#it's been a while since i did a tmi post
paranorahjones · 4 months
okay so in the interest of this being the tmi website i'm gonna go ahead and say that the effects of ovulation on women really, really need to be talked about more. so expect some major tmi. sorry but also im not sorry because there is much about ovulation that i wish i had known when i was younger. so if you don't wanna get super intimate super quickly with how my body works, you might wanna skip this one.
pretty much everyone has at least a basic idea of what menstruation entails but it seems like, for the most part, the only knowledge the general public seems to have regarding ovulation is "haha woman horny".
and i mean. that is definitely an aspect of it for a lot of women. that's what the hormones do. but there's SO MUCH MORE.
i'm just gonna talk about this in reference to my own personal experiences. i don't have the scientific knowledge to explain the "why" behind a lot of it, it's just what i experience.
first off: ovulation cramps. they are painfully real. they don't last anywhere near as long as menstruation cramps but for me at least, they are often more intense. they are a more sudden, knife-like pain and they happen in a very specific place in my lower back and down there. they usually only last for a day, but sometimes they're on and off for a couple days.
second: emotional upheaval. you know the memes about shrimp colors? that's what ovulation emotions feel like to me. shrimp emotions. a lot of women experience feeling irritable or super emotional on their periods, and i am definitely one of them. but the majority of the time, my emotions are even more affected by ovulation than menstruation. it's intense. when i'm on my period, the emotions usually manifest as major rejection sensitivity. when i'm ovulating, they most often manifest as grief, but also a myriad of other things. i'm usually a lot more sensitive to the media i consume, and a lot of times this hyper-awareness of my own feelings can be a blessing. depending on where i'm at in my cycle, i often experience a few days of hyper-creativity. being connected and understanding of my hormonal/emotional state helps me to also be more in tune with my creative tendencies. and with ovulation, i'm not distracted by the other symptoms that accompany it (except for the cramps) like i am with menstruation.
thirdly, the one everyone knows about: haha woman horny. ehhhhh . . . for me personally, not really. occasionally, but nowhere near every cycle. that might change when i'm no longer single, but for now it's just not a big deal. the way these hormones affect us vary wildly for every woman and that's normal. if we're being completely honest, i often feel ✨that way✨ more often when i'm on my period than during ovulation.
which. damn. that's gonna be inconvenient.
but anyways, i have a feeling that that has something to do with the fact that a lot of people also desire sex when they're grieving. it's a desire for intimacy in the midst of pain. it sounds weird on the surface, but it makes sense when you think about it.
so yeah. those are my main experiences during ovulation. hopefully this gave you some more understanding on what to possibly expect during ovulation, or an explanation of why you feel how you do during a "random" time of the month that isn't your period.
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jordynbreeloa777 · 3 months
Can you tell me the things that you've manifested?
Take love 💖
Hi anon! Also im not FULLY DONE with all my “big” manifestations i have manifested a lot in my journey! LONG POST AHEAD👀
sharp jawline, high defined cheekbones, slim face, overall 0 face fat, and a L, V shaped jawline. I lovee that I manifested this one because people literally ask me if I do mewing, and how my jawline is so sharp I manifested this with subliminals, even though I kinda already had a defined face I definitely enhanced it to the max ✨
thicker, fuller, better shaped brows. I think I mentioned this in one of my last post but I also manifested this with subliminals & robotic affirmations, this is probably my biggest one since I manifest it in a day 😭 I swear before my eyebrows was so thin, didn’t fit my face, and was giving pencil. But now it’s so pretty and my mom always tells me “ you always look like you got your eyebrows done” and “ did you brush your brows today?” 💈🎀
smaller nostrils. Which also I used subliminals, there is a visible change in my nose as the nostrils go more /\ instead of () which I love and the tip is more rounded, im not really done with this though because I may manifest a desired nose shape instead of just smaller👀
lips, this one is kinda self explanatory but I manifested plumper lips, pinker, and pointy lip corners also by subliminals 👄
clear skin, which I love because my skin use to have tiny bumps, but it’s clear and even though I manifested this a while ago it still IS! my friend asked me for my skincare rountine which was literally a affirmation in the subliminal 🫣
hair. I’m not done with this, but my hair definitely got much thicker then it was before 💇🏽‍♀️
lashes. My lashes are thicker, but im not done with this eitherr because I want them to be a little longer so half succes story ig 🫶🏽
‘TEETH. I have braces, so I didn’t manifest teeth change, because obviously the braces is already fixing my teeth plus I love how they look on me, but I manifested white teeth 🦷
less neck lines, I got these because of fake necklaces and it made me not like it so I manifested it away💋
strong, defined, collar bones, I already had this but I enhanced it and it’s so much more noticeable!
arms. I manifested slimmer, toner, longer arms ( I already had long arms but again I enhanced them)
fingers & nails. This one is kinda big, but my nails are so long and strong even my toe nails 😭 But I cut them ofc and my fingernails break because of sports so I may manifest them to never break even though they grow SUPER fast💨
flat stomach, which I manifested using subliminals it’s literally like paper, but I may manifest for it to still be flat when I get bloated because your girl still likes to buss down food🤗
thicker thighs. My thighs don’t have a gap, and there a little toned which I lovee (also subs)✨
bigger booty meatt- this may be tmi but I had to add it. I may manifest it to be bigger but y’all… it be showing. literally my friends be harassing me everytime I wear dresses😒
🍒- I manifested for them to look pretty, there not to big, not to small there like C cup and I love themm, so mwah
taller height. I was at first like 5’4 and now im 5’6.. not to tall not to short but i love my height my Dad even asked me “are you having a growth spurt” plus my legs are so long now <3
i manifested good exam marks.. only A’s & B’s without even studying 📚
i manifested for my knees, elbows, and knuckles to all be the same color by affirming I have a even body skintone 🤞🏽
now this is probably all i manifested in the 4 years i been in the community! I’m still not “done” with all my “big manifestations” or my “journey” but I know it’s coming to an end 💝
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TGIF! What a week it's been. This may be a TMI post but we're all friends here right? 😅
I went in for the colposcopy (reminder, this is for the cervix, not a colonoscopy) on Wednesday. My PCP said this was precautionary but I was still pretty nervous for the procedure. Imagine my shock when the OBGYN was talking to me before and said the cells they found were more on the side of concerning and this was an "absolutely need to do further testing" scenario. Not just "let's be extra cautious". I completely broke down in that poor woman's exam room. After coming off the breast scare, her throwing around the word cancer again was too much for me. I cried for a good 10 mins while she talked me through everything. I explained what had been going on recently and apologized for being such a mess. She totally understood and was great considering this was the first time we met lol. Anyways, she said that she definitely wanted to do biopsies which I was hoping wouldn't be needed but I trusted her judgement and let her proceed with the procedure. She took 3 total, and it was definitely not a pleasant experience. The last one sucked the worst. I took ibuprofen before the appointment just in case and I'm glad I did. Luckily it was over pretty quick but I had quite a bit of bleeding (duh - she basically hole punched my cervix 3 times) so she had to use extra of the solution that is supposed to stop the bleeding and lemme tell you. It's gross. It looks like coffee grounds coming out and I'm still dealing with it 2 days later. I was pretty sore the night of but haven't had much pain after that. It's more just annoying. It's also annoying because she said the results take about a week. If they come back a level 1 or lower we will just continue to monitor with yearly paps, but if they are higher than that she is going to recommend a LEEP. You can Google that if you want to know what I'm in for 🙃 all the research I did before said most places do it in the office but she said they are not equipped for that and it would be done in an outpatient surgery room and I would be put under general anesthesia. I am hoping soooo hard that my results come back good but a week is a long time to wait!!! I am so over this year.
