#it would not be great. and I am hoping whatever these plans are fall through so I don’t have to say anything about it
sourkitsch · 4 months
Two things that are true at once:
I am not nearly as mentally ill as I’ve convinced myself I am
I am far sicker than I’ve convinced my friends that I am
#:(#my friend and I were talking about post grad plans and we were talking about how our friend is gonna move in w them + their partner#and eventually we got onto how I’m not confident on my ability to pay rent on place by myself#and then they were like omg wait we were actually just looking at a place w 3 bedrooms and thinking about who else we would want to live w#and I literally brushed them off by saying ‘oh no I’m a nightmare to live with’ and they were like no omg it would be so great!!!!!!#it would not be great. and I am hoping whatever these plans are fall through so I don’t have to say anything about it#because I cannot have roommates. my friends have only encountered my ptsd twice and I managed it well enough that I’m pretty sure#no one noticed. but it’s because the vast majority of my triggers are domestic. when I sleep over my moms house I sleep in a bedroom#all the way down the hall away from everything because I cannot hear people’s footsteps by my door or I freak the fuck out#and just the idea of people drinking or doing drugs in a place I live makes me feel like I’m gonna throw up#I’ve tried living in a single dorm before and that was bad enough that I had to move off of campus my sophomore year#I just really really really don’t want to be serious and tell them I can’t#because I know it would be unfair to all of us#I hate that I view myself as a punishment for other people but I know it’s because it is. I would be that crazy roommate that’s brought up#for years afterwards. and it sucks because I like this people even if I know not to trust them#it’s also now a pattern that when I bring something up about me not being normal people think it’s a joke. which maybe it’s my fault#I really need to go back to therapy but do not have the bandwidth to go over the incest thing with a new person right now
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astonmartingf · 2 months
max verstappen x reader
. . . in his own little way, max finds the solutions to his problems not without a little help from his friends and ends up giving you the confession of a lifetime
amgf yeah... there's this, just fluff. i won't be as active this week because of exams and research but this is prime time of my impulsive ideas so either i can milk this opportunity to write every single day, or avoid this app for the remainder of the week. enjoy 👍
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Max strives for stability. 
He enjoys the same routine that consists of jogging at eight am, early morning workout by nine am, brunch, a few rounds of sim racing, stopping by for a few phone calls and online meetings. If he isn’t expected to fly anywhere else he’d have his usual afternoon snack, play with his cats, more sim racing from six to eight pm, dinner with his team, reviewing data and notes, an hour for his own leisure— mostly sim racing, before heading to bed at one am.
Whatever happens in between is usually one of Lando’s plans in an attempt to spice things up in his life. Whether it’s going to the movies, buying ice cream at the convenience store down the street, or playing padel. Max is very much thankful for his friends.
Max also strives for the best.
He takes pride in his skills in racing and acknowledges his talent, and flaws. Honing them like a sharp knife through whetstones, he polishes himself and cuts through the defenses of the grid. He is a World Champion for a reason, and with a great car and team behind him, he knows they’ll get far. Max is very much thankful for the trust his team set upon him.
Max hates uncertainty. 
Well- hate is too strong of a word and dislike would be too weak for his opinions. 
Max despises uncertainty.
Especially when there’s you- the current root of all his “problems”. Despite his tendency to be blunt and straightforward statements, uncertainty always left a distasteful feeling in his mouth. 
Realizing that his wavering feelings for you have now shattered the routine he built to perfection. Long gone are sleeping on time and hello to staying up with you crowding his thoughts. Head full of the lingering scent of your perfume and the same voice playing in his head.
Max hated it. He despised how you orbit around his mind, bouncing through the walls of the gray matter inside his skull. He often catches himself smiling at the thought of you- before a bitter scowl fills his face and an incredulous and slightly constipated look pasted on his face.
But that was the least of his worries, such feelings could be fixed (a term he used to convince himself these are temporary). It’s not that Max doesn’t believe in relationships or think it’s nothing but a distraction, deep inside he’s aware that he craves affection. It’s the vague emotions clouding his heart making him think twice.
Then again, Max is thankful for his friends. 
“What did you say?” Lando squinted his eyes in the hopes to hear his words clearly. With a blank look- almost as if he put on a mask void of emotions Max spoke once more.
“Do I like YN?” 
The rest tilted their head to the side, in confusion. “D-did you perhaps ask us. . . if- if you like someone?” George, asked once more to make sure of his words, sighing in disbelief.
“It’s not just someone, it’s YN.” Max pushed the question once more and glanced at everyone on the table.
The silence was deafening. Max’ statement was too loud and too quiet at the same time, no one spoke and they left each other contemplating on the next words he will say.
“I need help. How do I know I like YN?” Collective gasps were heard throughout and one by one they slowly left the group of friends on the table leaving Max with Lando and George.
“How about we sleep over your question and. . .think— think about it you know?” Lando, the first to talk regarding the revelation that their stoic friend has now developed feelings for someone.
“Sleep? I hardly get any sleep these nights. I want to confirm my feelings now so I can finally sleep peacefully.” 
That’s when the pair noticed the bags under his eyes, mostly due to the lack of sleep like he said. Lando took a glance at George and started to talk telepathically at each other.
George sighs before pushing Max from his seat, “You see Max these feelings can’t be confirmed in a night, these requ-”
“It’s been weeks, George, I can’t lose sleep over such a trivial matter.” Max retorted with a firm stance using his lack of sleep as a front to confirm his feelings.
“Okay, first of all feelings are not a trivial matter. They are valid, and whatever is going on in your head about YN shouldn’t be taken lightly. Not because we’re curious but because we care about your emotional well being.” Lando spoke in a serious voice which only added on to Max’ confusion.
Feelings are not a big deal, at least not for him.
“And we're curious as to why you like YN.” George chimed as he followed the pair outside the room.
“Yes we’re curious but now how about I give you some romance books that you can study and read. Only you can confirm your feelings Max, let’s stop by my room and I’ll give you books you can read and next week- next week we’ll talk about this matter again.”
Lando now sounds like a mom scolding his child for misbehaving, dragging the latter to his room and sending him off with a tower of romance books.
Max is smart, he can understand such concepts by himself.
Feeling accomplished, Lando glanced at George smirking at him before walking away with Max to his apartment.
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Max on the other hand went inside his room and began to bury himself in the books he brought along. “If I’m not sleeping at least I get my feelings in line.”
One chapter. And another turns to five and in the blink of an eye a week has passed. Max returned to his routine but instead of sleeping at one he pushed it to an even later hour to make time for reading which helped him sleep.
The first nights were hard, after finishing a chapter of the book he finds himself falling asleep and now you appear to become more vivid in his mind. Invading his dreams as romantic scenarios play on repeat while Max mindlessly sleeps which results in him waking up flustered and warm.
Passing by you on the paddock became frequent; it's as if the universe has its way to bring you together. Now everywhere Max looked there was you, in the corner of his sight you occupied a chunk of his thoughts and as much as he hated to admit he found himself anticipating your presence.
By the end of the week you managed to invade his thoughts and heart which only strengthened his theory and confirmed his feelings for you. With no time to waste, Max went to look for you. The second practice was over, he’s telling you what you’re doing to him.
With new found information from the team about your whereabouts, Max made his way to the hospitality locating where you’re assigned he opens the door abruptly to see you preparing food. You stand straight feeling the intimidating aura around him, you watch him exhale a sigh of relief before talking a large step in your direction. On instinct you back away giving him space, every step Max takes is a step backward from you.
Unknowingly your feet hit the corner of the marble countertop and like a cliché scene Max remembers from the books he’s been reading you stumble backwards.
Max is a racer for a reason, and with swift reflexes he managed to catch your fall and brought you up to your feet. “You should watch where you’re going. I don’t want you falling just like how I fell for you.”
Silence. Complete, utter silence from the both of you paired with the low buzz of the booming air conditioner right near you. You blink your eyes incredulously, “What?”
“I mean. . . I do want you to fall for me, it would be sad to find out that my feelings are one-sided. But I mean my words YN.”
You adjust your posture and back away. “What are the words Max? About me falling to the ground or you. . . you f- falling for me?” Your voice thins out at the end unsure of what you just heard.
“Both. I don’t want you to fall, it’s dangerous just like how you did to me. You enamored me with those charms, I just want to know how you did it.” Max spoke with the most bored and plain looking face he could muster up. His palms were sweating inside his pockets in extreme nervousness.
“Is this- is this your confession perhaps?” You try to piece things together, like the subtle clues Lando and George have been leaving out of nowhere.
“Yes. This is my confession.” Max blurts out as sweat drips from the side of his forehead. And just as he was losing hope from this failed confession your bubbly laugh bursts the silence in the air.
“You know, you need to work on your confession more. That was unlike any other, but I understand what you mean. Do you want me to fall for you, Maxie?” 
Max stares at you and you don't miss the soft gaze he set upon you. You note the light blush spread around the apples of his cheeks as his eyes light up the moment you called his name. The once awkward silent air was now filled with a warm feeling that spread all over your body, leaving goosebumps all over your skin.
“I do. I fell for you, I like you, and I want to mean something to you.”
His way with words caught you off guard, Max Verstappen, who would’ve thought. You smile at him, this time it’s you walking towards his direction.
Max stiffened at the proximity between the two of you, his feet stuck to the floor preventing him from backing away. Your face gets closer to his and all the thoughts clouding his mind have been wiped away.
You face him and whisper something in his ear before walking away towards the kitchen at the back, legs shaking and breaths heavy. 
Taking a moment to himself Max meditates in an attempt to calm his bouncing heart, legs shaking as if they ran a hundred miles, and his mind whirring into different ideas and possibilities.
Max never falls- literally and figuratively.
Yet you managed to be the root of all his problems. The person who made him fall, there was no doubt that Max fell and will still be falling for you.
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lightsofpandora · 2 years
Na'vi language
Summary: You were the new "acquisition" of the Omaticaya clan, the tribe had found you lost in the forest (you had been separated from your group on a mission to save your life) and they decided to take you with them since they did not want to take any risks: you were human and they had to decide what to do to see if you were intended to be a threat or not. Now, you had been with the clan for a while and the Sully children were doing their best to help you learn more about their culture and even more, their language. But, not everything went the best way for two of them.
Word Count: 1591
Warning: All of them have the same age
Pairings: sully children x female!reader
A/N: Sorry if there is more than one mistake, English isn’t my first language and I am still learning it. It’s my first time writing an Avatar fanfic! However, I hope you enjoy it and have a good time, thanks for reading! (:
You two had established a good relationship since he discovered that you were not a threat, from that moment Neteyam wanted to get closer and help you understand those lands, their traditions and the history of the people, because he could see in your eyes that you were a beginner in everything related to that world of which you knew nothing; he was more than happy to give you a hand and help you in whatever was possible. At the beginning, Neteyam and you communicated through gestures, signs and short words in English that his father and brothers had taught him, but, like you, he still needed practice to be able to dominate a whole sentence in English. Neteyam had become one of your best friends in the clan, so when he found out that you were to be given lessons of Na'vi he was very excited because he knew how fast you were learning and you were going to be able to communicate in a "more natural way" soon, no more English words and phrases that he battled with constantly and struggled to understand. He was very excited to teach you.
"Look, here's the deal: I'll teach you our language and if you say one correct word after another, you'll teach me that complicated and difficult language of yours, is that okay? It'll be an easier way for us to communicate! Tsun oe ngahu niNa'vi pivängkxo a fi'u oeru plite' lu!"
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Even when he knew you were not a threat to the clan, Lo'ak took much more time to trust and start a conversation with you because you were a human and he didn't know which side you were on, he barely knew you. The stories his parents had told him all his life about the RDA made him grow up with a feeling of constant alertness to any foreign movement, especially danger. He had learned to be distant and cold to those who were not part of his people or race, just as he was doing with you. However, as time went by, you showed him that you were friendly and had spent enough time in those lands to fall in love with every aspect and detail of Pandora, constantly trying to make him understand that not all humans were the same. Little by little, Lo'ak stopped being so defensive and began to approach you slowly, with "baby steps" (as his father would say) and the same way he got closer, it didn't take him long to fall in love with you almost instantly; a feeling that scared him at first and he tried to hide it as best he could, although, when he found out that you were to be taught to speak his language, he saw an opportunity to spend more time together even with his siblings around. He simply found it hard to take his eyes off you and even harder to accept that he was in love with a human. "You're doing great, y/n. Much better than us! Now, can you say tawtute?" he kept laughing with your pronunciation and the way you quickly managed to get frustrated, he found you really adorable.
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Like Loak, Spider was hesitant to make friends with you and show you his ways because, like the others, he also thought that you were part of the RDA and that this was just part of a plan. However, time proved him wrong and besides becoming friends, Spider's heart developed something much deeper. At the arrival of these new feelings, he felt insecure and somewhat nervous, but, he thought that at least, he had a better chance than Lo'ak since the guy didn't have the least idea of how to dissimulate and didn't think he knew the meaning of the word either. When he was assigned the task of teaching you new words, Spider stayed leaning against a tree with his arms crossed watching how the others did all the work, not because he didn't want to teach you himself but because he knew that the others had more experience and knew what they were doing. Anyway, he would say phrases that always managed to make you laugh: "You said it wrong, Lo'ak! y/n, he's teaching you wrong. Don't listen to him, please!" "I'm sorry I can't teach you myself, y/n. My pronunciation is a hell of a lot better than Lo'ak's but my accent is awful." Those kind of comments always generated a friendly fight between the two brothers and some branch used to hit the head of the Na'vi.
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Unlike the two skxawng, Kiri was much more similar to Neteyam in many aspects; she was a very kind girl even when she was warned of your arrival, she was one of the first to defend you over the others by saying that she did not see you as a bad person. She was also very curious, so she went to meet you behind Jake and Neytiri's back to find out where you came from, who you were and what you were looking for in those lands. It didn't take long for the two of you to form a strong bond. But, at that moment, Kiri was worried because neither Lo'ak or Spider were teaching you useful words with which you could learn to communicate. All they were doing was laughing and being silly in front of you; on one hand, Spider wanted to teach you jokes and funny words so that you would "make good friends" while on the other hand, Lo'ak was determined to teach you how to say phrases like: "I love you", "Do you want to be my boyfriend?", "You are a cute boy" and some swear words; they were not teaching you anything at all. For this very reason and refusing to do nothing but watch, Kiri went looking for Jake.
"What's wrong, kiddo? is everything all okay?"
"They're not teaching her anything they should! Spider and Lo'ak are messing around and y/n is playing along with their joke simply because she doesn't understand what they're saying! She' s trying so hard to learn, but they're not helping!"
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Hearing her words, Jake covered his face with his hands and let out a sigh, frustrated. He knew it wasn't a good idea to put two rowdy teenagers next to y/n, the way he saw it, they looked like two monkeys trying to get attention and it was a trait that always stood out to them.
"They're flirting with her, aren't they? little bastards!"
"Spider yes but Lo'ak... he's not doing very well, he doesn't know how to dissimulate, he's terrible, daddy." answered the youngest of the family, Tuktirey, who at saying those words frowned and played with a plant, not entirely sure of the meaning of her words.
Jake was guided by his two daughters to the place and observed the two young boys with a very negative look on his face. Then, he shouted something to them in his native language so that y/n would understand perfectly and, he hoped that it would have an effect on one of them:
"Hey, both of you! Stop acting like lovesick monkeys and do what I told you! You'll have the rest of the day to teach her romantic lines and anything you want. Damn it!"
And to his good luck, they did. Both, Lo'ak and Spider turned red as a tomato and shrugged their shoulders in embarrassment, unable to look at y/n or say a word. Neteyam let out a big laugh when he saw the expression of both and then thanked his father with a nod of his head, very different from Spider and Lo'ak, who didn't know whether to murder their father or their brother first.
