#it's ass o clock in the morning here and i have work in a couple hours so i'll edit later this evening if i finish work early hahahaha
pan-de-queer · 1 year
valleys behind your kneecaps (supercorp)
Genre: Fluff, No Powers AU
Sam clasps her hands together as she leans almost halfway over the table. “Will you please do this for me?” “Sam—” “I’ll never complain about your restaurant choices ever again, you can keep the modeling payment, and I’ll buy you lunch for two weeks straight.” “I’m an heiress, Sam, I really don’t need the payment or free lunch.” “That last part wasn’t a bribe, it’s a threat.” Lena scoffs, rolling her eyes as she fights a smile. “Fine. I’ll do your little modeling thing.”
Or: Lena's a med student, Kara's an artist, and somehow they still fall in love.
Author's Note: i did a writing test for work and i couldn't get my head to write original blorbos without an outline so i wrote supercorp instead and then changed the names so this is the og of that test (but longer bc i can't shut up about these idiots fr) oh also happy belated(??) valentines i guess! title from Kindling by Caitlyn Siehl and unbetaed for now (knowing me, the fic might get longer when i edit lol)
UPDATE: i edited :))) and added around 500+ words
valleys behind your kneecaps
Lena rarely ever gets time for herself.
It comes with the territory, she knows that. Being a med student means sacrificing a lot to become the doctor the Luthors have always expected of her.
It probably helps that her social life wasn’t all that affected.
Her grand total of three friends all understood the pressure she was under and the work she constantly has to do to stay on top. Still, that didn’t mean they didn’t force her to take a break every now and then.
Which is how Lena finds herself here, at Noonan’s, enjoying brunch with Sam on a sunny Thursday morning. Or, well, she was enjoying it until Sam gets a call from Ruby’s school and asks for a favor. A weird one.
“You want me to model for you?” Lena laughs, her sides cramping up. She laughs so hard she chokes on her kale and salmon salad. She laughs until she realizes that Sam isn’t laughing along. Until she realizes that Sam is dead serious.
“Oh.” Lena blinks, jaw clamping shut at Sam’s wide, pleading eyes.
“Please, Lena, it’s in half an hour and they wouldn’t be able to find a replacement so last minute and you know how Ruby gets when I make her wait.”
“She gets it from you,” Lena scoffs, dusting nonexistent dirt off the spot next to her coffee. “Besides, shouldn’t I be coming along to check on Ruby’s health?”
“Okay, first of all, rude! Secondly, you’re a medical student training to be a surgeon, not a pedia.”
“It’s not like I don’t know enough of the basics to check on her.”
“No. The school nurse already gave her the all-clear she just needs to go home and rest. Now.” Sam clasps her hands together as she leans almost halfway over the table. “Will you please do this for me?”
“I’ll never complain about your restaurant choices ever again, you can keep the modeling payment, and I’ll buy you lunch for two weeks straight.”
“I’m an heiress, Sam, I really don’t need the payment or free lunch.”
“That last part wasn’t a bribe, it’s a threat.”
Lena scoffs, rolling her eyes as she fights a smile. “Fine. I’ll do your little modeling thing.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Sam drops a sloppy kiss on Lena’s forehead before she grabs her things, backing away with her purse in one hand and her phone in the other. “The class is in Studio C. Just tell the instructor I sent you! Thank you!”
Sam disappears out the doors before her last thank you even ends and Lena’s left alone with her half-eaten brunch and a sudden appointment to keep.
The things Lena does for her friends.
With a sigh, Lena finishes her salad and coffee before exiting the café that stood right across the cursed art studio. Sam had been modeling part-time for DEO Studio for almost two years now and had even invited Lena and their usual friend group (consisting of Jack and Andrea) to take some beginner’s classes for fun. Lena had never accepted the offer, of course, what with all the studying and hospital rounds she always had to do, but she’d always been supportive of her friend’s varying choice of part-time jobs (she kept trying to convince Sam to just ask for a raise, after all, she’d been the one to convince Lex to hire her, but Sam was too much of a wimp to negotiate with Lillian).
As Lena walks across the cracked, paved street and pushes open clear, glass doors, she wonders if she’s being a little too supportive this time.
The inside of the studio is clean and minimalist, brick walls painted white surrounds the space with a simple, wooden front desk greeting everyone who enters. A small waiting lounge is lined up in front of the studio’s towering glass windows and the walls have fewer paintings and pictures than Lena assumed there’d be in an art studio. A large, sculpted art piece stands off to the side to seemingly make up for the lack of them.
“Hello! Welcome to DEO Studio.” A young woman greets her from behind the desk. “Can I help you with anything?”
Lena shuffles towards the reception desk, the weight of Sam’s favor slowly starting to hit her. “Um, yes. My friend, Samantha Arias, had an emergency to take care of and asked me to sub-in for her modeling work today.”
Truly, the strangest, almost laughable sentence she’s ever said.
A model?
“Oh! Yes, I’m familiar with Sam. I’m Nia!” Nia stands to offer her a handshake and despite the nerves starting to creep into her chest, Lena takes it with all the poise of an heiress.
“Hi, Nia. Lena. Sam said that the class is in Studio C and that I should tell the instructor she sent me?”
“Yes, alright, let me lead you to the studio and I can explain the situation to the instructor.”
Nia circles around the desk to lead her down the entrance to the left and Lena follows with a soft, “Thank you so much.”
Lena folds her hands behind her back to keep them from twisting, a habit Lillian is still trying to fix. Instead, Lena focuses on the way the studio is laid out, channeling her nerves into taking stock of her surroundings. The hallways are as white and nondescript as the front room, but Lena takes note of the two photography studios and a sculpting studio that they pass before stopping at a nondescript glass door at the end of the hall.
Nia enters first and holds the door open for her to follow. When she enters, the first thing Lena notices is that while the room remains white, paintings and drawings and posters litter two free walls from floor to ceiling. One wall is covered with shelving, closets, cabinets, and a dressing room, neatly labeled with big, printed stickers, while a huge panel of windows cover the wall opposite the door. A small, raised platform stands in the middle of the room, far enough from the door to be difficult to see immediately but right in the middle of the well-lit room.
Seven easels circle the platform with three of the wooden chairs accompanying each easel already occupied by an artist setting up their sketchpad and materials. An eighth easel stands in the far left corner of the room, farthest from the windows and door, and has a tall, tan goddess standing next to it who seems occupied with organizing her own materials.
Lena is frozen at the sight of the woman, but Nia walks straight towards the Adonis of a blonde, exchanging a hushed conversation that includes a few glances her way that Lena uses as an excuse to politely take a look at the woman she assumes she’s working with.
The maybe-instructor is taller than her, looking down at Nia with a furrow between her blonde brows and an adorable tilt to her head. She wears cute, blocky glasses that frame eyes that, without even seeing them, Lena knows are gorgeous. Plump pink lips are twisted into a frown as the woman nods at whatever Nia is telling her. She’s dressed in a comfy-looking plaid button up, the sleeves rolled up tightly on her forearms and her biceps obviously straining under the cotton. Before Lena’s gaze can fall any lower, though, Nia and the maybe-instructor start walking her way and Lena’s breath catches as she finally gets a good look at the woman’s face.
Bright blue eyes crinkle adorably at the corners as a tan nose wrinkles over a welcoming grin. Lena is pretty sure the woman’s smile can stop wars. It was art in itself.
“Hi!” The woman of Lena’s dreams greets with an outstretched hand as they come to a stop in front of her. “Nia told me that you’re subbing in for Sam and I’m really thankful for the assist! I’m Kara, Kara Danvers.”
By some miracle, Lena’s brain manages to react before she can even fully process what’s happening. Her hand slipping into a warm, calloused one as she replies, “Lena. I’m happy to be here.”
“And we’re glad to have you!” Kara beams, her smile somehow brightening even more. “Follow me and I’ll show you what you’ll be doing for today’s class.”
Like a moth to a flame, Lena followed Kara through the studio, barely remembering to thank Nia for the guidance as Kara starts talking a mile a minute.
“So today’s class is an intermediate drawing class, so everyone’s used to working with a model already. We normally start every model-work class with quick line sketching before you have to do the whole sitting still for an hour thing.” Just when Lena thinks Kara’s finished her explanation, her eyes widen and she keeps going. “Oh! Did Sam tell you you’d have to be sitting still for this? It can feel kind of awkward and cramp-y at first but if you need any breaks you can just signal me and I can give you a minute or two to stretch but—”
“Kara.” Lena lays a hand on the art instructor’s strong, broad shoulder, realizing that if she continued to keep quiet then Kara will never stop. “I get it, it’s fine. And I’ve modeled before, kind of.”
Luthor Corp promotionals and Lillian’s constant need to showcase the perfect family image definitely counts as modeling in Lena’s book.
“Oh! Really? That’s so cool!” Kara seems to breathe a little easier at her touch. “Are you, like, a professional model or something?”
Lena laughs, flattered but also mystified. She knew she had some looks, as many of the wealthy creeps and paparazzi liked to remind her, but she was far from model material. Lillian made sure to remind her of that every time she was pictured out in public.
Still, the fact that Kara thinks so is sweet.
“No, I’m definitely not model material,” Lena shakes her head, smile wry and shoulders tight. “I’m a med student.”
Kara hums, lips pursed thoughtfully. “Yeah, I guess it wouldn’t be all that fair if you were a model. You’d be too perfect. Beauty and brains? Definitely cheating.”
Heat blooms from Lena’s neck to her cheeks, Kara’s smile widening as blue eyes seem to trace every touch of pink on her face. Hoping to pull the attention away from her flaming cheeks, Lena ducks her head and asks, “So, what do I need to do first?”
The question seems to snap Kara back into work mode, because then, Lena’s being shown the different kinds of poses most class models go for before being offered a floor pillow or a chair to model on. Lena chooses the chair and only has enough time to thank Kara for carrying it to the platform before the class begins.
Introductions are made briefly at the start as Lena’s the only new person amongst the group, and then the actual class and modeling starts. Lena builds a rhythm with the warm up sketches, getting comfortable with quick poses and holding them for a minute before moving on to the next. The room is filled with the sound of pencil scratching paper and Lena feels the most relaxed she’s been in years.
There’s something freeing about being a small class model. She isn’t striking any kind of dramatic pose and yet every movement is art. Every slouch of her shoulders and stretch of her leg is something these people can turn beautiful.
(It also helps that Kara praises her after every pose, a warmth Lena refuses to name surrounding her from the inside out.)
A few minutes later, Kara moves to stand next to Lena on the platform with her sketchpad in hand and starts the actual drawing lessons. Lena finds herself captivated with the way Kara speaks, passionate and excited and bright. She watches sure, strong hands wave in every direction, blue eyes widening and narrowing with every explanation and example Kara gives. Eventually, Kara returns to her easel and calls for everyone to start drawing in detail, and Lena manages to fall into a pose sitting comfortably in the direction of the instructor herself.
She uses the position to give her an excuse to look Kara’s way. Watches blonde brows furrowing as Kara stares at her own sketchpad with a slight pout to her pink lips. Steady fingers make varying strokes on the paper as a slender wrist twists this way and that. It’s only a couple minutes later that Lena notices the constant rhythm of Kara’s pencil strokes suddenly still. Green eyes move from long fingers to broad shoulders to tilted lips and then sparkling blues.
Kara seems amused at catching Lena staring, even a little pleased if Lena were to believe her imagination. But Lena was never much of a believer, so she put on her Luthor mask and pushed back her embarrassment at being caught, raising a challenging brow instead.
Kara only responds with a smug smile before diving back into her own drawing.
Lena lets out a shaky breath as the attention (or Kara’s attention, at least) shifts. She tries to return to her previous position and attempts to focus on the art scattering the wall.
She fails.
Green eyes unintentionally stray towards bright blue eyes and perfect blonde hair, and then the cycle repeats.
Lena stares.
She gets caught.
Kara smiles.
By the time Kara finally calls for everyone to show their drawings, Lena almost feels as if they were flirting.
But why would a walking goddess flirt with her?
“Alright, class!” Kara claps her hands as Lena leans against one of the art-covered walls, finally free from sitting in the middle of the room. “Great work today! I can see that you’re all getting faster and some of you are even developing your own art styles. Keep practicing and I’ll see you all next week!”
The students all leave, none seemingly interested in staying behind for a chat but all giving Kara and Lena a quick glance as they leave.
(So maybe she threw subtle out the window after Kara caught her staring the first time. Sue her.)
Once the last student makes their way out, Kara steps off the platform and makes her way over, smile tilted on her pretty, pink lips.
“You stayed,” Kara’s voice is soft, breathy.
“Well,” Lena smiles, feels her chest warming at the way Kara says it. “I-” was hoping to ask you out. I think you’re super hot; here’s my number. I am so gay. All excellent and accurate choices, really, and yet the words that come out of Lena’s mouth are: “I wasn’t sure if you paid Sam after every class or every month.”
Kara’s eyes widen before a sheepish smile replaces it and suddenly Lena feels like she’s fucked up. “Oh, I almost forgot. I mean, I didn’t! I never forget to pay Sam. Fair pay! Y’know? Um, just, sorry, the modeling payment’s usually with Nia or J’onn.”
Lena feels the warmth start to fade as Kara takes a noticeable step back. Oh. Fuck.
“Wait!” Lena winces at the volume of her own voice but lets out a breath as she watches Kara freeze. “Sorry, I meant, um, I don’t need the payment right now. Or ever, really.”
Kara’s brows furrow as Lena tries to sort through her thoughts. “Well that doesn’t sound fair, Lena. We make it a practice to pay everyone who works for us. I’m pretty sure it’s both unethical and illegal to not pay your employees and when you model for us, you’re technically like a freelance employee. So we’ll obviously pay you for your time.”
“Kara?” Lena rushes in the second Kara pauses for a breath.
“I understand the legal requirements and all, but I did this as a favor for a friend, so what I meant was that you can keep the payment and give it to Sam, instead.” Lena smiles, aiming for reassuring. “I don’t need the money, and, honestly, the payment thing wasn’t what I really wanted to say.”
Kara sucks in a breath at the admission, blue eyes wide as a hopeful look crosses her face. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Lena sucks in a breath, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet as she tries to pluck any semblance of courage to ask a ridiculously gorgeous girl out.
“I really liked your lesson,” Lena starts, far from what she was hoping to say but a start nonetheless.
“Thanks,” Kara smiles, earnest but a little confused. “You did great for a non-professional model.”
Lena chuckles in reply, smile crooked as she tries to bite it down. “Thanks. I had some high expectations to meet.”
“Well, consider them met.”
And Kara’s so sincere, so cute as she stuffs her pencil-smudged hands into her pockets, that Lena decides, fuck it. What does she have to lose? She can ask Kara out and get a date or simply avoid the woman for the rest of her life. Easy.
“Kara,” Lena lets out a breath, green eyes glued to the paint splatter stuck on Kara’s faded sneakers. “I was wondering if you’d like to have coffee some time.”
The words on a date are stuck in her throat, but Lena considers it a big enough win that she asked at all. So she waits, lungs frozen and heart drumming in her chest for a rejection she expects and a miracle she hopes for. She’s focusing on keeping her breathing steady when a warm hand envelopes hers. Slowly, she looks up to find Kara beaming, a smile brighter than every single smile Kara’s given her today combined, blonde waves bouncing up and down excitedly.
“I’d love to have coffee with you some time.” Lena feels Kara’s hand squeeze hers gently before blue eyes crinkle further as Kara’s smile widens impossibly brighter. “But only on one condition.”
“Anything.” Lena says. Everything, she thinks.
Kara leans in closer, close enough that Lena can tell each shade of blue in her eyes. “Can coffee be a date?”
And Lena laughs, because yes. Yes. “I’d love nothing more.”
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buckyarchives · 1 year
Metal Arms and Short Skirts | Bucky Barnes. [1]
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summary: waltzing in as the new head of the Avenger's medical division, impressing everyone, and... scaring Bucky with your incredibly short skirts. while Bucky's having a hard time looking at his arm as anything other than a deadly weapon, and you're more than happy to help him.
word count: 5.6k author note: this started as a small, very self indulgent short story that i had no plans of finishing nor posting but here i am. this is also a sort of mini story while write a much longer/ complex story. i hope to have this finished by the end of jan. my inbox is open for prompts to write as small drabbles! enjoy!
outfit reference (because it kinda important, but you can change it if you'd like; this is just for visuals) outfit one and outfit two
story playlist here
READ ON AO3 | masterlist
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A soft knock at the door echoed and Bucky’s eyes sprung open, making himself aware of his surroundings as he began rubbing the drowsiness from his eyes with his flesh hand. His gaze pans to the small clock, ‘6:00 am’, it read. 
“Buck? You up?” Bucky’s head snapped toward the familiar voice. He called out a quick, muffled response while slipping on some pants. Bucky knotted his eyebrows as he crept towards the door, drowsiness still lingering. A small scowl decorated Bucky’s face, the knock catching him off-guard. Today was a scheduled free for Bucky.
Bucky opened the door to be met with Steve's face, “what is it?” Bucky asked.
“I told you last night, we gotta get to the lab and fix your arm.” Steve replied, eyes glancing at the bent and crushed panels on his forearm. Sparring was fun until Steve throws his shield a little too fast and Bucky is just a little too late to catch or dodge. “And this is the only time today that Tony is free to fix it, so put a shirt on, and let's go.”
Bucky grumbled under his breath at the orders, he wasn't one to sleep in or mess around with his strict schedule but it had been a rough week. A mission went wrong, and a trip to the med wing. Bucky wanted to be just a little self-indulgent and maybe have a late start by choice. He turned and grabbed a black, sleeveless shirt from his closet. Sleeveless made the process a lot easier and he prayed to any god that Tony wasn't going to be a pain in the ass this morning. 
“Ready?” Steve spoke up as Bucky emerged from his room, a quick pat on the shoulder as he nodded in response. 
The two boys walked side by side towards the med wing, this was the 3rd visit to the lab this week, and it was only Thursday. Bucky decided then and there that were a couple of too many times for his liking. He hoped this went by fast. On the way they both ran into a certain black widow, Steve nearly tripped over Natasha as she walked out of the training room. 
“Hey boys, where you headed too?” she spoke as she began to walk with them down the hall, a bead of sweat dripping from her forehead. 
“Last night's match got a little too fast and I accidentally jammed the shield in Buck's arm, headed to Tony to get it fixed real quick,” Steve spoke, Natasha eyed the smashed vibranium.
Natasha's eyebrows furrowed slightly, “Tony’s in DC right now?”
“Flew out last night, had some emergency meeting. Said it was no big deal.”
Bucky scoffed under his breath. “Well I'm sure someone is there to fill in or Tony would have sent me a message,” Steve said, hopeful as always.
Bucky wasn't sure if he was happier or more annoyed at the fact Tony wouldn't be working on his arm. Pro; it's not tony. Con; it's a stranger– unless Bruce pulls a medical engineering Ph.D. out of his ass, which in full honestly would not surprise anyone too much. 
An elevator ride and too many hallways later, the trio walked toward the lab, no one looked to be inside from the outside, and Bucky peered through the windows. He thought how bad it would be to turn around and go back to bed now, but Steve made everyone walk in– ‘just to check.
It was quiet for a moment, besides the subtle sound of whirring machines. Soon the large lab door slides open, “I'm so sorry I'm late! I'm filling in for Tony, he had a meeting.”
you walked through the door with a large iPad and a couple of books in hand, you set them down on a bench with a loud thud. Natasha said your name surprised, calling your attention to her.
“I didn’t know you were working at the compound, did Tony just transfer you?” she spoke, Bucky and Steve didn’t recognize you but Natasha seemed to be familiar.
You smiled brightly at Natasha, “yes. Tony wants me here permanently instead of California to give Helen a break from traveling here from Korea every time someone gets a bullet wound; which seemed to happen too often. ” you spoke confidently, “I think Tony just wants me closer to him.”
Natasha chuckled softly and rolled her eyes, “oh, I'm sure. I think you are the only one besides Pepper that can make him slow down.”
“Tony? Slow down?” Steve perked up, joking along.
“Yeah because I'm the only one he trusts with his oh-so-precious work,” you spoke sarcastically before turning towards Steve and Bucky, holding your hand out to greet the two super-soldiers. Introducing yourself, Steve spoke your name back to you, and you smiled.
“It's nice to meet you, and don't worry about being late– we just got here.” Steve shook your hand firmly before you turned to Bucky.
You brought your hand up to shake his hand while your eyes widened and filled with curiosity once you saw his left arm, you attempted to hide it, but Bucky noticed it quickly. He shook your hand. “It's nice to finally meet you and work on– I mean with you Mr. Barnes” you stumbled over your words.
“Call me Bucky, please.” Bucky replied, his hand falling back to his side. 
Bucky wore a confused look after he noticed your attire, questioning if you truly were the engineer slash doctor to work on his arm in Tony Starks place. Your hair was done up, you had a tiny, baby-blue shirt on, made out of bunched-up tulle fabric, it was off the shoulder with the sheer tulle fabric puffing up on your sleeves. 
Your skirt was matching and incredibly short and tight, despite the shortness, a small slit was on up your thigh. Bucky’s eyes fell all the way down to the floor, white boots that wrapped tightly around your calves and stopped around your knee. Not missing the huge, chunky heel that definitely gave you a few inches.
Muffled small talk between you and Natasha started as Bucky took a seat next to Steve, you moved confidently around the lab as if you owned it, pulling the specific tools and materials to start working. Bucky watch you curiously and thought despite your utter confidence and bliss, you looked out of place in the lab.
Your outfit felt so out of place; colorful, fun, and playful against the lab scenery. Bucky imagined seeing you on the new york city streets, walking around with a young and trendy outfit, a model-like strut like you owned the city. The usual sight of scientists here had a boring, toned-down outfit, usually under a lab coat. You sported none of that.
“In full transparency Bucky, since you joined the team I've been asking Tony for a while to work with you, I have many ideas for your arm.” He snapped out of his trance once you addressed him, head turned towards Bucky as you ran your hands under the sink. “I hope you're comfortable with that.”
Bucky just shrugged in response, you laughed lightly at his response. “Well then, can you sit over here for me?” you pointed to a lowered workbench in the center of the room, and Bucky plopped down on it next to your books. Natasha took his place next to Steve across from bucky
Natasha spoke up, “Stark get you your own lab yet? I know how you are about your space.”
Your warm laughter filled Bucky’s ears again, he found himself enjoying the sound ringing in his head. “Tony said as long as I get along with everyone and stop blowing things up I could stay– though I think he has no room to speak.” you joked.
“I have no doubts though, he seemed pretty adamant about making me the head of the lab and medical wing here?”
“Impressing everyone as always I see,” Natasha spoke warmly, you scrunched your face up slightly, smiling shyly at the compliment. 
You caught Bucky off guard for a moment once you asked for permission to grab his lower forearm, already one point better than Tony as he usually would just grab it harshly and get to work. “I try my best.”
“It seems you’ve been working with Tony for while, how come I've never seen you around?” Steve asked, he leaned forward with his elbows propped against his knees. Curious eyes placed on you, Bucky knew that look.
A concentrated gaze took over your face, and your tongue stuck out a little on the side as you worked slowly to get the crushed plates out of Bucky’s arm. Bucky took note of your almost perfect nails, they were long and glossy with a baby blue color and gems. Matching your outfit. 
“Well, Tony definitely put me to work so I haven't had much time to catch up with the avengers. I know Natasha when she was “Tony's assistant.’” you snort, throwing your hands up around the assistant. Natasha smirked.
Steve was impressed– to say the least, humming in response. “Tony has taken a liking to me and always finds jobs for me so I’m constantly traveling and working. I've been pretty busy the past few years so it would make sense to have missed you.”
“Oh, and you have like a million Ph.D.’s” Natasha added.
“Only five.”
Natasha throws her hands up dramatically, blowing raspberries in a mocking manner. “only.”
“A very impressive resume.” Steve teased, Bucky couldn’t help but be impressed as well, especially with being so young. He was also impressed at the delicacy of which you worked, your hands were so steady and Bucky could barely notice you working. More points ahead of Stark.
“All that and I don't think I’ve ever seen you in a bad outfit.” Natasha teased, her eyes traveling up your outfit. “Or hair.”
A shy smile grew on your face, “as long as it doesn’t affect my work, the short skirts stay on.” you winked playfully towards Natasha as she rolled her eyes at the gesture. 
“I’m just glad you finally are settling down in one lab, I missed seeing you around.” Natasha smiled fondly at you. “Found a place to stay yet?”
“Yes! I found a nice apartment close by, Tony wanted to give me a room here but I declined,” you said. Natasha put on an overexaggerated frown.
All the crushed panels were gone and the hardware inside was almost put back in place. Natasha and Steve were both in their own bubble, chatting away about some old mission. Bucky sat staring at you and your hands as you worked. His eyes shamefully traveled towards your thighs, your skirt was traveling up and a little bit and more of the skin on your thighs could be seen.
His head snapped away and towards the two avengers when Natasha's phone went off. apparently, Agent Hill needed the two so after a quick goodbye from Steve and a teased, exaggerated wink from Natasha, the two were gone and Bucky was left alone with you. Bucky tried to keep his eyes averted from your thighs or exposed stomach from your cropped top, but the growing redness on his face said otherwise.
“I really do hope to work with you in the future, make some better use of this arm, yeah?” you spoke up, beginning to replace the old panels with new ones, putting them together like puzzle pieces. 
“My arm’s perfectly fine.” Bucky mumbled.
You nodded slowly, “yes, it is. But, it can be improved. I can add some new tech, you know? Make it stronger, more flexible, add some cybernetic defenses or maybe some built-in sensory rays, and build something in like Natasha bracelets, that deliver some powerful electric discharge.”
Bucky listens to you ramble on about his cyborg arm, your face lit up as you talked about all the possibilities. Your hands are still steady at work on the vibranium. “Is all that really necessary?”
“I think it is, considering fighting is your job. But, if you don't think so, I won’t anything, it’s just an idea.” your eyes are still laser-focused on his arm, not looking at you. Bucky’s eyes glanced back down to your thigh. “And extra tech would make your arm so much cooler.”
Bucky scoffed, “this thing is not cool.”
Your eyes finally left his arm and you looked up at Bucky through your lashes, “I think it’s pretty cool” you smiled slightly at him before going back at his arm.
Cool? he doesn't think anyone's ever called his arm cool. Bucky's eyes left you and he looked forward, defocusing and staring off into space. “Anything you want to be changed or added?”
