#ineffable wives exchange
stellacartography · 5 months
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La Parodie de Noël (E)
An Ineffable Wives Seasonal fic for the Good Omens Minisode Minibang Holiday Cheer exchange for @planchettettv.
3.8 k words
When Aziraphale runs into Crowley at la fête des Saturnales a mere two months since their last meeting, Crowley is holding court surrounded by Robespierre and his colleagues. Of course she's mixed up with that lot. When will Aziraphale ever learn?*
(*Probably around the same time she learns to dress appropriately for the occasion.)
Hugs for my beta @cumberbatchedandgatissmitten
Tags for my mates under the cut
Maple sandwich cookies to all who reblog 🍁
@keirgreeneyes @totallysilvergirl @vulpesmellifera @cirquedereve @ewebie @blue-posey
Trying this tagging thing. If you wish to be untagged, just let me know. 💖
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aziraphales-library · 6 months
Lost Fic #159
1. hi! i've been peeking around for a bit on here and on ao3, and i just can't find this one fic that quite possibly changed my brain chemistry forever. i remember that post-everything, the husbands got reincarnated into plants? and there might've been other forms, but i remember the plants the most. it would've been around pre-2021, maybe pre-2020 but i can't remember the exact time i read it. anyways, was hoping you've all either recommended it and i couldn't find it, or can find it for me. much love! - @ludicguest
2. Hi, I’m trying to find a specific fic I read and seem to have lost. It was post-notpacolypse and featured Crowley sort of falling apart with anxiety. There are a few scenes where he and Aziraphale visit a hospital that’s in some kind of neutral place between heaven and hell. They also see a lawyer there. At the hospital they have to adopt their true forms for some kind of test, and Crowley’s is an enormous dragon I think. At some point Lucifer threatens them and calls Crowley Behemoth. I loved this story so much, and I can’t find it anymore in my bookmarks. I would be incredibly grateful if someone could tell me where to find it. - @alrightthenillgotohell
3. I have a vague memory of a fic that I read when the show first came out or maybe even just before. Crowley was feeling sad about loving Aziraphale and moping around his house, there was baking, and I think some stargazing, and I think one of them travelled through a telephone line at the end? - @thenameofsantiagossextape
4. You all are so amazing and work so hard!! Thank you for all the fantastic fics you've helped find. If you're taking a break right now, please Enjoy! When you've the time, I'm looking for a fic in which Crowley scolds God. What I recall about the scene, he and Aziraphale are in Heaven, the archangels are there (maybe the whole Host?) and Crowley said something like "Of course they (archangels/angels) behaved this way (wrathful/vengeful/merciless) - look at the example You showed them! Theyre learning it all from You!" (Referring to Falling, Old Testament, etc...) Any help appreciated, would love to reread and it's been taunting me. Enjoy Season 2!! - @sinewavirgo
5. Hello! I’m looking for a fic that I’m a bit worried might have been deleted since I can’t find it in my bookmarks! It was an ineffable wives fic that went through all the major events of their relationship and ended with them retiring to the south downs, and in the final scene I think they were walking on the beach together. I distinctly remember there was a part with them exchanging letters (I think during WW2?), and then later Crowley found on of the letters had been printed in a book. I hope this is specific enough that someone knows what it is! - anon
If you know any of these fics please include the number in your reply! Thank you :)
- Mod D
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straightupsickfics · 2 months
i would lovelovelove to 🥺nose kisses + 💕sniffles for any character/ship you are inspired to write. tysm <3 <3 <3
this is sooo cute for them, pls <3 i hope you enjoy some human au ineffable wives girlfriends 🥺
going to cheat and use this for the 'sniffles' square on my good omens bingo, too
Aziraphale had only just slid into the booth at their table by the window when she’s pretty sure she hears her name called. She squints, as though it might somehow help with how blocked up even her ears feel thanks to this cold, and turns to her right only to find Crowley already getting up. 
“Think that’s yours, angel. No, you stay, I’ve got you,” Crowley says, giving her arm a soft squeeze before heading to the front to grab the tea and sandwich Aziraphale had ordered. 
Across from her, Maggie and Nina exchange small, knowing smiles.
“Who’d have thought Crowley would turn out to be such a softie,” Nina says. “All those black outfits and all her I’m so dark and deep brooding looks… you really bring something sweet out in her!” 
Aziraphale feels herself blush, clears her throat to say…something. What, she’s not quite sure. She and Crowley have always understood each other in a way no one else does, making it hard to put into words, but Crowley returns with their lunch before she can even begin to try. 
“Alright?” Crowley asks, sliding back into the booth and looking between the three of them at their now silent table. “You’re only allowed to talk about me behind my back if it’s not nice.” 
Nina rolls her eyes and Maggie barely even tries to disguise her laugh as a cough. 
“Only the worst things, my dear,” Aziraphale reassures her. Her voice sounds vaguely nasal in a way she hates but knows only Crowley will really pick up on. “You know, like how sweet you are, getting my order for me when I’m a touch under the weather. How lovely you look today…”
“Ngghh, angel!” Crowley almost yelps. “No more of that, please. Drink your tea, it’ll help your throat. Put some honey in it for you,” she adds quietly when Nina and Maggie tuck into their own meals.  
