#it wasn't a one-sided thing like so many ppl believe
avisisisis · 6 months
To add a little more to that post about how peaches represent SWK and Mac's relationship:
In the mountain, Macaque is the one to crush the peach in his hand. He offered it to Sun Wukong, and when he didn't accept it and instead yelled at him, he destroyed it and threw it on the ground
In the end, it was Macaque who left first, not the other way around. Now, their broken relationship isn't completely his fault, but he did play a part on it
SWK screamed at him when he tried to mend their friendship, so instead of trying again, he left. That's what broke their relationship for good. Not Sun Wukong yelling, not Liu'er Mihou not looking for him, but Macaque leaving and (as far as we know) not coming back. La gota que colmó el vaso, we could say. Stuff had already been going on between those two. SWK never seemed to genuinely listen to Macaque and his promises of staying forever were empty (he never would've been able to stay in one place for so long) and Macaque never even bothered to communicate his negative feelings over this, so when he warned him he was ignored
Sun Wukong left again and again and again, looking for more power to "be strong enough to protect them", and eventually he lost sight of why he was doing it. But no matter how many times he left, he came back. Macaque didn't
#they both did what they wanted from the other#swk wanted mac to be able to leave when he wanted on the condition that he'd always come back#mac wanted swk to stay w him and be loyal to him the same way he was to swk forever#swk promised they'd stay there forever but even if he had tried he would've eventually broken that promise#the one time macaque left swk on his own he never returned#they both hurt each other so much#it wasn't a one-sided thing like so many ppl believe#“oh but swk left and killed macaque! he's a selfish shit!” “but macaque abandoned swk n hes technically the one at fault for everything!”#shut up#i'm not gonna say neither of them were at fault. cuz they both were#but it wasn't one-sided#now the difference between them is how they act about it. swk is trying to be a better person and to not repeat his past mistakes#macaque gets angry and torments mk (who is a child especially compared to him) for being close to swk#and tries to convince him that swk is a terrible mentor when in reality he's never hurt mk (yet. and even then it wasn't intentional)#most of mk's problems w swk come not only from the fact that swk sucks at communication but also from teh fact that everyone's+#talking shit abt him. they're saying swk sucks n make mk doubt him n himself when swk rlly is just trying his best#anyways i'll get more into that later#lmk#lego monkie kid#sun wukong#the six eared macaque#liu'er mihou#swk#the monkey king#shadowpeach#lmk season 4#peaches#avis talks#avis' post
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eats-the-stars · 6 months
I feel like there are roughly two kinds of "painfully weird kid" that you can be during your K-12 school years. the first is your "I am trying so hard to be normal but I just cannot seem to hit the mark. there's just something wrong with me and I don't know how to fix it" and the second is the category I was in, which is your "everyone around me is so incredibly weird but they obviously can't help it so I will just have to accept this."
#being a deeply weird kid in school was definitely an experience#i feel like it's also heightened when you attend a private catholic school#there are just so many more layers of 'oh wow so this is...a thing' to deal with#like i honestly think the shit that private catholic schools do to a kid's head is worse for the normal kids#i was already at a point where i just accepted that my personal perspective of the world was radically different#and you really weren't going to convince me to start loving denim or perfume or makeup#so trying to get me to feel a bunch of religious guilt was also not going to work#i just added it to the long list of things that are important to most ppl that i just don't give a shit about and moved on#honestly being autistic in a private catholic school put me in a much better spot than a normal catholic student#the teachers would say something absolutely batshit insane#like telling us that 'mentally disabled' kids get a free pass to heaven because they have no original sin just like animals#(if u know ur catholic shit u can imagine the multiple layers of 'but wait!' involved in this statement but anyway)#and your normal catholic student would be like 'what?! for real! oh my gosh...but are you sure? oh you are. well...i guess it's true then..#whereas i would be sitting there like 'wow that is...a wild thing to believe. also u were staring at me for that whole speech so...'#like yeah i did get involved in the heated debates because it was hella fun#but in hindsight it would be really fucked up to be an actual catholic kid in that school because jesus christ...#a lot of our teachers even had strong disagreements over belief shit and would make us all take sides#so it wasn't even like unanimous weird stuff pumped at us. it was like conflicting weird stuff#one intense divide i recall was the simple but highly controversial 'do animals go to heaven?' debate#most said 'yes' with or without conditions#one teacher said 'yes and also disabled kids' which was fucked up and definitely directed at me whenever i was in the room#like some kind of fucked up 'it's okay because you'll get a better life in the afterlife sweetie' kind of thing#while others were like 'ANIMALS? in my heaven? I think not! what did they even do to earn it?! nothing!'#students tended to also be very invested and distressed by the thought of no family pets in heaven#but also very conflicted based on the facts being presented by both sides and also which teacher was their favorite so...
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hazbinhotelxreader · 3 months
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Protective Carmilla x fem blind reader!
“Stay Away From Them”
(Requested by PoosayDestroyer on AO3)
A/n: I hope this isn’t disrespectful towards blind ppl since I’ve never wrote about them before-
Summary: reader is blind, and some perv tries to upskirt her, and Carmilla is there to protect the reader
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Noises, noises, noises. That’s it. The only thing you could ‘observe’ was noise. Reason for it? Your blind. You’ve been blind ever since you entered hell. The sinners in hell are based off of their insecurities, their deaths, and things they hate. You? You were always called ‘blind’ because you were so oblivious to a lot of things..and hell decided to ‘gift’ you with that.
It wasn’t all bad though. Hell did give you something that you don’t regret having, your lover Carmilla. She never minded that you’re blind, if anything she compliments you and appreciates you, even if you can’t see. And even if you can’t see her, you can just imagine how gorgeous she actually is, she sounds gorgeous too.
The weapon armer has always been so carrying and sweet for you. She’s basically your eyes. She helps you get dressed if you struggle, helps you get to places without bumping into anyone, and explains everything that’s going on that you cannot see. You really love her. Another thing she does for you is keep other demons away from you, she’s pretty darn protective.
Currently, you and her were walking around Pentagram cities streets in hell. She was with her daughters, and you, helping them out with orders in this part of town since she believed it was too dangerous for young girls like them to be alone. You decided to tag along because you just wanted to help and support.
While walking, she holds your hand to help you navigate through the streets and avoid demons. "Careful my love...there's.." she looked down at a dead sinners body that has been brutally gored by an exorcists spear, deciding to not tell you that theres a dead body right below your feet. "..a stump" she corrects and lightly pulls you around it.
"why's there a stump on the sidewalk?" you ask questionably, your head turned towards where her gorgeous voice was, trying your best to show your paying attention to her even if you can't see her.
Carmilla chuckles softly, she always found it cute when you weren't aware of many things, even if it was worrying too. "Oh well, it is hell afterall..something is going to be unexpected." she responds with a softer tone rather than her usual stern one.
"I guess your not wrong" you smile a little at her words and tone, oh god how much you'd do to see what she actually looked like, you know shes gorgeous. Odette and Clara came to a halt up ahead, Odette holding her clipboard as she checks off the territory, and Clara pulling an angelic spear out of a dead sinners body, lucky for you, you could only hear the spear pop out of the sinners side rather than see it.
Carmilla held your hand, then lead you over to a wall. She gently placed your hand on it, and told you to stay right there and to not let go. She wasn't going far, maybe 5 feet away from you wince her voice was pretty clear. She was talking to her daughters about some of the areas in the town they'd go to collect more of the angelic spears. You stayed quite, but also unaware. Lets just say today, wasn't the best day to wear a skirt.
While you were unaware, and obviously not paying attention to anything you can see-well, because your blind..a middle aged small imp approuched you. He was about half your size, maybe to your hips. he had a perverted smirk on his face as he sneaks up on your unaware and oblivious state. You gasp a little when you feel your skirt get lifted a little, there was no wind, so why..? Then you felt a hand on your rear, you jumped and spoke up "hey!" you exclaim with a gasp, catching your lovers attention.
