#edward cullen oneshot
angelsworks · 1 year
Yandere!Edward Cullen x popular! Reader
Type: Oneshot
Request: Nope
Summary : After moving to a new school Edward Cullen finds his mate at the top of the social good chain.
Warnings: Controlling nature, yandere themes, high school.
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This must have been some sort of joke by Alice. When she said she’d seen his mate Edward was over the moon; more than that, he was floating in space. Far above the moon in fact, closer to the Milky Way. After being alone for so long, finally finding his mate was a godsend.
What Alice seemed to leave out was the fact that you were the most popular person at forks high school, maybe even the most popular person in forks.
A week late (Y/N) arrived at Forks High school. The brightest smile he’d ever seen adorned your face, eyes full of stars. It was easy to see why everyone was so entranced by you.
You spoke to everyone, which might have sounded exaggerated, but Edward had seen you. Whatever social status these students had didn’t matter. Any reason to say hello and you did.
By the end of the day you’d told their whole year why you were a week late, some wildlife retreat in the mountains.
At lunch you sat with your main group, being the main entertainment for them all. Whether it was through an entertaining joke or some personal opinions you were sharing.
Throughout that first week he stayed back and watched you as they floated around school. To him you were an Angel. You were kind to everyone and he hadn’t heard you say a bad thing yet.
But he was getting angsty. You were either talking to someone else or being pestered by admirers for him to make his introduction. It got to a point where Emmet was teasing him at his inability to talk to his own mate.
The pull towards you was undeniable. Your scent would calm him, your voice would lull him into an impossible sleep, your thoughts came as brief flashes but were so interesting and whimsical.
Everything about you was perfect to him.
He wasn’t the only one who thought that unfortunately. He could count twenty people at least who thought about you romantically. He has the awful pleasure of hearing their every thought. The only resolve he has was listening to your own, brief as they were they weren’t filled with them.
His salvation came in the middle of week two in the form of a seating plan. Many of the teachers had realised that students couldn’t be trusted to sit with friends so they made seating plans.
Seeing as Edward was new for the most part the teachers assumed you two hadn’t met yet. It was this very thought that lead to him being sat with you for five lessons out of the many others.
It was here in an English class he could finally say hello.
For the first time since he’d seen you he could feel his dead heart beat as you spoke to him. Your smile lighting your face, eyes twinkling, thoughts filled with flashes of him.
It didn’t last long before your attention was taken from him and on to someone else. It wasn’t necessarily the other persons fault. You were just so bubbly, too bubbly if that’s possible.
It didn’t stop his thoughts from turning jealous and hateful. You were his mate not that you knew it and your attention should be on him.
In the next lesson he shared he convinced you to sit with him and his family at lunch. Telling you that they were all really shy and hadn’t spoke to many people yet. Of course that was how they wanted it.
You more than happily agreed, explaining that ordinarily you would have welcomed them yourself, but you were away and no one told you. You’d been too preoccupied with being in your own little human world.
The Cullens all made an effort to smile and act as human as possible. They even took bites out of the previously untouched food on their trays.
Not that you noticed. You happily chatted about the school and all the best things about it, from the inside scoop on teachers to the clubs on offer.
You asked your own set of questions to, about their home life and family. About doctor and Mrs cullen. Where they’d been before.
After that day you’d gone back to sitting with your friends. You’d smiled every time you saw any of the Cullens, Edward included. But it wasn’t enough. Not for Edward. He wanted to be more than just someone you smiled at. He felt like any other person in the hall; not your mate.
At this point he was feeling drastic, not that it was unheard of for him to be. He called upon his siblings for help.
From that point while you spoke to your friends a feel of boredom filled your being. It could have been the funniest story in the world; but it just felt mediocre.
After a couple of weeks you started to feel really bad. You didn’t understand why you were being such a bad friend.
Jasper told Edward about this adding to his own suspicions from reading your mind. He asked Jasper to further help him out.
Edward made more of an effort to catch you alone. And Jasper made an effort to fill you with so much joy during that time, that it became undeniable you enjoyed Edward’s company more.
Soon you were having lunch with the reclusive Cullens more. Along with sitting with Edward in classes and hanging out after school. It all became very Edward centred, which is what he wanted.
Through no fault of your own you’d isolated yourself from your friends, from everyone. One planned to confront you about it. Alice however saw this in her visions, telling Edward who convinced Rosalie to be especially mean to that friend.
It didn’t stop them though. When they came to you to tell you how mean Rosalie had been, you didn’t believe them. Telling them she’d only ever been nice to you and everyone else. You brushed them off, causing them to get annoyed. Calling you out on your distance.
It made you highly upset. Giving Edward a chance to get closer to you. He was able to hold you as you cried and his heart swelled.
His plans had worked extremely well. So well in fact that it was easy getting you to accept his offer to take you out on a date. From there your relationship only grew.
That one friend kept interfering though. Edward brushed them off, telling you it was natural to spend more time with a partner and that they were just jealous.
When they kept being an issue for your relationship Edward decided to take it into his own hands. He took care of that friend. He was careful not to do anything that will alter his amber eyes.
You were heartbroken of course, to hear that they’d disappeared in the woods. It wasn’t an unusual occurrence. But saddening none the less.
His family had their suspicions, but they valued his happiness over his moral ambiguity.
Eventually Edward decided to tell you about his vampiric nature. It went down well of course with Jasper’s help.
Any chance of you leaving was seen by Alice, your moods were controlled by Jasper and Edward has a keyhole view into your mind.
He decides not to tell you about their gifts just yet.
Not until your turned and by his side forever.
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pctterscars · 2 years
always yours, e. cullen (part 2)
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pairing: edward cullen x gender-neutral vampire!reader
summary: after coming back from volterra, edward has to deal with bella’s fateful decision, while you have to fight the inevitable battle within yourself about your feelings towards your best friend.
warnings: reader is extremely self-deprecating and insecure about themself, angst, non-canon edward (yk the healthy version of him), mentions of reader’s turning, there may or may not be a happy ending (kissing, implications to smut at the end)
a/n: sorry this took so long, i really don’t why it took so long but i wrote it nevertheless, also i hate this, also this is so long i’m sorry
PART 1 - i recommend you to read this part first if you haven’t already, thanks!
the next few months were terrible for edward, and it pained you to see how hurt he had become. his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked numb as if he didn’t have a reason for existing anymore.
the only times he’d smile was when you attempted to tell ridiculous jokes and he couldn’t keep a straight face.
he’d never found out about your true feelings for him all this time, and you were okay with it, but carlisle definitely wasn’t.
“you have to tell him.”
“carlisle, it’s better this way.”
“he’s miserable, and the only time he’s been smiling, or even remotely happy is when he’s with you, y/n.”
you sighed, shaking your head in disbelief.
“and, don’t you shake your head at me. you know i’m right. he deserves to be happy. you deserve to be happy.”
you opened your mouth to rebut back at your adoptive father, but he walked away before you could respond, leaving you speechless.
you couldn’t tell him, right? you weren’t enough to give him the happiness and light he deserves, right?
weeks passed by and edward didn’t suspect a thing, at least not to your knowledge.
carlisle would glare at you whenever he was in a room with both of you. but, since it was carlisle, it would be a calm and patient glare, never once hinting at any resounding anger.
you told yourself that you’d tell edward the truth, but deep down, it was evident that wasn’t the real truth. you were just lying to yourself to prevent this difficult conversation.
when the time eventually came, it wasn’t your choice in the end.
it was a calm night when it was just you and edward in the living room, you watching the current news on tv, while he was reading some heavy novel that had him furrowing his eyebrows every second.
the rest of your family went out hunting since you and edward went the night before. edward had really only been comfortable with hunting with only you ever since his break up with bella.
“alright, well, i have to get back to the hospital.”
“okay, try not to kill anybody.” edward had a slight smirk playing on his lips, beaming up at carlisle.
carlisle seemed amused and then stared at you with a knowing look in his eyes.
“was that it or did you need something else?” edward was confused as to why carlisle was still standing in the exact same spot.
“oh no, nothing from you, edward.” he raised his eyebrows, glancing at you.
you gulped and your eyes widened. “carlisle, can we please not do this now.”
“i think you’ve waited long enough, y/n.”
edward looked back and forth between the two of you, confusion etching his tired face. “what- what’s going on? y/n?”
“it’s nothing,” you sighed as you switched the television off and started to walk toward the kitchen.
“yeah, nothing. if being your mate is nothing.”
you stiffened and turned towards your adoptive father. “carlisle!”
“what? i don’t- i don’t understand. there’s no way that… y/n?”
it’s like you were paralyzed, you couldn’t move a single bone or muscle in your body.
you slowly turned towards your best friend, whose eyebrows were still furrowed.
“ed- edward, i can’t.” you whispered.
edward’s confused expression still stayed on his face and he turned away from you. “carlisle?”
“why do you think that you’re so happy after your breakup with bella, son? if she was really your mate, you wouldn’t have been able to heal so easily. why do you think only y/n can cheer you up?”
edward’s magical eyes widened in a flux of realization and he stared at you.
carlisle spoke one last thing to you before leaving. “i’m sorry, y/n, he had to know.”
“i know.” you sighed, knowing that you were going to have to talk about the inevitable.
you cleared your throat and smiled blankly. “so, there’s no way i can run away from this, right?”
edward was not amused at your lame attempt of lightening this awkward situation. “y/n.”
you flinched at his stern attitude towards you.
sighing, you explained, “fine. come on.”
you headed toward the direction of the patio outside, with edward cautiously following you.
once the two of you were outside, he initiated the conversation.
“why the hell didn’t you tell me you were my mate?”
you raised your eyebrows. “so, this is my fault?”
edward closed his eyes. “you know that’s not what i meant, y/n.”
“well, it sounded that way.”
“how long did you know?”
“how long?”
“a couple of years after my turning.”
you could tell he was trying to control his annoyance and his jaw tensed.
“that long, huh.”
“edward, i didn’t tell you because i knew it would have been hopeless.”
“what? i don’t-”
“you were never going to love me back the way i loved you, so…”
“of course i loved you!”
“what?” you couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“you really think i didn’t have any feelings for you, y/n?”
you shook your head, refusing to believe edward’s words. “you’re lying, edward. you didn’t-”
“when have i ever lied to you? how couldn’t i fall in love with you? or the way that your smile brightened up my darkness, or how you still remained strong even after the hell that bastard that murdered you put you through. or how i hate it whenever you put yourself down or your looks down, because you’re the most beautiful being, human or vampire, i have ever seen. you’re brilliant and absolutely magnificent. it was only a matter of time.”
you took a deep breath, even though you didn’t need to, to settle your internal struggle.
edward continued to talk, letting all of his feelings out. “but, you never told me of any feelings you had for me so i gave up, y/n. if i knew-”
“it wouldn’t have made a difference, edward.”
“what the hell are you talking about? we could have been happy like esme and carlisle are or rosalie and emmett-”
“no, i mean, you would have fallen out of love with me or left me for someone else. why wouldn’t you have?”
edward couldn’t believe your words. how could you think so little of yourself when all he saw was the complete opposite?
edward sighed and he had some kind of resentment in his eyes.
“why are you looking at me like that?” you asked so softly that if edward were still human, he definitely wouldn’t have heard the unknown timidness in your voice.
“why do you hate yourself so much?”
“edward,” you sighed exasperatedly, not warning to explain, “i was murdered because i was worthless. that was the reasoning that man had, he kept repeating it over and over again when i was bleeding out and being tortured, edward.”
“you really believe what some stupid bastard said about you?”
“well, it was true, edward, so… “
“y/n, you have to believe me. you are not worthless, okay? in fact, you are quite the opposite. you have to believe me.”
you shook your head, refusing to believe his words. “edward, even if i didn’t think i was worthless, i still wouldn’t have told you.”
“what? why not?”
“do you remember that night you were talking to me about bella?”
edward sighed, immediately regretting every single life decision he has ever made. “y/n-”
“you were so happy. and, you looked so in love, ed. there was no way i was ever going to ruin that, even if it meant sacrificing my own feelings towards you.”
“y/n,” edward started to say before you interrupted him.
“it’s okay, edward. i just can’t do this right now.”
you just wanted this entire thing to be over, whatever this was. you started to make your way past your mate to get back into the house, but edward’s cold yet comfortable grasp on your fingers stopped you.
“please, don’t leave. we’re not done, y/n. we can’t be.”
“i’m sorry.”
the next few weeks in the cullen household were awkward, to say the least.
you tried your hardest to avoid edward at all costs, which was obvious to every cullen. these efforts were made easier by the fact that you still had to attend school, the exact quality of education occupying your endless thoughts instead of your mate who was desperate for your attention.
you thought you were doing a wonderful job until edward eventually confronted you and gave you no room to escape this inevitable conversation, again.
sorting out the novels you had lying on the table near your window in your room, you were immediately alerted to a new presence, the one you were trying to avoid all these weeks, and you immediately lifted your head up.
“ah, so they speak.” edward grinned at you, but that grin soon turned into a soft and guilt-ridden glare.
“what do you want?”
“i think you know what i want, y/n.”
“we’re done talking about it. you’re still in love with bella and you were never in love with me in the first place. that’s it.”
“no! that’s not it! you can’t just pretend like we didn’t have that talk out on the patio all those weeks ago where i told you that i did love you.”
you gulped, shaking your head. “you didn’t mean it. i know you didn’t.”
edward’s jaw tensed. “you’re never going to believe me, are you?”
you turned away, not wanting to continue this conversation, when you felt edward’s safe presence in front of you. you turned towards him, looking anywhere but into his eyes.
those safe, golden eyes. they were broken, but strong at the same time.
“y/n.” edward was serious, having a stern look occupying his beautiful face. “would you please just look at me?”
at your ignoring of his demand, edward held your chin, which was turned away from him, and forcefully but gently turned it towards him.
he leaned so your foreheads’ and noses were touching. you still couldn’t bring yourself to look at his eyes. but, you knew he was looking into yours.
