#it’s nice to be in England seeing beautiful things and drinking tea
itspileofgoodthings · 10 months
also I had this moment when my high anxiety kicked in and I was like. about to undo everything and every conclusion I reached and I just heard “your God is a faithful God” in my mind and then I cried
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doctorloup · 10 months
Let me first make the following statements - 1) I come not to bin Caesar but to praise him. WOE.BEGONE is beautiful chaos, an erratic smorgasbord of musical talent, and complex characterisation. I respect this craft, I see how much work has gone into it and I am deeply impressed. Multiple ten-minute plus long fucking musical numbers, season finales with three whole songs in them. The memetic virus that is Old Brush Valley. Wild. 2) However, apart from respecting the music, I massively bounced off this podcast the first time I tried to listen to it, because I found the protagonist such an awful damp weasel of a man. I do not like the wet cat men so beloved of tumblr. I find them deeply annoying. No shade on you all but your kink is not my kink etc. I bounced off it so hard that I actually confused it with Ostium which I listened to around at the same time, and I would describe as fun and poignant, but really rather heterosexual. Woe.Begone is not remotely heterosexual. It is gayer than Quentin Crisp in a little Sailor Suit, gayer than the letter Bram Stoker sent to Walt Whitman saying "I am six feet two inches high and twelve stone weight naked". Gay as Elton John in a feather boa riding up Brokeback Mountain on a bear while sniffing poppers and quoting Oscar Wilde. I should have known. I should have guessed from the fans being absolutely feral nightmare gnomes.  They reminded me of the Stellar Firma fans. That shrieking bucket of wild kobolds snorting ketamine and downing tide pods vibe. That should have been a warning. But they asked nicely and they politely invited me into the discord server and like a fool I humoured them.  I gritted my teeth at the horribly flawed characters and I stuck with it….
Spoilers follow.
::deep breath::
MIKE WALTERS? Stupid idiot motherfucking Mike Walters goddamn fool multiple murderous alternately callous and arrogant shithead or wet as depressed otter’s pocket sociopathic-ARG-playing biggest varmint in the west cowboy motherfucking MIKE WALTERS WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK DID I JUST LISTEN TO? WHAT IS THIS CASUALLY/DELIBERATELY VIOLENT SLAPSTICK TIME TRAVEL FUCKING COSPLAY MURDER FEST? COWBOYIFICATION? Okay I understand this is a clever way for the VA to distinguish between characters played by the same guy, weird fetish aye but I’ve seen worse BUT WHY THE FUCK DOES NEARLY EVERY OTHER CHARACTER DO IT TOO JESUS FUCKING CHRIST ON A BISCUIT IN GRAVY I ALMOST STARTED DOING IT MYSELF MULTIPLE TIMES I HAD TO DRINK TEA AND THINK OF ENGLAND TO STOP MYSELF SAYING GET ALONG LITTLE DAWGIE shit here we go again help RULE BRITANNIA WHAT WHAT YOU WON'T GET ME YA BASTARDS
HOW CAN SO MUCH ABJECT HYPOCRISY, USELESSNESS AND NAKED SELF-INTEREST BE CRAMMED INTO THE BODY OF ONE, AND I USE THIS WORD LOOSELY, MAN?? NOT TO MENTION THE FRANKLY HETEROSEXUAL LEVELS OF TOXIC MASCULINITY FUCKSAKE AND WHILE I’M HERE HEY LETS TALK ABOUT THE OTHER CHARACTERS. Edgar “Inexplicably Evil Gluten-free Postman”,  Anne “I support my transfemme sisters but fuck this may be too far”, Marisa “Where in the holy fuck do you keep getting that tank?!” Ng, Matt “I thought you were too sensible to get involved in this nonsense but boy was I wrong”, Ty “No amount of apparently learning to respect boundaries will make up for this level of affably psychotic ‘For Science and the Greater Good’ leering viciousness” Betteridge, Я осуждаю тебя за то, что ты оставил свою собаку с Майками Борисом, Felix “Criminal Offence Against Oreos”, Hunter “Somehow worse than the protagonist, apparently that’s possible” Hartley, Sylvester August “Actually this character isn’t absolutely terrible, which is weird for a Harlan character, I’m usually immediately sus of anyone he plays carry on sir“ Baxter. HAVE I JUST GONE TO THE very helpful thank you WIKI SO I CAN ENSURE I HAVE VENTED ABOUT EVERYONE I WANT TO in this fucking TRAUMA POLYCULE YES I HAVE 
(Hey one second voice actors I hope you know I adore you even those of you who are CLEARLY COMPLICIT in this unstable lunacy anyway it was cool waiting to see which of you would voice the FUCKING MONSTER PEOPLE) 14/10 absolute fucking masterpiece, I look forward to the next episode so I can SCREAM LIKE A BANSHEE AND CALL DOWN THE WRATH OF EVERY HARPY IN EXISTENCE TO WREAK SHREDDING VIOLENCE ON MIKE. FUCKING.  WALTERS.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
265 of 2022
countries & places survey.
(Note: I feel it’s an exclusively American survey, so don’t feel weird about my answers XD hello, Europeans are here, too!)
England Do you like to drink tea?
No, I don’t really care about tea at all.
Do you like to put sugar in your tea?
I don’t drink tea.
Have you ever explored an ancient castle?
I wish I could, there are even some on my wishlist.
If you’re a Christian, are you Catholic or Protestant?
I’m actually from the mixed family, my mum is Protestant, but my dad is Catholic. They agreed to raise us as Catholics, my sister is religious and identifies with it, but I am not.
Do you live in a big house?
No, my house is small.
Are there a lot of seagulls where you live?
More than you think. I live not far from the sea and I can see and hear them often. It’s like one of the sounds of my childhood since I was born and raised at the sea.
Do you have a garden?
No, I don’t. Here we only have really small backyards.
Name something you own with the British flag on it.
Can’t think of anything.
What’s your favorite part of London?
I haven’t been to London yet.
If you’ve been to England, what was your favorite city you’ve visited?
I haven’t been to England yet, but I have a few places on my wishlist.
If applicable, what is/was your favorite store in London?
Not applicable.
Have you ever been lost in London?
You can’t get lost in a place you’ve never been to.
Would you say your personality is British? Do you think you’d fit in there?
Some British, some Dutch, some Belgian. I’m a real mix.
Do you have English ancestors, or are you from England?
I have some ancestry in the UK, but I wasn’t born in England or anything.
Ireland What is one of your favorite celtic songs?
I’m not familiar with Celtic music.
Do you have red hair?
No, I don’t.
Are you Irish?
No, I’m not.
Name 5 redheads that you know.
One of my childhood friends was a redhead, besides that, I don’t know that many of them. Do fictional characters count? If so, then Anne of Green Gables :P
Who in your family is/was a redhead?
No one.
If you’ve been to Ireland, what was your favorite city you visited?
I haven’t been to Ireland.
Did you have any bad experiences in Ireland?
I don’t have any experiences in Ireland. God, this survey is dumb.
Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?
No, I don’t.
Do you like Irish food?
I’m not familiar with Irish food.
What’s one thing you like about ancient cathedrals?
They’re beautiful as buildings.
Do you like rolling hills of green?
Yeah, they look nice. Sadly, we don’t have them here.
Do you like bagpipes?
Yeah, I like their sound.
If you’re Irish, what part of Ireland is your family from?
I’m not Irish.
Do you like English accents or Irish accents better?
China What is your Chinese zodiac sign? Do you like it? Do you feel it fits your personality?
It’s Horse and no, it doesn’t.
Do you like your American zodiac sign or Chinese zodiac sign better?
American zodiac sign... ooohkay XD
Do you like Chinese food?
I do, especially with rice.
List three of your favorite Chinese foods.
I’m not familiar with their names, but there we go.
Are you familiar with the topic of footbinding?
Who isn’t? We learn about such things in schools.
What are your favorite books about the Chinese?
I don’t think I’ve ever read any book about the Chinese. This survey is asking ridiculous questions, or the assumptions that everyone did this or that are ridiculous.
Do you know anyone Chinese?
Yeah, one person.
Who is your favorite Chinese youtuber?
I don’t know any Chinese youtuber.
Have you ever cooked Chinese food at home?
Tried once or twice.
Are you familiar with the Great Chinese Famine?
Sure. What do you think we’re doing in school?
Do you wish your school would teach you about other countries’ history?
I don’t have to wish for that. This is not the United States, here we learn everything.
Would you ever want to go to China?
Maybe visit, but not really live.
Do you have any Chinese in your family?
No, I don’t.
Japan Do you like sushi? If so, what are your favorite kinds?
I do, I think maki and sashimi. And nigiri.
What is your favorite manga series?
I’m not interested in manga.
Do you love Japanese street fashion?
It’s nice to look at, but nothing I would wear myself.
What color hair would you have as an anime character?
Probably green.
Are you aware of the struggles of Japanese Americans during World War 2?
As much as I’m aware of Belgium being the speed bump during the same war.
What is your favorite Japanese name?
I don’t know, Mariko?
Do you like bonsai trees?
I don’t mind them.
What’s one thing you think Americans should adopt from the Japanese?
Europe is not America, so why would I care? These questions are totally irrelevant to Europeans.
Have you ever listened to Jpop?
Yeah, unfortunately. My sister used to be obsessed with Japan and everything Japanese, this included their music.
Do you like Hello Kitty?
I don’t even care.
What is something you want to know about the Japanese?
How they produce sake so I could pick it up.
Do you know anyone who’s Japanese?
Not in person.
Would you ever want to go to Japan?
Sure, if not flying.
Australia Do you have blonde hair?
No, I don’t. Rather the opposite.
Do you live near a beach?
I used to live within 5 minutes from the beach, now I live about 20 kilometres from there.
Do you surf?
No, I don’t. Not for me.
Who is your favorite Australian youtuber?
I don’t know any Australian youtuber... wait, maybe Mikaylah because it’s funny how her subscribers pull pranks on her XD
Do you watch The Norris Nuts?
What’s that even? Never heard of it.
Who is your favorite Australian fictional character?
I don’t know and, honestly, I don’t care.
What is your favorite song by Hillsong?
Who is Hillsong? Jesus, these questions are so dumb, not everyone knows and likes the same things.
Have you ever tried to surf?
No, I haven’t. Not interested.
Do you skateboard?
No, but I did a little.
Have you ever been on an island?
Yeah, in Denmark. It was Bornholm, I think.
Do you live on an island?
No, I don’t. I’m pretty sure Belgium is not an island.
Do you like Australian accents or British accents better?
British by default, I’m not familiar with Australian at all.
Have you ever heard the term, “Crikey, mate!”
No, I haven’t. Must be something Australian.
Have you ever met anyone from Australia?
I know someone online who is an Australian.
Africa Do you know anyone from Africa?
Plenty of people. It’s normal in my country.
Are you familiar with the War on Sudan?
Yeah, there is something going on.
Do you own an Invisible Children shirt?
No, I don’t. I didn’t even know there was such a thing.
Have you been to Africa?
No, I haven’t.
What’s your favorite wild animal?
I think cheetah. They’re just like small cats, only quite much bigger. They even purr and meow.
Do you prefer dancing or drumming?
Neither, thanks. Who comes up with these questions?
Do you have good rhythm?
Maybe, or maybe not.
Would you ever want to go to Africa?
I would think of it.
What is a great African song?
Alane by Wes, that’s just it.
Have you ever tried African dancing?
No, I haven’t.
Do you own any African jewelry?
No, I don’t.
Ever danced to “Waka Waka”?
No, and I’m not going to.
What’s the furthest you’ve ever walked in one day?
I don’t know, but I’ve biked 40 kilometres in one day as a 9 years old.
Do you live in a mud hut?
I don’t think it’s a thing in Europe.
Mexico List 3 of your favorite Mexican foods.
I’m not even familiar with Mexican food, except for chili con carne.
List 3 Mexican names you like.
Do Mexicans havve unique names? So far I know they have Spanish names.
List 3 people you know who are Mexican.
I’ve had a Mexican classmate in uni, that’s all.
Have you ever been to Mexico?
No, I haven’t.
Would you ever want to go to Mexico?
Sure, but then again, flying.
Do you think you could handle being around people all the time?
No. Only if they are my people.
Do you like spicy food?
I love spicy food.
How do you do with crowds?
If I’m in a group, it’s okay. If alone, then I get panic attacks.
Is it hot where you live?
Not right now. Autumn is coming, you know.
Do you like bright colors?
I do, but not on myself.
Can you speak Spanish?
I can’t, but I’m thinking of going to school for that.
Have you ever been to a fiesta?
No, I haven’t.
Ever smacked a pinata?
What’s your favorite thing to order at Taco Bell?
There’s no Taco Bell in Europe.
The Middle East Are you Muslim?
No, I’m not.
Do you know any Muslims?
Yes, quite a few. It’s also normal here.
Do you know anyone who wears hijab?
One of my former classmates.
What are some of your favorite books about Muslims?
I can’t remember any titles, but I’ve read a few and they were interesting.
Ever been to a desert?
No, I haven’t.
Would you want to ride a camel?
No, I’m not interested.
Did you watch the show Legends of the Hidden Temple?
I don’t even know what it is.
Korea Have you read To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before? Have you seen the movie?
I haven’t seen either and it doesn’t sound like something I would be interested in.
Did you know that North Korea is closed?
Oh really, Captain Obvious? Better go brag about your knowledge to other Americans.
Would you ever want to visit South Korea?
I might, but not necessarily.
Have you ever had Korean food?
South America Have you read The Spirit of the Rainforest?
No, I’ve never heard of it.
Name one fact you know about Venezuela.
One of my online friends lives there.
Do you know anyone who lives in Peru?
No, I don’t.
Have you ever tried Peruvian food or drink?
No, neither.
Have you ever been to South America?
No, never.
Do you know anyone from Brazil?
Only online.
Would you ever want to visit South America?
Sure, mostly Argentina.
Name someone you know who owns llamas.
I don’t know anyone who owns llamas. Wrong country, man.
Do you like llamas?
I don’t mind them. They have funny faces.
Have you ever sewn on a loom?
No, I barely know what it is.
Do you own a skirt from Guetamala?
I don’t own any skirt.
Do you ever wonder why we don’t hear much about South America?
Maybe you don’t.
Thailand Do you like elephants?
Yeah, I do. They’re really intelligent.
WOuld you ever be brave enough to try walking on stilts?
What does it even have to do with bravery?
Do you know about sex trafficking in Thailand?
Do you know about sex trafficking in Europe?
Do you like Thai food?
No, I actually hate it.
Do you know anyone who’s Thai?
No, I don’t.
United States If you live in the US, which state do you live in?
I don’t live in the US.
Which states have you visited?
Which states have you lived in?
I’ve never lived in the US.
Have you ever been to Washington D.C?
What is your favorite American food?
I’m not familiar with it.
Do you listen to popular music?
No, I don’t.
Do you dream of having two kids and maybe a dog?
No, not at all.
…and living in a two-story house with a white picket fence?
Maybe, but let’s be realistic.
…and having a good job and saving for retirement?
I don’t have to dream about it.
….where you can retire to Florida and live on the beach?
I’ve spent my whole childhood on the beach by the sea you probably don’t even know the existence of. I’ve never been dreaming of Florida anyway.
Did you go to college? If so, what was your major?
I’ve graduated university with BAS in electrical engineering.
Were you abused by your parents?
By my mother, long story.
Do you know any nice people?
I know a lot of nice people. Some of them are not even Belgians.
How often do you bbq?
I don’t know, once a year?
What’s your favorite ride at Cedar Point?
WTF is even Cedar Point? I’ve never heard of it.
Other What’s the best family vacation you’ve been on?
I haven’t been on any family vacation, ever.
What countries have you visited?
France, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Poland. Belgium doesn’t count since I live here.
What countries do you want to visit?
Definitely more of France and the Netherlands, more of Germany, Spain, England, maybe Japan and Thailand. Also Hungary, Romania, Greece, Finland, Sweden and Norway. Oh and Iceland.
Have you ever been to NYC?
No, I haven’t. If I ever visit the US, hopefully I’ll land there.
Do you live in a big city, small town, or other?
In the city centre, and my city is the capital of the whole province.
Do you live in the city or country?
In the centre, as I said.
What is your favorite country besides your own?
The Netherlands. Yopu know, same language, lots of weed and handsome guys.
What country do you live in?
What is your ancestry?
My mum is half German, my dad is half Dutch, and my further ancestry traces to the UK, Switzerland, France, Poland and Ukraine. That’s what I know.
Are you happy with the American government?
Europe is not America, and so I don’t see any reason why we shgould care about American government at all.
What currency do you use?
Euros, like half of Europe.
Do you think you have an accent?
I do have West-Flemish accent when I speak Dutch, therefore I easily reveal myself as a Belgian. Mindblowing, I know.
Have you ever been told you have an accent?
Yup, Dutch people easily guess I’m a Belgian. That’s it.
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helloalycia · 3 years
The Wrong Lifetime – Five // Wanda Maximoff
chapter four | story masterlist | main masterlist | wattpad | chapter six
author’s note: dying of cramps but didn’t wanna leave y’all hanging, so enjoy! x
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Taking Wanda to Blackpool was something I couldn't stop thinking about for the past three days.
I kept telling myself that I had to remain calm, not make her feel uncomfortable with my obvious attraction to her, and to give her the best day out considering she'd never been before. It wasn't anything more than a girl spending time with her soon-to-be sister-in-law, and I had to keep reminding myself that whenever I'd feel a stir of desire in my chest at the thought her pretty smile or intoxicating gaze.
My family were thrilled when they heard of my plans with Wanda. My parents were glad I was actually making an effort to get on with her, whilst my brother was excited I was becoming 'best friends', as he put it, with his fiancé. That one stung a little, the guilt pricking my insides, but I convinced myself that that was exactly what I was doing. It wasn't wrong if I didn't think of Wanda in any way but what she was. Right?
The weekend came around quickly enough, and on Saturday morning, I met with Wanda at the train station where she waiting for me with an enthusiastic smile.
"I brought my watercolours and sketchbook so I can paint what's there," she explained as we boarded the train. "I also bought a lot of pencils in case some snap. I'm gonna draw everything I see so I don't forget a single thing."
We slid into our seats and I smiled with admiration as she continued to ramble about all of the things she wanted to do today. She looked so lively when she spoke, her hands moving about frantically to express her excitement, and her lips permanently etched into a smile when she wittered on. I didn't mean to stare, but God, she looked beautiful.
"Thank you again for doing this," she finished, head turning to mine.
Now, I'd read and written many clichés of someone falling for someone else, particularly the moment they knew they were too far gone. It was hard to believe if they were true depictions of liking someone, but I liked reading and writing them.
It was now that I learnt that they were no exaggeration, for when she looked my way with a beaming smile and glowing green eyes, I knew it was too late. There was no going back for my attraction to Wanda.
"No need to thank me," I spoke slowly, surprised I could speak at all since she'd knocked the breath from my lungs. "I'm glad you're excited."
The journey was a few hours long and we made conversation the whole way. It was the longest I'd spent alone with her since meeting her and I was intrigued by everything she had to say, hanging onto every word with all of my attention. If that wasn't enough, her accent only made everything she said sound so much better. She was naturally soft-spoken, but syllables rolled off her tongue in a silky, raspy way with her accent entwined in her words. I loved it.
At one point, the topic of our families came up and I felt like my brother came up in almost every conversation I'd had with anyone who discussed family, so I took this as my opportunity to get to know hers instead.
"What's it like to have a twin?" I asked, leaning on my elbow as I watched her attentively.
She mirrored my action playfully, though answered my question. "It's just like having a normal sibling, except they're way more annoying."
I smiled, imaging just how annoying Pietro could be as a sibling.
"I love Pietro, but he's very frustrating at times," she spoke with a hint of endearment. "He constantly throws it in my face that's he's older than me by twelve minutes. As if that makes a difference."
A chuckle flew from my lips as she pouted at her own words.
"But he's also my best friend," she said with a sigh, like that fact was irritating in itself. "He knows me better than anyone and he's the easiest person for me to talk to. I don't have to hide anything from him." She paused, glancing upwards in thought. "Well, almost anything."
Pursing my lips, I wondered what she meant as she mumbled the last part, but didn't question it. Everyone was entitled to their secrets.
"So, you and your family moved to England when you were kids, right?" I tried to recall what my parents had told me of them. "From Sokovia."
"Yes, we were about..." She scrunched up her nose as she tried to remember. "Eight years old, I think?"
"Wow, that's young," I realised.