A few snarky responses came to mind but they fell short on Bucky’s tongue. Bucky wasn’t going to respond and let the silence answer for him, but his eyes flashed toward the blood-red color on his shoulders. 
“Maybe get rid of the star.” Bucky sighed, he said it like it was a sacred confession. Shame laced in his tone. Like no matter how hard he tried to redeem himself, or erase his mind of Hydra– the star painted on his shoulder would never let him rid of it all. Like a branding.
You smiled fondly at him from across the lab, with no disgust or fear. An unusual sight recently with every other agent recoiling from his presence by just living. “Yeah, I can do that. Do you like black? I can do black, oh! Or gold, that'd be cool.”
Bucky could only watch in awe as you contiuned to mumble random colors under your breath, fascinated by the fact you could be anything other than afraid of the machine of an arm. Your wheeled chair scooted closer and Bucky could feel like puffy tule fabric against his leg, his eyes averted sideway, towards your body again. Your skirt was making him nervous, how did you wear outfits like this to work every day? 
You had started to notice Bucky’s eyes ghosting over your outfit mid-conversation with Steve, brushing it off then so you wouldn't embarrass the man in front of his peers. But it was starting to bother you now, did your outfit look bad? Was something out of place? 
“Something wrong with my outfit, Mr. Barnes?” 
“Bucky.” he corrected, his eye darted toward you, a red flush growing on his face now that you noticed his lingering eyes. He was a fool for thinking you wouldn't notice. “Your skirt scares me.”
Your hands stopped working, being taken aback by Bucky’s response. You look up at him confused, a sort of dumbfounded look on your face. “I’m sorry?”
“I mean this with no disrespect, but it's just very short…” his sentence trails up, leaving it at that in hopes of not offending you or writing himself off as a creep. His face was flushed with red so he wasn’t sure how convincing it was, “not that I was- uh, looking at you like that”
‘Well,” your eyes fell back on the metal panel, screw in hand. “I might call you a gentleman for caring about my decently.” you teased, Bucky let out a small sigh knowing you didn’t take his concerns the wrong way.
“But don't worry, sergeant. I’m wearing safety shorts under,” you smirked, getting up from your  seat and swiftly pulling your skirt down. “All done! Do your little arm thing.’
Bucky was caught off guard. Eyebrows furrowed in your direction, “how do you know about that?”
“Like I haven't mentioned enough, I’m very familiar with your work. I've seen videos of you fighting, you do that thing where you like spin in to stretch it out.” you laughed, backing up and attempting a half-assed version of imitating him and spinning your arm in a small circle. Bucky stifled back an amused laugh at the sight, pushing back the thought of thinking you looked quite cute doing it. 
Bucky shook his head, cocking it slightly to the right. And did the arm thing. Watching your face as he did it. Weirdly enough, you smiled with amusement at the sight. ‘“Yeah, that thing!” 
“You are very interesting, has anyone told you that?”
“Yes and I’m choosing to take it as a compliment. Now I have to clean up here and get some other things done, you're free to go Mr. Barnes.” you put away the tools and discharged the old metal plates to be melted down for other uses later. 
“Bucky.” he repeated. 
Turning to him with books and iPad in your arms. “Yes, sorry. Bucky.” you smiled at him and walked past him towards the doorway, you practically strutted out of the lab. Calling back at him before leaving. 
“It was wonderful meeting you!” and you were gone with no room to respond. 
Bucky stood slightly dumbfounded and a little… impressed? In the middle of the lab before seeing the text from steve to meet him in the training room, a groan escaped his mouth hoping he could have one off day. 
What made everything worse is that he had to endure a few too many direct hits from Steve and Sam during their sparing session. Bucky'smind had been somewhere else for the past few hours, puzzled since usually a good training sesh would help him tap out of everything. But his mind seemed plagued with you.
 The way you spoke about his arm like it was the most amazing thing ever like it hadn’t been the cause of so many deaths. Your complete and utter confidence in your every move and sound. Your outfit, your skirt, and the way it kept riding up your thighs. 
Bucky needed a nap.
The commons room was close to silent, weirdly silent. it was midday and Bucky sat on a chair, close to a window with his head down into a book. Sam sat close to Steve at the bar, with small and soft chatter. Wanda and Clint were lazily sprawled across the couch, some movie or sitcom playing silently, yet still creating the most noise in the room. The occasional hearty laugh comes from Steve or Sam as they converse competing with the television. 
A few chapters later of Bucky’s book the soft sound of a familiar heels clicking entered the quiet common room. His eyes attempted to stay on the pages but curiosity got the best of him and Bucky raised his head slowly to look at you, you were standing close right next to Sam and Steve talking about something. Steve had that big goofy smile on his face and Sam was shaking your hand, Bucky assumed this was the first time Sam has met you. 
Your outfit was more mellow than his last interaction with you. A white high-neck tank top hugged your body and another very short black denim skirt that had pleads in it. Over all of that was crocheted black sweater, it hug low and off your shoulder. It looked so thin and the loops so big, bucky pondered on why you were even wearing it. Sam laughed loudly and Bucky wondered what was so funny.
A gasp came from Wanda and her eyes widened in your direction. “Oh my god! Your boots are so adorable!” everyone's head turned to the redhead as she got up from the couch frantically to get a closer look at your knee-high, skin-tight boots. “Are those the steve madden boots? I've heard they're a pain to get on?”
You laughed and Bucky got whiplash, he forgot how nice it sounded. Rolling onto your heels as you looked down at your boots, looking back up at Wanda with a soft smile. “Yeah, they are” Clint's head was now perked up and everyone in the room now had their eyes on you. You didn’t falter under their gazes. “And yes, squeezing my claves into these should count as a physical exercise.”
“I've been trying to find some forever, they've been sold out everywhere,” Wanda said. “They look amazing on you!”
A large smile grew on your face and Bucky swears he saw a sliver of shiny metal shine above your top set of teeth, as it’s said curiosity kills the cat and he was already up from his chair to investigate. Quiet footsteps brought him close beside Steve. 
“What’s up, cyborg.” Sam greeted him and Bucky shrugged back a mumbled nothing. Wanda was still gushing about your outfit and Bucky was trying not to look like a total creep staring at your face to see what was in your mouth. 
“Party going on here or something? Without me too, I’m offended.” Clint joined the circle around the bar. Your head perked in his direction. 
A few loud steps toward Clint as your finger swiped at your iPad. “Mr. Barton, I have some new arrow designs for you! I got pretty impressive ones courtesy of Dr. pym.” as you spoke to Clint, you were much closer to Bucky now, maybe he was staring too hard. He watched your lips move, noticing the metal ring sat above your top row teeth, resembling something of a bull ring. Bucky's eyebrows furrowed slightly. 
“Pym? Isn't he the one that made the suit for that dude that can shrink and get big?” Sam spoke up. You stifled a laugh, shaking your head.
“Your talking about Scott Lang right? Dr. Pym likes to call him Ant-man.” you corrected Sam swiftly. “I worked with Dr. Pym briefly years ago, he owes me a few favors so now Clint gets some cool arrows.” 
“Hell yeah!” Clint said.
“Alright I have to head to the lab soon, I got some new tech for you too Sam so I expect both you and Clint to meet me there tomorrow to play around with it” you pointed your index finger toward sam with a coy grin on your face. 
Sam's eyebrow perked up, “i thought you were a doctor? Like Helen?” he asked with his arms crossed across his chest.
“For your information, I have a very impressive engineering resume. Tony wouldn’t like me so much if I just treated bullet wounds.” grin was still apparent on your face as you spoke. Your sheer confidence intimidated Bucky, whether he’d admit that to himself or not. 
“I have to head out now, it was a pleasure meeting you guys.”
Everyone except Bucky said a short goodbye as your clicking heels faded into the distance slowly. Wanda practically skipped back to the couch to watch her sitcom. Bucky must have been staring too hard because he earned a harsh nudge to his side from Sam. “Dude, you got a bad staring problem.” 
“What?” his eyebrows still furrowed, the creases around his forehead accentuated more. 
“Bucky, you were staring at her lips the moment you walked over here,” Steve added, eyebrows raises and a teased look across his face. Bucky rolled his eyes.
“She had– like something…” Bucky trailed off, motioning his index finger toward his mouth, trying to find the words to describe whatever was in your mouth. “It looked like a ring or something.”
“It's a smiley piercing.”
Bucky winched, “why would it be there though?”
A quick laugh came from Sam as he playfylly slapped his shoulder. “Man, you really are old.”
An offended look grew on Bucky’s face but before he could protest against Sam or send a snarky comment back, Clint spoke up. “Maybe he's just saying that to cover up for thinking she's cute.” Clint teased Bucky, a shit-eating grin across his face. 
“Whatever,” Bucky spoke, deciding his time of relaxing was over and he needed to hit the gym before dinner. 
But before he could leave the room a quick yell from Clint could be heard, “the robots not denying it!” 
Bucky didn’t say anything to entertain that comment. Continuing his way to the gym, followed by a grunt and a quick roll of his eyes. He totally is not thinking of you or your outfits.
It was early morning and the smell of buttermilk pancakes filled bucky’s nostrils, reminding him slightly of when his Ma would cook for him and Steve after a sleepover. But instead, it was Sam making the pancakes, swaying ever so slightly on his feet as he hums to some song. Steve sat next to him with a newspaper in hand. Natasha joined their breakfast a little late, having just come back from a mission. 
Sam handed him a plate of food and it didn’t take long for him to finish it and put the empty plate back in the sink to be cleaned later. Steve piped up, “anyone wants to join me on my run this morning? Sam?”
Sam turned the stove off and put away the dirty mixing bowl, “Nah man, I gotta head outside soon and test out that new tech with Clint���
Natasha's head perked up in interest, asking Sam if he was meeting you. A quick nod and hum in agreement.
“She refuses to tell me what she did to my wings, said it has to be a surprise.” he grinned. Bucky has started to notice the way you’re becoming a prominent member of this ‘team’, with your name seemly popping up in every conversation somehow. 
Everyone was growing to like you more and more. Bucky could understand why that is but so much about you was so unknown, curiosity filled his mind whenever he thought about you. That is, he totally doesn't spend his off time thinking of you.
“I’m more than positive that girl is going to have ahold of the entire team’s tech by the end of the month,” Natasha spoke. “She’s beyond impressive in her element.” 
Bucky thought of a stupid idea for a moment, not being able to hold himself back. “Can I come with?” Bucky asked Sam.
Everyone's head perked towards the brunette, the looks across everyone’s face could only be described as udder amusement but also confusion. 
“I mean, I don't see why not.” Sam shrugged, almost unsure of his answer. 
Natasha scoffed playfully. “I think Clint was right.” 
“What?” Bucky spoke.
“Clint thinks you have a crush on her.” Natasha spoke, sporting an amused grin. “said, and I quote, ‘he was staring at her and her lips like his life depended on it.’”
An almost offended look grew on Bucky’s face, “was not”
Natasha just shrugged, but still wore a smirk on her face as he watched Bucky leave the kitchen next to Sam. Steve's eyes were still locked onto his newspaper like the old man he is but Natasha couldn't contain herself. 
“Can you tell when bucky’s interested in people?” she asked Steve.
Steve thought for a moment, “I mean back then he would talk sweetly to any girl he could get on the dance floor, but now. I’m not so sure.” 
Natasha hummed in response. “I don't know though, bucky was giving her some looks in the lab and also in the common rooms yesterday,” Steve added quickly.
On the other side of the building, Sam and sucky walked side by side as they approached the entrance to the training yard. With the shining sunlight hitting their faces, Bucky kinda wished he grabbed sunglasses. 
You and Clint stood in the middle, a couple of meters away from some targets, assuming your arrow test runs have already started. Your head perked towards the two avengers and a warm smile grew on your face as you brought your hand up to shield your eyes from the sun. 
“Hey guys!” you yelled, waving your hand in their direction. Bucky was surprised to see you in just a plain black t-shirt and shorts, your shorts were still very short. But at this point that didn’t surprise him. You greeted the both of them, with a notepad in your hands. “goodmorning” 
“Alright, watcha got for me doc.” Sam started right into it, jokingly rubbing his hands together in greed.
You laughed softly, “we’ll get to you when it's your turn.’
“I’m excited to see Clint use his Pymarrows.” you turned towards Clint with eyes full of pure desire. Bucky might just have a staring problem or he might have just thought you kinda did look cute. 
You pulled a few sets of arrows out of a case and started to ramble on about them, using terms bucky wished he understood. “Okay Clint, you’re going to shoot this arrow up high so the arrow hits straight into the ground, far away from us though.”
You pulled a second arrow out, “and then shoot this one forward right after that so they meet in the air, do you understand? Can you do that?”
Clint nodded yet had a confused look on his face. “Yes, but what's gonna happen?
“You’ll see,” you spoke with a sly smirk, the look on your face concerned the three men. Even more, after a mumbled ‘tony is going to kill me’ escaped your lips.
Clint positioned himself to shoot the arrow high up, and it went up. Next, grabbing the second one from you and swiftly getting in the correct position to hit the first one mid-air, letting the arrow go and as it flew threw the air and came in contact with the first one, Bucky (along with the rest of the group) breath caught in his throat at the sight before him.
 Tony was so going to kill you.
“Holy shit.” Sam breathed out.
The first arrow Clint shot grew ten times its size. hitting straight into the lawn, probably leaving a meter-wide hole as it stood up straight into the air, the height of an old tree. Bucky had to crane his head up to see the top. The three boy’s mouths gaped open at the sight while it looked like you were going to burst from excitement.
“Yes! It worked!” you jumped up and down, dramatically throwing your fist in the air like a child. “That's so fucking cool!”
“Oh my god” was the only thing Clint could say, muttering under his breath with his bow still in his hands. “I feel like I’m not responsible enough for this”
Bucky realized why Natasha spoke so highly of you now, he was utterly impressed and his curiosity only grew larger at this moment. He let out a breath and realized he was in for it now. 
Bucky found somewhere to sit as he watched you work on arrows and other technology as Clint practiced with a plethora of trick arrows. Seeing the look in your eyes as you explain how they worked or watching your invention sparked something in Bucky, you looked like you were glowing. 
Bucky continued to keep close eyes on you while you explained to Sam his new technology, it was also nice seeing Sam's face light up as he tested all his new features, you definitely were having an effect at the compound.
“Hah, soon enough I'll be able to take you easily, Barnes.” Sam snarked towards Bucky.
“In your dreams, Wilson.” a soft smile rose to Bucky’s face. You notice and realized that was the first time you had seen Bucky’s smile.
Sam went back to fly around, testing his new cruise configurations or new thrusters. You were standing closer to Bucky now, your head turned to him. “You should do that more often,” you spoke softly in his direction.
“What?” Bucky’s head turned to see you looking fondly down at him.
“Smile, your smile is nice.” 
Bucky didn’t say anything, he was more than sure a slight red tint grew to his cheeks and the tips of his ears. He panned his head back to Sam, beginning to fidget by playing with the grass on the ground beside him like a small child. You soon joined Bucky, sitting next to him on the ground.
The awkward silence between the two of you killed Bucky, his head panned back over to you soon enough. You were writing down what Bucky assumed to be notes, your tongue slightly sticking out at the corner in concentration. He noted the plainness of your outfit again.
“No cool outfit today?” Bucky asked innocently
Your eyes met his and he crumbled, you smiled so brightly toward him. “You think my outfits are cool?” you spoke, you aren’t going to lie and say you weren't basking in the validation from the super-soldier. You spent too much time and money on your outfits for people to not amend you for it. You felt slightly giddy, today was a good day.
Bucky shrugged in response, fumbling over his words slightly. Losing his focus while you gave him such a look. “I mean, uh– yeah, they're a lot, but they're cool…”
Smooth, so smooth james.
“Thank you,” you said, going back to writing down notes. Bucky let out a breath. “I’m taking advantage of the compounds gym so I don't have to pay a membership at a public one anymore. I came from a workout before this.”
Bucky just nodded and hummed in agreement. Clint cleaned up his arrows and took one last amused look at the still very large arrow sticking out the front of the ground. 
“You gonna take care of that or..?” 
You giggled under your breath, squinting your eyes to look up at Clint. “Yeah, I’ll shrink it down and explain to Tony why theirs a big hole in the ground later. You can go if you’d like, I’ll drop off extra trick arrows later.”
You smiled warmly at Clint and grabbed the rest of his stuff before bidding you goodbye, “tell birdy I said bye, see you later lovebirds!” Clint shouted out as he headed for the doors. You shook your head at the teasing comment. 
Bucky just felt more warmth spread to his ears.
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elianamarie-blog · 5 months
The Things You Give Part 33
Whooooooweeee it's be a very long time! I'm so sorry it took so long to write this! I've been having a hard time feeling motivated but it's past the New Years and I decided that I need to end this story shortly. Story isn't done quite yet, but there are only a few more chapters! I hope you all had a beautiful holiday season and New Years! I know I did. Enjoy the chapter!
Quick note: Danny Masterson has been imprisoned and now Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are under fire and now being cancelled apparently. Not a good start of the year for anyone.
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June 1, 1979
Point Place, Wisconsin
Forman/Hyde Residence
Eric Forman’s Kitchen
“Hey, you two, how was your doctor’s appointment?” Kitty asked as she was stirring a hot pot of chili on the stove.
“Ugh,” Y/n groaned and plopped down on the chair at the table.
“The doctor says she can pop any day now,” Hyde answered for her and opened the fridge for a drink.
“Awe, sweetheart, you must be so uncomfortable,” Kitty said.
“I am. I’m so sick of being pregnant,” she whined. “I’m tired, my ankles are fat, my back hurts and—Steven! Will you please stop breathing down my neck?!”
“Uh,” he replied from the counter, no where close to her. “I’m over here.”
Y/n whined again. “I’m so sick of being pregnant.”
“The doctor said there are a couple things we can do to induce labor,” Steven said and pulled out a list. “She said we can try spicy foods, long walks, castor oil—”
“Don’t forget what she said could be more effective,” Y/n cut in.
Steven gave her a stoney look and put his hand on his hip. “I’m not saying that.”
“Why not? She’s a nurse she hears this stuff all the time! Besides, she’s gone through this as well!”
“What? Tell me what?” Kitty asked.
“No, I’m not saying it!”
“Oh, for Pete’s sake, tell me what?!” Kitty cried out.
“The doctor said sex can be the most effective to induce labor,” Y/n blurted out.
“Y/n, what the hell?!” Steven said, embarrassed.
“Oh,” Kitty said lowly and dropped her gaze back to the chili, almost uninterested. “Okay.”
“Okay? That’s all you got to say?” Y/n asked.
“Honey, it’s pretty clear that you wouldn’t be pregnant if you and Steven hadn’t…you know…”
“Okay!” Steven interrupted. “As nice as this conversation is, I gotta get to work.”
“Okay, fine, but—Mom, cover your ears—we’re doing it later!” Y/n shouted after him as he slammed the door shut, hoping to drown out that last part.
“Well, isn’t that lovely,” Kitty mumbled and poured herself a cup of chili. “Y/n, on a more appropriate topic, do you want some chili?”
“Hey, guys,” Eric introduced himself as he entered the kitchen. “Great news! I’m on my way to becoming a teacher. I filled out all my college application with red pen.” He giggled to himself. “That’s a teacher joke.”
“Well, now look at him!” Red announced as he walked through the kitchen door. “Out of bed and productive before three o’ clock.”
“Honey, you’re like a marine!” Kitty said cheerfully.
“A marine?” Y/n asked. “The only time I ever saw him storm a beach was when he was running away from a jellyfish!”
“Damn, what did you have for breakfast this morning? Carnation Instant Bitch?” Eric quipped.
“If I could get up, I’d kick your ass for saying that,” Y/n threatened, sighing, and shifted uncomfortably in her seat, the pain in lower back starting to intensify.
“Yeah, anyway,” Eric said and turned back to Red. “Hey, dad, all I need from you now is a financial statement so the school can see where I'm getting the old moola.”
“Oh, well, you see about that…” Red mumbled, nervous. “I, uh...I spent your college money to keep the muffler shop going.”  
“What?!” the twins shouted.
“You spent our college fund?!” Y/n continued.
“Why do you care?” Eric asked her. “It’s not like you’re going to college anytime soon. You don’t even know what you want to study.”
“Who says I don’t?” she asked. “I decided that I’m going to study biomedical engineering. Beat that, teach.”
“You’re going to study biomedical engineering?!” Kitty asked excitedly. “I knew you were going to take after me in the medical field!”
“Except the difference is she’ll be helping advance technology in the medical field instead of having to wipe people’s butts and administer them their IV’s,” Red said.
“Is that what you think I do all day?” Kitty asked, offended.
“Uh…” he whipped back to Y/n who was looking up at him with an amused smile. “Good job, kitten. I’m proud of you.”
“Thank you,” she responded. “It would mean more if we had our college money!”
“Dad, how are we supposed to pay for college?” Eric asked.
“Look, with this damn mild winter, nobody's muffler rusted,” Red said. “I tried to rust them. I even went out at night and sprinkled salt all over the streets!”
Kitty squinted at her husband. “Not my good kosher salt!”
Red looked at his wife with a deadpanned look and rolled his eyes. “Yes, Kitty, I sprinkled the streets of Point Place with your half-pound bag of salt.”
“Wait. Mom, you knew about this?” Eric asked. “And you just said, ‘Please, go ahead. Take my son's college money and use it on a muffler shop?’”
“No,” she responded. “I think your father asked me if I thought you two would amount to anything, and I said, ‘I really, really hope so.’ And then he said, ‘I'm spending the twins’ college money on my muffler shop.’ And then I made the best blueberry cobbler I have ever made."
“Man, that was good,” Y/n reminisced. “I remember that cobbler. I always wondered why, when I said it was so good, you said, ‘At least I can give you this,’ and started to cry.”
“So, the upshot is, I have absolutely no money for college,” Eric said and puckered his lips in deep thought. “Looks like I’m going to have to use that football scholarship that was offered to me.”
“Oh, Eric, we should go talk to Mr. Bray!” Y/n suggested.
“Our old guidance counselor?” he asked.
“Finding money for college is what high school guidance counselors do.”
“I don't know about Mr. Bray. I don't think he really liked me,” Eric said. “One time I told him I was being bullied, and he just said, ‘What'd you expect?’"
“I’ll go with you,” Y/n said. “Mr. Bray loved me…in almost entirely appropriate ways.”
“Yeah…we’ll go,” Eric said, a little concerned.
“Okay, now that we got all that settled, we should celebrate!” Kitty announced.
Y/n scoffed. “Sure. With what?”
                                             --Later that day—
“Hey, don’t forget about the Led Zepplin concert next Friday,” Eric reminded his friends as they all sat in the basement.
“How could I forget?” Hyde asked. “It was the greatest bribery I’ve ever had.”
Y/n rolled her eyes at them.
It didn’t go unnoticed by Hyde. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing," she sighed, eyeing the TV and rubbed her belly.
“No, no you don’t get to do that just because you’re pregnant,” he pushed. “I know you, what’s wrong?”
“Awe, Steven, that’s really sweet,” Jackie said and turned to Markus. “When he and I were together, he wouldn’t even be bothered to ask me what was wrong. It didn’t even faze him.”
“To be fair, you’re always bothered by something,” Hyde quipped. “It was something new every day. I stopped keeping up after a while.”
“I am not!” she argued and turned to Markus who gave her a look. “Okay, maybe I was, but I’ve changed! The other day, I walked by a shoe sale and wasn’t upset that they didn’t have this beautiful shoe in my size. See? Growth.”
“Sure,” Hyde mindlessly and turned back to his wife. “C’mon, what’s wrong?”
“I’d rather not talk about it in front of our friends,” she responded.
“So, you guys can make out in front of us, even get caught doing it, but expressing why you’re upset is where you draw the line?” Donna pointed out.
“Yeah, spill it!” Fez demanded.
Y/n paused before sighing through her nose. “I don’t think you should go.”
“What?!” Eric shouted.
“Why?!” Hyde asked, appalled. “Why don’t you want me to go?”
“Well, I could go into labor any day now and I’d hate for you to miss the birth of your children for a concert,” she explained calmly.
“Y/n, your due date is on Monday. The kids will be here a full five days before the concert. I think it’ll be okay.”
“What if they’re not here by then? They can be late, you know,” Y/n pointed out.
“Come on, don’t do this,” Hyde said. “Don’t make me choose.”
“I shouldn’t have to make you!” she burst out. “You should know what comes first! Not some stupid concert!”
That made the group audibly gasp.
“What?! What I say?!” she asked them.
“You take that back!” Eric said, his voice wobbly.
“Blasphemous!” Kelso shouted.
“How dare you?” Fez asked under his breath.
“Oh, come on you guys, you can’t be serious,” she said. “Are you telling me my giving birth isn’t as important as some band?”
Everyone was quiet for a minute, filling Y/n with rage.
“It’s Led Zepplin,” Fez said quietly.
“Seriously?!” Y/n screeched and stood up. “You’re all going to leave me here all alone?!”
“I’m not going to the concert,” Markus piped up. “I’ll be here for you.”
She turned to everyone else. “Thank you, Markus. Maybe if I have boys I can name one of them after you!”
This made Jackie gasp. “How dare you?! I thought we agreed on Jack or Jackie!”
“I agreed to nothing!” Y/n argued. “You just assume because you think everyone caters to you, but you can’t be bothered to return the favor! The person who helps me deserves the credit.”
“What--?! That is not true!” Jackie shouted.
Everyone around her scoffed.
“C’mon, Jackie,” Donna said, side-eyeing her.
Jackie spun around to her boyfriend. “Markus! Aren’t you going to say something?”
He shrugged. “Sorry, babe, I have to agree with Y/n on this one.”
“Oh, you are in so much trouble!” she screeched.
Y/n clapped her hands and stomped her foot, gaining their attention. “Guys! Really? I thought that after we’ve all been through, you would want to be there for the birth of your nieces or nephews.” She turned to Hyde. “Or your children.” When no one responded, Y/n scoffed, hurt. “You know, what? I don’t care what you guys do. Go to the concert. Have fun.”
She didn’t let them get another single word out before she quietly walked upstairs to her room.
Once the door slammed, Donna turned to the group. “You guys, I feel really bad.”
“Yeah…I’d be pissed too if I couldn’t go to the concert,” Kelso said casually, opening a popsicle.
“No, you moron! That’s not why she’s upset!” Hyde said, irritated.
“Well, what does she expect us to do?” Eric asked. “Those tickets were a lot and it’s not our fault that the concert falls around the same time of her due date.” When he caught Donna glaring at him, he shrugged his shoulders. “What?!”