“please. you- you have to believe me.”
he was stammering, something that you had never seen him do. he gently grabbed your fingers and interlocked his own with yours. it felt like his pale hands were shaking and you were sure he’d be on the verge of tears if he was still human.
you finally looked up at him and saw the extreme desperation in his eyes. he was still staring at you.
“i don’t- i can’t-”
“y/n, please, i can’t do this without you. i- what can i do to make you believe me?” edward uttered.
“you really love me?”
edward nodded his head vigorously, so much so that you thought his head was going to fall off.
you still didn’t feel confident letting your guard down, you weren’t even entirely sure you still believed him, but you wanted to try. you wanted to believe your best friend.
“okay.” you softly whispered. “i want to believe you, but-”
“but?” edward’s nervousness was evident in his wavering tone.
“i’m terrified. i’m really scared of… everything. but i want to try. i want to try my best to believe you, edward.”
edward’s eyes twinkled while he held your face in his hands and rubbed your cheekbones. “i promise you, i will spend the rest of our limitless existences proving it you. please, y/n.”
you looked back down again at your fingers, which were still interlocked with your mate’s.
you faintly smiled, which made the golden-eyed boy’s heart swell with adoration.
“okay.” you whispered.
edward beamed. “okay?”
you looked back into his eyes, your faint smile twinkling. “okay, i will try to trust you, ed.”
he let out a laugh filled with relief and scrunched his nose against your own. “thank you. thank you.”
you smiled lightly, which soon turned into a nervous and albeit unnecessary gulp when you came to realize how close you physically were to edward, specifically how your lips were just inches away from being molded into his own.
the auburn-haired boy seemed to notice the same thing as his line of sight traveled from your eyes to your soft lips, which the iridescent boy had been aching to touch ever since he could remember.
his slender fingers had ghosted over your cheekbones with his nose pressed up against your own nose, mildly distracting you from his husky whisper against your lips.
“is this alright?” edward had murmured, his lips finally touching your own for a slight moment.
your mind was too hazy to answer with actual words but you managed to release a slight nod of your head, which gained a chuckle to grace his lips.
as he finally connected his lips with your own, it was as if a fire burning deep within your chest was finally being ignited, the raw flames finally being called upon after hiding within the chambers of your timely heartbreak.
his hands travelled from your cheekbones to below your jaw, finding its home as edward softly placed his hands on each side of your neck, his thumbs tracing the outline of your collarbones.
the golden-eyed boy lightly grinned as he ran his tongue slightly across your lower lip, eliciting a gasp to come from you, allowing his tongue entrance in order to deepen the kiss between the two of you.
as you two began to deepen the kiss when your tongues made contact, your hands traveled to his auburn locks, resulting in a deep, guttural groan from him as his hands lowered to tightly grip your hips like his very being depended on you, only you.
he pulled you as close as you physically could be to him as his lips continued to stay molded onto your own, and he lightly tapped your hips, signaling you to jump up and wrap your legs around his hips as his large hands wrapped around your back as he walked backwards and laid you on your bed, with your back against the sheets.
the cullen boy hovered over you, with his arms placed next to both sides of your body as your legs were still wrapped around his hips and you were the one to finally separate your lips from his as he whimpered and a faint smile painted your features.
you brought your fingers up to run them across his lips as he rested his forehead against yours and with a smile, he questioned, “why’d you stop?”
you scrunched your nose slightly and pretended to deeply contemplate your answer. “hm. i don’t really think you deserve an explanation.”
edward looked over your body as he groaned. “hm. well, dear, then why don’t i try making it up to you?”
the golden-eyed boy placed his lips onto yours again, while smiling which caused you to reciprocate while kissing him back and meshing your hands into his auburn locks.
as you two deepened the kiss, he held onto your thigh so that it would stay wrapped around his hip and groaned with urgency as you grabbed the collar of his button-up shirt.
it seemed as if what has been encompassing your fantasies and dreams for decades now was finally happening and you couldn’t be filled with more joy when your mate finally found out the truth.
the two of you could finally spend your eternities in utmost happiness, as long as you had each other.
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I'd love to see Jacob or Edward with an ADHD girlfriend. On a rough day (some days with ADHD I can't sit still. I feel like my body is buzzing) she'd just want to listen to the rain outside with soft music playing with her head in her boyfriend's lap and a weighted blanket. His hand toying with her hair as they just lay together. 💖😍 If this is something you can do thank you!
Hello dear💖, thanks for your request.
I wasn't sure if you wanted a headcanon so I decided to make this into a oneshot.
Edward x ADHD reader x Jacob🐺👧🦇.
A girl's comfort🔥
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Y/n wasn’t having a good day, her hair was in a mess and her clothes were dripping wet. She didn’t like the wet feeling; the water would drip onto the floor and the coldness would still linger. Y/n came home from work to see Edward and Jacob sitting on the couch both worried about her. “Why don’t you back off blood sucker, she doesn’t even want you” Jacob growled “I can’t, I’m drawn to her, you’re not the only one who loves her Jacob” Edward whispered back. You walked through the door hoping they wouldn’t see you; it was hard sometimes since y/n often couldn’t sit still, y/n would shake her leg or sometimes move positions. Edward and Jacob had been around her from the beginning, Edward had grown attached to y/n and Jacob was in love with her.
Y/n had turned to the boys, Edward had stood up and glided to her “Y/n, are you alright” he spoke calmly. “E-Edward don’t worry about it” y/n replied shivering, Jacob growled and grabbed her hand “Y/n, I was worried about you, tell me your alright” Jacob had always been over dramatic with her. Y/n asked quietly to the boys “I, I need a blanket, I want to feel warm” she sunk her head into Edwards chest. Jacob without hesitation glanced at Edward “Go on blood sucker, you heard her, she needs to feel warm”. Fine, but don’t-“ Edward glanced at y/n, he didn’t want to start fighting.
Jacob glared at Edward but at least he got to be close to y/n “so guess I’m your personal heater now” he laughed. Y/n snuggled into Jacob’s warm body, all she wanted was to be in her fuzzy Pyjamas made of wool and wrapped in a blanket. Jacob allowed her to change at least, Edward was busy setting the mood by playing calm music and activating the fire place. “Edward, what time is it” you felt tired, you couldn’t stop yawning and feeling drowsy. Edward snuggled beside y/n, looking at her dreamily “Y/n, we’ve all had bad days, believe me even Carlisle does too”. Edward stroked y/n’s hair; she was lying down on Jacob’s lap for warmth. Jacob hated Edward with all his heart, but he agreed that the two had to work together for y/n’s happiness. Y/n had sensory pleasures, often soft things or scents were enough to make her happy, sometimes many people didn’t understand what it was like to have ADHD. Y/n was happy that both Edward and Jacob were willing to do anything for her, they may fight at times but if y/n was safe that was all that mattered.
Everyone was settling down when Esme knocked into the room, she had made hot chocolates for everyone including Jacob.
Y/n was fast asleep, but the scent of the burning wood and chocolate filled her nose, it made her happy and joyful. Jacob and Edward both agreed just for tonight to make a truce, they would stay with y/n for the rest of the night.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta✨
Oneshot requests: open
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loveswrites · 11 months
Poly cullen angst to fluff? Pls and thank you🤭
Rainy Road Poly Cullens x Reader
Time it took me: 4 hours ( btw loves I acc finished it in the same day just now)
Word count: 2143
To anon: I'm sure I met your angst but I don't think I met much else *wink* There will be a part two if you guys want I'm sure you will <3
Love <3
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“Stop.” Edward said, watching you plainly.
Currently you were practically skipping on and off the border line of the werewolves territory and the Cullens territory. Edwards' tone kinda upset you. You were only trying to lighten the mood because ever since you got into the car his energy was just off. Seth had called you saying he wanted to hang out so you asked Edward to drive you because bella being the blood daughter got the car and you got a maybe next year. Downsides of being adopted. 
You were standing at the border because the rest of your mates wanted to talk to you before you went to hang out with Seth. They liked Seth so you didn’t understand why they just couldn’t wait to talk to you later.
But they said they couldn’t wait that long. You thought about it and the only times they've acted like this is when they're about to surprise you with something. Or if they feel like they hadn’t been treated fairly as in quality time. And last you check you’ve spent equal time with them all separately and together. So it wasn’t that so it had to be a surprise right?
“Are you in one of your emo moods right now?” You asked genuinely curious. That seemed to only upset him more because he didn’t talk the whole time until the rest of your mates arrived. 
It didn’t take them as long as you thought that it would. You thought they were gonna drive in their cars like Edward did but they didn’t. They walked or ran or whatever. Edward made you get back into the car while you were waiting because it started raining. Of course It was still raining when they arrived, it's Forks after all. But that didn’t stop you from smiling and getting out of the car when you saw the rest of your loves. Hopefully you could sneak some more insight on why Edward was in a pissy mood.
The closer they got to the car the more you practically bounced with excitement. You had missed them even though you saw them only two days ago. Too long according to the beat in your heart. As you tapped your feet in the rain puddles you couldn’t help yourself from letting out a squeal of excitement. Running up to the closest person you could reach. That being Jasper, you jumped in his arms. The sound of the car door opening and closing fell numb to your ears. And sadly so did the sound of the car driving away.
The sound of thunder rang through your ears making you jump, scaring you a little. But something you noticed didn’t happen was the feeling of that fear going away immediately. It stayed. Jasper always felt like home but something was wrong. Something was different.
“You didn’t wrap your arms around me?” You said furrowing your eyebrows. Looking at Jasper you watched as the rain melted his hair against his face. His beautiful wet curls dripped with the wetness of rain. You would eat him right here right now if he wasn’t being so strange right now.
He didn’t answer, he just stepped back away from you. You shifted your eyes behind him to look at the rest of your mates. Rose was clinging onto Emmett’s arm next to Rose was Carlisle and Esme then there was Edward. 
“Wasn’t Alice just here? Wait a minute, where's the car?” You asked, looking around in confusion. When you turned around there was no car, just an empty wet road. Something was totally wrong.
“What’s going on?” You questioned. It took a while for anyone to say a thing. Just when you were about to repeat yourself Carlisle spoke up. 
“We need to talk.” He said.
“Well I knew that much dummy, But why couldn’t we just talk later? It’s raining and I’m supposed to be hanging out with Seth.” You said with a soft smile trying to ease your nerves. You don’t remember the last time you did this by yourself all on your own. Jasper would always be there to ease your feelings or stress. Even though you would say no he’d never listen. He would always catch a rise in your stress before you did and calm you down. 
“We're leaving.” Carlisle said. You noticed that his hair took a little longer to melt against his face unlike Jasper. 
“Ooo okay where are we going this time, tokyo? I’ve always wanted to-” You said getting excited again but you were quickly cut off by Esme.
“Without you.” She said looking at you for a little then she turned her head away. Her statement made the smile drop from your face as quickly as it came.
“What? What do you mean? How long are you going to be gone?” You questioned with your eyes shifting in between your six mates. This felt all so sudden, what happened in those two days you weren’t together?
“Forever. There’s nothing here for us in Forks anymore.” Emmet said breaking your heart with every single word. 
“But I’m here..” You said as your voice cracked mid sentence. You could feel the knot in your stomach get tight and tighter. You didn’t know how to handle this. So you did the only thing you know how to do. You turned to Jasper.
“Jasper s-stop it! Tell me this is all just a big cruel joke and you're not leaving, You're not leaving me.” You practically begged. Walking towards him you moved your hands up to touch him but he brushed you off. He pushed your hands away so swiftly and he stared you in your eyes. They were cold. No emotion was found. You tried your best to find something, anything. But there was nothing found.
“I don’t love you, I never did. I ask that you please refrain from touching me.” Jasper said sternly. Your heart dropped lower and lower with every word that fell from his mouth.
“Stop lying! I know for a fact that you're all in love with me. So much that your cold dead hearts beat for me!” You yelled out as you wiped the rain and tears from your eyes.
“We have no reason to lie. It wouldn’t bring any gain on our end to lie.” Edward said plainly as if this was all a fact.
“You were just a family pet. Why would we ever associate ourselves with a useless human as yourself? You can’t even control your own emotions. You forget to even feed yourself. What simple creature does that? You struggle to speak simple words, you can’t comprehend anything. And you cling onto us like we're a free ticket out of here. We’ve never loved you. We’ve never even wanted you.” Rosailse said, making the first tear drop down your cheek. You bit your bottom lip hard in attempts to prevent yourself from full on crying.
“Rose and I just thought why not join in on the family fun for once? We always kept to ourselves and now I understand why, you weren’t much fun to play with in the first place. We're done.” Emmett said and before you could say another thing they were gone. 
“W-wait!” You coughed out as a steady stream of tears ran down your face mixing with the rain. 
“I will say you spiced up me and Carlisle’s marriage a little bit. But you were never enough. Seeing how young you are, you should’ve known that you were never going to be more than just a temporary toy for us.”  Esme said, grabbing Carlisle's hand. Your eyes couldn’t help but shift down to her action. The simple action of touch pained your heart so much you couldn’t stop the sound of your cry coming out your mouth. 
“Forget about us. Move on. It will be best for you if you did so. You meant nothing to us. I’m sorry I let it go on this long.” Carlisle said, gripping onto Esme's hands. And just when you took a step towards them they were gone. 
“No no no-” You were cut off by a gasp of your own. You felt like you couldn’t breathe. It hurt. It hurt so bad. You felt like your soul had been shattered into a thousand grains of sand that would never be made into a beautiful beach again. You felt like you’ve just turned into a dry desert. 
“It hurts Jasper, it hurts.” You cried out. You were sure your eyes were bloodshot red right now. The mix of tears and rain was not a good combination.
“You should have never gotten attached. It took everything in me not to just drain you dry of your blood but I couldn’t. So I chose the next best thing. It wasn’t as good as it would’ve been if I had just killed you when we met.” Jasper said with his thick southern accent. Normally you would jump with joy or giggle when he talked to you but you felt worse than hurt right now. You didn’t think this could get any worse. But as he took one more look at you he frowned like you were just the most dissecting thing he's ever seen. 
