#it was pretty fascinating tbh so…i really am sorry that i couldn’t see it the first time around
sinterblackwell · 2 years
i would like to send a sincere apology to karla nikole because after my re-read of her second book in the lore & lust series, it has come to my attention that it is actually pretty brilliant….which wasn’t exactly my full opinion the first time around :’)
#❣️#it was the cellina & giovanni subplot#when i first read the book i remember feeling very disheartened at the idea of reading from cellina’s pov bc i just didn’t care too much#i was more invested in everything else that was going on rather than seeing cellina & giovannie reconcile#and maybe that had to do with the fact that i was jumping straight into the second book after falling in love with haru & nino#so maybe i was more invested in hearing from them (especially after what eventually happens to nino)#but like rereading this book months later i actually really appreciate what the author did?? and it baffles me because#while i did yet again skim over all those flashback scenes of cellina & giovanni— the present day scenes did hold a lot of significance#i mentioned in my initial review how objectively cellina’s pov made sense and it answered a lot of questions#to the tension that was obvious between giovanni & nino as siblings and the complicated relationship there between them both & cellina#it was interesting getting to learn more about giovanni and the secrets he held and it felt important to see him express relief when#other characters help chip in to carry that weight of all those secrets and sole responsibilities off of him#but i just didn’t…care the first time around#reading this book again—i fell in love with how the author wrote cellina’s pov#i loved learning about cellina’s career in the art world and how she & giovanni so obviously balanced each other out when it came to busines#it was pretty fascinating tbh so…i really am sorry that i couldn’t see it the first time around#this wasn’t a case of ‘second book syndrome’ where inevitably the sequel to a series typically falls flat#i was just being ignorant#so rather than being like a ‘some criticisms aside i did still really enjoy this 4.5’#my rating for ‘the vanishing’ is a strong ‘i completely praise the author for all that she put into this second book and i loved it 4.5’ <3#lore & lust chronicles#booklr
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Yknow what. I’m not done complaining about dc. I started bitching in the tags of my prev post & i have more feelings. I get a stack of dc every month & we’ll take the vertigo (i refuse to call it anything else if only cause it’s shorter) stuff out i still have like 6 titles a month. That is if dc decides they’ll actually put out a jsa issue that month. The ones I’m most excited to read rn? Flash, Birds of Prey, & Green Arrow. Why? Cause the characters feel like the characters i fell in love with & the story is actually compelling. Yes, green arrow is suffering hard from the crossover shoehorning but the whole physically cannot occupy the same time and space as the people you love is a legit issue for Ollie & fascinating gotcha from Merlyn. Like, it’s novel! And I’m curious to see how it shakes out. The weird string theory/comic book physics around the speed force that spurrier is doing in flash is honestly REALLY cool. I’ll be the first to say i couldn’t care less about the speed force. It works cause it’s plot the only reason the flashes study it is cause they’re a bunch of adhd scientists who can’t help themselves & the writers feel the need to put their stamp on it. The whole weird dimensions & alien beings & time cops is super strange but hella compelling & the way it’s affecting the characters & eroding their relationships which are so core to flash characters is really amazing I love how much it hurts. Truly i cannot wait to see how exactly this shakes out. Know what I don’t care for? Whatever the fuck Amanda Waller is doing. I, who normally hates “let’s study the speed force!” stories wishes we could get back to studying the speed force cause the whole ham fisted analogy crossover thing is so boring & not even original. I think dc has done this exact plot at least twice before. In main continuity. It pops up every couple years anymore & it will never be what the 80s x-men were & they need to just stop trying. And bop! I love bop right now! I could wax poetic about the art styles cause they’re stunning & SO expressive. In a post where I’m bitching about stories I’ll just leave it there. The story itself? Pretty interesting, if standard bop stuff at first. Gotta put a ragtag team of gals together to do something low key shady cause it’s the right thing. The team is a nice mix; tho I’m not sorry to see Harley go, she’s another character that I understand sells comics but I am so sick of seeing it is not even funny. It’s not even that I dislike her as a character I’m just over her being in every single comic. And the dimension hopping weird babs rescue mission? I’m in! Where we going next? What even is the reason? Sure, we just rescued sin in a very similar plot structure but idc! The writing is fun! The dialogue is fun! The page of Cass’s reactions to vixen’s lingerie options is BRILLIANT! Love the lineup! It’s nailing what I think jsa is attempting but in a more fun & lighthearted tone. Tbh I’m not sure cause I’m still not sure what’s going on in jsa since they seem to publish it at will every like 3-5 months so I have no real clue what’s going on in that one. And I’ve been reading it for like 2 years now. I’m so tired of Nightwing & titans. I, a titans girlie, find it so boring. They’re both boring! From go they’ve been extensions of each other which is frustrating. Some moments in each I really enjoy! But overall? I still don’t see where Nightwing is going & tbh it feels like dick has spent this whole time doing nothing. Despite the fact that we were told he did so much he got a key to the city! He did adopt a dog. That’s like the most memorable & only real thing that he achieved. Cause the foundation? He’s a bat. They all do that. And titans? Oh wow. Another Raven goes evil story. Wow. How shocking. How original. Like honestly, is there some word on high at dc about the titans not being allowed to do a story that isn’t rehashing Judas contract or trigon? Cause I cannot be the only person bored with those being the only 2 titans plots anymore.
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
im so so so happy to see that a BoB writer as amazing as you is still active, you have no idea. I would like to ask for a romantic BoB ship if it’s not too much trouble for you? if it is than that’s perfectly fine
if you take a very quick look at my page you’ll see that i’m a little biased 💀, but it is what it is
physically: i’m 5’2, very pale, I have long straight layered brown hair, green eyes & full and (for some reason) always very red lips. I would say i’m skinny, have a small waist, B cups (😭) and a big ass. I dress girly and like to feel pretty
Iam born & raised in Brazil and currently am in medical school (med school process is a bit different around here)
I’m an INTJ, a HUGE introvert (but only w ppl idk), very sarcastic, honest, insecure, and i’m usually the funny friend. I’m welcoming, shy, VERY stubborn, quiet, sweet, really curious and observant. I believe I can read people really well, I laugh all the time, im strong willed and extremely loyal.
i’m not a big flirt and i’m not very easily attracted to most guys but when I see the effects I have on a guy I MELT
I’m always willing to put my safety and comfort at risk to help other ppl, even the ones i’m not really close to actually (it’s became a bit of a problem tbh, I must admit💀). I’m always doing everything I can to see my loved ones happy.
my hobbies are painting, reading, listening to music, going out w close friends and artistic gymnastics. my fav season is the winter and I absolutely LOVE the rain.
ok i’m not the best talking about myself, and doing that in my second language is even worse lol, so I sincerely apologize for anything that may have seem rude or that is grammatically incorrect, I swear I really did try my best.
thank you sm sm for having your requests open 💞💞
hey! So sorry for the long delay in doing these ships!!! My inbox is still open so if anybody does want a ship or a request, let me know <3
also your English is literally amazing, don’t doubt yourself!!
I ship you with … you guessed it, Gene Roe 😏
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I literally couldn’t NOT ship you with Gene. I think you’d genuinely be perfect together omg.
First of all your features sound pretty similar, like you’d be such a gorgeous couple and when Gene see’s you he’s literally in awe.
you’re soooo beautiful, omg Gene is almost wide eyed. He loves a short girl, idk why just the fact you’re so petite is very attractive to Eugene.
I think Gene would love your lips fr, like when you’re talking at first he’s very respectful and maintains eye contact, but the more comfortable and close you get together he finds his eyes falling down to your lips and it’s sooo seductive without him even meaning to.
I think two introverts together works perfectly, but as always it’s somehow even more nerve wracking at first? Like it’s a little awkward the first time you’re left alone at the bar- but you can read him so well and he’d be blushing and he’d have the sweetest little smile on his face.
the attraction between the two of you is immediate, there’s such a strong spark- and it’s sooo attractive to you that you can physically tell Gene likes you.
like he has this shy little smile that progressively turns into a smirk when you pay him one on one attention.
Fascinated at the fact you’re Brazilian, so are all the other men, but he asks such respectful and genuinely curious questions about your upbringing and culture.
I think Gene would be a big foodie, especially after the war he can’t get enough of anything omg- so he’d be keen to try Brazilian food I feel like??
idk just wants to know more about you in general. I think when he finds out you’re studying in med school his ears kinda perk up and this is when he becomes less introverted with you.
he’d ask you so many questions and I think whenever he’s anxious about something he feels comfortable enough to turn to you about his worries of becoming a medic in the army.
Because you’re so sweet and observant you catch his worries from a mile off and I think depending on the type of question Gene was worried about- you could laugh about it with him, or genuinely sit and give him good advice.
So he pretty much just falls in love more and more every time he see’s you. I think at this point, once you’ve become more open with each other he’d find more reasons to spend time with you.
lets out the cutest laugh and blushes when you make a joke.
When you two kiss for the first time I can imagine Gene being shocked that you’re so flustered.
Obviously you’ve literally made him blush and stammer for so long and now he’s doing the same to you? Omg he’s in shock.
whenever he makes you blush he’s stroking his thumb over your cheek- ugh he’s so soft.
Maybe you do something a little too risky for him, like you either could’ve got badly hurt or in alottttt of trouble to protect Gene.
Gene gets a little annoyed, not angry, but he’s a little sharp like “why’d ya do that?!!???” He’s in shock. But you’re soooo sweet and he’s too grateful for you, but hates the idea of you getting hurt or in trouble for him. He’d never forgive himself.
very mutual energy, you both take care of one another, you’d take a bullet for one another. There’s an element of protectiveness for another, I’d say you’re both fairly introverted so when you go out and something happens uhhhhhhhh you’d both definitely just enjoy relaxing in the comfortability of your bed together.
Gene isn’t used to cold winters, especially living in Louisiana, so you’d probably drag him out into the snow and I feel like at first he’s like wtf is this shit.
you build a snowman together, and throw snowballs at him- he’d be so gentle but when he gets playful he’d get a little too excited and accidentally plops you into the snow.
throws himself down with you and kisses you- soooo romantic oh my god.
fascinated by you doing artistic gymnastics. He wants to watch you practice but I think he’d be a little worried of coming across weird? Nah he’s too cute, he’d support you so much.
Gives you the biggest hugs ever, comes up behind you and wraps his arms over you- ugh I’m a sucker for this man and so are you- lots of forehead and cheek kisses- lingering gazes as well oh my godddddd.
your love would be so beautiful and pure, you’d be such a beautiful couple and I think your relationship would just be super super happy- I can’t omfg.
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evansbby · 1 year
Omg yeah I don’t even think I thought of him killing her because I was so devastated with the last segment of the book, but you’re so right. I’m sorry if I’m a little fuzzy on the details lol, I literally read it right when it came out because I saw that it had dropped (so 2 years ago now I think…)
But yes, idk like I read the book many years after I had read the Hunger Games, so the monstrosity of Snow wasn’t as fresh in my mind (all I had memories of was the blood roses and his weird threats to Katniss, and obviously yeah his whole endorsement of Panem and the Hunger Games). But it was endlessly fascinating to get the backstory of all of that, how any of this had started, how his family was one of the destitute elites clinging to symbols of wealth to keep their reputation as an old money/power family. I guess seeing him as a child and then young adult made me see the pressures that he was under, growing up in a society that prioritized and rewarded grit, defining it as this winning quality that was pretty much comprised of always choosing yourself, keeping up appearances, and sacrificing other people out of necessity (but at what point do they realize they’re doing it out of a sick joy, not reluctance).
So yeah, those moments with Lucy, I completely agree, I don’t remember the specifics, but I remember thinking that this person hardened by the world he grew up in was inexplicably drawn to the light of a person who insisted on being herself, optimistic and eccentric and weird and a songbird in a world where evil and cruelty and being cutthroat was celebrated. She was the antidote to that society, and in all their moments together, I couldn’t help but hope that somehow she would change him, because they were so clearly in love. I almost put the fact that I knew how he ended up in the back of my mind, and let myself fall in love with their love. So yeah, when that scene happened and he left her behind…… idk but it literally felt like some piece of my heart breaking off and shattering in my chest. It was all these pinpricks of hope that love would be enough, her love and innate goodness would heal him and break apart the stirring seeds of malevolence in his heart. But obviously, it was never going to be enough. That book genuinely messed my heart up lol, sent me back to being like love is truly dead lmao (I’m better now)
Anyways I did not mean to turn this into a long ass review but I am so fucking excited you read this book!!!!!!!!!!!! Because I was so hype when I read it when it came out and so upset because literally no one was talking about it like where were all the hunger games fans????????? And I texted my friends about Lucy and snow and the heartbreak and recommended it to them but they didn’t read it so anyways I’ve literally been saving up this angst and have yet to organically come across a single person who even knows about this book. It hits different and it’s amazing and I’m done now and sorry for throwing this unhingedness in your inbox 🫠
majorly agree with all of this! and im still reeling from the book tbh, like there’s sooo much i wanna add to this but I just can’t find the words! I too have no one to talk to about this! None of my closest friends are readers! And exactly, the fact that Snow’s love was NEVER going to be enough and we as the reader know this is just… wow. I really really wanted him to change, be better. In the end, I wanted Lucy Gray to somehow outsmart him, get the best of him. Well, she didn’t but at least she found out the truth about him before she died. And you’re right about the feeling of your heart shattering… like I was reading it in a Starbucks bc I was running errands and I didn’t have the patience to go home and when I finished it I literally just sat there staring into space. That last scene by the lake haunts me. How Snow just… betrayed and left behind and killed the two people who loved him most: Sejanus and especially Lucy Gray. HE LOVED HER. But it wasn’t a pure love and it wasn’t enough 😭❤️
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squigglywindy · 2 years
I noticed you’re into dissection and anatomy so I thought I’d share a suggestion and some experiences!
Suggestion: Cow eyes make for a very pretty dissection. They’re really cool.
I had an anatomy course in grad school in which over 12 weeks we dissected the entire human body. Big old lab in the basement and like 30 cadavers, 4-5 people to a body. It was really cool but super stressful because of the amount of info we had to cram into our brains for tests haha. The class was 2 hours of lecture and then 3 hours in lab, anything you didn’t finish you had to come back that night and do so you could start the next section in the morning.
Cool things I saw in lab: person who died from head trauma- the physical damage to the brain was so interesting!, the space behind the eyeballs(alot more fat there then you’d think)/the tiny muscles that move our eyeballs(very small and delicate), some person who had a heart the size of a foot ball-one of their lungs had atrophied to provide space for the heart, and lastly the human brain- much heavier than I thought it would be, after dissecting it out, (prof had us cut the skulls in half and then came around and carefully yanked the brain out for us cause he didn’t want us to mess up the nerve connections so bad we couldn’t tell what was what) we kept them in buckets under the dissection tables. Also cutting bone with a rotary saw smells like stale Cheetos.
