms around his torso. you knew. you knew, even if he had the most important thing to do, he would drop it to look after you. not because you were his girlfriend. but because you were his priority. because you were important. and he was deeply, madly, desperately, messily in love with you.
max verstappen
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you were in your university park, sitting under a tree. the guy you were supposed to be doing your political science project was doing anything but the project. you were not a patient person, and it was getting harder as the guy even kept touching your shoulder now and then.
to your rescue, your boyfriend was right there. he walked towards the both of you. he took his seat next to you, giving the guy a timid 'pls fuck of soon' smile. he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. he sat there as you guys actually started to discuss your project.
the guy clearly didn't get the hint as he still tried to make contact with you now and then. the third time, max was done with all the utter bullshit that he was witnessing. he pulled you closer to him
"you know, i would really like it if you got your stupid ass hand off my girl" he says, making the guy frown in annoyance. within seconds, the guy is scurrying off.
you let out a delayed laugh. you look up at max. he shrugs, giving you an innocent smile. "you can't actually say that, max!"
he kisses your forehead, whispering "i just did, baby."
he brushes your arm near the place where the guy touched you. "what are you doing?" you question.
"dusting off his filthiness from you. maybe we should get back to my dorm. shower the filthiness off after i watch you finish on my face." he offers his reply. you shove him playfully. "you're the filthy one"
he stares, kissing your lips softly, mumbling, "you make me."
the end
an: had so much fun making these. hope u enjoy!
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ahundredtimesover · 5 months
I Want You to Stay (01) | JJK
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Pairing: Jungkook x (f.) Reader
Genre/Tags: boss!JK x assistant!reader; idiot strangers to lovers; slow slow burn; k-drama feels; angst, drama, fluff, smut
Chapter (Series) Warnings: foul/explicit language; alcohol consumption & passing out, unhealthy coping mechanisms; family drama; minor injuries; power dynamics (JK starts off as a jerk); work-related anxiety, feelings of helplessness, insecurities; childhood traumatic experiences, nightmares; sexual harassment, prior incidence of domestic violence (PLS PLS BE CAREFUL WHEN READING); arts and business/property devt talk that’s probably inaccurate; commitment issues & emotionally constipated characters; cold and detached JK; explicit sexual content (specific warnings stated per chapter) (18+)
Chapter Word count: 12k
Series Masterlist
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Status: Ongoing
Series summary: Working for Jungkook isn’t the same as working for Hoseok. For starters, Jungkook doesn’t smile, he doesn’t appreciate you, and he gives you too much work. It doesn’t help that he’s incredibly handsome and has women at his beck and call. But as the tension grows, it becomes impossible to resist him. You’ve dedicated yourself to your job for 8 years so when you finally decide to put yourself first, he asks you to reconsider. And while you know that leaving is difficult, you learn that when it comes to Jungkook, staying is always so much harder.
Playlist 🎶: on the way home
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A/N: Happy 2024, everyone! 🎉 Dropping this tonight as a welcome to the new year and the start of the wild journey that is this story. It's a different JK that I'm used to writing. It's also a different arrangement for me as the story is still being written, so just a heads up that updates won't be as regular compared to before, but they'll definitely come (pls don't come at me hehe 😁)! This is also a painfully slow build-up with lots of details and office talk so please be patient! I don’t know how this will turn out and be revived but I hope you enjoy! 💕
Also my biggest thanks to @wonwoonlight as always 🥰
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Jung Hoseok’s smile is like a ray of sunshine - warm on cool mornings, radiant on sunny afternoons. It��s light and infectious, but more than anything, it’s genuine. There’s comfort in the way his entire face beams and how the rest of his body follows; there’s this sense of openness that makes it easy to be around him, that makes it easy to work for him.
It was 10 years ago when you first encountered that smile - bright and encouraging as he welcomed you and the rest of the interns to his family’s company. It slowly dissolved the anxiety you were feeling over being 1 of 12 chosen students to work for one of the leading real estate and property development corporations in the country. You’d see it again two years later as an employee, and you recall how he perked up at the sight of you, having remembered those eight weeks you spent preparing the conference room for their meetings and serving the executives their coffee. 
You wouldn’t have expected that five years after that, you’d be seeing that smile everyday as his executive assistant, and it was one of the things that made the job bearable. Despite the long hours and the amount of work you had to do and events you had to accompany him to, working for Hoseok always felt worth it. Despite the insane amount of pressure he was put under and the stress he had to endure, Hoseok somehow always managed to smile. 
He was serious when he had to be, but there was joy in how he did things. He allowed himself moments of calm, of time to check in on his support team for a few laughs. He’d spare himself a few minutes a day to sway to the soft music he plays in his office, he’d preside over meetings with vigor, and he’d start and end every interaction with anyone with that smile - the same smile that assures you that all your hard work is appreciated and which encourages you to keep learning.
It’s that same smile that he has on right now, as he hands you a custom-made cake with ‘you worked hard’ written on it. He says the words as your eyes turn to him in surprise. 
“Thank you for all that you’ve done,” Hoseok says. “I know you were new to the role just like I was but you made everything so easy for me. I’m gonna have to get used to being without your brilliance, Ms. Cho. I hope you never doubt yourself ever again.”
Your astonished face turns into a pout, as it dawns on you that it’s Friday, the first unofficial day of you no longer being Hoseok’s executive assistant, given his appointment as President not long ago. Yet despite the big change he’ll be experiencing starting next week, he’s the one affirming and comforting you, something that’s rare for someone of his stature and something you’ll definitely miss. 
“You know I don’t cry, but I just might,” you respond, earning you a chuckle. “But really, I… I can’t thank you enough for taking a chance on me. I know my credentials weren’t like the others but—”
“Ms. Cho,” he interjects. “The only credentials those other applicants had were the universities they went to, but none of them matched your level of skill and dedication to the role. I can assure you that none of them would’ve managed the past three years like you did. I should be thanking you for dealing with all the craziness with me.”
“You’re a good boss, it’s that simple,” you return the compliment now. “You were patient with me and challenged me to be better without putting me down. That does a lot for a person’s confidence, you know?”
“I know that now,” he smiles again. “But really, I don’t think I could’ve asked for a more competent right-hand woman. Jungkook’s lucky he’s taking my position with the most capable assistant to help him out.”
At the mention of the man’s name, your face sours, something that Hoseok picks up, earning you another laugh. 
“Not a fan of him, I see,” he eyes you curiously.
“I don’t mean any disrespect, Mr. Jung, but your cousin is not you,” you explain. “I may have only seen him a handful of times but those are enough to let me know that he does not smile.”
“Yes, I do confirm that,” Hoseok chuckles. “Jungkook’s quite the perfectionist and very much a workaholic. But he’s brilliant and creative and you’ll learn a lot from him, too. He’s being primed to co-lead the company with me and he needs a strong support for that and I think that’s you. His father thinks that’s you, and for the CEO to think so means a lot, ___. Uncle has seen how you work and was adamant that you remain in this role, especially with his son assuming the Vice President position.”
You know that Hoseok means to reassure you, but you suppose your insecurities over having this role and even being in this company won’t ever really go away. You didn’t graduate from a prestigious university in Seoul like most employees here did, and in this society, that usually means everything. You’re thankful for the trust that you’ve been given and you agree that you worked hard for it, too, but it will always be overwhelming; even then, it sometimes still feels undeserved. 
At your silence, Hoseok speaks again. “___, as your former boss and as your friend, I’m here to back you up. Jungkook’s family but if he, for some reason, acts like a hard-headed jerk, you let me know, okay?”
He turns serious now, as he silently asks for you to promise him that you’ll speak out if you need to. Hoseok knows what you went through under Mrs. Byun, the former manager who abused her power over you until her own slip-up caused her downfall years later, and he doesn’t want you to go through that again. 
“Okay. But I didn’t mean to imply that he’s a jerk just because he doesn’t smile,” you clarify. “I guess I meant to say that… I’ll miss working for you. That’s all. We somehow always got a laugh in, no matter how stressful things were. I’ll miss being with A-yeong, too.”
“I know you also meant to say that I’m the best boss you’ve ever had,” Hoseok chuckles, though you don’t miss the sadness in his eyes, too. “But I’ll just be two floors above you. You’ll still see me everywhere. And A-yeong’s gonna miss you, too, that’s why she can’t let you go without having dinner out, that I’m apparently not invited to.”
“We’re just gonna gossip about you, don’t worry,” you tease, appreciative of the fact that his wife has been kind to you all these years, apologizing to you on his behalf during the rare times he’s cranky, and gifting you little things from their trips abroad. “But thank you again, Hoseok,” you continue, dropping the formalities when you mean to speak to him as a friend, because that’s what he is, and it’s a rarity in this industry where those in power tend to take advantage of those below them. “You’ve treated me well, and I’ll never forget that.” 
“Thank you, ___,” he smiles once more. “I’ll finish setting up my new office now. I’ll see you there in 30 minutes, okay? I know Jungkook officially starts on Monday but he wanted to get all the administrative stuff out of the way as soon as possible and since my old room is being sanitized, he’ll be staying at mine the whole morning. HR has everything he needs to sign so please get those documents from them before heading to my office.”
“Oh, so he’s coming today?” You ask, unable to hide the mix of surprise and disappointment in your voice. You’re clearly uninformed about this. “Didn’t he just arrive last night?”
“Yes, he did. I thought he’d at least spend today resting but no, he called me an hour ago to say he’ll drop by this morning so he can get straight to business on his first day,” Hoseok explains, shaking his head at the thought of his cousin wanting to get straight to work. “I know it’s short notice so you don’t need to brief him or anything yet. You’ve been buried in organizing all my files this past week after all.” 
“Okay, but I’ve got everything organized for him already anyway in case he wants to start,” you say, having prepared all the documents he’d need to ease into his role more smoothly, knowing it’s your job to help him with that. 
“Of course you have,” Hoseok chuckles, impressed as always with how on top you are of everything. “I’ll see you in half an hour.”
You sulk in your seat once he’s out of view, whining internally because much as your files are ready for your new boss, you’re the one who isn’t. You’d held off on mentally preparing yourself for meeting the Jeon Jungkook, second son of the current CEO of Jeon Corporation and the new Vice President, thinking you’d have the entire weekend for that, so you’re caught off guard at having to face him today. It’s one thing to move on from no longer having Jung Hoseok as your boss - that itself took you months to process and accept; it’s another to have to get used to assisting someone else, someone you know is completely different in attitude and approach to his work.
Jungkook used to be an executive in the Singapore office, the Southeast Asian headquarters of the company. In your three years as Hoseok’s assistant, you’d only seen Jungkook a few times, such as when he’d fly to Seoul for an official visit or a family gathering but you never interacted, as you didn’t really have a reason to, especially since you were always busy with making sure the event was running smoothly. 
But you’d definitely noticed him, partly because the female staff always talked about him when he was around, and partly because next to his parents and his cousins, who are all personable in their own ways, Jungkook sticks out like a sore thumb. You’re not exaggerating when you say that you’ve never seen him smile - not for the pictures and not when he’s talking to the other executives and employees, a contrast to his father’s infectious charm and his mother’s youthful energy.
You’ve gotten used to Hoseok’s passion balanced with his thoughtfulness and joy - you always enjoyed the videos that A-yeong would show you of their weekends doing ballroom dancing because it’s what he loved to do with her. You’re unsure how you’ll manage assisting someone who’s the complete opposite. You’ve heard of Jungkook’s abilities though; his father always spoke of them with pride. Creative and innovative, he’d say of his son, but he always lived in his head, too, and perhaps that’s why even if he can socialize with others, he prefers not to, given that you’d always seen him at the bar after said events, drinking on his own.
You didn’t think those times that you’d one day be having him as your boss. You didn’t expect the appointments to come this soon, nor did you expect to still be in the company by the time they happened. But here you are, about to meet him and hoping to the heavens that whatever preconceived notions you have of him based on what very little you know would be proven wrong. 
Wanting to calm yourself down before meeting him, you head to the management support team’s office for a cup of tea in the pantry, but you’re stopped by Do-hyun, one of the project assistants. 
She hugs you like she always does, even if you rarely ever return it, and she whines like you expect her to, given her unusually pouty face. 
“It’s only been an hour but I already miss Mr. Jung,” she laments. “Why did they appoint him as President so soon? They could’ve waited for another year or so, or at least let him take us with him!”
You find yourself being the reasonable one this time, as you pull her away from you so you could talk to her properly. 
“We always knew he was going to be President, Do-hyun. But then the Board decided to make Ji-woo head of the Singapore office after their uncle stepped down, and that meant Hoseok had to take his sister’s place,” you explain, knowing how generational corporations like this work, with family members rotating in the executive positions. “And much as he’d like to take us with him, the position already comes with its own team. He’s just two floors above us, though. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we popped in every once in a while to say hi.”
“No, I’m bitter,” she pouts again, earning her a laugh from you.
“Well, at least the new Vice President isn’t a stranger,” Manager Lee chimes in. 
“I heard the CEO’s son doesn’t smile,” Do-hyun counters. “How do we go from assisting someone who literally gives all of us the energy to work each day, to someone who doesn’t think there’s anything worth being happy about? I also heard he’s a workaholic, so what if he demands that we can’t leave the office until he does? And that he’s kind of a fuck boy, so what if he has a scandal that we have to—” 
“Yah! Those are just hearsay, and we don’t listen to those,” you warn her, not wanting the team to start on a bad note because of some rumors about your new boss that may or may not be true. 
And if those are, it’s your job to make sure that those are handled properly and that there’s no friction between the management support team and the Vice President. The thought suddenly hits you and you feel nauseous. You’ve never had these worries with Hoseok because he always prioritized the team - he made sure that tasks were properly delegated, that you all took your well-deserved break, that you weren’t burnt out, that you all knew he got your back the way you all got his. 
But then again, it’s natural to be anxious about change, especially when what you had was already the best it could’ve been. And much as you were the one worrying about this earlier, you’re now the one who has to reassure the team, especially the younger members, that things are going to be okay. 
“You’ll meet him soon, and I’ll make sure he’s properly oriented with everything before he sits down with you all,” you say. “Let’s just be optimistic about this, okay? Manager Lee has been here a while and he can guide all of us when it comes to adapting to changes like this.”
The rest of the team nods, voicing their agreement about being open and welcoming to your new boss. 
“Okay, good. Now let me get my tea before I combust,” you chuckle, heading towards the adjacent room. 
You’re busy taking breaths in between sips of your hot drink when you see a familiar face in the room through the glass window, prompting you to head back outside.
“Mr. Ri,” you greet, causing the man before you to turn towards you. “What are you doing here? Does Mr. Jeon need anything?” 
Knowing you’re referring to the elder Jeon, Mr. Ri shakes his head. 
“I’m here as Jungkook’s chauffeur and bodyguard, actually. His father appointed me, wanting people he trusts to help his son,” he clarifies. “I’ve just driven him from his penthouse.”
“Oh,” you say, unable to control the way your face falls a little. “So, he’s here.”
“He is. He said he wanted to get things done today so he doesn’t waste his time when he starts next week. He’s at Hoseok’s office right now. I believe he’s supposed to sign some documents?”
“Oh shit,” you blurt out, immediately setting down your half-finished tea and rushing out the door to speed-walk to your desk, ignoring Mr. Ri’s demand for you to slow down. 
With what little you know of your new boss, he seems like the type to not excuse tardiness, so you take your files, head to HR to retrieve some documents, and then proceed to Hoseok’s office. You try to catch your breath as you head towards the door, which opens before you get to knock, revealing Bitna, the President’s assistant, who greets you with a sweet smile. 
“Hi, ___. I was just about to call you,” she says. “CEO Jeon is inside as well. Just walk in, they’re waiting for you.”
You cross the small hallway as the door gently closes, and you stop in your tracks the moment you hear Jungkook’s voice.
“I still prefer my old assistant,” he says, obviously displeased. “He was very organized, highly educated, and well-traveled. While this Ms. Cho didn’t even study in a top university in Seoul. And Hoseok says she doesn’t know any other foreign languages when that’s one of my requirements.”
“Son, you’re being too harsh,” CEO Jeon chides. “Ms. Cho is a top performing employee, very hardworking and dedicated. She’s worked here for eight years and she imbibes all our values; she knows the company culture and knows the ins and outs of things with how she’s been exposed to them. Ask your cousin; Hoseok speaks highly of her.”
“___ is great, Kook. She’s incredibly organized and highly analytical and observant. She doesn’t need a Seoul education to be good at what we need her to be good at,” Hoseok argues. 
“I still want my old assistant. It’s more convenient that way. Lucas already knows how I work and what I require of him,” Jungkook insists. “I’m just saying that I need things to be efficient and she and I can’t be adjusting to each other when there are multiple projects that I’d much rather give my attention to.”
“And I’m saying that Ms. Cho probably knows more than you do when it comes to these projects,” the elder Jeon counters. “Plus, your old assistant would have to adjust to life in Seoul and that’s harder. It’s just not practical, especially since you’re due to start in a few days. You have other things to worry about. ___ is there to make your life easier. Give her that chance to do her job.”
“But I—”
“Good morning, gentlemen,” you greet, not wanting to hear whatever unfounded things that Jungkook has to say, even if you have your own preconceived notions about him which, you remind yourself, are partly founded. Barely five minutes in and you already can’t stand his judgmental and entitled ass. 
You walk towards the middle of the room where they’re congregated on the couches, with the elder Mr. Jeon and Hoseok smiling at you while Jungkook merely glances at you, his jaw clenched, perhaps irritated at the fact that you’d overheard him completely misjudge and undermine your abilities without even knowing who you are.
“Good morning, Ms. Cho,” CEO Jeon says. “I know you’ve seen him a few times but I’d like you to officially meet my son and the new Vice President, Jungkook.”
Jungkook turns to you with a disinterested look but he doesn’t meet your eyes. You bow as a sign of respect, even if it’s the last thing you think he deserves.  
“My pleasure, Mr. Jeon,” you respond. “I was told that you’d like to proceed with administrative matters this morning. I have all the documents with me and I can explain each one to you before you sign them. I’ve also consolidated all the things you need to know prior to your meetings next week,” you add, handing him an iPad. “This has the resumes of each member of your management support team, including their professional and development goals. Mine are there as well, so you can read about my credentials and achievements in this company the past eight years, which I think have tremendously helped me in performing my duties satisfactorily. There’s also a folder of team profiles of each of the departments you’re overseeing. You’ll also find closure reports of completed projects from the past five years, progress reports of ongoing projects, and approved and working proposals of upcoming ones. I’ve included summaries and key figures for each of them. You may read them prior to your meetings, and if there’s anything missing that you’d like me to include, I can have them ready by the end of the day.”
“Hmm,” Jungkook hums, as he scrolls through all the folders you’ve prepared for him.
In your periphery, you can see the other two men holding in smiles as you seemingly render the younger man speechless, but while he assesses all that you’ve provided to him, you’re given time to observe the man seated before you. Other than his slightly longer hair, not much has changed from when you saw Jungkook in last year’s gala. 
As he drags his tongue across the inside of his cheek with his scrunched eyebrows in judgment, you’re reminded that this is the first time you’ve seen him up close. And even from his angle, you can tell. 
He’s unfairly handsome. 
He’s got dark expressive eyes, soft-looking pink lips, and a sharp jawline that complement his lean figure. You understand why the staff are enamored by him even from afar and - if the rumors about him are true - why women would shoot their shot with him at clubs, in hopes they’d be the lucky one he’d choose to be with for the night.
The illusion breaks, though, as he turns to you with a hardened gaze. 
“I’m sure I’ll find something that’s missing,” he states.
“If they’re relevant and necessary, I can have the files ready by today,” you respond, knowing full well that you’ve included every possible document that would be of use to him. 
“I’ll be the judge of what’s relevant and necessary, Ms. Cho,” he counters. 
“Of course, Mr. Jeon,” you say, conceding. “Whatever it is, then I’ll make sure to have them ready for you as soon as possible.”
Jungkook hums in response, turning his attention to the HR documents this time, breezing through the text and ignoring your brief explanations of the contents before signing at the bottom of the pages. You inform him of sections he’s missed, and he groans at having been corrected but you don’t mind. He’s the one who chose to do all this now and in here, in front of his father and his cousin.
Once he’s done, he hands you the signed files and holds your gaze. “Is there anything else, Ms. Cho?”
“I suppose that is all, Mr. Jeon. Unless there are other things you want to assess, or people you want to ensure are qualified to assist you with your functions,” you say. 
Jungkook huffs in displeasure. You can sense the tension build, as irritation paints his face. It’s at that moment that his father chimes in, suggesting that you introduce him to his team.
“You can maybe also orient him on the current projects and partnerships,” the older man says. 
“That can wait. I’ve had enough of engaging for today,” Jungkook responds, his voice cold, detached. 
“In that case, let me lead you to your floor, Mr. Jeon.”
You step back and wait for him to walk ahead, before you excuse yourself from the older men. You don’t miss the sorry looks on their faces, and you give them a smile as if to say that it’s fine, that Jungkook’s someone you can handle, and his obvious displeasure towards having you as his assistant doesn’t faze you. It doesn’t change the fact that you wish he wasn’t your boss though, or at least, that he wasn’t such a jerk like what he’s being right now.
Walking behind him as you both head towards the elevator, you see the way he carries himself - hands in the pockets of his sleek black trousers, his eyes focused straight ahead, nothing like Hoseok who was always gesticulating as he spoke to you every time you walked side-by-side from one place to another.    
Jungkook stands in front of the doors, seemingly waiting for you to press the buttons and you do it before he could even express his annoyance. You stand in front this time, then make sure you hold the doors open for him to exit, and you resume your spot behind him as you walk down the hallway. 
“On the left are two small meeting rooms and one conference room,” you start, thankful that there’s not much to tour him around on this floor, given that everything is exclusive to the Vice President. “On the right is a seating room, and up ahead is an archive room. Down the—”
“I’ve been here before, Ms. Cho,” Jungkook interjects as he looks at you blankly. “This is my family’s building; I’m very much aware of how the floors look like.”
Not rattled by his disruption, you nod and smile, wanting to show him that whatever intimidation or humiliation he’s trying to make you feel isn’t gonna work on you. You know if you show any sign of frustration, that will just give him a reason to have you replaced and despite your clear dislike for the man, you need this job, especially this position that allows you to pay your rent in a safe part of town and send money to your family every month. At this point, that’s the only thing that will keep you going.
Approaching the management support office, you walk faster and make sure to enter the room before he does, signaling the team with your eyes that their new boss is coming, your silently frantic gaze telling them to be on their best behavior because their usual antics won’t work on Jungkook the way they did with Hoseok. 
Once Jungkook appears, everyone bows and greets him, and you can sense them holding their breaths as they look up, taking him all in. You see him eye each person, and you can tell he’s already assessing them individually. You take it upon yourself to introduce each one, stating their name, where they studied and what course they took, describing their primary role in the team and their specific strengths. You see him follow your words, nodding and humming as you go, and you think he’s processing the information and making sure he remembers them. 
There are no pleasantries; Jungkook just goes straight to the point. 
“I’m sure you have concerns about having a new boss and the changes that come along with it. But I’m here to tell you now that you should get over whatever those are, as I’d like the adjustment period to be as short as possible,” he starts. “My cousin is brilliant at his job and so am I, but we work very differently, so whatever you got used to doing with and for him, don’t expect the same with me. I demand excellence and efficiency from each one of you because that’s what I commit myself to and that’s the only way that this team will be able to do its job. Am I clear?”
“Yes, sir,” the team answers in unison. 
“We commit to those as well, Mr. Jeon,” Manager Lee says. “As the head of your support team, I will make sure that all our deliverables are of high quality and that things will run smoothly so that we may properly do our job of assisting you.”
“That’s good, and that’s what I expect,” Jungkook says, nodding at everyone before walking out the door to head to his office, with you trailing him from behind. 
“Is my room still being sanitized?” He turns to you. 
“Yes, sir.”
“Why did it need to be sanitized? And why today?”
“It’s protocol, sir. We also had a sendoff for Mr. Jung yesterday so the room smelled of food. And he instructed for this to be done today so that I don’t need to come here tomorrow, as he doesn’t like any of his staff working during the weekend,” you reply. “This should be finished this afternoon. I’ve also purchased the oil for your diffusers. The room will be ready for you by Monday.”
Jungkook merely hums and looks around, specifically at your designated area with your desk and shelves at the back, then takes a call before turning to you again to say that he’s heading out to meet his friends.
“Is there anything else you need, Mr. Jeon?” You ask, thankful that you don’t have to deal with him for the rest of the day.
“Okay then, sir. I’ll meet you at your apartment at 6:30 AM on Monday. Is that time alright?”
“Sure,” he responds, then turns around and starts walking out. “Just keep your phone on. I work during the weekend.”
He’s gone before you can even respond, and you rush to the support office once you’ve heard the elevator ding that indicates that he’s gone. When you get there, you’re greeted with everyone’s frowns, with Do-hyun close to tears.
“I don’t like him, ___. He looks so unapproachable and too serious!” She complains. “I miss Mr. Jung. Is there an opening in his team? Should I just resign?”
“Aish!” You reprimand her. “Don’t speak like that. And don’t let those few minutes determine everything for you.”
“Well, those few minutes are enough to tell me that I don’t like him. No matter how good-looking he is,” Chin-sun says.
“He is, right!” Do-hyun chirps now, a complete 180 from seconds ago. “I’ve seen him around but I didn’t think he’d be even more handsome up close! It just sucks that he’s a grinch and that makes all the difference. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t have a girlfriend! He’s probably too snobby and—”
“Yah! You really need to stop it with those rumors,” you scold her this time. “That’s your boss. His personal life is none of our business. Where do you even hear these things?”
“Every washroom in this building, basically. Staff are always gossiping there, you know?” Do-hyun responds. 
“And since when do we listen to gossip,” you scowl at her. “Sure, he’s not our favorite person right now but we don’t have the right to make claims about aspects of his life. And where are people even getting those ideas!”
“People talk, I guess,” she shrugs. “And he’s often spotted in clubs with those Kim brothers so maybe they see things. I’m not saying they’re all accurate… just that rumors often have some truth to them, you know?”
“No, I don’t, and we shouldn’t be sticking our noses in places where they shouldn’t be,” you say.
“Fine, but it’s just a heads up,” Do-hyun says, turning serious now. “You’re his executive assistant, and you have no choice but to stick your nose in places because personal and professional lines are often blurred in your situation, and that’s just how our world’s set up.”
“She’s right,” Chin-sun chimes in. “I mean, you need to know his personal schedule, go to his apartment, do errands if you need to, maybe buy a box of condoms if he runs out… You just got lucky that Mr. Jung’s pretty chill and has a wife who’s even nicer than he is. Your only problem was that he was damn scared of everything that moved and wasn't human.”
You’d laugh at the last statement if you could, but you know they’re both right. Hoseok wasn’t perfect, and neither was his marriage, but it never reached a point where you had to be put in a compromising position because you were his assistant who, by nature of your work, had to be privy to some of his personal matters. The most involved you were was when he and A-yeong had an argument and they used you as their messenger, but even that was more of a miscommunication issue than anything serious. They apologized to you after and promised to never put you in that kind of situation again.
But with Jungkook as a single man, you’re unsure what personal business you’d end up being involved in. You just wish it wasn’t something that would test your principles and cause you to lose your job. Regardless, whatever that would be isn’t something you can even really talk about with others.