On top of that, I found out I'm going to be traveling to CA multiple times this summer for work. I knew one trip was very likely but was not prepared for probably having to go once a month. It's going to be a great career opportunity so I'm not going to pass it up but I am not stoked about being away from my guys so much. I'm not in a great place with my MIL either right now and she's the best equipped to help us out while I'm gone because she's retired. So we will see how that plays out...
It's a lot going on right now. I just really need some good news back from the doctor and then I feel like I can fully focus on getting our summer planned and setting us up for success since things are going to get pretty crazy I'm sure.
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axel-skz · 11 months
A/N: I wrote this half asleep 😭 I keep changing my idea for the Felix story so I moved up posting Seungmins. I love this one-shot though, it’s so cute. Right, now, song roulette. AA WE GOT ‘WAITING FOR US’! I feel like it’s been too long since I listened to it. Damn.
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(No cus why is he so cute? Who allowed him to be this cute? I think he would kill me if I ever actually called him cute.)
You and Seungmin had been together for a couple months now. It was heaven.
You didn’t realise heaven was this sarcastic but it was heaven nonetheless.
You both enjoyed each other’s company a lot so you spent, some would say, too much time together. Jeongin would see you and smirk, always comedically checking the surrounding area to see where Seungmin was.
It was annoying that he would be right about his jokes and Seungmin was always right there.
One day, you both were doing your own things but like, in the same room. Because where else would you be? He was… harassing one of the members over text while watching TV. You were gaming.
You guys hadn’t used pet names at all yet (aside from you calling him Minnie) so what came now… embarrassed you to no end.
‘Baby, can you pass me my drink,’ you stupidly said while being too distracted by a part in your game to notice.
Seungmin, the cute little menace, smirked. Now he has ammunition.
‘Am I tiny? Am I bald?’ He replied, unmoving.
‘What? Is that a riddle or something?’ You paused your game to look at him in confusion.
‘You called me baby, what makes you say that?’ He grinned, resting his head on his palm.
You began to turn more and more red, ‘I did not!’ Yeah, lying seems like a great option right now.
‘Are you… saying my ears are broken? I’m picking up soundwaves from the neighbourhood? Like a bat? ARE YOU SAYING I’M BATMAN?!’ He gasped dramatically.
You stared at him blankly, ‘sometimes I think back to when I asked you out and I wish someone had run me over so I didn’t.’
‘I’m batman apparently so I wouldn’t have let that happen, sugar bear,’ he seemed a little too eager now.
‘Omg, why are you this way?,’ you whined as you covered your face.
‘I don’t know what you mean, honey nugget, I thought this was what we were doing now,’ you glared at him.
‘It slipped out, ok?! Can we forget it please??’
‘Your baby just slipped out? Wow, wierd of you tell me that. Bit Tmi.’
You got up and walked over to him. He had this smug smile on his face. He also looked confused about what you were planning.
You sat next to him then suddenly started tickling him.
He hated that and you knew it. Giggles escaped his mouth and he couldn’t look mad while he was laughing his ass off.
Eventually you stopped, ‘had enough, sugar bear?’
‘Ok, ok! Yes, I’ll stop now,’ he glared at you so you booped his nose and he blushed.
It made you laugh as you got up and went to get your water.
You heard him say something but couldn’t make it out, you poked your head back to look in the living room, ‘what?’
He was blushing like crazy and looking anywhere but you as he spoke, ‘you can call me baby or whatever if you want…’
You smiled and didn’t tease him too much about it, ‘that sounds nice Minnie. You can call me sugar bear or whatever.’
He laughed a little and then continued with whatever he was doing on his phone. The rest of the night passed without a sugar bear or a honey nugget being mentioned :)
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Seungmin: You are right. *he’s suddenly stood behind me with an axe in his hand (lol, get it? Axe, Axel, Axe, Axel? Ok yeah, I think you get it)* I would kill you.
We can talk about this… I swear… I only called you cute because… of… umm… hold on, wait… I swear I can think up a good reason…
Seungmin: TIMES UP!
insert high speed chase here
Meanwhile, the boys on the side, sit with popcorn and drinks.
Minho: if he doesn’t catch her, I’ll be very disappointed, I taught him better then that.
Bang chan: you know, this is why I don’t leave him alone with you anymore.
Minho shrugs: fair.
They all start cheering as he slowly catches up but then aw as he falls back again.
Felix: if you live, I’ll bake you something!
Oh damn, totally worth it.
And suddenly I’m Usain Bolt.
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defilerwyrm · 1 year
Sorry if you've answered this already but could you tell me a little bit about orgasms with phalloplasty? I'm ftm and have been looking into and doing research on this every once in a while for years. If you're not comfortable with that, could you point me towards some literature about that topic specifically if you're aware of any?
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I’ll do both of these at once since they’re very similar!
There are two major factors at play: testosterone and phallo. Gonna pop this under a cut ‘cause this is gonna be very NSFW and very TMI.
I started testosterone cypionate in 2017 after a dud year on T cream. Prior to that, it frequently took me around 45 minutes to get off, if I could at all; sometimes I’d just get too tired, sore, and frustrated to continue. Even then, I’d go as many as five times a day trying to get some degree of satisfaction out of it. After a few months on T (the cypionate variety), that dropped to a pretty reliable 12-15 minutes. So that was most of the heavy lifting done there.