I could go into further detail but I think there’s word limits on asks, don’t want to freak anyone out too badly, and also it’s just a lot of info lol
Ahhhhh hey I'm so sorry, this got a bit buried!
I've done a cows eye, and it was absolutely amazing! I did it once for my anatomy and physiology class, and then again for perception! I'm surprised I enjoyed it since eye injuries are just about the only thing that can make me squirm, but it was super cool!
And that is awesome! I know a bunch of people probably think I'm weird for being bummed that I missed out on cadaver lab, but I am. I would love to hold a human brain holy moley I bet it's so squishy o_o
I've smelled bone particles during surgery (ortho surgery is a sight and smell to behold) and it is Not Pleasant (and neither is the smell of cauterization, tbh)
I've seen pics of lungs compensating for assorted Heart Things, but that would be incredible to actually see in person!
Shout at me about these things any time, I am actually so fascinated by this stuff :o
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evakuality · 3 years
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Matteo - Episode three
Social Media - There’s so much of it this week!  At the time, I only followed a couple of accounts and then only saw the rest when it was posted to the tag.  I think I’m grateful for that.  This is absolutely overwhelming, the sheer volume of things the characters were putting out.  But it’s also really nice that we get all this normal teenage life stuff.  It really does allow an immersive ‘this is real people doing real stuff’ feeling to everything.  Particularly people like Kiki and Sam who have little to do with the plot.  It keeps them real and alive through a season where they were a bit more sidelined (and I love that Matteo and David’s little trip later on keeps them alive in a way that doesn’t overpower Amira’s season - this is a really clever way for the producers to keep fan favourites active without having to shoehorn them into places where they don’t belong).  I am also a bit concerned about some of this though - how on earth did the boys not get in trouble for filming the dancing girls and posting it to social media?  At most schools I know that would have resulted in some serious discipline action.  However, the most fascinating thing about the social media is the party at the end of the episode.  Sara didn’t start posting much on her stuff until much later in the evening (the reason this post is so late is because I was waiting to watch through all the social media before I worked with it - and there was so much for so long that I was able to notice the patterns in it in a way I didn’t at the time) and then Leonie took over and it was interesting what she chose to show and how non-perfect it all was compared to what Sara was trying to do before she got really incapacitated.  I know it’s not technically part of this episode but the text string between the two of them the next day where Sara panics over how Matteo might take seeing her in such a sloppy drunken state is very telling.  She really really wants to put on a show to make sure he’s not turned off by her not being ‘perfect’ - again, this is all very subtly done but there’s a really strong push to show how much of what is put onto social media isn’t a real and true depiction of who we really are.  And of course that’s most important for Matteo himself.  He’s still very actively putting on a front and it’s only partly to try to cover for the fact that he’s interested in boys not girls.  He’s really not happy or at ease with pretty much any aspect of himself, but he’s also not really willing to show it to anyone.  Except David.  Which we’ll see as we go through the clips.
Clip one - Matteo’s shelf in the fridge is so sad!  Someone (a parent maybe?) should really be making sure he has food and is looking after himself.  We touched a bit last episode on food and nurturing and what we see here is Matteo very much not nurturing himself.  Even more so than Sara, he has no care for his own wellbeing.  Also he’s relying heavily on other people (Hans in this case) to do the heavy lifting for him.  It’s also a major contrast to the playful, if disgusting, sandwich he made with David.  Here it’s really just about putting something in to his body and there’s no thought for anything other than basic survival.  Which is, tbh, a good metaphor for Matteo’s approach to his life at this time.  The chat with Mia again veers close to things that are difficult for Matteo - he’s wearing David’s beanie, trying to get that bit of closeness to him, but then Mia starts asking awkward questions about why the kitchen was so terrible and what Matteo was up to and it’s all a bit tough.  Matteo tries again to deflect and lie to cover his tracks.  Which... is he ever going to learn?  This lying is forever getting him in hot water when he’s caught out.  Jonas even calls him out on it, basically saying ‘if you’re going to use me as an excuse then give me a heads up first’ showing that he has Matteo’s back, but is incapable of helping him if he won’t help himself.  At this point, of course, Matteo has closed off because there’s a lot he finds too hard to talk about but Jonas is already giving those hints that he’d be there for Matteo if only Matteo would let him be.  But at least Mia’s pushing serves one purpose - Matteo makes contact with David again and they manage to connect and get over the little hitch that David’s ditching caused.  Both are still hiding bits of themselves from each other (David more so obviously), but both are quite happy to make these connections and are comfortable with each other.  That David responds is so nice; it sets up the dynamic so different to the original and Matteo is much more secure in David’s friendship than Isak was with Even at this point just because of this.  Then of course Matteo does the gay test, and it’s clear he already knows but he’s just sort of trying to work through some things.  It leads to some of the things he says later that are quite unfortunate (both to the boys about the dance teacher in this episode and to Hans later about the ways to be gay), but I think there’s a genuine desire to figure out what gay might look like rather than any truly homophobic stuff.  societal expectations and stereotypes and our own internal biases mess with us big time!!
Clip two - There’s not a lot of difference with the dancing girls clip, but it’s nice to see David again and the interactions between him and Matteo are a lot more natural than with Isak and Even.  I guess because these two are in the same year, it’s much easier to pass off knowing each other and so Matteo really is a lot more casual than Isak ever was.  The tone of the ‘why does he have to be so gay’ is different here too - Matteo’s much more low key and subdued when he’s called out on ‘why do we insult gays’ and he’s apologising fairly quickly.  It really is much more obvious that he’s trying to work out what ‘gay’ is than trying to distance himself from the idea of being gay.  He has a lot of issues and a lot of stuff to work through but it’s entrenched in an entirely different way to the og even though the words are almost exactly the same.  The power of acting and body language!!  Of course, this makes sense for both characters too - Isak and Matteo have different experiences and different lives and so they each act in a way that makes sense for them.  I’m super impressed that the same conversation can look so different - both actors are very very good.
Clip three - This scene with Matteo and Sara works much better for me than the one with Isak and Emma.  But perhaps that’s because Sara is allowed to be much more of a rounded character rather than a plot device.  We can say all we like (and Leonie is so clearly right there with us) that Sara needs to wake up and see how badly Matteo is treating her, but the way this is developing makes it clear why she thinks and acts the way she does and we can have a lot of sympathy for her even while rolling our eyes at how obviously this is not working out.  This right here is the moment where Matteo really should have said ‘yeah sorry, this isn’t working for me’ but he chooses not to because he still wants that security of having ‘someone’ if the thing with David turns out the way he expects it to (eg, David and Leonie being a thing).  He wants the ability to hide and say ‘see, there was nothing there, I have a girlfriend so I’m not at all upset that David has one too’ and it’s shitty behaviour and it’s totally unfair to Sara, but at this point Matteo can’t see beyond his own needs.  Sara is very clearly not happy with the situation and she rightly feels sidelined and unappreciated but she is still willing to accept his word when she puts those words into his mouth.  She’s still invested in this fantasy in her head and she is carefully scripting it so that it goes the way she wants it to.  Like last week when she was talking over Matteo to avoid hearing anything he’s saying, here she’s literally telling him what to say to get the outcome she wants.  Leonie has quite obviously got a better handle on the situation, but Sara doesn’t want to hear it.  Sara, again bless her, is very open about what she wants and needs from a relationship and how she’s feeling.  She refuses to take Matteo’s very half-hearted attempt at sweet talking her at face value and demands some accountability.  But it’s the very nature of those demands that sets her doom.  She tells him what she needs and he gives it to her - only it’s a very pale and weak imitation of what she would really like.  He uses her communication skills to play her.
Clip four - I loathe how no-one takes Matteo’s wants and needs into account, pretty much ever.  He’s in such a rut of being used to just going with the flow that even when he tries to assert his own wants people straight up ignore him.  It’s sad that he allows Kiki etc to basically commandeer his home for their party but it’s very much in keeping with how everything else is going.  Last week, Kiki was super irritated because she had a picture of how things were going to go (they would have their event and Matteo would host it) and she couldn’t deal with things not being under her control.  I suspect that if Sara hadn’t been with them and hadn’t done the speaking for Matteo, he would have been bullied into doing what she wanted then too.  He clearly doesn't want to do this , but at least he uses it as a way to get closer to David.  ‘Well, this party idea sucks, but maybe I can get this guy I like there’ and so he goes right up to him and invites him.  While he’s quite checked out of significant parts of his life, when Matteo really wants something he’s not scared of going after it.  Of course, as we see in later events, this gets him in trouble at times.  But for right now it’s nice to see him taking some small control of his life.  This is only possible, of course, because he was able to connect with David fairly quickly after he left last week.  The fact that they are able to do this is testament to how easily they do understand each other and even while its awkward, this relationship doesn’t have the underlying tensions that the one with Sara does.  It’s awkward in a positive way.
Clip five - there’s lots going on in this one.  The studying and how little interest and engagement Matteo has with it.  The consequent stalking of David on Sara’s account, the flow over into looking for David’s favourite movie, and of course Hans and his intrusion into Matteo’s quiet space again and then his attempt at using grindr.  It’s a slow, fairly quiet clip and yet Matteo ends up doing a lot in it.  It shows again, I think, just how much he values his time by himself and how much it works for him to be allowed to do things at his own pace.  I’ve said before I really enjoy seeing the characters in their own environments being chill and just hanging with themselves.  It shows us a lot of how they are.  In this case, Matteo moves very quickly from the boredom of the studying to things he has more interest in.  Like David.  He’s restless and disengaged, using all of his tricks to try to distract himself (playing with plants etc) and then very quickly giving up on what he should do.  I like that we get these sorts of smaller, lower key indications of how much David means to him as well.  It’s not big grandiose expressions of interest, but he watches the movie because David likes it.  He can’t even let himself stare at the picture for too long because it feels like a huge admission (he literally breaks eye contact with it and looks away the way he often does with David himself).  It’s in these unguarded moments in his own space that we really see Matteo and he’s a mess, but he’s a mess who really does want connection and to find meaning with someone.  
Clip six - We all love this one, right?  It’s such a nice moment with David and their almost-kissing is very intense.  But there’s a lot going on before that that I also want to look at.  First, the way the boys call Matteo a ‘player’?????? how???? That’s his girlfriend?????  He is playing her and stringing her along when he shouldn’t, but he’s not playing the field which is generally what we mean when we say this sort of thing.  He has one girl and that one girl has made it pretty clear that he is hers.  In many ways Matteo would be better off if he was playing the field - then there’s no expectations and he gets a rep as a ladies man.  But this works better for him - he can sort of fall into it and follow along with it without having to put any effort in at all.  She literally speaks for him, even.  I have always found it fascinating how much Matteo keeps to himself in this clip.  He hugs the walls like they’re his home and Sara is out there in the middle and there’s such a disconnect between the way they’re both acting.  How would Matteo have coped with the expectations Sara outlines about sex had she not got so blind drunk she had to be taken home?  It seems like it would have led to something very awkward and maybe she’d have finally got the picture.
Laura's little visit to see Matteo is cute too.  Obviously she knows that David is interested and so she checks him out.  It’s a shame it’s interrupted by Hans who then monopolises Matteo, but she was quite deliberate in finding him and speaking with him and I love the sibling support.  David’s shirt he chooses to appeal to Matteo is hilarious too.  The thought process (and the discussions with Laura at home beforehand) must have been brilliant.  ‘I always wear black and am mysterious and aloof and cool, but to attract this boy I will wear a white shirt with a stupid picture on it’ - that it does attract Matteo just shows how attuned David is to his future boyfriend.  Maybe he’s stalking the instagrams too - the Matteo Monday and Florenzi Friday do suggest that this is something that might appeal to Matteo.  
Hans and Andi bother me too.  In much the same way that I dislike that Sara assumes that Matteo not wanting sex with her means he’s gay (like?  It’s okay not to want sex!!  It doesn’t say anything about your sexuality), I don’t like that Hans has talked about Matteo to Andi and allows him to be so forward and aggressively sexual with someone who is very obviously not willing to be out.  I know Hans is trying to be there for Matteo and to encourage him to accept himself (I think it’s pretty clear that he knows or thinks Matteo likes guys).  But this is a party with all of Matteo’s friends.  What did they think would happen?  Why did they think he’d react in any way other than the one he does?  Hans looks confused when Matteo pushes away and leaves, but why?  This behaviour is entirely consistent with everything we know of his character. That it ends in an actual panic attack makes it all much more sad and difficult to watch.  Honestly, outing people when they’re not ready is not cool and Hans should know this.
The panic attack itself is so well done.  There’s no dialogue and yet we can see very obviously how Matteo is feeling and just how ‘normal’ this is to him.  He has a set of behaviours that he follows to try to take the edge off.  He throws things (this is his go-to when he’s stressed and he does it a LOT), he tries weed and he finally tries music and sitting by himself, cuddling a cushion for comfort.  I know a million people have discussed this at length, but I don’t think we can speak about this clip without at least touching on it.  Everything about it is done so well and it all combines to allow Matteo’s feelings to shine through.  I love that it’s allowed to happen at a party and that we see very clearly how these things can be overwhelming for characters.  I won’t go on anymore, but it’s just great and the acting is so perfect.  I genuinely think this small part of this clip is probably my favourite acting out of everything in this show.
And then of course we have the stuff after everyone else has left.  Again, a million people have discussed this in a million ways, but I love how this scene again shows how easily they get each other, how good they are at communicating with each other and how quickly they get on the same page.  Matteo has no trouble at all saying what he thinks and pressing for information.  This parallels Sara in some ways - she is like this with Matteo, making her wants and needs clear and putting herself on the line.  Again, this is all very good set up for later on when Matteo finally finds himself in her position and realises just how much his behaviour hurt her because he’s living her side.  However, unlike Matteo, David is quite clear and honest back.  And that’s why they can so quickly move into a potential kiss.  As with Matteo and Sara, there are close ups as they lean into each other, but somehow it feels like there’s more space for them to breathe here.  The camera allows them both to be in the frame naturally, whether Sara is often invading into Matteo’s shots.  Here, they’re both on board and both want it.  I like that Matteo gets a moment to be open and himself after his experience with Andi.  It must take a lot of courage to do this after he was so badly affected earlier.  Testament to David’s calming presence which reassures rather than pushes, and how honest they are with each other - there’s no way David could miss how relieved Matteo is when he finds out that Laura is David’s sister not his girlfriend.  They’re both very brave here - David for telling Matteo he looks good and Matteo for trying to take that next step even after his panic attack.   And I think that’s a nice place to leave this.  Because that’s already such a lot and this has all already been said before.  