Carmilla's head shoots over to your direction when she heard your distressed cry, and saw the hellborn, fury filled her eyes as she walked over and gave him a push, grabbing your hand to let you know your okay, as she glared down at him. "you little twit..touching girls? Do you really have nothing better to do with your pathetic little life?" the overlord threats with a dangerous look on her face, she would not tolerate such an act of disgust. "You have thirty seconds to run before i send a bullet through your retarded brain." she said calm, stern and intimidating with her arms crossed as she looked down at the quivering imp. The imp nods and scurried off fast, its safe to say he won't be coming near you again. Carmilla's tone and epression softened with concern laced with it. "Mi amor? are you alright? he didn't hurt you right?" she asked, both of her hands placed on the sides of your head as she tilted your head from side to side to check on you.
You let out a soft, shaken chuckle at her actions. "yea..im fine. Just a bit shaken.." you say softly, moving your hand up to hold one of her hands that were on your cheek, you looked in her eyes, even if you couldn't see her. "Thank you my dear..i probably would have been forced into something if you weren't here.." you say in appreitation.
"Anything for you my love.." she chuckled softly and gave you a soft kiss on your forehead while holding you close in her grasp. "Now lets get going, this town is already unsafe for the girls, and now you too. I don't feel comfortable putting you three in danger." she states worried, calling her daughters back over to you two as you both start to walk.
"fine by me.." you say as she takes your hand, leading you and being your eyes once again. Yes, being blind has its cons, you can't see, bumping into things are often, and you won't be able to observe things the ways others do...and it makes you feel left out. But, it also has its pros, its advantages, and sometimes the best thing that happened in your life, and for you, that Carmilla. No doubt about it.
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poisonedprose · 1 year
ellie who can’t stand to see her pretty girl cry :(
she, of all ppl, knows how difficult life is like this and she wishes so badly that she could take away every ounce of pain wracking your brain. but she can’t. you both know that. all she can do is love you the best she knows how. hug you and listen to you and kiss the tears off your face <3 and she hopes to god that it’s enough. that she’s enough.
i didn’t mean to make this so sad i just love her
₊˚✧ go ahead and cry little girl
ellie williams x fem!reader
warnings: 1k words, death/murder talk, established relationship, cursing, crying obvi, hurt/comfort, pet names (babe, pretty girl, honey, sweet girl)
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It wasn't often that you cried, choosing to hold a strong persona in front of people. You being the one that people went to for comfort, never the other way around. You were fine and content with that. Truthfully, that's the ideal situation for you. 
You struggled with your emotions, never being brought up where feelings were a good thing. Even though you were surrounded by people who practically preached how feelings were good, you still stayed in your shell. Choosing to not be a so-called 'burden.' 
But when Joel yelled at you for being so reckless on patrol you couldn't help but excuse yourself quickly to seek shelter in the comfort of your bed. It was an accident, but Joel took things like this seriously. You weren't dumb, you knew every time someone fucked up someone else's life was on the line. And today, it was Ellie's life that just so happened to be on the line.  
You had overlooked a certain part of the area you were exploring, giving Ellie the okay to talk normally again. Unfortunately, you overlooked one silent clicker that seemed to come out of nowhere. It probably would have ripped Ellie's head off if Joel hadn't arrived just in time. It's not that you didn't try to help, you did. Your gun was out of ammo and you were trying your quickest to reload it as soon as possible, but your hands were just too shaky from the fright of your girlfriend possibly being eaten alive.
It seemed like it was just one mistake after another. Ellie was quick to forgive you, admitting it was just an honest mistake and it could have easily been her in your situation. Joel, on the other hand, was fuming. You had honestly never seen him so mad. You didn't say anything but an apology, knowing he was probably just as scared as you were. 
It didn't mean, it didn't hurt though. You knew you deserved it, but you still couldn't help the burning feeling in the back of your throat and the way your lip trembled ever so slightly. You excused yourself quietly, Joel muttered something about how you were taking the easy way out followed by Ellie telling him to lay off.
The wind was cold on your face in contrast to the hot, salty tears that began to stain your face. Your arms were stuffed close to your chest, crossed with your hands under your armpits. You tried your best to keep your sobs quiet as to not alert anyone. Most of the people who resided in Jackson were at the movie night that was being held, so you didn't have to worry about many people seeing you. 
You could feel your heart drop when you heard your name being called in the distance. You quickly untuck your arms and rubbed the tears off your face with whatever you could, your hands, your sleeves, whatever. "Hey, babe, don't listen to Joel. He's just angry." Ellie spoke as she came up behind you, waiting for you to turn around, but you never did. "Babe?" She stepped to the side of you, trying to look at your face and it didn't take a genius to notice you were crying. 
To be honest, Ellie didn't know what to do. She'd comforted a bunch of people before. Dina, Cat, Jesse (believe it or not), and even Joel, but never you. Hearing your small sniffles was enough to break her heart. "Hey," Her voice was soft but not patronizing. She wrapped her arms around you, offering a hug for comfort. She rested her chin on the top of your head and your tears just flowed more.   
You tried to stop yourself, you tried telling yourself that Joel was just upset and that he didn't mean his harsh words even if you might have deserved them, but now it was about more than just Joel. It was Joel's words, it was Ellie almost dying, it was everything that you said that wasn't a big deal but it was. 
"Shhh. You're okay." Her hand stroked your hair, trying to offer you any comfort that she could. "I'm okay, everyone's okay. Okay?" She swallowed thickly as she listened to the sound of your wretched sobs. "Come on, pretty girl, stop crying." She kissed the top of your head a few times before gently pushing you off her chest so she could look at you. 
"'M sorry." You hiccuped as she wiped away the tears that continued to fall with her thumbs. "Don't apologize." She shook her head, almost annoyed that those words even made it out of your mouth for having a human reaction. You shook your head in return, knowing that she didn't quite get what you meant. 
"'M sorry that I didn't see the clicker." Still, Ellie just shook her head as she held your face in her hands, and a new crack in her heart formed with every tear that fell. "Honey, it's not your fault, okay? The only reason you should be apologizing is if that was just an elaborate plan to get rid of me and it didn't work." She felt relieved once she heard your sweet laugh. 
She knew you were going to be okay, that you were strong enough to pick yourself up if you needed to but she was glad she was here. She was glad she could wipe the tears off your face as she told you dumb jokes to make you laugh. "You okay, sweet girl?" She whispered as she kissed your cheeks, or as she would call it, kissing the tears off your face. 
"I will be if you're here." She rolled her eyes at the cheesiness but there was a relieved feeling in her chest that she was actually helping you feel even the slightest bit better. "Cringe." She whispered before leaning down to kiss your salty, tear-stained lips with her hands snaking around your waist. "You love it, Williams." You returned the kiss, tasting the saltiness on your lips. "Yeah, I guess I do, huh." 
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mybrainproblems · 6 months
hello, i'm finales georg...
i don't want to further clutter up the notes on this post while responding to the tags below but the persistence of the "finale is short/scenes are missing/extra ad break” conspiracies drives me absolutely bananas when i've watched the finale ten times and have posted about this A LOT trying to clear things up. (disclaimer that yes, i'm a goddamn destiel shipper but i care about Facts above all.)
ok but this is weird because i'd swear the episode was shorter (11 missing scenes!) but okay. maybe we all mandela effected ourselves into #beleving that. because it felt shorter. but i will die on the hill that it had another ad break. i understand this person has the thing #recorded with ads so i am thinking maybe different ad breaks in different idk time zones??? #because the finale did air an hour earlier in canada so maybe idk i am reaching here but maybe different states or whatever had different #ad breaks??? as for the last minute changes - wasn't the cover band asked for permission to use their version of carry on like a week before #the thing aired??? so even if the episode was 42 minutes and had no additional ad break - which i am side eying but lets say all was normal #i will always say they were changing thing until the absolute last minute (carry on my wayward son X 2 #the crew on the bridge which is not only giant 4th wall breaking but also wow they really got all those people in one place in times of #covid???) #anyway. tinfoil hat stays on sorry guys :/ (via @officialmisha)
short and snarky: there are plenty of real and sourced examples of network homophobia and scripted/directed destiel scenes being cut to point to. we don’t need to make this stuff up just bc the finale wasn’t what we wanted. so it’s not the mandela effect — it’s ppl repeating a conspiracy/rumor bc it supports their narrative and it’s easier and more fun to repeat something that supports a narrative they already believe (misha or something destiel was cut) vs the boring act of fact checking.