“Pathetic.” And then he was gone. 
You turned to Edward and walked up to him. And in the few steps it took to get to him you felt the anger flood through your veins.
“Is this why you were acting like such a bitch? You knew?! Why didn’t you tell me? Why couldn’t you give me just that one effort of decency!? Why don’t you love me?!” You yelled at him as a strike of lightning struck you couldn’t even find yourself to get scared.
“You wouldn’t stop prying, why wouldn’t I give in and have a little fun? I told you I was a monster. You insisted on otherwise why wouldn’t I tell you a lesson? It seems that was the only way you could learn.” He said slowly tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. 
“Hopefully you’ve learned your lesson to not trust a vampire especially when they warn you that they are soulless.” And then he too was gone.
Staring in the spot they all stood previously you felt your breathing pick up. You couldn’t help yourself but to cry harder. The pain in your heart was something you knew would never go away. No one ever forgets their first love and somehow they all were your first. Though you were crying, all you felt was numbness. The freezing rain was nothing compared to what you were feeling inside. You dropped down and laid on the hard tar road. The sound of the rain pounding against the ground was a constant reminder of what just happened. 
You used to love rain. Now you think you hate it. It’s supposed to wash away all the bad and replace it with all the good it could possibly give. But what good could possibly come out of this? You don’t know how long you laid there all you knew was when you opened your eyes there Seth was. What was he doing here? Your vision was cloudy and everything sounded muffled. You were moving? Wait what was going on? You turned your head and squinted when you were faced by blue and red lights. 
You tried moving your arm and doing so you let out a scream of pain. What the hell happened? What happened? Oh my god! You thought. Wait, were these your thoughts? What's going on?
“What happened?!” Charlie yelled out rushing to Seth.
“W-we need a doctor, a hospital! She got hit by a car it- the car it crashed into a tree. I don't think the people in it are okay, I think she- they-.” Seth was cut off by Sam’s voice. Seth was panicking but he knew he had to come here first Sam said so.
“We found her! She was in the woods.” Sam said, walking up to Charlie.
“Is she okay?! Where is Carlisle? I need to call him.” Charlie said. He was overwhelmed and didn’t know who needed his attention more.
“Didn’t you hear? The Cullens, they're gone.” Billy said, rolling up to see what was happening.
“Call the police.” Charlie said.
“You’re the Sheriff sir. Please hurry up, she needs a doctor!” Seth said trying not to freak out but Charlie was doing the same except he was in shock.
“I- Put her in my car. I’ll take her.” He commanded. Seth followed his instructions.
The rain still fell and that was all you knew. The one thing that came to your head and the only thing that came to you was. 
What good would this bring?
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zapreportsblog · 7 months
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✭ PAIRING : Edward Cullen x Reader
✭ FANDOM : Twilight
✭ SUMMARY : When Edward proposed to Bella he expected her to accept after all they were mates? Right? Wrong! Bella rejected edwards proposal breaking his undead heart in the process, not being able to withstand the aftermath Edward leaves home; only to return 2 years later but this time he’s married?!
✭ AUTHORS NOTE : I already know there is a story on here called the same story with the same cover (on quotev at least) mines had been edited to a clearer form, (again on quotev) that was my old account, (marveluserlovesmarbel again on quotev was my old and very first account) one of my first actually. If I can remember the login information from it I’d log back in and post my stories from their over here but for now enjoy the remake of said story :)
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Tension filled the air as Bella confronted the newfound presence of (Y/n) in Edward's life. She blinked in disbelief, her voice quivering as she stammered, "My love? Since when did this happen?"
Edward, sensing the impending storm, attempted to walk away with (Y/n) and even gestured for her to go inside. But (Y/n) was resolute and didn't budge. She glared at Bella, her voice dripping with ice, as she asked, "Who are you?"
Bella retorted, her tone growing defensive, "I'm Edward's girlfriend, and who are you?"
(Y/n) didn't waste a moment, showing off her ring with a fiery glare. "I'm his wife."
Bella's eyes widened in shock at the revelation. The words hung heavily in the air, and she was momentarily at a loss for words. She looked to Edward for help, but he maintained a blank expression.
Sensing Bella's vulnerability, (Y/n) couldn't contain her anger any longer. She stepped forward, poking Bella's chest with each word, her voice seething with righteous fury. "You've got some nerve showing your face around here. You made your grave; now lay in it."
Without waiting for a response, (Y/n) turned away from Bella and walked over to her husband, Edward. She looked deep into his eyes, her love and passion evident, and then, she pulled him into a long, passionate kiss. It was a declaration of their bond and a clear message to Bella that she was no longer a part of Edward's life. Bella watched them with a mixture of jealousy and regret, realizing that she had lost Edward. But she wasn’t one to give up easily. With a huff she yanks over her car door looking back at the couple, “I’ll be back later Edward,” and with a slam of the door she pulls out of the Cullen’s drive way.
Emmett the ever so innocent “viewer” in all this snorts, “Women am I right?!”
Inside the house, (Y/n) had stormed in, seething with anger and frustration. She couldn't believe that Bella had shown up and disrupted the peace she and Edward had found together. She muttered to herself, unaware of the growing intensity of her emotions.
"How could that wench come here and think all would be fine and dandy?" (Y/n) ranted, her voice filled with exasperation.
Unbeknownst to her, the lights in the house began to flicker erratically. The others in the room exchanged puzzled glances, noticing the unusual phenomenon. Emmett, always one to comment on such things, blurted out, "Yo, what's up with the lights?"
Edward, realizing that it was (Y/n)'s powers reacting to her emotional turmoil, excused himself and made his way to where she was venting her frustrations. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and whispered soothing words, "Love, it's going to be okay. Please, try to calm down. Your powers are reacting to your emotions."
(Y/n) took a deep breath, her anger gradually subsiding as she focused on Edward's calming presence. The lights in the house gradually steadied, no longer flickering. She turned to him, her eyes filled with remorse for causing such a disturbance.
Edward reassured her, "It's alright, my love. We'll figure this out together. Bella is no longer a part of my life, and you are the one I choose to be with. I love you."
(Y/n) nodded, her anger giving way to a sense of relief and the warmth of Edward's love. They held each other close, finding solace in their bond, and slowly the tension in the house began to dissipate.
As Edward held (Y/n) close against his chest, her anger continued to simmer. She mumbled softly, her voice filled with frustration, "I just don't like it. How can she come back here thinking she would be welcomed with open arms? After hurting you? After unknowingly hurting your family?"
Edward kissed her forehead gently, trying to offer reassurance. "It's okay, my love. We'll work through this."
But (Y/n) couldn't contain her anger any longer. Her emotions surged, and as she shouted in frustration, a light bulb above them suddenly burst, scattering glass fragments on the floor.
Startled by the sudden noise, Alice, who had been observing the situation from the doorway, took a step back. She glanced at the shattered light bulb and then at the two of them, her eyes wide with surprise. With an uncertain smile, she said, "I'll just come back later," and quickly walked away, leaving Edward and (Y/n) alone to deal with the aftermath of this emotional exchange.
As (Y/n) pulled back from their embrace, her guilt about scaring Alice was evident in her eyes. She whispered, "Oh no, I scared Alice. I have to go apologize."
Edward gently placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her. "No, what you need to do is calm down, love. Alice will be fine. She's a vampire, remember?"
(Y/n) wasn't easily consoled. She replied, "That doesn't mean I didn't frighten her, supernatural being or not."
Edward couldn't help but chuckle, his laughter resonating in the room. "That's what I love about you, my dear."
(Y/n) playfully smacked his shoulder, her worry still evident. "This isn't a laughing matter, Edward. I used my powers unconsciously, and look, I even broke that poor, innocent light bulb."
Edward continued to chuckle, the sound of his laughter filling the room. "You're right, love, but it's just a light bulb. We can replace it. Besides, I’m sure Alice will understand.”
(Y/n) sighed, unable to resist a smile at her husband's laughter and reassurance. She realized that even in moments of turmoil, his presence had a way of calming her, and she felt grateful for the love they shared.
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dameare · 9 months
Personal Brand of Heater | Jacob Black x Fem!Reader (Oneshot)
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Word count: 1,899
Summary: The first time I had kissed Jacob was entirely an accident. That was how I wanted to think about it, at least.
Silly notes: So... it was 4am... and it was cold, so at the time writing this made a lot of sense. Plus I was lonely and destructively pining for the one and only, Jacob Black. *hands you this fic* Enjoy!
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The first time I had kissed Jacob was entirely an accident. That was how I wanted to think about it, at least.
Winter was just by the horizon, approaching with a certain quiet inevitability, and a blanket of darkness was beginning to unfurl itself across the landscape—and Forks, being the cold and sleepy town that it was, made the first hints of a wintry burden a lot more obvious.
So it was cold. And it was just that there was something about cuddling with Jacob in the middle of the night that did it for me. It made total sense: I was freezing, and Jacob was hot. Literally. Like my personal brand of heater. And maybe I also liked him a little bit. Or a little too much. Or maybe I was in-love. It was the only explanation, even though before what had happened I'd hardly given myself enough time to even name what I'd started to feel for Jake.
It sounded stupid at first, being in-love with Jake. There was no way. But the more I thought about it, the more convinced and horrified I became. That stupid fluttery feeling in my stomach whenever Jake looked at me. I'd thought about the way my chest sometimes felt like it was going to explode when he hugged me, or the way my stomach dropped and twisted at the thought of Jacob hugging a different woman that wasn’t me. God, I was in-love. Of course I was. But even that wasn’t reasonable enough to accidentally kiss him.
So when I had had the clever idea of hitting Jacob up to “hang out” at two in the morning and he didn’t reply, I'd assumed that would be the end of it, and that I would have to curl up in bed, alone and feverish from the chills the night brought.
But that wasn’t the case, and I had only realised this when Jacob was already launching himself through my second-story window and then into my room with a stealthy thud. The dumbass.
I looked at him, stunned. “Jake, what the hell?”
“Whew, I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Jacob said, a wide and pleasant grin of mockery spreading across his face—the one that made my stomach do the dumb flip thing. GAH. “I’m sure you don’t really mind.”
“I don’t,” I said automatically. I wasn't stunned at seeing him anymore, because he wasn’t wearing a shirt and I was stunned at something else instead. The pale moonlight sneaking in through my open window made his russet skin look richer. He looked ethereal. The dangerous kind of ethereal. “Do you ever get cold?” I asked dumbly, trying to shift my focus.
Jacob laughed. “Didn’t you already ask that before?”
“I did? Maybe I forgot.” And maybe I had also forgotten how to talk.
He opened his mouth, looking like he was about to crack a joke, but something made him change his expression. Instead, worry creased his forehead, and he inched closer to me.
He was huge, and he leaned over me, so huge that his shadow made my little room look darker. I was looking up at him, completely overwhelmed—my head was pounding and my chest was freaking out and the fever, which I had momentarily forgotten about ever since he came in, came hitting me again. I swayed unsteadily, legs going slightly limp. Jacob grabbed me easily by the waist. “Hey, hey. Is everything okay?” He whispered anxiously, slowly easing me towards the edge of the bed. “You’re shivering, why didn’t you tell me you were sick? Are you cold?”
I only managed to nod before my legs gave way, plopping into a weak heap on the bed.
His hand was really warm. “Jesus christ, you’re freezing. Don’t you have a heater somewhere?”
I shivered uselessly on the bed, delirious. He watched me for one long moment, hesitating. Then he snuck to my side and began settling down onto the bed, and before I could even begin to protest, his arms were already wrapped around me—one arm under my head and the other tightly snug around my waist. And then I wasn't protesting anymore.
I let my head rest against his bare chest. “You’re so warm,” I muttered, the words muffled out by his chest. The heat was so inviting, so comfortable that I didn’t want to pull away. Not that I could ever, even if I had the energy to. The warmth seeped into my skin, the icy grips of the night slowly melting away.
Jacob chuckled, pleased. “That better? Don’t move too much, alright. Save your energy for me. I’ll warm you up.”
“What about you?” I exhaled heavily. “You’re going to freeze.”
“Not really,” he promised. “Hey, say, why don’t you try sleeping? What’s kept you up this late?”
I thought for a second. "Hypothetically," I said, my mind gaining clarity. "If you weren't a werewolf anymore and you lived in the city, what's the first thing you'd do?"
I felt his chest stop at a chuckle, and then there was silence. When it dragged on for a moment too long, I tilted my head to look at his expression. He was staring into the distance, where I'd put up a bunch of city photos for my vision board. His eyes seemed to light up. "If I weren't a werewolf anymore," he mused. "I'd try out all the burgers in the city and check out what they sell in Walmart. I heard they sell weird stuff there... and then maybe I'd go shopping in one of those big malls... get a job... go to a university."
I snorted. "Wow okay, I understand the rest, but Walmart? Really?"
"Don't judge me," he met my eyes, suddenly defensive. He smiled playfully and pushed my hair out of my face. "Let's hear yours. If you decided to live in the city, away from... all of this. What would you do?"
There was hardly any need to think, because it was all I ever thought about during my first summer in Forks. And it was hardly even a summer, really, because it rained all the time and it was still cold even on the good days where the sun was slightly more visible. "I would live by myself in the city, in a small apartment. Like a normal person," I said, wincing at the last part, because all things considered, I thought the word *normal* just didn't exist in Forks anymore, and saying it felt like a major offense. He nodded, and I went on, "I would go to bookstores and those loud concerts... and then go for a late night drive after, you know? Just drive for hours without a destination. It kind of sounds nice. It's like surrendering all your worries for one night. I think that kind of freedom would make me feel lighter."
I watched his face. He laughed at first, saying, "Your answer makes mine look like child's play."
"I'd try out every burger with you, and go to every Walmart conceivable." I offered.
"You'd do that?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
He grinned. "Well, I'd carry your books for you, and I'd drive you across the city for as long as you want. Sounds fair?"
