#it won't take much to turn him into a coward again
deunmiu-dessie · 12 days
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(unedited) simon loves you, he's just not the best at showing or saying it.
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"no, simon. you don't-," you swallow thickly and forcefully pull your wrist away from his grip. "- you don't get to leave and come back when it's convenient for you." your lips are set but they wobble, teetering with the storm of emotions brewing within you. "i'm done trying. i can't do, whatever this…this twisted game is between us." [i’m sorry.]
he's been silent your whole talk, he seems so stoic as if the conversation is a hassle- like he could care less; and maybe he could. you can never guess what simon was feeling. he was like an impenetrable wall, unwavering— even for you; it left you feeling alone most days.
your eyes flit over his face, hoping to see something, anything that would make you second guess what you were saying. but as usual, he’s unreadable; and tears well up in your eyes as you continue, your voice trembling with a mixture of something akin to pleading and sadness. "i've given you countless chances, simon. i've allowed you to come and go as you please, hoping that one day you would realize the love i have for you. but i can't keep living in this constant state of uncertainty, never knowing when you'll decide to leave again." [no more, never again will i leave you. i swear it.]
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you take a deep shuddering breath, trying to steady yourself, but the pain in your chest hurts fiercely. it steals your breath away, and flushes your cheeks with heat. "i deserve better than this, simon. i deserve someone who will be there for me, someone who won't treat me like an option. i can't keep waiting for you to change, to finally see my worth." [i see you. i love you with every breath that i take. until my lungs give out.]
your words hang heavy in the air, you wait for him to say something, to tell you that he loves you, that he’ll do anything to get you to stay. say something, you think. "i've spent too long trying to make this work, trying to convince myself that your attention is enough. but it's not. it's never been enough." [say something! tell her you love her, that you'd die for her. say something, simon.]
a singular, angry and furstrated tear escapes, tracing a path down your cheek. "i deserve a love that is whole, that is unwavering. i deserve someone who will fight for me, who will choose me every single day. and if you can't be that person, then i have to let you go." [don't say that, please. i love you.]
your brows furrow and your chin sets, your hands coiling into fists. tears flow in rivulets down your cheeks and you lift one fist and hit his chest weakly. “say something, you coward.” you utter, your other fist raises to hit him once again. “i hate that i love you so much, i hate you for being the only thing that i think about. i hate you simon.” [i love you, so much that you're the only thing i think about. i love you _____.]
your punches get heavier but he's unmoving, a tic starting in his jaw. in a sudden burst of frustration, you shove at him, your lips pressed tightly together, and your cheeks burning. yet, he remains motionless, his gaze steady and unwavering. “say something, damn it!” you wail, preparing to hit him again, however, his large hands swiftly seize your raised fist before you can and he pulls you into his chest, cupping the nape of your neck and engulfing you in…him. "i love you."
and you know you shouldn't but you melt in his arms, go completely slack, and cry harder. “then say that.” simon presses a kiss to your temple, and you freeze at the tremble of his lips, his chest rumbling as he speaks again. “i love you so much.” and just like that, he reeled you back in, just like he always does; and it felt like coming home. the familiarity of his touch, the warmth of his embrace, it all felt so right, as if you were finally where you were meant to be.
but you knew that as soon as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, that the cracks in your situationship would begin to show. and part of you can't help but think that maybe, just maybe, you were fated to live this exact bittersweet cycle with simon until the end of time.
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my eyes were sweating a little when i was writing this ngl
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jymwahuwu · 2 months
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-You play a stripping game with Aventurine! See how much you can win?
cw: yandere, dub-con, manipulative behavior, naive, drunk reader, reader has female reproductive system, creampie, getting stripped naked after playing games
"What? Did that customer really say that? This is so silly!" You held a wine glass with ice in one hand and giggled drunkenly. And Aventurine is sitting next to you now. He confirmed your question, causing you to snicker again. He adds the sweet golden liquid to your cup. "That's right - I always advised them not to… Who would have thought that that business would become so exaggerated?"
"Hmm, that's enough, that's enough…" You took another sip of wine, leaned on his table, turned your head, smiled, and looked at the outline of his face. It's been weeks since you talked to Aventurine like this, in his villa. But once you meet him, there is an endless stream of things to say, maybe this is the precious friendship.
"Anyway, how about playing a game when you have free time?" he suggested.
You got interested and asked him what his game was. Aventurine held up your palm and explained the rules to you several times. You nodded, but you didn't really understand. "Okay, okay, how many credits should we bet?"
"It's vulgar to talk about money all the time, my friend." He smiled and held up a finger. "How about taking off one piece of clothing after losing a round?"
"Take off… clothes?" You tilted your head… closed your eyes and shook your head. "ah?"
Aventurine said in surprise. "It's a popular game. Didn't you know?"
"I-Of course I know!!" You raised your voice, pretending you already knew everything. Thinking of the value of his outfit… "Hmph, I can take away your hundreds of thousands of outfits soon."
"1, 6, 2!"
"6, 6, 6!"
"It's time to take off your clothes." He raised his chin and reminded. You snorted, removing a jacket and throwing it on his couch.
"4, 5, 6!"
"6, 6, 6!"
"What?" You picked up the three dice, checked and struck them from different angles, but there was nothing strange about them. "Did you cheat? Why are the results always so incredible?" Aventurine chuckled and shrugged. "I told you before that I'm very lucky, don't you believe me?"
"Ah, okay…" You reluctantly stared at his exquisite attire, which he had never taken off, and then looked down at your own graphic t-shirt and shorts, which were pulled up so that the bra and the breasts wrapped inside were exposed to the air. Embarrassment tugs at your heart and you try to fight back. "Next round! I don't believe you can beat me!"
2, 1, 1.
6, 6, 6.
If question marks could pop up in reality, a thousand question marks would have popped up above your head. You stare at the results in disbelief. How could Aventurine be so lucky? You can't even take one of his watches or rings? And are you so defeated now that you have to take off either your bra or panties?
"I-I won't play anymore. Boring game!" You bluffed, asking to get your clothes back, but Aventurine raised his eyebrow. "Awwww, it seems there is a coward here…"
"Who are you calling a coward?"
"You didn't keep your bet."
You are not a coward! You took back the hand holding the clothes and tremblingly touched your underwear and bra. Which one should you take off? If you lose again, will you really be completely naked? How do you get home? In the midst of your thoughts and drunkenness, you settled on a bra, but then covered your bare breasts with your hands. "Humph, now is the beginning of my victory!"
Victory? Aventurine almost laughed out loud, holding back the ridicule rising in her throat, knowing that you might leave in a huff, and all the previous arrangements would be ineffective. You open a dice simulator from the Internet to avoid possible cheating from Aventurine.
5, 1, 3.
6, 6, 6.
…It’s really…BEYOND WEIRD. How on earth is this possible? Is Aventurine walking on some lucky path you don't know and being protected by the lucky Aeon? But anyway, now you have to take off your panties and keep your promise. Now you were completely naked, in his villa, in front of your friend.
"Hey! You... don't have to do this... " You watched as Aventurine put them all in a box and locked it up. These clothes…are no longer your property. "There's no way I'm going home naked!"
"Didn't someone just say they were going to take my clothes away? I thought you were serious?" He chuckled, pulled your arm, and guided you onto his lap. With your brain like a drunken fog and embarrassment, you knelt on the sofa in confusion, your legs spread apart, and the luxurious sofa sank. A gentle kiss. Bring some hot air. Like an electric shock. "Umm…"
"Too bad your clothes won't come back, but you can win a new set by…"
Aventurine's thumb rubbed against your hot cheek for half a minute before he reluctantly unbuttoned his pants and took out his long, swollen and erect cock, the glans teasing your slit. You whimpered, placing your hands on his chest, and the glans stretched your folds and the warm inside of your vagina. "I…"
This is really more incredible than these rounds of dice. You were bouncing on his cock, moaning and sobbing in ecstasy. His hand cupped your ass, occasionally slapping it in exchange for you squeezing his cock unconsciously, while rubbing your clit with his other hand.
As the cream spurts into your body, ecstatic bliss fills you. You tighten your limbs, your butt trembles, and you wrap your hands around his neck, gasping for air.
"You win. I'll give you a new set when you wake up, okay?"
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kingtomura · 5 months
Good Girl
Summary: It’s not your fault that your boyfriend was hard for people to warm up to. God, your parents are so lame. But so were you. So you did what anyone else with strict parents would, and you cut him off. 
Bad idea. 
Word count: 4k
part two is here!
Content: Tomura Shigaraki x female reader, explicit content, kinda quiet sex, cunnilingus, praise, slight humiliation, unprotected sex, strict parents, toxic relationship with parents, AU - no quirks, no use of y/n, gets a little mushy at the end im sorry
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You would rather be anywhere else but here. You would pay to be anywhere else but right here, right now being scolded like some teenager who had been caught sneaking out after curfew. But you were here and you weren’t going anywhere any time soon. 
“He’s just not good for you,” your father’s voice stressed. It dragged on, pulling you from your drifting thoughts. “You have so much ahead of you and we even agreed to this gap year so that you could figure out what you wanted to do, not so you could run around with some delinquent boy with no future–”
“He‘s not a delinquent,” You cut off, “you’re judging him without even giving him a chance.”
Your father sighs, knowing he’s fighting a losing battle, but knowing you inherited his stubbornness has never detoured him from taking your objections head on. He’s been on this earth longer than you, butting heads with others longer than you have. “Well, whatever he is, he’s not allowed to see you again. That’s final.” he says with a shrug of his shoulders. False air of nonchalance sending fury through your veins. 
There would be no more arguing and you knew it. You desperately look to your mother, who is in her usual stance of resignation and uselessness when it comes to his word. If she saw things your way, she would never say. And even if she agreed with you, there would be no change. It has always been your father’s way or no way. 
“I’m an adult, you can't tell me who I can and can’t see.” you try once more, not ready to end things here. It’s suffocating. 
He scoffs, bringing a hand up to count his fingers, “You live under our roof, you eat our food, you drive our car, you give me attitude when I agree to give you time to figure out your life when you decided to leave university after two semesters,” his voice is rising and you begin to feel your eyes burn with the threat of tears, your chest tightening as its harder to catch a breath. You can’t cry here, it would only make things worse.  “I don’t think it matters how old you are. I am done with this conversation. End things with him now or you won't have a pot to piss in by the end of the day.” 
This cannot be happening. You're still sat on the plush sofa of the living room as your father stalks off with your mother in tow. The latter only glancing back with an empty look of pity as you stare at where your father had just been. Words burned into your mind while hot tears finally break and run down your cheeks. This is really happening.
And Tomura was going to be upset.
In a perfect world you could meet up with him tonight, talk it over, or even run away together and leave all this behind, but you know better. You know the two of you haven’t dated long enough to warrant running away together, but it still crosses your mind. You’ve never felt this way about anyone before and it's painful to think you never will again. Tomura just made you feel so.. Alive. There was so much to him and his witty dry humor that keeps pulling you in. 
He’s cynical, he’s moody and sometimes he’s mean but god he could be so soft. Touch you in ways that felt like he reached your soul. Quiet nights where you would stay at his house and watch him play video games would turn into late night sessions of making love until the twilight of dawn peeked through the dark curtains of his room. There was no way you could let him go. But you had to. You had to. Your father had given you no other choice. So you take the coward’s way out.
You text him.
You send him a short text that would send you to the bathroom dry heaving, but you didn’t know what else to do. What more could you say other than your father had snapped at you and you both could no longer be together. It would hurt so much more facing him head on. You knew that if you had to speak to him face to face that you would crack, probably throw out your silly idea of running away together and then face the awkward rejection. This was all you could manage. You felt awful for it, finally forcing yourself off of the floor and dragging your feet to the bathroom to get ready for bed. 
It had been hours and there was no response from Tomura. You couldn't blame him. What could anyone say to a break up text? You hollowly hoped he would fight for you. Even a little. But the flat Read 14:57 showed you otherwise. This had now become a heartbreak you werent quite expecting. You couldn’t help but second guess every interaction you had with him before. If maybe you read into things a little too deeply. If maybe, some smaller, quieter part of you dreaded your father was right.
There was no use of dwelling on that now. No point in running through what you would never know. So, you sighed, and finished up in the bathroom. Slipping on your silk sleeping gown that stopped above your knees and adjusted the small straps on your shoulder. You had cried for hours after your argument – if you could even call it that– with your father was over and your face ached. The bags under your eyes showing the worse for wear state you had found yourself in. it would be okay, you told yourself. You just have to sleep it off. 
And that was your plan and you slid into your welcoming bed, soft comforter embracing you and your worn feelings. You feel more tears begin to sting behind your eyelids before there's a sudden tap at your window. 
A trick of the wind, you decide and return to your somber thoughts. 
You would have to move on eventually, but tonight? He was the only thing on your mind. His eyes, his hair, the way he would feign annoyance when you were overly touchy, craving closer contact. He always indulged you. Always gave you more, you knew he liked it as much as you did. You were lovesick. 
There was that noise again. Louder than before as if someone had thrown a rock right at your window. The room was still and quiet so you knew it hadn’t been your imagination. 
Jumping to your feet and shuffling towards the window in question you brushed your curtains to the side to see the possible culprit. And when you do, your heart drops and instant regret fills you. Stomach aching as you take in the sight before you.
It’s Tomura Shigaraki and he is pissed.
Tomura, your Tomura leering up at you with another rock resting in his hand, bigger and ready to be tossed at your window if the last attempt didn’t work. 
You look around, knowing no one is in your bedroom but yourself and the moonlight, then go to open your window, ducking your head out to get a better look at him. There he was, black hoodie oversized and so soft, red eyes burning in anger but you aren't scared. You’re relieved, it's him. He's here to see you, mouth turned down in a scowl and fists clenched in fury but he was here. 
You couldn’t stop your hushed whisper, “what are you doing here?”
“I came to talk.” Was his only reply before he dropped the rock and walked towards your window. It wasn’t terribly high up, but higher than he could reach without a bit of help from you. 
Now that he was closer you could see the anger in his posture much more clearly. All tense shoulders and narrowed eyes. It was enough to make your stomach turn. You couldn't help but worry your bottom lip as he pulled out his phone and took a step closer.
“Really? Over a fucking text message?” He hissed, rasp in his voice, uncaring of the time of night or who could hear. 
“Tomura, shh, please–” you tried, hands coming up to placate him, if only a little. Your father would have your head if he heard another man in his home, let alone Tomura Shigaraki. 
He huffed a sarcastic laugh, disbelief taking over his features, but he obliged, “I don’t care what your father told you. He can’t control who you talk to.”
You shake your head, the all too familiar sting of tears in your eyes threatening to fall, “I know. I told him that, but he threatened to kick me out, to cut me off. I’m sorry Tomura, but I can't.”
“He can't do that.”
You nod, knowing all too well that your father would go through with his threat. “He can. Technically. I'm an adult, so it’s his choice.” The tears fall now, seeing the rage dissipate from Tomura, slight drop of his shoulders showing disbelief and disappointment. It's too much. This is why you didn’t want to see him, couldn’t face him. “I'm so sorry,” you whisper, trying to hold in the sobs threatening to wrack your body and possibly wake your parents up. This could not have ended worse.  “I don't want it to be this way.”
“Wow, I didn't know you were such a good girl.”
Your breath hitches, caught off guard, “What is that supposed to mean?”
He shrugs. “I didn't know you did everything daddy says. What a good girl you are.” The tone is one you’re familiar with. Condescending. Challenging. He’s testing you.
Your cheeks flushed. What could you say? That you’re not a good girl, actually. Then what would that make you? A bad girl? You would walk right into his trap. He’s watching, waiting for a response. Something to make you slip up. 
You don't have the chance to respond before he’s taking a step forward, lifting your chin with a finger so that you could look him in the eyes. Even in the dim lighting of the room those crimson eyes looked into your own. Like he was delving deeper, looking for the response that you can't seem to give him. Nothing else matters in this moment. It’s just him and you and the pale moonlight dancing between you. The air is tense and unmoving, like the smallest noise, the faintest blow of wind would ruin this moment. 
You couldn’t take it, couldn’t wait another minute before your body moved, leaning forwards onto the tips of your toes to give you more leverage as your lips pressed to his. His lips were still cold and dry from the cool air outside but that didn’t matter. Nothing matters more than knowing you needed more of him and you needed it now. Tomura’s hand came to rest at the nape of your neck, pulling you closer and the kiss deeper. Taking all of you in as his other hand gripped your waist. 
Your hands wasted no time burying into his hoodie – so soft and worn–  the faint smell of citrus and cedar being a comfort as the intoxicating kiss deepened. Tomura wasted no time, slick tongue entering your mouth, hungry, like it was the last time you would have him this way. It was too much. It was not enough. You broke the kiss, a string of saliva following the short distance you put in between. Air seemed sparse, like you couldn't get enough and Tomura spoke before you could.
“Get on the bed.” 