longer circumspect answer with links bc like many ppl i am in my debunking era and i rewatched "roblox_oof" last night.
like i said. i've watched the finale ten times. i’ve gone over the episode with a fine toothed comb and posted a detailed breakdown of timing marks on my blog. it’s actually extremely obvious where the ad breaks are once you know roughly where to look for them (they have a longer fade to black instead of a quick cut scene change). there’s no room for extra ad breaks and i think this conspiracy/rumor persists in part bc the episode feels so sparse in terms of cast and the fact that the episode’s momentum hits a barn post (and rebar) less than 20min into an hour-long programming block.
also i’m begging ppl to actually look at that timing mark post. it’s very straightforward and i spent a lot of time on it. i don’t care if ppl plagiarize it at this point if it means this conspiracy stops. i've got almost every second accounted for.
the "eleven missing scenes" that you're thinking of are probably from the finale script of questionable authenticity that @spnscripthunt acquired back in 2021 which can be found here. it's dated as the “final draft” from 11 sep 2020 and filming on 15x20 wrapped on 10 sep 2020. as noted at the bottom of this superwiki page "[the] script came from someone claiming to have been the person who did the closed captions for the show in Russia. There are some indications that it possibly may not be authentic, but this has not been confirmed."
if we go with the possibility that this was a transcript meant for subtitles, the "omitted" scenes were probably written but never filmed since it's the "final draft" and not a color revision (blue, green, yellow, etc). unfortunately, i’ve lost track of where i read it and a preliminary duckduckgo search isn’t bringing it up bc there's a program for script writing called final draft, but iirc the “final draft” version of a script is a transcript of what was filmed (e.g. there are parts of that 15x20 script that ended up being deleted scenes on the DVD). spnscripthunt also has an example of a confirmed final draft for 09x02 (funnily enough, also a dabb-penned ep). if anyone can confirm with a source that i have the purpose of the “final draft” version designation wrong, please let me know! i love being proven wrong with Facts.
i do want to acknowledge that the two “final drafts” do look different from each other and the 15x20 one doesn't look like a “real” final draft script since it lacks the revision/versioning dates that a script would normally have on the cover page. it could be that it was intended for subtitles; there's the chance it's been re-typed to anonymize it if there was anything indicating who the "owner" was, tho that seems a wee bit cloak and dagger to me. and again: it's considered of questionable authenticity. there are some things that don't quite line up but oh dear god i don't want to get even further out into the weeds than i already am.
i won't disagree that it's weird as hell that neoni only got asked about using their cover seven days prior to the episode airing (tiktok here). my personal theory is that they were hoping to get a more expensive song (maybe a zepp song, idk) and didn't manage to secure the rights in the end. again: this is pure conjecture on my part! but i could absolutely see someone working on the show hearing neoni’s cover and liking it and then maybe they were using it as a placeholder until it got down to the wire and they had to make a call/send the ep to networks. because yes, it is baffling they played a song and then a cover of it with only a 40 second break between. (i do actually really like the neoni cover! the placement is just weird and i think it could have worked if they had the kansas version at the beginning and closed with neoni's full cover.)
as to the 4th wall break COVID stuff: robert singer talked with variety magazine about filming the last two episodes and the logistics of filming during a pandemic. whether they should have been filming during a pandemic is a separate discussion but their use of office vs set pods, strict quarantining and daily testing meant that they had zero positive tests in the month they were filming (18 aug to 10 sep). so given all that, i personally don’t think it’s totally out of pocket to have everyone standing outdoors on a bridge for maybe an hour to get a drone shot of them together. (i won’t get into incubation periods and viral load, but if everyone tested negative that day and every day for a month prior, it was a fairly low risk scene to film outdoors and for all we know everyone was masked until the last possible second. there were plenty of outdoor masked protests in 2020 that weren't superspreader events.)
and before anyone brings up “but misha was in vancouver!” i know someone who looked into it and they said no dice, nothing matched up between the backgrounds in those pics and places in vancouver. his statements about “us” going back to set over the summer were pretty generic in hindsight and “we”/"us" could be him or the spn crew generally. unfortunately i’m not able to find those tweets but the use of “we” was likely so as not to give away he wouldn’t be returning to set. (bc we were absolutely casbaited!) and bc it comes up a lot: the "onion field pic" was from when they were filming 15x17 and was not taken while filming 15x19 and 15x20.
besides, it would be ridiculous to go through the financial and logistical headaches of bringing someone into the country to film during a pandemic, only to cut their scenes in the end! honestly, the script is pretty tight when the scenes are given so much breathing room! the only thing i could see being further cut down is The Monologue and even then, i don’t think there was any intent to cut it down given it was filmed in fairly long takes.
i’ve said it many times before, but i believe the finale was fucked long before they returned to set. walker got the green light in sep 2019 and it was being marketed heavily as a “follow on” show to spn given jared’s involvement. the demo they were courting for walker has little to no overlap with the demo for destiel fans — why would they want a finale that catered to a demo they weren't interested in courting? we just went through a historic double strike that exposed so much of the rot of business interests overriding creative vision. this isn't completely unfounded conjecture.
i will not apologize for the length of this bc i wanted to be thorough, but i do want to give context that i think the reason these conspiracies and rumors grind my gears so much is because anyone can fact check all of this. the truth is out there and absolutely none of it is that hard to find. the most time consuming/difficult part of this was finding someone who had a DVR’d copy of the finale from when it aired live and they actually found me themselves after i’d been low key asking around for a year!
and like. i get it. conspiracies are fun. but there are so many sourced instances of network homophobia and destiel being cut that it's like. why is this something folks are hanging onto? the cw is notorious for having upper level meddling with finales bc there's a follow-on show they want to shuffle fans along to and spn is no exception.
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comicaurora · 1 year
hii hello 👋 just wanted to start by saying that the comic is still so cool interesting and I love how things are progressing so far, at first I wasn't sure if i was going to enjoy the current arc as much but its honestly really enganging with the bits of Falst backstory being revealed, seeing Dainix in action and put in situations, and also more interactions of the party members without Kendal really being present there (i love him sm but its interesting to see how the group dynamic is starting to really shape up, even though falst and dainix have only known each other for like a day(?), putting them in a perilous situation is a really good choice we can see open guy and closed off guy interacting and its so !! its cool) also the lighting for the cave with the fire and the ancient tech is great!
(this is already such a long ask im so sorry)
but ... speaking of ancient tech, i wanted to know how much of it has survived? we know that Erin's bag of holding is also Ancient made (iirc), and so is the storm pedestal, but is there still some other known Ancient tech used in the world? are there also significant populations/communities of people with Ancient ancestry that have gathered and do they have most of the access to that tech? If they do exist, are they more of a closed-off community or are they kind of subsumed into the local population (of ppl with no Ancient ancestry and stuff) ?
tl;dr really digging the current arc i love zombie dungeon funtime adventure. more info abt ancient tech / ppl descended from ancients pls?
anyway thank you very much and have a good day ^_^ love your work Red and it's honestly amazing how far the comic has progressed and the community's grown over the past 3-4 years ! (damn i cant believe 2019 was 4 years ago)
glad you're having fun! dropping dorks down a hole for Character Development is always a fun idea
Most Ancient stuff is in ruins, but the automatons are quite sturdy, especially the stuff created in the final days of the civil war. Ancient war machines will sometimes reactivate and un-bury themselves, wreaking havoc based on long-belayed and half-remembered orders. Dainix's desert home deals with these on occasion, which is why he's familiar with the basics of how they work.
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Most Ancient tech works in ways that nobody has quite figured out how to replicate, but it can sometimes be repurposed if it's well-preserved enough - although the fact that most Ancient tech reacts with alarms at the presence of humans and elves makes it pretty hard for most people to make them do anything particularly useful. Things like Erin's bag are rare but not unbelievably so - there seem to have been a lot of them, and they're hard to break.