It varied by method, still. Front hole penetration made orgasm harder to achieve; anal penetration made it a LOT easier. But even if it took 30 minutes of prep and 20 minutes to get there, my orgasms were stronger and more satisfying.
After bottom surgery, my libido came back after about a month, but I was still too sore to do anything about it. At one point I got too worked up not to try something, so I used a dildo in the shower, and came like a truck hit me as soon as the damn thing was in. My dick felt like it should’a been glowing there was so much sensation there all at once. Nearly fell over. It was great. It also was a lot briefer than pre-phallo, but frankly with that intensity I did not mind.
About two months post-op I was finally healed up enough to get myself off with penile stimulation, and for a magnificent ~8 months or so I could get off in three minutes flat. They were very similar to how that one in the shower had felt: very bright and vibrant and sudden, with super intense sensation all through my dick and whatever remains of my Skene’s glands (“female” prostate); they took a while to come down from; and one was enough.
Tragically, over time the necessary duration increased back to that 12-15 minutes, but the intensity and satisfaction with just one is still there. Right now I’m on an SSRI that makes it harder to orgasm again but sure as shit doesn’t keep me from getting horned up, but frankly it’s not doing me any good to balance that out so I’m tapering off it.
Same deal with anal penetration. It’s not instant anymore, but it still gets me there PDQ. With those orgasms, if I’m coming just from penetration alone, I feel it more internally than in my dick, but that’s why we have two hands.
Mind you, I don’t know how much of all this is psychosomatic, and bodies vary wildly; this is just one man’s experience.
Dick shaving: carefully, with light pressure, and using a high-quality safety razor designed to flex.
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Thanks for the memories (A/N)
Discussion of slightly heavy topics and maybe TMI ahead. Point is this.
A couple people might have known that this was a long time coming, but here it is: the day I officially leave the Maribat fandom.
I may continue to update a few fics that I’m genuinely passionate about, but I wouldn’t count on it.
While writing Maribat, I’ve never had the most healthy mindset. I started writing during an antidepressant-induced manic episode during September of 2020. I continued writing afterwards only out of obligation since my fic at the time, Soulmarks, was not done yet. However, I quickly realized that, when writing, I would get comments, and the positive affirmation felt amazing to someone going through a particularly bad depressive episode. I got addicted to comments, kudos, and hits. I would spend hours a day refreshing my ao3 author page constantly and bask in the dopamine I would get from every new interaction. And, in those hours, I would write until my hands hurt (and, sometimes, far past that). Because if I wrote more, I could post more, and I would get more in return.
But, as time moved on, people began to leave as they found other things to obsess over. What had been a somewhat manageable problem and mildly unhealthy mindset began to spiral. The threshold for dopamine hits kept increasing. Hits and kudos were no longer enough, I needed comments in particular, and then comments that were more than just emojis, and then… well, you get the point.
I needed a certain amount of interaction on my fics to feel happy, and I wasn’t getting them anymore. So, I did what I always did, and wrote more and more and more.
Until I woke up every morning in pain, until my fingers and arms started to hurt when I tried to straighten them, until I woke up after a nap a month ago and found my hands poised for typing in my lap.
However, for the past few months, I have been slipping in and out of mania once again, and it has made me realize something:
I don’t enjoy writing for Maribat anymore. Because, as much as I hyperfixate on things and write for hours at a time, I never once wanted to update one of my Maribat fics.
I still updated sometimes, out of obligation, but I never was happy to do it. Writing stories I used to love was like pulling teeth, I would dread it to the point where even the comments I might get weren’t enough to motivate me anymore. Because there would only be ‘a few’, and they wouldn’t be ‘good enough’, and I was no longer ‘happy’.
In fact, I was miserable.
I should disclaim that I do not believe that I am owed comments. My mental health is my responsibility and my responsibility alone. 
But I have begun to realize that, just like you don’t owe me comments, I do not owe you fics.
And, so, I am leaving this fandom. I will still be in fandom spaces, such as discords, as I have made many friends and happy memories that I do not wish to lose, but for many of you this is goodbye.
Thank you for supporting me all of these years, and I hope you all figure out what makes you happy, too.
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joyswonderland1108 · 9 months
Alrighty tighty i'm finally home and i can finally make my post peacefully, i didn't want to just dive into it earlier since i was busy, not at home and it might've been a bunch of bullshit (not saying this might be perfect either but you get me)
So after the release of 3D there was a lot of opinions, very divided opinions, i gave my opinion as well, a very short post but hey don't blame me the release time was 5:00am for me lol. There was also a lot of policing.
Now i don't know if it's just me who hasn't seen that on the tl or are people completely misunderstanding some opinions. With that being said, everybody is entitled to their own opinion as much as YOU have an opinion another person has their own and YOU have no right to police them on their opinion and THEY have no right to police you on yours, as long as it stays respectful with those who deserve respect that is.
Before i start i would like to mention here @andy-wm 's post, very wise, very insightful, please do check it out :
It was very well written, nothing out of context, nothing shady and i didn't want to reblog and make the post even longer so instead i decided to make a separate post while referring to it.
Following up, and this is of course from here on my own opinion. I've seen some people call out others about "shading JK" and maybe IIIIII personally just didn't see those posts but if they're talking about the people who aren't comfortable with Jack's part then i don't know how is that shady towards JK? But again maybe this is just me missing the point of the posts because up until now i haven't seen anyone shade JK, the comments were more about Jack's part.
Again some people felt the need to invalidate people's feelings about Jack's part saying that "If they think Jack's part is bad that means they haven't listened to rap before" or "he's talking about himself he's not degrading women" or "People are not ready to accept JK the way he is because of a picture they painted of him, they're not ready to hear about him having sex" yada yada
First i would like to say that it's not about sex nor is it about JK. You mean to tell me i get JK singing about sex and the way he likes it? FUCK YEAH! TMI here but many of us are sex addicts and kinky af so saying that people are "criticizing" because of the sex is a bit.. too quick of a judgement.
Second thing this is exactly why people are saying that they prefer the alternate version better, it's still about sex but it's just JK without Jack's part. How is that not clear enough that the problem here is Jack?
"They must've never listened to rap before"
You do realize that BTS have a rap line right? Also, just because it's rap it doesn't mean i have to normalize some shit people rap about you know.. And maybe let's not generalize and speak about rappers putting them all in the same bubble, not all rappers rap about the same thing, a lot of rappers don't touch some subjects and stay miles away from them, and before you say again "the sex part" AGAIN it's NOT about the sex.