“You’re an ass,” Donna said. “I don’t think I want to go anymore.”
“Oh, come on! You have to go,” her boyfriend said. “She may not even have the kids on the day of the concert. It would be such a waste if we didn’t go.”
“Wow, Eric,” Donna said bitterly. “You’re being incredibly insensitive.”
“Okay, let’s say the babies come before the concert. No harm, no foul, amiright?” Eric asked.
“That’s if Hyde wants to go,��� Markus responded. “When my sister and her husband had my niece, they were up pretty much three days straight and the last thing they wanted to do was go to a noisy concert.”
“Well, I think she’s being a little dramatic and honestly—quite selfish,” Kelso said. Everyone turned to look at him, finding himself cringing when Hyde gave him a death glare. “What?! She is!”
“She has a point, Michael!” Jackie defended. “No matter how mean and unfair she was to me.”
“You’re telling me that we might miss her birth is an overreaction?” Donna questioned him.
Kelso nodded and shrugged. “Well…yeah!”
“Unbelievable,” Donna said curtly as Hyde slugged Kelso in the arm.
“Ow, Hyde! What the hell?!”
“Keep talking crap about my wife Kelso and you’re going home with more than a bruised arm,” he threatened.
“Damn, sorry I said anything,” Kelso whined while rubbing his sore shoulder.
“You should be,” Hyde said and made his way towards the stairs. “I’m going to go talk to her.”
He took two steps at a time as he followed his bride.
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Y/n laid there in bed, glaring at the ceiling. Scenarios of possibilities wouldn’t stop dancing in her head about the day she would give birth while her supposed loving husband was at a concert.
She felt a very wet sensation run down her leg. As she looked down, she noticed that her water had broken, and it wasn’t long until the pain of contractions came along.
“Steven!” she cried out in pain. “Steven, the babies are coming!”
“Oh, really?” he asked, barley looking up from putting his jacket on. “This is inconvenient. Can you wait until I get back from the concert?”
“Look, the babies are important, but…Led Zepplin,” he replied, stepping backwards towards the door. “Just hold those kids in for me! Love you, bye!”
Y/n sneered at the thought, but her mind continued to race.
Smoke, heavy bass, and body sweat filled the air as the group, minus Y/n, head banged their way through each song of Led Zepplin.
“Hey, Hyde, isn’t Y/n giving birth right now?” Donna shouted through the noise, wide smile on her face.
“Yeah, but this is more important!” he shouted back.
“Yeah, to hell with her!” Eric shouted. “Led Zepplin is way more important!”
“Yeah, she’ll be fine,” Steven said. “We can always have more kids that I’ll probably end up being there for the birth!”
Tears started to well in her eyes. “Jerks.”
A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.
“Y/n?” Steven asked as he poked his head through their shared bedroom door.
She quickly grabbed for her pregnancy book on the nightstand and pretended to be reading.
“Doll, can we talk?”
“About what?” she mumbled.
“You know what.”
“I think you made up your mind, so there’s no point,” she said, staring at the page.
“No, no that’s why I wanted to come up here,” he replied. “Look, I’m sorry, okay?”
“Don’t be.”
“Y/n, can you please look at me?” he asked her and took the book from her, only to see tear streaks down her face. “Awe, Doll…”
She couldn’t stifle her sobs anymore as she broke down. “You love Led Zepplin more than me!” She shoved her face into a pillow.
He didn’t know if he should laugh or groan. “Y/n, come on, you know that’s not true.”
“No, it is!” she continued to wail. “I’m going to go into labor and you’re not going to care!”
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, counting to ten. “You know that’s not true.”
“You won’t even help me go into labor!” she whined.
“I’m not going to sleep with you just so you can go into labor,” he deadpanned.
Y/n sat up and wiped at her face. “C’mon, Steven, I’m miserable here! The babies will be fine. It’s doctor recommended!”
“We haven’t even tried the others yet,” he said calmly.
Her face contorted again, fat tears rolling down her face. “You don’t find me attractive anymore!”
“I never said that!” Steven couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Then why won’t you make love to me?!”
“First, don’t say it like that ever again. And second: it has nothing to do with my finding you attractive.”
“Then what is it?” she wept.
“It’s…it’s nothing.”
This made her stop crying immediately and glare at him instead. He almost missed her crying. “What a load of crap!”
“C’mon, Y/n, don’t make me say it.”
“No, you’re gonna!” she demanded. “I want to know why you won’t have sex with your wife to help her go into labor!”
Steven tilted his head back at and stared at the ceiling. Closing his eyes, he groaned before looking back at her. “It’s weird, okay? I’m going to be doing you knowing that the babies are…right there. Knowing what’s going on.”
Y/n scrunched her eyebrows at him. “The babies are in my uterus, not in my, you know, hoo-ha.”
Steven found himself chucking at her euphonism. “What if I hurt them?”
“Like I just said, they’re farther up there than you can reach.”
She laughed and placed her hand on his arm. “Trust me, that’s something to be proud of.”
He laughed with her and kissed her.
“Let’s make a deal,” she said, catching his attention. “If I go into labor before the concert, by all means, go. But if I don’t by Friday—you don’t. What do you think?”
He tilted his head to the side, thinking before nodding. “Okay, let’s do it.”
“Okay, good,” she smiled at him as he leaned down to kiss her.
“How bout we try now?”
“Now you want to? Because of a concert?!”
“No, more so now I know I won’t hurt them or make it as weird.”
Y/n rolled her eyes. “You’re lucky I love you.”
He laid her down onto her back, hovering above her and gently smiled. “That I am.”
                                             That Following Monday…
“That’s right, still no babies!” Y/n announced as she and Steven walked into the kitchen after their doctor appointment. Everyone sat in the kitchen, hanging out and snacking. Kitty, Donna, and Jackie sat at the table while Eric, Fez, and Kelso sat at the counter munching on some pop-tarts. “Today’s my due date and I am nowhere near in labor! Gah! This sucks!”
She plopped down at the table, causing it to shift.
“Oh, honey, I know how you feel,” Kitty comforted. “When I was pregnant with Laurie, I wanted her out so bad I almost reached a hand up there and yanked her out myself!”
“That’s a great story, Mom. Can you tell that to me while you’re getting me some iced tea?” Y/n snapped.
Kitty glared at her daughter as she reluctantly got up and grabbed for the pitcher in the fridge.
“Damn, pregnancy doesn’t agree with you,” Jackie said. “The bitch hormone is being released.”
“You try carrying twins who won’t stop kicking me—and each other!” she responded as the glass was placed in front of her. “Thanks, Mom.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Kitty grumbled as she sat back down.
“Seriously, I’ll wake up in the middle of the night to one or both of the babies moving and kicking me. Have you ever had feet stuck in your ribcage? It’s a rude awakening. Literally.”
“Yeah, I feel your pain,” Hyde said. “Whenever you’re up, I’m up.”
“Oh, shove it!” Y/n spit. “You sleep like a damn log every night! You can be getting attacked while you’re dead asleep and barley stir!”
“No, I hear you. I just choose to stay still.”
“So, while I’m over here in uncomfortable, you’re snuggling your pillow just to avoid me?!”
Fez, Kelso, and Eric shifted their gazes to Hyde with amused smirks on their faces.
“You cuddle your pillow, Hyde?” Eric taunted.
“Shut up, Forman or I will suffocate you with said pillow.”
“But if you do, you won’t have a pillow to cuddle at night,” Fez continued.
“Shut up, Fez!”
“Y/n, have you tried any of the doctor’s suggestions?” Kitty asked.
“Yeah! Steven and I have done it like a dozen times since then,” she answered.
Kitty closed her eyes and rubbed her head. “Honey…have you tried anything else besides that?”
“No, not yet.”
“Well, why don’t you start with food? Let’s go out tonight.”
Y/n shrugged. “Yeah, let’s try that.”
“And the weather is supposed to be cooler tonight, we can go on that long walk,” Hyde said.
She sighed and rubbed her aching neck. “Yeah, that works.”
“There’s a good Indian restaurant that serves the spiciest curry downtown,” Kitty said. “Let’s go there.”
“Uh, do I have to go?” Eric piped up. “Last time I had anything spicy, I sat on the toilet for three days.”
“Ew,” Hyde said and turned to his wife. “Look, I’m going to go look for those specific teas the doc told me about. Do you want anything else?”
“Yeah, just about everything on that list,” she responded. “Get the castor oil, some hot peppers, pineapples—”
“Should I just get the whole store?” Hyde asked.
“Yes please.”
Hyde nodded and kissed her head. “I’ll be back.”
As soon as he walked out the door, Y/n stood. “Well, I’ve got to pee again. I swear these damn kids think that my bladder is a squeeze toy.”
“She’s got to have those kids any day now,” Donna said once Y/n had waddled out the kitchen.
“Yeah, it’s not like they’re trying,” said Kelso. “Hyde told me yesterday that she promised him that if she can give birth before Friday then he can go to the concert. Man, that must suck. Having an ol’ ball and chain telling you what to do.”
“Well, you’d never know since you’re too busy cheating on every girl you’ve ever dated,” Jackie snarked.
“Well, what do you say we make this interesting?” Kelso asked, ignoring Jackie’s comment.
“What do you mean?” Eric asked, tossing a Styrofoam football in the air. 
“I’ll bet you ten bucks she has the babies tomorrow,” he responded with a wide smirk.
“You’re on!” Jackie said excitedly and reached for her purse.
“Guys, I don’t feel right about this,” Donna said. “It’s not cool to bet on when our friend will go into labor.”
“Ugh, Donna,” Y/n called as she waddled down the stairs. “That candle you gave me smells horrible. Next time, maybe try getting me a candle that doesn’t smell like nature took a dump and forgot to flush.”
“It’s the smell of a forest!” she defended.
“Have you ever been to the forest?” Y/n said. “It doesn’t smell like that.”
Before she could let Donna respond, she waddled back upstairs. Once the door closed, Donna turned back to the group, annoyance written all over her face. “Make it twenty.”
“Guys, I got some great news from the guidance counselor!” Eric announced as he ran into the living room where his family and Donna were sitting, watching TV.
“Yeah? What is it?” Red asked, turning down the volume on the TV.
“There's this program where you go and teach in an impoverished area for a year, and then they pay for your college. So, I signed up.”
“Eric, that’s wonderful!” Kitty cheered.
“That’s awesome!” Y/n joined in.
“See? I knew spending your college money would work out for the best,” Red said, smugly. “You're welcome.”
“So, where’s this impoverished place that you’re going to?” Steven asked.
“Is it east Milwaukee? You know I made a wrong turn there once and I ended up in this awful neighborhood,” Kitty said and lowered her voice as if anyone outside the living room could hear her. “They were playing radios on street corners!”
Eric shook his head. “No, I’m not going to east Milwaukee.”
“So, where then?” Donna asked.
Eric laid his hands out, palms up in excitement. “Its Africa.”
“Africa?!” Everyone said in shock.
“Africa, Wisconsin?” Kitty asked hopefully.
“No, Kitty, the country,” Red answered.
“You’re going to teach in Africa?” Y/n asked, her heart breaking. “So, does that mean you’re not going to be here when the babies are born?”
“No, no, I’ll still be here,” Eric said. “I’ll be leaving in August.”
“Oh,” she responded. “H-how long will you be gone?”
“About a year.”
“A YEAR?!” All three women shouted.
“What’s the big deal?” Eric asked, eyebrows knitting in confusion.
“The big deal is you made this big decision without coming to me at all!” Donna shouted and stood from the couch and stormed out.
“See? Donna understands,” Kitty said while Eric sighed in defeat.
This isn’t how he was planning this go at all.
                                         --Later that evening--
“Joey?” Y/n asked her husband as they sat at the kitchen table, eating dinner.
Hyde shook his head. “Have a cousin named Joey. Last I heard he was being treated for VD and on his way to a halfway house.”
“Oookay,” Y/n said, going down the list of names in her book. “Victoria?”
“Why not?!”
“Because my mom had a best friend named Victoria.” He paused to take a bite of his spicy food before going into deep thought. “Pretty sure at one point she was more than that.”
Y/n gave him a blank stared smile. “I’ll never be able to erase that image out of my mind.”
“How bout Jimmy?”
Y/n put down the book. “Why Jimmy?”
He shrugged and wiped his mouth with his napkin. “I’ve just always liked that name.”
She squinted her eyes at him. “Since when?”
“I don’t know, a few years maybe.”
“Or maybe because it’s the name of the guitarist in Led Zepplin?”
Hyde pretended to be shocked. “Is that where that’s from? Wow, what are the odds?”
Y/n rolled her eyes at him. “Keep thinking, genius.”
“Eleanor?” he suggested.
“I’m sorry, am I giving birth to a seventy-five-year-old?” 
“What’s wrong with Eleanor?”
“I feel like I’d be giving birth to a Roosevelt. No, thank you.”
“We can call her Ellie for short,” he argued.
“Ellie Hyde?” she questioned.
“Let’s keep brainstorming,” he agreed and looked at her plate which she barely touched. “Why aren’t you eating your spicy curry? I added extra peppers for you.”
Y/n let out a sigh and put down her book. “It’s not working. Nothing is going to get these kids out.”
“You’ve barley taken a bite out of your food. Maybe if you eat half of it, you’ll actually go into labor.”
“If I eat anymore, I’ll be breathing out fire,” she deadpanned.
“Come on, it’s good. Try it,” he encouraged before taking a bite of her curry. It didn’t take long for the spices to set his mouth aflame. He started panting like a dog before desperately grabbing her glass of water and downing it like a man who hasn’t had water in days.
“Oh, my God,” he panted once the water was down. “How are you eating this?”
Y/n gave him an amused smile. “I’m about to push two human beings out of me, I think a hot mouth is the least of my worries.”
“Speaking of hot mouth, why don’t you and I go upstairs and try to get these babies here?” Hyde suggested, wiggling his eyebrows.
“C’mon, we’ve done it like a hundred times; clearly the babies aren’t coming,” she replied, defeated.
“You don’t know that,” he replied gently.
Y/n shook her head, defeated. “I guess these babies will come when they decide to.”
Steven looked at her before standing to his feet. “Come on. We’re going for a walk.”
                                            45 Minutes Later...
“I told you the walk wouldn’t work!” Y/n complained as they walked through the sliding door, picking out leaves and twigs from her hair.
“Well, it would’ve if you hadn’t tried to jump on me in the park!” Hyde argued as he looked down at the mud stains on his pants and shirt.
“I was trying to be romantic!”
“You’re trying to get these kids out of you so fast, you’re willing to knock us both over in a big puddle just for a quickie behind a bush!”
“How the hell was I supposed to know there was a deep mud puddle there?!” she yelled, prying her wet and muddy dress away from her thighs.
“Gee, I don’t know, maybe the fact that it RAINED earlier?” he yelled back.
“Ugh, you know what, I’m going to go shower. Don’t follow me!”
“What is going on?” Eric asked as he entered the kitchen with Donna. He took one look at the couple and started laughing. “What happened to you two?”
“Y/n thought it would be the perfect time to get romantic on a walk in the park to try to go into labor,” Steven replied, glaring at his wife who wasn’t even looking at him.
Eric scrunched up his nose at them. “Sorry I asked.”
“I’m going to go shower because the mud is started seal my butt cheeks together,” Y/n announced before waddling out the kitchen.
“Didn’t need to know that!” Eric cried out and turned back to Hyde. “So, are you guys going to keep trying?”
Hyde sighed frustratingly. “At this point, I don’t know. We’ve tried spicy foods, canola oil, sex…nothing is working. The long walk may have worked if she hadn’t cut it short.”
“Well, you know, maybe the babies will come tomorrow…or in a couple days…” Donna suggested and nonchalantly grabbed a soda from the fridge.
“I don’t know. I’m starting to think these kids are going to come closer to the concert and I just got to accept the fact that I’m not going to be able to make it.”
“What?! No, Hyde don’t say that,” Eric said. “You’re going to be able to have those babies and still go to the concert.”
“You know, Hyde, maybe you’re not doing this right,” Donna said and sat at the table. “Maybe, the babies will come tomorrow or Wednesday…”
Hyde squinted his eyes at her. “Why? Why tomorrow or Wednesday?”
She shook her head. “No reason!”
Hyde rolled his eyes. “Fine, whatever. I’m going to shower as well. We’ll try again tomorrow.”
Once he was out of earshot, Eric turned to Donna.
“Way to almost blow our cover!”
Tuesday came and go with Y/n getting more miserable by the minute.
“It’s Tuesday night, she can still have the baby tonight!” Jackie argued.
“You had until 8pm. You can’t bend the rules now. Now pay up!” Donna chortled and held out her hand.
“Fine!” Jackie screeched and reached into her purse. “Here’s your stupid twenty bucks!”
“Thank you,” Donna said smugly and fanned her face with the two tens.
“Okay, double or nothing she has them by tomorrow,” Jackie said.
“I bet she’ll have them by Thursday,” Kelso said.
“I bet you’re all wrong,” Eric said. “I want to say she’ll have them by Sunday.”
“And I bet she’s losing six friends,” Markus piped up, disgusted at their behavior.
“Five,” Eric corrected. “She can’t lose me. I’m her brother after all.”
“I don’t think that’s going to make a difference,” Markus said.
“Markus, baby, shush,” Jackie said, tapping his leg. “We’re just having a little fun.”
“Fun?” he questioned. “You’re betting on your friend’s pain and misery! I don’t think she would classify this as fun.”
“She would if it was any one of us,” Eric pointed out.
“Only with you,” Donna chuckled. “She’s fine with the rest of us.” She looked up to Kelso who was mindlessly sucking on a popsicle. “Well, maybe Kelso too.”
He looked down at her, frowning, pausing with the popsicle still in his mouth. “Why me?”
“Because it’s so easy,” Fez added in, laughing. “Like you.”
“That’s it, I give up!” Y/n said, exasperated three days later as she and her husband sat in the basement. “I’m done trying to get these kids to come out. They’ll come when they come.”
“No, don’t give up yet,” Eric said, faux-sympathetic.
“You just want them to be born so you can go to the concert,” she grumbled.
Eric’s gaze flicked to the rest of the group; Hyde staring at him suspiciously.
“Y-you can keep trying…even if it takes you to Sunday,” he said.
“Or Monday!” Jackie piped up. “I think you’ll go into labor then.”
“Nah, I’m saying Tuesday,” Fez said.
Y/n squinted her eyes at her friends. “Okay, what’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Fez squeaked.
“Uh huh, and I’m calling bologna,” she said, eyes never leaving Fez’s nervous ones.
“Nothing you’ll be interested in,” Jackie said.
“Yeah? Try me.”
Everyone was silent, not daring to speak up, until—
“We’ve all been making a bet to see when you’ll go into labor!” Fez blurted out.
“FEZ!” Everyone shouted.
“What the hell?!” Eric shouted.
“Unbelievable!” Donna cried out.
“Big mouth!” Jackie chimed in.
“Traitor!” Kelso added.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t lie to her!” Fez said.
“But you can bet money on me?!” Y/n shouted. “I can’t believe you guys!”
“Yeah! How could you do this and not let me in on it?!” Hyde shouted.
Y/n snapped her head to him. “WHAT?!”
“C’mon, we’re both so miserable here, at least let’s make some money out of it,” he defended.
“Oh, yeah I’m sure all that sex has helped ease the pain,” Fez grumbled bitterly.
“Shut up, Fez,” Hyde demanded, making Fez pout and turn away.
“You know the worst part is you guys didn’t include me on this,” Y/n continued.
“What?” the group asked in unison.
“Well, like Steven said, if I’m going to be miserable, I might as well make some money!”
“Hey, you’re cooler about this than I thought you would,” Markus said.
“If I wasn’t pregnant and desperate to get these kids out, I wouldn’t be,” she said. “Now, tell me, how high is the bet?”
“Forty,” he responded casually.
“Forty?!” Y/n screeched. “C’mon I’m worth more than that!”
“It’s all I’ve got in my purse,” Jackie responded bitterly. “Unless you have more money.”
“I know Hyde does,” Kelso smirked.
Hyde glared at him. “Drop it before I drop you.”
                                          The Next Day…
“C’mon, babies, just stay in there until after tonight,” Eric encouraged, talking to his sister’s belly.
“You know that’s not how that works,” she responded, laughing at him.
“They can still hear right? Maybe they will listen.”
“Yeah, in your dreams, Forman,” Hyde said as he sat next to his wife on the couch.
“Come on, babies, if you wait to come out and let Daddy go to the concert with Uncle Eric, I promise I’ll give you whatever you want.”
Y/n couldn’t help but chuckle. “I don’t think they’re coming out anytime soon. You guys can go to the concert tonight, it’s fine.”
“YES!” Eric cheered.
“You sure?” Hyde asked genuinely and turned to her. “What if you go into labor while I’m gone?”
“I still have my parents here and Markus said he’ll be a phone call away if I need him,” she reassured him.
Hyde made a face at her. “I don’t know how I feel about this new guy helping you.”
“Would you rather it be Fez or Kelso?”
He smacked his lips in thought. “Good point.”
“Besides, I think it’ll be nice to just be me tonight,” she continued. “I can finally start that book I’ve wanting to read.”
“Vogue Magazine isn’t a book,” Eric reminded.
“Neither are comics,” she snapped back.
“Then why are they called comic books?” he shot back.
Y/n sighed. “Either way, I’m looking forward to finally getting some alone time.”
“As long you’re okay with it. And I won’t be out long,” Hyde promised.
“Okay,” Y/n said, smiling at him and kissed him. “I’m going to go take a nap. Wake me up before you leave.”
Hyde nodded as he helped her off the couch. Just as she did, she clutched her stomach, hissing sharply.
“Oh!” she yelped, bending over.
“Oh, my God! Y/n!” Hyde reacted quickly, reaching for her so she didn’t stumble forward.
“Y/n, are you okay?!” Eric asked her with wide eyes.
“Yeah, just kidding,” she giggled and walked upstairs.
The two young men let out a breath of relief and glared at her as she walked up the stairs.
“Sometimes, I really, really don’t like her,” Eric griped.
                                             --Time Skip—
“Y/n, I’m leaving!” Steven said as he gathered his wallet, keys, and tickets together.
“I’m coming,” she called out as she waddled down the stairs.
He met her at the bottom of the stairs and placed his hands on her hips, leaning down to kiss her. “You sure you’re okay with this?”
“More than,” she said, grinning. “You go and have a great time, okay?”
“I will. I left the number for you on the counter to the venue in case anything happens.”
“Look at you, being all worried and responsible,” she teased.
He chuckled and kissed her gently. “I love you. I’m serious—call.”
“I will,” she said and hugged him. “I love you. Have fun.”
“Will you stop making out with my sister and get in the car?” Eric asked impatiently. “Led Zepplin isn’t going to wait for us.”
“Shut up, Forman,” Hyde said and turned to Y/n once more. “Try to not have those babies until I get back.”
“I will definitely try,” she replied sweetly before giving him one more kiss. “Now, go. Enjoy the concert. Oh! Wait there for a moment.” She ran back to the kitchen before returning to the front door with a camera in her hand. “Take some pictures for me.”
Hyde held the large polaroid camera in his hand and looked at his wife. “You want me to take pictures the whole time?”
She nodded innocently. “Yeah!”
“No,” he deadpanned and set the camera on the couch.
“What? Why?!”
“I’m going to be busy rocking and rolling, not taking pictures of the band.”
“Steven, please! Just because I can’t be there doesn’t mean I don’t want pictures!”
“Yeah, that’s a lot of pictures that I don’t want to take and have to keep track of. No, thanks.”
“Why’re you being so stubborn?”
“Hey, if you wanted to see Led Zepplin, you should be going,” Eric piped up from behind them.
“You literally bought tickets for everyone but me,” she snipped.
“Correction: I bought them for me, you, Hyde, and Donna. Kelso bought tickets for him and Hyde,”
“But…Jackie’s not going, what're you doing with that extra ticket?” Y/n inquired.
“Yeah…he thought he was going to be able to score with her, but then she met Markus and quite frankly, I think Kelso is afraid of him. So, he’s bringing Fez,” Eric answered.
“I’m not even going to question that,” she said and turned back to her husband. “You be careful and have fun. But not too much fun!”
“Alright, cool, let’s go!” Eric pushed and shoved Hyde out the door.
“What the hell, man?” Hyde asked outside the door.
“We still have to pick up Kelso and Fez and I’d rather not be later because you couldn’t stop being mushy with my sister,” Eric responded and closed the door before Y/n could hear what Hyde had to say.
Y/n looked down to her stomach and held it between her hands. “Well, guys, it looks like it’s just us. What do you guys want to do? We can watch TV, read a book…eat a tub of ice cream?” A kick to the stomach confirmed her question. “Ice cream it is!”
                                         Later that night…
Y/n sat on the couch in the living room watching a rerun of Three’s Company when the doorbell rang. When she answered the door, Jackie and Markus stood there.
“What’re you guys doing here?” Y/n asked them.
“Well, we know you’re by yourself tonight so we figured you’d like some company,” Markus said with a bright smile and held up a Fatso Burger bag. “We also brought food.”
“Well, I wouldn’t put it that nicely, but yeah same,” Jackie said and welcomed herself in.
“Oh, uh, well thanks,” Y/n said and closed the door. “You guys don’t have to be here. My parents are home and if anything happens, they’ll be here.”
“Nonsense. We’re your friends,” Markus said and sat down on the couch. “Besides, we figured you were hungry.”
“Always,” Y/n said and waddled over to the couch. “This was really nice of you. Thank you.”
“Not a problem,” Markus said, smiling and handing her a wrapped burger. “What’re we watching?”
“Three’s Company. It’s the one where Chrissy takes a freelance job as an X-rated writer for a fictional diary,” Y/n responded, watching the screen.
“Oh, that’s a good one,” Jackie said, digging into her fries.
After they had finished their meals and the episode ended, another one was starting soon as they all had settled back into the couch.
“No, no, no that’s ridiculous,” Markus argued. “Why would Doc Ock be Spider-Man’s greatest enemy? It’s always been Green Goblin!”
“The Green Goblin is Peter’s most famous enemy, but it makes sense that his greatest enemy is Doc Ock because think about it: Your mentor and friend turning bad? Can you imagine the betrayal?” Y/n countered.
“But Green Goblin was his best friend’s dad! That also has to mean something! Then, once his dad died, his best friend became the Green Goblin!”
“Yeah, that would mean something if Harry hadn’t tried to kill Peter first!”
“To be fair, Harry didn’t know about Spider-Man’s identity until later.”