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His Dark Materials - Season 2 Episode 7 *FINALE* (Thoughts and Rambles)
We have a LOT to unpack here oh my god oh my god
When I say I was screaming and yelling during the episode, I mean I was LITERALLY screaming and yelling
This post is mostly screeching and capital letters, you’ve been warned
“So cold” “life or death meant nothing” - well shit. Accurate description of a Spectre attack damn
I didn’t know what those creepy noises were at first and I was sat here absolutely TERRIFIED because it was creepy as fuck. Then I realized it was cliff ghasts because they said something that I recognized from the book and I was like “oh shit”
Pan and Will talking is the sweetest omg
The fact that Pan told him that Lyra thinks he’s as brave as King Iorek Byrnison :’)
“She’s the best friend I’ve ever had” “You’re her best friend too” - STOP, MY HEART
Lyra was awake and heard the whole conversation :3
“I’m no longer an aeronaut” :( “I’m an insect” - LMAO
Hester and Lee’s banter remains my favourite thing and now it’s bittersweet tbh...
“You could never be an insect, Lee” “Okay, hare” - bless them
Marisa finding where Lyra was staying and then finding Lyra’s coat?? And crying with it pressed to her face?? :’(
In case I haven’t mentioned it already, I am incredibly gay for the witches/their aesthetic/costume. Absolutely beautiful queens, all of them
Oh hi, it’s Mary and the two kids!
The fact that Mary helped them find their adults :’)
Also, “We like you miss” - BLESS
I’m kind of confused as to whether the blue flower petals are important or if it’s just her smelling them? IDK
“I’m close to my father, it’s time I found him” - OOF OKAY UMM ARE YOU SURE
“I let my best friend down” - Noooo Lyra, no you didn’t! :( Your dad is a terrible parent and killed him, that’s not your fault!
“Maybe this is how I let you down” - Well done, Asriel and Marisa, you’ve fucked up a perfectly fine child is what you’ve done
Will telling Lyra that she hasn’t let him down :3
That witch turning up because she was trying to warn Marisa about the spectres, only for Marisa to torture and kill her... oof
“She’s MY daughter” - Okay, damn, lady...
“EVE. She’s the mother of all” - OH FUCK YOU TOLD HER. OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK
Seriously, the way the witch went so grey and lifeless and just fell to her knees and down... Urgh, my stomach is turning
Just when I thought I hated the monkey again, he starts whimpering because he’s afraid of the Spectres :(
Pan being the damn voice of reason and telling Lyra they should stay with the witches like yes, Lyra, listen to him for once!!!
Okay but why are the Magisterium soldiers lowkey dressed like German soldiers from one of the World Wars???
I’m not really surprised that BBC left out the detail of Ruta and Asriel fucking when she found him to be honest XD
So the witches think that the Æsahættr is a person but it’s actually the KNIFE. AND THEY DON’T REALIZE. RUTA YOU DON’T NEED TO GO ANYWHERE, IT’S LITERALLY RIGHT THERE
“...That’s not my dæmon.” “Run.” - OH SHIT OKAY MY WHOLE BODY JUST TENSED UP
“You’re either with me or against me” Umm he’s your dæmon?!?!
“What are you frightened of?” - oh, I don’t know, Marisa, maybe because YOU FUCKING SCREECHED AT HIM. MAYBE HE’S FRIGHTENED OF YOU
Also I love the detail of Marisa getting onto her hands and knees, sort of crouching and mirroring the monkey’s body language. I just love the parallel
The way the monkey flinched from her when she went to touch him omg :( No dæmon should be THIS afraid of their person (or at all?!?!)
Honestly, I find this series’ portrayal of Marisa fascinating tbh
“We have to do whatever it takes to keep her safe” - Umm, like maybe drugging her and hiding her in a cave for months? 🤔
Also in case I didn’t say this before, the fact she has complete control of the Spectres is fucking scary and always has been from the very first time I read the books
Okay so Lee is fully aware that he’s going to die if he stays behind but he does it because he knows that it’s the best chance of making sure that Lyra ends up under the knife’s protection (because Jopari will find her). All Lee wants is for Lyra to be safe and that hurts my heart so much, he loves this child so much :’(
“I love that little girl like a daughter” - LEE STOP MY HEART IS ALREADY BREAKING AS IT IS
Oh hey Red PAN-da (sorry I know I keep repeating that joke but honestly LOOK AT HIM)
“Once I change, you’ll stop changing” - OH SHIT. So we’re having THAT conversation then
“What do you think you’ll be?” “A flea I hope” - LMFAO I LOVE IT
“Is it Will that’s changing you?” “I think” - FORESHADOWING FOR AMBER SPYGLASS ANYONE?!
All the meanwhile, while Lee is dying and shit is going down, Ms Mary Malone is just chilling in a cave on a mountain by a waterfall, just reading
I literally struggled to watch Lee’s final scenes. I literally didn’t want to watch it because I cried reading it in the book, and I knew I’d be the same here
The fact that Lee HATES taking away people’s lives but he says “it’s theirs or Lyra’s”... I love him. He loves her so much.
“Think about anything, think about bacon!” - LMFAO I LOVE YOU HESTER YOU ABSOLUTE GEM
I do this everytime I read the book and I did here even though I know what happens, but I was praying mentally that maybe Serafina would reach Lee in time... just maybe...
I’m really sitting here crying over Hester and Lee on a Sunday night, love that for me
Hester limping :(
I literally yelled and cried out “NOOO” when Hester faded away and Lee died. I am so upset even though I KNEW it was coming. I am literally not okay.
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Oh god no Will, now is not the time to be walking away from Lyra and that witch 
Also why is that witch asleep on guard?? Come on, love, do better, it’s not like these are the two most important children in all the universes.... 
To be fair to Marisa, I’d feel pretty invincible if I were climbing up a mountain while the Spectres were guarding me/on my side
“I was told I’d find my father here”  - YEAH AND THAT’S HIM WILL ASDFGHJKL;
I’m low-key disappointed that there’s no brawl between Will and Jopari here. Like they instantly recognize each other and... hmm. I know there has to be changes but still.
“Your mother, Will, where is she?” - Awww. John really didn’t stop loving her :’)
“My son... is the Knife Bearer” - oooooohhhhhhh
“You have a dæmon” - that’s right, Will. Don’t worry, you’ll get one next season
The way I audible went “oh shIT” when Mrs Coulter found Lyra fast asleep. Like I said, I knew what was going to happen but STILL
I’m not really surprised that those Spectres killed the witch who was supposed to be guarding Lyra and Will tbh like that’s what happens when only ONE witch guards two teenagers and that witch falls asleep
The way that Lyra panicked when she woke up and saw her mother stroking her cheek omg 
Off topic but I’ve only just realized that Jopari has a fucking man-bun LMFAO OKAY
The fact that Jopari tried to get back to Will and Elaine but couldn’t will always hurt me
“And you chose these people over your family?” - I MEAN-
“I’ve thought about you every day.” - Awww
So John tells Will that he has to go to Asriel and bring him the knife, and he tells him all about the war that’s coming and I have LITERAL chills because I’m so ready
“And then we go home?” “... And then we go home.” - RIP MY HEART OUT, IT WOULD HURT LESS
“I’m not strong enough” - yes you are, Will! I promise you, you are! And Jopari says, “Both of us were brought here” - exactly! You were brought there for a reason by fate or whatever you want to call it!
“Your duty was to be my father” - WILL REALLY CAME FOR HIS DAD LIKE THAT I GUESS
“Look what you’ve become without me” - Oh my god, just when I thought I wasn’t going to cry again
So in the book, Jopari is killed by a scorned witch who had once asked him to be her lover, but he had turned her down (because of Elaine and Will obviously), and she kills Jopari in front of Will and then he kills her (I think?). But here it’s just a soldier leftover from the Lee vs Magisterium fight, so... yeah. Kind of a little peeved about the change personally but whatever I guess.
“The night is full of angels, they will guide you now” - AHHHHH
Also, might just be me, but maybe that line would have been slightly more impactful if the scene had taken place at night
This show really said “fuck healthy parental figures” I guess
Except Will’s mum, she’s the best and if anything were to happen to her we’d all riot
Okay, last little gripe, but I just wanted to say that in the book, Will doesn’t realize it’s his dad until literally the last second before his dad dies - like they both realize and then BAM, Jopari is killed. And while I do love the father-son reunion, I am kind of annoyed by the change because it was such a huge punch in the gut in the book that Will searches for so long for his dad, only to lose him the second he finds him.
Serafina finding Lee’s body and kissing his forehead was yet another punch in the gut, thanks Pullman/BBC/BadWolf
The fact that Will had to bury his dad :(
Oof that shot of his amputated fingers...
So the narration, when it started I thought it was Jopari at first, like from one of his letters... but then as it continued, I went “hang on”, and then I said outloud “wait, is that ASRIEL?!”
Will putting his hood up like his dad did just hits differently
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Oh, hi Stelmaria!
It always makes me scream that this man is not only Lord Asriel now but he’s also fucking Mr Tumnus and MOTHERFUCKING BILL DENBROUGH LIKE HOW IS THIS MAN INVOLVED IN SO MANY OF MY FANDOMS?!?
“We stand with you, Asriel Belacqua” - AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
“Let us prepare for war” - FUUUUUUUUCK
(I was deadly serious when I said this was just me screaming and crying by the way)
I’m still reeling over the fact that Marisa put her daughter in a fucking trunk. Like I get you can’t exactly carry a drugged child about in the open but Jesus Christ, love, really?!?
Also Ruth Wilson / Marisa Coulter in a headscarf? *chef kiss*
The way that the screen went to black as she put the lid on the trunk down - SHIT OH SHIT GOOSEBUMPS
“What is this place?” - I’M SCREAMING SO LOUD I CAN’T HOLD IT IN
For anyone unaware, the reason I’m screaming so loud over the post-credits scene is because in TAS, while Lyra is drugged and in a groggy sleep, she has these visions of Roger talking to her from the Land of the Dead, which then later leads to her and Will actually GOING to the Land of the Dead and... well, the rest is even HUGER spoilers but YEAH I’M NOT OKAY.
Honestly, I’m just so happy and emotional because I’ve been waiting over a decade for a decent adaptation of not only NL but for TSK and TAS too, and we’re 2/3 there now. Just one more book/series to go... I wish we could have it now. I really hope that filming for the final one starts ASAP because if we have to wait two years just to see the conclusion to this series, I might cry.
This series is so amazing, and this season especially has been so incredible to watch. It’s been the highlight of my week for seven weeks, and I have no idea what I’ll do with my Sundays now that it’s over. I’ve asked for the DVD for S2 for my birthday already (since it comes out 29th December and my birthday is 13th January... just saying), and words can’t describe how much I do love this series. I know it sounds hollow since I say it about so many things I’m into, but this was such a huge part of my childhood and it’s one of my favourite fantasy series of all time. It’s truly one of the most incredible pieces of literature and now it’s making for incredible television... I love it so much.
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okay so i’ve been going crazy these past few days. all about cockles/jensmish and obsessively watching their panels or reading the transcripts BECAUSE. THEY ARE LOUD. LIKE. i saw some fancams on twt and i thought people were just exaggerating but noooooooooo!!!???? so, getting to the point. you said that how do we know that jensen is performing masculinity? because jared isn’t and THAT IS A BIG BRAIN MOMENT. ON POINT. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. a particular moment from gag reel that jumps out (which you’ve talked about) when jensen goes ‘cas, you are my baby daddy’ and misha goes, ‘i know i love you too’ and jensen goes, ‘i didn’t say i love you’ and misha goes, ‘i know you wanted to’ and jensen says, ‘i love you’ WHAT THE FUCK! that was NOT a joke. yes, people took it as a joke and had a good laugh BUT I HAVE WATCHED IT TOO MANY TIMES AND IT LIVES IN MY MIND RENT FREE BECAUSE IT WAS NOT A PERFORMANCE. THAT WAS JENSEN. THAT WAS MISHA. jensen has a had trouble with the pda and being all touch feely (the breakup theory) and he gradually grew into it, accepted it and misha was right there all along, never pushed it. it was like a deancas au but tbh, 99% of destiel is because of cockles and we all know it. i just. jensen has latched onto dean as an emotional support because he tunes with it. understands it. projects on to it. yeah, i just had to say it and get it off my chest. (and what about those poetry pages on instagram? alma? what is your opinion?) btw, you have a lovely blog and your analysis are right on target.
so there is a LOT i’m going to address here(how dare you bring up [gunshot] i HAVE to talk about it now) so again!!!! under a cut it goes but i hope you appreciate my rambles anon it seems like you do :,)
1. jared vs. jensen and performing masculinity. hell yeah man. jared and jensen are both just ‘guys from texas’ but they are still so vastly different. today i actually had a revelation that i’m pretty sure has to do with me being bi. and it’s that i have a group of straight friends(that i love dearly but they care too much about hockey and pitbull imo could not be me) and i have a group of queer friends(who are also batshit[affectionate]). and it’s like whichever group i hang out with a different side of me emerges? they’re both me, it’s just that certain aspects of who i am as a person only surface depending on who i am around. however, i will say i feel like i watch what i say around my straight friends more. i see that very clearly in jensen as well. around jared during panels and on set, he’s definitely putting on an air of machismo and engages in typical guy talk. i do think an element of it is performative, because he wants validation from jared that they’re still just two dudes from texas taking on the world together despite his sexual identity. does that make any sense??? i hope so. but when he’s with misha he is an entirely different person and his sense of humour becomes wildly different. the machismo fades away, he’s way less caught up in what people think about him, lets his guard down, etc. to go back to my original point which is how j2 are different in that regard....jared does not do this. he is a constant. he does not flip a switch between ‘performing masculinity’ and ‘not’ because he isn’t performing any part of who he is. he just IS. so yeah these two are similar in many regards but there’s somewhat of a dissonance between them when it comes to how they perform masculinity because one of them is putting on a show and the other is merely being.