“Well, I don’t wanna think about any of that right now,” you sigh, knowing you’ve got enough to worry about, such as how you’re going to start surviving everyday assisting a man who clearly doesn’t want you around. 
But if he’s gonna be a hard-head about it, then you’re just going to have to match him. You got to where you are because you’re determined to prove yourself constantly, and you’ll just show him that he needs you, and he doesn’t really have a choice unless he wants to argue with his father. 
You try to encourage your team once more and give Do-hyun that rare hug in comfort before going back to your desk, intent on finishing all the presentations for your briefing with Jungkook next week. You begin setting up his room by mid-afternoon, using a photo of his Singapore office as a basis since you were told that he prefers a certain style for his furniture and decor. You’re no stylist but over an hour after you finish, you think you did pretty good. You were so into designing the space that you didn’t notice the time fly by; before you know it, it’s 6PM, because you can hear A-yeong right outside calling for you.
“Hi,” she chirps, hugging you in greeting. “Are you ready?”
“I’ll just pack my things,” you say, walking to your desk. 
A-yeong takes a peek at the room and praises your efforts. “This looks so different from how it used to be. And that’s good because those cousins have such different tastes. But I think Jungkook will like this. He’s into the masculine and moody vibe, so good job, ___.”
You know that despite her kindness, she wouldn’t lie, and you could only hope that she’s right. You think it looks nice, but it’s what he thinks that matters; you’ll just have to wait until Monday to find out. 
As you’re about to leave, Hoseok appears in the hallway and asks how you are. Your scowl pretty much gives you away.
“I’m sorry about Jungkook, ___. He’s stubborn and a hot-head sometimes but he isn’t always like that, and this isn’t me making excuses for him,” your former boss says. 
“Why, what did he do?” A-yeong asks worriedly. 
“Basically implied that I’m not qualified for this role, among other things,” you respond. “But it’s okay. Not like I haven’t heard that before.”
“And you know that’s not true,” Hoseok comforts you. “He’s not good with change, that’s all, and you know how these appointments were all pretty short notice and he’s just been frustrated ever since. But whatever it is he said, don’t take them to heart. He’ll get a word from me, and he’ll definitely get one from his father.”
You want to say that it’s not easy to just disregard what Jungkook said; he’s your boss after all, and all that matters is what he thinks about you. But you’re not one to air out these feelings to Hoseok now that you’ve experienced a bit of what it’s like, so you just shake your head and ask the older man to let it go.
“He’s probably just tired,” you make an excuse this time, not wanting to discuss further with Hoseok. “And he had that assistant for over five years. I can understand wanting that familiarity and convenience. I’m just gonna have to adjust; there are a lot of things going on right now and he’ll need to focus on the projects, not his compatibility with his assistant.”
“But that matters though,” Hoseok insists. “I got things done because we worked well together. He’s gonna have to meet you in the middle with this one. And I’ll make sure that he does.”
“I know you said you want to look out for me but I don’t think it’s a good idea if you intervene this time, Mr. Jung,” you say, letting him know you’re serious and you mean business. “I’ll be okay, don’t worry about me.”
You give him a comforting smile, and you hope it’s enough to quell Hoseok’s own worries and it works this time. He returns it before letting you and his wife go, and it’s the Thai dinner and incredible desserts that somehow make up for your not-so-great day. 
You think the weekend will give you the peace you need to face your dreaded week - you do your errands and chores on Saturday and go to the market and watch a movie by yourself in the cinema the next day. 
All it took was a text from Jungkook that Sunday evening, asking for copies of certain policies and disapproved proposals from the last five years, that just had to ruin it, as you spend the entire evening consolidating the files, making you already wish it was Friday.
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Jungkook’s apartment building is one of the Jeon properties that you haven’t been to yet, as it’s one of the newer massive residential structures that they built three years ago. You enter the sleek-looking lobby then submit your documents at the reception in exchange for your own access, and you internally marvel at how luxurious everything looks. 
You get to the 42nd floor, and it seems that there are only two units here. You walk towards the one on the right, choosing to be on the safe side by ringing the doorbell. It’s Monday, after all, and it’s your first time here; you don’t want to just enter without him permitting you to do so. 
You’re about to press the button again after a minute of no response, when the door opens and you take a moment to process the sight before you. 
There, standing just a few feet away, is Jungkook with nothing but a pair of black gym shorts on, his taut chest glistening in sweat, and his entire right arm covered in black and colored ink. His hair is damp and ruffled, and it’s probably due to the boxing he’d just done, as evidenced by the wraps on his knuckles and the way he’s panting heavily. 
You get your senses back and look away, not wanting to look affected by his half-naked form, even if you’re the one who has to catch her breath this time because much as you dislike the man, you can’t deny that his body is something that definitely deserves to be praised. 
“You’re here,” he speaks first, surprise laced in his voice as he takes in your obviously flustered form.
“I asked if 6:30 AM was a good time to come, Mr. Jeon,” you answer, glancing at him before looking at whatever you could behind him. “Perhaps I misheard your confirmation. I can wait downstairs if you’re not yet done with your exercise. My apologies for coming in early.”
You don’t actually have anything to be sorry for; he did confirm the time, and he’s the one who decided that working out at this hour was a good idea, knowing that his assistant’s scheduled to come. You would’ve appreciated it if he says you don’t need to apologize, but he doesn’t.
“It’s fine, I just finished,” he huffs. 
He leaves the door open for you to enter then heads straight to the large room on the right, which looks to be an indoor gym. You allow yourself a few seconds to look at his retreating form, quietly gasping as his broad shoulders and slender waist blind you a little, then scolding yourself for doing so. You stay rooted by the kitchen and look around the spacious penthouse as you wait for him to return. He exits the gym wearing a loose white shirt now, combing his hair with his fingers as he drinks a bottle of water.
“So, Mr. Jeon, uh, I would prepare Mr. Jung’s outfits for the week and then help his house staff make his breakfast. I run down his schedule as he eats. Are you okay with the same arrangement?” 
“Sure. I just don’t have any staff with me so you’re on your own. I’m fine with anything though. I’m not usually hungry in the morning,” he says before walking to the other side of the apartment.
You follow him, careful not to enter spaces you’re not given permission to, which is why you stand by his bedroom door before asking to come in. 
“How will you prepare my clothes from there?” He huffs. “Of course you can enter. Just be done before I finish taking a shower.”
You nod shyly and then head to the walk-in closet that thankfully has a separate door from the bathroom. He’s already unpacked his clothes, although not everything has been organized. You spot a few suits that are ready to wear, and you fix those first, taking note of asking him if there are things he wants dry cleaned or pressed. 
You leave his bedroom in time, hearing him slide open the door as you make it out, and proceed to make his breakfast. There’s really not much you can create with what little he has, so you make do with eggs and toast and whatever spread you find in his cupboard.
Jungkook walks into the kitchen not long after, the dark gray suit looking immaculate on him as you expected. Spotting his crooked necktie, you immediately walk up to him to fix it, unaware of how he holds his breath with how close you are. Noticing his body stiffen, you step back right away, apologizing for not asking permission first. 
He looks away and says it’s fine, then sits on the spot at the dining table where you’ve set up his meal. He stares at it for a good few seconds, prompting you to explain yourself.
“That’s… that’s all I could make with what you have, Mr. Jeon,” you say. “I can arrange for online groceries for you, as well as dry clean and pressing for your clothes and—”
“I’m having someone come in to clean my place and do all of that,” he says, as he takes a bite of his food. “So, what’s my week like?”
You start to enumerate the conference and lunch meetings he’ll be having this week, including who they’ll be with and their purpose. They’re mostly with the department leads to discuss updates on processes and current projects, and you’re thankful that Hoseok involved you as much as he did, given that Jungkook’s questions are more specific than you expected. 
Sure, he’s a Jeon and obviously works in the same company, but the Southeast Asian projects are different from the ones being implemented in South Korea, and while he used to oversee overall compliance to design standards, he’ll now be in-charge of setting those very standards this time. As Vice President, he’ll be involved in crafting policies; he’s also free to manage his own construction projects, and that’s what the support team is for. Given his much more expansive role this time, there are more departments and projects to oversee, and definitely more executive decisions to make. 
You suppose it’s why his questions don’t stop, even after he’s cleaned up and you both find yourselves in the backseat of the car and on the way to the office. He looks through the iPad with all the files you gave him, and you see the notes he’s made on them as you turn to him to answer his queries. Even if you know that he’s also still assessing you - perhaps on your knowledge and attention to detail - you can’t help but admire his thoroughness. You may have also cursed him in frustration for making you work on a Sunday, but he seems to have done way more than you, given that he went through all the documents over the weekend. You suddenly don’t feel too annoyed. 
But of course, he has to ruin it again.
“I need these annotated versions of the project and departmental documents ready before my meetings with the respective teams,” Jungkook says, his voice low and stern. “And I expect progress reports to be as detailed as possible, so make sure to check them first before they get to me. The ones you gave need revisions. I believe you’re trained enough to know immediately that these are lacking.”
“Yes, sir,” you respond, noting his instructions on your notebook while internally yelling, given that you’re unsure of the need for them before the meetings. 
Surely, he could give you some time to work on them, but with a meeting with one team in the afternoon and seven more the rest of the week, and on top of the other things you need to do for him, you already know you’ll be cramming to get everything done. 
You try to manage your breathing. Somehow, your habit of pressing your nails against your palm when you're stressed has miraculously come back today. It was something you developed while working under Mrs. Byun, which you eventually got over after working for Hoseok. You feel the anxiety build up, especially as you look at the half crescent marks on your skin, and it’s times like this that you wish your best friends were based in Seoul instead of Busan, so you’d at least have people to comfort you when things are a little tough. 
It’s not to say that work wasn’t overwhelming before. It definitely was, but Hoseok always found a way to make everything bearable and he was always reasonable with what he demanded of you. Now you’re stuck with a man who already makes you feel like your hard work isn’t enough. 
You make it to the office with no other words said and a thick tension in the air. It follows you to the elevator and into Jungkook’s room, where he dismisses you so he can prepare for the first meeting of the day. You rush to your desk and get on with your tasks, making sure to work on the annotated project file that he needs by the afternoon. 
It’s an hour later when you find yourself in the conference room for the meeting with the management support team. You prepped them just 10 minutes earlier, and while you tried to hide your frustration, your unusual lack of energy told them enough that it wasn’t exactly a good start of the day. 
They come in one by one, and you take the time to prepare Jungkook’s coffee, remembering from his former assistant’s notes how he wants it. He’d put it off earlier, given that he prefers to drink his protein shake after his workout, so this is the first time you’re doing it for him.
His eyes flit from the coffee in front of him to you as you place it on the table.
“Two espresso shots and half teaspoon each of milk and sugar,” you state, wanting to confirm that you got it right.
He merely takes a sip, places it down again, and then starts the meeting. 
How bold of you to assume that he’d thank you or even acknowledge it, as if he’d shown you even the tiniest amount of gratitude for anything you've done for him since Friday. Which he hasn’t. 
You let it go and proceed to sit next to him, your eyes and ears ready for what you already predict is gonna be a long meeting. 
It ends over three hours later. As you expected, he had a lot of questions. He made sure that each member had time to explain their current tasks and how they will monitor the projects assigned to them. You didn’t miss the way he’d acknowledged them with “good” and “well done,” and thanked them after they finished. He only nodded at you after your turn, with his eyes barely meeting yours, and for all the confidence you built over the past three years, you can’t process how it’s his non-acknowledgment that’s just going to undo all that. And quite frankly, you’re unsure if that’s on him or if that’s on you. 
Half of the meeting was spent discussing the big project that he wants to take on as Vice President. There’s a property they recently acquired - a non-operational arts center that he wants to revive by adding a performance hall, small theaters, a grand library, function rooms, and a permanent exhibition presenting the buildings that his family had developed over the years to showcase their architectural designs. 
You saw the excitement in your team members’ faces. Hoseok took over with several unfinished projects so you all had to focus on those. Aside from Manager Lee, this is the first time that you’re all handling something new and different. Even you felt the excitement creep in, a welcome emotion given how your day’s been going, but that shattered once he said that he wants it done by June of next year in time for an International Media Festival happening in August. The 12-month period he’s giving is too short with everything he wants to do, and you saw that the team felt the same. 
You go to them after Jungkook leaves for a lunch meeting, and their sighs and pouty faces tell you enough. Mr. Lee does his job of encouraging the team, and you add that you’re all gonna be supporting each other through it all. Sure, you’d have to match Jungkook’s ambition and thoroughness, but you should all take it as a challenge. 
You’re clearly not convinced yourself as the words come out of your mouth, but you don’t have time to debrief with them, as you still have that meeting with the design department that you have to prepare for. You take two biscuits and a cup of tea, and you decide that this is enough to last you throughout lunch, given that you’ll be spending the entirety of it working on the files. 
You don’t realize that an hour and a half have passed until you hear footsteps and see Jungkook’s form appear in the hallway. You stand to greet him, with him asking if you’re done with the annotated documents. 
“I’ll send it in five minutes, sir,” you say, hoping he’ll at least give you that. 
“Okay,” he responds. “Come to my office after you’ve sent it.”
“Yes, sir,” you say, quickly finishing the last two pages once he closes the door. 
You rush to get everything done and click send, then you head to his office and prepare yourself for more questions. It’s quiet inside as you watch him behind the desk, with his legs crossed and his eyebrows furrowed as he reads the document. You answer one of his questions and it’s at that moment when your very empty stomach decides to make itself known.
You freeze on your spot, as the grumbling sound starts low, getting louder for a few beats before it temporarily stops. Your eyes widen in embarrassment, and you press your belly so hard with your fingers in hopes that that would do anything, even if you’re too far gone at this point. Your only hope is that it was all in your head, but Jungkook’s eyes flitting to you tells you otherwise. The only other sound in his room is the air purifier, but it’s not remotely loud enough to drown out your intense hunger. 
It goes again, and all you can do is look away; humiliating yourself was definitely not the plan for your first day as Jeon Jungkook’s assistant.
“Do you need to step away, Ms. Cho?” He asks, not meeting your eyes. 
“Oh, it’s not… uh,” a bowel emergency or something, you want to say. “I just had a busy lunch break.” 
You settle for that, a hint that you’d spent its entirety doing something in such a short notice. Hoseok would always be apologetic whenever he had you do something during your break; he always made up for it with a nice meal as thanks. You doubt you’d get anything close to that from this man.
Jungkook hums and surprisingly doesn’t ask for anything else. He dismisses you and orders you to go ahead and prepare the conference room for the next meeting, and you do just that, dropping by the pantry for a muffin that you eat in four bites, in hopes that it would be enough to shut your stomach for the next three hours. 
Right as you exit, Jungkook picks up his phone to make a call. And then another one.
“Mr. Ri, please pick up the pastries that Ms. Cho ordered at the food hall,” he instructs his chauffeur. “She’s too busy right now.”
“Will do, Mr. Jeon.”
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Taking minutes of a meeting when you’re starving is not a good thing. You know this because you’ve done this so many times, like during monthly executive meetings and the quarterly board meetings that have you spread out thin. It’s also not rare to miss out on lunch because there’s a report to finish or a site to visit; during events, you go on a day with having barely eaten anything. 
But just because you’re used to it, it doesn’t mean that your body has fully adapted, because here you are, eyeing the croissants in front of you, your mouth watering at the gloss and softness of the pastry. They’re so tempting and also out of reach, given that you need to be entirely focused on the discussion that you’re documenting, and munching on something is out of the question. You don’t even know where this is from and you think maybe the design department called for snacks but it’s really not helping your concentration.
You hope the way you’re nibbling your lips doesn’t give you away, but Yoongi from across the table picks it up, as you get a notification of his message.
[From: Min Yoongi] you didn’t have lunch, did you? 
You ignore the prompt on your laptop and respond to him with a look instead. You know your pouty lips will give him his answer, and he merely shakes his head at the confirmation. 
You do your best to shut out the sight and scent of the food before you, absorbing instead the discussion so you can note this down properly with just minimal edits needed. You have a lot of documents to work on for the next few days after all, and that’s on top of the file reorganization that Jungkook asked you to do. 
It works after you hang on by a thread for two and a half hours, a little earlier than you expected to finish. All you want is to sneak out that croissant and maybe some tarts, too, but your heart breaks when you look up and find the boxes empty. 
You let out a sigh, relieved that your boss didn’t hear you because he’s already on the phone and heading out the door. But it’s that same time that a plate of food appears in front of you, and it feels like the gates of heaven have opened. You’re not surprised anymore to find out who it’s from.
“Eat,” Yoongi says from next to you. “I could see your hands shaking from across the table.”
“What about you?” You ask, your lips in a pout once more. 
“You know I don’t eat these things,” he shrugs.
He doesn’t, and you know this, too. You also know he called dibs on these earlier, seeing as his staff were quick to get them, and he’d saved these so he could give them to you. 
“Ten years later and you’re still trying to make sure I eat, huh?” You say, nudging him with your hips to tease.
“If I don’t, who would?” He responds, walking out of the conference room with you. “You have a bad habit of not doing that.”
“Well, duty calls. What can I do?” 
“Take care of yourself even if it’s hard,” he replies. 
“Says the man who rarely does it himself,” you chuckle. 
“You know, the best advice I give are the ones I don’t actually follow, so disregard the fact that I don’t even do what I say because they apparently work,” he says. “But I mean it, ___. Eat this now.”
“Thanks, Yoongi,” you smile, taking a piece of pastry and eating it in two bites. 
Your puffed out cheeks cause him to laugh, and despite still being hungry after this, you suppose it’s enough to not make you faint at this moment. 
“And eat a proper dinner, okay?” He follows up.
“I’ll be off late, so I’ll just grab something from the convenience store,” you say. “That’s as proper as I can afford tonight.”
“Aish, fine,” he shakes his head. “But let me get you coffee at least. Those tarts won’t taste as good without one.”
“That would be life-saving,” you dramatically say. “What did I do to deserve a friend like you?”
“Don’t know. I mean, I’m not that great,” he shrugs. 
You playfully roll your eyes. “I’ll save the compliments once I have the coffee.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he feigns annoyance, gesturing for you to get back to your desk then walking the other direction. 
You take your seat and clean up the document, deciding that you’ll just review the meeting minutes tomorrow so you can get on with other pressing matters. It’s 20 minutes later when Yoongi returns, a tall cup of coffee on one hand and a banana loaf on the other.
“This is all they have left,” he says. “I hope it can last you until tonight.”
“It will,” you smile. “Thank you again. No one looks out for me here as much as you do. And that means a lot, more than you know. I don’t think I would’ve survived all these years without you.”
“Wow, all because of coffee and snacks,” he laughs, teasing. 
“It’s a fair trade. You feed me during my greatest need, I boost your ego,” you tease back. 
“Yeah, whatever,” Yoongi huffs in submission, but you know he enjoys it. 
You’re thankful that after everything that’s happened, you’re still able to maintain the friendship that you created when you were a mere intern and he was just starting out his career. 
“Anyway, I’m quickly meeting Jungkook and I need the portfolio of the contemporary arts institution joint project from 2019. It was VP-led so I assume it’s still here? Unless it’s in the archive room,” he continues.
“It’s within five years so it should be here,” you say, turning to the shelf behind you to confirm. 
You spot what you need and make the attempt to pull it out but your fingers barely even touch the rack.
“Need help?” Yoongi asks.
“And what help could you give, huh?” You tease again, earning you a playful groan.
“You brat.”
You laugh and pull out the small stool you keep for times like this. 
“Just make sure I don’t fall and embarrass myself further today,” you say, climbing up the steps then pulling out the heavy folder. 
You feel Yoongi’s arm move from where it was near your waist to over your head, as he lightens the load. You both try to balance it and laugh at your distorted faces in the process, and it’s moments of relief like this one that you’re glad you’re afforded after a long day like today. 
From inside the room, Jungkook sees you through the window, your eyes crinkling as you laugh along with Yoongi, head of the design department and one of his very few friends in the company. It catches him off guard, as he realizes that since meeting you last Friday, he’s never seen you laugh, much less smile or even have an expression that isn’t agitated or serious.
He knows that that’s probably on him. He’d spoken ill of you after all, something he regretted once he saw the frustration on your face when you made it known that you were in the room with them and had definitely heard everything he said. But he’d been tired and HR confirmed that he could bring Lucas over as his assistant; CEO Jeon was the one who vetoed that decision. 
Jungkook had already mentally prepared himself for the ease of his transition, knowing that he’d be assisted by someone who knows how he works and the quality of outputs he expects, only to come here and be told by his father that the current staff will stay, and that you - someone he’d only heard of as Hoseok’s assistant - will be the one assisting him from now on. Your resume didn’t even impress him.
Jungkook doesn’t like change and when he has to undergo it, he needs as much of what was familiar and convenient to remain; that’s the only bit of control he can have and he hates not being in control of things. You just happened to unluckily be at the receiving end of his anger.
But unlike what he expected, you stood up to him in the subtle ways you could. He’s been so used to people just following him, partly because his way is always the best but also because he commands that respect, and he knows his capabilities enough to know that he deserves it as well. So when you answered back, he felt rattled and just a little bit uneasy. He was unable to backtrack after, but he didn’t really plan to.
That doesn’t mean that he didn’t plan on being a bit of a jerk today, too. He’d been exhausted working over the weekend after going through all the files you gave him that he snoozed his alarm so many times and ended up doing his workout later than he intended. When you rang the doorbell and stood by his door with your skirt and satin top, he suddenly felt lightheaded.
He mentally smacked himself once the thought that your pastel colored outfit brought out your eyes more than the monochrome ensemble from last week floated in his head. He just hated that not only are you thorough with your work, you have to be beautiful, too. He’d never admit to anyone that both of those things make him nervous, and it’s the only reason why he thinks he needs to establish his authority so that he doesn’t get rattled the next time you counter him.
That’s why he demanded more work, which he didn’t intend to take up so much of your time, like your lunch break. He’d seen how your hands shook while you were taking notes during the meeting, prompting him to end the meeting early so you can have something to eat of what he’d bought but he’d left before he could find out if there was anything left for you. 
Maybe there wasn’t enough, as he also witnessed Yoongi hand you what seemed like food with coffee that the man also got for you just minutes ago. The smile you gave him was bright and sincere. Jungkook doesn’t think he’d ever see that directed at him, considering how he’d been to you on his first day, but maybe that’s also good; that could be his defense. Maybe it’d help quell that initial attraction that he doesn’t want and cannot allow at all to grow.
It doesn’t mean it doesn’t agitate him to see you a bit too close with his friend, because with the way you seem so comfortable and with the way that Yoongi sports that rare smile, it almost feels like there’s something there.
Jungkook is the son of the CEO, and having personal relationships within the company isn’t exactly advisable, but he’d gone to university with Yoongi and their introverted personalities instantly clicked. The older man is perhaps the only non-relative company employee that Jungkook kept in touch with when he was in Singapore, not that he even really talked much to his family outside of work anyway.
But in all the years of their friendship, his friend never mentioned any relationship - nor the makings of one - with another staff member. Jungkook hates how his curiosity is slowly getting to him. Maybe a few more moments would tell him more, but something about the scene happening outside his room is making him nervous and uneasy, so he decides to step in.
“Hey, Yoon,” he says as he opens the door. “Can we discuss now? I have to meet my parents for dinner in an hour.”
Your bubble with Yoongi bursts at the sound of Jungkook’s voice, and you immediately return to your seat. Your friend nods at you then enters the room, leaving you the peace and quiet you need to plop down on the floor for a quick snack of your loaf before going back to work, glancing inside every once in a while to see how the two are going, and perhaps confirm the friendship that you didn’t expect the two would have.
“This building is a good starting point,” Yoongi agrees with Jungkook. “If this is the general feel you want for the Arts Center, I can look into other projects and designs and come up with ideas. I’ll just ask ___ for the files I need.”
“You two seem close,” Jungkook says too quickly. 
Leaning back against the chair, Yoongi processes the question that he didn’t expect he’d hear. More than that, he tries to read what’s underneath it, knowing that his friend’s tone of voice and feigned stoic expression mean something more.
“You could say that,” Yoongi replies. “She did say that no one’s looked out for her here as much as I have. And that she wouldn’t have survived all these years without me.”
“So you’re actually friends?”
“Were you more?”
Yoongi chuckles, the question giving him the answer he’s looking for. Jungkook may often be too serious but he can be transparent sometimes, too.
“Does it matter?” The older man asks.
“Just don’t want to be surprised, that’s all,” Jungkook shrugs. “If there’s an employee relationship happening under my nose, I should at least know.”
“It happens here a lot,” Yoongi responds. “I mean, it gives people something to gossip about but it’s how things are - work sucks sometimes and we want someone to hold at the end of a terrible day.”
Feeling like he won’t get an answer to a question that Jungkook doesn’t know why he felt the need to ask in the first place, he just shakes his head to concede. 
But it’s what prompts Yoongi to reply. 
“We met when she was just an intern,” he says. “We used to take the same bus then found out we both came from Daegu. Then she was employed and we were both on the logistics team before I was reassigned and she got the EA role.”
Jungkook merely hums, taking in the information.
“I also asked her out before,” Yoongi continues, earning him a surprised look from the younger man. “You just can’t help what you feel sometimes, you know?  But she turned me down, said she didn’t want to lead me on because she didn’t feel anything more. She also doesn’t like being involved with a co-worker, so yeah.”
“How are you still friends?”
“Asks the guy who’s still friends with his ex,” Yoongi laughs.
“Chaerin and I are civil, there’s a difference. And we haven’t spoken in years.”
“You loved her, though,” Yoongi counters. “I never got to that point.”
“This isn’t about me,” Jungkook huffs. 
Knowing it’s a topic that his friend doesn’t like talking about, Yoongi relents. “I moved on. That was years ago,” he says. “And it seemed like she needed someone. I mean, she’s not from here and her friends aren’t here, either. She appreciated the friendship even if she said she didn’t think she deserved it. I guess that made me really get over her, you know? That’s all she wanted and needed from me; it was better than not having her around.”
“How brave,” Jungkook remarks. 
“You mean mature?” Yoongi corrects. “Yes, that’s what I am, and it’s the best I could be for her. Especially since she’s got a boss who makes her miss lunch because somehow, there’s just so much to do for your first day on the job.”
“Don’t remind me,” Jungkook groans. 
“I will. Only so you could feel bad.”
“I already do. That’s why I…”
“Bought the pastries,” Yoongi finishes. “I mean, I didn’t order them.”
“Was any even left for her?” Jungkook sighs, remembering how he was internally screaming for you to just get from the box and he’d been the jerk to not offer you some even if it was technically for you.
“Sort of. I put some aside for myself so I could give them to her.”
“You sure you don’t like her anymore?” Jungkook cocks an eyebrow, an attempt to hide his uneasiness over something he doesn’t understand. He finds you attractive, that’s it. He doesn’t know why his mind searches for more answers.
“You don’t have to like someone romantically to be nice to them, you know?” Yoongi responds. “And she needed it. Heavens know the support she’d need now that she has to deal with your rude ass.”
Jungkook sighs, but the remark is a welcome one because he did tell Yoongi not to treat him differently just because he’s the Vice President now. He also partly agrees. But he sees the effort; his friend wouldn’t call him out for how he does things, so the most he would do is offer help to you. And Jungkook could maybe take advantage of that, as Yoongi stands up to leave.