“And to be fair, this conversation is killing me,” Jackie piped up, bored.
“Yeah, but—” Y/n was cut off by an abrupt sharp pain down in her lower abdomen. Her hands flew to her stomach and held her breath as the pain radiated and quickly subsided. She let out a sigh of relief.
Markus and Jackie sat up straight as Markus’s hands hovered over Y/n. “A-are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Y/n responded, breathlessly. “That was weird. Anyway, as I was saying—OH!”
Another sharp pain reared its ugly head, radiating through her pelvis to her back and down her legs. “Oh, my God!” Her grip on the couch tightened, knuckles turning white. She could feel her abdomen tighten rock-hard as she felt the pain become more intense.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?” Jackie asked.
Y/n couldn’t respond and could only whimper.
“Oh, my God,” Markus said, panicking and jumped from the couch. “Oh, my God! Not now!”
All Y/n could do was shake her head as the pain was starting to subside to the point where she could get some words out. “No, no, it can’t be. It can take a while for the babies to get here. It could just be the beginning stages.”
“The beginning stages of what?” Jackie asked.
Markus looked at her with a panicked and wild look in his eyes. “Are you serious?!”
“What?!” she asked, matching his energy.
“She’s in labor, Jackie!”
“Oh,” Jackie said calmly, but then it hit her. “OH!”
“We need to get you to the hospital,” Markus said, rushing to get her up from the couch.
“That’s not necessary,” Y/n said, another sharp pressure coming on as she stood. “The book said contractions need to be five to ten minutes apart before going to the hospital. Labor can take a while.”
Markus sighed a small breath of relief before looking down and his eyes widening. “And what does the book say about that?”
Y/n looked down on the floor at her feet as she felt some wetness.
                                          Her water had broke.
Taglist: @not-shy-nanya @taysirene @maddieschampagneproblems @mdittyz123 @undead-sierra @random-thoughts-004 @lieswithoutfairytales @chloem4a1 @srhxpc @zhonglibxitch @leothesquishy
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justreadertings · 2 years
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Coffee Shop Rules
Hi everybody! I made this to celebrate me putting in my two weeks notice at the one and only Bob Evans lol. I have worked saturday and sunday mornings this entire quarter of school (don’t ask how I don’t know how I did it either). But I officially have days to sleep in! Anyway, here’s to the brave thing I did. Also coffee shop aus can be injected in my bloodstream, I love it here. Also, mind the editing, this is the THIRD time I’ve tried to upload this to tumblr before I clicked out of it accidnetly. Twice. Please be kind to me. Ok, enjoy this little fic!- All my love, Magee
2900 Words
TW: Cursing, mentions of domestic violence, unwanted advances, working in a restaurant (this last one is for me)
Coffee Shop Rules
Rowan hated his job until noon. He had no one to calm him down, or rationalize that he couldn’t just snap at customers. But they were getting on his last nerve, today especially.
The Mistward was a restaurant that both he and his best friend worked at, and on Sundays, after the church rush, Rowan was at his wits end. He glanced at the clock. It was 11:57. But that meant he still probably had around ten minutes, because she was always late. He turned back to the register. 
“Hi there,” He said, just doing the motions, checking out customers one by one. He and Aelin both hosted, but she was much better at it than he was. She was always up there, making conversation with the customers, getting to know them, complimenting their jewelry. He’d asked her before why she complimented the old ladies with the most atrocious bulky necklaces the most, and she said it was a test, because if the old lady was thrilled about the compliment, it probably meant that her husband had stopped complimenting her. He was all very confused by her science, but he couldn’t deny how much he loved when Aelin would pop up on her toes and tell him in a hushed voice, “table 30? That guy is awful. She nearly cried, Rowan. Told me where to buy myself a set, too”
Gods, he wanted her to get here. He glanced down at the clock. 12:06. Rowan slyly took out his phone, quickly sending a you ok? text to her. She called him a buzzard when he got worried about her, but she’d already gotten into a fender bender once this year. His heart had nearly stopped when she had called him, asking him to pick her up.
Then, the doors opened, and there, in her golden glory, was Aelin. No apron, no nametag, and almost seven minutes late. Rowan smiled. She was fine, then. 
“Sorry sorry sorry,” she said, stopping to very quickly kiss his cheek before going back to put her bag away. 
The old woman at the register smiled. “I used to work with my husband,” she said, voice conspiring. “We just loved it.”
Rowan knew what she was insinuating, it was the same thing that nearly all the old couples suggested. Rowan knew that they just didn’t get modern relationships. That it was totally normal how close he and Aelin were, and it didn’t mean they had to be dating or anything. But Rowan had learned to let the comments slide. He gave her back her change, with a tight smile and a nod.
Aelin was pulling her hair up into a ponytail as she came around the counter. “Bye Pam!” She yelled, waving goodbye to the woman. The lady chuckled and waved back.
Rowan turned to her, an eyebrow raised. “How do you know her name?”
Aelin tied her apron around her waist, rolling her cerulean eyes. “I know all our regulars.” She finally looked up at him. “How do I look?”
His body warmed as he looked at her. Like she even had to ask. She looked as effortlessly gorgeous now as she did in freshman year. When she’d moved in all his classes, rivaling him for the best grades, the hardest worker, and the biggest kiss-ass to the teacher… well he wasn’t her biggest fan. In fact, they’d spent the first two years of highschool torturing each other, slipping mean notes into lockers, or setting each other up on fake dates. The problem was, his friend group since elementary school was all a huge fan of hers and her friends. Soon, they all became one group, and they’d had to just deal with each other. 
But it wasn’t until Aelin showed up at his house, the first to their group hangouts- which had been weird considering her petulance for running late- with a cleverly hidden bruised cheek, that they’d started talking. Growing up, Rowan’s closest friend, Lorcan, was two years older, and had tried to hide his own fair share of bruises. He’d moved out his senior year, but Rowan still knew how to figure that kind of thing out. He’d known her foster dad was an ass… but this was too far. She had sat in his house for probably ten minutes, insisting she was fine, until she broke down and told him. Everything. 
Since then, their friendship had grown, and he considered her his best friend. She just… understood him. They were on the same wavelength. He was very grateful that they got the summer before college to hang out, before they went to Orynth U together. He knew a lot could change in college, that they’d be busy. But he was also grateful that Aelin could get out of the hellhole that had been the last five years of her life.
Speaking of… Rowan’s eye caught on her wrist, circled with little purple finger indents. His chest tightened. He reached out, soothing his thumb over it.
Immediately, Aelin shook her head. “It’s fine. This one wasn’t… I was stupid.”
Rowan pressed his lips to the bruise, feeling horribly protective of her. “It’s not your fault.” He’d probably said that to her a million times. 
“I brought home a pregnancy test.” She said, as if that explained the bruises.
Rowan’s hand dropped her as his fell slack to his sides. Aelin pointed behind him. “Customers,” she said. 
Rowan shook his head a bit at her, questions soaring through his mind. But he didn’t even have time to ask her to clarify what the hell she was talking about before she was off making hot chocolates for Luca, one of their servers. 
He didn’t… he didn’t even know she was doing… that. Or at least, if she had, he assumed she would have told him. Not that he was entitled to her information but, they just told each other everything. She knew that he slept with Lyria Willow their junior year. He knew that she hadn’t slept with Dorian, or Chaol. He knew that she had almost slept with Sam, but decided against it at the last moment. She’d gotten freaked out and had come over, crying in his bed that something was wrong with her. Gods, as if that was possible. He was still trying to convince her that she wasn’t broken. In a lot of places. But she was pretty scared off from dating since then. 
So was this a fling thing? Something she hadn’t thought about? Or was she dating someone and hadn’t told him? He hated the thought of that. Hated the thought of her with anyone, really, but… if she was buying a pregnancy test, this guy had to be-
He snapped out of his thoughts. Rowan was sure his eyes were as wide as saucers, because Aelin had a quirky little smile on her face. “It was for Lysandra.”
Everything in his body relaxed. He knew she would have told him if she’d had sex. If she was dating anyone. The relief in his chest was so heavy, he had to push it away, and not dig in on why, exactly he was so relieved. He was working, and he did not have time to think about the complexities of that question. 
 “Thank gods,” he muttered.
At that, she flicked the side of his head. “Are you saying I wouldn’t make a good teen mother? Because I take offense to that.”
He rolled his eyes. “I was just missing a biggg chunk of story there if that test had been for you.'' They began walking towards where they kept the pumpkin bread, beginning to package it and put it in the display case. It was pretty slow now, the cold weather warding off most of their customers. Since about ninety percent of their clientele were over the age of sixty, even their busiest days were slow when the weather cooled.
Aelin put the stickers on the boxes when Rowan finished removing the wrappers and placing them in the box. They worked like this a lot, in an assembly line. Mostly so they could talk. Not that Emrys cared that much. The owner had always told them, as long as everyone leaves fed and happy, you can do whatever you want.
He was a great boss.
“Look,” Aelin said, blowing a tendril of her hair out of her face. “Lysandra didn’t actually think she was pregnant. She was just a little late, and wanted to double check.”
He frowned, eyes still catching on her blue and purple wrist. “That still doesn’t explain why you went home with it.”
Aelin laughed. “Because her uncle would kill her if he knew she was sleeping with my cousin, who’s literally four years older than her.” Aelin cringed. “Gods that's gross.” 
Rowan was still frowning. “Doesn’t Lysandra know that Arobynn wouldn’t be too thrilled if he found it either. Which he clearly did.”
Aelin stiffened a little bit at his tone. “I was just helping her out. I honestly forgot it was in my pocket.”
Ignoring the problem for a moment, Rowan blinked at her in shock. “You put something she-” he lowered his voice for the sake of the people eating beyond the counter- “peed on in you pocket?”
Aelin actually laughed at him. “Please,” she waved her hand. “Lysandra and I have shared underwear before.”
Rowan made a horrified face.
“Did you see any lines in my prom dress?”
Rowan’s face heated at the thought of her prom dress. It was black, with a deep v neck, a golden dragon that rode up the back of her body and hugged every single one of her curves. He couldn’t deny she was gorgeous. You’d have to be insane to think she wasn’t.
His face heated further. “You told us all that you went commando.” His knee had hit the top of their table and rattled their drinks that night when she had told them all that fact. For the rest of the night, he’d struggled to forget. He couldn’t even dance with her like she’d wanted for most of the night, afraid of how little fabric actually was between them.
Aelin shrugged. “I did. But I tried on her supposed ‘no line’ underwear beforehand.”
Rowan muttered, “demon.”
Aelin just smiled, but turned her cheek to see a guy at the register. Immediately, she went for her nose. “Not it!”
Rowan sighed, before taking off his plastic gloves. He pinched her side. “You’re lucky you're cute.”
Aelin only laughed, after an aggressive bat of his hand away from her before slipping on the gloves he abandoned to finish wrapping up the bread.
After working so long at a place like this, Rowan had gotten used to not only reading people’s vibes, but also making snap judgements on people. And he didn’t like this guy. He was clearly a frat boy, but his face was… creepy. Rowan knew that he was objectively attractive, tawny eyes and dark hair, but he couldn’t describe him anyway else. He was just creepy.
Rowan just took the receipt though, doing his normal, “how as everything”, and such.
The guy had answered fine, but Rowan was already fishing out cash for him. 
“Damn,” the guy said. Rowan bristled a little, glancing up. But the guy was looking behind him. “Was she on the menu? I would’ve ordered that instead.”
Rowan’s muscles went taunt. Was this guy kidding? Rowan had seen his fair share of guys hit on Aelin, had heard enough old guys say weird shit to her… but seriously? Calling her a that?
“Excuse me?” Rowan just said, hoping to make him uncomfortable.
The man just smirked, and it felt slimy to Rowan. “I’m just saying, I would’ve much rather had her at our table than shrimp over there.”
Rowan just handed him the cash, hoping he’d leave. He just didn’t like the vibe this guy was giving off. And yeah, maybe he was an “overprotective buzzard” like Aelin liked to call him- but he wanted him gone.
Of course, because she had to be difficult, Aelin chose that moment to turn and start displaying the bread. The man called out to her, before Rowan could give her the signal to get out if she didn’t want to be hit on, “Hey babe.”
Aelin frowned, looking him up and down. “Unless you’re talking to our little pig plushies in the front, I don’t believe anyone here goes by that name.”
The man just kept smirking. “So, she talks.”
Aelin turned around to grab more bread, continuing her job. “Most women do.”
“And so feisty. I like that.”
“So did your mom,” Aelin snarked. Rowan smiled into his hand. Gods, he just loved her.  Loved her classic fire. It was all very Aelin. 
The man faulterd a bit, but recovered, a little bit of ire in his voice, “So she wants to play hard to get, huh?”
“She,” Aelin remarked, “Has a name. And she also has a boyfriend.”
Rowan’s heart nearly faltered until he realized she was probably just talking about him. He was her fake boyfriend all the time, when she needed it as a cover. They’d kissed a couple of times anyway, just little pecks, so it wasn’t that big of a deal. They’d never really set boundaries, but he knew it was good for a time like this. Even if it was sometimes… confusing.
The guy just stuck his hand over the counter. “Cairn.”
Aelin didn’t shake it, but said in the same tone, “Working.”
Cairn nodded to Rowan, who hadn’t left the counter, wanting to make sure this guy left. He sure as hell wasn’t gonna leave Aelin alone with this guy. Rowan had left her alone, had let her convince him that it was fine if he dropped her off at home one too many times. So yeah, he was probably too protective, but it stemmed from what his mom told him was anxiety. He guessed that made sense. Lorcan’s life had probably made him protective, and his dad’s death had definitely made him overbearing. But Aelin’s life had probably made him anxious. 
“This your boyfriend?”
Rowan squinted at him, but responded, “the one and only.”
Aelin glanced at him a thank you. He shot back, don’t mention it. 
“You can do better,” Cairn said, dismissively.
What the hell was wrong with this guy? Yeah, Rowan wasn’t her boyfriend, but what if he was? Now, could Aelin do better than him? Definitely, Rowan decided a long, long time ago. But this dick didn’t have to say that, and he definitely shouldn’t if he had a chance with her- which Rowan knew he didn’t. 
Either way, Rowan was done with this guy. He stalked up behind Aelin, who had the same “what the fuck is the matter with this guy?” look on her face. Rowan pointed to the door. “Sorry, no dicks allowed in here. Coffee shop rules.”
Cairn’s face went from entitled to pissed. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” His voice was raised loud enough that the few customers still left raised their eyes to the counter. 
Aelin slid closer to him, and Rowan was reminded how much she hated aggressive men. How triggering it was for her. It was the only thing that kept him from throwing the guy out on his ass himself.
“Get out of here, man. Take your fit outside, or find someone else to bother.”
Cairn looked her up and down again, and Rowan slipped his arm around her. “You’re a bitch.”
Aelin’s fingers dug into his arm, but she only said, causally. “And you’re pathetic.” She pointed to the door. “No dicks allowed,” she repeated. “Coffee shop rules.”
The man grunted but eventually stomped his way outside, not without slamming the door of course. Aelin jumped from it. 
Rowan turned to her then, slipping his arms around her as she leaned back against the counter, eyes closed. “You ok?” he asked, voice low. She nodded, but he knew it was a lie. He tucked that tendril of her hair that she could never seem to get clipped up behind her ear.
Aelin sighed a little. “We should have that sign made,” she said, voice low.
He snorted, but brought his hand up to hold her jaw. “How about I get you some water?” He knew she was bothered. Scenes like that didn’t normally happen here, which was part of the appeal. She’d always get really tense when they were around people arguing, and their quiet little breakfast place was supposed to be her haven away from the crazy. 
Aelin nodded, eyes still closed. He held her jaw there for a second more, before pressing a kiss to her golden hair, and grabbing her that water. When he returned with it, her eyes were open, but her damned bruised hand was brushing over her mouth, worried. She took it from him, grateful, but there was something churning in her eyes. 
“Fireheart,” he asked, knowing it was the name her parents had given her before they’d died when she was eight. “Whats-”
But before he could finish, she’d risen up on her toes and pressed the softest of kisses to his mouth. “Thank you, Rowan.” 
Customers came in then, and she was off, busying herself around, grabbing menus for them before he could even react. Rowan placed his own fingers on his mouth, trying to process. He was starting to think this no boundaries thing was going to be a problem.
If you want to be added to the taglist (an of course my secret society where I give you chocolates and forehead kissies) just let me know! Also, if would be interested in a part 2, I wouldn’t be opposed! 
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dank-meme-legend · 1 year
Wounds At Night
Word Count: 2,172
Payton lays in bed, listening to the clock on his wall tick, tick, tick.
He can't sleep, he's awake with too many thought churning around in his head.
River lays beside him, sleeping soundly.
Payton wants to know what he's dreaming about, or if he's dreaming about anything in the first place.
Though, if River wanted to keep his dreams to himself, Payton would understand.
The idea of telling anyone, especially River, where his mind wanders at night and during slow days at school terrifies him.
Payton, a young man who presents himself as clean-cut and sharp, with not a soft, emotional bone in his body, has a very big soft spot in his heart.
A very big soft spot that wants to be held by River and to be with him.
It's so stupid and sappy and gross, how he feels about River.
So stupid and sweet that he gets a stomach ache every time he looks at River.
He has Alice as his girlfriend and these sickeningly sweet things he feels for River only make him feel worse when she's around.
He loves her dearly, believe him.
She'll be his First Lady, she'll be there every step of the way, unconditionally devoted to him and his dream, the same way she's been since they were kids.
Always there to support and love Payton.
Payton is incredibly lucky to have a woman like Alice in his life, though he never knows how to express his gratitude towards her.
Guilt sits in the back of his mind every time he tells her he loves her and then goes on to spend his afternoons with River, loving him at the same time.
He looks at River now through the darkness of his bedroom and something in him wants to burst into tears.
Something so deep inside of him, something buried and shoved down that wants to come out of him right this minute.
River is in his bed, fast asleep after an afternoon of talking and holding each other, being so close and yet it's never close enough, at least not for Payton.
It'll never be close enough.
Sex is the closest thing Payton gets to whatever his mind considers, "close enough".
He's had River braced above him and held below him only a few times now, but every time is special in its own way.
God, the way River looks at him in those moments, bare and real, his eyes beaming but his words are always calm.
Sweet and loving, so, so loving.
Payton wants to cry, because he's the luckiest man alive and he thinks he doesn't deserve it.
He has worked his ass off in school and everything, but Alice and River coming into his life were by chance, by dumb luck.
He doesn't deserve either of them.
River stirs awake from his sleep and makes a short trip to the bathroom.
Payton stares at him dumbly when he comes back to bed.
River's curly hair is tousled from sleep and he's only wearing a pair of sweatpants, his strong body exposed to Payton.
He'd asked if it where alright with Payton if he slept shirtless and Payton had told him that it was alright, putting any thoughts to the back of his mind.
River's eyes are soft and they look at Payton through the dark, asking him quietly,
"Did I wake you up?"
"No, I can't sleep." Payton admits.
"Do you want to talk about it?" River says, his voice hoarse and deep.
River always gives Payton the space to get things off his chest, even now, a couple minutes past three o' clock in the morning.
Payton doesn't want to keep River up and he wants to shut his own mind up.
But his mouth betrays him and words come out anyway, blunt and direct and straight to the point.
"I don't deserve you. I don't get why you like me so much."
It's brutally honest and truthful.
River sits up a little bit.
He is wide awake now, there's no chance he's going back to sleep.
"Why do you think that?"
Something squeezes Payton's throat and it hurts, physically hurts.
"I'm- you could've picked anyone to... make feel things, anyone to spend your time with, but you do it with me. You come over here to see me time and time again and I-"
He clears his throat and it stings and tries to close up.
The back of his eyes start to feel sore, they start to burn.
"I don't get it."
River's eyes are on him, listening to his words and focusing like Payton is the most important person in the entire universe.
Payton wants to be important.
He so desperately wants to be seen as important and worthy of love.
But he's unfeeling and cold to most people, except for a few scarce moments with Alice and his friends, and most times with River.
Payton will admit, he's yelled at River, sometimes even attempting to shove him when he's especially frustrated.
River is kicking his ass in their high school election so far and it infuriates Payton.
He'll do anything to win, anything to get to the top, anything to have his name formally announced as President Elect Payton Hobart.
Obsessive and cold, driven and unfeeling, formal and deeply, deeply insecure.
"I like spending time with you, a lot, actually." River tells him. "And I like talking to you. You have to be one of the smartest people I know. Without a doubt."
He says it so easily and Payton knows he means it.
Knowing that he's seen as smart by someone he views as an angel from Heaven or a superhero from a comic book hits Payton right in the heart.
River sees him, River loves him.
He loves all the messy parts of Payton, parts like what he's expressing tonight.
He loves every part of him so deeply.
Payton looks at River while his words stir around in his head.
River is still focused on Payton, his eyes tired and understanding.
Even in the darkness of his bedroom, Payton looses himself in the blue sea of River's eyes.
He sees calming, slow waves that come up to wash over the shore.
Payton's own eyes, the same sea, but on a stormy night with much harsher, ripping waves, burn and burn while his throat feels tighter and tighter.
A faint sound, an attempt of words or a, "Thank you", fails to come out of his mouth.
Tears come down and River holds him close.
Payton cries and he hugs River in return, trying to avoid his eyes.
He hates crying, let alone in front of River, but he's felt so undeserving of River and all that he does for him, all the moments they've shared together, for such a long time that it all spills out of him right now.
Violent, crashing waves, tears falling down his face and his mind moving a mile a minute.
Payton is the smartest person River knows.
He's quite proud of his intelligence, with his incredible four-point-one GPA and all that, but even that is put into question with River.
On an emotional intelligence level, Payton is a dunce, a moron, and he knows it.
"I'm sorry." He chokes out, sucking in a big breath of air and rubbing his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt.
River looks at him sympathetically and moves a hand forward to brush a few tears off of his face.
"It's alright. Just listen to me for a minute, okay?"
Payton nods.
"I mean every word I've ever said to you. I really do think you’re one of the smartest people I know and-” He pauses for a moment to organize his thoughts, to feel the words on his tongue.
They’re heavy, a weight that sits in the back of his throat, creeping up every once in a while.
He continues on, “I... I really do love you and I love our time together and the talks we have." River tells him, glancing down at Payton's face and seeing his eyes go wide at the word, "love".
"You- you love me?" Payton asks him, his voice shaking.
River's eyes are sincere and the rest of him looks calm, at ease, especially now that the weight that sits in his throat and on his tongue is gone.
With his sincere eyes, he looks at Payton for a long second.
His cheeks are stained with tears and River knows that Payton's face is red right now, even in the darkness of his bedroom.
He's beautiful and real, a person.
Not a politician.
River couldn't be more in love if he tried.
Payton responds with one word and his voice cracks like he's back in middle school, going through the beginnings of puberty.
His eyes are wide and he stares at River as another sob comes from him, this one is deep from his chest.
"Payton, Payton. Breathe, please. I'm sorry." River tells him.
Maybe he'd said it at the wrong time.
He's almost said it a few times, but he's managed to keep it in, or at least bite his tongue so it doesn't slip out.
A right time will never exist. In his heart, he understands that.
He saw Payton, real and raw and beautiful, and it inevitably jumped off the tip of his tongue in a moment of him being overrun with love.
Contrary to Payton's beliefs, River isn't perfect.
He isn't Superman or a heavenly angel, he's a young man who has a big heart full of love.
Love that he gives to Payton.
Payton’s eyes feel sore, glossed over with tears and fuzzy.
He blinks hard, wincing because it stings the tiniest bit.
He lets go of River and walks to the bathroom, flicking on the bright light.
Payton looks at himself in the mirror.
He looks at his bright red face and his red, sore eyes.
River stands next to him, trying to read his mind.
He turns to look at River, an expression on his face that River tries to decipher.
“Why the hell do you love me? Look at me.” He spits out, “I’m a wreck.”
His voice is still shaking, but now there’s a spike of anger present.
He looks at River, tall and handsome and strong, everything Payton believes he isn’t.
Payton turns back to stare at himself.
He’s the luckiest man on Earth, who’s a fucking wreck.
He truly is a wreck, pained with having River and Alice in his life and lying desperately to the latter of the two.
One, who he shows all his open, bleeding wounds to, and the other, who’s never seen him cry once, who only know the presentable version of Payton Hobart.
The heterosexual, endlessly devoted to her, version of Payton Hobart.
The version who wears a proper, professional outfit everyday of his life, who combs his hair neatly, paying attention to have every hair lay just the right way.
Who doesn’t ever cry or show any doubt.
To Alice and McAfee and James and everyone else, he has his life in order, his mind in order.
But that’s not the real him, that’s not the real Payton.
River sees the real Payton, broken and bleeding, who he loves deeply, despite everything Payton has ever threatened him with, despite the times Payton had tried to shove him or yelled at him.
“I just do.” He says simply.
Simple and earnest.
It’s all he can say.
Payton sniffles and takes a deep breath.
He doesn’t believe River.
Above all, above everything, he doesn’t believe River.
He won’t let himself, because if he did, he would have to face the fact that he loves River, and then the following fact that they can’t be together.
They both have girlfriends and Payton has a dream.
River impedes his dream.
He makes Payton feel things and let’s him be vulnerable, and they have romantic, passionate sex and it’s all fine.
But to achieve his dream, Payton isn’t allowed to admit that he loves River, he isn’t allowed to admit that his intimate times with River aren’t just to get off, that he truly wants to never stop being so close to him.
So in love with him.
Payton, drained and sad and angry and in love, hugs River again.
River hugs him back, holding on tight.
River loves him.
Some time later, River announces his pick for Vice President and Payton, political and sharp and angry, barges into River’s house, yelling at him once again.
River says a few words to him, his last words, his dying words.
Words that he knows Payton won’t believe.
But he says them anyway.
“I really did love you.”
And then, he’s gone, collapsed on the floor in front of Payton, after killing himself.
For the first time ever, Payton understands.
He understands River’s love for him.
But it’s too late, he can’t tell River that he loved him, too.
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antifacountryfella · 2 years
look I SWEAR im not usually a "vibes are off" kinda guy.... but the vibes are most certainly off.