"So it's a promise." I smirked.
"Hah well, not that my being a werewolf can stop me from making you happy," he said. Then he tightened his grip just a bit and lifted me effortlessly, setting me on top of him. "Is this better?"
I hummed a yes, suddenly finding it very, very difficult to breathe. "You're... really warm," I sighed.
He smiled softly. It looked so much better up close, so much so that my stomach did that weird flippy thing again. "You said that earlier. Although," a sheen of mischief lit his eyes up, "if you want to feel warmer you could always just take your clothes off."
"Jacob," I warned, a smile threatening to break out of my face. "Shut up, will you?"
"Survival one-oh-one," he teased.
"Saying that isn't really a friends thing."
He raised one eyebrow, curious. "Oh so taking your clothes off is where you draw the line?"
"Like every sane person, ever, duh."
"Well, cuddling like this isn't really a friends thing either," he retorted.
My face flushed red. "What do you mean?"
"The way I hold you," he said quietly, with a sudden hint of seriousness to his voice. "Is this how friends are supposed to roll?" He asked, his face speculative.
I stayed quiet. I wasn't breathing again. It was the question, and maybe the way the gentle glow of the moon was casted upon his face. His eyes twinkled in the light, like pools of rich and velvety chocolate. He was sort of beautiful that I didn't want to breathe ever again. He stared right through me, watchful and interested. His eyelashes fluttered as he blinked, and our breaths mixed with how close our faces were. It was so warm and so right.
My gaze flickered from his eyes to his mouth, then back again. His mouth tugged up at one corner, as if he had the faintest idea of what I was thinking—and maybe, just maybe, he thought the same.
It was slow, but also quick in a weird way—not quick as in like something in the heat of the moment, but quick enough that I couldn't register what was happening, and slow enough for me to remember every single detail—slow enough for me to conclude that it really wasn't an accident.
His hand gently made its way to the small of my back. He rubbed gently, and I leaned in, our faces inching even closer; I could hear my heartbeat loud against my chest, so loud maybe he'd heard it too. But his eyes were fixed, mesmerised as I moved in. Our noses touched and he inched to the side, nudging forward with the tip of his chin; he glanced at my mouth, then flickered quickly back to my eyes.
There was a momentary pause where our faces both hovered, so close and mellow and sure, and I ached in anticipation. I stole one more glance at his mouth, and then I was sighing into the kiss, the aches and worries leaving my body. His lips were hot, and it scorched against mine, but god he was so gentle—like a gentle rush of air through leaves. The kiss stayed warm and slow, almost exploratory, but there was also a sliver of hunger shoved in between—like Jacob had been dying to do this for a while, and when he finally did he couldn't stop anymore. My lower lip caught delicately in his teeth, and he sucked on it; I allowed him, because I loved exploring his mouth just as much—in an almost obsessive manner. My tongue wandered, the pleasant taste of something woodsy settling into my mouth.
When we pulled apart, it was with soft gasps and fitful smiles and chuckles. He patted my head. "Was that also a friends thing?"
"Nothing about us is friendly," I finally admitted.
"So that means...?"
"I want to be your girlfriend, Jake."
His face stretched out into a huge grin. It was contagious. "Took you long enough, my little moon."
"Is that a yes?" I pinched him lightly.
He chuckled. "Do you want to go at it again for an answer?"
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Theif - Edward Cullen
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Edward knew that crows liked shiny things (or at least they do in this because in reality they’re scared of them) so it wasn’t much of a surprise when he noticed jewelry go missing and watches, having a half-crow boyfriend came with that. But what DID surprise him was the fact that his clothes had been going missing too. He didn’t really have proof you had taken it as you never thought about it around him- if you did take it that is. But, he did have a feeling it was you. Even more so when he saw you wearing one of his shirts, which you had said he gave it to you but he never had memory of that happening. After a month of this going on, and him having to keep getting new clothes, he confronted you. “Y/N, I know you’ve been stealing my clothes.” His hand rested on the railing of the stairs that led to your room, your room that you let no one in. Not even your sparkly boyfriend.
“No…” your voice trailed off and he smirked. He leaned down towards your face,
“I’m not mad. Just annoyed.” He looked up towards your room, “Can I see what you’ve done with them?”
“I don’t- I didn’t steal anything” you said again, although he could clearly hear your thoughts quickly switching from ‘don’t let him know’ to ‘wasn’t me.’ It was humorous as you feebly tried to hide your crime.
“Well, then you wouldn’t mind me checking your room?” He walked past you, and even though you tried to push him back, it didn’t work.
“It’s a mess in there- let me clean it first.” He didn’t even let you finish your sentence, pushing open your door that was already ajar. As he opened the door his eyes widened for a split second, you had turned his clothes into a nest of sorts.
“I- I told you it’s a mess.” He simply smiled, let out a laugh and walked away.
Later that night he found you curled up in the nest, one of his coats laid over you like a blanket as you slept. The cardinal (the bird) plush he gave you on your birthday beside you. All he could do was smile, shutting off the lights and quietly closing the door behind him. Sure, you were a thief, but you were his thief.
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graceloveswolves · 2 years
Hey!! I love your little series for Paul and while we wait for the next part, i wanted to request for Carlisle. Where his human girlfriend wants to have a baby before being turn, and yes she saw everything bella went through but she's sure she can make it and she trust carlisle to turn her in time. But of course at first he say no, and so they fight a lot about it.... Basically a lot of angst but with fluffy happy ending (with said baby being born)
Thank you so much! I’m still working on my Paul series so stay tuned. I might have to go binge Twilight now after writing this LMAO. And yes I agree on Carlisle’s view point. He’s very empathetic but stands strong with his boundaries. I did NOT name the baby because I wouldn’t know what to name it and I wouldn’t want you guys to hate it so… But nonetheless… enjoy this piece :) I so so so appreciate requests!
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Tap. Tap. Tap.
I sighed, setting down my pregnancy test onto my marble countertop.
It was useless anyways… being in a room full of vampires all the time, someone was bound to know if I was pregnant before I would anyway. I felt tears run down my face, but I wasn’t sure what kind of tears they were. Was it sad tears? Sadness from not achieving a desired outcome no matter how dangerous and deadly it could be? Was it relief? Relieved that I hadn’t needed to break the news to anyone, no anxiety or dire plans and conversations need to be made? Or hope? Hope that I had more time to figure out what I needed to do and properly take the steps to finally getting my eternal happiness.
Maybe it was all of those things… all the Cullen’s talked about vampires having heighten emotions, yet I was as human as it got and still felt all these emotions flooding me all the time, drowning me in confusion and chaos throughout the days. Sometimes I thought it was a curse, I’ve been cursed with the hope of having what Bella and Edward have. What they achieved to do, to have both a family and an eternity with each other. Eternal peace. Eternal happiness.
What if I didn’t get what they have… I have spent many hours assessing the possible outcomes of my actions. And Ive come to the conclusion that there were three possible outcomes.
First outcome….end up like Edward and Bella. Of course, enduring painful weeks growing my baby, and chancing a rather probable death that will be agonizing and traumatic for everyone. But ending up as a mother, with a beautiful baby of my own and husband. With an eternity to spend with them as they experience the ever changing world together.
Second outcome….end up like Rosalie and Emmett. Turned with the eternity of each other, however also an eternity of knowing I will never be able to experience being a mother. Never to experience building a true family with the love of my life, creating a perfect version of myself and my eternal partner. Like a shadow of despair forever haunting me.
Final outcome…. death. Whether having the baby and dying for good, with not being turned. Or whether I die from my body giving out during the pregnancy. Leaving Carlisle and his family with a hole in their heart, and leaving him with the guilt and pain of our consequences.
Although each outcome was morbidity terrifying in there own way, I just knew if I never tried to have a baby, if I just lived my life without knowing the possibilities I have given up, it would be worse then death. It would be worse not knowing what could have been, and what life I could’ve brought into the world.
However the hardest part wasn’t deciding what the outcomes of having a baby were, whether I was choosing life or death, whether I’d be putting my entire family in danger, hell… having the baby probably wouldn’t be the hardest part either.
It would be Carlisle’s support.
He was a very giving man, very generous and kind. But he had very strong morals, and it took a lot for him to even consider entertaining a relationship with me considering I was a human and he was a vampire. He thought that I deserved a normal happy human life, with another human, with human babies and human problems like mortgages and taxes. But like Bella, I was very stubborn and knew what I wanted.
But nonetheless, this would be a whole other level of fights and long conversations ending with tears and heartbreak. I knew he felt sorrowful not being able to give me human children, I mean I was with him before Edward and Bella even met. We saw them go through almost everything we went through as two different people.
Then Bella got pregnant…
I would never forget the day we all found out, the weeks of anxiety and anger that echoed off the walls of our house for what felt like years. The bruises and broken ribs Carlisle had to fix and the blood we had to ration during the tough times. But also, the joy and excitement Bella had. Even as she was looking death in the face and spending day after day in pain, she was never scared. She was so hopeful and sure that everything would work out.
And she was right.
Amazingly, everything worked out for her in the end. She got her beautiful Renesmee, and her husband right along with her. Sure we had to go through the fits of the Volturi, but in the end it all worked out.
This sparked conversations and arguments between Carlisle and myself, many days and nights where I slept alone, sometimes in tears. I had Rosalie’s support naturally, I knew where her heart lied and it wasn’t necessarily with my happiness, but I knew if I ever were to meet death, my baby would be in safe hands.
Then there was Bella herself, who I also had the support of. Considering she went through the situation herself, with barely any support or knowledge of what could happen. She had a few conversations and advice for me and agreed I should try if I was able to accept the possible consequences.
However, Carlisle and his sons had the same viewpoint as him. They didn’t see the need to risk Carlisle’s eternal happiness with me for a small chance of having a baby. Alice too, was iffy on the situation. She saw the future and saw many different outcomes, some even including my own death.
Anyways, I simply tossed the negative test in the trash without a second look. As I wiped my tears with the back of my hand, I walked out of my room that was in my own house separate from Carlisle’s house. I barely came here, it was tiny and already paid off. But it still came in handy when I was just having human days and needed privacy. Or time to just think and be human without my adopted children or boyfriend being concerned. I was thinking I was pregnant, so I took a few days to myself at my house with a pregnancy test just in case.
But humans get old, and in the back of my mind I knew that I was running out of time for children. And I knew that turning me was in the back of Carlisle’s mind. We talked about it, a lot. And he did agree to it, but the problem was that I wanted to try for a baby before that happened. He knew that, everyone else knew it, it was just something I didn’t want to let go. Of course he opted for me to have a baby with another human or a sperm donor, caring more about my health and safety then blood relation. I mean none of his children now are related to him blood wise so obviously it wasn’t a problem for him.
But he knew that wasn’t going to work for me. But I know he still hoped I would give it up and just make peace with it.
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
I felt my phone vibrating and dancing slightly on my dresser by my bed. I walked over to it and picked it up, already having a feeling of who it was.
“Hello?” I answered sweetly over the phone, which I was met with that familiar voice. “Y/n, I was missing your voice, I am guessing you are at your home. Is everything alright?” I heard Carlisle question gently. “Oh yeah, I was just taking out the trash and making sure this house is still standing.” I half joked, hoping to sway him into thinking everything really was alright.
“Well, Alice and I really miss you. I hope you plan on coming home eventually.” He teased, in which my heart dropped. “Yes of course, I’ll be there shortly. Just have to sort the mail and I’ll be done.” I lied, partly, he didn’t need to know I did that two days ago. “Okay. I love you Y/N, drive safe.” He replied, as I agreed and said the I love you too and goodbye before hanging up.
Well, Alice and I really miss you.
Shit. He knows. Carlisle was always the one for gentleness. That was his way of saying I know what you’re really doing at the house, without actually saying it. I mentally scold Alice, you would think a girl would have another girls back. But considering she doesn’t agree with me having Carlisle’s baby, and then having a vision of me taking a pregnancy test doesn’t really surprise me she would tell him.
Jokes on him though, the test was negative so whatever panic and worry he’s going through right now will shortly be ended when I get to the house. But this was too quick for Alice to have a vision just moments after I took the test. He must have been asking her to look out for me. Which granted, was sneaky, but seemed to have been a page he took out of Edward’s book. Apples and trees one would assume.
I sighed, taking my car keys out of the ignition and took a deep breath.
Keep the tears in. Don’t let it show. You have psychic children who can read your thoughts and emotions.
I somewhat laugh at that thought, knowing I couldn’t say it aloud thanks to their super hearing, I smiled to myself loving my dysfunctional family even when the odds aren’t in my favor and they turn against me for their adopted father.
Once I step inside I feel my heart rise, it was off. All the children are in the room, sitting down looking worried. I say children as if they aren’t old enough to be my ancestors, but still. Surely Alice didn’t tell the entire family what’s going on in my uterus. Which, as a matter of fact, wasn’t much of her business to begin with.
“Y/n dear, won’t you come with me.” My love, Carlisle greeted, opening his arm out in a gesturing way. All his children eyeing me quietly, they sat so still like stone statues. Something was definitely off.
“Is everything okay? You guys look spooked.” I questioned, looking at Edward and Bella, who were the only relaxed ones there. “Where’s Nessie?” I look to Bella. “She’s with Jake. They are doing some painting class on the Res today. They’ll be back later.” Bella smiled, looking towards Edward with that look she’s had ever since he brought her home.
“I think we should just get to the point.” Rosalie anxiously interrupted sharply, before fixing her posture and smiling softly to try and recover from her abrupt remark. “Rose.” Edward cut off, scolding a little at her, which she didn’t even bother to look back at him.
“Get to what point?” I softly asked, more worried that this was more then just one of Alice’s visions of me. Was he kicking me out? Did something happen with the Wolves? Well no, not if Nessie was on the Res. Certainly Edward wouldn’t let that stand.