2. that crypt scene blooper(here just in case you need to see it again. do it. as a treat.) when i tell you i have easily seen this over thirty times??? since it first came out??? i mean it. it is such an overlooked(r*mantic) moment and it means so much more than people think it does. i’ve talked about the context behind it, and i think that’s why this blooper was so meaningful, so i’ll mention it again. jensen and misha had a LOT of trouble with this scene. the reason is that jensen couldn’t wrap his head around why dean would be saying these things, if i remember correctly, and both of them sat down and scoured over how they should play it for a while before filming(teamwork ;) teammates *ahem*). [to be honest we all know why jensen had a hard time with that scene and it is because it is blatantly romantic. rip to him but i would simply give in to it at that point but oh well] so anyway, their heads were scattered going into shooting, which is NEVER a good headspace to be in for a scene, ESPECIALLY not a pivotal one. but they had each other to help them through said weird energy on set that couldn’t possibly have invoked the best feelings, especially considering jensen STILL doesn’t think he played that correctly(but he praised misha on his performance :,) ). and with that context every single part of that video hits haRD 
-’stop pulling my face towards your crotch’ i think this is objectively hilarious because it really really looks like jensen is pulling HIMSELF towards misha’s crotch. again, you’re fooling no one, jensen. misha’s wheezing laugh and the way he wraps himself around jensen is also,,,sweet??? like i don’t know how else to describe how i see it but this moment really reads as jensen, in his weird ‘constructing elaborate rituals’ way is asking for security through a physical touch from misha and he happily obliges and gives jensen what he needs. because i mean...watch it again. jensen ‘fights back’, but not really at all, actually. pretty wimpy counterattack. he literally lets himself be smothered by misha, and i would literally describe what they end up doing as cuddling. 
-’i need you, cas. you’re my baby daddy’ i love having an actor’s perspective on things bc i think i can explain what’s going on here. jensen just delivered what was(in his own mind) a rotten take of the lines he’s most scared of delivering. so the scene was already messed up. therefore; ensuing fuckery is warranted to help him feel better. but there’s also for sure more than meets the eye for what he says here because of misha’s reaction after??? like he seemed genuinely touched. first of all, he’s saying ‘you’re my baby daddy’ as half-jensen, but not necessarily dean either(because he didn’t say the previous lines as true to his character...you get it), to misha, not cas. i think i’ve made this point before, but every single innuendo in the gag reels is to misha specifically, never once cas. therefore; logical conclusion: ‘you’re my baby daddy’ was for misha and it meant something deeper than we think because of what follows it
-this part. jensen’s giddy ass smile after he sees misha crack and then misha says ‘yeah, i know’ (can i just say his voice when he says this is so intimate???? like am i intruding guys??? sorry i’ll let myself out) also he is smiling SO BIG
- ‘i know’ ‘why are you laughing?’ ‘no i know i love you too’ this analysis is already so long but i still want to get into what THAT whole exchange means. ‘why are you laughing?’ to me sounds like jensen’s pretending to be affronted by misha laughing at something that is serious. and it’s serious because he quite literally meant ‘i love you’. he did. misha knows it. misha’s really REALLY good at cutting the bs and just getting to what people are actually trying to say. he has an innate sharpness to his sense of humour. so yes, misha is being 100% accurate when he says ‘i know, but you wanted to say it.’ misha isn’t lying here. jensen did want and mean to say ‘i love you’. and then he actually does say it(in a jokey way but not really). 
- so yeah. it is actually so romantic??? like in a weird way jensen was professing his love for misha here?????? and that’s why this clip will NEVER. ever. get old. 
3. jensen having trouble with pda and projecting onto dean: we can all call ourselves dean coded cas girls but NO one deserves that title more than jensen ackles himself. he is dean winchester but marginally less repressed because he actually did admit he was in love with his best friend and let himself be happy, and pretty early on too. one year and two months as opposed to twelve years. so. happy deancas au is correct. and yes about the pda thing: one day i want to write my own post about both of their body language when it comes to each other, but all i can tell is jensen, even in the early days, couldn’t help himself from flirting with misha, but if misha ever crossed a line, jensen would not be happy. clearly he’s come around, however. what i find sweet is that misha always follows jensen’s lead when it comes to how much affection they’re allowed to show each other onstage. it touches my soul
4. destiel is cockles fault. yeah. and the thing is everyone knows it, too. even non-cockles shippers will explain early destiel as entirely dependant on jensen and misha’s wild chemistry. and that chemistry is easily explained by the fact that misha and jensen are literally just wildly horny bisexuals who were crazily attracted to one another and were falling in love on screen before our very eyes. and when you have THAT insider info(which sounds cray doesn’t it!!!! the destiel actors are in love irl??? huh???) everything really does click into place. why destiel got SO popular when the show and actors never ever intended for it to happen.(i know some people think misha was playing cas as gay the whole time for shits and giggles, and i won’t deny that[especially considering he found out early on that destiel was why he was staying on the show], but i don’t think he really wanted it to amount to anything, nor did he care??? i mean he has the real thing with jensen, for one, so their characters aren’t really as important. for two, he loves joking about destiel because it’s a cultural phenomenon and it’s fascinating, and i’m sure he did ship it because he’s unhinged, but i don’t think it was vastly important to him either way.) destiel got popular because everyone was and is unintentionally reading into the real deal. i could pull up countless gifs that people have used as destiel proof that is actually just jensen and misha being messy. mainly jensen. if i’m being honest.  the symbiotic relationship between destiel and cockles is why i’ve stayed onboard the destielcule and shellerscape for three solid months now; because it is utterly fascinating to witness and kind of super beautiful, too. 
5. alma(and others). so. i do NOT want to really REALLY get into this in its entirety here and now so i will just give you my opinion on if i think alma is misha or not. also; i don’t want to mention the other poetry accounts here bc i feel like that’s a bigger breach in privacy, but a lot of people do know about alma now. way too many, actually. this is why we can’t have nice things. anyway-to answer your question-there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that yes, misha is running that alma poetry account. i am 100% certain. some people think it’s actually three people and they’re all connected to misha in some way but that is so needlessly complicated. as it goes in psychology; the easiest explanation is probably the right one. it’s just one person running that account, and it is misha collins. i don’t know why it’s so hard to believe KNOWN POET misha collins(who is known to spend most of his free time writing poetry anyway) would have created a secret poetry account to write about his intense secret relationship under an alias and also get legitimate feedback since no one used to know it was him. oh and the handwriting is identical??? you are blind if you do not see that i am sorry. and a million other things prove it’s misha too but yeah all you need to know is yes. it’s him. it would take a literal livestream from a random woman on that account to convince me otherwise. and honestly not even that because a random woman could technically still log in if misha asked her too. so. it would take a hell of a lot to convince me otherwise, clearly. that said DO NOTTTTTTTTTTTT GO ONTO THAT ACCOUNT WITH A SUPERNATURAL RELATED USERNAME AND COMMENT THINGS THAT ARE COCKLES RELATED. ARE YOU BRAIN DEAD WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT’S OKAY. sorry i got heated but god please just don’t be dumb so many people have already gone way too far 
6. thank you for your lovely compliment on my analyses!!! i love doing them but i don’t know if people actually like reading them so i really appreciate it
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morkofday · 3 years
get to know me
am going to mix these two different tag games into one post so thank you a lot for tagging me @jazthespazz and @i-am-just-a-kiddo ♥
it’s somehow funny to do these same games again after a while so let’s see what I come up with:
Part I
name: real name petra but i prefer vish/vishie over here ^^ 
pronouns: she/her
star sign: aries ♈
height: 178cm (which am coming more and more proud of while i realize how damn tall every cdrama actor is lol)
time: 10:37pm as am answering this one
birthday: 10th april!
nationality: finnish 
fave bands/groups: ah well this is always a hard question but let’s go with these: BTS, DAY6, OneRepublic, Hurts, Oneus, Hoppipolla, TXT, Red, Mamamoo
fave solo artists: (forgive me if i’ve assumed any of these wrong) Novo Amor, Talos, Crywolf, Liu Yuning, SYML, EDEN, PVRIS, Joker Xue, NF, Halsey, Sleeping At Last, Nuz, HyunA, Sam Smith, Taemin
song stuck in your head: it’s OneRepublic’s Rescue Me bc of the song tag game i did earlier today :’D that one always gets stuck in my head whenever i as much as see the title lol 
last movie you watched: i think it’s The Yin-Yang Master (2021)? I haven’t watched any movies after that bc am so busy with all of my dramas haha
last show you binged: i think binged would be The Journey Across the Night! I watched that as a whole in 4 days
when you created your blog: in 2013 
the last thing you googled: ummm i think it was “what is a ball of wool called” bc of fic purposes haha as a non native speaker i always get a bit lost with words like this 
other blogs: none, i just dump everything here like the idiot i am 
why i chose my url: dates back to my intense summer of binge reading J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Vishous was my favorite of the brothers haha. i first used this username in some random game on my nintendo ds lol 
how many people are you following: 358 which somehow feels like a lot but also like way too few?? i should probably search for some new blogs with other topics than cql, bts and/or dmbj bc i do love a lot of things at once 
how many followers do you have: over 800 
average hours of sleep: i’d say around 7h
lucky numbers: i remember answering 5 previously? i don’t really have a lucky number but 5 pops into my head
instruments: nope, no. not touching those tyvm. i admire everyone who can play any instrument tho
what i’m currently wearing: black jeans, socks with foxes on them (plus my woolly socks), a gray cardigan (my fave thing ever!) and an orange/brown top
dream job: writer would be ideal but that is very faaaaar into the dream zone 
dream trip: around different parts of asia to taste all the amazing food ;; maybe a road trip of sorts through europe? or inter railing? another trip to london bc i miss that ;; a trip to the very northern part of lapland to see all the auroras etc! i’ve never been that far north :’D 
fave food: if i need to quickly name something then sushi. otherwise am pretty fine with anything spicy 
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: i remember thinking about this a lot the last time i answered this but hmm. currently i’d say dmbj still bc that world is fascinating AND i would love to talk to the characters. mass effect would be the second one currently bc i miss those games and the space stuff is super cool! and the third one would be assassin’s creed rogue bc that is my fave ac game and i like the northern sea and the places in it AND i could probably be one of abstergo’s employees instead and just test/play those simulation games haha 
Part II
Last Song: am currently listening to my playlist with just everything so i have Andrew Belle’s The Enemy playing right now (also I only just now realized that Andrew Belle also sings Pieces which is one of my fave songs? my bff linked that to me after it played in some tv series she was watching)
Last Movie Last Stream: i didn’t want to mention the same movie again or skip this question and i’ve wanted to talk about this anyway so! i watched Liu Chang’s bday live last night :’D it was so much fun even if i couldn’t understand anything. it was just nice to watch him being himself and have fun and chill with his fans. also the songs were amazing ;; i cried with Liu Sang’s character song as well as the ending. and all the while i couldn’t turn my gaze away from his eyes! he has such pretty eyes and they were absolutely Sparkling throughout the whole stream, it was so nice :’)
Currently Reading: Devotions by Mary Oliver (i adore her poems! they’re a very nice change after Siken haha) and then some uni stuff for a course about culture and mental health plus my thesis
Currently Watching: Douluo Continent, Word of Honor, The Long Ballad 
all of these are amazing and make me feel different things! i started Douluo Continent just a while ago and am now on ep 16 i think? it’s been very pretty and very chill and i watch it during the weekend while i wait for new episodes to the other two :’D it’s nice to see Xiao Zhan again and i’ve enjoyed the rpg game type of feeling in it? the group of seven is doing amazing and it’s interesting to watch them craft their team work! Word of Honor again has reached the ending and i just hold my breath with it. am not too far gone with it so i am not getting as heavy feelings about it as i probably could but i enjoy it  alot still and i do cry at times ^^ and then The Long Ballad has just blown me away! i didn’t expect to love it this much and be this invested in it but everything about it has been such a positive surprise and it keeps making me super emotional! i love the characters and the story and the romances even! it’s a great accomplishment for me. also yes i cry on the daily bc of hao du and bc of ashile sun’s hair haha
(i am also rewatching Ultimate Note kind of and been thinking about getting into rewatching Reboot bc it has been on my list ever since i finished it)
What is antipoetry to you: okay hmm i had to google this too and have to agree with Kiddo here. i don’t have strong feelings about poetry tbh, i wasn’t into poetry that much before maybe a bit over year ago? Siken has really blown me away haha. but i have always loved song lyrics which i never thought as poetry but then Kiddo said to me that they consider them poetry and yeah ok. i agree? so idk poetry can be whatever i suppose. i’ve never seen any rules in it anyway. i know there are many rules for different types of poetry but then again. i feel like poetry has always been just words put together to feel things and i guess that is the core purpose of every written type of art in the end right? 
Currently craving: a drama as good and as personal as The Journey Across the Night. that show really just stole my heart and i want that feeling back. i think about that show every day. i miss Li Jia and his two partners. i miss the vibes. i miss sitting on my floor watching it and just sobbing my heart out haha. also! craving a properly subbed, whole version of Anti-Fraud League. only the first 12 eps are badly subbed out there. wetv has... blocked? deleted? the whole show??? i need it to my life, i wanna see Xiao Yuliang being cute as Mi Ruo and i wanna know where the story goes smh 
thank you so much for these both! i had fun ^^ also am sorry this is so long but haha if you’re asking me to talk about myself and my interests then this is what you get :) 
tagging (to do which ever part you want or both!): @cross-d-a @jockvillagersonly @humanlighthouse @kholran @xcziel @minmoyu and @leonzhng ♥
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sunball · 3 years
Hi💫💓. I have a confession to make. Nothing too serious tbh. This is going to be lengthy. I created a Tumblr acc a while ago but, I was never active on it. I preferred to guest browse, you know. I would lurk around in the tags and read stuff. But, I never actually interacted with the posts. Ever. One day, I was doing the same thing and, I came across your blog. I LOVED reading your posts. You came across as an authentic and outspoken person to me. Your blog's aesthetic stood out to me. I could see that it was an expression of yourself. I could see the effort you put into it. I kept coming back to your blog and ended up finding some other wonderful blogs through it. After a while, I ended up traveling. I didn't have data or WiFi access at the time so, I couldn't read any of your posts. When I returned, I couldn't find your blog for some reason. I low-key freaked out. I am not sure how to explain this to you but, I have ALWAYS struggled with communication. It made me SO anxious to the point that I couldn't even imagine being on social media. People say that interacting with others on the Internet is much easier than face-to-face communication but, to me, it's all the same. At the end of the day, I am always wondering "Was I rude?", " Did I even make any sense?", "What are they going to think of me?". It is such an irrational fear but, I can't help it. After coming across your blog, I decided to check my natal chart, and lo and behold, I have Saturn in the 3rd. After finding out that you had the same placement, it gave me some kind of hope? That may be, someday, I would be able to express my thoughts just like you do. I really respect the efforts you put into your blog. I admire you for that. I really do. Okay, let's go back to the story. I eventually ended up finding your blog. I made up my mind to finally tell you that I loved your blog. I think I send you an ask. I think. But I decided to redo it cause' I felt like the first one didn't do justice. So here I am. I don't know if you will ever actually read this. Even now, while writing this, I am freaking out! I know I am anonymous but, my anxiety doesn't give an f. I want you to know that you are doing great. There are lots of people out there who appreciate what you do, and I am one of them. I hope you rise amongst all perils and achieve all your dreams. Thank you for being yourself. 💛💛💛
Hold up, I was supposed to make a confession, right? Okay so, I used to hang around with a cockroach as a kid. Let's call it bestie. Feels weird to say it, but bestie was actually well behaved? I used to sing songs for it and stuff. Our friendship lasted for a grand total of two days. Bestie was a great roach. Best of all?? It didn't fly. Yap, that's it. I don't know if you will read this but thanks for listening.