Ancient ancestry has been almost entirely subsumed into the overall population, and it almost never presents in any visible way - just about its only telltale signs are unusual height, and the combo of earthtone-skin and light-earthtone-hair with pale jeweltone-eyes, which is not naturally found in uninfluenced humans or elves and is rarely found even in elementally adapted populations of either (elves can have jeweltone eyes but always have skytone skin, typically patterned; influenced humans like crystal-caste will have jeweltone eyes and hair; etc)
Ancient tech responding positively to anyone is quite rare, and typically occurs in people who seem to have a significant number of Ancient ancestors on both sides of their family and consequently visibly resemble the phenotype to an unusual degree. It's very difficult to measure this sort of thing, but the general rule of thumb seems to be that a person needs to be at least 10% of Ancient descent before the tech doesn't panic on sight, and at least 20% in order for it to actually respond to them in any meaningful way. So the equivalent of one Ancient great-grandparent would work as a bare minimum, which doesn't sound too bad - unless you start doing the math of how many generations have actually passed since there were a surplus of Ancients around.
After the Ancient civil war ended and the "cave-folk" left the Singing Caves, there were barely a thousand Ancients left alive and scattered across the northern continents, in contrast to hundreds of thousands of humans and elves. And since this was over 4000 years ago, with generations happening at a rough average of three per century, there have been over 120 generations since the Emergence. One way to look at this is that every person of the Elder Races currently alive is a descendant of some set of those people alive at the Emergence, 120 generations back - they had kids 119 generations back, those kids had kids 118 generations back, etc etc, eventually leading to a person alive today whose great-great-great-(115-more-greats) grandparents were all around at the Emergence. However, this numbers game gets complicated when we do the basic math of asking "how many (118-greats)-grandparents would anyone have)" and find the answer is 2^120, or a little over 1 undecillion, which is a one with 36 zeroes after it, which is a billion billion billion billions. This many people have never been alive anywhere, because the uncomfortable truth is that after a certain number of generations back everyone's family trees stop forking and start looping, though if it happens far enough back it's not a genetic liability like it is in certain colonizing nations' royal families. So this math is already falling apart, but it is giving us some idea of how catastrophically unlikely it is for someone's Emergence-era ancestry to beat the odds and have enough Ancient make it to the modern day to be detectable.
To dramatically simplify the math and pretend generations are cleanly delineated at 3/century (and that genetics actually works like clean 50%s every time, or even that genetics as we understand it applies to this fictional fantasy world), at the time of the Emergence, the world population was around 0.1% Ancient, and in order for a modern person to make the tech work for them, their first-generation ancestry - the sum of all those Emergence people whose descendants eventually produced this kid, weighted to account for the people who are technically the 118-great-grandparents multiple times over thanks to family tree loops - needed to be at least 10-20% Ancient. It's not impossible, and there were parts of the world where the Ancient population at the Emergence was easily that high, but they're likely to be vastly outnumbered in the rest of the pile of 118-greats-grandparents as the family tree approximately doubles in size every generation.
So it happens, but it's rare and getting rarer. Most people in this field are instead trying to crack how to reprogram or build automaton control units from scratch, rather than dealing with them freaking out all the time.
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florsial · 2 months
hiiiiiiii hello<33
thoughts on dorcas meadows? I for one adore her as the absolute queen she is😌
anyways ily !!!
I find actually find Dorcas to be a very strong character. She's willing to drop her friends because what they were doing was very fucked up (lets be honest, joining a terrorist group isn't the most yk morally good thing)
(Just a heads up, if it isn't obvious in this rant. I don't think that Barty, Evan, or Regulus were forced into joining the DE, but this ain't about them rn)
From this thought, I think that Dorcas believed that her friends were strong enough to turn away from their families' bigoted views but in the end, once she found out that they couldn't, it was a lost cause in her eyes.
It's like a friend going back to their toxic ex or trying to help someone who doesn't want to be helped. That's kinda how I view it.
Dorcas is strong in the sense that she knows when they can't be helped, these were her friends for at least 6-7 years. For that long of period, a lot of people would struggle to turn their back on someone they want to "save" in hopes it would get better. I don't think she was like "Maybe I could undo this." She recognized a lost cause and left, and I think that's very good for her.
And, going back to dropping her friends. She dropped a 6-7 year friendship to be the good side, she was brave enough to give up a long and deep friendship to fight for what was right. However, I don't think she ever got super close to any of the Order members (except Marlene), because, in the end, she did end up losing her close friends (and Pandora too, that's a whole other thing though), she will be upset and she will mourn what could've been between her friends.
Dorcas knows that her friends have their families pulling them back, but she also knows that it's up to them to try and break away, and when they don't she sticks by her morals (which yk not killing ppl based on blood-type shit), and she ups and leaves. And I think it was the best she could've done for herself.
Throwing that aside. In happier times, she was the girl whose mind was constantly going. I imagine her as a quick thinker and someone who processes stuff in her head very quickly. She wanted to be an actress and had a bunch of movie star posters up on her wall and perfected her singing and voice control. Painting and analyzing was a skill she honed for many years. She was probably the most reasonable one in the Pantheon and the most down to Earth.
She wasn't social but she didn't shy away from interactions, she wasn't violent but she was willing to fight, and she wasn't overconfident but she knew what she owed or deserved.
But that didn't mean she didn't have flaws. She lashes out at the Order because she lost her friends, she is envious of the Marauders, of Marlene (I do believe, like every other relationship, their relationship was the rocks during the war) because all her friends are fighting for Muggle-borns, she views her friends as weak for giving in to their families so quickly without fighting back, she's stubborn and finds it hard to admit when she's wrong, she's competitive, and she can be harsh with her words that it feels as if she stabbed a dagger into unfatal area and left you to bleed.
SO! Her animagus, I think should've been a tiger, an animal that guides one to their inner wisdom and symbolizes strength
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sushisocks · 6 months
bro it makes me so mad how ppl say sean didn’t need a break after getting recused by the bounty hunters becuz he got a party but whats ur opinions on it???
Obviously, I think way too much about Sean, and read very much into a lot of smaller things when it comes to him. I imagine the people who say Sean didn't need a break after his rescue would think I read too much into his character, and I may perhaps even be hit with a 'its not that deep bro', but that has never really stopped me, lol.
And I will wholeheartedly disagree with those who say he did not need a break. I think believing that, taking this aspect at face value, is disregarding one of the game's strongest points; environmental storytelling. A lot of what we learn about the gang members in this game, is through just hanging out at camp. Not only do you get to be privy to scenes and interactions that tell us about the interpersonal dynamics, but the characters also have daily routines and habits that tell you things about them!
And see, in Horseshoe, sometimes Sean walks funny at camp even without having had anything to drink ahead of time. You could read this as a bug but I personally think there's a more obvious reason behind it. He's quick to sit down or lean against things, during his shifts on watch AND otherwise. Other people here on tumblr have pointed out how he barely eats, or clearly struggles to.
Now consider what Sean actually TELLS us, in his rescue mission. He had his teeth pulled, his feet burned. And I don't know about you, but that sure does sound like things that would leave a mark - not necessarily a visible one, but one that would affect behavior, because pain does.
When I had my wisdom teeth pulled, I was on painkillers for days after. I also had one done at a time, so that I could use the opposite side of my mouth to chew my food while one side healed, and I still struggled to eat.
Do you think Sean was shown the same courtesy?
He has a front tooth missing - in what world is eating comfortable? Do you think he has the strength, then, to be up on his feet all the time? Feet which, most likely, are still healing from being burned??? Like, what is the logic in taking Sean being fine at face value, here?? Do we actually believe Dutch is a good and competent leader, now?!?
And like, I'll say it, Sean 100% played down what he'd been through. I could go on at length about my thoughts about the reasons why, as pertaining to the role he performs in the gang, excitement and relief and adrenaline about being free again, not wanting to appear weak, etc etc. But I also do think, then, that it's almost a little bit silly to not extend him the same courtesy as we do many of the other characters of this game, and consider what this experience might actually have been like for him.