And you did, newfound vigor in your step as you eagerly did as what you were told. Energy ebbing through your veins as excitement overtook your previous anxiety. Tomura was a mere step behind, discarding his hoodie without care and joining you on the bed, caging you beneath him as he dove back in for another kiss, wet and warm, before trailing lower. Open mouthed kisses to your jaw, then neck, his hands, rough and warm gripping your thighs, taking in all he can. After leaving a particularly hard bite on your neck, Tomura lifted your gown up, smooth silk gliding with ease above your ass and resting below your breast. It was only natural for your legs to spread for him, cool air on your bare cunt making you shiver. 
“Oh?” An amused huff from the man above you makes your cheeks heat further than before. He’s seen you like this many times before, but he’s always had a way of making you feel shy. “No panties, huh?”
You push past your embarrassment. “You know i dont wear them to b– ah!” you're cut off by the feeling of his finger sliding between your folds, slick making it glide, and rubbing over your clit. The surprise of the motion makes you press your thighs closer together. Tomura grins above you, before bringing his wet finger to his mouth, a mocking shh following the motion, tongue flicking out and licking the digit as his other hand pushed your legs apart again. 
He bends down, bulge in his sweatpants pressing against your bare cunt. He’s so hard and that thought only makes you wetter. Tomura’s nose brushes yours, your eyelids fluttering shut as he dives to kiss you again. All open mouthed and wet. You could taste yourself on his tongue as well as feel the pressure of his clothed erection grind against you, rubbing against your bundle of nerves. You are sure your slick is dampening his sweatpants but Tomura doesn’t care. He’s grinding you into the mattress and you’re so close to begging him to get on with it you want to scream. But almost like he’s read your mind, he pulls away. 
The kisses he places along your body set your nerves on fire, anticipation eating away at your patience as he takes his time. Once he’s reached his destination, right between your thighs, he places one wet kiss onto the plush of your inner right thigh. Another teasing move. Another way to make you squirm in excitement. He looks up at you, ruby eyes gleaming in the moonlight of the room. 
“Be quiet for me, yeah?” 
Tomura huffs a laugh at your eager nod, grin growing wider. So quick to please. Dedicated. “Good girl.”
The praise makes you falter for a second, embarrassment threatening to make its way to the surface once more. There was no time for it now, Tomura enjoyed catching you off guard. Loved surprises. He wastes no more time, tongue licking a wet strip between your lips. The action causing you to moan louder than you intended. Your hand rushes to cover your mouth. If you were to be caught in this predicament by either of your parents it would be horrendous for the both of you. 
This doesn’t stop Tomura, though. If anything you were starting to think it encouraged him, because his relentless pace on your cunt was driving you wild. His long stripes simmered into just the tip of his tongue flicking your clit and  sending jolts of pleasure roaring through you. You were already close, pleasure and pressure building and building until you were so close to tipping over– 
Knock knock.
“Hey sweetie. I know it's late, I just wanted to talk for a second.” 
It was your mom. Holy shit it was your mom and there's a boy in your bed with his head buried between your legs and holy shit. If she opened the door, if she barged into your room in the familiar way she always had a bad habit of doing, you would be done for. With wide eyes and accelerated breaths, you clamped down harder over your mouth with both hands. Even Tomura stopped in his tracks, gaze lazily focused on the door with curiosity bleeding into his indifference. 
Your mother must have taken the silence as a sign of slumber, yet she continued. Voice muffled by the door between you both. 
“Your father... was harsh today. And I’m sorry for that.” She pauses, long enough for you to believe she would be giving up and going back to her bedroom. You aren't so lucky, surely at this point you were very unlucky and you dreaded whatever else she had to say. “I just want you to know that he just wants the best for you.” your heart drops as she carries on, unaware and unconcerned of the other pair of ears listening in to her words. “We don’t know him that well. We can't risk you getting involved in something you're not ready for and throwing your future away.”
At this, Tomura rolls his eyes, interest clearly lost and goes back to his earlier movements. The sloppy kiss to your clit catches you off guard and forces a whine out of you. It was small, but still a noise. Squeezing your eyes shut you prayed this would be written off as an odd sleep noise. Wishing to the sky that it wasn't noticeable and Tomura would stop. He didn’t. It was in that moment he decided pressing a finger against your entrance would bring out more noises. The digit slipping in with minimal effort and adding more pleasure to this mix as he sucked your clit. 
If your mother heard anything, she didn't make it known. The floorboards outside of your door creaking with the shifting of her weight. “Well, maybe we can get ice cream or something tomorrow. Have a little girl’s day?” The silence is palpable as she waits for an answer that won't come. “Okay well, goodnight sweetie. See you in the morning.”
You don’t know what you're more grateful for; the sound of her receding steps or that fact that Tomura wasn't cruel and waited until the telltale sound of a door opening and closing rang through the air before adding another finger and curling them. This time you couldn’t bite back the moan that escaped you, hands gripping the cotton of your duvet. 
“Aw, how sweet,” Tomura started, sitting up while adding a thumb to your sensitive nub and rubbing slow circles to replace his mouth. “She wants to have a little girls’ day with you.” 
His mocking tone would have gotten a reaction out of you any other time, but right now you were so close. On the precipice of an orgasm that’s been drawn out for far too long. You could only look at him with half lidded eyes as his fingers worked like magic sending you closer and closer, your breath hitching as you finally, finally reached the climax. Body shaking pleasure cascades over you like a tidal wave. 
“There we go,” Tomura whispers, giving your cunt a playful tap after letting you ride the sensation out. He pulls away completely to take off his sweatpants and underwear, cock already hard and leaking. Your tongue darts out to wet your lips at the sight and you hear his breathless chuckle. “I’ll let you have a taste next time, but right now, I can't wait any longer.” 
It was only when he began to line up with your entrance that you absently wondered about the lack of condoms you owned. You look up at him, question burning on your tongue but he only grins at you, and you swore in that moment he was a mind reader. “I didn’t bring any with me, sorry,” his voice was far from apologetic as he stroked his cock, rubbing the head between your folds and against your clit, slick soaking the head. “But don't worry,” he continued, leaning forward and you felt the pressure at your entrance, excitement buzzing through your veins. “I’ll pull out.”
Whether you believed him or not didn’t matter, you had no time to process a thought as he began stretching you to the limit with his size. A gasp escaped your parted lips as the sickeningly sweet feeling of being stretched too far too fast took over. He gave you a minute to adjust, even as his cock twitched in anticipation of movement. The grip he had on your hips was tight enough to bruise and you knew it was taking a lot of his self control to wait for you. 
He pressed on, figuring it had been long enough and bottomed out with a sigh. Your walls clenched around him and swore you could cum from the stretch alone. After giving you a second to breathe he pulled back, almost pulling out, only to snap his hips back forward into you. Your head lolled onto the pillow, hand coming up once more to mute the moans dragging from your body. Tomura hoists your legs onto each side of his shoulders,bending them forward and successfully folding you like a lawn chair as he started his aggressive pace, forcing your tight heat to clench around his cock. 
“Oh, fuck…” you couldn’t help but mutter as you struggled to hold off your already approaching orgasm. 
Tomura saw this as a challenge. “What? You gonna cum on my cock?” he mocked, pace wild and rough, leaving you gasping as you shut your eyes, not ready to admit how right he was. “It's okay,” he continued, leaning closer and allowing his dick to press deeper inside you. The drag hitting the bundle of nerves inside and nearly sending you over the edge. “Come on, cum on my cock like the good girl you are.” 
Those words push you over, hips convulsing as your legs shake and it takes Tomura slapping a hand over your mouth this time to quiet you. You couldn’t focus on anything else, let alone keeping quiet. Your body felt light and Tomura fucked you through it. His pace grew more erratic as his grinning face became one of focus, brows furrowing as his eyes shut and he focused on his pleasure. Your pussy squeezing around him making it harder for him to stave off his own nearing climax. You were worried that at this point you were both too far gone. The silence of the home would leave the messy noises between you both loud and clear for the entire house to hear. Tomura was great at keeping his composure but the soft groans coming from your lover only showed how much he was losing his grip. 
“Can’t– fuck, sorry–” you didn’t have time to decipher his strange words, your curious eyes meeting his face to gauge his expression before you feel it. 
His cock twitches inside you, seed painting your insides white as his thrusts didn't slow. He was hammering away at your insides, only pumping his cum further into you.  You feel so full, the warmth spreading over your body like a blanket. He came in you. Even though he said he wouldn’t, he did. The worst part about it? You don’t care. It's invigorating. You feel even more attached to him. Even closer. You want more.
Overstimulated and weak, you whimpered, thoughts swimming as Tomura finally came down from high. Slowing his thrusts and panting heavily. Your heart is drumming against your chest as he removes your sore legs from his shoulders. Shuddering as he slips out of your tight heat, feeling the cum dripping out of you and onto your sheets. 
The bed dipped as he took his place next to you. Out of breath and eyes focused on the ceiling. Your ears were ringing with the sudden quietness of it all. Things felt different, heavy. 
“You could always just not tell them.” It was Tomura who broke the silence first. “Act sad, mope around, and then come see me at night.” 
You glanced over, vaguely registering the sweat cooling on your body. You would need to get up and get cleaned up soon. “Yeah, but if they catch me–”
“They won't. I’ll teach you how.” he turns towards you, bringing a hand to your chin to make you face him. There’s a fuzzy feeling turning in your chest and the familiarity of heat rising to your cheeks is starting to drive you mad. His grin is enamoring, red eyes almost glowing with mischief in the moonlight. “I’ll show you the ropes.” 
There's an ache that tugs at your chest as you nod. “Okay.”
You are so fucked.
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lovingjingyuan · 2 months
It's Just The Past You Can't Remember
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Blade wants you because you look like his past lover whom he married when he was Yingxing. The same name, birthday, face, hair everything resembled his wife who died to help assist him in his crimes taking the flesh of the abundance emanator that turned him immortal. 
This will be hard to understand if you don't know the actual in-game lore how Blade actually became immortal so I'll sum it quick ***Jingliu said something along the line in the quest where they all meet up. Yingxing is a fool for taking an abundance emanator's(Shuhu) flesh to assist Dan Feng in saving Baiheng but ended up backfiring turning him into a immortal, becoming a curse for him*** Yeah that's the actual in game lore in a quest. Hopes this helps understand! I changed some parts to adjust to the story but the one I just said is the real version.
Yandere Blade x Yingxing's reincarnated wife
---♡𓌜 Bladie 𓁍
Blade laid his eyes on you through the coward. This wasn't the first time you two had met on another planet. You were in Elio's script so he always knew exactly where you are and what your every move is.
Even if he cannot remember his past fully he knew out of Five people Three must pay the price. And he pursues those very words. He remembered that Yingxing, his past self, had a wife who died in his arms.
Jing Yuan and Jingliu confirmed those very words. Pictures of their engagement kept in Jing Yuan's basement confirmed those dreams he had of his past life with you.
So now he stood waiting for the opportunity to take you. He will never let anyone take you away now. No matter how long he'll always hunt you down on every planet you go to just to pursue you.
You laid your eyes on Blade while he walked towards you pushing through the cowards of people.
Why is he here? You think to yourself as you push through the people to get yourself out of here. Fear rushed through your veins as you hurried out of here.
You ran to tell the guards on this planet that a wanted criminal from the IPC was here. A stellaron hunter. This was never your first encounter with him where he constantly harasses you with the idea you're his past lover and he's here to take you back.
You can't remember your past life! And you don't know this man at all so why is he here?! Every relationship you got in was over in a heartbeat. They all abandoned you due to fear of Blade and his sword slaying through their necks.
To Blade, you're still his wife even if you can't remember the past. Can he remember it clearly himself? No, but knows enough to put the pieces together and desire to live through those moments once again. To him; you being a new person is basically almost a win-win. He’s not his old self you’re not your past self so why not start a new beginning together? Just a refreshing start, just the two of you forever. 
You stopped in your tracks when in one swift motion an arm wrapped around your waist pulling you in his embrace.
"Found you," the harshness of his voice rang in your ears. Cold blood rushed through your body. 
"You again! Why do you always do this?!"
"I'm here for one simple thing" his voice was deep and cold yet he was serious, "I came here to take back what's mine."
You plunged a knife into his abdomen. He grunted in pain but held you steadily refusing to let go. Those wounds won't hurt as much as losing you again. Even if the game and adrenaline is captivating as it is, he won’t lose you again.
"Is that the best you can do my dear?" His voice rang through your ears.
"I don't know why you're obsessing over the past! You're just a Stellaron Hunter. You should be focusing on atoning for your sins instead of this!" You used every strength in your body to push him away. It was never enough he didn't even budge.
"Why would I let you off so easily? You belong to me." His arms still gripped tightly around your waist having no intention of letting go. "You once belonged to Yingxing so you belong to me."
This made your blood boil. You held back every nerve in your body not to blow up at him calling him an imbecile and use profound language towards him.
"I don't know who Yingxing is or his wife. You don't have to hunt me down. Your wife. She's long gone dead. You know it so stop hunting me down everywhere I go!" You snapped at him, balling your hands into a fist.
He grabbed your chin tilting your chin towards his face. He blood orange iris staring into yours. You can see your reflection in his eyes. His pupils expanded. He was truly in love with the past.
Blade remains silent for what seems like a good while. His hands brushed against your waist softly holding you firmly.
"What if I want to reclaim what was once mine in the past?"
"Well, you can dig up your wife's grave then!"
His eyes harshed. His blood boiled. Even though he knew for sure you were his past lover. The dishonorable mention of his wife still angered him immensely when someone badmouthed his lover. “And you're the reason your wife died! She helped you take abundance emanator’s(Shuhu) flesh! Helping you betray the Luofu! Because of your selfishness, she died and you're immortal!"
Although you didn't fully understand his past relationships with his wife. You knew this from the books you read. How your past self had helped him betray Luofu out of love.
You know that you cannot deny that it may be true you are his past lover but a reincarnation. Yet your stubbornness prevents you from accepting the truth.
“You can't love someone from dreams and memories you don't even remember-" his hands covered your mouth preventing you from speaking any further as he immediately cut you off.
"I remember. My dreams are accurate to my past" He always told you he dreamt of his past when he was once Yingxing.
He continued, "You are her!" His words are swift and furious. He always reminded you that you have the exact same name, face, and birthday as his past wife.
"My last dream was you and me on bed during our wedding night." Blade always told you of his dream every time you've met. "You told me that you will always love and stay with me no matter the situation."
So that he dragged you away without your consent keeping you trapped with him forever. You'll live your life with him. And once this life of yours dies out he'll go on his hunt for your next life.
Maybe he'll give you the flesh of an abundance emanator to become immortal like he once did so he can keep this fairytale he longed for forever.
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boiohboii · 17 days
A broken house
(Charles leclerc x daughter! Reader)
I just saw remembered this heartbreaking scene from an old theatre play (is that what they're called?), like when colors on tv first became a thing old, and I just had to write it down. WARNING: implications of cheating, abandoning children, Charles is not a good guy at all, a daughter confronting her dad, not proofread, just something quick right before bed
Charles never imagined he would ever be in this situation.
When he first held yn in his arms, his precious, precious daughter, his oldest and the apple of his eyes, he vowed to never hurt her, to never see her cry and to never let her expirence heartbreak, so what was he supposed to do when she's standing right in front of him cheeks flushed, fists by her side and angry tears falling out of her eyes.
He was the reason, he was the reason and he never thought he'd be. And to make it all worse, he doesn't feel sorry. He doesn't know where it all went wrong and he doesn't know when he became so cold-hearted towards the sunshine of his life, his pride and joy. But it's too late now, too late to try and talk, too late to try to explain and too late to even get a speck of the love yn held in her eyes for him. He knew it was too late. It was just too late.
"So what," yn refused to accept her father's silence, she needed to hear him say it, admit to his wrongdoings "you're just gonna leave us?"
"You don't understand," Charles tried to reason, his eyes not even meeting his daughter's identical ones "she needs help."
"THAT'S YOUR REASON!" yn's voice boomed through the empty house, thanking anything and everything that her mother and siblings aren't home yet "that's your reason to abandon us! What about mum huh? what about your wife? The woman WHO SACRIFICED HER YOUTH FOR YOU! TO FOLLOW YOU! TO HELP YOU! And what of my siblings, what are they gonna do? What did they do to deserve this? What did any of us do to deserve this?"
Yn looked at her father, slowly walking towards him, she refused to believe that's the same man who showed her what love is, who carried her on her shoulders to hear her laughter, who promised to sheild her from the world's treachery. It left a bitter taste in her mouth, the man who promised to protect her is the one clawing at her heart and watching it bleed, too much of a coward to even lift his eyes from the floor.
"Please," yn's voice broke as she thought of her home tearing apart, her mother and her baby siblings "please take a moment and think about it, about our family, just for five minutes. Please."
"I'm not going to waste my time."
Yn's breath hitched in her throat, her voice gaining power as her disappointment and anger took over, yet still so quite.
"All four of us don't even deserve five minutes of your time. Are you that impatient to leave with her? Don't worry, I won't hold you back, but I swear to you, I swear on everything that you believe in that you will regret it. There will be a day where you will wish for the time to go back for an hour, a minute or even a second, you will wish you'd have thought this through and really kept in mind who actually loved you before you ruined it all. But even if all the years turn back, we will never forgive you, we will never miss you and we will never think of you as the man you once were. We will never love you again."