“Hey, could you, uh, grab dinner for her at the food hall? And not say it’s from me?”
“The food hall’s closed,” Yoongi says.
“The cafe down the street, then?”
“You can’t be fucking serious,” the older man groans. 
But Yoongi knows his friend, knows the distance he creates from the people around him, knows his need to have control over everything, including his feelings, and knows the walls he builds because it’s easier to keep others out rather than do the hard task of letting them into a space that’s become comfortable because he’s been the only one inside for so long.
So Yoongi does as he’s asked. He takes the money then heads to the cafe to order pork cutlets and curry. He returns and sets them on your desk to your surprise, and you ask what it’s for.
“Just thought you deserve more than just convenience store instant noodles and gimbap given the day you’ve had,” he says. 
“Hey, those are delicious,” you pout, but wanting to melt at how good the rice bowl smells. “But thank you, again. I owe you a lot, Yoongi. I mean it.”
“Just make sure to eat on time so I don’t have to buy your dinner again,” he teases. “I mean it. You have to stay healthy, okay?”
“Okay,” you smile brightly. “Get home safe tonight.”
Jungkook glances out the window and holds back a smile himself at how innocent and genuinely happy you look. There’s this joy that you seem to enjoy to yourself and he sees that, he understands that. And somehow that’s enough to lessen the guilt for now. 
He still doesn’t know if he’ll ever see that smile directed at him or if he’d ever want that because of how disarming it is. But seeing it from afar is enough; it’s trivial and short enough to let him bask in it without having to climb out of his walls. He’ll watch you from behind, he thinks. He just wishes he doesn’t push you away in the process.
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Series Masterlist
Permanent Taglist: @sherlynxx​ @di0rgguk​ @thequeen-kat​ @fan-ati--c  @cravingforhotchocolate​ @adoraminie​ @helenazbmrskai @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @gukssunshine​ @kookxin​ @petuliii @yoursthv​ @libra04​ @fancycollectormoon​ @twixxxpie​ @ignoretheskies @ohmydarlin-g​​ @bids97​​ @minyoongiboongi​ @main-bangtansmauyeondan​​ @bora-bae7 @investedreader @petalsofink @jvngkooker
Series Taglist: @xhazmania @ash07128 @rinkud @junniesoleilkth @junecat18 @peachytokki @baechugff @coralmusicblaze @jalexad
3K notes · View notes
holybibly · 3 months
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Pretty Flushed | MATZ x Reader | Part II
Genre: smut, hybrids!Au
Word Count: 17.8k
Summary: Debts must always be repaid, even if they are not your own, and you will learn this cruel lesson from your own bitter sweet experience.
Or where hot alpha wolves finally knot up their sweet bunny. Please read part one if you have not already. The second part is nothing that pure, depraved and sinful smut. Part I
WARNING: Unprotected sex, Mommy/Alpha! Seonghwa, Daddy/Alpha! Hongjoong, Omega/Bunny! Reader, оral knotting, stomach bulge, vaginal knotting, breeding, fingering, choking, degrading, pet names, spit kink, size kink, face fucking, hair pulling, manhandling, threesomes, dirty talk, explicit sexual content, explicit language, squirting, pussy slapping, dacryphilia, oral, cum eating, overstimulation and more.
Tag list: @jeolmeunday @meowmeeps @wayzatiny @stolasisyourparent @iweirdthingsblog @staytinyville @yoonivjpg @spooo00oky @kibs-and-bits @yunnieo @avantalem @dreamingofyeo @uuviey @mxnsxngie @bahngchatsfx @yeosang-dot-mp3 @zzz-zzs @yeos-bunny @seonghwasstar @fvlvy @bunnyluvr25 @watermelon2319 @weedforthoughtz @teez-the-time @bakarilennox @atinyreads @bluesungshine @kihyuns-military-wife @seventhcallisto @maximofftrash @0325tiny @edusweah @haven-cove @nhari @sanhwalvr @hecateslittlewitchling @icecold2baby @readerofallthingss @appleschre @wannabebarbiesworld @kpopmonstur @ohflorah @yoongiigolden @unxverxse @kuromiiy @cherryynoir @mitchikeli @atinism @minaizum1 @st4rhwa @kayleigh-28 @onedumbho3 @imthetempter @soobiverse
Second part of tag list, at the end of chapter
A/N: So, are the bunnies ready to go down to hell and come back up again? This is the most detailed, twisted, and incredibly sexy thing I've ever written. You were warned. I really hope I've lived up to all your expectations and hopes. Honestly, I rewrote this 12 times until I was so happy my toes were curling up. So buckle up, bunnies, because some hot alphas are here to blow your mind. Look out for a series set in the same universe to come."Venus in Furs" is already getting developed.
My adorable bunnies, I love you. Reblogs and comments are welcome.
divider by @cafekitsune
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As soon as Seonghwa seems satisfied enough, he finally pulls his beautiful, sinful mouth away from your pussy, which is now red and swollen from all the aggressive caresses. You sob pitifully at losing contact, even though Hongjoong continues to lick you, and judging by the way his fingers dig into the soft skin of your thighs, restricting all your movements, he doesn't intend to stop.
It's too hard to be aware of your surroundings; your confused mind is still swimming in a haze of intoxicating, sickly-sweet pheromones and the deep, dizzying orgasm you've just experienced, but even so, a tugging, hot feeling of arousal is beginning to form inside you again, like boiling lava. Like tingling flashes of fire beneath the thin surface of your skin, the sensation is overwhelming. The only thing you can focus on is the gorgeous Alpha with the most perfect set of lips you've ever seen in your life.
Your eyes are wide open as you watch Seonghwa languidly lick the remnants of your sugary mucus from her sensual, plump lips. It's almost hypnotic—the long silken appendage gliding over the seductively moist flesh in the most vicious way—and you unconsciously repeat it, licking your own lips, bitten and parched from endless moans.
"You taste so divine, my little pet; I don't think I could ever get enough of you." Songhwa purrs sultrily as he looks down at your vulnerable, tender body with his dark, half-closed eyes. He has a siren's gaze—seductive and sexy—a gaze that promises the darkest of pleasures, the kind that says, "I'll tear you apart, and you'll beg for it." And it quickened your pulse to the point where your head began to spin and your hips unconsciously lifted upwards in search of attention, which only made you press your pussy harder into Hongjoong's face, and he purred velvety in response to your actions. The vibrations caused by his deep voice go right to the core of your being.
"P-please alpha..." The moan you make is so loud and so long, a little painful, followed by another one, even longer and even more needy. You don't know what you're asking for or which one of them; your tiny brain is incapable of forming any coherent thought. 
"Oh, sweet bunny, you want to have a taste too, don't you? Let your mommy give you a taste of it." With two fingers, Seonghwa picks up the leaking slime from your pussy, to which Hongjoong gives an irritated growl as the action of the black-haired Alpha causes him to take his mouth off of you for a few seconds. 
You are so juicy and fertile, like a gourmet treat that has been made just for him, and he is so damn drunk on it. All in all, the Alpha doesn't mind spending the rest of the night, possibly the rest of his life, burying his handsome face in your luscious wet folds. His fluffy, snow-white tail swings from side to side, and the tips of his pointed ears twitch at the tempting prospect.
When Seonghwa pulls back his hand, long strands of viscous slime stretch out from behind his fingers, and he moans fervently as he rolls his eyes. Alpha brings his wet, smooth fingers to your mouth, pressing them firmly against your trembling lower lip. 
"Open your mouth, my princess. Give yourself a taste. Feel how sweet that pretty cunt tastes."
You open your mouth obediently and allow his fingers to slide in and press against the tip of your tongue. He runs them back and forth, rubbing them against your soft, pink tongue, letting you taste the slime of your own body on your taste buds. It's strange and terribly disconcerting, and you've never even thought of doing something like this before, not even when you were in heat. 
Seonghwa pushes his fingers in so deep that the pointed tips of his nails scrape the back of your throat for a second, and you choke and unconsciously let the long fingers slide even deeper down your throat. The heavy silver of his rings scratches your palate and burns your tongue, but Seonghwa doesn't care, his eyes are fixed on you, and for a moment you think fire burns inside, ready to eat your body to the bone. There is a devilish glint in the blood-red frame of his bottomless irises. 
"You're so perfect, my beautiful little bitch." He growled as you gasped intermittently for air around his fingers. The constant pressure on your throat was a threat to your gag reflex with every movement. Your eyes watered, and you clutched your hand desperately into the luxurious fur of his coat as if that would do any good. "I'll take you into my bed, and I'll fuck you deep, hard, and long—for as long as it takes. My little princess, you are going to sit on top of my dick like the throne you deserve. Mommy is going to make sure that you are always full of cum and that your pretty little sugar brain can only think of me and my knot." It was impossible to look away from him, from the sadistic pleasure in those hypnotic onyx eyes as he used you like that, with a cruel and bright smile full of sharp teeth.
Your little heel kicked the air as one of Hongjoong's clawed hands began to roughly knead your breasts. Swollen, milk-filled, and so sensitive. Your back arched as Seonghwa's fingers slipped from your mouth as you threw your head back in an intermittent moan of pain. Rich streams of sweet smelling milk begin to flow down the length of your body. With his thumb pad, the Alpha runs his thumb over the moist candy pink flesh of your nipple before Hongjoong wraps two fingers around it. 
With that, a new wave of heavier, sweeter pheromones fills the room, and you begin to dissolve into the thick, seductive haze, sinking deeper into the natural pleasure space inherent in all bunnies. All rational and 'correct' thinking has long since ceased to exist as you begin to think.
"D-Daddy...Alpha!" You squeal shrilly, your long ears fluttering and your plump cotton tail flicking up. Your saliva drips from Seonghwa's long fingers on you. "Please...gently..."
"In your dreams, my angel." Hongjoong's smile is more like a predatory animal grin as he takes his beautiful wet mouth away from your pussy for a moment. 
Seonghwa wraps his wet fingers around your chin, the sharp tips of his claws digging painfully into the softness of your cheeks, almost drawing blood from them. You freeze completely, unable to move a single muscle except for your heart, which beats uncontrollably fast. Your natural bunny fear immediately reacts to the powerful dominant aura that surrounds Seonghwa, despite the lust and heat of the painful pleasure the Alphas give you. Like a dark omen of the end, an overwhelming and deadly threat that has sent all your instincts into panic, his invisible wolf energy trembles in the air.
A bunny can never feel safe and secure in the company of wolves, and that's why you're such a beautiful and seductive toy to them—you constantly fuel their kinky sexual side.
"My sweet bunny, are you able to ask for something?" He slowly licks his fanged top row of teeth and tilts his godlike face so close to you that you feel his breath in the small space between you. With every word he utters, his perfectly sculpted, luscious lips make contact with yours. "You're just our pretty fucktoy, aren't you?" The Alpha purrs against your lips, his voice covered in velvety darkness, utterly sinful, filled with a mocking condescension that makes you sob in turmoil. 
Seonghwa says such dirty and embarrassing things, degrading and objectifying you, but somehow your body responds with a wave of unwanted lust; a hot flash of shameful arousal erupts deep inside you, your pussy clenching involuntarily. You can taste his breath; it's a mixture of sex and whisky, and all you can think of now is how badly you want to lick his delicious mouth. 
"Oh, princess, are you upset? Despite how much your tiny cunt is leaking for us, are you still playing the tender virgin? All wet and glistening, ready to be bred and ready to be licked. You want nothing more than to be stuffed full of cock and fucked full of our cum; just admit it, bunny, and mommy will give you everything you so desperately want." A horrible moan rises in your chest at the sound of his words. An echo of pure shame and sexual pleasure in equal measure, the sound is treacherously loud and humiliating.
"Look at you, bunny, you like it so much when mommy talks dirty to you, don't you, little slut? You're dripping into my mouth, honey." Hongjoong's voice is a solid, silky growl; it vibrates against your skin and sends shivers up and down your entire body. His vicious mouth begins to leave rough, painful hickeys on the inside of your thighs as well. His teeth are sharper than they used to be, his breathing is intermittent and hot, like a fever, and his pheromone-filled saliva is dripping copiously onto your skin. It's filthy and disgusting, but maybe deep down inside you're desperate for him to stain you even more, to make you all sticky with his cum.
"Oh God...d-don't say things like that...please, it's so bad." Hot tears begin to flow from your wide-open eyes—thick and humiliating, just like the viscous streams of mucus flowing from your shrinking hole. Hongjoong is absolutely right, you really do enjoy all this, but he also knows very well that there's nothing you can do about it; it's so natural to your species—the constant, uncontrollable desire for sex.
"Don't tell me what to do, fluffy." His voice drops a couple of octaves to something more akin to the growl of a dangerous animal. You let out a gasp as you felt the sharp fangs of the Alpha press palpably against your thin skin. It doesn't sound like he's trying to intimidate you; this feels real. More tears begin to trickle down your cheeks, and Seonghwa's long tongue reaches out to lick away the salty liquid that is running down your face in streams of crystal-clear water.
The Alpha lets out a guttural moan that sounds as if you have just licked his cock, a pornographic expression of bliss etched on his god-like face.
And yet, despite the natural horror tormenting you at the edges of your consciousness, driving the instinct of self-preservation into a frenzy, you cannot shake the strange, intoxicating feeling of their all-encompassing power over you.
"I am going to rip your tight little cunt in half, and you are going to beg me to do it again and again and again. You are going to be so full that you will be able to see how my cock is bulging against your belly with every move I make. I know that a slut like you is going to milk every last drop of my cum out until your pussy can no longer hold it in and it will flow freely out of you." The tip of his sharp tongue brushes against the wet, tight hole between your plump buttocks, and you squeal, jerking violently in your vulnerable position. "Why don't we knot that pretty hole up too? What do you think, bunny?"
"I-I... no, you can't; it's dirty. You can't, you can't go there... I'll never..." You blushed furiously and whimpered, your long ears flapping on your face, in an attempt to cover yourself. But Seonghwa growled low and squeezed your cheeks tighter with sharp claws, leaving angry crescents on round, plump cheeks.
"It was a polite question, angel. Daddy doesn't need your permission to fuck your ass." Hongjoong cooed with a sweetness that was deceptively like honey.
A high-pitched squeal escapes your throat as Seonghwa's fingers begin to trace slow circles over your swollen, sensitive clit. Stimulating your already obvious arousal. These actions cause your heel to kick stupidly in the air and your long ears to go limp and soft as they press against the back of your head. The uncomfortable position made the muscles in your thighs start to ache noticeably, but you were too scared to complain about it. Every nerve in your body is vibrating and tingling as the persistent fingers repeat the same movements over and over again.
The stimulation is almost painful, but it is too divine to resist.
"And then we're going to let the puppies play with your beautiful, fuckable body. I want to see how they make you scream. I bet you would love it if the puppies were to use you as a group whore for them. Mmm, just imagine them taking turns stuffing your greedy sweet hole as if they had the right to, but you know you belong to me, and if they dare to lay claim to you, I will rip their throats out." Seonghwa's voice rang in your ears like warm, melted honey, but behind the sweetness was a barely perceptible edge, a deep animal rumble. "Mommy is going to put a magnificent collar on you, all covered with jewels and diamonds, and you are going to sit obediently and beautifully at my feet, or even better, on my cock, like on a real royal throne, which every spoiled princess should have. Absolutely everyone in this house will know that you belong to me and to me alone," he said. Seonghwa moans as she imagines this image: the fingertips penetrating you, stimulating the trembling, swollen edge, but not going any deeper, no matter how much you want them to. More slime pours out of your entrance and splashes around the fingers of the Alpha with a loud, slurping sound.
The humiliation has been so acute, too painful, and too raw, but you moan selflessly, rolling your eyes as you clearly feel a new wave of slime pouring out of your used cunt. It is becoming increasingly difficult for you to resist your natural, deep-seated mating instinct. It is calling you to engage in brutal animal mating right here and now. Maybe Seonghwa really is right about you, and you are nothing more than his little doll that he can use in the right way and fuck whenever he wants to.
"You know, my darling, that the juicy, fertile smell of your pussy has made their heads spin. I can hear them whimpering and moaning all the way from here. I'm sure they want nothing more than to lap up your slime like bitches in heat and rub their pretty little faces all over your deliciously plump pussy." The prospect was unbearable for your twisted little brain. The sound that follows is disgustingly loud, almost unholy, as Seonghwa finally slides his fingers into your pussy. You're dripping like a waterfall, dripping onto the floor and causing a small, shiny puddle to form on the floor. Some of the mucus is absorbed by the Alphas' luxurious furs, but they have no problem with this at all.
"Can you blame them, Hwa? She's a real treat for the wolves." You sob loudly as Hongjoong's evil and insatiable mouth finds a particularly sweet spot on the inside of your thigh and clings to it with all its might, sucking loudly and biting the tender skin with a palpable sensation. His hands slide up your thighs, the palms of his hands lingering on the shape of your swollen pink cunt for a few seconds, massaging it with his thumbs before moving higher up. Hot and hungry kisses travel up the length of your belly and up to your wet, milky breasts until his tongue wraps around your swollen nipple before he sucks it into his mouth. The cocky alpha's lips curl into a sly grin at your exhausted and dazed expression. The grin is both seductive and threatening. The more Hongjoong sucks and caresses, the more milk comes out. Not only is it indecently pleasurable, but it is also super erotic. His hot breath is fanning out over your sensitive areolas as he takes more of the plump flesh into his mouth, his rough fingers caressing your curves, occasionally dragging his claws along the seductive path of the swollen scarlet scratches he left on you earlier.
"I think you're ready enough to take my knot, don't you, pet? My beloved girl, are you ready to ride on your mommy's knot?" Seonghwa's gaze is so animalistic, dark, and almost diabolical, the bloody rim of his onyx irises, glimmering faintly like the dark promise of the worst sin.
At the mention of the word 'knot', you whimper loudly and throw your head back submissively, exposing the pale column of your neck, finally distracting the second Alpha. Hongjoong crawls up your body until his face is next to Seonghwa's godlike face, leaving traces of wine-like, possessive marks.
"We are so terribly hungry for you, my little bunny." A hot blush spreads across your cheeks as you feel your juices mixed with milk run down his chin and drip onto your heaving chest, but the Alpha doesn't seem to care as he leans in and licks your mouth, leaving his pheromone-filled saliva on your lips. "We are going to breed you so well, my darling. You are going to be so full and plump. Daddy is going to take care of that, I promise you. This little pussy of yours will always be filled with our sperm. Isn't that what you want, fluffy?"
"Tell me one thing, bunny, do you want to be bred by the big and bad wolves?" Seonghwa is almost choking on his words; his bottomless, dark eyes are heavy and clouded with animal need. The tip of his fluffy tail tickles your thigh, sending a wave of heat through your body. Hongjoong's sharp nails lightly scratch your aching, swollen nipples, and his long, rough tongue lazily slides over your scent gland, leaving a trail of cold, wet saliva.
"Say it..." The Alpha whispers, but you can hear the dominant tone in it.
You know you have no choice but to obediently obey as ordered.
"Please, mommy, I want this so much, I want your knot. Please breed me..." You squeal loudly, kicking the air with your heel as you feel Hongjoong's gorgeous lips press harder into your swollen scent gland, and Seonghwa's fingers penetrate so deep into your pussy that the tender pads of his fingers touch the small bundle of hypersensitive nerves, completely shutting down your consciousness. Like a swamp—thick, viscous, and deadly—the gnawing pleasure fills your entire body. The whole of your bunny nature is sinking into a black hole of utter depravity and visceral, submissive behaviour. The only thing you need right now is for one of these gorgeous Alphas to shove his massive cock down your leaky, throbbing, needy hole.
Your lusty, insatiable rabbit nature wants only one thing: for someone powerful, domineering, and dominant to take you over—rough, animalistic, fucking your mind into a complete stupor—and claim you as their new shiny toy. Perhaps, deep down in your virgin soul, this is what you secretly long for - to be nothing more than a mindless, beautiful toy in the hands of a magnificent Alpha or two, or perhaps their entire clan.
As Hongjoong licked the remaining tears from your cheeks, you whimpered and twitched weakly.
"Oh, Fluffy, you are such a bad girl; shouldn't you be asking for daddy's knot as well?" He is not asking you; he is telling you, and you are obliged to obey.
"P-please, I want your knot so badly, daddy. Fill me up with it." You are barely above a whisper, your voice quavering with painful excitement.
"How can we refuse you since you ask so politely?"
They both pull away from you, only to lift your weak legs off the armrests, the viscous puddle of your goo squelching uncomfortably as your hips sink into the leather seat of the luxurious chair. It is so embarrassing.
Hongjoong's impatient hands rip off your remaining clothes and throw them somewhere on the floor, leaving you completely naked, covered in hickeys, scratches, and bites.
God, is this how good, obedient bunnies should look?
Seonghwa picks you up and presses you against his hard body as he carries you off to what you can only assume is his bedroom.
The luxurious fur of his fur coat wraps itself around you like the softest of blankets, caressing your hot, bare skin. The scent of his pheromones is so thick and seductive that you are completely lost in it, and you unconsciously bury your nose in his collarbone, your teeth clinging to the smooth, golden skin. Your head is heavy with lust, clouding your thoughts and your vision, and you are unaware of anything around you except for the Alpha, whose clawed fingers are digging into your flesh.
It was only when you felt yourself being laid down on the soft velvet blanket of Seonghwa's king-size bed that feelings and awareness slowly began to return, and you blinked absentmindedly as you tried to focus on your new surroundings. It takes a couple of minutes for your tiny brain to process what has just happened and to analyse the situation. It is clear that you are in the personal bedroom of the main Alpha. Everything in here smells like Seonghwa—bitter almonds and black cherries mixed with the sickening sweetness of Alpha pheromones. This thick mixture wraps around you, embedding itself into your skin and settling into your lungs with every breath you take. There are notes of other flavours in the ghostly taste that linger on your tongue—too many to distinguish, but the heat of pink pepper is so obvious and searing. Your slutty nature helpfully reminds you that Hongjoong tastes exactly the same—burning.
The room's walls are black, and exactly the same black velvet curtains pile up on the floor, cascading in heavy waterfalls over black-and-gold marble tiles. The few windows were made of stained glass, depicting scenes of debauchery and pleasure, so detailed that just looking at them would send a wave of heat through your entire body and make your pussy clench.
Mirrors with gold frames covered most of the walls and reflected the luxurious bed from different angles. The remaining furniture was all carved from ebony, and the light from the candles and the burning fireplace that filled the room reflected off the many mirrors, filling the room with a warm, luxurious glow. It was the kind of lighting that had always made naked bodies look so incredible. It was hard for you to understand how he could sleep peacefully here every night; it was all so wicked and sinful. Even in your dirtiest, most depraved dreams, which you imagined during your heat, you couldn't have imagined a room so dark and filled with sex.
Slowly, like real predators on the hunt, the wolves begin to approach you, crawling onto the bed with elegant animal movements. You are the sweet one they want to catch. The room is stuffy and the air is heavy and thick, and it's not just the overwhelming mix of aromas, sex, and pheromones; it's something more instinctive, primal, and animal that defines the dynamic between the three of you, not only as between species but also as between potential mating partners.
Their great bodies, still clothed in luxurious and expensive furs, hang over your trembling body, naked for their pleasure, looking at you with eyes darkened by lust and desire. Like the grin of the devil, bloody sparks flash from the depths of the black irises.
A slow, sinful grin slides across Seonghwa's sensual, plump lips while Hongjoong's beautiful, wet mouth stretches into a predatory wolf smile. Sharp fangs peek out from his parted lips as he licks them with his tongue. Before Seonghwa's clawed hand wraps around your ankle in one fluid motion and pulls you towards him, your body is dragged along the luxurious blanket, and you instinctively try to escape, kicking and squealing as the Alphas just chuckle darkly.
"In a hurry, bunny?" Hongjoong laughs mockingly as you give a weak squeal and start to cry again.
"Don't you dare to run away from me again, you little whore." Seonghwa growls in a threatening voice and digs his claws deeper into your flesh. You whimper, throwing your neck back and biting your trembling lower lip to submit. "Be obedient, darling, and maybe we can be a little bit nicer to you, or do I have to bite you so that you start to behave the way you should?"
"Yes, I understand you, mommy; I will obey, the best bunny for you." You whimper, your voice trembling with fear and with painful, humiliating excitement. Seonghwa just grunts in response, and with a sharp movement, she spreads her legs wide, exposing your leaking cunt to her gaze in its entirety. Their eyes are focused on the wet, shiny folds of your pussy, and you react to this in the most attractive way for them—your little hole is clenching on nothing, and a new stream of fragrant, thick mucus is spurting out. At the sight of this, Hongjoong lets out a laugh so evil that it makes your skin hum with sharp electricity.
"Somebody's getting a little too excited, aren't you, furry?" The mockery is literally dripping from the tip of his tongue.
"I... I'm sorry..." You don't even know what you're apologising for, but Hongjoong's words make you feel an extreme, painful sense of shame that hits you like a slap in the face.
Seonghwa doesn't say anything, but instead decides to nuzzle his nose against your cunt. As he takes a deep breath, nuzzling your body and purring with pleasure, you feel your cheeks blush with humiliation.
"Bunny, bunny, bunny..." He begins to say this as he runs his nose over your swollen clit. As humiliating as it is, you can't help but let out a shrill moan that escapes from your chest. "You have been such a naughty little girl. You were pretending to be such an innocent little bunny, but look at you now; you're just pouring all over my sheets like a real whore." His voice has dropped a couple of octaves, and there is an animal edge to it that you can feel. If you didn't know that this is natural for wolves, you'd be forgiven for thinking he's about to start rutting.
His throat rumbling velvety with pleasure, Hongjoong presses his cheek to your belly and rubs his face against the soft skin. He plants hot kisses along the plane of your belly, his teeth scratching at you and his long tongue licking at you. Sparks of desire run across your skin; the wet walls of your vagina ache almost palpably with the need to squeeze and hold the Alpha's knot. As you tremble all over at their attention, a small sob escapes from your doll's mouth against your will. As Seonghwa's claws dig deeper into you, you belatedly realise that he's waiting for your answer to his question.
"I didn't want it; it's... I can't do anything about it."
Seonghwa presses his tongue against the folds of your pussy and then licks a wide line from your heated, dripping hole all the way to your throbbing clit. In an instant, your back arched up from the bed, and you let out a high pitched moan. The constant feeling of stimulation is becoming compulsively pleasurable, perhaps even a little painful, but you like it in a strange way. Your mind may be completely out of control, in complete obedience to instinct. The Alpha repeats the action, this time pressing his tongue against your hole and pushing the tip of it inside you.
"Alpha." You're practically choking.
"Don't need to apologise, bunny. We will be more than happy to do some re-education for you. We're going to make you into a real obedient girl, my angel. Mommy and daddy will teach their little bunny how to behave very well." Hongjoong's kisses travel higher and higher up your body, between your breasts, until they come to rest on your neck. His breath flows over your skin, and you feel as if it is burning it, just like the rich aroma of the Alpha's pink pepper. Your thighs spread a little further, and Seonghwa purrs appreciatively. Hongjoong's sharp fangs brush the pulsating vein in your neck.
Hongjoong chuckles again, the dark, animal sound echoing through your sensitive eardrums and penetrating to the very core of your being.