Kiri and her little sister returned with the others, now ready to teach y/n the right way. However, the girl didn't want to return to her lessons without giving the two of them their revenge.
"So.... lovesick monkeys?"
The laughter that followed from the three girls and Neteyam was an embarrassing blow to the naughty ones, although deep down, perhaps, they deserved it. That would be a good story to tell later, but now they had to get on with their lessons, including Spider and Lo'ak who had already had their little secret found out.
"Can you say "Jake skxawng?" were the last words Lo'ak addressed to y/n with a fake smile before remaining silent for the rest of the lesson.
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milktei · 10 months
Woah I'm new here in Tumblr but I'm glad I came across your blog! Not sure if you're accepting requests but thoughts on Angst/Comfort where trust issues comes after Atsumu (or Kageyama 🙇‍♂️) does something that upsets their s/o??
Man of Many Words
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Miya Atsumu x gn!Reader
Genre: Angst with some fluff at the end
Warnings: none(?)
Requests: Closed for now :|
not edited
a/n: First of all i’m so sorry this took so long anon but I hope that this somewhat fulfills your request ;-;. Writers block is crazy I was pumping out one shots so easily and then bam I hate everything I write. The ending of this one in particular was difficult for me but i hope it suffices :’). anyways requests are still closed for now but i’m hoping to write something that will help the creative juices flow again
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It is well known among Atsumu’s friends and family that he tends to talk. A lot.
It was something you found endearing about him when you first started dating. Whenever you were with Atsumu, awkward silences were few and far between. There was always something he could talk about it.
For the most part you were happy to listen and talk about whatever it was he rambled about that day. His limitless passion was part of why you fell in love with him.
Still, the habit of his had some drawbacks.
“Oh, congratulations by the way!”
You turn your gaze away from the restaurant window and look at your friend in confusion.
“Congratulations on what?”
It was your friend’s turn to look confused, “On the big promotion silly!”
There was a pause as you took in their words. “How do you even know about that?” You spluttered. “I just got the news a couple days ago. I was planning a big announcement and everything.”
“Oh I ran into Atsumu at the grocery store yesterday and he told me!” their gaze softened when they saw the defeated look on your face. “I’m sorry I thought he would’ve told you”
You waved your hands in front of you, “no no it’s not your fault… I’m not very surprised at this point. I was just hoping to wait for all the paperwork to go through before telling anyone.”
“Well if it’s any comfort I’m proud of you y/n.”
The smile you gave them was bittersweet, “thanks.”
Needless to say, you were a bit peeved when you got home that day, though your boyfriend didn’t seem to notice.
“Hi babe! how was lunch?” He called from where he sat on the couch.
You stared blankly at the back at his head for a moment, “fine.”
“That’s great! I was thinkin’ for dinner we could order out ya know? This commercial came on and-“
“Why did you tell f/n about the promotion?”
He paused and finally turned to look at you. Taking in your frustrated state, still, he shrugged, “it seemed like a good time.”
You let your bag fall to the ground before fully stepping into the living room “Atsumu I told you that I wanted to wait, it would have only taken another week.”
Now standing up from the couch, the confusion that was evident on Atsumu’s face only served to fuel your anger.
“But this is such exciting news y/n! There’s no time like the present!”
“Atsumu that’s not for you to decide! That was my news to tell!”
“Like you said, you were gonna tell them eventually!” He raised his hands up in surrender, “I’m sorry but you know that this is just how I am! I was just so excited for you I couldn’t help myself.”
You left that fight defeated that night, unable to think of any comeback, because yes, you did know Atsumu. You knew how your life was never your own being with him. You knew the extent of just how stubborn he was and how ignorant he could be to the world around him. Trying to wrap his mind around something could feel like pulling teeth sometimes.
After managing to get through a tense dinner, life went on. You did end up celebrating with your closest friends and family and soon after you began to take on your new responsibilities.
Unfortunately, Atsumu continued to act as if he hadn’t completely crossed a boundary you had set. He continued to talk about your lives with his friends it seemed that you couldn’t go a full week without somebody asking you about something you never told them about.
The pure helplessness you felt that day remained lingering within you as you carried on with work. You found yourself almost dreading going home, and contemplating not telling him anything.
But how could you when everyday without fail he would grace you with that smile, oozing with love and fondness before sweetly asking you, “So how was your day?”
You were in a bit of a mess with yourself, trying to figure out how to get your concerns through his thick skull. The new role you had taken on further adding to the stress you had been feeling. While you loved your job You were both physically and mentally exhausted.
It was only a matter of time before everything became too much.
To the horror of you colleagues, you had ended up fainting at work. You had finally succumbed to everything in your life that had been piling on top of you.
Luckily, it wasn’t long before you regained consciousness, surrounded by your colleagues you sat up and slowly and rubbed the back of your head sheepishly.
At that moment some paramedics had rounded the corner and while you insisted you were completely fine, you allowed them to check you for injuries and give you some fluids, it wasn’t until they were sure you were stable and didn’t need any further help that they left.
As embarrassing as the entire situation was, you were glad that your boss let you have the rest of the day off, it was near the end of your shift anyways. So you grabbed your bag and left, still mortified at what had just transpired.
As you rode the train home, the events leading up to you losing consciousness replayed in your mind, you thought about everything that had led up to that point. How your coworkers reacted. As you sat in the quiet train, your mind still struggled to process what had happened.
Even with your spiralling mind, everything led to one conclusion.
You couldn’t tell Atsumu about what happened, at least not today.
Because you knew him. You knew exactly what would happen.
It would start with the texts from worried friends, calls from both of your families, and end with people mentioning off handedly, “I heard you fainted the other day. How are you feeling?” and you would be left to do damage control as your boyfriend continued to live his carefree life.
You could tell Atsumu “don’t tell anyone this” but you knew better. You knew better than to trust him and his big mouth. How could you have any other option when he’s never proven that he could listen?
So you would stay quiet. Long enough for you to recover from your lingering headache, long enough for you to process everything that had happened and figure out how to prevent it from happening again.
Long enough to be able to finally relax without worrying who you were going to get a text or call from.
Even with your mind made, the universe seemed to laugh down at you, and make life much more difficult for you than it needed to be.
You nearly cursed out loud when you saw his car in the driveway. He was home early too.
You sighed as you slowly unlocked your front door. The sounds of the TV growing louder as you stepped in.
Atsumu turned back and gave you a look of confusion as you took off your shoes. “Hey babe, wasn’t expecting you ‘til later.”
You smiled at him “I could say the same for you.” you slid your feet into your house slippers “I got a lot of work done today and my boss let me go home early, why are you home?”
Atsumu shrugged “Practically the same as you. Been makin’ a lot of progress at practice lately.”
You walked in front of where he sat and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. even with how your relationship had been going, at least this was something you hadn’t lost.
Atsumu wrapped his arms around your waist and looked up at you, “did you eat yet?”
No. I was so busy at work that I kept postponing my break. You thought to yourself bitterly.
“Not yet, I decided that I might as well eat at home if I was leaving early.”
Atsumu hummed, “I haven’t either. We could order something and then watch some movies? Take advantage of our free time.”
You smiled down at him, a relaxed movie day with him was exactly what you needed. “I would like that a lot ‘Tsumu.”
You pulled slightly away and he whined, causing you to laugh softly.
“I’ll go take a shower and you can order whatever you want, ok?”
His pout grew back into the loving smile of his as he nodded, “Can I use your phone? You always have coupons.”
You nodded and he allowed you to fully pull away. Reaching into your bag you pulled out your phone and handed it to him before making your way to your shared bedroom.
It had been maybe 20 minutes of Atsumu scrolling through the various restaurants (he’s very indecisive when it comes to food) before a text from who he recognized as one of your coworkers popped up.
“Hey! Hope your feeling better. We managed to get everything done so there’s no need to worry for your next shift.
Also remember to seek medical attention if anything feels off. I know you were cleared but you hit your head pretty badly.”
He froze as he read the text over and over. He didn’t even realize how much time had passed until you came walking out of your bedroom with a relaxed smile on your face.
“Soo, you decide on a place yet?”
You were met with an extremely uncharacteristic silence, your brows furrowed as you looked at your boyfriend staring intently at your phone.
The next thing you knew, Atsumu flipped the screen to you.
“y/n what is this? Medical attention? Did something happen?”
Your eyes skimmed the message and you froze.
“…O-oh there was a bit of an incident at work that happened before I left. No need to worry!” you tried to wave his hand away and mustered the calmest smile you could.
He looked unconvinced.
You felt your resolve crumble where you stood. The accusatory look he gave you full of worry, and worse, anger.
You sighed shakily, “ever since the promotion I’ve been finding it hard to find time to really relax so…” you looked away, unable to look him in the eye due to your guilt. “I ended up fainting.”
Atsumu shot up from where he sat, “You passed out?!” his hands frantically grabbed at your shoulders, trying to get you to look at him “You should have told me right away! I could have picked you up! Who knows what would have happened if you fainted again on the subway. I can’t believe you lied, you were just going to keep this from me? Why? Why didn’t you tell me-“
You pushed yourself out of his grip, “Because I didn’t want to!” you huffed, tired of his tirade, “I admit that I was fully content with not telling you.”
His hands dropped from your shoulders and you almost broke at the sight of his crestfallen face “Why?”
You took a deep breath, “I was…scared that you were gonna tell someone.”
There was a moment of tense silence. “You…you could’ve just asked me to not-“
“Could I Atsumu? Could I really? I’m not sure if I believe that, especially after you told me that that’s just who you were and that it was unavoidable.” You paused as you realized you were raising your voice, you looked away in shame. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. It’s just that sometimes I wish that our business could be our own Atsumu, even for a little bit.”
You took his silence as a cue to keep explaining yourself.
“I needed time today to finally relax for once and process everything. I can’t do that if I have someone new calling me every five minutes to make sure that I’m okay. I want to be able to worry about my own wellbeing, without having to manage other people’s. I can’t do that if you tell everyone you know what’s happening in my life.”
Atsumu’s continued silence began to worry you. “Atsumu?”
Without warning you were pulled into the familiar strong arms that could only belong to your boyfriend.
“I’m sorry y/n.” he mumbled into your hair “I thought I was being supportive. I just love bragging about to to everyone and letting people know how we’re doing. I never really thought about how that would affect you. I’m sorry I made you stress out so much.”
You smiled into his chest and hugged him back “I’m happy that you understand ‘Tsumu. There’s nothing wrong with gushing about me, I just need you to understand my boundaries.”
You felt him nod “I’m sorry again I’ll do my best.”
You could already feel yourself relaxing again into his arms “that’s all I’m asking for Atsumu, thank you.”
You let out a sigh of relief as you held each other. It felt as if a massive weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
The tender moment was interrupted by the sound of a stomach growl. There was a stunned silence before the two of you burst into a fit of laughter.
Atsumu looked down at you with a gaze that filled you with an indescribable warmth, laughter still evident in his face. “How ‘bout we order and finally relax for the night? Just the two of us?”
You smiled fondly up at the man and nodded “Just the two of us.”
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familyvideostevie · 9 months
ahem omw with a request for you <33
can I request a rainy day with bradley bradshaw pls? likee all their plans get cancelled and he's way more excited than he should just because he can spend the whole day with his gf playing board/card games, watching movies, cuddling, cooking or whatever he wants (aka whatever you, the amazing writer, have in mind)
oh baby you are speaking my language! i love this! he's so on the go i think he'd love a day to relax and he'd be quite good at it if given the space to. this is maybe a bit simpler than you wanted, but hope you enjoy anyway! | fluff, 0.7k
You're having a really nice dream. Bradley's voice is soft, gentle as he says your name, sings it, laughs around it. His lips trail a line of gentle kisses from your ear to your nose, over both eyes and finally down to your lips --
"Baby," he says, thick with sleep. "Wake up. It's raining."
As if on cue, thunder rumbles and Bradley's hold on you tightens. It takes great effort to open your eyes but you manage and twist in his arms until you find his face. He smiles at you and kisses your nose, his mustache tickling your skin.
"Hello," you mumble.
"Hi," he says back. You take a few moments to process what he's said before finding the words.
"Does that mean no hike?" He nods, his hand sliding beneath your sleep shirt to rest on your lower back. He's so warm.
"No hike," he says. You rub your eyes.
"You got a plan B, Lieutenant?"
Today was meant to be a date organized by Bradley. A drive through somewhere beautiful to a hike that would take you somewhere even more beautiful and then lunch. He's been excited about it all week and as your brain catches up with what's happening you're a bit disappointed on his behalf.
"Not as exciting as plan A, but I do."
Your eyes slide closed and you sandwich your knee between his legs. "Tell me more."
Bradley traces the lines of your face with one long finger as he talks. "We can play cards," he murmurs. "I need to reclaim my gin rummy title." You huff a laugh. He's a sore loser. "I'll make you breakfast or we can order from that bagel place."
"And make some poor teenager bike it over in the rain?"
"I'll tip a lot." You can't see him but you can hear his smile. It's a gorgeous smile, a soft one, one that drew you to him the very first time you met. Bradley is loud, he's good at being the center of attention, he's intense, he's magnetic. But there's a softness, a tenderness to him that takes your breath away.
"What else?"
"We can just relax. Nap on the couch, watch a whole season of a TV show. Hey, don't fall asleep again --"
"I'm not," you huff. You open your eyes and twist your body so that you're on top of him. He grunts but allows it as you straddle him lightly. "Are you suggesting we have a relaxing day?"
There's that grin again. "I guess I am." You bury your face in his neck.
"Never thought I'd see the day." He's all go go go, your boyfriend. He's always planning for something, worrying about something, spinning about ten plates in the air. But you know that given the chance he really does enjoy slowing down and letting all of that cease for even just a day.
Thunder rumbles again. He wraps his arms around you and you sink impossibly further into him. "I'm sorry we don't have days like this often," he says softly.
"The day hasn't even started yet." He squeezes your hip. "But don't apologize, Bradley. I'll take you any way I can get you."
"I know," he says. "I do want us to go on that hike sometime, by the way." You groan. "No, listen, it's because I can't die without seeing you see that view for the first time. It's really amazing."
You pull away from him and smooth the hair from his face, trace the lines at the corners of his eyes. So much hardship, so much tragedy, and he's still got smile lines. "This view is pretty amazing, too."
He flushes. Confident as he is, soft words in your bedroom seem to undo him. He's told you that he feels most himself when you're looking at him because you see him. You feel the same.
"Tell me about it." He cups the back of your neck and pulls you down for a proper kiss, slotting his lips with yours and tracing the seam with his tongue. "I love you," he says. "Thank you for dealing with me."
You huff. As if it's a hardship. "I love you back. Let's go order bagels."
He springs out of bed without another word, you in his arms, and laughs as you yelp all the way to the kitchen.
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, general masterlist here!
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bellaxgiornata · 1 month
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Honestly I cannot believe that I've been on tumblr for just over a year now and somehow there's already so many of you wonderful people here that are reading, enjoying, and supporting my silly little fics. When I jumped over here from AO3, I had not anticipated how much fun I was going to have getting to chat with all of y'all while also sharing my stories with those of you who aren't on AO3. I've definitely made some wonderful friends this past year because of tumblr and I just want to say thank you to everyone for the support. I always mean it when I say y'all are the reason I keep writing these stories 💖
I could certainly get sappier but instead I'll just invite y'all to join me for my first ever celebration! There's a few fun things below the cut that y'all can pop up with in my ask box starting today May 3 through Wednesday May 8! I tried to think of some interesting things that I could realistically make time to do with everything currently going on in my life, especially because I'm also still trying to stockpile rough drafts for many of my stories so that I can still have updates during my upcoming "writing hiatus" (that I'll explain more about later). My plan is to answer things as they come in and hopefully have them all finished shortly after the celebration ends. And once the celebration finally ends, I'm hoping to give y'all an update to a story or a one shot!