Yn doesn't know where it all went wrong, she doesn't know how could 20 years of loving someone, your father, all just go down the drain because of one voice call. She doesn't know what she's supposed to do or what's she supposed to tell her mother, her siblings, her grandparents, but she knew one thing; it was too late to try and talk her father out of it, too late to not let this moment tarnish all the good memories they had together, too late to even leave a bit of her love for her father in her heart. It was just too late.
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14thgalerie · 8 months
tell me why
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• pairing: theodore nott x reader
• now playing: dangerous by madison beer
• word count: 3.3k
• genre: angst, fluff (barely)
— based on this request, i hope you like this one even though i'm pretty sure this isn't what you had in mind huhu. i tried to find a way to go about this prompt that isn't all cliche and was written before.
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Projects given over the holiday: written and set aside in a matter of six hours.
Every crevice and corner of his room is now spotless.
A game of quidditch with Lorenzo with his siblings.
And that’s the entire list. He has finally run out of things to do, yet the sun remains shining brightly outside. What was supposed to be an uneventful day had turned out to be quite a hectic one. An accidental glance at the desk that sits below the tall windows ruined the extraneous effort he had gone to in order to forget about a certain envelope or rather someone.
An entire day has already passed since his owl dropped by to hand him a single envelope. After taking a glance at the sender, he couldn’t bring himself to open it right at that instance.
In all honesty, he has absolutely no idea as to why he is avoiding opening it; well maybe he does know, and maybe it’s the reason for the dread that kept stirring at the pit of his stomach. The last time he heard from you was at the Hogwarts Express before you completely cut off contact with him.
It’s been an entire week now since the holiday break started, the same amount of time since he received a word from you, something that has never occurred. Your fights had never lasted for longer than necessary— a day would be the worst of it because he despises it whenever people make matters worse for themselves by ignoring one another. But despite his great hatred for it, he doesn’t feel a single thing except for the urgency and desperation that you answer him.
So, he doesn’t understand why you suddenly shut away from him when everything has been going great. One moment you were all snuggled up to him in the compartment you shared with your friends and then not a single word from you from the hundreds of letters he must’ve sent by now.
The sound of knocking pulls him from his thoughts.
“Hey Theo, I left some food for you here if you’re awake. Mom also set aside some medicine if you’re not feeling well, she’s worried for you.” He hears Lorenzo at the door trying to talk to him, unsure if he is even being heard by Theo.
Silence fills the room as Lorenzo leaves, thinking that he’s still asleep. Looking at the yellow ribbon that wraps around the envelope, he reaches out and takes hold of it for the first time since he last dropped it.
Pulling the band with a sense of uneasiness, he sees that it doesn’t have anything special on it, just your name at the front and numbers at the upper left corner. Pulling out the paper— wondering if the little doodles that always accompanied your letter for him would be there, but he is left frowning at the blank edges. Flipping it open, he laughs out loud at the naivety of believing it will be any good before he is choked by the lump that formed in his throat.
Let’s break up, Theo.
I’m a coward to do this over a letter, I know. I won’t blame you if you’re mad at me. I have been constantly depressed at the thought of doing this. In the weeks leading up to when I am writing this, I have been incessantly living vicariously through the memory of us. 
I know it’s too much to ask after doing this to you, but please never talk to me again. Don’t ask. I won't be able to explain to you, not when I still don’t understand it and how I’m feeling.
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You wonder if he’ll ask. You wonder if you will ever tell him. How you will explain, how you might run away instead. It’ll be an answer enough to satiate the questions that barrage through the doors of your mind without warning.
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Theo was lying in his bed staring unknowingly into space, it had been hard to move when your body is deprived of sustenance; nor food or sleep is enough. So he lays there in the forced darkness from his drawn bed curtains, body more still and cold than a dead body 6 feet underground.
He couldn’t handle another day of hiding behind the old facade of indifference. At first, it was easy. He heeded your wish of keeping his distance even if every atom in his body begged to be near you. Saving the most painful, physical sobbing in his solitude. He was fine just seeing you be there; alive and breathing.
As the days lingered on, however, it wasn’t enough. Not when you have deprived him even of that one simple thing. Disappearing from every class you’re sharing only to find out you have requested to attend another class.
He didn’t have the energy to keep up with that charade anymore. Letting himself wither until he’s only a nutshell of the man you’ve built in the ruins of his past.
He had, in every sense but physical, become a ghost, drifting between the phases of the day without a sense of time. He relies on his day-to-day life by moving on autopilot.
He doesn’t know what he did, he begs to know because he cannot go on another day like this. 
“Theodore Nott!”
His attention is called away when he hears a booming voice beside him followed by the bright light that showers over him as the curtain of his canopy is pulled open. Not a care if the man wasting away hours behind it will be mad at her. 
Pansy only knew one thing: she would not have her best friend lose every prospect in his life because of both of your lack of communication. She couldn’t give a damn if you will ever manage to resolve your issues. For now, Theo is her priority and he needs to stand up and study.
She had already managed to fix you up enough to have you up and functioning, although a mere ghost on legs. But that will do, now for this man who is at the grunt of your problems.
“Stand up and go to the library.” She pulls the blanket which barely covers him, and throws it someplace. “You are going to fail your NEWTS at this rate.”
“Who cares?” He drawls out. Turning to his side to cower beneath his pillows.
“Your future does.” Knowing that he will never stand at his own will, she gathers every bit of strength in her to pull him by his arms.
“Gods, Pans. Can you just bugger off and leave me alone?”
He tries to wave her off and turns to slide beneath the welcoming arms of his bed. But before his face plants onto the soft, strewn fabric, he is pushed and pushed until they are greeted by the long, grimy corridor outside their common room. His bag full of books was thrown out the door after him. With his lack of energy, all he can do is follow her demand.
Hoping that this will distract him.
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Theo trudged towards the library, dragging his feet behind him. Maybe the tranquil ambiance could be a soothing balm for his aching heart. Make him finally focus on other things in his life, knowing that whatever reason you may have, you would never wish that he put his studies on hold.
Theo chose a table tucked away in a quiet corner, where he could fully immerse himself in his books and thoughts. The flickering candle lights atop the wooden tables, weathered by the countless students that passed through Hogwarts, had added a comforting touch to his isolation. Casting dancing shadows on the polished surfaces.
This worked for about an hour and a half until he realised he had forgotten his advanced Potions book in his other bag.
Surrounded by towering bookshelves, Theo began searching for a copy of the book he’s missing and some other texts that might be helpful for his NEWTS classes. As he reached a particular shelf that contained the very books he was looking for, he couldn’t help but overhear snippets of a conversation, the hushed tones barely above a whisper. 
He decided to walk away, thinking the conversation private, when his attention was caught by the mention of his name. He wasn’t able to catch the question but he was intrigued.
With a furrowed brow, he furtively strained over the tiny slot in the shelf he pulled a book from to see two familiar faces opposite him, unaware of the person with wide eyes that locked in on one person. 
As if on instinct, he dwindles at the sight of you, like a cord being pulled out of its socket, his body going back on autopilot.
He almost slapped himself in the forehead for not recognizing your voice sooner, but he wonders. Why had you appeared so sullen and gaunt? Would it have to do with him since you mentioned him? He leans back on the shelves awaiting to hear more, wondering why you were supposedly that way when you have been acting like nothing had happened between the two of you. 
“We’re not together anymore, Luna.” You say in a dejected voice. Seeing it written on paper hurt, but nothing could compare to the anguish that invaded him at hearing it from you, feeling hopeless to the constant sharp pain on his chest that wrenched deeper into the wound.
“Is that why he’s been staying by the Ford Bog recently?” Luna unassumingly asks, curious. 
“When I come by to feed the Thestrals, he is always there talking to them.” He hears Luna explain. He hadn’t known that Luna had been coming over to see them also. Now that he thinks about it, he remembers that, like him, she had also witnessed her mother’s death.
“Oh.” You must be thinking about what he confessed to you when you found him in a similar situation back in the fourth year.
“You miss him.” From the manner that Luna says it, it was less of a speculation and more of a fact. “I do.” You confess.
This makes him confused. His brows knit together as he tries his best to piece together the words that slipped from you in a way he understands. You had been the one to break off your relationship suddenly, without a word of explanation. But now you sit there, admitting you miss him after you ask him to keep his distance. He is tempted to turn the corner and ask you.
“But you constantly run away from him?” Luna asks for him instead. She follows it up with another question. “You broke up with him, right?”
There was a pregnant pause before he heard your voice again.
“Yes, I was afraid.”
“Of what?”
“I was scared that he would do it sooner or later and I didn’t want to experience the pain of hearing it from him first-hand. So then, I decided that I would do the job for him.” You explain. 
He is left stumbling back at the accusation, knowing within himself that it would be the last thing he would do in a million years. Ever, actually. What spurred this idea from you? He finds it incredibly insulting that you would think he would.
Luna asks why you think he’ll do that. 
You say after a moment’s pause, “He’s been hanging out with this new friend of his before the holidays, and at first I didn’t care because I trusted him. But she just-” Your breath hitches, “She began to be more flirty and provocative with him and he didn’t even blink an eye.” 
You take in a sharp breath. “I know he would never do it, and he probably didn’t even notice but I don’t know…” 
His subconscious blocked out any of what followed after that horrid confession. Memories came in sudden assaults on his brain and senses. He doesn’t like how uncertain you sounded: he doesn’t know why you would think twice of his actions. 
Truth be told, he did indeed notice the weird affectionate manner in Scarlet’s approach to him. Frankly, he didn’t care and settled to ignore her in order to avoid conflict as she was a friend of Mattheo. Putting her in the back of his mind and that would be the end of it.
He always knew that you had this fear that he would leave you for another, this is provoked more by his terrible past with women before you. But he never thought it would be a problem for your relationship as he constantly did his best to remind you that it was either you or nothing at all. 
Though he couldn’t exactly blame you, even now as he sinks into the cold stone ground, he was stupid to think that ignoring Scarlet would suffice.
Sitting on the cold, hard floors with his head in between his hands, digits tightly clutching his hair. He doesn’t hear Luna excusing herself from your session, leaving you to clean up to prepare to leave. Stuck in the confusing labyrinth that his mind wandered off to, he didn’t notice the gentle footsteps near him, trying to avoid the librarian’s wrath.
Still not a thing from him. You become concerned.
“Theodore? Are you alright?”
You find yourself forgetting the very promise that you had even asked Theo to uphold— to never approach you. But despite your stern resolve, the sight of Theo sitting in the library corner, his distress palpable, throws it all out. Instead, the nagging fear that if you're the source of his evident turmoil.
“Theo.” You crouch down in front of him, keeping your hands nestled to your lap.
He didn’t even lift his head— you weren’t sure if he was not acknowledging you or that he simply didn’t notice you. You waited several minutes for a response, the silence becoming thick with tension and you couldn’t stand it. Your feet are itching to run.
“I’m sorry.” He finally looks up to meet your eyes and your heart twinged in your chest at his bloodshot eyes, clear evidence that he was not in good condition. You’re confused as to why he’s being like this. 
But somewhat you knew. Your heart pounds relentlessly against your chest. You knew what he was going to say.
“What do you mean?” 
He shakes his head. Eyes plastered intently on the creaking floorboards. “Scarlet.”
When he speaks it into existence, you dislike the way you flinch, the familiar bitterness spreading throughout your body. Your heart drops into the pits of your stomach.
“I- I’m sorry.” Theo’s voice quivered, his words trembling on the precipice of his emotions. His eyes were becoming blurred by the veil of his tears, bearing a weight that seemed almost unbearable. “Fuck, I’m so so sorry, Y/N.”
The lump in your throat threatened to suffocate you, leaving you on the brink of despair unable to respond properly. 
“It’s my fault. I never know when something upsets you. I hardly know you better than how I’m supposed to.” He says it like he means it. Theo says it to himself more than he says it to you. 
The world slows down to an adagio, and you’re caught up in the emotion that washes over you at his condition. Theo is rarely dishevelled; he’s hardly all over the place. If anything, he has always been quite proper, the opposite of the man in front of you.
You say his name softly, your gut tightening at the heart-breaking sight in front of you. Hesitating to reach out and hold him close to you. So you reach out to wipe away the lone tear that slides down his face.
“Merlin…I should be the one saying sorry.” 
“What?” He finally pulls him together enough to reply to you coherently.
“It’s not you. You’re not the problem.” Your subconscious running at a millimetre per second to come up with the right words to amend his words. Finding this a bit harder than you expected. “I am so broken that my body is just encased in this eternal itch to run.”
“When I saw how you were so unconcerned about Scarlet’s obvious attempts, I panicked. I let that fear get the best of me, letting it poison my mind. I was afraid that one day you’d begin to reciprocate her attraction. Maybe you would have been happier with her. I was terrified of losing you, and when the holidays came, I grabbed the chance to cower back and let it consume me. I didn’t wanna hear you confirm that hellish thought.”
“What changed?” He croaks out. “Why are you telling me all this now?”
“A big part of it comes from my conversations with Mum. I kind of forgot that she never really sides with me when it comes to my irrational decisions and she’s always been the one to make me realise it.” You feel the urge to laugh at the thought, but you restrain yourself. 
“And by heaven’s will, I want you to be happy but the need to be your happiness far outweighs that.”
But he does nothing but remain seated silently, nothing in him revealing that he plans to move. And you are terrified, for once you had no idea what was going on inside his head but you know that you had to let him think on his own. To stop assuming and making decisions off of it.
“You, you are a great deal of a headache to me. I have spent days questioning myself; was I so horrible that I couldn't even be granted the decency to be broken up to my face." cried Theo. 
“No you weren’t, Theo. I promise you.”
“I know I’m not. Yet, you still made me feel like it. I was happy with you, you were my lone happiness. I think it’ll be awhile before I forget this, despite what you confess.” He says, his voice choking up now and then, in spite of manful efforts to keep it steady.
“Is that true, Theo?”
“But as upset and tired I am, I still love you.” He acquiesced. “It’s laughingly pathetic how I am still entirely yours.”
He stopped short, his hands that rested on his lap emerging to take yours in its grasp. Their grip is a perfect balance of a strong hold and a gentleness.
“And I love you too, I don’t think I ever stopped. I promise you that I’ll work on myself, make things right between us again, because I don’t think I can go on for another day like this.” You said, sworn with a conviction so strong.
He shook his head and to that you feel the disgusting worm that whispers to you appear, “No. We’re gonna do it together, alright?” But it’s crushed under his pretty foot.
“I promised you then that I wouldn’t leave you to face whatever problems you have on your own. When I confessed to you ’I love you’, it meant that I would continuously be by your side to help you with your troubles. Our troubles.” He reminds you. “We’ll fix this together from now on…nobody is doing things solo.”
He tugs on your arms, telling you wordlessly to sit beside him. When you do, by habit and longing, your head moves to rest on the juncture of his neck inhaling the scent you missed most.
Nothing felt better than to have the urge to have your head resting on him be satisfied, he wanted nothing more than to feel something as mundane as this.
As he leaned his head on her temple, you felt giddy, feeling yourself turn tomato red at the action. It was a happy time, in spite of the things that remained to be talked about, so happy that you couldn’t dare to disturb it with anything.
“Y/N…” He breaks the silence.
You hum. 
“Did you ever dream about me?” 
“I thought about you.”
Only a soft squeeze to your hand serves as a reply.
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sugarwithtea · 1 year
bounty (m) | myg [teaser]
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bounty (noun) : a sum paid for killing or capturing a person. if there was one person who annoyed you the most, it was min yoongi. but what happens when he calls you after escaping someone hired to end him? a dance, which ends in a surprising way.
pairing ; gang leader!yoongi x thug!reader (f)
rating/genre ; m (18+)//smut, angst (minor), enemies to ???
wc ; for the teaser - 470 // for the fic - 4k+
warnings for the teaser ; guns, swearing. for the fic ; explicit smut in public, knives, mentions of death, gore, murder (main characters) and many more!
note ; tread with caution ⚠️ the teaser is mild but the fic won't be (it will be very dark!) also, happy d-day dropping everyone hehe!! thanks to @cowboylikeyoongi for helping me with smth very major!!!! please let me know if you wanna join the taglist for this!
masterlist | taglist
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You stand straighter, putting your hands on your waist and chewing the end of the cigarette in your mouth. You survey the area with squinted eyes, pushing your thin jacket behind to reveal your black tee and the gun, with which your finger toys.
You had heard of this place, and how there was a big bounty on the leader of the gang who ran the place. They were dogs, fiercer than wolves, but still fucking cowards. Your boss had asked you to stay clear of the massacre, something about leaving the lowly on his own. And you obeyed, for Min Yoongi was a man who riled you up so much, that anger always lived on your nose – and the tip of your tongue.
The way you were called into the yard, you assume whoever tried to get the meaningless bounty had failed. You shake your shoulders in amusement, and take another drag from your cigarette, kicking the dust at your feet. One more minute, and if he doesn't show up you are getting the fuck out of here.