“You’re sweet,” Aziraphale can’t help but add. 
She doesn’t actually feel much like eating. She never does when she’s getting a cold like this, one of the worst parts of the whole thing, really, but she knows she’ll feel better if she does. Like Crowley suggested though, she starts with the tea, which is delightfully hot and just as sweet as she likes, though each sip loosens the building congestion in her sinuses and makes her nose run.
Nina, Maggie, and Crowley are discussing a new videogame the three of them have been excited to play, and, not much of a game person herself, Aziraphale takes the opportunity to dab at her nose with one of the napkins scattered over their table. This only serves to shake something loose in her sinuses, though, and she has to duck to the side and sneeze a few times, muffling them into the thin cafe tissues. 
“Hh’ittshhmpp! hmptsHH! Eh’eiiisSHH! Oh! Snf...snf!” Aziraphale sniffles a few times then shakes her head to clear it, murmuring and apology as her friends take turns blessing her. Next to her, Crowley leans over and rubs warm circles over her knee, and it’s enough affection to make Aziraphale want to take the rest of their lunch to go and ask Nina and Maggie for a raincheck. 
“Bless you,” Crowley says, more quietly than everyone else, her hand not moving from its place on Aziraphale’s knee. 
Aziraphale gives her a small smile. “It’s really alright, dear,” she insists, though she doesn’t mean it, not anymore, with the way her sinuses are absolutely prickling with irritated pressure and her nose just wants to run away from her, no matter how much she scrubs it into napkins. 
“We’ll get an extra cup of tea on the way out,” Crowley tells her, while Nina and Maggie carry on talking. “Extra hot, extra honey.” 
Aziraphale lets herself melt into Crowley’s shoulder. Neither of them are much for public displays, but she’s feeling tired and run down enough that she doesn’t care, and she knows Crowley doesn’t either. The soft, spicy smell of her perfume is nice and familiar, and she stays there for a long minute despite the knowing, playful looks they’re getting from across the table. 
“Sorry,” Aziraphale says. “M’afraid I’m terrible company today,” she apologizes with another series of sniffles. 
“You’re sick!” Maggie says. “As great as it is to see you, you look like you’ll be asleep in a matter of minutes, ‘Zira.” 
And, well, that doesn’t feel too far from the truth. They finish their lunches, promising to get together when Aziraphale is feeling better again, and go their separate ways, Crowley’s arm wrapped protectively around Aziraphale’s waist as they leave the cafe, her extra cup of tea in her other hand. 
Nina mumbles something that sounds a lot like lovebirds, but she hushes up as soon as Crowley raises an eyebrow in her direction, making Azirahale laugh for a short-lived moment before it turns into a coughing jag.
“Should’ve just stayed home,” Crowley grumbles when they finally make it back to Aziraphale’s flat. The wind had picked up on their walk back and they're both shivering by the time they get inside.
Aziraphale's place is small and filled almost to bursting with books, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. And, despite her own apartment being nearly the polar opposite, all bare walls and austere black tiles, Aziraphale knows Crowley loves the coziness of it, too. 
“Oh, shh, it’s quite alright,” Aziraphale promises. Her throat is really sore now, though, and she’s having a hard time warming up even though the heat is on and she’s wearing one of her warmer cardigans. And – well – she’s sick. 
Crowley’s eyes soften when she looks at Aziraphale, though, and she all but tackles her onto the soft, well-loved sofa, tugging the thick, crocheted blanket from the back of it and draping it over her legs. 
“That’s better,” Crowley says, kicking her heeled off her black Mary Janes and pulling her legs up onto the couch and drpaing them over Aziraphale’s lap. “Warm enough?” 
“Mmm, much warmer, thank you, dear” Aziraphale nods, shivering at the temperature change under the blanket. She feels absolutely surrounded by warmth, between Crowley, the blankets, the heat pumping through the walls of her old building, and the tea steaming in her hands; she'd be perfectly content if her nose wasn't still entirely stuffed up. 
“You’ll feel better soon,” Crowley murmurs, reading her mind. She leans over and presses a kiss to the tip of Aziraphale’s nose, making it want to run all over again at the attention. 
Aziraphale sighs, tucking another series of sniffles against the cuff of her sleeve. “I hope so, though you’ll be next – mmph, Crowley, you really shouldn’t…” Crowley kisses the corner of her mouth insistently, though, pressing herself in warm and close as if she’s the only one in the world with any hope of warming her up. 
And, well, she certainly has a knack for it. 
“Think we’re well past worrying about all that, eh, angel?” 
Crowley nuzzles into Aziraphale’s neck, warm and ticklish and familiar, and Aziraphale can’t bring herself to argue anymore. Now that they’re home again – because this really is Crowley’s home, too – she can’t help but wonder how she ever dragged herself out in the first place. 
“I suppose so,” Aziraphale says with a yawn. A nap on the couch might be nice, too, and she has a sneaking feeling Crowley will agree. 