"Do you want me to kiss you, my angel, while Hwa is eating your tight little cunt? You want that. Don't you?" Hongjoong purrs, causing you to nod your head in a desperate attempt to confirm your yes. His snow-white tail swings lazily from one side to the other." Then say, "Give your little whore bunny a kiss, daddy."
"Please, daddy, kiss your little w-whore bunny." There's a slight stutter at the offensive word, but you do as you're told anyway. Because at that moment, you were no longer able to fight against your bunny nature and the forbidden, dark desire to be divorced and to be marked by these devilishly beautiful alphas.
As soon as these words have left your lips, Hongjoong immediately takes hold of your mouth with a hot, animalistic kiss. He roughly pushes his long, rough tongue between your lips, which immediately penetrates the inside of your mouth and fills the entire space. The kiss was like heaven and hell at the same time. His teeth sink into your innocent lower lip, leaving it broken and throbbing, and the Alpha ravages your soft lips with an intensity bordering on sadistic pleasure. You let out a loud moan into his mouth, and Hongjoong swallowed the sound and pressed himself so close to you that you found yourself trapped between his body and the luxurious furs that lined the bed.
Your mind, warped by lust and hormones, wants him to press his full weight against you, to hold you in place as he drives his massive cock into you.  Your body surrenders to him without hesitating, dissolving beneath him, ready to serve and obey whatever he commands. He is such a perfect partner to fuck with. An excellent alpha for breeding.
At the same time, you can feel Seonghwa's hot breath blowing over your wet folds, and you give a weak twitch at the sensation. The arms of the Alpha are wrapped around your hips, and he digs his claws into the soft flesh of your body. The sharp, searing pain from the sharpened claws tore a wet cry from your throat, which you let out into Hongjoong's lips, cut off by an equally sharp gasp as you felt a claw run along your thigh, cutting the skin. Like tiny bubbles in a pot of boiling water, the blood bubbled to the surface of the cut.
Hongjoong is still kissing you with the same devotion. His mouth is hot and demanding, and his tongue is exploring the depths of your mouth as if he were in search of hidden treasure. The taste of his mouth is a mixture of sin and temptation, bitter chocolate and pink pepper. The sensation on the tip of your tongue will drive all thoughts of fear from your mind and leave you floating in bliss. The cloying sweetness of the pheromones runs down your throat along with his saliva, and you swallow the liquid, causing him to growl in an animal-like manner. The velvety sound vibrates against your skin. Your pussy clenches desperately against nothing and spurts liquid into Hwa's mouth.
Your little heel kicks the sheets as one of Hongjoong's clawed hands begins roughly kneading your breasts—swollen, heavy, full, and so sensitive. Your back arched as you let out a broken, painful moan and threw your head back. Vast streams of sweet-smelling milk begin to flow down the length of your body. The Alpha runs his thumb over the wet, candy pink flesh before he wraps two fingers around it and pulls on it. As the kiss grows deeper and harder and Hongjoong's tongue literally starts fucking your throat in a slow but rough rhythm, his hand falls from your chest and traces a painful scratch path along your writhing, heated body until the tips brush your throbbing, needy clit. 
You let out a moan into his mouth, your hips shaking slightly at the delicious touch. You can't even think at the moment; the pulsating need is taking over and completely suppressing the rational part of your brain. This is just a distraction that takes your attention away from the real action at hand.
You feel Seonghwa's silken tongue brushing against you before he starts to lick you hungrily. Bending your spine, you arch your back towards his lips, and with each movement and each kiss, small sobs of pleasure escape from your lips. With each passing moment, their actions are slowly driving you mad—your skin is turning red and tingling with the searing heat of the lust that is bubbling under your skin like boiling honey. The blood seems to move more slowly—thick as sweet molasses—through the vein. Soon your pussy begins to ache with pain: the clitoris throbs, demanding attention; the vagina contracts rhythmically; and the excitement flows into the crevice between your plump buttocks. Suddenly, you feel Seonghwa lift your legs before hooking them on either side of his shoulders, your skin touching the luxurious fur of his coat and his long hair tickling the inside of your thighs as his godlike face is pressed between your legs. Long, slender fingers massage the sides of your plump pussy, dipping lightly between your folds before spreading them wide, exposing your tender cunt flesh to his predatory gaze. Your entire body trembles with anticipation, and as you feel the Alpha's scorching breath enveloping the molten heat of your pussy, your inner walls tighten in response.
"God, you are such a desperate bitch for me, little bunny, aren't you?" Seonghwa moans as his dark, bottomless eyes roam over every inch of your folds. Holding your cunt in one hand, he runs the index finger of his other hand delicately along the petals of your folds before tracing the outline of your trembling entrance with the tip of his finger. "Fuck, I can feel that pretty little pussy of yours twitching. Needy little slut, is that all you want to do is take an Alpha cock up into your cunt, darling? Are you so desperate for your mommy to come and break you up? He goes on with a mocking purr in his voice.
You whimper in response to his words, your long ears trembling and tears collecting in the corners of your eyes, glistening on your doll-like eyelashes. Hongjoong continues to ravage your mouth with his tongue; his beautiful mouth prevents you from making a sound. He kisses you so deeply that you almost choke on it as you feel the hot appendage twist sinfully around your own tongue.
Seonghwa pushes a long finger into you with a sharp, quick motion. The silver of his rings drags along your soft walls before he pulls out immediately. As his finger leaves your cunt, your body clenches, and you whimper, needing to scream. Seonghwa's throat goes dry, and he sticks his tongue out like a thirsty dog, thick saliva dripping onto your folds as he sees the thick sheen of your arousal covering the length of his finger. The Alpha runs his fingers through your folds, collecting as much of your mucus as he can, watching as thin, thick threads of moisture stretch out behind his fingers.
"You are so ready for us, bunny, we are going to breed you. Mommy is going to show you how to fuck like a real Alpha." Hwa hisses as she reaches up with her hand and gets Hongjoong's attention. "It's getting sweeter and sweeter, Joong."
Finally giving you the opportunity to take a deep breath, Hongjoong immediately pulls his lavish mouth away from you. A hazy look falls on Seonghwa's slender fingers; he licks his kiss-swollen lips, and you watch as Hongjoong leans in. As he swallowed your intoxicating essence, his long tongue slipped out of his mouth and wrapped around Seonghwa's finger. Wrapping the finger in his mouth, he takes its entire length before sucking lightly with a low, husky hum, his eyelashes fluttering and his bushy tail whipping in the air. Your throat goes dry at the erotic sight of the Alpha's plump lips around Seonghwa's fingers, and your clit throbs even more. When they are clear, he releases the appendages with a bang and a heavy rumble comes from Hongjoong's chest as his eyes flash red.
"Fuck, is it possible to be even more delicious, angel? The more you cum, the more intoxicating the taste will be." He lets out a groan. Out of the blue, Hongjoong slides his hands between your thighs, and a scream of ecstasy escapes from your throat as you feel two of his fingers slide through your pussy. Suddenly, they plunge into your cunt, and you scream out in pain and pleasure as he forces your body to stretch around his fingers, your soft walls aching as they are suddenly torn apart. He pushes his fingers in all the way to the base of your cunt, twisting the appendages before pulling them out roughly.
Thick strands of arousal cling to his fingers, the appendages coated in a thick layer of your wetness, and you watch as Hongjoong brings his dirty fingers to your nipples; only to let your honeyed essence run over them. Hongjoong moistens the hardened tips and coats them with a glaze until they are smooth and shiny with your goo, which mixes with the dripping drops of milk. One of the nipples slips between his fingers, and Hongjoong pinches it between his knuckles before he pulls hard on it. The sharp sting of it makes you let out a dry sob—the pain mixing with the pleasure and ripping through your body like a flash of lightning.
A sadistic, mocking grin plays across his lips, pointed fangs protrude from beneath his plush lips, and in one swift motion, the Alpha pinches your swollen nipple before pulling roughly on your nipple. As soon as he was sufficiently covered in your own wetness, Hongjoong turned his attention to your other breast; he gave it his cruel attention. Your breathing has become more laboured; low moans and strained, painful sobs escape from your lips.
The way your body reacts to rough caresses, heating up and blooming, becoming ripe and juicy for two insatiable alphas—it's not normal; it's completely abnormal. It's not even your heat, and you're scared to think about what you'll feel when it comes. Even now, every nerve in your body is burning with the most intense pleasure you've ever known.
Yes, sex with wolves is like a flirtation with death, and you belatedly realise that you don't mind dying in their clawed hands.
While Hongjoong's deft fingers are flicking over your nipples, Seonghwa is giving his undivided attention to your pussy. The Alpha's long fingers dance across your cunt, with two fingers running along one of your folds in a gentle massaging motion before he spreads his fingers in a V-shape. Seonghwa gently blows cool air on your swollen clit, exposing your pussy to his gaze. Your hands clench into fists at the sensation, clenching the fur blankets together, your fingers twisting the silken strands between them, and your knuckles turning white at how hard you squeeze. Your whole body is shaking, like a fever, and it seems as if you can't breathe at all—the alpha pheromones are clinging to your throat with every breath you take.
The air in the room is like a thick swamp of vice and sex, impossible to get through; it absorbs you, drowning you in its depths.
Seonghwa's lush, sensual lips wrap around your clit as Hongjoong's mouth wraps around your right nipple, and with an almost synchronised ease, they both suck at the same time. A strangled moan escapes from your throat, and you feel your eyes roll back into the back of your head from the blinding pleasure that is shooting through your nerves. There are stars flashing behind your eyelids. Your body is writhing in bliss as you writhe under their ministrations, Seonghwa's long tongue flicking teasingly along the outline of your clit as Hongjoong licks and sucks the wetness from your nipple.
"Oh God, Alpha, this is too much... I can't... I can't..." You are sobbing. But behind the tears, ecstatic notes pierce the edge of your being. Hongjoong bites down hard on one of your nipples while the fingers of his other hand squeeze and play with the other one. He swallows noisily before releasing your breasts with a pop.
"Hwa, please, let's fuck her already, you can lick her pussy later, maybe when the bunny is squirting around my dick." Seonghwa's eyes roll back in his head at the thought, and he growls softly. The vibrations on your clit literally make your whole body shake.
You are like a doll to him—boneless and pliable—and he finally pulls away from your used, reddened cunt to grab your hips, lift your legs from his shoulders, and forcefully turn you onto all fours. His hands put you in the position he wants you in, pushing your thighs further apart before he slides between them, your cunt hanging over his face.
"You're can to start fun, Joong, and I still haven't gotten enough taste of her pussy to fuck her." Seonghwa purrs as he lowers you down onto his face, his palms moving up to cradle your ass before he presses his plush lips to your pussy. Your head hangs limply, and you moan shrilly with new pleasure—the feeling is incredible. The Alpha rubs his mouth roughly against your leaking pussy. It's so filthy and dirty that it's almost going to send you over the edge.
You're a mess, and the heavy, dark promise of Seonghwa's fucking grips your chest like a clawed paw of vicious anticipation. Your slutty bunny self sings with delight as you arch into the Alpha's arms and press your pussy even harder against his gorgeous face.
The rustle of clothes and the clink of jewellery catch your attention before Hongjoong's fingers cradle your chin and lift your face to look straight up at the demonically beautiful Alpha with his sultry grin. The sight of him is enough to take your breath away. If he isn't pure brilliance, then what is he? He's completely undressed, and, as you've guessed from the erotic lighting, his body looks like it's made of gold itself: the skin is smooth and drenched in sweat in places, the chiselled chest muscles rise and fall with the rhythm of his breath, his abs tighten, and you notice a large tattoo on the inside of his arm.
But it is his cock that attracts your attention. Hongjoong's thighs are slightly spread, and he slowly strokes his cock before your face - it's thick and throbbing, pre-cum oozing from the dark pink head and the distinctive veins running down its velvety length make you want to lick it. There is a slightly swollen knot at the base. Not only are you in thrall to everything they do with you, but their excitement is as painful and acute as your own.
Your unblinking gaze is riveted on his hand, adorned with massive precious rings; you watch as she squeezes the thick length—his arousal spreading through his shaft with each lazy pump—and, unable to stop yourself, you writhe across Seonghwa's face, a strained moan escaping your bitten lips.
"A-Alpha, please..." You stutter. The desperate need is evident in your voice as you silently beg for the feel of his cock in your mouth; you want nothing more than to taste the heavy, hot length on his tongue.
A demonic, mischievous grin appears on his face as Hongjoong raises a mocking eyebrow in your direction. His cat's eyes sparkled as they caught the glow of the candles and blazed like hellfire.
"Oh, angel, you are begging for my cock; it is so nice and sweet of you." He coos as he runs his finger over your lips, and you parted them for him. "You've never sucked a dick before, have you, bunny? Daddy's going to teach you how to choke on it properly." Shivers run down your spine like ice chips at the mocking tone of his voice.
Hongjoong's hand moves to the base of his cock, and with a grip on the base, he leads it to your mouth. Teasingly, the Alpha runs the leaky head over your lips, staining them with the sticky, viscous pre-cum, and you automatically run your tongue over it, collecting the pheromone-filled liquid. The hot and sweet taste of his cum settles on your taste buds and makes you whimper with pleasure. Almost drooling to taste him, you stick out your tongue, causing the Alpha to let out a deep, dark chuckle.
"Such a cockstarved little slut." Hongjoong mockery. "The puppies are going to go crazy when they see those dolls's lips wrapped around their dicks. I would love to see your pretty mouth full of their sperm." His fingers get tangled up in your hair; squeeze it tight and hold your head in place. Hongjoong presses the head of his cock up against your lips and moans. "I'm going to fuck that pretty little throat until it bleeds." He growls at you.
His claws dig into your scalp, your jaw relaxes, your mouth opens obediently, and with a satisfied purr, Hongjoong begins to insert his massive cock. Almost immediately, you start to gag at the huge size of it. Hongjoong's hot and thick cock stretches along your tongue, easily filling your mouth and causing your jaw to ache. Hongjoong moans loudly in pleasure as he enjoys the feel of your warm, wet tongue pressing against the underside of his cock.
"This mouth is built for sucking alpha-dick. God, Seonghwa, why haven't we ever fucked bunnies before? They are fucking perfect dick sleeves." The hand on top of your head is stroking the base of your velour ears. The head of his cock touches the back of your throat, and you tighten your lips around the girth of his cock.
At the same time, you can't hold back your tears, a mixture of excitement and shame sweeping over you, tears streaming down your cheeks in thick, glistening streams.
Seonghwa pulls his mouth away from your cunt for a second before saying.
"Be nice to her, Joong. You don't want to break her before the puppies get their teeth into her. If they don't fuck the bunny, they'll go wild." After that, he will come back to your seductive cunt.
Your labia are parted, and he watches the tight ring of muscles clench rhythmically; thick streams of your sugary wetness drip from your hole onto his mouth and chin. He sticks out his tongue and licks up the viscous fluid, a loud, throaty moan escaping from his chest as he savours the taste of it. Unable to resist his desire and the intoxicating taste of you any longer, Seonghwa tightens his grip on your ass, his fingers digging into the flesh as he spreads your buttocks apart and lowers you all the way onto his face, his tongue immediately plunging into your tight hole. Your thighs shake on either side of that beautiful face, the desire burning in your stomach as you moan in pleasure around Hongjoong's cock, making him hiss in response.
Hongjoong's fingers wrap around your head in an attempt to push his cock deeper into your throat. You feel the bulging, hot head of his cock pressing against the back of your mouth; your throat tightens in pain, and you start to gag. Hongjoong moans at the sensation, throwing his head back and rolling his eyes, the tip of his fluffy tail brushing your tear-stained cheek. Saliva pools at the corners of your mouth as the Alpha begins to thrust his cock into your mouth, and with each thrust, you feel it slam into the back of your throat as his cock straddles your tongue.
Seonghwa's tongue moves in and out of you rhythmically, your sperm squirting disgustingly as it drips onto his face, but the Alpha doesn't care at all, he feels like he's in heaven. One of his hands spreads your ass even further apart, while the fingers of the other one caress your asshole. All of a sudden, Seonghwa plunges two fingers into your tight cunt, his long appendages opening you up and tearing through your silky walls to make you ready for his cock.
He finds the little bundle of nerves in you with ease, and you scream out in ecstasy at once, your eyes rolling back in your head as you gurgle around Hongjoong's cock. The pleasure blinds your senses, your skin heats up with lust, and your throat instantly relaxes to allow the Alpha to penetrate you even deeper. In one swift motion, he slips his cock past the tight muscles of your throat—the thick cock deliberately stretches them as he pushes his cock into the velvety passage of your throat. As he reaches the bottom, your nose is pressed against his hard, tight belly as his cock plunges deep down into your gullet. Hongjoong lets out a low, animalistic growl.
"Fuck, pet. I am going to knot your throat, angel." His fingers curl up in your hair and then pull at the base of your soft ears with a light tug. Hongjoong enjoys the feeling of your little throat wrapping around his cock, the warm, wet muscles spasming every now and then, massaging his cock in a seductive way.
Seonghwa begins to move his fingers in and out of you, his long fingers aggressively stroking your silken walls. Synchronously, his lips wrap around your clit, pulling the swollen bud into his warm mouth and sucking hard. Spikes of feverish lust flare up your spine, and, lost in pleasure, you clench your fists on the luxurious fur blankets that lie beneath you. You squeeze your cunt even harder against Seonghwa's sensual, plump lips. Your hips buck to increase the pleasure. You feel the Alpha's devilish grin spread across his lips as he drags his teeth across the flesh of your throbbing clit. With a snap, he releases your clit and begins to rub his fingers even harder against your G-spot.
"Ride my face, bunny; let your mommy eat." Seonghwa moans loudly.
You squeal, your thighs trembling from the crazy stimulation. The sound of your pleasure is vibrating against Hongjoong's cock, which is still deep in your throat. The Alpha snarls, grabs the back of your head with all his might, and pulls his cock out of your bruised throat. Your pupils dilate, your muscles tense—a slight twinge of pain rushes through you as Hongjoong pulls his cock out of your throat and then pushes it back in sharply. The thick cock fills your mouth completely, the hot head pressing against your soft tongue. You try to take a deep breath to fill your painfully burning lungs before the Alpha moves his hips, and his cock immediately pierces your gullet once more.
You immediately choke on his cock, but the sound of you gagging, combined with the feeling of your throat tightening around him, only serves to push Hongjoong even further. His hand wraps around the gentle curve of your neck, and his thumb presses down hard on the skin of your neck. The imprint of his cock is visible on your throat. Hongjoong is rubbing his fingers over the bulge as he continues thrusting in and out. Your stretched throat shifts under his touch, the outline of his big dick presses against the palm of his hand with every movement of his hips, and at the feeling of that bulge, a booming animal growl escapes from the Alpha's chest.
"Take it all, my angel. You desperate little slut, take your Alpha's cock down your throat. Tell me, my little bunny, have you ever thought about how an Alpha would fuck you in the mouth?" Joong purrs. Your eyes are streaked with tears as you look at him through your thick lashes. "Do you like it when your mommy eats your slut cunt while I fuck you in the throat, my princess?" He asks, and you nod your head without a moment's hesitation.
The movement of your head makes his cock twitch in your throat, and he hisses at the sensation. Hongjoong throws his head back, sweat trickling down his neck and dripping onto his heaving golden chest, his devilish mouth parted in breathless moans, his fingers gripping the back of your head tightly as he continues mercilessly fucking your mouth, lost in the pleasure of your hot walls convulsing around his member.
The hot pleasure gathers in your belly, your stomach twisting itself into a tight knot. When your thighs start shaking violently on either side of Seonghwa's head and your cunt starts milking his fingers—your inner walls tightening rhythmically around his fingers—Seonghwa knows you're close. He plunges his fingers even deeper into you, stroking your most sensitive spot over and over again, bringing you to a state of semi-consciousness. Your body is on edge; your back is arched, and your hips are rolling wildly against the beautiful face of the Alpha as you chase after your orgasm.
It's hard not to feel dizzy, especially when Hongjoong's cock is ramming down your throat and Seonghwa's fingers and mouth are giving you heavenly pleasure, satisfying a primal need you never knew you had.
"Bunny, you were made for a wolf's cock... dirty girl, huh? Does it please the prey to be the breeding bitch for the predators?" Hongjoong hisses mockingly and slaps you lightly on your plump cheek, which is swollen from his cock.
"She looks good, doesn't she? Little bunny, finally realised where she's supposed to belong." Seonghwa moans. "Come on, princess, be a good bitch and cum mommy's face." The words are muffled by the swollen clit in his mouth. The movement of his lips causes his sharpened fangs to brush against your sensitive bud, and the pleasure accompanied by his fingers continuing to stroke your G-spot makes you fall over.
Hongjoong is so close to tying the knot that he can barely push it out of your mouth; his balls are tight against your chin, slick with saliva and pre-cum, as he comes hard down your throat, his moaning more like a howl than anything else. Thick, hot cum pours down your throat in a steady stream, and you choke, trying to swallow, trying to ride out your own orgasm—the euphoria ricocheting through you, your toes curling up, and your body starting to shake. Your hips are rolling furiously against Seonghwa's face.
Seonghwa continues to suck and nibble at your clit as he digs his fingers into you, his knuckles curling mercilessly as he caresses the soft, spongy patch of nerves inside of you. There is genuine euphoria coursing through your veins. Black specks of light blur your vision as you are immersed in blinding bliss and feel a wave of incredible pleasure sweep through you; your silken walls tighten almost to the point of pain, making it difficult for his fingers to move.
Your cum flows uncontrollably down his chin and down his neck, thick, sweet-smelling streams that land right on his waiting tongue. You squirt all over Seonghwa's face, and fuck, he's absolutely delighted. His hands squeeze your thighs until they are bruised, the Alpha presses his mouth to your vagina, and he drinks you as if you were a sacred divine essence.
"God, you taste so damn good; give me some more of that." Seonghwa groans like he's on the verge of coming. However, you're so lost in the thick haze of bliss that you barely notice what he's saying.
Hongjoong's cum starts to leak out of the sides of your mouth, and he smears it over your cheeks in a loving way.
"Sugar bunny, you are ripe for us; your alphas are going to breed you so well." There is a weak jerk in his hips, and another stream of cum shoots down your throat.
Seonghwa's tongue plunges into your cunt as he drinks your cum. The tip of his nose brushes against your swollen clit, sending a slight tingling sensation of pleasure through your entire body. Seonghwa continues to lap at you as his tongue dives in and out of you, prolonging your orgasm even as you continue to involuntarily clench.
It takes Hongjoong two more waves of intense release before his knot finally loosens, and he immediately pulls out of you, watching as the milky liquid runs out of your mouth and drips onto the fur covering. His hand gives your poor jaw a gentle massage before he leans in to pull you into the most disgusting, messy kiss you can imagine. Your mouth is full of sperm, and Hongjoong's tongue is running it down your chin. The alpha is moaning contentedly into your lips, swallowing his own sperm and licking your mouth from the inside with his silky appendage.
Finally, you feel the pleasure subside. You hiss from the overstimulation as Seonghwa continues to tongue your sensitive core, his tongue swirling with seductive movements over the trembling, leaking hole. A strangled scream slips from your throat as he does so. When Seonghwa is completely satisfied, he lets go of you and crawls out from underneath you, leaving your exhausted body to fall helplessly onto the bed.
"Don't relax, angel; we've only just begun." Hongjoong whispers in a sweet voice against your lips. There is a sadistic subtext to his words; his intention is to play with you until sunrise and maybe even beyond.
You don't hear Seonghwa undressing, his designer clothes falling to the floor like something he finds offensive. But you have a perfect sense of his hot, flexible body pressing against you as he is back on the bed. The Alpha pulls your hips towards him, and you hiss, trying to move away from the pain of his hard, thick cock pressing against your swollen cunt. As Seonghwa lightly rubs the head of his velvet cock over your wet cunt, your eyes widen in fear. He runs his claws lovingly down the length of your spine before he wraps his hand around your plump cotton tail. You squeal so loudly that it is likely to be heard by all the members of his clan. Your breath comes in short gasps, almost panting, your bones going limp as you press your cheek against Hongjoong's thigh, his hand stroking lazily through your tousled hair.
Even though you've just had a massive orgasm and your cunt is overly sensitive, the rabbit's natural need to breed is still not satisfied, and your pussy begins to ache from wanting to be filled. As you press your plump cheek against the magnificent thighs of the Alpha, you whisper a plea.
"P-please fill me in. I need your knot, Alpha."
A devilish fire ignites in Hongjoong's eyes as you look up at him through thick, wet lashes, your eyes wide with desire, combined with the swollen lips from sucking his cock, still covered in his cum. An animalistic growl echoes through the room, and his lips curl into the most malicious wolfish grin. His eyes meet Seonghwa's for a second, and the two Alphas are talking quietly before you hear Seonghwa chuckling darkly behind you.
"Take her." The black-haired Alpha gives the order, and Hongjoong pulls you close to him. He makes himself comfortable on the luxurious, majestic bed, leaning back on mountains of velvet and silk pillows, before he positions your body as he wants it. Your back is pressed against his bare, wet chest, your thighs spread on either side of his own, and you gasp as you feel Hongjoong's dick pressing against your buttocks. Alpha is painfully hard again; the head of his cock is leaking pre-cum once more and staining your skin with it.
Hongjoong squeezes your thigh with one hand, the Alpha's fingers digging into your plush flesh until they cause bruises, and with his other hand, he squeezes your full breast lazily. Your head falls on his shoulder, your throat goes dry, and your skin tingles as he touches it. He starts to play with your nipples again, stimulating you until they start to flow freely. You're not even in the middle of your game yet, and you look really fucked. You still have to take their knots, and you're not entirely sure you'll survive if they do more damage to you.
"Spread your legs, my little bunny. Mommy's going to play with that pretty pussy. I hope you are ready for me, because I am going to eat you  alive." The timbre of Seonghwa's voice is deep, and the echo of his voice goes straight to your pussy. There's a heavy authority in his voice, and your legs start to move on their own, spreading even wider to please him.
And then you turn your attention to Seonghwa with all your might. Alpha is truly divine, not only in his face but also in his body; he is like a god, like art itself. Every curve of his lithe body is incredible, as is the diffuse glow of the candles licking at his golden caramel skin. You can't help but feel that you want to worship him with your lips and tongue. His cock, just as you imagined—thick, long, pressed against the plane of his stomach—was hot and hard with seductively swollen veins. The thick knot at the base of it swelled, and you knew that it was going to get even bigger when the Alpha tied you up.
His bottomless, hypnotic eyes are constantly fixed on the wet folds of your cunt as it spreads open for him, a small hole through which clear fluid flows. His hands fall down to your ankles before he spreads your legs even wider, your feet pressed to the bed on either side of Hongjoong's hips. He slowly crawls between your legs, arching his back. You watch in fascination as his ass bounces. His fluffy tail slices lazily through the air with every move he makes. A strange mixture of wild animal and some kind of ancient deity, Seonghwa truly embodies the Alpha. When the Alpha gets incredibly close to you, you tilt your head to the side and expose your entire neck to him. This is a sign of complete submission and obedience. Everything about Seonghwa is dominant, and your instincts are in response to him with the snap of a finger.