“Well, is there perhaps anything you would like to share before we begin?” Carlisle questioned calmly, with a soft face, and gentle eyes, no accusing stares or anger from him. So I wasn’t in trouble, and it most likely was about the test I took this morning. But I didn’t think this involved a family meeting, but then again with their super hearing I suppose there wasn’t any point for privacy anyhow.
“I took a pregnancy test. But it was negative. I’m sorry if I scared you guys.” I half apologized, however had a bit of fire in my tone. It wasn’t something I was exactly proud to spit out in front of my boyfriends children which half of, consisted of males. But the faces in the room looked confused, and twisted with uncertainty.
Oops. Maybe this isn’t what that was about.
Well that’s embarrassing, but I seriously couldn’t have thought of anything else I could have done to be trialed against the family like this.
“But that’s not possible. I thought you said-“
“Rose.” Emmett cut her off, as they all looked to Alice and Carlisle.
“My visions are from the future, it could still be too early for a positive test.” Alice defensively stated, taking a closer step to me.
“Yeah but we don’t know if it would even show up. I didn’t take one when I was pregnant with Renesmee.” Bella said across from the couch next to Edward, who was staring at me, no doubt reading my mind.
“Is this possible?” Rosalie asked, a glint of hope in her eyes as she looked to Carlisle.
“I don’t sense a heartbeat”
“It takes 4 weeks for a heartbeat”
“Again. Future.”
“She truly didn’t know. She’s not lying about the test”
“What part of future do you not get?”
“We still got time if we caught it ea-“
“That’s NOT your choice.”
“Woah. Everyone. Please does anyone care to fill me in?” I exclaim, feeling overwhelmed by all the familiar voices talking at once. They all suddenly go dead silent, looking over at their adoptive dad for permission.
I looked over at Carlisle who looks pained, and worried. But he also manages to look calm and lovingly at me. “Y/n my love, this morning Alice had a vision. You were pregnant, and you decided to keep it.” He carefully chose his words.
“Pregnant?” I choked out, suddenly feeling very cold and nauseous. However, I also felt like I could do a thousand cartwheels of joy. Rosalie stepped up and was at my side in seconds, grasping my shoulder gently. “Here, sit down.” She guided me back down to where she was previously sitting.
“Pregnant?” I whispered to myself again, not really processing what was going on around me. “That we know of, you could not be pregnant right now. There’s one way to know for sure though.” Carlisle explained, referring to the ultrasound machine that still lied up in the room where Bella spent a lot of time in when she was pregnant.
“Do you want to go see your baby?” Rosalie smiled, excitedly rubbing up and down my arms gently. “Rose we don’t know yet.” Edward replied, a hand on Bella’s shoulder. “Oh I know she is, I can tell. She’s glowing.” Rosalie snapped back joyfully, still smiling at me with hope.
And soon enough, it was Carlisle and I, in the empty room, with dead silence as he set up the machine. Emmett had to practically pry Rosalie from the room, and she was undoubtedly near by the closed door outside the room, listening to every word.
“You don’t seem excited.” I carefully pressed, acknowledging his nervousness. “I could have just potentially killed the only woman I’ve ever loved.” Carlisle replied, but not in a harsh way with any malice tone towards me, but rather himself.
“There is still a chance I’ll be fine. Bella made it, and we have more knowledge now.” I tried to reassure. But he didn’t seem to pay much attention to my words. “Y/n, love, nothing is worth risking your life to me. Nothing.” He grabbed a bottle that resembled gel.
“This might be cold.”
I nodded, my shirt already lifted up, as I laid down on the chair. “I do hope, I could talk to you into looking towards alternative choices. If you are pregnant.” He spoke, as his eyes were glued to the screen as he pressed slightly on my stomach with the camera.
“I can’t believe you.” I angrily stated, looking at the gray and white screen, trying to soak up the moment and not let Carlisle dampen my hope. It didn’t help I didn’t really know what I was looking at, the only ever time I saw one of these was when Bella was pregnant. I looked up at Carlisle, hoping I could find some sort of answer on his face.
“Dammit.” I heard him whisper. Before lifting up the piece of plastic on my belly and setting it down, shutting his eyes. I felt happiness surge me, warming me up from head to toe.
I was going to be a mother.
“By the looks of it, you are about two-three weeks pregnant.” He quietly said, not making eye contact with me. His hands were holding the end of the machine in a deadly grip. I reached over and grabbed one of his hands, he instantly relaxed his hand and let me hold it. I looked up at him and smiled happily, waiting for him to look at me back.
“It’s okay. I know we can do this, we are going to have a baby. Your going to be a dad, after all these years.” I reminded him, suddenly realizing how Bella was so happy and optimistic. I was bringing a life into this world, I was going to give Carlisle a baby after centuries of him never thinking he would be a biological father.
“I know you are happy Y/n, but I don’t want you to have to go through what Bella did knowing that I did this to you. And we barely got to Bella in time, what if it doesn’t work? I would have killed you. I can’t bare living eternity knowing I did that to you.”
“You didn’t do anything Carlisle, I chose this. I know what I’m getting myself into, I was there with Bella. And this time we don’t have to worry about facing a war with the wolves or the Volturi. We don’t have to worry about getting blood, we can do this. I know you’re scared, but I’m not. I have never felt so happy and hopeful, I know it won’t be easy but look at Edward and Bella, they have a daughter, and we could have that too.”
He looks down at me, just staring at me with a sorrowful gaze. It was just silence between us for a few moments, it looked as if he wanted to say a million things, but then thought against it. He held onto my hand, then rested my own hand on my stomach before letting it go.
“I’m not going to tell you what to do with your own body. But I don’t support this decision y/n.” And with that, he walked out of the room. Leaving the door open, and leaving me in quiet thoughts by myself. I looked down at my stomach where my baby was growing, I smiled happily to myself,
My baby.
It felt so surreal and powerful, knowing I had Carlisle’s baby inside me, a vampires baby. I knew I should feel at least a little bit scared, knowing the bruising and broken bones that were about to come, but I couldn’t help but not fear it even a little bit. I fought so hard for this baby and I knew I could handle it, I had Bella and Rosalie, and that’s more support then Bella ever had when she was pregnant herself.
“Are you okay?”
I turned my head to the sweet voice that broke the silent room. It was Rose, her beautiful blonde hair appearing from the door. She had a smile on her face, and glowing eyes of joy. And behind her stood Bella, her tiny frame almost impossible to see behind Rosalie. I smiled, nodding to the two vampires, and gesturing them to come in.
“I guess it’s time to pick some names.” Bella responded, light heartedly trying to soften the mood. “I hope it’s another girl.” Rosalie said, resting a soft hand on my shoulder, glancing at the now turned off machine. “Carlisle will come around, he may not support your decision… but he will always support you. He loves you, we all have seen it.” Rosalie reassures, lifting me up slightly.
“Now, what would you like to eat?”
It wasn’t long before my stomach started to swell up. Bella was right, it was not a human pregnancy, it was a lot faster. I looked about 6 months pregnant, my belly was slightly bruised like Bella’s was, but I had been on blood supplements sooner then she had so it was much easier.
Rosalie and I were shopping almost everyday for baby clothes until I started getting really big. Then we opted for online shopping, and eventually Alice came around and started being more involved, claiming if the baby was going to be born then it was going to be born into fashion properly.
Jasper and Emmett were betting on the baby’s gender, Jasper and Edward thought it was a boy and Emmett was on team girl with Rosalie and Alice. They have all voted on names and clothes, like a regular normal family. Nessie was excited to get a aunt/uncle however, for her sake we just said cousin, no need for technicalities.
Then there was Carlisle, who like Rosalie said, did come around. He was always by my side, asking me a thousand questions and making sure I was comfortable, not too hot or cold, if I was hungry, if I was tired, if the baby was kicking, etc.
He was even dare I say it….excited. He told a few of his close friends about the baby and would go upstairs with me everyday to get ultrasound pictures of the baby and tape them in a photo album book he had. His hands would always be gently around my belly or on my hand, asking me how I felt and how the baby felt. Carlisle also had everything planned out and written down, he was very determined for everything to go smoothly and as easy as possible.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a broken rib here and there, and it did hurt. My stomach felt like it would burst at times, the bruised skin needed ice packs and heating pads at times. But it was a magical feeling, I knew I was doing something incredible and almost impossible.
And I knew I was getting close to the due date, we estimated it with the help of a Bella’s pregnancy even though her birth was an emergency. I wasn’t scared, or nervous. I knew that what was meant to be would be and that panicking would solve nothing or help anything. I did sense Carlisle’s nervousness though, and we had many conversations the closer it got to birth, he tried to stay strong and calm collected for my own sake, but there wasn’t a need. I had everything I wanted.
Alice had looked at my future numerous of times, and the closer the date came, the more visions she got of me living and surviving the birth, then being turned into a vampire. She of course, along with Edward, were the only two that knew the baby’s gender. I voted for it to be a surprise, and Carlisle agreed with it.
Rosalie and Alice had renovated one of the spare rooms into a nursery, using gray since it was a neutral color and there was no spoilers before I had the baby. They were both so excited, Rosalie especially. And Bella put together everything I would need for the baby, and prepped multiple bags and shelves with baby supplies and toddler stuff since my baby would not stay a baby for very long.
Emmett and Jasper even built a little play ground out in the back of the woods for Renesmee and my baby, which certainly made Nessie happy. And Edward would come by and sit with me, telling me what if felt like to read by baby’s mind. Reminiscing when it was Bella and his baby and what it was like to read his baby’s thoughts.
Everything was perfect, it couldn’t have been better.
Today was the day. I was going to give birth to my miracle baby, Carlisle had did the measurements and all the tests and scans and the baby was ready to come out. And fingers crossed, that it would go a lot more smoothly then Bella’s birth.
Everyone was nervous and jittery, Jasper had me questioning if he was using his mojo on me or Carlisle, probably both. But everything was set and most the family was sitting in the room with us. It was very quite and very calm, they all gave reassuring looks and feedback during the set up of the room. Carlisle was just done setting everything up then quietly looked my way.
“Are you okay?” He stated,
“If this-“
“When” I cut my lover off, looking up at him and holding his hand confidently before finishing.
“When this works out, yes, I know this is my last moment as a human. You will use the morphine, and anesthesia to put me out and then perform the C section, then turn me once the baby is out. It’s fine, you’ve told me a million of times. I’m ready.”
He looked down lovingly at me and gently rested his hand on my abnormally swollen belly. Taking in the last few moments with his human girlfriend before our baby was brought into the world.
“Are you ready?” I questioned, raising my eyebrows playfully. He smiled, before stroking my head with his icy cold hand. “Ready as I can be.” I heard his voice as he walked behind me to the machines.
I looked up at Rosalie and Bella, who were in the chairs next to me, while Alice and Edward stood behind me with Carlisle. They all looked very intense and stiff. “Alright guys. I guess I’ll see you on the other side. Take lots of pictures of my baby, Rose, make sure you share.” I joked, getting a few laughs out of my soon-to-be vampire family. Hoping to lighten the mood before I get put out.
I felt Carlisle’s hand on my shoulder, slowly guiding me to lay down on the table I was sat on. I looked up at the white ceiling, taking in the last few seconds of my humanity. I rose my hands and lifted my chin to take one last look of my pregnant belly, and felt Carlisle inject a cold fluid in my IV.
I turned my head to the side to look at him, he had one hand out, which was holding my closest hand. I didn’t even notice when he went to grab it. Then he took one last look at me, and whispered something. I couldn’t seem to catch what it was, already feeling the effects of the anesthesia.
I laid my head back on the table and noticed the ceiling getting darker, and darker. I also felt the sleepy euphoria take over my body. Then I closed my eyes and was met with darkness, my last thought of a face that I knew all too well.
“I love you Carlisle.” I managed to get out before the darkness consumed me.
I woke up, suddenly conscious. However, it was odd. I didn’t feel groggy, or stiff. I felt alive, fresh, if you will. I felt as if I could hear every speck of dust fall inside the room I was in.
I looked around, it was a room I was unfamiliar with. It was a room with four pastel blue walls decorated with shelves full of wooden animals and plastic toys. Besides me was an old fashion white crib, with distrusted blue blankets. I was lying on a bed that looked as if was brand new, with freshly new sheets that smelt of soap and linen. Then I heard a swift sound of someone entering the room.
“Y/n. You’re awake.”
I looked up at my love, Carlisle, who had a biggest smile on his face and looked as if he would start crying. I studied him harder, I could see every piece of blonde hair on his head and every crease in his clothes. “Wow.” Was all I mustered out, soaking up the newly senses of being a vampire.
He chuckled, taking a step towards me and extending his hand. I looked down at it and could smell something, it was a mix of daisies and soap. I could also sense the warmth from it. “You have been holding the baby.” I almost cried out, looking around the room once more. Which was obviously the nursery, covered in blue.
“I’m gonna take a wild guess and say it’s a boy.” I finished, motioning quite fast around room. In which he laughed again, nodding as he took his hand in line. “How did you know.” He said before He wrapped me into a hug, in which I succeeded in not crushing him in half, which was something Bella managed to remind me about before I went under.
“I want to see him. Please.”
Carlisle looked down at me and then motioned something in the room beside us. I didn’t seem to notice it before, but now that I did I felt like a fire had arisen up my throat. I felt like tearing it to pieces and getting inside of it. It was a fridge, and I didn’t need to open it to know it was full of blood.
“Ladies first.” I heard him say, as milliseconds went by and almost ripped the door straight off the hinges and tore into a bag. It tasted amazing, to say at the least but I could tell it was animal blood. Which was good enough for me, the sooner I finished this bag the sooner I could hold my son for the first time.
“I figured you’d want to see the baby as soon as you could.” Carlisle said, gently closing the fridge behind me, motioning towards the fridge. “But after you do, we can go out and hunt down some fresh blood.” He continued, as he started leading me out the door. “How is he?” I asked, referring to my baby, looking around the halls that seemed totally different then before. I could see every speckle on the wall and hear every creak underneath our feet that I never heard before. “Great, it’s only been two days. Rosalie is soaking up his attention right now.”