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indigo-stars · 2 months
Leaving It All Unsaid - Good Omens (TV)
…Yes. It was much better to shift the mood from whatever that had been to more solid ground. Whatever else they’d done, they still bickered most of the time, and Crowley had grown fond of their act.
A Dowling years ineffable wives AU.
This fic was written as part of the Good Omens Song & Poetry Exchange (@gospexchange) and it’s based on the song Small Talk by Copeland James!
Written for @koscheiisms :)
3.6k words, rated G
hi so apparently i write fic now! this is my first, and i'm super excited to post it :)
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flantasticclaude · 8 months
Hello! seedsofwinter said to reach out to you. I am ready and willing to throw money at the charity(ies) of your choice in exchange for digital copies GO zines that I missed out on! Thank you, and I hope you have a fantastic con!
Hello hello! They did give me a heads-up about your zine search. Here are the ones I have:
- "Yuck! There's Demons in my Zine!"
- "The Bond"
- "They're Switches Bitches"
- Both volumes of the wives zine
I’d be happy to let you know the charity, or, if you’re comfortable, we could do a zine trade for the first three since I designed them. I’ll let you know about the Ineffable Wives zine and the charity they chose.
I’ll put these in a folder and send you the link next week. If you have other zines you’re looking for let me know and I’ll see if I have them.
Hope you’ve had good luck with your hunt for GO zines. 😊
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 @lesliedraws-lilithcurses​ Good Omens Art Masterpost ⚡
Hi, first of, thank you for your notes and kind comments over the last years I’ve been sharing GO fanarts ❤️‍🔥
I’ve tried things, improved my skills, but most importantly have been enjoying myself very much creating art. 
I’m starting to lose count of how many artworks have been shared, so a masterpost seemed appropriate to put together. Now updated with links to fanfics :))
It’ll be pinned to my Tumblr and updated regularly.
Fanfics by me (all including a fanart):
· Close My Eyes Embrace My Matter (rated M) · I Am Made Of Longing (This Is Not An Adieu) (rated E) · I know who I am when I’m alone (I’m something else when I see you) (rated E) · The Bramble Briar and The Rose Tree (rated G) · The Universe Tastes Like Raspberry (rated G) · O, teannaibh dlùth (O, sit closer) (rated E) - part of GO Holiday Exchange 2022 · ✩ Smashing The Roof To See The Stars ☾⋆⁺₊  (rated E) - ongoing
Fic inspired arts or cover arts (+ links to fics):
· Les amants (2022) | fic: Close My Eyes Embrace My Matter by me (rated M) · Tempus Fugit (2022) | fic: Time Flies (When You’re Having Fun) by Mussimm (rated E) · The Praise (2023) | fic: I know who I am when I’m alone (I’m something else when I see you) by me (rated E) · O, teannaibh dlùth (O, sit closer) (2022) | fic: O, teannaibh dlùth (O, sit closer) by me (rated E)
Famous painting and photograph redraw:
· Le ravissement de l’Ange (2021) · Paradis clandestin (Le verrou) (2021) · Lovers Under The Desert’s Sky (2021) · Le baiser (2021) · La veille de Noël (2021) · The False Pretense (2022)
· Good Omens Anniversary Art (& variations) (2022) · Mx Ashtoreth (& Mx Ashtoreth visualiser detail) (2022) · 90s Punk Crowley (+ link to justmori ficlet) & Goth Punk Aziraphale (2022) · The Temptress (2022) · Désobéissance (2022) · Happy Holidays From The Ineffable Wives (2022) · No Title (or ‘Lovemaking In The Bookshop’) (nsfw) (2023) · A Very, Very Soft Angel (2023) · The Kiss (2023) · Pagan Norse Witch (2023) · Yet another Punk Crowley (2024)
Post Season 2 Fanarts:
· I’ve Never Fallen Harder & It Has Never Felt Lonelier (arts here) (2023) · I’ve Never Fallen Harder mini playlist with visualiser (Vimeo link) (2023) · It Has Never Felt Lonelier mini playlist with visualiser (2023)
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vintage-bentley · 2 years
Crowley has been included in several multifandom femslash exchanges so he's def seen as a woman by enough of the fanbase.
That doesn’t surprise me… the fanbase has done a really good job at showing how utterly sexist it is. They see a man with long hair and immediately assume he’s a woman.
(Ineffable wives is different which might’ve been what the femslash thing was? Although I think some people treat ineffable wives like A/C magically become women from time to time. I personally see it as an AU)
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tis-i-the-nerdy-nerd · 5 months
almost forgot to post this over here lol
written! for the good omens minisode minibang gift exchange! Featuring Aziraphale, Crowley, and Crowley's very nice outfit to go to the very nice Heaven (Ineffable Wives version)
0 notes
the nanny and the gardener
the nanny and the gardener
by emryspaperart
an old gift exchange piece from the ineffable wives discord
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Art, Paper Art, craft
From https://ift.tt/MghvHr6 https://archiveofourown.org/works/48405769
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ami-v-dragnire · 4 years
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Ineffable Wives Exchange Gift for @freyjawriter24 ! Hope you like it! I kinda smashed all the prompts together <3
prompt: hair, stars, safety/protection
event hosted by @ineffable-wives-central
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Ineffable Wives Exchange 2020 Masterpost
Happy New Year! I’ve finally gotten this together to showcase all the wonderful works that were created for this event. Check ‘em out! 