omg anon🥺🥺 I’m speechless aahhh aakdhjdg this means SO much to me. you made my day. you made me smile and tear up wow. thank you so much for taking your time to write this. im feelin super special rn hehehe just reading your words makes me feel appreciated 😭 I’m guessing you found my blog when my URL was ilyneptune? I was shadowbanned so that’s why you couldn’t find my blog, SORRY ABOUT THATTTT! I’m glad we found eachother again though :D
I totally get what you mean about the communication part, as a child I was really quiet and did not talk to my family or my friends much. at school I was the most awkward person and was labelled as stupid because whenever I got picked on to answer questions, I would just stutter and answer something stupid 😭 just speaking makes me feel like choking even if it’s just a simple hi. I also used to not like talking online too, I would leave messages unread and ignore them for weeks and I absolutely hated calls (I still do). I also take hours to write a paragraph. saturn in 3rd house things I suppose 😔 but actually, this year my communication got so much better. I stepped out of my comfort zone and made this blog. not so sure what made me do it but I’m glad I did it anyway. now I’m arguing with people in comment sections and I’m not afraid of being wrong anymore. I guess I just accepted that I’m not perfect and that I’m bound to make mistakes and that everyone is here for the same reason - to learn. would me saying something wrong make me a fool? or would the person laughing at me for being wrong and not asking questions be the fool instead? I actually have 2 quotes on my wall, “speak your mind even if your voice shakes” and “he who asks a question is a fool for a minute, he who does not ask is a fool for life”. those quotes are very important to me and pretty much changed my life :B my dad also helped me ig, he’s kinda cold lol but he told me that people actually don’t give a fuck about your mistakes, they don’t notice the things you notice like your crooked teeth, the way you eat, how you stuttered 3 times or how you messed up your presentation. why? people have their own insecurities and their own life to think about, they’re probably thinking of the exact same thing like “omg did they notice that I accidentally spat when I talked?”. so yeah that helped me too.
I believe that you can overcome these fears! I mean, you’re already doing it by writing this to me :D (which brought me to tears lol). If an awkward bean who barely spoke at school (aka me) can do it, so can you! I believe in you anon ((: it’s okay to be anon I understand! I appreciate you writing this to me (for the 2nd time KAHDH I’m sorry I didn’t get your last ask 😭). but anywaysss I’ll still be here for the day you express your thoughts (and imma listen hehe) I’m a sucker for thaaatttt, hearing people’s thoughts and opinions. I think it’s super fascinating how people think differently and how people can come up with different ideas. makes me just wanna take a look inside their mind KAHDJDH.
okay wth a cockroach HAHSGDGD AND WHY IS THAT WEIRDLY CUTE??? why am I aww-ing at a cockroach I don’t get it AHAHAAH AND YOU SANG TO IT?? WELL BEHAVED??? I’m chuckling here 😭😭 that’s so wholesome. so cuteeee😔 bestie will forever be missed <33
thank YOU anon. I hope you are doing well! I hope to see you againnn 🥺
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I saw that you had a 20 request on the back burner recently, so I didn’t want to disturb you but if you don’t mind, I’m hoping you could maybe write something focused on Link and Mipha testing out kogha’s “Advice”? From what I’ve read, the way YOU write of them has to be my FAVORITE out of ANYONE ELSES!(Tbh I think I’m just asking for some Miphlink smut). Anyways, I wish you luck on those 20+ prompts! Stay strong and thanks for always supporting others(but don’t forget to take care of yourself!)!
You know, I appreciate this one, a lot, because I need something just a BIT different. Like don’t get me wrong, I love my yiga husbands, but as Kohga would say, “Gird up everybody, this is about to get spicy!”
“Remember, open palm. Open palm, and grab, open palm, and grab.”
It was so weird. Mipha was actually sitting here, in her bedroom, waiting for the boy of her dreams to come and claim her. She was excited, suffice to say. But the nerves still got to her. How could she do what Kohga did? Something that CLEARLY worked, given how it unraveled Sooga, but Mipha wasn’t like Kohga. Where he sought after the pleasures of life, she sought out hard work, purity. Could she do something like that for Link? It looked SO simple when he did it. She was laying on her stomach, awaiting Link to come out of her personal bath. Was he just as nervous? Was he wondering how to please her? She was about to turn around and call it off, when she suddenly felt the weight on top of her. Oh. Oh. Link was ON TOP of her. She quickly spun around, only to see the face of a Lynel. She studied the mask, more in shock, before Link pushed aside the mask, a smile on his face. She felt a sigh of relief, lightly chuckling.
“My, what a terribly handsome Lynel I found!”
She pinched his cheek, causing just the most adorable blush on his features. Link was more than a boyfriend, more than the princess’s knight. He was also her best friend. He cared for her feelings, and that was exactly WHY they were doing this. Since he chose not to speak, it meant he had to SHOW his love. He peeled off his mask, tossing it to the side. He took a second to kiss her forehead, before motioning to his clothes. They thought about Link just walking in nude, but Mipha would NOT be ready for that. So Hylian trousers and Champions tunic it was (not to mention he had his hair down, which was just her weakness). Mipha would undress him as she saw fit, and she was so glad they were on the same page. She took a deep breath, and carefully snuck her claws fingers under his shirt, roaming them over his stomach. She was about to peel it over his head, when she suddenly pulled away, hands covering her blushing face.
“I’m s-sorry! I can’t! Could you uhm...could YOU take it off, perhaps?”
Link gave a gentle nod, before getting off of her, and starting to take off his shirt. She sat there, watching as the shirt ruffled his long, golden hair. He tossed the shirt off to the side, but otherwise just stood there. Mipha always did need a minute after seeing him shirtless. He wasn’t super buff, but his arms, and his core, showed well earned muscles, as well as a plentiful amount of scars. Nostalgia filled her mind, and her hand caressed one of the larger ones on his chest.
“I remember when I offered to make these go away. But you refused. It wasn’t a means of pride. You just...didn’t like to forget your own feats. So modest, with the valiance of any knight. I admired that about you. I still do.”
Then she caught his gaze, and realized what she was doing. She was feeling at his chest. Not at his arm or even his back, but his chest. She tried to pull away from her nerves, when Link put his hand over hers, keeping it there. He nodded firmly. This was okay. There was nothing wrong with what she was doing. With a deep breath, she used both of her hands to feel at his chest. Despite the scars, they felt so smooth, so warm against her Zora skin.
“This is...alright, yes?”
Link nodded. He allowed her hand to move from his chest, down his core, down his stomach, before her claws hooked onto his pants. Link was willing, as was she. She pulled off his trousers, showing his blue, firm looking underwear. She had caught him like this once, but not once did she get a good, solid at them. They fit so...snuggly on him, she could see the way they lightly squished his thighs. Oh be still her beating heart. Link took this chance to lean down to kiss her, and as usual, she felt her stomach do flips. Link’s lips were so soft, and they tasted like pumpkin pie (most likely because he ate an ENTIRE pie right before this). He was delicate with her too, holding onto her cheek so tenderly as they kissed. Nothing too aggressive, just simple, honest kissing. If it weren’t for the fact that Link was essentially nude, this would be in a storybook. She parted from the kiss, giggling at the smudged lipstick on his face.
“My, you almost wear that color better than I.”
They both chuckled, but hers was so much more nervous. If she could sweat, she absolutely would be. She wanted Link, honestly and truly, but progressing with him made her so nervous, as if this was a make or break of their relationship. Thankfully, Link was ever her support. He pulled back a bit, kissing at her chin. Then at her neck. Then her chest, right between her breasts (don’t ask why Zora’s had breasts, but they pretty much did), and down her stomach. He carelly parted her legs, and looked up at her, silently asking for permission. Oh. Oh. He was asking to do something that she only dreamt in her steamiest of dreams. She tried not to make a show of it, but she had to fan herself a bit, swooning on the spot.
“I...suppose. If you’re comfortable. Y-you may be my guest.”
Link nodded, before kissing lower and lower still, right till she nearly jumped out of her skin upon feeling his lips at...well. Her own lips, suffice to say. Fun fact about Zora reproduction; you couldn’t see their organs until they were fairly aroused. It was why Link had to take a minute to kiss at the area, before he found himself able to part her pussy lips. He pushed and massaged at the folds with his thumbs, and it was already making him shake. His hands were SO careful, so skilled. She’d seen him use a bow and arrow, and now he was strumming an entirely different string.
His big, blue eyes looked up at her, right as his mouth enveloped her. She gasped loudly, nearly springing out of bed. Mipha had NEVER put something in herself, so the feeling of a wet, moving tongue inside of her felt so...weird, but in a really good way. She had no idea if he was experienced in this field, but she couldn’t help but fawn over his soft, calculated tongue against her folds. He didn’t spend too much time down there, not wanting the party to end too soon, but he DID part by sucking rather aggressively on her clit, making her cry out.
“Give...give me a moment. Oh my goodness…”
She buried her face in her palm, averting her gaze from him. To put it bluntly, she was incredibly, and totally, aroused. She wanted Link inside of her. She forced herself to look at his clearly concerned (and wet) face, before she motioned for him to scoot back up. He obeyed, and she leaned down, kissing the bulge appearing in his underwear. That was bold, but she didn’t care. All she cared was for that Hylian penis to be nestled inside of her. She pulled down his underwear, and almost passed out. Link wasn’t huge, wasn’t fat, but he was so eager. Pale, with a reddened, eager tip, covered in a bush of pretty, blonde pubic hair.
“Link? M-may I?”
Link’s nod was slow, but it was there. She carefully ran her hand alongside his girth, and found herself fascinated.
“It...feels so odd. It’s so warm, so smooth in my palm.”
She watched as the skin folded over his head at every hand movement. She knew Hylian biology to a degree, but not ONCE had she seen their genitals, much less up close. Odd, only seeing one of them. He let her continue her hand motions for a moment, before he positioned himself at her hips. He placed his cock right on her stomach, silently asking for permission. She took a deep, calming breath, before nodding.
“Please, continue, my love.”
Then Link pushed himself inside. It was just the head, but either way she felt her entire frame stiffen. He was looking down at her so fondly, so lovingly, all while he was inside of her. He was even sweet enough to kiss her nose, just to make sure she was okay. So sweet, so caring. He was even careful as he introduced more of himself into her, stopping just short of halfway, mainly because her toes were scrunching so much. She knew that look on his face. Concern.
“I’m fine. I swear. It’s just...a lot, for my first time.”
He looked panicked for a moment, as if he did something wrong, when she held him by his shoulders.
“I’m fine, I promise. We just, have to keep things slow, until I’m ready. Please, put more inside, I can handle it.”
Link nodded, giving her a smooch on the cheek, before slowly pushing more inside of her. His face was buried into her neck, gifting her with plenty of kisses, so he didn’t notice her looking. She was SO close to taking him in fully. While it didn’t hurt, it certainly was a lot at once. But she loved him. She adored him, and wanted as much of him as she could handle. It’s why she pulled his face away, and forced his eyes onto her.
“Link, please. All the way, for me?”
Link nodded, before obeying her. He pushed himself fully into her, face scrunched up. It was her turn to be worried, despite how full she was suddenly feeling.
“L-link? Are you in pain? Am I t-too tight, or?”
Link shook his head, taking a minute to breathe. It was cute, how much they both very clearly seemed to care about each other. Thankfully they both supported each other through the initial awkward feelings, right till Link was comfortably pushing his hips into her. He was going slow, carefully, even being a gentleman and holding her thighs to his sides. It was sweet, getting to see his big, bright eyes as he moved into her, panting as his cock kept moving in and out of her. It was lovely. At first. Then, she suddenly found herself longing. She could just tell Link was holding back on her. And while that sweet, she knew he was holding back, knew she was keeping him from honestly and truly enjoying himself.
But how to ask for him to let loose? Just saying it to his face so bluntly was upcoming of her as a princess. That was when she recalled Kohga’s advice. Open palm, then grab. She mentally counted to three, before she moved into action. She ran her claws through his mane of hair, and as firmly as she could, grabbed at his locks. Link suddenly stopped, letting out a rather loud cry that she was NOT expecting. She thought for a minute that she hurt him, before their eyes met. Eyes were no longer kind and calm, but hazy, drowning in clear and obvious lust.
“Do that again.”
She nearly gasped. Link NEVER talked. But here he was, standing above her, looking at her as if she was worthy of worship.
“That thing with the hair. Grab it again. Please? Please? I’ll do anything.”
His voice was quick, desperate. She let go of his hair, before raking her fingers through his hair, and grabbed him again, nice and tightly. He let out a loud, rather crude moan that time around, and Mipha could feel him throb inside of her. What else did Kohga do? Oh yes, that’s right! She pulled his head to her neck, and used her small, pointy teeth to leave slow, firm nibbles onto his ear. And how Link moaned. He squirmed, he swore under his breath, completely lost in those slow, steady pinpricks of pleasure. She stopped after a moment, giggling right into his ear.
“You moan so pretty Link. Do it again, but with my name. Go on. Say my name like no one else would.”
Another dig into his hair, another grip, and another small pull, he let out another loud, pleased moan.
Oh she almost couldn’t keep this up. How he said it. How he held no shame in his drooling mouth and hazy eyes. She forced herself to take charge though, and after a small yank to his ear (that made him shake something fierce), she told him EXACTLY what she wanted.
“I want you to actually make love to me. I don’t want you to hold back anymore. I’ve been waiting for so long. Please, make me cum, Link.”
It was instant, like some switch had been flipped. He bucked into her like a jack rabbit, making the room be full of not only her moans, but loud, wet slappings of herself being pounded into. She kept pulling and scrunching at his mane, and each time, it only made him more and more hungry, thrusting faster and faster. She was ashamed to admit that the whole ordeal even made her rub at her own clit, lost in the fact that she was being fucked by the only man she truly loved. Was it any wonder that with a loud cry of his name, she fell into orgasm? One that felt so good, she was close to tears? 
