philosophybits · 3 days
At the present time there still exist many doctrines which choose to leave in the shadow certain troubling aspects of a too complex situation. But their attempt to lie to us is in vain. Cowardice doesn’t pay. Those reasonable metaphysics, those consoling ethics with which they would like to entice us only accentuate the disorder from which we suffer. Men of today seem to feel more acutely than ever the paradox of their condition. They know themselves to be the supreme end to which all action should be subordinated, but the exigencies of action force them to treat one another as instruments or obstacles, as means. The more widespread their mastery of the world, the more they find themselves crushed by uncontrollable forces.
Simone de Beauvoir, The Ethics of Ambiguity
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thirdity · 3 months
The specialist is one who never makes small mistakes while moving towards the grand fallacy.
Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media
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omegaphilosophia · 23 days
Theories of the Philosophy of Chemistry
The philosophy of chemistry encompasses various theories and perspectives that seek to understand the nature of chemistry as a scientific discipline and its relationship to other areas of inquiry. Here are some prominent theories within the philosophy of chemistry:
Reductionism: Reductionism in the philosophy of chemistry posits that chemical phenomena can ultimately be explained by reducing them to the behavior of atoms and molecules at the micro-level. This approach seeks to understand complex chemical processes in terms of the interactions and properties of individual particles.
Emergence: In contrast to reductionism, emergentism suggests that chemical properties and behaviors emerge at higher levels of organization and cannot be fully explained by reduction to fundamental particles alone. Emergentist theories emphasize the novel properties that arise from the interactions of chemical substances and complex systems.
Structural Realism: Structural realism is a philosophical stance that emphasizes the importance of the structure of theories in understanding the nature of reality. In the context of chemistry, structural realists argue that chemical theories capture the underlying structural relationships among chemical substances and properties, even if the theoretical entities themselves may not directly correspond to observable entities.
Operationalism: Operationalism is a philosophical approach that defines scientific concepts in terms of the procedures or operations used to measure or manipulate them. In chemistry, operationalism emphasizes the importance of experimental techniques and procedures in defining chemical concepts and theories.
Ontological Pluralism: Ontological pluralism acknowledges the existence of multiple ontological levels or domains of reality, each characterized by its own set of entities and properties. In the philosophy of chemistry, ontological pluralists may argue for the coexistence of different ontological frameworks, such as molecular, macroscopic, and emergent levels of description.
Instrumentalism: Instrumentalism is a philosophical view that regards scientific theories as tools or instruments for predicting and explaining observable phenomena, rather than providing literal descriptions of reality. In chemistry, instrumentalists may view chemical theories as pragmatic frameworks for organizing and interpreting experimental data, without necessarily committing to the ontological status of theoretical entities.
Process Philosophy: Process philosophy emphasizes the dynamic and relational nature of reality, viewing entities and phenomena as processes or events unfolding over time. In the philosophy of chemistry, process philosophers may emphasize the importance of chemical reactions and transformations as central to understanding the nature of chemical substances and properties.
Holism: Holism is a philosophical perspective that emphasizes the importance of understanding systems as wholes, whose properties cannot be fully explained by analyzing their individual parts in isolation. In chemistry, holists may argue for the importance of considering the systemic and contextual factors that influence chemical phenomena, rather than focusing solely on the behavior of individual molecules or particles.
These are just a few of the many theories and perspectives within the philosophy of chemistry, each offering unique insights into the nature of chemical science and its relationship to broader philosophical questions.
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selfawarepatterns · 4 months
Is it just the math?
Scientific breakthroughs often begin with someone saying, “Don’t panic. This crazy sounding assumption is just to make the math work.” Nicholaus Copernicus, when he developed his theory of heliocentrism (the earth orbits the sun), was operating from a scientific realist view. In other words, he thought his system reflected actual reality, or at least reflected it better than Ptolemy’s geocentric…
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corpish · 1 month
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petrareads · 1 month
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wild-saber1337 · 10 months
I'm not sorry for having you know this exists XD
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knightofleo · 11 months
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afrotumble · 6 months
Doreen Ketchens
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ricekrispyjoints · 1 year
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capybara-is-watching · 4 months
デューイは、「思考」は、環境をコントロールするための道具であるとします。この考え方は、具体的には次の5段階で説明されています。 (1)まず、疑念が生まれる問題状況が生じます。 (2)そこで問題の設定を行い、 (3)次に問題を解決するための仮説の提示をします。 (4)そして、推論による仮説の再構成を行い、 (5)実験と観察による仮説の検証を行うのです。 彼は、このような立場を道具主義(instrumentalism)と名づけました。思考はひとつのツールですから、それを使ってみて効果があれば続ければいいし、もし問題が生じればその古い考え方を捨て、新しい考え方を適用すればよいわけです。
道具主義(英:instrumentalism) デューイは、知識や思想、論理は「現実の社会生活のなかでぶつかった問題を解決するための手段」、つまり道具であると考えた。道具主義では知識を絶対のものとは考えずに、「検証されうる仮説」であるとする。つまり知識や思想の価値は、その場その場で発生する問題を解決できるかどうかの検証で決まるとされた。そして、それを判断する知性はその人の行動の結果によって実証されていくと考えた。
信念 デューイの言及した「信念」とは、「ある事実が『信頼可能』であるかどうか」という真理についての概念である。 現時点で「正しい」とされているものでも、それは、常に疑いを含んでいる。つまり「正しい」とされていることは、単に「その時点での真理」なのであって、実は「仮説」である。よって、この「仮説」は科学的検証を受けた場合、新しい真理へと入れ替わっていくこととなる。
実験的知性(創造的知性) 道具主義では、人間と環境の関係が不安定になると、その解決のために探求が始まり、この探求に知性が働くと考えられている。人間の知性は、具体的な見通しを立てて問題を解決しようとする。これが実験的知性(創造的知性)である。
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philosophybits · 2 months
The more complex and sensitive the social, economic, and scientific mechanism, to the operation of which the system of production has long since attuned the body, the more impoverished are the experiences of which the body is capable.
Max Horkheimer & Theodor W. Adorno, Dialectic of Enlightenment
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thirdity · 2 months
Neoliberal psychopolitics seduces the soul; it preempts it in lieu of opposing it. It carefully protocols desires, needs and wishes instead of ‘depatterning’ them. By means of calculated prognoses, it anticipates actions – and acts ahead of them instead of cancelling them out. Neoliberal psychopolitics is SmartPolitics: it seeks to please and fulfil, not to repress.
Byung-chul Han, Psychopolitics
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suweeka · 5 months
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Coral snake medusa oc
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diabolicjoy · 1 year
you can start learning anything you always wanted at any point in your life. & how nice it is to remember that
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disease · 4 months
Abacusynth is a synthesizer inspired by an abacus, the ancient counting tool used all around the world. Just like an abacus is used to learn the fundamentals of math, the Abacusynth can be used to explore the building blocks of audio synthesis.
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