I held a jewel in my fingers and learning who you want to be by @5ftjewishcactus
This art by @amie-draws
Moonlit Encounter and Model Rivalries by @asparklethatisblue
Flowerbeds by @ami-v-dragnire
These two pieces by @bilarzo
This paper art by @emryspaperart
Meeting at the Seaside by @comicgeekery
The temptation in your church and I carry my love for you like teeth (and I am starving) by @meinposhbastard
Old Roses and The Cuckoo and the Nightingale by @ditherwings
Hammock Cuddles, Ineffable Lingerie, and Autumnal Cuddles by @dontbelasagnax
paradise (whatever you like best) by @elizabethelizabethh
Sweet Surprises, Dressing Down, and Pure Indulgence by @harmharm130
Where It’s Always Safe and Warm, In Mutual Obliviousness, and Summer in the Garden by @freyjawriter24
Summer Swims and Strings and Fright and Feelings by @jamgrlsblog
Bring Me Back This Flower; When It Is Withered, Time to count up, I say, and i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) by @d20owlbear
A Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit-Down and we sing in altered tone by @kanna-ophelia
This art and This art by @mehrto
Tulips and Butterfly Wings and In Order to Live by @melayneseahawk
Peaches and cream by Mirilya
(please) like (me) and subscribe! by @miss-minnelli
Not Quite an Enchanted Princess by Misty_Floros
A Pirate’s Life (is definitely not) For Me by @one-with-the-floor
treasure hunt! (real treasure hunt not included by @awkwardbystander
My World is Only You and (You’re A) Sky Full of Stars by @phantomhivemast3r
Take Me Upon Your Hand by Suvroc
Ineffable wives exchange art 2020 by @poorlyformed
The Auntie Trap and Pledge My Sword to You by @princessdianaartemis
Laugh Lines and Crow’s Feet by @gottagobuycheese
S’Mores Are Better With Two by @seterasilence
The Two Ladies and A Heart in the Scrum by @sk3tchid
This art by @smolalienbee
Marriage of Necessity by @madeofmydreams
The Moon and the Tower and The Beginning of the Rest of Their Lives by @tawnyontumblr
The Hedonist’s Guide to Overindulgence, What Greater Gift than the Love of Another, and A Stolen Moment by @the-bentley
To Remain (or, the Inherent Drama of a Book Auction) by @truncated-symphony 
A Helping Hand by @vivi-theakuneko
This art, This art, and This art by @wasleichtesart
All Along, You Were Blooming by @waterofthemoon
Mischief Night and violets are blue by @waywarder
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amie-draws · 4 years
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Here’s my part for the ineffable wives exchange for kermitwashingtonlincon (ao3)! Really hope you like it!
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wasleichtesart · 4 years
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The ladies are having a great time at St. James’s Park during the 50s.
My first present for the Ineffable Wives Exchange hosted by @ineffable-wives-central ! This one is for @amie-draws ! I hope this counts as historical and fluff!
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smolalienbee · 4 years
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my two gifts for @repressed-happening as part of the Ineffable Wives Exchange 2020! these are illustrations for two of the prompts they asked for: regency AU (in which A & C sneak out during a ball to dance together in a garden) and rival models AU (in which A & C have to work together during a photo shoot and are not too thrilled about it)!
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2ambiace · 4 years
learning to be who you want to be
Aziraphale/Crowley, Good Omens
Warlock comes to Nanny Ashtoreth and Sister Francine upset that his parents won't let him attend the London Pride Parade. Nanny and Franny make plans to take the young boy themselves and the three of them spend a lovely day enjoying the celebration of queer identities.
During a sunny June day, Warlock came out to find his Nanny and Sister Francine. At almost eleven, he should’ve outgrown them by then honestly. They probably should’ve left earlier. But well… they’d both become attached to the boy and he to them. Nanny Ashtoreth was supposed to be enjoying an afternoon off with Sister Francine in the gardener’s cottage.
But something had happened. Something that brought the young boy out to the cottage. Crowley and Aziraphale had been sitting inside the cottage, sharing a bottle of wine and Crowley had been telling some story or another didn’t matter as long as it kept Aziraphale laughing. Her laughter was infectious and Crowley wanted to keep her laughing as long as she could.
But then she’d sensed the change in the air, moments before the harsh slam of the back door and rough footfalls on the stone pathway.
“Nanny?” came Warlock’s call as his knuckles tapped on the door. “Franny?”
With a snap, Crowley had made sure they were both properly attired and went to open the door.
“Warlock, what’s happened?” Nanny asked as Warlock’s tear-streaked face looked up at her.
Warlock sniffled and shook his head, as he attempted to form words. When none came, Nanny pulled the boy close and wrapped her arms around him.