Sean, Arthur, and Javier were all kidnapped and tortured. All three of them. And they all had it real fucking bad. Can we, like, let ourselves sit with that for a moment? And acknowledge that Sean had it just as bad as the other two??
He was also stuck in that situation for the longest!!! At least two fucking weeks, minimum, while Javier and Arthur's experiences were for -- two to four days?
The difference is of course that Arthur and Javier both had their experiences shown on screen, and they both got to rest afterwards.
Sorry, that was a bit of a tangent, back to the party thing.
Ultimately, Sean is given a party because the gang needs a party. They are still recovering after Blackwater and Colter; they are in dire need of levity and fun, which is given through something to celebrate. They need a distraction. These are the things which Sean performs and gives the gang; the party isn't even really for him; it's for what he represents, and what his return represents. The party isn't what he needs, and he sure as hell was not well enough to just jump back into action.
What he needs, what he should have had, is a break after the shit he went through. He wasn't given permission for that though, not from their leader and not socially from anyone else, and furthermore he didn't really give himself permission for it. You have to do his rescue mission before pouring forth oil, because the second Sean is back, he's looking for jobs, and he wants in on the train robbery.
He's working, immediately.
(The fact that people actually believe him lazy just because he doesn't do as much as Arthur, the gang's workhorse, after returning from being held and tortured by bounty hunters, is insane to me. Yall are gonna believe Arthur about that?? According to him, all the guys in camp save Charles are lazy!)
Idk, what I find the strangest about takes like these is like... Most of the other characters are worthy of discussion, analysis, and discourse. But - not even the game, but characters in the game, who show themselves to have their own faults and prejudices as well - tell us Sean is lazy and easy-going and fun and that's all he is, and we believe it? Where did the critical thinking go??
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sweetblossoms · 1 year
saw your post abt rapunzel manipulating tim in their convo and god hard agree it Is concerning that so many ppl didn't see it. also crazy to me that ppl are mad at tim and defending rapunzel, saying that they would have taken the book too because tim was being rude etc. to me it seemed that both tim the character and ally the player Wanted to believe that rapunzel wasn't part of the plan and was good but just kind of strange, and both are successfully fooled. tim absolutely fumbles the interaction and ally could have played things better, but rapunzel was so clearly in charge of the conversation, leading him into saying worse and worse things and putting his foot in his mouth while tim was genuinely trying to be nice. tim is awkward and blunt and eccentric with Everyone, it's weird that ppl are saying he was being singularly rude to her or patronizing her or that he deserved to get the book taken. that interaction was clumsy as hell and so many words could have been chosen better but tim so clearly was trying so hard to fix his initial fuck up and be friendly w her in the same weird way he talks to everyone. I don't see how ppl came out of that scene on her side even if tim was a little rude and unfortunate w his word choice, and it's concerning to see ppl being like "ha take that stupid old man!!" abt the book being taken + in defense of a character we met an episode and a half ago and who we have been told outright is an expert at deceiving people. the princesses are so so interesting as characters and the morals going on are complex and that's a whole different conversation, but I feel like no matter whether you love rapunzel or not, ppl should be able to recognize that she was manipulating tim in that moment and taking advantage of his trusting disposition. not trying to start discourse in your ask box ofc!!! I've just seen No One Else express discomfort w rapunzel in that scene
anon this ask has been living in my head rent free since you sent it, i've been stewing over how to respond because y e s. for context, check out this post to save discourse on main (this is about to be a long one of fan critic analysis, get your popcorn and settle in if you wanna read, this is the longest post i've ever made), im gonna put my thoughts and response under a read more, sososo many spoilers under the cut read at your own risk
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These were all in the replies and tags and I want to reply to all of them bc they're all worthy of being talked about bc i feel like the majority of the fandom is almost scared to critique?? So like let's talk about it since nobody else seems to be taking this approach from what I can tell (thank you to you anon for being on my side as well as the rest of you who are screaming with me) I will begin by saying that my original post is not critiquing ally the player, or any of the other players. i understand that they were in that dome, filming a session of dungeons and dragons, and improv acting and roleplaying for many hours on end with back to back episodes. i kind of get ally and the rest of the table maybe just wanting to "hope for the best", especially ally as they are quite a "hope for the good in others" type of person. it's frustrating from a viewer perspective sure, but i totally dont blame anyone ever for making a "wrong" or "non-optimal" choice while playing a ttrpg, they just have the misfortune of being filmed while doing so. i myself have made tons of bag fumbles while playing dnd, even when i thought everything through ten times over. so anything i have said or will say forward isn't to put any shouldering on to the people playing these silly storybook characters, like, i Get It
What i do want to critique is the fan response, which is the more worrying one!!! like i said in my original post, i was surprised by my d20 watch buddy having a similar response to ally. the total "oh, maybe she's just quirky bc of the self isolation, maybe she's autism rep" approach. my friend, love her to death, is also one of those "sees the best in others and hope everyone is always aiming to be their best selves" type of person, very similar to ally. i came online after that episode expecting everybody on the fanbase level to be screaming with me in a "i told you so!!" way
instead. i came online and saw people just on the attack and the defense in absolutely skewed ways!! out of NOWHERE, all these fans have come on to post about how "tim was patronizing her, and thats why she stole the book" "wow i would have hated being called girly and honey as well" "wow these conversations really didnt go their way why was tim so mean to her :(" or the opposite of "rapunzel is the evilest person to ever exist bc xyz these princesses are evil villains" or "we need to protect these princesses bc they just didnt know any better uwu"
i feel like, on a fan level, me and you anon (+all these lovely folks in the notes of that post) were the only ones screaming "hold on, that is literally not the same media i just watched"
i've seen before a lot of people be like "wow, media literacy is at an all time low" and i never really understood that until i saw the reactions after that episode. as a fan or viewer watching any media, we have the privilege of seeing more about the media than the people who are creating it. that's the best joy of being a viewer, we get to sit back and spot those foreshadowing moments and bite our nails in suspense when the music goes creepy and see the artwork and overall, we have the privilege of catching vibes that maybe those acting in it do not. this leads to those bonding moments of "i told you so" "wow im biting my nails and pacing" "oh they're gonna REGRET that". and, an "oh my god no no no do not hug her she wants to take your book god now she's feeling you up with her hair she's looking for the book ROLL INITIATIVE!!!!". it leads to glorious moments of ~dramatic irony~, a literary term for literally when something is happening in a story and the readers can catch it, but the protagonist probably didnt bc they're not seeing the full picture. While watching, from my perspective, yeah it was frustrating to watch the player bag fumble turn after turn, but it's a game of dnd, they film so many back to back, they don't get the same experience as us. however.
brennan did a great job at dropping the foreshadowing, to the point of not even so much subtly foreshadowing, he DIRECTLY TOLD THEM rapunzel was a liar and uses her words as knives. like someone pointed out, the players even PAID for that information, with the golden bridle. by the time they met these princesses, they probably knew the most about rapunzel's true nature over all the other princesses, that she uses her charisma to her advantage. the players made their choice to do the diplomatic route, to split up and chat. ally did the right thing for picking rapunzel with tim's 19 charisma stat, it would have been charisma against charisma, and an even playing field for someone they have been explicitly told is a master of words and deceit.
as fans, we've seen these episodes edited and put back to back. clues are lined up in a row. was it frustrating to see ally playing tim in a naïve way? sure. but tim's been pretty naïve this whole time, so you could stack it up to a character choice. what's more frustrating is seeing the responses of viewers being blindsided by the book thieving and chalking it all up to "evil vs good" and rapunzel's choice shaking them to their cores.