She hummed in agreement, smile fading as her eyes fell to her hands. "Yeah... I don't remember much, but there was a lot of unrest at the time. A war. It was dangerous for everyone and my parents were lucky to get us out when they did."
I frowned, knowing some of this already, but it was sadder to hear when it was coming from Wanda herself.
"Our extended family didn't make it out," she continued to explain, voice quieter. "I didn't know them much, my parents' siblings, so it's not that sad for me. Pietro, too. But it's strange to think, you know? Especially when all of your family are around with this wedding and–" She sighed, shaking her head and looking to me with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bring the mood down."
I straightened up, reassuring her instantly. "Wanda, you don't need to apologise. It's okay. I... I didn't know any of that. I'm glad you told me."
She nodded, though the regret was still present in her gaze.
"I'm sorry all of that happened," I expressed honestly, not looking away. "But I'm glad you're here, if it makes a difference. You– your family are good people."
A small, appreciative smile graced her lips. "Thank you."
I shrugged, trying to brush it off so she wouldn't notice the heat rising up my neck. "It's nothing... so Sokovia. You speak Russian and English. That's pretty bloody cool."
She laughed wholeheartedly and any hint of sadness disappeared from her face, reassuring me completely. I didn't like to see her sad, especially when there was nothing I could do to make her feel better that I knew of.
"I promise to teach you some Russian today," she said with amusement. "A few words, just to diversify your vocabulary."
"Gee, thanks."
Another laugh escaped her and I chewed on my lip to contain my grin. I could get used to that sound.
When we reached Blackpool, Wanda was radiating with excitement. We couldn't make it two steps anywhere before she whipped out her sketchbook and began to sketch. She wasn't kidding when she said she was going to capture everything she saw.
I was patient, since the reason we came was for her, and watched as she worked. It was cute, seeing her concentrate and trying to stop dancing around with excitement every time I showed her something new.
We walked along the promenade and dipped in and out of the shops, looking at the gifts and clothes they sold. We bought a few things to commemorate the trip, but then Wanda was quick to drag me back outside so she could sketch the view of the beach from where we were stood. The grin on her face was convincing enough for me to let her drag me wherever she wanted. She looked so happy and I didn't care about anything else.
Eventually, around lunchtime, we headed to a café to have a break from all the excitement. Or rather, a break from running around. For Wanda, it was a better opportunity to sit still and sketch some more.
"So, you're drinking what, Y/N?" she asked, not looking up from her sketches as she worked.
I looked at my tea and lowered the cup. "Er, tea?"
"In Russian," she instructed.
"Oh." I cleared my throat, remembering what she taught me earlier. "Chay."
"And what's in the chay?" she asked, lifting her eyes to meet mine patiently. "The milk?"
"Moloko," I remembered, and the proud smile on her face reassured me I was correct. My shoulders relaxed as I returned her smile. "Thanks."
"You're a natural," she assured me, before looking back to her sketchbook. "I only taught you the words. You remembered it yourself. And before you know it, ty budesh' govorit' polnymi predlozheniyami na russkom."
My mouth opened with confusion, not knowing what she said. She seemed to realise as she chuckled at my expression.
"Never mind, milaya (darling)," she said with humoured eyes, before resuming her sketching.
I breathed out, taking another sip of my tea before grabbing a fork to dig into my pasta. As I chewed, I watched Wanda move her pencil effortlessly, creating lines that somehow resulted in a perfect drawing of the horizon.
"Do you only draw and paint landscapes?" I asked curiously.
"I can do portraits, too," she answered with a nod, glancing at me. "But they're never as good."
I gave her a knowing look. "I doubt that."
She merely smiled in response, eyes meeting mine for a moment, before shaking her head with amusement and looking back to her sketches. I chuckled, leaving her to it as I enjoyed my lunch and read the newspaper.
It was nice to just sit and enjoy each other's company as we did our own thing. I'd occasionally glance up to see Wanda focused on her drawing and smile, allowing myself to appreciate the sight, before looking back down to the paper and enjoying my pasta.
By the time I finished my food, as had Wanda, she straightened up and tore a page from her sketchbook. The noise pulled me from my reading and I looked up to see her holding the paper towards me.
I quirked a brow, but she simply shook the paper, signalling for me to take it. With confusion, I took it and became speechless when I saw what she'd drawn. It was me reading the paper, the exact view she must have had from being sat opposite me. It looked exactly like me, probably better since I knew I didn't look that good, and I was amazed at her talent all over again.
"You did this just now?" I asked with disbelief, looking up at her.
She shrugged and distracted herself with her pencil. "Yeah, it's not much. It's not my specialty."
I scoffed. "You're kidding. Wanda, this is amazing!"
Bashful smile on her lips, she glanced up at me. "Maybe it's the best portrait I've done. But I think that's down to my subject."
Even when she was embarrassed, she was still capable of turning the tables on me, leaving me a flustered mess. It was like her superpower. A very annoyingly cute superpower.
"That's what you look like y'know," she continued, nodding to the paper in my hand. "When you're focused on reading. You chew your lip with thought. And you get this little crease–" she pointed between her brows with a laugh, "–right here, and you seem to forget that anything else exists."
A sweet smile spread on her face as she tilted her head, watching me with intimidating eyes, very much aware of the effect her words had on me.
"You're very observant," I said, trying not to stutter, her gaze making me nervous. "Perfect skill for an artist."
She hummed in agreement, though didn't look away. "Mere artistic observation, right?"
My heart was hammering in her chest the longer she stared, especially when her words dawned on me. I'd said the exact same thing after she confronted me about picking her ring. I wondered if she could hear my heart pounding in my ears.
Just like the first time I saw her, I was at a loss for words and couldn't look away. She was compelling, beautiful and remarkable all at once.
"Nebo," I said, hoping it was the correct word for 'sky' in Russian, as Wanda had taught me.
She grinned. "Yes! And horizon?"
I pulled a face as I thought carefully. "Er...gorizont?"
"The student is soon to become the master," she said, and I rolled my eyes, knowing that was anything but the truth. I appreciated her encouragement though.
"Okay, before we head to the beach, we have to buy some rock," I told her, leading her to the stall on the promenade. "I got it last time and it's so good."
She furrowed her brows. "What's that?"
I smiled at her expression. "It's a sweet. Kind of like boiled sugar that's formed into a stick of, well, rock."
She didn't seem convinced. "If you say it's good, I trust you, I guess..."
I laughed, grabbing her hand and tugging her to the stall. "You'll love it."
After getting two sticks of rock for Wanda and I, we began to walk to the sand. I glanced at the brunette, wanting to see her reaction. She eyed the hard candy before attempting to bite it, a small piece breaking off at the top. Crunching on it, she scrunched her nose up.
"It's hard," she noted, swallowing the piece. "Tasty, though."
"It's better if you suck on it, love," I let her know with a hidden smile. "Tastes much better."
She did as I said, beginning to suck on the top, and seemed to enjoy it more. Giving me a thumbs up as she sucked it, I couldn't help but laugh again. She looked adorable, so I left her to it and did the same as we walked along the sand and towards the benches in the distance.
Like a child experiencing something for the first time, she began to point excitedly at Blackpool Tower and the ferris wheel in the distance and I just kept nodding along, letting her get excited because it made my heart skip a beat every time she flashed me a smile.
When we reached the benches, I was glad that today wasn't a busy day. It wasn't exactly tourist season, so the beach was scarce of anyone but residents of the town. And even then, our side of the beach was pretty empty, giving us first dibs on a bench that wasn't broken or uncomfortable.
Settling on it, Wanda pulled her legs up and sat cross-legged so she could lean on them and pull out her watercolours. I sat beside her and leaned back, inhaling the salty air and exhaling peacefully. I never had much reason to visit here apart from when my parents took my brother and I on the occasional trip, but it was nice to appreciate the sound of the ocean washing over the sand and the seagulls squawking in the sky. A big difference compared to back home.
Another silence formed between us as she painted the water ahead, and I couldn't help but glance her way, watching her pucker her lips with concentration. All she'd wanted was this and I was glad I could finally give it to her.
So she wouldn't notice, I looked away and stared out at the blue expanse of ocean before me. I should have been appreciating its beauty, but all I could think about was how it was no contest to the girl sat beside me.
"I'm really glad you brought me here today," she said out of the blue after a while, "but I wouldn't have said yes if I'd known you would be bored."
I looked to her and saw she was still preoccupied by her painting. "I'm not bored. We came here so you could see the water and find some new subjects to paint. And that's exactly what we're doing."
She sighed, looking up at me with a questioning glance.
Smiling reassuringly, I said, "I like the quiet. And I like watching you work. You look happy. It's good to see."
She tensed her jaw, stifling a smile, but her eyes said it all. She was grateful. Of course, her eyes were also very easy to get lost in, even if she didn't mean for me to. And right now, under the sun, I found myself drowning in pools of blue.
"What are you thinking?" she asked quietly, a hint of a smile on her face.
Stupidly, I felt compelled to tell her the truth. "I'm thinking about how you have really pretty eyes."
Attempting to make me flustered yet again, her favourite hobby by now I was guessing, she raised a brow teasingly. "Oh, really?"
It didn't bother me this time though, as I maintained eye contact and felt my heart swelling with adoration. "Yes. It's like you hold all the elements in a single gaze."
Her smile faded and that's when I realised what I'd said, my heart dropping to my stomach in an instant. Swallowing hard, I looked away and shook my head. An apology was waiting on the tip of my tongue when she spoke with realisation.
"It was you."
I glanced her way nervously. "What was?"
She was staring like her mind was working something out and I was the missing piece. "The letter that Y/B/N gave me last week. He wrote the exact same thing. What you just said."
My brows knitted together with confusion, then it hit me. The love letter Y/B/N wrote. The one he assured me was for his own eyes. He'd given it to her. And I'd just gone and said the exact thing he'd written on it, no doubt passing it off as is his own words.
"Th–that wasn't me," I got out, shaking my head slowly. "I didn't even know he gave you a letter, Wanda."
She continued to watch me, eyes squinting with scepticism. I swallowed hard under her gaze, trying to think of how I could come back from this. But apparently I didn't have to, because she suddenly leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine.
My mind was foggy when her fingers rested behind my neck, tugging me closer. I closed my eyes, melting at her touch, and began to kiss her back, moving my lips against hers. She was slow and gentle with me, her lips as soft as they looked and sending the butterflies in my stomach into a frenzy. I could have kissed her forever and been content, but my brain finally caught up to my actions and I reluctantly pulled away, stunned.
Glancing around to make sure nobody saw us – there was literally nobody here – I caught my breath and looked back to Wanda. Her eyes were drawn to my lips before they flickered to meet mine, darkened with desire.
"Why did you do that?" was all I could think to ask, and I was acutely aware of her fingers still grasping my neck, the skin burning where her tips grazed.
She licked her swollen lips, expression softening. "I think I've been falling for the wrong Y/L/N."
My lips pressed together, missing the feeling of hers against them. Never in a million years did I expect her to say something like that. I thought she'd been teasing me this whole time, but now, maybe there was truth to her actions.
"Did you really mean what you said?" she asked apprehensively.
She swallowed. "What you said about my eyes. Did you mean it?"
Well, she'd kissed me, so there was no going back now.
I nodded, noticing the hesitance in her eyes. "Yes... you're beautiful, Wanda."
She didn't say anything and the silence was deafening. I almost wanted to run back home and pretend this never happened, but that was the cowardly side of me. The other side, the disbelieving side, wanted to stay here with her and keep living in this little bubble we'd created.
"Can I kiss you again?" she finally spoke, eyes flickering between mine for confirmation.
Not trusting myself to speak, I nodded slowly, and she didn't waste another second as she leaned in once again. This time, I wasn't so surprised, so I kissed her back quickly, trying not to think about how wrong this was. How I'd been taught that this was wrong. Because I refused to believe this was wrong, that it was a sin, when it felt so damn right.
Wanda felt right.
When I got home later that afternoon, I couldn't stop myself from smiling.
Wanda was all that was on my mind. Everything about her was floating around up there – the contagiousness of her smile, the brightness of her eyes, the taste of her lips. When I left this morning, I wasn't expecting to return with– well, I wasn't sure what we were, but we'd decided to give whatever this was a go.
Of course, she was still engaged to my brother, but I tried not to think about that. She made me happy and maybe in a different lifetime we could have been together, but this was the wrong lifetime which meant I'd have to make some wrong decisions, this possibly being one of them.
The guilt was still present, but the adoration I had for Wanda overpowered it. The fact that she actually liked me back was too thrilling for me to even concern myself with the lack of future this relationship would have. I just wanted to enjoy what we had whilst we had it, even if it meant being together in secret.
"So, how did your trip go?" my mum asked me when I returned, looking up from her knitting.
I stifled my grin the best I could. "It was fun. Wanda loved the seaside."
My mother seemed pleased as she smiled my way. "Y/N, that's great. You know, I'm really proud of you for making an effort with her. It means a lot to everyone."
"She's going to be your sister-in-law after all," she continued knowingly, "so it's good you're spending time with her. Maybe you could do it more."
I hummed in agreement, my heart fluttering at the possibility of spending more time with Wanda. "Yeah, that could be good."
"Go on upstairs, you must be tired from the travelling," she said after a moment, noticing my distant headspace. "I'm glad you had fun today."
Wanda's smile appeared in my mind again, her lips ghosting my own. I sighed contently.
"Me, too."
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Title- 'The Salvatore and The Mikaelson
Pairing- Elijah Mikaelson x Salvatore!Reader
Summary: You are the older sister of Damon and Stefan Salvatore and had came from England with your husband to visit. You meet Elijah Mikaelson the night you learned Katherine's dark secret.
A/N: An idea popped in my head and I ran with it.
You sighed looking at your husband who shrunk away from your cold stare you got from your father. You and your husband had to go stay with your father and brothers while your husband's family had to fix things in England when word got out he was having an affair with a lady of the night.
"My beloved, please stop staring at me."
"Don't James. We wouldn't be in this mess if you kept it in your pants." You said as the carriage stopped in front of the Salvatore home. Damon stood outside with Stefan both dressed in nice suits with a woman standing between them.
"I wasn't aware you both had an older sister."
"Careful Katherine, Y/N is a cold woman so try to make a good impression because she is every critical of any woman near me and Stef." Damon said as Stefan glared at Damon as Katherine watched the driver helped you out. You dressed in a beautiful navy blue dress your dark hair in a low bun two curls framing your face.
"Your sister is every beautiful." Katherine said watching you open your fan as James came out of the carriage. James was a small round man as Katherine thought you should have married a much more good looking man.
"Welcome Y/N, James."
"Stefan, Damon. Who is this?" You asked staring at Katherine with a cold calculated stared that reminded the boys of your father. You were protective of your brothers which was why Giuseppe had married you off believing you were too soft with your brothers.
"This is Katherine Pierce, she is staying with us for awhile. She has no where else to go." Stefan said knowing you were judging Katherine but noticed the soft glit in your eyes.
"Lovely. James and I are only stay until next summer."
"Well me and Stef missed you sis." Damon said with a smile as you all went inside. That evening Katherine noticed how you seemly stayed near your brothers and them doing the same.
"Lady Salvatore, Stefan says you are a novelist." Katherine says sipping her tea as your eyes settled on her while your brothers were playing ball with your husband.
"Yes I am. Have you read them?"
"Why yes. But I must say I'm surprised a woman like yourself would write such scandalous things." Katherine said as you smirked sipping your own tea.
"We women do have fantasies of a handsome tall dark stranger to steal us away at night. To ravish us like no other can."
"Yes but your husband."
"My husband wouldn't know how to please a woman unless he pays for it." You said watching James fall face first and Damon burst out laughing while Stefan helped him.
"But vampires?"
"We all crave the darkness Miss Katherine." You tell her standing up to go help James while Katherine stared at you. A week into your stay you learned Katherine's secret. It was a late night as you woke feeling the bed was cold and noticed your husband was gone.
"I swear to God." You groaned getting out of bed putting on a dressing robe and went looking for James. You lit a candle walking out to the quiet hallway when you heard James moaning and realized it was coming from Katherine's room.
"James you piece of......." You stopped seeing Katherine on top of James with a bloody mouth. Katherine looked at you seeing you drop the candle before running.
You knew you couldn't tell Damon and Stefan, they were in town with your father for the night. You decided to run for it not before grabbing your vervain as Katherine caught you and was going to bite you. You smashed the bottle of vervain against her face making her let you as you got up running out into the cold night.
You were panting as you ran having grabbed a wooden stake on your way out. It was freezing as you could see your breath crying out when Katherine grabbed you by your hair throwing you down.
"I was going to let you live Y/N. But you ran and going to tell them about me." Katherine said tilting your head getting ready to bite you.
"Don't worry I'll make it pa......" You cut Katherine off when you stabbed her in the abdomen. You pushed her off when the vampire fell over and you got up running once again. Katherine growled pulling out the stake pissed off but impressed with how much you were fighting.
You screamed when an arm came around your waist and pulled back against a strong chest.
"Careful there." You heard a smooth voice say as you looked up your breathing hitched seeing a every handsome man staring down at you with warm mocha eyes.
"You're hurt." The man said as you realized that Katherine had hurt you as your side was bleeding. The man bit his wrist holding it up to you and you were confused. You ylep when he pressed his wrist to your mouth forcing you to drink his blood healing you.
"Elijah?!" You heard Katherine and you tensed in Elijah's hold as he calmly looked up pulling his wrist from your mouth.
"Katerina, I've been looking for you."
"I'm aware but I would like Lady Salvatore back." Katherine said as you gripped Elijah's arm and he picked up on your racing heart.
"You're going to kill her."
"She caught me. She knows too much I can't risk it."
"Why not compel her?" Elijah asked as you realized he was a vampire and tried to get away from him but Elijah held you tighter.
"Drinks vervain. Death is my only option." Katherine said as you managed to break away from Elijah falling to the ground. Katherine grabbed you making you cry out.
"Katerina, don't hurt her. What if I took her? Help cover your tracks." Elijah says watching Katherine hold your neck as you teared up scared.
"Sorry Elijah I can't risk it." Katherine said snapping your neck and dropped your body leaving. Elijah frowned walking over picking up your body taking you back to the inn he was staying in.
You woke up with gasp noticing you were in a man's shirt and in a warm bed. Elijah walked in carrying a tray with a glass of red liquid.
"Good morning Lady Salvatore."
"You're the man from last night....but Katherine killed me."
"I'm Elijah Mikaelson, you had my blood in your system. You are in transition if you don't drink this blood you'll die." Elijah tells you as you stared and took the glass drinking it taking the first step in forever.
Elijah had became your friend, Sire and now husband as you were now 181 years old and it felt weird being back in Mystic Falls. You walked down the street as you hadn't really changed as you were still bit of a cold woman.
"Stefan?" Elena asked as seeing the vampire stopping and followed his line of sight seeing you standing in front of a floral shop.
"That is my sister."
"I thought Katherine killed her like you said?" Elena said following after Stefan when he headed for you.
"So did I."
"Hello Stefan." You say when you looked up seeing your baby brother then your eyes landed on Elena. Elijah had told you about the doppelganger as you both got to town.
"How are you?"
"Alive? I was turned like you by my husband."
"James was a vampire?" Stefan asked confused as you laughed lightly.
"No, my Sire is my husband. Katherine killed James the night she thought she killed me."
"Wait who is....."
"Hello Stefan, Elena. I hope you both aren't bothering my wife." Elijah says walking up standing by you kissing your hand as you blushed still not used to Elijah being affectionate with you.
"You turned my sister!" Stefan growled angry as you stepped between them eyes narrowed at Stefan.
"If he hadn't I would be dead. Elijah tried saving me from Katherine." You tell your brother as Stefan looked between you and Elijah.
"Let's go Elena. I need to tell Damon." Stefan said leaving with Elena as You frowned. Elijah placed a hand on your waist.
"Don't worry dear. We should get going, mother is planning a ball."
"Alright. It has been awhile since I went to a ball." You tell Elijah hoping that it will go well with Damon.
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Meeting and Dating Jay Gatsby
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You officially met Jay a while after he first saw and fell for you. You came from a relatively low class family and lived in tiny home with your parents; as most unmarried girls did. 
- It was out of sheer coincidence that Gatsby first saw you. Your fathers shop was a little ways away from a usual meeting place of his and you’d often sit under the awning when business was slow. He’d just been walking outside of said place when he glanced across the street and caught a glimpse of you, fanning yourself in the shade. 
- Even in the heat with your face flushed and/or damp and your hair a bit frazzled; you still looked angelic. There was a certain sweetness to you; an undeniable beauty to your face and a subdued grace to your demeanor. He found himself returning to the area in hopes of seeing you again; even when he had no business there. 