Hopefully this will be fun for everyone!
Let's Chat! - Feel free to send me an ask about anything at all! No, seriously. You want to tell me about your day? An upcoming vacation or exciting accomplishment of yours? Do it! Or maybe you want to ask me questions about one of my stories or my writing process? Hell, feel free to ask me about myself, chat about coffee, music, books, pets, whatever!
Discuss Headcanons with Me! - Have any headcanons about Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, or Michael Kinsella that you want to chat about or share with me? Send them in! Or are you interested in a headcanon I might have about one of them in a certain situation? Feel free to ask! We can chat about the boys!
Send Me Fake FFTD Installment Titles! - Create a title name for an installment for my Falling for the Devil series (ex. "The [insert title]") and I'll write a couple of sentences about what I could picture that installment being about! You win bonus points if you can actually stump me on coming up with a plot for your title. But also who knows, maybe some title suggestions could spark an idea for future updates...
Let's Play a Game! - We can play would you rather, have you ever, or fuck/marry/kiss (or kill). For the record, f/m/k can be with anyone from Daredevil, Punisher, Defenders, Kin, or even any of Charlie's characters that I'm familiar with (Matt, Michael, Owen, Henry, Tristan, or Adam) or those of Jon's that I'm familiar with (mainly Frank, Shane, or Julian). If you can think of another game feel free to play it with me!
Ask the Boys! - Do you enjoy my weird internal dialogues with fictional characters that probably make me sound crazy? Great! Feel free to send me an ask to either one or all of the fictional men that live in my head (Matt, Frank, and/or Mikey) and I'll relay whatever they respond with in something of a short internal dialogue!
Request a Sneak Peak! - Since I have been stockpiling quite a few WIPs and rough drafts for a couple of months now, I am open to y'all just requesting a sneak peak. If you do, I will share a snippet from a fic I choose at random from something that's either a fully finished rough draft or still a work in progress!
**You're more than welcome to participate multiple times, but all I ask is that you (1) send things in separate asks, (2) are not rude to me or anyone else, and (3) are 18+ to discuss anything spicy (this is an 18+ blog anyway so I'd hope everyone here already is).**
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irondiotallica · 2 months
Date Night
Yay, another blurb!!! I'm really liking writing again. It's been a long time since I've written with joy and no expectations. Also, Robin finally makes an appearance. Kraft Cheese Singles have existed since the 50s. Let that sink in. Anyway, here's the blurb. Hope you enjoy it!!! -Silas
Steve Harrington was nervous. For the first time in his life, he was nervous. There wasn’t anything that should be causing this anxiety save for the date that he had tonight. He’s had a million dates before, but this one was different. Eddie was different.
“Robin, what do I do,” Steve asked with panic clear in his wide-eyed expression.
Robin looked at Steve like she had many times before and if she had a whiteboard near her, there would be a tally under ‘You Suck’. She rolled her eyes and fixed Steve with a confused glare. 
“Steve, I think you’re forgetting three very important things.’
Robin held up three fingers and began to count down as she continued speaking.
“One, I’m more single than a Kraft Single.”
“Two, I’m a raging lesbian.”
“Three, you’re the one who’s had a very fruitful dating life.”
Steve shook his head. He was distraught at Robin’s very sound reasoning. He knew he was being irrational, but it was Eddie. He didn’t know how to go about wooing Eddie.
“Robin,” he whined hoping to wear her down,” This is different. Eddie’s different. Help me please.”
“I can’t help you with this. You’ve already planned it. What do you want me to tell you?”
Steve wanted her to tell Steve that he was doing things right.
“I’m doing it correctly, right?”
Robin sighed at that and shook her head. She looked up into his face and felt her gaze soften at the sight of her platonic soulmate.
“You’re doing fine, dingus. No need to stress,” she paused and rubbed his shoulder soothingly,” You’re doing great so far. Okay, Steve?”
Steve let out a sigh of relief and smiled at her. 
“Okay, yeah. Thanks, Robin.”
“You’re welcome, Steve.”
There was a comfortable pause of silence before Robin broke it with a smirk.
“You owe me lunch on Wednesday,” she said as she packed up to head home.
Steve rolled his eyes with a grin.
“Whatever you say, Rob.”
Steve stood in front of the familiar trailer with roses in his hand. He was stressed and his once perfectly styled locks were now disheveled with the numerous times he had run his hands through it. He chewed his lower lip nervously before running his hand through his hair again. Finally, he bit the bullet and knocked on the door.
Steve listened amused as someone stumbled through the trailer, seeming to trip multiple times and stubbing something as Steve heard a quiet ‘God dammit’ and ‘Son of a bitch’.
The door flew open as Eddie came into Steve’s view. Steve felt his breath leave him as he took in the perfection that was Eddie Munson.
Eddie always looked good, but today he had Steve close to busting. Those dark curls were pulled up into a high ponytail with a few strands falling out around his face. His eyes somehow popped more than usual and his rings were polished to perfection. He had a Dio shirt that had probably seen better days on and a pair of jeans with not a rip in sight. His belt and chains completed the entire thing and made Steve fall for him all over again.
Suddenly, confidence and charm flooded his system.
“Hey gorgeous, ready for our date?”
Eddie grinned and responded in kind.
“I don’t know big boy, am I?”
With no hesitation, Steve handed Eddie the flowers with a wink.
“Not until you put those flowers away, wouldn’t want them withering, left to their own devices.”
Eddie flushed at what Steve was implying. Maybe Eddie had been right to think that he would be with Steve for a lot longer than just a date.
“Hold on,” Eddie said, still bright red in the face.
The flowers were placed in water and left on the kitchen counter with care. Eddie grabbed his jacket, keys, cigs, lighter, and whatever else he thought he needed. He locked the door before following Steve to the car. He watched Steve with a pounding heart and a face blushing even more than before as Steve opened the door for him.
“After you m’lord,” Steve said with a flourishing bow. 
“I love it when you start speaking nerdy with me.”
“Good, cause there’s a lot more for later when we’re in a more,” he paused leaning in until his mouth brushed against Eddie’s ear,” private situation.”
Eddie felt a moan bubble up in his throat at the feel of Steve on his ear. He managed to trap it, but God, Steve was driving him up the wall.
They buckled up and Steve turned to Eddie. 
“Let’s get going, shall we?”
Eddie nodded, not trusting his words. Steve grinned at that entwining his fingers with Eddie’s before peeling out of the trailer park to their date of the evening.
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foreverdolly · 2 years
What about Austin teasing you at a family dinner?
I love a good role reversal, so i hope you don't mind if I made it the other way around.
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It was your great aunt’s ninetieth birthday, and she had made a fuss over not wanting to do anything special for it. Your grandmother had taken it upon herself to plan a party, probably just looking for an excuse to show off the new renovations she and your grandfather had made to their old farm house. 
“Aus, you can’t keep giving her chocolate.” You whispered in the kitchen, reaching out to grab his hand before he could get your great aunt yet another Hershey kiss from the candy jar. He wrinkled his nose, turning back around to face the dining room, looking at the pile of silver foil that she had tossed onto her empty dinner plate. He narrowed his eyes at you, quickly grabbing another one before you had time to complain. “A couple pieces of chocolate isn’t going to hurt anyone.” Your husband could be so bull headed sometimes. “Am I the only one looking at the mountain of empty candy wrappers on her plate? I haven’t been sneaking her candy, Austin. Grandma and grandpa haven’t stood up from the table once. It’s you,” You gave his chest a poke. He tried to keep himself from laughing, so he sucked his lips into his mouth. “You’re the candy bandit.” Before you even had time to snatch the sugary treat out of his hands he was practically running across the kitchen. 
“Here ya go, auntie.” You heard him purr from the dining room. Your husband wasn’t just bull headed, but a smug bastard. With a sigh you turned back around, grabbing the pitcher of sweet tea before joining the rest of your family. Sometimes you were sure that they all loved Austin more than they did you. 
And you would be correct in thinking that, apparently. 
He had crouched down between your great-aunt and your grandma, his hands on both of their shoulders as he listened intently to whatever stories from their youth that they were no doubt blabbering on about. There was a long period of time where you had been the one that was constantly fawned over and talked to, but then your beanpole of a man sauntered into your life and then boom. You’re what’s out, and he’s what’s in. 
You would be a liar if you said that you didn’t love it though. Seeing him go above and beyond for the elderly members of your family made you fall even deeper in love with him, and the way he was with all of your baby cousins and nieces and nephews? 
Your baby fever was at an all time high. Both of you, actually. 
You set the tea down in the center of the table, moving to sit back down in your seat. Maybe you were being childish, but there was a part of you that wanted so badly to bully Austin. He had looked too smug in the kitchen earlier for your liking, and you wanted to knock him down a few pegs. Make him squirm. With a small smirk you dug your phone out of your pants pocket, clicking on his contact. 
I think we should try for a baby. 
You leaned back against your chair, wiping the smile off of your face as you heard his text ringtone sound. He began digging into his pocket, his car keys jinging softly. His eyes scanned over the text again and again before he quickly looked up at you, blue eyes as wide as saucers. ‘Really’? He mouthed, starting to stand up from the floor. You began looking through your camera roll, eyes alight with mischief. You watched out of the corner of your eye as he looked back down at his phone again, eagerly waiting for your response. After a few seconds of typing, you turned your phone off, trying to keep the evil smirk off of your face as you stood up from the table. “Excuse me guys. I think I want to take a look at what grandma had done to the basement.” Your family waved you off. 
You had seen Austin’s reaction. He had practically dropped his phone in his haste to turn it off, mortified by the idea that your elderly grandparents would see the lewd photo you had just sent him along with the suggestive message. You made your way down the basement stairs, and your husband was quick to push his way into the room right along with you, closing and locking the door behind him. “You’re crazy,” He whispered breathlessly. “Now?”  You nodded. “H-Here?” You nodded again, moving to unbutton your pants. 
Austin stood there for a beat, watching your hands closely as they moved down to the zipper. 
“Alright, fuck it.”
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gazeofseer · 3 months
Timeless Pyschic Reading
This period of time I am not been able to do anything great this season of spring is quite slow, and steady as things are moving in it is hard for see through the divine especially when it is busy with executions we planned before hand being here today, But where am I ? What am I even doing all this lost count of emotion and thought because I have been walking, pathless towards somewhere, where my heart and soul leads.
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Note : First see the pictures clearly and close your eyes whatever comes first has a deep encounter to your wandering questions. It is timeless intuitive reading which is relevant to the time being of the divine indication towards hope in your life path ahead !
Which Stage of Life you are right now ? ( Advices )
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Image 1 :
Waiting for people who hurt you to understand your part in the situations can feel heart wrenching because they won't, I see some small argument happened but it was something sensitive for someone close to you but just because you chose to do something else and it made them feel hurt, they misunderstood your intent, you said no on someone's behalf ? now this is your calling, calling to let your intent speak for you then your purpose has to, do not tell what could have happened tell people your intent towards them, you have been alone lately seeing, black crows and it voices kids, playing couples giggling and is it raining or gloomy or you travel at night? you are walking in the darkness longer to feel comforted because people would not.
Signs : You are on a healing journey somebody left you or will but you would know deep down about this person and it will guide you from there following may month, 4, 8 numbers and a pearl accessory you may have as prominence in your life this will be a short cycle, it would not last even weeks if you simply accept that it's okay, even if they don't understand without letting it affect you anymore or rub you off in anxiety or triggers.
Advice : Do not resist crying, cry at least till you feel your neck especially the throat part getting freed and elevated !
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Image 2 :
Dreaming is safe, who would put a war upon ideas and people I can have all of it in my head, huh but only in my head..trust issues are running on you overwhelming your heart and mind, constantly scrolling, sighing, numbing, I bet you can't remember what you had in the breakfast without thinking for a five minutes, because you are ignoring, pushing and laying wondering something will sway you off this life somehow and it will be the change, but it would not be you but it also scares you, because trust issues comes from you, not believing that you can..go through the phases of life.
You created enough options in your life but choosing one is always a hell of a task, you barely have two or one close feminine friend otherwisw you indulge well with the masculine energy around you.
Signs : Taurus, Ego Issues, You have been recently judged or insulted for something especially regarding a skill you believed being a pro at , Virgo, you may have birthday on 26 or something special on this date
Advice : Ground yourself, flying is great as long as you trust your fall greatly on the grounds of something secure like faith, divine or on yourself !
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Image 3 :
It happens, you might feel the world is running while I am just being a apart of a audience watching the show in autopilot routined lifestyle, it feels annoying to even wake up in the morning, the job is killing you quite be it at home or at work, you just need balance, it is easy to put you either over or under the board because you believe everyone is good, and even if they are not they have no good reason to harm you and the those hurt you the first, it leaves you in tireless repetition of patterns which can feel exhausting that you let go of everything all at once and rest, lose, and get lost in the overthinking on where did you went wrong.
Signs : Pisces, Joint or Big Family, Too much talking and noise around you I see you squeeze your forehead often in worries, tension and being annoyed, you might be quite traditional, 14 November came out of the blue, blue is your favourite only if you feel sad or happy otherwise you love yellow and pink.
Advice : Say No, and say unless three times and see people and things if it gives upon you or not. test the world without putting anyone and yourself on the pedestals of marathon.
I understand waiting having patience can feel like stagnation but maybe it is a pause, we asked for only to find out what is happening inside oneself, because trust the divine nothing ever stops you except for your own energy flow.
I hope this reading brings clarity into your current living time period, let me know what parts were resonating and does this reading helps?
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hxney-lemcn · 1 year
To Fight For What You Love — Luke Skywalker x gn! Bounty Hunter! reader
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summery: Being a bounty hunter for Jabba leads you into babysitting Han. Who knew that would mean you saving a princess and the rebel alliance in the process.
tw: reference to suicide (like the sayings, not actually talking about suicide). Fighting? Idk, anything in A New Hope.
wc: 8.6k
Master List
Part One | Part Two
(Read on AO3 here if you'd rather)
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I stood still as the Tatooine suns beat down on the sand. I watched through my goggles as Jabba called out to Han Solo. I’ve only seen him a few times, some smuggler. Had a silver tongue and tried to talk his way out of many situations, but this time Jabba wasn’t going to fall back. 
Who am I? No one special. I’m a Devaronian, from planet Devaron. My father convinced my mother to allow me to come with him somehow. We landed on Tatooine, the heat reminding us of our home (although it was a lot more dry than we were used to). Quickly, my father couldn’t find work and landed in the clutches of Jabba the Hut. He tried to keep me out of it, but if he didn’t teach me how to fight…let’s just say Jabba had a different plan for me than being a bounty hunter like I currently am. 
I turned around as Han came into the area. I repositioned my scarf back over my nose as it shifted down. 
“Right here Jabba,” Han said. “I’ve been waitin’ for you.” The others pointed their blasters at him, but I just crossed my arms, ready for this to be over. I need to make more money for my family after all, and I can’t do that sitting around here.
“Have you now?” Jabba asked incredulously. 
“You didn’t think I was gonna run, did you?” Han asked back.
“Han,” Jabba started. “My boy, you disappoint me. Why haven’t you paid me and why did you fry poor Greedo?” I tensed slightly as Boba Fett stood beside me. We never seemed to be on good terms. I suppose we were competition after all, but that’s why I let him claim all the bigger bounties, so he understood I wasn’t after his position.
“Jabba,” Han responded. “Next time you wanna talk to me, come see me yourself. Don’t send one of those twerps.”
“Han,” Jabba sighed, shaking his head. “I can’t make exceptions. What if everyone who smuggled for me dropped their cargo at the first sign of an imperial starship? It’s not good business.”