"He's talking about himself, calling himself a whore"
Okay here i have to agree and disagree. Yes he did call HIMSELF a whore but let's rewind back a bit "I'm on my Jungkook" so basically he is not talking about himself but he is talking about the him that is JK which also means that whatever he was singing about was a description of him being JK let's not forget about that.
Another thing would be that he didn't concretely call those women whores but it was heavily implied, sprinkles of misogyny here and there. Talking about women like they're a piece of meat, like they're something to get bored of, a hole to fuck and throw when it no longer satisfies you, having women lining up for you to use um..? Let's please not normalize this now shall we?
"People are not ready to accept that JK has sex"
Uhm, he's 26 years old? And i believe i myself and many bloggers here talked before about how he's not some virgin maiden of fucking course he's having sex. Yes some people still see him as the 13yo baby star candy (He's still baby star candy just not a literal baby) but many people already came to terms with the fact that he's fucking 26yo.
And those who are only talking about the sex reference in Seven to defend the fact that he's a grown up who has sex and can sing about having sex, i guess y'all are completely forgetting that the sex references didn't only start with Seven lol Need i remind you "Ramyeon meokgo gallae?" and just not to make the post longer than needed there were many instances where he openly talked about sexual stuff let's also not forget his mini concert with "Unholy".
The thing that bothers me with this whole situation is the policing about respectful opinions that not once were shady towards JK nor were they words meant about JK. Army all agreed that ON ft Sia was just not it and that was okay they had no problem hating Sia's part but now that some Army expressed their discomfort with Jack's part and said they prefer the version with JK only they are being cancelled left and right and called antis, how are they JK antis if they only like JK's part?
Another example i want to add is Abel. Remember when The Idol dropped many Army came for Jennie saying that she agreed to act in a show produced by Abel who disrespected women, made very misogynistic comments about them, sexist, yada yada. So exactly why wasn't that normalized? Why were Army calling out the misogyny back then but not now? Maybe if it was a BTS member who was acting in the show then Abel would've never been called out?
A little reminder again, some women are completely okay with misogyny actually, they think it's completely normal for women to be treated like objects and like men's property. Sorry but i personally don't think that way and many others don't think that way so if YOU think Jack degrading women like this is okay IIIIII don't have to think it's okay.
Again and again and again, we go back to the same conclusion that the whole problem here was never JK. Sue me but i love JK and whatever he does and that boy not ONE time said anything derogatory about women, heck boy even while singing about giving a massive orgasm he was asking for consent, so sexy of him!
In conclusion, i hope people can stop this whole unnecessary war about having different opinions. We're all here loving JK (not talking about actual antis and solos trying to shade him for breathing) but we don't all love Jack, we don't all love Jack's part and trust me if it turns out that the alternate version's streams will be counted/combined with the main version, a lot will only stream that one because again, they are free to like or dislike that man or the part he added to that song.
With that being said, STREAM 3D Y'ALL AND STOP WITH THE CHILDISH ARGUMENTS!!! STREAM STREAM STREAM!!! I shared the 3 playlists i use you can use them as well if you want to.
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pjunicornart · 2 months
Symptoms of Me (vent post... kinda)
So, my mental health has been kicking my ass as of late. I haven't been feeling the best, and lately I've been beat to shit by my autistic symptoms.
So how did I vent? With Meet the Robinsons, of course. Because I feel so connected to Lewis/Cornelius, I headcanon that he experiences my symptoms as well.
I drew Neil displaying how my symptoms/trauma manifests. They're all just little doodles. I think it's important for people to see from multiple perspectives when it comes to mental health (especially neurodivergency) because everyone's symptoms manifest differently. I've wanted to make a post like this for a while, so... here you go.
This is me. (cw: brief mentions of trauma/abusive relationships)
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I space out a lot. Often times I'll get lost in my daydreams, so much so that hours could pass by and I wouldn't have a clue. This happens a lot, actually. It's the reason why I'm only able to get one artwork done a day, because I constantly space out. Another little symptom displayed here is my fidgeting. As I write this post I am bouncing my leg.
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Wanna know a physical sign of autism? Toe walking! I do this a lot. I do it because carpets and hardwood floors feel weird to walk on. If I don't have my house shoes or socks on, I'll toe walk everywhere.
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Music is how I connect with the world. That's why I get inspired by music so often. Since I can't formulate my words on the topic of my feelings, music is how I do that. Music helps me understand myself by putting complex things I don't understand into simple to sing along to verses.
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On the topic of music, it gets stuck in my head. Easily. I can put a song on loop for five hours straight and I would never get bored of it. When I go to bed, the song will play in my head, and I'll get excited because I can listen to it again in the morning. Because songs get stuck in my head so often, I would mumble under my breath the lyrics as a tick. The same could be said for my ticks in general. Small phrases or words will repeat in my head over and over again, and I'll say them aloud. Recently, "he's tired" has been on repeat for me. I don't know why.
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Wanna know ANOTHER physical sign of autism? Frequent constipation/irregular and incomplete bowel movements. I am definitely guilty of this. I've been taking fiber gummies, but it's only helped a little bit. I still go over a week without going number two. This might be a bit TMI, but this is one reason why it was super difficult for my parents to potty train me. It would hurt to go, and therefore I wouldn't wanna do it. My parents weren't particularly... nice, about potty training me. I have trauma from it. Speaking of...
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Because of trauma, I HATE using toilets. This kind of ties into my age regression as a coping mechanism a bit. For multiple reasons, I wish I had a better childhood. So, I regress to a mental space where I'm a happy kid. If I'm being honest? There are some days where I wish I could just go in a plastic potty and not use the toilet. Because of the trauma from potty training, yes, but also because they're loud. Loud noises suck.
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Emotions? I don't understand them. To me, it's just noise. I see no reason for them, and I hate them. But it's only because I don't understand them, and this includes my own emotions. There are times where I'm crying, and I have no idea why I'm crying. I'll tell myself there's no need for me to cry here, and I'd curse myself for being "weak", when I'm just being human. I'd judge others for getting angry, because to me, it's so easy to just suppress everything and look at things logically. I had to teach myself empathy recently, because I didn't get it when I was younger.
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I freeze when I'm in conflict. I remember everytime I'd get in trouble with my dad (he was emotionally abusive), I'd just sit there and cry, with the words stuck in my throat. I couldn't get them out, no matter how hard I tried. He'd yell at me and tell me to talk, and it would frustrate him when I wouldn't listen to him, and he'd just tell me off more. He didn't realize I was shutting down due to my autism (which was undiagnosed at the time - and still is because the American healthcare system sucks). It was hell. To this day, if I'm ever in a conflict, the words get stuck in my throat.