- Gatsby's never been very good with women; at least women he found extremely charming, so as much as he wished to, he was far too nervous to just walk over to you. But then he saw his way in.
- Nick Carraway, whom you greeted with familiarity as he stopped just as the entrance of your fathers shop to speak with you for a minute. You should have seen his awkward pacing outside of Nicks house before and as he arrived home, waiting to ask a favor of him; it really was quite adorable. 
- So Gatsby allows himself to ask Nick if he’d be able to help him in his endeavor and obviously his friend agreed. You’d known Nick for a good few months and had gotten quite friendly with him so when he telephoned your home and invited you over for tea, you didn’t think much of it. 
- What did surprise you was the fact that another, sharply dressed man arrived at the house a few moments after you had; a man Nick introduced as Jay Gatsby. He initially seemed somewhat constipated as the three of you sat together though you occasionally thought you’d seen him sneaking glances your way. Finally, Nick exclaimed that he had to take a quick trip into town and told you that he’d be right back, leaving you alone with the man in his living room.
- It was a bit awkward at first but then you’d mentioned the flowers; the ones he’d bought, and how you had a memory involving them or that you’d always wanted to see ones like it and that they didn't grow anywhere you lived. His face softened as you spoke and a smile spread across it, his eyes sparkling as he looked at you in absolute adoration. 
- In that moment, you reminded him of himself in a way. A penniless dreamer who was worth more than the life they were handed. It was like he was back in North Dakota looking at his younger self staring at the stars. 
- Nick “returns home” only to be excitedly invited by Gatsby to the castle that he calls a home; after you expressed interest in “one day seeing it”. Like any normal person would be, you were in awe of the place, and Gatsby was falling even more in love with you by the minute. 
- A day or so later, you’d gotten a knock at your door and lo and behold, it was one of Gatsby’s butlers, delivering to you a handwritten invitation to one of his parties like you were the queen of England. How could you refuse?
- You put on your best dress; though you still end up feeling severely underdressed the minute you get there, and call a cab. Gatsby lingered about and observed you for a bit before he asked the “old sport” (Nick) to bring you to him at the top of the stairs. 
- Soon enough you were smiling up at and greeting him kindly before  the two of you began to speak to each other. You spent the rest of the night, dancing, drinking, gushing to him about his party, and occasionally moving to more intimate settings for more personal conversation. 
- By the end of the night, you were quite smitten with him, and he’s obviously more than smitten with you. He’s called away on business as you’re leaving but he insists that you let one of his men drive you home and asks that you call him the next day, to which you agree without thinking.
- You call him at noon and his butler picks up, handing the phone to him after a moments wait. Jay eagerly gets on and says “how about you come over”, after which he tells you he’ll come to pick you up. 
- As you’re getting ready to leave, he speaks with your father and you can overhear him discussing business with the man. Later on, you’ll learn that he proposed that he could “help” your father with his shop which only made the man even more happy to let you spend time with the bachelor. 
- So, you spend the day with the man, exploring his home and swimming on his beach while being waited on hand and foot. You felt like an absolute princess for the first time in your life and the way he looked at you; the way every girl wanted to be looked at, was addicting. 
- You share your first kiss that day while the two of you are swimming. You’re both laughing and bobbing next to each other when you meet eyes, your laughter fading naturally and comfortably. He reaches out to brush the hair from your face and you let him, though his hand lingers on your cheek.
“I’d like to kiss you.” He says and it’s part statement and part question. 
- You inhale sharply and in a sort of high, flustered whisper, you say “then go on”, and he smiles before doing so, his chilled lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss; one that conveys just how much he’d grown to love you in one desperate action. 
- In that kiss is a promise; one that both of you recognize. The promise of a life spent happily by each others sides; the life he’d dreamed of since the moment he saw you. 
- He gives you as much affection in public as he can; mainly innocent things like soft kisses and gentle touches. He likes to treat you like a lady so he’s more reserved in his actions than his party guests are with their women.
- Handholding. He occasionally likes enveloping one of; or the two of, your hands in both of his while the two of you are sitting and talking; or just laying a hand on top of yours and lightly grasping it.
- Hugs from behind. He likes holding you close and resting his chin on your shoulder, nuzzling the side of his face against yours.
- Kisses pressed to your jaw, neck and shoulders; especially after he kisses your lips. You’re usually in a more intimate setting when he does.
- Forehead kisses no matter where you are.
- Sometimes, his kisses alone are enough to make you feel dizzy and weak in the knees. He’s a very passionate man when it comes to you.
- Laying your head in his lap. He’ll brush his fingers across your hair and back, and try his best to snuggle close to you whenever he can.
- Cuddling with your head on his chest and his arms wrapped wrapped you; he likes feeling your arm laying across his stomach or your hand resting on his chest. He also likes spooning you from behind and pressing kisses to your shoulder.
- Wearing his silky, expensive shirts in the mornings. He loves seeing you in them, there’s just something so charming about it to him.
- He’ll either just call you by your name or “darling”. He likes the sophisticated sound of it.
- Lots of photos. He’s got a scrapbook of the two of you; mostly you.
- Being introduced to a bunch of A-list celebrities. All you have to do is tell him that you like someone’s something and he can set up a lunch “date” for the two of you.
- The entire world couldn’t even compare to you in his eyes. You’re everything to him and he’s damn proud that you’re his girl.
- He can never get enough of you. No matter how long you’ve been together, he’ll always want to be close to your side.
- Beach dates. He’s got his own personal beach so why wouldn’t you use it?
- Boat, or rather Yacht, rides. Sometimes, the two of you will fall asleep, wrapped up in each other’s arms in one of the ships rooms during the warm summer days.
- Lounging in the sun or in the shade of his gardens. You’ve had quite a few picnics in his huge backyard.
- Gourmet dinners.
- Having tea together.
- Double dates with Nick and Jordan; or whatever girl he’s found himself getting involved with.
- Considering just how rich he is, he; most likely, has a theater room in his home so you can watch any film you’d like in the comfort of his arms. He certainly wouldn’t object to taking you to a broadway show either.
- Having everything you could ever want or ask for. He absolutely spoils you; it’s one of his favorite things to do.
- Going on drives.
- Since it’s the 1930s and because your family wasn’t exactly wealthy, you most likely don’t know how to drive and he found it quite fun to teach you. You spent a day clumsily drifting around the grounds of his home while he smiled and laughed.
- Getting to do everything men at the time did. If you want to experience something then god dammit, he’s going to let you!
- Everyone is aggressively nice to you because of who he is. You definitely have to get used to suddenly being treated like a Princess by just about everyone in town.
- Every once in a while, he convinces himself about certain things and once he does, nothing can change his mind about them. He has a lot of expectations; though they usually don’t affect you in a negative way.
- Dancing together. Could be at a party, could be when you’re alone, either way, he loves doing it with you.
- Sneaking away at parties. He enjoys the atmosphere and, to an extent, he throws them to keep up a good reputation with his associates, but he does prefer to just spend time with you when it really comes down to it.
- His lips taste like champagne a lot of the time; especially if you’re kissing at one of his parties.
- Being interrupted by business. You saw how incessant his “colleagues” can be, don’t be surprised when he gets called away from you; though he oftentimes tells them he’s busy if you’re doing something special.
- Exploring his home. He’s got more rooms than anyone could ever need and you constantly find yourself seeing new things whenever you take it upon yourself to travel through his mansion.
- Getting to hear his life story. At the beginning of your relationship, he chooses the best aspects of it and leaves out the questionable or less desirable parts. He’ll most likely tell you about those when you’ve been together longer.
- Your praise means the world to him. He only really thinks that your; and nicks, opinion of him truly matters. You can make his entire week by simply telling him that you’re proud of him.
- He loves when you express your feelings about him. He loves you more than life itself so those little comments about how you wish you could stay by his side constantly or how you wished you’d met him sooner really get to him.
- Every once in a while, he’ll really lose his temper on someone and you’ll assure him that you aren’t scared and try to help him relax. It’s in those moments that you realize how dangerous he can be, but from the way he can stop himself, you know he’s better then a lot of men.
- He’s always there for you whenever you need him, no matter the reasoning. He’ll speak quietly to you, whispering comforting words as he holds your face in his hands.
- Considering the fact that he can give you whatever you want and because you’re both so obviously in love, he rarely gets jealous. When he does, he just tries to keep a close eye on them or steer you away whenever he can.
- He’s incredibly protective of you, he’ll always jump to your defense; no matter who the person is, and do whatever he can to make sure you’re okay. He’ll sit outside of your house all night to make sure you’re okay if he has to.
- He’s got the police in his pocket and a dozen men that owe him favors so if you have a problem, he’ll be able to handle it; and he’ll do so selflessly if he has to.
- The two of you don’t fight very often, you don’t have a reason to. In those rare instances that you do, he remains relatively calm, perhaps giving a quick raise of his voice out of frustration before sighing, apologizing, and trying to explain more.
- He’s always quick to apologize, he hates when you’re upset with him so he’ll want to explain and have things be alright between you as quickly as possible. He’ll follow after you and do his best to smooth things over whenever he has to.
- He knows that he loves you and he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from expressing it even if he tried. He adores whenever you tell him that you love it; it’s all he wants you to do.
- He has your entire future together already planned out. It’s very likely that he proposes to you fairly early into your relationship; and is a bit of a groomzilla during the wedding planning.
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falloutjay · 3 years
Christophe x childhood friend reader x Kenny, Christophe, Gregory and reader have been friends since gradeschool. Reader was a very emotional person who cared about everyone. She was very sweet yet still helped the boys assassinating people. Reader had always had an obvious crush on Christophe but she never seems get to an direct answer and it really starts to bum her out. So she starts trying to stop showing her feelings to him. It worries people because she starts being more quieter than her normal self. When asked, all she can say ' I just realized that there's something I could never have' and nothing else. It's until reader's parents (who are bakers) get a job opportunity in a town named South Park. It's a very awkward goodbye (with Christophe, it's sad af with Gregory) and she leaves.
As if a switch was pulled, reader goes back to being a sweet and emotional girl (much to her parents delight/relief). We makes lot of new friends and gets a new crush too, Kenny McCormick. She's shy around him at first, much to her friends: Bebe, Wendy, and Nicole's confusion. She confides in them and tells her past troubles with love. They comfort her and tell that it's sure to be different. So reader lightens up around Kenny and they begin a beautiful relationship.
Yet we hit a rough patch when Kenny's womanizing way Catches up with him (Kelly, Tammy, etc) so we naturally get defensive (not to how we were with Christophe but still pretty strained). But worry not, reader (and her friends) win their class a trip to London (they sold 7,777 cookies!!!). Reader is nervous but doesn't stress to hard, it's not like Christophe is still leaving there right? Well after settling into their hotel, Reader and Gregory run into each other and have a heartfelt reunion then reader reunites with Christophe and it's really awkward. So Gregory and Christophe decide to join them on their trip, but something wrong. Christophe seems a lot more open with reader, which confuses reader and Kenny, having connected the dots, tries keeping reader for himself. And poor reader's in a blushy confusing emotional spiral.
I had such a blast writing this. Writing Christophe is mad fun.
Btw, I implied that the events of the movie never happened here, so Wendy and the others never met Gregory or Christophe.
Kenny and Christophe are also pretty mean girls basically but I loved it so much, I couldn't help myself. ^^
Warnings: Kenny and Christophe are a little OOC I think, swearing, French, Bad French.
Christophe x Childhood friend!Reader x Kenny
You hummed as you waited for your best friends in the whole wide world. You had prepared a nice little lunch with self-made sandwiches, lemonade, and brownies.
Your excitement went through the roof, once you heard the door to your secret hideout open. Gregory was the first to come in. “Ah, Y/N, what a lovely surprise!” He said gleamingly and admired the beautifully set table. He put down his backpack and as he did so, your longtime crush strolled in. Cigarette in mouth, dirty all over him and an annoyed expression painted on his face, Christophe.
“Hey, how was the job?” You asked sweetly, as Gregory sat down, and Christophe did so too after a short hesitation. “It went well unti-” “Until zat fucking dumb kid made the wrong zound and made me mess up the whole time plan. Why does no one know what a dying giraffe sounds like?” He ranted, hands moving around hastily, while you and Gregory chuckled. “It’s not funny!” The dark-haired protested while he lit his cigarette. You just smiled.
Despite Christophe’s mean demeanor, you had a huge soft spot for him. “Hey, Christophe?” You asked, demanding his attention, which he gave you, while also taking a bite of a sandwich. “Would you maybe like to hang out sometime?” Gregory pretended to not exist and focused on the suddenly very interesting drink in his hand. He knew you liked their friend. But he also knew Christophe better than anyone else. And the blond knew this couldn’t end well.
“Ah, excuse moi, mais…I just don’t have the time currently.” You nodded, trying your best to not show how disappointed you were. It pained Gregory to see you like this. He loved you like a sister and seeing how Christophe was constantly breaking your little heart made him sad.
To his demise, you only grew quieter with time. When Gregory pressed you on the matter, asking what’s wrong, all you managed to mumble was: “I guess… I just realized that there's something I could never have”. It made him worry. You were such a sweet girl but recently you had become a husk of yourself and today was no different.
They had just come back from another job but this time you didn’t even greet them, just passed the folders in which you listed the new jobs they could take. “Here. I am afraid I have some bad news though.” You mumbled as you pressed the papers in their hands. Gregory looked at you with worry on his face. “What’s wrong, dear?” He asked and noticed how close you were to crying.
“My parents got a really good job over in Colorado. We will move next week.” You mumbled. Gregory threw the papers across the room, before storming to hug you. You held him close, feeling sad, that you would never again drink tea with your favorite English gentleman, and that deeply saddened you.
Your eyes wandered over to Christophe, who looked somewhat sad but made no move to express this. “I can't believe it. You’re THE most important part of this organization and you will be gone by next week?! Who is gonna help me with all the papers?” Gregory held you so close, you almost had trouble breathing.
“I gotta go early today since I have to start packing. I will miss you two so much.” You said, not being able to stop the tears from flowing down your cheeks. “Yeah, sure, take your time. If you need any help, you know you can always count on me.” Gregory said, finally letting go of you. You nodded and walked up to Christophe.
“I guess that’s it huh?” You muttered. “Oui. You will be a great loss to zis organization.” Awkwardly you nodded. Was this really everything he had to say? You didn’t see Gregory in the background, wildly gesticulating for him to say more. The dark-haired raised an eyebrow until he finally got what his partner tried to say.
“We will miss you.” He thought this was a perfectly fine answer, but didn’t catch how much that hurt you. “Yeah, me you too.” You said and walked towards the exit. “See you guys!” You called out before you vanished.
“Great job making her feel like shit.” “What waz I supposed to say?”
“My God, Y/N, you have been here for over half a year now! Just tell him already!” Bebe commented and you blushed profusely. “N-no! He doesn’t even like me that much!” You protested, your cheeks colored in a deep red. “There is no point in denying sweetheart. You both are head over heels for each other. Trust me, Stan told me how much Kenny talks about you.” Wendy reassured you. She pointed with her fork over to the table the boys were seated on and sure enough, the blond boy you were talking about was looking over, waving even when he spotted you looking at him. You shyly waved back, before hiding in your sweater.
“Okay, Y/N, what the fuck happened when you lived in England? I can’t imagine you always behave like this around someone you like.” Nicole looked sternly at you, and you let out a deep sigh. “Well, fine, yeah, there was a guy before Kenny that I liked.”
The girls all pushed their food trays to the side, to stick their heads closer together. “In England, I was close friends with two guys.” “Ohh, a three-way?” “Bebe!” Wendy hissed before they let you continue. “They are assassins and I helped them with everything behind the scenes, like contacting clients, paperwork, and all that. Gregory was my best friend, and the other guy is a French, god-hating, foul-mouthed idiot named Christophe. And I really had a thing for him, but he was always super cold and just not that interested in me.” You rambled and the girls listened attentively. “Okay, okay, Y/N, hear me out on this one…” Bebe began, and you looked at her. “Have you maybe thought about the fact that that Christophe guy was just an idiot? You’re great and Kenny sooo has a thing for you. Just go for it!” Nicole and Wendy nodded. “Yeah, you gotta make new experiences, real experiences.” Nicole agreed and Wendy gave it a thumbs up.
Before they could talk any further, you felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around. Kenny stood there, smiling warmly. “Hey, Y/n, I just wanted to ask if you maybe wanna go to the mall with me on Saturday and maybe get a smoothie or something?” You felt your face heat up and heard the girls squeal quietly. You nodded. “Yeah, that would great!” You answered and he shot you a flashy smile. “Great. I’ll come to pick you up, yeah?” You nodded excitingly and he walked back to the boy’s table. “Ahh, you got a date!” Nicole beamed and so did the other two. A big smile was glued to your face, and you only managed to nod. “We will so come over on Friday and get you ready! Girls’ night!” Bebe planed and you happily agreed.
Being with Kenny was great. He was loving, always looked out for you, loved listening to you, and yet, you hated his guts just now. You wanted to strangle those stupid sluts that constantly clung to his side like their life depended on it. Yeah, you knew Tammy and he had history, as did Kelly, but did he really have to talk to them that much? Didn’t he see how much you hated it? “Hey, babe!” He whispered into your ear, and you moved away. “Hey, Kenny.” You said coldly. You waited for Mister Garrison to finally let you in the hotel. You and the girls managed to win the school competition for a trip to London, by selling 7,777 packages of cookies, totally legally, by the way, nothing to see here, so now your class was in London and after you sat with the girls in the bus Kenny had sneaked up to you. You were kind of nervous, fearing that you could maybe run into…him… but there was no chance he still lives here, right? Right?
You didn’t know why, but since Kenny had started to talk to his bitches, as you called them, again you distanced yourself from him. You were afraid of being hurt again, so distancing yourself was an automatic reaction.
Once you got settled in your room, the girls proposed discovering the town, since you guys had no events for the day. You happily greed and once in the corridor, you spotted Stans gang down the hall. Wendy asked them to join, much to your demise. You wanted girl time, not being secretly annoyed with Kenny time.
You, Wendy, Bebe, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny wandered the streets, taking in the new scenery. “It’s pretty nice here, isn’t it?” Wendy asked as she put the sweets she bought in her bag. “Yeah!” You agreed and sipped on the tea you ordered.
You guys had sat down at a café to just watch the bussing streets and enjoy some British tea. Kyle was talking to Stan about Cartman, and what prank they’d play on him tonight. Kenny was chatting with Bebe and Wendy about Tammy and Kelly, much to your demise and you just looked around. Your eyes wandered and you watched the other patrons when you stopped at a familiar seeming one. Your mouth was agape, there’s no way your eyes weren’t tricking you right now?!
The in leather gloved hands, the orange button-up shirt, that thick golden hair… A book rested in his left hand, while the other held the tea with an extended pinky. It was him. Gregory. He must have noticed you staring as he looked up and recognized you as well. A big smile appeared on his face, and he quickly put the book in his leather messenger bag. You got up, ignoring the questions from the others, while you ran into Gregory’s extended arms.
“Y/N my dear! I would have never guessed to see you again!” Gregory proclaimed, spinning you around. Neither of you cared that everyone was watching. “I’m so happy to see you. It has been ages!” You mumbled, still hugging your long-lost friend tightly. You only lost contact because you lost your phone during the move, so you had no way of contacting them. Before you two could talk, Kenny appeared by your side.
“Hey, babe, who is this guy?” He asked and as you turned around you saw the questioning looks of everyone. “Oh sorry. Guys, this is my old friend Gregory, we have been friends since we were little. Gregory, these are my friends from America, Wendy, Bebe, Kyle, Stan, and my boyfriend Kenny.”
Gregory properly introduced himself and moved to sit with you guys. He talked with your new friends, and you immediately saw how Wendy and Bebe hung to his lips. You understood that. Gregory was a really good-looking young man by now. You chuckled when you spotted how jealous Stan became with each passing second. Soon Gregory’s phone rang, and he excused himself to take the call.
“Oh my god! That’s the Gregory, you told us about, Y/N? Why did you hide that he’s a British snack!” Bebe exclaimed and you chuckled. Soon Gregory sat back down and that devious smile on his lips made you wonder.
“Ze Mole is coming.” He just said, knowing you wanted to question his smile. You felt the blood in your veins freeze for a second.
“He is still here?” You asked and Gregory nodded. “Why wouldn’t he? We kept the organization running. And there is always a spot for you if you ever want to come back.” The blond spotted the longing in your eyes at an instant. Kenny watched it happening quietly, carefully watching you. Soon enough, a certain someone arrived, pulling another chair to your table, and sitting on it backward, so that he was leaning on the backrest.