My trip began several hours before I figured it would; ar like 3:00 my boss told me i could leave at shift change. fine by me- we were dead after all. Stop home to pack, then i head up top. get there at like eight?? it was like right before sunset.
of course, before I even left for work that morning I'd reached out to someone from.. my Past Life. Current life now, I guess. He was working till 10, which gave me plenty of time to Scheme Up Some MoneyTM Well shit, that didn't take too long. Once he was off work, he had a couple things to do; this def had me worried cuz he's kind of flake. mm, actually "flake" isn't the right word. He's a Bull Shit Artist, to be sure, but hes no flake. if he sets up a mission its one that is going to benefit him, which means he'll be there. what im tryin to say is that he isn\t dumb enough to be a flake, if that makes sense.
He actually picks me up in case I "get too cooked to drive." what a gentleman lol. we then drive up to the city. as we pass the Lesser City With Worse Drugs* I looked at the skyline and thought how weird it is that I live in the country now. I uh.. kinda don't like? At the very least, I miss cities. Hell, I even miss those not quite cities-not suburbia that crops up around cities.
This was the first time I was on the Block in literal years. Hasn't changed at all. Still horrifying. I'm still weirdly numb to it.
And the Product knocked me on my fucking ass. I got 6, but only did one while we were in the city.
Side tangent here. Look, obv buying drugs off the block sucks. It scary, especially after midnight. this night was "only" 12"30. not the latest ive been there but still enough to put you on edge a bit. but that feeling when you have what you came for, you've got it in your system, and then the driver starts up the car to leave. oh man. total relief. because now, every block we pass brings us closer to the highway and a bit farther from where the Shit Goes Down. Less than five minutes after the engine starts, and we're already in a part of the City where it wouldn't feel like suicide to get out and walk around. And then you hit the highway, no more watching for cops out looking to ruin a junkies night. Soon, not even a speed trap from City Cops because you aren't in the part of the highway that's in the city limits. It's immaculate.
I don't remember if I did more that nigh, but I do know I "slept" passed out in my jeans. I did another bag at some point. basically the whole day was a blur. At one point I nodded out for three hours. I know this because Someone Special texted me and I meant to respond and it took me 3.5 hours to complete that task.
Which reminds me, if I don't get this shit under control SOON I'm going to fuck this up before it really starts and I REALLY don't want that to happen. I like this girl, and she likes me too. I'm down bad for ol' girl.
which brings me back to the bad vibes. idk, with going back to crossing lines I'd sworn off, and our government stealing half their subject's right to abortion, the loss of miranda rights, hell- my roommate said he lit a candle today and it just burned black smoke. idk, its spooky is all....
*(also the city where drug dealers start going to bed at 9 o clock)
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crowdedimagines · 3 years
Familiar Love - Harry Styles
harry and y/n have a hard time staying out of each other’s arms, not that there’s a place they’d rather be Famous!Y/n
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“Well well well.” Harry grins, opening his door wider to his home for me. 
“Why are you acting all surprised? You invited me here.” I get on my toes to steal a fast peck from him as I walk by. I walk into the living room I have grown very familiar with over the years. Harry’s London home never changes, his one taste of consistency.  
“Of course I did, we’re both in London at the same time.” 
“I know.” I roll my eyes, backing up the stairs to his room. He matches my steps evenly, pacing us like predator and prey. I slide my jacket off my shoulder, ditching it for the floor. His eyes never leave mine. If I didn’t know this house so well, I would be on my ass by now. 
“It’s been a while since this has worked out.” He presses a stolen kiss to my cheek, then another and another, “I’ve missed you.” 
“Missed me or a muse?” I bite down lightly on his earlobe, he backs me into his bedroom finally. 
“Always miss you.” 
“That’s right, you are pretty obsessed with me.” I smirk. 
“M’not obsessed with you.” He defends, finally pulling his face away from my neck. 
“Well your discography would beg to differ.” 
“Shh.” He works on the spot he knows would normally occupy my mind enough that I couldn’t banter. The spot just below my ear where my neck and jaw meet. 
“Temporary Fix, Perfect, Change Your Ticket-”
“Alright alright” Harry rolls his eyes, dimples showing up on his cheeks while he fights a smile.
“-and that’s not even counting your solo career” I tease, letting him back me onto his bed. “Only Angel, She-” 
“You’re such an ass sometimes.” He shakes his head, as if in disbelief, but his smile only grows wider. 
“What?” I scoff feigning shock, “You love my ass.” He presses a kiss to my collarbone. 
“Yes, I do. Now shut up so I can love on you for the first time in eight months.” 
-     -     -  
Harry and I were the worst and best things to ever happen to each other. We met when we were too young. My career had just started, I had a singular album to my name and was lucky to open for any band that was on a tour. Harry was a couple years into One Direction by the time we met. 
It was on a red carpet, thankfully not my first, but my first time being on the carpet for an award show that I actually had a nomination for. This was huge for me. My album had done well, but never expected a recognition like this. 
I met Niall before I met Harry. I had bumped into him walking in and he complimented my music, even claiming one of his mates ‘couldn’t get enough of it’. When he said that I wasn’t expecting him to walk me over to meet the rest of the band. Harry had been the ‘mate’ Niall had been referring to. 
I lost that night, to Ariana Grande, who in my own opinion deserved it more than me. That night didn’t feel like a loss though, because I got Harry out of it. We quickly became friends, texting, calling, facetiming any time we got the opportunity. One Direction was touring on a constant cycle, and I had just finished mine. I was in the process of writing my sophomore album, Harry flew me out and I ended up staying for the rest of the tour. 
It wasn’t a surprise to anyone that we started dating, the calls and giddy smiles were enough already to clue in everyone around us. I was able to get a glimpse at the world he lived in with his stardom, and soak in every second he wasn’t on stage. It didn’t take long for fans and the public to catch on. A few too many paparazzi pictures at each concert venue to avoid. 
Both of our managements allowed us to openly date, officially coming out to everyone with PDA and everything. It was amazing. I flew back home to Los Angeles to record my second album and before I could blink I was touring it. 
Things got hard for Harry and I at that point, we could never manage to be in the same city, or get time off to visit the other. My name was quickly becoming a household one, and One Direction had yet to ever even stall in popularity. 
It broke us both completely that after three happy years together, we had to call it quits. Neither of us were ready to give up our lives and it was no longer working to never see each other. We both needed to feel loved, and on opposite ends of the planet it wasn’t enough anymore. It was only a few months after our split that One Direction went on hiatus. 
Harry and I remained close. Some would say too close. It started with just being friendly whenever we saw each other at events or things with mutual events. It took one slip up that sent us back into each other’s arms. It was a New Year's party, we agreed to be with each other, because we didn’t have anyone else to kiss at midnight. 
Once you get a taste for someone you never stopped loving, it gets pretty hard to stop. So that’s how it all began. Harry and I decided to see each other, date, love, fuck, anytime we both happened to be in the same city. It didn’t happen as often as you would think. We both still had home across the world, and varying tour schedules. We both had on and off again partners, that then the deal would be off, but neither of our partners were ever in the picture for very long. For years it went on like this. It was heartbreak all over again though, once we knew that someone had to leave. 
-     -     -
“Well, that was fun! It’s been a while, Styles.” I let out a sigh to try and gain back my breath. We practically just ran a marathon. Maybe two. He does the same, a grin plastered to his face. 
“Too long.” He tilts his head to press a kiss to my bare shoulder. 
“Well I do believe a plane works two ways.” I turn on my side to face him, my head resting in my palm. 
“Mmm, I’ve been stuck in the studio. I’ve been working on new stuff.” 
“Ooh, a new album perhaps?” 
“Yeah, it’s been a whole process trying to get all my thoughts out and sorted.” He clears his throat. 
“So why not go to Jamaica like you did for your first? A new environment that you can just throw yourself into it.” I question. 
“I don’t know, it doesn’t feel like that for me. I did that because it was the first time I was doing music without One Direction. This time it’s a little more on me and how I feel.” 
We catch up for nearly an hour before we both feel gross from our previous activity and decide to take a shower. Together obviously. 
“Mum and Gem are coming over for brunch tomorrow.” He states. 
“Hmm?” I turn away from the shower head to face him again. 
“I think they’re going to be here close to 10:00.” 
“Do you want me to leave?”
“No!” He places a hand on my hip, trapping me between him and the cool tile on the walls. “Never.” 
“So what do you want?” I ask, tilting my head up to fully look at him. To read every expression that crosses his face as the water pours over both of us. 
“I want you to stay. Have brunch with us.” 
“Are you sure?” I ask, pressing a kiss to his peck. 
“Yeah, if you can.”
“My fitting isn’t until 2:00 so that should give me plenty of time.” I smile, “Are you sure they aren’t going to think it’s weird that I’m there?” 
“They won’t think it’s weird. They’ll both be thrilled to see you. I swear everytime I pick up the phone they’re asking me how you’re doing.” 
“That’s funny considering how often that Gemma texts me.” I smile. 
“So you’ll stay for brunch?” 
“Mhm.” I pull him down to my height for a kiss. 
-     -     - 
“Well if it isn’t the one that got away.” Anne teases as she pulls me in for a tight hug. 
“Fuck-” Harry sighs, letting out air as if he took an actual physical hit. 
“Hi, Anne.” I laugh. 
“You just get more and more beautiful every-time I see you.” She holds my face in her hands and she studies me closely. Over the years Anne and I have only grown to be more close, even though I am no longer dating her son she still treats me as family which I can’t help but love her for. 
“Let me give her a hug!” Gemma pushes her way in and pulls me in tight against her chest. 
“Gem!” I grin. 
Harry and Anne walk into the kitchen together with Gemma and I following, arm in arm. I remember this from years ago. The Styles family would like to make brunches together every couple of weeks when they could. 
Obviously if Harry was touring or over in the States they couldn’t, but when they could they make the most of it. Everything is made from scratch, together. Nothing is decided until everyone gets there that morning. 
“How do we feel about waffles?” Gemma asks. 
“And eggs.” Harry adds. 
“And bacon.” Anne adds. 
Everyone turns to me waiting for my request. 
“And fresh fruit.” I smile. 
We all get to work and quickly become a well oiled machine. Them it’s not too surprising due to them doing this over the years, but I have to say I am able to jump in with ease. 
I cut up various fruits arranging them as beautifully as I can. A vibrant display of colors on the platter. 
“Excuse me, love.” He presses a kiss to my temple, a steadying hand at my waist as he reaches for a knife from the island. 
I prepare everyone’s drinks around the table as well considering my task went the quickest. Shortly, everyone joins me and we dig in. Everything tastes immaculate. 
We dive into conversation, the table never getting quiet for a second. Something I love so much about this family. There’s always something to be said.
“Well, I actually should be going it’s one o clock now, and I still need to drive to the other side of town.” I pick up my plate from the table. We’ve all been done eating for a while now, but the conversation kept us at the table. 
“Where are you off to?” Anne asks. 
“She’s got a fitting with Gucci.” Harry grins. 
“Wipe that smug little grin off your face.” I smack his shoulder lightly. 
“Gucci?” Gemma grins even wider than Harry did. 
“I am going to be the new face to the brand.” I smile, feeling pink raise up on my cheeks.
“For the whole company?” Gemma cheers. 
I simply nod as I grab a few other plates off of the table as I go. 
“Can I come with you?” Gemma asks, the two Styles siblings following my into the kitchen. 
“Why didn’t you act like this when I modeled for Gucci?” Harry asks, his jealous side coming out.
“Harry, you got a cologne, but she’s getting the whole company!” She huffs, “Do you know what cool clothes she’s going to be trying one?”
“I’m not getting the company!” I roll my eyes, putting the dishes in the wash. 
“You didn’t answer the question.” Gemma smirks. 
“Yes, Gem.” I laugh, “As long as you can be out the door in five minutes.” 
Gemma leaves the kitchen and goes back to tell Anne, leaving Harry and I alone. 
“You’re coming back here after, right?” He asks, trapping me against the counter. 
“Yeah, of course. I’ll actually be in London for almost the entire campaign. You’re going to be sick of me soon.” I smirk. 
-    -    -
“I am OBSESSED with that yellow jacket you had on!” Gemma sighs dreamily as we enter Harry’s flat several hours later. “It’s to die for!”
“Well, I can see if I can get it for you after the shoot.”
We make our way to the living room where Harry is settled in on the couch with a book. 
“An angel.” She turns to her brother, “Did you know this one is an angel?” 
“You give me too much credit.” I laugh. 
“Thanks for the reminder, Gem.” Harry chuckles. 
“Okay, now I will get out of your hair. I’ve already stolen all afternoon with you. Hopefully see you soon!” She pulls me in for a hug, “Love you.” I let Harry walk her to the door to say their goodbyes. 
Harry comes back after a few minutes and pulls me down in a hug on the couch. He lets out a deep sigh into my neck, pulling my head in even closer. 
“You okay, babe?” I ask, taking note of his obvious mood. 
“Mmm, I was just thinking while you were out.”
“And what were you thinking?” I pull back so I can get a good look at his face. It’s always been an easy way to see how he’s feeling. 
“I was just thinking that we’re both in such a better place than we were all those years ago. I don’t tour every year anymore, and I’m signed with good management that actually lets me make my own decisions.”
“What are you saying?” I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck and studying his face closely. 
“I’m saying that you only tour ever other year, at max. I do the same now. Why can’t we make this work for real again? We’re both more established now and have the right to chose when and where we do things. I know, we make time for each other when we’re in the same city, but there’s nothing saying we can’t be in the same city. I could live in Los Angeles full time. I could live with you. Or we could both go to New York. I don’t care, as long as we can be together.” 
“Harry, you’re sure about this? We haven’t truly been together in a long time. I love spending my time with you, truly, but I don’t want you to uproot your life just for me.” I clarify. He’s saying what I’ve wanted to hear for years, but I just want to make sure we’ve thought things through before I give either of us false hope. 
“It wouldn’t just be for you, it would be for us. I love you so much, I feel like I’m wasting time. It seems like a waste to know exactly who your soulmate is, and not do everything in your power to make it work.” 
“I love you, too.” I press a fast and passionate kiss to his lips, “Although, I do have one thing that I think we should change.”
“Anything.” He answers, his eyes all gooey and lovey making me break out in a grin. I couldn’t keep a straight face over how I’m feeling if it tried. 
“Let me move here.”
“What?” He asks shocked.
“You love London and being close to your family more than anything, I could never ask you to change that.” 
“And I love being close to them too. If today proves anything, you are my family.”
“Let me make the move” I grin. 
“Happily.” Harry’s dimples are on full display. 
“Hey, isn’t that another song you wrote about me?” I tease.
“Oh, shut up.” He rolls his eyes, pushing me back against the couch. 
plz give me some feedback! i thought this was so cute 
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bakugohoex · 3 years
Hi babe! Would you mind if I request something for time skip kuroo now please? Idm how you go about it, would love some nsfw content with fluff as well, or whatever is easiest for you 💕 (I can’t deal with angst right now because I’m big sad after reading a fic, my heart can’t take it lol) thank youuuuu and don’t stress too much 💕
“you’re going to take me all”
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pairing: tetsuro kuroo x female reader
cw: fluff, nsfw (male masturbation, underwear stealing, finger sucking, nipple play, headboard grabbing, female receiving oral, voyeurism (i think), protected sex)
word count: 2900+
a/n: hey baby, i know you sent the request in today but i was in a kuroo mood so here you are and hopefully you like the nsfw and fluff, but hopefully you liked it my lovely
summary: in which you catch kuroo jerking off to your underwear, both realising your crushes are mutual, you find yourself under him being fucked
↞ back to haikyu!! masterlist
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Kuroo’s eyes fell to the laundry basket, it had been a common occurrence for him to grab your basket filled with dirty clothes and stuff them with his own. He always separated the clothes, remembering the last time you scolded him for putting his red hoodie in with the white clothes. His eyes skimmed back to the clothes in his hands, he had begun separating them, the apartment having its own washing machine which both of you were very much grateful for.
He stared at the clothes, you always did have such pretty clothes, the lace and mesh of some shirts, the tight and loose pairs of jeans that adorned your ass perfectly each time. Then there was the stuff that he had never had the opportunity to see you wear, the lacy bra that he knew you’d hand wash as he put them on the side. He liked how delicate they looked, the sweet innocent bow which would rest between your sculpted breasts. 
He had caught a glimpse of them when you wore dresses for nights out or dinner with friends, but the way his mouth salivated at the image of you in the bra between his fingers made him groan in sexual frustration. His hands moved to the last pieces of your clothing, your underwear.
The mixed and matched types between his finger, the cotton texture grazing his knuckles, he could imagine it adorn your ass, cupping at it, he could see how the material would stretch across your body. The little pattern of kittens that would curve into your cheeks, he felt so lustful at the image but worse of all he felt disgusted to be thinking these thoughts.
It wasn’t supposed to be a common thing, but every week whenever Friday night hit, he was able to come off work early. He would always do the laundry, the excitement that came from grabbing the basket filled with your smell made him mind go wild. He’d stay in front of the washing machine, your clothes in his hand as he examined each one, wanting to see something from it. He didn’t know what it was, but the urge that he had every week waiting for ten minutes with your clothes brought him a sadistic joy.
Moving onto the next pair of underwear, he felt the nimble material between his fingers continuing on with the next 6 pairs. Until he reached the last pair, the one you had taken off this morning and chucked at the top of the pile. The cotton red underwear with a lace band, had been on you only a couple hours ago intoxicated him. He moved his fingers from the band of your underwear to the base of it, he loved the last pair of underwear each week.
There was always a little surprise for him within the bottom. The slick that rested across the damp underwear, craving to touch it and bring it to his fingers. You had been telling him about how one underwear each week for the past month had been going missing. He had played it off as the washing machine, but he knew you had gotten suspicious, one last time. This was the last time he’d take the slick filled underwear; this would be the last time. He knew where your underwear truly was, in a rubbish yard somewhere. Every Friday night if you both hadn’t decided to go out, he’d sit in bed, cock pumping in and out until he cummed in your underwear.
Kuroo knew even if he wanted to, this wouldn’t be the last time. He stuffed the underwear into his pocket, already feeling himself get turned on before he chucked his clothes inside and started the washing machine. He saw the clock on top of the kitchen counter, knowing you’d be home any second. It was disgusting what he was doing, he knew it was, masturbating over his roommate, his friend since high school. The sound of the door creaking open, your hand at your ear with your phone resting between the two as you spoke out loud. 
You rubbed your eyes, kicking the heels to the side as you gave a small smile to Kuroo before speaking on the other end. “I know, I said I would come and visit but work has been an ass lately.” Kuroo mouthed who it was as you rested the phone on your shoulder mouthing Yaku’s name. Kuroo gave a sign leaving you to the conversation, he stayed at the door towards both your rooms. Staring at how you leaned against the marble island, your ass stretching the skirt material. 
Taking a deep breathe he left you, knowing he’d be unable to handle seeing you look so goddamn gorgeous. He grabbed the underwear from his pocket, the lingering smell of your sex across it. He hated how one piece of clothing intoxicated his mind, he never got himself off when you were awake. But the want of being caught by you made him lay sprawled on his bed, he left his shirt on, joggers and boxers moved to his ankles. His head on the pillows that rested upright, he took another sharp breath.
Seeing his hardened cock between his hands, he moved your wet underwear on his cock, gliding it up and down. He needed to be quick, he knew once you finished your call with Yaku, and got changed. You’d come knocking asking if he wanted to share dinner tonight, he always loved when you’d come for him. It felt domestic without the relationship label, as much as he had been crushing on you since your first year together. He had never gotten the nerve to ask you out and now all you saw in him was a friend, a good unfuckable friend. 
“Y/n...fuck.” He groaned lowly, continuing to move up and down his hard cock, the precum soaking through your underwear. “F...fuck.”
He imagined how pretty you’d look in nothing except the underwear, how you’d kneel in front of him, hands wrapping around his cock before you licked from the base up to his blushed tip. He gave another groan imagining the innocent eyes you’d have, the way you’d mewl and whimper whilst he stuffed your mouth with his cock. He could see the tears fall, “o...oh….god”, how your lip would tremble as you’d take him further down your pretty little throat. 
He continued pumping harder, regulating each pump with his breathing, he closed his eyes, messy black hair sticking to his forehead. He regretted not taking his shirt off, the room beginning to warm up, you had probably put the temperature up wanting to not wear a full sleeved shirt. He could imagine how your chest sat in the tight grey shirt you owned, his mouth watered at the thought, continuing to stretch the underwear across his cock. 
“Y/n...please.” He moaned a lot more loudly than he probably should have, but he stopped caring about if you heard. Closing his eyes he wanted you to hear, wanted you to find him disgustingly ruining your underwear. He went faster, imagining how you’d roll your eyes to the back of your hand as you deepthroated him. Every action bringing your scent and slick on his own cock before he felt the hot liquid gush out of his cock right into the underwear. “Y/n.” He belted out as he had let his cum be used to continue his pumping, your underwear soaked with his white gush engrained in it. He wanted a lot from you, but most of all wanted was you to wear his cum filled underwear. Wanted to have your cunt filled with cum, wanted you to have his cum drip down onto your…
“Tetsu.” His eyes shot open; he saw how you stood at the door. Eyes widened and face flushed at what you had said. “I...I’m sorry, I heard my name.” You tried to avert your eyes from his cock, the way he had already cum onto some fabric and was trying to cum again. 
“I didn’t.” He whispered but you both just stared at each other, he didn’t know what to do. He had wanted to get caught, but seeing you in the tight grey shirt, the joggers that hugged you tightly. He licked his lips, hand covered in his cum as he dropped your soaking underwear onto his bed. “It’s not what it looks like.”
You averted his eyes looking to the side as you continued, “it’s fine, it’s normal, we all do it.” 
“We all do it?” He repeated wanting to hear about your own masturbation but knew you’d never confess to it.
“Yeah, I should’ve knocked, I'm s…” That’s when you saw it, the red underwear you had worn this morning. The familiar zigzag pattern that went across it was now covered in a white liquid. Kuroo had realised where your eyes had diverted, how you moved into his room without a hesitance, and ignored the 6-foot 3 man that adorned the bed. You moved past him, he had put his joggers back up, but you had already seen it all. Staring at the underwear, you picked it up without any hesitance, “you’ve been taking my underwear.”
It wasn't a question but a comment, you looked at him, wide beady eyes waiting for a reply, “I...I didn’t mean too, I l…love you okay? And you don’t love me back I understand if you hate me, if you want to move out, but I thought if I couldn’t have you, I could have this. I promise it…”
“Kuroo shut up.” You said staring directly at him, making him look at you in surprise. “I don’t care about the underwear; you should’ve just told me.”
“I’m sorr…”
“Stop fucking apologising, Kuroo I’ve been in love with you since we were 16, fucking hell, you can take all my underwear if it means we could be together.” You had confessed after his own confession, his eyes widened, he had wiped his cum filled fingers onto his joggers. He stared at you before grabbing your face and kissing you with an urgency. You dropped your underwear to the side, knowing it would go in the bin after this all. 
He moved you onto the bed, pushing you onto the pillow he had just been on, moving his mouth from your lips down to your neck. “You've been thinking of me at night, baby, is that why your underwear is always soaking baby, you getting wet for me.” He groaned his hand moving under your tight shirt to grab your chest, his fingers rolling your nipple as he pinched at it to hear you moan a response. 
“Ye...yes sir, I think about y...ou.” 
Kuroo took your shirt off, he had imagined you underneath him. So pure and valuable to him, his eyes looking down at you, a predator ready to eat his prey. His hand continued to rub against your body. “Tell me what you think about.” He whispers into your ear, letting his tongue lick across your neck. 
“I think...think about you eating me o...out, your hand around my neck as...as your tongue is inside of me.” You groaned out through his kisses and toying with your nipples. 
He moves to meet your gaze, giving a haste kiss before his mouth lingered on top of your own, “want me to eat you out? Go on, tell me you want me too.” He teased lifting his shirt up to get rid of the constricting fabric. His chest and body on show for you as you almost swooned at the man. “Tell me, doll.”
He moved his mouth down your neck, undoing your bra as he swirled his tongue across your nipples, one hand always cupping the other as he worked his tongue to suck and lick at the bud. “I want yo...you to eat me out.” You breathed out heavily waiting to see his next move, he grinned at you. Hands moving to undo your joggers as he saw the pair of pink underwear he had washed last week. The bunnies stretching across your cunt and ass, his mouth felt hungry, he wanted his mouth to divulge into your warm cunt. 
“Such a pretty little thing.” He moaned as soon as he had moved your underwear away, his cock hardening through his joggers as he slapped your clit. It made you yelp out a moan and heavy breath as he watched his finger slide up and down your wet clit. “Already so wet for me, naughty girl.”
He sucked his fingers of your slick before moving his mouth down to your cunt, he licked your clit, his hand moving to your breast as his other put one of your legs on his shoulder giving him more access. “Tetsu.” You moaned his nickname, it sent a shiver down his spine, the name you had been calling him for years now had become erotic, seductive even. He groaned before diving his tongue into your warm cunt. He tasted the slick as he felt you arch your back, his eyes looking at your heavy chest.
His fingers nimbly playing with your nipples, he knew you wanted his tongue to go further inside, wanted to feel his tongue glide and strip away all your slick. “Patience baby.” He complied his hot breath fanning your clit before he went back inside your cunt, his tongue easily gilded inside. Your weak moans at how you craved more, wanted to feel his tongue further.
He had complied to your moans, feeling how you gazed upwards, hand in his ear almost pushing him into your cunt. “Plea...please Tetsu, cu...cum.” You were breathless in a matter of seconds and at the sound of you asking to cum, Kuroo came away from your cunt.
“I’m not letting you cum from my tongue.” He mumbled barely audible; your hand tried to reach for his head to go back to your cunt. But was met with nothing, instead you looked up watching him take his joggers off, rolling a condom across his cock. You drooled at the sight of his body, how perfect he looked, the thick cock ready to push you to your limits made you lick your lips. “You’re going to take me all.”
It was no secret Kuroo was packing, the group chats were Bokuto and Kuroo would argue over who had the biggest cock but were too embarrassed to actually show each other in fear one of them was lying. It had led the group chat into having been made to make the guess themselves and it was how Kenma had let it spill that Kuroo was well over 6 inches. You never believed it but seeing it upfront Kenma had underexaggerated heavily. 
He moved towards you, capturing your body between his arms as he stayed on top looking over at you, “I really do love you.” He whispers, kissing your jaw, he heard you moan an ‘I love you’ back before aligning his cock right to your cunt.
The way he eased himself inside of you, tightening around his cock, “you’re doing so well baby.” He spoke as he eased himself in and began thrusting inside you. 
“F...faster.” You mumbled as your hands moved to his back, nails scratching across his back as your mouth kissed his shoulder and neck. Your drool and saliva falling down his shoulder. 