by this point in the story, by the time you get to that episode, rapunzel already gave enough bad vibes with the talk of her charismatic deceits and with her hair everywhere spying on them. maybe that last one wasn't explicitly stated, but it was heavily implied to the point of gerard writing the plans on a note instead of wanting them said out loud by elody, a scene that happened way before tim's. by the time we see rapunzel get to the kitchen, she is INSTANTLY catty. someone described her on the post as "eldritch regina george" and. yes. exactly. eldritch regina george. from our privileged spot as a viewer, rapunzel comes in, puts on the fake smile, puts on her fake tone, and says "what are you doing in here? :)". she was already ready to fight timothy. that first sentence was hostile. she was OFFENDED and checking on tim to make sure mother goose wasn't counter-spying. i honestly didnt think that would have to have been explicitly stated, she was in attack mode and plastered the fake smile for a show so that she had the upperhand in the conversation that was about to happen. this is something that fans should have at least caught on to right off the bat, we've been explicitly told that she is fake more than she is honest for the sake of being a "performative person"
the conversation happens, and she starts becoming more verbally hostile. "i dont know, what SHOULD we do hehe. it's ruined now :)" "no use in crying over spilt milk *pours milk with hair on the floor with a smile* oh no :)" "...or if it was on purpose :/ :)" "why dont you go get a mop :)" "i chose to be charming :)"
every sentence she replied with was carefully chosen. as viewers, we can watch brennan's face in full clarity of intimidation. we can have the knowledge that has been provided to not trust rapunzel as she is a charismatic spy who has words for knives. in my opinion, even without those clues before now, her show that she put on in the kitchen should have been enough as is to show that she is acting maliciously and with hostility. the smile is there as to not incite physical violence on tim's part bc then it would make TIM look like the bad guy if he attacked first. by the time she goes in for the hug. im sorry. but ally the player should have caught that, the whole table should have caught that, and-more importantly-the fans should have caught that. we all watched the same thing. we have all been told the same information. to purposefully ignore all of the red flags just to pull a "well tim was kind of mean and patronizing, and rapunzel doesnt have social skills from being locked in a tower, i forgive her, wow i didnt see that coming" is absolutely *batshit*
the lack of people catching on is what concerns me. i've met TONS of people growing up (sorry here, im all for women's wrongs, but mainly cis-girls tbh) who act like rapunzel does. from middle school and high school bullies/mean girls. mean girls at college. from parents or teachers or bosses. from normal adults in my life. they always have the same tone and inflections in the same places. the same faces with the wrinkled nose. the same sickly sweet smile. brennan played rapunzel, a known manipulator, perfectly. to a T. he embodied it fully. people JUST LIKE RAPUNZEL walk amongst us every day. i can guarantee you that even these fans that didnt catch it have met people like rapunzel in their own lives.
rapunzel is a character yes, but she is a character that mimics a masterclass manipulator. she IS the mean girl, the regina george. it leaked out of her every word, tone, and inflection. every single thing told about her and shown was, in no world, some "uwu the sweet bean was locked in a tower and doesnt have social skills". that was her origin, her start point. just like sleeping beauty locked in a castle, snow locked in her coffin. rapunzel directly says "i chose to be charming. :)." she had her origin of no social skills, her sad origin of being locked in isolation in her tower, and said "this is my greatest flaw, so i am going to dedicate my life to improving this skill bc it's what stopping me from achieving my goals." she trained her social skills to be good. too good. so good that she hopes nobody will catch her sweet charming self in the act of malicious intentions. this. was. directly. stated.
it worries me on a psychological level of the fans. yes it shows a lack of media literacy, something is frustrating on a fan-to-fan level. it shows a lack of ability of critical thinking. it shows a lack of ability to participate in dramatic irony, a necessary literary device to instill tension into a horror campaign. but also, and to what is probably my main point in this novel long hot take: it has real world implications. mean girls like rapunzel are a guarantee in life. i'm sorry, but it's true. maybe the person acts differently, maybe they aren't as obvious or more obvious. but these people walk amongst us. they use the same tone and same cadence to their words. these manipulators see what they want, and devise a way to convince the person into giving them what they want. rapunzel did not use the Charm Person spell, or the Friendship spell. She used. her words. like a normal human being. and by doing so, we as the fans were able to catch on and should have had a moment of "RUN GOOSE, RUN AWAY, NO DONT LET HER HUG YOU". but instead, a lot of people turn a blind eye to these manipulators in their lives. they pull a "aw but they have a tragic backstory, they're just confused and need love :/" "they cant be THAT bad..." they see a sweet little smile on the face and an upticked tone of voice, and go "well, they're playing nice, so now i have to play nice bc otherwise im the bad guy here" which!!! you do not!!
this is exactly how manipulators worm their ways in, this is what ALLOWS manipulation to work in its various forms. it's how people get trapped in abusive relationships. it's how people get scammed. on a personal end, i lived a narcissistic manipulator for a long time growing up, and it was exhausting. once you could put down the rose colored glasses and see right through the act, you notice how every inch of their mannerisms are performative. everything they say and do comes with the caveat of them wanting something from you and are trying to butter you up in the meantime. if you catch and call onto it, they IMMEDIATELY turn on you, they sneer and retreat to their next target who it will fool. the cycle continues, the next target is selected.
on a fan level, if we as fans cannot play into dramatic irony as a practice, if we cannot exit our seats of mind to catch on to those "eldritch regina george" quirks at the bud in a piece of fictional media where the puzzle has been handed on a silver platter, then there is a l o t more work to be done on 1) general media literacy 2) ANY fandom perception on media and 3) general awareness of how to spot and deal with manipulators in real life. if you can't catch on to it in a silly fictional ttrpg media, how do you expect to catch on to it in real life? how many of these same fans are trapped in manipulative relationships around them? how many more will they fall for bc of the "oh no but they have tragic backstory so it's forgiven uwu"? as fans, you cant sit there in the same breath saying that tim was condescending to rapunzel and then follow it up with not noticing what was ACTUALLY happening in real time. if you wanna say that rapunzel was ALLOWED to be a manipulator because of her origin, what other manipulators are you defending in your real life? how many of these manipulators continue their tricks BECAUSE they know naïve people exist and will fall for it? how many have been enabled in the same cycle bc it worked on one so it'll work on the next?
i wish i had a fun way to conclude this absolutely massive chunk of fandom critique gibberish, but i just dont. i wish i could find a more comprehensive way to scream about this, so take this post as me SCREAMING about this, anon my dm's are open if we wanna rant some more
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opinated-user · 9 months
It sickens my stomach that there are people who buy into Lily's lies and demonization of her sister. I saw a lot of notes on her post wishing Lily well and claiming Courtney is "evil" and wishing harm on her for supposedly letting Lily's abuse happen.
Do you think these people are so brainwashed that they actually believe a six year old is responsible for stopping abuse by an adult, or have they just been misled and dont know the full details ie that Courtney was a child at the time?
And how many ppl support Lily vs knows what a shitty person she is?
i want to believe so badly that these people quite literally don't realize that LO is putting the blame of her abuse on an already abused kid closer to a toddler than to preteens. i want to really, really think that when they hear LO say that Courtney knew about her abuse and did nothing, they picture an older teen Courtney who maliciously withold information and not a small child who didn't even have the words to describe what was happening to her, less than anything to another person. i want to think that they see LO in distress and are responding to that, that they're just using emotions rather than reason, that they didn't even notice that LO said "even if all their claims were true, it wouldn't be my fault", something that no innocent person would ever say about sexually abusing a sibling.
because if they are actually aware that Courtney was a 6 year old child and still decide to side with LO, still think that LO is the only ones who deserves sympathy, if they think an abused child can be an active accomplice for CSA, if they actually do believe that even if LO did molested Courtney she wasn't really responsible for any of it... then i'm truly speechless. i quite literally have no words to react to that. only this... maybe LO and her audience have more in common that we would like to think.
and that is the last thing i want to think.
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
The real reason I had to shut my blog down was because of the crazy FS wannabes!
There are many, yes! They pose as readers too! Some become your friends and try to impose their thoughts about Chris or his FS on you. Some of them don't like people reading about Chris because it doesn't match with their perception of Chris that they have built in their minds and the FS description also, because it doesn't match with them.
They get panic attacks if a pr dump comes because they think this stupid circus might be real and the pr blogs are stopping the process of Chris getting better because they think Chris might be here, reading garbage about himself on this site! We are defending a bad guy and trying to baby him! Trying to stop him from having accountability! 😂😂😂 Hahaha, hilarious, isn't it?