Your heart was beating like you had just run a marathon as you inspected every detail about him. His dark messy hair was roughly still the same and his trademark cigarette his only accessory. The tight-fitting dark green shirt fit him perfectly you thought and the tactical belt around his torso was still there. He also still wore fingerless gloves. The two really didn’t change much, apart from becoming older.
“Well, Christophe, these are Y/Ns friends from America.” Gregory introduced them and the dark-haired male lazily gifted him a wave. Wendy and Bebe noticed how you were obviously checking him out and laughed.
“I see you got a thing for baddies.” Bebe whispered into your ear, and you wanted to protest, but got interrupted by Stan.
“Well, I like this sort of reunion, but don’t wanna want to continue or sightseeing?” Gregory smiled warmly, as he offered to play tour guide for you. Your friends happily agreed to his proposition, feeling glad to have a real British tour guide. So, you guys paid for your orders and started walking.
To your surprise, instead of walking up front with Gregory, Christophe walked next to you, eyeing you curiously. “It’s nice to ze you again, mon chéri.” He said you felt your face heat up. Did he seriously just call you that? Did he actually say he’s happy to see you again?
“Well, it has been a while, hasn’t it?” You mumbled and Christophe had a pleasant smile resting on his face. That was a new thing, you thought. While Christophe walked next to you on your right, Kenny was on your left and eyeing the French with jealous eyes. He was an expert at reading people and he spotted Christophe’s attraction to HIS girlfriend miles go and he wasn’t blind to your body language either. You two had history. That much was clear.
Gregory led the group down to a nice spot near the riverbanks of the Thames where the girls took pictures together. Kyle and Gregory switched taking the group photos, while Kenny stood next to Christophe, both looking at the others.
Everyone felt the obvious tension between the two. “Don’t even think about, frog eater.” Kenny said, which made Christophe chuckle.
“Ahh, you Américains are so funny. You think everything belongs to you, when in reality she was already mine, once I sat down at ze table.” Christophe took the last puff of his cigarette, before stomping on it on the ground. Kenny averted his gaze and looked at his newfound rival.
“Yours?” He questioned but didn’t Christoph didn’t reward him with an answer. He only chuckled and put a new unlit cigarette in his mouth.
“Écoutez-Vous. You sound so funny.” The girl the two were fighting about returned with Bebe and Wendy and they all obviously felt the tension between the two.
“Ken, come over. Group pics!” Kyle called out to him and somewhat annoyed, Kenny jogged over. So you and your two friends were left with the French man.
“I just wanted to say, you look formidable, ma briquette.” Wendy and Bebe quietly squealed, as Christoph took your hand to press a kiss on your knuckles. You blushed a deep red. What had happened to him? He never behaved like that, but you couldn’t deny how he made your knees weak.
“Hey, Hey, Hey!” Kenny called out and quickly came stomping back. “I just told you to back off.” Kenny said. “Ah sorry, my English is pretty bad, I must have misunderstood.” Christophe shrugged. Kenny wrapped his arms around you and held you close.
“I’ll fuck you up if you don’t keep yourself in check.” Kenny spat and you broke free of his forced hug. “Ken, what the hell?” You questioned his sudden aggression, but you were quickly shoved away by Christophe, who now got all up in Kenny’s face.
“Oh, zen pray to whatever hate-filled God you believe in, and I hope for you he’z real because nothing will be as real as your fucked up face once I am done.” “Oh, I don’t believe in Gods. Not when I already know what hell looks like and so will you when I get started.”There was no point in denying that you, Wendy, and Bebe were super interested in this showdown. It was interesting to see two guys who were obviously fighting over you get so riled up.
Bebe leaned over and whispered: “Damn Y/N, you really got the hot guys fighting over you.” You had a faint pink tone on your cheeks. The two guys you liked were ready to basically kill each other over you. It was kind of flattering. Stan and Kyle tried getting the two to calm down, but to no avail, as they just kept going with their petty insults.
Gregory walked up next to you, leaning down to talk. “You are the only one who can get them to stop, you know that right?” He questioned.
“Yeah. But you must admit, this is kinda entertaining.” He laughed and nodded. “You’re right.” “Give me a minute Gregory. I never had someone fight for me.” You whispered with a hot face, watching as Kyle and Stan tried to pull the two away from each other.
Your heart was confused, seeing Christophe again and how he now behaved towards you awakened feelings you thought weren’t there anymore, but you also loved how Kenny was ready to fight for you. How could anyone not find this super interesting?
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cml-san · 2 years
Hi hi! How are you doing? I hope you're doing okay. Reminder to drink, eat and sleep. 💕 And that you're doing amazing!
On that note, if you're currently taking requests, I would like to leave one.
Could I have Kusou, Aren (Saiki K), Norway, America (Hetalia), Bakugou and Todoroki (MHA) with a crush on someone who uses pet names a lot? Like they'll greet their friends (including them) by going (for example) "Kusou! My love!"
No stress in doing it though! And feel free to only do some of the characters.
Thanks a lot!!! I hope you are doing amazing, I'm sorry it took so long
• Okay, he loves pet names • He always goes to poor Iceland like "c a l l m e b i g b r o t h e r" • ... • (I think I might or might not have just messed up with your brain, my apologies) • Which comes off as a surprise to many due to his cold demeanor • He probably sees it as cute but it doesn't really make him flustered or anything • However, he does love it when you call him "dearest" • His little smile is almost unnoticeable, but it's right there • As his crush on you grows you can finally see an itsy bitsy lil blush • And boy, does Denmark make a whole thing about it? • YES, Mathias isn't particularly known for being subtle • And Lukas is eventually going to get tired of him pestering both of you for being such a "beautiful-should-be couple" • So he finally asks you out. • Please say yes, Mathias will be absolutely destroyed if you reject his bestie who might or might not be his younger brother.
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• Similar to Lukas, he loves pet names • Actually scratch that, ALFRED FREEDOM JONES IS A BIG FAN OF PET NAMES • Arthur was kind of strict with him while he raised him, and while he did show him affection he never called poor Al any pet names • I really do believe they're both affection and touch starved but Alfred is the only one who actually seeks for it • However since he is not really used to it, he'll just think you're flirting and will "flirt back" • He's not one to pay attention to others so at first he doesn't realize you call EVERYONE pet names • How did he learn about it? • Welp, picture this: • There's a smal break during the world meeting • The reason? Germany got mad at both Italies, they were both sleeping, Feliciano started crying and Lovino started cursing everyone, which escalated into Francis and Arthur fighting, Ivan just sat there smiling and Ludwig just decided it was best for everyone to take an hour long break to unwind. • So, America goes for a walk in the halls unconsciously looking for you and when he finally finds you • His face starts glowing • And when he is about to call your name he sees you talking with England • You said "something, something, Artie, my sweet boy" • And then he replied "tea, biscuits, wankers, coloUr, trousers, God save the Queen, Love~" • Okay, he wasn't really sure of what you guys were talking about but he definitely heard you call him "Artie, my sweet boy" and he heard England call you "Love". • But he let it slide • Some other time you were talking with Francis, "something, something, something, darling" "flirt, baguette, hon hon hon, ma chérie" • Now THAT was concerning, he was getting pissed • You were sweet talking to England, France, RUSSIA, both Italies?????? • Until one day he heard • "Ludwig, something, something, babe?" • And the response was: "work, work, work, work, (y/n) I know you are very fond of all of us here but I must insist on you to address me and everyone else formally during meetings" • So he finally decides to ask Canada about it • "Bro, what did Germany mean with that?" • Mathew is just too nice to do so but he really wanted to slap Alf for being so stupid, so he just tells him "well... they always act like that, did you not notice? did you think they were flirting with you?" • America has only 3 braincells, England and Canada keep 2 of them • Will most likely apologize, and hang out with you • Although his crush on you is too big, he wants to take his time to ask you out and enjoy non-romantic affection for the first time in years.
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• *inhales* • boi • Oh god • This is just straight up comedy gold • The IRONY • Bakugo is always going around calling names • And all of the sudden YOU are the one calling names • Even more surprising, PET NAMES • Honey, sweetie, cutie, darling, baby, dear • While he's going DEKU, SHITTY HAIR, ROUND FACE, PONY TAIL • like, bruh wot • So when you start calling him all that cheesy stuff, he is so confused • At first he absolutely hates it, he thinks you are actually making fun of him but nope • When he realizes that's not the case, he's still pissed • It's just annoying for him how you just call him all that shit with no shame whatsoever • But the most annoying thing • Is the fact that you call everyone else that • He wants to be the only person you get to call cute things, but noooo you give everyone pet names • What gets him the most is how you seem to call those damn traffic lights looking morons things like "Sunshine, sparky, cinammon roll" • Like, nah man, their names are "shitty hair, dunce face and fucking ass Deku" • He'll eventually accept your pet names and he is such a blushing mess • He still gets jealous when you call others by pet names, EVERYONE KNOWS HE'S CRUSHING HARD • It's going to take him a while but he WILL confess • He'll see someone talking to you a bit too friendly • And he'll just grab your wrist and take you to an empty classroom and confess, he is possessive, but he doesn't want to put you on the spot. • If you accept, he is going to hug you from behind whenever someone tries to hit on you (as a friendly reminder) • Also, he doesn't know how to do sweet talk. • TEACH HIM, PLEASE.
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• visible confussion • Affection in MY classroom? It's more likely than you think • He is not very sure of what is going on, but it makes him feel good? • Another affection starved kid TM • Doesn't ask what's going on • "I guess this is my life now" • It takes him a while, but when he realizes he's in love with you • He'll try to find the perfect time and place for a confession • Nothing flashy tho • It's just short, simple, sweet and personal • He won't give himself away to anyone • He's nervous but won't back down • "They are just the sweetest person in the world" • You are now the greatest thing since cold soba • Enji doesn't like you, he thinks you are just a distraction • But he's trying to be a better father • "Shoto, invite them for dinner" • "What is their quirk" • "FOOD" • "What is their favourite food?" • Shoto couldn't be any happier
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• So, just like every single one of the previous morons, he is confussion • Why are you calling people babe, honey and stuff? • Is it some type of code? • Why do you call him that? • BUT, unlike every single one of the previous morons, he actually asks you directly • "Oh, it's just a thing I do to show affection" • "Ohhhhh I get it" • He didn't • well, sort of • The closest thing he ever got to pet names was being called boss, aniki, sir • So he immediately thought "Ah! It's just like that" • He tries to do the same to you, now people think you are the leader of a gang. • "Hello there ane/aniki" • "Anything you need ma'm/sir?" • I'm begging you, teach him, and give him love • Lots of them • He's trying, okay?
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• Meh, he doesn't mind it tbh • Or at least he thought so • He was used to his parent's daily displays of affection • But going to school and see more of it? • good grief • Of course he knew it was only a friendly gesture, he can read your mind after all • Finds it ridiculous, annoying, pointless and unnecessary • And yet he loves it • Makes him a bit shy surprisingly • I wouldn't expect him to confess • Unless you like him back • Then he will consider asking you out • Kurumi loves you, and thinks you are dating her precious Kuu-chan • When she meets you she's all like "Oh, you are the cutie dating Kuu-chan!" • Frick • "What do you mean you aren't dating? Kuu-chan clearly likes you!" • Kurumi is the reason why you're now dating • Now your sweet talk is even sweeter • Won't give you any pet names but will let you call him anything you like • Kuusuke definitely gives him hell for it • Kusuo smacks the shit out of him doesn't care as long as you are happy • He is very happy
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mindofharry · 3 years
here’s some vampire harry!!!!! pls treat him with the love and respect he deserves <3
“Honey, this is just water under the bridge” Your mother, Joanne, reassured you. She placed a rogue piece of hair behind your ear. You were both sitting on your bed, cuddling like you were 10 years old again. Getting fired, from your dream job for no apparent reason at all has basically broken you. Your mother is trying to reassure you, that it was meant to happen - that everything happens for a reason. You just want your job back.
“We’ll start job hunting again, next week. Ok?” Joanne said, you sighed and rolled over on your sighed. Your mum rubbed your back and took all the dirty cups from your room with her as she left your room.
You tried to sleep, to try and forget everything that had just happened that afternoon. But, your mind was occupied and too busy. So you decided you better start looking for some jobs, even interviews. Even though you still live with your mum, you still need money. Not just for yourself, but your mum too. All the money that comes into the house is coming from you and the jobs you have. You were finally comfortable with money, for the first in your life. But the world just really hated you at the moment.
You walk over your desk and sit down, opening up the second hand laptop you bought yourself for christmas. It’s nothing special like a mac, but it does the job. Once you’re logged in, you open google and type in ‘JOBS IN MY AREA’. You didn’t go to college and you barley passed high school, you’ll be lucky if you even get a job at the local book store.
You needed to stop this, punishing yourself. It’s not your fault, you remind yourself.
Nearly falling asleep at your desk, you decided to head to bed. Tomorrow will be better.
Tomorrow is not better. It’s worse than yesterday. You couldn’t even bare to open your laptop after being so disappointed last night. And you’re mum kept trying to reassure you, but you felt responsible for this.
Your mum couldn’t work, she’s not well and she’s in denial about it. She goes to AA meetings and talks with therapists, but she just can’t stay sober. You’ve tried to get her into working, but she manages to fuck it up everytime. Your mum is good mother, she took care of you and did the best she could. But sometimes you just wished she’d just stay sober, for even a week. So you could be a normal 19 year old, go out for drinks and hang out with friends. But you know she’s not a normal mum. And that’s something you just have to live with.
“Morning, love” Joanne said sipping on her ‘tea’. You knew it was alcohol so you gave her a pointed look.
She sighed and poured the drink down the sink. “Good, now go brush your teeth and we can talk” you say pulling your hair up. You mother shook her head and sighed. “I’m the mum here, Y/N. Don’t treat me like i’m the teenager” she said and you laughed. Really? This is how today’s going to go? the universe really hates me, you thought.
“You just hid vodka from me mum” you say and she sighed walking over and kissing your temple. “I’m sorry, ok? I’m trying, lovey” she said and you could tell how hard she was trying to keep together. you nodded and smiled, this was going to be a good day. Bite your tongue, Y/N.
“Yeah, i know. Now go get ready, i need help job hunting” you say and she nodded making her way out of the kitchen and up to her room. You sighed and put the kettle on. You walked into the pantry and took the vodka she had opened and poured it down the sink. Let’s see how long it takes her to notice.
You sat down with your cup of tea and one for your mum, opening up the paper and your laptop.
When your mum came back in, she looked a lot nicer and healthier. The shower did her good.
“So i saw someone looking for an assistant on facebook” Your mum said logging into her facebook on your laptop. You smiled to yourself, she really cared about you. “His name is harry i think, something along the lines of needing someone to sort out his schedule which you’re pretty good at” she said showing you the post. A few, actually a lot, of people had already liked the post and there was people sharing their CVs in the comments begging for a chance. You didn’t have the heart to tell your mum that this person wasn’t going to accept you.
“I mean, you can apply for other jobs but i think it’s perfect for you” She said biting her nip nervously. You nodded smiling in reassurance. “Yeah, it’s perfect mum. Thank you, i’ll try and get an interview. I also found a cleaning job too, so that’s good. Both jobs look like they pay well” you say with a shrug.
Joanne nodded and kissed your temple. “You’ll get a job. Don’t worry about it.”
After sending your CV to multiple possible bosses, you shut your laptop and turn your phone off of silent. Job hunting is a pain in the ass and exhausting, all you can do now is make lunch and hope for the best.
You were braiding your mothers hair when you got the call. You were both having a girly night as your mum hadn’t drank a sip of alcohol all day, it was definitely something to celebrate.
“Is this Y/N L/N i’m speaking with?” the voice asked, he sounded so bright and chipper. And he was irish too.
“This is her! how can i help you?” you asked and the man cleared his throat and paused for a second. “I’m offering you a job. the job” he said and you almost dropped your phone. You put it on your leg, on speaker so your mum could hear and you could multitask. You brushed the ends of your mum hair and let out a shaky breath.
“Do i need to come in for an interview?”
“Well, me and the boss would like to get to know you, get a feel of how you work on your own and with help. just like a test run, but if i’m being honest the is yours” he said and you could almost cry. “You’re exactly the kind of person Harry, my boss is looking for Y/N” he said.
“I’m niall by the way, i’m harry’s personal assistant” Niall said and you smiled.
“Well, when can i come in?”
After settling some stuff with Niall, who is kind of your boss too you were free to hang up. your mum squealed and pulled you into the tightest hug ever. “I told you, everything happens for a reason! you were exactly who they were looking for, babe” your mother said caressing your cheeks. You kissed her temple and nodded.
“You’re the best, you know that?” You said and your mum shrugged. “Eh, i’m okay” she giggled, you sat back down on the couch.
“Lay down, mum. We’ve got it sorted now”
You were going in to the offices, or as what niall called STYLES x MALIK, harry styles and zayn malik are both the bosses of the fashion company they both created. They have a headquarters in the states, but they’re just starting up a new headquarters in england, as harry and zayn grew up here and would like to see their families a lot more. Niall basically told you their whole life story over the phone, which you were very thankful for. Saves you the googling.
It was a tuesday morning, when you got the go ahead to pop in. Niall said to look nice, but casual. Like you’re going out for a dinner with your partners family. So you pull out your best high waisted flare jeans, an orange stripped shirt and tucked into your jeans. You topped it off with your lucky platforms and some jewellery. You left your hair natural, and the same with your makeup only some lip gloss and mascara.
“You look beautiful, honey”
“Thanks mum” You grinned pulling her into a hug. You placed your bag over your shoulder and took the car keys from the bowl at the front door. “I’ll be back soon, ok? Go for a walk or something” you say squeezing her hand, before leaving.
20 minutes away from you, is a angry, grumpy vampire. Niall was sat in front of harry, with a grin on his face.
“She’s literally perfect harry” Niall try to reason, but harry was having absolutely none of it. He wanted to rip that blonde son of bitch heart out.
“Niall, i didn’t want her though.” Harry said standing up from his desk, opening up a file and pointing at a picture.
“i wanted her”
Harry was pointing at a girl, blonde hair, blue eyes and great blood. He had tasted her before and worked his magic into getting her an interview - of course, she doesn’t remember him though. But this Y/N girl, he didn’t want her and he never agreed to having her come here today.
“You’ll have to fire her or make up some excuse, fuck i need something” Harry mumbled placing a hand over his eyes, Niall walked over to the fridge in the corner of harrys office he opened it up and took out a bag of blood pouring it in to a small glass. He placed it on the table standing in front of a frustrated vampire.
“She’s really good, Harry. You’ll regret it if you don’t let her do the test run” Niall said before walking to the door. “And she’s hot as fuck” he added leaving the room.
Harry hated being the bad guy, usually he’s a nice person. More lively, a bit like niall. A lot more quiet though, he’s pensive and reads people really well, one of his many talents as a vampire.
Harry was born in 1908, to a wealthy family. He had caring parents, a loving sister and good future a head of him. Until he met liam payne, they met in university decided to work together. The next thing you know, liam had his fangs in harrys neck and he was immortal. The first few years were hard, he was wreck less and did everything possible to get even a drop of blood. He met zayn five years after being turned, and he was sort of like the alpha of their ‘pack’ so to speak. He taught harry all he knew about control and using powers to get what you want, but only when you so desperately need it. They met niall in the 70s, he was freshly turned and needed help. They took him under their wings, and here they are today with a fashion company and a load of money in their pockets.
“What’s all the fuss about?” Zayn asked walking into harrys office with a few files in his hands. Harry huffed and sipped on the blood niall had poured for him. “I’m closed” harry said sitting down on his chair, zayn laughed and shook his head. “You have an interview in 5 minutes, get it together styles” Zayn said and dropped the files on his desk.
“Whether we hire or not, be nice. Her file is there, read it, study it. And keep those fangs to yourself” Zayn warned pointing at harry, then walked out of his office. Harry sighed and opened the file, stopping in his tracks when he saw your face.
You’re beautiful, so fucking beautiful.
He could tell the photo was professionally done, and you definitely had gotten someone to take it in a rush. Your CV is also a mess, but harry thinks it’s endearing. God, you’ve hypnotised him already. Harry could feel your aura through a picture, how the fuck was that even possible?
“She’s here” Niall said through the glass door. Harry nodded and cracked his neck, let’s get this over with then.
He could see niall biting his lip as she walked up, he couldn’t keep it in his pants for 2 seconds.