“Look Jabba,” Han said defensively. “Even I get boarded sometimes.” Han walked on his tail before continuing, “You think I had a choice? But I got a nice, easy charter. I’ll pay you back, plus a little extra. I just need a little more time.”
“Han, my boy,” Jabba gave in. “You’re the best. So, for an extra 20%...”
“15, Jabba, don’t push it,” Han interrupted. 
“Okay,” Jabba agreed. “15%. But if you fail me again, I’ll put a price on your head so big you won’t be able to go near a civilized system!”
“Jabba, you’re a wonderful human being,” Han said sarcastically.
Jabba motioned for the others to leave, but halted me, “You go with him, keep an eye out.”
I blinked, not believing this, “Will I be paid?” 
“Yes,” Jabba said, waving his hand. “8% of Han’s payment.”
I tried to hide my surprise, knowing Han owed a lot. I nodded, and quickly followed Han and his co-pilot, Chewbacca inside. They looked at me, hands on their blasters. 
“Aren’t you supposed to take your leave?” Han asked, raising an eyebrow. 
I raised my hands in the air in fake surrender, shrugging, “I was ordered to come with you.”
“Great,” Han rolled his eyes. “Just what we need, a baby sitter. And you’re younger than me!”
I tugged my tan scarf under my chin and sighed, “Look, if it makes you feel better, I don’t want to be here either.”
“Whatever,” Han grumbled, standing up. “Don’t touch anything, Chewie, guard the door and escort our guests. I’m gonna go fix what I can.”
The two left the ship and I sat down behind the table. Moving my goggles onto the top of my head, I rested my arms on the table, looking around. It was not the best looking ship. Dusty, probably from the Tatooine climate, a lot of parts seemed rusted. This was going to be a long ride. 
I nodded at Chewie as he walked through to the cockpit. He didn’t even acknowledge me. A few minutes later, the weirdest group boarded. Two humans, an older man and a guy around the same age as me, and two droids, an R2 unit and 3PO protocol droid. 
“Hello,” I greeted with a small wave. 
“Who are you?” The guy with blonde hair asked. I tried to ignore the way my mind immediately went to admire him.
“I’m-” I stopped once I heard the sounds of blasters being fired. I stood up quickly, making my way outside, blaster at the ready. I started shooting at the troopers. “Get on!” I shouted at Han. He kept shooting, running backwards towards the ship. I kept shooting, but Han grabbed my arm, pulling us into the ship. He shut the door behind us before running towards the cockpit.
“Chewie!” Han shouted. “Get us out of here!”
Not knowing what to do, I followed him, wanting to help however I could. I sat down in the seat behind Chewie, putting on my seatbelt. They quickly flew out, quite the bumpy ride. 
Chewie growled something, Han replying back, “Looks like an imperial cruiser. Our passengers must be hotter than I thought. Hold ‘em off. Angle the deflector shields while I make the calculations for the jump to lightspeed.”
“Is there anything I can do?” I asked hesitantly. There was a reason why I was a solo bounty hunter, and that’s because I was really awkward with others. It didn’t help that Han seemed to have a sort of disdain of me being here. 
“Yeah,” Han said sarcastically. “Don’t touch anything.” 
I let out a huff under my breath. That was the second time he said that to me. I haven’t even done anything wrong! And it’s not like I have an incentive to sabotage him or anything either!
“Stay sharp. There’s two more comin’ in,” Han said to Chewie. “They’re gonna try and cut us off.”
The two human passengers came in standing next to me.
“Why don’t you outrun them?” The blonde guy asked. “I thought you said this thing was fast.”
“Watch your mouth or you’re gonna find yourself floating home,” Han snapped. “We’ll be safe enough once we make the jump to hyperspace. Besides, I know a few maneuvers, we’ll lose them.” One of the imperial starships started shooting at us, and I held on tighter to my seat as the ship started shaking. “Here’s where the fun begins,” Han smiled. 
“How long before you can jump to lightspeed?” The old man asked.
“It’ll take a few moments to get the coordinates from the navicomputer,” Han replied, flicking switches.
“Are you kidding?” Blondie asked incredulously. “At the rate they’re gaining?”
“Traveling through hyperspace ain’t like dustin’ crops, boy,” Han snapped once more. “Without precise calculations, we’d fly right through a star, or bounce too close to a supernova, and that would end your trip real quick.”
Wanting to deescalate the situation, I decided to speak up, “I’ve mostly heard rumors about Han, but it’s common knowledge that he’s a pro at getting out of sticky situations.” They didn’t seem any more at ease at what I said, but blondie only continued his nagging.
“What’s that flashing?” He asked, pointing to a flashing light.
“We’re losing the deflector shield,” Han replied, batting blondies hand away. “Go strap yourselves in, I’m going to make the jump to lightspeed.”
Pulling a lever, the stars warped around us. I sighed, finally relaxing at the fact that we weren’t being shot at. I unstrapped myself as we glided through the universe. I followed Chewie into the main room of the ship. I sat next to him, watching curiously as the old man was teaching blondie something. 
Blondie glanced back at us, “You never got to tell us who you were.”
“Oh,” I said somewhat awkwardly. “I’m with Han-” Chewie growled out, probably in protest to what I said. “Well, I mean Jabba sent me to go with you. My name is (y/n).” 
Blondie nodded, “I’m Luke, that’s old Ben. And those two are C3PO and R2D2.”
I nodded, “Uhm, nice to meet you.”
“It’s good to see that there are still many Devaronians about,” Old Ben smiled. “Though I’m surprised that you’re so young.”
“My dad took me with him,” I shrugged, looking over to see that Chewie was starting a game of dejarik. 
Nodding, Ben turned towards Luke, who turned on…was that a lightsaber? I’ve only heard tales of the Jedi. Being Devaronian, we tend to be force sensitive. Though we do not focus on these attributes of ourselves. I myself was not force sensitive, but my mother was. Although we do not focus on the force, we are taught the basics, and a little about Jedi. My father told me about their eradication, so seeing that they weren’t all gone was a marvelous sight. 
I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Chewie growl. I looked over at the board and watched one of Chewie’s pieces be killed. Leaning over I pointed out what I thought was the best move. This went on for a bit, but Chewie quickly grew frustrated.
“You can forget your troubles with those imperial slugs,” Han said while walking into the room. “I told you I’d outrun them.” Han took a seat next to Ben who didn’t seem to be doing well. I turned my attention back to the game. “Don’t everybody thank me at once,” Han said sarcastically. Chewie groaned as another piece was killed, and I tried to find a way to redeem the game. “Anyway, we should be at Alderaan in about 0200 hours.”
Chewie ignored the spot I pointed at, and C3PO said, “Now be careful, R2.” The R2 unit killed another piece and Chewie growled loudly. I sighed, holding my head in my hands. “He made a fair move. Screaming about it can’t help you,” C3PO argued. I shook my head.
“Let him have it,” Han spoke up. “It’s not wise to upset a Wookiee.” 
“But sir,” C3PO replied. “Nobody worries about upsetting a droid.”
“That’s ‘cause a droid don’t pull people's arms out of their sockets when they lose,” Han replied back with a smirk. “Wookies are known to do that.” I shifted slightly away from Chewie, not wanting to be on the other end of his aggression.
“I see your point, sir,” C3PO nodded. “I suggest a new strategy, R2. Let the Wookie win.” I let out a slight chuckle, I suppose I don’t have to help out Chewie anymore. 
My eyes wandered back over to Luke, blocking against a training droid. He sure did look like a Tatooine local. Blonde hair that swooped out, tan skin from the twin suns, and a typical outfit you’d see of a farmer on Tatooine. What stood out the most were his blue eyes. I never met someone whose eyes drew me in so much. I wanted to just stare at him, but I knew that was weird, so I kept my attention on what he was doing. 
“Remember,” Ben spoke out. “A Jedi can feel the force flowing through him.” 
“You mean it controls your actions?” Luke asked. 
“Partially,” Ben replied. “But it also obeys your commands.” The droid hit Luke, causing Han to laugh.
“Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a blaster at your side, kid,” Han said condescendingly. 
“Hey,” I spoke up with a glare. Han only rolled his eyes at me.
“You don’t believe in the force, do you?” Luke asked. 
“Kid, I’ve flown from one side of this galaxy to the other,” Han replied. “I’ve seen a lot of strange stuff, but I’ve never seen anything to make me believe there’s one all-powerful force controlling everything. There’s no mystical energy field controlling my destiny. It’s all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense.”
“You clearly haven’t been to Devaron,” I scoffed. “I remember the elder matriarchs raising a statue without lifting a finger.”
“Tricks, I tell you,” Han scoffed, waving me off.
“I suggest you try it again, Luke,” Ben said, changing the subject. Grabbing a pilot helmet with the blast shield down, he handed it to Luke, “This time, let go of your conscious self and act on instinct.”
“With the blast shield down, I can’t see!” Luke exclaimed. “How am I supposed to fight?”
“Your eyes can deceive you,” Ben replied. “Don’t trust them.”
Hesitantly, Luke lifted the lightsaber back up. Immediately he got hit. I winced slightly for him. 
“Stretch out with your feelings,” Ben instructed. This time, Luke managed to block three blasts. “See? You can do it.” I clapped quietly, a small smile on my face. Taking off the helmet, Luke glanced at me with a smile before focusing on Han and Ben.
“I call it luck,” Han dismissed. 
“In my experience,” Ben spoke up. “There’s no such thing as luck.”
“Look,” Han replied. “Good against a remote is one thing. Good against the living, that’s something else.” 
I rolled my eyes, “Don’t listen to him. That was really good, especially for a beginner.”
“Thanks,” Luke thanked, his grin growing. 
A beeping sounded and Han spoke up again, “Looks like we’re coming up on Alderaan.” I moved out of the way as Chewie got up to go to the cockpit with Han. I let out a silent sigh as I held my head in my hand. Hopefully on the way back we don’t have to deal with the damn Empire anymore. I was brought back to the real world when suddenly the ship started shaking. Ben, Luke, and I all looked at each other before quickly going into the cockpit to see what was wrong.
“It’s not on any of the charts,” Han said, looking at the panels. 
“What’s going on?” Luke asked. 
“Our position is correct, except no Alderaan,” Han explained. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, watching rocks fly towards us. 
“What do you mean?” Luke asked. “Where is it?”
“That’s what I’m trying to tell you, kid,” Han explained. “It ain’t there. It’s been blown away.” I felt my heart drop, because I mean…just how was that possible? We were currently flying through the remains of a planet? One that held so many lives?
“What? How?” Luke asked, voicing my exact question.
“Destroyed by the Empire,” Ben spoke up.
“The entire starfleet couldn’t destroy the whole planet,” Han replied incredulously. “It’d take a thousand ships with more firepower than I’ve…” The ship started rapidly beeping. “There’s another ship coming in,” Han reported.
“Maybe they know what happened,” Luke said hopefully.
“I have a feeling they aren’t going to be too friendly,” I murmured, the sinking feeling getting worse.
“It’s an imperial fighter,” Ben acknowledged. 
“It followed us,” Luke gasped.
“No,” I shook my head. “Those ships are short-ranged, it wouldn’t be able to make the trip to lightspeed.”
“There aren’t any bases around here,” Han replied. “Where did it come from?” Han continued to follow the ship as it tried to fly away.
“Sure is leaving in a big hurry,” Luke commented. “If they identify us, we’re in big trouble.”
“Not if I can help it,” Han mumbled. “Chewie, jam its transmissions.”
“Let it go,” Ben said. “It’s too far out of range.”
“Not for long,” Han dismissed.
“A fighter that size couldn’t get this deep into space on its own,” Ben commented. 
“He must’ve gotten lost,” Luke suggested. “Been a part of a convoy or something.”
“He ain’t gonna be around long enough to tell anybody about us,” Han grumbled. 
“Look at him, he’s heading for that small moon,” Luke pointed out. My heart continued to sink as I didn’t have a good feeling about this situation at all. There’s gotta be a starship that the fighter is from. There’s no way it’s alone. 
“I think I can get him before he gets there,” Han said. “He’s almost in range.”
“Is this really worth it?” I asked, wanting to get out of here as soon as we could.
“That’s not a moon,” Ben said and I felt my fears come to fruition. “It’s a space station.”
“It’s too big to be a space station,” Han replied back confused. 
“I have a very bad feeling about this,” Luke said, the closer we got to the ‘moon’, the more it was revealed to clearly be a space station. 
“Han, turn us back,” I said, fear making its way through my tone. 
“Yeah, I think you’re right,” Han spoke slowly. “Full reverse. Chewie, lock in the auxiliary power.” We kept getting closer and I felt my heart hammering in my chest. “Chewie, lock in the auxiliary power!”
“Why are we still moving forward?” I exclaimed, gripping the seat in front of me to try and calm myself. 
“We’re caught in a tractor beam,” Han explained. “It’s pulling us in.”
“Oh great,” I scoffed.
“There’s gotta be something you can do,” Luke chimed in. 
“There’s nothing I can do, kid,” Han replied. “I’m at full power. I have to shut down. They’re not gonna get me without a fight.”
“Fight?” I asked incredulously. “You’re gonna get us all killed!” I glanced over at Luke as he grabbed my shoulder, eyes locked on the sight in front of us. I didn’t think anything of it as I was more concerned about how the hell we were going to survive.
“You can’t win,” Ben said softly. “But there are alternatives to fighting.”
“Chewie, bring them to the smuggling compartments,” Han ordered. “(Y/n), help me make some fake logs.”
“Okay,” I nodded. Luke shared a worried glance with me, but I motioned him to leave with my head. He let go of my shoulder and exited with the others. “What’s the story?” I asked, looking over at Han.
“We abandoned the ship,” Han replied. Nodding my head, I helped him write a few logs before we both rushed to the smuggling compartments. We squeezed ourselves to fit, and I tried not to squish Luke any more than I had to. We heard stormtroopers walk over the compartments, and I waited with baited breath until we couldn’t hear any more footsteps. Han and Luke quietly shifted the fake floorboard off of us and looked around. 
“Boy, it’s lucky you had these compartments,” Luke said quietly.
“I use them for smuggling,” Han replied. “I never thought I’d be smuggling myself in ‘em.” Ben came out of his compartment and Han turned to him, “This is ridiculous. Even if I could take off, I’d never get past the tractor beam.”
“Leave that to me,” Ben replied, getting out of the smuggling compartment.
“Damn fool,” Han huffed, also getting out. “I knew you were gonna say that.” 
Luke got out, offering a hand to help me but I waved him off, “Don’t worry, I got it.”
“Who's the more foolish?” Ben asked. “The fool, or the fool who follows him?” Chewie’s head poked up from Ben’s compartment and growled. 
Two Empire scanners entered and were quickly taken down by Chewie.
“Hey down there!” Han called out. “Could you give us a hand with this?” Three stormtroopers entered and Han and I made quick work of them. We decided that Han, Luke and I would disguise ourselves as stormtroopers. Luke stayed behind as we all rushed to wait by the command room doors. An officer opened them not too long later and Chewie knocked him out, and I quickly shot the other one. 
Rushing in, Han and I took our helmets off, me struggling slightly due to the vestigial bumps on my forehead (it’s typically where horns would be but I didn’t have any). Chewie was growling and I ran my hand through my hair to fix it. 
Luke ran in and took his helmet off with a glare, “Between his howling and your blasting everything, it’s a wonder the whole station doesn’t know we’re here.” 
I felt myself shrink, since it was actually me who did the blasting. I know we’re on a stealth mission, but I panicked. 
“The blasting was all them, kid,” Han replied snarkily, pointing at me. “Besides, I prefer a fight to all this sneakin’ around.” Luke’s gaze fell onto me and I turned to face the control panel, not wanting to fall under any more scolding. 