Lolll, no Chris is not here! Chris has anxiety, very bad anxiety and he is staying away from social media. Tumblr is the worst place for him to be where people are just nasty and mean. Do you think he will be able to read all this nasty stuff about himself and not get a panic attack?
I never got blocked by Chris or his FS. The people who insist on not to read about Chris or his FS are either FS wannabes mostly or ppl from Alba's side who want to make people believe that Alba is probably the one!!!! And also they want people to believe that Chris is into her so yeah I had a target on my back from two crazy groups!
These FS wannabes used to argue with me in the dms and then send me hateful anons (like defending Jenny, because to some of them Jenny was a victim) They never realized that I stayed quiet and never said anything to their faces because I was being fucking polite! I can pick up energy very easily and I can recognize ppl's styles of writing too.
One more thing that I found hilarious was, if they felt Chris wasn't a good guy and they were being forced into a relationship with him and they had to change him according to them, isn't this a clear sign the guy is not for them???? Soulmates understand each other on soul levels like no one can. They can see right through what is happening to their soulmates or what kind of situation they might be in. If these so-called soulmates can't realize that it is pr, that is also a clear sign that they are not his soulmates. Soulmates don't need confirmation from others that their soulmates are good people. They know them like no other person can ever know them!
On the premiere day, these FS wannabes who posed as my friends came telling me I was stupid and making things up because he was really with her in my dms. Be aware of these crazy wannabes because apart from Alba's side, some crazy people are causing panic and chaos in the fandom too. Not all the wannabes are crazy but some of them are and they keep hopping from one blog to another trying to achieve their target and stop readers in the fandom.
And mark my words! When he gets married or he gets a real gf, these people will shred that woman to pieces too. It's not about only Alba being a racist or nazi lover or being young/looking like a teen or not being a good person. It is more about Chris being with any woman!
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mostlikelytofangirl · 8 months
Honestly one of my favourite things about ruoyao is how unhinged a ship it is! Like okay WRH and MY are fundamentally different people but they fit together very nicely! WRH is very capricious and MY knows how to deal with capricious people, WRH seems to be one of the few people in the entire novel to elevate people purely on merit (see: MY, WZL, WQ) and thag drives me nuts!
Like are you serious??? The unhinged megalomaniac is better at recognising and rewarding talent than everyone here??? Says a lot about the jianghu. In the same vein, he seems like the one person that would 100% respect his mom, without being awkward about it because he doesn't give two craps about social conventions or propriety
The same way I don't think MY's kindness is a facade, I don't think his cruelty in WRH's court is one either! MY can be very unhinged and cruel himself when he's pushed to it! (see: JGS's death)
There's also the fact WRH treated him better than anyone until that point (except for LXC) and like, obviously MY was playing a role in Qinshang, but it wasn't a role necessarily antithetical to his character!
It's really fun to explore the whirlwind of emotion MY was dealing with at that point! The power, the rush of WRH's respect and care, so on!
I've read every ruoyao dynamic under the sun (wen-gongzi, wen-furen, codependency, sexy torture times, etc.) And they drive me crazy!!!! Have you seen manhua WRH's reaction to being killed? He doesn't look like he's angry and wants to rage and kill! He looks confused and devastated like he doesn't understand why his talented Yao'er would do this!
It's about the potential. Like yeah WRH is basically a cartoon villain in the books but he's so fun to toy with with the little info we have! One thing that I like to believe about him is that he 100% adores his family! Hurt WX or WC or MY? He'll skin you. He was probably about to shatter baxia and have MY skin NMJ when he died
AAAAHHHH You get me!!!
YES! They are different ppl but they align so well with each other! As you said WRH is the kind to do whatever the hell he wants, and one thing MY is great at is accommodating, and he has no issues with that so long as his own needs are met too, and woULD YOU LOOK AT HOW HE ACTUALLY GOT RECOGNIZED!
And WZL! I forgot about him, but YES, that dude not only got accepted in the sect, he even was given the Wen name! LIKE PLS WRH was going around collecting talented rejects :')
Oh, I totally agree with your assessment of MY. I believe he was an inherently good person, but he was more than capable of cruelty. He probably had to exaggerate a bit in Qishan, but he definitely had what it took already, that cold blood is just something you can't fake, no matter how good an actor. And you know, that's what I love about Wen Yao, that he could be fully himself like that, he didn't have to hide his "dark" side nor pretend to be better to not hurt others' sensibilities bc, as good as he may have been at his core, he was not all about pure righteousness. He understood nuance and the need for harsh measures, and only with the Wen was it properly appreciated (but not exploited and abused like JGS did)
There are so many flavors to the ship indeed! I mean, you are still not going to get the healthiest pairing out of ruoyao lol, but you can get some wonderful codependence or the ever so delicious "I'm horrible to everybody but never to you" dynamics :'D
Ahhh the manhua!! I made this post some time ago PRECISELY bc I was going insane over how crushed WRH was when he discovered his Yao'er betraying him! He wasn't angry, he just couldn't understand why T-T
Lol he's a wonderful cartoon villain XD. It's about his potential as well, how we can have fun with the bits and pieces of info bc those are actually telling. And I do agree that he cared about his family, even if he wasn't aware of how he came off to them (aka that one donghua scene with WC kneeling), bc we would have been told otherwise since this is the Horrible Fathers novel :P. Also iirc, the whole "torture of NMJ right in front of him" thing was bc he killed WX, sooooo...
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Another thing i never understood is ppl's insistence that Izuku's friends should have jumped on Katsuki for what he did to him in MS.
I could go sooo much on why that's stupid, but i should just say what it is
Stupid lol
No, no please. I encourage you to go on to say why it's stupid because... it is!!
So, let me get this straight or try to, people want jump on Katsuki for what he did to Izuku to what?
Look, MS!Katsuki is an asshole, he's a jerk, he was terrible. No one knows that better than Izuku and Katsuki.
You know what's great about 1A? That they didn't take Katsuki's shit in the beginning. It's why one of the reasons why Katsuki even starts to change because he was put in a class with kids who didn't take his attitude, who weren't scared of him. At best, most of time, including Izuku, they brushed him off.
When people say "oh, the class should have shunned Bakugou, they should have jumped him" and yadda yadda, it's like did you not actually see that they did???!!!
It's not like they don't tell him about his attitude because they definitely do.
Hell, Iida even scowls him about being disrespecful (and honestly I was on Iida's side on that one because dude, desks gotta be shared). Kaminari and Asui take digs at his attitude. Sero constantly antagonize him.
He even had been called "villain" before, something he doesn't want to be.
People act like 1A didn't or never let him get away with his attitude. They don't.
On top of that, how could 1A get on Katsuki about bullying Izuku when THEY WERE NEVER TOLD? Something that wasn't their business?
Look, they all are friends but I doubt Katsuki or Izuku ever brought up what really went down in their past to the others. Probably didn't want to either. As I said in another post, I believe Izuku wanted to move past all that.
That apology scene was probably the first time they even heard about the bullying.
By then, Katsuki was clear about how he really is as a person and his issues and learned many lessons to be better. So at that point in time, do people want the class to get on Katsuki about the bullying? Oh sure, that would be perfect timing! Let's create some turmoil in the time of destruction and tragedy!
Yeah, let's create some issues within the class! Let's go as far as to damage a new environment, dirty the clean slate instead of starting anew!