Niall opened the door and harry watched the girl walk in, her flares and platforms got his attention. She’s perfect. For him. Niall was still checking her out, so harry cleared his throat. Niall smirked and shook his head walking out of the office.
“Take a seat” Harry said and you smiled, sitting down. “I just want to say, i’m really grateful for this opportunity” you say, and harry nearly rolled his eyes. She’s too beautiful for a sob story. “I appreciate it” you say, and harry nodded quickly wanting to move away from anything emotional.
“um, so we don’t need you” He lied and you nearly choked on you own spit. Your eyebrows furrowed and you flushed a bit. Harry could see niall shaking his head. Damn you, super human hearing.
“Don’t need me? Niall said that i was just what you were looking for” you say, not angry just confused. Harry was impressed at how well you could keep your feelings in check, but he could feel how agitated you were becoming.
“Well, he’s wrong” Harry said and closed the file. “Have a nice day” He said with a fake smile. You couldn’t believe this. Fuck this.
“Fuck you” You said grabbing your bag and hoisting it up onto your shoulder. “Woah, Woah, what’s going on in here?” Zayn asked his hands in the air.
“Ask him, thanks for nothing” You say moving to walk out of the office. You needed to get out of here. “Just wait” Zayn called out, you stopped and sighed turning around.
“You’ve got the job” zayn said and your eyes widened in shock. “You start this friday, niall will email you detail. Use this week to treat yourself, on me ok?” Zayn said handing you a 50 dollar note. Who are you to deny money? You nodded and smiled at him. “Thank you” you say and he nodded.
“Don’t disappoint me”
You got yourself a coffee on the way home, you were a little overwhelmed and you needed to calm down before you went home to your mum. You just hope she didn’t do anything stupid while you were out.
“Mum, i’m home” you called out handing your bag up on the hanger. You got no response, so you looked around the house. Nothing in the kitchen or bathroom. The only places left are her room and living room.
You walked into the living room, to see your mum passed out on the couch a bottle of wine and an empty bottle of vodka on the coffee table. you sighed “Oh, mum” you said tears welling up in your eyes. “Why do you keep doing this” you mumbled picking up the wine and empty bottle, you put them away and cleaned up the cup. After that, you placed a blanket over her.
“You’ll get better soon, mum. I’ll be able to pay for it. We’ll have everything we’ve ever dreamt of and more” You say, kissing her forehead.
The next couple of days, you were nursing your mother back to health and used the 50 dollars your new boss gave you to by some groceries. Your mother really needed some hangover snacks, and she needed a lot of them. Luckily, you’ve been doing this a lot longer than you should’ve.
“Mum, i’m off to work” You said peaking through her door. She wasn’t talking to you at the moment.
“Alright, there’s medicine on the counter downstairs, snacks and stuff too. There’s no alcohol and no money, so don’t even try” You warned closing her door. God, this was so hard. You wondered how long it would take to be fired from this job.
You arrived early at the office, niall greeted you and took you to your own little office. It was nothing huge, but you absolutely adored it.
“Hey, don’t worry about harry” Niall said and you nodded. “I’m not, don’t worry” you reassured him smiling as you put down your diary.
“Good, well i’ll leave you to it” Niall said and you grinned at him.
“Good luck”
“You’ll need it”
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Running with the Goose and Edwina theme here...
Ben and Edwina obvs spend a lot of time with each other as photographer and model and then friends...
And from Edwina totally putting the biatch that is Rosanund down... she’s clearly a huge Sophie fan (and the fact Ben’s stopping moping about his mystery Sophie though probably annoys her just as much with stories of Sophie...)
How does Goose react meeting Ben and then Sophie as well...
And how to Goose and Sophie get on seen as they’re both in total awe of how someone like Edwina/Ben loves them and wants to spend their lives with them... as I can totally see them being super cute and being all “that’s my wife/that’s my husband” together 🥰
Any Ben/Soph and Eddie/Goose friendship stuff would be amazing 🥰🥰
Edwina and Ben knew one another professionally before Kate was dating Anthony, and then of course, Edwin and Eloise have been friends for years, so Eddie had met most of the Bridgertons before Kate had actually. 
And yes Ben drove Edwina almost as insane as his siblings mooning over Sophie. Ben and Eddie work together quite a lot and he became very fussy with his shots while he was looking for Sophie because he was focussing on what he could control: work. This of course all culminated in Edwina storming off a shoot one day with a snappish Don’t tell me how to do my job, Ben. And Yes! Edwina loves Sophie! I mean... How could someone not ??? I mean, there also both very lovely, kind hearted people and I think they would get along very well.
Sophie Beckett had been ridiculously nervous when she’d walked into Kate Bridgerton’s living room and saw Edwina Sheffield slumped on the sofa. Sophie had been nervous enough to have been invited for morning tea with Kate, her stomach churning the entire way over, and then she’d seen Kate’s sister, sitting there, fresh off her second election as England’s most beautiful woman, and Sophie had had to fight the urge to run out the door. Kate had tutted, nudging her sister’s legs to make room for herself on the sofa, Sorry Sophie, my sister is like a parasite when Cake is on offer, I couldn’t get rid of her. Kate said dryly, as Sophie took a seat, perched on the edge of the armchair smiling nervously as Edwina tossed her sister a sarcastic look before turning towards her, a startlingly beautiful smile on her face. Sophie! I hope you don’t mind but when I heard you were coming I had to stay to meet you! Ben has told me just so much about you! And Sophie could barely force herself to keep smiling. She knew Benedict and Edwina were close, they worked together often, and given their siblings were married they’d become friends. Benedict had even said just the other week You’d like Eddie, You’re a lot alike. And Sophie had balked at the idea of having anything in common with this woman. It’s nice to meet you,Edwina  Benedict has the loveliest things to say about you. Sophie had forced herself to say, a little unnerved by the way Edwina raised her eyebrow sceptically a laugh in her voice. He had better. Honestly Sophie, the shit I put up with when that man was looking for you. Sophie felt her mouth drop open in surprise as Edwina continued unperturbed Now I was at your work the other day and let me tell you: The salmon was beautiful! And as Sophie settled in the the Sheffield girls she couldn’t help but feel as though perhaps she’d just made a friend as well.
Matthew Bagwell had been very nervous when his girlfriend had mentioned that he’d been invited to Violet Bridgerton’s house for dinner one Sunday night. His brow had furrowed and he’d found himself saying But I’m... not related to her? Edwina had tilted her head curiously and said That doesn’t really matter to Violet Mum and I are always invited, we’re kind of family I suppose. I just want to show you off. leaving a little kiss against his cheek that seemed to burn afterwards and he’d found himself agreeing. Edwina had chattered the entire way there. Gregory is getting married to Lucy Abernathy in September, and There’s Colin and Penelope who are very sweet, and Hyacinth is 17 but honestly terrifying, oh! Francesca is here at the moment! And Matthew had choked trying to remain casual Francesca will be there?! Edwina had chuckled teasing him with a kiss on his cheek as they stood at the door I forgot about your little crush on Frankie, I’ll be sure to introduce you don’t worry. And swung open the door leaving Matthew spluttering on the doorstop. He’d been immediately drawn into a warm hug by Edwina’s sister, greeted with a terse Goose by Anthony and fixed with the kind of glare that made Matthew squirm. He was just about to open his mouth to try and have a conversation with Anthony when a taller man appeared next to him, slapping Matthew on the shoulder. Don’t worry about Anthony! He likes disapproving of people! Eddie! I’ve been waiting for someone fun to get here!  He said Smiling Charmingly as he wrapped his arms tightly around Edwina leaving a kiss on her cheek. And Matthew felt a ridiculous surge of jealousy shoot through him for a split second until the man stepped back, plucking a small blonde woman seemingly from thin air This is my beautiful fiancée Sophie! and Sophie sighed, shaking Matthew’s hand lightly And he’s Benedict, though he probably forgot to mention that between teasing his brother and Eddie. And Matthew felt instantly more relieved. Until Edwina gave him a wicked smirk when they sat down at dinner, and forced him into a seat next to Francesca Bridgerton.
Matthew was still a little uncomfortable attending functions with Edwina, even now as her fiancé, even when she kept her arms wrapped tightly around his waist smiling happily as she met people. introducing him with a little hint of pride in her voice Have you met my fiancé Matthew? He could see her now, giving a quick interview with Benedict over their recent Burberry campaign, her smile bright, her hands moving like a little whirlwind as she explained something and Matthew felt a soft smile coming to his face, a surge of pride that this incredible woman wanted to marry him. A soft hum came from beside him They’re pretty incredible aren’t they? Sophie said, drinking from her champagne glass. Matthew nodded I was just thinking that. I think all the time how glad I am that she bumped into me in the museum. Sophie smiled. You’re telling me. I left Benedict’s dinner in front of him and he got it into his head that he wanted to marry me. She said still in disbelief, her engagement ring glinting on her finger. And when Edwina stand up to accept her award with Benedict later, No one is cheering louder than Matthew who lets out a wolf whistle, Edwina shooting him a slightly embarrassed look, Benedict Grinning proudly at his own fiancée hooting happily beside him.    
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polythremed · 3 years
wheres the essay op i want whitsun bugs
there might not have been an essay before, but there is now! bugs and inverts are hugely overlooked. however, the victorians loved insects! they were huge inspirations in art, shells were used in fashion, so what would be more vogue than a giant bug for a pet?
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(Punch, September 29, 1877)
the bulk of this talk will be under the cut but tl;dr is that arachnids still offer a lot of potential, beetles and moths live in the neath and were popular at the time, and there are a lot of lesser-known bugs that fit fallen london
also cw for bug images because there’s a lot of them beyond here, this is for people with good taste only
firstly: arachnids
FL has a lot of arachnids and this year’s whitsun saw the introduction of a squirrel with a scorpion tail! i think it’s a fun design personally, but arachnid companions are Not obsolete. the most relevant arachnids are crabs, and crabs are more varied than you might think!
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(image by abc.net.au)
the yeti crab was the first crab to come to mind, related to hermit crabs and living in hydrothermal vents in the deep ocean. it means we’ve got another underground beast, and could you imagine this as a spired crab? it could be the product of shapeling arts, and the yeti crab’s famously hairy arms have the potential to be used as arm warmers or 1890s uggs for the discerning londoner!
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there’s also the japanese giant spider crab, which might be more lanky than it’s neathy angler crab cousins, but look at those legs! how big do you think it is? how about taller than the average person?
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you have to understand how badly i want to be this man they also inhabit vents near the bottom of the ocean (the crabs, not this man), they’re omnivores and one specimen’s measured in at 3.8 metres (12ft) across its outstretched legs! it’d probably be a dreaded companion by the sheer size of it, but imagine the walking sticks you could get from those legs
arrowhead crabs and horseshoe crabs are also runners up for this!
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mites also came to mind, being small arachnids- the mite above is an adult female tea mite, and not much is known about mites! they’re primitive but have a terrible reputation, and FBG have shone the spotlight on other unloved creatures in the past. there’s also Caveat Emptor which tells us that the bazaar has parasites which are probably like mites? you could have your own romance vampire, surely nothing could go wrong
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and if you’ve come here for spiders, how about the pelican spider? with a pelican-like head, pelican spiders prey exclusively on other spiders! isn’t that a fun way to counter sorrow spider infestations? introducing new species is a good thing, right?
higher tiers of this companion could start to own the whole pelican thing. i’ve seen monster designs of spiders with human heads but never a spider with a pelican head!
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(image by me)
all he needs is some love and spiders
close arachnid contenders that i want to mention before this whole post is made up of eight-legged companions: camel spiders, harvestmen, and whip scorpions!
secondly: beetles
as john b. s. haldane once said, “god has an inordinate fondness for beetles”. and he’s right because there are more known species of beetle than types of mammal
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in fact, the victorians fucking loved beetles (and butterflies but we’ll get to that)
we have phosphorescent scarabs as luminosity items and a few mentions of beetles in airs texts and in sunless sea, the latter where a beetle has been eating through your ship’s supplies. being from england, i have a vague idea of what sort of beetles would end up in london!
there are still stag beetles, rove beetles, and even cardinal beetles, but these by themselves might feel pretty basic. they’d be good t1 companions, but why not have a companion that’s a whole insect keeping setup? there’s even some colourful beauties like the scarlet malachite beetle which are now incredibly endangered
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but if you want something Huge and Large and easily convertible into a fashion accessory, hercules beetles have a lot of potential! horns that can be used for knives in dockside brawls, or you could take most of the bug features and place them on a furry animal like a guinea pig since seas already gave us the guinea page
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these beetles could also add diversity for the phosphorescent scarabs- and speaking of phosphorescent beetles, why not look to fireflies? they aren’t fire and nor are they flies, but to carry on with FBG’s habit of “slapping animals together to see what happens”, you could easily make something with the features of a firefly larvae
or you could take the even more interesting approach of having a grub the size of a cat, for example. hercules beetles have some of the largest larvae and the feast of the rose gave us maggots, so why not have one of these babies but the size of a cat? and glowing? they’re a possible light source that might make you more bizarre or respectable
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a close runner up that i wanted to mention was diving beetles and how freaky they can get if they’ve adapted to the zee but the sabretooth longhorn beetle is going to close this segment as an embodiment of a dangerous and respectable companion- it already looks like it’s been carved out of wood! i think a carved polythreme beetle would be incredible
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(see also: bombardier beetles, weevils, oil beetles, tiger beetles, harlequin beetles, trilobite beetles, and giraffe weevils!)
moths, and less commonly found underground, butterflies
another love of the victorians: butterflies!
butterflies are basically moths by a different name (there are way more moths than butterflies) and we do have canon dreams where a frostmoth the size of your head appears in your window, and wouldn’t that be useful for hunting in parabola? much like the beetles, there’s a lot of diversity that can be explored especially if we add shapeling arts
white plume moths are also found in the UK and just look at those wings
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we can have a usual approach of adding the wings to something else, like a particularly unlucky bat, or just have something bizarre with the moth itself! more eyes? more eyes has been a common theme lately, or you can combine an insect with an arachnid and give it whip scorpion hands
these wings would be one hell of a decoration because white plume moths are considered to be micromoths
on the other end of the spectrum and taking the role of a respectable companion, the white witch moth is considered to be one of the largest insects on earth because of its wingspan! maybe they’re a more risky cousin of the frostmoth, maybe you could turn the markings on these wings into shifting sigils? don’t set your moths on fire
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(image by Acrocynus)
white witch moths themselves have a lot of diversity while cup moths are another contender for an animal you could combine with another animal
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(image by itchydogimages)
why not add the tail of a squirrel to this one? or a scorpion’s tail? a lion? with enough of these, you could end up with a very striking tawny coat. this thing is the embodiment of being neathproofed. even if they’re opposites of frostmoths and are associated with embers because of it, or if the tail is closer to being a candle!
moths are also good at mimicking in order to defend themselves, which is why you see so many moths and butterflies with eye patterns on their wings. birds hate eyes so much so there’s room for some real eyes on your brand new butterfly or moth companion
but some moths also mimic snakes, so for any fingerking fans out there: behold the atlas moth
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this is such a mithridacy companion. can you imagine the t3 version of this where the snake heads are alive? we have a two-headed terror bird, so why not snakes on a moth? there’s even jokes to be made about one head telling truths and another telling lies, maybe the only head that could tell you the difference is the moths!
for butterflies themselves, we have butterflies that drink the tears of alligators and tortoises- so melancholy butterflies that only appear to feed on lacre? (and they might not be butterflies down here, you might’ve already mistaken a day-flying moth for a butterfly, not that the difference matters for much in the neath)
another strong mention is vampire moths if we’re carrying on the theme of insects drinking odd things, but a vampire moth with bat wings could be wonderful at ruining the lives of taxonomists
luna moths are also massive and could be more fitting now that we know who the creditor is, and that whitsun is talking so much about the bazaar and the masters
other lesser-known but interesting insects
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we don’t entirely need to cover bees and wasps but it would be nice to have a piece of media showing wasps in a way that doesn’t present them as evil, but wasps could wait until hell is really significant again since wasps and bees are incredibly cool cousins. and thread waisted wasps!
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(image by Bev Wigney)
get a load of that! these don’t even have the ability to sting humans, what would a thread waisted wasp-themed spindlewolf look like? how much shadowy with something with these colours give you? imagine the corsets inspired by these things
assassin bugs are another dangerous option considering how good they are at hunting other insects, and the neath wouldn’t be complete without more creatures that burrow underground and can find themselves in this weird cavern
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(image by Fir0002)
their forearms are specifically developed to dig! perhaps they can dig through a rival’s belongings, or perhaps you can fashion their claws into brass knuckles or a belt buckle?
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(image by faraaz abdool)
another fashionable, lesser-known invert is the velvet worm! we have plenty of slugs in fallen london, but you know what they’re lacking? legs
about 200 species of velvet worms have been described and they’re already quite rare! they all fall under the onychophora name and there isn’t anything else like them. you could easily have some persuasive with this, or if you turn it into a stole that can hold however many hands you want!
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(image by docj96)
also, thrips! i found out about these today and apparently you’re likely to hear about them if you’re into gardening. sometimes they have crab claws for forelegs, so hey- more bazaar similarities! they have an interesting method of flight (clapping their wings together) but this might not bee too impactful unless you want a novel way to raise your investigating
flies are also criminally underrated, but i couldn’t tell you how many flies live in fallen london. stalk-eyed flies, however, are gorgeous things that would work so well as t2 companions! you could even go all out with a horsefly taking on attributes of an actual horse
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(image by minden pictures)
the stalk eyed fly sees you five minutes before you can see it
there are genuinely so many more that come to mind (even neathy types of mantis- orchid mantids that have adapted to blend in with mushrooms! imagine!) but a good way to finish this off is with a love story
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there are centipedes who will guard and hold their young close to them! giant centipedes are protective mothers and you can get hundreds of companions in one- or perhaps just one companion who really misses her hundreds of kids. and they hold their eggs just as carefully whilst waiting for them to hatch!
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isn’t that a good love story? there’s a lot you can combine this with, but i’ve spent most of today writing this one! do with these creatures what you will, i definitely enjoyed talking about neathy possibilities for insects!
(bogleech also has a fantastic article on insects that should be used as the basis for pokemon designs, if you want even more out there bugs be sure to look here)
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Where they take you on vacation - 7 Brothers + Diavolo
Found out the edits are made by @devilgram​ who has such a beautiful blog and posts so many Obey Me! things that are so cool! You did a great job with all the edits! <3
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Lucifer would like to take you to Romania, mostly because of all the stories of the great Wallachian ruler Vlad Tepes/The Impaler and wants to find out more about his ruthless yet effective methods of insuring no crime happens in his country ( and hopes they will work on his brothers too ).
Apart from the gorgeous landscapes from the mountainside, the possibility to go to the seaside, or see the different types of regional architecture ( like the unique Black Church ) from different cities, he’d also like to get a full experience of the language, the music, the traditions ( customs, clothes, foo ) and feel for a day like a native from the old ages. 
Even more, he’d find it very nice if you were to try out one of the traditional outfits, and would take a picture of you at the mountains, on a nice field, and put the developed picture in his coat, looking at it whenever he is working and misses you.
He can get pretty salty about the fact that there are still people who believe the Bran castle is Dracula’s true castle, instead of the Poienari fortress and wouldn’t hesitate to express his displeasure, but would appreciate the castle and everything displayed there nonetheless.
Also, would be the first to go to the Horror house, holding your hand if you get scared, and would feel incredibly proud that you trust him and feel safe around him, but would get such a kick out of using his demon form while at it, to scare the actors there.
His whole aesthetic draws people near as if they would actually approach a vampire royalty, which allows him to puff his chest out in pride, so hey, you’re dating a vampire now!
Would take you out at the fanciest restaurant, just to feel how the life at this place is.
Would love to take long walks on the beach at the sea, your feet in the water, holding hands, and just admiring the moon and stars while waves are your music.
You’d mostly stay silent and enjoy the atmosphere, but sometimes you talk a few words, and that’s when Lucifer is the most relaxed, calm and tender.
He would saying that he loves you with such ease for the first time in so long, and the kiss on your forehead would be so soft that it brings you more butterflies than any kiss ever could.
Lucifer looks so ethereal in the light of the moon, it’s almost like he’s glowing, and when you tell him, he’d actually blush softly, before chuckling and stroking your hair, not denying, nor agreeing with your statement.
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Mammon loves to spend money and grab it, so what better place than Las Vegas?
He’d love for the two of you to dress super fancy and flashy, in matching colours if possible, go gambling, scam people and experience the luxury night lifestyle, go to clubs, loud music and expensive alcohol and all that.