“It’s alright, dear. Whatever happened, it’s alright. Nanny’s here.”
Continue reading on ao3.
Written for the @ineffable-wives-central Exchange. My recipient is @crowethdoodles who wanted something with Nanny Ashtoreth. I hope I was able to deliver.
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angelofrainfrogs · 4 years
My World is Only You
Fandoms: Good Omens
Description: Aziraphale and Crowley find each other at a party in 18th Century England. Conversations and confessions ensue, leading to an evening neither of them quite expected.
Rating: T
Genre: Romance/Humor
Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27273958
This story was written for @Waywarder during the 2020 Ineffable Wives Fic Exchange. Check out the collection here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/wivesexchange2020
You showed me feelings I've never felt before We're making enemies, knocking on the devil's door But how can you expect me not to eat When the forbidden fruit tastes so sweet?
So let's be sinners to be saints And let's be winners by mistake The world may disapprove But my world is only you And if we're sinners then it feels like heaven to me
-“Sinners” by Lauren Aquilina
England, 1740
Crowley lurked at the edge of the grand ball, sneering into her wine glass as another man plucked up the courage to walk over and attempt a conversation. A party like this was certainly not her preferred scene, full of loud music and equally boisterous people on a night when all Crowley really wanted to do was sleep. But, Hell’s orders dictated that she must tempt one of the attendees into making a greedy financial decision that would eventually lead to bankruptcy, and who was she to deny her assignment[1].
Crowley used a quick miracle to divert the incoming man’s attention back to the woman he’d arrived with and let out a sigh. It seemed as though the only gentleman she hadn’t talked to this evening was her target, who had yet to show up. Just as she started to debate the consequences of leaving early and falsifying her report to Hell, a sound cut through the crowd and made her eyes widen behind rounded glasses.
“Oh goodness, that really was quite clever!” said the ethereal voice with a tinkling laugh that anyone but Crowley would have taken for genuine. However, Crowley could hear the mild annoyance in Aziraphale’s tone and promptly set off to investigate. She found the angel by the dessert table, caught up in conversation with a man leaning rather closely into Aziraphale’s personal space. A ripple of deep annoyance slithered up Crowley’s spine[2].
“Well, well, Aziraphale—fancy meeting you here!” Crowley said, striding up to the angel’s side with a grin. She turned her smile on the man and he took an involuntary step back at the sharpness of her teeth.
“Crowley!” Aziraphale exclaimed, relief evident in her tone. “How lovely to see you! And what impeccable timing; Jonathan and I were just finishing our conversation.”
“Oh, but I—” the man began to say, but knew he was finished when Crowley looped her arm through Aziraphale’s and physically turned her away.
“Alright, Angel?” Crowley asked as they walked towards the balcony, plucking a drink off a passing waiter’s tray and handing it to the woman-shaped being at her side.
“Yes, I’m perfectly fine; thank you dear,” Aziraphale replied, taking the drink and downing it in one go. Crowley raised an eyebrow, and she smiled sheepishly in response. “Ah, it’s been a long night. I usually don’t mind these sort of gatherings, but I must say the people at this one have been rather… aggressive.”
“Can’t imagine why,” Crowley responded, her gaze shifting down to Aziraphale’s crème and blue dress, which accentuated the more feminine features of her corporation in a way that made Crowley’s mouth run dry. Crowley herself wore a dress in a similar style, as was the fashion of the day, though hers was crafted from deep reds and black. Both dresses had a low neckline[3], a large bustle, and half-sleeves in which the dress fabric stopped at the elbow to be replaced with soft lace. The intricate embroidery throughout each outfit was a focal point; while Aziraphale’s dress contained mindless swirling patterns, if one looked hard enough they could find serpents coiling around each other throughout Crowley’s ensemble.
Though her eyes were shaded, Crowley knew Aziraphale caught her ogling a bit too long when she felt a light pinch on her arm. “Oi! Don’t get mad at me when you’re the one letting everything hang out!”
“I am not letting everything ‘hang out!’” Aziraphale said, turning up her nose. Crowley noticed, however, that the angel had yet to remove her arm from where it was still looped through hers. “This is the fashion of today, and while I would certainly prefer a higher neckline, it makes it a bit difficult to talk to people when I’m presumed as too ‘stuffy.’”
“But… you are stuffy,” Crowley responded, then laughed at Aziraphale’s pout. “I’m only joking, Angel; you’re only boringly dull on rare occasions.”
Aziraphale rolled her eyes as they made it through the glass doors leading to the balcony. She snapped as the doors shut, locking them and also diverting attention from anyone else who might want to get some fresh air. She gently pulled her arm free of Crowley’s and walked to the edge of the balcony, sighing contentedly as she surveyed the night sky. The autumn air was crisp, a wayward breeze lifting a few ringlets of soft blonde hair that had escaped the intricate curls atop Aziraphale’s head.
Crowley stared, momentarily forgetting to keep up the ruse of breathing as a jumble of thoughts suddenly consumed her mind. These thoughts soon coalesced into:
My God—Satan—Someone… she’s absolutely gorgeous.  