Taking the opportunity, Hongjoong's lips are immediately on your neck, leaving more hickeys on your inflamed skin and sucking your scent gland into his mouth, nipping it lightly with his teeth. In an instant, a piercing meow escapes your lips, and you give a pitiful whimper. Sharp fangs claw at your flesh, the pain causing your cunt to clench in agony against nothing at all. When Seonghwa sees your cunt clenching and your narrow entrance trembling and oozing, he laughs wickedly. Long fingers run along the wet entrance of your pussy.
"Bunny, aren't you a real treat for the wolf, huh? Sweet, needy whore, Hongjoong is right; if we had known that all bunnis were such horny whores, we would have gotten ourselves a nice pet a long time ago. But now we have you, Princess. Look, your cunt is just begging to be filled with an Alpha cock." Seonghwa purred in a velvety voice, and you nodded your head stupidly at his words.
"Please, mommy, fill me. Fill your little bunny." You beg; the words sound so desperate. Hongjoong bites harder into your neck, not hard enough to tear the flesh, but just hard enough. The meaning of this is getting through to you; today they are going to mark you and mate you.
"A little more, and I'll take you." Seonghwa's purr is like needles tingling your skin.
His two fingers are plunging into your cunt, and your back is arching as you call out his name. He moves them lazily, stretching the walls of your cunt, his cock twitching in anticipation, and you salivate as you watch a thick, thick droplet pour out of the swollen red head and run down the velvet length. Your breathing becomes shallow, and you savour the slight pain of the pleasure you are feeling. Seonghwa's fingers spread the soft walls of your vagina as he played with your cunt. His thumb presses against your clit, rubbing it persistently, his fingers going all the way inside you, the silver rings scratching, but you love the feeling. You let out a high-pitched squeal, your bruised throat tightening as it sounded.
"This is right, darling; take everything we give you." Another one of his fingers enters you, three of them moving in a rhythmic way, making a squelching sound each time they pull out of you. In view of how wet you are, you stretch easily around his fingers, and Seonghwa purrs in approval. "The puppies will love you; you're so flexible, the perfect cocksleeve." He continues.
"Please tie me up. I want to feel your knot, mommy."
"Yeah? Do you want us to fuck you, angel? Do you want to have the feeling of our cocks deep in your belly? Hongjoong asks.
You nod, a sniffle escaping from your lips.
"Bunny, you're such a dirty slut; do you ache and leak when you think of your tight cunt being stretched around our knots while we breed you like our good bitch?" While his thumb rubs your clit in small, aggressive circles, Seonghwa's three fingers plunge into you.
"P-please, mommy, please..." You beg openly, sobbing as tears stream down your face, making you look incredibly attractive in the eyes of both Seonghwa and Hongjoong. A dark chuckle fills the air. Hongjoong's chest rises and falls with the sensual purr against your back; his cock twitches against your ass, the pre-cum oozing from the swollen head onto your back.
Hongjoong has both of his hands cupping your plump breasts, massaging them with his bejewelled hands; they are squeezing your swollen nipples roughly, tugging at the nipple buds, and continuing to scratch the skin on your neck with their teeth.
You can feel Seonghwa's fourth finger pressing down on your hole. God, his knot must be huge. As he slides four long fingers inside you, you let out a choked cry of pain and pleasure. Your cunt protests against the stretching; a searing pain stings your inner walls as you feel Seonghwa's fingers tearing at your entrance. Your small hands grab hold of his hips, the nails digging into his golden skin, leaving crescent-shaped indentations in his body as Seonghwa continues to push all four of his fingers deeper and deeper into you. As your mucus begins to leak profusely again, the walls of your entrance stretch around the four fingers, and he slides in easily.
"That's my good girl, so perfect for mommy." Alpha praises you.
Your toes curl up, sparks of bliss intertwined with pain, causing you to mew softly. Your hips sway weakly, your pussy clenching in reflex; as a result, his fingers penetrate you almost all the way to the base. Your back arched, and you moaned softly, causing both Alphas to giggle at the sound.
"You sound like a needy whore, furry. Weren't you the one who used to tell us that you were a good girl? Do good girls make sounds like that? Do good girls get their cunts stretched with four fingers, huh?" Hongjoong coos.
"I'm a good girl, really. I'm a good girl." You sob, sobbing and shaking. The long velour ears twitch, and the cotton tail tucks.
"I can't wait to feel that sweet pussy around my cock." Seonghwa moans, and all of a sudden his face is right in front of you, the lips just centimetres apart. "Give me a kiss, my little darling." The Alpha whispers to you, and you obey, completely mesmerised by his hypnotic black eyes.
Seonghwa's lips are unbelievably soft, insistent, and hot. When you kiss him, you still don't know what to do, but it doesn't matter at all because the Alpha's tongue is immediately in your mouth, circling around your own. There is a strange creamy taste on his silken appendage, and you realise it is you—the taste of your own mucus mixing with the Alpha's saliva and flowing down your throat. He is kissing you so deeply and so passionately that you are completely stripped of any vestige of common sense.
Your small hand tentatively clasps Seonghwa's slender wrist as you feel your orgasm build up uncontrollably, leaving you teetering on the edge of a new euphoria. The orgasm washes over you like a tidal wave, violent and sudden, your back arching and your eyes rolling into the back of your head as you are filled with ecstasy for the second time today. Your pussy clenches furiously around Seonghwa's fingers as he continues to caress your G-spot and intensify your pleasure, his lips continuing to kiss you non-stop.
"T-Too much." You moan into his gorgeous mouth, the words coming out slurred and weak, your tongue barely able to move from the sheer bliss that is washing over you. But the Alphas continue to torment you. Hongjoong viciously rubs your clit in tight circles while Seonghwa repeatedly stimulates the sweet spot deep inside you.
Immediately after the second orgasm comes the third—your pussy tightens in pain as you are forced to experience a new wave of pleasure. Squealing loudly and moaning something unintelligible, your left hand grabs Seonghwa's wrist to stop his relentless movements, while the other scratches Hongjoong's thigh furiously. But this only excites the Alpha more, and he growls, a sexy sound that dances across your skin like a discharge of electricity. Seonghwa finally decides to have mercy on you and caresses your walls one last time before he pulls his fingers out of you. Your contracting soft walls are pulsating with constant stimulation, and it's painful but at the same time so incredibly good that you feel like you're floating. It's only a moment before you hear Hongjoong's insidious, sadistic voice whispering in your ear.
"Cum for daddy, angel, show me how you can squirt." A hard slap on your clit sends you over the edge the fourth time that night. As your body continues to convulse between them, the burning sensation on your clit causes powerful streams of cum to shoot from your swollen pussy and land on Seonghwa's chest. The Alphas groaned, and a wave of heavy, sweet pheromones filled the room, along with the sultry, thick flavours of bitter almond and pink pepper. The smell of sex is incredible, and if you could think right now, you would be embarrassed by the fact that this aroma is spreading throughout the house, literally soaking into the walls, driving the younger wolves crazy behind the closed door of Seonghwa's royal bedroom.
But you are too far away in your subconscious mind, too deeply immersed in the ocean of painful pleasure, to be able to think about it.
Hongjoong's arms wrap around your body, pressing you against his wet, heaving chest, his hands moving lightly over your body. Seonghwa follows his movements, crawling over you and kissing you with soft kisses as they both let you rest and return to your place.
Your body shakes from the all-consuming waves of pleasure, tears burning your eyes—salty traces running down your face as you sob again and again, begging the Alphas to stop or to continue. You're not sure what you want more of. Breathing hard, your chest heaving, you slowly come back to reality. The sudden emptiness in your vagina makes you whimper pitifully. Your mating instinct urges you to keep at it until the Alphas have tied you up and claimed you, sinking their sharp fangs into your neck and marking you with their claim to you.
By now you know you must be completely exhausted—the energy in your body is completely drained by four powerful consecutive orgasms sweeping through your fragile body, yet your body still desperately craves the thick, hot Alpha cocks inside you. And you knew for sure that you would not be satisfied until you were spread out and tied up in knots and your belly was not swollen with a huge amount of their sperm. This is the way the anatomy and the consciousness of the bunny work; the whole of its life is dedicated to one thing and one thing only: sex and mating. And until your pussy is flowing with their sperm, your body and your instinct will continue to push you on and on and on until this need is completely satisfied. So you swallow what little self-respect you have left and whine pitifully, begging the alphas to take advantage of you.
"Knot me up. Please knot me up, mommy. I've been such a good girl. I deserve your knot." You beg, choking on your own words, sounding more like broken breaths than something coherent to say.
You buck your hips, the movement making you grind against Hongjoong's hard cock as it slides between the cheeks of your plump ass in the most delicious way, Seonghwa's heavy, velvety hardness pressing against the inside of your thigh.
"Fuck me, I need the Alphas to breed me, please." I need it so bad right now. "You ask again, and this time you use the most vulgar words that I have ever heard come out of your mouth.
"Oh my God, what a dirty mouth you have, bunny." Hongjoong says this in a mocking tone and runs the tip of his tongue along the pulsating vein in the back of your neck.
"Should we do that or not, fluffy, hmm? You're acting like a whore; tell me, Joong, are we going to fuck her if she behaves badly?" Seonghwa's sharp claws scratch lightly across your thighs, and you let out a groan. It is yet another humiliation for you, another mockery of your desperate state.
"Please, Seonghwa..." It is just this one word that changes absolutely everything. It seems as if the sound of your own name, which you utter, breaks all the self-control in the Alpha, and he lets out a deep, animal-like growl.
His bottomless, predatory eyes with a red tinge glide over you until he meets your gaze, and you are completely caught in his grasp. Behind you, Hongjoong purrs velvety with anticipation; he can feel it; the air is getting even thicker with the poisonously sweet pheromones of the main Alpha. Seonghwa kisses you again. The kiss is devilishly rough with an open mouth; it's more teeth and tongue than lips, but it seems that no one cares about precision and tenderness any more; primitive instincts are burning just below the surface of the skin. Your lips meet in a messy way, his tongue shoots out and slides together with yours, and you taste the remains of yours, which still drips from his lips and chin. After a few moments, he breaks the kiss, and, unable to resist, your tongue darts out and slides across his lips, finally doing what you've been thinking about—licking his beautiful mouth. Seonghwa's pupils dilate, and his irises are almost completely engulfed in a vicious darkness at the erotic sight of you.
"You're mommy's princess, right, little bunny? Will you do anything for me?" Seonghwa moans, his lips brushing against yours with every word he utters. Then his fangs bite into your lower lip. He turns you over on all fours, almost like a rag doll, without waiting for you to answer.
The erratic tremors of your orgasm still shake your body, and you roll onto all fours, limbs trembling like your plump cotton tail. However, your remaining strength and sanity are almost taken away by the sight that appears before you. Hongjoong lies surrounded by luxurious pillows, his head thrown back slightly, his hair dishevelled in his face, looking at you with half-closed, lustful eyes under long, trembling lashes. Plump scarlet lips stretched into a crooked, cruel grin; his cock pressed proudly against his hard, sculpted stomach, pre-cum leaking from the pink head, glistening beads on his abs.
He beckons you with his fingers in a "come here" motion, his tongue outstretched, sliding lazily over the upper row of teeth. You are completely under his spell; your body is in a state of automatic movement. You slowly move closer to him, your hips swaying as you do so, tantalising Seonghwa as you go. You lift one of your legs and throw it over his hips, so that you are now sitting on top of him. Behind you, Seonghwa moans in a low voice as he looks down at your wet pussy.
Your whole body is swollen from him playing with you; your entrance is swollen and keeps twitching as if begging to be filled. Thick streams of your juices flow down, coating your thighs with wetness, and more of it flows down Hongjoong's dick, wrapping it in your arousal. His eyes narrow and darken as he watches your small, trembling hands grip Joong's shoulders and you press your pussy against his cock, using it as leverage to start grinding against his cock, coating its length with even more lubricant.
"That's it, angel; daddy is going to take care of you." Hongjoong purrs sultrily, the smug grin on his face getting wider and wider. He slaps you hard on your ass, and the pleasurable pain makes you press against his amazing body, your nails weakly scraping along the bulging pecs of his chest. "You'll sit on my dick like a good girl should, won't you, furry?" He grabs your hip with one hand, lifting you slightly, while his other grabs the base of his cock.
Rubbing the head between your folds, Hongjoong mixes your arousal. His thick pre-cum stains your lower lips, and your slick soaks his cock. A lewd humming escapes your lips as you feel his hot cockhead spreading your slit and your hips squirming as you try to ride him, your breath catching as his head presses against your aching cunt. Tired of his own teasing, Hongjoong takes hold of your hips with both of his hands before he begins to lower you down onto his cock.
Your trembling lower lip is caught between your bunny's teeth as you gnaw at the soft flesh and feel him filling you—the pressure of his cock slowly stretching your soft, silken walls. Soon, the head of his cock begins to penetrate much deeper than Seonghwa's fingers had before, and you throw your head back in pleasure.
Inch by inch, he fills you, his thick cock spreading your tight, almost virginal cunt for him as Seonghwa watches you both, stroking his cock lazily at the lewd sight of your stretched, swollen labia. After long moments, Hongjoong is still buried inside of you; his thick cock seems to go on forever, and as you look down, your cunt throbs as you realise that he's only a little more than halfway inside of you. Your stomach begins to ache as he continues to plunge his cock into your pussy, and when he's three-quarters inside, your nails dig into the flesh of his shoulders, leaving long, angry red welts marring his skin, but he doesn't care; ripping his back open only makes him fuck you harder.
"Alpha…" Your piercing moan is heard.
"Is daddy's dick too big for you, angel? Can you handle the big, bad wolf's thick cock? Or should we start again and prepare you better?" He purrs, and the playful, wicked intonation in his voice can be clearly heard.
Breathing heavily, you lower yourself down on top of him in one smooth motion. The sudden penetration of his remaining cock makes you both gasp, your heads rolling back at the hard intrusion as you ache. Hongjoong hisses beneath you, his hips jerking as he is completely enveloped in your velvety warmth.
"Someone's impatient, aren't you, bunny?" Hwa purrs as he runs his claws down the length of your spine to the juicy curve of your ass. Seonghwa brushes the hair from your neck before planting a kiss on the sensitive flesh. "The princess has found a suitable throne for herself. Hasn't she? You'll be taking mommy's cock soon, darling, but in the meantime, Joong will prepare you well." The Alpha speaks, his voice ringing in your ears like melted honey. Hongjoong's eyelids flutter at the sensation of your silky walls pulsating around his thick length.
You are completely lost in the overwhelming pleasure of the hot, hard length of the Alpha pulsating inside of you. But Seonghwa continues to seduce you, his lips sliding along your bare shoulder and sharp teeth scratching your skin, and you know that by the end of this night, those teeth will have left their incurable mark on you.
Suddenly, he pulls away from you, and his hands fall to your hips in their place. He easily lifts you off Hongjoong's cock, and with his wolfish strength, he slams you back onto him, the wolf's thick cock slamming into your cervix. You are literally on the verge of a howl from the sudden, aggressive movement. Seonghwa lets out a purr of pleasure at the lustful sight of your tiny cunt stretched around Hongjoong's thick girth.
Below you, the Alpha gets fed up with all the attention he doesn't get and starts spanking you viciously. Your skin blooms with his handprint.
"Ride me, furry." The authority of his command is clear in his voice.
His fingers dig into your wounded thighs, Hongjoong guiding them the way he wants them to go, setting a hard and deep rhythm of motion. With each thrust, you feel his thick head brush against each of your nerve endings. The searing heat of lust burns through your bloodstream. You breathe hard, feeling every vein and ridge of his cock stretch along your tender walls. Hongjoong is used to getting what he wants, and he is so passionate about wanting to fuck you senseless that he digs his legs into the bed before he begins to thrust upward. His fingers squeeze your thighs until they bruise as he begins to fuck you as hard as only an Alpha wolf can fuck you. Your tits bounce with each powerful thrust as Hongjoong pounds you, his cock thrusting in and out of your cunt at a brutal pace, using you for his pleasure.
"Oh God, a-alpha..." You whimper, your words stuttering out with every thrust of his cock as it enters you. His pace is rough; Hongjoong is practically tearing your tight passage apart as he rams his massive cock into you, and with each thrust, you feel the thick head of his cock hitting your cervix. A deep pressure begins to build up at the entrance to your womb, and soon you begin to whimper in pain—a searing pain that pulsates through you from his rough movements. But in spite of your pain, your slutty little bunny nature is singing with delight.
"Good little bitch. So damn good for daddy." Hongjoong growls, his eyes turning bloody as his carnal instincts take over and his already rough thrusts somehow become even rougher. The nails are digging into your flesh as you are whimpering. With each of his powerful thrusts, his entire dick goes inside you—from the head all the way to the base, where you can feel the swelling of its knot.
"My angel feels so good—so damn tight and so damn wet. A good little slut for her Alpha. I'm going to breed your pussy... I'm going to fuck you, bunny. Tie you up, make you saturated and full of my cum... My, bunny..." Hongjoong growls between his hard thrusts, each word making your skin flush with heat. You breathe heavily as you grind your hips against him.
"P-please fill me up, daddy. I want your knot." You whimper in response, and your words only elicit an animalistic growl from the two Alphas. There's a new pair of hands on your hips. Seonghwa does his best to stop you both.
Irritated by the sudden stop, Hongjoong growls at the Alpha in charge. A low growl comes from deep inside Seonghwa's chest, and for a moment his aura goes all wolfish, filling the room with sultry, overbearing pheromones that make you feel nauseous in the back of your throat and make your head spin. There is a lot of him, so much so that it feels like you can feel Seonghwa with every cell of your body. The feeling is almost painful, and you throw your head to the side and whine loudly in complete and utter submission.
"Know your place, Hongjoong." Seonghwa is frightening when he is angry, and you don't want to fall into his dark side at any time.
You whimper from all the Alpha energy, and it seems to break the tense atmosphere as the black-haired Alpha's aura softens and returns to normal. He turns his hypnotic, dark gaze on your trembling body.
"Mmmm, my little pet, mommy will never hurt you... as long as you are obedient, of course." His velvety voice is as caressing to your skin as his lips are to yours.
The tension is released as much as it can be, and you take a deep breath.
"Don't move, princess." This time, Hongjoong just nods, holding your hips in a death grip. As he moves in behind you, you feel Seonghwa's fingers teasing your stretched-out entrance, smearing your sweet-smelling lubricant all over it. Then he pushes two of his fingers inside your pussy.
Your smooth, soft walls stretch easily around his two long fingers as they slide right up to the edge of Hongjoong's dick. With a gasp of pleasure, you move your hips before pushing them back into his hand in an attempt to push his fingers even deeper. Seonghwa laughs darkly, the velvety sound washing over your skin along with his hot breath as he caresses your buttocks with one hand while the fingers of the other mercilessly stretch your hole. Sinking them all the way in, he rubs them against the walls of your vagina, the movement sending pleasure shooting up your spine like fire, before he pulls them apart, trying to stretch you even further.
"M-Mommy, please tie me up." You sound so desperate that Hongjoong's dick twitches inside of you, excited by the sound of it. The need to be filled with his cum and the need to be bred make your cunt ache and tighten up.
Seonghwa pulls his fingers out of you, and in their place, you feel him move in behind you, pressing his chest against the small of your back. God, he's so hot and smells so good. His pheromones are awfully sweet, so thick they're practically sticky. The smell of sex and black cherry makes your head spin and your tongue heavy. It feels like you're drunk. The soft palm of his hand presses against the small of your back as he pushes you roughly, forcing you forward onto Hongjoong, your heavy, milky breasts hanging over his face. From underneath, Hongjoong nuzzles his face into the lush, soft mounds of your breasts, purring in approval like a cat that has eaten cream, his hands spreading your juicy, plump buttocks for the main alpha to see.
"Fluffy, I'm going to fill you with my cock; I'm going to breed this little bunny." His voice is dark and silken, and you hear the dark promise in every sound he makes. Your cotton tail shrinks in fear, but at the same time, a thick stream of mucus flows out of your filled hole and runs down Hongjoong's cock and balls.
Seonghwa positions the head of his cock at the entrance of your vagina, just above the spot where Hongjoong is buried inside of you. At the moment when he starts to put pressure on you and tries to push himself into you, your muscles tighten automatically. The contraction makes Hongjoong let out a deep moan as the tight ring of muscles squeezes his cock like a velvet vice. But Seonghwa is not embarrassed by this; his dick is pressed against the already tense entrance all the time.
The moment you feel his thick, leaking head enter you, your walls burn with the pleasure of the sweet stretch. Your back arched, and you squealed, your long ears fluttering uselessly up to your head. Leaning forward, Seonghwa sinks his teeth into your shoulder—not hard enough to leave a mark, but enough to make you start to cry. His huge cock continues to thrust into you, stretching the walls of your vagina to the breaking point. Despite the copious amount of slime leaking from your sweet entrance and the fact that Seonghwa had previously prepared your cunt with four fingers, you are still torn apart by his enormous girth, the stretch burning your soft walls and making you sob and choke on moans.
"I-I can't, Alpha. It's too. It hurts." You groan as you close your eyes and grab hold of the pillows on either side of Hongjoong's head. The Alpha throws his head back and lifts his beautiful face up to caress your nipples, mixing the pain with the pleasure even more. You would never have thought that you would find yourself in a position like this; not even in your most shameful fantasies and forbidden dreams would you have allowed yourself to think of such a thing. You are a gentle, obedient bunny, sandwiched between two deadly predators, begging for their cocks as if it were God's mercy.
What would the bunnies on your farm think? What would your mother think of you if she could see your tiny virgin cunt stretching around the massive cocks of the wolves as if you were made for it? But the thing that scared you the most and made you feel ashamed was that your bunny nature was in seventh heaven with happiness and joy.
"You are going to take everything the princess gives you; you are going to take my dick and say thank you; even if we have to rip this pussy to the point of bleeding, do you understand, bunny?" Hwa growls, and you can clearly hear the dominant order in the sound of it.
You have no other choice but to nod your head obediently and to submit to every wish of the predator.
Seonghwa continues to plunge into you, his thick and hard cock sliding inch by inch into your cunt that is already filled to the brim. With each passing second, you feel your walls being torn apart in pain by the length of his cock as his hot head penetrates your velvety depths. When he's halfway in, you moan softly and bury your face in Hongjoong's hair between his soft, snow-white ears. Inhaling his deep scent of pink pepper and chocolate, you let it wash over you. It is such a welcome comfort that you need it so much. You are sure that you will be torn in two if Seonghwa goes on like this.
You know that if you were to tell him to stop, he wouldn't do so. You remain silent, allowing him to continue to plunder your ravage with his monstrous cock, for despite the pain that shoots through your cunt, there is a torrent of unbridled pleasure underneath. It's a bit of a masochistic pleasure, but you enjoy it all the same.
All of a sudden, you feel Seonghwa push himself all the way into you, the thick knot pressing against your stretched-out entrance. The head of his cock hits the wall of your back and reaches up to the point where the head of Hongjoong's cock is pressing against the groove of your cervix. Seonghwa purred with pleasure as your walls clenched at the penetration.
"You're such a good bunny—the perfect sleeve for a cock. My precious little thing." The Alpha praises you; there is an animal intonation in his voice.
"The most beautiful bitch we've ever had." Hongjoong purrs from beneath you, his chest rumbling at the sound as he continues to lick and nibble at your nipples. His mouth fills with sweet, aromatic milk. "I've never thought of church girls as my type, but darling, I've enjoyed fucking your pussy."
"So good. You took both our cocks, princess." Seonghwa moans and leaves hot, open-mouthed kisses on your neck, where he will soon bite. "And you are going to take both of our knots as well; you are going to do it, right? Are you going to take the knots of both of your alphas in your little cunt, just like mommy tells you to?"
Your tongue feels so heavy in your mouth and your lips are so uncomfortably dry that you can barely manage to utter a single coherent word, but you are too afraid to disobey Seonghwa.
"Yes, yes, I will take both of your knots. I will be the best bunny in the world for you."
Both of them freeze inside you for a moment, enjoying the velvety heat of your pussy and waiting for you to get used to the huge size of their girth as they open you up. The room is filled with the sounds of hoarse breathing, low purring, and your squeaking. But you can hear distant scratching and breathless moaning coming from behind the closed door of Seonghwa's royal bedroom. The door shakes a few times, as if someone is trying to rip it off its hinges, and then everything freezes once more, plunging the bedroom into a silent, stuffy atmosphere of sex and lust.
The burning sensation from the dilation soon begins to fade. It disappears until only a slight twinge of pain remains as pure euphoria begins to take over. You move your hips gently, squeezing your sensitive walls, the whore inside you humming as you feel unbelievably filled.
Seonghwa's lips slide over your skin, smearing saliva and licking and biting you, leaving his possessive marks all over your body. Meanwhile, Hongjoong takes your nipple in his mouth and brushes his teeth over the hardened tip of it as he sucks hard on your breast. Your mouth opens with a soft moan. The stimulation is overwhelming; it's like you're stuck between living and dying. Your body feels light and boneless, like a doll, and your head is completely empty. They have completely fucked the shit out of your brain, and the pressure of their thick, swollen knots tells you that the best is yet to come. They stuff you with their knots until your belly is swollen with a huge amount of cum, and you swallow, remembering how much Hongjoong cum in your mouth. You can almost feel the thick liquid running down your oesophagus.
At that very moment, you feel Seonghwa pull away from you, his cock dragging along Hongjoong's, before he slams into you again with all his might.
You are almost choking on your scream; your eyes are rolling back into the back of your head, and your whole body is shaking. This movement is the only warning you have, because almost immediately they start to ram their cocks into you again. They grind you between their bodies like a doll, controlling your hips as they wish and driving their cocks into you. With each thrust, Seonghwa's teeth become sharper against your skin. They warn you of the Alpha's impending bite.
Their pace is unnatural; neither of them can catch the rhythm of the other, which only adds to your pleasure. Your body twitches and shakes from their sharp, stuttering thrusts. With each thrust, they plunge their cocks as deep as they can into you, their hips pressing against yours and their swollen, dripping cockheads hitting the back walls of your vagina. Each time you feel your toes curl in pleasure, Their brutal thrusts create a strong pressure in the pit of your stomach, and you fall limply on top of Hongjoong, letting them pound into you, their cocks thrusting mercilessly into you over and over again. Seonghwa's soft palm presses against your belly, pressing against the bulge that their cocks are forming inside of you.
"All of it is mine!" His growl is so animalistic and possessive that it makes your prey instincts start to panic. Instinctively, you squeeze together, your pussy spasming around their cocks. Your brain is torn apart by pleasure, fear, and pain. You do not know what to focus on. It drives you almost so far into subspace that you practically lose the ability to speak, and all you can make are inarticulate, primitive sounds.
Their stuttering pace doesn't last long, and they soon find their rhythm—Hongjoong pulling out of you and Seonghwa pushing in, each time hitting the most sensitive part of you. Their new, brutal pace makes your eyes roll back into your skull, and your cunt is filled by at least one of their cocks with each thrust. Their hips press against yours, and you hiss with pleasure as the Alphas take it in turns to slam into you, using your pussy as a sleeve for both of their cocks. A mixture of wanton desire and ecstatic bliss is running through your blood; your veins are boiling with pleasure, and you are sure that you are going to go mad with euphoria. Their cocks are filling you all the time and do not give you a break from the lustful ecstasy.
What they do to you can hardly be called sex; rough, animalistic, primitive mating is a more accurate description of what they do.