Link, upon seeing Mipha satisfied, pulled himself out of her, and pumped his cock furiously, till he gritted his teeth, and came, all over her stomach. She had no idea cum felt so...hot, and thick. She liked it. And as she looked at Link, who was panting, so heavily, hair askew, she was only reassured that she liked Link. She somehow met his eyes through the mop of hair, and they both had a tired chuckle together. He leaned down to kiss her lips, which she accepted oh so sweetly.
“Link...that was...wonderful. I wasn’t too hard, was I?”
Link shook his head so wearily, she chuckled. A bit of a naughty thought popped into her mind, and she pulled onto his hair again, making him cry out in ecstasy.
“Good. Because, quite frankly...I’m not done yet~”
“Mipha! Morning!”
“What are you all doing here?”
Mipha walked down the steps and into the dining hall, in hopes to get a snack, when she noticed that Kohga, Sooga, Urbosa, Daruk, and Revali were all sitting there, having a cup of coffee. She wasn’t even out of her nightgown just yet. Kohga held up his drink, as if to celebrate.
“We were just checking to see how your first time went! How’d my trick work?”
Mipha blinked, before softly shaking her head.
“It….went fine, I suppose. I-”
“Aye! Goldilocks! Long night?”
Link walked down the stairs in nothing but his underwear. His hair was just an absolute mess, his body looked heavy as lead, and he seemed just wiped. He nodded, and turned his back towards them, getting a drink. They all whistled. Link’s back was just COVERED in scratches, and even a few bite marks along his shoulders. Kohga looked at Mipha.
“The hair trick worked, didn’t it?”
“It...might have been the hair trick-”
Urbosa swore under her breath, and Mipha hid her face in her hands. There was a lesson to be learned about all of this.
Pretty boys liked their pretty hair played with.
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ilguna · 4 years
☼ symphony (Edward Masen) ☼
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summary; ‘ About to nerd out here: what about an old timey type fic where human Edward and his betrothed take a trip to the symphony/opera and they are mischievous teenagers and they sneak of to make out? I love going to symphony concerts so much and I am weak for human, non angsty Edward😤 ’
warnings; swearing, suggestive content,
wc; 1.3k
NOTES; tbh ive never been to an opera/symphony so im sorry if im wrong lol
You had suggested the idea to your parents originally in an attempt to get them out of the house. It would have been much easier to get Edward in and out if your parents hadn’t been home at all. You’d memorized all the times, when it would start and the time it was expected to end.
They agreed to go, bought the tickets and everything. Your mother was so excited to go, since it had been a while since your parents had alone time together. However, last minute something had come up, causing your entire plan to go to waste. You thought that it would be impossible to see Edward then.
Everything in your room was already sorted to fit him in there, since he his pretty tall. You’d brought out all the little things you’d wanted to do with him. Spending time together during the summer is quite difficult to do. Your parents aren’t so disapproving of him, it’s just that they’d prefer if you’d wait a little longer.
They know that Edward is a nice boy, and that’s one of the reasons why your father condones him in the first place. Edward is smart, and handsome, and so very polite to everyone around him. A gentleman, in the purest form. He’s always looking out for people around him,aware of how they feel about things that are going on.
Sometimes you don’t even have to mention your distaste for something in order for him to know. He just understands, he’s memorized what you like and what you don’t. Because of this, it can create a few frustrating problems, because he’ll hardly do anything you don’t like.
There are only a few of his hobbies that you don’t like, and he likes to think that you don’t want to hear about them. When in reality, you just don’t like doing them, but you’ll listen to him ramble about it all day if you wanted to. After a while, you’re sure that he would get flustered and demand that you two talk about something else, ask you some questions instead.
You’re always fascinated for what he has to say, because he can be so unpredictable at times. He reads everyone around him like they’re open books, but for him it’s the complete opposite almost. It’s so hard to get into his head and know what he’s thinking. He’s so good at repressing his emotions that it makes you feel sad.
You’re sure that people had the tendency to walk on him before you had came along. So excited to finally find a man that wouldn’t talk about himself all the time. Instead he would let them talk, and he would listen. Which is what he expects from you all the time, but you’re hardly a talker.
You’re so in love with Edward, that you’re hoping that this isn’t only a fling. That you’ll be able to break him of all of his previous habits to reveal who he really is. Have him speak his mind again so you know what you do wrong. Because he won’t tell you some of the time, even though you can see it in his face.
Anyway, your parents couldn’t make it to the symphony, so your parents sat you down and talked to you very seriously. They told you that they trust you and Edward to take the tickets and go see the show for yourselves. But because of this, they don’t want any funny business.
They were acting like you and Edward have never been left alone before, and that’s hardly the case. Considering you’d met Edward at school, and you have been to his house without his parents there before. Although, you’re sure that your own mom and dad don’t know that. If they did, you’re sure that they would lose their minds a little bit.
You called Edward to deliver the news that you two would be going instead, and he seemed okay with that. You spent the rest of the night getting ready, until he showed up at your door. You’d gotten ready in your mom’s clothes, she’d set them aside for you before she left the house. Edward showed up in a nice suit.
“Ready to go?” he asked, and you’d agreed, because there wasn’t anything else to do.
The ride to the symphony was relatively quiet, up until you’d told him the story about how your parents lectured you slightly. And then it was revealed that he hadn’t been to something like this before, and this would be the very first time. In return, you told him would be interesting for a little while, but the music would blend together, and then it would be boring.
You’ve been to plenty of these shows, especially with your parents. You’ve memorized most of these songs, and because of that, it’s hard to sit through things you’ve heard more than once. You manage every now and then, but you always have to scope out the list of songs that they’ll be playing that night to make sure that you actually want to go, not too fond of wasting money.
You and Edward had arrived pretty early, allowing you two to pick the seats that you want. Edward was very observant for a while, listening to the music, and humming along when he recognized some of them. You were so caught up in watching how excited he was, to realize that there were a lot of repeat songs.
Watching Edward enjoy the songs was satisfying, and you made a small mental note to bring him to some more often. If he liked this one, then he would like the bigger ones too.
However, just as you had suspected, Edward had gotten bored about an hour into the show. Because of this, he wouldn’t sit still and he got very fidgety when it came to messing with his clothes. You knew he didn’t want to be rude, so you did it for him, standing up and holding your hand out for him, guiding him out of the seats.
When you had successfully made it out of the theatre, you were all giggles, “What’s your problem?”
“It’s beautiful, really–”
“Are you bored?” you ask, and Edward shakes his head, beginning to pull you along the hallway.
It isn’t until he’s thrown open a door, peeking his head inside, when you begin to realize, “Oh!”
Edward pulls you in quickly, shutting the door, locking it and pressing you to the door. You can feel the cold metal against your red hot skin. Your body is beginning to heat up like an oven because of how embarrassed you’re beginning to feel.
He cups your face gently, pressing his lips to yours carefully at the beginning. Before it begins to turn feverish, like he’s trying to take you in all at once, like he’ll never get the chance to kiss you like this ever again.
Trying to match his energy, you pull him closer, flush against your body. He smiles into the kiss for a moment, laughing, “The things you do to me…”
“Just kiss me,” you giggle, and he presses his lips to yours again, holding you in his arms. The kiss breaks off as he goes to your neck, kissing around for a moment, “Edward–!”
“No marks, got it,” he kisses again, “Unless, just one?”
“My father will kill me,” you whine, but you love the way it feels against your throat. And to think what your friends will say! They never believe that you and Edward frequently get this far, “Just one.”
Edward chuckles, kissing the chosen spot, before he works away at a hickey.
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
September 29: 3x09 The Tholian Web
Today’s episode, The Tholian Web, was completely new to me and I came in with no expectations at all. I wasn’t sure about it at first but ultimately I really liked it!
In uncharted territory looking for lost ship the Defiant. Space appears to be breaking up. Idk but for some reason this sounds very familiar.
Like truly I don’t know what this is reminding me of but hasn’t space broken up before?
And now there’s a mysterious object! Nothing is going Kirk’s way today at all.
“Fascinating.” / “Explain.” Truly the root of this relationship.
It’s the Defiant! Looking ghostly.
Uhura’s on the case already. You don’t need to tell her how to do her job.
Scotty and Sulu looking badass together.
Conveniently, it’s another constitution class, allowing all the sets to be reused. (Though also I do think it makes sense only a large ship like that would be in uncharted space.)
Look at them in those suits. They look like they’re going to the grocery store in May 2020.
How do they know this isn’t an illusion? Because “we can see it, but the sensors don’t pick up anything” screams “illusion” to me. I wouldn’t want to beam into open space!
The triumvirate + Chekov, fourth wheeling again. (My mom suggested he’d be incapacitated soon, which is fair--he IS the red shirt in this scenario.)
All of this is feeling very familiar--missing ship, unusual space phenomenon, people going mad--but I'm not sure if it's repetitive or classic.
NO mutiny ever? That seem unlikely. Also didn’t Spock literally commit mutiny? Chekov would appreciate knowing this.
Kirk manages to look intense even through the space suit.
I find it really weird he doesn’t know the captain of this ship. Like, first off, he knows everyone, and second, there only about 12-14 constitution class vessel Captains so I really do think they know each other.
“Spock, stay with me.” Don’t have to tell him twice.
Lol the ship looks so silly just...drifting away. Adorable, but silly.
Seeing an Asian man in sick bay reminds me how few Asian people there are in Starfleet. Like... 1.
“What the devil?” That’s a Southern man there.
Is the ship actually dissolving or is it an ILLUSION? (It’s actually dissolving.)
Uh, the transporter’s not working? That’s not good.
I love how Scotty hears that and immediately abandons the bridge, like there is NO other man for the job.
O’Neil’s face when Kirk asks to be beamed aboard is hilarious. Human embodiment of the :O emoticon.
“You too, Spock.” He delays ordering Spock back to the ship because he KNOWS Spock’s going to argue.
“Completing the data set” yeah okay. He just doesn’t want to leave Jim alone. Especially in the extremely suspicious circumstances of there being 4 people and 3 transporter spots.
He’s vanished!
Spock is NOT having this.
The fabric of space is very weak here. Sounds legit. And there are many alternate dimensions that are very close at hand. So in other words... Kirk is literally stuck in an AU right now.
This is sorta like The Alternative Factor but way better.
You know it’s serious when they break out the fish eye lens.
When Bones rushed in, I was expecting him to sedate Chekov but Spock has it covered.
I feel like Spock is extremely concerned for Chekov here. Like it’s subtle, but just the attention he’s paying to him. And Sulu is obviously very concerned too.
His “environmental unit” only has so much oxygen. What a great name for a fancy spacesuit.
Spock will not believe Jim is dead!! Never. (This is the plot of the whole episode in 8 words essentially.)
That’s an alien!
“According to the Federation, this area is free space.” ...Okay, that sounds a little colonialist. In his defense, he doesn’t press the point. He basically says, kay, we’ll go as soon as we’re finished rescuing.
And I appreciate the Tholian’s respect for that even though surely he must feel gaslit by Spock--rescuing WHO there are NO other ships??
Also I like the look of the alien.
Nifty lab equipment there.
Wow that orderly was easily disabled lol. I guess Chapel hypoed him but it really looked like she just tapped his shoulder and he fell.
Hmm, there are still 30 minutes left so something tells me this Kirk rescue mission won’t work.
Captain Kirk is not in his designated area. I repeat Captain Kirk has wandered away from his designated area.
The space was disturbed by the Tholians. I guess they weren’t factored into the delicate calculations.
Something about this exchange really screams Southerner meets Alien. Like more than most McCoy and Spock exchanges.
You can tell Spock is thinking about this whole "nothing’s being transmitted, it’s just the nature of space; everyone's already sick" thing but also not caring because CAPTAIN KIRK.
Now they’re being fired upon! A lot is happening here.
“Renowned Tholian punctuality” lol. Always a sense of humor on this one.
Spock’s face when Sulu questioned his order was 100% “Did I stutter?”
“I know you don’t like to use the phasers.” Because he’s a pacifist.
Well he changed his mind on those phasers fast enough.
“You’ve lost Jim.” UM no I think NOT.
Everything happens so much.
“That is the mark of a starship Captain like Jim.” I mean Spock is no Jim but there’s no need to be rude about it
“Doctor, go to your room and do your homework.”
Aw, the ships are kissing.
Now they look like little weaving shuttles. Adorable.
Hmm, it IS a web. Appropriately named episode.
“We shall not see home again.” Lol Spock way to be the Most Dramatique as always.
Tholian web screensaver Windows 98.
No, not a funeral!!
“This service requires my attention, Mr. Spock.” Crying emoji.
(I’m with Spock in almost everything in this ep but come on, you can’t ban McCoy from Kirk’s funeral, that’s just rude.)
This seems more like an assembly than a funeral tbh.
[agonizing scream] is also how I feel about Kirk “dying” and that’s why Generations isn’t real.
AOS Kirk would 100% approve of a brawl at his funeral.
Sulu and Uhura <3
“Each of you must evaluate the loss in the privacy of your own thoughts.” Spock definitely will.
Wait, that was it? The whole eulogy? Both Kirk and Spock really suck at eulogizing the other.
McCoy probably could have skipped this honestly.
Wait, Kirk left his space husband and his BFF a final in-case-of-death message? Noooooooooooooooo I can’t.
McCoy is so insistent they watch it and Spock is like “nah, that makes it too real, not gonna do it.”
“The Captain’s last order is the top priority.”
Why does everyone always assume Spock wants power? He obviously doesn’t. He could be a Captain if he wanted, probably. He’s early enough in his career where he still has time to become a Captain, too--eventually he does! Most of his career and literally every statement he’s ever made would kinda imply he’s not interested.
Also, if he didn’t care about Jim and he just wanted to take over the Enterprise, he would have left 3 hours ago? Like multiple people were saying he should? Including Bones??
“He was a hero in every sense of the word.” True.
McCoy is being VERY mean today.
And now he’s mad at him again for fighting the Tholians instead of leaving without Jim! Like which is it! What did he do wrong? At least pick a specific thing to criticize lol.
"I need not explain my rationale to you or to any other member of this crew." That’s true but also all I can hear is “I love him. I’m in love with him. I must have him back.”
What is that art work on the wall? That’s new.
I don’t get how Bones isn’t getting this. He KNOWS about the “warm, genuine feeling.”
Vulcans clearly aren’t immune to the...space weirdness. But yes, another pot shot at his alienness is always welcome lol.
“I AM in command of the Enterprise.” You tell him.
Finally, the secret message!
Omg Jim is literally dead and he’s still reassuring Spock. What a good boyfriend. I know this is the hardest thing you’ve ever done, but you got this bb.
Now he’s lecturing them both from beyond the grave and getting everything right and they’re just standing there like chastised schoolboys.
That “take care” was so soft.
“It does hurt, doesn’t it?”