But Mammon isn’t all about the flashy and exciting night time, instead, he would mostly love to just see the world with you by his side, and his goals is to make you happy, to he does everything he can to go sightseeing with you and reads in advance about whatever places you could visit and tells you some fun trivia about the place, he’s treating you to the fanciest food and drink places, and would spoil you rotten when going shopping, loving to see you do a little catwalk for him every time you get out of the changing booth.
He’d definitely insist on buying super cute animal Pyjamas.
He’s a huuuuuge fan of the “His Queen/Her King” trope and loves showing you off as much as possible, so get matching Tshirts or jackets and he would be SOOO proud and would laugh confidently and proud all the time, his arm around you, saying how cool you two are together and all that.
He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but he honestly doesn’t believe he’s good enough for you, but when he sees how your dazzling smile is always directed to him and you cling on his arm whenever you watch the Lights Show on the big buildings, see the beautiful fireworks or watch the impressive singing fountain...Well, he can’t help but blush and kiss your forehead, feeling butterflies in his stomach.
He’s the kind of guy who would spam his DevilGram with either couple pictures in different places you visit, or just cute pics of you or you two messing around, and his account is actually very popular for the #CoupleGoalz trend.
At night, he would like to either cuddle with you and watch a movie, or go drive through the city at night, watch the night lights, and go on a cliff, stargazing and chatting openly about everything, because honestly, this guy is always dismissed and insulted by his brothers, it’s always a relief and a fresh air when he can be himself and just...Talk with someone. 
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Levi is the biggest weeb in the world, so the first place you’d visit together is Japan.
Anime conventions, wearing cute kimonos while going to festivals or roaming the streets of Kyoto or Akihabara, couple cosplay (Henry and the Lord of Shadows), buying merch of your favourite anime/manga/game, going to Vocaloid concerts, buying the newest Ruri-chan figurines, trying out new video games that just came out and so on.
Actually wants to go to a Pokemon cafe and fangirls SO much about all the cute pokemon themes there.
He would get you all the cutest Pokemon plushies, especially if you’re not all that into Pokemon but want to share that interest with him, so expect a Skitty, Vulpix, Shaymin, Eevee and all its Eeveelutions, Milotic plushie, while he would already be collecting plushies for the rarest Pokemons, but he’s incredibly happy that you want to do this with him.
He also gets an Ekans just for the Lolz and let’s out his tail, mostly for troll purposes, but it makes you laugh and he could swear his heart stopped beating and his cheeks were redder than ever.
He secretly got you a maid outfit and would love to see you wearing it, but he’s too embarrassed to actually say.
He would blush SO much seeing you in a kimono with a nice hair pin and a fan, while going to see the Sakura trees blossoming and you look like the Sengoku type of heroines from the dating sims he plays so much (to get experience and not fuck up with you), but somehow, you’re so much beautiful than any CG he’s every seen, no matter how gorgeous the art is.
He would get lots of packs of Pocky and despite not saying it out loud, would put a pocky in his mouth and you’d get the hint and munch on the other end of the pocky, in the end kissing him softly.
Levi.exe stopped working.
He would love taking pics of you alone, because you’re so beautiful, and would edit them to look as ethereal as possible, if you want, to even have fantastic backgrounds, and would take pride in how popular your DevilGram/InstaGram is.
He also changed his Lockscreen to have you with your hand in a half-heart gesture, while yours has him with the other half, so whenever he looks at the clock, or sees a new notif, he sees you smiling, with a cute kitten filter.
His Wallpaper is the two of you kissing, edited with a few hearts, sparkles and a little “I love you” written in cursive in a corner (you edited the pic and suggested you both use it, but he denied, so you changed it yourself for him too, while he was busy gaming, and he liked it so much that he couldn’t change it back to Ruri-chan.)
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Satan would choose England first for so many reasons!
He’s such a perfect gentleman and seeing everyone so polite and chivalrous there makes his heart bloom and would up his gentleman shills even more, wanting to impress you and make your heart skip with everything he does.
Loves to take you to different castles, see in real life everything he read in books and saw in movies or TV series, and he’s so mesmerised by the beauty of everything that he forgets he promised to be your guide, but his bright smile and the way his eyes sparkle in curiosity and glee make up for everything.
Besides, he’d definitely go back to you and explain in very precise detail the reason for his fangirling.
He’s a little nerd so bookstore dates are a huge YES, and more - CAT CAFES where you can read at your heart’s content. HUGE YES.
You’d both get our of there with tons of books that you will read together, cuddled up under the blankets while enjoying an aromatic tea that Satan prepared for you, together with some nice scones.
He’d want to go with you to Shakespeare’s grave, Dicken’s house, would like to see anything involving the Romantics and so on, since he’s in love with British literature.
Satan wants to go see the Harry Potter theme park so much, and would buy tons of merch for the two of you, and wants to go in full Hogwarts robes and wand with you.
Would take a gazillion pics of you together, that only you can see since it may ruin his reputation with his brothers for geeking out, but he’d love it if the universe was actually real.
He’d also take you to King’s Cross to take pic near the wall where you get to the 9 3/4 Platform.
And no trip to England could exist without a visit to Sherlock’s house, pretending to be detectives, and at Madam Tussaud’s Wax Museum to admire all the figures and potentially take troll pics with them.
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Asmo wastes no time in taking you to Paris, of course!
And the first thing you do is have a coffee at the restaurant located on top of the Eiffel Tower.
He would, throughout all the trip, take tons of selfies EVERYWHERE, and aeshtetic pics of either you alone, him alone, or together.
He’s a Devilgram and Devilr celebrity, after all!
Loves going to all the little cafes and drink a hot beverage with you while looking and judging all the passer-bys, how they would never compare to how beautiful and fashionable you two are.
He takes you to the Versailles Palace while wearing the most glamorous outfits, and despite all the pics taken, he will tell you stories of when he visited the place long ago, and more, will tell you of the paintings displayed, since he’s rather knowledgeable.
Asmodeus will take you everywhere, but first, the Lafayette Galleries, all while streaming every second there, to shop everyone how amazing the place is.
Would pics the both of you sooo many pretty brand clothes, new skin care routine and make up products, that you almost wonder where he has all the money from, especially to pay someone to carry them back to your place.
Would take you to a lingerie shop where he’d make you try on all the cutest outfits and would buy them all, especially because he thinks they will make you more confident and wants to make sure you never thing bad of yourself, because if you’re dating him, then you’re obviously the most beautiful being he’s ever seen, inside and out. (he doesn’t count here, of course)
His wallpaper is a selfie of you two smiling and making a peace sign, from the top of the Eiffel Tower, seeing all Paris in the background, at evening, with the beautiful sky and the night lights all over.
Would take you on a cruise on Seine, serenading and drinking a glass of bubbly champagne, admiring all the buildings and the happy people sitting on the banks of the River, enjoying the scenery.
And of course, there’s no perfect trip to the City of  Love without some very tender and sensual love-making, with so many compliments, praises, soft touches and gentle kisses from Asmodeus, followed by a relaxing bath with milk, honey and rose petals, scented candles, bubbles and ambiental music, and of course, a lot of cuddling all night long.
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Beelzebub would want to go to Italy, since it’s the country with the best human food, and what better place to eat it them its home country?
Would actually love to go sightseeing with you and seeing all the pretty stuff there is.
He appreciates the architecture, statues and paintings of every historical place, loves to find out more about the country’s history and traditions and would like to take scenic pictures of all the places you visit...
And make a couple album where he puts pics with either you alone or together.
It’s his most treasured possession and nobody except Belphie knows about it, and while he is happy that his brother is happy, he would say it’s so cheesy.
Would have fun when doing the classic “Pushing the Pisa Tower” picture, would like to sing when you go on a Gondola ride in Venice, and pretend to be a gladiator at the Colosseum, while you’re his Caesar.
If you get him a necklace or a keychain, he’d never take it off and has it as his lucky charm, kissing it whenever he misses you or wants the day to go good.
After he understands how the food is made, he’d want to make it himself, so you cooking together would be so cute and fun, and the way you see the love and tenderness in his eyes as he looks at you laughing, while your face is covered in flour...
He’s such a precious and soft baby, and he loves you so much.
Also, he’d love to carry you around just for fun and because he loves holding you close to him, so either bridal style on on his shoulder, you say it, and he’s gonna do it.
Will also like to take lots of short videos with you two, just fooling around, giggling, laughing, making jokes, kissing, pretending to be kittens, having flour fights and all that, since they’re beautiful memories and whenever he’s sad, he watches them and he forgets the reason he was sad in the first place.
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Belphegor would take you to New Zealand, because he saw how beautiful and green the landscape were, thanks to the Lord of the Rings movies, so he wanted to see what would be like stargazing on such a flowery field, or sleeping in a Hobbit hole.
He’s pretty sleepy all the time, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t take you to see the big cities as well, eat out, shop for souvenirs and so on, but his heart is taken by the simplicity and peace the countryside and forests hold.
Belphie would actually like to have his head on your lap as you stay at the bottom of a tree and read, much like Froddo Baggings would, waiting for Gandalf.
It’s a guilty pleasure of his, but he wants to see ‘Gandalf’s’ fireworks, and when a festival like that happens, he’d hold your hand tight, having a soft smile on his face and a tender look in his eyes.
Despite not saying it very often, he will confess his love for you.
It’s barely above a whispers, but it’s genuine.
It’s simple, small, but meaningful and beautiful nonetheless.
As you stargaze on the field, he’d tell you the names of all stars and constellations that you can see, and would tell you some trivia he knows about them.
Would take a few pics here and there, but his favourite one is one where you two are on the ground outside, both your heads on his favourite pillow, while looking at each other, both of you having such genuine and pure love in your expressions.
If he ever wakes up earlier than you, and likes to troll a bit, he’d get his tail out and tickle your noes, smirking at how cute your half-asleep reactions were, but would play innocent when you ask about it, only kissing your nose to make you forget and reassure you that it was only a dream (it wasn’t).
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Diavolo is so easily excitable, despite his age and title for the next Devil Lord, but honestly, he wants to take you to Iceland to see the Northern Lights that you spoke so fondly about.
There are so many pretty things to see in the Devildom alright, but none of them quite as fascinating to him as how the sky lights up with so many different and beautiful shades of green, blue and pink, it’s almost unreal!
Who would have thought that the Human world could hold such natural wonders?
He could have sword you were a witch or something, and just wanted to impress him with your magic, as if charming him wasn’t enough, but this beauty makes him behave even more like a child, leaving him speechless and breathless.
Diavolo would kiss and hug you, spinning your around so many times, if you allow him, you forgot to count, which is his way of thanking you for showing him this place and he’s honestly just so happy that he can share this precious moment together with you.
You tell him some old stories about how they say the ancestors’ souls watch over everyone from up there, and that even the animals who died have their souls there, living in peace and quiet.
Despite knowing it’s obviously not true, the tales humans come up with are so creative and make so much sense to their beliefs, he’s genuinely fascinated by all these old stories and would like for you to tell him more.
Iceland’s landscapes are also to be taken into account, and Diavolo will take thousands of pics of you literally everywhere, just because you’re so cute and he’s so damn happy and wants many memories together.
Would like for you to take a selfie with his phone, while at the Northern Lights, and would make Lucifer frame it so he can have it on his desk whenever he’s working, and whenever he gets bored, tired, or just misses you, he’d gaze fondly at the picture and would occasionally kiss it.
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underoossss · 3 years
A Christmas Plan [1 /2] - H.O
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pairing: Harrison Osterfield x f!reader
words: around 2k
warnings: none, just lots of yearning
AN: lmaoooo guess who’s back just in time for the holidays!!! Sorry for being so MIA and my crazy update schedule, things have been crazy in my mind my life and the world. I asked for prompts a while back and @hollandharrison asked for a best friends to loves fic with the prompt “It’s so hard not to fall in love with you.” SINCE ITS XMAS I DECIDED TO MAKE IT A XMAS FIC! This is a best friends to lovers, fake dating, mutual pinning, wedding and oh no there’s only one bed fic! Enjoy! And please leave some feedback I’d love to know if you enjoyed it. Part 2 on Friday!!!!! I hope you like this Rosalie!! ❤️❤️❤️
There’s jazzy Christmas music playing in the busy restaurant, it’s Holly Jolly Christmas, you think as you try to listen over the chatter coming from the various tables surrounding you. The restaurant’s floor is cream colored, shiny, and marble glazed. There are fancy lamps hanging from the ceiling and many plants in expensive looking pots all over the main entrance and windows. One wouldn’t think one the best burgers you’ve tried in your life comes from a fancy restaurant in London like this, or that it’s the only thing you and your best friend order from the menu. It’s only during special occasions that the two of you meet to enjoy them, as the bill is quite high and always a problem. Harrison always wants to pay, and so do you. Right now, though, as fancy dishes like salmon, ravioli and gorgeous little desserts are being served all around, you’re not sure if you can even eat anything at all.
Nervous is an understatement. You arrived at the restaurant 15 minutes early to rehearse what you wanted to say and get ready for the likely rejection that could follow, but from the moment you sat down, you’ve done nothing but fidget with the napkin in front of you. The beautiful swan that had been placed on your plate when you arrived is nowhere in sight, it is only a wrinkled square in your hands.
“The worst that can happen is that he’ll say no.” You whisper to yourself, reaching for the glass of iced water next to your empty plate. “Harrison won’t judge or get mad because you asked.” Nodding to yourself you bring the glass to your lips and look around as you take a sip.
You nearly choke on your water when your eyes land on the main door and see Harrison walk into the restaurant. You’re quick to put the glass down and dab your chin with the napkin in front of you to make yourself presentable again and not caught off guard. Being 15 minutes early didn’t prepare you enough for this. He is like an apparition, dressed in brown checkered pants, a white t-shirt and a plaid brown jacket the host is soon to take from his shoulders. His dark blonde curls are styled backward, just enough to tame them but not too much that they look neatly combed. It’s just… perfect. You can’t look away from him, he is gorgeous, so much in fact that you have to make sure your jaw isn’t hanging right before he spots you. His smile is bright as the sun when he raises his hand a little and waves at you.
You can’t help but smile back as fireworks go off in your stomach from being at the receiving end of his. You fear that these fireworks will fly out of your mouth and ears before exploding around the whole restaurant if you’re not careful. Yeah, that wouldn’t be ideal.
You stand up when he reaches the table and embrace him. He’s warm and hugs you back tightly so you let your eyes close as you take enjoy his embrace. “Harrison! It’s so great to see you.”
“Tell me about it! I’ve missed you so much.” Harrison says once you step back and sit back down. Harrison takes his phone out of his pocket to sit down, then proceeds to turn it off and set it on the table. “It’s been what, two weeks? My schedule has been crazy, sorry I haven’t had time to hang out. You look beautiful by the way.”
You are still looking at his phone, not containing your smile at the small but very meaningful gesture before you meet his gaze again. “Oh! Thank you, so do you.” A chuckle leaves your lips as you glance down at your outfit. It’s a mid-length burgundy silk dress on top of a black long sleeve blouse with ruffles on the sleeves, a belt and black booties. “That’s alright, you don’t need to apologize Haz. We always try to make time to meet every once in a while, and here we are.” Everyone is busy, especially during this time of the year, when any free time is consumed by shopping, gift wrapping or preparing for any Christmas tradition.
Harrison is about to say something else when the server arrives. She’s tall and gorgeous and barely spares you a glance before addressing Harrison, all smiles and charm. “Have you had enough time to check the menu? What can I get for you?”
You move your gaze away from them and focus on fidgeting with the ruffle of your shirt sleeve. Better to let Harrison flirt back and give her his number if he wants without you looking. You’re forced to bite the inside of your cheek and think of something else other than the interaction in front of you, doubting if you’re still going to ask him or not. That all stops when you hear Harrison call your name, which makes you look up and meet his eyes.
He is smiling at you with a curious tilt to his head. “The usual, right love?”
You feel your chest warm at the smile he gives you and the endearment that makes the server twist her lips sourly. She loses all interest in the guy in front of you when you nod at Harrison, answering his question.
His smile turns even brighter for a second and he closes the menu. “We’ll have two of the Chef’s burgers with fries for the side dish and ketchup for the beautiful lady here.” The server nods and writes the order down.
“Drinks?” She asks, her tone much different than it was a minute ago.
This time it is you that speaks up. “Iced tea for me, please, and he’ll have a glass of lemonade.”
“As usual.” Harrison smiles and winks your way.
You roll your eyes playfully, dismissing the feelings your heart is bringing to the surface at the moment. Another server brings breadsticks with dipping sauces over to the table before you’re both left alone.
“How have you been?” Harrison asks while placing his napkin on his lap and reaching for a breadstick.
You take another sip of water. “Great actually. I got promoted at work.”
He puts his breadstick down, a smile appearing on his lips. “What! That’s amazing Y/N!! Congratulations!”
A laugh leaves your lips as you shrug your shoulders. “Thank you Haz. I’m the marketing manager now, which is pretty cool.”
“That’s huge, love, and well deserved as well. You’ve done an amazing job there since you started as an intern.” Harrison continues to praise you and you feel your face and ears burning up at his words and enthusiasm.
You smile, you’ve loved your job from day one and as years have gone by you’ve been constantly improving, but the promotion is still a bit of a shock. With another shrug of your shoulders, you thank Harrison again, knowing that his congratulations are genuine.
“What have you been doing?” You ask this time, wanting to know how filming for his upcoming project had gone. “Filming went alright?”
“Yeah, it went brilliant! We’re all done now but I still have to record some additional audio next week for a couple of days.” His eyes light up and he smiles while he talks about the series, making your heart warm. You know how much he’s worked to get the role and being cast as the main character, the Prince of England in fact, in a Netflix series had been his dream come true.
“So, the Prince of England has been busy.” You tease, resting your chin on your palm. Harrison only chuckles and looks away almost shyly. “I’m so happy for you and so proud, truly. This is going to be huge, Haz.”
“We’ll have to see, but yes I think it can be. Thank you.” He meets your gaze, a soft smile on his lips and an indecipherable look in his eyes. You smile at him for a couple more seconds before the food coming to your table makes you look away.
Your orders are served in front of you and the drinks placed by your side when you remember why you asked Harrison to meet you for lunch. The thought makes you nervous all over again as you pick up a fry and use it to poke the other ones on the plate.
“What’s on your mind?” Harrison asks, looking at you curiously. “Something tells me this isn’t just about your promotion and my new role. You’ve never been so hesitant to eat your fries before.”
You sigh and look at him again, he knows you too well, which is why you think this might work. Summoning all the courage you have you open your mouth to utter your proposal. “My cousin, Travis, is getting married on Christmas Eve.”
“Oh yeah I remember Travis, nice bloke. You need a plus on at the wedding?” Harrison takes a sip of his lemonade before leaning forward, giving you all his attention.
“It’s more complicated than that.” You squeeze your eyes shut. “The wedding is going to be at the family’s country house, but most of the family will go to the house on the 22nd until the wedding. They want to spend time together and catch up then instead of the night of Travis’ wedding.”
You finally pick up a fry and eat it, breathing in deeply to explain the most important detail. “I want to ask you to be my fake boyfriend that week.”
Harrison chuckles in disbelief, clearly thinking that you’re joking. “What?”
“Please Harrison, you’re an actor and one of my best friends so you know me better than anyone. Which make the chances of us getting caught in the lie very slim.” You look into his beautiful blue eyes to try and convince him. “Christmas is the worst time for single people. You remember my cousin Gladys?”
“Yeah. Superficial, conceited and can’t stand the conversation not being about her.” Harrison rolls his eyes. “Not to mention she’s always been rude to you.”
“She got married.” You state somberly. “Which means that because we’re the same age, every dating question from my family will be directed at me, and they’ll compare me incessantly. Not to mention her teasing and criticism will be even worse now that she has ‘accomplished’ something I haven’t.”
With another sigh you look down at your food, instantly regretting asking Harrison in the first place. You dip another fry in ketchup and chew it silently as you look around the restaurant. Harrison is staring at his food, seemingly lost in thought and hesitant to say anything. “You know what, never mind. Please forget that I asked, it’s a dumb request.”
You’ll deal with your nosy and presumptuous cousin on your own. You’re used to her criticism anyways, so you can take three more days. She’ll probably talk about her about her nose job all the time and her wedding ring, or if she’s bored, she’ll comment on your appearance. You hate it but you’re used to it.
“I’ll do it.” Harrison’s voice breaks you out of your own thoughts.
“What?” It is your turn to have a tone of disbelief. “You’ll really do it?”
“Y/N, you know you can always count on me. If this will help you have an enjoyable Christmas, then of course I’ll help you.” Harrison reaches his hand out to grab yours, its freezing and his warms it up in seconds. “Besides, can’t say no to a wedding.”