“We found the computer outlet sir,” 3CPO spoke up. I was glad for the distraction.
“Plug in,” Ben ordered. “He should be able to interpret the entire Imperial network.”
R2 did as ordered and started beeping, 3PO translating for us, “He says he found the controls to the power beam that’s holding the ship here. He’ll try to make the precise location appear on the monitor. The tractor beam is coupled to the main reactor in seven locations. A power loss at one of the terminals will allow the ship to leave.” On the screen, R2 showed the closest terminal.
“I don’t think any of you can help,” Ben stated. “I must go alone.” 
“Whatever you say,” Han dismissed. “I’ve done more than I’ve bargained for on this trip already.” I couldn’t help but agree, I mean I was just meant to make sure Han didn’t try to run off with the money, but I got waaaayyy more to deal with than just that. I should’ve negotiated a higher price with Jabba. 
“I want to go with you,” Luke whispered to Ben.
“Be patient, Luke,” Ben replied. “Stay and watch over the droids. They must be delivered safely or other star systems will suffer the same fate as Alderaan. Your destiny lies along a different path from mine.” Opening the door, Ben finished, “The force will be with you…always.” We all watched Ben leave, and once Luke closed the door, Chewie started growling. 
“You said it Chewie,” Han agreed. “Where did you dig up that old fossil?” I rolled my eyes, of course he’s going to insult an elder. He really knew no respect. 
“Ben is a great man,” Luke replied defensively. 
“Yeah,” Han agreed sarcastically. “Great at getting us into trouble.”
“I didn’t hear you give out any ideas,” Luke defended. 
“Anything’s better than just hangin’ around waiting for ‘em to pick us up,” Han countered. I bit my lip, I did feel uneasy just waiting here, but that could also just be because of the fact that we were stuck on an enemy base. 
“Who do you think-” Luke was cut off when R2 started making noises. I’m sorry Luke, but if you were concerned about how loud we were before…well fighting amongst ourselves isn’t helping. “What is it?”
“I’m afraid I’m not quite sure, sir,” C3PO responded. “He says, “I found her,” and keeps repeating, “she’s here.”” 
“Who?” Luke asks, walking closer to the droids. I once again didn't like where this was heading. “Who has he found?”
“Princess Leia,” C3PO answered.
“The princess?” Luke asked in awe. “She’s here?”
“Princess?” I asked, confused at the lack of context. 
“Where?” Luke asked excitedly. “Where is she?”
“Princess? What’s going on?” Han asked, also confused. 
C3PO once again translated for R2D2, “Level 5, Detention Block AA-23. I’m afraid she’s been scheduled to be terminated.”
“Oh no,” Luke said with big puppy dog eyes. Don’t…think like that. “We’ve gotta do something.” 
“What are you talking about?” Han asked, shaking his head. 
“The droids belong to her,” Luke explained. “She’s the one in the message, we gotta help her!” I blinked in confusion as the two stood chest to chest. What message? Why is she so important? I mean yes, princess is a big title, but there are many princesses across the galaxy. 
“Don’t get any funny ideas,” Han scolded. “The old man wants us to wait right here.”
“He didn’t know she was here,” Luke countered, then turned to R2. “Find a way to that detention block.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Han said, sitting back in one of the officer's chairs. 
“They’re going to execute her,” Luke replied back with a glare. “You said you didn’t want to wait to be captured. Now you want to stay?”
“Marching into the detention area is not what I had in mind!” Han argued back, and I felt hopeless watching the two fight. 
“But they’re gonna kill her!” Luke exclaimed.
“Better her than me,” Han spat. 
“Han,” I said sternly, but he only waved me off. Luke turned towards me, frustration showing in his crystal blue eyes. 
“(Y/n)...” Luke trailed off. 
I bit my lip, “We’d need a really put together plan…”
Then, like a lightbulb appeared over Luke’s head as he turned back towards Han, “She’s rich.”
Chewie growled and I felt like I was on the same side as him. I shook my head, They had no plan! This was stupid! 
“Rich?” Han asked, turning towards Luke once more. 
“Rich, powerful,” Luke listed. “If you were to rescue her, the reward would be…”
“What?” Han asked.
“Well, more wealth than you could imagine,” Luke replied.
“I don’t know…” Han trailed off. “I can imagine quite a bit.”
“You’ll get it,” Luke said persuasively. 
“I better,” Han replied. 
“You will,” Luke agreed. 
“All right kid,” Han agreed. “You better be right about this. What’s your plan?” 
I stared blankly at the two. Idiots. Complete and utter idiots. 
Luke looked around, “3PO hand me those binders there, will you?” Walking over to Chewie once he got them, he continued, “Now I’m gonna put these on you.” Only Chewie growled back, batting at the binders. “Okay, Han, you put those on.” 
Han smiled, and I turned to Luke, “What’s your plan for getting out?” 
Glancing at me, Luke turned towards the screen that showed the map, “Don’t worry, it’ll be an easy in and out.”
“Master Luke,” C3PO called out. “Sir, pardon me for asking, but what should R2 and I do if we’re discovered here?”
“(Y/n) will keep you safe,” Luke replied, handing Han his helmet. 
I furrowed my eyebrows, discontent with the situation. I wanted to go with them, but the droids needed someone to protect them. It still somewhat hurt that I seemed to be automatically chosen to sit on the backburner. 
“Lock the doors and hope they don’t have blasters,” Han chimed in. 
I scoffed, “I know how to fight, thank you very much.” 
Luke patted my shoulder, passing by me with a smile, “Don’t worry 3PO, they’ve got you two covered.”
“That’s a bit more reassuring,” C3PO agreed. 
Once the three left, I turned towards the two droids, “Do we have any communications with them?” 
“Yes,” The golden droid replied. “Master Luke gave me a comm link.”
“Good,” I mumbled, taking a seat in one of the chairs. “Hey R2, can you tell me the layout of the detention cell?” R2 beeped, pulling up the map once more. “What are all the exits?”
“He said that there is only one exit,” C3PO translated. “That is through the main elevator.”
I blinked in disbelief. This was literally a suicide mission. I groaned out, knowing this entire situation was going to go downhill. 
“Any vents they could go through?” I asked exasperatedly. 
“There is a trash shoot,” 3PO replied. 
“Well that’s something,” I grumbled. 
I spun around in my chair, trying to pass the time. Coming up with excuses to give Ben when he eventually comes back to a bounty hunter with two droids. I wonder who this princess was. Luke didn’t seem to have much experience outside of Tatooine, and there definitely weren’t any princesses there. Of course the first person I’m attracted to seems to like someone, a princess no less. I suppose I didn’t stand a chance in that aspect. Besides, I barely know Luke, so it’s not like I wanted anything like that yet. Best to get past these emotions than dwell on them. It’s not like I’m gonna see him again after this. 
“C3PO, C3PO!” Luke’s staticy voice called out through the comm link. I sat up and turned towards the droids once more.
“Yes, sir?” C3PO asked back. 
“Are there any other ways out of the cell bay?” Luke asked. “We’ve been cut off.” The sounds of blasting could be heard in the background and I shook my head. 
“Lemme see that,” I said, reaching out for the comm link.
“Master Luke asked-”
“Don’t worry,” I waved him off. Turning on the comm link I replied, “That’s the only exit, but there are vents on the bottom that you can go through.”
“What was that?” Luke asked back, sounds of blasters getting louder. “I didn’t copy.”
“All systems have been alerted to his presence!” C3PO gasped after R2 beeped. 
“You're being swarmed, there’s vents running along the cell bay, go through that!” I shouted into the comm link, hoping he heard.
“Open up in there!” A voice sounded outside the room. “Open up in there!”
“Shit,” I muttered, handing the comm link back to C3PO. I quickly put on the stormtrooper helmet, the more armor the better I suppose. 
“Oh no,” 3PO muttered. 
I got my blaster ready, looking around the room. There was a door, and opening it revealed a closet. I bit my lip in thought, they’re gonna find a way in somehow. I motioned the droids and they entered the closet.
“Pretend I’m dead, and act like you were attacked,” I whispered. C3PO nodded and I closed the door on them. I laid on the ground with my blaster being close enough to my body to grab, but far enough to look like it fell with my body. The sound of Luke’s voice could be heard coming from the comm link. Damn it, of course they need help when we’re being found. I just hope it stops when the stormtroopers enter. 
From this position, I couldn’t see much as the door opened. I held my breath, my body tensing. I watched as a stormtrooper walked into my view, nudging my body with his foot. 
“Look, there!” I heard a stormtrooper call out, and the one looking at me turned and followed. I let my breath out slowly, thankful for the armor blocking their view of my chest moving. 
“They’re madmen!” I heard 3PO shout. “They’re heading to the prison level! If you hurry, you might catch them.”
“Follow me,” A trooper called out, and the sounds of their footsteps grew fainter. “You stand guard.” 
Shit…I really don’t want to bring attention by blasting the stormtrooper. I moved my head slowly, I bit my lip. I don’t want to underestimate my enemy, but troopers tend to be really dumb. I saw C3PO’s feet in front of me. I let out a gasp, trying to act like I was an unconscious and injured trooper. 
“Oh my!” C3PO faked surprise. “Let us escort this trooper to the medbay.” 
The trooper rushed in front of me as I clutched my side, standing hunched.
“I’ll be fine,” I said with a groan. I slightly leaned against C3PO, not wanting to put too much weight on him, “Just keep guard.”
The trooper nodded, and just like that, we were out. I bit my lip to suppress my chuckle. I can’t believe we made it out of there alive. We made it down towards the ship, but a good amount away from any of the other troopers. 
“You still got the comm link?” I whispered to him.
“Right here,” 3PO nodded, handing me the comm link.
“Luke,” I whispered into it. “Are you guys still alive?”
I tuned out C3PO as he talked to R2, listening for Luke or any stormtroopers. 
“(Y/n)?” I heard Luke ask. 
“Yeah, we managed to escape some storm-”
“We need you to turn off all the garbage mashers in the detention level!” Luke shouted. “Do you copy?” 
“R2, shut down the garbage mashers on the detention level,” I ordered, just in case he couldn’t hear Luke repeat himself. 
“No!” C3PO exclaimed. “Shut them all down! Hurry! Oh no.”
I clenched my fists, hoping we got it in time. R2 was beeping and I bit my lip. Suddenly, the sound of cheering filled the comm link and I couldn’t help but laugh quietly in relief. 
“Listen to them,” C3PO said solemnly. “They’re dying, R2. Curses, we weren’t fast enough. It’s all my fault, my poor master.”
“Don’t worry, 3PO,” I chuckled. “I think they’re doing just fine.”
“You did great!” Luke praised, and I smiled. “Hey! Open the pressure maintenance hatch on unit number…where are we?” 
I rolled my eyes in amusement, just glad that we all seemed to survive so far. 
“Number 3263827,” Luke said.
“You heard that?” I asked R2, who only beeped while turning the controls. 
We waited a bit, I kept low to the ground, not wanting to be spotted. After a bit the comm link went off once more.
“(Y/n), C3PO, do you copy?” Luke asked. 
“We copy,” I replied. 
“Are you safe?” He asked.
“For now, yeah,” I said. “We’re in the main hangar, across from the ship.”
“We’re right above you,” Luke said. “Stand by.” 
I sighed, once again sitting like waiting ducks. More troopers came and went, the ship being surrounded. I wonder if they had a plan? 
“I wonder where they could be?” C3PO asked aloud. After a minute, all the stormtroopers ran off, and a pit of worry hit my stomach. Did they finally catch them? What was going on? “Come on you two,” C3PO said, breaking me out of my anxious thoughts. “We’re going.” I nodded, discarding my helmet, no need for that now. Not that it was going to help me now. I followed behind them, blaster at the ready. 
Luke, Han, Chewie, and I’m assuming the princess all came out at the same time. Luke got sidetracked, calling out for Ben. I turned to look at where he was going and my heart dropped. Being barely able to see through the horde of stormtroopers, I was able to see Ben facing off the one and only Darth Vader. His looming presence caused all my alarm bells to go off. I raced towards Luke, stopping beside him. Ben stood still as Darth Vader cut through him. 
“No!” Luke screamed, bringing all their attention towards us.
“Luke c’mon!” I shouted, tugging at his arm. He stood his ground, shooting at the troopers. I helped him, as did the others. They called him to board the ship and I managed to blast the door close before Vader could cross through. I tugged at Luke’s arm once more, blasting with one hand as best I could. This time, Luke allowed me to drag the both of us to the ship. 
I tried to catch my breath as the ship took off. I’ve caught bounties 2x my size, and that was nowhere near as scary as this entire trip was. I discarded the stormtrooper gear, grabbing my scarf and goggles once more. Getting my outfit all situated, I found Luke solemnly sitting at the round table, messing with the table. The princess brought him a blanket and sat next to him. I looked over to the droids and I decided to sit at one of the side seats.
“So you’re (y/n)?” The princess asked, looking at me softly. I nodded. “It’s nice to meet you, you really helped out in the end.”
“You too,” I smiled awkwardly. “I’m sorry, but I never catched your name.”
“You can call me Leia,” She replied. It was silent once more, our focus once more on Luke. 
“I can’t believe he’s gone,” Luke finally spoke. 
“There wasn’t anything you could’ve done,” Leia tried to console. 
“C’mon buddy,” Han said standing in the hallway. “We’re not out of this yet.”
We all followed Han, Han and Luke towards the guns while I followed Leia into the cockpit. She sat in the pilot seat and I stood behind her chair. 
“Here they come,” Leia warned the two. Four tie fighter jets flew around us. I held onto the back of her seat as the ship started shaking. “We’ve lost lateral controls!” Leia shouted after a few minutes.
“Don’t worry,” Han dismissed. “She’ll hold together.”
We could hear Luke cheering and I decided to pipe up, “Just two more to go guys!” 
We watched in suspense as the last two kept flying around. Luke managed to get one, and I sighed out in relief when the last one was hit. 
“We did it!” Leia cheered, hugging Chewie and I. I let out a chuckle, hugging her back. I patted Chewies back before making my way back into the main room. I ran into Luke before making it.
“You did great!” I praised with a smile.
A similar smile graced his face, “Thank you!” Similar to Leia, he pulled me into a hug, which I of course returned. My heart seemed to beat a bit faster at the affection but I ignored it. Pulling away Luke seemed a little sheepish. “Thank you also for uh…trying to keep me grounded back there…” He trailed off, looking away. 
My smile turned slightly bitter at the memory, “Don’t mention it. I know if the roles were reversed you’d do the same.” 
Our eyes met and I felt myself soften. I ignored the sudden urge to kiss his cheek and nodded at him before continuing on my way. Soon after, Chewie and Leia joined me. I took out my blaster, checking to make sure it was clean. I didn’t do much fighting, but it never hurts to check. 
“What’s your position here?” Leia asked as she sat next to me. 
Looking up at her I started to fidget with my weapon, “I, uh…I’m not exactly sure how to explain it.” I chuckled awkwardly. “Basically, think of me as Han’s babysitter.”
Leia raised her eyebrow, “Well you aren’t doing a good job.” 
“Well,” I sighed. “Once he drops you guys off, I basically just gotta make sure he returns to Jabba to pay his debt.”
“I see,” Leia sighed, seeming less friendly. “So I’m assuming you're not going to help.”
“I wish I could…” I trailed off. “Really, I do. But I have to go back and continue to take care of my family.” I knew my reasoning was selfish, I just hope she understood. 
“I suppose we all have our priorities,” Leia shrugged. I looked down, feeling guilty of my decision. It was quiet for the rest of the ride, only Chewie's growling breaking it from time to time. 