“What would you have me say Doctor?”
Like??? I can’t stand this.
Uhura! At home.
I like that twirly thing they have in their quarters; very efficient use of space and also I want one.
I also love that her chair has crocodile arms.
Kirk shows up in the mirror just to be dramatic and disappear again.
“Of course you saw him. We’d all like to see him.” Lol. Yes, yes, he’s still with us... in our hearts.
If the Tholians complete the web, what will they do with what’s inside? Eat it?"
“Are we any closer to the cure for space weirdness?” / “No. Except also yes.”
Love all the vague science that goes into solving their problem at the last minute but also extremely quickly by any objective standard.
Is Chekov restrained with seat belts?
Whereas Uhura’s just chilling. She knows what she’s about.
Ghost Kirk! Ghost Kirk!
"Do you suppose they're seeing Jim because they've lost confidence i you?" Damn bones, harsh. I thought we were done with this.
Pretty distressing that everything relies SO much on Scotty lol--arguably the MOST critical single member of the crew.
“I’m  sorry.” Glad to hear him say it, finally!
“He would just say ‘Forget it Bones.’“ Adorable.
I feel like everyone’s simultaneously thinking, ‘Okay, we ALL see that, right?”
I am overwhelmed by the longing in that shot of Spock trying to reach Kirk through the dimensions. Like, we’ve established everyone loves him, everyone misses him, everyone wants to see him, but Spock actually approaches him and tries to meet him...
“We were separated. He couldn’t touch me.”
I want to know Scotty’s opinion on Spock’s crazy statue.
So Spock shouldn’t have fired those phasers? Because they... did something... bad to the dimensions? But what other choice did he have, other than to leave without Kirk?
Wasn’t Scotty literally just saying this wasn’t fixable? And now he’s like ‘eh, I can fix it in 20 minutes and get you 80% power’?
The antidote is derived from a nerve gas used by the Klingons...that’s honestly rather hilarious. They’re good for something I guess.
“It simply deadens certain nerve inputs in the brain.” / “Any decent brand of Scotch’ll do that.” Starfleet’s finest lmao.
Lmao Mccoy's no longer drugging the crew he's straight up killing parts of their brains with booze and deadly nerve gas. The man must be stopped.
Noooo don’t give Scotty the whole bottle. We’ve already established the ship doesn’t run without him.
They still gotta get out of the web.
If I shipped McCoy/Spock I would DEFINITELY ship it in that little moment where they look at each other over the glasses.
I have no idea what happened but they seem to be free. Bye Tholians!
Kirk back in the chair where he belongs <3
“No problems worth reporting”--I mean that is technically true, I GUESS.
Kirk is trying to get the gossip.
“Only what one would expect when humans are involved.” / “What humans?” The oxygen hasn’t fully returned to his brain, I see.
Also he is completely lying about understanding McCoy’s explanation.
Sulu and Chekov are having a great time listening in. Collecting future gossip for the cafeteria.
“M-my last orders. That I left for both of you.” He’s adorable.
"The crisis was upon us and then passed so quickly that w-we...." Lol yes the crisis came and then 4 hours later, it was passed! Just like that.
I totally get that Kirk wants them to admit they watched the tape. It was his orders that they watch it first, plus he knows he said helpful stuff and he wanted to be helpful! But I also get why they don’t want to admit they saw it, because it is rather awkward to admit they watched his last words when he’s... not dead.
That was a great ep overall! I really enjoyed it.
My only two complaints are that there wasn’t enough Kirk, and I wasn’t fond of Bones’s characterization. I mean, I get that he was affected by the... space weirdness and maybe his usual prejudices were purposefully exaggerated to show that but it still felt like he was constantly piling up on Spock and in the most unhelpful way. Like, they often disagree, in part because they have different general philosophies, and Bones often misunderstands Spock. But Bones wasn’t really offering anything helpful in terms of command advice, and his criticisms were both repetitive and incoherent. Did he want Spock to leave Jim behind or not? Was firing the phasers bad or necessary? Is Spock doing too much to save Jim or is he just out to get rid of him and take command? And again, he had like 6 moments where he said something cutting and cruel and...one or two of those go a lot farther to show the point. I also just... Bones really, really doesn’t get Spock, and I can see how he’d get meaner given the space aggression. But he’s not cruel. And he and Spock are friends, and he does know that Spock loves Kirk more than anything. So I did not find him IC overall.
But I did really like Spock and his characterization. I could feel all the emotion in him, so pent up and controlled but so present--especially in the moment when he held the tape Kirk made, but in so many other places as well--the “funeral,” the first moment after Kirk failed to materialize, reaching for him on the Bridge...
I also liked this portrayal of Spock in command. He is a good commander and he has obviously grown a lot since the Galileo Seven. But he’s not Jim, and the show is clear about that. Kirk is not replaceable and his job is not easy. I’m not even sure that Kirk would have done much different than Spock--he wouldn’t have left without one of his crew, and that probably would have involved firing on the Tholian ship. But when Spock did it, it really felt like he was overwhelmed, frustrated, and not thinking--he didn’t want to, but then Scotty said he should, and he did. Kirk would have made the decision, not been pressured into it. Would it have mattered? It comes out to the same, but I think it would have been a different scenario. Kirk only ever makes his own decisions--then he can own them, no matter what. That didn’t feel like Spock’s decision, and it affected others’ confidence in him (cough cough McCoy).
I would have to watch again to see if I thought there was any other choice.
This ep made me think of the cave scene in ST09 where Ambassador Spock meets Kirk and thinks he is HIS Kirk, come on purpose to find him. Because obviously Kirk is like that: he comes back from the dead, he finds Spock no matter what, he comforts and reassures and supports him no matter what. He would cross dimensions, he’d travel through time, he’d become No Longer Dead, if that’s what Spock needed.
I was a little disappointed that we didn’t see Kirk’s adventures in the AU lol. I think he was lying about being alone in the other universe. I want to see the fic where he was actually in the AOS verse lol.
Even though there wasn’t enough Kirk in this ep, I appreciated how strong his presence was anyway, seeing everyone love him so much, and seeing just how effective he is as a Captain by comparison with Spock, who is good and who did get them out of the situation, but who lacks that certain... Captain’s quality.
And it outright was a great Spock episode, and a good Spock and McCoy ep except for all of the OOC-ness in McCoy. I’m starting to feel like actually there’s a pretty significant amount of Spock and McCoy stories (this one, The Paradise Syndrome All Our Yesterdays, even Bread and Circuses) and I wish there were more Kirk and Bones stories, too. They are best friends after all!
Next is Plato’s Stepchildren, which is a pretty meh episode, but not awful.
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woozi · 3 years
the thirst tweets yza 😭😭😭 i cannot. as much as fun this was, we were so close to getting jaebs with cats <//3
headlocking sk 😭😭 DJJDSKSK i would stand there like wonu clapping in the soop, for you <3. it's hindi ( actually it's my 2nd language but i speak in it the most w ppl outside of family djdjdjk ) my mother tongue is almost dwording djdjdkdk </3 i think im last gen who still speaks it, kids these days only know hindi or english.
ALSO!!! the footwork in senses choreo???? i liked it sm <3 yugyeom makes it look so easy to move like that?!?
same jdjdkddk godddd sometimes it takes a month to complete a drama which i like and started on my own will and sometimes it only takes 3 days. it doesn't matter how much i love something if i won't watch it, then I won't watch or consume it at all 💀.
ohhh, i've known jamie as an after school club mc first and singer second. like there was this time i was suddenly obsessed w eric nam's before we begin album i think around that time i first listened to one or two songs of jamie ( it was all spotify's doing jddjks) but then i forgot abt both and went back to listening to my regular ones. honestly i feel like i've gotten to know and appreciate jype artists ( those i know ) more, only after they've changed agencies it could just be me or my timing tho djdjdjh. have you listened to hanbin's solo album? honestly it's been no.1 album from 1st half of 2021 for me. i was not even looking forward to it or even knew djdjsk but i'm so glad i did i really like the songs & lyrics.
almost whatever jackson has released after mirrors has been to my taste leaving few bsides here and there. i love lmly <3 idk why for some reason i tend to mix pretty please and lmly up a lot djdjsk maybe it's bc of white tee and jeans. both mvs concept and songs are fantastic but if i have to pick one w/ mv & only considering the song, i do love lmly a little bit more then pretty please. wbu? <3
mark kept saying ' when we go back ' during the live so i got more confused each time, went on twt and got to know djdjdk. twt list of both svt & got7 of update accounts is like my newspaper, in free time i open it to see what is going on, sometimes jdjddk.
and of course i know abt woozi's cover <3 i've listened to it a lot jdjdksk he's so <//3
i could listen to his voice all day.
there is one cover of 10 cm hoshi dropped last year i like it sm <3 it made me so happy!!, around that i was obsessed with some of 10 cm's songs. help is one of my most favorite.
i really really wish for dokyeom to cover more day6 songs or just any songs </3 would really appreciate one from mr. joshu_acoustic too 😿.
did you see the way dokyeom woke up with a smile on his face in 5th in the sopp ep <//3 he's so precious 😭 (i'll try to link next time idk links go through asks tho djjddj sometimes tumblr eats it up). i don't even know what a smile is for first 2 hours after i've woken up. also i think i like this (sk coming and karaoke one - 5th) ep a lil more bc of that half minute of singer cheol it served us. i need him to sing more omg <//3
the soop song tho it's so sweet 😭💕. i love love how they brainstorm and make songs it's such an interesting process. i love what going seventeen is now but i miss watching the song making & recording process (even rho they do show it in inse after cb but jdjdks). the one where they made gose song, recorded it and made choreo/mv i love. it's still remains as one of my most favorite ep. they compose & write songs so smoothly & make it look so effortless <3
thank you for letting me ramble abt silly little things and responding to them, yza <3 love hanging out w/ you. i hope you're also having fun djjddj (i'll try to keep these short fr 😭 djdkdk i feel a bit bad for making you read so much nonsense :3)
take care of yourself, yza <3 sending good week wishes. - 🪂🪂🪂
also mood tbh we could've gotten something like jacks' puppy vid </3
LIKE WONU CLAPPING FJKDJKFDJFD in true infj fashion <3 wait naurr that's so sad </3 do they not teach it in schools?
ALSO YES OH MY GODDDDDDDDD house king show us ur fancy moves <3 as a fellow dancer i am throwing him my shoe rn <3 also i literally have never seen smth like this in kpop how did people fucking sleep on this icb it..
I FULLY RELATE HELLO????????????????? what dramas have u been watching? and which genres are u into? <3 i also just finished vincenzo today it was so good 😭 took me like.. a week, i think (?), though bc svt has SO MUCH content and i dont like being behind on svt shit esp bc i also run an update blog lmaooo 😭
WAIT I FORGOT SHE ALSO DID EMCEEING 😭 she's such a fun person </3 AND ERIC NAM FDKJDFJK i have one-sided beef w him lmao when he was still new to the scene he would reply to everyone's @s but he never replied to me so i felt v .. </3 (also this is what.. 13 year old me speaking so this def does not reflect how i feel abt him now JKJKFJKDFF) i also get that </3 i feel like jype doesn't manage them well (i dont know shit behind the scenes and shit abt the industry in-depth but u know... it Kind Of Shows esp w how the artists themselves speak abt the agency lol). and i have not!! i am truly a svtpoppie 😭 i will though bc u recommended it to me <3 i also have been seeing him frequently on tiktok lol, ALSO BC OF LEE HI!!
honestly i haven't been keeping up w his albums anymore just the title tracks so i cant say much 😭 i also def prefer lmly over pretty please i was actually obsessed w it for a while!! i love jackson's vision so much though, the cinematography is EVERYTHING
literally reading abt what our boys have been up to like reading the morning paper KJDSFKJDSJKSJKD
V GOOD FOR U TO HAVE COME ACROSS THE COVER... I JUST DISCOVERED IT BY ACCIDENT 😭 also i have to agree although i definitely do not want to admit that i am more than willing to listen to some man sing to me all day 😭😭😭😭😭 jihoon's voice is just... different to me for some reason. i have a hard time picking between him & seokmin tbh </3 hbu, who's ur fave svt vocalist?
ALSO YES THAT WAS SO CUTE OF HIM!! AND V ON BRAND TOO </3 the way u listen to 10cm..... im giving u an award rn <3 im guessing you listen to k-indie too?
DK THOUGH... I'M VERY MUCH WILLING TO ADMIT THAT I'D LISTEN TO HIM ALL DAY.... something about him... AND NOT THE JOSHU_ACOUSTIC FJDJFDJKFD 😭😭😭 i hate his username so much- why... WHY...
I DID!!!!!!!!! and i was so surprised too bc.. who wakes up smiling?????? what'd he dream of???????????? he's such a happy person i cant imagine what thats like 😭 the first thing i do when i wake up is make the >:| face JFJKFDKJFD also oh my god i just read that you're experiencing the same thing 😭😭 bestie trait!! KJJKFDKJFD ALSO YOU COULDN'T BE MORE RIGHT?????????? im always campaigning for vocalist coups im SOOO glad u feel the same way <3 his voice is just so comforting to me </3 idk i just really like his timbre
and v true omg i'm always fascinated to see how they actually work all this out!! the bts recording/choreo making vids are also my favorite gfkjdfkjdfj HOW ARE WE SO SIMILAR WE MIGHT AS WELL BE THE SAME PERSON 😭also jihoon in that gose behind vid........... in universe factory............... i still think about that Look from time to time... 😭this is also why i respect the boys sm tbh. everyone in the industry undeniably works so hard but to actually get this much creative freedom and to basically lead the group and their direction music and performance-wise is so insane to me... no wonder jihoon's always in his studio. i couldnt be happier that they get to live off of doing what they like im also so so proud of them they must work so hard <3 esp w all the content they're giving us.. icb it's always like this in caratland im so used to being an ahgase that gets like.... 1 cb a year😭
AND NOOO OMG DON'T BE SORRY I REALLY LOOOVE GETTING UR MESSAGES </3 and i love how lengthy they are makes me feel like ur just not making small talk (i hate small talk sm 😭) and that you're actually interested <3 i genuinely love bonding w u through these little asks i can never thank u enough for sending them <3 i hope ur having a lovely week as well!! u can always talk to me even if it's not kpop related and u just want to talk abt life or when u need some cheering up <3
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thebestoftimes · 4 years
this is a genuine question: why do so many people like lucas? is he not mean? sorry about my english
Hello! No worries about your english, it’s all good here :)
This is an interesting question! I’ve noticed that he’s actually a very divisive character– people love him or hate him. I can’t speak for everyone, so I will just try and give my own take and why I like Lucas. People could have different reasons.