“You can really see the stars tonight,” Aziraphale commented, and Crowley could hear the smile in her voice. The angel pointed to a particularly bright cluster. “Oh! Didn’t you make that one, dear?”
“Uh, yeah. Yeah,” Crowley said, snapping back to the present. She physically shook herself, trying to chase away the thoughts[4] and the pale blush on her face. Once sufficiently calm she sauntered to Aziraphale’s side and gripped the balcony railing with one hand, grounding herself with the cool stone as she followed the angel’s gaze. “I also made that one, those few over there, and… yeah, and that one right there.” She pointed to each star as she mentioned it, then mistakenly glanced at Aziraphale and promptly forgot how to breathe again.
The angel was watching her with a fondness Crowley had rarely seen. Aziraphale’s face was usually kind—she was an angel, of course, and a truly good one at that. Her default setting was “compassionate and reassuring.” However, that kind look often had an underlying quality to it, as if she were repeating the mantra: “Angels must love everyone, it’s my duty,” especially when dealing with the more unsavory side of humanity. After knowing her for so long, Crowley could tell when Aziraphale was looking at something she truly adored, like a book she’d been after for decades or her favorite dessert.
And at that moment, Aziraphale was looking at her in exactly the same way.
I’m seeing things, Crowley thought, an unbidden blush creeping up her neck. My stupid fantasies are clouding what’s actually in front of me or… or maybe it’s the wine… that must be it.
“My dear…,” Aziraphale began, and as Crowley fully turned to face her she was acutely aware of how close they were. The only thing separating them was the ostentatious bustles of their dresses, which were very good at keeping unwanted people out of your personal space but were very counterproductive in situations like these.
“Hn?” Crowley choked out, unable to form a coherent word. Time slowed as Aziraphale reached out a hand, cautiously bringing soft fingertips towards Crowley’s flushed cheek. The demon’s breath quickened as the angel’s hand inched closer and closer. What felt like hours later, yet was still too soon for Crowley’s mind to catch up with, she felt the faint brush of trembling fingertips against her cheekbone and—
They both jumped violently as something slammed into one of the glass doors, breaking whatever spell they’d been under. They turned in unison, Aziraphale’s hand snatched back to her side as if ready to pull a flaming sword out of thin air, Crowley’s hackles raised and a hint of fangs visible behind red-painted lips.
“Oh for Satan’s sake,” Crowley groaned as she realized it had just been a drunk partygoer crashing quite spectacularly into a waiter, knocking them both down and into the door. She heard Aziraphale let out a shaky sigh as the angel fixedly watched the humans get to their feet. Only once things inside had gone back to normal did Aziraphale finally release the tension in her shoulders.
“I apologize for startling like that,” she began, wringing her hands together, looking at the floor. “I thought it might have been…”
“Yeah, me too,” Crowley agreed, sharing the mutual concern that their sides could pop in and check on them anytime they pleased, no warning necessary. “But it’s alright, even if they had shown up, it’s not like we were doing anything… bad.” She waved her hands struggling to come up with an explanation. “Not… not cavorting with the enemy or something like that. I mean, that’s what we’d tell them at least, right?”
“Yes, yes, if we said that I’m sure we’d be…. We’d be fine.” Aziraphale bit her lip, still staring hard at the ground. Crowley stood absolutely still, waiting for her to speak again. Eventually, unable to bear the silence any longer, Crowley asked the biggest question currently plaguing her psyche[5].
“Angel… what was that just now?”
Aziraphale’s eyes snapped up to meet hers, wide and frightened.
No, not… frightened, Crowley thought with a frown. Worried?
“I… I missed you,” Aziraphale said, voice nothing more than a whisper. If it weren’t for Crowley’s demonic senses, she probably wouldn’t have been able to hear her. As it was, Crowley did hear, and her mouth dropped open in shock.
“You… what?” she asked, just as quietly.
“I said…” Aziraphale trailed off, bit her lip, looked everywhere but at Crowley, then focused back onto the demon and took a large breath. “I said that I missed you, Crowley. A-And I’ve realized that I tend to miss you whenever we’re apart.”
Crowley made a sound without any consonants, taking a small step back in shock. Crowley had felt the same way for a long time[6], but wasn’t sure that it was a mutual feeling. She’d gotten used to the unrequited pining over the years, and even when there had been vague hints that Aziraphale might feel the same way, they were quashed by talk of “sides” and “hereditary enemies.” By this point, Crowley had resolved to seeing every opportunity she spent with Aziraphale as a sort of ironic blessing, cursed to covet the thing she wanted most but unable to ever have it.
The fact that Aziraphale might feel the same way was not a possibility Crowley thought existed outside of her own mind.