We walked downstairs into the living room where I saw all my family sitting around a tiny wrapped up figure in Rosalie’s arms. They all looked at me and a few smiled while Emmett greeted me. “Hey y/n, good news, definitely not the milk man’s baby.” While Bella punched his side playfully. A few laughs came out from Jasper and Edward.
“Oh good, had me worried there for a minute. It’s not like it was an abnormal pregnancy.” I joked back, making my way towards the blue ball of blanket. Rosalie looked up to me and then lifted the baby towards me, laying him gently in my arms. I was taken aback in shock. The baby was quite literally a spitting image of Carlisle, from his hair to his cheek bones, I didn’t see a hint of my genes in him.
“Wow. Talk about Carlisle.” I concurred, cradling my baby in my arms. He was perfect, he had his tiny little eyes closed, with his beautiful little puffy cheeks, and his bleach blonde hair that was more like fuzz then anything. I could feel his warmth seep into my arms and chest, he definitely had human in him. But that’s about the only thing he seemed to get from me.
I looked up at Carlisle who was watching me and our baby. “I told you I could do it.” I teased, taking my eyes back onto my baby. Who just started to open his eyes. He cooed, reaching up towards me with a faint smile. I looked down giggling a bit, rocking him.
“Why hello love, welcome to the world.”
And in that moment, I knew I had everything I could ever have.
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akariamai · 2 months
Romeo & Juliet [Part 2]
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Pairing: Jacob Black x OC!Swan
Word Count: 1616
Part 1 Part 3, Part 4
Author's Note I changed a few things to better fit the story. Jacob will be a year younger than Bella. Bella's friends are semi-different than how they are portrayed in the books/movies. Sam and Leah were never in a relationship. Imprinting on children is not a thing. Hope you enjoy the story and sorry it took so long to write the second part of this.
Sloan and her sister used to be best friends. They were two peas in a pod, but ever since the move to Forks, her strange fascination with the Cullen boy, and the start of her relationship with Edward, their relationship has dwindled.
Bella became more distant and secretive. Sloan understood that a relationship meant change and less time for the two of them, but she didn’t think the relationship would take priority over everything. Bella was in love, that was certain, but she left no time for friends or family. Edward was her world. There was no place for anyone else. Not their dad, their mother, Sloan, or even herself.
Sloan did miss the relationship they used to have. Tranquil car rides to school, mindless arguments over their favorite classic literature, and the late-night talks they used to have. Sloan never realized how meaningful those things used to be until they were gone. It all went away as soon as Edward came into their lives.
Their eighteenth birthday came and went, and Bella was more frantic than ever. The reason? Sloan had no clue. Sloan didn’t know much about Bella these days. She does know Bella was quiet after her birthday party at the Cullen’s house. Something happened, and whatever it was rocked Bella. The days that followed were marked by an absence of the Cullen family, and it barely went unnoticed by everyone except Bella. Bella felt lost without them, but most importantly Edward. Unfortunately for Sloan and her father, they would both come to realize the extent of Bella’s dependence of the Cullens.
Sloan tried to be empathetic towards her sister. She had never been through a breakup herself, but normal heartache does not leave a person lifeless and empty. She had imagined how their first heartbreak would entail, watching sappy romance movies and eating ridiculous amounts of ice cream, it was nothing like this. She had never imagined a boy would leave her sister like a lifeless doll.
Bella would mindlessly stare out her window, day in and day out, as if waiting for Edward to save her from her isolation. It was a lost cause, however, as he and his family moved away and Bella was left with the memories of what once was.
Every night in the Swan’s residence is plagued with the screams of her sister. A good night’s rest was a luxury now and both Sloan and her father felt the effects of the lack of sleep.
“Bella.” Sloan began as she found her sister in the same place as when she left her. “Do you want to go hang out with our friends? We’re going to La Push again. They miss you.” Bella had completely shut down after the breakup. She resembled a lifeless doll waiting for a child to find it and play with it. She spent her days waiting for Edward to come back.
“I miss him.” Her voice was barely a croak. Her lips bleeding slightly as she had not drank the water Sloan had left on her desk.
Sloan sighed. Edward was not worth this. “This isn’t normal, Bella. You need help.” She’ll need to bring up therapy to her father. Bella couldn’t keep living this this. Maybe a change a scenery would be helpful as well.
“I need him.”
“No you don’t.” Bella liked to believe in soulmates. It was a frequent topic of arguments between the two. She believes there is one person for everyone and finding that person is magical and sacred. Sloan should’ve known that Bella would’ve considered Edward as hers.
Sloan didn’t believe in soulmates. The idea that out of thousands of people there is only one that is just right. That seems implausible. “Are you sure you don’t want to go?” Bella stayed silent. Sloan walked out of Bella’s room silently, closing the door on her way out.
“How’s Bella?” Mike asked as they unloaded the cooler filled with refreshments. Eric and Jessica went ahead and found a respectable spot, while Angela went to snap a few pictures of the ocean waves.
“Not good.” Sloan mentions. “I don’t think staying in Forks is helping either. Maybe there’s too many memories of him.”
“He really messed her up, didn’t he?” Mike has never seen anyone take a breakup as hard as Bella. He had seen tears split over the loss of a relationship or an occasional screaming match between old lovers, but never something like that.
It made him reevaluate the relationship between Bella and Edward. They were too attached. Too obsessed with each other.
He remembered a conversation he’d had with Bella when her newfound relationship became public. He warned her about the way Edward watched her, as if he were a lion eyeing his prey. It may have come off as disdain. He had liked Bella before Edward dug his claws into her, and maybe the disdain part was true to some extent, but Bella had to know the way Edward stalked her when she wasn’t looking. If only he had voiced his observations more.
Sloan nodded. She really needed to have a conversation with her father. Bella needs help that they are not qualified to give. Mike and Sloan went silent as they carried the cooler to the beach. Jessica and Eric had placed the inflatable pools in a half circle. All three of the inflatable pools were heart-shaped. Angela thought it would be a better idea than bringing a beach blanket.
They watched the waves crash onto the beach as they spoke about their aspirations for the future. High school was coming to an end. Much faster than any of them had anticipated. There was a whole world outside of their small town. Were they ready? Were they prepared? They had no clue, but they’ll take it one step at a time.
The group of friends didn’t see the sulking boy wander closer towards them. The conversation ended abruptly as a familiar name was called out: “Sloan?”
They all turned to the boy. “Jacob?” Sloan hadn’t spoken to Jacob since he and his father came to watch the game with her dad. They were both busy with friends and school. They hadn’t found time for each other. “Are you okay?”
“Not really.” He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his shorts.
“Do you want to join?” Sloan offered, “We were just about to crack open a few soda cans and talk about our deepest, darkest secrets.”
The others laughed, and even Jacob cracked a smile. “I don’t want to impose.”
“Not imposing if you’re invited.” Mike chimed in.
“Come on.” Sloan motioned for Jacob to join her. “We brought extra, and it would be rude if you didn’t help us finish our snacks.”
Jacob joined her awkwardly, snacking on the chocolate-covered strawberry Sloan offered him.
“We were just talking about summer plans. Do you have anything planned yet?” Summer was months away, and their graduation was on the horizon. They wanted to do something memorable and fun.
“Not yet.” He admitted. He would probably do the same things as always. Hang out with Embry and Quil, and take care of his father.
“We were thinking about planning a road trip after graduation.” Angela said, “Would you like to join? We wouldn’t want Sloan to be the fifth wheel.”
Jacob was taken aback by the invitation. They didn’t know him on a personal level, and yet they were so kind to him. It might’ve had something to do with him being friends with Sloan.
“Yeah, you should come, man.” Eric said.
“It’ll be fun.” Jessica replied.
Jacob didn’t know what to say. “I don’t know. Maybe?” He needed time to think.
“When we come up with a game plan, we’ll let you know, and then you can decide.” Sloan placed her hand on his shoulder. “There’s no rush.”
Jacob nodded before the conversation shifted once again. Sloan’s friends were nice. They made him feel welcomed. They included him in their conversations, even when he had little to say.
As the day turned to night, the group of friends plus one started packing their things. “See you at school, Sloan.” Jessica waved goodbye as she entered Mike’s car. “It was nice meeting you, Jacob.”
Jacob nodded. “You too.”
“Let me know when you make it back home, Sloan.” Mike said.
“I will.” She replied as she and Jacob entered her car. They watched as her friends drove off.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She interjected.
Jacob began, “I have this friend—well, I had a friend—Sam, and he disappeared for a while. He didn’t tell anyone where he was going. He didn’t call anyone to tell us if he was okay. He came back today, and it was like he was a complete stranger. I could barely recognize him.”
“We’ve known each other all our lives, and he changed so suddenly. He said it would be best if we weren’t friends anymore. That it was 'safer' for me to stay away. What does that mean? Is he in trouble? I want to be there for him. Why doesn’t he want me to be there for him?”
“Jacob,” Sloan said, reaching for his hand and gently rubbing it. “Sometimes people want to get through their problems alone. It has nothing to do with you, but more with him. Maybe he feels like a burden and doesn’t want to pile his problems on you. Maybe he needs to take some time for himself—find himself. Maybe one day he’ll explain everything once the dust settles.”
“I just want to be there for my friend.” He says, “I never thought we would go on without each other.”
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theblackhate · 3 months
TheBlackHate - Materialist
۵harry Potter
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angelsworks · 1 year
Edward Cullen x Music lover! Reader
You and Edward have colliding tastes of music
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You didn’t think you’d meet someone as enthusiastic about music as you. Music was your life. It was around you growing up, it was around you while you drove, while you did homework, even while you showered. There was not a moment you could remember that wasn’t involving some form of music.
It was part of what drew Edward to you. From the way music would flow from your headphones, to your very being.
Songs you’d heard heard years ago to songs you’d heard that morning would buzz around your head in one long playlist. It was like Edwards own personal radio.
Granted the music taste was very different to his own.
Where he preferred instruments like violin, cello, piano or the occasional bit of brass, you preferred everything other.
Classical music didn’t make you feel as much as something fast and loud, something that made you want to move, not sleep.
Eventually when you start talking more he’ll bring it up, his own favourites to listen to. While you do politely agree, inside your head he can hear you thinking his taste does not match your own.
It won’t ever be something you fall out about of course. You have your tastes and he has his. That doesn’t mean the other won’t secretly try and convert them.
Edward will fill his car with classical music and invite you on a long car drive, or offer to pick you up. Successfully trapping you with him for an unfortunate amount of time.
You might hand him a headphone from time to time, complimenting a certain moment in the song your listening to.
He gives it a try. Over his long life he’s come across such music before.
As you get closer he’ll dust off old CDs that correspond to your taste of music and put them to the front of his pile.
He’ll invite you to his house to show you his sound system, while strategically placing said CDs in eyeshot.
You might bring it up, to which he’ll try to be as casual as possible. Suggesting after all your pestering he decided to try them.
The smile that grows on your face as you dive into a history of the band and your favourite from them, is worth every minute he spent listening to the albums beforehand.
Of course his family teases him for it. Their super hearing can definitely hear him humming along to your favourite songs, trying to memorise them.
If you two ever do end up arguing or being not on speaking terms, you can be sure damaging his radio is involved. Whether it’s putting your favourites in his car and hiding the rest, or putting an album you know he hates is then supergluing the slot closed.
The idea totally did not come from Emmet. And his keys didn’t come from Alice.
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ephemeralfuture · 2 months
The Grocery Store
The grocery store is… noisy even though it’s empty. The chattering of the managers two aisles over, the sound of Seth racing like an eight year old up and down the aisles. Seth practically blurs past him and when he’s back he’s dumping a six pack of Bang Energy into his basket, crushing the bread. 
Seth, the fucking speedster, is just about to race off again, but Jacob is faster, yanking him from his hoodie. 
“Put this back.” Jacob says sharply, pulling out the six pack. 
“C’mon!” Seth’s voice has a whining edge to it, “I was planning on playing Fortnite with my friends tonight! It’s a Friday!” 
Jacob sighs, usually he wouldn’t acquiesce, but the overhead light is buzzing and the sound is drilling into his skull like it was the United States and his brain was oil.  
“Seth. Work with me here, it’s a no.” 
“I even have money!” 
Jacob blinks, furrows his brow, “What money?” 
“It’s the, uh, 20 dollars you said you owed me when you forgot it was my birthday!” 
He did not forget. He very much did not forget. 
Seth must have taken Jacob’s dazed silence as a resolute no. 
“Okay then well uh– Dad owes me money!” 
Jacob sighs through his nose, when he inhales the air is cloying and sticky–too much. He pinches his brow. He hates that Seth can see his technique working. 
“Will it get you to shut up?” Jacob grumbles. 
Seth is giving him the biggest sparkling puppy-dog eyes, like he didn’t just crush Jacob’s bread. 
There’s a beat of silence, “Fine. But go get a cart first.” 
Seth hisses his cheer like Jacob didn’t hear him– and usually Jacob wouldn’t, but he seems to hear everything. He replaces the crushed bread with a better looking loaf, scans the rest of the aisle for jam and peanut butter. 
Jacob feels someone practically glide next to him, glide close, cold like they stepped out of a cryo chamber. They smell familiar– they smell nice, they’re too close. Jacob backs up, every sense in him honing on the figure. 
“Here, you wanted jam.” His voice cuts through the dissonant symphony of his senses, and Jacob is blinking blankly at him. 
“Jam.” It’s a young man. He looks shockingly familiar, “Peanut butter too, right?” 
“Right…” Jacob says, “was I… was I speaking aloud?” 
His eyes are golden, last time Jacob checked his eyes were jet black.   
“Hm…” The young man says thoughtfully, “Not currently, no.” 
Right, because this one could read minds. His voice hooks on a memory, far far off in his mind. 
“Edward Cullen.” Jacob says aloud, and Edward nods his head like he’s doing a curtsy, his mouth making a little smirk. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” Jacob says, recoiling, he’s tempted to slap the jar out of Edward’s hand. 
“Grocery shopping, like you.” 