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In general, my relationship with food is negative. I avoid certain foods like the plague because they trigger my very sensitive gag reflex. Most of the time it's a texture issue. That's why I have my comfort foods. They textures and tastes are perfect! You'll notice that they're mostly warm foods. These foods warm me up in a way I really like; It's a pleasant feeling. Box mac n' cheese is my all time favorite comfort food, too. I like it a specific way: It has to be the Kraft brand with the spiral pasta, and I like it with a little bit of extra milk. It makes it creamier. By the way, I don't know why I drew that burger with cheese, because I actually like my burgers plain. Just burger and bun (same with hot dogs).
I'll be okay. Just going through a rough patch right now. I have a new AU idea for MtR that I'll explain. Eventually.
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This is gonna sound like a sad post, but is more of a silver lining post.
The good: my new health insurance is pretty badass so far and I should be able to afford laparoscopic surgery this year 🥳🥳🥳
just waiting on my insurance card to come in the mail and I’ll be able to find a doctor to start these shenanigans of trying to convince a doctor that there is something wrong.
TMI under the cut
I’m having really really bad ovary pain again. I know cysts are normal, but despite doctors telling me over and over again that I’m fine, I just don’t believe it. None of my other ovary owning friends have this much pain this often and I relate way too much to others with these types of diagnoses.
So, I’ve been having this normal-to-me ovary pain for the last two weeks. Feels like knives stabbing my ovary right? But I also rarely get this pain in my stomach below my belly button that feels like I’m ripping in half. I can tell when it’s coming and as long as I don’t bend, it’s manageable. But when I do bend, oh my goodness I swear my insides are being ripped apart.
Well, this week THAT pain has been happening every other day. Yesterday we’re in the car and I go to bend to pick up my dog to look out the window and when I tell you I SCREAMED in pain, I would not be exaggerating. Okay, this is still normal-to-me pain. Just don’t bend for a few more minutes.
Well, the pain doesn’t stop and goes from my belly button down through my V. Bearable, but only because I’m so used to just being in some level of pain in my reproductive system most days.
We get to our destination and I’m still having pain. I thought as long as I don’t bend again, I’ll be fine. Well, as I stand up, I swear my insides have now completely ripped apart (side note: while this retelling may be dramatic and not how I’d explain it to the doctor, it’s real) and i literally fall back into the car still yelling and now tears are streaming down my face. I can’t breathe, like I literally cannot catch my breath like someone squeezed it out of me. I finally get myself to breathe and as I inhale, the pain starts all over again from my stomach to my V. I’m trying to stop crying because every inhale is just continuing to rip my insides apart.
I am tangled up in my dogs leash and half in half out of the car and somehow get us both back in while screaming and crying. I was afraid to move for a while, but when I did, the pain was less.
Sometimes when I really have to pee, it feels like there’s glass in my bladder (but not a kidney stone pain). I go to pee because maybe that’s why I’m feeling pain? Anyway, the pain happens again and I can’t get myself to void because it both burns and is ripping me in half. Finally finish.
But since yesterday, anytime I have to use the bathroom, there is insane pressure on my ovary. I’m also having trouble walking because that puts pressure on it too. Not necessarily a painful pressure, but definitely pressure that’s bothersome enough.
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riverdalepolycule · 8 months
⚠️ family TMI? it's my fucking post on my fucking blog actually why do I always ask
Okay so like. Here's the thing real quick while I have you here. My dad, being the way he is (HORRIBLE) I've always thought well he still loves me! He does it in a horrible terrible incorrect no good way, but he does. He doesn't LIKE me (Nataly the person) but I've always said well the Daughter he has he loves her. And that's me sorta kinda. And that doesn't make him forgivable or redeemable but I can't really lie and say it isn't comforting in its own way right. Right. So um that's always been the thing like he exists in that manner that we don't have time to unpack but ultimately in his head, he loves me. Well uh. So last summer (OVER a year ago) after all these years why did it take a Single stupid fucking fight (of many) and me raising my voice about something that wasn't even a personal matter (it had to do with ancient Greece but I'll spare you cause you'll gag like me every time I remember) and so I get up to go pee and as soon as I'm at the fuckass bathroom he gets up, tells my mom he's never coming "back here" (me + my mom's apartment) and BAILS. Like in the time it took me to come back he had fled. And we haven't been in any contact since then. Haven't texted called talked see each other at all while he has been in contact with my mom (legal shit but still). And yes I haven't reached out either OBVIOUSLY I hate him but like. I'm the daughter. Am I crazy? I'm not a child DUH I haven't been for like 6 years but I'm still 23 to his 53 and well HE is the parent he CHOSE to do that (have children). I'm rambling um do you guys think my fuckass horrid dad doesn't love me anymore? DON'T answer that actually I'm sorry.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 year
I swear tumblr i think tumblr literally erased swallowed my ask 💀💀
Anyways just a thought and probably my first tmi post, i just painted my nails black not a while ago and my girlfriend has been drooling over it since (she kept wanting me to finger her with them since my nails are blunt but painted). Could you imagine Buck and Steve discovering they can wear nail polish now in the 20's?? Could imagine Steve drooling over Bucky hands and nails just how my girlfriend did
-pleading non
Noooo, I hate when Tumblr does that... I mean, I love you, Tumblr, my overlord. (Please unflag my blog 🙏🏻)
Interesting, though. I like the way you think, I like the way your girlfriend thinks. Because, yeah... what else are pretty nails for? It's like how tattoos in the back of hands are really just necklaces.
I can totally see Bucky or even Steve wearing nail polish. Bucky, I can easily see because I just get the vibes that he would enjoy it as a part of grooming, feeling and looking his best. Meanwhile, I can see Steve trying it because the artist in him is intrigued. How is nail art done anyway? Nails are such tiny canvasses!But, yes--
Steve drools over Bucky's hands. He wants those nails on him, pressing crescent marks and fingerprint bruises into him. And... he might want those fingers in him, too. More than usual anyway.
Bucky has to (a) take the piss out of him for his weird kink for shiny surfaces on his hands/arms whether metal or polished then (b) fingerfuck his brains out until Steve's clenching the arm of the couch so hard that the fabric rips and wood splinters, hanging his head, moaning stupidly, and grinding his hips back onto those fingers as he arches his back. He desperately needs more, hardly realizing that if Bucky gives him any more, it's gonna be his entire hand. Not that that will stop Steve. He'll beg for it between heaving breathes, whining when Bucky plays like he's not gonna give it to him.