“I’m… I’m just as surprised by this revelation as you are,” Aziraphale said, playing with the ring on her right hand nervously. “And I understand if you don’t reciprocate the feeling—you’re certainly under no obligation to, and—”
“Oh Angel—Angel no!” Crowley exclaimed, realizing that Aziraphale had taken her backwards step for a rebuff. She quickly closed the gap between them[7] and took Aziraphale’s hands, stopping their nervous fidgeting. The angel looked up at her, and now there definitely was fear in her eyes. But, surprisingly, it wasn’t fear of Heaven’s wrath—it was fear of something else that Crowley was all too familiar with, but entirely unprepared for seeing on her angel’s face.
Aziraphale thought that Crowley might reject her.
Aziraphale. Thought that Crowley. Might reject her.
At this utterly unfathomable thought, Crowley began to laugh. It was a wild, unruly sound, making her body shake and tears build at the corners of her eyes, though she couldn’t tell if they were from the ridiculousness of the situation or from her own worries being reflected back at her. Aziraphale watched her, mouth agape, before snatching her hands back and turning away.
“Well, how rude! If you’re just going to make fun of me, I’ll be on my way—”
“Aziraphale… Aziraphale wait!” Crowley exclaimed through gasping breaths. She’d heard a tremor in the angel’s voice, and that certainly wouldn’t do. She reached out and caught Aziraphale’s sleeve, making the angel whip around and yank her arm away, holy fire burning in her eyes.
“Crowley, I swear to the Almighty, I’m not in the mood for you to—”
“I missed you too, you daft angel!”
At this confession, the entire world seemed to still. Crowley had stopped laughing, all humor at the situation snuffed out after the realization that Aziraphale might actually walk away for good. The demon stood limply, face unsure of what expression it should wear, and even the noise of the party had ceased as they gazed at each other.
“Crowley… did you stop time?” Aziraphale questioned, sparing a glance through the doors to see the humans frozen in place. Crowley’s eyes darted to the sky, and over the top of the glasses Aziraphale could just barely make out that her irises were completely golden.
“Sorry, I just… couldn’t deal with all that noise for this conversation,” Crowley admitted. She heard Aziraphale’s light chuckle and found another one of those beaming smiles when she met the angel’s gaze.
“My dear, I…,” Aziraphale began again, but for once it seemed as if she were unable to think of what to say.
“Angel,” Crowley began, deciding to take her chance. It was now or never. She paused for a few seconds, gathering her thoughts as best she could, then cleared her throat. “Aziraphale… I missed you, too. I always miss you when you’re not around. I’m… not sure how to describe it, only that it feels like there’s a part of me that’s lost whenever we’re apart. I, um… I understand if you don’t feel the same way, but it seems like you do, y’know, since you brought it up first, so I-I thought I’d just… lay it all out there.”
“Oh Crowley,” Aziraphale said softly, and this time her fingers did actually brush Crowley’s cheek. Crowley instinctively nuzzled into Aziraphale’s palm, realizing a moment too late that this physical affection might be unwanted—might be too much, too fast. But, when she tried to pull away Aziraphale quickly placed her other hand behind Crowley’s head, grasping her hair gently but firmly enough to keep her in place. Suddenly, their faces were closer than they’d ever been. Crowley could feel Aziraphale’s breath against her lips and for once in her long, long existence, she decided to make a move before questioning it first.
Aziraphale’s lips were even softer than expected. She tasted faintly of wine and sweets, but mostly of Aziraphale. Crowley remained still as a statue, waiting for the angel to reciprocate before moving forward. After only a moment’s hesitation, Aziraphale was kissing Crowley back, softly at first and then fiercely, possessively. The swipe of a forked tongue against her lips made Aziraphale moan, the sound traveling straight to Crowley’s core.
It was eons before they parted, and it was only because Crowley’s grip on time began to slip as the emotions overwhelmed her, crashing through her mind a sea that ebbed and flowed and screamed:
This is real.
No, this can’t be real.
Actually yes, this is definitely real.
When they tried to break away, they found themselves more tangled than anticipated. Astoundingly, they were still upright, though if Aziraphale were tipped back any farther she would need the help of a miracle to keep her on her feet. Their hair was awry, random pieces pulled free of the carefully-crafted up-dos as hands had grabbed and tugged and held on. Crowley made sure Aziraphale was stable before snapping her fingers; their hair and rumbled dresses righted themselves and time restarted, the noise of the party drowning out the last of their panting, recovering breaths.
“…Well,” Crowley said eventually, sparing Aziraphale a side-eyed grin as they watched the humans inside. Her glasses has gotten knocked off somewhere in the middle of all the kissing, and with another snap they appeared back in her hand. She tucked them in the middle of her bodice, noting Aziraphale’s pleased little smile at this action. “You certainly weren’t the person I was supposed to tempt tonight, but I can’t say I’m complaining.”
“Oh, stop it, you wily serpent,” Aziraphale chided, giving Crowley’s arm a light smack, though there was no malice behind it. A sudden thought occurred to Crowley and she grasped Aziraphale’s hands again, squeezing them to get her full attention.
“That was a joke; you know I’d never actually tempt you, right?” Crowley’s eyes were full of sincerity, and Aziraphale nodded.
“I know, darling,” she replied, then tilted her head questioningly as Crowley made another unintelligible noise.