"So fucking tight, daddy will fill you with his cum." The Alpha moans under you, his sweat-soaked bangs clinging to his demonically beautiful face, his lips bitten so hard that drops of blood appear on the soft flesh. His eyes are wild and dark, like the bottom of hell itself, and it scares the hell out of you.
Seonghwa sinks his teeth into your neck more and more aggressively, his teeth marks cutting into your flesh as he goes. His claws have long since torn through the plush, plump flesh of your thighs to the point where you are bleeding.
"You are my bunny. You belong to me alone, and I will breed you. I will fuck you day and night until there is no other thought in your head but me and your belly is swollen with my cum. You will always be full. You will walk around the whole fucking house, dripping cum all over your pretty legs, so that every fucking person in this house will know that you are mine.".
You know that they're both on the verge of orgasm, their cocks pulsating inside you, the knots becoming more and more obvious with each thrust and clinging painfully to your used, swollen hole. Your whole body is bouncing from the sheer force of the thrusts of their cocks. Your consciousness is completely lost in the haze of orgasm that is on the horizon. Suddenly, both of the Alphas are slamming into you at the same time, their cocks causing your walls to stretch out around their girths.
You squeal at the sensation: Seonghwa's cock pressing against Hongjoong's against your soft walls, the flesh above your womb swelling, and the thick outline of their cocks bulging against your abdominal skin. The bulge is pushed into your womb by Seonghwa's hand. You let out a hiss of burning pleasure.
As the Alpha's hand continues to press against your swollen belly—the soft flesh of your inner walls pulsating around it—a dry sob escapes your lips and tears sting your eyes. Your veins burn with pleasure, spikes of white-hot heat shooting down your spine all the way to the tips of your toes. As you feel their knots begin to thicken, your tear-stained eyes widen in fear. As you feel both of their knots begin to swell, a sharp wail of pain escapes from your throat as your eyes begin to close as your already stretched walls begin to stretch even further. Their pace becomes heavy and slow, thrusting so deep and hard that you swear you can taste their cocks as they thrust. The powerful movements of their hips cause their knots to press against your entrance, thick, knotted bulges threatening to penetrate you as they move. Suddenly you scream loudly, your back arching violently as part of their knots are pushed into your vagina.
"O-oh God, Alpha, that hurts. You're going to tear me apart." A mixture of pain and pleasure runs through you as another inch of their swollen flesh enters you.
"You can take this." Hongjoong growls in response.
"Your body has been made for us, my little bunny. You will take mommy and daddy's knot and thank us. Just like a good obedient slut should do when her masters tie her pussy." Seonghwa continues.
"Please..." You beg hoarsely, your voice straining against your sore throat, both because you were screaming and because Hongjoong's cock roughly fucked it earlier.
Both Alphas continue to pound into you, and suddenly you feel Hongjoong pressing harder against your cervix, your eyes widening as he presses against the tight groove, trying to push his knot into you.
"No! No... Alpha, please. I can't... Daddy don't..." You whimper, but all words die on your lips as you suddenly feel the head of his cock opening up your cervix, soft flesh enveloping the head of Hongjoong's cock as he somehow manages to push his knot into you.
Squealing in euphoria, jolts of pain coursing through your body as your cervix and cunt open up around the Alpha's monster cock, you suddenly fall over the edge of pleasure as your orgasm ricochets through you. Hongjoong's knot is already inside you, and Seonghwa slams his hips into you extra hard, forcing the rest of his own knot into you. With both of their knots safely inside you and the head of Hongjoong's cock still pressed against the opening of your cervix, your eyes roll back in your head as you cum furiously. Your whole body is shaking in convulsions, your toes curling up, the silky walls clenching in a vice around their members, and you are crying from how painful and delicious it is at the same time. Before their cocks swell, throbbing furiously as they begin to cum simultaneously, a dark, animal growl is the only sound you hear. Thick, hot sperm flows into you in viscous streams. Through the hazy haze of orgasm, you feel their warmth filling your insides. It paints your complexion white with their essence.
"You are mine, little bunny." Seonghwa's voice is like the song of an angel, luring you into the depths of hell. His gorgeous, sensual lips stretch across your skin, revealing sharp fangs. A second later, they dig into your flesh with such fury and force that your skin tears like a petal, and hot blood fills his mouth and flows down your body.
The pain is blinding; it feels as if your whole body has been immersed in boiling water and then in ice-cold water. The contrast of sensations is so striking that for a second you forget how to breathe. Your mouth opens in a silent scream, your eyes roll back into the back of your head, and your body freezes in place as if it were paralysed. Seonghwa swallows your blood greedily, his tongue flicking over each of the deep bulges that have now been permanently etched into your skin. Hongjoong throws her head back and howls solemnly in praise of her Alpha, a sound echoed by the shrill and deafening howls of the puppies crowded outside the bedroom door.
Simultaneously, your walls tighten around their cocks, your battered pussy milking them for all they're worth. A few long moments later, their sperm is still pouring out with vigour, and your eyes close in helplessness as you take in all that they are giving you. The two knots of their cocks are blocking your entrance; their sperm is unable to pour out of you. Stay safely inside your body. Your belly begins to swell, and your flesh is soaked with their cum. Speechless from all these sensations, you lose all sense of reality and allow the Alphas to do whatever they want to you. It's unlikely that you'll be able to get out any time soon; their thick knots won't loosen up for a while yet, and you can't tell how long it will take—maybe an hour, maybe the whole night. You also know that even after their exit from your body, Seonghwa will fuck you again on his own in order to mate with you again, this time as a legal partner.
Your tiny body is completely broken, your consciousness is lost in a deep, euphoric subspace, and you are completely unaware of what is going on around you. Somehow they manage to change your position; you are lying on your side between them as their bodies wrap around you, and the knots are still swollen and tied up in your pussy. You are still drunk, in a post-orgasmic haze, your chest heaving as it tries to quell the burning sensation in your lungs. Your body is still tense, and you are trembling in the arms of the Alphas. 
The Alphas are purring around you, their fingers and lips exploring your skin.
From time to time, Seonghwa moans into your ear in a velvety sound. The Alpha is full and satisfied; he has got what he wanted—his very own sweet bunny. Hongjoong licks the last of the tears from your cheeks, and his claws draw an intricate pattern on your shoulder as you fall asleep.
Through the heavy haze of sleep, you can hear the door to the bedroom open and the soft whispering of voices inside. A mix of different smells hit you, but you couldn't tell them apart, balancing on the edge of dreaming. The bed is sagging under the weight of someone else, as flexible bodies are crawling onto it.
"How could she take you? She's so tiny." There is genuine concern in the voice. 
"Can the bunny play with us too?" 
"I want to play with the bunny."
"Well, well, my little one, don't worry. The bunny will be able to play with you, and even more, she will play with all of us."
Seonghwa says it in a patronising way next to your ear. His lips linger on the pulsating, blood-red imprint of his teeth on the nape of your neck.
"Take care of her, boys. Bunny has a long night ahead.
Before you fall over the edge into a deep pit of dreams, this is the last you hear. That, and the feeling of several pairs of hot, wet lips as they kiss your naked skin.
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Tag list: @slvtiny @aokay1010 @kpopmonstur @hwanring @unlikelysublimekryptonite @onedumbho3 @stolasisyourparent @meljoongiee @staytiny816 @cotton-candycloudz @prettygirl-miraa @hyukssunflower @captain-joongz @mingtinysworld @thatnerdytomboy @peachygiku @acetruepunk @darlingaurora-h @lelerocks0825 @fr34k4c1dr41n @tinyqaa @luvyev @atiny1507 @xhexy @wisejudgedragonhairdo
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daisynik7 · 10 months
[M4F] Husband Catches You Listening to Audio P*rn, Teaches You a Lesson [Soft Mdom] [Established Relationship] [Mild Degradation] [Praise] [Overstimulation] [Multiple Orgasms] [Creampie]
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Pairing: husband!Nanami x f!reader
Word Count: ~2.6k
cw: established relationship, p*rn no plot, smut – PIV sex (cowgirl), sex toys, mutual masturbation, fingering, cunnilingus, sex without a condom, creampie, overstimulation, soft dom!Nanami, breeding kink, mild degradation (use of slut and whore), praise, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, pet names (honey, sweetie, sweetheart, princess, baby)
Summary: Nanami comes home early from his business trip and catches you doing something naughty in your bedroom. Author’s Note: Inspired by all the audio porn VAs that I listen to! Special shoutout to @mrsackermannx for raving about AugustInTheWinter with me. If you have not listened to him yet, PLEASE check him out, he’s incredible. Also, I’m clearly very delulu for Nanami currently, considering this is the third piece I’ve written for him within a week, but hey, this is my outlet! So I hope you enjoy! MDNI divider created by @/cafekitsune. Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated, thank you for reading!
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Your skin is sweltering against the sheets, sweat damp on your forehead and neck. Thighs are apart, vibrator buzzing on your clit, sleek with lube and arousal. You’re home alone; Nanami doesn’t return until tomorrow morning. Still, the thought of the audio porn playing on speaker makes you shy, so you have both earbuds in, listening to the sultry tones of your favorite voice actor moaning expletives directly into your ear. Such a good girl, oh fuck. You feel so good, sweetheart. Take that cock for me. You are so fucking tight, holy shit. The added sound effects of thwapping and wet squelches in the background immerse you into a state of erotic bliss, gushing for the second time tonight from the sensation of the toy pulsing on your throbbing bud.
“What do we have here?”
You jolt up when you hear your husband’s voice from the doorway, startled to see him standing there, leaning against the frame with a serious look on his face. His spectacles are on, covering his eyes, which you can tell are boring into you in this lewd position. 
Popping your headphones off, you hide the vibrator under the pillow, as if he hasn’t already caught you red-handed. Closing your legs, you bat your eyelashes, feigning an innocent expression. “Honey! What are you doing here?” More heat rushes into your cheeks, scorching hot from your recent orgasm and current embarrassment.  
He steps forward, sitting at the far edge of the bed, avoiding your gaze by staring at the floor, acting disappointed. “I managed to catch an earlier flight. Wanted to surprise you.” Dramatic, he turns to face you, eyes narrowed through his tinted lenses. “It appears that I am the one being surprised.” 
Biting your lip to hold back your laughter, you crawl towards him, naked from the waist down, your panties discarded on the floor near his feet. He’s not actually upset; having been together long enough and in tune with each other’s emotions, you can tell that he isn’t seriously mad at you. This is a role he indulges in occasionally: stoic, strict husband with a mean streak when things don’t go his way. And you know exactly where this will lead to, so naturally, you play along. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I didn’t think you would be coming home tonight. I just thought I’d have a little bit of fun.” You massage his shoulders, nuzzling your face to his nape, giving him a loud smooch. 
He shifts around in the bed, confronting you. “What were you listening to?” There’s legitimate curiosity in his voice, and now genuine guilt builds in your chest upon his question. 
You swallow hard, anxious to admit the truth, too ashamed to lie to him. “Um, I was listening to porn. Audio porn.”
He raises a brow at you, confused. Then, he says, “Let me hear it.”
Reluctantly, you reach for your phone on the nightstand, resuming from where you paused. Wet slaps blare through the speaker, then a man’s voice, moaning, “Ah fuck, let me hear you. Let me hear you moan on my cock. Let me hear you take this cock. Yeah, like that baby, take it just like that.” 
You bury your head in your hands, absolutely mortified as the pornographic dialogue continues. The audio comes to a halt when Nanami stops it, silently tapping at the screen. You’re still hiding in disgrace, squeezing your legs together tightly to conceal the evidence of your supposed sin. The tension is palpable, with neither of you speaking or making any sudden movements. You’re dying to know what he’s thinking, simultaneously terrified of his judgement. 
He clears his throat; you peek through your fingers to catch him loosening his tie around his collar, removing the glasses from his face. He’s blushing, brows tight with contemplation. “Did you come to this?” he asks, almost breathless. 
You lower your hands, fisting them into the sheets beneath you, nodding. Anticipating. 
“Show me,” he demands, eyes at your lap. Too eagerly do you spread your legs, displaying your sopping cunt to him, staring at his lips part slightly, a barely audible growl resounding within his throat. Your uneasiness gradually slips into arousal, aching to be touched, even punished, by your formidable husband. He bows, licking his mouth, inspecting you like prey he’s about to devour. Flicking his eyes to yours, he mutters, “You’re a dirty slut for listening to this filth. Have you no shame?” He kneels before you, unbuttoning his dress shirt, exposing the white tee underneath. Chiseled chest and abs carved into the fabric like fucking marble. 
Losing composure, you blurt out, “No shame, absolutely none. I’m fucking filthy.” Your pussy aches, toes clenched, thrilled. 
“I can’t stand you listening to another man’s voice while you get off. It makes me sick thinking about it. Makes my blood fucking boil.” His tone is menacing in way that titillates every inch of your skin, has you shuddering from the low growl at the end of each sentence. 
“Are you going to punish me?” you goad, saliva collecting on your tongue, heavy with lust.
“I can think of something better.” Reaching for your phone, he navigates through it, finding your voice recorder app. He taps on the big red button, setting it beside you. “From now on, you only come to my voice. Got it?”
You swallow hard, almost chocking on your spit when you respond, “Yes. Yes, baby.”
He grins, a wicked gleam in his eyes as he cups your cheek tenderly. “Good girl.” His thumb traces the outline of your parted lips, your mouth inviting him in. But he doesn’t, leaning back on his wrists, observing you with the obvious bulge protruding from his slacks. “Get that vibrator. Show me how you do it.”
Obeying, you search for it under the pillow, retrieving it to rub the tip up and down your folds, finger on the trigger. “There you go,” he encourages, a cocky smirk on his face, slowly unbuckling the belt around his waist, sliding it from the loops and tossing it aside. “Tease it a little before you turn it on. Make sure it’s exactly where you want it.” 
You tap the toy on your swollen bud, already sensitive from your earlier climax. You meet his gaze, waiting for a signal. He slides out of his pants and briefs, revealing his erection sprung against his belly. Before he does anything else, he grabs your phone and sets it on the bed between you. Palming his length, he grins. “Go ahead.” 
What a fucking menace he can be.
Pushing the button, the vibrator immediately pulsates on you, causing you to twitch from the intense sensation. He watches, fingers wrapped around his shaft, stroking himself, thumb grazing the slit. “Look at you. My gorgeous girl,” he purrs. “My perfect angel with the prettiest pussy. Can’t wait to stretch you open with this cock. Bury myself deep inside you. Fill you up with my cum.”
“Fuck, Kento,” you whimper, pressing the fluttering tip firmer, sweat beginning to bead on your forehead. You’ve always loved his hands; how pristine they are with his knuckles tight on his skin. Large, strong, then rough on the pads of his fingers from hard work and constant use. They’re even prettier in a fist surrounding his cock, wrist jerking hastily, precum glistening at the tip. Your entire focus is on him touching himself while he watches you do the same, the toy’s low hum enhanced when it’s snugly nestled to your clit. 
“You like it when I talk nasty to you, huh?” he huffs, readjusting himself nearer to you. He’s so close, you can practically feel the tip of his cock at your quivering pussy. “Is it better than listening to your ridiculous pornography?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” you whine, jutting your hips out, attempting to close the gap. 
“Unlike them, I can actually touch you,” he muses, his tip teasing your entrance. “I can do whatever I want, whatever you want. They don’t get to fuck this sweet cunt like I get to. They don’t get to taste you the way I do.” 
Suddenly, he grabs the vibrator from your grasp, shutting it off and setting it back under the pillow. He shifts down the bed, positioning his head between your thighs, diving in tongue first onto your puffy clit. Pleasure resonates from your core throughout your limbs, legs shaky and mind hazy as he slobbers all over you, covering your bud in his frothy spit. It’s sloppy, salacious, straight up nasty. After only a few strokes of his tongue, it’s already enough to send you into your third orgasm of the night, more powerful than the first two combined when you were alone. 
You’d be a fool to expect him to let up after coming once with him; still, it shocks you when he doesn’t stop. He latches to you harder, suckling on your sensitive clit until it’s plump between his glossy lips and you’re crying out, “Too much!” overstimulated and spasming above him. Sometimes, when he’s in one of these moods, he forgets his own virility, always so keen on making you orgasm multiple times in one go. Tonight, he forgets that you had already been prepping yourself since earlier. With a gentle kiss, he relents, indulging in his work by running his tongue along your gushing pussy, drinking up your cum. He reaches for his cock, stiff between his stomach and the bedsheets under him. On his knees, he returns to his spot from earlier, stroking his cock with the tip just barely in your entrance. 
You’re absolutely spent, but you yearn for him inside you, desperate to be filled with his load. “Come in me, baby,” you beg, gripping his wrist to pull him closer. “Fuck me.” 
He lets out a disapproving tsk, shaking his head. “Not yet, princess. You have to be patient. We’re just getting started,” he smirks, stroking himself faster. “Are you just so fucking needy for my cum?” You nod erratically, tempted to thrust yourself onto him. 
“Then beg for it,” he orders, sliding his cock the slightest bit further inside you. “Convince me that you deserve it.”
Understanding what he wants, you retrieve your little toy again, rubbing small circles with it on your bud, smearing whatever is left of your orgasm around it. “Please, Kento. Please. I need it. I need it.”
The sight of you like this has him dangling on the very edge, so close to climax. “Turn it on,” he demands. You do, the buzz electrifying all the nerves in your body yet again. You chant his name over and over until he shoots insides you, spurts of opaque cum flooding your pussy. “Yes, yes. Good girl. Take that fucking cum. Take all of it. Fuck.” His voice is hushed, breathy and trembling from the high. 
You stop the vibrator, tossing it to the floor carelessly. Nanami crawls next to you, cradling you in his arms. With a kiss to your forehead, he whispers, “Are you okay?” 
You smile, turning to face him, nuzzling his chest. “Of course.”
He caresses your face, trailing down your body to rest his hand at your waist. He glances at your phone beside you. “We’re still recording, you know.”
You giggle. “And…?”
He kisses you softly, tongue flitting past your lips, guiding you flat on your back, spreading your legs apart. “I’m not done with you yet.” His hand glides to your loins, toying with your swollen clit before teasing your entrance, brimming with his creampie. “Can you still take it, sweetheart?”
You nod, breath hitching, cuddling closer to him. Smiling sweetly at you, he eases a finger in, cum overflowing your pussy and trickling out from your slit. He slides in another easily, stretching you open, a whine escaping you. His mouth is hot on your ear. “You love this, don’t you? Me finger fucking my cum deeper inside you. Taking it like an obedient whore.” He picks up the pace, your cunt clenching his digits. “I’m going to get you pregnant tonight. Breed you, make you mine. You want that, sweetie?” His fingers writhe inside you, hitting that sweet spot repeatedly until you’re tight around him, ready for another orgasm. At this point, you’ve stopped keeping count, lost in a sex-fueled craze instigated by your husband. 
“Yes, Kento. Give it to me. I want it. I want it so bad.” You notice he’s hard again, his erection stiffening against your leg. Reaching for him, you rub your hand on his length, feeling it twitch from your touch.
“Fuck,” he groans, pulling out from you. He sits up, back to the headboard, beckoning. “Get on my lap. Hurry,” he urges, hoisting you towards him. You straddle him, guiding his cock to your entrance. “Sink down on it. There we go,” he instructs, eyes wide, desperation etched in his tone. He needs this just as much as you do, and it drives you wild. You follow his command, lowering yourself onto him, his dick sliding in smoothly, bottoming out. “That’s my good girl. Fuck. You’re so good to me. So fucking good to me.”
You start riding him the way he likes, your ass slapping loudly on his thighs. He’s moaning endlessly, throwing in the occasional fuck and pet name as he grips your hips, bouncing you on his cock. You wrap your arms around his neck to keep steady, holding him tightly. “Want your cum,” you manage to utter, enraptured in the scorching pleasure he surrounds you in. 
He's fucking up into you, feet planted at the end of the bed. The mattress creaks with every thrust of his cock. In a huffy breath, he says, “Milk it out of me, honey. Milk me fucking dry. You can do it sweetheart; I know you can.” The praise encourages you to ride him faster, rougher, your bodies in tandem, springing on the bed, moaning into each other’s mouth with a passionate kiss. 
Soon, he pulsates inside you, stuffing you even fuller with his cum. You climax once more, gripping his cock with your fluttering pussy. He cradles you in a cozy embrace, catching his breath, nuzzling his nose to your chest. You giggle, running you fingers through his hair, smooching the top of his head. “You okay?” you ask, wiping the perspiration from his forehead.
He nods, exhaling deeply. “Just let me hold you. Need to calm down.”
You laugh, amused by his current state of post-coital euphoria. Fetching the phone teetering precariously at the edge of the bed now, you tap on the red button to stop the recording. Seeing this, he mentions, “You know I don’t actually mind you listening to that kind of stuff, right?” 
You smile, noticing the guilt in his voice, massaging his back. “I know, honey. I know you don’t.”
He squeezes you, taking a deep breath. “Okay, good. Just want to make that clear.”
You cup his cheek, thumb caressing the stress lines along his face, gradually relaxing to your touch. “If it makes you feel any better, I’d much rather listen to this than some stranger on the Internet.”
Chuckling, he replies. “Maybe it makes me feel a little bit better.” He snuggles closer to you, hugging you tight, reluctant to let you go. Eventually, the two of you slip beneath the covers, getting comfortable with Nanami spooning you from behind.  
You glance at the screen, showing the several minute long recording and the play button adjacent to it, ready to be tapped. “So,” you start, craning your neck to smirk at him. “Should we give it a listen?”
He returns your grin, shifting beside you, cock growing hard between your ass cheeks. “Absolutely.”
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vaspider · 6 months
In defense of retellings & reimaginings
I'm not going to respond to the post that sparked this, because honestly, I don't really feel like getting in an argument, and because it's only vaguely even about the particular story that the other post discussed. The post in question objected to retellings of the Rape of Persephone which changed important elements of the story -- specifically, Persephone's level of agency, whether she was kidnapped, whether she ate seeds out of hunger, and so on. It is permissible, according to this thesis, to 'fill in empty spaces,' but not to change story elements, because 'those were important to the original tellers.' (These are acknowledged paraphrases, and I will launch you into the sun if you nitpick this paragraph.)
I understand why to the person writing that, that perspective is important, and why they -- especially as a self-described devotee of Persephone -- feel like they should proscribe boundaries around the myth. It's a perfectly valid perspective to use when sorting -- for example -- which things you choose to read. If you choose not to read anything which changes the elements which you feel are important, I applaud you.
However, the idea that one should only 'color in missing pieces,' especially when dealing with stories as old, multi-sourced, and fractional as ancient myths, and doing so with the argument that you shouldn't change things because those base elements were important to the people who originally crafted the stories, misses -- in my opinion -- the fundamental reason we tell stories and create myths in the first place.
Forgive me as I get super fucking nerdy about this. I've spent the last several years of my life wrestling with the concept of myths as storytelling devices, universality of myths, and why myths are even important at all as part of writing on something like a dozen books (a bunch of which aren't out yet) for a game centered around mythology. A lot of the stuff I've written has had to wrestle with exactly this concept -- that there is a Sacred Canon which cannot be disrupted, and that any disregard of [specific story elements] is an inexcusable betrayal.
Myths are stories we tell ourselves to understand who we are and what's important to us as individuals, as social groups, and as a society. The elements we utilize or change, those things we choose to include and exclude when telling and retelling a story, tell us what's important to us.
I could sit down and argue over the specific details which change over the -- at minimum -- 1700 years where Persephone/Kore/Proserpina was actively worshiped in Greek and Roman mystery cults, but I actually don't think those variations in specific are very important. What I think is important, however, is both the duration of her cults -- at minimum from 1500 BCE to 200CE -- and the concept that myths are stories we tell ourselves to understand who we are and what's important to us.
The idea that there was one, or even a small handful, of things that were most important to even a large swath of the people who 'originally' told the store of the Rape of Persephone or any other 'foundational' myth of what is broadly considered 'Western Culture,' when those myths were told and retold in active cultic worship for 1700 years... that seems kind of absurd to me on its face. Do we have the same broad cultural values as the original tellers of Beowulf, which is only (heh) between 1k-1.3k years old? How different are our marital traditions, our family traditions, and even our language? We can, at best, make broad statements, and of inclusive necessity, those statements must be broad enough as to lose incredible amounts of specificity. In order to make definitive, specific statements, we must leave out large swaths of the people to whom this story, or any like it, was important.
To move away from the specific story brought up by the poster whose words spun this off, because it really isn't about that story in particular, let's use The Matter of Britain/Arthuriana as our framing for the rest of this discussion. If you ask a random nerd on Tumblr, they'd probably cite a handful of story elements as essential -- though of course which ones they find most essential undoubtedly vary from nerd to nerd -- from the concept that Camelot Always Falls to Gawain and the Green Knight, Percival and the grail, Lancelot and Guinevere...
... but Lancelot/Guinevere and Percival are from Chrétien de Troyes in the 12th century, some ~500 years after Taliesin's first verses. Lancelot doesn't appear as a main character at all before de Troyes, and we can only potentially link him to characters from an 11th century story (Culhwch and Olwen) for which we don't have any extant manuscripts before the 15th century. Gawain's various roles in his numerous appearances are... conflicting characterizations at best.
The point here is not just that 'the things you think are essential parts of the story are not necessarily original,' or that 'there are a lot of different versions of this story over the centuries,' but also 'what you think of as essential is going to come back to that first thesis statement above.' What you find important about The Matter of Britain, and which story elements you think can be altered, filed off or filled in, will depend on what that story needs to tell you about yourself and what's important to you.
Does creating a new incarnation of Arthur in which she is a diasporic lesbian in outer space ruin a story originally about Welsh national identity and chivalric love? Does that disrespect the original stories? How about if Arthur is a 13th century Italian Jew? Does it disrespect the original stories if the author draws deliberate parallels between the seduction of Igerne and the story of David and Bathsheba?
Well. That depends on what's important to you.
Insisting that the core elements of a myth -- whichever elements you believe those to be -- must remain static essentially means 'I want this myth to stagnate and die.' Maybe it's because I am Jewish, and we constantly re-evaluate every word in Torah, over and over again, every single year, or maybe it's because I spend way, way too much time thinking about what's valuable in stories specifically because I write words about these concepts for money, but I don't find these arguments compelling at all, especially not when it comes to core, 'mainstream' mythologies. These are tools in the common toolbox, and everybody has access to them.
More important to me than the idea that these core elements of any given story must remain constant is, to paraphrase Dolly Parton, that a story knows what it is and does it on purpose. Should authors present retellings or reimaginings of the Rape of Persephone or The Matter of Britain which significantly alter historically-known story elements as 'uncovered' myths or present them as 'the real and original' story? Absolutely not. If someone handed me a book in which the new Grail was a limited edition Macklemore Taco Bell Baja Blast cup and told me this comes directly from recently-discovered 6th century writings of Taliesin, I would bonk them on the head with my hardcover The Once & Future King. Of course that's not the case, right?
But the concept of canon, historically, in these foundational myths has not been anything like our concept of canon today. Canon should function like a properly-fitted corset, in that it should support, not constrict, the breath in the story's lungs. If it does otherwise, authors should feel free to discard it in part or in whole.