It's as if the universe heard your thought and plotted against you returning because as soon as you turn back towards the raging fire, a hand wraps itself around your neck and pulls you behind. You let out a loud snort of amusement around the cigarette as you are pulled into a hard chest, his arm around your neck and breath on top of your ear. You quickly pull your cigarette out with one of your hands and exhale, letting the smoke fog you.
As soon as you register his breath, a hard thing pokes you on the base of your throat, and you look down to see the muzzle of his gun at your throat, pressing into your skin. His arm is right above it, and you see the way his fingers wrap around the trigger guard, away from the actual trigger. You scoff at it – still a coward.
He pushes the muzzle deeper into your skin, and you feel his chest going up and down, as his hand around your neck brings you so near him, that you feel him mold against you. You arch an eyebrow and tilt your head, a laugh leaving your lips.
"Hello to you too, Yoongi.'' He hated it when you, or anyone called him Yoongi, so you did just that. He doesn't want to be related to his family, or have a semblance of their relationship with him. And there was one thing that could erase it – his name. So he changed it to Agust D.
"You came?" His voice is gruff against your ear, and you don't miss how deep it is, just like the ocean. You take a deep breath and exhale, before speaking again with a delayed snort.
"You called?"
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if you wanna join the taglist for this specific fic then lmk via comments :)) (permanent taglist peeps will be tagged in the reblogs for this one hehe ��)
feedback of any kind is greatly appreciated! so please lmk your thoughts :))
© sugarwithtea. do not repost.
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brackenfur · 2 months
okay so i kind of.......wrote a lot more than i really intended to, but long story short - years ago i had this headcanon/au of sorts that birchpaw/fall saw ashfur and hawkfrost at the lake together, standing over firestar. mostly because when you squint at that whole sequence it kinda doesnt add up in canon, but its not canon that birchfall saw anything - it's just me taking this what if scenario and expanding on a side character
anyways this was kinda a quick project so its not perfect buuuuuut i wrote something so ! enjoy :)
birchpaw is back at camp doing everything he can to avoid the worried looks of his clanmates when his mentor stops him.
"hey, birchpaw," the fur on the back of birchpaw's neck stands up, and he slowly turns to the other tomcat. "are you okay?"
birchpaw does the best he can to keep the nervousness out of his voice as he answers: "i'm fine, ashfur. really. i- uh, i mean, i really just wish i had...been faster, that i had..."
he can't look at ashfur's face. not now, maybe not ever again. he knows that as soon as he meets his eyes, he won't be able to stop asking questions:
what were you doing with a riverclan cat? why didn't you help firestar? did the other cat threaten you? did you-
"you did the best you could, birchpaw," ashfur tells him gently; he pauses, flicking his tail-tip, before murmuring: "come on, let's go over to the apprentice's den to talk. i can tell you're shaken up."
and you're not, birchpaw wants to say, but he's a coward. this is his uncle, his mother's twin, and he doesn't really know what he saw, anyways. maybe ashfur had been standing there, sure. and maybe firestar had been clearly injured, clearly dying - well, ashfur isn't a medicine cat. he couldn't have known that, even if birchpaw had been making a lucky guess. but maybe hawkfrost threatened him, or maybe he lied to him-
you don't believe that at all, he thinks.
but he follows his uncle all the same to the apprentice's den; whitepaw is comforting her father at the medicine cat den while leafpool treats firestar's wound. no one is around - they're all either out searching the territory to make sure hawkfrost didn't have any accomplices, or with firestar's family on the other side of camp.
"you did the best you could to get help as soon as possible, birchpaw," ashfur tells him softly; birchpaw is staring at the grass between his paws, not looking at the other tom. "everyone knows that. i'm sure firestar does, too."
"but i could scent your fear-scent," ashfur continues, "and it does seem like you didn't go straight back to camp after telling firestar about blackstar. why?"
birchpaw's whiskers quiver. he shouldn't be scared - if anything, ashfur should be worried. he's the one who didn't do enough to help.
but the look in ashfur's eyes. the blank, distant stare as he watched firestar gurgle at his paws.
even the badgers didn't look at sootfur like that after they killed him, birchpaw remembers.
"i....," birchpaw's voice wobbles. "i thought i scented another cat, and i was worried," he clears his throat, trying to stop the shakes, "about you. i thought- i thought maybe you were...in trouble, and i...."
ashfur is quiet for a long time; if birchpaw wasn't so scared - why should i be scared? he's my uncle and my mentor, he wouldn't....he'd never.... - he'd look up, joke with him. pretend like it's all a big joke.
but those eyes. that look. the sounds firestar was making.
"so you didn't go straight back to camp," ashfur says with a disappointed sigh, "and firestar lost a life."
birchpaw's heartbeat skips. his paws shake. "wait," he says, his voice becoming shrill. he doesn't want anyone else to hear, but- what ashfur's saying, it's not...that's not right. that's not how it went. "wait, i- i did go back, as fast as i could, and i told squirrelflight-"
"you waited to tell her, you mean," ashfur tells him, frowning. "and he lost a life because he lost too much blood."
"but i didn't....i'd never..."
"it probably wasn't your intention," ashfur murmurs. "but that's how it happened. what if it was his last life? firestar and i trusted you to do one simple task, and you couldn't do that. you can't even look your uncle in the eye when he's talking to you."
birchpaw quivers as he slowly lifts his eyes to look into his uncles. ashfur's dark blue eyes stare back at him, just as emotionless as they did hours before.
"that's better," ashfur tells him, but it doesn't feel better. all of this is wrong.
"i was just trying to help," birchpaw whispers. "i didn't....i saw..."
"what did you see?" ashfur asks him, with a tone that birchpaw's never heard him use before: it's low, angry.
it's terrifying.
"um," birchpaw stutters. "i don't- i don't know. i don't know what i saw."
i saw you. i saw you and hawkfrost.
"if you don't even know what you saw," ashfur says slowly, "then maybe you shouldn't say anything. not to me, or to your mother. not to firestar."
birchpaw slowly lowers his gaze. how did today end up like this?
"you didn't see anything out there, birchpaw," ashfur continues. "you're an apprentice - you don't know your left paw from your right paw."
ashfur stares at him for a long moment, sighing. "i'm not trying to scare you, birchpaw," he murmurs, "but i don't want you to get in trouble for firestar losing his life. sometimes we make mistakes; i don't want this one to be the defining moment of your apprenticehood."
shame burns through birchpaw - shame that he can't stand up to his uncle and tell him that this is all wrong.
but more shame that there's a part of him, deep down, that knows ashfur is right. if birchpaw had been quick enough, firestar wouldn't have lost a life. hawkfrost would've been stopped quicker.
and maybe....maybe ashfur was just trying to help firestar. maybe in some way, he's embarrassed because he couldn't help him, either. is that what this is about? trying to save face, because brambleclaw once again saved the day when ashfur couldn't?
"i want to be a good apprentice."
"and i'll help you do that," ashfur tells him, his voice becoming warmer. "and we'll start by making sure that today stays behind us, forever. okay?"
it doesn't feel okay.
the rest of his apprenticeship goes by largely uneventfully. ashfur isn't exactly the same as before he and squirrelflight drifted apart, but he never speaks to birchpaw the way that he did the day firestar was injured.
he becomes a warrior by the name of birchfall. he makes friends, falls into an easy routine. he even still spends time with his uncle - with each passing day, the events from that afternoon become a faded memory. sometimes it plays out differently in his mind - there's days where he thinks he did see ashfur try and help firestar. where he heard him tell hawkfrost to go away.
(and maybe it wasn't as bad as he thought it was back then if the memory keeps changing. if it really was so awful, wouldn't it be the same? was he just trying to make ashfur out to be a bad cat?)
everything in thunderclan is mostly calm, until ashfur gets lionpaw as an apprentice.
he's heard cats joke about being jealous when their old mentor gets another apprentice - how it's weird, seeing the cat who taught you everything teaching someone else the same things, telling the same jokes.
he's still ashfur's nephew, so he knows that his former mentor still holds a special place in his heart for him - but it's not exactly that jealousy that other cats talk about that he feels towards lionpaw.
he feels...strange, seeing them together; there's this weird fluttering feeling he gets when he catches ashfur's expression as lionpaw walks away from him.
sometimes he can hear a voice in the back of his mind, screaming at him to go and get between the two of them. to protect lionpaw.
but ashfur....well, it's ashfur. outside of that one afternoon moons before, he's a normal warrior. he wouldn't...
so birchfall does what he did over a year prior; he buries the feelings. he can't trust his eyes - that's what ashfur told him before. he doesn't know his left paw from his right paw.
(except that he's a warrior now, and a damn good one, so why-)
that changes one day, when the talk of thunderclan is how lionpaw and ashfur got into this huge fight - claws drawn, teeth bared. ashfur scratched up pretty badly, spiderleg had told him, shaking his head.
i knew that was going to happen, he's not a medicine cat or particularly gifted, but he knew. he knew, he knew, he knew, he knew.
i knew he was going to hurt him, birchfall watches as lionpaw trudges into camp, surprisingly fine physcially - ashfur is the one with the injuries, blood dripping on the camp floor as he trudges to leafpool's den.
lionpaw is standing there after all is said and done, after cats talk to him to ask him if he's okay. standing there in the center of camp, alone.
birchfall is only foxlengths from him, watching, and the thought slips into his mind easily: i should tell him that i know what ashfur is really like. that i saw the same look in his eyes that he probably saw. that he watched firestar die inches from his paws and did nothing to help him.
he almost does it, too. the memories from that day come back, flooding his vision - ashfur's dark expression. the white flash of hawkfrost's teeth. firestar's gurgles.
i'm so sorry, firestar.
"why are you staring at me?"
birchfall snaps out of it quickly; lionpaw is staring at him, amber eyes narrowed.
"what?" birchfall blinks. "i wasn't staring at you."
"yeah, you were," lionpaw tells him, shaking his head. "weirdo." lionpaw hisses under his breath.
and before birchfall can say anything, do anything, hollypaw and cinderpaw bound up to him to talk to him, stealing the moment away.
birchfall watches the apprentices for a couple more seconds before he turns away.
he didn't see anything that day. it's his fault that firestar lost a life, anyways. that's all anyone would be able to see - firestar is one pawstep closer to being gone forever because of him.
birchfall keeps his word for the moons to come; lionblaze becomes a warrior with hollyleaf and cinderheart. whitewing - his longest friend, the molly who withheld her warrior ceremony for him, just so he wouldn't be alone,
(and was there for him on the nights when all he dreamt of was the lakeshore, never asking him what woke him up shaking)
well, they become closer and closer until they're not really just friends anymore, and one morning she bounds up to him to tell him that she's carrying his kits. that leafpool had just told her moments before, and she couldn't wait to find him.
and it finally feels like maybe birchfall is at peace - maybe starclan isn't angry with him after all. maybe that one thing that birchfall didn't do years ago - it'll be okay. firestar is alive and happy, with grandchildren now.
the fire rages through thunderclan not long after, but thankfully there's no casualities - he grew up hearing the stories of the one from years ago, back in the old territory before he was born, and he's glad that everyone was okay this time.
he heard berrynose say that everyone had been looking for squirrelflight, her kits, and ashfur for awhile - that ashfur had turned up, laughing. he wouldn't say what was so funny, though.
he didn't think much of it, until he saw the way ashfur was acting after the fire. the way he leered after squirrelflight and her kits; hollyleaf's eyes glaring back in defiance, lionblaze's hackles raised, jayfeather's avoidance.
i don't want any part in this, he thinks, focusing on whitewing and their future together. i didn't see anything. i don't know anything. ashfur isn't dangerous.
he repeats the mantra more often than he'd like; at night, he dreams of the lakeshore for the first time in years and wakes up shuddering against spiderleg's side. his older brother shakes him off, confused, but birchfall can't meet his gaze, or anyone elses.
i didn't see anything. i didn't see anything. i didn't-
and then just like that, one day ashfur is found dead on their territory.
someone said that a patrol found him in a river, throat torn out.
it doesn't feel real to birchfall until he sees his uncles body laid out in the center of camp, with ferncloud's muzzle pressed into his fur.
that's my uncle, he thinks as he watches spiderleg lead icepaw and foxpaw to their mother, trying to comfort her. he was my mentor.
you don't know what you saw. it's ashfur's voice, clear as day in his mind as he watches his clanmates gather around the tomcat. you don't know your left paw from your right paw. you're just an apprentice; how can anyone trust you after what you did?
firestar walks over to ferncloud and dustpelt, murmuring a few kind words to them. birchfall can hear his leader's voice carrying over the wind, mentioning something about dogs, about bravery.
he watched you lose a life, birchfall wants to scream, but he can't move. he stood there and watched you gargle for breath and did nothing.
birchfall shuts his eyes. no. no, it was because of me, because i decided to take too long to go back to camp, his mind can't decide what's right or wrong. it's my fault, that's what....that's what ashfur says, and...and now he's dead, so....
"birchfall," whitewing's voice is soft; he jolts, eyes wide as he looks at his mate. she leans against him, whiskers drooping. "this is so sad. i mean....ashfur, i just- i just talked to him yesterday. he was asking me about the kits, if i was feeling okay..."
you wouldn't want to be with me if you knew what i did, ashfur had never threatened him after that day, but birchfall knew that was what his uncle was conveying to him every time they talked after that day. that he could tell everyone, and everyone would know it was birchfall's fault that firestar lost a life.
or....or wait, maybe that wasn't right. not anymore.
maybe he should blame himself for not saying anything all these years. he could've told firestar and had ashfur punished, and he didn't.
the realization burns deep in his chest; he can barely register what whitewing is saying.
ashfur knew that if you said something, any cat could probably figure out that something about his story didn't add up, birchfall thinks, his heart thudding. and you were just too stupid to realize you could have said something years ago.
"birchfall?" whitewing says, frowning. "hey, birchfall. are you okay?"
birchfall's fur raises. "i'm okay," he tells her, taking a deep breath. "all things....you know, considering, i..." he shakes his head. "i'm gonna get some air, okay?"
whitewing touches her nose to his. "i'm here, you know that, right? i've been here for you since we were 'paws."
that stings more. i could have told you years ago, birchfall touches his nose back to hers, and turns away. i can't say anything now. she'd never trust me again, i kept this secret from everyone because i was too scared of my uncle. and now he's dead, and now....
birchfall resigns himself not to think about it anymore. he can't.
he can't. he won't.
after his daughters are born, birchfall wants this to be his new purpose in life.
forget about the lakeshore. the foxtrap. hawkfrost. ashfur. firestar is fine now; thunderclan is fine. sure, maybe there's been some earth-shattering secrets that have been revealed, but- all in all, they're mostly fine.
ivypaw and dovepaw mean the world to him; he can't imagine being without them.
he looks at them and wants to do right by them; they'll never know the fear he's carried for all this time, the same.
he'll teach them to say something if they see something; to be outspoken, brave.
but he can barely keep his head above water; it started when he met a cat from the dark forest one night. who promised him that he could make up for the mistake he made years ago; that he could do right by firestar. by thunderclan.
he trains every night but it doesn't make the shame go away. it won't scrub off after he bathes himself. nothing works.
it's not until the wall is lifted over his eyes - after his daughter, ivypool, a warrior grown - tells him what the true intention of the dark forest was.
all the moons he spent there, training, trying to prove that he could make up for what he did - gone.
and after the battle with the dark forest, both his mother and firestar are dead - killed by the cats that birchfall wanted to impress. wanted to show that he could be better, that he could be stronger.
how did everything go so wrong? he thinks as he watches his father crouched over his mother. dustpelt won't even look at him; he doesn't know about firestar, but he knows about the dark forest. and he hates him - despises him for training with the cats who are responsible for ferncloud's death.
he's right.
"birchfall," whitewing's voice jolts him out of his thoughts. "please. i want to talk."
it was inevitable - he knows that it's over between them at this point. he follows her out of camp regardless, deep into the territory. there's birds in the trees, chirping quietly amongst themselves, and everything is in bloom, yet nothing is beautiful to him at this moment.
whitewing turns to face him, her green eyes sad. "can you just tell me why?"
birchfal looks down at his paws, just like he did years before when ashfur told him to keep quiet.
"i'm sorry," he tells her, and she scoffs.
"i'm sorry isn't an explanation," she meows. "just....why, birchfall? why would you train with cats like that? and why- our daughter was there too, why wouldn't you try and convince her not to? what's wrong with you?"
i'm a coward.
"that's still not an answer," he hadn't realized he said it aloud. he finally looks up at his mate - probably soon to be ex-mate. "you need to talk to me. you're not a 'paw anymore."
and for some reason that burns more than anything else.
you're not a 'paw. you should have said something. you should have told everyone what you saw. and you didn't. it's your fault. all your fault. everything-
"i need to tell you something," he finally says; the story is bubbling at the surface. ashfur is long dead. firestar is dead. his family hates him. whitewing is going to leave him anyway; what else does he have to lose? brambleclaw might exile him, might not; he might not care what birchfall does.
whitewing is silent; birchfall opens and shuts his mouth a few times, trying to find the words, until he meows:
"i saw what happened to firestar on the lakeshore, that day when hawkfrost from riverclan died."
whitewing frowns; she looks taken aback, and blinks a few times.