Once we landed, I couldn’t help but look around the planet in awe. It’s been awhile since I’ve been on a planet with such luscious greenery. I smiled, a comforting feeling as it reminded me of home. We were escorted to a hangar. People were all around preparing their x-wing ships. Clearly the rebels were preparing for a fight. Once again, I felt guilty. All these people who either lost their family or left them to fight for a noble cause while I cower and run away back to the monotony of my life, being Jabba’s puppet. 
Someone greeted Leia as we finally stopped. I looked over to Luke who was looking around in awe. His gaze met mine and I felt flustered and embarrassed at the fact that he caught me looking.
“Isn’t this amazing?” Luke asked breathlessly.
“Yeah,” I agreed. “I didn’t realize the rebellion was this big, but I suppose I didn’t think of it much.”
“C’mon, they’re going to go over the plans to defeat the Death Star,” Leia called out, waving us over.
Luke looked towards me once more, his blue eyes shining brilliantly, “You think they’ll let me pilot a ship?”
“Definitely,” I chuckled. “I’m sure they’ll take all the help they’ll get.” 
Once we got to the meeting room, I stood next to Luke and his droids. If this was going to be the last I saw of him, I might as well make the most of it. He was a sweet guy, and I would love to stay friends with him. There needs to be more people like him in the galaxy. I zoned out as the person was discussing their plans to defeat the Death Star. It didn’t involve me so I didn’t find any harm in it. 
Once they all started standing up, Han patted my shoulder. I looked over at him and he motioned me to follow him and Chewie. Looking towards Luke, I spoke up, “Uhm, bye Luke.” When he looked at me, I waved. 
“Cya,” He grinned, waving back. Following the two smugglers, I felt like Luke didn’t understand that we weren’t sticking around. When we all made it back to the hangar, boxes of credits sat next to the escort. 
“Help me with this woudja?” Han called over to me. “If you want Jabba to pay you that is.”
I rolled my eyes, but said nothing as I helped him load the payment. 
Luke quickly came onto the scene, “So, you got your reward and you’re just leaving then?”
“That’s right,” Han nodded. “Yeah. I got some old debts I gotta pay off with this stuff. Even if I didn’t, you don’t think I’d be fool enough to stick around here, do ya? Why don’t you come with us? You're pretty good in a fight. We could use ya.”
“Come on,” Luke frowned. “Why don’t you take a look around? You know what’s about to happen, you know what they’re up against. They could use a good pilot like you. You’re turning your back on them.”
“What good’s a reward if you ain’t around to use it?” Han asked back. “Besides, attacking a battle station ain’t my idea of courage. It’s more like suicide.”
“All right,” Luke said with no emotion. “Well, you take care of yourself, Han. I guess it’s what you're best at.” Then, Luke's gaze fell onto me, “You too, (y/n)?”
I kept my head down, knowing I couldn’t meet his gaze, “I’m sorry, Luke. But I can’t stay…”
I heard him scoff, “I guess I just expected you to be different.”
I felt like crying as I heard his heavy boots storm off. I kept my head down as I loaded the last box. One thing I hated the most was disappointing the people I care about. 
“Hey Luke,” Han called out. “May the force be with you.” Chewie growled and I finally looked up. “What are you looking at?” Han asked us. “I know what I’m doing.”
Boarding the escort, we made our way back to the Millennium Falcon. We then loaded all the money onto the Falcon. Chewie and Han bantered a bit, but I kept to myself. 
“What’s got you so quiet?” Han asked as we carried the last two boxes. 
I stayed quiet, placing down the box I was carrying, “...I…wish it could be different. That we could help.” 
I heard Han sigh, “If you want to help you can, I’m not making you come with me.”
I felt tears brim my eyes, feeling even more guilty due to the fact that Han spoke the truth. I kept blaming others for this choice, when I can only really blame myself. My obligation to my family was more important. I mean what would my dad say? What would my mom say? 
Han shuffled before continuing, “If it’s what Luke said…kid, we all have to choose what’s more important to us. We can’t please everyone.”
I nodded, “I know.”
“C’mon,” Han said, ruffling my hair, making me glare up at him. “Let’s get outta here before it gets bad.” The sound of ships flying could be heard above us. “And that’s our queue.”
I followed Han into the cockpit, Chewie already getting the ship running. I sat behind them as they started to fly away. I couldn’t help but watch as the tie fighters were getting shot down one by one. My heart clenched as for all I knew, one of them was Luke. This felt wrong. It all felt wrong. Just leaving them there when we could be helping. Couldn’t we help them before we left? 
It was quiet in the cockpit. My gaze wouldn’t leave the Death Star as it continued to shrink. I bit my lip in worry. I couldn’t get this damn feeling out, and I knew it would haunt me the rest of my life. The uncertainty of it all. Leaving my newly founded friends behind to die. Tearing my gaze away, I looked back to Han. He was quiet, his face contemplative. 
“We should go back,” I spoke up, not being able to stand the guilty feeling bubbling under my skin. 
“No,” Han dismissed. 
“This isn’t right,” I countered. “Once we finish helping them we can go back to Tatooine.” 
Han stayed silent, the Death Star was now almost out of site. Chewie growled, and Han’s frown grew worse. 
“Please Han,” I pleaded. 
Finally he seemed to snap, “If the both of you are gonna keep whining about it then fine.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I cried out, wrapping my arms around him. 
“Quit your yapping and go prepare the shooter,” Han waved off, flipping some switches and turning around. 
I quickly ran to the same ladder that Han and Luke went into before. I sat in the seat putting on the headset. I flipped some switches and the gun hummed, turning on. 
“All right,” I spoke into the comms. “Everythings a-okay here.” 
We quickly approached the Death Star, getting in position behind three tie fighters. Only one x-wing was left and I knew we got back just in time. As fast as I could, I aimed for one of the tie fighters and got it in the first shot. Han whooped into the comms and I let out a ‘hell yeah!’. The other two tie fighters nearly collide, one falling outside of the Death Star. 
“You’re all clear, kid,” Han said. “Now let’s blow this thing up and go home!”
Luke shot right into where it needed to go and we all flew out. I laughed out in relief as the Death Star blew up.
“Great shot Luke!” I cheered. 
“That was one in a million,” Han cheered as well. I got myself out of the gun pit and went back into the cockpit with Han and Chewie. Han clapped me on the shoulder, “You had a great shot too.”
“Thanks,” I smiled breathlessly. That weight of guilt that was pushing me down seemed to lift. Luke was safe and so were all these fearless rebels. 
We quickly made our way to the hangar. We found Leia and Luke already hugging, Han and Chewie quickly joining. I went to follow but was blocked by the other rebels. My huge smile fell quickly as they continued to cheer for each other. I raised my hand, but lowered it. I suppose I’ll cheer from a distance. Luke suddenly looked around and his eyes met mine. I smiled awkwardly and he quickly made his way towards me, pulling me towards the rest of the group and hugging me tightly. I hugged back, just as tight as he lifted me off my feet slightly.
“I knew you weren’t like that,” Luke whispered, nuzzling his face into my neck.
“You should thank me,” I laughed. “It took a bit of convincing to get Han on board.”
Luke laughed, letting me go. We gazed at each other for a second before we all looked up to see R2. 
“Oh no,” Luke said breathlessly.
“Oh my,” C3PO cried out. “R2, can you hear me? Say something. You can repair him, can’t you?”
“We’ll get to work on him right away,” A rebel agreed. 
“You must repair him,” C3PO replied. “Sir, if any of my circuits or gears will help, I’ll gladly donate them.”
“He’ll be alright,” Luke consoled. 
Leia wrapped an arm around me with a knowing smile, Han hugging her other side. I wrapped my arm around Luke’s shoulders and followed the other two, dragging him along. 
“Wait what?” I asked, turning towards the rebel members who held up the outfit I was supposed to wear. 
“It’s an award ceremony,” One said. “You weren’t expecting to wear your regular clothes were you?”
“I mean…” I sighed out exasperatedly. “I don’t know. I’m not used to dressing up for anything.”
“The princess picked this out for you specifically,” The other mentioned. 
“Of course she did,” I mumbled. “Fine, I’ll wear it.” They left to let me change. Once I was finished changing, I couldn’t help but pick at my clothes. They were so form fitting in some spots, a drastic change to my casual wear. 
I stood in between Luke and Han with a slight frown. Luke looked towards me and his eyes widened. 
I raised an eyebrow at him, “Is it really that bad?”
“N-no!” He stuttered out. “You, uh…uhm actually look really good.” I looked away, not used to compliments.
“Oh,” I said, not exactly sure how to reply. “Thank you, you look real nice too.” 
“Thanks,” He replied in a whisper.
“C’mon you two,” Han said, rolling his eyes. “Quit flirting, the ceremony’s starting.”
I looked up at him aghast, but the doors opened and I tried to calm myself down. As we walked, I tried to keep my gaze on Leia and not the hundreds of eyes that were currently on us. Once we reached the stairs, we stopped and Leia stepped forward. She looked at Han sternly, her gaze fell on me and she smiled a bit more softly. When she looked towards Luke, they shared a goofy smile, which seemed to spread to me when I glanced at Luke and noticed that he did the same. 
When Leia put the medal on Han, he winked at her which made me roll my eyes. And he says the awkward compliments Luke and I gave each other was flirting. Leia placed a medal around my neck, and then finally one around Lukes. We all bowed our heads in respect. Suddenly, R2 showed up, beeping and whistling. We couldn’t stop our laughter, happy to see the droid was okay. Turning around, Chewie growled and everyone started clapping. I felt small, finally seeing how many people were looking. 
Once the ceremony was finished, everyone started packing. It was time to move to a new base after all. I was waiting for Han to stop bothering Leia when I noticed that Luke snuck up next to me.
“How’re you feeling?” Luke asked, giving me a side hug. 
“Much better outside of all that attention,” I replied, returning the short hug.
“You don’t like being recognized as a hero?” Luke laughed lightly.
“Not if it means that many people are watching you,” I replied back. 
“So…” Luke trailed off. “Are you staying?” His smile somewhat fell at the question and he looked genuinely concerned.
“I’m not sure,” I replied, looking down at my fidgeting hands. “I was just gonna talk to Han about it. I’m sure my parents would understand and support my decision…but…I don’t know.” I looked back up at Luke feeling somewhat helpless, “What do you think I should do?”
Staring back at me, he smiled gently, “Well…I think you know what I’m about to say.” I laughed softly, crossing my arms. 
“I think I know what Han’s gonna say too,” I sighed, watching him interact with Leia. It’s clear he was interested in her…but wasn’t Luke as well? This was definitely going to get messy. 
“I’d love for you to stay,” Luke spoke up. “Uh…a-all three of you, I mean.”
I looked back over to Luke as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, looking away. 
“Okay,” I couldn’t help but agree with a giant smile. How could I leave the friends I made now?
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lewisthot · 2 years
reader is very insecure with her post partum body and lewis makes her feel better in a special way of course 🥺
actions: 11 and 13
words: 12, 16, 19, 34 and 42
you’re always irresistible to him nsfw drabble under the cut, hope you like it.
being pregnant and giving birth of course took it’s toll on your body, changed it in ways you were still trying to get comfortable with. lewis didn’t care and he made that know whenever possible but despite it all, you were still struggling to come to terms with the changes and be intimate with lewis.
the baby put to bed lewis had plan, it hurt him that you weren’t feeling 100% comfortable yet and didn’t yourself the way he saw you. he knew it would take time and he’d do whatever it took which is why tonight he wanted to pleasure you, remind you that he worships every inch of your body.
he ran you a bath lined with lit candles, ‘what’s the occasion?’ you knit your brows together confused, had you forgotten an anniversary? it’s not like he didn’t do sweet things for you all the time but you were caught, so focused on the baby.
‘just wanted to have a relaxing evening sweetheart’ he smiled cupping your face he pulled you in for a kiss, you wrapped your arms around him kissing him deeply smiling against his lips.
‘no buts, you relax i have everything under control’ he interrupted you before you could finish your sentence, placing a finger on your lips when you tried to speak again. he had been a great father and partner but this was your first baby, it was hard to not fuss but looking at all the effort he made with the candles and rose petals filling the tub you hugged him thankful to have him.
‘you gonna help me undress?’ you bit your lip, still anxious as you got used to your body post birth not that lewis ever let you feel that way. he pressed soft kisses down your neck as his hands grabbed the hem of your shirt pulling it off, he trailed kisses down your body gentle with your tender breasts. dropping to his knees he deliberately made eye contact as he pressed kisses down your stomach and pulled off your underwear.
‘god you’re so beautiful, every inch of you’
you chewed on your bottom lip, holding your breath as he pulled your leg over his shoulder leaving a trail of kisses from your inner thigh to your throbbing clit. he was soft and too gentle, teasing - you moaned gripping his shoulder.
‘lewis…’ his name left your lips in a whine, desperate for more but he had a different idea. he pulled away, unhooking your leg and standing back up.
‘enjoy your bath before it gets cold’ he smirked as you narrowed your eyes, stepping into the bath.
‘i hate you’ he chuckled leaning down he lifted your chin giving you a soft kiss on the lips and the forehead as he stroked your hair.
‘i love you too’
you sank into the tub, eyes closed enjoying the the bath you could fall asleep the hot water melting away the tension in your body. once the water started to turn cool and your fingers were pruned, you got out and wrapped yourself in your towel. walking back into your bedroom you were greeted with a sight you couldn’t believe, more lit candles scattered everywhere and lewis in nothing but his boxers on your bed. you beamed at him, climbing onto his laps. you had no words, you didn’t know what to say you just wrapped your arms around his neck and captured his lips with yours. it was frantic and urgent, you felt so overwhelmed with love you just wanted him no needed him to feel him to show him how much you loved and adored him. you went in between your bodies you hands slipping under his boxers and gripping his hard cock, swiping the leaking precum.
'do you feel how hard i am? i couldn’t stop thinking about you all day' he groaned into your lips biting your bottom lip. ‘but tonight is about you’ 
he pulled away at your towel, his hand weaving between your bodies still damp from the bath but as he ran his fingers through your folds he felt the undeniable wetness that could only be your sweet juices. you let out a soft moan as he thumbed your clit, holding your face with his free hand he kissed you hard swallowing your moans.
he reluctantly pulled away, licking his lips with knowing smirk. ‘sit on my face baby’, giving your ass a light love tap as his lips danced along your neck. ‘use me’
you bit your lip nervously scooting up as he laid back down on the bed, his mouth open and waiting you lowered yourself down lewis’s mouth closing around your sensitive nub.
lewis hands ran his hand up and down your body, squeezing your breasts and digging into the flesh of your waist. you were hesitant, holding back from fully sitting on his face just a hover above his tongue that ran through your soaked folds.
‘be a good girl, let me really taste you sweetheart’ gripping your hips he pulled you down, his tongue exploring you further as you cried out in pleasure arching your back. you rocked your hip against him, his nose pressing against your clit in just the right way. ‘that’s it baby, ride my face. god you taste delicious’
he had full control now, your body pliant in his hands as you let go and let the pleasure take ahold. you should be focusing on whether or not you’re gonna suffocate him, a reasonable worry in this position but all you can do is screw your eyes shut and grind against his mouth.
‘let me hear you baby’ he gives your ass a squeeze sucking on your clit, he wanted more than whimpers and heavy breathing - he wanted to hear your beautiful moans fill the room.
you feel the familiar knot in your stomach start to twist, grabbing the headboard your breathing jagged and your moans growing louder lewis noted the tell take signs of your impending climax, his hand tightening on your hips as he held you against him. letting out a string of curse words, chanting his name you tried to lift yourself as your climax hit scared you’d suffocate but lewis was having none of that his own grip on you tightening, your loud moans and your body shaking on top of him only spurring him on.
he held you down lapping up your juices, your thighs going from slack to tight around him. ‘please i can’t take anymore’ he acted oblivious to your pleas, his mouth still attached to your throbbing clit your body shaking on top of him. you tried to pull away but his grip on you was stronger instead collapsing forward against the headboard.