That brings a laugh out of you, your eyes glazy as they look into his. Gosh you love him, you love him so much. Will being in a fake relationship with him for three days hurt your heart once it’s over? Absolutely, but a selfish part of you wants to know how it would be, to date him whether it’s real or just pretend.
“Only if you’re sure.” You speak up, not wanting to force him into anything. “It’s only until the wedding. You’re free to spend Christmas day with your family, I wouldn’t want you to miss it.”
“I wouldn’t have said yes if I wasn’t, love.” He squeezes your hand, a soft smile on his face. “So, now that you’ve told me what made you so nervous since the moment I walked in, how about we eat.”
You chuckle and nod. “Thank you, Harrison. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
Harrison smiles at you again, in that shy way he had previously done, before he steals some of your ketchup. “Now, tell me more about your promotion.” He says and takes a bite out of his burger.
The days seem to fly by between your lunch with Harrison and the 22nd. You were swamped with work all week as you got everything done and ready to leave for the holidays. It was a perk though, because it didn’t let you overthink every single scenario you could encounter with your family while lying to their faces. Hopefully you won’t be caught in your lie, and you won’t end up more heartbroken than you expect after your fake relationship with Harrison ends.
There’s a knock on your apartment door that brings you out of your own head. You take one last look around your home, making sure everything is in order before you go and greet Harrison by the door. His smile is soft just as his curls look, especially with the cream-colored sweater than brings out his eyes.
“Hello, love.” He gives you a hug. “Ready to go?”
You nod your head yes when you step away. “All ready, let me grab my bags.”
“I’ll get them.” Harrison says, stopping you from picking up your suitcase and doing it himself. “Not because you can’t but because I want to.”
You chuckle, that’s what he always says, and it always makes your heart skip a beat. “I know. Thank you.” You lock the door and make your way to the elevator where he two of you share a look before giggling.
“Last chance to back out.” You say, using a smile to mask your nerves. You need to get your feelings in check if you’re going to fake being his girlfriend. He must not know you’re actually in love with him, you’ve tried that before and he never took a hint. No use trying it now. “Oh, and what about–”
“Don’t worry about your dress, I got everything under control.” He bumps his shoulder against yours and smiles. “Trust me.”
He had asked you if you had your dress ready for the wedding during the same lunch you had asked him to pretend to be your boyfriend. Upon hearing you still had to go shopping for it, he had asked for your best fitting dress and claimed that he’ll handle the dress shopping. It took some insisting but finally you had agreed and given him a dress the next day, trying not to become anxious at the thought that if anything were to happen, you’d be dress-less on the day of the wedding.
Harrison opens the door for you when you both reach his car before placing your suitcase on the trunk and getting into the driver’s seat. “Here we go.” You smile, letting out a deep breath. “Who gets the aux cord first?”
“You’re the guest of honor, you’ve got dibs.” Harrison hands you cord and starts the car. “I hope you have some Christmas songs there.”
“Mhm.” You nod scrolling through your playlists to find the one you made for today. “I have a whole playlist ready.”
“I knew it.” He glances your way with a soft smile as he drives into the main road and starts to make his way to the highway. “You have Mariah Carey, right?”
You laugh. “Do you even have to ask?”
Half an hour has gone by when you bring up the plan for the next three days. The scenery that surrounds you is beautiful, though still not covered by snow, and Christmas songs are still playing through the car’s speakers. “So, let’s go over what will happen once we get to the house.” You take your journal out and find the small to-do list you had written down ever since you got the idea.
“We’ll pretend that we are a couple. If anyone asks, we got together during that trip we had with friends over the summer and we don’t have to kiss on the lips.” You keep your eyes on your journal when you bring up the kissing part, knowing that if you kissed him there would be no going back to being ‘just friends’ anymore. Your friendship would be gone. “I won’t make you do that.”
“Okay.” Harrison says, keeping his eyes on the road. “We can say that our friends set us up during the trip to finally tell each other how we feel, and we’ve been together ever since.”
“Right, good idea. If they ask why they haven’t seen us together in our social media, we’ll go for the ‘we don’t need to post pictures for our relationship to be real’ route.” You glance to your right to see his profile, looking for any reaction but his face doesn’t give anything away. “And if at any time, any of us wants to stop the lie, we can.”
You look out of the window now, not wanting Harrison to see the longing in your face. The one thing you want most of the lie to be real so there will be no stopping it from your side, if you have to fake a break-up it’ll be because Harrison asks you to.
“I don’t think anyone wants a break-up during Christmas.” He chuckles and you can see on your peripheral that he’s shaking his head and smiling. “Do I know everyone that’s going to be there?”
Going back to the journal you scan the list of guests and nod. “Pretty much, yes. The ones that will be staying until the wedding are my parents, granny, my aunts Ruth, Katherine and Cass, their husbands, my 2 younger cousins, Travis with his fiancé and my dreaded cousin.”
Harrison keeps nodding as you mention the people on your list only noting that he doesn’t know your cousin’s fiancé or your aunt Katherine, but other than that he’s met all of them.
“You shouldn’t let your cousin get to you. You know?” He says after a few minutes of silence. “Just ignore her. She craves attention, if you don’t listen to her, you’ll piss her off.”
“It’s harder than that I’m afraid, she seeks out to bug me specifically.” You laugh. “But now with you, dearest boyfriend, she won’t comment on me being single while bragging about her husband and being a trophy wife.” You take his hand that’s not on the wheel and give it a squeeze.
The smile he sends your way makes an even bigger one takes over your face. “I can instead brag about my beautiful girlfriend.” Harrison says squeezing your hand when you laugh and nod.
“Alright, if you want to.” You shrug, your eyes still trained on his face. The light coming from his window makes his hair look almost golden, and it takes your breath away. You feel your ears burning though when he turns to you briefly and catches you staring.
“Y/N?” He asks, moving his gaze back to the road.
“Hm?” You wonder if he’s going to ask you to let go of his hand, but another squeeze proves you wrong.
“Relax okay, it’ll be fine.” He brings you hand to his lips and places a kiss over your knuckles. “Now, do you still have that greatest hits playlist you made a while back?”
Your heart is beating a mile a minute and it’s threatening to climb out of your throat at Harrison’s kiss, only fueling your longing. Not trusting to speak right away, you clear your throat before you answer. “Yeah, I have it right here. Any requests?”
Harrison tells you the song he wants you to play and starts to sing along when it starts to play over the speakers, but you can’t focus on it. Your eyes and your thoughts are on the hand that’s still holding yours between both of your seats, the way they look intertwined and the warmth that his gives yours. How are you going to keep your feelings in check for three days when one tiny kiss has you in a frenzy?
Hopefully, you’ll figure it out in the rest of the car ride.
—— part 2 coming soon——
Tagging: @sunflowerspidey @hollandharrison @peeterparkr @soft-haz @angelhaz11 💖💖
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1-800-hellraiser · 3 years
EWTBATF Vlahd x Teen!reader Oneshot
Hello! I made this oneshot for people with daddy issues who used to simp for Vlahd but now want him to be your dad. The reader uses they/them pronouns because I want everyone to be able to feel included while reading this.
Vlahd and Eddsworld The Beginning and The Friend doesn't belong to me! It's a fancomic made by Makenzie Matthews, Jaculynn Kristiansen, Alyssa Grissom and Brittany Clark. Eddsworld belongs to Edd Gould. If I use any art in this oneshot I will credit the artist and give their socials.
P.s: If this is well received, I might make a story about this, so stay tuned~
P.p.s: I know this isn't Creepypasta content, but I felt like doing something a bit different.)
!DISCLAIMER! This oneshot deals with a lot of gore, mental, emotional, and physical abuse, fighting, missing body parts, and swearing! If you are sensitive to these topics, I advise you don't read this oneshot! Also, some spoilers for the fancomic EWTBOTF, so if you haven't read it or haven't been reading it for the past few months, I urge you to do so. Not just for this oneshot, but the comic is also pretty good!
Word count: 3,569
Song: Tessellate - Alt J
"Three guns, and one goes off. Ones empty, ones not quick enough. One burn, one red, one grin. Search the graves while the camera spins."
The same thing happened every single day. You would wake up to screaming, try to shower and do your morning routine without being interrupted, spend the rest of the day your home trying not to get involved with your parent's marital issues, go to school, do chores, get screamed at for not doing something right, eat dinner, do homework, cry, then go to bed. This was your life since you were ten years old. Your biological father died when you were nine, then your mother got remarried a few months after your tenth birthday.
Your parents were very emotionally and mentally abusive. Sometimes they hit you, but would feign sorrow to try to make you feel safe around them. They continued this behavior for years, until you were thirteen. Apparently, your stepfather had gotten into some shady business with the infamous Red Leader. You had to move from your home country to England so your stepfather could work with the Red Leader. You were miserable, you had lost all of your friends you had in school. You had to go to a private boarding school, you never got picked on, but you found it hard to make friends. After a few moths, you finally got comfortable with your new surroundings.
One day though, that all changed for the worse. Your mom and stepfather got into a huge argument, apparently your mom was cheating on a man in the same army as your stepfather. He hit your mom, your mom left right after that. He then hit you really hard in the face, so hard that it left a mark. You burst into tears and ran to your room. You emptied out your book bag, and threw some clothes, hygienic products, your phone and charger, etc, into it. You quietly walked out of your room and out the front door while your dad wasn't looking. You walked down the streets of your neighborhood and out into the little town a few blocks away.
Popping your earbuds in, you listen to some music to try and calm yourself down. You walk around town for a about an hour before you passed a creepy alleyway. Unbeknownst to you, a man stepped out of that alleyway. He lightly tapped you on the shoulder. You stop dead in your tracks. You shakily turn around and take out your earbud to confront the man. A man with shaggy brown hair, an eyepatch, big eyebrows, and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth stood before you. Its Paul, your stepfather's mate!
Paul asked why you weren't at your house and offered to take you back. You explained what happened and Paul was shocked and disgusted with your stepfather's behavior. He took you back to the Red Army base and let you stay there. You agree and he takes you to the base. As soon as you get there, Paul took you to talk with Red Leader himself. Scared, you explain to the Red Leader what happened with your mom and stepdad. Red Leader let you stay on base on one condition. You have to serve in the Red Army when you turn sixteen. You agreed because you had nowhere else to go.
It's been five months since your sixteenth birthday. You have been integrated into the Red Army, and you have made a bunch of freinds on the base. It's not so bad working for the Red Army. You even have a father figure now. Even though you'd never tell him you consider him a father figure, in fear of him not being ready to be a dad and pushing you away. Sargent Major Vlahd has been training you since you were fourteen. You started out being very skittish towards him. You didn't know what he would do to you. Eventually, you two have grown closer and closer together.
Vlahd has been teaching you Russian, and you have been working your ass off during training with him. He has taken you under his wing and now you live with him in an apartment Red Leader has for him. All of Red's most important people have their own apartment-type rooms. Vlahd's is built with a living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and an entire ass library. Your room is right across from Vlahds. You have to do chores in your and Vlahd's apartment as well, but it's a small price to pay for a roof over your head and a non-toxic father figure.
"Y/n, ужины готовы (Y/n, dinner's ready)." Vlahd calls from the kitchen, you get up from your desk and decide to finish your studies later. You walk into the kitchen and see a big pot on the stove, whenever that big pot comes out, you know he's making borscht. You celebrate in silence and take a bowl from the cupboard. You spoon some borscht into your bowl, then you proceed to the dinning room table to sit with Vlahd. A little tradition you both started to do to make tou more comfortable around him. "So, how was your day?" You ask, to get a conversation going. "Все было хорошо, а как насчет твоего (It was okay, what about yours?)?" "Mine was pretty good." You say, spooning some borscht into your mouth.
"О, между прочим, Красный Лидер хочет, чтобы я нашел солдата, который недавно ушел из МВД. Так что завтра тебе не нужно тренироваться или учиться, у тебя выходной (Oh, by the way, Red Leader wants me to go find a soldier who has gone MIA recently. So you don't have to do any training or studies tomorrow, you have the day off.)." Vlahd finishes. You nod your head in understanding. "Who do you have to find?" It was often that soldiers went MIA to try and get out of the army and Red Leader's deal. Red is a ruthless man. "Мэтт, я думаю, его зовут (Matt, I think his name is)."
A small 'ohhhhh' left your mouth. Vlahd has had problems with this soldier before. He was not following orders, so Vlahd was ordered to contain him with any force necessary. That didn't go so well. Apparently, another person with Matt turned into a fucking horned beast and sent Vlahd to the medical wing for two weeks. He had broken two of Vlahds ribs and broke his leg. Finishing up your borscht, you bid Vlahd a goodnight, put your bowl and spoon in the sink, and return back to your room to finish your studies before you go to bed.
You awake to your alarm beeping at you. Sighing, you begrudgingly get up and put on your uniform and proceed to role call . After that, you take off your uniform and pick out your clothes for the day. If you're off duty, you don't have to wear your uniform. You pull out a f/c sweater and a pair of black jeans. You get dressed and go to the bathroom, Vlahd has already left, so you have the bathroom all to yourself. You take a shower and proceed with your morning routine. After you're done, you decide to make yourself some toast and have a nice cup of coffee. After you finish your breakfast, you clean up the kitchen and bathroom out of boredom. You pull out your phone and check the time. The digital screen reads 10:36 am, you groan out of boredom. Then, a wonderful idea popped into your head, you decided to take a walk off base.
You made sure to write a note for Vlahd and stuck it on the fridge if he returns before you're back. You also ask Red Leader if it's okay. He said that it was, so you go ahead and take a secret trail off base and into a huge, lush forrest. You stick in some earbuds and continue to walk into the forrest. From this trail, there is a small town on the other side. Usually when the base runs low on food, plates, utensils, etc, there is a store where you can buy things in bulk for cheap. You also know of a small café where you like to get drinks, they have really good tea and coffee. You arrive at Le Café de Campagne and enter. You order your favorite drink off the menu. You pay and sit down at the cute tables. The café was heavily inspired by France, with relatively French architecture and design.
Cute glass tables and tall chairs are scattered around the small café, a gorgeous mural is painted on the back wall near the counter and cash register. The mural depicts a beautiful countryside with a small cottage to the left behind a field of yellow and pink flowers. In the background, snowy-topped mountains and another cottage sit beautifully. The baby blue sky and fluffy clouds pull the entire piece together. Cute black vases hold pink and yellow tulips along with napkins, salt, and pepper. A display counter with delectable sweets ranging from Macaroons to Tarte Tatin sit in the window, ready to be eaten. On top of the display counter sits a miniature Eiffel Tower, and a bunch of other mini versions of popular tourist attractions such as the Louvre and the Notre Dame cathedral. The people who work there are pretty cool as well. You know most if the people that work there, such as Andrea. She's been working at the café since it opened three years ago. She's easily one of the sweetest people you've ever met.
"Y/n, you're order is ready!" Andrea's sweet voice calls to you. "Thank you so much, have a good day Andrea!" "You too Y/n!" She calls as you walk out the door. You continue to stroll through the tiny town, looking into windows of small shops. You stop in front of a small thrift store, you decide to look around. You start in the CD and DVD section. You found a CD of your favorite band, and a Smash Mouth CD, both for lest than a euro. Obviously, you decide to buy them. You go looking around in the long sleeve shirt section. You pulled out a cute blue-grey sweater that says "Big Dick Energy" on it in bold letters, as if it were school apparel. You look at the tag, it's your size and only five euros. You take that with you as well. Moving across to the pants section, you find a cute pair of high waisted black ripped jeans. They're your size and only seven euros, so you take it. You bring your items up to the cashier, you pay, then you leave.
You decide to walk more into the forest. You take a short cut through an alleyway between the thrift store and a small bank. You push past a few stray branches and step over some shrubbery. You walk along a naturally formed pathway, admiring the beauty of the nature around you. You keep walking until you feel a droplet of rain fall on your forehead, then a couple more. You take cover underneath a tree as rain pours from the sky. You slide your small f/c backpack off of your shoulders and pull out a travel sized sketchbook and a pencil case full of pencils and pens. You take out a graphite pencil and begin to sketch out some scenery infront of you. Rows upon rows of tall oak trees sit infront of you, along with a line of small bushes keeping the trees from growing onto that pathway. The dirt pathway is damp with rain water, some weeds and flowers have managed to grow through the pathway.
After you're done, you marvel at your sketch, you're definitely putting this on your wall later. You pack up your sketchbook and utensils. You also manage to fit your new thrifted items into your bag as well. You pick up the cup that houses the few drops left of your drink from the café. You quickly make it back to town and find a garbage can to throw the cup away. The rain is still coming down hard, and it's getting dark out. You pull out your phone and check the time. Your digital screen reads 16:57 (4:57 pm). You slip your phone back into the pocket of your jeans and hurriedly walk back to base. Almost slipping in mud a few times, you make it back to base. Once you enter your and Vlahd's apartment, You speed walk to your room and peel off your soaking wet clothes. You enter the bathroom and toss your clothes into the washer to clean them.
Slipping on the clothes you bought, you put away your CDs, wallet, sketchbook, and pencil case. You flop on your bed, now bored. You decide to re-read your favorite book, you haven't read it in a while. In the middle of you reading your book, you got a text from Vlahd. 'Подойдите к входу в большую базу, это срочно (Come to the big entrance, it's urgent.' The text reads, you respond with an 'okay'. You throw another pair of shows on that aren't soaking wet and speed walk to the big entrance in the base. That entrance is usually used for big shipments of cargo, you wonder what could have happened. Anxiety begins to catch up with you and so many negative thoughts run wild in your head. Your speed walking turns into a jog, which turns into a run, which turns into a sprint. You're dodging soldiers as you sprint down to the big entrance.
"Sargent Major Vlahd!" One of the nurses says in shock. You turn the corner just in time to see Vlahd, kneeled over. Your eyes begin to well up with tears. He's covered in blood, parts of his uniform are gone and replaced with huge gashes, his left arm is completely gone. He looks up at you, he sees you almost in tears, he tries to stand back up, but one of the nurses grabs his arm. "Take him to the infirmary, stat!" She says, trying to hustle him past the crowd that formed behind the nurses. Everyone is talking around you, can't hear anything though because of how shocked and overwhelmed you are. Vlahd tries to say something to you, but he's in so much pain that he cant speak. You have people step aside so the nurses can get through to make it to the infirmary in time.
You follow them to the medical wing, you try to follow them into the infirmary, but they won't let you. That's kind of understandable though, considering he needs emergency surgery to fix his arm, or what he has left of his arm. You see him through the infirmary window. Making eye contact with you, he gives you a weak smile before passing out from blood loss. You decide it's best to go back to your apartment, and wait it out. One of the nurses gave you her number to get updates on how Vlahd is doing. She knows how close you are with him, she could tell by the look in your eyes that you were devastated when he came back. You enter the apartment and go straight to your room.
You can't help but cry. You lost one of your father figures and you sure as hell aren't going to lose another one. In the middle of you sobbing, you get a text from the nurse, saying that Vlahds surgery was successful. He's going to have to stay in the infirmary for two to three weeks, but he's going to recover. You start sobbing harder out of pure joy. You hadn't even realized that you've been sobbing for almost two hours straight. The clock on your phone reads '20:37' (8:37 pm). You quickly go out to the kitchen and heat up some leftover borscht from last night. After you finish dinner, you go to bed. All of that crying made you exhausted.
Waking up was a but hard today, but you knew if you didn't show up for role call, Red Leader would be upset. Nobody want's to upset Red, he's terrifying when he's angry. So, you begrudgingly get up and grab an extra uniform you have. Walking into the bathroom, you remember about your clothes from last night. You take them and shove them in the dryer. You do your morning routine and then throw on your uniform half hazardly in a rush to get to role call. Making it to the role call room a bit early, you check your schedule for today. You have patrol with Paul today and that's it. Patrol is just you and Paul standing outside if the bases main entrance to make sure no one comes that isn't expected. Usually these are six hour shifts, but you only have to do four today. Thankfully its only a four hour shift today, you don't think you're mentally well enough to stay for six.
After role call, you met Paul by the main entrance of the base. You two greeted each other, then stayed silent. Until Paul spoke up, "I'm so sorry kiddo. I know this can be very stressful, especially when someone you're close to gets severely injured. It's really not fair what happened to him. Hopefully, he'll recover soon and things will go back to some sort of normality." You pull Paul into a tight hug. A few tears slip out of your tired eyes.You haven't had the time to really process this information. Now that you are on patrol, you can kinda marinate in your thoughts. You pull away from Paul's embrace, "Thank you Paul, I really needed that." You sigh, wiping away the tears that stuck to your flushed cheeks.