"i....ashfur...he told me that he scented blackstar on our territory," the memory comes back hazy at first, but starts to clear as he goes on: "he said to tell firestar about it. i did, but....a few minutes later when i was heading back, i could scent another cat. and i remembered ashfur was out there, and i was worried for him, so i followed him and the other cat so i could protect him. and..."
the gurgling. the look on ashfur's eyes. the sound of the water lapping at the shore.
"ashfur was standing with hawkfrost over firestar's body. he was caught in the foxtrap and....ashfur, he...." birchfall shuts his eyes. "you should've seen how he looked. he didn't care at all that firestar was dying. i ran away, i didn't....i didn't know what to do. i thought maybe i didn't see anything at all, so i just told squirrelflight what ashfur had said about blackstar when i saw her. i thought....i thought maybe if she caught ashfur and hawkfrost, it'd....she'd know what to do, more than i would....."
birchfall stares at his paws. "when i got back to camp and brambleclaw had killed hawkfrost, ashfur told me....he said i didn't see anything, and it was easier to pretend i didn't see anything. and he was...he was right - i should've just gone back to camp right away. i should've just done the right thing, not been a stupid 'paw. i should've...it's my fault that firestar lost a life. he'd still be here right now if i just had listened back then, 'cus he'd have an extra life, and..."
birchfall trails off, shaking. "so that's...that's why i wanted to train at the dark forest. because i let firestar down. because i didn't say anything all these years, and i should've....i mean, what if ashfur had hurt someone else? and i just sat there and let it happen."
it takes him a moment after everything spills out to realize that whitewing is very quiet; he finally looks up at his mate.
she looks so sad watching him; and there's a bit of anger in there, too.
"he threatened you?" whitewing finally says; birchfall winces.
"i don't....maybe, it doesn't really matter."
"you were his apprentice and his nephew," whitewing tells him firmly. "of course it matters. he knew he was manipulating you, and that you just wanted to please him, so you'd do anything to make sure you wouldn't make trouble."
whitewing's tail lashes, and she shakes his head. "that- i can't believe he did that to you, that he made you think...."
"whitewing, it's-"
"it's not your fault, birchfall," her voice is gentle, yet he can tell she's holding back so much rage, rage for ashfur, pain for firestar's death. "if you really think for one second that you have anything to do with firestar laying in that clearing right now, you're completely wrong. that was tigerstar, first of all, and ashfur's fault years ago."
"you went to help your mentor, and you were intimidated into keeping this a secret," she tells him, stepping closer. "and now you think that because you didn't say anything, that that's worse than what he did."
"i should have said something," birchfall tells her, harsher than he means to. "i mean - for starclan's sake, whitewing, i- i saw, and i didn't do anything. i'm no better than he is-"
"you are twice the cat that ashfur was," whitewing meows firmly. "and if i had even....if i saw him right now, i'd slash his ears for doing that to you."
whitewing shakes her head, looking at him. "all these years," she whispers, frowning, "all these years, and we- when you were in the apprentices den, having nightmares..."
"you couldn't have known," he mumbles. "i didn't tell you."
"and then....birchfall, i..." she presses her noses into his neck; birchfall is stiff from shock.
"i thought you were breaking up with me," he tells her, aghast; whitewing sucks in a breath, pulling away.
"why not? after the dark forest, all of this...."
"i'm disappointed in you for training with the dark forest," she tells him softly. "but your mother is dead, and you....you've been holding this in for years, birchfall. i can put off asking you about the dark forest for awhile; i.....i didn't know. all these years, and i had no idea you were punishing yourself for ashfur's crimes."
when she puts it like that, a small - a tiny one, really, nothing huge - light begins to flick in his mind.
i've been punishing myself, he thinks, and it strangely makes a lot of sense - thinking about the lake all these years has felt like punishment. refusing to get close to firestar out of shame was his way of punishing himself, telling himself what he did was wrong.
"i don't know if i can tell anyone else," birchfall tells her in a whisper; whitewing nods, brushing her muzzle against his.
"that's okay," she meows, "because now i know, and now i can shoulder it with you."
"it's not a very romantic secret." he doesn't say it like a joke, but she still smiles a little.
"it's not," she shrugs. "but no one helped birchpaw back then; i'm here for you now."
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ashtavula · 3 months
I was thinking about the phrase "eels are corvades" that Floyd said at the Beanfest event. I want a request related to this, where Floyd tries to confess his feelings to Reader MC/Yuu, but ends up getting nervous and slurring his words :)
Floyd nervously confessing to you
"See, morays are cowards at heart. We don't take a shot unless the shot's guaranteed to be a winner."
His own words suddenly come back to him as he stands in front of you. Floyd swallows, his throat bobbing as he shifts his weight from foot to foot. He's pretty sure you like him back. He wouldn't be doing this otherwise. Still, it's hard for him to remember that when you're right there.
None of this had been planned. He'd just dragged you away from your friends, and hauled you into the lounge. And now, you're looking up at him with that stupid look on your face. Floyd finds himself simultaneously hating and loving how cute you are. He loves it, because it makes you look so innocent and trusting. And he hates it, because it's making it that much harder to force out the words he wants to say.
"Listen up, shrimpy, 'cause I'm not going to repeat myself. I...uh...man, why's this so hard?" He breaks away, running a hand through his hair. He heaves a sigh, and turns back to you. Floyd bares his teeth in an expression that looks almost pained. He suddenly lunges towards you, his hand slamming against the wall behind you. Floyd sucks in a breath through his teeth, and tries again.
"Ah, screw it! I like you! I want to take you out on dates, and squeeze you tight, and do all that sappy crap that couples do! You'll say yes, won't cha?"
The confession leaves him in a surprisingly loud outburst, and he huffs. When you smile softly, and agree to a date, Floyd gives you a toothy grin, and leans down to bump his forehead against yours. His arms snake around your waist, and he squeezes a laugh out of you.
"Ha! Knew you'd say yes!"
And yet, you get the feeling that Floyd wasn't quite as confident as he'd hoped to be.
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Got random idea come while reading your Yuu Hunt and reading Yuu Leech again that Yuu Hunt meet with the Leech twins and Yuu Leech meet with Rook Hunt.
A lot of things can happen, Rook being a stalker, he is stalk Yuu Leech.
Jade and Floyd really interested in Yuu Hunt as they not like their younger brother Rook.
Though love your story and headcannon.
Thank you for reading my stories, anon! And I hope you enjoy this one, too!
[Yuu Leech and Rook Hunt]
“Oi! Yuu, can’t you slow down a little?” Grim grumbled as he tried to keep up with Yuu’s pace, unbothered by the dark aura they were emitting. Only Grim would be so bold to talk to Yuu while they were in one of their moods. Yuu said nothing and continued walking down the school’s hallway, ignoring how the students immediately steered clear from their path. After all, who would want to purposely irritate an already irate Leech? They’d probably be either the bravest or the stupidest person in the world. And unfortunately or fortunately, whoever it was had gotten Yuu’s attention.
“It’s like you’re trying to run away from someone.” 
Yuu clicked their tongue and cracked their neck, rolling their shoulders as if they were preparing for something. “Aiya… Do I look like someone who'd run away? I can feel their eyes on me since earlier and it won't stop. It's starting to piss me off. If they want a fight then they better do something soon because I'm getting bored.”
Grim’s ears perked up at your words. “A land predator? Are you gonna hunt them down?” It was a common occurrence for the both of them to try and beat down people or creatures that interested Yuu. No matter if it was on land or on sea, Grim always helped them take it down.
A smirk tugged at Yuu’s face, teeth bared. “If they don't make a move, I will...”
Just then, the Leech’s hand shot up and caught an arrow mid-air. The arrow had a dulled tip, clearly not meant to seriously injure but it was a declaration to Yuu, nevertheless. Yuu smiled menacingly as they turned their head towards the direction where the arrow came from, the shine of metal visible from afar as a second arrow was prepared to be released.
“Found you.”
The Leech twins like it when Yuu and Rook decide to hunt each other down because it takes the attention off of them. Rook stops stalking them and Yuu doesn't put them in their inescapable hugs so it's a double win for them. They also deliberately did not tell them about Rook for the hell of it.
Anyway, Yuu Leech finds Rook interesting and enjoys fighting with him whenever they meet. Rook’s easily one of the people that can probably take Yuu's attention off of their brothers and free them from their hug.
[Yuu Hunt and the Leech Twins]
Yuu wasn't a coward, per se, but it does get quite worrying when they've noticed two twins with teal hair in their peripherals who had been following them for quite a while now and judging from the amount of students avoiding them, they were probably someone not to mess with.
‘So why are they following me?!’ Yuu screams internally.
“Oi, Yuu, they're getting closer. What do we do?!” Grim whispered at them, also having been keeping track of the two since they appeared. “They won't go away no matter how much we try to lose them!”
“You think I don't know that?!” Yuu whispered back.
Unfortunately as fates would have had it, as Grim and Yuu weren't that familiar with the school’s layout and that made it all more easy for the Leech twins to corner them.
“N-Now, now…” Yuu tried to placate as they backed up, putting their hand in front of them like that would physically stop the slowly advancing Floyd. Jade was standing behind him, guarding the way out should Yuu slip by his brother.  “I'm sure that whatever my brother did, I had nothing to do with it.” This whole situation was probably their brother’s fault. Yuu just arrived at the school a few days ago so there was no way they could've done something. The most logical thing here would be because of their brother.
‘What’s this? Can't get back at the younger brother so bully the older sibling instead?’ Yuu cried inside. They were sooo going to tell Rook to stop whatever it was he was doing with people.
“Heh, you remind me of a shrimp. I'll call you Shrimpy…” Floyd smirked, finding it amusing how different Yuu acted compared to their young brother. “Come here, Shrimpy, Shrimpy.” He lunged for the older Hunt. Except, he didn't make contact as he found himself falling backwards from a sudden weight pulling him back and onto the ground. Floyd tried to get up but soon realized that the lapels of his clothes had been bolted down on the ground with a crossbow arrow.
Yuu didn't hesitate reloading and quickly aimed the crossbow, firing multiple shots consecutively at Jade who dodged their attack. However, it seemed that this was exactly what Yuu planned as they and Grim made a mad dash towards the exit.
“Sorry, I'll pay for your clothes lateeeeer!”
While Yuu Hunt may be a bit of a ball of anxiety, they– like all the other Yuu sibling variants– have the skills to deal with others. Remember, they're a Hunt and while they are scared of Rook, they're still the oldest Hunt sibling.
Yuu is terrified of the Leech twins but always uses non-lethal methods to escape them. Rook, however, is still and always will be their top one most scary person to be hunted by. 
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missesnott · 19 days
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together | Theodore Nott X Fem. Hufflepuf Reader
—> Part 2 of "Last Kiss''.
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•Summary: Some weeks after starting to get over Theodore, he comes up to you and says he wants to get back together.
•Song: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, by Taylor Swift.
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Two weeks had went by, since you made the decision of getting over Theodore. It wasn't going bad, since you didn't looked at him when you both had the same classes, you didn't care that he had a new girlfriend or anything that anyone could say that might had pissed you.
"So, is it really over between you and Nott...?" Hannah Abbott, one of your friends, asks you.
"Yeah, I'm getting over him. It's weirdly working." you say, having another bite of your dinner.
"Well, I though that you both looked so cute together!" Susan Bones replies.
"Me too, but, he literally switched you for another girl. He's a coward. I'm happy you're doing alright" a brunette said, giving you a warm smile.
You and the trio continued to talk, when you notice a certain slytherin looking straight at you. You looked at him, seeing his sad expression, but ignored. You had nothing to do with him.
A few moments later, the girl he switched you for walks right by you. She also seemed sad, maybe they had gone into a fight.
You and your friends finish having dinner and leave the Great Hall.
"I have to grab some books at the library for tomorrow, I'll you in some minutes!" you warned, waving them a quick goodbye and walking to the library, praying for it to not be closed. Thankfully, it wasn't, so you walked in.
Taking slow steps searching for the two books you needed, carefully watching the shelves, you hear a noise behind you. You slowly look back and see Theodore.
"Hello." he said on a low tone.
"What do you want Theodore?" you asked not giving him much attention.
"You used to call me Theo." he pointed.
"Used to. What do you want?" you crossed your arms, looking at him.
"Let's get back together. You and me. We're great, you know? We made a great couple..."
"Uh, no thanks." you said with a smile and walked over to the next shelf.
"Come on! Think about everything we were and went through. Do you wanna throw that away?" he looks at you, grabbing your wrist softly, with a look you knew damn well. His manipulation look.
"You threw everything we had and will ever have since you broke up with me. You switched me for that Ravenclaw girl, you broke up with her and you think that I will accept you back. Well, I won't." you pushed him slightly away so he could stay back but he didn't.
"Y/n, I love you. I love you so much." he looked at you, grabbing your wrist again, pulling you close. "Let's get back together..."
"I don't know... No. We are never getting back together, like ever!" you pulled your wrist away from him and walked away. Luckily you already had your books, so you just left to your dorm, leaving a specheless Theo beside you.
You walk to your dorm and you open the door carefully so you wouldn't wake up the other girls. As soon as you enter they turn their heads to you.
"Y/n, are you alright? We saw Theo going after you, but you were both far away." Susan stats.
"Did he talk to you?!"
"Yes, Hannah, he did. He asked me to get together with him again." you answered while taking your shoes off and placing the books on a table near.
"And I said no. I didn't accept him back."
The girls smiled at you and pulled you to bed waiting for you to spell out all the details.
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4th post! I don't have many ideas on how to make the scavenger hunt one, but I'll come up with something, don't worry 💗
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queenvidal · 7 months
Welcome To The Sanctuary
Negan x Reader (Rick’s Daughter)
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Chapter 1: Something Eerie
Chapter Summary: It was supposed to be just another pickup day - not a nightmare. Rick is ready to strike against Negan, but all war efforts come to a complete stop, when the life of the woman both men care about the most is on the line.
Wordcount: 2157
Era: Season 7
- Part 5 of the The One And Only Series -
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Chapter Index: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 - COMING SOON!
Masterlist / Negan x Rick's Daughter Series
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It’s late in the morning, when a small convoy of trucks makes its way down the deserted roads. 
The Saviors are heading to their bosses favorite community. Negan is almost mindlessly driving behind one of the trucks, watching the all too familiar suburb passing by his windows. Today is pickup day for Alexandria and he can’t wait to see what Prick’s people got him this time. It better be good after all the trouble his son caused last week. 
It probably won't be much, he muses. Not that he cares too much about it but the town is now short of three more people. It certainly has to put their scavengers under even more pressure. But then again, Rick and especially his Sweet-Thing had to deal with even worse conditions in the past, when coordinating their teams and if anyone can get shit done, it’s her.
After the events of last week's pickup, Negan had to think of her constantly. She must have known about Spencer's plans or at least had to have a suspicion, given how stressed she was, when he first approached them. What a slimy asshole and a coward on top. There is no doubt in his mind his Sunshine would have killed him for what he tried to do. Luckily she didn’t have to lift a finger, she is already close enough to getting exiled as it is and also Negan was more than willing to lend a hand in that matter. 
As much as he can't stand Rick, he's got to admit that he's doing a good job - that is keeping his people alive and scavenging good stuff. Also he is well experienced from his years outside of that town and kept so many people alive during that time. That knowledge is priceless in times like this and Negan actually respects him for it. That Spencer really thought he'd not just be as good but even better than Rick as a leader is not only astonishing but also downright pathetic. That asshole got what he deserved. 
Still, there is one thing from this whole ordeal that’s still leaving a bitter taste in Negan's mouth and that is the death of the fat woman. He disliked her and was never subtle about it but he knew she was somewhat close to his Sunshine and although it was Arat’s decision to take her out, he still feels sorry for Y/N. 
He can’t forget that burning anger in her eyes, when she glared at that bitch that tried to shoot him. He'd be lying if he said he wasn’t at least a little bit turned on by the sight of it, as out of place as it was. After all his Sweet-Thing is hot as hell when she’s pissed and she’s been seething. 
Negan can’t help but smile at that memory. He’s so excited to see her again. It surprised him how much he actually enjoyed their little game of hide and seek. It made the whole affair even more enticing. Still he’s glad people somehow found out eventually. Hopefully this will result in more time with her than rushed quickies every now and then. Given the new circumstances, Negan decided to retire his RV for the time being and left it in The Sanctuary. There is no need for it anymore and her bedroom will do just fine. He really can’t wait to take his time with her.
Finally the high walls of Alexandria are slowly coming into view and the head of the Saviors  focuses back onto the road ahead of him. Slowly the gate opens up, making way for the convoy. Negan scans the guards standing on the wall but his Sunshine is nowhere to be seen. She’s not on duty right now it seems. 
The trucks drive through the gate onto the parking lot and Negan stops his car right on top of the convoy. The Saviors gather around their vehicles, ready to go through today's pickup. Negan jumps out of his car, shutting the door shut. 