“Bloodsuckers don’t eat.” Jacob says. Edward’s sudden presence ticked the switch of ire in him. Last time Jacob saw him, Edward was covered in blood, wiping his mouth, licking his lips. 
Edward makes a face, rolls his eyes, “Common misconception. We don’t need to. Doesn’t make eating less pleasurable.” 
“I assure you, Mr. Black– it is not.” 
“Don’t fucking do that.” Jacob says. When Jacob gets a proper look at Edward, he’s taller, all marble cut with those familiar golden eyes and the copper quiff of hair. He looks the same as when Jacob saw him last, but different– worldly. Or at least better dressed. 
He smells nice. He looks nice. Fuck. That can’t be normal. 
“I can assure you.” Edward says, voice languid, almost teasing, “That it is. It’s called attraction.” 
“Fuck off.” Jacob says. It would be a bad idea to start a fight here, especially since he can’t take on Vampires alone and Seth is with him– 
“Relax.” Edward smells like vanilla perfume and musk, it rolls off him in waves. “You and your brother are safe.” 
“How many?” Jacob demands through grit teeth. 
“None– well, one.” Edward says, and he has the audacity to act sheepish, “Me.” 
“Stop. Stop doing that.” Jacob says again, he shakes his head, swallowing, “You reek.” 
“No good to lie to anybody.” Edward says, “Least of all to yourself.” 
“Oh.” Jacob scoffs, “Like how you convince this whole town that you’re human?” 
“Now Mr. Black. There’s that statement about stones… and glass houses…” 
“Oh fuck. Off!” Jacob takes a step back, Edward takes a step forward. Fuck no, safe his ass! 
“You’re too keyed up Mr. Black.” Edward says, “I already said you and your brother are safe.” 
Jacob takes a deep breath, his head is spinning and the store is too fucking loud and Edward smells so good; a maw of feral hunger opens in his stomach. 
Edward is taking two more steps forward, tilting his head to look at Jacob more intensely. He’s close, way too close and he’s cool enough for the temperature change to release the pressure gauge in his head. Jacob realizes that he’s breathing shallowly, biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself from leaping at Edward– to fight? Nope. The feeling is too incongruent. 
“It’s inconvenient.” Edward’s so close and his voice is low and soft, “I assure you, it’s inconvenient for me too.” 
What? He can smell that? Is it like catnip for girls? Catnip for gays? 
“Hm.” Edward says shortly, he steps back turning his head, when Jacob looks in the same direction, he sees Seth, two Bang Energy six packs, a family sized bag of Doritos Cool Ranch, and– much to Jake’s unexplained relief–two ribeye steaks. Seth’s eyes go huge and round at the sight of them when he takes a deep breath. 
Say nothing, Seth, he begs internally, please say nothing. Luckily, it’s as if Seth follows his directions because Seth nods when their eyes meet. 
“Pleased to make your acquaintance.” Edward says and he nods at Seth, who looks like he’s trying not to rear back and growl like a dog. Edward places the jar he was holding into the shopping cart and soon he’s out of sight. 
Seth stares at Jacob, turns to look back in the direction Edward went, looks back at his brother. 
“Is he your boyfriend?” 
“Huh?!” Jacob’s eyes go wide, then his face grows hot, “What–? No!” 
Seth looks unconvinced, “Are you sure?” 
“Seth!” Jacob hisses, “How would I not be sure if I had a boyfriend?!” 
Seth gives him a level look, with a glint in his eye that makes Jacob apprehensive. 
“You didn’t kill him on the spot.” Seth says, suspiciously, “And he’s a bloodsucker, like you said. You know him.” 
“We’re in a grocery store!” 
“Practically empty!” Seth counters,  “no one would really see, are you going after him?” 
Not a bad idea! 
“No…” Jacob says. 
“Then I’m telling.” Seth says. Jacob tries to give him a hard stare, but Seth makes a face like he’s already won. 
“How much?” Jacob asks, and he’s reaching into his pocket. 
“Fifty.” Seth says smugly. 
“Make that 100.” 
“That’s not how this works!” Jacob protests. 
“100 and a PS4.” Seth says. 
“PS4.” Jacob says without thinking, and his head snaps up to take it back but Seth is already interrupting him before he can speak. 
“And you buy me Bang Energy!” Seth says gleefully. Jacob gives him a withering glare. 
“You take one bang energy and that’s fuc-dging it.” Jacob yanks the second six pack out of the cart and places it haphazardly in the aisle where it didn’t belong. 
This is a section of a bigger slow burn Twilight Jakeward fanfic where me and my body double collaborator who's roommate write a Gay Twilight Fanfic as a joke. Double Sike! It turned semi-serious and now is an actual work in progress fanfic with nearly 30,000 words and three months of time sunk.
Read it here! https://archiveofourown.org/works/55266253/chapters/140190751
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Entangled sombres🎭🧛‍♀️
Edward x fem reader
Synopsis: Twas the night of the Venetian carnival at the palace of Versialles, y/n's encounter with the infamous Edward Cullen leads to a strange phenomenon of events.
Warning: none
A/n: If possible, please feel free to comment and reblog as it always helps me as a writer to improve and get inspired.
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The annual Venetian masquerade ball at the Palace of Versailles was a grand affair attended by both ladies and gentlemen. The halls and gardens echoed with the sounds of laughter and lively conversation. The ladies wore exquisite robe a la Francaises and elegant robe a l’anglaises, made of fine silks in floral, royal, and regal colours. Men wore rich, extravagant, full-skirted knee-length coats adorned with frills and buckled shoes. Elaborate wigs adorned their heads, styled in a variety of fashions. The gentlemen sported cavalier-style powdered wigs with lovelocks decorated with ribbons and bows, while some opted for simpler styles with a single ribbon tied at the back. The ladies' hair was styled in various ways, including la pouffes, beignets, coiffures, and chenilles. They wore extravagant and prodigious Venetian masks adorned with feathers and ribbons. The identity of who one was was a mystery among the crowd. The Venetian masquerade’s purpose was for one to indulge themselves in desire and greed without exposure. Within the group, masses gathered to dance and participate in alcohol. Amidst the jovial laughter of the gathering, a lone figure stood in the corner, garbed in a full-skirted coat of sombre black. Though his attire was not as finely crafted as his male counterparts, he maintained a stoic composure, observing the scene with a quiet intensity. He wore a simple, laced Venetian mask that only partially covered his eyes. The man's eyes, visible through his mask, were an unusual golden colour instead of the typical hue.
Staring at the crowd of drunken, jovial attendants, he heard their voices, their thoughts.
“I shall have a rendezvous evening with that mistress.”
“Such a fetching gent”.
The ominous man took off without a word; he couldn’t stand the whole façade of the alluring illusion of wicked cravings and sinful desires surrounding him. He trailed up the stairs, his hand touching the rail decorated in gold. With each step he took, his mind felt more at ease as the crowd’s thoughts had finally ceased. Peace at last. He stopped at the foot of a marble golden-coated rococo door painted with cherubs. Curiously, he placed his ear to the door, wondering if anyone was inside. With no answer, he entered—unassuming to the lady he was greeted with. The room was covered in paintings and finely rich furniture. In the middle of the room was a platter of Turkish delights and cakes with chocolate. His eyes were met with a young lady lying on the couch, holding a hand fan holding it to her plump lips. She drew the hand fan to her lips, curious at the gent who intruded on her. The attire she donned was a graceful sack-back gown adorned with a delightful blue floral pattern. To complete the ensemble, she wore a petticoat waistcoat, adding a touch of elegance to her overall appearance. Her hair was done in a bun style, with a single curled lock touching her shoulder. A Colombina mask in the design of a swan adorned with ribbons covered her face.
The man who barged in by mistake shook his head in embarrassment. “I’m sorry—forgive me, I’m new here. Are you here for the Venetian carnival?”.
The young woman lowered her fan so the dorsal point touched the upper tip of her lips. “Y/n, Tis y/n.” She smiled in a flirtatious manner.
“Since you—oh so—unkindly barged into my accommodation, you must pry me on your name and business,” Y/n spoke with pursed lips.
“Edward, Edward Cullen." He spoke politely but with a hint of humility.
“Edward, you’re quite an unusual gent.” She sat up while lifting her legs in the air, revealing her silk stockings and patterned heels. “For I’m doting upon your eyes of unusual colour, quite a golden hue”.
 Y/n’s compliment took Edward aback. He didn’t smile at her gracious words but kept his cold gaze. “No, don't ever consider me stunning; I’m not the kind of guy you should be…going for”.
“You don’t know a thing about me; I’m not a good person, y/n.” Edward’s voice showed a genuine tone of guilt.
“If the world were full of good, then we wouldn’t have things such as this,” Y/n mischievously smiled.
Edward felt reassured, but the young woman didn't understand. He harboured a dark secret. He wasn’t like the rest surrounding the streets going about their daily lives. His family had lived differently; they only went out on rainy or dark days. The Cullen family was notorious, with rumours circulating in courts and towns in France and England. It was said that the Cullens hailed from a small plot of land in Forks purchased by their patriarch, Carlisle Cullen. Lord Carlisle's origins are little known, but he may have come from Italy. He married a woman who was known for her beauty, Lady Esme Cullen.
The pair had decided to adopt only, not children, teenagers. At the tender age of eighteen, the first was a daughter with a remarkable beauty that charmed suitors from distant lands. Her grace and elegance were unparalleled, and many hopefuls sought her hand in marriage. Despite the numerous proposals, she steadfastly refused them, holding out for a love that would surpass all others. Legend has it that her hair was as radiant as the golden hue of honey, and her complexion was as pure and fair as freshly fallen snow. Her eyes, which shone with an unusual and alluring golden tint, made her even more captivating. Not long before, she discovered love with a man who hailed from a noble family in Gatlinburg, Tennessee; the two of them grew inseparable, and eventually, she took on her spouse's family name, Cullen. Her husband, Emmett, was a strapping and dashing young man who was just twenty-two years old. He was known for prowess in clandestine fighting circles, where he always emerged victorious.
The couple's second adopted daughter, Alice Cullen, was a young adult of nineteen years who was renowned for her peculiar persona. With her vast, feline-like gaze and ever-changing, avant-garde hairstyles, she exuded a certain enigmatic allure that captivated those around her. Her fashion sense was equally impressive, as she effortlessly donned the most fashionable attire. Regrettably, some individuals perceived her as odd and wrongly accused her of dabbling in witchcraft and sorcery. However, Alice's abilities were exceptional, as she possessed the gift of foresight, enabling her to predict one's future accurately. She wedded a naval officer named Jasper Hale, who was in the front. Those who met him personally aren’t fond of him; he was a relatively quiet young man who spoke only when needed. He had blond hair tied back with a delicate silk ribbon, whilst his skin was similar to Rosalie's. According to the accounts of those who knew him, Jasper was reputed to be a man of high moral principles and integrity in his earlier years. He was known to have had a relatively brief romantic relationship with Maria before his involvement with Alice. However, rumours at the time suggested that Maria was somewhat dubious and may have been involved in certain occult practices or dark magic. Given Jasper's eventual transformation, there was speculation about the potential implications of his change in character. When around Alice, his old self would come to light. They attended many galas and balls, waltzing in the moonlight instead of entering the building.
Then, the final child was Edward Cullen, a seventeen-year-old gent who was distant and cold. He never formed relationships or friendships with anyone who wasn’t his family. Many ladies fancied Edward but were intimidated by his mysterious demeanour. He never stepped outside in the sunlight; many theorised it was a rare condition or a disease. They never dared ask, fearing he might lash out.
He found the young woman to be a mystery. He possessed a unique ability to hear the thoughts of those around him, which can be helpful but also annoying when he wants to focus on his thoughts. He attempted to listen for any words or sentences coming from her impure mind, but to his surprise, he heard nothing.
The young woman grinned excitedly and asked, “Well, Sir Cullen, the hour passes swiftly; tis rather rude not to ask a lady for a dance”.
Feeling timid, Edward complied with her inquisitive demeanour and gracefully inclined his body, extending a hand towards her. "I humbly request the honour of this dance, Y/n," he uttered softly. Y/n curtsied gracefully, holding a fan to the left side of her face. Her fingers delicately intertwined with his hand. As she grasped lightly, a slight shiver went down y/n’s spine. It felt like she had dipped her fingers in the Icey waters of a frozen lake. Y/n and Edward held one hand in the air, moving fluently in a circle. Suddenly, the classical music playing down below changed its tune. Y/n and Edward switched arms as soon as they heard the first note.
They only repeated the same movement, moving in a circle, and y/n slightly skipped. They repeated the same direction, but this time, Y/n had a mischievous grin when they switched arms. Y/n skipped in circles, flicking her skirt with one hand out to the side. She added an extra clap to the rhythm during the song's sudden pauses in beats. She skipped in a circle as the violin's rhythm picked up. Edward followed, adding his steps and skips. When the two came to the middle once more and stopped, they stepped to the side out and came in with a twirl, switching sides. Once more, they repeated this move. She delicately took hold of Edward's hand with a gentle touch, gracefully spinning away from him.
As she twirled, she kicked one foot elegantly to the left, adding a touch of flair to her movements. Edward looped to the opposite side and clapped. The two then spun back into the middle as they returned to their first position. As Y/n and Edward danced, the violin's sound filled the room. Y/n's hand tapped against her skirt in time with the music, adding to the rhythm of their steps. As they moved in a circle, Edward couldn't help but steal a glance at Y/n. Her eyes were full of playful amusement yet still held an air of mystery, making him wonder what thoughts were swirling through her mind. Edward stopped coming in close to y/n, and he spun her around.
Y/n was in an utter fantasy; never had she met any gent this fascinating. Many suitors had courted her, yet none could catch her attention. Edward was far more entrancing than any duke, lord or aristocrat who had tried to woo her.