‘babe i can’t get enough, come on be my good girl, i can’t stop tasting you so delicious’ his words were like an electric current through your body doing what it was meant to do and encourage you to let him continue devouring your pussy and be his good girl.
it wasn’t long before another wave of pleasure overcame you this time lewis letting you lift yourself a way from him watching as your body convulsed on top of him. plunging his fingers into your your empty hole groaning as you clenched around his fingers which he knew would soon be his cock - he was far from done.
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likeysoob · 3 months
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I’m so blind by likeysoob
Episode 1
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“You ever thought high school would be easy?” My mom looked up from her phone to answer me. “Oh no sweetheart. I always thought it was going to be hard.” At least I’m tying to look for some hope before high school starts. I look down at the table just being lost in my thoughts until my mom puts a plate of food in front of my face. “Thanks mom.” I said then begun to eat.
When I finished with my food, I went upstairs to lay in my bed. My eyes started to burn but I didn’t really feel sleepy. As the time rolls around 9pm, i decided to go on my laptop and watch some videos. I really dont have friends. They all left me for some reason. I guess i was boring? They were bad friends anyways. I have online friends but I dont want to talk to them right now.
My cat just lays on the floor by my feet. 2 hours pass by and i start to feel tired. I get up and change into my pjs then lay in my bed. My eyes slowly began to fall as i feel my cat snuggle by my feet. I hope that tomorrow will be a good first day of high school.
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Well, i woke up not good. My body hurts and i really dont know why. My mom was yelling at me saying i was late and now…“ I CANT BELIEVE YOU SLEPT THROUGH 3 OF YOUR ALARMS Y/N!” Yeah…she still is. I didn’t say nothing back and just let her continue. Soon, we were close the school and she was talking about basic high school stuff. Once we’re here, i unbuckle my seat belt and open the door to leave. “Oh and! No talking to boys! No boys!” I turn around towards her and smirk, “wasn’t planning on to mom!” I watch her drive off and smile to myself. “That’s because i like girls…”
When i reached the main doors, i took a look around. “Why is this school so big?” “I know right!?” I jump back in fear. I turn my full view onto the person next to me. Holy shit. Who sneaks up on someone like that? “Oh sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you!” The random girl apologized. I dont give 2 shits though. “Um yeah…it’s whatever.” I say, the girl smiles at me, man she’s pretty. “I’m Ning Yi Zhuo but just call me Ning!” She takes out her hand for me to shake and i do. “This is my 2nd year here and I’m still not use to how big it is…are you new here?” Ning asks me. “Um yeah actually, i just got here and yes, i do know where my classes are.” She smiles at me. “Great! I’ll see you around! The bell is about to ring!” Ning runs off. I actually don’t know where my classes are, i just don’t want to talk to people right now. I walk inside the school doors and turn the corner to see some boys already fighting. “Man it’s too early for this shit..”
After running around this whole school, i bump into someone who was clearly right in front of me…why am i so blind? I should really get glasses. I look up and see this girl with short hair. Damn, shes cute, why are there so many cute girls here?! “Oh im so sorry!” She said and i shake my head, “no it’s my fault, I wasn’t watching where i was going!” God this is embarrassing. “It’s fine!” She says, we stand there in silence. “Uh, sorry i got to go!” I ran out of that situation the fastest i can. Where the fuck can I find this class?
I soon found the class. Should i go in? Class ends in 10 minutes. As I’m deciding, the door swings open and a student walks by me. I look inside and the teacher is staring at me. “Sorry I’m…late?” You know, it really looks like i was skipping from the teachers point of view. “I’m sorry, im new here? I was having trouble finding my class…” the teacher only looks at me. The fuck? Bitch speak. I give him a side eye and go sit on an empty desk, hopefully it wasn’t that persons desk that just left right now. The teacher continues on with his lesson, im not sure what class this even is. I turn to the right of me a see this girl with light pinkish hair. All she does is smile at me and looks up to the teacher.
The bell rings, i get up from my chair and grab my bag. Before i could take a step out the classroom, someone calls for me. “Hey! You!” I turn around to see that pinkish haired girl from before. “Yeah?” I respond to her, “I’m Rei, what’s your name?” Her voice is pretty, “oh um im y/n!” I say awkwardly. Omg my voice cracked, im going to die now. “Pretty name, you’re like really pretty! You like to sing or dance?” It feels so overwhelming what she just said, my name pretty? me being pretty? “Yeah i really love singing!” I itched my neck. Great i look like a fool who doesn’t know how to talk. “That’s great! Me and my friends are trying to gain members for this music competition and id like for you to join!” She says while pulling something out of her backpack to give it to me, it’s a flyer. “See you around!” She walks off. I look down at the flyer she gave me.
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Wow…the girl on the flyer is really beautiful….like really. Wait, they don’t even have what day!? I guess I’m going to have to message them. I put the flyer into my backpack and go to my next class.
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The rest of the day was boring. No one interesting in my classes, rude ass teachers, and nasty lunch. Didn’t expect to the lunch to be this shit when this school is so big. So now I’m in my bed just laying down waiting for my mom to come home. I think high school will be easy, like what’s even going to happen this year? My life is boring.
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actual-changeling · 2 months
I remember reading somewhere that Neil said the kiss wasn't about lust and I disagree, at least in part, because there is plenty of love-emotional lust between these two. What do you think? Is there physical lust as well ? Also, do you think by the end of S3 we could see Aziraphale Fall (could he actually choose to Fall?), and become a demon ?
Even though some people treat it as such, Neil's opinions aren't the gospel truth and not canon either. The show as it is—everything we can see and hear on screen—is our canon to work with, and while Neil definitely has a unique position when it comes to interpretation and analysis, his thoughts aren't automatically the only correct option.
In short, whatever he retrospectively says about the kiss is simply another possible interpretation of that scene.
'Show not tell' is an important principle in writing, and I think in a way it also applies to here; we have what we see, and telling us what supposedly happened is not the same as writing and producing the episodes.
Personally, I do think their attraction has a sexual & physical aspect to it, and the kiss is an expression of everything Crowley feels towards Aziraphale, including lust/desire/whatever you wanna call it.
Regarding Aziraphale's celestial status—I really hope that we do not get a "he chooses to fall" situation since it would cheapen not just Crowley's traumatic fall but that of every single fallen angel. The point is that falling was not a choice, it was a punishment, and going against heaven does not automatically degrades you or changes your (metaphysical) nature.
Making Aziraphale fall now would also serve no actual purpose. Heaven has ways of punishing angels just like hell does, and while the fall was definitely a deeply physically painful experience, the symbolism of it was just as important.
Make one angel fall and the most you get is that one angel now being in hell.
Make millions of angels fall after forcing them to fight in a war against the other half of the family and effectively remove them from their home & God's love, and you get not just collective punishment but a heaven full of angels absolutely terrified of being subjected to the same thing.
The control heaven has is largely based on fear—a fear that was justified, but is no longer validated by actual experience. Consorting with hell is second nature to the Archangels, that has never been the problem, it's breaking the rules & going against the Great Plan that angers them.
Honestly, I am not entirely sure that Neil will be able to fix the fallout of season two in six episodes, and I wouldn't want him to cheapen the story by trying to rush a fairytale ending. If Aziraphale falls, I want it to be a punishment, not a choice. I want him to go through the exact same pain as everyone else because contrary to popular believe, he is not God's Special Boy; he's an average angel with average status and a shitton of luck and time on earth that he didn't use.
Aziraphale had six thousand years to choose to fall, but he never did. He prioritized his personal comfort and heaven's opinion of him over everything else, and Crowley should have drawn a line so much earlier than he did. If Aziraphale wanted to choose Crowley over heaven, he would have by now, but he hasn't, and everything he does now is something he COULD have done earlier—but Crowley was simply not important enough to him to do it while he was still co-dependent on Aziraphale.
This is a situation of "I asked you to stop hurting me but you never did & now suddenly after the break-up you are doing all the things I have been asking you to do for years".
To quote the Good Place once again: [They were] always capable of change, [Crowley] just wasn't worth changing for.
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star-girl69 · 1 year
I Loved You Like the Sun
a/n: wow two updates in one day look at me go anyways i hope you all enjoy as always!!
warnings: swearing, mentions of blood, violence, death, like vaemond dies so very much death, tell me if i missed anything!!
Chapter Twenty- I Am Your Sword
Each morning, you greet the day the same way. You entangle yourself from whatever position you had slept in, (tonight, you had fallen asleep with your head on Daemon’s chest and Rhaenyra pressed against your back,) and greet whoever you can reach.
You crane your head, reach your arms over your head, feel those satisfying pops. Daemon stirs, eyes closed, not quite awake. His hand reaches around blindly, somehow finding the back of your head.
“Kiss,” he murmurs, and you adjust to press your lips to his cheek. “Do it properly.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“You married me.” He juts his jaw out, waiting for you. You sigh, unable to resist him.
It’s quick, and his tongue only swipes the seam of your lips before you pull away. But he seems placated by that, muttering something and sinking back into the pillows.
Rhaenyra sits up, swinging her legs over the bed. she doesn’t get up, doesn’t make a move to do so. She simply sits.
You crawl over, swinging over to your knees to kneel behind her. Hands on her shoulders, you begin to knead. She sighs, and her head falls back.
“You’re nervous. I can feel it.” She hums, and silence retakes the room. Daemon shuffles in the sheets behind you. “You told me yourself there is no use worrying.”
“I was wrong.” She says, after a moment’s silence.
But then the doors open, and she stands and you let your hands fall.
“We’ll speak later,” she says, and you watch as she sits at the vanity. Handmaidens descend upon her like vultures, until they part and she is a different person. Still yours. But different.
“Lady Y/N?” One of them asks, and you stand with a sigh, ready to be changed like her. You break your promise to your mother.
You stand in between Daemon and Rhaenyra, watching as Otto climbs the steps to the throne.
Daemon says something under his breath that sounds suspiciously like “cunt,” but Otto starts talking before you can truly hear him.
“Though is is the great hope of this court that Corlys Velaryon survive his wounds, we gather here with the grim task of dealing with the succession of Driftmark. As Hand, I speak with the King’s voice on this and all other matters.” He sits, robes swishing out from behind him. “The crown will now hear the petitions.”
You admit, you are unsure of what is to happen in this hall. Rhaenyra poured over her speech with Daemon, practiced it in front of you, and while it was good, you do not know what Vaemond Velaryon is planning to say. What tricks he has pulled. The alliances he is in.
“Ser Vaemond of House Velaryon.”
The man shoots a look over to your side of the room, and you can practically feel Daemon’s anger in the air. He walks to the center, clasping his hands together.
“My Queen. My Lord Hand.”
Ah, you see. He means to use flattery, ploys of respect. Make it appear that he is good, benevolent and just. He would be a good ruler. He should rule.
“The history of our noble houses extends beyond the Seven Kingdoms to the days of Old Valyria. For as long as House Targaryen has ruled the skies, House Velaryon has ruled the seas. When the Doom fell on Valyria, our houses became the last of their kind. Our forebears came to this new land, knowing that were they to fail, it would mean the end to their bloodlines and their name. I have spent my entire life on Driftmark defending my brother’s seat. I am Corlys’s closest kin, his own blood. The true, unimpeachable blood of House Velaryon runs through my veins.”
“As it does in my sons, the offspring of Laenor Velaryon. If you cared so much about your house’s blood, Ser Vaemond, you would not be so bold as to supplant it’s rightful heir. No, you only speak for yourself and for your own ambition.” It seems like she will go on, and you feel the urge to applaud her. She speaks well, levelheaded.
But the Queen sees it fit to interrupt her.
“You will have chance to make your own petition, Princess Rhaenyra. Do Ser Vaemond the courtesy of allowing his to be heard.”
It was at this Ser Vaemond finally turned. His eyes passed over your family, Daemon, you, Rhaenyra, Luke, with Jace and Rhaena behind you.
“What do you know of Velaryon blood, Princess? I could cut my veins and show it to you and you still wouldn’t recognize it. This is about the future and survival of my house, not yours.” His gaze flicks to Luke, who sinks into himself. You long to press him close to you, save him from the cruel world. But Vaemond turns back to Throne, addressing the Queen and the Hand once more.
He inhales, bracing his feet.
“This is a matter of blood, not ambition. I place the continuation of the survival of my house and my line above all. I humbly put myself before you as my brother’s successor… the Lord of Driftmark and Lord of the Tides.”
“Thank you, Ser Vaemond.” Otto says, and he retreats back to his place.
Your eyes rest upon the Hightower Queen, her children. You admit, you barely know of them. Helaena, the only girl, is a Dragon Dreamer. Aemond is the one with the eyepatch, and Aegon is Rhaenyra’s rival in terms of the throne. But looking at him now, he seems uninterested. Blonde hair cut short, while most Targaryens keep it longer. He does not seem proud of his features, not like Daemon and Rhaenyra do.
“Princess Rhaenyra, you may now speak for your son, Lucerys Velaryon.” She bows her head, walking to the center of the room almost lazily.
“If I am to grace this farce with some answer, I will start by reminding the court that nearly 20 years ago, in this very-”
But she is cut off.
The doors open, and you see the figure of King Viserys, golden mask on his face and hunched over a cane. Even now, in his bone-thinness, in his weakness, it is undeniable that he commands a room.
“King Viserys of House Targaryen,” but the caller’s voice fades under the the loud banging of the King’s cane. He looks as he did the other day, as if it is a struggle to even stay alive. To breathe, his heart to beat. It only makes his walk more powerful, the eye’s of the court lighting up. They cannot resist a show.
You see Otto descend the steps of the Throne, his shocked and confused face. You watch as Viserys makes his way, golden crown upon his head.
He stops, and looks to Rhaenyra for a moment.
Before continuing, and whispering to Otto in a hoarse voice.
“I will sit the throne today.”
“Your Grace,” he nods. His power has been taken from him. He no longer commands this room.
Viserys continues his journey before stopping again, head leaning low to the ground. Guards rush forward, but he dismisses them. Finally, his crown falls. He leans his forehead against his cane, breaths uneasy and labored.
Suddenly, Daemon is leaning around him, picking up the crown.
You do not hear what Viserys says, but you see his posture change when he realizes who has come to his aid.
Daemon whispers something to him, and with his help, Viserys makes it to the throne. Daemon places the crown upon his head.
He stands there for a moment, before retreating. Rhaenyra returns beside you, as does Daemon.
You grab his limp hand, squeezing, but he does not acknowledge you. You do not blame him.
Viserys leans forward, and back again. Settling with a loud thump.
“I must… admit… my confusion. I do not understand why petitions are being heard over a settled succession. The only one present… who might offer keener insight into Lord Corly’s wishes is the Princess Rhaenys.”
The hall turns to her, and you see her falter for a moment. But she recovers quickly, bracing herself.
“Indeed, Your Grace.” She steps forward, stands with her hands clasped for a moment. “It was ever my husband’s will that Driftmark pass through Ser Laenor to his trueborn son… Lucerys Velaryon. His mind never changed. Nor did my support of him.”
The hall is silent for a moment, and you can feel the tension from your entire family leave quickly. Positions are affirmed. Bloodlines secure.
“As a matter of fact, the Princess Rhaenyra has just informed me of her desire to marry her sons Jace and Luke to Lord Corlys’s granddaughters, Baela and Rhaena.”
You cannot but let your lips part, the rest of Rhaenys’s words falling away to you. The boys turn to Rhaenyra, and she only nods in confirmation. They look between each other. You do not know what to think.
You suppose you cannot judge, seeing as how your wife and husband are uncle and niece. Not to mention, you are distantly related to them yourself.
You worry that they will not find love in each other. They should never be met with contentment when they seek love. They should only burn, burn like you have.