Uncomfortableness is creeping up his spine immediately - Something is wrong. 
Somehow he has the feeling that something is off but Negan just can’t put his finger on it and it's making him feel quite uneasy. Suddenly on high alert, he's looking around the area. Usually around this time Alexandrians would roam the street, watching the activities but the streets are empty. 
Except for one person. 
“Ah, Rick!” Negan calls the approaching man with a bright smile that quickly dies again. The closer Rick gets, the more his sorry state becomes visible. The man looks like he’s seen a ghost. His skin is pale, only accentuating the redness of his sunken eyes. The hell happened to him?
Once he’s reached the Saviors, Rick greets them with a weak nod of his head. “Negan. Your stuff’s at the pantry.” 
A frown settles on Negan's face. Rick’s not meeting his eyes and while that’s nothing out of the ordinary, in fact it’s quite welcome, it still seems off. The other man’s not avoiding his gaze like he used to but is just staring into the void. What the hell is going on here? After another quick glance around the area, still not seeing his Sweet-Thing, Negan asks, “Where’s Y/N?”
Rick swallows hard. After a moment, he states. “She’s out scouting.”
This statement only adds to the distressing feeling in Negan’s gut. Rick is so obviously lying. She would never go out scouting with a different car than her stupid Mini. The Mini that is clearly sitting in the far corner of the parking lot. 
Negan takes one step closer to Rick, his eyes narrowing. But before he can confront Rick about his observations, he sees a woman appearing in the corner of his eye. She’s stepping out of the infirmary. That’s one of Sunshine’s team, he realizes. The woman is crying and wiping her tears. Blood is dripping from her hands.
Negan’s eyes switch between her and Rick. Something is going on. After one final glance at the other man who’s still not meeting his eyes, Negan gets moving. He pushes himself past Rick without a word, heading for the infirmary. Rick’s about to say something but when he sees Sasha standing on the porch, he keeps his mouth shut, following Negan with his head down.
Knots tighten in Negan's chest. The air feels tense, almost eerie. There is not a single person in sight and the whole town is silent. Only the sound of boots moving over the gravel can be heard. It’s quite goosebumps inducing. The head of the Saviors tries to calm himself down, he can’t have his nerves get the better of him. 
When they reach the porch, Sasha moves out of their way to the side. She looks at Rick, even more tears are running down her cheeks when she slowly shakes her head at him. Negan can’t see Rick's reaction but at the moment he doesn’t care. All he wants is to find out what’s going on. With the unpleasant feeling in his gut quickly growing, he opens the door and moves inside.
Once through the door, the man is being hit with the pungent smell of blood. His nose crinkles to its own accord and he is met with another puffy red eye. Rick's boy is sitting on a chair next to a cot, looking up at him with a tear stained face, holding the hand of the person lying there. 
When Negan's eyes eventually wander to the cot, he stops dead in his tracks. Sunshine. Negan almost forgot how to breathe. There is so much blood. 
"It's been an accident." Rick's small voice sounds behind the boss, but he barely registers the other man. Negan moves forward, coming to stand right next to Carl. The boy doesn’t say a word, only holding the hand of his sister in silence.
Negan’s eyes roam over her. His Sunshine is almost unrecognizable, the way she's lying there, completely still, unconscious. Her skin is so pale, almost gray. Bandages are wrapped around her exposed middle but there is still so much blood on her, the cot, the equipment. A rusty metal rod on the cart catches Negan's attention briefly but he quickly moves his eyes back to the big crimson red spot on her belly.
"It happened so fast." Rick tries to explain, "We couldn't-"
"Got a doc or something?" Negan cuts him off immediately, his eyes not leaving her.
Rick’s just looking at his daughter. "She's… she’s our medic.”
Negan’s clenching his jaw. A quiet fuck is leaving his lips as he’s running his ungloved hand through his hair, still taking all of this in. 
She’s dying. 
Once that thought passes his mind, Negan snaps back from his spinning mind. He moves his attention back to her father, “Prepare her for transport. I’m taking her with us.”
“No-” Rick is about to argue, but there is no room nor time for a debate right now.
“I see you still don't understand what your daughter means to me, Rick.” Negan states in a serious tone, towering over the other man. “I’ve got a doc and a clinic. She’s coming with me.” 
“I'm coming with you.” Surprised, both men look at the boy. “So she won't be alone.” 
After a short moment of consideration, Negan agrees and nods at him. “Fine. Pack her some things.” Carl carefully places his sister's hand on the cot again, before quickly rushing out of the room. Negan turns his head back towards Rick again. “You get her ready,” he orders, before brushing past him, getting his car.
Rick watches him leave before moving his attention back to his daughter again. Slowly he comes closer, taking her hand in his. His eyes well up again as he looks at her. He raises her hand to his lips, praying to any God who cares to listen, to make her stay, to not take her away. “I love you so much,” he whispers against her skin. It pains him so much to see her like that.
After a new wave of tears are threatening to stream down his face, Rick realizes he has to get going. With as much care as he can muster, he puts a blanket around his daughter, wrapping her up into a cocoon before slowly lifting her up into his arms. Cautiously he hugs her against his chest. “Please don't leave us, Y/N.”
Eventually Rick starts moving, bringing his daughter outside. Sasha is sitting on the railing, still fighting the tears, trying to take a breath and calm down. She offers to help him but Rick doesn't seem to notice her as he’s passing her by without a word. Negan parked his car right in front of the house, Carl is already waiting next to it with a duffel bag in his hand. 
Rick walks down the steps attentively, going towards the car. Negan, who just finished instructing Simon to carry on with the pickup, comes closer, ready to take over but Rick moves past him. Carl quickly opens the door before helping his father to slowly and carefully lay his sister down onto the back seat of the car. Rick tugs her in one more time, whispering to her to keep fighting, to please wake up again, before he has to reluctantly let go of her.
As much as he hates Negan and as much as he distrusts him with every fiber of his being, if that man can save her, he will swallow all his hatred up. He’d do everything in and beyond his power for her. All he wants is for his daughter to open her eyes again.
Negan comes to stand next to Rick, looking at him with something close to compassion in his features, “Whatever happens, either way, I’ll let you know.” He's reaching out his hand, offering the other man a two-way radio.
Rick only nods silently, taking it. After one final look at his daughter, he's moving away. Negan lets out a sharp whistle, gaining Carl's attention. “Jump in.” The boy does as he’s been told, hopping into the passenger seat while Negan hurries onto his. 
The engine roars to life as they quickly take off and hit the road. Rick watches them drive out of the gate. His heart is shattering into a million pieces. This feels way too much like a last goodbye.
Sasha’s slowly approaching him. She puts her hand on his shoulder in a comforting gesture, but there is nothing that can console him. 
Negan is racing down the streets as fast as he can. Adrenaline is rushing through his veins. Please, let it not be too late. It’s dead silent in the car. Now more than ever is he afraid of noises. 
Dreading to hear the tell-tale sound of quiet groaning. 
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Chapter Index: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 - COMING SOON!
Masterlist / Negan x Rick's Daughter Series
Taglist: @starry-night-20 / @joceymoo / @srhxpci / @ladykxxx08 / @sunneeflower / @frombloodandflesh / @aleeeesa /@lanamiller / @fanfic-n-tabulous / @noirfan12 / @abbiesxox / @elinafresk / @obsessiveformiyatwins / @kokushibosgirl / @syrma-sensei / @oceandolores
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pacifymebby · 1 year
The Peaky Boys Comfort You After A Breakup
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🌿 He warned you this would happen, that you'd put all your faith in a bad man and get your heart broken. He never liked your boyfriend, he likes to think he has an instinct for sniffing out useless bloody not to be trusted men and this one had set all his alarm bells ringing...
🌿 So when you come to him in floods of tears telling him you don't know what to do, your hearts been broken and your lifes over, it will take a lot for him to not say "i told you so"
🌿 But, he won't say it. Instead he'll see the tears in your eyes, open his arms for you and pull you into a hug. "Come here girl, come tell your Tom what the no good bastards done this time eh..." you'd probably sniffle and try to defend the boy. "He's not a no good bastard..." "Aye love, thats why you're crying ain't it, cause he's such a lovely lad eh?"
🌿 Tommy knows how to handle women, at least he knows how to handle you and he knows that although his brain had jumped straight to teaching this lad a lesson, all you really need right now is a hug and a kiss on the forehead.
🌿Him giving you a tight squeeze and then turning away, to the bar, "whiskey or gin?"
🌿 "So tell me what happened then and don't try to defend him eh I know what you're like angel..." "I don't.." you'd start to argue but he'd only have to give you one look and you'd know you weren't going to get away with lying. You've always let this lad get away with murder.
🌿 So you sigh and dry your eyes and you take a long drink, then you tell him what happened, about how the lad said you weren't worth the trouble that came with knowing you... Basically he'd caught wind that you had Peaky Blinders for friends and he was too much of a coward to stick around and show up for you.
🌿 Of course hearing this, that the lad broke up with you because he was scared of Tommy and the boys makes Tommy more pissed off. "Fuckin coward," he shakes his head, "never deserved you angel, right from the start, he never deserved you..."
🌿 You'd probably shake your head, all forlorn, trying to think of a way to defend him but you know you can't. So you just sit and drink the drinks he pours for you and listen to his little speech.
🌿 "You know I know I never looked too kindly on him, didn't exactly show him a warm welcome," he says, "and I'm sorry about that angel..." you know he's lying but you let him keep going because now you see he was right all along. The lad did let you down, just like he said. "But if I didn't trust him it was only because I think you deserve the world and I could see he would never be able to give it to you..."
🌿And he's telling you the truth, just not the whole truth. If he was being completely honest he'd have finished his sentence, that he could give you the world, that he wants to be the one who does. That no other man will be good enough for you in his eyes, because you belong with him. He's the only person he trusts to look after you.
🌿 But he knows you need time after your break up, so he doesn't say anything. He's patient. He lets you get drunk on whiskey and your sorrows with him, the two of you drinking together all evening. He likes to wallow and so he lets you do that too. There'll be time for smiling and cheering you up tomorrow.
🌿 Lets you drunk cry to him and dries your eyes with his hanky, catches your tears and wipes them away with his thumbs. Tell you to let it all out and encourages you to cry. He thinks its good for women to be emotional.
🌿 He'll sit with you all night, holding your head to his chest when you cry, telling you again and again that you deserve better, that you deserve the world. And when you ask why you weren't good enough he'll almost get cross.
🌿 "No no no, no y/n we're not doing that... Nothing wrong with you angel, you're perfect, sent straight down to earth from heaven you were, only thing that makes me believe in a heaven at all... You're a star too good for the likes of him and he knew it, deep down he knew he could never be what you deserved, knew he'd never be good enough for you, and instead of stepping up and fighting for you, he chose cowardice... Nothing wrong with you at all my girl, he just wasn't man enough, too much of a coward to fight for you..."
🌿 He'll sit with you all night, stroking your hair, probably feeling pretty pleased with himself that it was him you ran to, feeling pretty pleased with himself that he gets to hold you and kiss you and comfort you when you're so vulnerable. Its not that he's happy you're so sad, he's just happy its pushed you into his arms.
🌿 Lets you fall asleep on him then carries you up to his bed where he tucks you in. He's not much of a sleeper anyway so he doesn't mind giving up his bed.
🌿 He sits up all night stewing over what to do about your broken heart and more to the point, the man who broke it. He wants revenge, he wants to hurt him, but he knows that if anything happens to him you'll hear about it and you'll know it was Tommy who ordered it.
🌿But he can't just leave it so he calls John and tells him to delegate the task, to make it seem like an accident, something unrelated to peaky business.
🌿The next day he'd wake you up with tea, he asks you if you'd like to accompany him for breakfast, takes you to your favourite little cafe and buys you your favourite things.
🌿 In the weeks that follow he keeps a close eye on you, he doesnt want you to go back to your now ex. He surprises you with little visits, brings you the odd gift. Buys you a necklace and helps you put it on. He's building up to asking you to be his, but he knows he needs to build up slowly.
🌿 What he doesnt know is that all these little things he's doing for you, are making you fall hard and fast for him, that if he doesn't say or do something soon you're going to steal the limelight from him by kissing him first.
🌿 About two weeks after the stupid lad broke up with you a drunk spills his pint on him at his local pub and your ex picks a fight with him. As it happens the drunk in question isn't a drunk at all, but a romani boy yet to make his name famous, but soon to be the boxing champion of the world. So your ex gets battered by Bonnie Gold and though you're suspicious that the boys have something to do with it, you can't prove a thing.
🐻 Alfie has always felt very protective over you. Ever since the day he met you he has inserted himself into your life as a sort of father figure, determined to protect you from the mean streets of london town. You're his little girl, whether you like it or not.
🐻 Whenever you get a new boyfriend Alfie insists upon meeting them to suss them out. To see if they're good enough for his little zieskiet. So far, not a single lad you've introduced him to has been good enough.
🐻 And usually when you get your heart broken you'd go straight to him, knowing he would be able to comfort you with one of his big bear hugs.
🐻 But this time its different. This time its not a normal break up and if Alfie finds out what happened you know he'll kill the lad thats broken your heart.
🐻 So you spend two miserable days trying to go through your break up on your own, hiding away from Alfie, questioning why someone would treat you so carelessly. Why you weren't good enough for them, why they felt they had to cheat on you with some whore from the red light district...
🐻 But you can't keep anything from Alfie Solomons, hes got eyes and ears all over this part of the city and it doesnt take him long to realise exactly why he hasn't seen you down Camden Market the last few days.
🐻 So he turns up at your house, prepared with a bouquet of your favourite flowers tucked behind his back.
🐻 "Not avoiding me are you zieskiet?" he asked you with a stern little frown when you open the door, half hiding yourself behind the door. You know you can't lie to him and even if you'd wanted to the site of him standing there is enough to leave you at a total loss. You can't control your emotions, the rush of relief at the sight of your alfie there ready to wrap you up in his big arms and hold you tight and safe.
🐻 "Oh dear, my dear little zieskiet come here yeah, come give your old man a cuddle..."
🐻 He wraps you up in his arms and squeezes you so tightly. Held against his chest like that you feel so small and safe, safe enough to let all your emotions come flooding out. Sobbing into his chest. He kisses your head and strokes your hair, walking you backwards into your house and closing the door behind you.
🐻 Inside he sits down in an arm chair and pulls you into his lap. "There there poppet its alright, I'm here now right, so everythings alright, I'm here now I'll look after you yeah zieskiet, my precious girl bless your soul, thats it you have a big old cry, let it all out darlin..." he'd rub your back and play with your hair, cradling your body to his, rocking you and soothing you. He leaves little kisses in your hair and holds you until you've calmed down and cried your heart out to him.
🐻 "You know zieskiet," he says when you've stopped crying, "me being a dangerous, rotten gangster feared across the whole of London Town, and him being a good for nothing little cockroach I think we'd all be in agreement nobody, yeah, nobody would miss... I could just have him horribly murdered... Couldn't I..."
🐻 You'd giggle thinking he was joking, sniffling and trying to dry your eyes. Him catching your hands with his and shooing them away, holding your cheeks in his hands and wiping your tears with his thumbs. The little smirk he does when you laugh at his "joke"
🐻 "Nah, no, of course not, course I won't do that... Nah... But... It made you smile didn't it poppet... Theres no denying the thought did make you smile..."
🐻 And honestly? I'm not sure your ex has long to live. He'd better enjoy his week of "freedom" because just as soon as Alfie's sure his little girls feeling better, he'll be taking a trip to your ex's side of town, just you know... For a visit.
🐻 But before he can get round to that, and he is going to enjoy that a lot, before he can get round to that, he has to take care of his little girl so he clears his schedule to stay with you for as long as it takes to see you feeling better.
🐻 He knows you're a messy broken heart, knows you won't have been eating or sleeping, and so he makes you dinner, some good old fashioned jewish comfort food - chulent, babka, matzo ball soup... He takes real good care of you all week and whenever you try to interject he just shrugs you off and won't hear a word of your concerns for him or his work which you know is important.
🐻 "You don't have to do all this Alfie..." "All what zieskiet? Not doin nothin me, just takin care of my little girl... Wouldn't be much good if I couldn't even do that would I?" "but you have more important things to be worrying about than me..."
🐻 Him turning round with a stern frown, pointing a finger at you, its his cross face and for a second you think you've gotten yourself into trouble.
🐻 "Now that darlin zieskiet, that simply just ain't true. Is it? Nothin, right, and I mean this with the whole of my old shrivelled heart yeah, there ain't nothin in this world more important than you... You understand that yeah? You are very, very, very important right..."
🐻 You're kind of speechless, you tell from the look in his eyes that he isn't joking, and although Alfie's always been a big softie to you, you had no idea he felt that way about you. You've never meant that much to anybody before and to say you're stunned would be an understatement.
🐻 "Uh.. I..." "You understand that y/n? Thats what I asked you ain't it?" "Um... Yeah... Yeah I do Alfie..." "Really zieskiet cause you don't seem very certain you know, you look very uncertain indeed..."