He moved faster, going deeper inside of you, before one of his hands moved to the headboard. He steadied himself with it as he got into a rhythm with it, he looked down at you, the way your legs had wrapped around his waist and hands held his biceps. How could he not fall in love with you, he couldn’t with just how pretty you looked under him. His pretty little mess. 
Moans filled the room, the headboard feeling weak under his strong grip, he kept you trapped as he heard you moan and groan some more. “Pl...please…fuck.” Your eyes moved to the back of your head as you arched yourself further into him, wanting him to hit the back of your cunt.
He was reaching there, every thrust getting deeper and further into you. He moved his hand from the headboard, grabbing your jaw to make you look at him. You started before he kissed you again, much softer than the first kiss. It was passionate and filled with love and warmth, he continued to thrust, and you could feel the coil build-up of cum ready to splurge right on his cock. “I’m...going to cum.”
“Cum with me baby.” He spoke before going back to kiss you, hand moving your jaw in sync as his thrusts quickened, the pace being much faster than what it had been when you both began. He moved quicker before hearing you moan his name, it echoing throughout the apartment.
“Tetsu.” The white liquid gushed from your cunt and seeped out onto his bed, he moaned continuing to thrust through the liquid.
He watched how your hands moved to his chest, legs still wrapped around his waist letting him continue to thrust until he cummed for the second time tonight, “fuck baby.”
He looked down at you, arms around you as he stayed on top. He didn't expect your next action, your hands wrapping around him, your head moving to his shoulder as you hugged. “I love you so much Tetsu.” It was a tired mumble as you sticked onto him, sweat and sex lingering in the air. 
He gave a soft chuckle, shaking his head as he wrapped his arms around you, kissing the side of your neck before speaking the same words. “I love you too, Y/n.”
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lavellenchanted · 3 years
lol you know what I'm going to ask about......I'm continually intrigued (read: obsessed) with steggy fake dating au?
Hahaha I KNEW you would ask about this. I am actually wanting to clean it all up and post it on AO3 as a proper chaptered fic, but here for now, have the most recent bit that I've written:
Sam eyes him as he gets his breath back, then looks out towards the horizon and asks with very deliberate casualness. “So. You gonna tell me why you dragged my ass out of bed at stupid o’ clock in the morning?”
Steve hesitates, the truth hovering on his tongue, then shrugs and says with equal nonchalance, “What are you talking about? I always call you when I go for a run.”
The look he gets back in return says very clearly that if he thinks he can bluff his way out of this one, he’s mistaken. Which he probably shouldn’t be surprised by. Sam’s always been able to see straight through him, for as long as they’ve known each other.
“Sure you do. But usually that’s once or twice a week. We’ve been doing at least 5k every morning for the last ten days. So are you going to make me keep running, or are you gonna tell me what’s up so we can do something about it?”
With a groan, Steve flops down on to the grass beside his and flings an arm across his face; he doesn’t want to have to look at Sam while he’s admitting this.
“Peggy found a way for us to make rent.”
“And that’s a bad thing?”
“. . . we’re posing as a couple for a paid study on co-habiting.”
“Come again?”
Reluctantly, Steve explains the whole thing - the flyer Peggy found, applying for the study, the fact that they’ve now been accepted and are sharing a bedroom in preparation for future house visits. When he finishes, there’s a long silence that somehow says more than words ever could.
Finally, Sam says flatly, “So you’re pretend to date the roommate you’re secretly in love with to make money off a university study?”
“That about sums it up.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“ . . . yeah.” He sighs, letting his arm fall away again and staring up at the sky.
There’s really no other way to describe it other than idiotic. Expect maybe a peculiar brand of masochism. His mind drifts back to the apartment, to falling asleep to the sound of Peggy’s steady breathing and waking up beside her, with her warmth pressed against him and her scent surrounding him. Each morning his whole body physically aches with the desire to pull her closer and hold her, and it’s harder and harder to find the self control not to do so.
How on earth did he end up here? And more importantly -
“What the hell do I do?”
Sam chuckles softly. “I don’t know, man. You could call the whole thing off, but then --”
“Then we’d have no way to pay the rent.”
“So you have to find a way to cope. Who knows, maybe it’ll help put things in perspective. You’ll get to see what being Peggy’s boyfriend would actually be like. You’ve been pining away for her for ages, but this might help you actually take her down from that pedestal. Maybe it’ll change your mind, make you realise it’s not what you want, and it’ll all work out for the best.”
“And if it doesn’t?” Steve asks.
“If it doesn’t, then you’ll know how you feel. The whole crushing on your roommate and never telling her, but never pursuing any other relationships because of her thing? That couldn’t go on forever, Steve. You were always going to have to decide one way or the other.”
“Are you telling me this as my friend, or as a therapist?”
Sam grins, a quick flash of white teeth. “As your friend. If it was as a therapist, I’d be charging you $300.”
Steve laughs. “If I had a spare $300, I wouldn’t have this problem.”
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psychewithwings · 3 years
suga, tanaka, and nishinoya being called daddy pls!!!!! love ur writings. thank u so much!
whoa boi! love my writings? o-oh, thank you so much darlin! Ofc we can make these fine gentlemen daddies... hehehehe
TW: 18+ , daddy kink, fingering, oral sex, sex, public sex
"Daddy~ please I-" you whisper but he shushes you softly, pressing a kiss to your lips. His tongue tangles with yours as he swallows your moans. Sugawara's fingers are working inside of you and he's hitting all the right spots as always. You're sure that you're dripping all over the seat and you try your best to close your thighs... but all that does is secure his hand in place. Even though the cinema is dark, there is enough light emitting from the black and white film... what was it called? You couldn't remember, you hadn't been paying attention, just eyeing the rest of the patrons to make sure that none of them were watching too closely. The way his hand was up your skirt coupled with your inability to hide your facial expressions would make it obvious to anyone who glanced your way. "Wh-what if someone seeeees," you whine as quietly as possible. Sugawara's teeth nip at the flesh of your neck, "can't help it," he sighs, "just look at you, all dressed up for me, can't keep my hands off you." His palm rubs against your clit and holding back your sounds is proving to be more difficult and the slick noises of his fingers sliding in and out are getting more noticeable. "Ko-Koshi, we should st~ahh!" You gasp as he stills but harshly curls his fingers harshly inside of you. "How do you address me right now?" His question is gentle, soft against your ear, but the way his fingers are pressing against your G-spot, you know better than to say the wrong thing. "Daddy, please l-let me cum," you whisper. "There's my girl," he praises and then kisses your cheeks. Koshi picks back up the pace but slowly, working his way to the rhythm he had been maintaining before. "Oh baby, I can feel it, you're gonna squirt for me," you can feel his smile against your cheek. "Should I really let you cum right here, right now? You're gonna make a mess..." He mockingly clicks his tongue at you, his words completely contradictory to his actions, fingers slamming into you. He knows that face you make, has seen it enough times to know it means you're close, you're going to cum. His reflexes are sharp, hand clapping over your mouth to drown your moans. Koshi bites his lip to hide his own as he feels you gush all over his hand. You're sure this is noticeable, no one can't have noticed this. You roll your head over to look at Koshi and he's grinning, your boyfriend, that impish grin... hearts form in your blissed out eyes. He takes your hand in his and begins to stand. "We should go now, love," he states matter of factly, as he kisses your hand.
He had just come back from his morning run, he should be tired... He has to work in an hour, he doesn't have time... Yu doesn't care.
You were too cute, sleeping in that big t-shirt, the way you had thrown the blankets off of your left side, exposing one half of that perfect ass. He knew he should let you sleep, but his cock was growing hard just thinking about his favourite way to wake you. He can't resist... he needs you. Now.
And now he has you exactly how he likes. His head buried between your thighs, relishing in the sultry sounds that spill from your lips. He drags his tongue up your cunt, lapping up every drop of your juices that he can get. He groans at the taste, his arms wrapped around your thighs tug you down against his mouth. Yu sucks at your clit and flicks his tongue across it, quick, deliberate. Your hips buck up towards his face, but his surprising strength has you tethered. He kisses your clit, eyes meeting yours. "I-love-this-pussy-so-fucking much-" With each break between his words, his lips are pressed to your clit, tongue lapping as he gets more greedy. Yu raises his head, dreamy half-lidded eyes looking back at you, "it's all mine, right? this pussy is all mine?" He can't even wait for you to answer before his tongue is back to lapping. You start to answer but he drags it lower and presses it inside, tongue fucking your sweet little cunt. "Yes daddy, yes, fuck, its your pussy~ all yours daddy." He groans into your cunt, eyes closing, and cock throbbing from your words alone. His grip on your thighs tightens, he pulls you closer, allowing his tongue to get deeper inside you.
His phone goes off in his pocket and he growls in frustration. His eyes flick to the clock, a half-hour late for work and he hasn't even left the house yet. One of his hands unwinds from his grip on your thigh, the other firmly planted. He fishes is phone from his pocket and answers it. "Hello?" he grumbles before returning his mouth to your pussy. "My apologies, I'm sick and I meant to call but I must have fallen back asleep." You stare wide eyed at your boyfriend as he lies his boss while tongue fucking you in between sentences. "It's a fever I think, I hope to be better by Monday." He sucks your clit again and you feel that knot forming in your core. He smiles into your cunt seeing you're close. "I'm sure I could organize a few files over the weekend." His tongue flicking over your clit is too much to bear and you bite into the blanket to keep from crying out too loudly. "Sure, thanks," he says as he hangs up the phone. Your breath is ragged, shaking your ribs. "Why didn't you stop?" you ask, your tone high and squeaky with embarrassment. "How could I? You called me daddy," he smiles accomplished. You laugh softly, feeling bashful about your previous declaration. "And daddy has to make his pussy cum right?" His eyes darken with lust again, "and that last orgasm doesn't count, we were interrupted."
You had just wanted to cheer him up. He wasn't pro like his friends, it was just a small local team and they had lost. But it wasn't Ryu's fault... if the fucking setter knew better he would have served to Ryu instead of that dumb tall guy with the glasses who can't spike for shit. That sad puppy look he had... and you knew Ryu took these things to heart. You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face in the flesh. You kissed and nipped softly in an effort to silently console him. You knew he wouldn't talk about it, just pretend he was fine. So this time, you opted for a different approach. Your hands feeling along the muscles of his back, his shirt damp with sweat. You hum into his neck before you whisper those sinful words. "Well, if anything, my daddy is the hottest guy on the court."
His face had been bright red, bashful even! You just wanted to cheer him up! How could you have known it would lead to your back pushed against the wall in the men's locker room, while Ryu thrust his cock inside of you.
Your legs wrap around his waist for support while his hands grip and knead your ass. His thrusts are needy, almost as needy as his mouth that's latched onto your tit. He sucks another deep purple mark into your flesh. He moves down to your nipple, nipping it before sucking it into his warm awaiting mouth. "R-ryuu, someone might- nnhhhh- they might c-come back," you manage to squeak. With every thrust his pelvis rubs against your clit. He growls, ignoring your concern of being caught. "Ryu- they could- could see," you choke. Your nails dig into his back with your impending orgasm. "I -don't- care, let them-see how I -fuck -my -princess," his words fall out on each thrust of his hips. The sound of his hips slapping against your ass echoes throughout the locker room. "You feeling so good baby?" he grins. You whine in response, legs starting to shake. "Does daddy make you feel so good princess?" He glances down to see his cock soaked in your essence pounding inside of you. Your eyes follow his and watching his cock thrust in and out twist the coil inside you that's threatening to break. "Daddyy, feels so good, 'm gonna- gonna," "Oh fuck baby me too- where should I-" "inside, daddy please, pour it out inside me." Your words have him cumming almost instantly and the look on his face propels you into your orgasm. You cum together, your pussy milking his cock with every pulse. His hips slow their pace as your highs subside. Ryu's lips crash into yours, the kiss deep and sensual. "I love you, princess," he murmurs against your mouth. You can feel his cum, hot inside of you. Your body trembling as you relax against him. "I love you too," you whisper back before giving him another quick kiss. You pepper his face in kisses and he laughs. "How'd I get so lucky huh? To get you?" You rest your head on his shoulder, eyes closing in contentment. "I could ask you the same thing."
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matthewtkachuk · 4 years
forgive me - rafe cameron
you’re ready to forgive Rafe, but first you’re going to make him work for it, sequel to ignore me
warnings: smutty smut smut (sorry not sorry), oral (female receiving), penetrative sex, lil bit of cockwarming (for @anxietyandtacos)
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
word count: 2.9k
a/n: in honor of me hitting 700, here’s the long-awaited sequel to ignore me, i hope yall enjoy 😏 (lowkey this isn’t proofread, sorry not sorry)
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Rafe Cameron was the most annoying person on the planet, he was persistent and determined and so goddamn stubborn. He didn’t like to take no for an answer, and he knew every button of yours to press, and boy did he enjoy pressing them. He would pick and prod and poke until it drove you absolutely crazy and you had no choice but to acknowledge him. Above all though, he truly, deeply loved you and that’s why you could never stay mad at him. He didn’t need to know that, though.
After some of the best make up sex you’d ever had in your life, after you had left him in a huff to spend the night in the spare room once again, he’d ramped up his efforts to earn your forgiveness. The next morning he tried the breakfast angle again, this time bringing you eggs benny and a mimosa from your favorite brunch place on the island right to you in bed. You had to hide your smile as you sat up against the headboard and took the tray from him without even a half-hearted thank you. He didn’t say anything, but you saw the way his mouth twisted into a little pout and you could practically hear the gears in his head turn as he thought of his next step.
After you’d finished your breakfast, you made your way back home, thinking the extra bit of distance might further frustrate and motivate him. Lying on your couch, you spent your time scrolling through the several messages Rafe had left for you and giggling at his desperation. The earlier anger you had felt had all but faded, leaving behind soft fondness as you scrolled through various iterations of ‘I’m sorry baby’ and ‘I love you’ and ‘talk to me’ and ‘please’.
As it turns out, Rafe’s next step arrived after lunch in the form of Sarah Cameron holding a garment bag in one hand and a box that looked suspiciously like it might hold a necklace within.
You scoffed at the items in her hands, lifting an eyebrow as you told her, “If he thinks he’s going to buy my forgiveness…” you paused thoughtfully, eyeing the label on the garment bag and the Tiffany blue packaging of the jewelry box, “Well, damn he might be right.” Sarah only giggled and handed off the items to you, telling you that was only ‘the beginning’ and to be ready by 5.
Part of you thought about ignoring your instructions, slipping on a pair of fuzzy pajamas and watching movies with a glass of wine. The thought of Rafe’s face seeing you on the couch when he arrived that evening was almost enough to do it. But, truthfully, you weren’t even that mad anymore and you were really curious to see what kind of dress he had picked out for you. Looking at the time, you sighed. You really needed to shower, and you liked to take your time getting ready, so you got off the couch and headed up into your bathroom.
After your shower, you unzipped the garment bag and admired the silky, black fabric of the dress, more than a little impressed with Rafe. You spent the next few hours slowly getting ready, taking the time to do your hair and even bringing out the winged eyeliner. Your last step was slipping on the dress, loving the feel of the fabric against your skin.
At five o clock on the dot, your doorbell rang. You took your time swiping a thin coat of lip gloss to your lips before rolling them with a smack. Slipping on a pair of simple black heels, you checked yourself out in the mirror one more time. Rafe had done well choosing the dress, it was in your exact size and hugged the contours of your body perfectly. A small smirk graced your face as you imagined his reaction, and you couldn’t wait any longer, leaving the sanctity of your bedroom. You heard Rafe making small talk with your parents as you descended the steps. Your mother had loved Rafe the moment you brought him home as your boyfriend, but your father had taken longer to warm up to him. It made your heart happy to see the two of them getting along and so you rushed down the last few steps to keep from breaking out into a wide grin.
His jaw dropped slightly when you came into sight, eyes respectfully roaming the black dress hugging your figure. “You look beautiful,” he smiled, though his eyes furrowed when he noticed your bare neck.
“Could you help me put this on?” You asked softly, handing him the diamond necklace you grasped in your small hand and turning around, lifting your hair. You couldn’t help the shiver as his hands brushed against your décolletage and quickly clasped the necklace. He was grateful you didn’t feel how his hands shook.
Spinning back around, you grabbed his hand and tried to wish your parents goodnight and make a speedy getaway, but of course your father had other ideas.
“Have her back by 11,” your father gruffly reminded him and you rolled your eyes.
“Dad, I’m twenty years old,” You told him exasperatedly, but he just shook his head and reminded you that you were ‘under his roof’ for the summer.
“We’ll see you tomorrow, darling,” Your mom smiled, placing her hand on your father’s bicep to calm him. Grinning at her, you told them you loved them and all but dragged Rafe out the door. The second the door closed, you let his hand fall and walked purposefully to his truck. The way his smile fell a little hurt your heart, but you were playing the long game and it was too soon to give in. Rushing ahead of you, he opened the door and helped you in before shutting it for you and jogging to the driver side. He didn’t make a move to grab your thigh, and you found yourself missing the warm comfort it provided. While avoiding his gaze, you grabbed his hand from the wheel and placed it on its familiar position on your upper thigh, watching the way the side of his mouth upturned in your peripheral vision.
It didn’t take long to reach your destination, the cute new restaurant with seating on the waterfront. You had been talking about going there since it opened, but you and Rafe hadn’t yet found the time to go. You gave him a questioning look, there was definitely a wait list but he just shrugged and smiled before getting out of the vehicle and meeting you on the passenger side, opening the door for you again and helping you out. He tossed the keys at the valet, and walked into the restaurant, and you didn’t let go of his hand this time.
Sitting at your table overlooking the calm water, the late afternoon made its way into evening in a flurry of smiles and laughter and quiet conversation. You didn’t know if it was the way his larger hand held yours over the table, the soft adoration in his gaze, or the messy way his hair fell in his eyes, but by the time the entrees had been cleared from the table you knew you needed him. You could pretend the whole date hadn’t done a thing for you, or you could try and get him to show you just how sorry he was.
As he looked through the dessert menu, you squeezed his hand and murmured his name. He looked up at you and flushed a little under your intense gaze, asking, “Baby?”
“Take me home,” you told him slowly, and you saw his face fall. Sighing a little, he nodded “Alright-“
“No, Rafe. Take me home,” you emphasized the last word, tongue poking out to lick at your bottom lip. This time, you saw comprehension flash in his eyes and he nodded quickly, pulling out his wallet and dropping a couple hundred dollar bills on the table, more than enough to cover your bill and leave a generous tip.
The drive back to his house was considerably quicker than the drive to the restaurant, and his hand rested dangerously high on your upper thigh the entire drive, stroking it softly and ever so slightly moving closer to where you needed him without ever actually touching. The second he threw the truck into park, he was hopping out of the vehicle. Thankful that Ward, Rose and Wheezie were on the mainland for the week and Sarah was probably slumming it down on the Cut, Rafe pulled you into the house and slammed you against the shut front door, eerily reminiscent of when you had slammed it only a few days ago royally pissed off at your boyfriend.
You hungrily kissed him, hands running through and messing up his already messy hair. One of his hands gripped your waist tightly, the other cupped your left breast. Whimpering into his mouth as the hand on your waist slid down your side and slipped under your dress, you tugged on his hair. “Upstairs?” you asked when he broke the kiss to look at you. He smirked and you gasped when he threw you over his shoulder and carried you up the stairs, hand squeezing your ass just because it was right there and he could.
He set you down gently on your feet, both of his hands coming to rest on either side of your jaw as he pulled you in for a slow, passionate kiss. You felt your head spin, seeing stars as one of his hands slipped a little lower and began to gently put pressure on your neck. Gasping, you started to undo the buttons of his dress shirt, slipping your hand underneath the material and pulling it off of him. Your hands trailed down his toned chest and over his abs, before your smaller hands fumbled with his belt, pulling it clean from the belt loops of his dress pants. When you reached for the button, he pushed your hands away and spun you around to unzip your dress, pressing your chest into the door.
First, he pushed your hair over your shoulder and pressed a kiss to your shoulder blade before beginning to slowly pull the zipper down your back. Kissing every inch of back he exposed, all the way down to where your lower back met your ass before standing back up and pushing the dress off your shoulders, allowing it to spill at your feet. You turned around, back pressed to his bedroom door, and stood before him in just your matching lingerie set, and your entire body felt hot from the way he was looking at you – like you were everything he could ever possibly want. “You’re so beautiful, baby,” he murmured, causing your face to get even warmer.
Running his hands from your shoulder blades, down to your wrists, he linked your hands together as he pressed open mouth kisses down your neck and between your breasts. Pausing to mouth at your nipple through the lace of your bra, he continued kissing and sucking his way down your chest and stomach, stopping at the lace of your panties. You sucked in a deep breath as he sunk to his knees, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh before pulling your panties down your legs and helping you step out of them. He leaned back, admiring your core before stroking you slowly with his index finger, gathering the wetness on the tip of his finger. “Such a pretty pussy baby,” he whispered, “and all wet just for me,”
“Rafe,” you whined, hands moving to grip his hair as he lazily played with you, carefully avoiding your entrance and your clit. He smirked up at you, large hand gripping one of your thighs and lifting it to rest over his shoulder.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll take good care of you,” he kissed his way up your thigh, tongue flicking out of his mouth to lick at your clit once, twice. You jerked your hips, one hand leaving his hair to grip the dresser that stood beside his door. He pulled his head back and tilted it up to look at you, continuing with a smirk, “as long as you forgive me.”
The way he was looking at you coupled by his grip on your thigh had you unable to speak. Rafe mistook it as you stubbornly holding onto your anger, choosing to press his thumb to your clit and kiss the inside of your thigh, causing you to gasp. “Forgive me baby? Please you know I can’t stand you bein’ mad at me. I miss you.” He murmured against the smooth skin of your leg. You still couldn’t speak, and so he pressed his mouth to your clit, sucking and licking as you moaned above him. Suddenly stopping, he leaned back to look at you, indicating he wouldn’t continue until you spoke.
“I- yes, I forgive you, please, I-“ you whined, tugging on his hair. Sighing in a mixture of relief and pleasure as he reattached his mouth to your pussy, your head hit the back of the door with a bang when he slipped a finger into you, then another. You couldn’t help but grind your pussy against his face as he noisily sucked and licked. Eating you out was one of Rafe’s favorite things to do, and he once joked that suffocating between your thighs was the only way he wanted to go. It didn’t take long for you to reach your high after he inserted a third finger into you, curling all three fingers and stroking your walls. Your legs shook and you whined his name as you came, slumping against the door. If Rafe hadn’t been holding you up, you’re certain you would have fallen to the ground, boneless. After he had licked you clean, he gently set your leg back on the ground and rose from his knees before he pressed you into the door, kissing you as you tasted yourself on his tongue. His hand wrapped around your body and easily undid the clasp of your bra, slipping the fabric down your arms until you stood bare before him entirely.
Pressing a kiss to your lips again, he began to undo the button of his pants, before telling you to ‘get on the bed, baby’. Your legs felt like jello as you made the four steps to the bed, crawling onto the bed and laying against the pillows, watching him slip out of his pants and boxers, mouthwatering at the sight of his naked body.
You waited with baited breath as he crawled his way over your body, leaning down to kiss you again, slipping his tongue in your mouth as your chests pressed together. You ran your hands up his muscled back, holding him close to you as you kissed. He leaned his body weight on his forearms that rested on either side of your head, before reaching down to guide himself into your warm heat. The stretch was so good it was almost painful as he slowly entered you, inch by inch until your hips met. He was slow at first, keeping an even pace as he pressed kisses against your neck, your chest. “See how good it can be when you forgive me, baby?” he murmured into your neck. You could only whine in response, holding him tightly to your body.
It was the way his hips thrust in and out of you, the soft affirmations he whispered in between breathy, whiny moans, the way he gripped the headboard. It was the way he told you he loved you when he was fucking you into the mattress, the look in his eyes as he hiked your leg up further up his hip to enter you even deeper. It was the perfectly imperfect combination of all things Rafe Cameron that had your eyes rolling into the back of your head, your pussy clenching on his dick, as you came hard for the second time. Groaning at the feeling of you around him, he fucked you through your orgasm, chasing his own high.
Wanting to help him, you pressed a kiss to the spot just under his ear, smiling when he rewarded you with a whiny moan. Mind clouded with the pleasure he was still giving you, you incoherently rambled in his ear, “God I love you so much baby, you’re so good to me. You make me feel so good, no one can make me feel this good but you.”
Groaning, he slipped a hand down to rub against your clit, hoping to bring you to your third orgasm as he approached his own. Back arching without warning, you came unexpectedly around him again, crying his name and “I love you” and “I forgive you baby, I forgive you.” Your words spurned him on, and he came inside you before collapsing on top of you, cock still buried deep in you. You held him to your chest as it heaved, willing your soul to return to your body.
“You forgive me, huh?” He mumbled, smirking against your chest, “Was it the three orgasms, dinner, or the Tiffany necklace?”
“Oh baby,” you giggled, leaning down to kiss his sweaty forehead, “I already forgave you before all that, just wanted to make you sweat a little.”
Throwing his head back in a whiny laugh, he pressed a kiss to your chest, “Cruel woman.”
“Ya, but you’ll forgive me.”
everything taglist: @velyssaraptor @danicarosaline @copper-boom @x-lulu @prejudic3 @rekrappeter @downbytheouterbanks @ilovejjmaybank @bricksatanakinswindow @jellyfishbeansontoast @sunwardsss @rudyypankow @im-a-stranger-thing @alexa-playafricabytoto @maybankfullkook​@girlsru1eboysdroo1 @sortagaysortahigh @socialwriter @bluesiderudy @anxietyandtacos
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simpsamaa · 4 years
Haikyuu Captains Dating HC’s
Have some dating headcanons with some of the captains in Haikyuu because i’m not a total simp for captains. 
I also kinda got carried away with Kuroo’s- I just love him so much-
Also Bokuto’s is kinda suggestive- so- warning?
also my requests are open
so you can request characters from BNHA or Haikyuu for headcanons or scenarios 
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Daichi Sawamura
When you start dating this man, you automatically become the mom for the team
Well second mom cause Suga’s the first mom.
You guys meet because you become a manager with Kiyoko and thus start a friendship with Daichi
and it leads on to more-
Will use stupid dad jokes on you when you feel down
Is the type of bf who would send you good night and good morning texts
He acts like an alarm clock for you
He will send you the good morning text at a certain time just to wake you up
Also so you have time to get ready in the morning, cause he’s a loving boyfriend
I expect this guy to be into PDA
But like
it’s just hand holding when you guys are in public
When you guys are alone, 
cuddles, hugs, kisses, etc.
but every time you guys do something affectionate the team makes fun of you.