Alas, all good things do come to an end. As y/n twirled she glanced deeper into Edwards's alluring eyes and what she saw caught her off guard. She screamed when she saw his eyes turning from a beautiful aureate hue into a void of darkness. She covered her hands over her mouth in panic. “Good god your eyes, they changed into the black of night” she panicked slightly. Edward, baffled, retreated, and lost all sense of comfort. He moved in a way that appeared to be beyond human capability to the door. She acted impulsively and reached out to grasp Edward's hand in a fleeting moment of connection. Though he paused briefly in response, he ultimately opted to depart silently to avoid attracting undue attention to their interaction. “Edward, what are you” she muttered.
With two words he coldly said, “a monster”.
And with that, he left without any fuss, he fastened the pace leaving y/n in a bewildered state. She stood at the entrance with the rococo-decored door opened widely. As she contemplated the gravity of the situation, a thought occurred to her - why didn't he just kill her straight away? Nevertheless, she observed a genuine expression on his face and discerned that he was experiencing warmth and tenderness towards someone for the first time. A sense of serenity seemed to envelop him. Y/n inched closer to the door and scanned the dancing crowd below, but she couldn't discern the presence of Edward Cullen. She struggled to reconcile the bizarre events that had just transpired and couldn't shake off the feeling that it was all an elaborate dream. She picked up the skirtings of her gown slowly trailing down the stairs as her heels reached each step. Further, she trailed to the entrance, ignoring all the ladies chattering and gents asking for a dance. Upon leaving the Palace of Versailles, she found the gardens deserted except for the rustling of leaves in the wind.
As she lifted her gaze towards the vast expanse of the moonlit sky, her heart filled with a sense of longing, as she pondered whether fate would ever bring her back in the company of Edward.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨
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loveswrites · 2 months
hi love, I don't know exactly if you write reactions, I thought I would found something like this on tumblr but I didn't so i'd like to request a reaction of the vampires (in general, not just the Cullen's if it's ok, of course) to reader being their blood singers, like how would they deal with it and stuff (don't need to be poly if you don't want to)
thanks lovely <3
Head Cannon Cullens x Reader X Volturi Reacting to you being there blood singer.
Hi love, I hope this was kind what you were talking about. I've never done one like this before but I think this is what you meant. I hope you like it. I didn't get around to doing everyone but let me know if you would like me too.
Love <3
Word count: 871
~ Avoids you constantly until his curiosity gets the best of him. Always quoting Curiosity kills the cat. It’s like he forgot he himself was the cat. Yearns to be with you 24/7 but also aches to be away from you 25/8. The fact that he can’t seem to stay away from you kills him inside. The fact that he might be the one to lead you to your death kills him even more. Can’t help but to love you up close instead of afar. If he went more than a week without your scent he loses focus that he can’t regain. 
“Edward!” Emmett yelled, snapping Edward out of his lovesick high.
“What?” Edward frowned, eyes still unfocused. 
“He’s doing it again!” Emmett yelled, shaking his head.
~ Jasper would have the hardest time out of all of them. Jasper being scared of hurting you would over shine his love for you. But the fact that he’s even trying to have this much restraint when it comes to you shows how deep his love goes. He wouldn’t trust himself to be alone with you for more than two minutes. So count on spending constant time together with him, Edward and or Alice. 
“Come closer Jasper, Please I trust you.” You pleaded.
“I can’t.. I really wish I could But.. I’m just not strong enough.” Jasper stood in a corner with his eyes closed tightly. 
You sighed in slight disappointment. 
“I’m truly sorry, darling.” He spoke softly.
~ Alice would be one who can handle it as long as your blood stays in your veins. The moment it’s reached the oxygen of the outer world she gets upset at herself for her personal faith being so weak. Even though she’s seen that she never hurts you in the future she wonders if it’s her constant worry that keeps you safe from her nature. 
“You told me you wanted to take me shopping today.” You smiled at Alice. 
“I’m sorry but today won’t be a good day we’re going camping today. It was late notice.” Alice responded upset that she doesn’t know how strong she is when it comes to you. 
~ Carlisle though your blood, your scent is more tempting. He wouldn’t have much trouble with it. In fact your scent would be calming to him at the end of the day. After a long day at the hospital surrounded by so many scents of others yours is the only one he couldn’t wait to smell all day. 
“I missed you today.” He said smiling as you kissed his lips softly.
“Long day at work?” You smiled back.
He silently nodded softly stroking your hair. The simple act of love was like it made your scent smell sweeter. He was in love. 
~ She hates you at first. She takes pride in the fact that she’s never had one drop of human blood. And then here you come like you were made to be her number one temptation. And she hates you for that. She doesn’t talk to you. She doesn’t look at you. She stays ten feet away at all times. You and Alice became friends so the fact that you're sitting in her house. On her couch. Making the house smell like nothing but temptation from the devil himself she hates. She feels like Edward, which she also hates.
“Hey Rose!” You yelled trying to catch up with her. She brushed past you when you got up to greet her. 
“Rose?!” You yelled once again. Slowing down you frowned. 
Why doesn’t she like you?
~ You would have to build a very strong connection with Caius for him to even care to keep you alive. Once he smelt your scent he wanted nothing more than to drain you dry and watch your body go limp. In fact he got a thrill out of the thought. But he thought blood singers only come once in a lifetime and to kill you now would be a waste. Especially since in his lifetimes of living he’s never smelt a scent like yours. As your connection grew because your life literally depended on it he thought Maybe I’ll just have a sip every now and then.
“I love this painting.. What does it mean?” You asked, hands gliding against the moist paint. 
“It represents the desperation of death.” Caius spoke, wrapping his arms around your waist hiding his face in your neck hovering his fangs over the very line of your life.
~ Jane she wouldn’t know what to do with this information. Does she just kill you and get it over with or does she play with her temptations? She’d keep you around But when upset she can be very hostile and her actions may be unforgivable so keep your distance when you hear she’s had a bad day.
“Jane I saw this beautiful hair pin that I think would-”
“If I just suck you dry do you think you’d still be able to talk this much?” She spoke glaring at you with her piercing red eyes.
Once no answer came from you as you stood there with wide eyes she simply walked away from you.
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zapreportsblog · 7 months
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✭ PAIRING : Edward Cullen x Reader
✭ FANDOM : Twilight
✭ SUMMARY : When Edward proposed to Bella he expected her to accept after all they were mates? Right? Wrong! Bella rejected edwards proposal breaking his undead heart in the process, not being able to withstand the aftermath Edward leaves home; only to return 2 years later but this time he’s married?!
✭ AUTHORS NOTE : I already know there is a story on here called the same story with the same cover (on quotev at least) mines had been edited to a clearer form, (again on quotev) that was my old account, (marveluserlovesmarbel again on quotev was my old and very first account) one of my first actually. If I can remember the login information from it I’d log back in and post my stories from their over here but for now enjoy the remake of said story :)
✭ CHAPTER TWO : A Surprise Homecoming
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Inside the Cullen home, a sense of curiosity and anticipation hung in the air. The family gathered at the entrance, drawn by Alice's sudden vision and the excitement radiating from her. Her golden eyes sparkled as she clapped her hands together.
"I just had a vision," Alice announced, "Edward is coming back, and he should be arriving any minute now."
Everyone exchanged glances, surprised and eager to see Edward again. Moments later, the sound of an approaching car could be heard, and they watched as Edward pulled into the driveway. As he stepped out of the car, they were taken aback by the presence of a woman in the passenger seat. Edward opened her door, and they exited the vehicle, both smiling warmly at the Cullen family.
Edward greeted his siblings with hugs and was bombarded with questions about his trip. Carlisle suggested they continue the conversation inside, and they all moved into the house.
Once inside, Edward introduced the woman beside him. "Everyone, this is (Y/n). We got married."
The room fell into stunned silence. Carlisle was the first to break it, his face a mixture of surprise and happiness. "Edward, this is wonderful news, but since when did you get married?"
Edward explained, "We got married a year ago."
Alice gasped, fake outrage coloring her tone. "And you didn't let me plan your wedding? Unacceptable!"
Laughter rippled through the room as they realized Alice was teasing. Edward smiled, "Honestly, after Bella, I didn't expect to find love again."
Esme stepped forward, her motherly warmth enveloping them. "Well, I'm happy you did, son." She turned to (Y/n) and asked, "Now, how did you two come to be?"
(Y/n) laughed, her eyes sparkling. "I tried to kill him."
Bewildered looks crossed the faces of the Cullen family. Jasper scoffed and nodded. "That explains it."
”I’m sorry what?!”
”What can I say, it’s in my blood to hunt creatures like Edward,” (y/n) says with a laugh.
“Hunt? Are you a hunter?” Esme asked with slight hesitation.
”Yeah. My last name was Winchester but i guess it’s now (Y/n) Winchester Cullen, decided to keep my last name you know.”
Jasper can’t help but scoff, “Figures.”
Everyone was still puzzled, and Jasper elaborated, "The Winchesters are a hot-blooded family of hunters."
Edward added, "We're also mates."
Rosalie, never one to hide her feelings about Bella, couldn't help but ask, "Wait, aren't you and Bella mates?"
Edward explained, "When I met Bella, it was her blood that called out to me. She was my blood singer, which is why I felt such a strong connection to her. I deluded myself into thinking I loved her for her. But when I met (Y/n), I instantly felt the mate bond."
The family began to understand, and the room filled with smiles and warm welcomes for (Y/n). It was a surprising turn of events, and everyone felt a sense of joy and acceptance as they welcomed Edward and his new love back into their immortal lives.
As the Cullen family settled into their cozy living room, the girls - Alice, Esme, Rosalie, and (Y/n) - conspired to have some girl talk out on the balcony. They silently made their way outside, leaving the boys to their own devices.
On the balcony, a sense of camaraderie and curiosity enveloped the girls. Esme leaned against the railing, looking at (Y/n) with a warm smile. "So, (Y/n), how did you find out that Edward was a vampire?"
(Y/n) leaned against the balcony and looked out at the starry night sky. "He did a good job hiding it at first, but after a few weeks, I noticed something unusual. One day, he reached out for something, and his hand caught the sunlight, causing it to sparkle like diamonds. I couldn't ignore that."
Rosalie's eyebrows arched in interest. "And what did you do next?"
(Y/n) chuckled. "I did what any person would do in this situation—I did some research. I found out about the myth of vampires sparkling in the sunlight, and it all started to make sense."
Esme nodded, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. "You were pretty observant."
(Y/n) shrugged. "I guess I've always had a knack for details."
Rosalie, intrigued by the prospect of conversation, leaned in closer. "Have you encountered more of our kind?"
(Y/n) thought for a moment before responding. "I've hunted vampires, but they're of different vampiric natures. Some of them don't sparkle, instead, they burn in the sunlight. Others have special jewelry that allows them to go into the sunlight without a problem."
Alice leaned forward, her golden eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Tell us more about the supernatural creatures you've encountered."
(Y/n) began to share stories of her encounters with various supernatural beings, including werewolves, shape-shifters, and even ancient mythical creatures. The girls listened with rapt attention, enjoying the opportunity to learn about (Y/n)'s adventurous life.
Back in the living room, the boys decided to go on a hunt, giving the girls some privacy. Edward proposed the idea, and Emmett, Carlisle, and Jasper readily agreed. With their departure, the girls had their opportunity to get to know (y/n) better.
In the heart of the dark woods, the Cullen brothers and father continued their hunt. Jasper, after a moment of contemplation, decided to address the questions that had been gnawing at him. He turned to Edward and said, "You look well."
Edward chuckled, his voice a wry whisper. "What's with the small talk, Jasper? You know I can hear your thoughts going a million miles a minute."
Jasper sighed, his concern evident. "Why a hunter, Edward? I know she's your mate, but you could've pulled away."
Edward's eyes, glinting like polished onyx in the moonlight, met Jasper's. "You know I wouldn't have been able to pull away if I felt the pull."
Jasper persisted, his voice tinged with worry. "She's a hunter, Edward. She's dangerous."
Edward countered, "And I'm a vampire. I can be dangerous too."
Emmett, who had been silently listening, finally chimed in. "I mean, they both can kill each other at the end of the day. Can't we move on from this topic?"
Jasper was unrelenting. "No, he's putting us all in danger. Aside from her being the very thing that kills us, she's also a human."
Edward's brow furrowed, and he asked, "What's your problem, Jasper?"
Jasper's voice grew more serious. "Listen, you've never faced a Winchester before. I have. Trust me, you don't want to cross their path."
Before the argument could escalate any further, Carlisle intervened. "Gentlemen, I suggest we drop this argument for now. I see something." He pointed toward a deer approaching through the trees, reminding them of the primary purpose of their venture. The brothers refocused their attention on the hunt, leaving their concerns and debates for another time.
The Cullen brothers and father, fresh from their successful hunt, made their way back to the house. Emmett carried the lifeless deer, a triumph in his strong arms. As they approached the house, their senses picked up the unmistakable scent of a familiar visitor. Bella Swan had arrived, her red beat-up pickup truck parked near the house.
Bella hesitated by the truck, her posture awkward and uncertain. She called out to Edward, "Hey, Edward. It's been a while."
Edward's face remained a mask of emotionless grace, but he kindly greeted her with a simple, "Hello, Bella."
Bella continued, "I didn't believe Charlie when he said he saw you passing through Forks. He said he saw you with someone. I take it you've brought a friend?"
Before Edward could answer, (Y/n) appeared, coming outside with a warm smile to greet him and the others. She rushed into Edward's arms, showering him with affectionate kisses on the face.
"My love," (Y/n) said, her voice filled with both relief and happiness. "You've been gone for so long, I got worried."
Edward's stoic facade softened as he held (Y/n) close, returning her affection with a warm embrace. Bella watched their reunion with a mix of emotions, perhaps sensing that the connection between Edward and (Y/n) was deeper and more profound than she had ever experienced with him.
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rinalouu · 11 months
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-> return to twilight masterlist here
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-> soul-bound encounter - here -> paul lahote x mage! y/n -> Sum: a dangerous situation, may have turned out to be a soul changing encounter for Y/n. Maybe Bella's temper is good for something after all?
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