🐻 And you are uncertain, you're looking back at him trying to work out what he means with all these kind words, he's being so caring, so gentle with you but now he's looking at you so sternly and seriously that you're sure this is more than just "friendship"
🐻 Him stepping closer to you, taking your face in his hands and brushing his thumbs over your cheeks. "You, little ziekskiet, are more precious, right, than you know... More precious than you know." Him holding your gaze, kissing your forehead. You hardly able to breath.
🐻 Suddenly that broken heart hurts a lot less.
🍂 You didn't want to tell Arthur about your breakup but you knew you'd never keep it secret for long. And anyway, you've been finding it impossible to hold back your tears whenever you think about what had happened.
🍂 When he sees you he can tell that somethings upset you, all it takes is the question "Who's hurt you girl?" and you're not going to crying, stood there in the middle of the street sobbing your heart out, hiding your face in your hands.
🍂 At first he isn't sure what to do, he's not good with crying lasses he never really knows what to do. But he can't just stand there and watch his best friend sobbing her heart out in the street so he awkwardly tries to comfort you.
🍂 He wraps his arms around you and awkwardly holds you to his chest, it isnt a tight hug and he's a little stiff, the way he pats you on the back and says "here now don't cry darlin.." and coughs awkwardly..
🍂 But you just melt into his embrace, soaking his shirt with your tears and as hes holding onto you and doing his best to comfort you he's overwhelmed with this protective feeling. How could someone do this to someone as lovely and pure as you.
🍂 He gets angry, really pissed off and he holds onto you a little tighter, hes stewing, his face slowly turning that angry shade of red, his breathing getting a little more strained.
🍂 "Ouch Arthur you're squeezing me..." you start trying to wriggle free from his grip and when he hears your pained voice he lets you go, he feels guilty for leaving you there alone but he can't help himself, he has to find the lad who hurt you...
🍂 You shout after him but he doesn't hear you, its like hes completely posessed. Hes so angry that someone could hurt you, he won't be satisfied until he's beaten them to a pulp.
🍂 So you run after him, shouting after him, all the way to the boxing gym where your ex trains and you watch, scared, as Arthur shouts for him, demands they go in the ring together. You beg them both not to but theres no stopping either of them, the two of them aggressive and headstrong and pissed off with one another.
🍂 You can't watch, you're horrified and you send someone running to get Arthurs brothers, you know theyre the only ones that will be able to stop him.
🍂 In the end Arthur doesn't quite manage to kill him, but every time that nasty fuck who broke your heart looks in the mirror from now on, he's gonna see the stitches holding his face together and he'll remember and regret what he put you through.
🍂 After the fight Arthur calms down and realises he hasn't exactly made you feel any better. He's desperate to set things right and stop your crying and he all but falls at your feet begging your forgiveness.
🍂 "Y'see love I'm no good at that soft shite, am no good at fixing broken hearts me, I'm only good at breaking things aren't I... Punishing people for all the bad shit they do... Cause I'm just as fuckin bad as them y'know... So... So..." him getting emotional, clasping your hands in his and explaining that to him, youre the softest, most beautiful, kind, gentle and precious girl in the world and that any cunt who breaks your heart has to pay...
🍂 You forgiving him, kissing his cheek and him going bright red all over again, blushing.
🍂 "Thanks for defending me Arthur, you're very precious to me too..."
🍂 Him going even more red, blushing so deeply he's almost gone purple.
🌼 Hates seeing you cry, even if you do look very pretty with those forlorn, teary eyes. Johns not good at dealing with all those messy emotions so his instinct is to try and cheer you up, get you smiling again as quickly as possible.
🌼 So instead of pulling you into a hug or trying to encourage you to cry, John makes jokes to try and make you feel a bit better.
🌼 "Bout time you got shot of him lass, tell you all the time you can do miles better than that ugly mug..." "No I couldn't John, really I mean it I'm never gonna fall in love again..." "I'm literally right here flower..." him winking at you and shooting you that stupid grin that always makes you laugh.
🌼 But he isn't sure he really wanted you to laugh him off this time, and when you giggle and wipe your eyes saying, "yeah right... As if..." he's almost offended.
🌼 "What?" he's still grinning but its harder for him to keep smiling now, "whats that supposed to mean..."
🌼 And thats when he realises that you don't need jokes or silly attempts at cheering up because you're hurting much more deeply than he realised.
🌼 "Well," you huff, "if I can't keep an ugly mug like y/e/n interested in me I'm hardly gonna be able keep you interested..." you roll your eyes and laugh him off, not noticing his change in expression. How he goes from grinning, smirking like a stupid teenager, to serious, frowning and suddenly concerned.
🌼 "What?" "You said it yourself, he's a useless prick and he still didn't want me so..." you trailing off and shrugging, suddenly you have tears in your eyes and John is panicking.
🌼 "Eh eh eh, whatre you crying for flower, didn't mean to make you cry..." he says grabbing your hands and pulling you in close. He wraps you up in a hug and when he pulls away he wipes your tears on his shirt sleeves. "Don't cry darlin I didn't mean it like that, well, he is a useless prick, I did mean that... But you, you deserve so much better than him, he wasn't good enough for you love, no one ever will be if you ask me..."
🌼 And he does mean that, John's always been soft on you, he's always thought you were the prettiest girl in town, the only reason he never made a move on you is because you'd always belonged to someone else and for all that he might have been a relentless flirt he did actually have respect for other people and god forbid he'd ever try to steal someone else's girl...
🌼 But if they're just going to take you forgranted and toss you asside anyway, well maybe he ought to step up and put an ebd to your heartbreak once and for all.
🌼 "Let me take you out tonight flower..." when he says it you're not stunned, and honestly? You think he's trying to wind you up so you tell him not to be ridiculous and he has to keep pestering you until you finally believe him and give in.
🌼 "No i mean it! Let me take you out tonight, we'll go somewherw fancy, I'll be the poshest rebound you've ever had..." he can't help keep making daft little jokes, he wants you to take him seriously but he can't help it, sometimes things just slip out before he has a chance to think them through.
🌼 "You really want to? This isn't a joke? And you're not just pitying me?" "Nah flower, I'm dead serious, I've wanted you to be my girl for ages..."
🌼 Turns up at your house to pick you up, he's brought you flowers, he takes you somewhere really fancy, too fancy, and both of you spend the whole night laughing at how out of place you feel, how you both know everyone else in the room is wondering how you were even allowed in.
🌼 Takes you dancing afterwards, tells you its meant to be a cure for a broken heart, and also he's a rubbish dancer so at the very least you can laugh at him and that will cheer you up. But you don't need cheering up anymore because in the space of a few hours he's made you feel happier than your ex did all the months you were together.
🌼 When he kisses you he smiles, proper proud of himself and you both end up giggling and laughing between kisses.
🍀 Its such a tight knit community when you're all travelling together on the vardos, everyone knows everyones business and Bonnie has had to watch the slow and painful demise of your relationship with your bf over the last two weeks.
🍀 Youve been at the center of the gossip around the camp and as painful and embarassing as it has been for you, its been torture for Bonnie too. Trying to control his emotions when he hears you've been fighting again, when he catches the tail end of a sharp conversation between the two of you, when he sees you with your teary eyea fighting back sobs. All he's wanted to do for the last week is throttle the dinlow thats been breaking your heart
🍀 But when he finally has the chance to he doesnt.
🍀 You're arguing again, not far from the vardos and the camp fires. Bonnie has heard the two of you and your raised voices and he's gone off into the woods looking for you, wanting to make sure you're alright.
🍀 And when he stumbles upon the two of you he sees you with tears streaming down your face and his heart breaks for you. He doesnt know who to go to first, you, so that he can comfort his best friend, or the bastard thats made you cry so that he can thump you.
🍀 Of course Bonnie chooses you, rushing to your side and wrapping an arm around your waist protectively as he catches your cheek in his hand and turns your face up towards his.
🍀 "Whats the matter little dove whats he said to you?" Bonnies a little angry, he can tell you're extremely upset and that whatevers been said between you today is worse than your usual arguments. He can feel you shaking in his arms and when you open your mouth to try and tell him youre fine, another sob escapes you and you try to hide your face in your hands.
🍀"Ho! Dinlow, clear off before I change me mind about fuckin throttling you.." he shouts over his shoulder at the lad, but he barely looks away from you and all his attention is focussed on you.
🍀 He cups your face in his palms, brushes a strand of hair from out your eyes and studies your features trying his best to check if you're hurt, if its just cruel things this lad has said or whether its worse. "Don't look at me like than Bon I'm fine I promise its just stupid argument it's..." "Its not fine if you're sobbing your wee heart out little dove, don't lie to me eh, you're shit at that.."
🍀 He'd be really gentle with you, hugging you tight to his chest and giving you advice, he's trying not to give you bias advice. "If you'd asked me I'd have said don't bother with him at all you know, right from the stsrt just, not worth your time..." but he can't help himself. He never really liked the idea of you with anyone else.
🍀 "Could hit him if ye like, got a solid right hook me, solid left hook too actually..." him nudging you, trying to make you laugh, taking your hand in his and playing with your fingers, joking with you like that until you giggle.
🍀 "You shouldn't stay with him you know, if he's making you so upset, you shouldn't be with people who make you miserable.." him giving you the final bit of encouragement and support to finally break it off with this lad who's done nothing but break your heart for weeks now. "I know Bon but, its hard... Everyone knows everyone and people are gonna talk im just, scared of what the other lasses will think of me you know.. Everyone will think I'm a bitch if I..." "Fuck em," "Wh.." "You heard me right little dove, fuck em, don't you worry about what anyone thinks of ye, cause I think the world of ye and that should be enough..."
🍀 You just blushing, not knowing what to say to him, about to protest when he cuts you off, "No buts little dove, don't let other peoples gossiping force you to stay miserable..." "if ye wanna leave him leave him, I'll be here for ye every step, won't leave your side I promise.."
🍀 And he doesn't. There is drama, people do gossip just like you feared, but whenever anyone aporoaches you, whenever the other teenage girls get bitchy around the fires, Bonnie will shoot them down with a well timed "joke" and if ever the lads say anything, call you a slut or insult you, or try to ask if they can "have a turn with ye next," Bonnie all but threatens them with the blade or his fists and they know not to push their luck.
🍀When your ex spreads a nasty rumour about you it spreads like wild fire snd bonnie finds you once again, sobbing your wee heart out. This time he doesnt just offer to hit your ex. "Y'know am a peaky boy now, I've assassinated people... sure no one would mind if he just, yknow... Got lost in the woods one day..."
🍀 You think he's joking but Bonnie adores you and he would actually kill for you if you asked.
🍀 He knows you're still hurting, that your hesrts broken and you feel all torn up inside, and he doesn't want you to feel alone, so in the evenings he'll come and sit with you around the fire. If ever he sees you on your own he'll make a reason to go and sit with you, often helping you with whatever task you're busy with.
🍀 He'll invite you to his fights, invite you to come and watch him training, just so he knows you wont be left alone whilst he's away, and also perhaps because hes secretly hoping to impress you and win your heart.
🍀Little does he know, he already has. You just don't believe someone as loving and devoted as him could ever see you in that way.
🍀Until another rumour gets spread around the camp, that you and Bonnie have been shagging in the woods, that you were cheating on your ex with Bonnie all along. That you're nothing but a nasty whore...
🍀When Bonnie hears the rumour he doesnt even ask you, he just marches straight up to the lad, grabs him by the scruff of his collar and threatens to knock his lights out "if you ever so much as mention my girls name ever again..." You're blushing not because of anything to do with your ex but because he called you his girl.
🍀Later when you're alone you ask if he meant it. "Meant what?" "Am i really your girl?" "Aye little dove, if I'd had it my way you'd have been my girl from the very beginning..."
🐀Hes astounded the daft bastard actually broke up with you... How could anyone have you and throw you away like that?
🐀Isaiah has always thought you were fucking hot, the sexiest woman in small heath and when you drag him out for "heartbreak drinks" to get pissed and drink away the heartbreak of having been dumped for a "more experienced" woman, his jaw hits the floor.
🐀Of course he'll go out drinking with you all night... A) if he doesn't you'll only invite Michael and Michael just isnt as good at looking out for you as Isaiah would like. B) fuck no, hes not passing up the evening to spend the whole night in your company. Even if you and Isaiah are only best mates, he still fancies you and theres no way he'd let someone else have all the fun with you.
🐀He'll go out drinking and dancing, he'll buy you whatever you like, he'll dance with you even when he doesnt like the song, he'll go along with your every whim humouring you for the whole evening because he just wants to keep you happy.
🐀And when curiosity gets the better of him he asks you what your ex meant by "inexperienced" and you'll blush and get shy. You're still a virgin and your ex said you were too awkward and shy, that it was embarassing at your age... You get embarassed telling him about it but Isaiah just listens and nods along.
🐀When you dance he holds you by your hips and presses his body against yours, when youre sitting together at the table he lets his hand smooth over your thigh.
🐀At the end of the night he walks you home and when you invite him inside he thinks twice but you insist.
🐀Then you ask him something which makes his jaw hit the floor for thr third time that evening. "Siah?" "Yeah love?" "Will you teach me.." "Teach you what love?" "Y'know... How to fuck an all that..."
🐀His brain is screaming at him to say yes and throw you onto the bed there and then but he wants to be sure its what you wants. However when he tries to be chivalrous you insist, "Please Siah, you're me best mate and. And..."
🐀Thats when he gets cocky, he can see youre blushing and he smirks. Steps closer to you. Teasing you as he leans in and talks into your ear. "And what love?"
🐀Your voice is quiet and mousy when you speak but you manage to get the words out none the less and once you say it he's picked you up off your feet, fingers clutching at your thighs as he carries you to bed. "I dont know do I, I've always yknow... Always thought you were really... Really attractive.. I guess?"
🐀He'll tease you so much the next morning but he'll take such good care of you, he'll also be sure to ask if you'd like anymore lessons...
🐀He'll also give you such daft and embarassing pep talks. "Don't let one stupid bastards opinion of you make you feel rotten darlin, you're the most beautiful girl in Birmingham, he just doesn't know gold from shit..." "And remember love, you're with the peaky fuckin blinders, that gits not gonna get away with breaking a peaky girls heart..."
🍀 Your ex is just stood there stupidly, watching you and Bonnie with a gormless expression and when Bonnie looks up and sees him just watching and smirking it sets a rage inside him that surprises him a little bit.
☘️ He never liked your boyfriend, never. He didn't understand what you saw in him, he always thought he was a total waste of your time and he didn't make much of a secret of those opinions.
☘️ "If you ask me love you could do better than that two bob halfwit anyway..." he's always telling you you're too good for the lousy git and the more he says it the more you're inclined to believe him.
☘️ Because you've always known exactly why he says things like that to you... He's jealous and you both know it. Desperately jealous. He hates your boyfriends guts because your boyfriend is the only thing standing between you and Michael.
☘️ When you were still in a relationship with the "halfwit" Michael would take any opportunity to flirt with you, to trap you in dark corners so that he could whisper temptations to you, he was always sharing knowing looks with you, lingering with his hands on you for too long... The tension and chemistry between you was thick enough to cut with a knife and everybody knew there was something going on between the two of you... That even if you weren't an item yet you would be soon.
☘️ So when your boyfriend breaks up with you you aren't even really surprised. "You're jealous really? Of michael fucking gray? God thats pathetic..." you get angry with your ex, idignant because you're in denial. You tell him theres nothing in the rumours he's heard but he's not as halfwitted as Michael seems to think he is because he's got your relationship with the Peaky Boy sussed.
☘️ When you go to Michael and tell him about it you're pissed off, bitching about "how could he even think that? Its fucking rude, accusing me of cheating when I've never done anything wrong!" and Michael just chuckles and smirks and looks at you with one brow cocked waiting for you to realise the way hes looking at you.
☘️ "What?" You're all hands on hips and irate and he finds that all the more amusing, "What Michael? What are you looking at me like that for? What is it?"
☘️ "You can't seriously believe all that?" he said stepping forward, one hand on your hip, still smirking at you, its infuriating the way hes smirking at you but when he holds your gaze you can't look away. "You really think he's crazy? Making things up? You really believe theres nothing here between us? You think you're innocent in all this?" his voice is thick with desire for you and you can feel the tension bristling.
☘️ You'll have forgotten your broken heart and your even your temper will have been quelled in ten minutes time when he's fucking you on his desk, making you feel all the things your ex never could.
☘️ But natutally, to save face, and to make you feel a little less wounded after experiencing such a rejection, Michael will make sure your ex pays for humiliating you and spreading unfavourable rumours about you. Even if theres no denying that those rumours were built on truth.
☘️ "He was never good enough for you anyway darlin, a beautiful and intelligent girl like you needs more than just muscle and a pretty face..." "Like you you mean?" "See, you're smarter than even I gave you credit for..."
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bradtomlovesya · 1 year
Perfectly Wrong
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: You realize you were always his second option.
Warnings: ANGST!, Bad ending, Idiot Peter, mentions of alcohol, mentions of being drunk.
W/c: 1.2k+
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"You don't understand. You just don't get it, y/n" Peter denies looking at the floor.