You guys act like an old married couple
Will take you out on the cutest dates
Wear his jersey to one of his games and his receives will be spot on
same with his spikes and serves
Honest to the team you’re a lucky charm so-
“Dai-kun, how are the first years?” You asked your boyfriend as the two of you entered the gym. Only the third and second years were in there, the first years were still taking an exam. 
“Hmm, Tsukishima and Kageyama need to work on their interaction with the team, Hinata has been hyper as always, and Yamaguchi has some good progress on his jump serves.” Your black haired lover explained, making you smile at how he talked about his teammates.
“How have Tsukki and Tobio been working together? I think they’re the only ones who can’t sync properly” You said, crossing your arms while watching Nishinoya receive another spike from Tanaka.
“Well,” Daichi started with a deadpan look on his face, “Kageyama and Tsukishima can sync, they just argue over it half of the time.” He finished, making you laugh at the thought of them arguing.
“Mmh, maybe a training exercise for the both of them?” You asked, grabbing one of Daichi’s hands into your own, playing with his fingers.
“That might work, but-” “OI DAI-SAN STOP MAKING US FEEL LONELY” Tanaka cut off Daichi as he saw that you were playing around with the captains fingers. 
“YEAH DAICHI-SAN, NOT ALL OF US HAVE AN ADORABLE SHORT GIRLFRIEND” Nishinoya joined in, making you glare at Nishinoya.
“I’M NOT THAT SHORT” You yelled back to the male with spiked hair. “YOU’RE SHORTER THEN ME” Noya yelled back.
Daichi let out a sigh, watching his girlfriend bicker with his teammates with a small chuckle. 
“God, I love her so much”
We stan Daichi
Will cook you lunch
In the end
100% husband material 
Also call him daddy
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Oikawa Tooru
Now let’s talk about this flat ass man
He loves PDA
Will tell you he loves you
Will grab your hand, pull you onto his lap, kiss you in front of his fangirls-
He means the best-
Loves it when you wear his clothes-
Wear his jersey, his hoodies, his track jacket 
He loves it
Cause it shows that you’re his
He’s lowkey possessive 
Hates it when you and Iwaizumi team up on him
“Flatass oikawa“ Is your nickname for him
It’s Tooru
Yes you call him by his first name cause we’re basic bitches here okay
You’re basically the unofficial manager of the team cause you care about them too much
They all love you
Sends you good morning and good night texts with his face
cause he’s like that
And Oiks gets jealous
Will wake you up at three am to take you out to see the stars
and look for aliens 
“TOORU OIKAWA DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?“ You exclaimed to your boyfriend as he dragged you out of the window, sitting on the roof at three fourteen in the morning.
“I know it’s late, but Y/n-chan,” The brown haired male started, “there’s a meteor shower and there could be aliens. So we have to watch tonight,” he explained making you sigh. 
You knew you weren’t getting out of this. 
“Don’t you have morning practice?“ You asked, locking your hues with his chocolate coloured ones. He gave you a smile before turning his head up to look at the stars, “Maybe, but that doesn’t concern you,” 
You scrunched your eyebrows before hitting Tooru’s shoulder with your own, “It does concern me,” you started, glaring at the male. You were looking at his side profile. “You’re my boyfriend, and I love your team, of course i’m concerned,” you finished making his eyes widen.
Giving you a small smile, he pulled you in to a side hug, leaning his head on your shoulder.
“Let’s just watch the stars tonight and not care about what happens later”
You and Oikawa miss the next day of school cause the both of you are tired from staying up all night-
I don’t think Oikawa can cook
The meals his fan girls give to him-
eat them sis
He’ll never know anyway
His fangirls learn to like you too, because Oikawa likes you
and they like everything Oikawa likes-
though there are some of the delusional fans who think Oiks is just using you
Which he’s not btw
but take care of this baby-
he needs some love
In the end
100% Tooru material 
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Kuroo Tetsurou
Can we talk about this gif for a second-
Like the fourth season did him so good
lowkey daddy material-
He adores you 
If you try a different style or change your hair style, he thinks it’s adorable
He’s highkey a simp for you
Loves PDA
He loves to grab your thigh when he sits next to you
he’s a thigh guys alright-
Loves kissing you in front of people
etc the whole team-
in front of Daishou-
Does get jealous sometimes, but only if he doesn’t know the person
You and Yaku are mom friends
After all, you do have to take care of a 187cm child
Kuroo lowkey think’s it hot how much you care about people and take care of people-
Study dates are a yes with him
You’ll go to little cafes with him-
Sends you good morning texts at five am
and good night texts at four am
cause ISTG this man does not sleep-
Loves to tease you
If you’re shorter then him-
You’ll be called chibi-chan
Cough Yagami Yato Vibes COUGH
Loves it when you hug him
It makes him feel like a giant 
which he is but- ight
You’ll be doing homework in his room and he’ll pull you into a breathless kiss and leave you wanting more-
You twirled your mechanical pencil in your fingers, you eyes glanced down at your homework, science. 
You weren’t the best at it, nor were you the worst but you still had trouble with it. Taking off your glasses, you rubbed at your temples before trying to solve the equation once more. 
Tetsurou glanced into his room, his gold hues stopping at your figure hunched over his desk, homework in front of you. Turning around he got a glass of water and walked into his room once more.
“You’re going to get wrinkles early if you keep doing that face,” The black haired male teased, making you groan and press your forehead against the dark wood of his desk. 
“i don’t get how you like science? It’s so boooring,” you groaned, the pencil rolling out of your hand onto the desk.
You heard your boyfriend chuckle before hearing him walk over to you. You raised your head, watching as his golden hues skimmed over the paper before he let out a small ‘pfft’. 
“This is easy,” he said before explaining it.
You gasp as you finally get it, pushing Tetsurou’s hands away and grabbing your pencil, you began to scribble  the answer down, only to be pulled into a heated kiss. 
Kuroo’s tongue pushing past your lips to meet yours. Your eyes were wide, face slightly pink and hands curled up into loose fists gripping his shirt. You were about to close your eyes before he pulled away, a large smirk formed on his face as he saw you. 
“You need to get back to your paper, I guess i’ll leave you alone”
Let’s just say- you did not get the paper finished, but it was a good outcome-
I’m like thirsting Kuroo-
So this is long as fuck-
Kuroo can cook basic things
Will cook for you only if you ask
But if oyu cook for him-
He’s whipped
100% Daddy Boyfriend material
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Bokuto Koutarou
Season four bokuto got me feeling some way-
they did my baBY SO GOOD
Hyper boy loves PDA
Will hold you when he has the time to-
Loves to kiss you
Even when Akaashi tells him that it’s going against the school rules-
Loves the difference between your hand and his
The way your hand is so small compared to his
and soft
his hands are huge btw-
Loves to call you pet names 
Birdy, Baby bird, dove etc..
Lots of bird related ones-
Loves it when you go to practice and his games
His spikes will be on p o i n t 
You and Akaashi are buddies
You both have to deal with this hyper male-
Like Kuroo he loves your thighs
if the two of you are cuddling-
hands on thighs
and ass-
He loves to hold you-
Sends you good morning texts at six in the morning
and good night texts at nine pm
This man actually sleeps i think-
The team loves you
You raise bokuto from his lowest on the court.
Will state how much he loves you everyday
Will get very whiny when you try to do something other then love him
Becomes depressed bokuto until you give him the love and affection he deserves.
Bokuto wasn’t at his best today at all. His spikes were off, his serves either hit the net or went out of bounce. Why, you might ask. well today you decided to get up early without waking up your boyfriend and go to school without waking him up. 
You walked into practice, scrolling threw something on your phone. Quickly looking up you gave the team a small smile before going to sit on the benches, your eyes going back to your phone. 
Bokuto let out another groan as you did’t give him a hug or a kiss or any type of affection. Akaashi soon caught on to what you were doing and marched over to where you were on the bench.
“Y/n-san stop ignoring bokuto-san,” the dark haired male said making you look up at his tall figure before giving him a small laugh. “how did you figure me out?” you asked while standing up and brushing your skirt. 
“Bokuto gets in his depressed mode when you ignore him,” The younger male stated before turning his body so you could see the spiked haired male whining.
You gave the second year a smile before walking over to your whining boyfriend. 
“kou are you alright?” you asked pressing a kiss to his cheek as he was hunched over. Golden hues locked into yours before Bokuto pulled you into his muscular chest.
“Are you done ignoring me?” his whispered as he nipped your ear.
“Yes sir“ you quietly responded, eyes darting around, making sure no one was looking at the two of you.
“that’s a good girl, now go over there and wait for me. You’ll get what you deserve after practice”
Okay well we’re done for now with these headcanons- i started this in july and only finished it now-
anygays- I hope you enjoyed these and if you have characters you want me to write a scenario or headcanons. just ask!!
BTW DID YOU KNOW: Oikawa is taller then bokuto, but Bokuto weighs more. That ass got weight that Oikawa’s non-existent ass doesn’t have-
i love you guys💗
✨thank you for reading!!✨
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Ice Cream Princess
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: There isn't a day that JJ doesn't come to visit you at work. On the day he doesn't, you decide to visit him at work instead.
Word Count: 1,876
Note: A Stranger Things and Outer banks crossover imagine that no one asked for. Please give me feedback on anything but the title, I'm judging it and laughing at myself because of it. I hope you love it!
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An ice-cream parlor opens up across the street of The Wreck. The owner quickly judges all of the teenagers that come in looking for a part-time summer job. Luckily for you, your older cousin Robin sweet talks her way - agrees to watch his daughter- to get Hopper to hire you on the spot.
Your favorite co-worker is Steve. Both of you share stories and talk about anything and everything. You're weren't too surprised to find he hang outs with "lil punks".
He has a childish side that comes out when it's you two in the shop. If a touron gives you a weird feeling and tries to flirt with you, Steve takes over like a protective older brother. You started calling him mom when he bossed you around the first time.
Last night there was a party held by the Pogues at the Boneyard. When Robin's girlfriend texts you saying that she woke up with a hangover, you agree with her that it would be best if you cover her shrift.
When you get to the shop on your bike, you park it next to Steve car and cringe when the annoying front door bell rings as you enter. "I'm surprised to see your face this morning."
"Good or bad surprised, mom?" He rolls his eyes as you walk past him and pat his shoulder.
He yells, "the worst!" As you make your way to the small back room and put your backpack in your locker.
You grab the lanyard Pope gave to you and trace the lil doodles Kiara drew on your nametag.
Clocking in, you wave at Hopper through his open office window. He learns further in his chair, arms across his chest.
"You work too much."
"You don't pay me enough."
Humming to the radio that's connected to the speakers that hang from the ceiling, you look over Steve shoulder to see which Playlist he's playing.
You mutter, "I hate that thing" when the bell rings.
JJ is leading everyone, arms flaring around as he jumps on top of the counter. He bends one knee underneath his other leg to sit more comfortably sideways and grins at you.
"You're ass is going to break that and you'll have to pay for it."
"Are you telling me I have a fat ass?" He puts a hand over his heart and fakes cries. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, Princess."
You shove him off, chuckling when he almost doesn't save his fall and trip over his own two feet.
"So dramatic like always and Y/N is still my name." You point down at your nametag. "Y/N. Not Princess."
"What do you guys want today?" Steve asks.
JJ glares at him but smirks when you pick up a scoop. He leans over the counter and says, "I'll like a lick of that."
You tell Pope thank you for slapping JJ in the back of the head, making his gray and red snapback fall off.
He runs his fingers through his hair and you barely catch it when throws it towards you.
"You would look better in it than that." He reaches over to tap on your uniform hat wear.
You blush at the hidden complaint and slap his hand away.
"Stop flirting." John B says as he hands over JJ his ice cream.
Kiara slightly pushes him towards the table, they always sit at.
Steve smirks as he leans against the counter. "Princess?"
In the corner of your eye, you see JJ giving himself whiplash. You know Steve is on a mission to find a nickname for you, especially something that you hate as much as he hates 'mom'.
But JJ doesn't. "It's a long story."
"I'll love to hear it someti-"
JJ claps his hands together as the chair slides across the floor as he stands up. "Once upon a time, little miss Y/N dressed up as a princess one Halloween. There was a picture of proof that her mother gladly showed me. Ever since, I've called her Princess and one day she'll call me her Prince. The end."
Sarah 'awwws' and says, "That's actually really adorable."
"Thank you, I know." JJ says proudly and you both smile at each other.
During your next shift, it's only John B and JJ.
"Well hello there boys."
JJ takes off his sunglasses off slowly and puts his arm on the counter. "Princess."
You try not to pay attention to how good his arms look with his gray tank top.
You're the one who breaks eye contact. You don't miss the little fist pump he does but you miss how his shoulders drop when you look at him after seeing how panic John B looks.
Oh, right.
"We need to get the biggest bowl of Sarah's favorite ice cream. Her monthly came to visit and John B, the sweetheart idiot he is, doesn't remember her flavor."
You make 'o' shape with your mouth. "Got it. It's the end of the world for him. Well lucky for you, I know it."
John B screams out, "I owe you one" as he grabs the cup container from you and runs out to the Van.
JJ puts money in the tip jar. "From future Sarah."
After you watch him put his sunglasses back on and the door bell rings when the door closes, Robin pinches your leg.
"Are you going to start helping me again with this or am I going to have to restock everything myself?"
Blushing, you say, "I'm not Steve."
She stops laughing after a few seconds to say, "I bet you that JJ knows his Princess favorite ice cream flavor."
"Shut up."
Pope, Kiara, and JJ all give you a pointed look when they stop by the shop before seeing a movie. The movie you agreed to go to one minute but then the next you said "wait sorry, I have to work." and hanged up on JJ.
"I'm about to drag you and your cute stubborn ass out of here for once and all, Princess."
Kiara has a hand on her hip, when she says, "You need to take a break."
You close your eyes and throw your head back, annoyed that she's right. "You guys know how much I need this job and the money."
A look of understanding crosses JJ's face but he straightens himself and says in a stern voice, "You are also supposed to have fun with your friends once a while."
"I know that!" He doesn't flinch at you raising your voice.
Thinking he's used to it, your heart and face fall.
"I- I'm sorry. How about we all hangout tomorrow at the Chateau and relax? Or we can do anything you guys want to do. Let John B and Sarah know and-"
JJ strides behind the counter and pulls you in a hug. No one words are needed when you shove your face against his chest and catch your breathing.
Pope puts a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, JJ. We're going to be late."
"You know what? I'm actually in the mood for ice cream not theater popcorn. Go on without me."
Kiara tells you both goodbye and Pope mouths "whipped" and does the wrapped around a finger hand's motion as she pulls him away.
You look up at JJ. "You didn't have to do that."
"Do what?" His cocky grin becomes bigger when you roll your eyes before helping a costumer. He leaves the counter to sit at the table, hands on the bottom of his chin as he does silly faces from behind the stranger's shoulder.
Steve looks up when he hears the bell ring and watches as JJ loses his step.
Before he can walk away, Steve says, "She will be back shortly. I sent her to the bank real quick for more change."
JJ lets the door close behind him. He takes a big breath in as he turns around. "You trust her that much, huh?"
"Don't you?"
JJ lets out a dark laugh. "It's different. You get payed to see her, I do it because I want to."
That's Steve's breaking point. "Okay, I don't understand why or how you started hating me the first time you met me but I think I can get a wild guess why. A attractive, couple of years older comes into her life. You're jealous over nothing, dude. I see her as annoying little sister. And yeah, I get payed to do this shitty job but when she's working too, she makes it fun."
"Are you done?" JJ is looking at anything but him.
"One more thing, don't waste anymore time."
Steve looks at the clock on the wall and figures you'll be back any minute.
"I have to get to work." JJ looks over his shoulder.
He opens his mouth but changes his mind, and closes it and walks out.
On the other side of the sidewalk, he doesn't stop when you call out his name.
"Funny seeing you're here."
JJ slams his tray down on the table next to yours. "I work here."
He stops wiping it down and gets the sudden urge to squirt you with the cleaning product bottle when he hears you tapping your feet against the chair across on of your table.
When he looks around and notices there aren't a lot of people in the dinner room he sits down and huffs and puffs. "Why are you here?"
"What? You can come visit me at work but I can't?"
When you both notice another bus boy, you let JJ grab the nearest glass pitcher and pull you some water.
"Now you can't walk away and ignore me, like how you did a couple of hours ago."
"I'm sure Steve told you all about it." The biter in his voice makes you lean over the table to grab his hand.
He jumps but doesn't pull away.
"He told me that you came in the shop, you looked like a little lost puppy when you made eye contact with him instead of me. You guys actually had somewhat of a conversation, which, I'm surprised actually happened."
JJ smiles a little as you start spinning one of his rings. "Steve didn't tell me what it was about...at first."
JJ can't sit still.
He stands up and as he talks, he walks in pace. "He, he uh- shit. Fuck, okay. He got in my head. I couldn't talk to you cause I didn't want to say something that would ruin our friendship. I didn't even know how I would say it-to be honest, still don't but you're smart, I think you know where am I going with this-"
He stops talking, mid-sentence when you laugh. "JJ, just say it or I'll crush your ego by saying it first."
"I love you." He says it over and over again in the middle of the kisses after you say it back.
He stops when someone yells his name and tells him to get back to work.
You give him a quick peak and have to put your hands on top of his to move them off of your hips.
"I'll see you later, JJ. We can go watch a movie?"
"Sounds like a date, Princess."
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enochianribs · 3 years
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Chapter 2 of the Cabin AU is up now!
Read on Ao3 here, or under the cut. 
(Reblogs appreciated!)
The roof had a leak. Dean woke up to a growing wet spot on the pillow next to his. He laid still, eyes crossing as he stared at the ceiling, watching the bead of water run across one of the unfinished boards, suspending itself for an entire minute until it plopped right next to his head. Slowly, his mind pulled itself out of his dream, though the haze lingered.  The roof had a leak. Dean woke up to a growing wet spot on the pillow next to his. He laid still, eyes crossing as he stared at the ceiling, watching the bead of water run across one of the unfinished boards, suspending itself for an entire minute until it plopped right next to his head. Slowly, his mind pulled itself out of his dream, though the haze lingered. 
 “Mmm...great.” Another item on his to-do list. 
 Dean was willing to bet there were more leaks in the living room. 
For a moment he debated allowing himself to be lulled back to sleep. It was all too easy to slip back to that dream again: blurry hands, soft mouths, quiet murmurs, everything he missed and everything he’d never had. Not really. 
 Rain gently pattered against the outside of the cabin, the storm grinding in from the East and then settling its haunches right over the hills to stay for the night. The sun was rising, and the pink sky cast shadows from the drops on the window pane, little spots phantom dripping down his sheets. 
 It was the first morning since he’d gotten to the cabin that he’d slept in past sunrise. Sluggishly, he sat up, diggin the heel of his hand into his eyes as a yawn fought its way out of his chest. He turned his head, and reached out with a hand to wake his companion, before reality caught up with him and his hand fell to the mattress, going through the ghost.
 That’s right , he thought. His mouth tasted like ash.
 If he laid there any longer his chest would become heavy, and his breaths ragged, so he tossed the covers off, and trudged over to the shower. The cold water bit through the fog better than anything else could, and he leaned his temple against the glass door waiting for it to heat up and fill the room with steam. 
 Normally, he’d air dry, but it was chilly and an urgency hung around him. He grabbed the bleach-spotted towel hanging sadly by the door towelled off quickly. 
He wandered idly, picking his daily morning tasks up and dropping them before he’d complete them. Something pulled him around the house. He was forgetting something.
Dean was midway through folding the quilt and draping it on the sofa arm when they caught his eye. 
Two large feathers sat in the middle of the massive dining table (he still wondered who had built and what they’d been thinking—  the thing could seat the knights of the round table if necessary). Tugging the fridge door with one hand he reached blindly for the pot of coffee he kept iced, and nudged it closed with his knee, never taking his eyes off them. 
They were captivating. He continued to stare as he poured himself a cup, spilling some of the coffee onto the counter. He’d forget to clean it up, and it would stain, but that was okay. If they asked, he was experimenting with wood staining.
Dean could examine them once he made himself some kind of breakfast. Those were the rules: remember to feed yourself, and then you can do whatever you want to with your day. Breakfast ended up being toast and jam, and he plopped it down at the end seat of the table, and reached for the feathers before he took a bite. 
The color on the first one was so dark it looked heavy, but it was as light in his hand as any feather should be. He held it up and squinted, twisting his wrist back and forth. It caught the light and reflected a shimmering oil slick back at him. The colors shifted, hues iridescent.
 At first glance it could be a raven’s, but it was at least four times bigger than that.
 The second one was more muted, the black towards the base of it dappled into a brown and white, and it was downy soft where the other was sharp and precise. Yesterday he’d thought it was grey but better light proved that it was a grey-brown.
He’d assumed that it was from the same bird—  creature , but now he wasn’t so sure. Dean didn’t know the first thing about birds. However, he knew several people who did. 
“Hey, Bobby. Can I talk to Rufus?”
“He’s kinda in the middle of some’in’, Dean.” The roll of his eyes was audible, as someone yelped in the muffled background. “Can I call you back?”
“Please?” Dean asked, grinning cheekily even though he wasn’t there to warm Bobby over in person. 
Bobby made a disgruntled noise and paused, before sighing. “You’re doing the face aren’t you?”
“Fine. You never want to talk to me .” 
“You know that’s not true.”
“Hm.” Bobby replied. Out of spite, he kept the phone next to his face as he shouted for his attention. “Rufus! It’s Dean.” 
Ouch , Dean mouthed wincing at the volume, as he listened to the sound of two old men grumbling at each other before fabric shifted, and Rufus picked up the phone. 
“He lives.”
A smile burst its way through Dean’s concentration. “Hey Ruf, gotta question for you.”
“Coulda called us sooner. We were beginning to wonder if you’d sold the cabin and moved somewhere warmer with pink flamingos.”
The image made Dean snort. Him at the beach? Unlikely.
“Nope.” Dean quipped. “Still here and freezing my ass off. You guys ever think about installing a damn heater?”
“And pay that bill? Hell no. We added a fireplace, what more do you want from us.”
Good ol’ crabby Rufus. “What do you know about birds?” 
“A lot.” As per usual, he was being obtuse.
“Know of any big enough to leave behind two foot feathers?”
Rufus whistled. “Not in North America, unless you’ve got ostriches running around.”
“That’d be a negatory. So there’s nothing you can think of?”
“Nope. Did you find something, kid?”
“Holding one right now.”
“No shit.” He could hear the bewildered tone of his voice over the shitty connection. “Well, I guess keep an eye out. It’d be real hard for something that big to hide, and even harder for it to sit comfortable in those pine trees with the branches so dense. I’d say you’re about to make the biggest zoological discovery in North America in the past century. Keep us posted?” 
“Will do.” Dean said, and he heard Rufus handing the phone back over to Bobby. 
“Hope everything’s okay up there, Dean.”
“Everything’s peachy, honestly. Anyways—” He checked the clock on the stove. 8:30. The hardware store would be open in a half hour. “I’ve got some errands to run, so I’ll leave you to whatever it is a couple of old farts do in retirement.”
Dean grinned to himself. “See ya, Bobby.”
“Take care of yourself.”
“I will.”
The line went silent, and Dean shoved his phone back into his pocket, bobbing his head to the side in thought. Though he didn’t get a definitive answer, at least the call had eliminated the options of native fauna. 
At nine in the morning, Dean was usually one of a small line of people waiting outside Lafitte’s Goods to needle Benny’s brain for fixes and tools of the trade. Pamela was waiting against the brick wall, hand shielding the summer morning sun from her eyes, reading a 99 cent paper back with interest. 
“Hey, Pamela.”
“Dean-o. Call me Pammy.”
“No, of course not. But Pam works. I’m not your mother.”
“You call your mom by her first name?”
“Fair point. What’re you here for?” She nodded her head and bounced off the wall, as Benny unlocked the doors. A couple of grizzled old men shuffled in ahead of them, beelining it for the plywood. 
Porch season. 
“Roof’s got a leak.”
“Leak season.”
“Apparently. This is the third one since I got here.”
She squinted at him, like he was omitting something important, and popped the bubble of gum in her mouth. Dean started to itch under her scrutiny. He hated being studied like a lab rat.
What was the woman? A witch? Why was she peeling back layers of his get-up without warning.
Dean coughed, and used Benny’s presence as an excuse to wiggle out from under her gaze. “Gotta—  yeah, see you.” Turning on his heel he fled towards the adhesives, face contorting with embarrassment. 
Holy fuck, somehow he’d gotten even more awkward. 
Dear god, help me. 
Benny never pried unless Dean seemed interested in offering up information, and for that Dean was actually incredibly grateful. Most days he didn’t want to talk about anything, certainly not his past, but Benny and his bushy beard and warm eyes had managed to wiggle through his walls, just a little. 
Benny stared at him from behind the register, inquisitive expression considerably easier to cope with than Barnes' hungry expression. A friendly smile danced across his face as he assessed Dean’s no-doubt rosey cheeks. 
“She’s got her claws in you, huh.”
Dean ducked his head, glancing sideways at the brunette woman still looking at the different kinds of rope. A tramp stamp peeked out from under the bottom edge of her tank top. Dean tapped his fingers on the pock-marked wood counter and turned his attention back to his friend. “Is she always like that?”
“Sure is,” Benny drawled, ringing up everything Dean had haphazardly shoved onto the counter in his escape. “You just happen to be the newest, prettiest , plaything in Pringle.” The burly man winked.
 Pink crawled up Dean’s neck  from his collarbones and spread into his cheeks once again. Christ, there was no escape from these people. Still stammering, Dean practically ran back to the Impala. 
 The phone vibrated in his back pocket. By the third ring, Dean had parked Baby in her usual spot, and he struggled to tug it out of his pocket, checking the Caller ID. 
He pumped the window down, the air getting warm inside the car, and he flipped the phone open, inhaling sharply. He should have called before now. Shouldn’t have let so much time pass. In the fall, he’d be too busy to take any of Dean’s calls anyways. 
Several seconds of too-long silence passed between them. 
“Where have you been?”
Dean swallowed, thick, guilt permeating the small space. 
“Sorry, I just—” He didn’t have an excuse. “I didn’t know what to say.”
“You still could’ve picked up the phone. I tried to call you about six times. You don’t always need to have something to say, y’know…  It just would’ve been nice to know you’re still breathing.” His brother’s voice was basically a whisper at the end. 