Concepts of familial duty and the obligation of marriage don't necessarily resonate with modern audiences the way that the concept of self-determination, subversion of unreasonable and unjustified authority, and consent do. That is not what we, as a general society, value now. If the latter values are the values important to the author -- the story that the author needs to tell in order to express who they are individually and culturally and what values are important to them* -- then of course they should retell the story with those changed values. That is the point of myths, and always has been.
Common threads remain -- many of us move away from family support regardless of the consent involved in our relationships, and life can be terrifying when you're suddenly out of the immediate reach and support of your family -- because no matter how different some values are, essential human elements remain in every story. It's scary to be away from your mother for the first time. It's scary to live with someone new, in a new place. It's intimidating to find out that other people think you have a Purpose in life that you need to fulfill. It's hard to negotiate between the needs of your birth family and your chosen family.
None of this, to be clear, is to say that any particular person should feel that they need to read, enjoy, or appreciate any particular retelling, or that it's cool, hip and groovy to misrepresent your reworking of a myth as a 'new secret truth which has always been there.' If you're reworking a myth, be truthful about it, and if somebody told you 'hey did you know that it really -- ' and you ran with that and find out later you were wrong, well, correct the record. It's okay to not want to read or to not enjoy a retelling in which Arthur, Lancelot and Guinevere negotiate a triad and live happily ever after; it's not really okay to say 'you can't do that because you changed a story element which I feel is non-negotiable.' It's okay to say 'I don't think this works because -- ' because part of writing a story is that people are going to have opinions on it. It's kind of weird to say 'you're only allowed to color inside these lines.'
That's not true, and it never has been. Greek myths are not from a closed culture. Roman myths are not sacrosanct. There are plenty of stories which outsiders should leave the hell alone, but Greek and Roman myths are simply not on that list. There is just no world in which you can make an argument that the stories of the Greek and Roman Empires are somehow not open season to the entire English-speaking world. They are the public-est of domain.
You don't have to like what people do with it, but that doesn't make people wrong for writing it, and they certainly don't have to color within the lines you or anyone else draws. Critique how they tell the story, but they haven't committed some sort of cultural treachery by telling the stories which are important to them rather than the stories important to someone 2500 years dead.
*These are not the only reasons to tell a story and I am not in any way saying that an author is only permitted to retell a story to express their own values. There are as many reasons to tell a story as there are stories, and I don't really think any reason to create fiction is more or less valid than any other. I am discussing, specifically, the concept of myths as conveyors of essential cultural truths.
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lale-txt · 5 months
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❥ subtle ways they say "I love you" without saying it ↳ w/ Nanami, Ino, Toji & Naoya
a/n: gn!reader for Nanami, Toji & Ino, f!reader for Naoya! somehow i got carried away writing these and halfway through wondered if i should have just made single fics for each of them... oh well ♡-(๑˙ー˙๑)-♡
word count: 1.5k
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Nanami needs his sweet time until he’ll put his feelings into proper words, part of him too afraid to pursue love during his time as jujutsu sorcerer, but his actions have always been louder than words anyway
his love is stored in the smallest gestures, like fixing the collar of your shirt or helping you put on a necklace, not letting you go without kissing the back of your neck gently, his lips lingering on your skin for a heartbeat longer than expected
when you’re in a bookstore together, his eyes always follow you around even when you’re looking at different shelves; he observes which books you pick up and put back again because you have too many unread ones at home (both of you are terrible book hoarders), just so he can go back another day and get you the one book you really wanted
sometimes he’ll also make the time to read it before he gifts it to you, small scribbled thoughts on the side so you can discuss them together later–a tiny book club of two lovers
in the comfort of your home, Nanami is also incredibly touchy, never not seeking skin contact; anything will do, even if it’s just linked pinkies across the table while you’re having your morning coffee and sharing the newspaper
his love will seep into you with every gaze, every smile, every kiss you share
with you, Nanami can let his guard down; he can allow himself to just be loved, with his head in your lap as you run your fingers through his hair, charming out sweet sounds from his throat that sound a lot like “I love you” if you listen closely
if he has to leave for a solo mission, Nanami will leave a handwritten note on the table for you to find in the morning, nothing too cheesy but enough to remind you that you’re always on his mind
and if you show him your collection of notes one day, stored in a box in your closet, a smile will play upon his lips, asking you if you really kept all of them (even if some of them just say things like “Can you buy eggs while I’m out? I want to make us waffles for breakfast tomorrow” or “I watered your dying plant on the top shelf. xx”) 
there’s wonder in his eyes when he looks at you, as if he sometimes finds it hard to believe that your love is mutual, that he’s allowed to experience this during his lifetime, and the quiet hope that maybe, maybe this can last forever
Ino’s love for you is written all over his face: the way it lights up when he sees you, the confident yet boyish smirk when you compliment him, the gleam in his eyes when you call out for him
it’s in his touch, too
his fingers playing with yours when you’re sitting somewhere together, always fidgeting with them as if he couldn’t believe that he really gets to hold your hand
or the arm that sneaks around your waist when you’re on the train together and it’s crowded, his body shielding you from the other passengers and giving you some space to breathe (plus–how convenient–he can steal a kiss from your lips without anyone looking, too)
Ino also walks you home at any given occasion, whether it’s after a night out with your senpais or after a mission you’ve been on together; he doesn’t mind that he lives in a different neighborhood or if he has to get up early the next day, he rather wants to know you’re home safely
when you’re apart, Ino and you keep texting with each other throughout the day, his lips curling into a smile whenever your name lights up on his screen
Ino will text you everything and anything that reminds him of you and it’s plenty and in the most mundane things
[img.attached] “saw this chonky cat on my mission. u would have loved to give them belly rubs. Nanami said i’m not allowed to take them home with me”
[new text] “i think we should adopt a cat one day. maybe two so it doesn’t get lonely. knowing us we’ll also adopt a third”
[voice message] “babe can you hear this? i’ve never heard a cat purr like this. (sounds of rustling and Ino sweet talking to the cat, it’s purring very loudly)”
[new text] “i hope the cat distribution system chooses us next”
being loved by Ino means being part of his future and his dreams; he’s thinking of you always and can’t imagine a life without you in it, so listen closely when he tells you all about it
Toji isn’t shy to admit his love verbally, whispered into your ear at night, his voice bourbon raspy, making sure you never forget how your own name sounds when rolled off his lips
being in love makes him domestic; Toji grew up not knowing what a warm home is, and so he’ll strive to make his place one for you both to hide from the world outside
it’s like your presence is a reminder that even someone like him is allowed to love, and be loved in return
Toji brings you your favorite beverage to bed in the morning, urging you not to get up just yet (he also wants to slip back under the covers with you)
if you really have to get up on on cold mornings though, Toji will give you his worn and warmed up sweater for you to wear so you won’t be freezing
he also slips pocket warmers into your coat before you leave the house and gives you the deepest kiss, almost as if his biggest concern is that you stay warm
cooking isn’t Toji’s strong suit but he’ll get you takeout, even if it means driving across the whole town to get you that one dish from that specific restaurant that you’re craving (and some dessert on top); your big smile once he returns home is his solely reward
after seeing you struggle with opening a jar of jam once, Toji will go around the kitchen and loosen the lids of all the jars for you. every single one of them. there won’t be even one jar left that gives you any further troubles
it’s endearing in a way, how Toji always takes the fastest route to solve your struggles (there’s barely anything he can’t solve with his hands)
with love, it all comes down to warmth for Toji: the heat of your body when he has his arms wrapped around you. letting you warm up your cold hands on his stomach (he tries his best not to flinch). sharing a hot bath while you’re getting snowed in.
to Toji, you are his sun, the one who brought back colors into his life and who showed him what it means to live despite everything; he may be blinded by your light but he doesn’t need to see to find your lips in every universe 
Naoya doesn’t do love, he prefers to be worshiped and adored over admitting his feeling for you
yet still, he has his ways of showing that you actually mean something more to him than just being his trophy wife
the kitchen staff and servants have been drilled to cook all of your meals exactly to your liking, and he’ll look overly pleased with himself over dinner when he notices that you enjoy the food, proud of himself as if he was the one who prepared it for you (smug bastard that he is)
there’s always an air of possessiveness around him when you’re with him; as if he wants the whole world to know that you’re his wife, even insisting you walk by his side instead of behind him, always one hand around your waist or in the back of your neck, making sure to keep you close
even though it displeases him that you want to spent time apart from him, he made sure that you get a room of your own in the Zen’in estate after your arranged marriage (he still lingers around often until you kick him out)
he insists on sharing a bed at night though–it’s when he gets surprisingly clingy, insisting to hold you close, his hands playing with anything he can get a hold of: your hair, the hem of the pajamas he picked out for you in the color he thinks suits you best, the ring on your finger that proofs you’re his
Naoya can be surprisingly gentle in those moments when it’s just the two of you–no family and no servants around
his sharp yellow eyes study your features thoroughly, ignoring the pull at his heart strings when he picks up an eyelash from your cheeks and holds it out for you when you make a wish
he’s dying to know what you wished for, but he doesn’t ask; part of him scared it doesn’t involve him, part of him too prideful to believe you could wish for something that doesn’t include him, because at the end of the day you still belong to him–or is it the other way around?
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marigoldenblooms · 2 months
That's a Wrap - One Shot
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Pairing: Director!Natasha x Fem!Actor!Reader x Actor!Wanda (MINORS DNI - 18+)
Summary: You and Wanda can’t seem to get this scene right. With your director’s help, you manage.
Tags: Is Y/N in the room with us right now (They aren’t), Dom!Natasha, Switch!Wanda, Bottom!Reader. Dub-con, power dynamic (Director/Actor), voyeurism, degradation, praise, semi-public sex, semi-orgasm denial, light edging, objectification, oral (W receiving), fingering (R receiving), strap-on use(R receiving), some pet names (baby, sweetheart, darling, ma’am, Tasha(For N), Wan/Wands(For W), Mommy(For W, used loosely)), Nat calls her strap her dick, semi-previous established relationship? Porn with plot, clothed sex, sextape, light aftercare, fluff at the end. 
A/N: Welcome to the first issue of Smut Saturdays! Want to really create some good shit in this genre, so I'm posting at least one spicy fic every Saturday (if I can help it)! This came to me in a vision (called the five minutes before my math class)- After my last smut fic did well (An Important Lesson, Prof!Wanda x Reader, which you can read here), I thought I’d do some WandaNat practice! Not proofread, written in the span of an evening. This is a crime against intimacy coordinators, I’m so sorry. Asides over. Natasha wears a strap to her films and she can dick me down with it, please and thank you!
Word Count: 2.4k - Read Length: 8 minutes, 49 seconds.
It was never fun when the producers came by. 
They’d always arrive in droves of two or three, never the top dog- as if Natasha’s ‘avant-garde chick flick’, as they called it, wasn’t worth their time. They certainly treated it as much. Today was the worst day for them to arrive, in pressed jackets and always on a phone call, because today you were filming the sex scene. It was more of a ‘romance’ scene, with alluring cinematography and enough passion to make your eyes fall out, yet you hadn’t even gotten to remove any clothes from your beautiful costar- Wanda. You knew she was incredible, her previous films as a fem fatale showing her dominant streak, however the spark couldn’t burn when interruptions from the suits kept happening. You weren’t on a porn set, and yet sometimes you wish you were. Might’ve been faster, or at least more fun. 
“From the top,” A groveled voice muttered, Natasha’s steely gaze breaking into your skull-  though a part of you wished she’d break your back. The redhead had always been an inspiration, one of the leading reasons for your participation in her project, besides her being so fine. But now, she looked pissed, worn down by hours of appeasing the producer’s half-baked suggestions and guarding you and Wanda from their prying eyes. “Yes Ma’am,” you replied, earning a slight chuckle from your director, the twinkle in her eye not lost on you- she was on her last legs, but it was yours and Wanda’s compliance that kept her going.
You’d return to your blocking, centered in the middle of your ‘apartment bedroom’, with Wanda’s hand placed gently on your waist. Your roles were lovers, reuniting after a long day of hardship, slowing down after it all. You’d stare up at her, the mild exasperation in your expression making her smile. She’d send a wink down to you, muttering something about being ‘bored too’, but ‘not hating kissing you again’, or the like. She’d invited you out to coffee tonight, and especially after a day like this, you’d take it. Perhaps you’d even forget the paparazzi and really kiss her as you’d been wanting to do this whole shoot. Throw a bone to the fanfiction writers and make their canon comply with reality. Maybe. It was Natasha’s words which startled you from your thoughts, a look of tenderness overcoming your face as you’d sink into your character, “Action!” 
Within an instant, Wanda hiked her hands under the hem of your shirt, eyes darting down to your face. Her palms were warm against you, smooth against your soft skin, as your head rested gently on her shoulder. She’d tug at the fabric- and you’d send her a quick nod, smiling as you’d lean up to capture her lips in yours-
 “Well that’s not very marketable!” A producer would crow, scoffing with both his hands outstretched towards the two of you. You’d freeze, feeling all of the passion drain out from the scene, no more than a shell of itself. His bald head wasn’t very marketable, looking like a morally dubious Mr. Clean- and yet you didn’t comment on it. He’d look at Natasha, the woman pinching the bridge of her nose with a stern sigh, and you gulped. Oh, shit. She was going to lose it. “Can’t you get their clothes off faster? Our focus groups won’t wait around for-”
“Fucking Christ, get- out!” Natasha shouted, a growl in her tone bringing heat to your face. She scowled, roaring to the surrounding suits, “Leave, get off my set- it’s my fucking turn to direct them.” Her hands would fan away their deer-in-headlights looks, ushering them out before locking the door. Her fiery gaze would bore into you then, jaw locked as her heels would click towards you and Wanda, many feet apart. 
The two shared a knowing nod- And before you could speak, your director grabbed Wanda by her shirt collar and pulled her into a bruising kiss. Your jaw would drop as the brunette’s eyes widened, fluttering shut as Wanda moaned into the embrace- Natasha’s hands planted firmly on her tits. She’d squeeze them, earning a gasp from Wanda, your costar’s head swung back as Natasha swiped her thumbs across her nipples. Your director’s gaze would strike yours, and you understood why Wanda’s submission was so quick. You shuddered at the redhead’s gleaming smirk, her voice a husked whisper, “Get those clothes off and get on the bed for me, baby. Now.” 
“Yes, Ma’am.” Your reply was instant, Natasha’s grin only widening as you’d shed your layers, kneeling on the mattress’s soft sheets. They were cold, goosebumps settling up your spine yet you wouldn’t move, eyes trained obediently on Natasha. You were so perfect for her. 
Natasha’s mouth would return to Wanda’s, pressing her into the faux wall that had outlined the bedroom. Her hand would splay against Wanda’s stomach, and you saw how she hiked up the shirt there, continuing to palm her tits while unclasping Wanda’s bra with the other. She’d pepper kisses across the brunette’s neck, sucking hickeys the lower she’d go. 
They’d part only so Wanda’s top could come completely off, your director keeping a claiming touch on Wanda’s hip as she’d look back at you over her shoulder. Her hair was wild, mused from Wanda’s hands slung loosely around her shoulders while her expression remained flushed, dark eyes darting down to the slick that pooled between your legs. Wanda’s voice would ring to you, almost reverent as her hips would stutter against Natasha’s, “She’s fucking drooling for us, Tasha..” 
The redhead would bite back a smirk as she’d watch you twitch. You ached to touch them, yourself, anything- your hands already balled into fists on your thighs, legs rubbing together, desperate for friction. But neither had given the command, and you had an inkling from their hungry looks that they wanted you needy, right where they had you. Natasha’s rasp came second, “Then show her what I taught you.”
Wanda would reach you first, discarding the rest of her clothes in the process. Her hands trailed warm touches up your legs and to your chest, digging into your soft flesh as her lips would meet yours. It was explosive, sweet and tender yet with a ferocity that claimed you quickly, heating up your skin as her knee would slot between your thighs. You’d feel Natasha’s calloused fingers on the small of your back, the sinking of her weight in the mattress behind you, and her tone husked in your ear, “Stretch her out for me, Wan- like we practiced.” Your director’s words sent a buzz to your core, cunt grinding mercilessly into the sheets below as Wanda’s hand would trail there, dragging two fingers along your folds before arcing dazzling circles around your clit. 
You’d eagerly press your hips into her touch, moaning lowly as she’d chuckle, “So wet for me, sweetheart…bet I can just slip right in.” She’d coax her fingers inside, your pussy walls taking her gladly as Wanda curled her digits against that spongy spot. Your back would arch, head growing fuzzy as you’d feel your slick drip down her hand. Her thumb would press into your clit as you’d buck your hips against her, cursing a quick “Fuck-” which was quickly swallowed up by Wanda’s mouth. She’d bite your lip, dragging it with her teeth as she’d settle into her rhythm, spare hand palming your tits with a rougher grasp, “Been waiting for this, haven’t you sweetheart- pretty whore, just for us.”
 “Mhm, good girl just wants to be fucked, don’t you?” Natasha would grit, and you could see her stroking something behind your back. She’d unzipped her slacks- her strap heavy in her hand, glistening with the spit she’d gathered in her palm. Natasha bucked her hips against her hold, cursing as the cock’s base would rub against her clit. She looked incredible, sweat across her brow as her hand would clench around the toy, like she could feel it. “Keep going, Wands- want her perfect for my dick.”
 Natasha would pant, breathing ragged as her hand moved in time with Wanda’s fingers- curling into you almost torturously, feeling your cunt clench around her. The brunette’s kiss would claim you again, moaning into her warmth as her thumb would circle your clit. She’d sigh almost lovingly, fondness overtaking her expression as your head found the crook of her neck, “She’s already perfect, Tasha-” She’d coo, although her hand wouldn’t stop, gasping at the squelching sound of her fingers up your cunt, “This pussy was made for us, darling.” 
Their words and touch brought you so close, yet Wanda’s hands slowed down when she felt your legs quiver or your breathing seize up, never giving you what you needed. You’d squirm against Wanda, begging for more, a lingering touch, anything-  “Please, Wan- I‘m so close,” You whined, earning a tut from your costar. She’d devour your pleas, lost to time as her mouth would reach yours, softer than before. You felt her sympathetic smile against you as she’d shake her head, locking eyes with Natasha’s heavy stare, “Not yet, sweetheart..It’s not my turn anymore.”
The redhead groaned when Wanda slid her fingers out of you, her fingers shimmering with your arousal. Your walls fluttered around nothing, aching for anyone’s touch as you felt Natasha’s rugged grasp on your hips, pulling you up and back so your pelvis was against hers. The strap had warmed in her hand, dragging between your legs. You were dripping for her, soft sparks of pleasure seizing you as her tip would brush against your clit. Her voice would thunder through you, almost delirious with her own need, “Fucking finally..want this pussy all to myself…” 
Wanda would chuckle at that, your director kneading at your hips as Wanda’s thighs settled in front of your mouth, your arms propping yourself just above her soaked cunt. “We promised to share, Tasha..” She’d croon, face flushed and touch softer than Natasha’s as she’d cradle your face in her palms, “Such a pretty girl..are you ready for your reward, darling?” You nodded, a flurry of sensation hitting you all at once- Natasha’s strap sinking into you as the redhead would push your shoulder blades down, pressing your face between Wanda’s legs. 
The stretch was incredible, the woman behind you vicious as she’d drive her dick into you, bottoming out as your mouth would be smothered against Wanda’s cunt. Each thrust would drive Wanda crazy, your gasps and whimpers vibrating right into her core, especially as you’d flat your tongue against her clit, suckling on the sensitive nub. Her thighs would threaten to shut on you, her stretched words lost in your pussydrunk haze, “Yes, like that sweetheart- such a good girl..-” Natasha would rock her hips into yours, pace bruising as she’d pull your thighs flush to hers. You’d hear her muffled curses as she’d bottom out again, sighing as if she could feel you clench around her. “Baby..fuck, so perfect for us…” Wanda’s hands would thread into your hair, anchoring her hold on you as she’d press your face further into her cunt. 
The sight would echo a curse from Natasha’s mouth, her hips growing a little more erratic, “Fucking christ, she’s our perfect little whore, aren’t you baby-” You’d try to nod, moaning as Natasha’s hand would press further into your back, keeping you from moving an inch, “Don’t even think, baby- just fucking take it, fuck-” 
Time would seem to slow, your brain fuzzing into blissful static as you’d feel Wanda’s thighs tremor around your head, her grip tightening as she’d see your body tremble in Natasha’s touch. “Come with me, sweetheart- be a good girl and come for Mommy.” Her saccharine words spurred you into a blinding release, your tongue working Wanda through her orgasm as your body quaked with your own. You’d feel Natasha follow shortly thereafter, cursing aloud as she’d pull herself out of you, watching as you’d clench around nothing. Her hands would immediately find your waist, bringing you gently up to kneel with your back against her clothed front. 
Panting, your arms would shake as you’d catch your breath, leaning up to wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. You could feel both women’s eyes on you as you’d suckle on your fingers, cleaning up with an exaggerated moan, looking towards Wanda as you’d pop your hand out of your mouth, your words almost dreamy, “Mmm, so good, Wan..” You’d giggle as Wanda’s face would alight in blush, although the clink of metal and fabric drove you away from your teasing.
Natasha’s hands would be rushed as she’d pull her pants and harness down, eyes heavy with a lust that made you shudder, “Switch with me, Wands-” She’d grit, thrusting the strap in her general direction before settling calloused palms on your still quivering thighs, her gaze boring into yours, “It’s my turn for her mouth.” 
Wanda’s smirk was immediate, sending you another sly wink, “Gladly.” 
Unbeknownst to the three of you, the cameras had never stopped rolling. That film would never be seen by the public, kept hidden once you left the building. Not to say it couldn't be enjoyed by you three, though.
Natasha and Wanda took you out to coffee afterwards as the brunette had promised. They explained their prior agreement to ‘test the waters’ with you, Wanda working with Natasha on a plan to woo you both in and out of character. The date went well, although with much less lingering glances and more almost-fucking in the back of Wanda’s car afterwards. It was there that the public and paparazzi learned of your relationship, although their camera flash thankfully stopped any romance before it got good. You weren’t on a porn set, after all- and Wanda kept your half-nude form hidden while Natasha cursed out the press. All in a day’s work. 
Unfortunately, the day’s work began anew the next day. Filming the romance scene was no difficult measure now, but Natasha’s grin and Wanda’s wandering hands blurred the lines of professionalism. The film crew couldn’t care less, a few of them- such as Kate, a script supervisor- mentioned how they knew it would happen eventually (and won a bet with Peter, who said it’d take until the award show for you three to get together). 
However, once you three escaped into Natasha’s office for some ‘paperwork’ as she’d called it, it didn’t matter. They were yours, and that was enough.  ~~~
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03jyh23 · 1 month
— starlight, guide light, and everything in between || jeong yunho
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In the quiet moments of parenthood, amidst the tears and the laughter, we find strength in each other's arms, and love that knows no bounds.
first-time dad!yunho x first-time mom!reader
genre: angst, fluff
trigger warnings: infant distress/crying; illegitimate child; parental anxiety/panic; emotional distress; breastfeeding; postpartum experiences
words: 3.8 k
reminder: what you're about to read is purely fiction, so let's keep it separate from reality.
!minors do not interact!
— hi there! the time has finally come, and im publishing my first Yunho fic 🥹 lately, some kind of maternal instinct seems to have awakened in me, and i had to get it out somehow 😭😭 i guess im getting old. just to clarify, i haven't given birth myself or have kids, so this fic is solely written based on my imagination of what it might feel like postpartum.
love, monika. ♡
if you enjoyed this post, i'd be so grateful for a little love – a like, reblog or comment would truly make my day!
You were dozing off wrapped in Yunho’s arms, your head in the crook of his neck, his smell calming your tired body. Your eyes were heavy, and it was getting harder to fight sleep. His hand was creasing your sides softly, lulling you to sleep. Being curled up on top of your boyfriend was your favorite place on earth. There was something incredibly comforting about being wrapped up in Yunho’s arms, feeling his warmth and steady heartbeat. It's like your own little sanctuary, a safe place where you can let go of all your worries and just be present in the moment. And falling asleep like that, with the gentle rhythm of Yunho's breathing and the soft touch of his hand, felt like drifting off into a dreamland.
It was a little over a month since your life was turned upside down when your little daughter was born. In that short period, every aspect of your world had shifted, reshaped by the arrival of this tiny, precious bundle of joy. The days had blurred together in a whirlwind of feedings, diaper changes, and sleepless nights. Yet amidst the chaos, there were moments of pure magic—how your daughter's eyes would light up with wonder at the world around her, the soft coos and gurgles that melted your heart, and the overwhelming sense of love that filled every corner of your home. But alongside the joy, there were also moments of doubt and uncertainty. Yunho, however, was deeply scared and anxious about becoming a father to a daughter. The mere thought of holding the fragile little being, feeding her, or changing her, filled him with a sense of fear and hesitation. It almost seemed like he was unable, or unwilling, to form an emotional bond with the newborn. This emotional disconnect was not just limited to the baby. Ever since you gave birth, a sense of apprehension and fear had gripped him. It was as if he was afraid to hold you, to touch you, and to confront the changes that your body had undergone postpartum.
The vulnerability that came with postpartum recovery was like nothing you had ever experienced before. Your body felt foreign, every movement was accompanied by a dull ache, a reminder of the physical toll that bringing your daughter into the world had exacted. But it wasn't just the physical changes that left you feeling vulnerable—it was the emotional upheaval as well. The hormonal fluctuations, the sleep deprivation, the overwhelming responsibility of caring for a newborn—all of it combined to create a perfect storm of doubt and insecurity. In those moments of vulnerability, you had expected Yunho to be your rock, your unwavering source of support and comfort. Yet, his actions—or rather, his lack of them—left you feeling more alone than ever. His hesitation to hold your daughter, and his reluctance to look at your postpartum body, all served as a painful reminder of your perceived shortcomings as a mother and a partner. You couldn't help but wonder if Yunho found you unlovable now if the changes wrought by childbirth had somehow diminished your worth in his eyes. It was a cruel thought, born out of fear and insecurity, but it lingered nonetheless, festering like an open wound in your heart. You couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness wash over you. The distance between you and your boyfriend felt insurmountable, a gaping chasm that threatened to swallow you whole.
That's why today's little nap meant everything to you. For the first time since the birth of Yunmi, Yunho was holding you like this, providing you with the comfort and warmth you longed for.
"Wait, did you hear that?" Yunho’s soft voice disrupted your nap. Not in your right state of mind yet, you just hummed against his neck, your eyes not opening even for a second. With a gentle hand, Yunho shifted you slightly, allowing himself to slip out from beneath your embrace. As he rose from the bed, you blinked groggily, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep that clung to your senses.
"What is it?" you murmured, your voice thick with sleep. Yunho's expression was one of quiet concern as he motioned towards the crib.
"I think she's awake," he whispered, his tone barely audible in the dimly lit room. Your exhaustion weighed heavily on every limb, making even the simplest tasks seem daunting. With a weariness that seemed to seep into your bones, you clung to the pillows, seeking refuge in their soft embrace.
"Could you get her?" you whispered, your voice barely above a hoarse murmur, as you heard the soft cry emanating from the crib. You mustered all your strength to sit up and shake off the tiredness as you looked at Yunho standing still next to the crib, almost as if he was unable to move any closer. Each cry felt like a dagger to your heart, a reminder of your inability to provide the comfort that your daughter so desperately needed.