“Well… the matter is settled. Again. I hearby reaffirm Prince Lucerys of House Velaryon as heir to Driftmark, the Driftwood Throne, and the next Lord of the Tides.” He let’s out a wheeze, and you find yourself dropping Daemon’s hand to stand in front of Luke.
He looks up at you, pure joy across his face, in a smile only you can see. You press him to your chest, keep him yours for just one more moment. His hand still rests in Rhaenyra’s, but you feel her caress your shoulder with her other hand.
“You break law…” You do not turn, the rage in Vaemond’s voice enough to warn you that you do not want to see it. But Luke pulls away, looking around you.
“Luke,” you swear you have to bite back a sob.
“-and centuries of tradition to install your daughter as heir.” You do not turn, you cannot. You grab Luke’s shoulders, attempting to ground yourself to him, to your love for him. “Yet you dare tell me… who deserves to inherit the name Velaryon. No. I will not allow it.”
“‘Allow it’?” Viserys asks, tone incredulous. “Do not forget yourself, Vaemond.”
“That is no true Velaryon! Look at him, he hides behind the skirt’s of his parent’s whore like a child.”
“Go to your chambers,” Rhaenyra says, placing a hand on your shoulder and pushing you and Luke away. “You have said enough.” You wanted to leave, to take all of your children away from this wretched place. But none of them made a move to leave. So you stayed with them, as a mother should. Because you were their mother. Not by blood, but by something more than that.
“Lucerys is my true-both grandson. Daemon, Y/N and Rhaenyra were married as Aegon the conqueror was married to his two sisters. By the ways of Old Valyria. And you… no more than the second son of Driftmark.”
“You… may run your house as you see fit… but you will not decide the future of mine. My house survived the Doom and a thousand tribulations besides. And Gods be damned… I will not see it ended on account of this-” He stopped himself with a harsh inhale.
You turned. You did not know who he was addressing. But if you were to be insulted, you preferred to take it head on.
“Say it,” Daemon whispered.
“Her children… are bastards… raised in the company of… Both of your so-called wives, Prince Daemon, are a disgrace to any house they carry the blood of. And they… are… whores!”
The court gasped.
Luke reached for your hand through layers of skirts and you felt tears well in your eyes. Was this what the realm truly thought of your marriage? What they truly thought of you?
King Viserys stands, and your eyes blur with tears to see much of anything else clearly.
“I…” He breathes, taking his dagger out, “will have your tongue for that.”
But then you hear the sound of flesh splitting, of something hitting the floor. Once, twice. You blink your tears away, see the head of See Vaemond disconnected to his body.
“He can keep his tongue,” Daemon hisses.
“Disarm him!” Viserys shouts, and guards run forward. But Daemon only backs away, wiping blood off on his own clothes.
“No need,” he assures, heading back over to you and Rhaenyra. You stare at the dead body in shock, something like revulsion rising in your chest. You had never seen such blood… such unbridled rage and violence.
“I will not apologize for protecting my wives, Y/N.”
“But- but you- oh, I, I do not-”
But Viserys suddenly collapses on the throne, and Alicent screams for the maesters. You hear Rhaenyra call for her father, but is ignored.
A speck of blood rests on Daemon’s cheek.
You stare at it while the King is lead away, while servants rush forward to collect the body. You stare at it while he lets out a sigh, pleased at his revenge.
“You have blood on your cheek,” you whisper finally.
He meets your eyes.
“I am your sword. Your lover. Your husband. I had to. Besides, better mine than yours.”
@wondergal2001 @akiraquote @a-lil-bit-nuts @anginoguera @thatkinkylesgirl1 @stitchattacks @honeypillowsblog @kaloafd @blackhoodlea @softtina @wallace02sblog @tetgod @hotd-fanfic @rxscpctals
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weirdbeancurd · 3 months
The Hunter Becomes the Hunted- ASTV Tickle Fic
I ground this whole thing out in like one day, i was bored ok
Michelle is just my OC who's a more laid-back version of Miguel from another universe. They have a sibling relationship and love bothering each other. :)
Summary: Miguel's working himself to death again and Michelle and Peter team up to make him take a break, even if it does mean taking desperate measures.
“Take a breeaaaaak.”
“What he said.”
Peter and Michelle had been trying to get Miguel to stop working for what seemed like days. In fact, he’s probably been in his office for 3 days straight, and if the bags below his eyes told them anything, he was awake for all 3 of them.
“Hey, this stuff can wait, you got some sleep to catch up on. A lot of it.” Michelle says.
“Yeah, you’ve been working on that stupid project for days. And now you’re stalking the kids? They can handle themselves, you know.” Peter remarks.
“I am not stalking anyone. I’m making sure those brats don’t get hurt.” Miguel pauses. “And I don’t need a break.”
“Sure you don’t Migs. And you also don’t got a multiversal stick up your ass.”
Miguel just rolls his eyes. Those two could be a nightmare to deal with, but there was no way in hell either of them would pull him away from his monitors now, not when the kids needed him. Not that he was worried about them, or anything. He was just being a good boss.
“Fine,” Michelle snarks, clapping her hands together. “We didn’t want it to come to this, but you leave us no choice.” 
Peter nodded solemnly, turning to speak to Michelle. “I’ll stay here. You just do your thing.”
“What are you even-”
“Lyla, night mode.”
The room went dark, the hum of the lights cutting out along with his sight. Now, Miguel had better night vision than most, but pitch black was still difficult to navigate. He squinted through the darkness, only to get about 10 feet of visibility. The room was so silent he could practically hear the rise and fall of his chest, feeling like a prey animal lost in the night. Fitting, as there was a predator lurking in the shadows. Miguel whipped around when he felt something disturb the air behind him. There was nothing there. At least not anymore. What are those idiots planning, he thinks.
“I don’t know what you two are getting at, but I have work to do. Lyla, turn the lights back on.” No response. “...Lyla?” Well, that’s not good.
An eerie skittering noise graced his ears, prompting another turn of the head. Again, he saw nothing. It was oddly reminiscent of the way he first met Michelle; his arrival in her universe was met with instant suspicion and aggression, causing her to circle him like a shark. The way she cloaked herself in shadows made her a great asset for stealth missions, but he certainly didn’t like being the subject of her pursuit. Despite this, Miguel knew she’d never hurt him, so he could only imagine how her enemies felt. How ironic. The hunter becomes the hunted. Sighing in exasperation, he slowly makes his way forward, hoping to find his monitor in the dark.
“You’re wasting your and my time. Now if you’ll stop fooling around, I-”
Thwip. The familiar noise of a web shooter going off made him flinch. He was stopped in his tracks by a web tacked on his foot to the floor. Before he could begrudgingly tug at his leg, Miguel was tackled to the ground by a conviving spiderwoman, tearing the web in the process. Aided by the element of surprise, Michelle wrestles him onto his back, restraining both his arms by hooking her own under his shoulders. Now of no use to him, the lights flicker back on.
“Gotcha,” Michelle grins.
“You sure did. Now let me up.”
Their conversation is interrupted by a low whistle, Peter coming back into view. He wears an amused smile with a hint of mischief that makes Miguel’s stomach drop. The man takes a seat on his thighs, fully pinning him to the ground. Whatever it is that they’ve got in stock for him, it isn’t good.
“Well, Migs. You’ve forced our hands,” Peter shakes his head. “This isn’t healthy and you know it, so you, Mister, are going to take a break, whether you like it or not.”
“Yeah, sure,” He deadpans. “And how exactly do you plan on convincing me?”
“Oh Migs. That’s the best part. Remember this little weakness of yours?” Peter pokes him in the stomach, eliciting a yelp. Oh. Oh. Oh no. Now that got him squirming.
“And who knows your best spots better than, well, you? But, of course, you’d never tell us where you’re ticklish. That’s what she’s here for.” Peter gestures to Michelle, who waves back smugly.
“One of the perks of being the same person.” She wiggles her fingers in front of his face. A shudder goes down his spine. “Let’s get started, shall we? Peter, get his sides.”
Miguel chokes back a giggle when his fingers skitter across his waist. Laughter bubbles up in his throat, but is held back by him biting his lip. Despite his efforts, a couple noises still escape.
“Ngh! S-stop that- Peheter!”
“Wow, you weren’t kidding. The big man is ticklish.”
“Yup, and this isn’t even that bad of a spot. Try his ribs next.”
“Dohon’t talk about me like I-I’m not heRE! Hehehey!”
That sure got his attention. The wiggling fingers attack between his sensitive ribs, making him chuckle. Miguel feels his face heat up, hiding it in the crook of his shoulder. His captors catch a glimpse of his fangs before they're gone once more. Michelle sniggers. 
“Trying to hide your fangs again? C’mon, let us see!” She adjusts her hold so that a single arm restrains both of his, using her free hand to tickle the side of his neck.
Miguel lets out a high pitched yelp that tugs at their heartstrings. He snaps his head against her hand, which does little to lessen the sensation. Just like she planned, Miguel’s fangs are on full display, peeking out of his wide smile. Peter coos at the adorable sight.
“Stahahap thahat!” He tries nipping at her fingers in desperation.
“Hey, no biting. Peter, get his stomach.”
“Aye, aye, maam.”
His hand forms a claw and vibrates into his belly, causing Miguel to screech and lurch forward, nearly headbutting Peter. 
“SHIT! PeheheHETER! STAHAHA-” He cuts himself off with a wheeze.
“Bad spot, huh?”
“Yep. Wanna see an even worse one?”
“Boy, do I!”
“One word: thighs.”
“On it.”
He scoots back to settle on his knees before digging his fingers into Miguel's thighs with one hand, and skittering gently along them with the other. 
"MIERDAHAHAHA! PUHUHUTA MAHADRE!" He was slowly slipping into spanish.
"Language, Migs. What if the kids hear you?" Peter teases, grinning maniacally.
"Aww, pobrecito." Michelle coos. His thrashing was near frantic, nearly bucking the two off.
However, determined to help their friend take some time off work, Michelle and Peter hold strong, much to his annoyance. The contrasting sensations of rough squeezing and light scribbling were absolutely driving him up the wall, but he would not give in. Sure, it was a silly hill to die on, but it was the principle of the matter, dammit! 
"Ready to give in yet?"
Michelle and Peter shared a look before they drew back, still keeping their victim pinned. Miguel took the opportunity to gasp for air, a goofy smile stuck on his face.
"Stubborn, isn't he? You got anymore tricks up your sleeve, Mich?"
"Hmm. Just one. Watch."
"Wahaht are you-" Miguel watches in horror as her hand hovers above the crease between his thigh and hip. Shit.
"Wait, nonono. Not there-"
"Well, are you gonna go take a nap?"
"Yeah, that's what I thought. Hold tight, Peter. He's about to lose his freaking mind."
"Wait, Michelle, don't-"
Her fingers touched down and Miguel screamed. Her claws dragging against his skin felt unbearable, but his twisting and turning did nothing to deter her. 
He could barely form words anymore. 
"Woah, you weren't kidding."
"Yeah, this spot's killer. You ready to take a break now, Migs? We can do this aaaaall day."
While normally he would've bared his fangs at them, the fight had been drained out of him. Miguel just whined through his cackling. His captors grinned at his wild reactions. It took a couple moments of uselessly babbling before he could even find his words.
Michelle slows her scratching to let him speak.
"Alright. But you gotta say it."
She swiped a claw over the spot.
"AH! Ohokayokay, fine! I'll take a break!"
Peter and Michelle loosen their grip on him and high five, finally satisfied. She keeps Miguel's head in her lap, ruffling his hair as he tries to wipe the grin off his reddened face. She takes her thumb to swipe away a couple unshed tears of mirth. He slings an arm over his eyes in embarrassment. 
"...Ihi hate you both."
"We love you too, Miguel," Peter says, patting him on the shoulder.
"So…who am I getting back first?" His smile suddenly turns vicious. 
Before Peter can get up to run, a web tacks him to the ground, halting his movement. When he looks up, Michelle is already gone. That little shit, he thinks, before he is tackled by Miguel and subsequently wrecked to the high heavens. 
2 hours later:
Michelle reenters the lab to find the two men nodding off on the couch. Peter looks relaxed as always, but Miguel appears to finally be at peace. The lines under his eyes aren't nearly as prevalent, and a single fang peeks out of his mouth cutely as he sleeps. Shaking her head fondly, Michelle turns away to let them get some well deserved rest. Or she would've, but a red web sticks her foot to the floor. Shit, she thinks. After the stunt she pulled earlier, Peter and Miguel show no mercy. After all, they know just where to tickle.
Reblogs and comments welcome :D
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peachymilkandcream · 29 days
Hi, how are you feeling, I'm not good at English since it's not my language, but here's a suggestion.
How would it be the day that Evelyn finally submits to Levi as he asks so much of her?
Maybe he would stop hitting her, he would treat her as well as he treats her in pregnancy, I don't know but how the evil midget reacts.
Hope you are well,bye,bye.
Finally | Levi x Evelyn
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(A/N: I'm great Anon! I think your English is lovely and I appreciate you taking the time and effort to make a request in something that is not your native language! A prompt like this has been rotting in the back of my mind tbh and now I can let it out. Hope you enjoy and thank you for the request!)
WARNINGS: implied noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, graphic depictions of violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
Since the birth of Isabel things had been going well for the Captain. His wife had stopped fighting him and spread her legs as often as he demanded like a good little wife should. She allowed him free reign of her life and body, never so much as complaining.
Which drove his suspicions wild.
Evelyn had tricked him twice before, leading him to believe that she submitted and then finding her birth control and the other time when she sent him on a international manhunt for her. She wasn't to be trusted, but he couldn't find any damning evidence and it was driving him insane! To the point he slapped her just out of spite to get some kind of reaction.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?"
She holds her cheek, clearly not understanding what she did wrong. "What did I do Levi?"
"You-! This! You're not yourself! What the fuck are you hiding!? Tell me now because you know eventually I'll find it!"
"How am I different? I don't understand!"
"You're not this submissive unless you're planning something like the cunning little bitch you are. You've done this shit twice now and I'm not falling for it a second time. Now tell me the damn truth or I'll bend you over and fuck twins into you."
She seems frozen in slight fear before breaking down into sobs, giving the Captain slight pause but not enough to let her tears soften his black heart.
"Don't give me the waterworks. Tell me the truth."
"Nothing Levi! Honest, I have nothing planned. I just am tired of the fighting, the arguments, the beatings- I want for us to go back to normal, to be who we were before our marriage. Friends. Best friends. And if that means that I have to ride you until my legs are sore then I'll do it if it means I have my friend back."
Her words caught him off guard, clearly a trick. "How can I even begin to trust you after the shit you've pulled."
"You can't- but I'm trying to earn it back, believe me- I'll do whatever it takes to earn it back- you're so sweet to me when I'm pregnant, I want you to be like that always. And I know the only way is to either not stop getting pregnant or submit. So I'll submit."
He raises a brow. "And you know that submitting means I will give you more children."
"I know...but at least you can be gentle, sometimes- and while we're trying, you can still be as sweet- I know I don't deserve mercy now after what I've done, but please...just open yourself up to trusting me. In time that's all I want."
Levi goes quiet for a long minute. Weighing his options.
"Fine. I'll allow myself to consider trusting you."
True to his word he was more receptive of her gestures and treated her in kind with them. Allowing his guard to drop more and more. This is the woman who took care of him when he couldn't even stand to piss while in that wheelchair, the least he could do was trust her not to slit his throat or leave him.
However he followed through on his other promise to continue giving her children. Enjoying the sight of her extra round stomach with twins Kenneth and Erwin. During that pregnancy she had changed even more to a person he could trust. An Ackerman, tough as nails and with a tongue sharper than their swords.
He was proud of the legacy he had built in them.
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