Good thoughts 🥴🥴
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finallydelight · 1 year
WeLive 230108 | Ming
name WeLive: ming ming birthday party 🧁
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''Hi, everyone! It's my first time doing a live on Weverse alone.'' Ming looked between the camera and the staff, a bit unsure of what to do next.
''We were busy with GDA, so I couldn't meet you guys on my actual birthday,'' she explained why she's doing the live broadcast two days after her actual birthday, ''but I'm happy we get to do it now.''
Q. Did you receive any gifts from the members?
''Yes, it's a pretty crazy story. When it was midnight, they all came to my hotel room and they were singing 'Happy Birthday' to me. I think it was Seungkwan-oppa who said that they had a collective gift for me, something from all of them. Then, Coups-oppa pulls out this tiny box and I was a bit upset, because it was something from all 13 of them and it was super small.'' Ming copied the size of the box with her hands, showing Carats it wasn't anything big at all.
''I got a bit upset, because like Jihoon-oppa got a guitar and Shua-oppa got a bike, so I thought it would be something big as well. So, I obviously complained to them, but they told me to just open it and stop complaining. I opened it and there were keys inside. At first, I was very confused, because why would they get me keys? But then I saw a certain logo of a car brand (Mercedes-Benz) and they had gotten me a car!'' She told viewers all wide-eyed, remembering the shock she felt once she realised they were car keys.
''I've had my driver's licence for a few years now, but I didn't have a car and recently, I had been talking to the members about getting one. They asked me all kinds of questions about it, like what colour and which brand, etc. I should've known, honestly.'' She laughed, thinking about all the questions they had been asking her the past months.
Q. How is Soomin noona doing? 😊😊
''Soomin is doing good,'' Ming chuckled, ''we celebrated my birthday a bit earlier, before we left to go to Bangkok. We went to karaoke, cause we hadn't done that in a while. It was so much fun.''
Q. Funny episode about GDA? ㅋㅋ
''I don't think I have anything funny or anything,'' she nervously smiled, ''but I did run into a lot of our labelmates, which was fun.''
Q. Did you meet Le Sserafim?
''Yes, yes! I did.'' Ming exclaimed. ''Eunchae got me a gift, it was adorable. I think she was a bit nervous to give it to me, but Yunjin-ah helped her. It was a cute shirt and she also has a shirt like that, so now we have matching shirts. I promised I would buy her food when we were back in Seoul, so I'm gonna contact her one of these days.''
''I also met NewJeans, the youngest member is 9 years younger than me. It's unbelievable, they're practically babies. They were so sweet and full of energy, and they said I was their role model,'' Ming pouted, still feeling touched, ''I'm gonna take care of them well, they're super talented.''
Q. I was sad you didn't get to perform Don Quixote, unnie 🥺
''I know, me too. I didn't get to rehearse with the members, so I wasn't prepared for it. The members did very well, I was very proud watching them.'' She smiled, a proud look on her face.
''I'll be performing with the members soon, my knee has recovered and I want to perform in front of Carats again. It's not nice having to sit backstage every time they perform.''
∙ Ming will be appearing in the second season of 'In The Soop’, but her screen time is very limited since she was still sick at the time.
∙ After she complained about the staff posting about BSS on her birthday, Dokyeom was acting sulky because she knew that he wouldn't actually scold her. Ming thought it was very cute of him.
∙ Multiple Carats asked about her reaction to Wonwoo's GDA outfit. She had to look the outfit up on her phone, because she couldn't remember it. She called him handsome and said that many Carats must have liked it.
∙ Coups had gotten upset at the styling team, because they gave Ming heels even though her knee had only just recovered. They would've given her other shoes, but there were only heels left for her. Ming didn't mind the heels, and she thought it was very considerate of him.
''Thank you for watching my WeLive today. I was very happy to talk to you to celebrate my birthday. I know I said last year I wanted to do more live broadcasts and I didn't keep my word, but I promise to you I'll come online more this new year. I had so much fun. Stay healthy, take care of yourselves and we'll meet soon. Thank you, bye bye!''
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Taglist: @mystic-luv @cosmicwintr @mythicalamphitrite @billboard-singer @stopeatread @still-astray @sakuurra @multiplums @giverosespls @seongwhaffels @kimhyejin3108 @smoooore @smh-anon @cixrosie
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asklostcelestia · 1 year
TMI Tuesday 2/21/23 Masterpost
Thank you everyone for sending in asks on yesterday’s TMI Tuesday! I compiled all the answers and will delete all the individual posts to tidy up the blog. I also included the original description and transcribed the images!
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asktwilighteclipse: To mod how are you doing?
Good! I had an easy day at work so it went by fast. And my boyfriend of 5 years and I are officially getting married this year in April!
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flashtheponyofwind: What inspired you to do art?
As a kid I loved drawing, even more than the usual kid! Watching cartoons, playing pretend with my sister, and reading made me want to make my own stories and characters. It wasn’t until I started applying to college that I decided I would do art for a living!
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splungecoyote: Do you like your sandwiches cut diagonally or horizontally?
Diagonal all the way!! (Unless I am making a half sandwich of course)
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jdeck306: and to the mod: How long have you been drawing? And how did you design Sky and Fleet’s crew?
Originally, Fleet’s team were 3  white stallion pegasii  named after cloud types. Stratus, Cumulous, and Cirrus. Generic henchmen. When it was time to introduce them, though, I ended up going all out! Then I fell in love with them! This is how I imagined them to look.
Sky was going to appear on another, abandoned ask blog of mine. His very first design was so ugly, haha, he’s changed a lot! He was actually always meant to have Fleet Folly as a rival! So mad I lost Fleet’s original concept art.
The abandoned as blog is @ask-pencil-pusher​
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foodielovethealicorn: What do you fear?
Sometimes I worry my emotions aren’t real. Like I don’t feel them enough, or I am only telling myself I feel them. How do you even prove you really love or hate or feel sad about something? Also spiders.
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Yes, when I was a kid, but not in a while. I loved the early seasons. Favorite episodes are the one with “The Best Day Ever”, the one about Pearl’s birthday, and the one where Sponge and Pat paint inside Mr.Krabs’ house.
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foodielovethealicorn: Favorite G4 MLP episode? Favorite Song?
“Shadow Play” for making me ship TwiBurst. “It Ain’t Easy Being Breezie” for being good. “Keep Calm and Flutter On” because of Discord and also being a great episodes! Favorite songs are “Bats” and “Art of the Dress”.