"I think it's better if you take her," he said, his voice devoid of emotion, his gaze fixed on the wall as if unwilling to meet your eyes. The words struck you like a slap in the face, igniting a firestorm of indignation deep within your chest. Yunho's refusal to take Yunmi stirred a storm of emotions within you. Anger, frustration, hurt—all of it boiled beneath the surface, threatening to spill over at any moment. How could he still refuse to take responsibility for his own daughter? How could he stand there, staring blankly ahead, while you bore the brunt of exhaustion and fatigue?
"Yunho, how can you—" you began as you stood up from the bed, your voice trembling with emotion, but the words caught in your throat, choked off by the weight of your anger and hurt. Tears welled in your eyes, hot and stinging, as you struggled to contain the torrent of emotions threatening to overwhelm you. As you approached the crib, your hands clenched into fists at your sides, your breath coming in ragged gasps as you fought to maintain control. You leaned over the crib to take Yunmi into your arms and care for her. With a shaky breath, you turned away from Yunho, cradling your daughter close to your chest as you retreated to the living room. You weren't surprised that Yunho stayed behind in the bedroom, his presence a silent reminder of the distance that had grown between you. With a heavy heart, you settled onto the couch, cradling Yunmi in your arms as you prepared to breastfeed her. Your daughter's eyelids drooped as she nursed, the weight of exhaustion finally catching up to her. With each gentle suckle, she grew more and more drowsy, her tiny fingers curling against your skin in a gesture of contentment. As you watched her drift off to sleep, a pang of guilt tugged at your heart. You had expected Yunho to be there for you, to support you through the challenges of motherhood, yet time and time again, he had fallen short of your expectations. Yunmi finally drifted off to sleep, her tiny chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. With a weary sigh, you leaned back against the pillows, holding your daughter close as you closed your eyes, allowing the exhaustion of the day to finally claim you.
You opened your eyes to see Yunho carefully lifting your daughter from your arms, his movements a mix of awkwardness and tenderness. Despite his initial hesitance, there was a determination in the way he cradled her against his chest as if he wanted to make up for any shortcomings. As he tiptoed back into the bedroom, you couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in your heart. Despite the challenges you faced, seeing Yunho taking care of your daughter for what you believed was the first time, filled you with hope for the future. You listened as Yunho gently placed your daughter in her crib, his voice humming a soft lullaby as he tucked her in. Drifting back to sleep, you were roused once more by Yunho's quiet voice emanating from the bedroom.
"I have so much I want to say to you," he whispered, his voice barely above a hushed murmur. Yunho gazed down at Yunmi, her small form tucked snugly into her crib, her chest rising and falling in the steady rhythm of sleep. ''I'm so sorry for letting you, and your mommy down since day one...'' A sense of awe washed over him as he watched his daughter, the weight of his emotions threatening to overwhelm him. "You're my little starlight, and I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. Yunmi is Daddy's precious, shining light in the darkness." He reached out to gently brush a stray lock of hair from her forehead, his touch feather-light against her soft skin. "Daddy is really so sorry," he continued, his voice thick with emotion. "Sorry for all the times I've been afraid, for all the moments I've missed. I want you to know that I love you more than anything in this world, and I'll do whatever it takes to be the father you deserve." As he spoke, he felt a surge of love and determination welling up inside him, a newfound sense of purpose ignited by the presence of his daughter. In her innocent slumber, he saw the promise of a future filled with endless possibilities, a future that he vowed to protect and nurture with all his heart. "I may not have all the answers, and I will make mistakes along the way," he whispered, his voice trembling with sincerity. "But I promise to always be here for you, to love you unconditionally, and to cherish every moment we share." With a tender smile, he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, his lips lingering against her skin for a moment longer. "I love you and Mommy so much. Sleep well, my little starlight," he whispered his voice a soft lullaby that filled the bedroom with warmth and love. "And know that Daddy will always be here, watching over you, every step of the way. From now on Daddy will do his best." As Yunho's words echoed in the quiet of the apartment, you felt a mix of emotions welling up inside you, threatening to overflow. Tears streamed down your face, unnoticed in the darkness, as a tumultuous storm of feelings raged within your heart. Anger simmered beneath the surface, directed not at Yunho, but at yourself. How could you have been so blind to his struggles, so oblivious to the pain he had been carrying? You berated yourself for not recognizing the signs sooner, for not being there for him when he needed you most. But amidst the anger, there was also a profound sense of relief—a weight lifting from your shoulders as you finally understood the depth of Yunho's feelings. For the first time since your daughter was born, you felt truly connected to him, bound together by the shared experience of parenthood and the raw vulnerability of exposing one's innermost fears. And beneath it all, there was love—a love that transcended words and actions, a love that bound you together despite the challenges you faced. Despite the tears and the turmoil, there was a sense of gratitude in knowing that you were not alone—that together, you could weather any storm that came your way.
A little while later, you heard Yunho returning to the living room, his footsteps soft against the floor. A pang of guilt tugged at your heart as you pretended to be asleep, not wanting him to know that you had overheard his heartfelt words to your daughter. You quickly wiped your tears, and kept your breathing slow and steady, willing yourself to remain still as Yunho approached the couch. Soon, his arms enveloped you in a gentle embrace, lifting you bridal-style and carrying you back to your shared bedroom. Settling you onto the bed, he tucked you in with care, ensuring you were comfortable before gently placing the duvet over you. His touch was tender, his actions speaking volumes of his love and devotion. Yunho pressed down a warm kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering for a moment against your skin.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion against your forehead. "I'm just so scared to be a father," he whispered, his voice barely audible in the stillness of the room. "Scared to hurt her, to make mistakes that she'll never forgive." You felt the weight of his fear pressing down on you, his vulnerability laying bare the depths of his insecurities. With each word, it was as if a window had been opened to his soul, revealing the raw, unfiltered truth of his innermost thoughts and feelings. "I want to be the best father I can be, but... but what if I'm not enough?" His voice cracked with the weight of his uncertainty, his words echoing in the stillness of the room. And then, you felt it—a single tear falling onto your temple, a silent testament to the depth of his pain and fear. In that moment, your heart broke for him, for the struggles he faced and the burdens he carried. "And you," Yunho continued, his voice trembling with emotion, "you've been amazing since day one. I've watched you, seen the way you care for her with such love and devotion. It's like you were born to be a mother, and... and I can't help but feel like I'm falling short." Yunho longed to be the pillar of support you needed, the rock upon which your family could lean in times of trouble. But with each passing day, the weight of his insecurities grew heavier, threatening to crush him beneath their burden. "I'm still so afraid," he admitted, his voice barely a whisper now. "Afraid of letting you down, of letting Yunmi down. But I promise, I'll keep trying. I'll do whatever it takes to be the father she deserves, even if... even if it scares me to my core." In the darkness of the bedroom, his words hung heavy in the air. "I love you so much, Y/N, and I will do better, I will be the support you need." Yunho's voice broke through the silence once again, his words filled with sincerity and remorse.
"And I love you," you finally whispered, your voice filled with tenderness and affection. With a gentle touch, you reached out to wipe away the tears that streaked Yunho's cheeks, your fingers tracing the contours of his face with utmost care.
"You've been awake the entire time?" Yunho's voice broke the silence, his words carrying a mixture of surprise and relief. A shy smile tugged at the corners of his lips, a hint of uncertainty in his gaze as he met your eyes. You returned his smile, the warmth of his presence washing over you like a gentle breeze.
"Yes," you admitted softly, your voice filled with understanding. "I heard everything." There was no judgment in your words, no recrimination for his vulnerability. Instead, there was only acceptance—a shared acknowledgment of the complexities of love and the struggles that came with it. Yunho's smile widened, a sense of gratitude shining in his eyes.
"Thank you for listening," he whispered, his lips placing yet another kiss on your forehead. "And for being here with me." You reached out to him, your hand finding his in the darkness, a silent reassurance of your love and support.
"Always," you whispered, your voice filled with unwavering devotion. "I'll always be here for you, Yunho. Through thick and thin." Yunho creased your cheek gently, his eyes never leaving yours. "And now get under the covers with me," you giggled mischievously, reaching out to pull Yunho close by his neck. With a playful tug, you caught him off guard, pulling him towards you until he landed on top of you with a soft thud. Yunho's eyes widened in surprise, a startled laugh escaping his lips as he found himself sprawled across the bed, his gaze locked with yours.
"You little trickster," he chuckled, his voice filled with amusement as he shifted to settle beside you under the covers. With a grin, you wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close until your bodies were pressed together in a warm embrace. The feel of his warmth against your skin sent a shiver of delight down your spine, a feeling of contentment settling over you like a soft blanket. "I haven't kissed you in forever," Yunho murmured, his voice laced with longing as he gazed into your eyes with a mixture of affection and desire. A soft smile tugged at the corners of your lips, your heart fluttering at the thought of his lips against yours.
"Then what are you waiting for?" you teased as you leaned in closer to him. With a tender touch, Yunho cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing lightly against your skin as he drew you closer to him. And then, with a gentle tilt of his head, his lips met yours in a sweet, lingering kiss. At that moment, as you melted into each other's embrace, time seemed to stand still. The world faded away, leaving only the two of you, lost in the warmth and intimacy of the moment. As you pulled away, breathless and flushed with emotion, you felt a sense of completeness wash over you—a reminder that no matter how long it had been since your last kiss, the love you shared was as strong and passionate as ever. A playful sparkle danced in your eyes as you posed the question, your curiosity piqued by Yunho's endearing nickname for your daughter.
"If she's your starlight, then what does it make me?" you asked, a teasing lilt to your voice as you awaited his response. Yunho's gaze softened as he looked at you, a tender smile gracing his lips.
"You," he said softly, his voice filled with warmth and affection, "you're my guiding light. The one that leads me home, no matter how lost I may feel." Your boyfriend's words washed over you like a gentle caress, filling you with a sense of warmth and love. With a smile of your own, you leaned in closer to him, your heart overflowing with love and gratitude.
"And you," you whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, "you're my everything." And as you melted into each other's embrace, surrounded by the quiet intimacy of the night, you knew that no matter what the future held, as long as you had each other, you could weather any storm that came your way.
The sound of Yunmi's cries pierced through the tranquility of the night, pulling you from the depths of sleep with a jolt. You moved to rise from the bed, instinctively driven to tend to your daughter's needs. But before you could fully untangle yourself from the sheets, Yunho's firm grip on your arm halted your movements.
"I'll get her," he murmured, his voice filled with determination as he gently pulled you back towards the bed. You hesitated for a moment, torn between the instinctual urge to rush to Yunmi's side and the desire to trust Yunho to handle the situation. But as you looked into his eyes, you saw a steely resolve there—a determination to prove himself as a capable dad, despite his fears and insecurities. With a silent nod, you allowed yourself to sink back onto the bed, the warmth of Yunho's presence comforting you as you watched him rise to tend to your daughter. As he crossed the room to Yunmi's crib, you couldn't help but feel a surge of pride welling up within you—a recognition of the strength and courage it took for him to step up and take on the role of caregiver. Yunho took her in his arms, gently and tenderly, almost as if he were afraid that his touch alone might hurt her. He held Yunmi close to his chest, rocking gently from side to side, he tried to calm his daughter, yet Yunho's panic escalated as Yunmi's cries persisted, his worry evident in the trembling of his hands and the furrow of his brow.
"Is she okay?" he asked, his voice tight with anxiety.
"She's probably just hungry," you reassured him gently as you stood up for the bed, understanding the depth of his concern. But before you could offer to nurse her yourself, Yunho's response caught you off guard.
"Oh..." he trailed off, his voice filled with uncertainty. "I can't breastfeed her," he murmured, the realization dawning on him as he grappled with the limitations of his role as a father. You reached out to him, placing a comforting hand on his arm.
"It's okay, baby," you assured him softly. "There are other ways you can help soothe her. We can prepare a bottle together, or you can hold her close while I feed her. What's important is that we're both here for her." Yunho nodded, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and gratitude.
"Thank you," Yunho whispered, his voice filled with emotion as he passed Yunmi gently into your arms, his eyes still big with worry. "Should I prepare a bottle for her?" You smiled softly at his eagerness to help, appreciating his willingness to step up despite his initial panic.
"I think I'll just breastfeed her for now," you replied, your voice gentle and reassuring. "But thank you for offering." Yunho nodded, a sense of relief washing over him as he watched you cradle Yunmi close, the familiarity of the bond between mother and daughter bringing him a sense of comfort. As you settled into the comfortable position, you nursed Yunmi, Yunho remained by your side, offering silent support and encouragement. As you nursed Yunmi, the gentle rhythm of her feeding lulled both her and Yunho into a peaceful slumber. The soft sounds of her contented suckling mixed with the steady beat of their breathing, creating a tranquil symphony that filled the room. With Yunmi cradled in your arms and Yunho nestled close beside you, you felt a profound sense of contentment wash over you. The warmth of their bodies against yours, the softness of their breath against your skin—it was a moment of pure serenity, a snapshot of the quiet joy that parenthood brought. You allowed yourself to bask in the tranquility of the moment, relishing the feeling of being surrounded by the ones you loved most in the world. In the soft glow of the morning light, you watched over them with a heart full of love, knowing that in this simple embrace, you had everything you ever needed.
"Be patient with him. He's trying," you whispered to your daughter, the words soft and tender as you gazed down at her sleeping form.
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bunny584 · 4 months
A/N: OH. MY. GOD. Anon. I love you and hate you for this request. This was…hard. I told myself I wouldn’t publish it unless it was fucking perfect (you should see the scalpels I took to each goddamn sentence before this version).
SECOND: I will square up with Gege for writing the most enigmatic, LAYERED, complex, muddled character to exist. I wanted this to be Megumi. Through and through. His darkness, his light, his reservation, his crazy, all in one. And IDK. I think I did it? This one is purely to prove to myself that I can write for characters that are hard to write for (*cough* yuta im glaring at you *cough*)
THIRD: if you do read this (I get people feel things about aged up characters etc), I implore you to listen to this. Guys. I heard this at 0200 IN THE OR during a 6 hour case and the entire concept for this came to me. Meg is sophisticated and unruly, selfless and selfish, etc. So this has some NSFW but definitely probably more on the poetic, long ends of my works.
CW: Aged up characters (20+), college AU, fluffy/raunchy/dark romance-y because LOOK at him. He takes after Gojo AND Toji. Mature, 18+
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“You like it when I’m rough.”
Megumi’s melody rings crystal clear.
An F-14 Tomcat fighter jet, flying dark. Below enemy radar.
The piano keys float beneath his tone. His long, slender, deft fingers effortlessly execute the sheet music before him. It’s his GPS system, a personal flight map.
Little Beethoven, his advanced music theory professor calls him.
Truth is, Megumi is a prolific pianist and vocalist. He can tame any note, any melody, any harmony faster than any of his Shikigami.
Speaking of…
Megumi pulls off the piano and tortured love song in an instant. Just as the grade 3 curse creeps through the open door.
The part between his right long and ring fingers is automatic. His left hand grips the web space between his right thumb and index finger.
“Demon dog.” Megumi summons.
Low. Precise. Decisive.
“Eat it, boy.”
A small, approving smile tugs on the corners of his lips. Low level curses are the nothing more than chew toys to his divine dogs. With a tiny wave of his fingers, his technique buzzes inward.
Megumi’s eyes float to the ancient analog clock on the wall.
10 more minutes until you’ll meet him for your date.
No. Not date.
Study. 10 more minutes until you’re meeting him to study.
Your thought blooms within him like wildfire. It sets his normally cool, porcelain skin ablaze.
Megumi whips his body around to face the piano. To exorcise the feeling. The keyboard has always been his outlet. His life blood. Playing, singing, musing in and out of written songs is his catharsis.
Words don’t come easy. They never have. But lyrics do.
And when he gets to ride lyrics with his voice, his runs..?
The words he can never find on his own are suddenly out there. In the atmosphere. Coating empty rooms in a mist of his thoughts, his feelings.
No certain promise that the person the words are destined for will ever catch them. Or ever walk through the room and be kissed by the remnants of his musical trail. But Megumi has said (sung, played) them. And that’s enough.
“Sorry if I come across a type of way.”
“I’ve been trying to get out of my way…”
His fingers dive into the keys. Angrily. Earnestly.
“I know it doesn’t seem like I care, but you know I care—“
“Wow Meg, you sound incredible.”
You bring him to an abrupt stop. Your voice is maple syrup trailing down Megumi’s neck, leaving goosebumps in its candied wake.
Pitch fucking perfect.
A soft, ethereal C, gliding down Heaven’s staircase. You infuse sunlight into his name, whichever way you choose to say it.
And it’s hell. It’s cruel. To have as keen hearing as he does. To listen to you sing his name and have nothing else follow.
“Fushiguro.” Megumi shoots up from his seat, slinging his backpack over one shoulder.
“Fushiguro.” He repeats, eyes briefly meeting yours before settling above your head. He’s at least a head and shoulders taller.
“Nobody calls me Meg.”
You throw your head back. Feather light crescendo in your laughter. It’s pretty. Tantalizing in the way chandeliers twinkle when they capture a beam of light.
His eyes dart down to catch the feminine column of your neck. Curving into your delicate collar bones. How are your lines so seamless?
So cinematic. Like he’s watching a figure skater land a triple axel. Or a prima ballerina en pointe. It’s not fathomable.
You are gorgeous.
“I call you Meg.” You retort with a smile that liquifies all of his joints.
You double your walking speed to keep pace with Megumi’s long strides. Both of you exit the sound engineering building. Heading straight for the campus library a couple blocks away.
“Who were you—oh,” Megumi’s glacial hand along the small of your back steals your voice away.
Your eyes and feet follow his gentle push, shifting you to the other side of him.
“Walking on the wrong side.” He mutters, monotone. Matter-of-fact. Obviously.
He’s a gentleman. Of course he is going to walk on the traffic facing edge of the sidewalk.
Of course he didn’t feel the electric currents wire through his fingers to clench — suffocate — his heart.
No, he didn’t hear that punched out, falsetto gasp when his hand cradled your perfectly tapered waist.
Or notice how well you fit into his hand. How light you are under his touch that had none of his real strength behind it.
You’re made of alluring lines. Intoxicating sounds.
What would it take to coax a pretty melody out of your pouty lips?
His fingers?
They’re long. And smart. Cold. Remarkably patient. You’d like them.
He could make you love them.
Crave them. Need, whimper, whine, and cry out for them.
“So who was it?” You tether him to reality.
“Who was what?” Megumi counters, leading you to a private study room.
“The way you were singing earlier.”
Hairs along the back of his neck stand at attention. Blood runs Siberian cold. Megumi’s gaze on you is subzero.
“It had to be for someone.” You lower down into a seat in slow motion.
The sweetheart neckline of your sundress is mean. Your supple mounds tilt and ripple with every micro movement. Megumi has forgotten why he’s glaring at you.
“You sound too…pretty. It can’t be wasted on thin air.” You continue.
“She must be—“
“Let’s just get started, okay?” He sharply redirects the conversation.
And promptly shifts gear to low autopilot. He’ll speak when spoken to, answer questions intermittently. But his mind’s true coordinates are a galaxy away.
Megumi retreats to his shadow garden.
Watching you.
Drinking you in.
Savoring each detail on his tastebuds like dessert.
The pencil eraser leaves an indent on your bottom lip where you’ve been pressing too hard.
Megumi wants to roll your bottom lip under his teeth. Until it flushes rose and swells beneath his relentless pull.
His eyes fall to your bracelet, far too big for your dainty wrist.
He could hold both of your wrists in one hand above your head or behind your back for hours. Without breaking a sweat.
His other hand would take its time.
To stroke you. Pet you. Learn your sheet music. Then play your body like a harp until you’re a chorus of beautiful, soprano whimpers and moans. Begging and pleading so prettily, enticing him to give in.
But he won’t.
Not until you’re soft enough. A babbling, warm, ruined brook beneath his fingers.
Then he’ll take you, gorgeous.
Searing pain from his sharp swallow and nails digging into his thighs rip him down to the present.
Vision a little fuzzy. Head a revolving door of vulgar scenarios. A dull, demanding ache between his legs draws his eyes to his lap.
Fucking hell.
His jeans are uncomfortable. He’s stiff and needy. Not nearly enough strength in his pants to hold back his drunken arousal.
Not to the mention, the—
swarm of shadows growing at his feet?
Is his…innate domain materializing around him right now?
Megumi aggressively slices through the air at his hip level. Below the table, but you don’t miss his sudden stirring.
“Meg? You okay over—“
“Going to the bathroom.” He gruffs through a clenched jaw. Megumi places his forearm over his crotch before hurrying out of the room.
He can barely recognize the man in the mirror. Flushed to his ears. Volcanoes threatening eruption in his eyes. Api Biru. Pure, triple distilled, blue lava coursing through his veins.
Snap out of it, Fushiguro.
The splash of cold water does nothing for his internal heat. But his milky complexion returns to its effervescent state.
But then he turns a little too quickly to leave. And his painfully hard length drags along his fabric. It’s blinding.
A feeble moan tumbles out of his tight lips.
Megumi slams his eyes shut. He needs to readjust. But if he touches himself now, he might not be able to stop.
A slow, steadying breath fills his lungs.
“Just adjust, don’t…” His voice trails off. Icey fingers around his hot, angry base is enough to rip the carpet from beneath his feet.
“Oh, fuck.” Megumi mumbles through one quick pump up his shaft.
He shakes his head as if to tell himself enough. He rests his erection along his thigh before zipping up. Still painful, but tolerable.
A tornado obliterates any remaining resolve in Megumi’s mind on his walk back to you.
You are a dream.
Or a nightmare? A curse?
It doesn’t matter. He couldn’t care less.
Megumi would follow you. Deeper than the crypts of his 10 shadows. Into hell if it meant he could have you the way he wants you.
The way he craves you.
Because fuck the cost.
He’d pay anything.
You’re working on an elaborate concept diagram on the white board. On the tip of your toes. Lip curled under your teeth. And you are just irresistible.
So, he won’t resist.
“Meg! Took you a bit, you okay?”
Megumi is silent. Unblinking. Sauntering toward you.
You lower to the soles of your shoes. Neck craning to look at his face. Your eyes widen at his persistent silence. Rosy heat dusting your cheeks.
Pretty little doe, rooted in place by his wolfish glare.
Megumi takes the marker out of your hand and tosses it behind him in one swift motion.
“Hmm,” a tiny acknowledgment of his name. Just because it sounds so sweet rolling off your tongue.
Megumi corners you against the wall. Both of his hands casually in his pockets.
He watches you shift. Flicker your eyes in every direction. Fiddle with your thumbs.
His quiet.
His presence.
It flusters you. Well before he’s gotten the chance to run his hands along the lazy curve of your waist and hips.
“So…so blue.” You stammer. Your warm eyes metronome between his.
“They are.”
Megumi steps impossibly closer. His eyes drop to your chest. Dainty, nervous heaves. Up and down. Up and down.
“You are so,” you swallow thickly, dropping your gaze. “hard to read.”
Megumi snakes his large, graceful fingers into your nape. The temperature difference between your warmth and his cold startles you deeper into his grasp. Your head evanesces into his pull.
A beautiful, shocked gasp escapes you. Just as Megumi’s lips trace the shell of your ear.
“I want you.”
His breaths collide with yours, now. Heat welling deep in his groin. His cock thunders against his thigh.
“Can you read that?” Megumi rasps. Ensuring his voice vibrates down your spine.
A new sound tumbles from your lips. Like you choked on your last swallow. How pretty. You gurgling and gagging like that.
“W-want me? Megumi wh—“
“I.” Megumi nudges his thigh between your legs. His steel pipe erection digs into your dewy, hot core. He angles his leg slightly upward, inching you on the tip of your toes.
His prima ballerina, en pointe.
“Want you.” His lips ghost against yours. Free hand cups the flesh beneath your thigh. Pads of his fingers twitching to dig in.
The two of you drink in this lock-in-key fit. Megumi revels in you. Like this. At his complete mercy.
The prodigal son, born with more power than he knows what to do with.
Ten shadows. Ten Shikigami. It’s been centuries since the last head of his bloodline had power buzzing beneath his fingertips like him.
And somehow he’s never felt more powerful than this.
With you, heaven’s most precious angel, cradled in his arms. Drowning in sinful ecstasy. He brands this freeze frame into the most permanent part of his memory.
Then, he free falls off your cliff edge.
Megumi takes your lips with unfettered greed. Hunger woven into the way his tongue traces every corner of your delectable, soft mouth. His fingers push your head deeper into him. Sucking and nibbling on your warm muscle.
You shower him with airy, choppy little pants. Moans and whines so light they crescendo to fairy dust. You can’t keep up with his bruising kiss. His other hand palms your thigh, kneading little bruises into your silky smooth skin.
Marking what’s his.
“Oh my god.”
You breathe into his mouth when he lets you up for air. Megumi’s eyes dart down to the meeting point of your sex and his muscular thigh.
Did you really think he wouldn’t notice how you’re rutting your pretty little cunt against his leg like that?
Crimson high on your cheeks. You look away when he tries to catch your fucked out gaze.
“Don’t hide from me, gorgeous.” His hand traces up to your hips. You preen into his firm grip.
“Don’t stop, pretty girl.” He forcefully moves your hips in more dramatic, languid, deep rolls against his thigh. He’s not paying any mind to the pool of his precum soaking through his pants.
You bury your head in his neck. Fingernails digging pretty crescent moons into his back. You take over the pace. Undulating against him. Shameless. In complete heat.
“You feel s-so…so good.” Your lips smear against his dampened neck. Megumi responds by circling your puffy, slick bud with his fingers.
And fuck. The slurred, broken whimper that rings in his ears.
The way you hump him even more sloppily.
He could finish from that alone.
Your hand flies to your mouth. Empty huffs spilling. Whines ascending in pitch. You are close.
“Such pretty sounds, baby.”
“Let it out.” He grips the back of your neck. Feeling dangerously close to his own nirvana. Drunk off your precious melody.
“Sing for me.”
“F-fuck, GOD.”
You bite down on his neck. Waves of pleasure crashing into you like hurricane winds. He grips your waist steady. Feeling every involuntary twitch and jerk of your doll-like frame.
Blessing or curse?
He doesn’t know.
But he will follow you to the end of his lifetime and the next.
“God, Fushiguro. That was…” The lusty haze from your peak settles around you. The once shattered world, slowly pieces itself back together.
“No.” Megumi pulls you out of his neck. Dropping his lips to yours, so he can breathe the air directly from your lungs.
“Meg. You call me Meg.”
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AO3 is wild because it’s the only place where you’ll see an author’s note that reads, “sorry, guys 🥺 English isn’t my first language” and the fic they wrote is a 100k-word-long of the most professionally written slow burn enemies-to-lovers with intense angst, heartbreaking tragedy, heartwarming humor, incredibly drama, shocking plot twists and the most beautiful dynamics with depth and complexity between the characters that made you laugh, cry, blush, kick your feet, hold your breath, dig your nails into the pillow, cry some more and smile to yourself like an idiot, and you’ll think about how insane it is that the author wrote the whole thing in their free time. for free. out of pure love and passion they have for these characters. and how it’s not only better than canon — how the author doesn’t just understand the characters better than what they’re given in the piece of media they’re originally from — but also better than some of the best selling novels you’ve read. just wild.
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