“You’ve… never said that one before.” Crowley blushed, eyes darting to the side. “’Darling,’ I mean. ‘S always ‘dear’ or ‘dear girl’ or… or sssome variation of that.”
 Aziraphale smiled so radiantly that Crowley felt she were staring straight into the sun.
“I think with what you just initiated, the least I can do is give you another term of endearment meant only for you,” Aziraphale said, reaching up to caress Crowley’s face again, and the demon melted at the touch.
“So, um…,” Crowley said after a time, reluctant to let the moment pass but knowing that there was a lot to address. “What, uh… what does this mean for… us? I mean, that was amazing, what we just did, and I’d very much like to do it again, but I don’t want to, um… misinterpret things?”
As Crowley had expected since the first press of their lips together, familiar doubt began to creep back into her mind. Aziraphale was a hedonist, and both of them knew it. Crowley didn’t want to misunderstand these actions as more than they were and needed to know if Aziraphale simply wanted to add more physical intimacy to their relationship, or if this was something more—something that Crowley once thought might have been impossible, but now wasn’t so sure.
“Well, what did it mean for you, Crowley?” Aziraphale asked, holding the demon’s gaze steadily. Crowley let out a huff and pressed a quick kiss to Aziraphale’s palm.
“That’s a loaded question, angel.”
“You asked it first.”
“…Right.” Crowley took a deep breath and reached up to cover the warm hand on her face with her own. “I think it means we have a lot to talk about, and we should probably talk about it tonight, or we might lose our nerve.”
“I agree.” Aziraphale gave another beaming smile and then took her hand back, clasping both in front of her waist. “I’m staying in a rather nice little place nearby; it’s quiet and would be a perfect place to talk. You’re more than welcome to stay the evening, if you’d like.”
“Oh my, Angel, are you asking me back to yours?” Crowley said, wiggling her eyebrows, but the hungry look in Aziraphale’s eyes made the rest of the jibe die on the tip of her tongue[8].
“It seems as though I am, doesn’t it?” the angel responded primly, and at that moment Crowley was certain Aziraphale knew exactly what she was doing to her. Before Crowley could freeze time again and suggest they have whatever “conversation” they were going to have right there and then, Aziraphale held up a hand with a laugh. “Patience, demon. Do you have a job to do tonight, or were you merely visiting the party? Oh, dear, I never even asked that earlier, did I?”
“Sssod the job,” Crowley replied, a hiss slipping out unintentionally. “It’s not top priority; Hell won’t mind if I get the paperwork in a few days late. What about you?”
“I finished my assignment earlier this evening; I was just trying to enjoy a few more of those delectable pastries they’re serving before I left, when that man decided to strike up a conversation.” Aziraphale rolled her eyes. “Honestly, the audacity of some people.”
“Mm,” Crowley hummed in affirmation, the exaggerated once-over she gave Aziraphale now completely obvious without the protective shading of her sunglasses. The angel instantly flushed crimson, the color starting high in her cheeks and swiftly rushing down to her chest. Crowley bit back a strangled noise. “Right, let’s get back to your place because there are a lot of things I want to say and also a lot of things I want to do—provided you’re amenable, of course.”
“Oh, I think I’d be quite amenable for what you may have in mind,” Aziraphale responded, and to Crowley’s utter astonishment, she actually winked. Then, suddenly, she began walking back towards the doors leading into the party, sparing a glance over her shoulder as she called: “Come along, darling!”
As always, Crowley was helpless to resist. Without hesitation, she followed her angel into a night of long-held confessions and a happiness that never seemed to end.
[1] Not that she truly had a choice in the matter, anyway. The job would get done regardless, and if Crowley wasn’t able to accomplish the task, another demon would be sent in her place and she would have literal hell to pay for her failure. [Return to text]
[2] She knew Aziraphale was perfectly capable of handling herself in most situations, but the flash of anger was so sudden and primal that Crowley was unable to stop it. [Return to text]
[3] Bordering on dangerous for Aziraphale—Crowley couldn’t imagine how she had even gotten into the dress, let alone how she was keeping everything in place. She reasoned a miracle must be at play.  [Return to text]
[4] As best she could, for they’d been increasingly hard to get rid of as the years wore on. [Return to text]
[5] She knew this was probably the stupidest decision she’d ever make, but she couldn’t stop herself. Crowley had never been known to shy away from tough questions, after all. [Return to text]
[6] Since Eden, if she was being honest. [Return to text]
[7] As much as she could with those damned dresses… she longed for the time large, unwieldy skirts went out of fashion, and vowed to burn every single one on that day. [Return to text]
[8] It was one of Aziraphale’s many famished looks Crowley had seen when they’d dined together. This one was fairly rare, and reserved for her absolute favorite meals—a dark desire peeking out of sky blue eyes that nearly sent Crowley over the edge when coupled with Aziraphale swiping her tongue expectantly across her lips and then moaning into her dessert. Crowley had occasionally wondered what it would feel like to be on the receiving end of this captivating gaze, but, as with everything else that happened that evening, wasn’t actually prepared for it to happen.  [Return to text]
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