Can't choose just one! Also assumed the songs referred to songs from the show, hah
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sm0lcatfish: to the mod! what inspired you to make ur sona a kirin(?) and whatnot? or was it just vibes alone
At the start of the year I redesigned my sona to be a bat! So I changed Page Turner to look similar. She’s not exactly a kirin, just a bat unicorn pony thing!
My sona (Mayor)'s new design was decided because I like bats/cats and because I like this shade of blue a lot. Her old design was fine, but was a bit too plain for my tastes, plus I had changed so much since I first designed her!
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flashtheponyofwind: Congrats on getting engaged! Soon you’ll be joining the “is married club”! We got cool jackets.
Anonyous: holy fuck congratulations on the marries!!!!
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an-immortal: How well can you handle spicy food?
I love salsa verde on tacos and spicey chicken curry!
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Anonymous: this is completely random but. thought on pizza tower if that’s a thing you know about?
All I know about it is what I get from one of the blogs I follow who thirsts over the chef dude.
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ember-rose-and-duskie: Do you have a favorite character design?
Don’t ask Kazz about Courtney, worst mistake of my life.
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Anonymous: What are your pronouns?
She/Her! My pony sona is named Page Turner, but you can call me Kazz!
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Anonymous: How do you stay motivated?
I’ve been told I have crazy work ethic before, and I love art so much, It’s what I spend most of my free time doing. I love to tell stories and see myself improve. I do it for me. You guys encourage me to continue, but that’s just a bonus.
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sm0lcatfish: what was the inspiration behind lost celestia? was she always intended to be a part of the sky warden+fleet folly sorta universe or did that come later?
In 2017 I sketched a drawing that looked kinda like this. I got the idea for a Celestia ask blog called “Tower Princess” where she would have amnesia, break out of a tower, and look wide eyes and emotionless. I didn’t follow through because I didn’t think I could accomplish it. So instead I started Ask Wizard Sunburst c:
Ask King Sombra was also inspiration for me finally starting this blog, as it showed me a story-driven ask blog could both be successful and include OCs in the main cast! As for Sky Warden, I very self indulgently included him so Celestia wouldn't just look around confusedly at everything without any dialogue or exposition. Lastly, Fleet was always a part of Sky's story, but him getting his own blog was an accident driven by me being Way Too Into My Own Characters hahah.
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Teashle: Your art is wonderful! It reminds me a lot of moonstuck. And congrats on marriage! Anyways: what are your inspirations?
Thank you! That’s the second time someone has mentioned moonstuck and I’m still not sure what it is! Most of my inspiration is from artists in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fandom on DA but I also am inspired by stuff like Avatar: TLA, The Underland Chronicles, Game of Thrones, Teen Titans.... It’s a wide variety of things!
From the comments:  It's a wonderful Tumblr comic about Princess Luna's time on the moon! https://at.tumblr.com/woonastuck/new-readers-read-this-first-sorry-if-this/2273esatacvv
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flashtheponyofwind: You like pokemon mystery dungeon too?! Which one is your favorite?!
I admit I haven’t played all the PMD games... BUT I have completed Blue Rescue Team dozens of times. I have been way into the comic/RPG groups on DeviantArt, though. I’ve also been working on my own PMD comic too.
PMD Ancient Revival is on ComicFury and DeviantArt
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5a-alf · 9 months
I'm transmasc and have been on T for 8 months now
While I've had gender dysphoria about my chest since forever, I was never too bothered by the bottom parts.
I noticed that now that I'm on t, my chest dysphoria lessed, while I'm still not dysphoric about the V, I've been wanting to experiment more with packers and such
I did try as a green tranny to use socks an such but honestly I don't get the appeal. I worry they don't look right and they move wrong. And you've got to take them out when peeing
I wanted a "functioning" packer. So. I'm building one
I made one out of modeling clay and I will make a silicone stamp to then make a silicone D.
Have i ever done this before? No. Will that stop me? Nope.
This cost less than buying one online and it looks exactly what I want it to look like. It was I swear to God one of the most euphoric things I've have done...just sculpting myself a pe**s. Is this what god felt like? It this d*ck my eve?
It will be a stand to pee too, I'll add a cannula in the center and the top part will be kinda cup-like. Standard stand to pee design
I plan to pierce it in various places because that's what I'd do if I had one
I don't have anyone to talk about this project with IRL because I worry it'd TMI but maybe if it comes out alright and all I can offer one to my trans friends
Just good vibes honestly
I'd add a photo if this wasn't post 2019 Tumblr ugh
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halliescomut · 6 months
V Random SKZ post
I watched a TT, I'm not posting it here, because I already know this person is probably gonna get dogpiled by rabid Stays, and I won't contribute to that, but I have so many thoughts and nowhere to share them. Their TT was about how they feel like SKZ and 3Racha have been coasting the last couple of years and they're not doing anything innovative and that they're not using Seungmin to his full potential, nor IN. But everything they bring up regarding the last couple of years is just their title tracks. Saying that the songs always a have a formula, that they've become predictable, and I do agree with that point...however, I believe it's intentional. Since....I would say Go Live (or God's Menu), I think that their title tracks have followed a formula. It's something I talked about on my own SKZ TT when RockStar, and also maybe 5 Star came out, when I did a first thoughts on those albums. Their title tracks, very much in the last 2-3 years, have felt like they are SKZ sort of playing the KPop game. These are the songs that need to catch a general audience, that's their purpose. They're intended for radio play, they're intended to hopefully win on music shows, to bring in new listeners. That is their purpose. That is the purpose of every title track by every artist in the industry, both KPop and western. It feels, to me, disingenuous to almost write them off because their title tracks don't push the limits enough, while ignoring their B-sides.
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You want to talk about how their first few albums were no skips, but it seems like you're not even listening to the full albums they've put out in the last 2 years. I would argue that I think Miroh is one of their most cohesive albums musically and tonally, and it is certainly a no skips album. But I'd say that Maxident is also no skips. And you say they aren't being innovative, when Case 143 is one the most experimental songs they've done in terms of concept. It's a song that was VERY MUCH not the expectation after albums like Thunderous and Oddinary. And setting aside the title track, to look at the B-sides, you have unit songs, some of the most well known and well liked songs of that album, with 3Racha, Taste, and Can't Stop, which also have three DRASTICALLY different tones. Give Me Your TMI is almost the yin to Case 143's yang. Instead of showcasing the disbelief and confusion of falling in love like Case 143, you're instead seeing this full acceptance and desperation. Then look at songs like Chill and Super Board. Super Board's lyrics read like a mad lib, but the point and the purpose are still clear, that if you're focused on chasing them, you'll eventually be left to watch them soar. Chill follows in the proud tradition SKZ is known for of songs whose upbeat tone doesn't match it's devastating lyrics, talking instead about ending a relationship that was already over. Leaving aside Super Board and 3Racha, all of the songs on the albums address and express the varying different aspects and feelings of love that people might experience, giving nearly every person listening an entry point into emotionally connecting with any of those songs. And even if you're not at the level of seeking out the translated lyrics, the songs are still definitely a bop.