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Thanks for sharing and confirming that my instincts were right. I always tend to trust my gut feelings about people but sometimes I wonder if I should. Well, once again, it seems that I, indeed, should. Now I have to be honest, I never gave much credit to wsj, I ended up unfollowing cause I wasn’t interested in her posts anymore at some point, I really don’t trust people claiming they know stuff about celebrities and posting it on the internet, everybody can pretend to be xyz, unless there’s some solid proof I chose to remain skeptical (I did see a few stuff, tough nothing groundbreaking, from the k-side that I trust though, so maybe she was right). That being said, it’s Tumblr, it’s more private that Twitter, we’re a smaller community, so I don’t see any harm in people sharing what they want to share on their own blog. Just move on and ignore if you don’t like. The campaign against her and other bloggers was disgusting. Let ppl speak on their own tiny corner ffs, if don’t agree you can expose your arguments, have a discussion or unfollow and block. As long as they don’t cross a line I don’t see the problem. I’m seriously done with the holier than thou woke bs attitude. It’s all about virtue signaling these days, showing how you’re so much better and morally pure, and you know everything better than the rest of the plague… give me a break. Also the discussion around jealousy and constant dismissing of k-army and korean dating culture was quite something… because as someone who comes from a country where the dating culture differs a lot with the American/western perspective, where a drop of jealousy and possessivity is considered as a normal display of affection - I’m not talking about excessive and toxic behavior obviously!! - the blatant ignorance and constant undermining of korean dating culture that is quite similar to mine in that regard really annoyed. me. so. freaking. much. It’s deemed as a big no-no in your culture, okay, I get it, but you’re not better than us who thinks that in many cases it’s not that big of deal and, in Jikook case, was quite revealing in the past. Sorry I’m going all over the place, I’ll shut up now!
Ha ha haaa... no, dont even worry about it. Its fine. Thing is though, the Jeonlous/Jimlous thing IS indeed quite exergerrated. Most of the compilations are rubbish. And I can see why most people hate it. Including Regina George. I get that. But it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Especially in the case of other people who are not members. My mind immediately goes to the Sean Mendez interaction. 🤭🤭🤭
(TT is accurate has not been manipulated in any way)
JK almost bulldozed RM and downright ignored him in his rush to get to Jimin. It's actually hilarious 😂😂 Now this can be classified as jealousy. But when it comes to members I don't think that's what that is at all. Annoyance, Irritation, maybe? because he can't do to Jimin what others can. But definitely not jealousy. Either way whatever it is, it happens and denying it is stupid.
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As for WSJ I don't see why the notion that an Army personally knows BTS is so hard to believe. Normal people know celebrities all the time. That being said, my issue with everyone who went after her was the hypocrisy. WSJ was very careful not to tell us anything incriminating. And everything else she ever said were things we already knew.
-Jikook is real
-Jikook live together
-Vminkook have issues
Etcetera, Etcetera. These are things we already know. She was just confirming. And she wasn't even worse than us Jikookers. And i said as much to Stormie when she made that shady post. We are the ones talking about Jikook 18+ moments and posting about them. So anyone thinking they have a leg to stand on are being hypocrites. 🖕🏽
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bluegekk0 · 17 days
im just thinking about my pk, Rymer, meeting yours and just. being both appalled and SO jealous.
you get to give into your instincts??? you get to marry grimm without ppl thinking its weird??? YOU DIVORCED THE WHITE LADY?????
sorry i just. i think its funny lol
Hahaha yeah I think that, despite all, Vyrm got pretty lucky. That's mostly cause I just love him so much as a character and want him to be happy (gives me some hope that my life will also get all sorted out and I'll be happy eventually). Though saying that he's in a perfect situation would also be a bit inaccurate. His life was terrible for at least 3/4 of it, and that just doesn't go away the moment he finds himself in a happy marriage with a family. And I think taking into consideration how all that trauma affects him even now, where he's generally much happier, makes his character that much more fleshed out and interesting, which hopefully isn't just my own view of him.
But yeah if he met a version of PK who wasn't as lucky, it would be quite awkward. Especially since, comparing to many interpretations of the character I've seen, Vyrm's struggles are very different for the most part. And with his poorly masked autism*, he would really struggle to not make things even more awkward. Not to mention, I imagine that if he ever met an alternate version of himself, he would have a very difficult relationship with them by default. There's so much self-hatred in his heart that reminds him of the things he did, and I believe that if he saw another version of himself, it would turn nasty. Of course, he'd eventually come to his senses, especially as he realizes that the other PK is different to him and isn't just an extension of himself to be insulted and hated. But if said PK was more cold and uncaring than him, at least on the surface? Or if he was still trying to excuse his actions with that whole "no cost too great" thing, instead of just admitting he did monstrous things that didn't help anyone? I fear it wouldn't be as pretty, especially since it would also remind Vyrm too much of his version of WL. His self-hatred and all the trauma would combine into a very unpleasant reaction, if not an aggressive one.
Sorry for the longer ramble but I also think this kind of meeting would be very interesting, so I wanted to go over what things would seem like from Vyrm's side haha
Also, Rymer is a very unique name for a PK interpretation, I like it!
* - Funny side tangent about the autism part: many traits that I gave him were peer reviewed as very noticeably autistic by my friends, which wasn't even my intention since I wrote him based on my own experiences/things that I find relatable. Most of my reactions to their comments were along the lines of "wait, really?", since I didn't even realize that was a trait associated with autism. So it really made me take a look back and consider the possibility that I'm also autistic, which wasn't something that I ever really thought about before, but it definitely explained a lot (and still does). Just goes to show how much this character means to me, writing him like this is very cathartic and helped me figure things out about myself.
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sleepy-ogre · 25 days
Thots On Bad Thinking Diary
⚠️Mild Spoilers⚠️
Just finished reading the entire series and damn it was so disappointing. OK, I knew the story was overall jackshit from before but I just wanted to know how badly a storyline can progress and although it was an agonising read in so many aspects, atleast I now know what a webcomic with no substance and only style looks like.
Like everyone else who despise this, I will also say that the plotline of this webcomic has to be it's biggest weakness. It doesn't even feel like they tried, it was so nonsensical and cliché. I did notice some comments saying how its all so highschool and while I do agree, it's not like drama doesn't happen in colleges/universities either lmfao trust and believe. However, it surely doesn't occur like the way it did in this comic which was VERY plot convenient. Plus the angst between the two protagonists isn't even that interesting. Rather it's the kind to literally make one pull one's hair coz ITS.SO.GODDAM.FRUSTRATING.💀 Like imagine a character being as frustratingly knuckleheaded as Yuna. I understand wanting to portray someone who has a hard time expressing their feelings but istg the way Yuna does it makes no sense at all at times, like you might as well loose braincells trying to figure it all out. On top of that, you have the romantic interest Minji who's the typical happy-go-lucky, head in the clouds protagonist who while atleast communicates better than her soon-to-be amour, still has her extremely childish moments. It might have been cute in some instances, but there were some moments where it wasn't even necessary. Atleast the antagonists in the webcomic are somewhat interesting, although they still feel too blasé. I think more time should've been given exploring their backstories as well. Would've been a 1000 time better than to waste entire chapters depicting SA between the protagonists of course. Like how does the author expect the audience to like Minji's supposed love interest when she can't even communicate and also has no regards for personal boundaries during intimacy lol.
And now onto the seggs scenes. I suppose this is more on the subjective side but again, very blasé. And sure, some people just prefer things the way it has been showcased in the webcomic and while I do respect the preferences of others, I will say that for a smutty GL, it's kinda boring. Like it's the same ol' 👆ing, where is the ✂️ing and 69ing😭 I'm assuming sapphic seggs is much more than that lol. A part of me feels maybe its the censorship, that some platforms don't want to showcase certain acts that are too "risky", maybe that's why seggs in GL sometimes feels too one-dimensional. Atleast we had some very copious scenes involving munching the carpet and tiddies. Still I'm not saying the seggs is that bad, atleast the consensual ones. Coz there are a few scenes that are guaranteed to make one feel uncomfortable. Plus there are scenes in which both the central romantic interests want to explore and be adventurous especially with toys however even then it feels like its somewhat performative. One more thing I have an issue is with the same ol top-bottom trope in smut. Like it's always about domination be it het or queer media. Like I really hoped for a switch at the very least but I suppose I was too optimistic lol. Ik this trope is prevalent in queer media and ik how its just the replication of what typically occurs in het interactions but this is a very far-reaching issue in smut and erotica in general and I'm fed up of how everything has to be about who gets to be in control and under control.
Would I go back to reading this manhwa again? Eh, no cause for all the buildup and intrigue it sure does end up being a total bummer. Too bad coz the artwork is very pretty. I hope Lily of The Valley is better. (Update: I'm only up to date with 6 chapters but yea, LOTV is no less different💀💀💀)
Again, no hate to the ppl who still ended up liking the manhwa, I'm just not living for it and hence decided to vent about it here :)
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