I don’t think Lucas is mean. I think he’s sassy, and I think he actually is a classic case of someone who gives what he gets. If people are rude to him, he’s likely to be rude back. If people are kind, he is likely to be kind in return. No doubts that he is very sassy and quick to be irritated. I think that’s just part of his unique personality, and is also just very Isak of him (Robbe notwithstanding). He rolls his eyes and snaps at Mika when Mika is downright rude to a child that has no parents or means of making money, and he snaps at Eliott when Eliott is off doing his mysterious thing like not showing up for painting or going back to Lucille, etc. Today, some translations suggest that Lucas told those girls to shut up and others say he just said be quiet. He was upset that they were disrespectful to a close friend of his and figured that “sorry” was not going to undo their mistake. When you look at it, he’s really only snippy to people he feels deserve it. To Baz when he won’t stop being gross about girls, to Mika when he won’t stop teasing Lucas after Lucas tells him not to, to Daphne when he thinks she’s being too pushy (but tbh he’s actually pretty nice to Daphne), to Eliott when Eliott wasn’t being forthcoming. But he’s actually pretty kind and patient to those who need it. Eliott snapped at him and told him that he’d continue to do that on occasion, and Lucas was like lol ok me too. 
I think Lucas gets this rap as a mean or sour Isak because he wears pretty much all of his emotions on his sleeve– including the negative ones like anger, irritation, sadness, etc. Some find this overbearing, while I think this juxtaposition with how intensely he also feels positive emotions like affection or excitement makes him a very fascinating character with how dynamic he is. He got a lot of shit for “””crying””” all the time. But that’s just him! He feels everything very strongly! Doesn’t make him lesser, weaker, or more dramatic than other people, in my humble opinion. Another example of an Isak that’s pretty similar to Lucas and open with their emotions is Cris. Some people also found her irritating or rude! Others thought she was relatable and hilarious! They’re very different people than Matteo, who bottled a lot of his emotions up until he couldn’t, or Isak, Robbe, and Martino– kings of micro-expressions and hiding most-but-not-all of what they’re feeling (again, all my own personal observations and of course it’s hard to summarize any Isak character into brief statements because the character is meant to be very dynamic and complex).
I’m not someone that will judge you or try and tell you that your opinion of Lucas is wrong. I can totally see people who find him too prickly or sour for their taste! That’s fine! I get it. Other people think it’s funny or endearing. We’re not all going to connect to the same people in the same way. I love Robbe and he’s, like, on the complete other side of the Isak spectrum as Lucas. It just be like that. Lucas has a bunch of other qualities besides his sass that might sway others to like him! He’s caring, patient, charismatic, silly, romantic, does this funny thing where he’s both painfully shy or incredibly bold when it comes to Eliott, and can be painfully relatable (I also crankily drink coffee in the morning, am easily irritated by dumb people, like to quickly leave the room that my problems are in, and am very endeared by Eliott Demaury :)).
Hope this helps. If it didn’t then ope. Maybe ask Tara or Cas idk 
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nad-zeta · 4 years
ikevamp please~?\ (•◡•) /
i realised i never requested an actual ikevamp match-up, so imma throw this in here if you don’t mind, please and thank you~.
heterosexual gemini female, isfp, slytherin & chaotic neutral. my style is edgy, but leaning towards casual, too. i like interesting details and aesthetics!
many people say that my initial vibe is pretty intimidating, or at least reserved and mysterious. though, around my friends i am more relaxed and chill, and love to laugh and crack jokes! i also tease a lot~.
but i am, in fact, a reserved person — it takes me a lot of time to open up about my honest feelings and to trust someone. that makes me quite a hermit; i’m on good or neutral terms with many people, but i have just a handful of friends i consider close.
i can be lazy and uninterested, but when something piques my interest or when i’m challenged, i can be a very, very stubborn one! i’m opinionated, but i always try to see a bigger picture and imagine the story from different angles — in that way, i consider myself a very realistic person. i used to be more confrontational in the past, and these days i’m more passive. i try to be tolerant, but i can also get annoyed and irritated easily. i am a ‘forgive but don’t forget’ type of person.
i’m extremely curious and have wide palette of interests, some of which are medicine, botany, arts, astronomy, astrology, and such. i love to explore and learn, and i like activities like hiking. spiritual topics are also my thing, and i simply love to think and wonder. i may like to bake, but the domestic jobs in general aren’t my jam. i also get bored very easily!
i like to be helpful, and my self-worth is defined by being useful or making other smile, so i like giving gifts to my friends, even if it’s just buying them their favourite chocolate bar or so. that ‘giving’ trait of mine is not quite well known, though, and i suppose that it is because of my initial personality that people consider me rather selfish and self-centred instead.
my love language is definitely physical touch, along with giving gifts or acts of service. i’m pretty much touch starved — i will kiss, hug, even bite someone shamelessly and out of endearment ( i can be the tough love kind ). i can also have a bit darker tendencies, but generally i simply crave intimacy. in those terms, i’m more of a 'actions speak louder than words’ person, as i find it embarrassing and shallow to say 'i love you’ often or too soon. i will be poetically affectionate, though.
i do not act affectionate in front of people, though, so if you ask most of my classmates, you’ll probably hear about how they think that i must despise anything to do with contact and lovey stuff.
in terms of romantic interests and relationships, i’m someone who appreciates communication, trust and intellectual bond along with the physical one. i’m also not a fan of people who are uncertain in terms of their feelings or are unstable or unreliable as partners.
Hi hi, dear! Thank you so much for the request! ❤❤🌻Sorry for taking sooooooo long with this!😳❤ I hope you enjoy this love and I hope you have the best day!😊🔥 Hehe TBH I was between 2 of the vampy bios, but then I finally made up my mind and decided on…… 
So I match you with……..Vincent
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The first time this angel sees you, he took an instant liking to you, he could see past that cold, intimidating exterior of yours and straight into the depths of your soul and boy did he want to befriend you. He was the first one to break the ice among the men to introduce himself to you. You were super reserved, so you didn’t say very much that first night with all the vampy bois. When you had left to retire for the night, Theo couldn’t help but loudly state what everyone was thinking, and that was that you were crazy intimidating. Vincent stared up at his brother confused he definitely didn’t get any intimidating vibes from you, if anything he found himself drawn to your mysterious reserved vibe.
The next morning you made your way to the dining room to help with breakfast. You loved to bake, so when Sabastian tasked you with making the van Gogh’s pancakes you were over the moon. You made a hefty stack of pancakes placed it down in front of the two Dutch brothers. They eagerly loaded up their plated munching down on the stack, to say Vincent was in love would be an understatement. Those were truly the best pancakes he had ever eaten in his whole life. The blond man stuffed his face with the light and airy pancakes. He low key looked like a cute chipmunk with the way he eagerly chomped down every last pancake on his plate. You sat down beside them and smiled at a job well down. Once the stack vanished, Vincent beamed his sunshine smile at you and asked if you would make him pancakes again sometime, cause they were honestly just so good. Even Theo chimed in giving you a compliment in his own way.
You helped Sabastian out with the housework, but honestly, you were getting bored you never really liked doing too many domestic work type tasks. As you cleaned,  you wandered into a bright room filled to the brim with painting and art supplies. You couldn’t help but marvel at the gorgeous painting hung on the wall. It was just filled with so much emotion and seemed to come, alive telling a story of wonder and hidden beauty. You were awakened out of your reverie by a soft voice, “are you also a fellow lover of the arts.” You gave Vincent a small smile and nod. Vincent then told you that he was on his way with Napoleon to give an Art class to his students and invited you along with him.
You spent the afternoon with Vincent painting and honestly having the best time with the children. It wasn’t an art class as much as a fun time painting and letting your imagination flow onto the canvas. 
You honestly loved helping out at this little makeshift school that Napoleon had started. Since that first day, you had been going with Vincent more and more, to help out and teach the children some cool new skills. You loved helping people and making them happy, and to say that the children loved you would be an understatement. They loved coming to you for help with their work, and would always thank you and give you the biggest hug whenever they finally manage to grasp the concept that they had been struggling to understand. Honestly you loved to make people happy and teaching at this street school was way better than doing housework so it was honestly a win win. Plus you got to spend even more time with Vincent which was always filled with smiles and laughter.
Often after teaching the children, you and Vincent would wander around the streets of Paris just taking in the sights. The two of you actually bonded over your mutual love for aesthetics and whenever the two of you would come across and art exhibition, you wouldn't hesitate to enter. The two of you would spend hours looking at the beautiful pieces, appreciating all the interesting details and emotions the artist managed to convey into the art together. You loved spending time with the ray of sunshine, and you couldn’t help but show your true personality with him. As the two of you would wander around town, you found yourself opening up more and more to Vincent and letting him in. 
You felt like you could be yourself with him and Vincent absolutely adored you. He loved the jokes you would crack as the two of you would walk around. He found them hilarious, and whenever the two of you were together, Vincent would always be left in a fit of laughter from some or other the joke that you would crack. 
Vincent, of course, is used to being teased by Theo, so it is definitely not uncommon for the angel to tease you a little in return as well. Whenever the two of you are together, the room is always filled with smiles and laughter. It has even gotten to that point where you and the angel have inside jokes and whenever someone in the mansion does or says something, both of you lock eyes and burst out laughing
Vincent loved it when you would help him and Theo set up art exhibitions. Not that you complained you loved being helpful and honestly you would do anything the help Vincent, especially if it meant getting to see that radiant smile of his. The more Vincent spent time with you to more utterly and entirely in love, he fell with you. 
He loved that you would occasionally give him small, thoughtful little gifts. Every-time, you presented him with a tiny hand made gift his heart melted into a puddle of goo. Of course, don’t think that Vincent has forgotten about you, as often this angel surprises you with tiny trinkets of his own. You seem to have occupied this sweet angels mind, so he cant help but buy you small little gifts that he sees in the shop windows, especially if they remind him of you. He would legit go to the ends of the earth and back just to see that excited glimmer in your eyes whenever he gives you the smallest of gifts. One of you favorite gifts so far was when he presented you with a single flower of your favorite flower, with a small ribbon and note wrapped around its stem to read, “a flower to remind you of how wonderful you are.” 
Since finding out that you have in interest in astronomy and astrology, he actually had Isaac make you your very own telescope. He loves to listen to you go on for hours and hours, explaining the difference between the two and teaching him everything you know about astrology and astronomy. He finds it incredibly fascinating. Since learning that you seem to love the night sky, it is not uncommon for him to lead you out into the garden to an awaiting blanket spread out on the floor, so the two of you can stargaze together. He will definitely in these moments ask you more about astronomy as you watch the glimmering universe above you.
You and Vincent love love love to hike and explore different places together. Its always super fun to explore and find a new beautiful scenery to paint and appreciate. Recently the two of you had discovered a field filled with every type of flower imaginable. You would usually stand beside Vincent and paint. But that day you were not really in the mood to do something artsy, so you just sat on a rock in between the beautiful flowers and just wondered and thought, getting wholly and utterly lost in a daydream. Vincent who had turned around to ask you something, saw you staring off into the distance thinking and he just got completely inspired. He turned his easel around and placed a new blank canvas on the stand and started to paint the blinding scene of you sitting among the flowers and butterflies. 
When Vincent was done for the day he covered the painting before gently tapping you on the shoulder so that the two of you could make your way back home. You were incredibly curious about the new painting that Vincent had created, more so when Vincent said that you couldn’t see it yet as it was a surprise.
Finally, Vincent had finished the painting of you. With each stroke of the brush painting you among the beautiful scenery, his feelings for you grew stronger and stronger. Vincent invited you to his room that night to give you the painting, and you were overjoyed when you had read what was inscribes at the bottom, “To my dearest sunflower, I love you with all my heart, forever yours Vincent.” Vincent knew that with you, action always spoke louder than words so, in an attempt to make his feeling painfully clear he walked up close to you, until the two of you were nose to nose. He brought his hands to gently cradle your face, and then slowly leaned down to place a tender kiss on your lips.  
Vincent loves you with all his heart. He loves that you have a wide variety of interest and will gladly listen to you talk about them for hours and hours. He will even surprise you with a book on the topic of your newest interest. Love it when you sit in his room and read while he paints. Sometimes when he is done painting for the day, he will sit down behind you and wrap his arms around your waist and rest his chin on your shoulder as you continue to get lost in your studies and thirst for knowledge. Sometimes he will read along with you, and then discuss what he had learned with you when you have had enough of reading for the day. He loves to listen to all your opinions and the new thing you had learned, he is especially intrigued when you talk about spiritual topics and will hang onto every word as you tell him everything you learned
He took you to meet his dear friend Shakespeare once and right off the bat you could tell he was up to no good. You tried to be tolerable and passive, however after spending an hour at his mansion you started getting annoyed and irritated. You were a stubborn realistic person who never judged a book by its cover and always strived to see the bigger picture, so you decided not to judge Shakespeare on face value. However, when the day came for the door to open to send you back home, Shakespeare appeared and decided to dictate his own romantic tragedy between you and Vincent. 
You could see the story from his angle and perspective and you could also see where he was coming from, but you were definitely not going to passively sit back and let him tear you apart from Vincent.
You had never seen Vincent angry before until that day. Vincent managed to take down Shakespeare and disarm him from the gun he was pointing at you, however, in the tussle, Vincent had been shot twice. Theo had managed to restrain Shakespeare, and you were never more thankful in your life for medical knowledge than at that moment. You and Arthur managed to patch Vincent up and thanks to his vampiric abilities he was recovering quickly. 
You had to laugh as during the whole saga between you and Shakespeare, Shakespeare had accused you of not loving his friend as during the whole visit you weren’t acting even the slighted bit affectionate towards Vincent. In fact, at first, Theo accused you of the same thing, however soon Theo realized that you were more private with your display of affection and welcomed you to his family with open arms.
You and Vincent both share the love language of physical touch and act of service. The two of you have an incredibly open, honest relationships based on communication and trust. It isn’t uncommon for you to sit on Vincent’s lap as the two of you talk about all sorts of random topics for hours and hours as he strokes your hair.
Vincent loves to shower you in sweet kisses and warm, comforting hugs. He can’t imagine anything better in the world than to just have you in his arms while he kisses you breathless for hours and hours. Beware as this angel like you, will bite. 
Vincent’s favourite is to just shower your face in sweet little kisses. He will legit start by kissing the top of your head and then make his way down to your forehead, then both your eyelids, your nose and then finally your lips. 
It’s through these sweet kisses that the two of you often communicate just how much you love each other, no words needed just action.
Other potential matches………….. Shakespeare
I hope you enjoyed this love! And I hope you have the best day! 🌻❤😊🔥@oikame
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