After Patrol, you go back to your apartment and change. You change into the Maroon sweater and jeans that are in the dryer. Before you head to the infirmary, you text the nurse to see if Vlahd is awake. Vlahd is a stong man, so the nurses and doctors had to use a lot of anesthesia to keep him unconscious during surgery. The nurse said he was awake, just a bit groggy. You thank the nurse and haul ass to the infirmary. You arrive at medical wing. The medical wing is confusing as hell to navigate. Its three floors, one is where the receptionist desk is, the waiting room, and all the machines like the x-rays, the cat scans, etc. The second one is used for less severe injuries, the third one is used for intensive care. Vlahd is on floor three, room number 108.
"Hello honey, what brings you to the medical wing today?" The receptionist asks in a heavy Jersey accent. "Hello, I'm here to visit Sargent Major Vlahd." The receptionist nods and types something on her keyboard. "Oh! You're Y/n, correct?" You nod. "Okay, sign this out for me please and write your name on this." She hands you a clipboard with a piece of paper you had to fill out in order to visit someone in intensive care. She also hands you a visitor pass that you stick on your shirt. Kind of like a name tag. You fill out the paperwork and pads, then you put the visitors pass on your sweater. You give the paperwork back to the nurse. "Alright sweetie, you know where Vlahd's room is right?" You nod. "Okay, have a good one!" "You too miss." You respond to the receptionist.
You impatiently ride the elevator up to floor three. As soon as the elevator opens, you speed walk to Vlahds room. Knocking on the door, you wait for permission to enter the room. "You can come in hon." The nurse says from the other side of the door. Proceeding to enter the room, all your attention goes to Vlahd. He looks miserable. "I'll leave you twonalone for a while, just hit the bed alarm if you need me." The nurse says then leaves the room. As soon as the nurse leaves the room. You sit down next to him, and try to hold in your tears. You dont want to overwhelm him more than he probably already is. Vlahd tries to sit up, but you try to make him lay down again, he can't be straining this much. Although, considering Vlahd is a powerhouse of strength, you didn't get very far.
Instead, you gave up on fighting against him. Surprisingly, Vlahd pulls you into a tight hug. "Все в порядке, дорогая, все будет в порядке (It's okay honey, it'll all be okay.)." You broke down once again, sobbing into Vlahd's shoulder. You unknowingly grabbed fistfuls of his gown. "P-please don't ever leave me, I can't handle this, please d-don't ever leave me dad-" you cut yourself off has soon as 'dad' left your mouth. "I'm so sorry Vlahd, I-I didn't mean to- " "Y/n." Vlahd silences you. "Все в порядке. Я горжусь тем, что являюсь твоим отцом. Ты чертовски ребенок (It's okay. I'm proud to be your father figure. You're one hell of a kid.)." Vlahd states, you hug him once again.
"Thanks, dad."
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gameofdrarry · 3 years
Wizards Hearts Recs: Werewolf Creature!Fic
Wizards Hearts was a four-month-long Drarry reading fest. Players were given a playing deck of 52 tropes, and were asked to find 52 different fics to read and comment on to fill their decks. To prevent the same few fics from being read, fics were restricted to only being used for the game three times before being considered ineligible for further points. The tropes and submissions list can be found here.
Check out the masterlist of fics for this trope below the cut!
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📜 Embers by shiftylinguini Rated:  Explicit Words:  41216 Tags: Post-Hogwarts, First Time, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Draco Malfoy, Omega Harry Potter, Werewolves, Heat Companion Harry Potter, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Masturbation, Knotting, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Scent Marking, Scent Kink, Come Marking, Dirty Talk, sexual negotiation, H/D Career Fair 2017 Summary:  Werewolf Alphas aren't meant to be alone, or to suppress their ruts indefinitely like Draco has been since he was bitten eight years ago. He needs company, companionship, to knot ― he needs an Omega Heat Companion. At least, that’s what the Healers say, and even Draco can admit contacting the person they’ve referred him to might be nice. Of course it turns out to be bloody Potter. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Heart Like Neon by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill) Rated:  Explicit Words:  41103 Tags: Sex Work, Sex worker Harry Potter, Rentboys, rentboy Harry potter, Past Harry/Ginny - Freeform, past Draco/Theo, Harry/OMC - Freeform, Trans Male Character, Trans Female Character, Switching, Transphobia, Tattoos, hung harry, POV Alternating, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Rimming, Comeplay, Watersports, Duelling, Facials Summary:  Bored of being The Chosen One, Harry discovers he rather likes sex and becomes a professional. He’s good at it, and part of why is that he can read people. Not minds, not Legilimens, but their whole self, and he can give them what they don’t even know they want. Enter Draco fucking Malfoy, enigma to everyone, including himself. Harry can’t help but want to break into him, to figure him out. And Draco, thinking he’ll fuck Potter on a lark, has no idea what he’s in for. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Who we are in the shadows by Quicksilvermaid Rated:  Explicit Words:  99714 Tags: Dubious Consent, werewolf instincts, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, child trafficking, Brief Claustrophobia, Past Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Past minor character death, Past Child Death, Bigotry & Prejudice, prejudice against werewolves, internalized prejudice, Murder, Stabbing, Poison, Hallucinations, Creature Fic, Werewolf Harry, Werewolves, Auror Harry Potter, Case Fic, Masturbation, wanking, werewolf attack, Aural Voyeurism, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Slow Burn, Biting, Marking, Claiming, Scenting, Possessive Behavior, Jealousy, Rough Sex, Edging, Secrets, Lies, Hurt/Comfort, Sharing a Bed, Loyalty, Loyalty Bond, Bonding, Angst, Domestic, Falling In Love, Enemies to Lovers, Self-Acceptance, Emotional Growth, Angst with a Happy Ending, References to Auror Brutality, H/D Erised 2019, Comeplay, Wall Sex, sex without lube, Identity Porn, Secret Identity Summary:  What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise? Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life. When he comes across Draco Malfoy in the criminal underbelly of Wizarding London and in need of protection, Harry figures bringing him in to face the Ministry's justice is his ticket back to everything he's lost. But nothing is exactly as it seems. Not even Harry himself. And as he gets drawn further and further into Malfoy's world of honour and deception he finds himself questioning everything he thought he knew—about his childhood nemesis, the Ministry job he misses so much, and most of all, about himself. What happens when you’re forced to see that you were wrong? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Elusive Mate by 0idontknow0 Rated:  Explicit Words:  25786 Tags: Rating: NC17, Fanart, Creature Fic Summary:  Harry had done it (a) to save lives and (b) because the idea of him being Malfoy’s mate was clearly ridiculous, but now he had to tell Malfoy. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Finding A Place To Call Home by marysiak Rated:  Explicit Words:  54747 Tags: Alternate Universe, Creature Fic, Werewolves, Post-Hogwarts, Rough Sex, Top Draco Malfoy, Bottom Harry Summary:  Feeling directionless after the war, Harry is unexpectedly torn out of his own universe and thrust into another, where he must hide out with Remus Lupin, Teddy and Draco Malfoy as Severus Snape and Hermione try to find a way to send him home and save both his and his unwitting doppelganger's lives. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 as much a light as a flame by p1013 Rated:  Explicit Words:  6303 Tags: Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Mating Rituals, Werewolf Draco Malfoy, POV Draco Malfoy, Knotting, Scent Kink, Mating Bond, Outdoor Sex, Anal Sex, Comeplay, Art, Claiming, H/D Sex Fair 2020 Summary:  His mother paints a wolf on his chest, its eyes bracketing his heart, and its muzzle pointed towards his groin. His aunt fills in the spaces around his waist and ribs with symbols he's lost the meaning of in the wash of whatever plant had been mixed in with the steam. They move after her brush leaves his skin, turning from incomprehensible marks to his name to wolf to home to hunt and then back to misunderstanding again. His legs are painted in patterned bands, starting from his ankles and ending at his upper thighs. His groin is left unmarked, the pale and empty skin meant to leave no doubt of the Claim once he makes it. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Burning the Ground by lq_traintracks (lumosed_quill), traintracks Rated:  Explicit Words:  10256 Tags: A/B/O-ish dynamic, Were-Creatures, Knotting, Rough Sex, Anal Sex, Bondage, Blow Jobs, sex on the floor, Rimming, Auror Harry Potter, Healer Draco Malfoy, Mildly Dubious Consent Summary:  "Strap him down," someone said, and Harry felt the rage thicken inside him -- the viscous fear. Magical bindings pulled taut around his wrists . . . He felt a wand touch his arm and then a sharp bite as something punctured the skin, and a sweet, cool tonic rushed his veins. His breathing slowed. His eyelids drooped. The ceiling went grey and dark. And then he heard a woman's voice sigh, "Someone, get Healer Malfoy." ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Omega's Binding by Madriddler Rated:  Explicit Words:  49405 Tags: Hogwarts Sixth Year, Alpha/Omega, Omega Harry, Werewolves, Knotting, Fluff and Angst, Anal Fingering, Size Kink, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Watersports, No Horcruxes Summary:  After a violent encounter, Harry Potter is turned into a werewolf. An Omega Werewolf, to be exact. Now dealing with heats and the ability to get pregnant, Harry must learn to live with his new forms and life, while a desire for revenge fuels him. Will he be able to resist his heat and vengeance? Or will he fall into an instinctual lust, and look for his Alpha? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 The Light More Beautiful by firethesound Rated:  Explicit Words:  81255 Tags: Hogwarts Sixth Year, Dubious Consent, Potions Accident, Post-Hogwarts, Aurors, Returning Home, Owls, Drinking, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Shower Sex, Masturbation in Shower, Knotting, Rimming, Falling In Love, Case Fic, Loss of Virginity, Acronyms, Motorcycles, Christmas, Quidditch, Pining Summary:  Thirteen years after Draco accepts Potter's help escaping the horror of his sixth year, he returns to England where he makes the unfortunate discovery that Potter is still as obnoxious as ever. And worse, more than a decade overseas hasn't been enough to dim Draco's obsession with him. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Run With Me by dragontara Rated:  Mature Words:  16738 Tags: Animagus, Creature Fic, Werewolf Draco, Animagus Harry, Bottom Draco, Bonding, Knotting, snarky Draco Summary:  Draco and Harry meet in the Forbidden Forest in their wolf forms falling fast and hard and eventually bonding with each other. Unfortunately bonding in their animal forms doesn't mean they are happily bonded straight away in a real life too. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Taro Milk Tea with a side of Depression by VeelaWings Rated:  Mature Words:  1073 Tags: Pre-Slash, Screenplay/Script Format, Conversations, Veela Draco Malfoy, Werewolf Harry Potter, Guidance Counselors, in therapy, Depression, Self-Hatred, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Morbid Humor, Inappropriate Behavior from a Professional, H/D Hurt!Fest 2020 Summary:  Draco sat through twenty grievous minutes of Ministry-mandated group therapy for Newly Registered Magical Beings & Creatures — then promptly stormed out. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Blood Moon Rising by noelleification Rated:  Mature Words:  38322 Tags: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Werewolf Draco Malfoy, Wolfstar is canon, Sirius Black Lives, Draco Malfoy Needs a Hug, Draco Malfoy is a Little Shit, Adoption, Slowburn Adoption, Drarry might happen at some point, idk - Freeform, Remus and Sirius adopt draco, Remus and Sirius as dads, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, So much angst, seriously get ready for angst, Abusive Lucius Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy Being an Asshole, Harry Potter but it's ridiculously gay, Gay Draco Malfoy, Gay Disaster Draco Malfoy, Trans Hermione Granger, Because we don't support TERFS in this household, Yearning, Sirius and Remus are in love but it doesn't mean they're smart enough to know it yet, so get ready for them to pine for awhile, uhhhhhh just have tissues ready I guess, I'm gonna try my hardest to make you cry, You're gonna suffer..., But you're gonna be... happy about it?, Enemies to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, traumatized Draco, Draco Malfoy Has Issues, Tonks is best girl, Tonks as lesbian wine aunt, Tonks has big sister vibes, Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks Never Happened, Everyone is LGBT, because fuck jk rowling, Found Family, Whump, this shit hurted, Parental Remus Lupin, Parental Sirius Black, Torture, Aftermath of Torture, this shit gets dark yall, just be prepared Summary:  Draco Malfoy is cursed. Ever since Fenrir Greyback ripped him to shreds, Draco has transformed into a monster every month on the full moon. The change is painful, and living with Lucius Malfoy might be worse. But Draco is strong. He doesn’t need anyone, especially not Remus Lupin. Remus Lupin might be the only person in the world who understands what Draco is going through—but he has enough on his plate, between the still-raging wizarding war, the publicized nature of his status as a werewolf, and his best friend, Sirius Black, who Remus might think of in a more-than-friendly way. He certainly can’t take in a seventeen-year-old Death Eater—can he? ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 A Howling Good Time by FleetofShippyShips Rated:  Explicit Words:  5819 Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-Hogwarts, Established Relationship, Werewolf Draco Malfoy, Full Moon, werewolf/human sex, Transformed Werewolf/Human Sex, Knotting, Consent Given Prior, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation, Morning After, Aftercare (delayed?), Scent Kink, Fluff, (hahaha both literal and emotional), Don't copy to another site, Come Scent Kink (i.e. some post-sex bum sniffing) Summary:  They’d talked about this, and Draco had agreed that he would try it for Harry, once Harry had convinced him he was utterly serious and not fucking with him. The timing, however, was entirely up to Harry, and he'd decided tonight, this full moon, was the night. ❤️ Read on AO3
📜 Am I a werewolf? by a_reader_and_writer Rated:  General Words:  1230 Tags: Werewolves, Curses, Drarropoly 2.0 - A Drarry Game/Fest, Dramatic Draco Malfoy, Boyfriends, Fluff and Crack Summary:  Draco is hit by the werewolf curse. The healers send him home and tell Harry and him to watch the symptoms. Of course this isn't as easy as it sounds with our drama queen Draco. ❤️ Read on AO3
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koolkat9 · 2 years
English Tea
Author’s Note: I swore I posted this fic back in March when I first wrote it, but I can’t seem to find it in my archive. I wanted to reshare it since the newest chapters of the manga reminded me of this fic, but I’ll guess I’ll have to post/repost it all together. Oh well.
Rating: T
Pairing: GerEng
Word Count: 1393
It was actually a sunny day for once. Not that England hated the rain (he loved such weather), but considering his plans, today involved being outside, the nice weather was welcomed. He had spent most of the morning baking. Scones, Fairy cakes, sponge cakes. You name it, he was baking it. He even made his own icing for certain desserts. He may have been unable to cook, but he sure as hell could bake.
After finishing most of the sweets and having a small breakfast of tea and toast, England went out into the garden, watering and tending to the many plants. Usually, such tasks brought him joy, but on this particular day, he couldn't stop his hands from shaking or his mind from racing about everything else that needed prepping. He carefully ran his fingers over the red petals of his prized roses, taking in their soft texture. As he looked over the plant, his mind wandered to a familiar, flustered face with his bright blue eyes and stern frown. The thought of seeing that face that coming afternoon made his heart swell with both excitement and nervousness.
Normally, England wouldn't be going to this extent for tea time. Even if he was having friends or family over, a cup of tea in the kitchen of his cottage on the outskirts of London was all he needed. But having Germany over was different, it was special. Sure the two were not super close, but since the 1960s which let them get to know each other, England had found himself with a small crush on the German. Okay...maybe it wasn't a small crush. His eyes always seem to wander to Germany at every meeting, they started going out drinking together, and even when Germany was nowhere near, he was constantly thinking of him. He hoped this afternoon tea could be the start of something new, so he had to make sure everything was perfect with just the right amount of romance thrown in.
"England? Where are you?" an accented voice called from inside the house.
England, who was arranging the silverware and cups for the hundredth time, was pulled out of his concentration. "I'm out back," He shouted back, pulling away from the table having just finished setting it.
"Guten Tag," Germany greeted, a small smile spread on his face. That smile made England melt every time he saw it. It suited him so well and made his eyes shine even brighter.
"Ahem...yes...good day. Please have a seat."
After their greetings and the pouring of the tea, things became quiet. The only sounds that could be heard were the clinking of cups and the chirping of birds. Though he tried to be discreet, England kept stealing glances at his companion. He watched as Germany sipped his tea and looked around the garden. He quickly averted his gaze as Germany's eyes landed on him. "Your garden is beautiful."
"Thank you." If England's cheeks weren't pink from almost getting caught, they were certainly bright red now from the compliment. Unfortunately, this sparked no conversation and they returned to silence and England returned to his glances. He noticed Germany kept looking over to the array of baked goods laid out, though he never made a move to take one. "Would you like one? Feel free to take whatever you like."
"I-I'm fine."
"Oh please, I won't be able to eat all this myself and I would hate for them to go to waste." He picked up one of the fairy cakes and handed it over to Germany. "Don't worry, I followed the recipe exactly."
Hesitantly, Germany took the treat and took a small bite. The way his eyes lit up made England's heart flutter. "This is amazing," he exclaimed, then went back to eating.
England couldn't help but beam. "I-I'm glad you like it."
As Germany finished, England noticed that some frosting got smeared on the corner of his mouth. "You got some frosting on your face." He gestured to the spot, but no matter how many times he pointed to the corner of his mouth, Germany couldn't seem to find it. so, taking a napkin, he reached over and wiped off the frosting himself. As he leaned back he saw Germany's whole face go red, leading to his own blushing face. Trying to move past the little "moment", England picked up one of his scones (unburnt for once) and took a bite, refusing to look at the man across from him.
By the time they finished their tea and cakes, England's embarrassment had mostly subsided and his confidence was slowly coming back. "So...I was thinking..." he began, "perhaps we could play a bit of croquet before you have to go."
"Uh...w-w-well...I...I don't. I can't say I-I played before."
"I'll teach you."
Soon, the hoops were set up and England was handing Germany a mallet. England began to explain the rules and stance as he got into position to show Germany. "Now you try," England offered, "remember, just bend the knees slightly." He guided the German's hands into position and fixed his elbows until it was in almost perfect position. "You should be good now. Just hit the ball and we'll aim for just getting it through the hoop until you get the hang of it."
Despite having the proper stance, Germany seemed unable to put the needed force behind it. England could tell he was getting frustrated by the knitting of his brows and the tightness of his jaw. Taking a place behind him, England placed his hands over Germany's, pulled the mallet back, and shot the ball through the hoop. "There we go," he mumbled, tickling Germany's neck in the process. As the two parted, their faces and necks were bright red. "I-I-I think that's enough for the day. Ahem...Care for a stroll?" Germany could only give a nod as a response.
The walk started off quiet as neither dared to speak after the little "moment" they had just had. Every so often, their hands would brush sending England's heart into his throat.
"I know I've already said this, but your garden is so beautiful. It's as if it came from a fairytale."
England let out a strained laugh. "Th-thanks. I tried."
"You're very talented. You can bake, garden, sing, draw. I'm a little jealous."
"Oh please. You're hard-working, well organized. And if you think I'm good at baking, you are 10 times better. And not only that you are han-" before he finished his statement, he realized what he was about to say and slapped his hand over his mouth. He prayed that Germany hadn't noticed, but luck and God were not on his side.
"England are you okay?" Germany asked, his voice laced with concern.
"I-I-I-I'm f-fine. I just...haven't been complimented so much...and it's even more meaningful coming from you." When he looked back up at Germany, the man's face was completely red. "D-Don't take it the wrong way. You're just...just a really admirable person a-a-and-"
"I-I get it. Forgive me."
"It's fine."
At this point, they had stopped in front of a willow tree that stood in the center of the garden. Another moment of silence and avoiding looking at each other. "C-Can I try something?" they eventually said, though at the same time. England let out a genuine laugh at the situation, making Germany's heart leap out of his chest.
"You go first," England offered with a soft smile.
"O-Okay." He reached out a shaky hand and took hold of England's. "Y-You can tell me to stop."
First England's eyes go wide in shock, but it is quickly replaced by another chuckle. Germany was about to pull his hand away, but the Englishman grasped both hands in his before he could pull away. "I'm sorry for worrying you. But I was wanting to do something similar. I'm relieved, elated honestly, but I wasn't expecting it." He pulled Germany closer, debating whether he should go ahead and kiss him, but he was interrupted by the chiming of the church bells. He pulled away slightly, but refused to let go of Germany's hands. "W-Well...it's about time for dinner."
"I'll take you out. Since you did so much for this afternoon...a-a-and..."
"Say no more love." So the two headed back into the house to get ready for dinner (and their first date).
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