"What don't I understand?" you ask with tear-filled eyes. "Why is it so hard for you to explain things to me, Peter?"
"Because even if I explained it to you, you wouldn't understand." He denies again. "Not like her."
 "Not like her?" Your heart hurts just hearing it. It's true that Peter is drunk, but it doesn't mean his words hurt you any less.
"You're never going to understand it like she did." Peter takes another sip of his beer. He had started drinking since he heard that his ex-girlfriend from high school, MJ, was getting married.
But you didn't know that.
"You're drunk. It's not the best time to talk," you hold back your tears as best you can and try to take the beer from his hands.
"No! Leave the fucking beer there" he exclaims and wipes his nose.
You had been dating for a year. However, Peter never got over his ex. Not really.
"This isn't you, Peter. You're not being yourself" you beg him to stop. You love him so much that you beg him to shut the fuck up and let you stay in the fairy tale in your head where you're the only one he loves.
"This is the only way I can be honest. Without this-" he lifts the beer. "I'm a fucking coward." He laughs sarcastically.
"Stop, please stop," you beg. This isn't him, this is just the alcohol speaking for him. You try to remind yourself.
"She's getting married, dammit!"  He throws the beer against the wall making you jump.
Inhale. Exhale.
"She's going to marry someone else because I never told her who I was. Because I never made her remember me," he sobs.
"Who are you talking about, Peter?" your vision blurs with tears. He's clearly talking about another woman but you don't know who.
"She would have understood by now." he looks at you with disappointment. "Why can't you be smart like her?" he mutters.
The words cut like knives. They are darts thrown straight at your heart.
"I'm sorry" you wipe away your tears and feel yourself trembling. Not from fear, but from anxiety.
"MJ, my ex-girlfriend is marrying some random asshole." He gets up to get another beer. "And it's all my fault."
"Peter, your words are hurting me," you admit. You want him to stop. You really want him to stop. He was never like that.
"Hurting you? I'm the one who's hurting!" Hiccups. "The love of my life is marrying someone else!" He walks to the door. "I need some fresh air."
'The love of my life' you thought you were the love of his life. Whatever it is you don't want to go down without a fight.
"Wait! Tell me what can I do to make you stay. What can I say so that you won't leave. I need to know how to fix this!" You exclaim.
Strange Peter turns and stares at you with wild eyes.
"There's nothing you can do, y/n. Like I said before, you're not her. You're never going to be her and I want to die at the thought of it." He tenses his jaw and mumbles. He looks like a real psycho.
"This isn't about me. It's not about us. It's about you and I don't want you to do something stupid that you're going to regret." You try to reason with the stranger in front of you. Now you understand why Peter didn't like to drink alcohol.
"Oh, trust me. I'm already regretting it" he nods and presses his hands against his red eyes.
"We were fine, Peter" you reason crying your eyes out. "Everything was fine" your head is racing. "Why is this happening?" you feel the air rushing out of you.
The pressure in your chest becomes too much, you find it hard to breathe, your vision is blurred and you squat down with tears in your eyes and your hand pressed against your chest trying to calm down even though you feel like you are dying.
That's when Peter understands and stops, you are having a panic attack.
He slowly approaches you as if testing the waters and kneels down in front of you to help you breathe. Apparently the consequences of his actions threw him into an immediate wave of sobriety.
"Breathe in. Breathe out with me," he murmurs with his hand on your back.
Even though you want to pull away because he hurt you, you don't. You can't. His body heat feels good and slowly you feel yourself recovering.
"I didn't even know there was anyone else, Peter," you murmur between sobs as your breathing calms. "If I had known I wouldn't have let myself fall in love with you," you confront him. How could he do this?
"I shouldn't have drunk. I turn into someone else when I do, I'm sorry," he says honestly, but for you it's too late. Parker broke you from the inside out.
"I'm sorry the love of your life is getting married. Even though I thought I was the love of your life." You look at him sadly. You don't know what to do. You just know that staying hurts more than leaving so you get up.
"Y/n I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I blew up and I shouldn't have done it, I- I don't know what came over me." He speaks. The remorse in his voice is more than noticeable. "Don't go, we can fix it," he tries to speak even though he knows is too late. He's screwed up.
"You gave me a lot of things Peter... although those things were thorns when you promised roses" you walk away slowly. You try to work up the courage to leave him.
"Wait wait wait. What I said doesn't mean anything."
"It was all a lie" you stare at the floor. Emotions subside, reason appears. "You never loved me" you deny. "My God, it was all a farce. I want it to stop" you cover your eyes with your hands wishing that if this is a nightmare, you wake up now. But you don't, 'Cause what is happening is happening in real life.
"Stop it. It's not true," Peter denies. "You know I do love you. I-" he pauses to think about his words. "It's the alcohol's fault. This isn't me, you know me y/n" he struggles as a drowning man moves his hands and legs to save himself.
"You were only with me because you couldn't be with her, Parker!". You scream in frustration. The truth is like a bath of ice water. "I was your second choice all this time. And why? You were lonely? You didn't want to wake up in an empty bed? WHY?!" you scream. "Why?" You scream again.
"I thought I was ready for a new relationship. I waited years to date someone else after her." clarifies Peter. "I just have these feelings sometimes and I can't control it."
"You don't have to control them from now on. You're on your own, Benjamin" you wipe away your tears and shake your head. "I deserve better" you nod "I hope you get over her and can move on with your life" you walk away.
"And what about what we promised?" He asks. He is desperate for you not to leave.
"It went all to trash when you decided to love two people at the same time" you talk without looking at him. "Don't look for someone else until you are ready, Peter" you glare at him. "You don't get how much it hurts".
And just like that, the front door closes. You're gone.
Peter Parker tags:
@raajali3 @fangirling-galore @powerpuffluuvv @itszulli @hallecarey1 @xoxokiaraaxoxo @kaitieskidmore1 @lnmp89 @pure-a-tea @vixparker @army24--7 @spiderydreams00 @my-name-duh @nani-2305 @Mochimms @ietss @prancerrparkerr @Lynnzilla3000 @hpsgirlrw @Lynnzilla3000 @hollandweather
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twst-drabbles · 3 months
Azul 26
Summary: Dinner with Azul was done. You have caught up with what he's been doing over the years, and now it's time for you to be off on your travels. You stop yourself to say one final thing, just so he knows.
(I'll be skipping around because I have scenes in the head and I don't want to write in chronological order. That and I have no clue what the meetings should be like. Brain is empty!)
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Haa, alright, it's now or never. If you walk through that door now without saying a thing, you know you'll just leave without a trace once more.
So, you turn around. You can't allow yourself to be coward like this.
"Hey, Azul," you still had his attention, but you had to call to him again, just to focus yourself, "when I leave again, I'm not going to be coming back."
Your tongue almost added 'probably,' at the end, but you won't lie to him.
"Well, I can hardly blame you at all," Azul shook his head, a tired smile waning on his face, threatening to disappear, "stay here and abandon those you've risked so much to get back home to, or go back and let all this drift off into a gentle dream. The choices you've made, I know you to never go back on them."
You didn't move as Azul approached your side. You hate the thought of wavering in any capacity, so you kept your focus on Azul's face, even as it became harder to take in that gentle smile.
"…I won't be able to attend any of your parties, or diners, you know?" It took too much time for Malleus to even get his invitation to you. He was waiting every day by that mirror for ten odd years in hopes you'd respond. And it's a miracle that you did.
A fluke, probably, that it only took ten years. Who's to say it won't be more next time? Who's to say that Malleus will be able to reach you at all? Well, perhaps he'll be able to figure it out and get invitations and letters through in a shorter period of time. You'll still be late, no matter how fast they're sent, because you lived in a different time-axis than the people here.
This world is beautiful, as well as the world back home, but… you don't think you can stand the thought of coming back to world that will always forget you. Where, so many years pass by that your existence just… faded away while you're still alive and living.
Azul nodded, "A shame you won't be able to attend my funeral when it comes. I was planning on having some delectable snacks there too."
The lightness he treated the subject kept you calm, but you didn't like the way your stomach gained more weight at the thought. But, well, you suppose the thought of death and what comes afterward comes when you see the changes in the mirror, see the way the eyes start sinking just the slightest bit deeper, and the way your face gains more lines with time, and the annoying pains in places you didn't expect them to be.
"…yeah," you had to push the word out. You put your hands in your pockets, "Guess I'll miss that too. I'll miss a lot of things."
You missed too many things already, so what's a lot more? May as well not have come here at all if this was what's going to greet you.
A younger Azul probably would have bargained or negotiated his way into getting you to stay. He tried to do so the minute he found out the way home was one-way only. You didn't like it then, the way he was scrambling for something that'll entice you to stay just a few more minutes longer, until he reaches a far away milestone or until his name reaches the ears of those famous and lofty. But, as Azul said, you've always been one to stick with your decisions.
Like weeds, you make sure to get everything out before they dig deeper. Half-assing everything, with anything regarding your life, was simply something you could never do, especially not when you know yourself to leave things until the last minute if you allow yourself.
That's what a younger Azul was hoping for, almost begging for even.
But, not this one.
This Azul's hands were on his custom made cane, drumming his fingers on the hilt as he hummed a familiar tune and tapped with his good foot.
"…you know," may as well get it off your chest while you're here, "it's kind of unfair, for me at least. Everything is still so fresh in my mind," The younger faces, the weird little habits and childish antics, the word tics, "and I came here just to have a little fun, like back in college. But…"
"But we're not the same as we once were," nothing about Azul's composure was lost. It was weird, seeing his smile capable of this type of experienced gentleness, originating from pain he has probably long since come to terms with. He held a hand out towards you, inviting you to take it, "While I can't say I'm a better version than the one you remember, I am different. And I will be different tomorrow and the days onward. If you don't intend to come back once you go home, then let us at least have some fun like you wanted to. Nothing wrong with making more memories, is there? Or do you intend to leave this older gentleman such as I alone on the dance floor?"
You stared at his hand, then his face, and let out an airy chuckle. "Alright, alright old man. Quit it with the Crowley-isms."
You walked past the curtains that gave you two all the privacy you needed, and pulled Azul into a dance you're familiar with. But, it seems he wasn't ready. Poor man stumbled into you.
This time, Azul had to laugh as his hat fell off. "Be careful with me, don't you know how delicate and soft I am? Leave a bruise on me and I'll demand compensation from you."
"With what money?" You barely brought anything.
"Not money, time. I'll demand another dance." Azul is still as cheeky as ever.
"Aren't you gonna pick up your hat?" You can see it getting kicked around by the more drunken folks around here.
"Leave it. It's doesn't matter when I'm having fun. Let the world see my graying hairs."
That's… you were not focused on that. Besides…
"Isn't your hair already gray?"
"Oh come on. Don't tell me you can't see the difference? Look, see? Right there."
And you couldn't. Because you both were still moving and twirling around. It's awkward.
"Azul, we're dancing. I can't really focus on it."
Then, Azul sighed. "I really do have to be more blunt with you, don't I? I'm asking you to touch my hair. So touch it. There won't be a fee, I promise. The feeling alone is it's own reward."
"Should've started off with that Azul."
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xoxodiluc · 2 years
i love you | kamisato ayato x female! reader
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genre romance, angst, hurt / comfort
cw arranged marriage, ayato tries to win you back but he's scared of messing things up again, ayato breaking down (so kinda ooc) | not proofread.
notes if u don't like flowers...... PRETEND U LIKE THEM PLSLSJHDGHSJKHD FOR THE SAKE OF THE STORY LOL / also i actually don't think this is . good ugh but shit oh well ... i'm probably gonna edit this when i have free time 💔
sequel to in my dreams, you love me back
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Kamisato Ayato thought the first few months of you not living with him anymore was fine.
But why... Why was he missing your presence? Whenever he comes home, he has the urge to call out your name, only to remember that you were gone.
He knew he had no right to miss you. He got what he wanted, right? He should be grateful for it.
"My lord, could you repeat what you said again?" Thoma was stunned.
"...Bring these flowers to Y/N's home."
Thoma stared at the flowers in Ayato's hands, then cleared his throat, taking them from him. "O-Okay, my lord."
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"Flowers?" Your cheeks warmed, accepting the flowers Thoma gave to you. "From whom?"
He was noticeably nervous, "Uh... From Lord Ayato..."
You involuntarily dropped the flowers as soon as you heard his name. "Oh. Tell him that I do not accept these." Thoma gulped, nodding as he picked up the flowers.
"I will."
Sighing, you crouched down and helped him. "I'm sorry for suddenly dropping it, I—"
"It's okay, milady! I understand."
You gave him a small smile as you both stood up. "Thank you. Um... Have you eaten dinner? I still have some." You pointed to your back, where you cooked yourself some food for dinner, not knowing it was too much for one person.
Because you got used to cooking food for Ayato.
"Oh, I appreciate it, milady." And you invited him to your home for dinner, forgetting about Ayato for a while.
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Ayato knew you wouldn't accept the flowers he offered, especially when he wasn't even the one who gave them to you personally. He called himself a coward.
He sighed, sitting on his chair. If Ayato showed up instead of Thoma and offered you the flowers, would it still make any difference?
Well, take the risk or lose the chance. Ayato was determined to let you know he was sorry.
Thankfully, your house wasn't that far away from his.
Your mood immediately became sour when you saw your husband at your doorstep. "What do you want, Ayato?"
For the first time in years, he felt nervous. "You didn't accept the flowers."
"I see no reason why I should."
He agreed. "I... I apologize."
"Okay. I don't forgive you." Your words hurt more than Ayato had expected, though he knew you would never forgive him.
Ayato nodded and gave you the flowers, "At least accept these." About to shake your head, he whispered, "Please."
Once you hesitantly took it, he turned around and walked away. You feel your heart breaking as you watch his figure disappear further.
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The next day, you got ready to buy some groceries. You reminded yourself to stroll around Inazuma City for a while afterward, but you disregarded that thought once you saw Ayato again in front of your house. Now, you wanted nothing more than to sulk in your home. What does he want?
"I don't mean to disturb you, Y/N." You almost rolled your eyes because he did disturb you.
"What are you doing here?"
He sighed, "Please, let me make it up to you."
"And you think I'd still forgive you?" You scoffed, walking past him as Ayato closed the door for you. You get that you were being a little harsh, but you wouldn't forget what he did to you back then.
"No, I know you won't."
"So why are you still bothering?"
"Because you didn't deserve the way I treated you. So from now on, I'll treat and respect you as my wife, even if you ignore me, even if you don't talk to me. If I could, I'll do anything to take back the things I said and did to hurt you."
You felt your heart beating quickly. You won't forgive Ayato, but he could still make it up, though you didn't trust that he wouldn't hurt you again.
With a little hesitation, you nodded. "Fine."
A hopeful look flashed on his face, "All right. May I accompany you wherever you go?"
"Sure, do whatever you want."
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Days, weeks, and months passed by, and Ayato would accompany you every day. You wondered, how could he have so much time for a busy person?
It seemed that he kept up with what he said, though. Even when you ignored him like how he ignored you back then, he treated you like you were his wife, like... the love of his life.
He walks you back to your home every time you go out and sends you your favorite flowers and other things you showed interest in when you walked around Inazuma City. Funny how you were once putting an effort into your relationship, and now it was the other way around.
You were confused as well... about Ayato and your feelings for him. Were you actually thinking of forgiving him? You had to know if he was being genuine. How would you know he wouldn't hurt you again?
So when you were walking back home along with Ayato, you asked, "What do you want from me?" The question came out to be harsher than you intended.
He stopped in his tracks, and he couldn't answer. You turned to look at him with furrowed eyebrows and see him clenching his fist as the tears threatened to fall from his eyes...
"I..." He gulped, "I don't know what you're—"
"Why do you care?"
"I don't—"
"That's what I thought. I won't be living here anymore."
Ayato remembered the day you left his home. "No, I didn't mean— Please, don't leave..."
Your eyes widened, "Ayato, I won't leave." The man in front of you who is usually composed sobbed and got on his knees. The sight cracked your heart, and you crouched down to soothe his shoulder. "Hey..."
Because even after everything, you still loved him. You were just scared of getting hurt again.
Soon after Ayato calmed down, he couldn't look at you, so he stared at his hands instead as he started speaking. "I wanted to win you back. I want your love, even though I know I don't deserve that… So for as long as it takes, I'll wait. And if you don't have the heart to take me back, I understand and I'll leave you alone."
"You idiot... Don't you think you've waited for too long?" He looked at you with wide eyes, "It's okay, Ayato. I forgive you."
"I still love you. I guess I just was just scared of getting hurt again."
He hugged you, finally saying, "I love you. Archons, I love you very much."
You buried your face into his neck, "You mean that?"
"Of course, yes." He pulled away to caress your cheeks with his hands. "Let's try again. Let's get married."
"Aren't we married, though?" You said, hiding the smile on your face.
Ayato shook his head, "I meant that we should get married as a real couple. I really want to, Y/N. Please?"
He got your answer when you kissed him on the lips.
Not only in your dreams, but in reality, he loves you back.
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xoxodiluc © 2022 | all rights reserved. do not claim as your own, modify, copy or repost.
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