“I know.” Dean closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing shakily. “I know.”
“I had to hear it from Bobby. Dean—” Sam’s voice pitched up to that octave it always did when he was upset. “Dad’s gone again.”
“And that’s fine. It’s not like I’m ten and incapable of caring for myself but I thought—  I thought he’d be back by now. It’s been a couple of weeks.”
“Shit, Sammy.” 
“I think he’s fine. He sent a vague text a couple of days ago, it’s just with school starting in two months I get worried. Not even for him, just for us. I can’t pay for school myself, and I can’t afford to miss anything because of Dad. If my grades drop, I’m out.”
“I know.” God, Dean knew.
Sam was a late bloomer for college. The kid was brilliant, but he’d been dealt a bad hand, and it was a miracle Rufus and Bobby had invested in a saving fund for the two of them decades ago. At twenty-two, Dean knew that he’d already had trouble securing the scholarships. Stanford wanted the best and brightest, not the kid with seven schools on his high school transcript and an overabundance of unexcused absences. 
The guilt piled up and perched itself on his shoulders until he sagged into his seat under the heaviness. It was his job to keep John out of trouble, not Sammy’s. And instead he’d run away from that responsibility. 
The repair materials sat in the backseat, and his heart twisted in his chest. The meadow sat peacefully in the late afternoon sun, just across the short distance of woods, and it still kept its secret. He didn’t want to go back. Not yet. Not until he’d had his fill of independence.
“Look,” He could kick himself for how his voice cracked. “If John doesn’t turn up by the end of the week, I’ll come back. I’ll help. Promise.”
For what it was worth, a facet of his brother’s relieved sigh sounded apologetic.“Thank you, Dean. I don’t know how to do this without you.”
“Okay then.”
“Talk to you soon, Sammy.” Dean’s jaw clenched involuntarily, as he flipped the phone closed and tossed it against the passenger door. His frustrated shout echoed between him and the trees, but he didn’t feel better.
Always this .
Historically, John would do something stupid and irresponsible and Dean would drop everythign to clean up the mess and no one would thank him. Not really. That was fine.
Family was supposed to break your heart. 
 The leak proved to be an easy fix. 
Dean fought the attic door that led to the roof, following the small staircase up until he was on the balls of his feet, head sticking out as he pulled himself onto it. The shingles were rough, cracked and damaged from the winters, and he scrapped the length of his arm against it.
 The source of the leak took only a minute to find. Five or so shingles were missing, leaving nothing but the wood underneath, which did nothing but absorb any and all precipitation. The rubber sealant smelled terrible, and he gagged dramatically, almost dropping the metal can in the process. Done applying, he plopped his ass down, determined to see it dry properly before he went back inside.
Half assing things had always resulted in a stern talking to in the least, and it had been something he’d struggled with growing up, his mind yanking him a thousand directions until his head was spinning and John was disappointed. 
Dean grit his teeth, purposefully dragging the raw scrape against the rough roofing, the burn biting through the thought, bringing him back down from that far off place he so frequently wandered to. He didn’t even know how he got there, but he found himself lost, shrunk down, smaller than the hand-me-down leather jacket he tried to fill.
From the roof he could see almost everything. It turned out that Rufus and Bobby’s cabin foundation was built onto a gentle slope.
The rain clouds had dissipated, migrating to the flat plains further south, and it left a crisp atmosphere behind. The sun poked through the remaining gargantuan cumulonimbus clouds, sunbeams gently caressing the grass. Grey mist rose from where the creek beds greedily absorbed the heat. It reminded him of the paintings of cowboys, sitting on a stallion, bathed in golden light, their backs to the audience, all the edges illuminated and throwing everything else into stark purple shadows. 
 The burn of the scrape subsided as a sense of peace settled Dean, his body melting into the shingles. An hour passed before his stomach growled, and he climbed back down for lunch.
Tapping at the window pane only inches from his face. 
Groggy and only slightly encrusted (gross) Dean opened his eyes and was met by dark blue ones, a tawny human hand pressed up against the glass. 
 Dean’s soul evaporated out of his body, back pressed to the headboard as he scrabbled for the small knife he kept under his pillow. Before he could look again, it was gone.He launched himself out of bed, so very entirely grateful that he’d had enough sense to go to sleep in his boxers and his worn-out threadbare Kansas shirt. 
Holy hell.  
Fingers trembling, he opened the window, leaning almost all the way out, hovering a few feet above the ground.A single feather slowly came to rest soundlessly on the pine-needle carpet. The view from the window remained unyieldingly motionless. 
Black-eyed susans had begun to sprout in the shade, despite themselves, and now they quivered where they grew between the pine-roots even though the morning wind had not pierced through the woods yet. 
Craning his neck, he glanced up, half expecting the last thing he’d ever see to be a terrifying bird man staring down at him like he was lunch. Nothing. 
Dean practically fell out of his room, chanting under his breath in a poor attempt to calm himself down as he stumbled down the short hall to the living room. 
It’s human.
“No,” Dean spoke to the picture frames on the walls. He had no idea what he was denying, but the situation begged to be denied. He paced back and forth in the living room, no doubt wearing the floor down despite the fact that he was wearing socks—  the ones with the holes in the heel. “It’s okay. It’s okay.”
Oh my God, it was so very not okay. 
Suddenly, the couch seemed like the perfect place to suffocate himself to unconsciousness. Someone else could deal with this. 
 No , he thought. You wanted this to happen, you dirty liar. Stop panicking and deal with it. 
Wings was human- or at least partially human. He looked like a man. Dean’s thin eyelids fluttered closed, and the image was painted on the backside of them with crystal clarity. Square jawline, arrow-straight nose, curiously arched eyebrows…  and the eyes . They were so blue. And they had been looking right at him. Watching him. 
It was entirely ridiculous that his eyes overshadowed the massive lurking darkness behind him, of what had to have been his wings. 
A human with wings. 
This was crazy. Everything was crazy.
The way he saw it, there were two directions this could go: he could pretend he hadn’t seen anything, and this would be tucked away into the delusion box that he kept under lock and key at the back of his mind and he could grow old being none the wiser of whatever breach of reality this was, or he could go find it. 
The first option was sounding real nice. Normal. Well adjusted. 
He was well adjusted. 
Besides, Dean wasn’t entirely convinced it wasn’t a dream.  this entire thing was a fever dream and he was in some hospital bed back in Lawrence, stuck in a coma. Dean pinched himself, viciously and stared at the white marks left on his forearm, helpless. 
“Okay.” He barked out a laugh. 
He should call Jo. 
After a few more minutes of pacing and hyperventilating, he decided against it. He would tell her—  of course he would! —but when it came up.
The Harvelle’s were good people and they’d shown him nothing but kindness. 
The situation had to be broached with care, or the small home he’d built in the life he wanted to live would topple in on itself, and the rubble and dust would drown him.
Trust issues were a problem of his, and he’d been aware of them since high school, when he’d had too many secrets to keep and any semblance of a support system was states away. 
God, he knew the way he clammed up was obvious, but sometimes he surprised even himself. If he was being honest, there was a lot more to it than a strong need for privacy. Didn’t matter though. In the end, after all the nit-picking and self beratement, it boiled down to fear. 
Jo could keep her mouth closed, but there was always a chance she’d accidentally tell someone, and there was a high chance it would be the wrong person. If he let it slip that this thing existed, who knew what would come packing. And he knew sooner or later, someone would bring the heat. Words got around easily in a small town like Pringle and he knew everyone would be at his door, wanting a chance to see the freak of the week. 
Which… was a thing that existed. A human with wings, that called the small clearing his home.
His heart skipped a beat at the thought. He felt protective over the man, almost ferociously so. 
The day’s hunting trip wasn’t happening— now Dean was paranoid.
What if he accidently shot him? Or scared him off permanently? 
His stomach churned, acid and bile climbing their way up his throat. The burn was familiar. Half his childhood had been spent subsiding panic attacks and anxiety, calming down Dad or Sam or both at the same time. 
The tin echo of a gunshot managed to penetrate through the thick log walls of the cabin.In a heartbeat, he was scrambling for the ancient shotgun. The front door swung open, the little voice in his head told him to close it behind him, but his feet carried him quicker than his mind and so he left it swinging on its hinges at his back. 
An anguished scream gargled its way from somewhere deeper into the woods, due south of the cabin. Rocks dashed the soles of Dean’s feat and he swore out loud, having forgotten his boots at the door. 
Shit shit shit.  
Someone was nearby, and they were ballsy enough to fire a weapon despite the illegality of hunting on private property. His mind raced at the same speed he ran towards it, a limp skewing his gate every few steps. Stray branches caught the sleeves of his shirt, tearing through the fabric as he refused to slow down. 
It’s just a deer. 
He knew better. 
They’re just after a deer, or a bison that wandered away from the heard or an elk or something—  
Another blood curdling scream erupted from amongst the pine, this one loud enough to rattle the crows out of their nests. They cawed, the sound of dozens of pairs of wings taking flight muting the pained groans. 
He knew better. 
Please—  please. Not Wings.
He faltered over a boulder, panic overtaking muscle memory and skidded to a halt at the crest of a ledge. The scene below knocked the breath out of his chest, leaving a vacuum in its wake. 
Campbell, one of the more elderly hunters of the area was standing over another tawny body. Giant black wings sprawled out, twisting and twitching in the dirt and mud, feathers slightly splayed underneath his back. 
Campbell’s face distorted in pain, a tense moment passing before his wild eyes landed on Dean, the whites of his too visible, even from ten yards away. Blood pumped out from a wound on his neck, and he had a hand clamped down onto it, slick with red, he held a shotgun limply in his left hand, the butt of it dropped heavily to the ground. 
Semi-satisfied that Campbell didn’t seem interested in shooting again, Dean fixated every ounce of attention on Wings and his breath hitched. Smeared across his mouth and chin was a copious amount of blood. He’d bitten Campbell. Dean’s heart swelled with pride.
Good . 
His short encounter with Campbell prior had proved that the man was a bag of dicks, cocky and far too keen on the killing aspect of hunting. It skeeved Dean out then, and it certainly did now. Campbell was still looking at Wings like he was prey. Though no component of the scene begged to differ: the man was naked, teeth bared, but he was incapable of escaping, the gunshot wound in his abdomen bleeding him dry. 
Dean leveled the end of his shotgun at Campbell’s head. “Get the fuck away from him.”
Campbell backed away from Wings, the muscles in his right arm tensed, like he wanted to put it up defensively, but it was necessary he kept pressure on the wound. It looked like Wings had gone for the jugular. “It attacked me, Winchester.”
“You’re fucking crazy.”
Dean would put money on the fact that he looked the part, he could feel his chest heaving, something akin to dull rage pumping through his veins. He prayed the tremor in his hand didn’t betray his hesitation. “I said move .”
Obeying his orders, Campbell stepped back, never taking his eyes off of the strange man. Agony flashed across his face where he laid in the dirt.In his hands, he held a silver blade. Wings looked from Campbell to Dean, expression visibly softening.
“Give me your coat.” Dean didn’t have much time, glancing at Wings, he saw that a red gleam of blood was starting to trickle from the corner of his mouth and his eyes moved frantically. He slid down the slope and went to take off his jacket and remembered his was only in his boxers. “ NOW .” 
Campbell shirked it off and threw it at Dean, staying exactly where he was. Moving quickly, Dean pressed the thick fabric to the wound, moving his other hand to the back side to see where the bullet went. There was no opening there, and he was thankful that Wings was naked. He could skip the sometimes detrimental process of removing his clothes to assess the wound better.
 He tied the jacket around him and slid one arm under his legs and the other across his shoulder blades, lifting him up carefully. Dean had to get him back to his house immediately, before Wings lost too much blood.
One last time, he regarded Campbell. He felt the sneer tug his lip up, his voice like acid trying to eat through the other man’s bones until he was nothing. “Get the fuck off my property. And don’t tell anyone about this. He’ll be fine, not that you care. But you won’t be if I see you here again, or if I hear about this from anyone. Do I make myself clear?”  
Samuel’s eyes darkened clearly at war with Dean’s threat, but his skin was taking on a pallor akin to lethal blood loss. He nodded curtly, acknowledging the agreement, at least for the moment. 
Reasonably satisfied that Campbell wouldn’t shoot them in the back, Dean turned and left, the body draped over his shoulder too warm.Dean’s hand wrapped around, hand feathering over his taut side, avoiding the wound. He could feel his fingers wet with blood. 
Wings was whispering something feverishly, though Dean couldn’t catch a word of it, his eyes glazed over with pain, searching the sky for something with a fervor of a religious man with hell hounds on his heels. 
“It’s okay. It’s okay.” Dean murmured, straining to carry the both of them the distance to the cabin. “I’ve got you.” 
Wing’s head lolled to the side, and his body went slack. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes, but Dean couldn’t afford to cry now. If he did, he wouldn’t be able to get them inside safely. He swallowed the terror. He ducked and wove through the undergrowth, fearing that the drooping wings would catch on a branch or boulder. 
The time it took until he could lay Wings down on his dining room table felt like hell had manifested on Earth, keenly able to feel life slipping away in his arms.
Once Dean managed to put Wings on the table without his head smacking the wood, he tore the kitchen apart for salt and a bowl of water and some clean washcloths, and sprinted to the bathroom, yanking the drawers out and emptying their contents onto the counter and sink until his eyes landed on the tweezers and isopropyl alcohol.
It wasn’t a perfect med kit, but there was no other choice. It had to do. 
Dean approached the table cautiously, worried that too much movement would set him off. The dark wingspan spread out almost three feet on either side of the table and Dean swallowed a stone.
He had no idea what to do next, not really. The closest experience he’d had to being a doctor had been treating John’s stab wound when he was thirteen and John had come home more beaten than usual.  
He stared helplessly down at Wings.  
“He...help.” Wings voice was like a ghost’s, he barely heard it, and he was standing right next to him. He looked up at the cobwebbed chandelier lighting like it was something holy and mesmerizing and Dean realized he was losing him. 
“Shhh… it’s okay.” His forehead was sticky with sweat and drying blood, and Dean pushed some of the unruly black wisps from his eyes, humming low. “I’m gonna help you.” 
Wings hand shook, following the edge of the table, feverishly searching for something to hold onto. Tentatively, Dean slid his fingers between his, feeling his calloused palm against his own. “Wings. Wings, you gotta listen to me. Wings, please . You have to lay still.”
He had no idea if the man understood a single word he was saying, but it seemed to do the trick. Over the span of a terrible minute, his breathing slowed down, and his grip on Dean’s hand went from frail to almost bone crushingly alive. 
Wings’ blue eyes were on him, flickering a little in the low light. Dean waited, untrained, unable and unwilling to play operation on him while he was still conscious, eyes desperate to look at anything but the daunting task before him. 
Eventually, he passed out, his painful grimace replaced by a soft one, and Dean began to remove the shrapnel bullet, praying to anyone who was listening that it had not shredded his insides beyond repair. 
 At some point in the night, Dean had gotten up to draw the curtains and lock the door, willing to sacrifice only a moment to seal them away from the rest of the world. 
 Now, sunlight pierced through the cracks, illuminating them both in thin lines of white light. He watched Wings toss and turn, his face gnarling into pain each time he moved.
 What if Dean had fucked it up? What if the next breath he drew was his last? His mind raced, punishing him for every moment’s hesitation that could very well lead to his death. 
 Dean caught himself following Wings jawline, examining the stark contours of his face like he would never see them again. Please, just please make it out alive.
 “Don’t die on me, Wings.” The words slipped out subconsciously. “Please, God, don’t die on me.”
 Dean had the decency to cover him up with the quilt. The two’s hands were still tightly entwined long after the heartbeat in Wing’s wrist lulled Dean into sleep, tumbling heart over head. 
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antifacountryfella · 2 years
look I SWEAR im not usually a "vibes are off" kinda guy.... but the vibes are most certainly off.
My trip began several hours before I figured it would; ar like 3:00 my boss told me i could leave at shift change. fine by me- we were dead after all. Stop home to pack, then i head up top. get there at like eight?? it was like right before sunset.
of course, before I even left for work that morning I'd reached out to someone from.. my Past Life. Current life now, I guess. He was working till 10, which gave me plenty of time to Scheme Up Some MoneyTM Well shit, that didn't take too long. Once he was off work, he had a couple things to do; this def had me worried cuz he's kind of flake. mm, actually "flake" isn't the right word. He's a Bull Shit Artist, to be sure, but hes no flake. if he sets up a mission its one that is going to benefit him, which means he'll be there. what im tryin to say is that he isn\t dumb enough to be a flake, if that makes sense.
He actually picks me up in case I "get too cooked to drive." what a gentleman lol. we then drive up to the city. as we pass the Lesser City With Worse Drugs* I looked at the skyline and thought how weird it is that I live in the country now. I uh.. kinda don't like? At the very least, I miss cities. Hell, I even miss those not quite cities-not suburbia that crops up around cities.
This was the first time I was on the Block in literal years. Hasn't changed at all. Still horrifying. I'm still weirdly numb to it.
And the Product knocked me on my fucking ass. I got 6, but only did one while we were in the city.
Side tangent here. Look, obv buying drugs off the block sucks. It scary, especially after midnight. this night was "only" 12"30. not the latest ive been there but still enough to put you on edge a bit. but that feeling when you have what you came for, you've got it in your system, and then the driver starts up the car to leave. oh man. total relief. because now, every block we pass brings us closer to the highway and a bit farther from where the Shit Goes Down. Less than five minutes after the engine starts, and we're already in a part of the City where it wouldn't feel like suicide to get out and walk around. And then you hit the highway, no more watching for cops out looking to ruin a junkies night. Soon, not even a speed trap from City Cops because you aren't in the part of the highway that's in the city limits. It's immaculate.
I don't remember if I did more that nigh, but I do know I "slept" passed out in my jeans. I did another bag at some point. basically the whole day was a blur. At one point I nodded out for three hours. I know this because Someone Special texted me and I meant to respond and it took me 3.5 hours to complete that task.
Which reminds me, if I don't get this shit under control SOON I'm going to fuck this up before it really starts and I REALLY don't want that to happen. I like this girl, and she likes me too. I'm down bad for ol' girl.
*(also the city where drug dealers start going to bed at 9 o clock)
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haikyuuwaifu · 4 years
Miss Independent
Genre: Crack, Humor, Drama, NSFW Content, Mild Angst
Warning: Mild Angst
Kenma x Osamu x Suna x Reader Poly
Daichi & Y/N| K& S| O & Y| S & Y
‘Great One-Jessie Reyez’
“Y/N!” a loud boisterous voiced called out, as she slammed her locker shut. Shaking her head slightly, she smiled softly at the literal ray of sunshine headed her way. “Y/N! How come Dadchi wasn’t at practice this morning?” Shoyo asked his “mom” as they walked towards the first year hall. “He’s out sick today Shoyo, so it’s gonna be up to you guys to be on your best behavior.” the boy scoffed next to her. “I am ALWAYS on my best behavior! It’s Bakageyama and Saltybitchma that are always fighting.” he screeched waving his hands. Rubbing her temples Y/N sighed as she stopped in front of his homeroom door. “Look, if you boys can get through one practice without fighting, I’ll take you out for dinner tonight; that ramen shop you like.” she stated patting his head affectionately. “I’ll see you after school Shoyo!” she murmured waving behind her as she walked on towards the stairs. Maybe after practice she’d take Daichi some broth and cuddle.
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Y/N slid her phone back into her jacket pocket clapping as she watched Tsukki block Hinata’s spike. “Great job Kei-chan!” she yelled cupping her hands over her mouth to make herself louder. Tsukishima turned to scoff softly, “Don’t do that! It’s embarrassing Y/N!” he snarked, cheeks pinking slightly. Behind him Tanaka and Noya snickerd softly. Glaring Y/N spoke, “since you both find it hilarious you’ll be cleaning the gym up with the rest of the second years.” a mix of groans and cheers were heard as coach Ukai blew the whistle signaling the end of practice. “ You brats coming to the shop tonight?” he grunted out, hands on his hips watching the second years tear down the net. Y/N shook her head as she handed him her clipboard. “Nope, the third years and I are treating the first years to Ramen at that new place near Shiratorizawa.” she answered. “Well, be careful brat; and call me if you need anything.” he grumbled. “Thank you gramps!” she cooed giggling at the way his shoulders hunched at the mild insult. “Alright brats, let’s go! I know you have homework tonight and I don’t want to be out too late.” she grumbled herding everyone out of the gym.
The group of students made their way to the train, the first year boys grumbling about upcoming exams and how hungry they were. Yachi hung back, discussing weekend plans with Kiyoko and Y/N. Everything was as it should be. Sitting on the train Y/N pulled out her phone to see a slew of messages from her idiot best friend. As they rode the train, she, Yachi, and Kiyoko cackled at the recollection of Kuroo getting his kneecaps swiped by Yaku yet again. Everything was right with the world. Stepping off the train, the three girls locked arms as they kept an eye on the rowdy boys ahead of them. Suga hooked his arm in Y/N’s free arm as Asahi brought up the rear. “How do you think Daichi is doing?” Suga asked, keeping his eyes on the boys ahead. “I texted him, during practice; he said he was resting; I think I’m going to bring him some broth on my way home.” Y/N murmured looking at the sky ahead. 
Making their way to the Ramen Shop the third years and Yachi enjoyed the silence, as the boys ahead spent most the time quietly discussing their upcoming practice matches. The restaurant was a good ten minute walk from the station. Y/N had pulled her phone out of her pocket, receiving a notification from Kuroo, when she stumbled into a frozen body in front of her. Looking up, she saw that the person she had run into was Tsukishima. “Tsukki why’d you stop in the middle of th-” she started to ask, when she noticed his narrowed into slits. Turning her head, she looked in the direction he was facing only to see her boyfriend of four years Daichi Sawamura lip locked with the volleyball captain of the girls team Yui Michimiya. Before she could stop anyone, Hinata had already clambered inside Kageyama behind him. Tsukki gripped Y/N’s arm tightly, mostly to prevent himself from clocking his captain. Suga, Asahi and Kiyoko followed the two boys inside to see Daichi and Yui eyes wide eyeing the feral boys standing in front of them.
Arms crossed Suga sneered at the couple. “I thought you were sick Daichi? Because this doesn’t look like sick.” “I thought you were going to get meat buns.” he stammered out, scratching the back of his head. He still had no idea Y/N was with them, as she was still outside trying to calm down a raging Tsukishima. “No, we didn’t get meat buns today; because Y/N, you know...your girlfriend, she decided to take the boys out for ramen since they were so cooperative at practice today.” Suga uttered harshly. Next to this train wreck, Kageyama had his phone to his ear; “Oikawa, it’s me...we’re at the ramen place by Shiratorizawa...Sawamura just got caught cheating on Y/N...I doubt he’s goign anywhere anytime soon...got it.” 
Outside, Tsukishima was still shaking with rage, as Y/N tried to calm him down. Yamaguchi stood next to him, trying to assist but nothing was working. “I’m going to go inside, and see what’s going on. Yams you stay here with Tsukki, I’m sure it’s all a big misunderstanding.” Y/N said not even believing the words coming out of her mouth. As she made her way inside, Tsukki pulled his phone out... “Hey shit head its me...Sawamura just got caught cheating on Y/N...I think Kageyama already called Oikawa...he won’t be going anywhere any time soon just get here as soon as you can.” hanging up Tsukki made his way inside the cafe.
Walking towards the crowd, Y/N could hear the barely audible excuses tumbling out of her boyfriends mouth. Stepping through everyone she made her way to the front. Sugawara was shaking, fists clenched to his sides as he listened to all the stupid shit Daichi was spewing. Looking behind him Y/N saw Michimiya visibly shaking in fear. Fear of guilt or fear of retaliation she couldn’t tell you; and right now she didn’t really care. When Daichi saw Y/N approach a part of him sighed in relief, but that relief was soon replaced by guilt and by fear. “sweetie, I-” she held her hand out to halt whatever he was about to say. “I don’t want to hear your excuses Daichi, I want to know why...I want to know why you would throw four years of our lives together away Daichi?” she mumbled, hands folded in front of her. “I didn’t...I don’t really know how it h-” he started, trying to find the words. Behind him Michimiya spoke. “We didn’t mean to fall in love with eac-” before she could finish Yachi had her fist cocked back and launched before anyone could stop her. With a cry Michimiya pressed her hands to her nose, tears streaming as blood gushed out. “No one fucking asked you to speak, this is partially your fucking fault.” Yachi screamed shaking the numbness out of her fingers.
“Y/N I’m so sorry. Honestly, I don’t know how it happened, and I didn’t mean for it to happen. It was a mi-” she shook her head, tears pooling at the ends of her eyelashes. “A mistake is a one time thing Daichi...this wasn’t a one time thing...I hope you’re happy with the choices you made, because I don’t ever want anything to do with you again.” she murmured, turning towards the exit. “I’m goign to head to the station, if you could grab food to go; we can go to my house and eat there.” she murmured making her way outside. As she stepped out of the shop she heard someone yell behind her. Turning towards the sound she saw a familiar head of crazy hair and broke into sobbed as she ran towards him barreling him over; her fast in his chest. “It’s alright Kitten, I’m here now.” Kuroo murmered. Behind him the Seijoh boys came running. Oikawa and Makki pulled Y/N with them, as Issei, Iwa and Kuroo made their way to the ramen shop. The boys had business to take care of.
-Y/N and Kuroo have been best friends for most their lives. When his parents died he had to move to Tokyo to live with is grandparents; but they never lost touch and visit every weekend. (For the sake of the story both places aren’t super far).
-Daichi and Y/N met in middle school and started dating the beginning of their second year. Their third year of high school would have been 5 years together. 
-Y/N has always loved taking photos. She takes photos of the players and at training camps. She’s friendly and outgoing so everyone in the volleyball circles know her. The Seijoh boys look out for Y/N since she sometimes takes photos of their practice and regular matches.
-It is in fact confirmed that Daichi got his ass beat, by Kuroo, Iwa, and Issei. Oikawa, Makki, the rest of the third years and the first year babies took Y/N home and spent the rest of the night trying to cheer her up. Kuroo took Y/N to Tokyo for the weekend to get her away from Daichi.
-That following Monday, when Ukai found out, Daichi was demoted and benched. Y/N was like a daughter to him, and you really shouldn’t underestimate the power she holds over literally anyone who meets her ;)
In conclusion: Daichi is trash LMAO.
@dabilove27​ @amberisnotcrazy​ @elianetsantana​ @cloudyxlay 
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