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In regards to the misuse...or lack of use for Seungmin and IN. They've certainly created opportunities to allow both vocalists to shine and show different aspects of their talent. The SKZ Players and Records offer a unique opportunity for all of the members to showcase they're abilities and to experiment musically in a way that doesn't have to be 'approved' by JYPE the way that album tracks do. Is this the perfect solution? No. Wouldn't it be better/preferable for them to be able to showcase their skills on their regular albums? Absolutely. But they still have to play the game. I truly feel that only NOW, like right now, has SKZ reached a level of success where they have the leverage to take risks creatively. I think after their Kingdom win the reins were loosened a smidge, but they still had to tread carefully, and toe the company line. Following the records they were able to break this year and the opportunities and recognition they've received globally, I think they're now in a position where they have the leverage to start taking more risks. They've proven themselves. I really think this coming year we'll start to see even more creative risks being taken. And I think we'll see a different utilization of their vocals. We've seen them disregard their established positions, essentially since Woojin left, and maintain that type of mindset ever since. And when given the opportunity they do work outside of the 'established norms' of KPop. Look at their most recent album, Rock Star. You have Cover Me, a song that fully utilizes and embraces Seungmin's vocal abilities, as well as showcasing rarely seen sides of Changbin and Felix's vocals. I could literally go on for hours about how well thought out and constructed that song is as a vehicle for showcasing all of the member's vocal abilities. Hyunjin created such an elaborate and seemingly simple song, that effortlessly blends together the voices of the members in a way we hadn't seen before, something I truly believe only Hyunjin could imagine. You have Megaverse, where Chan very particularly wanted to have IN to show a different vocal style than he's had before.
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You have Leave, which not only offers a 'softer side' of the member's who normally would rap, even in slower/more heartfelt songs like Winter Falls or Scars, but also Comflex, which gives Seungmin a chance to do something in a melodic rap style. To hear Chan talk about the skills the IN and Seungmin have, while he may not be able to provide them with the perfect vehicle to show case that, I believe he's trying and he wants to. I do not doubt for a second that he's working on tracks that would showcase different sides of their voices in particular, but it takes time, and humans aren't a bottomless creative well.
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I feel like it is easy to 'expect more' from SKZ because we know that they are self-produced, and that very little of their work is done by outside persons (and those that are credited appear over and over again in their discography, which indicates to me that their input and skill is respected by 3Racha), but they are still under one of the big 3 idol companies. The truth of it is that the larger the entertainment company, the less likely they are to take risks creatively, because they have more to lose. That's why you see indie artists able to take some of these bigger creative risks, they don't have a lot to lose. And if you're a big fish in a small pond, like Ateez under KQ, then you're gonna have more leverage because those corporations are smaller, and they won't risk their largest moneymaker choosing to break their contracts over creative differences. But SKZ isn't that under JYPE. While I can imagine them not choosing to renew their contract and separating as a group or 3Racha/Chan potentially starting their own production company once their contracts expire, it would take an egregious breach of trust on JYPE's part to make them leave that company now, when their contract is literally due to expire in March of 2025 at the latest. So it's also entirely plausible that at this point they're biding their time, especially if they do plan to continue as a group post enlistment. But circling back to my point, to believe that because they are self-produced and they write their own tracks (almost 100% at this point) does not mean that they have full creative control over every aspect of their work. They have a say, and a level of input, but they also still have to submit their albums for review and approval just like every other idol group under JYPE.
i don't know if I have a way to sum all of this up, but I guess the easiest way would be to say "Don't Judge a KPop Group By Their Title Track."
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kpophubb · 1 year
Hello my precious Mia❣
I haven't heard from you in so, so long and I miss you so much. I hope you're ok and doing well.
I hope wherever you are in life and whatever it is that you're doing, you're genuinely happy. A soul as beautiful and pure as yours deserves to feel true, genuine happiness as often as possible. Please remember that I'm always here for you no matter what and I will always be someone you can call a friend.
I love you :(
- Bri❣❣
Hi bri!!🥺😭🫶🏻💛 my sunshine!! I was gone for so long and didn’t fully come back on here yet but gosh I missed you so much and couldn’t stop thinking about all my friends here esp you!
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tmi- I mean.. you knew I’ve been talking to you since last year so excitedly how I wanted to move countries for my studies!!🥹 and I worked so hard for it and finally did it but like…yk a lot of bad things happened and my education agency actually scammed around $ 15000 and also messed up all my application documents.. and I found out about it after I came here? It was so stressful, everyday was filled with panic attacks and constant prayers to fix everything..and it was admist ramadan too so I was fasting on top of all this stress. It kinda affected my mental and physical health a lot💔
And then all of a sudden life got so hectic, that issue kinda got resolved and living alone all by myself while studying medicine and surgery in uni with shit ton of assignments, exams, lab practicals and lectures to study actually consumes all of my time and I can barely find time to sleep! >:( communication is hard for me atm bc I can’t find the time (to even call my parents sometimes😭) so I’ve been away from tumblr for so long! And I’m waiting for my break to come so I can come back here and post and answer asks and everything but my break is a long wayy and before that I have to go through so much more as my exams are also coming up.
don’t worry, my kindest sunshine, I’m happy nonetheless. This is all I wanted and I’m working hard everyday for a dream I had in my heart since the day I learned to dream. :’)💕 to be independent, admirable, kind and someone worthy who can make herself proud!! I miss you and love you so much and IM TERRIBLY SORRY FOR BEING A FRIEND ATM WHO CANT BE THERE TO TALK TO YOU AS MUCH😭
know that I will always love you the same, know that I’ll never forget all the love, support, encouragement you’ve given me and know that even if we are reborn in another lifetime, I’ll come back to you and find you and be friends with you again just to love you and take care of you. That’s how much you mean to me bri!!💘
I hope you’re healthy, happy and sleeping well!! (Pls sleep well I hope your insomnia is getting better now) *big tight hugs* and kisses to my precious girl.
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